565 thoughts on “Friday 6 December: Anti-Semitism in the Labour Party means voters face a moral choice

  1. The making of a bedsit Nazi: who was the man who killed Jo Cox? Fri 6 Dec 2019 06.00 GMT.

    I wrote to Mair directly a few weeks after the trial, when he was in Frankland prison. I had little expectation of a reply. Some weeks later, a letter arrived from the prison where Mair said he was being held “IN SEGREGATION ‘FOR MY OWN PROTECTION’”. He wrote in black biro, using capitals throughout. The brief note appeared to have cost some effort, every inky comma carefully considered. But the further three pages of thoughts Mair said he had composed for me had been blocked by the censor on what he complained were “SPURIOUS GROUNDS”. “I AM AT A LOSS TO SEE HOW WE CAN HAVE A ‘DIALOGUE’,” Mair wrote. “IF YOU STILL WANT TO TRY, THEN THAT IS FINE BY ME. BUT I DON’T KNOW IF EVEN THIS SHORT NOTE WILL MAKE IT PASS [sic] THE CENSOR.” A notice from HMP Frankland, attached, informed me that Mair’s letter had been stopped for “the protection of the reputation of others”.

    If you are curious about Mair’s history this is a worthy read. If you are looking for an explanation of Cox’s murder and the anomalies in it you are not going to find it here. The most interesting part is the paragraph above. Why is Mair gagged and isolated both within and without the prison? The “reputation of others”? He actually knows no one of any consequence. He is a modern Man in the Iron Mask.


    1. He may not know anyone of significance, but he may well be able to give an explanation that shines a spotlight on others.
      It wouldn’t surprise me if, on release from chokey, he doesn’t suffer a fatal accident almost immediately.

      1. Morning Oberst. I don’t think that they will ever let him out or allow him to speak!

      1. Ah but if you believe Corbyn only 5% of the population will be paying for it all. It is total nonsense of course and in spite of his claims a lot of it is not even budgets for and what is understated the true costs. He is going so he claims reduce all class sizes to 30 pupils but has nothing in the budget for new or extended schools to cope with this

  2. Daphne Clark from Richmond North Yorkshire has a nice amusing letter in the Telegraph today on the subject of apostrophes.

    1. SIR – Please may I join the Apostrophe Protection Society? I carry pieces of sticky paper to put over the offending errors when I see them.

      My favourite story is of being in Durham indoor market in the mid-Sixties and pointing out an errant apostrophe to the cheese seller. His reply delighted me. “I’m ’ere to sell ’em, not to spell ’em.”

      Daphne Clarke

      Richmond, North Yorkshire

      SIR – I will forever remember the letter written to me from school by my younger daughter, knowing how devoted I am to correct punctuation, which read:

      Dear; Mummy,

      Today; we; learnt; semi; colons.


      Lindsay Gaskell

      Moorooka, Queensland, Australia

      SIR – To demonstrate the need to retain apostrophes I suggest the following:

      “There was no human food in the fridge so we ate the dog(’)s.”

      Andrew Blake

      Shalbourne, Wiltshire

  3. Good morning thinkers

    Did the earth shake for any of you last night ?

    ‘It felt like a bird smashed into our windows’: Shock as 3.2-magnitude earthquake rattles SOMERSET
    Many social media users said they felt the earthquake in the surrounding areas
    The 3.2-magnitude earthquake was reported to have lasted just a few seconds
    In Taunton there was moderate shaking with some items falling from shelves


      1. You say that, Bob; because there’s a fracking site down the road from here, we’ve been surrounded by seisometers, which, surprise surprise, frequently detect tremors.

        1. But how many are actually caused by the fracking?
          Depending on which of the three nearby quarries is shot blasting, we can feel some fairly alarming “thrutches” here.

          1. I’ve got qualifications in blasting. A lot of the vibrations felt from shot-firing in rock isn’t actually the ground vibration, it’s a shock-wave through the atmosphere (air-overpressure) caused by the tympanic impact of the area of the face being fired on the surrounding atmosphere. It’s very variable and largely unpredictable. Ground vibration is more predictable and can be mitigated quite easily by modifying the blast design. I’d guess that what you are feeling is the air-overpressure hitting the face of your house. It will cause a shake, but your windows are safe.

            Air overpressure in still clear air just dissipates upwards and outwards, decreasing in strength as it goes, like 3D ripples on a pond and is usually not noticed. Occasionally, maybe because of low cloud, maybe combined with wind direction and maybe a temperature inversion layer in the atmosphere (the sort that makes smoke hang in a stratified layer on still frosty days), the shock wave can be deflected back towards the earth, maybe meeting and amplifying (or maybe even negating) the advancing wave below. This is the unpredictable bit. You just don’t know where it’s going to happen or how strong it will be.

            I remember one occasion when I was doing a series of recordings at a particular semi-detached property, measuring ground vibration and also air overpressure, using two dedicated instruments. After a particular blast I checked the readings. The ground vibration was well within the set limits and the air overpressure was negligible, as I’d expected tehy would be, knowing the design of the blast. I asked the home-owner if she had felt the blast. She was washing dishes at the time and told me she hadn’t even noticed one had gone off. I went back to my office and shortly the phone rang. It was the woman I’d just visited, telling me that her next door neighbour had just told her that the blast was one of the worse she’d felt for some time. The shock wave through the air (not ground) must have been focussed to such an extent by the atmospheric conditions that one house felt it, the next house didn’t.

            Activity is another variable. If you are walking around the house you might not notice the effect. If you are sitting you may feel it more. If you are lying down, particularly aligned in the direction of the blast you will feel it even more. The fluid in your spine is a very effective seismograph.

            These ‘earthquakes’, which the press used to call ‘earth tremors’ in less hysterical times being discussed in other posts are so small as to be almost beyond the limits of detection by the human body and completely harmless. Sheer hysteria being whipped up to damage our energy security. There are literally thousands of small natural earth tremors throughout the UK every year, only detectable by instruments and reporters looking for some copy to fill.

    1. ‘Morning, Belle.

      Didn’t feel a thing here in Cambs. In fact I had a good night’s sleep.

    2. Earth tremors were standard procedure when I was child growing up in Johannesburg. They were often strong enough to knock items off shelves and were due to shifts in old gold mine workings. I believe the old stopes have now been stabilised and such tremors are now a rarity.

  4. Morning all

    SIR – As a result of allegations of anti-Semitism, Jeremy Corbyn’s Labour Party is being formally investigated by the Equality and Human Rights Commission, something that has not happened to any other British political party except the British National Party.

    If Labour wins the election, it will indeed say a great deal about what the Chief Rabbi, Ephraim Mirvis, calls “the moral compass of this country”.

    Brian Clarke

    London W6

    1. The moral compass of our country still exists in the Shires of Britain .

      Our great cities are lost to craven incomers headed by glib foreign mayors with no knowledge of of our historical past ,

  5. SIR – Roderick Archer (Letters, December 4) says that if the railways were renationalised, this strike action by the RMT would probably not go ahead. It would appear that Mr Archer did not live through the Seventies, when the number of across-the-board strikes averaged between 2,000 and 3,000 every year, peaking in 1979 when 30 million working days were lost due to industrial action.

    During this period, British Rail caused havoc with strikes and being state-owned made no difference. The major unions were and still are the largest funders of the Labour Party and therefore control it. If we get a Labour government, it is likely that Mr Archer ain’t seen nothing yet.

    Trevor Anderson

    Ticehurst, East Sussex

    1. Well with Corbyn Labour it would probably not go ahead her would have agreed with the RMT that the trains shouid have a second driver on board plus a guard and train manager

      I have never managed to work out why since the days of steam train fares have rocketed whilst costs should have fallen significantly

    2. Yo Epi

      I agree with Mr Archer.

      The PM, whoever it is would just be told by the Union Cabal controlling UK to give in to whatever the strikers wanted

    1. Christmas jumpers add to plastic pollution crisis, says charity

      What a load of nonsense, There research has shown most jumpers contain man made material, You don’t need research for that. There are very good reasons for them to contain man made materials. It makes the products easier and cheaper to produce as well as lasting a lot longer. There are also view alternative materials

      WE have this strange concept now that anything that contains plastic is bad. About 90% of things we use of buy will contain some form of plastic for very valid reasons

      Britons’ love of novelty Christmas jumpers is helping to fuel the world’s plastic pollution crisis, a report has warned.
      research by the environmental charity Hubbub has shown that most new sweaters contain plastic.

      1. Clothing containing man-made fibres is bad, states charity. XR and others claim rearing billions of animals is bad for the climate, and so, by extension, clothing based on animal fibres/hides is bad. Looks as though going long on cotton, flax and the manufacture of spinning wheels and hand looms would be a wise move.

          1. And the Caspian. Apparently, they “breathe” – the water levels rise & fall over decades. Last time I was in Azerbaijan (so, 20 years ago), they were low but rising.

          2. I watched a documentary on the Aral Sea a few years back: the communities who depended on fishing for food and a living have been devastated.
            These extremists do not seem to understand that there will be consequences whatever is done. It always comes back to the population and the number of people that can be supported on the Planet without the consequences of providing that support having a serious effect.

        1. I was amused for a couple of years by an outfit that kept sending me free pairs of socks and a glossy clothing catalogue. They are/were called ‘Bamboo’ and were clearly seeking to capitalise on the ‘green’ naturalness of this commodity. Except their clothing is all made of viscose, which starts life as crushed bamboo but is then subject to a series of extremely nasty procedures to produce viscose. So nasty that apparently no one in the west makes it any more and it’s only produced in third world factories.

          They seem to have given up on me now, or gone bust, I’ve had no catalogue or socks this year…

      2. Wouldn’t it be better for all concerned to have Christmas jumpers that have fully disintegrated in an environmentally friendly manner by New Year?

