Tuesday 13 June: Shambolic Tories can’t rely on fear of Labour to win a general election

An unofficial place to discuss the Telegraph letters, established when the DT website turned off its comments facility (now reinstated, but we prefer ours),
Intelligent, polite, good-humoured debate is welcome, whether on or off topic. Differing opinions are encouraged, but rudeness or personal attacks on other posters will not be tolerated. Posts which – in the opinion of the moderators – make this a less than cordial environment, are likely to be removed, without prior warning.  Persistent offenders will be banned.

Today’s letters (visible only to DT subscribers) are here.

395 thoughts on “Tuesday 13 June: Shambolic Tories can’t rely on fear of Labour to win a general election

  1. Good morrow, Gentlefolks, today’s story

    Inform Your Partner

    A very attractive young woman goes to the doctor for an examination.

    After thoroughly examining her, the doctor says, “You’re in excellent health except for those bruises on your knees. They seem to be developing into calluses. Can you tell me where they are coming from?”

    The young woman starts to blush and says, “I guess they have to do with my sexual activity. Whenever we make love, we do it doggie style.”

    “Well that should be easy to take care of” the doctor says. “Surely you must know other ways to have sexual intercourse!”

    “Oh! Yes, I do,” says the woman, “but Rover doesn’t!”

  2. 373259 + up ticks,

    Morning Each,

    Shambolic Tories can’t rely on fear of Labour to win a general election
    But sadly and a proven fact seen in the , odious state of the dangerously inefficient nation, that is the only thing they CAN depend on, you gotta vote tory (ino) keep out lab, you gotta vote lab (ino) keep out tory (ino) family tree voters, rocking horse brains.

  3. Morning all. On the train today as i am meeting an ex-colleague after work.

    On a happy note – at last! A heartwarming story on page 10 of today’s Terriblegraph about a young dog who for some reason had got lost in a field of rape and in the process got his lead tangled all round him. He was found by a local man scouring the field with his drone. The poor dog was lost for 36 hours I think. 🙂

    1. I saw that. A nursing officer’s dog, I believe (although what relevance that had to the story I’m not sure).

  4. Gillian Anderson and Stanley Tucci back calls to rescue British families in Syria. 13 June 2023.

    The families have been detained there for almost four years after the collapse of Islamic State.

    “These British families have been abandoned by their government and live in squalid conditions where they are exposed daily to life-threatening violence, disease and other deprivations,” the letter states. “Young British boys and girls are growing up in this dangerous environment with very limited access to education, sufficient food, clean water and shelter and medical care.”

    Did we deport these people? Were they trapped as part of a humanitarian mission? Are they facing religious or political persecution? They are where they chose to be. It is just that the Jihad of which they were a part has failed. Now they seek to return to what they hate because it is more comfortable than where they are! The irony is of course that were the shoe on the other foot they would murder the people who are pleading for them without a qualm!


    1. Comes to something when the yanks are telling us what to do in our own country

      1. Morning MIR. None of them have to live next door to these people if they are returned!

        1. If they knew that every time one of the repatriated committed a crime they too would suffer that crime, be it theft, being stabbed or killed I doubt they would be so keen.

        2. No Tucci lived in leafy Barnes – i know that for a fact. Jug-ears used to be seen frequently in Barnes, too.

    2. And there’s me thinking that jihad – or religious terrorism – was a death or glory mission for the faithful. When the going gets tough many jihadis and their simple-minded supporters want out and forgiveness from those they despise.
      Suck it up.

  5. Good Morning….. 19C. Clear blue sky and pleasant breeze. Forecast 25C BBC. 28C met Office. Who will be correct?

    1. Good morning, JN. In my experience it is broadcasters and their weather pretenders who love bigging up very high or very low temperatures…but not this time, it would seem.

      Just along the coast from you we too are ‘promised’ a sweaty 28°C, so I had better get on with the preparation of my garden wall that needs painting…

    2. The BBC gets it’s data from the Met office. I’d go for 28.

      We went out yesterday and came back to the house being 26’c indoors.

  6. 373259+ up ticks,

    The day Silvio Berlusconi ‘proposed’ to Tony Blair
    Bromance between populist Right-wing billionaire tycoon and the progressive, centre-Left PM was always a mystery

    This anthony charlie lynton chap according to the Bow street court records, has form in park public toilets

  7. Good morning all.
    A sweaty earlier part of the night so I had a cold bath at midnight and sat up until 1 and had a good 3½h sleep.

    Another bright clear start with 10°C on the thermometer. It was 14° at 1 this morning!

    Now, for those who remember the 1st appearance of the Daleks on Dr. Who, this reaction to Darth Vader might be familiar:-

      1. I remember another programme that i think was on after school, The Trolemberge Terror.

  8. Watchdog to probe secretive unit which monitored social media posts criticising Covid-19 policies. 13 June 2023.

    Over the past two weeks, The Telegraph has exposed how the Counter-Disinformation Unit (CDU) has been targeting social media posts that criticised lockdown and questioned the mass vaccination of children.

    It was in “hourly” contact with social media companies during the pandemic as it sought to ensure they “act” on disinformation, according to testimony from the unit’s chief.

    During the pandemic, it worked in tandem with another government unit – the now-defunct Rapid Response Unit (RRU) – to counter false information spreading online.

    However, documents revealed under information transparency laws showed that the online activities of prominent critics of the Government’s Covid-19 policies were secretly monitored.

    Just to get on the Nottl record the true nature of the British Police State. The last paragraph is a particularly notable example of barefaced mendacity. These people should of course all be in gaol!

    “We welcome any further informal discussions with the ICO, as we do with any use of information across Government. Neither the RRU nor the CDU have ever targeted or focused on individuals, or compiled any data on them. Individuals were only ever referenced in much broader coverage reports which used publicly available media to summarise the public views on certain policies, or identify potential disinformation trends.”


  9. Could someone with BTL comment access point out to Mr. Selves that we no longer have a Prime Minister?
    Rishi Sunak is simply the Regional Manager of UK Ltd, a wholly owned subsidiary of the World Economic Forum.

