Wednesday 27 July: Rishi Sunak’s ‘mansplaining’ is not what Tory members want to hear from a potential leader

An unofficial place to discuss the Telegraph letters, established when the DT website turned off its comments facility (now reinstated, but we prefer ours),
Intelligent, polite, good-humoured debate is welcome, whether on or off topic. Differing opinions are encouraged, but rudeness or personal attacks on other posters will not be tolerated. Posts which – in the opinion of the moderators – make this a less than cordial environment, are likely to be removed, without prior warning.  Persistent offenders will be banned.

Today’s letters (visible only to DT subscribers) are here.

663 thoughts on “Wednesday 27 July: Rishi Sunak’s ‘mansplaining’ is not what Tory members want to hear from a potential leader

  1. Good morning, everyone – first! (Must go now and wish everyone on Tuesday’s page a good night!) Lol.

    1. I bet it’s millions when you take into account their business arm selling “services” to the public sector. Also, private businesses only buy the pernicious nonsense they are peddling because of (publicly funded) government pressure to do so.

  2. Rishi Sunak’s ‘mansplaining’ is not what Tory members want to hear from a potential leader

    I’m okay with mansplaining as long as it isn’t Lefty economic rubbish

  3. RCOG advises greater support for trans men chest-feeding babies. 27 July 2022.

    Transgender men who choose to “chest-feed” their babies should be offered a greater level of support, a royal college has advised in new draft guidelines.

    The Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists (RCOG) says trans men should be asked about their preferred manner of feeding before their baby is born and those who opt to chest-feed should be offered “chest-feeding support in the same manner as for cis-women”.

    Beyond comment! Beyond saving!

      1. As (IIRC) they are really women, by the normal method of lactation. In any case, the chest does not produce milk in any gender, since it’s a specific organ, the breast, that does that. The chest is the underlying support for the breast. What is the matter with the RCOG?

    1. 354629+ up ticks,

      Morning AS,

      That will be the same support given to pakistani paedophile child victims dished out over a sixteen plus year cover up period in rotherham. then.

      I would think the electoral majority will go for that,
      it will come under the unwritten ” protect the party
      name act”

  4. Mentioned last evening, here is the video of the moment Kate McCann collapses, the camera is on Truss. It sounds bad, was it one of those full length out of control collapses we’ve been seeing lately, especially in sport settings?

    McCann Collapse

    1. Morning Korky. It doesn’t show her! Does she fall over the lectern? I can hear it move!

      1. Sounds to me that McCann and the lectern both went down. The look on Truss’s face and her reaction say a lot.

        Good morning , by the way, and all Nottlers.

        1. Good morning, Korky. Thanks for a wonderfully relaxing day yesterday – and in particular for that wonderful cheese scone recipe. On a par with Elsie’s home-made marmalade and rhubarb crumble.

          1. I’m pleased that you enjoyed yourself. I found the Malbec, both red and white, very relaxing: I nodded off in the evening. Most unlike me!

          2. I did wet the plants that needed it. Multi-talented, that’s me, doze, water, doze, crossword…

      1. 354629+up ticks,

        Morning B3,
        Could it have been a block of frozen bullshit one must ask?

    2. 354629+ up ticks,

      Morning KtK,

      In my book since the referendum the political
      equity card via the lab/lib/con coalition has been
      working overtime.

      The lay down scenes for the treacherous treasa placement were pitiful, on par with moving bannisters in Crossroads is only one example

      Fodder for fools, relying mainly on hope and the party tory (INO) will repent & change.

    3. Morning, KtK.
      There are several cameras involved. It looks as if the footage from the camera focussed on LT is the only film used.
      I suspect respect for McCann’s predicament may have dictated the lack of that particular footage. But yes, I take your point that the omission of Sunak is interesting. Maybe the media wanted to show a hard faced Tory woman being typically uncaring; we’ve had that narrative for forty years.

      1. On that short clip, the meeja message failed. Truss looked shocked…shocked enough to shut up. Her next thought was to move over towards where McCann had fallen

  5. ‘Morning, Peeps.

    SIR – Covid robbed my children, particularly my five-year-old, of critical education, and now I’m paying privately to recover those lost years, as the school just says she’s “behind”, and has no plan to address it. My older children finish high school next year, with a poor education behind them, and again I’m paying to plug gaps.

    I work with businesses fighting hard to survive, dealing with increased regulation, bills and tax, with no support beyond government loan schemes and VAT deferral payment plans that will destroy them as they fail to make repayments.

    I pay into an NHS that fails me. I have a problem with my eye, yet as I’m not critically ill I receive no support, no acknowledgement of a test taken four months ago, and no suggestions for how to fix it. Again, I will have to pay privately to get it sorted.

    I applied to renew my daughters’ passports in May. Two were done quickly, while the third remains in a queue, despite being in with the “escalated” team – a team I can’t speak to, and that hasn’t the basic decency to let me know it’ll be sorted. I booked a holiday last December – the first trip abroad for my family in three years. We fly inside a week. What should I do: waste all the money spent and not go, or leave a daughter behind?

    This country is meant to be a world leader. It’s full of great people, with ideas and passion, yet it can’t give its citizens basic services. This is a disgrace. The NHS, schools and the Civil Service need to change their ways and start delivering for the silent people who pay for it all.

    Mark Parsons

    Bravo, Mark Parsons, this needed saying. Our sub-standard, ban-everything government should take heed if it wants to survive.

    1. “Our sub-standard, ban-everything government should take heed if it wants to survive” – but they either don’t want to change, or can’t change, and so do not deserve to survive.
      This has been a long time coming – we could see something like this was happening when we decided to leave, 25 years ago, and it’s taken it’s time in arriving. The final kick in the pants was Gordon Brown taking money from my pension that meant, to retire at the same age, I would have had to increase payments by nearly 50%, something I couldn’t do.

    2. The fine country bequeathed to us by earlier generations has now disappeared. The NHS was badly thought out from the start, and its demise was baked into its appalling financial structure.
      It’s the classical decline of a democracy once the citizen realise that they can vote themselves the contents of the Treasury.

    3. A BTL poster writes:

      Whipping boy
      1 HR AGO
      I can identify with your anger, frustration and exasperation. The “silent people” have remained so for too long. I have posted several times on the unnecessary closure of schools and the damage that it has wreaked across the nation. Covid did not cause this. Government’s grossly disproportionate response to a moderate virus did that. I found it extraordinary that no plan was put in place to catch up with the lost learning. School days/weeks were not extended and the bloated holiday entitlement remained fixed.
      The massive failings within the NHS have gone untreated, as have so many patients. I was turned away from A&E after arriving by taxi, unable to drive and scarcely able to walk.
      The civil service is a law unto itself and moves at a pace it is comfortable with, without intervention to bring it to heel. Dominic Raab recently commented that the civil service were “doing a fantastic job.” So, no problem there.
      Much of this countrywide malaise, not all, can be traced to an obsession with “working” from home, a scheme that brought predictable, and inevitable consequences.
      Finally, could an urgent message persuade your MP to help with the missing passport and allow your family to enjoy a well deserved break?

  6. Morning, all Y’all.
    See that Disqus can’t manage to count the comments. Sigh…

        1. Driving up to Wetherby Services on Sunday and leave for Moffat Sunday Morning. 352 miles in total.

          1. Good luck with the journey, and the moving-in. Watch out for all the loonies on the road – although, now SWMBO and I are back in Norway, it’s probably much safer now!

  7. SIR – I seriously considered buying an electric vehicle and paid a refundable deposit. However, after a short time spent trying to find suitable charging points on Zap-Map, I developed a severe case of range anxiety and realised that this would be a regular occurrence. I got my money back.

    Graeme Williams
    West Malling, Kent

    SIR – We made the journey from West Sussex to see family in Thurso in 13 hours in our low-emission Volvo, with one stop for fuel and a sandwich.

    Jack Rear (Lifestyle, July 23) concluded that his four-day journey from Land’s End to John O’Groats by EV cost £48.81. He did not include the cost of hotels and meals.

    Anne Earle
    Lytchett Matravers, Dorset

    EVs – just another half-baked control measure from this proscriptive government that isn’t working as intended? Are we now approaching peak-EV as people are waking up to what is going on?

