Thursday 27 February: Business is shifting on renewable energy but Ed Miliband won’t budge

An unofficial place to discuss the Telegraph letters, established when the DT website turned off its commenting facility (now reinstated, but we prefer ours),
Intelligent, polite, good-humoured debate is welcome, whether on or off topic. Differing opinions are encouraged, but rudeness or personal attacks on other posters will not be tolerated. Posts which – in the opinion of the moderators – make this a less than cordial environment, are likely to be removed, without prior warning.  Persistent offenders will be banned.

Today’s letters (visible only to DT subscribers) are here.

549 thoughts on “Thursday 27 February: Business is shifting on renewable energy but Ed Miliband won’t budge

  1. Good morning Nottler Friends

    Up early to take Caroline to the station as she has to go to Paris to have her fingerprints taken for her passport renewal.

    We are feeling very saddened that this tedious administrative necessity has prevented us from going to the funeral in England of Sophie, who has died at the age of 45. She is the daughter of one of our closest friends, Henry's godfather, A video of the service will be available online and we shall watch it tomorrow.

    1. Good morning Rastus.

      In Sweden you simply attend the nearest police station and hand in your old passport before they take your photograph and fingerprints. You then pay your fee and three days later you collect your new passport.

      If Sweden can work out a simplified and swift — well-honed — system, why can't the rest of Europe?

  2. I said to MOH today that i was surprised there hadn’t been a major outcry about Balls-Cooper’s secret demand for Apple to develop an iPhone backdoor, which led to them removing its Advanced Data Encryption protection.

    Where are the Privacy warriors? The Activists who would be out in a flash if a Conservative government had done this?

    As it is, Tulsi Gabbard has raised concerns, and that she had not been aware of the Balls-Cooper order and that she is assessing the impact of the order on the US-UK Cloud Act (which restricts what data each country can request about each other’s citizens).

    But we shouldn’t be relying on the Yanks to oppose this egregious breach of our data privacy.

    GDPR is a joke. As is the Information Commissioner’s Office.

  3. Good morning all.
    A beautiful, if somewhat chilly, 2.3°C on the thermometer, start to the morning today. Bright sunshine and clear sky.

    A much better night's sleep I'm glad to say. Still woke twice to pump bilges but at least got straight back to sleep fairly quickly.

  4. Good morning, chums. And thanks, Geoff, for today's NoTTLr site.

    Wordle 1,349 4/6


    1. Good morning Elsie and all
      Wordle 1,349 4/6


  5. So Starmer is off to see Sir, I hope he won't be kept waiting outside the office in the corridor, in trepidation for too long.
    All the other staff are bound to be walking past, maybe even Musk and Vance, giving him a sideways glance, while thinking what has he done this time.
    It was bad enough sending all those Labour activists to campaign for Kamala, then there was all the bad mouthing Labour have been unleashing against him over the years, bordering on hate speech, then there was the blimp when Sir, was last visiting London.
    But I fear it will be the Chagos deal and Ukraine that will be the clincher.
    I hope Starmer has put several copies of the Socialist Worker down the seat of his pants, it looks like he is facing six of the best, but at least he gets a bit of a break there, Sir's hand is a bit sore from handing out Macron's punishment, earlier this week.
    But I hope it will be a lesson to him, he still has time to Reform his ways, perhaps a hundred lines will help.
    I must not self harm my country and pay to give away sovereign assets, will do for now.

    1. Since Trump acts in USAs interest.. he will remind him who paid for the runways and stuff in Chagos.. & Ascension and take them off his hands. Gratis.

      1. Also, it's not just UK lefties that like to self-harm.. the Biden Administration applauded the Chagos deal.

    2. I'm surprised that he's even gone.
      It's not his pattern to 'obey orders'.
      Which ever way you might look at it, is what he's doing.
      His popularity within his party will dwindle. But I expect that he'll have something up his sleeve.

      1. Starmer requested the visit. There was a comment on X last week where a churnalist asked Trump what subject matters they would be discussing, and Trump said he didn't know as #TwoTierKeir had made the request to visit DC.

      1. Yo Elsie, Good Moaning to you

        GDPR is not an Acronym, it is an Initialism

        An acronym is an abbreviation formed from the initial letters of other words and pronounced as a word e.g. NASA.

        An initialism is formed when you combine the first letters of a phrase but say the individual letters e.g NHS

      2. Yo Elsie, Good Moaning to you

        GDPR is not an Acronym, it is an Initialism

        An acronym is an abbreviation formed from the initial letters of other words and pronounced as a word e.g. NASA.

        An initialism is formed when you combine the first letters of a phrase but say the individual letters e.g NHS

    1. posted this yeasterday..

      Perma student & perma victim aged thirty-something Dr Akali Omeni MBA, PhD.. Expurt.. just starting his career as a perma grifter. More to come.

      Dr Akali Omeni sued St Andrews for £100,000 because a senior colleague told him 'I did not appreciate the tone of your emails'.

      1. 10/10 and gold star!!!!!
        Satire has died in Blighty.
        "The counter-terrorism expert, who joined the University of St Andrews as a lecturer in the School of International Relations in September 2020, resigned in March 2024, complaining he felt “isolated” and that his mental health had suffered."

        1. Tom Lehrer stopped writing satirical songs when Henry Kissinger won the Nobel Peace Prize in 1973. He said he could no longer compete with reality. He is still alive and will be 97 in April.

      2. 10/10 and gold star!!!!!
        Satire has died in Blighty.
        "The counter-terrorism expert, who joined the University of St Andrews as a lecturer in the School of International Relations in September 2020, resigned in March 2024, complaining he felt “isolated” and that his mental health had suffered."

