Monday 22 November: Voters will punish the Government for not acting on the migrant crisis

An unofficial place to discuss the Telegraph letters, established when the DT website turned off its comments facility (now reinstated, but not as good as ours),
Intelligent, polite, good-humoured debate is welcome, whether on or off topic. Differing opinions are encouraged, but rudeness or personal attacks on other posters will not be tolerated. Posts which – in the opinion of the moderators – make this a less than cordial environment, are likely to be removed, without prior warning.  Persistent offenders will be banned.

Today’s letters (visible only to DT subscribers) are here.

728 thoughts on “Monday 22 November: Voters will punish the Government for not acting on the migrant crisis

  1. Good morning from a Anglo Saxon Queen with longbow and blooded axe.

    Very dark morning and cold

    1. And a Good Blodmonat to you, My Lady.
      Salted meat from now till Spring, I’m afraid.
      (With the occasional fresh otter meat on a Friday.)

    1. We have legitimately been in France for over 30 years and I did not have the vote in France or in Britain even though, until Brexit, I was an EU citizen. Why should illegal immigrants in Britain ever get the vote?

      1. Because they vote for left wing political causes which support immigration. Which is why the current government is all for it.

  2. Five dead and more than 40 injured after car ploughs into Wisconsin Christmas parade. 21 November 2021.

    Five people have been killed and more than 40 people injured after an SUV was driven into a Christmas parade in suburban Milwaukee.

    Waukesha authorities confirmed the deaths in a statement late Sunday. Police said the numbers could change as many people transported themselves to hospitals.

    Hmmm? Looks like this was a Black on White job! Probably revenge for the Rittenhouse acquittal!

    1. Grim morning.

      I did wonder when I saw this news whether the lockdown across Europe was to prevent similar atrocities.

      1. WHAT???? Get real, Stephen. Have you lost your marbles or do you dream of recklessly ramming your barge into some day trippers?

    2. This is just a few miles from Kenosha, the scene of the recent trial. That cannot be a coincidence.

      Will all the media and the Great And The Good who labelled Rittenhouse as a ‘white supremacist’ and ‘terrorist’, wrongly through partisan hatred, now do the same for this nutter, calling him a racist, liberal terrorist and black supremacist?

      The bias of these people, chancers and new religion disciples alike, never seems to stop surprising and infuriating me.

      1. Oh no, he’s just a poor, oppressed victim who had, quite understandably, finally had enough of white supremacists getting away with murder. They will want him acquitted. Mental health problems (mention of drugs verboten) Watch how little media coverage and comment this incident will generate.

      2. Oh no, he’s just a poor, oppressed victim who had, quite understandably, finally had enough of white supremacists getting away with murder. They will want him acquitted. Mental health problems (mention of drugs verboten) Watch how little media coverage and comment this incident will generate.

      1. It is possible that the car belonged to him, it might have been stolen. “Heavy” is a news blog.

        Heavy has learned an ID was found in the red Escape in the name of Darrell Brooks, Jr. The suspect taken into custody also gave his name as Darrell Brooks, according to the scanner. To be clear, Brooks’ exact alleged connection to the parade incident is not known. Authorities have not released the names of any suspects. The police chief said in a late-night news conference that police have a “person of interest.” He did not name that person. Brooks is not listed in the Waukesha County Jail database.

    3. Does this mean that at the start of every sporting occasion, we will have someone driving across the pitch in an SUV to honour the dead? Or don’t some lives matter?

    4. From the Wail:

      Police say a ‘person of interest’ is now in custody, but no arrests have been made. Officers have also not disclosed a motive but say they are not discounting terrorism. They are also believed to be looking into the possibility that the suspect was fleeing an earlier knife incident when he happened upon the parade.

      A self defence plea in the making, followed by riots if not acquitted?

  3. Morning all from Spain.

    Voters will punish the Government for not acting on the migrant crisis

    SIR – The Government has had ample time to solve the problem of the cross-Channel illegal-immigrant business. The hot air must end and the Government must demonstrate that it is not being outwitted by the rules, the French, people-smugglers or Left-wing lawyers. This demonstration needs to come very soon or the Conservatives can kiss goodbye to their parliamentary majority.

    Mick Ferrie

    Mawnan Smith, Cornwall

    SIR – British taxpayers have little knowledge of the induction process for the vast numbers of illegal immigrants crossing the Channel. Where are they all accommodated? What sort of identity papers are they supplied with? How much money are they given? Are they immediately vaccinated against Covid? Surely we have a right to know.

    Cameron Morice

    Reading, Berkshire

    SIR – The attraction of Britain to migrants is plain. The language makes life easier, free health care, housing, benefits and very little chance of being returned, even if asylum is refused, provide a great incentive to those making the crossing.

    If the Government were to make it clear, in legislation, that those crossing the Channel illegally would get neither settled status nor asylum, it would make the challenge less attractive.

    Regardless of where the migrants started, they have travelled from France, a safe country. A quick return would make their expedition futile. Rather than wasting £54 million to rely on the French to police this, the money could be spent on a processing centre in France, where identified, checked and verified people wishing to enter the UK can be assessed, and, if successful, brought safely over here.

    Clifford Baxter

    Wareham, Dorset

    SIR – It is a political fact that governments cannot legislate to change human nature. There is turmoil and violence all over the world, and many people abandon their homelands to find a place of safety

    Politicians promise to curtail the flow of asylum seekers into Britain, but successive home secretaries have found this to be unachievable. The only hope is containment by improved screening.

    The authorities should admit that the problem can never be solved.

    John Catchpole

    Beverley, East Yorkshire

    SIR – The Tory Party will not resolve the migration problem unless it can devise some legal means of differentiating between, and dealing with, economic migrants and true refugees.

    Adrian Fyles

    Blackburn, Lancashire

    SIR – If Emad al-Swealmeen, the Liverpool bomber, had his request for asylum turned down seven years ago, why was he still living in Britain? Is anyone ever deported?

    Lesley Snell

    Hoylake, Wirral

    1. Surely we have a right to know

      No you don’t Cameron! Where on Earth did you get an idea like that? This is North-Korea-on-Thames!

    2. Is anyone deported, he asks. Deportations have fallen by 75% over the last 10 years and by 50% in the last 2 years. As numbers of illegals and failed asylum seekers have increased over that time, the falls as a proportion of illegal arrivals are even greater.

      Look at the recent forced removal, where 90% were taken off the plane due to last minute appeals despite the individuals’ having had repeated appeals turned down already.

      The root cause is that left-wing lawyers and soft or left-wing judges enjoy screwing the government and don’t give a toss about the indigenous people of this country.

      With the world’s population still booming – 5 times what it was 100 years ago – the pressure of immigration, legal and illegal, is only going to get worse. If you think it’s bad now, just wait a few years.

      Politicians just hope their PR teams can keep a lid on reporting until they’re out of power and it’s someone else’s problem. Cowards and vote-seeking opportunists (despite voters’ anger, being tough on immigration loses more votes than it gets), one and all.

      1. Remove legal aid for deportation cases. Problem solved. The gimmigrant lawyers – all foreigners – would then be unable to soak the tax payer to keep dangerous characters in this country.

    3. A refugee has to stop in the first safe country. They should not keep travelling until they get where they want to.

      An illegal immigrant travels as they want to without permission or consent.

      The French should be processing these people. Heck, no, the *first country* they enter should process them and return them. The tide of gimmigrants is a consequence of nations refusing to do their duty under international law.

    4. If you think we have a right to know, Cameron Morice,you haven’t been paying attention for the last decade! Such things are inconvenient truths. Clifford Baxter, they don’t need to speak the language; everything, including how to claim benefits, is translated for them. Translators and interpreters are supplied (at our considerable expense – they don’t come cheap!) for everything from medical appointments to being accused of driving offences.

  4. Jabs or treatments

    SIR – Dr Jeremy Field’s argument against the unvaccinated (Letters, November 21) is that they are more likely to require hospitalisation and prevent access to others who require health services. The same could be said about those who smoke, drink excessively, the obese, those who participate in dangerous sports. Where would it eventually lead?

    To most of us, the logic of Covid vaccination speaks for itself, but we have to acknowledge that a minority have a different view and still actively contribute to society. To discriminate against them for their personal health views should be avoided.

    Dr David Walters (retd)

    Burton Bradstock, Dorset

    SIR – You have to be in your late 70s or 80s to remember schoolfriends in wheelchairs or wearing calipers as a consequence of contracting polio, and the fear each summer when the infection spread.

    In about 1959, our local GP deliberately organised a tennis party with eight or more young players. After tea, he lined up sugar lumps laced with the anti-polio vaccine. We were not asked for consent nor were our parents. We were glad to have it. Maybe sugar lumps would entice more to be vaccinated?

    Elizabeth McDowell

    Milverton, Somerset

    1. Polio vaccine was effective in preventing infection and it’s consequences. Covid vaccine is not, instead ameliorating the consequences a bit. The coercion, hysteria and singling out of dissenters is enough to make anybody wary. Yellow stars, anybody?

      1. A school recently hit the news when it decided to mark with a yellow badge kids that were exempt masks. History, it seems, was lost on the staff.

      2. As I keep reminding my friends here – a 17 year old public schoolboy who came on a course with us in October had had two jabs of the vaccine gene therapy. He and two of his school friends who has also had the jabs all ended up in hospital with myocarditis.

        This must have just be a coincidence as there was no report of it in the MSM.

        The official figure for deaths as a result of the jab in France is virtually zero; the unofficial figure is well up the thousands.

    2. Give it to the kiddies in orange squash if you wish to administer a drug without their knowledge, Elizabeth. It worked for Jim Jones.

    3. Does Dr Jeremy Field have the first clue of what the “vaccine” contains? Of course he doesn’t.

      I wonder if the good doctor informed himself of the long list of expected short term side-effects, which are now appearing in patients all over the World, that was disseminated to the relevant authorities before the “vaccine” was approved for emergency use? There’s much else to ponder re these “vaccines” as the evidence is revealed.

    4. Elizabeth McDowell, I can recall measles and mumps parties when we were young, to ensure we got those diseases when they would do the least damage and provide excellent immunity later. Given that the vast majority of children hardly notice Covid, might it not be a good idea to organise Covid parties for a similar outcome? I know that we must protect Granny, but in the long term Grannies everywhere will benefit, with much less risk of long term harm acquired via the experimental and ineffective vaccine.

      1. Of course, that would have happened naturally if there had been no lockdowns. Herd immunity it used to be called! (sarc). Another definition that’s been changed by the WHO.

      2. This Grannie has been exposed to just about every lurgy bar Ebola. (And i’m none too sure about that one.)

    5. I didn’t need to keep on having boosters for polio, Ms McDowell. Moreover, by the time it was readily available, the problems had been ironed out, as I recall.

  5. Dirty money

    SIR – Having purchased items at a garden centre, we proffered a £10 note, which the assistant then cleaned with tissues and sanitiser.

    Is this an overreaction to paying with cash or have we been complicit in money laundering?

    Liz and Ian Wass

    Chipping Sodbury, Gloucestershire

  6. Task force ‘to consider moving migrants from hotels to Army barracks’. 22 November 2021.

    A task force will reportedly consider strategies including housing asylum seekers in Army barracks rather than hotels as the Government faces criticism over the migrant crisis.

    The Times on Sunday reported Boris Johnson had drafted in Chancellor of the Duchy of Lancaster Steve Barclay to oversee the issue of the rising number of migrants arriving on Britain’s shores.

    The initiative will consider the accommodation idea, the possibility of cutting benefits, if return agreements can be strengthened as well as “offshoring” to third countries while claims are processed, the paper said.

    Oh look! There’s a half dozen squirrels over there!

    1. Of course we all know how handy the illegals were with boxes of matches when last attempt was made to force them into less-than-4* accommodation.

      1. They’re talking this morning about taking indigenous children into care, paid for by putting up Council Tax, because of the rise of white privilege. Of course, those bringing in their nine-year-old compulsory brides are exempt because they have protected characteristics, but their habits are made to justify action against indigenous families.

    2. Prison camps. Wooden huts in rows, lots of razor wire. Way out is either a) approval to remain, or b) by plane to shitholeistan.
      If they burn the camp (Ref Greece, for xample), then they can bloody well live outside in the ashes and rain, and freeze to death.

      1. Eminently sensible. However, because many illegals have had it so good for so long, suspect the only change they’ll willingly accept is upgrade to 5*.

    3. Considering that the vast majority are young men of military age, why not give them military training whilst they’re there? Then we can send them back to help liberate their shitholes/countries from their oppressors and remain to build a new right-on world.

      They’re asylum seekers, not economic migrants wanting to abuse our good nature, right? That they’re now Christians wouldn’t matter either, right?

