838 thoughts on “Monday 7 October: What is the point of the delay to Brexit that the Benn Act demands?

  1. Good morning all.
    ///// cannula fitted and ready for the run to Sheffield.
    I can think of better ways of spending the small hours of a Monday morning, but at least R3 is playing some decent music.

    1. Fingers crossed for a happy outcome, Bob. One of my Aussie friends has just sent me a picture of her in her hospital bed (down under) after brain surgery. KBO.

  2. Good Morning, all

    SIR – The European Union (Withdrawal) (No. 2) Act 2019, popularly known as the Benn Act, seeks to extend discussion on Brexit until January 31 2020.

    One assumes that its supporters were brimming with clever ideas that would resolve the current impasse, but they had hitherto been denied an opportunity to have them discussed.

    The Act received Royal Assent on September 9. However, in the four weeks that have since elapsed, I am not aware of any opposition MP putting forward a single constructive proposal to deliver what the British people voted for, let alone one that would stand any chance of being agreed by Brussels. So, what is the point of the extension?

    Michael Thomas
    Uffington, Oxfordshire

    Mr Thomas: I”m sure you realise that,:

    (A) The popular name of the Benn Act is the Surrender Act

    (B) The point of the extension is for TPTB to have sufficient time to get rid of Boris and the current government and replace it with a Gnovernment of Gnus, satisfactory to Lady Hale. That government will then kill off Brexit/BRINO and ensure that the UK remains in the EU for evermore.

    1. I assume he knows this, but it does need to be openly discussed that any attempts to delay or hinder Brexit from this point on are simply scum trying to keep us chained to the hateful thing for their own benefit.

      Why was the bill passed?

      1. There are quite a few, shall we say?, missed opportunities. Boris could have asked the Queen to refuse Queen’s Consent to the Surrender Bill, but he didn’t; he let it go through to the Third Reading without a murmur about it being unconstitutional after Bercow ruled QC was not required. Having allowed this, Boris could still have advised HM to refuse Royal Assent (it’s within his powers, although it was last done in the eighteenth century), thus killing off the Bill. He didn’t, with the result he can now say, “my hands are tied; either you pass the “deal” – which I suspect will be May’s surrender treaty with a cosmetic tweak to the backstop – or there will be no Brexit”. Thus he has delivered keeping us in, but has made a great show of trying to get us out and slide out from under from the blame of failure. I am a grade A cynic, but I can’t help feeling we are being lied to and stitched up.

    2. I hope Tony rises from his grave, drives a stake through his evil son’s heart and then has him interred face downwards.

      1. I thoroughly enjoyed it – I watched the 1st 2 episodes back-to-back.

        Only drawback: the speech could have been a bit louder.

  3. SIR – Sarah Champion (Comment, October 5) is to be applauded for her campaign to prevent children being coerced into marriage, but are these 16- and 17-year-old children the same whom Labour wants to have the vote?

    Kate Carr
    Bicester, Oxfordshire

    So 16-year-olds must be protected from the dangers of buying tobacco and alcohol and getting married, but are old enough to be able to make political decisions?

      1. A non sequitur from Sarah Champion if ever there was one. I wonder if Labour MPs have lost their ability to think clearly and can only now spout dogma.

        The traditional dash to Gretna Green by lovestruck teenagers was not forced marriage, but the opposite,. The English were actually frying to force them not to get married.

        1. ‘Morning, Jeremy.

          Did Labour MPs ever have the ability to think clearly? You can’t lose what you never had.

          1. In the days that the New Statesman permitted BTL comments, they at least discussed the issues freely.

        2. She can’t admit that! She has to pretend it is widespread and amongst all groups, otherwise she’ll be seen as a ‘waycist’ and forbidden access to all the fat troughs, err, parties.

          Of course, they’ve dug this hole, now they’ve filled it with excrement they can’t complain about the smell. This is their fault. It’s time they admitted their utter, deliberate, abject malice.

        3. She can’t admit that! She has to pretend it is widespread and amongst all groups, otherwise she’ll be seen as a ‘waycist’ and forbidden access to all the fat troughs, err, parties.

          Of course, they’ve dug this hole, now they’ve filled it with excrement they can’t complain about the smell. This is their fault. It’s time they admitted their utter, deliberate, abject malice.

      2. The mother of one of my best friends married his father in church and with her parents’ blessing when she was 16. She was 17 when my friend was born and she had over 60 years of very happy marriage with her husband whom she adored.

    1. Yet another example of the muddled thinking, or rather lack of thinking, that emanates from these people. Are they so thick that they are unable to see the contradictions in their mutterings?

    2. There is so much wrong in Kate Carr’s comment. Raising the Age of Consent to marriage to 18 will not make a jot of difference, since 18-year-olds are just as capable of being forced into marriage as 16-year-olds by religious convention that is not being addressed here.

      Furthermore, they are not “children” and should not be referred to as such. Children are pre-pubescent. Minors over the age of puberty are young people, The difference between children and young people is vastly greater than the difference between young people and adults. Teenagers have their own vulnerabilities that are not suffered (or enjoyed) by those younger or older, brought about by hormones, a peak of biological capacity and lack of experience.

      1. Aren’t children ‘young people’?

        There is no denying that they are both young and people, so that makes them young people in my book.

        1. Indeed they are, and they are also human beings on a par with adults, so we could, if we wanted to, dispense with distinguishing these people by age completely.

          1. I have suggested that the age limit of abortion should be raised to sixteen years. If the mother at any time decides that the child is unwanted she should be able to have the child terminated.

          2. Why limit it to sixteen, and why to mothers? Surely anyone who is deemed unwanted by an appropriate adult should be able to have this person terminated. I’m the wrong sort of person, according to internationally recognised diversity, equality, disclosure and barring regulations, so my termination is long overdue.

            I cannot even list the top five trending rappers, so I would even fail the British Values test.

      2. One wonders how you could frame law around your definitions. Nature dictates the age at which puberty arrives – not laws. I know of girls not reaching puberty until 14 whilst others reach it at 10 or 12.

        1. Jews have this rite of passage the Bar Mitzvah / Bat Mitzvah whereby at around the age of 13, they are deemed sufficiently mature to take on the burden of taking responsibility for their traditions, and is much celebrated.

      3. ‘Morning, Jeremy, I suppose adolescent is too hard a word for the great unwashed to understand – after all it has 4 syllabubs don’t it?

  4. Operation Midland: Only one officer spoke to investigation into police failures

    Exclusive: revelation at odds with police’s claim that they cooperated with inquiry

    Only one of the officers referred to the police watchdog for investigation over Scotland Yard’s disastrous investigation of a bogus establishment paedophile ring answered face-to-face questions from investigators, the Guardian has learned.

    The controversial report from the Independent Office for Police Conduct (IOPC) into Operation Midland, the £2.5m Metropolitan police inquiry that fell for the false claims of the fantasist Carl Beech, is being released on Monday.

    It will detail why no officer should face any action, saying officers acted “conscientiously” and honestly even when they blundered, the Guardian understands.

    The police set us all an example when it comes to evading the law

    1. Well, they don’t even have to try do they? They have immunity in respect of wrong doing, in respect of every dereliction, and every wilful failure to act.
      Nor have any of the enquiries changed anything, as we see with the protection given to ER.

    2. Yo zx

      So, what you are saying is, Incompetence is a valid excuse for failing to do you job properly

      A precedence has been set, beware when you travel by
      Bus, Plane. Ship, Train etc
      Eat foods to which you are allergic etc but there are no warnings on the packet
      Get run over, when crossing the road (at a zebra crossing) (we know US Diplomats are blame free

      Any adverse ocuurrence could be countered , if the perlice escape censure due to their incomptetence, why not :I

  5. US to let Turkish forces move into Syria, abandoning Kurdish allies. Mon 7 Oct 2019.

    The White House has given the green light to a Turkish offensive into northern Syria, moving US forces out of the area in an abrupt foreign policy change that will in effect abandon Washington’s long-time allies, the Kurds.

    Kurdish forces have spearheaded the campaign against Isis in the region, but the policy swerve, following a phone conversation between Donald Trump and Recep Tayyip Erdoğan on Sunday, means Turkey would take custody of captured Isis fighters, the White House said.

    Morning everyone. Well they’ve sold the Kurds out as everyone knew that they would. One assumes that after so much practice at being betrayed the Kurds knew it as well and have siphoned off enough weaponry and ammunition to repel any direct attack on their own territory. The real question here is the Syrian Governments response. Is it going to allow the seizure of part of Syria? Whatever. Peace is not even on the horizon.


    1. Let this be a warning to all brexiteers that can even imagine that today’s Americans are any less treacherous than the EU commissioners.

      We should have nothing to do with the total breakdown of any sense of moral compass in America so clearly demonstrated by their abandonment of the Kurds to Erdogan, after it was the Kurds, and only the Kurds, that have acted with courage and honour in the Syrian catastrophe.

      That the only hope now resides in Putin shows just how low we have sunk.

      Trump’s America is allied to Saudia Arabia, Bolsonaro’s Brazil and Netanyahu’s Israel (which to be fair is the mildest of this trio of global archcriminals). Are we, the once-proud British that held out against H*tler, to give up totally and throw in our lot with that gang, or do we still have any vestige of honour left and retain our independence and our pride? We’ll soon find out.

      I wonder how many of these Isis fighters Erdogan will send to Western Europe to struggle for his Ottoman Caliphate beyond the dreams of his cut-throat forebears?

    2. A seizure of part of an independent country by a foreign country acting with the approval of the USA. An invasion of a sovereign state allied to Russia, by a member of NATO.
      What could go wrong?

        1. Happy Birthday! 64? I’ll be 64 in two weeks time but in London we get the 60+ Oyster Card for free travel. Two years to state pension?

          1. Yes that’s right. The 60+ card. Very useful it is too. Yer actual national Freedom Pass comes at 65.

          2. Happy Birthday, Youngster

            I have ten nephews and nieces three of whom are older than you are. (But I have a wife who is younger!)

            (1946 was a vintage year – those born then were the product of great joy and excellent spermatozoa as the result of the end of the war! Just imagine the sadness of being conceived today in the miserable world our politicians have created)

    1. Hmmm, could we borrow him for the interim of our leaving, a few months after and then shoo him off?

    1. Well, and why not? As homosexuals are no born that way, something or other, some process nd some choice must “turn” male heterosexuals into homosexuals.

  6. Beginning to get a bit miffed now.
    Sheffield asked for me to be there for 07:30. It is now 07:00 with no sign of transport.

        1. Better than nothing.

          Look, if you arrived in Sheffield on time at 07.30, they would only keep you waiting around.

    1. Morning Bob. They did this to me in my stay earlier in the year until I eventually called a taxi! You should do the same!

      1. Morning, Minty.

        At whose expense?

        When I was released from Hinchingbrook last year I was brought home in a wheelchair in an ambulance – plenty of room but the paramedics declared that my free walking frame could not go in that vehicle because there was no way to secure it, so it followed in a taxi complete with male nurse. All on the NHS, of course.

