Monday 28 November: The NHS needs to stop deflecting criticism and start listening to what patients are saying

An unofficial place to discuss the Telegraph letters, established when the DT website turned off its comments facility (now reinstated, but we prefer ours),
Intelligent, polite, good-humoured debate is welcome, whether on or off topic. Differing opinions are encouraged, but rudeness or personal attacks on other posters will not be tolerated. Posts which – in the opinion of the moderators – make this a less than cordial environment, are likely to be removed, without prior warning.  Persistent offenders will be banned.

Today’s letters (visible only to DT subscribers) are here.

654 thoughts on “Monday 28 November: The NHS needs to stop deflecting criticism and start listening to what patients are saying

  1. Good morrow, Gentlefolk, here’s Monday’s stories

    Men Behaving Badly

    Wife: ‘What are you doing?’
    Husband: ‘Nothing.’
    Wife: ‘Nothing …? You’ve been reading our marriage certificate for an hour.’
    Husband: ‘I’m looking for the expiry date.’
    Wife: ‘Do you want dinner?’
    Husband: ‘Sure! What are my choices?’
    Wife: ‘Yes or no.’
    Stress Reliever
    Girl: ‘When we get married, I want to share all your worries, troubles and lighten your burden.’
    Boy: ‘It’s very kind of you, darling, but I don’t have any worries or troubles.’
    Girl: ‘Well that’s because we aren’t married yet.’
    Son: ‘Mum, when I was on the bus with Dad this morning, he told me to give up my seat to a lady.’
    Mum: ‘Well, you have done the right thing.’
    Son: ‘But Mum, I was sitting on Daddy’s lap.’
    A newly married man asked his wife, ‘Would you have married me if my father
    hadn’t left me a fortune?’
    ‘Honey,’ the woman replied sweetly, ‘I’d have married you, no matter who
    left you a fortune!’
    A wife asked her husband: ‘What do you like most in me, my pretty face or my sexy body?’
    He looked at her from head to toe and replied: ‘I like your sense of humour!’
    Husbands are men after all!

    A man was sitting reading his papers when his wife hit him round the head with a frying pan. ‘What was that for?’ the man asked. The wife replied, ‘That was for the piece of paper with the name Jenny on it that I found in your trouser pocket’.
    The man then said ‘When I was at the races last week, Jenny was the name of the horse I bet on.’ The wife apologized and went on with the housework.
    Three days later the man is watching TV when his wife bashes him on the head with an even bigger frying pan, knocking him unconscious. Upon re-gaining consciousness, the man asked why she had hit him again. Wife replied… ‘Your horse phoned’

  2. Good morning all.
    Still dark outside but so far it’s dry with a tad under 4°C outside.

  3. Turn your boilers down to 60C to cut energy bills, households to be told. 28 November 2022.

    Households will be told to turn their boilers down to 60C in an £18 million government drive to lower energy bills.

    It will form part of a two-pronged strategy spearheaded by Grant Shapps, the Business Secretary, which will also involve middle-income families being handed “eco” grants to make their homes more energy efficient.

    As part of the campaign, which will be launched in the coming weeks, households will be given technical tips to cut their energy this winter.

    This is the first quarter of the twenty first Century is it not? We are in the UK? The home of the industrial revolution and until quite recently one of the world’s most scientifically advanced states? Our gas comes by pipeline from the North Sea, Norway and by sea from Qatar et al. If all these things are true there can be no possible shortage so why are we in danger of freezing in our own homes?

      1. 368442+ up ticks,

        Morning JN

        Start digging into common sense within the ballot booth
        first, relieving the need for blisters.

    1. 368442+ up ticks,

      Morning AS,
      What the herd MUST keep in mind is the tory in name only party has us ALL working for “the man”

      The Chinaman that is.

    2. “The bills! The bills!” to misquote (but only slightly) the Hunchback of Notre Dame…

      ‘Morning, Minty.

    3. Morning all.

      It is government diktat that we will either:
      A). Freeze this winter. or
      B). Starve this winter
      HMG doesn’t mind which.

    4. Well, Minty (good morning, btw) it’s because that pesky Putin is upsetting poor Mr Zeleansky, doncha know? Lol.

  4. The NHS needs to stop deflecting criticism and start listening to what patients are saying

    Somebody obviously hasn’t realised that nationalised public services only care about themselves and the customer last

  5. ‘Morning, Peeps. Dry-ish this morning, in stark contrast to yesterday’s drive home from Southampton, where torrential rain and flooded roads at this end of the journey made life difficult. We survived, however, and the pup slept all the way hone after an exhausting day with the grandchildren.

    sir – Sir Keir Starmer has, yet again, made a reference to “working people”, this time in his plans for tax cuts.

    He also recently used the phrase when calling for a general election.

    But when he talks about working people, to whom is he referring? Could he provide a description?

    Mary Marshall
    Ilkley, West Yorkshire

    You’ve got no chance, Ms Marshall; if Sir Kneel Stodgy-Starmer can’t tell us what a woman is I think you are expecting rather a lot. Here’s a guess: are ‘working people’ at one end of the scale and Labour’s love of the word ‘rich’ at the other? Who knows…

  6. SIR – Those who agree with Simon Clarke MP that onshore wind farms are “an economic no-brainer” appear to be unable to grasp the simple and indisputable fact that you could carpet the whole countryside with turbines and solar farms and still not meet Britain’s energy needs.

    This is because turbines and solar panels do not generate electricity when the wind doesn’t blow or the sun doesn’t shine – which is many days a year – and there is currently no realistic way of storing energy from the days when they do.

    There are other ways of making good the energy shortfall without trashing the countryside – nuclear power, fracking and tidal energy. These are the routes that the Government should be pursuing.

    Roger White
    Sherborne, Dorset

    Fat too sensible, Mr White. And if by any chance you have any parliamentary ambitions you have just ruled yourself out!

    1. Lots of money to be made for rich landowners though, you never know he might had a lot of landowning friends

    2. Roger White is a professional architectural historian living in Sherborne. He studied at Christ’s College, Cambridge and Wadham College, Oxford, where he carried out doctoral research into English Palladianism. He has run both the Georgian Group and Garden History Society, and has curated exhibitions on Georgian garden buildings, on Nicholas Hawksmoor, on the English Baroque, and on John Piper. He is a Fellow of the Society of Antiquaries, and his book on the cottage orné genre was published by Yale University Press to general acclaim in 2017.

    3. On Mianda we had a wind generator and solar panels. In the summer these gave us more than enough electricity for our lighting, our navigational instruments, our fridge, our pressurised water system, our hi-fi system etc. etc.. In the winter we had to use a petrol fuelled battery charger or, if we wanted hot water, we ran the engine.

      The people who make the rules and take the decisions seem to have no actual practical experience of the fact that there are many times when ‘renewable’ sources of power just do not work

  7. Good Moaning.
    Putting aside fog, cold and general dinginess.
    Have just finished an enjoyable and fascinating book: “A Spy among Friends” by Ben MacIntyre.
    Even by the standards of treasonous sh!ts, Philby was a treasonous sh!t.
    The number deaths for which he was responsible is eye-watering.
    I can remember the hoo-ha over Burgess and MacLean, but not any further back; small children don’t really understand that there’s a world outside their own.

  8. Headline in today’s DT:

    “NHS employs more than 2,000 managers on six-figure salaries as executive pay soars
    Highest earners in health service paid almost twice as much as Prime Minister at a time when nurses are due to strike over wages”

    Utterly ridiculous!

    1. Everyone calling for a pay rise for nurses (other NHS jobs never mentioned) talks about percentages. I’d like someone to just state a figure of what they think a nurse’s salary should be.

      They probably don’t because that would show people that the salary is not that bad.Most nurse’s also earn night and weekend enhancements which add about £10K on to basic.
      It is, however, nothing like what train drivers earn. How and why their salaries have reached the levels they have is beyond me. Train drivers shouldn’t earn more than nurses but alas, pay can’t be reduced.

      1. Just modify all the engines to be driver-less – instant pay reward.

        Other countries do it, the technology is there to make it safe.

      2. Funnily enough my daughter and I had the same conversation yesterday…

        The simple answer is – train drivers wield huge clout, as was demonstrated in the run-up to the 2012 Olympics. Johnson caved in at the first sniff of a fight with Underground drivers and Khan’t has adopted the same position.

        Edit: ‘Morning, Stormy.

      3. Funnily enough my daughter and I had the same conversation yesterday…

        The simple answer is – train drivers wield huge clout, as was demonstrated in the run-up to the 2012 Olympics. Johnson caved in at the first sniff of a fight with Underground drivers and Khan’t has adopted the same position.

        Edit: ‘Morning, Stormy.

    2. A hospital could still function without managers but it can’t function at all without nurses.

      1. I disagree, Phiz.
        Nurses may be very good at loking after patients but they are useless at everything else. Within a day, no-one would know where or when they should be working, within three days, none of their computers would work, within a week, there’d be no bandages or drugs, and at the end of the month, no-one would have been paid.

        1. Admin is needed, but not in such numbers and many appear to have a job that has little to do with patient welfare.

        2. A fair point, but does the NHS really need such an overburden of management? Especially managers involved in the Alphabet Soup policies I commented on earlier?

  9. Just Stop Oil set to unleash campaign of Christmas chaos targeting central London roads. 28 November 2022.

    Protesters are expected to unleash a fresh wave of disruption which will see them blocking major roundabouts, glueing themselves to the tarmac and marching slowly in front of traffic.