      1. Think I’d be a bit wary of voluntarily training what could well turn out to be an invading army!

        1. They seem handy enough with bombs, knives and vehicle assaults without any formal training, so I doubt they’ll be any more dangerous to us. . . .

      2. Ummmmmm ……………….. er ………………….
        Arsk the Archbish; he’s bound to have the answer.

        1. I expect that many Nottlers share the attitude to the current Archbishop of Canterbury that Henry II had towards his: “Who will rid me of this turbulent priest?”

          I am still convinced that Cameron put him in place with the clear and specific instruction to destroy the CofE. I must say he seems to be doing an excellent job.

      3. Many Brits suspect that a lot of the healthy young men have already had military training.

        That’s why the 52 Muslim states in this world all refuse to take them.

      1. I can’t see the Parachute Brigade being moved to accommodate the riff-raff and all the other previous sites of barracks are now housing estates. There is of course the MCTC or whatever its name is now. Having ‘Corrective’ and ‘Training’ in an establishment’s title has likely upset the woke who live amongst us.

    4. They were using the Gurkhas’ barracks in Kent but they kicked off and wrecked the place as they weren’t keen on its amenities.

    1. One of the best yet with more to come as this “government” founders.
      A sextant visible but no sign of a compass, certainly no moral compass amongst the lot of them.

    2. Even in the cartoon Squalid Jawdrop looks fouler than the others. What on earth is it that makes him the PM’s wife’s special favourite?

      The real skipper of the boat is of course the Bonker’s current bonkee – why is she not in the picture?

  7. London weather: Ice blast sweeps UK as Brits freeze in -2C temperatures. 22 November 2021.

    You may have woken up today feeling particularly chilly, and that’d be because a two-week ice blast is upon ice, with things set to get even worse as thermostats are due to plunge to -2C in the next week.

    The chilly weather started in Scotland and is working its way down south to the capital, The Mirror reports.

    Over the course of the coming week, the chill will find its way towards Wales and other parts of the South appears to have arrived early.

    It may be working its way down but its destination is all that matters!

  8. Assad regime, Russia attacked at least 135 schools in past 2 years. 22 November 2021.

    The Bashar Assad regime and its backer Russia have attacked at least 135 schools in the past two years, the White Helmets civil defense group said Sunday.

    “The White Helmets responded to more than 135 attacks by the regime forces and Russia on schools and educational facilities in Northwestern Syria, documenting 89 attacks in 2019, 40 attacks in 2020, and more than five attacks since the beginning of this year,” it said.

    Despite the northwestern Idlib province being declared a de-escalation zone under an agreement between Turkey and Russia, the area has been frequently targeted by the Assad regime and its allies.

    Idlib is dominated by ISIS affiliates and sundry other Jihadist Forces. It’s no problem to them to hoist one of their flags on school buildings. The White Helmets have always been in cahoots with them from the very beginning else how could they function?

    1. Another frosty, calm, clear day on the Costa Clyde. Nothing planned for today but yesterday we teed off at 08.20 just as the sun was clearing the horizon. We spent most of the round like a bunch of Japanese snipers, attempting to follow the flight of the balls.

  9. On Topic:
    How are the Tories going to get punished for anything when the only choice is Labour?
    I pray that Richard Tice does well in Old Bexley and Sidcup, because there is no other party that might hold the shysters in charge to account.

    1. 1000 sensible people will vote Tice (because they are very, very angry) and the rest will say Oh, but there’s no point voting Tice, it wouldn’t change anything because he won’t get elected, and will put their cross in the Tory box, in the hope that something will change!!!

      1. ‘Morning, BB2, both your’s and Richard’s views hold water and it is the reason why I’m urging Laurence Fox and Anne-Marie Waters to stop vote-splitting (because that’s the result of them remaining separate) amalgamate and offer the electorate a viable alternative party to Lib/Lab/Con.

        1. I agree, they should join together. But what killed UKIP in the end and caused this situation was too many opinionated people who wouldn’t stick with it once someone said something they didn’t agree with. Some self-discipline is necessary.

    2. What is worrying is that Nigel Farage led two parties – UKIP and the Brexit Party – to winning the most UK seats in the EU Parliament and yet never had any significant success in elections for the Westminster parliament.

      In my opinion Nigel Farage’s greatest mistake was to withdraw Brexit Party candidates from contesting seats held by sitting Conservative remainer MPs in the 2019 general election. This not only gave Boris Johnson a substantial majority which he has subsequently frittered away by not keeping any of his promises but also rewarded too many remainers for their treachery.

      Even when UKIP won 12.5% of the vote in 2015 – winning more actual votes than both the Lib/Dems and the SNP combined who won over 60 seats UKIP only won one seat and Nigel Farage himself failed to win Thanet South. Without PR the FPTP will probably go on and on producing the Conservatives or Labour and we shall be permanently stuffed.

    3. For many years to our detriment we have been run by Brussels. Now the globalists are taking over.

      Government, Parliament and Party are now irrelevant.

  10. Johnny and the Toad

    Johnny was sitting in class, when the teacher asked what they did on the weekend.

    Johnny put his hand up and said “I put a banger up a toad’s arse and blew it to pieces!”

    The teacher replied, “You mean rectum, Johnny!”

    To which Johnny replied, “Wrecked ‘im? No, Miss… it fuckin’ KILLED ‘im!”

    1. What, precisely are you proud of? Do you consider the numbers more important than the content of character? Do you think yes! We’ve made half the group women as if they were meaningless numbers?

      This is the fundamental problem with Left wingery. It cares nothing for the people. it just sees them as numbers, a statistic. Odd – Socialists, communists and so on never care about the individual. To them it’s just a numbers game.

  11. 341928+ up ticks,

    Morning Each,

    Monday 22 November: Voters will punish the Government for not acting on the migrant crisis

    This is reverse sociology government speak they are saying YOU will continue to support / vote for the mass uncontrolled immigration / paedophile umbrella close shop coalition.

    In my book these overseers are manipulating foreign intakes in such numbers that town councils have, can & will be steered to the overseers agenda regardless of the “manifesto” dressing.

    More of grandfathers axe is coming online.

    Village converted to town, council subversive in place,
    Town converted to city, city councils, subversives in place,

    May one ask at what point will the indigenous finally say in ALL honesty
    this can no longer be called “MY COUNTRY”

  12. Doesn’t Simon Snape realise that you can use your mobile phone whilst driving if you are making an emergency call

      1. The Wail’s advertising bombardment, auto play and general outpouring of tripe is absurd, so I blocked the lot through ublock and pihole. If there was a video, I don’t see it.

      1. More seriously, this sort of thing is horrific. It’s an absolute atrocity. That I can no longer summon the energy to be outraged is because it’s too damned exhausting to care. The state refuses to stop this sort of thing in fact, it encourages it so such events will only get worse.

        Wait for the platitudes – the ‘it won’t change our way of life’ as concrete blocks are pushed out to block such roads and the tedious lies that he wasn’t politically motivated.

        I’m tired folks. Damned tired. One day they’ll kill junior, or the blasted war queen, or both and the government – whereever it is – will brush it under the carpet as a statistic, as ‘all part of living in a big city’.

        I am starting to hate.

        1. I’m sorry you feel that way, Wibbling, but it’s understandable. I find myself having to severely edit or delete my responses to the endless stream of these kinds of reports, as it would get me banned if I left the comments. It starts with the channel invasion, and goes on from there. Extreme violence is what I wish on the perpetrators, the kind of violence that hurts, lasts a lifetime and leaves one perpetually scarred and disabled mentally and physically, so they experience what the victims of their culpability have suffered.
          Not very Christian of me, is it? But then, if one had a conversation with St Peter about it, I hope he’d be understanding.

        2. The Beginnings

          It was not part of their blood,
          It came to them very late
          With long arrears to make good,
          When the English began to hate.

          They were not easily moved,
          They were icy-willing to wait
          Till every count should be proved,
          Ere the English began to hate.

          Their voices were even and low,
          Their eyes were level and straight.
          There was neither sign nor show,
          When the English began to hate.

          It was not preached to the crowd,
          It was not taught by the State.
          No man spoke it aloud,
          When the English began to hate.

          It was not suddenly bred,
          It will not swiftly abate,
          Through the chill years ahead,
          When Time shall count from the date
          That the English began to hate.

    1. The DT article on the attack has one observer stating that the criminal was shooting from the window of the speeding car. If true, I suggest this means it was a terrorist attack.

      1. I think he’s a Black Rapper with a history of incendiary anti-white tweets (which is, of course, perfectly acceptable to Twitter algorithms).

  13. ‘Morning, Peeps.

    SIR – The Tory Party will not resolve the migration problem unless it can devise some legal means of differentiating between, and dealing with, economic migrants and true refugees.

    Adrian Fyles
    Blackburn, Lancashire

    Not sure they want to, Mr Fyles. As every day passes I become more and more convinced that this wretched government is ‘doing a Merkel’ and are quite happy to let the numbers rip, legal or otherwise. However, it seems they have yet to realise how the next GE will punish them if they go on like this.

    1. The electorate would then be blessed with a Labour government that would give them all amnesty and encourage even more to come.

    2. It’s very simple. When the invading criminals call for help, and our folk respond, we tow them to France and destroy the boat. If the crews refuse to do this,

      then those crews have their salaries taken and they house the gimmigrants personally – I don’t care how many they have to take.
      They are also made responsible for the crimes of the invaders inperpetuity.

      We do the same for every member of border farce and the minister. A few months without pay and facing prison for paedophilia, rape and assault would sharpen their minds.

      1. Just as we do with the members of Parole Boards that release criminals to repeat their atrocities. Oh, wait…

        1. If we did, parole boards would be much more discerning. Yet they do try to do good, but the problem is a career criminal remains a career criminal.

    3. Edit: A BTL on this subject:

      Simon Bell
      8 HRS AGO
      As Lesley Snell points out, Emad al-Swealmeen had seven years in our country despite being repeatedly turned down for asylum. He was given accommodation, sent on college courses and presumably given spending money. He doubtless had access to our NHS and free legal advice and representation. Of course we never send anyone back. The Left and their lawyers would never permit it. Meanwhile he was able to research bomb making under our noses and at our expense. And he was just one out of the now thousand a day who arrive here. The Conservatives are useless.

      1. Hugh, it was interesting that the Liverpool Police stated that they found a bomb factory and arrested four associates of Emad.

        To us, the word “factory” insinuates production of a series of articles, yet none of the four were kept in detention, or deported.

        1. Of course not. That is not their policy. It may be worth noting that the word “disrupting” now often places the term “arresting”.
          I have commented recently that the police do not round up and interrogate the families and friends, associates and fellow mosque-goers of bombers, rapists and murderers. Nor do they track down and arrest the suppliers of ball bearings and explosive substances, and other materials. The regulations that apply to the sale of glue (to deter “sniffers”) do not apply to the sales of bomb making materials to jihadis. No retailer or wholesaler is required to ask why a purchase ins being made, but is only required to verify the age of the buyer.

        2. Maybe they all sat around like a quilting bee, chatting away over coffee and cakes while assembling fuses, ball bearings and so on.

        3. Yes, I too thought that was odd, to say the least. If it really was a ‘bomb factory’ then presumably they are free to set up elsewhere. At the very least I would hope that they are under serveillance!

    4. What is the difference between economic migrant and true refugees?

      There isn’t any – once both have travelled through several safe countries to get to the UK.

      They are all frauds.

    1. I believe that the amendment never achieved the necessary majorities at State levels and whilst it might still be on the statutes it is an anachronism.
      Harry might be a greater encumbrance, but I’m sure if the choice is Potus or Anus she’ll choose the former.

    2. It’s the ideal role for her. She’s a vain, arrogant, delusional piteous child lacking competence or capability.

      She would be the ideal democratic candidate for these absurd and miserable times.

    3. Ever since George Three lost our colonies perhaps our Royals have had a hankering to win them back? Who’d have thought Harry is a sleeper?

  14. SIR – Having purchased items at a garden centre, we proffered a £10 note, which the assistant then cleaned with tissues and sanitiser.

    Is this an overreaction to paying with cash or have we been complicit in money laundering?

    Liz and Ian Wass
    Chipping Sodbury, Gloucestershire

    Ho ho…

    1. Reminds me of a visit to my local garden centre a few months ago. The idiot behind the counter, shielded behind a plastic screen, would not take my cash but he was happy to handle my card. We are, when it comes to Covid, surrounded by morons.

