Friday 26 November: The French must understand that each successful Channel migrant attracts more to France

An unofficial place to discuss the Telegraph letters, established when the DT website turned off its comments facility (now reinstated, but not as good as ours),
Intelligent, polite, good-humoured debate is welcome, whether on or off topic. Differing opinions are encouraged, but rudeness or personal attacks on other posters will not be tolerated. Posts which – in the opinion of the moderators – make this a less than cordial environment, are likely to be removed, without prior warning.  Persistent offenders will be banned.

Today’s letters (visible only to DT subscribers) are here.

654 thoughts on “Friday 26 November: The French must understand that each successful Channel migrant attracts more to France

        1. Spring Christmas Cleaning. But happy because I am making good progress and my new Bex Bissell shampoo vacuum cleaner is working magic on my lounge carpet which was full of dust, dirt, grime and various gravy and other stains. Hasta luego!

        2. Spring Christmas Cleaning. But happy because I am making good progress and my new Bex Bissell shampoo vacuum cleaner is working magic on my lounge carpet which was full of dust, dirt, grime and various gravy and other stains. Hasta luego!

        1. In the DM, it is “more infectious.” A number of commenters pointed out yesterday evening that this probably means it’s less severe.
          This morning, no comments are allowed on the banner fear-mongering article!

    1. The BTL comments in the Mail suggest people are unimpressed. Usually least 50% of writers fall for government propaganda.

  1. The French must understand that each successful Channel migrant attracts more to France

    I wonder if the french fisherman will blockade the people traffickers as well as the channel tunnel and channel ports.?

  2. Bonjour les amis!
    Whaht you eenglish do naht comprehend eez zat weee doo naht geeve a stuff ow manee cohm beecoz we juss send zem ohn to you.

    Sometimes the Telegraph is just too stupid for words.

  3. Pictured: Home to a million people
    Incredible drone photograph of the Kutupalong refugee camp

    From afar it looks beautiful, up close the reality is anything but. For this incredible drone picture shows the world’s largest refugee camp in Bangladesh.
    The Kutupalong refugee camp is more than five square miles and is home to more than a million Rohingya refugees.
    Situated in Ukhia, Cox’s Bazar, Bangladesh, it is inhabited mostly by Rohingya refugees that fled from ethnic and religious persecution in neighbouring Myanmar.

    Is this what we have to look forward to, sprawling across our green belts and areas of Outstanding Natural Beauty?
    If Johnson and Patel don’t up their game it will be our future.

    1. …and now for something completely different…

      Keep ‘em Looking

      An elderly Jewish woman decided to have her portrait painted.

      She told the artist, “Paint me with diamond earrings, a diamond necklace, emerald bracelets, a ruby brooch, and a Rolex watch.”

      “But you are not wearing any of those things.”

      “I know,” she said. “It’s in case I should die before my husband. I’m sure he will remarry right away, and I want his new wife to go crazy looking for the jewellery!”

        1. I’ve forgotten the name of the Palestinian creep who said, “Our secret weapon is our women’s wombs.”

      1. Pretty bleak – but maybe these Muslims shouldn’t have started terrorising the Burmese.

        As ye sow, so shall ye reap.

    2. Good morning all.
      That could be the outskirts of any reasonably flat English city within a few years.

    3. I am sure saw a brief thing on the news last night where a refugee family were being interviewed across the Channel, and I was gobsmacked to hear that the family had increased by 2 more babies since they had arrived in Europe , and that they understood the UK was a good place for families..

      Huh, now do you get my drift ?

    1. I’m sure a plethora of Civil Servants orchestrated by Sir Humphrey cobbled together this response to another which I received today:

      “You’re receiving this email because you signed this petition: “Prohibit employers from requiring staff to be vaccinated against Covid-19”.

      The Government has responded to the petition you signed – “Prohibit employers from requiring staff to be vaccinated against Covid-19”.

      Government responded:

      Organisations’ practices must be lawful and not discriminate. Government has identified limited settings where there is a public health rationale for making vaccination a condition of deployment.

      The vaccines are the best defence against Covid-19 and uptake of the Covid-19 vaccination has been very high across the UK. Vaccination reduces the likelihood of infection and therefore helps break chains of transmission.

      Government has identified limited high risk settings where there is strong public health rationale for making vaccination a condition of deployment. The Government has recently announced that health and social care services will need to ensure that workers who have direct face to face contact with service users have been fully vaccinated against Covid-19, following consultation. The Government response to this consultation is published on GOV.UK:

      This policy applies to all providers, both public and private, who provide a CQC regulated activity, covering a broad range of services including those provided by hospitals, GP and dental practices and social care providers. Ensuring the maximum number of NHS staff are vaccinated will help ensure the most vulnerable patients gain the greatest possible levels of protection against infection. Elderly people, those with disabilities and some seriously ill people in hospital face a higher risk from Covid-19 than the wider population and are more likely to use health and care services more often. The measures will also protect workers, which is important for hospital trusts where extensive unexpected absences can put added pressure on already hardworking clinicians providing patient care.

      The Government has set out its Plan B for managing the spread of Covid-19 throughout the Autumn/Winter. As part of this plan, the Government has set out proposals to introduce mandatory Covid-certification in limited high-risk settings such as nightclubs and other large events. Under these proposals, the workforce would also have the option of undertaking regular testing as a means of demonstrating their Covid-certification status.

      Outside of these settings, an employer who proposes to introduce a requirement for staff to be vaccinated will need to consider the existing legal framework, including the law on employment, equalities and data protection. Whether or not it is justifiable to make COVID-19 vaccination a condition of deployment will depend on the particular context and circumstances.

      There are existing legal protections which apply equally in the context of vaccination, as they do in other employment circumstances. In addition to contractual and common law protections, there are relevant statutory frameworks, such as the Equality Act 2010, which provides protection against unlawful discrimination. The Employment Rights Act 1996 provides various general protections, including against unfair dismissal and unlawful deductions from wages. In addition, collecting, storing and using information about workers’ vaccination status will engage the law on data protection. Employers will need to ensure that they have acted in accordance with their legal obligations when making decisions on requiring a COVID-19 vaccination.

      Department for Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy

      Click this link to view the response online:

      This petition has over 100,000 signatures. The Petitions Committee will consider it for a debate. They can also gather further evidence and press the government for action.

      The Committee is made up of 11 MPs, from political parties in government and in opposition. It is entirely independent of the Government. Find out more about the Committee:

      The Petitions team
      UK Government and Parliament

      1. Why then is the compulsory vaccination not needed until the Spring? No face-to-face contact with patients over the winter?

        1. As we all know staff, by threatening to leave have the upper hand during winter not so much leverage in the spring, so the threat of significant resignations isn’t a worry…..

        1. Slavishly following the agenda set by others. Therein lies a big problem, getting shot of Johnson will not change anything if the dumb, unthinking Tory MPs vote in another agenda following globalist. Let the perpetrators of this very dangerous nonsense know that the people will not comply with the ‘jabbathon’ or other repressive measures.

      2. The vaccines are the best defence against Covid-19 and uptake of the Covid-19 vaccination has been very high across the UK. Vaccination reduces the likelihood of infection and therefore helps break chains of transmission.

        A two sentence paragraph containing four “facts”: the fact referring to uptake is probably correct, the remaining three are debatable. Johnson himself in an extremely rare candid moment let the cat out of the bag re infection and transmission when he made it clear that the “vaccine” does not achieve those aims.

        Dr Peter McCullough, a leading cardiac and renal physician who has taken a lead in treating CV-19 has stated that those people who took the “vaccine” six months or more ago should consider themselves “non-vaccinated” and therefore prepare themselves for early intervention with supplements of vitamins, minerals etc but NOT to take the ‘booster’.

      3. I see they talk of “deployment” early on and only later it becomes “employmentl. Either way they are dete4mined to lock us all up again. But what will they do when, hopefully, those in the NHS who have resisted “vaccination” so far continue to do so, with HMG having postponed mandatory jabbing until the Spring. (It would be very inconvenient for them all to leave just as winter is arriving!).
        Morning all. BTW.
        ETA. Sorry peeps, should have read a little further on before echoing others.

  4. Latest Pandemic Breaking News – The new highly contagious mutation may cause a slight runny nose in the most vulnerable section of the population, plans are going ahead for a full winter lockdown before supplies of paper tissues run out, people will be advised to just cuff it, it the situation gets much worse.

  5. Good morning from a still dark but very much brightening Basingstoke. Looks like a less cold start than yesterday with a bit of cloud cover.
    Why is it that hotels have great difficulty in adjusting the hydraulic dampers on the door closing springs so that they close quietly and do not bang?

      1. Quite! As for the bathroom, the toilet is so close to the wall that I can only sit on it at 45 degrees.

    1. I believe it is done on purpose. Just like the decor in McDonalds…They want your money but they don’t want you to stay long.

  6. RICHARD LITTLEJOHN: Howzat? Michael Vaughan is innocent until proven guilty
    Westminster is consumed by the Dishi Rishi rift with Number 10 and the hunt for the ‘Chatty Pig’. Is anyone outside the North Circular, let alone the M25, taking any notice? Most people in the Red Wall think the Chatty Pig is a transport caff on the A57 outside Worksop. Treble bacon banjos all round!

    The Archbishop of Canterbury, Justin Welby, has complained that clergy on TV are always portrayed as rogues or idiots.

    This would be the same Justin Welby who recently compared climate change to the Holocaust, stuck up for Meghan Markle, failed to alert police to a paedophile priest and moved Heaven and Earth to Stop Brexit.

    So which one are you, Bish: rogue or idiot?

        1. It should be in my blood but there is nothing I can do without a Covid Passport to go to either Canterbury or Lambeth Palace and follow my ancestral calling. I’m too old – but maybe Christo or Henry will develop the archiepiscopalicidal urge.

  7. ‘Morning, Peeps.

