Friday 9 August: The Government must now set about healing a divided country

An unofficial place to discuss the Telegraph letters, established when the DT website turned off its commenting facility (now reinstated, but we prefer ours),
Intelligent, polite, good-humoured debate is welcome, whether on or off topic. Differing opinions are encouraged, but rudeness or personal attacks on other posters will not be tolerated. Posts which – in the opinion of the moderators – make this a less than cordial environment, are likely to be removed, without prior warning.  Persistent offenders will be banned.

Today’s letters (visible only to DT subscribers) are here.

744 thoughts on “Friday 9 August: The Government must now set about healing a divided country

  1. Woman arrested for ‘spreading false information’ about Southport attacker. 9 August 2024.

    A 55-year-old woman has been arrested after allegedly spreading false information about the identity of the Southport attacker on social media.

    Cheshire Constabulary said the woman, from near Chester, had been arrested on Thursday on suspicion of publishing written material to stir up racial hatred and false communications. She is being held in police custody.

    Speculation has now become a Crime against the State.

    1. Then I look forward to government and MSM being legally challenged when they are blatantly found to spread misinformation.

  2. Morning, all Y'all.
    Hissing down with rain. This seems to have made the train shrink to 4 wagons from the usual 8… and the bus service shrink from 6 departures to 4 an hour.

  3. Good morning.
    If it takes you six goes to get wordle today, you will probably feel as stupid as I did…
    Wordle 1,147 6/6


    1. I didn't do much better.

      Wordle 1,147 5/6


  4. After yesterdays continual rain, today has started with a glimpse of blue sky amid the clouds, good morning all, hoping for a better day .

          1. Yes.
            Young girls out away from home without male relatives? Haram!
            Going to a music concert? Haram!
            Not wearing proper Islamic dress? Haram!
            Being entertained by a scantily dressed woman performer? Haram!

  5. The Government must now set about healing a divided country

    Two tier is how they like it, as we have seen this week.
    It gives them more opportunity to cancel free speech.
    Making everyone unaware of what is happening and leaving them muted, isn't healing.

    1. Ha. you've gotta be joking. That's not how it works. He is relishing the thought of placing the boot firmly on the neck.

  6. Good morning all.
    A bright start to the day, but the ground is a bit damp after yesterday's rain. 10°C on the Yard Thermometer and not a lot of wind.

      1. Much the same in The Borders, Spikey. There are some patches of blue trying to struggle through. 13°c and cloudy.

  7. Just seem this over on the Daily Sceptic. It’s a video of a man in a crowd of protestors who is clearly a police plant. The video shows him apparently communicating with Plod at the front of the video. Don’t be alarmed if the video looks like it stops – the video stops so the poster can highlight (using little white dots) the agent provocateur and the Plod with whom he is communicating. It’s absolutely incredible.

  8. Over the past couple of days there has been much justified jeering and sneering at the DT for it's fawning obeisance to the Starmer Gov't line. It's equally nauseating over at The Grimes, especially the cartoonists. They are very scared of losing control…and of Farage and of Trump. Good.

    1. It's spread to newspapers abroad – Aftenposten in Norway, for example, follows the same line. LOts of unjustified assertions about the rioters that are just said, no evidence presented.

    1. fresh off the boat grifter Lilian Seenoi Barr doesn't do history.. and therefore isn't aware that the good people of Ireland know all about organising terrorism even if you think yourself protected by the "full force of the Law".

  9. G'morning all,

    Cloudy at McPhee Towers, wind in the West 16℃, 22℃ this afternoon. Staying dry.

    Neil Oliver has it right. We are being played.
    And the DT is in on the game but this video shows the pre-planned, orchestrated nature of the counter protests. Where did all those Socialist Worker placards come from so quickly?
    And the letters page has its usual useful idiots. Yes, Dame Esther, that's you.

    1. My parents used to live on the borders of the New Forest near Lymington. I find it rather shocking that Esther Rantzen lives at Lyndhurst.

  10. 391236+ up ticks,

    Morning Each,

    Friday 9 August: The Government must now set about healing a divided country

    The truth is,

    Friday 9 August: The Government has set about dividing and finally destroying a once, world leading, decent Country.

    This done by political WEF / NWO agent overseers elected to power AGAIN via a criminally insane voting majority.

    As for far right racists rioters being one and the same as
    so far right peoples unrest, these are two totally different entities.

    Far right racist are inclusive of sabre, scimitar, sword carrying looting rioters.

    So far right peoples unrest are what it says on the tin

    The kneeler via the morning news on the snake pit meeting thinks his, more kapos on the street, and the incarceration of the innocents has worked, a short spell of time will give a fuller picture.

    The political overseers are saying legal immigration has dropped by a third that means nothing all the time the Dover invasion can lay on more boatloads of potential NHS patients and troops.

    1. "…The political overseers are saying legal immigration has dropped by a third…"

      Because they're fighting each other in Calais! Quelle surprise.

  11. Good morrow, Gentlefolk, today’s (recycled) story

    Question Time

    Keir Starmer goes to Washington for a meeting with Kamala Harris. After dinner, Harris says to Starmer, "Well Keir, I don't know what you think of the members of your Cabinet, but mine are all bright and brilliant."

    "How do you know?" asks Starmer.

    "Oh well, it's simple" says Harris; "They all have to take special tests before they can be a minister. Wait a second.”

    She calls Tim Walz over and says to him, "Tell me Tim, who is the child of your father and of your mother, who is not your brother and is not your sister?"

    "Ah, that's simple Ms. Vice-President,” says Tim, "it is me!"

    "Well done Tim" says Harris and Keir is very impressed.

    Starmer returns to London and wonders about the intelligence of the members of his Cabinet. He calls in Angela Rayner and says,

    “Angela, tell me, who is the child of your father and of your mother, who is not your brother and is not your sister?"

    Rayner thinks and thinks… but does not know the answer. "Can I think about it a bit further Keir? May I let you know tomorrow?"

    "Of course,” says Starmer, "you've got 24 hours."

    Rayner goes away, thinks as hard as she can, calls in her team but no one knows the answer. Twenty hours later, she is very worried, still no answer and only four hours to go. Eventually she gets an idea, "I'll ask Riki Sunack, he's clever, he'll know the answer.”

    She calls Sunak. “Riki" she says, "tell me, who is the child of your father and of your mother, who is not your brother and is not your sister?"

    "Very simple,” says Sunak, "it's me!" "Of course" says Rayner and calls Starmer. "Keir" says Rayner, "I have the answer, it’s Riki Sunak".

    "No, you idiot" says Keir, "it's Tim Walz!!!!!!"

    1. Sir Matthew Rycroft CBE has form when it comes to keeping the truth under wraps.


      In 1998, he joined the British embassy in the United States, where he served for four years. In 2002, Rycroft was appointed Private Secretary to Prime Minister Tony Blair, to advise him on matters related to foreign policy, the European Union, Northern Ireland and defence. During this time Rycroft wrote a letter to Mark Sedwill, private secretary to the foreign secretary, Jack Straw. The letter reveals that "we and the US would take action" without a new resolution by the UN security council if UN weapons inspectors showed Saddam had clearly breached an earlier resolution. In that case, he "would not have a second chance". That was the only way Britain could persuade the Bush administration to agree to a role for the UN and continuing work by UN weapons inspectors, the letter says. Dated 17 October 2002. "This letter is sensitive," Rycroft underlined. "It must be seen only by those with a real need to know its contents, and must not be copied further."[3]

    2. They seem to turn up at these meetings thinking people will be bamboozled with their playing about with meaningless words.

  12. Good morning, all.. Grey sky. Raining.

    I have got up and dressed but will not be around much today.

    Thank you for your kind message yesterday.

    1. Pace yourself, I suspect you may have been overdoing it recently.
      Try to relax for a few days.

    2. Hope you're recovered during today, Bill.
      Take care!
      What brought this on? Overwork?

    1. 391236+ up ticks,

      We the indigenous are watching via the lab/lib/con coalitions orchestrated treacherous campaign, ou,r and our childrens childrens, children ongoing demise, in regards to democracy freedom of speech / spirit, arriving at the dover invasion beachhead on a daily basis.

  13. The Labour manifesto and fibs are an example of online misinformation and the police should investigate Labour for fraudulently misinforming the public by using the all the media outlets .

    All Labour ministers and the Prime Minister are Left wing thugs .

  14. Well the patches of blue sky didn't last long, pouring down again. I blame Labour, stealing my winter allowance.

    1. I actually do wonder if the govt can be sued for disproportionate responses and uttering words which incite violence. I believe there is a ministerial code.

  15. Morning all. I have a vague sense of the woke government backing down slightly. If hey are, it'll only be a tactic and not permanent. Does anybody else have this feeling?

    One thing they will not back down on though it the lunatic policy of multiculturalism. At Free Speech was have a new article on the evils it has done to our soiciety, please read and leave a comment.

    1. It is only a tactic, without a doubt. I think I wrote a comment somewhere last week about the series of steps they'd take and "healing division" was about 4th on the task list, followed by business as usual.

      One thing I didn't see coming though, was the barefaced gas lighting about bracing ourselves for 100 riots up and down the country, which while it always obviously was just arrant nonsense to anyone with half a brain, the way the newspapers, media and police spun it the following day was straight out of the politburo playbook. We had from the media basically, 1) good people rioting sent bad people rioting packing and 2) the threat of force and strong government action sent the far right home. Today the media is promoting a "time for healing" message. We've heard the "protecting our communities" line trotted out until I'm sick of listening to it.

      It is time to stop reading the media and time to start watching the ball.

      1. One hundred percent James. I also didn’t see that propaganda trick of the 100 riots coming, though I did comment before they were supposed to happen that it all smelled very fishy. It just shows the lengths they will go to.

        1. There were warnings of wite-wing protests in towns and cities in Wales today. Very little hard evidence of anything actually planned except a few schoolboy messages on FB. I suspect the nudge units are keeping the pot boiling in an area that has not seen any trouble.

        2. Classic politburo stuff. The most worrying thing to me was how Sir Kneelalot positioned himself as running the show operationally. 1) He was going to name and shame offenders, 2) he was going to make them feel the full force of the law, 3) he was going to protect communities and 4) he was going to make them regret taking part. Point 1 is up to judges. Point 2 is up to the CPS. Point 3 was only to assist one community, not all of them. Point 4 is irrelevant, since his emotional response was unnecessary and it's clear to me that in fact he was referencing his political opponents. His participation should have been to tell the Home Secretary whose job it actually is to deal accordingly.

          The police are fully aware of how to quell disorder and organise themselves without any interference from higher up. It is their bread and butter, tried and tested through decades. In fact, the less time they have to respond, then in my opinion the better they are at it. Same with all emergencies responded to on the hurry up. What the police are rubbish at is planning for future emergencies.

          So why were we having so many Chief Constables invited into Cabinet Office Briefing Room A to discuss what was routine police work?

        3. Classic politburo stuff. The most worrying thing to me was how Sir Kneelalot positioned himself as running the show operationally. 1) He was going to name and shame offenders, 2) he was going to make them feel the full force of the law, 3) he was going to protect communities and 4) he was going to make them regret taking part. Point 1 is up to judges. Point 2 is up to the CPS. Point 3 was only to assist one community, not all of them. Point 4 is irrelevant, since his emotional response was unnecessary and it's clear to me that in fact he was referencing his political opponents. His participation should have been to tell the Home Secretary whose job it actually is to deal accordingly.

          The police are fully aware of how to quell disorder and organise themselves without any interference from higher up. It is their bread and butter, tried and tested through decades. In fact, the less time they have to respond, then in my opinion the better they are at it. Same with all emergencies responded to on the hurry up. What the police are rubbish at is planning for future emergencies.

          So why were we having so many Chief Constables invited into Cabinet Office Briefing Room A to discuss what was routine police work?

