Monday 22 July: A cashless society will struggle to cope with hostile or accidental events

An unofficial place to discuss the Telegraph letters, established when the DT website turned off its commenting facility (now reinstated, but we prefer ours),
Intelligent, polite, good-humoured debate is welcome, whether on or off topic. Differing opinions are encouraged, but rudeness or personal attacks on other posters will not be tolerated. Posts which – in the opinion of the moderators – make this a less than cordial environment, are likely to be removed, without prior warning.  Persistent offenders will be banned.

Today’s letters (visible only to DT subscribers) are here.

544 thoughts on “Monday 22 July: A cashless society will struggle to cope with hostile or accidental events

  1. Good morrow, Gentlefolk, today’s (recycled) story


    After having dug to a depth of 10 feet last year, Canadian scientists found traces of copper wire dating back 200 years and came to the conclusion that their ancestors already had a telephone network more than 150 years ago.

    Not to be outdone by their neighbours, in the weeks that followed, an American archaeologist dug to a depth of 20 feet, and shortly after, a story published in the New York Times said; “American archaeologists, finding traces of 250-year-old copper wire, have concluded that their ancestors already had an advanced high-tech communications network 50 years earlier than the Canadians".

    One week later, the British authorities reported the following; “After digging as deep as 30 feet in North Walsham, Giles Fuller, a self-taught archaeologist, reported that he found absolutely sod all. Giles has therefore concluded that 250 years ago, Britain had already gone wireless."

    It just makes you bloody proud to be an Englishman doesn’t it?

    1. The ancient Britons were not just covered in blue woad they were also blue-toothed!

  2. Morning, all Y'all.
    Raining – heavily. Dull greenish light, like having your head under water in a pond.

      1. Dented, thanks, Sue. Worst part is my spectacles are twisted just enough to not stay on my face properly.

          1. Creaky, thanks. It hurts where I hit the ground, so heels of both hands and left knee (interesting colours…). I'm also thoroughly pissed off – thought that these events were past after pacemaker fitted, but clearly not. Bugger.

          2. I have syncope, something to do with sudden drop in BP…had the bruised knees, black eyes to testify. Shock can be quite the symptom, suspect you may have a dose of that. Please take it steady today 🙂 (and guessing your pm will be checked, too).

          3. I, too, have syncope/synkope, it's been held at bay for the last 9 months or so by a pacemaker. Suspect yesterday's episode was a re-occurrence. I'll see what the Dr says shortly.

          4. I haven’t actually passed out lately, for which I’m thankful. I don’t have a pacemaker or any meds. Hope sorted out by your GP today, perhaps investigate pacemaker as it’s stood you in good stead for a while. Good luck 🙂

          5. All hugs, large or small, gratefully received! Thanks!
            Need to be back at work tomorrow, so resting as hard as I can.

        1. Hope you feel good today, Oberstleutnant, and soon fully recovered. I have syncope something to do with bp suddenly lowering. Perhaps sunlight threw your eyesight off, I've had that too as I wear glasses. Wish you well x

    1. The sad state of (once Great) Britain today. (Good morning, Johnny, btw.)

    2. Good morning,
      What is this about? Given the priorities of the perlice these days, nothing really surprises me. I'm guessing she was on the receiving end of some sort of bad experience from one of the 'protected groups' (it's Leeds so would it be slammers?), but 'they' were allowed to carry on without consequences.

    1. Trouble is Johnny, many have the 'victim mentality' and believe every word. You know who they are, we all do.

    2. Both Navarro and Bannon have been imprisoned and Trump's lawyers are being pursued. Classic totalitarian behaviour.

    3. Probably what would happen, but apparently the quote is from a satirical article.

  3. Can Kamala Harris shake off her weaknesses to beat Trump? 22 July 2024

    A lampooning from a major US satire show is something of a rite of passage for politicians; as much a confirmation of status as a ritual in humiliation.

    But when the Daily Show ridiculed Kamala Harris’s unfortunate predisposition for word salads earlier this year, they hit on something that has concerned even the vice president’s allies.

    I can't really see them choosing this woman. What would be the purpose? They might as well have stuck with Joe. She’s useless.

    1. Harris is an idiot, but then all Lefties are. The hallmark is hypocrisy, ignorance and arrogance.

  4. Idiot alert:

    “– Chris Packham has described climate change as the most serious existential threat ever faced by the human species, with no shortage of scientific evidence to support this claim.
    Disruption to lives may be the least of our concerns unless the man-made causes of climate change are addressed far more vigorously. The protesters were driven by a sense of urgent desperation, believing that only direct action would impel decision-makers to act with the speed and conviction necessary to save this planet from an unprecedented disaster.
    The majority of us must accept some responsibility for this situation because of our own failure to take the threat seriously and believe that it will, if left unchecked, endanger future generations. We are reluctant to alter the lives we take for granted, and push to the back of our minds the consequences of failing to act.
    Governments must be far tougher. We must be helped, but also compelled, to change our lives now and understand why.
    David Platts
    Newark, Nottinghamshire”

      1. I wasn't sure whether the 'Idiot alert' referred to Packham or Platts. In the end I decided it referred to both….

        1. I think they (along with all the other uneducated/unscientific/gullible fools that fall for the con) would have to share that trophy.

      1. Sadly no, it won't. Government has discovereed a rich source of tax, from a source no one can avoid. Eventually I imagine energy taxes will be the only tax going and everyone will be living in abject poverty.

        1. They can always find something to tax, wibbling. Noticed a headline this morning with a suggestion (I think from Reeves) about taxing personal pensions. Every IFA scrambling to get round that one.

          1. But don’t worry, the gold-plated final salary risk-free (but ultimately unfunded) defined benefit public sector plans will be unaffected. Phew! Thank goodness for that.

        2. …. living in abject poverty ….. until we die either from the cold or the lack of food that won't grow.

        3. My new energy costs started a couple of months ago. My costs have almost tripled but I use exactly the same amount of energy that I did prior to two months ago.

    1. The current 'Climate Change' scenario remains as a subject for debate, no matter what the "the science is settled" brigade may claim. What isn't up for debate is that glaciation leading to Ice Ages was real and threatened every species on the Planet. How would the likes of Packham, Miliband, Gates etc. tackle that 'problem'. It's not that long ago that the people claiming warming as a problem were claiming that an ice age was almost upon us. Next up, Aliens in the Kuiper Belt: they're already working on the "vaccine".

    2. "with no shortage of scientific evidence to support this claim."

      Yes, but what about the data – as there is no such thing as 'scientific evidence' – proving him wrong, and climate change being nothing to do with humans whatsoever?

      All too often Lefties witter on about climate change but know nothing about it. They don't want to as the facts get in the way of the ideology.

      They also fervently support the EU whose policies have done vast harm to genuine environmental improvement. They support massive uncontrolled gimmigration, so clearly aren't bothered by resource usage. They want windmills despite the comical inefficiency and waste of resources, not to mention pollution, environmental damage and inability to be recycled.

      The Left just want the control system. They don't care about the environment at all. They just want to make you poorer so they can take it for themselves.

    3. "with no shortage of scientific evidence to support this claim."

      Yes, but what about the data – as there is no such thing as 'scientific evidence' – proving him wrong, and climate change being nothing to do with humans whatsoever?

      All too often Lefties witter on about climate change but know nothing about it. They don't want to as the facts get in the way of the ideology.

      They also fervently support the EU whose policies have done vast harm to genuine environmental improvement. They support massive uncontrolled gimmigration, so clearly aren't bothered by resource usage. They want windmills despite the comical inefficiency and waste of resources, not to mention pollution, environmental damage and inability to be recycled.

      The Left just want the control system. They don't care about the environment at all. They just want to make you poorer so they can take it for themselves.

    1. That beats mine by a couple of decades, Sir J. I miss and think of mine every day, including mum and grandparents – guessing you're similar:-)

        1. 1895! I think my grandmother similar…7 live births and even more miscarriages. She was cleaner and friend to Ann Hall, British racing driver who lived nearby. And young women today think badly done to…

          1. At 80, I have five grandchildren and two great-grandchildren, all in far-flung places.

    2. Your father was born in 1895 so he would have been coming up to 49 when you were born on May 24th1944.

      My father was born in 1898. He would have been 126 on May 9th this year. He was 48 when I was born.

      I was 47 when my first son, Christo, was born and 49 when Henry was born.

      Who is the oldest Nottler to have sired a child?

        1. My mother was born on March 9th 1904 making her 42 when I was born on 1st July 1946.

      1. I was 51 for our youngest. She is 28 . I am beginning to creak a bit now.

  5. Woman plunges into Kyiv river after zipline snaps. 22 July 2024.

    A young woman is feared to have drowned in the Dnipro River in central Kyiv after the zip wire attraction she was riding on snapped.

    Eyewitnesses said that the unnamed woman was travelling at high speed across the river on the zip wire when it suddenly broke and she plunged into the river.

    This sounds highly unlikely to me. I simply cannot envisage a cable snapping at the bottom of a catenary curve. It defies physics.

    1. I suspect that evil Mr Putin took a hacksaw to it in the middle of the night……

      1. Morning Stephen. I have to confess that when I started reading the article I expected something like that to be in it.

    2. I thought it was all war, death & destruction in Kiev. Or, am I misinformed?

      1. Morning Oberst. There is this strange dichotomy. According to the MSM it is the Blitz redux but photographs show people strolling around in their summer clothes without a care in the world.

