Sunday 3 December: The Elgin Marbles can never go back to the Parthenon, so they should stay in Britain

An unofficial place to discuss the Telegraph letters, established when the DT website turned off its commenting facility (now reinstated, but we prefer ours),
Intelligent, polite, good-humoured debate is welcome, whether on or off topic. Differing opinions are encouraged, but rudeness or personal attacks on other posters will not be tolerated. Posts which – in the opinion of the moderators – make this a less than cordial environment, are likely to be removed, without prior warning.  Persistent offenders will be banned.

Today’s letters (visible only to DT subscribers) are here.

419 thoughts on “Sunday 3 December: The Elgin Marbles can never go back to the Parthenon, so they should stay in Britain

  1. The Elgin Marbles can never go back to the Parthenon, so they should stay in Britain

    I agree for once

    1. It’s all just political knockabout Bob3.

      If the Greeks genuinely wanted the Elgin Marbles they would have offered to buy them back at the cost that they

      were purchased – uprated to modern days price.

      At the moment they are enjoying “demanding” from a grovelling British government.

      This gives the Greek government a number of advantages, not least that it keeps the Greek voters’ minds off the

      big problems that Greece has, and also the cringing of the British government makes them look good in the eyes of

      the Middle East, where loss of face is very important.

  2. Ah well, let’s repeat it here as well.

    Good morrow, Gentlefolk. today’s story

    Russian and African Roulette
    There’s this African ambassador visiting Russia and the Russians show the African how to play Russian Roulette. The African thinks to himself, “What a strange and daring culture!”
    The next day the African leaves and goes back to Africa. About a month later, the same Russian ambassador visits with the African ambassador in his own nation. When the Russian gets off the plane the African shows him to a circle of six buxom Nubian babes and says, “We have created our own version of your Russian Roulette!”
    “How do you play?” asks the Russian.
    The African replies, “Any one of these girls will give you a blow job.”
    The Russian says “Wow! What a game! But, uh… where’s the risk? The thrill?”
    The African says, “Oh, there’s risk alright! One of the girls is a cannibal!”

  3. Good morning all,

    Been raining overnight at Castle McPhee. Grey skies still, more rain later, wind SSW and a bit warmer at 4℃≫7℃.

    I see the Religion of Peace has struck again in Gay Paree.

    The report says the ‘perp’ was on a ‘watch list’ and known for ‘psychiatric disorders’. What disorders would those be? Mullah-induced ones?
    Much has been written about France being on a knife-edge (forgive the expression) between order and civil war but if I were a betting man I’d put money on the match kicking off in Ireland before France given what the MMA fighter Conor McGregor hs been pushing out on ‘X’ lately.

    1. The article makes the incident sound routine. ‘Killed’ rather than ‘stabbed’ , ‘Allah’ mistranslated as ‘God’ . Orwellian.

    2. It’s a regular occurence now. We’re just told to accept it. They even ignored the stabbing of the MP by a muslim.

      This stops when the home office is purged of wasters, aliens and dribblers.

    3. Caroline has chased the story in the French prsss:

      The perpetrator, Rajabpour-miyandoab used to be called Iman and changed his name to Armand in 2003 to Frenchify his name to divert attention from the fact that he is a Muslim. He has links with the terrorists who beheaded the French teacher, Samuel Paty, and killed a Catholic priest in Rouen.

      How long (if ever) will it be before the PTB acknowledge that people like this cannot and do not wish to live alongside people who are not Muslims?

  4. Good morning all,

    Been raining overnight at Castle McPhee. Grey skies still, more rain later, wind SSW and a bit warmer at 4℃≫7℃.

    I see the Religion of Peace has struck again in Gay Paree.

    The report says the ‘perp’ was on a ‘watch list’ and known for ‘psychiatric disorders’. What disorders would those be? Mullah-induced ones?
    Much has been written about France being on a knife-edge (forgive the expression) between order and civil war but if I were a betting man I’d put money on the match kicking off in Ireland before France given what the MMA fighter Conor McGregor hs been pushing out on ‘X’ lately.

    1. That Brookes cartoon is uncharacteristically forthright for the corporate media! He’ll find himself getting Moraned if he’s not careful!

    2. Name something INTELLIGENT that Liberals do.

      Ten hours later … Nope. Still struggling to come up with an answer that one!

  5. Good Moaning.
    Well, actually, not it’s not.
    But, says she coming over all PollyAnna, a good day for doing indoor jobs.

    1. Some years ago, Mother snapped at me “Oh, you’re such a polyanna!” – don’t remember what I’d said, something like your post, Anne – and when explained to me, I was quite hurt.

      1. Maybe Anne could explain the story – I’ve never read it or had it explained.

        I suppose Google might give a clue.

        Wikipedia explanation:

        Due to the book’s fame, “Pollyanna” has become a byword for someone who, like the title character, has an unfailingly optimistic outlook;[1] a subconscious bias towards the positive is often described as the Pollyanna principle. Despite the current common use of the term to mean “excessively cheerful”, Pollyanna and her father played the glad game as a method of coping with the real difficulties and sorrows that, along with luck and joy, shape every life.

        1. Thanks, Tom.
          It’s too easy to sink into a mire of moaning, thus depressing everyone further. It takes effort to be cheerful sometimes, but it’s worth it.
          Example: Pigging chilly here just now 🙁 but an excuse to have a cheerful fire 🙂

      1. Hope she’s OK – loads of people seem to have that rather nasty bug that’s going round with cold, fever and headache. It tried to get me last week, but the quercetin/Zinc/C seems to have held it at bay touch wood!

          1. I have just started my winter bottle of Woods Navy Rum. That should help keep away the Germs.

          2. Excellent plan, Johnny.
            I read that initially as “at should help keep away the Germans.” and was startled for a moment until I read it again, as it isn’t like you.

          3. Excellent plan, Johnny.
            I read that initially as “at should help keep away the Germans.” and was startled for a moment until I read it again, as it isn’t like you.

          4. Excellent plan, Johnny.
            I read that initially as “at should help keep away the Germans.” and was startled for a moment until I read it again, as it isn’t like you.

          5. I got a lot of Vit D in the summer, and try to top it up by getting outside at midday in winter.

        1. Yes, I chatted in the street with an acquaintance who had been knocked for six with headache & sore throat symptoms: had somehow tested positive for Chinese Virus, so was able to spend NINE DAYS at home. Instantly I realised that the person must work in the Public sector, and held my tongue.

