Tuesday 30 March: Volunteers in the vaccination campaign have been the best of Britain

An unofficial place to discuss the Telegraph letters, established when the DT website turned off its comments facility (now reinstated, but not as good as ours),
Intelligent, polite, good-humoured debate is welcome, whether on or off topic. Differing opinions are encouraged, but rudeness or personal attacks on other posters will not be tolerated. Posts which – in the opinion of the moderators – make this a less than cordial environment, are likely to be removed, without prior warning.  Persistent offenders will be banned.

Today’s letters (visible only to DT subscribers) are here:

634 thoughts on “Tuesday 30 March: Volunteers in the vaccination campaign have been the best of Britain

  1. China’s aggressive strategy of divide and rule is a historic miscalculation. 30 March 2021.

    China’s response last week to the limited sanctions imposed by the US, UK, EU and Canada on four officials involved in the repression of the Uyghurs was true to the “wolf warrior” playbook of diplomacy. Scorning any notion of a proportionate “tit for tat”, China decided to place individual sanctions on dozens of people who have criticised the treatment of the Uyghurs. Somewhat stunned by this, MEPs in Brussels have now turned against ratifying the investment treaty the EU signed with China in January. In this country, universities have become alarmed at the threat of Chinese behaviour to academic freedom.

    In a democratic society such as our own, the placing of sanctions on MPs, including Sir Iain Duncan Smith and Tom Tugendhat, encourages all of us to defend their right to free speech. Even for those of us who emphasise the need to find ways of working with China on many global issues, the attempt to suppress criticism will give an incentive to step it up.

    Morning everyone. Our Universities far from alarmed actually court and emulate China, as to a …democratic society such as our own… one can only give a hollow laugh!


    1. Parliamentary democracy has had its day.
      ‘Globalists’ are looking at a different model.

      1. Parlliamentary democracy stopped working when parliament decided it didn’t like democracy.

        An alternative is direct democracy. Have the state constrained by the people.

        That, however, requires a demos that is capable and invested. Thus for us to have democracy we need to remove the universal franchise: offer it, so anyone can earn it, but earned it must be.

  2. Good Morning Folks,

    Clear bright start here this morning, big yellow moon earlier, to the West

  3. Another notch on the Old Tin Foil Hat, world government officially announced today with the new treaty.
    This pandemic has worked out very fortunately for Big Tech and the forces of Globalism.
    No wonder they had to get rid of Trump first.

  4. Good morning everyone.

    ‘World leaders call for pandemic treaty’


    Do we need any clearer evidence that the point of all of this is to create a global government? Why stop at vaccine policy, perhaps a ‘co-ordinated, global response’ to the economic crisis (which they created) is also needed? Chuck in lots of cuddly-sounding words like ‘solidarity; co-operation, peace and prosperity’ with none of that nasty ‘nationalism’ (ugh). That way, you disguise the real purpose, which is taking power away from democratically-elected national politicians and concentrating it the hands of a small band of people who were never voted for by anyone.

    Welcome to the One World Order.

      1. I don’t think it will just be 24 nations, but the whole world if we are stupid enough to let them get away with it.

    1. Odd that they’re trying this as what worked during the pandemic was individual nations making their own choices.

      What didn’t work was oppressive, authoritarian pan national politicking.

      It seems these fools are obsessed with doing the wrong thing for the hell of it.

  5. “Study: U.S. Media’s Covid Coverage Slants Heavily Negative”. 30 March 2021.

    The COVID pandemic has shown today’s Americans to be “the sheeple.” Easily herded, easily intimidated by people like Fauci the Great, easily made into serfs by dimwits like Biden and K. Harris. Americans are not the people their ancestors were. You are undoubtedly tired of hearing about SWMBO’s genealogical labors, but she keeps discovering more and more about my New England colonist forebears and insists on telling me about them. They were a very tough lot. My ancestors had money, position and status in England but they left home to make a trans-Atlantic crossing in a leaky wooden boat. Then they got off the boat on a hostile shore where they found a rotten climate, stony soil and forests full of Indians not keen on their ever growing presence. I can only wonder what those folks would have thought of us today. Pat Lang.

    The view from the States. I would suggest to Colonel Lang that Freedom, Independence and Self-sufficiency are social muscles that much like their physical counterparts need exercise to function at optimum capacity. The creation of State Institutions and Welfare act to inhibit them and they simply atrophy and eventually die.


    1. To the communists, Maoists and fellow travellers,. the Welfare State was the way to eliminate independence of thought and action in the nation.

      This has been pointed out since the seventies, but most of the community still wish to proceed down the road of complete submission to the State rather than think for themselves.

      Certainly mental slaves!

  6. Morning all, looks very sunny but it’s chilly out there.
    I wonder if I have 5 friends to make the most of Johnson’s generosity.

    1. 330996+ up ticks,
      Morning VVOF
      See it for what it is, time out to practise jumping in unison, and improving on the height for the future.

    2. I do not. But I have a tape recorder on which I can record myself with 5 different voices and then play it back and add my own voice as required to keep the conversation flowing. I also have a dummy smartphone, I can hold to my ear and pretend.

  7. Larry McMurtry, US novelist and screenwriter noted for Lonesome Dove and Terms of Endearment – obituary. 30 March 2021.

    McMurtry was regarded by many readers as the great modern writer of cowboy stories. Further mythologising the West, as seemed to be the popular perception of his work, was not, however, his intention.

    Moreover, McMurtry had no truck with the notion that there had been much nobility to life on the frontier. “Settling the West was not heroic,” he observed, characterising its culture as misogynistic and racist. Lonesome Dove (1985), which recounts a cattle drive from Texas to Montana in the 1870s and what befalls those caught up in it, was a brutally unsentimental depiction of such a society.

    Lonesome Dove, which I am at present rereading for the umpteenth time, is probably the greatest modern western if one leaves aside Blood Meridian by Cormac McCarthy which is something else entirely. The characterising its culture as misogynistic and racist are the obituarist’s words peddling their Woke views. It is, aside from being exciting and well told, notable for the interplay of humour between the characters, an almost unknown phenomenon in the genre.


    1. I’ve read that a few times as well as most of his others. Dead Man’s Walk, Streets of Laredo, all great reads. The only ones I couldn’t enjoy quite as much was his Berrybender series of 4 novels, otherwise the best ‘western’ author by a Texan mile. He’s given me hundreds of hours of pleasure. RIP.

  8. Morning all

    SIR – I hope the country will find a suitable way to show its appreciation to the thousands of volunteers who have made the vaccine rollout such a success.

    When I had my first jab earlier this month I was amazed by the good-natured efficiency of the volunteers.

    They are doing a job even more important than the games-makers at the 2012 Olympics, but rather less glamorous. They are saving lives and protecting the country.

    David Mannering

    Burton Lazars, Leicestershire

    SIR – Why has Kate Bingham not been awarded an “instant” honour?

    Paul McGoldrick

    Sittingbourne, Kent

    SIR – What a joy it was at the weekend to see the BBC news report from the AstraZeneca facility in Wrexham.

    The staff were enthusiastic and proud to be in the vanguard in the fight against the Covid pandemic, and willing to work hard to produce the vaccines as quickly as possible. I was surprised to see this report instead of the normal doom and gloom from the BBC newsroom.


    Michael Walford

    Aldeburgh, Suffolk

    SIR – Sending any spare UK Covid vaccines to Ireland as a priority makes enormous sense.

    Ireland shares the only land border with the UK, and vaccinating everyone on the island of Ireland would reduce the risk of infection from the Republic of Ireland entering Northern Ireland and Great Britain.

    It would also help the European vaccine rollout and improve relations with Europe.

    Dr Robert McKinty

    Darlington, Co Durham

    SIR – The proposal for an app to prove vaccination status heralds a time when to live a life of freedom we will be shackled to our mobile phones.

    Polly Thomas

    Hadlow, Kent

    SIR – All a pub has to do is put a sign on the door, “No Covid passport required here”, and it will be thronged with customers.

    John Booth

    Long Crendon, Buckinghamshire

    SIR – I never liked shopping – finding a parking space, drifting in and out of hot shops, finding something I liked but not in my size, aching feet, frustration, exhaustion.

    For ages now I have done all shopping online (Letters, March 27). I never wish to enter a supermarket or department store again.



    Clothes and shoes are tried on at home with my existing wardrobe before making a decision. Returns are easy.

    Ocado and Waitrose deliver the boring stuff. Meat comes from a lovely local butcher, fish from a fishmonger, fruit and veg from a super local shop. We have a community-run village store and farm shop, too. It’s bliss.

    Diana Gibbons

    Pulborough, West Sussex

    1. Dr McKinty is unrealistically optimistic.

      Appeasement never improves relations between nations.

      It just sets up a master/servant situation.

        1. It would appear from the offhand rejection of Mr Johnson’s last offer that the Southern Irish are certainly trying to get that established.

      1. We could nuke Dublin and the great city of Mullingar. That would reduce the danger, and we could deport all the Irish in the UK first…

        1. I’m not sure about nukes Horace, remember we are downwind of Dublin.

          On the other hand, your recommendation to improve the average IQ of both nations certainly needs consideration.

        2. I’m not sure about nukes Horace, remember we are downwind of Dublin.

          On the other hand, your recommendation to improve the average IQ of both nations certainly needs consideration.

    2. Good morning everybody; sunny and dry.

      The lady who shops online and at “super local” establishments appears to reside in a smart hamlet a mile or two from Petworth. The internet values her house at 1.5 million.
      Sometimes I regret posting stuff because it could be perceived as a bit arrogant or cruel, but I mean no offence to Mrs Gibbons; I simply tried to read her letter whilst imagining the voice of Margo Leadbetter.

    3. “SIR – Why has Kate Bingham not been awarded an “instant” honour?”

      November 2020: The Times reported that Bingham had “insisted” on employing her own team of eight PR consultants at the equivalent of £167,000 per annum each. One government source was reported as saying that the consultants had helped her prepare for interviews, assisted with press statements and set up an official government podcast.

    4. We don’t have poor relations with “Europe”, doc. It’s the undemocratic and nasty EU that’s causing the problem.

    5. We don’t have poor relations with “Europe”, doc. It’s the undemocratic and nasty EU that’s causing the problem.

  9. Where are We?

    Two tourists were driving through Louisiana. As they were approaching Natchitoches, they started arguing about the pronunciation of the town’s name.

    They argued back and forth until they stopped for lunch.

    As they stood at the counter, one tourist asked the blonde employee, “Before we order, could you please settle an argument for us?

    Would you please pronounce where we are… very slowly?”

    The blonde girl leaned over the counter and said, “Burrrrrrrr, gerrrrrrr, Kiiiiing…”

    1. Ah, Natchitoches, Louisiana. The place where the aircraft carrying Jim Croce and Maury Muehleisen crashed on September 20, 1973 killing them both.

  10. SIR – Adam Smith understood that capitalism is the best way of harnessing self-interest in the public interest but, as a moral philosopher, would have also understood that this is not the same as calling greed a virtue (Letters, March 29). Capitalists must recognise that they are part of society if they are to thrive in the long run.

    By offering to head the Vaccine Task Force pro bono, Kate Bingham, a wealthy venture capitalist, showed that she valued the country she lived in above pure greed. AstraZeneca, by agreeing to make its vaccine available at a low price, also recognised its responsibility to a wider world.

    By contrast, the shameless profiteering by some in the supply of personal protective equipment demonstrated exploitative, parasitic greed. Similarly, the relentless avoidance of paying fair taxes by tech companies may well be legal but shows that they have no interest in being part of the societies in which they trade.

    Rampaging armies, motivated by greed, steal and lay waste. They have a fine time in the short run but ultimately build nothing of lasting value. It is about time we recognised that capitalist risk-taking, energy, innovation and vision build wonderful countries, but short-term greed and slash-and-burn opportunism do not.

