Monday 13 December: We must take control of our lives and resist the Government’s restrictions

An unofficial place to discuss the Telegraph letters, established when the DT website turned off its comments facility (now reinstated, but not as good as ours),
Intelligent, polite, good-humoured debate is welcome, whether on or off topic. Differing opinions are encouraged, but rudeness or personal attacks on other posters will not be tolerated. Posts which – in the opinion of the moderators – make this a less than cordial environment, are likely to be removed, without prior warning.  Persistent offenders will be banned.

Today’s letters (visible only to DT subscribers) are here

681 thoughts on “Monday 13 December: We must take control of our lives and resist the Government’s restrictions

  1. Booster jabs for all adults by end of year as PM says UK facing ’emergency’ in battle against Omicron. Sky News – 12 December 2021.

    The prime minister said he was launching the “Omicron Emergency Booster National Mission” to encourage everyone who is eligible to “get boosted now”.

    The COVID booster programme was due to be opened to over 30s today but Mr Johnson said every adult who had their second vaccine at least three months before will now be able to book a booster jab from Wednesday, while some walk-in centres will be open from today for all adults.

    Morning everyone. Grasping desperately at anything that will distract from himself he promises to protect us from a non-existent threat!

      1. Morning Bob. I’ve no idea though I have no intention of finding out. It looks as though the original two jabs are now totally redundant. Their efficacy non-existent. Will the booster go the same way?

        1. Not that I intend to have any jabs at all but i was wondering if one just had a booster would they be fully vaxxed?

  2. Morning, all. I had my booster yesterday and was kept up most of the night by a seriously uncomfortable left arm 🙁 hence my unusually early appearance here.

      1. Good question. Were I single, probably no more but in the interests of marital harmony at this stage ….

  3. A Diagnosis

    A middle-aged couple are a bit alarmed when the wife starts getting pains in her chest, especially when they’re at it in the sack. So her old man persuades her to go and see the doctor. When she comes back, he asks her what the doctor said.

    “The doctor said I have acute angina”, she replies.

    He says, “Yeah, you got nice tits and a great ass, too, but what’s up with those chest pains?”

    1. My son was ill for 2 days after his booster jab last week but was OK when he came up from London by train to help me on Saturday to move some furniture and sort my computers.
      1million doses a day is our PM’s target for the next 6 weeks or so. The virus will thrive in these circumstances as it will spread faster than those being vaccinated in large groups in conditions which the virus will relish.
      An unnecessary waste of taxpayers money to “save” the NHS.
      “edited” my apologies – the reply was for Sean below.

  4. From
    My emphasis.

    PM sets new booster goal over ‘Omicron tidal wave’
    The UK is facing an Omicron emergency, says Boris Johnson, as boosters are offered to all over-18s in England.

    3h3 hours agoUK
    Related content
    PM’s message to sit up and pay attention
    How can I tell I have Omicron?

    Obviously so severe you have to be told you have it, it’s not obvious!

      1. Well Tom, I happened to be having my hair done on Saturday morning and in the adjacent chair the Omicron variant was being discussed. “At least no-one has died from it yet” said the member of staff to her client. “No!” replied the client indignantly, “lots of people have died of it.” Give me strength! No wonder Churchill called the masses “the sheeple”.

        1. Next time, casually mention that Alec Baldwin and/or the bBC’s ‘Noel’s House Party’ have killed more people than the omicron variant.

    1. How can you tell? I am ahead of the game, I posted this a few days ago. No need to consult a medic.

      The BBC has a page, “O’Micron: How do you detect it?” The page seems to lack the obvious advice, so it does. If you are infected by O’Micron the signs will include; a craving for Guinness, a need to dance about rattling your feet on the floor without any music. Speech is also affected. You will find yourself repeating yourself, to be sure, to be sure. You will also mumble meaningless expletives, such as “Begorrah!’ None of this is serious or life-threatening, although it may affect your lifestyle. It can become serious, you can tell when this happens as you begin to tell jokes involving Pat, Mick and Stick, while waving a shillelagh. At this point it will have become incurable and you should think about moving to Mullingar (that Great City)

    2. How can you tell? I am ahead of the game, I posted this a few days ago. No need to consult a medic.

      The BBC has a page, “O’Micron: How do you detect it?” The page seems to lack the obvious advice, so it does. If you are infected by O’Micron the signs will include; a craving for Guinness, a need to dance about rattling your feet on the floor without any music. Speech is also affected. You will find yourself repeating yourself, to be sure, to be sure. You will also mumble meaningless expletives, such as “Begorrah!’ None of this is serious or life-threatening, although it may affect your lifestyle. It can become serious, you can tell when this happens as you begin to tell jokes involving Pat, Mick and Stick, while waving a shillelagh. At this point it will have become incurable and you should think about moving to Mullingar (that Great City)

    3. Tidal waves aren’t as bad a tsunamis.

      Just as omicron isn’t as bad as delta.

      An inadvertent truth from Boris?

  5. From
    My emphasis.

    PM sets new booster goal over ‘Omicron tidal wave’
    The UK is facing an Omicron emergency, says Boris Johnson, as boosters are offered to all over-18s in England.

    3h3 hours agoUK
    Related content
    PM’s message to sit up and pay attention
    How can I tell I have Omicron?

    Obviously so severe you have to be told you have it, it’s not obvious!

  6. So it looks like Boris can only now save his primeministership if he can persuade enough people to have a booster, he must have been given an ultimatum or something.

      1. Can’t argue with that assessment, JN. However, his callous ignoring of all the side effects, including deaths and life-changing maiming to many, lying and other unsavoury traits indicates he has a problem and is not someone any decent person would want to associate with.

  7. ‘Morning all.

    “As a 17-year-old midshipman he directed Mauritius’s main armament to give gunfire support to troops ashore…” Just imagine that…these days some of his age think it heroic to deface and tear down statues…

    Vice-Admiral Sir John Forbes, popular gunnery officer who instilled discipline at Dartmouth – obituary

    His views were pithy – in Whitehall, he said, ‘it was sometimes difficult to remember that the real enemy was the Warsaw Pact’

    Telegraph Obituaries
    12 December 2021 • 6:00pm

    Vice-Admiral Sir John Forbes, who has died aged 96, was a gunnery officer, one of a race of men who were as renowned for being stern and intimidating as they were admired for their professional standards.

    In private Forbes had a dry sense of humour and was kind and understanding – his bark was always worse than his bite – but it was his gunnery persona which he adopted when in January 1964 he was sent as second-in-command to Dartmouth where, he had heard, discipline was slack, dress left much to be desired and end-of-term balls were debauched.

    At that time the Murray scheme of officer training was in force, consisting of a year as cadets, with two terms in the college and one term in the training squadron, followed by one year at sea as midshipmen, and a third, academic year at Dartmouth as acting sub-lieutenants, when the young men, having served worldwide, returned in high spirits.

    Forbes recruited the stern Lieutenant Frank Trickey as Cadet Gunner to help instil discipline, explaining that he had no objection to their mischief but whatever they did should be in good taste, should not hurt anyone, and should not damage property..

    From then on, he wrote, “I was on the tips of my toes wondering what was going to happen next!” Many subsequent events became legendary: his Mini manhandled into his office, gnomes installed in the captain’s garden for a visit by the Queen Mother, and the college clock in a paroxysm of chimes.

    Forbes’s rollockings, even when delivered with a twinkle in the eye, froze the marrow, and he was regarded as having won this battle. Some culprits were never caught, and one had become a captain before he confessed his crime to Forbes, many years later.

    He could not believe his good fortune when, uniquely, in 1972-74 he returned to Dartmouth as the captain. His younger son was also under training in the college, and he never got used to coming face to face with him whether on parade or on the river.

    He was appalled when the Murray scheme was replaced in 1972 by the Navy with a new scheme of entry (he described it as a “dog’s breakfast”) with little regard to the views of the college, turning the place, in his view into a bootcamp. His efforts to extend the time spent at Dartmouth had been only partially successful when he was selected for promotion to rear-admiral.

    John Morrison Forbes was born on August 16 1925 in Ireland where he enjoyed a bucolic childhood. He was educated at Rockport, a boarding preparatory school on the south shore of Belfast Lough, where he was encouraged to join the Navy by a master, Anthony Trotman. He joined Dartmouth in 1939, excelled on the river, and rose effortlessly to become Chief Cadet Captain and be awarded the King’s Dirk.

    Forbes served during the war, much of the time as a midshipman still under training, in the cruiser Mauritius, the destroyer Verulam and the battleship Nelson, taking part in the landings on Sicily, Italy and Normandy, and in the final months of the war in the Far East.

    As a 17-year-old midshipman he directed Mauritius’s main armament to give gunfire support to troops ashore. On D-Day off Sword beach, he saw the Norwegian destroyer Svenner, 100 yards to port strike a mine and sink: “I blew some air into my inflatable life jacket!”

    As a sub-lieutenant in Nelson, he was responsible for 100 men and commanded a 16-inch gun turret, living in the turret for several days at a time. On September 2 1945, barely aged 20, he commanded the motorboat which brought Japanese Rear-Admiral Uozumi from the jetty in Penang to Nelson to surrender 26,000 Japanese troops – at the same table where, two years,earlier Italian Marshal Badoglio had signed for Italy.

    Forbes was lucky that his three wartime ships were well run and happy ships and by the end of the war he been given more combat responsibility than many another would receive in their lifetime.

    Postwar, Forbes’s clear focus, his intellectual integrity, his ability to engage in debate, and his quick humour established him as a rising star, and his first specialist gunnery appointment was on loan to the Royal Australian Navy.

    There he trained the guard for a royal visit in 1954, when he received the Queen’s Colour, and was the model for a figure in a stained-glass window in a new memorial chapel at Flinders naval depot, Melbourne.

    Professionally, Forbes held many key appointments including trials officer in the test ship Girdleness during experiments with the Navy’s first long-range air-to-air missile, and Commander “G”, responsible for all gunnery and air weapon training at HMS Excellent, the alma mater of all gunners, where he brought the syllabus up to date.

    After his first appointment to Dartmouth, he was a successful second-in-command and operational commander of the Royal Malaysian Navy (1966-68) during Konfrontasi. In 1969, despite having been promoted on the “dry” list with no expectation of seagoing command, he was given command of Triumph which had been converted from an aircraft carrier to a repair ship.

    Promoted to rear-admiral, he was Naval Secretary in 1974-77 and, as a vice-admiral, Flag Officer, Plymouth and Admiral Superintendent at Devonport (1977-79).

    Forbes’s views were pithy: most politicians (with some exceptions) were “odious” or “arrogant” ; a cadet who committed a disciplinary offence was “just worth feeding”.

    In Whitehall he found the constant scheming and infighting “wearisome and distasteful …it was sometimes difficult to remember that the real enemy was the Warsaw Pact”.

    In retirement he became Chairman of the Civil Service Commissioners Interview Panel.

    In 1950 he married Joyce Hadden; she predeceased him, and he is survived by two sons and two daughters.

