Tuesday 23 March: The EU has harmed its citizens catastrophically over Covid vaccines

An unofficial place to discuss the Telegraph letters, established when the DT website turned off its comments facility (now reinstated, but not as good as ours),
Intelligent, polite, good-humoured debate is welcome, whether on or off topic. Differing opinions are encouraged, but rudeness or personal attacks on other posters will not be tolerated. Posts which – in the opinion of the moderators – make this a less than cordial environment, are likely to be removed, without prior warning.  Persistent offenders will be banned.

Today’s letters (visible only to DT subscribers) are here:

747 thoughts on “Tuesday 23 March: The EU has harmed its citizens catastrophically over Covid vaccines

    1. (5 hours later): A couple of hours spent in the garden this morning and last (at time of writing) again!


  1. British Army numbers cut to smallest in history as revamp revealed in Defence Review. 23 March 2021.

    The review comes amid heavy criticism from military experts and MPs across the house who have warned against cuts to conventional warfighting capabilities.

    However, the Defence Secretary warned that while it was “tempting to use the shield of sentimentality to protect previously battle-winning but now outdated capabilities”, if the UK were to do so, it would “risks the lives of our people”.

    Morning everyone. No amount of Gizmo’s can replace the essential foundation of a powerful ground force. Without it we would simply be someone throwing firecrackers at a conventionally equipped force. An egg with a shell so thin it would crack and split at the first blow! This is so much so that one can only conclude that the real future of the British Army is to provide support for such a force and this can only mean the United States. Like the slingers from the Balearic Islands that served as auxiliaries to the Legions we are to become servants to the Empire. This is also borne out by the structure of the Royal Navy and Air Force. The former has two Aircraft Carriers that are of no use in defending these islands and have no resources to defend them while the latter will have insufficient means to protect any unilateral action we might wish to make.


    1. Perhaps nation states having efficient independent armed forces is far too much of a risk for our ruling globalist technocrats and plutocrats.

      1. 330679+ up ticks,
        Now you have it, cut down the number of Tommy Atkins before the battle starts because many are going to be reluctant to march parents at bayonet
        point to the incarceration camps

      1. Just 4 soldiers required. Two to stand outside Horseguards and 2 for the change of guard.

    2. Morning Minty ,

      It seems to me that no one in Westminster has ever played a board game , like Risk or Battleships , Chess, Snakes and Ladders, or just taken part in cowboys and indians or had a collection of toy soldiers and tanks etc .. and of course the ultimate toy, Action Man (during their childhood of course)

      1. “Cowboys and Indians”, Maggie?!?!? Surely you mean Bovine Managers and Native Americans, don’t you? (Good morning, btw, to you and all NoTTLers.)

  2. Good morning everyone.

    A year ago today, we were told that we should stay home for three weeks in order to ‘flatten the curve.’ Who could have predicted that we would still be under lockdown a year later? And I woke up this morning to the chilling news that care home workers may be forced to have a vaccine:


    Is this the thin end of a very large wedge? The right to refuse medication is enshrined in the Nuremburg Code. Perhaps one of our armies of Human Rights lawyers might make themselves useful for a change and take case on behalf of all of us who wish to choose what we put into our bodies?

    1. Is this the thin end of a very large wedge?

      Morning Kuffar. Yes it is of course. You begin with the best possible case and then drag everyone else in later!

      1. 330679+ up ticks,
        Morning AS,
        It really is working up to the point where the mafia
        will be standing a candidate in local & GE.

        UK mafia infiltration in the past ? was not George Raft stopped from, I think it was on the opening of a nightclub issue.

        The mafia inclusive of murder inc. ( renamed)

        ALL I can see in regards to the current lab/lib/con
        mass uncontrolled immigration, ( ongoing) & paedophile / felon umbrella coalition is a great many past burning bridges, there ain’t no going back for this political sh!te.

        1. At least the Mafia know how to make money, keep people in work, run nightclubs…

      1. So was ex-prime minister Blair’s wife.

        But don’t worry, said Blair, the white paper on human rights legislation has no more significance than a copy of the Beano.

  3. March 24- 2021 – Breaking News – Boris announcement – A year after the first lockdown it’s now time for people to deflect in quiet distraction over the events of the last year, oh and watch out for the third wave.

    March 24- 2022 – Breaking News – Boris announcement – Two years after the first lockdown it’s now time for people to deflect in quiet distraction over the events of the last year, oh and watch out for the sixth wave.

    March 24- 2023 – Breaking News – Boris announcement – Three year after the first lockdown it’s now time for people to deflect in quiet distraction over the events of the last year, oh and watch out for the Ninth wave.

    March 24- 2024 – Breaking News – Boris announcement – Four years after the first lockdown it’s now time for people to deflect in quiet distraction over the events of the last year, oh and watch out for the twelfth wave.

    1. 330670+ up ticks,
      Everybody has a moment of truth & “deflect” is the operative word, better late than never, for me
      Ann Marie Waters, is looking good.
      Suggest En Masse “deflect” take up on the 6th May.

  4. In the past politicians promised us more jobs and a bigger economy.
    Now they promise us more jabs and a green economy

    1. 330679+ up ticks,
      Morning B3,
      “In the past politicians promised us more jobs and a bigger economy.”

      Promises,vows,& pledges,encapsulated in a manifesto trough, fodder for the addicted human ovis, swallowed time & again via the polling booth.

  5. Foreign holidays will be ILLEGAL from Monday. 23 March 2021.

    Travellers face a £5,000 fine for going abroad on holiday when a ban on leaving the UK without ‘reasonable excuse’ comes into force on Monday.
    The threat of fines will remain in place until the end of June. And France is likely to be added to a ‘red list’ of countries requiring hotel quarantine by the end of the week.

    Welcome to Devil’s Island!


    1. ‘And was Jerusalem builded here amongst those dark Satanic hills?’

      (With Apols to William Blake)

          1. I saw the apology to Blake, so looked for an ironic slant but couldn’t find it. Too early in the morning, perhaps.

          1. ‘Devil’s Island‘ Satanic hills being a geographical reference….as opposed to Blake’s pastures and green and pleasant land…

        1. When we sailed to Malta I made some comment about a chap who got a bit drunk when he went to the island to the north. I remarked that he was legless in Gozo at the will of knaves and nobody saw that I was parodying Milton.

  6. Morning hall.
    Headline on the BBC Teenmag this morning:
    “Polish writer Jakub Zulczyk charged for calling President Duda a ‘moron’”
    “A popular Polish writer and journalist could face up to three years in prison for calling President Andrzej Duda a “moron” in a
    Facebook post in November.”
    Tut tut. Typical Soviet Union era repression.
    Oh, wait a minute. The next headline is:
    “’Kardashian clones’ jibes teacher struck off”
    Well, at least Mr. Zulcyk will be guaranteed free accommodation and meals.
    Mr. Price will have to fend for himself on the dole.

    1. The BBC report on Mr Price does not identify the “panel” who disciplined him. The kind of shoddy reporting now commonplace at the BBC.

    2. Germany has that law too. A man was fined a four figure sum recently for calling some green politician a “lefty fascist sow” on t’internet. People have been fined over 1000 euros merely for upvoting posts on fb.

  7. Morning hall.
    Headline on the BBC Teenmag this morning:
    “Polish writer Jakub Zulczyk charged for calling President Duda a ‘moron’”
    “A popular Polish writer and journalist could face up to three years in prison for calling President Andrzej Duda a “moron” in a
    Facebook post in November.”
    Tut tut. Typical Soviet Union era repression.
    Oh, wait a minute. The next headline is:
    “’Kardashian clones’ jibes teacher struck off”
    Well, at least Mr. Zulcyk will be guaranteed free accommodation and meals.
    Mr. Price will have to fend for himself on the dole.

  8. COVID-19: UK to hold minute’s silence to mark one year since lockdown. 23 March 2021.

    A horrific year of nearly 150,000 COVID-related deaths is being marked with sombre ceremonies across the UK on the anniversary of Boris Johnson’s first lockdown.

    A year since his dramatic “stay at home” TV address to the nation, the prime minister claims the past year has been one of the most difficult in the country’s history.

    Utter nonsense! 20,000 young men were killed on the First Day of the Somme while 60,000 civilians perished in the Blitz. I personally doubt that when the figures for Covid are analysed that they will greatly exceed the norm! As to the silence, Include me Out!


    1. Instead of a mawkish commemoration of Johnson’s inept handling of this “pandemic” the people should be demanding his, and others’, resignations.

        1. Morning, Araminta.

          This has SAGE behavioural scientists’ fingerprints all over it. This crude attempt to ameliorate Johnson’s calamitous and tyrannical handling of the Country has hints of North Korea; not a good idea. With the “variants and waves – especially the incoming third wave” stories added to this pathetic idea it looks as though a new team of scriptwriters is badly needed.

          1. I thought that we had had three waves already? Is the government not keeping count?

      1. Morning Korky.
        The fact people fail to demand these resignations leads me to the fact these people deserve all they get.
        The greater pity is we who pray the buffoon is replaced suffer as well.

        1. His party should be calling for his head but the opposition is reported in the dozens of MPs – although not reflected in the voting – when what is needed is hundreds. What will it take for the Tory party to wake up to the disaster that is Johnson and Hancock? The majority of Tory MPs will be held complicit in this fiasco if they do not take action against Johnson, and soon. Johnson’s demand for an extension of further dictatorial power is totally unnecessary and should be a wake up call and the demand voted down. The excuse that they were following the science will not hold up: that idea died along with the claim that the flu took a break this Winter.

          1. I keep saying it Korky, the only time MPs look like they will do the right thing is when their place at the trough is threatened.
            It happened with Treasonous May, it should be happening now with the buffoon.

          2. I had a reminder that my Conservative Party subscription was overdue. I posted this the other day, but the sentiment still holds and will hold as long as this dystopia continues.
            “Why would we bother?

            If we wanted a micromanaging police state, there are plenty of parties to choose. You have completely lost any understanding of why people support the Conservatives.

            Until this Orwellian hysteria is over and we have a genuine Conservative Party again, we’ll not be wasting our money. Money that we don’t have because of your government’s stupid behaviour.

            Restore our freedom and control over our own lives, then we might rethink. At the moment, quite frankly, you can stick it.

            Anne Allan”

          3. No reply at all. I don’t expect one; apart from anything else, I would imagine CCHQ is inundated with similar replies.
            (And, I object to the membership dues being centralised; I send the cheque – yes, CHEQUE – to the local association.)

          4. Well done you (I did see your earlier posting).

            The voting fodder MPs will only turn on Johnson when they see their well paid sinecures being threatened (hopefully after May 6th). After supporting this mess these numbskulls should find equally well paid employment hard to find.

    2. And the majority could still be alive were it not for the most dreadful dereliction of duty by doctors ever recorded. Two effective remedies to hand and studied indifference to them. Shameful.

      1. Morning E. This is the most woefully mismanaged affair since WWI! It is an utter shambles!

      2. Morning E. This is the most woefully mismanaged affair since WWI! It is an utter shambles!

    3. Hello Lockdown, my old friend
      I’ve come to curse at you again
      Because a prison softly creeping
      Locked me up while I was sleeping
      And the prison that was planted in my brain
      Still remains
      Within the sound of silence

      (With apols to Paul Simon)

    4. It is truly disgusting to try and make a Remembrance Sunday out of this planned mass panic.

      1. The most DELIBERATELY difficult year in British history.
        To be followed by TMDDYIBH mark 2, mark 3, mark 4 and so on, ad infinitum.

    5. Well, I at least was prepared to stand outside my front door and bang pots and pans with a metal tureen ladle. Unfortunately I haven’t such a ladle to hand, and Boris’ rules forbid me to go shopping and buy one.


    6. Not only the silence but you can also go outside and shine a torch or candle this evening…..

    7. I missed it. Apparently the bell in the church I normally attend (pre Covid) tolled for the minute’s silence. I had no idea it was even happening until I got the email.

  9. Morning all

    Vaccines again and again but never a mention of cures.

    SIR – The EU has failed its constituent states and their citizens catastrophically. The Commission failed to order sufficient Covid vaccine supplies and there were delays in contracts and European Medicines Agency approvals. To top it all, idiotic lies were told by leaders in France and Germany saying the Oxford-AstraZeneca vaccine did not work in the older age groups, or not at all.

    This delay and the loss of trust by EU citizens will result in tens of thousands more deaths, sickness and pressure on health services which could have been avoided.

    Emeritus Prof Colin Brown FRCP

    Sheffield, South Yorkshire

    SIR – Ursula von der Leyen, the President of the European Commission, threatens to infringe vaccine intellectual property patent rights.

    She appears to forget the principal purpose of having such rights enshrined in law, recognised in almost all countries. The benefit derived for all is that they provide time to perfect the science for the common good. Typically, it takes many years to arrive at a useful result that works well. The risk of the investment is that it doesn’t work. The law provides a limited monopoly to encourage this undertaking. At the end of the monopoly (20-25 years, depending upon the branch of science) anyone may use that patent without charge.


