Thursday 1 December: A lacklustre Church of England has hastened the decline of Christianity

An unofficial place to discuss the Telegraph letters, established when the DT website turned off its comments facility (now reinstated, but we prefer ours),
Intelligent, polite, good-humoured debate is welcome, whether on or off topic. Differing opinions are encouraged, but rudeness or personal attacks on other posters will not be tolerated. Posts which – in the opinion of the moderators – make this a less than cordial environment, are likely to be removed, without prior warning.  Persistent offenders will be banned.

Today’s letters (visible only to DT subscribers) are here.

861 thoughts on “Thursday 1 December: A lacklustre Church of England has hastened the decline of Christianity

  1. Church Attendance and Funerals
    SIR – I wonder what percentage of funerals in this country still involve a Christian service in a church or crematorium. Significantly more than 46.2 per cent, I suspect.

    Chris Pond
    East Grinstead, West Sussex

    Mr (or perhaps Ms) Pond, think! Most funerals (and those attending) are for people over 60 or 70 who would more likely have been brought up as churchgoers than most folk today.

    PS – Morning all.

    1. Well I shall have a Christian service when the time comes. But most crem services these days seem to be humanist.

      1. That’s why a lot of people have the cremation followed by a church service (or the other way round).

    2. We have quite a few weddings taking place, but we don’t see the couples on a regular basis. Ditto christenings.

  2. Church Attendance and Funerals
    SIR – I wonder what percentage of funerals in this country still involve a Christian service in a church or crematorium. Significantly more than 46.2 per cent, I suspect.

    Chris Pond
    East Grinstead, West Sussex

    Mr (or perhaps Ms) Pond, think! Most funerals (and those attending) are for people over 60 or 70 who would more likely have been brought up as churchgoers than most folk today.

    PS – Morning all.

  3. ‘Morning All

    I note the vile Al-Beeb have gone overboard to appease the chippy race-baiting negress

    Just another racist house fly laying maggots to eat our society……

    As for the Royal Family response words fail me……

    1. Obviously didn’t attend a function involving the RF because she was a supporter.
      An agent provocateur.

    2. ‘Morning, Rik. Are there any white people employed in the somewhat vicious race ‘industry’?

      Thought not. Oh the irony!

      Full marks to Dan Wooton for seeking to provide some important background to this unfortunate episode. My guess is that Lady Hussey must have been aware of the fact that the woman in fancy dress in front of her had accused members of the Royal Family, whom she had served so loyally for decades, of being guilty of domestic violence. This may have proved to be a tempting opportunity to ‘have a go’ – and who could blame her in such circumstances. Shame on Billy Wales (and probably his father too) for being so hasty, instead of arranging for a friend to issue an immediate defence along the lines of Wooton’s tweet.

    3. ‘Morning, Rik. Are there any white people employed in the somewhat vicious race ‘industry’?

      Thought not. Oh the irony!

    4. Matters not how old Lady Hussey is. If this country were not overrun with foreigners we wouldn’t have to ask.

    5. A ‘miked-up’ mate of Markles causes a race-baiting furore just as William and Catherine commence a Royal tour in the USA. Gosh, it’s almost as if it was planned.

    6. I think Charlie would have been the one who dumped the old lady. He is as thick as porcine excrement and twice as putrid.

  4. A lacklustre Church of England has hastened the decline of Christianity

    Well a lot of very unchristian things are being inflicted on the people of this country at the moment, I suppose and by non-Christians mostly.

    I don’t think the church is led by Christians any more, that is why people have dropped out of going.

    1. Our vicar is a robust, no-nonsense Christian to his fingertips, and a lovely and much respected man who is greatly valued. He is assisted by his dedicated wife who never spares herself in her service to his (growing) flock.

      I try not to think too often about Welby and his acolytes and what they are doing to ‘the church’.

    2. Welby is the proof of the pudding. As the scamdemic began, he ‘shut up shop’, effectively banning Christians from their places of worship, and ran off to Africa on a ‘sabbatical’.

      The fish rots from the head down…there’s no word on the loaves.

  5. Good morning, everyone, and a warm welcome to December. Pinch and a punch, white rabbits, and all that. Then, on the 21st, the night-time hours get shorter. And on the 25th we stuff ourselves full of mince pies and other Yuletide goodies.

      1. It’s all those evening tinctures of alcohol which have caused the staggering, wibbling. Lol.

        1. #MeToo, Elsie but I’m now finishing up the whisky, delivered yesterday, and that’s it – no more whisky.

    1. …and a good, Good Morrow, to you, Elsie. I hope the quiz gives you a brain-stretching (I never knew that) laugh as well as some knowledge.

  6. Morning all.

    Terriblegraph strikes again – front page has headline “ Mi­grants could be held at Manston for up to four days”. The text begins “Channel migrants…”. Why the weasel words, Terriblegraph? These people are not “migrants”. Just stop it. We are not stupid.

    Letter I liked today was the one on passing the driving test through the examiner knowing the learner’s uncle. I have a vague recollection my examiner knew my uncle too (who was killed doing national service) – he mentioned it after I passed, which did amaze me as I went the wrong way. Happy days.

    Letter I disagree with: the one saying private schools don’t benefit the public (or some such). My kids’ school benefits enormously from its partnership with a local public school. Stop generalising, letter-writer.

    Have a good day, all. I have to pop on my bike and crawl into Town, avoiding one of the cash-speed cameras referred to on pg 8 of yesterday’s Terriblegraph and All the other idiots on the road.

  7. Good Moaning.
    Judging by the time this was sent to me, the patient is firing on nearly all his cylinders.
    A depressing reminder of when our politicians had a hinterland. They had ‘bottom’. They had lived a life outside politics.

      1. He claims he slept well; he is back at home.
        It takes a lot to stop Sonny Boy from sleeping; unlike his brother (I still bitterly remember the first 16 months of his life).

    1. Alas and alack, an extremely clever and influential person like her only rarely comes along in one’s lifetime. She is sadly, much missed.

      1. Quite, but I do not think that the EU is totally blind to the corruption in the Ukraine. Rather, that the EU is averting its gaze at the moment while sizing up the opportunity of eventually placing the Ukraine under its control and readying it ripe for exploitation.

        1. I wouldn’t think they’d want Ukraine in the EU yet – they might have to pay for the reconstruction.

          1. Plenty of opportunities for graft in reconstruction projects, especially if the USA is bearing much of the cost. Wink, wink!

    1. The EU lecturing on graft and corruption is laughable. The vaccine roll out was slow because the EU’s chief wanted a kick back and was confused how much he’d get.

    2. The EUSSR hasn’t had an audit signed off this century. The last person to start digging to deeply, Marta Andreasen in 2002, was ‘sacked’ by Neil Kinnoch for her troubles.

  8. Good morrow, Gentlefolk, I’m sorry for letting my need for sleep override your need for today’s story, which is a myth debunking quiz.

    Answers to that quiz,
    see how many you might have got (don’t cheat).

    1. How long did the Hundred Years’ War last?
    116 years (1337 – 1453)

    2. Which country makes Panama hats?
    Ecuador (sold in Panama – better market than Ecuador)

    3. From which animal do we get cat gut?
    Made of the dried, twisted intestines of sheep or horses (but not cats).

    4. In which month do Russians celebrate the October Revolution?
    November. Because it was on November 7th according to the ‘New’ calendar.

    5. What is a camel’s hair brush made of?
    The bristles of camel-hair brushes are traditionally made of squirrel hair and this is still the most common material. They can also be made from goat, ox or pony, or a blend of any of these. They are never made from camel hair, either in whole or in part

    6. The Canary Islands in the Atlantic are named after what animal?
    Dogs (Canariae Insulae – Latin, Island of Dogs)

    7. What was King George VI’s first name?

    8. What colour is a purple finch?

    9. Where are Chinese gooseberries from?
    Peru, hence Physalis peruviana

    10. What is the colour of the ‘black box’ in a commercial aeroplane?
    The recorders are not permitted to be black in colour, and must be bright orange, as they are intended to be spotted and recovered after any incidents.

    1. Morning, Tom.
      A bit of extra zed at this dark time of the year is perfectly in order. Just wish I could grab a few myself, the 05:45 alarm is getting tiresome. (Not, like Stormy, to get me up to do something improving, like swimming, but showering & making breakfast and going to work.)

      1. Aye, the only problem is with early starts is that folk expect me to keep being useful until 5 whereas my brain is stopping at about 1.

    2. 9/10, Tom (I failed on No. 4).

      To be fair, I’ve seen a similar quiz once before some time ago.

      1. Good morning, Grizzly. I only got one right (No 7), but it quickly became obvious as I worked my way through that questions of the sort of “What colour are blue camels” have nothing to do with blue nor camels. Nonetheless, I did enjoy it, Tom.

  9. In most gatherings. People ask people where they are from. I am always asked, I only become ofended if they think I am from Yorkshire.

    1. Whereabouts in Yorkshire are you from, Johnny? Lol. (Sorry, Johnny, I’m in a Silly Sausage mood today.)

  10. Regarding Labour’s antipathy to Private Schools, I think Mick Ferrie hits the nail squarely on the head:-

    Private schools’ role
    SIR – I spent most of my working life in the field of education, and initially felt an aversion towards private schools.

