Tuesday 24 October: The Met Police’s double standards jar with fundamental British values

An unofficial place to discuss the Telegraph letters, established when the DT website turned off its commenting facility (now reinstated, but we prefer ours),
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Today’s letters (visible only to DT subscribers) are here.

430 thoughts on “Tuesday 24 October: The Met Police’s double standards jar with fundamental British values

  1. Morning all 🙂😊
    Not sure about the weather its still dark. But I have to get our car to the garage for 8.00 MOT, should be OK. I’ll have to walk home 20 minutes,
    I could go for a coffee at the bakers. But it would be a long coffee. I need the exercise, I’ll have to wear my uncomfortable knee support.

  2. The Met Police’s double standards jar with fundamental British values

    Some might call it double standards, others might call it deliberate positive discrimination

        1. I’ve always said that our hierarchy aka political classes and Whitehall are pathological and habitual liars.
          They never seem to get anything they do into current perspective.

      1. Absolutely, our long established culture and social structure is sliding into a pit. Our useless Politicians are to blame.

      2. How long will it take for appeasement to turn into total capitulation?

        And then will Canterbury Cathedral and Westminster Abbey be turned into mosques?

    1. Spines of Pure Custard?
      The pouring sort, not school stuff that had actual resistant lumps in it.

      1. In the dinner queue i was first to the custard jug. The canteen lady was disgusted when i asked her to serve me the skin off the top. Some people just don’t understand.

        1. ‘Dinner queue’? So southerners do eat dinner, properly, at dinner time (noon).😉👍🏻

          1. Yes. It was dinner while at school Then i would go home for Tea.
            Now i go out to lunch at noon.

          2. It was breakfast, dinner, tea, then supper in the entire country before the 18th century. Same here in Sweden. Their ‘Middag’ (midday meal) was traditionally at 12noon –1p.m. Now it is in the evening but it is still, incongruously, called ‘Middag’.

      2. Crème anglaise .

        If the English can rhyme custard with mustard why don’t the French call it coutarde so that it rhymes with moutarde?

          1. I shall celebrate with one once I’ve achieved my target weight. Just one, mind.

            I might have an Eccles cake for pudding!👍🏻

  3. Morning, all Y’all from a sun-free North Devon. Plenty hydropower falling from the sky, though.

      1. Good morning Anne and everyone.

        Some years ago I was able to chat to a motorbike policeman who was operating a speed camera device on the edge of a 30mph limit. He explained that his gadget was set to record at 35mph (IIRC) so that a motorist would be zapped/snapped if they were doing 36 mph (or possibly 35.1 mph, this would have been about 15 years ago). The PC remarked that many drivers who were fined in the UK claimed to have been caught at 31 mph, but not so. Also worth mentioning that the MoT test does not, or did not, require the vehicle’s speedometer to be calibrated. 10% margin of inaccuracy used to be acceptable, but someone else will know; in other words 33mph would be the minimum. And calibration would have to be carried out frequently, because tyre inflation and wear & tear has an influence. But the most important detail (writes a prig) is that any speed limit is a MAXIMUM. There is nothing to prevent any road user from driving at 10 mph below the limit.

        1. ‘There is nothing to prevent any road user from driving at 10 mph below the limit’.

          To the fury of all other road users.

          1. Coming back up the A6 from Belper yesterday, I was behind a small car at The Triangle traffic lights that waited until the vehicle in front of her had gone at least 20y before she began moving.
            Then, approaching The Anglers’ Rest, doing 35 in a 50 limit, despite having plenty of room to pass a cycling against on-coming traffic, waited until that traffic had cleared, slowing down to under 20.
            Seeing the road was clear after the Anglers’, I dropped the van into 3rd, floored it and was past her staying comfortable under the 50 limit!

        2. I often pass these “Slow Down” illuminated warning boards that flash your speed and, when I’m doing an indicated 30 or 40, depending of course on the speed limit, the signs usually show my speed to be 3mph less, i.e. 27 or 37mph.

  4. Good Moaning.
    Judging by the weather, this is an indoor job day = grovelling around in the attic trying to find glasses (drinks for the ingesting of – the other type are in the fridge).

  5. The lockdown establishment is still patronising its leading critics. 24 October 2023.

    If you want to understand why social mobility in this country is so difficult, watch the video of Heneghan at the inquiry. Counsel’s approach was a mixture of intellectual arrogance and, in my view, class prejudice. Heneghan is what he is: a bright working class lad who has built his career on his own merits. He may not have acquired the veneer of sophistication that goes with life in colleges, Inns of Court or north London dinner parties. But he – and the country – deserved better.

    The whole purpose of this inquiry is to obfuscate the issues and ensure that no blame is laid at the door of the government or its lackeys.


    1. Clearly, the scene was set as evidenced by the politicians’ lock-step reactions across the World and ‘The Science’ and not, science, was declared as the arbiter of what was right or wrong. Now, the politicians responsible for the fiasco need a scapegoat to cover their treachery, and as they ignored, pilloried even, the independent scientists, these good people cannot fairly be blamed. That of course leaves those ‘scientists’ and advisors who followed/projected ‘The Science’. If I was a member of that sect I would be afraid, very afraid. Someone has to take the fall and the political establishment has the whitewash and the brush.

      Likewise, the political establishment continue to ignore the excess deaths scandal and they have pilloried the one MP who is attempting to expose this scandal. Their modus operandi hasn’t changed but it would appear that the establishment haven’t yet solved the problem of whom to blame for their promotion of the “vaccine”.

    2. “Heneghan was subjected to an adversarial line of questioning which may be appropriate to a courtroom but not to an inquiry. Counsel also attempted to reduce complex questions to simple yes/no answers.”

      As I predicted on here last week.

  6. 377974+ up ticks,

    Morning Each,
    First ask, are these two “leaders” of the right calibre to decide such issues when one views their home turf.

    We are living daily in England with what the Israelis are currently facing daily, ours has yet to be triggered.

    The same man who is holding judgement on what Israel must
    do is also daily flooding England via Dover with dangerous deadly flag wavers, ( Terrorist in waiting)

    EU and Britain clash over ceasefire between Israel and Hamas
    France among European countries supporting pause to help hostages, but Sunak and Biden have taken harder line in fight against terrorists

    Diagnosis via OGGA1

    Israel must do as Israel judges best to do for Israels
    benifit / survival.

    1. I often find I agree with many of the points which Tommy Robinson raises. But however valid these points are surely he must realise that his constant use of obscenities does not do much to advance his case?

        1. What today’s police force needs is a bit more irony – as well as a bit more mettle!

          1. With a paucity of both at the very top (and in government) I wonder where they would come from.

          2. ‘Show me your mettle’, traditionally believed to refer to the displaying of a worker’s hands & arms to a potential employer. A skilled and experienced millstone dresser would have many spots of carbon steel, and scars thereof, embedded in his forearms. As for millstone grit, the best stones came from Derbyshire.

      1. 377974+ up ticks,

        Morning R,
        He comes across to me as the first day of spring breathing material.
        Quite the averse of the governing elected political overseers and their daily use of obscene actions.

        Sticks & stones may break ones bones
        ( lock-downs KILL)
        But names & naughty words
        will never………

        1. 377940+ up ticks,

          Afternoon T5

          Lest we forget
          Mr T Robinson delivered the goods and went to Belmarsh.

  7. I don’t wish him ill, but it’s a good question.

    Where’s Bibi’s boy? Israeli soldiers blast Benjamin Netanyahu’s son Yair, 32, for ‘abandoning’ them by staying in Miami while 360,000 reservists are called up to fight against Hamas
    Benjamin Netanyahu’s son Yair, 32, has been based in Miami since at least April
    Israel has called up 360,000 reservists and many living abroad have returned
    It’s sparked questions as to why Yair has remained in the US and not joined them


  8. Well after my quick drive to drop off our car for its MOT found out what the weather was like the old golf umbrella came in handy.
    And our authorities including the police are making and have made one hell of a mess of everything they come into contact with.

  9. Reposted from late last night

    Tuesday 24th October, 2024

    Jonathan Rackham


    and very many Happy Returns

    With best wishes,

    Caroline and Rastus

    Keep searching and you will find your ancestor’s treasure that Hergé’s Tintin and Captain Haddock were looking for!


  10. A belated good morning to all.
    A dull and damp wet 6°C today though it is due to brighten up at lunchtime.

  11. https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/915b92528d60652e9592a46cc6b36da2a983597ce8169329e9de89c5840ae2e4.png
    This waterlogged field is the site of a new supermarket: why do we keep building on flood plains?

    Environment Agency advice is ignored because of the pressure to deliver housing

    When plans were announced for a huge new supermarket in the Lincolnshire village of Washingborough, there were plenty of local objections. Residents were concerned about the impact on the landscape, the traffic and local businesses. There was less anxiety about the fact the 10,000 sq ft Sainsbury’s would be built on land at high risk of flooding.

    Why? The answer is complex; however, it can be encapsulated by the irrefutable fact that the more that humans obscenely overpopulate the planet, the exponentially more stupid they become. A world human population of half a billion incredibly intelligent beings, would be massively superior to a world human population of eight billion (and rapidly rising) imbeciles.

    1. But man, proud man,
      Dress’d in a little brief authority,
      Most ignorant of what he’s most assur’d—
      His glassy essence—like an angry ape
      Plays such fantastic tricks before high heaven
      As makes the angels weep.