    2. It is only a tactic, without a doubt. I think I wrote a comment somewhere last week about the series of steps they'd take and "healing division" was about 4th on the task list, followed by business as usual.

      One thing I didn't see coming though, was the barefaced gas lighting about bracing ourselves for 100 riots up and down the country, which while it always obviously was just arrant nonsense to anyone with half a brain, the way the newspapers, media and police spun it the following day was straight out of the politburo playbook. We had from the media basically, 1) good people rioting sent bad people rioting packing and 2) the threat of force and strong government action sent the far right home. Today the media is promoting a "time for healing" message. We've heard the "protecting our communities" line trotted out until I'm sick of listening to it.

      It is time to stop reading the media and time to start watching the ball.

  16. Follow up to yesterday's video about GARM which it appears has now decided it needs to disband. Clearly, other unfortunate aspects of the abuse of monopoly power would be embarrassing! This is good news and maybe represents a sign of the dynamic although there is no doubt that the Globalist big guns will continue to be trained on Elon Musk as his ownership of X is really the gamechanger here.

  17. The identity crisis at the DT is exemplified by Michael Deacon on the one hand….

    …and Judith Woods on the other hand.

    She finishes:

    Quite the leap of imagination; it doesn’t take MI5 to realise who benefits. When lists of migrant centres, immigration lawyers or mosques are published, they cause consternation and outrage. All before the EDL or the BDL (British Defence League), or however the protesters style themselves, have even hurled a brick or set alight a car.

    The far-Right have not disappeared. This week, decent people won the battle. But I fear the war is far from over…

    The EDL hasn't existed for at least 10 years. Catch up, dear. She is right about one thing, though – the war is far from over. This is not the end. It is not the beginning of the end. But it may be the end of the beginning. I think someone once said that already.

    1. She’s a left-Wing wokester, even if she thinks she is isn’t. I don’t bother reading her

  18. "Post online "Hate" and we're coming for you" you say……….
    Can I still quote Winston??
    "How dreadful are the curses which Mohammedanism lays on its votaries! Besides the fanatical frenzy, which is as dangerous in a man as hydrophobia in a dog, there is this fearful fatalistic apathy. The effects are apparent in many countries. Improvident habits, slovenly systems of agriculture, sluggish methods of commerce, and insecurity of property exist wherever the followers of the Prophet rule or live. A degraded sensualism deprives this life of its grace and refinement; the next of its dignity and sanctity. The fact that in Mohammedan law every woman must belong to some man as his absolute property – either as a child, a wife, or a concubine – must delay the final extinction of slavery until the faith of Islam has ceased to be a great power among men. Thousands become the brave and loyal soldiers of the faith: all know how to die but the influence of the religion paralyses the social development of those who follow it. No stronger retrograde force exists in the world. Far from being moribund, Mohammedanism is a militant and proselytizing faith. It has already spread throughout Central Africa, raising fearless warriors at every step; and were it not that Christianity is sheltered in the strong arms of science, the science against which it had vainly struggled, the civilisation of modern Europe might fall, as fell the civilisation of ancient Rome.”
    ― Winston Churchill, The River War

  19. 391236+ up ticks,

    Being bitten by the same chap and multi named party should really make one very shy indeed.

    Gerard Batten

    ·This is hardly surprising since since Reform is just an offshoot of the Tory Party.

    Like I said from day one – Tory Lite.

    Reform UK chair was member of Conservatives until last week – The Guardian,

    Exclusive: Zia Yusuf’s membership remained active until last week, when it was revoked after being pointed out by the Guardian

    1. I think Farage's message is that the Tories are Tory Lite. His message has always been that he'd like everyone to become a good conservative. I wouldn't mind being one myself if it comes to that.

      Hence "Reform".

      1. 391236+ up ticks,

        Morning JG,

        The “nige” has always been a tory
        even when leading UKIP he was a tory covert coxswain

        1. Hello ogga.

          He was. He ain’t no revolutionary and neither is he a populist. That’s just so much pap churned out by lefties. This is really straightforward. Either the Tories drop their drift towards Socialism and general Lib-Demery, drive out the Wets and so on, or they’ll be replaced on the right of centre in politics. Reform or die. If they Reform themselves I’m sure the Reform party will gladly step away from activity.

          There is no place for the Tories in mainstream politics anymore. The space they’re trying to occupy is already taken in fact by the Lib-Dems. Labour is dead and all that’s happening there is that their true colours are now seeping out. Starmer is a Corbynite of the loony lefty variety at heart and it won’t take long for people to recognise that.

  20. They tell us that working class white boys are in the group which performs worst in schools.

    This is, so they say, because so few educational resources have been directed towards them over the years.

    Some also say that the state actually wants them to be too thick to cause any trouble.

    Now the state says that the group of white ill-educated boys have become extreme right wing fascists. But isn't that what the state has made them by neglecting their education!

    Isn't this also called the law of unforeseen consequences!

  21. How would have the Lefte intelligentsia & Twitterati reacted had the Islamic State group been successful in smearing young infidels across the walls of the Ernst Happel Stadium?

    "It's time to say no to violence, our communities are being torn apart by extremists.. we must not give a platform to divisive thugs to stir up division. The hate comments on X are seriously disturbing."
    Image: Migrant holding Teddy next to Taylor Swift poster.

      1. nah. a couple of hundred million £. They have their own far superior security.

      2. That is for public consumption, "healing division" and to send a signal on behalf of government. No one believes they really need protection. Synagogues up and down the land on the other hand have needed proper professional security for well over a decade that I'm aware of. Expressions of authorities bending over backwards to "protect" that "community" are very few and far between.

        1. Protection of, not on the adgenda.
          If anyone is seen to be on guard they'll be 'far right'.

          1. The mythical intersectional power structures. Indigenous European Christians created the most successful civilisation ever known. In what passes for the one dimensional minds of the woke, that can only have been achieved by the abuse of power stifling the true genius of the savage.

          2. Because we don't go around threatening to behead people who insult Jesus or disrespect Christianity. Perhaps we need a few more Moneylenders In The Temple moments.

  22. There is NO Two Teir Policing thunders the establishment
    Well matey we have one simple test don't we after the violent affray at Manchester airport with several police officers injured the "community leaders" called out the usual Moslem mob and the men were released without charge
    The contrast with the fast tracking and draconian sentencing of "rioters" is stark
    Someone is going to have to explain to the mosque leaders that their victim card has expired and in the current climate the assaults can't be quietly forgotten
    I wish I could be a fly on the wall……….

    1. Someone is going to have to explain Nope.

      the assaults can't be quietly forgotten. They will be swiftly forgotten. By the full force of The Law.

      these are Kristallnacht moments. It's going to get worse. Much much worse.

    2. Someone is going to have to explain Nope.

      the assaults can't be quietly forgotten. They will be swiftly forgotten. By the full force of The Law.

      these are Kristallnacht moments. It's going to get worse. Much much worse.

    3. Someone is going to have to explain Nope.

      the assaults can't be quietly forgotten. They will be swiftly forgotten. By the full force of The Law.

      these are Kristallnacht moments. It's going to get worse. Much much worse.

  23. Of course there is 2 teir policing. We have seen it for years. How on earth canthey deny it.

    1. Apart from those eventually arrested for rape and other vile acts and atrocious incidents in well know areas of the UK.
      I wonder because of the obvious act of 2 teir policing how many others have been able to get away with it.

  24. Brendan O’Neil
    ‘Anti-fascist’ demonstrators have a troubling blindspot
    8 August 2024, 3:22pm

    Aflyer calling for the expulsion of an ethnic group from parts of London was widely shared online yesterday. There were also reports of menacing chants being made outside a place of worship. Were the far-right thugs of riotous Britain up to no good again? Actually, this time the bigotry was coming from the other side, from the self-styled anti-fascists of the radical left.

    Yes, it seems yesterday’s anti-racist gatherings may not have been entirely anti-racist. A group called Finchley Against Fascism shared a virtual leaflet inviting people to gather in Finchley in north London to show their opposition to the bigotry and chaos of recent days. We need to mobilise, it said, in order to ‘Get fascists, racists, Nazis, Zionists and Islamophobes out of Finchley!’

    Wait – Zionists? Jews who believe their people have a right to a national homeland? To lump Zionists in with fascists and Nazis is bad enough. To then say Zionists must be driven ‘out of Finchley’ is horrendous. Finchley is one of the most heavily populated Jewish areas of the UK. Many of its Jewish residents are likely to identify as Zionists. Let’s be clear about this: expelling Zionists from Finchley means expelling Jews from Finchley.

    Not surprisingly, the online flyer caused distress to Jews. Local MP, Sarah Sackman of Labour, herself a Jew, was contacted by ‘concerned residents’. The flyer is ‘clearly anti-Semitic’, many of them said. It is. Saying ‘Zionists out’ in Finchley is as bad as those awful cries of ‘P*kis out’ that we heard during the recent riots. In both cases, bigots were essentially calling for the ethnic cleansing of parts of the country.

    Some people also reported hearing chants of ‘Free Palestine’ outside the synagogue by Woodside tube station in Finchley. I thought we’d all agreed that political agitation near places of worship is a bad thing? There were Palestine flags on many of the anti-racist gatherings yesterday, too, and spontaneous eruptions of the chant, ‘From the river to the sea, Palestine will be free!’.

    Was this really necessary? I thought these protests were about riotous bigotry here at home, not conflicts in the Middle East? People on the left are well aware that the ‘river to the sea’ chant makes many Jews feel uncomfortable, because they believe it implies the erasure of the Jewish State from the land between the Jordan River and the Mediterranean Sea. Could that chant not have been parked for one measly evening in the name of that ‘unity’ everyone was talking about?

    It should concern the organisers of yesterday’s gatherings that some Jews reported feeling uncomfortable at them. Raymond Simonson, the CEO of JW3, a Jewish cultural centre in Finchley, said he attended the ‘huge anti-facist demo’ in Finchley to ‘show solidarity with refugees [and the] local Muslim community’. But he felt ‘uncomfortable’. There was a ‘real edge’, he said, knowing ‘there were people around who don’t like me’.

    Sure, it was a small minority at yesterday’s protests who said – or at least thought – ‘Zionists out’. Yet the fact that anyone said it, the fact there was an ‘edge’ to these demos that niggled at some Jews, speaks to a blind spot on the self-styled anti-racist left. They are fast to spot prejudice and intolerance when its targets are Muslims or black people, but the blinkers seem to come down when it’s Jews being menaced.

    Indeed, Britain’s Jews are well within their rights to ask why there weren’t anti-racist gatherings in protest at their persecution following 7 October. Over the past ten months, synagogues in the UK have been daubed in graffiti. They’ve had their windows smashed. One in St John’s Wood in northwest London was targeted by a ‘pro-Palestine’ mob. Just two months ago, a teenage Nazi was jailed for eight years for plotting to blow up a synagogue. This week, yet another ‘surge’ in anti-Semitic hate crime has been reported. Where’s the demo?

    Every decent person agrees that the targeting of mosques by rioting mobs in recent days was disgraceful, pure bigotry in action. It is just a shame that the low-level, almost year-long targeting of synagogues by so-called ‘anti-Zionists’ has not provoked anywhere near the same level of anger among leftists. Unity is good, sure. But moral consistency is better.


    17 hours ago edited
    Not just the Jews, in a search of the Amnesty International website I found they had a statement on indigenous peoples….

    Indigenous Peoples experience the same harsh realities the world over. Their human rights are routinely violated by state authorities, and they face high levels of marginalization and discrimination.  

    Indigenous Peoples face eviction from the ancestral lands they have inhabited for generations, as well as restricted access to education, health care and housing. Indigenous human rights defenders are intimidated, attacked, and sometimes even killed, often with the support of the state. 

    With the onslaught of mass immigration there is many an English community who would fit that bill.

    Beeri the Hittite
    18 hours ago
    You'd have to read the Jewish press to see the ongoing attacks on Jews in the UK, cause they seldom ever reach the MSM. It's also interesting to note that the problem of guns being stored in mosques also doesn't seem to raise many eyebrows.