    The new tactics will see the group return to central London after last month’s focus on the M25 motorway. The daily disruption is expected to begin today and last until at least December 14.

    Rishi Sunak, the Prime Minister, is to host a meeting with police chiefs later this week, in order to find out what more powers they need in order to tackle the protesters more effectively.

    The seeking of powers is a giveaway that nothing is to be done. There are more than sufficient laws on the books to cover every possible public disorder eventuality.

    1. Section 137 of the Highways Act 1980 is the relevant piece of legislation.

      Why anyone needs “a meeting with police chiefs” is beyond belief.

      Just tell the Police chiefs to do their job.

    2. If people want to glue themselves to the tarmac, fine. The police should drag them off, without first bothering to unglue their hands. This would undoubtedly be painful to the protestors and would encourage them to stop the glueing in the first place. Similarly with the illegal migrants to our shores; refuse to give them any benefits and that would soon put a stop to their day excursions from France in rubber dinghies. All people who attempt to create problems for the general public need to be taught that actions have consequences. At present this is not the case.

  10. 368442+ up ticks,

    Morning Each,

    This situation is in keeping with the Country as a whole,

    Monday 28 November: The NHS needs to stop deflecting criticism and start listening to what patients are saying

    The NHS hierarchy need pruning & culling the dealings I personally have had with the shop floor staff has been nothing but courteous and carried out in good order.

    The nations political hierarchy ( the elites) are, in the main
    selected by the peoples who in turn vote in a party for a term of governance, there lies the major governing rub.

    The electorate majority these past three near four decades have been having a very dangerous love affair with a name, in this case the name being tory, their continuing input shows clearly they are suffering from Stockholm syndrome.

    The sad thing is ALL innocents must suffer from their continuous selections.

  11. ‘Morning All

    Heart of stone and all that……..

    The same Al-Beeb that denigrated or ignored our own lockdown protests……

    Looks like we should take lessons from the Chinese next time they try it on…
    (and they will)

    1. Why do the Chinese Police have the word Police on the back of their gilets? Isn’t their own language up to snuff?

    2. It was to save him catching covid from the rabid crowd apparently. Of course, the beating that followed was to chase out any unclean spirits and 30 years in solitary should see him safe until the next pandemic.

  12. Many reports of them wandering around outsde as usual

    “As part of the emergency Diphtheria measures, asylum seekers housed in
    hotels must remain in their rooms and will be sent meals with crockery
    and utensils that must not be used by others.

    Linens must
    not also be shared, while migrants must double-bag their laundry before
    leaving it outside their door, and clean their rooms themselves.”

    Good luck expecting them to comply with that!
    The people responsible for dispersing this dangerous disease around the country need shooting

    1. Let ’em wander off into their unnatural enclaves in and around major towns and cities and spread dangerous, poisonous and deadly diseases among those who’ve never been vaccinated as children, in their own unhealthy native lands.

      It’s called population control – a favourite with WEF and Gates.

      Publicise it abroad, “Come to England, get a deadly disease and die.”

      1. Good morning NtN. I
        It beggars belief that these parasites aren’t checked for disease as soon as they are landed ashore especially as they all come from places where nasty diseases are widespread.
        Common sense should show that, until found clear, they should be quarantined in very basic secure accommodation.
        Our human rights to remain free of long-eradicated disease should override their demands and those of the army of lawyers.

          1. Indeed. But given the reality that they are being landed in their hundreds and thousands, such basic protection for the British people should not even need discussing; our government is failing in its duty to protect the people of these islands.

      2. Add to your last sentence, ‘Come to Britain illegally and you will never be given anything but the most basic, secure, guarded compounds nor the right to remain here.’

      3. UK law will be changed. Don’t come to the UK. We cannot accommodate you, we cannot afford your presence, we cannot afford any legal aid. Illegal immigrants are unwanted and will not receive UK citizenship. Illegal immigrants awaiting a decision will be refused further legal action and removed from the UK. You have been warned,

          1. It’s one of my wishes Alf. I hope the government should be in a position to bring this about. The invaders are coming in at a much faster rate than we are building houses.

          2. To expect politicians to have competency is like expecting turkeys to vote for Christmas.

    2. 368442+ up ticks,

      Morning Rik,
      What I cannot get my head round is why these political cretins are regularly given oxygen to import in the past the likes of TB that was nigh on irradiated in the United Kingdom.

      1. Because the state doesn’t care. These creatures are nothing more than weaponised statistics used as punishment for not getting their own way. It’s not their money, there are no consequences for them, they want to make a point, this is how they’re doing it. The criminal gimmigrants are just a tool big state is using to achieve it’s real goal.

    3. and clean their rooms themselves.

      Does that mean that the lazy bastards aren’t normally even expected to clean their own rooms????

        1. If I was staying there for nothing and part of the agreement was that I should, then yes.
          It is absolutely ridiculous that these people should not be expected to do so.

          1. As many of these are illiterate, and many do not speak English, how are you going to teach them to clean their rooms?

          2. Mongo being both illiterate and not speaking English still knows to ask to go outside to poo rather than using the floor.

          3. But but but, they are doctors, engineers, nurses and no end of vital labour for the benefit of the UK.

            Unless the politicians and bleeding hearts are lying, of course.

          4. I just can’t imagine any British politician lying about the continual influx of illiterates.

            And, sosraboc, if they were skilled and/or educated they could get a good job in their own homeland so would

            have no need to ride a rubber dinghy across the Channel.

          5. Quite, and more to the point, in the long term it would be better for their countries and ours.

          6. Let it degenerate into 3rd world squalor and when they complain give them a broom, a shovel and a dust brush – get on with it.

        2. These buildings are no longer hotels, they have become hostels. Cleaning your own accommodation should be a basic fact of life.

          1. Feargal, the High Court ruled that “asylum seekers” should be accommodated at taxpayers’ expense in three or four star hotels.

            If the Home Office redefines them as hostels then they are disobeying an High Court ruling.

            Perhaps Mr Thomas would oblige by commenting?

          2. I don’t think that is a can of worms the Home Office want to open. After all, a few wise councils have thwarted the Home Office plans by refusing planning permission for change of use from hotel to hostel.

            Much like the scamdemic, HMG believes the steamroller approach works, quashing any opposition before it has the time to deflect the illegals being thrust into their midst.

            Retrospective changes to planning permission will allow HMG to continue to unload these people in our communities and then tidy up the paperwork.

  13. Great “Watts Up With That” article,whole thing worth a read….

    When Professor Michaux told the House of Lords of the shortage of

    techno-metals and of the consequent impossibility of nope-zero, Their

    Lordships told him not to be so negative. All we needed to do was cross

    our fingers and dance the cachucha while sprinkling a little fairy-dust

    over our ermined shoulders and the wicked demon Siotu would be placated,

    all would be tickety-boo and we could go back to our port and cigars at

    the club, don’t you know.

    Martin Helme spoke next. He began by pointing out, bluntly, that the

    ideological motivation of the traffic-light tendency – the Greens too

    yellow to admit they’re really Reds – is Marxist. It was tragic, he

    said, to see young people losing their innocence under the influence of

    relentless propaganda at school, at university and in social media. For

    revolutions always ate their own children. Thanks to this technological

    reversion to primitivism, today’s miserable teenagers would remain

    children all their lives, just as in the developing countries.

    1. Whole piece is a good read.
      I bookmarked WUWT about 12 years ago after my elder son gave me three books debunking ‘global warming ‘.

      1. Might have been Christmas 09 – just before the cold winter of Jan 2010 when the whole country was snow-covered.

    1. Bloody hell!
      A couple of years since I last visited it, but I will say that it has become more of an eatery that serves good ale rather than a simple pub.

      1. I was an infrequent visitor because it was out of the way for me but I always enjoyed an excellent pint in there.

        My local, when I lived in Chesterfield, was The Derby Tup on Sheffield Road, Whittington Moor. At one stage they had no fewer than 12, well-kept, cask-conditioned bitters on tap.

    2. My son was an avid member and used to help with the beer festivals in Swansea – he cancelled his membership when they went ‘woke ‘.

    3. “We will continue to support it” – and that’s support? Delisting becuse some overimportant pretentious twat had to wait to be served? Looks lice CAMRA have degenerated a lot since I stopped being a member.

      1. It is no longer the excellent forum of Michael Jackson “The Beer Hunter” nor Bill Tidy, “Kegbuster”. I cancelled my membership when I left the UK.

        1. That’s sad. We carried out many reviews around Newport Pagnell, Crawley, Cranfield, Bedford for them. Good beers and interesting wee pubs to visit.Sigh…

  14. I’m having some hassle with British Gas. I pay quarterly and I’ve inadvertently sent them a wrong reading by omitting the zero from the beginning of the reading and which has placed it into the realms of Vladimir Putin’s dreams. Needless to say the algorithm has caught this and sent me an email requiring some information. Here is the rub it is a no reply email and there is no facility for doing this on the website. The best I can do is to place another (correct) reading. Whether this will work I have no idea! Crossed fingers.

  15. It’s not often I have a laugh first thing but listening to Radio Scotland there was an interview with that reality TV show organiser who described Hancock eating some animals penis. The term Willie Con Carne was used

      1. Either she didn’t care and waves these things about reflexively, or she didn’t think. In either case, she’s a fool who has no business being in parliament.