    To destroy this principle of risk and reward will do immense damage to the pursuit of the common good around the world.

    William Blake

    Craven Arms, Shropshire

    SIR – Could Boris Johnson stop calling the EU our European friends? It has repeatedly demonstrated it is not.

    To block life-saving vaccines because it didn’t get its own orders in time, to propose stealing the patent and to stop exports under Article 122 all show the EU for what it is.

    Alison Thomas

    Leatherhead, Surrey

    SIR – Angela Merkel, Emmanuel Macron and Ursula von der Leyen should be ashamed for demonising and politicising the AstraZeneca vaccine.

    It is the only vaccine cheap enough to be truly capable of assisting in treating poorer nations. No matter how good the Pfizer and Moderna vaccines are, their cost is far too high per dose.

    Harry Edessis


    SIR – Would it not be a good idea for our own factory to be built to produce enough vaccine to end dependence on supply from others countries?

    Philip Dennett

    Burgess Hill, West Sussex


    SIR – We should definitely share the vaccine with the world, but I can think of no better analogy than when the oxygen masks drop down in an aircraft emergency. Put on your own mask first before helping others.

    Stuart Dennis

    Farnsfield, Nottinghamshire

    1. No, Stuart Dennis, that is an appalling analogy! Young healthy people don’t need the “oxygen mask” in this case.

      Am I alone in finding the phrase “to perfect the science for the common good” terrifying?

      1. No! It used to be fine, but in these fevered times, the idea of the common good is being promoted as being more important than the rights of the individual.

    2. Phil Dennett – a) that would cost money, more than making the blessed stuff in India, and b) it requires import of the ingredients. The latter threatened by the “friends” in the EU…

  10. Covid in care homes

    SIR – I would like to thank Gordon Rayner (report, March 18) for his in-depth research into the sequence of events that led to the tragic death of my mother.

    Mum had moved into a care home, a good quality one, about 18 months before her death. I had once said to her she could live with me if she ever needed to, but sadly my one-bedroom flat was not suitable. We had three Skype conversations in the time when visiting was not possible. In the third one she was coughing. I said to her carer “She is coughing” and then I asked Mum if she had received the chocolates I sent. She said she had and said the men had enjoyed them. We had a good old laugh and her chuckles ended in a cough. Next thing, Mum was in hospital.

    I visited, got all dressed up and there the little lady was, lying on her back concentrating on every breath. The kind nurse had advised me only to stay for a little while and that they were “making her comfortable”.

    The nurse said that Mum had refused a ventilator. It was a Wednesday. The following day I was looking on Facebook and there was a message from a friend in Canada sympathising about Mum. Dear Mum had passed away.

    Recriminations are too late for 29,999 people and my Mum.

    Sally Westhuizen

    Bognor Regis, West Sussex

    1. I’m uncertain as to the point of the letter.
      Mother was ancient and refused treatment.

      1. The point is that the UK had no strategy to deal with any pandemic.
        No isolation hospitals, no quarantine zones, no medical reserve corps, no compensation plans for victims’ families, no emergency crematoria. Etc.
        Elderly people were sacrificed on the altar of the sacred NHS.
        The expression “making her comfortable” is an NHS euphemism for euthanasia.

  11. Covid in care homes

    SIR – I would like to thank Gordon Rayner (report, March 18) for his in-depth research into the sequence of events that led to the tragic death of my mother.

    Mum had moved into a care home, a good quality one, about 18 months before her death. I had once said to her she could live with me if she ever needed to, but sadly my one-bedroom flat was not suitable. We had three Skype conversations in the time when visiting was not possible. In the third one she was coughing. I said to her carer “She is coughing” and then I asked Mum if she had received the chocolates I sent. She said she had and said the men had enjoyed them. We had a good old laugh and her chuckles ended in a cough. Next thing, Mum was in hospital.

    I visited, got all dressed up and there the little lady was, lying on her back concentrating on every breath. The kind nurse had advised me only to stay for a little while and that they were “making her comfortable”.

    The nurse said that Mum had refused a ventilator. It was a Wednesday. The following day I was looking on Facebook and there was a message from a friend in Canada sympathising about Mum. Dear Mum had passed away.

    Recriminations are too late for 29,999 people and my Mum.

    Sally Westhuizen

    Bognor Regis, West Sussex

  12. SIR – I commend the comments made by the Mayor of Bristol, Marvin Rees, on Sky News yesterday, about the disorder in the city.

    He offered the most concise and intelligent distillation of what really lay behind the events that I have yet heard. Instead of being drawn into justifying the protests in light of legislation going through Parliament, he made a clear distinction between the “thugs with revolutionary fantasies” and the peaceful protesters.

    His comments put police leaders –particularly those liberals within the College of Policing – to shame for their lack of situational and strategic awareness.

    Derrick Griffiths

    St Albans, Hertfordshire

    1. The Mayor of Bristol holds opposing views over many issues and agrees with both views, often at the same time.
      In other words a typical politician.

        1. Morning, no argument here.
          My local BBC news last night paid their usual homage to him in their evening news which only covered the previous evening’s violence. No mention of course to his previous kowtowing down to the mob regarding the statue torn down and thrown in the harbour last year.
          They managed to find a couple of minutes for local weather forecast, obviously nothing else happened in the area.

        1. Like yourself in this instance I think he probably was, but you cannot send mixed messages of very little condemnation regarding toppling statutes, XR blocking roads for hours if not days on end in and around the City and his condemnation yesterday. He needs to send a consistent message to the mob.

    2. The Mayor of Bristol, Marvyn Rees, had no difficuty supporting the mob that pulled down the Colston statue!

  13. Putting out more flags

    SIR – With regard to Sherelle Jacobs’s article (“Labour and the BBC don’t understand British patriotism”, Comment, March 20), for the first time in my 81 years we have ministers so lacking in confidence that they have to be pictured in their offices alongside Union flags that have seen no action and probably never will.

    I love to see the flag flying on our buildings, and ensigns on British boats, and I wave it wildly at world sporting championships. But I make no apology for chuckling at the ministers and their flags, which are no part of British tradition. I am not part of Britain’s “urban progressive elites”; I live in rural Lancashire.

    Andrew Collier

    Garstang, Lancashire

    SIR – During the Second World War, Kennedy (later Sir Kennedy) Trevaskis was serving in the only King’s African Rifles battalion to be captured by the Italians in Somaliland.

    He told how, over the six months of imprisonment, an African soldier was teased by his fellows for sewing in his free time. When the battalion was freed by British forces, he was seen to leg it to the flagpole, climb it, tear down the Italian flag and replace it with the Union flag he had made.

    Veronica Bellers

    Gargunnock, Stirlingshire

    1. That reminds me..the bloody Moose will soon be galloping round the roads here.

      1. Baby mooses are a cute pest, as they have no sense whatever, and the parents are dim enough to follow them into the road just as you are driving by.
        At least the evenings are getting ligher, so the tasty buggers are easier to spot before you smash into them…
        Morning, Harry!

          1. Oh, boy, can they!
            I don’t know what’s worse: Moose hit by car explodes into the interior. Blood, guts and poo everywhere, or moose hit by car flies through the windscreen still alive and thrashing about inside the car, with the occupants… Best not to find out.
            One across the valley was clipped by a car a few years ago, ended sitting on the side of the road with a broken leg, looking glum. Was shot by Viltnemda (Wildlife authority). Felt sorry for the poor bugger.

    2. Good morning OB

      Snow? Reindeer?

      Do you really still have snow on the ground…

      Mild here , sunny and the c/ heating is switched off.

      1. Yes, still snow here – at Firstborn’s, it’s still crotch deep. Makes doing anything much outside a pest, and snow slid off the barn roof in front of the doors, so we can’t get the trailer out to shift junk to the tip… 🙁

  14. We are an overcrowded island , this disaster wouldn’t have happened if we weren’t so over crowded with certain communideeeeeees.

    1. It has been argued that, but for the obscene level of immigration, the vast number of crimes, large and small, committed by immigrants and their offspring would never have occurred.
      Alas, the great Ratchet of Time.

    2. It has been argued that, but for the obscene level of immigration, the vast number of crimes, large and small, committed by immigrants and their offspring would never have occurred.
      Alas, the great Ratchet of Time.

  15. The good old days….

    SIR – My uncle, in the Merchant Navy during the Second World War, was torpedoed twice. Once, as the last lifeboat was about to be lowered, the supplies officer (Letters, March 22) decided that a bucket might be a good idea and sent a junior seaman to the stores to fetch one.

    As he ran off, he shouted after him: “Don’t get one of the new ones.”

    Margaret Clark

    Salisbury, Wiltshire

    SIR – When my father was posted back to Blighty from Germany in 1948 we were allocated two rooms in a block at RAF Croft, Co Durham– a seismic change from the lovely requisitioned house we had enjoyed for two years.

    The block had no toilets. Instead we were given “two pots, pee, porcelain, airmen for the use of”. We broke one, and when we left we were charged two and sixpence for its replacement.

    Brian Halling

    Welford-on-Avon, Warwickshire


    SIR – In 1986, on march-out from RAF married quarters, I was charged £5 for having coal dust in my coal shed.

    Ray Bather

    Allendale, Northumberland

    SIR – Army married quarters in the Sixties provided an industrial-sized mincer, coated in heavy grease. The first task was to locate an obscure cupboard to store it. On marching out, it was ready for handover, untouched.

    Mildred Coull

    Ballater, Aberdeenshire

    SIR – A new Army wife in the Seventies, I took a specimen bottle to the medical centre, hoping I was expecting a baby. They wrote my husband’s name and number on the bottle. I leant over and said: “I see I’m making medical history – my husband is having the baby.”

    They wrote “Difficult officer’s wife” on my medical notes.

    Rosemary Corbin

    Zeals, Wiltshire

    1. Ray Blather – one task my Father had was to paint a heap of coal white, as the General was coming for an inspection.

      1. If it moves, pick it it up, if it doesn’t move, paint it. If you can’t do either, salute it.

        1. Err… surely “If it moves, salute it. If it doesn’t move, pick it up. If you can’t pick it up, paint it”? That’s the version I know.
          Morning, Stormy!

          1. Thats different from what our recruiting team used to say.That is better. 🙂

      2. When Princess Margaret came to Germany in ’62 (I think) the grass at Wildenrath was rather brown due to the nice weather so the grass on the route she would take round the camp was painted green

        1. At Little Rissington they built a special loo for the Queen’s visit – just in case. The female officers used it afterwards and always called it “the Queen’s Loo”.

  16. Ref the headline today: “The EU has harmed its citizens catastrophically over Covid vaccines
    Aftenposten reports approvingly that the EU (and Norway) are so slow to vaccinate people, because their focus is on solidarity, not (implied) money-grubbing selfishness. The aim, apparently, is to be inclusive, and be sure that everybody gets vaccinated worldwide, as opposed to just one country at a time (ie, the bastard UK, who last Saturday vaccinated more people than Norway has so far since vaccines have become available).
    So, how does it help to have ecery country 5% vaccinated, rather than two or 3 countries 100% vaccinated, and rolling out to others? I notice lockdown doesn’t progress like that.
    Now I’m cross! }:-((

    1. If Gert vanden Bossche is correct (and he should know), then the responsible course of action with the vaccine would be only to give it to the most vulnerable in society. 100% rollouts could have catastrophic effects on the world.
      Giving it to young healthy people is pretty pointless anyway, as their chances of dying are minimal.
      I find it very depressing how jingoistic my fellow countrymen are being about this ruddy vaccine.

  17. Did ANYONE ask us ?


    EVERY year, thousands of men, women and children from the most dangerous places in the world are given sanctuary in the UK thanks to the generosity of the British people.

    I am immensely proud that Global Britain protects those fleeing persecution, tyranny and danger.

    We have a generous asylum system that offers protection to the most vulnerable via defined legal routes.

    Just this week we announced we have already provided sanctuary to more than 20,000 vulnerable people escaping the awful conflict in Syria.

    It is crucial we help those in genuine need of our protection, like those languishing in refugee camps, rather than those who pay criminal gangs to get them to Europe. But currently those who are most in need are being failed.

    Our asylum system is collapsing under the pressures of what are, in effect, parallel illegal routes to asylum, facilitated by criminals smuggling people into the UK.

    1. If we must take them in, and I don’t believe that we do, how difficult could it be to deport illegal immigrants to those camps and bring in genuine refugees, who have gone through the proper channels, in exchange?

      If the illegals knew that they would be sent to square one almost the instant they arrived in the UK, I believe the trafficking would be substantially reduced.

      1. Morning Sos. It is the policy of all UK Political Parties and the relevant Ministries of State to bring in as many immigrants as possible while simultaneously denying it!

