Monday 24 October: The new Tory leader needs to steady the ship, unite the party and re-engage with voters

An unofficial place to discuss the Telegraph letters, established when the DT website turned off its comments facility (now reinstated, but we prefer ours),
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Today’s letters (visible only to DT subscribers) are here.

494 thoughts on “Monday 24 October: The new Tory leader needs to steady the ship, unite the party and re-engage with voters

    1. What do you mean, Minty, wishing us all a Good Morning 42 minutes ago? It’s not 7 am yet!!! Geoff, get yourself a new alarm clock, you seem to be confusing 6.16 am with 7 am! Lol.

  1. Activists seek to block Christmas displays of alcohol in the supermarket

    Campaigners fighting to prevent prominent wine and beer promotions after advent calendars and biscuits relegated in anti-obesity drive


    Ann Salmon
    17 HRS AGO
    Anyone else sick to the back teeth of ‘activists’ and their miserable, soul sucking attempts to force their pathetic agendas onto the majority? A plague on them all.


    1. Yes. Violence will be required. Smash their stupid fcuking faces in with a bottle of Moet.
      Morning, btw!

  2. Morning.

    Although today’s Terriblegraph headline is a bit depressing (Sunak), there’s some good stuff in the rest of the paper – glimmers of hope (this doesn’t mean that there’s no shortage of articles which evince a measure of despair, however).

    I like the idea of planting a 74 mile hedge in Devon. It’s just a shame farmers were paid to rip out ancient existing hedges when we were part of CAP.

    1. Well, don’t just stand there complaining about it, Bob3. Nip down to the supermarket and buy yourself a few more bottles for your daily tincture! Lol.

  3. Britain warns Russia against escalating the war in Ukraine after false ‘dirty bomb’ claim, 24 October 2022.

    Britain has warned Russia against escalating the war in Ukraine after claims by its defence minister that Kyiv is set to use a radioactive “dirty bomb”.

    General Sergei Shoigu on Sunday held an extraordinary series of calls with Western counterparts to make the allegation, sparking fears of a false-flag attack.

    The Russian defence minister said he was concerned about “possible Ukrainian provocations involving a ‘dirty bomb’ in talks with his opposite numbers in France, Turkey, Britain and America”.

    Dirty bombs are conventional explosive s packed with radioactive material.

    Who to believe? Well Defence Ministers do not make calls to hostile states expecting to get a sympathetic (borne out by its reception here) hearing. There is also the possibility of setting in motion a cry wolf syndrome whereby future serious communications are degraded. I think on balance the accusation is probably true, or at least Shoigu believes it or he would not have exposed himself to such a rebuff. What has he gained from it? Well he’s drawn the real poison from such an act, which is its effect on World Opinion. Unlike the Baltic Pipeline operation Russia does not have the means to manipulate the Western MSM.

    1. Morning, all. Grey sky but dry with a good breeze here. Washing is on with an ETOL – estimated time on line – of around 8:30 to maximise the breeze’s drying effect.

      A ‘dirty bomb’ would be an escalation of the most stupid kind: something that only a criminally desperate individual or faction would perpetrate. As far as Ukraine is concerned it is clear that those people and the conditions are in place. Dangerous times especially so with the person in the White House not being in control, either of himself or the situation.

  4. The new Tory leader needs to steady the ship, unite the party and re-engage with voters

    I see the psyop is continuing apace

    Give people a smidgen of hope, then rip it away again.

  5. If the Conservative Party was crewing the Titanic they would be sending out for a new bandsman to help steady the ship as it went down

    1. ‘Morning Johnny! I’ve decided to call it slug weather judging by the number of them on the path and walls!

  6. Good morning all.
    A wet start with 8°C outside, though the rain is forecast to ease off later.

    1. And the hotel-ed invaders will be geared up to make there is no disruptions from ‘The English’ on our streets.

  7. If the WEF/globalist cabal have any influence within the hastily bodged (sticky back paper, anyone?) new government, then this prediction will not be far off the mark. The shenanigans over the last few months have, IMHO, turned this Tory cabal into an illegitimate government. What mandate can this shower claim to have?
    Should the government try any globalist nonsense e.g. lockdowns, masks, jabs then the people must not comply. This Tory cabal have to be brought to heel and the threat of an electoral collapse is a powerful weapon against arrogant self-serving career politicians.

    1. 366551+ up ticks,

      Morning KtK,

      Totally agree
      openly in place since major first sampled a curry, found tribal,party first support all the way.

    2. Arrogant self-serving career politicians.
      I believe that application will fit most of them. As they do nothing practical for the good of the country. They’ll be sniffing around for money making opportunities linked to the markets available in any shape or form.
      They’ve been at it for decades.
      There are plenty of them well past their sell-by-date who are still involved. But do absolutely nothing for the public between elections.

  8. Good morning all

    We have viewed via the media some horrible conflicts initiated by Pakistanis against Indians in a few of our major cities .. all because of a niggling squabble during a cricket match.

    Will the Muslims kick off when Sunak is given the keys to No 10?

    1. Apparently the police presence has been stepped up in Leicester.
      The tea urns are being lined up and boxes of HobKnobs are blocking the corridors of the local nick.

    2. It seems they’ve been holding back since their ‘police escorted’ march on the Israeli embassy in London. With their banners and placard depictions of, kill everyone else except muslimes.

          1. Exactly; especially if the doctor was a male.
            And when things got busy, she would be sitting beside the bed of a poorly patient with a rich family, holding their hand and looking soulful.
            Or would be ‘busy’ in the linen room.

          2. Haha .. or suggesting she rubs their bed bound tender parts , bit of buttock and heel massaging .. and wearing a perfume that no other nurse could afford .

  9. 366551+ up ticks,

    Morning Each,

    Monday 24 October: The new Tory leader needs to steady the ship, unite the party and re-engage with voters

    Monday 24 October: The new Tory leader needs to steady the ship Titanic, unite the party and re-engage with voters for more of the same

    See reality,
    I booked a passage on a ship of fools (sing along) then trigger the decent
    peoples RE-SET

    People must surely acknowledge the fact that
    people power can also work to benefit the people via the polling booth ( the referendum) we are currently sampling what it can do via the polling booth when treachery / stupidity are afoot,

  10. A balanced article from the DM.
    The paper is annoying; on the one hand it has the side bar of shame and its obsession with royalty and slebs; on the other, it has writers who can produce articles like this.
    I suppose by being aired in the Daily Wail, this level of writing is likely to attract a greater number of eyeballs than the Grimes or the Tellygraff.

    1. I agree with you in that amongst all the absurd trivia about slebs and pictures of naked girls with bits of black editing masking tape concealing their nipples and other naughty bits there are some excellent articles which the left ignore completely and which are not read by he right because they are in a trashy newspaper. Melanie Philips, for example, used to write far more common sense than most of the current so-called journalists in the Telegraph.

      However I do not think that Glover’s view that Faker Sunak is the answer to the question of who should be the prime minister – but neither are Johnson nor Mordaunt.

      The problem is insoluble such as this one:

      Connect each X to each Y with an individual unbroken line with no one line crossing another.

      X X X

      Y Y Y

    2. There are several errors in the article. The first is that Sunak will unite the party. He won’t, as the party has just peed off the support base no end.

      As for Putin created the energy crisis, no. That’s a blatant lie. The energy crisis was created by the state machine deliberately by running down conventional energy generating capacity and whacking the highest cost as the only cost – the state rigged the market.

      As for free spending Boris – it is Sunak who spent the money – well, actually I don’t believe he did. I think he was so focussed on replacing his boss that he deliberately let the Treasury do what it wanted, without oversight or control. Much easier than actually holding to your duty.

      Truss’ budget was a good one. The problem is the blob hated it. Their intent is big state, Left wing globalism, to make energy, food and fuel expensive, to rejoin the EU and cripple this country with taxation. Thus they set about destroying her.