        1. At whose expense?

          My own. There is a point at which standing on principle becomes a burden and not a virtue!

  7. The madness of Extinction Rebellion. Spiked. Brendan O’Neill. 7 October 2019.

    This was, of course, Extinction Rebellion. Let us no longer beat around the bush about these people. This is an upper-middle-class death cult.

    This is a millenarian movement that might speak of science, but which is driven by sheer irrationalism. By fear, moral exhaustion and misanthropy. This is the deflated, self-loathing bourgeoisie coming together to project their own psycho-social hang-ups on to society at large. They must be criticised and ridiculed out of existence.

    True but Brendan is bound by his position as a public figure or I am sure that he would otherwise point out that this cult must be financed and organised by someone or thing. It sprayed the Treasury last week in red paint while the forces of Law and Order looked on unmoved. This could only be because someone in authority had allowed it. Who? Like so much of the modern UK this is a grouping (Hate not Hope, Antifa) that is above the law (as we shall see in the next few days) and that is because it is supported by forces that have suborned the State itself!


  8. Morning all

    SIR – From the full Henriques report into Operation Midland, the Independent Office for Police Conduct seems to have failed in its principal brief of investigating misconduct and can scarcely be considered independent any longer.

    That the lead detective in Operation Midland, Deputy Assistant Commissioner Steve Rodhouse, has been promoted to lead the National Crime Agency is bewildering to those more used to accountability in leaders.

    I don’t doubt that major players in this investigation shared a purpose of seeing justice done, but intentions are not enough to defend against the incompetence of Operation Midland.

    Chris Taylor
    Hünenberg, Zug, Switzerland

    1. That the lead detective in Operation Midland, Deputy Assistant Commissioner Steve Rodhouse, has been promoted to lead the National Crime Agency is bewildering to those more used to accountability in leaders.

      Such naiveté! He was rewarded for his loyalty to Cultural Marxist principles

  9. Morning again

    SIR – It is a shame that Lord Singh of Wimbledon, a distinguished contributor to Thought for the Day, has decided to quit (report, October 4).

    Sikhs number 423,000 according to the last census. Lord Singh and other contributors play an important role as ambassadors for their particular faiths to the multi-faith Radio 4 audience.

    Thought for the Day is an institution of British life. Its contributors must be able to speak their minds. They may cause offence on occasion, but as long as they are not inciting violence, that is the price for living in a free society.

    Zaki Cooper
    Trustee, Council of Christians and Jews
    London SW1

    1. Strange that Zaki Cooper makes no reference to the “religion” that is spreading its invidious tentacles and demanding that criticism of it be classed as blasphemy i.e islam.

    2. I broadcast Time for Thought a few times on a radio station which won accolades for its religious broadcasting. I was dropped for being too Christian.

  10. SIR – Lucy Denyer’s article on smacking children (Comment, October 6) says that experts tell us that children who are spanked get into more trouble. It is equally true that children who get into more trouble are smacked in the first place.

    Does anyone remember that smacking at school was banned by the experts who promised us that it would reduce violence by pupils?

    In my time at school, when smacking and the cane were a threat but rarely used, I never saw a pupil raise a hand to a teacher, and bullying was not regarded as a serious problem.

    Since the ban, a significant proportion of teachers have been assaulted, and knife crime and bullying amongst pupils is rife to the extent that schools are considering the need for a police presence to control the violence.

    Yet the experts seem to have disregarded this evidence and set their sights on further banning even a smack on the wrist at home. What does it need for the experts to see common sense ?

    Brian Tordoff
    Chalfont St Giles, Buckinghamshire

    1. Morning, Epi.

      2nd sentence is ambiguous (I know it’s not yours): Is it smacking which was supposed to reduce violence or the ban?

    2. What the trendies have missed is that the greatest fear of any delinquent (or indeed any teenager attempting to forge an independent way in life) is not physical pain, but humiliation in front of their peers.

      1. Which is why I advocate a public birching for crimes and misdemeanours when 25 oir younger.

    3. There’s a problem when a child is smacked for doing something wrong and when the parent just likes to hurt a defenceless child.

      That creates a situation where that defenceless child grows into a strong, powerful adult and takes it out on the next person, as they’re not taught any other way to deal with the situation.

      As it happens the one time mother hit junior she was removed from my house and his life forever. I won’t have that cycle repeated. I’ve seen a child say no to a parent quite harshly ad that parent round on the child and say simply ‘I’ve asked you to put it away. Do so please.’ because authority comes from control, not force.

      1. And inm spiter of it being a controlled area with everyone required to have passes and show them to gain access

  11. BBC Radio 4 News and mornings scare story. Barry Gardiner on about Rat hair and insect levels in USA food if after Brexit we import food that has no restriction levels on such extraneous material. The EU has a Zero level tolerance which I suggest is impossible to attain. What are the EU testing protocols for such a zero level. The source of the rat hair and insect contamination I suspect will mainly be from cereals and vegetable products.

      1. Not that I support Barry Gardiner, but after a skim through the USA document I couldn’t see any test or tolerance level for rat hair and insects in food products , just inspectuon’s of premises and practices which may or not be more vigorous than EU inspections. However it is just a needless scare story by a shadow minister for International Trade.

    1. No no, sorry Emerald. It’s not ‘Allaha Akbar’, it’s ‘A loo and a snack bar!’ See, just part of a big city, get used to it, shut up, these people just want to find a loo and have a bit of lunch. Nothing to see here, lone wolves, yadda yadda.

      Blast. I can’t even be sarcastic about it any more.

    1. Is there any news from Smithfield, or had the day’s work finished before they arrived?

    2. In Amsterdam, the police brought in a fleet of city buses to cart away those arrested. The protestors were offered the opportunity to use Museum Plein (Square), a huge expanse of ground on one side of the Rijksmuseum, for their protest.

      Instead, XR chose to block the main road on the other side of the museum, a major road, a designated emergency route with three busy tram routes.

      Incidentally, the Dutch police are pretty good at breaking up traffic-blocking convoys of ‘wedding guests’ in areas with a large Morrocan or Turkish population, then issuing on-the-spot fines or recording the offending vehicles and sending fines to the owners. They took such action in Rotterdam today.

      Here in Birmingham, the police simply ignore such traffic-blocking celebrations in the interests of ‘community relations.’

  12. Extinction Rebellion activists will begin two weeks of planned major disruption in London today after hosting an “opening ceremony” on Sunday evening.

    Lets see what happens it is to early for them to be out of bed yet

  13. Who is behind the Remain Alliance ?


    Why are the LibDems not standing in Beaconsfield ?

    Who did Dominic meet last year ?

  14. Mixed race couple vilified by racists after they appeared in Lidl ads in Ireland flee their home to start new life in Britain. Mail. 6 October 2019.

    A mixed race couple who were vilified by racists after they appeared in Lidl ads have been forced to flee their Irish home to start new life in Britain.
    Fiona Ryan, 33, and her fiance Jonathan Mathis, 32, from Country Meath, Ireland, had appeared in campaigns for the supermarket chain across the country from early September.

    They’ll be OK here in the UK. According to the ads and the MSM every family here is Black guy, White woman!


    1. I was shocked the other night when an advert on TV featured a family of -“all white people – “mother, father, son & daughter and even grandad”
      To whom can I report this racialy motivated advert?

    2. Is this the same Ireland as the pro-EU, pro-diversity, pro-free movement Ireland, the Ireland which is so superior to the bigoted, inward-looking, narrow-minded UK, especially England?

    3. I’ve noticed that too. I wonder why it’s never the other way round.

      PS. Morning Minty

      1. The Chinese had a program during the “pacification” of Tibet called Conquest through Impregnation!

        1. ‘Morning, Minty, it’s being practised here only it’s call grooming and rape – soon to be shortened to Graping, not only because there’s usually a whole bunch of ’em.

    1. Good morning, Polly. Yesterday I saw your favourite man make a cameo appearance in Home Alone 2. Not George but the POTUS-to-be.

  15. Morning all.
    Fortnight’s leave starting today 🙂
    After the hours I’ve been putting over the past six months, I might just spend the two weeks in bed.

      1. Hmmm, so many to choose from.😚

        (Mr Cup and I parted ways last year after about thirty years together 😕)

          1. Thanks Ped.
            It was quite alright. We decided we’d run our course. Many happy times had been had but we both agreed that we’d fizzled out.

      1. ‘Defense’ if it was in the US, OL. I blame too many American films for the DoD expression.

  16. Daily Brexit Betrayal

    But don’t worry – some Remain Harlots have come up with an ‘ideal’ solution. You don’t need to check – it really isn’t April 1st yet:

    “John Bercow has been

    proposed for the role of Britain’s caretaker prime minister, as

    opposition parties plot to sidestep Jeremy Corbyn and form a “government

    of national unity” composed entirely of prominent backbenchers. The

    Commons Speaker has emerged as the new favourite in the race to take

    over from Boris Johnson if opposition parties succeed in ousting the

    prime minister with a vote of no confidence. Bercow would lead a

    “cabinet of all the talents” made up of backbenchers and MPs leaving

    parliament at the next election, […]. The idea has been proposed as a

    way to avoid a clash with the Labour leader, who has insisted that only

    he can lead a caretaker government despite not having the support of

    other opposition parties.” (link, paywalled)

    File this under “you couldn’t make it up”! It gets even more bizarre:

    “The proposal is for

    the cabinet to be made up entirely of “clean skins” — MPs unrestricted

    by party loyalty — who can work together in the “national interest”

    rather than “narrow partisan interests”, according to another source.

    “MPs who are standing down will also be able to rise above their own

    self-interest because they will not be seeking re-election, meaning they

    will be able to put the country before their own parties,”


    1. …will not be seeking re-election because GS is paying them such a generous pension…

    1. I’ve been looking at the BBC online and can’t find anything about XR. Just a few ‘traffic problems’ in London.

    2. ER isn’t about the environment.

      Ok, so some of the protesters might think it is, but the main donor doesn’t.

  17. Jennifer Arcuri refuses to rule out claims of affair with Boris Johnson. Mon 7 Oct 2019.


    The American businesswoman at the centre of a conflict of interest row involving the prime minister confirmed she has a “very close bond” with Boris Johnson and refused to rule out claims they were having an affair.

    In her first broadcast interview since her links to Johnson were exposed, Jennifer Arcuri said the then London mayor visited her Shoreditch flat a “handful of times” but she denied he had given her favours to boost her career.

    Well my estimate of Boris’s character would be badly shaken if he hasn’t given this old slapper a seeing to. I’m not even unduly upset about the “favours” he supposedly bestowed on her. Better to her than some Third World sewer.


    1. The BBC were going all out for this today. I am heartily sick of this perpetual smear campaign they’re carrying out. It’s tedious. It’s obvious, it’s just annoying now.

      If anything, it makes me support Boris more, so blatant is the hypocrisy.

