Monday 7 September: Democrats must unite against Extinction Rebellion’s attempts to dismantle a free society

An unofficial place to discuss the Telegraph letters, established when the DT website turned off its comments facility (now reinstated, but not as good as ours),
Intelligent, polite, good-humoured debate is welcome, whether on or off topic. Differing opinions are encouraged, but rudeness or personal attacks on other posters will not be tolerated. Posts which – in the opinion of the moderators – make this a less than cordial environment, are likely to be removed, without prior warning.  Persistent offenders will be banned.

Today’s letters (visible only to DT subscribers) are here:

597 thoughts on “Monday 7 September: Democrats must unite against Extinction Rebellion’s attempts to dismantle a free society

  1. Morning everyone. I’m 74 today which though expected because it follows 73 is still something of a surprise in that I never expected to get so far. Is it Happy Birthday? I don’t think so; not only because mine is not the sort of nature that overflows in joie de vivre but because the times we are living in are so dire. On the other hand I might almost be made for them in that they provide me with far more interest than any amount of crosswords and jig-saw puzzles would the retiree of a more placid world. I am relatively comfortable and have good company in the form of those who frequent this blog and who are even kind enough to overlook my ventures into views with which they do not agree. We all have a duty to tell the truth as we think it to be about what we see and hear; to do otherwise is to conspire with the evil that threatens us all. Let us all KBO until the end claims us, even if we should not get to die in our beds.

    1. Happy Birthday Minty!

      Pah!’Three score and ten.’
      Seventy four and lots more
      O Master of Zen.

      And with apols to D Thomas:

      Do not go placidly into the Woke night,
      Our age should burn and rave at close of day;
      Rage, rage against the dying of the Right.

      Though wise men at their end know Woke is shite,
      Because their words had forked no lightning they
      Do not go gentle into that Woke night.

    2. KBO; and out of stubbornness I shall sing you Happy Birthday anyway. Not sure which way to point but I’m quite loud, so you’ll probably hear it anyway.

    3. May you have a wonderfully interesting day full of intrigue! I must agree, I don’t do much in the way of celebrations either, it must be my Capricornian nature and being born just after the Christmas celebrations ŵere over – no-one had (or has) the energy for another. I suspect yours may be due to the immediate return to school after the summer hols. I hope you have many more returns of The Day to provide us with interesting reading and food for thought!

        1. Don’t go overboard. He didn’t send you his calendar.

          Do keep on for a long while yet. Your contributions are a sane balance to the nonsense in the news. And we’ll need someone to man the barricades…
          Best wishes for today and the coming years. I wish you all. that you wish for yourself (even if it’s not legal!).

    4. Many happy returns Araminta! I love your posts and look forward to reading your thoughts! Have a great day, and don’t let the b****rs get you down! 🎉 Keep away from duck ponds, though!

          1. I obviously replied to the wrong person, but as I spent the time writing it, please keep it until the big day arrives.
            I do hate waste. 😂

    5. Belated Happy Birthday Minty. The times were living in are indeed strange in so many ways. I am quite possibly of a similar nature to you and have been slightly criticised by visiting daughter. More later as I’m off to play bowls. Have a good day.

    6. Time for the Hippo Birdy song again.

      Hippo Birdy Two Shrews
      Hippo Birdy Two Shrews
      Hippo Birdy Dear Minty
      Hippo Birdy Two Shrews!

    7. Happy Birthday, Araminta. I hope you are able to ignore the dire times we are living in for just 24 hours and focus on the things (this site being one) which we are all grateful for. With best wishes, Elsie.

    8. 323439+ up ticks,
      Happy birthday, may the truth never harm you & self respect be yours for a long time yet,

  2. SIR – As a former director of what was the UK Immigration Service (Ports), I am appalled by the record number (409) of illegal entrants arriving in 27 boats in one day (report, September 3).

    The United Kingdom has given multi-millions of pounds to the French to increase security and stop the boats from leaving their shores. It is simply not good enough for them to say that they have 300 miles of coast to patrol – all of these boats will have left from close to Calais, as this is the shortest route to Dover. How could the French possibly fail to see as many as 27 boats departing and not do anything?

    The sooner Britain adopts the Australian tactic of “push back” (the prevention of boats entering the country’s waters) the better. Currently, Border Force cutters are having the opposite effect to preventing this traffic. They as they are acting as lifeboats, and migrants are deliberately heading towards them.

    UN human rights experts have said that push back is probably illegal (although untested in the courts, so far as I am aware), but it had the desired effect and cut the number to virtually zero. In any case, under the terms of the Dublin Regulation, these migrants should have applied for asylum in the first safe country of arrival.

    Finally, we should be told what the French are doing to establish where the traffickers are getting their boats, many of which are rigid inflatables with outboard motors. There cannot be many dealers in such vessels.

    Peter Higgins
    West Wickham, Kent

    The French police stand on the beach like policemen on point duty and send them off in the right direction – or so it seems, Mr Higgins….

    1. Peter Higgins. Mooncalf. Is it my imagination or are people no longer able to make simple deductions or extract the truth from the information presented to them? Neither the French nor British governments have the slightest intention of preventing these people crossing the Channel!

      1. 323439+up ticks,
        Morning AS,
        They know ALL party supporters/members/voters know but many refuse to recognise the fact that their MP / party
        would allow this to happen, back-heeling the fact it has been happening for decades.

      2. The traitors at Central Office are still hoping that we have forgotten that they signed the UN Invasion Pact.

  3. If Andrew Neil has any sense he will resist all attempts to get him back in the BBC where, no doubt, further attempts will be made to muzzle him. Once bitten, twice shy…

    BBC chief asks Andrew Neil, scourge of the woke brigade, to return.

    Tim Davie spent his second day in the new role on a Zoom call with the presenter, who has not been on the BBC since March

    By Robert Mendick,
    6 September 2020 • 9:45am

    In a landmark speech to staff on Thursday, Tim Davie put a ‘renewed commitment’ to impartiality centre stage. The BBC’s new Director-General is trying to woo back Andrew Neil to the corporation in the biggest demonstration yet of his determination to shake off allegations of Left-wing political bias.

    The Telegraph can reveal Tim Davie spent his second day in his new post on a Zoom call with Neil in an attempt to get him back to the BBC.

    Neil, who is regarded as television’s most forensic and feared political interviewer, has not been seen on the BBC since March.

    Widely seen as an antidote to the so-called “woke brigade” which is accused of cultural and political domination at the BBC, executives under the previous regime of Lord Hall had allowed Neil’s contract to lapse.

    But having been ignored by the corporation for almost six months – friends of Neil called his treatment “insulting” – Mr Davie has begun making overtures to lure him back to the broadcaster.

