Tuesday 7 November: The right to protest is part of Britain’s history of defending freedom

An unofficial place to discuss the Telegraph letters, established when the DT website turned off its commenting facility (now reinstated, but we prefer ours),
Intelligent, polite, good-humoured debate is welcome, whether on or off topic. Differing opinions are encouraged, but rudeness or personal attacks on other posters will not be tolerated. Posts which – in the opinion of the moderators – make this a less than cordial environment, are likely to be removed, without prior warning.  Persistent offenders will be banned.

Today’s letters (visible only to DT subscribers) are here.

412 thoughts on “Tuesday 7 November: The right to protest is part of Britain’s history of defending freedom

  1. Good morrow, Gentlefolk. today’s story

    A New Take On Life

    In their 70’s, Homer and Ethel still pounded their mattress every night. Then came the day Homer’s doctor diagnosed a heart condition that demanded abstinence.

    “One more time, Homer, and you’re a dead man,” the doctor warned, adding, “I’d suggest you and Ethel take separate rooms to avoid temptation.”

    Homer unhappily moved to the guestroom downstairs and Ethel stayed in their love-nest upstairs, equally pissed with the new arrangement.

    On the second night, Homer could no longer ignore his raging erection. Slipping out of his room, he made his way up the dark stairs.

    Half way up he bumped into Ethel.
    “Homer, where are you going?” Ethel asked.

    “I’m coming up to commit suicide,” Homer said, stroking himself. “Where were you going?”

    Ethel grabbed his crotch. , “I was coming down to kill you.” ,

  2. Police insult the public by allowing these marches. 7 November 2023.

    This is itself intimidating. Even if the marches themselves could technically be described as “peaceful” (which not all can), the fact that thousands have nothing to say against one of the most disgusting series of acts perpetrated against anyone, anywhere, since 1945 instils fear. Good people would not march that way, at this time, however much they feel for the plight of Gaza.

    When such marches are not merely tolerated but protected, when protesters of other opinions are told to stay away, when streets are blocked, railway stations are occupied by those marching and railway carriages are sometimes jammed with chanting mobs, this amounts to a display of indifference by the police to the citizen.

    It’s alright blaming the Police but this situation was created by the Political Elites! It is they that have imported millions in the cause of multiculturalism who have no adherence to the beliefs of this country. Now the chickens are coming home to roost it’s someone else’s problem.


  3. Good Moaning.

    A little light reading to really cheer us up.


    “Is the Met doing all it can to control the Palestine protests?

    6 November 2023, 4:07pm

    The Metropolitan police force is falling apart before our eyes. With it is going our sense of safety and security in our capital city, as we watch hate filled marches and what would be, in any other circumstances, criminal activity on London’s streets. The Met commissioner, Sir Mark Rowley, recently went on national television and said that the Met was doing all it could to enforce up to the legal line, but it was up to politicians to draw those lines. Is Rowley right to suggest though the Met is doing all it can when it comes to the protests? No. And here’s why.

    Since the Thatcher era, successive governments have passed laws to control protests. The result is that we have today unprecedented powers to control London. What are these powers? Well, there are actually too many to list without coming across as an academic at a seminar asking ‘just a brief’ question. But the main ones are these:

    Section 13 of the Public Order Act 1986 can be used to stop marches happening. It can even ban them for up to three months at a time. The police can use this power if they are afraid of ‘serious public disorder’ happening. It is very difficult to not see the activities in London on Saturday as serious public disruption. British Jews have been actively harassed and assaulted. Various locations had to be fortified for protection. Fights and other violence occurred.

    Under sections 12 and 14 of the same Act, we can impose rigorous conditions on marches – including where they can and can’t take place. These sections have a much lower threshold to use.

    Section 5 makes it a crime to use threatening words or behaviour. It also makes it a crime to use ‘disorderly behaviour’. And if the person who used threatening words or disorderly conduct was motivated by race, then section 31 of the Crime and Disorder Act 1998 can add another two years prison time.

    Section 18 makes it a crime to use threatening, abusive or insulting words – like calling for the genocide of Jews or falsely accusing Israel of war crimes.

    Then we have the Terrorism Acts, 2000 and 2006. Section 12 of the Terrorism Act 2000, makes it a crime to openly ‘support’ Hamas. Section 13 of the Terrorism Act 2000 makes it a crime to wear something or display something which makes people reasonably suspect you support Hamas.

    Under Section 1 of the 2006 Act, it is an offense to publish a statement that deliberately or recklessly encourages terrorism. The same law says that you cannot say anything that ‘glorifies’ terrorism or say something that a member of the public ‘could reasonably be expected to infer’ that you are glorifying terrorism – like calling for an ‘intifada’ perhaps.

    The police clearly then have the powers to deal with the nastier side of the protests. But the police, like many of our institutions and large businesses, do not seem to want to do their day job. On Wednesday, rather than doing his job of preparing for the latest marches in London, Sir Mark Rowley decided to appear on a political podcast. He seems to think his time is better spent being rude about the Home Secretary’s decision to call the protests ‘hate marches’ than keeping law and order in London.

    Sir Mark and his selective blindness when it comes to the law risk marching us all to a very dark place indeed. Inaction by the Met, and its failure to use the powers it has to prevent events like Saturday, will only get worse. If we want to be safe, then it’s time to have law again. That’s why ‘law’ is so often paired, with ‘order’.”

    1. Perhaps the following are part of the problem:

      The Commissioner is accountable in law for exercising police powers and to the Mayor’s Office for Policing and Crime (MOPAC) and is held to account for the delivery of policing by the Home Secretary and the Mayor of London. Both have a role in appointing the Commissioner, with the decision taken by the Home Secretary following consultation with the Mayor.

      The Mayor of London was given a direct mandate for policing in London in 2011, as part of the Police and Social Responsibility Act. As such, the Mayor is responsible for setting the strategic direction of policing in London through the Police and Crime Plan.

      A number of powers are devolved to MOPAC, which is led by the Deputy Mayor for Policing and Crime. This includes the delivery of efficient and effective Met policing, management of resources and expenditure (MOPAC is the functional body of the Greater London Assembly that sets the policing budget, holds the Commissioner to account and in partnership discusses progress against the Police & Crime Plan, assesses the strategic budget position and key risks to delivery).

      Met Police Governance

      Another contributor to the mess in London is of course, a weak and ineffectual Government.

      1. The Caliph of Londonistan – who told Iranian TV in 2009 that slammers who reported slammer terrorists were “Uncle Toms”….

    2. They are led or have the same stupid ignorance of blatently obvious situations as Whitehall and Westminster.
      This is the reason our country has been led into the mire.

    3. When the Telegraph starts coming down on our side, it’s only because they don’t want us talking about the Pandemic Preparedness Treaty, or the financial instability.
      They’ve crowded discussion of both out!

    4. Like everyone else in the public sector, Plod doesn’t want to do his job. It’s boring. Far more fun to dance, kneel, do DEI training etc than one’s day job.

  4. Meat and Climate.

    SIR – Guy Hands (Business comment, November 2) identifies “siloed thinking” as a problem in addressing climate change. He cites the example of militant pressure to reduce meat consumption, which he says ignores the negative impact of growing and importing more vegetables.

    He needn’t worry. Livestock farming is a highly inefficient use of resources. Globally, we use 77 per cent of agricultural land for livestock (including feed), from which we derive only 18 per cent of our calories. The reason is simple. It requires more crops and more land to feed animals for human consumption than to feed ourselves directly. For every 100g of protein that we feed to beef cattle, only 4g is ultimately consumed by us. The rest is wasted. Per gram of protein in our diet, beef produces 50 times the greenhouse gas emissions of beans.

    The beef industry is the primary driver of deforestation in the world’s tropical forests. With levels of demand ever increasing, in line with growth in population and affluence, this inefficiency is not sustainable; the numbers do not add up.

    Professor Richard Barker
    Christ Church, University of Oxford

    And which vested-interest pressure group is funding you to spout this utter bollocks, Barker? The WEF? The UN? Kellogg’s? Beef cattle should not be fed protein: they should be out to pasture eating their natural diet of grass. The only beef available for purchase, here in Sweden, is from pasture-fed cattle.

    Neither you, nor any of the twats who are filling your bank account, will stop me from eating the natural food that I, and my species, have naturally consumed for millions of years. Millions of years, that is, before agriculture was even thought of by a bunch of ancient Egyptians and Babylonians who all became disease-ridden and obese as a direct result of consuming vegetation and grains; items that we did not evolve to consume.

    1. For every 100g of protein that we feed to beef cattle,


      The Spread of Soy in South America
      Most of the new soy crops are located in savanna and dry forest regions—the Cerrado in Brazil and the Gran Chaco in Argentina, Paraguay, and Bolivia. However, some new croplands have eaten into rainforests. For instance, soybean fields in the Brazilian Amazon increased more than tenfold over the two decades.29 Mar 2022

      What is the most grown crop in South America?
      South America is now the largest producer and exporter of soybeans in the world. Brazil is very close to producing as many soybeans as the U.S. When you combine the soybean crops in Brazil and Argentina, the total is over 1 billion bushels larger than the U.S. soybean crop.18 Jan 2018

          1. Soy can mess with your hormones

            Soy is considered a phytoestrogen – a
            plant-based estrogen that your body doesn’t produce through your
            endocrine system. Instead, they are gained through eating plants
            classified as phytoestrogens like soy. Although natural, constantly
            bombarding your body with excess estrogen can contribute to hormone
            imbalances like estrogen dominance in both men and women.

