Wednesday 9 June: Why restrict travel when the data show vaccines work against variants?

An unofficial place to discuss the Telegraph letters, established when the DT website turned off its comments facility (now reinstated, but not as good as ours),
Intelligent, polite, good-humoured debate is welcome, whether on or off topic. Differing opinions are encouraged, but rudeness or personal attacks on other posters will not be tolerated. Posts which – in the opinion of the moderators – make this a less than cordial environment, are likely to be removed, without prior warning.  Persistent offenders will be banned.

Today’s letters (visible only to DT subscribers) are here:

904 thoughts on “Wednesday 9 June: Why restrict travel when the data show vaccines work against variants?

  1. In defence of Julie Burchill – again. Spiked. 9 June 2021.

    I’ve heard some disingenuous guff in my life. But the idea that Julie Burchill’s tweet about Meghan Markle’s newborn kid was racist really does take the biscuit. The vile monstering of Burchill by the woke neo-royalists of the Meghan fanclub confirms that cancel culture isn’t only vicious and censorious – it is deeply dishonest, too.

    Morning everyone. Of course it wasn’t racist! That’s the whole point of it! Like the cricketers and sundry other innocents who face this charge, the aim is not to track down actual racists, (which would be a futile exercise since there are literally none in the MSM and Public Life), but to intimidate. The purpose is to dragoon everyone into the Cultural Marxist agenda. To prevent even the breathing of opposition to its tenets! Burchill’s persecution and sacking has a secondary purpose. She is there to remind her fellow hacks that no one is safe. All must subscribe to the Agenda! Anyone who goes on Twitter deserves everything they get!

    1. Morning Minty et al.

      Is it true that inscribed over Twitter’s portal are the words

      “Abandon hope all u who tweet here!…”?

      1. Morning Stephen. “Abandon Common Sense all Who Tweet Here.” Would be more appropriate!

    2. Oh no, has the Telegraph sacked Julie Burchill? Her columns are one of the vanishingly-small number of reasons to still pay a subscription. And how depressing that they will throw one of their own under the bus so quickly. Another conservative bastion has fallen.

          1. I’ll have a chat with Spartie on the subject. He’s halfway there so should make a good UK Prime Minister. Trouble is, despite the vet’s best efforts, he still stands up for himself.

    1. But only one of them knew what he was doing, and it’s not the one at the top.

  2. Mng all, only 1 letter uploaded, presume DT have tweake their access to paywall post yday

    SIR – On June 7, Matt Hancock, the Health Secretary, told the House of Commons: “As of June 3, our data show that of the 12,383 cases of the delta variant … 126 people were admitted to hospital. Of these 126 people … just three had received both doses of the vaccine.” He said government figures show that “jabs are working” and encouraged the public to get jabbed. Hospitalisations for Covid-19 remain “broadly flat” despite a rise in the delta variant. As of June 7, almost 28 million Britons have had two vaccine doses….

  3. Black servant becomes master in English Heritage’s historic portraits. 9 June 2021.

    A black servant has been reimagined as a master in a portrait which will hang the stately home of his former employers as part of English Heritage project depicting historical figures from the African diaspora.

    The heritage charity has commissioned six portraits of historical figures from African descent who played a role in British history to give greater attention to stories which are “not well known”

    How can he be a “historical figure” if his history is a sham and the portrait modern? This is of course is part of the ongoing program to erase the real history of the country! To create a fictitious narrative of Diversity!

    1. Well,we have departed NT,

      English Heritage subscription (plus Bequest of course)seems to be high on the list for cancellation

    2. The heritage charity has commissioned six portraits of historical figures from African descent who played ano role in British history to give greater attention to stories which are “not well known” for the good reason that they are made up.
      That’s a bit better.

    3. This isn’t the US. I challenge them to find evidence of 6 black servants in the U.K. (voluntary employees from the 20th century onwards don’t count).

      1. There was a fashion for aristocratic ladies to have a “black boy”; they do crop up in paintings. I don’t know what happened to them when they grew up.

        1. Once their voices broke, they were (allegedly) cast out onto the streets.
          Probably the more presentable were kept on as the lady of the house didn’t spend all her time on needlework and playing cards.

    1. They don’t know whether they are Kunming or going……

      Morning Michael

    2. Disgusting

      No ‘Social’ Distancing
      Not one of them waering a Mask
      More than Six of them… all from the same Familiy

      And will they be’Taking the knee’ for Wendyball games

    3. … there were ten in the bed and the little one said “roll over! Roll over!”

  4. To rephrase the On Topic question:
    Why ease control when we’ve got everyone running around in panic like scared children?

      1. Good morning ElfNS – if Stalin is watching this shower of shite he must be crying that he was born in the wrong time – how easy it would have been to invade the West with such a gullible and supine population.

    1. I think ‘everyone’ is an over estimation on your part but too many have been duped by this devious government. How anyone with a couple of functioning brain cells believes anything emanating from Johnson’s, Hancock’s or any government minister’s mouth is beyond my understanding.

      1. I am not sure, after decades of declining education standards (thank you Blair), that there are too many people left with even a couple of functioning brain cells, unfortunately.

      2. I am not sure, after decades of declining education standards (thank you Blair), that there are too many people left with even a couple of functioning brain cells, unfortunately.

    2. When I suggested yesterday on the other forum that this was all about control, I was slapped down. Too many people have bought into this nonsense.

      1. You are more polite to Robin than I am. I wish he would venture here or on Conservative Woman, or that more of these good people would go there.
        But there is oddity afoot. After Richard’s elegant non-answer to my question as to how
        a) he can know that we are being taken for a ride and
        b) he can still support the vaccine coercion which in fact explicity promises nothing even as it suggest freedom
        I do wonder what he is aware of.
        Even Jack who has been quite rebellious approved of the the site which continues with its “positive with 28 days” stats, but offers no side-effect stats. He has previously been very critical of the manipulation.

  5. Good morning, all. A lovely sunny morning.

    How is your prison cell? Put that mask on…

    1. mng bill, Nairobi’s overcast and for now, dry. At Wembley for England games. You would need a Covid vaccine passport.Which entails you having had both vaccinations and a negative test. Only compliant woke sheep applying for tickets in attempt to stop the boo’s.

    1. Morning Grizzly .

      Of course , one must be rather suspicious..
      I reckon Tom Murphy was scribbling that letter whilst sitting in his flat back wagon , which is laden with scrap metal.

        1. Who knows if a letter is a spoof or not? The only way to be sure is to ask the writer.

    2. I laughed at the complete lack of self-awareness when I read that letter. He wants the British out of Ireland despite their 800 years of roots there seemingly obliviously to his voluntarily living under the same rule in the U.K. Priceless.

  6. Plan to allow NHS to take patients’ data from their GP surgeries is put on hold over privacy concerns

    “The new GP data-sharing system was due to start in July but has been pushed back to September 1, health minister told MPs.’And
    we are absolutely determined to take people with us on this journey. We
    have therefore decided we will proceed with the important programme but
    we will take some extra time.”

    The opt out system crashing into the agenda full on

    1. I have my opt out form ready to go later this week with my prescription repeat request.

      1. KtK mng, hand over prescription first then staple opt out to Dr’s head, take pic and say you were threatened on social media. It works for everyone else

        1. First, I have to find a doctor.😎
          I may have an opt out from 2014 but the new form is my ‘repeat’.

          1. they’ll pull any “stroke” via centralised software control, loss of previous records. I got word from old school mates registered with Drs that Drs are inundated with opt outs

  7. Maybe it’s just me being paranoid but since the start of the pandemic our country appears to be operating under an anti white agenda, it’s a mixture of a lot of little things but it is getting more evident with every week that passes.
    All our institutions have gone woke bonkers, the national trust, academia, police and NHS, statues have been torn down, the queen has even been removed from the walls of a prestigious university, sport has now been tainted with the kneeling malarkey, young white sportsmen are having their social media trolled for any bit of wrong speak they made as an adolescent, tv programmes have made dramas with black people ludicrously cast in a white part when white people get pilloried if they play black parts or even wear their hair in a black hairstyle, tv adverts hardly ever have a white person in it, families are always mixed race.
    Crime is reported differently depending on the colour of the skin / religion of the offender.
    If anyone in the public eye points this out then they get purged from the national media and called names in the press.
    It is as if there is a deliberate attempt to gaslight one community with cultural marxism while extolling self entitlement in another, it is like there has been some sort of coup.
    What kind of evil people do we now have controlling out country?

    1. Morning Bob. Just because you are paranoid it doesn’t mean that they are not out to get you.

    2. 334088+ up ticks,
      Morning B3,
      You are not alone with your feelings, as for
      “What kind of evil people do we now have controlling out country?” the same kind that have been voted in for the last three decades, this evil campaign has been building and slowly revealing itself over that period.

    3. “What kind of evil people do we now have controlling our country?”

      Maybe those who are slavishly following the globalist UN Agenda 21 policies?

    4. Because we have lost our true grit, and we are being threatened heavily with the loss of the freedom of speech , the sacking of Julie Birchill from the DT is a classic example .

      Julie Burchill claims she has been ‘SACKED’ as a Daily Telegraph columnist after sparking fury by saying Harry and Meghan could call their baby ‘Georgina Floydina’
      Julie Burchill claims she was ‘sacked’ after joking about the Sussexes’ new baby
      She suggested Harry and Meghan could name their child ‘Georgina Floydina’
      She today posted that she had been let go from her newspaper position

        1. Please God, Allah, Zeus,Odin, Madonna Krishna do not let her open a Yogatery over my house!

          1. OLT, she’s very busy training in compliance with her wish to be used in the annual Cheese Rolling festival in Gloucs in the hope of winning or if not, steamrollering all opponents

        2. Please God, Allah, Zeus,Odin, Madonna Krishna do not let her open a Yogatery over my house!

        3. AHOY THAR CAP’N!

      1. Well, the DT were obviously batting for the woke ones, since they so rarely allowed comments to their articles on them.

        1. Given the Tellygraff is for sale, does Blighty really need another Gruaniad?

      2. Thank goodness Georgiana, Duchess of Devonshire misspelled her name.
        Being dead for two hundred years probably helps as well.

    5. I blame Blue Mink and their “coffee (no milk obviously) coloured people by the score”.

      1. Take a pinch of white man
        Wrap him up in black skin
        Add a touch of blue blood
        And a little bitty bit of red Indian boy
        Oh like a Curly Latin kinkies
        Oh Lordy, Lordy, mixed with yellow Chinkees, yeah…

        Oh, yeah! I wonder how them lyrics would go down, today, in the corridors of Cambridge?

    6. It may well have started earlier but for me the first intimations of what was to come was in the mid 80s when my daughter’s junior school introduced “non-competitive sports” and thence to the local comprehensive who opined that “spelling and grammar are not important as long as the message gets across. Forward a few years and the odious Blair creature destroys the infrastructure of Polys/Techs that gave us the bedrock of artisans necessary for our civilisation and replaced them with a raft of so-called “Unis” churning out debt-ridden left indoctrinated child-adults with a grossly inflated idea of the worth of their degrees in wishy washy subjects, thus imho we now have a large section of the population with no real idea of how the world and people relate and an unerring belief that anyone who does not accord their opinion is racist/gammon/facist/xxxxxxphobic etc etc etc. I find it interesting that those of a centre/right disposition rarely resort to abuse and abusive terms but the lefter leaning have invented a slew of insults which they use indiscriminately and often.

      1. …the odious Blair creature destroys the infrastructure of Polys/Techs that gave us the bedrock of artisans necessary for our civilisation and replaced them with a raft of so-called “Unis”

        Sadly, this one can’t be pinned on Blair. It was Mr Underpants wot did it.

        1. I’m referring to Blair’s target of 50% shall go to university , it’s my feeling that it should have stayed at 5-7%. One of the unintended consequences of this daft 50% notion is that a very large number of family houses across the country have been lost to feed the demand for student HMOs created by the pretend “Unis” and those unfortunate enough to be left in a street largely thus populated are subject to the usual noise/partying/behaviour annoyances.

        2. I think this was first initiated by Antony Crosland pursued with enthusiasm by Shirley Williams and left to run by every miserable administration since .

      2. I’m afraid the decline in importance of grammar and spelling started even earlier than the mid ’80s. When I did my PGCE in 1974, I was told not to correct spelling or grammar mistakes because it “stifled their creativity”. What is the point in their being creative, I asked, if nobody can read and understand what they’ve written? It did not go down well! Still, it was not quite as idiotic as the move to abolish teaching the alphabet.

      1. Are haggi in season? Surely they are breeding at the moment.
        Happy Birthday, dear Horace …..

        1. Aye, at this time o’ year we use the haggis we put in the peat last year. Preserved like gravlax or, if you prefer, the Tollund man. (Other peat bog bodies are available.)

      2. Dinnae be daft, how d’ye think ah cook It? The can’les are underneath. (thanks, really.)

  8. Andrew Lloyd Webber claiming that he will make a stand against government rules if 21st June opening up is abandoned. Reading the Twitter thread it is clear that:

    1) Some people really are bedwetters and have been conditioned into having endless fear by the government’s scare tactics

    2) The government do have a large cohort of paid for internet trolls whose job is to demonise those taking a stand against the charlatans in authority and/or to maintain the fear factor at a time when the data are showing massive improvement (IMHO the improvement is just another facet of the charade being played out by the charlatans to convince people to take the dubious potions).

    The truth is probably a mixture of both that indicates the deviousness of the government and the success of their grooming of a proportion of the public.

    1. Extra irony as this week we commemorate the 77th anniversary of D-Day. The dwindling band who actually stormed those beaches must be wondering why they bothered.

