Thursday 6 June: Honouring the courage and dedication of those who served the cause of freedom on D-Day

An unofficial place to discuss the Telegraph letters, established when the DT website turned off its commenting facility (now reinstated, but we prefer ours),
Intelligent, polite, good-humoured debate is welcome, whether on or off topic. Differing opinions are encouraged, but rudeness or personal attacks on other posters will not be tolerated. Posts which – in the opinion of the moderators – make this a less than cordial environment, are likely to be removed, without prior warning.  Persistent offenders will be banned.

Today’s letters (visible only to DT subscribers) are here.

603 thoughts on “Thursday 6 June: Honouring the courage and dedication of those who served the cause of freedom on D-Day

    Ear Infection

    This is so true!

    They always ask at the surgery why you are there, and you have to tell them (in front of others) what's wrong and sometimes it is embarrassing.

    There's nothing worse than a Doctor's Receptionist who insists you tell her what is wrong with you in a room full of other patients.
    I know most of us have experienced this, and I love the way this old guy handled it.

    The 65-year-old man walked into a crowded waiting room and approached the desk.
    The Receptionist said, 'Yes sir, what are you seeing the Doctor for today?'
    'There's something wrong with my dick', he replied.

    The receptionist became irritated and said, 'You shouldn't come into a crowded waiting room and say things like that.'

    'Why not, you asked me what was wrong and I told you,' he said.

    The Receptionist replied; 'Now you've caused some embarrassment in this room full of people. You should have said there is something wrong with your ear or something and discussed the problem further with the Doctor in private.'

    The man replied, 'You shouldn't ask people questions in a roomful of strangers, if the answer could embarrass anyone. The man walked out, waited several minutes, and then re-entered.

    The Receptionist smiled smugly and asked, 'Yes?'

    'There's something wrong with my ear,' he stated.

    The Receptionist nodded approvingly and smiled, knowing he had taken her advice. 'And what is wrong with your ear, Sir?'

    'I can't piss out of it,' he replied.The waiting room erupted in laughter…Mess with seniors and you're going to lose.

  2. Murderers will face tougher sentences under Tory election pledge. 6 June 2024.

    Killers will face stricter sentences as the Tories pledge the biggest overhaul of homicide law in nearly 70 years.

    Desperation on all fronts. The prisons are full for God’s sake. I’ve mostly stopped reading and commenting on any of this. It is all a farce. The Tories are not going to win and Labour is simply concealing its real intentions in case there is a voter backlash.

    1. Have I missed something AS? Has something happened to make the Tories pretend to be all right wing patriots again?

    2. I'm currently trying to keep my blood pressure low as I need a hip replacement – I've decided the best strategy is to avoid the MSM entirely and especially the election news!!

    3. It's times like these when politicians are the worst offenders of all that one can see why they stopped the death sentence and hanging.

  3. Good morning, chums, and thanks to Geoff for today's NoTTLe site. I only <b>just</b> made today's Wordle:

    Wordle 1,083 6/6


      1. You don't have to do that now, you can just click on the required bold or italics then click it again to stop it.

      2. Well spotted, Alf. I shall now correct my post, albeit 17 hours late. Lol.

        PS – Strangely enough, I seem unable to edit what I wrote. I meant to write <b>just</b>. No, it still doesn't work. And if I just write JUST, I will be accused of shouting! Lol.

  4. Good morning, all. Another grey, dull day. Glad not to be in a landing craft.

    1. And plod then set about going after the patrolling citizens.

      The Warqueen's offices organised a 'walking taxi' to get women to and safely on trains. There were groups set up for the train stations so they'd leave together. If there were not enough men going then they demanded security go with them. It simply wasn't safe with the diversity harrassing them. Harrassment that only got worse as Khan continually encouraged it.

      (I'd also mention there were black and muslim, Jewish folk in that Taxi. Khan makes London unsafe for everyone decent.

  5. Does Joe Biden even know what he’s doing? 6 June 2024

    Speculation about Biden’s mental faculties has become an increasingly prominent feature of his presidency in recent months, with the president regularly misidentifying the names of world leaders and countries.

    It’s quite obvious that he is non compos mentis. He should already have stood down. The idea of another four years is ludicrous.

    1. The money will never be recovered. Why waste the money on a trial? If they'll dump 120K on a doorstep to acquit, what will they do to a guilty verdict?

      The West is insane to let these people into our countries.

    1. Victoria Thomas-Bowen.. your typical Leftie double-barrel middleclass live at home Only Fans milkshake thrower.. screams..
      "not my hero, not my vet, not my war.. anyhow who cares when there's lidderally gennycider happening in a place called Gaza or summit. Gizza £8 and i'll show me baps."

      1. The irony of a woman who has been given so many freedoms at someone else's cost throws them away so easily.

        I wonder how she'd cope if she were, at 3am be black bagged and dragged into a cell, locked away in the dark and forgotten about?

        Perhaps someone should do this to her, and all the other bleating Lefties.

  6. Good morning all.
    Hopefully I might get my van back from the garage and in full working order today!

    A tad over 6°C but bright & sunny with light cloud.

  7. 388203+ up ticks,

    Thursday 6 June: Honouring the courage and dedication of those who served the cause of freedom on D-Day,

    The continuing voting pattern clearly shows honouring the courage and dedication of those who served the cause of
    freedom on D day has been long forgotten, those BOYS hitting the beach on D day would NEVER have entertained the political likes of the lab/lib/con coalition party greeting a muslim invasion force hitting the beach at Dover THEN being given succour via 5* hotels & welfare offices.

    By the by it was said that 50 % of youngsters know nothing of
    D day, very sad reflection on our history teachings, much more like the WEF / NWO re-written history.

  8. 388203+ up ticks,

    Thursday 6 June: Honouring the courage and dedication of those who served the cause of freedom on D-Day,

    The continuing voting pattern clearly shows honouring the courage and dedication of those who served the cause of
    freedom on D day has been long forgotten, those BOYS hitting the beach on D day would NEVER have entertained the political likes of the lab/lib/con coalition party greeting a muslim invasion force hitting the beach at Dover THEN being given succour via 5* hotels & welfare offices.

    By the by it was said that 50 % of youngsters know nothing of
    D day, very sad reflection on our history teachings, much more like the WEF / NWO re-written history.

    1. There's an irony that the wars were fought for freedom. The freedoms to live how we wanted to.

      Yet freedom carries responsibility. It is a heavy burden of duty to others, to society as without the continual acknowledgement of the superiority of everyone else you never learn the humility necessary to be worthy of that society.

      The wars also bought security and that's been proven lethal as we have become decadent. The causes of the war have been hidden in slogans – populism, fascism, left/right, 'nationalism' because this has suited those who dislike the lessons and responsibilities that society would place upon them they have intentionally not taught the real root causes: lack of democracy, a huge state machine, an unfettered government, economic chaos, debt.

      Not knowing what D Day is is understandable – those in charge want us to forget history because we are repeating it and let us wallow in the security and decadence they pretend to provide while the iron fist of authoritarianism, statism, debt – the cause of the conflict – squeezes ever tighter.

      Apols, it's a waffle on my part, I'd write it better if I were brighter but I hope folk get the idea.

  9. BTL@DTletters

    John Kirby
    6 HRS AGO
    When the NHS was founded in 1948
    it had 150,000 employees and 480,000 hospital beds.
    Now it has 1.7 million employees and 129,000 hospital beds.

    1. The NHS is really two organisations. The medical side does a decent job. Those in it seem to care about what they do.

      The other half is a giant administrative block which would rather the medical side went away, along with the annoying patients who mess up their budgets and demand spending on them, rather than just pay rises.

    2. And in more than a few areas, the local health services the NHS took over, paid for by a combination of major employers, the Unions and the workers themselves, were better than what the new organisation was prepared to provide.

    3. Good grief. That’s absolutely astonishing. The NHS does, of course, have a lot of very expensive equipment now, but for two days out of every 7 it stands idle because of weekend non-working.

      Alf has had an MRI on a Sunday before now but that was through Virgin Healthcare. I don’t understand why the NHS is not a 24/7, 365 days a year working service. Saturday and Sunday working is obligatory for other services so why not the NHS? Many medical staff work shifts so why not utilise the equipment too?

      1. I think the private sector doctors (more often than not NHS employees) get to use the machines come the weekend.

  10. This political posturing and showbiz bollocks is not to my taste. It is demeaning.

    Arromanches-les-BainesRishi Sunak and world leaders will today gather with veterans in Normandy to mark the 80th anniversary of the D-Day landings. Commemorations began at 7:25am local time, the exact moment the invasion began on June 6 1944, with a military piper playing a lament at the beach in Arromanches-les-Bains. The Prime Minister, along with King Charles and Queen Camilla, Sir Keir Starmer and French President Emmanuel Macron, are set to pay tribute to fallen soldiers at the British Normandy Memorial in Ver-sur-Mer later this morning. Mr Sunak is set to lead a “heroes’ welcome” and deliver a short speech, with performances from a range of artists including Sir Tom Jones to follow. It will be the first major anniversary event hosted at the memorial, and King Charles and Queen Camilla will later officially open the Winston Churchill Centre for Education and Learning.

  11. This political posturing and showbiz bollocks is not to my taste. It is demeaning.

    Arromanches-les-BainesRishi Sunak and world leaders will today gather with veterans in Normandy to mark the 80th anniversary of the D-Day landings. Commemorations began at 7:25am local time, the exact moment the invasion began on June 6 1944, with a military piper playing a lament at the beach in Arromanches-les-Bains. The Prime Minister, along with King Charles and Queen Camilla, Sir Keir Starmer and French President Emmanuel Macron, are set to pay tribute to fallen soldiers at the British Normandy Memorial in Ver-sur-Mer later this morning. Mr Sunak is set to lead a “heroes’ welcome” and deliver a short speech, with performances from a range of artists including Sir Tom Jones to follow. It will be the first major anniversary event hosted at the memorial, and King Charles and Queen Camilla will later officially open the Winston Churchill Centre for Education and Learning.

  12. SIR — Potholes in Altrincham, as in many parts of the country, are appalling. I complained to Trafford Council, only to be told that I should measure the depth of the potholes and submit photographs of the offenders. I informed them that this was the council’s job.I’m aware of the health and safety issues if I attempt to stand in the middle of the road with my tape measure and camera. I haven’t noticed the councillors taking their lives into their hands to prove that potholes are in urgent need of attention.

    Marilyn ParrottAltrincham, Cheshire

    And there you have it: politics, at every level of the phenomenon — from presidents and prime ministers all the way down to parish councils — has been infiltrated, usurped and taken over by the utterly inept, the clueless and the downright useless.

    It will probably soon be apparent that this invidious downward cascade will next affect school milk monitors (it reached prefect level long ago).

      1. Little glass bottles containing ⅓ pint of a white liquid that baked in the sun in summer becoming rancid; froze and expanded in the winter pushing the foil top off; or was attacked by blue tits pecking their way through the foil cap to access the cream top of a substance that was not homogenised.

        Remember all that?

        1. All of that and being lectured on starving children in China if I refused to drink it.

    1. If the road the pothole is on is anything like the Via Gellia and has anything like the traffic, then I sympathise with her.

      1. What is the current state of the "13-bends" stretch of the A619 between Baslow and Bakewell?

        1. Not been that way for years!
          And even then only a couple of times as getting to Baslow from here is easier vis Chatsworth.

    2. What you should have done is sent a letter to council saying you tripped over pot-hole whilst crossing the road and your leg/foot is injured. Potholes in that road would be filled in tout de suite. Even better if you can get a mate to do the same thing.

      1. Better still, claim that you are – or saw – an immigrant tripping over the pot-hole.
        The whole road would be repaired.

      2. How about saying you are a cyclist and hitting a pothole catapulted you over the handlebars leading to a broken nose.

    3. We live in a world where ideology overrules evidence. Back in infant school I asked a classmate why she was drawing trees with chocolate brown trunks when she could look out of the window and clearly see that the trees were not that colour. She was nonplussed and insisted that she was using the correct crayon. It was the done thing and the idea that it might not accord with reality was something she could not grasp. It was an early lesson for me in how the world works.

      1. That same protocol works in every sphere of human endeavour. People do not use their eyes and ears to see and hear things as they really are. They blindly follow some preconceived notion of reality.

  13. SIR — Potholes in Altrincham, as in many parts of the country, are appalling. I complained to Trafford Council, only to be told that I should measure the depth of the potholes and submit photographs of the offenders. I informed them that this was the council’s job.I’m aware of the health and safety issues if I attempt to stand in the middle of the road with my tape measure and camera. I haven’t noticed the councillors taking their lives into their hands to prove that potholes are in urgent need of attention.

    Marilyn ParrottAltrincham, Cheshire

    And there you have it: politics, at every level of the phenomenon — from presidents and prime ministers all the way down to parish councils — has been infiltrated, usurped and taken over by the utterly inept, the clueless and the downright useless.

