Sunday 17 September: Relying on wind – or the French – is not a sensible energy policy

An unofficial place to discuss the Telegraph letters, established when the DT website turned off its commenting facility (now reinstated, but we prefer ours),
Intelligent, polite, good-humoured debate is welcome, whether on or off topic. Differing opinions are encouraged, but rudeness or personal attacks on other posters will not be tolerated. Posts which – in the opinion of the moderators – make this a less than cordial environment, are likely to be removed, without prior warning.  Persistent offenders will be banned.

Today’s letters (visible only to DT subscribers) are here.

328 thoughts on “Sunday 17 September: Relying on wind – or the French – is not a sensible energy policy

  1. 376063+ up ticks,

    Morning Each,

    Letters: Relying on wind – or the French – is not a sensible energy policy

    Gettaway,you don’t say, really ?

    The money mill scam is financing many a, high on the hog lifestyle, the peoples just can’t seem to get rid of the bastards, or want to, probably for the good of the party.

    As for the scamming money mills themselves my belief is that
    with the foundation concrete being of such a mass that now ,in a short space of time we will find the planet is spinning out of kilter and we will eventually disappear up our own black hole to the idiots echos of “you gotta vote tory (ino) party to keep out lab (ino) party”

    As for the french, the Pimpernel told us that donkeys years ago.

    1. A Lefty fellow I know would say that interconnects are the solution as there’s always wind somewhere.

      However that ignores logic, as if there’s wind there, and no other sources of energy or not enough then the generating country is just going to keep it all for themselves and all those fancy treaties will be worthless and we’ll have no energy.

      It is staggering the frenzied desperation Lefties tie themselves in to excuse their demented attitudes.

  2. Elon Musk and Andrew Tate offer support to Russell Brand amid ‘serious criminal allegations’. 17 September 2023.

    Elon Musk, the billionaire founder of Tesla, and Andrew Tate, the social media influencer, are among those who have come out in support of Russell Brand following an allegation of rape and allegations of sexual assault and emotional abuse.

    Commenting on the allegations Musk, 52, said on Twitter: “Of course. They don’t like competition.”

    I’m not myself a follower of Mr Brand because his technique does not appeal to me but I strongly suspect that Elon is right. True or false this is really about his political alignment. There are four articles about Brand in the Telegraph and at the time of writing no comments are allowed on any of them!

    1. Its rather like the Mike Tyson case where a young lady went back to his hotel room in the early hours and was surprised that he expected more than a hand of cards with her. Brand’s reputation and sexual activities were well known and self confessed, his accusers are no more than chancers and being used to cancel his right wing channel.

      1. Oddly, I had Brand down as lots of things, but right wing wasn’t one of them. Obviously I have not been paying sufficient attention.

        1. He was a lefty anarchist but then started making lots of money. I think it’s always the case that young people begin with leftish ideas then drift to the right with age.

        2. Its hard to tell what right wing is these days, anything the left dont like, really. Oddly, slammers with their v conservative values are beloved by the left.

      2. What he gets up to with consenting women, consenting men and consenting trans-people is his own business but his bragging behaviour with the even more repulsive Jonathan Ross with regard to Andrew Sachs’s granddaughter was entirely disgusting.

        Mind you, his former lefty friends turning on him will remind him of the lesson that if you go to bed with the wrong sort of people you will wake up with the pox.

  3. Good morning all , a lull before the storm, talking about the weather , there was a real rumbling storm some where out at sea at about 3am, and I could discern flashes of light and noise , but not a drop of rain here , 15c and sultry.

    Re the boring media coverage of Brand , why is he famous and isn’t he just another louche leftie .

    Is the media coverage another coverup for serious news that has been buried .

    1. I was not a fan but during covid started watching his channel. He put the feelings of many here about the covid lockdown and forced inoculation into a very powerful and reasoned rant. He has been set up for cancelling by dark forces alongside many other right wing commentators.

      1. Everyone knew Brand was sex mad. Any woman that got close was going to be shagged. For years he bragged about his sex life. Even as part of his stage shows.
        He has been set up.

          1. Expect they see him as a class traitor. In their minds all should be equal in misery and poverty. It just won’t do for people to get ahead.

      1. …and here on yer sarf coast too. Just enjoying my last breakfast in the garden for the time being. The rainfall radar (Netweather) is showing lots of brightly coloured rain heading this way, so thought I should make the most of it.

  4. Relying on wind – or the French – is not a sensible energy policy

    Almost as bad as relying on our elected politicians to serve us

  5. Good morning, all. Overcast and the Sun is failing to break through.

    This is the EU writ large, fiddling apparatchiks whose desire is to meddle in every aspect of people’s lives for the sake of it. What possible justification can there be for this nonsense? And some people want to go back to this and worse.

    Emphasis and comment in parenthesis are mine.

    Plans that could see jam relabelled marmalade in Northern Ireland have been derided as “nonsense” by the DUP’s Sammy Wilson. Ministers are considering the EU-derived reforms, under which marmalade would have to be called “citrus marmalade”.

    They admit such a change could cause confusion but have still not ruled it out.

    They laid out their position on a proposed updated EU Breakfast Directive (What?) in a memorandum to the European Scrutiny Committee, which sounded the alarm over the move.

    The mooted changes would mean products currently marketed as marmalade would have to be known as “citrus marmalade”, while the term “marmalade” could be used for all jams.

    Belfast Telegraph – EU Plan to Rebrand Jam as Marmalade in Northern Ireland

    1. Bet you any money you like, to ensure absolutely no divergence our spiteful fools adopt this same law.

      Lie all EU nonsense it is utterly unnecessary, helps no one, adds huge expense and achieves nothing.

    2. To do with sugar content
      More interestingly, the same being considered for the rest of Britain.

      1. I make my own jelly/jam to a recipe that works: they can stick their sugar content – preferably in the form of a very large stick of Brighton rock – where the source of daylight doesn’t doesn’t illuminate.

      1. That’s what it says: sad isn’t it? No information on lunch, dinner, English cream tea (if it exists, strict on marmalade first, cream second?) or dinner directives. Control is everything.

