Saturday 24 April: The Conservatives’ new green agenda will make them unelectable

An unofficial place to discuss the Telegraph letters, established when the DT website turned off its comments facility (now reinstated, but not as good as ours),
Intelligent, polite, good-humoured debate is welcome, whether on or off topic. Differing opinions are encouraged, but rudeness or personal attacks on other posters will not be tolerated. Posts which – in the opinion of the moderators – make this a less than cordial environment, are likely to be removed, without prior warning.  Persistent offenders will be banned.

Today’s letters (visible only to DT subscribers) are here:

683 thoughts on “Saturday 24 April: The Conservatives’ new green agenda will make them unelectable

  1. NAG, NAG and NAG

    An attorney arrived home late, after a very tough day trying to get a stay of execution. His last-minute plea for clemency to the governor had failed and he was feeling worn out and depressed.

    As soon as he walked through the door at home, his wife started on him about, ‘What time of night to be getting home is this? Where have you been? Dinner is cold and I’m not reheating it’. And on and on and on.

    Too shattered to play his usual role in this familiar ritual, he poured himself a shot of whiskey and headed off for a long hot soak in the bathtub, pursued by the predictable sarcastic remarks as he dragged himself up the stairs.

    While he was in the bath, the phone rang. The wife answered and was told that her husband’s client, James Wright, had been granted a stay of execution after all. Wright would not be hanged tonight.

    Finally realizing what a terrible day he must have had, she decided to go upstairs and give him the good news. As she opened the bathroom door, she was greeted by the sight of her husband, bent over naked, drying his legs and feet.

    ‘They’re not hanging Wright tonight,’ she said.

    He whirled around and screamed, ‘For The Love Of God Woman, Don’t You Ever Stop?’

  2. Good morning all.
    Another bright & sunny start to the day in Derbyshire with a slightly less cold 0°C in the yard, though it does look as if it may cloud over.

    1. ‘Morning, BoB et al.

      Bright and sunny here in Suffolk with 4°C and estimated to climb to 13°C by 15:00

  3. When I did a search to find out who was Managing Director (now called CEO, to accord with American management terminology) of the Post Office in 2007, Wikipedia came up with the following nugget:

    “Post Office Ltd has, in recent years, announced losses, with a reported £102 million lost in 2006. This has raised many concerns in the media regarding Post Office Ltd’s ability as a company to operate efficiently.[4] Plans to cut the £150m-a-year subsidy for rural post offices led to the announcement that 2,500 local post offices were to be closed. This announcement resulted in a backlash from local communities that relied on the service.

    A branch of WHSmith in Hounslow, incorporating a post office

    In 2007, the government gave a £1.7 billion subsidy to Royal Mail Group so that it could turn a profit by 2011. This was to be used to invest across the whole network of Royal Mail, Post Office Ltd and Parcelforce. 85 Crown post offices were closed, 70 of which were sold to WHSmith. This followed a trial of six Post Office outlets in WHSmith stores. WHSmith was expected to make up to £2.5 million extra in annual profit. 2,500 sub-post offices closed between 2008 and 2009. Redundancy packages were provided from public funding (subpostmasters were paid over 20 months salary, roughly £65,000 each).”

    Clearly, it is good management practice (according to “Free Market” transatlantic Thatcherite principles that directed the Blair Government and its business partners) to minimise the draw on profits by subpostmasters by cooking up a wheeze whereby they force an upgrade on their computer systems which criminalises them. If they are in disgrace, there is no payout for these little people, and more money for corporate bonuses. Loadsamoney!

    The response by the British institutions is to carry out a witch hunt on historic “colonialism” centuries ago, and let off the hook scot-free those responsible for brazen criminality in 2007. I believe that not a single dodgy banker or bonus crook from that era has been imprisoned, and many are in the House of Lords.

    [edited to correct “smart” autostyle reparagraphing, which made my post unreadable]

  4. ‘Morning All
    Is it a real row?? or is it all Kabuki theatre allowing Boros to resign and slope off into the distance as the whole Covid scam unravels………….??

    1. 331951+ up ticks,
      Morning Rik,
      O.side box thinking is necessary with ALL the toxic trio
      parties, but resign or not the reset campaign moves forever forward.
      In prior post I likened it to a three tier missile after the
      referendum result, a semi eu re-entry, the wretch cameron blast off stage, may the intermediate stage, and johnson the semi re-entry ( the deal) stage.

      UKIP members up until the Batten / UKIP treacherous take down were castigated daily by parties / peoples that were condoning, giving carte blanche to treacherous actions, daily.

      All the while the present uKiP nEc is in situ then the party as is, part of the lab/lib/con/greens/ukip coalition.

      An ex long term member.

  5. All the very best to NoTTLers and GPers who are protesting in London today,I am with you in spirit I only wish I could make it in person

  6. The usual compilation of primarily wokes issues:

    SIR – If the Conservatives want to make themselves unelectable they will follow their newly announced “green agenda” to the letter.

    It is a recipe to suit the wealthy elite while the man in the street experiences a much reduced standard of living. He will be unable to afford to run a car something the authorities have always secretly wanted), nor could he afford to install the new heat pumps to replace his boiler.

    There will not be enough reliable electricity to run everything, so already high prices will be hiked or power cuts will become a daily occurrence.

    Elizabeth Spooner
    Wokingham, Berkshire

    SIR – I understand the need to save energy, but my concern is that households will be forced to comply with a defective performance measure, in England at least: I refer to the Energy Performance Certificate.

    Assessors are unqualified and poorly paid. They undertake a box-ticking exercise backed by an algorithm. There is great scope for error. In my area, for example, an assessment suggested installing a gas condensing boiler as an energy-saving measure when there is no gas in the village.

    To use this system to penalise the 40 per cent or so of home owners with solid-wall housing is outrageous. They will really struggle to meet the current EPC grade of C. I believe the Government is open to legal challenge if this is made mandatory.

    Christine Barrand
    Farthingstone, Northamptonshire

    SIR – Like thousands of others, we live in a detached house with solid brick walls. Those will have to be insulated.

    Bearing in mind the continuing scandal concerning cavity-wall insulation, how can we homeowners assess the lowest risk approach to insulation from the many on offer?

    It’s not simply a case of adding an internal or external layer of insulation. Solid walls need to breathe to prevent internal condensation. Solid wall insulation is expensive and will attract cowboy contractors like bees to honey.

    Bill Halkett
    Ormskirk, Lancashire

    SIR – Air-source heat pumps are seen as a replacement for gas boilers. Yet just when they are needed most, in the coldest periods, air-source heat pumps lose their efficiency. As the outside temperature drops, the ratio of input energy to output falls too. Below freezing, it takes so much input that a direct heating device is as effective. Remember the one-bar electric fire?

    The alternative, if developed fast enough, would be hydrogen, produced in good times by renewable sources.

    Simon Calder-Brown
    Hove, East Sussex

    SIR – Our heat pump keeps the house warm, but the noise of the 30-minute water-heating cycle is not pleasant. Ground-source pumps will be quieter but quite a bit dearer to install.

    Margaret Cooke
    Formby, Lancashire

    Debt collectors’ entry

    SIR – I recently experienced “forced entry” to some of my commercial properties by debt collection agencies acting on behalf of utility companies and armed with a court warrant.

    These forced entries are linked to previous tenants, yet no attempt has been made to find out whether they are still in occupation, neither has the landlord been contacted to ask whether he could open the door before forced entry is required.

    The debt collector simply assures the court that all efforts to contact the occupant have been ignored, so the court is being misled into issuing unnecessary warrants and causing distress to innocent people.

    My MP, the police, the court, the debt collection agency and the ombudsman all say: “Sort it out yourself”.

    Peter Martinez
    Chagford, Devon

    Jane Austen and slaves

    SIR – Clearly, somebody does not know their Jane Austen (Letters, April 22). They should read Mansfield Park, in which the heroine, Fanny Price, asks her uncle on his return from Antigua about the slave trade there.

    Names in the novel were carefully chosen. Mrs Norris – one of the nastiest characters in all Austen – was named after Robert Norris, who reneged in Parliament when slavery was raised. Mansfield supported emancipation.

    As for tea, everyone of her class drank it.

    Janice Spencer
    Whitley Bay, Northumberland

    Traffic barricades

    SIR – Allister Heath (Comment, April 22) is absolutely right about Low Traffic Neighbourhoods in London causing enormous inconvenience.

    With no consultation, barriers were erected in residential roads, forcing vehicles to find alternative routes and increasing traffic. I feel great sympathy for delivery drivers, who have been extra busy during lockdown.

    Barbara Ray
    London SE12

    A birthday bike bell

    SIR – I am delighted to see that Prince Louis’s birthday bicycle has a bell (April 23). I am frequently unpleasantly surprised by cyclists whizzing past with no warning. In Germany, a bell is legally required, as it should be here.

    Jenny Funge-Smith
    East Hagbourne, Oxfordshire

    Indian war graves

    SIR – Those bemoaning the lack of memorials to black and ethnic soldiers (report, April 22) should visit the stunning Neuve-Chapelle Indian memorial in
    Pas-de-Calais, which commemorates more than 4,000 soldiers who fell in the First World War.

    It reads: “To the honour of the Army of India which fought in France and Belgium, 1914-1918, and in perpetual remembrance of those of their dead whose names are here recorded and who have no known grave.”

    Karen McCleery
    Kings Worthy, Hampshire

    SIR – I visited the former headquarters of the Wehrmacht near Berlin a few years ago, which after the war became the headquarters of the Group of Soviet Forces in Germany.

    At the barracks at Zehrensdorf there is a Commonwealth War Grave cemetery, destroyed during Soviet times but since restored. It has headstones to 227 members of the Indian Army, from the Western Front in the First World War. Sikhs, Pathans, Gurkhas and Baluchis are buried alongside each other and cared for like all others.

    William Shuttleworth
    Toller Porcorum, Dorset

    SIR – In 1920, when a British governor said that “the average native … would not understand or appreciate a headstone” (report, April 22), he was making a statement of fact, not racism.

    India today has 120 war memorials run by the army and none have headstones, only the names of dead soldiers etched on a wall. There are no graves because Sikh and Hindu soldiers are cremated, not buried.

    However, “pervasive racism” did exist. Indian soldiers were denied quick promotion, available to white counterparts. White soldiers were denied allotment of free land in Punjab Canal Colonies (built between 1868 and 1940), available only to Indians.

    Randhir Singh Bains
    Gants Hill, Essex

    Risk for the vaccinated

    SIR – I have just read (Comment, April 22) that only 32 out of 74,000 Covid hospital patients had previously been vaccinated. I have also just had a beer in the local pub garden.

    It seems that I have more chance of dying from hypothermia drinking outdoors than I would of dying from Covid by socially distanced drinking indoors with other vaccinated friends.

    Richard Dodson
    Polperro, Cornwall

    Sinn Fein’s words

    SIR – While welcoming Mary Lou McDonald’s words of reconciliation (report, April 19), she and Sinn Fei n should underwrite their sincerity by returning the
    remains of Captain Robert Nairac GC, who was abducted and killed by the IRA in May 1977.

    The body of Roger Casement, who was hanged in 1916, was released for repatriation to Ireland by the British government in 1965. Could Sinn Fein not display similar magnanimity?

    Lt Col Nicholas Cooper (retd)
    Barford Saint Martin, Wiltshire

    Changing rooms

    SIR – If Dr M C Moore (Letters, April 20) has ever visited the branch of Primark near me, she will have found that changing facilities were not always required pre-Covid.

    I have seen customers of both sexes stripping down to their undies in the middle of the shop and using the main mirrors when trying on clothes.

    Neil Asher
    Mountsorrel, Leicestershire

    When the wildcats start hunting for curlew

    SIR – As every true countryman is aware, ground-nesting birds such as curlew, green plover and golden plover are in serious decline. It is largely on keepered estates that there remains a sustainable population.

    As research by the Game and Wildlife Conservation Trust has clearly shown, predation is a principal reason for their parlous state. So to attempt to return wildcats to the English countryside after 400 years (report, April 21) would put yet another nail in their coffin.

    Your report suggests that the wildcats will be returned to English woodlands, but if they are successful there, they will soon permeate the wider countryside with potentially serious consequences.