  9. Good Moaning.

    “I am Georgina Floydina.”
    “No, I am Georgina Floydina.”
    No, I am Georgina Floydina……..”

    Rinse and repeat.

  10. 334088+ up ticks,
    Morning Each,

    Wednesday 9 June: Why restrict travel when the data show vaccines work against variants?

    Manipulation, control.

    The electorate return every time to the polling booth with the same
    HOPE patches to adhere to the voting paper in regards to the lab/lib/con close shop, coalition and there lies the ROOT CAUSE.

    A win yankee,defund not only the bBc but also the lab/lib/con coalition.

    As with the bBc for a fee they supply you with a gutful of sh!te so it is with a lab/lib/con membership fee.

    Paying the membership fee must surely list one currently as being a dangerous political drug addict and be mandatory grounds for sectioning.

    By the by,
    There is many a weal to be suffered from the “deal” yet AKA the United Kingdom drag anchor, dropped by the turkish delight leader of the tory (ino) group.

  11. NATO chief warns of ‘new dangers’ from Russia-China rapprochement. 9 June 2021.

    Stoltenberg said “we do not consider China as an enemy” but said it “does not share our values — it does not believe in democracy, in freedom of speech or freedom of the media”.

    Neither do we! This dispute is about Power! Freedom in all its forms is in retreat. The Common Man is now friendless in a hostile world!

      1. Stoltenberg was a wet arse when he was leader of the Labour party, and PM. Called “Beaker” after the Muppet character, he can barely speak English.

    1. I’m more worried about the techocrats behind our great reset having a philosophy that looks remarkably similar to the CCP’s technocratic control of their citizens.

      I watched someone on the internet who had a theory that it was the same people who taught China how move from communism to technocracy back in the late 70s early 80s.

      1. The ‘Pandemic’, whether man made or not, has been such a boon to forward-looking politicians that it’s becoming apparent that they crave its continuation.

    1. My view is one should help and encourage children while you are alive. By the time you die they should already be settled. If they are waiting on an inheritance you’ve done it wrong.

      Yo OLT.

    1. Jonathan Myles-Lea’s take on it:

      myleslea2 “This is war: It’s time to cancel the students – not their targets. All these young upstarts should have been slapped more as children. They’ve grown up to become hideous narcissists with no respect or genuine understanding of our traditions, our heritage or our cultural identity. We don’t like them – We don’t need them – We don’t want them. Jettison the “woke”. Refuse to employ them or work with them.

      Humiliate them!

      They’re just a coven of mediocre, spiteful mutants who do not deserve to occupy any positions of power or influence. Prick them out like weeds while they’re still students – label them as crazed, dangerous and destructive ideologues – Stamp on them before throwing them onto the compost heap of history. Destroy them!”

      Apparently the babies wanted their common room to be “neutral”. Nasty, destructive things.

  12. SIR – In the 1980s, for officers joining 1st The Queen’s Dragoon Guards in the British Army of the Rhine, the ability to remove
    the cork from a bottle of champagne with a sword was a necessary skill and rite of passage (Business, June 7).

    We were, however, completely outclassed by the arrival in the mess of a delegation of French cavalry, who performed the same trick with far
    greater panache, using the base of a champagne flute. On removing the cork with the flute, they were immediately half a glass ahead of us, as
    they were ready to consume, while we had to turn to find a glass. We soon changed our approach and customs.

    The trick is to keep the edge of the base of the glass in, or in near, contact with the neck of the bottle as you hit the lip.


    Edward Barham

    Rolvenden, Kent

    Have we a Retired (or Serving) Rupert or Rodney (Orficer) that/who/whom could translate this letter into English, Please

      1. Blow me. I was about to ask (jokingly) if there was a YouTube video.
        Makes a change from changing washers and creating bonsai trees.

    1. Yo, Mr Effort.

      What he fails to point out though, is that no one in any of the videos on the topic (shown below) “removes the cork from the bottle”. In every case they simply smash the bottle’s neck! How idiotic is that?

    1. He got sacked for THOSE???!
      That’s just normal pub banter.

      In fact, you could see similar on the Daily Mail comment threads any day of the week.

      1. ECB woke XI now in process of going after Anderson, Morgan and Buttler. The intentional agenda’s crystal clear in UK sports,no white people can be selected for any sports team unless they have gone through six months of anti-racism, diversity and inclusion indoctrination. Wait til it reaches the agenda of cricketers wearing “whites”

      2. Pretty harmless if you ask me. Many feminists say considerably more offensive things about men every day.

        Will there now be a campaign to stamp out the singing of ‘rugby songs’ many of which we learnt on the bus trips home after an away rugby game when we were schoolboys?

        What were the so-called racist comments? Did he dare to suggest that people with darker skin have darker skin than people with pale skin?

          1. How terrible.

            I think that the rude mechanicals’ ‘play within a play’ (Pyramus and Thisbe) in Shakespeare’s A Midsummer Night’s Dream should cut out the bit about what is in The Wall. It is clearly racist even though people of Eastern descent are still at the forefront of the surveillance and communication industry.

            And the song about needing no education should be censored and the group singing it should be renamed Black Floyd.

          2. Those were the days…..

            This royal throne of kings, this sceptered isle,
            This earth of majesty, this seat of Mars,
            This other Eden, demi-paradise,
            This fortress built by Nature for herself Against infection and the hand of war,
            This happy breed of men, this little world,
            This precious stone set in the silver sea,
            Which serves it in the office of a wall
            Or as a moat defensive to a house,
            Against the envy of less happier lands,–
            This blessed plot, this earth, this realm, this England.”

          3. John of Gaunt died as his nephew’s rule was obviously splitting England.
            Did Billy write him a speech of despair or hope?

        1. I’m disgusted that the mainstream media didn’t have the courage to publish these harmless tweets and have a public debate about them.

    2. An alternative to the ECB and a completely non-political organisation for cricketers is needed if cricket is to survive.

    3. I KNEW – just knew – I was going wrong somewhere.
      I should have asked Ollie for advice.

    1. So we need more of them to spread the disease and enable the politicians to keep their controls on everyone indefinitely?

      (Every little justification for tyranny helps the government)

      1. 334088+ up ticks,
        Morning R,
        Not only in regards to the super flu ( flu aka covid ) but potential troops, party boosters, stress portrayers on the social structure of these Isles, housing, health, education, incarceration .

        The governance parties are fully aware of this
        and look upon it as material feeding the great reset rip off.

    1. Sounds just the sort of chap we need at this critical time when people are wavering….!!!

    2. That sent chills down my spine when I watched it yesterday. The sheer, callous selfishness – which he admitted and then *laughed*!!

      1. This is the same Richard Taylor who was MP for Kidderminster from 2001 to 2010.

  13. Now American apple pie is cancelled! The Guardian links it to the ‘vast and ongoing genocide of indigenous people’, the slave trade and even calls traditional gingham cloth it sits on cultural appropriation
    Guardian writer Raj Patel said the classic American dessert was born of slavery and colonialism
    His article highlighted how apple trees had been brought to the west from Asia
    He claims they were used as symbols of property by settlers who arrived in America, and forced indigenous people off their lands
    Patel also took aim at the sugar crust, and even the gingham cloth an apple pie is traditionally cooled on
    But his opinion piece, first published last month, was widely mocked online
    One sarcastic tweeter claimed the piece was ‘going for gold in the oppression olympics’
    Another joked that apple pie was also ‘glutenist’ and discriminated against people with wheat intolerances

    The Guardian has been mocked for branding apple pie racist after one of its writers said the treat was linked to ‘a vast and ongoing genocide of indigenous people.

    Writing in the famously liberal publication, food writer Raj Patel claimed the all-American dessert was born of colonialism and slavery, after highlighting how apples had first arrived in the west from central Asia 4,000 years ago.

    The piece, titled ‘Food injustice has deep roots: let’s start with America’s apple pie’, claims the pie has ‘bloody origins’ and is ‘as American as stolen land, wealth and labor.’

    Patel is a British Indian author and documentary maker who has in the past described himself as having ‘very strong anarchist sympathies.’

    He is best known for his book ‘Stuffed and Starved: The Hidden Battle for the World Food System’ which delves into food injustices around the world.

    Patel, who now has US citizenship, is also a vocal activist, taking part in the World Trade Organization protest in Seattle in 1999 – after having worked for the organization earlier on in his career.

    Explaining his issues with apple pie in greater detail, Patel wrote in The Guardian: ‘Apples traveled to the western hemisphere with colonists in the 1500s in what used to be called the Columbian Exchange, but is now better understood as a vast and ongoing genocide of Indigenous people.’

    The author went on to say that English colonizers used apple trees ‘as markers of civilization, which is to say property,’ in new lands where they settled.

    He added: ‘John Chapman, better known as Johnny Appleseed, took these markers of colonized property to the frontiers of US expansion where his trees stood as symbols that Indigenous communities had been extirpated.’

    Turning his attention to the pie’s crust, Patel continued: ‘Not that the sugar on the crust is uniquely American.’ He then detailed how sugar’s arrival in the United States in the 1700s was inextricably linked to the French slavery trade in New Orleans, and that the Big Easy ‘had become a concomitant hub of the slave trade’ as the sweet stuff’s popularity burgeoned.

    1. A “British Indian” – with American citizenship? He’s going strong on cultural appropriation then – perhaps he should look in the mirror, then go back to India.

    2. Why do not all these experts(and we know how that word breaks down) not bogoff back to India and try to impress their compatriots with knowledge

    3. Not so disgusted with American colonialism that he turned down the chance to become a citizen of that hellhole of racist bigotry?

      1. With any luck the next time he goes to the U.S they don’t let him in for trashing an American icon. Then revoke his citizenship.

    4. Apple pie was eaten and enjoyed in England in Elizabethan times; centuries before “America” even existed.

  14. Good morning, my friends.

    Reposted from midniight last night:

    Wednesday, 9th June 2021

    Horace Pendleton and Johnny Norfolk

    Born on the same day and the same year!




    to you both and long may your comments keep coming as they are much appreciated by the Nottlers

    With best wishes,

    Caroline and Rastus.

    1. Happy Birthday to Johnny Lancashire/Norfolk/Sussex. A fellow-northerner sent south to educate the shandy-drinkers.

      Hope you have a good day, sir.

    2. Thank you to all. I was pleased to have remembered to be remembered.

  15. Be Kind To Your Fellow Man

    Three in the morning. This guy’s asleep in bed with the wife when there’s a loud knocking at the door.

    “Who the hell is that?” he grumbles, goes downstairs and opens the door. The fella standing there says, “Look, I’m really sorry to disturb you at this hour, but can you give me a push?”

    “Certainly not! Get lost!” says the house-owner, shuts the door and goes back upstairs.

    “Who was it, dear?” asks his wife.

    “Guy wanted a push, three in the morning. I told him to bugger off.”

    “Now don’t you remember when we were first married?” says the wife. “When the car broke down in the middle of the night? Remember how you knocked on the door of that house and the nice man came and helped push-start the car, and saved our honeymoon? Well, in a way, now’s your chance to repay that favour!”

    “Oh, all right,” says the husband and goes downstairs again. He opens the door and calls out “Hey, fella! Need a push? Where are you?”

    “Over here,” comes a voice from the darkness. “On the swing!”

  16. Apologies if this was posted elsewhere:

    ‘Republic of Ireland manager Stephen Kenny says the behaviour of Hungary
    fans who booed his players while taking a knee is ‘incomprehensible”.’

    At least one of the Hungary players (none of whom knelt) simply pointed to the ‘Respect’ badge on sleeve of his shirt. That, in my view, was more than enough.

    1. Why do not more people in politics and the MSM point out that kneeling and fist clenching are part of the Black Lives Matter rituals and that BLM is a political organisation which wants capitalism replaced by communism, the abolition of the police, and the suppression and enslavement of white people?

      If this is what the English Rugby Team wanted when they knelt before each of their matches in the 6 Nations then it serves them right that, for the first time in over forty years, they were beaten by all of the British Isles sides: not only by Wales and Ireland – but also by Scotland.

    2. Football managers are not selected for intellectual rigour, so his failure to comprehend comes with the territory I guess.

  17. For your information, vacuous Cristina Odious (piss-poor temporary replacement for the vastly superior Allison Pearson), the massive populations of feral pigeons (a.k.a. “flying rats”) only started to burgeon as a direct result of peregrine falcons being hunted to near-extinction by … yes, you might have guessed … Homo sapiens!

    Poor you, having to put up with nature, and so close to your cosy little suburban, concrete-covered, traffic-infested, litter-festooned, human habitation.

    Oh, and for your gormless edification: “twitchers” don’t turn up to see common resident birds. They only go looking for rarities and accidental occurrences of migratory birds that are not resident and have been wind-blown off course.

      1. I’m not a fan of anyone who gets well-remunerated for spouting bollocks in a national broadsheet, Billy.

    1. Pigeons Flying Rats

      Grey Squirrels Tree Rats

      Seagulls SH1te Hawks

      Politicians A comination of the above

  18. Seems Brentford FC mouthipece not having a good week as he screwed the diversity / inclusion language course with this announcement

    “Brentford FC announce they will not be squatting before games any more as it is having the opposite effect to the one claimed for it, and is dividing the fans and society generally”

  19. Just received this from Sonny Boy.
    From the British Veterinary Association.

    “What’s the issue?

    Pre-stunning makes sure that animals are unconscious and insensible to pain before they are slaughtered. Evidence on slaughter without pre-stunning, known as non-stun slaughter, shows that animals:

    feel the pain of the neck cut;

    experience a delay in loss of consciousness (lasting up to 2 minutes in cattle); and

    are highly likely to suffer pain, suffering, and distress during the cut and bleeding.