    However, I grew to realise that they could serve as a yardstick for the state sector. If Labour proceeds to wipe them out (report, December 29), it will not only remove that measure of excellence but also swamp the state system with costs that cannot be met.

    Labour’s attack on grammar schools was also driven by the politics of resentment, but ended up taking away a key avenue out of poverty for many working-class children. It never learns.

    Mick Ferrie
    Mawnan Smith, Cornwall

    1. So much depends on the quality of the teaching staff. I went to a C of E grammar and, until 6th form, was taught by a lot of dried up old women who were bored, they made us bored and, as a result, it was a dire experience. 6th form was different as some young teachers were hired who knew their stuff and made us enthusiastic.
      I taught in an excellent secondary mod. Overall standard of teaching very good- with a handful of exceptions. The deputy head was one of the finest teachers I have known and she was emergency trained after the war. It was a privilege and an honour to know her and work with her.
      My brother went to a public school and there was a mixture of good teachers and rubbish ones.

  11. 368551+ up ticks,

    Morning Each,

    Been on the cards for a HELL of a time, political odious placements, the political elite shite pushing five a day keeps the devil at bay, prayer rimes that is NOT veg.

    Halowlooya is coming on mighty strong with the work to rule oath taking manual resting betwixt the dispatch boxes, and halal on the parliamentary canteen menu.

    The nasties were partially successful my side of the fence with old nicks disciple, “the bog man”, ex PM coming on board.

    Thursday 1 December: A lacklustre Church of England has hastened the decline of Christianity.

    Thursday 1 December: A lacklustre Church of England has hastened the decline of Christianity currently strongly aided & abetted by the political toxic trio lab/lib/con. and a supporting cast of fools.

  12. Britain is fast descending into chaos, and the Tories are powerless to stop it. 1 December 2022.

    Who governs the country? Not the Conservatives, who increasingly appear to have given up completely.

    This was meant to be a Government of experts, of cool, calm, competent professionals, yet the Sunak administration has almost completely lost its grip on everything that matters to anybody who might ever vote Tory. As George Osborne put it, there is a “general sense” that it has lost control of events, and that it has little to say on the multiple crises besetting Britain. It only acted decisively on the Budget, and then by unleashing tax hikes on its heartland, delaying most spending restraint until after the election, and refusing to take tough decisions on growth.

    In reality the country is governed, after a fashion, by the civil service. We can see this most obviously in the Home Office where the Government’s immigration policies are simply ignored. The recent agreement with the French has had no effect whatsoever, and for all intents and purposes might never have happened; while the Ruanda Ploy has vanished without trace. This applies to almost everything else as well where the state apparatchiks act on their own beliefs without reference to the central power, or indeed to those who pay the bills, and since most of them are Wokeys that is where their sympathies lie. There is no easy way out of this. Like previous Marxist States we simply have to wait for it to collapse. History tells us that this will be painful. As their utopian fantasies die they will double down and become increasingly deranged and authoritarian. Censorship and repression will exceed even present levels and soon become the norm. Physical coercion is more than likely!

      1. Morning Bob. Yes the eradication of Christianity was probably the single most destructive blow against the country.

        1. Not Christianity, the nuclear family. Destroyed through tax and regulation – all part of the communist plan.

      2. My parents were Christians but not churchgoers. They sent my brother and I to Sunday school but I soon turned agnostic then an atheist. However I thought the 10 Commandments were, minus the worshipping of God, a good way to follow in life and have tried to do so throughout my long life.

          1. Good morning ,

            I still say a prayer or two, and often feel comforted .. more often or not when I am alone in the car or before I go to sleep . I was a pupil at a Cof E church school and I was a school governor at a Cof E church school for 8 years.

            Moh doesn’t hear .. We have never ever attended a church service together .. but as I am fond of visiting old churches he will accompany me.

          2. Similarly about prayers, Maggie, even though I’m agnostic after formal prayers (The Lord’s Prayer and an occasional Hail Mary) I like to talk to the Big Man, tell him my troubles and ask him to look out for my dear Mama and Elder brother.

          3. My primary school was a Cof E one – now long ago closed. We always said grace before lunch and a prayer before going home. We learnt the Catechism, Magnificat , Nunc Dimittis, etc. I heard recently that the Church is now closed as well. The congregation was small even then.

      1. Morning Ndovu. The Globalists have financed and organised most of this by the propagation of Cultural Marxism. In a fashion the Civil Service actually serve them and not the people of the UK.

    1. The government *could* act over massive criminal gimmigration. It could repeal the migration pact, HRA, legal aid, equalites act. It could do all these things. It chooses not to because the plan – forcing us back into the EU after collapse through the IMF – would be hindered.

      1. Morning Wibbles. It could do all sorts of things but you and I know that they are not going too. They are pursuing policies, for various reasons, that they dare not admit to.

  13. 3685551+ up ticks,

    Gerard Batten
    I urge all my 9.5k followers to please watch this & to spread this link as far and wide as possible. Jushua Philip of Epoch Times is a fantastic invetigative reporter.

    Understand the evil of the Chinese Communist Party & how it has corrupted the media & institutions of the World. Its crimes are worse that Stalin’s USSR or Hitler’s Nazi Germany.

    Covid 19 was created & spread around the World to buy time for the collapsing CCP. Our treacherous leaders & MSM colluded with this.

  14. ‘Morning, Peeps. Happy December, although in my book the winter solstice arrives on the 21st, despite its dumbing down by silly weather presenters who decide that today is the ‘meteorological’ start of winter by splitting up the year into four periods each of three months. It seems that the population at large shouldn’t be expected to cope with ‘solstice’. Rant over.

    SIR – Most children today think that Christmas is about Santa Claus and receiving presents. Easter now means chocolate eggs. Schools no longer have assemblies where prayers are heard and said, children no longer know the Lord’s Prayer and Sunday is no longer special. It is all so very sad.

    Jennifer Hill
    Haslemere, Surrey

    It is as a result of the practice of ‘aggressive secularism’, Ms Hill. Its exponents are not prepared to ‘live and let live’; they feel obliged to destroy something they don’t agree with.

  15. Support for Putin’s war in Russia has plunged, leaked poll reveals. 1 December 2022.

    Support for the war in Ukraine has fallen dramatically in Russia, according to a leaked Kremlin poll that piles further pressure on Vladimir Putin.

    Just one in four people are now in favour of keeping Russian troops in Ukraine, down from 57 per cent in July.
    The findings were published in a report for senior government officials by the Kremlin’s Federal Guard Service, which was obtained by Meduza, an independent investigative news website.

    Really? They obtained a top secret memo from inside the bureaucracy? The problem here is not so much the leak, which makes the Kremlin look like a diplomatic sieve, but that one cannot really envision anyone who likes his job putting such a poll in the field. Even if they did so, what purpose would it serve? Vladimir Putin and the Russian Government are committed to the War. They are not going to pay any more attention to it than the UK government does to the ones on immigration in the UK! I don’t myself make any pretence to knowing how many Russians oppose the war any more than I know how many Brits support it. I suspect that neither has a majority.

  16. SIR – I was the first officer on an aircraft flying to Berlin when the stewardess said an elderly passenger, an ex-RAF pilot, had asked if he could visit the flight deck. The captain agreed.

    We asked what he flew in the RAF and he said the Mosquito (Letters, November 29) – and that he had been to Berlin before. We then asked what speed he would have been doing then. He said: “About the same as you are now, and a bit faster on the way back.”

    Michael Gale
    Windlesham, Surrey

    Very good, Mr Gale. These days the terrorists have effectively banned flight deck visits, but in 2002, and almost a year to the day since 9/11, I handed my service ID card to a member of the cabin crew with the usual request. To my surprise, and delight, I was invited to spend a fascinating half an hour on the flight deck of a 747 in mid-Atlantic. I discovered that the Captain was also a former ATC cadet and we were both in the same Wing at the same time.

    It’s not what you know etc…

    1. Grattis på födelsedagen, Sean. Hope it’s a good ‘un. 👍🏻😊🎂🍷

      [Route 66 is ‘my’ song (it has my name in the lyrics!).]

      1. Morning Grizzly..
        So the Yanks nicked your name then , and was it a Yorkshire/ Derbyshire man who got there first?

        Now you go through St. Louis
        Joplin, Missouri
        And Oklahoma City looks mighty pretty
        You’ll see Amarillo
        Gallup, New Mexico
        Flagstaff, Arizona
        Don’t forget Winona
        Kingman, Barstow, San Bernardino

          1. The name of the City of Barstow came from William Barstow Strong, the chief engineer of the Santa Fe Railroad, which has a main dêpot there.

          2. Ped informed that it’s Baker, Ca. I was en route from Vegas to LA and pulled off of the I-15 interstate and there was a massive thermometer.

            My memory was playing tricks as I’ve since been through Barstow a couple of times since then and confused the two.

            Thanks Ped!

          3. Aha! I didn’t carry on the LA on the I-15. I simply visited Barstow as a ‘rite of passage’.

  17. SIR – The MPs clamouring for more onshore wind turbines (report, November 27) might like to consider that at 8 pm on November 28 wind was providing only 1 per cent of electricity generation. Luckily, it was backed up by gas, providing 63 per cent.

