763 thoughts on “Friday 20 September: Judging our politicians should be the job of the electorate, not the courts

  1. Leeds ‘riot’: Police van on fire as bricks thrown at officers in ‘utter chaos’. Mirror. 19 SEP 2019.


    A police van has been set on fire amid reports of a riot in a Leeds street.

    People in Halton Moor have reported scenes of ‘utter chaos’ in what appears to be a large-scale disturbance with ‘violent clashes showing no sign of stopping’.

    Morning everyone. Absolutely no explanation for this incident in the MSM where they could find no one to speculate even though in this account they interviewed, “the man, “the witness” and the “local resident”!


  2. Neo-Nazi group threatens to murder chief constables and mocks up propaganda pictures of police chief with gun to his head as far-Right extremism grows. Mail. 20 September 2019.

    A notorious neo-Nazi group has urged its members to attack police stations and threatened to murder chief constables, it was reported last night.
    It mocked up propaganda pictures of a police chief with a gun to his head.

    And it called police stations ‘high value targets’ in messages posted on encrypted mobile messaging service Telegram. Police vowed to hunt down the culprits.

    Well it’s so notorious that I have never heard of it! One suspects here that there being almost no real “far-right” organisations of any significance, that the whole thing; both the Feuerkrieg Division itself and its pronouncements; are an Intelligence Scam designed to generate some favourable publicity for the current narrative that we are all in danger from Neo-N@zi terror groups.


    1. Strawman syndrome. If it’s shouted often enough, then repressive laws can be further enacted to “prevent” said terrorism, conveniently ensnaring the rest of us in the trap. That there are no “far-Right” terror groups is merely a detail.

    2. A few spotty teenage keyboard warriors failing to cope with a hormone surge??

      ‘Morning, Minty.

    3. There seems to be a big police and media campaign to try to pretend that there are a large number of ultra extreme right wing gangs in the UK. Gangs that no one has ever heard of or seen , It seems in my view partly to try to cover up the policies ineffectiveness in dealing with crime so they invent these extreme right wing groups

      The facts seem to be the opposite, Extream far right groups are almost non existent in the UK. The nearest we have are the likes of the EDL & BNP if they are still going. Unpleasant groups who can be aggressive and get involved in minor violence but I have never heard of them being involved in bombings or using knifes or guns and you can bet if they were it would have saturation media coverage

      1. Yes Bill. There are stories in both the Telegraph and Guardian this morning telling us what a threat they are though they have committed no atrocities!

        1. The far right appear to be almost extinct unlike the far left which seem to be thriving. The best the Medias have manage to come up with on the far right was the Tommy Robinson court case. No violence or threatening behaviour involved

    1. And the arbour to finish painting. Oops! That reminds me I need to get my paintbrush and get cracking. Bye for now, NoTTLers!

  3. Yorkshire house for sale at auction for just £1 – but it needs a fair bit of work

    I have no idea of what house prices are in Rotherham and the £1 may not actually be what it goes for. THe main damage appears to to the roof but no doubt the property has suffered smoke and water damage and one would want to know the extent of the damage to the next door house as it is a semi. The house itself seems to be structurally sound so looks to be fixable. New roof , new internal doors maybe windows, new electricis , replaster or dryline walls etc, possibly new floors


      1. Most sales websites need a price to register the item. So, £1. Actual sale price will be a tad more, I expect.

  4. Law Lords & Politics

    It looks as i f the Law Lords are increasingly involving themselves in politics. The law lords have waffled for days but seem unable to identify any law that has been broken

    They are clearly in my view getting involved in politics and that is highly dangerous. It is quite clear that the PM has the power to prorogue parliament and this seems not to be disputed. The very weak argument being put up is that he lied to the queen but they have no evidence to support this and in any case it is irrelevant as the PM can prorogue parliament for any number of reasons and it is in any case not a matter for law. One could compare it to say a professional sportsman. He or she will be bound by the rules of that sport. It is though not a legal matter. The same applies with proroguing which is a matter between the Government and the commons

    If the commons were unhappy they called have introduced new legislation that defines the limits of proroguing. At present it is solely a matter for the PM

  5. Morning all

    SIR – The decision to prorogue Parliament is a political one, as is its duration and timing.

    In our democracy, abuse of the political process is moderated by voters at the next election. This is as it should be. Political performance is judged by the electorate, not the judiciary.

    The Supreme Court requested assurances from our Government regarding its intentions following a possibly unfavourable verdict. How can this be right? Surely we are not at a point where a prime minister is obliged to promise to behave in order to win his case.

    Peter Edwards
    Lichfield, Staffordshire

    1. SIR – Lord Pannick focuses on whether the motive for the prorogation of Parliament is a justiciable matter (report, September 17, telegraph.co.uk).

      Should we not focus on the motive for the Gina Miller case, which is clearly not the legality of the prorogation, but the wish to overturn the result of the biggest democratic vote in our history?

      Robert Hurran
      Amersham, Buckinghamshire

      1. SIR – So the last prime minister to prorogue Parliament – for a political reason – urges the Supreme Court to stop the current Prime Minister from doing the same.

        What is amazing is that Sir John Major doesn’t seem to see the irony of his actions.

        Roger J Arthur
        Storrington, West Sussex

          1. Morning, Bill, hope you are feeling better today.

            Unfortunately intelligence is something that has successfully eluded many politicians.

    2. It is purely a political decision and even the Law Lords seem to be floundering to try to find an actual law that has been broken. If they find one will they be charging John Major?

      The facts are it is a matter between the Government & The commons. IF they are unhappy with the current rules they can try to hget the rules changed which in the current commons should not be difficult

      If the Law Lords find that the law has been broken will they be takinmg action also against MP’s that have changed parties as they clearly mislead the electorate and got elected by false representation

  6. Morning again

    SIR – Now that Dame Cressida Dick has, five years after the event, publicly acknowledged that the police should not have said that Carl Beech’s serious allegations were “credible and true” (report, September 18), perhaps we should recall that she has recently averred, after Sir Richard Henriques called for police who worked on the case to be prosecuted, that the officers involved had all acted in good faith.

    It would be instructive if she were now to tell us whether she recognises a dividing line between decisions that should be made by the police and those that should be made by juries.

    Oliver Lodge
    London SW16

    1. We seem to be infested by poor leaders. Cressida Dick in my view has been totally and completely useless .. We have seen no Leadership from her at all. We had the same from May and we have the same from Khan and we have the same from Corbyn

    2. The fact that it took 5 years to retract the ‘credible and true’ comment does not really convince at all. The police officer who made the comment should have been told to retract within 48 hours, and pushed out in front of the cameras to do so. His comment was a glaring and fundamental example of an officer – and perhaps a force – failing to understand the most basic principle of criminal investigation.

      ‘Morning, Epi.

    3. This woman should never have been made Chief Constable. She is a political Neoliberal plant. Witness her suppression (among others) of the Williamson and Darroch leak enquiries.

          1. You leave Sir Bernard (Lord Hogan-Howe) out of this. He’s a fellow Owl (lifelong Sheffield Wednesday fan). 🦉

        1. We have Khan as well another totally useless leader. He has a stock answer for every issue in London and that’s to blame Westminster

          I see he has still taken no action over the Cross-rail fiasco. In my view lots of people at the top must have been lying or grossly incompetent. You dont go from a few weeks away from opening to 3 years late and still falling behind even the revised schedule. It appears most of the stations are still not complete

          How an earth could they have been saying it was a few weeks from completion when most of the stations were not complete,. the signalling systems were not working and other construction work was not complete

          A project of that scale and size means Khan would have been personally involved so he has to accept the blame as well. All those at the top should have been made to repay their bonuses

        2. So is Peter Goodman down at Butterley Hall in Ripley (your Chief Constable).

          He has TWO Common Purpose “degrees”, but he refuses to answer my emails.

      1. Araminta, she is the Commissioner of the Metropolitan Police Service, not a mere Chief Constable, but THE most senior police officer in the Country. Ticks all the right boxes, whatever they may.

        1. I’m sorry, Korky, but that is an oft-repeated fallacy.

          The ancient office of constable preceded the initiation of the Metropolitan police service in 1829. When all other police forces commenced, they named the chief officer, ‘Chief Constable’. For reasons best known to them, both the chief officer of the Metropolis AND the chief officer of the nearby City of London Police, chose to be known as ‘commissioners’ and not ‘chief constables’. The City of London force only covers the one square mile of the city, so for its chief officer to adopt the pretentious title of commissioner only reeks of a superiority complex.

          Cressida Dick is NOT “the most senior police officer in the country”, she is the chief officer of the largest (and, putatively, the most prestigious) police force in the country; but she does not outrank any of the chief constables in any of the other forces, despite what the press may tell you.

          1. I bow to your experience and not to those in the media who often state that Commissioner of the Met is the most senior officer. One thing therefore puzzles me, there is a total of nine ranks in a County force but eleven in the Met, with Commander above Chief Superintendent and then we’re into the realms of DAC, AC, DC (ribald comments on AC/DC are currently banned 😎) and finally Commissioner. Is there no equivalence in rank above CSupr?

          2. Yes, they are top heavy with senior ranks, which simply doesn’t make sense.

            It makes it all the more implausible and incongruous when you consider the recommendations of the Sheehy Enquiry of 1992, which sought to abolish the ranks of deputy chief constable, chief superintendent and chief inspector, especially in the provincial forces, yet maintain the ridiculous proliferation of ranks at the top in both the Metropolitan and London City forces.


            Thankfully those recommendations were not implemented.

  7. What is puzzling about these climate protests petitioning governments to do more to prevent climate change is that the whole climate scam has been government led and promoted from the beginning with self harming plans to combat the hoax already rubber stamped and in the pipeline waiting to be foisted upon us, all I can perceive from these days of action is that governments signed up to the UN conspiracy have paid activists to demonstrate so they can come to the rescue as it were with public support.

    1. The individual who controls the UN and the EU is the guy who also pours millions into climate activism

    2. There are some real people getting involved who believe all the climate hoax cr*p. I was apalled that our CEO sent out an email approving of the aims and allowing any employees to join the demonstration, but they’d have to make up the time later. There’s a group of them off to join the march shortly (don’t know how many as I work at home as much as possible).
      I shouldn’t have been surprised, the company is based in Oxford.

