Friday 25 November: The SNP’s drive for independence is bad for Scottish health and wealth

An unofficial place to discuss the Telegraph letters, established when the DT website turned off its comments facility (now reinstated, but we prefer ours),
Intelligent, polite, good-humoured debate is welcome, whether on or off topic. Differing opinions are encouraged, but rudeness or personal attacks on other posters will not be tolerated. Posts which – in the opinion of the moderators – make this a less than cordial environment, are likely to be removed, without prior warning.  Persistent offenders will be banned.

Today’s letters (visible only to DT subscribers) are here.

773 thoughts on “Friday 25 November: The SNP’s drive for independence is bad for Scottish health and wealth

  1. Good morning all. A dry but cold start today, but then again, what do I expect for this time of year? A mere ½°C indicated on the yard thermometer.

    30 Days to Christmas and a mere 37 days to the New Year. Where has the time gone to?

    1. ‘Morning Bob! It’s our younger daughter and husbands first wedding anniversary on Monday! Seems like yesterday!

          1. Not many people get married on a Sunday. My parents did – Easter Sunday (because you couldn’t get married in Lent).

          2. My father died in Greece during Lent and there was quite a delay in getting him buried! The papas was not at all keen until my darling BiL Vaggelis said he’d be attending a different church in future!

    2. Time hath, my lord, a wallet at his back,
      Wherein he puts alms for oblivion.

      Time’s wingéd chariot will catch us all in due course.

    3. Look on the bright side, BoB. In just 4 weeks’ time the daylight hours will start to get longer. (I was going to say “days” instead of “daylight hours”, but that pesky Grizzly would just correct me and say that all days in the year are the same length – 24 hours.)

  2. Good morrow, Gentlefolk. Today you get two for the price of one:

    Brief Encounters

    There was a knock on the door this morning.

    I opened it to find a young man standing there who said: “Hello sir, I’m a Jehovah’s Witness.”

    I said: “Come in and sit down.”

    I offered him coffee and asked: “What do you want to talk about?”

    He said: “Buggered if I know – I’ve never got this far before.


    I was standing in a bar in Norwich, minding my own business when this little Chinese guy comes in and stands next to me.

    I turned and said to him, “Do you know any of those martial arts things, like Kung-Fu, Karate or Ju-Jitsu?”

    He says, belligerently, “No, why the f–k you ask me? Becoz I Chinee?”

    “No,” I said to him, “It’s because you’re drinking my beer, you little shit.

  3. Labour will show ‘zero tolerance’ to violence against women, says Starmer

    Keir Starmer has pledged to take a “zero-tolerance approach” to violence against women and girls as fresh statistics reveal that almost 97% of sexual offences are failing to result in charges.

    He said his Labour government will roll out tougher sentences for rape, stalking and domestic murder, and introduce a domestic abuse register to make it easier for officials to track offenders.

    He’s figured out what women are then? On a more mundane note what is the purpose of tougher sentences in a Criminal Justice System that no longer works?

    1. Stalking is ok then if you are an “official”. Probably just as easy for a villain to identify as an official as it does to identify as a woman, or a child.

    2. 368361+ up ticks,

      Morning AS,

      To the victors the spoils seemingly,how about the children when we bring the Jay report to mind ? the criminally insane element within the electorate really MUST put peoples / children welfare way before the parties welfare.

  4. 368361+ up ticks,

    Morning Each,

    Friday 25 November: The SNP’s drive for independence is bad for Scottish health and wealth

    Truth be told the very same can be said for the English nation, loud and clear.

  5. Here is some correspondence with the service depot for my defunct 10-year-old sound recorder that died on me a few weeks ago. Anyone care to do a Turing Test and ascertain which of us, if any, is human. Heathrow’s facial recognition system certainly does not consider me so.


    Jeremy Morfey
    Nov 4, 2022, 20:47 GMT+2

    I have a ten year old H2n that has given many years service. It has now died. No response to on switch with batteries in and also when connected through the USB power lead. There was no warning or erratic behaviour beforehand.
    Any ideas?

    Best regards
Jeremy Morfey

    Studio Service Team (Sound Service)
    Nov 4, 2022, 18:47 GMT+2

and many thanks for the request.
    We have created a ticket in our support system. It has the number: 36830.
    To solve the problem we will contact you as soon as possible.

    Thanks a lot and all the best.
Sound Service Support

    Studio Service Team (Sound Service)
    Nov 4, 2022, 18:47 GMT+2

    A ticket (#36830) by Jeremy Morfey (1) has been received. It is unassigned.

    Studio Service Team (Sound Service)
    Nov 21, 2022, 18:17 GMT+2

    and thanks for reaching out to us.
    Let me try to help get this all sorted out.

    there can be so a lot of faulty things thats no way to make it clear and sure from the far.
    What we can do is , sent the Unit to us and we will see here at our repair department what exactly happend.

    I hope this helps to clear things up, though of course if you have any other questions or concerns we might be able to help address, please don’t hesitate to let us know.

    Best regards.
    Studio Service Team
    Sound Service Support

    Jeremy Morfey
    Nov 22, 2022, 16:10 GMT+2

    I have packed the unit ready to send out to your address in Swallowfield, Reading tomorrow.

    I look forward to hearing from you soon.

    Best regards
    Jeremy Morfey

    Jeremy Morfey
    Nov 23, 2022, 18:57 GMT+2

    I posted it off today, but the postmen are on strike, so it might take a while. Please let me know when it has come. They reckon about a fortnight.

    Best regards
    Jeremy Morfey

    Studio Service Team (Sound Service)
    Nov 24, 2022, 09:38 GMT+2

    and thanks for reaching out to us.
    Let me try to help get this all sorted out.

    If you sent your Unit to a Company in Swallowfield , than it makes sence that your mail directly to this company . Your Mailing now runs via a Zendesk System in Germany.

    I hope this helps to clear things up, though of course if you have any other questions or concerns we might be able to help address, please don’t hesitate to let us know.

    Best regards.
    Studio Service Team
    Sound Service Support

    Jeremy Morfey
    Nov 24, 2022, 12:01 GMT+2

    I am confused by your last email.

    First off, am I communicating with a human being, rather than a response bot?

    I am alarmed that you refer to your UK service depot as “a Company”.

    Secondly, your website gives your UK depot as being in Swallowfields, Reading, not in Germany. This is the address relating to Studio Service Team (Souhd Service), which are the agents for Zoom, the manufacturers of the unit. I presumed Zendesk is a software company, not a service agent employed as UK agents.

    Would you please send me the correct contact details, and an explanation why I was instructed to send my unit to your UK agent on 21st November.

    Best regards
    Jeremy Morfey

    Studio Service Team (Sound Service)
    Nov 24, 2022, 16:08 GMT+2

    and thanks for reaching out to us.
    Let me try to help get this all sorted

    It makes more sence that you wrote directly to the Company wich will handle your case than wrote above the Zendesk.
    Here the Email adress for contact (stands by the shipping adress, either)

    I hope this helps to clear things up, though of course if you have any other questions or concerns we might be able to help address, please don’t hesitate to let us know.

    Best regards.
    Studio Service Team
    Sound Service Support

    Jeremy Morfey
    Nov 24, 2022, 21:01 GMT+2

    Drowning people on a sinking ship reach out; I prefer myself to grab a floating bit of debris and an oar!

    i telephoned your depot in Reading, and they said that there is a Zoom service depot in Germany, but it is a nightmare getting anything done there. They subcontract work to Sheffield, which charges a minimum of £90 for a repair diagnosis. Since a Zoom H2n costs £130 new, this price is hardly cost-effective, even if a repair were possible.

    I have asked the Reading depot to return the non-functioning unit to me as soon as it arrived, and I will try to repair it locally, depending if the failure was pre-programmed or genuinely broken. It seems that it is a power supply problem, so the first place to look is the power input, especially the power-on switch.

    Recent reviews on Amazon suggests that Chinese manufacturing quality standards have deteriorated over the last ten years, and few machines now made in China are reliable. Therefore with most things, an older unit is better, but not if it fails. I pity the young!

    “Zendesk” is an unfortunate name for a service depot, since it sounds like a software company writing customer service bots, and is not qualified to repair anything. If this is the case, then I would be interested to see if its system is programmed to handle this email, or whether I simply get another standard automated response. AI is steadily improving, and the Turing Test becomes more and more forensic. It is further confused by people acting more like computers, as I find with my own Member of Parliament, a bear of very little brain. I wonder sometimes what it is to be human, or whether we are all machines that are either in order or out of order. Of course future AI systems should be able to handle deep philosophy and may even one day repair sound recorders!

    Best regards
    Jeremy Morfey

    Studio Service Team (Sound Service)
    Nov 24, 2022, 21:21 GMT+2

and many thanks for the request.
    We have created a ticket in our support system. It has the number: 37179.
    To solve the problem we will contact you as soon as possible.
    Thanks a lot and all the best.

    Sound Service Support
    This email is a service from Sound Service. Delivered by Zendesk

    Studio Service Team (Sound Service)
    Nov 24, 2022, 21:21 GMT+2

    A ticket (#37179) by Jeremy Morfey has been received. It is unassigned.
    This email is a service from Sound Service. Delivered by Zendesk

    1. Jeremy, if I were you I would not waste my time, effort and money (postage and parcel costs) on this sound recorder. Invest in a new one.

    1. Well, at least they’ll end up with an impressive pilot – passenger ratio i.e, 1:1 because there’ll always be one fool that buys a ticket.

    2. They’ll likely reduce that over time too. I can just hear the announcement “Any passengers available to fly this plane?”

    3. Workloads, particularly in emergency situations, can be overwhelming. The noise (stall warnings, terrain proximity warnings) and all the rest of it. One pilot, no matter the automation, is unlikely to be able to manage unless he/she (for Stormy) is very capable and/or very lucky. These days, few pilots even fly manually.

      1. Conway -Perhaps airline managements could sell the spare cockpit seat to any aeroplane enthusiast in exchange for a promise to help

        the sole pilot if things go wrong?

        1. I’m an aircraft enthusiast with some (limited) flying experience, but even I wouldn’t entertain that idea!

    4. I’ve flown in many small planes in my time in the gas and oil industry but there are always, reassuringly, two pilots. I would be most concerned in a plane with just one engine.

  6. Your data is safe with us….

    DVLA’s dirty secret

    SIR – The number of fines issued to motorists rose from 1.8 million
    between April and June last year to a record 2.7 million in the same
    period this year, after a government crackdown to keep “cowboy private
    parking firms in check” was withdrawn (report, November 24).

    The most shameful aspect of this story is the connivance of the
    Driver and Vehicle Licensing Agency (DVLA), which makes an estimated £20
    million a year selling motorists’ details to parking firms. Requests to
    the DVLA for driver details are supposed to show “reasonable cause” for
    wanting this information; however, most private parking firms bypass
    this test and have online access to the DVLA database. This has been
    called the DVLA’s “dirty little secret”. I am forced to agree.

    Dr Ian Mason
    West Byfleet, Surrey

    Oh no it isn’t !

  7. Putin has declared a propaganda war on Britain. Ivana Stradner. 25 November 2022.

    In Africa, Asia, and beyond, Russia is undermining the country. The UK is uniquely placed to fight back – and should do so urgently

    In recent days, Putin urged Russian historians to consider the consequences of colonialism and instructed historian Alexander Chubaryan to prepare material on the development of colonialism for the next Russia-Africa summit in 2023. There is little doubt that Russia will again portray the UK as a heinous colonial power.

    Russian propaganda outlets such as RT and Sputnik take every opportunity to amplify messages related to colonialism and calls for the dissolution of the British Commonwealth. Sputnik also offers a quick search using keywords such as “British colonialism.”

    The Kremlin does not limit its information operations to Africa, Asia or Latin America. Russia has a long history of influence operations inside the UK in order to sow chaos and instability. When it comes to colonialism, Russia’s preferred audience is the Left.

    Shucks! I must have missed all those Vladimir Putin Political Broadcasts on the BBC! Lol!

    In the real world these calls for de-colonisation etc. are actually by the Woke and their allies in the BBC and MSM. The article as a whole is simply Western propaganda. The idea that Putin and Russia are going to make any headway against the West’s MSM is frankly ridiculous

    The author of this piece; Ms. Stradner, works for something called the Foundation for the Defense of Democracies. The S in Defense is of course a giveaway but sad to say the word Democracy has a similar effect on me nowadays. Like its appearance in the titles of countries it has come to mean its exact opposite. The FDD is in reality an American pro-Israel think tank. They are probably doing the CIA a favour here.

    1. “There is little doubt that Russia will again portray the UK as a heinous colonial power.”

      They needn’t bother. We are making an excellent job of that ourselves.

      1. ” Russia will again portray the UK as a heinous colonial power.”

        Bloody Ruskies – That’s the BBC’s job. Always has been.

  8. ‘Morning, Peeps. Fresh here, but dry – a temporary lull in the monsoon season is most welcome.

    Today’s leading letter:

    SIR – Nicola Sturgeon will do anything and throw anybody under the bus in her destructive focus on independence (“Sturgeon’s Indyref2 strategy in disarray”, report, November 24).

    The Lord Advocate Dorothy Bain KC was unambiguous when it was disclosed that she “did not have the necessary degree of confidence” that a referendum vote could be held in October 2023. But this opinion from a highly regarded and experienced legal officer was not good enough for the former lawyer Ms Sturgeon.

    That the Supreme Court judgment came in a matter of weeks and not “some months”, as previously advised by Lord Reed, shows what an utter waste of taxpayers’ money and the Court’s time this charade really was.

    While our health and education services are close to collapse, our islanders can’t travel and our nation is as divided as ever, the drive for independence wreaks further damage on our economy, services and people.