    However many new turbines are built this will still occur, and no one has any sensible solution to this problem.

    Philip Hirst
    Ashton-under-Lyne, Lancashire

    Quite right, Mr Hirst, and we shouldn’t expect any “sensible solution” from politicians who are anything but.

    1. Just look at the people advocating more onshore wind turbines – Shitts, Truss, Gove etc – if they think it’s a good idea then it isn’t! I wonder how many envelopes are circulating? Lots of money to be made in subsidy milking.

    2. According to GB News there are more and more demands for a referendum on Net Zero. But it won’t happen – just like the Brexit vote it would not give the result the PTB would like to have.

    3. Just install wind turbines to all exits from the Palace of Westminster;

      We will be able to sell ‘energy’ worldwide, after a week

      1. As a bonus, the inhabitants of WEFminster would need to stagger their holidays to ensure a continual ‘energy’ source. That way Parliament could run for 52 weeks per year.

  18. William and Kate off to the USA for a diplomatic visit:.

    Join up the dots! These two events were timed to happen when they did.


    Meghan Markle leaves hotel in the US after being guest speaker at ‘power of women’ charity event – hours after ex-counter terror chief, Neil Basu, revealed she faced ‘very real’ threats to her life in the UK

    Surprise, surprise – Mr Basu is of ‘Asian descent’ and has a record of slagging off the royal family.


    Black woman in apparent exotic African dress, Ngozi Fulani, goes to function with the specific aim to entrap somebody and manages to confuse an old woman, Lady Susan Hussey, who was a specially close friend of the late queen whom she had served for sixty years.

    That those two things were done by non-white ‘English’ people who have both repeatedly accused the Royal Family of racism and said that Migraine is the victim of racism cannot be a coincidence. They are coordinated acts.

    And the worst thing about it all is that our pathetically treacherous King and his miserable heir immediately condemned a loyal old woman who was not only the Queen’s closest friend but also William’s godmother.

    But Mr Basu and Ngosi Fulani have a point – the monarchy is no longer fit for purpose.

      1. And when you look at the way the King has treated both his brothers one must conclude that he is not just a muddle-headed, woke idiot but he is also an extremely nasty and spiteful man.

    1. Unfortunately certain types will be bending over backwards to support these devious, frivolous but underhand nasty interferring showey showers of shite.
      I think that’s called alliteration or maybe,
      Alternative, altercation, alteration.

    2. Mr Basu is reported to have received money from MM the day before his story broke. Ms Fulani is a known MM activist. Says it all. That woman (MM) is poison.

      1. I am sure you are right. Have you any links?

        Why on earth, if she did not have malicious intentions, did the horrible Ms Fulani answer the question: “Where are you from?” with a simple answer such as, “I was born in England but my parents were born in the Caribbean and our ancestors came from the Congo?”

        It is shocking to see just how readily the odious King and his heir failed to support the old lady who had been set up by a thoroughly nasty woman who had planned and timed what she did to wreak as much hurtful damage as she could.

        I must say I feel sorry for Kate. I wonder if she is beginning to think that she has married a wimp who is almost as woke and weak as his brother.

  19. I’ve gone vegan! [Honestly!]

    Today I’m having a red lentil dhal, made with red lentils, onions, garlic, ginger, tinned tomatoes, vegetable stock, garam masala, turmeric, salt and pepper.
    I am serving it on a roast spud and roast cauliflower, Utterly delicious and nourishing. I like being a vegan, me.

    Don’t panic: I’m eating this (among other similar dishes) in an attempt to lower my blood cholesterol reading before my GP appointment in a couple of weeks’ time. I’m just trying to get my GP off my back in pestering me to go back on statins, which I shall not do. Regardless of my success or failure to ‘manipulate’ my blood cholesterol readings I shall revert to being a normal carnivore after my blood test.

      1. Indeed they do. I have porridge every day. I shall have a small bowl of porridge for dessert today.

    1. I found Statins played havoc with my memory, George – no matter which one they tried on me. I now refuse them point blank.

    2. I used to make a lot of carrot and cashew nut soup when the kids were small – say 15 years ago.

      I thought i’d make some a few weeks ago so searched on-line for a recipe to get an idea for proportions of carrot:cashew.

      Literally all the recipes that popped up labelled themselves “VEGAN”. Which 15 years ago they certainly didn’t. It quite put me off making it.

    3. Statins nearly destroyed my kidneys when the CK level rose dramatically. Had months of tests including a muscle biopsy and the neurologist told me I should never have been prescribed them. 2 years ago a doctor phoned after my hypertension review and told me she was “obliged” to offer me statins due to my age and profile. After getting her to check my records and me refusing the she told me my cholesterol levels were amazing at 3.5 and asked what diet I was on.

      I will never, ever, take any medication the government says I should. The neurologist said GPs have got to get back to prescribing for the patient and not by government diktat.

      1. …GPs have got to get back to prescribing for the patient and not by government diktat.

        …or by bungs from Big Pharma

        1. I think your take is more to the point. Except in the cases of the vacs. (in such case the GPs get bungs direct from the NHS/Treasury/whatever)

      1. “That other stuff” (just eaten) was heavenly delicious. I made a panful of lentil dhal and some of it will accompany a lamb biriyani on Saturday. The rest is in the freezer for another treat another day.

    1. That is a disgusting photograph … in fact, I simply can’t look at it!

      Where the hell is the tea-cosy?

      1. That would pose an interesting question about arming large sections of diverse communities….

      2. 368551+ up ticks,

        Morning CS,

        May one ask,

        Was the much decried , when having to fight fire with fire, the EDL group far wrong ?

    2. Yo ogga,

      The big difference now is that the enemy lives here and have the guns, ignore our laws, rape our children, etc

      We cannot even keep our roads clear of protesters in London

          1. 368551+ up ticks,

            Afternoon HL,

            Total agreement from me, they have told us so and on this one occasion only we have to believe them .

            The only option we have to protect the family is to adjust accordingly.

    3. By and large, the only people in Blighty with quick access to guns are agents of the state and criminals.
      And not by accident.

      1. 368551+ up ticks,

        Afternoon Anne,
        The main arms carriers ( access to)are, I would imagine forces personnel and most of them have parents they would protect first & foremost.

        Also they can witness daily how veterans are treated.

  20. Church Attendance and Funerals

    Re my much earlier post with this heading, it struck me that with all the ‘unexplained’ deaths (esp. heart failure) among young, fit adults who have received mRNA ‘vaccines’, the average age at funerals is probably plummeting. Time will tell.

    1. As I say frequently on this forum.

      Caroline plays the organ in our local parish churches : twice as many as pre-Covid. Many of the cadavers died of unknown causes earlier than they should have done. They were all fully vaccinated against Covid.

  21. Morning, all!

    I have landed in mid Cornwall next to a most beautiful lake. (Well, reservoir actually.) Some photos of yesterday’s walk around it upon arrival. Sunset picture because I hadn’t appreciated quite how big it was 🤣 – but I managed to get back before dark, and the pub next door cheerfully served excellent home-cooked food.🙂

        1. Not far from Truro, then. We looked there with a view to maybe retiring there one day, but weren’t that keen on the place itself.

          1. As a child I lived in St Mawes and our local towns were Falmouth by the St Mawes Ferry, Truro by the King Harry Ferry and if one did not want to take a ferry, Snozzle. (St Austell) .

      1. And the jumps and rushing zooms instead of sensibly slow graphics to explain what they are doing.

      2. I agree. there are many documentaries on YT and other media which I start watching, only to find that the presenters use heavily inflected up/down speech that it soon begins to grate. Plus little pops, clicks and whoshes that accompany graphics.
        And frequent cutting to 45 degree angles, then back to frontal views.

    1. The main hoo-ha over the construction comes, as usual, from the Eco-freaks and their obsession with the trace element CO2, which they like to call ‘Carbon’ which, of itself is the stuff of coal and diamonds, and has NOTHING whatsoever to do with any CO2 emissions.

      Fools, the lot of ’em.

    2. Wouldn’t it be great if they put the action movie music under the sea to annoy the sharks.

    3. What a wonderful project.

      What a pity he didn’t say what steps are being taken to prevent Islamic terrorism, both during construction

      and when in use.

      Expect long delays before entry whilst your car is being searched

    4. 7.5 billion US dollars, compared to £100 billion to build a spare railway from London to Birmingham.

      1. That railway is increasingly showing itself to be nothing but money into certain people’s pockets. It has no justification whatsoever.

  22. 368551+ up ticks,

    Surely a defiant F… OFF should resound throughout the
    remaining remnants of the nation.

    UK Diversity Group Calls to Rethink Christmas and Spare Feelings of Non-Christians
    Too many people feel left out of Christmas celebrations due to their own faith – or lack of it – so the traditional Christian season should be downplayed, a UK-based diversity lobby group said.

    As a gesture of good will present your local mosque with a fatted porker, garland with a string of succulent pork sausages

      1. When my sister was in a care home one of her carers was a muslim and said that as Jesus was one of their prophets they celebrated Christmas but without the presents.
        Edit their for Geiger.

        1. I remember a scene from Richard Attenborough’s epic ‘Gandhi’ where he explained that Hindus too have a lot of time for Jesus. I cannot believe Hindus find anyhing wrong with celebrating his birth, alongside all the other gods and demi-gods they have.