      1. You think this is Bad Wibbles? There’s an article in the Guardian about his use of Classical references by its Culture Reporter. It’s more revealing of her as a snobbish, effete, woke, drone than it is of Boris!

    2. And another thing – if they want to spend so much time muck raking, where is the investigation into Miller’s cash? Grieve’s profiteering? Grayling’s cash for students? Major’s obvious bias in advocating for his employer? Chakrabati’s retirement fund?

      Ah, like the other Lefty hypocrite O’Brien said, he doesn’t care about those as they support him.

      Putrid, disgusting, repellant. It really is time for the establishment to be scrubbed away.

          1. So you’re saying (© Cathy Newman), that you are a Silly Billy (© Dennis Healy), Bill. (Better than being a Silly Sausage, I guess.)


    1. A lot of ER supporters live on Diesel fuelled narrowboats……and they burn wood & coal in their stoves – just saying…..

        1. Curiously that you should mention them. The builders who built my boat did offer at one point to fit torpedo tubes…..

    2. Think of all the fossil fuels that will be expended in getting volunteers to the site to clean up the mess. I seem to recall that a Chinook helicopter was used recently to ferry Tons of chalk so that the monument could be redressed….

      1. No that was the Kiwi at Bulford, which was undergoing its 5 or 10 yearly clean up, which the army does on a regular basis. The Alton Barnes horse is on private land. I don’t know whether any count as scheduled ancient monuments. The Uffington white horse probably is as it’s Iron Age, but all the other hill figures can’t be dated earlier than the post-medieval period so may not have the same protection.

          1. I stand corrected. Hadn’t heard about that.

            Just checked whether it is a SAM but it isn’t though the Uffington & Westbury white horses and the Kiwi are.

        1. Spent a weekend doing up the Fovant Badges about twenty year ago. It was a good weekend.

  18. HSBC to cut up to 10,000 jobs in drive to slash costs

    (Reuters) – HSBC Holdings Plc is planning to cut up to 10,000 jobs, more than 4% of its workforce, as interim Chief Executive Officer Noel Quinn seeks to reduce costs across the banking group

    The bank had 237,685 full-time employees at the end of June 2019, according to its 2019 interim report

        1. Already done. They were supposed to open an ISA for me 2 months ago. Apparently they lost the paperwork. Not just bastards but inept bastards.

  19. DEMONSTRATION WESTMINSTER AREA (SE1). Road users are advised to expect delays in the area. Victoria Embankment is closed northbound (towards Parliament Square) between Horse Guards Avenue and Northumberland Avenue. Millbank is closed in both directions due to obstruction.

    Why are the police not stopping them. There are not large numbers involved. I believe as well the Met have organised extra cell capacity to hold those arrested. Last time cell capacity was an issue

  20. SIR – When did double up become double down?

    Gordon Brown
    Grassington, North Yorkshire

    When your namesake flogged off tons of the nation’s gold reserves?

    1. Sadly, whilst I can read the letters, the Hospital wifi does not allow me to load up the BTL comments.

      1. Morning, BoB

        ‘Freedom Democracy’ seems to be the most prolific contributor BTL this morning.- for the sake of your health I am not going to post them here.{:^))

  21. I would strongly suspect there would be at least a 90% correlation between ER Ecolooons and Open Borders gimmigrant supporters
    Cognitive Dissonance at its best
    Save the country by concreting it over,how Green
    Yes,they really are that stupid

    1. Surely the motive is to wreck the country, not save it, and who really wants to do that ?


      ”Billions spent…. to undermine the nation state”.

    2. In which case I must be the 10% which actually both supports what ER have to say and opposes open borders. Time we were noticed and counted properly, rather than dismissed as irrelevant by them that have passed the exams in social theory.

    3. XR started in Stroud. Stroud also elected Molly Scott Cato for the second time this year as Green MEP.

      The MP, David Drew, while a good constituency MP, is also shadow environment minister and a Corbynite.

    4. Yep. The Green candidate in 2015 here was quite happy to build, build, build, despite acknowledging it created urban hotspots. Pro immigration, too.

  22. Hello to all our Nottler friends.

    Back again after a very pleasant time aboard Mianda in Turkey.

  23. If Boris goes to prison he will become a martyr and Benn, Grieve, Soubry, Gauke, Clarke and their fellow conspirators will be in grave danger of a lynch mob..

  24. Watching the police dragging the odd protester off a bridge(takes 4/5 of them) they are going about this the wrong way
    Clear one bridge,transfer the protesters to another and barricade them in,electrify the barriers if required

    No food,no water,no toilet facilities,let the filth enjoy the third world conditions they seem to love so much
    About a week should do it,then let’s watch them beg to rejoin civilisation

    1. I have a suspicion that this is being carefully co-ordinated. At the end of the 14 days of ER protests the general public in London will be so fed up with the disruption that they will be begging for strong action to be taken. Strong action will then be taken so as to deter any mass Leave EU protests that may be galvanised when Boris’s 31st October promise turns out to be a mirage. I may be wrong – we shall see.

    1. Are you sure this isn’t a Titania McGrath effort?
      I’m miffed; even my cynical imaginings hadn’t thought of that one.

  25. The current version(s) of the WA Surrender Treaty far exceeds the EU’s wildest dreams of three years ago. If they don’t want it, it’s because they see a better than sporting chance of Boris/HMG being toppled and a full reversal of the Referendum.

    Brussels’ behaviour shows it can’t really want a deal – otherwise why would it negotiate in such bad faith?
    NICK TIMOTHY – 6 OCTOBER 2019 • 9:30PM

    Boris Johnson’s proposition to Brussels last week might have been rejected, but it succeeded in one important respect. It demonstrated that the European Union is not negotiating in good faith.

    The EU, it constantly tells us, “is committed to respecting the territorial integrity and constitutional order of the UK.” Yet its response to Britain’s proposal – which would effectively keep Northern Ireland aligned with single market rules but allow it to leave, with the rest of the United Kingdom, the EU’s customs union – shows Brussels is doing little more than keeping up diplomatic appearances.

    “If we are going to be in two different customs unions,” said Leo Varadkar, the Irish Taoiseach, “I think that creates a real difficulty that’s going to be very hard to reconcile.” Making himself more specific, he added: “We don’t want to see any customs posts between north and south. Nor do we want to see any tariffs or restrictions on trade north and south.” In other words, according to Ireland and the EU, Northern Ireland cannot be allowed to leave the single market or the customs union. In effect, Northern Ireland – alone, or with the rest of the UK – cannot leave the European Union at all.

    This is an affront to democratic values in more ways than one. It is an attempt to defy the UK’s decision, three years ago, to leave the EU and its laws and institutions. And it is a plan to trap Northern Ireland and perhaps the whole UK in Europe’s legal order in perpetuity, granting Brussels and foreign governments – including Dublin – a greater say over many of Northern Ireland’s laws than the governments in Belfast and in London.

    For this reason, the European position poses a serious danger to the Northern Irish peace process. The Irish government – abetted by European commissioners, diplomats and ministers – has sought to weaponise the peace process against Britain. Yet it is not Britain but Ireland and the EU that are breaching both the letter and the spirit of the Good Friday Agreement.

    The peace process has, throughout its existence, been based on the principle of consent. As Lord Trimble, one of the main architects of the Good Friday Agreement, has explained, consent in the Northern Irish context means the consent of the British and Irish governments, the political parties of Northern Ireland and its people. The backstop so beloved by Dublin lacks legitimacy because it was conceived quite deliberately without this consent.

    The Prime Minister has proposed that his solution should be made subject to the consent of the Northern Irish Assembly, reaffirmed every four years. But Dublin and Brussels have been explicit in their rejection of his attempt to achieve democratic consent. Simon Coveney, the Irish deputy prime minister, said: “we cannot support any proposal that suggests that one party … could make the decision … in terms of how these proposals would be implemented in future.”

    In several other respects, Coveney and Varadkar are trying to have it both ways. If it is true, for example, that any customs checks between Northern Ireland and the Republic would be unacceptable to the nationalist community, it is clearly just as unacceptable to demand that unionists should accept checks between Northern Ireland and the rest of the UK. In fact, it is far worse, because a majority of people in Northern Ireland continue to support the place of the province in the Union. Yet Varadkar and Coveney continue to insist that east/west checks are more important than north/south checks.

    Their pious references to the sanctity of the Good Friday Agreement are supposed to sound broadminded and responsible as they argue that customs checks of any kind jeopardise the peace process. Yet when it comes to Ireland’s own Brexit planning, Dublin argues that Ireland’s membership of the EU is more important than the absence of the customs border that is supposedly vital for peace. “Ireland is committed to protecting the integrity of the single market and customs union,” Dublin’s planning papers state, “membership of which is a core element of our economic strategy and has been good for Irish business.”

    In other words, if Britain leaves the EU without a deal, the Republic is prepared to introduce border checks with Northern Ireland in order to protect the single market and Ireland’s place within it. And herein lies yet another double standard. “In planning for the real possibility of a no deal Brexit,” Ireland’s planning papers say, “the Government’s approach will continue to be guided by … there being no Hard Border.” And how will they achieve this? Simon Coveney explains, “Ireland will have a responsibility to protect its own place in the EU single market and that will involve some checks. But … we will try and do it, obviously, away from the border.”

    On occasion, the Europeans have also confirmed that checks can be carried out away from the border. EU officials have said: “controls have to be done where they belong but [that] doesn’t mean we’d want to see visible infrastructure.” Michel Barnier, the EU’s negotiator, has explained in detail how, “for customs and VAT checks, we propose using the existing customs transit procedures to avoid doing customs checks at a physical border point.”

    In sum, the EU is prepared to allow a no-deal Brexit – which will bring about a customs border between the UK and Ireland – because it insists on the backstop, which is supposed to prevent such a customs border. And in the event of no deal, it will use a combination of policy and technology to avoid a hard border in Ireland, which is precisely the solution proposed by the UK, and yet is rejected by the EU as unworkable.

    And what is the motive for all this? Do the Europeans want, as Varadkar implied this week, to stop Brexit altogether? Do they want to force the reunification of Ireland against the will of the Northern Irish people? Or do they want to keep the UK trapped in the EU’s laws and institutions for good? Whatever the answer, Boris has established that the Europeans are not negotiating in good faith. Now, more than ever, no deal for Britain is better than a bad deal.

  26. It looks as if the Met this time are dealing with the protesters straight away. They attempted to block Westminster bridge and did manage to close it for a short while but the protesters were quickly arrested and taken away

    1. …the protesters were quickly arrested and taken away.

      And released around the corner?

  27. These daft protester dont even no the facts.

    No Coal Mines- Well the UK has no deep coal mines and only a couple of small open cast mines. WE have one small semi operational fracking site

    Victoria Embankment remains closed outside the Ministry of Defence.
    And Victoria Street close to Westminster Abbey, and side roads by Methodist Central Hall, are being held by another group of protesters with banners that read “tell the truth” and “no coal mines, no fracking”.

