Tuesday 10 October: The shameful and sinister attempts to excuse Hamas’s barbaric tactics

An unofficial place to discuss the Telegraph letters, established when the DT website turned off its commenting facility (now reinstated, but we prefer ours),
Intelligent, polite, good-humoured debate is welcome, whether on or off topic. Differing opinions are encouraged, but rudeness or personal attacks on other posters will not be tolerated. Posts which – in the opinion of the moderators – make this a less than cordial environment, are likely to be removed, without prior warning.  Persistent offenders will be banned.

Today’s letters (visible only to DT subscribers) are here.

524 thoughts on “Tuesday 10 October: The shameful and sinister attempts to excuse Hamas’s barbaric tactics

        1. I can’t see you as being a sarcastic person, Minty, so I assume you are seriously grateful. I should say that the very first thing I do when I wake in the morning is to check the BBC Weather site which is updated at regular intervals every day. It helps me to plan my day, and is pretty accurate if you put your postcode in the box. Just about the only thing that the BBC does well.

          1. She was only a meteorologist’s daughter but the boys always asked her whether ….

          2. The English, it seems, are obsessed with the weather. We spend the equivalent of many 12 hour days a year talking about it! Ben Fogle wrote in his book (English) that when he met the Queen, it was a wonderful opportunity, but all he could think to say was to talk about the weather!

          3. True, Conners, but all they tend to say is “I wish it weren’t so hot” or “I wish it weren’t so cold/wet”. I just check the forecast first thing and decide whether to do my gardening before midday or in the afternoon. John Lennon ‘s song RAIN summarises the English complaints you mentioned.

          4. True; we are rarely satisfied, but I actually said yesterday that the weather was perfect. Not too hot, not too windy, dry and sunny. What more could one ask for?

  1. Good morning, chums. I intend to spend as much time as possible in the garden today before the heavens open for non-stop rain tomorrow which is forecast to last for several days.

  2. Good morrow, Gentlefolk, today’s story

    Making A Sale
    A guy spent the day walking around town looking for a job. He finally walked into an adult store. “Do you have any work for me?” he asked the owner.

    The owner smiled and responded, “You come as if you have been sent from heaven. I just opened another store and I’m looking for someone to mind this store for me.”
    “When do I start?” the guy asked.
    “Now. I’m leaving for the other store shortly.”

    The owner explained all the ins and outs and then left. First to enter the store was a Caucasian woman. She walked around and stopped at the dildo rack. “How much for the white dildo?” “Forty dollars,” he said.
    “How much for the black dildo?”
    “Forty dollars.”
    “Give me the . . . uh, black one. I’ve never had a black one before.”

    She paid and left. Soon an African-American woman walked in. She too walked around and stopped at the dildo rack. “How much for the black dildo?” she asked.
    “Forty dollars.”
    “How much for the white dildo?”
    “Forty dollars.”
    After thinking a moment, the woman said, “Give me the . . . uh, white one. I’ve never had a white one before.”

    She paid and left. Then a blonde woman walked in. She walked around and stopped at the dildo rack. “How much for the white dildo?” she asked.
    “Forty dollars.”
    “How much for the black dildo?”
    “Forty dollars.”
    “And how much for the chequered one on your counter there?”
    “Two hundred dollars.” “Give me . . . uh, the chequered one. I’ve never had a chequered one before.”

    She paid and left. Closing time came around and the owner returned. “How was your first day?” “Great!” the guy responded. “I sold a white and a black dildo for forty bucks each, and I sold your thermos for two hundred.”

  3. British anti-Semites are delighted by the attack on Israel. 9 October 2023.

    You might think the massacre of Jewish civilians will stop anti-Jewish hatred in Britain. Or, if that is too much to ask, you might think that the atrocities would at least merit a decent period of silence before normal service resumed.


    Lamia • Yesterday.

    ”the most intense period of anti-Jewish hatred seen in the UK in recent years.’
    ‘Jews are targeted in the UK.’

    No. This will not do. You don’t get to blame the whole of the UK for the attitudes and actions of specific – and very anti-British – urban demographics.

    These are your people, Mr Cohen: Open borders metropolitan left wingers, ‘liberals’ (ho ho) and Labour-voting Muslims. And its epicentre is Rejoin Central: London, especially North London, and the usual suspect universities.

    I said years ago, and it’s truer than ever now: if you needed to get hold of half a dozen antisemites in a hurry, where would you go? To a farmers market? To a village pub? To wherever you can find Leave voters? No. You would go to an arts faculty in one of our ‘respected’ universities; or to a department of the Civil Service (anyone remember Rowan Laxton, the ‘diplomat’ who got a promotion for his antisemitism?), to a Mosque or to the House of Lords, or to the Labour, Lib Dem, SNP or Green conference. You’d find loads of antisemites, and almost to a man or woman they would be Rejoiners who view their opponents, as you and so many of your ‘journalist’ colleagues do – as practically Nazis.

    You’ve been calling us fascists for about 7 years now. Funny thing is: we’re not the ones out celebrating the murder of innocents or smashing up Jewish shops. For that you have to go to a pro-EU stronghold. It’s where you find the people who hate Jews, hate the West, hate Britain, and who are eager for more Continental European totalitarianism in the form of the EU (which has of course allowed in millions of people from deeply anti-semitic cultures in recent years).

    Stow the crocodile tears. You’re the bad guys, Nick. And some of us won’t let you forget it.

    Lamia is of course quite correct. The vast majority of the indigenous population of the UK are not anti-Semitic, any more than they are Racists or Misogynists, or any of the other labels that have been attached to them. These are the qualities of the Political Elites. It is quite possible, looking at the world situation, that those same elites will soon require our services for the furtherance of the Globalist Agenda. We should sit it out. We have no stake in the game.


    1. Cohen (Hebrew: כֹּהֵן, kōhēn, “priest”), also spelled Cohn, Kohn, or Kahn, is a surname of Yehudi, Samaritan and Biblical origins (see: Kohen). It is a very common Jewish surname (the most common in Israel),


      Just saying.

      1. Morning BB. Yes it gets quite a bit of praise, deserved in my opinion, on the thread.

    2. Great comment – full marks. I care not for who you are, your ethnicity, the colour of you skin just “do you care about others?”

  4. Morning all,

    Trouble in Ukraine and Gaza

    Thank goodness we have an American ex president who can stop the war in Ukraine in 24 hours and a former UK prime minister who is a Middle East Peace Envoy! 🤔

    1. The sooner we get all these people back to where they belong, the safer this country will be.

    2. I van attest yesterday evening everyone had a printed flag/placard. I was astonished, as it was obvious it must have been very organised.

      1. They’ve stored the placards since they were allowed, even escorted by our police to protest at the Israeli embassy. Death and beheading for those who don’t support them.
        Since they were destined to get away with that, the door had been left open for them.

      1. Correct me if I am wrong, but I thought that when Boris was Mayor of London he purchased a large number But Teresa May, then the Prime Minister, ordered them to be sold.

      2. Correct me if I am wrong, but I thought that when Boris was Mayor of London he purchased a large number But Teresa May, then the Prime Minister, ordered them to be sold.

    3. I don’t usually have any time for Plod, bit this is terrible

      Edit, these protestors are unhinged

    4. I don’t usually have any time for Plod, bit this is terrible

      Edit, these protestors are unhinged

  5. Ukrainian children stolen by Russia are ‘suffering psychological or physical violence’, says UN. 10 October 2023.

    Nada Al-Nashif, the UN’s deputy high commissioner for human rights, said she was “gravely concerned” by the situation.

    “There is no established system to return Ukrainian children who were transferred to other regions in Russian-occupied territory or to the Russian Federation,” Ms Al-Nashif told the UN Human Rights Council in Geneva.

    “Among the children who reunited with their family after relatives travelled to the Russian Federation to retrieve them, some described experiencing or witnessing psychological or physical violence by educational staff there,” she added.

    This is a typical example of MSM propaganda. 386 children have been brought back to Ukraine by their relatives. Russia has raised no objections to any of these nor has any incident of deliberate ill treatment been evidenced apart from the accusations of psychological damage which by their nature cannot be proved . There are no claims for the other twenty thousand children now in Russia which bears out their claim to most of them being handicapped or orphans. It is worth noting that Zelensky’s government, though critical, has made no demand for their return.

    This entire business is of course being used as a stick to beat Russia and Vladimir Putin personally who have in fact behaved with commendable humanity.


    1. Ask the woman what she thinks would happen to Israeli parents who tried to do the same in Gaza where their children were forcibly taken and what the psychological effect on those Israeli children might be, particularly the young women who have been gang-raped..

    2. Why would the Russians steal Ukraine children ? It’s not in their interst. This type of behaviour goes back many hundreds of years. It’s reminiscent of Muslims capturing children from Northern European shores ‘for the use of’ and keeping them in caves near Alhambra Palace.
      Perhaps her invented vision reminds her of this.
      So is this what she’s suggesting ?

  6. Morning all 🙂😊
    Today is the calm before the storm. Quite bright. After spending two exhausting hours cutting the grass yesterday. I’m not surprised I slept for 10 hours. With two bathroom breaks.
    I’m trimming the path edges and borders later.
    Hopefully it will be the last one of the season.
    My friend in Toronto informed me it was only
    7 C there yesterday morning. Glow ball warmth seems to be rather selective.
    In two hours it will be 10 10 10.

  7. The coming Labour government has just revealed how dangerous it will be. 9 October 2023.

    The official Labour line, implicit in shadow chancellor Rachel Reeves’s speech yesterday, is that it has limited scope to be bold given the mess left by the Tories. While this might be partly valid, the elephant in the room is that Starmer is on the verge of coming to power just as the social democratic model across the West is imploding.

    Germany, once the model for state-directed prosperity, is now the sick man of Europe, trailing in the advanced manufacturing race against China and clueless about how to shift from traditional industry to innovation. Amid a backlash against mass migration and crime, the Scandinavian Third Way has collapsed. The White House is going into meltdown, as funds dry up for Biden’s Green New Deal, which has failed miserably to translate into votes.

    I reckon war is on the way.


  8. 377524+ up ticks,

    Morning Each,

    Globally what is taking place in Israel is a sad state of affairs and a much sadder reflection on humanity.

    On saying that tis my belief they MUST be left to their own devices.

    We in England have our own war to sort out against an enemy not so easily ID as the Israel / hamas are.

    Much of ours is self inflicted via the polling stations and the misguided need to put party before Country.

    Currently we suffer daily deflection propaganda, plus we suffer daily from the morally illegal intake of potential troops / NHS patients / welfare seekers, ALL condoned via lab/lib/con coalition supporter / voters and has been for decades.

    The ruling elected politico’s / parties true agenda as is becoming apparent daily to decent peoples, is one of financing foreign issues with indigenous peoples monies all the while
    supplanting, killing off these peoples with foreign intakes of the WEFs choosing.

    My advice for what it is worth is flood the Westminster palace
    with sniffer dogs seeking political red bed bugs, the HP sauce factory is infested with them.

    We as a nation have no need of external enemies when we have internal enemies aplenty as shown via the voting pattern.

    1. It is worrying, but we’ve allowed this to happen. The West is weak. It has shown a refusal to act against aggressors. Biden’s pandering is pathetic and he is clearly ill.

      We have invited endless numbers of vicious, useless muslim into this country – all for political machination – and rather than defend the nation when they kill us, the state broadcaster panders to them to protect them. Our police are not dealing with the palestinian rioters, they’re just trying to keep them apart. What message does that show?