    2. posted this yeasterday..

      Perma student & perma victim aged thirty-something Dr Akali Omeni MBA, PhD.. Expurt.. just starting his career as a perma grifter. More to come.

      Dr Akali Omeni sued St Andrews for £100,000 because a senior colleague told him 'I did not appreciate the tone of your emails'.

  6. SIR – You report (February 23) that Ed Miliband has waved through a plan to plug Britain’s shale gas wells with cement. Every sane person knows that this is a totally ideological move, and foolish given global unrest.

    He proposes to seal these sites permanently, negating the right for any future government to take advantage of the massive pot of gold beneath our feet. When this idiotic Government is removed, Mr Miliband should be put up against a wall and shot.

    Nigel DeVil.
    Molmesbury, Waltshire.

    1. 492257+ up ticks,

      Morning Pip,
      Could it not be arranged to legally plug him before the wells.

      All these political freaks are in destructive mode all the while they have the ticket to ride.

    2. The whole government should be put up against a wall and shot but not before they’ve been put in the stocks for a week. Democracy demands the people have direct input.

    3. As I said, he's gone out of his way to prove something we all already know.
      I wonder how much he is costing the British taxpayers?

    4. I suggest that the cost of unplugging (surely that must be possible) is levied specifically on Miliband by a future government. My second preferred thing to happen to him would be for his assets to be completely stripped from him when he is old and for him to be unable to afford heat and light.

      1. Lola, I agree with your first sentence. But the second, I think, is purely vindictive and brings us down to his own level.

  7. Good Morning!

    Thinking of buying an electric car or think you know all about them? Read iain Hunter’s article You Want to Buy an Electric Car? before you buy or to learn things about them that you probably don’t know.

    Xandra H’s discussion on freedom and the worrying possibility that mental serfdom is now thought of as normal in How Do You Know You Are Free? is highly original and will set you thinking, so please read and leave comments.

    Energy watch 07.30: Demand: 38.49 GW. Total UK Production: 37.08 GW from: Hydrocarbons 47.7%; Wind 24.1%; Imports 3.3%; Biomass 8.2; Nuclear 11.9. Solar: 0.

  8. SIR – In 1964 I began a penfriendship with a Swedish girl. We were both 13. This fizzled out, but we regained contact in 2002.

    After nearly a year of exchanging letters, we agreed to meet.
    We boarded a plane together to fly to Stockholm for a few days to get to know each other better. As we were disembarking, we heard the Roberta Flack song The First Time Ever I Saw Your Face (Letters, February 26) being played on the aircraft’s tannoy system.

    In 2011 I moved permanently to Sweden, where we are still happily together, often listening to “our song”.

    Alan G Beatnik
    Onslunda, Skåne County, Sweden

    Hey Beatnik, you telling me you didn't ride those rails to Stockholm, Dude? What's going on Hombre? You telling me "our song" ain't Midnight Train to Georgia, Man?

    1. Lovely story.

      Not even remotely similar but typical of my luck.
      Some years back I had an appointment in cardiology for an ECG.
      I layed on the bench and the friendly middle age lady stuck the pads on. She had a radio on in the background and I pointed out that Rod Stewart was singing This Old Heart of Mine.
      She laughed. I had to keep still. 😊

      1. Hey Beatnik, Ol' Marty introduced that fuzztone, Dude- he's The Man. Then Roger knows "every engineer on every train". You were wastin' time Hombre! Now, you're the Boss Bo, it's time to really let go, Bro! You know it Dude, you hear the mighty rush of the engine and the lonesome hobos call – no changes can be taken on that old Wabash Cannonball. No, Sir, they can't!

        1. Hey, Dean. Highballing down them tracks, with the wind whistling through what used to be my hair, gives this Bum a thrill unmatched by anything cozy domesticated corporate Man could ever dream of, Dude.

          1. Hey Beatnik, go easy Dude! You know that hobos imagined a mythical train called the "Wabash Cannonball" which was a "death train special" that appeared at the passing of a hobo to carry his soul to its true and just rewards, Hombre!

          2. Way to go, Dean. Trouble is I missed that ol' Wabash Cannonball, Man, and simply had to wait to bum a ticket stub for the Six-Five Special, Dude.

  9. SIR – In 1964 I began a penfriendship with a Swedish girl. We were both 13. This fizzled out, but we regained contact in 2002.

    After nearly a year of exchanging letters, we agreed to meet.
    We boarded a plane together to fly to Stockholm for a few days to get to know each other better. As we were disembarking, we heard the Roberta Flack song The First Time Ever I Saw Your Face (Letters, February 26) being played on the aircraft’s tannoy system.

    In 2011 I moved permanently to Sweden, where we are still happily together, often listening to “our song”.

    Hey Beatnik, you telling me you didn't ride those rails to Stockholm, Dude? What's going on Hombre? You telling me "our song" ain't Midnight Train to Georgia, Man?

  10. SIR – In 1964 I began a penfriendship with a Swedish girl. We were both 13. This fizzled out, but we regained contact in 2002.

    After nearly a year of exchanging letters, we agreed to meet.
    We boarded a plane together to fly to Stockholm for a few days to get to know each other better. As we were disembarking, we heard the Roberta Flack song The First Time Ever I Saw Your Face (Letters, February 26) being played on the aircraft’s tannoy system.

    In 2011 I moved permanently to Sweden, where we are still happily together, often listening to “our song”.

