Monday 2 September: The Church of England is failing its parishioners in its net zero drive

An unofficial place to discuss the Telegraph letters, established when the DT website turned off its commenting facility (now reinstated, but we prefer ours),
Intelligent, polite, good-humoured debate is welcome, whether on or off topic. Differing opinions are encouraged, but rudeness or personal attacks on other posters will not be tolerated. Posts which – in the opinion of the moderators – make this a less than cordial environment, are likely to be removed, without prior warning.  Persistent offenders will be banned.

Today’s letters (visible only to DT subscribers) are here.

570 thoughts on “Monday 2 September: The Church of England is failing its parishioners in its net zero drive

  1. Good morning, chums. And thank you, Geoff, for today's NoTTle site.. PS – First! EDIT – Er, second!

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  2. Good morning, chums. And thank you, Geoff, for today's NoTTle site.. PS – First! EDIT – Er, second!

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      1. I have recently encountered a retired headteacher who is completely invested in left-wing dogma and a big time Union supporter. I have no objection to people having different views from me but it is impossible to have a rational discussion with her because she doesn’t seem to actually know anything that could inform a debate. Her response to any information that would challenge her perceptions is just to say, serenely , that she doesn’t believe that it is true.
        I find this quite worrying if in any way representative of the teaching profession.

  3. Morrrninn. Not bad:
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      1. I have no idea at all as to what they mean by any of this let/right business. To me. we are presented with an existential fight between dogmatic ideologues who would control and intrude into every area of life and libertarians who would reduce the intrusion of the state to the minimum. My preference is for the latter.

  4. 392891+ up ticks,

    Morning Each.

    Ogga1 self confessed to being A royal pain in the arse with repeatedly repeating " mess uncontrolled / government controlled morally illegal immigration" AKA the invasion..

    The cost to the indigenous herd has been heavy when taking into account the murders, mass serious injuries, child suffering paedophilia, overstretched broken infrastructure in ALL departments etc,etc.

    The kneeler has been tasked via the WEF / NWO with being

  5. Labour are even worse than feared – but the Tories must still be willing to change. 2 September 2024.

    The Conservative Party needs a leader who understands what went wrong and can fix it. That’s why I’m backing Tom Tugendhat.

    Well that’s gone down on the sub-heading. If Tugendhat is a Conservative I’m a member of the Chinese Communist Party.

    1. These Tory party leader shenanigans are nothing more than a charade The Tories are dead, they just don't know it.

      1. There was a documentary about Hughie Green on the other night. One of the acts on 'Opportunity Knocks' was Little & Large, who used this gesture to the tune of 'In the Summertime' for their entry. They won.

        No doubt the spads have been watching TV and told the Government they are on a winner here.

  6. 'Morning All
    “LABOUR was forced to cut winter fuel payments for millions of pensioners to prevent a run on the pound, a Cabinet minister has said."
    We are ruled by innumerate fuckwits 1.4 billion WFA bad 20.5 billion squandered on "African Climate change" and an energy company that doesn't produce any energy good………
    further words on this fail me for I would be banned
    Finally Oi Laffed

    1. prevent a run on the pound..

      the economically illiterate shouldn't be allowed near The Treasury.. let alone running the country.

    2. prevent a run on the pound..

      the economically illiterate shouldn't be allowed near The Treasury.. let alone running the country.

    3. Precisely the same thing was said by Nick Clegg when he joined the Government in 2010. If the Lib Dems did not join Cameron's Coalition, there would be a run on the pound as soon as the markets opened on Monday. The result was that a manifesto commitment not to put up tuition fees was dropped only weeks after a solemn pledge from Clegg and his party that it would not happen on his watch "under any circumstances".

      The sensible thing to do now is to put 2p on Income Tax at all levels temporarily until the fiscal deficit is brought under control. It is the one manifesto pledge that should be dropped.

      1. Err, no. The sensible thing to do is to cut spending. The problem is if the state take s more money, there is less real money going into the real economy. The state is still spending too much, but now it simply has more cash which it will waste.

        The correct thing to do when in debt is to stop spending. Multiple departments should be shut down – abolish all unreliable subsidy, scrap foreign aid. Stop giving countries money for 'climate change'. End drivel like this vegetablist forcing.

        Micawber got it right: Annual income twenty pounds, annual expenditure nineteen nineteen and six, result happiness. Annual income twenty pounds, annual expenditure twenty pounds nought and six, result misery – for the public.

        1. Indeed. There is a strong argument for spending the money one’s got more wisely.

          If, instead of treating yourself each day to a coffee at Starbucks for £3 a pop, and then pleading poverty at the end of the month, you bought a jar of Nescaff, or even Traidcraft organic ground coffee, just add hot water, then there would be enough at the end of the month for other things.

          Who then is the villain – the man enjoying the trending Starbucks coffee but in debt, or the man who not only got his coffee, but also a few other goodies and still had a few pennies left over for a rainy day?

          As regards spending, sometimes there are false economies by cutting too hard and too unwisely that come back to bite hard. The Post Office miscarriage of justice, the despoilation of our rivers and beaches with raw sewage, the blaze at Grenfell that has saddled developers and flat owners with a huge bill to pay to be safe in their homes… all of this is down to corner-cutting to save money, so that executive bonuses could be competitive with those in America.

          I once argued with a UKIP candidate, at the last time public hustings were available during an election, that overseas aid, if directed properly, is cheaper than sorting out other people’s wars that all too often overspill onto our shores.

      2. The problem with "temporary" income tax application is that it always becomes permanent. Income tax was introduced as a temporary measure to pay for the Napoleonic wars.

        1. Some might argue that there was a dramatic improvement in the quality of Government since Income Tax was introduced.

    4. It's different for them. The muslims committed a crime. All they did was hit a police officer. The 'far right white' opposed government policy. That cannot be permitted and must be punished.

    5. No 4 – so true. Someone should bring this up in Parliament and ask why isn't this happening.

  7. Starmergeddon just got weirder..

    Naked convicted ethnic paedophile blows up a BBC lorry on film set explosion that left terrified locals near London's O2 Arena fearing a bomb had gone off..

  8. Posted this earlier on yesterday’s page.

    Rant for today (Monday). Really?

    “LABOUR was forced to cut winter fuel payments for millions of pensioners to prevent a run on the pound, a Cabinet minister has said.
    Lucy Powell, the Leader of the House of Commons, said the markets would have lost confidence in the Government’s economic plan if it had not slashed the benefit.
    Sir Keir Starmer, the Prime Minister, has faced criticism from opponents, campaigners and some of his own MPS over the decision to means-test the payments, worth up to £300, in an attempt to fill a “black hole” in public finances.
    Ms Powell said there was “no alternative”, claiming the cut was needed to avoid an economic catastrophe.
    Speaking to Sunday Morning with Trevor Phillips on Sky News, she said: “If we didn’t [find savings] we would have seen the markets losing confidence, potentially a run on the pound, the economy crashing – and the people who pay the heaviest price for that are not you and me, Trevor … We’ve had to take some of those difficult decisions, as you say.”
    She made a similar argument to Times Radio, saying: “[We] faced this huge additional black hole for this current financial year, borrowing higher than anybody understood. If we hadn’t taken some of these tough decisions we could have seen a run on the pound, interest rates going up and crashing the economy.”…”

    1. Typically they try and justify their actions and constant failures with lies and more damn lies.

    2. Labour were not forced to do anything. They chose to rob pensioners to give the money to their paymasters in absurd pay hikes. It is plain theft.

      1. I would add the further £3 billion earmarked for Ukraine on top of the £4 billion already pissed up against the walls of Kiev. Then there is the small matter of the £10 billions worth of weaponry we have gifted Ukraine and God only knows the value of the recently defaulted loan guarantees.

        As to the £12 billion allocated to African Climate Action I imagine the tribal chieftains are already buying their fleets of private aircraft and bullet proofed Range Rovers on this promise by TTK, the worst Prime Minister in living memory if not in history.

    3. If Labour hadn't splashed loads of dosh on Africa to fight climate change, pensioners could have kept their WFA.

  9. Nicked comments
    "Hat tip to Descartes but updated to 2024.

    I think, therefore I am in Prison"
    ".Another glorious day begins under our wonderful Keirmer Rouge regime."

  10. Good Moaning.
    I admit that I can whinge for Britain, but is "plummet" really the right verb for this change?
    A Daily Wail snippet.

    "Discounts offered to Railcard holders is being cut by train operators this month, in a move described as 'a step in the wrong direction' by a pro-rail group.

    Savings currently stand at 34 per cent for those who have a Railcard, this includes customers aged between 16 and 30 as well as those over 60.

    However the discount offered by Railcard is expected to plummet to 33.4 per cent by mid-September as rail operators seek to increase income from fares."

    1. I checked the price of a travel card from here to London (senior railcard discount). It is rising from £20.20 to £20.50 on 15th September. May look a small increase but it is still significant.

    2. I checked the price of a travel card from here to London (senior railcard discount). It is rising from £20.20 to £20.50 on 15th September. May look a small increase but it is still significant.

