Wednesday 8 December: The booster rollout is being hampered by inaccurate NHS records,
Posted on by Geoff Graham in Uncategorized
Tuesday 7 December: An idea for getting housebound folk vaccinated without using GPs’ time,
Posted on by Geoff Graham in Uncategorized
Monday 6 December: Qualified vaccination volunteers turned away while GPs cut checks on over-75s,
Posted on by Geoff Graham in Uncategorized
Sunday 5 December: Omicron panic has put the journey towards normality into reverse,
Posted on by Geoff Graham in Uncategorized
Saturday 4 December: It’s foolish to import oil and gas when Britain has found its own in the North Sea,
Posted on by Geoff Graham in Uncategorized
Friday 3 December: Compulsory vaccination looks most attractive to governments that the voters do not trust,
Posted on by Geoff Graham in Uncategorized
Thursday 2 December: The omicron response is based on a flawed understanding of risk,
Posted on by Geoff Graham in Uncategorized
Wednesday 1 December: MPs are to blame for letting new coronavirus restrictions be imposed without their consent,
Posted on by Geoff Graham in Uncategorized
Tuesday 30 November: The arbitrary law compelling us to wear a mask in an empty shop but not in a crowded pub,
Posted on by Geoff Graham in Uncategorized
Monday 29 November: New restrictions show that Britain still hasn’t learnt to live with Covid,
Posted on by Geoff Graham in Uncategorized