          2. Menopausal women sometimes take it for that reason. But I’ve also heard it said by a transwoman, “if soy worked, we’d be necking it down every day!”
            As you say, probably best to avoid it though.

    2. I have duplicated. Sorry. Though my arguments against this paid for shill are more expansive.

      1. No apology required, Philip. Your extra points clearly elucidated (and added to) the argument.

        The more that complain the better.

        1. There will be plenty of people who take that letter at face value.
          A bit like my neighbour trying to be greener by washing out her soup tins. Madness.

          1. The council ask us to do that before putting the tins in the recycle bin – it’s not being ‘greener’ but being hygienic

    3. If the Mad Doctor had stopped at tropical deforestation (for any crop) he would get plenty of support.

      Also, he fails to mention that the temperate world has a short growing season but livestock farming makes some untillable land productive.

  5. 378508+ up ticks,

    Morning Each,

    Tuesday 7 November: The right to protest is part of Britain’s history of defending freedom

    Surely the right to “peaceful” protest is the accepted way

    Thanks to the continuous voting pattern these past forty years and the anti Brit type governance the polling stations repeatedly “throw up” that right can no longer be
    exercised owing to, in one respect, the countries mass morally illegal foreign intake.

    We have got the party the majority voted for…. again.

    By the by,
    Currently how do we define “defending freedom”

  6. Some percentages are more important than other percentages.

    Meat and climateSIR – Guy Hands (Business comment, November 2)
    identifies “siloed thinking” as a problem in addressing climate change.
    He cites the example of militant pressure to reduce meat consumption,
    which he says ignores the negative impact of growing and importing more

    He needn’t worry. Livestock farming is a highly
    inefficient use of resources. Globally, we use 77 per cent of
    agricultural land for livestock (including feed), from which we derive
    only 18 per cent of our calories. The reason is simple. It requires more
    crops and more land to feed animals for human consumption than to feed
    ourselves directly. For every 100g of protein that we feed to beef
    cattle, only 4g is ultimately consumed by us. The rest is wasted. Per
    gram of protein in our diet, beef produces 50 times the greenhouse gas
    emissions of beans.

    The beef industry is the primary driver of
    deforestation in the world’s tropical forests. With levels of demand
    ever increasing, in line with growth in population and affluence, this
    inefficiency is not sustainable; the numbers do not add up.

    Professor Richard Barker
    Christ Church, University of Oxford

    A 1200-pound beef animal will yield a hot carcass weight of approximately 750 pounds.

    Once cooled, the carcass weight will be approximately 730 pounds. When

    de-boned and trimmed, there will be approximately 500 pounds of trimmed

    and de- boned meat for wrapping and freezing.

    There are myriad other products made from a cow other than protein.
    The good professor ignores all that. If only he had looked at what he was wearing on his feet.

    1. Percentages – beloved by those pushing weak arguments as they are meaningless unless put into factual context. (Which is why politicians make extensive use of them)

        1. Excellent. Not much waste from a carcass, is there?
          The meat doesn’t just provide protein but important minerals and vitamins. Cut out the meat eating and good old ‘Big Pharma’ et al. will be in the market to provide what has been lost from the natural way of living.

          1. I forgot milk. Which is another rich source of protein, vitamins and minerals.

            The professor is nothing other than a paid shill.

        2. What ever you do, don’t mention it near an open field. They’ll have herd you and be beefing and friesian their assets.

        1. They look after our Commons here all summer. And some small herds stay out in the winter to graze the steep slopes.

          1. Lots of beautiful vistas in Scotland because of the sheep. Beautifully trimmed verges with no machinery in sight.

          2. We have a variety of cattle on the Common – a small but growing herd of Highland coos, Belted Galloways and Friesians amongst others. Some will end up on dinner plates, others largely kept as a hobby.

    2. If Professor Barker were to descend from his ivory tower and try growing vegetables, he might find it hard without manure or fertilizer derived from oil. Somehow, I have the feeling he would be against the latter as well.
      Cattle are part of a balanced farming system!

    3. What about all the deforestation due to palm oil, avocados etc? The Prof is clearly talking utter bolleau!

    4. What about all the deforestation due to palm oil, avocados etc? The Prof is clearly talking utter bolleau!

  7. Good morning all.
    A bright & sunny 2°C this morning. I wonder how long the rain will stay away for today?

  8. 378508+ up ticks,

    King’s Speech live: Criminal justice reforms about ‘head as well as heart’, says Justice secretary.

    May one ask will this be scripted via the WEF ?

  9. Don’t know what’s cracking on, but we’ve had three police cars, the last one being unmarked, heading up the road with blues & twos going in the past 10 minutes.

  10. Vandal says menopause reason for keying cars

    A woman who keyed several cars in the town where she lived blamed her actions on the menopause.

    Sue Williams, 62, took her keys and scratched eight cars belonging to strangers when she went out for walks in Sevenoaks in Kent.

    It is believed that during March last year she caused damage costing at least £8,000 and the court was told the only explanation she could give was that she was feeling menopausal.

    Sentencing Williams, magistrates ordered her to pay compensation and told her she would be placed under curfew for three months, having to stay indoors at her home between 8pm and 6am.

    I’ve heard it said that the application of a birch rod against a bare arse is a good cure for those pesky ‘menopausal’ symptoms, especially when they compel someone to commit criminal damage.

    I’ve also heard it said that the same treatment is effective in discouraging a whole tranche of criminal activity.

    1. It wasn’t a rod, it was a bunch of twigs. But I quibble. We have run our of prison placesso clearly something must be done.

      1. Birching – on the bare backside in public- would be a good humiliation for those convicted of offences against the public, between the ages of 15 and 25?

        Pause for thought.

        1. Cheaper than locking them up. And if we do lock them up, they learn new tricks from their fellow cons.

      2. I’m aware of that, but the name of the punishment was always birch ‘rod’ and never birch ‘twigs’.

        I’ve often been twigged, but never in that way.😉

    2. She’s a bit old to use that as an excuse. And for something that occurs with every woman it’s odd that few women do what she did.

      1. School bully? Had her own office? Headmistress called her “madam school bully”?🤣

        With apologies to “Tomkinson’s Schooldays”, Ripping Yarns, Michael Palin and Terry Jones.

    3. I am 67 and well menopausal. It is an adequate explanation for this grumpy old man to indulge in multiple cases of hate crime. Nobody wants to go anywhere near my bare arse, with or without a birch rod.

    4. I am 67 and well menopausal. It is an adequate explanation for this grumpy old man to indulge in multiple cases of hate crime. Nobody wants to go anywhere near my bare arse, with or without a birch rod.

  11. Good morrow, Gentlefolk. today’s story (sorry, we’re late again).

    A New Take On Life

    In their 70’s, Homer and Ethel still pounded their mattress every night. Then came the day Homer’s doctor diagnosed a heart condition that demanded abstinence.

    “One more time, Homer, and you’re a dead man,” the doctor warned, adding, “I’d suggest you and Ethel take separate rooms to avoid temptation.”

    Homer unhappily moved to the guestroom downstairs and Ethel stayed in their love-nest upstairs, equally pissed with the new arrangement.

    On the second night, Homer could no longer ignore his raging erection. Slipping out of his room, he made his way up the dark stairs.

    Half way up he bumped into Ethel.
    “Homer, where are you going?” Ethel asked.

    “I’m coming up to commit suicide,” Homer said, stroking himself. “Where were you going?”

    Ethel grabbed his crotch. “I was coming down to kill you.”

  12. 378508+ up ticks,

    Gerard Batten
    Oct 11
    Grrman Federal Agency now equating populism with racism & anti-Semitism. They are a step sway from banning the AFD party which is now on 23% in the polls.

    God forbid that a party with popular policies should be allowed anywhere near power. The Globalist Elite intend to crush any opposition to its monopolistic & genuinely fascist World plan.

    Similar is operating successfully in the United Kingdom also,

  13. Morning all 🙂😊
    Sunny again, I feel we’re going to pay for this.
    As we are now paying dearly for our kindness to seriously ‘miss named homeless foreign immigrants’. Who all have arrived from much larger land masses than our island. With their hands out and no intentions of self supporting.
    It didn’t take long to work out why they are here. Too lazy to put ‘their own houses’ in order.
    But unfortunately our pointless and pathetically useless government haven’t noticed what’s happened or have shied away from what is about to happen.
    I’ll bet there will be a few known faces missing from the usual turn out on the 11th of the 11th.
    Just to keep safe. Or out of minds eye as it were.

    1. Braverman was right though – she was talking about foreigners who choose to come to Britain and live on our streets, eg Romanian gypsy gangs camping out.

  14. Good morning all,

    Clear skies overhead McPhee Towers, a nice day in prospect, wind in the West, 6℃≫10℃.