    It is understood he spoke to Neil in the summer to open discussions before formally making a series of offers on Wednesday in a Zoom call on only his second day in post.

    Sources close to the Director-General said: “Tim Davie wants Andrew Neil back at the BBC because he is a bloody good broadcaster. There has always been a collective desire to have Andrew Neil in the fold because of his talent.”

    Neil, who is 71, has spent much of lockdown in France after his eponymous programme – The Andrew Neil Show – was taken off air in March as a result of the pandemic and the impossibility of grilling politicians face to face.

    It was then formally axed in the summer – a victim of swingeing BBC news and current affairs budget cuts.

    Neil, who is chairman of The Spectator magazine and former editor of The Sunday Times, has faced the wrath of Left-wing commentators who have accused him of a “relentless sympathy for Brexit and denunciation of its critics” in posts on his Twitter feed.

    He has previously singled out The Mash Report, BBC Two’s satirical late-night show, which he described as “self satisfied, self adulatory, unchallenged Left-wing propaganda. It’s hardly balance. Could never happen on a politics show. Except this has become a politics show”.

    There were complaints when the BBC gave him his own political interview programme, broadcast at 7pm on BBC2, although even his greatest critics recognise he is a ‘formidable political interviewer’.

    In the last election, Neil demolished Jeremy Corbyn in a searing interview while Boris Johnson preferred to be branded a coward than face a Neil grilling.

    Andrew Neil ’empty-chaired’ Boris Johnson when the Prime Minister declined to be interviewed in 2019
    Andrew Neil ’empty-chaired’ Boris Johnson when the Prime Minister declined to be interviewed for the 2019 election campaign
    Neil has let it be known he was upset that the BBC – under the reign of its former-director general Lord Hall – made no attempt to contact him after his show was taken off air in March.

    So the decision by his successor Mr Davie to contact Neil on only his second day in the job is significant and demonstrates his serious intent to end criticism of the corporation, levelled by the Government and Tory backbenchers, of a Left-wing bias.

    In a landmark speech to staff on Thursday, Mr Davie put a ‘renewed commitment’ to impartiality centre stage and warned anybody who wished to be an “opinionated columnist or a partisan campaigner on social media” that they “should not be working at the BBC”.

    Sources close to the Director-General have disclosed that he wants the BBC to reach out to ‘Brexit Britain’ over a belief the corporation no longer held appeal for large parts of the UK population.

    Mr Davie wants more ‘diverse’ voices on the main television channels and recognises that Neil is one of those.

    The corporation has let it be known that satirical comedy programmes, with a perceived Left-wing bias, face the axe although sources have stressed they will be chopped as much for being not very funny as too biased.

    Neil, who is prolific on Twitter, has promised to rein in his social media posts if the BBC were to re-hire him and if he were required to step into line with tough new guidelines due to be introduced in coming days on the use of social media by BBC journalists.

    His tweets have become more opinionated after his contract with the BBC lapsed but he has backed Mr Davie’s drive for impartiality and a crackdown on opinions on Twitter.

    Mr Davie may struggle to bring back Neil, however. It is understood he is mulling over offers from other broadcasters, which are more lucrative, and that executives from commercial rivals have even travelled to France to hold talks in person.

    1. I often reflect on how different things could have been if, before Farage capitulated, Boris Johnson had been interviewed by Andrew Neil on live TV and the full details of his surrender WA had been revealed. My flabber was completely ghasted that Johnson managed to get away with saying his WA was brilliant and not telling the truth – that it was the same WA that Teraita May had produced.

    2. Is it just my cynical nature or do I detect the distinct aroma of bullshit emanating from Mr Davie?

      1. Nope – spot on. A couple of sops – then more (and more) of the same as before…. Just ask Our Susan.

  4. SIR – Like other readers of right-of-centre newspapers, I was denied the right to receive my Daily Telegraph on Saturday by eco-protesters, with the approval of Labour’s Dawn Butler for “excellent work”.

    Meanwhile, Hertfordshire Police said it was “working to facilitate the rights of both the protesters and those affected by their presence”. I was unaware that police worked with protesters committing a crime, preventing others going about their lawful business and disrupting those printing and distributing a free press.

    Michael Staples
    Seaford, East Sussex

    SIR – The police have recently demonstrated a light touch towards those organising Black Lives Matter and Extinction Rebellion protests, which have caused criminal damage and the blocking of thoroughfares.

    The same police immediately arrested and fined Piers Corbyn for organising an anti-lockdown protest.

    Are the police using their operational independence as a smokescreen for pursuing woke activism? Do we now live in a country where our police can pick and choose which laws they will enforce, and which groups of people they will enforce them against?

    Iwan Price-Evans
    Croydon, Surrey

    Indeed. No further comment required.

      1. and that’s why the sale of guns and ammunition in the US has got to a stage that many locations have sold out. Folk realise that the authorities won’t protect them from the mobs.

    1. Wot a laff! The Telegraph with all its ‘woke’ jounalists, centre right?! It shows I suppose just how far to the left the centre has become…

  5. Toady has just run a legnthy piece about the Brummie stab-fest. No derails mentioned about the perp. But we know it wasn’t a hate crime.

      1. Morning Issy,

        These Somalians are a funny lot ..

        They either run fast then get Knighted by the Queen

        Or they rampage with anger and are handy with the knife , with murderous intent .

        What colour were his victims I wonder , was it black on black crime?

        Is that why the police are saying it wasn’t terrorism?

    1. If only we’d taken a leaf out of his book and used knives to stab the inflatables mid-channel. We would only need to stab two or three to halt the entire flotilla.

      Problem solved at a stroke.

      1. I have been suggesting this sort of thing for some time! But, on humanitarian grounds, we should stab the dinghies fifty yards from the French coast rather than in mid-channel. Non swimmers can mention the snack bar as the waters engulf them.

  6. “The United Kingdom has given multi-millions of pounds to the French…”

    Adding an ‘s’ at the end of a noun usually indicates a plural so what is the difference between ‘millions’ and ‘multi-millions’?

        1. Adam and Eve made themselves breeches to hide their nakedness according to one early translation of the Bible.

          “Then the eies of them both were opened, and they knew that they were naked, and they sewed figge tree leaves together, and made themselves breeches.” In the King James Version of 1611, “breeches” was changed to “aprons”.

          1. Good morning, Grizzly

            Do you remember Thomas Hood who wrote the two poems full of puns Faithless Nelly Gray and Faithless Sally Brown?
            Many Nottlers – unlike Lewis Carroll’s Snark – are fond of puns so I have pasted them here. My father used to recite bits of these when I was a boy to illustrate what puns are. Of course I know what breeches and breaches are and this line came to mind from Ben Battle :

            At duty’s call I left my legs
            In Badajos’s breaches !”