    2. Even worse will be the downstream effect of the floodwater displaced by whatever flood defences they put in place.

    3. I wonder how much worse any flooding will be because the car park and store are impermeable and the water will need to be dispersed somehow.

    4. I’d like to see the Royal Mail van that can deliver a house.

      I have a bee in my bonnet about ‘deliver’. It seems that outcomes are invariably delivered. Politicians promise to deliver as a matter of course. What they’ll deliver is often unsaid. Delivering is itself the aim. It doesn’t seem to matter what it is.

      Imagine ‘bring’ being treated in a similar fashion. I promise to bring. If elected, my party will bring.

      1. It is yet another example of the vapid Americanisms that are surreptitiously replacing proper Standard English. The Daily Telegraph (a pastiche of its former self) is in the vanguard of this incessant idiocy.

  12. If any of you watch/listen to GB News, i thought last night’s “Headliners” programme (repeated this morning between 5 am & 6 am) was particularly good. Simon Evans, Steve N Allen and Nick Dixon. Worth a catch-up IMHO.

  13. Good morning all
    It’s the 59th anniversary of our first date. We saw Dr No at the Leicester Square theatre followed by a drink at the Blue Boar Inn.
    Happy days ever since.

    1. I’m not sure SWMBO and I ever dated in the accepted sense. We just worked together backstage, got close, married.

      1. We’d known each other for 2 years playing table tennis in a school hall. Courted, now there’s an old fashioned concept, for three and a half years and married in 1968.

        1. NY niece and her BF have been ‘courting’ for eight years. My hats keep going out of fashion.

    2. The first film I saw with MB was …. wait for it …. “Spartacus”.
      That is the truth.

  14. Forgive my callousness here, but just how much did she think a car bought 7 years ago for £20,000 was likely to be worth after depreciation?
    I have sympathy regarding the loss of her car and the circumstances and losing a no-claims bonus is somewhat harsh.


      1. The article doesn’t seem to say what it was, but at £20,000 new I doubt it was a particularly special vehicle.
        I looked up a few examples of depreciation, admittedly likely to be on the high side, on dealer websites, and I think she probably got a reasonable offer.

        1. Was that the cost when new? The article does not say. Nor does it say how old it was.

      1. It was clearly not her fault but the insurance company thinks it serves her right if she can’t take a joke and it also serves her right if she was stupid enough to believe the government saying that electric cars were the best way forward..

          1. When we ever fly from Luton, we take a cab to the bus or now I believe railway link into the airport.

      2. Heaven knows.
        It’s why I’m sympathetic re the loss of NCB.

        I wonder whether the insurers of the car that burned, or even those covering the car park, if any, could be liable for losses.

        1. IMHO the lack of a fire retardation system was an act of criminal negligence; airports have been and always will be targets for violent criminals with mental issues.

          The fact that Daily Mail is not accepting any comments on the article implies that there is some information the authorities wish to suppress. Just like the Grenfell towerblock incident.

        2. IMHO the lack of a fire retardation system was an act of criminal negligence; airports have been and always will be targets for violent criminals with mental issues.

          The fact that Daily Mail is not accepting any comments on the article implies that there is some information the authorities wish to suppress. Just like the Grenfell towerblock incident.

        3. But that’s how it works. You lose your NCB if you make a claim. It’s irrelevant who was at fault. It happens all the time. You can’t start feeling sorry now.

          It is possible to insure your NCB.

          1. I’ve been involved in a few accidents where the other driver was entirely at fault and didn’t lose my NCB, there was no “knock for knock” involved.
            Perhaps procedures have changed.

    1. What sort of car was it ? I couldn’t see it in the report.
      Surely a carpark that charges people to use it should have public liability insurance.

      1. Neither could I.
        Agreed, but it may be that they “self insure”, never expecting a calamity on the scale they experienced.

        1. I have been unable to find out whether the car park actually belonged to Luton Airport or to a company which leased it to passengers wish to park their cars.

          1. I assumed that the builders built it – handed it over to the owner (who had commissioned the building) and then went bust. I doubt that it still belonged to the builders in liquidation.

          2. The airport site appears to belong to Luton Borough Council, but there is a private sector operating company called London Luton Airport Operations Limited; currently that company is jointly owned by AENA (Spanish) and AMP (an Australian investment company which is a subsidiary of what was originally the Australian Mutual Provident Society). The parking business is operated by APCOA, which itself is owned by Centerbridge and Strategic Value Partners (SVP). So my money is on APCOA as a lessee and LLAO Ltd as owner.

  15. One of the girl students, aged 17, who is with us this week is fully jabbed and has had Covid 3 times and was ill in bed for 3 weeks last time.

    Why are the unjabbed faring so much better? Is it ignorance or sheer cowardice that makes the MPs refuse to pay attention to the fact and to hold Andrew Bridgen in contempt?

    1. Wilful blindness and guilt perhaps. Friday’s debate, attended by fewer than a dozen MPs, just shows us how determined they all are to bury their heads in the sand when it comes to facing up to the number of excess deaths, and the deaths and injuries caused by the experimental gene therapy jabs, forced on the trusting public.

    2. There was a suggestion that the jabs damaged the immune system. I used Zn and Vit D, like many on here and have not apparently suffered the lurgy.

      1. We too take vitamin D and zinc.

        We have both had Covid which will have increased our natural immunity as our systems have not been messed about with any Covid jabs.

        Caroline was unaware that she had Covid and only found out when she had a test when the nurse came round to test me. Caroline was fine and after a day in bed sleeping I was completely recovered.

      1. I manage to send an email to the NHS last week explaining why I’m not having any covid jabs again.
        No acknowledgement. But I didn’t expect it.

    3. Why do people keep having the jabs when clearly they do not work, regardless of the other adverse effects?

      1. Because the next jab that they have might just be the one that really, really works. They cannot lose their faith in a saviour vaccine.

    4. Last night and this morning one of our students (not the one Rastus is talking about) was really not feeling well at all, and so
      we trotted off to see the GP just in case she needed stronger meds than I have at home. She was given a regulation Covid test (negative; she’d had Covid in Saint Tropez in August so she has good immunity). The GP then told us that he’d had Covid six times and that he would rather catch Covid and have natural immunity than have to have repeated Covid jabs.

      And this from a GP who was very, very pro-vaccine at the beginning of the whole scam. One day I’ll ask him what made him change his mind…

      One of the other girls on the course told us that she had been much iller after the Covid jab than when she had Covid.

  16. It’s time to revive the SPG.

    Police let fans of mass murder claim the streets

    Saturday’s marchers had nothing to say about Hamas’s slaughter of 1,400 Jews – they condemned only Israel’s response

    CHARLES MOORE • 23 October 2023 • 6:36pm

    On Saturday’s pro-Palestine London march, someone complained that the marchers were using symbols associated with Isis. He posted a photo illustrating this. The Metropolitan Police put out a response: “The flags [in this photo] are not those of Isis. They are the ‘shahada’ which is a declaration of faith in Islam. Isis flags may appear similar but are not the same. We have specialist officers with knowledge of flags working on this operation to assist with these assessments.”

    Well, I suppose it might be some comfort to know that the Met has specialists on hand who can read and source Arabic writings (though the shahada is scarcely obscure: it is the pillar of Islam which says: “I bear witness that none deserves worship except God, and I bear witness that Muhammad is the messenger of God.”) Similar experts try to soothe us by explaining that the word “jihad”, which was shouted at some of the marches, means “struggle” rather than (necessarily) killing people.

    But it was nevertheless a peculiar response to get scholars to tell anxious citizens that everything was all right. Is it? Remember the context. Our big-city marches followed the murder of over 1,400 Jews – the biggest pogrom since the 1940s.

    Yet the marchers did not condemn these massacres in any way, only Israel’s response to them. When mass murder is committed and you do not admit this and you march against those who try to punish the murderers, you are, in effect, condoning the slaughter. Do such people believe that jihad means merely “struggle”?

    If you march, in large numbers, in this cause, you are asserting that your version of events owns the streets. In London, a Jewish anti-Semitism campaigner tried to drive in the centre of the capital, displaying illuminated pictures of some of those murdered by Hamas. The police forbade him, for his own safety. That was probably wise, but again, the message it gives out is grim: “You are not safe, on British streets, to protest against mass murder.” So the fans of mass murder claim the streets.

    Where have the anti-fascists been since the pogrom of October 7?

    To see this more clearly, imagine comparisons. Imagine if Christians, in the name of Jesus, slaughtered (as, long ago, they quite often did) hundreds of Muslims in the Middle East. Imagine that thousands of their supporters then marched on Whitehall and Westminster planting Crusader flags on public monuments and waving banners with Biblical texts. Would that be allowed, in such a place and at such a time? It would surely be seen not as the legitimate expression of a faith, but as an assertion of bloodthirsty power.

    Or imagine, again, that some far-Right British group murdered hundreds of Muslims here in Britain, and that this was followed, not by a protest march against it, but a march of sympathisers demanding that the far-Right cause be recognised. Well, you cannot imagine it. Such a march would, of course, be banned.