    In yesterday’s UK Column News, https://www.ukcolumn.org/video/uk-column-news-6th-november-2023 Brian Gerrish and Mike Robinson told us that they went to London on Saturday and met up with Ben Ruben to go along to the demonstration to see for themselves what sort of people were protesting and what they were saying. They split up, moved through the protestors and recorded some interviews. They found, they say, that the great majority were not Hamas supporters or jihadis chanting “From The River to The Sea” and calling for Sharia Law throughout Britain. They were people who just wanted the killing to stop, all races, all faiths (including Jews), all classes and all ages. They said they found people friendly and talkative and at no time did they feel threatened. This seems to be at odds with what is presented to us. No doubt there were subversives and nutters there; there always are in any crowd of 100,000 who gather to protest about something. No doubt too that there would be some ‘agents provocateurs’ among the protestors. We are well used to the idea that ‘false flag’ actions are used by the security services to stir up the public’s feelings or to provide the excuse to react in a pre-determined way or introduce liberty-reducing legislation. However, it also seems to be at odds with what we see in the photograph above the letters today. For sure there are some banners that simply say stop the killing but the majority are calling for freedom for Palestine and there is a sea of Palestian flags. So what should we believe? Should we keep our minds open and reflect on Mark Twain’s dictum that it is easier to convince a person of a lie than to convince them after the event that they have been lied to? The best way to convince us to do that would be for the organisers to call off the protest planned for this coming weekend. We can then consider what Brian Gerrish and Mike Robinson are saying, that we are being played again and that we need to keep our attention focussed on who our enemies really are.

    Meanwhile, Douglas Murray has said it again. Here is a short clip from The Rubin Report with Dave Rubin:


    “I’m at the moderate end of what’s coming” says Douglas. How does he know?

    1. I didn’t notice many of these mass demos calling for the killing to stop in Ukraine – was that because the participants are all European?

      1. Hmmm. Could be. Orthodox white Christians killing Orthodox white Christians is just fine with some other demographics as epitomised by George Soros and his spawn.

      2. Douglas Murray made a point in his recent Triggernometry interview that thousands of muslims have been killed recently in Syria and Yemen but there were no marches calling fo ceasefires. It is simply anti semitism.

    2. Apparently the Palestine supporters have said they are holding their demo ‘miles away’ from Whitehall. We should be giving them all the opportunity to demonstrate in Gaza. Our Dopey government have missed the opportunity.

  15. 378508+ up ticks,.

    There is a terrifying similarity being successfully created in the United Kingdom.

    Richard Braine reposted
    Nhial Majok
    I was born in Sudan, a country that when the British left was a functional secular society.

    The leadership was taken over by predominantly Muslims, since a lot of us in north Sudan were of islamic faith.

    With time the Mulahs and those leaders took over and slowly choked the life out of the country. Sharia law was implemented, but only for the populace.

    The leaders themselves – well they had the good things in life, alcohol e.t.c hidden away.

    Eventually, civil war broke out, the South left and with no enemy to spook the rest of the country – they turned on each other.

    The result now is a dead society with Khartoum, a hell hole of a city.

    Millions of lives lost along the way!!
    9:06 PM · Nov 5, 2023



    1. Thee is a side-chapel in St Paul’s Cathedral dedicated to the Civil Service of Anglo-Egyptian Sudan.

    1. I’d love to put one of those on my impossibly loud, mouthy Ukrainian neighbour! When she whispers, you have to put your fingers in your ears in the next county!

  16. When Boris Johnson was Mayor of London he bought water cannon to use for crowd control. These were never used because Mrs May, the home secretary at the time, did not allow them to be used and so they ended up being scrapped and at great cost to the rate/tax payer.

    Instead of paying for tanks on the streets of foreign cities miles away it looks as if we should have fleets of water cannon on Britain’s streets to cope with the coming insurrection in our own country.



  17. Elderly poppy seller ‘punched and kicked’ by pro-Palestine protesters. 7 November 2023.

    An elderly poppy seller said he was “punched and kicked” as pro-Palestine protesters staged a sit-in at Edinburgh Waverley train station at the weekend.

    Jim Henderson, an Army veteran, left with the help of colleagues after being surrounded by people displaying “Freedom for Palestine” posters.

    Much worse to come!


    1. And still the indigenous population continues to harrumph while sitting with their thumbs up their arses.

      The war will be lost to the invaders through apathy. The ghosts of George Loveless, Robert Kett, Robert Catesby, Robert of Locksley, and Wat Tyler will be cringing in abject shame.

  18. Why the Republicans might not win again and why it’s their own fault

    Because if you’ve read them carefully, none of my Gaza pieces have actually been about Gaza. They’ve been about the American right.
    Just ’tween us, I don’t give a shit about the Middle East. That my middle name is Christopher should suggest the extent to which my family was not just secular but unconcerned with Judaism. I find Israelis shady and abrasive and I find Akbars backward and intolerant. That Abrahamic sand trap is not my concern. The U.S. is my concern, and the sorry state of the right is my concern. The sorry state of the left is not my concern, because it’s good that the left’s in a sorry state.
    What smarts is how the right, with its manias and morons, seems hell-bent on not exploiting the left’s sorry state.


  19. The King’s speech: key bills at a glance. 7 November 2023.

    Sentencing Bill.

    Rishi Sunak, the Prime Minister, said: “I want everyone across the country to have the pride and peace of mind that comes with knowing your community, where you are raising your family and taking your children to school, is safe. That is my vision of what a better Britain looks like.

    “Thanks to this Government, crime is down, but we must always strive to do more, taking the right long-term decisions for the country and keeping the worst offenders locked up for longer. In the most despicable cases, these evil criminals must never be free on our streets again. Life needs to mean life.”

    These people have departed reality. They live in their own little world!


    1. They do inhabit their own little elite bubble and they compound that situation by being bare-faced liars and charlatans of the first water.

    2. I’m not so sure that they have departed reality – I think they are just pathological liars who are busy feathering their own nests to the detriment of most of us!

      1. Do they mean convictions are down? Many moons ago I lodged with a lady who had a very cute little black cat called Tabitha. Whenever something frightened Tabitha she’d run in to my room and stick her head under the bed with the rest of her body still visible.

    1. The thick end of £4.5Million per annum? For one child? Someone was on a nice little earner, an investigation needs to be instigated and sharpish.

    1. Tom Stoppard wrote a play about Philosophy called Jumpers in the 1970s in which Michael Hordern took the leading role.

      I wonder if this dog was influenced by it?

    2. I like the cat one. Clearly the dog is wondering if he’ll ever find out who is a good boy.

    1. Oh dear! Such Islamophobic jokes could provoke infidelophobic reaction which will be far worse!

  20. We’re about to discover just how widespread benefit fraud really is

    The number receiving welfare has exploded in recent years. It’s time for proper scrutiny

    ROSS CLARK • 6 November 2023 • 1:13pm

    Does benefit fraud really exist? Not according to some on the Left, who refuse to contemplate the possibility that some benefit-claimants might not actually be entitled to everything they are claiming. They like to quote figures from the Department for Work and Pensions (DWP) which claims that a modest 3.6 per cent of benefits were “overpaid” in the year to April – a definition which includes error as well as fraud. It might sound a reassuringly low percentage but it is still £8.3 billion, which converts to quite a lot of schools and hospitals – not to mention a few miles of high speed railway.

    But it is hard to find what you are not really looking for. And in the case of benefit fraud neither this Government nor its immediate predecessors have been looking very hard. That, however, may be about to change. Under plans to be announced in the Autumn Statement, banks will be obliged to run monthly checks on the accounts of benefit claimants and alert the DWP to any behaviour which might indicate fraud is taking place – such as other sources of income or transfer of cash abroad.

    According to Government sources, the move is expected to save taxpayers an estimated £500 million over five years. Why are its ambitions so modest? The last time a Conservative government seriously tried to crack down on benefit fraud it was stunned by the result. In 1996, John Major’s government began a pilot study called Project Work, in which 6,800 long-term benefit-claimants in Hull and Medway were asked to do something a little different than simply turn up at a benefits office and sign on. For three months, they underwent compulsory work training, followed by a further three months of work for voluntary organisations. The result? Of the 6,800 claimants, 3,100 chose to stop claiming rather than fulfil their obligations – either because they couldn’t be bothered to turn up or because they suddenly discovered that actually they did have a job after all. One wonders how many of the 3,100 people who stopped claiming actually existed – or even lived in Britain.

    One person who was impressed by the Major government’s approach, interestingly, was Guardian columnist Polly Toynbee, who wrote a piece in the Independent declaring “The Tories were right: workfare really works”. Then, of course, the Conservatives lost the election and the momentum was lost.

    The experiment, though a quarter of a century old, should serve as encouragement for this or any government: don’t be frightened to scrutinise welfare payments and cracking down on those who cheat the system. On the contrary, once taxpayers see how much of their money is disappearing down a black hole of fraud, they will thank you for it. Why stop at poking into benefit-claimants’ bank accounts? Why not also repeat the Project Work experiment and oblige some claimants to turn up and do something for their money – and find out just how many people have been cheating the system?