    1. Yes, I miss the doom laden prognoses and the anti-authoritarian interpretations of current events. Minty’s recent masterstroke was the identification of a submarine which was equipped to destroy the pipeline under the Baltic sea, a fact which UK journalists ignored.

    2. Yes, I miss the doom laden prognoses and the anti-authoritarian interpretations of current events. Minty’s recent masterstroke was the identification of a submarine which was equipped to destroy the pipeline under the Baltic sea, a fact which UK journalists ignored.

    3. I seem to recall that she said she was going on holiday where there was limited poor internet access and did not expect to be in communication for a while

  6. 379276+ up ticks ,

    Morning Each,


    Voters have been betrayed on Brexit and immigration. I stand ready to deliver
    My party extends the hand of friendship to those who voted for the Tories but feel let down by their failure to act

    There speaketh one hell of a political twatologist, IMO he is on par with the ex lab PM / toilet attendant b lair.

    He surely outshines cameron the wretch, and the stick insect is not even in the running, as for the lib/dems eu assets through & through ALL encapsulated in a treacherous, dangerous, scamming political coalition.

    The vicious circle Rwanda /Calais / Dover is being funded via a 15 million input, to add to the 140 million already given, so now inclusive of France we will be forever funding a ” pass along the country please room for one more” type scam.

    Lest we forget, YOUR vote is necessary for this to continue.

    Have we considered paying off the peoples smugglers ?


  7. Good morning.
    As posted earlier, 4″ of snow and we’ve got light fog with 3½°C outside.
    I don’t think I’ll be doing a lot outside today.

    1. Surely chocolate munchmallows? Teacakes should contain dried fruit such as orange-soaked raisins. As for Tunnocks, the packaging design is their enemy; yellow indicates lemon flavour, red on silver no idea, but hints at strawberry. And who cares if the company is 133 years old?

    2. Hang on… are their profits down 80% or are they losing money? As there’s an important difference.

      Yet everything hangs off the elephant in the room: the economy.

      People have less money.
      Taxes are going up
      Energy, the input cost of everything, is hilariously expensive.
      Government has deliberately made energy expensive while hiking taxes on individuals and businesses. It has stiffed over business with higher base costs (why do folk think self service checkouts are here now? Because we’re free, checkout staff, on min wage are expensive). The state has fiddled endlessly with pensions all to rob cash. It fiddles with savings, again, to rob cash when robbing earnings was not getting them enough.

      Not once has big government accepted it is to blame for every problem we have. Instead it keeps robbing Peter to pay Paul to prevent squealing one quarter wheile hammering Peter who can’t do anything about it until… he can’t pay his bills and becomes Paul and we are all Paul due to government policy suppressing demand on purpose.

      They’re spiteufl, vicious morons who are determined to force socialist policies on this country. Every single time they break the market, every time they kick one side to give handouts to the other they create a problem. Now there are so many problems all they’re doing is firefighting while proclaiming how wonderful they are for walking around with the hose – which will cause damp.

      Markets work. It’s as simple as that. Breaking them, as the state is trying to do for ideological reasons; just causes carnage, shortages, inflation, poverty and misery. We would be better off feeding politicians into the gears of the windmills they love so much.

  8. Morning, all Y’all.
    Bright, clear night. Was quite chilly, and still is, so lit a fire in the oven in the cellar – the heat winds its way up the stairs, whereas the fire in the sitting room just heats the sitting room.
    Delivery of logs expected this morning. Stacking those should keep me warm! Also, compressed sawdust brickettes – never had those before, so should be interesting.

      1. Excellent! Look forward to trying them. Not so romantic, though, as a proper log. Don’t recall people singing about “put another briquette on the fire” (Jim Reeves?)

        1. I bought a couple of tons about 5 years ago and am only half way through them so I’ve used about £100 worth in 5 years.

      1. Yes… but uses the waste from sawmills to good effect. Looking forward to see how they turn out, never used them before.

  9. 379276+ up ticks,

    Nicely put turn left,

    Turn left at Stoke
    As central heating systems across Britain kick in this morning, remember that the PTB plan to remove them from our homes. Net Zero is a fraudulent plan based on false assumptions, designed to impoverish us and enrich them. CO2 makes up 0.04% of the atmosphere. 0.04% FFS!

    1. Don’t get me started. We are holding off putting on the heating before we get back from the Sunday shower run. It’s not that it’s cold. It gets cold. The season are what ‘climate change’ was before the Left weaponised it to force socialism. What I resent is the deliberate forcing of high prices through tax solely for ideological reasons.

      We’re pootling to the gym for the wash, when we get back… life knows.

      Last night the Warqueen was virtual house hunting. I’ve never felt so useless.

  10. Seems that KIng Charles has upset a bunch of people by wearing a pale blue and white tie to give his speech at the climate conference, and part of the pattern are tiny Greek flags… just after Sunak and the Greek PM had a hissy fit & went off in a huff rather than meet about the Elgin marbles.
    Arm wrestle over it, best of three.

      1. Yes, I thought the sausage-fingered clown was perhaps paying some sort of respect to his father, but I obviously gave him too much credence. Chuckie Three Sticks may see himself at the top table at WEF, but he needs reminding that his political days are behind him and that he should stick to the day job whilst it still exists.

        1. I do like Chuckie Three Sticks, although on balance I think “the idiot King” is closer to reality!

      1. In which case it is the duty of his son and heir to stop him but I fear that William has inherited much of his father’s meddling instincts

    1. Why would the head of state of the United Kingdom wear a tie composed of Greek flags even if his father was from that country? Extremely inappropriate. If he doesn’t want to be head of the Church of England and King of Britain, he only has to say so – plenty of people would be happy if he abdicated!

  11. Advent, which I eagerly rushed through as a child, has become in many ways better than Christmas.
    Today, I shall begin to say daily the great and ancient prayer for this season in which we ask: ‘Give us grace that we may cast away the works of darkness, and put upon us the armour of light, now in the time of this mortal life, in which thy son Jesus Christ came to visit us in great humility.’
    And so I believe he did, and everything is changed by this.

    1. I think they’re called ‘Collects’ I had to learn all 4 of them, drilled or beaten into us by my Victorian Father.

  12. Is this a Taliban-run school in Kabul? No, one of our top comprehensives: Death threats to staff for stopping Muslim pupils praying, a girl forced to quit the choir because ‘her religion bars singing’ and another pressured to wear a hijab

    Diversity is our strength?
    Subjugation not integration is what they expect to do.