        1. 330679+ up ticks,
          THAT has been the open covert policy for decades with the electorates consent via
          the polling booth.

        2. I don’t think (at least I hope nothing has changed) that UKIP has a policy of bringing in as many immigrants as possible. We want a sensible immigration policy with limited numbers of people who will be an asset to the country.

      2. 330679+ up ticks,
        How difficult would it have been to have supported / voted for a political party that forever called for ” controlled immigration” instead of for a mass uncontrolled immigration ongoing coalition group.
        We are presently suffering from the fallout of the long term voting pattern malady, namely
        vote & whinge.

          1. 330679+ up ticks,
            I do not believe you have ever strayed from that path as with many others, hence our present condition as a Nation.

          2. Actually, I have voted UKIP, in both EU and UK elections.
            In local elections I voted for Independents, unless there was a candidate I knew personally.

            Fat lot of good that did.

          3. 330679+up ticks,
            I think you would find that perseverance works, it certainly works for lab/lib/con coalition in continuing support & votes and bringing these Isles to their knees.

            Many in regards to voting UKIP say in the referendum I can see that in one sense as use & abuse, the papillon type voter post referendum went straight back to supporting lab/lib/con, whinge
            lab/lib/con,whinge as a voting pattern.

            Our troubles began openly when it was heard post referendum
            “we” have won, now leave it to the tories.

          4. 330679+ upm ticks,
            Morning Atg,
            Up until the great treachery meted out by the UKIP NEC / farage
            taking them down from under the successful leadership of Gerard Batten I was a long term UKIP member.

            Supporting / voting lab/lib/con has been & is the problem adding more fuel to the anti welfare campaign raging in this Country.

          5. 330679+ up ticks,
            On that I must agree it would take a great many out of their voting comfort zone.

        1. Just do it.
          Let the HR lawyers work from the camps but only Pro Bono, no legal aid. They would soon stop too.

    2. “The British people”? I think not (except the government takes our money to waste on them).

  18. Good Moaning.
    Thinking ahead, should I warn the chap who supplies my turkey, to make sure they grow no larger than capons? It’s obvious that we are heading for another ‘lock down Christmas’.
    Links to two DM articles. I rarely read Craig Brown, but he’s spot on this time; being cooped up for a year really highlights the subject.



    1. Ramadamadingdong arriving soon. Slaughtering date for eid around 11 May. They won’t be very ‘appy to be kept from their kin, mind you, they are never very happy.

  19. Mastermind …

    I cannot express what I really feel.

    I have always hated it anyway .

    Black British Cache … that you and I are paying for ..

        1. Chuck’em out Belle. Your world view changes when you are no longer nagged by the BBC.

    1. I never miss it. Same with University Challenge and Only Connect.

      It keeps the grey matter functioning.

      1. I used to watch Mastermind – in the days of Pompous Pompossen, but got fed up with the stupid contestants who memorised their “specialised” subject but were hopeless at general knowledge; and the question master.

        1. Oh, the contestants get thicker, week by week. I answer their questions then bollock the telly for having the morons on as contestants.

          1. That is why I hate it ..

            General knowledge section v the contestants is rather creaky .

            The individuals who answer questions of their own subject are rather odd and are usually on the autism spectrum (ASD)

          2. ‘Morning, Mags, and it takes 5 minutes to ask the question and the contestant never interrupts with the answer.

        1. Good morning, Maggie.

          I know. Before Clive Myrie was mooted it was a female Muzzie. Regardless, I shall continue to watch to test my knowledge.

      2. Good morning Grizzly
        We, also, watch Only Connect and UC. Amazed at how they work out some of the answers, or not, as it’s difficult to understand the clues on OC. Got a few answers the contestants didn’t on UC.
        We also enjoy Tipping Point although it’s not as intellectual as the others but it’s light hearted entertainment.

          1. Hey Beatnik, “he travels alone”, except with his turkey, Dude. Jack London time, bro- and your starter for ten is, name that turkey!

      3. I never cease to be amazed at how much the UC works know, not about their specialism, but about stuff generally.

        1. Agreed.

          Both their general knowledge- and their ability, when confronted with a question about something they don’t know, to tease out the right answer….

        2. I love UC and Only Connect .. sparky alert minds are an absolute turn on .

          Mastermind sounds like the Funeral Dirge of the living dead.

  20. 330670+ up ticks,
    These torys ( ino) certainly know how to twist the treachery knife, mind they have had plenty of practise & encouragement via the polling booth.
    Seemingly they have added a further five K to the holiday budget if you nip across to Calais for a few days.

    I take it the incoming DOVER campaign will be immune as it comes under the reset / replacement umbrella.

    I take it that any politico popping over to Switzerland to check on bank accounts can count on the taxpayer for the five K, justice MUST be SEEN to be done.
    Some maybe a tad upset on getting an arm full of gear of a lack of time tested nature, purely for the purpose of going on holiday & a politico’s word.

  21. SIR – I live in a conservation area that doesn’t allow for drives. So we have a small private car park at the back of our properties with a garage each. None of the garages have electricity cabled to them. Therefore, we are unable yet to take advantage of electric vehicles.

    Who do we talk to about enabling charge points in the area for any future electric vehicles – the council or an electricity company?

    Kev Croot
    Coggeshall, Essex

    My sister lived on a new estate in Gloucestershire. But Mr. Croot is fortunate because, although my sister’s double garage had electricity, the doors were so narrow that it was impossible for her to get her car in. Therefore, the streets on the estate were crowded with parked cars and the garages were a boon to those who needed extra storage space!

    1. An interesting point.

      I have observed that all the houses round here that were built since 1984 HAVE garages, but they are not large enough to park a car in.

      1. Morning Bill. I like the ones you can drive into but then find you can’t open the doors!

      2. Subject to the overall renovations costs I’m hoping to be able to widen the garage by 4 feet so that when I drive the car in I can open the door and get out!

          1. That was the easy bit – already obtained. The hard part comes next counting the pennies….

      3. My garage had at the rear a couple of kitchen cupboards and an old worktop which was fitted by a previous owner when he renovated his kitchen.
        I used to have a Ford Sierra estate with a tow hitch. The only way my car would fit in the garage would be if I removed a cupboard door and reversed the car in far enough so the tow ball disappeared into the cupboard.
        Needless to say, my cars then and now live on the drive.

      4. Our garage was built in the fifties I think, and is pretty small – I put that down to cars being smaller in those days. I could still get the Touran in there though, if it wasn’t for all the junkvaluable possessions.

        1. Very true. But you would have thought that builders would have spotted that cars are much larger and built accordingly…

        2. My garage was built in the ’70s, I think (before the early eighties at least) and it’s a genuine two-car garage (as in ‘I can park two cars in it’). Mind you, when I bought my most recent car, the prime consideration was ‘can I get it in the garage and then get out of it?’

      5. The St. Mary’s carpark in Colchester was built in the 1970s. Manoeuvring even a modern noddy car into a space is a matter of breathing in.

    2. Well Mr Croot, your difficulty is really of no consequence. The future plans of Government does not include the likes of you or I being allowed private transport except bicycles. Zil lanes can only accommodate those that are deemed worthy enough.

      1. A bike will be vital to ensure a supply of electricity to your house… When the lamps go down – send your missis out to the shed and get her pedalling…!!

        1. Morning Bill – will we be allowed to have a diesel generator as a stand by.? Most 1 car garages round my estate have 2 or more cars in the driveway or the street. Our dictatorial PM has no idea of real life in the UK. How can we get the message across.

          1. How about Ms Shamima Begum?
            Intelligent, plenty of initiative, tough, fertile, conservative and BAME (just like Messrs Johnson, Sunak, Raab and Patel)

    3. I was brought up with the understanding that it is illegal to use garages for parking cars in

    4. Ah. C21 priorities – £30K worth of car sitting on the street with £4.50 worth of crap secured in the garage.

      It’s true, tho’. Garages in houses built before c1980 are too small for anything except a Sinclair C5

  22. How have Harry & Meghan lost ANOTHER right hand woman? Duke and Duchess’ chief of staff makes surprise departure after just 11 months in the job. 23 March 2021.

    Harry and Meghan’s right-hand woman in the US has stepped down after less than a year.

    Catherine St Laurent was head-hunted by the couple from the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation to become their ‘chief of staff’ and executive director of Archewell, their new non-profit organisation, last April.

    The couple called her an ‘incredible asset’ when they announced her appointment, adding: ‘We are excited to have her on our team.’

    Obviously working for this woman is closely akin to being on Chaka’s Witch-hunting staff!


      1. Lewis Hamilton could play Ginge, when they make the Woke Film of their life

        Esther Rancid, who is jobless, could play Cringe

  23. Good morning, my friends

    Holyrood inquiry concludes Nicola Sturgeon misled Scottish Parliament over unlawful Salmond investigation
    Findings separate from those of James Hamilton, who reported there had been no breach of ministerial code by Nicola Sturgeon over her role


    A BTL Comment:

    Whether or not she lied is almost irrelevant. The question is will she refuse to go and if she does is there anything that anyone will do?

    Although she is deplorable you almost have to admire the way she puts two figures fingers up to the truth and those who oppose her.

    (Edit digital error corrected)

    1. The only way that she might go is if the Greens vote against her when Tories call for a vote of “no confidence”, as they will do shortly.
      However, I don’t know that she can be compelled to demit office whatever happens, other than being voted out of the SNP party leadership.

  24. ‘Morning All

    All my life the core difference between the slave states like North Korea and East Germany and the Free UK was the ability to LEAVE freely if you chose

    From the 29th of march…………………………..????

    How utterly utterly shameful


  25. I only had limited time this morning to rework Paul Simon’s words. Having found a couple of minutes to spare here’s the full reworked version:

    Hello Lockdown, my old friend
    I’ve come to curse at you again
    Because a prison softly creeping
    Locked me up while I was sleeping
    And the prison that was planted in my brain
    Still remains
    Within the sound of silence

    In arresting dreams I walked alone
    Narrow streets of cobblestone
    ‘Neath the halo of a street lamp
    I donned my mask to the Covid ramp
    When my eyes were stabbed by the flash of a police car light
    That split the night
    And touched the sound of silence

    And in the naked light, I saw
    Ten thousand people, maybe more
    People talking without speaking
    People hearing without listening
    People writing songs that voices never share
    And no one dared
    Disturb the sound of silence

    “Fools”, said I, “You do not know
    Silence like a cancer grows
    Hear my words that I might teach you
    Take my arms that I might reach you”
    But my words, like silent raindrops fell
    And echoed
    In the wells of silence

    And the people bowed and prayed
    To the Covid god they made
    And the sign flashed out its warning
    In the words that it was forming
    And the sign said, “The words pharma profits are written on the subway walls
    And in treatment hospitals”
    And whispered in the sound of silence

    1. I am afraid that is a hate crime. Don’t worry about your garage – stand by for the perlice farce to arrive. Tooled up.

    2. Excellent.
      Would it be in breach of copyright if i passed it on to some friends ?

    1. Yo Rik

      The one closest to the camera is the Tommy, our remaining Soldier
      The one furthet away is Biggles, our remai……….
      Jack is holding the camera

    2. Yo Rik

      The one closest to the camera is the Tommy, our remaining Soldier
      The one furthet away is Biggles, our remai……….
      Jack is holding the camera

    3. Yo Rik

      The one closest to the camera is the Tommy, our remaining Soldier
      The one furthet away is Biggles, our remai……….
      Jack is holding the camera

  26. Covid: UK marks one year since the first lockdown.
    A minute’s silence will be held at midday.

    Can we make it an hour……

        1. Repair shop on TV PT they will make a great job of it and you will appear on the programe.

      1. I think about half an hour ago I witnessed one of the ‘newly arrived’ having on the job training in bin collection. His ‘boss’ the truck driver didn’t look too enamoured.
        Another was spotted around two months ago collecting the left out carboard and paper for recycling, he has since disappeared and i found a large green bin in the undergrowth. My suspicion is he suddenly had the urge to quit the job.

        1. I saw one doing the bin lorry last year, but he was doing a good, careful job, which I respect. Unlike the two I saw “working” for a landscape gardener. They were collecting leaves very, very slowly, and their body language screamed “I don’t want to be doing this.”

          1. Of course they don’t. They all think they’ll be multi millionaire professional bag of wind kickers, rappers or drug dealers. Working is only for whitey, so they can be taxed to pay for the new arrivals to live here.

          2. Clearly an act of modern day slavery have they
            realised what is happening ?
            How could possibly afford to live in the UK as seems to be their desire ?

    1. For a moment, I thought it might be the old bag I divorced… hide like a rhinoceros but not enough wrinkles. I’ll call my lawyer..