    1. EVs are fine as a city car, but for longer distances… hmm. Case not proven, as they say in Scotland.

  8. SIR – I seriously considered buying an electric vehicle and paid a refundable deposit. However, after a short time spent trying to find suitable charging points on Zap-Map, I developed a severe case of range anxiety and realised that this would be a regular occurrence. I got my money back.

    Graeme Williams
    West Malling, Kent

    SIR – We made the journey from West Sussex to see family in Thurso in 13 hours in our low-emission Volvo, with one stop for fuel and a sandwich.

    Jack Rear (Lifestyle, July 23) concluded that his four-day journey from Land’s End to John O’Groats by EV cost £48.81. He did not include the cost of hotels and meals.

    Anne Earle
    Lytchett Matravers, Dorset

    EVs – just another half-baked control measure from this proscriptive government that isn’t working as intended? Are we now approaching peak-EV as people are waking up to what is going on?

  9. Russia waging gas war with Nord Stream 1 cuts – Zelensky. 27 July 2022

    “The gas blackmail of Europe, which only gets worse every month, is needed by a terrorist state to make the life of every European worse,” said Mr Zelensky in his nightly address.

    He said it was deliberately intended to make it difficult for Europe to prepare for winter, without any care for the poverty people may suffer in the colder months as a result.

    It is the policy of the EU to cut themselves off from this very same gas and by means of sanctions to collapse the Russian Economy. Who are the terrorists here?

    1. ‘Morning, Minty. I suspect that Vlad will not go the whole-hog with his threats to strangle the EU, simply because the massive loss of revenue will be unsustainable.

      1. Morning Hugh. It seems to me to be a race. The EU wants to wean itself off Russian gas but only at its own convenience. Since this is eventually bound to happen anyway it is in Vlad’s interest to make it as painful a process as possible in the hopes that some sense may prevail!

    2. ‘Morning, Minty. I suspect that Vlad will not go the whole-hog with his threats to strangle the EU, simply because the massive loss of revenue will be unsustainable.

  10. SIR – As a former GP, I am not surprised that the NHS is struggling to recruit and retain staff.

    Frontline clinicians are expected to make universal free healthcare work, with little or no protection from the architects of that policy. It was possible with the post-war generation but is no longer viable, especially with patients who think that abuse – verbal and online – and frank intimidation are the way to conduct social interactions.

    And it is not just patients. Successive reorganisations have vastly increased the bureaucratic workload, and as performance assessment and clinical targets are part of this system, they can become a tool for intimidation and often outright bullying. There is also the effect of the pandemic, when our lack of hospital beds left staff facing desperate situations on a daily basis.

    Only radical reform can solve these problems, but it needs to begin in Westminster, where most of these problems originated.

    Chris Nancollas
    Yorkley, Gloucestershire

    Quite right – and, as far as I am aware, still no undertaking from either of the two candidates for leader that wholesale reform of our mostly broken NHS will be undertaken.  Admittedly it’s a huge task but pouring in yet more money isn’t the answer, and in fact previous profligacy with our money appears to be counter-productive.

    1. On the same subject:

      SIR – A consultant’s letter in June requested “my” GP to issue me a prescription. By July, and several phone calls later, the request was still not “on the system”, so no prescription could be issued. Finally, when I went in person, the letter was “found”, and the prescription issued.

      It is not only a lack of GPs – the entire system is falling apart.

      L F Buckland
      Iwerne Minster, Dorset

    2. Good morning, Hugh J. I totally agree with the myriad challenges facing any Government of this country, and the NHS is a major one. But they will need to “prepare the ground” in steps first. In my view those steps need to be: stop illegal immigration, root out woke-ism from the MSM and the Civil Service, cancel HS2, bonfire of the Quangos, stop the Net-Zero nonsense, start fracking, build small Rolls-Royce type nuclear power plants. Then, and only then will the desk be cleared ready to focus 100 percent on a fight to the death with the NHS. (I may have left out a few other necessary steps.)

      EDIT: And pull out of the Ukraine virtue-signalling and stop poking the Russian bear.

        1. What I mean is, fight battles which are small enough to win and big enough to matter. Starting straight away with reforming the NHS is a recipe for disaster.

    3. There has been calls for reform of the NHS since I can remember, and the poor buggers get rolled over so frequently that nobody has a chance to work out how the current organisation can be made to work properly before BOHICA*.
      My opinion is, that the same approach as taken with the railways in the UK should be adopted, that is, total privatisation. Only coupling performance directly to money earned will solve anything; Government can provide some funding via NI (the key word being “insurance”) that can be topped up by the individual who, except in a very few circumstances (children, old people) must be made to pay at the time of receiving the service, to bring home that it is a valuable benefit and not “free”. GPs should charge – it’s not difficult to have a credit card machine in the office – for GP-ing and consumables, and specialist services according to the value of the service.
      In that way, the necessary change will be brought about by private industry; there will be bankruptcies, inevitably, but since the demand won’t be going away any time soon, the redundant medics will be rehired by someone else. Since work hours will be coupled to fees, there will be a great incentive to optimise the work efficiency, so dealing with more patients in a given amount of time and optimising profits. Any proper reform of the NHS will take 5-10 years to properly bed-in as we’re talking change in attitudes here not buying new gadgets, and it will be painful, but it’s absolutely necessary, and the sooner you start, the sooner it will be over.

      For those who don’t remember, in 1998 when we left the UK, slam-door trains were common on SR. These were 1950s stock, and crapped out. A visit ten years later, and the trains were all modern, smooth, airconditioned, and pleasant to ride in. There wasn’t even chewing-gum embedded in the seat cushions!

      * – BOHICA: Bend Over, Here It Comes Again

    4. One of the factors regarding the NHS that is never ever mentioned neither referred to in public is as obvious as a broken leg. Because of inherent and on going political cock ups there are now millions of people entitled to use the free service, but never have, nor are they ever likely to pay or have paid in a single penny towards its upkeep. It’s similar to having a corner shop with no lock on the door and no till.

    5. Morning all.

      I take issue with the “ There is also the effect of the pandemic, when our lack of hospital beds left staff facing desperate situations on a daily basis”. There was no lack of beds, we had the Nightingale hospitals that were hardly used.

      1. What there was was a lack of staff to support the available beds. No point in preparing hundreds of beds which can’t actually be used.
        As is almost always the case with the NHS, the waste was inevitable because the problem had not been thought through.

      2. ‘Morning, VW. I understand your point, but beds cannot exist without the staff to run them. Our local ‘cottage’ hospital only uses around fourteen of its twenty beds because the health authority won’t fully fund the unit, even though a clear need for them has been demonstrated over the past ten years or so.

        I suspect that someone realised rather late in the day that the Nightingales would fail through lack of staff to run them.

  11. SIR – As a former GP, I am not surprised that the NHS is struggling to recruit and retain staff.

    Frontline clinicians are expected to make universal free healthcare work, with little or no protection from the architects of that policy. It was possible with the post-war generation but is no longer viable, especially with patients who think that abuse – verbal and online – and frank intimidation are the way to conduct social interactions.

    And it is not just patients. Successive reorganisations have vastly increased the bureaucratic workload, and as performance assessment and clinical targets are part of this system, they can become a tool for intimidation and often outright bullying. There is also the effect of the pandemic, when our lack of hospital beds left staff facing desperate situations on a daily basis.

    Only radical reform can solve these problems, but it needs to begin in Westminster, where most of these problems originated.

    Chris Nancollas
    Yorkley, Gloucestershire

    Quite right – and, as far as I am aware, still no undertaking from either of the two candidates for leader that wholesale reform of our mostly broken NHS will be undertaken.  Admittedly it’s a huge task but pouring in yet more money isn’t the answer, and in fact previous profligacy with our money appears to be counter-productive.

  12. I was wondering that what happened yesterday at the Leaders Debate was some sort of set up to make Truss look bad, the camera zoomed in on her face and kept Rishi out of it.
    As it happened she handled it well, I note she looked across at someone before going to help.

    1. Good morning, Bob3. Must check the Telegraph to see exactly what happened.

  13. I was wondering that what happened yesterday at the Leaders Debate was some sort of set up to make Truss look bad, the camera zoomed in on her face and kept Rishi out of it.
    As it happened she handled it well, I note she looked across at someone before going to help.