    1. They do, but cannot get close enough to where the real damage is being done – in the Amazon, in Borneo, throughout vast areas of Africa, in China and in the hearts and minds of some really dangerous and very powerful world leaders determined to wreck everything, are quite content in their loving devotion to the fast buck, to lie and spin and propagandise, and then project their shame onto others.

      1. BJ,
        You mean you prefer the law of averages as in, one day you will vote in a fully honest 100% patriotic PM, after decades of political sh!te being returned to office, is that your preference ?
        You have no other options ?
        Would you be so good as to instill some filling to your reply if so I would appreciate it.

      2. BJ,
        You mean you prefer the law of averages as in, one day you will vote in a fully honest 100% patriotic PM, after decades of political sh!te being returned to office, is that your preference ?
        You have no other options ?
        Would you be so good as to instill some filling to your reply if so I would appreciate it.

  28. Why are the tosspots from Extinction Anarchy not kettled, arrested, tried and gaoled?

    Why do the perlice stand and watch?

    1. Start a rumour that Tommy Robinson is behind it. It will be shut down by dinner time!

        1. Good Question. It cannot be that there is a whiff of perceived shared middle class snowflake immunity?

    2. Get the army in to help, the police are outnumbered. Stop benefit for those arrested and deport illegal immigrants if taking part in protest.Dismiss Cressida Dick.

    3. The police are there to ensure the Electrically Reliant are allowed to cause as much trouble as they want.

      These kids are hypocrites. The very fact they could not carry out their egregious campaign without the modern world of cheap travel, materials and excess time (no doubt paid by us) is lost on them. If they truly want to change things, let’s see them set an example and use nothing the modern world provides – let’s see them back in the stone age surviving and then we’ll consider it. Until then they’re just hypocritical wasters.

  29. ‘Morning All
    I flick on the TV to check I’m not missing any Rugby to be confronted by some blonde bimbo attempting to smear our PM,a bimbo who we know was soliciting cash for salacious gossip
    Off,shame on you MSM
    Reading reports on GP I owe the “lady” an apology,she is making Morgan look like an idiot and giving them nothing for her enormous fee
    Sounds like top trolling

  30. Come the Revolution –

    “Among those arrested on Monday on Victoria Embankment, outside the
    Ministry of Defence, was 81-year-old Sarah Lasenby, a Quaker and retired
    social worker from Oxford. She said: “For 21 years my main concern has
    been to help get rid of UK nuclear weapons. I am still keen to do this
    but once I came across XR I was so relieved to have something I could do
    about the ghastly state we have got our planet in.”

  31. Well Last afternoon for the commons(They dont sit until 2.30pm on Mondays) before they are prorogued

  32. Guardian starting the week off-

    “Britons with serious illnesses who live in the EU say they face a “living nightmare”
    over the prospect of not being to access healthcare after Brexit. “It’s
    like a death sentence,” said Denise Abel, who moved to Italy in 2012.”

    1. Totally fake news intended to scare people


      In Italy, healthcare is considered a right. As a general rule, every foreign citizen can enjoy public health benefits in Italy. The comprehensive national health system is designed to provide assistance for all Italian citizens and residents, including foreign citizens who are legal residents of Italy. Foreigners registered with the National Health Service (Servizio Sanitario Nazionale – SSN) are guaranteed full assistance under the same conditions as Italian citizens.

      Non EU visitors have to have mandatory Health insurance this is an EU requirement for Schengen countries


    2. ‘Morning, Tony, those Expats need to become acquainted with the Vienna Convention 1969 on acquired rights.

    3. What utter bollox.
      If you live and are registered in a country, the NHS card doesn’t apply. It’s for visitors, not residents!
      Admittedly, Italy’s health service is no great shakes, but then, it never was.

  33. Aldi stops selling newspapers and magazines in UK stores

    Discount supermarket giant Aldi has stopped selling newspapers and magazines at all of its UK stores.

    Aldi, which was ranked as the UK’s fifth biggest supermarket earlier this year, put up notices in its stores on Monday to tell customers it would no longer be stocking its newsstands with immediate effect.

    The notice said: “From 30 September we will no longer be stocking newspapers and magazines. We apologise for any inconvenience caused.”

    Sales were consistently low, with the company expecting the impact on customers to be limited.

    The German-owned company found the space in its stores needs to be better utilised, especially as they are generally smaller than other major supermarkets.

    It therefore decided to optimise the sales space it has available by getting rid of its newsstands.

        1. I suspect you rather missed my point.

          I was not doubting the news that Aldi had taken the action.

    1. Although I too am an Aldi customer, by the looks and antics of many of their patrons, I don’t imagine reading is very high in their skill-set.

  34. Britain must pay its debts to the Windrush generation – no matter what it costs. Sun 6 Oct 2019.

    “Respect” is the most important word in the Jamaican lexicon. To ensure that a mess like the Windrush scandal never happens again, the government should empty the coffers of the Treasury and give the forced returnees whatever sum might assuage their pain. The financial consequences must be such that officials would think twice in the future. And while we’re at it, let’s strip those enforcers of the hostile environment policy of any honours they may subsequently have received.

    I like this guy. There’s no mealie mouthed stuff here about slavery or colonisation, it’s just give us whatever you got, you’ve hurt our feelings!


  35. Serious one this.

    I am used the BBC’s continuous unbalanced reporting and anti-Trump propaganda, that I probably wouldn’t recognise the truth if I saw it there.

    Do any of you know what exactly is going on in Syria that (implied by the BBC) Trump has given the Turks a free reign to masacre the friendly Kurds ?


    1. They are unlikely to report it, lest it frighten real children. Better the plebs concentrate on what blondes get up to in bed.

      Trump is giving up on safeguarding Europe from mass migration of Islamist fifth columnists from the Islamic States soldier camps. America First. So he has fixed up a Deal with Erdogan, who wants to revive the Ottoman Caliphate defeated during WW1 a century ago, and seriously compromised by Ataturk. The US has to decide which of its two conflicting NATO allies to side with, and favours Erdogan over the Kurds. He is much more like Bolsonaro, Netanyahu, Kim Jung Un, Prince Mohammed – beautiful leaders with whom he can do business.

      The idea is to smash the Kurds (who are the only ones with any sense of decency in the region), releasing the captured IS fighters in the camps who will first re-establish their organisation in the Buffer Zone, and then be exported into cells throughout Europe, under the auspices of UN Directives imposed by the EU Commission.

      They are particularly keen to radicalise and mobilise the Pakistani community in British cities, the North Africans in France, the Indonesians in the Netherlands, and various other groups elsewhere. Brexit might interfere with the passage of Islamist settlers through freight traffic Calais to Dover, but they are confident they can get the British Parliament to frustrate Brexit and keep them moving.

    1. It’s only in the news because he is an Egyptian. They were together for quite a long time; she stole the best years of his life……:-)

    2. Then there are a lot of stupid old men around. My father, for one. He married someone nearly young enough to be his grand-daughter, when he was 69. If he thought she wasn’t a gold-digger, it was obvious when he died. She kept everything. Everything, and the old fool hadn’t written anything in his will (which was done with her present). He wrote a letter of wishes. which of course she ignored. Her will was prepared at the same time as his – of course she changed hers the minute he was dead.

      He was a stupid old f@rt.

      1. “A Short History of Tractors in the Ukraine.”
        You really do have to wonder what these oldsters see when they look in the mirror.

        1. Could be he got them from the same garden centre as me. LED up the garden path, I was. Incandescent when I found out.

    1. Morning ogga1, morning og,
      Tell me, could it be the bent bastard down voting these type of odious issues is an active paedophile ?

      1. Can’t see what all the fuss is. A wee bit of houghmagandie is commonplace in Parliament. They’re all at it.

        And some of them, believe it or not, are actually shagging members of the opposite sex.

    1. I get so fed up of all these wank*rs playing the man and not the ball… just how good would it be if they actually argued from a position of fact and dogma, rather than just trying to pi$$ on people.
      And then I woke up… :-((

    2. Yes. She made it very clear that she knows what they’re up to – and that she ain’t impressed.

  36. I’ve just had a wotsit fitted to my electrical supply for the purpose of saving me money and saving the planet.

    Done by a new firm in town – Meter and Greta Ltd.

      1. They also bypassed the meter so I only need the one. They took the others away to foist on some other mug.

      2. Ooops, Korker, I’ve done it again. I might have guessed your agile mind would get there double-quick!

    1. Well she’ll be pleased it will be all for the Greta good although somehow I think it will be of Limited benefit.

  37. Climate protesters and Remain Alliance politicos…..

    Pawns in the same chess game.

      1. Wotcher, VOM,

        Sorry if this is a repetition, I don’t get much time to NoTTL any more, and if I start at the earliest, I don’t get to the latest!

        “FROM BEHIND THE PAYWALL – Nick Timothy on Brussels’ negotiating behaviour
        Posted by Vivian Evans | Oct 7, 2019

        Nick Timothy has some provocative arguments in his article titled: “Brussels’ behaviour shows it can’t really want a deal – otherwise why would it negotiate in such bad faith?” (paywalled link). He demonstrates this ‘bad faith’ by relating it to the backstop negotiations:

        “Boris Johnson’s proposition to Brussels last week might have been rejected, but it succeeded in one important respect. It demonstrated that the European Union is not negotiating in good faith. The EU, it constantly tells us, “is committed to respecting the territorial integrity and constitutional order of the UK.” Yet its response to Britain’s proposal – which would effectively keep Northern Ireland aligned with single market rules but allow it to leave, with the rest of the United Kingdom, the EU’s customs union – shows Brussels is doing little more than keeping up diplomatic appearances.” (paywalled link)

        Quoting Varadkar, Nick Timothy comes right to the crux of the matter:

        “[…] according to Ireland and the EU, Northern Ireland cannot be allowed to leave the single market or the customs union. In effect, Northern Ireland – alone, or with the rest of the UK – cannot leave the European Union at all.

        This is an affront to democratic values in more ways than one. It is an attempt to defy the UK’s decision, three years ago, to leave the EU and its laws and institutions. And it is a plan to trap Northern Ireland and perhaps the whole UK in Europe’s legal order in perpetuity, granting Brussels and foreign governments – including Dublin – a greater say over many of Northern Ireland’s laws than the governments in Belfast and in London.” (paywalled link)

        That attitude by Ireland and indeed by the EU is emphasised in the next paragraphs:

        “For this reason, the European position poses a serious danger to the Northern Irish peace process. The Irish government – abetted by European commissioners, diplomats and ministers – has sought to weaponise the peace process against Britain. Yet it is not Britain but Ireland and the EU that are breaching both the letter and the spirit of the Good Friday Agreement.

        The peace process has, throughout its existence, been based on the principle of consent. As Lord Trimble, one of the main architects of the Good Friday Agreement, has explained, consent in the Northern Irish context means the consent of the British and Irish governments, the political parties of Northern Ireland and its people. The backstop so beloved by Dublin lacks legitimacy because it was conceived quite deliberately without this consent.