    Today’s letters are exclusively about ‘Channel-gate’ and merely repeat the same old points. This BTL poster is similarly unimpressed:

    Perigo Minas
    19 MIN AGO

    SIR – Migrants crossing the Channel are at a record high. Job vacancies in Britain are at a record high. Britain is (still) a welcoming place. Join the dots.

    Jill Lowery
    London NW3

    80%+ of immigrants over the last few years in Germany are still unemployed. Join the dots.

      1. Remember Kenny Everett’s Patton impression?
        “Round ’em all up, put ’em in a field, and BOMB THE BAAAASTARDS!”
        (Epauettes falls open to reveal revolvers whilst Kenny’s arms flail everywhere…)

  8. At the moment around 500 and 700 people are travelling to the UK from South Africa each day, but this figure was likely to have increased as the festive period began.At the moment around 500 and 700 people are travelling to the UK from South Africa each day, but this figure was likely to have increased as the festive period began.

    It’s highly likely that (the Black Friday variant) it’s here in the UK already. As Bob3 says, symptoms are like!y to be a runny nose in which case I`ve already had it recently and have already developed immunity from it. After all, I do have blood group O ( I’m fairly positive) and it runs in the family!

    1. Noses run in my family, too.
      If your nose runs and your feet smell, you’ve been built upside down.
      Boom! Tish!

  9. Acting has been colonised by the posh. Spiked 26 November 2021.

    Redmayne has form as a woker. In 2020 he was one of the humourless cry-bullies (along with those priggish little bed-wetters, Radcliffe and Watson, who no one would know of today if not for the writer of the Harry Potter books) who threw JK Rowling under the bus. Redmayne simpered: ‘As someone who has worked with both JK Rowling and members of the trans community, I wanted to make it absolutely clear where I stand. I disagree with Jo’s comments. Trans women are women, trans men are men, and non-binary identities are valid.

    Such a statement only ten years ago would have had personal friends raising their eyebrows and others heading for the nearest door. It is not simply that it is wrong but that it is a contradiction of reality. It is like saying Black is Green or Large is Thick. It is devoid of any link to reason.

    I have always been interested in the Fall of Civilisations and their causes and have begun to wonder if History simply failed to record similar instances of deranged beliefs and behaviour as the Empires declined into extinction. We know that Babylon, which is what the present West most closely resembles; was a byword for depravity and corruption, but there is no trace of aberrant beliefs. Rome (which resurrected itself by the adoption of Christianity and its morals) is less clear. Perhaps the Barbarian incursions conceals them! Maybe some future Historian to the Caliphate will read Nottl and say, “Those old Kuffars were right.”

  10. Acting has been colonised by the posh. Spiked 26 November 2021.

    Redmayne has form as a woker. In 2020 he was one of the humourless cry-bullies (along with those priggish little bed-wetters, Radcliffe and Watson, who no one would know of today if not for the writer of the Harry Potter books) who threw JK Rowling under the bus. Redmayne simpered: ‘As someone who has worked with both JK Rowling and members of the trans community, I wanted to make it absolutely clear where I stand. I disagree with Jo’s comments. Trans women are women, trans men are men, and non-binary identities are valid.

    Such a statement only ten years ago would have had personal friends raising their eyebrows and others heading for the nearest door. It is not simply that it is wrong but that it is a contradiction of reality. It is like saying Black is Green or Large is Thick. It is devoid of any link to reason.

    I have always been interested in the Fall of Civilisations and their causes and have begun to wonder if History simply failed to record similar instances of deranged beliefs and behaviour as the Empires declined into extinction. We know that Babylon, which is what the present West most closely resembles; was a byword for depravity and corruption, but there is no trace of aberrant beliefs . Rome (which resurrected itself by the adoption of Christianity and its morals) is less clear. Perhaps the Barbarian incursions conceals them! Maybe some future Historian to the Caliphate will read Nottl and say , “Those old Kuffars were right.”

  11. Can anyone here with medical knowledge explain to me the difference between the latest Covid variant and the common cold, which has been a virulent and unpredictable spreader all my life, with or without lockdown?

    1. Well I have the same medical qualifications as Bill Gates, would you like to hear my explanation?

  12. Good morning, all. Greetings on Friday of Colour. Very windy, raining but no frost and no snow.

  13. British tanks will return to Germany to keep growing Russian threat at bay. 26 November 2021.

    Mr Wallace added that an extra £8 billion would be used to buy new tanks and helicopters over the next decade, on top of the £40 billion already announced for new kit.

    He acknowledged that the Government’s Integrated Review of foreign, defence, security and development policy, which was delivered earlier this year, cut Army troop numbers from 82,500 to 73,000. But he insisted the move was necessary.

    The Defence Secretary said: “That does mean we will have fewer soldiers, but it also means we will have an honest Armed Forces that does what it says on the side of the tin rather than boast about having lots of people and equipment that is 20 years out of date.”

    Robbing Peter to pay Paul is rarely a good Defence Policy. In essence we no longer have an Army, it is more, as a US General recently observed, a large Palace Guard. It lacks any ability to act independently and what are these K73 smart troops going to do? Throw their laptops at Russian tanks!

    1. Fun fact…there are more females in the Russian armed forces than there are people in the UK armed forces.

      1. Cunning Bar Stewards – I can see them now advancing on our brave boys saying: “Lay down your arms and fall into mine big boy!”

    2. Decade.
      That’ll be helpful this winter. If the Russians are coming, the winter is the time, when the ground is hard for their panzers. And Russians know about winter. I hope nobody is going to get overexcited and counter-invade Ukraine… that would be a bad move.
      In any case, the army is buying new tanks, so this announcement is just a statement of what they will be doing already.

      1. Calm down, Paul, we understand that to cover the next decade, Wallace is sending Gromit to hold the force – we can all breathe easily.

      2. Apparently , as mentioned in a BBC Radio 4 News this morning, UK helicopters and military forces are assisting French forces in Mali. It’s a UN peace keeping force our military forces are involved with.

    1. Morning Nickr. It looks like this is the wave of the future. An increase in heart defects brought about by the Vaccinations.

      1. This interview is pretty harrowing- a super-fit athlete poleaxed after vaccination. There is a later one where he discusses his more recent experiences in Washington DC where a whole load of damaged individuals met at a conference and were ignored by the MSM. This man has plenty of pluck and one only hopes he will fully recover but his worldview has been changed forever.

        1. Report a few weeks ago that >80 elite athletes etc. have died suddenly.

          Kun Aguero, an Argentinian international footballer who played for Manchester City for a decade, moved to Barcelona and has now revealed he has to retire from playing, at age 33 yo, due to heart problems. Go figure, as our cousins across the pond would say.
          What these ignorant politicians have released on the World is beyond a disaster. The evidence of, at best crass stupidity or at worst deliberate evil doing, is mounting every day. Still they keep pushing. How do they sleep at night?

          1. I think there is some good evidence of a carefully orchestrated panic with that Schwab nutter on record as saying that the pandemic would be very useful. We now see what may be the downside to creating supposed remedies and not testing them adequately because of the tidal wave of terror unleashed early 2020.

      2. There’s a few mysterious cancers appearing and cancer patients thought to be in remission becoming ill again, too. Concerned doctors and scientists believe this madness is the greatest “mistake” ever made by humankind: that should be, “certain humans with an agenda.”

    2. A whistleblower in the corridors of influence? A doctor possibly putting his career on the line by speaking out. An awakening at last?

    3. A few short years ago, face planting wendy ballers were usually on the losing side and literally playing for time.

  14. Damian Reilly
    The BBC will regret cancelling Michael Vaughan
    25 November 2021, 12:48pm
    From Spectator Life
    The BBC will regret cancelling Michael Vaughan

    How gutless of the BBC to axe Michael Vaughan from Test Match Special for the upcoming Ashes series on the basis of two words – ‘you lot’ – he might or might not have said more than twelve years ago.
    Is this really how it’s now going to work? Anyone can make accusations of any type against someone famous that can’t be proved either way and then sit back and watch their life implode?

    If that is how it’s going to be, then surely we should be told. Who knows, it might be a lark. What’s to stop me, for example, from using this space to recall that in 2003 BBC Director General Tim Davie told me something deeply transgressive about, say, the trans community?

    Davie might very vigorously deny my claim – I wouldn’t be in the least surprised if he did, in fact, given I have just this moment invented it – but that’s hardly the point. If proof is no longer required to make an allegation stick, then he’d have no alternative but to resign or be fired. Sorry. I don’t make the rules.

    Truth be told, TMS can ill afford to lose Vaughan, who since the departure of Sir Geoffrey Boycott in 2020 – another Yorkshireman the corporation cancelled on dubious grounds – is by far the best of the programme’s commentators.

    In recent years, TMS has become terribly self-reverential and dull. Where once listening to it, especially while doing something relatively mindless, like driving or gardening, was an opportunity to be transported across the world by witty and incisive minds, now more often than not it’s an exercise in enduring tiresome pub bore-style banter.

    Vaughan’s understanding of the game and self-deprecating humour was much preferable to, say, Graeme Swann doing another of his hilarious impersonations of a West Indian, or Charles Dagnall banging on endlessly about the curry he had the previous evening.

    Given Vaughan’s role in masterminding England’s incredible 2005 Ashes series win over Australia, too, there is a strong argument to be made he was the English game’s greatest luminary in any commentary box. Certainly, his record as a cricketer is more impressive than that of the English former players now holding down highly lucrative commentary gigs on Sky or BT Sport.

    But now he’s gone, cancelled by the BBC because he was accused by former Yorkshire team mate Azeem Rafiq of once referring to a group of Asian players as ‘you lot’ – despite the fact he denies ever saying the words.

    ‘For editorial reasons, we do not believe that it would be appropriate for Michael Vaughan to have a role in our Ashes team or wider coverage of the sport at the moment. We require our contributors to talk about relevant topics and his involvement in the Yorkshire story represents a conflict of interest,’ was the BBC’s bloodless explanation for its decision.