    Earl Peel (Crossbench)
    Masham, North Yorkshire

    SIR – There is a clear likelihood that released wildcat will enthusiastically interbreed with the domestic moggy (which has reduced its pure-bred numbers in Scotland).

    They will not stick to predating rabbits. It is a matter of time before conservationists wring their hands at the decimation of water voles (as when mink were released into the wild), some rarer shrews and endangered ground-nesting birds like the skylark and lapwing.

    Terry Lloyd

    A crime wave against the English language

    SIR – Among crimes against English grammar (Letters, April 21), the now frequently used of is never needed following outside.

    Malcolm Axtell
    Chipping Norton, Oxfordshire

    SIR – The usage I was sat makes me shudder.

    Penny Crowe
    Reading, Berkshire

    SIR – I have a continuing problem with ongoing.

    A H McL Ross
    Felsted, Essex

    SIR – The misuse of concerning grates on me when users, including government ministers, mean “worrying”.

    John Jackson
    Henley-on-Thames, Oxfordshire

    SIR – At my grammar school we were given a thorough grounding not only in English grammar but also in Latin grammar.

    I wince when I hear such constructions as between you and I. It seems to be a dying cause. The last individual whom I noticed using the words between you and I was no less than the Duke of Sussex.

    Diana M Jones
    London N12

    1. Sadly, Lt Col Nicholas Cooper (retd) will probably be rather disappointed with his request for the return of the remains of Captain Robert Nairac GC.
      Rumour has had it for a long time that the IRA fed his body to the pigs.

        1. The irony is that the immensely brave Bob Nairac was not abducted because the IRA realised he was from the Security Forces, but, such was his success at playing his role, that they thought he was the “wrong” brand of IRA. He was a victim of an internecine IRA feud.

          His “interrogators” torturers openly admitted years ago that he kept quiet right up to his murder.

          1. The need for money is a potential weak point for all revolutionary groups, and as far as I can see the PIRA used Noraid to help keep afloat. However, if any such extremist group expands, the funding requirement also increases; at some point, other criminal activities are used to raise funds. Protection rackets and smuggling (eg narcotics & fuel oil) coincide neatly with the abilities of any gang which happens to be both violent and secretive.
            One of the factors that weakened the armed struggle in NI was the immense growth of the economy in the Irish Republic; apart from low corporation tax, the EU threw subsidies (from the UK?) at the Dublin government.

          2. I heard a story many years ago of the Security Forces getting a tip off about a terrorist meeting in Belfast.
            When they raided the venue they caught not only Republican thugs, but also so called “Loyalist” thugs.
            The purpose of the meeting?
            To carve the city up into drug dealing areas.

    2. Does Earl Peel not also appreciate that the “keepered estates” are tended for the sole purpose of rearing certain species to be hunted and shot? Any benefits enjoyed by “curlew, green plover and golden plover” are entirely accidental and accompanied by the routine illegal butchery of raptors.
      That is not to say that attempting to introduce wildcats to parts of England is a good idea. The decline in most wild bird species of the field and moor is partly the loss of habitat caused by farming practices. Balancing nature and agriculture is pretty tricky. It is not helped by monoculture, housebuilding and humans wandering everywhere.
      An appeal has been made for tourists, walkers and the like to stay away from areas where Capercaillie breed. Signs* have been put up to discourage visitors as the bird is now rare. I’m sure that will work.

      * ‘See a live Capercaillie before they become extinct”.

        1. He is perfectly right about that. Interbreeding with domestic cats is what has almost wiped out thoroughbred wild wildcats in Scotland.

  7. SIR – While welcoming Mary Lou McDonald’s words of reconciliation (report, April 19), she and Sinn Fei n should underwrite their sincerity by returning the remains of Captain Robert Nairac GC, who was abducted and killed by the IRA in May 1977.

    The body of Roger Casement, who was hanged in 1916, was released for repatriation to Ireland by the British government in 1965. Could Sinn Fein not display similar magnanimity?

    Lt Col Nicholas Cooper (retd)
    Barford Saint Martin, Wiltshire

    A thousand upticks

    1. I suspect that the remains of Robert Nairac would show signs of torture, so the IRA will never release his body.

        1. But it would still show the IRA in their true light – vicious, brutal murderers. They cannot afford that.

        2. And the Repulsive Johnson still has not honoured his election pledge about NI veterans.

          How long will this sordid, dishonest and treacherous buffoon remain in Downing Street?

          1. Until the music stops and Johnson misses out on a chair, at which point it will be Starmer’s turn, and the music will start again.

        1. Citroen, I may have once briefly met him. Did he go on to Liverpool University from your school?

          IGNORE THE ABOVE POST. A search on Wikipedia tells me his went up to Oxford University.

      1. I think Penny was “tripping” when compiling her post, she meant : the usage “I was sacked makes me shudder” and / or she’s being released from 77Bde [on health grounds]

      2. The DT spell checker has removed the inverted commas. Ms Penny Crowe probably typed “I was sat” , and she was presumably attempting to contrast that phrase with ‘I was sitting’ or possibly ‘I sat’.

        1. Absolutely right, tim5165. It took me an eternity to understand …the now frequently used of is never needed following outside. until I realised that what was meant was …the now frequently used “of” is never needed following “outside”.

  8. SIR – Among crimes against English grammar (Letters, April 21),
    the now frequently used of is never needed following outside.

    Malcolm Axtell Chipping Norton, Oxfordshire

    Mr Axtell needs a trip to eats shoots and leaves doesnt he

  9. A brief BTL Exchange:-

    Donald Hoyle
    24 Apr 2021 7:18AM
    A Crime Wave Against the English Language

    What really ticks me off is the mis-pronunciation of the word ‘harass’.

    The accent should be on the first syllable, “HAR-ass”.

    Bernard Franklin
    24 Apr 2021 7:19AM
    @Donald Hoyle Except, when looking at the picture of the lady tennis player scratching her-ASS


    Robert Spowart
    24 Apr 2021 7:49AM
    @Bernard Franklin @Donald Hoyle Please, sir, do he HAVE to use that foul Americanism? The word in English is A R S E!


      1. It has always puzzled me why every American seems to possess a donkey which they expect us to kiss.

          1. You would certainly struggle to find any similarities between Bluegass or Hillbilly music and English chamber music!!

    1. Donald Hoyle et all – for correct pronunciation, there is no emphasis on any syllable in the word ‘harass.’

  10. Christianity’s abject surrender to the world of woke. 23 April 2021.

    POLITICAL correctness, the world of woke and all our related social disasters – where did they come from?

    I tried to account for these catastrophic innovations in my book The Secular Terrorist in 2009. Of course, it fell dead-born from the press. Since then things have got much, much worse: the iconoclasts in the Frankfurt School and their comrades, supporters and their successors have defeated Western civilisation. That was always their ambition, but they could hardly have hoped for the degree and extent of the success they have achieved.

    They first infiltrated, then permeated and now hold sway in all our institutions: education, schools and universities, health, the churches, social policy, public morality, the law, the press and publishing, architecture, the arts, literature, music and – of course! – the electronic media.

    Morning everyone. I “borrowed” this from one of Craggy’s late night’s posts. It is a wonderfully concise description of the situation in which we now find ourselves; a sort of Nottler’s Gospel. Most of the things the author cites are well known to us on this blog and his conclusion certainly agrees with my own. Western Civilisation; which is in essence European Christian Civilisation, is destroyed. His conclusion that China will inherit its hegemony Globally is correct, though Islam will be the eventual European Beneficiary. This is primarily due to inward migration and the pusillanimity of the Elites, who have betrayed not only the Culture with which they were entrusted, but sold its own people into slavery for a pittance.

    1. ‘sold its own people into slavery for a pittance’ – a Mess of Porridge if Bojo is anything to go by……

  11. Yo All

    There will not be enough reliable electricity to run everything, so already high prices will be hiked
    or power cuts will become a dailyoccurrence.

    Why am I surprised, that the masses will be surprisedwhen UK moves back in time to the late 1800’s esrly
    1900’s with regardsto the supply of the needed amount of electricity supply to every household

    No coal fires, log burners, gas fire, gas Central heating, petol/diesel vehicles; lotsa ‘Media’

    Unfettered immigraion continuing, waterways managed for the ‘Newts, not people, ergo arable land land and houses flooded

    I can remeber gas lights in the house from my youth, in the 1940s, even those will not be available

    I would hate to be young again

    The Boros plan will wipe UK out: just what he wants

    Boros is starting to make Bliar look like a UK patriot

    1. 331951+ up ticks,
      Morning OLT,
      Agreed, Is there anything in what a multitude of peoples think as shown by their voting pattern that is, it is NOT the blame of the lab/lib/con to be sure, so the blame MUST be down to the likes of that Gerard Batten and that FAR right, racist mob UKIP.

      That UKIP mob have for years, been trying their damndest to undermine various governance parties
      such as asking forever for controlled immigration etc,etc,
      The lab/lib/con coalition / members/ voters/ “nige” soon sorted them out.

      Currently many peoples are finding that the Country borders are acting as a giant nappy via the polling booth,
      full of sh!te and after a while the voting pattern is warm & comfortable.

    2. You can be assured that when electricity is your only power source, the price will sky rocket.

      1. Same with the road tax. My old car was only £30 a year. Once tax take fell as more such vehicles were bought, the road tax rocketed. My new, upgraded, even more efficient and ‘less polluting’ version is something like £150.

    3. good morning OLT. I had long encouraged my sons to emigrate as soon as they graduated. One did, to Canada – not sure their future is any less deludedly ‘green’ though goodness knows how they’d survive their winters without the electric ‘furnaces’ they have.

    4. My grandmother’s house had gas lighting (as did a caravan we stayed in for a holiday when I was a child).

    1. Good morning Citroen! There is also a camera at Loch Arkaig. The male osprey Louis, arrived back some time ago and has spent ages tidying and beautifying the nest in anticipation of his mate Ailas arrival. We were beginning to lose hope for her, but yesterday a very thin female arrived! I know it sounds a bit sad (my daughters say I am!) but I was really delighted!

      1. We have a Sea Eagles nest on Loch Maree, its location is secret but there is a link to a CCTV which is focussed on the nest. This is viewable in the nearby visitor centre. Not sure what the situation is now as the centre is closed. A few years ago we went every week to watch the screen and see the eggs hatching and the chick eventually flying off – fascinating viewing but also a bit sad when one of the chicks died and was eaten by the other. Morning Sue

        1. Hi Spikey! Thank you for your support! As I said to pm above, the peregrine nest in Nottigham is worth a look. Last year a similar thing happened and only one chick fledged.

      2. Not sad at all Sue, and I would have been delighted too! A ‘Yes!’ to the universe would have been in order.

        1. Thank you pm! I will now admit to watching a peregrine falcon nest at Nottingham TU! Much going on there as well! The original female laid 2 eggs then was found dead in the city centre. The male mated with a new female and she laid 2 more in the same nest! 2 probably won’t hatch as they were left alone too long, but it is quite a story!

  12. The Post Office-Horizon scandal is one of the greatest injustices in British legal history. 23 April 2021.

    How was this allowed to happen, why did no one at the top see what was going on, and who will take responsibility?

    Yesterday the Court of Appeal overturned the unsafe convictions of dozens of sub-postmasters and mistresses, restoring the reputations of some of those damaged by one of the greatest injustices in British legal history. It was also a technological horror story.

    Reprehensible of course but as nothing to the rapes and sexual assaults inflicted on thousands of Young White English girls, and to which the Elites not only turned a blind eye, but were actively complicit in ensuring that no redress was possible.

  13. On the onWoking subject of ‘slavery. I think some erstwhile historian should, in fact must,
    research the family of OGG, the caveman caveperson who invented the wheel

    He (she or it) is ultimatly responsible for billions of deaths, from Chariot Racing Romans, Accidents on the road,
    however caused, cus no wheeled vehicles would mean footpaths….. not roads

    The bi-products,

    the bike, stamped out village incest
    Wagons, peiople could sell products out side thei own village…. caused Capitalism
    ‘Motor vehicles, engine driven ships, aircraft, home heating, electricy all invented, cus it could be
    Computers, up grade of Mr Babbages Analytical Engine…..
    The list is endless

    Let us all attack OGG and the family, their simple invention has ruined the world

    Above is a brief history of Being Woke

    1. The wheel also facilitated colonialism. Must have been invented by a white male! The two minute hate today will be directed at the inventor of the wheel!