    The number claiming out of work benefits (which is vastly larger than the official unemployment figure, which is derived from the Labour Force Survey) has exploded in recent years, especially since the pandemic. It looks as if we may soon find out the true scale of fraud – and it is unlikely to be pretty.


    There’s another parameter that should be used but I bet they wouldn’t dare…

  21. 378581+ up ticks,

    You be the jury,

    Gerard Batten
    This article is more than 4 years old
    Ukip leader endorses ‘factually incorrect’ book on Islam
    This article is more than 4 years old
    Gerard Batten quoted on book sold by ally of Tommy Robinson who claims Islam is ‘antichrist’

    Josh Halliday
    Wed 17 Apr 2019 16.09 BST
    The Ukip leader, Gerard Batten, has endorsed a “factually incorrect and fundamentally offensive” book that claims Islam is fighting for “the destruction of western civilisation”.

    The book, Understand Islam in Under an Hour, is being sold by a close ally of the anti-Islam activist Tommy Robinson and was distributed at Ukip’s party conference in September.

    It describes Islam as an “expansionist, intolerant and totalitarian ideology” that “cannot co-exist peacefully in a multicultural, western, free or liberal society”.

    Two Muslim scholars said the 99-page book was littered with factual inaccuracies, “blatant lies” and multiple Qur’anic verses taken out of context.

    Batten is quoted on its cover: “Western societies cannot afford to ignore Islam, and if their non-Islam citizens, the ‘Infidels’, want to know what the future could hold for them then they need to read this book.”

    The endorsement is further evidence of the Ukip leader’s hardline stance on Islam, which he has called a “death cult”. His views on Islam have prompted the resignation of many senior party figures including the former leader Nigel Farage, while at the same time drawing support from fans of Robinson, whom Batten appointed as an adviser last year.

    David Lawrence, a researcher at the anti-fascism charity Hope not Hate, said: “Whilst the idea that anyone can understand any one of the world’s largest religions ‘in under an hour’ may seem laughable, the reality is these people don’t want understanding, they want hate.

    “Sadly, it is unsurprising that Batten has endorsed this dubious book. He has long had an obsession with Islam and has had multiple links to the anti-Muslim so-called counter-jihad scene. Ukip used to be obsessed with Europe but under Batten they are increasingly a bigoted and far-right party totally obsessed with Muslims.”

    In an interview on the BBC’s The Andrew Marr Show on Sunday, Batten said he disliked “the literalist interpretation of Islam” by “lots of people in this country”.

    He added: “The people who are nominally Muslims, and I know plenty of them … they are not a problem because they do not propose the literalist, fundamentalist interpretation of the religion.”

    The book is being sold by Richard Inman, a close ally of Robinson and Batten who has said “the entire Muslim religion is antichrist” and criticised what he described as “the Islamisation of the UK”.

    The identity of the book’s true author is unclear. Its original cover named “Kalab bin Farash” as the author but later copies were changed to “Farooq bin al-Ashraf”. Both appear to be pseudonyms.

    Inman said the book was a “superb summary of the major threat to western civilisation in the 21st century”. He said it was written by two eformer Muslim “apostates” but refused to identify them because “their lives are in real danger”.

    Adding to the puzzle, the publication carries a cover quote from the office of the far-right Hungarian prime minister, Victor Orbán. A spokesman for Orbán told the Guardian he did not endorse the book.

    Qari Asim, one of the UK’s most prominent imams, said the book contained claims that were “factually incorrect and fundamentally offensive to over 1.6 billion [people] in the world”.

    Asim said its selective reading of the Qur’an was a tactic similarly employed by Islamist extremists to radicalise others.

    Another Muslim scholar, Abdul Ahad, said the book presented 24 “out-of-context, misunderstood verses for superficial analysis from a total of around 6,236 verses”.

    Ahad, an imam and an intervention provider for the UK government’s deradicalisation scheme Prevent, said the author “hides behind the illusion of Islamic scholarship using an unheard-of Muslim name” but that their knowledge of Arabic and the foundations of Islam was “non-existent”.

    “The book is nothing more than hate-filled bile with only one agenda – to vilify Islam and Muslims and to ridicule the teachings of a great Abrahamic faith,” Ahad said.

    Inman, who addressed a Tommy Robinson rally in Salford in February, said his belief that Islam is “antichrist” is based on a passage in the Bible that says: “This is the antichrist, he who denies the father and the son.”

    He added: “At the heart of Islamic theology is a denial of the Sonship and deity of Jesus Christ and the Fatherhood of God. Islam is therefore antichrist.”

      1. And quoting from Hate not Hope does rather give the game away about the quality of the text.

  22. Arrived to day from a friend.
    And no body will take the blame as it’s all gone terribly wrong.
    But as usual it’s always every one else’s fault.

    Now let’s leave the fourth century and go back only to 1967, when I went sailing with Gianni Agnelli, owner of Fiat and many other things, to the island of Lampedusa.
    It had a population of 6,000, and it was rocky, white, and closer to Africa than mainland Italy
    The Italians welcomed us as they did every visitor, with wines and fruit and good wishes.
    Lampedusa today still has a local population of 6,000, but recently more than 11,000 African migrants arrived on the small isle that was already bursting with 7,000 migrants from Africa.
    In the meantime, in Lampedusa, sub-Saharan Africans were fighting with North Africans over food and this is just a preamble. It is a foretaste of what Europe will have to face soon.
    By 2050 sub-Saharans will number 2.12 billion. The European population is shrinking in reverse rates, to the African ones that are multiplying. Do the math, as they say, and sooner rather than later, Africans will move to Europe in search of food and many other things.
    No continent has ever witnessed the kind of growth sub-Saharan Africa has since time immemorial, yet those wise men who oppose unlimited immigration, men such as Viktor Orbán of Hungary, are painted as fascists by the lefties who run the news media everywhere, starting with the odious New York Times.

    May our ‘god’ help us.

          1. There are a few right of centre females on Nottl……….just saying – we may be an endangered species but we are here.

          2. I was assuming the Nottler ladies might be well to the right of centre and bang in the middle of sensible.

          3. There are a few right of centre females on Nottl……….just saying – we may be an endangered species but we are here.

    1. “… English Defence League founder rallying on his likeminded peers to join him in the capital.” Who wrote that drivel?


        @eirianJprosser | Twitter

    2. This could be the start of something big………….Plod isn’t really bothered but you can bet they’ll pick on whitey to beat up.
      It goes without saying really.

  23. Ukraine major killed by bomb hidden in his birthday present. 7 November 2023.

    Major Gennadiy Chastiakov’s likely assassination is believed to be a rare success for Russian special forces

    A close adviser to the commander-in-chief of the Ukrainian army was killed by a bomb hidden in a birthday gift in a likely assassination.

    “Under tragic circumstances, my assistant and close friend, Major Gennadiy Chastiakov, was killed… on his birthday,” wrote, General Valery Zaluzhny the Ukrainian commander, saying that an “unknown explosive device detonated in one of his gifts.”

    The death of Mr Chastiakov is likely a rare success for possible Russian special forces or spies operating behind enemy lines.

    Actually this guy was not assassinated. That’s a Ukie activity. It was an accident showing off a hand grenade to his son!


    1. Over the weekend, Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky invited Donald Trump to visit the country.
      The former president has claimed he could end the war in 24 hours.
      “If he can come here, I will need 24 minutes – yes, 24 minutes… to explain to President Trump that he can’t manage this war. He can’t bring peace because of Putin,” he said on NBC’s Meet the Press.

      Not quite correct, he can’t bring peace because of Zelensky…

          1. You can use any pic you like – but I’ll stick to my elephant ones. I don’t like showing my face to all and sundry on the internet. My Fb one is a lioness, as is my ‘X formerly known as Twatter’ one. You never know who’s watching.

        1. More info required asked that I tone down, the Gaza and covid enquiry nonsenses, amongst others, have me seething.

    1. I imagine the doors were locked.

      What exactly is happening? Is this really a hospital or a billet for these illegals?

      1. Specsavers rang today – my new specs are ready – only a month late! They were supposed to be ready for me on 4th October….. I wonder if anyone will tell me what the problem was.

        1. Good heavens, Ndovu! I had an extended eye test a week past Thursday, at Vision Express. They were charming and I chose some very nice and reasonably priced glasses. They were in store the following Tuesday, and I was updated online, and by phone! Very impressed with their service!

          1. I collected them this afternoon – I asked the girl why they’d taken so long and she said there’d been a nightmare with deliveries going to the wrong outlets and all kinds of problems – empty boxes, boxes missing, etc. Still, I’m wearing them now and we’ll see if they make a difference. I didn’t drive home in them.

            The drive home was a bit of a nightmare – someone in a red car at the head of a long queue, was driving between 25 & 30 mph, never going any more than that, and the low sun was in everyone’s eyes, including mine. By the time I got near the front of the queue, I prayed he would turn right at the roundabout and he did. No sign of an L plate so really no excuse. There is only one place where I consider it safe to overtake and the road is fairly winding.