  11. I hate to break it to Diane, but if they get rid of the standing charge, they will put the cost per KwH up to cover it…

    “Sir – My home runs entirely on electricity. I have just received my bill for the past month. The electricity itself cost £28.25 and the standing charge nearly matches it at £20.33.
    Since the Government has taken away the winter fuel allowance from pensioners, perhaps it could now sort out the unfair and iniquitous standing charge levied on our bills.
    Diane D”

    1. £48.58 total cost, not bad but…..
      My total cost is less than £35 – I'd rather the cost/unit covered it as I'd then be paying for what I use. The cost/unit for my solar panels would also have to rise – win win

      1. Before the solar went in we were using about 300kw a month. Our bill was around £100. We do 5 lots of washing a week, use the tumbler and so on. There are some comps that are on almost all the time too.

        In July that dropped to around 100kw, as the solar did most of the work – this is why I'm looking at batteries, as the big draws could come from them to be topped up gradually over the day rather than big wallops drawing from the grid.

    2. £48.58 total cost, not bad but…..
      My total cost is less than £35 – I'd rather the cost/unit covered it as I'd then be paying for what I use. The cost/unit for my solar panels would also have to rise – win win

    3. £48.58 total cost, not bad but…..
      My total cost is less than £35 – I'd rather the cost/unit covered it as I'd then be paying for what I use. The cost/unit for my solar panels would also have to rise – win win

    4. The standing chage (apart from enabling a profit) is there to cover the cost of meters which are often leased by the electricity supply companies…

      1. The standing charge covers the fixed cost of supply. However, costs have rocketed firstly, to cover the failed energy companies. But now it covers the vast losses from those who cannot or will not pay their bills and also to provide 'social tariffs'. So those who do pay are providing benefits for the poor.

          1. It's a desperately unfair tax as, like fuel duty it hits the lowest earner hardest. The well off can afford it as thy can pay for the upgrades and maintenance. The poorest can't, and no amount of pretending will make a painted breeze block wall anything but a fridge.

            Same for fuel. The middle can work from home or move to be nearer. The 'manual labourer' can't, so they're dependent on a car to get to site.

          2. All the rises in energy costs have been enthusiastically endorsed by the Conservative government recently kicked out. The climate change act needs to be repealed.

        1. Yep. It is the creeping socialisation of energy. Case in point, window and solar are generating almost nothing today, but they still get paid. Energy suppliers are forced to buy that non-existent energy and so the subsidy controls the cost.

          The state then heavily taxes coal and gas to gather that subsidy money – which is passed on to customers – who are hit twice: the gas taxes and the unreliables subsidy. That's why energy bills have more than tripled. The standing charge also accounts for the necessary grid upgrades (diesel generators) to supply power when there's no unreliable – which is 40% of the time. You'd think, in a market that the unreliables operators would pay for that but no. The customer does.

          It is madness. Heavy taxation on one side, absurd subsidy on the other. The market for energy is fundamentally broken and that's why prices are so high. The state keeps meddling. The problem is, if unreliables were left to face the market they'd never be built and big fat activists desperately want to pocket the profits.

          There's also a podcast that Mr Turver does as well.

    5. Similar with gas. The only gas appliance I have is a 5 burner kitchen hob. I run it on 13kg bottles of propane, one of which will last 3-4 months. This costs less than the standing charge would be for town gas.

      1. I have switched my electric cooker for a Calor gas one. I am getting rid of as many electrical appliances as I can. Can't do anything about the standing charge, though.

    1. We got a new gas boiler in the end. Historic building in real danger from the cold, not to mention freezing the congregation. We were forced to waste months proving that the “green” alternatives were not viable though. That in itself wastes money but our Lord Bishop of London insisted.

  12. I've had a holding reply from Colchester Girls' High School.
    Watch this space.

    "Good morning,
    Thank you for contacting the school, your email has been passed to Mrs Marshall and the Senior Leadership Team.
    Our school community is one of a number of schools that use the Norman Way footpath and we do raise the issue of littering regularly with our parents and students. As the term starts again we will ensure that the message to care for our local community areas is included in our weekly bulletin to parents and students.
    Kind regards,
    Mrs T Dunlop
    PA to Mrs Gillian Marshall, Executive Principal CCHSG and CEO Alpha Trust"

    1. I wonder if there is also a Junior Leadership Team – to deal with trivial stuff, such as teaching….

      1. Young grand daughter was asked by her teacher: 'why she wasn't completing her work?' Grand daughter replied (having taken a leaf out of the teachers' book) that: 'She was on strike….'

  13. Good morning all!
    A dull and damp misty start to the day, clear at ground level, but clinging to the valley sides.
    A nearly warm 12°C on the Yard Thermometer.

  14. Things must be pretty dire on the Donbass front in Ukraine. There hasn’t been a new article in the Telegraph for three days.

    1. Read that as "…quiet on the Dumbass front…" and wondered how that could be, with so much dumbassery around.

  15. Wordle 1,171 4/6


    In four….doh…

  16. Morning all 🙂😊
    What a dull overcast day rain later.
    And noticeably cooler.
    If the C of E wants to buck it's idea's up, it knows what to do. And they 'might as well be' doing it very soon.

  17. What the AfD’s ‘historic victory’ means for Germany. 2 September 2024.

    Despite the party’s Saxony and Thuringia chapters being classed as rightwing extremist by security authorities, voters were not deterred from backing the party. In the wake of the results, German chancellor Olaf Scholz urged mainstream parties to exclude ‘right-wing extremists’ from power. ‘Our country cannot and must not get used to this. The AfD is damaging Germany,’ Scholz said. But even if the mainstream parties do succeed in preventing the AfD gaining a foothold in state parliaments, Scholz’s comments fail to answer the question of why so many turned out to support the AfD.

    So much for that much vaunted democracy.

    1. Is it the media's desperate Left wing bias that they refuse to accept that the Nazi party were Left wing? Are they afraid what it means for them? Will they then be forced to accept that they are the evil ones?

      Let's look at the evidence: the Left want to control inndustry. So did the Nazis.
      The Left believe in high taxes. So did the Nazis.
      The Left hate democracy – ditto.
      The Left see no problem with a nation being invaded by violent, savage brutes – ditto again.
      The Left seek to use political force to suppress dissent. Ditto.

      It's really not complicated. Good is Right and Left is Evil.

    2. I saw a map of Germany, marked out with voting intentions. The area which covered the former East Germany was in support of AfD. It's almost as if they wanted a 'right wing' party as they still had memories of life under a communist regime.

  18. Good morning all
    Damp , tropical 18c start to the day .

    The sign that Starmer is ‘Trump-proofing’ his government
    Labour appears keen to wait and see what happens in the US before appointing key positions. But it could spell trouble for Britain’s defence

    Ben Wright
    Joe Barnes,
    1 September 2024 • 11:55am

    The article is lengthy and disturbing , but the comments are worth a glance .

    John Jenkins
    16 min ago
    They got 20% of the vote. All it demonstrates is a broken political system. They have power but no mandate.

    Comment by Jonathan evans.


    Jonathan evans
    2 hrs ago
    "Potential candidates to replace the four-star Royal Marines general include Labour figures such as Lord Mandelson and David Miliband." Well, I know who I'd want in charge of our national security and it wouldn't be either of those replacements….

    Comment by Terrence Rattigan.


    Terrence Rattigan
    3 hrs ago
    This is like a Star Wars scenario, with Emperor Starmer and Lord Darth Vader Mandelson along with their assorted goons. Their space station uses the Death Ray(ner) to kill pensioners and they use fear of draconian laws and the (police) Force to keep the indigenous population in line. Their supporters are allowed to harass and intimidate Jews: we see Emperor Starmer kneeling before the real power of BLM and Islam upon whom he depends for his despotic rule.
    Alas, poor Albion!

    Comment by Alan Jones.


    Alan Jones
    8 hrs ago
    Mandy and David M are potential ambassadors from the Court of St James to Washington if Harris is President not National Security roles

    Comment by Saul Kelly.


    Saul Kelly
    9 hrs ago
    The PM says that the search for a new national security adviser will be open and transparent and then, in the next line, states that he will not comment on individual candidates. A bit of a contradiction PM? This is a diversion from the real question about the future of British security and defence policy. Lord Robertson has been appointed as chair of the new strategic defence review. This is a rerun of 1998 under Blair. Starmer has franchised defence to the Blairites. But will he accept Robertson's likely conclusion that Britain needs to boost its defence against Russia? We will see.

    Comment by Simon Cole.


    Simon Cole
    9 hrs ago
    The thought of having the defence of our country in the hands if Mandelson, Milliband and Starmer gives me the horrors. Mandelson of loose morals who has had to resign from at least two positions, Milliband who was brought up in a Russian communist supporting household and weak Starmer.

    Comment by Nicholas Morley.


    Nicholas Morley
    10 hrs ago
    I pray that Trump wins the election. 2TK intends to tie our Armed Forces in knots entwining us with Europe.
    God knows what the MoD has been advising him on?

    Comment by Nigel Hughes.


    Nigel Hughes
    10 hrs ago
    TTK is planning to give the Chagos Islands in the Indian Ocean to Mauritius even though they have never occupied or owned them. The US lease a base there from us and will take this very badly whosoever wins the US elections. To even consider Mandelson or Milliband as candidates for national security advisor is laughable. There is a story circulating that Starmer has created a secret committee to begin the process of giving up all our overseas territories including Gibraltar and the Falklands in order to rid ourselves of our evil colonial past. Put nothing past this tool, he’s extremely dangerous.