  6. Morning, all Y’all.
    Frosted last night, sunny now. Bacon sizzling in its pan, coffee freshly made.

  7. ‘Morning, again. If the forecast is correct then it looks as though garden watering will be over today – as will a lunchtime invitation to a gathering in a neighbour’s garden…

    This ought to be the leading letter today. It refers to the monstrous bird and bat chopper built by Glyndebourne, right on the South Downs and in an AONB, where normally you require permission from the park authority even to break wind (ho ho):

    SIR – Ten years ago our community, in alliance with Natural England, the South Downs Joint Committee, CPRE and the South Downs Society, opposed the construction of an industrial turbine that now stands 300 feet above us within the South Downs National Park. The developers made three major claims regarding this device – concerning electrical output, noise and an “educational function”.

    A turbine’s efficiency is defined by load factor. This is the average annual output expressed as a percentage of its maximum possible annual output. The developers initially claimed a 30 per cent load factor. Our opposing alliance pointed out that the applicants had selected the wrong grid square for wind data and confidently predicted something much closer to 17.5 per cent. It was nevertheless approved and built – and its load factor has been 17.9 per cent over that period.

    Our claim relating to noise was rebuffed with an assurance that the turbine would never be heard in our village. The turbine was commissioned in late December 2012. Our Christmas was then blighted by the whumping.

    Industrial turbines are yet another ludicrously intrusive, expensive, intermittent and ineffectual solution wished upon our nation by politicians who seem to be living out a fairytale. I doubt citizens will accept further net-zero impoverishment – so, in this sense, our turbine has served an educational function.

    Dr Tony Parker
    Ringmer, East Sussex

    Well said, Dr Parker! How on earth they got away with this we can only guess.

    1. The state keeps fiddling planning law to allow these hated things to be built. It’s really not complicated. The massive tax scam is getting a few people very rich, and that’s flowing through to MPs. Thus MPs profit personally from these revolting monuments to folly and we, the tax payer are forced to pay for them.

      How supposedly rational churnalists can say that they’re not only cheaper than practical fuels but also generate more electricity is hilarious. The costs are deliberately obsfuscated to protect the mess, allowing big government to hide the real cost of subsidy, rigged sale price, hidden grid upgrades expense in a morass of paperwork to disguise the theft of other people’s money.

      Wind mills are pointless, costing vast sums of money, destroying the energy market to protect their failed dogma and never return the energy used to create them, let alone any more.

    2. Here is a comment I contributed a few weeks ago .( Not on here )

      Living under the shadows of vast very tall wind turbines that hum and even whine has upset many residents in other parts of the country who are prone to many vestibular disorders.
      Just so in this delicate part of the country, in the county of Dorset , where we don’t have a lot of windy weather , hot air perhaps , but not much wind.

      This particular type of power will have an effect on our beautiful natural environment especially here in this part of Purbeck .

      I note that the electricity bods are removing electric Pylons from areas of West Dorset, yet here in the Purbecks we will have enormous wind turbines, which will chew up migratory birds, our ospreys, white-tailed eagles, and every other bird we can think of.

      Never mind about the disruption of heavy construction vehicles moving the turbines into place.
      This is the inevitable result of the political parties throwing money down the drain on climate alarmism, net zero, migrant welfare, diversity, and dodgy developments, rather than core services and fixing potholes. I say yah boo to wind turbines, and yes to RDF and modern MBTs and small nuclear power generators .. the modern way to go.

      1. If the beautiful Isle of Purbeck isn’t safe from ruination by idiotic politicians then nowhere else is either. Our first family holiday was at Swanage, a place we have returned to many times over the years. If we had not had nearby family here to consider we would have headed back to my old favourite, or very close by – one of the Matravers perhaps.

  8. Shocking video shows hundreds of migrants being let go from buses to roam the streets of Democratic-run San Diego. 16 September 2023.

    Border Patrol agents in San Diego have set hundreds of migrants free from buses as the US-Mexico border crisis continues to overwhelm California.

    The city is struggling to deal with a surge of migrants in the area and footage captured shows them being let go from overflowing facilities.

    A border agent was heard telling one person he could do what he wants as people from countries including China and Pakistan were dropped off on streets on Thursday afternoon.

    We shall soon arrive at this situation ourselves of course!

  9. This letter brought back some happy memories – well, mostly:

    SIR – I moved around a lot during my Army service (1955-58), and the food (Letters, September 10) varied from toxic (Peninsula Barracks, Warrington) to Masterchef-style (Woolwich Barracks).

    Most Army food was edible, but on detachment to the RAF in Aden it was really good. The one exception was mobilisation stocks day, when out-of-date dried food was supplied – dried potato like wallpaper paste, dried cabbage that was jet black and chewy, and hardtack instead of bread.

    The only good thing the cooks generated from this was apple crumble from dried apple rings, pulverised hard tack, Nestlé condensed milk and golden syrup. It was really nice. On those days my lunch was in the crowded Navy, Army and Air Force Institutes, and the evening meal in the French restaurant in Steamer Point.

    As for any complaints, at Blackdown Barracks everyone was terrified of the catering officer – a captain in the Army Catering Corps. One lad said his potatoes were not edible. The captain sat in his place, took out his set of irons, ate one mouthful and said “You’re right, lad”, then ordered the cook sergeant to place the responsible cook under close arrest. That livened the cooks up a bit.

    I stayed with the RAF, forgoing any chance of promotions for the better food, accommodation and more relaxed discipline. I suspect many national servicemen could tell a similar tale.

    Terry McDonald
    Former clerk, Royal Army Ordnance Corps

    In the early 1970s I was introduced to service ‘ratpacks’ – ration packs containing the essentials for sustaining us in the field. Parts of them were dire and always discarded by most, but the creme de la creme was the corned beef hash for breakfast, usually eaten sitting in a field with a rather chilly, misty dawn coming up. It was washed down with ratpack tea – wet, warm and sweet, and lots of it. My lifelong affection for corned beef hash probably has as much to do with this tasty and calorie-rich breakfast as it has with the surroundings in which it was eaten. Happy days!