    It will probably soon be apparent that this invidious downward cascade will next affect school milk monitors (it reached prefect level long ago).

  14. Vandals attempt to set war memorial on fire hours before D-Day anniversary. 6 June 2024

    Vandals attempted to set a war memorial on fire only hours before the 80th anniversary of D-Day, police have said.

    Criminals knocked over the cenotaph in the village of Long Ashton, Somerset, and damaged it with a flagpole.

    Detectives believe the memorial was targeted between Tuesday night and Wednesday morning, and are searching for suspects.


    1. Technically it is vandalism.

      Find them, flog them, crucify them and let their screams echo into hell.

      That's me being nice.

    2. "The Vandals were a Germanic people who first inhabited what is now southern Poland. They established Vandal kingdoms on the Iberian Peninsula, Mediterranean islands, and North Africa in the fifth century"

      In short, the original Vandals would have understood the significance of a war memprial.

      1. Morning Anne ,

        Says I through gritted teeth.. it is an enigma to me why all the fuss and flummery now, 80 years later , when the invasion we are witnessing is here , a different culture , and the damage being caused by them , the anxiety we feel , the trauma they are causing , their culture , their deceit and and our inability to protest at their presence .. Because we are silenced and stamped on ..

        Our Government and police have taken an authoritarian stance against us , as we question why we are being put upon and being made to accept a new order ?

        1. Totally agree.
          Sadly, it's a version of teelights and teddy bears at the site of the latest peaceful slaughter.
          The best memorial to those people would be well run and up to strength armed forces.
          And no bloody lawyers persecuting them forty years later.

          1. Rather like condemning the British who stopped the Atlantic slave trade two centuries ago for historic slavery and ignoring modern day slavery.

    3. Comments are good , but hang on a second .. French churches are being vandalised , so would the same type of culprits be the ones vandalising our village crosses and cenotaphs

      Ian Harriss
      2 HRS AGO
      So when a so called pride flag was damaged the police were instantly involved treating it as a hate crime but when a war memorial is desecrated all the police do is issue a crime number! Sums up what is wrong with modern Britain perfectly. EDITED

      Comment by Bob Wright.


      Bob Wright
      2 HRS AGO
      I suspect this was not done by common vandals but the leftist latté sipping woke who would rather disregard the memories of those who died so that they could be free. They, in their ignorance would somehow see the memorial as a symbol of our past glories, which they despise. EDITED

      Comment by Carrie Orne.


      Carrie Orne
      2 HRS AGO
      The work of the Left beyond doubt.

    4. Were the Goths, Ostrogoths and Visigoths there supporting the Vandals?

      The whole lot of them should be put in a plane, given parachutes and dropped over Saudi Arabia.

  15. We went off to see the D Day celebrations – Junior's not been taught anythig beyond the facile top so we went in to it with dates and times and who and what for and the causes.

    The Warqueen wasn't happy with my bringing politics into it but i'm not sure how you can discuss it without any political reference to past and future.

    At the end we had a stack of reading books ordered and lots more on the table and Junior said 'All those people died for me to have this and I can't say thank you.'

    I said 'Just remember them, and what they died for.'

    And a bit of me thought – because, chances are you'll see it again.

    1. Good morning Wibbling

      Didn't you have relatives who took part in the war effort that your son could visualise and relate to?

      1. Not everybody did; my family were in protected industries – steel production, mining, farming.

    2. What a perceptive lad Junior is.
      There aren't many who make that connection.

  16. Brrrr! That was a bit chilly!
    Got the 1st lot of washing hung up the "garden", a light load of three pair of jeans, before starting on stepson's stinking pile. Still need my 2nd mug of tea before I comments that task though.

  17. 388203+ up ticks,

    ALL tory (ino) party men should come to the aid of the party, that call is being answered.

    Gerard Batten


    Like I’ve been saying for years, Farage is a Tory, he’ll always be a Tory.

    He wants the Tory party to return to some mythical state as a ‘patriotic’ party that only ever existed in his imagination.

    Vote Farage, Vote Reform, Vote Tory.

    Sunak was offered a deal to stop Farage and decided to reject it – The Independent,

  18. Never understood election "manifestos". They contain lots of "brilliant" novel ideas. If the ideas were so good – why had not the party that has been in power for 14 years (or similar) done them all years before?

    Just asking. (Yawns and drops off).

    1. Seriously, parties must be held accountable for their manifestos otherwise it's just a con. If after two years, a winning party has not made substantial inroads on manifesto promises then there should be a referendum to vote them out with another general election held. It is outrageous that they come to power on a pack of flimsy promises and lies to which they are not held to account.

      1. The thought of yet more bloody elections – when we already have national, county, metropolitan, district, town, parish …. yada, yada, yada …… is absolutely ghastly. But, sadly, you do have a point.

    1. Only ever knew the first two lines:

      The first complete recorded version of the rhyme appeared in 1805 in Songs for the Nursery as "To market, to market, to buy a penny bun," with no reference to a pig.

      A common variation in the present day is:

      To market, to market, to buy a fat pig,
      Home again, home again, jiggety-jig.
      To market, to market, to buy a fat hog,
      Home again, home again, jiggety-jog.
      To market, to market to buy a plum cake,
      Home again, home again, market is late.
      To market, to market, to buy a plum bun,
      Home again, home again, market is done.
      To market, to market to buy a fat dog,
      Home again, home again, jiggety jog.
      To market, to market to buy a small chick,
      Home again, home again, jiggety jig.

      There have been many variations such as this reworking:

      To market, to market, to buy a fat pig!
      Home with it! Home with it! Jiggety jig!
      Stuff it till Christmas and make a fat hog,
      Then at Smithfield Show win a prize, jiggety jog!

  19. Good moaning.
    A confession. I appear to have lost the keys to the asylum.
    Should I check the fridge?

    "A charity has come under fire after claiming that anyone, of any gender, can have ovarian cancer.

    Ovarian Cancer Action posted on Twitter: “Did you know that anyone with ovaries, regardless of gender identity, can be at risk for ovarian cancer?

    “Let’s raise awareness by asking: can men get ovarian cancer? #PrideMonth #OvarianCancerAwareness”

    The post was accompanied by an emoji of a rainbow flag, as well as an image entitled: ‘Can men get ovarian cancer?’ along with the answer: “Anyone with ovaries, regardless of gender identity, can be at risk of ovarian cancer."

    1. "Good morning sir;
      You're telling me, adamantly, that you're a man, so you can't possibly have ovarian cancer.
      We're sorry, we won't treat you for something nature tells us you can't get if you're a man.
      Now bugger off, there's a good chap.
      You can come back when you admit the truth., you're a woman pretending to be a man."

    2. Given that only females have ovaries men cannot, by default get ovarian cancer. Therefore if a man in a dress wants to have ovarian cancer, he is insane. If a woman pretending to be a man develops ovarian cancer, then she has to accept that she is a woman and stop lying to herself.

    3. There’s a woman at work who calls herself Ricky and wants to be a man. Haven’t seen her in the office since the lockdowns. As loss of oestrogen in the female body is now proven to cause incontinence and pelvic floor collapse, I assume she’s at home sitting on the loo trimming her beard.

      1. I had 10 years or more anti oestrogen tablet treatments for two bouts of breast cancer. I'm not yet incontinent and can still tighten my pelvic floor muscles.

        1. That's good but it seems that growing numbers of "trans-men" in their twenties and thirties are experiencing what would normally be expected mainly in post-menopausal women.

          1. I suspect mucking around with v. sharp instruments in such an area adds to the problem.

  20. Good day all, including the 77th and their bots,

    Is this June? It's 7℃ outside and the forecast tells me it will be no more than 14℃ this cloudy afternoon, even with the gentle breeze wafting around West.

    Back to painting the kitchen again today with this Conservative Party HQ flier under the paint pots to catch any drips.
    Great choice of colour. You've really got to hand it to them, haven't you.? Unless, of course, they're being openly 'uniparty' now and rubbing our noses in it.

    1. Haven't seen any fliers yet. But I can imagine the Tory one: a throng of blue-suited ethnics – with a blue untethered, hot-air balloon, floating away in the distance with the word, 'PROMISES' emblazoned across it.

      For Labour, a pig in a suit with a speech bubble coming out of its mouth saying, 'Vote for me, you white colonialist trash. Look forward to shoving all your taxes overseas on pop bands in Nigeria – or whatever else takes Lammy's fancy. All are equal, some are more equal blah, blah, blah…'

      The LibDem one will show a photo of Ed Davey falling off his bike, saying, 'Vote LibDem – the safe pair of hands'.

      1. I still have the wonderful address from 2005 from Tom Wells, who stood for the LibDems then. "The human face of Britain" with a delightful portrait of his most photogenic border collie.

  21. Good day all, including the 77th and their bots,

    Is this June? It's 7℃ outside and the forecast tells me it will be no more than 14℃ this cloudy afternoon, even with the gentle breeze wafting around West.

    Back to painting the kitchen again today with this Conservative Party HQ flier under the paint pots to catch any drips.
    Great choice of colour. You've really got to hand it to them, haven't you.? Unless, of course, they're being openly 'uniparty' now and rubbing our noses in it.

  22. Is the Daily Wail having a laugh?

    "Can YOU pass the cognitive test that experts want Biden to take?

    TEST: Write the fist five letters of the alphabet and numbers (1-5, A-E) on a piece of paper. "

    1. What day is it Joe? Err…1,2,3,4,5? Who’s the president, Joe? Err…a,b,c,d,e? Not to mention what’s your date of birth and where do you live. Aren’t those the usual questions?

        1. OK. I'm the fist to admit it.

          If I had typed the test question, I wouldn't have noticed the typo until after I'd pressed "Send".

          Or is that part of the test?

      1. Apparently Joe didn't understand the alphabet question until they produced a new set of letters to identify: burisma.

        He recognised those immediately.

    2. Bit racist Anne. That's standard high school top level English and Maths in USA, so asking Joe to perform higher would be an outrage. Have you got something against Americans 😆

    3. I noticed that they didn't know that 1-5 aren't letters and A-E aren't numbers, is that your message?

    4. Aren't analytical AI spellcheckers wonderful!

      I might nip over and give him a hand, so he can make a fist of it.

      I hear Labour is planning to rename the nation's favourite privatized (sic) transport provider to tie in with their emblem, and their new improved CHANGEd approach to democracy.

      As for Joe Biden, surely a fairer test is for him to name the three most powerful nations in North America. Does anyone think he is up to it these days?

    5. 🤛🏻Fist five letters?
      α, β, γ, δ, ε.
      🤜🏻Fist five numbers?
      I, II, III, IV, V.

    1. The cost of the manpower needed to run a Clipper would bankrupt the shipping line.

    1. Well that's ok, the next time they desperately need British troops on EU soil while they're being shot at, we can insist that the froggies carry out passport checks. We can all patiently stand in line while the T14s roll into Poland.

  23. We will remember them!

    Got there in the end:
    Wordle 1,083 5/6


  24. 388203+ up ticks,

    Peoples do NOT want to believe we are at war mode, via in the main . the polling booth and the WELL supported lab/lib/con mass uncontrolled / party controlled immigration / paedophile umbrella coalition/party .

    Children run the gauntlet from birth as the Jay report clearly showed us so daily things get worse, will we shortly be witnessing a sacrificial alter being on offer in a manifesto ?

    Couldn't happen here in the UK , NOT BLOODY MANY BENNY.

  25. An insult to the memory of all those British servicemen who died in the struggle to free France from the Nazis and their collaborators:

    The 450 British soldiers who parachuted into Normandy yesterday, to commemorate those who died to liberate France, were subjected to the humiliating ordeal of carrying their used parachutes and military equipment to temporary customs posts, set up in the vicinity of the drop zone, and having to producing evidence of their right to enter the country. A disgraceful requirement imposed by hateful politicians, implemented by French officials and and carried out by agents of the State.

    Those who parachuted in on 6 June 1944 were not asked for proof of identity – there was scarcely a Frenchman to be seen!

    The French officials and their EU controllers responsible for this are beyond contempt.

    1. Next time Macron comes to the UK make the jumped up little crapaud have to wait in the lines of the common people for his passport to be checked after he steps off his jet and before he inspects his guard of honour.

      1. The son of a colleague of mine was invited to holiday with the wealthy family of a school friend. Private jet, private yacht. No papers required.

    2. Funny enough not a word of this on the ITV website when covering the event. Apparently it was all very wonderful.

      Instead, sensing that a lefty leaning Wet government is going to get into power whichever side wins, it ran with classic MSM propaganda, which it headlines under, rather bizarrely, "News":

      Catherine Gegout, associate professor in international relations at University of Nottingham, told ITV News.
      "The UK is now no longer a ‘rule-maker’ but a ‘rule-taker’ state," Dr Gegout said.