        1. Ukraine is a very big country. It's nearly as big as Texas, double the size of Germany at least. I'm unaffected by what happens in Portsmouth or Bournemouth, let alone Brighton and they're just down the coast.

          1. This is the capital Wibbles. One notices (or doesn't) that there is almost no TV coverage.

          2. Indeed, but the impression from the media is that the whole country is in ruins.

    3. But what do you mean, how can this possibly have happened when Kievis under constant bombardment from Russia? Kiev is smack in the middle of AP the most ferocious war – isn’t it?

      1. Isn't that the equivalent of zip-wiring across the Thames during the Blitz?
        (Ponders deeply)

    4. Puzzling (and very sad), but the cable could have parted anywhere along its length. Although a 'zip' wire must form a catenary curve, one end is higher in order for gravity to do its work. Surely a damaged multi-stranded steel cable would have frayed before breaking? The victim was apparently a man aged twenty, the cable measured at least 542 metres and four separate cables were in use at the visitor attraction.. Maximum permitted weight of user was 120 kilograms, nearly 19 stone. The designer seems to have been a firm called Rope Park. Authorities had previously tried to close the attraction because of perceived risks. Is any Nottler familiar with metal fatigue?

  6. 389997+ up ticks,

    Morning Each,

    Monday 22 July: A cashless society will struggle to cope with hostile or accidental events

    Our GB cash / cashless society will struggle to cope with
    political / pharmaceutical hostile or accidental events, until such times as an indigenous united front takes action in regards to the last four years alledged cull killing, life long maiming years.

    Why the rest of the world doesn’t want to visit Britain
    As tourism recovers across Europe, UK visitor numbers are still down on pre-pandemic levels –

    Is this a cry for MORE welfare tourist we had nigh on 1500 this
    past .week in 25 boats.

    The main reason is the bona fide tourist value their necks to much.

    1. Quite right ogga1. I think Britain and especially London is viewed by potential overseas visitors as being quite lawless. Many Brits view it that way too, and not only in London but in other towns and cities UK, such places being quite different today to what they were only a short while ago. And 'tax-free' shopping fiasco didn't help.

  7. A little birdie to start the day

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  8. Good morning, all. Sunny.

    More bad news, in the form of scientific facts, for Miliband minor & Co.

    Scientific research indicates that the Earth is 'greening': now why would that be? The MSM are a bit shy about reporting this change and I think we all know why.

    Ground-breaking work in 2016 saw a team of 33 scientists from eight countries study NASA satellite images, and they found that since 1980 between a quarter and a half of the planet’s vegetated areas had shown an increase in their leaf area index (LAI), a standard measure of the abundance of plant life. Work at this time suggested a 14% increase in vegetation. A 2021 study at the University of California concluded that there had been a 12% increase in photosynthesis, with CO2 fertilisation again the primary cause. A 2020 assessment from scientists at the Woodwell Climate Research Centre found that greening was “much more extensive than previously acknowledged”, and more than three times greater than desertification. Yale noted findings that the greening encompassed 41% of the world’s drylands, from India to the African Sahel and northern China to south-eastern Australia.

    Full article at Daily Sceptics

    While we are on the subject of the climate: a thought occurred to me yesterday re the plans for dimming the Sun's radiation and the headlong rush by Miliband minor to subject this island to a covering of solar panels. Clearly, restricting the available radiation will have a diminishing effect on the limited and intermittent ( night-time, cloudy days, dust on the arrays, etc) amount of power that solar panels will be able to produce: the idea is counter-productive to the plans of the Milibands of this World.

    Do these people ever talk to one another other?

    Restricting solar radiation is fraught with knock-on problems (weather for one) as it is one, the most influential? of the driving forces of the Earth. I'm sure that they – the maniacs driving these schemes – have models that indicate that all will be well. Well, that is, until the OOPS moment.

    1. Climate change has nothing to do with the environment. It is simply another method by the state of taking what someone has earned. It's nothing more than a control system.

      For info – the solar on the roof has generated this month (when it went in) about 40kw. As we don't (yet) have batteries much of that has gone to waste as you don't need energy only when the sunshines and, predictably the sun vanishes when the immersion comes on. As a source of energy for a nation? A laughable stupidity. The sort of thing a gormless moron would think to do, especially putting them on grassland.

      It's gloomy and raining here and generating 75w. Solar has it's place, but with battery backup. Government would be better placed to abandon the farce of windmills and simply make solar and batteries tax deductible.

      1. Mine generate about 400-500 Kwh during the summer and 50 – 150 Kwh during the winter and I'm in the far north of Scotland.
        Tip – get a Solar Boost. It's installed in the feed to the emersion heater and has a sensor on the Mains. When you are exporting electricity it diverts that extra electricity to your emersion heater. Not only do you get the money for the exported electricity but it heats your water and saves on oil/gas too. I have had one for 10 years and it's paid for itself 4 times over so far.

    2. Yes, Climate Change Despatch/Not a Lot of People Know…both good sites for climate information.

    3. I have been aware of this for a long while because I pursued a degree in hort. Had dreams of going back to Libya and greening the desert. Events interfered and destroyed that dream. But those of us who cared about the planet and went quietly about conservation were basically silenced or didn't dare speak up because of politics and the threat to jobs. But the fact is that the planet is doing incredibly well and the idea that we are destroying it is simply untrue even though the current brainwashing propaganda of the left will insist otherwise. There is far more green land than there was, thanks to human intervention and also millions of acres of forest that there was at, lets say, the beginning of the 20th century as an arbitrary starting point. Even Saudi Arabia has millions of acres of green growth.

  9. Boy, 15, shot dead during 'family fun day' in 'Teletubbies park' in west Laaaaaaandon.
    A security officer working at the event told MailOnline: “A teenager was assassinated. I was right there. People were rushing and everyone was screaming. They were rushing through the barrier. There were two gunshots.
    Six men have been arrested on suspicion of murder and remain in custody.

    Later.. Sun Baby, Dipsy, Tinky-Winky, Laa-Laa, Noo-Noo, Po.. were released on bail with the sun setting in the sky before jumping into the hole.

  10. Good morning all.
    12°C on the Yard Thermometer, overcast with a very light drizzle.

  11. Good morning, chums, and thank you, Geoff, for today's NoTTLe site. I was up very early today but had dozens of things to do.

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  12. The Leftie spotlight will soon be shining on; Gibraltar, Falklands, Diego Garcia, Cyprus, Ascension Islands.. cheered on by International Court of Justice, WHO and UN this & that.

    However, I suspect Sir Keir has already been briefed on this by CIA.. and will not be allowed to repeat the same errors as Jack Straw and his warped determination to decolonise.

    These bases are all strategically vital to keep China & Russia in their boxes.. all of them are used by or currently leased by the United States.
    However, never underestimate the self-harm lunacy of a Leftie, especially David Lammy.

    1. The vengeful tentacles of liebour will reach into every single aspect of the life of our once great nation, bent (in every sense of the word) on damaging and destroying as much as possible, not only because of their spiteful, envious nature, but also on the instructions of their masters/controllers.

  13. 389997+up ticks,

    Labour urged to ban AI ‘paedophile manuals’ being shared online
    Loophole in law allows predators to share instructions on how to create deepfake images

    These "manuals" dating back to when lab was conversing with PIE, around the 16 year cover-up era, prior to the JAY report.

    In many areas foreign paedophilia actions are still practised and consented too under the DEI umbrella, that and the "good of the party name"

    Knowingly using the welfare of children shows, without doub,t the depth of national odious bentism we have reached.

    1. What did Naz Shah say? 'Get raped in the name of diversity'? The cover up carried out by plod, social workers, the council even today? The jailing of the only man who would talk about it? Ths eilencing by the press 'watchdog' (state enforcement arm) of Mark Steyn – the list is endless and it has barely begun as who knows where else this is covered up?

  14. Good morning all,

    Drizzly warm breezy morning .18c. A none golf day .

    The media are chuntering on and on about American politics , I doubt very much whether they took any interest in our election , or have a clue about the UK , well apart from Ireland of course , nor do they give a tinkers cuss about Britain in general .

    We might as well be their 52nd state the way WE follow their politics , aren't we just a little bit clingy to the US, and … dare I say , are we scared of them , are they as big a wild card as say China or Iran or Russia, and I really do mean wild card.

  15. Private schools had ‘ample time’ to prepare for tax raid, claims Labour Updated 10 minutes ago

    One BTL comment said that those who were educated in public schools were pampered and she, poor thing, had had to grow up in a house with no heating in it! Indeed, I imagine that many of us on this forum grew up in houses which did not have central heating. My response to her post:


    I went to a well-known public school in the West of England. I was there in the exceptionally cold winter of 1962/63 and had to share an unheated dormitory with 16 other boys. Throughout the Spring Term the insides of the windows were so thickly coated with the frozen condensation of 17 boys' breath that one could not see through them. In addition the main house lavatories were outside the main building!

    A Spartan lifestyle was considered character building and the modern trend for pampering would have been considered as degenerate. Not everybody was able to cope with the rigours of public school life. Indeed the current king loathed Gordonstoun – which was just as rigorous as my old school – and one of the reasons he was so unpopular there was that he was considered by his contemporaries to be a cissy.