      Our energy situation is laughable precisely because an obese, corrupt government refuses to provide sufficient energy, making us reliant on unstable partners like Russian and Iran – all to meet pointless and unnecessary goals set down by corrupt globalist organisations who couldn’t care less about the environment and are so utterly disorganised they encouraged the Rwandan genocide rather than getting off their backsides and acting.

      Our economy is in the toilet because big government taxes and wastes with reckless abandon supporting failure and promoting welfare at every stage rather than allowing low taxes and markets to do their job.

      Our military has been run down deliberately because it’s an easy target yet the MoD couldn’t deliver a fruit basket on time, let alone a combat vehicle. It is still fighting the last war, not the next one. Worse, it continues to receive masses of funding despite these failures.

      The health service is broken, at a fundamental level and during a pandemic, rather than focus on the task at hand was too lumpen to diverge from it’s business as usual approach of hiring utterly pointless DIE managers.

      We do not need to be in this position. We are because government has deliberately run down everything it touches seemingly with the sole intent of destroying it. The question I have there is ‘why?’.

      1. To rebuild they first need to demolish and sweep away the debris.
        The people promulgating these policies genuinely believe that what they are doing is for the best for the planet and its people.
        Sickening, isn’t it.

  9. It seems that certain people are blaming Israel entirely for these sad days in the history of the world.
    It’s pretty obvious who is at fault. Those who think otherwise are as bad as Hamas. Their minds are locked in the continuous medieval state, its time they threw all of this off and moved into the modern world.
    Something seems to be holding them back.

      1. And control with what they wear and too much subversive kneeling and bending.
        IMHO there’s not much that in regards to any particular religion which is honest and truthful.
        But this one in particular takes first prize in control.

        1. But this one in particular takes first prize in control.

          Currently it does but the usurped Christian religion has an awful legacy of control, the Cathars and Huguenots are two of many that bear testimony to that: perhaps the former and latter were controlling but not as the Church of Rome decreed?

          Now the ‘control freaks’ have their new religions, world overpopulation, health and climate change; as with the earlier iterations of belief these new religions have their tenets that cannot and must not be challenged i.e. The Science is settled and doubters will be ostracised, at best… ?

          1. When a chum said ‘the science on climate change is settled I tore him a new one. He wasn’t quite ready for the hammering that as a engineer science is *never* settled, that it never stops evolving, that every day basic accepted facts should be reconsidered because that’s what makes it science and not religion.

            Science can never, ever be settled. A scientist – a real one, not one clamouring for cash – should doubt gravity every morning.

      2. Thing is, Britain has already has it’s reformation moment. We did the religious conflict and grew up and then gave up.

        We did that about 500 years ago. muslim is still in that mindset of religious barbarity. Thy are culturally simply, 500 years behind us. That’s why they have no place in our country. They’re simply not able to exist alongside the values we hold.

    1. Morning Eddy

      Those CERTAIN people whom we have imported over the decades , cannot get along with the idea of sharing with anyone .. Where are they escaping from… they say they are escaping from people of their own skin and religion .. yet here they are protesting and screeching about the Jewish people … These infiltrators don’t scream and screech about Daesh, Isis , Hamas, and the rest of the barbaric sects that they have escaped from .

      WHY the blazes have we imported an army of single young men with no skills and wealth , nothing to offer but trouble and strife.

      Why are we encouraging them by allowing Mosques and the blaring call to prayer .. who knows what that call means .. it is similar to Lord Haw Haw’s rants on the radio during the war ..

      We are a sovereign nation and WE have also been invaded subtlety ..

      1. Totally agree TB.
        Our political idiots are to blame, once more they are guilty of effing up everything they come into contact with.
        And they actually expect the public to vote for them.

      2. Why? They require massive input from an obese, corrupt government. They always vote Labour – if they vote at all. They contribute nothing, demand masses of welfare, police, social services input which the state loves to provide.

    2. Hamas had a choice. They could have taken their kids to school, made a brew and headed off to work. Instead a bunch of them got in hand gliders and started bombing civilians.

      That choice defines their mindset. It’s long past time to stop pandering to these people.

  10. I have been on the phone to the surgery since 8am. I had to redial 3 times because a recorded message said no lines were available. Got through an i’m now 13th in the queue. All appointments had gone by 8.02am.
    They were clearly lying to me. All appointments gone 2 minutes when it takes that long to get through the recorded messages.

          1. Try to focus your mind and relax, would a cup of tea help , something warm and soothing .

            You are not bunged up , are you ?


            Or is this pain like nothing you have had before .

            I have to go now , stuff to do before the meeting .

            Please stay calm ok? x

          2. 11am appointment. I’m not showing symptoms for appendicitis but i am showing symptoms for diverticulitis.

          3. Counterproductive advice from you as usual. If you get snotty with them they drop you from the list.

          4. Yes. A battery of tests lined up. 2 different stool samples 4 different blood tests and an ultrasound in my near future. All marked priority urgent.

          5. I hope they will find out what’s wrong. But then you’ve just said your priority blood test is not available………..

    1. Insist that the Practice Manager and the Lead GP try phoning the surgery at 8:00a.m on the public line and report back to you.

    2. Perhaps the docs are too busy in private work to see the people the Government pays them to see.
      Write a letter or email to the GP practice and lodge a complaint, send a copy to your MP.

        1. Keep the doing it Phizz they don’t deserve to get away with this.
          Someone at my local practice accidentally sent me the practice email. They hate it when I send a message.

    3. If it’s urgent, go to a walk in centre or similar. If not, I suggest calling about mid-morning. There are often appointments in the afternoon of the same day.

  11. 377526+ up ticks,

    Lest we forget,

    Professor Karol Sikora
    Language matters.

    When discussing certain brutal consequences following the pandemic, many will attribute all damage solely to ‘COVID’.

    When in fact, the virus was often not to blame – our wildly disproportionate response was.

    Lockdown, not COVID.

    The governments of the world caused far more harm than the virus. And that they still haven’t learnt this fundamental lesson, suggests that they could repeat it, if let to do so.

    But only if the people ever let them get away with it, again.

    1. Ogga, you continually suggest that we, the public have a choice in our actions against the state. Do you not remember a fellow coming home and having plod smash his door in to get to him and force him into quarantine? Do you not remember plod bellowing that it ‘wasn’t a holiday, it was a lockdown?’

      The funeral where a man moved to comfort his mother and was forced apart by staff?

      1. 377526+ up ticks,

        Morning W,
        Little wrong with my memory,

        “you continually suggest that we, the public have a choice in our actions against the state”

        If united in people power yes every time,there is always a choice

        You DO NOT continue to support a political force ( the lab/lib/con coalition) of proven anti British shite
        again,again,& again in a party before Country voting mode.

        1. Every year the voting numbers fall. The state still declares a winner. When not enough votes are gained to form a government the state simply decides to form a coalition to do whatever it wants.

          We do not live in a democracy.

          As regards people power – the Brexit remoaners continue to whinge that they’re not getting what they want. Look at the riots in London. Most of the city is overrun by violent, welfare dependent foreigners and rich luvvies who wouldn’t stand beside you. For every person who wants sanity and common sense, there’s another – and he’ll gather his motivated Lefty chums – to shout you down.

          This country needs a dictator who will obliterate the Left wing mindset by proving their ideology wrong. One who doesn’t care about elections or popularity and just gets on with solving the problems and using that as evidence of why the Left are wrong.

          Who doesn’t so much as put down squealing whingers as destroys them – a quango complains and instead of being listened to, is simply abolished. And another and another until there are 14 left, not 1400.

          Yet that simply won’t happen without massive force.

        2. Every year the voting numbers fall. The state still declares a winner. When not enough votes are gained to form a government the state simply decides to form a coalition to do whatever it wants.

          We do not live in a democracy.

          As regards people power – the Brexit remoaners continue to whinge that they’re not getting what they want. Look at the riots in London. Most of the city is overrun by violent, welfare dependent foreigners and rich luvvies who wouldn’t stand beside you. For every person who wants sanity and common sense, there’s another – and he’ll gather his motivated Lefty chums – to shout you down.

          This country needs a dictator who will obliterate the Left wing mindset by proving their ideology wrong. One who doesn’t care about elections or popularity and just gets on with solving the problems and using that as evidence of why the Left are wrong.

          Who doesn’t so much as put down squealing whingers as destroys them – a quango complains and instead of being listened to, is simply abolished. And another and another until there are 14 left, not 1400.

          Yet that simply won’t happen without massive force.

  12. Good morning all.
    A dry but overcast start this morning with 9°C on the Yard Thermometer with a decent day forecast.

  13. G’ Moaning Tootle Monde,

    Murky at McPhee Towers but it should clear up nicely again, Wind in the Sou’-West, 11℃ rising to 19℃ so a tad cooler than of late. SWMBO and I had a lovely day down on the coast at Keyhaven and Milford-on-Sea yesterday topped off with a delicious early supper at a French-style restaurant (Provençal chicken for her, swordfish steak for me).

    From the Daily Sceptic:



    Kick her out. Now. We have no need of her like here.

    1. Unarmed civilians against psychotic murderers with guns. Yes, that’d end well.

      She should be struck off and deported. As should every single one of those pro palestinian wasters. Drop them inn Gaza and let the IDF use them as target practice.

    2. Keyhaven and Milford eh? I used to enjoy a pint in The Gun at Keyhaven but more recently in a new(ish) micropub in Milford which is in an old launderette called The Wash House. Pleasant neck-of-the-woods!

    3. My parents used to live near Keyhaven where we kept our boat, Inca, a Hurley 22, on a trailer in the garden during the winter. Here is the house where I lived from the age of 12 when I was not at boarding school and not in St Mawes during the summer months:


      and here is Inca:


      1. What a blessed childhood you must have had. Mine was spent on or near RAF stations until the age of 10.

  14. 377526+ up ticks,

    To think we actually harbour peoples that support political parties that orchestrated and allowed scenes of this nature to take place, that support has been in place for decades as in the, party before Country voting mode.


    WATCH: ‘Allah hu Akbar!’ Pro-Palestine Protesters Rally Outside Israeli Embassy in London, Clash with Police

    1. It’s just another hate crime that Khant wants to stop at all costs.
      He’s set his mind on doin so.
      But hang on a mo…..I wonder if he’s the right person for that job ?

  15. While Sunak tinkers, Reform offers real action where it matters
    Patrick Benham-Crosswell: The Conservative Woman October 10, 2023

    Despair? I can cope with despair: it is the hope – the futile hope – that is so demoralising.

    (Borrowed from John Cleese)

    BTL from Oaknash

    I am afraid Patrick if you think Tice and reform will be making any significant positive changes to the UK think again. What we need is a streetfighter, someone who says how it is not someone who hides behind the sofa every time the establishment is upset.
    We have had these such as Gerard Batten Tommy Robinson , but they got cancelled because they were too near the truth. We saw the way Bridgen has been treated.

    What we don’t need is another establishment patsy. who thinks that being nice to those who are destroying this land is the way to go.

    Until people see the our corrupt political system as the train wreck it is nothing will ever change. What we certainly dont need is another collection of nice, clubbable posh boys telling us how it should be done.

  16. If we are supporting Israel right across the board , why the blazes are we importing Muslims by the thousand .

    We would rather have Jewish doctors / teachers/ nurses etc .. and of course academics .

    1. So that we have someone to blame apart from the central bankers when everything falls apart amid attacks by Palestine flag-waving psychopaths?