            Faithless Nelly Gray: A Pathetic Ballad
            By Thomas Hood (1798-1845)

            Ben Battle was a soldier bold,
            And used to war’s alarms;
            But a cannon-ball took off his legs,
            So he laid down his arms.

            Now, as they bore him off the field,
            Said he, “Let others shoot;
            For here I leave my second leg,
            And the Forty-second Foot!”

            The army-surgeons made him limbs:
            Said he, “They’re only pegs;
            But there’s as wooden members quite
            As represent my legs!”

            Now, Ben he loved a pretty maid,
            Her name was Nelly Gray;
            So he went up to pay his devours,
            When he devoured his pay!

            But when he called on Nelly Gray,
            She made him quite a scoff;
            And when she saw his wooden legs,
            Began to take them off!

            “O, Nelly Gray! O, Nelly Gray!
            Is this your love so warm?
            The love that loves a scarlet coat
            Should be more uniform!”

            Said she, “I loved a soldier once
            For he was blithe and brave;
            But I will never have a man
            With both legs in the grave!

            “Before you had those timber toes,
            Your love I did allow;
            But then, you know, you stand upon
            Another footing now!”

            “O, Nelly Gray! O, Nelly Gray!
            For all your jeering speeches,
            At duty’s call I left my legs
            In Badajos’s breaches !”

            “Why then,” said she, “you’ve lost the feet
            Of legs in war’s alarms,
            And now you cannot wear your shoes
            Upon your feats of arms!”

            “O, false and fickle Nelly Gray!
            I know why you refuse: —
            Though I’ve no feet — some other man
            Is standing in my shoes!

            “I wish I ne’er had seen your face;
            But, now, a long farewell!
            For you will be my death; — alas
            You will not be my Nell!”

            Now, when he went from Nelly Gray,
            His heart so heavy got,
            And life was such a burden grown,
            It made him take a knot!

            So round his melancholy neck
            A rope he did entwine,
            And, for his second time in life,
            Enlisted in the Line.

            One end he tied around a beam,
            And then removed his pegs,
            And, as his legs were off — of course
            He soon was off his legs!

            And there he hung, till he was dead
            As any nail in town–
            For, though distress had cut him up,
            It could not cut him down!

            A dozen men sat on his corpse,
            To find out why he died–
            And they buried Ben in four cross-roads
            With a stake in his inside!

            Faithless Sally Brown

            Young Ben he was a nice young man,
            A carpenter by trade;
            And he fell in love with Sally Brown,
            That was a lady’s maid.

            But as they fetch’d a walk one day,
            They met a press-gang crew;
            And Sally she did faint away,
            Whilst Ben he was brought to.

            The Boatswain swore with wicked words,
            Enough to shock a saint,
            That though she did seem in a fit,
            ‘Twas nothing but a feint.

            “Come, girl,” said he, “hold up your head,
            He’ll be as good as me;
            For when your swain is in our boat,
            A boatswain he will be.”

            So when they’d made their game of her,
            And taken off her elf,
            She roused, and found she only was
            A coming to herself.

            “And is he gone, and is he gone?”
            She cried, and wept outright:
            “Then I will to the water side,
            And see him out of sight.”

            A waterman came up to her,—
            “Now, young woman,” said he,
            “If you weep on so, you will make
            Eye-water in the sea.”

            “Alas! they’ve taken my beau Ben
            To sail with old Benbow;”
            And her woe began to run afresh,
            As if she’d said Gee woe!

            Says he, “They’ve only taken him
            To the Tender ship, you see”;
            “The Tender-ship,” cried Sally Brown
            “What a hard-ship that must be!”

            “O! would I were a mermaid now,
            For then I’d follow him;
            But Oh!—I’m not a fish-woman,
            And so I cannot swim.

            “Alas! I was not born beneath
            The virgin and the scales,
            So I must curse my cruel stars,
            And walk about in Wales.”

            Now Ben had sail’d to many a place
            That’s underneath the world;
            But in two years the ship came home,
            And all her sails were furl’d.

            But when he call’d on Sally Brown,
            To see how she went on,
            He found she’d got another Ben,
            Whose Christian-name was John.

            “O Sally Brown, O Sally Brown,
            How could you serve me so?
            I’ve met with many a breeze before,
            But never such a blow”:

            Then reading on his ‘bacco box
            He heaved a bitter sigh,
            And then began to eye his pipe,
            And then to pipe his eye.

            And then he tried to sing “All’s Well,”
            But could not though he tried;
            His head was turn’d, and so he chew’d
            His pigtail till he died.

            His death, which happen’d in his berth,
            At forty-odd befell:
            They went and told the sexton, and
            The sexton toll’d the bell.

          2. Good afternoon, Rastus.

            No I haven’t come across those two before but thanks for introducing me to them.

  7. France sinking into ‘barbarity’ claims Marine Le Pen as far-Right chief ratchets up presidential bid. 7 September 2020.

    French far-Right leader Marine Le Pen kicked off her long-haul presidential campaign on Sunday by urging France to “wake up” to the fact that the country was sinking into “barbarity” following a summer of violence.

    Several incidents this summer caused national outrage. A bus driver died after being attacked by passengers who refused to wear masks last month.

    Video footage showed drug dealers openly carrying assault rifles in Grenoble, south-eastern France, forcing the government to order a high-profile police raid on a deprived neighbourhood late last month.

    Rampaging football supporters also smashed and looted shops near the Champs-Elysées after Paris Saint-Germain’s defeat by Bayern Munich.

    I don’t know how bad things are in France; Bill Thomas could probably give us a good idea; but I suspect MSM coverage about it is as false as it is here. It looks to me pretty much like the rest of Europe; it is sinking into the multicultural mire from which there will be no escape. Le Pen is now too old to undertake its recovery which would require another Revolution more intense than its predecessor. There will of course come a moment when all this is realised and White European Civilisation will finally collapse and the Caliphate will be born!

      1. It’s an ill wind that blows no one any good Stephen. We shall at least see the end to perversion taught in schools though we shall have to watch out for flying Guardian columnists!

    1. Good morning Minty

      Pretty quiet in Dinan, thank God, but there are nasty incidents in Rennes 60 km to the south of us.

    2. Not to mention the attacks on horses, and the routine burning of churches. Will things get better? Well, over half the children born in Paris are not proper French.

    3. The new Minister of the Interior has also been “stirring” by suggesting that France has become “savage”

      It’s OK for him to say that, of course – but divisive and racist for Mme Le Pen to say so.