  15. The woke mob wants to replace virtue with ‘correct-think’

    Young people are being taught that goodness isn’t found in forgiveness, fortitude and courage, but in reciting fashionable cultural mantras

    21 November 2021 • 11:00am

    Our new moral order dictates that you should be honoured not for what you’ve achieved nor what you’ve sacrificed, but instead for the “correct” opinions you express and the identity category you belong to. From the attacks on Churchill, to the removal of recognition for JK Rowling for her views on gender identity – this doctrine is now increasingly the moral guide of our institutions, leaving the flawed heroes of the past and present and the imperfect truths of our national story ripe for censorship, rewriting and ruin.

    Actual achievements are treated as irrelevant, if the person responsible can be deemed to be “problematic”. Young people are being taught that goodness isn’t found in forgiveness, fortitude and courage, but in uncritically reciting the fashionable cultural mantras of the present. Everything must be made subordinate to the compulsion to show that we have the “right” views. It is a moral catastrophe.

    Consider two examples from the past few weeks. There is nothing inherently wrong with examining the legacy of historical figures. In fact, it is essential to recognise that they are complex, a product of their time and not infallible. But what we have today is much more extreme than that. When the Imperial War Museum, on Remembrance Sunday, ends a two-minute silence to honour those who lost their lives with a rap which included statements such as “Why, when some remember, do they see the same faces, the white faces from western places”, it is not just making a political statement. It is effectively saying that there is no occasion so sacred that it cannot be turned into an opportunity to display your “correct” political opinions. The museum has apologised and admitted that it “was not the moment” for the rap. But the fact that it was even contemplated highlights just how far many cultural institutions have strayed from moral clarity about their role.

    JK Rowling, meanwhile, has been a victim of a related phenomenon. The Harry Potter author has been vocal about her views on the biological reality of sex and has attracted controversy as a result. She is not being included in the celebration of the 20-year anniversary of the first Harry Potter film and it isn’t a stretch to conclude that this might have something to do with her “heretical” opinions on trans issues. Thus, the woman responsible for one of the most important cultural achievements of a generation is apparently deemed not good enough to attend a celebration of that very achievement because she doesn’t conform to the fashionable views of an identity-obsessed minority.

    We’re losing the language and sense of true moral worth in favour of the hollowness of “correct-think”. This is a tragedy for our culture, and a betrayal of the gains of the past and the future inheritance for those to come. We need to rediscover the importance of goodness, truth, beauty and shared meanings, or they will continue to be lost to an aggressive, philistine and corrosive ideology.

    Inaya Folarin Iman is a presenter at GB News and the founder of The Equiano Project


    Comments were closed yesterday afternoon. Plenty of spirited stuff

    Nick Smith
    21 Nov 2021 4:40PM
    “Young people are being taught that goodness isn’t found in forgiveness, fortitude and courage”

    From what I’ve seen of Woke, BLM and XR, ‘goodness’ would appear to be found in bitterness, hate and revenge masquerading as justice.

    Marxists – making everyone’s life a misery since 1858.

    Daniel Herlihy
    21 Nov 2021 4:51PM
    @Nick Smith Ah – The Grundrisse – just before Marx proved his impeccable socialist credentials by moving to London to live off of somebody else’s money (Engels’ I believe)

    Daniel Herlihy
    21 Nov 2021 4:44PM
    Soon we will all have to carry a WOKE PASS to prove that we have had at least two doses of unconscious bias training and have glued ourselves to something in the last 6 months

    David Russell
    21 Nov 2021 11:18AM
    That is absolutely spot on!. So many with the woke disease have contributed or achieved absolutely nothing by their own efforts, so cling on to these new destructive ideals. Maybe it makes a low achieving person feel superior to lecture others on how to live and speak.

    Steve Parr
    21 Nov 2021 11:34AM
    @David Russell Gender Studies professors being a prime example of the sort of people you cite.

    Mark Hammond
    21 Nov 2021 11:20AM
    You’d think with an 80 seat majority this “Conservative” government would do more to combat the pernicious and downright evil nature of the ideology you so eloquently critique. There’s not a day goes by now when someone from the Left or Right isn’t pulling apart the Woke/Intersectionality/identity politics you’re referring to and yet very little is being done by the people with the power to prevent it. This must surely mean they secretly agree with it.

    Henry VIII
    21 Nov 2021 11:54AM
    @Mark Hammond > Boris has gone woke. It’s either Carrie or the Conservative Party and so far, Carrie is in the lead.

    John Thomas
    21 Nov 2021 12:00PM
    Wokeness is about the extreme interpretation of reasonable opinions.

    Is it reasonable to conclude that sex is a biological reality? Is it reasonable to honour Churchill as wartime leader, in spite of his faults? (Without those ‘faults’ of stubborness and deternination we might all be speaking German now.)

    Because white people whose relatives died in war think in terms of white casualties (and I’m sure the same is true of black people who think of black casualties) does that make white people racist?

    Of course it doesn’t, but it does allow the professionally offended to magnify what they perceive as a lack of perfection into a fault which condemns a person or an entire group wholesale.

    If the woke want to find a lack of perfection, they might want to look in a mirror.

    Mark Ryan
    21 Nov 2021 4:44PM
    The definition of bullying in schools now relies on the definition of ‘imbalance of power’ So basically if you’re in a privileged category, rich, white or male the school definition of bullying does not apply and you cannot claim to be bullied at any point even if you get your head kicked in every day.

    Caroline Watson
    21 Nov 2021 3:38PM
    Absolutely. Not just young people either. One of my ‘friends’, a teaching union rep in her late 50s, cancelled me because I was opposed to lockdowns and school closures, because I publicly mocked the ‘gender’ nonsense, and because I showed a distinct lack of enthusiasm when she told me that her daughter was going to work for a charity supporting ‘refugees’. I think the final straw was when I forced her to have a conversation with my unmasked face during a singing event. Apparently she didn’t feel ‘safe’. I very nearly said, ‘I think being 25 stone might be the cause of that, pet!’

    1. 341928+ up ticks,
      Morning C,
      I believe the most damaging / dangerous overall mantra chanted by idiots is,

    2. The Left use woke and think themselves enlightened and superior because they cannot allow themselves to be challenged. To be challenged risks the chance of being wrong and having to think.Thus in their arrogance they plough on, blindly ignorant of the real problem, addressing issues they feel aggrevied by.

      The key is ‘they’. There is no engagement with society – they’re above that. Much like the dictators and abusers of history, they tihnk themselves ‘Big Brother’, justified in any action because teh end result – their end result – is virtuousa nd righteous. No number of faces smashed into the ground is enough for the end justifies the means.

      As Lefties, fascists, communists and authoritarians of eveery stripe everywhere have always done.

  16. 341928+ up ticks,

    NHS braced for ‘capacity crunch’ as Tories set to miss GP recruitment target
    Experts warn ‘hidden backlog’ of patients will surge after Sajid Javid
    admits government is not on track to hire 6,000 more doctors

    Do the overseers realise we have potential new patients entering via DOVER daily.

    1. Many in the “hidden backlog” are dying prematurely now due to lack of necessary treatment. I expect the NHS medical managers will triage this backlog to rule out treating patients who have end of life conditions or above a certain age and requiring life saving treatment. It will seem brutal but they don’t really have an alternative choice.

      1. 341928+ up ticks,
        Morning C,
        Am I to take it then that the lab/lib/con coalition will still give consent shown via still being active members of the coalition ?

        1. Morning ogga – I hope the politicians leave it to the medics to make the decisions on who to treat and who to care, as best they can, those they have to deny the necessary life saving treatment.

          1. 341928+ up ticks,

            So this then not only smacks of selection but IS selection.
            Politico’s & family’s exempt, the herd examined by a selection officer ” on the left,left,left, right, left left”.

            I do know we lost a great many good people when this arrangement entered the circle first time round
            now is “selection” making a replay, nothing would surprise me what with the treacherous overseers & the docile herd.

    1. These people truly are demented.

      Does it prove that these vaccines” make you mentally unstable? Good grief. They need locking up. Or at least a Valium tablet.

    2. My choice would be to push that idiotic cow off the highest cliff available. Just give me the fucking opportunity.

    1. The brilliant John Williams.
      My arthritis prevents me from playing that ………….amongst other things.

    1. I particularly like the last image; the meeja, politicians, virus ‘experts’ etc. must be hoping that either the ’emergency’ powers keep rolling on, or that they have left office, post, position and moved to a country that doesn’t have an extradition agreement in place when the ’emergency’ ends.

    1. They were in army barracks and when they complained the government moved them to hotels. This ridiculous government doesn’t seem to have a clue about what it is doing.

      1. The Government (and the rest of the political class) certainly give that impression. It’s as if their ‘plans’ are so contradictory as to make nailing jelly down seem more permanent.

      2. I was with my family at Celtic Haven Lydstep September 2020. We use to drive past the Penally army camp near Tenby and and see the demonstrators and also some the the internees walking along the main road.

      3. 341928+ up ticks,
        Morning JR,
        This party, tory (ino) had no problem when doing the eu bidding and they along with lab/lib are doing a splendid job of destroying a decent ( just), Country.

        Do not forget they have a supporting / consenting
        dangerous fools network, the same consenting fools that gave them carte blanche in 2019.

  17. Waukesha

    The ‘Heavy’ blog has posted the following just to meet Anne A’s expectations…

    Heavy confirmed that two Milwaukee police squads were outside the home listed to Darrell Brooks on N. 19th St. in Milwaukee, Wisconsin. Heavy also obtained audio from the scanner indicating Waukesha police obtained an ID in the name Darrell Brooks Jr. inside the red Ford Escape they recovered in connection with the Waukesha parade investigation. He also goes by the name Darrell E. Brooks Jr., 38, and Darrell Edward Brooks, Jr., and he has open felony cases in Milwaukee County. He was released on $1,000 bail in one case just days ago.,531

    1. He looks more arabbic/muslim than black. I expect he is a lone wolf with mental issues just like all the others.

    2. That hair style would not look out of place on the judges panel on strictly. I have to strongly emphasise I do not watch that crap, but I did notice one of the judges with what looked like a badly charred haystack on her head.

  18. When will the, rather dim I’m afraid, light bulb illuminate the fact that the countries/states with a high percentage of “double”, or in the case of Israel “treble/quadruple vaccinated” people, are those with the highest infection rates? Look for the common factor and one would very probably uncover the cause. Naturally, a little bit of honesty and truth telling would be required but those basic foundations of society are being buried by the ‘agenda’. This nightmare is turning into the greatest health crisis the World has ever seen and in many countries appears to be out of control. Urged on by moronic globalists, once almost sensible politicians are running amok with controls that only add fuel to the blaze. Governments will have to fall before this attack on the people ends.

    Johnson has seen the clashes across Europe and I imagine that with his popularity already in the toilet bowl he is loath to do anything that will put it in the sewer. Plan ‘B’ hasn’t arrived yet but the fear is that a globalist hardliner will try and instil some backbone into Johnson and force him to activate it.

    1. Reports on Twitter yesterday of the economic migrants landing on our shores being bussed around the country in coaches with a police escort, during the night to major towns; Leeds, Birmingham, Manchester, Glasgow and the rest. Our government getting its army in place?
      At the same time reports are just starting to appear in the media of the protests around the world, some of them developing into riots. Is our government encouraging monkey see, monkey do at this point. Have they, or are they getting, all their ducks in a row? I sense dénouement.
      I don’t think this needs any further explanation. You can all join the dots.
      Good morning, Korky and everyone.

      1. To put it into some perspective.
        If all the migrants who have landed in 2021 were housed in one location in Kent, it would rank in their top 20 towns by population.
        Naturally they have to be spread around.

        1. To put it into some perspective sosraboc

          An average GP deals with about two thousand patients.

          As over one thousand asylum seekers a day are landing in Britain that means every two days an additional doctor must

          be employed by the NHS.

          1. It’s those numbers games that the politicians and do gooders should be explaining. Just how will we cope?

            Even if a new two bedroom house/flat costs as little as £20,000 to build and it accommodates 4 people, that requires £5,000,000 a day in new housing alone. Add schools, hospitals and other infrastructure and we’re bleeding money. It will be decades before the incomers even start to cover a tiny fraction of their costs, if they ever do.

        2. Fairy Nuff. But why are they here in the first place, demanding first class accommodation and government bowing to their every whim?

          1. Given the choice of Anycrapistan and the UK which would you choose?
            Add in the free accommodation, health care and pocket money for nothing and the Government bowing to their every whim and it’s a no brainer.

      The Nuremberg Military Tribunal’s decision in the case of the United States v Karl Brandt et al. includes what is now called the Nuremberg Code, a ten point statement delimiting permissible medical experimentation on human subjects. According to this statement, humane experimentation is justified only if its results benefit society and it is carried out in accord with basic principles that “satisfy moral, ethical, and legal concepts.” To some extent the Nuremberg Code has been superseded by the Declaration of Helsinki as a guide for human experimentation.