      "If the UK wants to interact with the EU, it must abide by its rules, that is, rules on visas for UK citizens who are no longer EU citizens, GDPR, Artificial Intelligence, trade, and consumer protection," she added.

      This person is apparently an intellectual. By her argument we are "rule takers" too in Russia, America, Afghanistan, etc. the world over. Elsewhere she tells us that we aren't "rule makers", but of course we are and that the EU sham elections matter loads to us.

      ITV starting to soften the sheeples up already then.

      1. It's notable they never think the other way around.

        I don't understand why everyone is so obsessed with 'AI' now. It's a slogan, a buzzword, same as 'Turbo' was in the 80's.

        1. Don't start me on AI fashion, wibbly. But then we've been through it all before with "Intelligence". That fashion was at its height in the 1970s, I seem to remember when it was IQ this, IQ that, IQ everywhere and Mensa was the club anybody who was anybody ought to seen in. Get a 'quotient', parade it like your degree. Be looked up to by the thickos and admired by your friends. Join Mensa, join the intelligentsia; you know it makes sense.

          Pretentious tosh. The result being that nearly no one seems to have any more of a handle on what intelligence consists of than they do with the "artificial" version. And I put artificial between inverted commas deliberately, because intelligence in all its guises is just so much artifice these days. And that's before I even get onto computer science itself…

          1. Which it isn’t, obviously. Kept in perspective it’s ok, but TPTB and others are simply over egging the pudding.

        2. Thirty years ago, I would have thought that a spell checker was AI. "Wow, it even underlines any typos!"

      2. Even if there was no European Union, anybody or any organisation in this country would have to abide by Dutch rules and regulations, German rules and regulations, French rules and regulations, Polish rules and regulations, etc , etc , etc, if he, she, it or they wants to sell to, visit, work in, trade in any of the individual states that make up the European Union.

        1. Indeed. She’s made what we used to call a “pyrrhic point” signifying diddly of nothing.

      3. "If the UK wants to interact with the EU, it must abide by its rules…" While forgetting that most countries in this world are not members of the EU. Do they believe that being in the EU imbues them with unique characteristics moral that the rest of us don't share?

      4. We could have ditched the expensive GDPR (it costs my council money to be compliant) and gone back to Data Protection. We were never a rule maker when we were in the EU. We were one voice against many.

        1. Yes, GDPR among others. “Function Creep” all around. What started out ostensibly as a little market endeavour has morphed into a red tape nightmare for fastidious Frenchmen. Meanwhile Germans carving up the finances create the rules the French love to enforce. We get there by creating false premise arguments such as this lightweight employs.

    3. And yet the invaders crossing from France to England do not have passports – they seem to be told to get rid of any documentation if they have any.

  26. Remember them by voting Reform UK. Make sure what they did was worth it and not as things are now.

  27. Remember them by voting Reform UK. Make sure what they did was worth it and not as things are now.

  28. A glimpse of the future.. after 4th July.

    Jewish university chaplain forced to flee Britain with his family after receiving torrent of death threats from controversial Green Party councillor Mothin Ali, the politician who who yelled 'Allahu Akbar' moments after he was elected to Leeds city council last month. Threats included Ali screaming.. "'Tell that Jewish son of a bitch we are coming for him. We're coming to his house, we're going to kill him, and you as well, you f****** racist bitch."

    Leeds university spokesman said:
    "Such attacks on any individual are unacceptable and cannot be tolerated. Lessons must be learned. Our community will be appalled and want to reach out and help protect our safe spaces. Safeguarding the health, safety and welfare of our community, staff at work is of paramount importance and our thoughts and prayers are with the family, our triple-locked pensions and doorbell CCTV footage."

    1. So… nothing will change then. The muslim won't be sacked, prevented from holding office, investigated and jailed? Just lessons will be learned.

      Odd, as you're not learning the only lesson that matters: muslim has no place in our society.

    2. The question I must ask hg good sturdy Yorkshireman Mothin Ali (and I doubt few have the wit to these days) is what has anything he has reported saying so far got to do with protecting the environment?

      It begs the question whether the Green Party is any less likely to marginalise its core vote than any of the other parties.

      1. Why is he not expelled with great force from the Greens, for hatred, racial abuse and intolerance?
        I wonder…

        1. Greens undergoing habitat conservation weed out pernicious invasive exotics that crowd out and eventually kill off endangered natives.

          Any chance of adopting environmentally-friendly gardening methods politically? Mind you, does not that require hatred, racial abuse and intolerance?

    3. Death threats not followed by arrest and imprisonment? Hmm, wonder why.

    4. The Times of Israel reported these threats to the Rabbi back in February. While there is an unpleasant quote ascribed to Mothin Ali, none of the unattributed threats are amongst them. If the Times of Israel had evidence that Mothin Ali was one of those making the threats which led to the Rabbi and his family to, first, go into hiding and then flee to Israel, I rather doubt it would have shied away from doing so. I think we just have to accept that the pernicious threats were made anonymously.

      ‘Dirty Zionist motherf*ckers’: Recordings show threats against UK rabbi after IDF duty

      Among some 300 calls and texts were threats of murder and rape against Rabbi Zecharia Deutsch and his family, which forced them into hiding

      By TOI STAFF
      18 February 2024, 8:19 pm

      British media has published details on the contents of threats against a Jewish chaplain at the University of Leeds, whose reserve duty in Israel during the war led to intense harassment and forced him and his family into hiding.

      The Daily Mail shared select recordings of some of the approximately 300 phone calls and messages that Rabbi Zecharia Deutsch and his wife Nava received, as a result of an organized social media campaign against them.

      Local police transferred the family to a safe location after the threats emerged against them, when Deutsch returned from Israel at the beginning of January.

      “Tell that Jewish son-of-a-bitch we’re coming for him,” one of the callers told Nava, when she picked up the phone. “We’re coming to his house and we’re going to kill him in his house and you as well you f*cking racist bitch, slag.”

      “We are going to get you, we’re going to get your husband and we are going to get you as well, love,” another caller threatened Nava. “It’s as simple as that. How dare you come to Leeds and expect the Muslims not to do ‘owt, when all you lot have been doing is killing innocent children?”

      “Us Muslims are coming for you, you dirty Zionist motherf*ckers,” a third caller said.

      All the callers spoke with a Yorkshire accent, which is indigenous to Leeds.

      The couple were also threatened via text: “Oi, you ugly c*nt,” a 1:30 a.m. message sent to Zecharia read. “Gonna be waiting for you, you daft c*nt. Gonna bend your wife over.”

      The Daily Mail said the threats against Deutsch were influenced by a social media campaign led by pro-Palestinian influencers, podcasters, and reporters — including a columnist who writes for The Guardian.

      Deutsch, who was called up to reserve duty in the Israel Defense Forces as part of Israel’s war against Hamas, sent a video of himself in uniform during the war to Jewish students, telling them that Israel was fighting an ethical war in order to destroy what he called an evil enemy. The video ended up reaching the hands of Suhaiymah Manzoor-Khan, a Leeds-based columnist for The Guardian, who began an online campaign on November 11, calling for Deutsch’s ouster as chaplain.

      Staff & students at @UniversityLeeds have shared shocking photos/videos sent to them by their chaplain who has travelled to join Israel’s reserve army-he says Israel is doing the “most moral” thing rn! Will he return to a pastoral role!? I won’t draw the comparison but… imagine!

      — Suhaiymah Manzoor-Khan (@thebrownhijabi) November 11, 2023

      Two days later, two Leeds-based podcasters started an online petition also calling for Deutsch’s removal. The petition received nearly 12,000 signatures. Comments beneath the petition called Deutsch “a baby killer,” “garbage,” and “kelb,” the Arabic word for dog.

      The campaign, unsuccessful in ousting Deutsch, briefly waned, but then was reinvigorated last Thursday, several weeks after his return to Leeds, when the Muslim Association of Britain retweeted the video, questioning Deutsch’s return to campus.

      Why have you allowed Zechariah Deutsch to return to the university as a chaplain after serving in the IDF?

      You have a duty of care towards your students to ensure their safety at all times. How can your students feel safe with a war criminal complicit in…

      — Muslim Association of Britain (MAB) (@MABOnline1) February 8, 2024

      The campaign gained further traction after being picked up by Dilly Hussain, the deputy editor of the British-Muslim publication 5Pillars. Hussain posted a phone number for the university, encouraging followers to complain about the return of Deutsch.


      Can @UniversityLeeds explain why they have allowed a serving IDF soldier who has returned from Gaza to resume his services as a chaplain?

      Have any safeguarding checks and measures been carried out to ensure the…

      — Dilly Hussain (@DillyHussain88) February 8, 2024

      Afterward, the Leeds branch of the Palestine Solidarity Campaign began organizing protests against Deutsch. While demonstrations at the Leeds campus are typically held at the steps of the university, the organizers chose to protest at the Marjorie and Arnold Ziff Building, named after two Jewish philanthropists.

      From there, the campaign reached Mothin Ali, a British Green Party candidate for local elections in Gipton and Harehills, who spoke about Deutsch in a TikTok video, saying: “This creep, that’s the only way I can describe him, is someone who went from Leeds to Israel to kill children and women and everyone else over there.”

      “You should be protecting students from this kind of animal,” Ali continued.

      Several hours after Ali’s video was posted, hundreds of threats began reaching the Deutsch family. In a statement, the Green Party refused to condemn Ali, saying that he was exercising his free speech rights.

      On Western university campuses, the war between Israel and Hamas has sparked unprecedented anti-Israeli protests, which sometimes feature thinly veiled antisemitic rhetoric. At the University of Leeds, the Jewish campus Hillel House was recently defaced with “Free Palestine” graffitied on its walls.

      Like other Diaspora communities, British Jewry has faced rising levels of antisemitism amid the current Gaza conflict, including attacks on a kosher supermarket and a group of Israelis putting up posters of hostages. A recent poll found “frightening” rates of antisemitic tropes among British youth, the Campaign Against Antisemitism watchdog said.

      Rabbi Deutsch and his wife Nava, who have two children, both trained for two years at Ohr Torah Stone’s Straus-Amiel Institute for rabbinical emissaries in Jerusalem. They previously worked with the Jewish community in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia.

      The war was triggered by Hamas’s October 7 onslaught, which saw thousands of Hamas-led terrorists storm southern Israel to kill some 1,200 people, mainly civilians, and take 253 hostages of all ages.

      Following the shock assault, Israel launched a massive offensive in the Gaza Strip, which has claimed the lives of over 28,000 Palestinians to date, according to the Hamas-run health ministry. The figure, which cannot be independently verified, does not distinguish between civilians and combatants, of whom the IDF claims to have killed over 10,000. The army also said it killed some 1,000 Hamas operatives in Israel on October 7.

  29. A glimpse of the future.. after 4th July.

    Jewish university chaplain forced to flee Britain with his family after receiving torrent of death threats from controversial Green Party councillor Mothin Ali, the politician who who yelled 'Allahu Akbar' moments after he was elected to Leeds city council last month. Threats included Ali screaming.. "'Tell that Jewish son of a bitch we are coming for him. We're coming to his house, we're going to kill him, and you as well, you f****** racist bitch."

    Leeds university spokesman said:
    "Such attacks on any individual are unacceptable and cannot be tolerated. Lessons must be learned. Our community will be appalled and want to reach out and help protect our safe spaces. Safeguarding the health, safety and welfare of our community, staff at work is of paramount importance and our thoughts and prayers are with the family, our triple-locked pensions and doorbell CCTV footage."

  30. A glimpse of the future.. after 4th July.

    Jewish university chaplain forced to flee Britain with his family after receiving torrent of death threats from controversial Green Party councillor Mothin Ali, the politician who who yelled 'Allahu Akbar' moments after he was elected to Leeds city council last month. Threats included Ali screaming.. "'Tell that Jewish son of a bitch we are coming for him. We're coming to his house, we're going to kill him, and you as well, you f****** racist bitch."

    Leeds university spokesman said:
    "Such attacks on any individual are unacceptable and cannot be tolerated. Lessons must be learned. Our community will be appalled and want to reach out and help protect our safe spaces. Safeguarding the health, safety and welfare of our community, staff at work is of paramount importance and our thoughts and prayers are with the family, our triple-locked pensions and doorbell CCTV footage."

  31. Why have they turned the 80th celebrations into a concert , and most annoyingly , leftie actors reading private accounts of action
    This is becoming a circus .. I have switched off.

    Here in our village we have the sound of real tanks rumbling through the ranges , and see the reality of members of the RTR queuing up at our local bread shop for rolls and and pies, or the little pullin in parking slot just outside the village where the guys stop with their armoured wagons to drink coffee and eat a burger , because the Army doesn't feed it's people . they have to buy their food ..

    A private company , Sodexo or something with a similar name provides the catering , with inferior food ..

    The circus in France and here in Weymouth , Portsmouth etc is hypocritical , a celebrity led farce . A who's who of self indulgent fools , creating a day out and memory for a handful of very elderly men and women and their families .