    Richard Allison

    What part of “comprehensively defeated” is the Fishwife struggling with? As I believe I may have said before, she should resign as her manic campaign for ‘indyref’ has been nullified.

    1. Your nation isn’t divided Mr Allison.

      The greatest number of votes went to the SNP which demands independence as its core policy..

      1. The majority of votes were split between the other parties. Olga Krankie’s wicket is so sticky that she had to bribe the two Green Party MSPs (whose combined vote would barely register as a rounding error) with ministerial positions to gain a ‘majority’ vote in the Shortbread Senate.

        Time the one trick pony was put out to pasture.

    2. SIR – At the Edinburgh Festival this year I attended Iain Dale’s interview with Nicola Sturgeon. It felt like an SNP rally: the audience – large and partisan – clearly adored her, and the anti-English feeling was palpable.

      Mr Dale read out my question: “Does Ms Sturgeon dislike all British prime ministers on principle, or just Boris?” She replied: “All of them, because they’re undemocratic”, which was received rapturously. The anti-English, anti-Westminster tirade that followed also went down a storm.

      This week’s decision by the Supreme Court will energise and infuriate Ms Sturgeon and her fan base even further. Will she and they bow out gracefully? Not a chance.

      Veronica Timperley
      London W1

      Yes, the rampant anti-English atmosphere north of the border has persuaded us that any further visits to beautiful Scotland won’t be taking place.

      1. Quite obviously muz Sturgeon Aka Olga Krankie, is a tribalist. Full stop.
        She won’t be happy until she has carried out as much damage to England as she possibly can.
        At this moment in time she has the advantage of a UK government with the same intentions.

      1. Exactly so – Krankie seems oblivious to the disconnect between wanting “independence” from rule by the UK, largely based in London, so that they can be free to join the EU and be ruled entirely by an unelected mob in Brussels [or Strasbourg, depending on time of year!] who, I’m sure, won’t agree to a new version of the Barnett formula leaving Scotland less well off! The woman is clearly deranged.

        1. She probably thinks (well, in a manner of speaking!) she’ll still use the Bank of England as a lender of last resort because she won’t have to join the euro. She will have another think coming (although our lot of dopey wokeys would probably still let her use the BoE to prop her up).

  9. Gareth Southgate: England won’t get dragged into virtue-signalling contest. 25 November 2022

    Gareth Southgate says that he will not get drawn into a virtue-signalling contest at the World Cup and that he can cope with any criticism that comes his way.

    Is self-awareness dead? What is Southgate if not a virtue-signaller? The entire team are Wokey stooges!

  10. SIR – Jeremy Hunt, the Chancellor, urging people to cut energy use by 15 per cent (report, November 24) shows how out of touch he is. Everyone I know is using at least 50 per cent less energy as it is too expensive to turn on the heating. Mr Hunt should concentrate on getting more gas from the North Sea and Africa to replace Russian gas until we have reliable zero-emissions technologies.

    Keith Jacques

    I would be far more interested in a programme to drive out all waste in government spending. Old Marmalade-chops (‘thick cut’) is missing a trick here – or is he merely coasting to the almost inevitable electoral defeat in Jan ’25?

    1. …or is he merely coasting to the almost inevitable electoral defeat in Jan ’25?

      Morning Hugh. His and Sunak’s task will be almost completed by 25. The collapse of the UK Economy and its Institutions. The extinction of the Conservative Party a bonus!

    2. The Westminster gravy train needs to be shunted into a stop end siding.
      Over 800 Lords and 650 politicians costing the country billions every year. And rising.
      And nothing is ever achieved that in anyway helps the electorate.

    1. One wouldn’t buy a Mother‘sing Sunday Card for anyone’s mother but their own, would they? (Grandmothers excepted) or is that what they do in septic land?

      1. When I was at boarding prep school the Headmaster’s wife organised us to send little posies of forget-me-nots or violets in the post to our mothers for Mothering Sunday.

        The postal service worked in those days so the flowers always arrived on time and as the stems were wrapped in damp cotton wool and put into a firm cardboard box they arrived looking relatively fresh.

    2. 368361+ up ticks,

      Morning Bob,

      Didn’t work last time, will be successful this time though, Strength though joy that is.

  11. Embrace what may be the most important green technology ever. It could save us all. 25 November 2022.

    Let’s focus for a moment on technology. Specifically, what might be the most important environmental technology ever developed: precision fermentation.

    Precision fermentation is a refined form of brewing, a means of multiplying microbes to create specific products. It has been used for many years to produce drugs and food a
    dditives. But now, in several labs and a few factories, scientists are developing what could be a new generation of staple foods.

    Yes of course we should embrace it; along with Perpetual Motion and Personal Gyrocopters.

    The Climate Change Millenarians are coming full circle; Mythical Solutions to Mythical Problems.

    1. 368361+ up ticks,


      Full circle a, then there is a chance they could disappear via their own rear exits.

      1. I find it difficult to understand why they insist on calling it ‘cultured meat’.
        It is exactly the opposite of that.

    2. How is fermentation “green” when the process produces carbon dioxide as a by-product? Just asking.
      When will the the ‘green-maniacs attempt to halt brewing, bread making and releasing carbon dioxide into greenhouses to improve crop yields?

  12. 368361+ up ticks,

    Time to kick football into touch until reality / sanity returns.
    currently the same would have happened if it had been Wembley.

    rard Batten
    That’s the spirit. Richard the Lionheart would be proud of them.

    England fans in crusader costumes banned from World Cup stadiums – LBC,
    England fans in crusader costumes banned from World Cup stadiums — LBC
    England fans in crusader costumes banned from World Cup stadiums — LBC

    England fans have been asked not to dress up in Crusader costumes to avoid upsetting Muslims at the World Cup in Qatar.

      1. Well not a lot of people seem to realise is, that the black dragon St George (who ever he was) killed, represented islam and the distressed fair maiden Christianity. 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁥󠁮󠁧󠁿
        We can’t have the Arabs getting cross. They will increase the price of oil exports…..again.

          1. It is, generally. There are scores of similar tales from all over the world and back to the Stone Age nearly.

    1. Morning! Why are the Arabs touchy about the crusades. They won for f*cks sake! Is it an admission of guilt?

      1. Morning SE.
        They should be more worried about what they did to around 2 thousand plus, captured young European children at the Alhambra Palace.

      2. 368361+ up ticks,

        Morning SE,

        Last time of looking within the United Kingdom they are still winning.

    2. From what I have seen the general pattern seems to be keeping the underdogs in the tournament.
      There is far too much feigning injury, resulting in too much extra time. And referees ignoring so many obvious fouls that should have been penalties.
      As soon as a player goes down and is rolling around. Off the pitch for 5 minutes to recover from the trauma.
      That would stop it.

  13. Good morning all

    Fine ,still air, blue sky, sun 5c.

    Golfer away early, another competition .. and meal afterwards .

    Yesterday’s weather was atrocious. We both took the dogs out , 2nd walk at about 15.30.. sky looked clear, 10mts later , the rain sheeted down , felt like sleet, so strong my face was stinging and I got soaked .. Moh sprinted back to the car with younger dog , but I had to guide 14 year old deaf Jack back to the car at a slower pace .. so wet through that my shoes squeaked..

    I read Ndovu’s account re her visit to her hospitalised husband and how she forgot to pick up her phone and the bag of clothes that needed washing , and how she had to turn back in appalling weather to retrieve the bag from the hospital, then the drive home in shocking weather , I felt so sorry for her .

    She has such a lot to cope with at the moment , kind thoughts for a good outcome .

    1. I hope there’s someone can go round and make the poor lady a good cup of tea and get her a sandwich.
      She needs some pampering.

    2. I felt nothing but respect for a good wife who cares enough to make two round trips in filthy weather.

      As I said yesterday, I would truly value a wife like that. I honour her.

  14. The chilling reason why the young reject free speech
    The problem is rapidly getting worse, as a cohort brought up online brings new intolerance to campus

    23 November 2022 • 7:00am

    I liked this comment

    M Bright
    16 HRS AGO
    The censorious, bullying, woke culture reflects two things.
    1 The misinformation peddled at many educational institutions, courtesy of Gramsci, that claim to be “left wing” & so virtuous, regardless ofits merit and even if it is not actually leftist by any reasonable definition.
    2. A mindset that exists regardless of actual values.
    Totalitarian, bullying, and best illustrated by the Hitler Youth & the Red Guards.
    The twentieth century boasts numerous brutal , murderous, totalitarians from the Islamic State
    to the German National Socialists. They have much in common.
    For a start, both were defended by “progressives”
    Probably in this race to the lower pits of hell, the worst was Pol Pot & his year zero murderous brutes.
    Pol Pot was accepted as part of the Parisian Left Bank “intellectuals”
    It seems to me that progressives have supported every sort of evil over the past century or more.
    That includes the Manchester Guardian’s vigorous support of slavery in the US & the Empire.

      1. Good article; thanks. I was going to paste a bit that resonated, but Disqus doesn’t want me to, so I shall go out for a walk instead.

          1. That also happens to me. So i just go back and login again. I don’t know what the problem is.

    1. Like all these political gangs, they decide on the ‘truth’. The clash of culture in Qatar is interesting in that the woke west culture is being forced on the muslim society in their own lands. Obviously, no cultural sensitivity whatsoever, but back home those same woke groups would not raise a squeak against the same teachings in their local mosque. And, if you were to leave a bacon sarni on the steps, it will be chokey for you.

      1. Spot on there , Kaypea.

        I also wanted to scream in the Woke Kings ear .. “Did you ask about the murdered white farmers in South Africa ” when he entertained the Black thing to a state banquet ..

        1. And do the silly football kneeling dopey wokey plonkers have any, or the same respect for a police officer murdered whilst carrying out his duty in Tottenham, 1985 ?
          Their memories don’t seem to have the capacity for such dreadful happenings.

      2. The Left don’t seem to understand what they’re doing. But, when you think about it, they don’t. They hate, blindly. It is their driving force.

        They hate us. They hate everyone who disagrees with them. Every opposition. Thus it is a classic the enemy of my enemy is my friend. Of course, they ignore that Muslims are not only breeding like rabbits on welfare forcing a massive expansion of the state – which the Left like, but also that they are infiltrating state office – again, which the state likes.

        However, they ignore that unlike the majority who are decent, tolerant sorts, the muslims are abusive, intolerant, bigoted, truly Hard Right loonies who won’t tolerate dissent from their ideology and who won’t tolerate the rainbow flag Left, the green fanatics, the gays, the trans. The Left are doing untold damage, like toddlers kicking everyone and everything, blindly out of childish malice.

        Until folk realise the danger and lift that squealing toddler back into his cot without any dinner the country will continue to slide backward.

    2. I am all in favour of teaching about slavery in schools as long as it gives an honest, impartial account of it.

      But with the ridiculous new king already apologising for the British Empire and culpabilising Britain, the first nation to stamp slavery out, I fear that schoolchildren will never be told the whole truth.

      Do we really want God to Save an ungracious Woke King?

      1. We did not enslave people just transported them. big difference. We then went on to end slavery and did more than any other country. That was our reperations.

    3. She should have put ‘progressives’ in inverted commas since they are the exact reverse.

      1. Equallyfor liberal. The Left are fscists, nothing more. The hilarious and comical ‘antifa’, the most fascist of them all.

      1. 368361+ up ticks,

        Morning B3,
        In regards to real meat ,in the mindset of many there is no supporting infrastructure behind real meat it is a tesco in-shop creation.

        I want a peoples reset, peoples power can do just that.

        But if left to the regular electoral majority then we will be finished as a Nation.

    1. I’m surprised it hasn’t dawned on folk yet: the Left don’t care. Their ideal is bombing the world back to the stone age, all in the name of fantasy. Of course, they’ll keep their wealth, zipping about in helicopters and private jets, but the rest of us will be slaves to their whim. They have no conscience. No sense of right and wrong. No awareness of their towering arrogance. They DO NOT CARE. To them, the ends justify the means.

  15. Remainers are softening us up to rejoin the EU
    Their whole campaign to return the UK to the orbit of Brussels is based on a fallacy. Brexit isn’t failing

    David Frost :

    Brexit is not doing as well as it should because : the government is impotent and lazy: there are too many remainers in parliament; and the civil service is determined to thwart it.


    Three questions for you, Lord Frost

    i) Just as the deadline for signing the agreement with the EU had come Johnson and Gove arrived in Brussels. Why did you give in to them and surrender on both Northern Ireland and British fishing waters – two key points on which you had been firm until they arrived? This surrender has, in effect destroyed an orderly transition to Brexit as it gave the EU a foothold in the UK and more scope for destructive procrastination from the remainers and the civil service?

    ii) When will you resign from the House of Lords and join the Reform Party and stand as a parliamentary candidate for the Reform Party?

    iii) Should you not be convincing disaffected Conservative MPs to resign en masse to join the Reform Party and force a general election and kill the odious Conservative Party off for good?

    1. Rastus, in the event of rejoining the EU it is a requirement to join Schengen. [check it if you don’t believe me]

      This would mean that anyone who landed anywhere in Europe would have the inalienable right to enter this country.

      Good news for the ferry operators, bad news for rubber boat manufacturers.

      1. But don’t come here either, especially when the game is being managed by arch lefties like Matrix chambers even if Mrs Blair has supposedly left the disreputable outfit. No doubt Blair foundation cash is still going into it.

    1. Are these twats trying to wear us down with a war of attrition so that the Muzzie bitch will eventually be permitted back into the country?