      I also disagree that there will be stability. I’m sure the markets will like him because he’ll hike taxes and spend money. That is the last thing the country needs. No doubt the party will like him because he’ll keep aligning us with the EU over tax and policy, keep the WEF line and do nothing positive or difficult. Then we’ll get an election with inflation at 12-15%, interest rates on mortgages soaring, interest returns on savings negligible, massive welfare, high corporation taxes, no energy capacity and the hordes of gimmigrants will have poured in another 90,000 scum.

      All as the Left want.

      1. Good moaning all.

        “ As for Putin created the energy crisis, no. That’s a blatant lie. The energy crisis was created by the state machine deliberately by running down conventional energy generating capacity and whacking the highest cost as the only cost – the state rigged the market.”. Thoroughly agree, that was my first exclamation on reading this article.

        “ Truss’ budget was a good one. The problem is the blob hated it. Their intent is big state, Left wing globalism, to make energy, food and fuel expensive, to rejoin the EU and cripple this country with taxation. Thus they set about destroying her.”. Again, agreed. When we read that £400bn was squandered/fraudulently acquired/wasted or whatever “due to Covid” a couple of £bn here or there is nothing any more. The figures are too terrifying.

  11. Morning all 🙂
    The weather is brighter.
    But I’m not sure about our political situation.

      1. It was, all along, a coup for the blob to get their man in to enact their olicies of decline and cost. The entire political establishment is a cesspit of foul, bitter, spiteful, vicious scum. Burn it all – administration to minister to PM. They are all wretched vermin.

        1. I think you are being too kind to the political establishment which deserves more opprobrium than you and I combined could probably muster!

  12. Remember that brutal WhatsApp message that set out a new Tory top team? Turns out it was right
    All that will be left is for Mordaunt to replace James Cleverly as foreign secretary, and the ‘coup’ will be complete


    The Conservative Party has not only adopted much of the Labour Party’s philosophy – it has also adopted its ability to wreak total economic devastation and the former chancellor, Sunak, is one of the main progenitors of this devastation. Added to this the Conservative Party in Parliament has revealed itself as jam-packed with totally foul people

    1. 366551+ up ticks,
      Morning R,
      They are a coalition have been for 3 plus decades
      Party before country tribal voting is the nation killer.

    2. A big state, Left wing globalist. Happily insulated from normal concerns by wealth, taking advantage of tax laws he implemented, perpetually uninterested in his job, always looking to the next one up.

      That’s Sunak’s entire career. The man is vermin.

      1. If a new prominent party does not emerge from this then Britain is sunk.

        But the WEF is very keen for Britain to cease to exist.

        Just imagine the feeding frensy in the WEF controlled MSM looking for lurid stories about Richard Tice and Nigel Farage if the Reform Party becomes too popular.

        Of course the FPTP system is designed to cut out a new third party. Remember when Nigel Farage in UKIP got more that 4 million votes and only one parliamentary seat when the Liberal Democrats and the SNP combined got fewer votes than UKIP but won about 150 seats.

        Of course neither Labour nor the Conservatives wants PR as it is not in their interests to have it.

      2. An important step in his career, wibbs: Sunak married Akshata Murty, the daughter of N. R. Narayana Murthy, the Indian billionaire businessman who founded Infosys.

    1. Happy Birthday, Jonathan – hope you’ll be posting here again very soon. All the best for your birthday year!

  13. Good morrow, Gentlefolk. Today’s funny:

    The Power of Prayer

    A bar called Drummond’s in Mt Vernon, Texas began construction on an expansion of their building, hoping to “grow” their business.

    In response, the local Southern Baptist Church started a campaign to block the bar from expanding – petitions, prayers, etc. About a week before the bar’s grand re-opening, a bolt of lightning struck the bar and burned it to the ground!

    Afterward, the church folks were rather smug – bragging about “the power of prayer”. The angry bar owner eventually sued the church on grounds that the church … “was ultimately responsible for the demise of his building, through direct actions or indirect means.”

    Of course, the church vehemently denied all responsibility or any connection to the building’s demise.

    The judge read carefully through the plaintiff’s complaint and the defendant’s reply. He then opened the hearing by saying: “I don’t know how I’m going to decide this, but it appears from the paperwork that what we have here is a bar owner who now believes in the power of prayer, and an entire church congregation that does not.”

  14. A hypothetical question for Nottlers interested in equine sports. If, in a three horse race, there are two horses, neck and neck, leading by several furlongs and one of the two leading horses is pulled up by the jockey for no obvious reason and it then obstructs the third horse, would there be a Stewards’ Enquiry?
    (Asking for a politician.)

    1. I think Lady Macbeth misspoke when she said that a raven is a horse but there are certainly foul deeds afoot under the turrets and battlements of Westminster.

    2. The jockey would be sanctioned if there were no veterinary reason for pulling it up (or a tack malfunction) as he would be adjudged not to have given his mount the best chance of finishing in the best position. There would be an enquiry if interference took place to see if a) it was deliberate b) whether the jockey could have prevented it and c) whether the result was affected. If it is clear that c) happened, the placings would have been revised.

  15. Right, that’s me ready for the off.
    Drop down to Ashbourne and the A515 to Lichfield, pick up A5 at Muckley Corner, then M54 to J6 @ Telford and drop down to Much Wenlock via A4169, then one of two B roads that straddle Wenlock Edge before heading to the top of the Edge to pick up t’Lad’s Ebay purchase.
    Depending on weather might have an hour break in Much Wenlock.

    Hopefully stopping tonight & possible tomorrow night in a local pub.

    Laptop is in the van so TTFN.

    1. Walk in a nutshell
      From the tiny time-warp town of Much Wenlock, walk through farmers’ fields and up to Wenlock Edge, a wooded limestone escarpment immortalised in the song On Wedlock Edge by Ralph Vaughan Williams. The view as you walk along the 330m-high escarpment is extensive, with Brown Clee Hill, Shropshire’s highest, to the right.

      Why it’s special
      The 20th-century English composer Vaughan Williams captured the dramatic landscape of Wenlock Edge in his fierce composition for a string quartet and piano using the words of AE Housman’s poem On Wenlock Edge the Wood’s in Trouble. In the song, a Roman soldier looks down on a Roman city that stood where Wroxeter now stands to the north as he is blown by a gale. Standing here on a windy day it’s easy to imagine: “There, like the wind through woods in riot / Through him the gale of life blew high / The tree of man was never quiet / Then ’twas the Roman, now ’tis I.”,Edge%20the%20Wood's%20in%20Trouble.

      1. Viriconium. Most of it is still there (and there are acres still to be excavated). The vineyards are next door.

  16. Look, he’s crawling up the wall
    Blond and hairy, that’s not all
    Once in it over his head
    Hanging by a little thread
    Boris the outsider
    Boris the outsider
    Now he’s dropped on to the floor
    Heading for the backbench door
    Maybe he’s just scared you see
    Where’s he gone now, I can’t see
    Boris the outsider
    Boris the outsider …….

  17. Here are a few vague questions. Are there any honest hedge fund managers, bankers who buy and sell stocks & shares, bonds and gilts, foreign exchange. Do Chinese walls work? Is there really no insider trading? No heads-up from chums in industry and commerce, no prior knowledge of takeovers and bankruptcies?
    If you catch a leprechaun do you really get a wish that will come true?

  18. So we’ll have a Ssssunak coronation this afternoon .
    Penny will not stand a chance, she would get membership backing but not support in the HoC or would be able to pass any legislation .
    Iain Duncan Smith said this morning that they all should get behind Sunak to avoid civil war in the party. There has been much said about Sunak being an economic whizkid but what about security, foreign affairs, policing etc.. nothing has been said about him in relation to these equally important issues .

    1. Will he have a conflict of interests .. How well does he know the rogue Modi ?

      Will our remaining assets be auctioned off .. the way Brown did with our Gold?

      1. Sunak had a green card whilst being an MP at some point – against the ministerial code . He has links to India and the US . He has links to pharmaceutical companies during Covid etc..