    Martin Selves
    16 MIN AGO
    Our prime ministers are supposed to be the best of the best. We are supposed to respect them, and admire their personal and private qualities. We certainly expect them at least to attempt to carry out their Manifesto Pledge. I am only telling the truth when I say only Theresa May ticks the right boxes, and she was expelled by “Wets” and what we would now call “Remainers”.
    I have no respect for Blair, Brown, Corbyn, Cameron, Theresa May, Johnson or Sunak. I do respect some MP’s and Nigel Farage is head and shoulders above all of them.
    Why would I vote Tory in 18 months time? I simply can’t. Am I then supposed by logic to vote for Starmer and the Ginger Growler? I cannot bring myself to sink so low. Never have we been so badly led. They would be much worse, and that is in itself hard to visualise because the bar is so low right now.
    I do not care a jot for Party Gate. I think it is not worth a moments thought. But what I do think is that Harriet Harman. Member of Parliament for Camberwell and Peckham, Mother of the House of Commons, is leading a Kangaroo Court. She is guilty of gross misconduct, and is full of Tory Remainers, Wets and other low life who are determined to guillotine Johnson for ever. An enquiry should be called on why this Court was held when Harman had already called Johnson GUILTY even before it started,. Innocent until proved guilty went out of the window even before it started.
    What on earth does the average man and woman think about all this? It is a tragedy, but the private sector rolls on despite the unmitigated disaster that is the House of Commons.

    1. What Martin Selves really should be asking and I suspect wants to know, as do all of us is, what do politicians actually do that is in anyway productive or beneficial to the rest of the population ?

      1. Simples. They sets themselves up to make money.

        What could be more productive?

        1. Of course On top of their record expenses claims.
          We already know that, but what do they do for us ?

          1. Ours visits charities, businesses and writes a column in the local paper. I suppose that’s what she’s there for. She does usually reply eventually to emails as well.

        1. Yes of course.
          It seems to me that lying is part of the position these days. The bigger the liar the more important the job seems to be.
          It also means we can no longer trust any one in authority.

        2. Ahem! Not ALL councillors. Some of us actually do try to work in the best interests of our parishioners.

    2. Mr Selves surely meant Margaret Thatcher and not Evila May in his first paragraph.

      One of the annoying things about DT BTL comments is that once one posts a comment it is up and cannot be easily corrected.

      Nigel Farage was an MEP but never succeeded in becoming an MP is Westminster. He is an excellent journalist but his judgement can be faulty However a comment he made on GB News last night was amusing:

      “The reason I never went to one of Berlusconi’s bunga bunga parties was that I was never invited!”

      1. Interesting that the gawdawful ‘far left’ Blair’s were featured during the news clip around ‘far right’ Berlusconi. (What on earth might they have had in common) ?🤔🤭
        Around 13 years ago after a 4 day road journey we had arrived at HPB Stigliano in Tuscany. The receptionist told us that the Blairs had been in the evening before, insisting they were allowed to stay over for the night. It seems they had been staying with Berlusconi and possibly had a disagreement with him and left hurriedly.
        Probably on their way to the airport at Pizza.
        As HPB is a private members group they were refused. I just wished we had been there to see it.

    3. Mr Selves surely meant Margaret Thatcher and not Evila May in his first paragraph.

      One of the annoying things about DT BTL comments is that once one posts a comment it is up and cannot be easily corrected.

    4. But Niknak will soon be promoted to less trivial (and more lucrative) work – like leveraging his wife’s portfolio with his enhanced address book.

    5. ‘Morning, BoB. As I understand things Harperson is the chairman of the relevant committee but the Tories on that committee outnumber the rest. If that is so then if the majority disagreed with the verdict they would have said so very publicly and even issued their own report. As it is, not a murmur of dissent so far, suggesting perhaps that the Tories who dominate the committee are happy to see him busted.

      Of course, this assumes that they are sufficiently honourable members* to speak up when the need arises and who value integrity over their lust for an important job that carries additional pay over and above that of an MP…

      Ah well, that’s the end of my brief fantasy. And as far as Harperson is concerned any honourable intentions are just PIE in the sky!

      * Unlike my MP who openly favours the imminent arrival of 1,200 so-called asylum seekers over and above the views of so many of his genuinely worried constituents. Yes, Mr Merriman, I’m talking about YOU.

  10. Ok so i walked across the river from Waterloo to Covent Garden. On Waterloo Bridge, a “yoof” overtook me and then immediately pulled in front of me and slowed down. When i asked him why he had done that, he told me to “chill”. I’m afraid i told him he was a banker, and a bit more besides. Who would do that? The pavement is at least 8 feet wide.

    Next, as I was crossing the road at the end of the bridge, little green man telling me I could go, i was almost run over by a middle aged man on one of those Lime hire bikes, going through his red. Again i remonstrated that the law required him to stop at red traffic lights. He was not polite either.

    Finally i had to run the gauntlet of my work building’s lobby, festooned in garish flags, because, Pride. They are holding a joint father’s day and LGBTqwerty@!’$€%^*#£& event later this week to raise funds for some perverted charity. I of course will not be participating.

    I hope you all have a better day than my first 30 minutes in London.

    1. Better?

      I work half a mile from where you started.

      Better, in that we see so much of this shit that we are immune to it. Maybe.
      Or maybe just closer to snapping.

    2. I had someone walk past me and suddenly slow down in central Nottingham a few weeks ago. I did the same to him to retaliate and he got quite abusive!

    3. One advantage of being fat and slow is that when someone walks in front of you and stops suddenly you can’t do the same and end up walking through them.

      It’s not just London. Yesterday a chap in M&S made a bee line for me so I stopped and looked inn a different direction. I don’t know what he expected to happen but you’re not going to push me over. He bounced in to someone else. It’s so simple to be polite. People just don’t want to be.

      1. Noone in London appears to be able to walk at a reasonable pace. I suppose it’s lack of practice. On the rare occasions I venture to the Great Wen I am constantly having to adjust my stride to avoid running into someone. I find it very tiring.

    1. ‘Morning, Rik. At the risk of stating the bleedin’ obvious, Moonbat and the Grauniad are equally barking!

      1. Moonbat said his children would never see snow again. Then it snowed. The man is a fanatic.

        1. It was The Independent in 2000, not Moonbat. The page was removed from its website years ago but many individuals recorded it for posterity. The winters 08-09 to 12-13 all had significant snowfall, especially in parts of the Midlands and south of England that hadn’t seen any big falls for 15-20 years. The winter of 10-11 had a particularly bad spell in December.

          Rodders on the subject (but I can’t read it!).

    2. A remarkable volte face considering the hilarious open door policy the Left wingers carried out – to the monumental detriment of the country. Now they need to remove the ones who are there and restore sanity to the country.

