Friday 3 June: The Government has got plenty wrong but it is not to blame for travel chaos

An unofficial place to discuss the Telegraph letters, established when the DT website turned off its comments facility (now reinstated, but we prefer ours),
Intelligent, polite, good-humoured debate is welcome, whether on or off topic. Differing opinions are encouraged, but rudeness or personal attacks on other posters will not be tolerated. Posts which – in the opinion of the moderators – make this a less than cordial environment, are likely to be removed, without prior warning.  Persistent offenders will be banned.

Today’s letters (visible only to DT subscribers) are here.

528 thoughts on “Friday 3 June: The Government has got plenty wrong but it is not to blame for travel chaos

      1. Good morning Elsie.
        If only I could harness that energy to power the AGA!

    1. That’s because this country has the highest population in the smallest land area. We don’t have room for any more.

  1. Good morning all

    Cloudy dull, very still and 12c… Moh off to Golf … oh yes and it is bin day, again.

    How quickly the days go by.

    1. ‘Morning Belle! I think it’s an age thing…! Well,I hope it is! I’ve been up since 4.30 when I woke suddenly to find that our naked cat wasn’t in bed! Minor panic set in!

      1. Morning Sue

        I was awakened by the nine year old w/cocker , who jumped all over me , demanding to be let out into the garden .. I had to scramble around for my slippers and specs then carefully make my way downstairs , half asleep, by which time the 14 year old elderly was stumbling around .

        They did their business in the garden , so then I scooped the poop up … Yeugh ..

        I don’t know about anyone else , but it is so annoying to be woken up suddenly, especially when one is in nice dream mode .

        1. Hah, a cocker spaniel leaping about is nothing to 80 kilos on fist sized paw planted on your face and pushed ever so gently.

      2. Does he normally dress for bed? We did try putting a hat on beast for Christmas and after the blood stopped flying we gave up and he tore the thing to pieces.

        I suppose there’s an irony that he happily shares Mongo’s bed – maybe it’s a hostage situation?

    2. Our bin day was yesterday and they came as usual. The Post Office is on holiday though.

  2. Turkey rebrands as Türkiye, because other name is for the birds
    United Nations says request from Ankara has been accepted with immediate effect.

    Turkey’s English-language state broadcaster TRT World has switched to using Türkiye although the word Turkey slips in, used by journalists still trying to get used to the change.

    TRT World explained the decision in an article earlier this year, saying Googling “Turkey” brings up a “a muddled set of images, articles, and dictionary definitions that conflate the country with Meleagris – otherwise known as the turkey, a large bird native to North America – which is famous for being served on Christmas menus or Thanksgiving dinners.”

    The network continued: “Flip through the Cambridge Dictionary and ‘turkey’ is defined as ‘something that fails badly’ or ‘a stupid or silly person’.”

    TRT World argued that Turks prefer their country to be called Türkiye, in “keeping with the country’s aims of determining how others should identify it”.

    1. Morning Belle. How do you pronounceTürkiye? It’s not Turkey by any chance?

    2. Alright, we’ll start calling Istanbul ‘Constantinople’ or ‘Byzantium’.

  3. Russian separatist troops mutiny against Putin. 3 June 2022.

    Conscripted troops sent to fight for Russia in Ukraine have mutinied on camera, saying they have been sent to the frontlines without equipment, medicine or food.

    In footage posted on Telegram, the soldiers – who claimed to be from the 113th rifle regiment of the so-called Donetsk People’s Republic – say they have been fighting for months in ‘hunger and cold’ without proper kit or medical care.

    Their commander says men with chronic medical conditions, who should have escaped the draft, have instead been sent into the midst of the fighting alongside carers and those with young children.

    Can I just say that I am less than convinced! They look more like escapees from the nearest pub to me! They are all well-scrubbed and there’s not a scratch on any of them, while the one on the right, looks as if lack of food is the least of his problems!

    1. The fat one in the vest certainly doesn’t look fit to fight. They look like a rabble.

    2. The fat one in the vest certainly doesn’t look fit to fight. They look like a rabble.

  4. The Government has got plenty wrong but it is not to blame for travel chaos

    Oh yes it is, that is why they have been so quick to start blaming others.

  5. The Government has got plenty wrong but it is not to blame for travel chaos

    Oh yes it is, that is why they have been so quick to start blaming others.

  6. 352964+ up ticks,

    Morning Each,

    Friday 3 June: The Government has got plenty wrong but it is not to blame for travel chaos, RUBBISH,

    Friday 3 June: The Government has got plenty wrong but it is not to blame for travel chao, who is then they surely cannot pass it off onto the Luftwaffe, can they ?

    ALL seems to be tikkertee boo on thd govn, sponsored cilais. / Dover run.

    The root cause was the
    atrocious / merciless lockdowns ,LL to be forgotten at the next voting opportunity the electorate have yet to do us proud,

    1. What did they expect when they brought the travel industry to its knees? People were laid off or retired, or found other jobs. Result? Not enough ground staff or pilots.

      1. 352964+ up ticks,
        Morning N,
        Was on the radio yesterday many ground staff have found alternative better jobs, ie , no shift work, etc,etc.
        The political overseers are along with their supporter / voters are counting on what turns up with the next boatload arriving DOVER.

    2. Showing some bloke working on his holiday was just trite. If the business needs a bloke to do work on a holiday then either he hasn’t put in processes sufficient to allow someone else to continue his role in his absence OR the people he has in place to do his job are inept.

      I won’t blame the government for the airport chaos. I will blame them for not processing security checks quickly enough. Abdul MAdingding might complain that John Smith got more CV responses, but they’ve only themselves to blame what with some bint demanding special treatment for her dreadlocks or days off due to religious ceremonies.

      Good old Imran used to celebrate Ramading and didn’t make a single fuss at all. No demands for a prayer room or special toilet, no complaints about Mongo sitting about either. He quietly and very competently did his job really well and when he moved on after 18 months we were sad to see him go.

  7. Good morning, all. Sunnyish. Very windy.

    Could a less grumpy NoTTLer explain to me why badly behaved small boys are supposed to be “cute”?