    1. I’m sure the Refugees welcome Wigan. Far better than being in a squalid makeshift camp in Calais…….

      Morning LD & all

      1. Aren’t there certain open spaces near Dover which can be converted into squalid camps?

        Perhaps our politicians can examine this suggestion and employ French experts in squalor to come over and give advice. As we know the Mayor of Calais is thoroughly pissed off with the migrants who pass through her town and she blames the British entirely. “Why do these stupid British make life so comfortable and easy for the migrants,” she despairs, “why don’t they give them horrible, cold, unsanitary places to live, smelly and erratic French plumbing, no money and the sort of food which gave Britain its appalling reputation for poor cuisine?”

        1. Pressure from the bleeding ‘Bleeding Hearts’ campaigners (and of course potential votes for the Political Parties that positively welcome ‘Refugees’)

    2. I’m sure the Refugees welcome Wigan. Far better than being in a squalid makeshift camp in Calais…….

      Morning LD & all

    3. No, she can’t volte face on this one. She’s got to be held accountable as if she were the perpetrator. In a way, she is.

      The vermin coming across the channel are not refugees, they’re criminal illegal welfare gimmigrants.

  16. Morning NOTLers

    Without wishing to dampen the mood, i want to express solidarity with one of Wibbling’s posts the other day.

    I have just about had enough with this country and the way it treats responsible citizens whilst celebrating the non-responsible ones.

    I am fed up with the surveillance, and the control-freakery and general incompetence which abounds in public life.

    I am unable to look my kids (19, 18) in the eye and tell them they should study, work hard and get a good job. To what end? So they can be kicked and despised by the powers that be?

    I was already on a time line before i fled this hell hole (2027 when i reach 60 and my youngest is through Uni) and have given my year’s notice at work in order to go part-time (why work full-time to have it taken off you? – and this was before the latest Budget) but i fear I won’t last even till next October.

    As you were, gentle readers, and sorry for the rant. I feel a bit better for it.

    1. I am fed up with the surveillance, and the control-freakery and general incompetence which abounds in public life.

      Morning MIR. These are all the signs of a society in the process of disintegration!

    2. 368442+ up ticks,

      Morning MIR,

      Well penned, avoid the
      political / supporting fools program, write your own.

    3. Here here.

      I don’t intend to drag the discussions down. I simply find myself so disgusted at everything being deliberately done so badly out of sheer spite when it could so easily be made more efficient, more effective and more responsive.

      There’s so little to shout about – Truss’ budget was amazing – we were looking at real terms growth and planning. In those first two weeks our little company met to hire more people and take on more work. We were excited about the future – then the globalists did her in to ensure the continued destruction of this country.

    4. I am afraid both my sons are working in the brave new world where human beings, and especially Nottlers – will be redundant. Christo is an aerospace design engineer working on robots and Henry is a computer expert writing programs for artificial intelligence.

      Certain bits of philosophy from lyrics of pop songs stick in the mind:

      Freedom’s just another word for nothing left to lose.

      There’s no success like failure – and failure’s no success at all.

      I’d trade all my tomorrows for a single yesterday

  17. Did YOU fall for the great Covid scam? 28 Novembber 2022.

    VICTIMS of a multi-billion-pound phishing scandal have told TCW Defending Freedom how their lives were devastated by fraudsters after apparently finding themselves on a ‘suckers list’ which caused them to agree to take part in an experimental drug trial.

    The criminals trapped their victims by sending them messages made possible by a website called iNHSpoof. It seems the perpetrators sent multiple messages to millions of Britons telling them that they had an appointment for what was described as a ‘safe and effective vaccine’ which would protect them from a deadly new virus.

    No I did not fall for this scam, nor Net-Zero nor Slava Ukraini. Does this make me a bad person?

    1. It’s a combination of exploiting stupidity and government scaremongering. The problem here is that the mug could not lose money, but their life.

  18. 369442+ up ticks,

    A major limb of the nation is irreparably broken all the time this situation is in place,

    The NHS employs more than 2,000 managers on six-figure salaries
    Highest earners in health service paid almost twice as much as Prime Minister at a time when nurses are due to strike over wages

    Six managers answering to one top manger paid adequately for shouldering such responsibility and with whom the buck stops.

    1. Imagine if instead of continuing (to waste the money) those tax savings had been made? That’s real wealth being destroyed by government.

    1. Well, the state and remoaners did say there’d be a plague of gonorrhea. It tried desperately with monkey pox but when that became embarrassing for ethnics the state changed it’s mind on publicising it.

      1. Monkey pox was just as politically incorrect as the monkey noises crowds used to make at football matches when they came armed with bananas for the black players.

    1. Well, technically our government doesn’t. We, the tax payer are funding it. However, yes, I’d rather pay for our homeless to be supported than ciminal gimmigrants.

      Although you’re missing the point (somewhat deliberately I know). The criminal gimmigrants are a weapon the state is using to punish the country for Brexit. Same as the economic decline, high taxes, more regulation, bigger state, the strikes, the inefficiencies, the NHS slowness, passport slowness, the collapsing pound, recession – you name it, the state is using it as a punishment for not getting its way. After all. It told us these things would happen. Now it’s making sure they do.

    2. 368442+ up ticks,

      Morning LD
      Really what sort of person keeps returning these type political wretches to power ?

      1. Give us a party worth voting for.

        How’s the formation of the ogga Party going and when will the inauguration take place?

        1. 368442+ up ticks,

          Morning R,
          Listen up, I was supporting UKIP in the Kilroy Silk days, I as with many more could see the potential.
          That party went on to design & trigger the referendum.
          They (UKIP) received day tripper support from lab/lib /con members in voting OUT then with the victory call still echoing went back to the lab/lib/con
          pro eu coalition party.

          Then I’m hearing no need of UKIP now
          “WE” have done the job.

          For me Laurence Fox & reclaim,
          Anything with a farage tag as in brexit/reform I have no trust in.

          As for handing any monies to farage
          I would rather give it to XI Jinping.

      2. The sort of person who just wants to get on with their lives and takes little notice of what is happening.

        1. 368442+ up ticks,

          Morning Bob,
          I do beg to differ Bob, on the grounds that the voting pattern reflects otherwise.

          The voting majority are, at best, voting for a reshuffled issue of the same political shite, again & again.

          My advice in the nicest possible way is these sort of people really ought to take bloody notice of what is happening .

    1. I think I understand what is happening now,
      natives do not protest and riot enough,
      so they have to import people that do,
      Then they can clamp down and impose draconian restrictions.

  19. What’s up, Disqus. Why no EDIT facility on any posts? Get it SORTED!

    Oh, WOW, I can EDIT MY comments but others don’t seem able to.

          1. Someone was complaining earlier that he would have used ‘flee’ instead of ‘fled’ but he had no ‘Edit’ function.

            ‘Twas ‘MoreInfoRequired’

          2. Yes I’m not certain what MIR was referring to there. Perhaps he uses predictive text which is the devil in Word!

          3. On my phone if i need to edit something down the bottom of a long post I just can’t get down there (as it were). Only stuff showing in the little box. Don’t know why.

          4. On my phone if i need to edit something down the bottom of a long post I just can’t get down there (as it were). Only stuff showing in the little box. Don’t know why.

    1. Chris Panton was 19 when, on a dark night in March 1944, he flew across the Channel for a bombing raid over Germany. Hours later, above the burning city of Nuremberg, a Nazi night fighter took aim from below. Panton’s aircraft exploded before he could bail out. The flight engineer was one of 534 men to be lost on what remains the deadliest day in the history of the Royal Air Force.

      Ah those young men. The heroes of my youth. Thank God they are not here to see what has been done for their sacrifice!

      1. 4368442+ up ticks,,

        Sad to say for many it is more
        comfortable to forget “Lest we forget”

    2. Excellent article, thanks for posting, Tryers.

      The dedication of the Panton family is something to behold. They should be proud of what they have achieved in their quest to honour those who flew in these aircraft and who died for our freedom in the process. The average age was just 22 and all were volunteers. What a truly remarkable generation. I for one am always humbled when reading of their actions.

    3. Can’t read it without signing up to a free trial. I have been to East Kirkby a couple of times, though, and seen Just Jane in her hangar. While I was there the first time they ran up the engines – fabulous sound (and a lot of prop wash!).

        1. It was a link to a DT article, but I expect the taxi run will be on You Tube. When I was in Canada, I was able to go inside Vera (VRA), the only other flying Lanc. Alas, I didn’t get a flight in her. I’ll try and post some pics, but I can’t do it from notifications, it seems.

          1. I can’t do it here, either; it tells me it isn’t a supported format, but the photos are all .jpgs.

          2. I photographed her as she flew over Wester Ross a few years ago on her way back to Canada after an airshow

          3. Unfortunately, I missed seeing her and Thumper when they were both displaying over here. That must have been a magnificent sight.

  20. Morning all 😊
    A bit later than usual. Not feeling brilliant, still waiting for a call from my GP practice since my by hand letter regarding my present state of health. I’ll give until lunchtime. And I’ll ring. It’s not really what I had expected to have to do.
    I am Very disappointed.