        1. I remember one day in Sweden at -20°, my moustache froze in the 20 yards from taxi to security.

          Further North it was -54°C. Does not compute.

    1. 354629 + up ticks,


      The lemming like actions of the odious coalition majority voter, without doubt, bares this out.

    2. Yet you have to have someone to follow first. Often these people believe they are doing the right thing for the right reason.

      Look at climate change.
      We’re saving the planet. We are forcing people to pay more for gas.
      What if they can’t afford it?
      Then other people should pay more
      What, until no one can afford it?
      Yes, because that’s good for the planet.
      But you’ve killed hundreds of thousands of people.
      We’re saving the planet.

      1. 354629+up ticks,

        Afternoon W,
        Any global warmist to prove credibility must first go to Peking main square an
        YOUR unacceptable input MUST STOP.

        The last thing it will hear on Gods green earth will be BAN…………., no echo.

  14. Good morning all.
    A tad below 10°C, dry with a bright overcast.

    A quick scan through the letters gives one by Bruce White, one of the Black Arrow space launcher team. I wonder if he does Morris Dancing?

    SIR – I note with pleasure that reports (July 23) on measures for UK space operations refer to Black Arrow, Britain’s only previous space programme. In the 1970s, it launched the Prospero satellite which, as far as I know, is still in orbit.

    This wholly British effort was both financially and technically successful – so the government of the day, of course, cancelled it. I hope the current attempts do not suffer the same fate.

    I am the last surviving team leader and was very pleased to have been part of that programme.

    Bruce White

  15. Well, what an exciting evening!

    The “last” instalment of Neighbours turned out to be just one of the last week’s episodes. Susan Kennedy looks exactly the same (just a bit aged) as she always did. Karl is grotesque – with a spamhead. They even brought back Harold Bishop – who, I seem to recall, was ditched for “irregular” behaviour. And I thought the actor who played him had died years back!! Four more episodes to go…. Brilliant!

    Then we caught the last 20 minutes of the ladies foopball. I found it amusing that, unlike the macho men who kiss each other when a goal is scored, the pony-tailed ladees smack their hands together. I saw that they did that kneeling “dive” when they score. In fact they are like the men in many ways, except they don’t seem to spit or cheat as much.

    The best moment for me was the screeching commentatrix – when the Swedish goalie punched the ball into her own net (giving the Engerlish ladies a 4th goal): “She’ll be disappointed about that…”

    1. We watched Doc Martin. We love it, the stories the characters and acting are all brilliant.
      But well done the Wendy’s. It Could have been 6 – 0.

    1. That article took me back to a very unhappy time.

      I have also been refused a personal independence payment from the DWP. Walking any distance is painful. Which cuts out most jobs. They don’t care. When i see the amounts lavished on people who turn up on our beaches it makes me want to scream.

        1. They can’t cope with people who want to work. Those with all the time in the world to play the system do very well. Those without who want to get back into the fight are treated appallingly.

      1. Getting it for my brother was horrific too. The entire state machine is staffed by ‘Computa says no’ morons, unable to think or act outside of a rigid defined process that cannot at any cost permit rational thought.

    2. Great quote:

      “This politicisation of poverty is at the root of the Labour Party. Once born out of a worthy desire to promote genuine social change and fairness, it has broadened its horizons to the point of parody. Once a welcome haven for the down to earth working man who called a spade a spade, over a century it has become a cesspit of insanity, exploiting every good cause and smearing it with the glittering turd of political correctness.”

    3. It is a good article, but it approaches the problem from the wrong end. The solution is not more state, but less government. Lower taxes and markets. If homes are unaffordable, and no one is there to pay the difference, then markets force the price down. The constant meddling and high taxes make everything horrifically expensive – because there’s always a hand out demanding the money be given to them for a supposed lack.

      We’re also overrun with foreigners who cost a fortune and contribute nothing. This demographic is also the least economically productive, with the highest number of children and who cause the most social problems. Labour’s malicious importing of 20m + people simply to create a voting base was sheer, unadulterated evil.

  16. Morning all 😃
    A change for the good today. We’re having our windows replaced on the front elevation.
    Too many of the timber windows have suffered from the sunshine and many of the double glazed units have been comprised and become cloudy with condensation.
    Not my first choice, but UPVC should stop this and I will no longer be required to repaint the frames.

    1. Good morning RE

      We also made the same decision about five years ago , our wooden frames needed constant upkeep and work ..1985 house .. individual designed by a builder who had cash flow probs , we have also got 4 velux windows which are rotting and misty , which we haven’t had replaced yet , and I wish we had . We have lived here nearly 23 years .

      UPVC windows have made a helluva difference during the winter especially.

      Considering I had to keep my foot on the ladder / or hang onto Moh leaning out of the dorrmer windows as he tended to the old windows , the new ones are a sweet relief .. and we asked for windows that have top openings as well as side windows .

      D/G companies can be absolute swine though , and we had a few probs with ours which were eventually sorted, especially the front door !

      1. The company I chose was up until last Christmas run by an ex school friend.
        Mates rates.
        The good thing about these as well is, you can slide them back and lock them making it possible to clean them from the inside.

      1. You can get the unit’s replaced. The beading usually comes out from the inside.

      1. Having been a joiner for a large part of my life Bill I totally agree. My first bench job was making old style sliding sash Windows for a large extension to a London hospital.
        But making Windows out of plastic stops the plastic ending up in the Indian ocean. And I will not have to paint them again. And I don’t think the double glazing will mist up because it won’t be absorbing moisture from the wet timber frames.
        That’s due to the seals being broken because of expansion and contraction. These particular timber Windows are south facing and are in the sun all day. 🤗

        1. ‘Morning Eddy. I know from experience that single-glazed units in timber frames facing south are not a good idea. Not only did they need re-staining every year or so, the movement in the timber soon knackered the seals.

      1. Emigrate – probably to Russia, if only I could get a handle on the language and the Cyrillic Alphabet.

      2. I had considered taking off the opening sashes and fan lights and removing the inner section of the rebates. And installing new 4-22-4 mm qglazed units into plastic liners and fixing a stop on the interior part of the frames. Routing out the fix rebates to match. Then repainting. But with my current state of health and fitness. Plastic replacments won the day.

      1. I’ve been singing this hymn for decades. In fact, every since I actually did this myself. Up to the late 1980s it was de rigueur to “work a beat”, and I did so with considerable success. I would advise motorists, on my patch, for bad parking instead of writing them a ticket: this ensured that they trusted me and welcomed me to their homes for a ‘cuppa’ (they also knew not to test me a second time). I told those on my beat to ring 999 in any emergency but, if they wanted to speak to a copper, to ring the station and ask for a message to be passed to me, their local bobby, and I would attend the next time I was on duty. It was a system and it worked. Everyone knew me, both criminals and the public, and they knew where they stood.

        Interestingly, only yesterday I was shown a photocopy of a local telephone directory from the 1960s, and under the heading “Police” there was a list of the telephone numbers of the homes of police officers! This was from the days when a police officer was expected to be “always on duty”. Such directory listings didn’t exist from the 1970s onward (thankfully) but I still got the odd knock on my door from people who wanted a friendly word of advice from their local bobby.

        Times change, but not always for the better.

        1. There’s a good article in the DT on the New Chief Constable for Manchester. I particularly liked his approach of meeting with all the force’s Sergeants and asking them to acknowledge what he expected of them by signing a declaration and shaking his hand on the deal!

    1. Reminds me of an old sketch – Python? – “and now Richard is going to tell us how to play the flute” “Thanks Sue; well, you blow in this end and move your fingers over the holes”.

  17. I sat, enthralled, last night watching the best football match I’ve seen for years. The skill levels displayed by both teams far exceeded anything I’ve witnessed being played by any overpaid men’s team in recent memory. The tactics and team ethic were outstanding. I also noticed, as an aside, just how “undiverse” the playing squads of both teams were. Those appearing on the pitch for the full 90 minutes of the match were hideously 100% white.

    Now, if the women can do it …

      1. Hideously white. Dear life, the racism. Where are plod arresting her for such behaviour?

    1. Morning Grizzly,

      Moh is a dedicated cricket and football fan , golf and well just about everything .

