Monday 6 November: Protests must not be allowed to disrupt this country’s Armistice Day

An unofficial place to discuss the Telegraph letters, established when the DT website turned off its commenting facility (now reinstated, but we prefer ours),
Intelligent, polite, good-humoured debate is welcome, whether on or off topic. Differing opinions are encouraged, but rudeness or personal attacks on other posters will not be tolerated. Posts which – in the opinion of the moderators – make this a less than cordial environment, are likely to be removed, without prior warning.  Persistent offenders will be banned.

Today’s letters (visible only to DT subscribers) are here.

579 thoughts on “Monday 6 November: Protests must not be allowed to disrupt this country’s Armistice Day

    1. “I LOVE hummus >>> Be a Muslim”. Shouldn’t that be “I LOVE Hammas”, Sir Jasper?

    1. Some have already been cancelled on what i believe to be spurious reasons. It is only a matter of time. We have appeased them in everything else.

  1. Protests must not be allowed to disrupt this country’s Armistice Day

    It will be a big problem for the tv coverage, how are they going to show the traditional proceedings while avoiding showing the awful behaviour of our recent imports and far Left revolutionaries?

    1. For the first time I don’t think I’ll be watching it – I haven’t got any blood pressure tablets

    2. I think you’re underestimating the ingenuity of the telly companies – not just the Beeb, they are practically all tarred with the same brush…..
      Oops …… morning, officer. If you replace the front door quickly, the coffee’s will still be hot.

  2. Met Police chief urged to ban pro-Palestinian Armistice Day protests. 6 November 2023.

    The Metropolitan Police commissioner is under pressure to ban a pro-Palestinian march planned for Armistice Day.

    Sir Mark Rowley is facing growing calls to cancel Saturday’s rally amid fears that the protest will turn violent.

    Oliver Dowden, the Deputy Prime Minister, expressed “grave concerns” over the planned demonstration, with senior Tories also demanding that the march be cancelled.

    A policeman’s lot is not a happy one! In reality of course this is a political decision and is usually taken by the Home Secretary. The reason they have fobbed it off onto Rowley is because of that old military maxim: You should never give an order that you know will not be obeyed! The Government don’t know this absolutely of course; which is probably worse, but they strongly suspect that the Muzzies will not comply!

    Such a result would be a political calamity. Multiculturalism is a basic tenet of the Political Elites and has already been exposed by the reaction to Gaza as a lie. The thought of Battles on the Streets between supporters of Islam and the Government must be giving them kittens in 10 Downing Street. If they can mug Rowley into taking the decision they can at least blame him. If he doesn’t take the decision; well they can blame him anyway!

  3. Good morning all.
    A brightish start, cloudy with scattered blue sky with 1°C on the yard thermometer and, as yet, it’s not raining.

  4. 378461+ up ticks,

    Morning Each,

    Monday 6 November: Protests must not be allowed to disrupt this country’s Armistice Day

    Looking at it in the cold honest light of day
    This suggests putting off the inevitable, probably the same peoples want the same for Israel as in allowing the enemy to reform.

    In the United Kingdoms case to allow the daily invasion forces to land and join the main internal force.

    In stopping the march we will be giving shelter to those that truly mean us harm, much as like allowing them to operate via tunnels
    beneath decent folk.

    Catalogue EVERY man, woman, tranny who are protesting, foreign elements deport, indigenous elements detain until hostilities within these Isles are at an end.

    Lest we want to forget, the war fallen would expect no less.

    1. There was a big electrical storm last night apparently, warnings of possible electricity disruptions, but I didn’t notice anything.

      When the Carrington event happened, the aurora was visible in the Carribean, it is said.

    2. There was a big electrical storm last night apparently, warnings of possible electricity disruptions, but I didn’t notice anything.

      When the Carrington event happened, the aurora was visible in the Carribean, it is said.

  5. The state is treating its enemies as allies. It’s time for the naivety to end. 6 November 2023.

    From the chanting for jihad to the intimidation of Jews, the rolling anti-Israel protests in London have been a wake-up call to many. But the visible failure of the police to uphold the law, and the tendency to excuse unacceptable and criminal behaviour, has been shocking. We have witnessed, in the past month, the evaporation of two vital principles: policing without fear or favour, and equality before the law.

    The State is the enemy! Even now, with their policies in ruins, they cannot bring themselves to oppose their Islamic allies!

    1. Brian Gerrish and Co at UK Column having been saying for years that we live under a government of occupation and its policies are dictated not by the people who elect it but by supra-national organisations, international ‘think-tanks’ and NGOs.

    2. Policing without fear or favour died a long, long time ago under Blair, and equality before the law hasn’t existed since the first discrimination laws in the 70s.
      Bit slow at the Telegraph if they’ve only just noticed!

  6. Good morning all,

    A lovely sunny morning here at the McPhee’s and the day looks set fair. Wind in the SW, 7℃≫10℃.

    I put this Triggernometry video with Douglas Murray up last night but some may have missed it so here it is again. He’s talking on the Hamas marches in London and it is an absolute scorcher. The ‘Trigger’ boys were clearly a bit worried about some of the things Douglas said. I’m sure complaints will go in to YT if they haven’t already so it may be taken down. View early to avoid disappointment.

    1. Morning McFee. I watched this last night. Douglas wants to watch out! I can see him getting a knife between his ribs with views like this!

      1. He will be OK – he is a co-founder of ARC (Association for Responsible Citizenship) along with Jordan Peterson. Keynote speaker at launch event; Michael Gove.
        Douglas Murray is a fully paid up member of the controlled opposition.

        1. Yes, of course he is. He doesn’t touch The Great Climate Lie or the scamdemic and he is a major player at the Spectator and writer for the DT. He wouldn’t be either if he wasn’t the establishment’s man. I wonder how they control him? Did they give him licence to say what he did? Nevertheless he has pushed the boundary and it’s one small step from here to being more openly and actively opposed to all non-European migration.

    2. Morning McFee. I watched this last night. Douglas wants to watch out! I can see him getting a knife between his ribs with views like this!

      1. The latest Disaffected podcast/video had a section on Douglas Murray and how some ex-Beeboib who now works fir LBC effectively reported him to the police on Twitter for “inciting violence” re the pro-Palestinian marches on Remembrance Sunday.

  7. Good morning all,

    A lovely sunny morning here at the McPhee’s and the day looks set fair. Wind in the SW, 7℃≫10℃.

    I put this Triggernometry video with Douglas Murray up last night but some may have missed it so here it is again. He’s talking on the Hamas marches in London and it is an absolute scorcher. The ‘Trigger’ boys were clearly a bit worried about some of the things Douglas said. I’m sure complaints will go in to YT if they haven’t already so it may be taken down. View early to avoid disappointment.