    One romantic moment in Left-wing history is the “Battle of Cable Street” in 1936, in which East End Jews joined other anti-fascists to block a march by Oswald Mosley’s Blackshirts. Because of the Mosleyites’ anti-Semitism, they thought it should have been banned. Speaking at a rally commemorating the battle’s 80th anniversary in 2016, Jeremy Corbyn recalled his mother’s role that day: “She stood here with so many others because she wanted to live in a world, as we all do, that is free from xenophobia and free from hate.”

    Today, the Left – including, it would seem, Mr Corbyn – at best turns a blind eye to Islamist xenophobia and hate. Where have such “anti-fascists” been since the massacres of October 7? If they have marched at all, they have joined the wrong march.

    London’s Hamas supporters are enemies of our values and way of life

    I do not envy the police in this situation. I am not necessarily saying that the recent marches should have been banned. The cause of a Palestinian state is, in itself, a respectable one. But I do worry that a false model is being followed.

    Behind police anxiety to downplay matters lies a mistake about how to deal with extremism. Like those who believed in the fiction that the political organisation, Sinn Fein, was in some real sense more moderate than the armed IRA, the police seem reluctant to see that Hamas supporters, like, for example, Muhammad Sawalha – who is a British citizen housed, in part, at the expense of the British state and has acted as a roving ambassador for the movement – is as hostile to our way of life as are the men who shot their way through kibbutzim and a peace festival.

    The British public, Jew and Gentile alike, should feel protected against such people. Instead, they find public authorities which – despite robust statements by both the main party leaders – seem fearful, not forceful.

    Remember Kristallnacht

    Focus on the sheer scale of the murders. In November 1938, Kristallnacht took place in Germany. That day, the Nazis orchestrated the smashing and looting of Jewish shops, the burning of synagogues, the public humiliation of Jews. Fewer than a hundred Jews, it is estimated, were murdered, yet people understood what it presaged. Those Jews who could, fled. Most of those who stayed, died.

    On October 7 this year, roughly 15 times as many Jews were slaughtered as died in Kristallnacht. Hamas is pleased about that. The future path is grimly clear, unless we are strong enough to cut it off.


    1. In recent years the most common meaning of Jihad has been Holy War. And there is a long tradition of Jihad being used to mean a military struggle to benefit Islam.3 Aug 2009

      Religions – Islam: Jihad – BBCReligions – Islam: Jihad – BBC

    2. “The cause of a Palestinian state is, in itself, a respectable one. “”

      But how many times has Israel tried to give the Palestinians their own state and how many times have the Palestinians – or more likely Hamas – refused it because they only thing they will accept is the total extinction of the State of Israel?

      1. Israel withdrew from Gaza in 2005. That is their own state. They preferred to spend money on tunnels and rockets instead of improving the lives of their people.

      2. Jordan was created in 1948 as the “Palestinian” state. That was the original “two state solution”. The Arabs are not interested in compromise, only conquest.

  17. It’s time to revive the SPG.

    Police let fans of mass murder claim the streets

    Saturday’s marchers had nothing to say about Hamas’s slaughter of 1,400 Jews – they condemned only Israel’s response

    CHARLES MOORE • 23 October 2023 • 6:36pm

    On Saturday’s pro-Palestine London march, someone complained that the marchers were using symbols associated with Isis. He posted a photo illustrating this. The Metropolitan Police put out a response: “The flags [in this photo] are not those of Isis. They are the ‘shahada’ which is a declaration of faith in Islam. Isis flags may appear similar but are not the same. We have specialist officers with knowledge of flags working on this operation to assist with these assessments.”

    Well, I suppose it might be some comfort to know that the Met has specialists on hand who can read and source Arabic writings (though the shahada is scarcely obscure: it is the pillar of Islam which says: “I bear witness that none deserves worship except God, and I bear witness that Muhammad is the messenger of God.”) Similar experts try to soothe us by explaining that the word “jihad”, which was shouted at some of the marches, means “struggle” rather than (necessarily) killing people.

    But it was nevertheless a peculiar response to get scholars to tell anxious citizens that everything was all right. Is it? Remember the context. Our big-city marches followed the murder of over 1,400 Jews – the biggest pogrom since the 1940s.

    Yet the marchers did not condemn these massacres in any way, only Israel’s response to them. When mass murder is committed and you do not admit this and you march against those who try to punish the murderers, you are, in effect, condoning the slaughter. Do such people believe that jihad means merely “struggle”?

    If you march, in large numbers, in this cause, you are asserting that your version of events owns the streets. In London, a Jewish anti-Semitism campaigner tried to drive in the centre of the capital, displaying illuminated pictures of some of those murdered by Hamas. The police forbade him, for his own safety. That was probably wise, but again, the message it gives out is grim: “You are not safe, on British streets, to protest against mass murder.” So the fans of mass murder claim the streets.

    Where have the anti-fascists been since the pogrom of October 7?

    To see this more clearly, imagine comparisons. Imagine if Christians, in the name of Jesus, slaughtered (as, long ago, they quite often did) hundreds of Muslims in the Middle East. Imagine that thousands of their supporters then marched on Whitehall and Westminster planting Crusader flags on public monuments and waving banners with Biblical texts. Would that be allowed, in such a place and at such a time? It would surely be seen not as the legitimate expression of a faith, but as an assertion of bloodthirsty power.

    Or imagine, again, that some far-Right British group murdered hundreds of Muslims here in Britain, and that this was followed, not by a protest march against it, but a march of sympathisers demanding that the far-Right cause be recognised. Well, you cannot imagine it. Such a march would, of course, be banned.

    One romantic moment in Left-wing history is the “Battle of Cable Street” in 1936, in which East End Jews joined other anti-fascists to block a march by Oswald Mosley’s Blackshirts. Because of the Mosleyites’ anti-Semitism, they thought it should have been banned. Speaking at a rally commemorating the battle’s 80th anniversary in 2016, Jeremy Corbyn recalled his mother’s role that day: “She stood here with so many others because she wanted to live in a world, as we all do, that is free from xenophobia and free from hate.”

    Today, the Left – including, it would seem, Mr Corbyn – at best turns a blind eye to Islamist xenophobia and hate. Where have such “anti-fascists” been since the massacres of October 7? If they have marched at all, they have joined the wrong march.

    London’s Hamas supporters are enemies of our values and way of life

    I do not envy the police in this situation. I am not necessarily saying that the recent marches should have been banned. The cause of a Palestinian state is, in itself, a respectable one. But I do worry that a false model is being followed.

    Behind police anxiety to downplay matters lies a mistake about how to deal with extremism. Like those who believed in the fiction that the political organisation, Sinn Fein, was in some real sense more moderate than the armed IRA, the police seem reluctant to see that Hamas supporters, like, for example, Muhammad Sawalha – who is a British citizen housed, in part, at the expense of the British state and has acted as a roving ambassador for the movement – is as hostile to our way of life as are the men who shot their way through kibbutzim and a peace festival.

    The British public, Jew and Gentile alike, should feel protected against such people. Instead, they find public authorities which – despite robust statements by both the main party leaders – seem fearful, not forceful.

    Remember Kristallnacht

    Focus on the sheer scale of the murders. In November 1938, Kristallnacht took place in Germany. That day, the Nazis orchestrated the smashing and looting of Jewish shops, the burning of synagogues, the public humiliation of Jews. Fewer than a hundred Jews, it is estimated, were murdered, yet people understood what it presaged. Those Jews who could, fled. Most of those who stayed, died.

    On October 7 this year, roughly 15 times as many Jews were slaughtered as died in Kristallnacht. Hamas is pleased about that. The future path is grimly clear, unless we are strong enough to cut it off.


  18. Car passes MOT now ready be collected.
    At least it’s stopped raining.
    All down hill this time much easier. But chilly.

          1. Early, it always seems to be stuffed with young people getting drunk and then making lot of noise to the destination.

          2. Used to fly from Luton to Langenhagen when Britannia Airways had the contract for air-trooping flights.

    1. Does anyone know why the police farce were called? It cannot be anything to do with slammers, of course.

  19. Vladimir Putin ‘found on floor’ after suffering ‘cardiac arrest’ – claim. 24 October 2023.

    Vladimir Putin suffered a suspected “cardiac arrest” and the Russian President received assistance until he regained consciousness, a statement posted on a Telegram channel has claimed.

    The 71-year-old, who launched his invasion against Ukraine in March 2022, was allegedly found on the floor before being taken to a special intensive care facility.

    Odd. It gave me quite a nasty turn. I couldn’t care less if the rest of them dropped dead of apoplexy. This report comes from a source that has reported Vlad’s ill health for over a year. Involving such minor aliments as Terminal Cancer, Parkinsons’s Disease, ingrowing toe nails and the Great Spotted Leprosy.


    1. If he really is as hated in Russia as the Western media claim, surely they would have just let him die…

      1. If one reads the article Sos one is left to wonder how this got out out from what must be one of the most heavily guarded places in the world!

  20. Just had a text from the GP surgery.

    Dear Mr xxxxxxx
    Our records indicated that you use topical testosterone.
    Premature puberty and genital enlargements have been reported in children who were in close physical contact with those using topical testosterone and who were repeatedly accidentally exposed to this medicine.
    To reduce these risks wash hands and cover affected area before physical contact with a child or adult.

    Perhaps i should ask them if goats are safe.