    Comment by Martin Sleightholme.

        1. Yes. This is the night mare we are living in. The thing on the right steals women's suitcases from Airports. And was responsible for the safe disposal of nuclear waste.

    1. The MoD will happily set about a months long defence review culminating in recognition that we should probably maybe consider desert warfare something to consider in the future.

      Mandelson should be sent somewhere unpleasant, miserable and dank – like Wales. He should then be collared and chained in a disused mine and forgotten about.

    2. I think Starmer should appoint who would be the best person for the job. He should just get on with it and appoint Anjem Choudary.

  19. Good morning all
    Damp , tropical 18c start to the day .

    The sign that Starmer is ‘Trump-proofing’ his government
    Labour appears keen to wait and see what happens in the US before appointing key positions. But it could spell trouble for Britain’s defence

    Ben Wright
    Joe Barnes,
    1 September 2024 • 11:55am

    The article is lengthy and disturbing , but the comments are worth a glance .

    John Jenkins
    16 min ago
    They got 20% of the vote. All it demonstrates is a broken political system. They have power but no mandate.

    Comment by Jonathan evans.


    Jonathan evans
    2 hrs ago
    "Potential candidates to replace the four-star Royal Marines general include Labour figures such as Lord Mandelson and David Miliband." Well, I know who I'd want in charge of our national security and it wouldn't be either of those replacements….

    Comment by Terrence Rattigan.


    Terrence Rattigan
    3 hrs ago
    This is like a Star Wars scenario, with Emperor Starmer and Lord Darth Vader Mandelson along with their assorted goons. Their space station uses the Death Ray(ner) to kill pensioners and they use fear of draconian laws and the (police) Force to keep the indigenous population in line. Their supporters are allowed to harass and intimidate Jews: we see Emperor Starmer kneeling before the real power of BLM and Islam upon whom he depends for his despotic rule.
    Alas, poor Albion!

    Comment by Alan Jones.


    Alan Jones
    8 hrs ago
    Mandy and David M are potential ambassadors from the Court of St James to Washington if Harris is President not National Security roles

    Comment by Saul Kelly.


    Saul Kelly
    9 hrs ago
    The PM says that the search for a new national security adviser will be open and transparent and then, in the next line, states that he will not comment on individual candidates. A bit of a contradiction PM? This is a diversion from the real question about the future of British security and defence policy. Lord Robertson has been appointed as chair of the new strategic defence review. This is a rerun of 1998 under Blair. Starmer has franchised defence to the Blairites. But will he accept Robertson's likely conclusion that Britain needs to boost its defence against Russia? We will see.

    Comment by Simon Cole.


    Simon Cole
    9 hrs ago
    The thought of having the defence of our country in the hands if Mandelson, Milliband and Starmer gives me the horrors. Mandelson of loose morals who has had to resign from at least two positions, Milliband who was brought up in a Russian communist supporting household and weak Starmer.

    Comment by Nicholas Morley.


    Nicholas Morley
    10 hrs ago
    I pray that Trump wins the election. 2TK intends to tie our Armed Forces in knots entwining us with Europe.
    God knows what the MoD has been advising him on?

    Comment by Nigel Hughes.


    Nigel Hughes
    10 hrs ago
    TTK is planning to give the Chagos Islands in the Indian Ocean to Mauritius even though they have never occupied or owned them. The US lease a base there from us and will take this very badly whosoever wins the US elections. To even consider Mandelson or Milliband as candidates for national security advisor is laughable. There is a story circulating that Starmer has created a secret committee to begin the process of giving up all our overseas territories including Gibraltar and the Falklands in order to rid ourselves of our evil colonial past. Put nothing past this tool, he’s extremely dangerous.

    Comment by Martin Sleightholme.

  20. This is shaping up to be the one of worst government's ever.
    So far and they seem to be 'working hard' at making the still majority as uncomfortable in their own country as they possibly can.
    How can this be allowed to continue when they only had 20% of the votes.
    And even that could be doubtful.

      1. Wait until they get to the abolition of the ownership of private property….. all in the interests of climate change of course.

    1. Radio Genoa should try that in some of the slums rather than the Kensington type areas.

      Although the real notice is the complete lack of foreigners which, I assume, is the point. This is because when they kick off – as they have done – there's no fanfare. They're just killed, brutally.

  21. Good morning all,

    A damp start at Castle McPhee but it should clear up to be a dry, cloudy day. Wind in the South, 18 to 21℃.

    And so it goes on. Italy.

    Is any public space safe, especially for women, in Europe these days? Apart from in Hungary, that is. And maybe European Russia.

    1. So very sad….

      "Moussa Sangare, 31, is accused of stabbing Sharon Verzeni to death while she was taking a latenight stroll in the small town of Terno d’Isola, near the northern city of Bergamo, on July 29.

      Police said Mr Sangare, who was born in Milan to parents of African origin, confessed to the crime after he was arrested on Friday. However, he said he did not know the victim and had no apparent motive for the woman’s murder.

      “I had a sudden outburst,” Mr Sangare told police after his arrest, according to Italian media reports. “I can’t explain why it happened, I saw her and I killed her.”

      The young man, who was unemployed and described as an aspiring rapper, lived in Suisio, just 3 miles from the town where 33-year-old Ms Verzeni was killed.

      Mr Sangare told police he left home on his bicycle about an hour before the murder, armed with a knife and with the intention of stabbing anyone he met. Before encountering Ms Verzeni, he said he had threatened two teens.

      He told investigators he found Ms Verzeni staring at the stars, apologised for what he was about to do and stabbed her several times in the back while she repeatedly asked him “Why?”

        1. Posibbly off his head on something or other, Phizzee…he'll have paid for that and now he has a different payment to make, hopefully the rest of his life.

  22. I am pretending to be conscious. On Sunday – well, from Friday at 5 really – our cabling team went in and ram about 30 km of cable around a big old building. Masses of fibre lines, countless drops to the cm on the plan. Half a dozen network 'rooms'. It was an all hands job. We had families turn up lugging bits about. Seeing a little lad rolling a bit reel of cable was really quite lovely.

    With the switches in place and configured off site, the router and firewalls ready to go we're rather pleased. This came about from one of our earliest clients when we did voip installs. They took phones off the desk sometime in 2010s and moved to Slack, now moving to Teams (which they're not keen on) and all the Microsoft cloud larks. All documents went into el cloud, that syncs to a local machine for backup and there's now a shiny 3 system cluster of proxmox devices running their half a dozen databases. New boy demoed how robust it was by pulling the plug out of not one, but two of them.

    Today the builders go in and plasterboarding, new insulation, the 3 fibre lines and the bigger main internet go in so another trip on site.

  23. No, it isn't. The alien have overrun the place and governments has made it clear we, the law abiding, tax paying white locals are second class citizens.

  24. Do music fans understand the value of money , Oasis fans must have money to burn , the ticket cost a fortune , and the fans aren't even seeing the group, just listening to amplified music amongst thousands of others.

    I was nearly 17 years old when I saw and heard the Rolling Stones , they were performing on a theatre stage in Kingston on Thames .

    My mother was furious . she thought they were scruffy and the rest ..

    1. Did you ever visit the Crawdaddy Club? A friend remembers them playing at a wedding reception in Richmond (he was outside) and it was clear from the very beginning that the Stones were special, well above the level of other groups.

      1. Hi Tim

        No I didn’t , but did you ever visit the Brooklands club at Weybridge , that particular time as significant , great things going on re the plans and drawings for the amazing Concord supersonic aircraft .. I knew lots of aeronautical whizz kids ..

        Manfred Mann /the Manfreds were performing there .

    2. I'm up in Glasgow next week to see 'BlackBerry Smoke' in concert (£40), and back in the city next month to see 'Cardinal Black' (£23). There are plenty of decent shows around £20-£40 a throw from bands that are still making new albums. Why pay a fortune for a virtual tribute act?

    1. "The first thing we do is, let's kill all the lawyers.".

      worth noting that Oliver Cromwell's starting point for your English constitutional model was.. NEVER LET A LAWYER NEAR ANY POWER STRUCTURE. He never could quite work out which type of lawyer was the more dangerous.. Canon.. King's or Mercantile lawyer.

    1. If Oasis has any musical talent I cannot find it. The more I try to listen to the noise they make the more I find it dreary, monotonous, tuneless and poorly executed.

          1. Hush now, Phiz….signs of Harry apparently wanting to return to UK and RF, she's keeping v. quiet…unless it's yet another publicity stunt…where's PetaJ to fill us in….?!

          2. I think its all theatre, they tell us what they want us to think, how do we know what is true and what isn't? William and Harry could be on good terms behind the media facade. An open mind is necessary. Side-taking creates further division.

          3. As with many other ‘news’ items, ‘mum. I suspect Harry regrets cutting his ties, not least because of Kate’s illness – weren’t they very close one time, he regarded her as a ‘sister figure’. I hope they can all rebuild their relationship.

      1. Much could be said of many modern music folk.

        Take Paint it black and compare to Beyonce and 'all the single ladies'.

      2. I didn't know who they were. As far as popular music is concerned I stopped bothering after Pink Floyd, Queen etc ended and the screeching harpies arrived that all sound the same, Madonna types, and the boy singers that sound much the same. So a few days ago I went on You Tube found a video and listened for around 30 seconds. That was enough, bland, boring and unremarkable. I really don't get why the fuss?