          1. ‘Morning, Philip, Oral Sex, is that when one says “F*** You.” and the other says, “F*** you too.”?

      1. Probably not that many. Fewer than 2% wear them outdoors. Most put them on when entering shops and take them off the second they have made their purchase. There is little love for this nonsense, just a desire not to be singled out for hectoring by the Hi-viz clad Karens.

        1. Depends where you live. In the small market town near me, virtually everyone wears a mask OUTDOORS – and may, so masked, will make sure they are at least 10 feet away from you. Thoroughly weird – but they are the sort who will carry on because they will continue to fear that death is hovering over anyone without a mask….

          1. They are compulsory in the town centre here. Police and marshals on foot enforcing them on market days, the rest of the week it’s less prevalent, but the police will shout at you from their patrol cars on non market days.

          2. Norfolk is a dangerous place, Bill and you know it.

            I only survived ‘cos I was born there as an incomer, have you another 40 years before you’re accepted?

        2. Quite a few where I live (North Shropshire) not only wear them in the open air, they wear them when driving alone in their own car.

    1. Morning Bob and everyone.

      My solution: Just don’t wear one. On the government we site it gives exemptions, one of which is, severe distress on wearing, putting on or taking off a face covering. To me, right from the beginning of this whole charade, it has meant you do not have to wear one.

  14. There are elections looming in less than a fortnight, District and County Councils along with PCCs. As I travel around Colchester I cannot help but notice the dearth of electoral posters: a few Lib Dems, not one Labour and until two days ago not one Conservative. The latter appeared on a piece of private land opposite my local Lidl. What caught my eye was the preposterous wording, “Vote Conservative and Release Britain’s Potential.”

    1) After a year of complete lunacy during which the alleged Conservative government diligently followed policies that have resulted in a broken economy and a broken society. The latter could turn out to be more difficult to remedy especially as other deliberately divisive measures are being proposed e.g. “vaccine” passports and the jabbing of children over the age of 12 when they return to school in September.

    2) We do not have a Conservative party extant in the UK. What we do have is a disparate group of charlatans, opportunists, careerists and no marks along with a small minority of MPs that are qualified to call themselves Conservatives.

    Where in hell is there any potential to be released after what Johnson et al. have done? Where in hell will there be any potential to be released if Johnson remains in office and forges ahead with his green fantasies? Johnson waffles on about this and that when all the time he is planning to literally destroy the UK’s finances and its society on the back of his(?) climate change agenda.

      1. Good morning Elsie

        Are you hatching a master-plan to overthrow our tyrannical government?

        1. No, I just asked if would be at home since I was driving past his house to look at some Spring/Summer bedding plants and fancied a coffee and a chat in his garden. We enjoyed around an hour and a half looking around his garden and talking (mainly) gardening tips. (He is very experienced but I am more of a beginner.)

    1. 331951+ up ticks,
      Morning KtK,
      IMO & sad to say the same route will still be followed via the ballot booth, that is, the best of the worst, deny opposition party candidate vote on party name,not merit,
      the family tree voter, granddad etc,etc.

      Continuing the same voting pattern is jeopardizing people’s lives and in the past, deaths, surely ?

      1. Good morning, ogga

        You know that many people here agree with you so you are preaching to the converted.

        I do not have a vote – but for whom would you vote if there is no candidate who represents your point of view? Is abstention the only answer and if so what would that achieve?

        1. 331951+ up ticks,
          Morning R,
          Where there is a positive there is a negative ( agreeing) in my book you cannot split a vote into fractions as in “I don’t” want my whole vote to go to the tories ( ino) lab or l/dems”.
          I want to continue supporting / voting for lab/lib/con only a little less.

          My choice as I have explained has been forced upon us by
          electoral fools ( some unintentional) and treacherous parties/leaders, so an en masse NOTA is called for if no candidate of say Anne Marie Waters calibre is standing.

          You DO NOT quench an inferno by taking a little less petrol to it.

      2. ogga mng. Only angle I can have was renewing my overseas voting this week, but only for National elections [and EU referendum]. Thatsaid, I can;t complain with them being on the ball my deadline was 01 June. I chatted with Mum earlier, her whole area [New Romney] nothing re campaigning under way. The only sensible bit she mentioned there were enough people acknowledging St George’s Day. My ltd take on it is the election angle is being suppressed, certainly by MSM

      3. A glance at the Daily Mail comments is enough to confirm this
        “I’m so disgusted with Cons’ treatment of the armed forces, I’m going to vote Labour”
        “Starmer’s so useless I’m voting Conservative”

        1. 331951+ up ticks,
          Morning BB2,
          Years ago heard a young girl holding a baby being interviewed, ” My granddad voted lab, my dad voted lab, I vote lab, & this baby is voting lab”.

          The results in neglecting mental health is surely quite plain to see & frightening.

          1. Poor suckers! The rest of us have to suffer the consequences of their idiocy too though 🙁

    2. Morning KtK,
      “ After a year of complete lunacy” no doubt due to a lunatic in No10.
      The man is a charlatan with no moral compass or integrity. On top of that he now decides to wage war on Cummings, that highlights how bad his judgment is if he thought that would not bring about a response designed to show anyone willing to look what a disaster we have as PM.
      It has been said before but worth repeating, to have a conservative minded political party, we first need to dispense with the present Conservative Party, because what we have at present is anything but a conservative government.

    3. Good morning, Front Pager

      The man Johnson is a dangerous menace. The green nonsense that Johnson’s whore wants to impose on us will destroy our country and our people.

      The Covid restrictions are mainly there to soften us up for the next miseries that will be thrust upon us.

    4. When I went riding I noticed quite a few election posters urging people to vote for Independents. I wonder who funded those.

  15. Female Marines are first women to take-on grueling, three-day boot camp called the ‘Crucible’ at base in San Diego that used to only train men. 24 April 2021.

    More than 50 new female Marines became the first women to take on a notorious three day boot camp called the Crucible at a Marines base which has only just opened its doors to women.

    Harris told the news site that the female platoon had the highest physical and combat fitness test scores throughout the 13-week boot camp curriculum.

    He said the female platoon ‘won all the physical events’.

    Anyone acquainted with only the most basic facts of human physiology will know that this cannot be so. Without a shadow of a doubt these tests have been fiddled to aid in the ongoing wokification of the US Military. This is one of the particular cruelties of Cultural Marxism. You are not only required to nod to its idiot beliefs but implement them!

    1. Whilst I agree with you, times have changed. Our military has to recruit from society as it is, and that means making concessions, of which women in combat units is one of many. The Cold War days of men-only combat units in Western militaries have long gone. As the US Marines decided, it’s better to integrate women in combat roles than lose funding.

      There is consolation in that women in general still avoid the dirty, nasty and physical jobs so that they will only be a minority in combat units. I could do without the gushing BS, which I saw many times over women during my 20-yr service.

      On a final note, give the women concerned their due. Boot camp was just as tough for them as for the men.

  16. Female Marines are first women to take-on grueling, three-day boot camp called the ‘Crucible’ at base in San Diego that used to only train men. 24 April 2021.

    More than 50 new female Marines became the first women to take on a notorious three day boot camp called the Crucible at a Marines base which has only just opened its doors to women.

    Harris told the news site that the female platoon had the highest physical and combat fitness test scores throughout the 13-week boot camp curriculum.

    He said the female platoon ‘won all the physical events’.

    Anyone acquainted with only the most basic facts of human physiology will know that this cannot be so. Without a shadow of a doubt these tests have been fiddled to aid in the ongoing wokification of the US Military. This is one of the particular cruelties of Cultural Marxism. You are not only required to nod to its idiot beliefs but implement them!

  17. Good morning, my friends.

    This is still the DT lead story

    Dominic Cummings declares war on Boris Johnson
    Former chief adviser launches extraordinary attack on the Prime Minister, accusing him of quashing a leak inquiry to protect Carrie Symonds

    I tend to agree with the with this poster’s comment barbed remark from a BTL comment:

    “If the price of wielding the sort of power Ms Simmonds is wielding is that she has to sleep with the physically repulsive prime minister then I reckon the price she is having to pay is far too high.”

    1. Morning Rastus, I posted earlier if the buffoon thinks he is going to come out looking good after this battle, the man is more deluded than ever.

    2. Not to many women, though. Money, power, money, success and money are all powerful aphrodisiacs to women, far more effective than beer goggles. Look at the number of beautiful women who are with ugly people like Bernie Ecclestone.

      FWIW I don’t find Simmonds the least bit attractive. I always see a horse in her features and feel a little repulsed. I’d rate her as a one-bagger.

  18. Right, that’s two loads of washing done & hung out, a 3rd load in the machine and me off to t’Lad’s to drop off this flaming furniture.
    Play nicely all.

  19. Biden vows US will work with Russia on climate. Sat 24 Apr 2021 07.00 BST

    The US will work with Russia on ways to combat the climate crisis, President Joe Biden has announced, saying he looked forward to joint efforts and was “very heartened” by the country’s call for collaboration on new technologies such as carbon removal.

    Hmmm? Singing a different song there! No more Killer? It seems that whatever Vlad said to him during the week has struck home!

    1. I wouldn’t read too much into it…in fact i wouldn’t read anything into it!

  20. 331905+ up ticks,
    Morning Each,

    Saturday 24 April: The Conservatives’ new green agenda will make them unelectable

    Surely they have been in that position for years on par with decent peoples mindset regarding lab & rotherham mass paedophilia
    actions / cover up.

    Since Maggie received the order of the knife daily treachery has been the
    order of the day.

    “Leave it to the tories” ( ino) early post referendum victory morphed into maydays nine month delay an the start of the treachery trail.

    This political crap has been ongoing for nigh on five years,so long it has now attracted a mould, green sh!te via a pillow whisperer active in a bed of treachery.

    For more of the same YOUR vote is necessary on the 6th May, lest we forget, party before Country can be seen quite clearly as getting you results.

  21. Anarchy rules – and I weep for mankind.

    A jury has ACQUITTED six XR thugs who admitted smashing plate glass windows and causing other criminal damage, despite a clear direction from the judge that they should convict the thugs.

    The judge was livid, telling the jurors that it was a court of LAW and not a court of morals.

    I hope the Crown appeals.

        1. Good morning, Mr. Hat an’all.

          i first read that as …. crime sure does pay, multi-millionaire Tony Blair is poof of that!

    1. to be expected, Those acquited knew in advance they’d get a “slap on the arse with a wet fish” or they wouldn’t have have stepped outside their front door. Their version of malice aforethought without the consequences. Another attempt at airbrushing law to a more “acceptable PC” version and understanding. Unless you happen to disagree with them, then of course “off with his / her head”

    2. It’s a great pity that they don’t come home to a real fire. Most of them appear to be middle class twerps, with a sprinkling of violent dossers.

    3. Before reaching their verdicts, the jury had asked to see a copy of the oath they took when they were sworn in.

      I wonder why?

        1. He must have already used more than his quota of 9 lives but before he goes he certainly deserves the cat-o-nine-tails.

          1. preferably put in pillory and stocks then face all those families who’ve lost loved ones due to his decisions – on live TV = Prime Minister’s Answers [PMA}

          2. preferably put in pillory and stocks then face all those families who’ve lost loved ones due to his decisions – on live TV = Prime Minister’s Answers [PMA}

      1. Me, if I can move to Downing Street quickly, after 01 June
        I will not bother as my new shower unit will be fixed.

        There would be sufficient tim, in those Five Weeks for the Nottler Party to sort out UK

        Well, we do ‘do it’ daily

      2. Me. Or the cat.

        In fact, I’d be quite good.

        I’d sack half the civil service, starting at the top until you get to the people doing the work. After that, scrap a huge range of taxes, take the chains off and do nothing for the rest of the time.

        It really isn’t complicated. The state just doesn’t serve the public.

      3. Me. Or the cat.

        In fact, I’d be quite good.

        I’d sack half the civil service, starting at the top until you get to the people doing the work. After that, scrap a huge range of taxes, take the chains off and do nothing for the rest of the time.

        It really isn’t complicated. The state just doesn’t serve the public.