      1. I have to apply the gel to my outer thigh. Then…unlike Slammers, i wash my hands. I also don’t have close physical contact skin to skin with children ! Again …unlike Slammers.
        No wonder Slammer women wear the veil. To cover up their beards.

  21. A sobering article.

    What are these imperatives? I watch videos of people tearing down photographs of hostages. They are often young women — is this power at last? The only power she has? Any girl can win a fight with a piece of paper. Why would she, a citizen of an affluent liberal democracy, do this? Because that liberal democracy is failing her, and she is failing it. This isn’t just about European anti-Semitism and its totem demonic Jew, now transported to the Middle East. It cannot be.
    The language they use is not enlightening, but it is telling; it sounds more like religious liturgy than thought. For instance, genocide is the intentional destruction of a people. The Palestinians have quadrupled in number since 1948. Apartheid is racist segregation, with one group denied rights. Israel is 20 per cent Arab, and they have equal rights in law. (There are no Jews in the Palestinian territories, and almost none in Arab countries). People rally in London for an end to war, said a liberal newspaper. I’m not sure they want to end the war. I don’t think they know what a war is, and if you can’t recognise a war you will never know a peace.
    It is true that Europe is unable to process the Holocaust, and this is part of the rejection of it. If Jews are blamed for it — and how could we not be, being genocidal maniacs expelled (as a poster at the recent pro-Palestine rally reminded us) from every European country? — the non-Jewish European has nothing to fear. It’s not that it didn’t happen. But it wasn’t their fault, and that is consoling.
    But mostly it is the perception of powerlessness; there is a reason why the far-Left is the incubator of Jew hate in our time. Jewish fear has been a signal for instability for 2,000 years. When people attack us, it is usually an indication that society is fracturing.
    It’s a truism that unequal societies are unstable. They don’t just invite extremism, they make it.

    I think the women tearing the posters down, without empathy, imagination or even facts, consider themselves avatars for Gazan victims in their hearts: un-listened to, unthought of, crushed. And Jews, so long a bogus avatar for power, are the people that did it to them. This bespeaks of bad times for Europe, and worse for the Middle East.

    1. ” This bespeaks of bad times for Europe…”

      Wait until Muslims start forming their own political parties…

      1. They are already in control of sections of mainstream parties around the UK and Europe because they tend to congregate together and to be active. They can already vote their people in place.

        It will be worse when they do form independent Islamic parties, because there is a very good chance they could hold the balance of power, extracting even more rights and protections.

        1. One can imagine this kind of exchange:
          “We stood for sharia law and we won this constituency. Therefore, sharia law applies here.”
          “It doesn’t work like that.”
          “Then what’s the point of democracy?”

          1. The Muslim Brotherhood openly describe democracy as a one-stop shop. You get voted in and there’s no further need for elections.

        2. I remember them trying to get islam protected by blasphemy laws and that was quite a while ago. Thankfully they failed, but if they hold the power it will come.

  22. NatWest staff gloated they had ‘driven Nigel Farage out of the country’ after debanking

    Former UKIP leader hits out after messages disclosed to him reveal abuse by workers who called him a ‘crackpot’ and an ‘awful human being’

    By Gordon Rayner, ASSOCIATE EDITOR • 23 October 2023 • 8:46pm

    NatWest staff gloated about the closure of Nigel Farage’s bank accounts and suggested they had “single-handedly driven him out of the country”, The Telegraph can reveal.

    Workers reacted to news that the former Ukip leader had been debanked by NatWest subsidiary Coutts by saying: “Hope that knocked him down a peg or 2.” Internal messages handed over to Mr Farage by NatWest also show that staff suggested he had “dodgy Russian connections”, and was involved in fraud. Another described him as “sketchy”.

    Staff also referred to him as a “crackpot” and an “awful human being”, while one said: “The money I’d have paid to have been the agent ringing him to tell him [that he had been debanked].”

    Mr Farage described the comments as “vile” and called on NatWest to reconsider the £11.3 million payout its board is expected to approve this Thursday for Dame Alison Rose, who resigned as chief executive of the bank in July following revelations in The Telegraph about Mr Farage’s treatment.

    Coutts closed the politician’s personal and business accounts earlier this year, and Dame Alison later told a BBC reporter it had done so for commercial reasons. Mr Farage claimed Coutts had acted for political reasons, and was proved right when a response from the bank to a subject access request he submitted showed that its staff had decided his views did not align with the bank’s values.

    Now, NatWest has responded to a separate subject access request from Mr Farage, which shows how its staff responded to the news of his account closures. On June 26 this year, after Mr Farage had tweeted about his account closure, an internal NatWest email said: “Have you all seen Nigel Farage’s Twitter? No one will bank him now. Have we single-handedly driven NF out of the country?”

    On July 4 a member of staff responded to the BBC report about his account being closed for falling below the wealth limit by saying: “Hope that knocked him down a peg or 2”. Both the BBC and Dame Alison later apologised for the erroneous report.

    Mr Farage told The Telegraph: “These vile prejudicial comments are a direct result of the culture imposed upon NatWest by Dame Alison Rose. It is clear that the decision to debank me wasn’t taken just by the subdivision Coutts but went right up to the very top management team in the NatWest group. I find it wholly unacceptable that Alison Rose should be able to walk away from this fiasco with £11 million given that the British taxpayer owns nearly 40 per cent of the NatWest group. I hope the board acts accordingly on Thursday.”

    The dossier held on Mr Farage by NatWest runs to thousands of pages.

    ‘Who even are you anymore’

    Mr Farage was described as “an awful human being” in a series of messages on July 5, which are either an exchange between employees or one employee sending several messages to colleagues in quick succession.

    The messages read: “Says we have a political agenda/ No it’s just you are an awful human being NF lol/ He’s so politically relevant right now/ Like who even are you anymore/ So good that an ‘everyman’ banked at Coutts. Thanks for the publicity Nige!” On the same day, an employee described Mr Farage as a “crackpot” and sent five “crying with laughter” emojis responding to the news that he had been offered a standard NatWest account.

    They added: “Mr nobody now he has completed Brexit… Awww the money I’d have paid to have been the agent ringing him telling him that.

    On July 17 a message from an employee said: “I’d throw a milkshake at him if I was approached to open an account for him.”

    On the same day, NatWest staff discussed Mr Farage’s claims that he was being victimised by Coutts for political reasons. In one message, a member of staff said “the only reason other banks wouldn’t take him is if he’s under investigation for fraud”. Another staff member replied: “He has dodgy Russian connections and money flowing in from questionable sources.”

    The first person responded: “He refuses to prove where his money came from.”
    Person 2: “Yeah I told him that and he said: ‘well he says he doesn’t’.”
    Person 1: “He’s lying.”
    Person 2: “And I was like do you honestly think he’d admit it?”
    Person 1: “Exactly.”
    Person 2: “Then he said ‘oh yeah I suppose’.”
    Person 1: “I said this fits his narrative about ‘censorship’ and ‘being woke’ so he’s using it but that’s definitely not what’s happening.”
    Person 2: “It’s him being a fool.”
    Person 1: “And most definitely having fraud on his account.”
    Person 2: “Nobody wants him because he’s sketchy.”

    The internal gossip about fraud came despite another email, sent on April 11 by another member of staff, saying: “Exit request. There’s no financial crime involved but his dealings are not within our appetite.”

    An internal email was sent on April 13 giving instructions to the person who was given the job of calling Mr Farage to say his accounts were being closed. It said: “Keep it simple. Tell him you are calling to advise him that he will be receiving two letters to advise him that we can no longer provide banking services to him. If he asks why, say the bank made a commercial decision…”

    The dossier even includes NatWest’s internal response to Mr Farage’s original subject access request to Coutts. On July 8 an employee wrote: “We have received a subject access request from his lawyers which [we] are dealing with which covers the minutes of the Coutts decisions around exit. He is playing this for all he can get. Fascinating that he still scares Tory ministers.”

    A NatWest Group spokesman said: “We have written to Mr Farage to apologise sincerely for the deeply inappropriate comments made about him and the poor behaviours displayed. Neither are consistent with the standards of service that our clients should expect.

    “The Group has commissioned an independent review into recent events, Phase one of which has been delivered to the board and we will complete the necessary processes and publish the key findings, along with the group’s response, as soon as possible. We are determined to learn the necessary lessons from this so that in the future we live up to the high expectations our clients rightly place upon us.”


    Ronald Welsh
    These internal email exchanges are of the level of a primary school WhatsApp group, infantile even. Is this the calibre of the staff in our banking institutions nowadays? Get your money out and put it in a shoebox under the bed, it’ll be better looked after there.

    Doug Scott
    An apology just isn’t good enough. Those staff members need to face legal action for deliberately causing damage to someone else’s business and life. Additionally, NatWest cannot be trusted now and needs their management sacked and replaced with trustworthy professionals.

    Miss Winter
    How thick and arrogant were these staff members.
    Even the most humble office staff generally realise that when you send an email it can be pulled back from the server almost indefinitely.
    What fools. Although I have to admit some politicians are equally stupid.
    These are the same types that post sexual stuff on social media or What’sApp and think they can get away with it.

    1. Ogga may not agree but I think the way the PTB, the MSM and the banks have ganged up on Nigel Farage is a disgrace.

      I agree with ogga that it is disgraceful the way the same groups have ganged up on Tommy Robinson.