      1. I don’t want to be and won’t be rude Phiz, but they do deserve it. But I’m going to have to ask them to look after me when they make themselves available.
        Every one I’ve spoken to outside of the medical profession suggested I should go to A&E. But I’ve done that twice before with the same problem.
        Out side of A&E the NHS has lost its sense of urgency, responsibility and simple respect for its patients. It seems that the people we pay to take care of us, in their own minds have become more important than they should have.
        Perhaps too many saucepans and lids were bang together and perhaps not enough heads.

          1. I’ve done that twice before with a very similar situation. They did keep me over night once. I think they are a bit restricted in how they can treat Afib. But they need to remove the proverbial finger.
            That led to the long delay in treatment, 2 years it took before they did anything to put it right.

          2. Two years!!! Oh dear – and J’s getting bored and fed up in less than two weeks. I hope you can get to see the dr soon. The treatment you had last month didn’t last very long?

          3. Both the GP and the specialist cardio nurse told us to go and wait in A&E – there seems to be something wrong with the normal referral system.

      1. Something that can’t be experienced by others is difficult to relate Anne.
        I honestly thought I was going to die Thursday night. Unless it’s something that has happened to the person in question, its impossible to share the trauma.
        I’m not looking for sympathy, just effective treatment. I suspect the next proposal will an implanted pace maker. Could be DIY eh 🤔🤗

        1. I have written similar letters to our GP when MB was in hospital.
          They do seem to work. I have no idea of whether it’s the shock of an actual letter or we are lucky in our choice of practice.

          1. My neighbour said if you make a formal complaint, they have to acknowledge it and take action.
            But she did say that many people are so rude. Which I don’t think I was. But they do need to listen.

      2. Monday 28 November: The NHS needs to stop deflecting criticism and start listening to what patients are saying.

        I have only just noticed the headline for today io it is absolutely spot on.

    1. After some advice from my GP receptionist neighbour. I tried 111 but no chance. Then attempted to email 111, no chance. it’s such a difficult thing to do and seemingly has conspired awkwardness.
      Then I rang my GP practice and the person I spoke to did not want to listen to me. I had to interrupt her twice as she kept explaining the opening hours and that my GP wasn’t available today. And there was a weekend in-between. Illness doesn’t recognise weekends. I had to raise my voice above hers, PLEASE, LET ME FINISH WHAT I’M SAYING ! It worked second time around. I have persuaded her to pass the problem on to the duty GP which someone should have done on Friday when the letter was handed in, it had been logged. But nobody thought it important enough to take any action.
      As today’s headline suggest listen to the patients.

    2. Still not a word from a doctor. a 5-minute phone call would be fine. Just to tie up the loose ends.

  21. Well, there’s a bit of luck. The MR did some sleuthing and found a chap who repairs Kenwood mixers – only 15 miles away. Just dropped it off.

    The promised sun is shining strongly – BUT only above the thick layer of fog…..

    1. It’s clear down in the valley bottom here, but quite a think mist/low cloud hiding the trees up the valley top.
      At least it’s dry.

      1. We’ve still got a bit hanging on but the sun’s out now and so is the washing. Might be a bit damp for it to dry much though.

  22. Up there with Mao & Pol Pot?

    “Jenin Younes, attorney for the plaintiffs who works with the New Civil Liberties Alliance, wrote on Twitter: “One of my favorite quotes from Fauci’s deposition today: “I have a very busy day job running a six billion dollar institute. I don’t have time to worry about things like the Great Barrington Declaration.”

    Keep in mind that we have full records of emails in which Fauci took credit for coming “out very strongly publicly against the Great Barrington Declaration.”

    Synopsis of censored proceedings here:

    1. I see that Shitts, together with Gove, Johnson, Truss and [in total] some 30 TINOs are trying to reverse the decision to limit onshore wind farms! I wonder if any brown envelopes feature?

      1. Put it like this SB, Shnapps has become very rich since he was housing minister and a lot more of Hatfield and St Albans has been built over now.
        Where are the investigative journo’s when they are needed ?

          1. This happened Around 20 years ago when I was a contract’s manager for a St Albans building company.
            Late Friday I was making sure the particular large extension I was running was left tidy and safe for the weekend.
            The home owner called me in for a cuppa and we discussed how things were going all happily of course. He asked are got going back to the office ? Yes, we all met in a pub opposite the office for a couple or jars Fridays. Can you take this back for me and give it to C for me.
            A Brown envelope. And a very large Brown envelope. 30 thousand pounds in cash. I was tempted ‘to be robbed’ a self-inflicted punch in the face might have been convincing. But I’m not that sort of person. The head of a large organization, as he was, might have known that.

      1. Today’s bizarre sentence prize, taken from this article, goes to:

        ‘Zoe is now in jail for hoarding banned weapons and explosive substances
        as part of his trans activism, which included smashing up melons with
        the names of feminists on them.’

  23. Phew!
    Had a 1 ton bag of concrete ballast dropped off beside the yard gate t’other week so S@H son could sort out the floor of the yard shed.
    He got the job done over the weekend using a bit over a ¼ ton leaving the rest to be hoiked up the garden to where I’m going to be using it. I got a start made in shifting it today and got the first 9 sandbags filled & carried up the hill.

    A question.
    How heavy is a ton of concrete ballast?
    Not as obvious an answer as you might think as it’s delivered in a large bag that holds a volume equivalent to ton of ballast or sand, but the actual weight will depend on the water content.
    A bit like a shipping ton:-

    Shipping ton
    From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
    A shipping ton, freight ton, measurement ton or ocean ton is a measure of volume used for shipments of freight in large vehicles, trains or ships. In the USA, it is equivalent to 40 cubic feet (1.1 m3) while in the UK it is 42 cubic feet (1.2 m3).[1][2] It should not be confused with other types of ton which also measure volume. For example, the register ton, which is used to measure the capacity of ships, is 100 cubic feet (2.8 m3).

    1. Earlier in the Summer I had a total of 14 tons of topsoil. I was very grateful that it arrived during a dry spell and very keen to get it distributed before the rains came!

    2. We could do with some concrete to fix loose bricks and holes in the drive.. small jobs that don’t need huge tons of concrete.

      1. One can buy small bags of ready mixed mortar or all in one ballast at most builders merchants -just add water mix and apply….

        1. I once made the mistake of buying ready mixed in a sacks. I discovered too late that the mix was not nearly strong enough and the concrete was crumbly and had to be replaced. Now when I have to build a manhole cover, as one does, I mix my own concrete and get a good result – I do have a concrete mixer which helps.

        2. Or you can buy 25kg bags of ballast or builder’s sand and cement separately and mix your own to avoid the problems Richard describes.
          For concrete, 4 ballast to 1 of cement, or for mortar 5 to 1.

    3. When I worked in JHB on the Carlton centre, Hotel. Every two weeks, 7am start, we had around 9 concrete trucks arrive over a 6 hour period for the new hydraulically lifted shuttering we’d been extending upwards. All craned up and poured and tidy before afternoon tea break. Unfortunately building has been closed for some time now.

  24. Germany’s Putin appeasement still shames Europe. 28 november 2022.

    Despite Johnson’s often loose association with the truth, this time he was surely speaking it. Germany should never be allowed to escape the shame it ought to feel over both its reaction to the Ukraine crisis and its policy in the previous decade of cosying up to Vladimir Putin in order to suck on the teat of cheap Russian energy supplies. I say this as a fluent German speaker, and someone who considers himself to be a friend of the country.

    Since the end of February, the German Chancellor, Olaf Scholz, has walked a tightrope of indecision and appeasement. Occasionally, he will talk tough and pledge change. He appeared to overthrow decades of German defence and foreign policy, just after the invasion began, by promising to increase defence spending by 100 billion euros. On that, as on so much else, however, he has failed to deliver.

    It is worth considering the German point of view here. What were they expected to do with their energy requirements? Go and look for the most expensive that they could find? It is this cheap Russian energy that has enabled Germany to remain a Manufacturing Superpower that can compete with China and the US! Unlike the UK! They know as certainly as I do that it was the Americans that blew up the Baltic Pipeline to close off this source to them permanently and make them dependent on the US. Why should they wish to become an outpost of the American Empire where its cost will fall on them and their own interests will always be subordinate to those of the US?

    1. I read on here, or on GP, that the LNG shipped in from the USA to Germany was priced at 40% more than the Nordstream pipeline value. Mr Holmes needn’t don his cape and deerstalker to establish if Russia and Germany gain from this shipping supply.

    2. Yes but the Americans bailed out the Germans after WW2 – could this be payback time?

    3. Absolute tosh from the DT.
      Germany’s interests would best be served by buying gas from a combination of Russia, Qatar and the US – but the US wants Germany completely under its thumb.

  25. A question to any legal persons or others who might know .

    I don’t like my Christian name and never have it doesn’t suit me whatsoever,
    I prefer my middle name. Is there a way of legally changing the names around such as deed poll. The husband thinks it’s silly and a huge performance as all legal documents will need changing ,

    1. One of my brothers has always hated his first name and uses his middle name instead. It would be your surname that you’d change by deed poll. You can already use whichever of your forenames you choose.

    2. Same with me – I’ve always been called by my middle name but people often assume you are called by your first name, especially authority’s, which pisses me off

        1. Last time i was admitted they asked we how i wished to be addressed but i think that is to do with the pronoun nonsense.

          I told the nurse she could refer to me as ‘my lord’.
          At least i got a laugh out of her.

    3. A rose by any other name would smell as sweet.

      Caroline’s Christian names are Anna, Jacoba, Caroline but she has always been called Caroline.