    The EU regulation on the Protection of animals at the time of killing and regulations in England, Scotland, Wales, and Northern Ireland require that all livestock are stunned before slaughter to render them insensible to pain at the time of killing.

    EU and UK legislation allows an exemption for animals slaughtered in accordance with religious rites which provides for non-stun slaughter where food is intended for the consumption of Jews and Muslims.

    Figures from the Food Standards Agency indicate that in 2018 over 94 million cattle, sheep, and poultry were slaughtered in England without being pre-stunned.

    Some parts of the Muslim community do accept pre-stunning. Figures from the Food Standards Agency (FSA) indicate that in 2018 58% of all halal meat in England was pre-stunned.

    There is currently no non-stun slaughter in Scotland, Wales, and Northern Ireland.

    What’s our view?

    All animals should be stunned before slaughter.

    While our long-term aim is to move towards an end to non-stun, we’re calling for improved regulation of non-stun slaughter. The UK governments should take several pragmatic steps to ensure that supply of meat from non-stunned animals meets the demand of the religious communities the derogation in UK legislation is intended to serve. So, we’re calling for:

    The introduction of a non-stun permit system to ensure that the number of animals slaughtered without prior stunning does not exceed the relevant demand of the UK’s religious communities.

    A ban on the export of meat from animals that have not been stunned before slaughter.

    Clear labelling of meat and meat-products from animals that have not been stunned before slaughter.

    Improved public procurement – public service should only procure meat and meat products from animals that have been stunned before slaughter, unless there is a specific request to meet the needs of a specified UK religious community

    Robust and regular reporting on: the numbers of animals that aren’t stunned; the numbers that don’t receive an effective stun; and the amount of non-stun meat that is exported.

    Positive dialogue with religious certification bodies to promote stunning.

    BVA position on welfare of animals at slaughter

    Read our comprehensive policy position to improve the welfare of the UK’s food producing animals at slaughter. Our recommendations build on current legislation and best practice, spanning the whole slaughter process, from preparation on-farm to processes at the abattoir, effective stunning, regulation of non-stun slaughter, labelling, and public procurement.”

    1. 334088+ u[ ticks,
      Morning Anne,
      ALL the while the lab/lib/con coalition have the shout no notice will be taken, and there will be no re write of the parliamentary halal inclusive canteen menu to satisfy some herd members, reset RULES OK.

    2. But be reasonable. Some people, for religious reasons, refuse to have their right to rape underage girls and cause pain to animals interfered with by infidel politicians.!

  20. Careless tweets can cost you your career! This article is worth reading. What we say here is not likely to affect our careers as I imagine not many of us want to be employed by somebody else. But our children and grandchildren need to be aware that even their most innocent post on social media will be found by an internet excrement miner and used against them.

    Why every job applicant needs a social media scrubber (like me)
    Political leanings, drunken escapades, hot-headed arguments – how do you stop old teenage tweets destroying a career before it’s even begun?

    By Simon Wadsworth 9 June 2021 • 5:00am

    England cricketer Ollie Robinson has been suspended for offensive tweets he made when he was a teenager

    It’s the heart-stopping moment that more young people should dread: you are a few steps into your chosen career when an old, brutally embarrassing picture or a collection of ill thought-out tweets from years gone by surface.

    It can happen if you’re in the public eye, like England cricketer Ollie Robinson, 27, who was suspended from all international cricket this week pending the findings of a disciplinary investigation into offensive posts he sent as a teenager in 2012. Or the second unnamed cricketer who was yesterday being investigated over a post he shared while under 16. Or the Green Party candidate Ross Peltier, 29, who had to withdraw from the Batley and Spen by-election just days ago after it came out that he had made a series of “highly offensive” homophobic tweets in adolescence.

    This may seem like a clutch of unusual, high profile examples, but as someone who works with clients to remove negative, defamatory or unwanted content online, I know just how increasingly common this problem is.

    Green Party candidate Ross Peltier had to withdraw from the Batley and Spen by-election after historical homophobic tweets
    Green Party candidate Ross Peltier had to withdraw from the Batley and Spen by-election after historical homophobic tweets CREDIT: PA
    These posts can be career-ending at worst, shaming at best. My firm, Igniyte, challenges material you feel shouldn’t be on the internet (like pictures or videos posted without your consent), removes old tweets, Instagram and Facebook posts that could be seen as reputation-damaging, and asks Google to remove irrelevant or outdated information from search engine results.

    The majority of our clients are older than Robinson or Peltier – invariably, they are directors of companies, politicians, media personalities, people who remember the days before you had to pay attention to your digital footprint – but a rising number are from the generation that came of age online. These are young people who had a social media account from the age of 12, and who, on entering their 20s and beginning to try to make their way in their chosen career, suddenly realise they have a decade of internet use behind them, not all of which they would want a prospective employer to see. This job has made me certain that all young people need to get a handle on their social media history before it’s too late.

    A couple of years ago, a student and his parents approached me for help. He’d commented on a tweet from someone in the public eye – a minor celebrity who was a regular feature on all the tabloids’ websites – expressing a political point that he disagreed with. He posted underneath with little thought, assuming his tweet would be lost among the many flippant 280-character rebuttals. Unfortunately, his calculation was wrong.

    His tweet quickly gained almost as much attention as the original post. It was screenshotted, picked up by the tabloids and featured in all the coverage of the story. For the celebrity, this was simply a matter of a week’s news cycle; eminently forgettable, soon to be replaced in the Google rankings with something new. For the 19-year-old with very little digital footprint to speak of, it was a different matter altogether. Suddenly, when you searched his name, the first two pages of results were about this online altercation.

    He was an ambitious young man studying at a top university and on the brink of applying for graduate jobs: this debacle made him seem unpredictable, even loutish. Was he really like that? No. But if this was all a recruiter was going to find when looking him up online, his parents reasoned they were probably going to move on to the next candidate pretty swiftly. That was where we came in, spending a good two years (funded by his parents) to get his digital footprint to a cleaner place. Oddly, if he had been in the public eye, it would have been simpler – another story would have come along to replace it.

    Could England’s Ollie Robinson have damaged his reputation permanently?
    Could England’s Ollie Robinson have damaged his reputation permanently? CREDIT: AFP
    I have seen careers destroyed before they have even begun through poor social media use: people don’t realise that even seemingly innocuous posts or images can paint a negative picture. For instance, your CV might portray you as a vegan feminist who spends their spare time volunteering for animal charities, but what message does it send if your social media accounts feature pictures of you topless, or at a shooting range? There might be nothing wrong with those things, but it could send the wrong signal to a prospective employer, or compromise your integrity when taken out of context. Too many young people let their private lives and opinions play out online, never imagining one day it might cost them. Political leanings, drunken escapades, hot-headed arguments with an ex – they are all things you don’t want an employer to see, that could be traceable just with the right Google search.

    Recruiters tell me that the first thing they do when considering someone seeking a job is to Google them: with a few clicks they can find out if someone is a bit of a “risk” that a big employer should steer clear of. They’re looking to see if this person has expressed extreme views online. Are they all over social media, documenting every bad day at work and every raucous holiday? Is there anything in their digital footprint that could end up causing problems for the company later on? If it’s out there, they’ll find it, and move on.

    I have a 13-year-old and a 15-year-old and I counsel them to steer clear of social media. Why? Because I know all too well how easy it is to make a mistake. The trouble with the internet is, you can’t always scrub out.

    1. The slebs should give up Twatter and start rapping. Seems that nobody cares what you say in that sphere.

  21. Six monthly test of the air raid sirens today, at 12:00.
    The alarm is three long hoots, with a minute silence between, meaning “Listen for important message on the radio/TV”. The use is in Civil Defence, in case of a catastrophe when people will need to evacuate – like, a chemical factory fire or similar. They can run the air raid etc alarms, but those are reserved for times of international tension.
    It’s very spooky, echoing round the valley.

    1. Yep..same here in Finland.12:00 noon on the first Monday of every month.

    1. How did he get his job?
      You need stuff like literacy and a long history of culture behind you.
      Yes, Nurse, I’m ready for my pills.

    2. He’ll want to return all the pics of HMQ in his wallet too?

      Good morning all!

    3. Since Livingstone landed Londoners with the Mayor.They’ve had 2 Livingstones,2 Johnsons and a Khan……..Imagine if the UK voted for a
      President what you could end up with…..Its too horrendous to contemplate……Stick with the Royals.

    4. This man has such form for race-baiting that if you see his name in a headline you should simply ignore it. He’s just looking for a reaction.

    5. Our country can’t continue for long with people like him who don’t understand the symbolism of the royal family and what they mean for Britain.

    6. I fear that you won’t be playing cricket for England in the near future, Maggie.

    7. I fear that you won’t be playing cricket for England in the near future, Maggie.

    8. Who is this mega dildo that thinks he has the right to alter OUR constitution?

      Send him back to his little shithole in the sand and tell him to keep his idiotic ideas to himself, else we colonials will be out to crucify him.

    1. “Graft not grievance is (the) secret of ethnic minority success”.

      There is more than one meaning to the word. Graft: Corruption, Cronyism, Nepotism, Patronage… It’s a way of life for some.

  22. Madeline Grant is proving to be a real asset to the DT. I wonder how long before she’s given the full Julie Burchill?

    “Lockdown Britain has surrendered its ancient freedoms far too cheaply

    The lack of public concern about a slipping roadmap is more worrying than our government’s risk aversion

    8 June 2021 • 9:30pm

    I feel a familiar sense of frustration whenever I read the latest suggestions that June 21 may not bring the final end to lockdown we were promised. Everything about this is predictable. There’s the comms style – leaking and counter-leaking, apparently designed to focus minds or “nudge” behaviour, rather than add clarity. There’s the typically patronising assumption that the public is too dim-witted to comprehend any nuance within the message. And of course the extreme risk-aversion and likelihood that the goalposts will move yet again.

    Well-oiled before the pandemic, lockdown has lubricated the slippery slope as never before; even our tremendous vaccine success seems to have made little difference. We’ve pivoted from expecting the country to reopen once the elderly and vulnerable were protected, to waiting for all the over-50s to be double-jabbed – and one suspects children and household pets cannot be far behind. The Clever People often deride slippery slope arguments as unsophisticated and basic, but as it happens, they are very often true.

    More shocking than the high likelihood of further delay is just how few people seem concerned by it. Poll after poll confirms a desire for continuing lockdown and social distancing measures. While other countries push ahead, Britain remains stubbornly cautious about reopening. Some friends and acquaintances appear unwilling to accept that restrictions even persist in any meaningful way. Given the reopening of schools and pubs, many will say, we’re barely in lockdown, so why bellyache?

    That’s all well and good – provided you don’t have a business affected by continuing measures, or a wedding coming up, or delayed medical treatment, or family living abroad, and so on. It also ignores the continued existence of what are – or ought to be – extraordinary interferences in daily life. The state can still decide who enters your home. “An Englishman’s home is his castle, so long as he doesn’t want to invite more than two other households round for dinner” doesn’t have quite the same ring to it.

    We are still living under rules that few understand, but which remain bossily in place. This is the logic that says amateur choirs in carefully-managed environments cannot sing together safely but professional ones or terraces of chanting football fans can, that insists that you wear a mask when walking around a pub but the moment you sit down everything changes. And we are still being treated like irresponsible children, rather than rational citizens.

    What explains our apparent indifference to all this? Perhaps we’ve simply become numb to the constant fluctuations and uncertainties. I’ve certainly found pessimism helpful – by adopting a 24/7 Eeyorishness; never assuming anything is happening, you’re rarely disappointed. Of course, what for some are mere annoyances or inconveniences can cause unimaginable anguish to others. But is something more profound happening here too?

    In his brilliant essay The Seen and the Unseen, the 19th century French economist Frederic Bastiat exposed a common human tendency to focus on the visible benefits of an action – the “seen” – while ignoring the “unseen” penalties or drawbacks associated with the same activity. I wonder if, per Bastiat, the combination of a year of limited horizons and the novelty of partial reopening has provided a kind of bread and circuses effect, shielding us from the “unseen”.

    Sipping our pints in the glorious weather, it’s easy to forget about the quarter of hospitality venues that never opened; or the 8,500 that have so far shut their doors for good. Obedience is doubly easy for those who remain insulated from economic reality by furlough – or for those who’ve actively enjoyed elements of lockdown, such as working from home.

    But our lack of vigilance carries unseen penalties. Already, the country seems to be running at half-whack, from the NHS, to Parliament, to the justice system – even the companies whimpering “don’t you know there’s a pandemic on?” to excuse lousy customer service. The implications of these backlogs, plus the erosion of parliamentary and legal process, won’t be felt properly for some time – yet, paradoxically, without a sense of urgency, little will change.

    If we don’t appear to value our freedom, governments will think they can do this all over again. I fear that this administration, with its love of opinion polls and focus groups, will keep locking down so long as it suffers no negative political effects. It’s surely not a coincidence that some of the venues which remain in limbo, such as nightclubs and festivals, aren’t traditional Tory-voting terrains. And as smokers can attest, once you account for a small enough share of the population, the state can punish you to its heart’s content.

    The long-term societal shifts will be even harder to measure, yet the UK certainly seems to be morphing into a permission-based society; the opposite of the dynamic place we’d like to be. People have become excessively judgmental about all kinds of things. The Government’s sudden decision to demote Portugal from the green list spelt chaos for British tourists forced to scramble for over-priced tickets home. “Why were they going anyway?” was a common refrain. Few questioned why Portugal was bumped up to amber in the first place – a reasonable ask, given its similar (low) case rate to Britain’s.