      –“Permissible Medical Experiments.” Trials of War Criminals before the Nuremberg Military Tribunals under Control Council Law No. 10. Nuremberg October 1946 – April 1949, Washington. U.S. Government Printing Office (n.d.), vol. 2., pp. 181-182.

      The voluntary consent of the human subject is absolutely essential. This means that the person involved should have legal capacity to give consent; should be situated as to be able to exercise free power of choice, without the intervention of any element of force, fraud, deceit, duress, over-reaching, or other ulterior form of constraint or coercion, and should have sufficient knowledge and comprehension of the elements of the subject matter involved as to enable him to make an understanding and enlightened decision. This latter element requires that before the acceptance of an affirmative decision by the experimental subject there should be made known to him the nature, duration, and purpose of the experiment; the method and means by which it is to be conducted; all inconveniences and hazards reasonably to be expected; and the effects upon his health or person which may possibly come from his participation in the experiment. The duty and responsibility for ascertaining the quality of the consent rests upon each individual who initiates, directs or engages in the experiment. It is a personal duty and responsibility which may not be delegated to another with impunity.
      The experiment should be such as to yield fruitful results for the good of society, unprocurable by other methods or means of study, and not random and unnecessary in nature.
      The experiment should be so designed and based on the results of animal experimentation and a knowledge of the natural history of the disease or other problem under study that the anticipated results will justify the performance of the experiment.
      The experiment should be so conducted as to avoid all unnecessary physical and mental suffering and injury.
      No experiment should be conducted where there is an a priori reason to believe that death or disabling injury will occur; except, perhaps, in those experiments where the experimental physicians also serve as subjects.
      The degree of risk to be taken should never exceed that determined by the humanitarian importance of the problem to be solved by the experiment.
      Proper preparations should be made and adequate facilities provided to protect the experimental subject against even remote possibilities of injury disability or death.
      The experiment should be conducted only by scientifically qualified persons. The highest degree of skill and care should be required through all stages of the experiment of those who conduct or engage in the experiment.
      During the course of the experiment the human subject should be at liberty to bring the experiment to an end if he has reached the physical or mental state where continuation of the experiment seems to him to be impossible.
      During the course of the experiment the scientist in charge must be prepared to terminate the experiment at any stage, if he has probable cause to believe, in the exercise of the good faith, superior skill and careful judgment required by him that a continuation of the experiment is likely to result in injury, disability, or death to the experimental subject.

      Have Austria and Germany forgotten about Nuremberg?

      1. Poiticians learn nothing. but what do you expect with Austria and Germany. 70 years on and they are at it again.

        1. Thank You. Now THAT’s entertainment. I can now face brass cleaning and mounds of laundry with a smile on my face!

        2. I may have mentioned this, I was in a pub in Highgate years ago with a couple mates and Rod was in and he bought us all a pint. He seemed like an ‘ordinary sort of geezer’. But quite clearly much richer than we were and still are.

    1. OMG. Australia has really lost the plot. What on earth can mere plebs like us do to make sure this is not what happens here?

      Perhaps we can request that we’re all placed at the same camp so we can still nottl? Actually talk to each other? (sarc)

    2. Insane. What about people’s pets, are they going to murder them too, like they do in China?

  19. Morning all.
    Voters will punish the Government for not acting on the migrant crisis
    The problem is that MPs are never effectively punished, they just move across to the opposition benches and carry on as before, same salaries, same pension expectations, equal amount of claimed expenses and all the other etc’s and just being as useless. And anything else they can fiddle out of the public purse.
    Perhaps they should only receive two thirds of their salaries and expenses, that would test them.

      1. Last time Plum I was not going to bother, but according the predictions we might have ended up with a labour government. So I reluctantly walked the half mile to the Village Hall and voted. Next time i’m taking a black felt tip and expressing my absolute dissatisfaction.

          1. That’s all we have unfortunately I get lots of contact from UKIP but we have have never had a candidate in our area. I did vote for an independent once and doubled his support.

          2. We have a UKIP candidate in North Shropshire, as we did in 2015 (same person), but nobody in 2017 or 2019.

          3. Our mp is bleating on about improving traffic circulation in our local area – I filled in his questionaire with a definite ‘no’ to all suggested improvements, but I had a sense of unease when covid, vaccinations, immigration, inflation – all these are rampant, and he is burbling and warbling and worrying about traffic congestion. Cambridge has always had traffic congestion, it is mediaeval with narrow streets.

    1. We have had an 85% cut in our earnings compared with 2019. So the more the government is punished the more it serves them right

      The public sector has suffered no cuts in pay at all and are greedy for pay rises.

      Of course small businesses and the self-employed do not really fit in to the politicians’ lust for globalisation so the sooner they are killed off the better.

      1. If the public servants had been subject to similar pay cuts, they would have been clamoring for a return to work, not doing their best to extend the stay at home boondoggle.

        1. We are still receiving plenty of enquiries for the courses that we have been almost entirely prevented from running.

          Over the years we have managed to build up a considerable bank of positive good will and virtually all our clients find us as a result of a strong endorsement from a student or the parent or schoolteacher of a former student. For example, this morning we received an enquiry about our courses next summer from the parents of a boy at Winchester who were given a very warm recommendation from the parents of a girl from Downe House who came to us in October 2019.

          But once we have had a couple of years with only half a dozen people being able to come to us because of Covid travel restrictions the bank of potential clients starts to run dry and the links become weaker and we have to forge them again almost from scratch mixing even more metaphors!

          When Caroline and I set up our business 32 years ago we knew little about running a business – but we knew we could offer really outstanding courses for British students in France and we both knew a bit about teaching young people and looking after then from our careers in independent boarding public schools.

          The trouble with the Conservative Party – which used to be the party of private enterprise – is that virtually all their MPs cannot distinguish between their anal orifices and the joint half way along their arms.

      2. I feel for you and Caroline Richard, I was self employed for many years and it’s long hours and hard graft. And worse still when you are on holiday you get nothing at all. Over the past 25 – 30 years I have grown to absolutely despise people in politics. They are generally greedy over paid inconsiderate, self-aggrandising AHs. I can’t think of anything at all they have done to the advantage of the general public. As I keep saying they Eff up everything they come into contact with. Everything !

  20. Gavin Mortimer
    Who is – and isn’t – welcome in Sadiq Khan’s London?
    22 November 2021, 9:49am

    Right-wing Frenchman Eric Zemmour, who is expected to run for the presidency of his country next year, has been designated persona non grata in London by the city’s mayor.

    ‘Nobody who wants to divide our communities or incites hatred against people because of the colour of their skin or the god they worship is welcome in our city,’ said Sadiq Khan in response to a question about Zemmour’s presence in the capital.

    A noble declaration, one with which few would disagree, but rather incongruous coming from the mouth of Khan. For this is the man who waxed lyrical about Jeremy Corbyn at the Labour party conference in 2017.

    ‘We made huge progress in the general election and the credit for that goes to one person – the leader of our party – Jeremy Corbyn,’ he gushed.

    Khan predicted that Labour would win elections; under Jeremy, he said, ‘we can build a fairer Britain. A more prosperous Britain. A safer Britain.’

    Corbyn didn’t, of course, win the 2019 election and a year after Labour’s humiliating defeat a report by the Equality and Human Rights Commission disclosed that far from building a fairer Britain, Labour under Corbyn was responsible for ‘unlawful’ acts of harassment and discrimination. In a statement the commission reported that a culture was allowed to flourish within the party ‘which, at best, did not do enough to prevent anti-Semitism and, at worst, could be seen to accept it.’

    A legacy of Corbyn’s four-and-a-half-years in charge of Sadiq Khan’s beloved Labour is the anti-Semitism that flourishes in London, as the Israeli ambassador to Britain discovered earlier this month as she left an event at the LSE.

    London has this century hosted many people who have made it their life’s work to divide communities and incited hatred, and curiously Sadiq Khan has often had associations with them.

    Take Louis Farrakhan, the notorious leader of the Nation of Islam, who, as the Guardian reported in 2001, has described Jews as ‘bloodsuckers’ and white people as ‘devils’. That year Khan, then a lawyer, successfully overturned a 15-year ban that had excluded Farrakhan (who in 1984 described Adolf Hitler as ‘a very great man’) from entering Britain.

    Khan called the verdict ‘very brave and sensible’. Britain’s Jewish community was less enthusiastic. Lord Janner, chairman of the Holocaust Educational Trust, described the decision as ‘a sad day for all of us in Britain who work for good race relations…Farrakhan has stirred up racial tension, especially by his thoroughly nasty references to Jewish people’. Farrakhan’s ban was subsequently upheld on appeal.

    In 2004, Khan appeared to lobby for the hardline Islamic cleric Yusuf al-Qaradawi to be allowed to enter Britain. David Winnick, a member of the home affairs select committee, asked Khan, who was then chair of the legal affairs committee of the Muslim Council of Britain, why Britain would want someone like Qaradawi in the country given he had once said: ‘Oh God, deal with the usurpers and oppressors and tyrannical Jews. Oh God, deal with the plotters and rancorous crusaders’. Khan said he couldn’t comment on the specific quote ‘but there is a consensus among Islamic scholars that Mr al-Qaradawi is not the extremist that he is painted as being’.

    Al-Qaradawi was allowed to enter Britain in 2004 but has been banned since 2008, the year before he declared that Jews deserved to be punished and Hitler had ‘put them in their place’.

    These dubious associations have all been reported over the years but Khan has been able to shrug them off. Obviously, Sadiq Khan hasn’t an anti-Semitic bone in his body but, given some of these questionable decisions that Khan has made, perhaps to avoid accusations of rank hypocrisy he should not have passed comment on Zemmour.


    DennisTheMenace • an hour ago
    Khan treats London like his own principality. Are these mayoral posts actually needed? What do they actually do that is of value?

    An0nymousBosch • an hour ago
    Remember everyone, London is an “international city”.

    That means it’s unilaterally declared independence of the rest of Britain, and now operates more like Renaissance Venice, under his serenissima the Grand Doge Sadiq.

    The fact that this city-state also happens to monopolise Britain’s national institutions, art galleries and museums – and of course the seat of government – is neither here nor there. We should be grateful that such an enlightened, vibrant global city should consent to run our lives for us, and impose its alien culture via the medium of advertising and the “national” media (ho ho) that is of course also based in London.

      1. What is far worse is what he is doing. He is amalgamating all of the areas inside the M25 into ‘London’ so there will be greater control over more people and of course their parking, travel, council taxes and housing assets.

    1. And as with other tattoos to identify people with an ethnic group, we should pay such no heed whatsoever.

      1. I have seen Jesus described as a “swarthy Jew” and that is probably nearer to the reality than the many Western representations of a fair-skinned, blue-eyed man with light brown hair.
        On the one hand the Holy Family by Joos van Cleve:

        On the other, the Black Madonna of Częstochowa:

        A hundred years and 700 miles apart, yet essentially telling the same story.

        1. The Black Madonna is the old Celtic earth goddess, who was a black woman. She was re-dressed as Mary after Christianisation. She still has the fierce look of an earth goddess in some representations, not the meek and mild look of Our Lady.

      2. I think in every painting I have seen of Jesus, he is white ………..How did the artists know this ? Who told them ? Did they ask or make assumptions.?

        1. It very much depends where the painting is done, I’ve seen many dark skinned representations outside Europe.

    1. Do they have anatomically-incorrect birds’ wings protruding incongruously from their scapulas?

      1. Of course. Do remember though that angels weigh less then butterflies, so the wings are more than adequate for zooming around Heaven, or Earth on their occasional visits.

  21. Will a sane leader of any country have the courage, integrity and sheer testicular strength to stand up to Big Pharma and say:

    “The vaccine policy has been a total Failure. It does not stop the spread of the disease.

    We are now going to concentrate on treating those with Covid 19 with medicines that have been proved to work well.”

    1. This reminds me of the EU – when the EU goes wrong what is needed is more EU; when vaccine gene therapy policy proves totally useless what is needed is more gene therapy. As Bob Dylan wrote in Love Minus Zero:

      Some speak of the future,
      My love she speaks softly
      She knows there’s no success like failure
      And failure’s no success at all

    2. I don’t think so, and the reason is because there is plenty of evidence on the internet of experts warning them exactly what would happen if they mass vaccinated healthy populations with a leaky vaccine in the middle of a pandemic, i.e. more covid would happen.
      If they row back on the policy now, they will have to explain why they went directly in contradiction to established medical practice.

    3. And we are going to remove the ban on Ivermectin …

      But no. Nobody will admit to this well, “mistake” putting it kindly. Government had already said itself that the jabs do not prevent infection or the spread of it. We need more publicity given to those who are against the whole shebang but tha5 does not suit TPTB.