    Sorry to sound sour , but that is how I feel

    ( I didn't mention the free bus rides and freebies for the occupants of the Portland migrant barge)

    1. I wonder how many gave their time for free? Seeing Farage sitting in a jeep was just unpleasant. He should know better for a cheap photo op.

    2. What bad news will they hide today.
      I detest politicians with a vengeance.

      1. Politicians are like lawyers and accountants, an overhead but necessary. The problem occurs with their quality and the agendas they pursue.

    3. The saddest poem ever.
      They shall grow not old, as we that are left grow old:
      Age shall not weary them, nor the years condemn.
      At the going down of the sun, and in the morning
      We will remember them.

      Robert Laurence Binyon (1869-1943)

      1. Try singing (or trying to sing) the fifth verse of "O God our help in ages past". Breaks me up every time.

        1. 5 Time, like an ever-rolling stream,
          bears all its sons away;
          they fly forgotten, as a dream
          dies at the op'ning day.

          6 Our God, our Help in ages past,
          our Hope for years to come,
          be Thou our Guide while life shall last,
          and our eternal Home!

    4. I preferred the old system where soldiers living in barracks/.messes had food charges deducted at source from their net pay.

      1. I have a cousin who was 80 this year. He was born on 4th April 1944 – (4-4-44)

    1. Son no 1 is 55years old , I was 22 years old and moh 23.

      Son is a busy man , works hard , unmarried , has many hobbies and is a very athletic, runs etc , and lives at home with us !!

      Yesterday during the news , I mentioned to him that all the stuff on TV re D day happened 25 years before he was born .. He looked at me , as if in total shock .. the reality hit him hard !

      1. OOur one and only offspring was full of pride when he showed us the details of his early retirement plan. How to make me feel old without even trying.

  32. Radio 4 Women's Hour: D Day.

    Bat for Lashes, Women and D-Day, Author Saima Mir

    The singer-songwriter Natasha Khan, known by her stage name Bat for Lashes, joins Anita to talk about her new album, The Dream of Delphi. Named after her daughter Delphi, her new music explores motherhood through lush orchestral sounds. She discusses having a baby during the Covid lockdown and how the experience informed her song-writing.

    Vengeance is award-winning journalist and writer Saima Mir’s second novel, and the sequel to her crime thriller debut The Khan. The book continues the story of Jia Khan as she’s fighting to keep her position at the head of a crime syndicate her father created, and as the mysterious corpses of men begin to appear around the city. Saima joins Anita in the studio to discuss writing a British Asian crime family, creating the characters she wants to read, and why sisterhood is at the heart of her new novel.

    Today marks the 80th anniversary of D-Day, when thousands of Allied troops landed on beaches across Normandy, marking the start of the campaign to liberate Nazi-occupied northern Europe. What’s often forgotten is the important role that women played in organising this huge military project and making the D-Day happen. Anita Rani speaks to historian, teacher and writer Shalina Patel, who has told some of these women’s stories in her book The History Lessons, which celebrates stories and people beyond the usual narratives.

    There you have it – a commemoration of British sacrifice in times of global warfare. Thank you BBC.

  33. 14 June 1944 De Gaulle landed on the beaches of Courseulles sur Mer.

    Theodore Roosevelt Jr landed on D-Day and led troops across the beach head.

      1. You are forgetting the seven million or more members of the French Resistance who had been fighting the Krauts with their bare hands and sharpened spoons for the previous five years.

    1. Theodore Roosevelt Jr (Not to be confused with President Franklin D Roosevelt) was the only general on D-Day to land by sea with the first wave of troops. At 56, he was the oldest man in the invasion, and the only one whose son also landed that day; Captain Quentin Roosevelt II was among the first wave of soldiers at Omaha Beach.
      He had been refused permission to accompany his men but insisted until it was granted.
      A leader of men, a true soldier. He died a month later of a heart attack, from which he had been long suffering, but kept secret from army doctors and superiors. R.I.P. Theodore Roosevelt III

  34. Good morning, all. Sunny.

    Self-identified as a woman and the judicial forces fell for it? It's all about creating chaos and dissent, and you can add in the posing cross-dressers allowed in to schools to infect the children with their crude nonsense.

    Clearly hard times in San Francisco.

    1. I don't now why Lefties put the needs of the one above the needs of the many. Oh, hang on. It's because that's how they think – egotistically.

    2. Do those responsible for housing in women's prisons anatomical men, who declare themselves to be women but who go on to sexually assault other inmates, ever pause to think about and regret the individual decisions they've made and the ideas and policies that lie behind them? I imagine they acknowledge that particular mistakes are inevitable in endeavouring to be kind, noble and decent but that they will not allow these errors to deflect them from following a just and good policy which, despite occasional setbacks, is for the greater good of all.

  35. Back from t'market where, I am delighted to report, there were union flags and bunting everywhere, an RBL stand and an enormous union flag flying from the church tower. A version of old English life that one could believe had gone – these days. VERY refreshing to see. Heart-warming. Our own bunting is flying at the end of the drive.

    I thought the ceremony at Bayeux was excellently done. Those gravestone lights – my, they were wonderful to behold. The bit afterwards at Portsmouth crude and unnecessary.

    1. We don't tend to give such occasions their due. I think it's an unfortunate change brought about by a forced attitude that somehow we should be ashamed of our past and who we are as a nation.

      We have nothing to be ashamed of – except the political class. When the diversity squeal about reparations we should remind them, calmly of everything we have given them. Lefties squeal about slavery or colonialism but know nothing about the history of either. They're brattish toddlers shouting for more and no matter what they're given, they always want more.

    2. I absolutely agree about the illuminated Bayeux gravestones, Bill. They were a glorious sight to behold. I have mixed feelings, though, about the night sky light display. The technical achievement was very impressive and I know that it was well intentioned in trying to honour those who died then, have since died and those few old men who still survive, but it smacked of light entertainment and lacked dignity.

      1. They seemed to be doing the "laser show" because they could, rather than because they ought.

  36. There is a generation gap evident in these opinion polls (the ones that do not count the "Curse on all your houses" majority).

    Putting it into perspective, you'd have to be older than Kate Forbes to be voting when Blair was PM, and older than Rishi Sunak to be voting when John Major was. I am an OAP and only just old enough to be voting when Heath was in office.

    How are the young to know any better?

    1. They don't. Sadly so many people are ignorant – because they're told what to think – we're stuffed. Starmer went about blaming Truss when not one of her policies was enacted and there was absolutely no challenge there at all. Why? Because it is an easy deflection for Sunhat's failures as well.

      Reality is complicated and it means folk have to take responsibility for their lives. Interestingly modern law seems determined to remove that in favour of rights. We've gone from 'think of what you're doing' to 'do what you want' and society has suffered horribly as a consequence.

      1. I found no virtue in anything Truss did or proposed during her brief time before she spooked the markets. Even diehard Tories knew her election as Leader was a mistake.

        Before we go in too hard on Sunak (and yes, whatever Boris did during Lockdown, Sunak also did next door), we may reflect on whether there has been any politician since 1999 that has come out with any credit over the Post Office criminal miscarriage of justice, pointing to a total ethical breakdown of those national institutions we rely on to be honourable.

        I can only think of three to hand: Kevin Hollingrake, who has done everything in his power to put right what his predecessors left him, Kemi Badenoch, his boss, who was blameless during the scandal, and has acting with honour and a clear head in her brief, and Sunak, her boss, who also inherited the situation, and had long left Goldman Sachs when that business got embroiled in the Royal Mail privatisation ,which stank with conflict of interest. All Tories.

        The ITV drama pointed to Sir Ed Davey for his part in the affair, but we should not forget either that Sir Keir Starmer was DPP during the crime and personally approved the prosecution of at least three innocent postmasters passed to the DPP, rather than judged by Post Office executives.

  37. Tickets for this year's Glastonbury were snapped up in under an hour when they went on sale in November. A resale of any cancelled or returned tickets in April sold out in just 22 minutes. The event, which hosts more than 3,000 acts and around 200,000 people on site, will take place from 26-30 June.

    Yep, we know alright , a spawning ground for lefties , plotters and anti establishment behaviour .

    1. Make it the greenest event ever: ban tents, sleeping bags, clothes. Tell folk they have to arrive in sheeps wool clothes and will wear the same clothes throughout. Water from the local river. No toilets.

      Let's see how a world without oil really suits the kiddie Left.

        1. Then the Left kiddiewinks would learn very quickly how stupid their ideology is.

      1. That's not Green, and ignores the technology that does exist to make life better.

        It does not mean littering the countryside with throwaway plastic or defiling the river with effluent.

        A properly run festival would have recycling bins everywhere, composting toilets, reservoirs of filtered water and gravity-fed showers that encourage swift and efficient use of water, and who needs clothes in summer when it's either hot and sunny or pouring with rain. Fine to go mudclad like the piggies. There are workshops for spinning nettle yarn as wool substitute for the vegans, with knitting and weaving.

        Accommodation could be pole barn long houses that can be dismantled and stored each year, with any rotting beams used as firewood.

        I have attended the 'Green and Away' camping festival in the next village, which adopts a lot of these practices, and the place is pristine at the end of a season.

        1. Greeniacs want to do away with oil. Their dinking bottles are all made from oil. Their tents, clothes, shoes, toilets – all oil based.

          All these sound great – but before the composting toilet goes in, it needs a spade to dig it out, which requires a man, who needs food which comes from oil.

          Thus I suggest we shortcut it entirely and completely forbid the greeniacs any oil based substances, tooling entirely. They should set the example.

          Jeremy, I imagine you're my sort of green person – you believe in recycling, re-use and cleaning up after you, respecting green places and caring for the environment. The Left greeniac nutters just want other people o suffer for their worldview. They don't imagine anything will change – they just want to cause pain. Thus they should do so first.

          1. They're also colour blind too, remember. They made they're logo green when actually it ought to be red.

          2. Any potter or glass blower can tell you that drinking vessels have existed long before oil was put to use, and very good they were too. Tents, clothes, shoes and toilets likewise have for millennia never been based on oil, and could be again with a bit of application.

            Likewise, food until the latter part of the 20th century, has relied on land, fresh water, sunlight and a bit of skilled husbandry and cooking skills, not oil.

            Composting toilets do indeed require someone with a spade to dig them out from time to time and use the material as compost to improve the fertility of the land. Digging a hole and barrowing away muck is hardly rocket science and crucially does not depend on oil.

            The Green movement is not spared the argument between its purists and its pragmatists, same as any political movement. I had this debate back in 1980 when I was Constituency Chairman then of the local Ecology Party, as it was known then.

            The problem was that if we demanded that everyone live like monks, we would never get elected and remain forever ignored on the fringes, as the degradation of the planet went on, bringing with it a mass extinction of species and a breakdown of civilisation and its institutions some time in the 21st century. I wanted to make environmental concern mainstream, so left the Ecology Party and joined the SDP.

            One example is that in the countryside, probably the most environmentally efficient way , taking all things into account, to get around is by car fuelled by oil-based material. The same cannot be said in the cities, and whilst a 4×4 offroader is entirely practical on a farm, it is a ridiculous profligate form of posing in a city.

    2. My two younger brothers love going to the Glastonbury mud-bath.

      I always knew they were retarded. My suspicions are now well-confirmed.

      1. I was assured that Macron is already a Queen. His grandma, Bridgette, is proud of him.

    1. There's a company named after him.
      Sofa King…..add your own third word.

  38. What a frightfully common accent William, Prince of Woke, has developed.

    Just saying.

      1. Still manages to get himself and George into the posh seats at Villa Park ( and Weobley).

  39. When you think it can't get any worse . . .

    D Day: BBC Radio 4: Celebration of life and works of IRA supporting film-maker and novelist. Just a co-incidence, surely!

    1. Looks like the new Pandur 2's. Nice machine that. Modular turret. Built in about the same period of time the MoD finished writing the FRES diversity nonsense. Notably our own vehicles are not ready, being too slow, undergunned, noisy and uncontrollable.

      The design started in 2008 during the Afghan war. That's how utterly incompetent the MoD is.

        1. FRES has been rumbling along for donkey's years. Was Richard Dannat's great dream.

          The one thing Brown did that saves him from being hanged is using emergency funding to buy the Foxhound/Mastiff et al.

          Dannat wanted FRES. Kids were dying in Landrovers and he wanted a tracked modular vehicle that still isn't ready.

          1. I think FRES as a programne is no more? Having worked in MoD procurement, while serving (before Thatcher privatised it) and later as an engineering consultant after 25 years in the commercial world, I can only comment that the MoD procurement system is very broken.

  40. 388203+ up ticks,

    Just heard the news a welfare/ house seekers transport got into trouble after escaping from a free country, escorted mid channel
    by a french escort ship before being pick up by the border force in English waters .

    So in point of fact we have been paying the french for an escort service.