  22. Boris Johnson promised to sort out the iniquity of NI Veteran trials in his pre-election manifesto in 2019.

    NOTHING has been done to honour that pledge.

    Johnson is as evil a disgrace as Blair and May. Let us hope that Johnny Mercer manages to destroy the repulsive dishonest, dishonourable monster.

    Put a stop to witch hunt trial, demands daughter of soldier killed by IRA
    Prosecutions of British veterans accused of killing IRA commander Joe McCann are ‘diabolical and disgusting’, says Anna-Maria Bankier

    By Robert Mendick,
    23 April 2021 • 8:00pm

    Anna Marie Bankier’s father was killed by the IRA in Belfast in 1971

    The trial of two soldiers accused of murdering an IRA commander 50 years ago should be halted by Boris Johnson, the daughter of one of the terrorist’s alleged victims has said.

    On the eve of the trial, Anna-Maria Bankier made a dramatic intervention branding the prosecutions of the former soldiers as “diabolical and disgusting”. Her father Corporal Robert Bankier was killed at the age of 25 by a sniper in an official IRA unit led by Joe McCann in the Markets area of Belfast. He was one of the first British soldiers killed during the Troubles.

    A year later in 1972, McCann was shot and killed in the same area of the city by members of the Parachute regiment. Two soldiers – who can be identified only as Soldier A and Soldier C – go on trial on Monday, charged with murder.

    The case prompted Johnny Mercer to quit the Government this week as Veterans’ Minister, accusing the Prime Minister of surrounding himself with “cowards” who had been too frightened to bring in legislation that could have offered former soldiers protection from prosecution over historic killings in Northern Ireland.

    On Friday Ms Bankier, who was just 23 months old when her father was killed, added her voice to the growing clamour for the Government to act. The trial of Soldiers A and C – both now in their 70s – is the first to take place since investigators began re-examining so-called legacy killings by British forces and paramilitaries a decade ago. Dozens more former British troops could follow.

    Ms Bankier was just 23 months old when her father (pictured) was killed
    Ms Bankier was just 23 months old when her father (pictured) was killed CREDIT: East Anglia News Service
    Ms Bankier, 51, said: “Boris Johnson must put a stop to the trial and it is wrong that he has not done so already. He is the Prime Minister and his word carries a lot of weight. There must be something he can do.

    “These two guys were investigated all those years ago and cleared of any wrongdoing so why should they have to stand trial now? They are old men and should not have to go through this.

    “It feels like it is a witch hunt against them. It should be dropped even at this late stage. At the end of the day, they were just doing their job.

    “It is diabolical and disgusting after all this time. They are old men now so what purpose does it serve?”

    She threw her support behind Mr Mercer, a former Army captain, for taking a stand by resigning. “Johnny Mercer,” she said, “sounds like a man of principle for sticking up for soldiers.”

    Ms Bankier has told how she “believes in karma” and that if McCann had been in any way responsible for her father’s death then “he got what he deserved”.

    The decision to prosecute Soldier A, now aged 72, and Soldier C, aged 70, was taken by the Public Prosecution Service of Northern Ireland and followed a review of the case by the Historical Enquiries Team (HET) in 2010. HET concluded shooting McCann dead was not justified.

    In an interview in 2016, Soldier C said: “All I ever tried to do was serve loyally and professionally as a soldier. Only some sort of psychopath would take any pleasure from a man’s death. I wish I hadn’t been involved, but at the same time nobody will ever convince me that my actions on that day were anything other than the right actions. I did my duty when I was called upon to do so.”

    A HET report said three soldiers fired at McCann, who was unarmed, as he tried to flee. He was hit by two or three bullets and was pronounced dead in hospital. The third soldier – known as Soldier B – has since died.

    The soldiers had attempted to resuscitate him but to no avail. But the report paints an incomplete picture of what happened as key participants in the events leading up to McCann’s death have not been traced.

    McCann, who was never arrested or charged with any killings before his death, was regarded by security forces as a “dangerous terrorist and someone who would be armed and who would not hesitate to use his weapon to resist arrest”, according to the report.

    He was thought to be wearing a disguise, having dyed his hair, when he was spotted by two special branch officers with the Royal Ulster Constabulary. They summoned the soldiers to assist them in detaining McCann.

    Critically, those special branch officers remain unidentified, and authorities investigating McCann’s death, it is understood, have been unable to trace them.

    McCann’s daughter, Nuala has previously said: “The shooting of our father was not justified. It was unjustified.”

    The trial, due to last four weeks, takes place in a Belfast court but without the presence of a jury, under a system known as a Diplock court introduced during the Troubles.

    A judge will decide the guilt or innocence of the two soldiers. The soldiers – if found guilty – face a life sentence while under rules agreed for convicted terrorists as part of the Good Friday Agreement, the maximum they would serve for any offence is two years.

    1. Patel promised to stop rubber boats crossing the channel… more empty bullshit from politicians.

      1. Does she give any acceptable answer as to why she has not honoured her word and whether she will call upon the whole government to resign if nothing is done to rectify this flagrant outrage?

        1. she’ll cite “Ministerial Privilege” as an acceptable answer within the confines of “Government” circles and the UNCivil Service will modify the “public response”. Giving an answer acceptable to UK population / constituents live in the HoC would mean, together her handling of the woke Police force, the whole Government would have to resign, as everything else would come crawling out the woodwork.

        2. She hasn’t given ANY answer, never mind acceptable. She is just ignoring it all. Where is Dan the invisible immigration man? NOTHING from him since he was appointed. Is he still choosing his office decor? deciding on his taxpayer funded car’s paint and interior combo? Meanwhile they just keep on turning up – laughing and phoning their families, telling them to get the suitcases packed?

      2. Of course when a politician gives a promise that he or she cannot honour it sends a very clear message that he or she is powerless to do anything at all about the problem.

        Johnson has clearly got his hands tied – by whom is not stated – which is why he does nothing about NI veterans just as Ms Patel has her hands tied about rubber dinghies.

        And so anarchy will continue to hold sway until we have politicians who can do what they say they will do.

        For all Farage’s exposures of the illegal immigration scandals nothing has actually been done. Yes, he has succeeded in bringing the problem to our attention – BUT NOTHING HAS BEEN DONE about the problem.

        Of course we cannot blame Farage for that but his credibility has been badly shaken by the fact that he gave the Johnson EU trade deal the thumbs up without reading it properly. We can now see that the gross betrayals of Northern Ireland, British fishing waters and the financial services industry have revealed the deal to be a complete sell-out and surrender and it must be scrapped along with the WA.

  23. 331905+ up ticks,
    May one ask,
    With ALL the history of lab/lib/con coalition these past three decades such as mass rape & abuse of children, mass killings, mass knifings, mass in your face treachery ( DOVER) mass political sh!te, do the peoples
    continue to encourage these politico’s / parties by giving them carte blanche, consent, via the polling booth.

  24. Regarding Commonwealth War Grave cemeteries, there are some beautifully kept ones in Tunisia. One of them is at Enfidha, near to Sousse. I have some friends, husband and wife, who come from Wigan to Sousse every year for their holidays. They always visit the cemetery and say that they wish it was possible to put a rose onto each grave. Instead, they put one rose on a different grave each year.

    An elderly family friend in his late 80s expressed a final wish to visit the war graves at El Alamein where he fought in the war. I arranged for my sister to take him to Egypt and for my Nubian business partner to escort them. He expressed his gratitude to us, not with words but with tears.

    I hear that the wokes regard these cemeteries as racist. It’s hard to find words to express my contempt for such people.

    1. I, too, visit such cemeteries on holiday. Whilst there are odd exceptions elsewhere, at each the locals respected and looked after them even where we were fighting other self-important foreigners for the right to control their country and ancestors.

      As with most things concerned with ‘racism’ nowadays, the loudest narrative is far-removed from the truth. For practical reasons and local sentiments, native deaths were handled and commemorated differently. We treated our African forces’ dead far better than everyone else, Africans included. Yes, the CWGC didn’t always treat all dead equally a century ago, but that was put right shortly afterwards and this really is a storm in a teacup. The quick apology should suffice

      Time to look forward not back. To use our war dead in these culture wars is insulting to them and I share your contempt.

    2. I have definitely seen graves of African and Indian soldiers alongside men from Britain, Australia, France, Canada etc in WW2 cemeteries. I suppose they have found one place where no stones were put up, and they are using it to try and pretend that this happened everywhere. It’s not true.

      1. It is yet another vile attack by the aggressively hostile half-caste Olusoga on the country that nurtured and educated him. I often wonder what his white, English mother thinks about his tirades.

        One of his “specialties” (as they day these days) is the terrible imperialist slave trade. He ALWAYS omits any reference to the enormous part played by his Nigerian ancestors in making that trade possible.

        1. Not just making it possible, but being active partners. “trading” means there are two parties involved in the deal! It is utterly illogical that the country that did the most to stop the slave trade is getting the most blame for it!

    3. My fathers eldest brother is listed on one of the memorial plaques at El Alamein.
      He was one of the injured hundreds from the battles latterly on board a Hospital ship on it’s way back to the UK, when a German bomber pilot thought it would be fun and a good idea to bomb and sink the ship, all aboard were lost.
      Ernest left behind a wife and three children. Has that Sh*t head Lammy and his stupid wokers been to read the list ?
      Objects such Lammy wouldn’t be here to make his nasty irrelevant thoughts available if it hadn’t been for all the British heroes who obviously put their lives on the line for the right to live in this country.

      1. As a counterpoint, I’ve just read a book ‘Memoirs of a Stuka Pilot’ covering the first 2 years of the writer’s WW2 before he was wounded and grounded. He covers leading his Squadron down to bomb a ship off Crete only to have his suspicions confirmed that it was a hospital ship and his ordering no attack with a few seconds to spare. Of course, it may not be true, but many Germans did respect the Red Cross in the West.

    4. They never knew and now they have been told refuse to believe. Race baiting pays well.

  25. Yesterday I posted a report from Le Figaro about a police woman being murdered by a Tunisian in a police station in a Paris suburb.

    It has now been confirmed that the Tunisian who murdered the police-woman was a Muslim who shouted Allah Akbar as he did the deed.

    Has anyone seen a report of this in the British MSM or on the BBC – or is it being hushed up?

      1. 331950+ up ticks,
        Morning A,
        lab/lib/con member / supporter / voters have been saying that for years.

    1. Its quite obvious that he was an innocent Muslim seeking directions from the police for the location of the nearest branch of the Prophet Mohammed’s (PBUH) favourite snack bar the Allah Snack Bar & not speaking good French he shouted “Allah Snack Bar ” several times and used a culinary instrument, a large Kitchen knife, to signify his desire to find a branch of the Allah Snack bar eatery where he might break his Ramadan fast

      1. I can only reiterate for the umpteenth time, that every single square meter of ground space these people inhabit on the planet, they will cause as much indifference and as much trouble as they possibly can.

    2. Considering one of the most appalling crimes in this country in modern times was hushed up do you need to ask? The widespread sexual abuse for profit of female children by Moslem men has been swept aside because of a perceived need to preserve ‘community cohesion’ that was only ever one sided and now completely dead. So no. Not surprised.

  26. See.. Donald J Trump is de facto President of the United States, and Biden is a puppet.

    That’s why Vlad calmed down when he found out Donald was still in charge, and also explains why…….

    “the administration has reactivated an executive order put into place by the Trump administration and initially suspended when Biden first took office. That order bars electric utilities from purchasing what has been deemed high-risk electric equipment purchases, such as high-voltage transformers, from foreign adversaries, particularly China.”

    1. At least canada could handle Trump, we sent boy wonder to be humiliated while others worked at the business end to bypass rantings and threats.

  27. Judge Claire Evans ruled against authoritarian wokery….

    Dear marriage supporter,

    A court has ruled that Blackpool Council breached equality and human rights law when it banned bus adverts for an event because the main speaker did not agree with same-sex marriage.

    The council argued that the adverts for the event, Lancashire Festival of Hope with Franklin Graham, caused offence to members of the public because of the reference to Franklin Graham, who has been vocal in opposing same-sex marriage.

    However, Her Honour Judge Claire Evans criticised the council for wrongly characterising the belief in marriage as only between one man and one woman as “extremist”. She said Blackpool’s actions in removing the adverts and taking sides against the local Christians organising the event was “the antithesis of the manner in which a public authority should behave in a democratic society”.

