Monday 17 October: Tory rebels need to drop the illusion that replacing Truss will solve their problems

An unofficial place to discuss the Telegraph letters, established when the DT website turned off its comments facility (now reinstated, but we prefer ours),
Intelligent, polite, good-humoured debate is welcome, whether on or off topic. Differing opinions are encouraged, but rudeness or personal attacks on other posters will not be tolerated. Posts which – in the opinion of the moderators – make this a less than cordial environment, are likely to be removed, without prior warning.  Persistent offenders will be banned.

Today’s letters (visible only to DT subscribers) are here.

563 thoughts on “Monday 17 October: Tory rebels need to drop the illusion that replacing Truss will solve their problems

    1. Presumably Untrussworthy is supposed to be Jeremy Rhyming’s dummy? Don’t get the string on the hand bit.

      1. It’s meant to be a rod tied to her hand, Bill, as was used on the National Theatre stage to animate THE WAR HORSE.

  1. Tory rebels need to drop the illusion that replacing Truss will solve their problems

    I don’t believe that is why they want to replace Truss

  2. Fraser Nelson has to go. This is utter rubbish from lefty EU-fanatic ex FT editor Barber. All the Speccie readers see straight through it.

    Lionel Barber
    Jeremy Hunt is the ‘unity’ leader the Tories need
    A technocrat would be no bad thing after the past few years
    16 October 2022, 3:15pm
    Gabriel Cash • 14 hours ago

    Ah, the technocrats are coming to save us, the “sensible”, “moderate”, “centrist” “adults in the room”.
    The people who support:
    * Arbitrary Net Zero targets, regardless of whether the technology exists to achieve them without subjecting their countries to crippling energy prices and power outages/rationing.
    * Shutting down their countries for months-long periods because a strong strain of flu is killing very old and sick people.
    * Forcing people to take vaccines whose safety, efficacy and side effects they lie about.
    * Intervention in every war that comes along.

    Thank goodness for that, I was getting worried.

    Lady of The Mercians • 15 hours ago • edited
    No. Hunt has two failed leadership elections behind him, no one wanted him .
    He is nothing but cookoo .
    This is utterly undemocratic.
    This is a coup ď état

    1. The publication has gone full Guardian.

      Not one writer on there questioned the Biden election and they all hated Trump

  3. Truss U-turn on corporation tax will make recession more severe, warn economists

    Goldman Sachs slashes growth forecasts with a rebound not expected for two years

    By Tom Rees and Tim Wallace
    17 October 2022 • 3:57am


    Next Stop Bank
    11 HRS AGO
    Small Limited Company here.
    I give up.
    Should have taken one of those freebie Covid Loans and moved to Spain.

  4. Take this chance to limit immigration or watch the abolition of our country. 17 October 2022.

    If Braverman is not to go the way of her predecessor Priti Patel and become mired in failure after a lot of big talk, she must realise that the civil service, saturated in neo-Marxist thinking, is her enemy and take steps to stop it advertising Britain as a most attractive destination for migrants; she must kick back against the drive for ‘temporary’ low-skilled visas, making them highly specific; she must realise that Britain is no longer in the EU, and is therefore within its rights vigorously to protect its borders; she must haul in the Border Force and if necessary abolish it and add its jobs to the Royal Navy’s work roster. If all else fails, she must send the Army down to Dover and Dungeness.

    In all likelihood there is now a fairly short period in which to act before an incoming Labour government of left-wing lawyers and ‘human rights’ activists go full pelt to normalise mass, uncontrolled, unsustainable immigration as a tool to abolish the country as we know it.

    This is a practical summation of the situation vis-à-vis mass immigration. Apart from the statistics and certain financial details none of it will be unfamiliar to Nottlers. There is of course not the slightest possibility of the author’s dreams coming to pass. That England that I was born into was destroyed by Blair and his immediate successors and the rest will follow sometime within the next five to ten years. This is almost certainly the Greatest Betrayal in history. There is nothing else to equal it! A whole people sacrificed on the altar of a half witted Marxist Doctrine that no child would believe! No Foreign Power has played any part in it. Those responsible are still here. They sit in the seats of the mighty and pocket the bribes and occupy the positions that their treason has bought them. It doesn’t affect me as badly as it once did. We Nottlers must live out our allotted span but we need not pretend that we are a part of this.

    1. 366235+ up ricks,

      Morning AS,

      Total agreement,the voting herd are in majority,annihilation mode .

      Can be clearly seen via the neglection of child welfare
      ( rotherham plus,plus) countrywide, and most certainly
      putting a bogus, in name only party, before Country.

      Plus a common denominator regarding PMs one only has to see Bow Street Court proceedings in regards to one Anthony Charles lynton.

  5. Morning all
    I’m not a fan of Tim Stanley but i thought he was bang on the money on his piece below the letters today (paraphrasing: we have no democracy, we are under orders from a cabal of unelected overseas elites, and we will be back in the EU in short order.)

    1. Morning MIR. Yes we now live under a totalitarion dictatorship for all that it is disguised!

      1. 366235+ up ticks,

        Morning VVOF,

        Is it time to support a fringe party one along the lines that that Ratten, Statenm, no, Batten chap was successfully leading for a year, he initially asked the members for £100000 & in reply received £300000 not bad for a far right racist fruitcake.

        Then treachery struck via the current
        ukip nec / nige

  6. Morning all
    I’m not a fan of Tim Stanley but i thought he was bang on the money on his piece below the letters today (paraphrasing: we have no democracy, we are under orders from a cabal of unelected overseas elites, and we will be back in the EU in short order.)

  7. The most ridiculous letter I have seen in the DT. A Dorset man from Verwood, Alan Pearce, boasts that he, for all his life, has put one sock on before the other. He asks readers whether they think he is quirky or has OCD. I am surprised this letter was published by the DT. The DT letter commenters are dealing with this letter as it deserves.

    1. My father, a down to earth West Riding Yorkshireman, referred to gormless statements like that as “Home Counties” statements, hence my earlier comment.

      1. Morning T-B – There was another Pearce letter below Alan Pearce’s saying that whenever he came across a column of numbers he couldn’t help counting them up. Perhaps both had a bet about who could get a foolish letter letter posted on the DT. I still think neither letter deserved to be printed in the DT.

      2. Morning T-B – There was another Pearce letter below Alan Pearce’s saying that whenever he came across a column of numbers he couldn’t help counting them up. Perhaps both had a bet about who could get a foolish letter letter posted on the DT. I still think neither letter deserved to be printed in the DT.

  8. Chancellor Jeremy Hunt to announce more U-turns in emergency statement today. 17 October 2022.

    Jeremy Hunt will make an emergency statement today as he sets out billions of pounds of savings to stabilise the public finances as the new Chancellor Prime Minister further shreds Liz Truss’s mini-Budget.

    The Treasury said the move – following talks over the weekend between Mr Hunt and the Prime Minister stooge in No 10.– was designed to “ensure sustainable public finances underpin economic growth”.

    1. Why is it so many have a sinking feeling about the economy. (Not so much the Titanic more of what you might call U-boat 2022…….

    2. Let me guess – a massive expansion in tax *hikes*, huge spending programme, immediately starting with welfare provision (to ensure loafers on welfare get more than inflation rises) and the NHS getting X hundreds of billions.

    3. I wonder if he’s going to abolished forgien aid at long last. And put a cap on politicians take home expenses. Also get rid of the illegals. They will be costing us billions before we will get straight in financial terms. Or perhaps never get straight. The British taxpayers can not be expected to support all the dross any more. It’s bad enough having support the thousands living off and attached to Westminster. Who in reality produce absolutely nothing viable.
      Except of course hot air wind and dust.

  9. Good Morning. Dark and cold. Half an hour until sunrise. Was upset by a charity advert last evening. “Drought in Somalia – send money”. I thought we had sent a lot of money to Somalia in the past. Maybe they could have built desalination plants?

    1. Morning Horace. I had the foreign aid charity collectors around last week. They only stayed about thirty seconds!

      1. You old softie. That’s roughly 29 seconds longer than they’d have polluted the doorstep of Allan Towers.

      1. Yup.
        The population of Somalia has increased four fold since 1970.
        3,720,977 (1970)
        15.89 million (2020)

        And that’s just in Somalia; how many more are dossing around breeding and using up £billions of western taxpayers’ money?

      2. Yes, sadly. If they won’t develop the technology and infrastructure to support their population then they cannot have that population.

        1. After WW 1 my uncle Leonard, my father’s older brother, bought a piece of completely barren, unpopulated desert land with no irrigation in Rhodesia. He and his family built decent and functioning systems and built this desert land up into a thriving farm providing work, housing, education and health facilities for thousands of black people.

          Mugabe stole my cousin’s farm and gave it to his friends who kicked all the workers and their families off the farm leaving them unemployed and homeless. The young men whom my cousin had sent to agricultural college so that they could take over the running of the farm when my cousin retired were murdered.

          Now after a hundred years the land is once again very much as it was when my uncle bought it – a piece of completely barren, unpopulated desert land with no irrigation.

          My cousin, C.G. Tracey, wrote a book about it – the title of it is :


  10. Good morning, all. Rain in the night. Still cloudy and damp.

    Cold getting worse.

    At least there is no bad news….