        1. My understanding is that Sunak held a green card prior to becoming an MP, the green card was not renewed/extended when it expired.

          1. Modern green cards have to be renewed every 10 years and it’s expensive. My son has to do this. I was lucky- I had/have a non renewable card.

          2. “Rishi Sunak has confirmed that he had a green card, which
            permitted him full residency in the United States, until late 2021. He
            was made chancellor of the exchequer in February 2020.

            The chancellor has been under pressure to explain why, as Sky News reported last night, he had held a green card while serving in the highest levels of UK government. Holders of these cards must pay US tax on their global income and vow to make the US their permanent home.”

    2. He made a fortune in an interesting deal that does not appear in his Wikipedia entry.

  19. Blackouts: another dark consequence of Net Zero. Spiked 24 October 2022.

    The way he announced it spoke volumes. On Monday, John Pettigrew, head of the National Grid, warned that Britain could face blackouts when the weather turns ‘really, really cold’ this winter. If energy supply fails to meet household demand, blackouts would have to be imposed between 4pm and 7pm on the ‘deepest, darkest evenings’ of January and February, he said. So we may be reaching for our candles on winter evenings next year. This would be a bleak midwinter indeed.

    Tellingly, Pettigrew casually let slip this bombshell at the ‘Energy Transition Summit’, a plush business event hosted by the Financial Times. The summit, as its name suggests, aims to help usher in a transition to an apparent idyll of renewable electricity and emissions-free energy. In our brave new Net Zero world, this is exactly the kind of announcement we will have to start getting used to.

    After all, the immediate trigger for the National Grid’s blackout warnings may be the current global energy crisis. But the grid has form in wanting to impose energy rationing on the masses. Indeed, rationing is a feature, not a bug of the Net Zero policy.

    Back in 2011, Evan Davis, then presenter of Radio 4’s Today, asked Steve Holliday, then National Grid chief exec, how the grid would cope ‘if the wind doesn’t blow’. Davis was nodding to the intermittency of renewable energy – the reason renewables alone can never replace existing forms of energy. Yet for Britain’s elite, the cause of lowering carbon emissions comes above all others. Holliday replied: ‘The grid’s going to be a very different system in 2020, 2030… much smarter. We’re going to have to change our own behaviour and consume [energy] when it’s available, and available cheaply.’

    ‘Changing our own behaviour’, of course, refers to what you and I must do. It means cutting down our use of consumer electronics and domestic appliances. It means we must learn to stop boiling our kettles too much, or only boil them at certain times. It means we must consume energy only in extremis. This ‘smart’ use of electricity, to fit around the intermittency of renewable sources of supply, is rationing in all but name.

    Still, alongside his insistence that we would have to tighten our belts on energy consumption, Holliday was delighted that his new, smarter grid was going to be fed by wind turbines: ‘Today we’ve got about five gigawatts of wind [power]’, he remarked in 2011. He then boasted ‘we’ll have nearly 30 by 2020’. Yet the UK’s combined onshore and offshore wind capacity stands at only 25.5 GW. And having closed down almost all coal-fired power stations and having not pursued fracking, we now rely on gas imports to meet our energy needs.

    Successive Conservative administrations, the National Grid and the energy companies have failed to adequately secure our energy supplies. Instead, their efforts have gone into what they call ‘demand response’ – that is, cutting energy use.

    Energy regulator Ofgem will play a role in this, too. It is currently moving to impose ‘surge pricing’ on the populace, using the readings from the UK’s 29million smart meters, in an attempt to massage down our energy use. (It even has the gall to suggest this will benefit the consumer.)

    It gets worse. This week, proposals have been mooted in the Treasury to introduce so-called tapering. Customers would pay a lower price per unit up to a certain consumption limit and then higher costs would kick in for any consumption above that point. The aim is to push households to keep energy consumption beneath prescribed limits. No doubt people with draughty homes will end up being penalised for energy use the authorities judge as profligate.

    Tories and officialdom are reluctant to secure our energy supply, but are eager to straitjacket all forms of energy use. Even as households suffer, we can only hope that hospitals, essential workplaces and indeed National Grid substations will be able to fall back on diesel generators to avoid blackouts this winter. It hardly inspires confidence that the National Grid is already asking businesses to replace last-resort diesel generators with low-carbon alternatives – simply to save an infinitesimal 500 tonnes of CO2.

    The fact that we are even contemplating rationing and blackouts is an utter travesty. Brits should not become inured to the ways of managing energy supply more befitting of the developing world – where not just temporary power cuts, but also lengthy ‘rolling’ blackouts and brownouts are part of the furniture of everyday life.

    We cannot keep lowering our expectations of what a proper energy policy can deliver. We deserve so much better.

    Telling it like it is!

    1. The State doesn’t care. Too many non-jobs in after office roles, too much cash sloshing into the pockets of Gummer and Golsmith to bother serving the public. The intent was always to force down use. What easier way of doing so than just removing it?

      1. There are few politicians who fill me with as much contempt as the dwarf Gumboil who is now poncing about under the alias of Lord Deben.

    2. I watched barely three minutes of Mark Steyn’s ‘interview’ with the ecotwat, posted on here yesterday, before I wanted to smash something. I still haven’t watched the rest of it. What an appalling creature.

    3. Quote from SABC:

      “BP’s LNG tanker, British Sponsor, has already arrived offshore northern Mozambique, says Welligence Energy Analytics in a note, with all of Coral Sul’s annual gas output of 3.4 million tones contracted to BP for 20 years on a free-on-board basis.

      “Regarding the LNG export, it will be for European markets since BP is committed to take the gas resources to Europe,” says the National Petroleum Institute (INP) in an emailed response to Reuters.

      The new LNG cargoes will help alleviate a tight global LNG market and gas shortages in Europe as winter looms following Moscow’s February invasion of Ukraine and Russia’s later decision to curb gas pipeline supplies into major European Union economies”.


      …….so it would appear that BP has sufficient LNG supplies to get Britain through the winter, but will be selling it to the Europeans instead.

      This is what Mr Pettigrew was alluding to !!

      Amazing that Reuters knew about this, but none of the media in this country publicised it. I wonder why?

    4. Quote from SABC:

      “BP’s LNG tanker, British Sponsor, has already arrived offshore northern Mozambique, says Welligence Energy Analytics in a note, with all of Coral Sul’s annual gas output of 3.4 million tones contracted to BP for 20 years on a free-on-board basis.

      “Regarding the LNG export, it will be for European markets since BP is committed to take the gas resources to Europe,” says the National Petroleum Institute (INP) in an emailed response to Reuters.

      The new LNG cargoes will help alleviate a tight global LNG market and gas shortages in Europe as winter looms following Moscow’s February invasion of Ukraine and Russia’s later decision to curb gas pipeline supplies into major European Union economies”.

      …….so it would appear that BP has sufficient LNG supplies to get Britain through the winter, but will be selling it to the Europeans instead.

      This is what Mr Pettigrew was alluding to !!

      Amazing that Reuters knew about this, but none of the media in this country publicised it. I wonder why?

    5. During the war coal was rationed, as was gas. Welcome to wartime austerity. Thank goodness I’ve got open fires. At least I’ll be able to boil a kettle!

  20. The weekend has been basically about Boris Johnson and whether he should become PM again . He himself put his name forward when he already knew he’d not get the backing from all those who got rid of him in the first place. All the newspapers were full of news about Boris
    the MPs were rattling away about Boris – it all became about him and then the show was over and he pulled out. Was it a game for Boris – did he just want to rattle feathers and cause chaos and then drop out. His presence took over, no proper analysis was thought about in terms of Sunak and Penny was utterly overlooked . Not forgetting no one else put there name forward cause they saw Boris there and didn’t bother. Such sound and fury that came to nothing .

    1. I suppose that after being paid so lavishly for spouting verbiage that signifies nothing he must now be considered a rich player who is strutting on the stage rather than a poor one.