      However she does have problems because her passport has the name Anna and her maiden name, Schoon, on it and yet some of her other identifying documents carry the name Caroline Tracey and this can lead to confusion and delays.

      I would suggest you get people to call you by your preferred name but be careful with changing your documents as any apparent contradictions on these can cause problems.

      (I shall ask Caroline to add her comments later)

      1. Thank you, I’d appreciate that.
        I’ve got my Christian name which is somewhat long and my two middle names which are Lynne, Kitty. The third is my preferred given name but as my surname is also very long so therefore Kitty doesn’t even appear on credit cards, driving licences etc because of too many letters- I suppose ( it gets chopped off ) it might make it even more complex. I think I might have the same issue as Caroline.

        1. May we NoTTLers please call you Kitty? I don’t think the name will cause any confusion with other NoTTLers. George [middle name].

          1. I knew that was coming 🙂 can you imagine the amusement online others would have .

          2. My first name is French and long . My parents had just been away to France and liked the name, they never gave a thought to whether it’d suit me.

          3. That’s parents for you…….mine called me after a Belgian girl they met during (or just after) the War, and also my midddle name after a man my father looked up to but eventually fell out with.

          4. Yes parents have a lot to answer for.

            My husband aunt and late uncle had decided upon marriage that they wanted their children’s name to end with the letter a .
            They had three daughters – Amelia, Justina and Helena – their grandchildren are Ella and Julia ( it’s fortunate they never had boys )

          5. The reason I’m called Anna Jacoba is because my parents wanted to call me Caroline… I know that sounds strange, but I was the last hope for a boy in my generation, and in every generation in my father’s family there is a boy called Arthur Jacob. So that was going to be me, but I turned out to be a girl. In order to keep the tradition alive, I was given the initials (Anna is my mother’s name; Jacoba is the feminine form of Jacob) followed by the name my parents had chosen for a girl, which is another popular family name.

          6. We have stuck to family names for our sons: Christopher is named after my father, Christopher, and his second name is Lourens,* the name of Caroline’s father; Henry is named after my paternal grandfather, Henry, and his second name is that of Caroline’s maternal grandfather, Pieter*

            (* Holland is a foreign country – they spell things differently there)

          7. My cousins Christian name is Christopher. Always said in its full, never Chris. I never like to shorten names .

          8. By the same token, Kitty, my first name is Thomas but I’ve always been called Tom, which I prefer.

          9. There are always exceptions to the rule and your name is one of those,
            Tom is indeed nicer then Thomas . Just as its preferable to shorten the name Catherine to Kate .

          10. I had a lucky escape – my parents were going to call me Jerome Karl. Thankfully, they had a rethink (but still gave me a foreign name).

          11. That reminds me. Apparently I came home from primary school and told my parents that I had a new friend, whose name was Effel. Course, they said, don’t you mean Ethel. I insisted it was Effal!

          12. When I was a little lad my mum had two dear, older, friends who we referred to as “Auntie Kit and Auntie Daisy”. They were a couple of spinsters who lived together and worked at the same Kettering shoe factory as mum during WWII. I was taken to meet these two dears, one day in the early 1960s at their home and they made a fuss. Mum also hated her own name “Elsie” which she thought was a music hall joke, “only suitable for Vaudeville”. Mum is sitting in the centre of the photograph.

          13. What a wonderful photo.
            My third middle name suits me very much – I do sleep very much, am very fond of sleeping in front of the fire, I like eating fish and sleep in a ball but as my husband would confirm, I am scared of mice .

        2. During the war, before I was born, my parents got stranded in the Sudan where my father was governing the place. My mother’s sister, my maiden Aunt Kitty, thus had to do much of the upbringing of my two elder sisters, Belinda and Mary-Faith, born in 1935 and 1937 respectively.

          Aunt Kitty then became known as Kitty Mum and was very much loved for the rest of her life.

          On one occasion when my sisters were at boarding school and my parents were off gallivanting Kitty Mum had to look after me. I was, by all accounts an odious child.

          On one occasion when I was being exceptionally odious, Kitty Mum said: “Richard if you don’t behave I shall have to smack you!”
          To which I replied: “Will you smack me as hard as Daddy or as hard as Mummy?”

          “I shall smack you as hard as Daddy!” said the exasperated Kitty Mum, hoping to sound sufficiently fierce.

          “Oh, that’s all right then! I smirkingly called her bluff.

          I had learnt from an early age what Kipling had said: The female of the species is more deadly than the male. but I knew Kipling was wrong about Kitty Mum who was the sweetest and kindest of her sex and never smacked me in spite of the most heinous provocation – but Kipling he was spot on about my mother.

        3. The Passport Office have, on my latest renewal, written to me asking for “proof of name change” owing to the fact that the name I submitted on the application form did not match their existing record.

          The challenge? My Irish surname contains an apostrophe which the ‘computer’ apparently objected to!

          I was informed that I had to rustle up all of the appropriate proofs of identity and send them to the PO? You know the sort of thing? Driving licence, utilities bills, bank statements etc in the name that I have been using for 70+ years?

          After much faffing my passport was renewed in the fullness of time.

          PS; Throughout the entire process each item I received by post (from the Passport Office) from the initial notification of MY error was spelled correctly including the apostrophe!!!

          1. Oh my goodness what a huge amount of hassle, you must have been banging your head on a wall .

      1. The third name only appears on my birth certificate. My Christian name is long and my surname is doubled barrelled. The third name isn’t on any other legal document other that of my birth.

        1. Easier for whom? For anything unofficial just use the name you prefer. For passports, etc – when you renew use the names on your birth cerificate.

          1. Taken the words out of my mouth, Jules!

            As a matter of law, you can’t change your Christian names – only the surname. One can still purport to do so by a simple Statutory Declaration: “I formerly known as Anne, wish henceforth to be known as Pushy…” – for example.

            Simpler still just to notify family and friends of ones intention.

    4. In my family one of the middle names was frequently the name by which the person was known.

    5. In everyday life, you can get yourself called whatever you like. My mother-in-law was officially Eileen, but she didn’t like the name and so she adopted the name of one of her boats, Joanna. Not an issue. So you can go ahead and get everyone to call you Kitty.

      However, if you want officialdom to call you Kitty, the only way to do that is to have all your paperwork changed, starting with a name change by deed poll. I know someone who did just that, and it worked out fine. You would have to resign yourself to carrying around the deed for a few years, until such time as all the paperwork is updated. I don’t think past legal papers need changing, as long as you can show the deed which proves that Hildegard (or whatever your first name is!) is the same person as Kitty – but maybe Bill could confirm that? All the current stuff will need changing: credit cards, banking identity, inland revenue identity, NHS documents, driving licence, passport etc. It will be a tremendous palaver for some time but only until such time as you’ve done it.

      I can quite understand your wish to change your Christian name officially. Being Anna Jacoba Caroline, but Caroline in real life, has complicated my existence quite considerably, particularly in latter half of my life, with increasing technology. When I was younger, all I needed to do was to underline which name I was known by, and that was that. But when our first son was born, a more efficient than average secretary at the hospital discovered that my medical records were under four different names: Anna + maiden name, Caroline + maiden name, Anna + married name and Caroline + married name. I’m always amused that, as far as flight companies are concerned, I am known as Anna + maiden name – so for “security reasons” I am travelling under an identity which is not mine, as I have never in my life been called that!

      Update following Bill’s post : in the UK, you don’t need a deed poll to change your Christian names. This can be done by a Statutory Declaration signed in the presence of a solicitor.

      1. The Deed Poll Office website I’ve linked actually states, “Your legal name is the name you’re generally called and known by”. Which is shirley bad grammar but the meaning is straightforward?

  26. Lightening up the day………..!&&p=1357d9ea5ccf80f0JmltdHM9MTY2OTU5MzYwMCZpZ3VpZD0yZGJjNDEwMi02NjliLTZlZWEtMDljMy01MzZiNjc2MDZmNGEmaW5zaWQ9NTE3Nw&ptn=3&hsh=3&fclid=2dbc4102-669b-6eea-09c3-536b67606f4a&psq=Picture+250+mph+car+crash+…shirt+pull+&u=a1aHR0cHM6Ly9pZnVubnkuY28vcGljdHVyZS9zdXJ2aXZlLTI1MC1tcGgtY3Jhc2gtc2hpcnQtZ2V0cy1wdWxsZWQtR2sxTmlDeE44&ntb=1

    1. A friend of mine who is a big lass takes the train back to Switzerland. She cannot fly as she is too big. The thought of it has her in tears. She has tried dieting and got down to a reasonable weight of 16 stone. Then her husband left her and she ballooned again. Then she lost her job.

      Folk eat for a lot of reasons, Phizzee. We’re not perfect human beings. from the druggie to the alcoholic to the smoker. Don’t judge until you’ve walked in someone else’s shoes.

      1. I’m not judging.

        I did notice on an aircraft once that the seats just behind the first class curtain had seats where the arm rest could be slid over for the larger person. Three seats become two. The actual seat was more like a padded bench.

      2. She just needs to eat much less and keep active. do not diet just eat less of everything you like.

        1. Cut out sugars, added and natural. After a short while, you find that most stuff is pretty sweet tasting anyhow.

          1. I still take 2 sugars and a sweetener in my tea but have still lost 10 Kg in the 4 months I’ve been alone.

    1. I call fake! Her imperial highness, ruler of my heart, life and wallet, the Warqueen’s G’ start at her collarbones to bounce wonderfully just above her elbows.