    Ruth Corderoy

    Didcot, Oxfordshire

    1. Do you mean Amazon, Virgin, eBay and other big enterprises on the net and elsewhere?

    2. On the wider issues of tech companies’ influence, ask yourself what sort of people their owners are that they so aggressively avoid funding public services to amass money that they and their descendants cannot spend, having too much already.

    3. The confusion the writer has is over supply and demand. She thinks of capitalism and markets as greedy. She ignores that you can choose not to fund the business not use it’s services.

      It isn’t about sacrifice. It’s about choice. The rich tech companies need do nothing. It is the right and duty of everyone to avoid the rapacious theft of the state.

  11. SIR – On the subject of repairs (Letters, March 29), after we’d refurbished our home my son visited, and the next day stated: “I’ve fixed those toilet seats for you.” The soft-close seats were not soft any more.

    Jacky Staff

    Enniskillen, Co Fermanagh

  12. Morning again

    SIR – The vast majority of pensioners have always respected the law and paid their bills. So the implicit threat being made by the BBC that people over 75 could be confronted in their homes by TV licence enforcement officers and then dragged through the courts is a scary one.

    For the BBC flippantly to say that “Wormwood Scrubs [the prison] has not in the past been full of the over-75s” (report, March 20) is yet another example of how out of touch it is with its audience – as was the mocking of the Union flag by the presenters of BBC Breakfast.

    Viewers can see that the moral crime here is that the BBC has broken its promise to the over-75s that it would pay for their licences. So I am not surprised that the Digital, Culture, Media and Sport select committee said last week that the BBC is haemorrhaging cash because of non-payment of the licence fee. A grassroots revolt against the licence fee is under way, and it is being led by pensioners.

    The BBC is one scandal away from a wholesale licence-fee rebellion.

    Lord Botham (Crossbench)

    London SW1

    1. I admired him as a cricketer, I am starting to admire him in the HoL. It is such a pity there is not more like him.

      1. Morning VVOF. The vast majority are simply placemen, the rest villains of various kinds. Paradoxically Democracy was better served when it was filled with the landed gentry!

        1. I was a republican through and through until I realised the reality of most republics. I scorned aristos until I recognised that they were rooted in the land unlike the carpetbaggers in the Lords.
          In Scotland we have some insight into how things can go very badly wrong when there is a one-chamber parliament.

        2. Because the anachronism of the Hereditary Peers in the Upper Chamber acted as a counterbalance to the many flaws of democracy, not least the inability of our elected representatives to look further than the next ballot box.

        3. Because the anachronism of the Hereditary Peers in the Upper Chamber acted as a counterbalance to the many flaws of democracy, not least the inability of our elected representatives to look further than the next ballot box.

  13. There is no ‘rape culture’ in schools. Spiked 30 march 2021.

    Off the back of this, former pupils at Westminster School have compiled a ‘dossier of rape culture’. Dulwich College has reported its own pupils to the police. Latymer School pupils have published a list of demands. The Home Office and the Department for Education are working with the police, Ofsted and the Independent Schools Inspectorate to coordinate a cross-government response and a Whitehall inquiry. Schools subject to allegations will be in line for immediate surprise inspections. The Metropolitan Police has launched an investigation and a police helpline will be set up for people to report incidents. There are demands for the education secretary to address parliament.

    School sends off its own pupils on unproven suspicion, for life altering interrogation and possible prosecution by the PTB, who are themselves indulging in yet another Witch Hunt of Pale Males! The Third Reich achieved much less!


    1. 330996+ up ticks,
      Morning AS,
      Much chaff in the air this morning, deflection all round
      listen quietly one can hear the clicks of the reset ratchet.

      Was there any closure on historical paedophilia / abuse in political circles inquiries, who is doing long term porridge consequences of what the JAY report revealed over a sixteen year period.

      Lets have answers to them issues before digging out
      new deflection material.

    2. The Third Reich loved pale lads and lassies and rewarded their fecundity. Sometimes I wonder, if we had maybe just let Poland go…

    3. There was no ‘rape culture’ at Brimington County Secondary Boys’ School between 1962 and 1967 as far as I can remember.

      We did have a ‘peashooter culture’ though [usually the empty barrel of a plastic Bic pen through which we blew (at great velocity) grains of rice, which were directed at a fellow schoolmate’s ear. YAROO!].

  14. 330996+ up ticks,
    Morning Each,
    Posted late last night please accept a repeat,

    They have gotta be joking,

    The only link this plot could have in regards to world wars is in starting a third.

    Exclusive: World leaders call for pandemic treaty
    Boris Johnson, Emmanuel Macron and Angela Merkel propose global accord akin to that forged after Second World War

    1. What about Ming the Merciless? Blofeld? The Mekon?
      They will be seriously p!ssed off if they don’t get an invite.

    1. 330996+ up ticks,
      It come across as this tory (ino) political group of overseers need ALL the props they can get.

  15. Good morning, all. Still below par. Please don’t ask. It is boring. Bloody sunshine and warmth all over North Norfolk. Cats love it.

    I see some police doxy has told women to report wolf-whistles “Even though they are not illegal”.

    Last Thursday, a woman smiled at me in Morrisons. Should I report this?

    1. Good morning Bill

      I miss smiles whilst I am shopping , this mask business is a nuisance, I wonder what effect masks have had on lipstick sales?

  16. 330996+ up ticks,
    As it has been seen to be doing openly over the last three decades, this is the result of a lab/lib/con coalition vote against no opposition.

    ‘I fear I will be murdered’, says teacher who showed Mohammed cartoons
    Father of Batley Grammar School RE teacher reveals his son’s concerns for the safety of his family and fears he’ll never return to old life

  17. Did you hear those pompous sixth-formers on Toady banging on (forgive the expression) about “rape culture”? Being stupid is part and parcel of being young. The trouble is, in our present climate, that these children will never be required to grow the flip up. Morning all, might go out for a long walk in the sunshine.

  18. Good morning from a bright & sunny Derbyshire with a cool 3°c in the yard, but I suspect it is going to get hot today!

      1. Clear blue skies out here with an expected 16ºC all afternoon.

        Morning, Spikey and Bob.

        1. Key nell!!….we will get +5 this afternoon but………………………….
          A promising +8 tomorrow.It will be like mid-Summer.
          I’m digging out the shorts and string vest in anticipation.

          1. It won’t last. It’s expected to drop back to 7ºC (and possibly lower) at the weekend, as global warming pushes much more cold Arctic air in a southerly direction in time for Påsk!

        2. Key nell!!….we will get +5 this afternoon but………………………….
          A promising +8 tomorrow.It will be like mid-Summer.
          I’m digging out the shorts and string vest in anticipation.

  19. Minister ‘very disturbed’ schools rape culture allegations not acted on years ago. 30 march 2021.

    But Labour MP Jess Phillips claimed that the allegations of sexual assault were ignored by ministers, despite being uncovered years ago.

    She told Good Morning Britain: “It was uncovered by the Women and Equalities Select Committee and taken to the current schools minister and the then-secretary of state for education, that there was not just rape culture, there was rape occurring, every school day in a year there would be a rape that was going on in school.”

    There were probably three or four a day in places like Rotherham and Batley at the time but they were poor white working class girls who no one was interested in!


  20. The PM is telling us to be cautious and follow the rules to prevent a 3rd wave of Covid yet he is allowing an influx of politicians and their many hangers on into Cornwall for the G7 conference in June. Even worse is the Climate conference in Glasgow at the end of the year when supporters and demonstrators from many overseas countries will be there in abundance exposing the Glaswegians and Scotland to possible Covid variant infection. What preparations has he in place to reduce the possibility of such a happening? Is he relying on the vaccination policy which he and his medical advisors don’t seem confident of its efficacy in the UK population?

    1. Does the Nike conference in Edinburgh in Feb. 2020 not give them pause for thought?

  21. ‘Morning All

    “David Cameron told friends he was in line to make

    $60million from the listing of Greensill, it was claimed today, amid a

    growing row over the former PM’s involvement with the financial firm.

    The finance company, which went bust earlier this month, was previously

    valued at $7billion and a friend of Mr Cameron told The Times he had

    been ‘candid’ about the potential windfall resulting from his

    shareholdings in the firm.

    But the company’s collapse means that Mr Cameron’s share options have been left worthless.”


    What have we here?? A globalist crooked politician being thrown to the wolves??
    Methinks punishment for cocking up the referendum,next comes the walk on the bridge over the shark infested pool……….

    1. Cameron’s not the only crooked politician involved here and one is still at the heart of Government.

      (Greensill) regularly attended meetings with the likes of Heywood, senior civil servant John Manzoni – who was Cabinet Office Permanent Secretary from 2015 to 2020 – and then-Cabinet Office minister Matt Hancock.



      “We’re all in it together!”
      — David Cameron

        1. All prominent politicians who are sent to prison should be asked to share cells with the most vicious Islamic terrorists.

          That would certainly teach the terrorists a lesson!

          1. given they themselves created “ISIS”, the thought of them strapped in Orange jumpsuits at version II of Nuermberg being injected, daily, with C-19 vax by ISIS minders, while Demented Joe’s in the background advising on how to climb stairs would make good reality tv

      1. There was a good Traffic Cops prog on Channel 5 last night from your old patch. They even throw stinger strips out for 2 wheelers now to puncture their tyres.

        1. Which only worked on one bike; and plod hasn’t yet realised that, because of the proliferation of moped and motor-cycle bandits, they need to get out of their comfy cars and get on very powerful dirt bikes, in order to pursue along paths and in woodland, to catch these little shits.

  22. #CovidClownWorld



    “Michael Gove has launched a charm offensive to
    persuade sceptical MPs to back a domestic Covid passport scheme, the
    strongest indication yet that the government intends to press ahead with
    the plan.

    MPs believe the scheme, under which
    venues such as pubs could be asked to see proof of vaccination or recent
    tests before allowing entry, could even be included in the Queen’s
    speech, making it more difficult for MPs to oppose.”
    Funny Old World I can just see Gove in a grey suit taking his place at the table at the Wansee Conference…………..

    1. For people of working age with no existing serious conditions extra suicides alone will be substantially higher than deaths with Covid.

        1. They say Heydrich was a Praguematist, who didn’t much care for the Bohemian way of life of the Czechs.

    2. For anybody that hasn’t seen it, may I recommend the 2001 film “Conspiracy” dealing with the Wansee Conference. Kenneth Branagh stars as Heydrich and Stanley Tucci as Eichmann.

      Well worth watching, IMHO.

    1. When I saw the videos of water cascading off Ayres Rock it was clear that the channels had been formed by rainwater erosion over tens of thousands of years….

      1. Same with the wildfires; Captain Cook’s log mentions seeing fires burning along the coast.

    2. When I saw the videos of water cascading off Ayres Rock it was clear that the channels had been formed by rainwater erosion over tens of thousands of years….

      1. If they made a remake I wonder if they would update Rhet Butler’s last words in Gone With The Wind from “Quite frankly, my dear, I don’t givadam” to “Quite frankly, my dear I don’t givafuck”?

    1. As the brilliant book, 1066 and All That, commented as soon as the English get near to finding an answer to the Irish question the Irish change the question!

      It is the same with words describing ‘people with dark or different skin colour or racial features’. As soon as you change to the new acceptable word you find ‘they’ have decided that the word you are now using is also just as racist. So n*gger, negro, blackamoor, wog, coon, nignog, etc are no longer acceptable.

      The trouble is that whatever word you use doesn’t actually change the facts.

    1. 330996+ up ticks,
      Morning Rik,
      Inclusive of the lab/lib/con ( ino) coalition,top award winners in camouflage & concealment long term, of
      foreign paedophilia actions.