    1. I used to love the tinned Rich Cake – taking care to time the eating carefully due to the laxative effect.
      And I still have the wee folding can openers… excellent kit.

    2. Tinned ‘compo’ sausages were my favourite, I’ve yet to taste anything so nice with corned beef hash coming close second especially if you could find some brown sauce to go with it.
      Powdered potato (Pom) – 🤢 🤮
      Hard tack and processed cheese – 💩
      Greengage jam – 💩
      I remember one guy saying “These potatoes taste funny” to which the Sgt cook replied “Well why aren’t you f*cking laughing?”
      When we complained that scrambled eggs were made from powdered eggs the cooks threw some bits of eggshell in it (Oh yes that really fooled us)

      1. I don’t know if powdered eggs have changed but i can make a very passable scrambled egg with mine. I suppose it is the care and temperature they are cooked at.

        1. The scrambled eggs didn’t taste too bad to be honest, it was the fact that we erks had to have powdered eggs whilst the Ruperts got real eggs

          1. You can buy it on t’internet. I have some vacuum packed dried egg for when armageddon hits in a couple of months.

          2. Me too. But only 1 kg of the stuff. I will get another pack, this has reminded me. A couple of months is it?

          3. Joke. I don’t think the famine is planned for this winter. but you never know, if they unleash the cyber attack.

          4. The new pup disconnected a wire to the router on Saturday morning. We didn’t discover this until Sunday evening. We still had WiFi, but no access to the server(s). The wire was curled around in its usual manner by the skirting board making it look as though it was still fixed, so we made that assumption (never assume anything). It was not until late Sunday evening I decided to check from the beginning, again. I thought the cyber attack had started…!

          5. When I was abandoned to boarding school in late fifties early sixties ( I loved my school, and to be given the many educational choices that my philistine parents denied me when I was with them overseas etc )

            Our food was either delicious and memorable , or yeugh .

            We were all shocked to see sacks of flaked dried potato and containers of powdered egg in the school larder when we were seeking a midnight feast. The sacks of potato had giant V’s printed on them , I also think we had powdered milk and lots of dried fruit (soaked and cooked , which we ate happily with custard , we were always hungry .

            Home made bread rolls were lovely , cauliflower cheese , macaroni cheese , porridge , loads of cooked carrots , tinned tomatoes , flaked fish . Sardines mashed into scrambled egg, which was actually very tasty because the dried egg made reasonable scrambled egg / pudding whatever .

            Boiled beef , boiled ham, mutton stew, etc I suppose the country was just a few years out of National rationing , so schools had the left overs / army surplus .

            Our school cook was very creative , and we ate lovely cakes , scones and jam .

          6. Not a bad larder item. Properly sealed it lasts forever. Plus there are online recipes for cakes etc.

      2. Compo sausages, Cheese Possessed, Biscuits Brown. If I could buy these items in the supermarket, I would have a cupboard full.

    3. In 1978 I went on my first big ‘expedition’ for two weeks based at the Glen Brittle Memorial Hut on Skye. Two hard weeks of walking/scrambling up the Cuillins from sea level every day, the first part of the trek through a bog.

      One of the expedition members was from Supply Flt and had acquired enough compo ration packs to last us for the duration of the trip. Sadly, although there was a variety of menus available, our man had grabbed all from the same menu. Thus we were doomed to eat chicken supreme (never one of the better options) for two weeks. It got to the point that we sent someone on a 28 mile round trip to the ‘local’ shop to buy some veggies/spices to attempt to liven up the food.

      A fantastic time but I’ve never even looked at chicken supreme since then.

    4. In 1978 I went on my first big ‘expedition’ for two weeks based at the Glen Brittle Memorial Hut on Skye. Two hard weeks of walking/scrambling up the Cuillins from sea level every day, the first part of the trek through a bog.

      One of the expedition members was from Supply Flt and had acquired enough compo ration packs to last us for the duration of the trip. Sadly, although there was a variety of menus available, our man had grabbed all from the same menu. Thus we were doomed to eat chicken supreme (never one of the better options) for two weeks. It got to the point that we sent someone on a 28 mile round trip to the ‘local’ shop to buy some veggies/spices to attempt to liven up the food.

      A fantastic time but I’ve never even looked at chicken supreme since then.

  10. Good Moaning.
    Recovering from birthday dinner; now limbering up for posh tea.
    At least I will have a year to recover from these excesses.

  11. Lying awake in the middle of the night, reflecting on the joy that G & P have brought us over the last three years, I realised that if I had had a brain cell, I could have exploited them on the internet and have become a millionaire…

    But I didn’t know how to do it!

    1. Scan for the information on the internet. It should be fairly simple to find what you need using a cat scan.

        1. Easy enough to open a YouTube or Twit account. The YouTube account will let you load videos. Obviously taking all your clothes off would probably generate more income than the Ginger Moggies but it’s up to you.

    2. There is a popular website called OnlyCats, or OnlyFelines or something similar. You could earn money by uploading videos.

  12. Morning all 🙂😊
    Oh dear grey and it looks like rain.
    Last night the last of three lovely evenings in one week.
    An evening at the local much extended and recently modernised village hall. Showing the play Quartet by four Am drammer’s. And the Last night of the recent performances. Met up with 7 old friends and spoke with the producer who was once a teacher at the St Albans boys school Verulum, where our two elder sons attended. Third didn’t want to go there, no girls.
    Now 34 he’s finally asked his lovely lady to marry him, they’ve been in St Lucia for ten days.
    The ex teacher is a vey nice man, but fortunately only vaguely remembered them both, which I guess means that they both behaved themselves. Unless of course he was being diplomatic. 😉

  13. Good morning all,

    A dull overcast dims the view from the McPhee windows this morning. Heavy weather coming from the South may or may not touch us. we seem to be on the edge of the rainfall forecast. Wind in the east, 15℃ with 19℃ forecast. Churchbells to ring this morning then I’m planning to go trout-fishing afterwards which may or may not be a good idea.