      We were amazed and delighted with the match last night , didn’t they do well.. The skill level and energy was quite thrilling .

      Male football teams should take note , overpaid , sulky sullen and gobby .

      The female game was so refreshing and very enjoyable . It was a proper sporting occassion and outstanding .. and the supporters were enthralled .

      No negatives , what so ever .

    2. That back kick was epic !

      Why though have most of them not had their roots done?

      1. I don’t watch netball. And you’ll never catch me watching basketball; it is more tedious than lawn tennis.

  18. 354629 +up ticks,

    This does bring on a smile of pity, is this “Content unavailable” when, if needs be. the comment can be read & is just a form of rhetorical masking and just as effective

    1. That’s usually from a coward who has blocked you. You can read what they’ve aid, just not be logged in to do it.

  19. Trade unions “don’t have enough power”, Mick Lynch has said, as rail commuters are bracing for fresh travel chaos today with thousands of workers walk out on strike, crippling services across the country. The general secretary of the RMT union, who are leading today’s industrial action, told Sky News that the lack of power trade unions have is creating an “imbalance” in the work place, resulting in low pay for ordinary workers.

    “The problem in this country is the trade unions don’t have enough power. That’s why so many people are suffering from poor wages and there is such an imbalance in the work place,” he said. “It’s a shame the Tory party is descending into an ultra-right clique at the moment and Liz Truss is seeking to take away human rights and the ability of the democratic right of people to express themselves through industrial action,” he added. “It’s one of the pillars of our democracy.”

    His comments come as tens of thousands of rail workers have walked out today in a dispute over pay and conditions, with four in five train services cancelled nationwide.

    He repeated the charge this morning on Today, calling the Tories ‘extreme right-wing’…

    1. When he calls a strike, take his children and partner hostage. That’ll focus his mind on the realities. The man is vermin. Sack them all – every single one.

      1. How the f•ck can a ‘train’ go on strike? The railway workers may do so, but not a ‘train’.

    2. Shifting the Overton window by calling the Conservatives fascists has worked well for the left for a quarter of a century – why change a winning tactic now?

  20. The truth about trans teaching in schools. 27 July 2022.

    What are children really being told about gender identity?

    At all stages of schooling, teaching about gender is presented as promoting tolerance, diversity and inclusion. But this masks the fact that a highly political agenda is being promoted to a captive audience. Children are being indoctrinated into a one-sided and controversial view of gender when they are too young to challenge what they are hearing and lack the capacity simply to walk away.

    A guide to the utter decadence and moral corruption of the West in general and the UK in particular.

  21. ‘Morning again.

    People of Lewisham, you should go out of your way to vote for this lady! (If it isn’t too late)

    I trust that the morons running London and Quadrant Housing Trust will be found to have acted ultra vires and will face a massive bill for and costs when they lose the case. They deserve nothing less.

    PS Apart from this tinpot organisation, who cares whether it appears on Stonewall’s Equality Index (apart from Stonewall of course)? It is, after all, just another extortion racket.

  22. ‘Morning again.

    People of Lewisham, you should go out of your way to vote for this lady! (If it isn’t too late)

    I trust that the morons running London and Quadrant Housing Trust will be found to have acted ultra vires and will face a massive bill for compensation and costs when they lose the case. They deserve nothing less.

    PS Apart from this tinpot organisation, who cares whether it appears on Stonewall’s Equality Index? It is, after all, just another extortion racket.

  23. I would like to ask the oily one and the thick one these simple questions:

    1 Will you scrap Net zero?
    2 Will you scrap HS2?
    3 Will you ban illegals from landing the moment you become PM?
    4 Will you ensure a person can obtain a passport within two weeks?
    5 Will you ensure a person can obtain a driving licence within two weeks?
    6 Will you impose passport stamps on EU visitors coming to the UK?

    But there appears to be no mechanism for contacting either of these bastards.

      1. I know I know. I’d just like to put it to them and see their eyes flicker…..

        1. Why? You know the answers. You know the drivel they’d come out with. You know they’ve absolutely no intention of doing anything necessary. You know they’re mindless drones who just want the cash and will ultimately screw this country over.

          You know that even if they *did*, by some miracle have any intent of changing policy that either the state would stop them or globalists would. You know they’re greedy, corrupt and pointless. There’s no point voting for either of these two (and I can) nor the party generally.

          I’ll go along, spoil my paper and shove it. Nothing improves because the state doesn’t want it to. If it did we’d impose martial law on Brixton and start shooting criminnals on site. We’d stop giving cash to muslims to breed and change welfare to actually support those who need it, tapering off after a while. We would have more people leaving than coming here. The NHS would be an insurance model – the cash can come from the same place, but only once the op has been performed.

          Paedophiles would be flogged, the Left would be crushed – permanently. The trans nonsense would be rendered a mental illness, not lauded.

          1. The House of Commons and the House of Lords need reforming. Both houses have too many members. particularly the House of Lords. Expenses for MPs are too generous eg the £10000 extra they got for working from home during the Lockdown. The Cabinet is grossly overstocked with MPs getting additional payments for being members of the Cabinet. The politicians refuse to reform there selves. It needs a totally independent enquiry to tackle the matter with a legal outcome compelling the MPs to accept the changes. This enquiry needs to be done promptly. We, the taxpayers, are paying for them, we should have more power over their activities. They are working for us.

    1. No passport stamps for people from those nations sensible enough not to stamp ours.

      1. No welfare for any immigrant whatsoever, and only welfare for their children to the point of the amount they’ve contributed – with them providing that information.

    2. “… These are all very important issues that you raise and come to core core of my campaign. We must continue my drive toward effective public services that are the envy of all, including OUR NHS, our role as a leader on the global stage and growing the economy and we cannot help hard working families if we pursue an aggressive tax cutting regime as presented by Liz. …”

      – Sunak

      “… These are vital issues that must be discussed alongside a comprehensive program of vital change for the country to properly grow the economy in a sustainable and effective way. These go to the core of my campaign: properly funding OUR NHS, a drive toward effective public services for hard working families and ensuring a lead on the global stage if we pursue Rishi’s plan to aggressively cut taxes…”

      – Truss.

    3. They will pass your suggestions on to their civil servants, the real rulers, who will reject them all.

    4. The most important actions required are abandonment of the Paris Climate Accord, removal of payments to the WHO, abandonment of Climate Change bollox, immediate investment in nuclear and fracking, an immediate halt to illegal immigration and repatriation of those here uninvited and illegally.

      After that attendance to the growing problem of unproductive Pakistani Muslim scroungers, rapists and paedophiles.

      1. Add in – to facilitate the removal of criminals – leaving the ECHR and repealing the Human Rights Act in its entirety.

      1. That website refuses to open for me. But thank you.

        I thought there wasn’t a party Chairman just now – BPAPM having sacked Dowden.

  24. Quordle went extremely well for me today.
    Daily Quordle 184
    ⬜⬜⬜⬜🟩 ⬜⬜🟨⬜🟨
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    ⬛⬛⬛⬛⬛ 🟩🟩🟩🟩🟩

    🟨⬜⬜⬜🟨 ⬜🟩⬜⬜⬜
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    🟩🟩🟩🟩🟩 ⬜⬜⬜🟨⬜
    ⬛⬛⬛⬛⬛ 🟩🟩🟩🟩🟩

    1. Daily Quordle 184
      Wordle 403 3/6


    2. Daily Quordle 184
      Wordle 403 3/6


  25. ‘Morning Again All
    Al Beeb
    “2022 Commonwealth Games,first multisport event that will be Carbon Neutral”
    What utter utter bolleux !!
    How many competitors flying in??
    How many private jets for the country leaders??
    What bizarre “Carbon Accounting” have they come up with to justify this nonsense claim??
    A few tens of millions for “Carbon Credits” I imagine,Al Gore will be buying another beach front property……….