  8. SIR — Our local public convenience was used by bus and lorry drivers as well as the general public, but it closed and is now a barber’s shop. I doubt many bus drivers stop to get their hair cut.

    VE Hooper

    The reason for that isn’t difficult to work out. In previous decades we were populated by far more intelligent people who understood the necessity for public conveniences. That intrinsic intelligence has now been watered down by breeding more and more imbeciles. The retards who are now in charge have no clue about anything so have closed own all the public bogs, despite there being twice as many people needing to use them.

    I shudder to think what the intelligence levels of the species will have deteriorated to over the next few generations. Thankfully I shall not be around to suffer the consequences of their crass idiocy.

    1. VE Hooper, shitholes are getting to be the norm all over the country, so no worries about inconveniencing the public.

    2. I haven’t been shopping for things other than food since February..

      Public conveniences in towns are dire , and this Covid scare is putting many people off.

      1. I remember being in town one afternoon when I was in my late teens and I suffered a spontaneous nosebleed. It was quite copious so I ran down the steps of the public conveniences situated in the market place.

        A group of market traders in there were cleaning up after their day of standing on the market stalls. A number of them came across to me and assisted by placing cold wet tissues over my nose and instructing me to hold my head back whilst pinching my nose. They would not leave until they had stanched the flow. Human nature at its best.

        I shudder to think where I would have gone in a town with no public bogs!

      2. I haven’t either, but there are loos in our local Morrisons which i have used on occasion. It’s not the Covid scare putting me off – I just dislike shopping, and it’s easier to do it online, apart from food, where I do like to see what we’re going to eat. I also hate wearing a mask.

        I need to go into town to buy a bottom sheet, as the one on the bed (actually up on the line now) is past it.

        1. There is no pleasure in shopping; all spontaneity has been removed.
          Quick food shop about once a fortnight – anything else on line.
          And so it will remain until sanity is restored; if ever.

      3. I remember being in town one afternoon when I was in my late teens and I suffered a spontaneous nosebleed. It was quite copious so I ran down the steps of the public conveniences situated in the market place.

        A group of market traders in there were cleaning up after their day of standing on the market stalls. A number of them came across to me and assisted by placing cold wet tissues over my nose and instructing me to hold my head back whilst pinching my nose. They would not leave until they had stanched the flow. Human nature at its best.

        I shudder to think where I would have gone in a town with no public bogs!

  9. It is raining.

    The MR and I will not, after all, be going to yer France for two nights. The prospect of further house arrest upon our return has daunted us.

    I was also told off by my son for putting myself “at risk” – because, apparently, I am “vulnerable”.

    I thought of telling him that I had survived being bombed out, three months in hospital as a 2 year old, the Blitz, the V1 and V2 attacks, measles, whooping cough, dysentery, eight years at boarding school – and that I shall be 80 in four months – and dead soon after – and that if I wanted to have two days of “risky” enjoyment, why not…. but I didn’t. He meant well.

    1. You’ve got to hand it to your boy for sheer chutzpah – my chaps wouldn’t dare mention words like ‘vulnerable’ within my earshot.

  10. A BBC chief has unleashed a series of vile foul-mouthed and leftie outbursts on Twitter – even wishing Donald Trump was dead. (Sun)

    Human resources executive Melanie Briggs also retweeted a statement by a socialist account which questioned why Boris Johnson needed to be in intensive care when fighting coronavirus. The corporation’s London-based “mediation lead” called actor Laurence Fox a c* and posted a smiling selfie of herself with former Labour leader Jeremy Corbyn with the caption ‘JELFIE!!’ and a love heart emoji. She also called right-leaning actor Laurence Fox a “c*nt”,
    In 2017, she retweeted Donald Trump with a message which said: “Please just have a massive coronary and die before you kill everyone else, you deranged, stupid man.” She also described the US President as a “massive c*” but spelt the word in full.

    She has often used foul language and expressed left wing views.

    Just the right person to take over Woman’s Hour when the two resident elephants leave the room. 😁

    1. Just the right person to sweep up the elephants’ dung after they’ve left. Sounds as though that’s all she’s fit for.

    1. The truly sad bit is that these gimmigrants are beig trafficked. They are literally sold into slavery.

      The Left, those wailing, teeth gnashing Islingtonites who claim to abhore slavery are the ones now responsible for it.

      1. 323439+ up ticks,
        Morning W,
        I do see all the governance party politico’s as being in collusion, and only to be expected what with the eu scam under serious threat of closing down and a great many political lifestyles being put in jeopardy.

  11. 323439+ uo ticks,
    De-fund any tax- payer finances going uni/ students way why would the decent people wish to don, along with the BBc scam, yet another hair shirt ?

    1. Diversity strength, big city, get used to it, nothing to see here, if you do see it, we’ll silence you and arrest you for pointing out the truth that we don’t like.

  12. ‘Morning, Peeps.

    SIR – Democracy is under threat from a unholy alliance including Extinction Rebellion, BLM, Marxists and those who want to end the nation state.

    They are committed to dismantling what they call imperialism, capitalism, white supremacy, patriarchy and the state structures that they don’t like.

    They expect to be judge and jury of which state structures must be taken down, even of what we think and say. That is the antithesis of democracy.

    All democratic parties must surely combine to defeat them, while our public servants and the BBC must avoid giving them comfort.

    Roger J Arthur
    Pulborough, West Sussex

    Fat chance, Roger J Arthur…your final paragraph raised a hollow laugh here, I can tell you!

    SIR – Like other readers of right-of-centre newspapers, I was denied the right to receive my Daily Telegraph on Saturday by eco-protesters, with the approval of Labour’s Dawn Butler for “excellent work”.

    Meanwhile, Hertfordshire Police said it was “working to facilitate the rights of both the protesters and those affected by their presence”. I was unaware that police worked with protesters committing a crime, preventing others going about their lawful business and disrupting those printing and distributing a free press.

    Michael Staples
    Seaford, East Sussex

    Fear not, Michael Staples; Dawn Butler’s anti-democratic ‘congratulations’ is a stick with which she can be beaten for as long as she remains in politics, no doubt the Conservatives will use it frequently. Oh wait…

    SIR – The police have recently demonstrated a light touch towards those organising Black Lives Matter and Extinction Rebellion protests, which have caused criminal damage and the blocking of thoroughfares.

    The same police immediately arrested and fined Piers Corbyn for organising an anti-lockdown protest.

    Are the police using their operational independence as a smokescreen for pursuing woke activism? Do we now live in a country where our police can pick and choose which laws they will enforce, and which groups of people they will enforce them against?

    Iwan Price-Evans
    Croydon, Surrey

    Spot on, Mr Double-Barrelled; welcome to ‘partial policing’. Expect much more of the same.