    Hey Beatnik, you telling me you didn't ride those rails to Stockholm, Dude? What's going on Hombre? You telling me "our song" ain't Midnight Train to Georgia, Man?

  11. Morning all 🙂😊
    Grey but only half double figures and dry.
    With a nice cuppa tea.
    The millipede is out to prove something that we already know.

  12. 'Morning All
    Headline news in the DT
    🚨BREAKING: Romanian ultra-nationalist Călin Georgescu has just been arrested

    This comes just months after the EU cancelled his win in the last election.

    The EU is not a democracy
    Oh Wait………………..

  13. SIR – My mother once returned from a weekend away, having left my father, a true stoic, to fend for himself. He was mostly happy with how he coped, he said, but didn’t like the coffee in the Maxwell House jar in the cupboard.

    This he had mixed, as usual, with heated milk. My mother then told him she had decanted Bisto powder (Letters, February 25) into that jar to keep it fresh. Naturally, he had made his coffee the same way all weekend.

    Stephen Burton
    Southsea, Hampshire

    Well, what do you expect from an 'Ampshire bloke, Stevie? If instant 'coffee' [ugh!] is the best he can do, then failing to distinguish it from Bisto® [ugh!] is what we normal people would expect.

    'Ampshire lads cannot tell their crème anglaise from their Instant Whip®.🤣

    1. Grizz, if you still like her, BBC4 are planning to repeat “Killing Me Softly: The Roberta Flack Story” tomorrow night.

        1. Grizzly can get ALL British terrestrial TV channels, ALL Sky output, and MOST of the output of Amazon, Disney, Paramount, Netflix and a good few others for the grand amount of a £29 a month subscription to a VPN.

          1. A British friend who lives in Bayonne says that his VPN and the Beeb's engineers are engaged in a constant arms race.

          2. Virtual Personal Network, Auntie Elsie.

            It’s a clever pretend computer system that fools the British Broadcasting Corporation and all other Television suppliers into thinking you are a bone fide television licence-payer in the United Kingdom (since you have a spoof address). The operators of the system then send you a signal so that you can access their services.

            Did you see how I wrote everything out instead of giving you strings of meaningless initials, Auntie Elsie?

          3. Thanks for that, Grizzly. For a moment, I thought that you might have unwittingly mis-typed VPL, i.e. Visible Panty Line! Lol.

    2. Something stinks. Bisto powder would have thickened the milk. Even an idiot would have noticed that.

      1. 😉
        My father once pissed me off so much that I put salt in his tea. The idiot still drank it stating, "This tastes a bit salty!"

        I know that if I had not been procreated by him then I wouldn't have existed (we all are the accidental product of a specific sperm and a specific egg) but I so wish that I had been put up for adoption after my birth with a family who had brains.

          1. And I fart in your general direction! That scene was filmed not far from here at Doune Castle!

          2. When I said that you are like a stream of bat's piss, I only mean that you shine out like a shaft of gold when all around it is dark!

          3. Did you know my mother? If my brother read that he would fall about laughing.
            He called her “Hamster Elsie” since, when eating, she habitually puffed out her cheeks like a hamster.
            My father smelt of Woodbines (the fag, not the shrub).

          1. Father had no patience, neither do I nor Firstborn. It gets things done… and the patience-free one stressed. Playing merry hell with my diabetes, so it is.

    3. Caroline makes excellent gravy – she never uses Bisto and we never use instant coffee.

      1. Same here. I roast and pressure cook beef bones for my stock. My coffee comes from my espresso machine.

    1. You don't have to be a scientist to see the red flag waving about above this load of tosh.

      I wonder if she's a descendant of the artist Eric Ravilious?

      1. It is not science. It is the biggest bunch of BS so far, published in support of climate change fanatics.

    2. Trouble with that is that every rabid Lefty — who assiduously read that despicable rag (The Lefty Bible) — will instantly believe the tripe.

    3. If plants aren’t removing co2 it’s because there are fewer of them. All that building on green fields and chopping down trees is having an effect. What sort of science is she qualified in? Environmental propaganda probably.

  14. OK, that's the DT with her tea and shredded wheat, 2nd mug of tea drank and me dressed, so that's me off to Stoke to see stepson and then off to Baguley.

    Back this afternoon.

  15. Actor Gene Hackman and wife found dead. 27 February 2025.

    Hollywood star Gene Hackman and his wife Betsy Arakawa have been found dead at their home in Santa Fe, alongside their dog.

    Local reports suggest that there was no foul play involved, but the local sheriff’s office has not provided a cause of death.

    A sad loss. I cannot recall seing him give a bad performance,

  16. Her duet with Donny Hathaway, The Closer I Get To You, is simply gorgeous. It gives me goosebumps. It was only a modest hit. Should have been a big one.

  17. G'day all,

    A lovely morning at Fiscal's Farm, wind North-West, 4℃ with 9℃ expected.

    The earlier headline read 'Starmer to Confront Trump' (with what, precisely?). It now reads What Starmer Wants from Trump – and What the UK Can Offer in Return.
    I think the article by Nile Gardiner is nearer the truth of what is about to happen in Washington DC when our nasally-challenged yooman rights lawyer masquerading as a Prime Minister meets with reality. He would have been better cast as Mark Darcy's punch-bag chamber-mate in a Bridget Jones film.

    Keir Starmer’s visit to the White House this week is fraught with risk and could easily turn into a humiliation. One of the most unpopular and least impressive British prime ministers in decades, Starmer will be meeting with a revolutionary US president who doesn’t suffer fools gladly. Donald Trump could not be further away in both style and substance from his British socialist counterpart, and in terms of ideology the two leaders are worlds apart.