    The most depressing conclusion of all is that the last year has simply exposed the reality of our national character – risk-averse, unconcerned about our liberties. Lockdown certainly coincided with broader trends in this direction, such as paranoid parenting and a more muscular nanny state. Yet it also crossed a Rubicon in the relationship between public and state; politicians and officials imposed previously unthinkable restrictions on our lives, and were simply amazed by what they could get away with.

    Will a further delay of the much-feted liberation day be the moment the public stands up and says “enough is enough”, that a society with no appetite for risk isn’t worth living in? I suspect not. We have sacrificed our freedoms far too cheaply.”

      1. I thought Lloyd-Webber was the biggest pro-vaxx covid bedwetter going?
        Was he really pushing the vaxx just so his theatres could re-open?

    1. I think we should get really angry enough to blame all BAME COMMUNIDEES for causing this crisis and accelerating it , but who would be brave enough to shout about it?

      1. They way i see it this clip is a very calm, unbiased, honest and to the point effort to reach out to the people of this country TB the ‘We’ have had enough of the ‘They’ and whatever their ambitions are. And the recent WOKE stupidity at Oxford is more than insane, I just hope none of these idiots have to handle any cash they probably haven’t noticed all of it has images of our Queen on.

        Watching the news earlier I was appalled that more than 5 thousand police had been sent to Carbis Bay with now over flying military aircraft, several naval vessels scouring the coast line, steel fences erected, local business being closed and hundreds of very heavily armed police on the streets.
        From this ridiculous spectacle one thing is more than apparent. That if these people (members of the ‘They’ were honest and any good at their particular jobs and were carrying out a reasonable effort at looking after the planet there would have been no need for all this and they would have been welcomed with open arms.
        There’s is absolutely no point nor gain in any of this whatsoever.

  23. Oxford Students at Maudling removing the Queen’s image from their common room for their perceived view of ‘colonialism’.
    BLACK LIVES MATTER activists at it again . . maybe a photo of our old friend Idi Amin would be suitable.?

    He is considered one of the most brutal despots in world history.

    1. I was going to suggest that nice Mr. Schickelgruber; but then I remembered he was white.
      That also does for Ioseb Jughashvili.

      1. Had to Google ‘loseb …’. Didn’t realise was that nice Uncle Joe’s birth name.

      1. That reminds me af a time when I was a ‘Peacekeeper’. In 1963 India and Pakistan were on the edge of declaring war. I was on a technical course at the Royal School of Artillery and they made me sit with the Indian army chappie on my left and the Pakistani on my right. Even out on the firing ranges I had to stand between them. I never did get my ‘Peacekeeping medal’.

        1. I worked in Flight Safety in MoD for a while and we had a meeting of NATO FS staff to discuss the year’s accidents. There had been some aerial tussling between the Greeks and Turks in their F16s on the border and the Turk had ended up in the drink (waving a pistol at the Greeks who came to pick him up). I think that item on the agenda was quickly skipped over.

        2. Whatever yoy had to call them they were STILL, what they were before any new descriptors were enforced

    2. The king of Scotland, no less. At least he had humour unlike the present ‘queen’ of Scotland.

    1. Good morning, Anne.

      A couple of details have me wondering about the overall picture being painted by Electoral Calculus.

      In the segment devoted to England, it shows how the proposed changes would leave the Liberal Democrats with 7 English seats and the Green Party with one – presumably that of Caroline Lucas – in the House of Commons.

      England – Initial proposals

      On 8 June 2021, the Boundary Commission for England published initial proposals for the new English constituencies. The number of English seats has risen from 533 to 543. The estimated political breakdown of these seats is shown in the table below.

      Party Current Seats New Seats Change
      CON 345 357 +12
      LAB 180 178 −2
      LIB 7 7 0
      Green 1 1 0
      Total 533 543 10

      Electoral Calculus’ calculations show the Conservatives gaining twelve seats, while Labour loses two seats. This is not the complete story because Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland still have to make their initial proposals. But it is broadly consistent with our earlier estimate that the Conservatives would gain about 10 seats from Labour.

      Further down, Electoral Calculus looks at the overall picture for the entire House of Commons, but it seems that, despite the inclusion of Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland, the projected number of Liberal Democrat seats falls to 6 and that of the Green Party seat is lost. You would expect the figures to be – at a minimum – the number of seats projected for England.

      Using the Electoral Calculus estimates for ward voting patterns at the 2019 general election, we can imply the likely result of that general election if it had been held under the new boundaries, assuming that each voter would have voted in the same way as before.

      Party 2019 Votes Actual (old) Seats Example (new) Seats Change
      CON 44.7% 365 380 +15
      LAB 33.0% 203 194 −9
      LIB 11.8% 11 6 −5
      Brexit 2.1% 0 0 0
      Green 2.8% 1 0 −1
      SNP 4.0% 48 49 +1
      PlaidC 0.5% 4 3 −1
      Other 1.1% 0 0 0
      DUP 8 10 +2
      SF 7 5 −2
      SDLP 2 3 +1
      Alliance 1 0 −1
      Total 100.0% 650 650 0

      Our estimated calculations suggest that the Conservatives could gain about ten seats from Labour as the result of the new boundary review. They might also gain a few seats from the Liberal Democrats, but this is less likely as the Lib Dems are adept at avoiding such losses with strong local campaigning.

  24. Border Force union chief says cross-channel migrants arriving in Britain have Covid rates 20 TIMES higher than those of the UK population
    Immigration Services Union said 5-10 arrivals per day testing positive for Covid
    They are often crammed onto small boats, raising risk of spreading infection
    2021 arrivals expected to far outstrip last year’s 8,400 if current rates continue

    ‘We have a handful, between five and 10 a day, testing positive, but anyone who has been in close contact with them – and that could be a lot, because of overcrowding – risks catching the virus.’

    It’s believed that the infection rate among arrivals could be around three per cent, compared to the UK population rate of 0.16 per cent, the Times reported.

    More than 1,000 Channel migrants have arrived in the UK in the past week, while at least 4,300 have landed in the country this year so far. The annual total is expected to exceed the 8,400 who made the journey in 2020.

    Some 250 minors have made the dangerous journey across the Channel this year so far, including 50 over the recent Bank Holiday weekend. They include large numbers of unaccompanied girls, leaving local authorities fearful that they will be targeted by criminal gangs.

    1. Selective use of statistics. “20 times higher” suggests that thousands of plague-infected illegals are getting in. In fact, it is a handful of the thousands.

      1. More than enough – especially in addition to other severe problems caused.

      2. I suspect that the boat people are the tip of an iceberg and that plenty more are getting through and vanishing straight into the black economy, spreading diseases in their fellow’s communities as they go.

      1. I had a scam phone call purporting to be from Virgin media about 20 minutes ago. On a line with terrible echo I asked the lady from far away land what the last 4 numbers of my account number are …………………..

        1. Last night a friend told me she’d just had a call about getting the tax back on her ppi money and could she tell them her details of the claim “just to check” – knowing it was suspicious My friend asked her for an email address to send them to. The line went dead.

          1. I love to wind them up as well.
            I had a ‘discussion’ with a virgin media representative last week instead of answering my questions regarding the disruption in services he decided to read out his script in his heavy indian accent. Click ………….

          2. I love to wind them up as well.
            I had a ‘discussion’ with a virgin media representative last week instead of answering my questions regarding the disruption in services he decided to read out his script in his heavy indian accent. Click ………….

  25. Will Cinderella go the the ball…?

    OOER!……Go for it Andrew.
    It only needs one to start the ball rolling…. plus a new musical in the offing….’Rebel with a Cause’
    Lord Lloyd-Webber says he will risk arrest in order to fully open his theatres ..
    “We are going to open, come hell or high water,” Lord Lloyd-Webber told … Speaking on Wednesday morning, the composer and theatre boss urged … do stop us from going forward, is neither rational, nor is it proportionate.”. › news › national › 193.

    1. I suppose him being a luvvie he’ll get lots of air time and not be called a pandemic denier.

    2. Don’t cry for me…..

      It wont be easy
      You’ll think it strange
      When I try to explain
      How I feel………………

          1. God! that brings back memories.
            It must be the closest Popular Music has got to an Operatic Aria.

          2. God! that brings back memories.
            It must be the closest Popular Music has got to an Operatic Aria.

  26. 334088+ up ticks,
    These peoples are tagged as the far right racist preparing to confront the issues that are undermining the integrity of these Isles namely the actions of islamic ideology coupled with the seeming consent of the lab/lib/con coalition political group & supporting minions.

    The “For Britain party” is saying & proposing what I want to hear and
    actions I want to see put in place.

    Whatever you think of her give credit where due she has a rhetorical / actionable full set, unlike the governing political fraternity of just so many goebbels who have no patriotic balls at all.

    My support is via finance as the old lady said when she peed in the Medway.

    1. I can’t afford a lot, but I’ve just shewn my support with a small donation.

      1. 334088+ up ticks,
        Afternoon Bob,
        Same as that ,but a people’s reset has got to start somewhere
        lab/lib/con coalition supporter / voters will continue in their regular pattern right up to the mosque door.

      2. 334088+ up ticks,
        Afternoon Bob,
        Same as that ,but a people’s reset has got to start somewhere
        lab/lib/con coalition supporter / voters will continue in their regular pattern right up to the mosque door.

    2. I can’t afford a lot, but I’ve just shewn my support with a small donation.

    1. “….Meanwhile the Reform UK party of Richard Tice has made only tentative comments on the issue, failing to grab the agenda as it did last summer when led by south coast film-maker extraordinaire Nigel Farage.”

      Nigel Farage certainly did a good job bringing our attention to the extent of the problem. But sadly Farage has a history of leaving the fray prematurely and before decisive action has resulted.

      He left UKIP immediately after the 2016 referendum saying the job of Brexit was done – but it wasn’t and now – five years later – it has still not done properly and Britain is still in EU shackles.

      He fielded Brexit Party candidates at the 2019 general election – but he did not stand himself and weakly capitulated to Johnson getting nothing in return for not fielding candidates in Conservative held seats even when these seats were held by remainers. The result is that the Conservative Party is still full of remainers which encouraged Johnson and Gove to surrender to the EU over Northern Ireland and British fishing waters.

      And when the ‘deal’ was struck Farage said nothing about the fact that it was a disaster – he said it was acceptable. And look at how the EU is exploiting the N. Ireland protocol, blackmailing British traders and showing no respect for British fisherfolk.

      How many years was Farage in the EU parliament? Was he so naive that he did not realise that the appalling deal gave them tremendous scope for treachery, cheating and betrayal?


      1. 334088+ up ticks,
        Afternoon R,
        I know how to suck eggs and as for the farage chap he was a successful coxswain as leader of UKIP, only with allegiance to the tory (ino) party overall, first & foremost.
        The farage did a good job rhetorically from the platform the
        members gave him, the farage was the mouthpiece the party activist were the work horses inclusive of walking bloody miles to get the message across of pending doom approaching, courtesy of the lab/lib/con close shop coalition,to no avail the supporting minions new better.

        We are NOW suffering the result .

      2. 334088+ up ticks,
        Afternoon R,
        I know how to suck eggs and as for the farage chap he was a successful coxswain as leader of UKIP, only with allegiance to the tory (ino) party overall, first & foremost.
        The farage did a good job rhetorically from the platform the
        members gave him, the farage was the mouthpiece the party activist were the work horses inclusive of walking bloody miles to get the message across of pending doom approaching, courtesy of the lab/lib/con close shop coalition,to no avail the supporting minions new better.

        We are NOW suffering the result .

      3. I don’t think NF read the Agreement , which was only a one-sided agreement. If he had even read the Summary of what Boris had signed up to he might have been less supportive. For that matter I suspect Johnson probably just skimmed through the document. He is paying the penalty now as the Agreement is in tatters.

      4. I don’t think NF read the Agreement , which was only a one-sided agreement. If he had even read the Summary of what Boris had signed up to he might have been less supportive. For that matter I suspect Johnson probably just skimmed through the document. He is paying the penalty now as the Agreement is in tatters.

  27. Knowing how devious and dishonest this all is, I am beginning to think that all this threatening of further lockdown beyond 21 June is just a ploy; so that when Johnson declares 21st it is, he looks like the hero.

      1. And with me, Plum, although I did say that the real reason might be to make him a hero when June 21st brings total release from regulations or people are being frightened into going for a jab because so many are suspicious of the efficacy of jabs.

    1. I made a similar comment here a couple of weeks ago. They would then be able to dismiss all sceptics as “conspiracy theorists” then and in the future.

  28. Sam Ashworth-Hayes
    What the England team doesn’t get about ‘taking the knee’
    8 June 2021, 5:48pm



    robertsonjames • 17 hours ago • edited
    Symbols come with associations. Indeed that’s what gives them their meaning. Otherwise they’d be pointless because completely unintelligible.

    “Taking the knee” is precisely intelligible because it is the preferred gesture of support promoted by the BLM movement, a Marxist and revolutionary cadre which has a wide range of extreme demands including dismantling capitalism, restructuring our society and transforming our institutions. The claim of Southgate that when his players perform this particular act it is not “political” is either naive or just plain dishonest. It is no more non-political or without ideological significance than would be a straight-armed salute, indelibly linked as it is with fascism. And I’m prepared to guess that Southgate would not be out there defending the players if they wanted to do THAT before each game.

    The FA, as usual, are late to the party, but the England team is their responsibility and they need to act. They should instruct the players to stop doing this. Otherwise the fans are going to continue to give it the bird because they object, entirely reasonably, to England matches being hijacked to make symbolic gestures closely linked to a far Left political programme which few fans, like few English people, support.