    2. Why are they not being charged with covid restriction laws?

      Why are they not being charged with hate speech?

      You see, it is this dishonest hypocrisy that is annoying people.

      1. It doesn’t work that way.
        We must respect their cultural norms.
        p.s. ‘respecting cultural norms’ is a long way of spelling ‘cowardice’.

        1. …and, of course, Anne, our cultural norms rate as nothing against all that diversity.

  23. Hasbro are undertaking a revision to their “Community Chest/Chance” cards for their Monopoly game. Many fear a wave of woke replacements:

    According to the Monopoly website where players may vote, card options include rescuing a puppy to get out of jail free or being penalized for not recycling your trash.

    “The world has changed a lot since Monopoly became a household name more than 85 years ago, and clearly today community is more important than ever,” commented Eric Nyman, chief consumer officer at Hasbro.

    “We felt like 2021 was the perfect time to give fans the opportunity to show the world what community means to them through voting on new Community Chest Cards. We’re really excited to see what new cards get voted in!” Nyman said.


    A few BTL comments:

    FutureUser@mindspring.com You are NEXT • 9 days ago
    My ideas for new Chance Cards:
    1. Windmill farm built next to your house — lose 2 turns plus $100 for health problems
    2. Electric car catches fire — lose 2 houses or 1 hotel.
    3. Your daughter marries a wokester poet — you get $300 from his Trust Fund parents.
    4. Hacker plants p0rn on your PC. Go directly to jail, do not pass Go.
    5. Solar panels fail during ice storm. Pay $350 to the owner of the nearest Utility.
    6. Carbon Tax hits you when driving thru Blue State on vacation. Pay $100 to owner of nearest Blue State on board, or $125 to Bank.
    7. Your stock holdings in Genetic Engineering companies pay dividends. Collect $200.
    8. Sewage spill at work due to wokester protest at nearby water plant. Lose 1 turn.
    9. Sexual harassment suit filed against your boss. You are promoted to take her place. Advance to Go and collect $200.
    10. New species of insect identified in your attic by solar panel installer. Pay $500, and lose 1 house or 1 turn.
    11. Your son needs new cellphone after wokesters destroy his phone during school protest. Pay $250.
    12. Your cat wins photo contest with cellphone picture of you asleep. Collect $50 and get an extra turn!
    13. Your children punished for wearing Double Meat Mondays shirts to school. Go back 5 spaces.
    14. New flu virus strikes your workplace. Pay $100 and go back 3 spaces.
    15. Terrorist attack your neighbor’s house for offensive banner. Pay owner of nearest space $125 and move forward 2 spaces.
    16. Your spouse wins a Lotto prize, collect $250.



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    Brian FutureUser@mindspring.com • 9 days ago
    17. You shoot robber breaking into your house. Go directly to jail. Do not pass Go.
    18. You lose your job to illegal invader. Lose 2 houses or 1 hotel.



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    LadyofOz Brian • 9 days ago
    There will be no jail.



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    Nick Danger LadyofOz • 9 days ago • edited
    Oh no, Monopoly is a capitalist game! Can’t have that. It needs slave labor camps, forced abortions, brainwashing, and open borders.



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    yuleeyahoo Nick Danger • 9 days ago
    For failure to use correct pronouns, go directly to jail.



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    Nick Danger yuleeyahoo • 9 days ago • edited
    …or go to jail for not fully embracing and fawning over perverted deviants.



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    RMC LadyofOz • 9 days ago
    Jail will be for Trump voters only

    For blm you get a Kamala bond fund card.


    RUSerious? LadyofOz • 9 days ago
    Go directly to reeducation camp. Pay $300 fine and promise to never do it again or lose 2 turns.


    Aurelian Brian • 9 days ago • edited
    Jail is abolished, and Hasbro now calls it Gulag. Community Chest Card reads:

    19. You voted for Trump. Go directly to Gulag. Do not pass Go. Do not collect $200.

    20. You accidentally misgender someone. Go straight to Gulag. Forever. Never pass Go again.

    21. You are accused of white privilege. If you are a Democrat, apologize and collect $2000. If you are a Republican, go straight to Gulag.

    Brettdfw Brian • 9 days ago
    19. Your teenager is shot while committing a crime. You exploit the Web and profit from a GoFundMe page. Collect $500 from every player.



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    Freedad Brian • 9 days ago
    19. Dementia addled POTUS is “selected” and his leftist handlers assume control of every aspect of government.
    Game over.



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    SeanusAurelius Brian • 9 days ago • edited
    19. BLM shakedown, everyone roll to see who is a POC, everyone pays POC $200.



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    JAFO Brian • 9 days ago
    19. You attend a Trump rally and your picture appears on social media. Pay each player $100.



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    JoeCubano Brian • 9 days ago
    Several employees file sexual harassment charges against you. Collect $200, pass GO, and receive a promotion.

    Sniff adolescent girls hair in public. Become President.

    D’Artagnan Brian • 9 days ago
    19. Cross border illegally, collect $200.00 get free healthcare and go directly to GO.



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    Enoch Pow Brian • 8 days ago
    19. You cant evict anyone for not paying rent.



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    Ordinary American 2014 Brian • 8 days ago
    Your spouse collects on your life insurance.


    smg45acp Brian • 8 days ago
    19. You are outed for posting a pro-Trump meme on social media. You lose your job and half your property is confiscated and given to the darkest fellow player. If you are already the darkest player you are kicked out of the game.


    Michael Worcester FutureUser@mindspring.com • 9 days ago
    19 Your bank implements the Great Reset. You lose 90% of your money and lose 3 turns. Free Parking is now turned into a mandatory tax of $1000 if you land on it.



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    R Zella Michael Worcester • 9 days ago
    20 Government claims 50% of your hotel rooms to house illegal immigrants.

    1. There’s going to be a point where the entire point of Monopoly – to teach – is removed.

      However, it would be better if it went a bit like this:

      We replace the banker with the state.

      You play as normal, but when you buy property, the cost is doubled and goes to the state.

      When someone lands on your property, the state takes half of that.

      The only winner can be the state machine, forced to keep everyone else going, forcing them to fund the richest player.

      Oh, and passing go nets you £200 – of which the state takes 150. Moving costs money. The state owns all utlities and trains and has ten hotels on them – which you have to pay for, even if you don’t land on them.

      When someone goes bankrupt, they get money from the state to
      keep playing – costing other players money to the advantage of the

      1. 330955+ up ticks,
        Morning Anne,
        Enoch, Winnie, Batten tried to warn of the coming of islamic ideology dangers ALL
        castigated in turn.

        ALL in turn issuing a “global warning” of
        islamic ideology.

        I personally do not believe as the current lab/lib/con supporter / voters do, proof being via the ballot booth, in the reset, replacement
        campaign aimed at having the indigenous peoples answerable to the local imam.

    1. It seems that denying the truth allows the state to hide reality. It’s tedious. The more dishonest we are with ourselves the more the problem festers, the angrier people get the unhappier we are.

      The useful idiots supporting these lies do so because they like lying to themselves. In fact, I think so deep is their own self loathing that they seek to deflect their deliberate, wilful dishonesty on to others.

      It’s clear that Muslims paedophile gangs are the biggest problem in this country. In every country. Sweden ater mass immigration is now 5th in the world for rape and sexual assault – they praised falling down the leader board because Eritrea overtook them. It’s disgusting to deny so much.

      Yet the state and the Left give the Muslims a free ride. Why? Reprisal? Fear of being called racist? Sod it! It isn’t racist to state that the truth but.. we must be dishonest to avoid causing offence. That dishonesty is cancerous to our entire culture. It breeds anger at the hypocrisy, frustration at the injustice and sheer, unbridled rage at the callous deceit.

      1. 330955+ up ticks,
        Morning W,
        Short answer kill the three monkeys in the polling booth, result being one major gain for ALL, the regaining of self respect.

  24. Lenny Henry rolled out to promote the jab to Blicks ’cause they don’t trust Wypipo………
    If Lenny Henry is such an influence of the black community has he ever tried asking them to get a job and not stab people ?…………
    Just the racism of low expectations once again

    1. He could suggest that if a bame was vaccinated, he’d be in much better fettle to stab someone…

  25. Mng all, pole sana for delay, obligatory power cuts trying to prop up free profit for KPLC’s lead shareholder [Mama Ngina – Jom Kenyatta’s Mrs]. now to sift through the pearls of wisdom on here

        1. Surely, he doesn’t want white charity giving him a non-job to tide him over a career hiatus.

    1. This passport malarkey. Total bollox. You won’t be able to leave the country because every other effing country will demand PCR tests (£150 a go per head) prior to entry – and ditto when one returns to prison (aka Blighty).

        1. Every politician should be browbeaten on every possible occasion with the simple question:

          Why should we believe in Covid rules when nothing is done to stop illegal immigrants who could well be infected?

          1. Brow beating I have no problem with at all. It is what I would want to use to actually beat them with, could be a problem. Something hard and painful.

    2. year 1 PCR tests discovered to be more carcinogenic than asbestos.

      year 2 Covid vaccines discovered to be more carcinogenic than PCR tests.

      1. In the year 2025
        If man is still alive
        If woman can survive
        They may find
        In the year 2025
        Ain’t gonna need to tell the truth, tell no lies
        Everything you think, do, and say
        Is in the jab you had yesterday.

      2. ‘Flu makes a reappearance; deadly Messing-cum-Inworth strain projected to kill millions.

    1. Is it more of a good moaning than yesterday, there is so much stuff in the news , on wonders what is also being buried .

      I was chewing the cud after hearing about the school sex scandals .

      Surely to goodness , teenage pregnancies which have been going on for decades must have alerted the authorities …
      Young single mums , black babies / white babies / multi coloured babies , and girls who are so fecund they end up with 3 or four before they are 21 .

      All these young mums were given flats or houses , because that is what authorities are obliged to do .

      Didn’t anyone in authority catch glimpses of that dreadful Jeremy Kyle show , countless witless young girls and spotty youths , either abused or used and pregnant.

      Most of those troubled girls became pregnant to escape their ghastly home life!

      1. I woz talking abaht the weather.
        Just taken Spartie for a walk where he didn’t manage to find any fox poo.
        Life is good!

        1. The canine companion of my childhood had a passion for cow pats. He might have remembered that mum would plunge him into a tin bath full of soapy water in the backyard as soon as he got home but it never seemed to put him off.

      2. Nah, those mums is on welfare. And they select fornicators & fighters, not fancy fellows.

        in the sights are ex-public school toffs who went for a bit of teenage totty behind the tennis courts and who now work in the City and can be sued after they is found guilty because the protected witnesses can trickle out some tears towards the jury.

  26. Off out shortly for a picnic with two friends I haven’t seen since last September.

    Enjoy the sunshine!

    1. Have a lovely time .
      Remember no BBQs , don’t set fire to anything .

      We are studying the garden as to what to tackle .. Peach tree is in full blossom .

      The houses are shuddering because they are firing some really heavy stuff on the Lulworth ranges .

      1. We had a lovely day! Picnic in Jane’s garden, then later walked to the garden we’d planned to take our food to, but thought it might be difficult to find somewhere to sit if lots of others were there. By that time, there were few people around, and the gardens were lovely.
        There are some small stone monuments and the remains of a Norman church, so worth a visit anyway. I don’t think I’ve walked round there since I was at school, which was nearby.

        1. Moments like the one you experienced will have cancelled out the misery of the past year .

          So pleased you managed to catch up with life and enjoy your day out .

  27. There is an article in today’s Telegraph – about the acronym – BAME
    It questions “How does it help to answer the question of Carribeans, Africans etc. by lumping them together as “black”
    Well – Who was it who launched BLM – the acronym for the BLACK LIVES MATTER MOVEMENT ???
    Certainly wasn’t we “Whities” . . . .