      Heads should roll – but they won’t.

    2. I’ve just watched the first part of the Farage show where he is accused of being racist, anti-semitic etc etc.

      It’s a shame he doesn’t have the appetite for suing them for libel. Because some of their slurs are surely libellous. Where is their evidence that he is racist? Or anti-semitic etc etc?

      Nat West staff have behaved in a wholly inappropriate unprofessional manner. All the staff that took part in these correspondences should be disciplined for unprofessional manner.

    3. I tried to explain to some colleagues the other day that their long conversation about which emails should be kept and which deleted and why plus the time spent trawling through email correspondence is completely wasted. I used to be very good about only keeping one year’s worth of emails so as to use less server space but now if I do a search it will retrieve relevant messages going back at least twenty years. It’s all still there. Which is useful but also instructive.

  23. NatWest staff gloated they had ‘driven Nigel Farage out of the country’ after debanking

    Former UKIP leader hits out after messages disclosed to him reveal abuse by workers who called him a ‘crackpot’ and an ‘awful human being’

    By Gordon Rayner, ASSOCIATE EDITOR • 23 October 2023 • 8:46pm

    NatWest staff gloated about the closure of Nigel Farage’s bank accounts and suggested they had “single-handedly driven him out of the country”, The Telegraph can reveal.

    Workers reacted to news that the former Ukip leader had been debanked by NatWest subsidiary Coutts by saying: “Hope that knocked him down a peg or 2.” Internal messages handed over to Mr Farage by NatWest also show that staff suggested he had “dodgy Russian connections”, and was involved in fraud. Another described him as “sketchy”.

    Staff also referred to him as a “crackpot” and an “awful human being”, while one said: “The money I’d have paid to have been the agent ringing him to tell him [that he had been debanked].”

    Mr Farage described the comments as “vile” and called on NatWest to reconsider the £11.3 million payout its board is expected to approve this Thursday for Dame Alison Rose, who resigned as chief executive of the bank in July following revelations in The Telegraph about Mr Farage’s treatment.

    Coutts closed the politician’s personal and business accounts earlier this year, and Dame Alison later told a BBC reporter it had done so for commercial reasons. Mr Farage claimed Coutts had acted for political reasons, and was proved right when a response from the bank to a subject access request he submitted showed that its staff had decided his views did not align with the bank’s values.

    Now, NatWest has responded to a separate subject access request from Mr Farage, which shows how its staff responded to the news of his account closures. On June 26 this year, after Mr Farage had tweeted about his account closure, an internal NatWest email said: “Have you all seen Nigel Farage’s Twitter? No one will bank him now. Have we single-handedly driven NF out of the country?”

    On July 4 a member of staff responded to the BBC report about his account being closed for falling below the wealth limit by saying: “Hope that knocked him down a peg or 2”. Both the BBC and Dame Alison later apologised for the erroneous report.

    Mr Farage told The Telegraph: “These vile prejudicial comments are a direct result of the culture imposed upon NatWest by Dame Alison Rose. It is clear that the decision to debank me wasn’t taken just by the subdivision Coutts but went right up to the very top management team in the NatWest group. I find it wholly unacceptable that Alison Rose should be able to walk away from this fiasco with £11 million given that the British taxpayer owns nearly 40 per cent of the NatWest group. I hope the board acts accordingly on Thursday.”

    The dossier held on Mr Farage by NatWest runs to thousands of pages.

    Bbb ‘Who even are you anymore’

    Mr Farage was described as “an awful human being” in a series of messages on July 5, which are either an exchange between employees or one employee sending several messages to colleagues in quick succession.

    The messages read: “Says we have a political agenda/ No it’s just you are an awful human being NF lol/ He’s so politically relevant right now/ Like who even are you anymore/ So good that an ‘everyman’ banked at Coutts. Thanks for the publicity Nige!” On the same day, an employee described Mr Farage as a “crackpot” and sent five “crying with laughter” emojis responding to the news that he had been offered a standard NatWest account.

    They added: “Mr nobody now he has completed Brexit… Awww the money I’d have paid to have been the agent ringing him telling him that.

    On July 17 a message from an employee said: “I’d throw a milkshake at him if I was approached to open an account for him.”

    On the same day, NatWest staff discussed Mr Farage’s claims that he was being victimised by Coutts for political reasons. In one message, a member of staff said “the only reason other banks wouldn’t take him is if he’s under investigation for fraud”. Another staff member replied: “He has dodgy Russian connections and money flowing in from questionable sources.”

    The first person responded: “He refuses to prove where his money came from.”
    Person 2: “Yeah I told him that and he said: ‘well he says he doesn’t’.”
    Person 1: “He’s lying.”
    Person 2: “And I was like do you honestly think he’d admit it?”
    Person 1: “Exactly.”
    Person 2: “Then he said ‘oh yeah I suppose’.”
    Person 1: “I said this fits his narrative about ‘censorship’ and ‘being woke’ so he’s using it but that’s definitely not what’s happening.”
    Person 2: “It’s him being a fool.”
    Person 1: “And most definitely having fraud on his account.”
    Person 2: “Nobody wants him because he’s sketchy.”

    The internal gossip about fraud came despite another email, sent on April 11 by another member of staff, saying: “Exit request. There’s no financial crime involved but his dealings are not within our appetite.”

    An internal email was sent on April 13 giving instructions to the person who was given the job of calling Mr Farage to say his accounts were being closed. It said: “Keep it simple. Tell him you are calling to advise him that he will be receiving two letters to advise him that we can no longer provide banking services to him. If he asks why, say the bank made a commercial decision…”

    The dossier even includes NatWest’s internal response to Mr Farage’s original subject access request to Coutts. On July 8 an employee wrote: “We have received a subject access request from his lawyers which [we] are dealing with which covers the minutes of the Coutts decisions around exit. He is playing this for all he can get. Fascinating that he still scares Tory ministers.”

    A NatWest Group spokesman said: “We have written to Mr Farage to apologise sincerely for the deeply inappropriate comments made about him and the poor behaviours displayed. Neither are consistent with the standards of service that our clients should expect.

    “The Group has commissioned an independent review into recent events, Phase one of which has been delivered to the board and we will complete the necessary processes and publish the key findings, along with the group’s response, as soon as possible. We are determined to learn the necessary lessons from this so that in the future we live up to the high expectations our clients rightly place upon us.”


    Ronald Welsh
    These internal email exchanges are of the level of a primary school WhatsApp group, infantile even. Is this the calibre of the staff in our banking institutions nowadays? Get your money out and put it in a shoebox under the bed, it’ll be better looked after there.

    Doug Scott
    An apology just isn’t good enough. Those staff members need to face legal action for deliberately causing damage to someone else’s business and life. Additionally, NatWest cannot be trusted now and needs their management sacked and replaced with trustworthy professionals.

    Miss Winter
    How thick and arrogant were these staff members.
    Even the most humble office staff generally realise that when you send an email it can be pulled back from the server almost indefinitely.
    What fools. Although I have to admit some politicians are equally stupid.
    These are the same types that post sexual stuff on social media or What’sApp and think they can get away with it.

  24. Good morrow, Gentlefolk. today’s request (and denial).

    The Penis has requested a rise.

    Request by the penis:
    The Penis requests a promotion and a rise for the following reasons:
     has to work hard;
     has to work at great depths;
     has to work upside down;
     has no ventilation or air-conditioned environment at work;
     has to work in a high humidity environment;
     has to work at high temperatures;
     does not get weekends and holidays off;
     does not get time off after extra hours of work;
     has a hazardous work environment that often causes professional sickness.

    Request denied——– for the following reasons:
     does not work 8 hours in a row;
     does not answer immediately to all requests;
     after a short activity period, falls asleep at work;
     shows no fidelity to the workplace;
     retires too early;
     does not work at all unless pushed from behind;
     does not leave the workplace clean after finishing work;
     sometimes finishes work too early.

  25. https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/49e0ebbbef596409d29bad45b3a5a59f6ecd51b35236131bad23486c7b5df408.png

    I try to keep this as accurate as possible but apparently I have mis-birthdayed Jonathan Rackham whose birthday is not today but on Thursday. (Please confirm)

    E & OE

    (Errors and Omissions Excepted) – Please let me know if I have got anything wrong and please let me know if you would like to be added to the list if you are not already on it). Please also let me know if anyone wants or needs to be removed from the list!