          2. I had horrible low sun problems this afternoon. I ws actually “looking through” the sunshine to the road beyond.

          3. My Tuesday visits to Iceland for over-60s shopping involve walking through pleasant park- and woodland, but the early sunsets mean having to leave home earlier as sections of the walk are through unlit stretches, which I’d rather not do in too much darkness on the return leg.

          4. It’s very difficilt driving then, isn’t it – I have to pick the right time to go and do the shopping if it’s sunny, as there are some deathtraps on the route.

          5. Perhaps he was Welsh!?
            Anyway glad you finally got your glasses! I’ve been wearing ‘easy readers’ for about 4 years as the prescription ones are never where I need them! I have a pair in most rooms, handbags and jackets, and the ‘fridge of course!

          6. As a myope, I don’t need them for reading – but my problem has been diplopia – hopefully these new prismatic lenses will do something to address that.

    1. Especially when the bloody thing would not roll down to reveal a clean bit. Which was more often than not!

        1. I remember going to the loo up the Eiffel tower.
          It was 🕺’s in one entrance and 💃’s in another.

          We met up inside.🙄

    2. The last place I used one of those was at Woodford Station on the Central Line. That was 3+ years ago, as my aunt who lived at Roding Valley died (in her 101st year) in 2020. I don’t know of any other station on the TFL network that even has public loos and hope those are still there.

    3. For 3 weeks one summer I worked for Initial Towel Services and so had to change hundreds of the bloody things from Abatoirs to Banks and beyond throughout Cornwall. It could explain why apart from a course of antibiotics 7 years ago, other than Red / White medicine I’ve not been on any other medication for over 40 years….

      (one exception the bloody jabs very reluctantly on my part!)

  24. Britain’s cowardly police have capitulated to the pro-Palestine mob. 7 November 2023.

    The repeated takeover of the public transport infrastructure is tantamount to an entire police force, in this case the British Transport Police (BTP), waving the white flag of surrender to the mob.

    These events strip away the last vestiges of the erroneous yet common excuse from police leaders that the law is insufficient to deal with disruptive protestors.

    To be clear, it is not the courageous men and women on the frontline who are responsible. Questions must be raised, and responsibility lies, with those sitting comfortably in the executive suite and the command room.

    Yes let’s not mention the Governments part in this! Oh wait. They don’t have a part in it do they? It’s nothing to do with them!


    1. More stupid diversionary tactics from the Traitorgraph. Just don’t mention the WHO Pandemic Preparedness Treaty, shortly to come into force if the UK doesn’t opt out, that delivers us up to unelected billionaires.

  25. Britain’s cowardly police have capitulated to the pro-Palestine mob. 7 November 2023.

    The repeated takeover of the public transport infrastructure is tantamount to an entire police force, in this case the British Transport Police (BTP), waving the white flag of surrender to the mob.

    These events strip away the last vestiges of the erroneous yet common excuse from police leaders that the law is insufficient to deal with disruptive protestors.

    To be clear, it is not the courageous men and women on the frontline who are responsible. Questions must be raised, and responsibility lies, with those sitting comfortably in the executive suite and the command room.

    Yes let’s not mention the Governments part in this! Oh wait. They don’t have a part in it do they? It’s nothing to do with them!


  26. https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/db5f3ad421cfe1ba5cd21542bceb84f59ddf9ed54bc17d6f95816cb9fc6b76a8.png

    I am not a great admirer of King Charles but he is my king. Acceptance of and affection for the monarchy does not automatically mean that one will actually like each monarch. I entirely disagree with and disapprove of the king’s position on global warming and net zero and his meddling in politics. I think his involvement with the WEF is disgraceful.

    1. I agree with your sentiment, but can I really say that Charles is my King when he wants me dead?
      It’s fairly plain that he wants the population reduced, from his involvement with a known campaigner for this, plus his launching Agenda 2030 at the WEF.
      This goes beyond merely disliking a particular monarch.

      1. I liked this comment on the DTL page


        Julian Hardwicke
        14 MIN AGO
        I am tempted to ask the so-called republicans booing the King, why they are shouting “down with the monarchy” and not “down with the anti-democratic House of Lords and in with a unicameral legislature”.
        The monarchy’s effect on the democratic nature of the country is purely symbolic whereas a second chamber altering legislation passed by the elected chamber has a fundamental effect.
        My question would be purely rhetorical of course because the answer would simply be a see of blank faces.

        1. Good afternoon, Lovely Verity

          The monarchy’s effect on the democratic nature of the country is purely symbolic …..

          With the accent on the last two syllables!

        2. Probably they wouldn’t shout the long phrase because they’d find it hard to memorise it (assuming they understood it).

      2. He certainly isn’t much of a replacement for his dear mother – but I think he’s fine for the ceremonial stuff and he can read a speech…….. but he’s not very bright, is he? He was brainwashed early on and he is what he is. We all knew he was loopy when he started talking to his plants, and wanting new towns to be built like Poundbury. The ‘Black spider letters’ etc…….we know his views and they aren’t going to change or be suppressed now he’s King.

        1. I can handle all that. What sticks is the knowledge that he wants me dead. How am I supposed to pledge loyalty to someone who wants to reduce the population of peasants (and yes, I do take it personally!)?

          1. Who would you rather? Bill Gates? David Attenborough? All these people who’d like the population reduced don’r necessarily mean it personally. They’ve managed to kill off a sizeable number in the last few years with the toxic jabs and the continual wars, but the population keeps on growing.

            King Charles doesn’t know you or me from Adam but he can wait till I’m ready to go before I drop dead. I might yet outlive him.

          2. Am I supposed to forgive him because he doesn’t mean it personally?
            He promoted the jabs, I believe in the full knowledge that they were very dangerous. We know that the elite in New Zealand all had exemptions while the peasants had mandates, so I don’t believe it was any different here. As far as I’m concerned, he tried to kill me.

          3. He certainly couldn’t care less if you died, and one of our beloved “Commonwealth” immigrants (or any others, come to that) survived.

            Some of the Commonwealth be damned – they are not worth the bother, and certainly should not have been allowed a British passport. We could have done without the Windrush opportunists and their descendants – who incidentally did NOT build Britain…and certainly without the worldwide infestation since Blair.

            Edit: I sometimes got the impression that the sainted QEII thought more of the Commonwealth and its people than she did of ordinary Brits.

          4. I doubt if he knew the full extent of the dangers of the toxic shots when they were first used. Even now – there are people still lining up for jab no seven, my friends included. I had another email this morning telling me to go and join them.

          5. Hmm. I am a bit more suspicious – I think the man who launched Agenda 2030 at the WEF and has supported depopulation for years knew perfectly well what was going to happen. Virologists knew – they started warning right from the beginning – I think there was never any mystery about these shots to those in the know.

            The gulf between people of different beliefs has never been wider unfortunately.

        1. Not in any meaningful sense. I can’t pledge loyalty to someone who has no loyalty to me.

        2. He is King with and by our consent. Several kings have been deposed before.

          KC wants the population reduced – but not a reduction of immigrants, it appears. He would have been dealt with like his namesake a few years ago. Allegiance goes both ways.

    1. Those drug-addled dregs of humanity are what Suella Braverman had in mind when she said that for some “it’s a life-style choice” – I don’t think she meant all the poor and homeless ex-servicemen.

      People do fall on hard times, and some become tramps, like some of the customers I dealt with when I was working. One in particular used to collect his money very infrequently – all his possessions were in carrier bags and he stank to high heaven. He’d collect a sizeable sum and I told him once that he was a walking invitation to be robbed, or set alight under a hedge, but he didn’t want my lectures. He would certainly have made quite a conflagration.

    1. Remoaners, Lefties, fifth columnists, socialist workers (the funniest oxymoron going) need to be put down, permanently.

  27. Daily Mail headline
    “Fears that far-Right hooligans will clash with pro-Palestine march on Armistice Day grow after Tommy Robinson returns to Twitter to issue chilling rallying cry to his supporters”

    It’s so blatantly obvious what they are setting up.

      1. The final showdown should be when we say it is, not when they organise it to distract us from more important things like the pandemic treaty Trojan horse.
        And hard as it may be to stomach, we should be fighting alongside Tommy and muslims against our real enemies.

    1. “Violent English white supremacists disrupt multiracial, multicultural march for peace.”

    2. I hope for once plod do get involved and get seriously smashed aside. The scum muslim have got to learn their place – with a British hob nailed boot smashing the teeth out of their mouth.

      The police had an opportunity to contain the vermin and refused to. They must pay the price for that.

    3. If there is fighting it will give TPTB the excuse to introduce martial law. Armistice Day should never ever be subjected to marching by any other organisation. The pro Palestinian March should be unequivocally banned right now. However, It will go ahead and the same scenario follows. In the words of the “Inquiry” we are f…ed.

      1. If it was up to me, I would ONLY allow the Gazateers to march.
        No police, no veterans, no counter-protests, nothing.
        Let them go wherever they want, do whatever they want and then the general public, the police, the PTB will really see the poison that Blair inflicted and start to do something about it.

        Assuming it’s not too late already.

        Which I fear it is!

        1. This time I shan’t be staying in my garden and drinking wine. I’ll be out and about as often as I like rather than just once exercising my dog.

  28. 378581+ up ticks,

    The PMs input on the Kings speech day.