    2. Supply and demand, dear fellow. On the upside, you have a choice not to pay. Imagine if you have £700 taken from you without your permission, consent or cause and saw it wasted on some foreigner who's rocked up on a dinghy?

  25. Much of the MSM is in the pockets of Hamas who will probably get want they want by continuing to practise terrorism and murder.

    Execution of Israeli hostages may force deal to finally end war
    Killing of six people held captive by Hamas for 11 months could topple Benjamin Netanyahu’s fragile coalition government


    Mark Kennedy

    They weren’t executed. They were murdered. Please change this headline.

    1. I agree, but by whom?

      It is entirely feasible, given the devastation of the province, the 40,000 bodies already accounted for with plenty more under the rubble to count, and the intent of the Israeli bombardment to use bunker busters to flush out Hamas from their tunnels, that these hostages were killed by "friendly" fire.

      1. The hostages were shot in the head shortly before the IDF arrived in the tunnel. That is clearly murder.

        1. It is utterly pointless conversing with anyone who believes Israel is bad and at fault, whatever the circumstances.

          1. I'm open to suggesting Israel could be at fault, but for what? They didn't get into microlights and bomb themselves, did they?

          2. Our resident anti-Zionist, Israel should not exist, proponent will have you believe that Israel knew about the attacks and facilitated them, so that Israel would have a suitable excuse to destroy Gaza, remove the Palestinians and built luxury properties for Jews.

        2. If this is the case, then the evidence needs to be presented to the UN without delay, so that when it comes to trial, a jury can decide what really happened. I do hope the IDF have taken the precaution of conducting a post mortem on the bodies, so that the evidence can be irrefutable. I do not trust the word of any combatant in a war.

          What's to say that the IDF did not shoot everyone in that tunnel, which would be the logical thing to do when mounting an assault?Crucial to any forensic examination is time of death. Edit – Did the shooting really take place before the IDF troops were in range? We only have the word of surviving witnesses.

          1. Why bother? The UN is desperately pro muslim, utterly against Israel and any international court would immediately condemn Israel's actions simply because 'duh Israel'.

            The hatred is irrational, desperately prejudiced and vicious. I can't believe you don't know this – is that why you said it?

            Bluntly, hamas/muslim had a choice: leave Israel along or bomb it. They chose to bomb it. Frankly, they need to be given the kicking of a lifetime until they learn their place. If we did the same thing here most of our problems – paedophile rape of children, bombings, stabbings, drugs, murder – would go away as well. It's too late for thousands of innocent people slaughtered by muslim, but something must be done.

          2. There is a problem with your argument. Wasn’t it the UN that set up the nation of Israel in the first place?

            I think 40,000 dead and countless more injured and/or made homeless and destitute cannot be considered “duh” except by the grossly crass.

          3. Jeremy – from someone who's been there, shooting someone in he head in an assault is incredibly difficult. Combat ops are noisy, messy, loud, confusing events. You can't see especially well. You can't really hear from the gunfire and orders being shouted.

            You react and aim for the body mass after identifying the target – something hamas don't bother with, I'd note. Shooting someone in the back of the head, from above (where the images show) indicates the victim was kneeling facing away from the killer. Please, honestly – argue how that could occur?

          4. Precisely the forensic evidence I was asking for.

            We seem therefore to have established that six innocent Israeli hostages were murdered in cold blood by their captors, which is a war crime. One of many on the waiting list for justice to be delivered at The Hague.

            The alternative is for friends of the victims to take the law into their own hands and dispense summary justice. The Israelis are not the only ones though claiming the right to do this though, and nor are the Israelis the only ones to make the innocents pay for the hostile militants in their midst.

          1. I was in Poland once in 1979, on a cultural exchange. We went into Hrubieszow to welcome a Soviet delegation, and there were red flags everywhere. I had my union flag with me (I travelled everywhere with it) and hung it on the back of my chair. My hosts were horrified “you’ll get us all arrested”, but I protested – it’s a flag day, isn’t it, and this is my flag.

          2. No. One does not have to identify with a people to feel sympathy with them.

            It came about when I stumbled across a Kurdish demonstration outside the opera house in Vienna in 2017. They are protesting about Erdogan’s programme of harrying of Kurds in their province Afrin in Western Syria. Erdogan was determined to push all Kurds, even those long established there, east of the Euphrates. The Kurds at the demo insisted they were peaceful and tolerant, especially of Christians, Jews and Yazidi, and Erdogan was a murderer. In between insulting the Turkish leader, they sang patriotic songs.

            There was a patrol car of Austrian police officers present. I have not seen such a bunch of chilled-out coppers than since I was in Amsterdam, and it was clear that Austria was sympathetic with the Kurds. I think Vienna has history with the Ottoman Empire ,as do the Kurds.

            Civilisation owes a debt of gratitude to the Kurds, since they were the only ones who cleared out the scourge of Islamic State from the Levant, despite being double-crossed by Trump.

      2. It is reported they were shot in the head whilst close to rescue in the tunnels. Not exactly a likely scenario for friendly fire by air attack as alleged by Hamas.

        1. Good morning Kaypea.

          What sort of boat are you chartering in Fethiye?

          The Gocek Bays are beautiful though they have become rather commercialised recently.

          We used to tie stern to the pontoon of this little bar/restaurant in Boynuz Buku

          Caroline at the helm as we sail around the Gocek bays.

          1. The itinerant liveaboard is finding it more and more difficult to be able to afford to meander around the Med as we did.

            We do hope you have a marvellous holiday.

            We first hired a boat in Poros for our honeymoon in 1988 when we sailed around the Saronic gulf and visited Hydra, Spetses, Ermione, and other villages on the mainland.

            We then hired another boat in 2001 and sailed around the same waters with our two sons – then aged respectively 7 and 5 – to see if they liked the life afloat and if they thought it would be a good idea for us to buy another boat and for them to leave school and be home-schooled as we sailed around the Mediterranean. It was when we were having supper in a little bar/restaurant in a village outside the main town of Poros that our boys came excitedly and told us that America had been blown up. It was the 11th September and the waiters with whom our boys had made friends had the television news on.

            Here is a map of the Argolic and Saronic Gulf.


          2. You and the family have had a fantastic experience although there must have been a great deal of work educating 2 boys at sea. I learnt to sail on RAF yachts in the 90s but never took one out on my own until last year. I completed an ICC in Cardiff in 2020 and set sail from Gocek last year with the family who had never set foot on a boat! It was a successful expedition in an easy area so we will give it another go with 5 in all. I remember 9/11 as I woke up from sleeping after a flight back from the Caribbean to see it all happening on the tv.

          3. The itinerant liveaboard is finding it more and more difficult to be able to afford to meander around the Med as we did.

            We do hope you have a marvellous holiday.

            We first hired a boat in Poros for our honeymoon in 1988 when we sailed around the Saronic gulf and visited Hydra, Spetses, Ermione, and other villages on the mainland.

            We then hired another boat in 2001 and sailed around the same waters with our two sons – then aged respectively 7 and 5 – to see if they liked the life afloat and if they thought it would be a good idea for us to buy another boat and for them to leave school and be home-schooled as we sailed around the Mediterranean. It was when we were having supper in a little bar/restaurant in a village outside the main town of Poros that our boys came excitedly and told us that America had been blown up. It was the 11th September and the waiters with whom our boys had made friends had the television news on.

            Here is a map of the Argolic and Saronic Gulf.


    2. Why would the murder of hostages end the war? The war ends when Hamas are beaten so thoroughly they never recover (which is impossible as there are always more nutjob muslims wanting to kill Jews) or when muslims erase Jews from Israel and then start starving and dying from dehydration as Israel's desalination plants provide most of their water.

      The muslim is forcing a nuclear incident. Oh, they've lives to spare but they seem to be provoking and provoking something far, far more powerful than they can imagine. What's disgusting is that when there is that reaction, the world's press and globalists will squeal – see what they did!

      Everywhere they go the muslim cause problems.

  26. Indeed it is, but the circumstances point to considerable Israeli culpability here, and a biddable fool judges on the identity and protected status of suspects, rather than on the evidence.

    1. I am far more convinced of the justification of the Israelis' cause than I am convinced that the War in the Ukraine is justified.

      1. We agree to differ then. I consider the Russians and the Israelis to be the prime aggressors here, responding to provocation so disproportionately in both cases that it ceases to be justified.

        The provocation in Ukraine was the deposition of Yanukovich, followed by fairly brutal suppression by the Maidan regime of a pro-Russian terrorist uprising in the Donbas.

        I need not remind anyone of the brutal raid into Israel led by Hamas, but joined in by numerous unsavoury forces on 7th October 2023. This was expected, and Israeli civil defence is normally up to the mark in dealing with this sort of thing, but was uncharacteristically lax then.

        1. "I consider the Russians and the Israelis to be the prime aggressors here, responding to provocation so disproportionately" – and that tendency is actively used by Hamas to cause outrage and garner further support.

      1. Sorry Phizzee but they're not. It's a bit like here: if you go against the regime you get locked up – or, in Hamas' case, shot (and your children too, and your wife (and children too) raped). Suggesting there is choice or free will is irrelevant.