  8. I would laugh for a week if the Supreme Court said that the prorogation was illegal and the only legal answer is an immediate General Election.

      1. If only!!

        Wouldn’t it be great if the Supreme Court stated that BJ’s proroguing was illegal and so was Major’s but because they can do something about BJ’s but can’t change Major’s he will go to prison for 10 years.

  9. Morning all.

    Thomas Cook failure.

    I hope all the Climate Change protesters will be celebrating the loss
    Just think of ll those aircraft that won’t be flying anymore and the landing slots they won’t need.

    I so hope all their holiday arrangements are screwed up by the fallout from the collapse.

    1. Have they actually gone under. Yesterday they were trying to raise £200M to stay afloat

      The problem they have is they dd not keep up with a changing market and still had a huge number of expensive high streets agencies

        1. I feel sorry for though that have booked holidays with them. I am sure Thomas Cook will make reassuring noises but unfortunately in my view they have no substance. I they do go under most will probably get their money back but they face there holiday being cancelled or disrupted and months trying to get the money back

          The other risk is suppliers will probably want cash up front before supplying Thomas Cook

          If people have not already booked with them in my view they are best avoided

          1. That’s the big problem Bill. Holidays are sold on trust. No trust – no bookings – no cash flow – investors pull out.

          2. It’s a shame Thomas Cook has gone under. They were always a reliable source of what places to avoid like the plague.

      1. Meetings with financiers ongoing today. I think they are trying to sell a Scandinavian business to cover the £200m. If that is successful, the refinancing should be secured, if not, I shall be getting a long holiday.

    2. Wot? So they don’t all take their holidays down at their allotment?

      PS Wonder if anyovem have ever flown to Thailand or Bali?

    3. They will rise again, phoenix-like as Kon Tiki Holidays, offering environmentally-friendly excursions to all holiday destinations on balsa wood rafts.

  10. I find it quite interesting that criminal trials on which fate of two or three people directly depends, and which affects maybe another dozen indirectly, can drag on for several weeks. Whatever the result even a life sentence only lasts twenty years.
    A trial in which the future of 66 million people will be determined for an indefinite and unlimited time into the future is knocked off in three days.

  11. Ayup, you lot.

    Yesterday I remembered some advice given to me some months ago. I took that advice and cleared out most of the dross cookies in my cache. I was then able to log in again and I wasn’t routinely logged out.

    This morning I discovered that the ‘back door’ to the old Blue Disqus NTTL forum is again open, accessible by clicking on the ‘View in Discussion’ button.

    I then found that, again, I couldn’t even type in any comments on this Red forum!

    I performed a refresh, logged in again, and now I’m able to post again.

    Cookies are NOT your friend. They are an invidious pest!

          1. So you are saying (© Cathy Newman) that Mrs Jagger raised her son in the same way that I raised mine, hence the pop singer with ants in his pants is as useless a twerp as my son Olaf Junior?!?!?


    1. There is quite a good free software, spybot search and destroy.

      You start it up and It runs quite slowly in the background, but it does a very thorough job of identifying tracking and other junk, assesses the “threat” levels and allows you to click and clear easily.
      I run it about once a month and get relatively few problems. If it has a disadvantage it can remove cookies that you might wish to keep.

      1. I have AdBlock Plus and Ghostery. I don’t think I’ll add anything else.

        A weekly spring-clean of the cache is best.

      2. It can be a bit to aggressive and can cause problems

        In the end I find nothing beats a fresh install now and then. As long as you have a good image it is not to much of a problem. The hard bit can be making sure you have backs up of you data,. MS and other make it dam hard

  12. Good morning and a happy Friday to all NoTTLers.

    Hell explained by a Chemistry Student

    The following is an actual question given on a University of Washington, chemistry, mid-term exam.

    Bonus Question: Is Hell exothermic (gives off heat) or endothermic (absorbs heat)?

    The answer by one student was so ‘profound’ that the professor shared it with colleagues, via the Internet, which is, of course, why we now have the pleasure of enjoying it as well.

    Most of the students wrote proofs of their beliefs using Boyle’s Law (gas cools when it expands and heats when it is compressed) or some variant.

    One student, however, wrote the following:

    First, we need to know how the mass of Hell is changing in time. So we need to know the rate at which souls are moving into Hell and the rate at which they are leaving. I think that we can safely assume that once a soul gets to Hell, it will not leave. Therefore, no souls are leaving. As for how many souls are entering Hell, let’s look at the different religions that exist in the world today.

    Most of these religions state that if you are not a member of their religion, you will go to Hell. Since there is more than one of these religions and since people do not belong to more than one religion, we can project that all souls go to Hell. With birth and death rates as they are, we can expect the number of souls in Hell to increase exponentially. Now, we look at the rate of change of the volume in Hell because Boyle’s Law states that in order for the temperature and pressure in Hell to stay the same, the volume of Hell has to expand proportionately as souls are added.

    This gives two possibilities:

    If Hell is expanding at a slower rate than the rate at which souls enter Hell, then the temperature and pressure in Hell will increase until all Hell breaks loose.

    If Hell is expanding at a rate faster than the increase of souls in Hell, then the temperature and pressure will drop until Hell freezes over.

    So which is it?

    If we accept the postulate given to me by Teresa during my Freshman year that, ‘It will be a cold day in Hell before I sleep with you,’ and take into account the fact that I slept with her last night, then number two must be true, and thus I am sure that Hell is exothermic and has already frozen over. The corollary of this theory is that since Hell has frozen over, it follows that it is not accepting any more souls and is therefore, extinct……leaving only Heaven, thereby proving the existence of a divine being which explains why, last night, Teresa kept shouting ‘Oh my God.’


  13. Matt Allen says that full-time work is ‘just not in my psyche’……


    Mr Allen a part time Yoga teacher lives ‘mostly on benefits’ with his wife Adele, 35, in a council house in Brighton where they bring up their three children — Ulysses, eight, Ostara, four, and baby Kai. He also appears to have eccentric ideas about accountancy, arguing that though he lives mostly off the state, he saves us all money by shunning the NHS and the education system. ‘So in our own unique, weird, wonderful way, we balance the books,’ he says.


    1. Well I dont mind it is though not in my psyche’…to help pay for him and his brood

      I am trying to think when work become optional. It always used to be that you had to be actively seeking work in order to claim benefits., It was never a lifestyle choice

    2. Reminds me of a local lad who reckoned the tax he paid on his beer and fags paid for his benefits.

      Regarding the above, is it them or the system that’s the issue?

    3. I wonder if cutting off his benefits would make any difference. A little bit of cold and deep hunger might motivate him to grow a spine and some self-respect. It has done wonders for the human race to inspire them to work for thousands of years.

    4. A comment I heard a couple of weeks ago from a friend who works for a local authority off-shoot (he denies he still works for the council) springs to mind.

      He was on about a series of things they were doing to ‘make savings’. I refrained from asking him what they would have more of after they’d made these ‘savings’.

      What he really meant was that they were trying to spend less – of money that they take from us. When I make savings I finish up with something tangible at the end of it, not like these bods. I didn’t ask when I could receive my cheque from them for my share of the pot.

        1. That’s the one. I should pay more attention, especially since I married Antoinette Dooley in 1965 and remained with her for 37 years.

          I’ll edit the post – thank you.

  14. Global climate strike kicks off with millions across the world expected to join demonstrations

    Ah rent a mob on the march. The biggest problem the UK faces is over population and unless that is controlled , housing shortages, water shortages and pollution and congestion will continue to increase as well the need to import ever more goods as our farmlands and forests are built over

    Strangely these left wing protesters are keen on mass migration. It makes no sense

    1. Come on, Bill, it’s not supposed to make sense, it’s meant to confuse and disrupt. This attack by the Globalists is one of many e.g. LBGT, mass immigration etc. designed to break down cultures and societies and so make them easier to be dominated.

      1. The globalist have been very good at making themselves ever rich whilst everyone else pay is suppressed. The only problem they have is most people now have little money to spend so the Super riches business model is ultimately doomed and I suspect we are getting close to that point

  15. Why Saudi government won’t explicitly accuse Iran of carrying out strikes. news.com.au. SEPTEMBER 20, 2019

    “If (Saudi Arabia) names Iran as the aggressor then it’s beholden … that they have to respond in some ways,” Lt-Col Wood said.

    “Is their military, which is well-equipped, is it tactically competent? And then are they willing to suffer the consequences of some kind of a conflict when they are so dependent on this energy infrastructure.”

    Saudi Arabia possesses some of the world’s most advanced (and expensive) weaponry and is unable to defeat a gang of Houti tribesman in the Yemen. A reminder to all who think that wars are foregone conclusions dictated by technology!


      1. Of course, if they put Novichok in the warheads…..

        Morning Bill. If it was the same brand as MI6 used in Salisbury it would have no effect!

  16. MPs demand action over wrongly-issued NHS fines

    Probably MP’s that invented the over complex system. There is no doubt widespread misuse of Free prescriptions with large numbers falsely claiming them. Why they cannot come up with a simple system which identifies those that can claim free prescriptions I do not know

    Only about a fifth of the fines levied were paid and the report said the recovery rate, set against the scale of the bureaucracy, was “pitiful”.

    Giving evidence to the committee, the Department of Health had suggested there could be a technical solution to reducing the number of incorrect fines and raised the possibility of a “real-time” computer check on whether patients were eligible for free treatment.

    But MPs said they were “highly sceptical” about how soon such a computer system could be delivered.

  17. One of the main causes of climate change is friction, which causes the emission of carboniferous particles into the atmosphere.
    From today, the clinking of beer glasses is banned.

      1. There was one of those weird little stories that pop-up in side windows, on some news sites, that I clicked on a while ago about “urban myths.” They looked at different stereotypes and whether they were true or not. One of them was about French men being the best lovers, so they did the obvious thing and asked French women who were foreign students if this was true.