    1. This is what Blair wanted.

      How does this repulsive piece of excrement claim to be a Christian?

      1. The problem is that in this case it’s as much, if not more, the pupils as the parents although I have little doubt they are encouraged by their parents

      2. That’s so typical of our stupid useless political classes.
        They’ll punish white indigenous for any minor incident they can comb out.
        And then let this happen. It’s passed the beginning of the end now.

  13. Well, harkening back to our time in Bavaria, I have just been clearing snow off our quite steeply angled drive! Not much by some standards [in Bayern we once had 189 cm in 24 hours, and that was in Spring!] but enough to raise a sweat! I’d forgotten how much fun it is /sarc. Global what????

    1. Heyup!
      We’ve got 4″ of Global Warming in the yard that could do with clearing too.

  14. Morning all 🙂😊
    Slightly warmer which is better, but rain forecast until next weekend. Oh dear.
    And as ex chancellor George Osborne is now the chair of the British museum and has apparently arranged for a return of the Elgin marbles to Greece on loan. I’ll bet my house on this, that the marbles will never return to the UK.

        1. Not sure whether he paid the Greeks, but the British Museum bought them off him when he was skint.

  15. 3rd December, 2023

    a couple of Tastey Birthdays today. My sister Belinda is 88 and our elder son, Christo, is 30.

    Yesterday I posted a picture of Henry and people thought he looked more Dutch than English!

    What do you think about Christo – Dutch or English?

    1. Good morning to the Tastey family, and everyone. And many happy returns to Big Sis and the young lad!

      IMHO Christo looks the very image of a younger Rastus, softened, and thus improved, with a smidgeon/smidgen of his mother’s features.

      1. Good afternoon, Jules

        Christo was born in 1993, my sister was born in 1935 – when was your elder son born?

    2. I know several Dutch people who look very similar to Christo there. However he has a lot of you in him as well.

  16. Whoosh.
    Just received and stacked a pallet-load of split, dry, birchwood, and being the unfit slob I am, I’m now wrecked.
    Gasp! Puff!

    1. 500 a day, that’s, what…. 15,000 a month? 180,000 a year? Or, a new Soton a year. A new Birmingham every 4.

      Deport the ones here. Don’t bother processing them. Pack them into shipping containers and dump them just as they dump our rubbish.

      When the next lot squawk, get out there with a gunboat. If they don’t turn back voluntarily, tow it back. If they destroy the boat then come home and let them die.

      The invasion must be stopped. The easy solution is to repeal the absurd laws that the state forces us to adhere to to our detriment. One civil servant bleated that if we left the ECHR then we would have to renegotiate the good Friday agreement with all 27 EU members. Either she is ignorant or scaremongering, as everyone knows the EU is a dictatorship and only the commissars have any say.

      Folk complain that we must remain members of the ECHR lest we become like the Congo or Algeria or other warzone. They never say .. like America, Canada, Australia or Japan…

  17. Budget day here in Norway. Some good ‘uns already! 64% price rise in imported potatoes, as the tax (of course) will be levied as a % of price, not a fixed sum, and this year’s potato harvest was a disaster due to miserable weather. Since yer Weegies eat only potatoes and fish, that’ll hurt.
    Looking forward to the other expense-rising actions frrom our beloved labour pratty.

    1. One wonders if all government understands is tax increases. They never, ever consider that, actually, they might be wasting too much.

      1. Government always needs more money, it can never have enough.
        Maybe they should go to competitive tender?

  18. Selling Heathrow to the French and Saudis is just the latest sorry story of how some of Britain’s greatest assets are owned by foreign governments and firms

    PUBLISHED: 22:00, 2 December 2023 | UPDATED: 01:48, 3 December 2023

    View comments
    In its heyday, Heathrow, the country’s showpiece hub airport, represented everything that was thrilling about British life. Passengers dressed in their best clothes, celebrities such as Elizabeth Taylor and Richard Burton could be spotted draped in his-and-hers mink coats, while captains of industry swept in and out on Concorde.

    But any vestige of those glorious times is long past, as successive governments have shamefully allowed the airport to become a lucrative plaything for a string of foreign owners.

    As part of a wretched trend for selling off UK PLC’s most valuable assets, last week saw a 25 per cent stake in Heathrow sold to the French, and the Saudi Arabia government – which has been accused of human rights violations – by Spanish company Ferrovial.

    The airport is now 90 per cent-owned by Saudis, French, the Chinese government, Qataris, Canadians, Singaporeans and Australians. One has to wonder whether any other nation would be foolhardy enough to allow a key piece of national infrastructure, with such huge economic and strategic importance, to be parcelled out to a string of foreign investors – some from despotic regimes and largely unaccountable to the British travelling public.

    One of the world’s busiest airports, Heathrow – which sees 67 million passengers each year use planes run by 90 airlines, serving 180 destinations – ought to be a linchpin in efforts to attract overseas investors. This makes the complacency about it being under foreign control all the more baffling.

    But Heathrow is about more than pounds and pence. As the gateway to Britain, it should be a visible symbol of national pride. This is where first impressions of the UK are indelibly stamped in visitors’ minds.

    Instead it has become a sad totem of a ‘Britain for sale’ to the highest bidder mentality, eroding the fabric of our most important infrastructure and services.

    It is part of a pattern that has seen much of the country’s water and electricity supply, and control of our ports, allowed to fall into foreign hands.

    Of course, some foreign investors are responsible, long-term operators – but others less so.

    Certainly the sale of a ten per cent stake in Heathrow to Saudi Arabia’s Sovereign Wealth Fund, controlled by Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman, raises questions of its own. The brutal murder of journalist Jamal Khashoggi in 2018 hangs heavily over the reputation of the Crown Prince and his fellow rulers.

    Under the National Security And Investment Act, our Government has the power to scrutinise and block transactions if it so wishes – but Britain regards the Saudis as a strategic partner, so the Heathrow deal is unlikely to be stopped.

    However, last week, the Government intervened in another key deal involving Middle Eastern investment: the proposed sale of the Daily Telegraph to a company backed by the Abu Dhabi ruling family. It remains to be seen if that deal will be blocked.

    The Heathrow deal sees Paris-based private equity firm Ardian take a 15 per cent share.