    2. The evidence is that Hamas brought this upon themselves.
      The evidence is that the majority of Gazans support and protect Hamas.
      The evidence is that Hamas realise that the people in the West think civilian deaths are important and Hamas do everything in their power to maximise those deaths.

      Hamas need not have taken hostages and they could have returned them at any time.
      Hamas need not have attacked Israel, nor need they send rockets in constantly.

      1. What sos says.

        The muslim could sit at home, drink tea, take the kids to school. Instead they convert water pipes given to them by our money into rocket launchers and fire them into Israel from schools.

        Sounds fair cut and dried who is at fault?

        1. It does to me.
          However, there is no doubt that certain Israelis are pushing Palestinians out of areas which were predominantly Palestinian from the creation of Israel.
          BUT, yet again the Arabs/Muslims brought this upon themselves by trying to eradicate Israel on several occasions and Israel took over the West banks as a result of the six day war.

      2. The evidence appears to point to the fact that $millions /billions in development aid was spent on constructing deep tunnels under Gaza not as bomb shelters for the general population but as a facility to mount guerrilla raids and to provide safe places in order to escape retaliation from an armed response (and sod the apparently supportive local population).

        1. That is my understanding too.

          Apart from the children, who know no better, I have no time for them.
          And even the children are indoctrinated from the point they can start to speak and understand.

          If the public of the Gaza strip had wished to, they could have shown the IDF almost every tunnel entrance and exit and exactly where the Hamas people were living and hiding. They didn't.

      3. Indeed, but Hamas is not the only idiotic government in the world that its hapless people have been powerless to shift, and at the moment it’s all they’ve got to protect them from the Knesset, who are worse.

    3. But… the protected status you refer to is almost always the muslim. It is always the Palestinians who are painted as the 'good' guys when they're the ones causing all the problems.

      1. “All” is a terrible word that betrays the prejudice of the one making such an ill-advised assertion.

        The “good guys” are neither Hamas nor the Knesset, but rather the innocents both sides of the wall caught up in their determination to make war.

        Wasn’t the political career of one Jeremy Corbyn destroyed because Jews were given protected status, and that any criticism of the Knesset was seen as antisemitic, which is a hate crime these days, even when its definition has been perverted?

        I do not deny that too many Muslims have been allowed to get away with things because of their protected status, and that the same man who stabbed Corbyn in the back over “antisemitism” was also instrumental in letting off the Muslim Rotherham rapists, and that he is now our Prime Minister.

  27. Morning all. I'm still recovering from yesterdays heat. It reached 29 here and the night was wretched too. Today it is dark, the lights are on, and it is nice and cool and drizzling. It's such a relief.

    On the Anglican Church and unheated churches. Frankly I regard that church as a bunch of heretics who are paying foir their lack of loyalty to Christianity. By their fruits shall you know them. And when the fruit is poisonous, people will leave. What I don't understand is why the laity do not demand the removal of Justin Welby. This man follows any whacko edict of the left wing politicos. But he is supposed to lead, but when have you heard the wretch speak out against the Woke in defense of Christianity? Why would you, if you are are a member of the C of E, complain about cold churches because Canterbury apes the government in its ruinous policies, your churches are practically empty anyway. And the unctuous sanctimony that comes out of most vicars mouths is enough for any man who isn't a bata male or irredeemably effeminate to run quickly out of earshot. What room is there for St. Michael, the warriors of God, what room for real men? Would you seriously have a Justin Welby defend you against the enemy in our midst? What are Lesbians masquerading as vicars and bishops doing in your church. The C of E is an embarrassment to the Trinity, to men and to women. Why do you tolerate it? It isn't my business as a non-Anglican, but why are you so passive in the face of this evil man?
    End of rant.

    1. I think most of us who were brought up Cof E have just stopped going to church and think the ABC is to blame.

      1. The C of E has not been done Well By the Archpillock – it has been done Badly!

        It might be insensitive and cruel to mention it but it was ironic to discover that the metaphorically illegitimate prelate was literally a bastard too.

        His very existence was the result of a drunken fumble by a couple who were not married to each other.

      2. Which goes to my point. Why don't the laity rebel? In the Orthodox Church such a man would be physically removed. But, I suspect that is because theology is the province of the laity in Orthodoxy. Although, of course Priests participate.
        People might wonder why I protest anyway. The answer is that our country is in peril from a hostile spiritual force that is malignant and wishes to destroy our way of life, kill our culture, and oust us from our own land. We need to revive Christianity in this country because, without it, we will end up being strangers in our own land, our history and our rights to England as the true natives, eradicated forever.

        1. I can't argue with that, johnathan. I worry about the growth of islam and the denigration of Christianity.

      3. We moved house when I was around six years old, when packing my mum discovered her marriage certificate unsigned. Hysterics thinking I was illegitimate, so grandfather went to strong arm vicar (luckily still alive, although alcoholic) into signing and backdating certificate. Those were the days of the church (it was magnificent in my small village, no-one seemed to know from where and why the funding) in the 50's. None of my family/neighbours/friends attended church, I think the aftermath of WW2. I only ever attended with school, Harvest Festival etc. For me, God a different matter altogether, nothing to do with church.

        1. I have read that the mass killing of the first world war made people lose faith in the church because the C of E was staunchly for it. It was a disaster that effectively ended what we would call the traditional society of England. In fact WWI signals lose of confidence in all our institutions and was the beginning of our decline to what we see now. It is what produced the famous: "That this House will under no circumstances fight for its King and country" an idea that would have been unthinkable but for the damage done to society.

          1. That could well be right, none of my grandparents (WW1) had any faith in CofE. Parents generation was WW2, again no faith CofE. Interestingly, I know a number of Muslims only seem to attend mosque en masse as a social cohesive event.

          2. But when push came to shove, those who voted in favour of the motion signed up to fight and did it with distinction in the main.

        2. I used to go when I was a child, with my Mum. Later, both the boys were baptised and I went to church fairly frequently. When they were teenagers, they switched to the non-conformist church as most of their friends went there.
          Gradually my attendance dropped off and nowadays the only time I'm in a church is for funerals, or concerts.

          1. Father of a boy I once knew was a Quaker, said I would fit there – sometimes wonder about if I would, or not. I think it’s quite sad that raves are held in churches, but people find God in different ways – for me it’s Nature, every day.

          2. Like William Wordsworth.

            And the dying speech of an old philosopher by William Savage Landor:

            I strove with none, for none was worth my strife.
            Nature I loved and, next to Nature, Art:
            I warm'd both hands before the fire of life;
            It sinks, and I am ready to depart.

          3. Only just found your post, Rastus – had gone into my Spam folder (?)! I think the speech of the old philosopher just about sums me up and my attitude to most things, especially Nature and Art. Hope I’m not quite ready to depart yet, tho..:-D thank you for your message..:-)).

          4. I vaguely wondered about Quakerism but I have an old friend who has become one and, much as I am fond of her, I doubt that I would fit in to anything she is part of. A recent visit to the bookshop in the Euston Road Meeting House confirmed that idea – the children’s section has the nauseating ‘Little people: big dreams’ series with its revisionist clap-trap (Mary Seacole) or utter claptrap (Greta Thunberg).

          5. My experience I think around early 1970s, I remember I looked into it at the time (i.e. read a leaflet), decided it wasn’t for me. Most things are fine but eventually get taken over by various self-interests, that’s when I slope off…..completely agree re Seacole – and especially Thunberg, don’t hear too much about/of her now, thank God (geddit!)

        3. Something similar happened in our case. The vicar had to make two amendments on the certificate he had given us so it has crossings out! But when I obtained a copy of the original (from whatever has supplanted Somerset House) a few years ago, the info (in the Rev’s handwriting) on the original was correct.

          1. Good grief, Lola..remember The Italian Job (?) shenanigans with a birth certificate. Your comment makes me wonder what else goes on at SH….

    2. My diocese (now Lichfield) is as woke as they come. So far, our church is strong. I just wonder how long we can withstand the diocesan pressure.

  28. Jeremy, how can you say that when this conflict started – in both cases – by the shelling of Donbass and of Israel?

    Honestly, I don't understand the logic. If I hit you, it's my actions that trigger the response.

    1. If you hit me, then either I take the punch like a man, hit back, or avoid you. The second option would lead to a brawl, and God help anyone getting in the way.

      In a civilised country, a copper would step in and break up the fight, ordering us to calm down and keep the peace.

        1. I spent my childhood here in the UK – I don't recall any wife- beating, but my mother was a widow.
          In the 70s and 80s, my ex could be a bit handy with his fists if I displeased him.

          1. When they were looking through the army lists to try and discover whether Jack's grandfather, General Moncrieff, was called Ernest or not (as that would determine whether that was Jack Worthing's Christened name) Lady Bracknell remarked that General Moncrieff : "was essentially a man of peace except in his domestic life."

          2. If the late Mrs Moncrieff was Lady Bracknell’s sister, I surmise that the General was the victim rather than the oppressor.

          3. I am a baby boomer, so grew up in the fifties and sixties. My father never laid a hand on my mother and there was only one homosexual in the village. As far as I know, he was never assaulted either.

      1. Wife beating was rare. Gays were not treated well but they were not bashed all the time. Wife beaters were dealt with by other men. Your view of the past is infected. I am old enough to remember the 1950's and overall it was a far better time that modern Britain. But, I should add, like Belle, I wasn't in the UK much. I was part of the evil empire that is unrelentingly lied about now a days.