    1. My boarding school in North Yorkshire was similar .

      Our poor frozen fingers were almost chilblained, we had piano practise before breakfast , quite painful

      Dormitory windows froze , we used to undress , wear winceyette jim jams , and our day clothes would be put under the bedding at the end of the bed ..

      That was how life was , and my Yorkshire relatives lived in draughty cold homes as well, so we were always well wrapped up , but that is how most people lived in those days .

      When my husband and I lived in an old leaky cold cottage nr RAF Church Fenton when he started his flying training in 1969, ( initially Chipmunks ) we used layers of newspaper ( broadsheets ) in between woollen blankets on the bed to insulate us against the cold .

      1. I was raised in Yorkshire. House was stone built, straight onto road. Back to back, one room up, one room down. One cold tap, one gas tap. Toilet in a row end of street. Ice on inside of windows during winter. Strangely, never felt deprived as everyone else I knew lived similarly, following WW2 glad to be alive. RfKJr has a lot to say about vaccines, he thinks improved living standards are responsible for lower numbers of eg measles, and not vaccines. I had no vaccines, but did have measles, mumps, rubella, chicken pox one after the other as a very young (and sickly) child. I'm very pleased at least some things are so different today.

          1. That was seen as normal – what would the alternative have been, I wonder? Give up & die?

        1. Sounds familiar, except I was brought up as a country boy in the wilds of Norfolk. Lazy winds – didn't go round you but straight through.

        2. I lived in a Jerry-built maisonette – the only heating was a coal fire or the gas oven in the kitchen. My mum used to warm her shoes in the oven and keep the door open for warmth. Ice on the inside of the windows was normal. My clothes for next day were piled onto the bed to keep me warm at night.
          I'm not sure if I had rubella, as it can be very mild, and my mum wasn't sure either. I certainly had measles, whooping cough (nasty) and ear aches, appendicitis followed by removal of appendix. I was 12 when chicken pox got me but I didn't have mumps till I was 25 and that was very painful. My three year old and three month old had it then too. It left me with long-term depression.

          1. Ours similar I reckon. My mum had a gas poker she used to light coal fire, was a bit wary of that. Gas ring to cook on – was a bit wary of the chip pan on that, too. It was said girls should have rubella parties, but I don’t remember any. There was a huge scare around whooping cough vaccine I think in the 70s/80s? and a number of people caught it and was pretty nasty, but not too many babies, at least where I lived at the time. I’ve heard about mumps in adults esp males, neighbour was off work for a couple of months after catching it, he had depression too for quite a time afterwards. I hope you’re OK now, Ndovu, any consolation you never sound it and goodness knows we have plenty to make us feel so today, but things to be thankful for that my family take for granted.

          2. No……..the depression slowly lifted and I had no treatment or drugs for it. But at the time I just thought I must be a miserable person – I’m not really! Mumps can lead to sterility in males so not a nice thing. For me and my little ones it was painful.

            Mum used to use a sheet of the Telegraph to draw the fire up – when I tried that I nearly set the house on fire!

          3. Happy to read that..I know someone been on anti-depressants for years, has tried to come off them but unable. And someone else on Talking Therapy for years. You don’t sound miserable to me:-) I think social media helps – the connections with others. Ha…after we moved I used to come home from school and light the fire the same way as your Mum…and when it got going used a shovel to take live flaming coals to the other fireplace. I’d be 7, maybe 8 years old. Would’ve freaked out if any of mine had tried that.

          4. The Mid Western Doctor's piece on anti-depressants is well worth reading. They can be very damaging. I've never taken anything like that. But my husband's sister (who will have nothing to do with us) was on them for years. Probably still is. When we see her children (who are fine) I generally ask how she is but the usual reply is she's just the same.

            She left her husband shortly after our wedding 27 years ago – he was pretty upset at the time but eventually divorced her and met someone else. Sadly his second wife (a lovely lady) died last week.

          5. I’ve made a note, thanks Ndovu. Part of the problem is that many people still think their GP is some kind of god. Our local practice only has privately employed doctors, they’ve formed a limited company and bought the premises. During lockdown they wouldn’t see anyone, not even for a repeat prescription – actually felt sorry for receptionists who’d been told to tell all callers to go to A&E…which was absolutely packed at 9.30am with just one staff on duty. I have a relative similar behaviour to your sister-in-law, have realised after many years it just has to be accepted. Some people just do things differently. Have to take my dog out now – there’s a simple soul, easy to please 🙂

          6. That doesn't sound like a very helpful practice. I keep well away from ours but they have been good to my husband over the last few years.

      2. When I was very young, my dear old Mum would get into my bed to warm it up for me. Flannelette sheets, brushed cotton pyjamas (home-made, of course), wool blankets and a hot water bottle. No central heating, just a coal fire in the sitting room. My brother's bedroom was 'warmed' by having the airing cupboard & immersion heater in the corner. I don't remember ever being cold, even in the infamous winter of '62/'63.
        The houses and flats I shared as a student and when first working had no heating either. Jack Frost on windows every winter morning, and washing frozen dry.

        1. We did have a portable paraffin heater – we used it in the bathroom to warm it up when we had a bath – it did suck all the oxygen out and made me feel light-headed.

          1. Luxury! Not pleasant, but it was probably more efficient at warming the bathroom than the tube heater we had at the top of one wall.

      3. This is turning into a "Four Yorkshiremen" thread. I had one of these in my bedroom. Much cleaner and in perfect condition but this is the only pic I can find. Our dog knew it was there and used to creep upstairs during the night and scratch on my door. I wasn't supposed to let him in but of course I always did. I found it quite comforting having the dog curled up by the heater in my room.

          1. That one is electric Anne! Look at the cable.
            Same design, but the parafine burner is replaced by an electric element.

        1. With a low wattage lightbulb inside. I have two, and they are a classic British design, made in England.

    2. Another BTL comment which somebody else posted:

      It's time teaching faced up to an inconvenient truth – it's the pupil, not the teacher.

      You can hold back smart, but you can't cure stupid.

      There are several people here who may not have been academically successful at school who flourished intellectually once they had left school. And we all know people who were academically successful who are absolute dolts.

      So can we hope that Labour's determined attempt to "hold back smart" will only succeed temporarily.

      1. The Left just hate merit and achievement. It exposes their own stupidity and irrelevance. By forcing everyone into the same appalling box they can then label them and from that control them.

          1. Oh of course – and that slapped on expenses, of course.

            However, it's not the pupil either. It's the parents. One of Junior's friends is falling behind in maths so his folks are getting him extra help after realising they couldn't. We help with his homework. Oh, none are perfect but when your folks give a damn you've a better chance of positive outcomes.

            Sadly you can see the kids who will fail. You see the parent – usually carrying a new kid, with the toddler screaming around, picking up their 11 year old – there's no 'what did you learn, how's the reading going' – it's all xbox this, playstation that. Junior has these things – he's got a room full of gadgets and devices but he reads for at least two hours after school and it isn't his phone he takes to the loo, it's a book. He's reading Sharpe after watching the seen been tv series.

          2. Cornwell's novels are great for teaching a bit of history to the kids too, as well as being highly entertaining.

          3. Ditto Flashman. I learn about all sorts of C19 worldwide events that I had never learnt at school.

    3. Not a question of preparation, but that the tax shouldn't exist in the first place.

      Labour, a party of envy, spite, malice and thickos.

    4. You would have been well prepared for arctic training. So look on the bright side.

    5. As I understand it, private schools are charities.
      If one form of charity is taxed, then all should be. Legal challenges ahead?
      And doesn't the EU exempt education from VAT? Interesting that Labour's love of all things EU doesn't extend to private schools.

    6. Sounds very much like Malvern when I was there at the time. 14 hours to get to Gt Malvern through the snow in unheated steam train that kept freezing up and then walk through the drifts with suitcase in one hand and clarinet case in the other. But we survived.

  16. 389997 up ticks,

    Tempest fighter jet’s new design unveiled amid doubts over project
    New concept revealed as Labour spending plans cause concern over programme’s future

    May one ask, is there any need at all for a new defence fighter ?
    are we, in the future prepared to straff the innocent as the Israelis
    are accused of doing, to get to the guilty that as dictated, via the polling stations, are now residing among us.

    Monies would be better spent on peoples health & safety in bringing to book the treacherously erring
    politico / pharmaceutical alledged agents of death.

    1. Considering the lifespan of the Typhoon, then the F35 we need another incredibly expensive fightre like a hole in the head. Besides, if the MoD were made responsible it wouldn't arrive until 2095 and even then because officialdom is a bunch of morons they'd demand it be carbon neutral.

  17. Good morning everyone,
    Creepy, sleepy Joe plans to cling on until January – from the article: 'This man has no business staying in the most consequential job on the planet. He has no business with access to the nuclear codes. He needs to resign immediately, turn the keys over to Kamala, and prep for what should be an in-depth investigation into the cover-up regarding his health and cognitive decline.'

      1. From Coffee House, the Spectator

        Can anything stop Kamala Harris?
        Comments Share 22 July 2024, 9:11am
        ‘There are two things that are important in American politics,’ said Mark Hanna. ‘The first is money and I can’t remember what the second one is.’ Kamala Harris, who cut her political teeth in the mega-rich world of west coast Democratic politics, understands that point well.