        They would have the ability to compare their partners by nation. The overwhelming response from those women was “No!” They said that other countries men were much better in bed and French men were cold / distant and too in love with themselves. I don’t know why that last part made me think of Macron.

        Another one that they researched was about the size of black men’s “equipment” and whether it was larger. Again, the response from women who had some experience between the races was that there was no difference in size between men of different colours. This did make one thought spring to mind. If black men are “normal” in that area, but believe that they should be bigger, does this give them a default inferiority complex? Do they go through life thinking that they are deficient in some way?

        That might explain the chip that some clearly have on their shoulders. As well as in other places.

  18. We must never forget that both JRM and Boris Johnson voted for May’s sell out WA which would have left Britain as a vassal state.

    The Conservative Party is dead if they repeat this sell-out. It looks as if TBP is the only thing that can save the Conservatives from themselves.

    1. Morning R,
      If johnson goes rogue then there will not be any need of a tory party we will surely have direct governance from brussels will we not ?

      1. They’ve been stealthily accomplishing that for years already, with Westminster being little more than a regional assembly reporting directly to our de facto government ( the unelected EU commission ) in Brussels.

          1. Yep, that would solve it, but the real problem is; obtaining the power to be able to implement a solution.

        1. With the lab/lib/con supporters / voters help
          over the decades since the mid 70s.
          The same / same voting pattern carries much of the blame for our present odious standing as a nation.

          1. It is very suspect that you always deflect attention away from the Globalist complicity in creating the current global political situation by victim blaming the UK electorate.

  19. ‘Morning All
    Funny old world,so “Blackface” is racist but skin whitening and hair straightening sales in the billions is not
    These products are often harmful and dangerous,one of the biggest markets is Thailand where women aspire to the much lighter skin seen on TV presenters perceived as “beautiful”
    No one ever mentions that without makeup tv lighting alone makes you look a lot lighter,hence the make up rooms in tv studios in the UK or our politicians on QT would all look like ghosts

  20. Lest’s have a “Celebrate Global Warming Day”!
    Let us look forward to the planet becoming warmer and wetter. Jungle sprouting in the Sahara, temperate forests in Siberia, huge increase in general land fecundity. No need for foreign holidays – spend time in the sweltering resorts of Baltasound and Iochdar.

    1. One cloud on your horizon, HP. Improve the fecundity of the land and the fecundity of some groups of the human race will follow and spoil what could have been an improvement. The impending disaster of overpopulation will just take a while longer. Dawkins, in his book the Selfish Gene, wrote that:

      They express a preference for ‘natural’ methods of population limitation, and a natural method is exactly what they are going to get. It is called starvation.

    1. Engaging, relavant and culturally diverse.

      Oh dear god. That means they’ll be reading tripe. What has happened to our world. Whay are they destroying something so beautiful for something so hideously, obviously ugly? If the school wants rid of those works of art, sell them or give them to students.

      1. They don’t just want rid of them. They want them destroyed, obliterated, forgotten, removed from the library index.
        Soon there will be calls for “unacceptable” books to be removed from the legal deposit libraries. There will be the replacement of librarians, followed by a purge on politically incorrect books.

  21. I’m a little confused,shout “Nazt” at a politician and get arrested and charged,wave the fake severed head of the PM on tv to a worldwide audience and get celebrated on Sky the next morning

  22. Justin Trudeau says white ‘privilege’ blinded him to racism of blackface as he expresses ‘deep regret’. 19 SEPTEMBER 2019.

    Justin Trudeau has refused to rule out the existence of more pictures of himself in blackface as he said white “privilege” had blinded him to the racism of the practice.

    Three separate cases of Mr Trudeau wearing blackface have emerged in the last two days, shredding his reputation as a liberal poster boy a month before the Canadian elections.

    During a press conference on Thursday afternoon, Mr Trudeau said he “deeply regretted” the incidents, saying it was the sort of discrimination ethnic minorities “face on a regular basis”. “I didn’t see that from the layers of privilege that I have. And for that I am deeply sorry, and I apologise”.

    What a tosser! (with apologies to Nottls Canadian contributors)


    1. Back when Trudeau blacked up the term ‘white privilege’ didn’t exist and this grovelling tosser (© Ararminta) is using the latest buzz-phrase to excuse his earlier behaviour. What good does apologising for wearing make-up achieve? Many years ago I went to a fancy dress party dressed and made up as a clown: do I need to apologise for appropriating the isms of clowning?

        1. Coulrophobia is a recognised medical condition going back to the ancient Greeks. Some folk are terrified by extreme make-up and have nightmares and PTS. Clowns must be avoided at all costs until there is a programme of aversion therapy in a circus under expert medical supervision.

      1. ‘Morning Korky, that reminds me…

        June 2nd 1953 dawned dull and overcast for today was the coronation of Queen Elizabeth II and we were going to celebrate – at Ditchingham Village Hall. To be honest I cannot recall too much about it; not because I was drunk as I was only just 9 years old but more like that I almost died of acute boredom. I was entered into the Fancy Dress Competition dressed as a pirate. My dear Mama had fixed me up with a blouse of hers that did as the typical loose shirt of a pirate, I had sideburns, a moustache and a beard marked out in the right places on my face with burnt cork
        and my earrings were dazzling curtain rings looped round my ears with pieces of cotton. And the first prize… went to some silly girl dressed up like a Coronation Mug

        So as well as me being tarred and feathered for extreme ‘piratism’, I hope the ‘silly girl’ also apologises for extreme ‘Coronation Mugism’. We were so politically unaware in those days and it is all the fault of The British Empire.

        1. I must apologise for the way I brought up my idiot son Olaf Bloodaxe Junior, son of Olaf Bloodaxe Senior (my late husband, may his soul rest peacefully in Valhalla). I was far too kind to Olaf Junior. If I had only given him a good clout around the ear ‘ole more regularly when the lazy sod refused to get out of bed he might today have been a productive member of society instead of the feckless twerp he is.

          On a similar subject, should I now stop wearing mascara, lipstick and other make-up and apologise for having done so most of my adult life? I really am truly sorry!

      2. I once wore a cowboy outfit, not to mention a Dracula disguise, to fancy dress parties. Perhaps I should publicly apologise?

    2. It’s obvious that these photos and video clips have been dug up by Trudeau’s political opponents in order to embarrass him. But attitudes were different 20 or 30 years ago. To accuse him of deliberately ‘mocking’ ethnic minorities is ridiculous. How can anyone know what will be politically incorrect in 20 or 30 years time, so actions taken today may come back to haunt one?

      1. I fail to see what is racist about them. It was a sort of fancy dress event

        Strangely we dont see the media going on about black people straightening their hair and using make up to lighten their skin

      2. The new rules, as patented by the illiberal Left, is that context doesn’t count, and it doesn’t matter how long ago something occurred. Unless you’re an illiberal Leftie, in which case anything you do can be forgiven if you grovel enough.
        If you’re on the political right, you’re automatically guilty. Even if you aren’t. Burning in Hellfire for all eternity is probably too good for you.

    3. …and this was the man who loved to dress up for the place he was visiting. Not sure he will be doing that again. Just when you think our politicians are the lowest of the low, someone comes along to prove us wrong.

    1. Could be a fireman, of course. One of our (hideously white) firemen is still inside for starting a huge fire.

      1. Do they manage to track down the perpetrators of these fires or does it just go silent? I’m not aware that there has been anything more on the Notre Dame fire. Maybe you’ve picked up more in the French press.

    1. It has come to a pretty pass when a “libertarian atheist” (as he describes himself) is clearly telling the pure truth while a woman, who I assume thinks she is a vicar from the collar, shakes her head and is about to embrace a lie.

      The infection of our society by these drones has taken many decades, and we are seeing the results in the breakdown of our society. Which was the long-term plan of course. The globalists cannot build a new society in their image until they have broken the one that already exists.

      1. There are many in the church of England worshipping at the altar of false gods, but are unaware of the fact (based on my own observations at church and at lent groups and such like).

        1. The globalists recognised “organised religion” as a threat to their plans for a new world order many decades ago. The Roman Catholic and the Church of England priesthood’s are riddled with marxist atheists these days. You can see it with every priest and their dog embracing islam instead of treating it as the threat that it is.

    1. I loved my multicolour retractable pen in my schooldays because I could mark my homework myself in red.
      It was a metal pen but nowadays you can have all the colours of the rainbow in a plastic one.
      Ideal for colouring rectangles!

    1. They flew “commercial” – so that’s alright….. Commercial planes don’t cause global warming – only private ones..

  23. A comment from elsewhere,I try and counter the narrative with my own but it’s tough going

    “Someone earlier on was talking about the rise in suicides in our young
    people. This is what our enemy wants, of course. Disrupt the youngsters,
    make them feel worthless, terrify them about climate change, confuse
    them over their sex, remove their freedom of speech (and ours), make it
    hard to get jobs, or a home; ultimately reducing the white future
    population and inserting any other colour. It is without a doubt the
    most brutal assault on our youngsters, even over and above the physical
    ones of the last two world wars. The scars are all mental, not physical.
    parents are having to battle like crap to instill a sense of worth and
    hope into the young, that all is not yet lost. We’ve had to do it to
    some extent with our son, thankfully he doesn’t believe in global
    warming bollocks and has a strong sense of his own capabilities. But for
    many of those poor souls out there, maybe with parents who have
    divorced/separated and lacking that secure family feeling, these mental
    attacks are crippling.”

    1. Constantly telling them that whenever they face the normal stresses and challenges of life they are facing a ‘mental health issue’ is not helpful either.

    2. My father did his best to encourage questioning and a healthy degree of cynicism and I know that my brothers have tried to pass that on to their kids.

      We have another twenty-something legal apprentice at work who’ll spend six months with us being coached by my boss. She told me yesterday that it’s really bad that schools have become so much about dictating to kids and, especially at sixth form level, not listening to their opinions and encouraging genuine debate. I wasn’t challenged when I called it indoctrination. There is some hope.

  24. UKIP holds conference amidst row over leader’s no-show

    Well UKIP or what is left of it is becoming a total farce. So a party Conference where their leader does not attend

    UKIP’s party conference has opened in Newport despite its newly-elected leader refusing to attend the event.