    1. No, Stupendus, it wasn’t us but as ‘Whities’, we recognise that in truth, it stands for Bluddy Little Morons.

  28. Greetings one and all.
    I have just filled in a survey after an e-consult farce with my health centre. Not that such a question was asked, but I filled in one of the boxes to complain about the lack of face-to-face appointments with GPs. Proof being that the part of the car park for appointments with nurses is usually packed. The end where we enter for a GP appointment is often completely empty. The final question related to effnicity. I (politely) made it very clear that ‘white’ should not be the final option in a country where, contrary to portrayals in the msm, the majority of people are white. Would blick be the last option in Africa?
    When my brother recently wanted a suspicious mole looking at, he told the receptionist he didn’t have a modern phone with a camera so they had no option but to grant him the honour of seeing a GP. The mole did indeed need excising though results were, fortunately, clear.

    1. The list is probably alphabetical, so unless Zulus or Yemenis are asked white will be last.

    2. Hello MiB

      Brilliant comment , you have spoken about everything that most of us find so irritating about our GP surgeries.

      So glad your brothers mole was sorted out and found to be clear.

      1. I have a phone consultation with my lovely hospital consultant in a few weeks. With the Covid-only hospital service last year, I missed my regular colonoscopy so must remember to ask if that can be carried this year. While not my favourite activity, it is necessary.

  29. 330955+up ticks.
    Maybe someone would point out to me what the difference would be…
    if any,

    Delingpole: If Only Jeremy Corbyn Had Beaten Boris Johnson…

      1. 330955+ up ticks,
        Afternoon HM,
        I have seen it as a three party coalition and has been for decades.
        No matter of now suffering the toxic fallout of the continus
        voting pattern, many of the electorate cannot heed the signs
        seen daily, consequences of continuing to feed the same polico’s / parties over & over.

  30. World banks may lose over $6 billion from the downfall of the US investment firm Archegos Capital, sources told Reuters. Regulators are closely monitoring the situation as panic spreads about the possible scale of the fallout.
    The sudden liquidation of the New York-based billionaire Bill Hwang’s Archegos Capital Management ignited a fire sale of more than $20 billion in assets that has left some of the world’s biggest investment banks bearing billions of dollars of losses.

    According to billionaire investor Mike Novogratz, the collapse of Hwang’s Archegos fund could turn out to be “the most spectacular personal loss of wealth in history.”

    The problems started last week when a disappointing stock sale by media giant ViacomCBS triggered devastating bank margin calls for Archegos, three people familiar with the matter said. Shares in ViacomCBS plummeted 23% last Wednesday after the media company sold shares at a price that diluted its value. The shares continued to decline, setting off alarm bells at Archegos’ prime brokers and prompting them to offload stock in all of Archegos’ investments.
    The US Securities and Exchange Commission said on Monday it had been “monitoring the situation and communicating with market participants since last week” as panic spreads about the possible scale of the fallout from the forced liquidation of Hwang’s fund. Regulators in the UK, Switzerland and Japan also said they were following the developments.

        1. on this topic, none of them, they’re flogging a dead horse. Reuters wording as per yr post gives it away – “may lose”, “closely monitoring”, “panic” “three people familiar with the matter” “monitoring the situation with market participants”. Woke waffle

  31. Beware of MeToo in schools: it’s an unfair cop

    Instead of exploring real remedies, public figures are simply scrambling to look tough on the subject


    Simon Bailey, the Chief Constable of Norfolk, has responded to the Everyone’s Invited website which publishes testimonies of (chiefly) young women who say that, in their teens, they were victims of “rape culture”. Mr Bailey calls this the education sector’s MeToo moment. He believes some schools have covered up, though he admits he has no evidence of this.

    Mr Bailey has been involved in child abuse work for many years, but seems to have learnt little about its pitfalls. After Operation Midland – the police failure to spot the falsity of the lurid allegations of Carl Beech (“Nick”) against Field Marshal Lord Bramall, Lord Brittan and many others – Sir Richard Henriques, a retired judge, produced a damning report. He specifically criticised Mr Bailey’s idea that anyone who claims to be a victim must automatically be believed.

    “If we don’t acknowledge a victim as such, it reinforces a system based on distrust and disbelief,” Mr Bailey had told the review. Only 0.1 per cent of all complaints might be false, he thought, so any inaccuracy in the use of the word “victim” was “so negligible that it can be disregarded”.

    Not so, said Sir Richard. “A criminal justice system that deliberately describes those it serves inaccurately is a flawed system and Chief Constable Bailey’s argument ignores the consequences of false terminology.” He added: “The instruction foisted upon investigators to believe a victim perverts our system of justice”, creating in them a “false state of mind”.

    Sir Richard also recommended that suspects should have the right to anonymity prior to arrest, enforced by statute. Otherwise, “Nobody is safe from false accusations”.

    Yet here we go again. It is true in any walk of life that if people and institutions can be destroyed on the basis of anonymous accusations, there can be no justice. This is particularly true in sexual allegations, where the facts will often be elusive and – in the now-famous phrase about something else – “recollections may vary”.

    Instead of exploring real remedies, public figures are simply scrambling to look tough on the subject. Robert Halfon, the Conservative chairman of the Commons education select committee, says: “It seems almost as if a Lord of the Flies culture [a novel which, by the way, contains no girls] has engulfed respected private education institutions and spread to some state schools too.” What is his factual evidence for talk of engulfing? The sad truth is that teenage boys often behave badly in schools of all kinds. It is a long-standing problem, though nowadays worsened by social media.

    It must be understood that false accusations of vile sexual acts can wreck the life of the accused almost as surely as such acts can destroy the victim. Until this is recognised, all attempts to deal with the problem fairly will fail.

    Detergents for dirt

    I am looking at our new carton of Persil Bio. “USELESS”, it shouts at me on the lid. On the face of the packet, it says: “INCREDIBLE CLEAN WITH 27 PER CENT LESS PACKAGING” and “Removes stains first time”. At the bottom, however, it says: “DIRT IS GOOD”. This combination of wording suggests that the clean on offer is indeed incredible, in the literal sense of that word. The same thing cannot be dirty and clean at the same time.

    The back of the pack explains further. “Real change happens when we roll up our sleeves and get dirty,” it drones. “We all want a cleaner future for our world. That is why at Persil, we are changing our products to be kinder to the environment. Visit persil.com to find out how you can join us, and make some changes yourself, getting dirty for good.”

    The above is a small example of how the catastrophe theory of environmental crisis is driving our consumer society slightly mad. Thus a product 100 per cent dependent for its sales on people’s desire to be clean feels it must advocate being dirty. Something that must be white pretends to be green. If we truly got “dirty for good”, there would be no demand for Persil.

    Looking again at the lid, I realise I have misread it. It is not telling me that I am “USELESS”, but is advocating that I “USE LESS”. I think I might take the company up on that and search for a less self-righteous brand.


  32. I have spent an hour sitting in the sun in the garden, doing the crossword, listening to Radio Swiss Classique and watching G & P cavorting. Just not quite warm enough for shorts – as there is a slight, but chilly, edge to the breeze.

    Nice, though! More this afternoon, I think!

      1. {:¬)) Nah – no adverts; no fear-laden news; no breathless, feckless totties gushing. Just music – introduced in French, German or Italian – your choice.

    1. I would worry about the owners of the two on the right, the stain on the door frames is almost gone, goodness knows how bad it is closer to the trap itself! 💩💩

      1. Having been out of circulation for so long, not entirely sure what is going on….it’s probably for the best that I don’t know. On the way into Marlborough at 7:30am this morning saw 5 hares who weren’t social distancing…a most encouraging sight in the mist. All sorts of signs of emerging life in the hedgerows. Glorious day.

        1. You haven’t really missed anything – apart from the excitement in the Suez Canal.

          Glad the hares remembered not to have more than six at their meeting.

  33. Rangers v. Celtic in the streets rather than on the pitch?

    We are hurtling towards a Scottish Troubles

    Scottish Nationalists are using tactics straight from the Sinn Fein playbook. That should be enough to get alarm bells ringing


    Just when we thought the situation in Scotland could not be any more toxic, we are confronted by Alex Salmond’s re-entry into politics with the inflammatory announcement that ‘peaceful street protests’ will form part of the strategy of the new nationalist front that has, in effect, been formed by the emergence of his new party, Alba, to fight alongside the SNP, much to the dismay of some, but by no means all, in the latter party.

    Those of us with direct experience of the troubles in Northern Ireland have been warning for some time about the ‘Ulsterisation’ of Scotland and the slide towards a ‘Scottish troubles’. This deliberate use of the Sinn Fein playbook should set alarm bells ringing. The two movements have close links and have always used similar tactics. Attempts to unify the Unionist vote in the Scottish elections appear now to have failed and the reality is that with Scottish Tories, Labour and Liberals splitting the anti-nationalist vote in constituencies again, and Alba having the capability, if not the certainty, of converting previously impotent second separatist votes into seats on the AV system lists, there has to be worst case contingency planning for the nationalist ‘super-majority’ that Salmond craves.

    This putative super-majority of seats would be used to attempt to ramrod through secession. The outlines of a more hardline nationalist strategy have been evident for some time after Joanna Cherry’s proposal to copy de Valera and ‘start negotiations straight away’ without bothering with another referendum. There is no chance of the separatists gaining enough support for copying the unilateral declaration of the Irish Free State, which resulted in a bloody civil war, not least because Westminster would simply choke off the money supply. But it was the threat that counted. And now Salmond’s implied threats of civil disobedience should be taken seriously. Salmond even quoted the Irish nationalist leader Charles Stewart Parnell in his launch speech.

    It has to be remembered that the recent Troubles in Northern Ireland started when civil rights marches spiralled out of control. But in Ulster the police were under direct control of a Unionist civil power and resolutely British, whereas in Scotland the newly centralised Police Scotland is under the direct control of a Scottish government that is likely to be separatist. This muscular nationalism also assumes, let’s hope wrongly, that condemnation of a Catalan style revolt from outside the UK may be more equivocal now that we are outside the EU and there is a Biden Presidency with a worrying history of sympathy for the republican cause in Ulster.

    Unionists must stop having a sterile argument amongst themselves about vote splitting in the lists. If there is a nationalist majority in Holyrood, the numbers of seats individual parties hold would be far less relevant than the overall number of votes cast for pro-UK parties. We urged the government last year to tie down the mandate for any referendum via a Canada style Clarity Act and explicitly link it to a percentage of the electorate rather than seats. It is vital to get the pro-UK vote out on 6 May and to be able to demonstrate a silent majority for keeping the United Kingdom together. We need to move the focus away from seats won and onto the split of votes between separatist and pro-British parties. Commentators, especially the BBC, need to be careful not to conflate a majority of seats won under an absurd electoral system and a ‘mandate’ for secession. Finally, we should shine a very bright light on any attempts at ‘Ulsterisation’ and condemn it robustly. And pray.

    Jamie Blackett is a former army officer who served in Northern Ireland and leader of All for Unity (The Alliance for Unity). He is standing in the South of Scotland in the Scottish Parliament election.


    1. Utter bilge. Stick to farming. Serving in the Army in NI made you part of the problem and not the solution. I can remember when there were sectarian riots in Scotland. They do not occur now, but don’t hesitate to throw petrol on the dying embers, will you? Your suggestion of “Ulsterisation” is nonsense. I can understand that you do not like popular, peaceful street protests by the plebeians, which are a legal and respected concomitant of our democracy. Your fellow soldiers in the paras certainly showed how to deal with demonstrations, did they not?
      Let me remind you how democracy works. The voting system for the Scottish Parliament was imposed by Westminster, under the Scotland Act 1998. No good greeting’ about it now that it might give a result that you do not like. If there is a two-thirds majority to secede, it is valid in international law. It is a done deal.
      Using expressions such as “attempt to ramrod through secession” shows a complete contempt for democracy, possibly inculcated at Eton. If there is a two thirds majority for secession in the Scottish Parliament that is a valid democratic decision.
      Please stick to farming on your family estate and please avoid inflammatory nonsense.