    3. Well done to the Swedish PM and government.
      If only we had a senior politician with half the determination to rid us of this scourge.
      We all know that handing out free hotel accommodation, healthcare and benefits is one of the main reasons these parasites come to the UK, along with virtually guaranteed right to remain, all fake sob stories taken at face value.

    1. When you consider the shysters we have elected in England, we can’t point too much at the Scots.

    2. Why do these people putting commentary on things not know how to spell or use basic grammar?

      Why has that MP not faced public censure? Why can we not fine her from her salary?

    1. There’s respect for our national flag. Boot the ignorant bastard out of his cradle and see if he likes the drop.

    2. A poled flame thrower would soon sort out all that other vacuous and stupid flag shite. Who TF orthorised all that garbage ?

    3. The changing of the flags shows that UK is both literally and metaphorically buggered.

    4. We have a friend who is a project manager on a big London development.
      The story he was telling us about erecting/re-erecting a Gay Pride flag on the unfinished building made us want to weep and laugh at the the same time. Inevitably, H&S and box ticking figured in the saga.
      Oh, and at the end of it, the flag was hung upside down.
      1. How could they tell?
      2. Was it symbolic of something or other? Well bolic comes into it.

  11. Morning all 🙂😊
    Lovely sunny morning, woken up by the garbo’s taking some of the rubbish away.
    I’ve already informed my mp I won’t be voting again unless they get their collective ar*es into gear. Or there’s an independent or even the slightest inclination of a decent alternative…
    Who seem to make lots of ‘political noises’ between elections, but back off when it comes to the crunch.

    1. I haven’t voted for any of the main parties for 4 year and have no intention of doing so again.
      I wish the Electoral Commission would put a box for NOTA on all ballot papers.

  12. SIR – Boris Johnson and the Duke of Sussex seem to have something in common: they believe it is always someone else’s fault.

    Annabel Burton
    Winchcombe, Gloucestershire

    Ten out of ten, Ms Burton!

    1. Thing is, people reinforce her own ego with plaudits (for their own ego). The folk NOT paying her any attention are the normals who would shake their head and think ‘silly girl’.

      1. Katie is a charmer isn’t she…Great company. Lots of laughter. She taught me the Tango positions. I felt a stirring down below ! That hasn’t happened in a very long time !

          1. Um !…hot weather, Tango what do you expect? BTW…i would if i could if she let me… :@)

        1. (Glances nervously at Spartie bed)
          Phew: he’s too knocked out by the heat to read over my shoulder.

      1. Katie showed me the moves. Where you lean in to each other. And then Tango !
        The lady can and will describe in more detail but is isn’t just about the dance.

          1. …lunch and dinner… hope she’s hungry !

            We are off to Antonio’s tonight. I said she could stay all week but she said her liver needed a rest. You know women nod nod wink wink…I thinks she’s playing hard to get !

            On top of that she has beaten me at scrabble 2 to 1. I said i would be following her when she emigrates to Buenos Aires to wipe that smile off her face for a rematch.

      1. Talking ti a German colleague today. He says the Germans have had enough of this bull shit and are beginning to turn. AfD on nearly 20% of the vote. We need a strong AfD alternative. Reclaim/Reform/Heritage are nowhere close.

        1. You only need one not 4 or 5 taking small numbers of votes from each other.

    1. Looks positively ghastly. A banner is for a nation, not unnatural sexual proclivity.

    2. It is even worse on Biden’s White House. Pride flag is central with US flags at the sides. Union flags are required by statute to be central and higher than other flags in a group.

      Biden hates America.

  13. From the USA comes a glimmer of hope:-

    Teacher Boldly Declares He’ll No Longer Use Students’ Preferred Pronouns, Gives Incredible Argument

    An exceptionally insightful opinion piece in the New York Post written by a teacher and senior visiting fellow at the Fordham Institute, Daniel Buck, explains why he stopped using his students’ preferred pronouns.

    “I used to use my middle-school students’ preferred pronouns,” Buck wrote. “It seemed polite. The largest teachers union in the nation encourages it. What harm could it do?”

    “I can no longer abide by such a lie.”

    Buck went on to explain the internal reasoning that led him to change his mind about using a child’s preferred pronouns.

    One by one, Buck shredded the leftist arguments we have heard over and over as justification for expecting teachers to comply.

    For example, leftists argue that referring to a child by his or her preferred pronoun is the kind and loving thing to do.

    To which Buck responded, “I have had students with anorexia who, despite their gaunt frame, believed they were fat. I had one student who heard voices and wrote letters to ‘imaginary friends’ who instructed her to hurt herself. Would it be caring, loving or humanitarian to indulge such delusions?”

    The answer is clearly no.

    Children have active imaginations, and most will, at some point or the other, invent an imaginary friend or a fantasy life where they can be whatever they dream — a princess or a cowboy, or a prehistoric dinosaur. But the role of the adult is to help children differentiate between imaginary play, which is beneficial, and reality. This means they can run around the house in their green pajamas roaring like a T-Rex during playtime, but they still need to eat their veggies at dinner, and if they bite grandpa, there will be a time out.

    Allowing children to slip permanently into their imaginary identity would, as Buck called it, “facilitate a deterioration of mental wellbeing.”

    Buck said he realized that facilitating these delusions is actually cruelty masquerading as kindness.

    He pointed out the cruelty of mutilating young bodies when “80% of children with gender dysphoria grow out of it.”

    He pointed out the cruelty of allowing men dressed as women to dominate in women’s sports.

    He pointed out the cruelty of offering “anxious, depressed and distraught teenagers the prospects of transition as an easy solution — a metaphorical pill with permanent side effects.”

    “Do our beliefs determine reality?” he asked. “Do our emotions dictate right and wrong?”

    Again, the answer is a resounding no.

    Emotions are unreliable — a convoluted interplay of chemicals and hormones, environmental factors, personal experiences, cognitive processes, and social contexts. They are intense and transient, susceptible to manipulation or exploitation, and often trigger irrational reactions.

    Making decisions based on immediate emotions without considering long-term consequences can result in regrettable outcomes, even in adults.

    The prefrontal cortex, the area responsible for rational thinking, impulse control, and decision-making, is one of the last brain regions to fully develop. Decisions based on feelings alone are a landmine even for adults, let alone children who have neither the life experience nor the mental development to have any idea what the long-term consequences of their actions could be.

    Buck said he was reprimanded by his superiors at his school.

    I’m guessing there will probably be more repercussions to his decision not to use preferred pronouns. But I applaud him for his bravery.