    Earlier this week, Richard Braine said he would not be coming due to “low ticket sales”, after calling for the event to be cancelled.

    Party chair Kirstan Herriot said it was “an insult” for him not to turn up.

    UKIP’s leader in Wales, Neil Hamilton, told BBC Wales it was “absurd” that Mr Braine would miss the event for what Mr Hamilton called a “spurious reason”.

    Addressing party members later on Friday, Mr Hamilton said UKIP has a very good chance of getting candidates elected at the 2021 assembly election.

    Wales, he said, was where UKIP has the best chance of success.

      1. It still has a small foothold at the Welsh Assembly but I suspect they will have no representation there after the 2021 elections

      2. Afternoon D,
        Some are trying to, operating under instructions from outside forces whom in turn are operating
        using PC/Appeasement policies.
        What other party is questioning
        face / face islamic ideology, as in the next very big odious issue
        coming in the near future.

    1. I say it is still in a better position as a party
      at war with its own NEC compared to the
      anti GB lab/lib/con coalition party AKA
      treachery R us and their war with the peoples of this country.
      At least in your eyes UKIP “is becoming a total farce” how would you describe the
      ongoing proven treachery we are suffering
      currently via lab/lib/con or has it slipped your notice.
      For the misinformed ( you) we are sorting
      our rat infestation within UKIP whereas
      other party members of other parties are still nurturing theirs.
      Seen by many is the potential of UKIP as Batten was proving once again & that MUST be curtailed.

  25. Sam Smith says ‘life is good, everything is in its right place’ after changing pronouns to ‘they

    In my view he is either doing this for publicity or has some mental health issues. It is certainly not normal behaviour

    Sam Smith says ‘life is good, everything is in its right place’ after changing pronouns to ‘they


    1. We’ve done this story before, Bill. Mark 5 v9: And he asked him, What is thy name? And he answered, saying, My name is Legion: for we are many.

    2. I’m glad I’ll never meet him as I shall tell the twank in no uncertain terms that I am a she. So there. And, I’m married to a he. So even more there, with knobs on. (Does They know what knobs are, except for the one that they must possess?)

    1. It is criminal, Rik, that the regulars on this forum are not queueing up to upvote this post in their millions.

      1. Getting 7 votes in less than 30 minutes at lunchtime on a Friday is a very respectable hit rate. 🙂

          1. It’s “Dinnertime” where I come from (and in Cockerney Landan too).

            We stick to the old, time-honoured notion of mealtimes (school dinners are monitored by dinner ladies) that was the norm before the main meal of the day—dinner—was migrated (by some) to the end of the day leaving a gap at noonish for a lighter meal, named “luncheon” by those trendies who wanted to sound “cool”.

            It also happened here in Sweden where “Middag” (midday) is now taken, incongruously, at 19:00hrs.

            Breakfast, Dinner, Tea and Supper will never be replaced in my priorities. “Lunch”, “Brunch”, “Elevenses” and similar abominations are for wimps and the gormless.

          2. I would never dream of calling southerners,’ Poncy’, Philip.

            Perish the thought.

            I have a lot of lovely southern friends who enjoy a nice warm shandy at “lunch”. :•)

      2. Some one posted on nottl what he says a day or two ago (not the video, just the written words), so the message has probably already had some upticks.

      3. Hang on, Grizzly. I’ve only just upvoted it because I’ve only just come indoors after a 4 hours session priming and undercoating the newest addition to my garden furniture.

        And now I’m back out again to make a start on the top coat. I want to finish it by tomorrow (Saturday) because I want to sit out in it for at least one hour on Sunday before the forecast rain shower arrives!


          1. Now look here, Grizzly, I’ve been at this lark the entire week (Monday to Friday – except for Wednesday when I went to St Paul’s cathedral for the day). When I went to Homebase for some paint (and advice) I was introduced to a type of paint which apparently acts as a primer and an undercoat all in one tin. I would reckon that in all I have spent around 20 hours in all just on the primer/undercoat.

            In the event, “rain (daylight) stopped play” at around 7.20 pm this evening. Fortunately I had just managed to finish covering the entire arbour in its basic “undercoat’. Tomorrow I reckon I can get about ten hours of painting (top coat of brilliant white) done. But I will obviously have to go hell for leather to finish the job on Sunday morning before the rain starts. I may even have to carry the arbour indoors and wait for another dry day (or two) before I can finish the job. Everything else (food and sleep excepted) have been put on hold (I take occasional breaks to read my emails and read/write a little on NoTTL). So please don’t do me down. I shall report back on here when the job has been completed. If I am able I might even be able to show you some photographs of the work as it has progressed,

            PS – Who on earth is Arthur? Are you confusing me with the late Mr Mullard?

            PPS – Both primer/undercoat and top coat are indeed quick drying paints.

            PPPS – xxxx (to our mutual friend).

            PPPPS – Even more xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxs to her.

            PPPPPS – I am now off to bed. Good night to all NoTTLers!

    2. Rik discovers that there really is a Planet B:

      Sky News Australia …. seems to be from another planet

    3. I’ve been looking for the original broadcast rather than that twitter
      link. I want to share it by different means, but I can’t find a link.

      It don’t do twitter

    4. Much as I would love this to be real, the flickering and what looks like editing makes me wonder.

      It’s very well done if it’s a spoof.

        1. It may be that someone has recorded it from a TV screen, with a phone or some such, which would account for the poor quality, but it seems to jump around quite a lot for what is a professional newscast.

          I’ve seen several other pieces by this man and he’s ceratinly the type who would read that out on air, but the picture quailty was much much higher.

    5. “Mouse” or “Nous”, Rik? (Peedy Peddy is on holiday, so I thought I’d stand in for him!)


      OOOPS! I meant Peddy, obviously.

  26. BAME journalists least represented across TV industry, Ofcom finds

    Come off of it. They are over represented . The UK as a whole is not London. BAME accounts for about 10% of the UK population

    Journalists in the UK TV industry are 76 per cent white, compared to an industry average of 59 per cent, while 11 per cent are from an ethnic minority background, the broadcast regulator has found.

    1. Does it occur to you that your 10% figure might be very out of date and grossly understates the new reality?

      1. Ah, the inevitable difference between what you see and what you get (so far as Govt. Stats. are concerned).

  27. Harman ‘will not back down’ from Commons Speaker race

    I dont think she would make a good speaker. I am increasingly think the Speaker should not be an MP or ex MP . WE need someone far more impartial and current politicians are not impartial

    Labour MP Harriet Harman says she will “not back down” in the race to replace John Bercow as Commons Speaker, despite objections from her local party.
    Members in Camberwell and Peckham, London, voted to urge her to pull out, and hinted they could run a candidate against her at the next election.
    But the ex-Labour deputy leader said her devotion to her constituency would be “unshakeable” if she became Speaker.

    1. I imagine that Jack Dromey toes the line with that woman and she’s got altogether far too high (huge) self-esteem, which is not a quality wanted from a Speaker.

      1. Not much in the way of humour either. She has the sort of permanent scowl that would have gone down well for Russian pols of the Soviet era. Displeasure is her natural condition.

        1. Woman driver (dons full protective gear)….

          In 2003, Harman was fined £400 and banned from driving for seven days after being convicted of driving at 99 mph (159 km/h) on a motorway, 29 mph (47 km/h) above the speed limit.

          In 2007, Harman was issued with a £60 fixed penalty notice and given three penalty points on her licence for driving at 50 mph (80 km/h) in a temporary 40 mph (64 km/h) zone. Harman paid the fine several months late and avoided appearing at Ipswich magistrates court. Harman was again caught breaking the speed limit the following April, this time in a 30 mph zone, receiving a further 3 points on her driving licence.

          In January 2010 Harman pleaded guilty to driving without due care and attention in relation to an incident on 3 July where she struck another vehicle whilst driving using a mobile phone, she admitted the offence in court. Harman was fined £350, ordered to pay £70 costs, a £15 victim surcharge and had three points added to her licence.[93] Road safety organisations such as Brake condemned the leniency of the punishment and decision to drop the charge of driving whilst using a mobile phone.[94] The judge defended the decision stating “Ms Harman’s guilty plea to driving without due care and attention included her admitting that she had been using a mobile phone at the time”.

          1. Quite right too, AA. People who use make-up, such as the Canadian Prime Minister, deserve all they get.


          2. With 9 points on her licence why is she not facing a ban?

            Heck, the using a telephone while driving and already having six points on her licence should be cause for suspension. Truly, it’s unfair and unjust. What about the car she drove into? I don’t imagine that was cheap to repair now the individual has a higher insurance premium through no fault of his own if she did not write it off.

            Besides, where’s the BBC promoting this?

      2. Or as I would put it, albeit somewhat less urbanely, Harriet Harperson is so far up her own arsehole that she can see the back of her teeth.

      3. Just imagine what a miserable joyless union is Harman and Dromey. Then again it is better that their misery is confined to two people as opposed to four.

  28. “Bollocks to Brexit!” they screamed. “Bollocks to Brexit!”

    This was less a conference, more a collective breakdown. One Flew Over the Cuckoo’s Nest,

    with sandals and vegan salads. For three days, the Liberal (not that

    they’re liberal) Democrats (not that they’re democrats) tore up

    Bournemouth – and democracy.

    Their headline act was Guy Verhofstadt.

    Verhofstadt, as readers will know, is a deluded Belgian politician who

    dreams of Empire and has never visited a dentist.

    “Ze World Order of tomorrow” he roared –

    spittle-flecked, frenetic – to his adoring, glazed acolytes. “Ze World

    Order of tomorrow is not a World Order based on nation states or

    countries. It is a World Order based on Empires.”

    The sect applauded, cheered, worshipped,

    praised. The crowd in a fervour; a whirlwind of aggressive

    Euronationalism and those beige mackintoshes only Liberal Democrats seem

    to wear. Well, Lib Dems and flashers.

    Jo Swinson may be their Leader, but only

    in name. Verhofstadt is their Real Leader; the rest of the Lib Dem “top

    team” are merely his apparatchiks; the conference floor, his agents.