    Vice-Admiral Sir John Forbes, born August 16 1925, died October 24 2021

    * * *


    Roger Jardine-Clarke
    2 HRS AGO
    RIP Sir. A real Gunnery Officer. He was the Training Commander at BRNC Dartmouth in my second term as a Cadet in January 1964. Stern but firm, I was fortunate never to have to see him for any misdemeanor. He “recruited” Lt. Frank Trickey as Cadet Gunner in my third term while I was away with the Training Squadron, although he made sure we knew who he was in our final two weeks back at the College before our Passing Out Parade. Frank was famous for the comment to a Cadet who on calling the Training Office from river to say his class would be late for Parade Drill because their had been no wind on the Dart, said: “Report to me, you sound as if you need a haircut” Like many of these famous naval characters their “bark was often much worse than their bite”. Their contribution to the Royal Navy and our country should never be forgotten.

    1. One of my mother’s brothers served in HMS Verulam. After being in corvettes on the Atlantic routes he thought moving to a modern destroyer was a luxury. Through the doors to my left I can see, rather battered after 60+ years, the wooden model of Verulam he made for me. He was extremely proud of serving in that ship.

  8. Vladimir Putin: I moonlighted as a taxi driver in the 1990s. BBC 13 December 2021.

    Russian President Vladimir Putin has spoken of his regret at the fall of the Soviet Union in 1991, revealing that he had to work as a taxi driver to supplement his income.

    “Sometimes I had to earn extra money,” he said. “I mean, earn extra money by car, as a private driver. It’s unpleasant to talk about to be honest, but unfortunately that was the case.”

    It’s probably where he learned how to deal with awkward customers who won’t pay up!

  9. First letter:

    SIR – Sir Graham Brady (“We must end this disastrous assault on liberty”, Comment, December 12) gives some hope that the Government is powerless to extend restrictions on our freedoms. The ridiculous rules rushed out last week leave carol singing in packed pubs acceptable but carol singing in churches restricted. Going to the office to work is discouraged, but parties at work are apparently acceptable.

    Sage may pretend that it takes a high view of human health, but it takes a low view of human life. Any who value life and liberty should disregard the immoral regulations placed upon us. As Sir Graham says, the time has come to restore the dignity of controlling our own lives.

    Rev David Ackerman
    London W10

    Well said, Rev!


    Camlock Trelawney
    6 HRS AGO
    To say that we are led by donkeys is insulting the intelligence of donkeys. What a shambles this government and its official opposition are. Anyone with an ounce of common sense can see that Omicron is as threatening as a common cold. It was first reported in this country on 26th November, after being experienced and studied in South Africa for several weeks. No deaths have been reported. No deaths. In weeks, months. Yet our government runs around like headless chickens caught at a poultry party, ruining our health, our livelihoods, our lives.
    I am frustrated that I cannot express my utter disgust at this parliament strongly enough.
    Shame on them.

    Janet Warrior
    6 HRS AGO
    There will be no state intervention in my Christmas. The government can go swivel. I’m with Rev. Ackerman.

    Olivia Wilde
    1 HR AGO
    Pack It In Boris; the public are just not buying It this time!
    The South African who discovered the new variant has already gone on record by stating that she and others have no comprehension whatsoever as to the huge over reaction here and elsewhere, adding that although this variant Is more virulent, the symptoms are mild; and there you have It, straight from the horse’s mouth!

        1. Spooky. Last night I watched a bit of programme on Uig, (Lewis) and the presenter visited the site of a village from which the inhabitants were cleared during the Clearances in 1840.
          Prior to this forcible eviction of the entire population the village had been continuously occupied for 6000 years.

  10. Fears grow that Home Office has lost will to resettle Afghans under threat. 12 December 2021.

    Priti Patel’s much-trumpeted scheme to allow Afghans to resettle in Britain has been starved of “appropriate resources”, according to officials, as a former senior diplomat voices fears that the UK government appears intent to let the initiative wither away before it has even started.

    The Afghan Citizens Resettlement Scheme (ACRS) was announced to great fanfare in August as the Taliban took Kabul, but four months on it has still not started. A senior Whitehall source with intimate knowledge of the scheme said it had been delayed because it had not received adequate support for it to launch.

    It’s an ill wind that does no one any good!

  11. On November 27th 2021 two cases of the Omicron variant of COVID-19 were detected in the UK.

    We could conservatively assume that this was day three of Omicron’s spread in the UK, November 25th being the first day (day zero) and in two days doubling to two cases.

    Thus the exponential equation for case numbers (C) doubling every two days is

    C(day) = 2^(day/2)

    so on day zero C(0)= 2^(0/2) = 2^0 = 1 case

    and two days later C(2) = 2^(2/2) = 2″1 = 2 cases.

    and four days later C(4} = 2^(4/2) = 2^2 = 4 cases.

    At this rate the whole population of the UK would expect to have been infected by the Omicron variant after 52 days:

    i.e. C(52) = 2^(52/2) = 2^(26) = 67,108,864 cases.

    Now despite the relatively rapid formation of a national network of genomic sequence testing centres under the auspices of COG:

    we have only positively identified 1,617,703 SARS-COVID-2 genome samples and most of these will have predated Omicron.

    At the current rate of detection, the UK has at most been detecting SARS-COVID-2 genome samples at the rate of 1,617,703/67,108,864 genome ids per year = 2.4% of population samples per year.

    So in 52 days we have no hope of proving that any adverse symptoms we are presenting have anything ro do with the Omicron variant.

    1. This surprising result by doubling a number in sequence was one I learnt at school by doubling a number on all squares of a chessboard.

      1. The answer to the rice grain bet on a game of chess?
        Which I seem to recall resulted in sufficient rice to cover India or some such other extraordinary amount.

        1. It`s why I never visited India, I just couldn’t bear the idea of wading through all that sticky rice.

      2. The old grain of wheat story. Opens one’s eyes to how powerful that action is.The PCR cycle rate is the most recent example of it. When I’ve tried to explain to people that 25 cycles is around 33,000,000 but 40 cycles is over a TRILLION they cannot believe it.

        1. Hence Kary Mullis’s remark that at 40 cycles of amplification you would be able to find anything you like. Was it not intended as an archaeological tool?

          I explained in a comment to the DE how the PCR worked, that it could detect only fragments of coronavirus dna, in fact any old coronavirus (not specifically covid) past or present. It could not distinguish between long dead or alive fragments. He told governments that the test was not suitable for their diagnostic purposes, and should not be used as such. As you probably know, Kary Mullis died so fortuitously in August 2019, a few months before the start of the covid fiasco. After a few seconds my DE comment was deactivated. In no way must the truth get out.

          I did not know about the 25 cycles = 33,000,000, 40 cycles = a trillion. What denomination is the 33,000,000? Is it amplification?

          This is the fraud on which Reiner Fuellmich’s case rests.

          1. Not certain that this is want you want.

            From what I understand each cycle of amplification doubles the previous one.

            Start/Cycle 0 = 1 piece of RNA/DNA (2 to power 0 = 1)
            Cycle 1 doubles the value of cycle 0. 2×1 =2
            Cycle 2 doubles the value of cycle 1. 2×2=4 (2²=4)
            2 raised to the power 25 = 33,000,000 approx

            2 raised to the power 40 = Trillion approx

            I haven’t found superscript characters other than 2 or 3 and I do not think HTML () works in Disqus.

    2. Please stop putting science/maths in the way of government rumour, panic and blatant scaremongering, it isn’t a good look.

    3. Well, according to Javid, his figures, extrapolated, mean 2000million cases by the end of February. (Please see my post of some previous day.)

      1. …and mine, Horace, 2,000,000,000 divided among the current 70,000,000 population = 28.5 cases for each of us.

        And Savage Jabber expects us to believe his wonky arithmetic.

    4. But you’re not using the infinite number of monkeys theory that our government uses in its calculations and prophecies.

      1. I think I am more likely to come up with better predictive numbers before Boris is able to recite the complete works of Shakespeare from the output of the monkeys at No 10.

    1. “Just 15,000,000 more laps to flatten the curve. Don’t for goodness sake crash, we’re trying to save the NHS.”

      1. Oh, and quit that polluting exhaust – if there’s an electric vehicle competing, you will be disqualified – so there.

      1. WFH = Work From Home – it’s a good skive, Horace, that the snivel serpents have been using for the last two years.

        1. Unless I have nothing to do – quite rare – I am busy. I start early and I finish late.

          I was asked to come in to the office and the business lost 2 hours. I can do more work working from home.

      2. She’s South African from an Afrikaans background, not drunk. I have met people who can’t understand allegedly sober Scotsmen. {:^))

        1. I think someone’s looking at the wrong posting.
          Prof. Christina Pagel German British, works at UCL and is a member of Independent SAGE.

          The Afrikaaner is Dr Angelique Coetzee.

    1. Distancing and masks both worked… as a measure of kicking the can down the road. So too did working from home, something I’m grateful for.

      However, they merely postpone the problem. They are not solutions.

      The vaccine doesn’t seem to work as a vaccine should which suggests that it being rushed out in a panic wasn’t actually the best approach.

      Therefore…. that leaves living with it.

  12. Now Durham University students threaten a rent strike in a row over a speech by Rod Liddle
    Durham University student threaten to withhold rent in row over Rod Liddle visit
    Professor Tim Luckhurst is now suspended after inviting Liddle to give a talk
    Professor Luckhurst branded a walkout by students during the speech ‘pathetic’
    Yesterday, it was revealed heads of at least 13 of Durham’s 17 colleges support them.

    However, Lord Wharton, chairman of the Office for Students (OfS), intervened yesterday for the first time.

    He told the Sunday Telegraph: ‘As a point of principle it is important for students to engage with views and theories with which they may not agree.

    1. Yesterday, it was revealed heads of at least 13 of Durham’s 17 colleges support them.”

      In other words they are too frit to stand up against the pathetic stupidity of the undergraduates.

      No wonder we have educational problems.

      1. ,,, too frit to stand up against the pathetic stupidity of the undergraduates.”

        Or, more likely, they are actually in support of the students?

      1. For no particular reason, I have always associated the term ‘rusticate’ with burying the corpse of the guilty party in the compost heap (my father’s pride and joy in Nottinghamshire) for consumption at a later date once partially rotted. Rustic ate?

      2. They’ll be able to obtain aegrotats on grounds of mental illness caused by the stress of discovering Liddle.

    2. These brattish children need a slap. If their response to everything that challenges their views is to throw a tantrum then they are truly pathetic.

  13. The madness continues on other subjects, not just the Moronic variant.
    An extract of a recent speech:-

    When polled, nearly two out of three Americans (62%) say they are afraid to express an unpopular opinion. That doesn’t sound like a free people in a free country. We are, each day, force-fed falsehoods we are all expected to take seriously, on pain of forfeiting esteem and professional opportunity:

    “Some men have periods and get pregnant.” “Hard work and objectivity are hallmarks of whiteness.” “Only a child knows her own true gender.” “Transwomen don’t have an unfair advantage when playing girls’ sports.”