        1. Many of the most popular entertainers were homosexual and openly so. Hate the sin, love the sinner used to be the creed.

        2. It was a time of optimism, which I miss, but it was also a time of rising crime and national complacency bordering on arrogance.

        3. I remember being in a pub in Wigan with a southern man from Head Office and he took me out for Christmas drink at lunch time. At the bar I asked for a pint of bitter. He asked for a glass of port and was told we do not serve puffs in here. I had to sort it out.but it ended in a good way.

          1. I was watching Steptoe & Son recently. The prog was full of warnings about outdated attitudes etc that might send me reeling but when Albert referred one Harold's friends as a poof, the speech was still blurred out.

    1. People don't go into politics to do good. They go in to get power over others. To conntrol, dictate, to force their attitudes and ideas on others. It's the school bully finally getting his way.

      Politicians are weak, tedious, obnoxious thugs. In a democracy we wouldn't have to tolerate their mendacity.

      1. The sort of people we despised at school: the sneaks, the bullies, the bossy meddlers and the humourless nerds are the very people who are now in politics.

    1. er.. the last policeman that tried to arrest an ethnic in Croydon ended up in court and sacked.

      Metropolitan Police officer Perry Lathwood has been found guilty of assault after he arrested a woman for bus fare evasion.

      The officer "manhandled" Jocelyn Agyemang in Croydon in front of her young son last July, the trial heard.
      During the arrest, Lathwood, from Norman's Bay, East Sussex called Ms Agyemang as a "daft cow".
      Ms Agyemang told the court she felt "very violated" and was left with pain in her wrist and a bruised shoulder.

      But M'Lord she ran off when we asked for her ticket..

    2. Being outnumbered is irrelevant. The legal system – as it's not justice – just lets them off. What's the point?

      We need a new, simpler system of justice.

    3. What's required here are road closures/kettling into one area. Eventually seen to. Or possibly water cannon if still available.

      1. 392891+ up ticks,

        Afternoon JBF,
        The bent bastards first came out of the closet when they politically knifed Mrs Thatcher (RIP)

    1. 'Morning Wibbers
      Have you heard the latest paralympic scandal??
      Three of the wheelchair basketball team tested positive for WD40

    2. An interesting BTL "Thanks again to Oliver Brown for being one of the few journalists to cover this issue honestly. The institutional capture by trans activism has made a mockery of many things: women's sports being the most obvious loser. And in turn we are all getting a bit more cheesed off with trans identifying men who want to live " as women". Most of us think that within reason people should dress and present as they please. But when it harms a whole group of other people it really is time to reset."

  29. It must have been pretty devastating – but he does not seem to have much humanity in him – he is cold and distant.

    1. I found his closing of the churches during the lockdowns was cowardly and unchristian. Forbidding a priest to minister to his flock who needed support in a difficult time was very wrong.

      1. To borrow from the elegy, Lycidas, by John Milton:

        “The hungry sheep look up, and are not fed,
        But, swoll'n with wind and the rank mist they draw,
        Rot inwardly, and foul contagion spread.

      2. The chilling thing was how some clergy failed to take a humanitarian view and forbade the bereaved from even touching the coffin (not a practice I particularly like, but nonetheless it affords some people solace) to say goodbye.

  30. Indeed. You can't quite see him comforting the little children who suffer, can you? I suspect he would avoid such a situation.

    1. Indeed, but when your enemy within is destroying your world perhaps it’s a necessary decision.

    1. Nobody living today owes any reparations to anybody for the slave trade. Certainly not this country which did more than any other to put an end to it. I know nothing about California but it seems sensible to drop any thought of reparations.

    2. One way tickets to whence their ancestors came and cancellation of their citizenship is the only way.

  31. James Cleverly launches Tory leadership campaign – watch live

    BTL Percival Wrattstrangler

    This all seems completely irrelevant to me.

    The Conservative Party is dead and needs to be replaced by a new conservative party with a conservative philosophy and with conservative principles. We shall see whether or not the Reform Party will be able to wear this mantel but one thing is certain the Conservative Party has betrayed the electorate and does not deserve to survive.

  32. French and German factories ‘going downhill fast’, economists warn. 2 September 2024.

    French and German factories are “going downhill fast”, economists have warned, as closely watched data showed a deepening recession across the eurozone’s manufacturing sector.

    German manufacturers suffered steeper declines in new orders, purchasing activity and employment last month, with a key gauge of its activity hitting its lowest level since March.

    Meanwhile, French factory orders fell at a pace that was only surpassed by months during the pandemic or global financial crisis.

    As a result, the eurozone’s manufacturing sector continued its long slump last month, pushing its recession to a “gruelling” 26 months.

    No cheap Russian gas. They can’t say that of course.

  33. In Burkina Faso (sandwiched in between Ghana and Mali) a couple of terrifying Islamist attacks took place at the end of August. At Rastus's request, I'm posting it here because the British press are not talking about this at all.

    The first attack took place while the people of a Barsalogho, a small town with a population of about 10,000 inhabitants, were digging trenches to defend their town from jihadi attacks. The terrorists arrived on motorbikes and shot at them – the estimated death toll is between 300 and 400, mainly civilians.

    The second attack took place the following day, in the tiny village of Kounla. This time, the terrorists surrounded a church where a service was being held. They made the women and children leave, tied up the men and shot them – 26 dead. They then burnt down the surrounding houses before leaving the village with all the cattle they could round up.

    1. It won't be long before it is happening here. This is what they do. I am not at all surprised it isn't in the mainstream media.

    2. This morning on the radio, Hamas were described as evil beyond evil. Pretty succinct. But the world wide islamic caliphate has the same mentality and many of the dead are other muslims. Sadly, most Western politicians are too blinkered to notice the murder and mayhem inflicted by followers of the prophet across the world. Full tally of recent atrocities, including BF here…

    3. Caroline, what is the situation there regarding mineral extraction?
      I'm getting the impression that many rebel groups in Africa have mysteriously received arms during periods when those extracting the minerals have been targeted by the relevant Government over criminal activities.

      1. I’ve just looked this up, and Burkina Faso is, indeed, a mineral-rich country. It produces gold, zinc, copper, manganese, phosphate and limestone in substantial quantities. There appears to be no mining in or near Barsalogho, however – not that that means that this atrocity isn’t somehow related to mineral extraction.

        1. There is an excellent talk by the 1st Lady of I think Sierra Leone where she accuses the mineral corporations of arming Boko Haram to prevent the Government from taking action against them.
          Apparently for every dollar of mineral valuse extracted, the country receives less than one cent.

          1. And I should imagine that it is much the same in Burkina Faso. In spite of all its mineral wealth, it is an extremely poor country as far as the native population is concerned. I’ll try and find out about this; our excellent parish priest is from Burkina Faso and is always very happy to talk about his country.

    4. And it is people with these religious beliefs and practices whom the British government wants to encourage to come and live in the UK.

      A discredited Conservative politician who was branded a racist said:

      "We must be mad, literally mad …"

    1. And this church in Saint Omer had been completely restored in 2018.

      Is it Islamophobia to mention this or are Islamists allowed to do what they like while we are not allowed to tell the truth about what they have done and are determined to continue to do?

      1. Saint Denis is the first Gothic cathedral. When I visited early 70’s it was in the Algerian quarter of Paris. The atmosphere in the surrounding streets was uncomfortable back then, God only knows what the place is like today.

        1. I wanted to go with my wife but she wouldn't go. Was disappointed but I understood, she was a Jew. we kept well away from the non-white areas of Paris. I wonder how much damage has been done to tourism in Paris due to the influx of Arabs. Still I did get to see Notre Dame before it was burnt down.

          1. On my first visit to Paris, more than 40 years ago, I was surprised by the number of black Africans there – hawking their wares on the street, with a lookout ready to give the nod to pick up their stuff quickly if a policeman came by. They frequently got moved on, but just spread out their wares again. It's a long time now since I was last there, but I guess there are a lot more Arabs now.

    2. The Churches administered by The (non)Church of England are safe

      The majority are too wet and cold to burn

  34. BBC wetting themselves with pleasure because Israelis are striking and threatening Netanyahu's position as Prime Minister. The Israeli lefties are demanding that he agree a ceasefire deal with Hamas. They might as well ask for the moon and for Muzzies to convert to Christianity. The first one is possible – but not the second.

  35. A ceasefire deal was agreed by both sides on 6 October 2023. The stupidity of the left knows no bounds.

  36. Bad advice.. telling Tory councillor's wife to plead guilty.
    A judge has warned Lucy Connolly she could face a "substantial custodial sentence".

    Saying "set fire to all the f****** hotels full of the bastards for all I care.."
    is not a call for hotels to be burned down.
    If someone says.. "For all I care Sir 2TSmarmy can be hung drawn & quartered.." doesn't actually call for someone to hang Sir 2TSmarmy.
    It implies that if by chance Sir Smarmy happens to be dragged through the streets, hung, then drawn down and chopped up into four equal parts.. I wouldn't lose any sleep over it.

    1. Then again.. every institution has been captured so what's the point?
      I mean.. if driving up & down Finchley Road the Jewish part of London with a loud hailer demanding every believer to grape Jewish children isn't incitement.. then what chance has she of an impartial hearing?