    This is a party which has rebuilt itself around a foreign power. It is

    an instrument of the EU


    1. Any chance of that in single spacing, Rik? It is much easier on the eye:

      “Bollocks to Brexit!” they screamed. “Bollocks to Brexit!”

      This was less a conference, more a collective breakdown. One Flew Over the Cuckoo’s Nest, with sandals and vegan salads. For three days, the Liberal (not that they’re liberal) Democrats (not that they’re democrats) tore up Bournemouth – and democracy.

      Their headline act was Guy Verhofstadt. Verhofstadt, as readers will know, is a deluded Belgian politician who dreams of Empire and has never visited a dentist. “Ze World Order of tomorrow” he roared – spittle-flecked, frenetic – to his adoring, glazed acolytes. “Ze World Order of tomorrow is not a World Order based on nation states or
      countries. It is a World Order based on Empires.”

      The sect applauded, cheered, worshipped, praised. The crowd in a fervour; a whirlwind of aggressive Euronationalism and those beige mackintoshes only Liberal Democrats seem to wear. Well, Lib Dems and flashers. Jo Swinson may be their Leader, but only
      in name. Verhofstadt is their Real Leader; the rest of the Lib Dem “top team” are merely his apparatchiks; the conference floor, his agents.

      This is a party which has rebuilt itself around a foreign power. It is an instrument of the EU.

        1. When you paste it, just use the delete button on your keyboard to close up the gaps before you press the “Post as Rik” button.

  29. Reading the reaction of the Palace to Cameron’s “revelations” – I can see now that I was spot on when I coined the sobriquet “Babbling Poltroon” for him all those years ago….

    Edited. Bugger!

        1. Who babbled ‘of green fields’ on his death bed? Your MR will know but I am sure you do too.

          Sir John Falstaff

    1. It just sound to me that Cameron is desperately trying to get publicity for his book. Presumably sales are not going well

    2. That’s exactly what I thought when I heard about his “revelations”, Bill. You did indeed coin the perfect soubriquet.

  30. And SHE called Sam “Him” – your wokeness is both obvious and ridiculous:

    Following Sam Smith’s personal news of his new preferred they/them pronouns, the culture war has shifted back into gear, with Douglas Murray taking to the airwaves to reject Smith’s demands.

    Debating with Murray on the Today Programme, Afua Hirsch tried defending Smith, only to discover wokeness is quite difficult to wrap your head around when she called them “him”… Doh!


    Listen to the attached YouTube Video …

    1. Interesting parallel with the cardboard Grenfell Tower case, where the accused were found not guilty.

    1. You can almost sense Greta preparing to say “You are TOO OLD to matter. This is our time now. Get out of the way Grandma.”

      That youth and her bitter intolerance…

        1. “Cabaret” was not a bad film, but I much preferred the song about the time I spent with Liza Minelli in Chelsea.


    1. Well, Julia, I think he looked and looked and looked, but just couldn’t see any black-faced Canadian Prime Ministers!


  31. On a day like today, when there are protests and demonstrations in
    country after country against governments’ alleged failure to tackle

    “climate change”, you feel as if you have stepped into a looking-glass

    world in which people have collectively taken leave of their senses.

    If, that is, you are someone like me for whom the whole climate

    change hypothesis is a mad, nightmarish cult in which an infantile

    (literally) view of the world, peddling ludicrous theories of imminent

    apocalypse which owe more to medieval millenarian sects than modern

    science, is being treated as unchallengeable wisdom by a lazy and

    credulous adult world that has stopped asking rational questions.

    Listening to BBC Radio’s Today programme this

    morning on the Extinction Rebellion protests was a frightening

    experience in itself. The BBC has decided there can be no challenge to

    “climate change” theory, other wise known as anthropogenic global

    warming (AGW). In its notorious “crib sheet” to staff, it advised: “As climate change is accepted as happening, you do not need a ‘denier’ to balance the debate”.

    Thus the BBC is engaged in the extinction of journalism.


    1. Should be obliged reading for all O and A level students and be sent to every MP. The only problem is that MPs don’t have minds of their own do they.

    2. Warming is undeniable – retreat of polar ice caps and warmer ocean temperatures being two examples. The emotion seems to be over the cause – how much is natural cycling and how much is “us”? That really doesn’t matter, the only question being do we let it take its course to wherever that leads (plenty of hot periods in the past) or try to offset some of the heating.

      However, I don’t expect anything serious to be done until a few coastal cities are under water. Politicians only care about today and getting re-elected, so until something smacks them on the head, metaphorically speaking, I don’t expect any proper debate or calm reasoning – or especially leadership from them.

      1. I don’t know,Obama has shown just how much he believes this carp
        15 million dollar estate right on the coast
        Now tell me about the Maldives again………………..
        Oh Wait,still there

        1. It’s a matter of when, not if. Trouble is, far too many academics have overstated and oversimplified the issue in their search for funding.

          The thing to do would be to fund would be studies of amelioration options, i.e. engineers, not climatoligists, rather than running around telling everyone we have to give up on cars, electricity, etc., etc., and go back to the caves.

      2. https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/2d4fee796948d1f9714a38b7ad24a3e77e32491129ed8948c4c72b135c59f5de.png https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/175af3a79e43c598a195d3a903e4cb0c6ae11a83f71fe8c587d9906208440a52.png

        Prior to 1975, scientists were confidently predicting global cooling, and a possible ice age. The 1930-40s were warmer than the years that followed.
        The sea rise is measured in millimetres, and has been rising for over 100 years at least, according to tidal measurements. On some coasts the sea level has not risen, and on others it’s fallen due to the land rising.

      1. It could be that the Earth’s warming is just part of its self regulating processes:

        Edit: link corrected.

        :….a well-known but relatively untested concept suggests “that on timescales longer than a few hundred thousand years, atmospheric carbon dioxide and Earth’s temperature are regulated via a ‘silicate weathering thermostat,'”

        John Higgins, a geochemistat Princeton.


        1. That link may need editing. Even if you add an extra “h” at the front it still leads back to this page. 🙂

    1. Y’know you have to wait for a lifetime for Planet B to turn up….
      …..and then Planet B, C and D all turn up at once!

  32. Although not wanting to do a Four Yorkshiremen sketch, when I were a lad the only things in the house powered by electricity were the lights and the wireless. Annual holidays totaled one week at the British seaside, central heating was only for schools and public buildings and cars were few and far between. Etc.

    I can survive without many of the excesses of modern life but could the climate-protest children and, in particular, could the adult loonies backing them?

    1. Lord Keen recited much the same argument as did Sir James Eadie.

      I found some of Lady Hale’s remarks to Lord Pannick a bit worrying when being led into discussing some remedy or other on the assumption that Boris has acted unlawfully. It is blindingly obvious that the territory of prorogation is a political sphere. The recent Reith lectures pointed up the dangers of judicial interference in politics.

    2. Don’t you think that there is a weird conundrum involved in this legal merry-go-round?

      Our members of parliament are our lawmakers. Our judiciary make judgments upon those laws. Currently they are adjudicating on the lawmakers.

      Truth is stranger than fiction.

      1. Yes – and they’re all in it together, except that they don’t realise it. They are all being played, like different instruments: – some you blow, some you stroke, some you bang.

    1. I think Google got it right – especially their 3rd definition. It’s probably just a matter of which dictionary they have loaded up.

    2. It is the online version of “Newspeak” happening here and now in the real world.

      “Nationalism – Badthink. PlusUngood. Felt by OldThinkers who Unfeel IngSoc.”

      1. I’ve just tippexed the word “Newspeak” out of my Chambers’ dictionary.


        No excuses for me now to ignore the words of prats and continue to speak and write English as I was taught it.

        1. Grizzly – Many years from now, the gathering of scholars who come together once a month will discuss their progress in understanding the meaning of that comment of yours. Debate will continue long into the night in an attempt to gain even a general conception of the gist of what that might have been about.

          Progress was slow, but in the twilight years of the founder of the research group, a report was produced that claimed “One or more words may have been missed. Translation as to meaning is impossible without them.” They will then retire as the riddle remains unsolved. A mental puzzle for future generations to ponder as the mood takes them.

          1. I’m utterly miffed because NASA didn’t include any of my wisdom for inclusion in its capsule on Voyager 1. :•)

  33. My confusion continues,every single Global bollocks Warming prediction has failed to come true,even the IPCC has said it’s all about wealth redistribution and nothing to do with ecology and the climate models have failed.Their High Preist M. Moore has lost his libel case because the “Hockey Stick” was junk science and yet the wave of endless propaganda continues
    On Sky today one young “scientist” warned Glasgow could be under water in his lifetime.
    One might almost think there was a hidden agenda……………….
    Forgot this

        1. I still don’t understand why the Swedish education people are not prosecuting her parents for allowing her to play truant.

          1. The Swedish education system is run by a gang of feminist Pinkoes who are supported by a feminist Pinko government. They banished all forms of discipline towards children decades ago and the evidence is clear for all to see.

          2. Presumably the Swedish population is happy with feminist Pinko domination as they voted them into power, or are there any dissenters?

  34. From what I remember of British constitutional affairs, what happens to Parliament at any given time is between the PM and the monarch, so the lawyers and judges, all of whom are the Queen’s subjects, should as we say locally butt out.

    1. Think of the various “leaders” in her continent of origin. They all have their hands in the till one way or another.

        1. True. And if the citizens should actually complain, they would be “disappeared”. Shades of the late Alan Coren’s articles about Idi Amin, which much to his horror turned out to understate the reality. I always loved his often used line about “sending de research department round in de Peugeot.”

        1. It was seeing the word “Luftwaffe” on what, to my untrained eyes, looked like a Hercules that reminded me of those planes in German livery. 🙂

          1. Oddly (well, not, these days of ignorant, uncaring (or non-existent) sub-editors) it was illustrating an article where yer Germans were taking legal action against AIRBUS employees for spying….

          2. I am not a plane spotter, although I have known a couple, but I can still name a fair few aircraft from World War 2 and even some from the Great War (Gotha’s etc.) But these days companies and names change so fast that I can only name a few modern ones.