    Every good parent knows the right choice is not always the easy choice. Nor does it always make your child happy.

    As adults, it is not our duty to give the kids in our care whatever they want.

    It is, instead, our duty to ensure that the choices we make for these kids ensure their long-term well-being and their ability to get to the point where their brains are developed enough to make good choices for themselves, even if it makes them unhappy in the short term.

    That is the loving thing to do.


    1. I don’t pretend to understand the trans nonsense. I don’t see why a mental illness is indulged and those pointing it out are vilified.

      If we have a free society then people can say what they like. There is no enforcement of how someone else behaves. No magic protection from being hurt.

      I suspect it’s much simpler. I think it’s about power. About forcing disruption in the law that suits the state machine to achieve a wider goal of complete social upheaval. If the building blocks of society are kicked over then there is nothing to bind people together. There is no foundation of society. It, and the people in it – can be labelled, controlled and forced to accept anything because there is no normal.

    2. He’ll be sacked double quick, just as my son’s English teacher was. But he’s right.

    1. Here’s what I posted rather late last night. I will – with my usual self-effacing modesty – post it again.
      BTL posters (bless ’em) have already suggested “The wrong type of sun”.

      “Remember the scheme to cover the Sahara with solar panels?

      We’ve just had a 2 day ‘heat wave’.

      “Britain has started burning coal to generate electricity for the first time in a month and a half, after the heatwave made solar panels too hot to work efficiently. ……

      …… Solar panels are tested at a benchmark of 25C. For every degree rise in temperature above this level, the efficiency is reduced by 0.5 percentage points.

      The temperature level refers to the solar cell temperature, rather than the air temperature. In direct sunlight, the cells can easily reach 60 or 70 degrees.”

      1. Two of the blades flew off Mianda’s wind generator in a gale- as you can see in the photo just one blade left.

        A friend of ours who thought he could mend it made a swap — we gave him the broken generator in exchange for a collapsible bicycle – we got the better deal.

        Christo hated the wind generator as he had the port side aft cabin and on windy nights the vibrations from it stopped him sleeping.


        1. Yes. But I posted it just for the entertainment of those who detest thev fraud of windmills as a valid source of power and in the context of Rastus post.

      1. What could in incident be if National Inter-agency Liaison Officers are on site?

        Another layer of useless bureaucracy!

      2. Tried to find that photo of Blair in his matching burgundy (?) top and trousers. I think when he was greasing up to either Bush or Berlusconi.
        The pikkie appears to have vaporised.

  14. Good Moaning.
    Donald Trump parading his inner Hyacinth Bouquet.
    Life outstrips Art.

    “Donald Trump will sell $100,000 (£79,555) private candlelit dinners to his wealthy donors at a fundraising reception held hours after his court appearance on Tuesday.”

  15. Three dead across city centre as man arrested on suspicion of murder. 13 June 2023.

    A man has been arrested on suspicion of murder after three people were killed in the city.

    Police were called to Ilkeston Road just after 4am today where two people were found dead in the street.

    Officers were then called to another incident in Milton Street where a van had attempted to run over three people. They are currently being treated in hospital.

    A man has also been found dead in Magdala Road.

    They didn’t want to frighten you!


    1. The problem is that those in power who want us to be vegetarian, and get our protein from milk and cheese, don’t

      appear to understand that without the constant production of calves, we can’t get production of milk.

      I wish that someone would explain this fact of life to our poiliticians and their Greenie friends.

      1. I tried to point that out to a former boss at work. She told me that cows produce milk because they eat grass, not to feed their calves. I couldn’t convince her otherwise.

        1. What about human mothers? Do they just produce milk to be more attractive to their husbands/boyfriends? Gee, some people are thick.

          1. Not even when pregnant? SWMBO even went off chocolate and coffee when she was pregnant. Unheard-of!

  16. Nuneham Bridge pt 6.

    The Oxford-Didcot railway was reopened at the weekend. Here’s a Notwork Rail press release:

    There’s a short video further down. It’s in that modern corporate style, a bit self-congratulatory and with that musical background that’s the modern equivalent of hotel foyer music of the 1980s. There’s an interesting bit at 53 seconds…

  17. 373259+ up ticks,

    If it were to come about it would be the first gleam of patriotic sanity to be seen in action these past near forty years.

    My Son Hunter Star Laurence Fox Joins Race to Replace Boris Johnson in Parliament

    Truth be told the peoples are being handed a second chance to save the tattered remnants of this nation that the majority voter helped, over these last four decade, to construct via the polling booth and rank dangerous stupidity.

    1. Is that the same two-faced cow, Julia Hartley-Brewer, who constantly bollocked people for not ‘masking-up’ and ‘following the science’?

      Bob Moran gave her a right (and fully deserved) ridiculing in one of his cartoons for that.

    2. R4’s ‘World at One’ has just reported on the start of the public hearings. Outside the building, a woman was reading out the names of the dead. There is also a Covid memorial wall, though I don’t know if the names will be recorded on that.

      I fear the enquiry will be a sham. I’ve just looked at the data on Gov.uk. The death count now stands at 227K, the vast majority in the two big peaks of April 2020 and January 2021. At the end of April 2021, the total was 150K, so another 70K have been recorded since then. Has anyone died in that time of any pulmonary infection that wasn’t Covid?

      If this enquiry does not deal with the big questions, namely the accuracy of testing, the recording of deaths and the apparent near-absence for three years of every other viral RTI known to man, then it will have been a waste of time and money.

      1. 373259+ up ticks,

        Afternoon WS

        Firstly those that lost kinfolk should be guaranteed to be able to pose questions.

      2. A report by the WHO stated that they considered that only six thousand lives had been saved in the whole of Europe

        by the lockdown.

        Assuming the WHO wants to keep its generous funding, the genuine figures for Britain must be extremely small.

        All because an ill informed professor claimed that the death rate would be higher that the Black Death [ 50% in two years]

        1. Nevertheless, people who did have underlying conditions will have been falsely recorded as Covid deaths simply because of the highly questionable PCR test.

      3. ‘From’ covid or ‘with’? Most of the care home deaths were from overuse of Midazolam, I think. Many more were infections acquired in hospitals. The vast majority were people who were very frail or with other illnesses.
        The normal weekly death rate in this country averages about 10,000, though that has been raised for the last year or so.