  11. Morning all,

    The UK Government (if there is one) has been reluctant to purchase the MHRA approved long-acting antibody Evusheld (formerly AZD7442).

    The UK government has been urged to re-examine its decision not to purchase a new covid-19 antibody drug for clinically extremely vulnerable people, amid warnings that these patients face renewed risk from the disease this winter.

    Could this save enough money to stabilize the bond markets and stop inflation?🤔
    The Chancellor will brief the Commons today to try and calm the panicking traders who must have left their computers in autotrade mode.

  12. Liz Truss said she would hit the ground running and not be afraid to make difficult decisions to save the UK economy.
    Jeremy Hunt has hit the ground running and is not afraid to make difficult decisions to reverse Liz’s decisions to save the UK economy. 🤔

      1. I hate them all. I hate them with a grinding passion. Some fool on the toady programme ‘Let’s put the last two weeks behind us and carry on wrecking the country.

        They’re scum, and should hang.

        1. I Totally agree.
          Greedy habitual and pathological lying scum. Most of them wouldn’t be able to find a job in the real world.

    1. Screaming Lord Sutch’s successors are waiting their turn to save the UK economy.

  13. The new lawlessness gripping America. Spiked. 17 October 2022.

    Mindless nihilistic destruction is now tolerated by the elites.

    American society is breaking down because the people in charge won’t enforce the law. The authorities have abdicated their responsibilities. Ordinary people will need to take matters into their own hands. They can start by exercising their democratic rights to hold those officials to account.

    Well worth a read of the whole article if only to spot the parallels with the UK!

    1. Considering that there’s a huge divide – blacks literally walk into shops, take what they want and walk out. The white folk don’t, the Asian fellows don’t, it’s just the blacks.

      Then we have Canada, where decent people blockade the streets and the state uses every force going to destroy them. Yet if greeniacs do the same here, plod protect them. In Holland the state is trying to seize farmland under the guise of green, but doesn’t understand or care about the consequences.

      The whole world is back to front. People wail that the country doesn’t want a libertarian, small government approach yet they are seeing that the big state, Left wing demented stupidity doesn’t work and keep demanding more of it.

  14. Morning all 🙂
    Still wet out.
    Smart words in today’s headlines. But it really emphasise what a bunch smug self-centered morons we have tucked away in Westminster. Perhaps it’s time for alterations in Westminster, the losing party loses 40-50% of its members.
    What exactly do the opposition do ?
    Why should the British taxpayers fund these people who are clearly incapable of recognising their responsibilities.

      1. Not especially Ellie. Let’s be honest most of them would be able to hold a real job down. What do they actually do?

          1. We moved to France in 1989 to set up our business. As we did not want ever to be dependent on state handouts we did not start our family until 1993 because we wanted to be confident that our business would support us.

            Henry, our second son, was born in 1995. He is 27 today.



    1. During the scamdemic, the ‘opposition’ have acted like coalition partners as fellow cheerleaders for Big Pharma and the WEF.

      The only apparent quibbles appear to have been, the duration/depth of the lockdowns and the speed to which digital ID should become law.

  15. Since Jeremy Rhyming is now de facto PM, perhaps he could re-shuffle the “government” (hearty laughter) and make Untrussworthy Tea Lady.

      1. On the button with the comment regarding any inquiries set up to sack a civil servant will provide enough information to blame a politician instead.

        The civil service is the epitome of HR.

  16. A belated good morning all. Up late after my disturbed night.
    Bright but cloudy start after last night’s rain with 7½°C outside. But looks as if an overcast is coming in from the South.

  17. Good morning all

    Damp mild day, very mild . Moh up early golfing again .

    I liked this daft letter..

    SIR – Is it possible that the Conservative Party’s cunning plan is to have a “guest prime minister” every month or so until they find one able to do the job?

    David Walters
    Corbridge, Northumberland

    1. They had one that was doing the job. The announcement of the tax cuts actually had us in my little company meet and consider going back to a five day week, taking on 6 contracts a year and thus growing, rather than merely pootling. None of us are underpaid, we’re all on health salaries, the pension pot is working but we worked out long ago that if we took on too much work we started to pay out more than we brought in.

      What sort of an economy encourages people to work less?

      1. The sort we’ve had since 1997. Welfare pays better than working and there is no point in getting promoted because you have extra responsibility but take home less pay.

  18. Righty, let’s have them. Predictions for the budget:

    Mine are – a complete reversal of all the tax cuts, including NI. Increase in corporation tax.
    More waste on the NHS. Welfare to be given inflation busting hike. More borrowing and general wasting.

    No mention of cuts to state waste, no reductions in quangos, it will all be more more more for the dross.

    1. And if a new political party does not emerge from this complete mess then any notion of democracy in UK is finished – but that’s what the WEF wants.

      (Somebody, please put some cyanide in the gloating Schwab’s Riesling.)

      1. This time we really are facing the Edge of Darkness.
        Some sort of divisive action is needed.

        1. There won’t be any. The only group with enough time t actually do anything are the wasters who are paid by the state to be useless.

      2. The UK is not a democracy. A democracy would have seen the tax cuts go through, regardless of what the Left want.

  19. They’re at it again – Just Stop Oil protesters have climbed up the QE2 Bridge and have forced the closure of the Dartford Crossing both ways. Huge tailbacks clockwise and anti-clockwise on the M25.

      1. At this point I don’t care. Let them protest. They’re pathetic, stupid, spoiled children.

        However what I’d really like is for the public to get out, demand the police do something. When plod start handing the protestors sandwiches, kettle the police, drag the protestors down and give them a damned good kicking. And again, for fun. Have the whole thing filmed – because cameras are made from plants, aren’t they! and post that to the oilers website with the caption – you’re next.

      2. Some long time ago, the French farmers were occupying French ports, stopping trucks from the UK and opening them up, by force, and any agricultural products were destroyed by the Frog demonstrators. Our local MP a Liberal (/Dem?) visited our factory. I suggested to him that we send a container filled with Royal Marines and when the demonstrators opened it the Marines could give them a good hiding. He seemed nonplussed by the notion, especially when it dawned on him that I was not joking.

    1. So, motorists, don’t just drag them to the side; continue to the rail and throw them off. They won’t crawl back.

    2. Humans may have a part to play in a climate that has always changed. Considering the massive forces at work in the natural world, many only partly understood, it is probably minor or even insignificant. But the move to declare the science around the subject ‘settled’ is harming our efforts to better understand the natural forces that shape the planet. It is certainly harming our ability to have a reasoned conversation about it. Vast sums of money are being diverted into a command-and-control Net Zero political agenda designed to radically alter the lifestyles and economic prospects of every single human on the planet. Only science that supports this political narrative gets a hearing in the mainstream media, and when politics is involved, emotion is never far from the controlling message

      1. Anyone claiming “The Science is fixed” is simultaneously talking out of their arse and paradoxically telling the truth!
        What they follow is not real science but, and here’s the fix, Scientific Opinions filtered to remove anything that goes against the preferred narrative.

        I reality, Science is NEVER fixed, but is a continual flow of ideas that change over time.
        However, the “science”of Global Warming/Climate Change/The CLIMATE EMERGENCY!!/A CLIMATE CATASTROPHE!!!!!/{insert latest panic & scare mongering catch phrase here} is based on Computer Modelling and we all saw how that worked during the Wuhan Virus panic.

    3. Why on EARTH close the bridge? Let the tossers hang from the wires until they get bored an cold.

      The perlice really ARE their allies, aren’t they?

      1. Elf’n’Safety – the protesters might fall of and either injure themselves (who cares?) or hit a car passing below.

      2. Same sentiments have been uttered in Allan Towers – in stereo. Or, rather, 3 speakers as Sonny Boy was here as well.

        1. Good morning, as has been mooted elsewhere; it could be a useful ploy to allow HMG to bring in anti-protest laws that would stop any legitimate voices against any future political clownage.

          I should add that there are enough existing laws to stop Tarquin, Jocinta and their trustifarian pals but it seems – especially since the deluge of failed lawyers landed on the green benches in 1997 – that politicians would rather bring in new laws, with new loopholes for the legal chums to take financial advantage of.

          1. They are effectively here. Mildy protest – so as not to interfere with other people – about vaccination and the riot squad will beat you almost to death.

    4. Tell Met Plod that they are countryside marchers and their tazers will need recharging by the top of the hour.

    1. Well what do you know , Morning Bob ..

      Bit of a hairy monster , isn’t she/it?

      Thank goodness I have never ever indulged myself with EL products … Yuk

      1. A pity really, ‘cos then you take could great delight in writing to tell them you’d never buy their products again.

        Then again, you still could!

  20. I listened to Desert Island discs on the car radio whilst on the road to Weymouth yesterday.

    Moh and I stuck it out .. gritting our teeth .

    Maxine Peake is a feminist and socialist. She was active in communist organisations during her youth and a member of the Communist Party of Britain.[42] In January 2014, Peake won the first Bolton Socialist Club Outstanding Contribution to Socialism Award, for using her work to oppose the government’s “crippling austerity measures Huh, what on earth … silly muddle headed bint .

    1. As far as I can ascertain, the only ‘crippling austerity measures’ have been imposed on the taxpayers; certainly not the work-shy, the daily flotilla of illegal immigrants nor the public sector.