        The immediate threat to Harris comes from the right of her party
        Following Joe Biden’s withdrawal from the 2024 election, she’s already made sure the big money is right behind her. Over the weekend, she and her husband Doug Emhoff successfully wooed the Democratic plutocrats who really decide things. The Soros family, for instance, and the LinkedIn founder Reid Hoffman have already declared their support for her.

        It’s not just that the many millions pledged to Biden-Harris 2024, can now be easily transferred to a Harris campaign. It’s that many of these mega donors, who were withholding their support for Biden, will now coming flooding back with their billions. And where money goes, politicians will follow – so much so that Kamala Harris’s quick march to the nomination now looks unstoppable.

        The Clintons, Bill and Hillary, have thrown their support behind her. So has Senator Elizabeth Warren, who represents the left of the party establishment. Senator Jim Clyburn, the most powerful African-American Democrat, quickly weighed in behind Harris. As did former presidential hopefuls Amy Klobuchar and Pete Buttigieg.

        Nancy Pelosi and Barack Obama, arguably the two most powerful figures in the party, have not yet endorsed her. But that might be simply a question of timing: as overlords of the Democratic machine, they will only give Harris their imprimatur once she is the certain nominee. Yet the left of the party appears to have obediently rallied behind her. Three of the four members of ‘the squad’ – the four most vocally radical congresswomen in Congress – have all endorsed Harris: Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, Ilhan Omar, and Ayanna Pressley. The last Squad member Representative Rashida Tlaib has not yet commented.

        But the progressive wings of the Democratic coalition, who represent the real energy of the party and its activist base, are lining up behind her. Pramila Jayapal, chair of the Congressional Progressive Caucus, has said she ‘1000%’ supports Harris – proving once again that numeracy is not a Democratic forte. And the Congressional Black Caucus, CBCPAC, has backed Harris – as has the head of the Congressional Hispanic Caucus, Nanette Barragán.

        The immediate threat to Harris comes from the right of her party. Sources close to Senator Joe Manchin, the Blue Dog Democrat turned independent, from West Virginia, say he is considering re-registering as a Democrat in order to challenge Harris. This could set up and interesting clash between the old Democratic party of the working class and the new ultra-progressive elite.

        Harris herself has said, in accepting Biden’s endorsement, that she wanted to ‘earn’ the nomination. That could be a hint towards some sort of ‘blitz primary’ process to give her candidacy legitimacy ahead of or during the convention in Chicago next month. But fear of a second Trump term can act as a powerful adhesive in Democratic circles – and with only 106 days left until America decides its next president, the party and its donors know that Harris is the easiest and least messy option. That’s why they are now all falling in line behind her. Whether Democratic voters will be as easily convinced is another question.

        1. Ilhan Omar and Rashida Tlaib backing Harris. They sound like lovely slammers.

        2. Whatever they will still lose.if they don’t fix the election like last time.

    1. Biden pulls out of the election because he's not fit to be president, while serving as president. Only in the crazy world of woke globalist politics.
      Over at Free Speech we are asking if Biden was the worst president ever. Nip over and tell us what you think.

      1. Mark Dolan made that suggestion on GBN last night and the American he was interviewing begged to differ. The interviewee (wish I'd noted his name) considers that Obama was the worst, both while he was in office and while he's been pulling Biden's strings!

        1. Trevor Kavanagh?
          Edit: Ah, no, he's English, but he did refer to an earlier interviewee.

  18. Good morning everyone,
    Creepy, sleepy Joe plans to cling on until January – from the article: 'This man has no business staying in the most consequential job on the planet. He has no business with access to the nuclear codes. He needs to resign immediately, turn the keys over to Kamala, and prep for what should be an in-depth investigation into the cover-up regarding his health and cognitive decline.'

  19. I told a lie. The sun has buggered off. It is grey and a bit chilly. Oh well, summer lasted 2½ days.

    1. Good morning Bill,

      My meagre collection of Hydrangeas love this weather , and in fact so do I .

      I have never ever enjoyed hot weather , 18c to 22c suits me .

      Moh is now nut brown , he loves the sun , has never ever suffered from sunburn , and that is how he copes when he plays golf in the heat , wearing his shorts etc , he is slender , similar to you .

    1. Here's the full text of it.

      Here’s a script for a dystopian disaster movie: A pandemic sweeps the planet. In response to this, governments around the world decide to lockdown millions of people, close schools, mandate that citizens should wear masks and that anyone who refuses to take a vaccine (that doesn’t stop transmission) will be discriminated against. Governments spend fortunes on issuing contacts to companies to produce vast amounts of personal protective equipment and test and trace digital apps that are often faulty and not used. A bunch of unelected and grotesquely wealthy individuals and political leaders plot for various treaties to be implemented by global organisations who aren’t elected and also put into place a cunning plan for various forms of digital identity that is approved via a QR scanning device on a mobile phone. Citizens are punished with higher taxes and surveillance camera fines to help ‘save the planet’ while the individuals who enforced these policies travel around the world polluting the planet in private jets and motorcades whilst millions of people pay various forms of taxes to fund their lavish and polluting lifestyles. Doomsday scenarios are created about the temperature of the planet and solutions are found such as electric vehicle production powered by batteries made with lithium and cobalt. Landscapes in Africa and South America are destroyed and polluted due to the mining of these materials and thousands of child slaves are used for the mining. Massive deforestation of trees takes place to provide balsa wood and/or provide land space for wind turbines – which are then dumped in landfills after just 20 years of use. Cow farts are blamed for destroying the planet. Farmland is removed for massive solar farms. Political leaders repeatedly state that they want to ‘save the planet’ but at the same time, create various wars where thousands of innocent civilians die, and meanwhile, political leaders and major corporations try to control the oil and gas supply in the areas of conflict. Millions of people around the world starve, become homeless or struggle to pay for food or warmth and meanwhile, a bunch of billionaires and major corporations plunder the planet’s assets and acquire obscene amounts of wealth in doing so.
      A candidate for the US presidency survives an assassination attempt by an inch and the incumbent President steps down from the presidential election campaign. And the bad actors who play the role of villains in this movie display the traits of every spoilt child who didn’t make it to the end of a Willy Wonka chocolate factory tour.

      It’s a ridiculous plot. It’s too far-fetched.

    2. Forget a butterfly flapping its wings in the Brazilian rainforest.
      Watch out for Hetty sneezing in her Eglu at No. 47, Acacia Avenue.

    1. Good morning SC,
      Belated? 9:30 or thereabouts would be a good start for me on most days.

    1. Good morning belle,
      I wouldn't trust Starmer to protect anything, especially anything British.

      1. I wonder if he would even protect his Jewish wife and Jewish children against Islam?

          1. Hope someone competent is doing some sleuthing on these lefties – to pounce the moment any of them do something which they had vowed never to do… Especially in their personal lives. We need to "out" Labour sleaze.

    2. Answer is no. He will drag us back into the EU but this time we will gain no benefit from it at all and we will be forced to give up our currency for the euro at some near future date.

  20. When I bought our first house in 1968 there was no heating apart from an inappropriately named "Ideal" stove which never stayed in overnight. Ice inside windows. As many blankets plus eiderdown as we had on the beds. The mortgage took half my take home pay. Took us three years to be able to afford night-storage heaters and some partial secondary double-glazing.

    Didn't do us any harm…..

    1. A lot depends on how you define “worst” or, indeed, “best”. The least physically active – FDR?; the most honest – Jimmy Carter?; the best orator – Ronald Reagan/JFK?; the most dishonest – well, almost all of them.

      1. Would you trust her to serve lunch to your children/grandchildren?
        She would be like the teacher who used to work at our primary school. She had such a twisted hatred of pupils from what she regarded as unsavoury, middle-class homes that it influenced how she treated those children. Scarred at least one child into needing multiple hospital investigations for mysterious illness (eventually diagnosed as stress/fear induced), and led to many families (including us) removing their children from the school. Spiteful and should never have been around young children.

        1. We had a dinner lady – Mrs Stevens – she was quite sadistic. I took sandwiches because the dinners were so disgusting it was a waste of Mum's money to buy them. Mrs Stevens deliberately dripped salad cream on my biscuit one day. Later my friend's mother offered to feed me at her house for lunches. I was a very skinny child and I think she thought I was wasting away.

          1. My parents didn’t believe me when I told them school dinners were vile and I wasn’t eating much. I was ‘saved’ by an older boy who played tennis at Dad’s club, and he corroborated what I had said. Packed lunched from then on. I, too, was a skinny child.

          2. I like to pick up end-of-shelf-life brie and keep it until it tries to escape from the fridge before eating it!

          3. Meals at my school were dire. One of the dayboys took a weeks worth home in a paper bag.

            His mother was Medical Officer for Hertfordshire – she had the meals analysed and their calorific count was far below the minimum for growing teenagers. She informed the head.

            Meals improved dramatically the following Monday!

          4. It is strange and horrible that many sadistic people are attracted to jobs in which they have to deal with children.

            One wonders if such people were badly treated when they were young. Many teachers say that some pupils who were bullied become bullies themselves while others become very keen to protect those who are – or were as they were – bullied.

          5. There was a teacher at my primary school who used to pinch the children as a punishment. We were only 5 and 6 years old. Bloody cow.

          6. A frind who did her PhD in psychology chose psychopathic behaviour as her topic. She discovered that there were an inordinate amount of psychopaths in the police force, the judiciary/legal system in general, and school teachers.