    In any case, what alternative do the FA have but to cut off this nonsense at source? There would be uproar if in a clear attack on freedom of expression boos and whistles used to make an opinion known were now to attract some sort of punishment, either a ban or even criminal charges. And there would be national embarrassment if the team were made to play with no supporters at all for fear of the reaction the players would get for performing their political stunt.

    The players simply growing up, accepting that this particular piece of symbolism imported by a radical movement originating in the USA is politically provocative and inappropriate for the England team, and stopping doing it, would appear to be the correct as well as the easiest solution.

    1. Delingpole: English Sport Is a Woke Joke Which Deserves to Go Broke×480.jpg

      Which of these two things is the more unforgivable sin you could commit as a teenager?

      a) sneak off to Syria to become a jihadi bride wedded to a savage death cult; become a ruthless, armed, enforcer of discipline dispensing brutal punishments for the tiniest transgression; tacitly endorse beheadings, crucifixions, mass rapes, enslavement, torture etc.

      b) tweet some immature, stupid sexist and racist stuff on Twitter

      1. But the MSM publish this; “The people booing England players ‘taking a knee’ are an “ignorant minority” who need “educating”, says former England captain Rio Ferdinand.”

      2. But the MSM publish this; “The people booing England players ‘taking a knee’ are an “ignorant minority” who need “educating”, says former England captain Rio Ferdinand.”

    2. Is BLM any less extreme than the BNP?

      I wonder what would happen if the British Ladies Lacrosse Team sported virgin white clothes and waved their lacrosse sticks provocatively in the air before each of their matches to show their support for the BNP?

    3. I’m waiting for a woke Engerland Wendyballer to object to having to stand and mumble the National Anthem.

    1. Our elder son, Christo, had his marriage planned for August this year but, as many of his friends and members of his family live out of England, he has now postponed it until July next year.

      Such disruption to their young lives – they have just bought a house and planned to start their family as soon as possible.

      1. Why not marry anyway in a private ceremony and then have a blessing next year with all friends around. They can then live in their house and start a family asap.

  29. DM Story

    Harry claims he DID tell Queen new baby would be called Lilibet after senior palace source categorically tells BBC Prince and Meghan did NOT consult the Queen about naming their daughter

    Somebody is not very veracious! On past form I wonder who this might be?

    Matilda’s aunt, who kept a strict regard for truth , had trouble with her niece and did not take her to see that slightly risqué play The Second Mrs Tanqueray as a punishment. I wonder if Her Majesty has the same problem with one of her grandsons?

    I seldom miss an excuse to paste one of the favourite verses in the Tracey children’s book collection. In fact I wonder where Harry was when Windsor Castle caught on fire?

    Matilda: Hilaire Belloc

    Matilda told such Dreadful Lies,
    It made one Gasp and Stretch one’s Eyes;
    Her Aunt, who, from her Earliest Youth,
    Had kept a Strict Regard for Truth,
    Attempted to Believe Matilda:
    The effort very nearly killed her,
    And would have done so, had not She
    Discovered this Infirmity.
    For once, towards the Close of Day,
    Matilda, growing tired of play,
    And finding she was left alone,
    Went tiptoe to the Telephone
    And summoned the Immediate Aid
    Of London’s Noble Fire-Brigade.
    Within an hour the Gallant Band
    Were pouring in on every hand,
    From Putney, Hackney Downs, and Bow
    With Courage high and Hearts a-glow
    They galloped, roaring through the Town
    ‘Matilda’s House is Burning Down!’
    Inspired by British Cheers and Loud
    Proceeding from the Frenzied Crowd,
    They ran their ladders through a score
    Of windows on the Ball Room Floor;
    And took Peculiar Pains to Souse
    The Pictures up and down the House,
    Until Matilda’s Aunt succeeded
    In showing them they were not needed;
    And even then she had to pay
    To get the Men to go away!

    It happened that a few Weeks later
    Her Aunt was off to the Theatre
    To see that Interesting Play
    The Second Mrs Tanqueray.
    She had refused to take her Niece
    To hear this Entertaining Piece:
    A Deprivation Just and Wise
    To Punish her for Telling Lies.
    That Night a Fire did break out-
    You should have heard Matilda Shout!
    You should have heard her Scream and Bawl,
    And throw the window up and call
    To People passing in the Street-
    (The rapidly increasing Heat
    Encouraging her to obtain
    Their confidence)-but all in vain!
    For every time She shouted ‘Fire!’
    They only answered ‘Little Liar’!
    And therefore when her Aunt returned,
    Matilda, and the House, were Burned.

      1. Yes, that was a brilliant response from our queen before when her grandson and his wife said things that were not entirely true.

        1. Well, one things certain – either he did run it past his Grandma or he didn’t.

          1. I’m sure he will have.

            Harry Seagoon; “Can we name our child after you if it’s a girl?”
            Her Majesty the Queen: ” Of course you may.”
            HS: “Even if it’s as black as Anne Boleyn?”
            HM: “Have you considered Georgina Floydina?”

          2. I’m sure he will have.

            Harry Seagoon; “Can we name our child after you if it’s a girl?”
            Her Majesty the Queen: ” Of course you may.”
            HS: “Even if it’s as black as Anne Boleyn?”
            HM: “Have you considered Georgina Floydina?”

          3. They probably phrased it in such a way that she thought they meant “Elizabeth.”

      2. I understand that they are threatening to sue the BBC for libel.

        Should be fun if the beeboids call the Queen to give evidence of what she knew…..

  30. She’s darned lucky that she wasn’t burned at the stake

    Mother-of-two law student, 29, is cleared of misconduct by university after saying ‘women have vaginas’ during seminar on transgender issues
    Lisa Keogh, 29, was hauled before disciplinary panel at the University of Abertay
    It came after she made comments about women in transgender issues seminar
    University says disciplinary process was not engaged by Ms Keogh’s opinions
    They say it was complaint about alleged behaviour and that it was not upheld

    1. As quietly done as someone signing the Barcelona Agreement in 1995 – to allow in, unhindered, everyone from the countries that surround Europe.

    2. As quietly done as someone signing the Barcelona Agreement in 1995 – to allow in, unhindered, everyone from the countries that surround Europe.

    1. Keeping a foothold in NI was always the EU’s method to inveigle back into the UK again.

      1. “The troubles” will continue either way, so I suggest that the UK makes life as difficult as it possibly can for Eire.

        Get them so pauperised that they either beg the EU to be reasonable or they will have a referendum and campaign to leave.
        Then we can offer them decent terms that are mutually beneficial.

        1. Even if they vote to leave, they’ll either be made to vote again or they won’t leave at all (as we haven’t).

  31. I’ve just received a letter from Imperial College London. Asking me to perform or take part in an ongoing Covid-19 test by going on line and telling them if i’d like to take part……….. Is this random, or why me I wonder ? Is there something I don’t or should know ? I appear to have reached the stage where I simply don’t trust anyone anymore.

      1. Too right Clydie i’m going to.
        What i find extremely annoying is this can happen, but i am still waiting for a a letter or anything from my cardiologist.
        I managed to take our Dog for a shady walk for the first time in weeks. I bumped into an old golfing colleague along with his wife. Passing the time of day and health etc. they told me of a friend who suffered very similarly after having his Jab, a prolonged bout of Afib.

    1. I was asked and participated a while back. My research then showed it to be random and my experience was positive.

      1. Years ago – pre pandemic – I got a questionnaire that said it was totally anonymous and not compulsory. It basically asked me a load of questions about my local doctor’s surgery and the service I got and “any particular ” doctor I had problems with. I ignored it, but didn’t throw it away. Two week later a letter asking me why I had not filled in the form (anonymous and NOT compulsory?) I checked the form – NO name/address, NO code number, NO barcode). I sent a letter back pointing this out. Weeks later yet another letter again asking me why I had not filled in and returned the form. They knew SOMEHOW that MY form hadn’t been returned – but didn’t send any more.

        1. Many years ago, when I was a Civil Servant, a questionnaire came round that they said was totally anonymous……… some of the questions were quite personal – eg, about one’s sexual proclivities, etc…. and the anonymous form had one’s pay number on it. Moral – look very carefully before filling in any questionnaire that says it’s anonymous.

        2. Many years ago, when I was a Civil Servant, a questionnaire came round that they said was totally anonymous……… some of the questions were quite personal – eg, about one’s sexual proclivities, etc…. and the anonymous form had one’s pay number on it. Moral – look very carefully before filling in any questionnaire that says it’s anonymous.

      2. Years ago – pre pandemic – I got a questionnaire that said it was totally anonymous and not compulsory. It basically asked me a load of questions about my local doctor’s surgery and the service I got and “any particular ” doctor I had problems with. I ignored it, but didn’t throw it away. Two week later a letter asking me why I had not filled in the form (anonymous and NOT compulsory?) I checked the form – NO name/address, NO code number, NO barcode). I sent a letter back pointing this out. Weeks later yet another letter again asking me why I had not filled in and returned the form. They knew SOMEHOW that MY form hadn’t been returned – but didn’t send any more.

    2. I was asked and participated a while back. My research then showed it to be random and my experience was positive.

    3. Mrs VVOF had the same, each letter was shredded, we have seen the “benefit” of surge testing, thanks but no thanks. They have now stopped sending them.

    4. We have friends who have been testing for Imperial for about a year. It’s a monthly thing and the husband is now giving his blood and antibodies.

    5. We have friends who have been testing for Imperial for about a year. It’s a monthly thing and the husband is now giving his blood and antibodies.

    6. We’ve both had those – OH did his but I didn’t. I’m fed up with them testing healthy people in the hope of finding some new variant to scare us with.

      1. The other aspect is they can get hold of people’s DNA i’d imagine most of the age group they appear to send these letters to have never been listed for their DNA. It’s just another way of ‘keeping and eye on’ people.

        1. I binned the letter, after first removing my name and address. OH went along with it – he’s much more trusting than I am.

    7. I just looked over their website, it seems that Imperial College is the training centre for the next generation of Muslim rocket engineers, bomb makers, poison gas, biological & chemical warfare makers & tunnel engineers and weapons makers !
      Studying at Imperial
      Imperial is the only university in the UK to focus exclusively on science, medicine, engineering and business.–tojpeg_1583940077847_x1.jpg

      1. Don’t get me started Hatter ……….😉And I have always put a smiley face in stool samples. …..well you have to feel a tad sorry for the lab people it might brighten up their day a bit.

      2. Don’t get me started Hatter ……….😉And I have always put a smiley face in stool samples. …..well you have to feel a tad sorry for the lab people it might brighten up their day a bit.

      3. Imperial run my local NHS Trust. They’re also heavily funded by Gates.

      4. Imperial run my local NHS Trust. They’re also heavily funded by Gates.

    8. I just looked over their website, it seems that Imperial College is the training centre for the next generation of Muslim rocket engineers, bomb makers, poison gas, biological & chemical warfare makers & tunnel engineers and weapons makers !
      Studying at Imperial
      Imperial is the only university in the UK to focus exclusively on science, medicine, engineering and business.–tojpeg_1583940077847_x1.jpg

    9. I had one months ago. I rang the local surgery to tell them I didn’t want it and to my surptise they said ” ok, we’ll put that on the system, you won’t be bothered again”. BS. Months later my home phone rang, yes, somebody on about the jab. I told them what had happened, and ” Oh we didn’t know, we’ll put that down and you won’t be bothered again”. Then questions WHY don’t I want it. More lies. Even got one yesterday – put phone down on them. The determination to jab everyone is sinister, clearly not bothering what the person wants. Free country?

      1. I had something similar; I told my surgery, after they had persistently pestered me, that I wasn’t going to have the jab (I “declined”). Same response, “we’ve noted that and you won’t be bothered”. Yeah, right. Next there was some bloke on my mobile pestering me to take the jab. I said I’d declined and then i blocked the number. That has given me some peace.

    10. I had one months ago. I rang the local surgery to tell them I didn’t want it and to my surptise they said ” ok, we’ll put that on the system, you won’t be bothered again”. BS. Months later my home phone rang, yes, somebody on about the jab. I told them what had happened, and ” Oh we didn’t know, we’ll put that down and you won’t be bothered again”. Then questions WHY don’t I want it. More lies. Even got one yesterday – put phone down on them. The determination to jab everyone is sinister, clearly not bothering what the person wants. Free country?

    1. Ah yes! I remember it well! The G8 summit at Gleneagles! Total mayhem, millions of pounds policing a bunch of drug-ridden hippies and that was just the delegates!

    2. Ah yes! I remember it well! The G8 summit at Gleneagles! Total mayhem, millions of pounds policing a bunch of drug-ridden hippies and that was just the delegates!

    3. Oh the Irony……………

      And for what gain WTF are they all doing there ? If only there was a god, or powerful aliens, who or what ever it might be, surely by now would have sorted that lot of once and for all.

    4. Oh the Irony……………

      And for what gain WTF are they all doing there ? If only there was a god, or powerful aliens, who or what ever it might be, surely by now would have sorted that lot of once and for all.

    1. Were finished, this country is now well and truly done for.
      This emphasises that we are being invaded by un-known un-identified un-accountable illegal people, aided and abetted by our elected government funded against the will of the British tax payers, with no explanation of the why’s and wherefores whatsoever.

          1. Disagree.
            They destroyed Nazi fascism, saved a large number of people who otherwise would have been part of the final solution, and gave the world the opportunity for the 60s, 70s and 80s. The longest peacetime since anyone wrote history.
            That was well worth it.

          2. My dad was in the navy…had a shit time but kept most of the horrors to himself…
            Bless you dad….I wish I got to know you more….