        The Prime Minister has proposed that his solution should be made subject to the consent of the Northern Irish Assembly, reaffirmed every four years. But Dublin and Brussels have been explicit in their rejection of his attempt to achieve democratic consent. “ (paywalled link)

        Timothy explains what this wrecking attempt by both Ireland and the EU actually entails:

        “Their pious references to the sanctity of the Good Friday Agreement are supposed to sound broadminded and responsible as they argue that customs checks of any kind jeopardise the peace process. Yet when it comes to Ireland’s own Brexit planning, Dublin argues that Ireland’s membership of the EU is more important than the absence of the customs border that is supposedly vital for peace. “Ireland is committed to protecting the integrity of the single market and customs union,” Dublin’s planning papers state, “membership of which is a core element of our economic strategy and has been good for Irish business.”

        In other words, if Britain leaves the EU without a deal, the Republic is prepared to introduce border checks with Northern Ireland in order to protect the single market and Ireland’s place within it. And herein lies yet another double standard. “In planning for the real possibility of a no deal Brexit,” Ireland’s planning papers say, “the Government’s approach will continue to be guided by … there being no Hard Border.” And how will they achieve this? Simon Coveney explains, “Ireland will have a responsibility to protect its own place in the EU single market and that will involve some checks. But … we will try and do it, obviously, away from the border.” (paywalled link)

        Ah – so checks away from the border are possible in case of a ‘No Deal Brexit’ according to the Irish Government, but cannot be implemented when part of Johnson’s proposal. Double standards? More like obfuscation to prevent the UK leaving the EU, methinks! Timothy continues:

        “On occasion, the Europeans have also confirmed that checks can be carried out away from the border. EU officials have said: “controls have to be done where they belong but [that] doesn’t mean we’d want to see visible infrastructure.” […] In sum, the EU is prepared to allow a no-deal Brexit – which will bring about a customs border between the UK and Ireland – because it insists on the backstop, which is supposed to prevent such a customs border. And in the event of no deal, it will use a combination of policy and technology to avoid a hard border in Ireland, which is precisely the solution proposed by the UK, and yet is rejected by the EU as unworkable.” (paywalled link)

        That truly defies logic – so beloved by M Barnier. It shows that the negotiations about the Backstop are another stellar ‘smoke-and-mirrors’ performance. I only wonder why it is that our negotiators are still trying to square this circle which so obviously has already a solution in the real world. Nick Timothy concludes:

        “And what is the motive for all this? Do the Europeans want, as Varadkar implied this week, to stop Brexit altogether? Do they want to force the reunification of Ireland against the will of the Northern Irish people? Or do they want to keep the UK trapped in the EU’s laws and institutions for good? Whatever the answer, Boris has established that the Europeans are not negotiating in good faith.“ (paywalled link)

        That, black-on-white, is the take-home message! Surely something we can and should use when talking to hard-core Remainers!”


    1. Don’t the Vietnamese breed Pot-bellied pigs? The one above looks like a Chinese Pot-ready pig….

          1. By coincidence i’m making Hong Shao Rou tonight. Shanghai red braised pork for those that don’t speak like a drawer of cutlery has fallen on the floor.

  38. Police have made 135 arrests in London today as police officers clash with Extinction Rebellion protesters trying to bring the city to a standstill.

    1. It would be good if those fined were fined pro-rata to the additional costs associated with policing the disorderly conduct…

  39. Judge dismisses no-deal Brexit challenge

    A Scottish judge has dismissed a move to force Boris Johnson to comply with a law aimed at avoiding a no-deal Brexit.
    Campaigners had wanted to ensure that the prime minister would write to the EU to request an extension if no deal is in place by 19 October.

  40. Police Advise Extinction Rebellion Protesters that essential road cleaning will take place from 3pm and they are advised to remove themselves from the road unless they want a wash and brush up

        1. Would you please stop bringing up the lead Justice of the Supreme Court…it causes difficulties with my breathing….

      1. Tis wool that’s been dyed in the blood of Eco Warriors who fell at Waterloo……station…..

          1. Apparently the shearing is “traumatising” and must be banned
            No me neither…………..

    1. Do these loony Gaia worshipers live in caves and eat grass? Do they practice what they preach?

      1. Afternoon SE,
        Far from it, many I would think are cuckoos, non nest builders & we purchase the grass they inhale via welfare payments.

    2. They look like the chorus of some Greek tragedy, possibly the Bacchae, that have got lost in London. Will Agave turn up any moment now carrying the head of Pentheus?

      1. Afternoon C,
        A factual English tragedy,
        Enough to make one wish the tragic floor of Pentheus would open up and swallow the bloody lot.

    1. Going by coach..bug that’s OK, they’ve all offset the carbon by saving water by not shaving. (That’s the men and the women)

  41. Nicked


    banging on remorselessly about world loss of wild life and wild life

    habitat, climate change, global warming, plastics, pollution and

    goodness knows what else.

    But not a mention of the root cause of all of this:



    population increased fourfold in the 20th century, and fivefold in

    Africa since 1960. Here in the UK, over 10 million more people in less

    than 20 years, mainly from the 3rd world.

    All these people need food, clothing, shelter, healthcare, education, etc, but most are barely able to even feed themselves.



    it beyond the whit of these green fanatics to work out the real cause

    and the means to address it, rather than preach and lay the guilt on the

    rest of us?

    1. Unless we stop the endless growth of the UK population pollution and congestion will increase and wildlife will continue to decline. It is inevitable

    2. https://www.dailymail.co.uk/debate/article-7544679/DOMINIC-LAWSON-horseshoe-bat-Kent-exposes-sheer-folly-todays-mass-eco-protests.html

      DOMINIC LAWSON: Why a horseshoe bat in Kent exposes the sheer folly of today’s mass eco-protests

      “And now for some good news. One of Britain’s and Northern Europe’s rarest and most elusive mammals has been discovered living in the East of England for the first time in 115 years.

      Revealing this happy development, the Guardian said: ‘The return to Kent of the greater horseshoe bat has delighted and astounded conservationists.’

      But what is the reason for the unexpected return of this creature with its ‘distinctive, alien-like ultrasonic warbling signals’? According to a spokesman for the Bat Conversation Trust, it seems possible that ‘the species is now able to expand its range into Kent due to climate changes’.

      But isn’t climate change meant to be an ecological disaster for every living thing on the planet? That’s the Guardian’s usual line, and it is definitely the view of the eco-protest group known as Extinction Rebellion, which from today is launching ‘mass-disruption’ in our capital city as part of its attempt to bully politicians to make the UK ‘net carbon zero by 2025’.

      Actually, I wonder why they bother, since the co-founder and leader of Extinction Rebellion, Roger Hallam, told the Sunday Times: ‘We’re all going to be dead soon, so there’s nothing else to do.’

      But isn’t climate change meant to be an ecological disaster for every living thing on the planet? That’s the Guardian’s usual line, and it is definitely the view of the eco-protest group known as Extinction Rebellion, which from today is launching ‘mass-disruption’ in our capital city as part of its attempt to bully politicians to make the UK ‘net carbon zero by 2025’

      In like spirit, the 16-year-old Swedish schoolgirl Greta Thunberg declares that unless we immediately switch to a form of existence not seen since before the Industrial Revolution, she and others of her age will not grow up to have children of their own because Earth will very soon be an uninhabitable furnace.

      The same approach is championed in America by the no less charismatic 29-year-old Congresswoman Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, who declaims: ‘The world is going to end in 12 years’ — not 11 or 13 years, she’s most precise — ‘if we don’t address climate change.’

      The only problem with this is that it isn’t true. Not remotely so. What is true is that if, in line with Hallam’s demands, we revert to what he enthusiastically describes as ‘a peasant orientation which obviously has been completely lost in Western society’, we will indeed witness a shortening of life expectancy and even the prospect of mass starvation (we might have to beg for food aid from rapidly industrialising China).

      But what about our friends in the animal kingdom? Are they truly at imminent threat of global wipe-out as a result of the CO2 we emit?

      Despite Extinction Rebellion’s message, the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change — the UN body guided by the scientists in the field — says nothing of the kind. Its most recent report declares: ‘Overall, there is very low confidence that observed species extinctions can be attributed to recent climate warming, owing to the very low fraction of global extinctions that have been ascribed to climate change and the tenuous nature of most [such] attributions.’

      In terms of the future, having modelled the effect of anticipated global increases in CO2 emissions from rapidly growing economies of the most populous nations, the IPCC states: ‘There is low agreement concerning the fraction of species at increased risk . . . and the timeframe over which extinctions could occur.’

      But what’s the story to date? What you won’t hear so much about is that a certain amount of warming is, on balance, a good thing for species, including humans.

      As a result partly of man-made CO2 emissions, Earth has actually become greener. Dr Ranga Myneni of Boston University has demonstrated by analysing data from satellite images of the planet, that 31 per cent of the global vegetated surface of the Earth has become greener over the past three decades, and only 3 per cent has become less green. It’s not called the ‘greenhouse effect’ for nothing.

      But what about Africa, said to be the biggest likely victim of climate change?

      While increased temperatures might save tens of thousands of lives a year in Northern Europe, where cold bears off so many mostly elderly people in winter, they are less likely to be a boon nearer the Equator. Yet it turns out those satellite images have also shown a marked greening in dry areas such as the Sahel in Africa.

      As best-selling science writer Dr Matt Ridley observed: ‘The decline of famines in the Sahel in recent years is partly due to more rainfall caused by moderate warming and partly due to more carbon dioxide itself: more greenery for goats to eat means more greenery left over for gazelles, so entire ecosytems have benefited.’

      The key fact to bear in mind is that CO2 is not, in itself, a pollutant; nor detrimental to the air we breathe. The problem for us is the sooty particulates that come out of the exhaust of vehicles powered by internal combustion engines. They really do kill.

      Diesel engines produce far more of these dangerous emissions than petrol ones — yet because of the fixation with ‘man-made climate change’, the British government massively incentivised, through the tax system, a switch to diesel from petrol because the latter produced more CO2 per unit of energy.

      What a perverse, self-annihilating strategy. I’m glad I’ve got an 11-year-old hybrid petrol-electric car, though I don’t delude myself that it will ‘help save the planet’.

      Of course, the Extinction Rebellion demonstrators are against all forms of motorised transport; indeed, every modern form of travel. As even a reasonably supportive article in the New Internationalist explained, under the policies of Extinction Rebellion: ‘Energy would be strictly rationed, dedicated to survival . . . expect massive disruption in the way food is grown, processed and distributed . . . there would be virtually no private car use, aviation, haulage or shipping.’

      We would be living in an eco-fascist dystopia. In short: completely bats.”

      1. One hates to wee on their parade, but a quick Google for “CO2 in tomato production” produced, for example, the following:
        Bigger, better and tastier tomatoes with CO2
        FOOD & DRINK
        We have all got used to hearing about CO2 as the great villain in the climate change debate, but it turns out the greenhouse gas can also be used to help nature do its work. How, you ask? In greenhouses, of course.