      1. I did find it funny that plod did absolutely nothing to stop them. It was quite something to realise so fully that the entire machinne of state was utterly uninterested in doing it's job

  37. I don't understand the need to means test state pensions now we have the millions of immigrants we needed to pay for them.

          1. The real irony, GTTQ, is that if they work at all it will be a) for famalam or b) black economy or c) both….I'll get me coat….:-DD

          2. I've had two deliveries lately by courier. One was white indigenous, the other foreign and swarthy. Both delivered okay.

    1. try 'mean' as a synonym for sordid, shabby, or rapacious. And you obviously don't understand that immigrants are our future doctors, nurses and teachers.
      This muppet is a typical member of Labour watch the whole thing, he gets worse as he goes along. I think if he had his way all people reaching the age of 65 would be taken out and shot.

    1. Do you recall a bizarre sounding story some years ago, Korky, when NK computer 'wizards' targetted Sony Corp? As I remember, everyone was amazed they had the wherewithal and also why the heck Sony. Apparently a community of wealthy top officials and families who run things in NK. Rumoured a lot of support comes from China.

      1. China produced a processor some time ago. It was a big thing – physically – with a lot of talk about how this was 'the chip'.

        It was slower than something from 30 years ago. The press were not scathing, as much like the Chinese car industry it will improve radically.

        What bothers me most about communist country's is the waste. Somewhere in North Korea there's a kid with an IQ over 150. His potential to advance the human race is being wasted on the whim of a stupid haired piglet.

        1. I follow a blogger Asian Boss, reports on NK occasionally. Not much news gets out, just footage Pyongyang occasionally. Rumours Kim’s sister running things. Potential danger due to nuclear, if that’s also true.

          1. North Korea has antique Russia missiles that are 50 years old. They pose as much real threat as running out of loo roll.

            In fact, so many other things are infinitely more threatening to the UK the government, for example , sewage in the water supply, the invasion, the hated EU – North Korea is an unfortunate country run by a nutter. The people there deserve better.

          2. China and Russia keep a close eye on NK, from what I’ve read, China especially. Admire the ones who’ve left, tough leaving loved ones behind their situation made even worse when a relative fled.

      2. I can't recall that, KJ.

        One has to wonder at the mindset of people who are fixated on holding other people down. Wibbling, below, has it right about high IQ people being unable to use their abilities to enhance the lives of their fellow countrymen/women because some smallminded person holds the people under terror.

        1. It must have been years ago, Korky, as I heard it on BBC either R4 or WS programme, and not listened to either for a very long time. I’ve worked with a few high IQ people, very clever but often little common sense – in that regard they need protection from others around them, but nothing that will hold them back.

  38. Good day to you all.

    If anyone wants an in depth assessment of the codswallop behind the sinister net zero scam, Free Speech has an excellent series on climate change in Free Speech (in the Life and Nature tab).

    Today we have another article by Xandra H, a prominent mental health practitioner, on the Globalist's attempt to create their own Empire while constantly denigrating the most benign empire ever, the British Empire.

    1. Modern Grand Solar Minimum will lead to terrestrial cooling
      Valentina Zharkova

      The reduction of a terrestrial temperature during the next 30 years can have important implications for different parts of the planet on growing vegetation, agriculture, food supplies, and heating needs in both Northern and Southern hemispheres. This global cooling during the upcoming grand solar minimum 1 (2020–2053) can offset for three decades any signs of global warming and would require inter-government efforts to tackle problems with heat and food supplies for the whole population of the Earth.

      1. One of Iain Hunter’s articles has an article ‘On Solar Radiation’ that quotes Zharkova at length.
        freeespeechbacklash dot com – look in the Life and nature tab.

  39. Hard-Right Germany has turned its back on Ukraine. 2 September 2024.

    After 1945, the “German Question” was temporarily solved by the division of the country between East and West. Now a new German question is emerging.

    Will the German people stand by the Western civilisation which they fully rejoined only after the fall of the Berlin Wall in 1989? Or is Germany now becoming once again the free world’s weakest link?

    There is no “Western Civilisation”. No “Free World.” They have been destroyed by the Globalists.

    1. If only HMG would turn their backs on Ukraine. IMO we should never have supported it in the first place.

        1. The problem is that £270 per tax payer would be an average. It will probably be a tenner for most and many thousands for anybody on the highest rate.
          That may not seem unreasonable because most basic rate tax payers can’t afford any more than they are already shovelling into the maw of the Treasury, but it remains the case that the most productive will have yet another reason to scale back their work commitments or decamp to a country that appreciates them a bit more.

    2. Thuringia was formerly part of East Germany prior to unification. I imagine the population will have memories of the Soviet Union and will be aware of the immense changes made under Putin such that Russia has a higher standard of living than many in the collective west.

      The same goes for a collective memory of the Ukrainians and a recognition that the destruction of the Baltic pipeline has all but destroyed the German economy. The Germans voting against “Pirate” Schulz know full well that his backing of Ukraine with arms donations, Leopard tanks and such like has caused their imminent demise.

      I would add that the Greens failed so miserably to garner sufficient votes that they will not form part of any parliament in the recently voted states.

    1. Went to the docs. two Turks and their baby, a black woman waiting and as I came out another black woman went in.

      Pharmacy – Another middle easterner, two more black women and a Pole.

      Yet, my doctor previously was an Indian fellow. Now is Polish. Pharmacist is coal black.

      Simply we have too many people in this country.

      1. From Coffee House, the Spectator

        Kemi Badenoch’s leadership pitch? Tough love
        Comments Share 2 September 2024, 1:08pm
        It’s a busy day for the Tory leadership race in Westminster as the six candidates attempt to build momentum and MP support ahead of the first knockout round on Wednesday. Both Kemi Badenoch and James Cleverly have this morning hosted their official launches, with contrasting pitches. While Cleverly set out policies he would support as leader, such as on taxation, Badenoch made a point of saying she would not get into policy details but instead focus on her vision. She said: ‘We can’t just keep having the same policy arguments from the last parliament. We lost. We are not in power’.

        Badenoch was asked about reports that some of her colleagues find her abrasive
        Badenoch, who is seen as the frontrunner, used her chosen venue of the Institute of Engineering and Technology to argue that her background as a systems engineer meant that she was the right woman for the job as she was used to finding answers to complex problems. Badenoch was introduced by the respected Cameron era cabinet minister Francis Maude and then Claire Coutinho, her shadow cabinet colleague, who was also a close ally of Rishi Sunak. Maude said Badenoch was a once-in-a-lifetime leader, while Coutinho argued that Badenoch’s bravery and authenticity meant she was the best pick.

        Badenoch said in her leadership pitch that there were no easy answers. She told her party ‘we need to be confident Conservatives again’. This involves, she said, avoiding the mistakes of the past Tory government (which she served in) and how it often ‘talked Right but governed Left’. Badenoch said she was the candidate best placed to take the fight to Labour citing how her recent clash with Deputy Prime Minister Angela Rayner at the despatch box had gone viral. She concluded: ‘Our party has principles, the very best principles. They are the principles of the British people, the principles not of the centre ground but of the common ground’.

        In contrast, Cleverly – who was introduced by former cabinet minister Grant Shapps who is acting as his campaign manager – pitched his biggest strength as unity and spoke about specific policy plans. He said he would bring back the Rwanda scheme on illegal migration that Starmer had scrapped, and spoke about abolishing stamp duty and making it easier to build upwards.

        Badenoch, when asked about tackling net migration, said she would not put a number on it with a cap as rivals Robert Jenrick and Tom Tugendhat have floated. She suggested she would not get into it now as it ‘is not just about throwing out numbers and throwing out targets. Something is wrong with the system.. people who are throwing out numbers and saying: ‘Oh, well we will leave the ECHR (European Convention on Human Rights)’ and so on are giving you easy answers’.

        While nothing is certain, both Cleverly and Badenoch are viewed by Tory MPs as well placed to make the final four that will go to party conference. The bigger question is who can make the final two: on this, Badenoch’s allies fear that rival campaigns could try to block her from getting there given her popularity with the leadership.

        In the Q and A at her launch, Badenoch was asked about reports that some of her colleagues find her abrasive and that this could make it harder for her to win sufficient MP support. In response, she said that she was ‘combative on behalf of my party, not with my party’. Cleverly’s supporters hope his amiable nature means he will pick up supporters from other candidates as they are knocked out. Badenoch will need her own parliamentary charm offensive if she is to keep frontrunner status.

        1. If Cleverly (??) was introduced by Grant Schitts, then hopefully that’s him out of the running? By their friends shall you know them?

    2. Reminds me of the story of when Peter Mandelson was visiting a country pub which he thought was too plebeian for his arrogantly pretentious, New Labour, arriviste tastes:

      "This place is the arsehole of the world!" he said to the rustic publican.
      "Just passing through?" the landlord replied.

  40. A fag in the desert Birdie Three?

    Wordle 1,171 3/6

    1. Wel done. Par here.

      Wordle 1,171 4/6


        1. Wordle 1,171 4/6

          ⬜🟩🟩🟩⬜ I did this morning, but here it is again (I hope). Do you have a thing about my divots lacoste…:-DD

    2. Surprisingly, me too.

      Wordle 1,171 3/6


    3. Must just be me that had difficulty with this one

      Wordle 1,171 5/6


    4. 3 birdies on the bounce for me, if I go any higher I'll get a nosebleed! Will probably come crashing down to earth tomorrow though – Pride etc etc

      Wordle 1,171 3/6


  41. What's next??? Jeremy Corbyn and four other pro-Palestinian MPs elected in July’s election on Monday formed a group called the Independent Alliance in a bid to exercise more influence in the Commons.