      1. The longer they delay admitting the devastating mistake they have made the more impossible it will be for them to come clean.

        1. The greater the “mistake/crime” the less the punishment.

          P.S. Should that be lesser? I think it probably should. I’m sure someone will kindly correct me.

        1. Very many years ago I went on a presentation skills course. Excellent, it was, and one thing they emphasised was to FASTEN YOUR EFFING NOTES SO THEY CAN’T JUMBLE UP! A treasury tag (remember those?) was recommended, through a hole punched top left of the card or page. Then you can drop them and they won’t fly over the whole room, nor get out of order.
          Or, present without notes (but that means being fully on top of your brief).

          1. We did that and clearly numbered every page as well. We also had one line cards inthe jacket pocket if all else failed.

    1. When you’re a fanatic, everyhting is seen through the same distorted lens.

      Did someone mention tax?

  22. Boris makes a pig’s ear of it: PM loses his train of thought in car-crash speech to business chiefs praising Peppa Pig World, comparing himself to MOSES, doing an impression of an ENGINE, and saying ‘mother nature’ doesn’t like WFH
    Boris Johnson delivered bewildering speech to business leaders at the CBI conference in South Shields
    The Prime Minister compared himself to Moses and made engine noises during the bizarre address
    Mr Johnson suffered awkward silence as he lost place halfway through the speech and leafed through notes

    I don’t know about Covid 19 but it seems that BIDENITIS is every bit as contagious and Johnson seems to have a very severe case of it.


    1. Looking at the pictures on the Mail article is disturbing. Supposedly, this person is our PM: he looks raddled as someone who is under pressure looks when they can’t handle it. Placing both his appearance and performance alongside the deluded comparisons of himself to other more worthy figures, Moses this time, and one has to wonder if he is really in control of himself. Perhaps the stress of having bought into the Covid-19 scheme has been too much for him. He, like many others, has no route out of his involvement and is therefore trapped.

      No sympathy from me.

    1. The Mail, with its new editor has it as the lead in Mail-on-Line. It’s also a major piece on the Telegraph.

    2. The Mail, with its new editor has it as the lead in Mail-on-Line. It’s a major piece on the Telegraph.

  23. Down from the garden and picked up this on the American attack off Going Postal:-

    Whitestones • 2 minutes ago
    “The suspect in the Waukesha Holiday Parade tragedy has a lengthy criminal record. He’s a registered sex offender, a child sex trafficker, and a domestic abuser. According to a Twitter user, the suspect, Darrell E. Brooks of Milwaukee, has “25 different mugshots from multiple states.” Brooks slammed his red Ford Escape into a crowd of people celebrating in Waukesha, killing five people and injuring 40 others. Brooks is currently in police custody, and social media users have discovered old Facebook posts in which he discussed “knocking white people off.” He’s been dubbed the “Face of Black Terrorism” because of this and a couple of other troubling posts he made on his page, which have since been removed.

    Brooks, a rapper who goes by the moniker Mathboi Fly, has a number of felony cases pending against him. On November 5, he was charged with resisting an officer (misdemeanor), felony bail jumping, second-degree reckless safety (felony), disorderly conduct, and battery (all misdemeanors with domestic abuse assessments) in Milwaukee court. On November 19th, according to records, he posted $1000 bail. Since the late 1990s, he has been on the wrong side of the law. In 1999, he was charged with a serious felony, marijuana possession (felony) in 2002, and obstructing an officer (misdemeanor) in 2003 and 2005. According to reports, Brooks has a long history of arrests, which can be found online.”

        1. When it turns out that the poor man was fleeing a lynch mob of Shrew Sucks Spammers and pleads self defence, he’ll be there.

      1. No doubt they will, in the States.

        Next is to bend the knee, or whatever it is called, if he dies within the next decade.

  24. Russia will invade in new year, says Ukraine military. 22 November 2021.

    Russia is preparing to invade Ukraine at the beginning of next year with far greater force than anything seen in the conflict to date, according to Ukrainian military intelligence.


    John Marks21 Nov 2021 4:50PM.

    What’s with this lunacy?

    NATO surrounds Russia from the Baltic to the Black Sea with weaponry bristling with missiles – and the Americans even want to bring in nukes!
    And the British press has a hissy fit over Russia redistributing its troops on its own territory.

    The propaganda is that of Orwell’s Ministry of Truth.

    We have more than enough problems with corona hysteria, woke police and education, an army that can’t guard the English Channel, the energy delusions of the Green psychosis . . . and Johnson stokes nuclear war against the Russians who, in case he hadn’t noticed, remain in Russia and are not swarming across the English Channel

    I don’t believe this either. Nevertheless I’m beginning to hope like some Occupied WW2 European that it is true and that the Russians are not only going to take Ukraine but “liberate” the whole of Europe from the Globalisty Tyranny that presently rules it!

    1. Can’t put it better than that comment.
      A buffoon playing at Prime Minister who can’t protect our borders but wants to get into conflict with Russia!

      1. That buffoon is a disgrace to this country and (if he had any self-awareness at all) to himself.

      1. Bearing in mind all the other murders that have happened in Africa in the last 5 decades alone. Mugabe was responsible for at least 20,000.
        And he was worshiped as almost a hero in Africa.

          1. Why can’t the world just leave Africa alone, to its own devices?

            I forgot – minerals – so the Chinese will treat the Africans as slaves, while no doubt encouraging the “WHITEY BAD” mantra.

          2. He was horrible, he ruined his country by selling it of to the Chinese.
            I was there when Wilson was lecturing to Ian Smith on HMS Tiger. It was then a safe respected country without too many problems the people were friendly and most were reasonably well educated, farming was well managed and serving the people well. We traveled extensively from JHB, including Zambia had no problems what so ever.

          3. The people liked Ian Smith he was a decent bloke he didn’t have apartheid it all worked quite well.

      2. Not wishing to make light of the seriousness of what I posted above, it’s almost as if Mother Nature is ensuring through rapes that a sufficient number of new beings are created to replace those murdered?

  25. 341928+ up ticks,

    The fat turk utterences,
    Well, I hesitate to quote Lenin at the Confederation of British Industry, but the coming industrial revolution is green power plus the electrification of the whole country,” he continued.

    What he did not add was the electrification & regarding the politico’s is to be via the peoples reset and a chair, power surges WILL be frequent.

    The dimming bulb means every decent person is a winner.

    1. I suppose that they used alot of steel from a lot of foundries and mills, fired up by a lot of coal?

  26. From the lunchtime Speccie

    In words

    ‘I was a bit hazy as to what I would find at Peppa Pig World but I loved it. Peppa Pig World is very much my kind of place. It has very safe streets, discipline in schools, heavy emphasis on new mass transit systems.’

    – Boris Johnson during a speech at the CBI conference this morning

    ‘Everyone will probably have been vaccinated, recovered or died by the end of this winter.’

    – Germany’s health minister Jens Spahn speaking to reporters in Berlin

    1. Spahn and his scaremongering. The entire German media is full of gloomy headlines like “Intensive care unit doctor says the unvaccinated have very little chance of survival”
      My chances of survival are exactly the same as they were this time last year, you utter liar – better than 99.93%!

    1. What is the pudding?

      I made Spanish white onion and Almond soup for lunch. It also has garlic, saffron and dry sherry in it. Heavy on the sherry. Very tasty.

      1. Sounds delicious but would it be bland without the sherry? Does it add a certain little ‘je ne sais qois’ to the dish?

        1. The Spanish like to throw booze into lots of dishes. I think you could substitute the sherry for white wine.

          If you have neither i would be tempted to add more garlic. Depends if you like it or not.

          1. Garlic does become mild and sweet with gentle cooking. It can add a depth/layer of flavour without the dish tasting garlicky.

            Everyone should have sherry in the cupboard. :@)

        2. I have recipes for Cream of Mushroom and Cream of Chicken soups both of which require sherry. I need to get some sherry.

      2. Oh, get you…..sunshine..

        Of course I didn’t make it!
        I have better things to do than fanny about in the
        It’s Lidl Salted Caramel Sticky Toffee Pudding

        ….the way to a man’s heart….

        1. Excellent. Mind ya teeth !

          The soup is easy, Plum. Throw all the ingredients in a saucepan with chicken stock and simmer for 30 minutes. Then blend.

          1. Too much salt and other muck.

            Soups are the easiest. Pick some flavours/ingredients you like and off you go.

          2. Yeah! WTF is “salted caramel”? Some “fashionable” disgusting Yankee shite? It sounds as appetising as gravy on a plum crumble or custard on roast beef. Utter idiocy.

          3. I just made salted caramel ripple, sugared almond and honeycomb ice cream as a gift for my neighbour. Horses for courses i suppose.

          4. … well to the Right of Mrs Thatcher in fact (swivel-eyed, salivating, loony, Far Right).

            I have sampled and tasted salted caramel on a number of occasions and that is what I based my opinion of its awfulness on.

      1. My sister-in-law always brings me a couple of packet of stroopwafels when she comes to stay and now the Super U supermarket in the local village has them on their shelves.

    1. Instruct Border Farce and the Royal Navy to patrol the Channel from East to West and back again, 24/7, with al kinds of Frigates, Cruisers, Destroyers etc and not to stop to pick up the scum but simply to run them down so that they drown and die – end of problem and bollox to world-wide outcry on the basis of self-inflicted injury.

  27. You cannot preach about going green from the luxury of your private jet. 22 November 2021.

    But powerful people refusing to let go of their private jets is not a theme that is isolated to the screen. The corporate elite’s green preaching is currently being drowned out by the roar of their private jets. Just like the fictional Roy family, billionaire bosses around the world do not appear willing to let this luxury status symbol go.

    That makes a lot of the recent rhetoric feel like hot air. Failing to practice what they preach on global warming, hundreds of wealthy leaders recently flew into Glasgow for the Cop26 climate change conference in private jets and have continued to fly privately since.

    This is mostly about Corporate Executives but its real relevance is to Global Warming. Only the rankest hypocrisy could require the peasants to get on their bikes while the COP26 mob are cruising the stratosphere. This is not only being demanded, but the Elites have made it plain they not only do not intend to change, but in fact extend it. In essence like modern Marie Antoinette’s they intend to gorge themselves while the riff-raff starve. This is the stuff of the Ancien Regime and let it go the same way. It’s time to oil the wheels of the tumbrils!

    1. ‘Afternoon, Minty, Why cannot we – or someone – make public the known fact that CO² is a TRACE gas amounting to (I’m told 0.004%) what amount of atmosphere, together with the percentage of other gases – Oxygen, Nitrogen, Methane (Cow burps) etcetera – and thus totally debunk the whole ‘Climate Emergency Myth’?

      It needs doing and it needs doing now and bugger the world-wide red faces of those caught in the lie.

      How do I, at 77, manage to get a public platform, together with irrefutable evidence, that the whole thing is a fucking, ginormous World-Wide SCAM?

      1. Simple answer is, you don’t. Nobody will listen or pay any attention to you. You are not renowned in any way (except on here, she adds hastily!) and you are not nearly rich or important enough. You self evidently do not have the ear of any of the MSM, you do not know Carrion (BJ doesn’t count), you do not know Bill Gates or George Soros – in fact, you are exactly the same as the rest of us plebs. They don’t mind and we don’t matter.

        Sent in the spirit of commiseration. KBO.

        We need your jokes 👵 Nanny.

        1. Thank you vw, even if it does mean, “That’s you, back in your tin box with the lid firmly slammed shut”

          1. Every night I go to bed telling myself not to read the news on the front page of the DT but just have to read Nottlers’ comments and snippets. I wish I could stop because it seems each day something more awful happens.

            BTW the tin box is very crowded! Good night

    1. Why isn’t this chap in charge of “following the science” for what passes for a government?

  28. By Jonny Tickle

    Pupils in ten villages in the remote Russian region of Yakutia have been told to stay at home and study via distance learning with temperatures outside reaching a frigid -50°C (-58°F), the local administration has announced.
    The villages are located in the Ust-Aldan district, near Yakutia’s largest city, Yakutsk. The region, also called the Sakha Republic, is world-famous for its incredibly low temperatures. It is home to Oymyakon, known as the coldest permanently inhabited settlement on Earth.

    On Monday, the local government told 695 students to stay at home after a temperature of -50°C was recorded in the village of Kylaiy, in the Ust-Aldan district.

    Some pupils are not so lucky, however. The exemption has only been granted to the very youngest children, and some older students are still being forced to attend lessons “depending on the temperature.” The mercury fell to -38°C on Monday in Yakutsk, where classes are going on as usual.

    I’m sure they would love the 1.5C increase that COP26 is trying to stop!

