Tuesday 28 September: The M25 protesters were the last straw that broke the petrol supply and road infrastructure,
Posted on by Geoff Graham in Uncategorized
Monday 27 September: Why should a foreign lorry-driver want to apply for a visa lasting only six months?,
Posted on by Geoff Graham in Uncategorized
Sunday 26 September: Voters are paying the price for politicians’ myopic energy planning,
Posted on by Geoff Graham in Uncategorized
Saturday 25 September: The Tories face self-inflicted defeat if the energy crisis deepens,
Posted on by Geoff Graham in Uncategorized
Friday 24 September: Boris Johnson’s green grandstanding betrays a shaky grasp of reality,
Posted on by Geoff Graham in Uncategorized
Thursday 23 September: The taxpayer is charged to reduce carbon dioxide and now to produce it,
Posted on by Geoff Graham in Uncategorized
Wednesday 22 September: Boris Johnson is advertising carbon reduction with an energy crisis,
Posted on by Geoff Graham in Uncategorized
Tuesday 21 September: Rejecting gas and nuclear energy leaves us sitting in the dark and cold,
Posted on by Geoff Graham in Uncategorized
Monday 20 September: GPs have no right to demand extra funds for resuming normal service,
Posted on by Geoff Graham in Uncategorized
Sunday 19 September: Why is the Government still resorting to Covid scaremongering?,
Posted on by Geoff Graham in Uncategorized