      1. Feargal ,
        Just repeating this

        Migration Watch
        As asylum claims hit a record high, our annual asylum bill now costs an eye-watering £2.1 billion a year for bed, board and benefits for those who illegally enter the UK and claim asylum 😲

  21. British woman fatally shot while hunting boar in France, prosecutor says. 17 October 2022.

    A British woman has died after she was shot by her companion during a wild boar hunt in France on Sunday, in what a prosecutor described as a “dramatic accident”
    The 67-year-old was wounded “above the heart” and taken to hospital in Saint-Brieuc, Brittany, where she died around midday, said the prosecutor, Nicolas Heitz.

    The hunting party of around a dozen people had been crossing a corn field in the Goudelin area when the woman was shot in the chest.

    Hmmm. Not very flattering to be mistaken for an old Sow!

      1. They hunt them to keep the numbers down. Wild boar are highly destructive to crops. The meat isn’t wasted either.

        1. They are potentially very dangerous and their numbers are completely out of control in Brittany. Several times they have rucked up the grass in our garden.

      2. They are an absolute menace, Spikey. In Laure they live in the garrigue but come into villages and rob bins and cause damage to vineyards and gardens.

      3. Like shooting pheasants. We have to drive carefully to avoid hitting them as they walk across the road. Hunting wild lions in Africa, while only armed with a spear and a knife, may be called sport. Shooting things, not so much.

        1. Sport to me implies enjoyment – killing animals for enjoyment is not my cup of tea however it’s done. I doubt if hunting lions with spear and knife is done without rifle back up .

    1. Many years ago the husband of the woman who was our femme de ménage went on a boar hunt and shot a domestic pig. The owner of the pig was not impressed.

      1. Yer French hunters are often killing each other. There are dozens of fatalities every year.

    1. £2.1 billion – just five minutes more on the national debt. Peanuts. (Regular readers may detect a touch of sarcasm…)

  22. UK can take lead in averting mass atrocity crimes, MPs’ report says. 17 October 2022.

    Sarah Champion, the Labour MP who is chair of the international development select committee, said: “The last decade has seen terrifying scenes in China, Ethiopia, Syria and Myanmar – to name just a few – and has shown clearly that atrocities don’t only happen in conflict setting

    “The deep divisions at the top of the United Nations mean we are living in what appears to be an era of impunity when it comes to persecution, segregation and abuse of civilians, and empowering civil society to be the eyes and ears of the new Foreign Office team dedicated to monitoring mass atrocities.”

    Do all these people have their heads stuck up their arses? What value the “International Development Select Committee” when your own country is disintegrating around you? During the last twenty years the UK has helped lay waste to whole swathes of the Middle East. At least two Prime Ministers and not a few of their accomplices should be in gaol as War Criminals! At present we are feeding a war in Central Europe in which we have no real security interests. We are provoking China for no discernible gain and the possibility of its direct enmity.

    Oh for the days when we minded our own business!

  23. ‘Morning All

    Funny Old World

    I remember the days before the Brexit vote when we laffed at the likes of Greece and Italy who had had EU/WEF apparatchiks installed over a democratic vote and we swore to vote out so it could never happen here………..
    We’re not laffing now………..

    “Pound surges as new Chancellor Jeremy Hunt braces to axe MORE key

    planks of ‘lame duck’ Liz Truss’s economic policy TODAY with income tax

    cut ‘off’ – as Tories warn PM must be out in DAYS and ministers refuse

    to defend her on TV”
    Market manipulation to political ends they think we’re blind and stupid……..

    1. I don’t know what currency the Mail is referring to that the Pound is surging against, but it ain’t the US$.

      1. The Pound surged by around 1 per cent against the US dollar in the wake of the Treasury move, while interest rates on government debt subsided.” Daily Fail
        That’s the first time I’ve heard of a 1% increse being called a ‘surge’.

      1. The MSM has a habit of selecting photographs to suit an angle, but in this case the image represents precisely what this Cameron stooge is, a mean spirited, out of touch political mouthpiece. For me the CofE has turned into the worst example of anteChristendom imaginable. Bureaucratic, mismanaged, hypocritical out of touch elitists.

      2. Remember when Covid regulations were at their harshest.

        This slimy piece of pig’s excrement escaped to his holiday home in France and stayed there when his ‘flock’ might just have needed some sort of spiritual guidance.

        But those who work in the God business have a long history of sordid corruption. Most of Chaucer’s religious characters in the Canterbury Tales are self-seeking and hypocritical. The one exception was the simple parish priest who led by example and believed that there was was no point in having a ‘snowy’ flock when the shepherd himself was ‘shitten’.

        1. In more modern times St John Vianney was a good person. Although maybe an insufferable companion.

    1. Sorry Peddy – but I repeat my BTL post from last night which the DT immediately deleted:

      Archbishop of Canterbury takes aim at Liz Truss’s trickle-down economics
      Justin Welby says he is ‘deeply sceptical’ about the Prime Minister’s economic policy amid the cost of living crisis

      Just as Blair’s mouthpiece, Alastair Campbell, said: “We don’t do God,” shouldn’t the Arsehole of Canterbury not do politics?

    2. I remember in those ceremonies a couple of weeks ago, he gave one of his fellow prelates the most evil look I’ve ever seen. I suppose he’d lost a vote somewhere.

  24. William Eden@WilliamAEden = This lab from Boston University is

    taking the Omicron spike protein and adding it to wildtype COVID:

    “In K18-hACE2 mice, while Omicron causes mild, non-fatal infection, the

    Omicron S-carrying virus inflicts severe disease with a mortality rate

    of 80%.”
    These people are batshit crazy,lets blend the most infective with the most lethal……….what could possibly go wrong…………

    1. The KING of Farts

      I heard the world’s loudest fart today
      It echoed round the town enough to say
      “I am a fart of great renown and fame,
      I am a fart who’s worthy of the name
      Of KING of FARTS!” Unthinkingly I sniffed
      And, let me tell you, I have never whiffed
      Aught so potent, dank and dread and foul
      Blasted out from heaving, human bowel
      As that king of farts I smelled today
      And which took my f’cuking breath away.

      Who was the pumper of that putrid beauty?
      How many curries in the line of duty
      Had he consumed? It must have been a man –
      No pong so strong ere blew from female can.
      Can no one answer yet my urgent question:
      And say who suffereth such dire indigestion?
      O heavens! his torment must be something chronic.
      Can no one subsidise a high colonic
      Irrigation , …. to prevent another
      Noisier and more noisome than its younger brother?
      It must have been Jeremy H, I hear you say
      He’s been building up to this, for many a day!

  25. Descending from my ladder briefly to wish you all good morning while there’s still time. And to thank this place for adding to my good cheer! I paraded first thing with a paintbrush stuck in my hair à la Marge Simpson (that was True Belle), and due to Phizzee’s naughtiness, the fiddly business of painting floral mouldings will forever be stuck in my head as ‘tickle and wriggle’. 🤣🤣

      1. I was going to remark that you wouldn’t know an innocent face if it bit you; then I remembered Harry… 🤣

  26. Russia’s use of kamikaze drones is an ‘escalation’ that is worrying the West. 17 October 2022.

    Residents in Ukraine’s capital of Kyiv awoke to the sound of explosions this morning, with multiple blasts heard booming through the city.

    The Kyiv mayor, Vitali Klitschko, said at least one person had been killed in the capital, while Ukraine’s Interior Minister, Denys Monastyrskiy, said people had also been killed in attacks on other cities.

    Western officials voiced alarm at the attacks, which they described as an “escalation” of the war.

    I assume here that Vlad is knocking out the generating plants and power grid. Something he ought to have done at the beginning!

    1. I believe his initial intention was to minimise civilian losses. Which is why he didn’t attack the water or power supply. Now is the time to flush them out. Any civilians should have already left if they had any sense.

  27. Chancellor reverses ‘almost all’ tax cuts of mini-budget and says energy bills support scheme will be scaled back. 17 october 2022.

    The chancellor, who only stepped into the job on Friday, said a 1p cut to income tax will be delayed “indefinitely” until the UK’s finances improve instead of being introduced in April 2023 as announced in Kwasi Kwarteng’s mini-budget three weeks ago.

    Mr Hunt said the government’s energy price guarantee will only be universal until April – not for two years as originally planned.

    After April, the scheme will be more targeted following a review into how to support people’s energy bills from that time, he said.

    He’s cutting the energy expense allowance in an Election Year? I don’t suppose it really matters. They are toast!

  28. Okay..

    Now we have it .. a real breach of protocol.

    Is Liz Truss in peril.?

    I think she has taken on more than she could chew .. When the going gets tough .. it cannot get worse , can it?

    Am I right in understanding we are still paying the EU cut off money?

    In July 2021, Downing Street rejected an EU estimate of a £40.8bn total bill. The government insisted the figure was between £35bn and £39bn.

    But in July 2022, the government’s own estimate put the bill higher, at £42.5bn. It says the increase is due to the most recent valuation of the UK’s obligation for EU pensions.

    There will also be money paid back to the UK from things like its money in the European Investment Bank (just over £3bn) and the European Central Bank (about £50m).

    The UK will also receive a share of any money paid to the EU in fines that were imposed before the end of 2020, which is estimated to be worth about £1.2bn.