    2. “…no one else put there name forward cause they saw Boris there and didn’t bother…” That is exactly why Boris was there. It smoothed the way for Sunak

  21. ” When God wishes to judge a nation he gives them wicked rulers ”

    John Calvin .

    1. It’s basically Lord of the Flies. An insulated bunch of spoiled children in one place, removed from the laws and mores of rational society resort to savagery and infighting.

    2. And when he wants to destroy a nation he gives them illegal immigrants.

      Klaus Schwab

    1. Can you imagine next year or very soon, people turning up on your doorstep busting into you home and taking over.
      Who’s going to help ? If you fight them off with weapons you will be arrested and jailed.

      1. This has been my concern since they started invading by boat, 2015 was it? Get the kettle on…..

        1. 😊 a tub of boiling oil above the front entrance was the previous set up to stop invasion.

  22. I didn’t realise how short Sunak was until I saw a picture of him walking next to another man.
    So short wearing a suit too small for him and shoes with holes in their soles. He can at least find a suit that fits him correctly and shoes .

  23. Nicked Epic Rant…….

    “The WEF own Britain. We have no democracy and no say and we are ruled by
    psychopaths. We haven’t had a single PM who wasn’t a traitor since
    Thatcher, but it’s never been more obvious than it is now.
    And the
    Tory Party, the people who should have been fighting this, have done
    more to make it happen even than Labour. They are filth installing their
    latest crooked puppet in yet another coup followed by yet another
    stitch up.
    I’ll take some small satisfaction when they are wiped off
    the electoral map at the next election. That might be allowed, given
    that Labour will obey the true powers just as slavishly. And it will be
    sweet if they are obliterated. Every time with the Tories we ask for
    King Arthur and we get Vortigern, we say Jesus and they give us Judas,
    they call themselves Aragorn and they work for Sauron.
    King Rishi the
    Snake. Could you even find 1,000 people in the whole county outside of
    Westminster who want him as PM? Not in the UK. Undoubtedly you could in
    Davos. Our leaders are all selected for us by people who hate us.

    We have been as thoroughly shafted and denied the rule of law and fair and
    valid elections as the people of the US have been. There’s no freedom in
    the so-called Free World, just rapacious greed crazed lunatics prepared
    to risk millions of lives with terrifying medical experiments,
    engineered viruses, wars up to the nuclear level and economic collapse.
    All for their mad, starving locust pursuit of short term profit and
    power for themselves.
    Every day more people die and more evidence
    comes out about just how dangerous the Great Experiment was.We live in
    the Pfizerverse now, where human extinction can be cooked up in a lab in
    Boston as if that’s perfectly normal. Half the population of the planet
    have shit in their veins that nobody knows the long term effects of.

    Every day the stinking corpse of our democracy reeks a little more as flesh
    slides from the bone with another conspiracy, another stitch up, another
    guy nobody voted for. Every day it becomes more obvious what a vast
    charade our elections and parties are, an obscene mummers play for the
    distraction of the gullible, a soap opera bubble to draw our eyes whilst
    the real powers rob us and rape us with vicious glee.
    And it works.
    The terrible thing is that it works. There are still people who think
    ‘conspiracy theory’ and ‘nut job’ when you say ‘WEF’, as if the thing
    doesn’t even exist. The majority still seem to consider it normal that
    an experiment was forced on their children. The majority have seen the
    last few years of madness and are still following the little arrows on
    the ground. Not just on covid. On everything.”

    1. They are motivated by having more and more power at any price. They have created a dictatership from within a democracy.

    2. 366551+ up ticks,

      Morning Rik,
      I have been posting just that prior to the referendum and more so after every post of mine ended with BUILD ON UKIP.
      After UKIP was used ( the referendum) it was abused by those that had no further use for a patriotic guardian party
      and returned to the “trusted” family tree parties, not in many respects caring that
      the family tree had fallen foul with,
      Epidermodysplasia verruciformis

      These odious issues could have been nipped in the bud immediately post Mrs Thatcher.

      This is the outcome of knowingly supporting political rodents in pinstripe
      “for the “good of the party name (ino)”
      you get political rodents in pinstripe.

    3. Quite restrained, I’d say. In the circumstances. People now look at their smartphones and chat. In the old days they would take up their pitchforks and flaming torches and burn down the local aristos castle.

  24. Good morning, all. Bedbound. I’ll look in but not often.

    Wonder what job Untrussworhy will be offered by Fishi……

  25. They are taking the pee by going along with this farce of pretending for the next 3 hours that Penny has a chance.. a stitch up pretending to be democratic.

    1. Yep. From the outset Truss was done over, the blob got what they wanted. A Lefty, globalist, pro EU stooge. The country will be even more impoverished, struggling and indebted – which is what they want.

  26. Morning all, a choice between one who stabs PMs as easy as breathing and one who seems unable to define a woman. I will take pleasure watching them decimated at the next GE. They will not get my vote nor the rest of treacherous shites, who seems to work for anybody but this country.

  27. “Remember that brutal WhatsApp message that set out a new Tory top team? Turns out it was right
    All that will be left is for Mordaunt to replace James Cleverly as foreign secretary, and the ‘coup’ will be complete”

    DT Article

    another BTL

    As Harry said: “What Meghan wants, Meghan gets.”

    What Klaus Schwab at the WEF says: “What I want, I get”.

    1. The fact that there doesn’t seem to be any security willing to act tells me it’s all staged and these museum staff are all in on it.
      This must stop but it won’t because everybody seems to be too scared to do anything.

      1. A remarkably poor choice of target, I would have thought, given that Chas is greener than grass! Absolutely agree re security and the presence of cameras!

    2. They seem to have easy access to all these places, more to it then meets the eye .

      The country is in meltdown- anarchy .

      The brats need dealing with.

    3. Ranting self-aggrandising loony. Doesn’t look like her natural hair colour. Bet she’s used some petrochemicals.

  28. Pritti Patel after jumping ships from Boris to Sunak ( that ship of fools )
    Is rattling on about everyone should back Sunak – hmm looking for a job, I’d hazard a guess.

    1. I think I’m fairly ordinary and down to earth but you have to wonder why these people who appear to be so horrible want to ruin everyone’s lives.
      There is no electricity or oil and gas shortages, it’s all been invented and set up by these horrible people.

  29. What’s more suited for Sunak

    Ballad of the small player
    Ballad of the small man
    Ballad of birds and snakes ( minus the birds ) .

    1. The march of the criminal diseased, who will rape and kill your children – and we do bu88er all about it!

  30. It’s all the fault of Brexit! Time to rejoin! You know it makes sense!

    Economy in crisis, Tories in meltdown: how I have told the sad, strange story of Britain

    The pandemic, whose arrival coincided with Britain’s departure from Europe, camouflaged much of the toll Brexit was inflicting on the economy. The effect on trade has been devastating. Modelling by the Centre for European Reform† found that solely because of Brexit, British trade in goods was down during the first half of last year, ranging between 11 and 16% month to month. “There is evidence that businesses face new and significant real-world challenges in trading with the EU that cannot be attributed to the pandemic,” the House of Lords European affairs committee‡ reported in December.

    Jesus, it’s almost as bad as eco-twattery. Perhaps trade with Europe was down last year because of the pandemic and the depression of all European economies. Perhaps the problems post-2016 were caused by the protracted and negative ‘negotiations’; you don’t have to be a Leaver or a cynic to believe that they were meant to be damaging.

    What’s happening today cannot be separated from what happened in the last decade, leading up to Brexit.

    He mentions the banking crash, but only in passing, and also immigration and the large number of vacancies. He doesn’t ask why there are so many and why they’re not being taken up (ergo, ‘the UK needs lots of immigrants’ appears to be his reasoning). We’ve discussed this so many times. So many of these vacancies are poorly paid because of immigration: wages have been driven down by it while housing costs have been rising. While it is true that the UK has created a large uneducated and unemployable underclass (the result of ‘liberal’ policies of the sexual revolution and of welfarism), the truth is that so many of these jobs don’t pay enough. Business costs are too high.