  27. Big row this morning on Vine TV, doctor Sarah got her comeuppances from the lady ( i didn’t catch her name) who stated that some of the statistics about covid deaths were more than a tad exaggerated. She stated that In the past 50 years this last 12 months only rates as 35 in the totals of annual deaths recorded. I think i’m right in saying that over the previous 5 years not including the last 12 months around 600,000 UK people die each year any way.
    Open for discussion of course.

    1. She’s also guilty of misleading with statistics. 2020 looks to be not the bad, but all those better years were the most recent ones. You have to factor in population, ages and general improving mortality in order to say how bad 2020 was.

    2. Ever noticed how figures in any way supposedly related to covid are available daily or even hourly, taking in thousands from all over the country – – yet – figures for 2 boats of people coming in by BF at Dover can’t be counted and published for several days after the event?

  28. ‘Morning, all.

    Can’t seem to get away from ‘news’ about the Gruesome Twosome and it set me thinking about their Orca Winfrey interview, in which Migraine Markle expressed her worries over the lack of titles for her son and her fears for his security. Upon reflection, I reckon she may have reason to be concerned. At sometime in the future, the child must surely inherit his father’s Dukedom, which will make him “Archie, Duke of Sussex” and as history shows, dukes called Archie do not have an enviable record with regard to personal security.

    Let us hope that Archie never visits Bosnia.

  29. We need a new daily statistic:

    Deaths as a result of the Government and NHS concentrating the vast majority of resources on a disease that doesn’t itself kill many otherwise healthy people.

    Using the new Covid standard of connection, it would include all cases where cancer and other treatments have been delayed or halted, suicides from depression caused by lockdown/job losses, murders as a result of family breakups due to lockdowns, etc.

    1. The information you have is not what you want.
      The information you want is not what you need.
      The information you need cannot be obtained Minister….

    2. They would all be recorded as “covid deaths” – whatever the case. These barstards just lie and lie.

  30. Sleepy, dazed, accident-prone Joe on the way out?

    A mandatory directive, forces all agencies to refer to the Biden administration as the “Biden-Harris Administration.”

    “Please be sure to reference the current administration as the ‘Biden-Harris Administration’ in official public communications,” the directive reads, with “Biden-Harris Administration” accented in bold.

    Trump has said “Do you miss me yet?” After a few weeks of communism under Harris, we might even have Joe saying “Do you miss me yet?”!

    It really isn’t funny when the only people laughing are Putin, Xi, Kim and the Ayatollahs.

    1. It’s very simple it’s called Cognitive Dissonance. That is in the metropolitan areas where yer Beeboids mostly live / work, BAMES tend to be in the majority and this is reflected in programming so you can look forward to an even more diverse future on TV….

          1. Probably – and the start “music” will be the imam bellowing from the speakers.

  31. If there was no NWO agenda, why would we need mass immigration from the Muslim world?…

    We all know that Europe has an aging population and a dumbed down public with no real stomach for another major war in stark contrast to those coming from war torn zones.

    Now we have the prospect of a war with China and one of the major gripes at the moment is the imprisonment of 1,000’s of Muslims on Chinese soil.

    That’s actually a more realistic reason why mass immigration has happened and the untold grief that has caused with no apparent reason other than to destroy the west.

    1. Now we have the prospect of a war with China.

      Why do you think that.There aren’t many Chinese warships in the North Atlantic but there is a British aircraft carrier on China’s doorstep.

      1. Wars are fought in many ways other than at sea. The Chinese have already given the world a new dose of the flu and have their fingers in many pies including our own security.

        1. Wars are fought in many ways other than at sea.

          Like the US way..if it moves,sanction it.

          1. I thought you were going to refer to a new Yank Sea incident there for a moment….

          2. If China has threatened the west with another more deadly wave of a virus which has resulted in most Brits imprisoned on home soil, the only way to stop them might be by taking the fight to their back yard.

          3. The Western powers have been camped in the South China Sea for years…..what was the threat then?

          4. Mass immigration of fighting age men has been going on for years also…Governments don’t always divulge the reasons for some of the crazy things they do.

          1. I genuinely fear that the world is heading in that direction.

            It won’t take much, and with Biden nominally in charge of the USA and crazies in the leadership roles everywhere else, a Gavrilo Princip moment might just be the spark.

  32. Wonderful English from Around the World

    In a Bangkok Temple:

    Cocktail lounge Norway:

    Doctor’s Surgery, Rome:

    Dry cleaners, Bangkok:

    In a Nairobi restaurant:

    On the main road to Mombasa, leaving Nairobi:

    On a poster at Kenco:

    In a City restaurant:

    In a Cemetery:

    Tokyo hotel’s rules and regulations:

    On the menu of a Swiss Restaurant:

    In a Tokyo Bar:

    Hotel, Yugoslavia:

    Hotel, Japan:

    In the lobby of a Moscow Hotel, across from a Russian Orthodox Monastery:

    A sign posted in Germany ‘s Black Forest:

    Hotel, Zurich:

    Advertisement for donkey rides, Thailand:

    Airline ticket office, Copenhagen:

    A Laundry in Rome:

    And finally, the all-time classic, seen in an Abu Dhabi Souk shop window:

  33. BBC Red Button

    Observations that in a contest between the common cold and the COVID virus the cold virus will dominate and suppress COVID.

    A revelation not to be sneezed at!

    1. Good morning, Angie.

      I was quite poorly for a month from Christmas Day.
      I tested negative for the virus but since then I have
      had a cold, some days it is ‘worserer’ than others.
      I think I am keeping Andrex tissues in business!

  34. Freddie Mercury the seal put down after dog attack near River Thames. 23 March 2021.


    A seal named after Freddie Mercury has been put down after he was left with serious injuries in a dog attack near the River Thames.

    Freddie was bitten by a dog on Sunday afternoon and was euthanised on Monday at the South Essex Wildlife Hospital in Tilbury.

    The British Divers Marine Life Rescue (BDMLR) sent its medics to attend to Freddie’s wound, which included a broken bone, dislocation, and a bite to his right flipper.

    No comment, Grrrrr!


    1. That is a dog that hasn’t been socialised or trained.

      Perhaps a starting point is to collar and chain the owners?

    1. Oh just sod off. They could get plenty of practice buggering off back where they came from.

  35. Good morning, dear NoTTLers!

    Yet again the Danes manage to do it. Why don’t we, eh, Bojo and Pritti?

    Denmark Cracks Down on “Parallel Societies”
    by Soeren Kern • March 23, 2021

    “As a society, we must step more into character and stick to our Danish values. We must not accept that democracy is replaced with hatred in parallel societies. Radicalization must not be protected. It must be revealed.” — Danish Prime Minister Mette Frederiksen.

    The Danish government has announced a package of new proposals aimed at fighting “religious and cultural parallel societies” in Denmark. A cornerstone of the plan includes capping the percentage of “non-Western” immigrants and their descendants dwelling in any given residential neighborhood [sic]. The aim is to preserve social cohesion in the country by encouraging integration and discouraging ethnic and social self-segregation.

    The announcement comes just days after Denmark approved a new law banning the foreign funding of mosques in the country. The government has also recently declared its intention significantly to limit the number of people seeking asylum in Denmark.

    Denmark, which already has some of the most restrictive immigration policies in Europe, is now at the vanguard of European efforts to preserve local traditions and values in the face of mass migration, runaway multiculturalism and the encroachment of political Islam.


      1. Not soon enough – when one remembers that Denmark (and Ireland) only joined because the UK did.

        How’s tha’ diddling?

          1. Not quite a vote on leaving the EU. Ireland wouldn’t have left if the UK was still in.

    1. I think it was the Danes who, several years ago, told the immigrants ( some who had been there 40 years and didn’t know a word of the language, nor ever worked ) that they had 2 years to learn and find a job – or else they would be deported. . . Apparently they all packed their suitcases and came here – to do nothing but live off our taxes.

      1. Can you imagine how much of our UK taxpayers money has been waisted on all of these spongers ? And till it goes on.

        1. I can imagine it – but don’t want to. I remember a tv prog that showed different cultures here. One was a young Somali woman, had four kids here, by four different men, didn’t work, had a car, lived on benefits, to which she hadn’t contributed a penny in income tax. I believe the word starts with “para”.

    2. The reception areas should serve Danish bacon butties for all!

      If they will not eat them and integrate – out!
      If they do eat them, they are dangerous fanatics who are hiding their beliefs – out!

    3. I heard about that, but it didn’t make it to our TV screens.
      How’s it going HL ?

      1. Wotcher, RE,

        I seem to be slowing down, can’t get things done like I used to. However – I also think that it’s temporary, as I’m never much good in Winter! I’ll get sprung with Spring!

        How’re things with you?

        1. Also slowing down and now we have three lovely grandchildren. Two into everything at nearly 14 months old, not twins, separate families, boy and a girl born 48 hours apart.

          1. Congratulations to you all! I think I read about your happy news on a brief look foray on NoTTL and wished you well then, but one can never have too many good wishes!!

    4. Yer Dane was yer fighting Viking. The Weegies were yer telephone sanitising Viking.
      Just saying…

  36. Good morning, dear NoTTLers!

    Yet again the Danes manage to do it. Why don’t we, eh, Bojo and Pritti?

    Denmark Cracks Down on “Parallel Societies”
    by Soeren Kern • March 23, 2021

    “As a society, we must step more into character and stick to our Danish values. We must not accept that democracy is replaced with hatred in parallel societies. Radicalization must not be protected. It must be revealed.” — Danish Prime Minister Mette Frederiksen.

    The Danish government has announced a package of new proposals aimed at fighting “religious and cultural parallel societies” in Denmark. A cornerstone of the plan includes capping the percentage of “non-Western” immigrants and their descendants dwelling in any given residential neighborhood [sic]. The aim is to preserve social cohesion in the country by encouraging integration and discouraging ethnic and social self-segregation.

    The announcement comes just days after Denmark approved a new law banning the foreign funding of mosques in the country. The government has also recently declared its intention significantly to limit the number of people seeking asylum in Denmark.

    Denmark, which already has some of the most restrictive immigration policies in Europe, is now at the vanguard of European efforts to preserve local traditions and values in the face of mass migration, runaway multiculturalism and the encroachment of political Islam.


  37. With wall to wall surveillance, the Bristol police had no intel before the riots on Sunday….

    In a day and age where all forms of communication is monitored, apart from word of mouth or carrier pigeons, how did they miss 500 thugs planning to turn up and burn so many vehicles? There’s either a secret movement rising in the shadows or the police are monitoring the wrong people…like us.

    Police chief vows to bring thugs to justice as 500 extremists blamed for riot
    FIVE hundred “serial” demonstrators hell-bent on violence were blamed yesterday for the “Kill the Bill” riot that left 20 police wounded.


    1. I hope that the Powers That Be (PTB) have taken note that the peasants are still revolting and may be coming to a square, pretty near to them, armed with step-ladders and piano wire.


  38. The UK as whole has now made it illegal to leave the country, extending the “law” that is currently in effect in Scotland. This “law” breaches the UN Declaration on Human Rights, quite blatantly, while making a mockery of the words in our British passports, “…allow the bearer to pass freely without let or hindrance...”
    The suggestion that vaccination be made compulsory for care workers is in breach of the Nuremberg Code.
    The rule of law, the respect for history and tradition, and observation of the rights and privileges of the people have now been thrown out of the window wholesale. There is no longer any attempt at democracy, but only blatant authoritarianism.

    1. There is no longer any attempt at democracy, but only blatant authoritarianism.

      Yes it’s gone! Never to return!

    2. The only other reason for bringing the locals back home and keeping them there would be in times of war.

  39. 330679+ up ticks,
    Boris Johnson Offers ‘Sincere Condolences’ on One-Year Anniversary of Lockdown

    Should read,

    Boris Johnson Offers ‘Sincere Condolences’ on One-Year Anniversary of
    imminent Death of a Nation.

  40. One minute reflecting on how many of the deaths could have been prevented and how many were not Covid at all and how many more are going to die because the priorities are wrong.

    Don’t be silent shout it from the rooftops.

      1. It would be better if some of the “answers” to the questions were not clearly inaccurate or selective in their presentation.
        I accept they are trying to get as much as possible across to make people stop and question what is going on.

        1. Well Sos given the ‘situation’ changes almost hourly, what often appear to be todays answers are tomorrows questions, or todays expert is sometimes tomorrow’s fool,……… or something like that.😉

          1. The one that I particularly dislike is the empty hospitals one. These “stings” were done in departments that are seldom crowded and were also often taken out of hours.

    1. I wonder if they were Vietnamese? There seems to be an industrial process for bringing these people in, and a well organised route to employing them in various criminal enterprises. Logic would suggest that there is an equally well organised route home.

    1. It sort of supports some peoples’ theories regarding what might have been in some aircraft vapour trails over the past 20 or so years.