    1. I doubt Starmer is capable of realising how irrelevant he is. He doesn’t appear to be connected to the real world.

      1. I was cleaning the bathroom earlier and both cats came to see what I was doing. I decided then that either of them would be more capable of running the country than 2TK. They are aware of what’s going on, aware of what they want and know exactly how to get it!

      2. That he thinks he can do his own policy with regards to Ukraine demonstrates his delusion. Does he really think that he can chart a policy there as if he were the equal to Putin and Trump? Further, who is he to commit us to some sort of eternal alliance with Zelenskyy, the corrupt leader of the most corrupt country in Europe whilst, at the same time, trying to pay Mauritius to take our own military property off us. The man doesn't have a clue. I don't think he is stupid but I do think he has some serious delusions going on and is quite inadequate to be the leader of a Brownie troop let alone a country. It's either that or he really is a traitor more dedicated to destroying the country than caring about its welfare.

  18. Good morning, Grizzly

    I agree entirely.

    Caroline had two options: she could either go to Holland to submit her application but that would have meant staying in Holland for at least four nights or she would have to go to Paris when it could be sorted out in a day.

    When we first arrived in France Caroline just had to go to the Dutch honorary consul in St Malo (30 minutes away) to renew her passport and the whole thing could be sorted out.

    I can renew my British passport in the post if I jump through the right hoops – e.g. have a document signed, stamped and sealed by the local mayor saying I am who I say I am.

    Many agencies of European states seem dedicated to doing all they can to piss people off.

  19. Good morning dear people,

    Sunny morning , cool and fresh ,5c .. You know what they say ..Sun before seven , rain after 11am.

    Well, what a lovely romantic letter our Grizzly wrote and had accepted on the DT letters.

    Love is the sweetest thing , well done Grizzly .

  20. SIR – You report (February 23) that Ed Miliband has waved through a plan to plug Britain’s shale gas wells with cement. Every sane person knows that this is a totally ideological move, and foolish given global unrest.

    He proposes to seal these sites permanently, negating the right for any future government to take advantage of the massive pot of gold beneath our feet. When this idiotic Government is removed, Mr Miliband should be held to account.

    Nigel Darvill
    Malmesbury, Wiltshire

    I am so angry with the twerp Ed Miliband, he needs his big ugly gob plugged forever .

      1. B liar interfered with the treason laws. The previous laws probably would have meant that people like this idiot and most of this 'government' would have been arrested and locked up.

    1. The plugging is ideological; the cement is normal practice when plugging oil & gas wells.

  21. David Starkey: Keir Starmer will break Britain
    Starkey on fire again. 🔥🔥🔥🔥
    Historian David Starkey joins Steven Edginton

    "This appalling govt. that we have at present. Whose policies are riddled from top to bottom by contradiction, by misunderstanding, by wishful thinking, by appalling ministers. Can you imagine sitting in the seat of Palmerston.. trying to protect Britain's interests at the moment.. you have David Lammy [pause] David Lammy, who thinks that Henry the Vii succeeded Henry the VIII.. who when he watches the smoke rise from the next papal conclave he is on record at the last one saying.. "isn't it shockingly racist that there will be black or white smoke depending on the skin colour of the pope". You have somebody as invincibly stupid as that.. in theory.. defending Britain's interests."

  22. Morning all. Lovely sunny day. I’m about to make myself a coffee and sit out in the sun to drink it.
    I misread the headline; instead of “ft” I thought it was double T.

  23. 402257+ up ticks,

    Morning Each,

    unacknowledged by many we are currently on a multi front war footing, on home turf.

    Our domestic enemy is the elected, very much pro, islamic ruling political cartel.

    Allister Heath
    Starmer must take a chainsaw to the welfare state to put Britain on a war footing

  24. Why won’t Downing Street tell us if defence spending hike will include payments to Mauritius?

    Last year the UK spent £53.9bn on defence.

    If it is true that the Chagos betrayal will cost about £18,000,000,000 then Rachel from Accounts and Starmer could claim that a rise of £18,000,000,000 in defence spending more than met Trump's demands!

  25. Why won’t Downing Street tell us if defence spending hike will include payments to Mauritius?

    Last year the UK spent £53.9bn on defence.

    If it is true that the Chagos betrayal will cost about £18,000,000,000 then Rachel from Accounts and Starmer could claim that a rise of £18,000,000,000 in defence spending more than met Trump's demands!

  26. Why won’t Downing Street tell us if defence spending hike will include payments to Mauritius?

    Last year the UK spent £53.9bn on defence.

    If it is true that the Chagos betrayal will cost about £18,000,000,000 then Rachel from Accounts and Starmer could claim that a rise of £18,000,000,000 in defence spending more than met Trump's demands!

    1. You look very much like him. I don't look like my father/grandfather at all. I like milk though.

    2. Life was harder. Many more did manual work, there were few machines to dig & transport, for example.
      I see a facial resemblance.

  27. Just back from t'market. Bluss, it was cold. 4ºC but with a bitter north wind blowing. It felt like the Arctic.

    1. As I'm feeling off-colour, I stuck my nose out of the door and decided I'm convalescing aka dossing down in the warm.

  28. Stratford upon Avon Extreme Camping is having a sale. Now is the winter of our discount tents…

    1. All those Race Relations Acts promoted discrimination rather than stop it and that continues to be the case.

    2. Suuella has it right. She is British and never can be English. As I posted a few days ago.

      I make a distinction between British and English. All the English are white because we are descendants of a white population that was here prior to the Anglo Saxons or are derived from the Anglo-Saxons, Jutes etc and we have our own distinctive culture and DNA which has evolved over a couple of thousand years with and for us. Our culture expresses who we are and the whole world recognizes that culture as distinctive in the same way that we recognize, for example, Indian culture. Although I would admit that we are rapidly losing our culture thanks to uncontrolled immigration. Anyone, can be British regardless of original ethnicity by living, being born, and growing up here and by adopting our culture but that never makes them English.