    1. The so-called pro-Palestinians seem to want an end to genocide and to exterminate the Jews!

    2. But we will forget. Hell, the Left are deliberately repeating the horrific fascist actions that led to the war!

    1. I have another 20 minutes to go with this, I couldn’t listen to it all last night. Douglas Murray is excellent. I am looking forward to completing it after I’ve taken the hound for a walk.

      1. 378461+ up ticks,

        Morning PM,
        It really did give us good heart to know the likes of Douglas Murray are operating in such a manner.

        DM put it on last night, I posted then scrolled…. again.

      2. He says what very many people think which probably means that he has committed the heinous thought crime they call Islamophobia.

        As I keep saying Infidelophobia (which I define above) is far more dangerous.

    2. It’s a very good interview. The frustration, continually, is that nothing changes. The state continues to ruin the country, the Left keep getting their demented policies enacted, we’re all made poorer by the greed and stupidity of spiteful wasters, remoaners continue to pour excrement into fora despite getting precisely what they wanted – I don’t understand their anger – they’re got the UK chained to the EU. Every policy has been to reinforce that. We’re suffering precisely because of big fat state refusing to enact pro Brexit ideology policies. Why can remoaners not see that the mess we’re in is *their fault*?

      1. Choice of Cullen Skink, Sweet potato and Tomato and herbs, I had the sweet potato. The dreaded Bingo and some line dancing (to my music) 😘

  8. Morning Geoff and all,

    The Times front page reports that. X (fornerly Twitter) users can now try Grok, a competitor to OpenAI. Google and Meta AI platforms. This Elon Musk entry to the AI offerings demands a subscription but for that price it promises to provide empathy and understanding in a dialogue with the user.

    The UK Government is trying to lead the way in regulating these AI industry applications but the progess of this rapidly evolving generative computing platform on the internet may be too fast to gain control of.

    The internet can transmit harmful computer viruses far more quckly that humans can spread biological viruses.

    1. Pay a subscription and get “empathy and understanding” from AI!
      The jokes write themselves these days!

          1. Chevy Chase is very tall, Paul Simon is very short. But facially they could be brothers.

        1. That’s the fundamental thing about having a computer run everything – it is utterly disapassionate and doesn’t care about your feelings. If AI ran the government not only would government be 10 to the power of 3 more efficient it would easily solve the problems human government creates by not giving a stuff about what the WEF want.

    2. The state wants to control anything it perceives as a threat. It’s ironic. WE’re told by science fiction that Ai destroys humanity because it fears the damage humans will do to it wherre as always, it is government seeking to control AI because it is terrified of *it*.

      Government does this with everything – it fears individual liberty, responsibility, personal motivation, independent thought and action, the family – anything it cannot coerce or force.

    1. Or – more likely – some ignorant teenage scribbler on the DT “edited” the towns….

    2. True, but I’ve never been able to understand why it was called Watford gap. I guess there was a river Wat at one stage.

      1. From Wiki:-

        Watford Gap /ˈwɒtfərd ɡæp/ is a low-lying area between two hills, close to the village of Watford, Northamptonshire, England.

        1. Thanks for that BoB.
          There are many towns and villages in the UK where over the years, the names have been distorted.
          One I heard a few years ago was Luton. As in Lowertown.
          There is a part of the district named Hightown.

    3. Lonnie Donegan sang a song about the Cumberland Gap – which is nowhere near the Lake District but is a pass in the eastern United States through the long ridge of the Cumberland Mountains, within the Appalachian Mountains and near the tripoint of Kentucky, Virginia, and Tennessee

      I think he should have sung a song about the Watford Gap instead!

    4. Sent at 0630 this morning:-

      Dear Sir,

      Your correspondent David Brown (letters November 6th) is mistaken to suggest that the M1 service area Watford Gap is “a few miles north of Nottingham.” It is adjacent to, and named after, the small Northants village of Watford which is midway between Northampton and Rugby. Nowhere near Nottingham.

      Yours faithfully

    1. It really is just amazing that both Katie and Tommy have been allowed back on Twitter now.

      Not to Nottlers one imagines!

  9. 378461+ up ticks,

    The state is treating its enemies as allies. It’s time for the naivety to end

    True fact,
    The state is treating its enemies as allies. and its indigenous peoples as
    enemies, keep that in mind when next entering a polling station, regain the mantle of self respect & drop the dangerous idiot tag.

  10. It is exactly four years, to the day, that I last visited England. On Nov 6, 2019, in London, I met up with a couple of very good and dear friends and we enjoyed a splendid time together. On that date, as a result of enjoying a carb-heavy lifestyle diet of bread, cakes, spuds, ice-cream, beer, whisky and lots of other sugary goods, I tipped the scales at 117·1 kg [18st–6lb–3oz].

    Since I embarked on my strict carnivorous lifestyle, enjoying meat (and its fat), fish, cheese, eggs and butter; whilst becoming teetotal and carb-and-sugar free, I now weigh in at 89·4 kg [14st–1lb–1oz] and I’ve not done yet. My shedding of 27·7 kg [4st–5lb–2oz] over the past four years has made me fitter, stronger, more alert (less ‘brain fog’) and much more energetic. I also sleep like a log.

    Bread, spuds, cake, beer, whisky? Who needs them? I don’t!

        1. Our friend has certainly shed a lot of weight and looks very well on it. But he is still not as slim as you are.

          I am now 120 kilos (about 19 stone in real money) because, as you remarked the other day, I do like the buns.

          When I left school in 1964 I was 13½ stone; when I married Caroline in 1988 I was just over 14 stone and could still wear most of my tailor made suits – which I shall never be able to do again.

          1. I have lost nearly 3 st since May, by eating more healthily, portion control and increasing the opportunities i take to exercise. Never say never. I am taking this action now do that my future self will live longer (hopefully) and i may live a bit longer to bug my children (and any future grandchildren).

          2. My ‘portion control’, since last June, has been four meals a week. I enjoy those meals but never feel any hunger pangs between them. Today I am drinking water, tea and coffee. Nothing more than that.

          3. 19 stone is about 266 lbs, and as there’s 2.2lbs per kilo that’s about 120 kilos – it’s about my bench press weight.

            I’ve been 200 kgs and compared to how I am now it’s like wearing far too many layers of clothing

      1. I stopped eating high-carb and sugary foods over a year ago. I last had a sip of alcohol last May. I truly don’t miss it, or even think about it.

    1. Well done. I did a similar thing 20-odd years ago although I was never as large. I carried about 1st 7lb- 2st too much and no amount of exercise would shift it. Cutting out booze, sugary things and all ultra-processed food did the trick. I’ve been lean and fit ever since.