    2. It supports the notion that he really does want to support a radical resizing of the world’s population…..

        1. That is the state the carpets in our ‘new’ house were left. We had it cleaned and no longer have to wipe our feet before leaving

          Mr Cooker Cleaner increased the size of the oven by Two inches all round when he cleaned it.

          We are keeping the dog biscuits and treats left under the settee, for when frineds arrive wu#ith their Labradoodle

  41. Good afternoon all. Really chilly breeze today although it’s supposed to be SSW.

    Hooray – four weeks today I shall be a “new” woman. Yes, I have an appointment with my hairdresser. Colour and cut. Yeah! Have cut it myself this morning sides and top, Alf did the length the other day for me, and I also used the thinning scissors.

    Only 4 more weeks to go. That’s if nothing changes meantime of course. I see ginge and cringe have “lost” yet another member of their team. Wonder why?

  42. Well, I am staggered this beat The Guardians PC police! A sensible comment that doesn’t mention Boris Johnson, Brexit or Trump! Someone at ‘George Floyd Plaza’ is going to pay for this mistake!

    Guardian Pick [!?]
    TheOxford vaccine was developed by the UK. It is produced and distributed
    via AZ. It is being made available en masse, at cost. And that cost is
    around 15% the price being charged for every other vaccine. It is being
    used across the world. It can be distributed easily because it can be
    stored in a fridge. The UK has poured hundreds of millions of pounds
    into the COVAX scheme. In independent tests, and in real life, its
    efficacy is being shown to be at least as high as the other available
    vaccines. These are readily available facts in the public domain, and
    should have been picked up by the writer of this article. Every Oxford
    vaccine produced in India and sent to Africa can be traced back to UK
    investment and UK development.

    There is no nation on earth who can be prouder of their contribution to the vaccine roll out than the UK.‘ [!!!!]

    1. I’m quick to criticise, but the UK has pulled one out of the hat with this. It’s a great feat, based on that young lass Bingham’s work in getting vaccines approved and manufactured.
      Give the lass a coconut, and the job as PM. No other position in government needed, she seems to be able to fix any bloody thing!

  43. 330679+ up ticks,
    May one say,
    My personal belief is that a lab/lib/con vote with anything beneficial towards the Country is on par with a mute shout and has been for decades.

  44. Just as in 1945, Britain can offer victory in Europe. 23 March 2021.

    Almost everyone here agrees that the EU’s behaviour is disgraceful, and that Britain is within its rights. Even inside the EU, public opinion is dismayed. How best, though, to react?

    There is a moral case for helping the EU. Britain has the capacity to help rescue millions of elderly on the Continent and thus prevent thousands of deaths by offering some of its own vaccines.

    There is an economic case, too. Even when we become well protected here – a day which is not far off – we shall not be able to recover economic normality if our neighbours continue to be locked down. We could free Europe from that curse. If it can be done, it will be the best lead we have given to Europe since 1945.

    One would have thought that even those who did not know the true nature of the EU would have learned it in the last month! It is an evil antidemocratic organisation staffed by Marxist ideologues. It will not thank us for helping it; rather the opposite. We should take every opportunity to kick in the goolies, not help it out!


    1. We should use the vaccine as a bargaining chip.

      Leave our fishing waters, stop interfering in Ireland and stop messing with our financial services.

      They use coercion and blackmail all the time. Let’s see how they like it.

      Not a very Christian thing to do i know but it’s their leadership endangering the lives of their own people, not us.

      Good afternoon, Minty.

        1. Christianity is an Abrahamic monotheistic religion based on the life and teachings of Jesus of Nazareth.

          1. Gosh – you ARE well-informed…{:¬))

            There are not many of them to the shilling these days. Now, yer slammers on the other hand….(the one that isn’t cut off)….

          2. What!

            So someone else can cut it off and leave it on the parapet?

            After you, old bean…

          3. That reminds me of some Excercise traffic I heard over the net when I was in Signal Platoon on duty in the Command Post:

            “Hello B20 this is 0. Move now and assault the parapet over”
            “Hello B20 this is 0 over”
            “Hello B20 this is 0. Radio check over”
            “B20 OK over”
            “0 OK. Acknowledge my last, over”
            “B20. Roger out”
            “Hello 0 this is B20. What’s a parapet? Over”

          4. Commander Med at Log HQ 1st Armd Div about 1979 – “Hello all stations, this is zero. Don’t make any calls for one hour as Corporal C**** has gone for his lunch. Out”

            Corporal C**** was an RAMC hygienist working at Div HQ who had been taught to drive a Clansman Radio.

          5. ‘Afternoon, Bill, yer slammers are just ideologists following the rantings and mumblings of a 14th Century paedophile holed up in a cave somewhere in a desert. What’s not to like (and follow)?

      1. Afternoon Phizzee. The one problem with getting down and mud wrestling with the pigs, is that the pigs like it!

    2. This is one of the comments, which got past the mods! I laughed a lot!
      Ze daftenkuntzerautofootgeschotten,

          1. Hmm, made-up word, Sue? Google translate seems to identify it as Hawaiian-Creole but cannot translate.

    1. Carpet cleaned up nicely.

      Did Begum’s mates sell it to you, or is it in lieu for legal representation?

    2. Not a patch on Hilaire Belloc’s Cautionary Verses but some of the stories are amusing in a rather German way:


      The Story of Augustus who would not have any Soup

      Augustus was a chubby lad;
      Fat, ruddy cheeks Augustus had;
      And everybody saw with joy
      The plump and hearty, healthy boy,
      He ate and drank as he was told
      And never let his soup get cold.

      But one day, one cold winter’s day
      He screamed out-‘Take the soup away:
      Oh, take the nasty soup away!
      I won’t have any soup today.’

      Next day begins his tale of woes,
      Quite lank and lean Augustus grows,
      Yet though he feels so weak and ill,
      The naughty fellow cries out still-
      ‘Not any soup for me I say:
      Oh, take the nasty soup away!
      I won’t have any soup today.’

      The third day comes; oh’ what a sin!
      To make himself so pale and thin.
      Yet, when the soup is put on table,
      He screams as loud as he is able,-
      ‘Not any soup for me, I say:
      Oh take the nasty soup away!
      I won’t have any soup to-day.’

      Look at him, now the fourth’s day’s come!
      He scarcely weighs a sugar-plum;
      He’s like a little bit of thread
      And on the fifth day he was dead!

    3. Apropos names, Uncle Bill, I am instructed to enquire whether Pickles has an official name.

        1. Typical. The sensible, caring one, as usual, gets nothing, but the attention-seeking poser and adventurer gets a spoiled and a posh name…

          1. The MR has instructed me to reply and say that You might inform them that her vote for the cats’ names was Augustus Caesar and Marcus Tullius Cicero, to be known as Tully, but that she was over-ruled.

            I wanted Ginger and Pickles – and got half!

  45. Just been speaking on the ‘phone to one of my grandsons. His hobby is painting “Warhammer” gaming models and he tells me it is a very profitable one. I hadn’t a clue what “Warhammer” was so he explained that it was a game set in a dystopian world, run by authoritarian regimes who create carnage around them as they strive to exercise their will, regardless of the havoc reaped and the threat to the survival of human civilisation.

    I remarked that I saw no need to create such a world artificially, since in 21st Century Scotland one can enjoy the real thing.

    Hope he doesn’t tell too many of his pals, or I’ll be needing a new front door.

    1. Afternoon Duncan. I once did a contract at Games Workshop in Nottingham where they made (now discontinued) and painted the figures. It is the only firm I have ever been to where they had a pub on the workshop floor!

    2. Greetings! Warhammer is the bane of my life – between them, my husband and sons have spent hundreds (probably thousands) on those blasted models. Now the boys have long since left home, I am stuck with several large boxes full of models, some assembled and painted, others still in packets. I am loathe to simply dump them! Sometimes wonder about sticking them on eBay but wouldn’t know where to begin. Must be worth a few bob.

          1. If you do try an auction house offer them part of the collection to get a valuation. Then tell them how much more there is.

          2. Seems you speak as one with experience of auctioning. I shall be guided by you then!

          3. We’re currently trying that route.

            The lower estimates exceeded most of my more optimistic ones, if we get the upper estimates I shall be delighted as we are testing the water with not particularly good items. Fees are quite high but it’s been very hassle free so far.

          4. Certainly worth asking and a reputable auction house will give estimates free.
            Usually as a %, plus VAT on the fee.
            If they turn out to be worth an absolute fortune (unlikely!) then the fee % will be reduced.

      1. When our elder son was 18, he threw out all his Warhammer and Games Workshop models. I didn’t know he had done this, I suddenly realised a week later they were missing. They were beautifully and intricately painted, but on questioning he had impulsively decided that he had moved on and they were not required on his life’s journey. Twenty years later I get asked the question: “Mum, do you know what happened to my Games Workshop models?” It was my job to be the sad bearer of information, and that I had been too late to rescue them from the bin.

        1. We inherited some Smurfs. These were little blue dwarf figures that were given away with petrol purchases or similar. Our first thought was to put them in the bin. I did a search on eBay and discovered that people buy them. We sold them all on eBay, usually in lots of one or two. One figure sold for over £30. In total we got about £250 for what I would describe as cheap plastic rubbish with no redeeming features.
          So, I’d guess you would get decent sums for Warhammer people.

        2. Younger son was like that around 1st year university time – virtually everything was disposed of though Warhammer models escaped the purge. The charity shop did very well out of the clear out.
          Having to clear mother-in-law’s house has focussed my mind on thinning out our own possessions!

    3. i’ve many hundreds of such models – time precludes doing much with them but occasionally junior and I paint together. He’s vastly better than I am.

      I bought a pile of their shares a long time ago when I got back into the hobby about ten years ago. Now, those shares have quadrupled and the dividend funds my spending!

    1. I know it’s said often on here, but people voted for the Cons at the last election in the full knowledge that they had just signed the UN Invasion Pact.
      Really, what does anyone expect?

      1. Even if the illegals have the right to enter the UK in the same way British subjects do then surely travel restrictions should apply to everybody never mind what the law of the land is?

        1. Why? The law doesn’t apply equally to anyone else in Britain. Refugees fit naturally into the pecking order as a group that must not be blamed for breaking the law.

          1. I know but there is supposed to be a health crisis which could impact on those groups who are ahead in the pecking order and already here.

          2. Always thought it was but in order to keep everyone in lockdown it makes no sense to let the illegals ashore or even the sheep will cotton on to the scam.

        2. They have no rights whatsoever H. if you tried to return from a holiday and you had no passport to show, you would be taken to one side for serious investigation.

      2. I wonder how many on this forum are constituency members and if they ever make their feelings known to central office.
        Or is it just possible we band on Nottlers are completely at odds with the rest of the country, nah scratch that!

        1. I left the party years ago, I’m afraid. The worst day in British history was when the Cons figured out that they could still get elected without the Conservative right, and therefore there was nothing stopping them from emulating Blair.

        2. If politicians listened to the public the country would be in a very different state. Richer happier and with vastly less government, I imagine.

        3. I emailed my MP back after he told me how much money the government (no, that’s the taxpayer, mate!) was going to pour into rural businesses and asked him where the money was coming from. I then told him that such profligacy was not compatible with Conservative fiscal prudence and they were as bad as Labour. He never replied.

      3. Oggy posts variations on this regularly. The reality is we do not vote on one issue and there is no option for doing it in any Party Manifesto! It is blatant anti-democratic manoeuvring but what can you do?

        1. The most important single task of government is to protect the borders of the country.
          This is a single issue on which it is worth voting.

        2. The only reasons I voted Tory last time were to keep the Marxist Party out; and because BPAPM had promised to stop cross-Channel illegals arriving.

          1. But Bill, you quite clearly did NOT keep the Marxist Party out!
            As evidenced by their tacit support of the marxist BLM organisation.

        1. They had their fingers crossed behind their backs. The UN Migration pact basically says that all migration is legal.

          1. No, but a pact like this would normally be expected to be enshrined in a country’s laws sooner or later. And it shows what government policy really is!

      1. The chap in the Yellow Top (with White Stripe) is a White Helmet. Appears everywhere, normally rescuing
        the same little girl

        He got out of the RIB twice, the firstly from the Bow, Port Side, then from Starboard:
        the fellow fishing legged it down the Beach to be in both piccies

        I could reverse my view of the boat picture, if questioned

    2. In a recent statement Boros mentioned “our shores” the other day, but perhaps he’s not actually aware of what has been going on for years.
      And more recently a Turkish truck driver was stopped and arrested for trying to take some of them back across the channel. I expect they’ll all be detained. and put on the housing list.
      I can’t quite imagine what our governments are thinking about. They always appear to eff up on every single thing they come into contact with and every single thing they don’t come into contact with,………..ah that’s the answer then. Consistency.

      1. A single white male can wait between 5 to 10 years for a council house/flat.

        They get one in 5 to 10 minutes.

        Something is seriously fucked up.