          3. My Dad was in the Navy. Avoided all unpleasantness, I think. Surfing in Ceylon and beach combing in the Thames Estuary. Just dealt with a few German mines from time to time…

          4. Very Sad isn’t it PT, they would hate what has happened to our country since.
            I was looking for something in my desk drawer this morning and found My father’s little blue RAF book Form 2520A. He wasn’t a fighter he had bad eyesight, but an accountant/organiser, as an NCO he traveled around north Africa with his team. But ended the war in Scilly which he rather enjoyed. We have a few photos of him pipe in mouth shorts on sitting in the sunshine. His Group captain wrote that he was sorry to lose such hard working and conscientious man, whose conduct was exemplary through out his service. After his experiences my father often use to say to me “Never trust and arab son” !
            And I don’t. Amongst many others.

          5. It doesn’t do to look back…too painful.
            I loved my dad, he was a keen gardener and found solace in his garden and allotment…which he passed on to me.
            My garden is my joy thanks to him.

          6. It’s hard, isn’t it, Plum, doing alone the things that one used to do together. When I sat out tonight with Oscar I couldn’t help thinking that I had sat in the same place with Charlie on his last day.

          7. Cheshire Dogs Home, near Warrington – it’s part of Manchester and Cheshire Dogs Home. He was the eighth dog I tried for, though. Some were as far away as London, Darlington and Ilfracombe! It is, apparently, manic at the moment with people fighting to get dogs. Despite his advanced age, there were 15 applicants for Oscar (and we were second choice!). Have a look on the Dogs Trust, I think they have centres your way.

          8. Cheshire Dogs Home, near Warrington – it’s part of Manchester and Cheshire Dogs Home. He was the eighth dog I tried for, though. Some were as far away as London, Darlington and Ilfracombe! It is, apparently, manic at the moment with people fighting to get dogs. Despite his advanced age, there were 15 applicants for Oscar (and we were second choice!). Have a look on the Dogs Trust, I think they have centres your way.

          9. Maud went to the kitchen for a drink of water and keeled over.
            Thankfully I was there and she died in my arms……Bless.

          10. Oh, that is so sad, but at least it was quick and hopefully painless. I had to make the decision to put Charlie to sleep because his kidneys had ceased functioning. He died in my arms, too, but I made it happen. I still weep about it, but it was the right and only decision to make; I couldn’t let him suffer, although the vet did offer to give him 24 hours more. I turned it down – how could I have spent those 24 hours looking at him and knowing I would have had to take him back the next day? I do miss him so, but thank goodness I have Oscar now.

          11. Oh, that is so sad, but at least it was quick and hopefully painless. I had to make the decision to put Charlie to sleep because his kidneys had ceased functioning. He died in my arms, too, but I made it happen. I still weep about it, but it was the right and only decision to make; I couldn’t let him suffer, although the vet did offer to give him 24 hours more. I turned it down – how could I have spent those 24 hours looking at him and knowing I would have had to take him back the next day? I do miss him so, but thank goodness I have Oscar now.

          12. My dad had the same hobby, apples, pears carrots strawberries, black currents, we lived backing onto a field used by the local stables and it was my job to go over the fence with a sack and shovel to reap the piles of fertiliser the tomatoes.

    2. Were finished, this country is now well and truly done for.
      This emphasises that we are being invaded by un-known un-identified un-accountable illegal people, aided and abetted by our elected government funded against the will of the British tax payers, with no explanation of the why’s and wherefores whatsoever.

      1. And the comment from PP about us being demoralised about the flood – she didn’t finish it by saying ” YES – -and its going better and quicker then we ever hoped for”.

    3. And, conveniently, Farage won’t get involved. He has retired hasn’t he.

    4. And, conveniently, Farage won’t get involved. He has retired hasn’t he.

  32. I’ve just been sending a few emails to friends and family and it seems BT internet might be down at the moment they keep bouncing back.

  33. On local beeb news up here it showed English homeless – being bribed with a hot drink and a free breakfast – for having the jab.
    Foreign illegal migrants we know nothing about? – -Hotel for you pal. English homeless – the streets for you.

  34. On local beeb news up here it showed English homeless – being bribed with a hot drink and a free breakfast – for having the jab.
    Foreign illegal migrants we know nothing about? – -Hotel for you pal. English homeless – the streets for you.

        1. They’re bl**dy noisy. When I lived in Hong Kong, it was like having a building site right next to you…

          Aren’t they what Bill Gates wants us plebs to eat? After all, he is buying up all of the meat-producing land in the US – presumably for meat for the Global elite only.

        2. They’re bl**dy noisy. When I lived in Hong Kong, it was like having a building site right next to you…

          Aren’t they what Bill Gates wants us plebs to eat? After all, he is buying up all of the meat-producing land in the US – presumably for meat for the Global elite only.

        3. They’re bl**dy noisy. When I lived in Hong Kong, it was like having a building site right next to you…

          Aren’t they what Bill Gates wants us plebs to eat? After all, he is buying up all of the meat-producing land in the US – presumably for meat for the Global elite only.

        4. They’re bl**dy noisy. When I lived in Hong Kong, it was like having a building site right next to you…

          Aren’t they what Bill Gates wants us plebs to eat? After all, he is buying up all of the meat-producing land in the US – presumably for meat for the Global elite only.

      1. If it is, then we are truly doomed…..judging by the millions of cicadas flying around my house, now and for the next 3-4 weeks!! The charter plane for the press people was delayed for hours yesterday, at Dulles airport due to all the bugs in the engines and a fresh plane and crew had to be organised.

    1. “I think a brain cell fell out of my ear, sailor, can you help me find it? The other two say they are missing him. Wibble dribble.”

    2. “I think a brain cell fell out of my ear, sailor, can you help me find it? The other two say they are missing him. Wibble dribble.”

      1. I am reminded of the Duke of Clarence and the butt of Malmesby and also of Edgar Alan Poe’s short story: ”The Cask of Amontillado.” Apparently in both cases the flavour of the wine was improved.

        Mind you such immersions, according to Tom Lehrer’s Irish maid, are not always efficacious and encourage one to prefer gin to water.

        1. I’m sure he’d prefer a butt of Malmsey (Sercial, Bual or Verdelho would do at a pinch!).

        2. Is the “butt of Malmesbury” a landscape feature near Aberdeen, maybe just across the Bridge of Don?

      2. I am reminded of the Duke of Clarence and the butt of Malmesbury and also of Edgar Alan Poe’s short story: ”The Cask of Amontillado.” Apparently in both cases the flavour of the wine was improved.

        Mind you such immersions, according to Tom Lehrer’s Irish maid, are not always efficacious and encourage one to prefer gin to water.

  35. Teenager stabbed sisters in Wembley park ‘because demon told him he’d win lottery if he sacrificed women’. 9 June 2021.

    A teenager stabbed two sisters to death in a Wembley park because a demon told him he would win the lottery if he sacrificed women, a court has heard.

    Danyal Hussein, 19, is standing trial at the Old Bailey for their murders after friends found the sisters’ bodies in a hedgerow at the park.

    The jury heard how Miss Henry, whose birthday the group were celebrating, was stabbed eight times before her sister, Miss Smallman, was stabbed 29 times.

    As you do of course! There is no history of Mr. Hussein or indeed comments as one might expect!

    1. As I’ve said many times before. Get to the UK, kill/rape – -then when your jail finishes, claim you can’t be deported because you’ll be persecuted – result – get to stay here – and whole family comes under Right to family Life. Time after Time – nothing changes.

    2. As I’ve said many times before. Get to the UK, kill/rape – -then when your jail finishes, claim you can’t be deported because you’ll be persecuted – result – get to stay here – and whole family comes under Right to family Life. Time after Time – nothing changes.

      1. He actually chose a couple of black women. We forget the enmity between those two groups.

  36. Teenager stabbed sisters in Wembley park ‘because demon told him he’d win lottery if he sacrificed women’. 9 June 2021.

    A teenager stabbed two sisters to death in a Wembley park because a demon told him he would win the lottery if he sacrificed women, a court has heard.

    Danyal Hussein, 19, is standing trial at the Old Bailey for their murders after friends found the sisters’ bodies in a hedgerow at the park.

    The jury heard how Miss Henry, whose birthday the group were celebrating, was stabbed eight times before her sister, Miss Smallman, was stabbed 29 times.

    As you do of course! There is no history of Mr. Hussein or indeed comments as one might expect!

  37. In the 1960’s – between leaving school and going to UEA – I worked for an advertising agency, which had Marks and Spencer, Dupont and the Conservative Party amongst its many clients. From time to time I think of a slogan that might fit the bill for a political party:

    How about:

    JOIN the BLM Party

    (It’s the BNP for ethnic minorities)

    1. I once suggested that UKIP could rebrand itself as “Outcome”. Then a remainer party could call itself “Incontinent”.

      1. “Harwich for the continent”……… used to be followed by “Frinton for the incontinent”……

        1. I’ve nursed in Frinton. And nursed people from Frinton.
          Sounds pretty accurate to me.

      2. “Harwich for the continent”……… used to be followed by “Frinton for the incontinent”……

    2. I once suggested that UKIP could rebrand itself as “Outcome”. Then a remainer party could call itself “Incontinent”.

    3. BLM – doesn’t that stand for Britain Loves Muslims & can’t import enough of them fast enough to turn Britain into a province of the Caliphate of the West!

    4. BLM – doesn’t that stand for Britain Loves Muslims & can’t import enough of them fast enough to turn Britain into a province of the Caliphate of the West!

  38. In the 1960’s – between leaving school and going to UEA – I worked for an advertising agency, which had Marks and Spencer, Dupont and the Conservative Party amongst its many clients. From time to time I think of a slogan that might fit the bill for a political party:

    How about:

    JOIN the BLM Party

    (It’s the BNP for ethnic minorities)

        1. I used to love that better than particular series. Cracking those Muslim skulls with a willow bat.

          1. Wizard? Hotspur? Hornet? I remember reading that in the barber’s whilst waiting for my short-back-and-sides in the 1950s.

          2. Wow, just looked it up and “William Sampson or Samson, the Wolf of Kabul, was a literary character in British boys’ papers published by D. C. Thomson & Co. He first appeared in The Wizard in 1922”
            “Chung often apologised for his headbashing: “Lord, I am full of humble sorrow—I did not mean to knock down these men—’clicky-ba’ merely turned in my hand”

          3. Wizard? Hotspur? Hornet? I remember reading that in the barber’s whilst waiting for my short-back-and-sides in the 1950s.

    1. It appears that the company is trading off the Wisden name.
      I hope the real Wisden sues them into penury and goes for all their directors too.

    2. Two of his colleagues appear to be affiliates of the RoP, although should I ever feel the need to play cricket I would retract that allegation faster than a molten copper projectile fired from an IED.

    3. Two of his colleagues appear to be affiliates of the RoP, although should I ever feel the need to play cricket I would retract that allegation faster than a molten copper projectile fired from an IED.

  39. Studiously ignored by the well bribed MSM the evidence is spilling out everywhere of what can only be described as mass murder by our politicians,the removal of KNOWN effective treatment like HCQ and Ivermectin which permitted emergency legislation for the “Vaccines” has caused tens if not hundreds of thousands of unnecessary deaths

    It goes further,they may well be another scandal that makes Mid-Staffs look like a grazed knee
    I’m still digging on this one…..

    1. It seems that vast quantities of Midazolam were ordered by Hancock for hospitals and care homes immediately prior to the lockdown. It depresses respiration, amongst other things. It is used on death row in the US. There is speculation that the carehome covid deaths were in fact Midazolam deaths. #weneedtotalkaboutmidazolam

  40. Joe Biden sends warning to China and Russia ahead of G7 and Putin meeting. ( June 2021.

    Joe Biden left Washington on Wednesday for a series of summits with allies in Europe and a face-to-face with Russia’s Vladimir Putin, saying the trip would demonstrate the strength of the transatlantic alliance.

    “Making clear to Putin and China that Europe and the United States are tight,” Mr Biden, the US president, said when asked the goal of his busy trip to Britain, Belgium and Switzerland, where he will meet the Russian leader.

    I cannot imagine much worse than being threatened by this Repellent Toad! Vlad ought to deck him!

    1. I hope he’s got his puppeteer well primed – or he’d end up being eaten for breakfast by Vlad……..

    2. Tight? Actually his speech is such we don’t know when he is tight or sober?

        1. No, really?

          Like molamola, I recognised the creatures as ring-tailed lemurs. it was a pun.

    1. I want to wallow in misery. By trying to make me happy you are oppressing me.

      signed The woke Left.

    2. I want to wallow in misery. By trying to make me happy you are oppressing me.

      signed The woke Left.

  41. EU threatens to suspend parts of Brexit Agreement and warns patience is wearing thin. The UK must end its refusal to implement the Northern Ireland protocol.
    Brussels is ready to slap tariffs and quotas on UK exports . The Independent.
    Another cave – in by our PM is imminent.
    The reality of his disastrous Brexit Trade agreement is coming to light now.

  42. Minorities of woke students now govern our universities

    Having foolish demands rejected should be part of a university education – but, alas, this is a lesson on which students are missing out

    9 June 2021 • 12:00pm



    tony moore
    9 Jun 2021 12:19PM
    In one way, Oxford are perfectly entitled to remove the Queen. But only if we all have similar rights to vote on our environs. Let’s apply their principle of “voting” to remove objects we don’t like from our landscapes, more broadly

    – A vote on banning new mosques and removing old ones, due to associations with terrorism

    – A vote to not to have to pay for the BBC, given the offence it causes.

    – The ability to ban new house building projects in our neighbourhoods.

    – The ability to vote and see HS2 stopped on the grounds of blight.