    So, TPTB have come for Russell Brand. Personally, I can only take him in very small doses and his telephone ‘pranking’ along with Jonathan Ross of Andrew Sachs about having bedded his grand-daughter was beyond distasteful. However he is a man with an on-line following of many millions who has been putting out some serious counter-narrative content along with interviews of some highly influential people. He couldn’t be allowed to carry on, could he?

    I wonder what they’ll do to Neil Oliver when they decide he’s gone too far? Poison his two Irish wolfhounds? He has recently been calling for revolution. His time can’t be far off.

    1. I was completely disgusted about the despicable way that Russel Brand boasted with Jonathan Ross about Andrew Sachs’s granddaughter. I wonder if Ross will stand by his “friend” or will he join in the hue and cry? And will Jo Brand come to her boy’s defence?

      Is this the big Sunday Times story we were promised? I thought there was something rather more interesting than the squalid sex life of a scruffy minor media personality in the pipeline.

      1. The “sex life” isn’t the story, Richard. It is a character assassination based on anonymous complaints but really getting at him for his nerve in challenging the way the plague was handled.

        1. Amazing how all these ‘memories’ of sexual abuse surface after 15+ years.
          Why now? What could possibly have triggered them?
          RB is hardly my favourite person, but these ‘revelations’ are absolute Billingsgate.
          The old Soviet Union didn’t die, it transferred to Blighty.

          1. When to Billingsgate you come, down below
            When to Billingsgate you come, down below
            When to Billingsgate you come
            Well the things begin to hum
            And the smell will knock you dumb, down below

            (Sydney Carter)

            Sadly the Billingsgate verse is omitted in Ian Wallace’s rendition.


      2. We’re supposed to think that it’s important.
        I find the Sunday Times version rather hard to believe. One woman who buried the memories and only surfaced years later is believable, but four? all surfacing at the same time? and nobody had the slightest idea? Somehow it seems rather unlikely.

        Perhaps he was under media protection before because he was parroting the approved line, so was led to believe he could get away with anything, consequently behaved badly, and has now lost that protection?

        In any case, for a serious newspaper to apply the word “Investigation” to this tawdry celeb news is pathetic.

    1. Do we have one set of rules for the black community and a different set for the rest of us now?

      Yes! Morning Belle.

      1. Its been established that the police have given up with arresting people for shop lifting. Or if caught accidently, no prosecutions for any robbery under 200. Pounds.
        The Lazy useless bustards.

        1. When you give up on the little things there’s no point bothering with the big: you’re saying that crime will pay. After that, it’s just a matter of scale.

          1. I mentioned a week or so ago when a large black man was seen by my wife in local Sainsburys shoving bottles of wine down the front of his joggers.
            He must have had a rigged means to hold them in place. There was no one to tell and my wife might have been risking attack or worse if she had brought it to attention at the checkout.
            That’s how things seem to be at the moment. Something else our succession of useless governments have effed up. Law and order.

    2. These people have wrecked the whole country’s social structure and culture.
      Enoch was spot on.

      1. The diversity are destroying everything good about this country. Corruption, fraud, theft, grift, graft all hall marks of the invader.

    3. No, it isn’t a free country. You cannot, for example state that a man in a dress is a man, and not a woman. You cannot say that muslim pakistani’s rmechanistically raped children. You cannot say that muslims are welfare parasites, that they present a real danger to society through terrorism.

      The Left wing state is vicious, abusive and utterly destructive.

  14. Just been out to open the greenhouse only to find that I failed to close it last evening.

    Chilly today.

          1. Yes but her comments are script-written for her so she only says what’s in line with what she should say.

            Look what happened to the acting career of Laurence Fox when he dared to suggest that Britain was probably the most tolerant country in the world.

      1. She is the epitome of the sort of woman who does not appeal to me at all just as I am sure that I am the sort of man who is beneath her consideration and contempt.

    1. There’s too many questions. Why is this coming through a TV company? Why are these accusation not from the supposed victims? Why are they coming out now, the earliest 8 years ago?

      Why are the police not involved? Why has Brand not been charged? Is he on bail? Plod might be ‘urging victims to come forward’ – have they not already?

      Besides, innocent until proved guilty. This is the tired trial by media the Left so love. Get enough Lefties to spoil the truth forever and destroy the man’s life regardless of the facts.


    Viva, the New South Africa,
    Though at times it seems to irk
    Viva The New South Africa
    Will it be fair, will it be just’
    And will it bleary work?

    Viva the old South Africa,
    Though at times it really irked
    Viva the Old South Africa
    It wasn’t fair, it wasn’t just
    But at least it bleary worked.

    Song lyrics from Jeremy Taylor

    1. But presenting ID means people can’t vote twice, that elections can’t be rigged and puts an end to postal voting.

      Cripes, the Left would HATE it!

    2. National ID in the UK, and a contributory benefits system, just like most continental European states. Simples.

  16. The Mediterranean migrant crisis could collapse the EU. 17 September 2023.

    What Starmer is proposing is how Europe’s asylum system ought to work in practice. Asylum-seekers should be obliged to make their claims in the first safe country in which they land, with those who travel between safe countries swiftly returned either to the first safe country in which they set foot – if not straight back home. As part of the deal, the burden of dealing with asylum applicants ought to be shared fairly between EU states.

    The EU is obviously not going to agree to this because it would mean that pretty much every arrival in the UK would be shipped out. This whole thing is essentially a time-wasteing scam. The Elites have no intention of either stopping or returning these people

    1. I’m not sure how Chucky Three Sticks was able to ‘force’ four MPs (and their entourage?) onto an aircraft. Did some heavily armed footmen turn up at their doors and abduct them?

      I think a more realistic exposure to the fight against emissions would be to have the four MPs travel up from London in an electric car. Mind you, they might need a bit of notice before embarking in search of the lost socket (as The Moody Blues almost sang).

        1. True, but being lumbered with the reality of their Net Zero aspirations may have had them pondering on the folly of an extended journey time just to cover 400 miles.

          Especially as a diesel-engined vehicle could have managed the trip in around 9 hours on one tank of fuel.