  29. Migration Watch
    As asylum claims hit a record high, our annual asylum bill now costs an eye-watering £2.1 billion a year for bed, board and benefits for those who illegally enter the UK and claim asylum 😲

  30. We have just taken Poppie for a walk. She chased a squirrel and collapsed, rolled over on her back and then on her side. We carried her home. Vet appt this afternoon, 2.30 pm. She is lying between us now. I had to get a grip of my self whilst phoning the vet, I thought I was going to blub. I managed to wait until I finished the call.

      1. She’s 13, Bob. See my reply to Phizzee above for further information, we got a call from the vet to bring her in straight away.

      1. Thank you, Phizzee. Got a call back from the vet, could we bring her in straight away. So we’ve done that. Poppie is now in the outpatient dept, awaiting an ultra sound scan and chest x-rays and blood tests. Vet thinks it is a leaky (mitochondrial) heart valve. It will all be done this afternoon, we are to collect her this evening but the vet will give us a call when we can collect her.

      1. Thank you, Belle. The vet thinks it is heart disease, leaky heart valve. Blood tests, ultra sounds scans, x-rays this afternoon. He phoned back with an earlier appt “bring her in now, if you can.” Hopefully she will be home later this afternoon/early evening.

        I will post when we have more info.

    1. Oh, that’s awful. Hope she’s not seriously ill – and that you can relax a bit, PM.
      Fingers crossed for you both.

      1. Thank you, Paul. The possible diagnosis is heart disease. Ultra sound scans, chest x-rays, bloods this afternoon. We will know later today.

          1. Thanks Alec – it is a leaky mitral heart valve apparently. Possible other stuff going on as well. However, her medication has improved her condition overnight, unbelievable – although the vet said she could last several years yet or two months, dogs react differently one from the other. So short walks on the lead only, no squirrel chasing… no exertions, no chasing around the room! We’ll just have to take it day by day and slowly come to terms with it.

    2. A bit of info…With collapse, loss of consciousness typically doesn’t occur—in other words, your dog or cat may be weak and unable to get up, but he’s still conscious. There are numerous causes for collapse including: Neuromuscular problems (e.g., botulism, tick paralysis, etc.) Musculoskeletal problems (e.g., Lyme disease, joint problems, etc.)
      Dog Fainting: What Causes It and What Should You Do?

      1. Thanks Phizzee – yes, that’s it – she didn’t lose consciousness. She was definitely weak and couldn’t get up. I have replied a few moments ago with the vet’s possible diagnosis. I will fill in the details when I have more info.

    3. That must have been an awful shock. One of my dogs fainted (this is a while ago), but he made a complete recovery and lived to a ripe old age.

      1. We have not long collected Poppie from the vet. Blood tests done, ultra sound scans done, chest x-rays done… diagnosis: congestive heart failure, leaky mitral valve. We have come away with a bag of medication that would do any pensioner proud. Prognosis: she might only last a couple of months, or she could go on for years, yet. No-one knows said vet. The good news is her breathing is more settled already and has halved its rate per minute. No more chasing squirrels, though, and no more walks off lead and no more than half a mile walk daily.

        Moral: if you have a health problem, see a vet. All sorted in six hours.

        1. I couldn’t agree more! Whenever I’ve needed to see a vet I’ve been able to get an appointment straight away – and they answer the phone quickly, too. Oscar made awful wretching noises while you were telling us about Poppie, but it didn’t come to anything and he’s asleep now. Maybe he was feeling sympathetic!

  31. Suella is making the correct noises, but can she follow it through?
    My comments to her:-

    For those non-Tw@tter enabled:-

    The decline in the effectiveness of Policing in the UK is in inverse proportion to the growing influence of Left Wing pressure groups in the UK’s Establishment.
    If you wish to improve the situation;
    1 – Get rid of the Cultural Marxist influence of Common Purpose especially in the College of Policing
    2 – Sack or forcibly retire ALL senior officers recruited from University on accelerated promotion schemes
    3 – Make it a requirement for those being promoted to senior posts to have spent a MINIMUM of 6 years in the lower ranks
    4 – Remove the ridiculous degree requirement for recruitment. If a degree is deemed necessary then allow part time education to degree standard whilst serving “on the job”.
    If necessary, this could include Promotion Exams being de facto units towards a degree.

  32. A homeless woman with ‘serious psychological problems’ has been charged with the murder, rape and torture of a 12-year-old girl whose throat was slit before her mutilated body was stuffed in a suitcase in Paris.

    Dahbia B, a 24-year-old homeless woman originally from Algeria, appeared before examining magistrates today following her arrest on Saturday and was indicted in connection with the gruesome killing of Lola Daviet.

    The schoolgirl was found on Friday, tied up inside the plastic suitcase near her home with the numbers ‘1’ and ‘0’ imprinted on her chest, and then left in the inner courtyard of a building in the French capital’s north-east.

    1. The parents must be insane for allowing a white girl to walk unaccompanied through Paris.

      “Emily Jones was killed in Queen’s Park, Bolton, on 22 March 2020. Eltiona Skana, 31, who (conveniently) has paranoid schizophrenia, was sentenced to life…”
      Originally from Albania.

  33. Welcome to the Great Reset

    I’ve seen a WhatsApp message setting out the future Tory leadership – and its brutality is shocking

    Two weeks ago people dismissed Suella Braverman’s remark that there was a ‘coup’ underway to oust Liz Truss. Well, they aren’t now

    By Christopher Hope, ASSOCIATE EDITOR (POLITICS)
    17 October 2022 • 8:21am
    Last night I was sent a single WhatsApp message from a prominent member of the 2019 intake of Tory MPs. The message said: “Rishi PM. Hunt CX. Penny FS. And it’s a done deal.”

    The brutality of that statement is shocking. Two weeks ago people dismissed Home Secretary Suella Braverman’s remark that there was a “coup” underway to push Liz Truss out of office. Well, they aren’t now.

        1. As it happens Robert Half0n MP (con) is half-Libyan, so there could be a trend waiting to be analysed. Perhaps Central Office looks out for those with sanguinary ancestry.

  34. NoTTLers must be shown The Thomas Trombetti Miracle Images that Uncle Bill keeps in his fridge.

    Slice of heaven: Reiki guru discovered ‘miracle’ outline of an angel inside an AUBERGINE in 2008… and has kept it in her freezer ever since
    Maya Rana was making a curry back in 2008 when she found the outline
    The 54-year-old became obsessed with the angels when she started reiki
    She once claimed a group of them formed a choir and woke her up one morning
    Maya Rana (pictured) was making a aubergine curry back in 2008 when she cut up the fruit and found the angel outline running through it

  35. Hunt has more or less changed the previous cap on energy prices to last for 6 months only, tax of 20 pence to remain at 20p. Truss must have been forced to choose Hunt as Chancellor She has no backbone. The Tories are doomed.

      1. Some of the senior Brexiteer MPs such as John Redwood would be acceptable but won’t even be considered. Sunak should not be PM. Even Boris would be better than that. Hunt has no regard for the lower classes like me.

      2. Agreed. Hunt is a WEF disciple and advocated for injectables, vaccine passports and lockdowns.

        No normal person would have wished to see Hunt’s return to government as he is widely distrusted. He is now destined to replace Truss as Prime Minister.

        Most of our country’s ills would be salved by assisting oil recovery from the North Sea, granting fracking licenses, cancelling HS2 and stopping illegal immigrant hordes from entering the country.

        We are fast reaching a point when sufficient people are awakening to the evil visited on us by successive governments in hoc to the WEF/UN agenda. There will be consequences for the global satanists, those bankers and their government sponsors, the bioweapon manufacturers posing as pharmaceutical companies and the pure evil ‘masters of the universe’ Gates, Soros, Bezos and their ilk.

    1. Sod the F wording Tories. The country is what matters. The moron has just hammered us into yet more decline.

      What’s notable is that there’s no interest in building new coal gas and nuclear power stations. Our economy is being ruined by our lack of cheap, abundant power.

      When the handouts stop we’ll be in summer again, and living costs will fall but we need energy building to start NOW.

      However, if you’re a cynic you’ll see that it’s just a con. A few handouts against meeting the Left wing green targets – however pointless – is irrelevant. The state would far prefer to pay a quarter of our bills than bin the demented green agenda.

  36. Currently being broadcast on BBC Parliament

    ‘Westminster Hall – Sewage Discharges’

    How very apt.

  37. During lunch, the MR raised an interesting isshoo.

    Apparently – in those long ago days when Untrussworthy was PM, she invited everyone to a “drinks party” at No 10 – TONIGHT.

    The MR said she’d like to be a fly on the wall at that event. I wondered how many would discover unmissable prior engagements….

    Will the Fat Slapper do her kareoke thing?

    1. “Raised an isshoo”… she sneezed massively?
      Just asking. I’ll get me hanky.
      Hope she’s well on the way to recovery.

  38. Today we face difficult times, but just look at how far we have come. Penny Mordaunt. 17 October 2022.

    Through every recent event, we reaffirmed and remembered the best of ourselves, as individuals and as a nation. This land of ours is full of stories of those in our communities – national or local, large and small – that have risen to challenges. That have stayed the course or made improvements. Our characteristic hopeful pragmatism has provided stability. It has ensured extremism has never taken hold. This is what makes us great. This is a kind, tolerant and considerate country.

