Monday 13 November: A dignified display of remembrance at a time of tumult and division

An unofficial place to discuss the Telegraph letters, established when the DT website turned off its commenting facility (now reinstated, but we prefer ours),
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Today’s letters (visible only to DT subscribers) are here.

615 thoughts on “Monday 13 November: A dignified display of remembrance at a time of tumult and division

  1. Rishi Sunak to herald UK’s ‘hard-headed’ foreign policy enabled by Brexit. 13 November 2023.

    Rishi Sunak will pledge on Monday to follow a “hard-headed” foreign policy as he insists that Britain has found its feet in a post-Brexit world.

    In a major speech at the Guildhall in London, he will say that the UK’s foreign policy will defend British values and stand for “moral clarity” in the Middle East and Ukraine.

    The Prime Minister will speak of the UK’s desire to “shape the world” as he highlights his record on forging international partnerships on defence, trade and migration.

    I’m taking to hoping that this is all a horrible dream and I’ll wake up in England!

    1. …will defend British values and stand for “moral clarity” in the Middle East and Ukraine.

      Says the tosspot that hadn’t the moral fibre – more a controlled lack of political will but that’s another problem we have – to stop the longstanding British value of remembering and honouring its War Dead on Britain’s Remembrance Day being disrupted by an alien driven force. He’s a fraud and a charlatan, the mould from which he and many others, present and past were cast, needs to be destroyed.

      A bit of “moral clarity” wouldn’t go amiss here in Britain but we’re so far down the road of treachery that nothing that many politicians utter can be taken as truthful or meaningful.

    2. “The Prime Minister will speak of the UK’s desire to “shape the world” as he highlights his record on forging international partnerships on defence, trade and migration.”

      Here they go again. We no longer have an empire, we are no longer a major power. We should get used to that idea and stop looking for ways to “shape the world” and “leading the World” on (Insert cause here).
      Nobody asked the UK to lead on anything so we should stop pretending that we have so much influence.

    1. This image looks somewhat posed, especially since everyone else has their back to the camera and the concert platform seems very distant. Who said irony wasn’t dead?

      That headgear may be perfectly right when taking a stroll in an Arabian sandstorm, but in a green field that is forever England? Where are his, hers or its wellies? If that kid gets footrot, then when would he be exported to a hospital in Gaza for treatment, in a cost-cutting measure by the NHS to leave more borrowing for managerial bonuses?

      1. If it is faked it’s fooled the Mail and the police themselves apparently.

        Met Police faces new impartiality row as officers are seen posing with child protester holding a Palestine flag and ‘standing doing nothing’ while protesters scrap – days after Suella Braverman accused the force of ‘playing favourites’
        The force admitted ‘not advisable’ for two officers to be pictured with the child

  2. Tony Blair touted by Israel as peacekeeper in Middle East. 13 November 2023.

    Israel is said to be keen to appoint Sir Tony Blair as a “humanitarian coordinator” for Gaza in order to temper concerns over its war efforts there.

    Benjamin Netenyahu, the Israeli prime minister, believes that Sir Tony’s experience as a lead diplomat in the region could be leveraged to reduce international pressure as the number of civilian deaths spirals past 11,000, Israel’s Ynet news reported.

    It’s getting worse! Unbelievably!

    The picture tells you something. It’s Dorian Grey without the attic. You can see the evil imprinted on it.

    1. I thought it wouldn’t be long before business-friendly operations get involved in the lucrative redevelopment of Gaza, once the site has been helpfully cleared.

  3. A dignified display of remembrance at a time of tumult and division

    Braverman saved the day by giving the top brass at the Met a severe talking to
    Although they still appeared to treat people differently

    1. Wild, wet and windy on the Costa Clyde but as it remained cool, calm and clear for Remembrance Sunday at Irvine Cross, I’ll roll with the blows.

  4. 378746+ up ticks,

    May one ask,

    Under health & safe could it not be a ruling that the head, all sections of, be uncovered regarding all demo’s / gatherings ?

    NOT all masks are useless,
    they can be used successfully in quite the reverse manner

  5. Too late you fools, too late.
    Blair, Merkel and all the other welcome mats ensured that.

    The shattering of Schengen: The map that reveals how ELEVEN countries – from France to Slovakia, Sweden to Germany – are rebelling against EU free movement in the face of terrorism and out-of-control immigration

    1. O fk, I hope that does not mean five border checks between Blighty and Austria!

      I have the impression that they don’t mind the freedom of movement as long as all the migrants are free to move to Calais and on to Britain.

        1. It will potentially add up to an hour for each border check, which will tilt a journey of about 12 – 13 hours into one that definitely requires an overnight stay…

      1. ‘Migrant’ parasitic savage turns up at an eu border.
        Border official asks, ‘Where are you heading?’
        Illegal man answers, ‘England.’
        Border official gives him directions and waves him through.

      1. A friend of ours recently visited Sangatte.

        He was surprised to see the large encampment of “asylum seekers” mostly cleared.

        He asked the locals why, and they told him that all had “gone to England”

        So Eddy, don’t expect more scum, they’ve already arrived.

  6. The March for Palestine was a far-right march. Spiked. 13 November 2023.

    It was assistant commissioner Matt Twist who put out the video statement on X. The right-wing protest seems ‘intent on confrontation [and] violence’, he said. “These ruffians seem hell-bent on getting to the Palestine march, but we have been ‘effective in preventing that happening’, he continued. Twist then gushed over the pro-Palestine march: it is ‘moving along the prescribed route’, it is attended by ‘tens of thousands of people’, and ‘at the moment there are no issues with it’. Witnesses to this bizarre political edict from the top of the Met will have been left with the impression that one demo was made up of bigots, the other of saints.

    The truth? The march that Twist praised was a hotbed of racial hatred and a simmering violent loathing for Jews. ‘No issues’? There were people wearing the green bandanas beloved of Hamas. In central London, a mere month after the worst attack on the Jews since the Holocaust, people were dressing up as the anti-Semites who carried that attack out. It would be like Londoners donning the uniform of the Sturmabteilung in the wake of Kristallnacht. There were marchers chanting about the Khaybar massacre – the 7th-century mass murder of Jews by Muhammad’s army. This is an expressly anti-Semitic chant, designed to strike terror into Jewish people. I’d call that an ‘issue’.

    I know. I know. But I had to put it up! The whole article is well worth the read.

    1. The BBC is still putting the ‘violence’ of the Far-Right ahead of the ‘disturbances’ of the march. Nothing about the sheer numbers of the latter and only a passing mention of the mob and the threatening behaviour outside a synagogue. It’s a typical – and calculating – form of bias: “You know who’s more dangerous, don’t you?”

      Exactly as described above in the first paragraph you have quoted.

    2. The BBC is still putting the ‘violence’ of the Far-Right ahead of the ‘disturbances’ of the march. Nothing about the sheer numbers of the latter and only a passing mention of the mob and the threatening behaviour outside a synagogue. It’s a typical – and calculating – form of bias: “You know who’s more dangerous, don’t you?”

      Exactly as described above in the first paragraph you have quoted.

    3. The BBC is still putting the ‘violence’ of the Far-Right ahead of the ‘disturbances’ of the march. Nothing about the sheer numbers of the latter and only a passing mention of the mob and the threatening behaviour outside a synagogue. It’s a typical – and calculating – form of bias: “You know who’s more dangerous, don’t you?”

      Exactly as described above in the first paragraph you have quoted.

    4. Matt Twist…. What loada bolero, you’re encouraging these illegal criminals who want to attack and destroy our country and its established culture.
      Didn’t you want to notice the thousands of people the shining medal display marching to celebrate the victories against attack on the aforementioned.
      Peculiar how you’ve twisted a situation to appease some of your colleagues and the enemy of humanity.

  7. 378735+ up ticks,

    Did I hear right, a government minister calling Tommy Robinson a “thug” if so that is surely more than a bit rich.