    Other owners are the Qatar Investment Authority (20 per cent), a Canadian investment firm (13 per cent), a Singaporean sovereign wealth fund (11 per cent), the Australian Retirement Trust (11 per cent) and China Investment Corporation (ten per cent). This leaves ten per cent owned by a UK outfit, a pension fund for university lecturers.

    Of course, the Qataris support Hamas, and the China Investment Corporation is the financial arm of the repressive Beijing government.

    The decision by Spanish construction group Ferrovial to sell its Heathrow stake marks the end of a controversial partnership.

    Its history as the biggest shareholder goes back to 2006, when the then Labour government stood idly by as the Spaniards gleefully bought several UK airports, including Edinburgh, Glasgow, Southampton, Heathrow and Gatwick for a knock-down £10.3 billion.

    1. Comically they’re probably buying it with our own money, paid to them for gas we could have dug up ourselves.

    2. For a brief moment before my specs revealed the truth I thought it said – “sold to French and Saunders”?

    3. “But Heathrow is about more than pounds and pence. As the gateway to Britain, it” is complete rubbish, an embarrasement, something to be given away, together with the blame for such an appalling creation.
      When travellers go out of their way to avoid the place, you know there’s something badly wrong.
      We choose Schiphol, Frankfurt, Munich, Kastrup, Gatwick for preference to change planes, avoiding LHR whenever possible.

    4. I can remember going to Heathrow (named after the village it displaced) with my father and his BiL in an old Vauxhall car. We were meeting one my my uncles flying home from Canada for Christmas. The customs and arrival department was an old Nissan hut. On grass.
      Changed a lot now eh.
      And why would our government even contemplate handing it over to others. Probably because as mentioned above, it’s a symbol of national pride.
      The scurrilous pigs that inhabit Whitehall and Westminster, jointly seem to have no obvious interest in our national pride, and I suggest are filled with hatred towards public opinion.

    5. Once upon a time, flying was glamorous and people dressed up for the occasion. That was when it was exclusive (and before the islamics got the upper hand). No wonder the PTB use private jets.

    1. I voted up, not because I like or approve of his vile culture that is amongst us. But for Dave Atherton for putting it out in the public domain.
      This has to stop, this is a European country and this sort of medieval mindset with its over bearing disgusting nonsense does not belong here. It’s becoming more of an issue and has an effect on more British peoples lives every day.
      As long as I live I shall be doing my very best to try to persuade my grandchildren to get out of this pathetically servile attitude, to anything that inflicts a continuous stream of destruction on this country.

    2. The intolerance and spite of these creatures is revolting. He’s dressed as a foreigner, he shouldn’t be here.

      Imagine if a Catholic said that gys should be allowed ot protest. Plod would be there in microseconds. The muslim curse must be erased.


    Voters have been betrayed on Brexit and immigration. I stand ready to deliver

    That’s an unfortunate headline. We know he stands ready – but what he delivers will be more foreigners vomited into this country and rechaining to the hated EU. We know what he’s offering. We know he’s lying.

    That he has spent an entire piece and said absolutely nothing whatsoever tells us more than he reaslises. Besides, anyone who uses unserious is a moron.

    1. I see some stupid academic is now claiming that Britain didn’t abolish the slave trade! Presumably all the Royal Navy personnel who died while doing just that are figments of our imagination, as is the massive amount of money Britain spent!?

  20. Earlier on, Blackbox2 asked if anyone had seen Minty lately – I just had a look and the last day she commented here was on 21st November – but she seems to have decamped to the Spectator…….. seems to be normal but odd that she has jumped ship.

    1. I only ever do this blog. Not enough hours in the day to do more. Minty will be back because she loves me. :@)

      1. I do comment on the Trollograph as well, but it’s much more focused on politics – not the chit chat we have here, and a much smaller group but some crossovers.

        1. Welcome back.. I did post a Q asking if anyone had seen you post but i expected you were busy.

    1. I had a message from NS&I. First it blithers on about ‘securing my browser’ – which is impossible, it can only secure my connection to it’s site,then it forced the use of a google api – a cookie – to track my IP address and confirm the same computer had been used before to access the site.

      Then we get ‘the site’. A ghastly, appallingly written, badly designed space wasting cludge that breaks the back button. If you look at the endless tripe it’s trying to do in the background you’ll realise these are not serious people. The click tracking they use is an abomination.

      Not only had I not won anything, the ‘message’ was a note to say I’d bought some premium bonds. Yay. Rather than an email telling me to log in to read their message, why not just say that via email in the email they had sent me to tell me to log in?

      Berks, the lot of them.

        1. Is that no less than you deserve or no more than you deserve?

          It could be either I suppose.

          1. Yep. It’s no wonder we never won anything. I think it was a grandparent who was so generous 🙂

    1. Sadly I can’t find the photo but a few years ago Mrs B and I were in Bruges and spotted a horse with a mullet – I swear it looked embarrassed!

    1. Yep, he’s right. The Left need to learn this first. Anyone promoting for believing the hoax should be shoved outside, naked and told to suck it up. That’s what they want for the rest of us.

      Of course, it’s a tax scam. A hoax. It is just about retarding the first world and enforcing socialism, with ever more power going to the statists.

      1. The Left KNOW this already! No learning required. It’s just that pushing on with this decarbonising crap means poverty, shortages and misery, creating an opening for government and Big Brother to be welcomed as the saviours.
        That’s why all this stuff continues – it’s another form for power grab.

      1. Remember when Trump told the Germans they were too reliant on Russian gas? Much like that I imagine. The statists do not like the truth and when they get hit with it, they ridicule and mock.

        To do otherwise risks the New Clothes.

    2. Interestingly not only is he right, but the statement by the UN SecGen Guterres that the science is settled is rubbish, and as a physicist he should know better. More than 500 scientists wrote to him a little while ago saying the science is most certainly NOT settled and they don’t support the idea of a climate crisis. As for Mary Robinson, she was a lawyer and politician so almost by definition she knows little of real science!

      1. The initial science is settled claim wasn’t true either, there were a number of pseudoscientists from different fields claiming it was, because they agreed with each other, but dissenting voices were, and continue to be, ignored.

      2. Politics, ie. the smell of power! trumps any science or logic.
        Who cares, just as long as I’m the one telling everybody how to live their lives?

      3. They have to keep repeating that the ‘science is settled’ in order to both erase any concept that it is remotely based in science and to give them the credence to ignore it.

        Scientific research is just the questioning of an idea that develops data. You can’t tax an idea. If you take the idea entirely out of science then you don’t have to bother yourself with facts and data. You just have the idea. And as we all know from Batman, ideas cannot be killed, do not bleed and are untouchable. Just the sort of thing the state wants for a tax scam.