    1. The far left have convinced themselves that the indigenous people of these islands don't exist. It's based on the fact that between the Romans leaving and the Normans arriving, a few thousand fighting men who were also of Northern European ethnicity came here and killed a few thousand men and married a few thousand native women then adopted our culture and fully integrated. The Vikings, for example, adopted Christianity pretty much on arrival. The idea that this somehow wiped out British ethnicity is nonsense but it's a widely held belief. "We've always been a nation of immigrants" they say. Well yes but the numbers were very small and made absolutely no difference.

  25. Morning all 🙂😊
    Brighter earlier, I suspect more rain on the way.
    The so musnamed 'government' dont have a clue. They are placing (no other word for it) 'illegal' immigrants on pedestals and they appear to hate the British taxpayers and the rest of the British public. Especially the elderly.
    The woke Chancer at the ex-checker must think all retired brits are as rich as politicians.
    And she's removed our own meger expenses as in winter the fuel payments. Clearly she's not thought it through, or is she just being nasty.
    Probably due to hearing the phrases climate change and global warming heard in every paragraph these days.

  26. We have now been hearing about concerts being cancelled abroad and under threat here from Islamic extremists.
    Not sure why they target mainly young girls and their families at these events.
    Is it because Taylor Swift gave a big donation to those victims in Stockport?
    If another terrible attack now happens like happened in Manchester, then Starmer now has put fear among the communities that are most threatened of being jailed if they dare to protest in the street in the wake of an attack.
    While putting the police on a high alert footing to carry this out.
    Which makes one wonder if this was his prep work strategy all along.

    1. "Not sure why they target mainly young girls and their families at these events"

      Well spotted. There's an essay on that one could be written but I'm not going to do it. The government doesn't do theological studies, though, so I doubt it's noticed. It's hardly noticed what constitutes an extremist, come to that.

        1. Islam strongly 'disapproves' of music, dancing and fun. And young girls enjoying themselves. It must be stopped at all costs.

          1. I think they probably meet up in each other’s spaces when their men folk are out (protesting?). I used to wonder years ago why we never saw any women on protests, now I realise that they just don’t go out in the vicinity of men. Did you read about Lara Logan, the young female journalist who got caught up in one of these protests? She was lucky to get out alive.

          2. In Egypt? They do things differently there, as they do most Islamic countries. A lot seems to stem from Womens’ Lib, many men now feel they’re no longer needed or respected by women, especially younger ones. Women no longer rely on men for income or to have a child. I see a lot of women, all ages, out on protests – always been good advice to not go out late at night on one’s own, for anyone, and especially these troubled times. I doubt it’s good for society in the long run (and sometimes not even in the short). Bit dismal, really.

          3. Yes, I did mean in islamic countries, I have seen documentaries of some women getting together in some islamic countries in their own homes having clothes and make-up sessions together away from male eyes. I was referring to islamic countries regarding the protest comment, and Egypt in particular with reference to Lara Logan.

            Yes, women’s lib is responsible for much in the breakdown of our society, instituted and encouraged in order to undermine the family structure. And now that it has served its purpose for the Establishment, it is being discarded. I think this will happen to the gay movement too in the not-too-far-distant future, it will not be acceptable to the islamic population and our government will bow to their demands.

          4. I’ve read similar accounts, music and dancing too – good for them, I say. Agree re: Lara Logan, terrible atrocity. I’m not certain what if anything triggered women’s lib – seemed to be a sudden mass movement, sometime late 60s, from America. Women’s lib now often seems to entail working long hours, similar to male colleagues, pre-school children attending nursery – I can see the benefit in that for some children. At school, breakfasts are now supplied before school actually opens, so parents can go on to work. As for the gay movement, if banned, it will revert to the shadows, where it once was – it certainly won’t die out.

          5. Girls are second-class citizens, so no loss there, and to attack girls provokes outrage in the West more than attacking men.

  27. Oblique aerial photograph taken from Short Sunderland Mark III, W4030 'H', of No. 10 Squadron RAAF, while attacking German type VIIC submarine U-243, west of St Nazaire in the Bay of Biscay. Depth charges dropped by W4030, one of which crippled the U-boat, explode by its stern. Splashes from machine gun fire from the Sunderland's rear turret, which put both the submarine's 37-mm and port twin 20mm guns out of action, can be seen leading across the water below the DC explosion. After further attacks by another Sunderland of 10 Squadron RAAF and a Consolidated Liberator of the US Navy, U-243 was abandoned by its crew and sank.

    The sinking of U-243: 14.35 hrs, Bay of Biscay SW of Brest: the boat sighted Australian Sunderland flying boat W4030 (RAAF Sqdn 10, pilot F/O William B. Tilley) and opened fire at a range of two miles. The Sunderland strafed U-243 with 1,250 rounds, wounding at least three men on the bridge, including the commander, Kptlt Märtens, and silencing the AA guns. Six depth charges were dropped which straddled the stern. The explosions disabled all engines and caused a major leak, causing the stopped U-boat to settle by the stern with a list to port. The aircraft was kept at a distance with flak until the Germans launched dinghies at 15.00 hrs. The abandonment was hastened by the arrival of a second Sunderland from the same squadron and an American Liberator, which both dropped depth charges on the sinking U-boat. F/O Tilley dropped a dinghy and a food pack for the survivors before returning to base. He was awarded an immediate DFC, and the nose gunner, F/Sgt Lance E. Cooke, an immediate DFM. Kptlt Märtens and 38 other survivors were picked up by HMCS Restigouche after 14 hours, but the commander later died of his wounds.

    1. When I was a child , my sister and mother were evacuated from Egypt during the Suez Crisis 1956 in a Short Sunderland Flying boat from the Bitter lakes .

    2. Not the most successful boat, U-243: the 'highlights' of its short and inglorious career were shooting down a JU-88 by mistake, and being sunk.

    3. Not the most successful boat, U-243: the 'highlights' of its short and inglorious career were shooting down a JU-88 by mistake, and being sunk.

  28. I love this letter

    Soporific lettuce
    SIR – It is no surprise that lettuce leaves make a good substitute for dock leaves when it comes to nettle stings (report, July 31). Some 40 years ago, a long-retired pharmacist told me how in the 1930s he regularly dispensed “lettuce opium” – a dried version of the thick white sap you find in wild lettuce or when your garden plants go to seed.

    Like real opium, lettuce opium is soporific – remember Peter Rabbit falling asleep after eating too many of Mr McGregor’s lettuces? – and analgesic, but it was also much cheaper. However, unlike docks, lettuces are not always easily found growing next to stinging nettles.

    Penny Clive

    1. Excellent.

      As an aside I don't know why people rub dock on themselves when they get stung. It contains the same stuff as the agent that caused the stinging sensation after just touching the nettle.

      1. Possibly comfrey rather than dock, James? Useful plant, can be put in a container of water, to slowly rot and resulting liquid used as fertiliser on various plants.

          1. All my grandchildren have the complete collection read to them! My favourite the Two Bad Mice, and Mrs Tiggywinkle! The twins like Jeremy Fisher!

  29. This letter is so true

    SIR – I am involved with supporting hedgehog rescues in my area, and must take issue with Philip Hall.

    It is true that badgers eat hedgehogs – but I have video evidence from my own garden that they will leave them alone if there is plenty of food around. In winter and periods of drought, when worms are unobtainable, badgers eat hedgehogs out of necessity, and should not be vilified for doing so.

    The road deaths of hedgehogs are more serious than often assumed. For every female hedgehog killed on the road, a nest of babies will die unless rescued. While she forages, a mother leaves the hoglets in a safe place. There can be eight hoglets in each nest. Many nests are not saved. This means that for one female killed, up to nine animals may die.

    All over the country, dedicated rescuers give up space in their homes for rescued hedgehogs – one I recently visited had 13 orphans. The situation is so serious that the Dorset Wildlife Trust is establishing a dedicated hedgehog hospital.

    Rosemary J Wells
    Weymouth, Dorset

    1. Yo T_B

      Badgers and unfettered immigration appear to have the same outcome, on local species

    2. Hedgehogs tend to try and avoid areas where badgers are. It's true that in times of food scarcity, badgers will eat hedgehogs – I have seen the results in our own garden and it's not a pretty sight. They compete for the same food, and pesticides have a lot to answer for.

      It would be most unusual for a hedgehog to give birth to eight hoglets – four is the usual number and they can have up to six.

      There are fewer road deaths these days than 40 or so years ago – this is not because hedgehogs have learned road sense but it is a fact they are fewer in number for a variety of reasons. Pesticides are the cause of loss of much of their food, and also the food of birds.

      Hedgehog rescues can only do so much – gardeners especially need to take care with strimmers, forks, etc. Many nests are disturbed when people move sheds or decide to put in decking. People do care about hedgehogs – the ones we have at Help a Hedgehog Hospital are found by people and brought to our care.

    3. Hedgehogs tend to try and avoid areas where badgers are. It's true that in times of food scarcity, badgers will eat hedgehogs – I have seen the results in our own garden and it's not a pretty sight. They compete for the same food, and pesticides have a lot to answer for.

      It would be most unusual for a hedgehog to give birth to eight hoglets – four is the usual number and they can have up to six.

      There are fewer road deaths these days than 40 or so years ago – this is not because hedgehogs have learned road sense but it is a fact they are fewer in number for a variety of reasons. Pesticides are the cause of loss of much of their food, and also the food of birds.

      Hedgehog rescues can only do so much – gardeners especially need to take care with strimmers, forks, etc. Many nests are disturbed when people move sheds or decide to put in decking. People do care about hedgehogs – the ones we have at Help a Hedgehog Hospital are found by people and brought to our care.

    4. I was with Mr Hall yesterday and still am.

      My dad’s recently departed cousin was big in the badger conservation world. But he was regarded as being slightly batty.

  30. BTL comment

    A Haines
    17 min ago
    I was dreading the inevitable Labour 'victory' at the election but thought it was a necessary evil to be endured for as short a time as possible. Never did I dream that I was going to witness the crushing of the views and wishes of the wider public in favour of those of ethnic minorities. The use of the police and the judiciary not just to rightly punish rioters but to warn concerned Brits not to demonstrate peaceably. All the while allowing a Muslim mayor to play the victim while presiding over antisemitic marches every weekend. It makes me feel so ashamed that our country has been broken like this.

          1. Good evening Anne

            Did you see Caroline’s reply yesterday to your questions about Coeliac?

    1. Whenever revolutionaries in third world banana republics get to take over the country's radio station I've noticed that they tend to act a bit like that.

  31. Spot on. Young women dancing in costumes that reveal plenty of skin is something that is utterly detested by Islamists.

  32. Yo and Good Moaning all, from a dulling Costa del Skeg.

    There seems to be many more 'well suntanned' people about in this area now……..

    1. Yup. That's Lefties for ya though. Seize the radio station, kill the true intellectual who dissents or send him to the gulag, then lock up your opponents. Josh Rogan probably still finds locking up people for criticism a bit novel. If anyone looks at the comments on American sites I think most people in Britain would be astounded the way we are being viewed.

  33. Morning again Nottlers. I request your help.

    I posted in Free Speech that I think it possible (essential) to re-make Islam in the UK into a peaceful, tolerant church of law-abiding people. I think – and hope – that this can be done but first we have to remove the Islamofascists and Islamic supremacists from their leadership positions and support the moderate Muslims who hate and fear them as much as we do.

    Please comment below on whether you agree or disagree. Also, if you do agree, give a thumbs up. If you disagree, a thumbs down.

    I'm genuinely interested in what you all think, so please nip over and use your thumb to let me know. Leave a comment if you like.

    1. Islam is incapable of reform, as every single word in the Koran was given to Mohammed by Allah, and cannot be changed or interpreted.

      1. I disagree, but do understand why you think that. Please go and give me a thumbs down on Free Speech. It’s all I’ve got up to now!