    1. Afternoon Rik. It was never intended too. The amazing thing is that anyone believes this guff.

    1. Do I come off my warfarin and inhalers? Admittedly, the asthma isn’t helped by my fat belly.

      1. Take it from one whose been there – at the advice of two GPs and a Cardio-Vascular Surgeon, in Australia, I was told I don’t need warfarin.

        I stopped taking it on a Friday, the following Tuesday I had a massive MCI (Myo Cardiac Infarction – Heart Attack). Luckily, the clot passed through my heart but took out my spleen and one of my kidneys.

        I’d say, keep with the warfarin, if you want to live.

    2. If we can’t reproduce naturally without IVF
      If we can’t control kids without ADHD drugs.

      If that is the case maybe we should take breeding off the ‘to do’ list!

      1. Take it off some people’s “already doing” list. Notably those that don’t contribute (and never have) but are paid for by us.

  27. DT Headline:

    National Grid poised to activate emergency winter plan tomorrow after French nuclear outages – live updates

    * The system can’t cope – but we shall ban ICE vehicles from 2030 and that will keep us off the roads

    * The vaccines are useless and dangerous – but still everybody must get jabbed and, if they wish to travel, they must have vaccination certificates.

    A conspiracy theorist would say that the PTB want to stop us travelling both in Britain and internationally

  28. Weather tracker: temperatures plunge to -45C in parts of Russia. 28 November 2022.

    A large area of high pressure covering the whole of eastern Europe is bringing severely low temperatures across Siberia. In a part of the world where temperatures are often below freezing at this time of year, the mercury has been 20C to 25C below average in areas over the weekend, with central and eastern Russia experiencing temperatures widely of -25C to -45C.

    Incredibly, by Wednesday, the huge area of high pressure affecting Russia and China will stretch all the way into the UK with an easterly wind sweeping cold air westwards across Europe. Away from Russia, there will also be a lot of cloud within this easterly flow across much of Europe. While demand for energy will increase because of the low temperatures, the low amounts of sunshine, below average wind and reduced precipitation mean that energy produced by renewable sources will be well below normal.

    You can see why the Russians aren’t great believers in Global Warming. It must be a real uphill task to convince someone that they are in danger of heatstroke when there are icicles hanging off the end of their nose!–45c-in-parts-of-russia

    1. Russian freeze caused by – Global warmingClimate changeMan-made climate crisis ❌ Green bullsh*t with BBC stuffing. ☑️☑️☑️

    2. I’ve been keeping a ‘weather eye’ open on my energy consumption as we’ve only been in residence since March. When adding on daily standing charges and VAT, the current pice per kWh of electricity is 39pence. The inclusive price of gas is currently £1.17 per cu metre (10.8pence per kWh). According to my Smart meter data on Sunday I got through 10 cu metres of gas (Just heating and hot water). Ouch!

      Edited to remove a reference to subsidy which is paid monthly for 6 months. The Energy Prices above are correct for my current supplier.

    3. Similarly, working Sweden, one day on reporting for work, the temp was -20°C and walking from the taxi to security, my moustache froze.

      It didn’t hearten me much to learn that in Northern Sweden the temperature had fallen to -54°C. It did not/could not compute in my poor temperate head.

      1. A few years ago I had a chat with their former Commander. A four star general who once had a million men under his command.

    1. Way back in University days, the Union was managed by an ex Bootneck. One day, he was set on by two muggers… who ended in Whitechapel hospital with broken bones. The Bootie wasn’t even ruffled.

    2. Way back in University days, the Union was managed by an ex Bootneck. One day, he was set on by two muggers… who ended in Whitechapel hospital with broken bones. The Bootie wasn’t even ruffled.

    3. In UK, the Marines would have been taken to court and prosecuted, for attacking a poor helpless man, who just happened to be sharpening his pencil, when he was subject to an unprovoked attack.

      The marines would have then been sent to prison and Duggan given millions of pounds in compensation

      Life in UK in 2022

    4. Fakish news.
      A Mr Attaway was apprehended by some Marines on 26th November 2010, but not seriously injured.

  29. Wind output in the evening peak will be 0.5GW, or 1% of demand.
    The government’s plan is to double the amount of wind on the grid, so in a future lull, it will deliver 2% of demand.


    1. But consumers are to be paid for using less electricity at peak times. The lunatics are running the asylum.

  30. Talking of names – My second Christian name is that of my father who died. in a newly created radium institute, just three weeks before I was born. The third, a confirmation name, is the name of a brother who was born and died three years before I was born. My father’s body was given for medical research and he wasn’t buried until five months after he passed away. My mother remarried and I never saw a photo of my father. Mother went on to have three more children. It was a large and happy family. I like to think that my father contributed to cancer research and helped save many lives.

  31. Breaking news:

    Briton dies in Mogadishu hotel siege by Al-Shabaab militants

    Mohamed Sayid Hassan Elmi, who lives in Birmingham, was named locally as one of the victims at Villa Rose Hotel, which is near the presidential palace.

    Hmmm – very “British….”

  32. Ref the Wellcome Trust Farce:

    “Staff expressed support for the closure. Farrah Nazir, insights and learning lead at the Wellcome Trust, tweeted: “Feeling proud of colleagues acting boldly by taking this decision.”

    “…insights and learning lead…” = Education Officer.

    It is a blackwash.

  33. Eco-terrorists again:

    “‘Powerless’ police wait outside as Just Stop Oil go to the PUB: Farce as officers are forced to park next to Wetherspoons while eco mob nip in for a celebratory pint after using new slow-march tactic loophole that makes them ‘un-arrestable'”

    I do hope the perlice farce paid for the beers.

    1. What a bunch of Nonces – both the Police Farce and the Eco-terrorists.

      The answer is to start a road-wide, at least three-deep, slower march in front to allow angry motorists to catch them up and beat the crap out of them, leaving bloodied bodies at the roadside. If the Police interfere, they get beaten as well.

  34. Keir Starmer criticised over plan to scrap private schools’ charity status
    Labour has been accused of trying to price families out of private schools after Sir Keir pledged to end charitable status

    Socialism has always had a particularly vindictive and spiteful side to it in Britain. Indeed, punishing those who have has always been far more important to the Socialists than helping those who have not.


    Why not scrap Charitable status but give each school which educates a British pupil the same amount of money that the state would have had to pay to educate the child itself? And then let them have the same rules on VAT on the educational things independent schools need to purchase as state schools have.

    This would be fair because the parents who send their children to private schools have already paid for their schooling with their taxes. Of course parents should pay the difference between what the private school charges and the cost that the state pays for each child in the state sector.

    We had two boys in a private state primary school in France. The school was so efficiently run that it managed to not have to charge the parents any fees as the money received from the state covered it.

    President Mitterand announced that he was going to scrap private schools in France; all the teachers in private schools announced that if he did so then they would leave the teaching profession immediately. Mitterand realised that the state system would be completely overwhelmed and would not be able to cope so he had to abandon the plan.

  35. Mpox: WHO renames monkeypox amid racism and stigma

    This year saw the first “community transmission” of the disease in the UK.
    Some 3,720 cases have been identified in the UK since the start of May.
    The UK Health Security Agency has said it is seeing fewer and fewer cases reported.
    NHS England said some 68,000 people have been inoculated against the disease with the smallpox vaccine since the outbreak began in May.
    It is now launching a campaign offering a second vaccination to those eligible who have already had their first jab.

    Another multi-jab vaccination against another benefit of diversity.

    1. But, but the smallpox vaccination – the real one at any rate – gives lifetime protection. The wisdom of 200 years is being rewritten at will.

        1. “They were going at it like knives!” Exclaimed Mr Wogan (now deceased) the morning after watching a documentary on Bonobos the evening before.

    1. Given the world-wide distribution of non-whites does “Bame” in this context stand for Blacks and majority effniks?

  36. There seems the likelihood of another Beast from the East. I hope not, the last one killed my cordyline and since then I’ve got a number of oleanders to a good size.

    1. The Beast from the East caused utter chaos with the NHS last time it visited the UK nearly five years ago .

      Hospitals were full of bods with cracked bones , hyperthermia , pneumonia cases .

      That was the year we took in an elderly friend who had succumbed to pneumonia badly, the hospitals were busting at the seams , so like an absolute idiot I looked after a very poorly man , who could have died , but he didn’t , but if he had , there would have been complications galore ..

      We ended up looking after him for 6 months because his country cottage was condemned , rats had eaten the electric cables because they came in out of the cold , and Raymond (pal ) had just sat in his appalling collapsing ceiling cottage watching TV , with a luger or something similar on the sofa seat killing the rats as they scuttled by ( He was a sharp shooter in the Para’s).. he had guns every where.. his poor fluffy cat couldn’t cope and was scared of the rats .

      His toilet had frozen up and he had to boil a kettle for hot water .. the whole cottage was a fire hazard , unbelievable . We managed to get him social housing after his 6 month stay with us .. and he is in a lovely semi bungalow , spacious and warm in the village he was born in .

      He will be 88 next year.