    1. 388203+up ticks,


      After being escorted to English waters by the french aiding & abetting the great escape
      from freedom..

      Six-month-old baby rescued from Channel after dinghy carrying 84 migrants flips
      Dover and Walmer lifeboats are assisting the Border Force in the operation

  41. 388203+ up ticks,

    Just heard the news a welfare/ house seekers transport got into trouble after escaping from a free country, escorted mid channel
    by a french escort ship before being pick up by the border force in English waters .

    So in point of fact we have been paying the french for an escort service.

  42. 95-year old Englishman steps off the ferry at Boulogne and is approached by a French immigration official.

    Official: "Passport, please,"
    Old chap: "I don't have one."
    Official: "What? You cannot enter this country without a passport!"
    Old chap: "Why ever not? I didn't have one the last time I came here."
    Official: "I don't believe you! When was that?"
    Old chap: "Sixth of June, 1944."

    1. Ian Botham entering Australia on an Ashes Tour;

      Official: 'Do you have a criminal record?'
      Botham: 'I didnt know you still needed one!'

  43. I don't like this new Disqus formatting. Why do companies have to change things that work OK? When I worked at an MoD research establishment (before Qinetiq) my Civil Servant boss used to say the problem with we military types was when we came to a new post we always had to change things. He said if we had an irresistible urge to change something then move your telephone to the other side of your desk to the other. His other excellent saying was that a considered decision to do nothing was far better than an ill considered decision to do something.

  44. Eventually morning all 😀😊
    What a palaver, that all was and called back as we were leaving the car park. No body told me they needed bloodtests and ECG.

      1. It seems they were preparing for a part knee replacement operation. But I had not been informed of the likely hood. Only for a new type of injection to ease the pain.
        Someone slipped up somewhere.
        But it's good to know that after more than 30 years of problems they are considering that.
        I hold nothing against those on the front line Alf. I always have a bit of fun with them as well..

        1. I bought them as presents for MiL. She would also wear with pride a T shirt i bought her from Amsterdam with three cats smoking spliffs. She was 70 lol.

  45. At least they called you. Round here you'd get a letter telling you that as you missed your appointment you would be at the back of the queue and might expect to hear in July 2025.

  46. BBC accused of ‘monumental double standards’ for not dropping ‘racist’ cricket pundit

    Qasim Sheikh was part of the TMS team for Scotland v England T20 game, despite fact he shared ‘anti-Semitic’ post on social media

    5 June 2024 • 8:23pm

      Qasim Sheikh commentated on England's T20 World Cup opener against Scotland on Tuesday

      The BBC has been accused of a “monumental double standard” on racism by continuing to employ cricket commentator Qasim Sheikh.

      In an open letter, more than 100 Jewish figures in the media and entertainment industry condemned the BBC’s decision to stand by Sheikh, who began commentating this week for Test Match Special.

      The former Scotland international cricketer shared an image on social media which depicted Rishi Sunak and other world leaders with Hitler moustaches, and was captioned: “Kids Killer Union.”

      In another post made in the wake of the Oct 7 Hamas attack on Israel, he argued that Palestinians have “a right to defend themselves”.

      The BBC said Sheikh would continue as part of the team covering the T20 World Cup.

      Michael John
      15 HRS AGO
      Michael Vaughan, innocent Ashes winning captain, was thrown to the lions by the BBC. The Daily Telegraph stood by him. Qasim Sheikh, now a proven racist, is backed to the hilt. Extraordinary decision from Director General Tim Davey.

      craig lovatt
      14 HRS AGO
      Reply to Michael John
      Tim Davey is a whimp. The BBC appears to run by a Mr Lineker.

      Robert Robert
      14 HRS AGO
      Reply to Michael John – view message
      Not a surprise. Davie, nominally a Tory (until he got the job), calls himself a 'Progressive', aka Socialist.
      I did think that in his failure to deliver his promised impartiality at the BBC proved that he was not up to the job. Incompetent. I think otherwise now, and that he is an activist, facilitating this corruption. There surely can be no other explanation. EDITED

  47. At some ungodly hour, the blessed cbc started broadcasting the 80th anniversary activities from France this morning and I foolishly thought that this would be a broadcast worth watching. What do we get? Bloody Trudeau arriving, Trudeau making speeches, Trudeau laying a wreath.

    The vets will not have forgotten how Trudeau Pere avoided ww2 service nor will they forgive Trudeau Fils for defunding our forces and his refusal to support our current veterans.

    Just f off and die and when you have done that, f off again.

    Changing over to look at bbc coverage, it's less emporer worship than our home made garbage.

    1. You see, this is the appeal of Dante's Inferno. Down there he finds all the people he despises getting their just deserts and has them beg him to warn others of their fate. Just insert Trudeau where appropriate.

  48. I've got the van back with a new turbo.
    The turbo was not seized, but jammed. A small piece of metal, a lump of one of the exhaust fan blades, fell out when the fitter was looking at it on the bench.

    Another thing on the plus side, a large safe, a mistaken auction purchase from 6y ago and sat on E-Bay for the past couple of years, appears to have sold!!!
    Now have to get it out of the container it's in and loaded into the van so I can deliver it!That will free up a decent amount of space in the container and I might even get to sell the large drawing board that's been stuck behind for the past couple of years.

  49. This is no longer the Britain the D-Day generation fought to save. 6 June 2024.

    Eight decades on from D-Day, and the heroism and self-sacrifice of the tens of thousands of troops who fought to liberate Europe from tyranny hasn’t dimmed. In fact, it shines as brightly as ever, and even though only a handful of veterans are still with us, we are right to celebrate them and their fallen comrades and say thank you.

    How sad, then, that the Britain they fought to defend is fading before our eyes. How tragic that the freedoms they battled to preserve are so casually abandoned. How galling that so many Britons seem to despise the country those heroes gave their lives to protect.

    A rare recognition of reality in the MSM. What these young men fought for was given away by the politicians.

    1. It has been a tripartite attack on the younger generations since 1944.

      They have been consistently failed, miserably, by: substandard parenting, execrable teaching, and appalling governments.

      1. Yes its sad to see the state of education. The state schools I went to were first class . I went to an all boys school. The change set in when they ended gramer schools and changed the Secondary Moderns into comprehensive. It resulted in a planned decline in state education.

      2. My parents were definitely not substandard in bring me and my siblings up. The schools did their best but none of were academic but made a success of our lives.

      3. My mother was widowed when I was four – she worked full time and I had a lot of freedom as a child. I went to a little village school and walked along the A38 every day there and back. I passed the 11+ and went to an all girls' grammar school, which does still exist in that form now.

    2. “The world is too much with us; late and soon,
      Getting and spending, we lay waste our powers;
      Little we see in Nature that is ours;
      We have given our hearts away, a sordid boon!This Sea that bares her bosom to the moon,The winds that will be howling at all hours,And are up-gathered now like sleeping flowers,For this, for everything, we are out of tune;It moves us not.—Great God! I'd rather beA Pagan suckled in a creed outworn;So might I, standing on this pleasant lea,Have glimpses that would make me less forlorn;Have sight of Proteus rising from the sea;Or hear old Triton blow his wreathed horn.”

      ― William Wordsworth,

    3. “The world is too much with us; late and soon,
      Getting and spending, we lay waste our powers;
      Little we see in Nature that is ours;
      We have given our hearts away, a sordid boon!This Sea that bares her bosom to the moon,The winds that will be howling at all hours,And are up-gathered now like sleeping flowers,For this, for everything, we are out of tune;It moves us not.—Great God! I'd rather beA Pagan suckled in a creed outworn;So might I, standing on this pleasant lea,Have glimpses that would make me less forlorn;Have sight of Proteus rising from the sea;Or hear old Triton blow his wreathed horn.”

      ― William Wordsworth,

  50. A huge search operation is underway for Mail columnist and TV diet guru Dr Michael Mosley who went missing after going for a coastal walk on a Greek holiday island.

    Police fear Dr Mosley, 67, may have ‘fallen from a height’ after he set off hiking along St Nicholas Beach on Symi at 1.30pm on Wednesday.

    His wife, Dr Clare Bailey, 62, raised the alarm after he failed to return by 7.30pm and local authorities began tracing the route overnight but were unable to locate him.

    1. "May" be deported. I think we all know that he won't be. This country is being used as a dustbin, taking the rubbish of other countries.

    2. He won't be deported. He'll continue to trough away.

      Bluntly he shouldn't even be in the country. In my world he'd have been shot.

      1. It’s almost as though he wanted the world to know it was a ‘personal’ visit….🤔

      2. Why would Soonout care? Were any of his relatives involved in freeing the Continent from the Nazis and fascists?

  51. so what do you all think of the fact that 450 of our military, who parachuted into France for the D-bday commemorations, had to produce their papers to prove they were allowed into the country!

    They should have turned their backs on the effing French.

    1. Should have refused and see what they do.
      We should treat all EU visitors to Britain exactly the same way they treat us. Let’s do s French and include the Irish in that as well. We won’t do because all our politicians are wet weak dishcloths. I detest them all.

      Edit – And include all EU politicians on official visits. Childish? Possibly but would give me a warm glowing feeling.

      1. 388203+ up ticks,

        Afternoon AtG,

        Many of these politico's are not of our patriotic mindset, far from it.

  52. It is claimed that American servicemen arriving in France for D-Day commemoration did NOT have to produce their passports.

    1. It's a pity the French aren't quite so assiduous in stopping the third world savages coming in this direction as they are with British Paras going there to celebrate their liberation from German occupation.

  53. Vertical aerial photograph of Horsa gliders of 6th Airborne Division's 'coup de main' force (D Company, 2nd Ox & Bucks Light Infantry plus sappers) near the bridge over the Caen Canal at Benouville, subsequently known as 'Pegasus Bridge', June 1944. Visible are Glider No. 91 with Lt Den Brotheridge and Major John Howard (top); Glider No. 93 with Lt Smith (centre) and Glider No. 92 with Lt Henry 'Tod' Sweeney (bottom).
    Lt. Den Brotheridge was killed a few minutes after leaving the glider and left a heavily pregnant wife at home.


      Descendants of servicemen with links to a key D-Day airfield in Dorset are inviting the public to an event marking the operation's 80th anniversary.

      The first British troops to land in Normandy flew in gliders from Tarrant Rushton late on 5 June 1944.

      A newly-formed community group, Friends of Tarrant Rushton Airfield Memorial, has been set up to care for the memorial at the former RAF base.

      The group is hosting the commemoration event on Saturday 1 June.

      (I sometimes give the dog a run on the airfield , and years and years ago , when the boys were young , I gave them both their first driving lessons on there )

      1. I taught our sons the rudimentaries of driving on Earls Colne airfield.
        They picked it up surprisingly quickly.
        Years later, they confessed that, when still primary school age, they used to nip over to the builders' yard behind our house and drive the dumper trucks around; the drivers used to leave the keys in them.

  54. 388203+ up ticks,

    All these commemorations, hard earned, and well deserved regarding the 6th of June to me ring somewhat false coming from some segments of society, there are a great many of the political hierarchy pursuing a totally alien road that is the exact opposite to what was fought for and won in 1945.

    In a matter of weeks another battle will take place for the future of these Isles, in my book, and looking at these past four decades voting pattern, one that the decent peoples have already lost,as in the hand over of these Isles will be of a seamless nature, all the pieces are in place, awaiting the call.

  55. The Battle of Britain Memorial Flight may still be grounded but over here in NN8 we still have our regular visit from a Spitfire flying between Duxford and Sywell. It went over about 10 minutes ago.

    One becomes a little blasé after a while…

      1. Hard to say, it’s never quite close enough or at the right angle, but probably as Sywell does offer rides.

  56. 388203+ up ticks,


    This is no longer the Britain the D-Day generation fought to save
    This has become a country where people applaud when their liberties are taken away from them. Would they even recognise us?

    I do not believe in all honesty they would want to.

    1. The people now living in this country are not all descended from the generation that fought on the beaches. Many of those who are probably have no idea of the significance of history.

      1. I managed to get to the beacon lighting ceremony. One of the bemedalled chaps asked a young girl in guide uniform if she knew what the beacon was about. She didn't.

          1. Members of the congregation expressed their admiration at how well the youngsters had behaved. I should hope so, being members of a disciplined youth body! I’d expect no less. Mind you, nowadays anything goes.

  57. There's been some confusion about the identity of the woman who threw a milkshake at Farage.

    Shockingly, there may be more than one satsuma-sprayed, piss-bleached, baboon arse-lipped, plastic-faced slapper in Essex.

    1. I’m not confused at all! They are both brainless, over- painted air heads, except one of them apparently has a job which doesn’t involve getting her bits out, and photographing them!

  58. To commentate the anniversary of D-Day, hundreds have parachuted from RAF planes onto the beaches at Normandy.

    In response, President Macron has issued France's unconditional surrender.