    2. Well done Grizz. Don’t lose any more though or people will mistake you for an Undertaker..

          1. I went to a funeral back in the summer and the invitations mentioned mourners should use a more casual type of dress.

          2. Seems to be happening a lot. A cousin of mine turned up at my fathers funeral with an untucked shirt and white trainers. I find it disrespectful.
            It’s all very well if someone doesn’t have an appropriate suit but there are limits.
            I wear black trousers, white shirt, black tie, polished black shoes and a long dark coat.
            All my suits are dinner suits so not appropriate.

          3. The last funeral I attended (a week or so ago) was like that. I wore a dark green Loden, Samuel Windsor cords (olive drab), polished shoes and a trilby. I don’t do sloppy. It seems disrespectful.

    3. Good morning, Grizzly

      Bread, spuds, cake, beer, whisky? Who needs them? I don’t.

      Who likes them, I do!

    4. Stop me eating cake and I’ll get very grumpy, however, you are right, a good diet is important. Just remember to eat plenty of fibre. I’m 150kg, of which 20kg is fat according to the tests.

      1. I’ve never been a cake man. I’ve always been more of a pie man (Simple Simon will give me a reference).

        1. Just had a steak and stilton pie this evening, accompanied by roast spuds and parsnips. Clearly there is no hope for me.

    5. Good grief, Grizzly, what a difference! At first, I thought I had seen a couple of photos of Laurel and Hardy in a colour film I was unfamiliar with. Lol. (Congratulations, btw.)

  11. Morning all 🙂😊
    Lovely day but noticeably chilly.
    Wonderful afternoon yesterday with our large amount of relatives and friends. Our lovely grand daughter slept most of the time and didn’t bat an eyelid when she was blessed above the font. A good sign.
    And of course protesters should not be allowed to practice their repulsive offensive behaviour.
    If they do, deport them all.
    I hope our government has the intelligence to have the army standing by on the 11th.

    1. 1°C here at 07:00. I can tell it’s getting colder, I’m getting dressed a lot quicker after I get up nowadays!

    2. 378461+ up ticks

      Morning RE,
      Glad you enjoyed the day, as for the political overseers
      having the army standing by they have that alright with more troops added daily.

      It is just not our
      indigenous army.

    1. Before television public executions were a part of the British entertainment business.

      It was the same in France where some spectators took along their knitting.

  12. “The Covid ventilator disaster: Was the US to blame?”
    Professor Martin Neil – The Conservative Woman

    So what will be the next attempt by the WEF to exterminate us?

    ‘The Final Solutions’ for Covid, Terrorist outrages, CO2 and Global Warming or World War III?

    BTL : Refusenik : 8 minutes ago

    Suppression of early treatment.
    Reduction in antibiotic use for bacterial pneumonia.
    The nocebo effect of the lockdowns and fear mongering.

    The tool kit of the genocide committed by governments around the world in order to fake a deadly pandemic.

    1. If the state keeps following the Left wing WEF agenda of high tax, handouts, debt, energy scarcity that will inevitably lead to shortages and then we’ll get food and fuel riots because this country is horrifically over populated.

      When Brown hiked fuel taxes and the protests began he immediately used the army to get his own way. If taxes keep going up eventually the army, run down as they are won’t be enough to contain the very real threat of domestic terrorism from muslim.

      Covid taught us that half the population are mindless sheep, unwilling to think for themselves and preferring to give away their choices to the state. Will they conflict with the other half who are sick of being controlled

  13. Hurrah ! Everything’s back to normal. Meghan and Harry stories are reappearing in the Press !

  14. Yesterday brought about a very interesting discussion. I had a WhatsApp message from my old mare, I passed it on to others.
    He had added on it from Angie.
    Of course there was much interest about who Angie was, is. Interestingly if it hadn’t have been for Angela, more than 50 years ago. None of us would have been at the gathering yesterday. Certainly none of our family would not exist, except for my self.
    Six of us shared a large detached house in Whetstone early 70s.
    Angie had and argument with one of the other residents and decided to move out with her friend. She moved to a ground floor flat in Highgate. Her and her friend had a party, and invited the other girls in the three story, plus her friends from Whetstone. I met and married one of the three girls (young ladies) who were living in the upstairs flat. And there you have it.

    1. Something similar happened to me. In 1973 I moved into a 3 bedroom garden flat in Twickenham with my Swiss girlfriend. Needed other people to share so her French friend had one bedroom and my brother the 3rd bedroom. The basement flat contained 4 female students. I married the Swiss girl the following year in La Chaux-de-Fonds and my brother is still with one of the basement students and now both live on Richmond hill. My marriage didn’t last.

  15. ‘Morning All

    Untold thousands of dead mioslems in Yemen ………Meh

    Untold thousands of dead moslems in Syria……..Meh

    Untold thousands of dead moslems in Ethiopia……..Meh

    Untold thousands of dead moslems in Sudan…….Meh

    Etc etc etc…

    Moslems dead in Gaza?? WAR,RED WAR

    I thought it was time to put up the video of European Civil War 2029

    Oh wait it’s banned

    With much seaching I found it (for now) sadly without sound
    I see much blood in our future

    1. The problem the Left have is that other muslim killed the dead ones. They don’t know how to deal with that so they pretend it isn’t happening. It’s much the same with the Rohingya. The media ignore 20 years of muslim rapes, murders, abuses, theft but as soon as da muslim gets a kicking… the Left swing into action to attack the Chinese – ignoring, completely, the criminality of the muslim.

    2. I pressed the page and this came up for me:

      This is all about Qt interval in a nutshell.

      I had mine on my tablet from my own four lead ecg :monitor:

      and Qt is 430 mS at 56 bpm which close to the maximum for males.

      No medical professional has ever told me the harmful effects of the range of drugs that I am likely to be prescribed.

    3. I pressed the page and this came up for me:

      This is all about Qt interval in a nutshell.

      I had mine on my tablet from my own four lead ecg :monitor:

      and Qt is 430 mS at 56 bpm which close to the maximum for males.

      No medical professional has ever told me the harmful effects of the range of drugs that I am likely to be prescribed.

    1. I’ve sent this to folk who don’t really appreciate DJT – I wish I could be there to see their reactions!

          1. Please yourself!

            Edited to Add. Glad to know you have the skills to Block me but don’t apparently have the skills to watch, as I suggested, the above video posted by mum.

          1. If you didn’t twig immediately it became clear about 15 seconds into poppiesmum’s video.

  16. Is the West ready for World War 3? Spiked 6 November 2023.

    As we enter a very dangerous period, the West must prioritise bolstering its military, industrial and energy resources. Right now, it’s hard to see our elites rising to the challenge. But as previous global conflicts have demonstrated, this was once possible. The question now is do we have the time, and the will, to make it happen again?