      1. It’s only TPTB who advocate the end of fossil fuels. The general public are well aware of how utterly stupid and detrimental to Joe Public the idea of Net zero is.

    3. Will be swiftly forgotten as the juggernaut steams on. Or perhaps they are just redefining climate change, but we will still end up paying.

    1. ‘The Minger smells meaty, unctuous, cabbagey,’

      Bollocks! Everybody knows that a minge smells of fish!🐟🤣

      1. Warning, not for the sensitive.
        If little girls are made of sugar and spice
        Why does the best bit taste of anchovies?

      1. Surprised that they only used a stun gun because he can now speak about his faith and the commandments.
        Far better for the PTB if he had been silenced so that they could claim the normal working alone, not terrorism, nutter etc etc.

    1. Just another POS that needed shooting.
      Do they also have mental health issues as excuses in France?

  21. An NHS spokesperson was on BBC Breakfast TV this morning saying that wiring up patients at home would alleviate pressure on the service by creating virtual wards at home. That’s all very well if you know how to record and interpret the data.

    Technology is now so cheap that loads of data can be collected and sent up to the cloud as recorded on this device:

    However getting any form of diagnosis remains pie in the sky because interpretation is clouded by clinical judgement even by professional medics.

    My latest pulse oximeter can give me a clue as to how vital signs are changing with various levels of body intake and ambient temperature and I can more easily take snapshots of blood oxygen level, pulse rate, peripheral infusion and plesythmograph waveform:

    I don’t upload to cloud because I don’t yet trust anyone’s interpretation of the data up there. I did however get a second opinion on my suspicions of having SupraVentricular Tachycardia when the triage doctor in A&E diagnosed SVT.

    The technology on the cardiac ward has far more complicated displays and you can set alarm states on so many vital signs that nurses get what is called alarm fatigue where is hardly worth resuscitating any patient if they’re still showing some sign of life. 🤔

    1. I lingered in church after the service this morning because two of my fellow servers are doctors and they were discussing why the NHS doesn’t work. Why it’s wasteful and inefficient and how unhelpful the admin is, especially with regards to patient records.

      I asked, because our (Labour) MP for Hammersmith always campaigns on saving Charing Cross Hospital from closure, whether the threat has ever been real, especially as Imperial College are in denial. My doctors this morning responded in unison with an immediate emphatic, Yes! I’m told that the plans were based on the theory that many conditions can now be treated at home.

      1. I went through a number of procedures at home to try and reverse what I recognised as SVT. None of them worked but the doctor in resus did repeat the same procedures which still didn’t work.

        It wasn’t until my heart was stoppped completely for several seconds with intravenous Adenosine in resus were the aberrant atrial contractions terminated – not something to be tried at home!.

      1. The problem is that your DNA, your religion, your age and your medical history determine what action, if any, needs to be taken.

        Evolution theory establishes the natural requirement for no further action (NFA) when any living thing is found to be in distress and outside the help of the community it lives in.

        In my case there was concern when the NHS found my platelet count was outside normally defined !imits. A repeated blood test only confirmed the previous finding that was derived through instrumental analysis. However, it was decided that NFA was appropriate because my blood sample looked OK down the microscope – evolution in action!

  22. Another cowardly local council following in the footsteps of Havering.

    Moncton city council in New Brunswick have announced that the tradition of displaying a Menorah at city hall is cancelled. When questioned about this the mayor would not acknowledge any connection to tensions, but did allude to wanting to avoid trouble. “If there’s an incident at city hall, it would make headlines all over the country”.

    May as well just turn the yoga mat into a prayer mat.

    1. No, it wouldn’t make headlines. Big government would ensure that any destruction caused by muslims would be suppressed and blame the fictional ‘far right’. One thing big government insists on doing is protecting muslims.

      1. BG thinks it can use muslims to topple Western society. Bribe the imams and they might just be right.

  23. S.S. Solon II.
    82 (75 dead and 7 survivors).
    Manganese ore and 2,000 tons of copper.

    At 23.56 hours on 3rd December 1942 the unescorted Solon II (Master John Robinson) was hit by one torpedo from U-508 (Georg Staats) and sank within 20 seconds northeast of Georgetown, British Guiana. The U-boat had spotted the ship four hours earlier and missed with a first torpedo at 21.08 hours. Before leaving the area, the Germans questioned the fourth engineer Alexander Macfarlane in the only boat that the crew was able to launch. The survivors made landfall at Weldad, 12 miles west of the River Berbice, British Guiana on 7th December. The master, 68 crew members and six gunners were lost.

    Type IXC U-Boat U-508 was sunk on 12th November 1943 in the Bay of Biscay north of Cape Ortegal, Spain, by depth charges from a US Liberator aircraft (VB-103 USN/C). 57 dead (all hands lost).

  24. People were asking after StorminaDcup the other day.

    She is still looking in, you’ll be pleased to know.

      1. She gave me a virtual peck on the cheek earlier.
        All the Nottler ladies love me…he said most humbley.

      1. Sorry to break it to you but Plum is no longer with us.
        Arrgghh ! I meant Lady of the lake. Apologies.

          1. I follow a poster on Twitter called Lady of the Lake, partly because it reminds me of Ann. She is an American conservative artist.

      2. None
        lacoste used to be able to keep in touch, but she stopped returning emails.
        The loss of her little dog, Maude, was devastating for her.

    1. I expect she was a good wife and mother, so RIP. But if the Mail on Sunday wishes to talk ill of the dead, we cannot help but listen.

      “In 2004, she was caught up in an expenses scandal in which she was one of scores of MEPs who allegedly signed in for the day at the European Parliament (to qualify for the £175 daily allowance) and then promptly left the building.

      And in November, 2006 she was criticised in the press for taking what was described as ‘a junket’ in Barbados to discuss world poverty issues.

      She had the unenviable reputation as ‘the most travelled British MEP’ and, along with her husband, also acquired the no less enviable title as Brussels’ ‘very own Lord and Lady Expenses’.”

      1. They were Left. We should have left them.
        I don’t care if she was a loving mother and devoted wife. She was a parasite on the body politic. If their children had any honour they would donate their estate to charity. Socialist scumbags.

      2. I wasn’t a fan of either of them, greedy troughers.

        All because Major felt sorry him: allegedly because he was so certain of becoming PM that he overextended himself with a large mortgage.