    1. No he didn't – he arranged a welcoming committee of customs officials who made them all show their passports!

  59. Went into Barclays bank to day. Festooned with pride flags. Just the job for D-Day, yes?

    1. I looked for a compare and contrast picture of swastika banners but Google wouldn't show me any.

    2. Didn’t it have a comment on how gays and trans soldiers were the unsung heroes of D Day?

  60. Today we remember the brave men who sailed in boats from Britain to France so that, one day, fraudsters ,gangsters and benefit cheats could sail in boats from France to Britain.

          1. Thanks Jules! The photo I copied wouldn’t load! I’m not a techy!
            But if the blonde shiny faced lass is a ‘senior press officer’ in the HOC, I absolutely despair!

        1. A woman who was wrongly accused of throwing a drink at Nigel Farage is considering taking legal action against "milkshake truthers".

          On Tuesday, a milkshake was thrown at the Reform UK leader as he relaunched the party's general election campaign in Clacton. Emily Hewertson, a senior press officer in the House of Commons, was accused by a group of online conspiracy theorists of throwing the McDonald's drink over Mr Farage as part of a PR stunt.

          However, the 24-year-old from London denied the claims, calling them "unsubstantiated" lies that formed part of a "malicious smear campaign".

          Ms Hewertson highlighted one of the claims by so-called "milkshake truthers" and wrote on X, formerly Twitter: "Anyone know any good lawyers?"

          In a separate tweet, she said: "I will be considering my next steps tomorrow."

          Speaking to The Telegraph, Ms Hewertson said: "It's not often you check your phone to see you've been accused by thousands of people online for throwing a milkshake over Nigel Farage. Whilst I'm sadly used to Twitter users spreading unfounded rumours, you'd expect a bit more due diligence from established media figures. They should know better than to spread an accusation without a single shred of evidence."

          She added: "I'm glad my name has now been cleared, but hope this is a lesson in thinking before you tweet."

          It comes after Shelagh Fogarty, a veteran journalist and an LBC radio presenter, amplified suggestions that Ms Hewertson was the girlfriend of a Reform party press officer and that she had orchestrated the incident to boost support for Mr Farage.

          Ms Fogarty later apologised for perpetuating the conspiracy to her 140,000 followers, claiming that it was a joke.

          1. Who are the conspirators?
          2. Let's hope Shelagh Fogarty is busted. She was Nicky Campbell's sidekick on BBC Radio 5's breakfast show and even more annoying than him.

    1. Laughed so hard I had a coughing fit and almost passed out. An acute sense of humor is not good for emphysema. But thank you. It would be wonderful to die laughing 😂😁👍

  61. Stepson's clothes now hung on the washing line and smelling reasonable.
    He is in the habit of wearing his clothes until they are absolutely honking and then replacing them with new stuff. He has no idea of the value of money.

  62. Did anyone watch the supposedly Labour Party broadcast last night?
    It was one big crying session as sir kneeler took us on a poignant tour of his past; to show how much he cares.
    I was seriously tempted to ask Mr Croc to pass the sick bucket.
    Sunak was no better, demanding people believe all his spiffy spread sheets that show we are on the verge of heaven, if we just stick with him.
    If this is the best they can come up with, then neither party is fit to lead a a Boy Scout troop, let alone the country!
    I have never experienced such a bunch of out of touch fantasists in my life and I am not exactly a spring chicken.
    Then of course we have the lib dumbs behaving like adrenaline fuelled children to show how down with the kids they are and the greens promising to fix everything with more windmills and push bikes to get you to your “green job”.
    No wonder Clacton turned out for Nigel.

    1. I'm glad I don't have a vote in the UK.
      I might be minded to ram it up one of the very many useless arses there.

    2. Clacton Mrs Croc.
      Clapton, despite being in north east London, now has a culture very far removed from that of the Essex coast (although UpperClapton does border Stamford Hill where I suspect that the Labour Party is viewed with some concern)

  63. Many of the French are deeply ashamed of the fact that the British parachutists who arrived from the air to celebrate D Day were then obliged to show their passports.

    They are also deeply ashamed that President Macron arrived 20 minutes late.

    The majority of BTL comments under this article in Le Figaro show just how disgusted the majority of Figaro readers are.
    Here are three BTLs:

    1. Quelle honte!
    La France devrait plutôt être reconnaissante aux parachutistes Anglais.
    What a disgrace – France should be grateful for the British parachutists

    2. La France a visiblement un complexe vis-à-vis du Royaume-Uni.

    France clearly has an inferiority complex when it comes to The United Kingdom

    3. Au départ j’espérais revendre mon passeport. Apres ces images je pense finalement le donner…si quelqu’un en veut encore. Honte pour la France.

    At first I hoped to sell my passport – But after seeing these pictures I now want to give it way – that is if anybody wants it.

    80 ans du débarquement : après avoir sauté en parachute, des militaires britanniques cordialement contrôlés par la douane
    Par M.A.

    Les parachutistes britanniques, lointains successeurs des héros du D-DAY, ont été cueillis ce mercredi par la douane française après avoir touché le sol de Normandie. Avec cordialité bien sûr, mais malgré tout avec rigueur. Il n’y a pas de passe-droit dans le bocage, même en cet anniversaire historique du Débarquement. Sous le feu allemand il y a 80 ans, les compagnies aéroportées britanniques, elles, n’avaient pas leur «Ausweis» en poche à présenter à l’occupant bientôt bouté de France.

    Ces temps exceptionnels sont heureusement révolus. Les militaires venus d’outre-Manche pour participer aux commémorations du 80ème anniversaire du débarquement ont dû classiquement passer par «la case douane» après avoir sauté ce mercredi en parachute à Sannerville, à l’est de Caen, rapporte Ouest France. Les Anglais, qui ont choisi le Brexit, ne sauraient trop s’en émouvoir.

    On a ainsi pu observer savoureusement sur les images les agents de la douane en gilets pare-balles accueillir des militaires britanniques d’un autre temps, rejouant le rôle des soldats aéroportés tout le long de la côte normande pour saboter les axes de circulation et ralentir la réaction allemande lors de l’invasion de la France par les Alliés.

    1. Thank you, Richard. My French isn't very good but I could detect the tone of the comment despite not being able to translate it.

    2. This is from Translate. Is it accurate Richard?

      The British paratroopers, distant successors of the heroes of the D-DAY, were picked up this Wednesday by French customs after touching the soil of Normandy. With cordiality of course, but despite everything with rigour. There is no pass in the grove, even on this historic anniversary of the Landing. Under German fire 80 years ago, British airborne companies did not have their "Ausweis" in their pocket to present to the occupier soon to be out of France.

      These exceptional times are fortunately over. Military personnel from across the Channel to participate in the commemorations of the 80th anniversary of the landing had to classically go through "the customs booth" after parachuting this Wednesday in Sannerville, east of Caen, reports Ouest France. The English, who have chosen Brexit, cannot be too moved by it.

      We could thus deliciously observe in the images customs officers in bulletproof vests welcoming British soldiers from another time, replaying the role of airborne soldiers all along the Normandy coast to sabotage traffic axes and slow down the German reaction during the Allied invasion of France

      1. Well, I’m a bit ‘moved’ by it! I’m ‘moved’ to call the French a bunch of tw*ts!

        1. I was, until I read that yer average Frenchie was disgusted by such treatment.
          Good on the French. Time for another revolution?

          1. As I have written before, French locals have come up to us and apologised for Macron's attitudes.

      2. Usually Caroline does the translations.

        I was too busy in the garden to translate anything other than the BTLs but Ped has done it for us.

    3. 80 years since the landing: after parachuting, British soldiers cordially checked by customs

      The British paratroopers, distant successors to the heroes of D-DAY, were picked up this Wednesday by French customs after touching down in Normandy. With cordiality of course, but nevertheless with rigor. There are no privileges in the countryside, even on this historic anniversary of the Landing. Under German fire 80 years ago, the British airborne companies did not have their “Ausweis” in their pockets to present to the soon-to-be defeated occupiers of France.

      These extreme times are fortunately over. The soldiers who came from across the Channel to participate in the commemorations of the 80th anniversary of the landing had to classically go through “the customs box” after jumping this Wednesday by parachute in Sannerville, to the east of Caen. The English, who chose Brexit, cannot be too moved by it.

      We were thus able to tastefully depict in the images customs agents in bulletproof vests welcoming British soldiers from another time, replaying the role of airborne soldiers all along the coast circulating tirales(?) the German reaction during the invasion of France by the Allies.

    4. The first quote (the long one) is a tweet of an article from the local newspaper, Ouest-France.

      The writer seems to be suggesting that, because of Brexit, we should not be upset about soldiers having to show their passports.

      The other three BTLs are sympathetic- and, seemingly, embarrassed.

      Are their any formal articles in either Figaro or Le Monde about this? And do either paper refer directly to Toy Boy's impoliteness in being late?

  64. Much has been made about this particular decennial commemoration of D-Day. I guess it's because this will be the last in which the survivors can participate. Come the 90th anniversary, the youngest, if any are still living, will be 107.

    Next year's VE and VJ days will be similarly commemorated for the same reason.

    Do Germans, albeit on a much less grand scale, commemorate their fallen of 80 years ago? They, too, will have very elderly survivors. Although the cause they were fighting for was not a noble one, many of those who still live would have been young conscripts, not volunteers fanatically supportive of the regime that brought this upon them. They were just doing their patriotic duty. Their courage, sacrifices and hardships would have been similar to those who fought for the Allied powers. Their descendants will want to remember them while not in any way celebrating the conflict and its horrors.

    1. In 1987, my unit's Remembrance day commemorations at Rheinberg military cemetery, north of Krefeld, were attended by German veterans.

    2. I believe yer average German squaddie deserves the same respect as our lads. Neither wanted to be there, they had a horrific time, but did their duty as best they could. So many died or were maimed. RIP.

      1. My aunt and uncle had several German POWs billeted with them during and for a while after the war.
        They were not supposed to let them sleep in the house or mingle with the family.
        Neither aunt or uncle could not treat young men in that way. They were treated as living-in employees.
        My cousins grew very fond of them and were upset when they returned to Germany.
        Years later, my aunt and uncle's only foreign trip was to the wedding of the daughter of one of those young men.

    3. While we were sailing around the Med we met Gert, a very charming, civilised and multilingual German in Southern Spain. The first thing he said to us was that his family had left Germany as soon as Hitler came to power and had moved to Portugal. Gert was born in Lisbon in 1944 where his family ran a very successful business. One of his sons studied at Imperial College and the other at Cambridge. We met Gert and his wife Angelica again in the Balearics, in Sardinia, in Sicily, in the Greek Islands and in Turkey as he sailed around the Med as we were dong.

      I felt rather sorry for Gert being ashamed of his compatriots but I am beginning to understand what he must have felt. I don't want to be ashamed of being British but there seems to be less and less to be proud of.

      Here is a photo we took of Gert's boat, Gazella – a Freedom 40 – as we passed her on a cracking sail we had from Menorca to Sardinia aboard Mianda. We averaged nearly ten knots on that trip and Gert could not keep up with us!

  65. They couldn't … a brewery


    CCHQ have been scrambling to find Tory candidates for seats ever since Sunak’s helpful decision to call a snap election. It was reported by Michael Crick that the day after Sunak’s announcement, there were 190 Tory vacancies. Nominations officially close tomorrow, though it looks like CCHQ are still struggling to fill all the spots…

    The exact number of vacancies is unknown, though there are reports that they still have around 80 spaces left to fill. If that is the case, it’s possible that not all seats will have a Tory candidate, with the deadline just over 24 hours away. Tory SpAds who have been parachuted by CCHQ into safe seats – such as the likes of Tanner, Goss and Clarke – have royally upset the local Tories. Even SpAd Alice Hopkin has been sent up to be the Tory candidate in a Labour safe seat – an area “she can’t wait get to know”. While other Tory locals tell Guido of their rage that CCHQ de-selected David Duguid and parachuted Scottish Conservative Leader Douglas Ross into the safe seat of Banff and Buchan. They say it has nothing to do with Duguid being “unwell“. Shafting the local associations in this way is not something members will forget…

    Meanwhile, outrage over Tory Chair Richard Holden bagging a safe seat – courtesy of him being the only candidate in the selection process – doesn’t look set to die down. One Tory MP tells Guido they are “still furious”, and that there is a “settled white cold anger” over the stitch-up. It appears the turmoil for Holden isn’t over yet either. A Tory source tells Guido:

    “When a ship is sinking and everyone’s running for the lifeboats, someone is expected to shout ‘women and children first’. In this case, Richard Holden, shouted ‘me first’ – then left dozens of Tory MPs and candidates on the Titanic looking desperately for the lifeboat he has obtained.”

    Holden may be heading into unchartered waters…

    1. When a ship is sinking, there's only one country that ignores the women & children. 'Sauve qui peut!'.

    2. I think CCHQ have already made it abundantly clear that the views of local party and members in general are completely irrelevant.