          3. My knowledge (my Father was in the Royal Air Force) ended with the Hawker Hunter – a beautiful aeroplane. All the modern planes look the same to me – lots fly over Fulmodeston. And I wonder what they are; my main thought is, “At least they are ours”…..

      1. If the battle had gone the other way the Mustang and Typhoon would never have come into being. They’d have had nobody to fight.

        1. I am sure that the technological development of fighters would have continued, even without the sides drawn up as they were. The Japanese would still have had their raw materials supply problems, so could well have played out their USA gambit anyway. Even more so if Germany’s borders were secure with the United Kingdom under their control. So the Americans would have continued to develop fighters as well.

          As for the Germans… Their long term relationship with Russia was always going to fall apart at some point. Stalin thought he had longer to prepare, but recovered well after initial losses. Withdrawing those factories so far to the rear would assure that his fighter development would continue, so it is logical that the Germans would use our newly captured “boffins” to aid in their research as well.

          But it is all conjecture. 🙂

          1. Taking the UK would have provided the Luftwaffe with a strategic bomber capacity eg Lancaster,Halifax etc that could have reached those factories,the great failing of the Luftwaffe was it was a tactical air force designed for army support
            Would all make a good “Alternative History” novel

          2. I have only really read one Alternate History novel of World War 2 called “The Man In The High Castle” where Germany and Japan were victorious. The USA was split down the middle with the Germans having the Eastern half and the Japanese the West.

            The Japanese were at peace with Germany but thought that the Germans were a bit extreme. They thought it was a waste of manpower when the whole continent of Africa was ethnically cleansed leaving no black people alive at all. The book went a bit nuts towards the end if I recall with different versions of possible realities. That was many years ago that I read it.

          3. Len Deighton’s SS-GB is an excellent book about Britain under German rule. Worth a read.edited German for GB

          4. But would Hitler have allowed the development of heavy bombers? He was notorious for meddling in areas he didn’t understand, such as insisting the ME262 was developed as a bombr, not a fighter.
            As for the Maus tank, well…

          5. The P51 Mustang depended on the Merlin engine for it to become the icon it is. The original Allison engine was pretty much useless above 15,000 feet.

          6. The P51 Mustang depended on the Merlin engine for it to become the icon it is. The original Allison engine was pretty much useless above 15,000 feet.

            There, fixed it.

          7. That bad, Jackthelad? They built 69,000 or so Allisons for other aircraft, that’s a lot of aircraft. Supporters of the Allison stress the fact that it didn’t have a decent supercharger but even with that piece of kit it’s unlikely to have matched the Merlin or the Griffon.

          8. I meant to add that the Spit in the illustration wouldn’t have existed either. It’s a later model.

          9. Once again – the Germans would be fighting Russia and the Americans would be fighting Japan. So fighter development would continue anyway. We would still develop the fighters but we would have been conquered and working for the Germans. Technology tends to progress in stages. The Spitfire would continue to be refined if the war continued with us fighting the Russians.

      2. That invasion is going on now aided and abetted by the Supreme Court, rebel MPs and (?) the government without and aircraft in sight.

        1. The original company were but it built aircraft in Germany in WW1, including Richthofen’s Dr.I triplane. However, it’s the very old joke about Fokkers and Heinkels that I was alluding to.

    1. Back in the pre 9/11 era, we were out at Dulles waiting for visitors. The airport had a roof top observation deck (now closed) and suddenly we noticed this plane coming round from the charter terminal – a grey C130 with “Luftwaffe” in big letters down the side. An older guy near us watching turns to his wife and says, “Well the Krauts finally got here”

  35. Sky lady: Hello, I’m here at the Climate Change protest. let’s ask a few children why they are here.
    Child: Me Mum told us to come.

    1. Sky reporters having flown in by a jet aircraft and used taxis to the event ask they why they are protesting about climate change

  36. RAF Mildenhall closed due to incident

    Emergency services were called to the scene following an “incident” at the main gates to the base, used by the United States Air Force.
    A spokesman from the base said: “At 1:30 p.m. this afternoon, security forces personnel responded to an incident at the main gate.

    “The Ministry of Defence Police (MDP) has assumed jurisdiction and the gate will remain closed while the incident is under investigation.”

  37. Brexit Secretary Stephen Barclay has said the UK and EU share a “common purpose” in reaching a new withdrawal deal, after a meeting in Brussels with chief EU negotiator Michel Barnier.
    He said they had had “serious detailed discussions” and things were “moving forward with momentum”.
    Mr Barnier said it had been a “cordial” meeting, but “lots of work has to be done in the next few days”.
    The deadline for the UK to exit the EU is 31 October.
    On Thursday, European Commission President Jean-Claude Juncker said a new Brexit deal could still be reached by then.
    Prime Minister Boris Johnson said some “progress” was being made, although it was important not to “exaggerate” this.

      1. These globalists do like playing their little games in full view of those who know what they are up to. Just to show their utter contempt for us.

    1. He/she/It will have an impossible job if their policy on Brexit is implemented and pi55es off 17.4 million

          1. Interesting you should say that. In yer France, if you need surgery – they’ll demand to have your teeth checked out first.

          2. Yup. The million or more African brain surgeons, engineers and architects lately imported into Germany (Europe) are costing millions on account of their rotting teeth. Until the teeth are fixed their other ailments cannot be safely treated.

    2. If we leave as promised and without a back-room stitch up, I’ll be as happy as Larry.

      If the Lib-Dem traitors meet their Waterloo on the 1st of November, I’ll be over the moon.

  38. Khan & Climate Change

    WE have the usual nonsense from Khan. He wants us to take measure to deal with climate change whilst at the same time wanting millions more people to pile into London. He seems incapable of understanding the link between climate change and population growth

    (I am using Climate change generically I am more talking about congestion and pollution and water shortages and lack of land to grow crops on etc)

    1. He’s also instituted 20mph limits in vast swathes of the capital, causing traffic to dawdle along and cause more pollution. The man’s an idiot.

  39. This from today’s Daily Express:


    I’ve two things to say on this. The first is this; I just do not believe the reports of the number of foiled so-called “Far-right” terrorist attacks. I do believe that these reports are deliberately and cynically faked as part of a co-ordinated plan, formulated by the large number of politically-correct Common Purpose graduates who have so thoroughly infiltrated the police and the security services, to divert public attention from the real terrorist threat, which comes, of course, from muslims, whether home-grown or imported.

    Secondly, I’m incandescent with rage at the attempt to lend emotive power to this concocted story by mentioning the sacrifices made by my father’s generation in the war against German hegemony, in the guise of National Socialism. Dad and his brothers are all gone now – I’m glad they cannot see what has become of the country that they fought so hard to defend.

    1. Duncan Mac – It is almost as if those in power cannot possibly cover up the horrific realities of islam any longer, and are now desperately trying to deflect attention away from the fact that it is a rapists death-cult. They cannot hide this reality for much longer.

      1. You jest. They control the press, the beeboids, sky etc etc etc

        They can do whatever they want.

        1. Yes – but they cannot cover up everything. Even they are forced to report it when something big happens. When it gets to the point of open killings in the street, people will not care a fig for the law. If someone is coming to kill you and your loved ones, then you do whatever it takes to save them.

          If people realised that they absolutely will lose everything that they have worked for, and see those they care about used and abused in front of them… What will they do? The fact that they are trying to deflect attention onto “white nationalist extremists” at all, shows that they are getting worried about people realising what is happening.

          They have not won yet. They do not control everything.

          1. I like to think that I am a realist. 🙂 You can see by the speed that they are trying to change things now that they know they are running out of time. They do not have the numbers yet to win and they know it. It will be rough though. The bas*ards are evil, no matter how much they smile for the cameras. As a race we have survived and pulled ourselves up from the caves to a highly developed civilisation. That takes strength and we still have it.

            They are motivated by petty, weak desires that fall apart when challenged. Their selfishness makes them pull in different directions. I have seen far more good in my life than I have seen evil. 🙂

          2. I think “They” realise the public are very slowly waking up to their games and are trying to rush things forward,hopefully they will trip up in their haste

      2. Unfortunately folk with our views about the dangers of importing the rapists and followers of the death cult run the risk of being reported to the Police via the BBC for hate crimes.

        Doubtless after a few more Manchester type atrocities and the exposure of yet more Rotherham practices the silly sods will wake up to the threat.

        The politicians woke up to the IRA threat to their own lives after Number 10 was attacked with a mortar fired from Whitehall. They sold out, invented a supposed Peace Process and submitted to the terrorists through the Good Friday Agreement.

    2. Any flucking (sorry Missus) cheef cunstable who calls himself “Dave” gets a kick in the groin from me.

    3. Of course it’s a diversion. And of course the play up this home grown threat, and play down the imported one.
      In other words, whatever you do, in the face of Islamic terrorism, just sit and take it, and don’t try and fight back.

    4. My late father served in Burma. My late father in law served on Motor Torpedo Boats and the minesweeper HMS Pique at the Normandy landings. His brother was a rear gunner (tail-end Charlie) in a Halifax bomber.

      The numbers of our families killed by Germans in the First World War are too numerous to mention.

      Watching and listening to the children prouncing around the streets with their confected opinions on Climate Change (an entirely manufactured science of deliberate economic design) I realise that we are living in a New Age of Ignorance.

      These kids and their teachers need a clip around the ears and a course in re-education about the realities of our history and their total indebtedness to earlier generations.

      1. We are reaping what we have sown in the years since the second world war when discipline was supplanted by the permissive society. Baby boomers produced a generation of undisciplined brats and now the third and fourth generations are progressively getting worse.

        If those who died in the two world wars could come back and see what standard of human we are producing now they simply wouldn’t believe what they were seeing.

    5. I share your pain and misery, Duncan. Some days I feel really suicidal.

      I didn’t do what you did (even though I was destined for a sojer – 23697014 was my number for my brief engagement with The Queen – but all my family were in the forces – Father – RAF 1939 to 1958; Elder Brother – Royal Engineers – 1945 to 1985; other brother Royal Navy 1949 to 1965.

      I weep for the future and am (selfishly) glad that I am very old.