    1. So make the decisions then. Cut welfare. Scrap child benefit. Close multiple departments. send Milioaf to Aberdeen and have him work a rig shift.

      Do what inevitably must be done. Shred the state and cut taxes.

      But you won't, will you?

    2. Much as I dislike Labour I think she is right concerning the Conservative Party. But I will only start thinking that Labour mean our country well when they take decisive action against the illegals invading our country.

    3. The two biggest problems facing the UK, energy and immigration, began with the Labour governments of Blair and Brown. Will anyone from the party own up to that?

      1. Interesting thought from a recent Spiked podcast. MPs understand nothing and rely on their SPADs, kids in their 20s who have been indoctrinated with the climate virus. Who are ultimately pushing this ruinous agenda.

        I’ll buy that.

    1. These parasitic savages should not be described as 'migrants', and they are certainly not genuine asylum seekers. ' Yes, they are migrating, but not for acceptable reasons. If they were really fleeing oppression or whatever fairy tales they come up with, they would stand a good chance of being given asylum, but they know full well they would always be denied entry via any legal route. None are fleeing from any danger to themselves, many (most?) have committed crimes in their own countries, and fully intend to continue such activities here, all while living it large on our tax money.
      They are invaders, and are being encouraged by unseen evils.

    2. if you look to the right of his tweet.. at what's trending.. you'll see all the Leftie-Ultras ranting against Biden.

      When I read the lionizing of Biden, emphasizing his decency and heroism, all I can think of is that little girl in Gaza whose jaw was blown off and all the other Palestinian children who were dismembered, burned alive, murdered with US weapons in a war Joe Biden facilitated.

      1. Never saw those images, Kowloonbhoy, but now I can't stop seeing them in my mind.

  21. Dear Philip,

    Thank you for the lovely invitation to the party on 10 August.

    Suella will be away then as it is the parliamentary recess.

    Suella may be able to do some catch up appointments in the next recess and could be free for a cuppa at 1800-1845 on 16 Sept, if you are about?

    Best wishes,

    Sue Plimmer Clarke

    Principal Secretary to the Rt Hon Suella Braverman KC MP

    Member of Parliament for Fareham & Waterlooville

    House of Commons

    London SW1A 0AA

    020 7219 8191

    Oh well. I tried.

  22. Morning all. Cold day, gloomy and some drizzle, lights on. A normal summer day, thank God!

    The latest from Amazon about Lady Jane Grey. The King is black, he is in a wheel chair that looks like its made from a beer barrel and he is gay. When do we start getting on the pitchfork and flaming torches?

      1. I would imagine she was after the head job. and, sorry, American spelling.

  23. Good Moaning.
    Thank goodness Glowball Warming is doing its thing.
    Back to the tumble drier.

      1. I thought the builders went for a tea break and never finished the job – there's no roof for a start!

  24. MH is renewing his driving licence online – he is soon to reach the 'renew' age. DVLA isn't playing the game – there are only 2 genders to choose from. Not even an option for 'other.' I'm surprised that hasn't been flagged up, especially now we have a lunatic (ok, more lunatic than the last shower) government.

    1. I had to renew mine a few months ago but this time I had to send another photo. I still had one left from the last time so I sent them the same photo – they never noticed

      1. Apparently, you can link to your passport and they use that image. Though if the passport has only a year or so left, I wonder if it is still accepted.

          1. Bad luck. New photo and snail mail for you then.
            Or you could claim to be an asylum seeker, then the world and its freebies are yours for the taking, no questions asked.

          2. I normally renew on line when I don't need to send another photo (every 10 years)

          3. That’s a shame, but typical government lack of joined-up thinking. If applicants for passport renewal can submit a photo & apply online, it makes no sense to not have that for a driving licence which is, after all, not such an important document.

        1. Mine was still a paper licence until I reached 70. Then I had to self-certify that I was still ok to drive a car, whereupon it was replaced with the plastic card with photo licence.

          1. I don’t know what the fee is, having to renew the card licences every 10 years is also another stealth tax.

    2. He MUST complain. It is a shocking failure at DVLA. Simply disgusting. Out them and have the boss named, shamed and sacked.

      (I'll go and have a lie down)

  25. 389997+ up ticks,

    Just asking,

    Can't get me ead round this, "Labour will ‘consider’ scrapping two-child benefit cap", besides does it give an islamic family of multiple wives a great financial advantage.

  26. 'Morning All
    So the senile incontinent dolt is gone finally as not even the Demonrats could hope to win an election with him at the helm…..
    So what's next??
    Cynical Rik awaits the amazing opinion polls showing his replacement (whoever this is) crushing President Trump in the swing states and due to be "The most popular President elect EVAH"
    This sets up yet another election steal
    They wont give up they dare not their crimes are too many and too serious

    1. While Trump's policies i.e. putting Americans and America front and centre horrifies the Dems, Trump's ability as POTUS to hunt them down for their crimes terrifies them.

  27. America is paying the price for the monstrous Biden lie. Sam Ashworth-Hayes22 July 2024.

    Even back then in 2020, there were clear concerns about the Democratic nominee’s age and health. But the Democratic party, with the active connivance of sections of the US media, worked overtime to cast any such concerns as nothing more than Republican slurs, and Mr Biden won the election.

    Questions about his health, however, never quite went away. Clips of the President stumbling, misspeaking or appearing visibly confused continued to circulate for the duration of his term, in each case defused by helpful allies across the press, dismissed as “cheapfakes” or labelled “misinformation”.

    And where was Mr Ashworth-Hayes and the Telegraph back then? You could have read the truth about Biden on Nottl anytime in the last four years.

    1. …and Mr Biden won stole the election.

      From his campaign bunker, no less.

    2. From Coffee House, the Spectator

      After Biden: what the Democrats should do now
      Comments Share 21 July 2024, 8:28pm
      President Joe Biden – who has announced that he will not run for re-election – has served the United States honourably for five decades, as a senator, as Barack Obama’s vice president, and finally in the highest office in the land. Biden has endorsed Kamala Harris, his Vice President, to be the new Democratic nominee. The best thing for Democrats to do now is to stage a genuinely open competition for who should oppose Donald Trump in the presidential race. Voters deserve a say in who represents them, and Harris was not on primary ballots in either 2020 or 2024. And the competition, even if messy, is likely to strengthen Democrats: Either they find a candidate whom voters prefer to Harris; or Harris will go into November strengthened by a democratic show of support for her.

      Most popular
      Freddy Gray
      Can anything stop Kamala Harris?

      But that course of action may not be likely. The Democrats – and the wider pundit class – ignored Biden’s failing health for months and years. Once it became impossible to ignore, they (and he) wasted additional weeks on hemming and hawing about what to do. Now, next month’s Democratic National Convention and November’s elections are perilously close.

      If Democrats do crown Harris, the upcoming election will be very close-run. Like her boss, Harris is and has long been deeply unpopular. And she is unpopular both because she has in the past taken some very unpopular decisions (such as endorsing a bail fund supportive of violent protestors) and because her flip-flopping on major issues has left her without strong supporters in either the progressive or the moderate camp within the Democratic Party.

      These are serious liabilities but – especially when faced with an opponent who, for good and deep reason, himself remains deeply unpopular – they can be overcome. Harris needs to prosecute the case against Trump with force and clarity, qualities which she proved to be in her possession back when she was on the Senate Judiciary Committee. But she needs to do so without seeming like she is sitting in judgment of those Americans who are genuinely torn about who to support come November. Even though some left-leaning pundits like to disclaim the existence of swing voters, it is the millions of people who changed their mind between 2012 and 2016, or between 2016 and 2020, who will make the difference again this year.

      If Democrats do crown Harris, the upcoming election will be very close-run
      One way to appeal to these voters is to move fully into the political centre. Trump has many personal and political vulnerabilities. But he has also proven to be willing to triangulate, for example by excising any pro-life messaging from the platform of the Republican National Convention and claiming that he didn’t support Project 2025, a radical and controversial set of policies put forward by the Heritage Foundation. If Harris wants to beat Trump, she must prove similarly willing to sacrifice the least popular positions Democrats hold on issues like the southern border or the participation of trans women in top female sporting competitions.

      The election was starting to look like a foregone conclusion, with Trump comfortably in the lead. The party who is on track to lose has an interest in rolling the dice. The Democrats just did. That is a good sign: After weeks in which it looked paralysed, the party which claims that the future of American democracy will turn on this election has shown that it actually wants to win.

      A version of this article originally appeared on Yascha Mounk’s Substack.

    1. They have trashed Richmond Park. I refuse to go there now, unless absolutely essential. Since they went on their mission to be “inclusive” and attract a new type of visitor. Now the Park is full of signs reminding people not to drop litter, not to park where they shouldn’t, not to have bbqs, not to approach the animals, not to do this or that or the other. The idiot driver that nearly killed me earlier this year by driving from an illegal parking place without looking whilst texting was one of the new “diverse” people this CEO wants more of.

      1. I just about grew up in Richmond Park. I knew all the ponds and the beasts and birds that frequented them. No one left litter, and someone lighting a small fire, let alone a barbeque, would have been regarded as mad. There used to be sheep in the park as well as the red and fallow deer that are there now. I remember taking a shed fallow deer antler home and then discovering it was illegal to take them, never mind.