  8. Caught a bit of the dinosaur hour last night, quite brilliant how Cleese, exposed the woke agenda with the help of some very intelligent guests

        1. Look at the pictures from yesterday where the faces were highlighted in green. I missed him the first time.

    1. Yo Bill

      He kept popping up in the background, behind the first lot of wreath carriers

      And that b**tard wreath carrier from the SNP/Plaid Cymru should be sacked

  9. Good morning all,

    Grey and wet again at the McPhee’s but some bright spells forecast. Wind Sou’- West, 9℃≫11℃.

    It seems the Beeb is not entirely the leftist monolith we think it is.

    Away from the presenters and news-readers, BBC technical staff may still retain some common sense.

    1. They don’t like it when it directly affects them, is the point. As long as it’s only affecting the plebs they are totally on board with it.

    2. They are getting uppity because they are discovering that trans people have passed them in the pecking order for jobs and promotions.

    1. That’s terrible she was the only cabinet member I had any respect for.
      From what I read last week that git Gove could take the position.

  10. Morning all 🙂😊
    Yuk outside again. Wadda we expect I guess.

    A wonderful well ordered dignified spectical of remembrance and hopefully a lesson to learn from, for the divisive nasties living in our country. They can do it if they really want to and try harder.

    1. I know that the Reform Party and its leader are deeply flawed – but not as flawed as Lib, Lab or Con – but even so Suella Braverman should join them and take all the Conservative MPs who support her to join it immediately.

      If she does not do so then Labour will be virtually unopposed at the general election.

      1. They’ll stand a chance if they can get their candidate list up.
        I’ll never vote for a major party again.

      2. Millions will vote Labour and if they don’t, Labour will have to put up a very sophisticated postal voting campaign. It’s all just a farce.

      3. 378735+ up ticks,

        Morning R,
        “Deeply flawed”
        similar to her joining the nazi party with the Russians surrounding the bunker.

        Any thoughts on her joining MP Bridgen ?

        1. Good Morning, ogga

          It is difficult for us to remain objective at the moment but isn’t Reform probably a better option at the moment than Reclaim?

          By the way, what do you make of Neil Hamilton? Do you believe he received money from El Fayed in brown envelopes or not?

          1. Is there much difference between Reclaim and Reform? Surely, if these minor parties would unite, they may stand more chance of getting a few MPs. Otherwise, they will just split the conservative vote. Now that Suella Braverman, a minister and MP who actually spoke for a significant majority of genuine conservative voters, has been sacked, I see no reason to vote for the Conservatives blue rosette liebour-lite party.
            Once liebour get in at the next election, the decline of this country will just escalate.

          2. It is probably already too late – but if something is not done very soon it is absolutely certain that it will be all over for Britain.

          3. 378735+ up ticks,

            After the treatment dealt out to Gerard Batten nothing would surprise me about hamilton,nasty bit of goods,

    2. I know that the Reform Party and its leader are deeply flawed – but not as flawed as Lib, Lab or Con – but even so Suella Braverman should join them and take all the Conservative MPs who support her to join it immediately.

      If she does not do so then Labour will be virtually unopposed at the general election.

    3. Sunak’s biggest mistake yet, and he’s made plenty. I think it was in the DT that 75% of Tory voters supported Braverman. That’s a lot of lost votes.

          1. The Idiot King is rejoicing and rubbing his hands with glee at the prospect of the arrival of the New World Order.

            I wonder how the WEF will decide to get rid of him when he is no longer of use to them? Perhaps a syringe filled with a quadruple dose of the latest untested Covid vaccine?

          2. The British monarchy has not existed for many centuries without thinking of that possibility. If they kill off Charles, they instantly get William. If they can get to him too, then we have a Regency with one of three children on offer, and probably either their mother or a trusted royal such as Anne or Edward acting as Regent until he or she comes of age.

            If they do for them too, then we get Harry. Is that what they want?

          3. I am of the opinion that the current monarch has a strong whiff of ‘divine right’ about him. That is probably what has driven him into the arms of the WEF/Globalist camp and to forsake the little people. The WEF/Globalists by their pronouncements have that whiff too although their god is not the Christian god. No good will come of that self-opinion and the monarch should start to read some history.

    4. It had already done so. This is it ensuring there will be no resurrection in its current form.

  11. Good morning all.
    A rather foul start today with a tad under 6°C on the Yard Thermometer and heavy rain.
    Or then again, looks over shoulder out of the window and not only has the rain already stopped, but the blooming sun’s come out!

    Off for a retinopathy check this morning.

  12. 378735+ up ticks,

    Remembrance day + 2 1939/45 thanks for your input peoples but………..

    Currant state of the nation,

    douglas Murray
    It seems that we’ve come to the stage where all British patriots are called ‘far-right thugs’ and all Hamas supporters are ‘peaceful protesters.’

    1. I find this post deeply troubling, coming as it does from a fellow British patriot.

      First off, I was raised very much a liberal and remain so, even though what seems to be promoted as “liberalism” these days I find authoritarian and frankly rather fascist. On economic policy, I believe in a mixed competitive system where both public and private sectors put their case, and may the best for the country prevail. That is hardly “far-right”. As for Tommy Robinson, he is at heart an Irish street fighter, perfectly at home on the football terraces, but happens to be right about the Muslims.

      Now we come to the “Hamas supporters”, of which there were several hundred thousand marching in London last weekend, and many more who had better things to do, such as attending Remembrance services in their own churches. Without doubt in their midst were the zealots – those who want to cancel the establishment of Israel and place Jewish citizens under Sharia Law and retribution. Dressing up like an Al Qaeda operative did not help its image in places where such is the garb of the highway robber rather than the truly righteous. Yet still there were many attending this march who were not Islamist and not even Muslim. There were even quite a few Jews there.

      I have called for, and been frothily condemned by the pro-hatred trolls here for there to be a separation between those who simply want justice and mercy for civilians caught up in the palpable carnage as Gaza is laid waste, and those who want a repeat of Krystallnacht. The confusion between the two because is suits the agenda of Benjamin Netanyahu is profoundly dangerous to Jews, and is intolerable in a nation such as mine that prides itself on the quality of its sense of fair play and respect for all people.

      I want the genuine antisemites, fuelled by irrational hatred and prejudice, to be isolated from those who simply want humanitarian mercy to be shown to all those (not just the select favourites) bombed out, killed or traumatised by this war, and placed on the fringes and humiliated until they no longer pose a threat to anyone. This requires the definition of “antisemitism” from the IHRA to be amended to what it should be, rather than to drag in all political opponents of the current regime in Jerusalem.

      1. Until someone can come up with a better answer for Israel to deal with Hamas, apart from extermination, I will support what Israel is doing.
        If Israel ceased fire today, I would put very good money on Hamas again firing rockets into Israel within the week.

        Israel only needs to lose once and the massacres would start.

      2. Thank you for this thoughtful post.
        There were also anti-white racists there, fuelled by propaganda from the likes of BLM, who seem to equate Jews and “white people” and hate all of them.

        We all want the killing of innocents to stop. But marching alongside Hamas and BLM will probably not achieve that, and lends credibility to those murderers.

        Perhaps we should be picketing the Egyptian embassy demanding that they open their border and let everyone from Gaza in? (serious point)

  13. 378735+ up ticks,

    Remembrance day + 2 1939/45 thanks for your input peoples but………..

    Currant state of the nation,

    douglas Murray
    It seems that we’ve come to the stage where all British patriots are called ‘far-right thugs’ and all Hamas supporters are ‘peaceful protesters.’

  14. According to the Left Hitler is the most extreme example of a Far Right Right monster.

    The key part of Hitler’s foul philosophy was his ant-Semitism and desire to exterminate the Jewish race in his ‘Final Solution’

    What do Hamas and its sympathisers and its supporters want? They want the Jews exterminated – and the first part of their ‘final solution’ would be to drive them out of all the land between the River Jordan and the Mediterranean.

    There were two groups of protesters at the weekend – those who sympathised with Hamas and those who did not.

    Which side was the far right side?