        1. Its nothing to do with “racial purity”. You are inserting a moral judgement into DNA which makes people readily identifiable with regard to ancestry. It is the left that wants to weaponize that because it wishes to erase Europeans altogether. I am apparently, part Dutch. How I have no idea although, I think it was Rastus or Ober suggested it could be a Dutchman who came over when they were draining the fens. But DNA makes me overwhelmingly English, specifically from Norfolk. The fact that DNA can be that specific tells me that it is nothing to be emotional or a justification for being slighted. It is just a matter of fact like blue eyes. However when people want to come along and erase us altogether by denying our very existence which is actually happening in academia and amongst politicians who think we are interchangeable with Africans or Asians then we are under threat as a civilization and as a culture and who want to deny that we are a race with distinct DNA, then we should be concerned about who we are and what makes us distinct because there are people actively trying to obliterate us and deny we are the native people of these islands.. That is what should concern people, not the fact that you have something slightly different in your DNA. It is not about “purity”, that’s how the people who want to erase us think.

          1. I'm a mongrel with a huge possibility of having: Ancient Briton, Celtic, Angle, Saxon, Jute, Roman, Viking and Norman DNA in my make-up. Only a few years ago I discovered that one great-grandfather was from Co Galway; on top of all the former, this makes me one-eighth Mick.

        1. They were neither British or English. They are designated as the ‘Bell Beaker People’ and the ‘Yamnaya People’. It goes on from there. I suggest if you want to look into our origins you start with the Wikipedia article “English People” and on You Tube, “Survive the Jive”. Odd name, I know, but each to his own.

    3. It's not to do with colour but ancestry. Suella acknowledges that – her parents were Asian, even though they were born in Kenya or Mauritius. She is Briitsh/ Asian but not English. She's right. I'm English and so were my forbears, far back in history.

    4. When talking about different peoples, skin colour is the main difference because it is so obvious. But what really matters is a person's culture, how they are, their values and whether they are homogenous part of society. Sadly, many young blacks still aspire to gansta culture as it is easier than working. Muslims will never change from the deep rooted values of islam it is part of their upbringing and who they are. Its my opinion, but I do not like the fundamentals of islam so clearly displayed in certain theocracies and its followers root themselves in places with no intention of integrating. At the end of the day, I do not care so much about what people look like but I am terribly concerned that immigrants with greatly different values will turn our once great country into the shambles from where they have fled.

      1. Multiculturalism is largely to blame. In the past immigrants spoke English and anglicanised their names to fit in. Now they keep their own culture and despise the country that gives them sanctuary.

        1. The Cathedral is quite ornate, but otherwise it’s how I remember Gloucester. I’ve only once been to Canterbury I think.

  29. Three sheep have been slaughtered and one beheaded on farmland in Lincolnshire, as concerns continue to increase over the UK's illegal meat trade.

    Police are appealing to the public for more information following the incident, which happened between 12 February and 14 February.

    1. Well we know who the likely culprits are and they're not English, are they? British possibly, but probably Islamists.

    1. Well done.
      Wordle 1,349 4/6


  30. You are disqualified from becoming a member of the House of Commons if you have been found guilty of an offence and sentenced to more than one year in prison.

    Disgraced MP Mike Amesbury arrives at court in handcuffs to appeal jail sentence for sucker-punching constituent

    He was guilty of a violent assault and sentenced to just 10 weeks in jail. I wonder what pressure was put on the court to make sure that Amesbury's prison sentence was not for less than a year!

    Fortunately for him he represented the Labour Party as an MP and didn't use any 'hurty' words on line so he will probably remain an MP and be welcomed back into the party as soon as they think they can get away with it.

    1. Disgusting that this criminal will be out in just a few weeks while the women who posted their rational thoughts online will still be there years later.

      1. As I have said many times, Jules, I am amazed that she has not appealed against the wholly disproportionate sentence.

    2. Disgusting that this criminal will be out in just a few weeks while the women who posted their rational thoughts online will still be there years later.

  31. What is this thing I have been hearing about that the king is not happy with Starmer and that HRH has been being friendly to Reform people. That Starmer has threatened the king making a veiled suggestion that certain people should not get involved in politics. Anyone know anything about this? Because it's wonderful if true.

      1. No. It was Starmer not the king. That the king is not happy with Starmer is a persistent rumour made by several people. It's Starmer that is upset with the king for, apparently, meeting members of Reform.

        1. That would mean the WEFfers falling out amongst themselves, which is not impossible but seems unlikely.

          1. Lefties schism more than the Church. It wouldn't surprise me if they were at each others throats.

          1. That wouldn't fit in with his flirting with Reform. I'm wondering that if this is true he has realized that the throne is screwed if we do nothing about Islamic immigration.

          2. The monarchy will probably remain for the rest of this King's life.

            That will probably do for him and I doubt whether he cares very much about whether or not his heirs become monarchs.

            Another monarch who wore a kilt was very keen on his heirs rather than Banquo's heirs becoming kings of Scotland – so much so that he determined to add the murder of Banquo to the murder of Duncan which he had already committed to get the throne.