    – A vote to decide, nationally, whether we want we want to remove Oxford University from the map and build something useful on the site instead, like a museum to the British royal family.

    Hamman [Shirley he means Clark] and his Government are pathetic in the face of Woke attacks. They have used understated language to try and excuse their acquiescence with the removal of free speech, liberal democracy, and the soiling of British history. When has one Government minister come out and pointed out, for instance, that the Africans and Muslims too were complicit in slavery – on a far greater scale than Britain – and given the left makes no call to ban artefacts from those places, we can only assume that their myopic focus on Britain’s past is racially motivated.

    If people come to our country and then proclaim to be offended by it and people associated with it, then it stands we can legitimately be offended by them – and put them out of our sight too.

      1. People on our side can’t be bothered to be that spiteful. And we’re just not as good at faking outrage over trivialities.

    1. The African slave trade originated with the Arab conquest of North Africa & their incursions into sub-Saharan Africa to forcibly convert the natives to Islam& to kill or enslave those that refused to convert , This took place hundreds of years before White European seafarers began trading along the coasts of west & southern Africa & certainly before Europeans began exploring Africa.

      1. Those slaves who made it to the colonies were lucky. The alternative was death. For prisoners taken in tribal wars, or children of a similar blood line who might challenge the chief, it was a straightforward process, slavery or death.
        Those who presently claim to be descended from slaves should kneel down every day to thank God that their ancestors were put into the hands of slave owners.

        1. In the very same vein, I posted this last week on Discus

          I’d like to counter the concept of White Privilege with Slave Privilege. If I am assumed to have benefitted from my White Privilege, then race baiters such as David Lammy should be called out on their Slave Privilege.
          What was his Slave Privilege? Well, if his ancestors had been dragged across the Sahara, as many other slaves were, he would never have been born, as the male slaves were castrated to prevent procreation. Hence the small number of black people in the Middle east.
          As it happened, his ancestors were taken across the Atlantic to the New World and ultimately, his parents were able to settle in the UK – a developed First World nation, with all the opportunities this affords – a university education with two degrees, including one from Harvard Law School.
          Had his ancestors not been enslaved, he would have been born is some African boghole, where his chances of such an upbringing and education would have been very unlikely.
          So, Mr Lammy, thank your lucky stars that your ancestors were dragged across the Atlantic and be grateful for your Slave Privilege.

    2. The African slave trade originated with the Arab conquest of North Africa & their incursions into sub-Saharan Africa to forcibly convert the natives to Islam& to kill or enslave those that refused to convert , This took place hundreds of years before White European seafarers began trading along the coasts of west & southern Africa & certainly before Europeans began exploring Africa.

    3. According to the DM the motion to remove the Queen’s portrait was proposed by a visiting American student.

    4. According to the DM the motion to remove the Queen’s portrait was proposed by a visiting American student.

  43. Minorities of woke students now govern our universities

    Having foolish demands rejected should be part of a university education – but, alas, this is a lesson on which students are missing out

    9 June 2021 • 12:00pm



    tony moore
    9 Jun 2021 12:19PM
    In one way, Oxford are perfectly entitled to remove the Queen. But only if we all have similar rights to vote on our environs. Let’s apply their principle of “voting” to remove objects we don’t like from our landscapes, more broadly

    – A vote on banning new mosques and removing old ones, due to associations with terrorism

    – A vote to not to have to pay for the BBC, given the offence it causes.

    – The ability to ban new house building projects in our neighbourhoods.

    – The ability to vote and see HS2 stopped on the grounds of blight.

    – A vote to decide, nationally, whether we want we want to remove Oxford University from the map and build something useful on the site instead, like a museum to the British royal family.

    Hamman [Shirley he means Clark] and his Government are pathetic in the face of Woke attacks. They have used understated language to try and excuse their acquiescence with the removal of free speech, liberal democracy, and the soiling of British history. When has one Government minister come out and pointed out, for instance, that the Africans and Muslims too were complicit in slavery – on a far greater scale than Britain – and given the left makes no call to ban artefacts from those places, we can only assume that their myopic focus on Britain’s past is racially motivated.

    If people come to our country and then proclaim to be offended by it and people associated with it, then it stands we can legitimately be offended by them – and put them out of our sight too.

  44. News just in.

    My grand-daughter’ entry is not only one of the final 200 (out of 33,000 submitted) which will be displayed at the Royal Academy – but has won a prize for the “Most Inspiring Painting”. Her success also wins her school Art Dept £500 worth of materials. So she is very popular there, too!

    I am just having a little sit down while I take it all in.

      1. Thank, sos – we hope to be able to go to Burlington House and SEE it (and GD) in July/Aug.

    1. That is wonderful! Life goes on amidst the doom and gloom. Heartening for us all.

    2. That is wonderful! Life goes on amidst the doom and gloom. Heartening for us all.

        1. Coming along nicely, thank you, Bill. He has approached me for ear, chin and chest scratches on more than one occasion today and even rolled over to accept tummy rubs. Not bad for a dog that didn’t like being touched.

  45. News just in.

    My grand-daughter’ entry is not only one of the final 200 (out of 33,000 submitted) which will be displayed at the Royal Academy – but has won a prize for the “Most Inspiring Painting”. Her success also wins her school Art Dept £500 worth of materials. So she is very popular there, too!

    I am just having a little sit down while I take it all in.

  46. How trans ideology harms children. Spiked. 9 June 2021.

    Today, thanks to trans ideology, kids who don’t fit sexist stereotypes have been labelled as ‘transgender’, and, in the US, they are often subjected to the experimental medical interventions about which Olson is so enthusiastic. In some states, some girls who identify as boys have their breasts removed at just 12 or 13, and children of both sexes can be given puberty blockers before taking cross-sex hormones. Cross-sex hormones lead to sterility and potentially life-long medical complications. When the lawyers begin to take notice, paediatric transgender treatments will make the big medical scandals, like thalidomide, seem like minor blips.

    This thing really ought to have come with one of those Health Warnings the Wokey’s are so fond of. Nevertheless it does give you some sort of idea where we are heading. Doctor Mengele would certainly approve for one.

    1. All of these so-called trans treatments should be illegal – they are nothing short of child abuse.

    1. Our neighbours have a dog of limited proportion legs. When he’s in the river with our lab, she calls him Bob.

    2. Our neighbours have a dog of limited proportion legs. When he’s in the river with our lab, she calls him Bob.

          1. Ever since your grand daughter’s excellent news you’ve been acting like a dog with two tails…

          1. That’s what attracted me to him in the first place when I saw his photo on the website. Mr Duck is new today because he started to tear Mr Snake (who came with him from the kennels) apart yesterday.

          2. Hopefully at his age Oscar will leave furniture and skirting boards alone. Harry would also pull wallpaper off if he could find the tiniest part that had come away. It all stopped when about 6 months old.

          3. Thankfully, he doesn’t seem to be a chewer of furniture and fixtures. One of my previous dogs chewed a hole through the cork tiles on the wall and the plasterwork underneath. He only stopped because he couldn’t manage the bricks!

  47. “As he prepares to launch the controversial channel GB News, its chairman Andrew Neil talks Piers Morgan, cancel culture, BBC salaries and getting out of your comfort zone.”
    Why does the Evening Standard know that we do not? How can a News programme be described as “controversial” even before it has gone on air? Am I missing something?

    From the Evening Standard:

        1. GB News will be ‘free to air’; however, if you admit to any TV equipment on your premises, you will be liable for BBC Tax – better known as the BBC TV License, Hlass …

          1. How can GB News exclude itself from being caught in the net, like all “live” Freeview channels are?

    1. If it’s going to transmit anything even close to the truth it’s going to be “controversial”!

        1. I had all that when I sent my friends and family the photos I had taken of it. and the 6 loaves. I might try and post them n but it’s a bit of a laborious process from my PC.
          Erin’s late home tonight i’m pretty peckish.

  48. “By the way, we do not have superpower ambitions, no matter how someone convinces themselves and everyone else is the opposite. We do not have that messianic desire with which our Western colleagues are trying to spread their democratic value agenda throughout the planet,”

    Sergei Lavrov…Russian Foreign Minister.

  49. From the DM –

    records 7,500 cases in biggest daily spike since February but deaths
    stay stable at six – as ‘Professor Lockdown’ Neil Ferguson warns PM
    there won’t be enough data for ‘three weeks’ to unlock as hopes of June
    21 Freedom Day fade

    Do they ever say how many more tests they are ramping up to get these figures?

      1. And they probably died of something else, but had had a positive test………

        1. Or had been a patient on a ward where someone else had a positive test.

          I wonder why these Doctors have been so compliant seeing as they are at more risk and working long shifts.

    1. The pundits booing England fans over their reaction to ‘taking a knee’ are an “ignorant
      minority” who need “educating”, says sosraboc.

      And the difference is that I’m correct.

    2. Throw us into a special camp and work us to death?
      Mind you, MB and I are so surplus to requirements that we’d be in the automatic march to the delousing unit queue.

          1. He isn’t a shit – just a typically under-educated wendyball player who has not the slightest knowledge of anything except being sick as a parrot.

            Someone ought to take him to one side and explain in simple language just what it is that BLM stands for – the destruction of the capitalist system that he depends on for his massive earnings, for a start.

          2. What on earth makes you think he would understand that?
            Even if his brain hadn’t been destroyed by heading the ball.

    3. I suspect the minority he talks about is well over 50%, the boy’s a fool.
      I hope the ground echoes loudly with boos at their next match, either way I do not care how badly they perform.

    4. Ferdinand and Southgate need to know that their ‘ignorant minority’ is not the English at large but the fools, black and white, who continue with the virtue-signalling knee-bending, in thrall to those blacks who continue to try and sanctify a black, criminal thug, who, while high on drugs got his just deserts.

      1. The boos are a reaction to the fact that the entire TV output -programmes and adverts- has swung completely the other way and the minority is now represented as a majority whose views are the only views that matter.

  50. Well, what an interesting afternoon.
    Finally wore the frock that I bought nearly 18 months ago, when shopping was still a pleasure and I rashly assumed that there would be a social life during summer 2020.
    Pottered in and out of shops, carrying – not wearing my lanyard – “Oops, sorree, forgot to put it on”, but no-one questioned me. MB did the same but with a card that remained in his pocket throughout.
    Neither staff nor customers gave us a second glance.
    Oh, and had a very enjoyable Mexican lunch.

          1. Grizz is a rufty tufty Northerner. Cheese, pineapple and a cockroach onna stick served hedgehog stylie. Don’t you know anything?

      1. Strict tempo ballroom samba. As opposed to the crap that gets passed off as such on “Strictly”.

    1. Perhaps Colchester folk are less frightened than their Fakenham counterparts. Lots of people here wear a mask indoors, in shops, outdoors, in their cars…make sure to leave at least 3 yards when passing in the street…..won’t come into the house but stand, ostentatiously, outside the porch….

      Goodness knows how they’ll cope when (if ever) the rules are withdrawn.

      1. They’ll suffer withdrawal symptoms associated with Coviditus Interruptus…

      2. I saw a shop with a sign saying “If you do not wear a mask, we don’t want your custom.”

        Idiots, I thought.

        1. My thought, BB2 would be, “if that’s your sheepish attitude, I wouldn’t give you my custom – Be woke, go broke.”

        2. My view is that if they don’t want my custom unless I’m masked up, they won’t get it and they can go broke!

    2. When I went to pay for Oscar the woman said, “have you got a mask – it doesn’t matter if you haven’t”. I produced my exemption badge from my pocket anyway.

  51. 334088+up ticks,
    What a load of odious lying political pelt they would NOT impose those
    sentences on a felon for killing a pregnant 99 year old lady.

    The proposed border reforms would also seek to impose life sentences for people smugglers assisting migrants to enter the country illegally.

  52. That’s me for this very warm day. 30ºC in the garden. Only managed an hour’s work.

    Rejoicing in my GD’s success (the little maid was SO excited when she phoned!!) – and thanks, again, for your compliments.

    Now for a little drinky poo or two.

    A demain.

    1. I expect I’ll get to the news farther down (I read newest first), but I take it your grand daughter got a painting accepted. Congratulations. Very well done!

  53. Feeling a tad rebellious today I ventured into town ….maskless!
    I can be a bit of a devil when roused….

    Prepared for a confrontation I entered two shops, the local greengrocers didn’t bat an eyelid! Then onto the bookshop where the assistant immersed in a paperback.. totally ignored me.
    On entering the fishmongers I was sternly told to wear a mask unless I was exempt.
    ” Extempt my @rse…I’m bluddy extinct”, I replied….

      1. Surely you know, sos, that ‘flu has been completely eradicated. There is only Covid now 🙂

    1. Will Nicola Sturgeon allow the Climate conference to take place in Glasgow in November? Extinction Rebellion will be there or thereabouts causing trouble..

    2. God help you Jocks, Horace, and on your birthday as well.

      Perhaps you need to take your claymore to the bitch and her cohorts. I would.

  54. This new Delboy variant is proving a bit of a conundrum, it doesn’t make people very sick, doesn’t overwhelm the NHS, it only exists on Chinese covid test samples, yet it is so virulent it can shut down whole countries, destroy economies, take away all our freedom and forces people to have experimental vaccines that can do more harm than good.
    It’s even made right plonkers out all our politicians and scientists and health experts.

    1. The only reason it’s not killing millions is because of the vaccines! (Gawd bless Boris, Gawd bless all those pharmaceutical companies with weird German names!)