    1. Small point: Hitler and his party were creatures of the left. The modern left hate that. They’re in denial.

      1. Yes, that is exactly my point. The Left are doing a Judas Iscariot on Hitler – the extreme leftist – and denying that he was one of them.

        We need a clearer definition of right and left. The Left now seem to think that those who oppose anti-Semitism and the genocide of Jews are far right!

        The fact that Corbyn is both extreme left and anti-Semitic at the same time might have given us a clue. And what about two Labour mayors – Livingstone and Khan?

  15. Oh dear.
    “ SIR – I am a Tory party member and Brexiteer, and fanatically anti-woke, but I attended Saturday’s march because I care about the deaths of innocent civilians, as well as a twostate solution.

    How can such actions be described as anti-semitic?

    David Evans”

    Brill, Buckinghamshire

    1. Dear David,
      Could you wear something that makes you stand out from the crowd who are calling for genocide. Just so we can be sure it’s not you.

    2. So David, answer me this. Were you marching under a banner with a dove on, calling for peace?
      Or were you marching under a Palestinian flag?
      If the former, where are the photos with the peace flags?

  16. In France – as in the UK – anti-Semitism must be an integral part of the Muslim supporting Left wing’s philosophy.

    Ergo it is a myth that Marine Le Pen is moving away from the right – by denouncing antisemitism she is moving away from the left.

    1. I have personally seen French Jews behaving very aggressively towards French people of Algerian origin. There are definitely two sides to the matter in France.

    2. The myth is that Marine Le Pen is on the right, far or otherwise. Her party is national socialist in nature. So, left-wing.

      1. As I tried in vain to convince French friends who persisted, despite my detailing her plans for nationalisation and other socialist ideals, in calling le Front National “extre^me droite”.

  17. We all have polar opposites in this world. Oliver Stewart is one of mine.

    Using a supermarket, any supermarket, is generally a soul-less experience. There are exceptions of course and at our local Waitrose there are a couple of check-out staff with whom I have friendly chats but I have ceased to use the self-service check-outs because they put those screens above them. Initially I would stand to one sde as I scanned purchases or hung my hat over the screen so that it could not collect my biometric data. We buy less and less from supermarkets anyway, prefering our local farm shop, family butchers and market bakers where we can get good, fresh, additive-free produce.

    So, Oliver, do as you will. We will do the opposite.

    1. Each to their own. Tesco here have reduced the checkout isles to two and installed ten self service checkouts for trolleys (self service checkouts supposedly used to be for baskets only, though people with trolleys often jammed the area). When a supermarket checkout person scans items too quickly I just let them do so so that the packing space fills up and they can’t scan any more items. One way to deal with them is to complain an item is damaged because of the way they are rushing the scanning, and request it is replaced with an undamaged item.

    2. I always make a point of using a manned checkout at supermarkets where they have self-service check-outs.

      And I loudly – and with my very English accent – tell the person manning the check out that he or she needs to protest and rebel because the self-service check-out is going to rob him or her of their jobs. I even get cheers and support from those behind me in the queue.

      1. I’ve done that a few times. On one occasion while standing in the queue at a womanned check-out, the female supervisor said that I should go and use a self-service check-out. I told her I refuse to use those at which I had smiles and positive comments from other waiting customers.

        1. I did something similar when the woman on the till suggested I use the self-service check-out. I told her she was doing away with her own job. “I suppose so,” she acknowledged.

    3. Good for you!
      We are often having meals now, where nothing on the plate comes from a supermarket. The food comes from farm shops or my garden. I am regularly buying from three different farm shops.
      I need to find a butcher that sells lard, as I don’t have time to make my own.

    4. I use the self service checkouts only when one particular girl is on them – and then, somehow, not sure how, they always go wrong so she has to intervene….

  18. Good morning all,
    I realise this article in todays TCW newsletter is just taking the mick, but I still find it unbelievable that some schools (and maybe even some of the parents of the pupils concerned) actually allow any pupils to ‘self-identify’ as an animal.
    Such youngsters are either playing the fool and seeing how far they can push the boundaries, or they are in need of sectioning for heavy duty psychiatric help in secure facilities.

    1. The normal response to a child saying they were a cat would be to ignore it rather than reinforce it.

      1. The normal response should be to ignore it. As it should be for boys announcing they are girls and vice-versa, but it is supposedly a hate crime to not agree with such nonsense.

    1. I hope that she resigns as an MP forces a bye-election and stands for Reform.
      She appears to be a good constituency MP and it might set the ball rolling.

      OK, OK, I’ll go and have a lie down.

      1. Fareham has always been Conservative. As you say she is a good constituency MP but i wonder if the people of Fareham would vote for another banner.
        We have done well under a Conservative council compared to neighbouring boroughs. Council Tax being a lot lower for a start.

        1. I think even Fareham would welcome a real conservative rather than an artificial Conservative.

        2. A question: is the council following conservative policies or Conservative policies? As lower council tax is claimed I suspect they are conservative.

          Who knows, but it would certainly send labour-lite a very powerful message if they did support her.
          I find it very hard to believe that the constituents of Fareham like what is being done to the country, let alone the party by Sunak et al.
          It’s perfectly possible to have a council of one party and an MP of another.

          1. I expect the council is as guilty of the woke nonsense as any other but they do run the services required better than any Labour council.

        1. I use Reform as the obvious choice, what it really needs is a totally new party.

          If sufficient real Conservatives in the Commons got together and removed Sunak’s majority he would have two choices, call a general election or listen.
          He doesn’t listen so I guess an election it would be.

          Yes Labour will be a lot worse, but this death of the UK by a thousand cuts is intolerable, let’s get it over and done with.

  19. Tribalism is tearing Britain apart. It cannot go on. Tim Stanley. 13 November 2023.

    Over a weekend that felt like the last days of Weimar, “patriots” chanted “England till I die” at the Cenotaph, and a pro-Palestine marcher declared that “Hitler knew how to deal” with the Jews. These thugs do not speak for the thousands who protest in good faith on either side. But hate speech will be used to smear each cause, posted as proof that it is out for blood. Meanwhile, millions of us feel paralysed by the moral complexity of the Israel-Gaza conflict, and silenced by fear of causing offence..

    Stanley is writing above himself here. The Weimar observation is very telling. Perhaps he’s finally realised the truth and where we are headed? This is the inevitable result of multi-culturalism. It could never work. Two cultures cannot exist side by side. One must always strive for dominance.


      Sorry to shout but that piece by Stanley is appalling.

    1. Tom Lehrer gave up satire when Kissinger was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize as he felt he could no longer compete with reality.

      It must be even more difficult for satirists today.

      1. They’ll all have to agree the weedkiller didn’t work.
        Oh what a tangled Web we (they) weave when first (they) we practice to deceive.

    2. Cameron? Do you mean useless, Call-me-Dave-but-don’t-dare-speak-to-me-you-peasant Cameron?

      Deep breath…..ok, can we have another referendum now?

      1. The state will never, ever permit another referendum it cannot completely control or ignore ever again.

      2. Ah yes, Camoron – the man who criticised Sunak for dropping part of HS2 and for stopping 0.7% of GDP being frittered away on foreign aid, the man who vowed to stay on after the 2016 referendum and then ran away …

        You can tell appointing the idiot as Foreign Secretary is a mistake because Heseltine thinks it’s a good idea!!

      3. If we have another referendum the result will be fixed. They won’t make the same mistake twice.

    3. We all know that Sunak makes a list of the sensible thing to do and then does the exact opposite.

  20. The Broadcasting House Hamas support squadron announced the sacking of one of their principal enemies this morning. We shall not cease until all of the UK Christian/Buddhist/Hindus and especially Jews have been enslaved and finally deposed of. The large detachments operating from beneath Parliament and adjoining Civil Service offices were heard cheering and popping shampoo(sic) corks all through the night. More to come . . .

    1. You are joking, but the divide between the Blob that runs the country and the resentful peasantry has rarely been wider since the Norman Conquest.