    I don’t know what she’s smoking but order me a truck load.

    1. It would be interesting if Truss decided to follow a NoTTLer’s advice, “Accept me, or my last act will be to call a General Election.

      1. Afternoon Nan. That she’s putting up with this shows that she never had the stuff to be PM. She must be hiding in a closet at No10!


    Footage has emerged of a cat that was rescued from the rubble of a building struck by a drone in Kyiv. A picture of the animal being cradled in a man’s arms was widely circulated after being posted on social media by Kyiv’s mayor Vitali Klitschko

    Russian cat tries valiantly to escape from his fascist captors!

    1. No, sadly. While this is good news, the sad truth about Ukraine is vastly more complicated than this single event.

  40. Take this chance to limit immigration or watch the abolition of our country

    By Robert James
    -October 17, 2022

    NOT long after the Brexit vote I was having a drink with a friend. We got on to the subject of the vast immigration levels that are altering so many aspects of life in England.

    ‘They’ll have to do something about it now,’ he said, referring to result of the EU referendum.

    ‘No, they won’t,’ I replied. I said ‘they’ – meaning the Conservative Party – would not do a damn thing about it, except employ more spads and PR staff to reframe the issue via their outriders in the mass media. Phrases such as ‘crackdown’ and ‘Australian-style points system’ would be bandied about but nothing at all would change, in fact levels would most likely increase. He bridled. I then offered to bet him a comparatively large sum that in five years the situation would be no better or, indeed, worse. A moment passed. Shrewdly, he declined the wager.

    Here we are six years later and the problem is as out of control as it ever was. When I offered my wager in 2016 total net immigration was 248,000 a year, more than the entire population of Wolverhampton. In 2020, four years later, it was running at 313,000, a rise of 26 per cent: so much for the Tory Party’s claim of ‘taking back control’. Numbers then dropped a little as the West put itself under martial law for Covid. I suppose something good had to come out of that episode. The most recent figures, for the year to June 2021, has net immigration at 239,000.

    Then there are asylum-seekers and refugees. I was awed by the magnificent obsequies for the Queen last month, but I could not help reflecting that even with all this show of tradition, pomp and power, that Great Britain and her Navy is powerless in the face of thousands of illegal immigrants invading the country on a daily basis via dinghies in the Channel. The thought gave me what used to be known as a queer feeling.

    Between 2015 and 2020 the average yearly number of refugees directly resettled in the UK was 4,500. In the past year it was 240,000, more than 57 times higher.

    In case anyone wants to believe the left-liberal trope that these people are mainly helpless, old or women suffering persecution, the majority of asylum seekers are males aged between 18-29. Women form a tiny percentage, as the government’s own figures show. Most of the top ten countries from which these young men emigrate from are racked with internecine armed conflict and hard-line Islamic sectarianism. In the cases of Iraq, Afghanistan and Syria, their countries have also been torn apart by the disastrous wars of neo-con globalists, an epic foreign policy disaster for which the West will pay for ever. Thanks, Tony Blair. The rate of granting asylum permits is high.

    The Channel people-smuggling racket has really taken off – with the collaboration of our Border Force, who refused to carry out the government’s order to turn boats back, and the increasingly woke RNLI. In 2018 the number of Channel illegal immigrants was just 299. Even that number made news and the then prime minister Boris Johnson vowed to ‘turn them back’. Well, you know how it is when politicians and the civil service put their collective effort towards stopping something: the number of Channel illegal immigrants since January this year is 36,564, a 12,000 per cent rise, and at every step of the way the Conservative Party has vowed to stop it.

    Most of this army of interlopers have already been rejected for asylum in Europe and 98 per cent have destroyed their passports so they have no known country of origin to be sent back to. The cost of keeping them is about £5 million per day – and you’re paying.

    Indeed, should any potential illegal immigrant who is kicking round Calais waiting for a people-smuggling boat decide to consult the British government’s website, they will see the list of benefits available under the handy phrase: ‘What you’ll get’.

    It explains that if you get asylum you’ll be given somewhere to live and £40.85p a week for each person in your family. But the site sternly adds that if you’re not granted asylum you will get, er, somewhere to live and £40.85p a week for each person in your family.

    Along with forty quid a week for each family member some migrant accommodation also provides on-site nurses, dentists (a great help in a society where seeing an NHS dentist is becoming a thing of the past), ‘migrant help advisers’, wifi and ‘worship rooms’.

    As the above stats indicate, the cumulative effect of these figures and their implications are huge. They are also, for the most part not spoken about in the ‘quality media’. For example, week in week out in the British news cycle the public is told that the National Health Service is teetering on the brink of disaster and that general practice is close to collapse. However, the public is not told that since 2010 there have been almost 7million new GP registrations by migrants in England, Wales and Northern Ireland. Since 2017 there have been 3.1million migrant registrations, yet there are 1,343 fewer doctors. We are always being told that natural resources such as water are scarce, though curiously enough this is never mentioned when the left preach mass immigration.

    How can this suicidal policy be reversed? It helps to know how we arrived here. After the Labour governments of 1997-2010 threw open the borders, the Tory Party, the CBI and the Institute of Directors fell straight into a trap designed for it by the decaf Trotskyites of the Blair-Brown sofa cabinets: a never-ending supply of near slave labour for a catchpenny economy of low-to-zero skills with virtually zero wage inflation in the medium and long term. Choked services and infrastructure? Sod the public. The collapse of the NHS? Sod the public. Sky high rents due to massive influx? Sod the public. Money being sent out of the country? Sod the public. Your neighbourhood changed irrevocably without your consultation? Sod the public.

    For their part, Labour looked on lovingly: the gaming of demographics for electoral advantage and the destruction of English culture and its status as a nation state was and is always their aim – they are a left-wing, internationalist party after all (they will continue the project when and if the Tories lose the next election). The Conservatives were doing the socialists’ work for them, and sawing through their own support in the process. That flagrantly dishonest period covering the Downing Street tenures of Blair, Brown and Cameron exploded deafeningly on June 23, 2016, and didn’t they all – Tory money-grubbers and Labour EU nuts (who never raised a word about the wage stagnation visited on the British working classes by massive immigration from the EU) – howl!

    For all the above reasons, reducing immigration to manageable levels will be very difficult, by which I mean the majority of MPs and ministers have little interest in doing it and many are actively in favour of it. There is evidently a great deal of money in it, particularly in immigration law and services.

    The mass media is dominated by left-liberal groupthink that recoils in horror from anyone or anything that criticises high levels of immigration, so do not expect a grown-up or honest conversation from that quarter, even if some of the new arrivals are terrorists.

    The new Home Secretary, Suella Braverman, is said to be on a collision course with Liz Truss over immigration. The PM is readying herself to junk the empty promises on immigration made since the Brexit revolution.

    If Braverman is not to go the way of her predecessor Priti Patel and become mired in failure after a lot of big talk, she must realise that the civil service, saturated in neo-Marxist thinking, is her enemy and take steps to stop it advertising Britain as a most attractive destination for migrants; she must kick back against the drive for ‘temporary’ low-skilled visas, making them highly specific; she must realise that Britain is no longer in the EU, and is therefore within its rights vigorously to protect its borders; she must haul in the Border Force and if necessary abolish it and add its jobs to the Royal Navy’s work roster. If all else fails, she must send the Army down to Dover and Dungeness.

    In all likelihood there is now a fairly short period in which to act before an incoming Labour government of left-wing lawyers and ‘human rights’ activists go full pelt to normalise mass, uncontrolled, unsustainable immigration as a tool to abolish the country as we know it.


    Hong Kong Steve • 11 hours ago
    My brother died in August but for the last 5 years of his life, he taught migrants in Bradford College. He was abused and threatened & had to call for security on many occasions.
    He found the Sub Saharan Africans to be arrogant and incredibly racist. They usually turned up late for class and were always about 20 minutes late after the break. When he talked about employment, they looked at him in astonishment, as they all wanted to be full time students. He did add that their work skills were so poor that they could never have held down any kind of skilled job.
    He also said that each ethnic group of migrants hated other ethnic groups, but their one common thread was that they hated White British society even more.
    He did wonder many times to me, why the British Government and Liberal elite so loved having more and more of these people in the UK!!

    Reuben Wade • 8 hours ago
    “If all else fails, she must send the Army down to Dover and Dungeness.”

    All else has failed, and the reason all else has failed is the same reason that the army will never be sent to Dover or Dungeness. Our leaders are giving our country away to foreigners who are hostile to us, to our culture, and want out country for their own, because this is what our leaders want to have happen. Don’t ask me why, but the evidence plain before our eyes is that the politicians want it, and this is why it will not stop.

    In the minds of the public, Brexit was supposed to stop the invasion, but the opposite has happened. The message from above cannot be any clearer. Our country is being taken from us and given away from under our feet by our own leaders.

    Has the like ever occurred in the history of humanity that a nation’s leaders yielded its land and its assets to foreigners who despised it, without a fight? Or without a protest? Or without a murmur? Or actively forced its countrymen to pay for an invasion that would deprive them of peace, security, land, houses, medical care, education and employment?

    Really, it is the most staggering phenomenon.

    1. The Left like foreigners because Right minded people don’t like them. We know it’s an economic, social and security problem. lefties just see more state spending and that gives them power – the more state, the happier they are.