  16. EasyJet urges empty-nesters to become cabin crew
    Airline launches new recruitment drive after summer of staff shortages

    Empty-nesters are being urged to consider a second career as cabin crew, as airlines try to shrug off the notion that the career is only for young jet setters and ease recruitment woes.

    Budget airline easyJet has kicked off a new recruitment drive for adults over the age of 45 “to show a career as cabin crew is open to anyone with the right skills, regardless of age”.

    It is particularly targeting people whose children have left the home or are looking for a new career later in life, following a survey that suggested more than three quarters of empty-nesters were on the hunt for a new challenge.

    1. Being cabin crew isn’t a glamorous life; my neightbour worked for BA. It was demanding, frustrating and sometimes yucky work according to what she told me.

          1. Closed very, very slowly.

            But I’m still in favour of the blunt kitchen knife, while holding the testes down with a rusty fork.

    1. They will probably not be eligible for deportation after serving their sentences, being asylum seekers. It would be argued that their lives would be in danger if they were to be sent back to their home countries.

      However, women in the UK will be in danger when these two are released, so this fact should trump their ‘right’ to remain in this country. Deport them. British lives are more important than the lives of these two men.

    2. Well I’m sure signing the sex offenders’ register will stop them. What a punishment.

    3. My treatment at the hands of my very English Ex-partner made me want to die. You cannot deport or imprison her.

      Sh1t happens. Y’all helped me get over it.

        1. Enough, already, Maggie. Yes, she drives me to distraction yet, I still love her and want to be with her.

          Can you understand that? From your distance from my emotions.

  17. Bloody Hell.
    Wanted a picture of Brain’s Faggots for a response to a Going Postal post so did a search on Duck Duck Go for exactly that.
    I would NOT recommend anyone else emulating my actions, especially if they are of a nervous disposition.

    Now in need of some mind bleach and my hard drive needs disinfecting!

  18. Now for some really good news!:

    ‘In the same week that the European Parliament voted in favour of a resolution labelling the Great Replacement theory as “racist,” the Spanish newspaper La Vanguardia reported that the United Nations, the Wittgenstein Center in Austria, and the Center for Global Development in Washington D.C. are all advocating that Europe needs at least 60 million migrants in the coming decades “to survive” and that most of this immigration should come from Africa.

    The UN, which has long advocated for “replacement migration” as a solution to Europe’s aging population, is now warning that Europe will not gain these migrants “if it does not stop being a fortress against immigration,” according to the Spanish paper.

    The UN estimates that in 2050, the EU will have a shortage of 60.8 million workers, and the Wittgenstein Center for Demography and Global Human Capital argues this shortage will be even higher, placing it at 72.7 million. Both organisations are using their own estimates to advocate for further mass immigration.’

    A confirmed cynic might postulate that the EU just might want such mass immigration to be offshored to GB…….

    1. And one for Grizz:

      “Swedes will become a minority in their own country in 45 years if current levels of immigration persist, the latest academic research on the country’s rapidly changing demographics has revealed.

      Kyösti Tarvainen PhD, a retired Finnish professor and researcher in the Department of Mathematics and System at Aalto University in Helsinki, using the standard demographic method — the so-called cohort component method — concluded that Swedes will compose less than half of the population by 2065 if the country’s current levels of immigration remain unchanged.

      In the next half decade, if current immigration policies endure, Sweden will see seismic shifts in its demographics, culture, and society, Tarvainen, who has his doctorate in engineering, says. According to the academic’s projections, there will be as many Muslims as there are Swedes in 2100.”

      1. If they stop all immigration now, it will be 45 years and nine months for the 50% target to be reached (outbred obviously).

      2. Tarvainen can’t be too bright, can he?

        “…there will be as many Muslims as there are Swedes in 2100.”

        The dim Finn must think that Muslims are a country, Sweden is a religion, or both.

        The number of Swedes in my house is already down to 50%.

    2. It was this Oirish bastard who was a great promoter of Africans coming to Europe:

      “(Peter) Sutherland strongly advocated unrestricted immigration into the EU. Sutherland gave his opinion to the UK’s House of Lords Home Affairs Committee on 21 June 2012 as being (a) that “at the most basic level individuals should have freedom of choice” about working and studying in other countries and that EU states should stop targeting “highly skilled” migrants (and, conversely, placing restrictions on low-skilled migrants). Sutherland also argued (b) that migration is a “crucial dynamic for economic growth” and that this is the case “however difficult it may be to explain this to the citizens of those states”. Sutherland’s stated opinions on policy were (a) that “it was fundamentally important for states to cooperate on migration policy rather than developing their own policies in isolation as ‘no state is or can be an island'”[37] (b) that multiculturalism is both inevitable and desirable: “It’s impossible to consider that the degree of homogeneity which is implied by the other argument can survive because states have to become more open states, in terms of the people who inhabit them” and also (c) that “the European Union, in my view, should be doing its best to undermine” any “sense of our homogeneity and difference from others”. An ageing or declining native population in countries like Germany or southern EU states was the “key argument and, I hesitate to the use word because people have attacked it, for the development of multicultural states”, he added.[38]

      Sutherland restated his view in the syndicated article co-authored with Cecilia Malmström titled “Europe’s Immigration Challenge”, the opening paragraph of which declares:

      Europe faces an immigration predicament. Mainstream politicians, held hostage by xenophobic parties, adopt anti-immigrant rhetoric to win over a fearful public, while the foreign-born are increasingly marginalized in schools, cities and at the workplace. Yet, despite high unemployment across much of the Continent, too many employers lack the workers they need. Engineers, doctors and nurses are in short supply; so, too, are farmhands and health aides. And Europe can never have enough entrepreneurs, whose ideas drive economies and create jobs.[39]

      In June 2014, Sutherland was appointed President of the International Catholic Migration Commission (ICMC).[40]

      1. It’s curious how the MSM and fellow travellers don’t seem so keen on Europeans ‘setting up shop’ in Africa…..

          1. It’s almost as if they make it up as they go along as there is no rationale behind their thoughts.

    3. I fail to see how unemployable immigrants will be of any use at all – yet more proof that the UN is moronic in the extreme!

    4. One of my sons is a design engineer working on robots and the other is a talented computer expert writing programs for artificial intelligence.

      Between them they will no doubt make the invasion of new immigrants economically completely unnecessary!

    5. We can probably, quite easily export 60.8 million gimmegrunts to the EU.

      Sounds attractive and what an export package at just £100 per head.

      It will sort out Mr Thick Cut’s deficit.

    1. It was enjoyable to listen to that, Bob, and the answer to your question is: “No, of course not.”

      Back in 1980 children were still properly educated, both at school and in the home. They were taught a balanced course of study, including general knowledge and mental arithmetic. Since that time, lamentably, parenting has become deplorable (that is, in general, Rastus). Teaching follows some idiotic governmental diktat that has reduced the quality of both the curriculum and the standard of the teaching staff. Discipline has been replaced by a free-for-all, do-as-you-please mindset.

      No wonder each generation is getting more stupid by the second.

      1. Don’t forget the closing of the special schools so that those with learning difficulties are educated in the mainstream (usually without any help in the form of teaching assistants). That has an impact on the learning environment of those pupils who can take advantage of what is being taught.

  19. Litigation for medical negligence costs the health service a vast sum of money — £2.2 billion last year, with lawyers’ fees alone accounting for a whopping £433 million. Only £433 million for the lawyers – what was the other £1.8 million for? Cocked-up gender changes?

    1. How did they manage before? Oh i know. They were run as centres of excellence and not as profit making businesses paying the Deans and Chancellors £500,000 each.

      1. I remember sitting in a lecture theatre surrounded by other staff while Blair’s dumpy little woman, whose name I can’t remember, explained how wonderful it was all going to be. Poly and Tech college staff agreed.

        1. I applied for a job at a Poly that had become a “university”. It still looked and felt like a Poly. I didn’t get the job.

    2. Well the universities aren’t teaching students anything worth knowing.

      They can just as well go under.

      1. My daughter is on a finance course and she’s one of the few English people on it. It’s a good job she has outside interests as she has not been able to befriend any of the other students in the course – they are all in their little foreign cliques. Diversity and inclusion anyone?

        An old Uni friend of mine reports her son, studying one of the engineering courses at a different Uni, is in the same boat. He doesn’t have the outside interests and is considering dropping out. Another old Uni friend told me last night her daughter had dropped out of the same (Northern) university at the end of second year. She was doing maths. Covid didn’t help but the lack of people she could relate to was also a big problem.

        We are selling our children’s future (again) so the VCs and professors and get rich quick. I despair.

  20. from today’s Press:

    According to Klaus Schwab of the World Economic Forum, Communist China will likely serve as a “role model” for many countries as the global community embarks on a “systemic transformation of the world.”

    Klaus Schwab, chairman and founder of the World Economic Forum (WEF), praised the communist government in Beijing in an interview with the Chinese state-run television network CGTN for being a leading figure in his vision of a Great Reset of capitalism to usher in the “world of tomorrow.”

  21. Morning, all. Don’t faint with shock – and no, I have not been up all night. I’m waiting for my new washing machine to be delivered. Any time before 3pm, so I can’t disappear down the garden (sunny if a bit chilly at the moment). Hence I am on Nottl (now I have restarted my laptop and Avast is no longer blocking the site because one of the certificates has expired – there’s nothing wrong with the site, just my ancient laptop throwing a wobblly).

      1. The deadline for my delivery (I’ve got an optician’s appointment) has expired. I’ll give them a few more minutes and then lock everything up.

        1. Update – they are “running late” and I’m two deliveries from getting my delivery. I’ve told them to reschedule it for Tuesday. At least I don’t have any appointments then.

        2. Lucky I stayed at home. Kitchen ceiling started leaking and I discovered a cracked toilet cistern in the main bathroom. The tumble dryer delivery was a welcome distraction.

      1. Sun’s gone in now and it’s dull and windy. Still no sign of the washing machine. I’ve spent ages looking in vain for the wifi password to connect my “new” phone. I think MOH (whose remit dealing with the IT side of things it was) changed it and never wrote down the new details. I can find lots of info for old routers, but not for the one we’ve got at the moment. There is yet another ancient PC I shall have to fire up in the hope that it might have been kept on there and nowhere else. I’m not having a good day so far.

        1. Oh pet! We’re constantly told not to write these things down and when it comes to it, we probably should! My old man would probably find a bunch of post-its with a jumble of letters and numbers!

          1. Especially since MOH was very security conscious and thus all the previous passwords have been humungously long and complicated. This one will be no different, I expect. A further complication is when the text says “new password” but there is no date, so when it was new and what it replaced is anybody’s guess! It still doesn’t seem to be recognised, though.

  22. A demographic timebomb is about to reshape our world. 25 November 2022

    The planet’s population is soon expected to peak. What comes next will be unrecognisable.


    Mr Lush.

    The underlying issue in the decadent west is the actively counter Darwinian state sponsored program of supported breeding by the least socio economically meritocratic demographic, which, because it is funded entirely by the most meritocratic demographic, by force, and they in turn, because they are being fined every month to pay for it, have less time and resources themselves, so breed less, compounding the problem.

    Group A is a completely useless worthless burden and waste of resources, and is entirely dependent on subsidies from group B.

    Group A is expanding rapidly, because breeding is their sole method of receiving funding, and because they don’t have anything else to do anyway.

    Group B continues to shrink, because they must, after being forced to fund group A, entirely fund themselves, feed, clothe and house themselves, and this means they cannot afford to breed at replacement rates, or even at all.

    This is the future being created by socialism for the last 50-100 years, and it looks like the WEF is going to counter the inevitability of these demographics, by imposing a dystopian future on all but the super rich, while this all plays out in a messy bloody war over declining resources.

    They will be fine, on private islands and gated communities, everyone else will be on the set of Mad Max.

    I think that I prefer Mr Lush’s version of the future to the utopian one given in the article!

  23. A demographic timebomb is about to reshape our world. 25 November 2022

    The planet’s population is soon expected to peak. What comes next will be unrecognisable.


    Mr Lush.

    The underlying issue in the decadent west is the actively counter Darwinian state sponsored program of supported breeding by the least socio economically meritocratic demographic, which, because it is funded entirely by the most meritocratic demographic, by force, and they in turn, because they are being fined every month to pay for it, have less time and resources themselves, so breed less, compounding the problem.

    Group A is a completely useless worthless burden and waste of resources, and is entirely dependent on subsidies from group B.

    Group A is expanding rapidly, because breeding is their sole method of receiving funding, and because they don’t have anything else to do anyway. Group B continues to shrink, because they must, after being forced to fund group A, entirely fund themselves, feed, clothe and house themselves, and this means they cannot afford to breed at replacement rates, or even at all.

    This is the future being created by socialism for the last 50-100 years, and it looks like the WEF is going to counter the inevitability of these demographics, by imposing a dystopian future on all but the super rich, while this all plays out in a messy bloody war over declining resources.

    They will be fine, on private islands and gated communities, everyone else will be on the set of Mad Max.

    I think that I prefer Mr Lush’s version to the utopian one given in the article!

  24. Inshallah, Iran has won the footie. Now if he could just arrange for the English kneelers to lose..

          1. I couldn’t work out whether that Taffy goalie deserved a red card, or a karate gold medal for his high kick to that opponent’s head.

          2. It just amazed me that the ref needed to look at it again! He was nearly at the half-way line with his leg horizontal!! 🤦🏻‍♀️

          3. It was a red card over and over. Dangerous play. Foot up. Last man brought down. How many chances did he need?

          4. Did you see my references to Mrs Murrell and her pal yesterday? Who knows what the truth is – but I thought there was some credence to the comment that she and her butch (or otherwise pal have not been snapped while promenading around Bridge of Allan…

          5. I know BoAllan quite well and have seen both the fuherine and Neil Oliver in that very small town!

          6. But not together?

            Was Mrs Murrell alone – or accompanied by her very special “ironing” friend?