      1. Crikey, H! I thought for a moment that that was directed at me!

        I did think the piece a bit of an exaggeration but even from down here I know there are still tensions up there, though mostly in the west of the Central Belt.

        Are you in favour of independence?

        1. Hmm. Good Question. I joined when there was a mock election at school and all the good parties were taken. I stood as the SNP candidate and there was some fun. So much that the authorities put stop to the whole thing.
          In later years it was clear that the SNP were going in different direction to what I considered proper.
          What is clear now is that the whole bunch of them are corrupt, dishonest and incompetent to run a sweetie shop. So I am in two minds. I don’t think that the UK government does a good job and I have no wish to join the EU.
          As for tensions, there are someone the West crystallised around football.
          That kind of language does no good, though. Quite the contrary. As it happens a friend of mine wrote to him a couple of weeks ago to point out that over half the population support independence and that attacking independence would simply be aiming for votes from less than half the people. Whereas attacking the record of the SNP in government is much more likely to garner some support.

      2. Crikey, H! I thought for a moment that that was directed at me!

        I did think the piece a bit of an exaggeration but even from down here I know there are still tensions up there, though mostly in the west of the Central Belt.

        Are you in favour of independence?

  34. Gardener drowned neighbour’s cat ‘because it dug up his vegetable plot’. 30 March 2021.

    Richard Giles faces possible imprisonment after admitting killing Ruby, a rescue cat, when it strayed into his garden in a Dorset village.

    A gardener drowned his neighbour’s pet car because it kept digging up his vegetable plot, a court has heard.

    Richard Giles, 69, caught the tabby cat, called Ruby, after finding it on his property in the hamlet of Adber, Dorset, in September last year.

    Hmmm? And that’s only one!


    1. And yet when a female QC reckleesly sets her pitbull on a harmless grey seal which was resting on the riverbank, no further action is taken.

      If you want to get rid of a neighbour’s cat, feed it. Or buy a chihuahua.

  35. Here’s a link to the recent Kill the Bill protests in sleepy Falmouth…

    Lots of pictures and videos contained within.

    Notice the crowd consists or normal everyday youngsters, guess some are students, fearful for their futures. No bad language…no violence…no police intervention…no arrests.

    The comments show that the public are still being media led with their condemnation of these protests and I wonder how long before the penny finally drops that these are not thuggish anarchists as painted by the MSM.

    Pictures of peaceful Kill the Bill protest in Cornwall as police stand back


      1. To nullify any protests against the government whether peaceful or otherwise.

        What’s your take on it?

        1. What happened last summer to prompt the government to amend legislation regarding public demonstrations?

          1. What happened last summer is merely an excuse to take away everyone’s freedom.

            Do you expect BLM to adhere to the laws?

          2. “What happened last summer is merely an excuse to take away everyone’s freedom.”

            Nonsense. The changes are actually quite modest. I have little regard for Johnson’s government but BLM and XR did their best to endanger the right to free assembly and so the law must be reviewed and updated if necessary.

          3. Unfortunately you are in the majority by putting your trust in Johnson and being led by the controlled media.

            People spend years on threads like this objecting to government laws which is all to no avail and when people vent their anger away from the computer they are then condemned by the keyboard warriors.

          4. “Unfortunately you are in the majority by putting your trust in Johnson and being led by the controlled media.”

            Can’t you read? “I have little regard for Johnson’s government…”

            There is certainly a trap here for the government. Is existing law inadequate or was it not used properly? The Met’s use last summer of the 1986 Public Order Act was declared unlawful – but then the Met has hardly covered itself in glory in the last year with its highly variable response to different demos.

            We can’t be calling for the cracking of BLM skulls while complaining about the treatment of middle-aged women at anti-lockdown demos. And I just have a feeling that some of the young and peaceful demonstrators in Falmouth might be more sympathetic to some causes than to others. If they want to maintain the right to demonstrate peacefully shouldn’t they be confronting those on their side of the argument who are doing their best to have it taken away?

            Here’s the briefing paper on the proposed bill:

          5. Last summer, BLM and XR went way beyond peaceful protest. Both these organisations – together with Antifa – should be declared domestic terrorists and their leaders arrested and charged with conspiracy to commit acts of terrorism.

            Their followers should be made aware that should they take to the streets again, they will be forcibly dispersed and they will be arrested and charged as terrorists.

            If that doesn’t work, just shoot the bastards.

          6. This law won’t be applied to BLM and XR. They’ll continue to do as they please, sanctioned by the globalists. The law is being changed to suppress opposition to the great reset, not the likes of BLM, XR and other useful idiots. Mass Moslem demos won’t end either.

          7. Take away the right to say “f*ck” and you take away the right to say “f*ck the government”

  36. 330955+ up ticks,
    Has any of the lab/lib/con coalition overseers had a word with him yet
    with views of submitting being the best way out for ALL concerned.

    The submissive mindset of the overseers via actions shown is
    it is better the loss of one head, than a multitude.

    Sooner done then we can get back to the indoctrination of our youngsters ready for reset/replacement.


    1. And then there’s the police. Cannot be arsed to attend a Lynch mob gathering illegally. Too busy looking on line for insults against muslims, when they are not out and about pushing old ladies off park benches.

    2. ” Why do these people choose to live in liberal democracies? ” Because the leaders of those liberal democracies welcome them in, thinking they’ll behave and be nice people, appreciating what they have gained from coming. These people and their well practised ” We want a better life” – DON’T want a better life. They want THEIR crappy lives – in a better country. One that has been built, paid taxes for and worked for – -by someone else – i.e. – US. . .but they are incapable of realising their problems are caused by THEM.

  37. Ref my comment earlier about BPAPM being very quiet about Batley – I suppose we should be grateful that he appears not to use tweeter etc. The Babbling Poltroon would have tweeted something instantly – in support of the slammers – and then had to tweet a different message hours later when the truth began to penetrate his thick (greedy) skull.

      1. It comes to something when our BPAPM has to rely on a spent so called comic to do the preaching for him.

        1. Didn’t realise that black w⚓ had been given a knighthood.

          And I’m surprised he didn’t refuse his CBE. Surely a nigger activist wouldn’t want to be associated with the British Empire, which was responsible for oppressing his kind, according to their narrative.

          1. How old fashioned you are, O Monarch of the Glen. The ghastly, white-hating, anti-imperialist half-caste Nigerian (descended from slavers) “historian” Ololwogso gladly took an OBE. To spite his white mother, I suppose.

          2. Just like Sir Lewis. (I can hardly bring myself to write the words)
            His white half earned it, his black half despises all it stands for

      2. 330955+ up ticks,
        Afternoon SE,
        May I politely cut in,
        The polling booth is the best route out of this jacked up political flu johnson me old cocker
        The polling booth & the peoples reset.

      3. I understand that from the start of this scamdemic the BAMEs in this country, or whatever their name is now, have supposedly been disproportionately affected by this virus. I wonder if there are any stats anywhere to prove it?

        1. They also seem disproportionately reluctant (in the same proportions) to roll up their sleeve. That is understandable, they may have an equal proportion of adverse side effects. Ironically, the BAMES may yet save us from passport discrimination. Good afternoon, vw

          1. Afternoon Pmum. That would be a good result and maybe the government is just “testing” the waters. I haven’t taken my BP for a long time now because the whole thing makes me so furious.

          2. I understand. The headline in the DM did it for me today: “More than HALF of people in England now have Covid antibodies thanks to huge vaccination drive and natural immunity.” I was so angry at this misinformation. There is no way you can gain covid antibodies from any of these vaccines. I wrote to the DM to tell them that such misinformation was immoral, that one day they and theirs would be victims of it also, what goes around comes around. It will not, of course, do any good. It just made me crosser! How dare they delude people into thinking these are the same as normal vaccines when they are very far from it, and that they have been immunised in the traditional sense and they are unlikely to catch or transmit the virus which is the opposite of the truth.

            You may be interested in the following link, everyone in the UK should listen to it. It may explain why Johnson has looked so awful this last week or so, and why Whitty, Vallance, Ferguson and Hancock have lost some of their panache. When you click on the link, you will see the page with a meme Whitty and Vallance top right. Click on the yellow button with the arrow on the left directly opposite. It is quite long, 1 hr 5 mins, tedious in places, you may feel you’ve got the drift but stick with it as little nuggets of information keep appearing. I was riveted when he said the judge would demand that vaccinations would be stopped for 90 days….. do you remember last week that there were surprise headlines saying there would be a gap of several months due to inadequate supplies of vaccine? Of course they are not going to tell us the real truth. The podcast was made just before that round about 20 March. Perhaps something is really happening behind the scenes.

          3. I don’t want to be more of a wet blanket than usual, but this chap and his private prosecution – is wasting his time and money.

            No judge in the land is ever going to find that HMG and its cronies have duped 25 million people. Never in a year of Sundays..

        2. Don’tCallMeBames? DCMBAME?
          There are bound to be Covid statistics, but they will be misleading. Many Bames come from less privileged backgrounds, so they are disproportionately affected by conditions of poverty which overlap with their cultural (societal) traditions. Diabetes, obesity, hypertension and low levels of Vitamin D3.

          1. The whole country has low levels of vitamin D3 so Alf has been told by his consultant and we should all take 4,000-5,000iu daily, double for the first month in winter.

          2. So far in my lifetime I’ve been told not to use
            Mixed race
            And now BAME. (Interestingly, Unison uses BAEM – not sure if theres a difference)

            White, is just white, even though there are just as many different origins of whiteness
            I wish they’d make up their minds

          3. I got a book recommendation from a chum. He said ‘read this, you’ll hate it and I like making you unhappy.’

            When I replied I didn’t say ‘thank you, black person, of colour, mixed race man but not so man that you’re not also a woman at heart’.

            I said ‘Cheers John, love you too. Bring pringles Thursday.’

            Only those trying to grind an axe bother about colour. It’s fugging stupid. All the poof awareness weeks, all the promotion of weirdness – shove it. Stop labelling people, stop promoting people. Just treat people as bloomin’ people.

      4. The vaccine being the virus in inert form, what’s happened is that for a year the state told us to stay imprisoned so as not to get infected. It is now carrying out a policy of enforced infection.

        Am I wrong?

  38. Well that’s me back from my second jab – didn’t feel a thing and as before very well organised

  39. Oh goodie gumdrops.
    Mark Rilance (sic) has sent me an email offering a chance to makes lots of money. And I thought he was only an actor!
    Well …. as he’s been so successful, it would rude not to reply as he obviously knows what he’s doing.

      1. I keep getting spam emails using Dyson, Tesco and other well known business names.

      2. I keep getting spam emails using Dyson, Tesco and other well known business names.

      1. Distinguished actor director and writer. Bridge of Spies with Tom Hanks, The BFG (Big Friendly Giant) etc.

        An activist, but sounds like a good bloke.

        1. An activist, but sounds like a good bloke – but if only he’d keep his lefturd, remainiac mouth SHUT.

  40. A Teachers Tale

    First they came for me
    And the Left did not speak out
    Because it was too awkward a situation

    Then they came for me again
    And the Liberal Conservatives did not speak out
    Because It was too awkward a situation

    Then they came for the me another time
    And the trade unionists did not speak out
    Because it was too awkward a situation

    Then they came for the me another time
    And the Populists spoke out,
    Then they all came for the Populists and called them racist and took away their vaccination licenses.