      Remember that the Left never have to tolerate the scum. They live in big airy houses far away from the vermin they force on ‘other’ people. Usually poor, high unemployment communities where there’s not enough resources. Thus the obvious is for everyone carrying a refugees welcome or more gimmigrant banner, cram 50 gimmigrants in with them in their cushy 4 bedroom houses. Not 1 or 2 – 50. And, frankly, let’s make it Home office officials first and foremost – prioritising the unmarried and those with school age children. Ram their own spite down their throats.

  41. Oh dear.
    A couple of council lads with the gully cleaner & a couple of lads for the traffic control rolled up 3h ago to clear out the gully over the road which was totally blocked up to the cast iron grid.
    After clearing the detritus out of the gully chamber, they then had to jet the outlet.
    Usually a 20 to 30 minute job.

    They are still there trying to extricate the hose which appears to have jammed its self in the outlet!

    1. We have 16 of those in our road.
      They are also soakaways, but nobody seems to want organise the cleaning. When I was chair of the committee they were cleaned every two years. With supervision to make sure they carried our the work properly.

    1. Blatant racial discrimination targeted at the poor immigrants and ethnically diverse – should be made freely available to all XX chromosomed whities..

    2. My Dad warned me never to go for a red-head as theirs had teeth in it.
      Ha ha ….. he lied

      1. Not under any circumstances suitable for sensitive souls.
        As the female RSM at what used to be the WRAC College in Camberley said on parade ” When I say “SHUN” I want to hear those pussies GASP FOR BREATH!”

    3. Medieval punishment… hmmm. Don’t rape people. You’re not an animal, not a savage – are you? You have a choice on how to behave.

      Or perhaps we need to accept that they *are* rabid animals?

  42. Isn’t this situation the most appallingly sexist example of ‘man-splaining’ that we have ever seen? A man is being parachuted in, without any democratic mandate, to ‘correct’ the proposals of our third female Prime Minister. How humiliating for her, and how the Left would howl if this was being done to one of their own.

    If Truss has any ounce of self-respect she should call a confidence vote or go to the country. To allow Jeremy Hunt to tear up her agenda, when she was duly elected under the Conservative Party’s rules and he was not, is an affront to her office and to democracy.

    1. They’re all hypocrites. They excuse themselves of any behaviour because the ends justify the means.

    2. Exactly – I’m no fan of the gung-ho Truss but she was selected by her party iaw their rules and they should have backed her or resigned the whip. This death wish behaviour has got to stop. When Hunt was in the running for PM he apparently polled the lowest of all the candidates so he has no credibility whatever.

    3. The Rank & File constituency party member must accept their share of the blame.
      For far too long they have been willing to accept Central Office diktat on who they select as candidates and have thus handed the leadership of the party to Cameron’s Blairite, New Labor Lite, TINO clique.
      It is time for them to wake up and either get a grip on the leadership or dissolve the party.

      1. There appears to be two parties: EU corporatists and the rest.

        How many are there in each?

  43. Don’t know what you are missing – BBC Radio 4 – Three quarters of an hour ars* licking of the Jew hating, IRA loving, deep red Marxist film maker, Ken Loach. Spent 50+ years in the pay of the BBC. Campaigned for the withdrawal of colonialist British Troops from Northern Ireland. Can’t imagine what they saw in him.

  44. Can someone help please…..a couple of weeks ago in can’t remember who it was, but someone posted the email addresses to company CEOs
    We, my wife has a bone of contention with M&S and their customer services are being extremely unhelpful.

      1. It doesn’t always work, though. We tried it twice with large companies. Neither acknowledgement nor reply.

      2. Many thanks Kaypea

        It’s not a question of the money spent it’s the way they have set up a catch for customers. My wife brought an item of clothing and brought it home and it didn’t fit. So she took it back and they told her to read the till receipt. Which surprisingly had written on it non-returnable under any circumstance. They told her she should have looked at the screen when she bought the pair of jeans. something new and definitely not customer friendly at all.

        1. I think that generally happens with sale items. Anyway the link I left you takes you directly to the M&S email address.

        2. I assume M+S have changing rooms. I would use them in future and if the item doesn’t fit then just throw it back over the rail. They don’t deserve loyalty and manners if they don’t display them themselves.

          1. They’re cheap and I don’t have much dosh. However, they do take things back if you have the receipt.

          2. I was joking though i really haven’t been in a while. I did buy one of their Dinner Jackets from George. £36 and no one knows in candle light… :@)

          3. I wear the cheap one for family and wear my Armani when having dinner with Nottlers. Not you obvs.

          4. I could tell you some horror stories about what my son encountered and often had to deal with when he had a vacation job in Marshalls- a sort of lower grade TK Maxx.

          5. I can imagine – I went into a changing cubicle in M&S years ago and there was a turd in the corner

      3. Unfortunately, this is what i get …………..

        403 – Forbidden
        Access to the page you requested on has been forbidden.
        Your IP address is: 3.8……….
        Your host is:
        LG is: en-GB,en;q=0.9,en-US;q=0.8
        Previous page:

        For questions about website access please email: ceoemailDOTsecurityATconnectotelDOTcom

  45. Where is Liz Truss? 17 October 2022.

    Truss’s absence will only serve to highlight how mute she has been. She has not spoken publicly since her eight-minute press conference on Friday and since then rather a lot has happened, including Jeremy Hunt’s cancellation of all but a handful of the measures in the mini-Budget. Her refusal to come today only raises the stakes for Prime Minister’s Questions on Wednesday.

    She’s in the flat above No10 getting pissed out of her brain!

  46. Liz Truss latest news: Starmer says PM ‘scared of her own shadow’ as she dodges grilling – watch live
    Headline in DT.
    Conservative Party members told by Hunt they voted for the wrong person.

  47. So, all you Nottlers, what would you do NOW if you were LIZ TRUSS

    Note : I wouldn’t start from here answer is already taken.

    1. Well Lewis. If they had refused to back my policies after I had just been elected I would have jacked it in and left them to it!

    2. Well Lewis. If they had refused to back my policies after I had just been elected I would have jacked it in and left them to it!

    3. I feel sick in my stomach and very fearful.

      We are not a democracy any more are we ..

      I seems to me that the majority of Tory wallahs in Parliament are not singing from the same song sheet .

      The country is out of control .

      1. It’s not the country that’s out of control but the Tory MPs are. They have undermined her and let the financial markets set the policies which should be decided on by the government.

      2. We haven’t been a democracy for some time, Maggie. Some people are only just waking up to that. Don’t fret about something you can’t do anything about – unless you intend to hijack a tank and take it to Westminster 🙂

    4. I think I would place an enormous order for wobbly dildos with Amazon and then call an immediate general election telling the treacherous people in the Conservative Party to fornicate with themselves with or without their sex toys.

    5. I think I would place an enormous order for wobbly dildos with Amazon and then call an immediate general election telling the treacherous people in the Conservative Party to fornicate with themselves with or without their sex toys.

    6. Go to the Palace…

      I don’t relish a Labour government, but we don’t have a conservative one. Since we’re going down the pan, regardless of who is holding the poison chalice, let Starmer & Co own it…

      Perhaps a genuinely centre right* party will rise, Phoenix-like from the ashes.

      *Centre right. Or as it’s known in the MSM, ‘literally Hitler’.

    7. I would resign. She was elected by the party members after a prolonged campaign. If the parliamentary party cannot stomach her policies then she should go. They will all lose their seats if there’s an election.

    8. Fire the entire Cabinet*, threaten all Tory MPs with losing the whip, and subsequent deselection as she should have won a couple of weeks ago.

      *In 1962, Macmillan fired seven of his Cabinet, on the “Night of the Long Knives”, for disloyalty.

  48. Truss received the majority of the Conservative Party members’ votes. This wasn’t apparently to the liking of most Conservative MPs (and, no doubt, other controlling influences). So yet again, democracy is swept aside in the mad race to comply with all green, lgbtq and unfettered immigration plans.
    A bit like trying to leave the EU, eh?

      1. Semblance of worth not substance.
        [John Milton: Paradise Lost]

        At least we used to have the semblance!

    1. If you remember I squawked like a parakeet on this forum when Nigel Farage capitulated to Boris Johnson and did not contest the Conservative seats held by remainers in the 2019 general election and was given absolutely no quid pro quo.

      This was catastrophic – not only was the Conservative Party still filled with MPs determined to thwart Brexit in every way but also it enabled Johnson – who was never a proper Brexiteer in the first place – to go ahead with a completely futile Brexit agreement with the EU. And now, can anyone doubt that it is the remainers who have got the Conservative Party by the short and curlies?

      Does anyone here seriously believe that Hunt, the WEF and the IMF will not do all they can to get Britain fully back in the EU as soon as possible under far worse terms than before?

      1. Yes, it would be made to look like the EU wanted to help us economically by taking us back under its collective wing.

          1. BTW, we are mulling an urgent change of name for our dog (whose present name is Putin …. reflecting his bad character)

        1. Yes, she will be there for All Souls Day and return here on Nov 8 …. gives me more time on Twitter and NoTTl until the desperate house tidy on Nov 6 or, more likely, Nov 7

      1. In Poland there are lots of magazines full of house plans. All you. have to do is have land, select a plan/project and find a builder … or DIY if you have the skills.