    2. Muslims can barely bang rocks together yet Israel produces some of the most advanced semi-conductors on the planet.

    3. Can you imagine how Mrs Cohen would feel now if Muhammad Fisal was her doctor and her life was dependent on him.

  17. Thought for the Day:

    At Fishguard (Abergwaun) there is a ‘Last Invasion’ tapestry which commemorates the February 1797 invasion of an army of 1400 French revolutionary ne’er-do-wells and convicts under the command of the Irish-American Colonel William Tate who had fought against Britain in the American War of Independence.


    It is no longer ‘the Last Invasion’.

  18. Ukraine and the Middle East, horrific as they are, are just dust thrown in our eyes to hide the building financial instability!
    Gold was yesterday 8% higher in price in China than in the US – the Americans can’t stand all the gold flowing to China for long.
    There is a glitch in the IT systems in Japan that prevents transfers in 11 banks – these software bugs can be blamed for everything!

    1. Chances are they all use the same software, or integrate with it. A minor update could knock the whole thing out.

      Simply put, [beep] happens.

      1. I know wibbling, I am one of the people responsible for said shyte!
        However, it is also very easy to use such things to control events. All I am saying is that it would not surprise me if we were told that “a glitch” had frozen up our banks at some point just before everything falls apart, when in former times there might have been a run on the banks.

        1. That has already happened in Greece. People not being able to withdraw money. Pensioners starving.

          1. Few years ago now. They set up free food markets in the squares. Not the government obviously. All that lot got prior notice and got their money out the country.

        2. Complex systems will not survive the incompetence crisis! The lower we set the bar for entry, the more we push ‘diversity’ over ability, the less we demand merit take precedence over any other attribute, the faster we sink.

          This digital currency they’re all forcing will never work because government is incompetent. It’ll be forced, but never work. Thus the great hope is to move to blockchain and permanently remove any and all government control of the currency.

          1. There is a great deal of truth in what you say. But I still think bank runs will be avoided by the judicious use of software failures!

            Have you seen any evidence in the job market of the digital currency development?

        3. Complex systems will not survive the incompetence crisis! The lower we set the bar for entry, the more we push ‘diversity’ over ability, the less we demand merit take precedence over any other attribute, the faster we sink.

          This digital currency they’re all forcing will never work because government is incompetent. It’ll be forced, but never work. Thus the great hope is to move to blockchain and permanently remove any and all government control of the currency.

    1. I was more than happy on Sunday morning at our over night hotel in Edgbaston, to sit at a table and be eating bacon eggs etc for breakfast with Arabs sitting on the next table, and behind us.
      I nearly went to the bar for a pint of Guinness. Just to rub it in.

    2. My father grew up in a kosher household but enjoyed roast pork. I know another Jewish family who aren’t keen on bacon but like pork sausages. Their explanation is the same as the one my father gave me. In the desert without refrigeration pork went off very quickly and wasn’t safe to eat. That consideration no longer applies.

      1. I was on a company fund raising event recently in Slovenia. We had one muslim with us who spent the entire time trying (and failing) to find “Halal”-compliant food.

  19. From ConHome.

    “First, the attempted arrest of entire crowds would be counter-productive. But if the Met can arrest 155 anti-lockdown protestors, why can’t it arrest pro-Hamas ringleaders? If men can be arrested after a football match for mocking the death of a child, why can’t others be arrested after a march if they support terrorist atrocities?”

    I think we all know the answer to that one. But many are still closing their eyes and minds to that thought.


    1. Choice. I appreciate the question is rhetorical but bluntly big government wants to protect it’s own and that’s the primary market. I’m sure they’d argue that dealing with the issue would cause an even bigger riot and that would bring London to a standstill with looting and violence but that’s what happens when you import the third world. The state has brought this on us, now the state is refusing to deal with it?

  20. James Delingpole just re-tweeted this post:

    I’ve kept an eye on this Israel situation for the past few days.
    Here’s what I’ve learned, & here are my blunt & honest thoughts:

    1. Israel chose to ignore intelligence from Egyptian officials about a major attack coming from Hamas.
    2. Multiple former IDF soldiers & Israeli intelligence personnel have come forward online and said there’s a zero percent chance Israel was unaware of this attack beforehand or couldn’t have prevented it.
    3. We just watched unsophisticated terrorists on hang gliders soar into one of the most heavily-defended & surveilled countries on the planet.
    4. Within 48 hours of the attack, we’re now suddenly seeing enormous support for an American war with Iran and the genocide of the Palestinian people.

    I’m witnessing American pastors and formerly level-headed influencers in our world completely lose their minds and call for genocide.
    It’s unsurprising, but insane to watch.
    If the events of the past three years have taught me anything, it’s that when people get whipped into an emotional frenzy, critical thinking completely goes out the window.
    People become highly suggestible and will rush to extremely dangerous conclusions without thinking about the consequences.
    I think this is what we’re all witnessing with this situation in Israel.
    I’m reminded of Pearl Harbor and 9/11.
    In both scenarios, the American government received intelligence in advance of the attacks, but chose not to prevent the attacks.
    The American government was willing to sacrifice the lives of American citizens in order to advance its geopolitical goals.
    Pearl Harbor gave the justification to enter WWII.
    9/11 gave justification to invade the Middle East & drastically expand the American military industrial complex & our surveillance apparatus.
    They were brutal & extremely traumatic events for the American public to witness. The emotional trauma caused people to get whipped into an emotional frenzy.
    America wanted ONE THING in response to these attacks:
    The blood of our enemies.
    I see the same psyop playing out now.
    People are whipped into a frenzied bloodlust.
    In their frenzied bloodlust, people are overlooking some SERIOUSLY important facts here, notably:

    1. The fact that none of this adds up,
    2. innocent civilians are being threatened with genocide, and
    3. Escalated violence in the Middle East and a war with Iran both risk ***the rest of the planet getting dragged into WWIII.***

    What happened in Israel this weekend was obviously gut-wrenching and awful to witness, but I do not trust Israel’s so-called “intelligence failure”, nor do I trust the snakes in Washington calling for war with Iran, & I sure as hell no longer trust any of the emotionally-frenzied influencers calling for explicit genocide of innocent civilians.
    This was a defining moment in history, similar to Pearl Harbor, 9/11, COVID, the beginning of the Ukraine war, etc, and a lot of people just got played.
    People responded by going full mask-off, exposing themselves as reckless & incapable of exercising sound judgment in moments of chaos and heightened emotion.
    And we’re now at the brink of WWIII because of it.
    This is all worth noting.
    There’s a high likelihood there will be more chaos throughout the rest of this decade.
    There will be more psychological operations.
    There will be more moments in time in which cooler heads ought to prevail, but people will get whipped into an emotional frenzy instead.
    Keep your wits about you, & be cautious in whom you allow yourself to be influenced by.
    Recognize that governments & intelligence agencies spend enormous resources waging psychological operations on social media nonstop when stuff like this goes down.
    Remember that when chaos is at its peak, history shows there is ALMOST ALWAYS a hidden agenda being played out, & that hidden agenda is ALWAYS designed to prey on our base emotions to facilitate a desired end-result.

    Pray for world peace tonight.
    Thanks. 🤙
    5:04 AM · Oct 10, 2023

    1. If Israeli’s deliberately ignored the bombers specifically to incite war, why did they?

      America can’t fight a global war. Hell, Biden can’t string a sentence together.

      If Israel *had* known and had acted, perhaps by shooting down the hang gliders with snipers, would the Hamas response be any different?

      Hamas had a choice of how to behave. They are the ones who bombed Israel. They didn’t need to. They could have left the party goers alone. They could have said ‘go home people, we’re off to bed’.

      Instead they murdered them. This wasn’t by mistake or an accident. Hamas acted with the intent to slaughter. The end result would be the same – an Israel/Palestine conflict that could so easily be prevented by Palestine rooting out and ending Hamas.

      1. Nobody is saying that Hamas aren’t psychopathic scum. But are we just going to go merrily off banging the drum for war?
        There are other ways, for example identifying individuals from video footage and eliminating them. I don’t think many people (well, outside the Labour Party) would shed any tears about that.

        1. There is no positive end to this. No way that things can end with a handshake and a cup of tea and a biccie.

          Hamas will not stop until every last Jew is dead. Israel cannot allow terrorists to escape punishment. I don’t have any answers. Well, I do,, but they’re reprehensible. Yes, we could eradicate the ring leaders but that just creates martyrs t their cause. The only real long term solution is obliteration.

          1. I don’t think you read what I wrote, which certainly did not include a handshake.
            Obliteration has been tried in the past, remember…this is the path to world war.

          2. I did – I truly did – but It simply won’t work. If we knock out Hamas’ leaders more will just pop up. It is the nature of the fanatic. Yet that is the only option. I don’t disagree. I know you’re right. I know I am wrong but – and it’s a huge but – Hamas will not stop. They believe what they are doing is righteous. Only by changing their entire mindset will their attitude change and the conflict end.

            I do not see that happening in my lifetime. I wish it would. I wish they’d all grow the flip up and live together peacefully but they (on both sides) seem incapable.

    2. The Israeli reaction may be understandable, but there is going to come a point where it becomes counter-productive.

      People around the world are going to start to say that the Israelis are no better than Hamas, ISIS and the rest; with their indiscriminate killing of civilians to try to kill Hamas leaders and the destruction of civilian infrastructure to what end?.

      1. And your plan?

        There is no solution to this nightmare. One has only to look at the Old Testament….. Five thousand years of it….

        1. I certainly wouldn’t be giving back to the opposition any moral high ground.

          Carpet bombing the Gaza strip will shift any wavering opinion back to the Palestinians where it, as a result of the Hamas actions, has sympathy for the Israelis.

          The targeting of the Hamas leaders and their spokespeople everywhere needs to be more focused.

          I agree that there is unlikely ever to be a permanent solution; but making the nightmare worse by drawing in more participants cannot be a solution.

        2. The Middle East the cradle of civilisation?
          Perhaps there once was a cradle of civilisation somewhere but its history is long gone, probably destroyed by barbarians.

          1. “The glory that was Greece and the grandeur that was Rome” have been stuffed down the memory hole. With hindsight, the destruction of the Ottoman Empire was probably a bad idea. It was evil but what has replaced it is worse.

        1. Does that include killing hundreds of children? Their people deliberately hide behind women and children in built up areas.

          I would focus on killing Hamas’s leaders and spokespeople with targeted assassinations.

          1. Surgical response. Take out the ringleaders. Make them aware that to lift their head above the parapet means that head will be removed.

          2. That is precisely the strategy that should have been used for decades. Not just with malign militia groups, from wherever; but by law-enforcement agencies, worldwide, to cull the leaders (and followers) of organised crime and gangs (including teenage gangs).

            All these deleterious factions thrive, and cause widespread mayhem, for no other reason than the lack of balls and brains by those in power.

          3. I noticed today that the assassination teams are to be sent out to deal with the upper echelons of Hamas who do not live in Gaza. I suggested that yesterday, if you recall, so good on them, destroy them from top to bottom. Also an American senator (Graham?) suggested that Israel warn Iran that for every hostage killed an Iranian oil field will be razed. Good idea if the Israelis are willing to go that far. I think you would find that the threat to hostages would suddenly end. After all it is the Ayatollahs that are responsible for this.

          4. Israel always gives a warning when it is about to hit a target. They give people a choice of leaving or staying. Furthermore Hamas has a history of lying about victims, doctoring photos and faking victims. No other military force in the world behaves in a more ethical way toward the enemy than the IDF.

          5. There was a video on Ex-Tw@ter, now removed unfortunately, that began with ITN (I think) interviewing a supposedly Palestinian woman journalist when the IAF appeared to give a building behind her a “knock on the roof”. Other videos from apparently the same view point appear to show the same building being destroyed.