    SIR – Extremist minorities who take over pressure groups encourage breaking the law to provoke the authorities into aggressive measures that will be shown on television and portray the “protesters” as innocent victims of state oppression and the police as agents of this.

    Their twin objectives are the overthrow of our free and democratic society (to which we assent) and to impose another (to which we do not).

    Thus far, in my lifetime, no minority has succeeded because in general our authorities and the police have reacted in a measured and humane manner, and frustrated the provocateurs.

    William Fleming
    Frimley, Surrey

    Convenient intervention by ‘extremist minorities, William Fleming. XR incapable of anarchy on their own? I don’t buy this.

    SIR – Press freedom allows Extinction Rebellion to promote its point of view, but, when its Utopia is established, such freedom will become extinct. Is there a branch of Extinction Rebellion in China?

    Charles Coulson
    Quarrington, Lincolnshire

    SIR – The newspaper review on Radio 4’s Broadcasting House referred to the Sunday Telegraph headline that Extinction Rebellion “only wants a press if it agrees with their agenda”.

    All three panellists disagreed. Comments included: “It’s only one day”, “They’ve got us talking”, “Most people get their news online”, “Papers are owned by billionaires, so it’s not a free press”, and other inanities. The highlight was: “Everyone got their paper eventually anyway,” which wasn’t true.

    I doubt the panel’s opinions are shared by many. To have all three consider Extinction Rebellion’s conduct acceptable is another example of the BBC being badly out of touch.

    Richard May
    Horncastle, Lincolnshire

    That’s the BBC for you, Richard May. And it’s far worse than merely being “badly out of touch” too.

    SIR – A reverse Churchillian two fingers to Extinction Rebellion for trying to prevent me reading the paper. I read Saturday’s on my iPad.

    David Lawson
    Leamington Spa, Warwickshire

    1. My parish magazine ‘The Sphere’ (so named because of the acronym created with the names of the villages in its circulation: Bransford, Alfrick, Lulsley, Leigh and Suckley) has not had a print edition since March, since the Government equivalent of ER closed the church where the print machine is located.

      1. My (church) parish magazine hasn’t been printed since March, either. An on-line .pdf version is circulated.

    2. What I read from the above, is that the Tory sheep are finally starting to wake up. However, they don’t seem to have joined the dots far enough yet to realise that the Conservative party is facilitating and encouraging this treason.

  13. Police release footage of Birmingham murder suspect on the run after one is killed and seven injured. 7 September 2020.

    A manhunt is underway for a young, black “Somalian” murder suspect behind a spate of stabbings in Birmingham city centre.

    On Sunday night, police released footage of the suspect, whom the public has been warned not to approach, pacing the street shortly before 2am.

    Dressed in black jeans, with a black hoodie and black cap, he had already stabbed most of his victims, killing a 23-year-old man.

    Detectives quickly ruled out terrorism, saying there was “no suggestion” that it was a hate crime or that gangs were involved. They said the stabbings appeared to be random, with no obvious links between the victims.

    How would the police know all these things without yet apprehending, identifying or interviewing the Man?

    1. 323439+ up ticks,
      I thought along the same lines yesterday on hearing the news, how could they conclude this at such short notice even Columbo takes an hour,
      Then someone in authority tried to link it to covid fallout
      & stress.

    2. 323439+ up ticks,
      I thought along the same lines yesterday on hearing the news, how could they conclude this at such short notice even Columbo takes an hour,
      Then someone in authority tried to link it to covid fallout
      & stress.

    3. He is black.
      Therefore he can’t have committed a hate crime against white people.
      That’s how they “know.”

      1. Maybe this is a cultural misunderstanding. He was thanking Blighty for providing refuge for him, but chose the time honoured Somalian method.
        We really must stop expecting the world to conform to our quaint ways.

    4. If you are dressed in a military uniform comprising black hoodie, black jeans and black cap, and are stabbing the “privileged” enemy at random, then of course you are immune from any suggestion that you are a criminal indulging in a hate crime.

      He is just being diverse, and therefore must be protected from any legal sanction, while he goes about his lawful business. Indeed, the authorities may insist that there be more of them, in order to maintain Equality quotas. Compulsory training in primary schools may be a start?

    5. Good morning all

      A huge media coverup.

      Eltiona Skana, of Somali descent, has been charged with her murder and remanded to custody until September 15. She is being detained …

      A woman accused of murdering a seven-year-old girl in a park on Mother’s Day has appeared in court via a video link from a high-security mental hospital.

      Eltiona Skana, 30, who was wearing a black and white Adidas tracksuit top and clutching a tissue, spoke only to confirm her name when she appeared on screen from Rampton Hospital, Nottinghamshire, during the three-minute hearing at Manchester Magistrates’ Court.

      Skana, originally from Albania, is charged with the murder of Emily Jones, who was stabbed to death in Queen’s Park, Bolton, when she was with her parents on the afternoon of Sunday March 22.

      Skana was arrested at the scene and later detained under the Mental Health Act.
      Reading stabbings: Suspect revealed as Libyan Khairi Saadallah as police declare terror incident

      Police have declared a knife rampage that killed three in Reading as a terror incident.

      Witnesses claimed he approached a group of middle aged men who had been sat drinking in the park and suddenly began stabbing at them.

      Three men died in the attack and one other remains in hospital in a stable condition. Another has been discharged.

      The man arrested at the scene yesterday is Khairi Saadallah, a 25-year-old refugee from Libya, The Telegraph can reveal.

      Mr Saadallah was detained by police in Forbury Gardens on Saturday evening.


      So , I suspect this latest Birmingham knife attack will be Kif induced and the chap will be detained under the mental health act.

      I just don’t get it though , do you? Why was the random killing of the three people a terror attack , but the slaughter of a little girl in a park regarded as an act by a mentally disturbed refugee Somalian woman.

    1. Quite right Nigel. In case you didn’t notice, they had already bowed to the woke agenda when you decided to pull your candidates from Tory winnable seats at the last election.

      1. Was the Brexit Party a “false flag” exercise? Did it encourage Leavers to exert themselves, and then the Brexit Party withdrew themselves from the field of battle so that only the Tories held out the possibility of Leaving?
        Whether we will leave in any meaningful way remains to be seen.

          1. You are right: I am by nature and by reason a Conservative Party supporter. However the Conservative Party no longer exists in any meaningful sense

          2. Yes – but whom do you trust and for whom would you vote?

            If I had a vote my vote would go to NOTA (None of the Above) if the votes for it were counted and if, in cases where NOTA topped the voting nobody was returned to office.

            Most Nottlers have been completely disenfranchised.