  41. Nicola Sturgeon accuses Alex Salmond of being an attention-seeker who ‘loves the limelight’ in fresh attack on her former boss after he sets up new rival party Alba (D Wail headline)

    Good afternoon, Mrs Kettle – meet Mr Pot.

        1. She’s also said she won’t talk to him until he apologises to his “accusers”! But…but…he was deemed not guilty in a Court of Law! Do you think she was really a lawyer?

          1. Well now, if she was a lawyer – and she insists she was – it seems that they’ve set an extremely low bar (pun intended) for legal qualification.

          2. I’ve just read about why she left the profession? in a bit of a hurry! It involves a person of colour female QC! Highly entertaining reading!

          3. Wings over Scotland, the SNP (who don’t love Nikeliar) website! The QC is hilariously called Olga Pasportnikov!

          4. I wouldn’t be allowed to say….

            I do know that I am VERY glad that I am no longer practising.
            I’d almost certainly be struck off for telling people what they don’t want to hear.

          5. Shame! My old man was looking forward to that! My Scottish SiL couldn’t believe it! (@ Victor Meldrew)

          6. Wonderful eh? Corruption, lies, contempt for the little people, we’ve got the lot, and all tied up in a neat little bundle and labelled Scottish Justice and Government! Oh joy!

          7. I had to check Olga Pasportnikov; apart from her name, her appearance suggested no contact with Russia.
            Apparently she does actually exist!

          8. Exactly. An apology is an admission. The continual reference to his trial and the charges levelled is now coming close to contempt of court. She and the MSM/BBC repeat this information in every reference and report regarding Salmond, ad nauseam. We know. Yes, we do. We’ve heard it all every ten minutes on TV, on the internet, in the papers and on the radio for over a year.
            As for not talking to him, well we will see. If the Alba party gets 29 seats Salmond will push for secession*. Can Sturgeon say no!? Not yet!. I’m not ready! No, she cannot now or in the future act as a brake on independence as her supporters would be a little upset.

            *Salmond is not talking indyref2. With 29 seats plus 4 Greens, plus 60 SNP there is a lawful majority for a vote to secede.

          9. They don’t want an apology. They want him to admit that they were right to have power over him.

            It won’t stop the abuse or accusations. That’ll continue regardless. For these berks it’s all about power.

    1. If the police had given permission for the afternoon’s flower laying etc… maybe with a cut-off time of 6.0 pm, the nonsense might still have happened, but very clear parameters would have been seen publicly to be broken.
      I would much rather that vigils and demonstrations of this nature were not reliant on any form of official approval, but British society at the moment is so violent and fragmented that sadly these Orwellian measures are needed.

      1. If the police had given permission for the afternoon’s flower laying etc… maybe with a cut-off time of 6.0 pm, the nonsense might still have happened, but very clear parameters would have been seen publicly to be broken.

        They might have said: “That would be making it up as we went along.”
        We would have replied: “Like you did with the dog-walkers?”

      2. If the police had given permission for the afternoon’s flower laying etc… maybe with a cut-off time of 6.0 pm, the nonsense might still have happened, but very clear parameters would have been seen publicly to be broken.

        They might have said: “That would be making it up as we went along.”
        We would have replied: “Like you did with the dog-walkers?”

    2. If the police had given permission for the afternoon’s flower laying etc… maybe with a cut-off time of 6.0 pm, the nonsense might still have happened, but very clear parameters would have been seen publicly to be broken.
      I would much rather that vigils and demonstrations of this nature were not reliant on any form of official approval, but British society at the moment is so violent and fragmented that sadly these Orwellian measures are needed.

  42. The price of your cowardice. Spiked. 30 March 2021.

    The liberal elite’s failure to defend the Batley Grammar schoolteacher is a black mark against this nation.

    The father of the Batley Grammar schoolteacher who was suspended for the supposedly blasphemous offence of showing his pupils an image of Muhammad has spoken to the Daily Mail. It makes for distressing reading. His son is an ‘emotional wreck’, he says. He ‘keeps breaking down and crying and says it’s all over for him’. Worse, he fears for his life. He fears for his family’s lives.

    This is the price of liberal cowardice. What is happening in Batley is the logical conclusion of the liberal elite’s abandonment of the ideal of freedom of speech. The most shocking element of the Batley controversy is not actually the gruff protesters turning up to the schoolgates every day to demand the sacking of a teacher who offended their fragile sensibilities. It’s the broader establishment’s failure to defend the teacher, to stand by him, to insist on the right of educators to think freely and to engage their charges in open, critical discussion.

    Out of suspicion I’ve googled this story and it’s largely vanished. No doubt under instruction. The abandonment of this young man to his fate by the Elites and their lackeys in the MSM and Law Enforcement tells you pretty much everything you need to know about them. When the crunch comes and the Forces of Darkness are battering at your door to rape the women and to kill you, they will be cowering behind the barriers in Westminster listening to the screams.


    1. The labels are different, the sense the same:

      When the Nazis came for the communists,
      I remained silent;
      I was not a communist.

      When they locked up the social democrats,
      I remained silent;
      I was not a social democrat.

      When they came for the trade unionists,
      I did not speak out;
      I was not a trade unionist.

      When they came for the Jews,
      I remained silent;
      I was not a Jew.

      When they came for me,
      there was no one left to speak out.

      Friedrich Gustav Emil Martin Niemöller (14 January 1892 – 6 March 1984) was a Protestant pastor and social activist.

      1. Odd, that then, when there was an actual threat, a real, genuine problem, the ‘activists’ were reasonable, rational fellows.

        Now, in an age of abject plenty where their biggest problem is choosing which coffee to buy they squeal ‘not my pwime winister, not my pwimeinister’ like nutters, or blither on about communism, not understand what it does, or bleat about a universal basic income or demand power stations be shut down then get confused when their iRing1000 doesn’t work.

        It makes you want to reach out and slap some sense into them.

    2. “It’s the broader establishment’s failure to defend the teacher, to stand by him, to insist on the right of educators to think freely and to engage their charges in open, critical discussion.”

      Unless the Head teacher, board of governors and the local teaching authority are swiftly and severely censured – and the teacher and his family given adequate protection – this disgraceful scenario will recur and continue to haunt us.

      It is an important battle between the British democratic right to freedom of speech and a recently imported archaic and alien culture.

      1. Evening Lacoste. It was a trial of strength and Islam won. I’ve just watched the six o’clock news and the story has been killed!

    3. “It’s the broader establishment’s failure to defend the teacher, to stand by him, to insist on the right of educators to think freely and to engage their charges in open, critical discussion.”

      Unless the Head teacher, board of governors and the local teaching authority are swiftly and severely censured – and the teacher and his family given adequate protection – this disgraceful scenario will recur and continue to haunt us.

      It is an important battle between the British democratic right to freedom of speech and a recently imported archaic and alien culture.

  43. Oh Bugger,just set off the smoke alarm while charring my chicken for my CTM,that’ll teach me not to use foil rather than kitchen roll in the bottom of the grill pan
    Now awaiting the check call to make sure I haven’t set fire to the whole court!!

          1. Save the Masala sauce to go with your main course of chips.

            Watched Grace Dent on Masterchef and the contestants were set a challenge to do street food from anywhere in the world.

            One lovely old dear did chips and gravy. A Northern speciality apparently. :@)

          2. Nearly right: you missed out the sex and beer. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Z2LrDzOwuOU

            I’ve no intention of even attempting a Chicken Tikka Masala or anything to do with it. It was invented as a joke, in Birmingham, to pacify a gang of pissed Brummies. A Bangladeshi restaurateur, so the story goes, chucked the contents of a bottle of tomato ketchup into a mild curry sauce and the dish was ‘born’. They are welcome to it!

          3. Ah dinna doobt that story, wee lassie. Wherever it was invented, I still want none of it.

            Now, if I could have a dish of tandoori lamb, saag aloo and tarka dhal; with a plate of poppadoms and chapatis; raita and mango chutney; and some bombay duck, I’d be rolling in clover.

          4. All of those things you mention may be authentic but the only way you came across those combinations were in Anglicised Indian restaurants. Unless you are an Indian in disguise. Ordinary Indians in India don’t eat like that.

          5. Bummalo (I spelt it wrongly) is the name of the fish that is smoked and dried to make the delicacy know as ‘Bombay Duck’.

          6. Certainly not! We’re Brummies and we don’t talk – we yodel*. So if you ain’t got the music you’re buggered!

            *According to Mike Harding.

          7. Small Heath. Doodli is Black Country where they say “Yow”. Unlike here, where we goo around on buzzes and live in a count’s louse.

          8. That’s a bit like Sheffield, which has a very distinct dialect (Sean Bean is fairly posh Sheffield). Problem is that in plays and films, the producers always have the actors giving a ‘standard Yorkshire’ accent which of course, does not exist; especially not in Sheffield.

            “Da whatt [rhymes with ‘bat’], I’m talking to dee!” [‘Dee’ is Sheffield for ‘thee’: words beginning with a ‘th’ are invariably pronounced with a ‘d’].

          9. Certainly not! We’re Brummies and we don’t talk – we yodel*. So if you ain’t got the music you’re buggered!

            *According to Mike Harding.

    1. Apols for hijacking a thread but my brother did something similar – he’d wrapped something in kitchen towel rather than tin foil and that caused ‘problems’ for his oven. We didn’t know he was stuck until his unit’s warden phoned to say he hadn’t eaten for three days.

      However, due to his condition we can’t visit him or get a new oven in until Saturday and even that’s going to be difficult as they don’t make his oven any more. Thankfully though the unit handyman fellow will fit it so the ‘stranger in my house’ won’t be an issue.

      1. Mother’s electric equipment has been failing every 2 weeks or so. The local white goods shop delivers and installs them. Good prices, excellent service. Dug me and her out of a hole several times this last year.

        1. Apparently in Parliament when they get the time they are debating the inbuilt failure of white goods compared to how they used to make them to last.

          How i laughed.

          There is just so much money in people having to replace their cooker/washing machine every four years.

      2. Mother’s electric equipment has been failing every 2 weeks or so. The local white goods shop delivers and installs them. Good prices, excellent service. Dug me and her out of a hole several times this last year.

    2. Apols for hijacking a thread but my brother did something similar – he’d wrapped something in kitchen towel rather than tin foil and that caused ‘problems’ for his oven. We didn’t know he was stuck until his unit’s warden phoned to say he hadn’t eaten for three days.

      However, due to his condition we can’t visit him or get a new oven in until Saturday and even that’s going to be difficult as they don’t make his oven any more. Thankfully though the unit handyman fellow will fit it so the ‘stranger in my house’ won’t be an issue.

    1. Visitors to the George Floyd memorial in Minneapolis must walk past concrete barricades and makeshift checkpoints to reach the site where the 46-year-old took his last breath with his face pressed to the asphalt. Signs marking the entrance to the birthplace of a global racial justice movement read: “You are now entering the free state of George Floyd” and “cops not welcome”.

      The world is set to revisit the death of Mr Floyd this week when the trial of Derek Chauvin, the white police officer who kneeled on his neck during his final moments, begins. His death not only triggered a hot summer of protests but also calls to “defund” the police that have reverberated across the US and as far as the UK.

      The four-block intersection where Mr Floyd died – renamed George Floyd Square – is now a test case, with concrete barricades and a regular swarm of activists manning an “autonomous zone”, effectively barring police from the area. And it is not going well.

      Earlier this month a 30-year-old volunteer was shot dead, and cars with broken windows line the streets. Business owners say customers have fled and emergency services refuse to come in. “I call that the United States,” says Sam Willis, the owner of Just Turkey restaurant, as he gestures beyond the barrier. “Over here, this is an area where there’s lawlessness.” The so-called autonomous zone was initially supported by Minneapolis’ progressive city council. Last June a majority of councillors vowed to dismantle the city’s police department and later cut $8 million from its budget and diverted it to other services, in a knee-jerk reaction to protests over Mr Floyd’s death.