        1. This nation could have been a (was once) flag ship, now it’s deep in stinking sludge caused by a string of useless members of our political classes.

    3. A thousand Brits returning from a holiday probably pose far less of a threat than a single one of these illegal, alien spongers.

      1. But the returning thousands of holiday makers would probably in normal circumstances have a job to return to and continue to pay their taxes etc.

    4. How about a militia get together. When the boats full of illegal gimmigrants land, we shoot them?

  46. I find the Government’s ramblings about COVID completely contradictory, baffling and illogical. First we have proposals to make vaccinations compulsory for care home workers. But vaccinations only provide immunity for those vaccinated, reportedly people who have been vaccinated can still carry the virus and infect those with whom they come in contact. So why aren’t the older inhabitants the priority? Second, no overseas travel. Why? Supposedly travellers might bring back a variant. But if the population is vaccinated then there must be a degree of protection. Ah, wait, the vaccine may not be effective against these new strains. OK then, so what is the point of the vaccination in the first place if there are going to be continuous mutations? What is the strategy to deal with these mutations other than continue to impose restrictions? Maybe that is the point. There will come a point where people are going to say enough is enough, and I think we are getting pretty close to that point.

      1. As these illegals live on about €2 a day – how do they accumulate so much dosh to pay the traffickers?

        1. Credit is advanced to be paid for by our benefits,secured by threats to the women and children left behind

      2. Perhaps we Nottlers could buy a couple of RIBs and set up our own ferry service. If they ain’t going to do anything about it, might as well profit. I hear the migs pay £10,000 each.

    1. 330679+up ticks,
      Afternoon TB,
      If that was all it was then not so bad because at the next voting opportunity the electorate can vote the
      ( overseers ) out, reason being very long term treachery.

      Scuse me, pause, sides aching with black comedy laughter.

      Truth be told we have witnessed another incoming shipment of potential paedophiles / felons.
      These governance groups have introduced to these Isles
      inhuman material that mentally scar children FOR LIFE,
      and still at it after decades, plus still finding support & votes.

  47. Dog walk than shopping this morning just for a few things ..

    The cruise liners are still anchored in Weymouth bay .

    We missed the one minute silence , but when I went into Sainsbury for my few bits and pieces , the guy who checked out my shopping said the store fell silent as a mark of respect . He also commented that he wished that Boris would halt the holiday rush so that the British countryside isn’t overwhelmed again .

    https://petition.parliament.uk/petitions/574972 – PLEASE SIGN AND SHARE!
    No one will forget the countryside scenes of 2020. Litter, fly-camping, graffiti and wildfires damaged outdoor spaces in an unprecedented manner across the UK. Thus, we have launched a petition to request the government to take action and remind everyone of their collective responsibility to protect the countryside.
    If you cherish unspoilt beauty spots, whether locally or when on holiday, sign now to join us in this campaign.
    PLEASE SHARE and make this hit the 100,000 signatures needed

    1. I will sign but, unfortunately, the scum who behave in such ways will be immune to any ‘education’, adverts, posters or other initiatives. They are probably the same irresponsible ones who leave their dog mess on pavements, playing fields and country footpaths.

    2. Not looking forward to the scum coming to the Highlands, they trashed it last year

    3. Done. Cross fingers someone listens.

      Are you still thinking of selling your house?

    4. There’s been a lot of fly tipping around here – rolls of carpet and flooring, old furniture and stuff like that.

      I’ve signed – 267

      1. There was an incidence of fly tipping near Telford; it turned out to be high end clothing from a dry cleaners in London. They were traced (the idiots left the tickets on with their details!) and fined – wait for it! – £300. I’d have made it £30,000.

    5. The govt has NO repect for the countryside. That is why they are building over a million houses on it – to put in millions of people who will show it no respect either.

      1. Then of course Covid versus flu deaths don’t account for the “other” deaths recorded as covid which bumped up the covid death figures.

          1. Either we have been threatened by a deadly strain yet to be released or it’s back to square one with covid is being used to lock people up ready for the great reset or to take a vaccine which will delete many people from the planet.

            There are no long straws in the pack.

          2. Here in France they are gearing up for yet more restrictions.

            Still constant innuendo against the AZ vaccine and the onward march of what they call the UK variant

    1. From the latest ONS report:

      In Week 10, the number of deaths registered in England and Wales was
      4.4% below the five-year average (511 fewer deaths); this is the first
      time that deaths have fallen below the five-year average since the week
      ending 4 September 2020.

      Of the deaths registered in Week 10 in England and Wales, 1,501
      mentioned “novel coronavirus (COVID-19)”, a decrease of 604 deaths
      compared with Week 9.

      In Week 10, deaths involving COVID-19 accounted for 13.7% of all deaths in England and Wales, compared with 18.2% in Week 9.

      Of the 1,501 deaths involving COVID-19 in Week 10 in England and
      Wales, 1,197 had this recorded as the underlying cause of death (79.7%).

      Of the 1,957 deaths that involved Influenza and Pneumonia, 299 had this recorded as the underlying cause of death (15.3%).

  48. Having already declined the covid jab and told that my request would be placed on my records…

    Today I had two texts…one to book a covid jab and the second to book a flu jab (at this time of the year and after Chris Whitty said on the telly that nobody had died of the flu this winter).

    Or were they trying to trick me into having the covid jab from a phial marked flue jab?

    1. My surgery were quite good about covid. Once I’d had the Govt. missive and one from the surgery, the latter rang me up to offer me a date and time. I said no thank you and they just said would I like to be taken off their covid list, then nobody would bother me again about it. Great!

      1. My surgery said that when I declined, but I then got yet another NHS letter, a phone call from somebody wanting to talk about my “vaccine plan” and a text today about booking an appointment.

        1. I’ll have to see. At least letters and texts can be ignored. The letters make good firelighters, when folded.

  49. Just been informed by our generous government that I will get an extra 25p a week after 80th birthday – I’m in a panic now as I’ve never had this amount of money before – I think I’ll go mad and spend it on an egg.

    1. On the bright side Alec if you wait and save for 30 weeks you might have enough to but a pint. 🍺

    2. 30p? Cripes. I’m getting a pay cut this year. And every year the state deigns to erode my income with tax, waste and nonsense.

      But hey! There’s a £181,000 salary to pay for just because some bint doing a job worth no more than a third of that is black.

  50. 330679+ up ticks,
    The only way I can look at it now is thank heavens that johnsons latest squeeze is a green woman, because if he had taken up with a multi coloured wooly woofter what state would the Nation be in now?

    1. No worries. Had he BEEN white – they would have the field day that they began.

      Because he is a slammer – they’ll sympathise with him because of his, obvious, mental isshoos. Which they’ll find a way of blame on white men….

          1. I’ve never had an account, though I appreciate the ceaseless toilers for truth from the right who do post on there.
            Someone close to me was blurting out their every thought on twit until recently, so I was monitoring the cess-pit for a while, as a lot of private information about me was put out in public, to the point where my safety was endangered.
            Especially with the younger generation, one has to be careful. Things that you say or do in the privacy of your own home, can be broadcast on the internet a few minutes later. In several cases, even when the person was eavesdropping from another room.
            (it was not any of my children).

          2. That’s a bit disturbing BB.
            I have a few friends who use it, but nothing like you describe has ever happened to them. I suspect these days not all conspiracy theories are invalid.

    1. From ZH:
      “It’s unclear how former President Trump motivated Al-Issa to carry out this attack, but we’re sure Rachel Maddow and CNN will fill in the blanks.”

      1. Its a mere hiccup in the greater scheme of things.The Americans still have a healthy lead in the killing stakes.

      1. Why, why the flying **** can people not use the correct word? It’s brake, you half witted imbecile! To stop, not to break something! Cretinous oaf!

    2. I am angry, yes. My VPN has been fading in and out all day. It’s incredibly annoying. It crushes my bandwidth to mere 1 or 6 megabits and prevents me working.

      I’m not angry with my wife, as this is not her fault. I am not angry with my mother in law as she is sloshed.

      How did I cope with my frustrations? I called our technical person for help. They tried, but couldn’t do a lot.

      I think this arrogant, nasty white woman is just a misandrist with significant, deep seated character flaws.

    1. Because vaccination has absolutely NO impact on the virus – which will carry on until it gets bored or we all die.

      1. ….. or until there is a complete change of government. And the three-headed beast is stabbed through the heart.

        1. At the invitation of the Greek Govt – to mark Independence Day (which is a larf when you think what a basket case Greece now is).

          To go abroad – for whatever reason – right now, when we can’t even leave Norfolk – let alone leave the country – is just crass. “We are all in this together”…..bollocks.

          In addition, he’ll take a plane load of flunkeys – all of whom could easily be infected while in Athens – and bring the bloody virus back in spades.

          Not thought through at all.

          1. To add to your not thought through.

            The new restrictions start from the 29th, I believe; so they will be out and back before the new diktats are in place.

            My view: Put it in place at the instant it’s announced, and if I fall foul, tough tit.

            I am amused reading people saying “why are we being locked down” and the same people criticising those who carry on as if they aren’t.

            Yes, I see the hypocrisy, but I can’t help hoping that that very hypocrisy will cause mass disobedience.

          2. I agree about unnecessary advance notice.

            Mass disobedience? You mad or suffin’?

          3. The restrictions on foreign travel have been in place for some time. Its just that the max fine is being bumped up.

          4. Yes and no.

            “Essential travel”:
            businessmen, politicians, sportspeople and the like, has carried on regardless.
            If any such travel is essential then my view is that his visit to Greece certainly fits in those criteria.

    1. An invitation that probably pre-dates the Covid debacle.
      They’ve been vaccinated and will be in a “bubble”.

      This is merely a lefty-fest to have a go at the Royal Family and Britain as an entity.
      FOAD Daily Express.

      Funny how you are always on the front foot regarding the Covidiocy, but choose this item as a stirrer.
      Any particular reason for that?

      1. I didn’t comment on the article…

        Just put it up for general debate.

        And as you say…how the media play on people’s minds.

        1. Just a suggestion.

          When putting such things up, particularly when you do so in bold type, at least let us get a flavour of your own view on the matter.

          It stops it looking like trolling.

          1. I always put titles in bold like most headlines appear…

            I don’t really have a view on the Royal Family although I don’t much like Charles and his green credentials (flying around the world telling people they shouldn’t fly around the world) but that’s not what the article is about.

          2. Indeed, but to recap.

            If you also post your own view, it lets the rest of us get a flavour of what you are trying to achieve or create a discussion about.

        1. True, but given that their itineraries are set by the Government more than themselves it’s hardly their fault.

          1. The fact that both the Government and the Prince of Wales are apparently quite happy that this visit should go ahead despite the plebs being forbidden from travelling does say something about how they see themselves as being an oligarchy that is not included in the great reset.

            Perhaps more of the plebs will get it now.

          2. The PoW has little choice in how his itineraries are set.
            By all means blame the Government/FO, but if he had cancelled and said “I did this as an example,” do you think he would have been praised or pilloried?
            I suspect the latter.

          3. He can and does raise concerns with ministers. Also, it is not just Charles, he has a whole office to manage this sort of thing for him.
            His trip would be perfectly reasonable if not the exit ban.

          1. I thought Louis Vuitton luggage had a brown background. When did they start doing red?

  51. That’s me for what turned out to be a better day. A couple of hours doing odds and ends in the garden. Working out how to replace the auto-vent in the greenhouse (and wishing that I was skilled with my hands). Ditto with a garden bench that is partly rotten but the MR wants to salvage. AND seeds coming up in the propagators – just as I was beginning to lose heart!

    Have a jolly evening planning where you won’t be going this summer.

    A demain.

    1. I noticed yesterday that the radishes I sowed are starting to show through. Spring has sprung.

  52. Nigel Farage has a presentation on You Tube talking on the EU and its behaviour towards the UK. Made yesterday and worth a look. I cannot post it here. NF is back on form.

  53. Goebbels and Lord Haw Haw would have cringed with embarrassment, had they been seen doing today’s Coronafest.

    1. I do not trust Johnson, Hancock and their SAGE advisors. These people are criminals and colluding with the devil. They have wreaked havoc on people’s lives and businesses for over a year and for what, a sort of influenza.

      I was just thinking that the State of Israel has made vaccination mandatory. Have the Jews so quickly forgotten the mass tattooing of identity numbers on arms and the yellow stars they were forced to wear by the Nazis. I never thought for a moment that Jews would break the tenets of the Nuremberg Code 1947.

      1. Is it now mandatory?

        I thought they’ve been taking it voluntarily, but such a change to mandatory is surprising.

        The world has gone mad.