            Upon my head they placed a fruitless crown
            And put a barren sceptre in my grip,
            Thence to be wrenched with an unlineal hand,
            No son of mine succeeding.

  32. It's so annoying when people use the wrong word & don’t have the humidity to admit it.

    Grizzly will no what I mean.

    1. Sometimes I use long words that I don't really understand to try to make me seem more photosysthesis.

  33. Something fishy about this Hackman death. 95 year old man, young wife and loved pet dog. What are they hiding?

      1. So why kill the dog? Perhaps Mrs Hackman was a Hamas supporter.
        Edit: carbon monoxide poisoning is another possibility.

        1. Perhaps they couldn’t face the thought of leaving a pet alone? Anyway, it’s pure speculation at the moment. It will all come out eventually.

  34. Cheshire MP Mike Amesbury, who repeatedly punched a constituent during a row in the street, has had his 10-week prison sentence suspended for two years.
    The Runcorn and Helsby MP was sentenced and sent straight to jail on Monday at Chester Magistrates' Court after admitting assault.

    Two tier you say….?

    1. Disgraceful. Shameful. If he was decent he would resign. He won't. So he could take up the causes of innocent political prisoners jailed for saying hurty (but true) things.

  35. I say, I have just had a thought. Wouldn't it be wonderful if Lineker's name was on the Epstein "list"…..

    1. I suspect that there may be plenty of contacts who didn't get involved. Epstein was a deal maker as well as a pervert.

      So I hope there is plenty of evidence to catch any real offenders, eg randy Andy and bonking Bill who were allegedly involved.

      1. S'why he was killed in prison.
        It wasn't suicide, the PTB couldn't risk all the names coming out.

        1. Agreed.
          I’m sure some will be tainted who won’t deserve it, but I hope those who do deserve become pariahs and unemployable, even in politics.

  36. I see in the DM that Amesbury has had his sentence reduced on appeal and is now suspended. No justice in this country now! The CPS is totally corrupted.

      1. I assume this means that any recall petition is dead in the water.
        So the faint chance of a by-election has vaporised.
        If Labour is content to be represented by a violent alcoholic, who are we to object?

    1. Thanks, things are slowly getting better. I rode my motorcycle on Tuesday for the first time in over five months, and maybe this weekend I'll be able to mow the lawn! 😉

  37. I haven't managed to get hold of Geoff to OK this, so please excuse me / blast me out of the universe if you think it inappropriate.

    A friend of mine here in Buenos Aires (one of my tango teachers) is in the distressing situation of having had his 17-year-old daughter diagnosed with leukaemia. She lives with her mother in Italy.

    He is going to fly over there for at least a few months and do what he can to support her.

    Being an artist of any sort generally isn't the easiest way to amass riches, as I know very well.

    I have asked what I can do to help, and he suggested I might contribute towards one of the things he intends to buy to help her live as healthily as possible, for example an air purifier and a water purifying system.

    I what I can, but wondered if any of you might like to contribute too. Obviously, NO begging here – but I know the pleasure of being able to help, and he is genuinely in need.

    Should you be moved to contribute any amount, however small, please email me. It's a gmail dot com address, and the bit before the @ is my first name (the long version of Katy, with an e rather than an a in the middle) then, without a space, i.e. all one word, one of my surnames, being that of a famous hotel chain starting with m and ending in double t. (For the avoidance of doubt I am not, sadly, a scion of the founders of the chain… 🤣🤣 )

    (Only on Nottl would one set up cryptic clues to contact details and be fairly confident that anyone wishing to get in touch will do so!! 🤣🤣)

    Again, no pressure.

    Enjoy the rest of your day, everyone! I'm going out to tango lessons but will check my phone from time to time.

    Katy x

  38. 402257+up ticks,

    My belief is if you were to quote, hitler only had one ball, goebals two but very small, you would be looking at a certain Tommy Robinson same day incarceration for rhetorically abusing party role models.

    Labour MP who punched man let off jail on appeal
    Mike Amesbury granted suspended sentence days after receiving 10 weeks in prison for punching man in the street

    1. 402257+ up ticks,


      In view of the lack of nick, a fashion trend will be set for ALL MPs to be carrying riding crops.

    1. If we don't stop judges making the law instead of applying it, we will lose our country. We are halfway there now.

  39. In words

    ‘Donald’s coming to set you free, bringing the light for all to see, no more tunnels, no more fear: Trump Gaza’s finally here. Trump Gaza’s shining bright, golden future, a brand new life. Feast and dance the deal is done, Trump Gaza number one.’

    – Lyrics from an AI-generated video Donald Trump shared on his Truth Social account called ‘Gaza 2025… What’s Next?’.

      1. Reminds me of when Brian Clough was the manager of Derby County Football Club and a supporter swore at him and punched him in the face. The local newspaper reported the incident with the headline: THE FAN HITS THE SHIT.

  40. Any recent news of Victoria Sponge? I haven't heard a squeak. Perhaps she's gone stale and been used up as the base of a trifle.

    1. I expect she is cooking up something nice for Cur Ikea when he limps home from Washington. Perhaps having "Lord" Comical Alli round for a threesome…

      1. The longer version of the clip shows the passenger, who had to duck under his arm, steal the jacket he threw on the ground and run off – so I think it may have be staged?

          1. Looking a the pre-kick stage, the JB looked over his shoulder as though he was expecting it…

            Perhaps it was a elaborate insurance claim set-up!!