      More than 100 police officers left the force last year – double the usual number – and dozens more are on leave with post-traumatic stress from the violent unrest that rocked the city after Mr Floyd’s death. The police department says the drop in resources has forced it to prioritise responding to only the most serious crimes. At the barriers to George Floyd square activists sit in the graffitied checkpoint stalls with small heaters and kettles, peering out from plastic windows to ensure no police officers gain entry. The flowers and messages of hope and peace that first adorned the streets have been overshadowed by boarded up businesses and graffiti. A sign on one entrance urges visitors to approach the area in the same way they would “visiting Auschwitz”; at another a large whiteboard lists a set of demands for the city’s leaders. Mr Willis, 46, says his restaurant, like many other black-owned businesses within the area, has been hit hard by the road closures and the growing crime rate.

      “A guy got killed down here three weeks ago. They had to drive them to the hospital because the ambulance won’t come. You can’t have that,” he says. Next door, the owners of a BBQ joint have made their feelings known with a mural across their shop front. “The wise build bridges. The foolish build barriers,” it reads. Ivy Alexander, 58, the restaurant’s co-owner, says she is sympathetic with activists’ social justice demands, but has felt unsafe at more than one point over the last year. “I had one employee quit because he feared for his life,” she said. Mrs Alexander and other black-owned businesses on the street have resorted to crowd sourcing to help them stay afloat.

      Activists in the area argue that the crime levels in George Floyd Square are no higher than in other parts of the city, but claim the incidents here get more media attention because it is a police-free zone. “There’s always been crime here, that’s just the neighbourhood,” one activist in his 30s, who did not want to be named, tells The Telegraph from inside a makeshift checkpoint. “Outsiders give more focus to it because they don’t like what’s happening here.”

      The activist claimed that volunteers like him stop troublemakers at the entrance to the area.

      But the signs of criminal activity are clear to see. Criminal gangs operate openly, and residents say it is not unusual to see people carrying firearms.

      Don Samuels, 72, the CEO of a non-profit and a black former city councillor, said there was a bitter irony to the area’s plight. “Even though George Floyd Square is the epicentre of global focus and certainly the place where this all started, it’s truly the case that the residents there have experienced more violence,” he told The Telegraph.

      “We’ve historically been underserved, but now we’re being underserved by the ‘woke’ people [in the council] who say ‘we’ll tell you, the community most vulnerable to the absence of police, what should happen’,” he said.

      Mr Samuels is among a group of residents who are suing the city for failing to protect the community, arguing the city leaders’ support of the “defund the police movement” emboldened criminals and demoralised officers.

      The city’s police chief, Medaria Arradondo, has admitted the level of violence in the area is “staggering and unacceptable”, but said a shortage of police resources has presented an “operational challenge”.

      Some city councillors have now recanted on their earlier pledge to dismantle the police department and recently approved a $6.4 million recruitment drive to hire dozens more officers.

      Minneapolis is not unique. Attempts to create an autonomous zone in Portland and Seattle were unmitigated failures, and while more than 20 US cities have moved to reduce their policing budgets, early pledges to drastically cut policing departments are no closer to becoming reality.

      Support for the movement is also at an all-time low among the general public, with a recent Ipsos poll showing just 18 per cent of Americans supported the movement, while 58 per cent said they opposed it.

      But tensions between law enforcement and the Minneapolis community are set to be tested again in the coming weeks, with the trial of Mr Chauvin, the former police officer charged with killing Mr Floyd.

      With opening arguments due to begin on Monday, Minneapolis is once again in the spotlight.

      In anticipation of potential unrest, much of the city centre – including the courthouse where the trial is taking place – have been boarded up and surrounded by layers of fencing. Thousands of National Guard troops and other law enforcement officers have been drafted into the city for the duration of the trial.

      City officials have delayed reopening George Floyd Square, fearing any sudden moves may lead to a fresh wave of violence, but the city’s mayor, Jacob Frey, has promised the barriers will come down after Mr Chauvin’s trial concludes.

      But not everyone in the area welcomes an end to the autonomous zone. “There’s violence that’s happening over there but I think the police are just going to make it worse,” said Louis Hunter, a 42-year-old local business owner who served food to demonstrators during last year’s protests.

      Mr Hunter is the cousin of Philando Castile, another black man who was killed by Minnesota police in 2016. He argued “lives have been saved” by the decision to cut the city’s police resources.

      “We tried the police body cameras, we’ve engaged them every which way, so now let’s defund the police,” he said.

      “Our city is emotional right now because we’re looking for a victory. No justice, no peace. That’s not going to be that way just here in Minneapolis – it’s going to be throughout the world,” he added.

      1. I like that its all self-inflicted.
        Iran,China,Russia et al can just sit and watch it play out.

          1. I suspect there’s a lot of dindus in the lower ranks of American forces.
            They always have something to gripe about.

          2. I suspect that any black American who joins up will be well to the Republican side.

          3. I suspect that any black American who joins up will be well to the Republican side.

      2. The U.S. is well rid of a violent, druggie criminal. As for the deluded authorities voting to defund their police, what did they expect would happen?

      3. The U.S. is well rid of a violent, druggie criminal. As for the deluded authorities voting to defund their police, what did they expect would happen?

      4. George Feckin Floyd square?

        Dear life. What’s it for? A momument to druggies, muggers and con artists? Cretins.

    2. Easy solution. Have the police save money by not attending to calls from those who wanted to defund it.

      The bias and americanisation of the article shows what side it takes.

  44. Glorious afternoon. Risked shorts. Just about OK! Cats revelling in the warmth. Scampering, climbing, stalking each other. Wonderful to see. Twenty two weeks they have been with us – and now have us firmly under their paws!

  45. The youth of today who care so much about the environment…

    Look at the litter they are creating. Plus…they are playing right into Johnson’s hands so he can lock us all up again.

    If you peruse the other MSM sites you will notice the police getting tough because too many people are crowding together.

    Punch drunk! Moment booze-fuelled students brawl as thousands enjoy first day of Rule of Six freedoms in Nottingham park


    1. As for the author’s mealy-mouthed apology,
      “Pilkey said it was meant to “showcase diversity, equality, and non-violent conflict-resolution”. But he said he now realised it was “wrong and harmful” to Asian people” .- fetch me the sick bucket. I doubt the thoughts of diversity etc even entered his head when he wrote it in 2010 either.

  46. Afternoon all. Fabulous day, lovely and sunny. 24degs in Woking.

    Please excuse me if I do no reply to comments on my posts. I am not receiving them via email, as usual, for some reason and don’t know how to fix it. I am not ignoring you.

    1. 24! Skronky trousers.

      It’s about 19’c here. Time to get the paddling pool out for the floof.

    1. I had a black beast haul logs for me. He is my slave!

      Seemed happy enough doing it, and we both had a hearty dinner afterward.

    2. I had a black beast haul logs for me. He is my slave!

      Seemed happy enough doing it, and we both had a hearty dinner afterward.

    3. I hope you got over what was making you feel off colour earlier, Bilty and that you’ll feel better tomorrow.

      1. Thanks, Stormie. It was a “funny turn” that lasted 48 hours. Fine this morning.

        1. There was an touring show, out West in the US, that had Oomy Goolley birds: they also had elephants

        2. There was an touring show, out West in the US, that had Oomy Goolley birds: they also had elephants

      1. That reminds me, I saw a swallow this morning on a telegraph wire. I’ve a good book on cuckoo behaviour, ‘Cuckoo, Cheating by Nature’ by Nick Davies.

        1. Friends of mine, animators Sarah and Simon Bor, made a children’s cartoon entitled Beastly Behaviour.

          It depicted in a humorous way the lifestyles of a number of animals. The cuckoo was depicted with a Wellington boot on one of its legs.

      2. That reminds me, I saw a swallow this morning on a telegraph wire. I’ve a good book on cuckoo behaviour, ‘Cuckoo, Cheating by Nature’ by Nick Davies.

    1. I remember a black and white film by Ken Russell about Delius. The actor playing Delius was in a wheelchair (Delius having contracted Syphilis in the Paris brothels) and the film featured actors for Eric Fenby, his emmanuensis, and Percy Grainger who pushed him at speed around the garden. That was the first time I heard this piece.

      The first live performance I heard was in Sheffield City Hall, The Halle under Barenboim.

      Ken Russell did a similar film about Sir Edward Elgar which was also brilliant.

      1. I remember it well. Max Adrian played Delius as a querulous and difficult man.

        Ken Russell also made a film about Tchaïkovsky with Glenda Jackson in it. Another film – which was very bad – he made was The Devils. I remember going to see it in the ABC cinema in the Fulham Road with two of my friends: Steve, who was the captain of the UEA rugby team who also played for the Cornish Pirates and now writes biographies of rugby players and Dich a rather pretentious and slightly pseud0-intellectual Cambridge graduate.

        After the film – in which Glenda, a favourite of Russell’s showed off her ‘same old tired titties’ – we were discussing the production in a crowded pub opposite the cinema. Steve and I were not impressed but Dick stood up for the film saying: “But at least we are talking about it. It has stimulated conversation. It is art.” To which Steve replied: “If that chap over there got up and stood on a table, undid his flies, pulled out his willy and peed on everyone we would all talk about it. But surely that wouldn’t make it art, “unless,” he added after a moment’s reflection, “he was a piss artist.”

        1. Why doesn’t the BBC show repeats ….well worth viewing again.
          I wouldn’t object to paying the licence!

          1. Hi dewi! She retired in 2015 as she was nearly 80! I’m sure you know she’s Dan Hodges mother!

          2. Hi dewi! She retired in 2015 as she was nearly 80! I’m sure you know she’s Dan Hodges mother!

      2. I remember it well. Max Adrian played Delius as a querulous and difficult man.

        Ken Russell also made a film about Tchaïkovsky with Glenda Jackson in it. Another film – which was very bad – he made was The Devils. I remember going to see it in the ABC cinema in the Fulham Road with two of my friends: Steve, who was the captain of the UEA rugby team who also played for the Cornish Pirates and now writes biographies of rugby players and Dich a rather pretentious and slightly pseud0-intellectual Cambridge graduate.

        After the film – in which Glenda, a favourite of Russell’s showed off her ‘same old tired titties’ – we were discussing the production in a crowded pub opposite the cinema. Steve and I were not impressed but Dick stood up for the film saying: “But at least we are talking about it. It has stimulated conversation. It is art.” To which Steve replied: “If that chap over there got up and stood on a table, undid his flies, pulled out his willy and peed on everyone we would all talk about it. But surely that wouldn’t make it art, “unless,” he added after a moment’s reflection, “he was a piss artist.”

      3. BBC at its best…1960’s

        BBC Television’s Monitor series with Huw Wheldon.
        It dramatised the life of the English composer Sir Edward Elgar.
        Written by: Ken Russell

        1. Ken Russell got the dog wrong. The film used a labrador, since it fitted more with the image of the English country gentleman. Elgar though preferred small dogs, and his spaniel companions are buried in the garden at Lower Broadheath. One of the Enigma Variations was a sketch of Dan, a friend’s bulldog who fell in the river.

      4. BBC at its best…1960’s

        BBC Television’s Monitor series with Huw Wheldon.
        It dramatised the life of the English composer Sir Edward Elgar.
        Written by: Ken Russell

        1. Clark Gable played Rhett Butler (in Gone With The Wind.)

          (Sorry, Bill, just couldn’t resist having a Silly Sausage moment.)

          1. Absolutely correct, Grizzly. The filmmakers wanted to put the emphasis on damn, but the Hays Office (US censors of the day) would only allow them to use that “profane” word if they put the emphasis where you did.