        When CO2 gas is pumped into a greenhouse used to grow tomatoes, cucumbers or lettuce, it boosts photosynthesis, resulting in stronger, healthier plants and increased yields. Whereas normal air has a carbon dioxide concentration of around 400 ppm, most plants fare better in environments with carbon dioxide concentrations of between 600 and 1,000 ppm. When carbon dioxide is added to greenhouse air, it can help increase yields of tomato, cucumber and lettuce by as much as 25-30 per cent. Moreover, carbon dioxide fertilisation also produces earlier harvests and improves the ability of plants to resist disease and pests.

        Crop record despite less sunshine
        One tomato grower that has decided to put the technology to the test is Viken Tomater, based in southern Sweden. The company employs eight people and has an annual yield of some 260 tonnes of tomatoes. In 2017, Viken Tomater purchased a CO2-fertilisation solution, which consists of a carbon dioxide tank that pumps some 1,200 ppm of CO2 into the greenhouse.

        “I had heard about solutions like this, but the numbers seemed too good to be true,” says Mats Olofsson in Viken Tomater. “However, with competition getting tougher, I decided to give it a go. It turns out the information I’d been given was spot on.”

        Viken Tomater saw its yield increase by ten per cent. This was despite 2017 being one of the worst sunshine years on record in Sweden – a factor that would normally have made the yield smaller. Furthermore, Olofsson admits the 2017 crop was better than ever.
        “The plants were stronger, so we had bigger, plumper, sweeter tomatoes. The customers even commented on how delicious they were,” he says.
        from http://magazine.aga.com/better-greenhouses-tomatoes-with-co2/

        So, what problem is CO2 again??

        1. In simplifying a theory in order to get a message across in a soundbite or a tweet, we risk losing other vital pieces of information that could even provide the key to a solution and a better life for all.

          If it’s within the scope of human ingenuity to create runaway CO2 emissions that threaten to trap radiated heat and warm up the planet so that it unbalances its processes that sustain life as we know it, so too it’s within the scope of human ingenuity to harness this excess CO2 profitably and restore these balances.

          You mention tomatoes. A few weeks ago, I suggested taking general domestic waste (including plastic) that cannot be recycled, cleaning and shredding it, and then mixing it with slaked lime and a little grit and shredded hemp to make a building material, every bit as good as concrete blocks. To make the lime cure in a day, rather than several weeks, the mix would need to be pumped with CO2, which is then locked up in the blocks. I don’t think we are short of CO2 right now.

          One way might be to burn rubbish to generate heat to power a generator and CO2 for pumping into the mix. With the right plant and a bit of investment (considerably less than what we are spending on HS2), the whole thing should turn out blocks considerably cheaper or more profitable than concrete blocks.

          Any dragon reading this?

    3. The issue of overpopulation doesn’t have much in the way of annual international conferences in exotic locations, frequent TV opportunities to earn lucrative fees to pontificate on the subject, a large and profitable book market, substantial government grants to universities to study the subject, large numbers of professorships, opportunities for exploited teenagers to address world leaders, Nobel prizes for politicians and so on. It’s much easier and more exciting to preach the gospel of global warming than tell people in the third world that they shouldn’t have as many children as they have done.

    4. Its OK, we are all to be extinct in 11 years. The Earth will then plod along happily until it consumed by the nearest star.

      1. …until it consumed by the nearest star.

        That’s estimated to happen in around 4,500,000,000 years: I’ll be past caring.😎

        1. By then, even my emergency tins of corned beef will have exploded.
          At least I won’t be around to clear up the mess.

      2. I don’t think that’s what they are saying. Mars is plodding along happily, but it doesn’t mean that there is anywhere on Mars that is more habitable than the least hospitable places currently on Earth, except perhaps inside an active volcano.

        What they might be saying is that large places which were habitable, or even comfortable to live in, will no longer be so. Those currently living there will need either to expire or move somewhere else. Mass migration alone can be enormously destabilising, and we could well end up like Syria in a very short time. Furthermore, we are quite glib about wiping our species, but one day we will make extinct one we may rely on for life. Soil bacteria may not be as cuddly as polar bears or rhinos, but the loss of these may make the difference whether crops grow or not. Likewise bees.

        1. Extinction rebellion, they actually think that we will all disappear from the planet soon. I would suggest that its not a bad result for the planet!

          1. What would we do with all the bodies though? There are only a thousand or so tigers left to consume an awful lot of human flesh. Crocodiles would have a few, as would sharks, and monitor lizards don’t mind them if they’ve gone off a bit.

    5. Let’s look at the population growth since 1960, when the global population was 3 billion and about the level the Earth can sustain without serious degradation of natural resources:

      1960: 3 billion (World), 605 million (Europe)
      1974/5: 4 billion (World), 677 million (Europe)
      1985/7: 5 billion (World), 708 million (Europe)
      1999/2000: 6 billion (World), 725 million (Europe)
      2010/11: 7 billion (World), 736 million (Europe)
      2019: 7.7 billion (World), 747 million (Europe)

      What does this say about who is responsible for the population explosion causing a major global catastrophe, and about who is taking responsibility for it?

      My maternal grandmother, born in 1904, had seventeen grandchildren. My mother, born in 1925, has eight. I was born in 1956 and have no grandchildren.

      1. Africans have aways had lots of children, but nowdays fewer of them die.
        Western nations have thrown billions in aid money only for most of it to go to supporting despotic governments, and some to improved healthcare so that more children survive. Contraception clinics would be more use.

        Europeans used to have many children, but now they can’t afford them, unless on benefits.

        Your figures also show the huge scale of migration into Europe over the last 20 years.

    1. And the other half by Extinction Anarchists – when they have made their way to China – along with the Swedish muppet.

  42. I note Bendy Cucumber has flown in from his ten million gated mansion to support ER,just as well he’s already made his money because he wont ever be doing any of that nasty filming that requires masses of leccy for the lighting with any outside filming needing massive diesel gennies to power it
    Or is he just another hypocrite………



  43. Stephen Hepburn: Labour MP suspended amid sexual harassment inquiry

    A Labour MP has been suspended while a sexual harassment claim is investigated.
    Stephen Hepburn, who represents Jarrow, in South Tyneside, allegedly targeted a female party member in her 20s at a curry house 14 years ago, according to the HuffPost.
    The Labour Party has referred a case to its ultimate disciplinary body, the National Constitutional Committee.
    Mr Hepburn said he “completely refutes” the allegation.
    The NCC has the power to expel people from the party or impose time-limited suspensions.
    Mr Hepburn, who has represented Jarrow since 1997, has had his party membership suspended which means he loses the Labour whip in the Commons.
    However, he continues to sit as an independent MP.

  44. Dear Richard
    My husband and I are in our late 50s and have always seen more or less eye to eye on political matters. But in the past couple of years we have diverged sharply on two issues: Brexit, and the environment.

    My other half, a teacher and head of year, has become almost deranged. He feels so passionately that leaving the EU is a mistake, he becomes incoherent when he talks about it. It’s the same with climate change. He took a day off work (without the headmaster’s permission) to join an Extinction Rebellion roadblock. I glimpsed him on TV, chanting, almost unrecognisable as the man I’ve been married to for nearly 20 years.

    I voted Leave but I would be perfectly comfortable if we’d voted…etc

    BTL Comment:

    M Wells 4 Oct 2019 5:51PM

    Hi Suzanne, this situation demands compassion and objectivity. Take him for everything he’s got while he’s still mentally unbalanced.

  45. What sort of politician conspires to make it more difficult for the UK to negotiate and get a good deal with a foreign power?

  46. Thoughts from the Bath.
    I have complained to the Financial Ombudsman and Ofcom and gotten nowhere. Months of form-filling, repetition and delay. Having observed and considered, I am thinking that these organisations do not exist to protect customers, but to protect big companies. A few harsh words occasionally, verbal reprimands, fines that do not seriously dent revenues or profits regardless of how large they seem to us little people. No change to anything really.

        1. Ah, bless!

          I never had any times for these things from the start. They were set up to make people believe – erroneously – that someone “out there” would see the problem and solve it.

          All great bollux.

      1. Just what I was thinking. Got to get through a whole heap of mung beans to get like that.

    1. I suspect that tonight might be too, if they are stupid enough to be there when the lorries start coming in.

      The police must be rubbing their hands at the potential overtime payments.

      I love the way they say “as the rebels take Smithfield Market” as if there had been a battle.

      If there actually is a battle I would only give them a few minutes before they start to run, if the porters are allowed to turn on them and chuck them out.

        1. Possible but unlikely. When I was loading the lorries they were packed very tight, no room for much else.

      1. The police will be on hand to protect the demonstrators and to prevent the porters from earning a living.

  47. House price growth at six-year low, says the Halifax

    Not really an issue. For decades in many areas and particularly London prices raced well ahead of inflation now we are seeing them typically increase by 1.1% which is less than inflation. Outside of London though increase will be typically higher

    The mortgage lender, part of Lloyds Banking Group, said prices rose 1.1% in the year to the end of September, the slowest rate since April 2013.

      1. The BBC for years presented house prices increasing as bad news now it has switched to house prices increasing slowly as bad news

  48. Brendan O’Neil

    Extinction Rebellion is a reactionary, regressive and elitist

    movement whose aim is to impose the most disturbing form of austerity

    imaginable on people across the world. One of the great ironies of

    ‘progressive’ politics today is that people of a leftist persuasion will

    say it is borderline fascism if the Tory government closes down a

    library in Wolverhampton, but then they will cheer this eco-death cult

    when it demands a virtual halt to economic growth with not a single

    thought for the devastating, immiserating and outright lethal impact

    such a course of action would have on the working and struggling peoples

    of the world.

    Extinction Rebellion says mankind is doomed if we do not cut carbon

    emissions to Net Zero by 2025. That’s six years’ time. Think about it:

    they want us to halt a vast array of human activity that produces

    carbon. All that Australian digging for coal; all those Chinese

    factories employing millions of people and producing billions of things

    used by people around the world; all those jobs in the UK in the

    fossil-fuel industries; all those coal-fired power stations; all that

    flying; all that driving… cut it all back, rein it in, stop it. And the

    people who rely on these things for their work and their food and their

    warmth? Screw them. They’re only humans. Horrible, destructive, stupid



    1. All these tools, quite a number calling in to Ferrari’s programme, being organised by the globalists to do the latter’s bidding. ER is just an adjunct to the globalist’s plan, a current movement that will run its course before being replaced by something else.
      Moving on from condemning coal fired electricity generation through the whole gamut of fossil fuel use and currently attacking the eating of meat, their stupidity knows no bounds. Perhaps the genuine zealots will band together and buy a remote island somewhere and follow what they preach i.e. a Neolithic style of living without fire – nasty carbon dioxide producing action – existing on fruit, roots etc. They will have their wish, extinction will be their epitaph.

    2. Warning to Londoners: don’t have a stroke or a heart attack over the next fortnight.
      Apart from anything else, by dying you are following XR’s agenda.