          7. You shudda stopped her and asked for a “selfie”… “My family are SUCH fans,” you could have gushed…{:¬))

    1. Perhaps they will celebrate by slaughtering another 400 or more females and arrest another 20,000 as an example of I-Slumic power and superiority.
      (That number was posted 2 Oct 22 – It will probably be much more now. The penalty for cutting your hair or not wearing a face-rag is DEATH!

  25. Welcome to the FSU’s weekly newsletter, our round-up of the free speech news of the week.

    The FSU Christmas Special – a festive comedy extravaganza

    Round up your comedy-loving friends and family for the FSU Christmas Special, a one night only extravaganza of comedy with a fabulous line-up, in association with Comedy Unleashed, the home of free-thinking comedy. The event takes place on Monday 12th December at the Backyard Comedy Club, Bethnal Green, London (please arrive by 7pm). Comedy legend Bobby Davro is our Master of Ceremonies for the evening and will be joined on stage by stand-up comedian and GB News presenter Leo Kearse, Comedy Unleashed favourite Mary Bourke and comedian and Radio 4 ‘personality’ Simon Evans. Join the fun with the FSU team and helps us raise funds to defend freedom of speech. This event is open to the public, so please spread the word. Tickets on sale here.

    Sign our petition urging Elon Musk to stop banning gender critical voices on Twitter

    We’ve started a petition urging Elon Musk to restore the accounts of people expressing gender critical views on Twitter, e.g. the view that sex is biological and immutable and women can’t have penises. We think the number of accounts that have been banned for this reason runs into the hundreds and possibly the thousands. Here is one of the key paragraphs:

    Some gender critical accounts have been taken down simply for asserting the view that sex should be defined biologically. Posts such as “Only females get cervical cancer”, “If you have a uterus you will be female”, “If you have periods you are a woman” and “Having a penis is what makes someone male” were all deemed by Twitter to be in violation of the platform’s rules against ‘hateful conduct’. But such views are not hateful. In banning gender critical accounts on the grounds that such views are ‘hateful’ – or banning accounts because they have ‘misgendered’ or ‘deadnamed’ trans people – Twitter is appealing to an imaginary consensus in favour of the view that it is transphobic to define sex as biological and immutable, or that self-declared gender identity should determine access to single sex spaces and services, or that people are entitled to compel others to use their preferred gender pronouns. No such consensus exists, which leads us to conclude that the reason so many gender critical accounts have been banned is because Twitter’s content moderators have taken the side of the transrights activists in this debate. If Twitter is to become the digital town square you want it to be, where free speech is sacrosanct, the moderators must remain above the fray when it comes to matters of ongoing public debate. They should act as holders of the ring, not political combatants.

    Please sign the petition and help persuade Twitter’s new owner to lift the ban. You can find the petition here.

    New research reveals generational divide on free speech issues

    A new report for the think-tank Policy Exchange by FSU Advisory Council member Professor Eric Kaufmann has found compelling evidence that UK schools are becoming sites for indoctrination rather than education (Telegraph, Times, Unherd). The report surveyed attitudes among different age groups and found that young people are markedly less liberal than older generations on issues like free speech, democracy and the need for tolerance of dissenting opinions. Specifically:

    Nearly a third (29%) of 18-24 year-olds say author JK Rowling should be dropped by her publishers for her gender critical views – that figure falls to 10% among adults, and just 3% among those over 50.

    An equal proportion of young people (38%) agreed and disagreed with the idea of removing Winston Churchill’s statue from Parliament Square because he held racist views – among adults as a whole, 68% disagreed with moving the statue compared to just 12% who agreed.

    Two in five 18-24 year-olds agree that schools should “teach students that Britain was founded on racism and remains structurally racist today” while 25% disagree – adults as a whole rejected that statement by 53% to 24%.

    It’s all too easy to blame ‘perma-offended’ young people for this generational divide, says Madeline Grant (Telegraph). But what about those she describes as “enabling adults”? After all, educationalists have long understood that teaching professionals are important role models, possessed of the capacity to influence the attitudes, values and behaviours of those under their tutelage. So when, say, colleagues of the philosopher Kathleen Stock turn and look the other way as she’s getting hounded on campus by transactivists (Unherd), or when senior academics fire off emails to students that denounce visiting speakers like Dr Helen Joyce and apologise for the “distress” her immutable biological presence on campus may cause (Spectator, Telegraph), or when academics instigate public discussions about how to cancel an early career researcher who has been investigating the various forms of discrimination experienced by gender critical feminists in academia (Spiked), or when… and so on and so forth – in those moments it’s difficult to believe that impressionable young undergraduates aren’t able to spot the moral of the story for anyone who wants to get ahead in life.

    Joanna Williams seems inclined to agree, although the “enabling adults” she’s concerned about aren’t academics, but teachers (Spiked). So-called ‘activist teaching’ has been on the rise for a while (Guardian, Spiked, Telegraph), but what the Policy Exchange report reveals is that the politicisation of children’s education is beginning to have an impact on the views of young people. Polling commissioned for the report reveals that six out of 10 school leavers say they were either taught about ideas associated with neo-Marxist critical race theory or heard about them from an adult at their school. These include concepts like white privilege, systemic racism and unconscious bias. Slightly more – 65% – say they either encountered the concept of patriarchy or the idea that there are multiple genders from adults at school.

    As to what we should do about it, Joanna thinks it’s high time activist teachers had some schooling of their own – the crucial idea that none of them seem to have grasped, she says, is that conveying subject knowledge and pushing a particular political view are not the same thing when you’re a salaried, public-sector worker in a western, liberal democracy.

    Not that that would solve the problem overnight. As she readily concedes, there’s the rest of the ‘woke-pedagogic-complex’ to think about. Because behind every local, pink-haired, non-binary teacher forcing children to take the knee are the academics writing the school curriculum and textbooks, the university educationalists training each successive generation of teachers, the journalists and campaigners agitating for their own pet issues to gain a foothold in the classroom, and the people stocking the school library and putting together online resources for teachers and children alike.

    Employee activists thwarted in bid to cancel academic conference

    An academic conference in Glasgow was nearly axed at the last minute because LGBTQ+ venue workers were so upset at the thought of the event’s likely content that they “weren’t willing” to come to work (Christian Institute, Scottish Daily Express, Times).

    The ‘Education not Indoctrination’ event was originally due to take place last Saturday at Civic House at the city’s Speirs Locks. Delegates including Dr Stuart Waiton (Abertay University), Emeritus Professor Frank Furedi (University of Kent) and Dr Penny Lewis (Dundee University) were set to debate the ways in which woke ideology is taking over schools and universities, and often has a ‘chilling effect’ on those who dissent from it.

    Speaking to the Scottish Daily Express, Dr Waiton said: “This attempt to cancel the event is illustrative of the dangerous and deeply intolerant times we live in, where any discussion or disagreement about issues like race and gender are silenced. The whole point of this conference is to have a discussion about some of the dogmatic and ideological developments in schools, developments that clash with the idea of an open, liberal education for all.”

    Jointly organised by education campaign group Hands Up Scotland, alongside The Christian Institute, Academics for Academic Freedom, The Battle for Ideas, Stand By Me (Scotland) and For Women Scotland, the conference comes at a crucial time for schools, particularly in Scotland, where the SNP-led government is at the vanguard of imposing woke values on society.

    Take Education Scotland’s forthcoming Racial Literary Programme, for instance, with its content on intersectionality, anti-racism and “racial microaggressions” (Critic). Then there’s the General Teaching Council of Scotland’s renewed professional standards document, which states that “Scottish teachers must demonstrate professional values of social justice”. There’s also the Scottish Government’s new sex-education curriculum, which will expose very young children to overtly sexualised material and risks normalising underage sexual activity (Herald). And there’s also a new LGBTQ+ vocabulary (cisgender, transgender, bisexual, non-binary, genderfluidity) being taught in schools, and new government guidance on ‘Supporting Transgender Pupils in Schools’, which advises teachers not to question a child’s desire to transition (Times).

    Important issues, you might think. But not everyone agrees that any of this should be up for debate.

    In an email sent a few days before the event was supposed to take place, Agile City, a “community interest company” which operates the Civic House venue, emailed the organisers claiming that the conference’s programme had upset the values of protesting LGBTQ+ staff who would refuse to come to work if the event went ahead. Agile City said: “The content of the event has just been highlighted to us via your online marketing, and through further research to be in opposition to the values held by our team and staff members who comprise part of the LGBTQ+ community. As such the staff who were booked to manage the event are not willing to work. Without staffing in place, we cannot host your event.”

    What the whole affair reveals, according to Rob Lyons, “is the brittleness of woke thinking” (Spiked). It is one thing to be passionate about particular issues, he says. But it’s something else entirely to think that the mere airing of a different point of view is a threat, in and of itself.

    Thankfully, the story has a happy ending – conference organisers were able to find another venue and the event went ahead at the city’s Tron Church.

    FSU T-Shirts – back by popular demand!

    Back by popular demand, our new stock of exclusive T-shirts, featuring Bob Moran’s fabulous ‘Orwell Surprised’ cartoon, has arrived. For only £20, including first class UK postage, you can show your support for free speech while helping us raise funds to continue doing what we do best. If you order before 1st December, UK orders should arrive in time to make the perfect Christmas gift. This is our last batch of 2022, so please order now to avoid disappointment. You can access our merch store by clicking here.

    Women’s rights campaigner attacked by pro-trans activists now threatened with arrest for ‘hate crime’​

    Sussex Police has threatened a women’s rights group founder with arrest in connection with something she said at a feminist rally two months ago unless she ‘voluntarily’ agrees to be interviewed at a police station. Ironically, she and other protestors were attacked by transrights activists at the rally (Mail).

    Kellie-Jay Keen, whose online campaigning name is ‘Posie Parker’, was told by a Sussex police officer that a complaint had been made alleging she had used “words or behaviour to stir up hatred on the grounds of sexual orientation”.

    Before the event in question – a Let Women Speak rally held in Brighton on September 18th – Kellie-Jay was sent threatening messages, including some advising trans activists to “fight her by any means you see fit”. Officers arrested two people at the rally after masked pro-trans campaigners clashed with attendees (Spiked, Critic). It prompted JK Rowling to tweet: “I see the Be Kind brigade are once more hiding behind their black masks, throwing smoke bombs, screaming ‘scum’ at women speaking up for their sex-based rights.”

    Ms Keen has now released a recording of the phone call she received from Sussex Police, in which she was threatened with arrest (which you can listen to in full here). Pressed by her as to what the allegation was, the police caller replied: “The crime is use of words or behaviour to stir up hatred on the grounds of sexual orientation. It’s gonna be a voluntary interview so you can give your side of the story as well.”

    But when the officer is asked exactly how voluntary the interview is, she replies: “If you don’t attend then we will potentially be looking at getting Wiltshire Police to come and arrest you so they can come and interview you themselves.”

    Sussex Police has found itself at the centre of a series of controversies regarding gender and women’s rights and has previously been described as being “at the forefront of ‘woke’ politics” (Telegraph).

    The force was subject to ridicule in 2017 after a sergeant warned high street stores that “feminine care” signs on women’s sanitary products breached gender equality rules. More recently, Sussex Police unveiled plans for a system where criminals can be recorded as having no gender or other identities (Independent).

    In 2020, the Sussex Police and Crime Commissioner trumpeted the inclusion of Sussex Police in Stonewall’s Top 100 LGBT inclusive employers.

    Earlier this year, approximately three dozen officers, including Chief Constable Jo Shiner, celebrated this year’s Brighton LGBTQ+ Pride event by posing in rainbow colours and tweeting “Have a ‘fabuloso’ time!” (Breitbart).

    In September, the force was criticised by Home Secretary Suella Braverman for “playing identity politics and denying biology” after its Twitter account leapt to the defence of a male paedophile who identified as a woman and who had been misgendered online, warning social media users that they could be committing a hate crime and suggesting that “if you have gender critical views you wish to express this can be done on other platforms or your own page, not targeted at an individual” (Spectator, Telegraph).

    Free Speech Cambridge book launch event – register for tickets here!

    Free Speech Cambridge, an independent group of free speech enthusiasts in the Cambridge area, would like to invite FSU members to a friendly pre-Christmas drinks and celebration at the Pottery Shed in the Waterman pub in Cambridge (CB4 3AX) on Tuesday 6th December. The occasion will also be a book launch for Jerome Booth’s ‘Have We All Gone Mad?’ – a timely investigation into the rise of groupthink. Please arrive from 6pm with the talk starting at 7pm. There will be plenty of time for Q and A, general chat and socialising. Copies of Jerome’s book will be on sale, so please bring cash (actual cash) if you’d like to buy one. To confirm attendance, for further information and to join Free Speech Cambridge’s mailing list, please contact

    Sharing the newsletter

    As with all our work, this newsletter depends on the support of our members and donors, so if you’re not already a paying member please sign up today or encourage a friend to join, and help us turn the tide against cancel culture. You can share our newsletters on social media with the buttons below. If someone has shared this newsletter with you and you’d like to join the FSU, you can find our website here.

    Best wishes,

  26. Good Moa Afternoon.
    Strange bright thing in the sky.
    Is it something I should feel guilty about?

    1. Remarkable escape.

      “An 18-year-old man was arrested on suspicion of being unfit through drugs” Immigrant farmhand?

      1. Other than that young motorcyclist killed by the spy Sacoolas there have been quite a few deaths on that road.

        1. It is a road I have used hundreds of times. Part of the irritation is caused by the Yanks driving too slowly – many of their cars are LHD.