    It’s a mess and will take more than a decade to put right

    † The Centre for European Reform (CER) is a London-based think tank that ‘focuses on matters of European integration’.

    ‡ Here’s the membership:
    I don’t know how many of these are arch-europhiles. Lamont’s the only one I recognise. Tugendhat is the uncle of Tom, the MP.

    1. Trade down because our EU “friends” kept everything in Customs for weeks,.. Customs form for stuff from UK to NI has probably killed trade. The big delays on the UK side for imports can be explained by our people being dog in the manger Remainers.
      An utter and complete shambles. Who was in charge,? Yes, Liz Truss*

      *PS I am still waiting for reply to my letters on thisi!

      1. How can Liz Truss be blamed for any of this, she was only “in post” for, what, 8 weeks at most! Convenient scapegoat.
        Edit: “ any” – not a pony

        1. She was Secretary for International Trade, and did nothing about the shambles at the borders. Thousand of lorries queued up for days. Small parcels taking 3 weeks to travel from Holland to UK. Trade grinding to stop, some permanently. On her watch.

          1. I still feel she was not actually to blame for all this. Our remainer fiends and snivel serpents have always been against any kind of Brexit and made it their life mission to oppose. And when she became PM, albeit fleetingly, everything and everyone in Parliament reacted against her election, as well as the MSM. She was overwhelmed by the attack dogs and was never going to survive the onslaught. Especially with fishy Rishi egging on the markets.

          2. I agree regarding the PM business. However, she had no success at anything. We expect appointees to fix things. One may not be able to fire civil servants, but you can cut them out of loops and post them to faraway offices.

          3. “ … you can cut them out of loops and post them to faraway offices.” That’s surely impractical, there are far too many of them. As to expecting appointees to fix things I’m sorry to say I can’t think of anything that has been fixed to the public’s advantage. Any project HMG takes on seems doomed to overrun, far exceed projected cost, and not actually work anyway. Anything they do seems always to be the most expensive way of doing it. We seem to have the least worthy lot of MPs in office I can think of.

          4. You are entirely right. I am generally hopeful that people would do their jobs and work in the interests of this country and its people. All, ever disappointed…

      2. How can Liz Truss be blamed for any of this, she was only “in post” for, what, 8 weeks at most! Convenient scapegoat.
        Edit: “ any” – not a pony

  31. Well done Merv the Swerve

    Mervyn King tells Laura Kuenssberg who is to blame…

    ‘If I were to blame anyone, I would blame the economics profession for encouraging (central banks) to print money (like) it didn’t matter.

    1. If you laid all the economists in the world end to end you still wouldn’t reach a conclusion.

    1. Apologies for the language but if the Government haven’t the balls to sort these bastards out then they must live with the consequences. The voters will just add these incidents to the growing list of perceived failures, illegal immigration, borrowing money to pay for foreign aid, HS2, Net Zero, Brexit in name only, etc etc etc.
      I look forward to the next election, if there is any justice in the world, the politicians will pay the price.

      1. #MeToo, vvof, but it remains to be seen if ‘Reform’ and ‘Reclaim’ can get their individual, egotistic acts together and amalgamate.

        Otherwise they just become two vote-splitting parties.

        No use, nor ornament.

      2. Alas, vvof, the voters will still continue to vote the same way, while grumbling about all the failings. It is SO depressing.

  32. The 1922 Committee have confirmed that Boris Johnson did have the required 100 backers .

    1. Sunak will reward him. Those 100 votes that were removed from other contenders sealed Sunak’s win. Although it was maybe not in doubt. Complete brazen fix with an “Up Yours” to Tory membership and two fingers to the electorate.

  33. The 1922 Committee have confirmed that Boris Johnson did have the required 100 backers .

    1. Sunak arise PM come mornin’
      Sunak arise PM come mornin’
      Sunak arise PM come mornin’
      Bringin’ back the warmth to the Pound
      Sunak arise fillin’ up the debt hole
      Sunak arise fillin’ up the debt hole
      Sunak arise fillin’ up the debt hole
      Bringin’ back the warmth to the Pound
      Sunak arise, PM every mornin’
      Sunak arise, each and every day
      Sunak arise, PM every mornin’
      Sunak arise
      Ever-y ever-y ever-y ever-y day
      He drive away the darkness everyday
      He drive away the darkness everyday
      He drive away the darkness everyday
      Bringin’ back the warmth to the Pound
      Sunak arise
      Sunak arise
      Sunak arise
      Ever-y ever-y ever-y ever-y day

      1. …and then he’ll fall on his ar5e when the pound tanks because he got the budget wrong.

    2. Sunak arise PM come mornin’
      Sunak arise PM come mornin’
      Sunak arise PM come mornin’
      Bringin’ back the warmth to the Pound
      Sunak arise fillin’ up the debt hole
      Sunak arise fillin’ up the debt hole
      Sunak arise fillin’ up the debt hole
      Bringin’ back the warmth to the Pound
      Sunak arise, PM every mornin’
      Sunak arise, each and every day
      Sunak arise, PM every mornin’
      Sunak arise
      Ever-y ever-y ever-y ever-y day
      He drive away the darkness everyday
      He drive away the darkness everyday
      He drive away the darkness everyday
      Bringin’ back the warmth to the Pound
      Sunak arise
      Sunak arise
      Sunak arise
      Ever-y ever-y ever-y ever-y day

  34. Sir Graham: There was just one valid nomination.
    (PM will not become PM because she didn’t get enough votes)

  35. Afternoon everyone. I’ve just received notification of my Winter Fuel Payment. Now usually it’s £200 and a bit variable i.e. sometimes it comes and sometimes it doesn’t. This time it’s £500 but says part of this is a “Pensioner Cost of Living Payment, and will only be paid this year, though it does not say how much this is. So is the Cost of Living going to drop next year?

    1. Unless the government (or what passes for one) achieves hyperinflation, there won’t necessarily be similar price hikes in food and fuel costs that we’ve experienced recently. Ceteris paribus, we might experience a reduction in inflation. However, it will still mean the £ in you pocket will continue to be devalued…. 🙁

    2. Not a hope in hell of a drop in the Cost of Living but the b*ggers are hoping that lots of us awkward oldies will drop during the next 12 months so that next autumn they can triumphantly announce a vast saving to the taxpayer.

      1. Well, obviously the Convid didn’t get rid of enough oldies, so the next trick is to freeze/starve them to death, and free up some housing stock for the poor ‘refugees’!

        1. Indeed. Why do you think it has been announced that Windsor Castle and Buck House are being kept vacant for the time being? On His scheduled world tour to greet The Commonwealth, the King will be telling everybody “Come one, come all, and you can stay with me for the first fortnight.”

          1. I have never had a flu vax either. All the various doctors Mrs N worked for never had them either. funny that.

          2. No, no flu’ vaccine either. Smallpox and Polio jabs have protected us (or me) since the early 1950s. No need for ‘boosters’.

        2. I do not think you are jesting, Sue, I think that was/is the plan, and not just the oldies they want to see on their way.

    3. Under truss it would have fallen. Under Sunak it will rise. 15-20% hike.

      Assuming inflation is now 10%, add in 6% from the corporation tax hike and another 4 from the energy costs soaring in winter as demand spikes.

      Until we get rid of these globalist fools, the country is doomed.

  36. Russia spy chief blames West for nuclear tension amid dirty bomb row. 24 October 2022.

    Sergei Naryshkin, head of the SVR Foreign Intelligence Service, denied there had been any nuclear sabre-rattling on Russia’s side.

    Asked by the BBC if he could confirm that Russia would not use nuclear weapons in Ukraine or engage in other provocative actions, such as exploding a dirty bomb, or blowing up a dam, Mr Naryshkin said:“We are, of course, very concerned about Western rhetoric about the possibility of using nuclear weapons.