      2. Exactly, it's the direct word of god, period (as the yanks would say). The bible differs in that it is a collection of scripts from different sources and Christians are sufficiently enlightened to interpret its guidance for the changing world.

    2. Aeneas has nailed it. You can't reform islam (remember it means "submission") because the koran is the literal word of allah. It can't be interpreted or changed.

  34. Impressive:
    Wordle 1,147 3/6


    1. Yes. How do you do it so consistently?
      Par 4 here

      Wordle 1,147 4/6


      1. Pick a random word with two vowels. If I get some letters I then do a load of anagrams, doesn't always work though.

    2. Surprised here

      Wordle 1,147 3/6


      It helped that after finding four letters, most of the options were words that would probably not be used.

  35. Never ever believe that if Islam becomes the majority that they won't revert to type.

    Their Holy book dictates everything a true believer should be doing and how they should treat non Muslims.

    Show me a single country that is controlled by Muslims where people of other faiths and particularly Jews get exactly the same opportunities and treatment as Muslims.

    I do not believe that there are any.

    1. Witness what is going on in Bangladesh. Hindus being burnt out of their houses and attacked. PM ousted. Bangladesh will be the next Iran.

    2. Non muslims in a muslim country are dhimmis. Dhimmis have no rights and have to pay jizya to live in the muslim country.

    1. The reason Labour loves Islam so much is that both have lying/taqiyya hard-wired into their systems.
      The ends justify the means.

      1. Labour are the useful idiots to Islam. Once Muslims gain the upper hand, Labour will be discarded.

        1. They are already discarded by the majority of Islamists, hence the poor GE result 33% resulting in a Labour majority. Heaven help us! How do we rid ourselves of this lefty, woke religion? Electoral reform is urgently needed.

      2. Something I saw on tv this week was about Morocco and train journeys. It was claimed by the lady wearing the head covering, who answered the question, where do you get all you electricity from to run your high speed railway trains ?
        She replied from wind power !
        From all the shots seen on screen there was not a wind turbine in sight.
        But forgot to mention most of their electricity comes from Spain. And other energy comes from coal, gas and imported oil.
        You must remember this.
        She obviously didn't.

          1. I thought it strange the film crew didn’t go out of their way to show the audience some wind turbines. They usually do often over emphasising on the fact mentioned by the presenter. As in Nick Knowels relevent question

          2. As it was mentioned and not followed up. Perhaps the filming of the wind turbines was cut.

        1. It was a fascinating programme. I am quite fond on Morocco as it seems to be a muslim country that just seems to get on with improving their citizens' lot by hard work and enterprise. Just take those magnificent stations for a start. Interesting one for BoB, the railway sleepers did not stretch from one rail to the other but they seemed to have a mini sleeper under each rail. Maybe there was a steel link or something hidden under the ballast joining the pair of sleepers.

    2. Oborne – another ex-Spectator journalist whose face didn't seem to fit. Reported on Zimbabwe.

      1. I’m going to write a post on that at Free Speech sos. come over and disagree if you like.

        1. When you do I will be interested to see those states which you think were moderate and tolerant of all peoples, including Jews and for that matter homosexuals, and when and why you think they changed.

          1. Maybe I’ll do an article on it instead. Care to write your own or collaborate?

          2. In 2008, Boris Johnson presented a two-part documentary on BBC2 'After Rome: Holy War and Conquest' in which he tried to make the case for a moderate Islam in the Middle Ages and especially during the occupation of Iberia.

            "Yeah, as if" was the cry across much of the nation.

          3. Spain may have been Christian for much of that time, but they were as bloodthirsty and cruel as the Islamists they eventually expelled.

          4. I've often thought that the savagery shown by the Spanish was heavily influenced by the Islamic history of the country.

          5. Johnson trotted out the Cordoba Myth. The fantasy that Spain under the Moors was a haven of enlightenment. It was nothing of the sort. They Jews survived by paying the Jizya tax while the poor Spanish Catholics suffered the most barbarous treatment imaginable.

  36. The British migrant dream is thriving. It’s poor white boys who are in trouble
    The UK has a great story to tell on integration. It is one of the very best places on earth to be a newcomer

    Put a savage dog to guard your territory and intruders won't enter.

    Put no guard dogs in your territory and have lazy house-minders who don't do their job and the intruders will enter.

    There may come a time when a groundswell of opinion rises to say we have had enough and if the house-minders in charge of our territory won't do anything to protect it we might decide to do something ourselves and get some bully dogs in to help.

    One thing leads to another – it is called Cause and Effect.

    1. I believe it's been known for a number of years, Rastus, that British-born white boys are at or near the bottom of the education league tables. Was written about in the Spectator, for one. One would think any journo worth his/her salt might investigate.

      1. My comment yesterday , perhaps rather naively !

        Poor diet , poor parenting and lack of stimulation are the result of a diminished IQ, isn't that true?

        Lads like that need to be nurtured from an early age , nursery schools , they need to be cossetted, welfare needs attended to , parental pride , WORK, Discipline , good pay , proper recreation facilities , and role models not peer group role models ..

        Lads need to be proud of their descendants , do many know who their fathers are .

        Jobless parents are the same all over the country , some are happy to be jobless ..

        The welfare culture has ruined generations of feckless mothers and fathers and subsequently offspring

        1. Take all your points 🙂 I know at least one boy raised that way, very bright, luckily others help out. All that can be done in those circumstances, and it’s a good thing to do.

    2. We have the same problem here. There are charities focused on helping girls overcome their poor backgrounds, there are summer camps for underprivileged girls and so on.
      However, poor boys are left on their own to break out of poverty.

    3. We have the same problem here. There are charities focused on helping girls overcome their poor backgrounds, there are summer camps for underprivileged girls and so on.
      However, poor boys are left on their own to break out of poverty.

  37. Mr Williman had a similar letter published in Sunday's Telegraph. The mad Dame has had many similar letters published in many organs over many years. Margaret Robinson praises those without masks even as she wears her blinkers.

    SIR – The counter-demonstrations, whose members outnumbered far-Right protesters on Wednesday night (report, August 8), may have eased pressure on both the police and the Government after more than a week of riots.

    However, before Sir Keir Starmer breathes a sigh of relief, he would do well to remember that underlying problems remain.

    The social and economic impact of an increasing population continues to be felt in many parts of Britain, as do failures of integration.

    These issues – which have now been fully exposed – will have to be addressed if our new Government is to succeed in changing the country.

    Peter Williman
    Chatteris, Cambridgeshire

    SIR – On Wednesday evening, brave, decent men and women of different beliefs and colours took back our troubled streets – without masks, without rocks and without hate. How proud it made me feel to be a British citizen.

    Margaret Robinson
    Letchworth Garden City, Hertfordshire

    SIR – Surely Allister Heath (“These sickening riots have exposed our social model as a fraudulent sham”, Comment, August 8) was uplifted by the sight of the thugs he rightly deplores being hugely outnumbered by peaceful protesters who came on to the streets to protect minorities at risk.

    Together with the wonderful generosity of the individuals and organisations in Southport who did their best to make good the damage done by rioters, the courage of the anti-racist crowds around the country certainly reassured me that Britain is still the kind and compassionate nation I have always believed it to be.

    Dame Esther Rantzen
    Lyndhurst, Hampshire

    1. Who is that lunatic Robinson? What a stupid letter! One expects nothing better from Esther Rantzen.

      1. Don't know, but you won't hear much more from ER apparently only a short time left on earth.

    2. The good Dame, by "anti racist" was referring to the mobs shouting like racists do, "Free Palestine" and "from the river to the sea" [Jews shall not exist]?

      What Dame Esther means by peace is the usual lefty one involving rooms full of people group talking away to the latest tune served up by the politburo. What it doesn't involve is dissenting voices.

  38. 391236+ up ticks,

    The peoples are peacefully showing their displeasure and discontent NOT rioting and certainly NOT looting or
    sword / cudgel carrying.

    Riots latest news: People are rioting because of state of Britain – not Southport, says Tory peer

    1. Just pass this on tory peer, but i think it's something every body with half a brain already knows, except of course our hate filled media.

    1. Very impressive stuff – pity I missed the bouldering but this is even better!!

      1. Exciting stuff.
        I suspect the winner was actually surprised, judging by his expression when he realised he’d won it.

  39. Those doing business in Dhaka have my sympathies.. anyhow
    Bangladesh’s government must restore internet access, ensure connectivity during protests..

    Sir Keir Starmer KCB KC memo to Sue Gray.. "Look into shutting down 52% of internet connections.. in your own time."

    1. Sabotage Phizzee? They haven't caught the "Russians" who set fire to the data links.

    2. It's made of bronze; what do you expect?

      The Bronze Age lasted from 3,300BC to 1,200BC. It's ancient technology.

      Get with it, sunshine. Plastic became the way forward!

      1. They could have finished it with a hard varnish so the air and moisture didn't get to it.

      2. I was given a medal made of bronze for junior swimming when I was at prep school. Given that I am now 78 the medal must be at least 67 years old and it still looks good.

          1. Yes TB he apparently used to motor down to the racetrack with my Grandmother on the pillion. I did have a photocopy of a page of Motor Cycle News showing a photo of him on his machine but it has gone adrift over time.

          2. I walked up the side of the hill climb when I visited Brooklands – it was a while ago; I certainly couldn't do it now.

    1. The people trying to kill him must be protected from his white supremacist islamophobia.

  40. Thought for the day (week/month/year/century/millennium/age/epoch/period/era/æon/superæon):

    ALL of (human) history has been documented. WELL documented in many ways, shapes and forms over an unfeasibly long time-scale. You may read, research or simply look up oceans of data on how we were formed, and developed, by our massively complex ancestry.

    OK so far?

    ALL of that will stop … abruptly … when the New World Order finishes it takeover by the 'replacement' strategy it is accelerating. Your progeny and — more importantly — their progeny (and every generation thereafter, ad infinitum) will not have the foggiest clue about where they came from since ALL records will have been forcibly erased by those who have supplanted civilisation. Knowledge is power, and no one — outside the ruling élite — will be permitted to possess 'dangerous' knowledge.

    The 'legal' curtailment of freedom of speech is the first step. The prohibition of all learning* will, consequently, be the next.

    It's happening, right now, and no one is taking any positive action to stop it. Already the Totalitarians' Useful Leftist Idiots have taken over all seats of learning. The first generation of utterly clueless (gormless, useless, hapless, witless, brainless) clowns are already among us.

    Be afraid. Be very afraid. Be beyond terrified.

    [* By 'learning', I mean the acquisition of knowledge, on any subject, that will be deemed a threat to the ruling class. Routine brainwashing will be omnipotent.]

    1. Kymer rouge style. They killed the whole elite class.
      I remember reading they set a test to see who they wanted to kill, food was used to do it.
      they offered a fish to the peasant to eat , if the consumed the meat from the head they were taken out and shot, because it was regarded as a great delicacy by the intelligentsia.
      That's how they knew they were masquerading as a peasant.

      1. Many of those murdered by the Kymer Rouge were not shot as they thought it was a waste of expensive ammunition. They were bludgeoned to death instead.

    2. I DO know where I came from. George, spanning 50 generations back to 530, Egil, King in Sweden, Uppsala. Thanks to over two years of research and much help from other genealogists.

      1. My point being, Tom, is that all that information and knowledge will be lost when the New World Order (and their RoP foot-soldiers) destroy all reference sources.

    1. I've been musing on that. I reckon if we were to accomplish the Reconquista and put it to the Pakistani government that they could either take him back or we'll hang him, they'd probably shrug and say they don't want him.