  49. Southwark stabbing: Boy, 16, fighting for life after being knifed in south London

    A teenage boy is fighting for life after being stabbed in Southwark, south London.
    Emergency services were called to the scene in Druid Street just after 10pm on Sunday.
    Officers and paramedics found a 16-year-old male suffering stab injuries.
    He was taken to hospital for treatment, and the Met said he remained in a critical condition on Monday.

  50. Pizza Express crisis

    Pitzza outfits have been in financial difficulties for a number of years. They are having to offer endless two for one office and money off vouchers to get people in but that wipes out their margin

    It another case of two many outfits chasing to few customers. £1B of debt is a lot of Pizzas to sell. £650M of the debt is due to be paid back within 3 years

    Fears are growing that Pizza Express could become the latest high street casualty as the firm’s financial troubles come under the spotlight.

    The chain owes more than £1bn and has reportedly hired financial advisors ahead of talks with creditors.

      1. No but they should be making a huge profit making as they are quick to prepare and the ingredients cost next to nothing

          1. Taxes. Business rates, employee NI.

            Comically the state seems to prefer many thousands sit on welfare rather than stay in their jobs. You have to wonder if there’s an equation whereby if tax loss is cancelled out by welfare demand then do something, otherwise, hike taxes to make everyone else pay more which, as we all know, creates unemployment.

            Government is a bunch of gormless morons.

    1. There are far too many Italian restaurant chains.
      Pasta really isn’t that difficult.

    1. Well, cows and sheep are vegan, so apart from a bit of stringiness, no-one will notice.

  51. For those of you who are interested, the article about these nutters in the DT has a substantial BTL entry.

    They have a spokesman called Simon Howard who tries to be very laid back and thoughtful.

    He told me that there have been protests in India but that none were allowed in China (can’t think why). He added:

    No protests were authorised in China, the world’s biggest source of greenhouse gas emissions, but Zheng Xiaowen of the China Youth Climate Action Network said Chinese youth would take action one way or another.

    “Chinese youth have their own methods,” she said. “We also pay attention to the climate and we are also thinking deeply, interacting, taking action, and so many people are very conscientious on this issue.”

    This is the link: https://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/2019/10/07/extinction-rebellion-set-bring-london-standstill-fortnight-protests/

    1. Yep, support the ‘blue’ section of the Globalist controlled liblabcon uniparty to keep out the spectre of a red, yellow, or a coalition, possibly including the SNP, Greens, Plaid etc. Anything that will help your intention to thwart Brexit.

  52. Honda affiliate to close in UK putting jobs at risk

    Japanese car parts company Honda Logistics UK, which supplied – but is not owned by – the carmaker of the same name, is to shut its operations in Swindon next year.
    The move, which is directly linked to Honda’s decision to end production of its cars in Swindon in 2021. puts 1,200 jobs at risk.
    Honda Logistics said Honda was its main UK customer and that its decision to quit the UK would make its own business unviable.

  53. Extinction Rebellion protesters glue themselves to scaffolding

    Dont bother with safety nets for them in fact leave them there over night it will get a bit chilly and harden adhesive is bot easily dissolved by acetone

    Extinction Rebellion protesters glued to scaffolding in Trafalgar Square beginning to be removed by police in full climbing gear equipped with acetone syringes.

    1. BJ,
      Police pansies, acetylene 7 oxygen 20 does a quicker better job, they don’t come back for afters.

  54. UK retailers see ‘worst September on record’

    They are going to need very good Christmas sales. They are still trotting out the nonsense of Brexit being to blame for their troubles

    British retailers have seen their worst September since at least the mid-1990s as people instead spent money on entertainment, according research from the British Retail Consortium (BRC).
    Blaming weaker household demand ahead of Brexit, it said total retail sales values declined 1.3% in September compared with the same month last year. On an annualised basis they were down 0.2%.
    While official retail data has painted a healthier picture, surveys like the BRC’s have suggested household spending – one of the few drivers of economic growth this year – may be starting to wane.
    “With four months of negative sales growth since March, the ongoing political gridlock surrounding Brexit is harming both consumers and retailers,” BRC boss Helen Dickinson said.
    The BRC survey showed spending on non-food items fell sharply as spending on essentials rose. Online sales of non-food items were the worst ever recorded.

  55. It’s interesting how Extinction Rebellion manage to drive so many large
    untaxed vehicles into the centre of London without being seen by any of
    the thousands of ANPR cameras the police have.
    One might almost think the law was being ignored

  56. Mate just came to the front door. “Hullo, Pretzel,” I said. He just snapped…

    I’ll get me coat….and go and join the Extinction Anarchists…

  57. “One protester locked his head to the steering wheel of a hearse.”

    Clearly a casket case….

      1. Let’s hope that to avoid any charges of hypocrisy they are not using any chemical or animal glues…..

        1. Some of the arrises have glued themselves to scaffolding – thus requiring the Perlice Farce to come along in abseiling gear.

          Me, I’d have told them that they have two minutes to get off because the tower will then be tipped over.

          1. Not really I’d just like them to ponder the responsibility of their actions together with pondering whether the clamps will hold…..

          2. But what if the clamp had got into the legs. I often have that in the middle of the night.

          3. It usually happens to me after I’ve added salt to my meal (I don’t cook with salt, but I do add a bit later).

          4. It happens to me if I don’t get enough salt.
            A daily dose of tonic water seems to help, with or without gin.

          5. Agreed. The answer for instant relief is to place your foot (affected leg) on a cold tile. It seems to work every time. if it’s a frequent occurrence it is worth keeping a tile by the side of the bed.

            Edit: Whilst this method works for me other remedies may be necessary for others!

          6. Funny , that. Our bedroom floor is tiled – and – during the night – the tiles are COLD!

          7. I have to get out if bed and walk about for ten minutes and then, when I get back into bed, I can’t get back to sleep again.

          8. Not sure ono that except it’ll pull blood down your leg.

            What you really need is looser muscles that aren’t tense.

            Keep a bottle of water by your bedside. Drinking it will not only relax you but the fluid will ease the cramp. I get them in my thighs occasionally. Those are bally agony.

          9. Lack of water. Lack of magnesium.

            Mostly a lack of water so the muscle isn’t sufficiently loose. If you can, do some simple stretches before bed time to stretch them out.

          10. If they are not interfering with work, why not just leave them there? They would effectively be imprisoning themselves. And getting cold and wet.

          11. We were forecast heavy rain all day yes’day – not a drop fell between dawn & dusk.

            We were forecast heavy rain all this afternoon – it’s as dry as a bone out there.

          12. As, technically; no glue is that powerful give them a good yank and watch their skin tear off.

            Blood, pain and not being able to sit down for them, a good laugh for us.

    1. He could have glued his genitals to the steering wheel. Then he would have been able to say “it’s driving me nuts”.

    1. G’day jsc,

      What with Jolyon and Soames it’s getting to be like the Forsyte Saga. Except that Jolyon was a nice guy in that.

  58. From the huge range of photographs in the Mail (I know, I know) most of these wazzocks appear to be wearing clothes made from chemicals…

    How can they live with themselves?

      1. One would hope so, but I would never be surprised at what the PTB squander our money on.

      1. It’s more likely that she would have had other rowers with her. If the order had been given “All oars out” she probably would have jumped overboard.

    1. What a wrinkly old face she has – I am 13 years older than she is and yet my brow is very much less wrinkled than hers is.

      Goodness knows what she will look like when she is my age!

      1. Me too, rastus, I am the same age and she certainly looks older than me. It must be all that snorting these people do.

    2. I just hope it rains and rains and rains and then some and that they all require lots of lovely electricity to dry out and stop shivering. And then for the govt to cut off the supply (of everything) for a week to show them for what they are agitating. I’d put up with it for a week to give them a dose of their own medicine.

      Edit: typo (medicine)

  59. Hump Backed whale spotted in the Thames or has an MP gone for a swim? Rescuers in attendance. [Daily Telegraph]

  60. DT question,
    What would dystopian UK look like under bercow ? try overall london blitz,only worse.

      1. The only aspect of a “no deal”, i.e clean, Brexit that really concerns me is that the remainer bástárds in power will do their absolute damnedest to ensure the UK suffers and suffers badly, just so that they can say “we told you so”.
        They are such swine that I really wouldn’t put it past them to sabotage everything.

        1. Once Brexit happens the next election should require candidates to promise to back the UK to get on track. and back trade negotiations. If the imminent Queen’s speech is not to our liking the Conservatives might suffer at the polls.

          1. Agree, but it’s not just the politicians, it’s the civil servants, at all levels, that I fear can do a lot of damage.

        2. They will also never stop whining and agitating and protesting for a return to the eu. We are never going to hear the end of this, they will not allow us to put this behind us. They will not allow us our new beginning. All good news will be channelled through the prism of the eu and Remain.

    1. During WWII Londoners suffered from V1 and V2 weapons. Today we have 400 or so MPs unleashing countless V signs to the whole population of the UK….

      1. S,
        Agreed but,
        The V sign can be used in a negative / positive manner the knife in the back is an odious issue with only one meaning.

    1. I would not trust anything in the Guardian

      Have what is claimed is a problem is in any case rubbish. It is based on what happened 40 years ago before computers and the internet bar codes, and email were in use so it was all paper based and relied on the post etc

    2. That all just revolves around the Backstop. Bugger the Backstop, is it the WA all over again?

    3. Let me guess. It’s a long bullet pointed list that says ‘Doesn’t cancel Brexit’?

    1. It highlights just what a sosraboc they are.

      shower of shíts running a bunch of cúnts

        1. That’s why I put the spoiler over it.

          It was your choice whether or not to look.

          People like you, who delight in standing on their high horses and correcting every post that has even the slightest error or typo are the ones who really spoil the site.

          If you don’t like it here, you know what to do.

          1. You should look at the difference between smut and observation.

            Your condescending superiority is ill-founded.

            Adults have grown up and can accept different approaches, adolescents in attitude rather than age cannot differentiate.

            If you don’t like it you know what to do.

      1. Yo sos

        I must protest

        a cúnt is useful, these barstewards are a waste of Victuals, Space and Oxygen

  61. Extinction rebellion are full of asylum seekers, they come to London only to find that John Major closed them all down.

      1. Looking at the piccies of the posewers, they have not ‘worked’ for even a day in their collective lives

        1. Some may work for local councils and quangos and charities who turn a blind eye to this sort of thing

    1. Of course, the icing on the cake is if one of those generators is run for any extended period with its air flow restricted, it will eat itself nicely. They are designed to operate in the open air.

    1. I was always amused by the film “Layer Cake” where they casually talked about not being greedy and “turning 2 kilos into 3”
      Trying to sell kilo weight at 67% purity would ensure a swift trip to a local pig farm
      At the street level of course you would be lucky to hit 20%

    2. “Amber [Privately-educated woman, 27] doesn’t feel as though her drug use makes her a ‘bad person’ and explained that she simply uses it as a way to stay awake on nights out. She said: ‘I don’t think it’s anything to be ashamed of. I don’t think doing drugs is anything to make you think you’re a bad person.”