    I’m still waiting for the RT interview with Richard Moore (M) where he’s asked if he could confirm that Mi6 isn’t going to undermine any more governments or lie about Weapons of Mass Destruction!

    1. Let’s hope Charles is properly briefed so he doesn’t mistake him for the Punka Wallah….

  37. And so it begins,

    Guy Hands, the founder and chair of the private equity firm Terra Firma, has been a longtime supporter of the Conservative party and Remainer?
    He said the “British people didn’t want and didn’t vote for Truss’s extremist hard Thatcherite Brexit”, saying it has “failed”.
    Despite 17,410,742 people voting to Leave the European Union, the Tory donor called for Brexit to be renegotiated.

    Extracts from a DE article.

    I must have been asleep, when did we have any type of a true Brexit, let alone the extremist hard Thatcherite Brexit?
    Don’t bank on Sunak to do anything to kick back against this type of twaddle.

    1. He is a sleazy, slimy, backstabbing worm and is therefore completely invertebrate! No backbone, so no fight back! We are screwed!

      1. I’m not sure if you mean Sunak or Hands, but since the comment could apply to both, and I like neither, have an upvote!!

          1. Guy Hands bought HMV which subsequently bombed. He has a villa in Tuscany and hosts top businessmen and bankers for shoots. He is a nasty piece of work by all accounts.

          2. From VVOF’s post “Guy Hands, the founder and chair of the private equity firm Terra Firma...”

      2. I feel the Conservative Party is beyond hope and must be put down as one would with a suffering animal. In my opinion, those that continues to support the party in the next GE under this imposed WEF cabal is doing the country a disservice.

  38. After a morning of cloud and drizzle the sun finally came out and I tackled 25 years of sludge in the bottom of the cattle grid. The brain of Britain who built the grid put fencing either side which resulted in being unable to lift the grid so all the muck (about 3″ of it) removed by hand whilst sitting on the grid – backbreaking work. A couple of people going past commented “We thought you were taller than that!”. Could only do half as there is netting on the other half to keep the rabbits out

    1. With the measures that Rishi Sunak will have to invoke there wiill be Ganeshing of teeth.

  39. Just checked the £ against the €. This morning there were 1,15 € to the £ and since Sunak was announced as PM there are 1,14 € to the £.


    Bring back Truss!

    1. 1.13 US dollars to the pound and 1.01 euros to the dollar. These days my first thought is well, it’s all fixed anyway.

        1. Those who want to destroy Britain want Britain to re-join the EU as soon as possible.

          The reason why they are in such a hurry is that if they leave it too long the EU will no longer be there to join again!

          However, they are thinking that if this happens Britain will voluntarily adopt as many oppressive EU rules and regulations as possible and follow them slavishly while countries like France and Italy – which only followed EU regs that suited them in the first place – will gloat.

          1. Well, I guess farmers (God bless ’em) are between a hard place and a manure pile, with the way this , and all, governments go. Prepare for food shortages.

          2. Qwarteng said much the same – that the laws would all be examined and ditched if they were not suitable for Britain.

          3. And I think it was Boris who shortened the timescale to accelerate UK independence. The problem now is that 2,400 bits of UK legislation must now be enacted to fully break free from the EU.

            Rishi has his work cut out to get this done before the next scheduled election – but he does have the majority to do it if the Conservative Party unites behind him.

  40. 10 Downing Street has been home to many prime ministers and their partners – but the couple moving in at the end of this week, Rishi Sunak and Akshata Murthy, are set to be the wealthiest SW1A has ever seen.

    Samantha Cameron, wife of former prime minister David and the UK’s ‘first lady’ from 2010 to 2016, made headlines during her spell in Number 10 for the enormous fortune she was set to inherit.

    But billionaire heiress Akshata, 42, is said to be wealthier than the King due to her £430 million stake in her father’s IT empire.

    Rishi, also 42, his wife and their daughters Krishna and Anoushka will be the first Hindu family to occupy the prime ministerial home.

    The former chancellor has had something of a meteoric rise in the seven years since he first became an MP, and now Akshata is the new ‘first lady’ of the UK with her own fortune – and a chic wardrobe – to boot.

    It was when she moved to Stanford University to study for an MBA that she met her husband Rishi, who was studying at the top college after being granted a Fulbright scholarship.

    Rishi recently admitted there was ‘clearly something’ there when he and Akshata first met – and added he is an enormous fan of rom-coms, prompting him to change some of his classes so that he could sit next to his wife.

    Four years later, in 2009, they married in a lavish ceremony in Bengaluru in India, which was the couple’s home for the next four years.

    Eventually Rishi and Akshata moved to the UK in 2013, where Rishi became MP for Richmond in Yorkshire two years later.

    The couple now live in a £7 million townhouse in Kensington with their daughters, which is just one of several properties they own.

    As well as the townhouse, they also enjoy a £1million flat in Kensington and a £2million mansion in Rishi’s Yorkshire constituency, where he is nicknamed the ‘Maharaja of the Dales’. They also have a £5.5million penthouse in California, overlooking Santa Monica pier, which they use in the holidays.

    1. She is NOT the first lady. That is Queen Camilla now that Elizabeth II is no longer with us.

      1. I remember that ghastly man, Jack Straw, saying that Cherie Blair was the First Lady as she was the wife of the Head of State. The ignoramus was unaware that the Queen was the Head of State and Tony Blair was the prime minister even though Blair felt the term ‘prime minister’ demeaned his excellence and he he would have been happier to have been addressed as the president, führer or il duce.

        1. Some Labour interviewees this afternoon didn’t know the difference between the Prime Minister and the leader of the Conservative Party. They are not necessarily the same person.

        1. No. Did you ever read or hear Queen Elizabeth, wife of George VI, referred to as such? The wife of the King is the Queen.

          1. How so? I commented that Camilla is first lady not Mrs. Sunak. Of course she is the King’s consort but her official title is queen.

          2. Due to Diana hysteria she’s lumbered with the official title of Queen Consort. She is the Queen as far as I’m concerned.

    1. Neat, nimble and clever he may be – but he’s a globalist stooge of the WEF, out to further the Great Reset, not in the interests of the British people.

        1. I think kindness is wasted on The Rope Trickster Rishi.

          [Try saying The Rope Trickster Rishi aloud without tripping over your tongue]

    2. Looks are deceptive. India will be rubbing its hands, I expect, now one of their own is in charge.

      1. I can open the article but my attempt to cut and paste failed. Sorry! They’re pretending Sunak wants better relations between Britain and India but don’t mention that India couldn’t give a damn about Net Zero and is benefitting greatly from trading with Russia.

          1. It’s in the Commonwealth, so your pension would not be index-linked. You’d do better moving to the Republic of Ireland.