          1. Apparently ‘naughty’ is a banned word now! I used it on our granddaughter and was reprimanded! She had ‘dropped’ a lamb on the floor of the barn!

          2. “Silly” is also banned. I remember hearing someone say they’d used the word in public, and a small child shouted self-importantly, “Mummy! She said the S-word!”

          3. I must admit we watched the whole kit and caboodle from the Royals leaving the Palace to the flypast.

    1. Much depends on what is bad behaviour. Rudeness isn’t, but coming home covereed head to foot in mud having pent the day trying to build a hut or describing the projectile snot ball after sneezing.

      1. Just got back from a morning on green maintenance so a Good Afternoon to all my respondents.

  8. I liked this letter.

    SIR – I have just watched with awe Trooping the Colour, a thing of beauty and precision enjoyed by millions.

    This military parade did not feature a single tank or missile carrier. It is a reminder that similar events in totalitarian states have the sole aim of striking fear into the rest of the world. How sad for their citizens.

    Tim Lee
    Kenilworth, Warwickshire

    1. The retired Guardsman two doors down from me thought they were a right shower. He said that if they had marched like that in his day they would have been hammered for 6 months retraining. He also said they don’t do that any more.

    2. The military parades are one of those ‘we’re still important!’ things so loved by communist countries. They are a show of strength.

      Sadly, when you look at the kit trooping past, you think… all those tanks, heavy missiles – all obsolete on the modern battlefield.

      1. Indeed – I approve your cynicism.

        I recall some recently retired general telling us that all wars in future would be cyberwars – and lots of drones attacking vital targets with 150% precision.

        You wouldn’t need soldiers – just skilled technicians…..

        As the recent business in the eastern Ukraine has demonstrated so effectively.

  9. Got a street party here today, road blocked off,
    I guess i will just have to eat, drink and be merry.

    1. Some Democrat politician came clean yesterday and said they will stop at nothing to disarm Americans, even expanding the Supreme Court to push it through.
      They are just a bunch of gangsters (Money-laundering foundations, Hunter Biden laptop, fraudulent campaign saying Trump was funded by Russians, fingers in the Ukraine pie, 2000 Mules etc).
      Meanwhile, nobody investigates what drugs, legal and illegal, school shooters have ingested. Michael Moore has apparently picked up on this issue though, which is quite surprising, as he is for gun control iirc.

    1. We noticed that. One or two black faces, but mostly indigenous native types.

    2. I rather like the fact that we can have a crowd picture in London without loads of BAME faces in it. Too often it’s the other way round.

      Good morning, Maggie, and good morning, lovely NoTTLers!

  10. White Canadian man found guilty of murder of two Indigenous hunters

    A white man who shot and killed two Indigenous hunters on a country road in the Canadian province of Alberta has been found guilty of murder and manslaughter in a case that laid bare racial tensions in the region. The man’s father was also found guilty of two counts of manslaughter.

    Just to be clear you understand?

    1. Well spotted! I can’t feel sympathetic towards the two killers, but by definition the poachers were not indigenous, let alone ‘Indigenous’. Half a million Canadians describe themselves as ‘Meti’, but the word is derived from a French expression for ‘half breed’. There may be some facts that did not appear in the trial, but you can’t just shoot people because you suspect them of offences such as driving while intoxicated or killing a moose during the close season.

  11. Good Morning all – There will be modest celebrations in our road today but for some reason not as good as they were 10 years ago, Sunday we were due to spend a day on the Pier picnicking and enjoying assorted acts and musicians but the weather is not looking too good , we will await .

    Every now and then something crops up on t’interweb that leaves me with a gurt big smile, if you like Santana then you should like this. P.S. I wouldn’t pick a fight with the drummer.

    1. Lady bass player is usually with Jeff Beck who for some reason is allowing that unpleasant looking actor on stage during his set at present…

    1. Me too, only my 4th ever 2.
      Wordle 349 2/6


      1. Birdie Three for me.
        Wordle 349 3/6


        1. Dreadful five for me
          Wordle 349 5/6


  12. One good thing, this morning. The egregious Welby won’t be at St Pauls. Downside, of course, is that the Midwife will be to the fore.

    I did wonder this morning whether the Queen’s “discomfort” means that she can’t be too far from a loo.

    1. D’you think when the tv commentators were speculating on the profundities being exchanged between HM and the duke on the balcony, she was actually saying, “I need the loo, Ed, I can’t hang on much longer”?

      1. ““We both need the loo, Ed, you first, but I can’t hang on much longer”?”

    2. I think she was giving the ArchPrick a swerve. Even the thought of his witterings was enough to decide her to put her feet up.
      She has earned the right to be picky.

    3. And the Markles will apparently be going, so she’s removed their photo opportunity…

  13. I thought the “beacon event” was a bit of a damp squid (sic) last night. I had hoped that the Queen’s one would be a bloody great bonfire.

    I suppose Elfin Safety had determined that nothing hot or flamey could be allowed, that only qualified fire-lighters could be anywhere near and that as little joy as possible was to be had.

    1. The ones shown on the ‘news’ were a bit low-key. We had fireworks here but I didn’t look out.

      1. Just think of the black and yellow tape; the fire brigade standing by; advice to wear ear protectors, dark glasses;…..

        Jobsworth heaven.

      2. No fireworks could be heard from the gardens around chez Hertslass. Now, on the other hand, if it had been Diwali…

    2. That was the view my Parish Council took – mutter, mutter .. insurance … mutter, mutter … health and safety … so no beacon allowed. Fortunately, Cheshire is more robust. We had the chairman of the Parish Council saying a few words and lighting the (gas-fired) beacon on Thursday.

    1. I have seen my brother in law lighten up a bit. He was very stern and intense and the children have eased him up a bit.

      Mostly because they’re engines of chaos.

      1. We often pose the question to our students:

        Which of your parents is the more strict?

        About 80% say that it is his or her mother who is more strict and both Caroline and I would agree!

        When I was in the charge of elderly aunt in St Mawes and was driving her mad with my appalling behaviour she said:

        “Richard, I am going to have to smack you.”

        “As hard as Mummy or as hard as Daddy?” I replied.