    3. I heard that this inquiry was slated to take THREE years – it will do what these inquiries are meant to do: Take an age, cost the taxpayer a fortune and finally produce a long winded report that will criticize ‘selected’ people. Oh, nearly forgot – come up with some buzzword or phrase that the MSM can use repeatedly – ‘pandemic of ineptitude’ or some such thing.

  18. Good Afternoon.
    I have wasted my morning paying 2 bills. A job that in my youth would have meant a quick trip into town or to the post box for one and putting out cash or cheque for the other.
    Remind me about the time saving advantages of technology.

    1. Goddag!

      I pay all my bills online and it takes a couple of minutes for each. Sweden dumped cheques 30 years ago.

      1. Not using my cheque sorters at Bankgirocentralen any more then. Still, it was 1971 when I developed them….

      2. Same here Grizzly. My bank didn’t offer cheques when I signed up although they do have them apparently, but I had to google it to see. Haven’t seen one for years. Paying online is much easier than trotting out to pay bills.

        1. I still have an old chequebook that must be 20 years old. It is attached to my Nationwide Building Society current account. The last time I signed a cheque from it was back in 2015.

        2. I made sure both my accounts had a chequebook attached. I use cheques a lot – paying my subs for a start. That way the treasurer knows it’s me and not some other bod that’s paid. For some payments I use standing orders.

      3. Quote from an American publication:-

        This summer, the government will launch a new payment service called FedNow.

        It will let you transfer or receive any amount of money from anybody instantly.

        But there’s a catch…

        It will also give the government TOTAL access to your bank accounts, purchase history, sensitive financial information, and more.

        It compromises your privacy and freedom as an American citizen…

      4. I was trying to pay bills online. Useless websites; phones not answered; messages ignored.
        The sheer hassle meant it would have been easier to revert to allegedly more time consuming methods of my youth.

        1. I don’t pay my bills directly to those who need them, so no requirement to go to any website. I simply put the concern’s reference number into my bank account and tell my bank to pay the bill. Simple, quick, easy, efficient and completely stress-free. If the UK doesn’t operate this system then it simply goes to show how backwardly archaic the UK still is in 2023.

  19. When asked if the Nottingham murders and attempted GBH could have been terrorist based or had religious connections the TV journalist lept into the possibility of mental health issues……
    But covid and the much over used pandemic word wasn’t mentioned…….yet.
    And now the three year plus hindsight covid investigation/enquiry has started, but are there enough carpets left in place to shove the evidence under.

    1. The BBC news was very careful to point out that it was the van that ran down the various victims.

      Whenever the BBC state this, rather than the driver of the van, it always means that they consider it the act of a slammer.

      1. With mental health issues.
        Possibly from a certain type of literature.
        They were also giving public view of the number plate. It wouldn’t have been difficult to enlarge the plate and possibly trace the owner.
        Big mistake.

    1. For goodness sake. a non man is a bloody woman! A woman! There are two sodding genders. It’s a binary, literally bone deep fact.

      If you have two XX chromosomes you are a woman. if you have XY chromosomes, you’re a man. If you’re a man who puts on a dress and calls himself a woman, you’re a [beeeeep] nutter who should be sectioned.

    2. What the heck is a “non-man”? A eunuch? Even a eunuch is a man (XY chromosomes). What’s wrong with the term “woman”? I’m surprised women aren’t up in arms as the two definitions appear to be “man” and “non-man”.

      1. I bet they already are! “non man” indeed!

        Just shows what happens when idiots get hold of a typewriter. Interesting how transmen are men, isn’t it!

  20. Looking at the video posted by Darren Grimes of Regents St (?)…how can anyone not see that it looks like something out of the 1930s?
    We should only hang the flags of our countries, not the flag of an ideology.

  21. Forgot to mention this yesterday after MRI visit. I said on Sunday that a large red splotch had appeared in my right arm. When I went in to have a cannula inserted, she noticed this large mark. Did you fall or bash yourself, she asked. No, I replied, these marks have been coming up on my arms for 2 years, since the 2nd AZ jab. Total silence and no reaction. Funny eh?
    Forgive me if I don’t make much sense today- very unsettled night and worn out today. Still KBO.

    1. Have you formally reported the blotches to anyone?
      Unless you do, I doubt your experience will be recorded anywhere as a potential adverse reaction.
      I suspect there must be many people who have had reactions and not reported them formally and thus the statistics are understated, probably grossly so.

      1. Sos, everytime I go to the doc’s or hospital I mention it and point them out. Also swollen foot. They do not want to know. There are very likely other places where this could be reported but right now I have enough to deal with. 2 hospital visits next week- me and husband and also the DWP are buggering around with my pension.
        I am close to the end of my rope.

        1. Ambroise has posted a link below.
          If your people won’t record it find someone who will, eg the link.

        2. Hire a rubber boat, paddle offshore for a few feet and then float back in and claim asylum. You will probably get better treatment as a refugee.

          I wish that I was joking.

    2. I bruise ridiculously easily these days. So did my parents and grandparents. I like to think of it as due to my soft aristocratic skin…

    3. To save you the trouble, I scanned through the reports on the Yellowcard site that Ambroise mentioned. Skin disorders had a very high count for the AZ vaccine. – you and 53,000 others had the same problem.

      You would have thought that any decent medical person would follow up but that is apparently too much nowadays.

      1. Thank you Richard- you’re a gent. I simply can’t take any more on right now.

        1. Luckily I avoided the AZ vaccine, the woke politicians prioritized AZ for the first nations people so by ths time our turn came, AZ was being questioned and we got the Pfizer attempt.

          Hopefully some doctor will care enough to take your problems seriously you will be back to normal one day.

          1. I had two AZ jabs with no apparent side effects. OH had three Pfizer ones and he now has heart trouble.

          2. We think MB had covid before it was known about – he was very rough and breathless Jan/Feb 2020.
            He then had an AZ jab followed by a heart attack caused by a blood clot a fortnight to the day after the injection.
            Second jab – nothing happened. He has refused to have any more.
            I had a couple of jabs to ‘keep him company’, so he didn’t feel the odd one out.
            Given that he has lost 40% of his heart function, the irony is unbearable.

          3. We both had a bug at that time – January 2020. Not really ill, but it left us with a dry cough that lasted several weeks. I’ve had nowt since then apart from a sore throat last August. Considering I’ve had some real corkers of summer colds in past years, I think the vitamin D has worked.

            My OH is now on Amiodarone since the hospital visit last week. It’s making him feel like a zombie.