    1. One wonders why the jungle bunny ran along beside the train. Did he expect it to stop? High IQ? 10, perhaps?

  41. The number of people claiming asylum in the UK in 2024 has reached its highest level since records began in 1979, Home Office figures show.
    According to data published on Thursday, 108,138 people claimed asylum in the year to December 2024 – an increase of 18% on 2023 and almost twice the number in 2021.
    The Home Office said the previous recorded peak was in 2002.
    The new high follows an uptick in recorded small boat arrivals in recent years. The number of small boat arrivals also increased in 2024 – 25% higher than in 2023 – but the figure was 20% lower than in 2022.
    The UK now receives the fifth largest number of asylum seekers in the "EU plus" area at a time when the government is under pressure to cut the asylum decision backlog.

      1. There was a Goon Show sketch. I can't remember which characters now but the dialogue was…

        "I want political asylum"!

        "Well take the number eleven bus to the House of Commons. It's the finest political asylum in the world".

        1. Until they changed the routes, being on the top deck of the number eleven was one of the best "instant tours" of London in terms of sights and VFM.

  42. I heard a knock at the door this morning. There was a man standing there with a vacuum cleaner – he turned out to be a Jehoovers Witness

      1. Letters to the Editor
        Business is shifting on renewable energy but Ed Miliband won’t budge

        BP rows back on green energy
        BP said it would increase its oil and gas investment while slashing spending on renewables

        Letters to the Editor 26 February 2025 10:00pm GMT

        SIR – I wondered if BP’s move away from renewables and back to hydrocarbons (report, February 25) would be a wake-up call for Ed Miliband, the Energy Secretary, perhaps influencing his green agenda.

        But then I remembered that there is a big difference between BP and Mr Miliband. The former works in the real world of profits and expenditure, and has to answer to shareholders.

        So I think the wake-up call is very unlikely – but I can hope.

        Mark Ezekiel
        Walton-on-the-Naze, Essex

        SIR – You report (February 23) that Ed Miliband has waved through a plan to plug Britain’s shale gas wells with cement. Every sane person knows that this is a totally ideological move, and foolish given global unrest.

        He proposes to seal these sites permanently, negating the right for any future government to take advantage of the massive pot of gold beneath our feet. When this idiotic Government is removed, Mr Miliband should be held to account.

        Nigel Darvill
        Malmesbury, Wiltshire

  43. "The war has cost hundreds of thousands of lives. Everyone on the planet wants it to end"
    Donald Trump is absolutely right to end the war in Ukraine, says Colonel Hamish de Bretton-Gordon OBE

    I thought Trump's approach was right, but given who is supporting it I must now wonder.

    1. I guess even a broken clock is right once a day. Perhaps de Cretin-Gordon is just admitting defeat.

  44. Wordle No. 1,349 3/6


    Wordle 27 Feb 2025

    Tent for Birdie Three?

    1. Gosh. Me too but I had more clues.

      Wordle 1,349 3/6


    2. I must be doing something wrong – just a pedestrian par here…..

      Wordle 1,349 4/6


  45. Just a thought – does Alphabet Soup have a 'spell by date'?
    No I haven't found a box of Xmas crackers

  46. Well, that was a lovely day out!
    Gorgeous run to Stoke over the Staffordshire Moors, stopping at Ipstones to pick up a jar of coffee for Stepson and in Hanley to tank up with diesel en route. Why tank up at Stoke?
    Well, diesel round here is £1.44.09p/litre, in Stoke, £1.40.07p!! So a worth while small saving.
    Stepson came with my to Baguley to pick up the items. Pleasant drive up the A34 to the A555 and then local roads to the auction place.
    Dropped back down to Congleton where we stopped for a break and a light snack and Stepson caught the bus back to Stoke whilst I went over the top towards Buxton.
    Skirted round Buxton via Harpur Hill onto the A515 and dropped down the A5012 to get home.
    Given the area that I live in, is it a surprise that I really do enjoy driving?

    1. I was thunderstruck by the beauty of the countryside in your neck of the woods (what's left of them after you're been out and about with your chainsaw… 🤣). Damned glad I wasn't dragging the caravan, though!

      1. When I drove to Buxton I was glad I wasn't in the (old) motorhome, which was underpowered. I would have struggled to get up some of the hills even in first!

      2. It is actually very rare that I actually cut down a tree and, if I do, it is either already dead elm or ash that again is either already dead or on it’s way out from dieback.
        Most of what I have ready for sawing and splitting has been felled by others as part of a planned programme.

  47. Let there be light!

    "In 2019, IKEA published an article on its company intranet that imposed the ideological demands of the LGBT movement on its employees.
    In response, Janusz Komenda published a comment criticizing the announcement and included two Bible verses referring to homosexual practices.
    As a result, store management decided to dismiss him. The consequences extended to those who had “liked” Komenda’s comment.
    The Regional Court for Kraków-Nowa Huta ruled that his termination was unlawful and ordered his reinstatement. IKEA appealed the decision. However, the Regional Court in Kraków upheld the original ruling, stating that the dismissal was unjustified. The court reasoned that:
    The workplace should be free from ideological indoctrination.

    Komenda may have perceived IKEA’s actions as an attack on his values, prompting his response.
    Employers must consider that a significant portion of Poles are Christians and have the right to uphold and defend their beliefs.

    IKEA could not claim that Komenda violated community standards when, in fact, the company itself had done so.
    The Supreme Court ultimately refused to accept IKEA’s cassation appeal (decision I PSK 62/24). It concurred with the lower courts that requiring employees to participate in social initiatives as a matter of company policy exceeds the boundaries of employment duties. The Court emphasized that:

    Participation in an employer’s social initiatives beyond job-related duties should be voluntary.