          Jews conveniently have Hannukah, celebrated at the same time, so for them Christmas is just an extension of this festivity.

          Buddhists have no deity, only the quest for Enlightenment. Christmas is judged on that basis, and a season of goodwill and celebration must surely serve well on one’s path to Nirvana.

          That leaves the UK Diversity killjoys, but I have no time for their religion.

      2. When my sister was in a care home one of her carers was a muslim and said that as Jesus was one of their prophets they celebrated Christmas but without the presents.
        Edit their for Geiger.

  23. William and Kate face chants of “USA USA” and pockets of booing as race row clouds USA visit [Sky News]

    1. I find myself unable to care. I do feel a bit of sympathy towards Susan Hussey for being hung out to dry by professional grievance-holders and the media; a feeling apparently not shared by the royal family.

      1. Lady Susan asked a reasonable question and a narcissistic nobody was apparenlty unable to provide a civil answer. The kind of trivial incident that must have happened a million or more times. I see that BBC World are also obsessing over the “Royal Race Row”. Lord preserve us.

    2. (See my post below)

      Neil Basu and Ngozi Fulani have clearly co-ordinated their attacks in order to drum up support for Migraine and Harry when Prince William and the Princess of Wales visit the USA.

    1. Cassidy has the most wonderful voice and possesses that rarest of gifts. The ability to sing other people’s songs without in any way sounding inferior to the original!

      1. Without sounding inferior to anything like the original. Otherwise known as not being able to hold a tune. Sorry but I can’t join the Eva Cassidy fan club. I switched off permanently after she murdered Over The Rainbow. It was dreadful but it did at least remind me of what a good singer Judy Garland was in her prime.

        1. Sue, Judy Garland’s voice is way ahead of that of Eva Cassidy, but IMHO Eva was a musician, a creative force, not just a singer.
          Checking on wiki, Ms Garland’s voice was admired by Callas and Crosby.

      2. Without sounding inferior to anything like the original. Otherwise known as not being able to hold a tune. Sorry but I can’t join the Eva Cassidy fan club. I switched off permanently after she murdered Over The Rainbow. It was dreadful but it did at least remind me of what a good singer Judy Garland was in her prime.

    2. I preferred the original Fleetwood Mac when it was a blues band with just chaps (Peter Green, Danny Kirwan, Jeremy Spencer, Mick Fleetwood and John McVie). When Peter Green formed the band he was asked what its name was. It didn’t have one yet so Green just pointed at the drummer and bassist and said “Er … Fleetwood … Mac?” The name stuck.

      I also preferred Christine Perfect (she later married John McVie) when she was the vocalist in Chicken Shack.

        1. I make my own snaps, Dukke. I steep some caraway seeds and a little sugar in some 60%-alcohol spirit. It tastes like a very boozy Nurse Harvey’s Mixture.

          1. Hej, Bamse! My goodness, does it still need chucking down the gullet as fast as possible?

          2. The locals can’t cope with its strength, Dukke. 🤣 They make their own a lot weaker and flavoured with St John’s Wort.

        2. I make my own snaps, Dukke. I steep some caraway seeds and a little sugar in some 60%-alcohol spirit. It tastes like a very boozy Nurse Harvey’s Mixture.

  24. So the rumours are true:

    Forget the football…Qatar is also hosting the ‘camel BEAUTY World Cup’! Long-legged beauties strut their stuff to be named the most attractive
    The event takes place at Qatar Camel Mzayen club with many animals involved
    Yesterday, the winner of the Maghateer-type camels group was announced
    Her owner, Saudi Arabian Mohanna Ibrahim al-Anazi, got more than £45,000
    Popular event attracts thousands of spectators who watch things unfold

    1. As it happens there’s a fair amount of camel adoration in TE Lawrence’s ‘Seven Pillars of Wisdom’……

    2. A Desert Story

      A nun and a priest were crossing the Sahara Desert on a camel. On the third day out, the camel suddenly dropped dead without warning. After dusting themselves off, the Nun and the Priest surveyed their situation. After a long period of silence, the Priest spoke. ‘Well, Sister, this looks pretty grim.’
      ‘I know, Father. In fact, I don’t think it likely that we can survive more than a day or two.’

      ‘I agree,’ said the Priest. ‘Sister, since we are unlikely to make it out of here alive, would you do something for me?’
      ‘Anything, Father.’
      ‘I have never seen a woman’s breasts and I was wondering if I might see yours.’
      ‘Well, under the circumstances I don’t see that it would do any harm.’

      The Nun opened her habit and the Priest enjoyed the sight of her shapely breasts, commenting frequently on their beauty. ‘Sister, would you mind if I touched them?’…
      …she consented and he fondled them for several minutes.

      ‘Father, could I ask something of you?’
      ‘Yes, Sister?’
      ‘I have never seen a man’s penis. Could I see yours?’
      ‘I suppose that would be OK,’ the Priest replied lifting his robe.
      ‘Oh Father, may I touch it?’

      The priest consented and after a few minutes of fondling he was sporting a huge erection.

      ‘Sister, you know that if I insert my penis in the right place, it can Give Life.’
      ‘Is that true Father?’
      ‘Yes, it is, Sister.’

      ‘Oh Father, that’s wonderful … Stick it in the camel and let’s get the hell out of here!’

    3. I well remember the time when I stayed with some bedouins at their camp outside Tajarhi in southern Libya. My hosts were all male (no women, obviously) so I asked them how did they cope without women. “Oh, don’t worry about that,” my host replied, “early tomorrow morning is when the camels arrive and there are more than enough to go round.”

      At five a.m. the following morning we were all awoken by the sound of approaching camels. The bedouins all ran from their tents like racehorses. I said to my host, “Why are they running? You said there are more than enough to go round.” He replied, excitedly, “Come on, you don’t want to get lumbered with an ugly one, do you?”

    4. I recognize that camel, it’s the one that shat on Nazir Afzal’s head just before she entered Buckingham Palace the other day. As a matter of interest, her name is an anagram of Nazi Nig Liar – whatever that means.

  25. Er, that should (properly) read “Can M&S persuade you to let a computer pick your outfit?”

    Am I alone in getting more and more annoyed about how the the Americanised use of the word ‘convince’ is now universal in all writing (newspapers, books, films etc) in replacing the standard English word persuade?

    “I ‘convinced’ him to do this”, “I ‘convinced’ her to do that.” No you didn’t, you persuaded them to do whatever it was! Using ‘convinced’ when persuaded is needed simply sounds retarded.

    From The Dictionary of Troublesome Words:

    convince, persuade. There is a distinction worth preserving between these two words. Briefly, you convince someone that he should believe, but persuade him to act. It is possible to persuade a person to do something without convincing him of the necessity of doing it. Persuade may be followed by an infinitive, but convince may not. This the following sentence is wrong: ‘Russia evidently is unable to convince Cairo to accept a rapid cease-fire’ (The New York Times). Make it either ‘persuade Cairo to accept’ or ‘convince Cairo that it should accept’.

    1. Well said, George, we must ALL do what we can, to preserve our beautiful, concise and precise, English language.

      1. Good that has come from the USA? A tricky one.
        Although still controversial for commies, I would suggest victory for the Allies in WWII.

        1. The US share that with many others. Plus they cost us a fortune to train up. How about the financial crippling of the UK and the dismantling of the Empire largely due to US interference?

  26. I didn’t want lady-in-waiting to resign, insists activist at centre of Buckingham Palace racism row. 1 December 2022.

    Their conversation occurred at a Buckingham Palace reception hosted by Camilla, her first major event of the new reign, to hail the work of domestic violence campaigners.

    Ms Fulani told BBC Radio 4’s Today programme that the incident was “like an interrogation” by Lady Hussey to “denounce my British citizenship”.
    She said she was approached within ten minutes of arriving and that the 83-year-old moved her hair to see her name badge, before asking persistent questions about where she was from, including asking her “where are your people from”.

    She has a funny way of showing it. Looking at the picture one would hardly expect her to be from downtown Fulham and where are your people from, reads very differently, to where are you from? Lady Hussey probably imagined that she was simply meeting someone who was there for a convivial chat. Not being a Nottler she probably doesn’t realise that there are people who are simply waiting to be offended; indeed actually seek it by the wearing of outlandish clothes and behaviour. The Old Lady is probably devastated by this. The deliberate misunderstanding of what was a quite innocent line (I’ve been asked the same in Australia) without the opportunity to explain and being sacked for it will probably see her off. Such things rankle in the breast long after they are done. She deserved the support of the Palace not its condemnation.

    1. The Palace is continually sucking up to these leeches who get a fat living from taxpayers. Birds of a feather, I suppose. Why any honest person would have anything to do with them is beyond my ken.

      I agree, a bit of respect for the older generation would not go amiss.

      1. The episode has certainly shown Charles and William in a poor light.
        If you are white, do not expect loyalty from the Royal Family.

        1. The woman in question is a known Markle supporter and activist. The black police bod who has “come out” with allegations of death threats to MM (because he hasn’t been promoted to his expectation) reportedly received money from MM the day before that report came out.

          The Royals are starting to be so “forgiving” as to be laughable. It’s not just the RF that is being attacked it is the British people. Look what opportunism it has created in places like the West Indies, even the black S. African visiting dignitary allegedly mentioned “reparations”.