    On that final example of a lie, the one about transwomen in girls’ sports, I want you to think for a moment about a young woman here at Princeton. She’s a magnificent athlete named Ellie Marquardt, an all-American swimmer who set an Ivy League record in the 500-meter freestyle event as a freshman. Just before Thanksgiving, Ellie was defeated in the 500-meter, the event she held the record in, by almost 14 seconds by a 22 year old biological male at Penn who was competing on the men’s team as recently as November of 2019. That male athlete now holds multiple U.S. records in women’s swimming, erasing the hard work of so many of our best female athletes, and making a mockery of the rights women fought for generations to achieve.

    It’s worth reading the entire piece.

      1. For an example of how to treat this approach, popular with cads, see Kipling’s “Stalky &Co” , chapter “The Flag of Their Country”.

    1. The NHS is there to serve. Our freedoms are innate, not granted by you. Our way of life is being destroyed with every gimmigrant that lands here.

      I wonder if Boris knows that the intended extermination of a people to remove a culture or society is illegal under the UN charter of war crimes? But then, the UN is also ardent on forcing illegal immigration.

      It’s utter doublethink.

    1. My freedom is not to be taken away by the government. He can go and do one. Even at my age, I’ll be out on the street if need be.

    1. Well that one is easy to answer, Bob!
      Dr Angelique Coetzee may be a medical doctor with years of experience, but she’s an EVIL WHITE SOUTH AFRICAN, so Pippa’s witterings clearly trump anything the doctor has to say.

    2. Scottish, born 1975, 3 children, married to a Telegraph journalist, lives in London because it is miles better than Glasgow, has six siblings. Ex Guardianista, but you might want to cut her some slack because her maternal grandfather George Dunlop was a Chindit (see obituary), and presumably she has a family connection to the late cricketer & rugby player George Crerar.

  14. 342787+ up ticks,

    Morning Each,

    Monday 13 December: We must take control of our lives and resist the Government’s restrictions,

    Many of us have been fighting this issue for decades, against majority
    elected political treachery artist favourable compared to the Rome mob.

    major (caligula) cameron ( commodus the potty)
    clegg ( maximinus thrax) may (caracalla) johnson ( nero)

    The electorate = the Colosseum contents baying for seemingly more Christians to be sacrificed via the odious games / polling booths.

    Over the last near four decades to many peoples, right up to 2019 have been putting their thumbs UP
    to put a close shop, coalition party, into number ten REGARDLESS OF CONSEQUENCE & at the expense of decent peoples, Gerard Batten / Richard Braine being an example.

  15. Presumably, despite BPAPM’s bluster, many people WON’T get boosted, so he will be able to implement the plan they have wanted to use all along – January lockdown.

    1. Lockdown is just a distraction – the real danger is covid passports, because they are a pre-requisite for Rishi Sunak’s digital currency to replace the pound.
      The more boosters they put into arms, the more people will be walking around in the vulnerable two week post injection stage, getting and spreading covid, and nurturing new variations.

  16. The MR is a petrol head – so we watched the “highlights” of yesterday’s fiasco in some wog place.

    For me it was a bit like watching ice-hockey (a very fast sport) with a commentary in Greek and experts talking in different Balkan languages….. I couldn’t make head nor tail of it.

    There was a crash. Now, this puzzled me. All the cars were told to slow down. Fair enough. But, I had always thought that if Car 1 led Car 2 by 30 seconds, and Car 2 was 30 seconds ahead of Car 3 – when racing restarted, there had to be the same gap between the three cars. It seemed, however, that at the restart, all three cars were nose to tail.

    Still, one good thing. There will be lots of work for legal folk!!

  17. 342787+ up ticks,

    Surely an asset to any of the current lab/lib/con coalition,

    Abdul Elahi, 26, forced his victims, around 550 of whom were British, to send degrading images of themselves or others to him.

    The National Crime Agency (NCA), roughly equivalent to America’s Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI), said that Elahi would target vulnerable people, such the underage and people in debt, by posing as a wealthy individual on ‘sugar daddy’ websites and promising large sums of cash for indecent photos.

    After he obtained the photos, Elahi would use them as blackmail to extort more extreme photos and horrific videos from his victims, demanding that they film themselves self-harming and/or physically abusing young children and younger siblings, for example.

    1. Good for her, slam them where it’s going to hurt – and don’t settle out of court. You need to give them maximum public hurt.

    1. I very briefly owned an Austin 1100. The worst car I have ever had – it had rotten sub-frames.

  18. According to my SARS-COVID-2 Model for the Omicron variant and the Government publication that case 0 was likely to have been in the UK on November 25th 2021 then, with doubling of UK cases every two days, the Omicron cases today (day 18 – December 13th 2021) would be:

    C(18) = 2^(18/2) = 2^9 = 512

    Note: this model is not based on science – it is derived as a mathematical consequence of Government released data.
    Any reliance on this model for party planning at Christmas.should be taken with a pinch of NaCl.

  19. 342787+ up ticks,

    WHO ? may lose a safe seat & WHO? will be bussing in peoples.

    ‘Protest vote’ may see Tories lose safe seat in Thursday’s by-election, Education Secretary says
    The Labour Party plans to bus in hundreds of volunteers for the final days of the campaign

  20. Good morning all, and Happy St Lucia’s day to the Scandinavian contingent.
    Attended a jolly Christmas bash at the weekend, loads of people of about 9 nationalities, good food. Children playing, very noisy, Brits in a minority.
    I was pleased to identify another unvaccinated cell; that family’s decision was data driven. Although I am not ‘anti vax’ (the vaccines have saved lives and have bought time), it is reassuring to chat with medical personnel and professionals who have healthy lifestyles and who have not been deceived by propaganda.

        1. This’d be because the immigrant Muslim population shares absolutely nothing with the native population whatsoever.

  21. The Royal Navy and RAF have no commanders from an ethnic-minority background, figures have revealed.

    For the first time in recent history none of their high-level officers are black or Asian.

    The Army is not much better off, according to official statistics, with just ‘five or fewer’ ethnic-minority officers in its highest echelons.

    The situation was described as ‘appalling and embarrassing’ last night, and follows repeated pledges by ministers and service chiefs to ensure the Armed Forces represent the nation they serve.

    Last week, Chief of the Defence Staff (CDS) Admiral Sir Tony Radakin pledged action after describing the Armed Forces’ failure to reflect the country’s ethnic mix as ‘woeful’.

    His predecessors said the same thing publicly but let the situation worsen significantly.

    According to figures obtained by the Daily Mail, the under-representation of minorities is far worse today than it was five years ago – the last time statistics were released.

    In 2016 there were 14 ethnic-minority officers at the OF-5 level or above – the rank of colonel or higher in the Army, captain or above in the Royal Navy and group captain or higher in the RAF. Of these, 11 were in the Army, one was in the Navy and two were RAF – from an overall cohort of more than 1,400.

    Yet in spite of an increased awareness of the need to promote officers from minority backgrounds, their representation at the top is down.

    In fact, there are so few black or Asian senior officers the Ministry of Defence counts them as ‘five or fewer’ – so the figure could be one. There are none in the Navy or RAF in a cohort of 1,000.

    Last night, former Army officer Ben Obese-Jecty accused the Armed Forces of a ‘long-standing inability to recruit effectively from Britain’s ethnic minority population’.

    Referring to the lack of senior officers, former defence minister Kevan Jones (pictured) said: ‘This is a deeply concerning situation which sends the wrong messages to personnel from ethnic-minority communities and undermines recruitment’ +2
    Referring to the lack of senior officers, former defence minister Kevan Jones (pictured) said: ‘This is a deeply concerning situation which sends the wrong messages to personnel from ethnic-minority communities and undermines recruitment’

    He added: ‘The impact of this is being seen now with too few officers amongst the cohort on track to promote to senior ranks. Whilst it is vital to have a CDS who recognises the challenge the Armed Forces face in addressing the gap, this will likely take a generation to be realised.’

    The Ministry of Defence has shifted its marketing strategy to recruit from diverse backgrounds, and there are 13,690 now ethnic-minority personnel, up from 12,750 last year. One recent TV advert featured a Muslim soldier of Asian descent kneeling to pray while on a military exercise.

    Referring to the lack of senior officers, former defence minister Kevan Jones said: ‘This is a deeply concerning situation which sends the wrong messages to personnel from ethnic-minority communities and undermines recruitment.’

    High-profile discrimination cases have not helped. In 2019, two former paratroopers, Nkululeko Zulu and Hani Gue, won an employment tribunal against the MoD after years of harassment.

    An MoD spokesman said: ‘Since 2016 the percentage of black, Asian and minority ethnic personnel has increased by two per cent.

    ‘It can take a number of years for recruits to reach senior leadership positions.’

      1. The situation was described as ‘appalling and embarrassing’ last night, and follows repeated pledges by ministers and service chiefs to ensure the Armed Forces represent the nation they serve.


        The nation they serve is Bongo Bongo land and Stabby Londonistan , Bolton, Bradford Birmingham and the rest.

    1. Yes, represent the nation they serve – so they should be 96% white. Statistically then, there likely wouldn’t be many officers of an ethnic origin.

    2. To promote people because of the colour of their skin is disastrous. Promotion should on merit. One remembers several high ranking brown police officers who were sacked.

    3. What does it matter what colour they are? Isn’t that racist? What matters is how good they are at the job!

    1. The knots Lefties tie themselves in over doublethink and hypocrisy to justify their attitudes must drive them insane – but then you talk to one and you realise… they *are* insane!

    1. Watching the secondary age pupils from local schools this evening, I thought there were fewer wearing masks.

    1. A hypothesis:

      i) The reintroduction of the death penalty each year would save the lives of 10 innocent people who would have been murdered without it;
      ii) One innocent person each year would be executed for a murder he/she had not committed.

      An Impossible Question

      So which innocent lives are more important: those who would have been murdered if the death penalty wasn’t in force – or the poor sod executed for a murder he/she didn’t do?

      1. A rebuttall, no death sentence to be carried out without absolute proof of guilt by DNA evidence.

        1. I very much fear that medical evidence and DNA tests can be faked. Can every bit of so-called ‘scientific evidence’ that the government is spewing out in this Covid farce be trusted?

          1. Then hang ’em all – and that must include rapists as they bring about a death of sorts in the one who has been raped.

          2. The tariff for violent rape extends to life imprisonment. How often does that actually happen? Six years seems to be about average. I I believe that the judiciary have been instructed to keep custodial sentences as low as possible as the prisons are full up.
            In Scotland the judiciary, including sheriffs, have been told that if the custodial sentence would be less than six months an alternative punishment should be applied.

      2. Firstly, I very much doubt that one innocent person would be executed a year, more like 1 in 10 years, if that.
        Secondly, if life really did mean life it wouldn’t happen, unless they murdered someone while in prison.

        The innocent murderer vs the innocent victim question is a dilemma, I’m afraid I take the view that it is better that one hundred live for the sake of the rare miscarriage, bad luck if it is you or a loved one.