  21. The Broadcasting House Hamas support squadron announced the sacking of one of their principal enemies this morning. We shall not cease until all of the UK Christian/Buddhist/Hindus and especially Jews have been enslaved and finally deposed of. The large detachments operating from beneath Parliament and adjoining Civil Service offices were heard cheering and popping shampoo(sic) corks all through the night. More to come . . .

  22. My MP, Crispin Blunt (who has often shared a platform with me at hustings), is well out of it.

  23. Blair? Cameron….?

    One can sense the NWO shifting silently and effortlessly through the gears……………?

    1. Good morning Sailing Gypsy

      What make of boat is yours? I’d like to see a picture of her.

      My first cruising boat was Inca, a Hurley 22 in which I visited Normandy and Brittany; followed by Raua, a Pioneer 10 in which I sailed to the Caribbean and back; followed by Mianda, a Dufour Classic 41 which Caroline and I bought in the Baltic in 2003 and sailed her to the Mediterranean with our two sons, Christo and Henry.

      1. Richard having responded to this question a couple of times in the past, you obviously never received/noticed?

        Having sold my trusty vessel in 2018 she now languishes in Grenada (I think), a Barens 48 Sea Trader cutter rigged ketch that served me splendidly for the 10+ wonderful years that I spent as a “Sailing Gypsy” just aimlessly island hopping in the sunny Caribbee.

        A magnificent life I’m sure you’ll agree?

          1. …..and the Loose Mongoose, The Bitter End and rather too much time in Cap’n Mulligans?

            The Trade Wind call is still strong?


  24. Is there really such a paucity of talent in the Tory party that they need to wheel out the has-been Cameron? Who next, Bercow?

          1. I don’t know. Truss’ policies surprised me. Then as I sank back to myself I realised the Left would never let such occur and fell back to despair – and lo! I was right.

          1. Sos, I’m wouldn’t be surprised is Sunak asks Blair to be asked into the cabinet now. It’s an utter farce.

          2. I don’t think Blair would queer his pitch, given he’s likely to be the power behind the cursed harmer.

        1. Who would stop them? The intent has always been to do so much damage to the UK economy and society that we’re forced to the IMF and from them, smirking, the statists will say ‘they’ve told us we have to join the euro’ and that will be it. Democracy will die forever.

    1. Saying CaMoron is a “has been” is probably unfair to has beens – he’s more a “never was”.

    1. Well, at least Sunak is consistent in making entirely the wrong decisions. I always joked he was there to do in the country. It seems I was right!

    2. It seems it’s necessary for our Home Secretary to be a person of colour so that if they ever succeed in stopping the dinghies recent immigrant groups can’t accuse them of being racist!

      Morning M.Thomas and all.

  25. Oh gosh, watching this train wreck unravelling is unbelievable. There is only one person who should go, that is the chap at the top in number 10, he hasn’t a clue. And he is soon to be the only world leader who is not supporting some sort of cease fire in the Middle East. You probably know my views, I utterly despair. Cameron will surely wreck everything.

    1. It depends what you think his job is, Dave. We think Sunak is there to manage the country to wealth and individual prosperity, because that’s what we all want.

      However, Sunak’s managers, the people he works for are not the public, but the globalist elite who want to ruin this country. When you realise he is actively working against the country and individual wealth and liberty then it all makes sense.

    2. It always amazes me, just when you think things cannot possibly get any worse, a politician makes it so. I think the hippies had it about right when they cleared off to far off places and lived off grid.

    3. I agree – as soon as Hamas releases all the hostages and pours concrete into all their tunnels under hospitals and schools the sooner we can have peace in Gaza. But until then??

      1. She need not bother to curry favour any more!

        In my opinion it comes down to a question of her loyalty.

        Is she loyal to the country or loyal to the Conservative Party?

        If she is loyal to the country she will give up her seat in the HoC, resign from the Conservative Party and run as an independent or for a party such as Reform.

        If she remains loyal to the Conservative Party she will prove herself to be just as impotent (in spite of producing so many children!) as Jacob Rees Mogg – all mouth and trousers Eton bags whose refusal to desert the Conservative Party shows that he has lost his judgement!

        1. Or is she loyal to Israel? Just asking as she is a member of Conservative Friends of Israel, her husband is Jewish and there are family members serving in the IDF.

      1. Good Lord no. He resigned his seat years ago. To live in a “shepherd’s hut”…. And live off his wife’s earnings from her hideous frocks.

          1. Nope – sort of convention these days that they are. But Lord Carrington was a good FS – from the Lords. And in the past PMs have been peers, too.

          2. From the DT 10:48AM

            King Charles formally awards David Cameron life peerage

            King Charles has formally awarded David Cameron his life peerage.

            Downing Street said the King was “pleased to confer the dignity of a Barony of the United Kingdom for life upon David Cameron”.

          3. Did his mother ever refuse to elevate to the peerage, on the recommendation of the government of the day, anybody she either personally disapproved of or who she thought would draw public disapproval?

          4. Ah, but was she invited to elevate him by any successor government? I must admit, despite the misgivings of many, that it seems odd that a man who led his party to three General Election victories has yet to be ennobled.

          5. I think Cherie queered Blair’s pitch with HM. It’s rare to see HM show any sort of feelings, but it was plain she didn’t like CB!

          6. No just the prime minister – for example David Frost was a member of the House of Lords but if he wanted to become prime minister and contribute to debates in the HoC he would have to resign from the HoL and run in an election to become an MP. Several Lords and Ladies have been government ministers.

            Alec Douglas Home resigned his peerage – as did Lord Hailsham and Lord Stangate (Tony Benn).

          7. No. Not necessarily. Some would say it would be better if NO MPs were ministers then the executive would lose its grip on Parliament and Parliament could properly hold the executive to account. Dreaming, I know.

  26. Hmmm. Nuclear War is looking ever more attractive. If only we could guarantee that Vlad would win!

  27. Jesus!!

    Just back from the quack to find that Braverman has gone (sadly predictable) and then Call-me-Dave has been recalled (out of the blue – except that there’s little that’s blue in the little pink pig). First stop Rue de la Loi?

    Most of my thoughts are unprintable, even on here…

      1. Why stop at Cameron? I’m shocked he hasn’t enlisted the advice (in a consultancy capacity) of Tony Blair. After all, they are all on the same Lefty songsheet!

      1. But they’re going to do an awful lot of damage before they finally go and Labour continue doing exactly the same.

    1. Read an article somewhere yesterday – can’t remember where – about how Obama is much more bold in his manipulation behind the scenes. It seems the same here with Cameroon. We are not supposed to think it’s all to do with the WEF.

  28. Good day, chums. Just popped in to say “Hello”, before a shower and a trip into Colchester to watch the new Nicholas Cage film.

        1. No. I thought that word appeared in the title. Probably got the wrong film. It’s a unbearable weight i bare.

          1. The one you claimed was no good, Phizzee, although you claimed not have seen it. In point of fact, in the end I didn’t go to the cinema on Monday, but plan to watch the film next Monday.

  29. With Cameron’s appointment the hi risk anus has opened the sewer pipe ready to flush the turdal blockage into the HoL.

  30. In the last few day of Truss’s premiership she sacked Kwarteng and appointed Hunt in his place.

    The parallel stares one in the face:

    The sacking of Braverman and the appointment of Cameron show that we are probably entering the last few days of Sunak.

    1. ” …..And to conclude, I respect Mr Sunak in his difficult position. And I sincerely promise that when I inevitably became leader of the party after the general election humiliation brought about by his policies that I will not make the mistake of appointing him to my shadow cabinet.”…

  31. While doing the washing up it occurred to me that the reason Braverman had to go was because of that Pushy Nurse’s supportive e-mail to her.

    Any MP who is liked by NoTTLers is clearly doomed.

    1. That A. Allan chap is a right troublemaker. I expect ze wears jackboots.

      A fact that the Left wing BBC is overjoyed will probably pass Sunak by.

          1. Well, he claimed to be adamantly against the shoddy deal. Then voted for it. Had he been true – he’d have voted against.