  29. Look at the graphs from Reuters:

    Now that the number of people in South Korea who have had the vaccine has risen substantially the number of deaths has skyrocketed in line.

    Of course anyone who suggests that the PTB are supervising an international programme of genocide by the needle is an extreme right wing, anti-vaxer, fascist, anarchistic, Brexit-favouring conspiracy theorist who does not show people like Squalid Jawdrop enough respect!

    But seriously, is it not time that some governments starting examining the possibility that they are making a terrifying and horrible mistake?

    1. Whether this death rate is a deliberate act via the “vaccine” or a manifestation of what I put up the other day i.e. mass vaccination in a pandemic will drive evolution of the virus leading to increasing infections and hence deaths, is open for debate. Governments, or small influential parts of the leadership, are not listening, nor will they, ever. Whatever holds the many disparate governments together in this tissue of lies may never be known but it has a strong grip at the moment.

      Many governments are not making a mistake, those that have jabbed >50% of their populations have made the greatest mistake of all time. I am incapable of imagining the mindset of the politicians pushing this scheme: they must know what they’re doing isn’t anything to do with the health of their people. The data, re the “vaccinated” now being at serious risk, doesn’t lie but they push on, regardless of the death rate.

      1. I watched the video of the interview with Geert Vanden Bosch yesterday and he’s passionate about the problem of vaccination during the pandemic driving the mutation of the virus and seems to know what the problems are with the vaccines. It’s clear any benefit is very short-lived and the harms are still appearing.

  30. Reading the DM report of Boris Johnson losing his train of thought reminds me of the very apt saying which applies to many of us:

    “I often find my train of thought has left the station without me.”

    In Boris Johnson’s case it is not just a station it is the whole line of stations!

    1. Johnson is going for a plea of insanity when Everything comes out in the wash at the Nuremburg 2 trials. He is setting out his stall now, getting the evidence ready for the defence team.

    1. Say what you like about the French but the French Police shoot to kill when confronted with scum like this.

    2. Let us hope he gets the electric chair powered by low voltage solar panels over a period of a month.

        1. All dem honkies was throwin dem selves at de car, me lud… Jus look at all de damage to me motor.

    1. Not sure what has happened to the Antipodeans – it seems Fascism comes naturally. Mind you …

  31. Russia’s energy giant Gazprom will stop gas supplies to Moldova in 48 hours after Chisinau failed to pay its current gas consumption debt, a spokesman for the company announced on Monday.
    “Today is the scheduled date of payment. Yet, there is no payment,” Gazprom spokesman Sergey Kupriyanov said in a statement, adding that the energy giant is “extremely disappointed” with Moldova’s failure to fulfill its obligations under the recently extended contract.

    The deal was struck in late October following weeks of stalled talks that almost led to an energy crisis in Moldova. Eventually, the contract was extended for five years and the Russian giant started pumping gas to Moldova on November 1.

  32. I am in shock! Husband is watching the Chase (yawn) and he doesn’t believe that the Wombles are real. The Chaser got it wrong- she thought they lived in Hyde Park. What is the world coming to? ;-))

    1. When I was a boy in Bath pupils attending the Technical school and coming in from Wiltshire were called Moonrakers. When I lived in Clapham Common in the seventies kids from Wimbledon were called Wombles.

        1. My mother favoured Moonraker butter in those log shaped packs. There was from memory a caricature on the packaging of men raking at the reflection of the moon in a lake.

          They were according to folklore raking for barrels of contraband brandy or some such liquor hidden in the water but pretending to rake the moon when challenged.

  33. Good evening Nottlers one and all.
    Just popping by briefly.
    I see that another ‘conspiracy theory’ is coming true. First in Australia but which ‘civilised’ country will be next?

    Taken from this afternoon’s email from UNN:
    “I think it is fair to say that things are really starting to heat up around the world. Mainland Europe saw serious rioting over the medical apartheid being introduced and on World Wide Day for Freedom millions assembled around the globe. As I have always said we need to reach a tipping point to put a stop to all of this and sadly we are still a long, long way from this but I think we have turned the corner and our numbers will only grow from hear.
    As you can see above Michael Gunner in The Northern Territory is a WEF stooge, sorry politician, that is completely out of control. He is making Dan Andrews & Jacinda Ardern look measured! The army are now being called in to transport people who have tested positive for ‘Covid19’ and taking them to quarantine camps. This is literally what supposed ‘conspiracy theorists’ had been warning about for decades would happen! ”

    That they are actually taking away people who ‘test positive’, the majority of whom will not be even remotely unwell, is absolutely terrifyingly sinister.

    1. Full on fascism in Oz and parts of Europe, that we would have thought had gone away many years ago, seems to have been lurking only just below the surface.

      1. I wonder which country will be next. As far as I can tell, this is, so far, just in the Northern Territory ….maybe if they get away with such behaviour, it will be extended to the rest of Australia.

        1. Victoria has been in the news more lately – but opposition seems to be gaining strength. Let’s hope they don’t get away with it.

          1. They’ll go on getting away with it unless and until the police and the army say that they won’t enforce the rules any more.

          2. I have a daughter and Grand-daughter in Tasmania and a Grand- daughter and Great Granddaughter in Victoria – what is their future?

            God help us.

      2. Scotland, of course. No one is paying any attention to the fact that vaccination passports are compulsory and the government is looking to extend the scheme *(which works no better than any other government computer lash-up). More restrictions planned for Christmas.
        Oh, when they said that COP26 did not cause a rise in Covid infections, although a visit to a pub can cause an epidemic, did anyone believe them?

    2. Wait until the first reports of detainees dying from their infection start filtering out. Do the camps each have a crematorium?

      1. If a significant proportion of the prisoners are Aboriginal (are we still allowed to use that term or is there a new pc version?), that should prove interesting.

  34. Had a good day out today with my two old schoolfriends – lunch, chat and cup of tea afterwards. The virus and vaxes barely made a mention – it was all nice and normal. Wall to wall sunshine and a beautiful sunset on the way home.

          1. Only once been to Oirland. I was invited by the Irish government to give a lecture on the Trade Descriptions Act. I arrived at the venue to find no one there. The lady who was my minder was very embarrassed – and said that they had forgotten, when fixing the date, that it was the opening day of Dublin Races. So we went and had a drink and I flew back to London!

  35. Funny old world. Yesterday, in The Grimes online, there was an article about illegal migrants. Someone BTL made a sensible comment and asked how many migrants were there in the UK just after the War.

    I replied saying that, in 1950, official figures showed that there were 40,000 non white people living in England.

    “Your comment is in breach of our guidelines…”

  36. HAPPY HOUR………?

    Over to you NoTTlers

    Nigel Farage confirms he is giving ‘serious thought’ to a return to frontline British politics after being approached by ‘several high-ranking donors’ as he accuses Boris Johnson of failing to ‘get a grip’ on migrant Channel crossings

    Mr Farage said the migrant Channel crossings crisis has triggered rethink.

    1. So, (copyright elsewhere) once you become PM you’ll be giving them knighthoods and peerages?

  37. Propaganda in the German media has reached record levels, along with Spahn’s ludicrous and extreme speech about “vaccinated, recovered or dead.”
    approximate translation: Unvaccinated people have a very poor chance of surviving: doctors at the Triage in Saxony – in the next days
    (The headline insinuates that everyone who isn’t vaccinated is going to die!)

    But some people aren’t on message…
    “Intensive care doctors reject mandatory vaccination for doctors and nurses”

          1. It’s a great pity that her family can’t take the life expectancy she lost and reduce the maniacs’ by the the same amount.

      1. Good for her – continue to give them plague because that’s what they peddle.

        Hey, let’s murder the kiddies.

      1. Hmm. Healthcare is better on the whole in Germany. Authoritarian politics a side risk, I suppose.

      1. No but at 5 years of age she can spell Helicopter!

        Oh and on the way home we discussed the three different types of twilight….

        1. Gosh – I remember being asked by my soldier brother to help out by amending military booklets.

          One read: Page 22, line 17 – delete “hicopleter” and insert “helicopter”. That was in 1958. Funny how things stick.

        2. Grandpa Step on the hen says his barge is practically perfect in every way.
          I would like him to get a helicopter so I can do a Mary Poppins impression, because I’m practically perfect in every way too.

      2. No but at 5 years of age she can spell Helicopter!

        Oh and on the way home we discussed the three different types of twilight….

    1. That top one is very like a tiny portion of the hellish new jigsaw – “Autumn trees”..!! The MR likes it…

      1. If when I’m passing next time and I can get closer to the tree I’ll check out the leaf and let you know.

  38. #ShamimaBegum Q: Why can’t I come back to Britain?

    A: Because you haven’t come across the English Channel without papers (and, thus, you’re also missing out on LOTS OF FREE STUFF)

    1. But, but – shirley, if she was able to get to Calais, and get into a dinghy – she’d be welcomed with open arms. Thank God her minders haven’t worked THAT one out.

  39. Early Arctic sea freeze traps 18 ships in ice near Russia. 22 November 2021.

    At least 18 ships are stuck in Arctic sea ice off the coast of Russia after an unexpected early freeze took shipping companies by surprise. Some could be stranded for months as they wait for icebreakers to reach them.

    In recent years warmer weather triggered by climate change has allowed ships to cross parts of Russia’s northern sea route in November without the help of icebreakers. Ship owners had assumed this month would be no different.

    However, ice up to 30cm thick has already formed across most of the Laptev Sea and East Siberian seas, according to the Barents Sea Observer, a Norwegian news site.

    It’s all that Co2. It’s caused a snap freeze!.

  40. That’s me for this cold, bitterly windy, sunless day. Picked the SIX Howgate Wonder apples! Normally we have two full trays… Hard frost in May did for them.

    Just heard from Daughter-ii-Law that she is very poorly – covid confirmed by PC49 Test – and grand-daughter has symptoms, too.

    So London is cancelled. Top shit, eh?

    A demain….

      1. Thanks. I am sure they will. Trouble is, they are terribly law-abiding – clap for the NHS etc etc – follow the science – believe the men in suits who lie to them.

        1. Tell them to take Vit C + zinc and Vit D then treat it like ‘flu with paracetamol. Above all, don’t think they are doomed!

    1. Will you be able to rearrange – or was it for a special event? I hope they will both be well soon. Is d-i-l vaxxed?

      1. January…perhaps. The special event was seeing them – for only the second time since November 2019 – yes, d-i-l is double vaccinated.

        1. So sorry you’ll miss out, Bill. Our daughters bridesmaid for the wedding on Sunday, has just been confirmed as positive! It’s a real b*gger!

          1. Thanks NTN! It’s been 2 years in the wilderness – I guess a missing bridesmaid is no longer a huge deal! I certainly wont miss her, and our elder daughter wont either!

    2. Many apple varieties seem to bear biennially, so you might consider checking the RHS website for causes .

      1. It was the sudden hard frost in May when all the trees were in full blossom. Only the Bramley produced useful quantities of apples.

    1. More to the point, with this type of ‘person’ which is the medal for best Brazilian shave?

  41. Evening, all. I hope the voters do punish the government for their crass incompetence (or lying deceit, depending on how one views it) over immigration, but who will they vote for? I fear that here the plethora of NOTA candidates may well let one of the established parties sneak in. Still, that’s democracy and while it may be flawed, it’s better than the alternatives.

      1. Yes, I know. I look at the main parties’ candidates and I think – no way! Still there are ten others to choose from (although obviously the Rejoin the EU in an area that voted 60:40 to leave is probably not going to be flavour of the month, especially given the way the EU has behaved since). Even my fellow dog walker who is a bit of a lefty and thinks it was probably a mistake to vote to leave accepts, “we’ll never get a good deal now”. I pointed out we didn’t have a good deal before!

        1. 341928+ up ticks,
          Truth be told we never needed a “deal” the deal was the semi return
          grappling hook.

          Total severance was the way to go, three months silence from the United Kingdom then pick up blower to brussels & enquire anyone want to deal.
          The may creature, when she triggered via the nine month delay the tory (ino) intentions were clear the eventual return to the womb ,brussels was started.

    1. I’m hoping for a good independent, but it’s unlikely. Probably NOTA for me, like last time.

      1. Have you got a by election where you live, mola2? Was your MP the chap who “died” in his surgery? (why can’t people call a spade a spade and say he was murdered by an immigrant?)

          1. Ah, that’s assuming they haven’t given themselves “emergency powers” due to Covid and cancelled the next GE 🙁 My MP was Owen Paterson so we go to the polls on 16th December. I think we live in interesting times.

          2. A suitable boy? In what respect? The UKIP candidate is a woman, as is the Reform and I think the Reclaim candidate is, too. At least one of the Independents is also female.