  26. Our elder son phoned on Monday. During the conversation he mentioned he had been on a course in Bury St E. the week previous. He had at some point felt tired, lethargic and started coughing. He tested positive for a coronavirus. He said he had been intending to call in to see us on his return home to Swindon. The following evening (yesterday) I received a text message calling itself ‘Track&Trace’ to say I had been in contact with someone who had tested positive for coronavirus and that I was to send off for a testing kit. I received two versions of this message during the course of the late afternoon. I realise this is a scam, as I understand one has to pay for test kits now. I have never downloaded the nhs ‘app’ (I think it has been shelved for now), never had a test. I give my mob number to very few people, selected friends and family and apart from shopping I was not out and about last week. I can only assume that key words and phrases had been picked up during the course of our conversation such as ‘test’; ‘positive’; ‘coronavirus’; ‘call in to see you’ by computer and generated the text message scam. Otherwise it seems too much of a coincidence, this has never happened before.

    Such an exciting life I lead these days….!

          1. Ha, ha, if we had one.

            I’m sure they have trouble getting you out of Tomelilla’s public library at closing time.

          2. Great article on today’s Terriblegraph about mothers in Reading standing up to the Drag Queen Story Hour that Reading Council thought was a good use of Council Tax payers’ money.

      1. I will investigate my phone. I only use it for texts and the very occasional phone call.

      1. I don’t think I have given it to the surgery, vw, and although I am not 100 per cent certain, I am seldom in contact with them. The last contact I had was back in Feb 2021 when I emailed them a photograph of my shingles rash from my iPad.

        I don’t think it came from the nhs, with hindsight I think it was a phishing exercise to lure me into sending off for tests and having to pay for them by giving my bank details as they are, I understand, no longer free. So it would be an excellent wheeze to worry people about ‘covid’ contact to get their details from them. Unfortunately I deleted them straight away, I wish I hadn’t been so impulsive now simply so that I could have looked at the message in closer detail.

  27. Another thing about the ladies foopball – they appeared not to argue with the referee.

      1. I wonder how long it will be before they are all just as bad as each other?

        I was told elsewhere that the Spanish ladies XI were just as sneaky and cynical as their male counterparts.

    1. World Economic Forum Calls To End “Wasteful” Private Jet Ownership.

      And then I woke up!

    1. Thank goodness they wore Hi-Viz otherwise someone might have got hurt …… (ponders deeply)

    1. As opposed to my trying to teach Mongo to fetch a ball. I threw it, he looked at me with that ‘You threw it, you get it, stoopid hoomahn.’ and walked off.

      It was up there with funny things I’ve seen.

      1. Dotty will run after, pick-up and take the ball to the mat – as for dropping it by me, that defeats her 99/100.

        1. Oscar will run after the ball, pick it up and bring it to me, but he won’t let go of it.

  28. As a volunteer at our local library my wife tidies and closes up after her Tuesday shift.
    She brings home free reference copy of the Daily Mail. Great article by Little John re the attitude of the French government and the terrible delays at Dover.
    Shame he didn’t also mention, after all clear on BSE did the French ever pay the fine imposed on them by the EU when they brought in their own ban on British beef ?

          1. That was what I thought too. Mind you, he didn’t. I see no reason to revise my previous opinion that both of them are about as useful as a chocolate teapot.

          2. Yes, he doesn’t exactly come across as a man of action, does he. At least Truss tried to help, after initial uncertain hesitation.

          3. As useful as: an ashtray on a motorbike? a fart in a spacesuit? a chocolate fireguard?

          4. A chocolate tea pot has many uses. It could, for example, hold tea (for a short while) and primarily it can be eaten.

      1. It’s cruel elder abuse and Jill Biden knew he was a dementia case well before the election.

  29. ‘…I’m giving up eating chocolate for a month.

    SORRY! Bad punctuation.

    I’m giving up.

    Eating chocolate for a month.’

    1. I was asked what i was giving up for Lent once. I said ‘Tact. Now shove off.’

      1. There’s a passage in Scoop by Evelyn Waugh where he describes a remote African tribe as having long since been converted to Christianity, so that no self-respecting tribesman would be seen in public eating human flesh during Lent.

      2. There’s a passage in Scoop by Evelyn Waugh where he describes a remote African tribe as having long since been converted to Christianity, so that no self-respecting tribesman would be seen in public eating human flesh during Lent.

  30. The lights are going out across Europe. Spiked. 27 July 2022.

    The EU’s plan for mandatory gas rationing is utterly terrifying.

    It is hard to overstate the madness of all this. This should not be mistaken for a bold or selfless move to sanction Russia for its horrific invasion of Ukraine. The EU had already agreed to cut Russian gas imports by two-thirds back in March, and to ban 90 per cent of oil imports back in May. No, this plan is about slashing Europe’s use of gas, wherever it is from. It is about managing Europeans’ ‘demand’ for energy rather than fixing its supply.

    It’s looking more and more like the End of Days!

    1. Thanks for the warning! I’ll stock up on Pinot to numb the pain and disillusionment.

      1. And, en route to Scotland (where they tax its own national product) I’m stocking up on whisky before I get there.

          1. Precisely, J, why I’m stocking up before crossing the border – there will be much border raiding even after I’m domiciled there. Carlisle is not too far south.

      2. And, en route to Scotland (where they tax its own national product) I’m stocking up on whisky before I get there.

    2. 2013: I buy my cottage in need of renovation, which is heated with one crappy little woodstove, Everyone tells me, “Get gas central heating installed! It’s the cheapest!” Me: “can’t afford it, live near large forest with friendly wood-chopping farmers”
      2022: Me :-)))))))))))))

      1. Glad we’ve got a woodburning stove – I think we’ll be using it quite a lot next winter. We have oil-fired central heating but the oil is getting more and more expensive. No gas here.

        1. Me too J, I’ve now finished logging a couple of tons of logs which I will use in the woodburner and reduce the oil central heating by 50%. The burner will heat the whole of the bungalow if I leave all the internal doors open.

        2. I’ve got a multi-fuel cooker that heats the water and runs the central heating. I’ve just ordered my winter stock of anthracite to be delivered next month.

    3. It is about managing Europeans’ ‘demand’ for energy…

      The EU isn’t capable of managing the proverbial in a brewery, they’d forget the bottle-opener. Can’t help but feel that this is another facet of the multiple scams of covid, net zero, shutting down farming, inflation etc. Being either a politician or a eurocrat could become a very dangerous occupation.

      1. Managing demand, eh? I bet people over forty five from Eastern Europe remember what that was like from the last time round!

    4. It is about managing Europeans’ ‘demand’ for energy…

      The EU isn’t capable of managing the proverbial in a brewery, they’d forget the bottle-opener. Can’t help but feel that this is another facet of the multiple scams of covid, net zero, shutting down farming, inflation etc. Being either a politician or a eurocrat could become a very dangerous occupation.

    5. The people should burn down their reichstags to keep warm. Have a bonfire of the vanities, starting with Berlaymont. The Palace of Westminster does at least have some architectural merit but the EU building has none.

  31. Liz the hypocrite. BREAKING: Liz Truss was so angry that Rishi Sunak increased taxes that
    she voted for those tax increases herself, a total of 15 times.

    1. Of course she did. I doubt any one in the cabinet voted otherwise. It’s always good to take money form the earner to pay for ‘soshul care’. Makes it easy to sell. Much easier than trougher salaries.

      1. It’s the collective responsibility bit. All the parties have it so that there is a party at all.

  32. ‘…The Missus shouted up the stairs this morning,

    “The sun’s finally come out.”

    Buzzing at the news, I thought let’s go to the beach, beer garden, get some rays, etc.,

    So I threw on some shorts and flip flops and shot down the stairs.

    I was rather shocked when I got down to find our lad holding hands with his mate Brian ‘

  33. European gas price rise accelerates as Russia cuts flows. 27 July 2022.

    European gas prices jumped further on Wednesday after Russia followed through on its threat to make further cuts in gas supplies to the region.

    Gas prices rose 12 per cent early on Wednesday and have risen by more than a third this week from already extremely elevated levels as Europe struggles to fill gas storage sites ahead of the winter.

    The European benchmark TTF contract has reached €220 a megawatt hour, leaving it on track to hit a new record closing high, exceeding the previous peak in the immediate wake of Russia’s invasion of Ukraine. The surge has left gas prices at roughly 10 times their level prior to the start of Russia’s squeeze on supplies last year.