          6. Hamas and for that matter Hezbollah are evil in the truest sense of the word.

            If it was within my powers I would allow the women and children to be evacuated via Gaza Port, yes I know it’s small, and then eliminate all Hamas fighters.

            Cold blooded, yes, but they brought it on themselves.
            What I cannot see is how killing children helps the situation.

          7. The Israeli’s do not target children. But that, unfortunately, is the nature of war, the innocent suffer. But, unlike Hamas, Israel does not deliberately target children.

          8. That’s all very well, but muslims use human shields as we saw with Saddam. Life is cheap to them. You can’t fight a limited war, as the Americans learned in Vietnam.

          9. Hence my comment.
            But fighting a war in such a way that it brings ALL the Muslim countries into the conflict worldwide is a short route to WW3, is that what you want?

          10. Of course not. I’m very concerned we could be taken into another world war. The trouble is, the muslims are united against the kuffar. Their allegiance is to the caliphate. Whatever course is taken, the end result could well be the same – global conflict. Appeasement is not the answer. It didn’t work against the natsis and muslims share many of the same ideological ideas. The government should never have facilitated the invasion by a hostile force. The enemy is now within the gates. While islam exists, there will never be peace.

          11. I agree.
            But giving them the excuse to be even more barbaric isn’t the best way forward in my view.

          12. Frankly, I don’t think they need an excuse. They’ve got their book to tell them what to do.

      2. If a limb goes gangrenous you cut it off even if that demands the sacrifice of some healthy flesh. It is foolish to try and preserve that which will kill you.

        1. If you see a gangrenous corpse you don’t go rubbing bits of it into your own wounds.

          Hundreds, if not thousands of dead Arab children are never going to help the Israeli’s cause in the theatre of world opinion

    3. Sorry, but these people voted for Hamas and they have seen Hamas degrade their way of life since the criminals have been in office. Here is a mini history of Gaza. It was left as a prosperous area of agriculture by Israel then handed over to animals. You can see the consequences in todays current mess and how the Palestinians behaved after being given the place.

      Normally I support Delingpole but, sorry, his analysis is nonsense. For example the intelligence failure has already been explained and needs no conspiracy theory. Fault for what is happening is firmly in the lap of the fanatics of Hamas. No one else and certainly not the Israelis. In Gaza they got a gift horse full of potential for wealth but then destroyed it in true Islamic fashion. As I have said before wherever Islam has encountered a superior civilization it has degraded it.

      Micro History: Gaza Disengagement (2005)


      1. Totally agree. Also, with regards to them being dependent on Israel for water, electricity and food, the UN and EU have given these people more than enough money to build their own infrastructure and provide for themselves but they squander their wealth on weapons and a luxury lifestyle abroad for their leaders. It’s said that they’re trapped in Gaza. Well yes, Egypt doesn’t want them either.

      2. Totally agree. Also, with regards to them being dependent on Israel for water, electricity and food, the UN and EU have given these people more than enough money to build their own infrastructure and provide for themselves but they squander their wealth on weapons and a luxury lifestyles abroad for their leaders. It’s said that they’re trapped in Gaza. Well yes, Egypt doesn’t want them either.

      3. It’s not JD’s analysis, and nobody is excusing the Hamas scum.
        The questions about the intelligence failure don’t come from online conspiracy theorists, they come from former Israeli soldiers, and they have not been adequately explained.

        Any sympathy I had for the Palestinian cause died a long time ago when they refused to construct anything apart from grievances. If you swapped the Palestinians over into Israel and the Israelis over into Palestine tomorrow, within five years Israel would be Palestine and Palestine would be Israel.

        But if I could direct things, I would carry out a targeted reprisal on the raping, murdering scum, that might take years to complete – but I would not rush headlong into WW3.
        Russia wasn’t cooperating in escalating the Ukraine conflict, and this stinks to high heaven of an organised event designed to cover up for financial collapse.

        1. Thank you for that clarification blackbox.
          Ironically, Russia has good relations with Israel. Wonder how the West is going to shoehorn its hostility against Russia into that! You wait, somehow Russia will be accused of being pro-Hamas.

      1. Funded by whom? Raping and murdering unarmed young women is about the maximum they can manage. Someone put them up to it.

          1. Iran’s just had a big bundle of cash from the US, I read on Twitt yesterday, but I can’t find the post now.

            I do believe that at the top, they are all in it together.

    4. The “genocide of the Palestinian people” had already happened by the 5th century BC. Probably in the time of Nebuchadnezzar. These Arabs are not Palestinians.

      1. I understood it differently – I think he is saying that a lot of people are supporting murdering everyone in the Gaza strip in the future.

        Despite the rhetoric, I understood (ok from your Times of Israel post, which is not exactly unbiased, but it is credible) that the Israelis told everyone to get out before they flatten it. No doubt the left will find a civilian who didn’t leave and got killed, but reality is that if you live in the Hamas headquarters, you have to at least have an escape plan in place. I hope Hamas were not stopping people from leaving, as the Ukrainians did to some of their people.

        1. I looked at the Times of Israel just out of curiosity to see how the Israelis are reporting this themselves but was struck by that story because many people on social media are giving the impression that the intention is to trap people in Gaza so that they can be wiped out more easily and that report does open up the possibility that a quite different tactic is being employed.

          1. I was getting so much emotive stuff on Twitter that I am only following selected financial accounts now, which I read on separate tabs rather than relying on the Twitter algorithm to construct a feed.

    5. I find it very odd that Israel was not hyper-vigilant at and around this time, the 50th anniversary of the Yom Kippur war being 7th October.

  21. 377526+ up ticks,

    Only a fool would be in a NON worry state of mind,

    LittleBoats 🇬🇧NI🏴󠁧󠁢󠁷󠁬󠁳󠁿🏴󠁧󠁢󠁳󠁣󠁴󠁿En
    Oct 9
    Our Map of Quisling hotels housing predators, illegals & young Muslim men without IDs now shows 531 govt planted timebombs across Britain & that number is rising

    Google censors will delete it soon so please screenshot your area

    Be Vigilant – Be Safe


    1. I presume these are just the ones they admit to? I know of at least 4 more in this area alone.

    1. Had one a few years ago, and was sicker than a dog.
      Never again.
      Vit D3 has kept all colds and similar away these last 3 years, Covid included.

      1. Same here – I started taking VitD3 in 2020 from October to March each year and have stayed well. I’m pretty sure the bug I had in January 2020 was the dreaded covid – it left me with a dry cough for a few weeks.

        1. I didn’t manage to persuade my OH not to attend, so he rolled up his sleeves (both arms) for the Convid and the ‘flu thingy last Thursday.

          1. Is he/was he ok? – bated breath….! His faith in pharma and the nhs is touching, bless.

          2. Oh, I’m so sorry….. I did think afterwards about my comment, I wondered if I had overstepped the mark,

          3. Oh, I’m so sorry, I did wonder about my comment afterwards and if I had overstepped the mark and hit an unintended nerve, but I would think it not a good idea to have a vax of any description if one is not well, one needs to be fighting fit for these things. I hope he’s feeling better soon. xx

          4. Not at all, pet! I was annoyed with him because he has heart problems, kidney stones and various other issues, but he’s a stubborn old b, and he’s old enough and daft enough to do what he wants! So he did! I certainly think it was a really stupid decision, but hey, what do I know??🙄

          5. I often say that about my OM – with a sigh – what do I know? – muttered under my breath.

      2. Same here, Paul. Admittedly, I made the mistake of having two AZ jabs, since vaccine passports were looking inevitable at the time. They caused quite enough trouble. Wouldn’t touch mRNA jabs (or, frankly, any jabs) now with a bargepole. Spent a week at Dianne’s place in Devon in Jan 2020, as she was recovering from a bout of “the worst ‘flu ever”. Early Feb, I had a few fleeting symptoms, including loss of smell & taste, but none lasted for longer than a few hours. Since then, no Covid, cold, flu or anything. I firmly believe I fought off Covid, thanks to a working immune system. I was already taking Vit B12, at your suggestion, and added D3 when its benefits became widely known.

    2. Listen to Dr Ahmed Malik talking to US lawyer Aaron Siri about jabs – you will NEVER take a flu jab ever again!

    3. Our local paper has an article (premium unfortunately so I only read the headline) that the NHS (presumably locally) is asking staff who are unwell not to test for covid.

        1. Presumably, but it’s an indication, I think, that Covid isn’t the scourge it was supposed to be.

    1. “So when people are out on the streets of London, Birmingham and Brighton, whooping, waving flags and celebrating, it feels profoundly disturbing. We wouldn’t have tolerated it after the Manchester bombing in 2017 at the Ariana Grande concert. Or after the murderous Bataclan attack two years earlier in Paris. In fact, it would have been deemed sick. But when it comes to Israel, it’s always different, there is always an unspoken tolerance of murder and barbarity.”

      But there was a tolerance of the Arena bombing. It was demonstrated by the vigils with the flowers and candles, the exhortations to be kind, not angry. Underlying it all was a mixture of rank cowardice (don’t identify the guilty lest they burn our cities to the ground) and self-loathing (we started and were asking for it by invading Iraq, Libya etc.).

      1. I think many people understand on some level that we have gone past the point of no return, and that there are now so many angry muslims in the UK that their religion or their world view cannot be criticised.
        It goes back to at least the cartoon murders, when nobody came out and drew cartoons the following day. None of the media touched the subject.

    2. I ordered a Star of David lapel pin yesterday. I will put it on my coat and wear it to hospital. There seem to be a lot of Muslim staff there. But I feel I need to make it clear where I stand.

        1. Thank you Sue. Although I realized I should have written ‘Where I sit’ since I use a wheelchair😊

          For me this is personal because the eternal love of my life, my first wife, was Jewish.

      1. Be careful, won’t you. In my own personal experience in my immediate family, some muslims don’t hesitate to take action against someone that their religion “allows” them to target.
        Do you have someone who can bring you food, for example.

          1. yes. you can get the food spat in, or something completely different from what you chose. for example.

          2. There is a M&S in the hospital. I usually go there for food because the food from the hospital is utter garbage, an offense to the very concept of food or nutrition. I find it literally inedible. All I take from the hospital food is Bananas or oranges.

          3. Strange isn’t it, that the NHS doesn’t consider nutrition to be closely connected to health.

          4. The doctors know it is but they have no control over what is provided. They tend to vanish at meal times.

          5. Yes it is odd. I am really not exaggerating when I say that the Royal Surrey’s food is disgusting. A cheese sandwich consists of fake brown bread, what I refer to as blotting paper. One very very thin slice of cheese that has no taste and not even an eighth of an inch thick. No butter, no mayonnaise no nothing. That passes for a sandwich.

    1. My local book club (full of Germans) is blaming “British colonialism”. Though, quote, “Germany of course not innocent”.

      My patience is sorely tested at times. But I have a policy of not arguing with idiots.

      1. “I have a policy of not arguing with idiots” – good plan – they drag you down to their level, then beat you with experience!

      2. Remind them that Germany also had colonies. “Zanzibar, Captain” (a quote from Shout At The Devil).

  22. Just had a text saying my booked priority urgent blood test is unavailable. A i don’t have a smart phone i had to type out a complex set of sanskrit.
    No appointments available for the next 3 days.
    Now again in the phone queue.

    1. I have never understood this need for booked blood tests. Whenever I go for mine I am usually seen before the booked time and all the nurses seem to be sitting around doing nothing. Once there was a woman there who had a booking for a different clinic by mistake, they took five minutes telling her they couldn’t do it and she would need to re-book, , in that time they could easily have just taken it.