          3. No, he’s given up politics. The Con candidate is a barrister and former army MO who lives in Birmingham. He has a double-barrelled name, the first of which is foreign-sounding. According to the blurb, he’s raised thousands of pounds for the Con party and won a Con award for it. Doesn’t seem to have done much for the little people, though – or if he has, it wasn’t given much prominence. I don’t know how well that will go down with the Salopians. I’ve been here nearly forty years and I’m still considered a furriner! One MP who was supporting his candidature confused North Shropshire with North Staffs, which ruffled a few feathers. The Labour chap is only 26 (and his selection put the previous candidate’s nose out of joint, so much so that he was slagging off his party in the press!). The Lib Dem councillors in Telford have just kicked out an independent from their grouping because he dared to question some of their policies, thus proving once again that they are neither liberal nor democratic. I should not be one jot surprised if the turnout were very low indeed, especially if it’s filthy weather.

        1. The best form of government is a benevolent dictatorship – which is what we had in the United Kingdom from about 1682 (the height of the power of the aristocracy) until Blair dismantled it.

          Whatever “rule by foreign billionaires” is called, that’s what we’ve got now.

        2. 341928+ up ticks,
          After the last near four decades and all the recorded
          proof, to continue to give the lab/lib/con succour via the polling booth cannot come under democracy but
          rank dangerous stupidity.

    2. Once upon a time I would have agreed.
      Now, I see Biden, Johnson, that bint in NZ the cretins across Europe and I begin to wonder whether it really is better than the alternatives.

      1. I hear what you are saying. My own opinion is that it is although the difference is much less than I previously imagined.

        1. Given the choice of all or nothing then democracy is mine.
          But I hope it starts to get its act together again, and very soon!

    3. It’s really quite a freeing feeling when you put NOTA on the ballot. Akin to walking into the supermarket without a mask while all around you are mask wearers.

      1. NOTA doesn’t appear in its own right, but there is a UKIP candidate, some independents, Reform and Reclaim, Rejoin the EU and a Monster Raving Loony Party participant – oh, and a “Party Party” chap who lives in Monaco. I apologise if I’ve missed anybody out, but that’s all I can remember.

          1. There is one of those, but as I’m a member of UKIP, I’ll be putting my cross in the UKIP box.

  42. Just sent to me from a long-time friend:

    Legendary quotes on France

    When that little ponce Macron, standing over the graves of over 50,000 dead young ANZACS, puffs his little chest out belittling Australia’s Prime Minister….who is, for all his diplomatic faults, just taking care of us…have a read of these quotes..

    ‘ France has neither winter nor summer nor morals. Apart from these drawbacks it is a fine country. France has usually been governed by prostitutes.’
    Mark Twain

    ‘I would rather have a German division in front of me than a French one behind me.’
    General George S. Patton

    ‘Going to war without France is like going deer hunting without your accordion.’
    Norman Schwartzkopf

    ‘We can stand here like the French, or we can do something about it.’
    Marge Simpson

    ‘As far as I’m concerned, war always means failure.’
    Jacques Chirac, President of France

    ‘The only time France wants us to go to war is when the German Army is sitting in Paris sipping coffee.’
    Regis Philbin

    ‘You know, the French remind me a little bit of an ageing actress of the 1940s who was still trying to dine out on her looks but doesn’t have the face for it.’
    John McCain, U.S. Senator from Arizona

    ‘The last time the French asked for ‘more proof’ it came marching into Paris under a German flag.’
    David Letterman

    ‘War without France would be like .. World War II.’

    ‘The favourite bumper sticker in Washington D.C. right now is one that says ‘First Iraq , then France .”
    Tom Brokaw

    ‘What do you expect from a culture and a nation that exerted more of its national will fighting against Disney World and Big Macs than the Nazis?’
    Dennis Miller

    ‘It is important to remember that the French have always been there when they needed us.’
    Alan Kent

    ‘They’ve taken their own precautions against al-Qa’ida. To prepare for an attack, each Frenchman is urged to keep duct tape, a white flag, and a three-day supply of mistresses in the house.’
    Argus Hamilton

    Somebody was telling me about the French Army rifle that was being advertised on eBay the other day –the description was, ‘Never shot. Dropped once.”
    Rep. Roy Blunt, MO

    ‘The French will only agree to go to war when we’ve proven we’ve found truffles in Iraq ‘
    Dennis Miller

    ‘Do you know it only took Germany three days to conquer France in WWII? And that’s because it was raining.’
    John Xereas, Manager, DC Improv

    French Ban Fireworks at Euro Disney
    (AP), Paris , March 5, 2003

    The French Government announced today that it is imposing a ban on the use of fireworks at Euro Disney. The decision comes the day after a nightly fireworks display at the park, located just 30 miles outside of Paris , caused the soldiers at a nearby French Army garrison to surrender to a group of Czech tourists.

    1. If Napoleon had left Russia alone, Europe would have been French, and Hitler wouldn’t have existed to make the same mistake.

    2. ‘Marge, look at me. We’ve been separated for a day, and I’m as dirty as a Frenchman.’
      Homer Simpson.

    3. Might be nice if all those Yanks in the quotes acknowleged that ‘their’ Revolution was won for them by the French, contrary to the flood of patriotic propaganda that’s been pumped into them from practically the second the surrender at Yorktown was official.

  43. Just sent to me from a long-time friend:

    Legendary quotes on France

    When that little ponce Macron, standing over the graves of over 50,000 dead young ANZACS, puffs his little chest out belittling Australia’s Prime Minister….who is, for all his diplomatic faults, just taking care of us…have a read of these quotes..

    ‘ France has neither winter nor summer nor morals. Apart from these drawbacks it is a fine country. France has usually been governed by prostitutes.’
    Mark Twain

    ‘I would rather have a German division in front of me than a French one behind me.’
    General George S. Patton

    ‘Going to war without France is like going deer hunting without your accordion.’
    Norman Schwartzkopf

    ‘We can stand here like the French, or we can do something about it.’
    Marge Simpson

    ‘As far as I’m concerned, war always means failure.’
    Jacques Chirac, President of France

    ‘The only time France wants us to go to war is when the German Army is sitting in Paris sipping coffee.’
    Regis Philbin

    ‘You know, the French remind me a little bit of an ageing actress of the 1940s who was still trying to dine out on her looks but doesn’t have the face for it.’
    John McCain, U.S. Senator from Arizona

    ‘The last time the French asked for ‘more proof’ it came marching into Paris under a German flag.’
    David Letterman

    ‘War without France would be like .. World War II.’

    ‘The favourite bumper sticker in Washington D.C. right now is one that says ‘First Iraq , then France .”
    Tom Brokaw

    ‘What do you expect from a culture and a nation that exerted more of its national will fighting against Disney World and Big Macs than the Nazis?’
    Dennis Miller

    ‘It is important to remember that the French have always been there when they needed us.’
    Alan Kent

    ‘They’ve taken their own precautions against al-Qa’ida. To prepare for an attack, each Frenchman is urged to keep duct tape, a white flag, and a three-day supply of mistresses in the house.’
    Argus Hamilton

    Somebody was telling me about the French Army rifle that was being advertised on eBay the other day –the description was, ‘Never shot. Dropped once.”
    Rep. Roy Blunt, MO

    ‘The French will only agree to go to war when we’ve proven we’ve found truffles in Iraq ‘
    Dennis Miller

    ‘Do you know it only took Germany three days to conquer France in WWII? And that’s because it was raining.’
    John Xereas, Manager, DC Improv

    French Ban Fireworks at Euro Disney
    (AP), Paris , March 5, 2003

    The French Government announced today that it is imposing a ban on the use of fireworks at Euro Disney. The decision comes the day after a nightly fireworks display at the park, located just 30 miles outside of Paris , caused the soldiers at a nearby French Army garrison to surrender to a group of Czech tourists.

  44. Merkel’s government says it won’t decide about mandatory vaccinations. This decision will be left to the new coalition government, which is good news for all Europeans, since the incoming government has the FDP as one of its parties, which is traditionally a libertarian party.
    Also, they may want to distance themselves from Merkel.
    Another good thing is that that fool Söder the Minister President of Bavaria is demanding instant mandatory lockdowns for everyone!
    And NOBODY likes him! including in his own party. The local radio station even has a running joke about it, with the ex President saying “Guten morgen liebe Freunde – und Markus” (Good morning, dear friends – and Markus (Söder) )
    So hopefully this will help to tip the balance away from the extremist politics that Spahn was spouting today.

      1. Same here. Not that they care. My mother would be heartbroken, she was from the coast and the Lifeboats were very dear to her heart.

  45. Why I’m considering a return to frontline politics

    The migrant crisis is out of control, and the Prime Minister doesn’t seem to care


    Since March 2020, I have spent a lot of time monitoring the illegal migrant crossings in the English Channel. On repeated occasions I have ventured out to sea to film the dinghies. I have also watched the “official” arrivals into Dover Harbour and found evidence of “unofficial” arrivals by walking the Kent shoreline. By chronicling events in this way, I have been able to make various predictions, including that worse is to come. Indeed, originally I estimated that 20,000 people would arrive on our shores uninvited this year. As we all know, that number has been comfortably breached already and there are more than five weeks to go until 2022 begins.

    At nearly every stage of the last 20 months, I have found the overwhelming majority of newspapers and broadcasters to be reluctant to attach the same level of importance to this issue as I do. I know why. It is because they fear being labelled “racist” by the Twitter mob, even though race has nothing to do with it. Yet as the official number of arrivals for 2021 heads towards 25,000 (we still don’t have the Home Office figures for Tuesday 16 November) it does seem as though something is beginning to change. Reports are circulating that the Prime Minister has become fretful. As well he should. On his watch, the mantra of “taking back control” of our borders has descended into farce.

    The biggest problem Boris Johnson faces is not the sheer impracticality and cost to the public purse of housing, clothing, feeding and giving free healthcare and education to huge numbers of people who have chosen to leave the safety of France to come to this country. Neither is it the daily expense of conducting the Channel operations. Instead, it is the threat to Britain’s national security and the safety of its citizens. Johnson is ultimately responsible for guarding his people. This is the sacred duty of any prime minister. It should override all others. Yet the present occupant of 10 Downing Street seems to have abandoned his post.

    When will Johnson and his Cabinet admit that some of those coming into our country could do us great harm? Just consider what horrors other European states have unearthed. So far in 2021, 4,000 illegal immigrants have crossed into Lithuania from Belarus, a very substantial increase on 2020. Already, the Lithuanian authorities have discovered that 24 of them – all young men – have links to Islamic State or Boko Haram. It’s no wonder Poland is thinking of building a wall to keep such terrorists out, but why is Lithuania so far ahead of Britain in understanding the threat? How is it that the Lithuanian authorities can identify potential terrorists arriving illegally at their border when the UK cannot?

    One possible explanation is that when the immigrants are in the Channel and first catch sight of England, they throw all of their identity documents overboard, allowing them to self-identify on arrival at Dover and therefore to slip through the net. All I know is that our Baltic State friends are discovering that Islamic State fighters are being smuggled into Europe by gangs, just as happened in 2015 in the Mediterranean. Indeed, in May 2015, an adviser to the Libyan government, Abdul Basit Haroun, revealed as much to the BBC.

    When I raised these concerns at the time in the European Parliament with the then President of the European Commission, Jean-Claude Juncker, the Europhiles who were present just stared at the ground. They did not want to know. Just a few months later, in November 2015, Paris was set upon by gunmen and suicide bombers who slaughtered 130 people and wounded hundreds more. Five of the eight men who committed those barbaric acts had entered France in small boats across the Mediterranean Sea.

    Well over 20,000 undocumented males have arrived in Britain already this year and we don’t know anything about any of them. More to the point, it seems that once they set foot in this country, it is rare that deportation is even attempted, even if their claims have been rejected. The Liverpool suicide bomber, Emad Al Swealmeen, is the latest known example. He was yet another failed asylum seeker. He used fake documents to get into Britain in 2014 and was able to run rings around officials for seven years, staying in this country and living off taxpayers. He is the proof that deportation has become a very rare phenomenon. Why? Because Britain has remained attached to the European Convention on Human Rights.

    If this is what the Left calls “diversity”, I can assure them that the vast majority of us don’t want it. On Saturday, I watched 45 young men land on a shingle beach in Kent in one of the new-style dinghies which have been designed for winter conditions. Every one of these men appeared to be of Middle Eastern origin. There wasn’t a woman or a child in sight. Did some of them fight for Isis? The answer is that we will almost certainly never know. None of them had identity documents.