      3. And, were the innocent person stood on that trapdoor your son, daughter, brother, would you still be so sanguine?

    1. I’m not sure how believable Prof. Bhakdi is.
      I know lots of people who have been vaccinated and injured. I know of a couple of deaths.
      But I know dozens of people who have had no side effects and who seem as healthy as they were. Their immune systems seem to be working fine even months after being jabbed.

      1. I had two AZ jabs with no apparent side effects – but how do I know they have not damaged my immune system? I’ve had no illness at all but maybe I’ve just been lucky.

        1. I think the evidence is that you’ve
          been healthy since then, I suppose.
          My guess is that most people are ok afterwards and some (far more than with other vaccines), are not.

          1. I’m also taking VitD3 and Vit C+zinc, have a good diet, exercise and am probably as healthy for my age as one might expect.

        1. Not yet.
          I have serious allergies and will not take the standard jabs. Even if they threaten to sack me. I am waiting for the novavax which it’s made differently and does not contain the adjuvants about which I am concerned.
          But my employers are not pushing us that way.
          I am on restricted duties due to a temporary injury but they also have a culture of keeping the old dogs in productive work, and as I am mainly involved with investigations I can work from home most of the time.

    2. I’m not sure how believable Prof. Bhakdi is.
      I know lots of people who have been vaccinated and injured. I know of a couple of deaths.
      But I know dozens of people who have had no side effects and who seem as healthy as they were. Their immune systems seem to be working fine even months after being jabbed.

    1. I use to be a great fan of Lewis until he seemed to started maligning his mother and insisting he is black.
      He wouldn’t even be here if she hadn’t been white.

      1. I went off him years ago when he posted publicity pics of himself cuddling tiger cubs in a so-called “sanctuary” which was nothing more than a breeding operation of captive big cats.

        1. He’s being knighted this week, but he would be nothing without the dedicated team and all the money behind him.

    1. I find it interesting how many people dislike Lewis. Most people sense that he may have been robbed in Abu Dhabi but nobody seems to care. He’s a fantastic racing driver but he really shouldn’t have meddled in the Black Lives Matter politics. Being a tax exile doesn’t help either. The one thing nobody cares about is the colour of his skin.

      1. It’s not true that NOBODY cares about the colour of his skin; he appears to care about it greatly.


    Negative Effectiveness of Boosters

    The main problem is that vaccinees, after a shot, have a several week period when they are uniquely vulnerable to infection. This is the reason why the “fully vaccinated” status is given two weeks after the second or third vaccine dose.

    infections during first two weeks post-dose are not counted as
    infections in “fully vaccinated” by health authorities, as if the
    vaccine should be “forgiven” for making its recipients uniquely prone to
    infection within the first two weeks. Since these recent vaccinees are
    not considered “fully vaccinated”, their infections and deaths are,
    bizarrely, NOT counted against vaccine effectiveness. This was
    extensively discussed.

    1. Where did you get that from Ndovu? The vaccines shouldn’t make people more vulnerable during the first two weeks. In fact the antibodies should build up gradually during that period so that you have more protection day by day.

        1. I did read it. It’s not unreasonable to treat people as not “fully vaccinated” when the effect takes time to build up. I’ll take a look at the German analysis now.

        2. Interesting. Excess deaths should strongly reflect covid deaths with a good degree of accuracy. If you vaccinate then both covid and excess deaths should go down. One problem is that those that die of covid are usually very ill anyway and would likely die even if they didn’t have covid. They shouldn’t be part of the excess deaths though as they die either way. So this seems to be suggesting that people are dying as a direct result of vaccination. I can understand a few but the numbers would have to be significant to be detectable in the figures. I will look into it further.

          1. The late diagnosis is what I wondered about. There were signs in the UK data that the excess deaths stayed higher even when people stopped dying of covid. It was noticeable but difficult to see why. This was last summer when most of the vulnerable groups had been vaccinated. One possibility is that people are catching covid asymptomatically and it is wearing them down without being detected. That’s just speculation though.

          2. There is some truth in the white rose article but I am not convinced it means we shouldn’t vaccinate. It’s the relative advantages of doing so or not doing so. They should be considering this sort of thing.

            One of the things that bothers me at the moment is that they are trying to stop omicron when in actual fact it may act as a natural vaccine against further infection. Antibodies from infection are known to be strong than those from vaccination.

      1. They do though. Doctors in Germany warn people to be careful for two weeks for this reason.
        I also saw a study that showed that when you take infections during the first two weeks into account, the total number of vaccinated and unvaccinated infections is the same.

      1. Did you see the later video I put up of the interview with one of the workers in the factory?

  23. May Johnson and his repulsive entourage rot in Hell.

    Henry, our second son and his girlfriend, Jessica, usually come over for the New Year and they even managed to do so last year. This year, for the first time in several years, they were to have spent Christmas with us but thanks to various restrictions and scandalous costs they will not be able to come to us either for Christmas or the New Year even though they are fully ‘vaccinated.’

    Caroline is bitterly disappointed and I am beginning to be seriously worried about what Henry and Jessica have done to their bodies by having the injections which, I am beginning to think, are the concoctions of the Devil.

    1. Those accepting the gene therapies are transhuman, just as a mouse or rat in a laboratory experiment is transgenic.

      A great evil is being perpetrated by the global elites. It will not end until critical thinking prevails. The most shocking development is destruction of patient doctor protocol. Doctors seem happy to leave patient care and diagnosis to be trumped by pseudo science and jab mandates.

    2. Rastus, I promised to post a link last night re “vaccine”. It is somewhere above your comment here.

  24. Why is Boris still visiting his wife and baby .. The pair of them should be home by now .

    I wonder whether she required a caesarian, or perhaps a few complications ?

      1. Anne

        She has been in hospital 4 days , I am certain something is wrong .

        I wouldn’t be surprised to hear spina bif /Downs syndrome . I hope I am wrong .

    1. I hope the Queen slides her hand sideways when he kneels to be knighted

      Opps head in basket

      Ponder, will he refuse to kneel

    1. The more I hear about this evil Fauci guy the more I wonder why he’s not been jailed years ago – who is protecting him?

  25. Boris ‘could bring in enforcer’ to get a grip on No10 chaos: PM scrambles to bolster team as he faces revolt by ’70-plus’ Tory MPs and resignation of ministerial aides in crunch Covid vote tomorrow – with by-election disaster looming
    Headline from The DailyFail.

    The stage managed “rebellion” is just pure theatre for the plebs, trying to keep their seats at the next GE.
    They do know of course that only 54 letters to the 1922 committee is required to start the process to remove the buffoon, less than the number of so called “rebels”.
    That takes a degree of courage and integrity by them, not going to happen is it.

    1. Panic² Johnson scrambles from one self-induced crisis to another. With all the doubling down across Europe, here and the USA (although there appear to be several principled judges remaining in the USA) what, exactly, is waiting around the corner and is it fear of that that is causing him to behave as he is? With this deadly virus beginning to run amok I’d be very worried if I was a resident of a care home.

    2. The letters will come when they believe they have sufficient support to win a vote of no confidence. Such support needs to be about 180 MPs. If they do it too soon then they risk losing and having to wait 12 months to have another. So far you have the “rebels” and possibly the same number who will support in a secret ballot. There is still a way to go I think.

      1. But as someone pointed out, Boris isn’t the problem. Changing leader for another shill like Gove or Sunak or Truss will only distract attention from the coup.

  26. Col Lateral Thinking!!!

    “Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis set $8 million in his 2022–23 budget to transport illegal immigrants out of The Sunshine State. He proposed the spending in the Freedom First Budget (pdf) to protect against harms resulting from illegal immigration. The spending may include the transportation of unauthorized aliens located within Florida to other states or the District of Columbia.

    “In yesterday’s budget, I put in $8 million for us to be able to transport people illegally [in the United States] out of the state of Florida,” he said during a press conference on Friday.

    The Republican governor listed Delaware, President Joe Biden’s hometown state, and Martha’s Vineyard, where former President Barack Obama owns a mansion, as potential destinations to relocate the illegal immigrants.

    “If you sent [illegal immigrants] to Delaware or Martha’s Vineyard or some of these places, that border would be secure the next day,” he said.

  27. I’ve just sprinkled sugar on an orange for the first time in years. The early oranges from Spain this year were as sour as lemons!
    Have oranges got sweeter in the last few decades? I remember putting sugar on them as a child, but that may have been because my mother put sugar on everything!

    1. They would make good marmalade.

      I know strawberries aren’t in season but i wanted to do a trial run on my New Years Eve giant Pavlova.

      I’m currently soaking them in Gin, Elderflower and Vanilla.

      I also got them for free from waitrose as they had a short date on them.

        1. Here in Sweden, the locals call ALL jams “marmalade”.

          I make two wonderful marmalades: one with Seville oranges (Elsie Bloodaxe’s recipe); and one with fresh limes (Olaf Bloodaxe’s recipe).

          1. They are imported from the same location as they are in the UK, no real surprise there.

            The only difference is that the Swedes call them “Pomerans”.

      1. More Americanisms, Philip.

        Rather than ‘for free’ try the English way – ‘for nothing’.

    2. My mother used to cut the top off an orange and shove a sugar cube down the middle so we could slurp it.

  28. At least one patient has died with Omicron variant, Boris Johnson says. 13 December 2021.

    Speaking during a visit to a vaccination clinic near Paddington, in west London, Boris Johnson said: “Sadly yes Omicron is producing hospitalisations and sadly at least one patient has been confirmed to have died with Omicron.

    “So I think the idea that this is somehow a milder version of the virus, I think that’s something we need to set on one side and just recognise the sheer pace at which it accelerates through the population. So the best thing we can do is all get our boosters.”

    It’s utterly pathetic is it not? Assuming he exists at all he was probably run over by Boris’s Limousine while trying to catch a train!

    1. “The patient was involved in a car crash but tested positive for the Omicron variant after a week in hospital, so we switched off their life support machine double quick”

      1. Afternoon BB. He doesn’t even have the cojones to say, “confirmed to have died from Omicron.”

      2. Afternoon BB. He doesn’t even have the cojones to say, “confirmed to have died from Omicron.”

  29. Words, words, words, Mr Brady. What are words worth? Only action will do.

    We must end this disastrous assault on liberty

    It is plain wrong for the party of enterprise and choice to spread dystopian fear and curtail freedoms


    Two shots of AstraZeneca, followed by a booster of Pfizer’s mRNA vaccine three days ago, should have left me pretty well protected against even the omicron variant of Covid-19.

    Yet amongst other things, this will also be an interesting test case in some of the more outré conspiracy theories about vaccines. You see, if, between now and Tuesday, I change my mind and vote for the government’s latest authoritarian nonsense, then it’s official: my once-independent mind will have been overrun by nanobots, or perhaps a microchip sent by Bill Gates as part of some sinister plan for world domination. So far, however, I’m feeling no dubiously illiberal inclinations.