      3. Yo All

        All Reality TV Shows fuel the world’s plastic pollution crisis

        They are full of Plastic people

    2. If you’re dead or maimed for life, do you seriously care whether the maniac was radicalised or just following the tenets of his religion?

    3. Remorse is required for forgiveness. Islamic terrorists murder because they think it is the right thing to do, so therefore feel no remorse, and are thus incapable of rehabilitation.

    4. I don’t believe that there is such a thing as radicalisation. It is a political invention to defuse any possible tensions between the Muslim and Native populations by pretending that it is only a small minority. Of course my scepticism about radicalisation means that I do not believe in its opposite either. There are many possible reasons why one might desert the Islamic Cause, mostly one imagines personal ones. That they have abandoned their beliefs I do not credit for one second.

      1. There is no ‘radical’ or ‘moderate’ version of the Koran, there is only one and Muslims are taught that it is the first and final word of God and Mo is his one and only prophet. You either believe that or you don’t.

        Similarly, there is no such thing as an ‘Islamist.’ There are simply those who follow Islam literally and attempt to follow the instructions in their holy book and the example of their ‘perfect man.’

        1. All muslims follow the q’ran. All muslims follow all of the q’ran. All muslims support jihad. All muslims support jihadis.
          For confirmation please speak to your local imam.

      2. The use of the term “radicalisation”is part of the approach to the problem by the authorities. The idea of “radicalisation” is an invention. The notion is a tool. It is a semantic “buffer” that allows the truth to be ignored and denied. The authorities were faced with an alien people taking up residence in this country. Aliens who despise us, and who do not follow our laws except where they coincide with their own. Their culture encourages them to carry out predations on us, including the rape of children and random murder. For reasons not known the authorities have decided to protect this group. In order to make this possible the fictitious idea of “radicalisation” was introduced. “Radicalisation” has become a real entity. Muslims are not to blame for their heinous crimes, “radicalisation” is. The enemy is “radicalisation”. The people subject to attack are encouraged to direct any anger towards “radicalisation” and to hold out the hand of love and friendship to muslims who are all the victims of “radicalisation”. The authorities have created a very real bogey man, such as never dreamed of by the BrothersGrimm. A bogey man who can be blamed for all rapes and murders, thus shielding the real culprits from the righteous anger of the populace.

        1. “For reasons not known…”

          There is but one reason and it is well known. Cowardice.

        2. Good post, except that muslims can be divided into two groups, observant and non-observant.
          As for ” For reasons not known…”, the Foreign Office has always been strongly pro-Arab, possibly because they are viewed as ‘noble savages’ and enjoy equitation. British aristocrats also like horses and hunting.

  6. Something to think about

    I am not sure if the polls really take this into account. Almost 25% of Lib-Dem voters in the last election supported leaving the EU. Quite why they would have voted Lib-Dem is a bit of a mystery but with the Lib-Dem’s new leader taking a very hard anti democratic line I should imagine quite a lot will not be voting Lib-Dem this time

    It is similar with the SNP about 30% of them supported Brexit, How many SNP voters will switch their vote?

  7. Locating Novichok in Salisbury was like finding ‘invisible ink. BBC. 10 hours ago

    The RAF officer in charge of decontaminating Salisbury following the Novichok attack has said it was like “trying to find invisible ink.

    I can imagine. Of course there not being any would have compounded his difficulties.


  8. ConWoman

    WHAT a staggering act of betrayal. A week before the country goes to

    the polls, four Brexit Party MEPs – John Longworth, Lance Forman,

    Annunziata Rees-Mogg and Lucy Harris – have quit and endorsed Boris


    Their joint resignation letter to Nigel Farage – short and to the

    point – speaks for itself. They write: ‘Your efforts, over the years,

    have been instrumental both in obtaining a referendum and, more

    recently, with the establishment and electoral success of The Brexit

    Party, in ensuring there was a change of PM: two important moments in

    history and in the Brexit story.’

    Talk about damning with faint praise. Securing a referendum and three

    years later getting rid of Theresa May, who was blocking Brexit, were

    merely ‘important’? Is that it? Whichever of this band of four decided

    to use this word to insult Farage should be ashamed.

    Tory plants of course,the curse of any new party

    1. And quite happy to take their MEP salaries as independents, instead of standing aside.
      Scum of the earth.

    2. To do this a week before the election is a stab in the back. Didn’t one of their candidates stand down a minute before the registration deadline, so there was no time for the Brexit Party to get another candidate? More dirty tricks from the establishment’s plants.

      The fact that Johnson has refused any kind of accomodation with Farage speaks volumes. He doesn’t want to have actual Leavers in Parliament because he knows they will hold him to account and read the small print of his awful non-Deal.

      1. Johnson was happy to do a deal with the DUP, at a cost of £1 billion, but wouldn’t treat with the BXP.

        1. To be fair, I think that was May and she didn’t really have any choice after blowing her majority. It was a damn good thing though, as it got some actual conservative, Brexiteer MPs into the spotlight. He seems to have abandoned them now though, his ‘Deal’ will have a border down the Irish sea, which even May said that “no British Prime Minister could ever agree to.”

          1. How “British” is Boris? His British forebears go back a couple of generations. His education does not appear to have taught him manners or discretion, see recent gossip incident.
            There are many people more British than Boris, sleeping rough.

          2. Most public schools attract a fair proportion of nouveaux riches – but Eton has always attracted far more than most .

          3. I always thought that JRM was a ‘one off’. I never realised that his sister was hewn from the same smarmy but stinking block of excrement.

      2. Johnson is and always has been a remainer mole. His main objective is to kill a proper Brexit stone dead.

    3. Morning Rik,
      IMO poetic justice, & I repeat what goes round comes round.
      Brexit group good,
      the nige = highly suss.
      The whole Brexitexit has been a, nigh on, four year balls up.
      Stretched out by all parties concerned
      with vested interest playing a major part.
      The party first voting mode will guarantee the final destruction of these Isles, allowing a party using another party as a host, to come to the fore.
      Peoples of a sane disposition recognise the eu for what it is, a dangerous scam, my feelings are we have worse to come with the ongoing takeover.

    4. Would these four excrementalists explain what has been altered in Johnson’s ‘deal’ to make them now find it acceptable when before they argued strongly that the Johnson deal was BRINO rather than Brexit?

      Have they been bought? If so, who paid the bill and what did it cost?

  9. What is a suitable punishment commensurate to casting nasturtiums on St. David of Attenborough’s all encompassing knowledge and fervent beliefs?
    All suggestions to be submitted on a non-shiny postcard delivered by a postman holding it in a forked stick.


    1. But seriously. In response to the blah about walrus and Chukotka, I offer something set not a million miles away, but a hundred years ago.

      I met my mates in the morning (and oh, but I am old!)
      Where roaring on the ledges the summer ground-swell rolled;
      I heard them lift the chorus that dropped the breakers’ song –
      The beaches of Lukannon – two million voices strong!

      The song of pleasant stations beside the salt lagoons,
      The song of blowing squadrons that shuffled down the dunes,
      The song of midnight dances that churned the sea to flame –
      The beaches of Lukannon — before the sealers came!

      I met my mates in the morning (I’ll never meet them more!);
      They came and went in legions that darkened all the shore.
      And through the foam-flecked offing as far as voice could reach
      We hailed the landing-parties and we sang them up the beach.

      The beaches of Lukannon – the winter-wheat so tall –
      The dripping, crinkled lichens, and the sea-fog drenching all!
      The platforms of our playground, all shining smooth and worn!
      The beaches of Lukannon — the home where we were born!

      I meet my mates in the morning, a broken, scattered band.
      Men shoot us in the water and club us on the land;
      Men drive us to the Salt House like silly sheep and tame,
      And still we sing Lukannon – before the sealers came.

      Wheel down, wheel down to southward; oh, Gooverooska go!
      And tell the Deep-Sea Viceroys! the story of our woe;
      Ere, empty as the shark’s egg the tempest flings ashore,
      The beaches of Lukannon shall know their sons no more!

      R. Kipling

      1. Kipling also wrote, in similar vein but more akin to modern politicians:

        Road-Song of the Bandar-Log

        Here we go in a flung festoon,

        Half-way up to the jealous moon!

        Don’t you envy our pranceful bands?

        Don’t you wish you had extra hands?

        Wouldn’t you like if your tails were–so–

        Curved in the shape of a Cupid’s bow?

        Now you’re angry, but–never mind,

        Brother, thy tail hangs down behind!

        Here we sit in a branchy row,

        Thinking of beautiful things we know;

        Dreaming of deeds that we mean to do,

        All complete, in a minute or two–

        Something noble and wise and good,

        Done by merely wishing we could.

        We’ve forgotten, but–never mind,

        Brother, thy tail hangs down behind!

        All the talk we ever have heard

        Uttered by bat or beast or bird–

        Hide or fin or scale or feather–

        Jabber it quickly and all together!

        Excellent! Wonderful! Once again!

        Now we are talking just like men!

        Let’s pretend we are … never mind,

        Brother, thy tail hangs down behind!

        This is the way of the Monkey-kind.

        Then join our leaping lines that scumfish through the pines,

        That rocket by where, light and high, the wild grape swings.

        By the rubbish in our wake, and the noble noise we make,

        Be sure, be sure, we’re going to do some splendid things!

        Rudyard Kipling

        1. I was given a copy of The Jungle Books when I was seven. I’ve kept it since then. ( I must have been even more of precocious reader than I remember. A couple of years or so later I shocked a teacher with a synopsis and quotation from “Jungle Green” a book about National Service in the Malayan Emergency.)

          1. “Rikki tikki tavi” gave me nightmares.
            For months afterwards I would leap from bedside mat into bed. My head knew there weren’t cobras under the bed, but my heart just insisted on that ritual.

  10. A cracking Daily Brexit Betrayal

    There is one more point to make.