    1. Not forgetting the 1,700 Albanian gangsters. 3,000 known Islamic terrorists. Hamas controllers living in council flats. All at the expense of British tax payers. We have built our own pyre.

      1. My bold

        The migrant delivery driver making a mockery of Britain’s asylum system: Sudanese national who posed for photos by the Eiffel Tower boasts about illegally earning cash in the UK by brazenly spraying £10 and £20 notes in taxpayer-paid hotel room
        Omer Muhammad, 34, has been living in a hotel in Derby for a year and a half
        They are taking the piss.

        1. I know. What are the Keystone Plod doing about it?
          Arrest. Convict. Deport. Back on the next RNLI water ferry.

          1. There is a reason they are all provided with phones, Western style haircuts and clothing. The phones connect them in any language to all the benefits and free legal representation. Plus calls home to mum and the hordes to say…Come on in.

        2. It’s been going at least since the 90s, very likely before that. In those days it was five fake passports and benefits in five different London boroughs.

          1. Those who exploit us are not grateful for our generosity. Indeed they hold us in complete contempt.

            Fool Us Once – Shame on you!

            Fool us twice – Shame on us for being taken in!

            But fool us thousands of times – what sort of shamelessly bloody brainless idiots are we?

      2. The SAS could rid us of all the scum and nobody would know until it was too late, unfortunately I expect even the SAS have a woke governor now

    2. I remember some one correcting a comment when it was said that the government and Whitehall is stuffed with idiots.
      The correction was something similar to “they were clever and very devious”.
      No they are effing idiots the whole lot of them. They have wrecked our country and they need to get on their knees put in chains and be made to beg for their next meal

    1. One would think the authorities and the media would realise that their playing down of these attacks which are escalating globally will give rise to extremist right views.
      I suppose they don’t because they are entry level graduates to positions of power with no life experience. They are in for a very big shock before long.

      1. It seems that they are too stupid and cowardly to realise or even understand what is happening..

    2. Denmark to place military guards at locations with significant connection to Israel, such as memorial to those who protected Jews during WW2. This is working up to something really bad. From via Google Translate.

      Denmark brings in the military to look after Jewish buildings – The conflict in the Middle East has led to an unacceptable increase in anti-Semitism and insecurity for Jews in Denmark, says Danish Justice Minister Peter Hummelgaard.
      Due to fear of terror, the Danish government has therefore deployed the military to look after Jewish and Israeli places in Copenhagen.

      From 6 December, they will look after, among other things, synagogues and the Israeli embassy, reports NTB.

      1. Islam has become a terrible problem in Europe some thing has to be done about this fairly soon. Its becoming extremely dangerous and very uncomfortable for all of us.

        1. You know that, I know that and so do a lot of people. The problem is making those who could do something about it face up to the fact.

          1. They don’t need to do anything – as far as they are concerned. Just lie some more and force us to put up with it..

          2. Milton’s Diabolic Trinity in Paradise Lost were;

            Satan – Sin and Death

            The Diabolic Trinity for our time is

            Soros – Schwab and Gates

          3. Milton’s Diabolic Trinity in Paradise Lost were;

            Satan – Sin and Death

            The Diabolic Trinity for our time is

            Soros – Schwab and Gates

          4. It is getting to make or break time. If something is not done very soon we shall be lost forever.

            Or is it already too late?

  25. The sickening horrors endured by Hamas’ terrified hostages: How kidnapped Israeli women and children were drugged, starved, shot and threatened with violence if they spoke while held in ‘inferno’ before finally being released after 49 days
    Hamas released 105 hostages, in exchange for a temporary truce
    Fighting between Israel and Palestine is now back on
    Families of the remaining hostages are terrified of how they are being treated

    I have a very nasty suspicion that many of the younger female hostages will have been sexually abused and raped.
    Naturally neither they nor their families will wish to talk about it.

  26. Thought for the day:

    With all the attacks on Jews and Jewish people in Europe and around the world, I wonder whether Israel might be prepared accept people found guilty of such attacks to be deported to Gaza, in exchange for weaponry?
    If we can pour weaponry into Ukraine, why not Israel?
    It would kill two birds with one stone, getting rid of violent Muslims and it would certainly make purple haired lefties think twice about attacking Jews and their property

    1. Not too far into the future it wont be jewish people who are being victimised, but anyone who is not recognised as being of the Islamic faith.

      1. When the Nazis came for the communists,
        I remained silent;
        I was not a communist.

        When they locked up the social democrats,
        I remained silent;
        I was not a social democrat.

        When they came for the trade unionists,
        I did not speak out;
        I was not a trade unionist.

        When they came for the Jews,
        I remained silent;
        I was not a Jew.

        When they came for me,
        there was no one left to speak out.

        Friedrich Gustav Emil Martin Niemöller
        (14 January 1892 – 6 March 1984) was a Protestant pastor and social activist.

  27. Evening, all. Very foggy this morning in addition to the snow. Oscar wanted to come out for a walk then tried to down tools before we got home. I virtually had to carry him the last hundred yards or so. He seems okay now.

      1. He is getting old, but he had his nice warm NZ rug on. Thankfully, he’s nuzzling up to me for a cuddle now.

    1. Don’t we just love our dogs.
      Some of the nicest ‘people’ we will ever know. 7 months since we had to let her go, I still look at the space where her rug was in the evening.

          1. Have you thought of adopting an older dog who wouldn’t need as much exercise? Older dogs needing homes are often ignored because people want youngsters, but they need love, too. Oscar is quite a changed dog these days.

        1. My dog history comprises a Golden Lab puppy when I was around six (short-lived, due to catcing distemper in kennels while on holiday). Mum then had a succession of poodles. Intelligent, clean, but embarrasing to be seen with in public.

          Sweep was a somewhat oversized miniature, and was likeable.

          Jet was at the smaller end of miniature, and was definitely a woman’s dog. Wouldn’t have anything to do with men, myself included. Plus an annoying falsetto bark.

          Then, Toby – bought at great expense from a breeder in Martlesham, was Mum’s last pooch. Lovely in nature, he outlived her. I managed to re-home him. no idea what happened, but there was no way I could accommodate him.

          Since then, I’ve accommodated Dianne’s ‘Grand-dog’ on several occasions. Maddie the miniature Schnauzer. Great character – in her youth, she gave me the run-around a few times. Now she’s old, and deaf – hates other dogs, is likely to drag you off your feet in the process. She’s better travelled than I am, having lived in Saudi for a few years.