    Good luck with that. The UK is on the verge of Military, Economic and Social collapse

  17. My word it looks as if sad dick could be signed up by India, the pollution is horrendous.
    Pollution there now is way above the recommended level set out by the WHO. Oh dear.

      1. The Government obviously needs to flatten the curve.
        Anthropogenic solar warming is the cause for human conflict and imperils the whole human race. 😞

        The Government has however made a start by granting oil and gas exploration licences to fuel the need for.refrigeration to cool our planet down as well as a few hotheads.☺️

          1. Helios accepts human sacrifice. He goes his own way regardless but he accepts them anyway.

      2. Beautiful northern lights skies last night, photographed in Northumberland. As seen on an earlier weather forecast.
        Shame our neighbours came back south Friday.

  18. Good morning, chums. I planned to sleep until 6 am this morning, but woke up at 2 am and couldn’t get back to sleep. So downstairs to do a bit of Googling before heading back to bed at 5 am. Have just got up; my early visit to the cinema to re-watch KILLERS OF THE AUGUST MOON will now have to be rescheduled for tomorrow.

    Of course, I was confusing TEAHOUSE OF THE AUGUST MOON (Marlon Brando) with KILLERS OF FLOWER MOON (Robert de Niro and Leonardo DiCaprio).

        1. Perhaps this Goon should go back to bed, Bill. obviously there’s not enough Trombetti in my diet.

    1. After leaving school William Webb Ellis did a gap year and went to South Africa before returning to England to become an ordained Anglican priest. In that year he taught the native people how to play the game he had just invented at school in 1823.

    2. After leaving school William Webb Ellis did a gap year and went to South Africa before returning to England to become an ordained Anglican priest. In that year he taught the native people how to play the game he had just invented at school in 1823.

    3. “They found it here”. Ha ha! Of course when the Boers found South Africa, it was barren and unoccuppied. They found nothing there.

    1. How could even Tesco have been so crass as to think that product was a good idea? Was it some ghastly publicity campaign based on the idea that there is no such thing as bad publicity?
      Else there is a small minority that is totally out of touch with the rest of us.

      1. Reminds me that when Henry Kissinger was awarded the Nobel Peace prize Tom Lehrer decided to give up writing satire because it could no longer compete with reality!

  19. Here’s a leading oncologist explaining the impact that Ivermectin may have on certain cancers.

    Following is a well known doctor from the USA being interviewed by Stew Peters on the idea that cancers may be caused by parasites.

    Ivermectin was banned/ignored during the ‘plandemic’ although it was shown to have exceptional anti-viral properties and further, defamed by many in positions of authority as being a mere ‘horse paste and/or an animal wormer’ i.e. a destroyer of parasites.
    What if…

    Dr Lee Merritt – Are Micro Parasites the Real Cause of Cancer?

    1. Did they get anything right at all as far as the treatment of Covid was concerned?

      They got it all so very wrong that It looks as if it was deliberate.

      1. If either of Ivermectin or Hydroxychloroquine was accepted as an effective anti-viral then the Emergency Use for the “vaccines” wouldn’t have been possible in the USA.


        Dr June Raine, MHRA’s CEO, said:

        We have told those conducting clinical trials using hydroxychloroquine to treat or prevent COVID-19 to suspend recruitment into their trials.
        Neither hydroxychloroquine nor chloroquine are licensed to treat COVID-19 related symptoms or to prevent infection.

        MHRA Suspends Recruitment to CV-19 Hydroxychloroquine Trials

        Part of FOI Act response:

        30th June 2021 FOI 21/708

        Thank you for your email.

        Ivermectin is currently not approved in the UK for the prophylaxis or treatment of COVID-19, however clinicians may prescribe unlicensed medicines if, in their clinical judgement, there is no suitable licensed available alternative that is capable of meeting their individual patient needs. This is done under their own responsibility and should take into account the safe use of medicines. Individuals / patients should discuss their particular needs with their doctors and general practitioners including whether they might benefit from entering a clinical trial of experimental medicines.

        The WHO has recently issued a Guidance note advising that ivermectin is only to be used to treat COVID-19 within clinical trials.

        Uk Government – FOI MHRA Response 28/06/2021

  20. Has the ragged media focused in on this ?

    GP with unblemished 40-year career gets 6-month suspension for ‘vitriolic’ anti-vaxx comments – including one that kids were being ‘lined up’ to get a Covid vaccine that could ‘kill them’!&&p=e4f53ee8b014e272JmltdHM9MTY5OTIyODgwMCZpZ3VpZD0xOGVhOWYwNy0xMzY5LTZiYzktMDQxOC04Y2I5MTI0ZTZhYTkmaW5zaWQ9NTQ0Ng&ptn=3&hsh=3&fclid=18ea9f07-1369-6bc9-0418-8cb9124e6aa9&psq=Dr+Mary+McCloskey&u=a1aHR0cHM6Ly93d3cuZGFpbHltYWlsLmNvLnVrL2hlYWx0aC9hcnRpY2xlLTEyNzAyOTcxL0dQLXVuYmxlbWlzaGVkLTQwLXllYXItY2FyZWVyLWdldHMtNi1tb250aC1zdXNwZW5zaW9uLXZpdHJpb2xpYy1hbnRpLXZheHgtY29tbWVudHMtaW5jbHVkaW5nLW9uZS1raWRzLWxpbmVkLUNvdmlkLXZhY2NpbmUta2lsbC10aGVtLmh0bWw&ntb=1

  21. How did this happen, are the Met, Whitehall and this government completely mad ?

    An adviser for the Metropolitan Police has been sacked after he was filmed leading a controversial pro-Palestine chant.
    The force said lawyer Attiq Malik, who is chairman of the London Muslim Communities Forum and previously appeared on Channel 4 ’s 24 Hours In Police Custody, expressed views which “do not align to the Met’s values”. In footage from 2021, he was filmed leading the controversial “from the river to the sea” chant which Home Secretary Suella Braverman has previously branded anti-Semitic.

    1. The Met thinks that ‘engaging’ with ‘da communidy’ fosters better relations and prevents crime.

      Shooting criminals in the back of the head also reduces crime, but for some reason, with serial offenders, black stabbers, muslim bombers the state refuses to do what needs to be done.

    2. This has been mentioned on a number of forums and is referred to in Nick Timothy’s piece in the DT which describes how Muslims, especially through the MCB, have embedded themselves in the establishment.


    On 20 October, just in time for Halloween, pumpkin-headed Swedish Greentard Greta Thunberg accidentally sparked a vampire hunt. Doing her best to dispel the stereotype of climate activists all being clueless far-left student radicals, following the outbreak of the latest Israel-Gaza War, Thunberg posted a needless image of herself online holding a placard saying “STAND WITH GAZA” beside other fellow travelers displaying phrases like “THIS JEW STANDS WITH PALESTINE” and “CLIMATE JUSTICE NOW.”