    This attack against Nigel Farage, cloaked in the honeyd words of the

    Gang of Four’ and the ensuing gleeful reports in the MSM is the Tory

    Party’s insurance policy should there be a hung parliament or worse,

    should Red get into No 10.

    Their ‘excuse’ will be that it was all the fault of TBP who should never have dared to stand anywhere. We

    voters are of course still the mindless sheep who need only to decide

    between Red and Blue. Anyone who dares disturb this set-up must be


    Behind that ‘argument’ I discern the fear of the establishment,

    not of losing a seat or two, but of the stated aim of TBP and Nigel

    Farage to work at changing the political system which has given us a HoL

    with more ‘lords’ than MPs, with postal voting that is open to fraud,

    and with a FPTP system that does need to be overhauled. Changing

    constituency boundaries, talked about since 2010, would be a good start.

    Keeping their bums on the green benches – that’s what this is about. Brexit? Have BRINO, and God forbid that TBP and Nigel Farage disturb their cosy set-up!


    1. “Indeed, I well remember a wonderful column by a fellow Catholic, the late and much lamented Auberon Waugh, in which he wrote that he could think of only two of life’s pleasures that the Vatican had not condemned as sins.

      One was sniffing tangerine peel, the other was riding a Solex motorised bicycle without a crash helmet, through the country lanes of France.”

      Excellent stuff from a fellow left footer.

      Morning Anne

    1. Nearly a year after our last cat died, we seem to have fallen into inadvertently taming (with a view to adopting) a stray that has been visiting our garden. I had no intention of having another cat, so I have told my son it is his responsibility. However as I work at home much of the time, the cat has already trained his new servant by jumping up on the table outside my study window and starign in – at which point I dutifully go and get some food to put out on the step! (Would cats do a better job of rehabilitating terrorists, they seem to have training humans down to a fine art?)

        1. Neighbour’s dog was having a go at Big, who just sat on a log and watched the barking and leaping about antics, until the dog came too close… I heard the yelp from the kitchen, and guess the dog got a muzzle full of spikes. Hasn’t come into our garden since.

    2. Our cats bring in mice (rat season is over), then the mouse escapes and is hunted until it shelters under the stretcher of the dining table.
      Big Cat then takes up position, completely still, for hours if necessary, waiting… until suddenly, BANG! The mouse made a mistake, and is swatted by a paw the size of a garden spade, and it’s all over.
      Lots of patience, has Big. Little is more scatty, he does the running about bit.

      1. The best mouser we’ve ever known is Spartacus.
        The mice don’t stand a chance. Three in one evening is his record.
        And leaping a couple of feet up the hedge to nobble a mouse sneaking along to the bird feeder.

    3. Good morning Truthful Beauty

      I do not like rats. Far too many of them are in politics.

      We have mice in the house in the winter but I have never seen a rat in the thirty years we have lived here.

      However we have quite an array of visiting animals as well as the resident moles, shrews, stoats, voles, red squirrels, rabbits, toads and frogs. Our visitors include: wild boar, deer, foxes, badgers and many species of bird.

    1. I’ve said for years that this country is stupidly, unforgivably naïve in the way we treat these people. People like Khan aren’t just criminals. They are dedicated fanatics who must not be let out on licence.

      They cannot be ‘rehabilitated’. They cannot be negotiated with. Instead, their murderous ideology must be crushed and defeated.

      One of the few Douglas!

      1. But how do you translate that imperative into action against Islam? The Koran is held to be the word of God. It encourages contempt for non Muslims and Jews, and mandates jihad. Who would dare close all Mosques, confiscate holy books and dissect mercilessly the chosen faith? There would be widespread chaos and terror. People like Douglas were warning against this years ago but politicians are scared and ignorant. Look at the disappearance of Sweden as a gentle northern land now regularly mutilated by an invasive force.

        1. “Who would dare close all Mosques, confiscate holy books and dissect mercilessly the chosen faith?”

          I certainly would, and have no illusions that this is the only way that an unending series of sexual assaults, rapes and mass murders can be stopped. There are a growing number of others who also understand this reality. The governments of whole countries have been forced to see this as well, and Myanmar (Burma) are now removing islamic invaders from their lands after an increasing number of murders of government officials.

          This is one of the main reasons that Myanmar, Russia and China are all “the enemy” now, and why those European countries who do not want any more muslims being forced on them are being punished.

          “There would be widespread chaos and terror.”

          This is also true, but it is NOTHING compared to the chaos and murder that will ensue if another 1 – 5 million islamic followers are allowed to arrive here before the problem is directly addressed. I have put the upper limit at 5 million because there have been security / intelligence studies carried out over when the followers of islam stop pretending to be nice and openly attack to take over a nation.

          With those millions already here, then another 5 million will see them coming for our country in an even worse way than they are taking down Sweden, France and the other countries where their numbers are high. This is the sad outcome of this invasion, so it is much better to deal with the problem now while mass deportations of anyone who held a “British Troops – Burn In Hell” sign can be attempted peacefully.

    2. This article by Douglas Murray must be read by all of us here. He is one of the very few people who can tell the truth calmly and rationally about the threat posed by Islam.

  11. Katherine Jenkins mugging horror: Terrified singer is robbed in street and left in tears after heroically stepping in to try to stop violent girl gang attacking elderly woman.Mail 6 December 2019.


    Katherine Jenkins was mugged by two teenage girls as she bravely tried to intervene in a robbery.

    The singer stepped in to help an elderly woman who was being attacked in the street.

    You gotta be a luvvy to do that!


  12. I keep seeing pictures of Trudeau, Bozza etc… tittering at the NATO soiree.
    But what were they actually saying that has caused such ructions?

    1. Didn’t pay too much attention, but I think Trud was going on about Mr T being 40 mins late for an event because he gave an impromptu press conference.

    2. Morning Anne. There’s not a great deal been said about what happened apart from Justin badmouthing Donald. I suspect because nothing much happened!

      EDIT. Sorry about that I misread your post. They were taking the mickey out of Donalds press conference.


    The madam opened the brothel door in Glasgow and saw a rather dignified, well-dressed, good-looking man in his late forties or early fifties.

    “May I help you sir?” she asked.

    “I want to see Valerie,” the man replied.

    “Sir, Valerie is one of our most expensive ladies. Perhaps you would prefer someone else”, said the madam.

    “No, I must see Valerie,” he replied.

    Just then, Valerie appeared and announced to the man she charged £5000 a visit. Without hesitation, the man pulled out five thousand pounds and gave it to Valerie, and they went upstairs. After an hour, the man calmly left.

    The next night, the man appeared again, once more demanding to see Valerie… Valerie explained that no one had ever come back two nights in a row, as she was so expensive. There were no discounts. The price was still £5000.

    Again, the man pulled out the money, gave it to Valerie, and they went upstairs. After an hour, he left.

    The following night the man was there yet again. Everyone was astounded that he had come for a third consecutive night, but he paid Valerie and they went upstairs.

    After their session, Valerie said to the man, “No one has ever been with me three nights in a row. Where are you from?”

    The man replied, ” Edinburgh.

    “Really”, she said. “I have family in Edinburgh.”

    “I know.” the man said. “Your sister died, and I’m her solicitor. I was instructed to deliver your £15,000 inheritance in person.”

    The moral of the story is that three things in life are certain.

    1. Death
    2. Taxes
    3. Being screwed by a lawyer

    1. A good way of getting round death duties. Your daughter can pretend to be a prostitute and you can visit her with large sums of money until she has received her full inheritance which will no longer be in your estate. Of course you do not screw your own daughter but at least it would mean the government does not screw you.

  14. News at Ten host Huw Edwards sparks BBC bias row by liking Tweets that urge people to vote Labour and mock Tories as he is accused of ‘lapse of judgment’ ahead of the election
    Huw Edwards liked a tweet which urged users to ‘vote Labour’ at the end
    He also liked tweets slamming the health secretary and the Prime Minister
    The 58-year-old said he would never apologise for supporting the NHS


    1. One of my uncles said the best thing that ever came out of Wales was the road back to England.

        1. In 2009, the EU announced that the final metrication measure to be imposed on Britain was to be postponed (or, more accurately, our last imperial exemption was to be allowed to run indefinitely beyond the day on which it was due to expire). The BBC got this around its neck and wrongly reported not just that metrication had stopped but that it had effectively been reversed (it hadn’t) and that it was no longer illegal to sell loose goods in imperial (it wasn’t).

          Edwards was the presenter on the 6 o’clock news that evening and with the best curl of his lip and the most magnificent sneer that he could muster, declared that “greengrocers could now go back to using their…[pause for effect]…pounds and ounces”, spitting out the last three words as though he had just eaten something unmentionable.

    1. Not to be outdone, one of the Canadian parties was offering free holidays in the last election. It was suggested that newcomers would benefit by experiencing a Canadian camping experience – mosquitos, black flies, deer flies.

    1. Could one seriously devalue it by sneaking in with losts of bananas and gaffa tape and sticking lots all over the wall. Or is the price of bananas just going to go through the roof?

  15. I have listened to Corby ‘s rantings on BBC just now.. I feel choked up with anger .. 3 minutes was enough .

    It is raining and very windy here .. Moh has a golf competition and Christmas lunch afterwards .. miserable day sadly .

    How can Corbyn get away with such fibs and fabrications .. or is there some truth amongst his rant.. He seems to have his needle stuck though .. so repetitive and uninspiring ..

    We were really rattled last night by the very vituperative Andrew Neil last night after he had finished interviewing Farage , challenging Boris to an interview . We didn’t bother with QT either , because politics it has become upsetting and sifting through truths and untruths is all too much .

    What on earth are we all going to do ?

    1. As Michael Mates – a former Blundellian, army officer and MP was widely reported by the MSM to have said: Don’t let the buggers get you down!