        1. Sorry, Sue, but does anyone in England give a serious damn about ‘Net Zero’?

          Anothe Boss/Carrie idle pipe-dream

          1. I care about Net Zero – it should be scrapped, buried, concreted over and DUMPED. Immediately.

      2. Here you go.

        Rishi Sunak wants to change UK-India relationship to make it more two-way

        PTI / Oct 24, 2022, 19:32 IST

        Rishi Sunak wants to change UK-India relationship to make it more two-way

        LONDON: Rishi Sunak, who is set to be Britain’s first Indian-origin prime minister, recently said that he wants to change the UK-India relationship to make it a more two-way exchange that opens up easy access to UK students and companies in India.
        Addressing a gathering of British Indian Conservative Party members in August, the 42-year-old UK-born Indian-origin Tory MP for Richmond in Yorkshire vowed to get the country through the “difficult times” of inflation and build a better, safer Britain.
        A majority in the cheering crowd were categorical that Sunak’s Indian heritage and ethnic minority background had no part to play in the contest to become British Prime Minister.
        During an event hosted by the Conservative Friends of India (CFIN) diaspora organisation in north London, the former Chancellor greeted the gathering with a mix of traditional greetings such as “namaste, salaam, khem cho and kidda” and even broke into Hindi: “aap sab mere parivar ho (you all are my family)”.
        “We know the UK-India relationship is important. We represent the living bridge between our two countries,” he said, in response to a question about bilateral ties from CFIN co-chair Reena Ranger.
        “We are all very aware of the opportunity for the UK to sell things and do things in India, but actually we need to look at that relationship differently because there is an enormous amount that we here in the UK can learn from India.
        “I want to make sure that it’s easy for our students to also travel to India and learn, that it’s also easy for our companies and Indian companies to work together because it’s not just a one-way relationship, it’s a two-way relationship, and that’s the type of change I want to bring to that relationship,” he had said.
        The UK-born son of Indian-origin general practitioner father Yashvir and pharmacist mother Usha had spoken extensively of his migrant roots during the last campaign and also referenced making history by lighting Diwali diyas at 11 Downing Street as the first Indian-origin Chancellor of the Exchequer.
        “Sixty years after my Naniji boarded a plane in East Africa, on a warm sunny evening in October, her great-grandaughters, my kids, played in the street outside our home, painted Rangoli on the doorstep, lit sparklers and diyas; had fun like so many other families on Diwali. Except the street was Downing Street, and the door was the door to No. 11,” said Sunak, in his campaign video a few months ago.
        That personal story also extended to a visibly emotional reference to his parents-in-law – Infosys co-founder Narayana Murthy and Sudha Murthy – as he hit back at attacks on his wife Akshata Murthy’s family wealth.
        “I’m actually incredibly proud of what my parents-in-law built,” he said, during heated television debates over the past few months.
        As a devout Hindu, Sunak is a regular at the temple where he was born in Southampton and his daughters, Anoushka and Krishna, are also rooted in the Indian culture.
        He recently shared how Anoushka performed Kuchipudi with her classmates for the Queen’s Platinum Jubilee celebrations at Westminster Abbey in June.

          1. At the moment, Connors, sojourning in the Scottish Borders, I might well consider immigration to the Sub-Indian continent as an advantage. I’m so bluddy cold up here,. Any elderly Indian ladies likely to wish for an elderly English Genteman to give them love and supplication – I’m you’re man!

          2. Careful, you might end up with an Indian mother-in-law!

            When the BRICS currency gets going, our links with India might just save us, because the US looks likely to pull us under. We will go from relying on one ex-colonial power to another…

          3. I’d probpably put up with an Indian MIL in favour of a beautiful, if ancient, wife.

            As for currency, I’d favour the rupee to the USD, any day.

          4. A work colleague of mine married an Indian lady, moved to Pondicherry in India and has never looked back.
            Built a house after purchasing a plot of land and is now firmly established as part of the community.
            He was not rich, but he says he has a far better life than he had in UK.

          5. Sorry, can’t help.
            We were at a function (music then food) and he got chatting to her.
            It went from there, six months later they married.

    1. FFS he was only ever pretending to run so that it wouldn’t be quite so obvious that they were overriding democracy and shoe-horning the losing candidate in!

      1. And to discourage any other candidates from running. A complete swizz. If this had happened in Brazil or Columbia it would have been held up by the BBC et al as a classic example of the undemocratic nonsense one gets in banana republics.

        1. Orchestrated by M Gove, I’d bet my life on it. It’s exactly the kind of plan they used to run in Oxford Union elections.

    1. Rikki Tikki Tavi!

      Read about his exploits when you next feel like having a quick Kipple!

        1. Rikki Tikki Tavi and a cobra are stuffed and on the TV in the spare bedroom of a French woman I did an school exhange with. As a confirmed herpetophobe, I found going to sleep with that beside the bed alarming, to say the least!

  41. Some of Rishi Sunak’s colleagues are already sharpening the axe in readiness for another execution.
    Mr Sunak might struggle even to last as long as Liz Truss, warn some Conservative MPs


    I think many people had more good will for Truss than they now have for Sunak. Not only did Sunak stab Johnson in the back but it is now clear that it was his team which set about destroying Truss from the very moment she entered Downing Street,

    I am no great supporter of Truss but many members of the public feel that Sunak is beneath contempt and that he deserves now to become the stabbee rather than the the stabber.

    My hope, in which I don’t have much confidence, is that the Reform Party will seize this opportunity to reform the whole rotten edifice of British politics and win enough seats in the next election to control the balance of power.

      1. General election. Let Reform show why they should be elected, and the conservatives wither on the vine.

        1. Sunak doesn’t appear to be universally loved and admired by the Tories within Parliament: why that should be is a question begging an answer.

      2. Johnson assumed a mandate to impose the will of unelected others on the people of the UK on occasion uttering the mantra ‘Build Back Better’ espoused by the Satanist Klaus Schwab and his henchmen.

        In this and other associated vile actions, pushing forced lockdowns, ordering billions of pounds worth of unsafe injectables pretending to be ‘vaccines’, allowing Hancock to kill off old people in nursing homes with a combination of neglect and Midazolam, supporting death and destruction in Ukraine with billions of our borrowed money, presiding over alarming levels of illegal immigration and actively assisting the entry of all sorts of undesirables from France via the Channel, failing to achieve the Brexit promised and continuing to allow the French, Dutch and Danes to plunder our fish stocks, cheerleading the erection of thousands of comparatively useless wind turbines and smothering our open fields with Chinese manufactured solar panels, and so on and so on.

        The crimes of Johnson and his handmaidens, foremost being Rishi Sunak, are so many and dastardly as to make Partygate a mere footnote to a record of human disgrace. Expect Sunak to carry on the good work as directed by Gates, Soros, UN and WHO and the rest of their repulsive globalist masters.

      3. Let’s face it, his biggest achievement to date is marrying the daughter of one of India’s richest men.

      4. Reform and Reclaim need to be united to just stop being vote-splitters, but a serious electoiral opposition.

    1. Sunak has no business being PM. He wasn’t elected, wasn’t chosen, he was installed after doing in the elected official simply to get the job he hasn’t earned.

      A big state Left wing stooge.

    1. One of the comments on DT is that she looks a little demented! Apparently, it’s not her first go at being ‘partial’!

    2. She asks: Am I allowed to be so gleeful?

      The answer should be: “No, you’re fired!”

  42. Eagle Two today – after a Fail on Sunday!

    Wordle 492 2/6

    1. Me too yesterday, my last 2 tries were muddy and muggy.
      Birdie today.
      Wordle 492 3/6


      1. I couldn’t accept ‘Mummy’.

        North Americans are not much aware of the archaeological meaning of the word, and:
        North Americans call her ‘Mom’ or ‘Mommy; they never use the word ‘Mummy’.

    2. Well done. Not a good one for me
      Wordle 492 5/6

      Better quordle

      Daily Quordle 273


      1. Barely made wordle but quordle was better

        Daily Quordle 273

    3. Well done! Par 4 for me.
      Wordle 492 4/6


  43. Sunak during the first leadership contest in the summer: “Borrowing your way out of inflation isn’t a plan, it’s a fairy tale.”

    How did we get here, matey?

    1. Depressingly, 51% of those who voted in my local rag’s poll think Sunak has the answers. We’re doomed.

      1. That’s what comes of living too close to Wales and that Dummy Drakeford, Conway. It pollutes the air and ghouls come out at night.

  44. I’ve had a busy day. Some time ago, I dismantled the work bench in the workshop, but I never got round to moving all the wood. Today I’ve cleared it out and stored it. Plus I have moved a wardrobe (and put all the clothes back). Unfortunately, when I moved the wardrobe, I discovered that the wallpaper behind it had rotted (I had a leak in the roof, since fixed, but obviously it left its mark). That means I’ve got another decorating job to do 🙁

    1. Leave wardrobes and bookcases where they are. There’s always something wrong behind them.

      1. I did leave the bookcase where it is (I did consider moving it to where the wardrobe was until I discovered the wallpaper). Once I’ve redecorated, I will move it.