      1. They do need the paperwork that goes with it but all they have to do is print it out.
        My Doctor told me some time ago to use the walk in clinic at Queen Alex hospital for a blood test. When i got there they said they don’t do walk ins because of covid. I said i had been ringing since friday afternoon to see if they could do me monday morning. They said they are on the wards at weekends.
        They did it anyway after i said you don;t look exactly over run. There was one person in the waiting room.
        They did it muttering with bad grace.

        1. My surgery tells you to bugger off to the hospital anyway. I think you would have saved yourself a lot of unnecessary aggro by doing that in the first place. Still, I hope that it turns out that you are absolutely fine and that you are just suffering from a glitch in your matrix.

      2. My Dr surgery has a nurse who does all the testing. On request directly after the appointment.

      3. We used to have a “just turn up and queue” system at the local hospital. Now we have to have a blood request form from the GP before we can even book online.

  23. Stand by for more energy price rises, but aren’t we supposed to be being provided by renewables, which are independent of world oil supplies …? Energy prices up, inflation up, I feel so sorry for Hunt the ….Xunt having to deal with all this. Whither Net Zero?

    “Why terror attacks on Israel mean surging energy prices. Instability in the Middle East has the potential to undermine global energy supplies.”


  24. People supporting Hamas in UK will be ‘held to account’, says Rishi Sunak. 10 October 2023.

    Rishi Sunak has vowed that anyone in the UK supporting Hamas will be “held to account” in the aftermath of the attack on Israel.

    The prime minister said the government was ready to support any British citizens in need of help, during a visit in Staffordshire on Tuesday.

    Lol! Makes ineffectual look like a compliment!


  25. 377526+ up ticks,

    Ha but, do you furnish them with 5* accommodation, doctors, dentists on call , legal aid / first aid all on tap, ?

    The invaders are glorified the indigenous vilified., so the electorate majority, currently being of unsound mind, due to mental tortured meted out by their political overseers, continue to vote for more of the same.


    Same people who attacked Israel are entering US, says Donald Trump
    Former US president calls for his ban on travel from predominantly Muslim countries to be reimposed

      1. The effort they put into squashing any attempt to use it made that obvious from the start.

  26. Thunderstorm asthma.

    Chinese citizens have recently been experiencing unusual levels of asthma and breathing difficulties which the Chinese government attributes to thunderstorms. However, many local people have experienced these symptoms where there have been no thunderstorms.
    This reporter suggests that radioactive coal dust from Mongolia is contaminating rain drops and possibly waterways that eventually end up in China:


    It is convenient for the Chinese government to ban imports of Japanese three eyed fish from Fukushima waters for any nuclear radiation symptoms. I think any nuclear radiation that is detected in China will be traced back to three eyed bats in the Wuhan fish market.🤔

  27. OMG……I’ve just seen a report that we could have snow within a week or so.
    A day off for G W’s ?

    1. She looks just like the delightful young woman who does the evening shift in our local Spar shop….

  28. Well done the Welsh,one small victory over the government and their imported savages

    Pyrrhic victory
    It seems it was the Fire Service report that the hotel was unsafe that killed it so I doubt the hotel will be reopening and the former staff will still be out of work…….
    (Just like thousands of other hotel and catering staff)

  29. Keir Starmer glitterbombed by stage invader before Labour conference speech. 10 October 2023.


    Keir Starmer’s crucial speech at the Labour Party conference got off to a troubled start after a protester stormed the stage and doused him in glitter.

    The man rushed on stage of the beginning of the address in Liverpool and shouted: “We demand a people’s house, we are in crisis – politics needs an update. We are in crisis.”

    Two plonkers together. In the video footage Starmer looks as though he’s going to cry!


          1. When we were kids and needed a laxative we were so poor our mother used to turn out the lights and tell us ghost stories

  30. FFS.

    AFP News Agency
    #BREAKING Finland-Estonia gas pipeline leak likely due to ‘external activity’: Finnish president

  31. Israel is preparing for a once-in-a-generation battle. Hamish de Crettin-Gordon 10 October 2023.

    As Israel prepares to put boots on the ground in Gaza, the Israel Defense Forces (IDF) are steeling themselves for what may be a once-in-a-generation fight to nullify the threat posed by Hamas terrorists.

    The fighting will be brutal. Urban warfare is the most challenging form of military operation, and while Israel’s troops are among the best on the planet in this domain, they will still face a formidable foe.

    Let’s hope that his forecasts about Israel are better than those he made about Ukraine!


  32. Andrew Tate thinks that there will be terror attacks in the West to stir up support for WW3.
    (background: he is a muslim convert)

    This was obviously the aim of importing hundreds of thousands of fighting age muslim men into the west, as many of us suspected.

    1. Afternoon BB. I’m keeping a weather eye open for it. There have already been some stories put out to blame Iran for the Gaza Business. When the time comes near there will be either a provoked incident or a faked attack, probably chemical.

        1. Pleased to report the Bath has installed Lorry Crash proof barriers across all the side road entrances to the main shopping centre which houses an annual Christmas market that attracts thousands

          1. Ah yes, that old English tradition of installing the lorry crash barriers before celebrating Christmas…

        1. At least you can turn the empties into Molatov cocktails! Perhaps I should get in a case of Spitfire Ale and Lancaster Bomber 🙂

    1. I have yet to hear a more eloquent appreciation of how the population of this world is getting more idiotic and imbecilic by the second.

      If anyone … and I mean anyone … still harbours a crassly misguided belief that “things will get better”; they will be extremely disappointed when they eventually wake up to the fact that world affairs will continue to deteriorate at an ever-accelerating rate.

  33. So Starmer wants A Decade of National Renewal

    Code for the Great Reset / Build Back Better

    They hide in plain sight

  34. Bad move; I looked at Twitter again….

    “Conspiracy theory” time 👇
    Phase 1: Russia
    Phase 2: Middle East
    Phase 3: China

    Phase 1: Tie up Russia in the north so they’re unable to support their allies in the Middle East

    Phase 2: Pivot away from Russia leaving Europe to hold the bag.
    Provide strategic air support for Israel’s invasion. Claim you can’t commit ground troops because you’ve drained your Strategic Petroleum Reserve (SPR) & all ammo supplies for Ukraine.
    Iran retaliates against the U.S. by “cyber attacking” critical infrastructure, galvanizing the public in retaliation against Iran. Blame them for causing the stock market crash & banking system collapse.

    Phase 3: Pivot to China providing naval support for all allies in the region, boxing them in after having destroyed their Belt and Road Initiative through the middle east.

    The entire world is at war & you’ve rebuilt your manufacturing base by selling all the weapons. This is exactly what the U.S. did from 1939-1944.
    This also saves the U.S. from the worst effects of the depression unleashed on the rest of the world, ensuring they recover first.

          1. When I was living in France in 1966 we had a fantastic sunset. One of the French lads I was with remarked, “c’est la fin du monde!” Clearly it wasn’t as England won the World Cup that year 🙂

          2. From the French perspective England winning the World Cup probably did seem like the end of the World!

  35. Good afternoon all
    31C in Gran Canaria. The last time we came here was 6 years ago. Our lovely little waitress, Rosario, recognised us immediately. Quite amazing considering the hundreds of thousands of people she must have seen pass through the hotel in that time.
    Quite heart warming.

    1. Treat people well, converse with them and compliment them for what they’ve recommended and they remember you, I suspect the same applies if you treat them badly.

      It’s the day to day ones with little contact either way that they tend to forget.

      1. The staff at the hotel are very happy people and they praise the management who pitch in when it’s very busy.
        Happy staff = happy customers. What an unusual business model.

        1. We use a pub that has that philosophy, to the extent that the staff use the place as their “regular” and bring their friends as well.

          1. When I was teaching the management had no conception that a happy staff was a productive staff who would go the extra mile.

        2. Exactly the same in Cuba! The cleaners, waiters, chefs and management and everyone just gets treated the same! No designation of rank and when shifts change they all greet and kiss the new staff! It’s a real eye opener!

          1. Socialist paradise, pet 🙂 I wonder if the service is as bad as it was in the old Soviet Union. The staff made guests wait for ages for their food because they wanted to prove they were just as good as us Capitalist lackeys even if we had to be waited on.

          2. Not at all! The service is wonderful, and they genuinely appear to enjoy what they do!

  36. How about this for contradictory words? In the DT piece about Clive Myrie.

    “Mr Myrie said that it was “vital that we hold fast to due impartiality”
    in order to maintain public trust in the media. He said that if the
    majority of scientific institutions had decided that climate change was
    man made or that Russian president Vladimir Putin’s invasion of Ukraine
    was illegal, then this was how events needed to be reported rather than
    attempting to maintain a 50-50 sense of balance.”

      1. That grubby race baiter wouldn’t know the ‘truth’ if it jumped up and bopped him on the nose!

  37. BBC Radio 4 broadcasting anti-British and anti-Jewish programme blaming Churchill et al as the cause of the present day murder and mayhem in the Middle East and beyond. They certainly know how to capture the hearts and minds of their left-wing supporters and the timing is impeccable.

    Why do we have to put up with this stinking verminous broadcasting cesspit?

    1. Churchill had to deal with the consequences of the Sykes-Pico agreement (1916), the Balfour Declaration (1917), the Allied alliance with Arabs to defeat the Ottoman Empire, and more in that benighted region. His drawing of lines on maps is much criticised – he was, as we know, a poor strategist– but I doubt that anyone could have done much that was different and that would have prevented today’s troubles.

      No one one should be surprised that the BBC invites into its studios members of the anti-British ‘cultural’ establishment.

    2. Tom Bateman is an international correspondent with BBC News currently posted in Jerusalem. He has covered the Middle East since 2017. He broadcasts for the BBC’s flagship services including the BBC News at Six and Ten, Digital Video, BBC News Online, the Today Programme and BBC World Service. He previously worked in independent radio journalism and in European institutions in Strasbourg. He speaks fluent French. His hero is Jeremy Bowen, BBCs Middle East editor. Bateman is a fervant supporter of Palestine and is openly anti-Semitic. Looks like he is a rabid remainer too.

      1. He probably wouldn’t have been employed by El Beebera otherwise. He satisfies all the necessary criteria.

    3. My word they are stupid I seriously hope people refuse to pay the demanded licence fee.
      They deserve to go broke.

    4. Balfour promised the land be given to form “a national home for the Jewish people” in Palestine the current state of Israel. Unfortunately it had already been promised to the occupants now displaced “Palestinians”.

      Arafat was an Egyptian.

    5. Balfour promised the land be given to form “a national home for the Jewish people” in Palestine the current state of Israel. Unfortunately it had already been promised to the occupants now displaced “Palestinians”.

      Arafat was an Egyptian.

    1. I have just seen another political idiot on our current evening news. After a claim by the deputy leader of the liebore party, that they will be over seeing the development of 150 thousand new social and council houses. On green belt land. But today gary glitter aka cur steer alarma the leader has up it to 1.5 million new homes. WTF is he talking about ?

      1. We have similar building here; 150 houses here, 650 there, 120 somewhere else – all on green fields. It’s as though they are waging war on the countryside. Where they think the food comes from I have no idea – trays in Tescos (other supermarkets are available) probably. In vain do we protesters point out that there isn’t the infrastructure (roads, sewerage, GP provision, jobs, dentists etc) to support it. They go ahead regardless.

    2. We’re just the remnants of the previous population – most of the people around when we were growing up have gone and been replaced by strangers, foreigners and idiots.