          No – the British taxpayer is NOT going to pay. We pay enough already. Past taxpayers paid to abolish slavery in the first place. It’s about time the Royals stopped being so woke and pandering to troublemakers. They owe it to us – the people whose royal family they are and who pay for them. We have deposed Royals before – they are treading a dangerous path.

          1. I am beginning to think more and more fondly of Old Noll.
            After all, we’ve already gone through the banning Christmas bit.

          2. I only discovered this year that he banned the transatlantic slave trade, and Charles II brought it back, after being petitioned by some scoundrel who was making a lot of money out of it.

          3. Exactly, think on Charlie 3. We will not tolerate woke, lefty nonsense – and that applies to boy billy as well.

        2. The woman in question is a known Markle supporter and activist. The black police bod who has “come out” with allegations of death threats to MM (because he hasn’t been promoted to his expectation) reportedly received money from MM the day before that report came out.

          The Royals are starting to be so “forgiving” as to be laughable. It’s not just the RF that is being attacked it is the British people. Look what opportunism it has created in places like the West Indies, even the black S. African visiting dignitary allegedly mentioned “reparations”.

          No – the British taxpayer is NOT going to pay. We pay enough already. Past taxpayers paid to abolish slavery in the first place. It’s about time the Royals stopped being so woke and pandering to troublemakers. They owe it to us – the people whose royal family they are and who pay for them. We have deposed Royals before – they are treading a dangerous path.

        3. The woman in question is a known Markle supporter and activist. The black police bod who has “come out” with allegations of death threats to MM (because he hasn’t been promoted to his expectation) reportedly received money from MM the day before that report came out.

          The Royals are starting to be so “forgiving” as to be laughable. It’s not just the RF that is being attacked it is the British people. Look what opportunism it has created in places like the West Indies, even the black S. African visiting dignitary allegedly mentioned “reparations”.

          No – the British taxpayer is NOT going to pay. We pay enough already. Past taxpayers paid to abolish slavery in the first place. It’s about time the Royals stopped being so woke and pandering to troublemakers. They owe it to us – the people whose royal family they are and who pay for them. We have deposed Royals before – they are treading a dangerous path.

    2. By asking, “where are your people from?“. is a normal English way of asking about your FAMILY, those are YOUR people and is not denouncing her citizenship but this ignorant bitch takes it as an offence. Obviously no knowledge of British politeness.

      1. How can I claim to be be British when I was born in Africa but I am not black, I live in France and am married to a Dutch woman?

        And how come Caroline is Dutch, went to schools in Holland, India, Iran and Spain and went to universities in England and France and runs a business in France. How come she speaks English, French, Spanish and Dutch without a trace of a foreign accent in any of these languages?

        One might be irked when people ask such questions but there is no reason to take offence – one should be flattered that people are interested enough in you to enquire.

        1. “Where are you from?”
          “I was born in Surrey, but have lived in Dorset, Buckinghamshire and London before my parents settled in Essex.”

          1. “Where are you from “..

            I was born in Durham , have lived in Africa , went to bschool in North Yorkshire , lived in Surrey , Hampshire Scotland Cornwall and Dorset .. parents emigrated to South Africa when I was nineteen, never lived there thankfully.

            I have no trace of an accent … although I do say path , bath and grass the Northern way.

          2. I was born in Kent, grew up in south London, have lived in Cheshire, Lancashire and Connecticut, Georgia and North Carolina USA.
            Now residing in the Home for Deranged Gentlefolk on the sarf coast 😉

      2. That used to be the done thing in the Royal Navy at cocktail parties .. Senior officer’s wives always used to ask the young officers wives ,
        ” where are your people from “. It was a form of a kind of inquisition , meaning are you related to any Admirals , First Sea Lords , and any heirachy above that .

        Those were indeed old fashioned social mores in a long gone age . fifty years + ago

        Younger wives learnt how to do the five minute cocktail party/ dinner party chit chat .. It was really very boring and formal.

        I have a thing about accents .. I love voices from wherever they come from ..

        Speaking of that , what about this then?

        1. Exactly, Maggie. My people would do and say that, to discover one’s lineage.

          I could, if necessary bore for 50 generations but, being a gentleman, I don’t.

    3. This woman clearly knew what she was doing and set out to ‘get’ the former queen’s best friend.
      Ms Fulaney is the real hussy – and not the old woman she so cruelly entrapped!

    4. I wonder what her parents – Mildred and Winston – think of their daughter culturally appropriating a West African name?

        1. Absobloodylutely.
          If this woman was used to being asked the same thing, as she would have us believe coz we is waycist whiteys, she could have been gracious enough to be prepared. This all seems to be just what the MSM want, to down the RF. According to the plan for more division and anti-white feeling.

          If we are so racist why do they keep coming here? And, presumably, this woman has “achieved” something more than most ordinary ethnics have otherwise she wouldn’t be at this event in the first place. I’m getting so fed up with effnics moaning about whitey waycism. Really I don’t care wot colour you iz – are you polite, well mannered, or are you obnoxious?

          1. Lady Hussey’s only crime is that she was tone deaf to a black activist and should have been more circumspect.

            Of course then she would have been accused of being standoffish.

    5. I refuse to believe that a Queen’s lady is that tactless or ill-informed. They are just not that blunt or stupid.

      Now, that’s what I’d do, but I’m a gorilla in a suit.

  27. A funny new trend at the office.

    People are putting names on food in the company fridge…

    Today I had a tuna sandwich named “Keith”.

  28. Thinking of Les Dawson’s joke. My wife is complaining that she has nothing to wear. Not true. There is a perfectly good black dress in the wardrobe which belonged to her mother. Just needs the swastikas taken off

  29. After deconstructing a carefully worded email from our estate agent, it would appear that the current paperwork log-jam in our house sale is due to our buyers’ buyer’s solicitor (keep up at the back).
    It would seem that said solicitor allowed paperwork to pile up and she then bu88ered off on holiday/sick leave – leaving her colleagues to sort out the muddle. Obviously, despite the modern plethora of communication methods, it is no longer the practice for solicitors to communicate with anyone – even within the same building.
    Meanwhile, MB and I are resigned to spending Christmas in a somewhat bare Allan Towers.

    1. Solicitors are their own worst enemy.

      You could book into a nice hotel somewhere for Christmas .. yes I know .. There would be no need to brush up on your arabic if you found a place in the countryside ?

      1. I think Bill Thomas may have room and solicitude, if he’d only get out of bed and stop feigning illness.

        1. (Deep intake of breff)
          Luckily, we have friends and family who are unsurprised by this development.
          We will KBO. At least we have a roof over our ……… maybe I shouldn’t tempt fate.

      2. Don’t rely on the countryside to be free of contamination, Maggie. The b@stards are moving the unwanted into rural areas.

    2. How rotten. Honestly, as a consumer of services from solicitors, one would assume that they only come into work in order to throw paper darts and write enormous bills.

    3. Sorry to hear that Annie. Could I perhaps take you both out for lunch one day this month (NOT on the 25th as prices are astronomical) at my expense? It would be a pleasure.

      1. 🙂 That’s thought. MB is recovering his appetite. Today, he admitted that this was his first ‘good day’ for several weeks.

        1. Give me a phone call when he’s feeling hunky dory, and we can fix a suitable day for lunch.

    4. Bad luck, Anne. Forgive me for asking, but how long has it been since you thought you had sold, to now? Have you another house lined up for when you can finally move?

      1. Yes: we have been renting the house we want to buy. It is in the same area; most of our chums and acquaintances live around here and we love the area.
        We took out a 6 month rental to make sure the house wasn’t sold and the time runs out on 7th. January; we can renew on monthly basis, but obviously we would rather not do that. Fortunately, the transaction is through the same state agent, so they are pushing for completion.
        Once those signatures are on all relevant bits of paper, we can start moving the boxes into the ‘Dower House’. It is literally round the corner.
        This evening, a couple of neighbours popped in for a chat and an update. As we gossiped, I thought how very lucky we are and why would we take ourselves away from all this?
        Very suburban but comforting, and we can take that quite happily.
        Funnily enough, one house viewer made the comment that people round here “swap houses but don’t actually move”. Very, very true: our potential buyers live less than half a mile away.

    5. What a bummer. Stymied by incompetence – not a new story, sadly. Hope the constipation in the communication lines releases soon!

      1. It’s the (literally) ££££ thousands that they take from the clients (who are often doing half the work) that gets up right your nose. (An experience I had with selling Elderly Chum’s house.)
        It’s extra frustrating when it’s a solicitor twice removed, as in this case.

    6. It really shouldn’t be a long drawn out procedure. I thought everything was now done online. But solicitors always took their time when I worked in an estate agents office. And that was 25 years ago! The agents always had to chivvy solicitors along. No sense of urgency, payment guaranteed (they got all monies in and paid themselves out of it). You’ve done well to declutter/sell/five away “stuff”. We are kind of dipping our toes into moving and my heart sinks at the thought of all the stuff we have that children wouldn’t want.

      1. Our sons are middle aged; heck, one has just down sized.
        They do not need our stuff, and the grandchildren are the wrong age.
        On the plus side, it gives MB a chance to pick up after a very rough time.
        p.s. my Indian/Canadian friend just cannot believe how long house sales take in this country.