    We’ll soon be up to our knees in Muck and Bullets!

    1. Apparently, keeping warm is going to cost us £500 a month according to the DT. Cripes, I hope they are going to provide bigger meters to collect the 50 pees. I sense more than a little trouble ahead and sanctions don’t seem to be exactly working to plan. Better send the Ukes what remains in our armoury…

  34. A question for NoTTLers:

    Is this the only forum on the internet (in the world) in which the members/contributors naturally refuse to believe any of the WEF/globalist bollocks, climate change scam, Covidiocy, or any of the other manifold means being perpetrated to cow/terrify/reduce the population?

    Are we alone in this? Or are there others on our wavelength?

    1. No, there’s lots of folk who ignore it. I’d imagine some 8 billion others also find it a laughable nonsense

      1. I like folks who prepare for an apocalypse or something. They’d be ok, but stuffed once the food and water runs out.

        1. I’ve never taken that stuff seriously, though I would have bought a smallholding if I could have afforded it – until this year. Economic signs are worse than they were in the 1920s and look what followed then.
          I have now ramped up my garden and food/toiletries/medicine stocks. Yes, it could run out etc – but if I’m jobless, or supermarket shelves go empty, at least I’ve got some resources.

      2. On Facebook, UK Lockdown Sceptics and Save Our Righs are pretty good too but there are far fewer posts than there used to be and FB isn’t flagging most of them any more so I have to search. Save Our Rights are usually involved with protest marches in London and elsewhere so I look to them for that info. They’re on Twitter too.

        1. I tend to avoid politics on Facebook and stick to animal things mainly. The UK Lockdown Sceptics seems to have gone very quiet and Fb hides any posts unless you look for them. Oddly, it seems to be hiding a lot of posts from other groups I’m in as well. You see posts from people you’ve recently interacted with and that’s all, unless you look.

          1. I deliberately put contraversial stuff on Ar5ebook as I want them to ban me. Then I know that ALL my account will be deleted.

            My current posts are only visible if you have the patience to scroll way down low.

          2. I see them occasionally but I’ll make a point of looking. Do you ever see mine? They are entirely innocuous.
            A friend of mine, a Royalist, often gets temporary bans for weeks at a time because she tends to engage with ridiculous Americans who know nothing about this country and the RF.

            Any posts that I’ve ever complained about was allowed to stay. They ban nudity or boobs but not animal cruelty.

    2. Try the Daily Sceptic. There are usually some very good comments on the articles. Also most people who read TCW are as sceptical as we are. For the Climate Change bollux try Watts up with That.

      I hadn’t given climate change/ AGW a thought until my elder son gave me some books for Christmas 2009 – which was followed by the coldest January for many years – which convinced me it was all nonsense and I haven’t changed my mind despite all the increased propaganda since then.

  35. The NHS does work at times – I ordered my free LFT kit yesterday at 16.45, it was delivered this morning at 10.30

    1. Are you pregnant? The NHS say they supply LFT tests, “for pregnant people and support partners”. When did I book a seat for this pantomime?

      1. I don’t think so Sue but there again the way we get effed about by this government I wouldn’t be surprised

    1. Just let it rage among the Queer community – that population requires thinning.

      1. When Aids was the latest peril, Mother Teresa opened a hospice in California and there was billing and cooing from all quarters. It turns out she instructed the staff to give the men with Aids as hard a time as possible, to atone for their iniquity.

        1. By many accounts she allegedly wasn’t too kind to children either, on the quiet.

          1. Children in her care and that of her Sisters of Mercy were often mentally defective and left in filth chained to bedsteads.

            The wicked old hag pocketed millions. Along with several other great charlatans in recent history, Obama, Soros, Gates for example, Mother Teresa was one of the greatest frauds ever visited on the world.

      2. Believe it’s not very fatal, Tom. Like Covid. Just let people get it and get over the infection.
        Make a change from using a ribbed condom…

  36. I have just seen in the Mail that police had to protect a drag queen from angry parents in a primary school. Many of the parents were furious that this person was dressed in outrageous clothing and reading to their kids. The photo showed this creature holding up a book and the one word visible is “poo.”
    This would not happen on my watch- no way.
    The moron I took over from in GA once went on morning broadcast and read out a “poem” that was full of fart, burp and etc words. She was summoned to the principal’s office and got the bollocking of a lifetime. The Deputy told me that she could hear every word from her office and the boss had totally wiped the floor with her. A wee bit of embezzlement a couple of weeks later and she was gone- thank gawd.
    How she got the job is a wonder to me- she should not have been working anywhere near children.

    1. I check up on the Twit account of a transwoman fairly frequently for real life reasons, and this person is obsessed with bodily functions of all kinds.
      There is so much wonderful and inspiring children’s literature and art…if you want to read “poo” you can usually find it written on a desk or in the lavatories, written by a 7 year old…

    2. What I don’t understand is why any parent would voluntarily take their child to such a ‘performance’.

      1. One assumes it wasn’t billed in the sort of detail that would allow them to see what was coming.
        Maybe they thought “Alladdin”, “Widow Twankey”. They are both drag.

  37. Wordle 403 4/6


    1. I didn’t get it, today. There seems no way to get the answer after one has failed…so as it’s the first time I’ve failed, I am consumed with curiosity as to what the answer is! :o(

    2. Me too.
      Wordle 403 4/6


      1. Bogey Five for me …

        Wordle 403 5/6

  38. Apologies if this has been posted before.
    According to John O’Looney, multiple NHS trusts are putting out tenders for the transport of dead babies directly from hospitals to crematoria.
    Is this a normal thing, perhaps? Not according the O’Looney – he says that this is normally done via funeral directors and that the number of miscarriages has increased. A sacked gynacologist in Australia reckons that 75% of jabbed pregnant women are miscarrying, and this result ties in with the original Pfizer data.

  39. Have you heard about the jockey who couldn’t find a horse?
    It was a real tale of whoa…

      1. 354629+ up ticks,
        Afternoon TB,

        A white horse walks into a bar, orders a whisky, barman says we have one named after you.
        to which the horse replied, what, Cyril ?

  40. Latest Breaking News – Carrie Johnson tipped to become next secretary general of Nato

    1. Wilfrid will deputise: if school duties get in the way, Larry the cat is the fallback.

    2. Claim refuted:

      Carrie Johnson tipped to become next secretary general of Paperhangers Federation

      1. Was that refuted by FullFact, Snopes or Reuters? Or was it Larry the Cat via his subordinate, Dilyn the Dog?

  41. Large win 11 update this morning on my new laptop and lo, images visible again on posts here. What Win 11 has to do with Disqus etc, I don’t understand. Could be coincidence…

  42. 10 … 9 … 8 … (draw deep breath) … 7 ……
    I have just visited a chum whose husband died suddenly three months ago. She is suffering from one of her frequent urinary infections and it has been decided that it is time matters were looked into rather more deeply than hitherto.
    She has now been waiting 5 weeks for the first letter to see a consultant.
    While I was there, a letter from the NHS arrived. (Please curb your excitement.)
    It was a questionnaire from the NHS – completed questionnaire to be sent to the ONS – asking about her experience of husband’s ‘end of life care’.
    In the caring, joined-up thinking stakes matters get even better. The questionnaire had to be done on-line. This suggests that the recipient possesses a computer; if so, why send her a letter instead of an email?
    Presumably, every NHS trust has an office churning out such vacuous bumph. Meanwhile, back amongst those boring and bothersome ill people ……

    1. Dear heavens .. how insensitive and uncaring of the NHS .

      Who on earth are the people who commission such tripe .. shocking indeed.

      I do hope your chum has her renal problems sorted out soon , must be very unpleasant for her .

    2. Did they know he’s died ‘suddenly’ and so didn’t have ‘end of life care’?

      Shame they can’t get more front line staff instead of wasting money on these pen-pushers. Sorry ‘keyboard bashers’ .

    3. Hi Anne, I am as usual in a Bolshy mood. IIRC around the starter was more than 20 years ago when some Baroness-type quango chairwoman led a review into the use of email communication for patients & the NHS. It concluded that email was intrusive and that patient records were at risk blah blah etc.

      Meanwhile, as a main course the New Labour Govt had wasted several billion pounds on a failed database system for the NHS.