          2. One of us has a faulty memory. He was certainly against Calamity’s original deal. Johnson’s amendment wasn’t much but it was enough and the deadline for a deal was approaching. Perhaps he thought – naively – that it could be improved subsequently.

          3. I think we’ve established you don’t care for him. However, the speed of your response the posting of the video showed you hadn’t even watched it.

          4. You are right. I am getting ready to go to a funeral!

            I do not trust any politician of any hue. They simply say what they think YOU want to hear and then go off and do something diametrically opposite.
            I had hopes for JRM once – but have completely lost faith in him. As for my own “Tory” MP – he is an eco-freak, net zero, tree-hugging Limp Dumb. Who thinks that the hordes pouring daily – illegally – into the country are a great blessing for the UK.

            I may sound cynical…

    1. Is this the moment when Grease-Slime will move like grease lightning and join the Reform.

      1. He hits the target several times on immigration, most notably that Sunak is weak on it because the Treasury favours it and that Braverman spoke out ‘because she hasn’t been absorbed by The Blob.’

        His remarks on Farage and Johnson are telling…

        1. Didn’t make any difference though, did it. JRM’s role is to articulate what voters want to hear, while the Conservative party does the exact opposite.

          1. I don’t know what point you’re trying to make. Who are ‘they’ in your OP – GB News or Tory HQ?

            JRM has simply pointed out what many of us know, which is that Sunak is a fraud, most notably on immigration.

          2. Tory HQ. My point is that I’m fed up with the uniparty playing this trick on us – one stooge says what we want to hear, while the others do the opposite behind our backs.

            Don’t forget that a monumental betrayal is going through behind our backs at this very moment – while we are diverted by Cameron’s return, the time is running out for Britain to withdraw from the WHO Pandemic Preparedness treaty that gives up sovereignty to the unelected WHO.

            If Jacob had an atom of genuine sincerity, he would lose no opportunity to bring this to the fore. Instead, he plays the usual game of stringing us along with irrelevancies to keep us quiet.

          3. Who said Tory HQ ‘wheeled JRM out’? He’s a regular on GBN. He wasn’t giving a Tory HQ answer. In his typically understated way he was highly critical of Sunak on immigration. I wouldn’t be surprised if he gets a knock on the door for that.

            And his ‘irrelevancies’ were good-humoured responses to a couple of trite questions.

          4. JRM’s answers are part of Tory HQ strategy. They know they’ve got to throw the odd bone to the Tory Right, but they have no intention of letting us anywhere near power.
            Jacob knows this perfectly well.
            Everything that is talked about at the moment is irrelevant compared to the coming financial crash and great reset.

          5. When I met him and talked to him I got a strong impression that he wouldn’t do anything to rock the boat; he would come out and make a great show of “conservatism” but au fond, he would continue supporting the leadership.

          6. Yes, that’s him. Talks the talk, but is ultra-loyal to the establishment. Has too much to lose.

  32. Well Braverman had it coming, didn’t she,
    Doing her job properly and telling the truth is just not what modern globalist politics is about these days.
    And what about all the other ministers, how must they have felt,
    keeping their heads down while whats left of a nation state smoothly passes under the control of the WEF, WHO and the UN.
    Well she certainly put the cat among the pigeons.
    But I think Sunak has gotten away with it, while bringing a senior globalist back into the Cabinet to restore order and steady the ship, just in time for Starmer to take control.

    1. He made a pig’s ear out of it first time around and is now telling us he’s back for seconds.

  33. Mother and her children among five killed in fire as
    father screamed ‘my kids, my kids’ – with sixth family member still
    missing after inferno tore through home. He was rushed to hospital with non-life threatening injuries.

    Lucky him. Must have been standing by the open back door.

    1. For her refusal to support the ‘stinians. Or wanting a divorce. Or objecting to his next wife. R.I.P. little angels. Edit: yes, I know, wrong faith, but anyone can afford a smoke detector.

  34. The tally is heading towards 6400 BTL comments about Suella on the Telegraph’s leading story*.
    (* Hindu sacks Buddhist for displaying scepticism about Islam.)

    1. Did you see my post four hours ago?

      “At the moment pressure from the Muslims forced a Hindu to sack a Buddhist who is married to a Jew!

      That’s multi-culturalism for you! There don’t seem to be any indigenous Christian Britons available or competent to lead us.”

    1. E-girls trying to honeypot incels into joining the military to fight Russia.

      Translate into standard English, please.

      Governmental intelligence agencies from every major nation, spamming a Mongolian basket weaving forum, desperately trying to convince the international user base to not make memes for Trump.

      I’ve no idea what this is about.

  35. From BBC news: Tobias Ellwood, Conservative MP for Bournemouth East, tells BBC Radio 5Live’s Naga Munchetty: “I think today’s changes will increase our election prospects. “I’m really pleased to see this announcement draws a line on the challenges of last week and those unhelpful headlines.” That confirms my view that Ellwood is a complete idiot! Sacking someone for saying what many voters believe is hardly likely to improve their chances especially when the Babbling Poltroon is back!

    1. I always thought that image contained a typo as it should have perhaps read ‘Green Shill’……?

    2. I’ve just had an invitation from Freedom Fibre to an on-line progress report of roll out of superfast broadband. They kept referring to “government grants/money” etc. I’m not going to sign up, because if I did, I’d be shouting “you mean TAXPAYERS’ money”!

  36. 378735+ up ticks,
    The return of the wretch,
    I doooooooooooon’t believe it

    But the rat came back the
    The rat came back, they thought he was a goner
    But the rat came back, it just couldn’t stay away.

    Lordy, lordy vengeance is mine says the wretch,all his old daisy chain pals will be activated.

    I do have a strong feeling of a ploughshares into swords moment is near nigh.

    1. I first came across this joke in the P.G. Wodehouse story I was re-reading last week, The Mating Season.

      My best man, Joe, when he was at Eton, used to buy things like dirty postcards and Durex from the visiting barber. He used to send me postcards which, before being taken to the boys’ side of the house, were delivered to the housemaster’s side. I don’t think this did anything to raise my esteem from Slug, as my housemaster was called. Here is one of the postcards Joe sent me:

  37. A busy morning so far.
    Visit to cashpoint for some money, a bit of “flog it off cheap before it passes the sell-by date” shopping done, Retinopathy Exam completed, now awaiting results, and a start made on stripping out the unwanted bits of the replacement van.
    I’ve also chatted to a very nice man at the insurers and they value my old van at £5,250, minus £970 because it has been the subject of an earlier write off when I bought it back, minus £400 for minor scrapes etc. So £3,880 minus the £500 excess which I am unlikely see recovered from the other party, and I get a £3,380 settlement.
    Given that I’ve already received a £3,800 payout from the earlier write off, when I was rammed in the rear by a Trannie and bought it back as salvage, I’m not complaining.
    Interesting however that, despite the van being 2y older, the replacement value had increased because of the push towards electric vehicles!

    I now have until a week Wednesday to do a tyre swap and, perhaps, swap the battery too as that was only replaced a couple of years ago.

  38. Here we go again , back seven years , and Cameron .. I am furious and Moh is happy, as he was when Cameron was in charge .

    Horrible Sunday evening , Pip spaniel has a bad tummy and is now pooing blood .

    Antibiotics , anti vomit pills , a jab , that squidgy stuff that stops runny tums and much more .

    Spaniels are natural scavengers , nose to the ground , lots of cats visit our garden as well as hedgehogs and rabbit poo when out for a walk .

    1. It gets worse TB.
      A very good friend of mine has informed me that on good authority both the Kinnock’s have seen at No. 10 today.
      And Cameron? I’ve had a strong feeling for sometime that weed killer had lost its strength.
      I hope doggie gets better soon.

      Apple ogies my mate was winding me up. It’s usually a joint effort. Perhaps it actually shows the state of Britain’s politics.