        “As hard as Daddy!” said my aunt trying to sound fierce.

        “That’s all right then!” I said.

          1. She was a very sweet and lovely woman who remained a maiden aunt in the strictest sense. According to my mother she had over a dozen proposals of marriage but she turned them all down as no-one was good enough.

  14. Funny Old World
    I note the couple of eco-loon protesters were dragged away double quick time when they tried to block the Trooping of the Colours.,…
    Now,about oil refineries,petrol stations and the M25
    “That’s Different”

    1. Ah but wait until they bring an action against the police for violating their right to legitimate protest! They will be awarded hundreds of thousands of £ in copensation.

    2. ‘Morning, Rik, just a point of protocol, there is no ‘of’ in Trooping The Colour.

  15. Jubilee gig at local care home this afternoon, should be fun. Might be outside as there’s not a cloud in the sky

  16. Good Moaning.
    And it is. Sunny, warm, bright.
    Chunter …. Climate Change ….. moan …. millions dead by Sunday …. grizzle …. think of the dinosaurs … Starvation …. Four Horsemen …..
    Worse still, I need to do some supermarket shopping.

    1. I did mine yesterday – it was busy…….. got the washing on, about to start on my food contribution to the local festivities.

    2. I am deliberately putting mine off until Monday at the earliest. I want to use up the food we have so there’s lots of chicken and rice

    3. Worse still, I need to do some supermarket shopping.

      Morning Anne. I’m just off shortly! No buses either!

    1. Far from being spoiled, the little Prince was behaving naturally. I bet that he would rather have been jumping up and down in a muddy puddle.

        1. As I mentioned yesterday, at the age of 6 I was left at home with an aged aunt in St Mawes when my parents and sisters went and lived it up in the Mall during the coronation. It was probably the right decision!

          1. One of the congregation I spoke to at church was in Trafalgar Square for the Coronation; she said she saw the procession three times – coming down Whitehall, making a circle back through TS and then going to the Abbey.

  17. And another thing……

    There was last night a performance of the “Jubilee Song” – words written by an Australian music by an African. (It was the brainwave of a lady who lives in Fulmodeston – and who was studiously avoided by the meeja – white, middle-class, well-spoken…useless). For some reason it was sung by a fat AMERICAN in a balaklava with a baseball cap to complete the idiotic image. An American? No singers in the UK and the Commonwealth? Bizarre.

    1. And the mother of a black guardsman, amazing there were no white ones avail.

          1. I don’t mind that. He is serving the UK. His mummy is proud of him, of course. (If he’d been white all the way from NZ and his mother had come to see him, we would not have turned a hair if the BBC had done the same thing.)

    1. Really? I’d thinnk in a crowd of avowed Monarchists the last group they’d want to see are a bunch of cretinous, deceitful self important narcissists.

    2. Glad I’m not watching. I allowed myself to illegally record the BBC live prog yesterday but this would be a programme too far… The Queen was wise to stay away. Probably having a nice cup of coffee with Andrew.

          1. There are already too many ‘woke lefties’ happy to ‘cancel’ our history, culture and literature. that with most pronouncements of this ilk, one just goes, “Tch another ignoramus.”

          2. I’m guessing that you have never previously read a word of Dalrymple’s writing.

            The very, very last thing he is is a woke lefty.
            In fact, compared with him YOU are a woke lefty.

            Perhaps if you didn’t jump to conclusions; stopped, read, and thought about what is written you might realise that Dalrymple could have written many posts by many on Nottle.

            I suggest that you should take the time and effort to read what he writes, it might, just might, put your hat on straight.

    1. Does this writer of American form (color), not realise that in Shakespeare’s day there was little or no knowledge of other parts of the world – and even less desire to know about them. There were hardly any ‘people of colour’ in this then fair land and they weren’t persecuted (unless they deserved it, but it wasn’t their skin colour that accorded any form of discrimination.)

      The Bard was writing and composing about the land he knew and loved.

      Dalrymple’s criticism identifies how little he knows of the Bard’s time and country and how much more he wishes to bang the ‘privileged white supremacy’ drum.

      1. You have completely and utterly missed the point.

        It was a satire.

        Your comment identifies how little you understand of anything that has meanings other than the bleedingly, blindingly obvious.

  18. A little Barry Cryer groaner joke from The Oldie – which I have never subscribed to, but who keep on sending me letters and a selection of articles anyway. Some of the articles can be quite informative, but I don’t get to read many as my inbox seems to be perpetually overflowing…

    A penguin walks into a pub.

    He says to the barman, ‘Have you seen my brother?’

    The barman says, ‘I don’t know. What’s he look like?’

  19. Climate change could see clouds disappear from the earth forever, scientists warn

    But then it might not…

    Michael Pritchard, professor of Earth System Science at UC Irvine, told The Daily Express : “Low clouds could dry up and shrink like the ice sheets – or they could thicken and become more reflective. If you ask two different climate models what the future will be like when we add a lot more CO2, you get two very different answers – and the key reason for this is the way clouds are included in climate models.”

    Government policy is based on this nonsense…

  20. As promised last evening:

    Britain still has a chance of avoiding the terrible fate of America and France
    Monarchy gives the UK in-built advantages over the powerful authoritarian forces now battering the West.
    Allister Heath

    Time to cleanse the Augean stables of all aspects of Common Purpose and Marxism from the highest in the Civil Service to the lowliest teaching assistant in our Primary Schools and every single Public Sector Organisation in between.

    Cometh the hour, cometh the man – the hour is here, where is the man?

  21. I notice the cameras are continually showing shots of Brash and Trash.. I wonder how much Netflix paid the BBC to ensure that?

      1. No, it’s perfectly 100% ex Dolce Gusto. I’ve now washed it and dried it and put it back in its box to be found at some future date by house clearers. It will then end up in a charity shop to be recognised by someone who realises it’s a genuine Stoke on Trent one, not a Chinese cheapie.

  22. I like the new Archbishop of York , what an amazing sense of humour and tribute he gave to our Queen.

    His tribute is amusing and worth listening to , and Her Maj would have been tickled pink as she listened to him from the comfort of her cosy chair at home .