  17. ‘Morning All

    In life timing is everything as TPTB perpare to to force the next round of Megele clotshots,masking and lockdowns(various viruses are being touted) it is highly inconvenient to have an man with a reach (6.5 million) that most of the MSM can only dream of going against the fear narrative…………

    BTW just where is Huw?? all gone quiet hasn’t it??

    Meanwhile Russel Brand


      1. He’s a contrarian. The far left is now the establishment? I suspect myself of contrarian leanings too.

  18. Thunderstorms and torrential rain in East Dorset. Set to continue until 1600. Not looking good for the planned fun day at the Bowls Club before the green closes this evening for the winter.

      1. My mother’s old dog was part setter and black lab, so a gun dog – but any loud bang, such as a thunderstorm would spook him and he’d open the back door and dash across the fields……..

    1. Put the radio on, draw the curtains, keep the light on and ignore her. If you make a fuss she’ll think there’s something to be bothered about.

  19. Russell Brand: entertainment industry has questions to answer, says Cleverly. 17 September 2023.

    The foreign secretary has said the entertainment industry has questions to answer, after revelations that the comedian Russell Brand has been accused of rape, sexual assault and emotional abuse.

    James Cleverly became the most senior British politician to talk about the issue after the allegations about Brand’s behaviour were published by the Sunday Times and Channel 4’s Dispatches on Saturday night. Brand has strongly denied the allegations.

    He told the BBC’s Laura Kuenssberg: “We have to be particularly careful when we listen to the voices of the people who are relatively powerless. Because we, I think, collectively have missed opportunities to do the right thing and intervene much, much earlier.”

    Cleverly has divined that Mr Brand is guilty? That is really clever. How has he done that? Has he some personal knowledge that he should share?

    1. I feel an interesting fightback coming here. I don’t think Mr Brand is one to shy away from controversy and start apologising to the women who desired his company at the time.

    2. Remoaners seem incapable of distinguishing between Common Law and Napoleonic Code. They insist on guilty until proven innocent.

  20. If we really cared for Ukraine, we’d find a lasting peace – and not prolong this war. Peter Hitchens 17 September 2023.

    The misery in Libya is indeed terrible. But so was the crazy and destructive war unleashed in 2011 on that country by David Cameron, who did not have a clue what he was doing.

    He deserves to be despised for his folly just as much as the Blair Creature should be scorned for his similarly disastrous intervention in Iraq.

    Overthrowing tyrants may be good box office, but if you replace them with anarchy, you have made people’s lives far, far worse.

    Apart from all the other bad outcomes they created, these two fools helped launch the colossal movement of peoples into Europe, which will change the history of our continent, and not necessarily for the better.

    Ah Peter! You never wrote truer words! Both these men are War Criminals of course whose offences far exceed those of Vladimir Putin.

    1. Just More proof that our self serving political idiots Eff up everything they come into contact with.

    1. We had rain for a bit. Then one of those fire planes came over and dropped the Solent on Southampton. Must’ve been big as about 10 cm came down in minutes. Roads that were passable became lakes.

      On the upside, two stupid kiddie boy racers rammed one another as they refuse to use a roundabout properly.

      1. We had a project fear announcement amber warning that we could expect a month’s worth of rain in an hour. That was for today and I haven’t noticed anything that heavy so far.

    2. Every single time this summer I have used weedkiller and sprayed it on the numerous weeds that are the absolute worse they have ever been it has rained. Today was no different.
      Rain man strikes again.

  21. You would thought that some flunkey would have told Charles the Petulant about Zoom….

    His late mother managed it very well.

  22. Jesus was walking around Heaven one day. In a small, secluded garden He
    saw an old man, crying. Alarmed, Jesus ran up to him and said, Hey,
    now, what’s all this? This is paradise. There should be no tears or

    The old man wiped away his tears and said, Oh, I know. I’m sorry. But well, many years ago, a son came to me through well, let’s say mysterious circumstances. After many trials he went through a
    miraculous transformation, and a book was written about him that became
    known the world over. I thought I would find him here, but I haven’t.
    I’m afraid I’ll never see him again.

    Wide-eyed, Jesus looked at the man and said, Wait a minute You
    weren’t, by any chance a carpenter, were you?

    The man looked up in surprise. Why, yes. Yes, I was!

    Jesus burst into tears of joy and held out His arms saying, Father!

    The man cocked his head doubtfully and said, Pinocchio????

  23. Sunak may have no option but to leave the ECHR

    We are more than capable of taking back control from a convention that has changed beyond recognition

    SIMON CLARKE • 16 September 2023 • 7:00pm

    Our ability to exercise democratic self-government is once again in the spotlight. The Prime Minister’s principal non-economic pledge is, rightly, to “stop the boats”, and end the evil trade in people- trafficking across the English Channel. Parliament has already voted for the Illegal Migration Act. This provides the statutory foundation for the Rwanda plan to remove the basis for the trade, by making it clear that people will not get to remain in the UK if they enter the country illegally.

    But as we stand today, the Government is rendered powerless to act – and the European Convention on Human Rights is to blame.

    In a split decision in June, the Court of Appeal blocked flights to Rwanda from proceeding on human rights grounds, setting up a profoundly significant hearing in the Supreme Court next month. If the Supreme Court sides with the Court of Appeal, the Government will need to make a hugely consequential decision.

    Labour’s proposal seemingly to accept thousands more migrants already in safe EU countries as part of a quota deal can be dismissed in a heartbeat. So in the event of an adverse ruling on Rwanda, ministers would need either to accept defeat on our flagship policy, or reform our human rights settlement, founded upon our membership of the ECHR.

    In that scenario, the Prime Minister’s choice should be the latter. Britain has struggled for years to square the circle of how to make sense of the often baffling decisions of the Strasbourg court, which are given direct effect in English law by Tony Blair’s Human Rights Act. Recently the former defence secretary Ben Wallace told The Telegraph how the ECHR has prevented the UK from apprehending terrorists plotting mayhem overseas.