    When I first became involved in politics in the 1980s, the differences between Conservatives and Labour were stark. We believed in trusting people to make their own choices; Labour stood for the closed shop and secondary picketing. We supported enterprise; they favoured strikes and penal taxes on business.

    While Margaret Thatcher, alongside Ronald Reagan, was busy winning the Cold War, the Lefties were grungily bleating on about unilateral nuclear disarmament. We supported families and freedom; our opponents were willing to back just about any cause that would hold people back and make them poorer. Back then if I’d wanted to live in a country that would ban me from leaving, I’d have defected to Soviet Russia.

    So how is that a Conservative government has presided over such a disastrous assault on liberty? Months when people were banned by law from seeing their children or grandchildren. Businesses forced to close; the state not just telling people not to go to work but paying them not to. And yes, nearly half a year in which we went full Eastern Bloc and no one was allowed out.

    The government’s behavioural scientists began by thinking that Britons would never, ever slavishly follow the kind of diktat issued in Communist China. Instead, they soon found that as long as they spread enough fear people would kowtow to the state.

    A senior NHS neurologist writes to me that he sees the ever-changing rules and restrictions reducing people’s confidence and making them feel uncertain. The inability to make plans or live a normal life is, “breeding health anxiety, I am seeing a lot of this in my clinical practice. Neurology is one of those areas in which health anxiety manifests as clinical symptoms – currently off the scale”.

    So, government communications (paid for by us) are spreading fear and anxiety to an extent that is making people ill.

    Not to worry though, because from July we have been on an ‘irreversible’ path back to normal life. We thought it was just paranoia when some people said, “don’t believe them, there’ll be another new variant discovered just before Christmas!” We are quickly relearning the old dictum that just because you’re paranoid, it doesn’t mean they aren’t out to get you.

    So we had masks in shops and buses last week and an absurd measure introducing mandatory isolation for anyone ‘suspected’ of being a contact of someone with omicron, but we were told these measures might be lifted before Santa took to his sleigh and certainly before half the country was pinged into the gulag.

    Just a week later, but still with little evidence of a serious problem, MPs are being asked to vote for even more restrictions: face masks in the bath (possibly a small exaggeration), segregation of people who foolishly believed it was for them to decide whether to have the vaccines and forced jabs for those of our NHS heroes who won’t comply (oh no, wait, that was last year!)

    There seems no let up to this kind of self-defeating, dystopian logic. One reason why the health service might struggle to cope with omicron is that 30,000 care workers were sacked under the new vaccine mandates, leading to NHS beds being blocked by people who would otherwise have been moved to care homes. Imagine how much more easily we can ensure that the NHS is ‘overwhelmed’ if the government’s estimate of 73,000 NHS workers quitting in the cause of bodily autonomy proves accurate.

    It should come as no surprise that Labour appears to be agitating for a state of permanent lockdown: it’s all their big-government dreams come true, but it’s plain wrong for the party of liberty and choice to be behaving like this. Of course (for now) we are free to debate whether one intervention or another might slow the spread of omicron, but we should also consider a different and rather more philosophical question.

    This train will go on until someone has the presence of mind to pull the communication cord. So as well as debating Plan B measures, we should be asking ourselves whether we want to restore the dignity of controlling our own lives or not. It’s time for this to end.

    Sir Graham Brady is the Conservative MP for Altrincham and Sale West, and Chairman of the 1922 Committee

    1. So, Graham Brady, what did the whips tell you about your decision to rebel? and how do you think that would change if Labour announced that they would actually be an opposition and not vote for the authoritarian measures?

  30. On the 13.00 News it was reported that Omicron has claimed its 1st fatal victim. But Boris said twice that the patient died with Omicron, didn’t say of it.

    1. The 103 year old victim was admitted to hospital last week after a heart attack, which caused him to fall down the stairs; he banged his head and the ensuing brain injury caused a massive stroke. Whilst in hospital he contacted Covid and sadly passed away five minutes after diagnosis, just in time for the one o’clock news.

    2. Afternoon Peddy. All the reports I can find are quoting Boris! There seems to be no independent confirmation!

    3. Afternoon Peddy. All the reports I can find are quoting Boris! There seems to be no independent confirmation!

  31. “…Having fought two world wars and the Cold War in the name of individual freedom, we seem to have lost all interest in the concept… it turns out that we have an almost unlimited tolerance for authoritarianism…”

    The imposition of bans should upset us more than the flouting of them

    Too busy wagging our fingers about illegal parties, we’ve become complicit in the surrender of our freedoms


    When I was campaigning for Brexit, I learned to keep my criticisms of the EU on a human scale.

    If I told people that Brussels was squandering billions of pounds in CAP fraud, they would express perfunctory disapproval. But if I told them that, as an MEP, I could have kept my wife on my payroll to the tune of £11,000 a month, they would become incandescent. Few of us can conceptualise billions; but we can all imagine what we’d do with £11,000.

    For similar reasons, there is far more anger about staffers attending a cheese and wine event in Downing Street than there is about what now looks like a permanent curtailment of our liberties.

    Our brains are not designed to reckon with the gargantuan sums wiped off our GDP, to compute infection rates or to understand vaccines. But they are very good at resenting perceived unfairness.

    Nonetheless, I am going to try to persuade you that rows about parties are trivial. Vastly more worrying is the precedent now being set. The lockdown, instead of being a one-off, is becoming the handiest weapon in our rulers’ armoury, almost their first resort.

    If ministers are going to impose restrictions every time there is a new Covid variant, we will never break the cycle. And if the rest of us let it pass because we are too busy wagging our fingers about illicit gatherings, we shall be complicit in the surrender of our freedoms.

    I am well aware that, in the present mood, the only permitted reaction to the (alleged) party is rage. Express any other view, allow for any nuance, and you are placing yourself in the path of a lynch mob.

    Still, before we get too carried away, let me ask you a question. Can you tell me, hand on heart, that you stuck rigidly to every regulation and stricture through each lockdown? That you never had a surreptitious cup of tea in your garden with a neighbour, never lowered your mask when your glasses were steaming up, never cut short your hand-washing after 10 seconds, never met a friend under the cover of taking outdoor exercise?

    Whenever there is any alleged breach of the rules by people in politics, the rest of the country furiously complains that It’s One Rule For Them And One For Us. But this isn’t true; or, if it is, it is true in precisely the opposite way from that intended.

    I’m pretty sure that most people, at one time or another, have interpreted the rules flexibly. But, unless they are in the public eye, they don’t expect to be condemned. Think, for example, of the massive BLM protests over the summer. They were, by any definition, illegal. Are columnists demanding that all the demonstrators be prosecuted? Of course not.

    Most people treat the lockdown rules rather like the Highway Code. They occasionally break the letter of the law in what they see as safe and proportionate ways. But this does not prevent them from condemning infractions in others – especially types of infraction that they happen not to commit themselves.

    In every locked down country, politicians proved themselves human. Some attended gatherings, some had haircuts, some travelled after testing positive. In Ireland, several public figures had to resign after a dinner in a golf club.

    In every case, the One Rule For Them line was trotted out regardless of how harshly the politicians were punished.

    Here, Labour MPs have been found to breach the rules by, among other things, attending big funerals, having an affair and (in the case of Jeremy Corbyn) having dinner with too many guests.

    My point is not that they are hypocrites; it is that the rules are wrong. Laws that no one follows are, by definition, asinine laws. By all means blame politicians. But blame them for imposing these absurd prohibitions in the first place rather than for behaving like everyone else.

    Which brings us to the latest set of restrictions, the so-called Plan B. I believe they are a mistake, but not for the facile reason given by cynics. The idea that they are a distraction from bad headlines about the Downing Street gathering does not stack up. If the PM wanted to move the conversation on from breaches of the rules last Christmas, he wouldn’t have started a conversation about rules this Christmas. In any case, the notion that Chris Whitty, Patrick Vallance and the rest are playing along with a dead cat diversionary tactic is too silly for words.

    No, ministers are responding to the advice they are getting from officials. They have been told that, unchecked, the Omicron variant will cause between 25,000 and 75,000 deaths. They have also been told that, while two vaccine doses provide a low level of immunity, a third dose massively increases our resilience. Their strategy is therefore to slow things up while dispensing as many boosters as possible.

    The trouble is that, yet again, they are reversing the burden of proof. If they want to apply the full coercive force of the law, it should be up to them to demonstrate that their bans are proportionate.

    In the case of Omicron, we don’t yet have any reason to think that restrictions are needed. We know that the mutation makes the virus easier to catch – some studies say three times more transmissible than Delta. But there is no evidence that it is lethal.

    Indeed, early data give grounds for optimism. The World Health Organisation has so far not documented a single recorded death from the variant. The South African doctor who discovered it says its effects are mild, a view shared by both the European Medicines Agency and the US Centre for Disease Control.

    If these early findings are confirmed, we may be witnessing the end of the epidemic, the moment reached by almost all viruses, when their transmissibility increases and their virulence subsides. Covid, like the Spanish flu before it, will become one of the many seasonal respiratory diseases that we call “a cold”. Omicron will be its Omega.

    Yes, of course this is a big “if”. Things may change. But, to repeat, the burden of proof should always rest with those wishing to curtail our elemental liberties. It is not up to opponents of further prohibitions to show that they are not needed. Freedom should be our default.

    That is why we should be so concerned about these pre-emptive measures. They suggest that, from now on, we will respond to any putative threat by sending people home. And that road, once taken, will not be easily abandoned.

    There will surely be more Covid mutations. And there will surely be more diseases as yet un-encountered by our doctors. Are we seriously going to start banning things every time, just in case?

    True, the measures so far announced are relatively light. To be honest, I thought that face-masks were already required in theatres – certainly they have been worn in all the theatres I have attended since they reopened.

    But as long as there are any restrictions at all, they allow a chunk of our public sector to sit on its hands. Civil servants refuse to come to the office, local councils fail to process forms, schools cancel events – and, of course, there is a commensurate knock to our national output.

    My worry is that these restrictions are being imposed, not because of bad headlines, but because ministers know that, even if the rate of hospitalisation is very low, a small percentage of a big number is still a big number. They don’t want to be accused of having acted too late, and would rather slow our recovery and diminish our civil rights than run the slightest risk of appearing complacent.

    Again, why should that logic be any different in the event of a future threat, however notional, to public health? Before 2020, government advisers believed that people would not put up with a lockdown for more than a few weeks.

    In the event, it turned out that we have an almost unlimited tolerance for authoritarianism. Yes, there are some outraged libertarian dissidents. But, though their outrage has increased, their numbers have not.

    No, we are doing this to ourselves. Having fought the two world wars and the Cold War in the name of individual freedom, we seem to have lost all interest in the concept. We are upset, not at the imposition of bans, but at others flouting them. What a servile lot we have become.