    1. She’s probably got her feet up with a cup of tea and a fag thinking ‘Thank God I managed to pull a sickie’.

      1. What I want to know is – is he a Protestant Sikh or a Catholic Sikh? Presumably a Protestant one, this being St. Paul’s.

  23. Boris Johnson booed as he arrives at St Paul’s for platinum jubilee event. 3 June 2022.

    Boris Johnson was greeted by a chorus of boos as he arrived at the Queen’s platinum jubilee thanksgiving service on Friday morning.

    Stepping out of his car when it pulled up at St Paul’s Cathedral in London with his wife, Carrie, the prime minister was met with boos and whistles by frustrated spectators.


    1. Its amazing what sound engineers can do these days. Prob just shifted the booing from ginge&cringe arrival.

  24. I must say I thought it a good service. The music was wonderful and I loved the special anthem for the event.
    Boris Bunter couldn’t even get his tie straight- what an embarrassment that oaf is.
    Camilla and Catherine looked lovely, as did P. Anne and Sophie Wessex.
    Hope HM enjoyed it with a G&T to hand.

    1. I suppose Carrion doesn’t see it as her role to straighten the lard arse’s tie for him. A husband and wife should support each other.

      1. Was quite funny here as I was watching and listening with me earphones in, some hymns I haven’t heard since school days. MH has the cricket on but was attempting to hammer a nail into the wall to hang up a small thermometer. Snatches of hymn interspersed with some very unchurchly words as he missed the nail and hit his fingers;-)
        Still, it’s up. Now catching up with jobs before I go and sit outside.

  25. Elon Musk cuts one in ten jobs at Tesla after ‘super bad feeling’ about the economy. 3 June 2022.

    Elon Musk has ordered Tesla to cut 10pc of jobs worldwide after saying he has a “super bad feeling about the economy”.

    The electric car-maker’s chief executive also ordered an immediate hiring freeze in an email to staff sent on Thursday, which was seen by Reuters.

    Speaking to the All-In Summit in Miami Beach, the Tesla boss said: “The honest reason for inflation is that the government printed a zillion amount of more money than it had.”

    “This is not like, you know, super complicated.”

    It’s complicated for the government! Elon’s obviously been reading Nottl!

    1. Ah, Elon. Telling the truth. Government really isn’t used to having such a CEO. It far and away prefers ones that are heavily dependent on government contracts or largesse.

  26. BBC – Turkey rebrands as Turkiye

    Does this mean that we have to serve it with graviye at Christmas?

    1. A turkey is far too big, we settle for a chickye at Christmas.

      Holds breath while waiting for Trudeau to invent some woke Mohawk name for canada.

      Damned autocorrect, that was supposed to be chickiye!.

    2. A turkey is far too big, we settle for a chicken at Christmas.

      Holds breath while waiting for Trudeau to invent some woke Mohawk name for canada.

    3. When will they get around to Munchen, Koln and Goteborg – just a few examples of how the locals know and name them.

  27. Not everyone is cut out to be a Queen for 70 years.

    Dale Winton, for example.

  28. I love putting on warm underwear fresh out of the dryer. Plus, its fun
    to look around the laundromat and guess who they belong to.

  29. The Proclaimer’s front lawn is getting overgrown and un-manageable

    They are blaming B&Q for their lack of stock.

    They went to Lochaber – No Mower
    Sutherland – No Mower
    Lewis – No Mower
    Skye – No Mower

  30. Well some good news.
    Yesterdays election in Ontario returned a conservative government with an improved majority. Actially that’s a bit of an understatement, the Liberal leader lost his seat and both the Liberal and NDP leaders have resigned.

    Now if only Ford could be more than just a Conservative in name only and if only the same could happen federally!

  31. Those of you who are used to me will know that I thrive on the spirit of diversity, multi-culturalism and ecumenics. (…{:¬))…)

    So how can a Sikh sing in a CofE choir? And a boy named Ishmael do likewise? How many whities take a leading part in Sikh and slammer services

    Just asking.

    I thought the Archbish of Pork JUST ABOUT got away with the racing references. Only just. Had he not managed to bring in “the race that is set before us” I think he’d have fallen at the first. Anyway it was miles better than Welmeaning would have been.

    Pity about the Janet and John bible.

    At least there were no cutaway shots of BPAPM and Carrion (who was wearing what the MR calls a “rude hat” – one which blocks the view of whoever is still behind the hat wearer).

    1. Inclusivity. People of other faiths welcome, including atheists, since a belief in God seems not to be necessary to the CofE.

      1. …and we will learn your language, rather than insist that you speak English.

        1. Correction, we will employ (at great expense paid for by English-speaking taxpayers) interpreters so you don’t need to speak English.

    2. Sikhs have never been a problem. No terrorism, no violence, no thuggery. They annoy Muslims, apparently as there’s a lot of muslim on Sikh crime – heck, there’s a lot of muslim on anyone (including muslim) crime.

      1. The Sikhs did cut up rough about a play that gently satirised them. There were demos and threats in West London. The play was withdrawn…

        1. And they have some very conservative views on the family, just as other sub-continentals do.

        2. There were demons and threats in West London.

          But, but, Bill the Thugees were Hindu.

    3. How many whities take a leading part in Sikh and slammer services – An English mate of mine converted to Islam to marry a Malaysian lady, and in doing so became their version of a “lay Imam”, a sort of congregation leader.

    4. Presumably they are at the choir schools on scholarships and thus getting free or heavily subsidised public school educations. In exchange they will sing wherever they are told to.

    5. Was that in St Pauls? Up the road in Smithfield we were doing things proper, I promise. 1662 Matins. The first reader was a politishun but no Janet and John. He had to cope with King James. The music was very last night of the proms and the barbecue lunch afterwards was followed by a music hall singalong in the cloister.

  32. From Al-Beeb:

    “Ukraine’s central bank has more than doubled its interest rate to 25% to the highest level for any European country.

    The move is intended to slow soaring inflation and prevent a further collapse of its currency following Russia’s invasion in February.

    Businesses have been forced to close and key supply chains have been cut off since the war began.