        1. Our children are middle aged too and grand children are all at university and wouldn’t be at all interested.

          Is MB back home now? Good to hear he’s picking up well.

          1. Not only MB is home, but so also is Elder Son after his appendectomy.
            We Allans seemed to have offended Someone Very High Up.

          2. Elder son will be glad to have got rid at last! Could probably have done without the drama though. So your nursing skills are coming in handy I guess.

  30. The letter about driving test nepotism reminded me of when I took my test. I didn’t do at all well, hit both kerbs in the 3 point turn, went round most of the test in 3rd gear, and a few other faults. We got back to the test centre for a few words of advice from the examiner and he asked me what I did – I replied I was an RAF apprentice at Halton. His reply was “Oh my son is there too” A pink slip was soon produced with the words “You’ve passed”

    1. I took my civvy driving test three times. My instructor told me there were four examiners and it was pot luck which one you got. Two of them could either pass or fail you. The third one, called King, was the one who usually passed you, but the fourth, called Askew, routinely failed candidates.

      On my first two tests I was failed by Askew but on the third I passed with King. I shall never know if Askew failed me because I was crap, or because he was Askew. Similarly I shall never know if King passed me because I was good, or because he was King.

      A year after passing I took my police standard driving course (five weeks solid driving and theory) and I passed with flying colours.

      1. I should hope so, with you holding the record for the number of driving tests taken.

      2. We used to get them doing Blues & Twos runs up the Via Gellia a couple of years back every Thursday.
        Two marked cars would lead, then two or three minutes later, up to four or five would follow in a gaggle.

      3. I am of the firm belief i was failed in my motorcycle test because i did an intensive training course beforehand. The examiner wasn’t impressed with my two week course and failed me.

        He even said to me……….’What do you do for a living?…I said i had trained as a cook. He said ‘and did that just take two weeks?’

        I passed the next week with only a half point on my sheet. I had safely joined traffic from a side road but he in his car wasn’t able to make the same translation.

      4. I took my first two tests in Worcester, both with the same git who had a record of failing people. On my first test the only adverse comment was “too close to parked vehicles” and on the second test the only comment was “too far from parked vehicles”. I went elsewhere next time and passed!

      5. I must have had a “King”

        I passed first time, having made what I thought were a couple of mistakes, I was probably wrong to do so, but when I made the mistakes I acknowledged them instantly, with an explanation.

        It may have helped that I had a genuine emergency stop during the test when another driver did something really stupid and my reactions were lightning fast. The tester would almost certainly have been injured. He said said something to the effect of “Thank you, I won’t bother with that part of the test later”!

        1. The first time I took the test, I had an absolute snorter of a cold: I genuinely didn’t care whether I passed or failed. I just wanted my bed.
          The second time, I was bright eyed and up for the challenge. I passed.

      6. One way to pass round the Brum area was to request an Urdu speaking examiner. (Almost gauranteed pass). I bleieve this has now been clamped down on.

    1. I think there was a fairly unpleasant virus and it was pretty nasty.

      I also believe the modelling was antiquated and hyperbole.

      I think politicians panicked and couldn’t then row back on that panic.

      I believe that a balanced view was ignored in favour of a preferred view. I think the state liked the power and promoted a view that gave it that power. I think ego, arrogance, the usual incompetence gripped officialdom.

    1. …and my reply on Taw@ter is:

      …and all that Sajid Javid, Ex Tory Home Secretary can say is, “So What” Time to expel him and those of his ilk.”

    2. Yo Mr Grizzle

      The majority of the Cabinet would concur and support his views

      Do you think there will be cabinets in Asia filled with Smiths, Jones, Johnsons etc
      Nor me

        1. We do, on most things

          Just buying 2 of your 11 inch diameter Grizzly Pizza Baking Trays, to use as general dogsbodies
          in my Halogen Oven. Please make make sure that they do arrive tomorrow

    This is not a terribly good cartoon – the Trojan Horse is Elon Musk.
    I do not believe that Musk would have got the permission to develop Tesla without the consent of Mr Global. I think he’s another in the long line of their devil’s apprentices like Gates and Zuckerberg. The only question is to what extent he is genuinely rebelling, or whether he’s just a popular figure whose role is to distract the opposition to the reset (which is what the cartoon is saying).
    A resurgent Twitter effectively kills independent platforms.

  32. I have been shown a short video on TikTok but I’m clueless about how to post it on here.

    A young nurse has just finished a shift in the theatre where a colonostomy was performed on another woman. Before the op the patient had asked the nurse:

    “When I wake up, will it hurt more or less than a night following anal (sex)?”

    Deadpan, the nurse conspiratorially approaches the camera and utters:

    “I don’t know, Sis. I’ve never had a colonostomy!”

  33. I wonder if Susan Hussey said ‘people’ because using the ‘parent’ word could be offensive to anyone with an absent father?
    Several Edits: born in Harlesden, parents from Barbados, works as a Registrar,
    Birth or baptismal certificate next?

    1. What a good job we still have all our gold reserves and didn’t flog them off at rock-bottom prices having previously told the market of our intention to sell.

      Oh. Wait…

      1. It would have better if they hadn’t been sold at $300 or so an ounce, the only consolation is that what is left (if any) is now currently valued at $1800 an ounce or thereabouts….

        1. And when all the central banks are insolvent, will we wake up one morning to discover that gold is suddenly 5000 dollars an ounce?

          1. More likely that you will wake up and discover that as a private individual you can’t buy it or sell it legally, rather like they did with ivory.

          2. Ah yes. Wet William thought it would be a good idea to criminalise Grannie’s knick knacks.

  34. Earlier I posted an anagram of Nazir Afzal’s name as Nazi Nig Liar, it should have been Ngozi Fulani = Fouling Nazi, sorry about that.

  35. Had a run into Bakewell this morning and coming back over Bonsall Moor had to drop my speed right down because of the fog as I came over the top.

  36. Nearly 4 o’clock and it’s getting dark here in the Scottish borders.

    Small wonder I get depressed. Roll on the winter equinox and daylight will increase thereafter.

    1. It’s like bloody Transylvania here- grey and foggy. Any minute Dracula could fly past the window. I want summer back!

        1. At least when the days start getting longer that will be more hopeful already!
          Until then we can just console ourselves with Advent.

          1. Advent, according to our rectorette, is all about hope. Funny, I thought it was about preparation. It is a penitential season after all – hence the purple.

      1. It was so foggy here this afternoon , I had to go into Wareham to do some shopping , had younger dog with me to give him a good run afterwards.

        I completed my shopping , and amazingly the sun was out , fog had lifted for a while , tried to start my car … nothing ,, flat battery. I had left the lights on .

        Rang Moh at home and he drove the six miles with jump leads .. but I think the batteryis dying anyway.

          1. So can anything plugged into the cigar lighter as these are often still live after the ignition is switched off. Example dash cam

        1. Oh no…….. I did remember to turn mine off. Fog stayed all day here – especially over the common and on the hill going into Gloucester.

        2. I am not sure that it is possible to leave the lights on with my car, everything turns off after a few minutes.

          Famous last words, I may as well phone for a jump start now.

          1. My campervan is like that. If I forget to turn the lights off they go off automatically once the ignition is off. Consequently, I ignore the instruction in Malton to turn the engine off at the traffic lights if I need lights on!

        3. Does your car not warn you when you open the door and the lights are on with the ignition off?:

      2. It’s al, right for you. The solstice just signals the start of two months of hellish weather for us,

        Roll on March when w escape the frozen north and visit some of those stereotypical Carolinians to the south of us.

    2. It seems that no sooner have we opened the blinds and curtains than we are closing them again.

  37. Please. my great and respected friends. If you (wish me to respond, may i Implore you that with my big fat fingers,) I find it difficult to respond to messenger or any other smartphone requirement.

    Your (and my best bet) is for you to query me at I have no problem with that – I check it daily and will answer Saspo

  38. Par Four today.

    Wordle 530 4/6

    1. Me too.
      Wordle 530 4/6


    1. Canellelabelle
      Has it bang to rights.

      This lady hussey situtation still irritates me to the core. If you live in the UK & wear an ethnic outfit, It reads that you are proud of your culture & ethnicity. If I ask you where you are from, I expect you to tell me proudly, not cry racism. This race baiting needs to stop.

      1. Exactly. If I meet a man wearing a kilt, and ask him whereabouts in Scotland he’s from, I wouldn’t expect to get a tirade about how I’m racist because he was born in Hackney.

        1. From what I am reading, it would appear that the costume and accoutrements was more fancy dress than real.
          She’s an utter fake.
          One can only hope that cancel culture from the genuine communities will ensure she sinks into oblivion, though I won’t hold my breath.

    1. Ambulances are stacked up outside A&E waiting to discharge their patients. People are clogging up A&E because they can’t see their GP. GPs are laughing all the way to the bank because they are paid by the number of people on their books, not the number they actually see. Solution?

    1. The eviction team in pairs should have grabbed head and feet and then swung them and tossed them onto the pavement.

  39. @rastussc_tastey:disqus and others.

    Some advice please on public speaking.