    In the strongly worded judgment, intended perhaps to chasten the council and give due warning to others, the Manchester County Court judge said the council had shown “wholesale disregard for the right to freedom of expression” and, by its direct discrimination, sought to defeat the purpose of equality law.

    The case was mainly focused on the religious dimension of the dispute, as belief in man-woman marriage was rightly recognised to be integral to Christian religious beliefs, protected under both equality and human rights law.

    The ruling shows, however, that even in these days when it seems less and less socially acceptable to hold fast to belief in real marriage, the law will still bring relief against those who would seek to ban and delegitimise us. In the eyes of the law our rights matter.

    At C4M we welcome the clarity and firmness of the ruling, and hope it sets a precedent for future rulings, whether or not religion is involved.

    1. The proponents of ‘equal’ marriage will never be satisfied until the concept of marriage being between one man and one woman is effectively outlawed.

      1. I wonder why Dave U turned on the Marriage Act 2013 from strongly against to strongly in favor, and if a dollop of dollars from someone at Davos helped ?

        1. Call me Dave the Globalist EU Muppet is busy right now emulating his hero Tony Blair & using his former PM status to enrich himself so yes he is as he always was at the beck & call of Soros & the Davos crime family

          1. Glad to hear his share options (£60,000,000) tanked to eff-all. Savvy investor eh?

          2. Tony & Cherrie Incorporated have a foundation similar to the money making machine the Clintons have & likewise have a large rental property portfolio. I expect Dave has rental properties too plus shares in his in laws tax payer subsidized wind farms

      2. Marriage between one man and one woman is the bedrock of a stable society, so they want to destroy it.
        The next step will be the formal introduction of polygamy into British law – all the articles about “throuples” in the mainstream media are supposed to be softening us up for it.
        There will probably be no effective opposition, because very few women who have been involved in polygamous marriages will be prepared to testify how vile the practice is.

    1. I posted that the other day Sue it speaks volumes and the BBC operative couldn’t wait to cut him off.

    2. He looks like Officer Tatum, a former policeman. He’s got lots of good vids on YouTube.

    3. He looks like Officer Tatum, a former policeman. He’s got lots of good vids on YouTube.

    4. I have frequently commented here that black people who are not corrupted by wokeness often have the soundest and best opinions on questions of race.

      Does anyone expose black tyranny more effectively than Candace Owens? If more black people were as rational and sensible as she it there would be no racism at all.

  28. Todays headline has a relevant reflection of the distance between the ‘privileged information’ mind set of the political classes/civil service and the reality of the circumstance the general public exist and survive in.
    At least 99% of the population would never be able to afford the proposed adjustments to the general way of life we contend with. As there seems to be no end to the amount of housing still proposed and still being built on our small island. Perhaps it would be relevant to stop now, as it is so obvious it increases carbon emissions into the atmosphere. The very thing that is blamed for so called climate change. The only thing i can say is, the people who think they are in control and in charge are once again making a complete and utter hash of everything they come into contact with. ‘One’ in general might be forgiven, but people would think they might have notice by now.

    1. “A hash of everything” ?

      But they all end up so rich.

      I wonder why that happens ?

      Ummmm…. oh, coz they’ve been bought 😊

        1. Not Elf & Safety eh ?

          Lot of face and lip filler also been used eh ………….sorry to be biatchieee but zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz

        2. That type of shoe must cause terrible damage to the ankles and calves.

          Did the lady on the right forget to put on a skirt?

      1. One of them who was housing minister has probably made shed loads of dosh because since he became a minister of ( i suspect to avoid the flack) something else, the amount of housing in his area has increased enormously. So much so he’s moved to a neighbouring constituency and into a huge mansion.

    2. …stop now, as it is so obvious it increases carbon emissions into the
      atmosphere. The very thing that is blamed for so called climate change.

      Obvious to you, me and next door’s cat, RE, but not to those supposed to be in charge. Either through ignorance – hard to believe anyone could be that dumb, I know – or wilful acts to damage society, the political class will continue to import and house the Third World and thus increase the Country’s energy consumption. Attempting to debate with either ignorant people or closed minds is a complete waste of time. All they will ever understand is electoral defeat and loss of their sinecures. The two and a bit party structure has to be destroyed before any sensible changes can be implemented.

    3. People are dumb. They are not given the truth, they don’t want to think for thmselves and they like not having to be responsible for their actions.

  29. 331950+ up ticks,
    Health & safety warning, ignore at your peril.

    Rats could fuel next coronavirus outbreak after catching it from sewage
    Concern that the virus could mutate in the animals, creating a more virulent variant

    Read as sewage centre = HOL / HOC
    Read as rats / rodents = governance politico’s.

    A serious rat clearance campaign with mass peoples input can commence on the 6th May if the people’s really want change.

    Notice the “could” word again, a regular tory ( ino) rhetorical tool.

    1. Removing dangerous rats will require arresting & detaining all MP’s, members of the House of Lords, mayors & councilors , all civil servants, university professors & lecturers, Human Rights lawyers & eco-freak campaigners and of course most of the media!

        1. No. Our two sons, electronic engineer and a design engineer and their wives are very much asleep regarding coronavirus. It is worrying me to death.

      1. It will be our dogs next, they will come for man’s best friend. That would be in line with shariah compliance

          1. But the UK has free speech – anybody can go on the BBC, ITV & Sky and denounce White racism & anti-Muslim racism and call for death to Christians & Jews, demand that British soldiers be tried for war crimes, shout death to America & to Israel and they will not only be paid to do it they will be invited back or even get their own talk show!

      1. 331951+ up ticks,
        Afternoon RE,
        All the time the lab/lib/con and minions are given succour / support / votes the close shop
        mass uncontrolled immigration / mass paedophilia, mass, mass, mass shite will continue with the people’s consent, people cannot deny it, the vote & whinge brigade have been / are doing the damage.

    2. Well, with the state desperate to stop us producing energy we’ll all be drinking sewage.

      1. 331905+ up ticks,
        Afternoon W,
        Sad to say W many have been swallowing garbage via party manifestos for years, then you have the best of the worst brigade along with the party first brigade plus, vote in to keep out brigade.
        Much of the electorate are either intentionally or unintentionally proving successfully to be , along with the politico’s, enemies of the state.

        The state is still the state it is the parties that have gone, added & abetted by the populace, rogue.

        1. I vote Conservative because the idea of voting for the Totalitarian Communists – the Lib Dems or the destructive, mentalist insanity of the Labour party considering that every single time they ruin the country and make every one poorer, then spend the next four years lying that it wasn’t their fault your kids can’t find a job, your pension is worthless and despite another 10 trilliion thrown at the state, you still can’t get an appointment.

          1. 331905+ up ticks,
            The war within the lab/lib/con coalition, the three party close shop delights the coalition party politico’s proving that the close shop still has the support of the herd.

            The voting pattern is continuing in the same treacherous vein purely on the grounds that you have to vote tory (ino) to keep out lab, no matter as to what odious actions they have taken leading up to the vote.

            They,the coalition are interchangable, they are as one,
            a brotherhood of treachery.

            There is an anti English/ GB campaign been running openly
            since Thatcher was politically knifed, and seemingly with a multitude of the people’s consent, call it reset, whatever, but it’s a fact.

  30. On the subject of ‘English Comprehension’

    We need to stay at a Hotel on Monday evening and asked, if possible,
    for a Ground Floor Room

    This is the reply, that we have just received

    Hello we don’t have ground sorry.

    They’re is a flight of stairs


  31. If the Tories are unelectable, and Labour following exactly the same destructive, abusive pattern, there is no one to vote for.

    As it is, voting is a waste of time. None of those fools are remotely interested in serving the public. Their every policy is abusive, destructive and damaging.

      1. Voting for them would make infinitely more sense than the current bunch of wasters. All they do is hike taxes, make the fat state even fatter, get in the way of business and interfere with our freedoms.

        1. The UK has no freedom as the most basic of rights is denied you – the right to bear arms! All other rights including free speech are secondary & are easily neutralized by the authorities but an armed citizenry is a different matter, so successive UK governments have taken away that right by layer after layer of restrictive legislation leaving the honest hard working tax paying citizen defenceless & allowing the well armed criminal & terrorist to run amok . IMO defunding the Police in the UK would be pointless as they are unarmed & barely function in protection of the ordinary citizen anyway so removing them wont make any real difference !

          1. No right to own arms in the UK had no effect on armed crime. It just goes up & up.
            In the US, cities like Chicago (Democrat) do not permit bearing arms, and have the most horrendous shooting rate.
            Switzerland is filled with armed and trained citizens. Not known as a hotbed of armed crime.

          2. Well, before the First World War it was relatively simple to buy a firearm. The gun battle known as the Siege of Sydney St in 1911 had no effect as regards gun control. It did prompt the police to ensure that they had access to effective weapons when needed.
            It also prompted a review of the Aliens Act as the bad guys were foreigners.

          3. When I got my first firearms permit in the UK, it was MUCH easier to ask a guy in a pub on Mile End Road than go through all that law-abiding crap. Cheaper, too, than buying a legit pistol.

          4. I seem to recall reading that during the Siege of Sydney Street, the police borrowed firearms from citizens.

          5. It’s got the DemocRATS rattled – Obama tried to disarm the NRA. They know that after secession, Texas will be an armed fortress – others will follow.

          6. Got Firstborn a tee-shirt that had “I support the right to bare arms” on it.
            I’ll get me coat…

          7. Yes thanks, Paul. Just hosted former neighbours (legally, for once) in the back garden. She had a significant birthday today. They would have joined the protest in Londistan today, but managed to miss the train…

          8. Socialising…? What’s that? When someone else drinks your wine? It’ll never catch on!

          9. 90% of shooting crimes in the USA are committed with illegal firearms ( and mostly by blacks & hispanics ). The shooting statistics in the US are skewed with suicides by legal gun owners being included in the totals of death by gunshot.

          10. Social workers with nipple rings & skull tattoos armed with Mao’s little red book & a nude photo of Dianne Abbott which is enough to scare any wrongdoer into submission ( or induce a coma )

          11. Nice warm sun – if you are IN the sun. Cold north easterly wind which makes being OUT of the sun not very nice…

          12. No – guns solve nothing. That idea is idiotic. The military have smart missiles for goodness sake.

            The idea you can kill those you disagree with is wrong. Someone else always has a bigger gun.

            The police do a horrible job in a difficult situation, but increasingly they are politicised and controlled by cretins.

            The problem is endemic and entrenched.

          13. Sorry but I strongly disagree, guns are what keep people free, an unarmed population are sheep to the slaughter. Hitler, Stalin, Mao, Ho Chi Min, Maduro, Kim Jung-il , Pol Pot, Castro & other dictators all disarmed the population & the ANC is currently doing it in stages right now with their White citizens as is Trudeau in Canada & the governments of Australia & New Zealand . Biden & anti-2A Harris are attempting to do it in the USA by stealth executive orders, such as restricting ammo supply, knowing that its against the constitution

        1. Its the only party with sane voters unlike Labour, Lib-Dems , SNP, Greens & Welsh Nat, whose core voting base includes a disproportionate number of terminally insane voters !

    1. I’ve come to the conclusion that the votes of people like my wife and me, natural Conservative voters, are ignored by the main parties. We vote for the person in local elections, which have been mainly Greens as they are effective on local issues and bring a useful minority voice to the County Council. The Conservatives, Labour and the IlLiberal Fascists rely on us not to cut off our noses to spite our faces and new parties don’t stand a chance under FPTP.

      Alas, since Blair’s election politics have been dominated by image-over-substance politicians and parties promising you-can-have-it-all-without-working-for-it short-term policies to buy the votes of gullible, selfish and short- sighted swing-voters. Johnson is just another in a long line of PMs promising so much and delivering so little good whilst racking up huge debts.

      As weak as he was, John Major was the last PM of principle where you knew where he stood

      1. Come the local elections and there is no independent, Reform or Reclaim candidate, or even UKIP, spoil the ballot by writing across it, “None Of The Above.”

        1. We have a Reform candidate in the PCC election – as it happens, it’s someone I know (ex UKIP). Got to be better than the current Conservative incumbent who thinks “hate crime” is THE priority. The Labour person is a foreigner (Dindu or Hindu).