      2. Sounds similar to National Trust. Cobbed my membership a few years ago, as did many others.

  28. Awkward………..
    "The biggest question inside the investigation of the Trump assassination attempt, is the thing no one has mentioned. Why have there been no daily press briefings?

    Where are the official 10:00am press briefing updates every day on the investigation?
    Where are the official press conferences from the Secret Service, FBI and law enforcement answering questions and providing information from the prior days investigative results?
    Where are the organized and official updates to let the American people know what has been found out about the assassination attempt on President Donald Trump?

    The absence of official press briefings has been the dog that didn’t bark."

    1. Apparently she gets the arrogant lack of self reflection from her mother.

      1. Probably get off on appeal. And even if she doesn't i doubt she would serve 12 months.

        1. I hope not. I hope they all stay there for their whole sentence. It is little to pay for at least two of their victims unable to say goodbye to dying relatives and one man who missed his fathers funeral.

          1. I hope that was brought home to them in the victim statement.

            Also, almost no one serves the sentence they are given. Normally 50% off straight away. Then another 20% off for good behaviour. Then another 10% off for early release.

    2. Note the Theresa May head-wobble, much favoured by the knowing when talking down to the ignorant. And I wonder if her talented musician of a daughter was inspired by the lyrics of 'Brass In Pocket'?

    3. Let's hope Cressie doesn't get banged up with a bull dike or a transwoman rapist as cellmate.

      1. Given her politics i expect she is in favour of trans. Now she is going to experience them up close and personal.

    4. Couldn't watch that all the way through. No consideration for the people who missed weddings, funerals, hospital appointments, holiday flights, etc. when the M25 was closed.
      All because her dopey daughter doesn't know that carbon dioxide is plant food and the sun controls the climate.

    1. I would have preferred to downvote, but thanks instead for bringing it to notice. The ones at sea are known for disrupting whales, echo-location, and the ones on land also kill smaller birds and bats. Am I surprised the Green Lobby don't say anything about this? Not really, bunch of hypocrites.

    2. "Mr. Packham, what's your view on the huge numbers of wildlife deaths caused by wind turbines?"
      "Millions of people die every year because of the effects of the fossil fuel industry. Sacrifices have to be made."

  29. "What a lovely pair of dogs! What are they called"
    "Calvin and klein"
    "Isn't that a brand of underwear?"

    "Yes they're boxers"

  30. I'm becoming worried about the quality of the various Police Services.

    Police in Leeds running away from a riot and then arresting, for her safety, a non-rioting white woman.

    Now this. The police comment claims it is a man: how can they deduce that from this photograph? What is the point of putting up this photograph? "The image isn't ideal". No shit, Sherlock. Note to Newham MPS, Sherlock Holmes was a fictional character.

    The person in question is wanted in connection with 'pride' flags being damaged. That, of course, is a real crime in the eyes of the Woke police chiefs. Vandalising monuments to the memory of people who served this Country well, not so much.

    1. People should do what happened in Scotland and make 100's of reports and give the police the runaround. Might make them think twice next time.

    2. Suggest they send some coppers to Harehills (Leeds) and make door to door enquiries….

    3. The sight of the poncy police parading with the deviants in the Leeds pride thing, was only made worse by the sight of soldiers also joining in the "fun". How much further is this nation going down the sewer.

    4. Comment made:-

      The real Hate Crime is putting the bloody Alphabet Soup flags up in the first place.

      Whoever that person is, they're doing a public service.

    1. Perhaps they were burning green wood to cause a lot of smoke. Sounds like they were doing it on the cheap.

        1. You would get a bit of smoke when first lit but if it were an obvious nuisance then i agree with the fine.

          1. It would need to be a very smoky fire I would have thought.

            Figures show the council investigated 216 complaints related to domestic chimneys between 2019 and 2022.

            suggests there are quite a few about, although those figures could include open fires.

          2. You surprise me – I did not think that you were the sort of conformist who is happy to condone the actions of mindless morons who are dressed in a little brief authority and play tricks upon us all.

        1. Banned here from spring through to autumn. Too many forest fires result from a careless garden bonfire.

    2. Unreasonable and excessive are highly subjective words. Who gives somebody at the Council the right to decide what reasonable and what is not excessive?

      I hope the household refuses to pay the fine.

    3. It could have been some eejit burning old fence panels or household waste in his stove, instead of seasoned or kiln-dried wood.

    4. Must have been using damp or unseasoned wood
      I throw everything in mine including coal that smokes like an old power station

  31. I watched a retired Microsoft operating system analyst's video this morning which explains why global systems employing Microsoft's servers went blue screen and caused a major problem in many international booking and payment systems.

    It all boils down to the dynamic configuration of a security application that has been authorised by Microsoft to run on its servers.
    However, the application runs in a protected mode on the servers but dynamic changes needed to keep them instantly updated are outside Microsoft's control.

    There is just one line of code that caused this problem and it is activated when a Microsoft server iis booted up resulting in blue screen.

    It is:

    Channel file “C-00000291*.sys” with timestamp of 2024-07-19 0409 UTC is the problematic version.

    Full details here:

    1. Does the time stamp refer to when it went crazy or when it was written?

      I also find the company name Crowdstrike sinister. Because that is exactly what they did.

      1. I don’t know.
        The expert who did know how it happened did not even go into that amount of detail in his video.

          1. Being an expert in assembly language he will have enough time with his hands off the wheel to amend the offending software fault via his keyboard before the vehicle display goes blue screen and the vehicle comes to a controlled stop.

    2. Our neighbours were going to Mallorca on Saturday but their flight was cancelled………. so they have had to rearrange their trip to a later date.

    3. Please, Sir … I have paper and pencil.
      (And a shoe box of used fivers under bed.)

      1. My objections to using my smartphone for banking were substantiated by the experience by a nurse on TV today who lost all her savings through transactions that her bank insisted she had made to her Revolut account who then insisted that she had then made further regular substantial payments from her phone to untraceable crypto accounts.

  32. I watched a retired Microsoft operating system analyst's video this morning which explains why global systems employing Microsoft's servers went blue screen and caused a major problem in many international booking and payment systems.

    It all boils down to the dynamic configuration of a security application that has been authorised by Microsoft to run on its servers.
    However, the application runs in a protected mode on the servers but dynamic changes needed to keep them instantly updated are outside Microsoft's control.

    There is just one line of code that caused this problem and it is activated when a Microsoft server iis booted up resulting in blue screen.

    It is:

    Channel file “C-00000291*.sys” with timestamp of 2024-07-19 0409 UTC is the problematic version.

    Full details here:

  33. I suppose if one took ones easel into a field of modern corn, one could be said to have
    "Drawn the short straw"

    I thang Yew.

    1. 1 out of 10

      *Must try harder.

      Unless of course Theresa May was dashing through naked. In which case you need counseling.

      See me after school.

  34. One of Britain’s oldest cricket clubs has banned players from hitting a six to prevent complaints from neighbours.

    Southwick and Shoreham Cricket Club in West Sussex, which was formed in 1790, has been forced to amend the rules of the ancient game after damage to property close to the ground.

    Hitting a six, where the batsman hits the ball hard enough to go out of the boundary of the field without touching the ground, thereby scoring the maximum of six runs, has led to house windows, parked cars and even people being at risk from airborne cricket balls.

    Cricketers playing on The Green in Southwick have been told that if they hit a six it will count as a zero.

    If they are “unlucky” enough to hit a second six during their innings then they are out.

    Mark Broxup, the Southwick club treasurer, said: “We took the proactive decision to ban sixes at the ground after a few incidents in the past when cars, houses and even roofs were damaged.

    “We don’t want to have to pay costly insurance or have any legal claims against us so it seemed a sensible thing to do.”

    But the move has caused dismay among traditional players.

    Two members of Southwick and Shoreham Cricket Club who will now be unable to hit sixes
    Southwick and Shoreham Cricket Club is surrounded by residential housing CREDIT: DAVID MCHUGH/BRIGHTON PICTURES
    One batsman said: “For the batsman or woman, hitting the bowler for a six out is part of the glory of the sport. It is integral to the enjoyment of the game for both sides.

    “To take that away removes the joy of it. I don’t agree that the rules should be tinkered with in this fashion.”

    Another said: “I don’t think we should chop and change the rules like this. Everything is about health and safety these days and insurance companies are charging a fortune to indemnify sports clubs against accidental damage or injury to bystanders.

    “If you buy a house next to a cricket ground then you’ve got expect a few cricket balls in your garden.”

    The club was formed in Southwick, near Brighton during the reign of King George III and the team has traditionally played the game on the Green.

    Nets have been put up around the ground's boundaries by the club
    Nets have been put up around the ground's boundaries by the club CREDIT: David McHugh/Brighton Picture
    However, the boundary is particularly short and the ground is surrounded by residential homes. Nets have been erected by the club but their height is limited by the trees surrounding the ground.

    ‘Can’t accommodate testosterone-fuelled young men’
    Mary Gill, 80, whose family have lived in the Grade II-listed cottage alongside The Green for generations, said: “I’ve lived here all my life and I think the ban is a good thing.

    “It’s a very small ground and can’t accommodate the testosterone-fuelled young men who come along and just want to hit the ball as far as they can.

    “My parents and grandparents lived in this house before me and cricket balls were always sailing over and causing damage.

    “One time – probably in the 1940s – my baby brother was outside in the garden and my mother found a cricket ball in his pram.