    But alongside her also lurked a small stuffed toy octopus…

  23. The Crown Prosecution Service must not succumb to wokery

    The new Director of Public Prosecutions Stephen Parkinson needs to prove that the law will be prosecuted with robust impartiality

    TELEGRAPH VIEW • 6 November 2023 • 6:00am

    If one institution needs to resist the toxic lure of activist politics it is the Crown Prosecution Service (CPS). Its function is to apply the law and not conform to pressure groups’ interpretation of what it should be.

    A report from the Policy Exchange think tank makes alarming reading. It claims the CPS has been “captured” by radical transgender ideology.

    The report’s author, legal academic Maureen O’Hara, says the prosecuting authority has been “unduly influenced” by the LGBT activist group Stonewall, whose sway is disproportionately felt throughout the public and corporate sectors.

    Ms O’Hara says in law “competing beliefs” – such as between those who say sex is biological and those who claim it is based on how someone identifies – require the state “to remain neutral”. Seemingly far from being a disinterested arbiter, the CPS was, until September 2021, a member of the Stonewall Diversity Champions programme.

    Equally questionable was the prosecution of Col Bob Stewart, the Tory MP, for a racially aggravated public order offence for telling a critic to “go back to Bahrain”. This is not what the law was intended for and he is right to appeal the conviction by a district judge. If this had not been a summary-only offence would a jury have found him guilty?

    The irony that people chanting racially hateful slogans are marching through London with virtual impunity is not lost on anyone.

    The CPS has a new director of public prosecutions in the shape of Stephen Parkinson, who has previously voiced support for the Black Lives Matter organisation. He needs to show from the outset that the law will be prosecuted by the CPS with robust impartiality and not to suit the agenda of political activists.

    If we should ever be lucky enough to have a government that restores Britain to anything like the one we used to know, it would spend most of its first term repealing the rat’s nest of laws that have corrupted, entangled and inhibited so many aspects of public private life.

    1. The law isn’t intended to be neutral. It’s supposed to establish hard facts. Sexual identity can be proven. There can be no rule of law where delusion is accepted as evidence and offending the inadequate is a crime. Set a cut-off date and for all legislaton passed since then, hold a Bonfire of the Vanities. Vanitas vanitatum et omnia vanitas.

    1. Where are the muslims out on the streets saying that the MCB doesn’t speak for them though? I’m not seeing that, apart from carefully selected occasional articles in the mainstream media berating us for thinking that all muslims are extremists.
      I’m not seeing marches with banners saying “the MCB doesn’t represent me” and I have NEVER heard a British muslim saying that either. Support for 9/11, yes. Praise of Hitler, yes. Suspicion that the British want to convert them all to Christianity, yes. I’ve heard all those things. But I’ve never heard “the MCB is does not represent me.”

        1. I think it’s too deeply embedded into them to be loyal to islam and not question those who assume leadership in that movement. Just my impression.

    2. Problem is, they come over here and then set about living how they did over there, just with other people’s money.

  24. I’m having trouble getting rid of this duplicated post. My computer is misbehaving.

    1. Reminds me of the Young tour guide who led our boat/ bicycle tour from Venice to Mantova (Mantua). Even the 80+ year old former lorry builder had no problems keeping up – so to speak…..

  25. The Israelis can show what they will, the pro Hamas/Palestinian world will still refuse to accept the evidence.

    Israel has accused Hamas of war crimes, revealing new evidence that it says proves the terror group uses hospitals in the Gaza Strip as military bases while preventing civilians from escaping.
    At the Sheikh Hamad hospital, known as the ‘Qatari’ hospital, Rear Admiral Hagari showed what he said was photo evidence of tunnel entrances alongside the building discovered by Israeli troops.
    Hagari said Hamas operates from within the hospital because they know that the IDF cannot launch an airstrike on them without causing collateral damage.
    Hamas is weak without human shields,’ he said.

    1. A picture of a hole in the ground will not persuade the mob, it it like pictures of missile launch sites in a playround that mean nothing to most people.

      Israel are losing the propaganda war, the lefty media are repeating hamas stories without much checking for truth.

    1. Let’s hope smashed glass is left in situ and a new caption added ‘The Woke…… by Venus’

    2. Some judge will slap them on the wrist, tell them he “sympathises” and they’ll laugh all the way home.

      A flogging followed by a week in the stocks might help.

      1. I would happily thrash them with a birch rod (or cat o’ nine tails) and still sleep soundly at night.

    3. Why only their first names? Their parents should be publicly named and shamed also. Let their neighbours know the sort of people living in their street.

    4. After JSO smashed the The Toilette of Venus the police said there was nothing to go on. 🤔

    1. It takes longer for the Canadian government to respond to a request about the status of apasdpirf application.

    2. If you still have your British passport, Grizzly, and with your new slim outline, you could apply to MI6 for a Licence to Kill.

    3. But isn’t the rate of crimes committed by immigrants even greater in Sweden than it is in the UK?

      1. I have no data on that. You would probably have to compare the ratio of immigrants to naturals when researching. Sweden has roughly the population of London.

    1. If a solar cycle is approximately 11 earth years, presumably that means we have been tracking these for about 250 years.
      Roughly that is 0.000006% of its and essentially the earth’s existence.

      And these experts expect us to believe they can analyse what might occur and how it might affect earth.

      1. They vary 9 – 13 years or so, mean about 11. I think we’re in SC 25 with the next two being the trough of a Grand Solar Minimum.

        Confirmed. It’s going to get a tad cool in the coming years.

        1. Thus, working on 11, and assuming the sun is roughly 4.6 billion years old, there are roughly 418,181,818 cycles the experts know nothing about apart from hypotheses.

      2. It’s at least 400 years we’ve had reasonably accurate sunspot counts. The Chinese have been counting Sunspots before then. As I understand it Ice Core Samples and tree ring measurements provide a better understanding of climate & CO2 levels, as do plant fossils etc. The previous abundance of CO2 is an inconvenient truth as far as the fans of Global Climate Boiling (due to man) are concerned.

  26. CIA director William Burns was also set to visit Israel on Monday to discuss the war and intelligence with senior officials, before heading on to other Middle East countries, the New York Times reported.

    Backing up the shuttle diplomacy, US Central Command said it had deployed an Ohio-class nuclear missile submarine to the region. Nuclear powers rarely disclose the location of their ballistic submarines — and the announcement was seen as a pointed message to Iran.

    1. “Hey Joe, whatever you do, don’t press that button”
      “Why not? I just pressed it and nothing happened.”