      1. Increasingly, a national strike is seeming a good idea. The state is simply destructive. It must be brought to heel and made to obey.

        The green nonsense continues to infest the agenda and it is simply a method of taking money from the earner and giving it to the state. It’s solely a mechanism of theft.

  32. Biden appears to be only world leader to wear a mask at virtual climate summit. 24 April 2021.

    US President Joe Biden appeared to be the only world leader wearing a mask during a virtual climate summit hosted by the White House.

    Leaders who could be seen maskless on the call Friday included Russian president Vladimir Putin, German chancellor Angela Merkel, Turkish president Recep Tayyip Erdoğan, and EU leaders Ursula von der Leyen and Charles Michel. Mr Biden may have been wearing a mask to protect others in close proximity, and to model mask-wearing for Americans.

    A mask for a Tele-Conference? God help us!

    1. I expect he thought that the people on the screens were actually in the room with him…

    2. “World leaders, let’s not cover up the truth any longer because the facts are staring us in the face – I can’t breathe!

  33. The 41st Razzie Awards were recently announced on YouTube and Music surpassed other worst movie contenders by getting three raspberries.

    There was criticism of the casting of an autistic role with a neurotypical actor:

    Does this mean that Line of Duty could increase its viewing ratings by employing real bent cops?

    1. They used to be irreverent but have they now gone woke? As well as the awards for a film showing autism in a non-PC way, the worst film has fraud in the 2020 US election as its pro-Trump plot and Trump-supporting Rudy Giuliani scooped several main awards.

    2. What’s the problem with employing mental defectives? The BBC does – in fact, it’s a necessary qualification.

  34. A mother of two who worked for the police in France was stabbed in the throat and killed by a man shouting ‘Allo Ackbar’. Officials said the attacker, 36, was not previously known to security agencies. Local TV reported that he had lived in the country illegally before obtaining a residency card, which was due to expire later this year. His father and two others have been arrested as accomplices. His ticket for the next Calais-Dover crossing has been returned to his nearest relative.

      1. France has already given in. No go areas in the suburbs. Shit and rubbish everywhere in Paris.

        The destruction of Notre Dame and damage caused to hundreds of churches.

        1. Just as the Conservative Government has given in to illegal immigration and refuses to do anything about it.

          The main problem is that the terrorists and Islamists expect Europeans to behave weakly and until are as tough and ruthless as they are Europe will never win.

          Just imagine Priti Patel arranging a coast watch so that ever illegal immigrant trying to enter by rubber dinghy is taken back out to sea for at least 20 miles and then dumped there? Of course this is unimaginable and this is why we shall fail.

        2. The Paris CID detective series “Spiral” highlights the problem Paris has with migrants. If true the migrants are tightly camped alongside major roads and under bridges. Travellers take over empty spaces and camp there and the Black community live in high rise flate and riot at the least provocation. Spiral is available on BBC I-player and I found it riveting.

  35. Lunch: any ideas NoTTlers….?

    Cooking for one is a total bore

    I have half of a cold cheese and broccoli flan, some uncooked salmon, Cheddar cheese and salad veg….
    Nothing too elaborate – I can’t be @rsed……..if it contains sherry. BRILLIANT!

    1. Doesn’t take long to poach a piece of salmon. Have it cold for your supper with a sherry hollandaise. Have the salad and quiche for lunch.

        1. If you have rice, eggs, salmon (or tinned tuna will do) frozen peas and an onion, kedgeree takes only five mins.

      1. We had some of these in our garden a couple of years ago and they messed up the lawn.

      1. Not my local but one i sometimes go to for lunch is run by a Romanian couple.

        I don’t mind migrants who work.

        1. This is why translations should be abolished. If you cannot speak English, you cannot engage in society.

          There should be language classes – no problem there, but those should be paid for privately.

    1. Many years ago, when I introduced my nonagenarian grandmother to a friend who was a Libyan police officer visiting London, it was the first time that she had ever met a coloured person.

      She said: “OOh! You HAVE been in the sun”!

      1. You people who live in Britland (or whatever it’s called nowadays) will know better than me.

        1. Are you sure he’s actually alive in those photos? He looks positively cadaverous!

  36. Covid is set to kill 5,700 people a DAY in India as experts say it
    will be weeks before second wave peaks at 500k daily cases – and people
    who delay oxygen deliveries are threatened with the death penalty

    Not to understate the effect of Covid, but in a normal year over 25,000 people a day die. Presumably the Indian population also has huge numbers with pre-existing conditions so that 5,700 may well include many who were at death’s door and would have been taken out by ‘flu. In addition, as India’s economy has grown so have the big cities expanded with increased slums and closer proximities.

    1. 0.0000000000000000001 per cent of the population. There are 1,381,000,000 people in India and most of the females are permanently pregnant. More people die falling of a goat or a camel.

        1. No, Pakistan has a population of 216,6 million – and the goats and camel are pregnant all the time.

    2. It is interesting that this epidemic started shortly after the roll out of India’s vaccine programme in January – are the deaths due to the toxins in the vaccine or the ‘viral shedding phenomenon’ or the turning off of the body’s immune system after experimental injection? Indeed is the ‘vaccination’ itself a bioweapon?

      1. The vaccine itself is most probably a bioweapon. The vaccinated will
        probably shed the virus and infect the unvaccinated. I could believe anything outwith the narrative with our mendacious political class and Pharma-dependent research institutions.

        1. I was thinking that this evening. A virus ‘escaped’ from a Wuhan laboratory funded by Gates/the Gates Foundation; an experimental injection, the solution, the research for which is also funded by Gates….. as is the psychological behavioural research unit used to manipulate the public into states of fear to soften it up into accepting the injection.

    3. The headline in the Mail is a disgrace. Something like “India Covid Apocalypse”. Fortunately the top rated comment tells them to stop fearmongering.

      1. The Indian government are doing a far better job than our Johnson chumocracy.

        The Indian government have been distributing prophylactics including Hydroxychloroquine and vitamins such as Vitamin D3, Magnesium etc., in purposely designed packs to halt the spread of the virus. Their death rates are far lower per head of population than those in Lockdown Hell in the UK.

  37. Children of Chernobyl parents have no higher number of DNA mutations. 24 April 2021.

    For decades popular culture has portrayed babies born to the survivors of nuclear accidents as mutants with additional heads or at high risk of cancers. But now a study of children whose parents were exposed to radiation from the Chernobyl disaster in 1986 suggests they carry no more DNA mutations than children born to any other parents.

    Or alternatively as the Great Leap Forward! Goodbye The Chrysalids! There is also the point that the fear of Nuclear War must be diminished since one of its tenets is a post conflict mutated race in perpetual decline!

    1. I was washed by the Chernobyl fall-out. I was umpiring a cricket match and they wanted to finish it despite the rain. We found out later that it was radio active – I often wondered what that strange glow was on the Eastern horizon. 🙂

      1. I remember part of that radioactive cloud coming over Scotland.

        Mrs. Mac had brought in some washing from the line, where it had been drying in the East wind. She sorted through it, took out my underpants, and threw them all in the bin. When I asked why she’d done that she told me she’d heard news of the spread of the cloud from the nuclear disaster in the USSR and said, “You can’t wear those anymore …. Chernobyl fall out.”

        1. The unit used to measure absorbed radiation dose (the amount of radiation absorbed by an object or person). is the Gray (Gy). One hundred rads are equal to 1 Gray. Hence your wife thought she might be exposed to 50 shades of Gray…….

        2. I must remember that one next time I want to get rid of some old rags that my son insists he can still wear.

      1. It is a ssssllloooooowwwww nnnneeeeewwwwsssss dddaaaayyyyy

        was writ

        By Nam
        – 9 July 2020

    1. Imagine if he’d not been a career criminal.
      Imagine if he’d not used drugs.

      Imagine if he hadn’t tried to pass off a counterfeit note?

      Suddenly, the actions of his life lead to a conclusion – an unfortunate one, but they were his choices. He died because he was a drug using criminal. Nothing else.

  38. With Johnson, Hancock and the rest of the “vaccine” cabal wanting 12 years old and older school children jabbed in the Autumn here is a tragic story of a young girl offered, as some on the Twitter feed unkindly call her, a “lab rat” by her parents in trials of the “vaccine”. It all went horribly wrong and the girl is in a very poor state. How many episodes like this will it take for the jabbing to be stopped here? Will the deaths and/or serious problems be brushed under the carpet in pursuit of their evil plan and Big Pharma profits?

    1. They shouldn’t be using children in this way. They are not at any appreciable risk from covid – but they can’t say that about the vaccines.

  39. Film BBC1 11.55pm – War of the Worlds.
    starring Tom Cruise.Excellent film.

    Well done Aunty for such a late showing. Unfortunately like many oldies
    I will be tucked up in bed with my cocoa and hot water bottle.

    1. I’ve recorded so many films since all this madness took over, mainly to watch them avoiding the Ads and my recording space quota is nearly full.
      We watched the two and a half hour Revenant the other night, but i am a bit reluctant to delete it.

      1. I was quite happy to pay the licence fee for BBC4, often showing documentaries, drama, music and the odd film. Now they are appealing to younger viewers ….. get real Aunty,they don’t watch telly!
        It’s time to scrap the TV licence….
        I won’t be renewing mine.

        1. We might do the same PT, the BBC seems to be deliberately trying to annoy (and succeeding) the older generation for some time it’s bit like having the elected government making certain promises and completely ignoring what they promised.
          I think I’ve got All the Presidents Men recorded as well.

  40. An Anglican Bishop has written to the Times today to complain about racism in the Church.

    My father was one of the last breed of no-nonsense sporting country parsons. We had many bishops, archdeacons and canons visit us in those days, all of them the sort of people who would command respect and enhance the reputation of the C of E. One Archdeacon had a Riley and when I was a boy he used to take me on drives to show me what it’s like to travel at 100 mph! (No radars in those days, I’m glad to say)!

    What they would have thought about this bishop, let alone the Archbishop, I dread to think!

    Here is a photo of The Right Reverend Rose Josephine Hudson-Wilkin, MBE, QHC. I am sure that she is a very nice person with a great sense of humour, but I suspect that she is of the far-left and she doesn’t seem to be the sort of person whom I would associate with being a no-nonsense bishop!

    1. Very uncomfortable looking chairs. I hope they meet all the green credentials….

      That fire looks controversial, too. That monument, (top left) needs to be returned to whatever God-forsaken country it came from.

          1. I wonder if the upholstery is resistant to wine stains or whether he has gone the whole hog and had a ‘Bill Clinton special’ which resists other stains as well.

    2. “Just how tacky can you get for 58K….?”

      FSEBT – Fellow of the Society for Excruciatingly Bad Taste, perhaps …

    3. The decor looks like the sort of decor the red-velvet-steering-wheel-cover-driver (whom my friend, Jeremy Taylor, described) would have.

      He’s got three china ducks on his sitting room wall
      And a bowl of pink plastic flowers in the hall
      And a souvenir ashtray he bought in Porthcawl on his holiday
      When he gets home from work he goes straight to his chair
      Turns on the tele and all night he’ll stare
      At the girls and the gunfights and wish he was there
      But he’s here to stay.

      For those who love his clever songs and offbeat social commentary – and for those yet to discover him – here’s a treat:

    4. Judging by the photos I have seen, they should ask for the money back. I suppose the next occupant of the flat will inherit that bonkers decor and spend another squillion or so on imposing their own taste.
      The ripping out of one expensive kitchen after another makes me very cross.

      1. Yes. It’s obscene. We are planning a new kitchen and trying to keep it to a strict budget. The last time we changed it was a decade ago. These wasters hop in a new one on the tax payer (apart from Cameron, to his credit) every 5 minutes.

          1. Ditto – except that our kitchen is 49 years old. Fantastic. I just shudder to think that when we peg out, some woke folk will come in and rip it out….