    “Over the years we’ve had tiles smashed off the roof, windows broken and all sorts of damage.

    “The club has always been absolutely excellent, sorting out the forms to claim on their insurance but I think the step to ban sixes is a good thing.”

    Southwick Cricket Club in Sussex ground
    Neighbours have complained about damage to roof tiles, windows and cars caused by batsmen firing balls out of the field boundary CREDIT: DAVID MCHUGH/BRIGHTON PICTURES
    Peter Naghten, a retired black cab driver, said: “I’ve never had a ball in my property but I don’t really agree with banning sixes – it’s one of the most interesting things about the sport.

    “I can understand why the ground is not really appropriate because it’s so small but how do you stop a batsman hitting a six? Surely it is in their blood and when the ball presents itself you’d just give it an almighty hit.”

    Dynamic bats
    Mr Broxup said the ground had been in near constant use since the club formed in 1790 but had recently been forced to make the amendment due to the changing nature of the sport.

    “In the olden days cricket was a more sedate affair; you’d have Geoffrey Boycott hitting one four in a day’s innings.

    “But today bats are far more dynamic and players have a different expectation of the game than they used it.

    “With the advent of 20/20 and limited over cricket the sport has become far more explosive and players can just slog away. It makes the chance of damage to cars and vehicles almost inevitable.”

    The club still uses the old ground to play Sunday league, juniors and ladies cricket but senior matches are hosted at a second ground.

    Mr Broxup said: “It was a difficult decision but in the olden days if we hit a tree or it went into the road it was a four and if it went over it was a six. That’s just too dangerous today.

    “In the past we have paid for the repairs to cars and homes but we wanted to put in place a new set of rules that would prevent that happening to begin with.”

    1. An individual club can't just change the laws of the game, and how do you prevent a batsman from smashing an inviting long-hop over square-leg for six?

      1. Play the ol' Six and Out rule like we had to in junior school to prevent those of us with a good eye and a strong arm from winning by too much over the less sporty oiks.

    2. An individual club can't just change the laws of the game, and how do you prevent a batsman from smashing an inviting long-hop over square-leg for six?

  35. Just reading today’s City AM and there is a n interesting article on “Woke backlash” in the USA as reported last week with respect to Microsoft and Musk. According to this article, the eldest of Musk’s (estimated) 11 children is “trans” (sic) and “he blames her school for exposing her to ideas which led to her transition and subsequent decision to cut off contact with him”. He is moving X and Space X HQ to Texas from California.

  36. Just reading today’s City AM and there is a n interesting article on “Woke backlash” in the USA as reported last week with respect to Microsoft and Musk. According to this article, the eldest of Musk’s (estimated) 11 children is “trans” (sic) and “he blames her school for exposing her to ideas which led to her transition and subsequent decision to cut off contact with him”. He is moving X and Space X HQ to Texas from California.

    1. I see 2 lists; Air travel … Ryanair

      and the navy chopper article is in the "Air Travel" list.

      Edited for space between the 2 lists.

  37. 'We failed'.
    Live! Secret Service Kim Cheatle Hearing on Trump Assassination Attempt

    Yep, thank Gawd you failed..

  38. A fledgling Birdie Three!

    Wordle 1,129 3/6

      1. Have you twigged how to post your result yet, KJ – you can post 'fails' – most of us do!!

    1. Me too. There were enough early clues.

      Wordle 1,129 3/6


      1. Wordle 1,129 4/6


    2. Well done, par here.

      Wordle 1,129 4/6


    3. Par in the end but few clues before my wild guess

      Wordle 1,129 4/6


    4. Me too Rene – Hup hup hoozah!

      Wordle 1,129 3/6


    5. That was a quickie.
      Wordle 1,129 2/6


  39. Early Evelyn Hall 🙂😊
    Had a good day today we walked to the Ripon bus Depot and took the 36 bus to Harrogate.
    Very bust town today. Sneakily, Old age seems to have taken its grip. I've been there twice before but had never noticed how hilly it is.
    Off further north after breakfast tomorrow.
    Be in touch later.
    Take care all.
    Did I hear someone has recently resigned ? 😅🤣😂
    What ever can we expect next ?

    1. Not only resigned but appears to be MIA. The plot is thickening nicely; stirred regularly. Enjoy your hols!

  40. Possibly the newest and best definition of incompetence….?

    The Rwanda scheme has already cost £700 million, it has emerged, as the Home Secretary called the policy “the most shocking waste of taxpayer’s money I have ever seen”.

    Yvette Cooper told the Commons that she had informed the Rwandan Government that the British Government would be ending the Migration and Economic Development Partnership deal, which would have seen asylum seekers sent to the central African country.

    She added that the previous government had planned to spend more than £10 billion on the scheme.

    Ms Cooper said: “I can report it has already cost the British taxpayer £700 million in order to send just four volunteers.

    “Those costs include £290 million payments to Rwanda, chartering flights that never took off, detaining hundreds of people and then releasing them and paying for more than 1000 civil servants to work on the scheme.”

    She added: “A scheme to send four people. It is the most shocking waste of taxpayers’ money I have ever seen.”

    You ain't seen nuttin' yet!

    1. And the 4 volunteers were white British pensioners who'd had enough of British governments.

    2. Did the harridan suggest she was going to try to recoup any costs or did she say paying Macron the same amount yet again would be good value for money to the tax payer?

    3. It wouldn't have failed if the Leftards and the bleeding HRLs hadn't opposed it at every turn. It seemed a great idea to me.

    4. It wouldn't have failed if the Leftards and the bleeding HRLs hadn't opposed it at every turn. It seemed a great idea to me.

  41. That's me gone for today. An hour of useful garden work – plus a trip to the excellent nursery at South Creake. Weather strange – looked like rain but none came.

    Have a spiffing evening imagining "President" Camel Toe….. ("Bring back Biden", I hear you cry…)

    A demain.

    1. I am looking forward to what Kameltoe has to say about Putin. As if she knows her arse from her elbow where foreign policy or anything for that matter is concerned. Broken record.

    2. That just might be about to happen sooner than you think and may in fact already have happened.
      Have a peaceful night.

  42. BTL Comment on a somewhat obese Democrat Donor…

    "He has enough blubber to whet an Eskimo's appetite. "


    1. It is regrettable that a successful and intelligent middle-aged man has no friends, and that his wife is waiting for him to die of a myocardial infarction. Online there are photographs of Mr Hoffman taken some thirty years ago, when he was clearly healthy and reasonably good looking, before he transformed himself into a multi-billion dollar blancmange.

        1. How to feel thinner: visit any provincial English town and go landwhale spotting.

  43. I have a dilemma.
    I have a good friend. We don't discuss the news or politics. Just gardening and trivial things.
    She works for the MOD.
    She regularly tests using the test kit that the originator said had no value as far as corona was concerned. And quite possibly has been boosted though i don't know that.
    She flew back from Dallas this week and had to go to A&E. Blood clots on the lungs.

    What do i say?

    1. It might be nothing to do with Covid injections.

      Flying can be a contributory factor for deep vein thrombosis and it can be mitigated in future with injections and aspirin before flying and using such things as flight socks as well as exercising during the flight for those who are susceptible.

      They often form in the legs and can work their way around the body, including into the lungs.

    2. I will second what Jonathan has written. No time for blame, recriminations or anything but best wishes

      when she has recovered, you can risk your friendship by talking vaccine theories.

    3. I think she should be aware of the risks of blood clots being experienced in the body particularly during long distance flights.

      This article seems to be particularly relevant to those wishing to take precautions on long distance flights:,DVT%2C%20PE%2C%20or%20both.

      I think c!ots associated with COVID and associated vaccinations are manifest in the microcirculation and likely to incvolve muliple organs so hopefully clots only in the lungs could well be attributed to a long distance flight rather than being COVID related.

      1. Though serious i don't think it life threatening at the moment. You on the other hand need to slow down !

    4. If she were really your 'good friend', the lady would tactfully suggest that you should drastically reduce your consumption of alcohol and tobacco. Of course, I would never dream of saying anything similar.

      1. Thanks. You have been really helpful. Next time you need advice i suggest you speak to the mirror.

    1. They always hide behind procedure and cannot comment. She was entirely unconvincing. Perhaps she will wake up and realise she has been 'played'. Then it's bye bye Miss American Pie.
      Such a shame the supermarket burned to the ground while she was in it.

      1. Dunno – she is being asked to. It is so fascinating ( and rather heartening) just how infuriated all the inquisitors from all sides are by her evasive approach. Even AOC was impressive. I didn't see the whole thing because husband came in and had a go at me, but Tlibi and a bald black woman called, I think, Presley, let themselves down by making it an occasion for race baiting. But there was very little of this, and several really fierce and impressive beauties, on both sides, of whom I had never heard. Gives one renewed faith in the "Free World".

        The Marjorie woman was outstanding

    2. The Chairman & Ranking Member are calling for her to resign!….Vote of absolute no confidence in her!

    3. Good Lord – she is an absolute 'no mark' – was she a diversity pick? Disgraceful!!……..

        1. Yes, and just about everything else (together with Obamas) or so it's being reported. Now a walk in the park for DT 😀 But you'll know all this…

  44. Yes, thanks, but I regret my attendance is as problematic as running for another term.

    1. Fabulous! – they've got real b*lls doing that – unfortunately a lot of them do pay the ultimate price…….

  45. God help us all.

    The former White House doctor Ronny Jackson was adamant. ‘I am concerned he does not have the mental capacity, the cognitive ability, to serve as Commander-in-Chief and Head of State’.