  54. Got my second jab today a month before I expected. I got it because someone had cancelled the appointment and I was not the only old person among the younger group of people waiting their turn. My surgery called me yesterday and gave me my time slot. When I arrived with my card from the first vaccination, reception had slips of paper with the names of those being vaccinated on them. They found mine quickly and I took that into the hall to await my turn. There were double the number of vaccination points, up from 2 to 4 and I was vaccinated within 5 minutes. My card was filled in. It was the Astra/Zenica vaccine.
    From my GP practice ringing me, claiming the slot for me and getting the vaccine, it was very professional and impressive.
    The vaccination process has been the one success in the whole pandemic from virus research, production of the virus to the patient getting the jab.
    I think the vaccine will be effective.

    1. It’s good to read that the logistics are working well, I hope the vaccines are equally effective.

      Assuming the intention isn’t to massacre the elderly population and sterilise the younger.

      1. I think the elderly will be last in the queue for major surgery once the NHS gets back to the new normality. Many will have become terminally ill as a result of the delays in dealing with life threatening conditions in the last 12 months – and some people want a Covid Memorial Day.

        1. I agree.
          What I find to be a real scandal is that there will be 10’s if not 100’s of thousands of younger and potentially healthy, after timely treatment, people sacrificed on the altar of a virus that really only killed the elderly and infirm.

          1. Healthy people should not be coerced into having experimental vaccinations. The dangers of mass vaccinations have been widely reported by leading vaccine experts and virologists.

            The Pfizer and Moderna jabs are not vaccines but experimental genetic implants. If they lead to an override of our innate immune system, as many virologists and immunologists have suggested, then the vaccinated will be unable to fight off the more infectious mutations of the virus. The vaccinated will become spreaders of more dangerous mutations. This is all basic stuff and the reason mRNA injections were never allowed before the emergency use orders.

          2. The common cold has had a good attempt at slaughtering me every winter since I was born except this last one. I catch them so easily and they really knock me out. I did read a couple of years ago that there was a defective gene for lowered immunity for the common cold, but only for this, not lowered immunity in general. Our younger son seems to have inherited it from me, but our elder son has escaped. I will be gone in a trice.

          3. Thinking back to cold bugs I’ve had over the last few years, the worst ones were in the summer months. In 2013 I had a bad throat and cough that lasted for weeks – that was in June/July. In June 2017 I had a cracker as we were going to stay with friends – fortunately that was only for about three days. The last bug of any sort I had was last January 2020 – maybe the covid bug or maybe not – the cough lasted a long time.

          4. So if we mess with the corona we might make the cold much more deadly; that would be a typical action from the law of unintended consequences

      2. Boros is such a winker that he would massacre the younger population and sterilise the elderly

      3. I’ve volunteered not to have the jab just in case , I said i would go round and switch all the lights off if the worst happened.

          1. Well as they seem to be arriving already, I can only conclude that we’re dying too slowly!

    2. I certainly didn’t receive a card detailing my vaccination. Just in Scotland perhaps, or did anyone get one in England?

      1. It’s a rectangular card the size of a debit card with NHS on the front. . I got it at the first jab and it has my name , the date and time, the name and batch number of the vaccines used. In my case Astra/Zenica both times. Advised to keep the card which I intend to do.

        1. Turn it over.
          Look very carefully.
          That small code in the bottom left hand corner?
          Goodnight Vienna.

          1. sos I can’t see any code other than on the back right bottom of the details page – Product code COV2020311

          2. Whew, that’s a relief, they’ve given you a reasonable life expectancy…

            Twenty past eight on the third of November.

            They might have found the antidote by then.

            Good luck.

            Only kidding

      2. Evening molamola – I live in North Yorkshire . I must ask my brother what he was given when he was jabbed a week or two ago.

      3. It’s a small card – I think the Pfizer Small Print says:
        “Vaccine macht Frei……”

      4. No Molamola, here in Central Scotland I didn’t get a card and nor did my old man. We had different vaccines. I had the OAZ and he had the Pfizer. When I asked the jabber she said it was put on to my medical record.

      1. None of us really knows for sure, that’s the trouble. Either group could be dropping like flies a few years down the line if any of the worst case scenarios play out. Let’s just hope for the best and that we shall muddle through somehow!

    3. Sitting over here in Norway (who decided to go with the EU because of “solidarity” – ie, we all go to hell together) I’m damned impressed with how the UK is handling vaccine – development, production, injection, follow-up.

        1. If it is truly an effective vaccine there will not be a wave of hospitalisations and deaths as lockdown ends. Most of the more vulnerable will have had the vaccine. If there’s a significant ‘wave’ then the vaccine ain’t worth a light. The next 3 months will see which.

          1. Chimpanzee virus….. and tested against a ‘placebo’ which turned out to be the meningitis vaccine and not a saline solution. However, having said that, if I were really forced to have one, I would have the AZ. The others are a complete no-no. I was shocked to read that Moderna haven’t produced a vaccine previously. Pfizer have the worst record for being sued for adverse drug reactions. And surely no-one has forgotten Johnson&Johnson mixing talc with asbestos…..

          2. I didn’t know there’s a meningitis vaccine. I had meningococcal septicaemia in 1979. Was taken to hospital in the early hours of Boxing Day and stayed there two and a half weeks. Took a year before I was walking normally again. (The fluid had accumulated on my legs, as it’s wont to do.) Probably still some lingering immunity. It’s possible.

          3. I think there is only a vaccine for bacterial meningitis, Sue, which is far more serious than the viral type.

        2. Oh dear, ‘cos you’re private, I cannot find the thread about the diversion from initial objective but, my main question is, did you enjoy the book?

          1. Good morning – I’ve downloaded it, but not yet started it, I’m in the middle of a historical novel at the moment….. every night I return to the 15th century (it was a difficult place then, as well, treachery abounding, power struggles). I saw you had got good reviews on Amazon. I will let you know when I have read it.

    4. I asked my doctors to call me mid week so I could plan for it.

      They called Friday afternoon, at just after 5. For Saturday morning, at 8.

  55. It’s not exactly a Mona Lisa more a Money Loosener!

    The world’s largest painting, which was created by British artist Sacha Jafri, has been sold for £45m to raise funds for children’s charities.
    Jafri spent eight months painting the 1,600 sq m (17,000 sq ft) artwork in a deserted hotel’s ballroom in Dubai.
    He planned to sell it in 70 parts, but French cryptocurrency businessman Andre Abdoune has bought the whole work.
    The price makes it one of the most expensive paintings ever sold at auction by a living artist.
    Jafri said the full $62m (£45m) would go to Dubai Cares, Unicef, Unesco and the Global Gift Foundation to help disadvantaged children in countries like Brazil, India, Indonesia and South Africa.


    1. Where’s the art work then? All I see is some bloke standing in – what looks like – an explosion in a paint factory.

      1. For once the Beeb got it right they don’t call it art merely a painting – still the good news is it ain’t likely to be stolen anytime soon….

    2. Looks like the loading bay of a particularly badly run retail outlet selling hope to the masses.

    3. I wonder if Andre Abdoune would be interested in this London, Thames Bridge , I have for sale?

    1. I’m sure that the poor little shit has to come to terms with the fact that he has to work for remuneration – shock, horror.


    1. The Dutch authorities were using sewage analysis last year but I haven’t heard much about it since.

  56. From https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2021/mar/23/boulder-shooting-police-victims-suspect-grocery-store

    Police named the suspect as Ahmad al Aliwi Alissa. The 21-year-old was in stable condition at a hospital after being injured in the shooting and would be transported to a local jail soon, police said. Herold said he had been charged with 10 counts of first-degree murder. More details would be forthcoming, authorities said.

    The Boulder county district attorney, Michael Dougherty, said it was too early to identify a motive. The FBI encouraged people to share information.
    So, I’m sharing the information as the FBI requested.

        1. No good sending him to Bradford then, his fireproof ‘mates’ will have got there first

          1. Doesn’t say that the virgins are young women. Maybe smelly old scrotes that resemble goats (and smell like them, too).

          2. Doesn’t say that the virgins are young women. Maybe smelly old scrotes that resemble goats (and smell like them, too).

    1. Relatives suggested he was “mentally ill” and paranoid, and that he had been bullied at school.

      Itchy beard

  57. Just as in 1945, Britain can offer victory in Europe

    So long as the EU sticks by its promise to deliver the second doses of Pfizer-BioNTech our vulnerable need, we should consider helping


    The European Union wants to grab supplies of the AstraZeneca vaccine, including those from the Halix factory in Leyden, Holland. This is particularly rich, since Halix’s production success owes much to a team sent over at Christmas by Kate Bingham’s Vaccine Task Force. The company was lagging behind the production of the same vaccine in Oxford. It needed our help to achieve the necessary scale by installing 1,000-litre bio-reactors.

    Britain was able to step in because it was about five months ahead of EU plans for vaccine deployment. Its assistance was good both for this country and for the EU. This is part of the context in which the EU, so desperate to avoid blame for its own sloth and maladministration, now threatens to break contracts and deprive Britain of vaccines coming out of Halix and other continental suppliers.

    Almost everyone here agrees that the EU’s behaviour is disgraceful, and that Britain is within its rights. Even inside the EU, public opinion is dismayed. How best, though, to react?

    I would tentatively suggest that this country is in a position to be super-nice. We are way ahead of Europe, and we already have enough AstraZeneca vaccine to administer the second doses we need. In the slightly longer term, everything seems to be on track for our plentiful supply of Novovax (60 million doses) and Valdema. So long as Europe sticks by its promise to deliver the second doses of Pfizer-BioNTech our vulnerable need, we should consider helping.

    Obviously, it is our absolute duty to vaccinate all vulnerable British residents first; but if that duty is discharged, is it essential that we rush forward at the same pace to vaccinate everyone else? We already have enough to cover “priority groupings” 1 to 9. The drive to get every 25-year-old vaccinated by the summer is good propaganda but will have little impact on death and infection rates if our vulnerable are already safe.

    There is a moral case for helping the EU. Britain has the capacity to help rescue millions of elderly on the Continent and thus prevent thousands of deaths by offering some of its own vaccines.

    There is an economic case, too. Even when we become well protected here – a day which is not far off – we shall not be able to recover economic normality if our neighbours continue to be locked down. We could free Europe from that curse. If it can be done, it will be the best lead we have given to Europe since 1945.

    A disturbing common thread

    If you follow public order disturbances since the horrifying murder of Sarah Everard three weeks ago, you will notice a thread. The vigil on Clapham Common in her memory the following weekend included elements protesting about the upcoming Police, Crime, Sentencing and Courts Bill, which attempts to set more conditions on the right to protest.

    A subsequent protest in Westminster, ostensibly about Miss Everard’s death, made this more explicit. Sunday night’s repulsive violence against the police in Bristol was the next and nastiest step in the campaign against the Bill – the sort of protest, indeed, which explains why many want the Bill passed.

    What is going on? As in the case of Black Lives Matter protests after the death of George Floyd in Minneapolis, activists are capitalising on people’s upset. As time passes since Sarah Everard’s death, I notice that those who actually knew the poor woman have bravely spoken up, pointing out that she was a person in her own right, not a protest tool. They worry that the hijacking of her case will make it harder to secure a conviction for murder in court.

    We need to get wise against the political manipulation of grief and anger.

    The divisive effect of collecting ethnic data

    Winston Churchill’s son Randolph is the subject of a new biography, by Josh Ireland. Randolph was not a perfect human being. He was very rude and very drunk. But a story told in the book makes one’s heart warm to him.

    Arriving in South Africa during the apartheid era, he made a great scene over the immigration form. Why should he, who claimed descent from the American Indian princess Pocahontas, have to submit to the regime’s impertinent ethnic classifications? Where the form demanded his race, Randolph wrote “human”.

    I was thinking about this when, in common with millions of others, I filled in the census form on Sunday. There is a race question, described as “ethnicity”. Unlike questions about sexuality or gender identity, this one is not described as “voluntary”, but I refused to fill it in all the same. The computer did not reject my form, I notice.

    The effect of collecting ethnic data is divisive. If citizens are identified by race, this encourages conflict. Identity definition leads to identity politics, which leads to struggles to bump up numbers and keeps people in ghettos. It weakens our common Britishness.

    More recently, something else has developed. Critical race theory, with its talk of white “supremacy”, singles whites out for racist disdain. It sees white people as inherently bad, simply because they are white. Officialdom now half-accepts this, discriminating against whites for jobs, university places etc. This is, in effect, apartheid, but with the South African hierarchy of race superiority reversed.

    I therefore do not want the state to know the racial composition of this country. So I am doing my tiny bit by refusing to reveal mine on any official form.


      1. I would gift the effing French and Germans every single dose of these experimental vaccines. If their stupid governments follow ours and they agree to implement these vaccines then we are not alone. Both Germans, French and British will finally wake up to the crime.

    1. Yes Charles, let’s just give the EU whatever they want. We have done up until now and look how they have generously responded.

    2. Much as I admire Charles Moore he is mistaken in crowing about the ‘world beating’ vaccinations. These Corona Virus jabs will likely cause or lead to more deaths than can be attributed to the lockdowns.