        1. Since the last place was a Verger’s Cottage, owned by the church (which was/is boracic), I upgraded the kitchen at my expense. B&Q had a sale when their Farnborough store was due a refit. I filled my boots; some of the doors were 50p. Then I found some black granite worktops on eBay, which could have been made for the place. Less than £200. Siemens appliances, all from eBay. Having moved on to a retirement bungalow, I’ve a kitchen half the size, and devoid of granite, but it’s cheap, and it’s OK. I managed to bring my induction hob (replaced it with ceramic), and found a more recent Siemens oven on eBay. So I’m happy enough. I miss the granite, though…

    5. Looks like the kind of decor Phizzee would have.

      Saw your post, Phizzee, couldn’t resist

    6. Jesus wept!

      He could have asked his old chum Gideon to obtain some wallpaper from Osborne and Little. The carpets are even worse than those designed for the Supreme Court. By contrast, no respectable dog would deign to be sick on them though.

      Furniture, how far can we sink, Boris’s arse would over-sail the seat by a good margin provided the chair survived his weight. A couple of leather Chesterfields would at least have given support and comfort.

  41. That’s me for the day. Spent an hour trying to sort out the auto-vents on the greenhouse. A job where you need four hands. A real sod of a job made worse by the instruction (when all four of your hands are fully occupied (and being squashed by a strong spring)…) “Just push the spring retaining clip home.”

    Red medicine definitely required.

    A demain

  42. Back from Derby!
    Dropped furniture off at t’Lad’s.
    Checked on doolally Stepson
    Picked up Student Son and went shopping
    Drove to Morrison’s at Belper and tanked the van up
    Did a bit more shopping
    Went home!

      1. Just been up the path towards Middleton cutting the main trunk of a long dead elm that’s only recently fallen over and carried the first bit down home.
        Will have another wander up for a 2nd piece after a mug of tea.

          1. Don’t know about being black, but the metformin has them up & down the Bristol Scale like a yo-yo.

          1. A rather nice little battery powered chainsaw I got from Aldi.
            Actually made by Walter Werkzeuge.

          2. I only use it to saw off a few branches that press up against against our windows. If I really wanted to have buttered scones for tea I would have become a Canadian lumberjack

          3. I just reduced a rotten Leylandii to bite-sized pieces with my Bosch electric chainsaw. It’s prolly now redundant, so if anyone would like it, do let me know…

          4. Curiously I am thinking of purchasing a Makita electric chainsaw, 240v. Great for bite sized pieces after I have cut branches and trunks with a real Stihl. The joy of electric saws is that they start and stop easily.

          5. Quite so. I still have a Stihl Combi motor, and a hedge trimmer attachment. And access to a redundant Stihl strimmer. The Bosch saw is great, once you fit the chain in the correct direction (don’t ask). And it stops instantly. I’ll prolly bung it on eBay…

          6. I remember the exhibition at the East of England Agricultural Show where a New Zealand axe team always managed to chop through a tree trunk quicker than a team with chain saws.

            The axes had highly polished heads and Hickory shafts but with a hardened detachable cutting edge. Very clever stuff and ever sharp.

          7. Indeed. But I’m basically a lazy git, and the chainsaw is easier…

            Never made it to the EoEAS when I lived in Narfulk (©BT). Nor, for that matter, Nine Lessons and Carols at King’s on Christmas Eve. Mainly because our Rector was also Chaplain at Center (sic) Parcs, Elveden Forest, and I was expected to bang out a few carols on their electric piano in the afternoon.

  43. Off topic

    I always enjoy having the golden orioles in the garden they have a delightful whistling song.
    I’ve just had the pleasure of seeing one very close to the house. I spotted it flying in, but soon lost sight of it within the tree.

    How such a brightly coloured creature can seem to vanish into thin air when it moves into the canopy is one of life’s mysteries.

      1. We have a vintage crop this year, I’m guessing we’ve had a few really successful breeding seasons. I’ve heard them all around the garden sounding off at each other. Harry Kobeans gets a lot too, “his” usually arrive a week or so after “mine”

          1. But Catherine Deneuve has aged rather better. According to Caroline this is due to higher cheek bones and bone structure.

    1. Its song is a lovely sound. It actually sings or-ree-ole or sometimes I would hear a-wheedle-oo…… As soon as they come within sight of a leaf they disappear, but sometimes we would see a flash of green flying across the front of the car when in open country. I miss the nightingales, lovely songsters.

      1. We are very fortunate here; because of the mixed terrain and agriculture in the area we get an extraordinary variety of birdlife.

      1. Not one I see in the garden, but I’ve seen them in the valley, about a quarter of a mile away as the oriole flies.

  44. 331951+ up ticks,

    Part two of covidgate,
    Revealed: How a single pill home cure for Covid could be available this year
    Trials of first pill specifically designed to stop SARS-CoV-2 are under way at Pfizer buildings in United States and Belgium

    If one had no trust in the governance parties one could not be blamed for thinking this whole issue was previously planned.

    Could even call the pill ASPRO say.

    1. Q – But how will they know the people that haven’t taken it?
      A – They will be fit and healthy .

    1. play pocket billiards, forge banknotes, file off your leg shackles or GPS ankle bracelet , play Pokemon on a mobile device or varnish & dry your nails?

      1. Remember that you should not indulge in any activity that would render you visually challenged.

  45. Quiz question for the evening:
    What do the Chairman of the Post Office, the Chairman of the National Trust and Boris’ Deputy Mayor all have in common?

    1. A six figure+ salary despite overseeing their industries lose money during their tenure?

      1. Parker became chairman of Post Office Ltd in October 2015, in the midst of a long dispute between the Post Office and a number of sub-postmasters over problems with its Horizon computer system.

        He dallied.

        In October 2020, after the Post Office conceded appeals by 44 former sub-postmasters to overturn convictions linked to the Horizon accounting scandal, Parker issued an apology, stating “I am sincerely sorry on behalf of the Post Office for historical failings which seriously affected some postmasters. Post Office is resetting its relationship with postmasters with reforms that prevent such past events ever happening again. Post Office wishes to ensure that all postmasters entitled to claim civil compensation because of their convictions being overturned are recompensed as quickly as possible.

        Parker should be punished for this disgraceful fiasco.

          1. at Tyburn, Bedlam, St David’s, Cape Wrath, the Isle of Wight, Lands End

            I will willingly drive one of the tractors spreading his bitz about

    2. A six figure+ salary despite overseeing their industries lose money during their tenure?

  46. To all those whose thoughts were with me on the London march today – THANK YOU! It was absolutely fabulous to see SO many smiling people interacting like actual human beings – my spirit is much uplifted. No idea how many were there, but it was really enormous. Didn’t meet a single person who even felt aggressive.

    The blisters and sunburn are worth it for the opportunity to have protested for freedom. You were all there with me.

        1. Good grief. Has Dick Head of the Yard finally got the message?

          That she and her gang should concentrate on CRIME and not ordinary people having a peaceful protest?

          1. She is probably on holiday in the Mets favorite all inclusive Portuguese resort in Praia da Luz, frequented every year for over a decade by 30 or more Scotland Yard Dick-tectives

          2. She is prolly in Tooting in the arms of ICOTY. (Her “special” lady friend – though junior in rank).

      1. Not a bit. Strolled along with us in couples, mostly responding to the constant smiles and chat. There were vanloads of the Territorial Support Group lurking, but undeployed before I wandered off.

    1. There have been no reports on BBC News – nor on SKY News – of the substantial London march.

      Are they ‘edited’ by No 10 ?

      1. Lots of independent photographers in evidence. Not a mainstream broadcaster to be seen.

          1. No they won’t, Mags.

            They will demand TESTS = 150+ a head – in each direction.

          2. I get it Bill, but what I don’t understand is why people here are kicking off if that is the case ?

            Have I not been listening properly .. If other countries demand money and tests , it is a two way thing .

          3. It’s not about passports for travel abroad – that’s a different kettle of fish. This concerns the introduction of vaccine passports for use within the UK, for example to allow entry to theatres, events etc.

            The problem is that (a) given that the vaccines don’t provide sterilising immunity, this has no internal logic, and (b) it’s medical apartheid, contravenes the Nuremberg Code and goes against strictures from the W.H.O. and the Council of Europe that this is both illegal and immoral.

            Add to this that the Powers What Be (let’s not go into defining those just now) want to combine this with digital I.D. – what Blair has been pushing for decades – and the future becomes dystopian, with the relationship between the individual and the state completely redefined (without asking us), eventually giving the state the power to restrict any and all of our freedoms.

            Which sounds a bit hysterical, but if we let vaccine passports happen it’s the thin end of the wedge.

            This is why I thought it do important to stand up today.

          4. I’m sure we’ll have to show something of the sort to travel – but we shouldn’t have to have anything of the sort for internal use, just to go to an event or concert, for instance. Or even to go to a pub or restaurant.

          5. It’s called mission creep. Or in this case it will be mission scamper. Government can move really fast when it really wants to.

      1. Nope. I think about half the population are intelligent folk who see through the scam pandemic. At most it was a relatively short-lived epidemic, albeit likely a particularly infectious laboratory manufactured cold virus.

        Evil forces are at work.

      2. Dare say there might have been a few of that mind, but most of us were trying to resist the imposition of vaccine passports and all they will entail.

      3. It’s about the whole fiasco, Belle. I think not drinking in a pub garden is the least of it, hardly on the radar. It is about the return of our ancient freedoms which are our birthright, bequeathed to us by our ancestors after centuries of toil and struggle, which we handed over to this government in the space of 24 hours in exchange for a temporary security. A better-educated public (I do not necessarily mean a university-educated public, but rather an unadulterated ordinary school education) would have instinctively known that no government ever gives back freedoms it has taken, especially one that is at passive-aggressive war with its people. Anyway, expect the next lockdown shortly. Probably 18 May or thereabouts, just after ramadamadingdong plus a few days so it doesn’t look so obvious.

    2. We sat outside with our neighbours R and L. We drank a couple of bottles of Cremant de Bourgogne, leftover from the non-existent Christmas festival and started on the red stuff, Saumur-Champigny.

      L is from Atlanta and is as anti-Corona-vaccine as we are. R is a former RAF Hercules pilot and test pilot who now works for a family aerospace business of which he is a director.

      It was so nice to meet with neighbours of like mind. This mask nonsense and coercion of the ill informed to submit to experimental jabs has to stop immediately in order to prevent further societal damage.

      Nobody knows the potential risks of experimental vaccinations and jabs. Previous experience of pharmaceutical ethics which gave us Opren, Thalidomide and any number of other adverse consequences of untested vaccinations still obtain.

    3. So pleased – you must be flying high this evening! One comment in the DM was that those of us against the experimental injection and ‘vaccine’ passports should secede from that society and set up our own. What a splendid idea, I thought!

      Thank you for taking part, I was watching the photographs coming in throughout the afternoon. There were early reports of 300,000, but later reports of 120,000 taking part. I hope that makes Johnson shiver in his shoes along with his other troubles. I hope your journey was trouble free, where did you end up parking?

      1. I am immensely grateful to the fabulous Hertslass, who solved my parking problem and provided much-appreciated easy hospitality and erudite conversation.

        I dare say the police helicopters could have taken a few pictures but doubt they’ll be giving their informed estimates of the numbers . . .

        Just looked at the DM photos and I’m in there, hehe!

  47. Why do the tedious woke get such a thrill from bashing England?

    The right-on bores are wrong if they think patriots care about St George being foreign


    Did you have a good St George’s Day? Did you Morris Dance around a maypole before enjoying a repast of Yorkshire tea and Cornish cream scones while watching re-runs of Dad’s Army, then dipping into Rudyard Kipling poems and listening to Elgar?

    Thought not; like most true Brits, you more likely nipped out to a pizzeria terrace before going home to prance around to some French ye-ye and take in an Israeli boxset before ordering a takeaway curry and some Spanish wine and jumping into bed with a nice Scandi noir.

    In fact, the only people who got themselves into a patriotism-related froth on Friday were the massed ranks of screaming meemies and moaning minnies who make up the anti-patriotism mob once skewered so mercilessly by George Orwell: “England is perhaps the only great country whose intellectuals are ashamed of their own nationality … almost any English intellectual would feel more ashamed of standing to attention during ‘God save the King’ than of stealing from a poor box.”

    The comedian Geoff Norcott summed up the snarkiness of social media sourpusses well: “Happy St George’s Day – well done to all the Twitter pedants who point out he was Turkish ahead of the fact dragons aren’t real.” Elsewhere one could read that the busy fellow was also the patron saint of Ethiopia, Lithuania, Portugal, Germany, Greece, Georgia, Moscow, Istanbul, Beirut, and of course Palestine.