          But the thing that prevents me from having a dog (apart from the fact that my tenancy agreement precludes having pets), is the necessity to follow them around with a plastic bag… 💩

    2. I took our two out a while back and Mongo decided he didn’t want to move any more and just stopped. Usually this isn’t an issue. You wait him out and he forgets why he stopped but the warqueen wanted to get home.

      You can’t carry an 80kg Newfie. Certainly not one that won’t let you. Of course, throughout this, Oscar is being good as gold and prancing about like the ruddy golden child.

      It’s only ever ‘my dog’ who’s difficult.

      (I cheated and got Junior to call him through the telephone on speaker. Daft berk leapt up and promptly hauled us home. I’m convinced he wants to be a sled dog).

      1. I asked Dolly if she wanted to go out. She said ‘no, i’m fine, you just stay under the quilt, maybe later’.


    Zoë Strimpel:

    HRH Charles III (His Royal Hypocrite) ought to take note of this:

    BTL – BY Rob Scarr

    Clearly, someone invited King Charles to give a high profile address. Imagine the kudos he would get amongst the green brigade if he accepted the invite, but only if he could give the address by Zoom from his home in the UK. Same applies to the rest of the “everyone but me” or “my little bit doesn’t matter” brigade.

    1. Not just that, but he has indicated his support for Greece just after a little spat over the Elgin marbles. I wouldn’t mind his meddling if it weren’t for his depopulation inclinations.

  29. And that was a VERY enjoyable afternoon!
    Brisk walk down to and through through Cromford to Masson Mill to pick up the cancelled Trans-peak service, so extended the walk to Matlock Bath Pavilion to pick up the X17 Sheffield bus.
    Off at Dale Road and, after picking up some cast at a cashpoint, went to the Christmas Market and bought a few items. To wit, a bottle of rum for the DT to wrap up and give me for Christmas, 2 x large pork pies, 4 x pork and stilton sausage rolls.
    Then to Matlock Town football ground for a cup of tea.
    A bit of shopping, then on to the Remarkable Hare pub for a pint.
    Then the X17 to Matlock Bath whereupon I called in for a pint at the Old Bank, followed by a pint at the Rose Cottage, at which I allowed my Compulsive Singing Disorder to produce a couple of songs that were not badly received.
    Then back along to the Pavilion where there was a 6.1 service sat using up his slack time before heading to Cromford.
    During the journey I entertained a little lad & his parents with a song, Coulter’s Candy, followed just be fore I alighted by “Old Woman Tossed Up”, a Morris rigmarole.
    After alighting I went to the Boat for a last pint, and then walked the mile home.

    1. Ally Bally and all that! Wonderful song, and the old woman tossed up ‘ seventeen times as high as the moon’!

      1. Sigh! Cask-conditioned (real-ale) draught best bitter, drawn from a beer-engine (hand-pump) and served in a pint sleever.

        1. I have the beer engine… and one only sleeve – the other were used and broken 🙁
          We’re away to Mother-in-Law, pub in easy walking distance, much cask ale and bar propping planned.

    1. What’s really notable is correlating that withe the crime statistics and welfare consumption, of course.

    2. What’s really notable is correlating that withe the crime statistics and welfare consumption, of course.

    3. vw and I are London genuine cockneys. First 21 years of our lives spent in the areas we were born in.

          1. Cary Grant was from Bristol.
            When Tony Curtis was chatting up Marilyn Monroe in ‘Some like it hot’ he spoke with Cary Grants accent.
            So we have an American mimicking a man from Bristol mimicking an American accent.

  30. Popping back in just came across this……..

    Bloke goes browsing in an old backstreet antique shop in Brighton. While
    he’s in there he spots a little bronze statue of a rat, absolutely
    perfect in every little detail. He asks the shop owner how much.
    “£12 for just the rat. £100 for the rat and the story that goes with it.”
    “Keep the story, but I’ll take the rat”
    after he’s left the shop with the bronze rat he hears a squeak behind
    him, looks around and sees there’s a rat following him. Ignores it and
    carries on walking. Minute or two later, he looks back again and there’s
    a dozen rats following him. He speeds up his walk, and after a minute
    or two looks again – hundreds of rats and more climbing up out of the
    drains and joining in. He starts running. The rats start running. He
    heads out onto the pier, runs to the end of it with by now thousands of
    rats right behind him. When he reaches the end of the pier he throws the
    bronze rat in the sea, and the thousands of rats run straight off the
    end of the pier after the statue, and all drown.
    Few minutes later, he’s back in the old antique shop, and the owner, with a big smile on his face says
    “Come back to buy the story, have you?”
    “Fuck the story – got any bronze Moslems?”
    If bloody only……….

  31. SIR – In 1912 Lord Curzon of Kedleston intervened in the export of three 15th-century fireplaces, about to be shipped to America, and returned them to their home at Tattershall Castle in Lincolnshire.

    American museums are awash with foreign art, much of it British, much of it acquired at knockdown prices from cash-strapped families.

    Will those campaigning for the Elgin Marbles to be sent back to Athens follow Curzon’s example and champion our own lost treasures by giving equal energy to the return of British art and artefacts sold abroad?

    Alexander Gordon
    Llanyblodwel, Shropshire

    Everything in the UK has been sold for a price , nothing , absolutely nothing is sacred anymore ..

    Even the colour of our history, advertising, BBC, politics , education , NHS, literature , films, any more any of you Nottlers can think of?

  32. I was just watching the Neil Oliver video posted this morning on here and it disappeared. Mid-sentence, and it seems to have completely gone. Most strange.

          1. Hi Geoff,

            Not one of my posts but one I was reading posted by someone else. One of the earlier posts – suddenly disappeared mid-sentence and I couldn’t find it again.

            Also, I’m finding that I can’t answer from the Notifications – answers to my posts: I just get a message “You must authenticate the user or provide author_name and author_email”. I have no idea what this is or how to do such authentication.

          2. Hi, HL. Sounds like a Disqus “issue”. Haven’t come across this before, but I’m replying via Notifications, so will be interested to see whether I have the same problem…

          3. Found this:

            If you’re having trouble logging in and/or staying logged in, ensure that you have third-party cookies enabled as outlined in our Use of cookies document.