          1. How about vans driven by (very obviously) foreigners, hurtling down the “Up” aisle of a supermarket car park. Today I turned into the one-way arrowed lane to park my car to be met by a van with a very obvious speeding down in the opposite direction. If I could have socked him I would have.

  27. Qatar and the hypocrisy of the knee-takers. Spiked 25 November 2022.

    This World Cup has already exposed all of football’s virtue-signallers. There’s David ‘Gay Icon’ Beckham getting torn a new one for taking £150million to be the face – thank goodness not the brain – of Qatar. There’s Gary ‘Gandhi’ Lineker, who spends the rest of the year chastising the rest of us about compassion while trousering £1.35million of our money for the pleasure, trotting off obediently to Qatar, with ‘socialist’ Gary Neville plodding after him. And bringing up the rear – in the manner of a particularly thick pantomime horse – is Gareth ‘Saint’ Southgate, making a Markle-sized claim about how keen the migrant workers who built the stadia were to see the World Cup come to Qatar. Then there are the players who planned to flaunt their support for LGBT by wearing ‘OneLove’ rainbow armbands, but who swiftly took them off when threatened with a yellow card.

    Worthy of a repeat!

    1. Spot on! Fortunately my interest in wendyball is well below zero, but I resent my licence fee being squandered on the likes of Lineker and all the other sports parasites.

  28. Apologies if anyone has already picked up on this gem. I’ve had a busy morning so am only just catching up. This is from the Terriblegraph’s “Science Editor”.

    “ Drinking two litres of water a day to maintain one’s health is a myth, and people may need up to six litres daily overall, depending on job, gender and environment, scientists have said. In recent decades, the need to drink eight glasses of water a day has become standard advice, yet there is little evidence to back it up. Researchers in the US found people needed differing amounts, ranging from one litre per day to six litres, including water from food.

    DRINKING two litres of water a day to maintain one’s health is a myth, and people may need up to six litres daily overall, depending on job, gender and environment, scientists have said.

    In recent decades, the need to drink eight glasses of water a day has become standard advice, yet there is little evidence to back it up…”

    I should imagine the amount of water one is required to drink a day has absolutely nothing whatsoever to do with one’s “gender”. One’s sex perhaps – male or female. But you won’t suddenly need to drink less (for example) water if you started as a man and decided you want to “be” a woman. And this is a “scientific” study. You really do have to despair.

      1. Hmm maybe there is some truth about the level of oestrogen in the water supply after all!,,

        1. It might be more interesting for scientists to investigate the areas where the oestrogen is more likely to have accumulated. I’d say parts of North London. Where the Lea reservoirs serve the communities.

        2. Interesting word oestrogen – it is a variation of estrogen. Latin oestrus “frenzy, gadfly. The first part ‘estrus’ means frenzied passion, anything which makes one mad, mad impulse.

    1. Scientists have said?
      I’ve never heard anything so daft. From personal experience, if I drank 6 litres of water a day. I would never get out of the toilet.

        1. Where we live there is a sewage processing facility ‘up river’ after the process is completed the excess water is put back into the river. Which all ends up in North London. I think It would be impossible to filter out oestrogen at any point of the process. And as raw sewage has been released in dozens of other parts of the country I expect this is happening in many other area’s as well.

  29. Apologies if anyone has already picked up on this gem. I’ve had a busy morning so am only just catching up. This is from the Terriblegraph’s “Science Editor”.

    “ Drinking two litres of water a day to maintain one’s health is a myth, and people may need up to six litres daily overall, depending on job, gender and environment, scientists have said. In recent decades, the need to drink eight glasses of water a day has become standard advice, yet there is little evidence to back it up. Researchers in the US found people needed differing amounts, ranging from one litre per day to six litres, including water from food.

    DRINKING two litres of water a day to maintain one’s health is a myth, and people may need up to six litres daily overall, depending on job, gender and environment, scientists have said.

    In recent decades, the need to drink eight glasses of water a day has become standard advice, yet there is little evidence to back it up…”

    I should imagine the amount of water one is required to drink a day has absolutely nothing whatsoever to do with one’s “gender”. One’s sex perhaps – male or female. But you won’t suddenly need to drink less (for example) water if you started as a man and decided you want to “be” a woman. And this is a “scientific” study. You really do have to despair.

  30. Some information which might prove useful to Nottlers who subscribe to the DT and those who are thinking of doing so..

    My subscription to the online DT ran out today.

    A few weeks ago the DT warned me that my sub was about to expire and told me the renewal would cost me £185.

    I thought I would wait Mr Micawber like to see if something better did not turn up and indeed it has done.

    We have just re-subscribed to the DT at a price of £69 as a Black Friday DT offer – added to which the DT is going to send us a DT coffee mug in the post.

    The alternative is to sign on for a three month trial period for £1 but you will then be debited for a further £185 if you forget to cancel your direct debit.

    So: if you want to get a year’s sub (and a free DT mug!) to the DT sign on today and don’t pay the £185 .

    1. I think I’ll save myself £69 and a lot of high blood pressure by not subscribing, thank you, Bill 🙂

        1. Probably. I’m not in the best of moods at the moment – hanging around for a delivery that hasn’t arrived (they have 15 minutes before the window closes and I lock up) does nothing for my sharpness of comprehension.

  31. As you all know, I know SFA about wendyball. But the amazing “successes” of unfavoured teams do look a bit, er, curious to me…

    It couldn’t possibly be fixed, could it?? (sarc)

    1. I think this is happening in most of the games I’ve watched. The referees are not even interested most of the fouls against the favourite team on the pitch.
      And the fake injury scam is rife.
      It’s getting too obvious not to notice.

        1. I only scoot over most of it.
          The game has changed a lot since I use to go to Whitehart Lane as teenager.

    2. Wendyball is all about business and f all to do with sport.

      Yet millions in the UK are deluded enough to pay fortunes for season tickets to watch business fleece them.

        1. Thank you. Hertslass, I think many NoTTLers have already worked that out – Heaven help us, they (the thickies) are going to vote the Grande Idiot, Starmer into office and we will ALL be doomed.

    3. All this talk about wendyball but everyone seems to have forgotten that the home nations’ rugger buggers are playing today against antipodean opposition.

      1. Given up on that – ever since the kneeling malarkey. And the thuggery. And the way they argue with the ref. And those bloody scrums which now take about 10 minutes to “set” each time. And the professional “foul” and deliberate off-side. And not putting the ball in straight. And te sodding hugging and kissing when someone scores.

        1. Agreed, but there’s still some way to go before they descend to the abject levels which are the norm in wendyball.

    4. Not working in every case. You cannot be more unflavored than the Canadian team but apparently they were robbed of glory by spectacular refereeing.

      I did not watch the game either.

  32. Headline in DT

    British soldier guilty of Troubles manslaughter after shooting at Army checkpoint in 1988
    Judge Mr Justice O’Hara said the weapon controlled by David Holden was ‘lethal in the extreme’ when he shot Aiden McAnespie

    Apparently this was an accident and the gun was slippery and went off by mistake when the soldier fired it.

    Wasn’t one of Johnson’s promises in his 2019 election manifesto to end prosecutions against former servicemen in Northern Ireland?

    This should be the very last nail in the Conservative Party’s coffin. I do not say RIP because many of the members of the Conservative Party should rot in Hell.

    1. 368361+ up ticks,

      Afternoon R,
      There are many a current member already lining up to anything that has a tory ( ino) odour about it.

  33. 368361+ up ticks,

    Watch then weigh up YOURSELF.

    In my opinion anything with a farage tag is to be treated with great caution after the treacherous capers he cut regarding the 2019 General Election.

    Now seemingly honorary president of the reform party

    He truly done a great deal of damage along with the current ukip party nec, still in place under neil hamilton..

    He coldly calculatingly played a major part in taking down a successfully rising party that would prove to be a real threat to the toxic trio and not an ally.

    Once bitten twice shy is a warning going unheeded only by fools.

    1. But that was then.Today is far different and much worse. Who else can you recomend to do the right thing.?

        1. A lesson that our conservative party finally learnt after splitting into two factions. In the meantime, the Liberals were gifted majority governments.

        2. Trouble is, Tom, none of the supporters of any of those Mickey Mouse parties are clever enough to work that out.

          1. We can see the big picture, Tom. All they care about is their silly little pipe-dreams about the attainment of power.

      1. 368361+ + up ticks

        Afternoon JN

        “That was then”

        May I ask is there a time limit on treachery then?
        It was all on the toad to thinks getting worse daily.

      2. 368361+Up ticks,

        Evening JN,

        Today is a continuation of yesterday and
        the build up of the last three plus decades via the polling booth

        I see reform having too much tory (ino)

        Odessa type crossover , new party name,
        regroup, reset….

  34. 80% of the population are simply gullible
    They are queuing up locally for the booster & flu jab combined.
    Of course they will all fall for it again.
    We have friends hitherto healthy, triple jabbed now being treated for heart disease who won’t join up the dots

    1. Because they refuse to admit that they might have made a terrible mistake.

      My son and his wife – both self-employed, rational, sceptical folk who normally look for the other side of any argument or case – are ARCH-Covidians. They have every jab/booster going. The more the merrier. Despite having had the illness three times – they just go on going on.

      I don’t talk about it any more.

      1. We have the same problem. Just what is it with our peope now. Of couses governments totaly changed our education sysyem to ensure our children could be brainwashed removed grammar schools and sec moderns to comprehensives.

        1. Agreed. But with my two – it is the complete volte-face from their normal, sensible outlook on everything. Weird.

    2. Only two jabs? We are hearing about a third jab for seniors that will protect us against the RSV infection – the one that only effects young children.

    3. Will the truth ever come out about the sheer evil of the untested mortal gene therapies while those who promoted them, compelled people to have them and still promote them an d compel people to have them are capable of suppressing the truth?

  35. Descending further into the gutter:

    A number of Canadian veterans suffering from PTSD have approached the Veterans Affairs Department looking for help in dealing with their problems. Some of these vets have been advised to consider Medically Assisted Suicide as a way to deal with the situation.

    The issue has been raised in Parliament, naturally the minister responsible is expressing shock and horror at what has been happening in his domain. Not my fault ge cried, I am just here for the pension!

      1. I have thought of the US but paying for health insurance would be a problem – at least the health system does it at no cost to the end user.

        They really have gone overboard on this medically assisted death thing, it is popping up everywhere as a viable option. There again, the health system is so screwed up that they cannot even get Tylenol and over the counter cough medicines into the pharmacies, what chance is there of them having permanent happy pills.

        1. Why have Canadians serially voted for the cretin, Trudeau, when they already know what he is about?

          1. Good question, George, and no sensible answer to date.

            Are ALL Canucks daft or just suicidal?

          2. If you listen to some of the poor things in Otrawa, you would think that they are stupid.

            The EA inquiry has revealed that several ministers were talking about sending army tanks in to clear the freedom convoy demonstrators out of Ottawa. How anyone can support a government that acts like that is beyond me.

            Note: the ministers excuse when caught was “we were just joking”.

          3. I’ve yet to see any politician, of any party, of any country, that fills me with any sense of hope.

          4. Paul Polievre our new conservative leader has a lot of good ideas and is gaining credibility amongst many unaligned voters. Think of him being a Farage who now controls the conservatives.

            Trouble is the bought media are doing their best to discredit him, he is being cast as a mini Trump which is scaring off many who are sick of Trudeau.

            At least we have some hope.

          5. My father was not a gambler but he was once persuaded to accompany a friend to a race course. He placed a nominal bet on the horse wearing number 3 and as the horses trotted around the ring before the start he said to the jockey of Number 3 – “You might as well go straight back to your stable now – my money’s on you to win.”

            Number 3 duly came 8th in a field of 9. It is the same with me and politicians – I was convinced that Owen Paterson was the only Conservative MP to lead us out of catastrophe; I once thought that JRM was a beacon of light; I even made the mistake of thinking Steve Baker was a good bet to be prime minister.

            If you wish to destroy a politician just let me know – give me his or her name and I will support him or her to the hilt.

          6. Where are the The Winston Churchills, the RAB Butlers, the Enoch Powells, the Norman Tebbits the Margaret Thatchers and (indeed) The Peter Shores when you need them. People who were true statesmen (and -woman) who had the county’s best interests at heart. All replaced by flimsies.

          7. Same reason folk vote Labour: ignorance, stupidity, bigotry, lack of intellectual capacity, ‘because they always have’, greed.

          8. And why do people vote for the Conservative Party when the Conservative Party ceased to be Conservative when Major took over from Thatcher?

          9. A good Q. I’d assume disillusionment with the others. Generally folk grow up, and once you start earning money and paying tax you find how egregious government is and such poor value. When Labour are the party of welfare, waste and tax you head toward the other view.

            The nation was also promised Brexit – and utterly deceived. Folk were sick and tired of the lies, fighting and complaints from remoaners in the state and public and rejected that by voting Tory.

            The deceit will backfire, leading to a collapse of all the traditional conservatives and the new ones.

          10. Only thirty percent voted for the village idiot. Thanks to some rather crafting drawn constituency boundaries, that is enough.

            Today, Trudeau is supposed to appear before the public inquiry into his use of the Emergency Act earlier this year. Despite previous witnesses confirming that the criteria for invoking the Act were not met, we can guarantee that liberals will let him off and still voting for him.

          11. It will be a complete sham. A farce designed to go through the motions.

            There will be no consequences, no prevention, and certainly no punishment. In fact, likelihood is the court will exhonerate him.

          12. Oh your understanding of this Inquiry is in line with what most conservatives are saying.

            With a judge impartially selected by Trudeau from past Liberal party advisors, what do you expect.