    02 January – 1947 : Poppiesmum
    07 January – **** : Lady of the Lake
    08 January – 1941 : Rough Common
    09 January – **** : thayaric
    10 January – 1960 : hopon
    16 January – 1941 : Bill Thomas (Legal Beagle)
    18 January – **** : Stormy
    21 January – **** : Nagsman
    23 January – 1951 : Damask Rose
    23 January – 1960 : Kifaru
    27 January – 1948 : Citroen 1

    10 February -1949 : Korky the Kat (Dandy Front Pager)
    11 February- 1964 : Phizzee
    22 February- 1965 : AW Kamau
    22 February- 1951 : Grizzly
    24 February- 1941 : Sguest
    28 February- 1956 :Jeremy Morfey
    29 February- **** : Ped

    02 March- **** : Garlands
    05 March—– 1957 : Sue MacFarlane
    08 March—– 1957 : Geoff Graham
    26 March—– 1962 : Caroline Tracey
    27 March—– 1947 : Maggiebelle
    27 March—– 1941 : Fallick Alec

    19 April——- 1954 : Devonian in Kent
    22 April——–1950 :Jay Sands
    26 April——- **** : Harry Kobeans

    18 May———****: Hertslass
    24 May——– 1944 : Sir Jasper (NoToNanny) (Tom)

    02 June——–1939: Clydesider
    08 June——– **** : Still Bleau
    09 June——- 1947 : Johnny Norfolk
    09 June——– 1947 : Horace Pendleton
    23 June——– 1961 : Oberstleutnant (Paul)

    01 July———-1946: Rastus C Tastey
    12 July——— 1956 : David Wainwright/Stigenace
    18 July——— 1941: lacoste
    19 July——— 1948: Ndovu (jules)
    21 July———-1960: Richard II (ex Tier5Inmate)
    26 July——— 1936 : Delboy
    29 July———- 1944 : Lewis Duckworth
    30 July———- 1946 : Alf the Great

    01 August—— 1950 : Datz
    03 August—— 1954 : molamola
    10 August—— 1967 : ourmaninmunich
    14 August ——-1944 jillthelass
    18 August—— **** : ashesthandust
    19 August——- 1951 : Hugh Janus

    04 September- 1948 : Joseph B Fox
    07 September- 1946 : Araminta Smade
    09 September ———: Conway
    11 September- 1947 : peddytheviking
    12 September- 1946 : Ready Eddy
    13 September- **** : Anne Allan
    15 September- **** : veryveryveryoldfella
    26 September- **** : Feargal the Cat
    30 September 1944 : One Last Try

    07 October—– 1960 : Bob 3
    11 October—– 1944 : Hardcastle Craggs
    24 October——-1948: Jonathan Rackham *?
    25 October—– 1955 : Sue Edison

    12 November- ***** : Cochrane

    01 December– 1956 : Sean Stanley-Adams
    06 December– 1943 : Duncan Mac
    10 December– **** : Aethelfled
    16 December– **** : Plum
    21 December– 1945 : Elsie Bloodaxe

      1. I have two – I was probably born on 29 Feb. My father had just died and my mother was a little superstitious and registered me as on the 28th. I celebrate nearly every day of the year – cheers!

    1. Hallo Rastus, can’t stay, yes, my birthday is on Oct 26 1948. But never mind, perhaps I can have an official NOTTLERS birthday plus my actual birthday? 😁😊😉

      1. Mine’s in February, when it is dark, cold and wet. This year I started to have an official birthday in May, when it is much lighter, drier and warmer.

    2. There seems to be a number of coy people not stating their year of birth. For the life of me I simply do not understand why!

      1. Perhaps it’s a security measure rather than coyness. Your date of birth is sensitive information.

  26. Good day all,

    Late on parade this morning – been busy outside cleaning waders, boots, wading staff and landing net following yesterday’s grayling fishing trip to the Avon during which the grayling, or all bar one, refused to play. However, the trout duly rose with abandon to a sudden fly hatch after 4pm and six beauties ended up in the net despite the season being over a week ago. You can catch them, indeed you really can’t avoid trout if fishing for grayling, but you can’t take them home for dinner. They were notably absent on my last trouting outing of the season. Who says fish are dumb?

    Anyway, sunny day at the McPhee’s, wind Sou’-West, 13℃.

    The human race really has lost the plot.


    The link won’t copy and paste again.


    That’s nearly as much as our entire monthly food budget for two which includes some pretty good beef, pork and lamb from a reputable family butcher. Who are the people who can contemplate paying £900 for one steak? You could feed a lot of the homelss for that.

    1. Look at the size of that baby steak, it is so small that you would need to stop at a chippy on the way home to satisfy your hunger pangs. Unless of course that little cherry tomato is enough.

    2. “You could feed a lot of the homelss for that”.
      But you do inded feed the homelss/fecklss. Via income tax, top rate if you can afford such a delicious steak, VAT on the restaurant meal, corporation tax on the restaurant’s profits, business rates, insurance premium tax, Net Zero Renewable tax on the gas and electricity consumed, National Insurance fees on the employees and the business, etc etc. Why do you think the veggie MP for Yorkshiremen encouraged the British to Eat Out?

    3. There’s now talk about banning imports on foods in the UK that are out of season here. The Spanish farmers will go broke.

        1. And potatoes.
          This sounds like a food ‘Lock down’. What are the ‘They’ up to now ?

    4. I’m sury many of the homeless would give their eye teeth for a room on the Bibby Stockholm barge that apparently isn’t good enough for the New Model Army. Was pleased to hear Nana Akua say as much on GBN but she was immediately accused by a leftie guest of making a straw man argument. Nope, it’s relevant.

    5. Yeh, just read that article. Won’t be going there for my after London walk lunch… Is there a Wetherspoons next door who can do it for a tenner, drink included?

      1. I had a ‘Spoons Madras curry in Margate two Fridays back, a pint of cask bitter included. I thought it good value.

        I note that ‘Spoons are not averse to charging premium prices at transport hubs. A pint of bitter at the St. Pancras International Barrel Vault was £4.75. By London standards I imagine that’s moderate pricing but it’s a darn sight more expensive than I pay here in Stevenage. The cheapest bitter I know of here is £2.45 for either Ghost Ship or Doom Bar at Our Mutual Friend. It’s not a ‘Spoons, as you might expect, but a Craft Union pub, part of the Stonegate group.

  27. Gosh – good news for once. Saw the optometrist on 27 September. She said cataracts now met NHS tests. First appointment with the laser man (for assessment) on 15 November. And just 6 miles from the house.

    Phew. I’d assumed it would be at least a year….

      1. I’ve got two letters in the same envelope cancelling the same appointment next month. But that’s fine, I have had enough of his indifferent attitude. Next letter same day, One of the colleagues will be ‘ringing me’ instead. Well phoning.

    1. My old buddy has just sent me a message saying something similar. He’s had his cataract sorted and off to get his all clear appointment next week. I’m getting lined up this time next week for my second assessment. Right eye.

  28. The rates charged for Telegraph subscriptions pops up on here now and again. My renewal came in last week, £189 for the basic digital package as against £149 last year and £100 the year before, way above inflation. I spoke to the nice Margaret on the phone this morning. I don’t seem to have got the attractive offers some have got, I ended up with £139 for the year (still a £50 reduction!). When I commented we had to pay extra for the puzzles site to get everything on there she gave me a Puzzles subscription for £5 for the year as against £30 odd. Reasonable I thought and still less than I paid them last year overall.

    I queried why I never received the crossword newsletter, she had no real answer but has deleted all my newsletter subscriptions (not sure how many as I have never received any of them..) and told me to resubscribe and they ‘should come through’. I am not holding my breath over that one. Have any of you managed to actually receive the newsletters you subscribe to? The included ‘wine cellar’ offer doesn’t interest me, I drink just a few glasses of the stuff a year, and with my ten minute browse of the website each day I am hardly getting value for money but that is life.

      1. That’s ‘cos you is special (and threatened to sue them if you didn’t get a good deal) 🙂

    1. We use gmail and have no problems with Telegraph newsletters.

      If you’re not getting any of your newsletters, then you may need to look at your email settings. It is possibly that the newsletters are automatically being directed into your “spam” box.

      If you don’t find them there, it might be that whatever email server you are using has completely blocked these newsletters so that they never even get through to your spam box: if that is the case, you can try contacting the server to see if that is the case and to ask if they can tweak the system. Alternatively, you can create another email address with a different server (like gmail) which you use for the newsletters.

      1. They are just not being sent. On my domain hosted email I have turned off the spam filter, definitely nothing coming through though of course it Ionos may be bouncing telegraph emails for some reason without telling me but in general my email is pretty reliable. Others on Big Daves Crossword Blog have the same, they never see the Crossword newsletter.

    2. I finally gave in and got a year’s subscription to the on-line DT for £25. This morning I was offered the ‘Puzzles’ add on for £1 for the year. As I drink wine and don’t often do puzzles I declined the offer!

        1. Mine is £29 a year because I cancelled. The bloke on the phone immediately offered that price and I immediately said ‘Ta very much’!

    3. Microsoft Outlook in its various forms has issues with bulk emails, their spam filter on the servers will effectively drop messages they see as spam.

      I had trouble with newsletters from the gym, my email address was in the system correctly, they could send a personal email without issues but newsletters just went awol.

      Microsoft helpline could not help, the Microsoft forums identified the problem but provided no solutions. In the end I just gave up and used a Gmail account for newsletters.

  29. The dopey wokies can’t leave anything alone.

    The link wont work but they are laying in to James Bond now.

    Try this……….what a load of Bolero.


      1. Easy Bill follow the link, above you’ll understand. It’s another annoying stitch up of the British people and tradition.

  30. Afternoon, all. Shan’t stay long; I had to put the laptop on to reply to my MO (he wanted to know that I’d got the message) so I thought I’d just check up on Nottl. Will be off to collect my extra meds shortly.

    Pretty well ALL the standards that used to apply when I was growing up (fair play, evenhandedness, taking your turn, speaking your mind openly without fear or favour, being honest, not being ashamed of your culture and history) seem to have been suppressed these days. We have become the third world.

  31. 377974+ up ticks,


    Ho let the culling begin we can’t stop it we can’t win……..