    He was talking about Joe Biden not yesterday but four years ago, before Biden became President.

    RICHARD LITTLEJOHN: Biden was NEVER fit to be President – and neither is Kamala

    1. I've just sent that article to family and friends.
      Remember when the Soviet Union was the byword for lies and cover-ups?


      In 1991, Russian citizens awoke to Tchaikovsky’s Swan Lake on loop. Something was up but few knew what. If Moscovians had turned off the TV and looked out the window, they would have seen soldiers and tanks entering the city as the Soviet Union began to collapse around them.

      Metaphorically, Swan Lake is now playing on loop on US television. We have no idea who is running the country, who is Commander-in-Chief and who is holding the nuclear codes. However, for many the TV remains on with performers performing but with nothing of substance being shown.

      The Democrats are always screaming about Russian interference, especially by bots on Twitter, but now that an actual coup may have taken place, nobody says a word. The only evidence we have that Biden has actually quit the presidential race is a tweet and a short letter posted on Twitter. For all we know, he could be being held hostage with no intention of quitting but somebody else is is sending out messages pretending to be him. For all we know, it could be the Russians that have hacked into his accounts but the Democrats suddenly don’t seem to care.

      It’s not the Russians but it is a coup. Where is Biden and why hasn’t he been seen? If he is too ill to be photographed, then he is too ill to have drafted a resignation letter. Does he even know he has resigned? To some these concerns may sound over the top but this is the same week that someone tried to assassinate his opponent. It’s also the same week a global computer outage occurred – let’s hope no files about all of these events accidentally got deleted in the process.

      In 1968, when Lyndon B. Johnson announced he wouldn’t re-run, he sat in the Oval Office and spoke to the nation for around 40 minutes. This was to reassure Americans and warn any adversaries about the continuity of government.

      But with Biden’s resignation, we haven’t even seen a photo.

      The last time Biden was seen was five days ago as he slowly walked down the steps of Air Force One.

      Apparently Biden had caught Covid and had gone to his beach house to isolate. I could sense this Covid excuse was on the way when they announced that Kamala Harris’ husband had caught the virus on 7 July.

      Since then, he has been tweeting but everyone knows Joe doesn’t know how to use Twitter.

  46. Ooh! That sounds interesting.
    Allegedly, Joe Biden may be dead!
    According to Graduate Son, there are runours that he was rushed to one hospital, airlifted to a 2nd and has vanished.

    1. A lot of the commenters on this piece by Eugyppius, think so too.

      Joe Biden Out in Apparent Palace Coup
      Jul 22

      At 7:16 pm on 20 July, the Joe Biden Twitter account posted that the upcoming election “is the most important … of our lifetimes” and said “I will win it.”

      According to the New York Times, this tweet went up hours after Biden had already resolved to leave the presidential race. That article tells us the ageing president spent the afternoon and evening of Saturday with his close adviser Steve Richetti and his speechwriter and strategist Mike Donilon drafting a resignation letter. Throughout this time, Biden and his regents remained totally incommunicado.

      1. That seems to be the case on fox news.
        New York post just reports Harris saying how great Biden is.

        1. Biden is hardly mentioned on cnn, it's all about the dems coming round to support Harris.

    1. It was no set up by Trump. It looks like the Sec.Service just gave minimum security in the hope someone would take advattage and they did

      1. I agree with you, Johnny. I spent several unintended hours watching the congress inquiry to which the head of the USSS had been subpoenaed (posted below). It was breathtakingly blatant

      2. Not even sure it was that. It might have been a simple mistake due to diversity taking precedence over competence. We're seeing it everywhere.

    1. Blast from the past.
      Panic every Saturday evening when the pencil couldn't be found!

    2. When we needed vast numbers of people and gradually the work was automated and done more efficiently – as with most things in our economy.

      Why has big fat state then forced 30 million foreigners on us when we just didn't need them?

      1. It's not just that we don't need them, it's that we have to support them when we cannot afford to support our own

  47. I wonder what is being distributed burying bad news against the backdrop of the strictly cum prancing?

  48. Oh dear
    That great big orange in the sky has decided to disprove yet more climate science.

      1. You know, Stephen, full well, that it is the Sun and not human activity that contributes to the scam being hailed as 'Climate Change'.

        1. Indeed I do but I just wanted to know the particulars of the above statement….

        1. Thank you – I don;t look at the DM….Can't wait for the next big Carrington event!

  49. Another day is done, Slept the afternoon away but still exhausted so, I wish you a goodnight and may God bless all you Gentlefolk. If we are spared! Bis morgen früh.

  50. 389997+ up ticks,

    Pillow ponder,

    Sunak to stay on as acting Tory leader until November Updated 3 minutes ago

    He should be a roaring success at that he has had enough rehearsal time under his "acting belt"

    1. Processing time for green card re-applications: anywhere between 6 weeks and a year. Try the USCIS website.

    2. Well he's certainly cock-a-hoop since he successfully threw the General Election. Him'n'Keir are like that. What a bunch of treacherous bastards they are.

  51. It's that time again. Good Night, chums, I hope you all sleep well and awaken refreshed on Tuesday morning.

  52. Basket beckons. Night all. Been a useless contributor last few days, sorry. Sleep thee well, tous les gars xx

  53. I'm sick and tired of government meddling. Nothing it does is useful and it must be stopped, permanently. Locally, nationally government must be brought to heel. It must be starved and then shredded and kicked to the floor and our boot kept on it's neck.

    1. Netanyahu is shit scared after the Democrats have placed the cackling hyena Kamala Harris in the firing line.

      Much the same apprehension applies to the EU and UK. The principal question is ‘who the fuck’ is making the decisions, especially on critical geopolitical questions with the myriad risks of intensified wars around the globe resulting from President Biden’s obvious incompetence and that of his administration.

      The supposed genius of US foreign policy, Jake Sullivan, is a mere delinquent and the rest of Biden’s inner circle simply kindergarten types with little awareness, no experience and no knowledge of geopolitics.

      As ever our dear leader Keir Starmer is seen to be a complete fool. Having visited and spoken with Biden he announced that Biden was as sharp as a tack whereas we all knew Biden had been incompetent for several years prior to his ultimate recent political demise.

      What does this falsity by a British Prime Minister tell us about Starmer’s judgement? It tells me personally that Starmer is just another Deep State operative and necessarily a bloody liar.

      I once had an Irish landlord, a Mr Murphy, who was a dead ringer for Starmer. Mr Murphy was a lovely man but lacking in intellect. Starmer resembles Mr Murphy, is likewise lacking in intellect, but unfortunately lacks the goodness.

    2. Netanyahu is shit scared after the Democrats have placed the cackling hyena Kamala Harris in the firing line.

      Much the same apprehension applies to the EU and UK. The principal question is ‘who the fuck’ is making the decisions, especially on critical geopolitical questions with the myriad risks of intensified wars around the globe resulting from President Biden’s obvious incompetence and that of his administration.

      The supposed genius of US foreign policy, Jake Sullivan, is a mere delinquent and the rest of Biden’s inner circle simply kindergarten types with little awareness, no experience and no knowledge of geopolitics.

      As ever our dear leader Keir Starmer is seen to be a complete fool. Having visited and spoken with Biden he announced that Biden was as sharp as a tack whereas we all knew Biden had been incompetent for several years prior to his ultimate recent political demise.

      What does this falsity by a British Prime Minister tell us about Starmer’s judgement? It tells me personally that Starmer is just another Deep State operative and necessarily a bloody liar.

      I once had an Irish landlord, a Mr Murphy, who was a dead ringer for Starmer. Mr Murphy was a lovely man but lacking in intellect. Starmer resembles Mr Murphy, is likewise lacking in intellect, but unfortunately lacks the goodness.

    1. I'd guess that 90% of the welfare freeloaders will leave, once their benefits are cut.

  54. I really am off now, but will leave you with a little numerical puzzle:

    Why was 6 scared?

    Because 7 8 9

    1. Surely the answer is <spoiler>because 9 8 7</spoiler> – if what you wrote is correct then 6 had no need to be scared because the one to be scared would be 10.

      1. 'Morning, Elsie. Maybe your spoiler doesn't work because of the gap between 7 and <.

        1. God morning, Sir Jasper. Did you mean the "gap" between 7 and <? I tried to reduce the gap and nothing happened. Or, if you meant "cap" then I don't quite follow. Let's try that with "cap" meaning capitals. <Spoiler>because 9 8 7</Spoiler> and see if that works. No, it doesn't. I'm baffled.

          1. With the new system you have to actually click on the hidden eye symbol. The old <spoiler> switches no longer work.

          2. Perhaps to designate spoiler in a reply you need to use the gizmo in the bottom of your reply. Just saying…

        2. God morning, Sir Jasper. Did you mean the "gap" between 7 and <? I tried to reduce the gap and nothing happened. Or, if you meant "cap" then I don't quite follow. Let's try that with "cap" meaning capitals. <Spoiler>because 9 8 7</Spoiler> and see if that works. No, it doesn't. I'm baffled.

    1. 'Morning, Geoff and thank you for all the work and effort you have put in to keep us all going. Well done!

Comments are closed.