    3. Geography of England would seem to be a mystery to CCHQ.
      So easy to confuse SE Essex with NW Durham.

  66. One would have thought that CCHQ would have had a list with plenty of substitutes well before the hi risk anus decided it was time to fart.

    1. That presupposes that CCHQ consists of personnel of intelligence, foresight and common sense, sos . . .

      1. I was serving with the British Army of the Rhine. Saw very little of it as we were on exercise in Northern Germany.

        1. Me too Stig! Watched it at my grandparents house – with my other grandparents, my parents and my sister. It was a very sombre day.

    1. I worked at an office in the Strand – and went there at 4 am to watch the rehearsal.

      1. I watched it on TV. The cranes dipping on the waterfront was very impressive.

  67. Today, June 6, is Sveriges nationaldag [Sweden's National Day]; Swedish flags are being flown everywhere.

    Not to feel that I'm missing out, I have decided to fly three flags: A Union Flag (for D-Day); a Derbyshire Flag (county of my birth); and a Yorkshire Flag (county of my heritage). You can take the lad out of England (and give him a Swedish passport); but you can't take England (or the North) out of the lad.👍🏻

    1. If you were flying more than one i would also have flown the Swedish flag. As a nod to the country that allowed you to settle.

    1. The usual POS that need concrete boots and a single trip out over the Atlantic.
      I doubt if our MSM will report or even mention this, they are too busy telling us how our country was saved from invasion 80 years ago.
      Obviously I will be eternally grateful for what all these young guys did at the time, but I wonder what the survivors think of the country they saved, now.

  68. I'm surrounded by Swedish flags right now. Mine are a dilution of all this national fervour.

  69. From the Standard:
    The King on paid tribute to those who “did not flinch when the moment came” on D-Day as he spoke at a ceremony to mark the 80th anniversary of the military operation which changed the course of the Second World War.

    Veterans could be seen wiping their eyes as he made his address at the national commemorative event at the British Normandy Memorial in Ver-sur-Mer on Thursday morning.

    The King and Queen also appeared emotional during the service, with the Queen wiping her eye as the memories of one D-Day veteran were read to the audience.

    Dressed in military uniform, the King said: “Eighty years ago on D-Day, the 6th of June 1944, our nation — and those which stood alongside it — faced what my grandfather, King George VI, described as the supreme test. How fortunate we were, and the entire free world, that a generation of men and women in the United Kingdom and other allied nations did not flinch when the moment came to face that test.”

    He added: “On the beaches of Normandy, on the seas beyond and in the skies overhead, our armed forces carried out their duty with a humbling sense of resolve and determination — qualities so characteristic of that remarkable war-time generation.

    “Very many of them never came home. They lost their lives on the D-Day landing grounds or in the many battles that followed. It is with the most profound sense of gratitude that we remember them and all those who served at that critical time.
    “We recall the lesson that comes to us again and again across the decades — free nations must stand together to oppose tyranny.”

    Thursday’s commemorations began with a solitary piper on a Normandy beach before the dwindling number of D-Day veterans were joined by heads of states and those who simply wanted to pay tribute to the living and the fallen.

    Pipe Major Trevor Macey-Lillie was at Gold Beach in Arromanches and began playing his lament while still at sea in a landing craft before being driven up the beach in a DUKW amphibious vehicle similar to the ones used to land troops 80 years ago today in 1944

    1. They're still protesting because there weren't any ladies loos back at base.

  70. Well, if you wish to have a quiet vomit – watch the "international commemoration" on BFMTV – and you will see just how the EU won the war, the Germans liberated France, the Americans provided lotsa money – and the British were a damned nuisance. Rows of children waving EU flags. The European "anthem" (thanks, Ludwig) being played…. Just disgusting.

  71. Even when it comes to cricket, United States teams have to commence proceedings with the national anthem performed, not in communal style with a band – oh no – but with an unaccompanied female solo singer ululating the Star-Spangled Banner with a catch in the voice, a hint of country 'n' western yodel and a diva-style personal improvisation of the melody. Why do they always have to do the full Mariah Carey? I didn't understand a word of the Pakistan anthem but I much preferred it to the showboat grandstanding of the American one.

  72. A heavenly Birdie Three?

    Wordle 1,083 3/6

    1. Well done. Par four here.

      Wordle 1,083 4/6


    2. Nice work – I feel numbed!

      Boring boring for me……..

      Wordle 1,083 4/6


    3. Boring par.

      Wordle 1,083 4/6


      1. Unfortunately
        I was not fishing with Molamola, my day was spent trying to sort out the electrical wiring at the curling club. We can be sure that it had not been installed by a sane electrician.

    4. Just back from fishing. Birdie but no fish. None of the trout participated in the evening rise.

      Wordle 1,083 3/6


    1. A fuller version of the clip shows that he thought it was time to sit down – he was just a bit early. Plenty of reasons to think Biden is not competent to be President of the USA without people making things up about him.

      1. The Daily Mail also reported it as if he prematurely attempted to sit.

        Where is my chair? Bizarre moment Jill covers her mouth as Joe suddenly bends down during the 80th anniversary D-Day speech

        Biden started to take a seat during a D-Day ceremonies in Normandy

        He paused as Lloyd Austin was being introduced, then elevated and sat down


        PUBLISHED: 14:47, 6 June 2024 | UPDATED: 17:23, 6 June 2024

        President Joe Biden squatted down during ceremonies commemorating the 80th anniversary of D-Day in France on Thursday, then awkwardly held the position before correcting himself while other dignitaries remained standing.

        The odd moment came after Biden and French President Emmanuel Macron greeted surviving heroes of the Normandy invasion, as a military band played somber music.

        Biden, 81, then bent his knees as if preparing to sit before momentarily freezing.

        The move seemed to prompt First Lady Jill Biden to cover her mouth – raising questions about whether she quietly tried to offer him advice.

        As Biden bent down towards his chair, the music suddenly cut out, and a loudspeaker told the gathered 'distinguished guests' that Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin would now speak.

        That prompted Biden to pause in his squatted position. He then slightly elevated himself as if to stand, before again lowering himself down.

        His wife Jill – who sometimes guides her husband off stage during public events – covered her mouth and scratched the area above her upper lip. It was difficult to tell whether she let him know it wasn't yet the right time to sit.

        Biden is attuned to the comfort of guests at large public speaking events. He regularly tells his own listeners who stand for him to please take a seat if they have one.

        The unusual moment came during a day of moving encounters with some of the last members of the 'Greatest Generation.'

        Biden met with two dozen U.S. vets who landed at Normandy in 1944 and served in what he called a 'crusade' that ultimately liberated Europe from Nazi tyranny.

        With several thousand vets and servicemen and women in the crowd, along with dignitaries that included Macron and French first lady Brigitte Macron, Biden may have been living up an old military saying: 'Never stand when you can sit, never sit when you can lay down, never lay down when you can sleep.'

        The president also may have dabbed at his eyes a few times during the ceremony paying tribute to those who sacrificed on the beaches of Normandy. He clenched his fist with fervor following a military flyover.

        The poignant ceremony, amid a time of other brutality in Europe that the president referenced in his speech, had a few other light moments, such when vet Robert Gibson, 100, told Biden, 'Don't get old.'

        Jill Biden appeared eager to keep things moving. After the conclusion of the event, she guided Biden off the stage. The couple departed after Biden shook hands with a few more vets, holding hands as they walked. Even as Biden left, Macron remained behind to greet more of them.

        Biden's trip to Europe – the first of two within days – is being closely watched this election year for any signs of frailty, with his first presidential debate with Donald Trump, 77, just weeks away.

        This week the Wall Street Journal published an investigative piece painting a concerning picture of a president who sometimes doesn't remember meetings and mixes up policy details. The story quotes Republican leaders, and drew pushback from Democratic senators who said their statements didn't get included.

        Its publication drew new calls by some medical experts for Biden to take a cognitive test.

    2. How embarrassing for Americans, even if it was merely, as Aeneus suggests, that Biden thought it was time to sit. When his wife leads him off, he looks completely blank, infantile and incapable. Poor man.

      1. Wonderful if they didn’t to see what the French would do.
        Could have/should have been highly embarrassing for Toy Boy. Missed opportunity.

  73. The French passport farrago reminds me.

    When I was a teenager, spending the school holidays with my parents at RAF Waterbeach, (then a fighter station with 56, 63 and 253 Squadrons based there) from time to time a squadron would go off on exercise to Europe – usually Germany. Crews would stock up on duty free stuff and bring it home. The airfield is higher in the middle. Planes would arrive, land, rise to the top of the "hill" then descend to the west end of the main runway – which was out of sight of the control tower. There, vehicles would be waiting for the contraband to be unloaded. The aircraft would then taxi to their respective stands and HM Customs and Excise would then make an inspection….. They were always invited to be in the control tower so as to oversee the landings.

    They were frequently pleasantly surprised that aircrew had not succumbed to temptation….!!

    1. You should have seen what our aircrew brought back from 'Ranger' flights to Europe and Middle East when we were stationed in Germany in the early 60s – the RAF Snoops didn't have a clue

        1. Brandy for the Parson, 'Baccy for the Clerk.
          Them that asks no questions isn't told a lie –
          Watch the wall my darling while the Gentlemen go by !

    2. I taught English to a French guy of Spanish parents who in the late seventies, wanting to conserve his Spanish nationality did his military service in the Spanish Air Force.
      The Canary Islands were then tax free, when in Spain all imported goods carried 30 to 40 percent duty. He told me military planes came into the peninsula day after carrying luxury goods for high ranking military men.
      Later so many wondered how these guys had amassed so much wealth on very modest salaries.

      1. In 1981, I was stationed in Lisburn, NI. An advert appeared in the local Brigade "newspaper" for Tiger beer, a favourite of my brother from his time in Singapore with 42 Commando in the late 60s.. I went to this bloke's quarter (He was Ordnance Corps) and he opened his garage door. There was a full pallet load of Tiger asked how he got it It was RAF contacts. How they got it past customs is anyone's guess.

    1. Other answers could include, 'I'm in the Green/SNP party, or 'I'm a climate activist.'

  74. I note that the clown Zelensky turned up in his designer faux "battle dress" – direct from the front line in Crimea….

      1. That wretched woman pushed net zero on us. She negotiated appallingly. She ruined a majority with horrid Left wing policies. I'm sure she thought these were all 'good things'.

        But the best thing government can do is nothing. To just leave us alone, cut taxes and bugger off.

            (Deep breff)
            AAAAARRGGHHHHHH ………………………… you get the message.

    1. He's so despondent he's just stuck a large toasting fork into his gonads – impressive self-control, gets my vote – Not…

  75. I have always believed Biden to be a complete dolt. But now it seems to me to be downright cruel to allow him to go on pretending to be the President of the USA. The poor sod must wake up each morning and wonder where he is.

  76. Meanwhile, in other news:

    "Frenchman arrested in Moscow for ‘spying on Russia’"

    Be interesting to see how Toy Boy deals with that one. Ring his best pal Vlad, do you think?

  77. ‘We must stand together to oppose tyranny,’ says King Charles, at the D-Day commemoration.
    Does that include the tyranny of the lunatic net zero and climate alarmism? Or the tyranny of the undemocratic WHO's pandemic Treaty?
    ALL of which he supports and encourages.

    1. Remember the JWK is a paid up member of the WEF, a fanatical net-zeroer and thinks the EARTH will burn to bits in five years.

      So – in answer to your question – prolly not!!

      1. It was a rhetorical question. Re the nut zero scam – didn’t the WJK state we are at a few seconds to midnight …… a few years ago.

        1. Sorry, pet. It was one of my failed attempts at humour. (Holds head in hands)

          1. Well – my one aim in this increasingly unhappy veil of tears is to try to make a joke from time to time.

            Trouble is one does't know how other NoTTLers will receive it.

          2. For the most part, Nottlers are a kind bunch. And I'm not the quickest on the uptake – tend to take words at face value ……. then, with the lovely DiL, I often work out the 'hidden' meaning of barbs too late. (Not that I'd dare say anything)

  78. Douglas Murray's latest podcast notes.. that with all of Europe about to be run by populists in France, Germany, Spain, Hungary, Sweden etc.. and with Trump in USA & Javier Milei in Argentina.. our Labour libtards won't be wanting to speak to any foreigners at all. How very xenophobic. How very insular & isolated.

    Then there's Lammy who's been slagging off Trump for over a decade.

  79. Douglas Murray's latest podcast notes.. that with all of Europe about to be run by populists in France, Germany, Spain, Hungary, Sweden etc.. and with Trump in USA & Javier Milei in Argentina.. our Labour libtards won't be wanting to speak to any foreigners at all. How very xenophobic. How very insular & isolated.

    Then there's Lammy who's been slagging off Trump for over a decade.