    Seemingly countries are signing up to an agreement that could result in giving the WHO the go-ahead on compulsory vaccine jabs.

      1. 377940+ up ticks,

        Afternoon VW,

        I left twitter for a brief moment, returned then found the link had left .

        Linkless I had to resort to “seemingly”

        1. I started to read Christine Andersen’s ‘Hope in the offing’ on Twitter early this morning regarding the WHO, I had to stop reading at that point because of our puppy’s demands to go out. When I got back I couldn’t find it. Life and Twitter had moved on, so I have no idea in what form the ‘hope’ manifests itself.

          1. Thank you vw. If only we had someone like that fighting for our rights in Parliament. It is very much a David and Goliath scenario.

    1. Second email arrived this morning demanding that I get the latest shot.
      You have to wonder what they did with the ten million soon to expire shots for the previous ineffective version.

      I expect that we will see lots of pressure to get jabbed over here, the mass vaccination clinics are almost deserted.

      1. On my recent visit to the hospital i was met at the door by a lady who asked me if i was here for the vaccine. I said no i was here for something important. Blank face.

      1. When you have tens of thousands of protestors whipping themselves into a frenzy, it would be a very brave thin blue line that tackles them. Especially if you consider that this mob behave like a bunch of mid Easter savages and do not exactly conform to traditional English values.

        It’s only a matter of time until one of these protests in a western country ends in violence

        1. True. We are now overrun and overwhelmed. The police are outnumbered – and there were more slammers on the march in London that the WHOLE of the armed forces

          1. To put it into perspective, there are at least 20 local authorities with Muslim populations of of greater than 25,000
            and of those at least most have more than 50,000 and of those several are 100,000 plus.
            Add in useful idiots and rioting BLMers and the entire armed forces and volunteer reserves and police are almost certainly outnumbered.

        2. I read somewhere that due to the nature of the RoP, if/when someone stands up to it we may be approaching the end-game. Whether the current slight difficulty in the middle east is the start of it, only time will tell.

        3. What a pity Bojo was forced to get rid of those water cannon. They would have been handy to deal with the great unwashed and unhygienic.

      2. And if they are frightened of the slammers now what will the situation be in 20 years when there are very many more; and in 50 years time when Muslims outnumber the rest of us.

        Children should be made to learn this by heart in schools so that they can understand how their parents’ and grandparents’ stupidity and literal madness got them to to where they are:


        and now we are letting in over ten times that number each year.

    1. The police seem to have the power to storm a pub and confiscate gollies, arrest someone for saying ‘you look like my lesbian nana’, ransack Laurence Fox’s home and arrest a woman for silently praying in the street. When it comes to Muslim demos, they don’t want to know.

    2. My old warrant card, signed by the chief constable, stated quite clearly on the front: “The holder of this card possesses all the powers and privileges of a police constable in England and Wales.”

    1. Fascinating, as you say. It goes a good way to explain why some people flee tyrannical régimes and come to our Western countries only to try and replicate the very tyranny that they fled.

  32. Lord Pickles: Police have lost the plot over pro-Palestine protests

    Former Cabinet minister fears officers’ ‘compliant’ approach to ‘jihad’ chants could encourage people to turn to violence

    By Charles Hymas, HOME AFFAIRS EDITOR • 24 October 2023 • 11:44am

    Police have “lost the plot” over the “woke” handling of the pro-Palestine protests, Lord Pickles, the UK’s special envoy for post-Holocaust issues, has said. Lord Pickles, the former Conservative Cabinet minister, said he feared the police’s “compliant” approach to chants of “jihad” at the protests last weekend could encourage “impressionable” people to go further and turn to violence. “That would be a dreadful thing,” he said.

    It follows demands from Rishi Sunak for police to “take all necessary action to tackle extremism head-on” despite claims by senior officers that they are restricted by current laws in their ability to arrest protesters. The Prime Minister believes police have sufficient powers under current laws to take action against protesters under anti-terrorism or public order legislation to tackle “threatening, abusive or insulting words or behaviour.”

    However, in an article for The Telegraph, Sir Mark Rowley, the Metropolitan Police Commissioner, warned there was a “chasm” between the law and what the public expects. He warned that such incidents as the jihad chants exposed gaps in the law covering hate crime and terrorism, which meant extremist groups could steer their way around it to propagate “some pretty toxic messages” in the wake of the Hamas terrorist attack on Israel.

    The spotlight has focused on the Metropolitan Police after protesters at Saturday’s march in London were filmed shouting “Jihad, Jihad, Jihad”. After analysing an online video, the Met said that jihad had “a number of meanings” and concluded that no offence had taken place.

    However, Lord Pickles, speaking on LBC, said: “I do think [the police] have lost the plot a little bit. Having experts on flags saying it’s jihad but it’s not jihad as we understand it. There was a rule that you cannot go into a theatre and falsely shout fire and that’s what jihad is. I am not expecting police to run into the crowds and arrest people but there is CCTV coverage, there’s stop in the street. They should be able to do this.

    “It is important for people to have their collars felt. I am not expecting people to be locked up. If you feel people’s collars early on, it will encourage them [to change their behaviour]. My worry is that by police taking this quite compliant and wokey-type view as regards to the issue of jihad that it might just encourage the impressionable to move onto violence.”

    Met Police officers have made 34 arrests and are investigating 22 individuals caught on camera or CCTV and 150 cases of “deeply concerning” social media posts.

    “Most would assume the police can surely intervene and that we’re overlooking the impact on those who are already suffering. Many have called for a blanket ban on demonstrations across London,” said Sir Mark.

    “We don’t licence or give permission for protest to happen, but we are determined to ruthlessly tackle anyone who puts their foot over the legal line. That line, however, is drawn by Parliament. The law does not provide for us to police based on values, principles, taste or decency. Some protests will inevitably offend. Indeed, Lord Justice Sedley said in his landmark 1999 judgment that ‘freedom only to speak inoffensively is not worth having’. In an increasingly polarised society, the chasm between our country’s legislation and public expectation is becoming more evident.

    “The events of this moment are suggesting that perhaps the line of the law is not in the right place. That is a matter for the Government and Parliament to consider.”

    Three years ago, Sir Mark wrote a report with the then counter-extremism tsar Sarah Khan calling for the law to be rewritten to combat “hateful extremism”. They warned extremists could glorify terrorism as long as they avoided specifically encouraging a terrorist act and steered clear of directly supporting a proscribed group.

    Also speaking on LBC, Victoria Atkins, the financial secretary to the Treasury, said some alleged chants “don’t sit with our values as a country”.

    “I think actually the majority of people were shocked and upset, actually, to see some of the things that were allegedly being shouted or appearing on placards,” she said. “There were an awful lot of people, I do want to accept there were a lot of people at that march who weren’t behaving in that way and they were protesting peacefully. But there were some who were saying things that just … don’t sit with our values as a country.”

    Asked whether the law on public order was working, she said: “We keep public order offences under review, but at the moment, there is a range of powers which we are encouraging the police to use… we will always listen carefully to the police when they ask for further powers.”


    This is the point I made yesterday. The authorities are running around trying to uphold laws that are very subjective (in the same way that human rights laws are so generalistic) and yet are calling for more of the same. Should the police act now against the demonstrators, the human rights lawyers will be straight in, intimidating the spineless cabinet as they go.

    In the braver Britain of the past, the police might not have had second thoughts about sticking the boot in but then they have rarely had to face what we all face now, which is something beyond the ordinary demonstration getting out of hand because of the presence of a few hard Left psychopaths.

    Elsewhere in the DT, Tom Harris writes about the dependency of so many Labour members on Muslim votes. The GE could be exciting but not in the way that many expect it to be.

    1. Surely the police can’t have it both ways? If they are “restricted by current laws in their ability to arrest protesters” how do they explain the multiple arrests during the anti lockdown demonstrations? They seemed keen enough to throw old ladies into vans then, or were those arrests later deemed illegal?? If so, how much compensation was paid?

      1. They are not restricted, or so they would say, from investigating murder, GBH or misconduct in public office. But these are laws that do not now apply to the parasite class who have broken them so numerously to the detriment of our people. The AG and Lord Advocate in solemn and corrupt unison have their telescopes to the wrong eye……

      2. Also very good at attacking women commemorating Sarah Everard; raped and murdered by one of the Met’s ‘finest’.

  33. I have just received my certification of Swedish citizenship from Migrationsverket. I now have dual nationality.

    This is quite surreal: a committed Brexiteer who is also now a citizen of the EU. Having two passports should make travel a lot easier.

    1. Surely you can’t be a citizen of the EU as it is not a country. You are, however, a citizen of both the U.K. and Sweden.

      1. Thanks, Alf.

        You had me thinking there for a minute. I’ve just found this: EU citizenship is granted automatically to anyone who holds the nationality of an EU country. Some rights and benefits derive from national law, and these may differ from country to country.

          1. The “benefits” of EU “citizenship”.

            They can write what they like – but there ain’t no such thing. One can ONLY be a citizen of a country. Thank God the EU is NOT a country. QED.

          1. You’ll need to get French citizenship (or Breton if they become a sovereign state 😉) to regain your EU pass.

    2. Caroline is going for French nationality and I shall hope to have dual nationality but the process is pretty tortuous.