          3. I have no vote – been away too long.
            I haven’t noticed anybody that seems properly honest for a long time. Where some make a good start, they soon are revealed to be the same lying bastard as the others.
            I had hopes for Boris, Patel & Sunak – all fell by the wayside.
            I guess it would have to be Lord Tebbit, if he could wind his clock back about 40 years.

    2. Marvellous, clear stuff from Nigel Farage.

      But why, oh why did Farage capitulate to Boris Johnson and agree for the Brexit Party not to stand in Conservative seats held by remainers? This was his great mistake – we all make mistakes and the sooner he admits it the better for his credibility.

      When Starmer and Labour show that they are likely to win a general election will Farage be able to persuade the remaining true Conservatives (e.g.s John Redwood, Owen Paterson, Richard Drax) to join him in the new party which will extinguish the current emasculated Conservative Party for once and for all? The future continued existence of Britain depends on it.

      1. why did Farage capitulate to Boris Johnson – because he always walks away from a problem. He has no stomach for a fight. Abandoned UKIP, abandoned TBP. When the going gets tough, Nigel wimps out.

      2. We could be currently under Labour leadership if the BP had contested all the seats. I was going to vote for them but there was no candidate and I refused to vote for Sheryl Murray.

      3. 323439+ up ticks,
        Afternoon R,
        You really do have the makings of a top ersatz tory supporter.
        Put a very serious problem in front of farage
        as in islamic ideology and he will out pace anything Emile Zatopek has achieved.
        He I am sure was one of the main orchestrators for the 80 seat win.

  14. BBC Radio 4 News reporting that a 27 year old man has been arrested in the hunt for the stabber.

  15. Good morning, all. Autumn mist and mellow fruitfulness here in ye Narfurk.

    Obviously another “refugee” unhappy with his lodgings and benefits. Perfectly understandable that he should go round killing people.

    And OF COURSE the perlice cold not indicate that the were looking for a “black” killer on the run, could they? That would have been divisive. And he might have been caught before he attacked the others. Promotions all round.

    1. The elms round here are turning golden, not yet the sycamores or ash.
      I’ll probably harvest the fruit from my two small trees later in the week.
      The Lord Derby can wait a bit longer though it’s got such a heavy crop this year that I’m not sure what to do with all the fruit!

      1. Apple crumble? Cider? Apple sauce for pork? My lord Derby has had a good crop this year. I’ve made damson jam today while I was waiting for the meeting to start.

  16. Production of 30m doses of Oxford vaccine for UK already underway. 7 September 2020.

    AstraZeneca has already begun production of the UK government’s initial order of 30m doses of its coronavirus vaccine, which has been developed in collaboration with researchers at Oxford University.

    The vaccine has not been approved for use and is still undergoing trials in the UK, Brazil and South Africa. However, last month, Prof Andrew Pollard, the director of the Oxford Vaccine Group, said it is “just possible” that there may be enough clinical trial data on Oxford University’s Covid-19 vaccine to put before the regulators this year.

    Only a cynic like myself would think that this is because Vlad’s Vaccine has already passed its first trials and it looks like it’s going to work.

  17. 323439+ up ticks,
    Morning Each,
    If a travel warrant was to be found for this foreign stabber chap say from Dover to london would it make a difference or is the victim mortality rate
    not high enough yet to trigger genuine protective action to be taken.

    Maybe these governance party’s could clarify this issue by bringing out a
    table of acceptable deaths due to mass uncontrolled immigration before action needs to be taken.

    Plus, when stab-proof vests are part of the school uniforms will they still be subject to VAT ?

  18. The inquiry into the Manchester Arena bombing has started.
    “The public inquiry into the Manchester Arena terror attack “will leave no stone unturned”, the lead counsel says.”
    Was he laughing when he said that? There are questions to be answered.
    Did our intelligence and security services know about the perpetrators and the planned bombing beforehand?
    Why did the venue “security” people not respond to the worries of those reporting the bomber as suspicious in the hour before the attack?
    Why were rescue and medical services prevented from entering the building for hours after the attack?

    The first question will never be answered. Much of the evidence will be held “in camera” without lawyers representing the victims being present. In any event the names of those involved will be “A”,”B” and “C”. There will be no admission that our security services knew the perpetrators, far less that they were being watched, and that the security people decided not to intervene in the hope of catching other conspirators.
    The “security” at the venue was probably amateur. Mohammed Agha has questions to answer as has his boss. They will surely carry the can.
    The answer will be “there may have been another bomb”. This is nonsense, of course. If there is such a fear the the ambulancemen and doctors could make their own decision about going in to help the injured and dying. I don’t doubt what those decisions would have been.

    I am a bit surprised that after these attacks there are seldom any reports of raids on the friends, family and acquaintances of the perpetrators. Why are the cities not being torn apart by such investigations?
    Still, it’s not all bad. Shares in whitewash manufacturers are on the rise again.

    1. 323439+ up ticks,
      Afternoon HP,
      I have asked more than once why the relatives & close associates are not deported same day a guilty verdict is announced.

      Why assist a vengeful relative / friend kill / maim more.

      A REAL track & trace campaign that would be beneficial to all.

    2. 323439+ up ticks,
      Afternoon HP,
      I have asked more than once why the relatives & close associates are not deported same day a guilty verdict is announced.

      Why assist a vengeful relative / friend kill / maim more.

      A REAL track & trace campaign that would be beneficial to all.

      1. Indeed. At our meeting tonight, a previous housing questionnaire’s results were deemed to not tell people what was needed. My cynical thought was, it told you the truth, but not what you wanted to hear!

      1. “The jungle drums were out and people went out of their way to spot my boat and help get it back.”
        I am surprised that this expression was allowed to be printed. Surely such cultural appropriation must not go unpunished.

        1. The expression may not be as widely understood as you think.

          When I was being taken to hospital in an ambulance 2 years ago, I was chatting with the paramedic & used the expression ‘bush telegraph’. Although he was early 30s & obviously white British & loquacious , he did not understand & I had to explain it to him.

      1. That actually happened to a friend of mine, a very respectable young lady, who was at an afternoon do where tea & cake were being passed around. She asked quietly if she might have a coffee instead. The reaction couldn’t have been more dramatic if she had asked for a double whisky.

      1. The right to read One Day in the Life of Alexander Solzenytzin (sp?) whenever we want.

        Morning Bilty 🙂

        1. I read that when i was 13 or 14. It left me feeling a bit paranoid and that i was being watched. My friends laughed at me. They’re not laughing now.

          1. There was a very good radio adaptation in 1968. I recall it – because I was painting the stairs in my first house!

          2. I was only two in 1953 but I knew what a wireless was.

            It was on 16 hours of the day (Light Programme)!