      1. Our friend Jim is also 88 next year.

        Caroline played the organ at his wife’s funeral 8 years ago and the first thing he did when he was introduced to her was to burst into tears. Often warmth and kindness bring on the tears far more easily than indifference. Jim now comes to supper with us every Saturday and stays the night in the winter because he does not like to drive after dark. Also he always comes to us for birthdays, Christmas, the new Year and whenever we have other friends or family staying. He is greatly looking forward to Christmas with us because Henry and Jess will be staying with us and Caroline’s sister and her latest husband will be staying for the new year.

      2. You looked after him when you need not have done, Belle, because you are one of the good people in the world, kind-hearted, and dare I say it, Christian.
        Good on you. If only there were more like you.
        Edit: An example to all. Difficult to live up to.

        1. Ob , you do say kind things .

          I am not a goody goody really, but to certain situations I can react quickly, sometimes that leads to trouble .

          There is a strong control mechanism in this household sadly

      3. You looked after him when you need not have done, Belle, because you are one of the good people in the world, kind-hearted, and dare I say it, Christian.
        Good on you. If only there were more like you.
        Edit: An example to all. Difficult to live up to.

  37. There seems the likelihood of another Beast from the East. I hope not, the last one killed my cordyline and since then I’ve got a number of oleanders to a good size.

    1. Par 4 here.

      Wordle 527 4/6


      1. O Dear, you’ve just given Sue the clap. I thought it was reserved for nurses when they were being banged in back streets and housing estates.

          1. My mother used to attach knitted pleated skirts she’d made to our liberty bodices! We were very young!

          2. My first rebellion, as a child I absolutely refused to wear a liberty bodice!! I have no idea why, but I hated the idea of the bits of rubber somehow.

          3. My mother used to attach knitted pleated skirts she’d made to our liberty bodices! We were very young!

          1. You may like this….my former and late mother in law was a nurse. She told me this; when she and another nurse were giving a male patient a bed bath, they said, ” I’ll wash down as far as possible and you wash up as far as possible; and we’ll leave possible alone.”

          2. You may like this….my former and late mother in law was a nurse. She told me this; when she and another nurse were giving a male patient a bed bath, they said, ” I’ll wash down as far as possible and you wash up as far as possible; and we’ll leave possible alone.”

          3. I saw it on tele – every night, people were out on their balconies banging away for the nurses. Very patriotic.

    1. The naughty step awaits you, madam. You get the cheese and I’ll see there’s any plonk left ;-))

      1. Thanks Ann! To cap it all, I’ve had a comment deleted on the BBC, according to an email I’ve just received! Oh happy day! I’m very partial to Emmental!

        1. Brilliant .. love that .. You know I was banned from Twitter for ten days .. no Tweeting or retweets or answering , all I could do was copy and paste stuff on here .

          I suggested that the climate weirdos should be tarred and feathered .. .

          Why were you banned ?

          1. Something to do with inciting someone to do something! To be honest, I wonder about the age of the moderators. I think they must all be 20 year old snowflakes with a grievance and chip built in!

          2. It’s like being put in a modern day ‘stocks or pillory’ but at least you don’t get pelted with rotten fruit or eggs, so some small comfort.

          1. Lovely thanks! As long as it’s not that peculiar brown Norwegian stuff that looks like Caramac! I’ll bring the chutney!

          2. It was very disappointing the first time I had it because the look of it suggested a different taste!

          3. Actually, when I said first time, it was the only time! Sorry Paul, I just didn’t like it and the Norwegian lady who brought it for Mum and Dad was so pleased with her gift!

          4. Gawd, you sound like my old man! And my Dad! ‘Not often I’m wrong, but damn me, I’m right again!’

          5. Yup.
            It’s the whey left over from cheesemaking cooked up until slightly caramelised, and then left to set. Has a sweet, fudge-y flavour. IMHO, needs a bit of wet (like a ring of petter, dollop of coleslaw, slice of cucumber) to really set it off.

          6. Absolutely delicious stuff. I eat little bits like sweeties. Will have to try it with cucumber!

        2. Gruyère and Comté are my favourites (along with Roquefort and Parmesan). I have two massive wedges of Parmigiano Reggiano in the fridge for paring over salads and pasta dishes.

      2. Thanks Ann! To cap it all, I’ve had a comment deleted on the BBC, according to an email I’ve just received! Oh happy day! I’m very partial to Emmental!

    2. Sue M.

      I hope you are not banned from the DT for making innocent remarks like I was .. when I referred to the Markle as having much in common with the Channel Tunnel ..

        1. Well as far as I could tell, one of their moderators must have had a grubbier mind than mine .

          They sent me an email and told me I was banned .. I think for ever .

          1. Hope you cancelled your sub! If you do they’ll come back to you and offer some ridiculous deal! I’m paying £1 for 3 months at the moment, and I’ll be cancelling after that’s finished!

  38. Afternoon, all. Apologies for absence yesterday; I either picked up a bug or had a mild case of food poisoning – either way, it wasn’t very pleasant and I spent a lot of time lying in bed.

      1. Thank you. I am on the mend, but feeling tired. I shan’t be staying up much longer, I don’t think. At least I’ve managed to have something to eat today.

          1. Indeed we do. As you know, it’s not much fun being ill when you’re on your own. Oscar just barked at me and Kadi tried to lick me. I suppose that is their way of showing that they care.

      1. Thank you, Bob. It seems to be retreating now. I’ve managed to eat a meal – I really didn’t feel like eating anything yesterday.

  39. 368442+ up ticks,


    May one say seemingly ALL governing politico;s are Lucifer worshippers and all the electorate majority are serving a black mass result, very eerie.



    The Daily Signal

    Corey DeAngelis

    Mikhaila Peterson

    Eric Greitens

    Emily Hewertson
    Gerard Batten
    It doesn’t matter if you are religious or an atheist – The WEF is pure evil.

    They are all be atheists but they want to asume godlike powers for themselves.

    Even now very few people know about Klaus & the WEF & its plans. If we had a free media it would be front page news attacking the anti-human & insane policies they are pursuing.

    The best we can do is to spread the news of their evil.

    Klaus Schwab: ‘God Is Dead’ And The WEF Is ‘Acquiring Divine Powers’ by The People’s Voice

    The People’s Voice: 7,000 News Posts / Videos Published Yearly: 24/7 News 5,000 Or More Posts Yearly: News Archive With 16,000 Posts: https://EarthNew…

  40. Mercenaries hired from Central Africa Republic to fight in Ukraine by Wagner ‘complain they have been abandoned and left to starve with no ammo’
    Rebel fighters from the CAR were hired by the Wagner Group to fight in Ukraine
    But they say they have been abandoned and are forced to steal from civilians
    Soldiers have not been paid or given food or ammunition, they say

    Mercenaries hired by the Wagner Group to fight for Russia in Ukraine say they have been abandoned in the Donbas with no food or ammunition.

    Around 100 fighters from the Central African Republic were recruited by the shadowy military company after quitting their country’s Union for Peace (UPC) rebel group.

    They were trained and sent to the front lines in March but they now say they have lost contact with their military bosses and are surviving by stealing from Ukrainian civilians, sources have revealed.

    Now by adding more savages , that really does sound like hell on earth .

  41. The letter (November 26) from Professor Kamila Hawthorne, (aka) Mandy Rice
    Davies, chair of the Royal College of GPs, asserting that GPs are
    “keeping the NHS upright”, only shows how out of touch that college is.
    Just ask the patients, who know the reality

    1. To be fair there are several even more deserving options rather than Corbyn – one has almost all the right letters too!

  42. I am bailing out. Wine o’clock – on this grey, damp, foggy and thoroughly unattractive day.

    Have a spiffing evening. I fear the MR will want to watch that arrisole Schama on t’telly …… One of the many woke, leftoid wanquurs whom I cannot stand.

    A demain (when I hope to have a bonfire…)

    1. Typical Lefty California Woke. My brother left San Francisco in the late 70s/early 80s. (Too many chinks and faggots) and moved to Nevada.

      Everyone thought that in the wake of the next major earthquake, he was buying potential beach-front property for when California slid into the sea. Bring it on, Oh Lord.

  43. 368442+ up ticks,

    NHS should consider robots to plug staffing gaps, says Steve Barclay
    Health Secretary says the risk of introducing technology needs to be judged against the impact staff shortages have on the service

    As a pilot run how about 2000 robotic mangers
    3 controllers working 8 hour shifts ?

  44. Could China’s Covid chaos send world straight back to square one? Experts fear unrelenting crisis risks spawning lethal mutant variant that dodges wall of immunity
    China’s daily Covid infections have doubled in a fortnight, with a record 40,000 testing positive on Saturday
    Millions are living in lockdown as Beijing sticks to its economically-crippling ‘zero Covid’ strategy
    Major anti-Government lockdown protests have erupted in at least seven cities over a fresh batch of rules
    BBC journalist beaten up and arrested ‘to stop him catching Covid’ while covering protests, local cops claim
    Revealed: Britain has world’s SECOND biggest Covid outbreak currently – behind only Japan

    Jolly good.
    Diphtheria eat your heart out, Monkeypox eat your balls…

      1. We haven’t had it- more problems with the AZ jab side effects.
        We are now up to 9 texts harassing us to get the booster. Isn’t that bloody stalking?

        1. The US have not gone so overboard with testing and tracking from what I can tell. Past six months things have pretty much gone back to normal here. Hope your side effects are subsiding, Lottie, take care.

          1. Ta Jill. I had a red spot free couple of days including, of course, the day I saw the skin cancer doc. Back today on upper right arm which is the site of original jabs. No more!!