    This statement, of course, makes no concession to the fact Rafiq can hardly now be viewed as the most reliable of witnesses. The player last week said he had no recollection of the recently discovered virulently anti-Semitic posts he made on Facebook in 2011, despite having posted them two years after the incident he claims he now recalls so clearly involving Vaughan.

    None of the above is to say that Rafiq did not suffer racist abuse during his career as a cricketer, or that he was lying when he addressed the department for culture, media and sport committee in Parliament earlier this month. Rather it’s to say if you’re going to wreck a man’s life, you surely need hard evidence that he did what you’re accusing him of doing.

    What a message of defiance it would be if Vaughan was now to sue the BBC, given the damage to his reputation and the loss of earnings he will incur as a result of the corporation apparently siding with Rafiq in this way. That he is unlikely to is part of what makes the cancellation trap so hellish – the fear of burning bridges in case cancellation ends.

    If he is innocent, as he says he is, then it’s time for Vaughan to fight back as vigorously as he did against Australia sixteen years ago.


    Moira Girvan • 19 hours ago
    When the BBC hire the likes of the editor of the HuffPost you can guarantee that this is how all their so-called ‘editorial decisions’ will go. Their coverage of everything from this to migrants and Israel is seen through the prism of far-left ideology. That’s why absolutely anything the BBC produce cannot be trusted. That’s why it should be defunded.

    blue2beak • 19 hours ago
    The BBC won’t regret it at all.

    It gets our money whatever it does.

    At the moment it is using some of it to make a drama about Jimmy Savile.

    Its own version of the story of its own in-house paedophile.

    1. Of course, the writer put his finger on why Vaughan had to go. He was too good. Can’t have a white, non-grovelling, English male looking good, can we.

    2. ‘Morning C1. We will never see again the wit of Johnners and Blowers, and the endless stream of cakes. Hugely enjoyable, and I’m not even a cricket fan!

    3. “…an exercise in enduring tiresome pub bore-style banter.”
      Of course. This is because there is not one commentator, but a “team” who babble to each other. I only watch rugby union*, and there are now three men, who know nothing, who talk to each other, talk at the same time, and who talk over the referee when he is explaining decisions on his radio. (Remember Bill McLaren? He had pages of notes, He knew the history of every player, every previous game and many anecdotes. He wove the statistics and the live commentary, the anecdotes and players’ histories together into an interesting and informative tapestry of sound. He described what was going on, the bits we could not see, the skullduggery in scrums and rucks, for example. He knew when to keep quiet and when to inject a smidgeon of excitement.
      I hardly listened to cricket but Richie Benaud made it interesting, just as Peter Alliss endeared us to golf.)

      *Probably not any more, now that the BBC has decided not to buy TV rights to the big competitions.

      1. I’ve always liked Brian Moore as a Rugby commentator. He even bothered to qualify as a referee to improve his insights.

        1. Yes. I also like him. The very best of the current bunch. However, it seems he too has to be teamed up with others. (He never mentions chiropody).

    4. A mischievous thought occurred to me. In Vaughan’s time as a Yorkshire player, did any dyed-in-the-wool, turned-from-the-sod Yorkshire-born player or supporter ever say to him “There are too many outsiders like you in the club”?

      Vaughan was born in Lancashire.

  15. Good Moaning. If your taste runs to grey, cold a a threat of rain.

    A snippet from Richard Littlejohn.

    “Vaughan may be a paid-up member of the BNP, although I doubt it. After Rafiq’s testimony, I heard Monty Panesar, an England cricketer of Punjabi heritage, lavishing praise on Vaughan’s man-management skills and telling LBC radio that he didn’t believe his ex- captain was a racist.”

    Monty Panesar is a Sikh; they just get on with life; they are not members of the perpetually offended gang. Rafiq is … well, not a Sikh.

  16. ‘Our scientists are deeply concerned’: Sajid Javid sounds alarm over new ‘worst-ever’ super-mutant Covid variant.

    Professor Neil Ferguson, a member of the Scientific Advisory Group for Emergencies (Sage), said: ‘The B.1.1.529 variant has an unprecedented number of mutations in the spike protein gene, the protein which is the target of most vaccines.

    ‘There is therefore a concern that this variant may have a greater potential to escape prior immunity than previous variants.

    ‘It is also concerning that this variant appears to be driving a rapid increase in case numbers in South Africa. The Government’s move to restrict travel with South Africa is therefore prudent.

    This is like taking advice from Lord Haw Haw as to the defence of Britain against the Wehrmacht!

    1. If Ferguson says it’s increasing – then it must be diminishing.

      Chocolate teapot springs to mind together with a chocolate fire-guard.

        1. I had a very delightful Nigerian boy in an “A” level class some years ago. He was called Jimi but everyone called him Jimbo.

          We were studying Othello and in the first Act the eponymous hero goes on a bit about the antres vast and the deserts idle, rough quarries, rocks and hills whose heads touch heaven, the cannibals that each other eat, The Anthropophagi, and men whose heads Do grow beneath their shoulders. ‘ In my view I said to Jimi “It’s all mumbo jumbo, Jimbo.”

    2. Remind me, how many weeks to Christmas? The veil of deceit is wearing a bit thin, methinks.

  17. More RL: just so you have plenty to worry about.

    “Love in a warm climate

    Melting ice caps, tsunamis, plagues of boils. You name it, someone will blame it on climate change. But until now, nobody suspected that rising temperatures were causing rising divorce rates between — wait for it — albatrosses. That’s according to a study by scientists from the University of Lisbon.

    You couldn’t make it up. Who knew albatrosses got married? Apparently warmer waters put them right off mating. No one appears to have told the contestants on Love Island.”

  18. Scientists reject pundits’ vaccine ‘theory’ after third footballer collapses in a week. 25 November 2021.

    Leading scientists have rejected speculation that the Covid vaccine is linked with recent on-field collapses of three footballers, as sporting pundits came under attack for fuelling hesitancy of the jab.

    Wigan striker Charlie Wyke was admitted to hospital on Thursday after a week which had already seen John Fleck, of Sheffield United, and Sheriff Tiraspol’s Adama Traore fall suddenly ill.

    It’s just coincidence!

    Several of you have a better understanding of figures than me.
    This fellow seems to make a plausible case for the implausibility of government figures on vaccines as derived from very flawed counting of cases.
    I would appreciate opinions from Nottlers.

    1. Of course government covid figures are flawed – and the presentation is biased.

      It is similar here in France. Yesterday I found this little graph, from a reputable scientific website which has tracked viruses – notably the flu virus – since 2012. It is run by a well-known epidemiologist, Laurent Toubiana.

      If you look at it you will see that there has never been a “second wave” or “third wave”, let alone a “fifth” – which we are meant to be in now here in France, and is the reason why restrictions are tightening up again. Toubiana is outraged by the government’s panic, knee-jerk reaction.

      I’m putting up the graph, which everyone will understand. Below it I’m putting up a link to Toubiana’s article, in French.

    2. Of course government covid figures are flawed – and the presentation is biased.

      It is similar here in France. Yesterday I found this little graph, from a reputable scientific website which has tracked viruses – notably the flu virus – since 2012. It is run by a well-known epidemiologist, Laurent Toubiana.

      If you look at it you will see that there has never been a “second wave” or “third wave”, let alone a “fifth” – which we are meant to be in now here in France, and is the reason why restrictions are tightening up again. Toubiana is outraged by the government’s panic, knee-jerk reaction.

      I’m putting up the graph, which everyone will understand. Below it I’m putting up a link to Toubiana’s article, in French.

    3. Excellent presentation. We’re being scammed and it’s data such as this that will destroy the perpetrators. No amount of shredding will save their rotten reputations as the data has been widely shared.

  20. France excludes UK from migrant crisis meeting after PM’s ‘unacceptable’ letter. 25 November 2021.

    A meeting between Home Secretary Priti Patel and her French counterpart Gerald Darmanin has been dramatically cancelled following Boris Johnson’s latest intervention in the migrant crisis.

    A public letter sent by the Prime Minister to President Emmanuel Macron was described as “unacceptable” by the French Interior Ministry which said Ms Patel was “no longer invited” to the meeting with other European ministers on Sunday.

    You don’t think Boris wrote something that was true by mistake?

    France excludes UK from migrant crisis meeting after PM’s ‘unacceptable’ letter (

    1. It is high time Brigitte, his mother substitute, took off his nappy, cleaned his bottom and then gave it a good smacking.

    2. Sensible. The problem is entirely on our side for not revising the human rights and family rights acts.

  21. Apropos that clip about the Amish and covid yesterday, I suppose they are helped in their herd immunity by NOT mixing with the outside world.

    1. They do mix Bill. They do not live isolated lives at all, that is a myth and why I suggested that people watch at leas the two parts of the first programme, and better still the entire 6 programmes.. The point is that they did not try to avoid Covid but allowed themselves to get it so they achieved heard immunity very quickly. In mixing with the “outside world” as you put it, which they do not avoid at all, they are now in no danger from Covid or in danger of transmitting it.

        1. Please see my edit. They mix like any other community. It is a myth that they live isolated lives. They run businesses all of which do business with the “English” which is what they call regular Americans. So no they are not isolated any more than any rural community is.

          1. I know they deal with outsiders – but they do not go in masses to shopping malls or to sporting events or live on crowded housing estates with lots of other people.

            That was my point. They keep themselves to themselves in the main. And lucky them.

          2. You are talking about “Old Order” Amish who are a tiny minority of Amish. But even they do not avoid the Outside world. That is why I suggested watching the whole series, it is far more complex than you imagine. But since it only take one to transmit the virus, I don’t see your point. The reality is that they deliberately went out of their way to confront the virus head on. Didn’t try to avoid it but treated it as they would any other transmittable disease. Even so far as drinking communion wine out of a cup that was knowingly used by people with Covid. A Covid party, as it were, rather like the old chicken pox parties that people used to have for children.

          3. Many people fail to see my point.

            I know what I know – and you know what you know. Let’s leave it at that.