    1. Once the authorities get wind of that proposal, it’ll disappear like morning mist in the Sahara…

  27. A snapshot of my morning, just to amuse. Not as pretty as the rose gardens yesterday. 🤣🤣 I am on the roof of my current lodgings, a room in a huge, crumbling family house. I like the contrast between the former grandeur and the mess of abandoned loo bowl surrounded by sprouting succulents. Sipping maté as I read Neruda. Sending sunshine to you all. 😎

    1. I thought for a moment that you had to use an outside loo………….

      I’d suggest you do not get too close to the parapet….

        1. OMG, I just looked out of the window…it’s been grey all afternoon and now the sun is out! You clearly have mystical powers!

    2. OMG – I can see the skeleton of a badly decomposed body – presumably killed by the falling lavatory pan?

    3. Years ago, we had Argentine students lodging with us.
      They made maté for us to try. I decided Earl Grey was more my cup of tea!

  28. Israel’s custom-built tanks are about to prove their worth in Gaza. Hamish de Crettin-Gordon. 6 November 2023.

    The end of the tank has been heralded almost since their first use in that war, but time and time again it has proved decisive on the modern battlefield when deployed in a combined arms framework. The fundamentals of tank warfare have changed little in the intervening century; their utility on the battlefield, despite technological advances elsewhere, is still peerless when used well. We will shortly see this in Gaza.

    Morale in the IDF sinks to zero on the reading of this article!

  29. I cannot for a moment imagine what these poor bastards went through:

    S.S. Chulmleigh.

    58 (45 dead and 13 survivors).
    Government stores

    On 5th November 1942 the unescorted Chulmleigh (Master Daniel Morley Williams) was bombed and damaged by a German Ju88 aircraft of II./KG 30 from Banak, Norway and beached about 10 miles southwest of South Cape, Spitsbergen.

    At 15.58 hours on 6th November, U-625 (Hans Benker) fired a spread of two G7e torpedoes at the stranded Chulmleigh, scored one hit and completed the destruction of the vessel with gunfire. Later the wreck was again bombed by a Ju88. The master, three crew members and nine gunners survived. 36 crew members and nine gunners were lost, many died of frostbite. The crew landed on an isolated part of Spitzbergen and were not rescued until 4th January, by troops from the local garrison at Barentsburg. The survivors eventually boarded the cruisers HMS Bermuda (52) (Capt T.H. Back, RN) and HMS Cumberland (57) (Capt A.H. Maxwell-Hyslop, AM, RN) and landed at Thurso on 16th May 1943.

    Type VIIC U-Boat U-625 was sunk on 10th March 1944 in the North Atlantic west of Ireland by depth charges from a Canadian Sunderland aircraft (422 Sqn RCAF/U). 53 dead (all hands lost).

  30. Putin decides to stay in power until at least 2030, Kremlin sources say. 6 November 2023.

    Vladimir Putin has decided to run in the March presidential election, a move that will keep him in power until at least 2030, Kremlin sources have said.
    The Russian president reportedly feels he must steer the country through the most perilous period in decades.

    Well that’s a relief. It means that there will be at least one sane person on the international stage.

        1. Thanks Bill.
          To be honest that is just as believable as anything I’ve read so far.

  31. A bit of light entertainment for you:

    “A Conservative peer has said her party has a “problem” with handling allegations of bullying and sexual misconduct, as Rishi Sunak insisted the complaints procedure was “robust”.

    Baroness Warsi told Times Radio there was “rot at the heart” of the party and that it had failed to respond to and support victims.”

    Warsi – that pillar of slammer society….

    1. Nah – better to cancel the Remembrance parade. Far simpler. Then everyone can sit at home and watch the slammers destroy central London, war memorials, jewish shops etc etc

    2. Q: Why can’t the pro-Palestinian demonstrators give the JSO numpties a good kicking?
      A: They are probably funded by the same billionaires.

      1. My experience is that they were rubbery but Rick Stein says that means they were overcooked. Don’t think i will be trying again though. I’ll stick with me crabs.

        1. You can chew them for hours, they don’t get any smaller and they’re still the same shape. Why they don’t build roads with them is beyond me – they would never need repairing

    1. Many Moons ago my Dad would eat them in front of us because he enjoyed the looks of abject horror on our faces.

        1. Why do I like them?
          That’s an interesting question. I’m not used to justifying taste.
          I like the way they remind me of the smell of the sea.
          Maybe a dash of vinegar and lemon helps.

          1. I’m with you. I also like them. They can sometimes be a bit chewy, but I like all seafood.

            Some people think that oysters are like eating snot; but the single-most delicious mouthful of food I ever had the pleasure of eating was a raw Sydney rock oyster that had finely-diced shallot, minced ginger, lime juice and mirin trickled over it. Sensational doesn’t even start to describe the flavour and texture.

          2. Oh, I think they were served as soon as they had been prepared, Alf.

            I chased the waiter around the boat (we were cruising in Sydney harbour) for a second helping. Alas, they had all been devoured!☹️

          3. I only ask because most people think they are too tough. Obviously prepared right then they are fine.

      1. Clams dear chap. Vongole is my favourite seafood pasta.
        You can stuff ya cockles where the sun don’t shine…….erm.

        1. Clams and cockles are very similar molluscs in size, flavour and enjoyment.

          I like prawn cockletail* as much as I like Boston clam chowder.

          *My invention.

          1. Many years ago, when it was a half decent pint, the best hangover cure for me was a pint or two of Marston’s Pedigree and a half a pint of cockles.

            I was introduced to the cure at a rugby club, and it never failed to do the job.

            I no longer drink enough to suffer hangovers, thank goodness.

          2. I remember being introduced to Marston’s Pedigree (when Marston’s was still a Burton independent) back in the late 1970s. I had accompanied a detective sergeant and detective constable to a legal chambers in Nottingham to discuss a case, that we had been working on, with a QC.

            On the away home we detoured to a pub in south Derbyshire where I was given my first experience of that superior best bitter. It remained my favourite tipple for years.

          3. Sadly, like so many such beers, eg Greene King Abbott, it’s a shallow shadow of what it was.

            For standard bitter beers, as it stands I would probably stick with Harvey’s in front of other mass produced ales.
            I used to enjoy Adnam’s best, Sam Smith’s, Timothy Taylor’s amongst others.
            Now there may be hundreds of craft brewers, but I’ve found very few where I would wish to do a session.

    2. When cooked well, they are tender and lovely. When overcooked, they are rubbery.

      The fish counter in our local supermarket often has whelks cooked with paprika and cayenne, and they are delicious.

    3. Mother used to love them. Me, can’t think of much nastier – except boiled marrowplant.

      1. More detail in Wiki about the bias shown in the reporting at the time. Absolutely awful but not unexpected from a bunch of half-wits who stached the murder weapon and blood stained clothing at home.