      1. His Dad could drive him there – he was a bus driver in much the same way that 2Tier's Dad made tools.

      1. Yeah, he won't go short of a weapon or two, according to the enforcement agencies that's where they all are.

          1. The whole of Westminster is full of them Alf, they wouldn’t hold a job down in the private sector.

  41. Japan’s PM cancels overseas trip after experts issue ‘megaquake’ warning. 9 August 2024.

    Japan’s prime minister, Fumio Kishida, has cancelled a visit to central Asia this weekend after experts warned that the risk of a “megaquake” occurring off the country’s Pacific coast had increased following Thursday’s magnitude 7.1 earthquake in the south-west.

    Kishida, who is battling low approval ratings and faces challenges to his leadership in a ruling party presidential election next month, announced his decision at a press conference on Friday.

    A good excuse. Earthquakes cannot be forecast except in the most general terms. The economy is much more likely to be the real reason. .

    1. Was a 7.1, think the risk of tsunami now passed. Take your point re: economy, politicians similar other countries – diversionary tactics.

  42. Brilliant stuff – gold medal for Toby Roberts in the climbing after a really superb effort on the lead wall!

    1. Does anyone test the wall to see if it is actually possible to complete it?
      So many of them got so nearly there.

  43. Good. What's my share?

    BBC asks Huw Edwards to return more than £200,000 from salary

    Presenter ‘behaved in bad faith’ by continuing to take the money, corporation’s chairman says

    Henry Bodkin, SENIOR REPORTER
    9 August 2024 • 12:12pm

      1. Dame Alison Rose (or someone like her) told them that they couldn't cancel anyone other than Nigel Farage

    1. Says he.

      I very much doubt that nobody knew what was going on. Those people chose to do nothing.
      The BBC corporate culture is equally at fault.


    The truth about the far-right's claim that white Brits are now an 'ethnic minority'

    I don't think that being in a minority in our capital and other major cities is something to crow about, particularly when it is estimated they will be in an overall minority by the middle of the century.

    Demographer David Coleman has produced studies which predict that the cities of Leicester and Birmingham will join London in their majority minority status during the 2020s, with regards to the demographic decline of White people in Britain.[49] Coleman estimates that by 2056 the trend of a declining share of the white populace will result in the United Kingdom having an overall white minority.',reaction%20or%20'white%20backlash'.

      1. Thanks in no small measure to the likes of Blair, Corbyn and now, Smarmer. None of whom, has realised the damage they have done to the Labour (working man's) party.

        1. The Tories are just as much at fault. They have been promising for years to bring immigration down and did fuck all.

          1. Ah, Phiz…'how do you know when a politician is lying..?' 'when his/her mouth is moving…' badaboom, here all week….

        1. Yes, it stands for the National Aeronautics and Space Administration. I would have thought it well-known having been in common usage since the 1960s. Perhaps it's just the callowness of youth.

          1. I know what it stands for. It's you who are always whinging on about other people using them.

          2. Check my answer to you. Perhaps you weren’t around in the 1960s and missed man walking on the moon, thanks to the efforts of NASA. Not whinging, though I expect you are aware, as I am ,of the acronyms, SNAFU and FUBAR, which you may find yourself guilty of, in ignorance.

          3. Yep, If it’s wrong or I miss a letter it gets underlined in red. A LMB (left mouse button) brings up various variations on the word you’re looking for,

      1. I'm sure the Russians and Chinese would have helped if the Americans weren't being so beastly to them.

        1. I think the Russians would have done a deal earlier re Ukraine, now they tilt more towards China. We'll all find out how that goes.

  45. A conservative coalition in Iraq has pushed proposals to lower the legal age of marriage for girls to just nine-years-old, sparking fierce backlash from activists and rights groups.

    Protesters demonstrated in Baghdad this week to express their outrage at changes that would allow aspects of personal status matters to be legislated by religious sects, rather than the courts.

    With many Iraqi marriages conducted informally and left unregistered, the revisions would allow figures from Sunni and Shia religious sects to finalise unions between people in law.

    But critics fear the Shia code would be based on 'Jaafari jurisprudence', allowing girls as young as nine and boys as young as 15 to marry. Under current Iraqi law, both can marry from 18.

    'The Iraqi community categorically rejects these proposals, it is a degrading step for both Iraqi men and women alike. This is what we have been fighting against for years,' women's rights activist Suhalia Al Assam told The National this week.

  46. Earlier, I replied to the posting of Brendan O'Neil's article thus: "Jewish by birth, Islamic by choice…"

    On reflection, that's not really true, is it? There's enormous pressure in most Muslim families to conform, especially young women. Wasn't there a change in the law relatively recently in respect of forced marriage? Are young Pakistani women, even teenagers, still at risk of being sent to the ancestral homelands to marry hunch-backed, hare-lipped, snaggle-toothed goatherds?

    There was a well publicised case some years ago of a UK Muslim family being treated badly by their neighbours for daring to convert to Christianity. Apostasy offends the peace of Allah…

      1. 'Ex-Muslim' surely. The curate at my church 15 years ago was Indonesian and had converted from Islam. He told me that he had received a number of death threats.

    1. 'There is such significance to the passage of time, unburdened by what can be, or has been, or what will be' Kamala Harris 2024. Repeat endlessly until you feel you can't take any more, and go for a stiff drink.

        1. There's no white wine better than Chablis.

          We've just got back from a bus ride into town for a nice lunch. Starter – foie gras, main – moules frites, and a cold bottle of rose.

          1. Bugger that. Lunch was half a carton of New Covent Garden Carrot & Coriander and a packet of Walkers crisps. Ocado have since kindly delivered six bottles of Yellow Tail Merlot with 25% off (plus some other stuff). Hic… 😉

          2. I was only thinking a moment ago about the Nottlers we’ve lost this year, Jill, LotL Nagsman and others

  47. The most appalling song in popular music history: the beyond crass and trite Melting Pot by the execrable 'Blue Mink' warned of a world consisting of "… coffee-coloured people by the score".

    Taking aside the idiotic use of the word "score" (a mere 20), I can't help but notice how the majority of the world's athletes, in the current Olympic Games, seem to be coffee-coloured people …. by the thousands.

    1. A very naive concept since mother nature doesn't always play ball. I used to know a blonde German woman who married a black Jamaican. They had two daughters. One was coffee coloured with soft dark hair. A bonny lass. Her sister was blonde but with negroid hair and features. An odd looking girl who resented her nicer looking sister and sported a chip on each shoulder.

      1. There once was a girl from Milwauki,
        Who had an affair with a darky,
        The result of her sins
        Was triplets – not twins –
        One black, one white and one khaki.

        1. OK, corrected. For some reason, on the laptop spellcheck has become switched off for sites I use via Chrome so I usually cut and paste the text into a word.docx or Outlook email before posting, just to see if any errors are picked up. I then delete the message or document. For the most part, my spelling is still pretty good but there are things I just don't notice!

    2. The word 'Decade' is a shibboleth for the BBC and its acolytes. They never say ten, twenty, fifty years etc, it is always one decade, two decades, five decades and so on. Listen out for it next time you hear the news or a discussion.

      Sorry about the 'Score' comment. I got it mixed up – I am not in the BBC cabal.

      1. My journal from 2014 is entitled as Passing Three Score Years and Ten. A biblical reference, I think.

    3. Many score, might add to thousands. Even though I remember the words, I would guess they were used to rhyme with 'more'.

          1. Not my scone!

            Milk and then just as it comes, dear, I'm afraid the preserve's full of stones
            Beg pardon I soiling the doilies with afternoon teacakes and scones.

            Our very good friend, Grizzly, is not renowned for having inflexible, firm opinions about anything but he is adamant on how to pronounce the word scone and has no time for Madeline Bell who was the singer in Blue Mink.

    4. Talking half a century ago, Grizz…a different world, the past always another country – they do things differently there, more's the pity.

  48. Lovely lads

    Counter-protesters jailed for attacking far-Right supporters
    Updated 2 minutes ago Sameer Ali, 21, and Adnan Ghafoor, 31, both admitted affray

    Anti-racism counter protesters who kicked and punched a rioter who was wrapped in a British flag have been jailed.

    Sameer Ali, 21, was jailed for 20 months and Adnan Ghafoor, 31, for 18 months, with Ghafoor being ordered to serve an additional 12 months for breaching an unrelated suspended sentence after both admitted to affray.

    In CCTV footage shown at Leeds Crown Court, a group of Asian men could be seen kicking and punching a smaller group of four white men, one of whom was draped in a British flag and wearing a mask painted in the flag’s colours.

    Describing the attacks, Judge Guy Kearl KC said to Ali during sentencing: “You threw left and right-handed punches towards a bald man and then you participated in the smaller group by following that group across the road towards the bar.

    “There you confronted a second man whom you also punched.

    “You then attacked a third man who was being held by others. Then you returned to the second man – you punched him, causing him to fall to the ground and then kicked him whilst he was on the ground.”

    The judge added: “You walked away down the centre of the road, laughing and congratulating yourself and others in your group.”

      1. Their Commoonidee Leaders told the judge that Sameer and Adnan were essential lynchpins of their Mosque Protection Squad so mustn't be banged up for too long…..or else the judge would find out the other meaning of 'lynch'…geddit?

        1. Pretty certain they'll meet like-minded others whilst incarcerated, the usual pattern. Possibly only inside for a few months.

        1. From Coffee House, the Spectator

          Beeb asks Huw Edwards to pay back £200,000 from salary
          Comments Share 9 August 2024, 12:40pm
          Back to the Huw Edwards scandal, where the disgraced ex-BBC presenter is facing more trouble. Last week, the former TV star pleaded guilty to three counts of making indecent images of children at Westminster magistrates’ court. Edwards had 41 indecent images of children, which had been sent to him by another man on WhatsApp. At the same time, it emerged that the presenter last year received a £40,000 pay rise despite not working for most of those 12 months. Now it transpires that the Beeb wants its money back.

          The public service broadcaster has asked Edwards to return the six-figure salary he was paid after being arrested last November for possessing indecent images of children – the grand total of which amounts to more than £200,000. Crikey. Edwards and the Beeb both came under fire after the BBC’s annual accounts revealed he was the third highest-earning presenter between March 2023 and April 2024 – despite being suspended last summer and formally leaving his post in April 2024. Now, the corporation’s chairman Samir Shah has slammed Edwards for having ‘behaved in bath faith’ by continuing to take the money.

          The BBC board said that the broadcaster’s ex-presenter had pleaded guilty to an ‘appalling crime’ and had ‘clearly undermined trust’ in the company, adding: ‘Had he been up front when asked by the BBC about his arrest, we would never have continued to pay him money.’ Yet the board insists that it supported the handling of the case by director general Tim Davie – who confirmed last week that the Beeb had been aware that Edwards had been arrested over the most serious category of indecent images of children. How curious…

    1. I have seen similar footnotes on invitations to Naval Wardroom functions in the past, back when we were allowed to indulge in humour Sue!

        1. Saturday’s toast.

          In a ship of the British Royal Navy, there are seven traditional toasts for the midday meal, one for each day of the week. These are the original versions:

          Monday: Our ships at sea
          Tuesday: Our men
          Wednesday: Ourselves (“as no-one else is likely to concern themselves with our welfare”)
          Thursday: A bloody war or a sickly season (and so a chance for promotion!)
          Friday: A willing foe and sea room (i.e. room to manoeuvre)
          Saturday: Our wives and sweethearts (“may they never meet”)
          Sunday: Absent friends

    1. There has to be scope to contest these sentences and the method by which they have been imposed. Surely. Did Habeus Corpus die in vain?

      1. You can guarantee that the appeals will not be rushed through in the same way that the initial hearings have been. Even if they appeal and win, they will still do more jail time than a simple murderer.

        Who am I trying to kid. Look at the media coverage, the whole establishment is against these offenders so they will serve the full term in the company of a few chosen Muslim cell mates.

  49. Perhaps Elon doesn't fully appreciate the power of 'D' Notices

    Farage: Establishment Media Parroting Government Because of Groupthink×480.jpg
    OLIVER JJ LANE9 Aug 202471

    Elon Musk puzzles why the UK media just parrots the government, Brexit leader Farage points to groupthink, and the stubborn refusal to accept when they’ve got things wrong.