    2. My regard for Neil all but disappeared last night with his attempted mugging of Farage.

      1. He was tough on Farage, but I thought Nigel came through the whole thing pretty well. I haven’t watched any of the others and only watched it 5 minutes ago so I could comment. Some low punching from AN, but politics is a very low business.

      2. Yes, same here, WS. Our arrogant and self-regarding media thinks it has the right to demand appearance before them. Neil and his editor made a serious error of judgement in pulling such a stunt after the Farage interview. (And for the record, I happen to think that the latter won on points.)

    3. KBO. Please don’t let it get to you so much. It’s understandable – none of us enjoys feeling helpless – but you aren’t doing yourself any favours.

      1. Tune out and switch off is the only way i can cope with this relentless shower of shite.

        Good morning.

    4. We stopped watching the beeb, in fact all television years ago, Belle (because of the left wing bias, diversity thrust upon us and all that goes with it) except for very carefully selected progs, like Rick Stein’s Secret France. Just as we eat food for our bodies and well-being, some good and some bad that will make us ill, so what we watch and see is food for our hearts, minds and souls and affects us accordingly. It is peaceful without the ‘noise from the corner’ and you do get used to it, you find that you don’t want to watch unless it is actively being good for you, you become very selective without realising it.

    1. Deck the halls with heads of kafirs
      Fa la la la la, Allahu Akbar,
      ‘Tis the season to make Jihad,
      Fa la la la la, Allahu Akbar

    2. There’s an article over on ZH reporting that US citizens now own over 400 million guns. Several billion rounds of ammunition were produced in 2018. It’s a wonder more of them don’t die of Lead Poisoning…….

  16. London fire chief Dany Cotton forced to quit early after Grenfell Tower families demand she goes

    She has finally quit

  17. Gosh

    Cobyn is now claiming he has found a top secret Brexit document. He really is getting desperate

  18. Politico’s / electorate / morals choices, after what the Jay report revealed it is near impossible to put those three into a well meaning sentence.

    1. One of the regulars (can’t remember who possibly Hertslass or Anneallan) posted the correct way to spoil a vote last week on here so as to have it count as ‘none of the above’. Maybe their post could be resurrected by someone who knows how.

      1. I think you might be confusing it with the National Bowel Cancer Screening Programme……..very easy to do given the shite that’s been spouted of late…

      1. My post was specifically for Brexiteers who didn’t know what they voted for…
        and need help with their postal vote.

        1. If only the entire Electorate would write None of the above (I know I’ve got more chance of discovering a Unicorn in the garden)

  19. Postal Voting Advice

    When completing your postal vote please fill it in using an HB pencil. Please do not seal the envelopes as we may need to check to see if you have completed the forms correctly. If we do find any errors we will correct them for you so no need to send you new forms

  20. Pakistan halts investigation into sale of 629 brides to China ‘because of financial ties to Beijing’

    Trafficking investigations into hundreds of Pakistani women and girls being sold as brides to Chinese men have reportedly ground to a halt because of government reluctance to harm ties with Beijing.

    Pakistan’s government has pressured investigators and witnesses to halt cases which could have damaged relations with China, as its ally pours huge amounts of investment into the country.

    Investigators have compiled a list of 629 girls and women who were sold as brides to Chinese men and taken to China, according to an investigation by The Associated Press.


    Please read the whole article, NOT premium .. You will be shocked , but not surprised ..

    1. Tough summary justice but the police did have decency to call the ambulance. 😎
      I don’t think any survivors will be out riding a motorbike any time soon.

  21. BBC;
    “Hyderabad case: Police kill suspects in Indian vet’s rape and murder”
    Shot while trying to take the cops’ guns and escape after being taken to the scene of the crime.
    Dirty Hari, “D’you feel lucky, punkawallah?”

  22. TransPoliticians

    Please be aware that nearly all politicians are Trans. They reserve the right to self declare they have changed party without reference to their electorate

  23. Brexit Party

    They have in my view run a pretty abysmal campaign in my view and seem to be the Richard Tice and Nigel Farage Party
    They have pretty much failed to mention any of their policies other than Brexit

    There is a big demand for a new Common Sense party. It would attract a lot of Conservative voters and a lot of Labor voters

    The two big parties are pretty much London Parties and ignore most of the rest of the UK. The huge hurdle for a new party though is FPTP. It in effect pretty much locks out new parties and keep the two party cartel going

    1. BJ,
      You had / have one but first you must
      stop supporting / voting for the toxic trio.
      No matter what the odious consequences peoples find that very hard to do.
      You cannot want out when for years you have been, & still are, voting for in.

  24. Reforming Politics in England

    The current system for England is crazy, E have Westminster pretending to be both the English Parliament and Westminster parliament and that simply does not work. I also means in most cases Westminster MP’s can vote on English only matters. It is also confusing as Westminster for example only controls the English NHS yet we get Sturgeon trying to pretend that itt can control the Scottish NHS. The other problem is Barnett. If England spends more money on the NHS, Scotland, Wales & NI automatically get more funding

    WE need an English Parliament. This would in my view be a part time role. A key function would be to decide how to split the budget for England up. England could be organised as 9 Regions each Region having representation on the English Parliament. Starting point would be the budget would be split equally between the 9 regions based n population. They can then debate as to whether some regions should get extra funding which means some would get less

  25. Political Leaflets

    The ones I have got through my door (No one ever knocks now) basically amount to the candidates say they are great and contain nothing on which you could make an informed decision which is interesting as most of the politicians were claiming we were not properly informed over Brexit but we were reasonably well informed over that.. What we know about the candidate is pretty close to zero

          1. Yet when MPs and candidates are interviewed they invariably say ‘what I’m hearing on the doorstep is…….’

      1. Usually you just get a load of generic garage on the leaflets such as I have lived locally for 10 years been a local Councillor for 7 years and been a governor for XYZ school for 5 years

    1. Morning Rik,
      Far to much common sense there for many, good post from you & the man that knows his islamic ideology & the dangers of submitting to that path
      better than many.

  26. London stabbings: Three men die in 12-hour wave of knife violence on capital’s streets

    Why are ewe getting all these knife crimes ? The favorite of the politicians is a lack of youth clubs nut that in my view is a load of tosh

    The factors I can see are single parents, a lack of discipline in the home and in school so the first time some try to stop these youths do anything they lash out with a knife as for their whole life they been pretty much allowed to do whatever they like. Even the police do little until things become serious. We see on a regular basis drunken behavior on the streets which the police now ignore. WE have also imported quite a lot of violent people. Combine this all together and you have a toxic and volatile mix

    1. Drugs, snortings and sniffings .. London and all our big cities stink of spliff stuff and more ..

      Bournemouth and Poole and Weymouth also have that rancid smell and the wild large eyed look .. enlarged pupils and stench that those who want to ensure perpetual poverty carry on their person .

      Corbyn’s childhood poverty rant … baah to all that … The many have stuffed up Britain , and are not fit for purpose .. their sperm and eggs will be poisoned by the chemicals they have inhaled .. and spawn leads to spawn after spawn .. and what we are confronting now are the grandchildren of the Yardie generation!

  27. ‘Don’t mess with me’: Pelosi rejects question over whether she ‘hates’ Trump. Thu 5 Dec 2019 19.27 GMT.

    The House Speaker, Nancy Pelosi, has flatly rejected a question from a reporter who asked her whether she “hates” Donald Trump, saying: “Don’t mess with me.”

    Pelosi, the top Democrat in Congress, was walking away from her podium to end her weekly press conference on Thursday when a reporter shouted a question about whether she hated the president.

    Morning everyone. Well it looks to me as though the question was set up before hand, which would allow her to have a say on the subject of her choice, but who knows, I might be wrong. I’ve been watching Pelosi recently and she appears very fragile both physically and mentally. She is 79 of course and one should expect some deterioration but judging by her verbal responses and general unsteadiness she is well over the hill. Time to find a new Speaker!


    1. The class of people that are trying to impeach Trump just remind me of our remainer class in this country.

      1. From the little I’ve read about her, I believe Sillycow Syndrome is probably more apposite

      1. I think that’s a wrong assumption. As a former employee once asked me: “How many people work for the Post Office?” I replied “Dunno”. He told me: “About half of them….”

    1. They missed out increased life expectancy, which is something our UK people spotted in the 1970s and, alone in Europe set about correcting, even if, as it turned out, rather too gradually. It was made clear in the, then journalist Nigel Lawson’s Panorama Special back then about the pensions explosion.

        1. At that time, the BBC was trustworthy and watching that programme made me change the way I planned my life.

        2. And there I was thinking the idea to import all these immigrants was to help pay for our pensions. Won’t get fooled again.😎

    1. Somebody had a job to do, and didn’t do it.

      Perhaps that somebody did the job they were detailed to do. Cynical? Naturally, it helps me to understand what is happening in this topsy-turvy Country.

    1. It may have been a wild bird but it don’t think she was necessarily that kind of gull.

  28. Morning again

    SIR – If the Labour Party campaign advert was intended to reassure Britain’s small but proud Jewish community that the Labour Party was still a political home for them, it has failed spectacularly.

    In trying to be as inclusive as possible, the advert states that “if you wear a hijab, turban, cross” then Labour is for you.

    But if you wear a Jewish yarmulke or “costume”, as Diane Abbott insensitively referred to Jewish religious attire on the BBC’s Question Time last year, then, notwithstanding its meaningless mantra about being against all forms of racism, there doesn’t seem to be a home in the Labour Party for Jews.

    How, unless intentionally, could they forget to mention Britain’s Jews?

    Nigel Tobias

    Hale, Cheshire

    SIR – Attempts are being made to equate anti-Semitism in the Labour Party with Islamophobia in the Conservative Party. This is misleading. Anti-Semitism has been an issue for centuries and its target is a specific race of people, the Jews, not only their beliefs.