  39. Good afternoon all. Just arrived. Sent this to my MP this morning.

    Mr Lord

    With the sacking of Suella Braverman and the appointments made the Putsch against Brexit appears to be complete. She represented the views of a large proportion of the public.
    What action do the ‘Common Sense’ group of MPs propose taking?

    Goodbye to the remnants of what used to be the Conservative Party?

    1. If sane charity commissioners were to review this charity they would probably conclude there was womb for improvement…

      1. A miscarriage of justice for real women.
        On a serious note, it can be extremely unpleasant for those poor women who get it.

  40. PC

    Peter Cowley
    3 MIN AGO
    Won’t make any difference as it’s the Uncivil Service that runs the country!

    Comment by Jackie Heath.


    Jackie Heath
    3 MIN AGO
    Just read in the Independent our glorious king has awarded Cameron a hasty honour so Cameron can return to the government without being an MP Corruption from Charles, Sunak and all.

    Comment by Robert Abraham.


    Robert Abraham
    7 MIN AGO
    Laughable reading of all the ministers who apparently asked to step down, seconds before they were about to be sacked.

    Comment by E Cross.


    E Cross
    8 MIN AGO
    The equivalent of rearranging the deck chairs on the Titanic.
    I hope Ms Braverman joins Reform.

    Elaine Hayes
    14 MIN AGO
    It’s obvious that she had to because he couldn’t have a woman in the team who had bigger balls than him.

    1. What is the role of the monarch in appointing someone to the House of Lords?

      If the Idiot King is involved in Cameron’s ennoblement it should lead to a call for his immediate abdication.

      1. When Cameron originally popped up out of nowhere, it was said that he did so with backing from a very senior member of the royal family.

  41. Just one of many note worthy comments BTL in the DT:

    Nigel Hughes
    4 HRS AGO
    How Ian Dale can write this rubbish is beyond me. Cameron’s track record as PM was sketchy at best, and having lost the Brexit vote, he took the coward’s route out and resigned his seat in unseemly haste. Whilst in coalition with the Lib Dems, he allowed the plans for the construction of a new nuclear energy plant to be vetoed down by Nick Clegg and Ed Davey. Incidentally, this would have been ready now. He was partly responsible for the downfall of Gaddafi which resulted in a huge increase of illegal immigration across the Mediterranean, something which never happened under Gaddafi. He was responsible in enshrining in law an increase of overseas aid, based on our GDP, which we cannot possibly afford. Anybody who has read the extracts of Sasha Swire’s book, her husband was a minister in Cameron’s government, cannot have been impressed by his schoolboy behaviour. Sacking Braverman and bringing in Cameron is yet another sign that Sunak is not a true Tory but a middle of the road technocrat, dressing himself up as a patriot who pretends to understand the aspirations of his voters. The earlier appointment of the second rate Shapps as Defence Minister is another example of his bad judgement. Strong leaders who are confident in their own abilities to rule and who have the courage of their conviction, surround themselves with Cabinet ministers of real ability who are not always in agreement with their leaders’ decisions. Sunak is a weak PM who will lead his party into political oblivion at the next election. We have not heard the end of Braverman but we have just seen Sunak’s political obituary.

    1. With today’s resignation announcements it brings to 53 the total of nominally conservative MPs standing down at the next election. I’m not a betting man but it looks like the Jig is up (unless of course Mr Hunt pulls a ‘uck off huge rabbit out of the Treasury hat!)

    2. Cameron’s nuclear plant wouldn’t be ready now! I worked on Hinkley C late 1980s, and it’s not producing yet, nearly a generators lifetime later!

  42. Just one of many note worthy comments BTL in the DT:

    Nigel Hughes
    4 HRS AGO
    How Ian Dale can write this rubbish is beyond me. Cameron’s track record as PM was sketchy at best, and having lost the Brexit vote, he took the coward’s route out and resigned his seat in unseemly haste. Whilst in coalition with the Lib Dems, he allowed the plans for the construction of a new nuclear energy plant to be vetoed down by Nick Clegg and Ed Davey. Incidentally, this would have been ready now. He was partly responsible for the downfall of Gaddafi which resulted in a huge increase of illegal immigration across the Mediterranean, something which never happened under Gaddafi. He was responsible in enshrining in law an increase of overseas aid, based on our GDP, which we cannot possibly afford. Anybody who has read the extracts of Sasha Swire’s book, her husband was a minister in Cameron’s government, cannot have been impressed by his schoolboy behaviour. Sacking Braverman and bringing in Cameron is yet another sign that Sunak is not a true Tory but a middle of the road technocrat, dressing himself up as a patriot who pretends to understand the aspirations of his voters. The earlier appointment of the second rate Shapps as Defence Minister is another example of his bad judgement. Strong leaders who are confident in their own abilities to rule and who have the courage of their conviction, surround themselves with Cabinet ministers of real ability who are not always in agreement with their leaders’ decisions. Sunak is a weak PM who will lead his party into political oblivion at the next election. We have not heard the end of Braverman but we have just seen Sunak’s political obituary.

  43. An excoriating article on the Islamic occupation of Britain

    Then in 1997 Tony Blair was summoned from Hell, unilaterally threw open the borders to all comers in the name of “diversity” (of the rough sort they enjoy in Lebanon), and helped turn delusional watercolorists like Omar Bakri Muhammad into potential Islamist Führers of Britain’s newly created demographic future.

  44. I have reached the stage where commenting on the Conservatives has become a cruel sport.
    Rather like pointing at cripples and laughing.

    1. I’d argue that the latter is cruel and unnecessary because the disabled cannot help their situation. The Conservative party could. It is deliberately, wilfully choosing to pursue damaging, idiotic, backward and destructive policies.

      1. I’m not sure many of them have the intellectual capacity to realise how idiotic, damaging and destructive are their policies.
        Mental cripples?

  45. Twitt isn’t impressed by Return of Cameron either…

    Bike and Bow
    The political equivalent of eating out of the bin.

  46. A few minutes trawling around various forums and there’s a good deal of praise for The Fakir. The opinions are those you can expect to see in the MSM in the next 24 hours from the oh-so-reasonable standing in the middle of the road and can be summarised thus: “He was wise to get rid of a headbanger. He might not win the GE but it’ll limit the damage.”

    No insight, no vision, no honesty. No courage.

  47. I never cease to be astonished at how many politicians I knew as students. I see that Jeremy Quinn is out; I had the impression he was too much of a politician to be trustworthy at university, but he can’t be all bad if he’s been sacked by Sunak.

    1. I luxuriate in the knowledge that I’m unsullied in that I’ve never had even a fleeting acquaintance with any politician other than friendships with a few people who succeeded in garnering a handful of votes while representing tiny parties, the sort of politicians who would be quarks if they were subatomic particles.

  48. And the Tosser of the Year award goes to:

    George Osborne: Cameron’s Brexit view not wildly different from Starmer’s
    Lord Cameron’s position on Brexit is not “wildly different” from Sir Keir Starmer’s, George Osborne has said.

    The former prime minister’s chancellor suggested that the ex-Tory leader, who resigned after the Brexit referendum result was announced in 2016, shared the Leader of the Opposition’s view on Britain’s relationship with the European Union, Genevieve Holl-Allen reports.

    Mr Osborne told the Political Currency podcast: “I don’t think that David’s position on Brexit is wildly different from Keir Starmer’s, which is ‘neither of us wanted this to happen but we’re both living with it and we know we can’t go back as a country’, which is something also I accept, accept that we can’t rejoin the European Union, sadly.”

    1. In other words, give me and my cronies a share of your farm to get you over the threshold and we’ll be “sleepin’ partners” for you and you’ll be OK. All you need to do is pay us the appropriate bribe ,share of the profits each year.


    Who can blame the French?

    If they don’t want the illegals in France and the British are so stupid as to pay them for doing nothing then why should they disregard the good advice de ne pas regarder un cheval cadeau dans la bouche.

  50. That’s me for this disappointing day. Been sitting by the phone, waiting to be offered an earldom and the job of Lord Chancellor. Not a dicky bird. Nothing. Nada.