    3. Canadas abysmal passport renewal system makes having a second passport essential so that you can travel during times that they are expiditing your application.

      There again even with two passports I have been caught short and faced travel problems

    4. Well done. I have a son near Gothenburg who also has dual nationality. Curiously, his Swedish passport caused a heavy interrogation on USA entry last month for some reason. No idea why.

  34. “Tens of thousands of women in Iceland, including Prime Minister Katrín Jakobsdóttir, are refusing to work on Tuesday.
    The “kvennafrí”, or women’s day off, has been called in protest at the gender pay gap and gender-based violence.”

    Times are hard …..

    Opening line of which Ancient Greek play?

    1. What carp.
      Length of service.
      Hours put in.
      Disciplines chosen.
      Hazards involved.
      Qualifications required
      Level of discomfort.
      Add that lot in, Hildur.

        1. Oooh. She’s such a show off. Don’t encourage her. You’ll be burning her bra for her next !

  35. That’s me for this miserable, dank, dark, wet unfriendly day – the only glimmer being my rapid cataract appointment.

    Have a spiffing evening.

    A demain (dental check up and more LADDER buying…!!)

    1. You were unfortunate, to say the least. It’s been a dry, bright autumn day here with a good deal of sunshine. I had a most pleasant walk for grocery shopping.

      1. Yes; we had a soggy morning, but from lunchtime onwards things got better.
        Enough blue sky to make a matelot’s trousers.

  36. Three teenagers arrested ‘after burning Union flag and chanting Free Palestine’

    The men were arrested in Twickenham on suspicion of racially aggravated criminal damage and inciting racial hatred

    By Will Bolton, CRIME CORRESPONDENT • 24 October 2023 • 3:03pm

    Three men have been arrested after a pub-goer chased down a gang who allegedly set fire to a Union Jack flag in Twickenham while shouting “Free Palestine” and “Allahu Akbar”. The suspects, a 17-year-old and two 18-year-olds, were detained shortly after 6pm on Monday.

    Two flags were stolen from outside The Fox pub but it is not believed any other businesses were targeted. Explaining what happened, a bartender from a nearby pub said: “It was one of our regulars that was in the middle of it. He caught one of the guys.”

    She said that a group of three or four men had taken the flag hanging outside The Fox before running away. She described how the pub-goer then chased after the men, before calling the police when he heard them saying “Allahu Akbar” and trying to burn the flag.

    The Metropolitan Police said the group had allegedly made remarks about the conflict in Gaza.

    Pubs and traders in the area have a tradition of flying Union flags on the street, as well as the colours of England’s international rugby opponents and flags in support of Ukraine.

    Three men have been arrested on suspicion of racially aggravated criminal damage and inciting racial hatred, the force confirmed. In a post on Twitter, James Chard, a local Liberal Democrat councillor, praised the police.

    His colleague Gareth Roberts added: “Hate speech and associated actions of any kind have no place on the streets of our borough.”

    It comes after Sir Mark Rowley, the Met Police commissioner, clashed with ministers over how to deal with pro-Palestinian protesters shouting “jihad” after Saturday’s rally in central London. Rishi Sunak told the House of Commons that officers currently had sufficient powers to arrest those inciting violence or racial hatred. Writing in The Telegraph however, Sir Mark said a “chasm” existed between the law and what the public expected, and officers could not enforce “values, principles, taste or decency”.

    A Met spokesman said: “At 6.09pm on Monday, October 23, police were called to Church Street, Twickenham, following reports of a group trying to remove and set fire to Union flags. Three men were arrested at the scene on suspicion of racially aggravated criminal damage and inciting racial hatred.”


    There are plenty of English towns unfamiliar with the LibDem decency of Twickenham in which the stealing of a Union or St. George’s flag from a pub would end very badly indeed for the thieves…

  37. Par on Wordle today.

    Wordle 857 4/6


    1. par 4 here

      Wordle 857 4/6


    2. Par for me too today.

      Wordle 857 4/6


    3. Oh my another par

      Wordle 857 4/6


    4. I got today’s in two. My best effort ever (I’ve only been doing it for 10 days.)

  38. Geoff Buys Cars’ latest You Tube video (The Luton Airport Fire – Joke Insurance and WHO NEEDS A LAWYER?!) has an interesting theory on the fire at the back-end of the video. Posted about an hour ago.

    1. One of the many comments BTL this video refers to a brake disc problem; sparks, overheated CV joint etc.

  39. Good news Grizz…

    “Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan has submitted Sweden’s bid to Turkey’s parliament for the first time. The move happened Monday, at a moment the globe’s attention has switched from Russia-Ukraine to the Israel-Gaza war, and has brought Stockholm’s entrance into the alliance a big step closer.

    “The Protocol on Sweden’s NATO Accession was signed by President Recep Tayyip Erdogan on October 23, 2023 and referred to the Grand National Assembly of Turkey,” the Turkish presidency announced on social media. Turkey under Erdogan has been the most outspoken in blocking Sweden’s bid, having long complained that it harbors ‘terrorists’ – due to the large Kurdish population which often organizes anti-Turkey protests and political movements.

    Swedish Prime Minister Ulf Kristersson enthusiastically welcomed the development in Stockholm’s favor. “Welcome that President Erdoğan signed Sweden’s ratification protocol to NATO and submitted it to the Grand National Assembly of [Turkey]. Parliamentary procedures will now commence. We are looking forward to becoming a member of NATO.”

      1. Nobody but a fool would bet on the continuance of the European Union.

        The EU is broke, has by its policies caused the destruction of the economies of its member states, principally Germany and The Netherlands with France and Italy not far behind.

        The UK is in the process of destroying itself whilst strictly nominally no longer part of the EU.

    1. Sweden would be mistaken in seeking membership of NATO.

      NATO Membership would simply mean tens of thousands of Russian troops posted on its borders given the interference and existential threat posed to Russia by Biden’s proxy war in Ukraine.

      When Trump is returned to the White House NATO will be defunded and some order will be returned to the geopolitics and essential diplomacy for peace so neglected or misunderstood by Obama’s chosen few idiots in Biden’s High Command.

      That High Command comprises Biden (a discredited “brand” with no discernible ethics or morality), Blinken, Sullivan, Nuland, Wray, Garland and the rest of the Democrat shit show.

      Erdogan is the very last person the Swedes should associate with.

    2. Sounds to me that what is being suggested is that Erdogan is someone we need take notice of rather than what we know of him being a murderer and Turkey being a safe harbour for terrorists.

      1. Thought it was just me!🙄
        Discovered it’s an AI generated obit meme! Me neither…..

  40. Extract from a BTL comment:

    “The sooner the Tories are history the better. At least Labour make no illusion as to their incompetence and hypocrisy.”

    1. True, but as Labour are SO incompetent, voters would be mad to risk our complete annihilation.

      1. I bet you meant the rudd carpet.
        Typically when something goes wrong in our country it costs the members of the public a fortune and the political classes don’t give a shit when people’s property and their lives are destroyed.

        1. We’ve been flooded twice in the last 19 years, and not through proximity to the Tamar. New housing estates going up on the outskirts of the village using the very old sewer and drainage systems combined with heavy rain.
          Oh, I meant ‘redd’.

          1. There was an article in the local rag about a house being flooded several times after new houses were built in the street. Don’t get me started on waste water and foul water disposal! I start to sound like Edwin Chadwick and his passion for drains (all I recall from my British History 1812-1918 section of my A Level History – the other part was European History from the end of the Hundred Years War until 1914).

        2. Sorry, Eddy, a redd is a bit of a gravel nest in a stream or river where salmon or trout spawn.

  41. That’s me for today, awake at 4 am. MOT pass on our car. Lots of walking. Had two 20 minute dozes in the armchair. Lovely afternoon with the family for grandson 8th birthday.
    A large wee dram with ice for me.
    Found 2 kilograms of sloes in the bottom of the freezer and will buy a litre of gin and one of vodka and some caster sugar tomorrow. For Christmas drinks and beyond.
    Up the wooden Hill now.
    Goodnight all. 😴

  42. A bit done up the “garden”, got the raspberry canes I dug up planted into some plastic troughs so they can be replanted late in the winter, if I get round to it.

    Not a lot else, but I’m off for a bath & bed now so good night all.

      1. 🎶Happy Birthday to you🎶, Sue! Enjoy your day, may the sun shine for you from morn until dusk!🌞🎉🎂🥂🍾🎈🎁🎉🌞

      2. Happy birthday Sue – very soon 🥂🧁❤🍨🍰🥳🎂🍷🦄 it’s almost midnight now! 🥰

    1. Just coming up to 8.30pm here in West Virginia, so I can correctly wish you a very happy birthday, Sue! Hope it turns into a good one!

  43. Boris Johnson promised Zelensky everything. Truss briefly followed suit and both Sunak and Starmer are agreed on continuing financial and military support to Ukraine.

    The result of this UK Uni-party support is that the UK is yet another victim of the Zelensky Curse. We are locked into this mad policy of depleting our armed forces, going bankrupt whilst stoking inflation yet us voters have never been asked our opinions and neither have the Uni-Party allowed debate on the merits and actual demerits of this lunacy.

    The Zelensky Curse has lead us up a blind alley.

    The blind are leading the blind.

    1. She is unfortunate isn’t she….all these controversies just seem to attract themselves to her…

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