    “and we are stopping the boats.”
    Little in statue very large in lies.

    1. And of course everyone acted as though he was speaking seriously!
      Fed up with living in a banana republic.

  29. Tory members want me to save their party, but I’m afraid it’s too late. Nigel Farage. 7 November 2023.

    After 13 years in office, and despite winning an 80-seat seat majority at the 2019 general election, there is an enormous split in the Conservative Party. This split is so marked, and covers such a wide range of policies, that the Tories have lost sight of why they exist. The parliamentary party and its activists and members are miles apart.

    The depth of this chasm was particularly apparent to me as I walked up to the steps to the convention centre in Manchester for the Conservative Party’s annual conference last month. Almost nobody I spoke to while I was there believed in the Government. They couldn’t tell me what direction it is heading in and they had little or no faith in its leading personalities.

    The problem with this of course is that it predicates a Labour Government that; incredible as it may seem, will be even worse.


  30. Tory members want me to save their party, but I’m afraid it’s too late. Nigel Farage. 7 November 2023.

    After 13 years in office, and despite winning an 80-seat seat majority at the 2019 general election, there is an enormous split in the Conservative Party. This split is so marked, and covers such a wide range of policies, that the Tories have lost sight of why they exist. The parliamentary party and its activists and members are miles apart.

    The depth of this chasm was particularly apparent to me as I walked up to the steps to the convention centre in Manchester for the Conservative Party’s annual conference last month. Almost nobody I spoke to while I was there believed in the Government. They couldn’t tell me what direction it is heading in and they had little or no faith in its leading personalities.

    The problem with this of course is that it predicates a Labour Government that; incredible as it may seem, will be even worse.


  31. Each and every MP should be asked to give a simple honest answer to this question and each answer openly declared.

    Given the situation we have in Britain today do you think the Multi-culturalism has been a success? No obfuscation : YES or NO.

    Who would dare say Yes?

    And who would dare say No?

    1. They would all say yes because they have to. Firstly they’re serial liars, second they are desperate for votes to keep their jobs.

      1. But the more they say YES the fewer votes they will get.

        As Douglas Murray said: we have all had enough and we either stand up and protect our country’s history and traditional values or we go under and drown.

        1. Who are the we who have all had enough? It strikes me that there are nowhere near enough people who have had enough. All the indications are that more than enough people will vote for even more of the same come the next General Election. There are many millions of people who want more of the same, more in duration, more in intensity. Only a minority treasure freedom. Most people want to be told what to do and when to do it, what to say, where to say it and when to say it, what to wear and when to wear it, what to eat, where and when to eat it. Freedom is complicated and messy. Life’s far easier when others control it. Bathrooms come in a thousand colours. Just think of the savings in anxiety when someone else chooses which you shall have. Then replicate it for food, clothing, travel, home, job. I’m sure many people prefer to be unhappy with someone else’s decisions than endure the anxiety of making their own.

    2. Richard at any given time, our politicians don’t have a clue what they are talking about.
      Don’t make it difficult for them.

  32. France investigates Russian involvement in anti-Semitic graffiti campaign. 7 November 2023.

    France is investigating possible Russian involvement in an alleged anti-Semitic campaign that has seen Stars of David daubed on buildings throughout Paris.

    Security services reportedly believe the graffiti may have been part of a Russian campaign to “destabilise” France and foment anti-Semitism in the wake of the Hamas attack on Israel.

    Hundreds of Stars of David, the symbol of the Jewish religion and the State of Israel, were smeared on walls in and around the French capital late last month.

    It woz Vlad! These people are nearly as stupid as the ones we have here!


    1. The French capital of Paris and its metropolitan area has the largest number (2.5 million in 2019 according to INSEE) of Muslims out of any city in the European Union. According to the Pew Research Centre, as of 2017 France has Europe’s largest Muslim population, with 6 million Muslims.

      I can be confident the figures are higher now.
      I doubt they need much encouragement; even 0.01% of them is 250 potential painters

    1. And this feller was a soldier, for God’s sake…

      One weeps – one simply weeps for our once great country.

      1. Didn’t manage to get up close and personal though…

        Military career

        Mercer was commissioned as a second lieutenant in the Royal Artillery after graduating from the Royal Military Academy, Sandhurst, in June 2003 and was promoted to lieutenant in April 2005.[8][9] Mercer passed the All Arms Commando Course and served mostly with 29 Commando Regiment Royal Artillery and 3rd Regiment Royal Horse Artillery. He served three tours in Afghanistan:[10][11]
        as a liaison and training officer with Afghan forces; attached to a
        Special Forces unit; and as a co-ordinator of artillery and air strikes
        in support of ground operations. Mercer retired from military service in
        December 2013 with the rank of captain.[12]

        1. If he served in Afghanistan – whatever he did – he was possibly (but only possibly) in greater danger than when walking down Whitehall.

          I’ll get me Semtex.

    1. It’s quite obvious that in the next couple of years there is going to be an oil shortage. Probably a severe oil shortage.

      One of the few sensible actions that the present government has taken has been opening up more oil fields.

      With luck this will protect us from the worst.

      History will congratulate Mr Sunak for this action. Perhaps HM will as well?

          1. Carzola (IRE)
            Age: 4 (Foaled May 3rd, 2019)
            Sex: Bay Filly
            Breeding: Lope De Vega (IRE) – Janicellaine (IRE) (Beat Hollow)
            Trainer: R M Beckett
            Owner: Ballylinch Stud

            I wouldn’t bet on it…

          1. If his vehicles are fuelled by cooking oil – it is simply virtue-signalling. He can afford to use whatever fuel he wants. And just think, he never has to worry about remembering to call in at the local filling station. Or worry about the MOT. His many staff deal with all that.

            Same with flying. Never has to “go through security” – or get up at dawn to spend hours waiting for Ryanair – then the hell on punctured wheels that is Border Farce.

            These royal wanqueurs just haven’t a clue.

        1. The oil will be sold abroad. Probably to Ukraine at rock bottom prices. Brits won’t see any benefit.

    2. It’s quite obvious that in the next couple of years there is going to be an oil shortage. Probably a severe oil shortage.

      One of the few sensible actions that the present government has taken has been opening up more oil fields.

      With luck this will protect us from the worst.

      History will congratulate Mr Sunak for this action. Perhaps HM will as well?

    3. If only it was accompanied with action. Just as they say they’re tackling illegal gimmegrants.
      Only words.

    4. If only they were. Remember, the state destroys 75% of the value of that product. Can’t let markets remove the unfair advantage massive tax payer subsidy gives to unreliables, can we?

  33. Prince Harry displays his four military medals including one for his service in Afghanistan as he jokes about ‘representing gingers’ and taking life advice from reiki healer in gag-filled monologue from his Montecito home for Stand Up for Heroes

    Is he sure about the spelling?

    1. You are never taken seriously in America with male pattern baldness. That’s why he uses spray on ginger fibres to cover it up. That’s another thing about Americans…they can spot a fraud.

      There are exceptions of course but they have embraced it. Yul Brenner…Telly Savalas.

      Who loves ya baby !

        1. Oh no they didn’t. Just like the French didn’t vote for Macron…Trudeau…Adhern…Sunak… They were all installed.

          1. Saw a picture of that tiny twat Sunak, face-to-face wih Biden a few weeks ago. Sunak was clearly revealing his inferior heritage – he was cringing!
            What kind of a man heads up the world’s oldest democracy, and cringes towards a senile old fool such as Biden?

    1. When you’ve done, you could have a go at the roughly 30 tons of oak I’m currently clearing up after a storm.
      I’m waiting for the farmer to bring his forestry scale chain saws to reduce the bigger trunks into more manageable sizes.
      It should keep me in firewood for a few more years.
      Fortunately I really enjoy splitting logs.

      1. A pity to use oak as firewood – I’d guess you get really good warmth from it, but the time taken to grow…
        A couple-three years ago, a Swede wrote a letter to the King, stating that the oak trees planted in 16-something for His Majesty’s Royal Swedish Navy were now mature and ready for felling… what beautiful wood that must be!

        1. There was a similar story about Oxbridge dining rooms.

          My trees are storm damaged, fairly inaccessible and whilst it might be possible to extract long beams, the saving on heating costs from the “free” wood far exceeds what I might be able to sell them for.

          1. Worth mentioning that there is a way of slabbing timber in situ ( on flat terrain)

            by using a chainsaw with an attachment. The brand leader is Granberg. Yootoob has lots of granberg milling videos.

    2. Well done you, Charlie hopes your logs won’t smoke.
      And I love the smell of smoke log fires.

      1. Rishi’s ridiculous smoking ban on anyone born after 2009 is pure Jacinda Horseface. Smoking is dying anyway but to ban it progressively depending on age will just encourage more to smoke. I’m a lifelong non smoker and I hate fag smoke but this is needless tyranny now.

        Log fires are another matter.