          4. Well Bill, why not just watch the first two programmes? It is, after all, the Amiss speaking for themselves. So it isn’t a matter of what I know, it is a matter of what they say and do.

          5. They are rural people. So no, they don’t go to shopping malls or sports events, anymore than other rural people do.

    1. Do you know what date that was published, Datz?

      I understand that these detector vans have been rumbled as just a deterrent spoof – they don’t work.

      1. I’m not sure of the date but I’m guessing it was the early 50s. For the vans used in the ’70s I can confirm that they did work and could very accurately define a set’s position in a line at 90 degrees to a calibrated point on the side of the van, distance and height were not calculable. The equipment used was highly engineered and complex so consequently utterly unreliable. The only time it did work was the during weekly visit to the calibration Lab after 2 tor 3 hours of adjusting and lubing the Aerial transport and tweaking the electronics. They were however a very effective deterrent , as the routine was to drive around known evasion areas in day time, wait a day and then trundle out at night , by that time licences would have been bought or sets hidden, it was quite gentlemanly in it’s way and certainly in the SW area the vans were never called on the detect as such. Truth is then a box van with a dan dare radio station would have been a lot cheaper and just as effective.

        1. When we lived in a rough part of the Isle of Dogs, when the plod or the detector folk called, the tell went out of the back window, in a symphony of “Knock! Knock! – Boom! Crash!” as it hit the yard some 3 floors below…

        2. They detected the large RF radiation from the CRT tv line timebase oscillator. Any one who had an AM radio next to an old tv will remember the whistle.

          1. Later versions detected the Local Oscillator , which was either 37/8 ish Mhz above or below ( can’t remember now) the received channel, back in the 70s I well remember a local Granada rental outlet that was adjacent to a private practice offering an arcane version of radio therapy (Diathermy) using high power 35ish MHz, the frequency was dependent to a degree to the dielectric constant of the joint being treated and often crossed into Granada’s territory resulting in a spectacular display of random colour and patterns on their display stock.

          2. Early colour televisions had the most awful whistle.
            Until that was sorted, I couldn’t be in the same room.

          3. The first colour broadcast I saw was at the home of neighbours who had bought a set in oder to be the first on the street to have one. We were watching a football match featuring Huddersfield Town, who play in blue-and-white stripes. As the players were running around the white on their shirts remained with them whilst the blue stripes were lagging behind trying to catch up. It was quite surreal.

          4. He resisted having a telly until the mid-sixties, when the family forced him to cave in. In later life I remember him shouting at the telly, especially at the time of the Maastricht debacle.

        3. Here’s a photo I took in 2010 of one of these bluffmobiles. Nothing in it of course. Nobody has ever been prosecuted by their ‘evidence ‘.

  22. 342030+ up ticks,

    Morning Each,
    Do the decent peoples of England and France a favour by sending
    macarony a declaration of bloody WAR.

    It seems to me we are witnessing allies in the form of macorony & fat turk in collusion fighting the remnants of decency remaining in England, their joint aim along with supporters is to make England a place NOT FIT for indigenous residents, via the polling booth they are winning hands down.

    1. We tell them that if they don’t do their job, which we are paying them for, we will revoke all fishing licenses and ban the importation of French wine’s and chesses into the UK. Failing that we revoke paying the billions they claim we owe them on the grounds that if the EU will allow its members to wage war against us, we are under no obligation to pay a hostile entity that is out to destroy our sovereignty. Because there is no doubt that the French are aided and abetted by Brussels..

      1. 342030+ up ticks,
        Morning JR,
        “there is no doubt that the French are aided and abetted by Brussels”..

        Plus imo the United Kingdoms political overseers.

    1. “All the molecular indicators point to the new variant being more transmissible and able to evade vaccines.” Is this the reason why? Between that and the absurdity of symptomless Covid, we can look forward to yet more destruction of the economy.

      1. Evade the year old legacy “vaccine” supposedly designed to protect people from the Alpha strain with its unique ‘Spike Protein’. Why is anyone surprised that a mutation, if that is what it really is bearing in mind all the other lies, escapes something not designed to deal with it?

      2. Viruses mutate to become more transmissable – usually at the same time, less lethal. Why are we worrying about this?

        1. We are not worrying about this. Hence the hysteria being whipped up by the pharma-funded spivs through the supine legacy media.
          Remain steadfast, this too will pass.

        2. And if, as others point out, only 10 cases have been diagnosed, why is it “frightening”, why up the anti if we know next to nothing about it?

  23. Boris (following Carrie’s instructions) orders “Conservatives” to avoid meetings

    Freddy Gray
    ‘Immigration is war’: an interview with Éric Zemmour
    From magazine issue: 27 November 2021
    ‘Immigration is war’: an interview with Éric Zemmour
    Text settings

    Éric Zemmour looks down at a copy of The Spectator and cocks his eyebrows at the unflattering cartoon of him on the cover. He decides he doesn’t care. ‘It takes a lot to offend me, you know,’ he says. He then leafs through the magazine making polite and appreciative noises. ‘Ah, Doooglas Murray!’ he exclaims. ‘I like Doooglas Murray very much. We’ve exchanged ideas.’

    Zemmour is in London as part of his still undeclared campaign to be the next president of France — to curry favour with and raise money from the many French voters who live in the capital. But the British Establishment has given him a cold reception. Mayor Sadiq Khan said he wasn’t welcome. The Royal Institution cancelled his event. The government ordered Conservatives to call off meetings with him. That could be because Boris Johnson hopes to repair badly damaged relations with Emmanuel Macron, the man Zemmour wants to eject from the Élysée Palace. Or it could just be that Mr Z is considered so right wing as to be toxic.

    Team Zemmour argue that the Tories have missed a trick. A President Zemmour would be far less antagonistic to Brexit Britain than President Macron. Zemmour is officially against ‘Frexit’, yet he is complimentary, even a touch romantic about Britain’s decision to leave the European Union. ‘The conservative elites, at least some of them, are proud to have respected the choice of the British people, unlike the French political elites,’ he says, speaking in French because his English is limited. He compares Brexit with France’s referendum in 2005, when the French said ‘non’ to the European Constitution, only to be ignored. ‘That was disgraceful. I find the behaviour of the British elites much more noble.’

    He argues that Emmanuel Macron and the ‘Brussels technocracy’ have made a ‘fundamental mistake’ in their eagerness to make Britain pay for betraying Europe. ‘They want to persuade, I don’t know, Hungary, other countries, or even France, who might be tempted to leave the European Union and break up their ideal. I think this ideological and moralistic approach — “It’s not right! We’re going to punish you like a child!” — is not appropriate. First of all because it is counterproductive. It creates ill will, as we see with the fishing story. Furthermore, the choice of the British must be respected. It’s democratic.’

    He’s quick to add that he finds it ‘cruel’ of Britain to have withheld licences from French fisherman over waters they’ve trawled for centuries. ‘I don’t think this “fair”, as you like to say in England,’ he says, amusing himself with the quaint Anglo–Saxonness of the notion. ‘I find it “unfair”.’ He also blames Macron for ‘negotiating very badly’ and throws in a swipe at Michel Barnier, the chief Brexit negotiator and another candidate in the 2022 French presidential election: ‘He showed his limitations there. It’s incredible that he left the issue hanging in the air and did not deal with it.’

    Fishing is one problem; cross-Channel illegal immigration quite another. What would President Zemmour do to stop the growing number of migrant boats from France arriving on Britain’s shores? ‘I’ll tell you what: if I were president, they would not arrive in Calais.’ He says the Le Touquet agreement, through which Britain pays to support French border checkpoints, is ‘disrespectful’ to France. ‘We’re not a third-world country. I don’t understand why French governments accepted this. On the other hand, these people… should not enter France. We should do every-thing possible to dissuade them. I would expel these people and I would suppress all social aid so that they would not be tempted to come any more… I saw your Home Secretary say — and she is absolutely right — that France should better control its border.’

    Frontex, the EU’s border agency, is ‘in reality useless,’ he says. ‘A few hundred agents who cannot control anything and when the poor fellows want to do their job and turn the migrants back, the European parliament and the Commission in Brussels accuse them of brutality.’ He applauds Poland’s attempt to build a wall on the Belarusian border. ‘They should be helped. Contrary to the Commission in Brussels, I think that walls should be built wherever possible.’

    We’re now on to the issue that drives Zemmour’s political mission and fuels his incendiary campaign. ‘Immigration is war,’ he says, hitting his rhetorical stride. ‘They want to invade our European countries. That’s all. It’s nothing else. It’s war.’

    ‘Do you think Macron is deploying migrants as a weapon of war?’ I ask, fishing without a licence for a newsline.

    ‘I don’t think he has such malicious intent,’ he replies. ‘He’s not Erdogan. No, you mustn’t exaggerate. I just think that he is, how can I put, ideologically in favour of immigration.’

    Zemmour has for some years been a leading public intellectual in France, a popular historian as well as a television provocateur and one of the country’s most famous journalists. He litters his speech with great quotes: ‘As Victor Hugo said… As Voltaire said… As Chateaubriand said…’ He speaks in newspaper columns: press his opinion button and he’s off. His eloquence is almost hypnotic.

    Macron, he goes on, is gripped by ‘an individualistic ideology. He thinks every individual is basically the same and can live everywhere. Of course, he will enforce rules here and there, but fundamentally…the existence of peoples to him seems outdated.’

    Does he blame the economic liberalism of Thatcher and Reagan for the excessive individualism to which Macron subscribes? ‘I wouldn’t say that,’ he replies. ‘It’s more a deviation from Christian humanism. As Chesterton said: “It’s Christian virtues gone mad.”’

    Western societies, Zemmour suggests, have ‘simply forgotten that in Christian humanism there is indeed the respect for the individual but that is rooted in a culture, a religion, a people, a land… [today] we have the individual who is sacred, very well, but who is completely isolated from his people, his historical context, his customs. You see it is believed that individuals are interchangeable, that they are only consumers. It’s an economistic view that I don’t share. I think that people are first of all a product of their culture, their people, their customs.’