          4. With Oberst in Paris, here’s a couple of jokes for you, “What two words have the most letters?” Post Office and another groaner, “which word is always spelled wrongly?” Wrongly …..I’ll go now
            (Hope it brought a smile)

        1. I wonder how a proctologist would do a remote exam.

          No not really, it would take more than mind bleach to clean the phone.

          1. My physio rang me up the other day, apologising for the long wait (since January). Did I still want an appointment? Yes, I’m still very lame when I try to walk after I’ve been sitting down. Guess what! I’ve got a TELEPHONE appointment!

          2. That’ll be a lot of use! How’s the riding? Did you say the other day that Coolio had some trouble?

          3. He has had back trouble and I’ve had a couple of broken ribs. I haven’t ridden since (I’m still sore so I’m going to wait until it’s cleared up completely), but I hope to restart soon.

    4. You must wonder if your issues are all down to the jab.
      I doubt we will ever be told the true damage these Convid jabs have done.
      The consultant I saw last week was clear that unusually high numbers of his patients have had their disease noticeably worsen since the jabs were started.

    1. Wouldn’t it be more sensible to merge the two parties, produce a consistent manifesto and start talking about it? They need media exposure. They need to talk to people. To be able to answer the questions from a technical and legal perspective. Why can’t we just turn away the gimmigrants? What is stopping us? What would they do to enable that?

      1. I had an email from UKIP about their immigration policy. They are going to have a “mothership” under a flag of convenience (so they aren’t landing on UK territory) to transport the unwanted and unneeded to the Falklands – although what the Bennies have done to deserve that, I’ve no idea – where they’ll be processed. There will also be an “insurmountable” barrier to stop the boats getting though; the French will be told about the RIBs (spotted by drone) and then it will be their responsibility (isn’t that what we’re paying them for, anyway?). I’m not sure how workable it is, but it’s got to be better than what we’ve got now.

        1. It’s horribly over complicated. Sadly, I think it’s typical of the problem. Edge fiddling. To stop the boats and to be able to refuse them means leaving the HRA and ECHR. Have they presented that?

          They needn’t take them to the Falklands. Just an off shore – 20 miles off shore – processing centre. Also remove legal aid for them.

          1. Personally, I’d just drag the boats back to France and hole them on the beach. They would get no benefits or housing if they did manage to get here.

      2. 373269+ up ticks,

        Afternoon W,
        NO it would not, not unless you are an old tory still voting for the party name while sinking deeper into the shite.

        In my book brexit party showed its true colours under the grand old ersatz duke farage.

        To merge would be to contaminate Reclaim from the outset in joining the reform party construct of tory (ino) party Mk 2.

  22. Russia shows off captured Western tanks as ‘trophies’. 13 June 2023.

    Footage released by defence ministry shows troops surveying German Leopard tanks and US Bradley infantry fighting vehicles given to Ukraine.

    The interesting part of this article isn’t mentioned. To take these pictures the Russian must have been left in possession of the battlefield which does not speak well of a Ukrainian advance. There is a link in the comments to another article.

    The fighting in the Zaporozhye region subsided. The Ukrainian army stopped a broad offensive due to heavy losses. Unrest arises in units due to unexpectedly high losses in some units and there is a reluctance to go on the offensive. The Ukrainian command continues to prepare for a new, larger attack.

    The Russian army also strikes with MLRS and artillery, and also uses aircraft against Ukrainian positions.

    Over the past eight days, the losses of the Armed Forces of Ukraine have approached 12,000 people, while the losses of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation are many times less. The main reason for the huge difference in numbers is that most of the casualties are due to Ukrainian mechanized units trying to move not through trenches and residential areas, but through minefields and open areas under heavy fire.

    I strongly suspect that this report is true and the reason for the Ukie reluctance to comment.



    1. Giving people tanks and leaving them to it without strategy, tactics and support is the equivalent of giving an untrained man a sword and pointing him at the French.

      Tanks, alone are idiotic. They were the wrong weapon to give to ill equipped militia. As it is, they were our cast offs. Old, out of date, low spec obsolete hardware.

    2. I only know that I know enough to know that I don’t know enough.
      I’m just tired of being lied to – on all subjects.

    3. The Ukrainian command continues to prepare for a new, larger attack.

      Echoes of the Berlin Bunker: moving non-existent Armies, Corps, Divisions, even Battalions around a map. Has Putin called for unconditional surrender?

  23. Afternoon, all. I’m here early because I have a meeting tonight. I think the electorate feels that, dire though Labour will be, they might as well have the real thing as put up with the Cons following Labour policies under false pretences.

    1. I honestly don’t see the point in voting a all. It’s very clear that until the state machine is confronted and disbanded nothing will get done. Of course, once it is disbanded it will then demand more to do less.

      1. They want you to stop voting so that they don’t have to pretend to be different parties.

          1. It could be plain old stupidity because of the insulated lives they lead in that Westminster bubble. How stupid they are had slipped my mind.

      2. If there is no alternative to the big three (sides of the same ‘arris) I write a message across my ballot paper. The vote appears among the “spoiled papers” stats and increases the turnout percentage. If there were more spoiled papers than valid votes that would send some sort of a message, surely.

      3. I never, ever, thought I’d think like that, but after the past three years, even a politics nerd like me has thrown in the towel.

  24. Bonsoir, tout le monde.

    Ensconced by the sea. Was able to unload the car BEFORE the rain started. Storms forecast tonight and tomorrow – then yer sunshine. If you can trust any weather forecast in any country.

    Anymore by-elections in the offing? I see there have been some murders in England. Mental isshoos, known to the plod, lovely neighbour, always had a smile – I expect. Deffo NOT a terrorist…

    Must go and watch the rain falling.

      1. Last night, in Valence, it was really heavy downpour. They desperately need it.

      2. I have put my bright pink sundress on for the first time this year- more of a morale booster. I like the warm weather.

    1. We had a short but heavy downpour at teatime yesterday with a hailstorm thrown in as well. Wall to wall sunshine so far today.

      Have you reached your holiday destination?

      1. Yes. Two long, hot days driving and then four hours this morning. Just doing nothing for 24 hours – then Ventimiglia market Thursday morning when – they say – it will be sunny and warm.

        We have been coming to this flat for ten years. A real home from home. Very lucky.

          1. Because we have to bring our bedding, computers, clothing, beach stuff…..and take back loads of hooch, oil, beer, vinegar, seeds…..