    Reform UK and Brexit leader Nigel Farage admonishes the British Political-Media class for their cosy club mentality as the “war of words” between world’s richest man Elon Musk and the UK government heats up over ever tougher attempts by new Prime Minister Sir Keir Starmer to crack down on the internet.

    Musk having rhetorically asked “Why does the UK media, with a few exceptions, just parrot the government?” this week, Mr Farage responded and observed: “it’s dead simple… When everyone gets together with groupthink”.

    The prevailing view is open borders at all costs, even if arrivals don’t speak the language or share the culture, and in spite of the clearly detrimental impact on the younger generations who can’t get housing as the population booms, he said.

    Mr Farage continued: “You see for them to ever admit — all of them, the Conservative, Labour Parties and mainstream media — to admit they got it wrong would be to go against the world view they have held for decades. They believe they are ‘be kind’, lovely people. And anyone that believes in borders, culture, community, country, are somehow the bad dudes… It is groupthink, it is refusal to accept they’ve got it horribly, horrible wrong as we’ve seen on the streets of our country this week.”

    While these words were put directly to Elon Musk, Mr Farage also gave a view on why exactly the owner of X, formerly Twitter, had decided to speak out against the British government now in an interview with London’s TalkTV on Thursday. He said then: “What I think is really interesting is the war of words that Elon Musk has launched against Starmer. You can almost tell that’s a pre-emptive strike.

    “He senses that the Labour government, regulators… that things are going to get more difficult. But you know what? Governments that try and ban things, government that try and suppress things, all they do is create new avenues for people to go. And I honestly think that to control the internet, to control that debate, it’s almost impossible.”

    Civil unrest manifesting at protests, riots, and clashes between ethnic groups characterised the days following the mass stabbing attack against young children in north-east England last week, allegedly by a migrant-heritage teenager. The police and government left an information void in the early days and hours after the horrendous attack, creating an environment where speculation was allowed to thrive.

    Rather than accepting any responsibility for the situation, the new left-wing government of Sir Keir Starmer moved instantly to blame social media platforms, making repeated statements the past ten days warning them to ‘act now’ to take down content the government doesn’t want.

    Indeed, this morning the Prime Minister said he would be reviewing UK law to crack down on social media companies this morning. He said, The Guardian reports: “we’re going to have to look more broadly at social media after this disorder… this is not a law-free zone”. As it is, the UK has already arrested people for social media posts these past weeks and the public prosecutor has warned retweeting can be a crime.

    1. I shudder to think what will happen if the Southport teenager turns out to have been radicalised by what he has read on the internet.

      In the current febrile atmosphere I would actually prefer him to be a lone-wolf with mental health issues, because I believe that if he is a jihadi the reaction on the streets will be horrific.

      I also believe that if the cause is concluded to be the internet that Labour will try to shut down/censor as much as they can and prosecute left right and centre.

      1. I've been wondering about that for some time. We have been told that he was an introverted child who nonetheless enjoyed the theatre group he belonged to and sang in the church choir. However, he has just turned 18 which means that when lockdown was imposed he would have been 14 – a difficult age. That means that he would not have been in school nor participating in any of his normal activities so he may well have been spending all his time online. A perfect target for radicalisation I would have said. Certainly something happened to make him do such a terrible thing.

      2. Venezuela has shut down Twitter for ten days, the precedent has been set.

        Still some way to go before matching the new Canadian hate laws. If someone thinks that you might be thinking bad thoughts, they can complain to the police and the police might come visiting. Penalties for online hate speech can include life imprisonment.

      3. My money is on the local mosque and it will all be quietly swept under the carpet

        1. He was a choirboy, allegedly, so more likely to have had a Christian upbringing.
          Unless he decided to kick against his parents, as teenagers do.

      4. Note how they are always redicalised by third parties as if it is beyond their control.

    2. The irony being, one of the excuses given for requiring everyone to do “DEI” is to have access to “diverse points of view and experiences”, to combat “Groupthink”. Except all that happens is the replacement of skin colour around the table. No “diversity of opinion” is allowed by our Authoritarian Leftard Friends.

    3. How can a half wit like any prime minister have the power to change laws that don't seem to fit in with their set adgenda.
      Social media is determined by popularity not by a left wing protagonists.

    4. Musk isn't stupid. He's correctly spotted Labour's concerted crackdown on free speech as soon as they got into power. It's not as if it wasn't obvious given that the far left always try to silence their political opponents at the first opportunity they can. With a massive majority I would think they believe this is the only chance they'll get.

        1. How about Paul Kossoff? Son of David. Fell off the stage! Found dead in a bathroom. Ah! The ‘70s!

          1. ♬Take off your hat; kick off your shoes.
            I know you ain't goin' anywhere.
            Run 'round the town, singin' your blues.
            I know you ain't goin' anywhere.
            You've always been a good friend of mine,
            But you're always sayin' farewell.
            And the only time that you're satisfied
            Is with your feet in the wishing well.♬

  50. A lightweight Birdie Three!

    Wordle 1,147 3/6

    1. Regular par four here.

      Wordle 1,147 4/6


    2. I was out for a while.

      Wordle 1,147 5/6


    1. William should have turned round and walked out. His wife has been insulted.

      1. If punctuality is the courtesy of Kings, perhaps tolerating the intolerant is the courtesy of Princesses.

      2. Given that our late and glorious Queen had to shake the hand of the murdering terrorist Gerry Adams, I think Catherine escaped lightly.

        1. Our late Queen didn't put on a balaklava to do it. Those muslims live in OUR country, they should follow OUR rules and they respect OUR royalty. But successive governments have taught them to be multiculti – do their own thing and expect US to put up with kowtow to it.

        2. Our late and glorious Queen was quite happy for our country to be multi-culti (for us proles of course, it wouldn't affect her). The Commonwealth was her baby and her pride and joy – that and the millions of people in it, who of course were welcome here. She did nothing about ceding sovereignty to the EEC (as it then was).

          Ed. She actually broke her Coronation Oath several times. I am (believe it or not) a monarchist, but I do get irritated by the adulation QEII had when she stood by while a great deal of damage was done to this country.

  51. Good afternoon, chums. Just back from the annual Charles Dickens convention. As he once wrote: "It was the best of times, it was the worst of times". Best of times, because I met a lot of friends, made new ones and heard many dissertations from eminent Dickens scholars; worst of times, because I just couldn't get my laptop to work, so was unable to comment whilst I was away. Anyhow, as Frank Sinatra once sang "It's very nice to go travelling, but it's so much nicer to come home".

    Wordle 1,147 3/6


    1. At Christmas there's usually a Dickensian Carol Service at St Barts, Smithfield, as he was once Vestry Secretary (what we now call PCC Secretary) there and a couple of family members still attend. All readings are from his work and the music is as it would have been in his day, with familiar carols set to familiar tunes but not always the pairings that we're accustomed to hearing now.

      1. When I use to work in refurbishment of Pubs we used to have lots of boxes of books delivered to be place on the empty shelves in some bars.
        The books had to be glued into place. But I found a small book entitled Sketches by Boz.
        it was written by the man himself when as a journalist he worked in London. But it says Fiction inside.
        I'm sure the Fascinating stories were written from his experiences.
        I still have the book at home 30 plus years later. Published date is pre 1930. There is a signature in side that looks like R. Pullman. No idea who that might have been.

  52. I hope BT is OK, I haven't seen him about since this morning.
    I hope he's followed advice and taken a break to relax.

    1. I completely agree, sos.

      In a perfect world, Uncle Bill and your good self would turn up on the South Coast tomorrow,for Phil's party.

      Won't happen. Never mind… 🙄

          1. Actually your pun works because i have magician's flash paper. Don't want to set fire to my hairdo though.. :@(

    2. I know they don't want to move but those grounds are quite extensive. He should buy in more help. Like a topless Charlie Dimmock sort of thing. Then he could survey all the delights from a deckchair.

    1. I suspect she was badly briefed and should have been warned not to offer her hand as it would be refused.

      1. She really should have known. It isn't the first time it has happened. This is what happens when you are a Royal Princess but don't want any staff.

        1. It has happened before, and I wonder whether this video has been resurrected I'm reasonably sure it's quite old.
          Then again, the bearded ones and their women all look the same to me.

          In case I forget, I hope your bun fight is a great success and that they all enjoy themselves.

          1. Thanks Sos. All organised better than Americans going to war.

            95% of the prep is done. Just the canapes to dress before the guests arrive.

            Turns out my dog breeder friend is also an excellent cleaner. She has OCD. The place has never sparkled so much ! She even polished all my laminate floors on her hands and knees.

            A trip to the salon in the morning for a bouffant at 9am.

            Panic attack booked for 10 am.

            Meltdown and tears at 11 am.

            Normal service resumes at Noon.

          2. Don't forget to muzzle the dogs.

            That's the more outspoken Nottlers, as they arrive

          3. I have met most of them before and they are a refined bunch. Practically house trained.

            The doggies will be fine. I have Rachel (dog breeder) keeping them under control until most people have arrived then she will …'Let Loose The Dogs Of War Give Me A Biscuit'.

          4. Um……………The dog breeder gave both Harry and Dolly a number one haircut..The heat was something i was concerned with. They have had a few days now and they look very smooth and trim. Harry has a Mohican. :@)

          5. Sending you all good wishes for a wonderful day! I hope the day is happy and that the sun shines on all you righteous Nottlers! I’d love to be there, as I hear Phizzee is a pretty good chef and host! Please raise a glass to us all! 💕🥂🍷🍺

          6. We are about to have a mini heatwave. The sun shines on the righteous. I have concertina type fans for the ladies and umbrellas for the chaps.

            We will not only raise a glass but i will also post all the embarrassing pictures. Unless they pay the ransom.

            Thank you for your good wishes. I am sure that the future holds more parties a bit closer to you.

            Got a spare bedroom?

            Asking for 50 friends.

          7. There are 40 coming tomorrow and only one family member. Worked them out ages ago. Through the 80's 90's and 00's i held many dinner parties and garden parties. In return i got invited to barbecues…sometimes.

          8. I'll raise a glass, and hope the magic works all the way from Norway!

          9. Garden parties in the sunshine are my fortay. It would be nice to keep the tradition of lunches and get togethers alive as most of us won't be here in 20 years and who else are we going to have to moan to !!!

            I do have elderly neighbours you know ! Plus i have the Fuzz on speed dial. I will tell them Tommy Robinson is here. You know what will happen then.

            So you behave yourself !

          10. Trust House?

            Did you not notice it was in italics as a kind of er….joke?

            Text often doesn't carry the feel of what someone is trying to impart. And can often be taken the WRONG WAY !

          11. You really are becoming rather tiresome. You don't appear to understand subtlety. And you are becoming increasingly attached to me with your abuse. Why don't you block me? If you don't…i will block you. That would then justify your feeling lonely. I have had to live that life before with inlaws and i'm fucked if i am going to go to that place again. Which is what i actually think is what is going on here.

          12. About as subtle as a battering ram, Blocking is your only weapon, despite all your wrongs. I care naught for your relatives, could be they also grew tired of your outdated opinions..

      2. 391236+ up ticks,

        Evening S,
        Can’t be blamed, a natural reaction among civilised peoples.

  53. Radio 4, PM, reporting on the Dartford councillor's court appearance: "…the prosecutor said Jones appeared to make a gesture that encouraged others to act violently to far-right protestors…" The lawyer couldn't bring himself to say it, nor did the BBC presenter when talking about it later (at least not in what I listened to). He didn't appear to; he definitely did say what he did and there was no doubt about what he meant. Perhaps someone in the production team at Radio 4 was well aware of the connection between Islam, blades and throats and thought it better to be discreet.

    Later, on Putin: "He has embarked on an imperialistic and genocidal quest to kill and eliminate a whole people." Thus spoke Kurt Volker, George W. Bush's last US Ambassador to NATO.