    1. IMO he misses the point. It is all about control. If HMG was pleasantly surprised that the public obeyed the lockdown rules for longer than 3 weeks, but really didn’t expect us to, what was the purpose behind continuing lockdown and repeating it again and again? No convincing argument to back up a necessity to keep repeating lockdown. 3 weeks to “flatten the curve”, a few more to “squash the sombrero”, and so on and so on. Repeat ad nauseam.
      And so we have yet another lockdown in all but name. WHO said right from the start that masks were not necessary, wearing them was a political decision. It’s all along the road to controlling us and, most importantly, money.

      A digital currency means the central bankers can see where all our money is going. And once cash is abolished they can control where our money is spent and, indeed, control us. We are stuffed without money. Once they have control all sorts of conditions can be imposed on the spending of it. I probably haven’t explained this very well but there is a link that someone else put on the other day. I will try to find it. Found it.

  32. Telegraph leader … te top BTL comment:

    Carpe Jugulum
    6 HRS AGO
    The one glaring lesson of this pandemic has been that running an NHS with no strategic reserve capacity costs FAR more than establishing that capacity when the country is forced into shutting down to ‘protect the NHS’.
    So what does it tell you about NHS management when, almost two years into the pandemic and despite £billions thrown at the NHS, that capacity STILL does not exist.
    Isn’t it time that hospitals trained their own nurses as they used to? Isn’t it time that the moronic stupidity of creating nursing degrees and one size fits all tasking of nursing was abandoned. The old division of State Registered Nurses and State Enrolled Nurses was established because it WORKED.
    Isn’t it time the UK actually trained enough doctors to satisfy it’s needs rather than the sheer moronic stupidity of saving a few £millions by limiting course numbers and parasitising poorer countries by stealing their doctors?
    Isn’t it time that bureaucrats were removed from ALL clinical decision making and layers of witless ineptitude were removed?
    Isn’t it time the NHS was turned back into a Health Service, not an obscenity that abandons cancer diagnostics to ‘protect’ itself when supermarket workers carried on working.
    Clap for the NHS? I think not. It needs a kick up the ……
    A hard one.


    1. CJ is assuming that the goal is healthcare, not spreading fear and panic, and getting jabs into arms.

    2. Isn’t it time that a basic fundamental, like having your medical records available nationwide, was introduced.

      1. In theory that is now in place (and with certain data shared with Mega Corps). [Incidentally in terms of ownership of one’s medical records that is vested in the secretary of State for Health.]

    3. My recollection is that much of the damage was done by The Midwife, aka Our Lord Bishop of London, when she was Chief Nursing Officer.

    4. A good SEN was the backbone of the ward.
      They were practical women who had enough training to spot problems and report them. They also tended to remain on the same ward for a long time and knew the subject inside out.
      The best night nurse on the female locked ward was an SEN. The moment she appeared, we knew the ward would be run well and we would not walk into chaos the next morning. Her presence gave staff and patients a sense of security. At that time, here was only one nurse on at night, and she would sit in the dayroom with the alarm bell next to her, so she could summon help from the ward below.
      How she did that for twenty years – to my knowledge – gawd only knows.

  33. Voters and MPs are exhausted and angry – and it’s easy to see why

    For all lessons that should’ve been learnt, the cash spent, and the boosterism, our anti-Covid strategy remains a game of Russian roulette

    TELEGRAPH VIEW • 11 December 2021 • 10:00pm

    The Government cannot help the fact that the world is now being confronted by the omicron variant, but it has to take responsibility for its failure to do enough to prepare one of the richest, most advanced countries for the oncoming storm.

    No wonder so many voters, and, increasingly, back-bench MPs, ministers and Cabinet members, are cynical, angry and exhausted. Two years into this crisis, the authorities appear to have learnt little. The roll-out of third jabs (which appear to be vital in combating the variant) has proceeded far too slowly; bureaucratic errors continue to befuddle every move (with people unnecessarily turned away from vaccination walk-in centres); the Government has ordered far too few antiviral pills; and the process of working on and giving authorisation for new, improved vaccines is scandalously slow.

    Just as bad has been the Government’s utter inability to increase the NHS’s capacity. This is extremely hard to do, granted, but why didn’t we spend the past year at least working on a plan for temporary, emergency field hospitals, perhaps staffed with retirees, volunteers and students?

    The basic problem is that, while omicron, at present, appears less dangerous than previous variants, it spreads more rapidly, meaning that even if it sends a smaller proportion of the infected to hospital, this could be a very large number in real terms. That, at least, is the hypothesis (still not fully confirmed by data) that senior Government figures are working to. Hence their abject panic at the latest models, and why we are back to the prospect that our lives will be shut down – killing businesses, curtailing liberties and wrecking mental health – to “save” an NHS that, we are told, won’t be able to withstand a looming “tsunami” of hospitalisations.

    This was more forgivable in early 2020 because Covid was new and the entire planet had been caught short. Britain had no domestic diagnostic industry, for a start, and the emergency procedures signed off by Jeremy Hunt were for the wrong kind of pandemic.

    But why has the Government done so little since then to cope with the inevitability of fresh waves? Why is it falling back on restrictions yet again? Why is nobody sure where the gradual tightening of the rules will end? And does this mean that every new variant will overwhelm us, even when we are on to our fourth or fifth jabs? That would be a strange kind of society. The Government must be held to account for betraying its own earlier success. The world-leading vaccine roll-out was made possible by innovation – taking procurement out of the hands of the NHS, creating a brilliant public/private vaccine taskforce. Then the Government handed the operation back to the sainted NHS. After an initial period of apparent achievement, it lost momentum.

    Why doesn’t the booster operation run 24/7? Are there lists of retired medical staff being actively recruited and directed to help?

    The worst error of all must be the failure to produce and distribute enough antiviral pills. These can be taken at home, and, as long as Covid is detected quickly and the treatment starts promptly, are hugely effective. This would be the best way to reduce the pressure on the NHS as the pills could be delivered to homes or picked up at pharmacies – so why isn’t it happening? We need answers.

    For all the vast sums spent, the massively increased NHS budget, and the endless boosterism, we are left playing a giant game of Russian roulette – gambling upon authoritarian measures, the healthcare system not collapsing, and the hope that the variants will eventually fizzle out to something resembling the cold. This is a shocking failure of policy. The Government must get its act together immediately.

          1. Putting aside the reference to vaccines and the variant, there’s little wrong with it in its criticism of the NHS. Institutional failure has been a recurring theme in recent weeks and the NHS is the worst, falling back into bad habits after the early success of the vaccination programme.

            Too bloody right people are fed up – but not enough of them, if the opinion polls are correct.

        1. 50/50

          “but it has to take responsibility for its failure to do enough to prepare one of the richest, most advanced countries for the oncoming storm.. Clearly the editor hasn’t reviewed the literature referencing countervailing views.

          1. On the advice of a friend I recorded QANON Conspiracy Theory and have just watched it. The Scouser Channel 4 interviewer started from the premise there was no truth behind the allegations (t was “alternative truth”) and I strongly get the impression that he made no effort to try to actually disprove their assertions (or, indeed, look for evidence that they had a point), just dismissing them because there was “no evidence” (that he found). Absence of evidence, like absence of proof, does not necessarily invalidate a theory. It may be well hidden and only surface later.

    1. The last but one paragraph indicates that the author has either, no concept of what this disgusting PM/government are up to, major failing for a genuine journalist, or he is part of the deliberate ploy of appearing to criticise the PM/government while promoting “vaccines” in the paragraph above.
      The government will not promote anti-viral pills for the same reason they have not allowed other early intervention drugs to be prescribed. The “vaccine” is the avenue to control: the idea of ‘pill passports’ as a control mechanism doesn’t quite look right.

      Wake the hell up!

      1. Presumably these messages are from paid employees of the state. Like that fake video of the fake nurse telling off the fake “unvaccinated” patient…

    1. James Hunt was such a sexy charming man , he had oodles of personality .

      Of course , I had never met him , but in my mind that was how I imagined him to be .

      1. He was a guest at a wedding where I was working. He wore broad striped black and white trousers with one white shoe and one black one.

    1. We’ll have to start to import aliens from the stars to meet these numbers. Is that the government’s plan?

      1. The Government is working on it except that it is encouraging aliens to use inflatables rather than space ships.

    2. We’ll have to start to import aliens from the stars to meet these numbers. Is that the government’s plan?

    1. Statement from the Prime Minister’s office?
      “This should prove that anyone who said I couldn’t run a bath was completely mistaken!”

      1. “This should prove that anyone who said I couldn’t run a baby’s bath was completely mistaken!”

    2. The Omicron death toll would have been a lot lower had the doctors ignored the DNR tattoo on the patient’s forehead!

  34. AGA man been and gone. Problem sorted – dirty filter on the oil tank. No charge. Forced a Christmas tip on him.

    He told me of two of his clients who have NOT LEFT their house (in the middle of nowhere) since March 2020. Wear masks and gloves indoors. When he calls, they leave the front door open and seal themselves into an upstairs room. They haven’t even been out for a walk…. Mid 40s. Previously apparently “normal” people.

    1. It’s almost tragic, despite largely being self-inflicted, that these people live in such fear. It’s extremely disproportionate to the risk. I wouldn’t be in the least surprised if they take much greater risks with other aspects of their lives without batting an eyelid.

        1. Slowly…. Roofers, carpenter and tilers on site today. Some new glazing in but 4-6 week delay for the rest. All being well interior should be completed by end January… I’m due to assemble Kitchen units next week and at some point paint the entire house using a total of 145 litres of paint and possibly some more after that.

  35. I cannot bring myself to read any papers anymore. Just had a look at the Mail and was so appalled by a photo of hundreds of people in a long line, waiting to go in for a booster, that I tuned out.
    Boris the Incompetent kept bleating on last night about being “boosted”. I will not be specific but I know where I would like to boost him.
    He and his moronic government are attempting to, and succeeding in many instances, scare and terrify the populace of this country. Those of us who are not intimidated are still likely to get challenged by some belligerent person in a shop. I have to go to Asda later which doesn’t worry me at all; I simply don’t want to get into a fight with some drip who asks why I am not wearing a mask. It’s getting harder and harder to be patient.
    (The reason for the outing is to get milk, some nerve tonic and baked beans. MH has been guzzling his way through cans of beans- it’s been hell in here!)

    1. Can you get MH to stop, we had terrible gales last night and our electricity was off for 10 hours

          1. With some of the sound effects last night, I’m surprised he didn’t blast himself to Bermuda.

        1. MH has been guzzling his way through cans of beans- it’s been hell in here!)

          Tell him to take the beans out of the cans before eating them.

  36. A puzzled pensioner writes:

    I have already had a booster – do I need ANOTHER one before 31 December 2021?

  37. Johnson has totaly lost it. He must be stopped causuing all this panic. Regretably most of our people just cannot see what it is all realy about.

  38. 342787+ up ticks,
    These torys (ino) must be in heavy waters their allies are getting active, got two e mails this morning from uKiPs
    hamilton & walker the dodgy builder thanking the member for his support making hamilton leader, and how walker the dodgy builder was going to save the country.

    In my book uKiP is currently a satellite of the tory (ino) party the real UKIP under Gerard Batten / Richard Braine
    was treacherously slain by it’s own nec and nige.