      As a dessert, let’s recall the Royal College making a right pavlova of turning nursing into a degree based career rather than allowing some continuity as a vocation.

      And as a liqueur, may I suggest that many NHS Consultants do not wish their patients to have any chance of irritating them with trivial remarks sent by email.

  43. I’ll make wolf-whistling and cat calling illegal if I become PM, says Liz Truss
    The Tory leadership hopeful unveils plans to create a criminal offence for street harassment as well as a national domestic abuse register

    Oh dear me , does that mean she will ban parrots , my late parrot , in fact all parrots wolf whistle , it is an attention seeking call amongst all their other amazing whistles .

      1. I think the ‘focus groups’ they all use to decide what to say are taking the mick…

    1. Why not just segregate men and women, as some immigrant cultures already do?

    2. Street Harrassment must include all those wokist groups who ‘harrass’ motorists when blocking roads, Fuel Depots,shops, erc

      Also can you be arrested fro Street Harrassment, if you are in an

    3. I once met a Mynah Bird who spoke just like Dick Emery. I visited the house where he lived and a voice said, “Oooh, you are awful.” Looked around but couldn’t see another person and then all was explained. It was really uncanny.

    1. As I said below, I can’t open that. Last week, I could on the MR’s PC – but NOT today – so they are on to her, too!

      Could you possibly post the e-mail address?

          1. I have written to him .. you might scoff, but I had to get things off my chest .

            Dear Ben Elliot.

            What on earth has the Conservative party done to allow such treasonous behaviour to our elected leader Boris .

            I know he has many failings , but he was a natural happy leader , a strong man .. and a good voice for commonsense .

            What on earth were the fellow members of his Cabinet thinking .. they were media led , weren’t they and they gave in to the appalling BBC who are leftie trolls .

            We cannot bear the thought of Truss or Sunak in charge of the country . Please please don’t allow this to happen . We voted for Boris and no one else . Boris was led astray by his ghastly new wife , and we didn’t vote for her and her pillow talk green nonsense.

            Boris needed guidance , remember “Just Minister “.. if Cummings hadn’t been the idiot he was , he could have guided Boris properly instead of falling out with him .

            Sorry to sound emotional , but many many True Conservatives feel that Sunak is a monster in disguise .. and Truss is just a kind sweet well mannered woman with no strength of political conviction .

            WHAT ABOUT BANNING NET ZERO which has terrified us all . Go back to the basics , look after our economy and guard our borders and instill a few proper old fashioned Tory principles .

            Look I am 75 years old , and I have followed politics keenly ever since I was 16 years old . Many others feel the same as I do, but I guess we have reached the age limit now where we don’t matter .

            I hope to receive a response of some sort from you or your office

            Yours etc

          1. They are wary of solicitors and your expertise is, obviously, still widely revered. They don’t want questions from someone who knows what they’re talking about.

    2. Forbidden access.

      The Chairman, Andrew Stephenson, comes from a normal background in the North East & North West. First in his family to get a degree at University. Looks like a hard working and conscientious constituency MP.

    1. Wow! A 2-8-0 Stanier designed L.M.S. taper boiler design 8F, introduced in 1935 and one of a total of 665 that were built. Its weight was 72 tons 2 cwt; driving wheel diameter of 4′-8½”; boiler pressure of 225 lb/in²; tractive effort of 32,440 lb; cylinders (0) 18½” x 28″; and valve gear by Waschaerts (piston valves).

      I’m not really a steam loco nerd: I just looked all that useless crap up in an Ian Allan ABC British Railways Locomotives, Combined Volume, Winter 1962/63 Edition. 🤣

      1. Grizz:
        I KNEW you weren’t a Railway nerd as soon as I saw you spell Walschaerts without the ‘l’. One of my first birthday books (aged about 10) was ‘The World’s Railways and How They Work’. I still have it somewhere. And no – I never went train spotting.

        1. Bugger, and I had the damn word right in front of me and I copied it out wrongly. Damn!
          Actually I do know Walschaerts valve gear, just as I know the difference between a Gresley and a Stanier and a Peppercorn. I also know where Stoke Bank is! 😉

          1. The important thing is that this is a reminder of the days when our railways were self-propelled and did not require electric power imported from the Continent. One of the reasons we survived German bombing.

      2. Oh dear, what a funny mentality to almost have an orgasm over a chuffa-train. Having worked with SJ (Statens Jarnvegen) Swedish Railways, I soon lost any interest in the rolling-stock. It was all about how to convince the staff to report any problems and get them resolved.

  44. Well, I am sent an e-mail to the alleged chairman of the Con Party – asking him to ask the thick one and the dodgy one to answer my simple questions just “Yes” or “No”…

    I am not holding my breath.

    1. Did you see my letter Bill.

      No one listens ..and that Ben fellow sounds dubious .

      Keir Starmer has called on the Conservatives to sack their co-chair, Ben Elliot, for being “at the heart” of links between the party and Russian money.

      The Labour leader said Elliot should step back from his role or be removed after revelations about his firm’s Russian business and the Tories accepting donations from wealthy Russians or companies linked to Russia.

      Elliot has been chair of the party while it has taken donations from Lubov Chernukhin, the wife of Vladimir Putin’s former finance minister, and Aquind, a company co-owned by the billionaire Viktor Fedotov.

      Neither is subject to any sanctions and the Conservatives have previously said in relation to Chernukhin and Aquind that all donations were “properly and transparently” declared in line with electoral law. Chernukhin, who has British citizenship, has condemned the invasion of Ukraine and called Putin’s regime “despotic”.

      Elliot is also co-owner of Quintessentially, a “concierge” service for the super-wealthy that has counted many Russians among its clients, including reportedly Roman Abramovich, the Chelsea owner who has also faced calls from Starmer for UK sanctions to be imposed on him.

      Quintessentially this week deleted a webpage detailing its presence in Russia, with about 50 staff in the country.

      An archived page version said: “Quintessentially Russia has nearly 15 years’ experience providing luxury lifestyle management services to Russia’s elite and corporate members. Our office employs over 50 lifestyle managers, each of whom has completed a specialised training programme. They work around the clock 365 days per year to provide personal concierge services to each member. From restaurant bookings to backstage concert access, a bespoke luxury lifestyle is at our clients’ fingertips.”

      A spokesperson for Quintessentially said the group “completely condemns President Putin’s invasion of Ukraine” and was monitoring its member base to ensure it was not servicing any individual or corporate body on sanctions lists, confirming that there were none so far.

    1. We need to form a coalition (army?) of like-minded proper-thinkers to combat all the Left-wing globalist crud that is taking over the world.
      United we stand: Untied we fall.

      1. I think about 12% of the population is somewhat aware of what’s going on at any one time. That seems to be about the maximum that any alternative political party can get in any European country.
        Having said that, I was supporting UKIP in about 2015; boy were my eyes opened when covid came along. I knew nothing back in 2015!

  45. Am cross, crabby and close to exploding.
    We decided to check out the big Tesco nearby which we haven’t been to before. MH somewhat underestimated the walk from the bus hub to the store- I can’t do long walks too much anymore. Anyway, set off bravely. Then I had an altercation with a bloody cyclist. He whizzed past and nearly knocked me flying. At the crossing I yelled at him. You don’t own the bloody pavement, I bellowed, although I didn’t say bloody- something a little stronger. He said he hadn’t come anywhere near me; you nearly knocked me flying was my response. Lights went green so off he went, oblivious to anyone around him.
    Got into the store and there was a small child screaming and I mean screaming. His mother finally grabbed him and removed him.
    The store was a nightmare- first and last visit.
    I hate to be so grumpy but why is everything so horrible these days? There is no consideration for others anywhere.

      1. I have been in a Waitrose- it’s the same. They are all supermarkets however posh they claim they are.

        1. Just with smugger people with their “bags for life” and their tofu sandwiches and oat milk……

          I am with you, LotL…

    1. I nearly wiped out a jogger on the way to the stables; he came out of a side turning, never looked and ran across the road just in front of me. I had to brake or I would have been scraping him off the bonnet. I was not best please.