    Zemmour prefers the English word ‘globalisation’ to the French ‘mondialisation’ to describe this process. ‘It’s an alliance of left and right,’ he says. ‘Above all it is cowardice.’ By that he means that European leaders have been weak in refusing to tackle the social and political ills concomitant with globalisation. ‘For 40 years they’ve been afraid to confront the politically correct, afraid of riots in suburbs, afraid of being seen in a bad light by the media, afraid of not obeying the judges.’

    For Zemmour, the most craven expression of this hyper-individualism is militant political correctness — ‘le wokeisme’. He calls it ‘hypersensitivity to the rights of the individual, a generalised offensive against French and western culture, against the white heterosexual man. These people want above all to make the French and all westerners feel guilty, ashamed of their history, so that they amputate themselves, destroy themselves, abandon their culture, their civilisation, simply so that they no longer feel guilty.’

    This wokeness, he argues, is a kind of Trojan horse for the Islamification of formerly Christian nations. ‘It is by destroying our cultures, our history, that they make a clean sweep of all that and allow a foreign culture, history and civilisation to come and replace it.’

    Such talk — echoing as it does ‘the great replacement theory’ of Renaud Camus — causes consternation in progressive circles. Somebody, probably David Aaronovitch, will no doubt accuse The Spectator of giving a platform to nativism or white supremacism merely by speaking to him. Yet Zemmour is utterly unabashed about his views and he’s currently second or third in the presidential election polls.

    Might his preoccupations with national characteristics, the greatness of French literature and the collapse of western civilisation have something to do with the fact that he is himself an immigrant child? His parents were Berber Jews from Algeria. His grandfather spoke better Arabic than French. His father drove an ambulance.

    ‘What my family has done in terms of assimilating French culture should be an example,’ he says, proudly. ‘I am a product of French colonialisation. I am not one of these people who condemn the French coloniser. I say thank you.

    ‘I think that nations are the pinnacle of civilisation. I like the differences of nations. I like the fact that the English are very different from the French, just as they are very different from the Germans. The great tragedy of globalisation is that previously there were nations that were different to each other and within each nation there was a great cultural coherence.’

    His press officer has been frantically gesturing for us to wrap up, so we do. Zemmour has a Eurostar to catch. He’s spent two days in London and his team seem stressed and exhausted. They just want to get back to la belle France.

    1. “Team Zemmour argue that the Tories have missed a trick. A President Zemmour would be far less antagonistic to Brexit Britain than President Macron. Zemmour is officially against ‘Frexit’, yet he is complimentary, even a touch romantic about Britain’s decision to leave the European Union. “

      And what the hell was Boris Johnson doing supporting Biden who is pro-EU and anti Britain and scorning Trump who was pro-Britain and anti-EU.

      Johnson has very little common sense and I suspect that his wife is at the root of his complete loss of judgement.

      1. Because, Tom, the modern generations are only a microscopic fraction as bright as their grandparents (and those before them) were.

        Stupidity is running amok and getting worse by the second.

  24. “Christmas is coming
    And SAGE is getting fat
    Here’s a new variant
    From Mr. Javid’s hat.

    If not a variant
    A mutation will do.
    But if it is foreign
    A lockdown is due.”

    1. Good morning Anne

      If this new Covid variant is so dangerous and has been identified as so, surely to goodness the government is falling into the trap it fell into last year.. when they were so slow re halting incoming flights because they wanted to repatriate holiday Brits .

      These Brits will be returning from warm climates to our winter weather , and wham bang , more tears before bedtime!

    2. I fear they are about to pull mandatory vaccination out of the hat “Tada! No more Lockdowns!”

      1. Anyone who would believe that line from Johnson & Co is certifiable. Remember Hancock’s claims to freedoms and rights being returned, the light at the end of the tunnel with one jab for the vulnerable, then the not so vulnerable… Now they’re looking at the 5 – 11 yo cohort. A great deal of the government’s credibility has flowed under the bridge since the jabbing started. More people have woken up, not a majority yet but it will grow.

  25. Two videos this morning casting doubt on the covid scam. Here’s a third one that I referred to last night. Dr McCullough is a renowned physician from the USA who has dedicated much of his time to covid since the “pandemic” broke. It’s around 40 minutes but such is this fine doctor’s presentation the time flies and it is well worth watching.

    With all these seriously knowledgeable people now exposing the shortcomings, dangers even, of the “vaccines” and the “official direction” being driven by statistics that need very careful analysis it’s not surprising that compromised governments are attempting more forceful tactics on their populations. The politicians know that they are looking vulnerable and that their positions are very much in danger.

    The Vaccines are not Safe for Human Use

    1. We,the unvaxxed are the major problem because we create a control group.
      While we exist they are stymied.

        1. If they get to open that particular Pandora’s Box (by repealing safeguarding legislation) and taking away our right to bodily autonomy then everything is on the table for them. They will own us lock stock and barrel.
          I have always thought that repealing legislation to allow the government to decide what medical interventions a person must have would be the stumbling block that Johnson would dare not attempt to overcome as it is probably the most fundamental right we have. He is without doubt being pushed by outside influences but how will he sell this monumental change in Human Rights to MPs? The NHS is under pressure? Give me strength.

          I predict many, many court cases will be filed if stupid MPs try and push this through.

          1. Agreed. The ’emergency’ powers run out in March 2022, unless extended by a compliant Westminster. As and when the ’emergency’ powers do cease, that will be when m’learned friends will be filling their boots as MPs, SAGE members – especially the ‘independent’ ones – and various medical ‘experts’ scurry for cover from their actions. Nuremberg will suddenly seem relevant again.
            Time to buy shares in popcorn and piano wire.

          2. Feargal, regarding the emergency powers, last time the Act came up for renewal the Speaker claimed that there was no interest in the subject and it was just rolled on again without a vote. Unless the people get really restless and do not comply with any diktat Johnson thinks is a good idea then the lazy power hungry bastards, and that includes Labour, will do the same again.

          3. My understanding is that the ’emergency’ powers were enacted in March 2020 and would run until March 2022, with six monthly ‘reviews’ by Parliament.

            Having spent the previous day in full virtue-signaling mode, following the mohamaden nutter attacking one of their own in his constituency surgery, I suspect that most MPs were happy for the Deputy Speaker to suggest that the House ‘wasn’t in the mood’ for a vote on the matter.

            After all, once the ’emergency’ powers are lifted, those who voted for and against at these ‘reviews’ will be scrutinised as part of any subsequent legal actions.

          4. Hmm, Parliamentary Privilege.

            The only way to get at the yea-sayers is via the ballot box – and that will soon be taken from us.

          5. If we could spare a few HR lawyers from the Kent trough, any trampling of the HR Act must be an easy battle to win.

          6. Earlier this year a lawyer, Anna de Buisseret, was posting good information of the law surrounding the then current jabbing programme. She was, I think, bullied off of Twitter by the bots and their brainless followers. However, she made some very interesting points. One point, IIRC, is that although there exists legislation to protect our bodily autonomy that the government could attempt to repeal there exists Common Law that they can’t. Her Twitter feed remains active and a few people are posting there but nothing from A de B. We need a lawyer, no matter if he/she is retired or not.

    1. So cute, but cats and babies don’t mix.

      I have heard about babies being suffocated when a cat seeks the warmth of a sleeping baby in a pram or a cot .

      1. 342030+ up ticks,
        Morning TB,
        Warning noted, but not done with intent as many human actions are, take for instance our lab/lib/con
        collection of overseers …….

      2. We had a six month old cat when my elder son was born. The first time she saw him, she came bounding over – and stopped in her tracks! She never so much as scratched either of them – if they got too boisterous she would just take herself off. We did have a cat-net for the pram but it wasn’t really needed.

      3. I have heard that too. But I know of no such incident, nor do I know of anyone who knows of such an incident. It strikes me as being a myth. If it was true then I doubt very much cats would be tolerated in homes where there are babies and official warnings against mixing babies and cats would be common.

      4. In the same way that thick blankets don’t, I suppose. You keep an eye on them.

        When Junior was born Wiggy was fiercely protective of him and when Mongo was a puppy Wigs would regularly pull him away – gently, put firmly from child. As Mongo got bigger we kept an eye on him with Junior, but when Junior started crawling Mongo was there with him. His first steps were done falling on to a giant fluffy belly.

      1. Unless it’s pushing the line that the jab will set you free. It’s not clear to me. Even the fact that it appears to criticise the lockdown policies has caused a bit of a stir in Germany, I think, judging by an article that I read.

        I very much dislike the subtle propaganda that women are the ones who set the agenda, and weak men merely react to events.

    1. How, in any way, was that advert relevant to the business of a supermarket? Struck me as just another piece of decedent propaganda and offensive. Stereotyping how boys are “supposed” to behave, with promiscuity . And, quite frankly, an irresponsible mother. But then what would you expect from a country that was run by a woman they called Mutti!.

      1. The supermarket is giving away holidays as prizes. The girl was also promiscuous.

        Nobody ever called Margaret Thatcher “Mummy”!

        1. No, because she was a realist that got things done instead of mollycoddling the population.

          1. Merkel was a weird old sort. A staunch communist, ardent Europhile (the two philosophies being synonymous) and yet a pragmatist.

            How you can be such in the face of abject, self evident madness must have required endless doublethink.

        2. I m not interested in the “promiscuity” of the girl. Now a days that is called “empowerment. What I am concerned with is the constant subtle and otherwise, attacks on boys which this ad constitutes by trotting out stereotypes. For those interested it is worth reading Christina Hoff Sommers and her books about boys. In particular, The War Against Boys, in which she demonstrates the constant degradation and dehumanizing of boys in favour of feminine values that are destructive to the male sex. The book is from around the year 2000 but it has become far worse since then.

          1. Well, I wouldn’t really want my daughters behaving like that either!
            The whole advertising industry has been rotten for a long time.