    By the by has the party on losing the court case, settled accounts yet with Richard Braine ?

  39. DT: Politics latest news: Boris Johnson warns Covid rebels there is ‘no room for complacency’ as he confirms first omicron death

    Boris Johnson is probably delighted to announce that at last he has an omicron death to report.

    But we do not know:

    Was the death of the person who died from or with omicron Covid and were there other underlying causes?
    Was the person ‘vaccinated’ or not ‘vaccinated’?

    1. Phew … thank goodness the Moronic one died at the right moment.
      Just think; it used to be routine good manners not to visit elderly or ailing people if you had a cold or cough.

    2. I’ve all but exhausted my limited fund of words to describe Johnson. He was allegedly in control when thousands of deaths occurred in care homes. His restrictions barred family from seeing aged relatives incarcerated in those homes, even at the end of life. Under Johnson’s total mismanagement the NHS waiting lists have grown almost beyond recovery and this week he has issued instructions that will exacerbate the situation. He then has the temerity to try and cajole MPs in his party to not oppose his draconian measures by using an excuse that maybe someone has died and maybe that victim had a tenuous association with a virus. If someone has died then that is something to be regretted but to use that sad event as leverage to try and head off a legitimate protest against further harsh measures being imposed upon millions of people is beyond belief. Johnson has become an indelible stain on the fabric of this County of ours.

    3. I think that his choice of the word ‘with’, used twice in the same statement, was deliberate. He knew many people, including one or two on this site, would confuse it with ‘from’. Not surprising in a population which confuses lie with lay, imply with infer, etc. The list goes on.

  40. Harriet Sergeant

    “South Africans rarely even discuss omicron, it’s so mild,” texts a friend from outside Cape Town, “Covid’s become a UK neurosis.”

    1. Johnson needed a reason to bugger up Christmas for everybody – that why he villainised omicron.

  41. Good afternoon.
    V. Smug Person reporting.
    Thought my printer was developing the collywobbles when I still had a good dozen to so Christmas cards to print. Felt myself on the edge of meltdown when sheer genius hit me.
    When not in use, my playroom could be mistaken for Antarctica. Thick card paper with a glossy surface? Given that I’d not had problems a few weeks back, could low temperature be a cause? Put paper for a while in front of radiator ….. and Bingo!!! Job jobbed: let’s hope I’ve now thought of everyone.

  42. My blood pressure is racing .

    I have had to make several phonecalls today, so frustrating .

    One of the elderly veterans was admittted to hospital , widower.

    I tried to ring the ward but the staff nurse asked me for his address as proof of me knowing him and date of birth . I said I was a friend , and was concerned for his situation .. I couldn’t remember his address off the top of my head , so had to scramble through various addresses to provide her with the info .

    Staff nurse was happy , but when I asked her how he was, she wasn’t allowed to divulge that info . Poor chap is borderline you know what , and often forgets my name . So she went to his bed to speak to him , and he didn’t recognise my name , if he had spoken to me , he would have recognised my voice .

    So I am no wiser , but the utter rigmarole of trying to get through to the switchboard , what with all the Covid messages etc has really given me a headache .

    What a strange life we are all leading .

    1. when I asked her how he was, she wasn’t allowed to divulge that info .

      Patient confidentiality was tightened up before I retired 8 years ago.

  43. Hong Kongers warn of ‘social conflict’ as new arrivals to UK struggle to find jobs, housing and school places
    The UK has opened its doors to millions of Hong Kongers – but many are worried that new arrivals will stretch local resources and facilities and that risks alienating local people.

    Hong Kongers are Britain’s fastest growing community.

    But those supporting new arrivals have told Sky News of their concerns about the impact of large numbers arriving in a short space of time – even warning of social conflict unless resources are properly managed.

    And in spite of the millions who are eligible to come to the UK, some believe it should be extended.

    The UK opened its borders to three million Hong Kongers and their dependents – potentially five million people – following China’s democracy crackdown.

    And they’ve been arriving in the UK or applying to come here – on average – at a rate of 2,500 a week since January.

    Richard Choi came to the UK from Hong Kong 13 years ago. He now lives in Sutton in Surrey – the kind of suburb which is proving popular with newly arrived Hong Kongers.

    Mr Choi is now helping people settle in and says you can see with your own eyes how the demographic has changed just by walking down the high street.

    1. Assimilating many thousands of people in a short time won’t be easy – and local populations will justifiably feel overwhelmed. This country has always welcomed people of all kinds but there are limits and we must be getting near those now. It’s a small and overcrowded country.

      1. The sheer scale and speed of the flood is a major issue. Where on earth are these millions of Hong-Kongers to live, schools and health services will be destroyed by weight of numbers. Mind you, I’d prefer 100 HK people to a single member of the caliphate army.

    2. …their concerns about the impact of large numbers arriving in a short space of time…

      Which says nothing about our concerns over those arriving, at a rate of 1,000 per day to swell the ranks of the Caliphate Army.

      Perhaps the Hong Kongers could be conscripted into the British Army.


    INJECTING millions of people with countless copies of a gene that
    instructs the body to produce a toxic protein might not seem very
    sensible. But it was hoped that this approach, the basis of the Covid
    vaccine, would help minimise damage caused by the protein – the ‘spike’
    that the genetically engineered SARS-CoV-2 uses to invade our body cells – when we meet the actual virus.

    Last month we reported an
    American heart specialist’s finding that most of his patients showed
    biochemical changes signalling increased cardiovascular risk in the
    weeks following their Covid mRNA jab. Markers for inflammation, cell
    death and an immune response to coronary artery injury all increased
    compared with results from a few months previously. The overall results
    indicated a ‘dramatic’ rise, from 11 per cent to 25 per cent, in the
    likelihood of a heart attack or similar event occurring some time over
    the next five years should those changes persist.

    1. It’s beautiful, Belle. It reminds me of winters in Yorkshire as a child and growing up. Proper winters, the sort that made you feel you had deserved your summer (when it arrived).

      1. Yes it does, my feelings exactly .

        North Yorkshire winters and Durham winters were very memorable .

        We dressed properly for bad weather, and now remembering huge cosy eiderdowns on top of the beds !

  45. Unless we resist, we are doomed. They’ve now got their “First Death from Omicron” (probably died from something else but was unfortunate enough to test positive – if you go looking for something, it’s surprising how often you find it ), so nothing but outright rebellion will stop them.

    1. ONE death …. and Doris “urges nation to set aside idea variant is milder”. But the variant IS milder, and is highly unlikely to cause a spike in death numbers. or overwhelming of Saint NHS. Refusing to rule out tighter restrictions before Christmas.

      1. Got to keep Project Fear going – it’s all they have. It’s like riding a bike without hands; if you don’t keep pedalling, eventually you wobble and can fall off.

        1. The booking site crashed because so many morons were panicking about booking a booster. Allegedly massive queues at walk-in jab centres. Quick, this deadly scariant will kill us if we don’t get another jab, make sure to wear your mask in your own home too – just in case, can’t be too cautious.

  46. ******BREAKING NEWS******
    Dateline 01 04 2022
    Millions dead.
    NHS awarded a bar to their George Cross.

    1. Millions dead not from the China virus but from lack of referrals or treatment for sufferers of cancer and other serious, life-threatening medical issues.

          1. Without being totally heartless, I hope they have the sense to triage those they can help to a much longer life rather than just a few months because the poor sods have been waiting. I might appear to lack compassion but a first come first served approach will probably kill more and cause even more suffering.

  47. Just back from taking G & P for their first annual check and vaccination. (Delayed for three weeks because there was a lack of, er, vaccine…) All fine and in excellent condition. Gus weighs 4.6 kg; Pickles 4.1 kg!!

    It is still 10ºC here – and on the drive back in the dark, there were hundreds of moths flying about.

    Have I missed any news?

  48. I have no regards for Cur Lewis Hamilton as a person. But depite being a self-obsessed, narcissist, he was remarkably generous in his congratulations to the Belgian Dutchman…

    1. I wonder if some government shill used a pillow on an old patient, just to start the ball rolling.

    1. That was an excellent response from Angus Dalgleish. He doesn’t seem to have much time for the frauds in government and their equally fraudulent “scientific” advisers.

      1. Vlad Putin said earlier in the last week or so that this new virus could be a natural safe effective vaccine giving herd immunity and I agree with Angus Dalgliesh and VP.

      2. We need more people like Dr Dalgleish to speak openly and honestly. The problem is the MSM are doing Johnson’s bidding and closing down debate.

    2. That was an excellent response from Angus Dalgleish. He doesn’t seem to have much time for the frauds in government and their equally fraudulent “scientific” advisers.

    1. Weeping Faculty “managers” now on knees begging students to tell them what else they want…

    2. I see one of them is wearing a ‘Proud to be Pathetic’ top. That will go well with their ‘Proud to be a Bigot’ one.

    3. Make sure their tuition fees are not refundable and send them down. I am sure that the University of Little Widdlecombe in the Slush will have them. Jack Whitehall did a gig at such a place and said to his student audience: “I know why you’re here. You’re here because you got crumby grades in your “A” levels.

      What is rather alarming is that in order to get into Durham University last year you had to have three A grades at “A” level. But if schools stop recommending the place and this sort of nonsense carries on the entry requirement will fall to a more appropriate E, E, E grade requirement.

      Several of my former pupils, members of my family and friends went to Durham including Christo’s godfather. They must now be rather ashamed of their alma mater.

  49. Hold the front page! Starmer to address the nation at 7pm!
    Since when does a leader of the opposition address the nation? He has massive delusions of adequacy and relevance.
    No doubt he’ll be clamouring for tighter restrictions, claiming this deadly scariant is about to overwhelm saint NHS and kill millions. Then how many days til bumbling Doris announces such added restrictions. Gotta ‘ keep everyone safe’ (from a proven mild variant?) and ‘save the NHS’

    1. “Hello, good evening and welcome. I have discussed this new variant with Dianne Abbott and she tells me that we need to hang in there until the Lammy variant arrives, it only kills white people”

    2. He is entitled to make a Party Political Broadcast at any time.

      Perhaps he is going to denounce BPAPM… I wonder? (sarc……)

      1. As I read it (in a couple of places), he was ‘addressing the nation’ – maybe he thinks that makes it more important than a party political broadcast.
        Either way, it’s a massive over-reaction to a scariant that is know to be very mild for healthy people.

        1. It is to show that his clique is in all fours with that of BPAPM – firmly planning to close the country down.

          Funny, rally. One would have thought that lotsa Liebour MPs would have been againstthis tyranny.

    3. Good heavens! Iffy’s sock drawer will be the tidiest in England;-)
      Edit for missing word.

  50. I misread the subtitle on this evening’s BBC Six O’clock News as I glanced up from my tablet:

    Online Bonking Available

  51. I misread the subtitle on this evening’s BBC Six O’clock News as I glanced up from my tablet:

    Online Bonking Available

  52. Police Scotland are slammed after saying they will record rapists as women if the suspect ‘identifies as female’ – even if they still have a penis
    Feminists have slammed Police Scotland for plan, which would ‘warp’ statistics
    Critic JK Rowling tweeted: ‘The Penised Individual Who Raped You Is a Woman’
    One MP who defected from the SNP said ‘dogma was overriding common sense’

      1. My guess is that they are doing it because they need to feel in control, and if they force the system to accept them as women, it is a form of controlling it.