  47. 330996+ up ticks.

    This being an Aussie issue and were it to happen here, as it very well could the way things are shaping up, let it encapsulate the 650 politico’s
    firstly followed by council members, employees, police, etc,etc.

    An annual day of repentance just prior to election day,
    Lest we forget.

    Schoolboys Made to Apologise to Girls for Rape on Behalf of Their Gender


  48. Yo all

    Have been practising my understanding of Swedish diagrams, by building Ikea furniture

    Went quite well, SWMBO still lives here

    We have just had a Multi-culti meal:

    Fried Spam
    Baked beans

    It were ‘cowing lush’ as they say in Swansea

    1. Oddly enough whatever you do to Spam, fry, boil, grill, whatever, it still tastes like Spam!

        1. You don’t do know what you’re missing.

          I still enjoy a Spam Fritter when the chips are down.

  49. Yo all

    Have been practising my understanding of Swedish diagrams, by building Ikea furniture

    Went quite well, SWMBO still lives here

    We have just had a Multi-culti meal:

    Fried Spam
    Baked beans

    It were ‘cowing lush’ as they say in Swansea

    1. Pillocks! I saw a chap wearing a bright green Hi Viz vest with “VOLUNTEER'” printed on the back litter picking in Bathampton this afternoon. He was doing a fine job.

        1. very sensible of your council to have a local do the work.

          Our council just hand out big plastic bags to residents and ask us to do the rubbish pickup. It seems to work.
          In addition, there is a 10c deposit on beer bottles, they are never left lying in ditches for long.

          1. It is as simple as that. Give a bonus/payback on returned Pop bottles/beer cans and takeaway wrappers and the litter will disappear overnight. The question is…..why don’t they?

            In a similar vein i have been hearing for at least the last 30 years about removing chocolate and sweets from tills in supermarkets because of obesity and diabetes. Still there.

        2. Our Parish Council has volunteer litter pickers. Every so often, there’s a village litter pick and everybody who can turns out for a jolly and a jolly good clean up.

          1. I remember doing litter drills as a squaddie. Those of us who cottonned on used to keep a folded empty crisp packet and a couple of cigarette butts on us so we could skive the litter drill and have something to present at the end.

        3. Our Parish Council has volunteer litter pickers. Every so often, there’s a village litter pick and everybody who can turns out for a jolly and a jolly good clean up.

    2. Pillocks! I saw a chap wearing a bright green Hi Viz vest with “VOLUNTEER'” printed on the back litter picking in Bathampton this afternoon. He was doing a fine job.

          1. That may be courting disaster! Plum’s Achilles may have something to say about that!

          2. That ankle won’t be her Achilles heel. It’s her tongue they need to worry about ! ***runs away fast…

        1. Peeing is fine. Plant food.

          Plastic litter will give St Greta a heart attack which is why i launched my collection of carrier bags as ‘chinky lanterns’.

          ***ashamed face… :@(

    3. ]:-o
      Man, what a mess.
      Is nobody raised to even take a little care of their planet any more?

      1. No, they are all indoctrinated in climate change. Simple things like taking your litter home don’t do anything for the dreaded CO2.

      2. No, they are all indoctrinated in climate change. Simple things like taking your litter home don’t do anything for the dreaded CO2.

    4. What more proof is needed to realise that what was once the world’s most clever, inventive and intelligent life form, is now nothing more than a pernicious and deadly virus on the face of a beautiful planet?

        1. That is not brawling, Belle. They are having fun and letting off steam.

          Question ? How many dead. How many died?

      1. Wilkinsons of Norwich have a new website so you may have to re register as I have just done. Be prepared if you have not done so.

    5. Littering in beauty spots has got far worse since my childhood. You never used to see scenes like that.

    1. They will never admit it but a game is being played. Big Banks…billions of Dollars… those are just the pawns moving forward for a gambit. Sadly the puppeteers will win.

      This is not about stupidity but complacency.

    1. I’m here! How is the new abode looking? Are you comfy and a bit settled now? Found the corkscrew?

      1. Yo Sue

        Abode impoving. +

        Shower leaks into room next door –

        Fully electified: round pin wall sockets replaced +

        Ikea build underway +

        No garden to mow +

        Garage slowly becoming shed +

        1. 5 out of 6! Very good work! Gold stars all round!
          What is the IKEA build, if that’s not too nosey?

          1. 3 Malm Double drawer units
            I Single Malm drawer unit
            3 Double Billy Display cabinets
            Bedside table

          2. Of course and ring, open ended, socket, adjustable and ratchet spanners

            Seriously, they have moved on

          3. I love their stuff! Always have and I even like the stores! And the hot dogs!

          4. There is only one day every four years to survive a trip to IKEA and that is the day they hold the World Cup Final……

          5. That sounds a bit snobbish. It happens to be the only time i get to streak !
            What am i missing?

          6. That sounds a bit snobbish. It happens to be the only time i get to streak !
            What am i missing?

          7. There is only one day every four years to survive a trip to IKEA and that is the day they hold the World Cup Final……

          8. The stores are the seventh circle of hell, and are noteworthy if only because they are the only place in the world where children from perfect middle class families can be observed having a meltdown like normal kids!

          9. I’ve two Malm three drawer units, one Malm bedside cabinet, and a Malm bed which lifts up to reveal storage space below. I’ve retained a couple of Billy bookcases from the old place.

          10. Yo Boss

            When you get to my age, 25, you do not want ‘designer furniture’ (your benificiaries don’t want you to have it either)

            Ikea supply Quality products: Fit for Purpose, at the lowest possible price.

            We have been Ikearists for 35+ years and never disappointed

          11. Yo Boss

            When you get to my age, 25, you do not want ‘designer furniture’ (your benificiaries don’t want you to have it either)

            Ikea supply Quality products: Fit for Purpose, at the lowest possible price.

            We have been Ikearists for 35+ years and never disappointed

          12. Old fashioned me. The most modern stuff in my house is Ercole bedroom furniture solid oak.

            A lot is inherited and antique and I commissioned some Windsor chairs in various styles made in Burr Elm and Yew along with tables and a Dresser from Stewart Linford of High Wycombe in the eighties. In those days I had money to spend on things I admired for their craftsmanship.

          13. Yup. I designed it on Welsh Dresser lines. Welsh Dressers will have used Sycamore for the top and the rest in Elm or Oak.

            I thought forty odd years ago that I would be clever and use Burr Elm for the fixed framing, doors and counter top and Yew for the glass doors and drawer fronts. The rhythm is a sort of A-B, A-B. It is all about contrasts.

            This is an idea that I have deployed successfully on my major buildings.

          14. We commissioned an altar table in Olive Ash from John Makepeace for the crypt of Lambeth Palace Chapel which was used for the Conference in 1987 whilst we were restoring the interior of Lambeth Palace Chapel.

            Edit: My dresser by Stewart Linford is in Burr Elm and Yew, I will post a photo. We have been putting stuff in boxes in anticipation of moving this year. House goes on the market in April.

            Over the years we accumulated so much stuff and both being hoarders, reluctant to let things go. My wife Carol is even worse than me. I retain files and correspondence from all my jobs as from the early seventies. I also retain the CAD files for later buildings at Paternoster Square and Christ Church Spitalfields if anyone is interested.

            Edited: Olive Ash.

          15. Way above my pay scale as it were but i have picked up some solid pieces of furniture second hand from British Heart Foundation.

          16. Wonderful second hand furniture turns up from time to time at our local charity warehouse too. I bought one piece of modern, craftsman-made furniture for more than a thousand pounds (a bed), and it broke the first time I moved it a couple of feet.

          17. I am in a similar position, except for the commissioned furniture. Everything I have is old; inherited or bought at auction on a limited budget (when we were first setting up home)

          18. The booger is getting rid of the junk that was left.

            Local charity shops are not taking furniture

          19. Was there anything useful? When we moved in here 35 years ago, we found 4 bottles of homemade wine in the dining room cupboard, but they’d taken the corner bench and table out of the kitchen!

          20. first house that we bought in Ottawa, the previous owner left us a bottle of sparkling wine as a gift.

            I still don’t know what we had done to them but oh my, Sparking Baby Duck was not a highlight of Canadian wine making.

          21. When I moved into my house, I found they’d taken the wall lights (as well as the light bulbs) and left the wires protruding from the walls; they also took the greenhouse that was mentioned in the contract! As they’d also taken the chandelier, the first time we switched the lights on, it blew the trip. Thankfully, we tried the lights before it got dark.

          22. Our lot took the light bulbs and everything else including a very heavy Vermont Vigilant log burner. This left just a hole in an asbestos cover over a hearth.

            They left an untuned upright piano which we had no use for and had to pay extra to have it removed.

            There are bastards and then there are super bastards extant in our society.

          23. Our lot took the light bulbs and everything else including a very heavy Vermont Vigilant log burner. This left just a hole in an asbestos cover over a hearth.

            They left an untuned upright piano which we had no use for and had to pay extra to have it removed.

            There are bastards and then there are super bastards extant in our society.

    2. I’m here. I did get distracted by a case of Prosecco turning up at 4 PM.

      Easily distracted me…

          1. No show trial for me or TwitFace abuse. I’m guilty. But then i always was a rascal.

        1. As you are well aware the backlog in cases is jammed.

          *just to note…my cursor was hovering over your post and it painted a downvote. As i moved it to the left it produced an upvote.

        1. Totally agree. The Co-operative just South of Auxerre has over 1 million bottles of Cremant fermenting in caves that were quarried for the stone that was used to build Paris. The only downside is that it is French…..

        2. Totally agree. The Co-operative just South of Auxerre has over 1 million bottles of Cremant fermenting in caves that were quarried for the stone that was used to build Paris. The only downside is that it is French…..

        3. A bit awkward, Corim. Though i agree with you about Cremant this was an Easter gift from a Nottler lady who knows i like a bit of sparkle. Also came with something else to make it more peachy.

          1. Cremant de Loire is also worth a punt.

            I have been trying to obtain a few cases of San Pourcain but nobody seems to stock it in the UK.

        4. A bit awkward, Corim. Though i agree with you about Cremant this was an Easter gift from a Nottler lady who knows i like a bit of sparkle. Also came with something else to make it more peachy.

        5. I can recomend

          Perle d’Aurore Cremant de Bourgogne Brut Rose Louis Bouillot NV
          From Corney & Barrow. about £18

    1. The country would be vastly improved by the judicious use of a daisy cutter on just that spot.

      1. An over reaction i think on your part. Don’t you remember being young?

        How many stabbed? How many sexually assaulted? How many broken bones?

        1. I agree. A lot less rubbish than the aftermath of the Upper Crust Glastonbury Drug Fest. The same applies to Guildford (whatever it is called), and the one off the A1, Knebworth.

          If the Police were serious about tackling the drugs trade they would search the wogs carrying heavy holdalls at these events.

    1. Good evening hopon..

      The BTL comments mainly express the view that Welby is very much at the centre of the problem driving the CoE into wokedom.

    2. Could be a case of saying something to placate the majority occasionally, while his fingers are crossed behind his back. He is just about to embark on a Beeching style massacre of Britain’s churches.

  50. Look.

    Whitty, Vallance, Ferguson and Hancock are destined for trials in a Nuremberg style crime exposition for crimes against humanity.

    The wretches know this and are sweating at the prospect.

    1. Wishful thinking, I’m afraid. They are probably destined for the House of Lords and all the pieces of silver that a grateful nation can heap upon them.
      There are a few court cases pending, but I’m not holding my breath.

      1. Morning all, or evening for some!

        Just had an email from Simon Dolan about the court case challenging the lockdown. Briefly the campaign is now at an end but the government said along the way “they never closed schools down”. Huh? Everything they say jusypt proves what liars they are. Despicable.

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