    Islamophobia is a reaction against those of the religion of Islam and has risen since terrorist attacks by those proclaiming adherence to that religion have increased worldwide.

    Of course, prejudice against any group is unacceptable, but hatred of Jews cannot be equated with feelings of revulsion against those who murder people in the name of their religion.

    Jennie Naylor

    East Preston, West Sussex

  29. SIR – Sherelle Jacobs is right to sense that “something is amiss”. The global surface-temperature record is based on scant observations. In the 19th century, temperatures could not be measured in the Arctic, the Antarctic or over large parts of the oceans, yet this record forms the basis of modern climate targets and models.

    The recent declaration to the European Parliament by 700 scientists, which asserted that “there is no climate emergency”, shows that there is not a consensus on human influence on the climate.

    Paul Binns

    West Linton, Peeblesshire

    1. WE also do not know how accurate those measurements were. The difference being claimed are well within the range of statistical error in fact two different environmentally groups have come up with very different figures for what they claim is the temperature change over the last few years

      What you will find is a lack of any real scientific data to support there claims. They will claim things like more floods and more storms but the historical data does not support their claims. There are more people being affected by storms and floods but that is simply down to the world population explosion

      Another of the claims is sea levels are rising but there is no data at all to support that claim. Scientifically it does not stand up. If as they claim the planet warms up the ice caps will melt a bit but Ice has a greater volume than water and some of the water will be absorbed into the ground , evaporation will also occur so the net impact on water levels is negligible. The world higher population would also be using some of this water

      Much of what they try to claim as being down to rising sea levels is actually down to coastal erosion

      1. There’s a tendency for the readings to be “corrected” – for what, and in what way, I don’t know. Maybe because the location has moved from open country to mid city, which would tend to raise the local temperature… but even so, it raises more than a suspicion that “corrected” means “made more supportive of warming hysteria”.

    1. “Stop blubbering and go and catch that seal. That’ll warm you up in more ways than one”

    1. My wife is friends with Sonia Sodha. She’s a lovely person (was going to say girl, but doubt she’d approve), extremely bright and achingly PC. I avoid talking to her about politics.

      1. She’s obvously not that bright. Firstly, stating the facts is not xenophobia.

        That’s just the Left trying to shut down debate.

  30. POLITICAL TWEET WARNING: Jack Merritt, who lived in a Con held Con/Lib marginal, but who was a natural Labour supporter, was intending to vote tactically next week. We will follow suit. For the sake of our public services, whatever you think of Swinson or Corbyn, vote anti-Tory

    1. We have a UKIP candidate so I won’t be spoiling my ballot paper.
      I could not vote Labour or illiberal undemocratic under any circumstances.
      That’s not tactical voting but insane.


    POSTAL VOTING ONLY – quick start guide:
    Follow instructions CAREFULLY..

    In your pack is:
    • Your ballot paper • Envelope A
    • Your postal voting statement • Envelope B

    Mark your vote on the ballot paper.
    2 Put your ballot paper into envelope A and seal it.
    3 Complete your postal voting statement with your
    date of birth and your signature.
    Make sure you fill in your date of birth not today’s date.
    4 Put your completed postal voting statement and envelope A,
    with your ballot paper inside, into envelope B and seal it.
    Post envelope B. It is free to return your vote by post so you
    don’t need a stamp if you are posting it in the UK.
    Make sure you send back your postal voting statement and your ballot paper,
    or your vote might not be counted.
    Send your vote back to us straight away. We need to get it by 10 pm on
    day/date of poll so make sure you leave enough time for it to arrive in the post.
    If you miss the post, you can drop off your vote at our office, at the address on envelope B.

    Voting at this election
    • At this election, there are candidates
    • You can ONLY vote for 1 candidate
    • You vote using an X
    How to mark your ballot paper
    • Put an X in the empty box to the right of the name of the person you want to vote for.
    Remember: You can only vote for ONE candidate
    When you have finished marking your ballot paper, fold it and put it inside envelope A.
    Getting help
    You can ask someone you know for help, but they cannot fill in your ballot paper for you.
    They can help you fill in your postal voting statement but you must sign it yourself.
    Your vote is secret. Do not let anyone else see how you have voted.
    If you are not sure what to do, make a mistake, or need help, contact us. Our contact details
    are at the top of the previous page.
    Stop! Before you post your vote, make sure you have:
    1 Put your marked ballot paper into envelope A
    2 Filled in your postal voting statement
    3 Put envelope A and your postal voting statement into envelope B
    Make sure your vote gets to us by 10pm on day of election OR after…..

      1. “For those who insist on voting in person on the day, there are extra points to keep in mind:

        Additional Note 1: We prefer you to use a pencil to place your cross, and please do not press too hard on the paper. If you insist on using a pen, then expect the announcement of the result to be delayed by 6 hours. It takes longer to do a quick print-run of those ballots from people that have voted for the wrong person using a pen than it does to correct a pencil mark.

        Additional Note 2: Please do not ask why it has taken an extra 6 hours this year for the ballot boxes to get from the polling station to the counting centre.

        Additional Note 3: If you live in a heavily-diverse ward, then you may find that there are helpful men of a dusky complexion standing outside of the polling station. These generous sons from a foreign shore will save you time and effort by taking your ballot paper and completing your task for you. They may even pay you for allowing them to assist you in this way.”

  32. “….. McCann was originally given an indeterminate sentence back in 2008 following a terrifying raid on a 85-year-old pensioner’s home. That meant he was only allowed out if the Parole Board deemed him to no longer a danger to the public.”
    The turned him down for release three times but freed him in 2017 after he took courses in ‘thinking skills’, ‘victim awareness’ and ‘building healthy relationships’…..”

    I haven’t time to trawl through all the comments; HOW EVER many more times will this happen? HOW MANY more of these creatures are there roaming this land?
    No doubt lessons have (not) been learnt.


    1. I presume it’s because so many of the positions in the UK’s civil service, judiciary, senior police and teaching (as well as societal bodies such as parole boards) have recruited left wing bleeding hearts champagne socialists for so many many years.

    2. No one will tell us. In my opinion anyone who uses the expression “lessons will be learned” should be publicly executed. The reality is that there are thousands of examples from which lessons can be learned. There are books on management. There are Open University courses on systems that use failed systems as examples. (I completed all 3 OU systems courses.)
      The people coming out with these pronouncements, say these magic words and save their highly paid jobs, at least long enough to move on to the next sinecure on the quango carousel. (They are then heaped with honours.)

    3. But boxes have been ticked.

      The ones saying ‘thinking skills’, ‘victim awareness’ and ‘building healthy relationships’…..”, all done. So that’s OK.

    1. The chateau had been empty for donkey’s years, crumbling away. They put their own money into it, built a business (whoever thought of creating the C4 series had a brilliant idea), and worked hard to make it a success. In the process they have created work for local people and brought money to the local economy. It’s a win-win all round.

      1. One minor caveat. The early programmes in the series claimed that the purchase of the chateau was funded by the sale of Angel’s* flat for £250,000. That they could buy the property and renovate it for that is not believable. These shows are big on flim-flam but low on financial information and practicalities.
        I wonder what Dick’s wife and children think of this?

        * Edit and correction.

        1. The first show gave a ludicrously low budget for repairs and renovations, even allowing for his extensive engineering and DIY skills.

          It was fascinating TV.

        2. Who’s Poppy?
          I would guess that Dick and Angel were counting on free publicity and fees from C4 to help fund the restoration.
          Do you mean Dick’s first wife or second wife?

    2. I’ve been following it. They have worked tremendously hard to get where they are. It could be argued that they have performed a public service for France in restoring such a beautiful landmark.

      Angel Adoree is a very talented woman and was even offered a shedload of money from Dragon’s Den. And her husband Dick Strawbridge is a man that can make things work with the power of his mind and thinking problems out clearly to give Angel exactly what she wants. I’m rather envious of their relationship.

    3. Totally agree. They have worked hard doing some of the filthiest and coldest jobs anyone could face.
      A case of that mysterious development where the harder they work, the luckier they become.
      A typical sneering DM piece.

      1. Golfing great Gary Player responded to someone who told him he was lucky when he chipped in from a bunker, “It’s strange but the more I practise the luckier I get.” Some people do not understand how much effort successful people put in to achieve their aims.

  33. DT Live

    General election 2019: John Major urges voters to back rebel candidates over Conservatives – latest news

    What a sad little man Major is.

    1. John Major is the reason I voted Labour for the first and only time in 1997. The man is fecking useless.

      1. You shouldn’t blame Major. He didn’t expect to win his first election: “Who’d have thought it”
        John Smith blew Kinnock’s chances by announcing a “Tax Bombshell” days before the election (knowing that he, J Smith ,was more popular than Kinnock, and that Kinnock would resign and he would become leader with a good chance of winning the next election after the dork Major. Only problem was he didn’t foresee his own demise. The result we got the hated Blair creature.

    2. I thought at the time Major should have had the whip removed along with the other rebels.

    3. I don’t think “sad” is strong enough – he’s a disgusting human being who is betraying his party (and a boring little fart as well)!

    1. I cannot remember the last time that I read this mans words and disagreed with him. If we had politicians with his mettle then we would have left the EU three years ago, not be bowing down before them and asking: “Please will you let us go in a few years time?”

      1. MM,
        We had them only the electorate / peoples in many respects refuse to
        acknowledge / recognise them.
        There is only one credible party that has forever called for total severance.
        As fred says you cannot want out all the time you are voting for parties that want in.

        1. ogga1, your “credible” party has had how many leaders since 2016? Can you remind me who is in place at the moment, I know it’s a woman but she doesn’t seem to be making any waves at the moment even though there’s a GE imminent. The Tories have had three leaders since 2016 and I do not consider them at all “credible”, far from it.
          We are ill-served by our politicians and it’s looking as if this GE came too early for TBP to upset the status quo, although had they stood in my constituency I would have voted for them. Maybe if they’d won in Peterborough the traction from that result could have acted as a spur to further, limited success this time round.