            Anyway, we both loathe flying. If we flew, we have to hire a car – and I am too old for that. Train – would mean taxi to Kings Lynn; train to Lunnon; hotel overnight; Eurostar to Paris; cross Paris to Gare de Lyon – then eight more hours. AND having to lug all the stuff.

            The diving is fine. French roads are quite different from the UK. And two overnight stops in nice places with agreeable cultural things to enjoy plus nice meals…..

          2. I was stuck at Lille (en route to Aix-en-Provence) for ages because the trains were on strike. Nothing was open; even the effing loos were shut!

          3. Agree with you. Should you wish to leave early or late you do not have to argue with airline staff or a car hire company. Plenty of room in the boot for all the items that are now taboo on aeroplanes, such as chainsaws, axes, machetes, duct tape, etc.

          4. The MR illegally imported home-grown English salads…..!!

            The curious thing, these days, is that neither the UK nor France Customs take any interest in cars – going either way. One could import far more than the DF allowances.

          1. In many ways it hasn’t changed much since then. I was there first in 1970 and it was a dull, dusty frontier town.

    1. “Known to social services.’
      “Mental health issues.”
      “Drug abuser/trader.”

    2. We had planned to be in Nottingham today – luckily we just caught the tail end of some traffic news saying the trams and some buses weren’t running and that the police were keeping people away from the centre. At that stage it didn’t sound too bad so we just diverted and considered that walking in shade was better anyway. It wasn’t until we were back in a cafe that we heard how serious it was.

  25. The weather forecast was heavy rain all day Monday and Tuesday, it was just cloudy during the day then it rained last night but now it is bright blue skies and sunshine.

    They cannot get it right on an hourly basis but our politicians believe these clowns when they predict weather patterns in ten years time.

    Baah, a golf game list because of a crappy forecast.

    1. We had our third day of torrential rain yesterday. My garden has turned into a jungle. I had to chop back the vegetation along the back path or I would not have been able to get out due to the excess growth and the fact the weight of water on the leaves had caused the branches to bow down almost to the ground.

  26. Another Bogey Five today.

    Wordle 724 5/6

    1. Me too, an odd one today.
      Wordle 724 5/6


      1. Another 5

        Wordle 724 5/6


      2. Indeed.

        Wordle 724 6/6


    2. I thought that I had trouble
      Wordle 724 4/6


  27. The MR has forced a glass on wine into my hand – so I am off – to sit on the balc and watch the rain over Cap Ferrat. Bliss.


    A demain (as they say over here)

      1. 373259+ up ticks,

        Afternoon B3,
        I found it touching that they will find on the first night in their new homes the electric blankets will be switched on.

    1. This Sunak creature should be prosecuted for War Crimes having provided depleted uranium shells to Ukraine. Ukrainian and Russian soil and air will be contaminated and future children will suffer horrendous birth defects (as found in Iraq post the war there in 1990’s).

      The idea that NATO could prosecute a proxy American war in Ukraine was always madness. Hundreds of thousands of souls have already died as a result of idiots in the collective west and the Obama/Clinton/Biden axis and their neo-con Russian haters.

      Europe and the UK have impoverished their people yet continue to support the Nazi regime of Zelensky.

      There must be consequences for this lawless rabble.

  28. ‘A West African migrant with a history of violence.’

    ‘A black 31 year-old immigrant with dread locks and mental health issues.’

    Why was he free to murder with a huge knife (“A4 sized”) – and mow others to death with his van?

      1. By all means split hairs.

        Split his hairs, straight down the middle, with a felling axe.

        1. Presumption of innocence.

          Some Brits consume narcotics; now more or less socially acceptable throughout the UK. Problem is that the dominant ‘skunk’ cannabis probably costs no more than weed, but it contains relatively high levels of Tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) which can provoke psychosis. That is a scientific term for turning batsh!t crazy, possibly leading to the traditional Oriental sport of running amok.

          1. And????
            Shoot the bastards on sight.
            The fact that he was batshit crazy is hardly compensation to the people who loved his victims.

          2. No, after due process but before execution, allow him to roam for a couple of hours in the House of Commons and the corridors of Whitehall with an Uzi or two. The ammo could be crowd-funded. The PTB tolerate drugdealers, so they are all members of the same club.

          3. Didn’t the police fire a couple of shots at the van – it had two bullet holes in the windscreen, if the police did fire they should be sacked for incompetence in charge of firearm

          4. I thought that the two breakages might have been caused by the poor sod who was hit and tossed onto the bonnet.

          5. It was the position of the cracking that made me suspect it was that, although I understood that shots had been fired.

          6. A presumption of innocence that is not extended to those who question covid, vaccinations, immigration, alien homicidal religions …..

          7. Presumption of innocence went out when we were signed up to Corpus Juris (EU legal system). Same as trial by jury and double jeopardy.

  29. One for Mola…..

    Bloke on phone to his mate; A weekend fishing trip? That sounds great, let me arbitrate with the management and call you back.

    Wife glares from sofa.

  30. I’m sorry guys and gals. I think I’ve gone mad and I can’t talk to anyone. Please contact Judy I need her help NOW

    1. Joking aside.
      If you are still reading Nottle, NO you have not gone mad.
      Everything in the news today would depress any sane individual. Your reaction to what is happening is actually normal and sensible.

  31. 373259+ up ticks,

    A West African migrant commits a act of terrorism when he is incarcerated there will be NO shortfall his replacement will already be in transit heading for Dover.

    We suffer via the lab/lib/con coalition controlled / uncontrolled immigration policy, in this case we will maybe jail one, two will replace him ,the hydra effect

    In ALL decency regarding these two by-elections, both fringe parties should have landslide victories with ALL other main party candidates losing their deposits

    1. Eritrea or Albania? It’s so obvious that this would happen, now the Home Office has killed another 5 people. When will they be held accountable?

  32. Just had a power cut for an hour – SSE text me to tell me if I had a problem to go to their website – ho ho does my PC run on gas then? And before you ask I don’t use my phone for the internet

    1. Ffs. The House of Lords needs blowing up. Bliar’s reforms have been an utter joke.

    2. Nepotism, back handers. It’s utterly corrupt now and deserves no respect whatsoever.

  33. 373259+ up ticks,

    Who are the officers in burgundy uniforms deployed in Nottingham?
    Specially-trained officers in burgundy uniforms coordinate emergency services’ response to the incident and provide intelligence and support.

    These will become more evident as the days pass and the Dover invasion campaign numbers mount, so will the atrocities.