          3. I don’t think we had one. We didn’t have a television either. We were poor. I remember sleeping four in a bed.

          4. I must have been from an upper-working class mining family. I recall having a telly at my grandma’s house (where we lived until I was four). It was only on for a few hours each day and I remember being told that I cried every time Andy Pandy finished because I thought ‘Teddy’ was mine and he’d been taken away! :•(

          5. Apparently, and I blush to admit it, when Andy and Teddy were waving goodbye, I used to rush up to the screen to kiss Teddy goodbye! Thankfully, I wasn’t attracted to Andy Pandy at all – bestiality was clearly my thing 🙂

          6. As the satirical song about Blair put it in its ironic personification:

            “Now socially I’m nouveau, lower, upper middle class
            But my Oxford vowel sounds I’ve exchanged for flatter O’s and Rs
            I despise the aristocracy – I’m an inverted snob
            But I look down with contempt upon the Prescott type of yob”.

          7. “There were four in the bed and the little one said, “roll over” – and they all rolled over and one fell out…” etc etc.

          8. There was a very good radio adaptation in 1968. I recall it – because I was painting the stairs in my first house!

    1. Much to hard for my colonial brain. Try this easier crossword.

      1. □

      1. Indefinite article
      1. First letter of Alphabet

    1. More false victim-hood. As I understand islamic guidance, dogs for hunting or guarding are permitted. Its the sleeping in the the bed stuff, and petting, that are not allowed.

    2. The weak-kneed, woke police show how useless they are, yet again. Only the IQ-challenged ‘Asians’ make a fuss about dogs. I have known many Muslims who have dogs as pets, even in Saudi Arabia.

      I was once at a petrol station in Jeddah. A Yemeni attendant was filling my tank. Another car drove up with an old English sheepdog on the back seat. The Yemeni said “Oh, my God, look at that! Is it a pig?”

    3. “A number of locals said it was not right to use the dog and asked if I could do something. I’m satisfied the matter is being investigated and a solution will be found.”

      Indeed. You could suggest they move to a Muslim country.

  19. 323439+ up ticks,
    Make it a win double de-fund the BBc & Unies the BBc forever & unies for a decade.
    Report: Britain’s ‘Neutral’ Civil Service Infested with Radical Ideas on ‘Tackling Whiteness’,
    VIRGINIA HALE7 Sep 2020, 12:42 AM PDT98

  20. Russia’s Alexei Navalny out of coma, is responsive. 7 September 2020.

    The German hospital treating Russian opposition leader Alexei Navalny says he has been taken out of an induced coma and is responsive.

    Navalny, a fierce, high-profile critic of Russian President Vladimir Putin, was flown to Germany on Aug. 22, two days after falling ill on a domestic flight in Russia. German chemical weapons experts say tests show that the 44-year-old Navalny was poisoned with a Soviet-era nerve agent, prompting the German government last week to demand that Russia investigate the case.

    Yes he’ll be doing cartwheels around the bed next week and then off to Florida and a well-earned retirement. If I were him though I would be really careful of door handles from now on. Russians are a rather unforgiving lot!

  21. From an article it today’s Telegraph –

    Definition of the word Spree –

    “A lively frolic or
    outing. a bout or spell of drinking to intoxication; binge; carousal. a
    period, spell, or bout of indulgence, as of a particular wish, craving,
    or whim: an eating spree; a spending spree”.
    “Ah Well . . . . ?”

    1. Even more grist-to-the-mill evidence of the exponential lowering of journalistic standards at a once vaunted broadsheet, now far worse than any tabloid rag.

    2. And further more, yesterday on the BBC news they interviewed the parents of one of the innocent bright young little girls killed at the Manchester arena Bombing 2017. It seemed as if they were being led into blaming the police and other authorities for the murders.
      And of course the bbc only spoke of as a ‘suicide bomber’ not the vile heinous islamic mass murdering terrorist he actually was.

    3. The English language is constantly evolving; in deference to our enrichers, ‘stabbing spree’ has now entered the lexicon.

  22. Novak Djokovic is expelled from the US Open tennis competition for hitting a ball in anger which hit a line judge. Most people in the game who have also received bans from continuing in a tournament seem to think that the people running the tournament had no option.

    But heigh ho! Never miss the chance to play the race card! One player thinks that because he is not white he would have been punished more severely

    ‘How many years would I be banned for?’ – said Nick Kyrgios, Australian tennis player

    But I do wonder whether, if the offence had been committed by a black player, the officials would, out of fear of BLM and being accused of racism, have been more lenient rather than harsher.

    1. The right decision. Although not intentional Djokovic is far too cocky and has endangered others by his attitude. He needs to control his temper.

      Would the offence if committed by a black player be more lenient ? Possibly….depends on the official. Is he woke……

      1. A bleck would be praised for his/her “restraint”… having been provoked by the presence of a white line judge.

    2. That may be a chicken coming home to roost. The arrogant Djoko, against all advice, organised a minor Baltic/Adriatic tennis tournament in the middle of the Corona crisis. He & several other players & back-up crew caught the virus &, as far as I know, all survived. It could be that somebody had his card marked & was looking for the next excuse to rope him in.

    3. He’d not be banned, instead put in a squad car and shot seven times by the perleese. That’s the minimum a black person can expect, innit?

  23. A private school girl, mothers who excuse gang rape and a terrifying culture clash no one dares talk about: How Somalian men are living by their own laws… and causing devastating repercussions in Britain
    Three Somali men jailed for raping a 16-year-old girl in Rusholme in 2013
    Rapists were Mowled Omar Yussaf, Muhyadeen Osman and Bilal Ahmed
    Yussaf gave victim’s parents the middle finger as he was led from dock
    ‘I stayed quiet because I thought they would kill me,’ victim told the Mail
    Her parents have received abuse and intimidation from rapists’ families

    Somali gangs are now major players in the heroin and crack cocaine trade in London, Birmingham, Sheffield and on the South Coast, often replacing the established underworld order by being prepared to resort to the most extreme levels of violence.

    1. Good morning Maggiebelle

      And the PTB will do nothing about it because it is what Common Purpose wants.

      1. Modern slavery? A disrupted society full of crime and an economy obliterated in paying for the ineffective?

        The first thing should be to remove charitable status from that organisation.

    2. The story is five years old – but horrific still. This country has been overrun with Somalis. They always were the most vicious of East Africans.

    1. Well, I’m v.v. pissed off with this lockdown carp, but my kitchen knives remain – in the kitchen.

    1. How times change. The theme is not the behaviour of the players in respect of their attitude towards women but the undeadly virus.