  26. Gorgeous story x

    A pound of pears and a baby boy, please! Mother, 31, uses M&S scales to weigh her son… because drop-in clinics are shut due to Covid

    Tasha Moss, 31, spotted scales while shopping at M&S with newborn Freddie-Jay
    Mother-of-three, from Berkshire, quickly popped 10-week old son on the scales
    Delighted as Freddie-Jay, who was born at 6lb 5.5oz, came in at healthy 10lb 4oz

      1. I thought they could weigh in that, but not sell in those values.

        Although, why anyone would want to use a system that isn’t metric is beyond me.

        1. Body weight (and height) is much easier to evaluate in imperial, as is the size of a fish. If you grew up with it, it will always remain in your brain. It’s easy enough to convert in your head anyway.

        2. That’s because you are young enough to have been brought up on metric. Though having said that, OH is older than me, but as a former engineer and optometrist, he also is happier in metric.

        3. I’m the opposite. I can’t imagine why anyone would choose metric (an invented measurement) over imperial (one that is related to the human scale).

    1. surely they all have included travel insurance for 3 grand a crossing.
      Ferry is much cheaper but………..

    2. Good Lord, now the late refugees’ families will be scrapping into eternity over who gets the refund. It will be al-Jarndyce v. al-Jarndyce with a soupçon of Black Friday.

  27. Public must prepare for change in restrictions in wake of new South African Covid variant, JCVI scientist warns
    Six African countries have been placed on to a new travel red list amid concerns about the B.1.1.529 variant

    DT Headline

    People are beginning to get a bit too sceptical and even the sheep are looking as if they might stray from the official line.

    Clearly it is time to up the scare tactics and increase restrictions.

    1. I noticed that no where in the reports, unless I missed something, does it say if this “variant” is more, or less fatal than the regular Covid. That struck me as odd and an evasion of an important piece of information.

      1. Not evasion: at this stage they simply do not know. But they are acting on the “principle of precaution” as it is called in France. I.e.: always, always, work on the worst case scenario.

        1. A successful virus is not one that efficiently kills its unwilling hosts; a successful virus is one that mellows and co-exists with its victims.

      2. Given that there were allegedly only 10 known cases, the last time I saw an actual number, I doubt that any sensible conclusions can be drawn.
        We are being manipulated.

        1. It’s clear that the health threat over the virus was real – in the first stages.

          The failure is the stats were deliberately badly recorded, with every death with counted as a death from to exacerbate the impact.

          Now we’re over a year from the starting point and the lock ups, vaccines and masks have proven pretty useless against covid yet the state keeps pushing it.

          Equally however, this same authoritarian, abusive government wants to keep us locked up and in the case of Australia, moved to camps. No doubt Labour would have done the same here, had they been in office.

          Yet our lot, facing a collapsing tax base want everything to go back to normal….but… not outside of their absolute control.

          1. When Cochrane was still around I was pointing out statistics showing that deaths per 100,000 of the population had been falling for years and were slowly moving to an upward trajectory. The implication was that there was a great backlog of very elderly people “waiting” for an epidemic to get deaths back to more normal levels. Lo and behold something did, it could equally have been a ‘flu.

          2. That’s what I was suggesting, but naturally the doomsters wouldn’t even consider that that might be an explanation.
            My suspicion is that there is still a lot to fall and that the collapse of usual NHS treatments will have exacerbated the problem.

      1. Do you remember the video by the Milton Keynes undertaker which was posted here a few weeks ago? He was certainly not convinced that Covid was being accurately reported – indeed he thought it was a scam. He said that as soon as people became too complacent the PTB would have to invent a new variant.

    2. Today’s poll in the Figaro. The question is: Should Europe close its borders in view of the new South African variant?
      83% Yes
      17% No

      The fundamental problem is that it is not only government, but also a large section of society that has become totally risk averse.

    3. When even comments in the Daily Mail are uniformly sceptic or downright sarcastic, I think we can say that the public have twigged that they are being deliberately kept in a state of never-ending fear.

  28. “SIR – Migrants crossing the Channel are at a record high. Job vacancies in Britain are at a record high. Britain is (still) a welcoming place. Join the dots.

    Jill Lowery
    London NW3”

    Daft bint. The illegals don’t WANT to work.

    1. It’s been estimated that 90 % of the somalians in Mr Kahnt’s London have never worked since they arrived why would they ?
      Having been born there and brought up there I haven’t been to London for a few years (it’s full of foreigners) they push you out of the way in bus queues.
      I was talking to a guy yesterday who lives in Finchley he was telling me about all the new building that has taken place hundreds of blocks of flats in areas of North London that i know well Barnet, Wheatstone, Colindale, West Hendon, Mill Hill, Finchley Hendon you name it. Even Cannons Park, Harrow, Edgeware, Wealdstone, a lot places that were never in London. But it seems the aim is to get every single town inside the M25 included into a new district called ‘London’.

      1. Now imagine that housing benefit and child benefit were scrapped and unemployment benefit withdrawn in a staggered fashion after 6 months, then 12, then 18 and finally ending completely in 2 years.

        1. As we discussed yesterday, he said he’s been forced out of his home because of the councils buying up the newly constructed flats built on ‘brown field’ sites leasing them out to migrants on the cheap, if charging at all. They have increased the council taxes so much to pay for all this, long term resident can no longer afford to stay and the locals leaving to better areas. As have four young families in our road more recently. Out of North London while they can still afford something ‘in the sticks’ as it were.

    2. Jill, dear, job vacancies are high but so is our unemployment rate. See? Two people can play match the statistic.

      Also, immigration law requires the individuals to have a skill and ot apply legally. The ones arriving in dinghys do not want to work.

  29. Morning all.
    Forgive me but……..I’ve just been watching the BBC news and is there no end to the experts they have now managed to dig up and place in front of us ? There must be more experts than covid victims. And today as usual and in hind sight they have all the right answers. The expert says the SA variant will be put under the microscope and probably tweaked. Surely this is what should have happened in the first place other wise it should never have been called a vaccine. Every time there is a ‘variant’ all the &rse covering kicks in again and they will put it right again, how long is going to take ?
    Now as long planned my niece and her daughters probably wont be able to come to the UK for Christmas.

    1. “There must be more experts than covid victims”.


      We are now also increasingly worried about our two students who are meant to be coming to us in a fortnight, and also about our son and my sister who have planned to come to us over the Christmas holidays.

      1. It’s heart breaking Caroline My BiL is very ill (IMHO) as a result of the jabs, his heart is badly affected. They were coming over here for Christmas and new year and traveling to the North Pennines to stay with my nephew and family, her brother. The whole family, probably their last Christmas together.

        1. Even non-paranoid MB is wondering about the clot that bu88ered up his life last February.
          Exactly a fortnight to the day after his first jab.

          1. The more research you do Anne the more you’ll find out about the side effects that have been mainly ignored or covered up.

      2. We have cancelled Xmas trip to see In-laws and Mother. It’s not the virus we fear, but panicked and unforseeable government reaction – like, closing borders on a whim – that worry us. SWMBO and I can work from home, but the two lads cannot.

        1. My doctor has advised me most strongly not to have the vaccine gene therapy. But my elder son is getting married next July and we need to get to England for it and we need to get out to Turkey to sort out what to do with our boat, Mianda, as she is currently sitting on the hard at Marmaris Marina and if I am unvaccinated I shall be effectively imprisoned in France and not able to go anywhere.

        2. We have the same concerns over travel. We might manage a day trip down to northern New York (maybe as far as west Virginia if jillthelass is handing out Christmas treats) but anything longer than that could well take us out of the travel sanity into new panic restrictions.

          Quite a few have packed up and moved south for the winter. Good luck to them if they are in the US when insurance companies cancel health insurance again.

  30. On the subject of migrants, I would simply observe that our deadly enemies don’t arrive in boats, but in limos and private jets. The migrant debate is mightily encouraged by his media friends. I have not been sufficiently interested to try to assess whether Mr Global has already succeeded in killing more of our citizens in the last year than those migrants arriving here, but it will be a soberingly close amount, and God knows what next year will bring.

    In the meantime I would lighten this dismal post with news of another Virus Fraud…

  31. Aggggh…what next!!!

    A Russian-backed plot to topple the Ukrainian government within days has been exposed, the country’s president, Volodymyr Zelensky, has claimed, pointing the finger at a high-profile oligarch as one of the backers of the coup.

    1. Well, at least now the Ukrainians don’t need to feel left out of what is happening everywhere else.

  32. ‘Morning All

    Cynical Rik muses the new deadly “symptomless” variant would be a real handy dandy excuse for the “rare” sudden deaths among the jabbed……..

    Vaccidental coincideath.??


    1. I have people in my family who don’t believe this is all a deadly scam and this virus was released by the ‘They’ who every they are.
      I ask, how come 5 years ago when I first developed A-Fib i was seen almost immediately and administered drugs that stopped it although only short term, until I was sent for a catheter ablation. But as soon as it kicked in again just a few weeks after the first covid injection and I have suffered from Cardiomyopathy for ten months with no genuine medical help whatsoever. They know that the jabs are the cause and can do nothing as there are thousands of people in the same or at least similar situation. Even one of the people I saw in the cardiology dept admitted it was caused by the jab and my GP has advised me not to have the booster.
      On the other hand if the nasty devious and very dangerous ‘THEY’, think there are too many people on the planet why are they actively encouraging people to come to Europe ? When parts of it, especially the UK are already grossly over populated. And at the same time preach and rant on and on about climate change, global warming and carbon footprints, the shortages of natural resources etc etc ? They are all Hypocrites and pathological Liars.

      Now I have a large rat to catch it’s moved into one of my garden compost bins, i’ll call it boris, trap in the Rat trap it drop it in the water butt and place it on the shed roof for the Red Kites to recycle it. I just hope the Kite doesn’t crap on our car 🦅🤔

  33. Where are Witless, Unbalanced and the Vietnamese One these days? Haven’t heard a word for weeks.

      1. The Met office are at it too Sue. They are now predicting 90mph winds in the North of Scotland and very high winds on the coast of North East England. However the Met may be right so this will be a worrying night and Saturday morning for people in these areas.