          1. Morning KtK,
            I was at the EGM in Birmingham on the 17th Feb, entered under a cloud of doom & left elated knowing Gerard Batten had the leadership.
            To repeat myself, he asked the members for £100000 & in reply received £300000, the membership was on the rise, the reason ? belief in Batten.
            After a period of support from the NEC for Batten & them learning he was standing in the leadership elections they, the NEC said his standing would not be allowed on the grounds he was considered to be “not of good standing” within the party, not ever explained.
            We have a female interim leader but, the true Ukippers want another EGM to out a very treacherous NEc.

          2. A bit late for that, Ogga, to have any influence on this General Election and, by the time the next GE comes round in 5 years time, will there be a need for a party like UKIP?

          3. KTK,
            If left to me I would have none of the UKIP
            standing in this GE because the NEc can veto any choices they do not want standing,as they have done.
            After the damage done over the last decade say, that has been escalating on a daily basis
            courtesy of lab/lib/con supporters / voters then
            in five years time & due to PC/Appeasementism
            we as a nation could very well be too busy going to the mosque five times a day.

          4. ogga1, I started putting together a reply to you but while I prepared lunch I decided that anything I wrote wouldn’t be meaningful to you. You have hitched your wagon to Batten’s horses and off you are prepared to go. I wish you the best of luck for the future.

          5. KtK,
            Long before Gerard Batten took up the leadership, cast an eye over the leadership list
            of the lab/lib/con coalition party for decades,
            Thatcher was the only one to show out as one of decency.
            That alone was a good incentive to join UKIP.

    2. They’re all poured from the same mould and believe in the same ideas. Our problem is that our politicians have lied to us and then carried on as they wish. This GE was a chance to do something about that situation but the MSM and the establishment moved quickly to focus all the attention on the two main parties, as per usual, and worked hard to sideline the TBP. It appears to have worked with the help of a few fainthearted and treacherous TBP members. Breaking into the two party, buggins’ turn system is proving very difficult even after May’s disastrous efforts. Perhaps if Johnson does screw us then more people will wake up and help change the situation.

  34. The bias is now so open it’s beyond the joke.

    “Channel 4 apologises to Boris Johnson for inaccurate ‘racist’ subtitles

    Channel 4 News has been forced to apologise after misquoting Boris Johnson to make him appear racist.

    In the latest row between the broadcaster and the Conservatives, Channel 4 tweeted a clip of the Prime Minister speaking on the campaign trail with the subtitle “people of colour”.

    But Mr Johnson actually said he was in favour of “people of talent” coming to the UK, as part of what he promised would be a “properly controlled” immigration system after Brexit.

    None of the audience or journalists present at the Tuesday afternoon visit to John Smedley in Derby appeared to notice anything amiss.

    Yet on Wednesday morning Channel 4 News tweeted a short clip of the passage with the misleading subtitle.

    Labour frontbenchers immediately poured scorn on the Prime Minister, continuing to retweet the footage even after Channel 4 had deleted it and issued an apology.

    It comes a week after The Conservatives lodged a formal complaint to Ofcom following Channel 4’s elaborate “empty chair” stunt, where a Tory-branded ice sculpture was placed at a lectern during a leaders’ climate change debate.

    Meanwhile last summer Channel 4’s head of news, Dorothy Byrne, was accused of breaching the broadcasters’ duty of impartiality when she gave a speech branding Mr Johnson a “known liar”.

    On Wednesday a senior Conservative source said: “This shows why it has been impossible to cooperate with Channel 4 News.

    “They are campaigners in this election, inventing the most damaging things possible to further their campaign against Brexit.”

    Despite Channel 4 deleting their tweet, the accusation that Mr Johnson said “people of colour”, a phrase widely regarded to be racist, has proliferated wildly online.

    Dianne Abbot, the shadow home secretary, said: “Some of us argued that the permanent Tory campaign against migrants was nothing more than dog whistle politics.

    “Unfortunately, in the middle of a general election campaign, Boris Johnson proved we were right.”

    She subsequently deleted the tweet, but left up a retweet of shadow health secretary Jonathan Ashworth also falsely condemning Mr Johnson.

    Chuka Umunna, the Liberal Democrat candidate for Cities of London and Westminster, also tweeted the footage, insisting for hours after Channel 4 disavowed it that people should listen and make their own mind up.

    He has now deleted it.

    Channel 4 said: “Boris Johnson says “people of talent” not “people of colour”. Our earlier tweet was a mistake. We misheard and we apologise.”

    The Tory source added: “We sadly do not expect the senior management at Channel 4 to take this terrible mistake seriously and we expect more of the same.”

    This week Ofcom rejected the Conservatives’ complaint against Channel 4.”

    1. I thought that “people of colour” was the acceptable term – I was not aware that it had racist overtones. After all, doesn’t the US have the NAACP (National Association for the Advancement of Colored People)? Just what is the correct and acceptable term for people who are not white?

      1. It keeps being changed, so it’s easier to demonise people and, if lucky, criminalise them.
        A cowed population is one that is easier to control.

      2. Depending on their origins, I always use the terms niggers or wogs.

        Can’t go wrong with that, it leaves no room for misunderstanding.

        1. In the TV series The Wire the term nigger is ubiquitous. The only persons who do not use it are Whites!

        1. If that is a play on the word, I am afraid that it didn’t register on me. None of the search engines found the word.

    2. A lie can run round the world before the truth has got its boots on.

      There will always be people who will continue to believe the lie.

    3. I wondered what was happening at Smedley’s the other day – a mini rabble of protesters including some with ER banners – judging from the number of cars parked nearby (some diesel powered?) they had all driven there!!

        1. Yes – couple quite large vans – they seemed to be keeping the rabble off the actual road!

    4. Time to pull public funding for C4 and close Ofcom, which apparently is composed of mainly ex-Bbc wonks.

    5. If he had said ‘people of colour are welcome’ then that is a blatantly racist statement, as surely the implication is that whites are not welcome?

    6. So they thought Johnson had said he was in favour of black immigrants, which you would have thought pleased the Abbottumus and Chucker Momma immensely, but instead complained about his recently outdated (is it already) PC appellation of black people. Lunatics and running asylums comes to mind.

    7. These debates are a difficult one. You want to here from these politicians but equally it is not down to the TV companies to Demand they attend

  35. HAPPY HOUR – and now for some good news.

    ‘Smelly Cat’ called Maximus who was found close to death in a gutter becomes internet sensation as thousands share appeal to pay stray moggie’s vet bills. https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-7763497/Real-life-Friends-style-Smelly-Cat-called-Maximus-close-death-gutter.html
    12 Year old Maximus was found struggling to stay alive in a gutter and was diagnosed with HIV. Just days after appeal was launched more than £6,000 was raised to pay for bills.


    1. Good luck to the cat, but surely there comes a time when the kindest thing is to let it go, rather than extend the suffering of a painful existence.

    1. If will not be long before all access to shopping centers have knife arches and random security checks

        1. I was having a look, using Google Earth, at Peascod Street in Windsor. I wanted to see if the nice roasting coffee shop that was halfway down on the left hand side was still there. It had one of those machines in the window that did the roasting, and the delicious fumes used to waft down the street. Wonderful times. But as in Edinburgh it’s gone and the street is now pedestrianised and unrecognisable. And The Inn on the Bridge is now the “Côte Brasserie”.
          Never go back is the motto.

        1. Well, after forty years of having my bag searched at museums and theatres, no, I suppose my way of life hasn’t changed.
          For four decades.

        1. Criminal to you but pious for him. Death in the conquest of those that resist Islam. A gateway to Paradise..

  36. Nicked Oi Laffed

    If you want a Christmas gift idea, what about a Chukka Umunna themed sweater?

    ‘ The ultimate Party Jumper.’

  37. New images reveal plans for £3.5bn London Resort theme park set to be ‘the Disneyland of the UK’

    New images have been released which reveal plans for the multi-billion pound theme park set to be the UK’s answer to Disneyland.
    The series of images are a glimpse at what to expect from the massive new project, which will cover the size of 136 Wembley Stadiums on its site on Swanscombe Peninsula in London. Construction is expected to start in 2021, with bosses hoping it will be ready to open in 2024


        1. Or ” British Citizens ” (young black lads) runnng around with knives and stabbing people…………..

    1. I hadn’t heard of this before. It seems like one of those things ( like Brexit ) that seemed a good idea at the time.
      It looks like a waste of good money.

      1. Whether it happens might be another thing. I have seen plenty of these grand schemes particularly in Wales they can be regarded as a fishing trip to see if they can get the Government and local councils to cough up money. They usually come up with some very exaggerated claim as to the number of jobs it will create. A recent one in Wales was to build an International racing track at Ebbw Vales. A crazy place to have one and ignoring the fact there is already excess track capacity. They ran with it initially pilling money into it yet the company behind it was putting no money in. The Welsh Assembly after sinking tens of millions into it decided to pull out when they worked our that nothing was actually being built

    2. Not having seen a Wembley Stadium, other than the old one from a train almost 30 years ago, I have no idea what size it is. I do know what an acre is, and a hectare. Any chance that we might be told what this is in grown up units of measure?

    1. Nazi crimes?
      Committed by Germans under orders from the then German government, so really German crimes.

      1. Timothy Evans has nothing whatsoever to do with this particular case.

        Try again. Why should this foul creature not be executed?

        1. He should be. But once you start executing people, you accidentally execute the wrong ones, then you deliberately execute anyone you want to get rid of, etc. You know that, anyway.

          1. The Timothy Evans case has actually resulted in dozens, if not hundreds of innocent victims being killed assaulted and raped by creatures that should have been removed from society forever.

            You know that, anyway.