        1. And how many more of these murders go unnoticed? Kriss Donald up here springs to my mind.

    1. The police, no doubt, have said it wasn’t the hate crime.
      If ever they was a case for capital punishment this seems to fit the bill.

      1. Indeed, and even if it doesn’t work as a deterrent we get shot of a fair bit of rubbish.

  32. It’s not all bad:

    “A Texas woman was detained after she drove her car into an Indianapolis residential building used by an antisemitic group on Saturday, mistakenly believing it was a Jewish school.

    Ruba Almaghtheh, 34, drove her vehicle into a house used by a sect of the Black Hebrew Israelites, which the Anti-Defamation League calls “extreme and antisemitic,” and has been designated a hate group by the Southern Poverty Law Center.

    A local Fox News affiliate said Almaghtheh told police she drove her car into what she referred to as the “Israel school” on purpose after watching news coverage of Israel’s war against Hamas, and that she had referred to “her people back in Palestine.””

  33. Sabre Submarine Rattling :……

    “The US military build-up off Israel’s coast and especially Central Command’s (CENTCOM) willingness to advertise it openly, is cause for serious alarm in terms of the prospect for yet more Washington intervention in yet another major Middle East war.

    In a very rare statement, CENTCOM on Sunday evening announced that an Ohio-class submarine has arrived in the region. The US submarine, which is both nuclear-powered and capable of carrying nuclear warheads, has arrived in an “area of responsibility” which includes the eastern Mediterranean, Red Sea, Persian Gulf, and Gulf of Oman. It is unknown and undisclosed precisely what types of advanced weapons it is carrying.”

    1. Quite symbolic, as the boat could sit in the middle of the Atlantic and still be able to turn the mid east into glass. More impressive than sending a gun boat though..

    2. I want to know what our most beloved King has to say on this. If he is a bit busy having his teeth brushed i’m sure Harry could step in.

    3. Hamas have brought this on themselves.

      The launch of a tactical nuclear weapon is horrific. The very idea is anathema to common sense – but then muslim have no common sense. They are still banging rocks together culturally because their demented religion tells them this is right and proper. They seem to believe that killing Jews is a good and righteous thing.

      Something is wrong with their mindset. What sort of people use paragliders to drop bombs on a neighbouring country? How mentally backward do you have to be for that to be anything but bonkers?

      The only way to deal with such thugs is to carry a much bigger stick and demonstrably prepare to use it. muslim is a scourge.

  34. Evening, all. Just a hail and farewell as I have to attend a parish council meeting shortly. I forgot and put the car in the garage after I got back from the RAFA one!

    One can but hope that trying to disrupt Remembrance Sunday Services will prove a step too far and they will receive their comeuppance once people wake up.

    1. I fear that there will be many more slammers than participants in The Parade. The police will stand by. If any former soldier (other forces are available) “has a go” – the police will spring to life and arrest HIM.

      The shame that I feel for what was once our great and lovely country knows no end these days.

      1. My ex-RAF and ex-police pal (aged 92) told me today he had been involved in an “assist” last week. He saw a young man running and heard shouts of “Stop!” so he pinned the miscreant against a wall until the puffing plod arrived and arrested the escapee. I told him he was lucky he didn’t get his collar felt for infringing the scumbag’s yooman rites. He observed that plod was so weighed down with kit it was no wonder he was no match for the runaway.

      2. I remarked this morning on the way to the RAFA meeting that this “green and pleasant land” is no longer either green or pleasant.

      1. Yes. She should fit one her side and not tell him. I bet he doesn’t make the beds anyway.

    1. Our king-size bed has one mattress, but both halves of it come in different grades of firmness. In the shop we were asked to test a number of beds to gauge the firmness /softness levels. A mattress was then supplied that caters for both sides of the bed. I’ve never had a more comfortable bed.

      The same goes for pillows.

        1. Twin beds? With mattresses that suit the individual sleeper.
          You should not be sacrificing your sleep to another’s whims.

    1. I fell from grace with a bogey today. That’ll teach me not to try a different initial word.

      Wordle 870 5/6


    2. Wow. Me too but I had a better start.
      Wordle 870 2/6


    3. Consistent with another par
      Wordle 870 4/6


    1. I thought that was one of his adverts for shit-flavoured crisps.

      I have always been if the opinion that Walker’s crisps are sub-standard crap. Flavour-wise (and I only eat plain, salted) they are not in the same league as the old XL crisps, or Seabrook’s, which are sublime.

      1. I might have bought them but they are made in Bradfordistan and owned by a Japanese company.

    2. I thought that was one of his adverts for shit-flavoured crisps.

      I have always been if the opinion that Walker’s crisps are sub-standard crap. Flavour-wise (and I only eat plain, salted) they are not in the same league as the old XL crisps, or Seabrook’s, which are sublime.

  35. That’s me done for. A dreary day. Tried ineffectually to potter in the garden. Too cold, too windy and too uninviting.

    Have a brilliant evening – perhaps the Northern Lights will, er, light up again.

    A demain, DV. (Sorry, Allah willing – I’ll hand myself in to the religious police).

  36. This says everything you need to know about Hamas and why Israel is doing the world a favour.

    The Hamas terrorist billionaires who live in marble-floored mansions and luxury hotels as they decry Gaza poverty after profiting from misery and terror
    Estimates suggest some of Hamas’s leaders have a net worth in the billions
    Israel and other critics accuse the group of spending money on luxuries instead of helping the people of Gaza

    1. Do drop a line to Cur Garfield Lineker with this helpful info…

      PS Are there many lady Hamas “leaders”? Just asking on Stormie’s behalf….

      1. Lots and lots of them.
        They take it in turns to lead in the young girls to gratify the devout Muslim leadership.

    2. I’ve just watch part of the ITV news, there doesn’t seem to be any chance of a peaceful demonstration in London at the weekend. It appears that the police are not going to be able to cope.
      And it’s extremely worrying there are people actually stirring it up.
      Time to start chucking this garbage out of our country.

      1. Don’t forget that the build-up in the media is part of the psyop.
        Just like the build-up to covid, when they were tracking it getting closer and closer to Britain.
        They want riots and blood on the streets as an excuse to bring in draconian new laws, and distract us from our vanishing assets.

        In completely unrelated news, another bank collapsed in the US this week. Hey, it was only small!
        “The world’s largest pension fund reported a $4.5 billion loss for the quarter.
        Which pension fund is this?
        Japan’s state pension fund. ”
        (all off GoldTelegraph’s Twitt feed)

        So my point is – don’t get distracted by them pitting stupid people against patriots. It’s only the new covid.