      I am sure that those people terrorised and murdered by the drugs cartels that produce the powder might disagree.

      “You have a few drinks and you get tired. I wanna go home by midnight – but you don’t want to miss out on anything. ‘So, someone will bring out a bag of coke and you do a little bit. It’ll keep you going.’ ”

      So it is all about “me, me, me” and party-time then for her. No doubt those parents laying their children in the ground, who were caught in the crossfires of gang wars, will be happy that this airhead and her friends help to fund their operations.

      Still, drug use while young can have massive impacts on the body and health in later life. So she might not be around to lower the average IQ of this country for too many more years.

  62. The Saxon Queen is atm trying to find good winter soup
    recipes. Glanced at Delia Smith online and found
    ‘ Thick Peasant Soup ‘ I wondered whether she forgot
    pheasant or whether Delia Smith was eating her local
    game keeper who she was rudely calling ‘ a thick peasant ‘.

    1. Yellow pea and ham. With a good jollop of tabasco. Black bread or sourdough bread to dip. Lovely!

      1. That does sound rather nice, I’ll look for a recipe.
        Atm I have-
        Wild mushroom with madeira
        Cullen Skink
        Broccoli and Stilton
        Tuscan style winter vegetable soup .

          1. Can trombetti and courgettes cross pollinate?
            I have an overgrown courgette, now a marrow, that has the distinctive sack of a trombetti. I haven’t checked to see if the seeds have congregated there.

          2. No idea. Possibly, I suppose.

            We have had a few courgette green trombetti – which was a surprise. I put it down to the seeds.

          3. We had excellent melons this year. Two years ago they were absolutely tasteless and I wondered at the time if they had crossed with one of the others, cucumbers or courgettes.

    2. Too thick to run away when Delia approached him with a large knife and a hungry look in her eye.

  63. I’ve a huge splinter in my finger and am struggling to
    get the thing out, grrrrrr !!

    1. Soak your finger in the hottest salty water you can stand. It should draw the splinter out.

      1. Thank you, I shall do that later, it’s quite sore atm
        and I’ve been digging the finger with tweezers that
        have made it even more sore .

        1. Ouch! The thing about a hot, salty bath for the finger is that, apart from the heat and salt stinging a bit, it is relatively painless. Alternatively you could try a bread poultice (bread soaked in hot, salty water and applied to the affected area).

  64. Wind farms you say


    old saying ‘If it sounds too good to be true, it almost certainly is’

    would seem to be borne out again in relation to offshore wind energy.


    analysis by a former energy adviser to the World, Bank Prof Gordon

    Hughes of Edinburgh University, of almost 3,000 onshore wind turbines —

    the biggest study of its kind — warns that they will continue to

    generate electricity effectively for just 12 to 15 years.

    The wind energy industry and the Government base all their calculations on turbines enjoying a lifespan of 20 to 25 years.


    study estimates that routine wear and tear will more than double the

    cost of electricity being produced by wind farms in the next decade.


    John Constable, the director of Renewable Energy Foundation, said:

    “Bluntly, wind turbines onshore and offshore still cost too much and

    wear out far too quickly to offer the developing world a realistic

    alternative to coal.”

    In Germany……………


    1. Driving back through France over three days last week I saw dozens of turbines stationary. In total I would guess there were hundreds of them producing nothing other than eyesores.

      1. I have just driven from Bilbao to near (but not not close to) Benidoom and noticed that Spain has hundreds of the bestester challenges to the Angel of the North

        They are on the hills towering over every valley… inert, just watching you

        1. The Angel of The North is 20m high.

          2MW wind turbines (of which there are more than enough) are regularly 125m high.

          No contest.

          1. Roit lad, describe to Angel of the Norf

            Well sir, it is made of Metul. it is tall, it just stands on a hill, arms out-stretched doing nowt.

            No contest

        2. In the unlikely event that you pass close to our Heaven on Earth, on your way North, please get in touch, I might even allow you to buy me a glass of red in exchange for two glasses of red and my company.

          1. Yo sos

            We are near Catral. We move to and from UK using the Pompey-Bilboa Ferry.

            Edited Bit

            That was of course before all Brits (and their wallets) were deemed Unwanted, down here

      2. Behold a giant am I,
        Aloft here in my tower
        With my blades I devour
        The gulls, the jays and magpies
        And turn them into power.

        With apologies to dear old Henry.

    2. 5hen when they come down, we pay for it as well. Our Ontario government cancelled the expensive contract and are demanding that the turbines come down – at our expense of course.

      There is so much hot air emanating from the evoloons that we don’t need power stations any more.

    1. The EU provoke Russia by trying to bring Ukraine into the fold. That obviously failed. Comically, all those vaunted things the EU supposedly stands for suddenly evaporated.

      Instead we were left with Russia occupying Ukraine and the communist EU scuttling away.

    2. I think, that the alphabet soup SBS, SAS, RN, Army, RAF Girl Guides to scare the French and Italians of Armed Forces (well Jack, Tommy and Biggles) may not like that

        1. Biggles is a mere whipper snapper

          Tommy Atkins is even older, he carried on Up the Khyber

          and Jack Tar was a deck hand on Noah’s Ark

  65. I was strolling through the local abbey and I saw a man in tonsure and habit chopping up potatoes and throwing them into boiling oil.
    “Are you the friar?”I chortled, rather pleased with my wit and he answered “No…

    “…I’m the chipmunk.”

      1. I forbore from saying that we had the photo version last week…!

        She IS on holiday.

  66. Brexit latest news:

    Boost for Boris Johnson as Court of Session refuses to set out sanction if he defies Benn Act

    I take it that from now on, each and every iota of governmeantal proposal, law and discussion will be subjected to the same scutiny, as whst has happened about Brexit

    The ‘legal’ intervention cannot and must not finish with the conclusion of Brexit ‘negotioation (sic)’

    If the Remoaners win, each and every action carried out by them must be open to legal scutiny.

    Mr B Thomas, will be in charge of that


    1. Water cannon, ideally replaced with flame throwers.

      Should that not work, cavalry charges and some damned proper beatings.

      A few cracked skulls, bloody noses and broken bones, put them in a shipping container and lock the door.

      1. Just make them move on and LAUGH at them.

        No more reporting of their actions

        If the sto[ patients being treated in a hospitsl,excommunicate them from the NHS

        Tell the crims in the ‘bad parts’ of London, the addresses of the fools and that their dwellings are empty

        Publish list of names and addresses of winkers protesting

        1. Sadly the BBC absolutely love to report this sort of tosh. It’s their bread and butter.

      2. Theresa May had Boris’s water cannons removed/dispatched because she thought they would most likely come in useful one day soon.

    2. If there should be protests like this if we are unable to leave the European Union as we wish, will the powers that be treat the protesters so kindly ?
      To be fair, should they ?

      1. The BBC will wail how awful ‘Right wing fascists’ attacked innocent police officers as they bravely fought to uphold democracy and parliamentary sovereingty.

        Heck, I can see the headlines now. Just as the elderly couple were hindered and abused by the other road blocking, ranting fascists.

      2. The govt is treating the protestors kindly because the protestors are playing into the government’s hands – justifying more lovely, yummy green taxes and raising the ones we’ve already got. “Never interrupt the enemy (the people of this country) when they are making a mistake.”

    3. Perhaps all those celebs who turned up should have their film and stage productions picketed for a couple of weeks and experience how a drop in income feels?

    1. It would seem to me that Boris Johnson has three options:

      i) Go for broke and have a proper Brexit on 31st Octiober without a deal with the EU;

      ii) Allow an extension beyond 31st October and watch the death of the Conservative Party and the total destruction of Britain under the Labour and Lib/Dem Parties;

      iii) Make it clear that he will form an electoral pact with Mr Farage if he is prevented from having Brexit on 31st October by machinations beyond his control by the Traitors and that he will purge The Conservative Party of all Remainer MPs who will have to join other parties if they wish to stay in politics.

  67. Heidi Allen joins the Lib/Dems and says about 20 other conservatives would like to join [ The Independent]

    1. So does this mean she will be shuffled round to another constituency in the case of a GE? Her present constituency as a conservative majority of thousands and thousands …. and thousands. It’s farming country, you see. The yellow rosette will not go down well in these ‘ere parts.

      1. I don’t know if this is just to stop Brexit then she leaves parliament with her pension intact at the next election. I can’t see her standing in her present constituency. Fortunately the Lib/Dem party is falling in the polls.

  68. Extinction Rebellion

    Let us survivors boycott each and evey business of those who are the protestors,

    Demand a list of names and occupations of all those involved and let us bring private prosecutions against them

    Demand that Dick Head of the Yard prosecutes the EB people, with the same zealousness that she pursued General Dannat, if she will not, she must give her reasons before Parliament, if it still exists, or the Supreme Court, when they return from the Picket Lines

    Frazer got it right


    1. All they want to do is protest. They could get rid of their cars and not fly and give up using plastics and plant trees instead of meaningless protests

    2. “each and evey business of those who are the protestors …”

      “list of names and occupations of all those involved …”

      Those involved don’t DO business or occupations …

      They are protestors – including an eighty-one-year-old …

      1. No-one can fire a lesbian, certainly not when the Bliar Witch would defend her

        If she were a ‘non white’ she would be vying for the PMs job with Berk-O

    1. I often wonder why very wealthy actors and actresses demean themselves by appearing on advertisements for consumer products. Are they not rich enough already and do they need the extra cash?

      For these idiots to now seek to virtue signal and lecture the workers, you and me, on climate change bollocks is hypocrisy of the highest order.

      These people are not special and not particularly talented in their chosen profession viz. pretending to be someone else but unable to convince the viewer. We just see Fry, Chaudry and Colman whatever the part they presume to play.

  69. Boris has won victory in the Scottish court, but the case should never have been brought in the first place



    It’s Premium so I can’t read it but this BTL amused me:

    Mike Davies 7 Oct 2019 9:48PM

    Regarding the Benn “Surrender” Act, I think this may hang on the UK Supreme Court decision in October 2018 concerning the bakery that refused to write “Support Gay Marriage” on a cake.

    The ruling was that freedom of expression, as guaranteed by article 10 of the European Convention on Human Rights, includes the right “not to express an opinion which one does not hold”.

    The judge, Lady Hale, said, “This court has held that nobody should be forced to have or express a political opinion in which he does not believe.”

    That’s the same Lady Hale who was President of the Supreme Court in the ruling on prorogation.

    Nobody can force the PM to write or sign that letter.

    1. Remember the great partnership between Donald Trump and Nikki Haley, challenging the heavily biased United Nations ? –
      ” We are taking names ..”
      The EU have shown that in their arrogance, they will never co-operate in arranging a smooth transition.
      They can’t have their cake and eat it.

      1. Uncle George will never allow cooperation. He’ll oppose Brexit to the last pawn.

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