    Expressing a particular worldview does not justify an employer’s loss of confidence in an employee, especially when that worldview is unrelated to job performance.

    The Court’s opinion stated:
    “An employer may invite an employee to participate in an initiative aligned with the company’s values, but exerting any form of pressure on the employee’s decision is impermissible, as occurred in this case.

    (…) If we define an inclusive culture as one that fully integrates diverse employees through representation, openness, and fairness, then the exclusion of the plaintiff from the employee community due to his religious beliefs and differing worldview contradicts the appellant’s own rhetoric of inclusivity.”

    Paweł Szafraniec, of the Ordo Iuris Center for Litigation Intervention, remarked:
    With this decision, the Supreme Court strengthens the barrier against big companies imposing leftist ideology on their employees—disciplining and ultimately firing those who refuse to conform.

    This goes beyond the proper scope of an employment relationship. The Court also reinforces the right of Christians to defend their values, especially in Poland, where they make up a significant part of society. The Supreme Court’s ruling finally closes Mr. Komenda’s case.”

  48. "The Court also reinforces the right of Christians to defend their values"

    Well, that puts the kybosh on any court rulings here.

  49. "The Court also reinforces the right of Christians to defend their values"

    Well, that puts the kybosh on any court rulings here.

  50. That's me for today. It brightened up enough for the MR and me to walk briskly round the garden. Noticed one small tree brought down. If ONLY Robert lived next door….. And another that need to be sorted out when it is warmer.

    Have a spiffing evening. Be sure to hit anyone who tweets you. Then he will go to prison and you will walk free.

    A demain (which is said to be sunny. Bet it isn't).

        1. and

          Qari Rauf
          Adil Khan
          Abdul Aziz
          Mohammed Amin
          Mohammed Sajid
          Hamid Safi
          Abdul Qayyum
          Shabir Ahmed

          and many, many, many more.

  51. 402257+ up ticks,


    Starry,starry night,
    They never listened then, perhaps they'll listen now

    Gerard Batten@gjb2021

    Feb 26
    Farage will do whatever is right for him, whatever preserves his earning capacity & revenue stream.

    As an MEP & UKIP Leader I warned about the dangers of fundamentalist Islam & immigration, Farage worked with the MSM to destroy UKIP & they succeeded.

    Farage is never going to defend England so don’t put your faith in him. Patriots to him are just “drunken, balded headed, tattoed thugs”. Never forget.

  52. No good turn goes unpunished.
    In this case, ha ha ha.

    Left-wing theatre managers who invited 200 migrants to a free show will abandon the building and face bankruptcy as refugees still refuse to leave after three months and spark wave of sex-related violence

    1. I'd forgotten all about that. I didn't realise they were still there.
      Sorry; absolutely no sympathy for the naive do-gooders whatsoever.

  53. Cheer up, if we don't do Net Zero we'll get a new ice age, locally at least. To be honest, I think there's more chance of the Gulf Stream failing than any other serious climate change in the relatively near future.

    "Could the UK actually get colder with global warming?"

    Amoccollapse Now?

    1. It gets warmer – climate change.
      It gets colder – climate change.
      It stays the same – climate change.

      1. And you need to wear a hair shirt because Bangladesh builds on low lying areas (plus send loads a dosh, of course).

    2. I've just waded through a load of climate change/net zero bollox from the diocesan synod. They're all fully signed up to it. I wonder if I'll be able to keep my mouth shut when I attend the next meeting. That and the diversity schtick is going to try my patience and restraint.

  54. Trump set to back Starmer over Chagos deal
    Key moments
    Updated 5 minutes ago
    Trump and Starmer to hold press conference at 7pm
    Putin says ‘western elites’ undermining peace talks
    Ukraine will be ‘number one item’ at meeting
    Starmer to meet with Trump at 5.15pm

          1. And he may be letting Starmer get on with it as another example to the voting public of how treacherous he is. It is what he tends to do, give people enough rope to finish themselves off.

    1. Of course Trump is happy.
      Britain will pay and the USA gets the benefits.
      Several years down the line, who cares? The US will retain the base and the world order will have changed beyond recognition in the interim.
      Cursed Harmer is an idiot.

  55. I've just watched Cursed Harmer giving President Trump the King's invitation for a State Visit.

    So badly presented that Trump looked positively disdainful.

      1. Oddly enough, I think Trump likes KC and will enjoy the trip; it's a shame Cursed Harmer was such a clot.

        1. Trump is an Anglophile. I'm sure he'll enjoy the trip if he's kept away from the places that have been enriched.

  56. ;Night All
    Nice to know I can now punch an MP and kick him when he's on the ground and I will only get a suspended sentence……
    Oh Wait……

    1. Leadbeater is a placement. She became MP on the back of her sister's murder.
      She has been picked as frontman (woman).

      1. Interestingly, conspicuity is determined by the contrast of the subject to its background. So in daylight, black or bright white (a light for instance) gives the greatest conspicuity. You might notice the Hawks from RAF Valley are painted black and have a headlight on the front so that others might see them.

        1. They have replaced the previously orange take off bars on hurdles with white ones as they are supposed to be easier for the horses to see.

  57. Goodnight, all. The Rayburn has been stoked (I'm doing my bit for plant life) and I'm about to fill my hot water bottles and hit the hay.

  58. Well, chums, it's just after my bedtime. So I'll wish you all a Good Night. Sleep well, and I hope to see you all tomorrow.

  59. Good evening.

    The Nebraska Tractor Test Laboratory would like to thank you for all the clicks it gets from me when I open up a browser that deletes history when closed, and then I type in nttl.

Comments are closed.