    The World Bank predicts that Ukraine’s economy could shrink by as much as 45% this year”

    If Ukraine and the West had any sense of realpolitik then they would concede the remaining part of the Donbass not already under Russian control and agree a peace deal with Putin.

    1. OMG. What can one say in the face of this absolute evil. When so many people followed to the letter all the psychological instructions and battering from our government, when so many women have taken these unspeakable malevolent injections, and teenagers – God help us indeed.

      And now HMG is determined to sign up to the WHO travesty of a world wide health policy. God help us.

      1. Pfizer have asked the FDA to allow them to vaccinate babies from 6 months old.

        1. How can that possibly be allowed to happen with all the evidence from the Pfizer papers?

          1. Governments in the West are bringing in laws where if you refuse you will be denounced.

        2. Any parent who allows that is guilty of child abuse, in my opinion. I still have a few red spots popping up on my arm and my foot is still swollen!!
          No way I am I having any more poison.

    1. I thought her Majesty did a very good job of looking like Dame Helen Mirren……………….

    1. They really do struggle to say ‘murdered by muslim immigrants’, don’t they? I think the number is closer to 300,000. Not 30. Until they start towing the boats back to france, and removing the criminal illegals here already, there is no point pontificating about terrorism. The state is the supporter and instigator.

      1. The only Monarch I have ever known. An example to us all in how to be.

        I do still imagine Her Majesty waiting until Westminster Abbey was full and then saying ‘Got you, you buggers!’ and pushing an enormous plunger to blow the place up.

  33. An update from the Home of Deranged Gentlefolk:

    We went along to the festivity arranged and it was OK- Dambusters music and other good music; just beginning to enjoy myself and then the heavens opened. Got soaked to the skin and it wasn’t far home. A nice lady lent me an umbershoot but I still had to change all my outer garments. Met a few nice people…
    Got home and while I was upstairs MH went to hang his jacket on the coat hooks- the rack fell off the wall !
    And, of course, we put the outdoor cushions out yesterday and by the short time we were out- they were soaked also. Grrr.
    My little posh black jacket that I wore is drenched- hope it will be OK.

  34. Inflation has peaked – prepare for a soft landing. 3 June 2022.

    Nonetheless, I am now ready to stick my neck out again and predict that the consumer price measure of inflation has already peaked, at around 9pc. By the middle of next year, it should be back down close to the 2pc target again in the UK too.

    I assume this guy is the Editor’s brother-in-law. I’ve just put it into the record so I can look back on it during the winter when I need a laugh!

    1. He’s an idiot. Very clearly inflation will continue to rise simply because taxes are still going up. Why does the telegraph economics editor refuse to point out the most basic and obvious problem?

    2. Prepare for it to drop dramatically by September – that’s when inflation is measured for the purposes of increasing pensions etc. – and then suddenly rise again.

  35. Sods bloody law!! The sun is out now!
    Am listening to Neil Oliver’s podcast then will start dinner …chicken breasts, leftover mash for husband and lots of veggies- and a sauce.
    I am actually quite hungry- let’s hope it stays that way.

    Anyone seen Plum?

    1. We don’t need any food – having stuffed ourselves all afternoon. We had a bit of drizzle but mostly it was dry, if not sunny.

  36. Number 10 planning charm offensive to win over 64 rebels identified as a risk to PM
    Many now expect that a no confidence vote could be called as soon as Monday or Tuesday

    What should Boris Johnson do now following Sue Gray’s report?

    i) Apologise and carry on?
    ii) Quit now?
    iii) Stay, but hand over before the next election


    What should Johnson do now now?

    iv) He should fast-track David Frost into getting a seat in the House of Commons.

    He should then make it a condition of his own resignation that Frost replaces him as leader of the Conservative Party and prime minister.

    Nobody other than Frost is up to the job of completing Brexit properly and making sure that Britain enjoys the full benefits that Brexit should have brought if Johnson had had the honesty and commitment to fulfilling his election promises.

    1. No way is your iv) suggestion going to happen although I am completely in agreement. Boris Johnson is an absolute clown and a disgrace to the title Prime Minister. But, overall, the WHO and the other usual suspects are actually in charge of what’s going on and most of the HoC were totally against Brexit from the start and I think the U.K. has now been deprived of the chance to alter course.

      1. Yes, but who would replace him? Adultera Truss? Jacob Grease-Slime? Michael Gove? Squalid Jawdrip?

        1. Why have a replacement? All candidates are, at best, useless. Go for the Belgian option – empty chair.

    2. Johnson should run off to France to live with Daddy.Who has applied for
      French citizenship…A dodgy lot the Johnsons’.

      1. …and the equallty leftie daughter has been beefing about too many bank holidays.

        As far as I know – without being satirical – the UK has the fewest public holidays of, at least, the European countries.

  37. Number 10 planning charm offensive to win over 64 rebels identified as a risk to PM
    Many now expect that a no confidence vote could be called as soon as Monday or Tuesday

    What should Boris Johnson do now following Sue Gray’s report?

    i) Apologise and carry on?
    ii) Quit now?
    iii) Stay, but hand over before the next election


    What should Johnson do now now?

    iv) He should fast-track David Frost into getting a seat in the House of Commons.

    He should then make it a condition of his own resignation that Frost replaces him as leader of the Conservative Party and prime minister.

    Nobody other than Frost is up to the job of completing Brexit properly and making sure that Britain enjoys the full benefits that Brexit should have brought if Johnson had had the honesty and commitment to fulfilling his election promises.

  38. That’s me for today. Very nice weather – garden doing well.

    BPAPM read the second lesson appallingly – he had clearly not looked at the words until he reached the lectern.

    Beetroot juice on the way….. Then smoked haddock..

    Have a jolly evening.

    A demain.

    1. Even if one has not seen the reading before reading it, it IS possible to make a good job of it, given a modicum of intelligence!

    1. The last one is simply untrue. The Monarchy suffers incredibly indignity in a complete lack of privacy. We’re made poorer not by Her Majesty or that instution, but by the state machine, a system so malicious, rancid, spiteful and arrogant that the best thing to do to it is drown the entire thing in acid, flush it away and start again.