  80. Bit of a bummer.
    Call from hospital to say because of high numbers of inpatients today I am now on standby for angiogram tomorrow. Had a word the Gastroenterologist neighbour who had a word with cardiac clinical lead who won’t know situation until tomorrow morning. Have to prepare as if it’s going ahead but wait to be called. Fingers crossed.

    1. As you are a glass half full sort of chap – I am sure it will work out for you.

      1. I’m a glass half full but it would be great to get my breathing problem solved since it’s been hanging about since 2020 and put on the back burner due to the scamdemic and then a 38;week wait for a cardiology appointment. I have to believe it will go ahead.

      1. Thank you for the Osprey link, Maggie.
        I passed it on to MB, and he dips in several times a day.
        This evening, he is laughing over the mother's efforts to get the brats to settle down for the night.

    2. How infuriating, Alf! On the plus side, at least they’ve let you know ahead of time, and not just dumped a cancellation on you in the morning! Still very annoying that this is the state of our ‘envy of the world’ health service!
      Hope all goes ahead as planned, and best wishes to you!

  81. Breaking news:

    "French town renames street to honour British D-Day troops"

    "La Rue du Passeport"

  82. That's me for today. We recorded the events in Normandy this morning and will watch after supper. I gather the JWK read his speech well; that Toy Boy was unforgivably late, but that we did properly what we are good at – military ceremonial.

    I looked at the outdoor tomatoes. They have not only NOT grown in four weeks but have visibly shrunk. Never seen anything like it. Ah me.

    Have a jolly evening trying to keep warm – and your glass more than half full.

    A demain.

    1. I am having a similar problem with my tomato plants they don't seem to be motivated at all.
      Thank goodness for the real tommies 80 years ago. None of us would be here at all.🍅🍅

      1. My outdoor plant (Moneymaker) has grown several inches. I thought at one time it was going to die, so that's excellent progress.

    1. Ah, Wilkos. Down the plug hole following on from British Home Stores, Debenhams, Comet, Woolworths, Littlewoods, Rumbelows, Dixons, Safeway, C&A, Netto, Toys R Us and Virgin Megastores, amongst numerous others. It's little wonder there are so many vacant outlets on our high streets, in our shopping precincts and on our retail parks.

      1. Judging by my emails, Wilko seem to be trying to resurrect themselves via online selling.

      2. C&A just moved out of the UK only. They could see then the way we were going. They have expanded big time in Eastern Europe..

    1. I would venture to guess that the majority of the eight 'billion' + human inhabitants of this planet suffer from the Dunning-Kruger Effect.

      1. Well yeah. The brilliance of Christian insight reminds us we are all flawed.

        1. or, if i may fiddle

          The brilliance of Christian insight reminds us we are all floored.

          floored (adjective as in stunned) Strongest matches. amazed astonished bewildered confused dismayed overwhelmed shocked speechless startled surprised.

      1. Bottom left, about 7-8 o'clock. You can tell it's artificial because of the corners.

    1. It's sad to see the same people who created that marvel of engineering also colour their hair blue and refer to themselves as a plural.

  83. After tough day with the nhs, hoping for success with the proposed treatment.
    I've been tidying up various aspects out side in the garden. And uncovered two stacks of smallish logs that have been in covered boxes behind one of the sheds for at least 5 years. My middle son gave me his cast iron fire pit. So this summer I and anyone who cares to join me with a bottle, can sit and relax. Even if I'm on my own I'm really going to enjoy it whatever. Booking not necessary.
    Off till the morrow take care all. 😊
    Loved all the D-Day 80 coverage.
    Shame our stupid totally useless politicians have not also learnt how to stop invaders.


    The article explains why we are in the mess we are: people are thick.

    They want..l. deep breath…. more spending, more money for councils, more childcare, more taxes on the rich, a lower retirement age, more attacks, oh, sorry, tax on business, rent controls, better schools and NHS.

    But, crucially, they want someone else to pay for it all.

    Taxes are at their highest level ever. Public services are appalling despite literally trillions going into them. Council salaries are obscene, yet they complain about funding. These people no doubt whinge about prices of goods but don't seem able to link the cost of doing business – which their demands for more taxes would hike – with the cost of selling things. Rent controls have never worked anywhere. GCSE economics kids would explain why. The NHS does not need more money, it needs reform to an insurance model.

    But of course, kids at private school have rich parents. So they should pay more. Worse, these fools think Raynor a 'good leader' – despite her never ever having had a job.

    Truly, I despair at the stupidity. They then look at the greens and lib dems. Who, I suppose, would suit them. However were their policies – the ones these fools want – enacted, they would swiftly destroy the country.

    I find the ignorance and stupidity depressing. We get the government's we deserve, apparently. Well, they deserve this government. I don't.

    As for comparing Blair to Lady T – he was a flim flam man. She was a force of nature. He has done more damage to this country then can be imagined but seemingly the proles just don't realise this.

    When covid appeared I realised just how thick most people were. They shouldn't be allowed to vote. It's long past time that the ignorant and stupid were denied the franchise.

    1. Return to the days when only rate payers could vote in local elections.

    2. Churchill called them "the Sheeple", wibbling. And to this day some people still wear masks to "protect them" from Covid.

  85. That's how it should be. It's exhausting realising that these people just don't have any concept of what the problems are, or how to solve them.

    They all want more and more at someone else's expense. It doesn't work.

  86. A selection from the article:

    For Jane, Labour’s idea of adding VAT to private school fees is appealing. “Normally any child that goes to a private school comes from a financially well-off family, so why not get them to pay a bit more?”

    Sara, meanwhile, wants to see higher taxes on “the businesses who find the loopholes”, while Richard suggests targeting offshore accounts.

    On the issue of migration, they want secure borders (though there’s little enthusiasm for Sunak’s plan to send asylum seekers to Rwanda) and for British jobs to go to British workers. There’s also a desire for an increase in the national minimum wage, a decrease in the retirement age, free school meals for all primary and secondary pupils and a cap imposed on the rent landlords can charge. And if it’s not too much to ask for, they want to see Britain stand tall on the world stage again.

    “We don’t do anything properly anymore,” laments Brian. “As a country we’ve lost our way. We were Great Britain, we built things, we made things.” And today? “We are a laughing stock now. We were strong at one point. It’s a mess at the moment.”

    I despair. Sorry, I've just had enough of idiots voting because of someone's hair.

    Dammit! The damned fool doesn't even know how those great things were built. It's wasn't the bloody state that did it! All government damned well does is tear down greatness.

    1. The socialist party that keeps Trudeau in power is calling for the government to clamp down on supermarket chain profits by setting prices on groceries.
      Conveniently forgetting that marketing boards already control the supply and price of eggs and milk products.

      We are stocking up on basics in case this wacko idea ever gets to see the light of day

    2. I’ve lived most of my life abroad, heard the ‘laughing stock’ jibe many times from Brits who disparaged their country.
      But in my experience Britain is regarded abroad with great respect.

  87. Had to turn off Question Time tonight – well, I was told to by 'er indoors as I was bellowing at the screen.

    Fiona bleedin' Bruce haranguing the Conservative, Mark Harper – who was quite good actually – and giving everyone else an easy ride.

    Thunderous applause from the carefully selected audience (to reflect the BBC's , sorry, the country's voting intentions) when any lefty point was made and tumbleweed when any 'extreme right wing' view was espoused.

    I used to defend the BBC many moons ago, I still think iPlayer is a great bit of kit, but they are truly beyond the pale now and need to have the mandatory licence fee revoked. See if the lefty b*stards survive in the commercial sector……….

  88. The BBC has revealed the moral abyss at its core

    Despite vile anti-Israel posts, the Corporation has displayed its double standards by allowing cricketer Qasim Sheikh to continue on air

    STEPHEN POLLARD • 6 June 2024 • 2:44pm

    I've never commentated on a cricket match, let alone been part of the BBC's Test Match Special (known everywhere as TMS) team. But, truth be told, ever since I was a boy, sneakily listening under my duvet late at night to the likes of Alan McGilvray commentate on the 1974/75 Ashes series down under, it's been something of a dream.

    It's taken nearly 50 years, but now I know what I need to do to get the gig on TMS: post racist remarks on social media – and make sure that I target Jews especially.

    On Tuesday, the TMS team for the Scotland v England game in the T20 World Cup included former Scotland cricketer Qasim Sheikh. The same Qasim Sheikh, that is, who has posted – and then reposted, just in case they weren't noticed the first time – a series of jaw-droppingly racist comments online.

    One image which he shared was of various world leaders including Benjamin Netanyahu, Joe Biden and Rishi Sunak with Hitler moustaches photoshopped on alongside the heading: "Kids Killer Union". In another, after the October 7 massacre of 1200 Israelis, he wrote that Palestinians have "a right to defend themselves".

    You might have thought that posting such vile comments would give the BBC cause to reconsider whether Sheikh was an appropriate figure to have as a commentator.

    Perhaps Abu Hamza wasn't available. But no, it seems the BBC wasn't remotely troubled by the fact that one of its commentators thinks it a good idea to post anti-Semitic bilge online.

    What makes this more than merely yet another example of the BBC shooting itself in the foot, however, is the double standard it reveals.

    In 2021 former England captain Michael Vaughan was accused by Yorkshire team-mate Azeem Rafiq of having made a racist remark in 2009 – which he denied. The mere accusation that Vaughan had said something led to his immediate suspension from all work with the BBC. He became persona non grata with the BBC for nearly two years until the ECB's Cricket Disciplinary Committee cleared him of making the remark.

    For Vaughan, an accusation with no supporting evidence was enough to see him barred. For Sheikh, however, actual racist posts, in his name, by his own hand, designed to be seen by as many people as possible, had zero impact on his BBC employment.

    Not that this is in any way inconsistent by the BBC, when you consider its handling of Gary Lineker. In January, the Match of the Day presenter reposted a call on social media by the Palestinian Campaign for the Academic & Cultural Boycott of Israel calling for Israel to be barred from tournaments and games "until it ends its grave violations of international law… particularly its apartheid rule and the crime of genocide it is perpetuating in Gaza".

    Singling out the world's only Jewish state for boycott is held by many to be the very definition of anti-Semitism.

    Last year Lineker had the gall to upbraid Sir Simon Schama over what constitutes anti-Semitism. Lineker had posted his disagreement with Suella Braverman's reference to "hate marches" in London, writing: "Marching and calling for a ceasefire and peace so that more innocent children don't get killed is not really the definition of a hate march."

    Sir Simon responded: "Why would you have a ceasefire with terrorists (Hamas) whose leaders have explicitly said they want to do October 7 again and again until Israel is annihilated?"

    Lineker dismissed Sir Simon thus: "Different point entirely. Doesn't make it a hate march."

    And last November Lineker endorsed a video conversation on the theme of "Israel is committing genocide" between Owen Jones and Raz Segal, an academic whose response to the October 7 massacre was to write a piece for The Guardian telling its readers that "Israel must stop weaponising the Holocaust". Lineker said it was "Worth 13 minutes of anyone's time".

    Lineker has earlier been suspended over a post criticising the government's asylum policy, but was swiftly reinstated when his colleagues threw toys out of their prams. Since then, the BBC has been happy for its star presenter to post whatever he wants, even when it is deeply offensive – and seen as poisonous – by many Jews.

    There is a pattern here. Vaughan was cut loose immediately because one person alleged he had said something racist. But when the subject of a presenter or commentator's remarks is related to Jews, the BBC offers a protective embrace. Is it any wonder the corporation is so loathed by so many in the Jewish community?

    It's not only the Jewish community that loathes the BBC, Mr Pollard.

    As for Lineker – the media needs someone to put this posturing little creep into Row Z, the political equivalent of Chopper Harris, Norman Hunter or Billy Bremner, men whom he wouldn't have met in his career.

  89. I'm off to bed.
    Tomorrow I've got to work out how to get the safe into the van.
    Goodnight all.

  90. Another day is done so, I wish you a goodnight and may God bless you all, Gentlefolk. Bis morgen früh. If we are spared!

    1. "‘Souvenir mugs’ is no way to describe Tory voters"

      Exactly, Sue. On the contrary.

    2. On a similar note, Sue Ed, I see that the cash-in merchants are trying to make money from the D-Day landings by "selling" (free 50p pieces but they charge £2.99 for postage) of either King Charles on the front with a D-Day scone on the back, or something about Winston Churchill, War Leader on the front with a picture of WSC on the back painted over with lurid bright colours. Shameful.

  91. Evening, all. Just missed D Day. I was late getting back – I did manage to see the beacon lit. Then, when I got back I had a couple of phone calls.

    All this talk of freedom – if only we had some.

  92. Well, chums, it's Friday already so may I wish you all Good Night, a restful sleep, and hope to see you all tomorrow.

    1. I was asleep for a couple of hours, then woke up wide awake ….. bonkers.
      Goodnight, Elsie.

    1. ' Morning, Geoff and thank you for all the sterling work you have lavished on us, on our behalf.

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