          2. We have one advantage with those who take islam seriously and openly attack everybody else in the world, in accordance with their religious teachings. They want to die so we should provide for their needs. A 100% death rate for those carrying out terrorist attacks is fine with me.

            No more shooting them in the leg, or tasering them. Unless the only thing you have is a taser. This will prevent them ever hurting anyone else and avoid lengthy trials and sentences.

          3. It isn’t just terrorists, it’s the day to killers and rapists who never reform..

            I’m sure someone will quote the London Bridge hero, but if he had not been used as a poster boy for the conference it is equally possible that Khan not have been there either.

          4. Yes but in those cases, if you give the state the power to kill on a routine basis, then just watch that fake evidence build up and we will all be dead. The globalists would love to be able to legally kill you and me, instead of hiring swarthy Russians with disastrously complex and intricate assassination plans. The “game for a laugh” killings can then be humorously reported as fact for months, filling up valuable airtime.

            The war criminal Tony Blair enabled hundreds of thousands of deaths to take place in foreign countries, and filled our country with murderous rapists to kill our own population. Imagine how much Blair would RELISH having the state power to just kill whoever he didn’t like.

            The state, especially with what it is turning into now, cannot be allowed to kill us at will. There are hospitals who are killing 100’s of patients with their different treatment plans or “pathways” even now. And that is with the laws that we are supposed to have to protect us from state genocide.

            Give the state the power to legally kill us and we will all be knocked off when we are no longer productive citizens, and we reach retirement age and we start costing money.

          5. Another straw man here.

            I am referring to foul creatures like McCann.

            If the state suddenly goes rogue, as you are suggesting, that is a completely different issue.

          6. I don’t need strawmen, you should know that by now. I am pointing out that people like us WILL be silenced or killed in the New World Order, so don’t make it easy for them. The cheap pleasure of removing this stain from humanity is not worth the heavy price of allowing the state to legally kill who they want.

            Don’t get defensive, some people just disagree with you on this subject. It is allowed, we are not communists with only one view that is acceptable. 🙂

            If the guy in the story above had “an accident” while being transferred between cells, I would not see the need for any investigation. But don’t formalise the states right to kill because they WILL abuse it.

          7. By removing the judicial right to kill, what one is doing is closing the door on killing the McCanns of the world, but at the same time it does noting to stop the state killing its opponents.

            The rogue state will kill anyway; in the meantime let’s get shot of the McCanns and the Sutcliffes and the Wests and all the other, without a shadow of a doubt, serial killers.

    1. It’s the instinctive reaction isn’t it,I was once a strong supporter of capital punishment,now I am torn,my trust in the probity of the criminal justice system is shattered,cock-ups at labs have tainted even DNA evidence
      Difficult ain’t it………………

      1. I’m with you, Rik. So often a perversion of justice leads to wrongful incarceration, which at least can be undone.

        1. Cheers Paul,having said that we were promised “Life would mean life” in exchange for giving up Capital Punishment

          Not freedom at the behest of idiot theorists to kill or rape again

    2. 1. Countries who have given up the death penalty have not experienced any commensurate rise in murders. Conversely, countries that have the death penalty often have very high rates of murder.
      2. Innocent people have been executed and there is no way to reinstate their lives.
      3. Mistakes occur.
      4. Judicial killing is degrading.
      5. There is no sensible method of drawing the line between those who are deemed to be worthy of killing (this man, you might argue) and those that are not. Thus all murderers would have to be executed.
      6. We ARE better than murderers.
      7. Even the last official hangman became opposed to the death penalty.

    3. For me, it’s the dichotomy of the state killing an offender whilst simultaneously saying that it is wrong to take a life. I have no problem with killing in self-defence or while defending another person’s life, or in wartime. It’s the execution in cold blood with which I am uncomfortable. Life sentences should mean just that – life behind bars. If people object, then there should be a minimum term e.g. twenty years before parole is considered.

      1. I disagree.
        Why should society keep hundreds of cold-blooded killers and multiple rapists behind bars at a huge cost.
        Amongst other things that money could be spent on care for the elderly, the terminally ill, mental health.

        1. One could also use that argument for people convicted of less serious offences. The death penalty could be applied up until 1823 for stealing goods over the value of one shilling.

          1. A complete straw man.

            You are not comparing like with like here.
            Now, tell me exactly why society should be keeping this foul creature alive at God only knows what costs for the next 40, 50 or 60 years.

          2. Isn’t executing these creatures acting in self-defence or defending another person’s life?

          3. But again I ask, why bother.

            If they are so dreadful that they should never be released why not kill them?

          4. And yet you accept, and I quote:

            “I have no problem with killing in self-defence or while defending another
            person’s life, or in wartime. It’s the execution in cold blood with
            which I am uncomfortable.”

            (I left the second part to keep your comment in context, rather than being selective).

            Either one accepts that killing is acceptable in all contexts or none.

          5. No. I had already qualified my opposition to taking another life. I did not feel it necessary to repeat it.

          6. S,
            It always comes down to the cost, yet new limos for foreign despots continues
            In this instance we would be seen as colluding in making martyrs.
            Life sentence on a pork diet.

          7. In this case it’s nothing to do with Islam or martyrs, unless you think that McCann would be a martyr for multiple rape and assault.

          8. I was replying in regards to kahn the terrorist
            not having seen the initial comment, but my no hanging stance still stands as I posted, Timothy Evans death dictates no more.

    4. The maximum tariff for his crimes is life imprisonment. I’d be happy to give odds that will not happen.

      1. I am fairly sure he’ll get “life”, but I’m equally sure he’ll be out before retirement age.

  38. Q: If there were any jjustice, who would be the next victim of a released terrorist?

    A: Judge Brian Leveson (and his two senior colleagues).

  39. 6 days in Poland now and more sunshine (crisp and invigorating) than I experienced in the previous 9 weeks in Birmingham.

    Also being refreshed my complete absence of

    1. Guiltt about living in all-white towns/villages (and actors/Tv mouths who make remarks about such)
    2. Lack of complaints about statues and lack of parts for black actors
    3. No fat ladies in red/black outfits going on about food banks
    4. No adverts with (very happy and fulfilling) mixed marriages
    5. Haven’t noticed anyone going on about their sexuality and hhow they’ve decided to come out of the closet

    Gosh you can walk around here and all you have to worry about is stupid Polish drivers (something combines badly when Polish genes meet powerful cars)

    In summary: so far, so good.

    1. My grandfather and his friends had some problems with Polish drivers, and they couldn’t read the road signs at all.

      In the end they just parked their tanks wherever they felt like it.

      1. Merkel showed her appalling judgement in having done Polish scrounger Tusk a favour.
        Merkel is overrated (talk of a Nobel nomination I forget what political reason was given officially) because of that bad judgement. The reason for her success is the stabilisation of dull domestic politics (now faltering), not “EU-rope” as scrounger Tusk would have liked.
        Tusk played on German guilt to get his last job, and ingratiated himself with Merkel as a fellow Easterner. Merkel used Berlin influences to give Tusk his more lucrative Brussels “job”, and he thanked her by inviting a stumbling Germany to be “ready to sacrifice some internal or national interest to protect Europe as a whole (read the East)”. The same day, he accused Macron as an aspiring eu-ropean leader of putting French interests first rather than Ukraine (and the EU) : Macron’s crime was a conciliatory message to Putin on his visit to Moscow, the Pole’s arch-enemy: Macron’s other crime was to block West Balkan entrants to the EU (Eastern subsidy-dependents again). Thus Tusk gave away his sole interest in the EU – subsidies for the East.
        A toadying/bullying kamikaze parasite to the end.

  40. Extinction Rebellion bee protester glues himself to Lib Dem bus

    Rent a mob in action. They seemed to have moved on From Hate Not Hope to ER

    An Extinction Rebellion protester dressed as a bee has glued himself to the Liberal Democrats’ battlebus, as the environmental group intervenes in the general election.
    The group said it was “buzzing around” political parties’ campaign battlebuses on Wednesday “demanding the climate and ecological emergency is top of the agenda this election”.
    The incident took place outside the Knights youth centre in Streatham, south London, after the electric-powered Lib Dem battlebus arrived. As activists waited for the Lib Dem leader, Jo Swinson, who was travelling separately, about half a dozen activists dressed in yellow-and-black bee outfits ran down the road towards the bus.
    One man glued his hand to the windscreen, and smeared ketchup on the glass. Others handed out flyers and debated with Lib Dem activists.

    1. The punch line was that the bus is electric, according to what I read yesterday. Own Goal.

    2. What a fight that would make, a LimpDumRemainder taking on an Extinction Rebellion bee. “And in the Green corner…!”

    1. If you want a snack to eat, bite a policeman.
      At the proper sandwich time, bite a policeman.
      Every member of the force is a starter and main course,
      How he tastes, could be like bloater paste? bite a policeman.

      With apologies to Edward William Rogers.

    1. Looks fine to me (19:27). Top comment

      Robert Spowart 6 Dec 2019 3:28AM
      Jennie Naylor questions the comparisons between Labour’s proven antisemitism and the Tory’s alleged Islamophobia.

      But why is Islam the only major religion to have it’s own, personal ~ophobia?

      Other than Judaism’s problems with the institutionally antisemitic & increasingly Islamised Labour Party, (Perhaps there a connection there?) no other belief has such a suffix or apparent slur added to its name.

      To the best of my knowledge, there is no Sikhophobia, Hindophobia, Jainophobia nor Buddhistophobia.

      What is it about Islam that engenders such ill feeling?

      Perhaps the problem lies not with the so called “Islamophobes” but within Islam its self?

      1. Islam is the tool that will be used to end our democracies and our “Western morality.” As you can imagine, any belief system that could be used to achieve that goal will be violently abhorrent to those of us who already have those values. What is more, you do not need to be any type of scholar to know this is true about the cult, as just scratching the surface of islam shows the mass murder, rape, child abuse, homophobia, intolerance, countries taken over, etc. etc.