      2. No, they hope they’ll get longer sentences in women’s prisons, where they can fuck away to their heart’s content.

  53. Time for me to go. A better day. Cut back the dahlias and covered the corms in deep leafmould for the winter. AGA singing away. Cats in fine fettle – the Portuguese vet lady was lovely – she clearly adores cats! We almost had to prise her away from Augustus!

    Tomorrow is another day – I hope to see it. Have a lovely evening using Omicron to wash your knitwear.

    A demain.

      1. That’s Scarlet O’Hara’s line!

        When I was at school the Shadows were considered very much the thing. This number was by Jet Harris, the original Shadows bass guitarist, and Tony Meehan, the original Shadows drummer.

        1. I like Matt but I am finding it increasingly difficult to laugh at anything about all this BS.
          The two cabbies today, one to take me to the shop and the other who brought me home, have had it. Both unfailingly polite but made it clear they are not listening to a word of it anymore. Tracey, a very outspoken lady was most emphatic. And of course, you have to reckon they lost a lot of income last year and earlier this one…
          Neither of them wore masks and I did not notice any increase in masks in Asda- staff or customers.

          1. Some of my colleagues have had it.
            Apart from a few unfortunate individuals, it’s a few days ill. Big effing deal.

          2. Sorry, poor choice of words. I meant they had had it with this govt and all the BS. Not that they had contracted covid.

  54. The Leader of the Crapposition has spoken:

    “Sir Keir Starmer has announced that the Labour party will support the government’s drive for all adults in the UK to received a Covid vaccine booster by the end of the month……speaking ahead of a vote in parliament, where MPs will decide on whether to pass the government’s “Plan B” restrictions to slow the spread of the Omicron variant.

    1. Does that mean that Lammy, Abbott and Rayner agree with Boris?
      If so, I think David Icke might well be correct about Lizard people.

  55. Oh, good.
    Labour here have just closed us down again, in case someone gets a sniffle. Arseholes, all of them.

        1. How’s it going Max ?
          Adam and Eve, and another regular Terry Downs.
          P.M. use to show us card tricks and tell jokes. He lived opposite facing Totteridge the shop Cook and Son on the triangle.
          Clifford Cook was in my class at school.

  56. Statistically at least 2 MPs and 2 members of the HoL should have died from Covid.
    As far as I’m aware none have.
    This is particularly strange given their age and health profiles.

      1. Take total population in the vulnerable range (adults), look at total covid deaths UK and scale it to MPs and HoL.

        1. I’m still surprised it’s that high! But you are probably better at maths and statistics than I am, so I’ll believe you!

          1. Assume that 140,000 have died, it’s allegedly more than that, and that the adult population of the UK is 45 million, it’s probably slightly fewer.
            (140,000/45,000,000) x 650 ~ 2.
            Given the HoL age ranges the ~ 2 figure is probably a gross underestimate.

  57. Your newish Health Secretary is the Rabid Sajid Jabbid …Has any previous minister gone so native, so quickly? I noticed that whilst he was Chancellor until after the 2019 election, his eyes always suggested a rabbit trapped in the headlighhts.

  58. Tory devolution is a recipe for disaster

    We reject elected mayors because we can see where it leads: being represented by a councillor or MP biding their time for a comeback


    Levelling up, it seems, does not include levelling with us. It has taken a leaked copy of the white paper to reveal what ministers have in store for English local government – a model that voters have rejected time and time again. Under the plans, all existing 24 county councils and 181 district councils would be abolished and replaced with elected mayoralties. In other words, if your streets, bins and buses are not yet under the command of a Sadiq Khan, Andy Street or Andy Burnham, they soon will be.

    Will that be a boon for local democracy? Hardly. Since 2001 there have been 54 English referendums on introducing directly-elected mayors; only in 17 was the answer ‘yes’. Ten were held in 2012 when George Osborne decided that our largest cities should all emulate London. Only Bristol voted yes. Birmingham, Manchester and Sheffield all voted no but later had an elected mayor foisted on them anyway.

    We reject elected mayors because we can see where it leads: being represented by a jumped-up councillor or an MP who has fallen out with their party leader and is biding their time for a comeback. Such people pose as local prime ministers. In practice they are little more than beggars with megaphones, forever demanding more from the state coffers or puffing up their chests over things outside their remit. Sadiq Khan is the master of the latter art, with his performative calls for looser asylum policy and stronger covid measures. Meanwhile Hammersmith Bridge, one of his genuine responsibilities, goes unrepaired. Even Tory mayors are driven towards statism. Andy Street may boast about his £1 billion West Midlands transport plan, but it comes courtesy of a fat grant from central government.

    It would be very different if local mayors had real powers, matched with the responsibility of having to raise all their own revenue. Then they would really have to persuade their voters of the merits of their infrastructure programmes – whether they be vanity projects or wise investments. They would have to compete with each other for taxpayers, knowing that Manchester residents upset at tax rises could always decamp up the M62 to Leeds [Umm, don’t think so!]. They would also be free to slash business rates to attract investment.

    Instead of pursuing the competitive approach to devolution, our Government is following the failed playbook of continental Europe. Across the Channel in France, entire regional cities have fallen into the hands of Communists and National Front people. Powerful local mayors have proved a recipe for extremism and chaos.

    Moreover, there seems little genuine public appetite for devolution. Every time some local body diverges slightly from its neighbours, it triggers complaints about ‘postcode lotteries’ and calls for uniformity. But differences between neighbouring districts are the inevitable result of devolving powers. If we don’t want that – and it seems quite clear that we don’t – then elected mayors will be a waste of time and money. Better that the job of local government falls to humble councillors whose titles reflect their limited authority.

  59. Good night all.

    Pea & ham soup from a tin with extra black pepper.
    Raspberries in rum with thick Greek yoghurt.

  60. 342787+ up ticks,

    Only heaven knows what type of treacherous monster the electorate have topped up with but we as a nation are working on two, three fear threats a day, maybe this by election that’s due will give a pointer to the future.

    1. The idiot Zuckerberg (of Facebook billions) has admitted that their fact checkers are separate entities and expressing ‘opinions’. Zuckerberg is claiming that Facebook (or Meta) is not a publisher.

      However the algorithms they apply to comments out-with their politically biased narratives, resulting from their publishing of nefarious Fact-checkers, penalise and otherwise denigrate those expressing contra opinions.

      Facebook (Meta) are therefore self declared publishers and now subject to the application of laws on defamation. Expect multiple lawsuits by those defamed in the next few months.

      Zuckerberg was always ‘too clever by half’ and we all know how that defect in character ends.

      Edit: A long jail term and penury I hope.

    2. The idiot Zuckerberg (of Facebook billions) has admitted that their fact checkers are separate entities and expressing ‘opinions’. Zuckerberg is claiming that Facebook (or Meta) is not a publisher.

      However the algorithms they apply to comments out-with their politically biased narratives, resulting from their publishing of nefarious Fact-checkers, penalise and otherwise denigrate those expressing contra opinions.

      Facebook (Meta) are therefore self declared publishers and now subject to the application of laws on defamation. Expect multiple lawsuits by those defamed in the next few months.

      Zuckerberg was always ‘too clever by half’ and we all know how that defect in character ends.

      Edit: A long jail term and penury I hope.

  61. Good night, everyone. Having watched two films today (BEING THE RICARDOS which is about the real-life marriage of Lucille Ball and Desi Arnaz, and the 2021 Steven Spielberg re-make of WEST SIDE STORY) I can report that I can recommend both films as excellent. If you possibly can, don’t miss them.

    1. The problem is that a lot of us have had them changed for us by family members who are still buying into this crapola.

    1. He had to walk out after that statement, he would have trapped his head up his own back side if he had sat down.

    2. Yes, just what the country needs while we’re in the middle of a bankers’ coup – which Jacob almost certainly thinks is the only way out of the pound’s debt crisis.

    1. Superb, that is such a wonderful clip and it brings a tear to my eye.
      I lovely note to finish a difficult day on.
      Good night all

        1. Very good, thanks, a couple of new performers who were excellent. The Guinness taste buds appear to be on the mend as well.

  62. And me i’m off as well, but it’s not unusual is it ??

    Our youngest son has tested positive for covid again, twice in 10 weeks, he;s all jabbed up and booster due to his job, so as I keep saying the ‘vaccines’ are not vaccines are they. His partner hasn’t got it nor did she last time.

  63. OT- I had never watched or seen Michael McIntire perform. I have just watched his segment The Strange Things Men Do and I laughed until I cried. When he got to the bit about the “man drawer” I almost fell off my chair. There is a drawer such as that Chez Lake.
    I badly needed a good laugh and he provided it. Well done Michael.

  64. The unfortunate person who died with the omicron variant of Covid must have been double jabbed and boosted. Why am I sure?

    If an attacker in a terrorist attack were white they would tell us rather than withhold the information. Likewise, if the poor deceased were unvaccinated it would have been the first thing they would have told us.

    1. Having just posted the above I came across this in the DM :

      A lack of transparency over the UK’s first Omicron death prompted fury today, as professor of medicine and consultant oncologist Karol Sikora (bottom) told the Government to release more details to stop ‘unnecessary alarm’. Boris Johnson (top) revealed the UK’s first death due to Omicron on a visit to a vaccination clinic in Paddington, west London, but did not reveal the age of the person who died or if they had underlying health conditions, which made them vulnerable, or whether Omicron was the leading cause of their death or a secondary factor. Experts are now demanding answers about the fatality, such as the individual’s vaccination status and if they were part of group vulnerable to Covid. Professor Sikora said the Government should release more details about the death to put people’s minds at ease and said: ‘We’re not being given proper information.’ He said his suspicion was that the silence regarding whether the person was vaccinated or not indicated to him that the person died of another cause while they had Omicron.

    2. So many people and institutions have been bought by Mr Global that we really should ignore everything the medicos and politicians say.

      It is so obvious that there are ulterior motives to those claimed for the topsy turvy regulations and mask and vaccine mandates.

      Edit: Vaccine induced deaths are accelerating. You work it out.

      1. The ramping up of the jabbing is, amongst other devious reasons, their plan to cover that rise in deaths. With a large cohort of non-vaccinated people existing and not dying from the myriad of “vaccine” induced deaths that are being inflicted on the jabbed the purveyors of this evil have a problem. They have to reduce or eliminate that cohort. Hence the fear factor being raised with ONE alleged death from the latest “variant” and delaying real medical/health interventions. The latter decision has to be one of the most disgusting proposals ever made by a PM of this Country. Johnson and his henchmen, and that includes the equally deluded Starmer, have placed themselves outside of decent law abiding society.

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