    Why are so many people so tediously insistent on telling us irrelevant things we already know in a deluded belief that they are “shattering myths”? Besides the obvious snobbery and virtue-signalling, I suspect an element of masochism. The woke seem to get some sort of perverse thrill from believing they’re uniquely bad for being English and inviting the rest of the world to give them a good kicking.

    We saw this in the way certain Remainers positively grovelled to the pompous panjandrums of the EU to make us pay for our Brexit rebellion; not Stockholm syndrome but Strasbourg Syndrome. The ongoing anger of the liberal establishment at the “gammons” stems from the impotent fury of people who thought they’d be able to tell the working class how to vote forever being served royally in the name of national pride. They don’t like it up ’em!

    The usual self-loathing suspects banging on about St George being a foreigner is something of an own goal in a country which recently mourned the Greek-Danish consort of a Queen descended from the Germanic ruling house of Saxe-Coburg-Gotha. Modern England has seamlessly absorbed influences from all over the world; it’s only the Wokers who seem to struggle with the idea of mix’n’match patriotism.

    This is what led to the People’s Party losing its natural constituency as lifelong Labour voters suspected that Jeremy Corbyn cared more about Gaza than Grimsby – and while ceaselessly putting this country down, was taking payment from the women-stoning, gay-executing regime of Iran.

    Lady “Muck” Nugee’s mocking of the cross of St George and Keir Starmer’s half-hearted attempts to wrap himself in the Union Jack only add to the impression that for Labour our flag is only ever one of convenience.

    English patriots aren’t stupid – we just know we’re lucky to live in a democratic country where we can throw out politicians we don’t want and enjoy freedoms other people do not. And that’s what Labour don’t get.

    This country was civilised by the struggle of the working people – not because the ruling class willingly bestowed us our human rights. Diss what we have and you’re disrespecting everyone from the Chartists to the Suffragettes – and people from less fortunate countries who see this country as a beacon, bashed about a bit but still something to aim for.

    Next April 23, maybe they will think twice before making some lame excuse for a gag about a non-existent dragon-slayer to a country where less than half of our happy breed actually know the date of our national saint day anyway? If they can’t, that has far more to do with their weird little Anglophobia than any actuality.

    1. Evening all
      Not long back from our first competitive bowls match since September 2019. We won 91-52.

      Anyway what an excellent article if a bit naive that we can chuck politicians out.

    2. In the old days, you know the good old days when I was a boy, people didn’t bother in England about nationalism. I mean, nationalism was on its way out. We got pretty well everything we wanted. And we didn’t go around saying how marvellous we were: everybody knew that!
      Michael Flanders (Drop of Another Hat)

          1. Happy Sunday Rusty, I use this ID to post mostly on NTTL as I originally used it on the Daily Telegraph back in 2013 , I use Sputnik One as my main ID to post pages & comments with on blogs like the Coconut Whisperer which you follow & I use a 3rd ID Ivan Skavinsky-Skavar mainly to post elsewhere such as Breitbart & the Gateway Pundit.

  48. Lockdown proponents can’t escape the blame for the biggest public health fiasco in history

    Shutting down society did not save the vulnerable so advocates of such measures are seeking scapegoats


    A year ago, there was no evidence that lockdowns would protect older high-risk people from Covid-19. Now there is evidence. They did not.

    With so many Covid-19 deaths, it is obvious that lockdown strategies failed to protect the old. Holding the naïve belief that shutting down society would protect everyone, governments and scientists rejected basic focused protection measures for the elderly. While anyone can get infected, there is more than a thousand-fold difference in the risk of death between the old and the young. The failure to exploit this fact about the virus led to the biggest public health fiasco in history.

    Lockdowns have, nevertheless, generated enormous collateral damage across all ages. Depriving children of in-person teaching has hurt not only their education but also their physical and mental health. Other public health consequences include missed cancer screenings and treatments and worse cardiovascular disease outcomes. Much of this damage will unfold over time and is something we must live with – and die with – for many years to come.

    The blame game for this fiasco is now in full swing. Some scientists, politicians, and journalists are complaining that people did not comply with the rules sufficiently. But blaming the public is disingenuous. Never in human history has the population sacrificed so much to comply with public health mandates.

    Strangely, lockdown proponents are also trying to blame the scientists who opposed lockdown measures. Though she has repeatedly argued for better protection of the elderly, with specific suggestions that could have saved many lives, Oxford professor Sunetra Gupta, one of the world’s pre-eminent infectious disease epidemiologists, has been attacked with particular viciousness.

    Here are just a few examples. Tory MP Neil O’Brien wrote an article in The Guardian under a headline that attacked the “fantasies” and “tall tales” of Dr Gupta and other critics of lockdown. They “make stuff up”, he said, and have “a hell of a lot to answer for”. Based on a lay website full of misleading claims about the pandemic, The Guardian’s George Monbiot ironically claimed that Dr Gupta is a “pundit” who makes “misleading claims about the pandemic”.

    In March, Dr Gupta offered a wide range of plausible infection estimates, which good scientists do under uncertainty (Imperial College: hint, hint). Inevitably, some of those plausible estimates will turn out to be wrong, as only one can be correct. That Paul Mason and The New Statesman would then cherry-pick one of the wrong estimates and call Dr Gupta’s work “laughable” is itself laughable.

    A few academics have jumped on the bandwagon. Dr Depti Gurdasani at Queen Mary University, for example, accused Dr Gupta of pseudoscience, suggesting that she should be deplatformed and Oxford University should act against her. Unfortunately, such behaviour intimidates other academics into silence, undermining scientific debate.

    Last spring, the pandemic was waning due to a combination of immunity and seasonality, and many lockdowners claimed that lockdowns had succeeded. Still, it was obvious to any competent infectious disease epidemiologist that it would be back, and in June, Dr Gupta said she expected a resurgence of Covid-19 in the winter months. This didn’t prevent journalists and politicians from falsely claiming that she thought the pandemic was all over.

    The fact is that with a lower herd immunity threshold in the summer than in the winter, immunity can drive a pandemic on its way out during the spring but then resurge next autumn, and that is what happened. A year into the pandemic, one would think that politicians and journalists writing about Covid-19 would have bothered to acquire some basic knowledge of infectious disease epidemiology.

    Anticipating the resurgence, in early October, we authored the Great Barrington Declaration with Dr Gupta, hoping to avoid a repeat of the spring disaster. We called for focused protection of the old while lifting lockdowns and letting children and young adults live near-normal lives. At the time, we were accused of raising a strawman, and that further lockdowns were neither needed nor proposed by anyone. Unfortunately, that strawman only survived a few weeks until the lockdowners were at it again, doubling down on their prior failures without protecting the old.

    The central fallacy in pro-lockdown thinking is that more restrictions automatically lead to fewer deaths. This reasoning shows stunning ignorance of basic infectious disease epidemiology. One example among many is the closure of universities last spring, which sent students home to live with higher-risk older family members, increasing multi-generational mixing. Now politicians and public health officials have work to do to regain public trust. Blaming the public and scientists like Dr Gupta to deflect from the lockdowners’ own mistakes is not the right way forward.

    Jay Bhattacharya is professor of medicine at Stanford. Martin Kulldorff is professor of medicine at Harvard.

    1. The one thing missing from everything to do with COVId is actually how many people died FROM IT

      Locking OAPs up in care homes was Murder

      I am going to sell ‘Get COVID’ Tablets via Chemist shops and Supermarkets, it stops the Common Cold and Seasonal Flu

      I had a job, whereby if I made a mistake, I was punished, either by my conscience and/or the Military (I made none)

      Boros and Co should be liable for their decisions (Duck Airborne Porcines incoming)

      1. That is true for sure .

        And of course denying the public access to their GP’s and necessary hospital treatments is down right neglect as well.

        Of course by importing the third world to Britain who proved to be vulnerable to this virus and allowing illegals to land in Kent and Sussex , and of course not closing our borders exacerbated the problem.

        1. Criminal neglect, Belle. Not to mention the DNR notices issued to the elderly which they did not understand at a time when their relatives were banned from entry, at the same time denying them treatment if they came down with ‘covid’. These and many other issues, I could go on for some time at length. I will never trust any government or its agencies again.


      Good English names

      If Fred Bloggs (whom I doubt existed) wrote anything similar. it would have been ignored

    1. Prince Philip and his queen clearly loved each other and this is something which people who have the same good fortune to love their spouses find particularly moving. In fact it is something that brings a tear to the eye.

        1. It is also important to know, that Decision One,, may be a mistake

          SWMBO(2) and I, have just celebrated 40 years, since we met

        2. Caroline and I have been married for 33 years – together for 34. This is more than half of Caroline’s life as she was 26 when she married me. As I was 41¾ at the time I have another 9 years to go to match it. I hope I’ll make it – my mother got to 97 and my father got to nearly 86 so there is a chance.

          Caroline and my children knew my dear old mum but one of my sadnesses is that neither Caroline nor my sons ever knew my lovely father.

        3. Been an “item” for 59 years, legal for 56 years!! Where the hell have all the years gone??

  49. TV presenter Beverly Turner joins Laurence Fox and thousands of anti-vaccine passport activists as they march through London in ‘Unite for Freedom’ protest
    Demonstrators made their way through the capital earlier today as they waved placards daubed with slogans
    The crowds did not appear to be adhering to social distancing guidelines and were not wearing face masks
    Protest comes amid discussions over Covid-status certificates being considered by ministers to open society
    Britain’s equalities watchdog has also warned the Government that the ‘vaccine passports’ could be unlawful

    Earlier this month, Britain’s equalities watchdog warned the Government that vaccine passports could be unlawful, create a ‘two-tier society’ and discriminate against migrants, ethnic minorities and the poor.

      1. Not, according to Mr Rashid

        They can get Bank Cards, Postal Votes, Driving Licences, Postal Votes, Passports, Postal Votes.

        Insurance, car Tax and MOTs are exemptions for Immmigrants in their own areas

      2. Not, according to Mr Rashid

        They can get Bank Cards, Postal Votes, Driving Licences, Postal Votes, Passports, Postal Votes.

        Insurance, car Tax and MOTs are exemptions for Immmigrants in their own areas

  50. Evening, all. I’d like to think that the Cons’ green agenda will make them unelectable, but I think the “I’m voting for a party regardless of performance” syndrome will prevail.

    1. Vote green in a local election and you might find enough disappointed voters casting the same protest vote.

        1. 331951+ up ticks,
          Evening C,
          Do it neatly as if in an en masse organised manner no need of abuse etc, just felt tip NOTA.

        2. You have more faith in them than I do.

          The party candidate could win with about fifteen percent of the votes cast and still crow about receiving a vote of confidence in the party.

          Before ignoring manifesto promises and going back to feeding at the trough.

      1. Our local Green councillor is a good man and I might vote for him if he’s up for reeelction. Other than that – I haven’t a clue who is standing or what they stand for as we’ve had no election communications at all.

    2. Trouble all the political parties seem to have the same blasted disastrous green policy.

    1. Excellent.

      A few years ago there was a
      programme on TV entitled ‘Transatlantic Communications’.

      It featured country music groups in the UK exchanging music with our American counterparts and was most enjoyable.

      Somewhere along the line this excellent programme was axed.

  51. 331951+ up ticks,

    Could it be the pill is a genuine cure for a mainly political motivated
    placabo covid.

    Revealed: How a single pill home cure for Covid could be available this year

  52. Mother of God, I can barely keep my eyes open.
    Last hour of a sixteen hour shift coming up.

  53. Mng to all that appear at some point today. On behalf of those Nottlers [and others] who were unable to attend yesterday’s march in London, thank you to those Nottlers [and others] who did. And trust you all returned well. If possible, make the next marches at Naseby.then Preston.

    For those that disagree, no problem, jog on and read your history.

    This didn’t make the “cut” for appearing in today’s DT letters

  54. Mng to all that appear at some point today. On behalf of those Nottlers [and others] who were unable to attend yesterday’s march in London, thank you to those Nottlers [and others] who did. And trust you all returned well. If possible, make the next marches at Naseby.then Preston.

    For those that disagree, no problem, jog on and read your history.

    This didn’t make the “cut” for appearing in today’s DT letters

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