          1. From what I have read, I think the price is down because nobody is buying and China and other countries are dumping US treasuries. So the Federal reserve is having to print money and buy them itself. The same is happening in Britain.
            I really don’t see a way out of that. What’s the magic mechanism by which bonds are going to rise again?
            Only if they print lots of new money to “buy” them. But that will lead to more inflation and the currency being worth less. So they will sacrifice the currency to save the system, because they benefit from the system and we proles benefit from a stable currency.

            Bottom line is that debt based currency is a rotten idea that logically must lead to this situation, because they always have to create more debt to pay the interest on the debt they created last year. They have to find things to spend the newly created debt money on – hence the plethora of crony companies, “charities”, NGOs and other government scams like “carbon” and “pandemic response” into which they can channel the money printing.

          2. I’m not an expert, and welcome comments from those who are! I’ve just read a lot about it.

      2. Couldn’t agree more, Eddy – set a daily target figure of 1,000 – that should do it ‘ere long.

      3. Many of the protesters have been brainwashed to the cause. Just like ordinary Palestinians in Gaza. Not difficult when we have Hamas leaders living in council flats in London coordinating it all. No shortage of money either. Probably bank with Coutts/Nat West.

      1. My immediate thought, Paul.. Identify them and send the SAS after them.. With a £10,000 bonus attached for each head.

  37. DT Headline:

    “Britain and US to lose all pandas amid deteriorating relations with China
    Edinburgh Zoo is to send its two pandas back to China in the new year and seven in the US are also expected to be repatriated”

    It’s about time we stopped Pandaring to the Chinese…..

      1. The Chinese have long used Pandas, an endangered species in China, as a political tool. Nice cuddly creatures able to dismember a human in seconds.

        I see a parallel between the loan of Chinese Pandas and billionaire owners of valuable and famous works of art. The billionaire art collectors loan their paintings and sculptures to famous museums and galleries in order to transfer the high cost of insurance to those institutions.

        China calculates everything to their own advantage in much the same way.

  38. Gradually digging up some horrendous bramble roots up the “garden”. The bit I’m clearing is triangular with the base formed by the big wall behind the house and the hypotenuse, for it is a right angled triangle, formed by the path which was, apparently, used to get horses up to the stable at the Cromford end of the “Garden”.
    I’m working towards the Bonsall end and once that is sorted out will begin going towards the Cromford end.

    An annoyingly frustrating job but it keeps me out of trouble.

    It appears the van is BER and is likely to be scrapped, so I’m now looking for a replacement.

    Trying to ignore the news as it’s just too depressing, but a couple of Tw@ter comments:-

    And with that, I’m off to bed.
    G’night all.

  39. Another thought for the day.
    Just imagine if everyone on the planet turned exactly the same shade of green overnight, so that there could be no colour prejudice, do you really believe the world would become a better place?

    1. It’d really confuse bees.

      You’re right though. There are segments of society for whom greivance is ingrained. They want what other people have simply because they have it and set about every effort to do those people in. It doesn’t matter what it is, their bigotry and hatred cannot be slaked.

    2. Likewise if you could gather in all the wealth in the world and redistribute it absolutely equally. How long before inequality is back to square one?

    3. And why is it, sosraboc, that red cows produce white milk, when all they eat is green grass? Lol.

    4. Sos, i’m a fan of yours 99 times out of 100 but i’m not a fan of your new avatar.

      i am mad as hell at the state of the world so i get it.

      But could you not find something less angry please? Pretty please?

    1. Thanks, Maggie. I find this interesting, in that keys appear to physically operate when coupled to the manual (keyboard) in use. Generally, couplers have no effect on the manual keys. Perhaps the organ has a form of “tracker action” wth which I’m unfamiliar? Gotta love Stanford, regardless…

      I may be completely and utterly wrong, but I think James Orford – just – might be Lottie’s nephew…

      1. Hi Geoff

        On another note , I really wish I had had the opportunity to visit Lottie .

        I dropped many hints , but …

        Do you have an idea how she is , and where she is ?

        1. Sorry, Maggie. Me too. I’ve no idea.. Emails have gone unanswered. I fear the worst; she’s in my prayers every week, but I wish someone would give a progress report. Perhaps it’s too late?

          1. Do we even know her surname and where she lived? Death records are public but to do a mortality check we’d need some basic info?

          2. I might be barking up the wrong tree here, but it runs in my mind that she lives in Dorset. There is a funeral notice for an Anne (note spelling) White, a former teacher published on 23 September in the Dorset Echo.

          3. Thank you both for that. I’m glad to be barking up the wrong tree, but equally concerned as everyone else.

          4. I had the impression that it was in the bournmouth area. There have been no Ann death notices in bournmouth.

        2. Hi Maggie – just in case you haven’t seen my post this afternoon (Friday), it turned out that James Orford is indeed Lottie’s nephew. I emailed him, and had a reply this afternoon, saying that Ann had passed away peacefully in early October. Had you not posted that tweet, we may never have known. Small world, isn’t it?

          1. Good morning Geoff

            I was amazed and shocked to the core when I read your earlier post , and yes, my reply to you was hidden amongst all the other tributes to Ann.

            Sometimes things are meant to be , because I had been listening to Stephen Haugh on Twitter, and one piece of music led to the other , and of course the organ recital was so unusual , that I posted it on here , hoping to catch your eye..

            Well done for following your instinct , and bringing a very poignant closure to all of us here on Nottler, and of course, blessings on you for possessing a brilliant memory for detail.

            The dear Lord moves in mysterious ways .

      2. The English organ (built by Alfred Oldknow at the end of the 19th century) in one of the Dinan churches has the same system with couplers activating manual keys. It makes the keys very heavy to operate, though – difficult to play smoothly when you really have to whack the keys down to get the air moving!

        You might find the technical stuff about this organ interesting:

        1. Thanks, Caroline. Will have a look. The 1881 Wm Hill organ at St John the Baptist, Puttenham is being dedicated on 19th November, following a much needed overhaul. Hopefully the tuners will will sort it out beforehand. The Oboe was unplayable within a week of the last tuning visit.

  40. Had a short meeting earlier this evening, my goodness the stars are crisp and bright , and a Tawny owl was calling.

    Parish things , and talk of cabbages and kings , and many things , normality .

    None of us want all this political nonsense , do we .

    We are being bashed down until we wilt under the weight of the joyless cruel other people who have destroyed our trust and pleasant fairmindedness.

    Nice piece of music here .

  41. Good night, chums. I hope to wake up at a sensible time tomorrow morning, but I had so many extra Zeds today, that may not be the case. I hope at least to get to put The Flowers next to The Teapot of the Moon-coloured Teahouse tomorrow – or something like that! Sleep well, chums.

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