    With five members, the new faction will have the same parliamentary strength as Reform UK and the Democratic Unionist Party (DUP), giving it equal sway in terms of getting called by the Speaker to ask questions of the Government.

    As well as the former Labour leader representing Islington North, it comprises Shockat Adam (who beat Jonathan Ashworth in Leicester South), Ayoub Khan (Birmingham Perry Barr), Adnan Hussain (Blackburn) and Iqbal Mohamed (Dewsbury and Batley).

    1. I wonder how much Constituency and Parliamentary work these 'Independent Alliance' MPs will perform, or will all their time be devoted to supporting Hamas?

    2. It's not a political party (yet). It cannot have the same influence as any of the small parties (SNP 9, Reform 5, DUP 5, Green 5, Plaid Cymru 4).

      The danger would come if a bona fide Islamic party were formed (like Anna Soubry & Co did with Change UK) and Muslims defected to that. There are four elected as independents but there are others elected for Labour. The party would then claim a democratic right (bogus, we know, but they would claim it anyway) for Islamist law and would quickly cut up rough.

    3. Number one ishooo for Lefties, children captured by Leftie parents and those with a fetish for Jew-killing.

    1. Israel will not do that. Idiots who hate Jews and support the jihadists that call themselves "The Palestinisans". however, will continue to make such claims – and the idiots in the MSM will continue to support these lies. Am Yisrael Chai.

      1. Unlike Hamas they are not evil, but suspending cooperation in some areas might be being considered.
        Give me Jews before Muslims every day of the week.

    2. could be used in breach of international law
      Leftie lawyers' go2 phrase when they want to stab an ally in the back.

      And the fat useless blob hasn't grasped he's backing a losing horse. Does he believe Hamas & UK will be forming JVs on cutting edge technology with any kind of muzzie? They don't do technology. der.

      Israel and the UK engage together in scientific research, defence and the development of new technologies, with the UK seeking to tap into Israel's considerable High technology sector.

  42. That's me gone. A dreary day – some drizzle but nothing useful.

    Have a jolly evening setting up your diverse and inclusive political grouping…..

    A demain.

      1. I remember my dad talking with his relatives about the Russians and sheep during WW2…always earwigged when they were around…

      2. I know what you mean, I had a quiet word with the goat and he said "when in rome"….

  43. Keeeerching..
    In July, almost 300 drivers were caught by AI cameras on A30 in 72 hours..

    To be rolled out across the UK tomorrow.. up to six penalty points and a £1,000 fine. Keeeerching..

    1. Generally I'm anti such stealth taxes, but morons on mobiles really are a risk to other drivers.

  44. Poor SWMBO has a number of spectacular bruises as a result of the weekend's falling apples hitting her… poor lass bruises very easily.

          1. No sense to be knocked out of me… the man who, after a head CTscan, was told that they found nothing… 🙁

          2. I actually fell from a height around 7 decades ago, knocked myself out…people tell me explains quite a lot…whatever can they mean:-D (could it have been first time of syncope..?.) Seriously, sounds good your CT scan negative…:-)

  45. Got the bostord..
    School teacher arrested after not endorsing transgenderism
    You're faaar right. You're racist. Homophobe. You're a xenophobe. You're a gammon, you idealogue, you chauvinist. You Tory scum, you capitalist. You're a bigot. You're a wingnut. A swivel-eyed loon. You patriarchal transphobic. islamophobic. You're spreading HATE. You're SPREADING HATE. YOU'RE SPREADING HATE. You're lidderally Hilter. And you'll get your frickin' justice you extremist buffoon.

    1. To use a phrase that 2TK nicked off several faaaar right YT commentators..
      it's gotta get much much much worse before it kicks off.

  46. Even the war criminal Blair on taking office promised “things can only get better” yet 2TK promises “things can only get worse”.

    What a very strange fellow Starmer is. He seems either to have a death wish or else is just stupid.

    1. He is an ideologue who believes that passing a law will make it a fact. He genuinely believes that he can override nature and reality by writing nonsense into law and incarcerating those that point out the lies.

    2. He is blinkered. Perhaps if, perchance, things might turn out not to be quite so dire as he predicted, he'll claim that as a victory and the sheeple will say, "oh that's alright, then".

  47. Here's one for you, from
    "Each year, healthcare workers from over 200 countries, including Nigeria, are reported to be employed by the NHS. The proportion of roles filled by nationals and non-nationals is often published in the NHS Digital figures.

    Statistics on NHS staff from overseas, published by the UK House of Commons Library in November 2023, however, revealed that 22,851 persons—representing 1.5% of the total 1.51 million NHS workers—are Nigerians.

    The data also showed that about 1,151,394, representing 76% of the workforce, are British/UK nationals. On the NHS staff table, Nigeria ranks fourth, behind the Philippines with 34,652 workers and India with 60,533 staff."

    1. Good god.

      Edit. For those that didn't see it. It was a be-hiajabed woman in a foreign-looking country being beaten by a man armed with a something akin to a baseball bat, and kicked, and then another man joined in the beating. The woman was screaming and crawling around trying to escape.

    1. The time must come when the old guard die off the young educated masses will rise up against the theocracy. Unlike the sanitised version of islam we have here, they see it for what it actually is over there.

          1. Certainly here the second or third generation immigrants seem to be more hard line than their parents.

          1. It was one of his creations, but most of his sites have had the baton passed on to other contributors.

            He’s been ill for a while now.

  48. I can't help but fear that Lammy's announcement will only encourage Hamas, Hezbollah and Iran to ramp up their attacks.

      1. David Lammy confirms UK is suspending 30 arms export licences to Israel
        Foreign Secretary tells Parliament it is not a blanket ban, this is not an arms embargo; suspended items include components that go into military aircraft, including fighter aircraft helicopters, drones

  49. For all us Premium Bond holders, the most exciting day of the month is nearly upon us. Biggest winner should throw a party! I can't wait… zzzz

      1. They do draw on a Friday and announce the results on Saturday.
        Still, only 30 days to the next draw!

      2. They do draw on a Friday and announce the results on Saturday.
        Still, only 30 days to the next draw!

    1. Me £250, Carol £350, a relief although our total holdings once maximum are necessarily reduced and less than £100,000 nearer £85,500.

      We half expected the Labour government to interfere with occasional pensioner winnings.

      When the administrative state and its Administration has taken the place of conventional Government, as in the UK, we all have to expect the worst.

  50. "The UK has seen its coolest summer for nine years, according to latest statistics from the Met Office" Perhaps Valentina Z is on the money!

  51. Evening, all. Had another busy day. Talk in the morning on The RAF Museum Midlands (formerly known as Cosford). Heard the sad news that our oldest member, ex-BoB pilot, had passed away last week. He was still flying, albeit with supervision, when he was 101!

    Less interesting was the parish council meeting this evening, but at least we got away before 9.00!

    The CofE is failing its parishioners in so many ways, of which net zero is merely one.

    1. TCW has republished an excellent short read on the Hymn "The Day Thou Gavest, Lord, Is Ended" words written by Rev John Ellerton.

      I've just added this BTL comment:-

      Glad you've republished this.
      The life of the Rev John Ellerton is a snapshot of much that we have lost and will continue to lose if the misgovernance of our country and its Church are allowed to continue.

  52. Serious post.. The DT often has a picture or vid of Russian positions or vehicles being hit by high powered weapons. I find the gloating that is implied by the article rather distasteful. I don't support any killing in that unnecessary war and presenting the actual picture of the death of troops as news is somewhat gruesome imho.

    1. Totally agree.
      Most realise that war is not glorious, but that unfortunately such horrible actions have to be taken.
      They are not video games.

    2. With you on that one, KP.
      It's bad enough that the soldiers are killed, without making a spectacle of it, like at the Lions and Gladiators circus. I'd hoped we'd become just a tad more sophisticated, but clearly not.

    1. ”doighnut” is too polite a word for that scumbag. But. Wasn’t th Easter elworker polite. .

  53. A warm, humid and overcast day for the most part.
    Not a lot done, had a "slump" day I'm afraid!

    Having a run to Stoke to see Stepson tomorrow and that is me off to bed.
    Goodnight all.

  54. Well, it's time for bed for me. So Good Night, chums, sleep well, and I hope to see you all tomorrow.

  55. Alarm set for 0445 am. Off to the Scilly Isles for a week with the family and 2 dogs in the morning. A logistical nightmare of parking and travel with 7 adults from 3 households.

    1. Although alcohol free drinks are more expensive to produce, this is offset by the reduction in alcohol duty. The problem here is that soft drinks in pubs are often more expensive than alcoholic drinks.

    2. May I fiddle Mr T

      Isn't Guinness without alcohol rather like sex without a partner – not quite the best thing!

  56. Hamas protect?
    Ha bloody, literally, ha.
    The only people Hamas protect are themselves , down in their ratholes, supported by useful idiots.
    They find human shields are the best and most effective.

Comments are closed.