          13. We need to bring in an acceptable version of proportional representation.

            FPTP doesn’t work in favour of the electorate.

          14. For the same reason, maybe, that Blair got in three times and we’ve had CINO goverments for the last decade or so.

          15. Why do the English vote for Lib/Lab/Con when they know what the result is? There’s no cure for stupid.

          16. There is, indeed, no cure for stupid, Dukke, min vän. That is why the species is in a headlong fall into extinction.

        2. Why have Canadians serially voted for the cretin, Trudeau, when they already know what he is about?

          1. Or they could give you a super-charged Covid jab guaranteed to bump you off within 30 days of getting it.

          2. Nothing beats driving around in the US in a car with Ontario license plates. You may as well hang a banner on the car saying Shoot me I am unarmed. Add in a wife who is liable to wave a finger or two at other drivers and you are all set for a good time.

            That will be us in March.

        1. Dave Cousins was a bit special wasn’t he? I have their greatest hits on CD. The keyboard-player, Blue Weaver, was drafted in as a replacement when Rick Wakeman left to join Yes.

        1. They were having a laugh, Tom. The Strawbs were asked to appear on Top of the Pops and mime to their record, something they didn’t wish to do through professional pride. So they rebelled by playing their instruments wrongly (not matching the music, acting like clowns), and (in the case of the drummer, Richard Hudson) blacking out a tooth to look ‘simple’). As you say, ‘lie’ is the proper verb but in big stretches of the country — North, South and in between (the Strawbs were West-country lads) — ‘lay’ is a common dialectic alternative.

  36. Zinsser don’t label their paints especially well. This confuses customers who want to buy a specific type of paint.

    Zinsser! Label your paints!

    Here ends the lesson.

      1. This is for the bathroom. The paint’s peeling. I’ve a bucket of ronseal, which has held up quite well, to be fair – but in the least dodgy corner.

        1. Did you ‘size’ it first? I got the biggest shock ever when I decorated this bathroom for the first time, over 35 years ago! ‘Dad! There’s a dreadful fishy smell…..’ ‘Yes pet! That’ll be the fish bones……

      2. I actually have magnolia on my windows frames etc. on the outside. It blends in far better with the brickwork (1905) and I have been complimented on it as being far more pleasant to look at than the white that some other houses have.

    1. Never heard of them. I always used Johnstone’s paints, which had far better coverage than Dulux or Crown.

    1. How about stopping the vermin getting here in the first place? You know, defending our boarders. The clue to your job is, well, flippin’ obvious.

      1. Come on Wibbles, let’s defend our borders – we already have too many boarders, lapping it up in 4* hotels.

        Leave or be killed.

  37. NOW even UKIP are doing the bleeding heart bit:

    How is it possible for social housing landlords Rochdale Boroughwide Housing (RBH), to do nothing when warned of excessive mould and damp in a young boy’s home which many months later led to his tragic death?

    2-year-old Awaab Ishak died, the coroner confirmed, due to official ignorance of the risks of mould and its spoors, poor communication due to language difficulties and slow legal procedures taking precedence over urgent practical action to fix the problem.

    The father was fobbed off with inadequate instructions to paint over any mould himself. Unfortunately, we can be reasonably sure there are many more cases of mould and damp causing illness and suffering that do not come to light.

    Some people are suggesting that there is a racial element to their poor response, but it seems likely that it was the family’s poverty and lack of English that led to such bureaucratic failure

    This is an example of bureaucratic betrayal of a precious young life, due to dreadful conditions in social housing that are all too common.

    Those responsible are finally reacting with soothing words for Awaab’s family.

    It was simply too much trouble to respond properly in timely fashion.

    We must have more transparency and timely information about social housing failures and powerful incentives for correction of disrepair including legal actions against inadequate performance by social housing landlords.

    We are paying for high standards in social housing, and we are right to expect the best from all involved.

    Nigel Carter
    UK Independence Party

    Yes, social housing landlords need to be held responsible for the state of the accommodation, and this death is tragic.

    So no indigenous people ever had the same problems and maybe deaths? That is, if they were given housing in the first place. How about more reporting on those?

    “Some people are suggesting that there is a racial element to their poor response, but it seems likely that it was the family’s poverty and lack of English that led to such bureaucratic failure.”
    – Rochdale, eh – how about the Rochdale “response” to the rapes and so-called “grooming” (i.e.mistreatment) of white English girls/children?
    – “lack of English” well if they were in France or anywhere else they would have had to learn the language of the country. Chances are they wouldn’t have been given a house. So tough titty.
    – “the family’s poverty” – they are no poorer than anyone else who claims the comparable benefits. How about our veterans sleeping on the streets?

    Pull your socks up UKIP.

    1. WHY are pig-ignorant, non-English speaking Somalis even living in this country; let alone in taxpayer supported accommodation?
      And, no doubt, still breeding at our expense.

    2. 368361+up ticks

      Afternoon HL

      You are right in your post but for ukip
      it has now joined the lab/lib/con/ukip coalition it is just another party in name only brought about by the treacherous party NEC & friends.

    3. Because they didn’t know. No one knew. No one had the faintest idea who lived there because it was sub let so many times it wasn’t funny. It was a welfare fraud scam to allow a dozen ethnic families to claim to live at the same address and claim cash for doing so.

      1. welfare fraud scam. so many, so many times and all approved. Kick the scum (and Angela Ryner) Out

      1. It’s more appropriate to say that all those towns are Labour strongholds *because* they’re overrun with foreigners. It’s a vicious cycle, and the Left protect their own.

  38. Good news on the inflation front. It seems that the price of Whisky has not increased over the past 12 months (that includes the single malts currently on offer!)

    1. My Whyte and Mackays is now £20 no matter where I go in Scotland, but is still av available on Amazon at £16..00.

      Up yours, wee Krankie. Bluddy tyrannical dictator. SAS, get here.

        1. People like her certainly tend to clear the air when ‘conspiracy theories’ are shoved in our faces. Most of them tend to be accurate.

    1. Still, pretty scary, Canada’s future could be ours, given the subborning by the non-medical PTB.

    2. Never mind, who she is, she certainly has a handle on what Canada’s mental institutes are doing to their patients.

    1. See a few comments above/below (depending on which way you work) for the email I got from the Kh*nt.

    2. Let’s vote to move the Capital to York or Winchester or even Bungay on the Norfolk/Suffolk border.

      …at least to a safe, ENGLISH city. Time to kick ALL the Islamists out. They are aliens.

      1. Bungay tried to ban the Boxing Day meet (they were unsuccessful), so it’s not as unwoke as all that.

        1. A lovely, wee small town, in which I went to Grammar School that is now defunct, replaced by Bungay High School that has, by all accounts, descended into the classic ‘woke’ ideology. ‘Scruff’ our erstwhile headmaster, Cantab and JP, would never have continenced it but time and tide o’er takes us. Sadly.

      1. I like a challenge:

        Now is the winter of our discontent
        Made glorious summer by this Sunak Oik;
        And all the clods of Labour In the House
        In the deep bosom of the expenses buried.
        Now are our brows bound with infectious threats;
        Our bruised arms hung up for Covid Jabs;
        Our Border Warnings changed to merry greetings,
        Our dreadful inflation, frightful measures.
        Grim-visaged war hath smooth’d Zel’s wrinkled front;
        And now, instead of mounting barbed Tweets
        To fright the souls of fearful adversaries,
        He capers nimbly in the WEF’s chamber
        To the lascivious pleasing of the Loot.

  39. This just in from our friend the Mayor of London. making life difficult for ordinary Londoners but extolling his virtue for all the important people (sic) to see. EDIT: you will own nothing, and be happy.

    £Good afternoon
    Thank you for responding to our consultation that took place earlier this year. I am now contactng you to let you know that the Mayor of London has decided to expand the ULEZ to outer London so that it will apply London-wide from 29 August 2023.
    This followed a public consultation that took place between 20 May and 29 July 2022. The Mayor’s decision was informed by the consultation responses that we received and other relevant information such as the Integrated Impact Assessment which considered the possible impacts of the proposed expansion. The consultation reports which summarise the issues raised in the consultation and TfL’s response to them can be viewed here.
    To support the ULEZ expansion, the Mayor has announced that he is funding a £110m scrappage scheme for Londoners on lower incomes, disabled Londoners, charities, micro businesses and sole traders. The scheme will open on 30 January 2023, but the website has already been updated with some details on what the scheme will look like and who will be eligible to apply.
    To help London’s disabled drivers and community transport minibuses run by not- for-profit organisations, the existing exemption periods for these vehicles will extend to October 2027 and October 2025 respectively. There will also be new exemption periods for disabled drivers and wheelchair accessible and adapted vehicles. These will apply from the end of January 2023 until October 2027. For more information please see the TfL website.
    Additionally, to maximise the potential benefits of expanding the ULEZ and strengthen alternatives to private cars, the Mayor today announced a plan for improving the bus network in outer London. Two new routes will be introduced in Sutton and in east London, new zero-emission cross-river services will be introduced, subject to consultation, as part of the opening of the Silvertown Tunnel in 2025.
    In addition to ULEZ expansion, we also consulted on changing the way Auto Pay works, increasing the level of the penalty charge for non-payment of the ULEZ and the Congestion Charge, and asked for your views on the possible future of road user charging, as well as a revision to the Mayor’s Transport Strategy.
    The Mayor has also decided to:
    • Remove the annual £10 per vehicle Auto Pay registration fee to make it easier for people with non-compliant vehicles to pay the charge and avoid unnecessary penalty charges
    • Increase the penalty charge notice for non-payment of the ULEZ and Congestion Charges from £160 to £180 (or £90 if paid within 14 days) to ensure it remains an effective deterrent
    The consultation also asked a number of questions about how people felt a future road user charging scheme might work by the end of the decade. The full consultation report details the response to these questions.
    The MTS Revision and its post adoption statement, as well as the Integrated Impact Assessment of the proposed revision and the Habitats Regulation Assessment, may be inspected during office hours at TfL’s main office: Palestra, 197 Blackfriars Road, London SE1 8NJ; and at City Hall, Kamal Chunchie Way, London E16 1ZE. These documents are also available on our website.
    If you have any questions about the impacts about any of the information in this email please contact our customer services team.
    Kind regards
    Christina Calderato
    Director of Transport Strategy & Policy
    Transport for London”

    1. “Thank you for responding to our consultation that took place earlier this year’

      Translation: Now Eff Off!

      1. That’s the long and the short of it. Same here re housing. Lots of reasoned objections, all dismissed and they go ahead with what they’ve planned anyway.

    2. That’d be the consultation that was firmly against expanding the tax zone, wasn’t it? It’s really comical. Will Khan has his 2 vehicles removed, or will he be exempt? Ah, we know the answer. The scum is corrupt.

        1. Which is quite difficult, to be fair.

          But but but his father was a bus driver, so that’s alright then.

          1. And he’s of another sect and race.
            I seem to remember in his former employment, he was involved in the defence of the 7/7 London bombers.

    3. God, please help all Londoners to escape this, oh so dangerous, Muslim Iconoclast.

      I’m glad I made a decision a long while back to NEVER, EVER, visit out capital metropolis while this ranting idiot was in charge.

      Shades of future days to come.

        1. Or at least the people who got a voting form did; plus of course all the long dead relations of some of the voters!!

          1. My friend Mr Rashid told me that he was incredibly busy during the weeks leading to the London Mayor Election.

        2. Well, I didn’t. The eternal problem is our friend, the “Alternative Vote” (or whatever it’s called) which also causes trouble in Scotland.

    4. By “dlsabled” they mean a vehicle that is registered as zero tax because it’s on the mobility scheme for a disabled driver. Just having a Blue Badge and being disabled won’t get you exemption.

    5. Utter bastards. I’d better get visiting my friends in London before it comes in. If it were about pollution, they’d have set up park-and-rides. They haven’t. I really pity Londoners.

  40. This just in from our friend the Mayor of London. making life difficult for ordinary Londoners but extolling his virtue for all the important people (sic) to see. EDIT: you will own nothing, and be happy.

    £Good afternoon
    Thank you for responding to our consultation that took place earlier this year. I am now contactng you to let you know that the Mayor of London has decided to expand the ULEZ to outer London so that it will apply London-wide from 29 August 2023.
    This followed a public consultation that took place between 20 May and 29 July 2022. The Mayor’s decision was informed by the consultation responses that we received and other relevant information such as the Integrated Impact Assessment which considered the possible impacts of the proposed expansion. The consultation reports which summarise the issues raised in the consultation and TfL’s response to them can be viewed here.
    To support the ULEZ expansion, the Mayor has announced that he is funding a £110m scrappage scheme for Londoners on lower incomes, disabled Londoners, charities, micro businesses and sole traders. The scheme will open on 30 January 2023, but the website has already been updated with some details on what the scheme will look like and who will be eligible to apply.
    To help London’s disabled drivers and community transport minibuses run by not- for-profit organisations, the existing exemption periods for these vehicles will extend to October 2027 and October 2025 respectively. There will also be new exemption periods for disabled drivers and wheelchair accessible and adapted vehicles. These will apply from the end of January 2023 until October 2027. For more information please see the TfL website.
    Additionally, to maximise the potential benefits of expanding the ULEZ and strengthen alternatives to private cars, the Mayor today announced a plan for improving the bus network in outer London. Two new routes will be introduced in Sutton and in east London, new zero-emission cross-river services will be introduced, subject to consultation, as part of the opening of the Silvertown Tunnel in 2025.
    In addition to ULEZ expansion, we also consulted on changing the way Auto Pay works, increasing the level of the penalty charge for non-payment of the ULEZ and the Congestion Charge, and asked for your views on the possible future of road user charging, as well as a revision to the Mayor’s Transport Strategy.
    The Mayor has also decided to:
    • Remove the annual £10 per vehicle Auto Pay registration fee to make it easier for people with non-compliant vehicles to pay the charge and avoid unnecessary penalty charges
    • Increase the penalty charge notice for non-payment of the ULEZ and Congestion Charges from £160 to £180 (or £90 if paid within 14 days) to ensure it remains an effective deterrent
    The consultation also asked a number of questions about how people felt a future road user charging scheme might work by the end of the decade. The full consultation report details the response to these questions.
    The MTS Revision and its post adoption statement, as well as the Integrated Impact Assessment of the proposed revision and the Habitats Regulation Assessment, may be inspected during office hours at TfL’s main office: Palestra, 197 Blackfriars Road, London SE1 8NJ; and at City Hall, Kamal Chunchie Way, London E16 1ZE. These documents are also available on our website.
    If you have any questions about the impacts about any of the information in this email please contact our customer services team.
    Kind regards
    Christina Calderato
    Director of Transport Strategy & Policy
    Transport for London”

  41. Phew! I’m knackered!
    Just dropped a 14″ elm that’s been quietly maturing for the past couple of years and got it cut into manageable lengths.
    Will stack the logs as they are for new and they will be cut chopped for the stove when I’ve space in the chopped log stacks.