  46. At last. AT LAST, we have a leadership candidate who has her priorities spot on.

    To hell with the economy, foreign policy, illegal immigration, a slammer take over by stealth, taxation…etc etc…

    Bang up the whistlers.

      1. I’ll have you know that, since 1977, I have trained all the family cats to come back home when I whistle.

        It is an extremely effective way of calling them.

        Don’t mock it (or me…)

        1. It’s how I get HG’s attention in a crowded shop.
          It’s worked since before we married.
          If done at the right pitch, and is very short, nobody else even notices.

          But, which bit of my original comment is incorrect?

  47. That’s me for today. A nice 2 mile walk after lunch. Everything tinder dry. Cooler, though, which is something.

    Have a jolly evening

    A demain.

    1. It’s been grey and dull here today – and that’s just the weather……… I did clean the windows in the conservatory, though.

    1. That is awful. Shame it wasn’t more than the swine’s ankle. Poor donkey, or is it a mule?

    1. These numbers are based on reported arrivals so they could be a lot higher
      Could be? COULD BE??
      Of course they are.

      1. You bet your bippiy they are a lot, lot higher – time for a major clear-out. Call it Kristalnacht if you must, but let’s get rid of the canker in our midst.

        1. It’s too late.
          The Woke think that the likes of Nottlers are the canker in their midst, and are doing everything they can to excise us!

    2. It’s not the fact that they are black, it’s that they are losers. Women would have to be really desperate to have a baby with some guy who came over in a dinghy. African women in the UK won’t be interested either, I’ll bet.

    1. I was wondering how long it would be before one of his supporters played the race card.

      If hi risk anus had any sense he would be slapping that comment down very, very hard.

      I very much doubt that he will.

    2. Yep, we be racist – we care more about our own than any damn invader.

      Where do YOU stand?

      1. Britain has always accepted immigrants, whether they be refugees or otherwise. Previous waves of immigrants have been relatively small in number and have been assimilated into the existing population e.g. Huguenots. They have made a contribution to this country. It would seem that the huge influx of immigrants from especially Pakistan and Bangladesh has been more of a drain on the economy of this country, with many of their number relying on (indeed counting on) benefits to live. Their ‘culture’ (and religion) is at odds with the British way of life.

        Controlled immigration is acceptable. Uncontrolled immigration is not.

        1. And if you think the existing group is a drain; well, you ain’t seen nuthin’ yet!

        2. …and those immigrants have ALL willingly integrated. The current ideology, maintains that WE must integrate to their nonsensensical values. Fcuk ’em. I’m English and will forever be so.

          1. Those immigrants had a culture that was not to dissimilar to that of ours, so integration happened naturally. There is no way Pakistani and Bangladeshi will ever integrate. And I will NEVER integrate with their culture, that is nonsensical in the extreme.

          2. You flirt, you!

            Seriously, I hope your move oop north, or even further north than ‘oop north’ goes well on Sunday, Tom (if I may, I may as well join The Gang). I had hoped things had settled down chez NTN as you had not said anything for a wee while about your departure. Still, the further north you go the warmer the hearts and beautiful countryside – and another chapter for your book. My very best wishes for your future – God bless.

          3. Thank you, Mum, a little ray of light in today’s gloom. I hope I can get over it, but I fear for my (very short) future.

          4. Ah no, you have many more years yet, we unvaxxed have to keep on keeping on.

        3. 354629+ up ticks,

          Evening A,

          The genuine UKIP was the only party that called on a regular basis for controlled immigration.

      1. 354629+up ticks,

        Evening B3,

        There is many more odious issues arriving daily at Dover / Dungeness.

    1. 354629+ up ticks,

      Evening TB,

      “We should be ashamed we stood an let them”,

      no , far worse than that, they were aided & abetted every inch of the way check the voting pattern.

      1. Love VW and that piece. Steyn is well worth a listen…backing up all that most of us here suspect.
        God, I hope that guy has security….

          1. Hugh, Pugh, Barney Mcgrew, Cuthbert, Dibble and the other one??? Ah, yes, Grub.

        1. I think it is the stress of that which we are all going through, and have gone through, LotL It is exhausting, and wears us out. I cannot get through the day now without an afternoon nap, even if only for 10-20 mins. It seems as though everything has to shut down for me to re-function. And it’s not just a doze, even if it’s only 10 minutes I am completely out of it as if I have been anaesthetised.

          1. Sending hugs. The weather is getting to me a bit at the moment (headaches and fatigue – I’m horribly oversensitive to it) – could that be adding to the stress?

          2. Thank you, atd! Yes, I feel that the weather is a contributory factor in how one feels, low pressure, all-over cloud and the corresponding lack of light make make one feel heavy and lethargic, with thoughts to match. And with headaches… I am weather-responsive too.

    1. I believe that when Reagan was elected President he used to enjoy riding out and they had to search long and hard to find secret service personnel who were sufficiently competent on horseback to act as the security detail.
      A Putin before Vlad was a lad!

      1. Reagan took great delight with riding out with Her Majesty when he visited here.

  48. Just as back up- no way am I comparing my after effects from the AZ jabs with what Steyn was highlighting tonight. Some people have had totally awful effects and too many have died or been seriously damaged.
    My issue has been the red spots which I thought had gone… another one has appeared tonight on my right arm. At least it’s only one at a time now instead of clumps of the bloody things.
    I mentioned earlier that I can’t do a long walk any more; me a formally strong swimmer! I do have a slightly arthritic knee but it’s my swollen feet and ankles which began after those damn jabs.
    My husband has a blocked stent and there seems to be great reluctance to pursue it. Mention any of this in any doctors’ office and they clam up.
    Whatever those bastards pumped into our veins has poisoned us!

    1. From

      “The internal documents show that Pfizer (and thus the FDA) knew that
      angry red welts or hives were a common reaction to the PEG, a
      petroleum-derived allergen in the vaccine ingredients — one that you are
      certainly not supposed to ingest. Indeed, PEG is an allergen so severe
      that many people can go into anaphylactic shock if they are exposed to
      it. But people with a PEG allergy were not warned away from the vaccines
      or even carefully watched by their doctors, EpiPen in hand. They were
      left to their shock.”

    2. Ah, sorry, Lottie. The inability of most doctors to see further than “safe and effective” must be very frustrating for you.

  49. Looks like we’re due a bit of rain overnight, but that’s me off to bed before I fall asleep here.
    Good night all.

  50. Evening, all. What the heck is “mansplaining”? Meanwhile, in the real world, the Connemara managed Elementary 57. He has come so far!

    1. I know nothing of either mansplaing or Elementary 57. I sincerely doubt if one affects the other.

      Good evening, Connors.

      1. Elementary 57 is of far more benefit than mansplaining 🙂 It demonstrates control, balance and agility 🙂

    2. Well done, Conners, in achieving Elementary 57.

      However, I do think that your partner – the Connemara – should be recognised by name!

        1. I missed that – might you kindly repost it? Congratulations to both of you – a solid achievement.

  51. 354629+ up ticks,

    Dutch Farmers Block Highways with Manure and Burning Hay to Protest Globalist Climate Agenda

    That’s the way to do it, returned in kind, smoke and bullshit.

    Dutch Farmers Block Highways with Manure and Burning Hay to Protest Globalist Climate Agenda

  52. Goodnight and God bless GentleNoTTlers… we shall meet again in the morning’s light. Hugs to you all.

  53. Perhaps wishy, washy, Rishi Sunak should withdraw from the contest?

    Professor Patrick Minford’s intervention is catastrophic.

    Perhaps other contenders should be reinstated; any suggestions?


    Or Boris?

    IMHO, the whole thing is about to become more interesting ….

    1. Have you had any more news from Plum, Lacoste? She’s been absent for a couple of weeks now. I hope she’s recovering.

      1. No.
        I have tried by email: no replies.
        I have tried several times by mobile:

        “your number is not recognised”.

        I am worried – but have no other way of contacting Plum …

        1. I feel very concerned for her as well .

          Herts Lass visited Plum a few years ago when she and David visited Cornwall.

          She will have Plums address .

  54. Morning all 😃
    After another exhausting day I went to bed at 21:00.
    A Good win by the German fraulein’s.
    A lot of dive versity from the French. Our girls would have thrashed them.
    It’ll be a pretty evenly matched final.

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