    Readers with longer memories will recall Strasbourg insisting upon prisoner voting, and David Cameron’s attempt to restrain the European Court of Human Rights by the Brighton Declaration of 2012, calling for greater respect for national parliaments. Yet still the rights creep goes on, and increasingly there is a sense that something has to give. Last week, no less a figure than the former Supreme Court Justice, Lord Sumption, said that he believes the time has come for the UK to leave the ECHR, saying: “I’ve come rather reluctantly and rather slowly to that conclusion because I hoped for a number of years that the Strasbourg court would become more sensitive to the implications of its decisions to impact on democratic societies like ours. There is no sign of that happening and so reluctantly I think we should leave.”

    The seeds of the problem were sown in the convention’s inception. Even when it was first debated, there were many who had their doubts. Clement Attlee’s lord chancellor, William Jowitt, told colleagues in a Cabinet memorandum: “I suppose it is inevitable that for political reasons… we must accept this draft convention. At the same time, I feel bound to state that from the point of view of administration of law, I regard this necessity as an unqualified misfortune.”

    Perhaps the most problematic aspect of the convention is that it is deemed a “living instrument” by the Strasbourg court, capable of constant evolution. It is this that has led to the concept of human rights expanding beyond all recognition from the world of 1945. The victorious powers in Europe wanted to forestall a repeat of the horrors of Nazism. Churchill’s generation would never have imagined that human rights law could be so extended as to render us unable to police our own borders.

    If in the weeks ahead, it becomes clear that the European Convention on Human Rights will not allow us to do this, then it is time to leave the ECHR and introduce a British Bill of Rights, extensive work on which has already been undertaken.

    We should, in the very words of the Human Rights Act 1998, “bring rights home”.

    Sir Simon Clarke is the Conservative MP for Middlesbrough South and East Cleveland

    Predictably, there are comments BTL that say the UK will become like Russia and Belarus if it should resign from the ECHR. Even worse is the idea that only by making a crisis out of immigration can any justification be made for leaving, which will help Brexit to be implemented properly i.e. the removal of all health, employment, environment and consumer protections.

    1. Sunak may have no option but to leave the ECHR.

      But this does not mean he actually will leave it!

    2. Bearing in mind we set it up in the first place because the continent didn’t have a long history of rights, unlike us (Magna Carta, Bill of Rights, Habeas Corpus, etc), it would be no hardship to leave it.

  24. No thunderstorms here in this area , only heavy rain , and now the sun is out and the temp is 20c.

    During the rain earlier , the very bad tempered MOh and I sat silently and watched an old film on the box called Judgment at Nuremberg (1961)

    Outstanding ,lengthy film , but my goodness , it was powerful .

    Every politician should view the film , everyone everywhere must watch it , especially so the last hour of it .

    It seems to me as if history is repeating itself again , goodness knows what the outcome will be .

    1. Watched it a couple of months ago and recommended it to Elsie. Easy to fall into the “We knew it was wrong but we wanted to be patriotic.” Spencer Tracy was very good too.

      1. Glad you watched the film , we had never watched it before , why I don’t know .

        Moh and I were were deeply moved , and at times I felt very tearful .

        Lots of wonderful actors , and did you recognise young William Shatner , he must be the only one of the cast still alive

  25. Dispatches review: this Russell Brand investigation was a stark reminder of the power of TV. 17 September 2023.

    “Alice” – who spoke in silhouette – told of how Brand, at 31 and a TV star, began a relationship with her in April 2006, when she was 16 and still at school. She recounted an occasion when Brand performed a sexual act on her in which she couldn’t breathe, and how “I knew at that point that he didn’t care about hurting me physically or emotionally or any of it.” It was disturbing and upsetting. She emphasised how the age gap meant that she “didn’t feel like I could advocate for myself in any way. And I also didn’t feel like I could argue with a grown up.” Other accounts described allegations of rape and sexual assault in graphic detail.

    The question that arises in my mind, though obviously not in anyone in the MSM, is: how and what is a sixteen year old schoolgirl doing associating with a thirty one year old man? The unspoken implication of the above statement being that she was involved in a consensual sexual relationship and her gripe is essentially that it didn’t meet her romantic vision. Brand was not her knight in shining armour come to rescue her from homework and Mum and Dad.. Hence deep juvenile feelings of bitterness and betrayal. She would probably have suffered similarly with almost anyone. Youth is a terrible burden. Most people get over it with just a few unpleasant memories.

    Plaisir d’amour ne dure qu’un moment

    Chagrin d’amour dure toute la vie.

    1. And, of course, it took her 17 years to realise that, though she was happy at the time, she now knows that she didn’t consent – and all thanks to Channel 4 and The Sunday Grimes and their fat cheque-books.

      1. Afternoon Bill. They are going overboard with this. It makes Ukraine look like a punch up at the pub. The BBC are going mental!

        1. The PTB know that many people are antipathetic towards Russell Brand because of his disgraceful behaviour with the slime-ball Jonathan Ross regarding Andrew Sachs’s granddaughter. The PTB are hoping to harness this antipathy to make the sheeple think that if Brand is a sexual abuser and exploiter then he cannot be right about the Covid jabs.

          Many of us dislike Brand and think he is morally reprehensible


          We think he is absolutely right about the Covid jabs and Big Pharma.

          1. I’m not one of his admirers Richard. His style gets right up my nose. That said I don’t thing he’s wrong about Ukraine or Covid!

          2. I’m not one of his admirers Richard. His style gets right up my nose. That said I don’t thing he’s wrong about Ukraine or Covid!

          3. I think that because the Idiot King was a very unpleasant husband when he was married to his first wife that this means he is completely wrong about climate change!

            However I also think that even if he had been a perfect husband he still would be completely wrong about climate change!

        2. BBC are to hold an enquiry! Judge & jury, I suppose. They are so important that their inquiry trumps the legal process – if any

    2. When Caroline was 16 I was 32. Thank goodness we didn’t meet each other until she was 24 and I was 40!

    3. Balls. 16 is the age of consent. Plenty of children happily get preggers at that age to trough off the tax payer. Angela whatsherface, for example.