        2. Not a single text to this unvaxxed old man – and I don’t want ’em, either. I’m happy with my whisky, Vit D and magnesium (anti-cramp).

          Good to know that I’m beneath their radar.

        3. I’ve had six text reminders so far, as well as the original emails and letters. No way am I having any more of it.

    1. I’ve just had one of my care home gigs next week cancelled as there’s covid in the home

    2. “40,000 testing positive”. How many are sick? Wasn’t Reiner Fuellmich supposed to be exposing the PCR scam? What happened to that?

  45. Racist! Yes, the latest R-word is ‘monkey’ when used used to describe a disease from Africa.

    Monkeypox given new name by global health experts

    Radio 4’s ‘PM’ ran a little feature on this with an earnest young man telling us how names can offend, such as (yes you’ve guessed) the China Virus and the gay plague. Odd that, because the last line of the report tells us that ‘most people affected were men who have sex with men’.

    However, sensitivities are to be saved by the WHO, which has introduced advice on naming diseases.

    A pox on them all!

    1. Spanish ‘flu had a long-lasting ring to it. What’s wring with Wuhan ‘flu?

      The gay plague came about because of the bu55ering excesses of silly young men. It didn’t AID them.

  46. The post of Prime Minister and the party of government is irreverent now under the great reset.

    In fact the Left does self harming of it’s country and people far better and efficiently than the pretend Right.
    Just look at Canada, New Zealand and Australia..
    The Left loves a bit of destruction of anything good and worthwhile and bringing everyone down to subsistence level.

    So we might as well get it done and dusted by the experts and get it over with.

    Oops that was meant to go in the speccie

    1. Keep whining – no presents.

      Sorry, I’m old school – obey or suffer. It’s been my life.

    2. Our eldest and family went to see some in-laws over the weekend. The four youngest children don’t see each other very often and all went to meet Father Christmas. Two for the first time. They loved it and good old santa 🎅 was brilliant with them.

  47. A bit late in the day but here’s the start of another excellent article by Andrew Orlowski in today’s Terriblegraph pg 20. Is it just me or do other people think he’s one of the better journalists in the rag?

    “ There’s no reason why you should have ever heard of Simon Squibb, “chief purpose officer of the Purposeful Project”. Mr Squibb, who describes himself as an “Elon Musk wannabe” in his Twitter profile, is one of those tirelessly energetic mid-life influencers who proliferate on the petri dish of Linkedin.

    Displaying the sort of enthusiasm that Matt Hancock reserves for a bushtucker challenge, Mr Squibb is on a mission. “I want to fix the education system,” he says.

    This fix entails removing something that many of us consider quite an important part of the education system: the learning part. “We don’t need [an education] system based on memorisation anymore. We now can make robots instead!” he tweeted last week.

    Techno-utopian fantasies such as Mr Squibb’s are not confined to the fringes of social media. Governments and civil servants are equally keen to display their piety to this new religion of artificial intelligence. Rather as Mr Squibb wants AI to fix education, governments want it to magically solve all the things they have not done very well, such as increasing economic growth and productivity. And that puppyish enthusiasm has just landed our government in a real pickle.

    In June, ministers declared that “unleashing the power of AI is a top priority in the plan to be the most pro-tech Government ever”.

    This is a curiously child-like statement, and I suspect very few voters in Rotherham or Redcar this winter will be ranking the Government on a “pro-tech” scorecard. Or at the next general election. Nevertheless, the Government proposed a radical change.

    Machine learning systems require “training” on vast amounts of material before they can produce their output. As a rule, technology companies hate to pay for anything. So, the Government would tear up UK law to allow anyone who wanted to ingest copyright material – such as databases, images or music – into their systems to simply grab what they want and commercialise the results. “For any purpose,” the Government emphasised. Nor should the owners of the material be allowed to assert the traditional property right of exclusion.

    As Kathy Berry, a lawyer at Linklaters, says: “Rights holders will not be able to charge for UK licences for text and data mining and will not be able to contract or opt out of the exception…”

    1. Memorisation is an essential part of retaining knowledge. How would you have any vocabulary if you hadn’t learned it by rote? It reminds me of the nutty theory in the seventies that it wasn’t necessary to teach the alphabet – cue children having no clue how to use a dictionary.

    2. Groan….Government getting involved in AI, what could possibly go wrong?

      Of course, they have already sold people’s health information, when they started selling the NHS database a couple of years ago. Ruddy cheek!

      1. They are cosy, but they don’t sleep with me; I don’t sleep in their bed, so they don’t sleep in mine 🙂

      1. Thank you. I did, mainly, but Oscar needed to go out at about 04.30 and then again about half an hour later! This, despite the fact he’d been sent out for his late-night wee before we went to bed. Dogs, eh?

    1. Lots of fun here….blood work for MH and an X-ray on my knee. I shall ask them to X-ray my puffy foot also.
      Take care Tom and sleep well.

    1. The green con, the covid nonsense – all are vehicles to expand the power and strength of the state. They were tools. nothing more.

  48. Personally , I think the term “Battle of Britain” for a bloody soccer game between England and Wales is an insult to all the brave men and women who took part in that historical event. It is sodding football FFS. Get a grip media- it is all nonsense.

    1. Nonsense that lasts 90minutes , a playground game played by unsmiling gobby men who are paid an absolute fortune .. just for kicking a ball around .

        1. As with international cricket (especially the Indian stuff) I feel you are correct. Some of the refereeing decisions give us all a clue as to the dubious nature of much of the inexplicable we see on the pitch.

      1. The thing is, just kicking a ball around attracts huge tv audiences which, in turn, attracts corporate sponsors and advertisers. This ensures that football, at its most elite level, is awash with money. Footballers’ agents are well aware of this and play off clubs against one another to ensure massive salaries for their clients, all in the hope of winning trophies by hiring footballers with just that extra edge of talent. This, in turn, attracts more tv viewers and spectators, more merchandise sales, all of which gives even more bargaining power to footballers and their agents. The only way to break this cycle is for supporters to boycott television broadcasts and subscriptions to sports channels. I cannot see that happening anytime soon.

    2. Yo Lottie

      It was not “The Battle of Britain”, it was the “Battle for Britain” and thanks to our Country (and Empire,as it was then) we defeated the Narsty people.

      Now, no chance against the P/IRA

      The new invasion is being refought at Dover , with the ‘defenders’, the Border Farce, making sure the invaders land safely.

      I have stopped giving money to the RNLI

      Thank (my) God I am old

  49. Right, that’s me off to bed.
    The DT is returning home tomorrow from Dr. Daughter’s so I’ve a bit of tidying up to do!!

    G’night all!

    1. France is one of the most prominent components of the globalist elite. Macron is the puppet of his French masters in much the same way as Sunak, Truss and Johnson are placements of the orchestrators of the present operations, designed to make cerfs of us all.

      It is by now bloody obvious that we are witnessing the funding of a mafia pushing vaccinations, vaccinations which cost more to purchase on a rising exponential scale, vaccines which have not only cost billions but which are unproven and dangerous to public health.

      The same vaccines are promoted by the government and private pharmaceutical companies and corporations. By this means the taxpayers fund the private corporations manufacturing the drugs. The taxpayers are coerced into taking the vaccines which profits greatly the private sector manufacturers.

      The signal clue to this corruption has been the relief from prosecution for adverse effects granted by corrupt governments to the corporations and pharmaceutical companies, responsible for production, advocacy and administration of their untested and dangerous products.

  50. I have joined Reform UK Party. I thought that I might refer the Party to this forum as representing the political views of patriots.

    After reading many of the posts I doubt that any political party will be much interested in people’s sleeping habits, whether or not they solved Wordle or whatever, whether they love repetitive oh so clever ‘punning’ or whether they take seriously the impending dangers to our nation. I have no objection to a happy mix of these very English proclivities with more serious matters worthy of consideration and debate. I merely notice a lack of any serious content.

    If this crap continues I am afraid that despite my innate tolerance of the views of others I will have to consider quitting this forum. I hope that we become more serious about world affairs.

    I realise that at this late hour I am merely pissing in the wind. It is a tough job but somebody has to do it.

    1. Morning C. This is not a Political Forum. It is one in which people express their views about anything that they please. I comment mostly on what is in the MSM and have no objection to others following their own inclinations. At the moment it is politics in the morning and domestic matters in the evening. That seems eminently sensible to me. Even I would get tired of sixteen hours of me. The Blog you aspire to would be a litany of Misery and Despair! The World is going to the toilet but this does not mean that we should not read the cartoons while on the way!

        1. Your frustration is understandable C but we can do very little to change the situation and it must be endured!

    2. You want serious discussion, you start a serious discussion, Corrim. Me, I get enough serious crap all day without wanting more of it into the evening.

    3. Corri. Alf and I are in the middle of writing to our MP, yet again, really because we’ve just received a Surveyf from the Con party. It’s about local elections coming up next year. However, it has turned into a fairly comprehensive polite diatribe/essay on all that’s wrong with this country, due to government policy. I’m sure everyone has views on the world/UK political situation but it is perhaps rather more complicated than can be put here? Also Alf and I dip in and out of Nottling so maybe miss some of the more serious debates. Anyway, please introduce your own thoughts and don’t just disappear. All views are interesting to a greater or lesser degree.

Comments are closed.