    1. Ok, smart-arse, come and get me – I refuse and denounce your control vaccine!

  55. Does the Government have a vendetta against pubs? Delaying June 21 would certainly suggest so

    It is absurd that people can cram themselves onto the tube on their way to the cinema, but cannot have a pint on the street

    CHRISTOPHER SNOWDON • 8 June 2021 • 12:26pm

    On a rare trip to London last week, I was struck by how the London Underground makes a mockery of the remaining coronavirus restrictions. Passenger numbers are down on pre-pandemic levels, but although people are less likely to be crammed face-to-armpit, they are still in very close proximity in a barely ventilated, confined space. I was also struck by the number of tourists getting off at Leicester Square and Piccadilly Circus, many of them no doubt on their way to spend a couple of hours in a windowless room watching a film or play.

    Good on them. Most adults – 28 million of us – have now had two doses of a vaccine. Another 13 million have had one jab and millions more have acquired immunity through having Covid-19. Case numbers are rising again, but they have so far not resulted in a commensurate rise in hospitalisations or deaths. With the vast majority of vulnerable people fully immunised, any third wave should be a low mortality event. Covid-19 will remain a non-trivial health issue for months, probably years, but it should no longer be a civil liberties issue.

    And yet around 25,000 licensed venues have still not reopened and cannot do so until the Government gets rid of the rule of six, mandatory table service and other social distancing rules. The problem is particularly stark in central London where pubs often have limited floor space and vertical outdoor drinking is the norm. Some of these pubs are running at a loss. Most remain closed. In some other cities, such as Leicester and Glasgow, local restrictions mean that pubs have barely been open since the pandemic began.

    It is absurd that people can cram themselves onto the tube on their way to the cinema, but cannot stand outside a pub with a pint. The trade has been used as a scapegoat throughout the pandemic. At times it has felt as if politicians – or, more likely, their advisers in public health – have had a vendetta against pubs. Under lockdowns, they were the first to be closed and the last to reopen. In the few months that they have been allowed to trade, they’ve faced business-crippling rules, such as the requirement to serve outdoors or with a ‘substantial meal’. In Wales and parts of Scotland, there was a period when pubs could only open if they did not serve alcohol. In the most recent lockdown, pubs in England were not even allowed to sell beer to take away.

    These are the kind of rules that I described last week as ‘economically important but epidemiologically trivial’. Their shattering economic impact can be seen in figures released by the Office for National Statistics today showing that only 24 per cent of pub owners have ‘high confidence’ that their business will survive the next three months. 19 per cent have ‘low confidence’. While 9 per cent of other businesses reported profits falling by more than half compared to normal in early May, the figure for pubs and bars was 33 per cent. While other businesses still have eight per cent of their workers on furlough, more than half of pub staff (55 per cent) remain furloughed.

    The furlough scheme has protected the livelihoods of millions of employees in the short term, but it only really protects them if they have a job to go back to. The longer this goes on, the less likely that will be. It is therefore imperative that all social distancing rules are abolished on 21st June, as Boris Johnson originally suggested. Pubs have shouldered an excessive burden for fifteen months. In two weeks’ time, everything must go.

    1. 334088+ up ticks,
      Evening WS,
      Revolting places pubs, as in, a revolt can be hatched there, anti reset.

    2. In two weeks time I would also hope that Johnson and Hancock and their stupid advisors would also go.

      If not in two weeks their number is up anyway. Crimes against humanity will not and cannot be simply swept under the carpet.

  56. “Joe Biden to warn Boris Johnson not to ‘imperil’ Northern Ireland peace process amid escalating trade tensions”

    And of course it is Britain’s fault not the EU’s!

    But it defies belief that with so much past evidence of the EU’s treachery Johnson and Gove were prepared to capitulate to the EU over both fishing and Northern Ireland.

    Of course WTO terms was the only sensible choice – but how is Britain going to escape from the Buffoon’s crass stupidity over the border in the Irish Sea that he promised we would not have?

    1. The answer is to screw Eire to the floor in every way possible, until they tell the EU that either the EU backs off or Ireland is departing.
      The UK can make life far more difficult for Eire than ever they can for us.

      1. Yes, but it would be preferable not to have to behave like sadistic bastards towards the Irish in the way that the EU tries to behave towards us!

        1. True.
          But that is the “moral high ground argument” that is constantly being played.
          Green wokery
          Foreign aid.
          Human rights/accepting illegal gimmegrunts, etc etc.
          If the EU wants to screw us over Eire, we should make life as difficult as possible.

  57. Evening, all. If people haven’t sussed out by now that the restrictions are nothing to do with Covid 19 and all to do with control, all I can say is that they are very slow on the uptake! RIP Frankie Dettori’s Father-in-Law:
    Oscar update; he has asked me several times today for a chin rub, ear massage, chest scratch and neck and back pat, which is good progress, but best of all, he has on a couple of occasions accepted tummy rubs! I will make him a fuss budget in time! Photos will be uploaded when I’ve had time to sort them.

    1. Good for you, Connors, way to go. Give him a scratch just in front of his tail root from me.

      1. I haven’t managed to get near his back end yet. That is a work in progress! 🙂

        1. Every time Dolly gets fed she then goes and tries to shag Ducky toy who honks !

          My dog sitter was amused and asked where this behaviour came from.

          I can’t teach her to sit let alone frottage !

    2. Glad he’s settling in, Conners, and you have your new canine friend.
      It’s really good news, just when we can use some good news!

          1. It certainly is. I have felt so much better and more able to cope since Oscar arrived.

          2. We all need a friend. So glad you have found yours. I had cats for many years and after the last one through old age had to be xxxxxxxx I didn’t feel i could do it again. When Dolly goes i will join her.

      1. I am pleased with the progress he’s made so far. After all, it’s only just over 72 hours that he’s been here. I sat out in the garden with a couple of glasses of wine and thought how peaceful it was with the bird song and the dog.

    3. Be careful.
      With that kind of treatment on offer you’ll be inundated with strange Nottlers looking for similar pampering.

      You could teach Oscar to bark Foxtrot!

          1. All okay on that front. I leave MOH in charge when I have to go out (riding, shopping, church, parish council meeting). The dog sitter will take over when we both have to go out (doctor’s appointment). He will lack for nothing, as I keep reminding him.

          2. Double plus. I am convinced if I did not have Mongo I would have become a psychotic axe murderer long ago.

          3. I know the feeling. I had nearly seven weeks dogless and the strain was beginning to tell.

          1. I am beginning to suspect that, as an alpha terrier, he ruled the roost at his previous home and that is why the family didn’t want to keep him! He has had a rude awakening coming to us! The difference between him and Charlie is that the latter was only 4 months when we got him, and Oscar has had nearly 12 years to get set in his ways!

          1. It’s quite weird; not what I would call a bark at all, more a scratchy ruff.

      1. Considering he was not supposed to like people touching him, I think we’ve come a long way in a short time.

        1. All dogs like tummy rubs.

          A dog who’s been abused won’t trust you won’t hurt him, but once the trust is there you’re on to a winner. It just takes time.

          We fostered a practically feral foaming at the mouth abandoned German Shepherd beast for about 2 years: the rarely mentioned ‘Jerry’. Once his place in the pack was established, once he grew to trust and was fairly and justly treated without the violence and shouting he had become used to he was lovely. Frankly, a daft softie.

          He just needed consistent care and time. I knew we’d won him round when I was typing once and one elbow was on Mongo’s head, the other on Jerry’s. Both happy as anything.

          1. At the moment, strokes are on his terms, but I’m happy with that. He does come to me and tell me he wants a fuss now, rather than warning me off if I try to touch him. Give it time and he’ll be a regular fuss budget. Charlie had never been handled when he came to us, but he became a real “mardy” dog (Shropshire talk for wanting a fuss) in no time.

          1. He had better! I eat first, I go out of the doors/gates first, he walks to heel and if he challenges me I shout and growl at him. I also put my hand on the back of his neck the way an alpha dog would (as a warning I could kill him if I chose). Hopefully he’s got the message. Got to talk dog to get them to understand.

          2. He had better! I eat first, I go out of the doors/gates first, he walks to heel and if he challenges me I shout and growl at him. I also put my hand on the back of his neck the way an alpha dog would (as a warning I could kill him if I chose). Hopefully he’s got the message. Got to talk dog to get them to understand.

    4. I hope that noone new is looking in. If they don’t know that Oscar is a special dog, they might wonder!

      1. As Noel didn’t say, … we should slap the French…at evry opatunity. Ah ha!!!

    1. One does have to wonder what the Left think is in it for them. All those alphabet people who support their position will be the first thrown off high buildings. Are they that fucking stupid?

  58. Lost In Test & Trace

    Robby The Robot – Danger Will Robinson, Danger, the UK economy is getting back to normal, CO2 levels rising, people are going back to work.

    Dr Zachary Smith – Initiate project mutant strain immediately, lockdown, lockdown, save the planet save the planet.

    1. Which I find odd, as they’re desperate to tax us into obiivion, risking anything to get the business rates, VAT, employer NI, ground rent, fuel taxes, energy taxes back.

      They can’t afford the coming welfare costs of massive unemployment if the massive business centres stay closed, let alone if they go entirely.

      My chum works for Shell and their techie office has simply stopped the rent on their HQ. The money saved went on wages hiring new people. Government is a greedy pig. It isn’t for our benefit. It’s for theirs.

  59. I have new job which is taking up a bit of my time.

    The wife is busy – as always.

    Junior is going to school again.

    The mother in law is *Still. Here.*

    She is also bored, and tends to wander about – well, from sofa to drinks cabinet. However, she went wrong in knocking on Boudicca’s door and going in. Uninvited. This is a Bad Thing.

    That took intervention, taking me off a call to carry the remains of MiL razor shredded remains down the stairs. MiL then proceded to whine for a good 3 hours about hard done by she was, while I was on a permanent, all day conference call.

    I am sure the dog is psychic though. To set scene: the sofa – it goes Dog, me, wife, with wife having the foot rest and arm for her crochet thing. Usually I lay on dog. Junior has his own chair to ruin as it is ‘his’ space in the family bit.

    MiL is firmly ensconced in Mongo’s bit. Dog doesn’t care, hoofs up and flops over MiL. For a whole blessed evening. As everyone knows, a quiet, calm dog is irresistible. When said dog is fluffy, black and has what Warqueen’s glamour chum calls bedroom eyes you don’t move much – not to mention dog outweighs MiL.

    I love Mother in law. She’s a lovely old soak but we need our lives back and if she stays much longer, one day I’ll wake to a bonesaw removing her limbs.

  60. I have new job which is taking up a bit of my time.

    The wife is busy – as always.

    Junior is going to school again.

    The mother in law is *Still. Here.*

    She is also bored, and tends to wander about – well, from sofa to drinks cabinet. However, she went wrong in knocking on Boudicca’s door and going in. Uninvited. This is a Bad Thing.

    That took intervention, taking me off a call to carry the remains of MiL razor shredded remains down the stairs. MiL then proceded to whine for a good 3 hours about hard done by she was, while I was on a permanent, all day conference call.

    I am sure the dog is psychic though. To set scene: the sofa – it goes Dog, me, wife, with wife having the foot rest and arm for her crochet thing. Usually I lay on dog. Junior has his own chair to ruin as it is ‘his’ space in the family bit.

    MiL is firmly ensconced in Mongo’s bit. Dog doesn’t care, hoofs up and flops over MiL. For a whole blessed evening. As everyone knows, a quiet, calm dog is irresistible. When said dog is fluffy, black and has what Warqueen’s glamour chum calls bedroom eyes you don’t move much – not to mention dog outweighs MiL.

    I love Mother in law. She’s a lovely old soak but we need our lives back and if she stays much longer, one day I’ll wake to a bonesaw removing her limbs.

  61. Goodnight all Nottlers, bedtime music: Moon Over New Orleans – Avalon Jazz Band.
    Here’s an original song composed by @Tatiana Eva-Marie as a love declaration to New Orleans.

    Vocals – Tatiana Eva-Marie
    Saxophone – Patrick Bartley
    Violin – Gabe Terracciano
    Guitar – Vinny Raniolo
    Bass – Wallace Stelzer

    Filmed live at the Keep in Brooklyn by Edward Bally and Stephen Lamarche

    1. Footballers are by definition thick. If they were intelligent they would find the goal as opposed to endlessly shooting either side and above it.

      They would understand that we recognise their professional fouls and histrionics every time someone nudges them or inadvertently steps on their laces.

      Their preposterous pleadings with the referee when they are penalised is absolute proof of their brainless attitudes. No referee decision was ever overturned prior to the latest video playback technology and that mostly applies to narrow offside decisions.

      There was a time when some players were intelligent. I was a great admirer of John Atyeo of Bristol City and England. He taught mathematics at a public school.

  62. Picture caption: The Queen receives a rose named after her late husband, given to her by Keith Weed, President of the Royal Horticultural Society, at Windsor Castle, Berkshire

    Rather an unfortunate name for the president of the RHS

  63. Our stupid government and their advisors in SAGE must have noticed the exposure of Fauci as a fraud and that their advices are based on the same deceptions. There is no sign that they have cottoned on to the fact that their fraud is exposed.

    Those advisors have supported and mirrored the great deception promulgated by Fauci and his band of ‘scientists’ whose every motion was to prevent the use of readily available cheap treatments in order to promote ‘vaccines’ in accordance with the dictates of their paymasters.

    The ludicrous support of our sworn enemy China and the denial of the laboratory manufactured virus in a ‘gain of function’ programme funded by Fauci is likely to prove one of the major medical crimes of our times if ever.

    As others have noted, Shipman was a fucking amateur compared to this lot.

  64. The Duke of Edinburgh Rose is available to buy online, potted for £14.99, potted and gift wrapped for £18.74, or in a Gardeners Pack for £60.

    Harkness Roses.

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