    1. A good question. Maybe information suppression. After all, was it just a black, or was the muslim shouting for the loo and a snack bar at the same time?

      No doubt the tired lie ‘mentally ill lone wolf’ will be pandered about. It’s boring now. The state as forced millions of violent terrorists on us. They don’t work, they don’t contribute, they breed, parasitically. We raise rational issues and the Left and state abuse us for pointing out the truth.

      1. An emotion I thought I was incapable of experiencing. The gratuitous deaths in Nottingham have proved otherwise. Mere words cannot express what I feel for the decades of lies and the deliberate ruination of our culture.

        The Beginnings

        It was not part of their blood,
        It came to them very late
        With long arrears to make good,
        When the English began to hate.

        They were not easily moved,
        They were icy-willing to wait
        Till every count should be proved,
        Ere the English began to hate.

        Their voices were even and low,
        Their eyes were level and straight.
        There was neither sign nor show,
        When the English began to hate.

        It was not preached to the crowd,
        It was not taught by the State.
        No man spoke it aloud,
        When the English began to hate.

        It was not suddenly bred,
        It will not swiftly abate,
        Through the chill years ahead,
        When Time shall count from the date
        That the English began to hate.

      1. Mongo knocks on the door. One day he knocked on the door and I was on the loo – no one else answers the door – and he went around the side and bashed at the side gate latch until that came off, then went around to the patio. He did a full lap of the house in his panic.

  34. Rarely do news items reduced me to tears, but the Nottingham events have succeeded in doing so. Distress and rage are combining into a cold hatred.
    God Almighty, do we need a Cromwell.
    I didn’t think I was capable of such depths of loathing and contempt for our political class and their lackeys. Through decades of their spineless, “liberal” attitudes that they have foisted on the British, these scum have blood on their hands.
    I can really understand how revolutions happen and “strong rulers” take over.

    1. Yes Anne ,

      You have echoed everything I think and feel .

      I have been pilloried for commenting in my local paper , voicing concerns over the barge for illegals that will soon be moored in Portland port .

      We are being dictated to and bullied by a liberal elite .

  35. I am having a final glass of wine and then to bed. Still worn out after yesterday and no appetite. Must get to supermarket tomorrow as need paracetamol. I wish you all sleep and peace.

    1. Same age as my youngest granddaughter.
      Currently working full time to raise the funds to go to university (not Nottingham, but these evil retards infest the whole of Blighty).

    2. I was in Kingston upon Thames on Sunday and noticed some plaques and flowers so i took a closer look. Turns out an innocent 19 year old lad was stabbed to death in 2020 – wrong place wrong time – by someone of diverse descent. It made me reflect, as my kids are 18 and 19. And now this.

      1. I worked in Kingston in the early 70s, it was extremely undiverse and pleasant at the time.

      2. Lovely place. I stayed at a hotel that was right on the riverfront once. Well actually, in the riverfront, the river had flooded the basement of the hotel.

    3. I did my degree at Nottingham (78-81). There were places even then we were advised to avoid, notably Hyson Green. The city centre on a summer’s day wasn’t one of them. Not so long ago Nottingham was the gun capital of England. The disease has seeped out from its sink estate strongholds.

      1. Do they still have the one way system that was designed to stop drivers reaching the city centre? Enough to drive anyone off their rocker.

        1. Apparently it’s even worse now with the trams.

          I haven’t been there since 2000.

      2. I worked in Nottingham in the 1990s and was very familiar with all the areas mentioned. I looked at the scene, today, on Google Earth at street level and I did not recognise anywhere, it has changed so much since 1999.

  36. If the BP wasn’t high enough today, here is another case of justice being turned on its head. From the DT “Police officers investigated for gross misconduct after two teens killed in Cardiff e-bike crash”. Nothing to do with feral youths recklessly riding a bike, of course.

  37. Goodnight, all!

    Just a couple of photos of this perfect evening. Phizzee says he posted others this morning; I’ve been too busy enjoying his wonderful hospitality to pick up my phone and look.

    But I am sitting outside on this beautiful evening with his tiny dog Harry almost weightless on my knee, stroking his tummy (Harry’s, not Phizzee’s!), looking at the gorgeous rich purple of the clematis, and sending you all some of this calm, p https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/f16d70f0f4d560832422107f8d1986748e932db0826a3dceb97db594cb2b010d.jpg https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/82ec9d478c208aad5016d1a64f32ee74c430535f4ad6d2177ab7bf05a350c03b.jpg eace and happiness.

  38. A joke:-

    Paddy, the Irish labourer goes to his doctor,
    “I’m constipated.” he says.
    The doctor examines him for a few minutes and says, “Lean over the table.”
    After he does so, the doctor whacks him on his arse with a baseball bat.
    A loud “CRACK!” is heard, and the doctor sends Paddy to the toilet.
    After coming out of the toilet, Paddy says, “I feel great! What should I do to prevent constipation in the future?”
    The doctor says, “Stop wiping your arse with cement bags!!.

  39. Just back from a great drive through he Lake District to visit s-i-l. Had the roof down. Alas, not a great visit as I fear her husband is not long for this life.

  40. That’s me off to bed.
    Having a run to Sheffield tomorrow to pick up a small cabinet I’ve bought at an auction. Hopefully, it’ll fit up the shed for tools.

    G’night all.

  41. The BBC just cannot help themselves in framing the supposed classified documents case involving President Trump and his arraignment in Miami.

    We still pay the BBC license fee but not for much longer if these Gates-funded arseholes continue on a path pre-measured for their own destruction.

    Every single day we tune in to the most partisan crap output from BBC journalists. You would think that the morons spouting lie after lie would have some sense of shame. But no. They continue to push a narrative that implies Trump is evil, Biden is the consummate professional politician and the war in Ukraine is being won by another media favourite, the Nazi Zelensky.

    The faggots at the BBC as ever are wrong on every count.

    1. Can’t disagree, corimmobile. I stopped paying my BBC licence fee years ago after the Sachsgate scandal engineered against Andrew Sachs by Jonathan Ross and Russell Brand, and defended by the BBC. I don’t miss not watching BBC programmes one little bit. What is keeping you from stopping paying your BBC licence fee?

  42. Just to set minds at rest, I’m home back from hospital, discharged, as I convinced them I might have suicidal thoughts but, because of Buddhist Tenets (I’m not a Buddhist) I won’t actually do it. See y’all in the morn.

  43. Goodnight, all. Just popped in for a few minutes before going to bed after I got back from my meeting.

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