        1. Yes, I’ve seen plenty of dragons. My mother is one.

          Public spending should be reduced by 10% every year for 8 years. Squeeze it until it is suffocating. Sack the first thirty layers of waste

          1. Funnily enough my former and late mother in law was a dragon- her husband, late former father in law was called George!

        2. I thought it was off colour especially today. If anything, HM looks like she could do with a good feed- she seems very slight.

        1. To government? Nothing. Burn it down. The mistake is thinking we need it. We don’t.

    2. I usully like Bob’s cartoons but that one misses the mark by miles. I think our Queen is well-loved by most people and it’s not her fault the country has gone to the dogs during her reign. As a constitutional monarch she has no real power.

    3. My first thought was “Why has he made Johnson look like the Queen?”

    4. Bob’s ‘cartoon’ is in bad taste, wholly inappropriate and a disgrace to his profession – especially at this time.

      I dislike being inflicted with with ‘collections’ that you consider humorous …

      1. Just click “Hide media” under your name at the top of the page, and then you have to click on them to see things.

    5. Usually I am a great fan of Moran, but that cartoon has no justification whatsoever.
      Shame on him.

    6. Well, it is clearly a minority view but I think the cartoon is bold, and perhaps too realistic for some. It doesn#t represent the whole truth of the monarchy, however I do think the Windsors are part of a global elite that care only for the advancement of their own family at our expense.
      And that’s the problem – for us to accept them, they have to be seen to be loyal to the British people, which I do not think they are.
      From Queen Victoria onwards, the monarchy was very careful to cultivate this patriotic, ultra-British, perfect family image, but it has slipped a bit in recent years.
      It’s not meant to be taken literally as applying to food – it represents the share of global wealth in the hands of the elite. The social contract in Britain has been since Tudor times that if you work hard, you can have your little slice of the pie – but fiat currency, mass migration and taxes are stealing that from ordinary people, while the elite, including the Windsors, get richer.
      Yes, it’s a very bleak representation of the relationship between the monarchy and the people, and in the past, could only have been drawn by a socialist class warrior. That a conservative sees things like this is a worrying sign of our times.

      1. I just feel it’s an inappropriate depiction of the Queen, at 96, after her life of service which we are celebrating this week.

        I take your point about the global elite, and I don’t think Charles will inspire the same loyalty.

        It has always been part of life that the rich get richer and the poor get poorer, but the poor these days are getting poorer because of the successive waves of immigrants sponging off this country’s goodwill.

        1. It’s honestly difficult to know what’s real about HM’s public image. A lot of what I thought was her, was actually the Duke of Edinburgh, I think. The moment he died, we started seeing Charles’s influence in everything.
          That makes me question everything else. And has her service been to us, or to the interests of her own family? I’d always assumed the former, but now I’m not so sure.

          1. I think she relied on the Duke and it has been hard for her to be without him. Obviously Charles has taken on a lot of the ceremonial role. She’s stepped back and let him get on with things.

          2. I’m not sure she has a lot of ideas of her own – I think she was first copying her father, then she relied on her husband to tell her what to do, and now it’s her son.
            The mistake most people make about the royal family is to see them as individuals, like an ordinary person. They’re not – they’re a family, and individual desires will be subsumed for the good of the family. All that stuff about “the firm” wasn’t a joke – it was real.

            Most Britons see themselves as individuals, so they say things liike “I don’t expect to inherit from my parents, they should spend the lot and enjoy themselves” and that’s why their families stay poor, while the royal family stays rich, because they think in terms of generational wealth and power.

            That is why HM is fair game for criticism of their family – Charles has blown the gaffe with his open support of the WEF. The D of E was cleverer, or perhaps luckier that it was easier to conceal his support for that movement in his day.

      2. Elisabeth I had it right; all her speeches refer to her “loving people”. She knew she needed the support of the plebs to be able to govern. Any monarch that forgets that is doomed.

        1. Yes, that is my feeling too! But we’re in a bad situation right now – very unstable as a country.

  39. Boris is a bit of an enigma,
    On the one hand he was only Western leader that was not a totalitarian authoritarian all through the covid crisis.
    Apart from Sweden and some Eastern European countries
    But on the other have he is a climate change, zero carbon nutter.
    The powers that be have conspired to destroy him on the back of a load of nonsense, at the end of the day.
    Why would they be doing that?

      1. As I posted earlier; today, reading a lesson at St. Paul’s- his tie was not in the middle, his hair, as usual, was a mess. He looks like a sack of flour* tied round the middle with string.
        * Another word beginning with S came to mind.
        That oaf is an embarrassment to this country.

        1. And his reading was dreadful. The child in a Sea Cadet uniform was perfect – 1,000 times better than BPAPM.

        2. One of my Mam’s expression was “Looking like a sack of shite tied in the middle!”

    1. “….not a totalitarian authoritarian…”

      Really? REALLY? Ask those fined £10,000. Ask those prevented from being with their dying relatives. Etc.

      Sorry – I can’t agree with you, Bob. And that’s a first.

      1. In comparison with Trudeau, Macron and Jacinda, we never had the social unrest here

      2. Or even allowed to speak to them on the phone…..”covid rules” as I was bloody told. Grrrr.

  40. Back from the party on the hill and it was brilliant – masses of food & drink, and everybody joined in and chatted to people they knew or didn’t know and it was good to be a community again.

    1. Ah, casual, conversations with strangers. How quaint how old fashioned, how delightful!

  41. Why is the shallow BAME twerp Clive Myrie , who knows nothing about our history, looking at our Crown Jewels amd making crass remarks ,

    Why has the BBC promoted all the BAME folk… they don’t represent me . I am also sick and tired od looking ar them and hearing their stupidity .. like listening to thousands of David Lammy’s

    1. It allows Aunty to imply colonialism in the history of the RF without actually mentioning the word.

      1. You wouldn’t recognise satire if it bit your arse: and given that you are a total arse its got a huge target

        1. You are such an unpleasant person – I’ve seen the way you’ve upset others here with you ad hominam remarks and insults – that I have no alternative but to block you.