      1. Actually, I don’t feel sad at all. I’m pleased that I’ve moved the wardrobe and thrown stuff out. If I hadn’t hoovered the space behind the wardrobe, the paper would probably still have been there! I’ve got lining paper and paste as well as white emulsion, so when I get round to it (and feel up to it) I can crack on.

      1. Rein back appears in some of the tests. One I did required halt at X (on the centre line between E and B) and rein back a horse’s length before proceeding in working trot.

    1. Get well soon.
      Have a slug of Night Nurse and wake up in 10 days and it’ll all be gone.

    1. Good grief! The one on the right came straight out of Planet of the Apes! Who on earth is he?

      1. You beat me to it, Sue! I was just about to say is the one on the right the missing link.😀

  45. Labour’s Ginger Gobshite on this evening’s R4 6pm news:

    “It’s a coronation, not an election where people have a mandate to serve the British people of this country [sic]…he was rejected by his party members a few weeks ago…the people of this country now deserve us to go to [sic] the electorate to put our policies forward about how we’re gonna deal with this cost of living crisis that the Conservatives have put upon [sic] the British people and let them have a vote.”

    I’ll give anyone speaking in public a let-off for the odd grammatical faux-pas or clumsy sentence – few of us, high or low, will speak text-book English in the ‘moment’ – but this mini-monologue, spoken with hardly a breath taken, was painful to listen to.

    I’m much more interested in hearing from those who cry “The Tories have wrecked the economy again!” about what they think of the real reasons for the wrecking of the economy and the energy crisis i.e. the banking crash and the Climate Change Act to lockdown, furlough and involvement in Ukraine. I think if they were asked there would be much confused and indignant spluttering followed by a silence…

    Sooner, harder, longer, eh, Angela? (And that’s lockdown we’re talking about, before you go down on your knees again.)

  46. Just to cheer you up – I hope you haven’t forgotten we are due for an Emergency Budget….

    1. I really hope it’s a spoof, but given his utter disregard for this country…well, who knows?

    2. General rule of thumb – if it sounds like bollocks, it usually is bollocks.

      Edit: Unless David Lammy or Diane Abbott says it.

    1. Wow. Imagine if someone over here had said something similar, say about 55 years ago?

    2. Wow. Imagine if someone over here had said something similar, say about 55 years ago?

    1. Shame perhaps because of who they have voted for in the past. Similar to a guy who bought a lemon of a car, just can’t bring himself to admit he made a terrible mistake.

  47. Goodnight, lovely Genntlefolk. If anyone knows of a good website for dating elderly Indian matrons, please let me know. I currently despair of my previous partner and am isolated and lonely. I need a good, warm woman. God bless.

    1. I would agree with Maggie (True_Belle), Tom. The u3a is a wonderful organisation with branches all over the UK. I have made many, many friends there.

  48. Prime ministers? Paw. I am on my third washing machine in as long and I reckon that has stressed me out more. Newest is a Hotpoint which I have had before and it worked fine today.
    As to Fishi Rishi- totally unethical; no election of any sort. This country is now a total disgrace. Truss looked like an animated woman after seeing Sunak’s zombie speech.
    Edit- the “paw” is a wave to all our doggy friends 😉

    1. We thought he looked like a zombie .. he is not a leader … he is a back room brainy boy.

      Indians are generally very submissive and have no real drive .. that is why they are brilliant at IT etc .. even as doctors they are quite submissive

      I don’t want to be snobby, but the caste system is bred into them .. Indians with £millions are similar to under endowed men with flash cars ..with out the wobbly head , if you get my drift .

      They all have infuriating inferiority complexes !

      1. You haven’t met our mate Ashish. Gujarati Indian and a very hard worker and super nice bloke. He literally kept us going in our last place during the lock downs etc. He is also a Hindu but is fine with Christmas and the traditions in UK.

        1. Bet he has fun at Customs.
          ‘Anything to declare Sir?’
          ‘Only 75 kilos of ‘Ashish.’

    2. Buy a conservative brand machine,they will last as long as the new PM.

      But seriously, new machines are unreliable,you would be better buying a ten year old machine that has just been cast aside. I can confirm this after spending many thousands on new stainless steel kitchen and laundry stuff just because the boss no longer wanted white stuff!,

      1. It is ” gently used”. As was the last one. So far so good. Fingers crossed that it works out. Maybe I’m odd but I rather like clean clothes now and again 😉

  49. Goodnight, all. I’m off for a long soak in a relaxing bath after my exertions. Tomorrow I’m taking delivery of an antique chest of drawers.

        1. When in CT, I took some visitors over to Long Island on the Bridgeport Ferry. We went to Sag Harbour. Friend wanted to buy a souvenir tee shirt. I refused saying that at my age I refused to wear anything with “Sag” on the front!

    1. He’s Just another angry
      gobbie journo W⚓.
      I doubt if many people actually listen or take any notice of what he says.

  50. Mutaz Ahmed and Rakib Eksan write in the DT about the wonder of multi-everything-UK. Anyone can succeed, apparently. What next? A white Universal Benefit claimant from Sunderland as PM?

    In other news, Labour parliamentary candidate Faiza Shaheen urges her followers not to greet Sunak’s likely victory as a triumph of diversity or social mobility, on the basis that he is “very rich” and “went to [a] top private school” (wrong sort of ethnic). She is joined by Labour MP Nadia Whittome, member of the Left-wing Socialist Campaign Group, who has ’caused outrage’ by claiming that Sunak’s election is not “a win for Asian representation” because he is a multi-millionaire who oversaw a fall in UK living standards. Well, it’s not the first time she’s shown herself to be a nasty little [—–] but she’s not wrong on his financial status and his part in the economic collapse. When will someone in Labour be brave enough to say that they supported the actions that smashed the economy?

    1. Well, Sunak’s success is certainly flushing out the racists and the inverted snobs.
      The enemy is emerging, blinking and snarling, into the light of day.

    2. Wasn’t Kwasi Kwarteng the wrong sort of black man a couple of weeks ago because he went to Eton and Oxford?

      If you are a member of non-white ethnic groups you are expected – nay, demanded – to fail in life by the Labour Party. In fact to the left wing Sunak and Kwarteng are traitors to their respective races.

      1. “Black” means “Victim”, and don’t you forget it, Rastus.
        Obama isn’t black, he held the whitest job on earth. Meghan isn’t black, she has the most priviledge on earth. and, for similar reasons, Kwarteng isn’t black.

  51. Ok the fireworks here have been going off for nearly an hour and it’s beginning* to annoy me now.

    *used in the classic English “understatement” way.

      1. It’s Diwali…still going bow st 10:30-an hour and a half.

        Wont someone think of the animals?

  52. “Today, Thursday the 20th of October at 2pm there was an important meeting in the Parliamentary building regarding the harm, injury and death the Covid 19 vaccinations are causing. Of paramount importance is the issue surrounding the help, financial support and lack of recognition the victims are receiving about how they received their injuries. One hundred and twenty people were present.

    There will be another meeting this Monday the 24th of October at 4.30pm in Parliament. It is believed the vaccine minister (whoever that may be now) will be answering questions surrounding the above Issues.”

    Alf reading the transcript of today’s meeting at the moment.

    1. Some good points made by Christopher Chope and one or two others, but the rest seem to still be convinced that the jabs are ‘safe and effective’ and have saved countless lives. Bah.

    2. The conclusion to this “debate” is – as is usual with any petitions – that “this House has considered e-petition 602171, relating to the safety of covid-19 vaccines”. In other words, “we talked about it, now go away and don’t bother us again”.

  53. Tuesday 25th October 2022

    Sue Edison

    and many more happy birthdays for our lovely Sue

    With very best wishes,

    Caroline and Rastus

    I think we chose Sweet Sue as a musical accompaniment to our birthday greetings last year. Here is a song which my sister, Belinda, loved because it came out the year my first niece, Susie, was born and when you were 2 years old.

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