    So I’ll have to get a drink to drown my sorrows. Let us hop that Braverman’s “riposte” won’t be a damp squid (sic – to start the pun fest). A leadership challenge would sink the Tories once and for all.

    So have a jolly evening – we are looking forward to watching the prog about Bernard Levin.

    A demain. One hopes. Well, I do.

  51. I said I would check the spelling of the name of our neighbour farmer’s son – Caroline tells me my attempt was wrong, the correct spelling is: Goulwen.

          1. Yes, I got it – it was coined as a derogatory term in the early 19th century. London is, perhaps, whiter than the MSM and PTB would care to admit. Why did you vote me down? You know I’m a linguist!

          2. Huge apology.
            Fat finger.
            I have, as far as I can recall, not given a down vote to anyone unless I have added a comment as to why I did so.
            I will always state why I disagree with a post.
            Hence I frequently get blocked by various wimps who can’t argue their corner!

            Oddly enough most of them unblock, probably because they can see a debate happening around something they have posted.

  52. Last post. Apparently Braverman was fired over the telephone:

    “Hi, Suella – Rishi. Yeah, you too – lovely march and parade yesterday. Now, Suella, about the job – yeah, your job. I am afraid it’s all over. Yeah – right. Sorry about that. Nice talking. See you around.”

    1. “Hi, Risk Anus. Suella here. I’m leaving, but because I’m worth 10 of you I’ll let you pretend you fired me. Depending on how you announce it I’ll respond accordingly. Your choice”

    2. Metropolitan Police officers are searching for Armistice Day protesters including a woman who mocked the Prime Minister as a coconut and far-Right hooligans who hurled racist abuse at a railway station.

      In a public appeal on X, formerly known as Twitter, the Met Police and British Transport Police (BTP) shared images of individuals they are seeking in relation to hate crimes following Saturday’s pro-Palestinian demonstration.

      One image shared by the Met showed a smiling woman holding a poster of a palm tree with cut-outs of the faces of the Prime Minister and Suella Braverman, the Home Secretary, among coconuts on a beach.

      The reference to “coconuts” is used as a slur against non-white people to insinuate that they are betraying their native culture and pandering to “white” opinion.

      The BTP also released an image containing headshots of four white men seen hurling racist slurs and behaving aggressively at Waterloo Station on Armistice Day. It appealed for help in identifying the men following “a racially aggravated altercation”.

      Ah I see , four white men in a white country ?

      Sticks and stones , Hmmmm

      Braverman is brave and correct , and she has been bullied by the media and the wokists, hasn’t she?

  53. Par today, Wordlers.

    Wordle 877 4/6


    1. Total guess in the end

      Wordle 877 4/6


      1. Phew…
        Wordle 877 6/6


        (There was a typo in line 4)

    2. Me too.

      Wordle 877 4/6


  54. I’m late to the fray. Did Theresa May get invited back and fired in the same day?
    How about John Major as special representative to Biden – they are equally ancient!

        1. There used to be a parking space at Queen Mary and Westfield marked “Baroness Falkender”.
          Not a lot of people know that.

  55. Evening, all. I cannot believe the stupidity of Fishi Richi to sack Braverman and reinstate Call Me Dave! They deserve a complete washout.

    1. Rarely am I bereft of words – either printable or verbal, but Sunhat has managed to strike me dumb.
      I can only assume – to put it technically – that he has gone mucking futz.

    1. When the gimmegrants realised that the bleeding hearts were moving heaven and earth to rescue them they knew the risks of a dinghy crossing were next to zero.

      Hence the flood.

    2. Demanding to STOP THE BOATS will have about as much effect as demanding to STOP THE CLOUDS. Nobody with the power to do it wants to do it. Those who want to STOP THE BOATS are utterly impotent because, in electoral terms, they have nothing like the influence needed to install into power those who would be willing to STOP THE BOATS.

      1. Stopping the boats would require people who are quite happy that all the boatees are drowned.
        Even I’m not that callous.

        close but not quite

          1. Long term, yes.
            But you have to make it very clear as they did in Oz:
            1 You are not allowed to land on the mainland
            2 You will be kept off shore if you even get close
            3 You will never be allowed to get citizenship even if you do arrive.
            4 We are turning you back with sufficient fuel to get back to where you came from, now it’s your choice.

        1. Returning them to France would have the same effect on the traffic. There are some pretty weak excuses for not instigating such a policy.

    3. And the RNLI wrote to me today asking for a donation. I might consider doing so when they start to donate those picked up in the middle of the channel, back to France whence they came…..

      1. I sent back their begging letter in their pre-paid envelope and wrote on it, “I won’t give you a penny while you’re still facilitating illegal invasion”. Strangely enough, I haven’t received any more begging letters.

  56. O/T but i hope Diwali fireworks have finished at last. It’s been non-stop for us for the last two weeks – think we must hear the Hounslow ones. Last night it started at 7 pm and was still going at nearly 11 pm. It wasn’t loud per se for us – just annoying, night after night.

      1. I don’t know; but it’s just gone 8 pm and i can hear a few fireworks starting up again.

    1. 5 people including three children in the same family died last night in a house fire in Hounslow.

    2. Is that what it was? I heard fireworks on Remembrance Night. I thought some idiots were trying to re-enact El Alamein.

      1. Possibly 55 –
        She is married to “Giacomo “Jack” Lopresti is a British Conservative Party politician. He has been the Member of Parliament for Filton and Bradley Stoke since the 2010 general election.

    1. “I’m very sorry to have to be be dogmatic, but this is an utter catastrophe.
      A purrfect storm of cat and dogshit blended”

  57. Susan Hills
    45 MIN AGO
    I’ve just written to Suella to tell her she has my full support.
    Tobias Ellwood of the “Afghanistan have been transformed by the Taliban” has been on the radio all day slagging Suella off.
    I will never vote Tory again and now we have Cameron anti Brexit weak kneed Cameron back in the party that is the final straw.
    I will vote but I will make up a party with my own tick box.
    They honestly think we are all thick and we can’t see what they are up to.
    Shut Parliament down and the House of Lords as well they are nothing but selfish scrounging idiots who don’t give a damn about this country.
    The Muslims will end up running this country in 5 years.

    DT Comments

    1. Judging by what’s going on in London at the moment, the muslims are already running the country.

  58. Jacob’s piece in the DT:

    “Suella Braverman seems to have been sacked for following Conservative policy and principles too loudly for the refined tastes and sensitivities of the Prime Minister.

    At every election since 2010, when led by David Cameron, the Tories have promised to reduce migration. This has not happened – both legal and illegal immigration have spiralled with a net 606,000 people arriving legally last year. This is not any longer because of the European Union; it is a conscious decision of policy makers egged on by the Treasury that is in hoc to the error prone Office of Budget Responsibility.

    Suella wanted to stop this and would not agree to continue with a loose legal migration policy and she was opposed to any concessions being given in trade deals that would weaken controls. She also recognised that if the small boats are to be stopped then the country may need to leave the European Convention on Human Rights. No doubt on Wednesday, when the Supreme Court rules, she would have reiterated her view in support for implementing Government policy; one of the Prime Minister’s five pledges no less. Instead, she has been replaced by a new Home Secretary who has stated publicly that he does not want to leave the Convention and a Foreign Secretary who is a committed European. Clearly, the grubby business of delivering policies that are distasteful in Europe’s hallowed halls is a sackable offence.

    Many Tories will view this reshuffle and feel that the Prime Minister does not want to deal with their concerns. He is too effete to care enough about these issues, the ones that voters mind about so much. Perhaps after the populism of Boris Johnson there is now almost an anti-populism. Unfortunately, this sensitivity does not extend to the simple good manners of sacking Suella in person. In a departure from the normal conventions of public life, Suella was fired over the telephone by a Prime Minister who may have found the prospect of meeting the Boadicea of our times a little too intimidating.”

    56 and counting….