    6. This so called Feuerkrieg Division that they are talking about here stinks of invention. I can find no trace of it beyond six months ago and it has no independent Wikipedia Page. It is supposedly composed of twenty or thirty members who have committed no violent acts but restricted themselves to threat. In other words it exists only online. The example given here of threatening the Police is an oddity unless you think it a False Flag. It avoids naming a public figure or politician which would cause personal angst to the person concerned. This Dave Thompson has offered himself up as a target in the certain knowledge that nothing is going to happen. The whole thing is fake and like the Skripal Saga a creation of the Security Services.

      The Feuerkrieg Division (German for “fire war division”) is a small but growing neo-Nazi terrorist organization mainly active in Northern Europe and the United States and is estimated to have about 20 to 30 members. The group, also known as FKD, is heavily inspired by SIEGE— the incendiary collected writings of American neo-Nazi James Mason—and the murderous Atomwaffen Division — a far-right organization responsible for at least five murders in the US in the past two years. Although FKD has not committed acts of violent terror as of the time of this writing, vitriolic propaganda disseminated by the group on social media sites, its decentralized hierarchy, and calls for violent action make it a group that should be taken seriously by law enforcement officials and governments around the world.


      1. “[This] organisation, mainly active in Northern Europe and the United States and is estimated to have about 20 to 30 members.”

        So that is fewer than a single islamic rape group in one town in the United Kingdom. That has been operating for years with 1,600 female victims that we know about. It is nice to know that the police are prioritising the bigger threat.

        1. If you think about it Meredith they have to be small organisations since a large one like Mosley’s Blackshirts would stick out like a self-evident sore thumb and require no publicity.

      2. The so-called islam faction has been around for 1200 years. They have established themselves peacefully across half the globe, yet face ongoing criticism and opposition by right wing extremists. These right wing opponents of islam have been quite violent over the centuries, often attacking islamists for attempting to visit their cites and town. The extremists are often motivated by religious beliefs and have frequently decried islamists for their cultural practices, which include murder, slaughter and rape. The right-wingers, posing as ordinary citizens, but who are often Christians, have most recently decried the sacrifice of islamists in New York and cities across Europe. Islamists have never hesitated to sacrifice their own lives in demonstrating the purity of their religious fervour despite the opposition of the adverse forces in the countries in which they have settled.

    1. You note they never name the books though I suppose that old chestnut The Anarchists Cookbook is among them!

  40. The Beeb’s J Vine seems intent on shouting at The Queen and blaming HRH for the practical application of remoaners chaos theory and using emotive language to threaten her legacy. – Wow are the BBC really that scared by the prospect of having to turn a profit?

  41. That’s me for today. The Engerlish couple who came and said the house was lovely BUT unsuitable for the “art workshops” that the bloke ran – want to come back and have another sneer.

    Well, one never knows…

    A demain (in the rain)

    1. Surely they could have seen that by the photos?

      When (many years ago) I was selling to move in with my then husband, I had some twits come in, open my wardrobes in my bedrooom, and then say in the living room “Is it always as light as this here?” I couldn’t resist answering “only when the sun shines.”

  42. Justin Trudeau was reportedly very excited to be asked to address a conference on racism.

    Apparently he’s totally made up.
    I’ll get me coat…………………

  43. And SHE called Sam “Him” – your wokeness is both obvious and ridiculous:

    Following Sam Smith’s personal news of his new preferred they/them pronouns, the culture war has shifted back into gear, with Douglas Murray taking to the airwaves to reject Smith’s demands.

    Debating with Murray on the Today Programme, Afua Hirsch tried defending Smith, only to discover wokeness is quite difficult to wrap your head around when she called them “him”… Doh!


    Listen to the attached YouTube Video …

    1. There must be the slight suspicion that when some people declare that do not have a gender then it is just because they want to have sex with anything that moves. Not all of them by any means. But they are certainly confused about reality on a fundamental level.

        1. Ahh, for once I was not thinking about them. They do things that many of us would think of as disgusting without making a song and dance about it. There was one clip that came up on youtube about a “blessing” for boys that looked between 8-14. They would deep kiss a bearded imam and that was something “good?” WTH is that about other than giving some twisted thrill to the guy. Anyway, enough of that. It makes me sick even remembering it. It is a beautiful, if warm, Friday night and I am considering drinking some alcohol. 🙂


    1. That is a very good clip and has the ring of honesty about it. Unlike the slightly strange words and “far-away eyes” of the true climate-change believer. I have made a copy of it in case youtube “do their thing” and decide to remove it. They are doing that more and more often these days for clips that question our would-be overlords.

        1. Tony – if you follow the “rarefoundation” link it takes you to a hosting webpage. If you click on the file there then you have the option of watching it from the youtube platform. That is where I downloaded it from. I have some experience of these things. 🙂

          It had 60 views last night, it has 289 views this morning (on youtube.)

    1. Can you imagine the howls of outrage if this was done to the EU big boys and the UK remainers?

      What is really frightening is that the EU big boys and the UK remainers actually believe that tomorrow belongs to them

      1. I can imagine. Also , they are fucked. All International cabling is handled via the U.S.A. …. China, Russia and the Ragheads rely on this service. Heard about the odd dragged anchor cutting off a country? That was me being peeved…. maybe.

  44. Evening, all. Been a lovely day here; have managed to get some gardening done (“despite Brexit”, as the Bbc would have it). 🙂

  45. Little Miss Muffet sat on a tuffet
    Thinking of nothing, then ‘whey!’
    Sat Genda beside her, instead of a spider
    And now poor Miss Muffet’s a They.

    1. Justin, pouffe,Trudeau, dressed as for Cluedo,
      He came as a black candlestick
      Got caught in the pantry with Millie his man prey
      Found guilty of being a príck.

  46. Off topic
    There was a short segment on Gardener’s World.
    A man who has a very wild garden; “a loose garden”, which many gardeners would feel uncomfortable with.
    He would feel completely at home in mine.

    Mine is cultivated for bats, bugs, bees, beetles, butterflies and birds. Small mammals thrive, everything from red squirrels to stone martens, hares to water rats, yes rats, they are an integral part of the food chain, mice, voles, shrews and moles, stoats and weasels and the odd rabbit, though the rabbits are quickly disposed of by the apex predators. The hares seem to be better equipped to escape..

    Of the six acres, 5 are left to their own devices, apart from occasional cutting back to encourage new growth. I see well over 100 bird species every year, many are resident within the garden and surrounding forest, not to mention living in the walls of château sosraboc. I only fence out the deer and Sanglier because of the damage they cause.

    Heaven on Earth, if it exists, is here.

    1. Wonderful. However, “water rats” (Ratty in The Wind In The Willows) are not rats. They are water voles.

      1. Indeed, initially I was going to write it that way but I thought that the “picture” I was trying to create in people’s mind’s eye looked better as water rats. Ratty from Wind in the Willows is altogether too “nice”. Artistic licence.

        I also get “real” rats living in the land drains. They are extremely wary but fascinating to watch if one is lucky enough to spot them on the prowl.

        Very, very occasionally I see a girondin (a European coypu for the benefit of non wildlife lovers) at the edge of the property, near my neighbour’s pond; they are too big to get through the fence, thank goodness.

        It’s very interesting to watch the progress of the year through the toads, frogs, lizards and snakes of which we have incredible variety.

        The websites suggest that a lot of the things that I see in the garden shouldn’t really be there, supposedly far too rare. Over our ten years here the creatures and the plants have certainly changed a lot, I think it may be down to they way I keep the place, our French friends certainly think so. But I also think that the climate really is changing.

    2. Most of our 7 acres are left to be wild, and I might add the oak trees are shedding acorns like you wouldn’t believe! A sure sign of a cold, bitter winter to come, the locals will tell you! No fencing, so the deer can come and go as they please. Birds and butterflies have been a real joy this summer, along with the wildflowers, but I have not found any orchids yet.

      1. Oak trees are shedding loads of acorns here, too. The hazels are laden with nuts and my hollies are covered in berries.

        1. That is caused by previous weather cnditions, it does not predict the future at all. We have a large increase in moths and butterflies and bees this year. iput that down to previous conditions.

      2. My oaks are similar, a very heavy year as it was last year.

        I’m unconvinced that heavy acorn drop is other than reactive, I don’t think they are predictive.

        1. Probably, we have had a very hot and dry summer and everything is looking very parched which is often the cause for an early acorn drop along with hickory nuts, to the delight of squirrels.

          1. We only get red squirrels and they feast on the big pine cones.Our wild edible chestnuts only seem to attract insects, which have spoilt the nuts before we can harvest and eat them. The small hazel-type-nuts are more trouble than they are worth, insects again


      1. Either way, it’s lovely to live in.

        In a few days the tractor man comes in with the gadget that chews up all the grass and weed and scatters the seeds. The air will be swarming with the last of the swallows and martins and swifts hoovering up the swarms of insects that will be “put up”.

        Late Autumn/Winter is the only tme of the year it looks remotely tidy for the wilderness bits

        The areas around the house and cottage and down to the pool are kept reasonably neat, because we let the cottage during the summer.

      1. The “smart” motorways have signs telling drivers that EU freight papers may change on Nov 1st and to check.

          1. Well, virtually identical ads are broadcast regularly on Classic fm radio. If they are not genuine, who is paying for them to be broadcast?

          1. Oh no he didn’t

            Oh yes he did
            He’s behind you
            Oh no he isn’t
            Rinse and repeat. the best advertising slogan ever made, it doubled usage

    1. All things that one would do normally, no? Passport, driving docs and travel insurance are pretty standard checks, I would have thought.

      1. Pretty much what I said to the Sultana this evening. It was even easier before we joined the Eu. Before everyone had three foreign trips a year, and the masses of the world came here for fun.

      1. The snowflake students will embrace and love it ‘cos it reduces the UK’s carbon footprint – currently < 2% of the global footprint but, hell's bells, come on students, bite the bullet in the fight for a 'Climate Emergency'.

    1. Our little cat did that into a paper bag on the floor – she kept on running while half inside it, until she got to the stairs….but didn’t stop.