  49. 366235+ up ticks,

    It must put one hell of a mental strain on the electoral majority voter, especially the best of the worst party voter.

    The coalition four lab/lib/con/current ukip have donned the chinese mantle
    they are all looking odiously the bloody same, the herd really has kept in power the finest collection of political enemas known to man/woman/ trannies on the planet

  50. Is the ‘disastrous’ £5.5billion British Army Ajax tank now set for the scrap-heap? Calls for delayed rollout of armoured vehicle to finally be shelved over concerns it’s too heavy, makes crew sick and can’t even fire on the move

    Fresh speculation is raised over whether the Ajax light tank project will be axed
    It comes amid fears the Chancellor could make cuts to the MoD’s huge budget
    Work to build 589 armoured vehicles has been in limbo for years after setbacks
    Loud vibrations left troops testing the prototype machines with hearing damage
    MoD ‘cannot determine a realistic timescale’ for when Ajax will come into service

    PUBLISHED: 13:56, 17 October 2022 | UPDATED: 16:04, 17 October 2022

    As I live here in a village where tanks rumble through.. what on earth is going on .

  51. The MR is watching beeboid Parliament TV – Petty Officer Slapper is standing in for Untrussworthy. The session has over run by at least half an hour. Jeremy Rhyming is supposed to be on his feet.

    The MR wonders whether Untruss has taken an overdose or been taken away by men in white coats…

  52. I personally think that the parliamentary party are an absolute undemocratic disgrace and are treating Liz Truss as a scapegoat for decades of mistakes. So they want to remove another elected Prime Minister and replace her with someone they prefer because the members of the Conservative Party cannot be trusted. Who’d have thought that pro Growth and lowering taxes would not be Conservative. The gutless cowards were running like headless chickens when they and the media got rid of the previous Prime Minister over a slice of cake . And now the hyenas are circling as they want to get rid of another Prime Minister whose only been in the role for around 6 weeks. Democracy is dead and look forward to Starmer who must feel like he’s won the lottery.

    1. “So they want to remove another elected Prime Minister and replace her with someone they prefer because the members of the Conservative Party cannot be trusted.”

      A lot of the blame lies with ‘The 1922 Committee’ headed by Sir Graham Brady …

  53. Some doctors in Quebec have just come up with a proposal that abortions should be allowed up to and immediately after birth.

    Oh the baby doesn’t have blue eyes – chop it!

    1. The Abortionists will soon be campaigning for post natal abortion of children up to the age of 12 months. And what then?

      1. All those over 65! because after that, it will cost the countries health providers (authorities) all that hard earned cash they took from you during your working life.

      1. Used to be called murder in the quaint old days. Post birth abortion up to the age of five has long been advocated in California.

          1. It is awful. Abortion is an industry there, and body parts are sold. But they have not managed to legalise post birth murder yet.

  54. Is the ‘disastrous’ £5.5billion British Army Ajax tank now set for the scrap-heap? Calls for delayed rollout of armoured vehicle to finally be shelved over concerns it’s too heavy, makes crew sick and can’t even fire on the move.

    The Ajax is a development of the ASCOD armoured fighting vehicles used by the Spanish and Austrian Armed Forces. The vehicles were originally developed by Steyr-Daimler-Puch Spezialfahrzeug and Santa Bárbara Sistemas(Spain) in the early 1990s.(30 years ago). Built by General Dynamics UK, a British subsidiary of the American defence corporation General Dynamics. Delivery promised to begin 2017 – none serviceable delivered yet. MPs. MOD, Civil Serpents, billionaire businessmen – crooks, thieves incompetents – only the spelling is different.

    1. See my comment 44 minutes ago, Ped .

      I live in a tankie area , where the stinky rattly things come through our village … teaching the chaps how to drive them.

  55. I wonder who in British political public life at the moment is at the greatest risk of being assassinated? I think Jeremy Hunt must be high on the list – he is certainly very much loathed.

    The IRA tried to assassinate Margaret Thatcher but failed even though they crippled Norman Tebbit’s wife. However they succeeded in murdering Lord Mountbatten. And of course Blair was probably instrumental in the assassination of David Kelly.

    Which other specific individuals have been the targets of either successful and unsuccessful assassination attempts?

    1. Lest we forget, last year Conservative MP Sir David Amess has died after being stabbed multiple times at his constituency surgery in Essex.

      Police said a 25-year-old man was arrested on suspicion of murder after the attack at a church in Leigh-on-Sea.

      They recovered a knife and are not looking for anyone else in connection with the incident. A counter-terrorism team will lead the investigation.

      They took quite a longtime to name the murderer.

      1. You are quite right. Was the person who killed Sir David Amess a murderer or an assassin?

      2. It really galled me when one of the bigwigs of the Camping and Motorhome Club said at a meeting that he’d “died”. He was callously murdered by an immigrant otherwise he would no doubt still be alive. (Amess was involved in Caravanning).

      1. And Gow killed with a car bomb in late summer of 1990, leading to the Eastbourne by-election, whose loss was a bad omen for Mrs Thatcher, who would be gone by the year’s end …. “funny old world”.

    2. I don’t want to speak about assassination, as that might be construed as incitement to murder, but I cordially loathe what Jeremy Hunt has become. Blair, Brown, May, Cameron and their tools are also high on the list.

      1. The entire edifice of the state is a hideous abomination. An incestuous, bitter, egotistical, selfish, arrogant and stupid organisation comprised of thieves, liars and fools. There are surely some decent people working there, but the vast majority are in it for themselves.

  56. A Birdie Three today.

    Wordle 485 3/6

    1. Just par for me.
      Wordle 485 4/6


      1. Me too. Odd word. I had to look it up.
        Wordle 485 4/6


          1. Fortunately, I am far less familiar with the cardiac device – of unknown entomology – Sue!

    1. Suitable for vegans, too.

      Can’t wait for the great J Oliver to bring out a new book……….

          1. A member of the family had a Cat called Sam. He came back from the vets, Sammy-detached……

  57. That’s me gone – for another dreary, germ-ridden day. The MR is a bit brighter. I am about 48 hours behind her. Still, picked ½ lb raspberries.

    Have a spiffing evening – I’ll bet you a shilling Untrussworthy has gone by the time we open up tomorrow.

    A demain…

        1. As someone posted on the DT, “She might as well take the b*stards down with her”.

        2. I thought that; the Limp Dim MP we’ve got has been visiting schools in the constituency. No doubt electioneering to the brain-washed, inexperienced 18 year olds.

  58. Naughty!

    Biomedical scientist who posted ‘only women have a cervix’ on Twitter is struck off after tribunal ruled he was ‘inflaming gender discrimination’
    Malcolm Needs has been booted from the health profession after his tweets
    The 67-year-old shared a string of ‘deplorable’ posts that ‘incited racial hatred’
    The OAP lashed out at migrants and blasted the Black Lives Matter movement
    He also shared tweets about feminist ‘bra-burners’, a disciplinary hearing heard
    The father-of-one’s posts were found by a senior biomedical scientist in London
    Malcolm Needs used social media to take aim at immigrants, black people and feminist ‘bra-burners’, a disciplinary hearing was told

    1. They are his opinions. He can hold them. A slong as they don’t affect his work there is nothing more to say.

  59. The Flash star Ezra Miller pleads not guilty in court to stealing three bottles of alcohol – gin, vodka and rum – from neighbour’s pantry in Vermont while he was out of town and faces up to 26 years in prison and more than $2,000 in fines. if convicted.
    They is a tranny and has also been surrounded by allegations of grooming, after the parents of Tokota Iron Eyes, a Native American Tranny activist, 18, filed a protection order against the actor.

    This is Tokota, the object of his lustful desire. Male or female? I don’t know. He/she/it is a tranny too.

  60. Enoch Powell said that all political careers end in failure – but the poor Ms Truss’s career as PM ended before it had really even begun.

    Though I was never a supporter of Liz Truss I do feel that she has been disgracefully treated by the Conservative Party.

    But will a new party emerge from the ashes – let us call it the Phoenix Party? And if it does not then UK as a democratic country is dead and will probably never recover.

    The last two paragraphs of Animal Farm may be prophetic :

    ………. An uproar of voices was coming from the farmhouse. They rushed back and looked through the window again. Yes, a violent quarrel was in progress. There were shoutings, bangings on the table, sharp suspicious glances, furious denials. The source of the trouble appeared to be that Napoleon and Mr. Pilkington had each played an ace of spades simultaneously.

    Twelve voices were shouting in anger, and they were all alike. No question, now, what had happened to the faces of the pigs. The creatures outside looked from pig to man, and from man to pig, and from pig to man again; but already it was impossible to say which was which.

    1. I don’t think Blair’s or Johnson’s careers ended in failure – they are coining it in.

    2. If the PM Is as bad as we imagine or what is obvious. What are all the rest of these people like. What do they all actually do ? I’d suggest very little, apart from protecting their positions and their non contributary financial situation.

        1. Some one we knows daughter in law, works at Westminster, she has had brief contact with Truss and reportedly said she is horrible.

  61. Evening, all. Unless the Cons start becoming genuinely Conservative they will have no chance. Why choose false Labour when you can have the real thing? As I said to a friend this morning when we went for coffee, it won’t matter whether it’s Labour or the Conservatives that gets in next; the only difference will be the destruction will be slightly faster with Labour.