      If you didn’t want to, you could have gone to the police but no, you liked the attention from this charming, charismatic celebrity. Any other dross is a lie.

    4. In my experience of teenagers, albeit in a classroom, they didn’t seem to think that they couldn’t “advocate for [themselves] in any way”.

  26. Some drizzle earlier. Then sunny. Now about to drizzle again. Rain expected overnight. G & P unimpressed.

  27. Good afternoon, chums. On Friday morning, a company called “Pristine” called to clean a three-piece suite in my front room which necessitated moving all other furniture right up to the front of my computer, which in turn made it impossible for me to reach the controls for my daily dose of NoTTLing. After 48 hours of allowing the cleaned items to totally dry out I have finally managed to move all my furniture back to their normal positions, hence my absence over the weekend. Now I am back to normal, I will take things easy for the rest of the weekend and return on Monday morning to chat with you all once again and to read Sir Jasper’s missed jokes. Good night all, and sleep well.

    PS – Whilst “locked out” of the front room I moved to the kitchen where I made a wonderfully large damson crumble. Makes a change from rhubarb!

      1. I suppose you just take your suits to the dry cleaners, Uncle Bill; just try doing that with a load of furniture, though, you give yourself a hernia. Lol.

  28. That’s me for this autumn day. Rain on the way. Tomorrow is another day.

    Time for a little drinky-poo. Have a spiffing evening rebranding yourselves.

    A demain.

  29. Just asking.

    Why is there currently an obsession — seemingly among NoTTLers — for commenting, at length, ad nauseam, on the antics of nonentities whose escapades are nigh on impossible to avoid in the pages of the DT and other MSM?

    I don’t do nonentities … ever … and I quickly turn over the pages of newspapers that insist on telling me the minutiae of every single second of their tediously irritating and boringly inconsequential lives.

    Are there any other NoTTLers who feel the same way as I do, or are all of you obsessed with the lives of these banal, trite and gormless nobodies?

    1. Bit of an odd comment given that we mostly discuss politics here and if you wanted to define non-entity, they’re the definition.

    2. No I’m not obsessed with nonentities, but if you mean RB, there does seem to be a bit of a coordinated witch hunt against the man. They’ve obviously found these women and made it worth their while to say whatever he did was not with their consent, when clearly at the time it was. Or at any rate not worth going to the police about.

    3. I think you may have misunderstood the nature of the appalling, vicious attack on this particular nonenity.

      Can’t stand the bloke – but I can see that this in a character assassination in spades.

    4. I don’t read about them and they don’t interest me, but I accept that everybody is different. As I don’t cook, all the recipe/culinary related posts don’t interest me at all, so I skim over them, but I understand that for some people they are rivetting. It’s a matter of give and take.

    5. People of low worth and doubtful morals destroy political careers with monotonous regularity, even in these times. Rasputin was a nonentity but he brought down the Russian Empire. Brand may not appeal to you; or to me either actually, but it is pretty obvious that the PTB regard him with considerable disfavour and would like to be rid of him. Hence this present campaign. There is even an article in the Telegraph decrying the support that he is receiving online.

    6. Russell Brand is no longer a nonentity and that’s precisely why there is this dreadful campaign against him. His presentation style may be a touch irritating but the content of his videos is solid and truthful. He turned his life around and is now a faithful husband and good father. If he were still a vacuous degenerate, he would be celebrated not attacked. God will accept his repentance. The woke don’t do forgiveness and they can’t forgive dissenters.

      1. Please permit me to explain my (personal) use of the word nonentity/nonentities.

        I use the word nonentities to describe those people who others seem to wish to describe as ‘celebrities’. Most of whom are famous for being famous as one commentator once put it. A lot of those people, no matter what they have done or said, are of no interest or consequence to me. Unfortunately, many of them get their every word or deed reported upon and have their pictures splashed over all the newspapers. Much, if not most, of what they have done or said would be of no interest, whatsoever, to anyone if said or done by Joe (or Jo) Soap. Any page of any newspaper containing such drivel is immediately turned by me.

        My diatribe was not aimed at any one such nonentity; a couple of famous lesser Royals (among others) also fall into this category.

        1. I firts came to see Brand many years ago . I did not like him and have never watched him again. It cannot be a suprise to anyone about his wayof life.

          1. He’s a nasty piece of work, Johnny. The way he left a crude and cruel answerphone message for Andrew Sachs about Sach’s granddaughter and then accused Nigel Farage of being a cheap pound shop merchant has never endeared me to him. Nevertheless, I have my doubts about “me too” accusations made years after the event. I’m with Grizzly, though, I don’t ever bother with clickbait stories which are only made to sell papers. The latest example I noticed, but did not follow up was one about the “long years of a loveless marriage” about Hugh Edwards, the BBC newsreader.

    7. I haven’t read or listened to anything about this case but if the whole of the MSM are against him it probably means he’s probably got something on a number of people and they’re getting in first in their normal unified way.
      Am I a conspiracy theorist? I don’t think so but I am a natural born sceptic.

    8. I expect the gormless twerp was probably a very contagious STD giver !

      However, I do think he is being cancelled , as are others who have adopted a right wing mindset.

      I fear for GBNews as well.

    9. If a post is too long I do not read it. I just do not have the time. Short and to the point is best for me.

    1. Par for me.

      Wordle 820 4/6


  30. Very wet afternoon here – water butts and pond starting to fill up nicely. Went to an 80th birthday tea party.

          1. Probably the best afternoon tea I’ve had was at Chatsworth in the Flying Childers restaurant. Better than Belvoir or Sandringham.

      1. Sausage rolls, jam/cream scones, birthday cake, quiche………. etc etc . I didn’t actually see the spread but bits and pieces came round. Cups of tea and glasses of still or bubbly of some description. I shhould have taken a photo of the cake but I didn’t – it was a hedgehog one.

          1. It was a houseful – I don’t know how they managed to fit in so many chairs. Her daughters were in charge. We didn’t have to think of a present – just make a donation towards wildlife/garden cameras. Carole was our primary hedgehog carer till she retired last year. People did settle down in groups – the hoggies in the conservatory. We did know some of the others though, so it wasn’t too cliquy.