    1. Thanks for posting that. There’s a lot of people out there who need to watch that to at least attempt to understand why people voted the way they did. You wonder what sort of world Hilary Clinton lives in to feel she can talk about so many of her country’s population the way she did – does she have any inkling how apalling her words were in a civilised society.

      1. She lives in the same world as Call-Me-Dave’s government did when they called Brexiteers mad, swivel-eyed loons.

  47. Well in about 3 weeks we should no what has been going on between Boris and the EU With negotiation you have to play your cards closer to your chest. At present I would not like to guess as to now things are going

        1. “Let every eye negotiate for itself
          And trust no agent; for beauty is a witch
          Against whose charms faith melteth in blood.”

  48. https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/5f54c2a9d51a6facbf14e0b6c26e45bd94b8eda862cd47e9e73b00f9fb499c7a.png With reference to the speech given on Sky News, Australia, which was repeated on here earlier in transcript both a few days ago and again today; despite it getting numerous upticks and positive comments from many commentators, it is still clear that many on this forum are part and parcel of the new breed described in the diatribe.

    I have been taken to task, twice, in the past week and told (a) that this is not a recipe forum (despite being frequently asked for recipes by long-time commentators) and (b) to buy mince pies instead of making my own!

    Bollocks to both. Today I made 12 sausage rolls from my own sausage meat recipe and my own home-made puff pastry. I shall enjoy one with a salad tonight. With the left-over bits of puff pastry I made six, own recipe, Eccles cakes, one of which shall be tonight’s pudding.

    I have the longest continuous (provable) record of longevity on the old DT forum and this forum—since 30 June 2010—despite claims by others (who cannot similarly prove) to the contrary.

    As potential Father-of-the-House I shall not be dictated to by others as to what I shall, or may, post. If they don’t like the fact that I am old school and don’t eat mince pies made from crap and chemicals then that is their problem. Similarly, I shall not be advised as to what recipes I shall post.

    OK?https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/49e3ad54930ed0f1908ded77672896fb4281ecd3311274119959f918839eb157.jpg https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/531b232d50b873f1d87ca287ba7dbba86677dbdb561b56a9a32f0c8556e0898d.jpg

    1. I think there are many readers who don’t ever uptick. Others, like Rik, Sue E Sue M, and dare I say it, me who dish thm out fairly liberally.

      I do if a comment amuses me, makes me look at something differently or I agree with the tenet of an argument or sometimes merely to acknowledge a reply without making further comment.,

        1. I made some beef sausages the other week for a friend who cannot eat pork (dietary problem, not religion).

          I tried one and it tasted like a hamburger in a skin.

      1. OK, Rik.

        I buy my pork seasonings, casings and rusk from Weschenfelder direct’s website: https://www.weschenfelder.co.uk/sausage-making-ingredients/sausage-seasoning-packs/pork-sausages.html

        The sausage meat I’m currently eating is made up thus:

        750g good quality minced belly pork (ready minced or mince your own)
        75g rusk
        150g cold water
        25g Weschenfelder’s ‘gold’ seasoning mix
        1 small onion, chopped

        (For every 30g meat, use 3g rusk, 6g water and 1g seasoning mix)

        I placed all the ingredients into a food processor and pulsed it until a thick homogenous paste ensued.

        If you choose to use your own seasonings, a ratio of 2% of the weight of the meat, and 0·2% of the weight of the meat in both black pepper and sage is a good rule of thumb.

        I used to use breadcrumbs as a binder but I never achieved decent results. Flavour and texture improved exponentially when I switched to rusk.

        Try it. I know you’ll enjoy it.

          1. Yes, these recipes are not set in stone. I use white pepper as much as I do black. Also various ratios of shoulder to belly.

            The yeast-free rusk, though, was a revelation.

    2. Undskyld, min ven,

      I have missed a lot recently, my time having been taken up with domestic matters…

      Who has been criticising you cooking? Not anyone who makes anything themselves, I guess? Anyway – we’re all different, I used to love cooking and still do, but to a far lesser extent as I am tired so much. You can’e beat good home made cooking – but bad needs to go into the nearest bin (not in sight of the chef, though).

      1. Hejsan, min vän.

        I don’t mind normal criticism from normal people. It gets on my tits when some, on here, who only exist to carp about one’s healthy lifestyle, make childish and puerile remarks about it. Those sort have very sad lives, sitting in their dank attics and eating inferior shop-bought pseudo-food because they haven’t the skill or the wit to make their own.

        They claim they don’t have the time, but they can certainly find sufficient time to whinge for hours on social media like the pathetic little ninnies they are.

    3. I’ve lived in France for 10 years now and was certainly posting on various DT forums when I lived in the UK before moving.
      How does one “prove” ones presence?

      1. I was moving things around and found an old laptop that had bitten the dust long ago. I whipped out the hard-drive in a “fat chance” attempt to see if it still worked, and it was fine. I found old comments that were date-stamped 02:25am 2001. We needed to have auto-log on in those days if we had OP’s so that we could show what was said if we had to kick / ban someone.

        It was very odd to see, word for word, the things that I was saying at 02:30am 18 years ago. 🙂 But that is not “proof” because someone could make them up if they were desperate enough.

        I even found one hard-copy printout from a board I was on from 1989… A board called “suicide is painless” that was actually full of hope and uplifting poetry – what a happy time we had back then when the internet was much smaller. 🙂

        1. I used to join in the humorous discussions on Craigslist, in the days before it got taken over by perverts and trolls.
          I remember one discussion about pets.

          I wrote a long piece using every “dog” “cat” word in the dictionary.

          It went as viral as anything ever did in those days and somebody sent it to Saturday Night Live in the States. I have no idea if it was actiually used.

          As to the DT, I had a visceral hatred of a poster called Igonikon Jack and used to troll him. He was for ever writing pieces, from a position of total ignorance, about how the UK should run all aspecsts of its existnece.

          I suspect the feeling was mutual as he certainly reduced his output and took to posting on the DT editorials a week or so after they were published..

          1. Good grief… That is on the very edge of my memory. I know the term, and we used it back then, so it is possible. But that would have been 30+ years ago, right when I first went online. We mainly used the Universities computer networks and followed links to some very simple bulletin boards across the world. It was all green / white text on a black screen back then. 🙂

            I cannot remember any specific Usenet group that I went to, so my contact with them was not in depth.


    4. Am i too late to join you for tea or is it supper or maybe dinner.
      Whatever, the grub looks terrific.
      Have a good evening Grizz

      1. I shall do thanks, Grumps, and you too.

        I think I’ll have a sausage roll tomorrow, at 1:00 p.m. for me DINNER! :•)

          1. Funnily enough I was advised to set the clock on my computer to British time to ‘fool’ the VPN into thinking I am located in the UK. It seems to work.

            Apart from that I’m looking forward to the end of October and getting back to ‘proper’ time, i.e. when the sun is above at noon (dinner time).

          2. This will sound stupid. Yes..i know…..

            When i’m abroad and and still wish to access my usual sites i use VPN. I never alter the time because i don’t want them to know.

          3. I use Avast when I can be bothered to hide location.

            I’m too lazy to bother with the constant changing from browse to browser and network to network.
            I don’t do anything on the “wild side” so I hope, probably naively, that my wanderings are of no interest to trackers, let alone the State.

    5. Blimey Grizzly, you’re on a roll with that comment.

      Regarding the Eccles cakes, be a bit careful. My neighbour got an electric shock when taking some out of the oven. She dropped one on the floor, accidentally trod on it and a currant ran up her leg.

      1. No problem, Eddy.

        Mine are made from alternating currants, which means they’ll run back down the leg again.

    6. I have no criticism for anyone who can cook. I’ve tried and failed. M&S are less likely to poison me 😀!

      1. I promise you, Sean. They are. (As was the Scotch egg I made with some more of that sausage meat). :•)

    7. Where’d that come from Grizzly?

      I for one am making my own Sausage rolls tomorrow. I am very boring and just use Lincolnshire sausages and bought pastry. I can make it, but the shop is the same ingredients and easier.

      Congrats boss! They look very nice.

      1. Thanks, Wibbling. I’ve used shop-bought pastry in the past but I cannot get any decent all-butter pastry any more. Even that advertised as such has all manner of nasty, foul-tasting additives. Knocking up a batch of home-made all-butter puff pastry is a cinch.

  49. Thomas Cook have asked for a Government bail-out (a.k.a. throwing good money after bad).

    I like this –

    ” Sources insisted there were still “reasonable prospects” of a deal and suggested the government could help.”
    Heard that before somewhere….

    1. I’m from the government and I’m here to help.

      The nine most chilling words in the English language.

    2. That though could be seen as state aid which is not allowed under EU legislation

      Thomas Cook have major problems that will not be resolved by a bail out in any case. They failed to adapt to a changing market and have a huge and expensive network of High Street shops which are little used

      1. That though could be seen as state aid which is not allowed under EU legislation

        …except in France, Germany, |Luxembourg and Belgium.

  50. DT Report

    After today’s meeting Mr Barclay said: “No one wants to see a no-deal, it would be disruptive for both sides and that’s why there is a shared sense of purpose to get a deal over the line.”

    I would hazard a guess that the majority of ‘Leave voters would prefer a WTO Brexit to a refudge of May’s Surrend Vassal State WA and that 90% 0f Nottlers want a completely clean-break Brexit.

  51. Ha! Rastus has a letter in tomorrow’s Telegraph.

    “SIR – It looks as if the Brexit Party is the only thing that can save the Conservative Party from itself.

    Richard Tracey
    Dinan, Côtes-d’Armor, France, EU West .”

  52. New bus passes: Website still down after 10 days

    Did not the bright sparks think of just phasing them in or issuing them alphabetically ?

    A website for 730,000 people in Wales to renew bus passes is still out of action, 10 days after crashing because of the weight of demand.
    Concessionary pass holders, mainly over-65s, have until 31 December to apply online for new electronic passes.
    But after the renewal scheme was launched on 11 September, the volume of applicants crashed the website.

  53. Look if people want to take exotic holidays to bush place like those North African places who are unsympathetic to tourists , tough titty .

    They should know by previous history and experience that it is only the British who shower foreigners with money, sympathy and give them a bed and security

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