  62. Today our Wrinklies Film Club went to the pictures to watch THE WOMAN KING. My main problem with it was the undecipherable English “patois” used by the black characters (who in turn were difficult to distinguish one from the other, women from men and warriors from one tribe from those from another). An example of the indecipherable “patois” was when one character said “sakky toot” which turned out to mean “shark’s tooth”. Apart from that it was not a bad film!

  63. CM’s last couple of paragraphs suggest he’s been at the sauce.

    As for Tony Juniper, for a long time almost as mad as Moonbat, Porridge and The General, it’s not the first time has said something sensible on the environment. Perhaps he’s grown up.

    MPs are entitled to select a new prime minister

    Right from the start, in those dim, distant days of last month, Liz Truss did not really command a majority in the Commons

    CHARLES MOORE • 17 October 2022 • 2:52pm

    During the leadership contest which produced Liz Truss, many criticised the electoral process. They were part wrong, and part right. As there may well be yet another leadership election soon, the Conservatives badly need to distinguish between the two and change their system.

    The false criticism was that the winner under the current system would “lack a mandate”. If that were true, it would apply equally to Winston Churchill in 1940, who became prime minister without a general election, a party members’ election or even a ballot of his party’s MPs.

    The British constitutional doctrine is that the Prime Minister is whoever can command a majority in the House of Commons. That majority is usually decided by the voters at a general election, but when the leader changes in between elections, it would be absurd if there had to be a general election before any replacement could govern. Much simpler that the parliamentary party with the majority chooses.

    Such entries to 10 Downing Street are not as sound as victory at the national ballot box, of course, but there is nothing unusual about them. Since the war, it has happened with Anthony Eden (though he held a general election immediately afterwards), Harold Macmillan, Alec Douglas-Home, Jim Callaghan, John Major, Gordon Brown, Theresa May, Boris Johnson and Liz Truss.

    The right criticism of the current process is that, if the party in the country has the ultimate decision, the result can lack adequate endorsement by MPs. This did not happen in the case of Boris Johnson or Theresa May, but it did with Ms Truss. Right from the start, in those dim, distant days of last month, she did not really command a majority in the Commons (nor, by the way, did Rishi Sunak, though he got more votes than she did). Since her initial big mistake with the mini-Budget, she has therefore lacked legitimacy in the eyes of the people on the benches behind her.

    So Tory MPs may soon have to face down objections from party members about being “undemocratic” and insist on a leader who commands their own clear support. This will probably be best done by a so-called “coronation”, in which they informally agree one candidate so that no contest is needed.

    If they do this, they should probably do something else which sounds pointless, and almost like life in a Communist country, but isn’t. Both in the parliamentary party and the rank-and-file, they should hold a vote for the single, chosen person. Then MPs would have to give their clear personal endorsement.

    Some object to this idea, asking, “But what if it turns out that lots of people won’t vote for the chosen X?” I’m afraid the answer is, “Well, if that is so, you know you have a party that cannot be led. In which case, goodbye.”

    The right to roam

    Tony Juniper says the “right to roam” can go too far. That is quite a brave thought, coming from him. Though by no means a Greta Thunberg eco-maniac, Mr Juniper is saying something quite brave for someone of his background. He is a former Green Party candidate, the former director of Friends of the Earth, and a leading progenitor of the Countryside and Rights of Way Act which developed the concept of “open access land”.

    Mr Juniper is also chairman of Natural England, the government body responsible for England’s natural environment. Perhaps it is in this capacity that he has realised how rarely issues coloured green are black and white. This week he is saying that Natural England could not support “the right to roam everywhere” because “remote, quiet areas are fewer and fewer”. His intervention may help block a new Green Party Bill to extend access to the countryside much further.

    For many Greens, this is a sin against the Holy Ghost. They hold that all land belongs to everyone and it is therefore a right almost literally to ride roughshod over private land. They never answer the question of who is to care for land if no one can make a living out of it.

    If you think about it, you will see that too many people, even on foot, can easily damage a landscape or threaten a species.

    As a keen country walker myself, I noticed how, because of lockdown restrictions on other forms of movement during Covid, many rural places near towns and villages suffered damage – much more litter, more broken gates, more clashes between livestock and dogs and more attacks by dogs on ground-nesting birds. By the entrance to paths, one often found those plastic bags used to pick up dog mess left hanging in bushes, like diabolical Christmas-tree decorations, by owners who could not be bothered to dispose of them properly.

    The truth is that the joy of walking in a small country like ours depends on the fact that most people don’t. If they did, they would kill the thing they love. This is already happening in many beauty spots and has ruined much of our coastline. Our traditional pattern of rights of way is a good model for managing these difficulties. Open season on rural land is not.

    Indeed, the whole concept of “access” is much more fraught than its zealots recognise. It is well understood that if every visitor to a museum were allowed to handle a medieval manuscript, it would fall to bits. The same applies to nature. The right to roam turns into the right to ruin.

  64. Potential titles please? – for the suggested successor to the erstwhile Conservative Party …

  65. Now, will they be deported when released from prison?
    I will not hold my breath.

    Woman swindled out of £612,000 by flatmates posing as doctor in love with her
    The victim believed her online romance was with a medic living in London

    Telegraph Reporters
    17 October 2022 • 8:12pm

    A woman was scammed out of £612,000 by two men pretending to be a doctor who was in love with her, a court heard.

    The 60-year-old Swiss woman believed her online romance was with an English doctor living in London.

    But she was actually communicating with James Olagbaiye, 47, and Adesola Adebayo, 38, flatmates from Newham, East London.

    The pair sent her a photo of a fake British passport with an image of an older gentleman as part of the ruse, Southwark Crown Court heard.

    The “doctor” claimed to have produced ventilation machines for the NHS to help in the fight against the Covid pandemic and sought the woman’s money as a loan for this venture.

    The “loan” was subsequently paid into different UK and USA based money mule bank accounts under the defendants’ control.

    The fake doctor also claimed he had been arrested overseas and required further financial support, all part of the con.

    The victim only realised she had been scammed after being contacted by detectives following the arrest of the two men.

    Pair jailed for combined nine years
    The court heard that both men were part of an international organised crime group based in the UK and Nigeria who scammed multiple women and a man out of a total in excess of £674,000 by becoming romantically involved with them.

    The team identified a further female victim from the USA, a man and two women from the UK.

    Adebayo was sentenced to four years and six months’ imprisonment after pleading guilty to conspiracy to launder money, fraud by false representation, and conspiracy to commit fraud.

    Olagbaiye was jailed for four years and four months after pleading guilty to conspiracy to launder money.

    The pair were sentenced on October 14.

    ‘Think carefully before meeting demands for money’
    The fraud was uncovered following the arrest of another man in August 2020. The men were arrested on Oct 29 2020. During their arrests, officers seized their mobile phones and bank statements which led them to identify further victims.

    Later examination of the evidence revealed that Adebayo had also provided a safe address of a trusted associate, who would agree to receive mail, so bank accounts could be set up for the purpose of falsely claiming Covid bounce back loans.

    Adebayo attempted to claim £98,000 but was not successful.

    Detective Constable Chris Collins, of the Metropolitan Police, said: “These men have spun a web of lies to their victims and abused their honest intentions in the most awful way. I would ask anyone in an online relationship to think carefully before meeting demands for money no matter how heartfelt and convincing their story is.”

    A confiscation investigation will follow convictions, where assets are sought in favour of returning some of the losses to the victims.

    1. Well we half expect Jeremy Hunt to be anointed as head of the Conservative government.

      His problem remains that our taxes are used to pay for government borrowings. We are sick of paying taxes to fund government idiocy, HS2, the Green New Deal aka combating mythical man made Climate Change, and the squandering of squillions on a stupid war in Ukraine and on Foreign Aid to other despotic regimes. I could add the billions committed to funding illegals arriving in their hundreds and thousands weekly, all at the expense of British taxpayers (your employers you arseholes).

      As in Biden’s disastrous regime in America, “come in Number Ten, your time is up”. Have an ice cream, bugger off and await your summons to appear before the people you took an oath to represent. We are coming for you.

      1. Not forgetting the £5.5 billion on a ‘tank’ that has tanked. £37 billion on trick and track, £35 billion on useless PPE and god knows how much on the scamdemic and the world goes into a frenzy on £2 billion tax cuts.
        Now Hunt thinks he can tax us into prosperity.

  66. Booker Prize 2022 Sri Lankan author Shehan Karunatilaka wins with his second novel, The Seven Moons Of Maali Almeida, a “rip-roaring epic” which is a “searing, mordantly funny satire set amid the murderous mayhem of a Sri Lanka beset by civil war”.

    £50,000 Prize presented by ‘Queen’ Camilla.

  67. I have never known anything like this nonsense. Classes of children 5 years old can organise a playground game, no problem. They could show these pathetic oiks a few things.
    It doesn’t matter what happens; this country is pretty much finished- unless something miraculous happens. I ain’t holding my breath.

    1. Well deserved for putting the UK in to the state it now finds itself. Sadly, we, the people, will be at the mercy of a Starmer fronted government. Woe, woe…
      and I do not think thrice woe will suffice.

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