            If you’re getting the message “You must authenticate the user or provide author_name and author_email”, this means that you have a bad cookie stored for Disqus, where it appears that you are logged in, but you are not. This can occur if you have Disqus open in multiple tabs, and get logged out in one of the other tabs. To fix this issue, clear your cookies in your browser, or search your browser cookies, and delete just the “” cookies. After refreshing the page, you should be able to log in and post normally.

            Hope this helps…

  33. If gender is a feeling and a self belief and not an objective reality, how can the same people complain about the “gender pay gap”? Shurely the solution is for all the people on high pay grades to self identity as women. Problem solved.

  34. Old article , but you may have missed it ?

    ‘Elderly’, ‘headquarters’ and ‘field trip’: the new set of words banned from workplaces
    A new Staffordshire Police guide suggests staff use ‘inclusive language’, but some say it’s the latest woke restriction on freedom of speech

    The new Staffordshire Police inclusive language guide discourages using the word “policeman”. “In general,” it urges, “we word our content to avoid masculine and feminine pronouns (“he” or “she”)”. Gender-neutral language is always preferable, even when talking about a police officer who is a man.

    Elsewhere in the 12-page document, the tenets of “people-first language” – the idea that everyone is first and foremost a person, not their disability or other characteristics – abound in instructions not to use words such as “diabetic person” and “mentally ill”; “person with diabetes” and “person with mental health problems” are encouraged instead.

    Communities with high poverty rates are not “disadvantaged”, but “under-resourced”. Christians, Jews and Muslims should be replaced by “Christian people” and so on, while “Christian name” is a non-inclusive no-no.



    A Hoffmann De Visme
    12 HRS AGO
    This utter nonsense is all imposed ultimately as a means of societal control via thought limitation training. The approved narrative is never open to question – ever. Totalitarian government wants obedient sheep and this is how that aim is achieved. This limitation of language goes on alongside removal and shutting down of any means of legitimate debate, rewriting of history and cancel culture. We see this with the “Climate change agenda” and we saw it with Covid. There is no debate. You are branded “far right”, “racist’ or a “conspiracy theorist” if you dare to question any approved narrative. Watch an animated film called “Beyond the Reset’ on YouTube to get an idea where this is heading. There is a lot in it.

    1. Those descriptions: “people with disabilities”, “people with mental health problems” have been around for donkey’s years, right from the start of PC back in 1990. We also had to be careful when subbing people to vacancies, not to discriminate against clumsy people or “nimble fingers”.

    1. Blimey, lust a 3 for me, Sue.
      Edit, just even?

      Wordle 897 3/6


    2. No it wasn’t

      Wordle 897 4/6


    1. Jobs for the relatives! Kerry must have made a fortune from this scam? Shirley “one of Daddy’s private jets”

  35. The headlines in the front page of the Telegraph Opinion suggest to me that the unbroken air of reverence for all the climate actions is beginning to fray. As in “COP28 should prompt a net zero rethink” and “Climate elites should take Easyjet flights like the rest of us or be quiet”.
    Or, am I being optimistic?

    1. Justin ‘wave his arms around’ Rowlatt of the BBC is doing his best to ramp up the fear every day reporting from Dubai.

  36. Just finished baking a Bloomer. Lovely crips finish. I might just cut the end off while it’s warm enough to melt the butter.
    Night all.

    1. Had to stay up for my sourdough loaf to prove and spend an hour in the oven. 16 hours in all.

      1. I gave up with sourdough I could never get it rise properly.
        But it tasted okay.
        Perhaps I should have been more patient.

    1. 10 dozen bottles of nice wine in the above ground cellar, as well as having a whit of sense.

    2. Been there, done that !
      Though i must say it was a tad warmer in the hills above Montpellier.
      70 foot drop into a mountain pool.

      Lounging on the rocks in the hot sun i saw teenage boys following a track up and watched what they were doing. Then …splosh. I thought to myself…my turn. And i’m afraid of heights !

    1. Having read the Daily Mail report in full, I cannot see why you think the killer was black. Can you please explain this to me?

  37. It is reported that the Ukraine war is nearing an end. The Secretary General of NATO, a Norwegian who obtained the position by promoting the election of Norway into NATO, has admitted that the situation in Ukraine is dire. Instead of advocating for negotiations between Ukraine and Russia Stolltenberg is asking Europe to provide more artillery shells by upping production in the West.

    Our institutions and those of the international community are truly being led by morons. Ukraine could never prevail in a war against Russia even with billions of US and EU support, much of which will have been skimmed off by the most inept and corrupt administration in Europe.

    Ukraine is now a mere distraction. The real issue to be confronted is the invasion of Europe and the UK by Muslims. This deliberate invasion is a device employed by globalists, including the CCP to weaken and reduce our countries to irrelevance. Similarly the acquisition of property and oil exploration rights by the CCP in Venezuela’s and other Marxist South American countries, the launching of the Covid laboratory manufactured bio-weapon and the funding of the production and distribution of Fentanyl in order to destroy the US.

    We inhabit a truly wicked world run for the most part by sociopaths and their underling agents. Our politicians are so self interested and uneducated as to leave us prone and as easy pickings for the most evil people on Earth.

    1. We inhabit a truly wicked world run for the most part by sociopaths and their underling agents.

      Without a doubt true.

      What I find amazing is that so many sociopaths/psychopaths have appeared on the World’s stage at one time and that presently they appear to be working in concert. In addition, there is the worrying aspect that there appears to be a large cohort of sheep-like humans prepared to follow the people-at-the-top’s credo. Whatever has induced this anti-people state of mind is surely a mystery that could keep unaffected psychologists busy for decades.

  38. Hope all Nottlers are tucked up in bed, safe and warm from the snow we are hearing about!! And that Bill Thomas manages the trip home to Narfoke safely.
    Night night, y’all.

    1. As usual the weather forecast is overblown. Mild and damp on the South coast.

      I was tucked up in bed until some noisy pensioners rolled home !
      Goodnight Jill.

  39. In school, we were taught to see things from a black person’s point of view.

    They took us to visit a prison and I looked out of a cell window.

    They say size doesn’t matter, but all my wallpaper has fallen off.

    No idea what’s in my Jehovah’s witness advent calendar.
    But I’m still not opening the door.

    1. That is too funny! That’s where petulant, made up accusations of racism get you in the Court of the Internet.

          1. Urgh.
            I might be awake then, but nothing short of a bladder giving shooting pains will get me out of bed.

          2. It wasn’t really a difficult choice – he and the naked cat had shuffled and twitched for about an hour!! 🙄

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