      1. I have lived here 39 years. Recently (re the fly issue) a woman born three miles away said, “The trouble with you incomers….”

  38. Little par 4

    Wordle 843 4/6


    1. Late but good for me

      Wordle 843 3/6


        1. The same thing will be happening in all Jewish communities.
          They’ll probably try setting synagogues and churches on fire again.

      1. That’s bad…
        It’s been coming for a long time, and a lot of people have been shouting loudly about the dangers.
        The BBC will give it half a sentence if they bother to report it at all, probably blaming the white “far right wing.”

        1. The media won’t mention it.
          It will probably make the Hendon and Finchley Times weekly newspaper.

    1. My take on it is he’s worried that walking to his London synagogue in that clothing might get him killed.

    2. It’s a dark day when the headmaster of the Jewish Free School in north London has to tell pupils that wearing the school blazer is optional if they’re worried about their safety.

      From William Stanier’s post a few minutes ago, an Allison Pearson article.

      1. I found that quite astonishing and, frankly, hard to believe.

        After all, those were the very chaps who invented the road roller … and the boats. Not to mention aircraft, X-ray machines, computers, calculus, electricity, air-conditioning …

  39. To lighten the mood.

    One one was a racehorse
    Two two was one too
    One one won one race and
    Two two won one too.

  40. That’s me gone for today. Bit of gardening. Sunny day – chilly now. Rain expected which is just as well because the MR planted four young azaleas and 100 bulbs (to feed the mice)…..

    Have a jolly evening

    A demain

    1. Yes.

      One of many from that period in history.

      80 years or so from now, this weekend’s activities and the resultant horror stories that will certainly follow on, will be partially forgotten as are those from 80 years ago.

      The numbers then were enormous, (God bless the Ukrainians /sarc) but if the “kill all the Palestinians in Gaza, Hamas and their families” proponents get their way, the numbers now might well be even worse.

  41. BBC1, News at Six:

    “The murder of Israeli citizens here was without doubt a war crime but what about the Palestinian civilians Israel is killing in attacks on Hamas?”

    Jeremy Bowen, to camera, at the kibbutz where the bodies of women and children were discovered.

    “As you know, all armies have obligations under the rules of war to protect civilian life even in war zones. Are you doing this, with level of air strikes that are going on at this moment…and any ground operation that might happen?”

    Jeremy Bowen, to Major General Itai Veruv of the IDF. The major spoke, perhaps rather weakly, of values and the defence of culture. He made clear his dislike of Bowen and his line of questioning. He finished: “We are here to kill the enemy.”

    It’s not a game of chess, Mr. B.

    1. Bowen has always been pro-Arab and anti-Jew. I once had a phone call at work from a guy at IRIB in Tehran who went on about how respected Lyse Doucet is in Iran. She’s another reporter biased in favour of the bad guys.

    2. Outrageous though it might be to say so, in some ways it is like a game of chess.

      You draw your opponent in to your strengths and if necessary even sacrifice your Queen to win the game.

      Here, Hamas/Iran is drawing Israel into Gaza to do unto Palestinians what Hamas did to the Israeli women and children (the Queen sacrifice of Palestinian women and children).

      The Israeli slaughter of those Palestinian women and children will be used to justify all Muslim nations to rise against Israel in solidarity with their fellow Muslims.

      The MSM in the West will be reporting the Israeli actions and ignoring what brought them about, qv Bowen and his ilk.

      Checkmate or WW3, your choice.

      1. If the UK is dragged into this, life for all will be unbearable.
        I think we’ve already had enough of muslim violence in the UK.

      2. The women are not the Queen; they are pawns. They are valueless as people, but useful because the kuffars are compassionate, which is seen as weakness. We should not judge muslims by Western (mainly Christian) values.

    3. The major? He is a major-general. As for Mr Bowen, it could not be a war crime because the ‘stinian administration had not declared war. I admit that I rarely watch BBC television; a while ago I noticed that the permit cost about the same as my annual expenditure on electricity and detergent for the dishwashing machine.

      1. Bowen knows, but will never admit, that Hamas is a barbarian terrorist organisation. That’s why the question is never asked.

  42. BBC1, News at Six:

    “The murder of Israeli citizens here was without doubt a war crime but what about the Palestinian civilians Israel is killing in attacks on Hamas?”

    Jeremy Bowen, to camera, at the kibbutz where the bodies of women and children were discovered.

    “As you know, all armies have obligations under the rules of war to protect civilian life even in war zones. Are you doing this, with level of air strikes that are going on at this moment…and any ground operation that might happen?”

    Jeremy Bowen, to Major General Itai Veruv of the IDF. The major spoke, perhaps rather weakly, of values and the defence of culture. He made clear his dislike of Bowen and his line of questioning. He finished: “We are here to kill the enemy.”

    It’s not a game of chess, Mr. B.

  43. No chance if Labour wins the election.

    Britain is turning its back on one of the major successes of this decade

    Failure to harness fracking is a scandal of epic proportions

    MATTHEW LYNN • 8 October 2023 • 10:00am

    It is the biggest deal in the oil industry for a decade. It will consolidate production. And it will put renewed pressure on the rest of the industry, not least the two British giants Shell and BP. With its acquisition of Pioneer Natural Resources for almost $60bn (£50bn), ExxonMobil will cement its grip in the oil industry.

    But if the US has been able to create a $60bn company out of the shale oil and gas boom, of which Pioneer was one of the leaders, why couldn’t Britain? There is no reason why the UK should not have developed a whole series of shale giants like Pioneer – and we still could, if we only developed the political will to exploit our own energy resources.

    The deal may or may not get finalised, but if it does it will help to consolidate ExxonMobil’s grip on the oil market.

    It emerged on Friday that it is in talks to acquire Pioneer, a $50bn business, and if a deal goes through it is likely to have to pay a significant premium, sending the final price up to $60bn, or possibly even higher. It would be Exxon’s biggest corporate move since the merger with Mobil that created the company in 1999.

    And perhaps more significantly, it would consolidate its presence in the sprawling Permian Basin of Texas and New Mexico, where Pioneer is one of the strongest players.

    For Exxon, it may well prove a smart move. For all the investment in green energy, oil is still above $80 a barrel, and the price has been strong all year. As much as they are hated, fossil fuels are going to be a vital part of the energy mix for many years to come, and there will be plenty of money to be made from extracting oil and gas and delivering it around the world. ExxonMobil was already the largest Western oil company, and if it can drive this acquisition through, it is likely to remain so for many years to come.

    Viewed from this side of the Atlantic, however, the interesting question is surely this. Why don’t we have any companies of the size of Pioneer? Founded by Scott Sheffield in 1997, Pioneer is the company that drove the development of the fracking industry in the US.

    Along the way, it made the country self-sufficient in energy for the first time in a generation, with surpluses to help out Europe when the Russian gas was turned off, and created vast wealth for the country. A $60bn price tag is a testament to the value of the industry.

    The contrast with the UK is painful. The amount of shale oil and gas in the UK is open to debate. After all, it is hard to know for sure until you start drilling. The British Geological Survey put the reserves at 150bn cubic meters. According to a study by Warwick Business School, it could be enough to meet up to 22pc of the UK’s annual energy consumption up to 2050. There are a range of different figures. And yet whichever estimate you take, one point is clear. It is a lot.

    The problem is that we have refused to develop it. A bizarre coalition of local protest groups, the same kind of people that stop houses being built, or roads constructed, have joined forces with the kind of extreme environmentalists who object to any kind of fossil fuels being extracted, together with a handful of conspiracy theorists, to bully ministers into banning the UK industry.

    It is hard to understand why. Companies such as Pioneer have been developing the technology for a quarter of a century now, and funnily enough Texas does not seem to have been convulsed by earthquakes (and neither has Alberta, the centre of the Canadian shale gas industry).

    Neither has there been a huge rise in the number of deformed babies, another favorite scare story of the anti-fracking brigade. Instead, huge new companies such as Pioneer have been created, and ones that are solid and stable enough to be acquired by the giants of the industry.

    It is a scandal of epic proportions that the UK has squandered the opportunity to create the same kind of shale businesses in this country. In reality, we should have started this industry seriously when the first licences were handed out fifteen years ago.

    By now, we would have major players in the business, with proven expertise, and a record of consistent production. It would be BP or Shell buying a UK fracking giant for billions, instead of an American company buying another American company to consolidate its lead in the industry.

    Along the way, we would have created a huge number of jobs, lots of tax revenues, and vastly improved our balance of payments, while securing our own energy supplies, and making sure we were protected from prices dictated by Russia or Saudi Arabia. It was a huge industrial opportunity to turn down simply on a few scare stories about earth tremors that have proved to have no basis elsewhere. If fracking were as dangerous as its opponents argue, Exxon Mobil would not be buying Pioneer.

    We could still start if we wanted to. The resources are there, and the technology is well established. With this latest acquisition, if it goes through, the industry is maturing, and the oil majors are starting to move in. If we lifted the ban now, we could have the first energy coming on stream in a year, and a major industry within five years.

    We could be using that time, and some of the tax revenues it would generate, to build more wind and nuclear power, creating supplies that would be secure for generations to come. In reality, ExxonMobil’s massive deal for Pioneer has reminded us how valuable the shale oil industry is, and how much wealth it creates.

    And it is a painful reminder of just what a terrible mistake the British government made when it turned its back on what should have been one of the major industrial successes of this decade.


  44. Looks like the Americans and Israelis are going to move in on two fronts
    They are calling it operation Hamas sandwich

  45. Scottish Parliament will not fly Israeli flag in decision involving MSP who defended Hamas

    Proposal to show solidarity was thrown out by body featuring Greens’ Maggie Chapman who said conflict was ‘a consequence of apartheid’

    By Simon Johnson, SCOTTISH POLITICAL EDITOR • 10 October 2023 • 5:31pm

    The Scottish Parliament has rejected hoisting the Israeli flag outside its building after a decision involving a Green MSP whose “vile” defence of the Hamas terrorist attack provoked outrage. Holyrood’s ruling corporate body threw out a Tory proposal to show the parliament’s solidarity with Israel by flying its flag, in line with similar displays on landmarks around the world.

    The Telegraph understands that Maggie Chapman, the Greens’ representative on the five-strong Scottish Parliament Corporate Body (SPCB), was involved in the decision.

    Ms Chapman tweeted at the weekend:
    Holyrood’s authorities have also rejected lighting the building in the blue and white colours of Israel, copying similar messages of solidarity on landmarks including the Palace of Westminster and 10 Downing Street. They said that the parliament did not have the facilities required and its unusual architectural shape makes it difficult to illuminate.

    The SPCB rejected the moves during a meeting on Monday after a proposal was tabled by Dr Sandesh Gulhane, the Scottish Tories’ shadow health secretary. A Scottish Parliament spokesman said: “A request was received to fly the Israeli flag. The SPCB considered the request and approval was not given.”

    Dr Gulhane told The Telegraph: “I’m disappointed with the decision not to fly the Israeli flag over the Scottish Parliament because it was never about taking sides. It was an opportunity to join others around the world and here in the UK to show solidarity with the victims and condemn the terrorists.”

    Donald Cameron, the Scottish Tories’ external affairs spokesman, said: “It’s perhaps not surprising the parliament’s corporate body rejected the reasonable proposal of my colleague Sandesh Gulhane, given that Maggie Chapman herself sits on that very body.”

    Ms Chapman has not deleted her tweet, which was posted on Sunday, despite the barrage of condemnation it has received. Her views echoed those of Ross Greer, another Green MSP, who tweeted at the weekend: “Palestinians have a clear right under international law to defend themselves, including by attacking their occupiers.”