          1. I would refer you to a very much earlier comment today that I put up for Rastus where Theodore Dalrymple was making a satirical put down on a British University that had removed the requirement to write a sonnet.
            It was about banning the Bard.

          2. Just read that piece now and it is indeed satirical – but why be so rude to N-T-N? I have been out most of the day – was there something else that upset you both?

          3. Do not waste any more time on it, but it’s been going on on several levels over the day.
            His responses, in my view were supercilious at best and the implications were bloody rude to me.
            This last one, written non sequitur, was the final straw for me.
            Let it rest.

          4. Why anyone would think that Sos was unpleasant i cannot possibly imagine. (irony face).

          5. Why anyone would think that Sos was unpleasant i cannot possibly imagine. (irony face).

          6. Again, thank you, Sue. I too don’t like any unnecessary unpleasantness and to me, blocking is the absolute last resort.

          1. No it wasn’t.

            Go back and look at a much earlier comment I made and the following responses.

            Here NTN produced an out of the blue comment and unless one had read the earlier threads one would assume I had made an ignorant comment.

          2. I have just read the piece by Dalrymple, but I haven’t found any reason for your remark, nor did the piece in Taki refer to the Crown Jewels.

    2. TB Have you noticed how ‘hideously white’ all the people taking part in the celebrations have been. And as soon as they can the effing BBC drag in as many none white and Islamic followers as they can crowd onto the screen.
      Also how close to perfection all the deliveries and parades etc have been. That’s because our useless scumbag politicians have been kept our of it all.

    3. I whizzed through the contributions of the “paddock expert” Ken Pitterson when I watched the oaks this afternoon (the best horse came second, incidentally). We had excellent commentary from a well-qualified white woman – why did we need his witterings?

      1. Poppie is the PM? Bring it on- she makes more sense than Boris Bunter ever will!!!

          1. OK- now will I be with or without portfolio? The old portfolio might be handy for sneaking in the odd flagon or several!

        1. Thank you lotl! I have no desire to be PM whatsoever at all, but that would appear to be the ideal qualification!

        2. Upon being elected I shall do these things.

          1. I shall reduce state spending by 12% immediately. Any civil servant reducing services will be publicly sacked. When they resist and seek legal recourse, they will be disappeared and their homes seized and deported.

          2. I will revoke child benefit entirely over 5 years
          3. I will repeal the equality, HRA, race relations act, legal aid for asylum seekers

          4. I will make antifa a terrorist organisation and deport all unemployed immigrants

          5. All funding for charities will end except for some that support animal rights – Halal slaughter will be permanently banned and those dissenting will be invited to go first.

          6. All quangos will be evaluated and any where Shami chakrabalti – and any within 6 hops of her will be closed
          7. departments for education, health, industry and climate change will be closed and the employees made redundant.

          8. Failure standards and personal consequences will be written into every contract to ensure personal liability for civil servants.

          9. Any Keynesian in the Treasury will be expelled
          10. Passport office and DVLA will be made private businesses.
          11. All stealth taxes will be abolished. Council tax will also go. Our tax code will be replaced with that of the Swiss model.

          12. A ceiling will be imposed on council management salaries of 50,000. Councils will receive a small bonus if they retain service levels while cutting council tax. Failure to cut council tax for five consecutive years will result in flogging and confiscation of property and return of salary.

          The politicisation of the Lords will end, with all appointments from the last two decades defrocked.

          Heseltine will be sold into slavery to the country and their property seized along with any other Remoaner, Lefty, Greeniac waster or dross – like Caroline Lucas – to pick up litter and scrub graffiti.

          A first offence will result in habilitation, a second flogging, a third hanging.

          That’s day 1. Day 2 starts tax cuts.

          1. Arise Sir wibbling, the governence of this here kingdom is your’s while you remain loyal..

      2. Here you are. The petition closes in three days. It has been romping along today. Probably 150 to go.
        Enquiry into vaccine safety. Christopher (?) Chope brought this up a few weeks ago and had his wrists slapped by Lindsay Hoyle “A poor effort.” (He made it sound like a school project.) “Let’s move on.” So that was poor old Chope squashed and put back in his box. So it would be good to have Hoyle’s nose put out of joint and their being forced to discuss it. Having said that, I expect most would stay away.

        1. It’s gone over the 100,000 mark now – and still ticking along – 100,052 and moving.

        2. Thanks, Mum, signed @21.06 and now at 100,167.

          Seems I’d already signed.

      1. See my reply to Tryers just below, I’ve just posted – so you may need to refresh your page.

        1. Yep, it’s gone over 100,000 now. Apparently I tried to sign twice. I forget which ones I have and haven’t signed.

          1. That happens to me frequently these days too. In my youth I would buy a magazine at the beginning of the month, then buy the same one at the end of the month – having forgotten the cover but not the articles when I came to read them. Shameful.

          1. The Proclaimer’s front lawn is getting overgrown and un-manageable

            They are blaming B&Q for their lack of stock.

            They went to Lochaber – No Mower
            Sutherland – No Mower
            Lewis – No Mower
            Skye – No Mower

  42. Having watched the St. Paul’s service and now perused some of the papers….the looks given to Harry and his wife were not appreciative; so it seemed to me. Rightly so.

    1. As a member of the “to Hell with Meghan club”, I must admit that I warmed to her when I saw the picture of her entertaining the youngsters.
      The looks on their faces suggested that she has strong maternal instincts.
      That said, the sooner she and the sheep return to the USA the better!

          1. Has to be said though that her step siblings aren’t half cashing in on all this! They are all as bad as each other including Mr. Markle.

          2. Apples don’t fall far from that tree indeed. What’s borne in the blood comes out in the flesh.

        1. Yes, but in my experience, children are remarkably adept at seeing through fake adults.
          I used to coach youngsters’ football and they seemed to move away from some volunteers instinctively AND those volunteers soon stopped appearing.
          This was in the days long before all the checks needed now for doing what I did!