      The man is apparently an uneducated idiot despite his journalistic credentials otherwise. Words otherwise fail me.

  58. STUDY: Bill Gates DTP Vaccine Killed 10 Times More African Girls Than The Disease Itself
    January 6, 2021
    According to a peer reviewed study published in a respected journal by the world’s most authoritative vaccine scientists, Bill Gates DTP vaccine killed 10 times more African girls than the disease itself. The vaccine apparently compromised their immune systems. Although, such study was never performed before 2017, Bill Gates and the Vaccine Alliance GAVI and WHO pushed the vaccines on unsuspecting African babies.

    The study (read below) titled, The Introduction of Diphtheria-Tetanus-Pertussis and Oral Polio Vaccine Among Young Infants in an Urban African Community: A Natural Experiment was commissioned by the Danish government and Novo Nordisk Foundation and was conducted by a team of the world’s leading experts on African vaccination led by two most prominent names, Drs. Søren Wengel Mogensen and Peter Aaby.

    The DTP vaccine is a class of combination vaccines against three infectious diseases in humans: diphtheria, pertussis (whooping cough), and tetanus.

    The DTP vaccine was discontinued in the United States and other western nations in the 1990s following thousands of reports of death and brain damage. Despite widespread vaccination, the United States and other countries are still experiencing large pertussis outbreaks.

    Until the study was published in 2017, the WHO (World Health Organisation) never conducted the kind of vaccinated/unvaccinated (or placebo) study necessary to ascertain if the DTP vaccine actually yields beneficial health outcomes.

    Yet, Bill Gates and his Vaccine Alliance GAVI and WHO pushed the untested vaccines on African babies.

    The scientists conducting the study were shocked when they found that 50% of children in the African nation of Guinea Bissau die before the age of five.

    In that west African nation, half the children were vaccinated with the DTP vaccine at three months and the other half at six months. Dr. Mogenson and his team found that girls vaccinated with the DTP vaccine died at 10 times the rate of unvaccinated kids.

    While the vaccinated children were protected from Diphtheria, Tetanus and Pertussis, they were far more susceptible to other deadly diseases than unvaccinated peers. The vaccine apparently compromised their immune systems.

    DTP was associated with 5-fold higher mortality than being unvaccinated. No prospective study has shown beneficial survival effects of DTP. Unfortunately, DTP is the most widely used vaccine, and the proportion who receives DTP3 is used globally as an indicator of the performance of national vaccination programs.

    It should be of concern that the effect of routine vaccinations on allcause mortality was not tested in randomized trials. All currently available evidence suggests that DTP vaccine may kill more children from other causes than it saves from diphtheria, tetanus or pertussis. Though a vaccine protects children against the target disease it may simultaneously increase susceptibility to unrelated infections.

    Bill Gates funded and British led GAVI (Global Alliance for Vaccines and Immunisation) has created a system called “Performance based funding” whereby they financially punish nations based on their compliance or non-compliance to vaccination programs.

    On the other hand we learned last year based on an intercepted human intelligence report that Bill Gates offered $10 million bribe for a forced vaccination program for Coronavirus to the Nigerian House of Representatives.

    Indians should beware that the British led GAVI has managed to infiltrate India’s healthcare policy-making thereby gaining a strategic position to dictate India’s response to coronavirus.

    While the UK is GAVI’s largest funder, its implementation follows what is known as the” Gates approach”. Known as the Vaccine Cartel or Pharma Cartel by critics, its vaccines have been accused of causing atleast 38 million premature deaths worldwide.

    Even the so called “Swadeshi” Indian COVID-19 vaccine COVAXIN maker Bharat Biotech was backed since its inception by Bill Gates and the international pharma lobby.

    Bill Gates agenda in India and his “obsession with vaccines” was exposed last year in a lengthy piece by Robert F. Kennedy Jr., the nephew of former American President John F. Kennedy.



    1. Laws, ethics, prudence, decency, all go by the board when money is to be made.

    2. All evidence suggests that Bill Gates is only interested in trousering trillions from his Pharma investments and patents, in bribing stupid and thereby boughten governments and officials, in promoting experimental and poisonous vaccines with a view to population control, and all the while jetting around the globe under the disgusting pretence that he and his wife’s ‘foundation’ is philanthropic.

      So many fall to this fake pandemic scam devised by Gates, Bezos, Fauci and China. But as Clint Eastwood remarked on the election of Barack Obama to President of the United States: “There is no cure for stupid”.

  59. It’s notable that comments are disabled on this article. Walden is correct to say that demonstrations are being hijacked by trouble-makers (as though they never were before) but is she correct to suggest that they are attracted to any demo, whether its cause might be considered ‘left’ or ‘right’? In doing so, she has a swing at anti-lockdown demos. A quick scan of the Guardian and BBC comments sections shows high ‘leftist’ support for lockdown.

    ‘Revolutionary tourists’ will piggy-back on any tragedy to get their kicks

    The goons that attacked the police in Bristol are the type that jump on any cause to get their kicks, defeating the aims of real protestors


    “Revolutionary tourism.” It’s an arresting phrase, and one that stopped me in my tracks when I read the words used by Bristol Mayor Marvin Rees. Because it didn’t just describe – so accurately – what happened in Bristol city centre on Sunday night, when a group of “revolutionary tourists” turned a supposedly non-violent “Kill the Bill” protest into a vicious attack on the police force, but a wider pandemic-prompted phenomenon we’re seeing across the country and beyond, where groups of cynical-minded thugs are hijacking protests for their own self-indulgent ends.

    Sunday night’s scenes were shocking to behold. As the protest about the Government’s new Police, Crime, Sentencing and Courts Bill deteriorated into a riot, 20 police officers were injured after being stamped on, beaten with sticks and pelted with stones, a Bristol police station was attacked and police vans were set alight. Demonstrators were likened to “a mob of animals” as they threw fireworks into the crowds and daubed graffiti on walls. But perhaps most shocking was the inauthenticity of the motivations behind these acts of violence.

    Zoom in on the faces of these cynically minded goons as they clamber over police cars and scale police station walls, and they’re grinning into the cameras, enjoying their own ‘heroism’ and revelling in their revolutionary carnival. This wasn’t about protesting against a long-planned bill that aims to give officers more precise powers to restrict demonstrations – one that would allow the police to impose a start and finish time to protests and set noise limits – but entertainment.

    What or whom these ‘revolutionaries’ are protesting against is inconsequential. They’ll piggy-back on any cause or tragedy – whether it’s anti-lockdown rallies, Black Lives Matter protests or Sarah Everard’s vigil – to get their kicks.

    In the days that followed Everard’s initially dignified and respectful tribute on Clapham Common earlier this month, an old university friend of the 33-year-old, Helena Edwards, decried the rush to apportion blame and politicise her death, saying: “My friend’s tragic death has been hijacked.”

    Hard as it is to imagine how the pain felt by Everard’s friends and family could have been made worse, that is precisely what these revolutionary tourists managed to achieve.

    We now know that among the tragedy tourists who fancied a little detour that day were Piers Corbyn’s anti-lockdown supporters – with one of his grotesquely opportunistic associates, Dr Heiko Khoo, angrily conflating Everard’s death with coronavirus restrictions from a platform and choosing that moment to point out that “Sarah was breaking the rules that day” – as well as other well-known professional agitators linked to movements such as Extinction Rebellion.

    Those people weren’t thinking of Everard and the safety of women that day, any more than the horned, fur-capped and bare-chested thug who stormed the US Capitol on January 6 was thinking of “Making America Great Again”. In fact, scratch the surface of Jake Angeli’s beliefs (they won’t go much deeper) and you’ll find that besides being a well-known supporter of the already baseless QAnon conspiracy theory, his overwhelming motivation as he travels from protest to protest is simply to “use his unique outfit to stand out”.

    He is indeed the poster boy for revolutionary tourism and a perfect example of what Rees condemned as “self-indulgent, self-centred people coming here looking for a conflict”.

    That desire for conflict hasn’t happened in a vacuum. A year of having our basic human rights suspended (by a raging pandemic before any man-made laws, it should be pointed out) has created a dangerously febrile society, and there is now conflict everywhere we look: from within our work and family relationships, all the way up to our relationships with the Government and the police – who have had an impossible job to carry out, no matter how you look at it.

    But the great irony of revolutionary tourism is that it both demeans and defeats the genuine motivations of protestors seeking to instigate positive change. Protest is crucial within a democracy, and there was and is a debate to be had about the Police, Crime, Sentencing and Courts Bill.

    But there was no debate on Sunday night, and instead the riot will only be used to justify the legislation.

    “People from those communities who have been on the rough end of the criminal justice system are now in more danger,” Rees pointed out. “It doesn’t put them closer to justice, it puts them further away.” Not that the revolutionary tourists care. They’re already en route to their next protest, armed with sticks and stones and a set of empty beliefs.


    1. ‘…instead the riot will only be used to justify the legislation’

      That was my initial thought on seeing the rioting.

    1. They do not care one jot about us. They are lining their pockets and allowing an evil Eugenicist to kill us off with dangerous vaccines which will amplify a relatively harmless flu-type virus to a series of highly infectious mutant strains of the virus.

      The vaccines most promoted by Gates are not vaccines at all but genetic implants.

      That is my final comment on this dreadful saga. If folk are unable or unwilling to get the facts for themselves I can only wish them luck. The medicos recommending and administering these ‘vaccines’ should consult their Hippocratic Oath: DO NO HARM.

      1. It has become the hypocritical oath.
        Having the sign off last November following my knee op last year the consultant advised taking 5,000 iu of Vitamin D3 each day to improve the immune system. He said he wouldn’t have the injection l

          1. He said nobody in this country gets enough sun to boost the Vit D and everyone should take it and it would reduce illness. He is a black chap and a good bloke.

      2. Can we believe your last sentence? I,for one, am totally fed up with all this for and anti-vaccine, enough already! We all have to do our own research and do what is best for ourselves and the life we have and where we live.

  60. Just one England player makes my British and Irish Lions Test XV – and it is not Maro Itoje, writes Will Greenwood

    The bluddie sod

    I told him I would still be sorting my houe out, after the move….. but would he listen

    I just will not turn up for thr matches (like most of the England;side this Sux Nations)

    As for going on bended knee, only when the Queen Knights me, at Windsor Castle, infront of her Bishops, for not being a Pawn in the BLT hands


  61. BBC1 News just now:-

    ‘There will be a £5000 fine for anyone leaving the country without a reasonable excuse.’

    When tf did we need a ‘reasonable excuse’ to live our lives?

    1. Perhaps our stupid government could find a way to fine illegal migrants £5000 for arriving in our country without a reasonable excuse and uninvited.

      Thought not.

      Boris, you fat slothful git, your days in government are numbered. You can take your incompetent cabinet with you.

      1. Most individuals who have to work for a living in the commercial world just get on and contribute positively to society. I think that its those in positions of influence in government jobs feel the need to justify their existence and produce evermore bizarre ideas. If you are a diversity officer, you will be out of a job if you suggest there is equality in your organisation, so evermore outlandish schemes have to be devised. Perhaps the Great Reset will do some good, it will certainly lead to a survival of the fittest as resources will become scarce and the stupid and lazy will fall by the wayside. I am beginning to sound like a biblical prophet, accordingly I can recommend the Studio 54 craft ale from Aldi!

    1. Ms Bornat is actually a genuine architect, a member of RIBA.
      Am reading a book about slavery at the moment. Ghastly.

      1. I am a genuine architect and have practised for over forty years. My works include two ‘modern’ listed buildings and a lot else besides either in conservation and just about every other facet.

        I would not employ this stupid Bornat (Borat?) woman. One of our best architects, Sir Edwin Lutyens, so despised the RIBA that he established the IRA or Institute of Registered Architects.

        Another great architect of C20 was Emmanuel Vincent Harris. He was awarded the RIBA Royal Gold Medal in Architecture. His was the shortest ever acceptance speech because he knew that he was speaking to a clique and a bunch of inhuman Modernists.

        Vincent Harris remarked: “ Look, a lot of you people here tonight don’t like what I do and I don’t like what a lot of you do but I am proud and honoured to receive the Royal Gold Medal.”

        I mention this example because the RIBA has never represented Architects as a whole. The Institution is wedded to the promotion of ‘Starchitects’ and merely uses the army of run and mill subscribers as paying idiots. I was elected to the RIBA over forty years ago and paid large sums in subscriptions but cancelled my subscription which was about £500 per annum for sod all but a constant stream of Climate Change propaganda and General Wokery.

          1. Believe me. The RIBA is a corrupt institution. They have bought the climate change propaganda wholesale and do not represent their membership in any shape or form.

  62. Evening, all. On Palm Sunday my church services restart, so I’ve booked a place. As it’s also the start of BST, I hope I manage to get there on time.

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