    The SPCB consists of an MSP from each of the four largest parties in Holyrood – the SNP, Labour, the Tories and the Greens – and Alison Johnstone, the presiding officer. Its discussions are confidential. The Tory member is Jackson Carlaw, whose Eastwood constituency includes Scotland’s largest Jewish community and who was the most outspoken critic of Ms Chapman’s attack.

    Mr Carlaw, the former Scottish Tory leader, challenged the First Minister to scrap his “toxic” coalition deal with the Greens following the “vile comments”. He said that Ms Chapman’s intervention exposed “the disgusting bigotry that pollutes the Scottish Greens and makes them totally unfit to be a party of government”. However, Humza Yousaf refused to act and accused Mr Carlaw of being “crass”.

    The First Minister said that the Scottish Government would not fly Israeli or Palestinian flags from its buildings, but would focus on how it could ensure the safety of any Scots in Israel or Gaza.

    The Scottish Greens were approached for comment.

    Meanwhile, Mr Yousaf, revealed that his parents-in-law are alive but have only a day’s worth of supplies left while trapped in Gaza.

    The SNP leader said that the situation facing Elizabeth and Maged El-Nakla, the parents of his wife, Nadia El-Nakla, was “dire” and called on the UK to use its influence over Israel to push for a ceasefire so that civilians can escape.


    1. I also support Israel, but what is this new fashion of putting up coloured lights and flags to show support? What’s the problem with just issuing a statement of support?

      1. Perhaps, but in this case it tells us more about those who opposed it than those who proposed it.

          1. As mentioned elsewhere, it’s getting like football and its many minutes of silence.

          2. The danger with lights etc is that the first place to turn them off will be the loser. Like applause in the USSR.

      2. Perhaps, but in this case it tells us more about those who opposed it than those who proposed it.

      3. They all got the lights up very quickly, and at the weekend too, for a surprise attack.
        Do they stand in constant readiness, with the flag of every country in the world ready to be projected onto these buildings?
        Or did they know in advance that the Israeli flag would be needed?

      1. TB, please do not let your prejudices poison your heart and soul. You would still have resuscitated that lady on the beach if her skin had been dark.

        1. What makes you think she’s prejudiced? Or that she wouldn’t have resuscitated the woman on the beach had she not been white? As a woman, Maggie is rightly worried that her status (and safety) is at risk due to islam. Every kuffar woman should feel the same. That isn’t prejudice, it’s knowledge of the koran.

    2. I am not comfortable with ‘solidarity’ flag waving and light shows. It seems too easy and is just virtue signalling without any risk.
      However, Chapman is a typical Greeniac, driven by hatred and misanthropy, not love in any form whether it be this planet or the humans that live on it.

      1. I agree about the virtue signalling, Anne. It’s on a par with “Thoughts and prayers and teddy bears.”

  46. “Wisdom comes from experience. Experience is often a result of lack of wisdom.”
    Terry Pratchett

  47. Sounds like a gimmeee

    The Tories should be worried
    The idiot protester who somehow breached security at the start of Sir Keir Starmer’s speech did the Labour leader a favour, unintentionally. Covering him in glitter, which stuck to his hair and clothes, ensured that the leader of the opposition twinkled throughout. It means headline writers can say Starmer finally found his sparkle in this speech. And it’s true, he did.

    Starmer displayed a level of confidence and dexterity that just a few months ago seemed beyond him. This was a well-structured address making a coherent, patriotic, serious argument about the challenges Labour will face if it becomes the government after next year’s election. The Blairite message was that Labour has moved on from horrors of the Corbyn era, becoming a party of power (“rebuilt, renewed, reconnected”) rather than a party of protest.


    For its measured toughness alone this was the best party conference speech by a Labour leader in more than a decade, certainly since Gordon Brown in 2009 said it was “no time for a novice” or before that when Blair bade farewell in 2006. Now, Blairism is back in the Labour Party. The Tories are deeply worried, and they should be.

    1. Lots of verbless sentences, word salad and hogwash that was pure marketing blather. The speech was arrogant and pointedly made clear nothing would change whatsoever.

      The big issues that need to be addressed he simply blithered through to avoid discussion. His suggestion that wealth can only be created by the private sector went down like a lead balloon because at heart, Labour are the same tired, boring, useless socialists that the Tories are.

  48. The horror in Israel has put the failure of Western multiculturalism on shocking display

    Civilisation is at a crossroads: one way, there are deluded progressives cheering on mass murderers – the other, everything we hold dear

    ALLISON PEARSON • 10 October 2023 • 6:20pm

    The twin babies of Itay and Hadar Berdichevsky, who were murdered by Hamas thugs, are now orphans CREDIT: Facebook

    Several years ago, I was chairing a panel of writers talking about motherhood when an Orthodox Jewish author made an observation I have never forgotten. Twins were not viewed as a blessing in her community, Sally said.


    “Because when they come for you, it’s too hard to pick up both of them and run.” The other mums on the panel were stunned into silence. When they come for you, the Jewish mother said, not if.

    On Saturday October 7, Itay and Hadar Berdichevsky realised that “they” had come for them. Gunmen were breaking down the door of their house in a kibbutz not far from the border with Gaza.

    The couple, both aged 30, placed their 10-month-old twins in a secure place. In their panic and dread, with seconds to spare, the parents locked away their treasures for safekeeping.

    Itay and Hadar were murdered by Hamas thugs. Twelve hours later, Israeli soldiers (IDF) found the two babies in their hiding place. They were alive, but they were orphans; the mother and father, who spent their last minutes on earth protecting them, were gone.

    In the five days since Hamas’s monstrous attack on Israel, we have heard many such devastating stories, flinched at graphic videos like the one of the battered young woman meekly being bundled into a Jeep, her jogging pants full of blood.

    Such images make you feel physically sick. But watching the TV news, and listening to the radio, I notice how quickly certain broadcasters prefer to move the conversation on from these so-called “unimaginable” traumatic events to the plight of the Palestinians.

    (In particular, Jeremy Bowen, the BBC’s International Editor, has provoked the ire of some British Jews with his flinty lack of compassion for Israel’s sorrow).

    With indecent haste, before the 900-plus victims have even been laid to rest, reporters seek the opinions of extremists who are permitted to explain that mass murder, rape and the abduction of children and ladies in their 80s are somehow justified because the Palestinians are oppressed.

    One Hamas representative actually told Radio 4’s World at One that his side had not killed any civilians. Would presenter Sarah Montague have interviewed the head of an Einsatzgruppen Nazi death squad in 1943 to provide similar “balance”?

    Just imagine: “Some critics claim you’re implementing a thing called the Final Solution, Commander?’ “Sorry, Sarah, I think you’ll find all our actions have been proportionate.”

    To Montague’s credit, she responded to her interviewee’s grotesque falsehood with stony fury, but he should never have been given a platform to spew out his propaganda in the first place.

    Does a nervous media want to move on quickly from the war crimes committed by Hamas to avoid riling those who, quite appallingly, have taken to the streets in London to show their support for those Islamist fiends? I definitely think that’s part of it, yes.

    Which is why it’s vital that the atrocities are shared on social media, and go on being shared and talked about, so everyone understands why Jews feel as they do right now and why the action that the IDF is about to take in Gaza is justified. Some sins are so evil that they cry to Heaven for vengeance.

    The fact that the atrocities in Israel are horrible to contemplate does not make them “unimaginable”. They are frighteningly easy to imagine actually. All we have to do is think of our own young adult children, or grandchildren, having the time of their lives at Supernova, an outdoor trance festival, when the milky, early-morning sky is suddenly speckled with black dots – a demonic squadron of paragliding Hamas terrorists.

    It’s the start of a horror film, only the kids at Supernova (“a journey of unity and love”) don’t know it yet. Lovely girls lift their hands above their heads, long dark hair and willowy bodies swaying dreamily under twinkling fairy lights. The drone of the invaders is drowned out by the thump of the music so they keep on dancing and laughing. The slaughter that is about to be unleashed upon them will enter the history books.

    Never forget. The Supernova Massacre saw the murder of at least 260 young Israelis. They were hunted down and shot like game, stumbling across the desert in their clubbing gear, bullets felling their friends, clinging to the roofs of speeding cars, hiding for six hours in a forest. Those who weren’t dead played dead.

    One shaken guy said he covered himself in blood from the bodies around him; a ruse his great-grandparents’ generation used if one happened to survive after an entire village in Poland was machine-gunned into a pit by the SS. Are survival tactics, like hatred, hereditary?

    One survivor who returned to the festival site to look for his girlfriend found defiled, half-naked corpses, many shot at point-blank range. Body bags containing those dreamy young dancers are piled high on top of each other in a party marquee. Parents have sent hairbrushes and toothbrushes so their mutilated darlings can be identified by their DNA. For some reason, that particular detail wrecks me.

    Never forget. Another festival-goer, Shani Louk, a 23-year-old German-Israeli, was identified by her dreadlocks. A Hamas victory video featured Shani’s almost-naked body, flung like a carcass on the back of a pick-up truck, the boot of one of her machine-gun-toting tormentors resting on her flank

    Another brute pulled Shani’s head up by her hair and spat on her. Proudly they drove to Gaza to show off the spoils of war. “Allahu Akbar!” the gang chanted jubilantly.

    If God is great,would he really give his blessing to the violation of helpless young females?

    Whatever the apologists may say, this was not a case of soldiers engaging the enemy with some regrettable civilian casualties. Hamas targeted women and children, in one case live-streaming the killing of a grandmother on Facebook so her horrified family could see her lying in her own blood.

    Another video shows a bewildered little girl (she can’t be more than two or three) with a mop of curls and eyes like chocolate buttons, staring at the Arab who has taken her hostage. Her beseeching eyes seem to say, “You’re not my Daddy.” Any civilised country must surely recoil at such cruelty.

    At least you would hope so, but unfortunately the Barbarians dwell among us and our country is grown so weak and pathetic that the Barbarians must be appeased in the name of diversity and cultural sensitivity

    On Monday night, while Rishi Sunak was taking a robust and much-appreciated stand at Finchley United Synagogue, alongside the Chief Rabbi, with a plain-speaking approach the BBC would do well to emulate (“They are not militants. They are not freedom fighters. They are terrorists!”), thousands of pro-Palestine demonstrators staged a rally outside the Israeli embassy.

    It was a dismaying sight, repellent in its callousness. A young Jewish woman I know attempted to reach the embassy to show her solidarity, but she was terrified and driven away. Guidance from the Metropolitan Police on this matter was so bland it amounted to a surrender IOU.

    “We are engaging with protesters in Kensington High Street We encourage those taking part to do so safely and responsibly,” burbled our capital’s police force, “Do not put yourself or others at risk of injury by climbing street furniture or buildings. Officers will take action if any criminal activity occurs.”

    Well, as Hamas is a proscribed organisation under the Terror Act 2000, and it is a criminal offence to support them, the coppers should have been busy making hundreds of arrests, but they largely hung back.

    (Personally, I’d have the offenders deported immediately to Gaza where some of the progressive, purple-haired student element could entertain Hamas with their LGBTQ ideas: see how that goes down with their Stone Age heroes).

    Bear in mind that, only a week ago, six members of the Met – yes, six – turned up at the house of Reclaim Party leader Laurence Fox to arrest him for allegedly posting support for vandalising Ulez cameras on social media.

    I think we know which of those threats to public order the vast majority of us are concerned about, but the law is increasingly a politicised affair. After all, the Mayor of London, Sadiq Khan, has a Muslim constituency to keep sweet for the forthcoming election.