    The husband and I belong to our local history group where we have teachers / lectures who are paid to run courses . The husband ( although not a teacher or being paid ) will be doing a talk in a local church next week. The secretary of this local history group ( we have art, philosophy, poetry combined in separate groups . My point is the following –
    Our little group has been invited, also invited are those who attend the other courses,
    the United Reform Church, St Mary’s Church, the WI. Local history centre, the Parish Council etc and a couple of historians . This is the first time my husband has lead a talk and he’s never spoke to a large hall full of people before . Advice on public speaking please .

  40. @rastussc_tastey:disqus and others.

    Some advice please on public speaking.

    The husband and I belong to our local history group where we have teachers / lectures who are paid to run courses . The husband ( although not a teacher or being paid ) will be doing a talk in a local church next week. The secretary of this local history group ( we have art, philosophy, poetry combined in separate groups . My point is the following –
    Our little group has been invited, also invited are those who attend the other courses,
    the United Reform Church, St Mary’s Church, the WI. Local history centre, the Parish Council etc and a couple of historians . This is the first time my husband has lead a talk and he’s never spoke to a large hall full of people before . Advice on public speaking please .

  41. Had the offer of a finger up the arse today, from an attractive young woman.
    Did I do wrong by declining?

  42. I am trying to respond to Ethel; this site tells me the comment I am replying to has been deleted. It hasn’t.
    Sod disqus.

    1. I wrote all this, and couldn’t post. Comment has vanished, but I’m damned to waste the typing:
      Try not to get nervous. Speak to individuals in the audience (not 40 minutes aimed at the one in the blue jumper…).
      Prepare thoroughly. Write it longhand, then summarise until it sits on a very few archive cards. Put the number order in the corner, punch a hole in them all, and hang them together with a treasury tag (if you drop them, they don’t get muddled). Rehearse, especially if using slides. Get there early and be sure everything works, including any flip charts and pens, projector, and so on. Don’t be in a hurry. Introduce yourself at the beginning, to get started, and explain taht you’re new – get the audience sympathy. Conside a joke or two, but be careful to avoild offence. I joke about myself…
      Remember, the subject is fun – otherwise, why are you there? Don’t be drunk.
      Advice from the most introverted person on earth, who discovered he really rather likes all this presentation stuff!

      1. Here’s my two-pennorth.

        Unless he knows his topic very well, have some small crib cards ready
        with bullet points. Not so that he is reading a speech, but just to
        act as prompts. Put the audience at ease to start with, perhaps saying
        he’s new to this and get them on his side

      2. Also, breathe!!

        Three slow, really deep breaths before going in. Deep, slow breath before starting (can be done whilst smiling at the audience). Remember to brearhe whilst giving the presentation.

        And slow down a bit! Remember that while you know what you’re going to say, the audience is hearing it for the first time, and will need just a little longer to process the ideas.

      1. Why bother posting then? Sorry- I have been awake since 5 and am getting grumpier and more tired by the minute.

          1. MB and I have opened a bottle (slightly longer process as I’d forgotten where I’d packed the booze).
            Another step back to normality (I hope).

        1. Oof. That’s far too long for a normal person.
          Time for bed, with a book, and some early zeds.

        2. She addressed it to Rastus, then perhaps realised he might not see it, so perhaps she has reposted it in reply to one of his.

      2. I could put out a request – any lady who would share my bed, will be most welcome.

        Any replies?

          1. Thankyou…… he was a bit down today. He’s been in hospital a fortnight now. His gums are still sore from the teeth extractions last Friday (especially the wisdom tooth) and the nurse gave him a codeine this morning, which made him dizzy.

          2. Has that been scheduled yet? He must be bored out of his mind, best wishes to you both.

          3. He is bored and fed up. Still waiting to hear when and where they will fit him in for the op. Thanks for the good wishes – I want him home, but post-op.

          4. Poor soul! He must be demented! At least you have that feline companion to keep your bed a bit warm!
            Is there no sign of the op happening?

          5. Not yet, no – but I don’t think they will till his gums have healed – he thinks the wisdom tooth hole might have developed an infection as it is so sore……… but they were done to forestall any infection going to his heart. So they will have to clear up first.

          6. Thinking of you, Jules. It can’t be easy for either of you when you’re used to being together. I know how down our daughter got when Simon was in hospital for nearly 4 months. The visiting, the keeping his useless family in the loop, the worry, the twins and worst of all, having to live with us!!

          7. He’s not as mobile as he was but his left hand is much better. He was a bit lazy with the physio and I think he may have missed the window for full recovery. His memory is a bit hazy too!

          8. Had a wisdom tooth levered out of my head about 25 years ago.
            Attractive blonde young dentist clasped my head to her left boob, her 18 -y-o assistant clamped my head to her right boob… what tooth??

          9. No, J. I’d never intervene between Man and Wide – you’re both safe. Much as I love you both.

          10. I don’t blame you, M’dear. I’d never come between man and wife, no matter what the current situation may be. I can only congratulate you on your current fortitude. And I too will stay in my lonely bed.

  43. Lady of the mercians

    You tried to get advivice about public speaking but it was deleted.

    This all I may offer:

    Forget you have an audience – treat it as if you are talking to your family in the sitting-room.. Do not be afraid, just be sure of the point(s) you wish to get across, and make them with conviction,

    As a lifetime lecturer, ’tis all I can offer. Be more than brave.

    1. I will second that. Or pick someone on the front row to talk to as though no one else exists.

  44. Cripes, Michelle Dewberry on GBNews is really skewering some white ‘apologist’.
    MB is absolutely riveted.

      1. Up till now I’ve viewed her as a bit of space filler.
        Tonight, she earned my respect. (I’m sure she feels better for that knowledge.)

      2. Up till now I’ve viewed her as a bit of space filler.
        Tonight, she earned my respect. (I’m sure she feels better for that knowledge.)

      3. Up till now I’ve viewed as a bit of space filler.
        Tonight, she earned my respect. (I’m sure she feels better for that knowledge.)

  45. Forgive me for being an utterly callous bastard. To be fair, I couldn’t care less if you don’t.
    How does this help the dead victims, they knew nothing about what was happening.
    How does it help the NHS by paying large amounts of compensation, taking money away from treatments etc.

    Better to fire those who didn’t do their own jobs.

    1. One person can’t do these things alone. I assume there are cameras in the morgue? Someone had to be covering for him.

      He’s in prison with no right to parole.

      1. The report said he was the supervisor. Presumably he took the tapes home to copy & download, then deleted them.

      1. I don’t dispute that, but why take money from the NHS to pay the families of the dead?

        Their memories won’t change and the money could be better spent on serving the living.

          1. I’ll never be convinced that monetary compensation is the answer
            There will always be family members who would kill the perpetrators of such things and there will be those who would forgive.

            Me? I’d let them rot in prison, they can be left a rope in their cell to end it all at the time of their choosing.

          2. That’s the trouble in such instances. Like corporate misdemeanour – the company is fined, the customer pays and usually the CEOs get off with a slap on the wrist.

  46. Yes, he too is a nasty little shit. See what the result is of the loss of Prince Philip and HM Queen Elizabeth.
    Prince William condemns ‘unacceptable’ comments from godmother Lady Susan Hussey to Buckingham Palace guest

        1. It’s funny, the RF always did loyalty so effortlessly in the past – but it was all the Queen and Duke of Edinburgh really.
          Charles and William don’t seem to have understood why the people didn’t like Meghan – the biggest thing that turned everyone off was that she wasn’t loyal to her own family or old friends.
          They are just repeating her mistakes, and will reap the same reward!

        2. On Sky Arts on Dec 7 is a programme about newly found movie reels and scripts by Spike. I can’t wait to see it.
          As many of you might know here, I love Spike.

    1. His Godmother, too.
      Who else will he sell down the river at the drop of a hat? Nasty wee prick.

      1. Sadly, it’s too late now for a kick up the arse and an admonition: ‘Stay out of politics’.

        He has not heard – and will not listen.

    2. Dianne’s eldest, the Typhoon pilot , married his WRAF colleague at Cranwell. I played one of only two RAF organs on the occasion, and attended the reception in the Mess, and slept there.

      Subsequently, I saw photos of Wills & Kate in a location which I recognised. Consequently. I had warm feelings towards Wills.

      They’ve cooled off…

  47. What happened to showing some respect for the elderly, she may have spoken out of turn, she may not have, at 84 does she really need to work anyway?

    1. If you are referring to Lady Susan- as a lady in waiting they get expenses only. It is an honorary post. Admittedly most of the women in those posts are either independently wealthy or married to rich men.
      My feeling, the more I read and see, is that this whole thing was a deliberate set up. Mary Headly, the black lady in question, said she felt like a trespasser. She would not have been there had she not received an invitation.
      It is all total bollox and a I am very cross with William for following the racist BS and throwing his godmother to the wolves. Mary Headly needs to be unmasked as what she is.
      I have always been a monarchist but even my patience is wearing thin.

      1. Have you been watching Farage this evening? He’s fired an excellent broadside against our race-baiter. Worth watching on catch-up if not.

      2. William and his father seem to to struggle with the idea of loyalty towards those who facilitate the smooth running of the family ‘business’.