    1. Are Friends of the Earth aware of your heroic efforts of deforestation in your neck of Mother Earth’s womb?

          1. Happy as Larry, thank you! Painting, exploring, meeting fascinating people. Glad you can see this reply 😉

      1. The trees I’m felling are either already dead elm, killed off by the Dutch Elm beetle, or ash with severe die-back.
        If I get rid of the elm this winter, then next spring I’ll be able to judge how badly the ash have been affected and begin dropping the worst of them.

        1. There are thousands of Ash trees all along the Kennet & Avon Canal that have Ash Dieback disease ….:-(

    2. Busy boy, you could make a fortune selling those logs in the dangerous course of the next few years. Thank God I shall not be around to see it happen. Enjoy your fortune, BoB.

      1. I’ve another five dead elms to drop still. One is even bigger than the one I dropped today.
        Must count the rings to see how old it was before the Dutch Elm Beetle killed it.

    3. Busy boy, you could make a fortune selling those logs in the dangerous course of the next few years. Thank God I shall not be around to see it happen. Enjoy your fortune, BoB.

  42. Afternoon all – just checking in – been quite a busy day today as I’ve had a few things to catch up with as I didn’t do the hospital visit today.

      1. I don’t know – he hasn’t got a mobile and they’re not answering the ward phone.

        I’m ok – i’ve been busy today – coffee this morning with friends and this afternoon getting stuff ready for the charity fair tomorrow. This evening my next door neighbour is coming to share a meal.

        Typing is tricky as Lily is on my lap.

        1. Keep going, m’dear. You are NOT a loser and I’m sure you will eventually win through.

          You are the epitome of the Good Wife. JFDI.

          Even this suicidal idiot is with you. wishing you to win against the system.

          1. I’m afraid, J. that it means another long distance appearance to ask, “What the hell is going on!”

          2. Go, Girl, you’re stronger than the NHS freaks.

            I wish I could be there to accompany you. They’d quickly die down under my blistering fire.

          3. I’m not going over this evening as I’ve got my neighbour coming for dinner and I try to avoid driving in the dark as the oncoming lights are just too dazzling.

            He was having some dental treatment today and he didn’t think he’d feel up for a visit.

          4. I guess that you know best, J, but don’t give up.

            I know, as I found out on Saturday night, that there is a powerful majority behind you and may be called upon – and especially in your area, – to give you all the support and power to see that might is still right. Carry that with you, through all adversity. We will back you, all the damned way.

        2. Even if your husband had a mobile phone, I doubt it would work in the ward. Mine didn’t; I had to drag myself and my broken ribs into a side ward to make contact.

        3. If as Conway says it might not work because of the signal it might if you both set up WhatsApp as that works on WiFi.

          1. A basic mobile as T-B suggested wouldn’t get WhatsApp. He used to have a basic PAYG phone just for calls & texts but I was going to get him something a bit better but events overtook us.

          2. It was just a thought. Hope you can sort the hospital out. Don’t forget and write to the CEO of the trust.

        4. Is there a hospital phone incorporated in the telly thing?
          They aren’t cheap to use, but they are useful to catch up daily with the patient.
          The ward should give you a number (maybe when you are physically there).

        5. Wonderful! Aren’t cats marvellous? Phoebe is giving me a massage and her needly claws are keeping me awake. I’ve had a cold for 10 days now and I think it must be ‘long Convid’!

    1. Why don’t you buy J a pay as you go mobile phone , they are so cheap , Tesco or Sainsbury .. they are so easy peasy to operate and maintain , just for calls maybe ?

      1. He used to have one of those – I was going to get him a more upmarket phone when he was diagnosed but things happened a bit too quickly – and I’ve no idea how to set it up for him.

  43. Here is a tale of two halves….
    Had an appointment at 1.30. Cab at 12.50. Got there early and there was no-one there. The reception desk was closed- we were the only people there.
    MH walked up the halls shouting ” Is anyone there?” It was like the Marie Celeste.
    There was a bell on the wall which I went and pressed. A nurse came out and said they were all at lunch! I was really mad by then, so I asked why they booked appointments for 1.30? No response.
    Anyway, I saw the doc- a different one from last time and I did like her. The cancer on my face, according to her, has healed; the lymnphnodes are all OK .
    I am not cured but it is not dire right now.

      1. Probably in remission, I would have thought. They wouldn’t commit themselves to saying she was cured in case it returns and they’ll be sued (as my neighbour’s son will be doing to the local HealthTrust who told my neighbour on several occasions that she didn’t have cancer, despite very high scores on the marker for it and a family history of the disease. They did nothing for months, then eventually they admitted she had cancer after all and it was Stage 4, terminal). Envy of the world? What a laugh!

    1. Sounds like good news Lottie so relief all round. Pathetic about the “all at lunch” remark. Hospitals should have enough staff to cover all hours.

        1. I would, if I were you, despite the poor experiences. Unless, of course, you can get a check-up elsewhere. It pays to keep having these things checked out.

        2. I know it’s been yet another ordeal but, consider, if you think your problem hasn’t quite gone away, as they seem to think, you would go to the bottom of the referral system and have to start all over again.

        3. As, I’ve said to J, Ndovu, get down there and give ’em HELL. It’s all they understand. Get PALS on your side.

        4. As, I’ve said to J, Ndovu, get down there and give ’em HELL. It’s all they understand. Get PALS on your side.

    2. I hope that will continue to be the case. Keep an eye on it, though. I’ll still put in a word for you with Him Upstairs.

          1. Cheers mate. I wish I could believe but sadly no. C of E primary and grammar school killed it.

          2. Don’t worry. As long as you are open to accepting the prayers on your behalf, that should be enough.

  44. Et voila! Me voici de retour, mes amis. Eyes okay, it must have been the machine on the blink (ironic, really, as it was the fields test machine, which flashes green dots in your peripheral vision).

  45. Par Four today.

    Wordle 524 4/6

    1. A decent birdie for me for a change.
      Wordle 524 3/6


  46. Completely OT – but a message for animal keeping NoTTLers.

    When G & P arrived, the MR was amazed at the expense of cat food. And the weight when lugging it home. She did lots of research and discovered an online outfit called:

    Branded cat and dog food is about one-third cheaper than supermarkets. ALSO – they deliver (our roundsman leaves the heavy boxes in the garage – so we have minimal carrying. Delivery usually within 48 hours.

    Highly commended.

  47. Oh dear, it can get worse.
    Trudeau tried a bit of one upmanship by appearing late at the Emergency Act inquiry. We suspect that the little narcissistic clown was trying to look important, instead he was greeted by laughter at his untimely appearance.

    After that show of contempt for the inquiry it was back to normal evasion and non answers. They aren’t even attempting to claim that they met the legal requirements for invoking the war measures act, just claiming that it was the right thing to do.

  48. That’s me gone. Nice day – sunny. Moved the Thalia Fuchsias into winter quarters.

    Have a jolly evening

    A demain. I hope.

      1. Sorry, I’m struggling to read this, my left eye is completely closed an the right one is very swollen.

    1. I saw a rainbow coloured Christmas tree on my way to the opticians! WTF? TV seems to be Virtue Signal central at the moment; I’m just watching the racing I recorded and the presenter has a band in Ukraine colours round the bottom of his mike (to distinguish it from the saner members of the crew, presumably). Quel idiot.

    2. Nothing says overpaid, virtue signalling, winker than a rainbow watch costing over half a million pounds – what an utter tool. I freally hope they lose badly and have to creep back with their tails between their legs! I liked the comment “all he needs now is to learn to tell the time”

  49. Despite a late start today I am feeling quite tired and can barely keep my eyes open. So I will bid you all a Good Night and hope you all sleep well. Tomorrow I shall devote to writing my Christmas cards which I hope to post on Monday or Tuesday after this weekend’s postal strike and before the further December postal strikes. Hopefully this will enable the recipients to receive them before Christmas this year – an unusual event for me. Good Night, everyone.

    1. I have admit that I’ve marked this weekend as card writing time.
      Additionally, I’m afraid of forgetting in the furore of moving house.

      1. Don’t forget to write your new address on the back of the envelope Annie if you send one to me.

      2. I shall be writing the rest of my cards over the next week. Some are already done and delivered by hand because I knew I should be seeing the recipients (and so I saved the cost of the postage, which ain’t cheap!).

    2. Make ’em yourself, Elsie and send via e-mail. Fcuck the Royal Mail (owned by Germans) do all you can to undermine. I can send you a PowerPoint Template to make your own cards. I plan on sending mine to y’all on 2nd December. Watch out for it and do the necessary as per the instructions.

      1. Thanks for that, Tom. The reason I am sending Christmas cards this year is because they do not have the funny extension code and so will become useless and of no value by the end of the year.

        1. Me too. They asked me the first time and I said I was not having the jab and they said “we’ll take you off the list then”. Excellent.

          I am getting flu vac texts, but only two or three which I have ignored.

  50. A chat with my sister earlier. A couple of decades ago having worked in an office in the City she decided to choose a different career path and chose gardening as one of the strings to her new bow. Since then she has manicured a 4 acre garden on the outskirts of a posh town in Kent. Today a plumber had to call to do some work on the house. He revealed that the owner’s gas heating bill was £25,000 and that was just for the swimming pool……

    1. A different world, King Stephen! We are quite close to a Premiership footballer….the money is overwhelming!

      1. Indeed. My youngest daughter (until she had to put her career on hold) was actively involved in helping multi millionaires to spend millions on their house interiors….Curiously the footballers weren’t taken on as clients…..

        1. The guy is a very nice chap – came from nothing, plays football vey well and earns an astronomical amount of dosh. He supports his mother, brother, ex-wife and children, sister, new lady, her mother and brother, step daughter and new child! Plus all the various hangers on! Fortunately, his brain extends beyond his feet and willy, so he’s not so daft!

  51. A chat with my sister earlier. A couple of decades ago having worked in an office in the City she decided to choose a different career path and chose gardening as one of the strings to her new bow. Since then she has manicured a 4 acre garden on the outskirts of a posh town in Kent. Today a plumber had to call to do some work on the house. He revealed that the owner’s gas heating bill was £25,000 and that was just for the swimming pool……

  52. Exciting trip to Firstborn’s place for the weekend.
    Darker than the inside of a Cabinet minister. Raining, As we get out into the wilds, changes over to snow.
    Suddenly, out of the dark, a moose jumps into the road in front of us – mother and calf. Managed to avoid mother, calf to the side of the car, didn’t touch it. But I did ram the brake pedal into the engine compartment… We stopped in about 5 metres, then the traffic coming from behind was a threat, so had to get moving again soonest.
    Close encounter of the moose kind. Need clean crunchies… 🙁

    1. Surely hitting a mousse would be quite nice, especially a chocolate one.

      Oh, hang on. Wrong type of moose.

      1. Fred Gwyyne – aka Herman Munster- wrote some books for children. One of them was “A Chocolate Moose for Dinner.” And on the cover was a large moose eating a mousse.

  53. Exciting trip to Firstborn’s place for the weekend.
    Darker than the inside of a Cabinet minister. Raining, As we get out into the wilds, changes over to snow.
    Suddenly, out of the dark, a moose jumps into the road in front of us – mother and calf. Managed to avoid mother, calf to the side of the car, didn’t touch it. But I did ram the brake pedal into the engine compartment… We stopped in about 5 metres, then the traffic coming from behind was a threat, so had to get moving again soonest.
    Close encounter of the moose kind. Need clean crunchies… 🙁

  54. Dalrymple, right on the money, as so often!

    Most of us are aware of how limited our understanding is. How many of the millions of people who use computers every day and now could scarcely exist without them have the faintest idea how they work? What is true of computers is true of many of the other things upon which we depend: We live in a cloud of unknowing.

    1. I’ve often speculated that our technology is ahead of our understanding. We’re not ignorant (well, kids are, because the state tells them what to think rather than factual information) but yes, a good point on the computer thing. I do know how they work – it’s my job, after all but the principle stands: I drive a car but don’t really get how it works beyond pistons and explosions and the turny thing.

      1. It’s all about, Suck, squeeze, bang, blow – the Principal behind the Internal Combustion Engine.

    2. Same applies to driving a car. How many know how a combustion engine works? Not many, I would suggest, but people still drive cars.