        1. I disagree with that- kids will give you a look when they think you are BSing them.

          1. Honestly, I have been in education most of my life and I can tell when the little blighters are telling porkies and they can tell when you are giving them a line. Kids are fairly innocent but they aren’t daft- well not all the time;-))

          2. Never had to do it in the US- not a citizen; had they insisted I would have signed the form “Napoleon” and let them work it out;-)
            I don’t like the idea of jury duty at all- I know it is a necessary duty at times but the thought of sitting in judgement on another person does not appeal….terrorists apart- no question but other more personal cases- hmmm. Makes one think.

          3. I did jury service about 20 years ago – and it was quite an eye-opener. It went to a majority decision to find the bloke not guilty of child abuse, and I was the dissenter.

          4. I joke about a lot of this stuff but it does bear thinking about; I consider myself an educated person but only in some areas. Have encountered many kids in the UK and US who have been in odd, let’s just say that, circumstances and it can be so hard to know what to do and, indeed, how to go about doing anything about it.
            Not joking at all when I say I have seen some stuff…..poor little guys. Which is why I get so upset by little kids like Arthur and Star and all the children gunned down at Sandy Hook in CT and Uvalde in Texas. And so many others- TOO many others.

          5. Our 18 year old grandson had a summons to do jury service on his birthday. He’s doing it is his summer holiday from university in July.

          6. Come on ! The way to test for MonkeyPox is to stick a banana up your arse……..isn’t it? I’m sure i was told that somewhere….

  43. Good morning !

    Woke up 10 mins ago. Opened the curtains and thought….oh…hope it doesn’t rain on our street party today. Fed Dolly. (the little minx could have given me a clue). :@(

    1. Not only are you past it, you slept past it.
      I’m surprised Dolly is prepared to be seen out with you!
      You must spoil her rotten.

      1. Dolly is a pro when it comes to getting food. I feed her and a little while later she will be sat at her bowl looking all forlorn as if she is hungry. I think i will just give her a beef bone (leg) and let her get on with it.

    2. Did you see my Dr. Seuss rhyme the other night?
      If not- here it is for you;

      Please let me be,
      Please go away
      I am not going to get up today!
      The alarm can ring,
      The birds (and Dolly) can peep,
      My bed is warm
      My pillow is deep
      Today is the day I am going to sleep!

      All I want to do these days is sleep it seems.

      1. PS There is a book called the Bear Who Slept Through Christmas by John Barrett that you might appreciate;-)

  44. We have a woodfire blazing away in the living room on the 3rd of June, FFS.

        1. Bring it on is what I say!! Still wearing fuzzy socks in June! What global warming?

          1. I’ve got a rug over my knees, a warm laptop and a cat cuddling up to keep me warm.

      1. Historically humanity has thrived under the circumstances of what we now call global warming/climate change.

    1. I was wearing a jacket all day and put my coat on to go to church! Global warming? Where is it?

  45. Think I am off now- worn out again.
    Sleep, perchance not to dream…just sleep.
    Goodnight Y’all.

  46. My lovely wife and I are off for a well deserved weeks holiday in Salcombe in the morning lovely people.
    Might pop in now then. As they say in Oz copyalayders.
    Have fun.
    It’s been so great to see how well everything has been organised for the well deserved celebration of her wonderful Majesty. What a shame the people who have organised it all can’t take over the running of the whole country. And lock up the political classes for good. Let’s be absolutely honest here, its becoming more and more obvious that
    we don’t really need any of them.

  47. The day Churchill asked me to save St Paul’s

    Whilst the UK celebrates Her Majesty’s 70 year reign it is sobering to remember that today’s service at St Paul’s Cathedral has only been possible through the insistence of our wartime Prime Minister Winston Churchill that during the Blitz the cathedral should be saved at all costs. The people left at home whilst their spouses fought on various fronts, very much like the Ukrainians today, suffered great destruction of UK’s capital yet the PM realised the national importance of saving St Paul’s for British morale.

    The people rose to the challenge and St Paul’s became the iconic picture shown in this piece of the survival of the nation and hope for the future.

    1. Whenever I view scenes at St Pauls I think of the small epitaph plaque to its architect Sir Christopher Wren: “If you seek his memorial look around you”.

      Without our great architects these dandies would be performing in a shed or a mud hut.

  48. Evening, all. Not long back from a lovely service in celebration of HM’s 70 years of dedication to her job. The choir was, as usual, magnificent, the director of music wrote a lovely tuneful setting to one of the psalms, the sermon was amusing (the ex-RAF chap who gave it usually is) and everything went like clockwork. Very enjoyable indeed.

  49. Good night all! 😴 glad we had the party here today as it’s going to be wet and thundering tomorrow.

  50. The local TV stations have been out and about yesterday and today to find evidence of enthusiasm for the Jubilee celebrations. Yesterday a reporter from ITV was in St Boswells. He found children and some old ladies.doing country dancing. There were a few flags and bunting around. No one had the heart to tell the poor reporter that it is St Boswells “Shopping Week”. hence the flags etc. He did not interview any of the scarecrows that are a feature of local gardens this week.
    Today a different reporter was uncovering the enthusiasm in Selkirk. Flags and bunting everywhere. He spoke to a couple of mature ladies who were decidedly lukewarm about the Jubilee, and one bloke who is a republican. The bunting, he did discover, is because it is the Selkirk Common Riding.
    We have visited Peebles, Galashiels, Hawick, Eyemouth (Herring queen Week) and Kelso and there is little evidence of a Jubilee. Swinton is different. The street has flags and bunting. There is bunting all around the village green and there is a marquee erected.
    So maybe 2% of the population is showing some interest in the Jubilee.
    However, the Scottish National Scooter Rally is currently taking place in Kelso and it gives the place a bit of a buzz.

    1. Much bemusement yesterday in our village when the Scottish bagpipes started up prior to the lighting of the beacon. When someone asked what it was, the reply was ‘Diu Regnare’, specially composed for the Jubilee. It’s ironic that the name is Latin for ‘long to reign’, given the Romans didn’t really progress much into Celticland.

  51. Regarding the TV coverage of the service in St Paul’s, my wife observed that the Royal ladies all appeared to have received Botox enhancement of their facial features.

    Carol is usually spot on in ‘spotting’ such idiosyncrasies but has anyone else drawn the same conclusion. I saw no wrinkles on several who by now should resemble drinkers of vinegar.

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