        It is so obviously an evil, and an extremely destructive, cult that the politicians trying to bring them in in their millions must use the law to silence people talking about it. The leaders know how dangerous islam is, and what will happen when their numbers get high enough.

        If the people realised that this dark fate was being deliberately visited on them by the same people who they are being asked to vote for, then they might choose to vote for someone else and the invasion could be stopped. Then reversed.

    2. Again. What the heck is going on?
      Has the office cleaner pulled the plug so she can fire up her hoover?

        1. I think it’s the eternal life promise that Soros has perfected but which needs a limitless supply of virgin’s blood and total body transplants. Cherie has had 4 different bodies but they can’t find one that doesn’t reject her head.

    1. John Major, Tony Blair .. they rise from the dead when they should just keep their mouths shut.

      1. We’ll see it as phone videos are sent back to relatives and believers back here and posted online. It’ll be AK47 tracer rounds fireworks.

      2. I expect there will be deaths associated with the Wake. They get so excitable. Watch this space.

      1. Pakistan’s prime minister reiterates his government’s commitment to utilizing tourism as revenue generator

        1. Pakistan’s prime minister reiterates his government’s commitment to utilizing tourism terrorism as revenue generator
          That’s better.

    1. If he was a British citizen, why was this allowed? Surely it should have been an unmarked grave within prison precincts. The bodies of those executed during the time we had capital punishment were the property of the State. I would have thought that this applied in this case.
      I would very much like to see a video of the funeral. I expect it will resemble a State Funeral for a hero.

      1. I think his organs should have been harvested. Then sent back the bits and bobs nobody wants. Like his minute penis and tiny brain.

      Or, “how to dead head the Rose bush.”

    1. As the days go by, Jo Swinson is looking more and more like a skanky street hooker. “Girl for sale! Girl for sale!”

      At least when the election is over, and she is kicked out of the leadership role, she will be able to make a living down at the docks doing favours for sailors.

    2. I’m sure it’s just an unfortunate coincidence; can’t say more, I’ve got a nice chap delivering that bridge I bought – he seems to be a bit late though!

  41. EU Trade Deal

    The politicians are trying to claim it will take years to reach a trade deal with the EU. There is no logical reason as to why. We have the withdrawal deal agreed and we are already in alignment with EU standards and we would align with EU tariffs for exports to the EU. I would have thought as well the EU would be keen to at least reach a trade deal for cars and food. The only reason a deal could not be completed by 2020 is the EU itself. Another big bargaining tool we have is our fishing grounds

  42. Grenfell Tower fire chief Dany Cotton forced to quit after families of victims demand she step down
    Brigade’s first female commissioner criticised for ‘insensitive’ public inquiry comments

    London fire commissioner Dany Cotton was today forced to quit after losing the support of bereaved Grenfell Tower families.

    Mayor Sadiq Khan felt compelled to act after a delegation of families went to City Hall to call for her to go.

    He was concerned that the brigade was at risk of losing the trust of Londoners. He said the decision to remove her from the £202,000-a-year post was “the right one”.

    Ms Cotton’s departure was immediately welcomed by survivors’ group Grenfell United, which said it would help to “keep Londoners safe”.

    In October, Ms Cotton was criticised for “remarkable insensitivity” for telling the Grenfell Tower public inquiry last year that she would not have done anything differently in terms of how the brigade responded to the June 2017 fire that killed 72 people.

    She will leave the London Fire Brigade on December 31, four months earlier than planned. She had announced in June that would retire aged 50 next April after 32 years’ service.

    A brigade statement said that she was stepping down “in consultation with City Hall”. It is understood she had wanted to remain in post until next April, but will be retiring “in accordance with her contract” and will be paid her salary up until April.

    Her pension, which she is legally entitled to receive as a result of payments into the scheme and reported to be worth £2 million, is unaffected.

    Labour MP David Lammy, whose friend Khadija Saye died in the fire, former Tory fire authority chairman Brian Coleman and Tory mayoral candidate Shaun Bailey, who grew up near Grenfell, had previously called for her to quit. But the Fire Brigades Union said it was wrong to “scapegoat” firefighters.

    Mr Khan’s decision was also influenced by the imminent publication of a damning report into the brigade’s management by Her Majesty’s Inspectorate. There is concern that it is failing to respond quickly enough to major flaws identified by the inquiry.


    Strewth! I wonder what her terms of severance would have been if she hadn’t screwed up?

    1. £202,00 a year, and that is the root cause of what is so wrong with this country.
      What job is worth that much compared to a nurse or a plain old copper on the beat.
      When the election results come in on Thursday evening and Friday morning, this country will get what it deserves.

      1. Afternoon VVOF,
        I would totally agree if it were only to effect the past lab/lib/con coalition supporters / voters.
        Unfortunately the future voters
        will have to suffer the sins of those voters of the past, & that for the last 4 decades amounts to an awful lot of sins.

      2. You are not comparing like with like though. At a quick check a nurse on the Highest grade would get about a £100K a year

      3. She commanded almost 6000 people, probably less than a Brigadier or equivalent rank in the Forces might command but she was paid almost twice as much. I expect that the old argument that “if we need the best, we have to pay for it” was trotted out. However, second best might well have been better in this case, and much cheaper.

    2. I have no problem with senior people being held to account for their decisions and performance…. as long as this is to an official, expert, unbiassed oversight body. What I find worrying is the increasing tendency for self-appointed groups with very partisan agendas to be able, as seems to be the case here, to demand punishments for those they consider guilty. Perhaps Ms Cotton did fail in her duty but it is not up to Witchfinders-R-Us to determine this and even less to award the penalty.

      1. She made very basic mistakes and there were very many failings. She admitted to having no training or procedures in place for fighting high rise fires nor of evacuating them

        There was a basic misunderstanding of Compartmentalization. All that does is buy you time typically 1 Hour Hour after that it will start to fail. If it intended to allow the Fire brigade to get to the fire and get it under control or to evacuate the building

        The Compartmentalization had clearly failed by the time they arrived so the priority should have been evacuating the building

        The control room was take 999 calls from people trapped in the building and taking their details and telling them to remain until rescued but this information was not passed on to the Fire Ground. The Control room procedure was to remain on the line until they were rescued but that failed as they run out of 999 operators and no one had considered that no one was actually being rescued., and no one was keeping track of the elapsed time. Communication had pretty much failed

        To make it worse in 2014 Government Guidance had been issued on fighting fires i high rise buildings and including the possible nee to evacuate them,

        1. My point had nothing to do with her failings, real or imaginary, but with the way in which she was forced to resign. By the way, have you never thought that your own “communication had pretty much failed”?

          1. Yes it should not have been down to pressure from the people but for a failure to meet a reasonable standard of competence for that role

  43. Now, about the weather… Metcheck have a temp of 6C for my area next Thursday, but heavy rain all day, which means we might get a minor shower or two. They never get the rain right here, we are sheltered to one side by Snowdonia and the Clwydians, and on the other by the Pennines.
    So it looks as though I might actually struggle out to vote, and then go round to my cousin and get her to do the same. Very odd that neither of us have had polling cards this time, even though we are in different constituencies. Both are however operated from a town hall some miles away where Momentum are known to be active…

    1. Chase that up with the local council. You should have had a polling card by now, confirming your eligibility to vote. I received mine about a week ago.
      Don’t forget the “community” in Golders Green during the last London Mayor’s election, who were mysteriously denied their votes due to “an error”……

      1. I think they should have all been sent out by now but caano actualy find anywhere that states the last date you should receive one by

          1. I think that’s a bit harsh but I do think at least 500 of the previous MPs shouldn’t be allowed to stand for re-election as they were elected previously on the basis of false manifestos….

      1. Yup. That is the BBC for you. They allowed Momentum activists entry plus there are a number of highly dependant grasping types at large.

        I include folk who work in local authorities (seat polishing mostly), those in the NHS support industry viz. PFI suppliers, their minions and other non participants.

        In essence there are multitudes of freeloaders relying on Corbyn for an easy guaranteed pension and income. The rest of us are paying for these idiots and will be paying for decades.

      1. You need to retain an inner strength. Corbyn is so obviously a prat so that anyone thinking of voting for him is in desire need of a brain transplant. The dolt is an total idiot and unfit to run a pigsty. Such is the depth that the Labour Party has sunk to and become, under his leadership.

  44. ” Elon Musk wins defamation case over ‘pedo guy’ tweet about diver ”
    I think Unsworth should have been awarded a farthing damages. He lost the case because he was greedy.

  45. Russian village is under siege from FIFTY-SIX hungry polar bears. 6 December 2019.


    A Russian village is under siege from at least 56 ravenous polar bears that have gathered on the outskirts of the remote outpost.

    Remarkable images and footage show how Ryrkaypiy is now in virtual lockdown over the worrying predator invasion.

    It looks like someone has gone barmy with the Clone Brush on Photoshop. Lol!


  46. Best BTL comment so far on DT’s live coverage of the ‘debate’

    Mavis Smith 6 Dec 2019 8:53PM
    If you want a functioning NHS with British-trained nurses and doctors, Labour is the way to go.

    L James 6 Dec 2019 8:53PM
    @Mavis Smith You missed bankrupt off the end of your sentence.

    1. Is Mavis from Rochdale?
      “Riot police had to be called to a Rochdale Asda today following a bout of civil disorder. Heavy discounts meant customers could purchase trolleys for £1.”

    2. Odd. I thought Labour wanted to import foreign-trained nurses and doctors? Then again, so do the Tories.

    1. Morning Bob

      Yes , the four cardinal virtues have been forgotten , haven’t they.

      Prudence, temperance, fortitude, and justice.

      Prudence is a word we haven’t heard used in political circles for a few years.. different to austerity, I think.

      Thanks for the links .

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