        1. They all seem so scared of upsetting anyone of colour- as is the government. Govt and media- get over it!!

  48. I’m coming to the conclusion that nothing good will ever come out of the life or the reign of Charles III

          1. You asked for it! (You could have course had President Brown… or any other non-entity….)

          2. Not necessarily.
            I would love to be the President.
            My first act would be to restore the Monarchy.

            But my son would be king and his daughter would be the next in line.

            AND the UK could do a Hell of a lot worse they don’t take after me, they are thoroughly decent people.

          3. That’s democracy. At least you wouldn’t be someone whose only qualification for the job is who your parents were.

          4. And how has democracy been working out in the UK, USA, Canada & France over the past couple of decades?

          5. Have you read The Abbess of Crewe by Muriel Spark? The Abbess in that spoof suggests that anyone who schemes for the position of Abbess deserves to get it. ( It was based on the Watergate stuff.)
            It is also a quote from an Abbess at Stanford Abbey some years ago and Muriel used it in her novel.

          6. I think I should be President. No lockdowns, plenty of parties, sack all the diversity and etc managers in NHS. Cancel all the boat immigrants and train more doctors, nurses and other specialists. Technical skills also.
            Teachers told to teach and not to bleat any govt propaganda. No more cancelling or trigger warnings on British Lit or History. Museums should be left as they are and not modified to suit the wimps.
            Maybe I should work on my manifesto?

          7. Free fish? The Penguin President or….wait for it….the Emperor Penguin President!

          8. I couldn’t find a clip for this, but remember this from Blackadder:

            King George III:
            Some people say I’m mad, and say the word “penguin” after each sentence. But I believe that we two can make Britain great, with you as the Prince Regent, and I as King Penguin.

          9. I think you should too. Raise NoTTL to be the only highly-paid Quango, to decide on everything that quangos currently decide.

          10. But only those Nottlers who have zero upvotes should be permitted to vote in committee.

            Ooops there goes LotL as Pres.

          11. That’s assuming a Presidential Republic, the same as e.g. the USA, where the executive is separate from the legislature. You would have to be mad to adopt that type of system. The closest system to what we have now is the Parliamentary Republic e.g. Ireland, with a ceremonial and non-executive president, where a separate head of government (Prime Minister) leads the executive.

          12. Sadly, as I have been awake since 5 this morning, I am going to bed soon. Otherwise I would bend your earholes;-)

          13. Indeed, people forget that most Albanians are Muslim, let alone the rest of the dinghly-danglers.

    1. He won’t be Charles the Great, that’s for sure………but his mother was a hard act to follow.

          1. How droll. Read about him- Paul Murray Kendall’s bio is very good and also the novel The Sunne in Splendour about the Wars of the Roses. Yorkist me.

          2. That’s the point, the Spanish could well be letting the Japanese win.
            If you were Spain and got through to the final and the other qualifier in your group also made it to the final who would you want to play, Germany or Japan?

          3. And Japan,
            And as I noted earlier, if you were Spain, who would you want later: Japan or Germany?

          4. But Germanys chances were limited anyway, because of the goal difference over Costa Rica.

          5. ? I have them in the office sweepstake but am not following events. Have they won the World Cup yet? I do hope so as the prize money is £300.🙂

          6. ? I have them in the office sweepstake but am not following events. Have they won the World Cup yet? I do hope so as the prize money is £300.🙂

          7. Henry bloody Tudor and the bastard dated the day of his reign as the day before Bosworth so all those who fought for their rightful King were deemed traitors. The only good Tudor was Elizabeth I.

          8. Yorkist, too, by birth.
            But, apologies if I cause insult, I don’t care otherwise.
            Pi$$ must be taken.

      1. There is so much he could do to be respected and valued, but he seems hell bent on doing the very opposite. I never thought I’d ever have republican leanings, but …

  49. All this nonsense over a storm in a tea cup feels like BLM all over again.
    What are they trying to distract us from?

      1. I notice that Hairy’s book (half price in Smiths) is entitled “Spare”. Self awareness or what?

    1. The woman concerned is a known Markle shill. I’d guess she was out to make trouble if she could.

      1. She may have been, but why should the press and media pick it up and run and run with it? So trivial.

        1. Racism. Other favourites of the MSM are homophobia, transphobia and Islamophobia. Guaranteed to get attention from “His Majesty’s Press”.

          1. It’s a tiny spat between two guests at a reception. Leading the BBC evening news? Unbelievable!

  50. At least one BTL about Marlene mentioned that after her exposure by Lady Sue at Buck House she was able to chat to ‘the Queen’. I genuinely had to check the date of the event, until I realised she was seen talking to Camilla.

    1. Camilla is the wife of the King, therefore the Queen, same as Elizabeth, the wife of King George VI, was the Queen.

      1. Nah, Diana could have made a genuine Queen, this one is just a Queen Consort; harmless old banger.

        1. I don’t think she did; it was pressure from the Diana maniacs that led to the decision that a) she would be the Duchess of Cornwall rather than Princess of Wales and b) Queen Consort rather than Queen.

        2. The “Queen Consort” title is correct, as she isn’t a Queen Regnant. I think the late Queen suggested this title before her death, as a way of getting people used to Camilla being Queen. As time goes on, the “Consort” bit will be quietly dropped.

        1. My energy company (Scottish Power) sent me some “energy saving tips” today – guess what? It costs less to run the microwave than an electric oven? Whodda thunk it? Well, me, obviously because in the summer I use the microwave and when the Rayburn is lit I use that, seeing as it’s already up to temperature and costs no more. They think we are idiots. Mind you, judging by voting patterns, they probably have a point.

    1. I hope to goodness it isn’t down to the Covid Jabs – that would be disastrous for both the programme and the Great Reset…

      1. Schwab and Blair will have been injected with saline solution.

        A German nurse who injected thousands of elderly patients with saline was prosecuted and has just been released from custody following trial. I imagine she will have disposed of the Pfizer and Moderna substances by flushing them down the loo. Covid has apparently been detected in British sewage, probably from the same actions by a few responsible medics.

        1. Even if that is the case, the clock is ticking for both of them They are not immortal.

          Evening Corim.

          1. I read that whilst planning on culling the world population they have conducted parallel research into using gene therapy to prolong their own lives.

            Bezos is planning to live forever in a pod on the moon.

            Edit: I now realise that Klaus Schwab’s elaborate outfits are no longer designed by Boss, as were his father’s, but by Belenciaga.

        2. Even if that is the case, the clock is ticking for both of them They are not immortal.

          Evening Corim.

      2. Schwab and Blair will have been injected with saline solution.

        A German nurse who injected thousands of elderly patients with saline was prosecuted and has just been released from custody following trial. I imagine she will have disposed of the Pfizer and Moderna substances by flushing them down the loo. Covid has apparently been detected in British sewage, probably from the same actions by a few responsible medics.

    1. Someone must be concocting a good ‘Hitler in the bunker’ video. expect a new one by tomorrow perhaps.

  51. I am off to bed- awake since 5. Sick to death of this BS re Lady Hussey and Mary Headly.
    I badly need sleep.
    Be good Y’all.

  52. Right, here is some childishness from me; Fulani people gradually became majority Muslim from the early 19th century; a matter of West African politics & jihad. So the young lady was dressing up as a Rastafarian whilst linking herself to a Muslim population that (after it merged with the Hausa state and ruling class) was actively involved in the slave trade. Perhaps her choice of surname was a form of bitter irony,

  53. A woman pretending to be a man is entering mens MMA. I for one find this idiotic. A woman hasn’t a man’s strength, speed, damage resistance, adrenaline levels, bone density, heart size or power output. She is going to get seriously hurt.

    Oh dear. How sad. Never mind.

    Of course, we’ve already seen the opposite side, where a man in a dress entered women’s MMA and broke a woman’s skull.

    The woke Left have got ot be stopped. The trans drivel labelled what it is – mental illness.

  54. Evening, all. Due to planned postal strikes and general unrest, I have spent the evening writing my Christmas cards ready for early posting (all but two of my overseas cards have already been dispatched).. As for the headline, rather than being lacklustre, I think the CofE has been very active in destroying Christianity, aided and abetted by the PTB promoting every ideology over the established State religion.

    1. Posted all ours today including overseas destinations.
      One way I suppose to mitigate the postal strikes although to be honest I have a neighbour who I see occasionally cycle off to work at 4:30 am if I am up pumping bilges. Whatever he earns as a postie is not enough to tempt me to climb out of my warm pit and go into work at that time of day these miserable cold mornings. There is a chance then for somebody who thinks his wage is tempting enough to replace him if he strikes his way out of a job.
      He could always apply to work at the palace, he seems fit enough to be able to throw ladies of the household under buses.

  55. Good night, everyone. Sleep well and awake refreshed. (But don’t drink an early cuppa until you have read No To Nanny’s joke of the morning.)

  56. Been out in the garden with the dogs for their last and final wees. 4c.. cold , dewy and bleak . Two nights ago we had 2 hedgehogs running around the garden .
    tonight the younger one was under the bird feeder .. Shouldn’t they be hidden away now and cosy?

    Night night all x

      1. Morning Paul

        ‘Sensitive content’ must refer to the degree of Wokeness of the individual in a photograph.

      1. Morning, Tom.
        Darker than the inside of a Cabinet minister here. No snow, cold & damp. Bloody awful, frankly.
        Hope it’s better in Moffat.

Comments are closed.