    1. I do wish people would not use “Europe/European” as the equivalent of the EU and adherent of the EU.

    2. Sunak was imposed to ensure we did not diverge from the hated EU. At every turn he has deliberately chosen the pro EU route. High tax, big state destructive policies. He’s chained us to their every pointless policy going.

  59. David Frost in the DT…

    “So if you want lower taxation and spending; if you want more houses; if you want cuts to legal as well as illegal immigration; if you want cheaper energy and a proper rethink of net zero; if you want an end to the quango state; if you want changes to the Equality Act or an end to anything-goes multiculturalism, then you have to face the fact that we aren’t going to get them from this Government.

    Conservatives will have to make up their own minds as to whether they are fine with that and, if not, what they are going to do about it.

    Iain Dale, the LBC radio host and supposedly conservative commentator, gave “a big welcome back to David Cameron. ‘Daddy’s home’, as someone just texted me.” That, I’m afraid, says it all. The British people deserve something better than infantile regression. They deserve a Conservative Party that faces their problems and does something about them. That’s what I will keep arguing for. “

    1. We have known for a long time that this “Conservative” government has been more “Con” than anything and about as far from conservative as it’s possible to get. They should have been prosecuted under the Trade Description Act. Will people actually vote for an alternative, though?

      1. Yes apparently. Frost quotes a Survation poll that suggests Labour are on track for a 212 seat majority. Kier must be wetting himself with excitement….

        1. When I wrote “vote for an alternative” I did NOT mean Labour! That’s a continuation of the status quo.

          1. I know you didn’t. However, it seems to put it bluntly, one way or another we are about to be stuffed!

          2. People have been castigating ogga1 for his bemoaning the sheeple and their tendency to vote for the same old, same old. It seems he has a point.

          3. I’ve been saying for a number of years that I will never vote for an of the three major parties again.
            Our political classes are a disgrace. They’ve let millions of brits down on an extensive scale.
            I just hope that there is a wider range of choices.

          4. Universal franchise needs to be revoked. It simply isn’t right that an itinerant, welfare dependent immigrant churning out brats should, now nor ever, for any of those children(1) ever be allowed to vote.

            1 – unless they demonstrably return more value to the economy in tax than they or their parents have consumed.

    2. The British people deserve what they are getting.
      On this issue ogga1 is correct.
      Much as it grieves me to say so.

      1. Well I don’t deserve what the British people are getting and I’m pretty sure I’m not the only one. As to what to do about it I’ve done all I can by writing as nauseam to my MP about so many things and have neither the energy nor the inclination to start a new political party.

        The British are just not revolutionary – more’s the pity in this instance. I’m too old to emigrate and,min any case, where to go? The whole western world seems to want to commit net zero suicide although I’m pretty sure governments are having their strings pulled by shadowy organisations and billionaires.

        1. One, two, three….
          The point is not at my level or your level.
          Until we all change we’ll get what is foist upon us.

        2. Fearing what was going to happen, we upped sticks and left, 25 years ago. Fortunately, we both have a saleable skill, so it was possible. Not an option for many, I fear.

        3. I believe there will come a point where things are so bad that even the simpletons start to look back and realise the problem.

          Bah, who am I kidding. Even now:

          Fools blame super markets for high food prices, energy companies for energy prices, they blame ‘da wich’ for not paying enough tax, kids want more gimmigrants brought in and then complain about house prices… I know you’re expected to be dumb as a kid but this is absurd.

          They want green but don’t seem to realise just how their entire way of life exists on oil.

          It is a damning indictment of the utter failure of our education system, itself a socialist abomination.

          1. There will come a point where things are so bad…. that the people will be clamouring for a change in government and the way we are governed – that is what this incompetence and stupidity and the rest is all about – et voilà! We will be presented with the One World Government and all that it entails. We are being led neatly up the garden path.

      2. I disagree. Ogga assumes that voting makes a difference to the political outcome. I don’t think it makes any difference to be honest. The state dictates what will happen because the high ups attend all the right meetings at the global level, where they expect to trough, politicians just want the next globalist non-job so toe the line.

        The people pay the price of this hubris.

  60. A late thought for the day
    The Tory Remainers have won.
    They will ensure Starmer gets a huge majority and he will take us back into the EU and it will be Labour wot dun it.

    1. Looks that way.
      Oh, democracy, now dead. What the People voted for, is aboit to be refused.

    2. Yep. I expected them to at least wait for the IMF bailout enforcers but yeah, Labour will ensure we are chained in all but name. No doubt they’ll ram us into the single market and pretend it isn’t EU membership.

    3. Agreed, Sos, it’s all I can see of the future and. at 79. I just hope I die before it happens.

  61. I’m off, an early start tomorrow first appointment at the surgery.
    BP through the roof, dangerously high.
    Hopefully back later in the morning.


    If Farage has resolved not to return to party politics and now wants some fun – and a handsome fee – then this kind of makes sense, albeit not something I’d ever do, but it looks like a huge mistake if he imagines this will endear him in any way to the British public ahead of a return to the electoral fray of British politics. I don’t think it did Nadine Dorries any favours and most certainly did not do Matt Hancock any good.

    1. But it just might boost Farage in the eyes of the Brutish Public at a time of political upheaval..

    2. It is possible that he has been told to stay out of British politics until the WHO treaty is safely through, delivering us to the unelected world dictatorship.
      “I was out of the country, I didn’t notice our right to self-determination being given away.”

  63. Well, it’s now time for me to wish you all a “Good Night”, chums. I hope we all have a good night’s sleep and awaken refreshed.

    1. I wanted to look at this link wibbling but CBA to g through and strike out all the “consent” bits, there are hundreds of them.


    David Cameron had already been offered job before Suella Braverman accused police of bias

    Frontline return was proposed last Tuesday, while the Home

    Secretary’s provocative article was not published until Wednesday


    The job offer that stunned Westminster was made face-to-face last Tuesday evening in the flat at Number 11 Downing Street.

    Sunak and David Cameron were alone. The location had been picked for
    its privacy, given that a gathering in his office on the ground floor of
    Downing Street would have set tongues wagging.

    Mr Sunak had a proposal for his predecessor: a return to the Cabinet as foreign secretary, plus an elevation to the Upper House as a peer of the realm.

    the news did not leak is testament to the Prime Minister’s small,
    close-knit inner circle of trusted advisers and the seriousness with
    which the now Lord Cameron took the offer.

    The timing is also
    telling for another reason. Suella Braverman’s provocative article in
    The Times accusing the police of bias was not published online until
    Wednesday evening.

    1. With apologies…
      “Oh what a tangled web they weave, when first their people they do deceive”

    2. I wonder if Suella’s Times article was written because she already had wind of the plan to replace her and bring The Coward Cameron back into the Government?

  65. A bit of evening work on the vans by torchlight largely by the Still @ Home Welder Son with my assistance.
    The old van had new front tyres last month so they’ve been swapped for the ones the replacement came with.
    Also the rear right tyre on the replacement was noted with a screw in the tread so that got swapped too.
    The rear left tyres on both vans are much the same condition so they’re not being changed. Still a useful bit of work though.
    S@H brought his works van home so we were able to use his impact wrench to get the bolts off.

    Now, does anyone know how to defuel a Vivaro? My old one still has a half tank of diesel in it!

    And now, still in a state of shock with the Coward Cameron returning to Government, I’m off to bed.
    Good night all.

    1. Syphon if you can get a tube down the filler or attach an airline to the filler neck with gaffer tape (blank off the overflow drain tube), undo the fuel feed to the fuel pump, attach hose and slightly pressurise or , last resort, remove the tank and drain through filler. However on some small commercial vehicles they fit a drain plug – check.

      1. There appears to be a blocking device stopping a syphon tube and the fuel line connections that are reachable are a push on plastic type that do not appear to easily come apart.

        I’ll have to get under the van and investigate the possible drain plug.

        1. I think there’s a special tool to get those fuel connections apart – failing that just cut the fuel line if you’re not going to salvage it

      1. I’m still looking for a new Wifey. It’s all I may hope for. Yes, I shall care for her.

        In both our old ages.

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