    When will Boris Johnson wake up to the reality of looming disaster? Why is he content to put the rights of people who have no link to this country above the safety of his own people? Who is he trying to please? Politically, he is playing an appalling hand because by refusing to tackle this issue, he is alienating his own natural supporters and the Red Wall voters who lent him their vote in 2019. But more importantly still, in security terms he is putting his own people in jeopardy. He needs to get his head out of the clouds and realise that he is presiding over the systematic importation of people, some of whom hate us and our way of life. I dread to think what the consequences of this could be.

    Over the last few weeks, I have been approached by several high-ranking donors asking me if I am considering getting back into the political arena. My gut instinct is not to do so, but I will have to give it some serious thought.

    1. 341928+ up ticks,

      Evening WS,
      Why I’m considering a return to frontline politics

      The migrant crisis is out of control, and the Prime Minister doesn’t seem to care

      Many will see that as a threat to decency, I take it as
      a covert way of letting the treacherous tubby turk know “nige” is on hand if he needs backup.

      Marching mountain boots back on a mere £25 a pop to accompany him.

      Gerard Batten rhetorically & in book form told of the dangers of islamic ideology decades ago & Tommy
      Robinson was pointing it out also, whats your take on them as of now ?

    1. As a matter of interest: what have the locals done to you to deserve such regular punishment?


  46. Completely and utterly off topic.
    Does anyone else play Solitaire regularly?
    I enjoy the daily challenges but must admit that I get annoyed by what are obviously “bots” competing.

    1. Yes. It’s my go to when I can’t sleep as it’s a silent game I can play without waking up madam.

        1. I’m too thick for that. I might manage a 3×3 grid! I have found a water sorting game. It has adverts in it – I’ve never seen them due to pihole and adguard and adblock plus on my telephone.

          I don’t like flashing, flickering, annoying ticks interrupting me. Maybe I am ‘cheating’ the developers but I wouldn’t buy any of it anyway as I’m a cheapskate.

    2. I play FreeCell Solitaire, ‘cause it isn’t so much about the luck of the draw, in that every game can be won if you can figure it out.

      1. Pyramid is similar, in that one can figure out all the moves.
        My favourite is spider, because it’s entirely logical but random, so there is an element of luck.

        What annoys me is seeing that the top of the leader board complete the whole contest in 45 seconds where one can’t even move the cards of the first game manually in that time.
        I always check the overall standings, when I’ve come 27th in my league but am in the top 10% of the total I know that there are bots in play.

    1. Do you usually use Firefox as your browser?
      I’ve had no end of problems with it and since moving to Chrome, which I don’t particularly like, matters have improved.
      It was so bad that I had to get a computer expert in to sort it out.

      1. I’m surprised at that. I use Firefox for practically all my personal stuff. It’s my main browser.

        The plugins are invaluable.

        1. I’ve used it without any problems for years, and it suddenly went rogue.
          When I stopped using it, the problems vanished.
          I’ll leave it for a few months and hope it sorts itself out. |I was getting regular update notices and I wonder whether my security stuff clashed.

    2. My laptop battery died a week ago. Dealer job to replace. Using phone now, and its not so good.

      1. It wouldn’t start. Advice from dealer is to back up everything before sending the computer in… But it didn’t start, so not possible!

        1. Further advice, Paul, BACKUP daily or at least weekly. Set it up to run automatically. then your dealer has much more than half a chance to restore you back to normal.

          I learned this many moons ago from a site called ‘Ask Leo’

          Here’s a link – other NoTTLers, take note.

  47. Yeah, yeah, of course he was.

    ‘Rapper’ SUV driver, 39, was fleeing a domestic when he ploughed through Waukesha Christmas parade ‘killing five and injuring 48’: Darrell Brooks, who was out on bail for RUNNING OVER mother of his child, is charged with homicide

    How stupid do they think the American public can possibly be?

      1. Console yourself that there is a better than even chance he’ll meet his maker via an injection twenty years from now.

        1. That’s somewhat ironic in that a lot of folk seem to be of the opinion that a series of the current vaccines will be a lot quicker. The problem with that hypothesis is WTF are the remaining 500 million going to do with 7.5 billion bodies….?

          Edited to remove the soup reference!

        2. That’s somewhat ironic in that a lot of folk seem to be of the opinion that a series of the current vaccines will be a lot quicker. The problem with that hypothesis is WTF are the remaining 500 million going to do with 7.5 billion bodies….?

          Edited to remove the soup reference!

        3. That’s somewhat ironic in that a lot of folk seem to be of the opinion that a series of the current vaccines will be a lot quicker. The problem with that hypothesis is WTF are the remaining 500 million going to do with 7.5 billion bodies….?

          Edited to remove the soup reference!

    1. He seems to be the type that is in line to be called a blm martyr.

      Fleeing a domestic? Is that what they call driving round in an angry spiteful mood looking to cause damage.

    1. That’s what happens when an Anti-cyclonic High Pressure system delivers a Polar Maritime air mass to the UK – (S Level Geography 1971)

      1. No, Stephen, that’s what happens when a miniature dick like the Sad Dick goes head to head with the Gods.

        Consider yourself blasted, Dick, and your Commissioner. all little dicks together.

        1. Has Sadick recovered from his funny turn at COP26 when he had to be helped from the stage? Does anybody know if he is up and about yet? Fingers crossed…..

          1. Sorry, Mum, but I, personally, couldn’t be ar5ed about Khan’s health.

            Should he keel over and die, I would probably be the least affected.

            I cannot for 30 minutes, ever consider him as a ‘funny term’.

    1. I once paid for a girl’s shopping. It wasn’t charity though, as I was grumpy and wanted to go home, not stand in a queue.

      When she went off to the cashpoint I asked if I paid I could get on and the checkout person said yes, so I did. It was £40. Hardly going to break *anyone’s* bank.

      1. I’m not so sure, wibbles. I once went to an ATM and the previous customer had left the printout in the machine. It said that the amount in the account was zero and nothing could be withdrawn. I found that quite shocking.

    1. I’m confused. The trannies set out to abuse Rowling and invade her privacy and then received transphobic abuse for doing so?

      Or…. did someone simply say that they were wrong to do that and should behave better and the trans people played the trans card because they’re petulant wasters who want their own way>

    1. No, because playing the race card is a guaranteed way to make the panel really, really, REALLY careful.

      Frankly, he’d be vastly improved by being slapped firmly about the face, told to grow up, stop being rude and to do his job better and that next time it won’t be a slap but a boot.

  48. Mother in law moved into her granny flat today. It’s a two bed place in the village. The tempest that was the war queen has calmed to a blustery gale. Calm has been restored. As has much of the drinks cabinet – but with bailey’s, because it’s £12 a bottle from Tesco.

      1. I’m not sure practically a bottle of gin a day has.

        That and the dumpy room (supposedly a living room) has been little more than a frosty warzone, with the slightest comment met with stinging rebuke devolving into an argument.

        Admittedly, I don’t get on with my mother either but there were days when the wife had to be physically restrained.

        1. It is a warzone here as well.

          Moh can be a bit of a flower more often than not , recently , golf has been going badly as has the soccer team he supports .

        2. I didn’t get on with my mother either. She was very hard work…but then, maybe I am too.

  49. I have been put on the Twitter naughty step for 12 hours. I referred to the ‘government’s fighting-fit male imports’. This is apparently some sort of Twitter hate crime. I am banned for 12 hours from giving the public the benefit of my wisdom.

    1. Should have said that you were rushing down to the coast to welcome the new multi culti refugees, they would have made you a star twit..

    2. How dare you question the state machine! Gimmigration good, you pay for it. Who cares about the murders, rapes, assault, paedophilia, terrorism.

      Let alone any discussion of the cost of housing these illiterate, unskilled, economically useless dross.

      To quote Greata “How dare you!”

    3. No problem, Mum, Twitter is a bumfuck page run to assuage the guilt of the twatterati, who, as such, are not worth twelve seconds of your erudite time.

      Don’t get exercised by their ban – treat it as a plus – you obviously exposed their frailty in some area.

      1. Aye, and you were almost certainly right in what you said – it just upset some pathetic brat sat in their bedroom.

    4. We’ve all been there! I was suspended last year for several months. My crime? Not having a mobile phone for them to send me a text. When I eventually got round to replacing my phone and informed them- it was still months before I got reinstated.

  50. 341928+ up tick,

    The British government has made an “outrageous” decision to end a £500,000 grant intended to support victims of child sexual exploitation at the hands of grooming gangs in Rotherham, a local MP has said.

    Votes are a valued commodity to this coalition kids welfare runs second place.

      1. 341928+ up ticks,
        Evening NtN,
        I will try my best to arrive earlier, I put it down to these dark mornings.

  51. Hello everyone

    It has been a sunny bright very crisp chilly day , and a busy one, re domestic tasks etc ..Bedding dried nicely on the clothes line !

    My spannels had an appointment with their groomer this afternoon , she is a farmer’s wife in a village about 10 miles from here .

    We decided to call in on elderly friend on the way , he lives in another village .

    When we arrived at his bungalow, no answer , but car there , so we had a look through the window , he was asleep in his chair, wrapped up in coat , hat etc .

    So we knocked again and let ourselves in , calling his name , and he reponded .. when we saw him , he looked terrible . Chilled to the bone , TV blasting , and a small portable warm fan heater making a noise and nothing else .

    The house felt really cold , and so did he , chilled to the bone . He had just had a cup of tea, but was wearing a couple of jumpers, his coat and his flat cap .

    He is over 86 years old , fit , ex para and has no problem with bills, but lives in a housing association bungalow .

    The only heating he has are convection heaters on the wall which push out warm air , and have temp adustment and timers .

    The rooms were probably 16c or lower. The timers were out of kilter and set incorrectly, think he had been fddling with them .

    Moh suggested it would be a good idea to raise the temp , and adjust the timers , so old pal said go ahead and do it . Set at 22c and timed .

    Anyhow sorry to be boring , but a few hours later after we had collected a pair of very tidy spaniels .. the older one looked like a teddy bear before his haircut now much leaner and lighter , and the younger one had ears and feathers trimmed.

    So after we had collected the dogs, we called back in to see old pal, and he was delighted that his home felt cosy and warm . At some point tomorrow , I will be purchasing a higher tog duvet for his bed , so at least he will be as snug as a bug in a rug .

    Hey ho , haven’t really had much time to see what is going on politically.

    Here is a thought though , wonder if Boris descends into an Autistic frenzy when the stress is too much , especially at that meeting when he made some strange comments?

    1. You’re a good neighbour, Belle.
      I have bought two pairs of pyjamas to help cope with the chill. Both trousers have stars on them so I call them my Ziggy Stardust pjs.

      1. This week if it gets as cold as predicted, I might be wearing both pairs at the same time;-) As well as my fuzzy socks of course.

    2. Been there – my father found my gran wasn’t putting her heating on because of the cost so he took the bills on.

      It’s wrong, as the most vulnerable are paying for the idiocy and arrogance of the rich green nutters.

      Hungarian goose quilts are thin and light, but very good at keeping the heat in. You can also get thickish pyjama type things you pull over your feet and hands as that’s where you lose most heat from.

      1. I bought myself a goose down mattress topper (to replace the old feather bed that dates from my childhood, when we used the feathers from the chickens we kept and which had ended up in the pot). It’s very cosy (I have a goose down duvet as well). I’ve just stoked the Rayburn because it’s 4 degrees C outside and that means there’ll be a sharp frost again tonight.

        1. I don’t feel the cold that much, but I do worry about damp. I don’t tend to turn the heating on until I feel it, by then it’s 16’c or so inside.

          1. The Rayburn isn’t something I can turn on and off; once it’s lit it stays in until March/April. The oil deals with the warm/cold/warm fluctuations (that can be turned on and off), but once it starts to get into single figures, the oil heating doesn’t keep the house warm enough downstairs.

  52. Enjoying Old Pultney 12 YO.Malt whisky. Its a long while since I drank it but appears better than it used to be.

    1. Give it a bit longer and it’ll be even better.

      I have to admit I like Bailey’s. Never got into beer or wine – although there’s medicinals floating about. It’s one of her hobbies.

    2. Just situation normal for me, enjoying a glass (or 7) of Highland Earl at £14.99 per litre from Aldi – delivered to one’s door for just £4.95 for a dozen. Almost a monthly shipping order. V good with a splash of Highland Spring water.


      Good night, God bless, Johnny.

      1. The Metropole has been a dump for years. Third rate care home someone said.

        The government are now paying the owners £250 per migrant per night when a room for two used to be £80. There will also be several migrants per room so the owners are getting a rack rate of £1000 per night.

        I hope the migrants burn the place to the ground. Preferably while they are all in it.

  53. The position with the illegal immigrants is quite simple. From the start, Patel has friends and accomplices who wish to export any number of illegal immigrants into the UK.

    Priti Patel is more than part of the problem. Priti Patel is the problem.

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