        1. It’s difficult enough now for shop staff to distinguish between 17- and 18-year-olds. Imagine in 20 years’ time trying to distinguish between 34- and 35-year olds. In effect, anybody just above the legal age wishing to buy tobacco products in years to come will have to carry some form of identification: a passport, driving licence or other state document with photograph and date-of-birth included. In many more years’ time, the legitimate market for tobacco products will have shrunk so much that there will not be sufficient purchasers to make it worthwhile to have them for sale. I presume that these restrictions will apply to those bringing tobacco products back from other countries such that anybody born after 2009 will not be permitted to bring them home even where they are legally purchased abroad.

          1. Almost impossible to police, I would think. I suppose the police could challenge anybody born after 2009, demanding they reveal the source of any tobacco products they possess or are using, but it’s the sort of legislation which is more about signalling government attitudes even though easy to circumvent.

          2. The police don’t even police individuals smoking ganja. How are they to manage this? Or is it all about shaming people’s choices?

          3. Big Brother will have to install TV in their homes to monitor them…
            we are ruled by control freaks.

          4. The woman I was speaking to earlier remarked that everything that had appeared in 1984 had now come to pass.

          5. Now that only quite a small proportion of people are smokers, it’s a sledgehammer to crack a nut. Most people have been deterred already, either by the extortionate cost or the health issues.

  34. That’s me for this chilly day. Managed to get the greenhouse winter brassicas planted out (well, to be honest, the MR did). I just cleaned up the trombetti frame. AMAZING how much tying stuff one uses in a season. Same with the tomatoes. We buy a large roll and it lasts two seasons.
    It is called “recycled T-shirt ribbon” – and is a wonder. £5 a roll.

    If any NoTTLer gardener wants further details, I can provide them tomorrow.

    (For French NoTTLers it is the stuff on sale in Jardiland or Gamme Vert).

    So have a brilliant evening thinking about the yellow bastard Mercer and his “advice” to former service personnel to say away from London this weekend.

    A demain.

    1. To be more precise, he asked that former service personnel do not stage counter-protests. For those service personnel who are attending Remembrance Day services, he wants them to be allowed to go about their business unmolested. All the same, I rather think that there are many former service personnel who are not “such as himself”.

      Johnny Mercer, the minister for veterans’ affairs, said it was right that demonstrations should go ahead at the weekend, pointing out that former soldiers such as himself had “put on the uniform” in order to uphold “our fellow citizens’ right to protest”.

      If he thinks former soldiers, sailors and airmen served this country so that pro-Palestinian protestors should be free to mar Remembrance Day, I say he presumes rather too much.

      1. I put up a BTL that had quite few upvotes under the DT article saying there was a difference between the right to protest and the right to show violently insensitive lack of consideration and respect towards the history and traditions of those who have allowed you into their country.

        I would like to see Douglas Murray’s reaction to the yellow-bellied Johnny Mercer. Come to that I think that Tommy Robinson would hold him in the contempt he deserves.

      2. I was willing to put on uniform to keep this country free. Having rag heads dictating matters is the last thing I wanted.

      3. I never put on a uniform “in order to uphold ‘our fellow citizens’ right to protest’..Spurious bollox, Johnny Mercer, you’re going down in my estimation. .I was 15½ and wanted to serve my queen and country – that’s all. I learned a bloody good trade and learned German whilst serving over there.

      4. ‘They’ are not our fellow citizens’! They refuse to integrate and wish to smother and kill our culture.
        Mercer is an idiot.

    1. They haven’t got the slightest clue. But…..
      Funnily enough but not really funny, the house of idiots have just granted permission for Luton airport to increase its passenger quota by ONE MILLION PASSENGERS A YEAR.
      More Ash dye back In the woods.
      Net zero ?
      Charlie telling us the uk will Smoke free from tobacco.
      Wadda loada bolero.

        1. Apparently they are not even going to recover all the burnt out cars, but just crush them as they clear the debris.
          I heard that a lady whose car had been valued at 20k for her insurance cover. Has been paid only seven thousand In compensation.

    2. A highly respected climate change scientist right up to the moment when he says…’hold on guys, i think we got this wrong’.
      Just the same with the covid.
      Burn the witch !

  35. Latest Breaking Armistice News – The police have now asked for the remembrance services to be put back another week, including the Palestinian protests, all due to the bad weather this week in the channel, they say that not enough protesters have been able to get across in time to get to a million.

    1. 367555+ up ticks,

      Morning B3
      So, our at war status has been officially recognised and we are being “invaded”
      Will this make a difference to the voting pattern?

  36. Par today.

    Wordle 871 4/6


    1. Same here

      Wordle 871 4/6


      1. Crappy five for me.

        Wordle 871 5/6


    2. Par for me as well

      Wordle 871 4/6


    3. #metoo.
      Wordle 871 4/6


    1. This farce must end. That’s a man. He wanted an unfair advantage so he’s pretending to be a woman.

      1. I noticed that in some pictures of RAF trainees graduating. Even the women wearing trousers had their knees together.

  37. When poppy sellers cannot honour the dead, we must take a stand

    It shows how weak our country has become if a patriotic day raising money for veterans ends with them surrounded by enemies of patriotism

    ALLISON PEARSON • 7 November 2023 • 6:00pm

    I am not really the protesting kind although I did go on anti-apartheid demonstrations as a student, even spending several hours one mitten-numbing day imprisoned in a cage on the lawn outside the chapel of King’s College, Cambridge. (Eat your heart out, Nelson Mandela!) Such public displays of righteousness tend to evaporate with the dew of youth. There are no causes now for which I would willingly quit the sofa to scrunch myself into a freezing steel enclosure, or so I thought. And then I heard about the pro-Palestine Million March in London on Armistice Day. That was it.

    With a group of friends, I will be heading on the morning of Saturday November 11 to the statue of Winston Churchill in Parliament Square. We don’t have any particular plan, no flags, no placards, no chants (except maybe, “Never Again!” in memory of the Holocaust). At 5ft 4 in my cotton socks, I wouldn’t be much use in a scrap anyway, but I want to use such strength as I have to stand up for our wonderful country, to venerate our dead, to wrap my arms around our statues, our culture and our traditions.

    Sir Winston, poppy-selling volunteers, Jewish children now doing American-style “active shooter drills” at school are all under threat from people who are lucky enough to call Britain home but who clearly care nothing for its beloved furniture, its precious mementoes, its important silences. Although they do like to bag themselves one of the infidel’s council houses.

    A pro-Palestine march has taken place in London every single Saturday since the Hamas butchers slaughtered over 1,400 Israelis on October 7, a day of infamous barbarism. If the first march looked somewhat insensitive, the fifth will surely test our legendary British tolerance to breaking point. There are millions of us who deplore the lack of respect shown by the tens of thousands who will be taking special buses from the Islamist heartlands of Dewsbury and Batley to fill the streets of our capital on Remembrance weekend with chants that instil fear into our Jewish citizens and insult our veterans.

    How would you explain it to the Fallen whose pale yet valiant spirits hover over the Cenotaph? “Dear chaps, you know you gave your life to extinguish the genocidal, Jew-hating monsters of Nazi Germany? Well, we’re frightfully sorry but the day we pay homage to your sacrifice is likely to be rudely interrupted by the supporters of Jew-hating genocidal monsters.” (The very opposite of a virtuous circle, you might say.)

    And please don’t tell me the Free Palestine marches are purely “peaceful” and have nothing at all to do with anti-Semitism, as TV bulletins perversely insist. (For some reason, the BBC News website failed to feature some of the uglier clashes with police last weekend; can’t think why.) Make no mistake, the protesters are providing cover for murderers, some naively and out of the best humanitarian intentions no doubt; others willingly and full of hatred.

    How Hamas must love the pressure that demonstrators in Washington DC, Berlin, Paris and London are putting on their governments to demand Israel accepts a “ceasefire” that will give the terrorists time to regroup, refuel and redouble their evil efforts. Pity the poor Gazans who they shoot when they try to flee to a safer place. For Hamas, more dead Palestinians is win-win. Israel gets the blame and the soaring death toll can be deployed in the propaganda war to neutralise the depraved horrors of October 7.

    The progressive Left are hypersensitive about “racism” unless it’s on their side when, suddenly, it’s “just a few bad apples” or “taken out of context”. What context explains away that dippy white girl in Trafalgar Square carrying a placard with a picture of a dustbin into which had been thrown the Israeli flag and a Jew? The writing on the poster explained both flag and human being were in the bin because they were “dirty”.

    If you see the words “dirty” and “Jew” in juxtaposition alarm bells should be ringing, even in the woolly recesses of the woke mind of Sir Mark Rowley, Commissioner of the Metropolitan Police. While police forces in Spain, Germany and France were getting out the riot gear, Sir Mark’s Met issued a plea to the Palestine Solidarity Campaign. “We ask organisers to consider postponing any demonstrations in London this Armistice weekend,” they grovelled.

    Not quite grovelling enough, apparently. “We are deeply concerned at the statement released by the Met Police with regard to our proposed march on November 11,” came the affronted reply from the PSC. “We have been meeting with the Police regularly in the past few weeks to maximise public safety in the large scale protests we have been organising… We met earlier today to finalise the route details of the planned march on Saturday… The Police made clear… that the marches we had organised had been overwhelmingly peaceful with low levels of arrests… We recognise the political pressure being placed on the Police by the Government and Right-wing political groups. However, we emphasise that they had and have a responsibility to withstand that pressure and act to protect democratic freedom, including the right to protest.”