    When Suella Braverman claimed recently that multiculturalism has failed “because it allowed people to come to our society and live parallel lives in it… And, in extreme cases, they could pursue lives aimed at undermining the stability and threatening the security of society,” she was heavily criticised.

    She was right, though, wasn’t she? Since the invasion of Israel, the failure of multiculturalism has been on shameless and shocking display in Western capitals.

    In Sydney, Hamas sympathisers chillingly chanted, “Gas the Jews!” Outside the Labour Party Conference, one lone, very brave Jewish gentleman tried to explain to a rabble of Palestine flag-wavers that Hamas terrorists had murdered people.

    As Dr Rakib Ehsan, an expert on social cohesion and race relations, put it yesterday: “The importation of foreign geopolitical grievances and aggressive tribal loyalties from the Middle East (and the Indian sub continent) is quite the problem for modern Britain.”

    It certainly is. Specifically, right now, it’s a problem for our Jewish community, a model for how you retain distinctive traditions, worship and language while pledging yourself wholeheartedly to British values

    It’s a dark day when the headmaster of the Jewish Free School in north London has to tell pupils that wearing the school blazer is optional if they’re worried about their safety. Anti-Semitism has not been taken seriously enough. The CPS did not prosecute four men who drove through north London in cars draped in Palestine flags in May 2022, shouting anti-Semitic abuse and threats to rape Jewish women. Why ever not? Or can you only commit a “hate crime” against Muslims and black people?

    There comes a time when taking care not to offend one community, at the expense of another, becomes morally indefensible appeasement. That time is now. And we know how appeasement worked out for European Jews the last time, don’t we?

    As I write, early reports are coming in of 40 babies murdered, and some of them beheaded, at the Kfar Aza kibbutz, which was stormed by 70 Hamas terrorists. (So much for no civilians being killed.)

    We must stand against such savagery, or what has this country become? This is not a Jewish problem; it’s a question of humanity. Civilisation stands at a historic crossroads; in one direction there are deluded progressives cheering on nihilistic mass murderers, in the other is everything we hold dear: decency, innocence, family, the right of beautiful young people to dance.

    Itay and Hadar Berdichevsky hid their babies from Hamas psychopaths so they could grow up and have a future without them.

    I stand with Israel for the Berdichevsky twins, for Shani Louk, for all the hostages, for Ezra Yachin, 95 years old, who just put on a uniform to join Israel’s reserves, for the dead yet unburied and for those who grieve for them.

    Because, if we don’t, one day they may come for us.


    1. We – and folk like us – have been saying this for 25 years. 25 years we saw endless muslim encroachment and we saw the escalating violence, rape and murders. We saw the drug dealers, the pot stinking gangs of middle easterners, the massive expansion of welfare. We *told you*.

      Then they started killing us. Knives, drugs, bombs. What happened? The state protected them. Muslims mechanistically raped children in every town and what happened? The social workers ignored it. The police attacked the victims. The councils set about hushing it up – for ‘da commoonity’ of course.

      Now the state has imposed hate crime law – that it got confused about being used by Catholics against muslims – when they wanted it only to protect the slammer. That’s the real truth, but big government won’t admit that.

      Now they’re everywhere, clawing into our country, our society, our culture and poisoning it and what does big state do? Attacks those who point out the truth. It attacks the child victims of rape. It arrests those pointing out the horror and throughout it keeps demanding ever more ‘diversity’ dropping standards deliberately to accommodate these people. It permits that ghastly wailing. The hideous shaoria law.

      Hundreds of thousands pour in every year and are utterly unwanted but rather than repealing the law that could stop the invasion, the state doubles down to hide the mass invasion from the public, twisting the language to suit.

      They’ve already come for us. The state carried the knife and the muslim rammed it home.

      1. I told a nominally Muslim lad at work about the Moon God of Mecca. He was interested but then I’ve also seen him tucking into a ham sandwich.

    2. No, Alison, the reason why we should stand with Israel is NOT “because, if we don’t, one day they may come for us”. We should stand with Israel because it is the right and important thing to do.

  49. Another day actually doing some gardening! Three days in a row!
    Generally clearing brambles and briars from the bank round the couple of trees, a russet and, I think, a pear grown from seed, and the gooseberry bush and getting some of the rubbish burnt.

    Off to Statfold Barn with t’Lad tomorrow.

    And I’m now off to bed. G’night all.

      1. I did a painting of the outside of that building and a detailed drawing of the interior. The perspective in the interior is even harder than it looks!
        If it can be proved which undergraduates did that, they should be expelled forthwith. These days, it was probably dons.

  50. Oh well I’m off to bed as a reward for my hard work in the garden for the second day running.
    I’m lending some tools to my eldests F i L
    He’s fitting a new gate but it’s too wide for the opening. A full-size electric planer in a metal box. 110 transformer, lead and a door block and wedge. Carrying it all from my shed at the bottom of our garden to the back of our car on the drive. Was unexpectedly difficult, its a reminder that I must be getting old.
    Goodnight all.
    I just might have a wee dram first.

    1. Eddy, Eddy, Eddy ! You should have said of course you can borrow my tools. Just let me know when you want to collect them !

      1. He usually does but Erin is going to where our son his wife and grandchildren live. The next village north.
        And his inlaws live in Whitwell.
        I should have used the wheel barrow but it’s half filled with compst.
        I lent the larger transformer and a breaker and other items to our neighbour last week. They all weigh a ton as well.
        I should have learnt my lesson.
        But Neville, sons F i L is a decent chap.

    1. Correct me if I am mistaken, but didn’t Israel capture the Gaza Strip in the Yom Kippur war. And much later, to show a conciliatory approach, they dragged their own Israeli nationals kicking and screaming out of the Gaza Strip to enable them to hand the Gaza Strip over to the Palestinians?

      1. The truth is that the Israelis dragged the Palestinians out of Israel and herded them into the Gaza Strip. There were similarities to the removal of native Americans with historic land rights to reservations where they had none.

        We need to understand that even following wars no conquering nation has the right to refuse the return of owners to reclaim their property. This is the reason that after WWII the Americans established compensation schemes for those Jews dispossessed by the Germans and whose property and wealth had been stolen.

        Having stated the obvious I have to say that the actions of Hamas against innocent civilians and tourists, as we witnessed on shocking videos, is heinous and beneath contempt.

        I hope reprisals will be targeted since security agencies have sophisticated facial recognition technologies and should be able to find the monsters committing war crimes from the footage.

      1. Not quite true.

        Certainly she has been excluded from the Proms, but that may be because they do not like her tuneful, romantic style of music. They prefer rap these days, and the more violent and abusive, the better – it’s “edgy” and it’s trending. However, she did appear several times on the ‘Today’ programme on R4, most recently when previewing her latest opera ‘The Emperor’s New Waltz’, a satire on modernism. In 2017, she was invited to compose and sing an anniversary tribute to the programme. Alan Yentob did give an entire hour in his series on the arts ‘Imagine’ to a documentary chronicling rehearsals in Vienna for her second opera ‘Cinderella’, which opened in December 2016.

        More to the point, she has long felt a grievance with the British music establishment after being told that 4-year-old girls cannot compose serious music, therefore forcing her father, via an American professor studying child prodigies, to find a tutor in Switzerland, who served her splendidly.

        Today, she regards Vienna, where she settled in 2018, as “the Home of Music”, and has built up a close relationship with the Vienna Philharmonic, the Elmayer School of Dance, various opera companies there, Viking Cruises (where she got a job entertaining guests on Danube cruises, conducting her own chamber orchestra) and former Austrian Chancellor Sebastian Kurz. She is also currently studying conducting there under Johannes Wildner, who premiered her symphonic overture ‘Siren Sounds’ (a series of Viennese waltzes) in Germany in 2019.

        ‘In Memoriam’, adapted from the slow movement of her piano concerto, was played by her at a gala Holocaust Remembrance event in Vienna in 2018.

  51. When are we going to hear from Emma Thompson and Gary Lineker on the evils of Hamas?

    ANGELA EPSTEIN in Jerusalem – 10 October 2023, 10:27pm

    Rumours are rife as to the terrible fate of those – including children – who were kidnapped from their homes by the Hamas terrorists. Yet despite the heinous events that have unfolded here, there has been a deafening silence from the habitual bleeding hearts of the celebrity world. Usually these people are keen to burnish their liberal credentials by bringing to the world’s attention one crisis or another, from the plight of the world’s endangered species to illegal immigrants trying to cross the English Channel.

    Gary Lineker was so vocal on the latter subject back in March that it provoked an internal BBC investigation.

    Yet, for whatever reason, the patron saint of self-righteousness has refrained from tweeting about the 30-year-old German tattoo artist kidnapped by Hamas at the music festival who, comatose and semi-naked, was then paraded on a truck through Gaza. The closest Gary has come to this was a plug, on X/Twitter, directing his followers to The Rest Is Politics podcast, in which former Labour spin doctor Alastair Campbell and failed Tory leadership candidate Rory Stewart discuss Hamas and Israel.

    Gary owns the company that produces the podcast.

    He was not quite so reticent in December last year, when he described the death of a Palestinian footballer at the hands of Israeli soldiers as ‘awful’. It later transpired that this individual had been a Hamas terrorist who was shot after opening fire on the troops.

    The more woke A-listers like Dame Emma Thompson, meanwhile, may not yet have had the chance to read about 85-year-old Yaffa Adar, a wheelchair-bound Holocaust survivor, kidnapped from her home by Hamas militia and dragged into Gaza. Dame Emma, of course, is not unaware of the politics of the region, having signed an open letter in 2012, alongside nearly 40 other high-profile luvvies, expressing their dismay at the invitation extended by Shakespeare’s Globe Theatre to an arts group that had performed in Israeli settlements on the West Bank.

    She has yet to put her name, however, to an open letter denouncing Hamas’s atrocities. I hope that she does.

    And it is utterly astonishing that Harry Potter star Emma Watson – usually such a noble advocate for women’s rights – has been silent about the women raped and murdered by Hamas’s terrorists. The former Hermione Granger in January posted an image on Instagram showing a photograph of a pro-Palestinian protest across which was a banner declaring ‘solidarity is a verb’. Watson shows less fondness for memes standing up for the victims of Hamas.

    I am baffled that celebrities who rush to take the knee, wrap themselves in rainbow flags or embrace cancel culture find it so hard to offer words of sorrow for Israel during her darkest hour. You may insist that their views are irrelevant. Who cares what some empty-headed Hollywood star has to say?

    But with their huge reach, stars are capable of informing and educating where dry politics or news coverage often fails. The world should know that this is a war waged by maniacal evil, perpetrated by men who risk the lives of their own people in order to fulfil their murderous agenda to obliterate Israel.

    Full article here: https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-12616467/ANGELA-EPSTEIN-Emma-Thompson-Gary-Lineker-evils-Hamas.html

      1. I think, just like her Harry Potter character, she was trying to be clever. Do, not just be.

    1. These illiterates need taking down Publicly as they are a threat to humanity and the world needs to know.

    2. Turn their own weapons against them. Don’t watch their programs. Don’t watch their shows. Don’t buy their music or films. Don’t buy their products. Turn your back on them is you happen to meet them. Cancel the hypocrites.

  52. Goodnight, all. Oscar has taken himself off to bed and is now barking his head off because he hasn’t had his late night biscuit yet.

  53. Any body iin North or South Norfolk, North or South Suffolk wishing to accept me and a small dog as a rental agreement please contact ,me I want out hhere

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