        1. Respect.
          When our son, now 50, was 8/9 his school had a parent’s evening. We were astonished they didn’t teach the times tables. The head mistress explained that they didn’t do that as the children didn’t understand how the answer was arrived at.
          I asked her if she drove a car and she replied yes. I asked her to explain the workings of the internal combustion engine. She couldn’t. I pointed out that it was not necessary to drive the car. BTW we used to practice the tables at meal times.

          1. Easy answer is, Suck, Squeeze, Bang, Blow. And, Alf, yes we had the times tables dinned into us by rote.

    1. Well, if Johnson had stuck to the bill of goods (manifesto2019) Dehenna wouldn’t have a zero chance of re=election. So, I cannot blame her for starting to think ahead and plan her future life. My disappointment is that no Conservatives have yet crossed the floor to take up the ReformUK label.

    1. I’m not seeing a downside.

      I’m sorry, anyone stupid enough to huff that stuff is an idiot and deserves what they get.

      1. As one of the BTL comments points out the silly sods who indulge and end up in a hospital bed are depriving another patient of the same facility.

        1. While in hosp. I saw a woman literally staggering drunk, Another was a drug addict (and screaming abuse at the police surrounding him) and the NHS treats them all equally.

          Which, being honest, was sodding annoying as I sat there for 8 hours while the self inflicted were treated first – yet I understand it.

    2. I’ve no idea what he is talking about but obviously our youngsters are intent upon pursuing their idiocy. Darwinism in action maybe?

    1. Please, Katy, feel free to visit me, no matter how far, I’ll make you welcome and I have a bed you may share or I’ll sleep apart. I would never compromise you. I am an old English Gentleman.

        1. I certainly hope not. To date I’ve met just one NoTTLer. I wish to meet more. You’ll be welcome.

          As will any NoTTLer who dares to venture into the Borders. Tom will welcome you with ever-open arms.

  55. Who’s winning the war? Two Englishmen in fancy dress in Qatar or millions of Mohammedans in their religious uniform in Europe?

    England fans dressed as knights accused of being ‘Muslim killers’ by Qatari police

    Two fans claim they were ordered to take off their chain mail and St George shields outside England’s first match against Iran

    By Bill Gardner in Doha • 25 November 2022 • 5:43pm
    Two England fans dressed as knights say they were accused of being “Muslim killers” by Qatari police as FIFA announced a ban on “Crusader” fancy dress. The two men claimed they were ordered to take off their chainmail and St George shields outside England’s first match against Iran. Social media footage of the two men showed them being led away by Qatari security.

    Speaking for the first time, the two men, who did not wish to be named, told The Telegraph they were “definitely not racists” and claimed they had been dressed as knights from Monty Python rather than Crusaders. Both are British expats who have lived in Doha for several years.

    “It was ridiculous,” one of the men said. “We turned up and the police first told us we couldn’t take the swords in, even though they are made out of foam. Then a captain came running after us saying we couldn’t wear the chainmail. At one point one of them asked ‘Are you Muslim killers?’ Of course we aren’t Crusaders. We’ve lived here for years and we have no problems with Muslims at all – we work with them every day. It took two and half hours before they eventually let us in, wearing England shirts. This is just total woke madness. I blame Fifa. You can’t wear anything nowadays without someone taking offence.”

    England fans have supported the team for years while dressed as St George, the patron saint often depicted as a Crusader warrior knight on horseback. The best-known Crusades took place between 1095 and 1291, when Christian armies fought to seize Jerusalem and the surrounding area from Islamic rule. The two men said they feared reprisals from the Qatari authorities, and were only comfortable being photographed in their full costumes in a cellar.

    “Now we are worried about the Qataris coming after us – they’ve got cameras everywhere. We were dressed as Monty Python, for god’s sake. One of us had coconuts to do the horses clip-clopping from the film. On the way to the stadium everyone loved us, including the Qataris. They took pictures, and they couldn’t get enough of us.

    FIFA announced a ban on Crusader costumes after Islamophobia charities warned the garb could be offensive to Muslims. In a statement FIFA said: “Crusader costumes in the Arab context can be offensive against Muslims. That is why anti-discrimination colleagues asked fans to wear things inside out or change dress.”

    A spokesman for Kick It Out, a charity campaigning against racism and discrimination in football, warned fans against dressing up in knight costumes in Qatar.

    “We would advise fans who are attending Fifa World Cup matches that certain attire, such as fancy-dress costumes representing knights or crusaders, may not be welcomed in Qatar and other Islamic countries. Foreign Office travel advice issued before the tournament expressed that fans should familiarise themselves with local customs, and we would encourage fans to take this approach.”

    In the weeks leading up to the World Cup, British police warned of the risk of England fans inadvertently offending Qatari locals.

    Mark Roberts, Cheshire Chief Constable and English National Football Lead, said: “It’s a World Cup in a different part of the world with a very different culture, and I think one of my fears is that supporters not wishing to cause offence or cause problems may act in a way that inadvertently causes offence or draws attention.”

    1. The best-known Crusades took place between 1095 and 1291, when Christian armies fought to seize Jerusalem and the surrounding area from Islamic rule.

      No mention that prior to that Islamic Rule imposed through conquest, Jerusalem and the surrounding area had been Christian.

      1. It took 300 years to chase the slammers out of Europe/Spain in particular.
        They murdered thousands of young white European children.

        1. A successful reconquista requires leaders of the calibre of Ferdinand and Isabella. Where, oh where?

    2. Stupid Islamists will take offence at any likelihood that they may be defeated, even by two supporters who may rake up old ideologist offence against their corrupt ideology. Corruption rules.

  56. Who’s winning the war? Two Englishmen in fancy dress in Qatar or millions of Mohammedans in their religious uniform in Europe?

    England fans dressed as knights accused of being ‘Muslim killers’ by Qatari police

    Two fans claim they were ordered to take off their chain mail and St George shields outside England’s first match against Iran

    By Bill Gardner in Doha • 25 November 2022 • 5:43pm
    Two England fans dressed as knights say they were accused of being “Muslim killers” by Qatari police as FIFA announced a ban on “Crusader” fancy dress. The two men claimed they were ordered to take off their chainmail and St George shields outside England’s first match against Iran. Social media footage of the two men showed them being led away by Qatari security.

    Speaking for the first time, the two men, who did not wish to be named, told The Telegraph they were “definitely not racists” and claimed they had been dressed as knights from Monty Python rather than Crusaders. Both are British expats who have lived in Doha for several years.

    “It was ridiculous,” one of the men said. “We turned up and the police first told us we couldn’t take the swords in, even though they are made out of foam. Then a captain came running after us saying we couldn’t wear the chainmail. At one point one of them asked ‘Are you Muslim killers?’ Of course we aren’t Crusaders. We’ve lived here for years and we have no problems with Muslims at all – we work with them every day. It took two and half hours before they eventually let us in, wearing England shirts. This is just total woke madness. I blame Fifa. You can’t wear anything nowadays without someone taking offence.”

    England fans have supported the team for years while dressed as St George, the patron saint often depicted as a Crusader warrior knight on horseback. The best-known Crusades took place between 1095 and 1291, when Christian armies fought to seize Jerusalem and the surrounding area from Islamic rule. The two men said they feared reprisals from the Qatari authorities, and were only comfortable being photographed in their full costumes in a cellar.

    “Now we are worried about the Qataris coming after us – they’ve got cameras everywhere. We were dressed as Monty Python, for god’s sake. One of us had coconuts to do the horses clip-clopping from the film. On the way to the stadium everyone loved us, including the Qataris. They took pictures, and they couldn’t get enough of us.

    FIFA announced a ban on Crusader costumes after Islamophobia charities warned the garb could be offensive to Muslims. In a statement FIFA said: “Crusader costumes in the Arab context can be offensive against Muslims. That is why anti-discrimination colleagues asked fans to wear things inside out or change dress.”

    A spokesman for Kick It Out, a charity campaigning against racism and discrimination in football, warned fans against dressing up in knight costumes in Qatar.

    “We would advise fans who are attending Fifa World Cup matches that certain attire, such as fancy-dress costumes representing knights or crusaders, may not be welcomed in Qatar and other Islamic countries. Foreign Office travel advice issued before the tournament expressed that fans should familiarise themselves with local customs, and we would encourage fans to take this approach.”

    In the weeks leading up to the World Cup, British police warned of the risk of England fans inadvertently offending Qatari locals.

    Mark Roberts, Cheshire Chief Constable and English National Football Lead, said: “It’s a World Cup in a different part of the world with a very different culture, and I think one of my fears is that supporters not wishing to cause offence or cause problems may act in a way that inadvertently causes offence or draws attention.”

    1. Sunak will do exactly as his masters tell him, and will do absolutely nothing about any laws whatsoever.

      He wants to rejoin, Chunt wants to rejoin, the entire civil service has planned to rejoin since we left. It was never, ever going to be permitted. Legality, democracy meant nothing to them. It was all something to overturn because it didn’t suit the big state, tax and waste agenda.

      1. Chunt, you mean, Chase the Bitch, by any other name. An absolute tw@ by any other name.

        Who will rid us of these turbulent Priests of the WEF. Rastus, (Richard) summon your ancestors and I will join you with, if not a sword, a loaded pistol.?

      2. Chunt, you mean, Chase the Bitch, by any other name. An absolute tw@ by any other name.

        Who will rid us of these turbulent Priests of the WEF. Rastus, (Richard) summon your ancestors and I will join you with, if not a sword, a loaded pistol.?

    2. Hmm. ,,, “the biggest con of the people in British political history”…. Close run thing with the scamdemic I’d say with all its implications. In any case what business is it of snivel serpents to ask him to “delay the bonfire of EU laws”?

    3. Delaying until 2026 just plays into our hands – he will defeated in any GE in 2024 and will be just another Tory has been.

      WE have the WHIP-HAND, beat them with it,

      1. I hope to God that this repulsive government has been ousted by then – but we must have a better alternative to Labour and the Lib/Dems.

  57. I’ve seen Conservative ministers work harder to complete Brexit than our England side tried to win tonight.

    1. I’ve seen Conservative Ministers deprive us of our vote in the mandate, God damn their traitorous eyes.

      I will NEVER vote for any of them, again.

  58. 368361+ up ticks,

    Looks like sunak is going in for the brexit kill, I posted long ago early doors referendum that the waster cameron the wretch had a fall back plan,the tory (ino) party of so devious a nature are never without one.

    I pegged treacherous treasa as the semi re-entry pilot, then the turkish delight now it looks like this latest critter
    sunak is the chosen one.

    Sad thing is this treachery was backed ALL the way via the polling booth and very,very, treacherously misplaced trust in fake parties again & again.

    It was on the cards since the 25/6/2016.

    An ex fruitcake, also described by that farage chap,the members are vile, the new BNP.

    1. As far as I remember just after we won the Brexit vote the idea was to more or less mirror the bulk of EU laws but in UK law. It appears the Civil Service has done very little of this.. They need to work overtime

      1. 368361+ up ticks,

        Evening C,

        They have no intentions of doing any overtime either, especially beneficial to the United Kingdom

  59. 368361+ up ticks,

    There is certainly no disguising the fact you most certainly done your bit in backing the tory (ino) party & johnson all the way in 2019.

    Brexit champion Nigel Farage has warned that British communities are being “changed beyond recognition” and quality of life eroded as the Conservative Party increases net immigration to over half a million a year to satisfy bosses’ hunger for cheap foreign labour.

  60. ‘Night All
    Deep Joy it seems that I am one of the 1:10 that has a bad reaction to Metformin,I’ll spare you the gruesome details I’m now completely mentally and phsically exhausted
    I’ll be back when thing get more regular………..

    1. Oh no…… take care Rik – I hope you sleep well tonight and hopefully they will prescribe a better alternative for you.

    2. But, but, “Metformin is considered a safe, cheap, and effective medication.

      Take care, mate.

  61. I did finally get through in the end to speak to my other half – he’d survived the assault by dentistry and can still wear his front dental plate, which was his main concern.

    My neighbour came round and we had dinner togetherr and a good chat – she suggested I try the main switchboard and he got through on the second attempt.

    Going to bed now – will be back shortly on my phone for a while.

    1. Sleep well, m’dear, you’ve played a buster but you must keep it up. We’re all behind you on getting him well again.

  62. Goodnight, folks. I’m off to the races again tomorrow. Another of my horses is running, so fingers crossed he comes back safe.

      1. Thank you, Tom. He came third, but was lucky not to be brought down by a faller. He lost a shoe, which Brian (Hughes, the jockey) said was like “driving a car with a flat tyre”.

  63. Anger at British soldier’s conviction for 34-year-old Troubles killing
    Prosecution of David Holden, who shot Aiden McAnespie in 1988, could be last of its kind with new legislation on way

    A Northern Ireland veteran has become the first former soldier to be convicted of a killing during the Troubles since the 1998 Good Friday Agreement.

    David Holden, 53, a former Grenadier guardsman, had been on trial at Belfast Crown Court accused of the manslaughter of Aidan McAnespie in February 1988.

    His sentence, which will be passed in January next year, could result in jail time, and has led to anger over the Government’s failure to pass an amnesty law that would protect Northern Ireland veterans.

    1. I referred to this story earlier today and added that I seem to remember that three years ago, in 2019, Boris Johnson pledged to stop the trial if Northern Ireland veterans.

      What a nasty duplicitous shower our politicians are.

  64. They’re not giving up with this autumn booster rubbish are they? Someone rang my phone at lunchtime from a private number and when I checked the ansaphone that’s what it was. You’d think they’d realise by now that I don’t want it.

  65. Goodnight, dear Gentlefolk and God bless you all. I’ll return in the morning’s light but maybe NOT too early.

Comments are closed.