    1. They’re being programmed for the next phase of our enslavement process, it’s drawn out because the morons who are running the show are making up the digital dependency strategy on the hoof.

  34. Twelve-year-old girl dies after assault in Liverpool city centre. 26 November 2021.

    “Ava’s death should be a reminder to us all about the part that we each have to play in eliminating violence against women and girls.

    “Ava died on White Ribbon Day which is a global campaign to end violence against women, and yesterday partners from around the city joined together to mark the day, which is also the start of 16 days of activity designed to raise awareness of VAWG [violence against women and girls] show how we are working together to make sure that VAWG is something that should not be tolerated in any society.”

    There was once a Society that did its very best to protect Women and Girls; not only from assault, but against other factors. It wasn’t a Law or Statute, it derived its potency from the culture from which it sprang. Women and children first was not a slogan or idle catchphrase, it really did work. Ironically it perished at the hands of those it benefited and has not yet reached its nadir!

    1. It might be me, but I read stories of knightly courage and courtesy from a very young age. Classics Illustrated from the age of eight, and real books from then on. My mother made sure that I acted correctly. My job was to keep my younger sister safe – I’d forgotten that until now.

      1. Afternoon Horace. The Rotherham Rapes were only possible because the culture that protected young girls was already dead at the hands of the Feminists!

  35. 342030+ up ticks,

    Live Coronavirus latest news: Sajid Javid says there are no UK cases of new variant,

    But, busy,busy, work in progress, THERE WILL BE.

    1. The medics accept that the new virus will get to the UK at some stage. They are buying time to find out the threat of the virus and how to deal with it. I doubt medication will still be ignored.

      1. 342030+ up ticks,
        Afternoon Cs,
        I am in no doubt there is a virus, knowing in advance
        the truth of it’s origin & realising it’s manipulative
        power will be taken up by politico’s of a very low order and boy, do we have them in abundance.

        They could tell us the exact time the chosen fall guy
        will fall in a field at Lindley Hall Farm, in Fenny Drayton, Leicestershire, special effect for gullible fools, covering all points of the compass.

  36. Todays woke crap from Ontario schools.

    A teachers union has passed a motion to changed their voting rules so that white union members would have their votes weighted less than non-white members in order to ensure that visible minorities would always account for at least 50 per cent of the vote.

    To think those idiots are given young minds to develop into adulthood.

      1. One of the teachers objecting to the proposal called it reverse racism, the objection was denounced in an email by the local union president as “harmful and discriminatory language” that, she suggested, might well run afoul of the union’s “Anti-Harassment Statement.”

  37. Why don’t we promise (insist that) each arrival by dinghy an immediate vaccination before they are decamped to a 4* hotel? Why no requirement to self-isolate?

    1. You mean, they don’t have a corona certificate? How can that be? Why aren’t they turned back at the border, like anyone else?

    1. Small bikes are fun and cheap to run. For longer distances i used my Kwak 550. I did a 2000 mile round trip Czechia and back. Couldn’t do that on a little bike.

  38. How to check whether your CAT is a psychopath. 26 November 2021.

    If your cat’s baffling behaviour leaves you thinking it may be a feline psychopath, there’s now a way to find out.

    Psychologists studied the relationships between thousands of cats and their owners to develop a detailed questionnaire you can use to analyse your pet.

    It comes in the form 46 statements, with owners rating how well each statement describes their pet.

    Did the psychologists fill out the same questionnaire?

  39. Macron could solve the migrant crisis if he wanted
    If the French refuse to cooperate, we must take emergency action to toughen the asylum system

    The twerp Macron is very happy to take British money while helping to assist the illegal immigrants on their way to Britain. He hopes that by stirring up ant-British feeling he will gain popular support which will help him in the coming elections.

    But the people in Northern France in the environs of Calais dislike having immigrants polluting their region as they travel towards England and they must be every bit as keen as the British for the problem to be resolved as soon as possible. At the moment these people are blaming the British for making UK too attractive for the illegals.

    The British need to convince those in the Calais area that they are blaming the wrong people: they should be blaming Macron. It is Macron who is doing his best to encourage illegal migration, it is Macron who is rejecting the British offer to send over people to work with the French to police the beaches properly and eliminate the people smugglers, it is Macron who is ruining Calais and the surrounding area.

    Macron is looking very vulnerable in the polls so that if there is a swelling of unpopular feeling against him he might just see that his unreasonable behaviour is counter productive and could scupper his electoral prospects..

    1. RIPLEY : I say we take off and nuke the entire site from orbit. It’s the only way to be sure.. Aliens

    2. No, Timothy is wrong as usual.The main problem is the out of date human rights and family rights legislation.

    3. Zemour said in his Spectator interview that he’d stop illegal entry INTO France … and he’d clear the Calais coastline of illegals. (Zemour is Jewish, and spent his childhood in the ‘cesspool’ (his word) of Algeria) … he is so in favour of French and other Western European cultures.

      1. He does not wish to. This ghastly, endless invasion of people not like us – and have no wish to be like us – is planned.

  40. I see the DT has FINALLY removed comments from the article on the 12 year old girl who was allegedly killed by four teenagers. Most were banging on about ‘feral teenagers’ and ‘nasty migrants’. My God, it was like the Daily Wail.

      1. Yes, I have actually. But that was 30 years ago before it started going downhill rapidly. However, it doesn’t excuse the comments that were blatant supposition.

  41. I see the DT has FINALLY removed comments from the article on the 12 year old girl who was allegedly killed by four teenagers. Most were banging on about ‘feral teenagers’ and ‘nasty migrants’. My God, it was like the Daily Wail.

  42. Here’s an interesting bit of useless information that it won’t hurt to share. I’ve just been asked if I can identify an entry on a very old post-production form for the Old Grey Whistle Test, which read, “Area Code 615 Stone Fox Chase”. I confess, I had no idea. Googled and played it on YouTube. It’s the familiar OGWT theme tune. Area Code 615 was the band and Stone Fox Chase the tune.

    1. Damn. I thought I had perfect pitch, but it started off a full tone out from my recollection. But as I listened, it modulated by a tone, so that’s OK…

  43. BTL comment in the Tellygraff; I’d certainly not heard about this development.

    “No mention in any of our papers that Assad of Syria has abolished the role of Grand Mufti who was responsible for deciding fatwas, sharia and Islamic rules. He will be replaced by a panel of sunni, Shia, alawite druze,and Christians. Which is taking Syria towards being a more secular country. He is asking those who fled to return and help build the country .”

  44. Israeli PM warns country ‘on verge of state emergency’ as new variant detected
    Israel’s prime minister has said the country is “currently on the verge of a state of emergency” regarding the new Covid variant first identified in South Africa.

    Conservative former cabinet minister Dr Liam Fox told MPs there is a need to “redouble our efforts to vaccinate populations right across the globe”.

    Correct me if I am wrong but wasn’t Israel at the front of the race to have the whole population vaccinated?

    Israel is now one of the countries most afflicted by the Corona virus.

    So the conclusion that Dr Fox draws is that everyone should follow Israel’s lead and hurry up to get everybody jabbed.

    I suppose people will think I am very stupid if I fail to see the logic of this.

    1. The reality appears to be that Africa is largely untouched by covid and has a 6% jab take-up. I’m amazed they haven’t tried to make Africa look bad by rebranding tuberculosis.

      1. It is likely to be used as the excuse to pour shiploads of vaccines and money into Africa.
        Paid for by the West.

          1. Erm… With please.

            There was a time at primary school where the deputy headmaster (ex military) Mr Elkington told me to stand in the dining room while everyone else was having lunch. Stare at a particular spot in front of me for 30 minutes.

            I think i may have pinched a girls bum…(Training from my Dad).

            I’m all grown up now….mostly.

    2. I can’t stand hearing all these idiots mouthing the same line and not seeing the stupidity of it.

    3. Israel wanted to be an example to the World in how to “vaccinate” a country out of the pandemic. Ignoring expert advice not to do that has led to where the country now is: repeating the same mistake, a second ‘booster’ following on quickly after the first that is failing, and expecting a different result.
      Now, scientists have discovered that increasing the number of jabs can cause major problems with the human immune system – Immune Exhaustion. What that syndrome will throw up, God only knows. I doubt Schwab, Gates et al didn’t see that coming.

      Fox is merely chanting the narrative, jab, when that doesn’t work jab again; when that doesn’t work increase the dose and jab; repeat ad infinitum or until the human race is reduced to a few thousand natives living in the Amazon Forest or in the Arctic wastelands.

  45. Encountered another street beggar this morning on my way to town.
    I paused to read her sad message scrawled on cardboard “Cold and Hungry…Jesus Saves”
    So I wished her a Merry Christmas and went about my business…

  46. O/T Just got back from Miller & Carter. Quite a nice lunch. Service was on the ball. Prawn and Crayfish cocktail even with a marie rose didn’t taste of anything. That’s Brake Bros for ya. Calamari was nice and crispy.

    A couple of strawberry Daiquiri went down fast.

    Owned by the same group as Harvester which is rubbish.

    Think i will give them a swerve next time.

    Just had a look at their competition…Harper’s SteakHouse. oh dear ! I’m going back to Miller & Carter.

      1. I did quite like Berni’s at the time. Prawn cocktail, steak diane and black forest gateaux.

        Seems to be a bit naif now but i never got to try them as much as i would have liked.

          1. I liked the booths. You got the buzz and atmosphere of a restaurant but you could also have a quiet conversation.

          2. I very much enjoyed Simpson’s on the Strand but i did find the trolley going up and down a bit distracting.

            I made a mistake of wearing black trousers and a white shirt. When i escaped for a ciggie…tourists started coming up to me and asking me questions !