          2. Still warm here , patio door open , Pip sound asleep , and the rumble of thunder out at sea , 18 c , and a few moths have come in and are fluttering around .
            I expect the hedgehogs who find their way into our garden will have plenty to crunch thanks to the damp weather , well, I do hope so .

            Does anyone know how Lacoste is?

          3. No – he hasn’t posted for a couple of weeks. Prickly Thistle might know but she hasn’t been here for ages.

            We’re watching the rugby now. Not particularly warm here. I didn’t much feel like cooking when we got home so I did roast the chicken and we had it with salad. Just had some strawberries and raspberries with cream.

  31. – So I’ve just realised why the speed limits have been lowered from 30mph to 20mph, it is because electric cars are so much heavier and have more mass, so will do far more damage than a normal lightweight petrol car, it’s like being hit by a tank.

    1. Being hit by any vehicle at even the slowest speed is catastrophic. Imagine two people walking in to one another – then make one of them 20 times heavier.

        1. You also noticed the shrill voice of the female shrieker?
          Why is it necessary to have a woman commentator in a men’s match?

          1. The problem with female sports commentators is that as the action hots up, the voice (both male and female) tends to rise in pitch. In women, this comes over as shrill and unattractive.

            By contrast, I find the female voice far more attractive in normal situations, and have opted to select a female (English) voice for my satnav.

          2. I have a female voice for my satnav, too, but she’s naggy Norah. Fifi, the female voice of my French friend’s satnav is MUCH more seductive! “Au rondpoint, virez legerement a droite ..” Cor!

    2. One of my nephews has a Tesla and apparently managed to drive the 460 miles from his home in Chicago to visit his parents in Pittsburgh PA with only one recharge en route (I can’t remember how long it took though I’m sure I was told). He normally only uses it to drive short distances to work, shops etc though.

    3. Idiotic rule – lower speed = lower gear = higher revs = more pollution so the reason behind it must be to piss people off. Areas round schools etc is a safety issue so no problem there but outside those areas and under normal traffic flow it’s stupid. Our village is now a 20mph zone, there’s hardly any traffic, there’s never been an accident, no school but the council have been given the money by the SNP to create the zone and it cannot be spent on anything else. In fact all the villages are now 20 mph except the smallest hamlet which is still a 40mph zone

        1. Yep! Like the ULEZ – introduced so that lives can be saved by cleaner air – but for £12.50 a day you can choke as many as you like

  32. Evening, all. Dull, grey and raining here and it’s been cold all day. So -called “renewables” are not green, not reliable and not consistent. The French are similar.

    1. Expecting well over an inch of rain here tomorrow. Bummer. Planned a masive blackberry picking, but not if I need aqualung ..

  33. Back out of horse piddle. They are not convinced it was a sixth heart attack, more like activity within the heart associated with the new stent. As with doctors and MPs, who believes a word of the NHs?. That is the last time I allow myself to be carted off to that bloody hell-hole and the Ambulance service excelled themselves this tim>, They locked up the house with the keys,inside only they didn’t I got home expecting to break in or contact the Police but the Flat was still wide-open I despair, hence my reason to never Use yhe Scottish Ambulance Service, Nor NHS Scotland – both bloody useless. Thank God I hadn’t been burgled.

    1. Bloody glad you’re still around to post, Tom.
      Fcuk the incompetents. Wherever they may be.

      1. Not sure about sound bit. Yesterday’s saga:

        Worse, the final straw was when my ex turned up unannounced.and uttered not one word. I was so stressed that I crashed the car and hit 3 others in the process, she was sat in the back and when we crashed ‘voom’ she was out of the car., disappeared, and not been seen since. Of course I was breathalysed, scoring 222 which is 2 above Scotland’s legal limit, was hauled 21 miles to Dumfries (sudder)! where I only scored 111 on their intoximeter test so the drunk driving carge whas dropped…
        ….but I’ve still charged with ‘Careless Driving” – plod’s chosen catch-all.. You wonder why I’m not a happy bunny? Txx

  34. I cannot be alone in having a feeling that the English rugby team come across as a bunch of Prima Donna’s with a sense of a God given right that the world owes them a living and they have a right to win, how dare any second tier team believe they can challenge them?

  35. Just watched the 10 O’Clock news on RT. No sex scandals. Not a mention. They have a war to report on of course. That’s the main story. Then there was coverage of a spate of arson attacks in Johannesburg, Kim in Vladivostok and a gunman arrested at an RFK Jr campaign rally.

  36. Fiscal McPhee at about 9am

    So, TPTB have come for Russell Brand. Personally, I can only take him in very small doses and his telephone ‘pranking’ along with Jonathan Ross of Andrew Sachs about having bedded his grand-daughter was beyond distasteful. However he is a man with an on-line following of many millions who has been putting out some serious counter-narrative content along with interviews of some highly influential people. He couldn’t be allowed to carry on, could he?

    I wonder what they’ll do to Neil Oliver when they decide he’s gone too far? Poison his two Irish wolfhounds? He has recently been calling for revolution. His time can’t be far off.

    A fortnight ago, I wrote that Neil Oliver’s weekend monologue “Whatever our puppet government say is to distract us from the threat to our freedom” was different from his recent offerings because it was so angry. Here’s the video to which FM refers.

    1. Spot on. We need a clear out of the rats infesting the Palace of Westminster. Magna Carta is the basis of the English Constitution and renders all of the various Acts of Parliament void.

      Whilst some would argue that “we” voted for this shit I personally did not and my vote is required under our Laws.

  37. For anyone who doesn’t normally listen to Brand because his style or manner is irritating/annoying/nauseating…
    Just one minute of this video, from minute 12 to minute 13 (in 15min video) gives a good idea of the sort of thing he is saying at present…& most certainly explains why tptb are not having it…

    (It’s REALLY thundering & lightening here right now…far too loud to try & sleep…the thunder is cracking in very loud explosive bursts, the lightening is coming in, in sheets & daggers…)

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