    Putin has engaged in a deadly, costly and pointless war but he didn't wake up one bright, calm and peaceful morning and out of the blue decide on a bit of action. However, he's lost his argument over Ukraine and the coup just as, at least for now, rioters here have lost the argument over immigration.

    1. The BBC continues to disgrace itself. The BBC home of the paedos. The BBC home to Muslim arselickers. The BBC enemy of the only people that still pay the fee.

          1. They don't adore me. The guys think i'm quirky and the gals think they are in with a chance !

            Are you not coming? Starting pistol at 2pm.

          2. Am I still invited or have I blotted my copybook beyond redemption? I can never get my Satnav to work and my navigator has baled out because she's teaching tomorrow. But I have a full tank of diesel, a compass, and a sextant so might make it by sundown with a fair wind.

          3. All you have to do is head South. Between Portsmouth and Southampton you will find the town of Fareham. Makes no difference which direction you come from if you are on the M25. That’s M25 not SEVEN. Sheesh !

            I think you couldn’t be rude enough to me to blott your copybook. I quite like the Landscape.

          4. Michael, you know Geoff, John, Maggie and others. I don’t expect adoration. I would like to see you again. For what that’s worth.

    2. He made the gesture of slashing the throat, backed up by verbal incitements to slash the throats of certain people with whom he disagrees. In the present climate, whereby such assassinations are all too commonly supported (and carried out) by a particular demographic as punishment for people designated by them as non-people, this is an incitement to murder and should be prosecuted as such. In my opinion.

      1. No no no! He was only ‘encouraging’, not ‘inciting’! Huge difference in tiers! 🙄

        1. The sooner Starmer's premiership ends in tears for him and tiers the happier we shall be.

        2. I don’t actually find this funny. He was inciting his cohorts to slash the throats of people declared “unpeople” by his religion. They have a history of acting on such commands – of murdering people by slashing their throats or removing their heads. This was, in my opinion, a very clear incitement to murder.

          1. Neither do I! I can’t believe there’s no comment about the apparent disparity of the charges relating to the foam flecked councillor and the woman who sent the video!

          2. Which woman ( don’t know what you mean – though there are plenty of examples of people who have done no wrong being castigated for political reasons)

    1. ..This country is fcuked, it's only going to get more fcuked. And you're all going to endure it like the dirty little fascists you are. And remember you will own nothing and be happy.

      And the two scum that up ticked this clip.. you're nicked.

    1. But that's in another country and doesn't matter – meanwhile Palestinian flags will continue to be paraded down our streets, courtesy of Plod.

      EDit: how about saving all of us from genocide?

      1. We know what they are. It's the fact that our politicians and MSM and judiciary have prevented us doing anything about it happening in our country.

      1. He had better look after his Jewish wife. Is she or Islam more important to him.

        1. She is exempt. She is a marching leftie, so hence not really a Jew. Definitely not a Zionist.

    2. Labour party spokesman states:

      "It was a full Christian baptism and nothing to do with Islam, the religion of peace"

      1. They would too!

        I don't know of another religion/belief system that actually encourages lying. Or raping. Or paedophilia. Or slavery…

        1. It is beyond my understanding as to why our politicians dare not stand up to our enemies.

          1. Same old story Richard, they eff up every single thing they come into contact with.

          2. The obvious solution is that they are aligned with our enemies. It is the only way that any of this makes sense.

    3. Starmer loves this sort of people even if they would probably like to kill his wife.

      1. If he gets up the slippery slope, sacrifices have to be made. Maybe he could get a body-double for his wife…

  54. I was out washing the car earlier today and my mind turned to what we can possibly do to put a spanner in the works of this awful Marxist government. The state has the monoploy of violence so it would be folly to attempt to fight right now. So what can we do?

    Whatever it is, it would take organisation and it would have to be nationwide. Millions would have to sign up and commit to the action. We could have mass civil disobedience but I think that is too vague. It would have to be targeted. And it would have to hurt almost immediately.

    I resent paying taxes for the government to spend on things of which I do not approve. Like migrant hotels, free hand-outs and homes, for example. So, how about a tax strike? Millions of British people suddenly not paying taxes would be noticed in Whitehall quite quickly. PAYE is a problem; I don't know if it's possible to opt out of that. However, any supplementary payment demanded by HMRC can be withheld. Council Tax can be withheld. VED can be withheld. Businesses can withhold VAT. I'm sure there must be other taxes which could be withheld. I wouldn't recommend rushing out and spending it, just keep it in an escrow account pending a satisfactory response to our demands. If several million people were to be committed to it, the works would be gummed up. They couldn't deal with it. They'd be overwhelmed.

    Likewise, an organised mortgage, personal loan and credit card payment strike would quite soon crash the banking system.

    As a condition of returning to normal and making the withheld payments no penalties will be applied and no additional interest shall accrue.

    Feasible or not?

    1. Unfortunately I don’t think so until things get much much worse. People in this country still value the law which is what makes the criticism so cruel. They don’t want to do things like that unless they are all but threatened with death and have no other options. This is what the lefty scum play on.
      Mind you, I’d join you tomorrow if I thought we’d gay anywhere other than jail. I have spent all day screaming in the telegraph comments section and got nowhere of course.
      Let me keep all my money and I’ll make my own arrangements as the state isn’t giving me anything at the moment anyway!

  55. Good evening, Anne Allan

    Caroline replied to you questions about Coeliac disease yesterday evening. This is what she said:

    Coeliac disease is normally present at birth and manifests itself when the baby starts eating rusks etc.

    However, many women are diagnosed with coeliac disease a few years after childbirth, as I was. Nobody's quite sure what the mechanism is, but it would appear that the upheaval the immune system goes through with childbearing might activate coeliac disease in women with the gene. I know of one case of coeliac disease which was sparked off by the sudden death of a parent. Current research seems to be saying that anything that puts the immune system under pressure (a car crash, a severe illness, an operation…) has the potential of activating coeliac disease. If that is what your cousin calls "late onset coeliac", then yes, it does exist.

    There is no such thing as self-diagnosis for coeliac disease, however. The gold standard for coeliac disease diagnosis is a biopsy, although there is also a good blood test that gives reasonably reliable results. The difficulty with both these tests is that they measure the reaction to gluten (in the blood test) or the damage to the duodenum (in the biopsy). Anyone with coeliac disease who has been on a gluten-free diet for six months or so will therefore test negative for both. So the medical message is to get tested before you go on a gluten-free diet, otherwise diagnosis is impossible without first eating gluten again for six months. I had a biopsy for a check-up last year and my duodenum is totally healthy with villi that are 2mm long. My first biopsy showed no villi at all, the antigliadin which my erroneous immune system produces as a reaction to gluten had destroyed them all.

    And yes, I make my own bread so that I actually enjoy eating it! The bought stuff is invariably ghastly, here in France, although there are better products available in the UK if you're prepared to pay for them.

  56. They are interviewing the British woman who came 5th in the 400m
    She broke the national record.
    In my view anyone who runs a personal best should never be criticised for their performance.

    Like it or not, there are people out there who will always be better, one can only do ones best.

    1. Quite so, I'm with Grantland Rice over this:

      "For when the One Great Scorer comes to mark against your name, He writes – not that you won or lost – But how you played the Game.”

    1. Typically the wrong people are getting away with it.
      I doubt if sirk wier is aware of this……
      Answer on a post card. A very large one.

        1. They'll be relieved.

          After all the bizarre foods you were talking about they were starting to worry.

          (put it in words of one syllable)

          1. This is what i have always done. Perhaps i will refrain from putting a sprig of parsley on top. What do you think? :@)

  57. Too diverse?

    Is Britain becoming too diverse to sustain the mutual obligations behind a good society and the welfare state?


    It's a long article at more than 6,000 words and was written early in 2004, just as the great invasion from the Warsaw Pact countries began.

    It was Goodhart who wrote about Anywheres v. Somewheres in 2017, at the time of the Stick Insect's great general election calamity. However, a year earlier, after the referendum, he produced this brief video (also in the June Slater tweet on Jeremy Clarkson) on the subject. It's a mea culpa.

  58. Too diverse?

    Is Britain becoming too diverse to sustain the mutual obligations behind a good society and the welfare state?


    It's a long article at more than 6,000 words and was written early in 2004, just as the great invasion from the Warsaw Pact countries began.

    It was Goodhart who wrote about Anywheres v. Somewheres in 2017, at the time of the Stick Insect's great general election calamity. However, a year earlier, after the referendum, he produced this brief video (also in the June Slater tweet on Jeremy Clarkson) on the subject. It's a mea culpa.

  59. I’m top gun me. Guests will be amazed with the food type things. At least when they all leave their stomach troubles will be someone elses problem..

    See what the neg attitude does to me

      1. Thanks. All seems to be ready. I have a professional photographer coming, The daughter of a dear friend. She is 12 years old so they should be excellent !

    1. To be fair, it is 2009. Streeting was only 26 so there’s an outside chance he’s grown up a bit – isn’t there? 😳

          1. I actually held out hope that he might be the saving grace of this dire array of eejits

          2. I actually held out hope that he might be the saving grace of this dire array of eejits

    2. These people trawl through social media trying to catch out inappropriate posts and then pile in.
      Live by the sword, die by the sword.
      Sack the bastard.

  60. Socialism and the Intelligentsia
    The Ideas of Jan Machajski in Historical Retrospect
    By Paul Flewers

    The predominance of intellectuals in the leadership of most if not all left wing organisations, and their presence to some degree or another amongst the rank and file, often give rise to the idea that socialism and/or Marxism represent the interests of intellectuals, that the working class is merely the agency by which the intellectuals are to gain power, and that socialism merely means the replacement of one ruling elite by another.

    This idea is often spread about by those who wish to keep the working class firmly under the influence of bourgeois ideology, and who are indeed part of today’s ruling elite. But such ideas have also had a long history within the working class movement, and those adhering to these ideas consider that they have been validated by the experience of the Russian Revolution. One of the most noteworthy exponents of these ideas was the Polish revolutionary Jan Waclaw Machajski, who developed his theories in late Tsarist Russia, that is to say, in a period and in a place in which intellectuals played an exceptionally predominant part within the revolutionary movement.

    The term ‘intelligentsia’ is problematic as although there is general agreement that it constitutes a discrete social stratum, there are two widely accepted definitions of it, particularly in respect of Russia. The first and more commonly accepted definition is relatively narrow, and refers to intellectual opposition in countries in which what is fashionably called ‘civil society’ is or has been stunted, and which in the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries was of a liberal or socialist character. Boris Kagarlitsky says:

    ‘The traditional role of the intelligentsia is to speak out in the name of the people against the undemocratic state: the intelligentsia defends not only its own interests, but those of the oppressed, viewing its activity as closely connected with the struggle for democracy. It is precisely these moral principles which used to bind the intelligentsia into a single whole.’ [1]

    The second definition, adhered to by Machajski and later on by the Soviet bureaucracy, is extremely broad, and quite simply means anyone with higher education

    I have skipped quite a bit , but will provide a link .. Perhaps I am barking up the wrong tree , but I reckon this new Marxist government isn't very smart , it has overlords .. and here is a good description

    Which class does contemporary socialism serve in fact and not in words? We answer it at once and without beating about the bush: socialism is not the expression of the interests of the working class, but of the so-called raznochintsi, or déclassé intelligentsia.

    1. The present day “intelligentsia” claim that they stand up for the “oppressed” but their definition of oppression is completely self serving.

    1. Couldn't agree more. We're all stuffed with it all.

      Night night ad sleep tight, Reddy.

  61. This Elon Musk fellow, shouldn't we elect him leader of the WEF, next time they hold world government elections?
    He appears to be about the only billionaire plutocrat that doesn't want to fill us full of vaccines, freeze us in winter, take away our food, sell us green energy that doesn't work, replace our population, open up our borders, change our democracy for communism, force digital currency upon us or send all our manufacturing jobs and wealth to China.
    For some reason the Left hates him.
    Can't think why.