      2. Gosh that takes me back. The Windmill in York was a Berni Inn. Had my 18th birthday dinner there (1973).

    1. I find photos of Squaid Jawdrip fill me with complete revulsion – they literally make me shudder and make my skin creep.. Pictures of the evil Mrs May had the same effect.

      1. I would quite like Javid if he would give me the smallest reason to do so. I got that revulsion thing from Gove, strongly.

    2. A man completely out of his depth. Bring back Halfcock – at leas he pretended to know hat he was blathering about.

      1. No – please don’t bring back Halfcock!! It would be nice if Boris could appoint someone even half way competent, but it seems there is no one who fits that description in Parliament.

      2. That just makes Hancock more of a psychopath?
        Health has always been where Ministers’ careers go to die, anyway.

  47. Slightly alarming; another mention of smallpox in the media, this time in Germany. Someone told me about a very interesting article in the mainstream German media about a nineteenth century king who didn’t get vaccinated and died of the pox, and after that, vaccination was made mandatory. Only the church opposed this apparently…

    This trickle of stories about smallpox is alarming. Nobody under 50 is vaccinated against it.

      1. I had it (the vaccine) 1948, and again in 1966-ish when there was an outbreak in Bradford when I was working at a Leeds hospital.

        1. I had a smallpox vaccine in the early 60s when there was an outbreak in south London. Can’t recall exact year. It was memorable because it was the first time I found out that the word “prick” was embarrassing to the mums who were all gossiping afterwards. Much discussion and speculation between us kids and a trip to the library…OED ;-)))

        2. Yes, I had the smallpox vaccination after the Bradford outbreak. I wasn’t allowed to have it as a baby I think because my liver was slow to kick into action.

          1. My mother told me I was very ill as a baby after the smallpox vaccination, the doctor made an unscheduled call on his way home one evening to check up. I cannot imagine that happening today.

    1. Bill Gates has talked about the danger of a smallpox epidemic – I presume he is currently trying to arrange it.

      1. That is the context of my comment. I also haven’t forgotten right at the start of the pandemic when he said “the next pandemic will make people sit up” while smirking.

  48. Afternoon all.

    Daughter in law took our son to hospital Wednesday night as he was extremely unwell,and had been getting steadily worse since previous Thursday. Breathing difficulties etc. etc. tested positive for covid and now on CPAP, steroids and antibiotics for pneumonia in both lungs. On covid ward and very weak, could barely wave when we mistakenly FaceTimed him.

    Pray for him please.

    1. vw so sorry to hear this. I hope he makes a speedy recovery. I am not a prayerful person but I will offer a prayer to Him-upstairs this evening. Is this your son who lives in Dubai? Let us know how he gets on. We will be thinking of you.

        1. KBO – Alf – whatever we say about the NHS hereabouts- they ARE good at emergencies. They saved my life 15 months ago

      1. Sent details to Garlands and asked her to pass on email.
        Thank you Geoff for you very kind thought.

    2. Will do, vw.

      Prayer seems to be the only cure as NHS don’t seem too clever.

      Hoping, as well as praying – God bless you all.

    3. Apologies for not responding before, Maggie. My thoughts and prayers are with you, John, your son and daughter-in-law.

  49. Chum went to Brussels via the Tunnel last weekend.
    Formalities on entering France = 5 minutes
    Formalities on returning to England = 1½ hours. He waited longer than a rubber boat takes to cross the Channel.
    Funny that. Not.

  50. Compare and contrast:

    Cold symptoms come on gradually and can include:

    a blocked or runny nose
    a sore throat
    muscle aches
    a raised temperature
    pressure in your ears and face
    loss of taste and smell

    Flu symptoms come on very quickly and can include:

    a sudden high temperature of 38C or above
    an aching body
    feeling tired or exhausted
    a dry cough
    a sore throat
    a headache
    difficulty sleeping
    loss of appetite
    diarrhoea or tummy pain
    feeling sick and being sick

    The main symptoms of coronavirus (COVID-19) are:

    a high temperature
    a new, continuous cough
    a loss or change to your sense of smell or taste

    Now tell us what you think you have got……

        1. I think i am heading that way myself. In my case a mobility scooter. Of course it will have ‘go faster’ stripes and a fox tail on a whiplash aerial.

          1. Though Dolly gets a walk most days she does spend a lot of time staring at me. I do try to cuddle and play but she needs more. If i am mobile i can take her out. Well, when i say take her out ………………….

            I like that you call me by my family pet name. It does help.

          2. Blame HL for the Pip thing.

            I’m fortunate now, being less than five minutes’ walk from a railway station. There are also infrequent buses. Plus, I can walk a mile or five if I have to. I should be spending half of my PIP (see what I did there?) on a Motability car. But for as long as DVLA are working from home and/or on strike, there’s no point in submitting another licence application, since I’ve moved. The last one was completely ignored.

            I only really need personal transport to get around the churches in the parish. Unfortunately, Uber accept a booking, but when Mohammed the driver works out that I’m heading for church, he keeps me hanging on for twenty minutes, then cancels the booking. Local cab firms are hopeless, so now I grab a train to Guildford, then take a taxi from the station rank to my destination. Expensive, but reliable.

          3. With my original diagnosis my GP said i wouldn’t get any assistance with PIP.

            I am composing a letter to her and the surgeon urging them to support my claim as though the condition has stabilised i still can’t walk more than a few yards without pain.

          4. Pippa,Pippa,Pippity Pip
            Slipped on the Lino
            Slippty, Slip,
            Fell down the Stairs.
            Trippity, Trip.
            Ripped her knickers,
            Rippirty, Rip
            Started to cry,
            Drippity, Drip
            Poor little Pippa
            Pippity ,Pip!

            S Milligan

    1. DM in a panic over this, all those colours, charts and maps. Extra lump of sugar in the DM tea today by the look of it. BTL fairly sceptic but one or two still attempting to stoke the fear.

      1. No, that’s tonight’s weather. Or the Brexit showdown. Or the immigrant row. Or something.

  51. That’s me gone. A dreary day but not as cold as expected. Frost tonight. Gales tomorrow.

    Have a jolly evening.

    A demain

      1. My lemon sorbet Passionfruit Vodka Daiquiri’s taste lovely.

        *No piss is used in this drink.

        I don’t bother with weather forecasts any more as the BBC is quite prepared to lie about weather if it fits their agenda. Two dozen cargo ships trapped in unexpected icy conditions in need of ice breakers when the shipping forecast said conditions were okay. Bastards.

    1. Roof work tomorrow. Last weekends gales shifted a load of tiles that need replaced – in daylight. Hopefully the snow will hold off until we’re done.

  52. Good night, everyone. It’s been a very long day – week even – getting rid of almost 25 years’ worth of dirt in my downstairs carpets. This weekend I shall pause and rest. Back to normal on Monday.

    1. Tchtch Elsie

      After your great big carpet clean up, perhaps you wlll learn to take your wellies off before you set foot indoors .

      Night night .

  53. Good night all.

    A chicken balti, thick yoghurt, sliced banana, mixed dahl with lotsa spinach. Missy had the chicken, I had the rest
    A custard tart with plenty of raspberries.

      1. No, we already have one of those. The photos always look like a dog’s dinner that’s already been eaten once.

  54. 342030+ up ticks,

    We need to take back our lives from the permanent Covid panic-mongers
    Even before the new variant emerged, the lazy and risk-averse were threatening everyone with procedures and precautions

    We needed to take our lives back four decades ago, followed by we seriously needed to take our Country back on the 24/6/2016 instead the misguided trust meted out by lab/lib/con supporter / voters kept the wrecking ball coalition in action,time after time after time.

    The lab/lib/con coalition govern by consent, consent is given via the polling booth, agreed ?

    1. Crikey. I remember the days when Consett viewed in the the late evening from the motorway (A1 ?) was a brilliant red and orange vision of an inferno. I thought it was the steelworks working overtime.

      Just another formerly great industry brought to its knees by effing politicians.

  55. Mark Steyn had a good GBNews presentation tonight. He had a woman on from Conservative Women, an Advisor to Margaret Thatcher, John O’Sullivan born 1942 and Neil Oliver. It was a refreshing Nottler debate

    1. Also breezy:

      “Chick Henderson” (22 November 1912 – 24 June 1944) was an English singer who achieved popularity and acclaim as a prolific recording artist and performer of the British dance band era in the late 1930s and early 1940s. Chick Henderson was born “Henderson Rowntree” in Hartlepool, England. He attended Galleys Field School on Hartlepool Headland. “Chick” was nothing more than his mother’s nickname for her smallest son. His first recordings were made for Harry Leader in June 1935. The following year he began singing for Joe Loss’ popular radio orchestra. He stayed with Loss for five years and became a great favourite among young women who formed his core audience. A tall, handsome man with a rich, strong vocal delivery, he appeared on postcards and magazine covers. In his short life, Chick Henderson made over 250 recordings but, as with many big band singers, his name did not appear on the record label—only the orchestra was listed. In July 1939, he recording with Joe Loss’ orchestra what would become his biggest-selling recording “Begin the Beguine”, which sold over a million copies, the only recording by a 1930s vocalist to achieve such a triumph. Chick Henderson’s five-year singing career came to an end with his final recordings in 1940. Less than a year following the start of World War II in September 1939, he began serving in the Merchant Navy. He survived two torpedo attacks on his ships, but after four years of service, sustained fatal wounds in Southsea from flying bomb shrapnel. Chick Henderson was 31 years old. A Sub-Lieutenant in the Royal Naval Volunteer Reserve, on strength of HMS Victory at time of his death, he was buried in Haslar Royal Naval Cemetery under his real name. Another tragic loss of a wonderful singer during World War 11.On this recording in London, Chick sings with Harry Roy & his Band August 20th 1940. The song is “The Breeze And I” Matrix #CAR-5851

  56. Evening, all. I’m sure the French do understand the attraction, but why should they worry? They are paid to prevent the crossings, but wave them through so the problems have left their shores. As far as they are concerned it’s a win-win situation.

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