    And that, ladies and gentlemen, is the slap in the face you get when your once proud and resolute country has bent over backwards to appease an aggrieved minority that uses tolerance as a ligature with which to strangle Western values. The Met is perfectly capable of stopping the pro-Palestine Armistice Day march under section 13 of the Public Order Act, and so it damn well should. Or it can impose a temporary ban, as it did back in 2011 on marches by the English Defence League, when there are clear safety issues. Instead, with its absurdly polite request to the PSC, it gave the organisers the opportunity to prove they are more powerful than the police. A fact that was ruefully conceded by one young copper when an irate veteran asked him why he was telling people not to display Union Jacks while ignoring thousands of Palestinian flags. “There are more of them than us,” he said glumly.

    Meanwhile, and quite disgracefully, the Met told Christian Action Against Antisemitism to cancel a prayer walk in Golders Green after police received intelligence that the anti-Israel mob were going to attack the marchers. The “Never Again is Now” event has been rescheduled for November 19. It’s a Sunday since, as one organiser sadly put it, “Saturdays are hijacked in our capital because of the threat of violence and inadequacies of the police.” Why, one might almost think the Met was keener on protecting the right to protest of one group over another.

    As for the PSC claim that there have been “low levels of arrest” at their marches, call me cynical, but could that be connected to the fact that the police are too intimidated to make many arrests and are even being advised by partisan elements not to do so? As The Sunday Telegraph shockingly disclosed, Attiq Malik, a solicitor and hard-Left activist who was filmed leading chants of “from the river to the sea” at a pro-Palestinian rally and has also railed against “global censorship by the Zionists”, is a senior adviser to the police on the Israel-Hamas protests. Mr Malik appears to have been present in the police operations room during previous marches when officers on duty were advised not to arrest protesters calling for “jihad” because it was a much nicer kind of jihad than the massacring 1,400 Israelis kind of jihad.

    Excuse me? Are our police really allowing people like this to dictate their response to protests which are making life unbearable for British Jews as well as distressing the silent majority? What an absolute scandal; who allowed that scheming fifth columnist to infiltrate the forces of law and order?

    I wish it was a surprise to discover that a former Hamas chief, Muhammad Sawalha, is behind one of the groups organising the pro-Palestine Armistice Day protests. A founder of the Muslim Association of Britain, Sawalha led the terrorist group in the West Bank in the late 1980s and is alleged to have “masterminded” its military strategy with involvement as recently as 2019, before moving to the UK where he lives in a London council house. Of course he does! No self-respecting leader of a Middle Eastern genocidal death cult should be without the accoutrement of accommodation provided at the expense of the despised British unbelievers who will be exterminated once Hamas has finished wiping out the Jews. (See Hamas Charter for preview of forthcoming events.)

    What in God’s name is that individual doing in our country? We are weak, weak, weak. If events over the past month have taught us anything it’s that this country has a serious problem with Islamist extremists who have no interest in integration but, instead, rejoice in the opportunity to act out their vicious anti-Semitism and loathing of Western values. Permitting the abuse of freedom of speech to express racial hatred after the massacres of October 7 is not a sign of the health of our democracy, as some libertarians like to claim. It’s dismaying evidence of a lack of moral courage.

    There is one photograph that sums up the whole ghastly mess. Three Royal British Legion volunteers were selling poppies from a stall at London’s Charing Cross station last Saturday when they were surrounded by a Palestinian Solidarity mob, some masked, some waving flags. The volunteers, all older and white British, look dejected, intimidated. What should have been a joyful, patriotic day raising money for veterans ended up with them surrounded by the enemies of patriotism. If the trio had a speech bubble coming out of their mouths, it would have said: “What has become of this country?”

    A Telegraph reader who happened to be there emailed: “London was like what I imagine Berlin to have been like in 1935: the only difference being the colour of the flags. The sentiments are the same though: Jew hatred. It is terrifying. Charing Cross station was closed. Why? A fascist mob can prevent decent people having a nice night out, but those who want to get away from the mob can’t because the police closed the station. Why didn’t they clear the mob instead? Since when were things so upside down? This country has become a very sad place to be. Mob rule.”

    Suella Braverman commented: “The hate marchers need to understand that decent British people have had enough of thuggish displays of intimidation and extremism.” Quite right, Home Secretary, so when will you either tell Sir Mark Rowley the Armistice Day march is cancelled or call in the Army (the police clearly aren’t up to it)?

    Without tough action, I’m afraid things could quickly turn ugly. A friend in Surrey said she overheard her 18-year-old and his mates planning to go up to London this Saturday to “defend our country”. If the police and the Government refuse to remove this disrespectful, toxic bunch from our streets, don’t be surprised if people step in to do it for them.

    I am not really the protesting kind, although l will be there, meeting friends at 10.30am directly across the road from Mr Churchill. I will be holding a copy of The Telegraph aloft if you care to join us. We maybe won’t be able to put into words exactly what we are doing; I just know that we’ll know. (Think of Hamas, then think of its opposite. Think of the 32 children and babies Hamas holds hostage. We stand against everything Hamas stand for.) If a Palestinian flag should happen to bop us on the nose, we’ll probably get arrested for being “far-Right extremists”. Ah well, too bad. Civilised values are only going to prevail if we fight for them as those dear ones we remember at the eleventh hour of the eleventh day fought. If not, the country they saved for us will be lost for good.


    1. It’s that very issue that the Left so hate. It’s about exterminating Jews. Just as Hitler did. he Left hate being told that Hitler was Left wing. That they are evil, to the core. That they are the fascists. So far they’ve hidden this by fiddling with wikipedia, but the reality is they know they’re scum. They just can’t accept the doublethink of their own hypocrisy.

    2. “There’s more of them than there are of us”? A good job the fighter pilots of the Battle of Britain didn’t have that attitude.

  38. https://www.telegraph.co.uk/business/2023/11/07/bungalows-near-extinction-construction-falls-80-year-low/

    Yes, house builders could cram 4 houses on the same plot, but that’s the point. Land is not scarce, there are too many people in the country. People want gardens, green space, a parking space. Forcing 4 houses in the space 1 used to occupy is a sign of greed, not need. Modern houses have pokey rooms, cramped everywhere. A room is sold as a double bedroom – because a double bed could be put in there but it’s not a useful room if there is no physical space to get around the bed nor close the damned door.

    Build bungalows. Make bedrooms big enough to stand in and practice semaphore.

    1. Near me a bungalow was demolished and on the site some dozen houses were erected! Similarly when a pub was razed to the ground. One being replaced by a dozen is not good.

    2. The King once described them as “homogenised boxes” that spoiled the Highlands landscape.

      There is so very much wrong with that. Spoiled the landscape indeed. Yes, for people like him who live in castles and like a nice view.

  39. Evening, all. Just managed to avoid getting soaked to the skin when I took the dog out for a walk (Oscar, being sensible, refused to leave his fleecy bed – he’d got his paws wrapped around it and there he was determined to stay!).

    Went for a coffee and as I was paying on the way out the woman at the till heartened me no end. She said many things that would qualify her for a nottler; white people weren’t being protected, we were losing our freedoms, the police and the Bbc weren’t impartial, islam was a danger and she feared for her 16-yr old granddaughter. She thought she had the best of it growing up when she did. We are not alone, folks.

      1. I got the impression she didn’t do internet chatting; she said that she’d worked with computers for years and she didn’t want to have anything to do with them now.

        1. Sounds like my mother in law. She ran a computer department from the mid sixties until she retired and then refused to touch another keyboard.

  40. A frustrating day to get anything done outside.
    Lovely start so hung the washing out and took it back in again less than an hour later and then the sun came out again.
    Tried doing a bit up the “garden” and each time it was raining within 10 minutes, but 10 minutes after I came in because of one heavy shower, there was bight sunshine again and still bloody raining.

    One bright spot, I’ve bought another van at an auction.

    In the run up Armistice Day and Remembrance Sunday, who remembers this?

    1. I have this in my ‘Music’ favourites alongside John Williams’s Hymn to the Fallen, the version that, like this Kneller Hall video, shows some of the many memorials to those lost in battle around the World. Both are exceptionally moving and the losses indicated by the headstones are a chilling reminder that Freedom is a costly business in human lives.


        1. Without a doubt. Modern day politicians have no idea and couldn’t care less about educating themselves with regards to history and sacrifice. The phoneys who will be standing at the Cenotaph wearing their equally phoney facial expressions, make me want to vomit.

  41. Watched KILLERS OF THE FLOWER MOON again today. Well worth another look. Now looking forward to NAPOLEON at the end of the month. So, I wish you all a very Good Night, chums. And sleep well.

  42. Seems like the DT is overwhelmed with adverse comments and has closed down the main threads. But all will be well when the slammers and the Met realise that Tommy Robinson will be in town for the day in question. The trouble will be all his fault, obviously, and a snatch squad dispatched toute suite.

    1. The daily mail have been banging on all day about Tommy Robinson and football hooligans causing trouble on Saturday. Not that many of the comments afpgree with the article.

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