    1. From the Speccie

      Portrait of the day

      Keir Starmer has said ministers will review online misinformation laws after the spreading of falsehoods contributed to far-right riots at the weekend…

      … as Elon Musk shared a fake Telegraph article claiming Starmer was considering sending far-right rioters to ‘emergency detainment camps’ in the Falklands.

      Go Elon!!

  62. Evening, all, from a much happier bunny tonight. I have my car back (although the bill was eye-watering and I'll have to start looking for a new car before the MoT is due next year) and I managed to get enough Cotswold chippings to finish the seating area (phew! What a completionist I am!). All I need to do now to finish the job is remove some unwanted shrubs, put down some membrane and lay six two by two (ft) slabs for the bench when it arrives. Oh and the little matter of moving a large wooden plant container (like a Versailles planter) that is full of soil, bulbs and plants a foot to the left. Easy peasy!

    As for the headline, the Government has absolutely no intention of healing a divided nation. They caused it, they want it and it makes it easier for them to rule us.

    1. Every time my car goes in for a Service/MOT it costs £600, doesnt matter what they do or how long it's in, it costs £600 – sometimes I feel like I should just pay them £600 up front when I take it in to save time.
      I'm convinced cars these days are equipped with electronic devices and 'warnings' (if the bloody thing beeps at me again I'll attack it with a branch – a la Fawlty) for the sole benefit of enriching the Main Dealers….. .

      1. Please post the video, G4? Seriously, been there, done that, you have my sympathy…and you're quite right about who benefits.

        1. Bloody hell, KJ, how do you know they always send a video – do they do it to you?

          On it there’s always some bloke doing the equivalent of sucking his teeth and going ‘Phhhh, that doesnt look good etc etc etc’

          1. I meant post a video of you doing an impression of Fawlty (oh I know…oh I know…oh I knoooow…brilliant). Easier when you're female to challenge mechanics, I used to work with the beggars…stand your ground, G4, you can do it…

          2. I stood my ground just the once – they reviewed the costings and thanked me for alerting them to the fact that it should have been £700….. I keep quiet now and thank them for b*ttf***ing me senseless…….

          3. Send a female in next time…wife, relative, neighbour, friend…don't take that **** from them….

          4. Absolutely the best idea KJ, but my idiotic male ego will undoubtedly prevent it (like asking for directions….)

          5. A take on female of the species more deadly than the male….:-) But woman will do just as well.

          6. In the past I ran Saabs, first a 900i 5 door and then a Saab 900 Turbo. The service costs were astronomical (that was you Buckingham & Stanley of Histon). I once witnessed another customer almost feinting when given her bill.

            The consolation was an abundant supply of Imperial Mints in a glass bowl which you could suck whilst waiting. I dubbed them the most expensive mints in the world.

          7. That made me laugh out loud (or LOL as I understand the current vernacular)!

            I have on my desk at any one time two or three small metal Mint containers with 'Bowker BMW' on the front…..

      2. I want a car that is completely mechanical. i can fix these, and take pleasure from doing so when they break down. I want no computer involvement, none whatsoever. Impossible to find such a vehicle unless you go for a really knackered vintage job. Why do they not make these anymore? I bet that there are very many like me who just wants a vehicle that they understand and that works and that has, for example, a CD player – or even a tape player – rather than something that awaits a command from a smart phone or similar.

        1. I agree O – I used to be quite good myself fixing my old Ford Escorts several centuries ago.

          I certainly wont buy another modern car if I outlive this one – apparently used car prices are shooting up precisely for this reason.

          As to your final point, I prefer a car gramophone rather than all this modern nonsense…..

          1. Yes, I had an old X5 that was costing over £600 pa Road tax before I got rid of it…..

          2. That's a thousand dollars just to do nothing.

            Ontario did away with road tax a few years ago, you still have to renew the registration every two years but that is when they look for unpaid fines.

            What do they charge for a forged tax disc nowadays?

    1. Hope you do feel much better soon, Bill. I've just had a real baddy (they're circulating) and am very glad to be coming out the other side.

      1. Who was it that they'd try anything once…except incest and Morris dancing?
        Perhaps incest will be an Olympic sport too.

        1. In many rural areas a virgin was defined as a girl who could run faster than her brother(s).

      2. Who was it that they'd try anything once…except incest and Morris dancing?
        Perhaps incest will be an Olympic sport too.

  63. The King has spoken of his hopes that “mutual respect and understanding” will unite the nation in the wake of the riots following the killing of three young girls in Southport.

    The monarch praised the “community spirit” of Britain that has “countered the aggression and criminality from a few”, in a series of conversations with those leading the response.

    He is understood to have told Sir Keir Starmer, the Prime Minister, and police chiefs how he has been “greatly encouraged” by the “compassion and resilience of the many” in the face of violence, as he thanked the emergency services for their work in restoring peace.

    In telephone calls on Friday evening, the King is said to have spoken of his hopes that “shared values of mutual respect and understanding will continue to strengthen and unite the nation”.

    The comments are worth a read .

    1. The United States comprises generations of immigrants from all over the world. Most took the trouble to learn to speak and write the language and to adopt the behavioural norms of those preceding them. They all consider themselves to be Americans first before referencing their countries of origin and succeeding generations will inter-marry and prosper.

      Without all speaking a single language there is no hope of successful integration. When many immigrants into the UK refuse to even learn to speak and write English (Muslim womenfolk by way of example) then integration has failed at its most fundamental requirement.

      When to this refusal to speak or write in the language of the adopted country is added a basic hostility to and rejection of the cultural values of the land then multiculturalism has fallen at the first hurdle.

      1. Spanish is now as prevalent as English in the US, corim. Here they deliberately avoided making the incomers learn English. If you translate everything (especially benefits) there is NO incentive whatsoever.

      2. We see it daily, with council forms printed on 20 different languages using a script none of us can identify

    2. Well he only ever meets luvvies, civil servants, ethnic minorities, do gooders, ultra rich people and patriotic members of the armed forces. So of course he believes in mutual respect and understanding because everyone he meets is madly sucking up to him.

      He should try living in any normal flat or house in any UK city and see how much mutual respect and understanding there is there!

      1. Some DTL comments .

        Lexi McGregor
        just now
        No, he means we don't talk about grooming, rape and murder. Pretend it's not happening.

        Comment by Stuffed Shirt.


        Stuffed Shirt
        1 min ago
        Get lost jug ears…

        Comment by Gilbert Bellairs.


        Gilbert Bellairs
        1 min ago
        The protests were not 'sparked by false claims about the identity of the attacker'. They were sparked by yet another attack on innocent children by a foreigner. Igniting resentment that's been building for years.
        And was stoked up by the government's cloth-eared and autocratic response.

      2. That's a problem for all leaders isn't it.
        How many real people has Biden met over the past twenty r thirty years – he will always have been protected by advisors and secret service staff.
        Trudeau never sets foot outside his hideaway without dozens of security police who are supported by local plod – and that is when he is going to a loyal liberal meeting.

    3. He didn't actually say "Arrest that man and take him to the tower" then?


    4. The article is also worth a glance. The journalist mentions that KCIII is "currently based at his home of Birkhall in Scotland". Charles Glucksburg has many residential properties, but only one can be 'home' and that would presumably be Highgrove.

  64. – I'm beginning to understand Starmers agenda for the next five years.
    He appears set on doing away with the old British class system that has held us back for so long.
    We will no longer have working class, middle class and upper class.
    It is all set to be streamlined under a new Two Tier system, some will be levelled up and others down.
    As we have seen these last few weeks, the dividing line will depend on political affiliation, cultural background, religious leanings, ability to stay silent and electoral leverage.
    Obviously those in the top tier will have benefits, like more lenient punishments for law breaking, better job opportunities, shorter waiting lists for housing and public services.

      1. There won't be many of the productive working class left; they'll have been taxed out of existence and the factories, etc, where they work will have been outsourced to overseas.

        1. I agree. There will be no-one productive. I think we can all see where this will lead.

    1. Which class does contemporary socialism serve in fact and not in words? We answer it at once and without beating about the bush: socialism is not the expression of the interests of the working class, but of the so-called raznochintsi, or déclassé intelligentsia.

    2. In his own mind maybe. His two tiers are 1) lawyer class 2) the rest.

      Regrettably for him though, I doubt the working class will agree.

    1. Only recently, because handles were always double plastic to be stronger…found out the spillage way….

    2. The only jugs that we have like that are milk jugs and over here milk comes in one litre sized plastic eggs.

      By the way, your beer has gone flat!

  65. And I'm off for a bath and an early night.
    Off to a mining museum tomorrow, t'Lad arranged tickets and, because I've some stuff to pick up in Denbegh, I've loaded my camping gear back into the van and am off for a couple of days, probably back on Tuesday.

    Good night all.

  66. Right, chums, I'm going to have an early night, now. So Good Night all, sleep well, and hope to see you all hale and hearty (especially Bill) tomorrow.

    1. So you know all about taqiyya and kitman and that the aim of islam is to make all submit to the ummah.

      1. 391236+ up ticks,

        Evening WS,

        I agree but, I still say if we talk he’ll walk that will be used in his defence.
        If he carries on talking in the same vein in court as he did on the street they have no other choice but to hang him

    1. No summary justice at the 24 hour kangaroo courts then? Strange!

      Roflmao if it wasn’t so important

  67. I'm joining the bed-time mob. So, Another day is done, and I wish you a goodnight and may God bless all you Gentlefolk. If we are spared! Bis morgen früh.

  68. Just putting it out there, how much i loathe this country sometimes and in particular the London Borough of Hounslow.

      1. "Hang'em and flog'em!" used to be laughed at as a Tory vice. Now it's applauded as a Labour virtue.

      2. "Hang'em and flog'em!" used to be laughed at as a Tory vice. Now it's applauded as a Labour virtue.

      3. As we couldn't even extradite Anne Sacoolas, good luck with extraditing Americans over social media posts.

    1. What's wrong with Hounslow, other than it's a dreary dump polluted by the M4 and Heathrow?

      1. 20 years ago, and more, it was becoming an Asian enclave. I have time for Indians, Hindus or whatever, but Allah knows what it's like these days.

      2. I went to visit my niece the other Saturday and got caught by one of their “restricted access” zones. I saw the sign but it didn’t say how i was supposed to access the road, and I didn’t know. I was only in there 20 mins picking up unwanted furniture for charidee. No good deed goes unpunished, indeed. They rejected my appeal.

        Anyway i have written them a letter asking them for proof that all their signs are in accordance with the relevant Regulations, which they claim they are (and i don’t doubt it, i am just being mischievous) and asking why they don’t tell people who don’t know the area how they are supposed to access the road. To top it off i have made a FOI request for a lot of data on the Penalty Charge Notices issued in the restricted zone, by day (as they claim the zone is to reduce traffic but i want to see if Mon-Fri is different to Sat) and how many appeals there have been and of those, how many were successful.

        I will pay my £65 by 20 cheques of odd amounts.

        I will never visit that area again (Worthing all over again and that was 1995!) which is a shame as i was meant to be having lunch there on Sunday with my parents and niece at a pub on the river. They can go whistle. There are other pubs.

        They can bloody well work for their money.

    2. My hydrocarbon seismic exploration company was based in Isleworth ( a stone's throw from Hounslow) at the old Pears Soap company building and grounds. But you're correct, Hounslow is a dreadful place.

  69. This is my removed BTL (the second post for tomorrow's letters

    " It is greatly disturbing that Sadiq Khan, the Mayor of London, is living in fear as a Muslim politician "

    Khan is hiding his fears of being Mayor of Londonistan, behind his religion

    He should be saying that I am a politician, who happens to be a Moslem, but would he mean it?

  70. Saturday Wordle – Nearly got it in one:
    Wordle 1,148 2/6


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