      1. While I agree that the foopballers’ (sic) behaviour was “unsafe” (as they say far too often these days) – it does appear that the two women were, er, “gagging for it” – unlike other recent incidents of rape.

    1. So how is it that mentally ill “lone wolves” almost invariably come from one death cult. Hmm, ponders….

      1. I would be mentally ill if i had to stick my bum in the air and mumble prayers to a paedophile sadist 5 times a day. Still there is some good news…his Aunt fell off a donkey and died.

        1. Their sacred book “written” by their illiterate prophet, explains all . Very simple: do as I say or die.

      1. 323439+ up ticks,
        Met a few up the Ivory Coast ( cane Cutters )
        didn’t give a flying f…. about written or spoken English just how you acted in the main.
        I found the endearing thing about them was
        at 7 am they would greet you with “get a beer”
        oh, good morning.
        Good blokes.

  24. Two heavyweights of the BBC programme, Woman’s Hour, are to retire. Jane Garvey (21st) and Jenni Murray (23st) have both announced they are leaving the long running programme to concentrate on their favourite pastime – eating. The continuing covid virus problem has created a serious reduction in pizza deliveries at Woke HQ and life has become insupportable. Goodbye ladies, we shall miss you both – and the studio furniture will be greatly relieved too.,enhance,format&crop=faces,entropy,edges&fit=crop&w=620&h=413

    1. I have never understood why the fatter one always has a nappy over her shoulder. I wonder if she dribbles.

      1. Dame Jenni Murray is leaving BBC Radio 4’s Woman’s Hour – having been the longest-serving presenter in the show’s 74-year history. 33 Years of continuous dribble and drivel. Another world record.

      2. Tudor dinner table etiquette; you draped a napkin over one shoulder so you could wipe your fingers after each mouthful.

  25. XR are not the only ones who want to make press freedom extinct. Spiked 7 September 2020.

    The attack on press freedom was outrageous enough to be met with condemnation from many who normally keep quiet about XR’s disruptive antics. As The Sunday Times’ headline declared, ‘MPs unite in defence of free speech: fury after blockade stops 1.5m newspapers’. There is much talk of having XR declared an ‘organised crime’ outfit, and subject to special anti-terrorism or saboteur laws.

    But these attempts to paint XR as extremists opposed by all reasonable people misses the point. Extinction Rebellion is supported by many respectable voices in the middle classes and the establishment. And they don’t just endorse its surreal environmental goals. Many of them also back XR’s attempts to disrupt the media.

    I think there’s a little Black Propaganda going on here. The MSM are of course enthusiastic supporters of XR and BLM etc. Indeed without its help both would be minor crank organisations staffed by Progressive loonies. Nevertheless XR overstepped the mark here by biting the hand that feeds it and possibly screwing up the whole operation so they are getting a spanking from the Whiter than White Democratic MSM who once it is satisfied it has learned its lesson will forgive them and resume its support.

    1. There is already a plethora of laws relating to obstructing highways and stopping people going about their business.
      The police are too busy prancing around in tutus and grovelling to thugs to actually apply them.

      1. “Terrorism Act 2002

        Terrorism: interpretation.
        (1)In this Act “terrorism” means the use or threat of action where—
        (a)the action falls within subsection (2),
        (b)the use or threat is designed to influence the government [F1or an international governmental organisation] or to intimidate the public or a section of the public, and
        (c)the use or threat is made for the purpose of advancing a political, religious [F2, racial] or ideological cause.

        (2)Action falls within this subsection if it—
        (a)involves serious violence against a person,
        (b)involves serious damage to property,
        (c)endangers a person’s life, other than that of the person committing the action,
        (d)creates a serious risk to the health or safety of the public or a section of the public, or
        (e)is designed seriously to interfere with or seriously to disrupt an electronic system.”

        The offences of XR and BLM would seem to be covered by this.

        1. Since much of the world here in Norway speak Merkin, I have had to become fluent. Like adjusting your dialect when you go home.

          1. I’ll ‘ave thee know, it’s same ovver ‘ere in DillSill land. Tha’ll not catch me speakin’ t’Yank, tha’ knows!

          2. I gave up kicking against the pricks :-)). Too much breath wasted explaining wtf I was on about.
            And I can’t abide wasted breath. It mithers.

          3. I get mithered when I watch UK dramas that have subtitles in Yank!

            [The boss insists on having subtitles showing so that Scouse/Brummie/Geordie/Jock/Taff/Sarfend can be understood.]

          4. There’s a current programme on BBC called Harlots which has a bunch of Regency Dandies, all bewigged and powdered, nancying around all the brothels. It was that lot that invented RP as a “jape” and mark of inclusivity; and the Royals, not wishing to be left out, aped them.

          5. Makes me hoot with laughter, so it does. My lads are fascinated by it – “did people really talk like that?”

          6. Living south of the M4, I’ve discovered that – in order to be understood, the large white receptacle in which one carries out one’s ablutions is a baarth. And those narrow unmetalled roads which one is able to walk on, are paaths.

          7. That bit of green just outside the carssul window is likely graarss, as well.
            Weird, eh?

  26. Beeboid shock: White woman to present “Women’s Hour”.

    Stand by for the predicable outcry….from the usual suspects.

    1. Who cares, it’s just more lefty feminist BS. My mother used to switch it off in the early days of Jenni Murray.

  27. On a grey Monday, when human stupidity has been paraded in front of me in all inglorious variety, one thing has got my goat more than anything else; telling youngsters not to kill granny by going anywhere near the elderly.
    How DARE Handyc0ck place such a burden on children and teenagers? They’ve already had their lives bŭggered up by a feeble government that was panicked by an hysterical media into ruining this country’s economic, psychological and social condition.
    Mere words cannot express my disgust at this useless, patronising popinjay.
    How Bloody Dare He!

    1. A wedding of two great friends of mine is going ahead at the end of October. They have dis-invited 100 people and her Dad is not allowed to walk her down the aisle.

      I bought their wedding present two years ago when they announced they were getting married. A rather lovely Art Deco engraved bowl with birds etched into the crystal.

      And as Mrs Bucket would say, it would grace the sideboard of any discerning middle class personage admirably.

      I told her she wasn’t getting it now and would have to make do with some Tupperware.

      (She understands my humour).

      As to Handcock he can go and have a solitary wank because i won’t be listening to anything him or his party have to say about anything ever again.

      Signed…Up yours.

      1. Not being walked up the aisle by your father is horrible, if he is willing and able!
        Could they not have managed that if they belonged to the same household (having moved a suitcase in the previous week)?

      1. Many years ago there was a splendid cartoon, possibly in Punch, where a city slicker says to the urchins:

        “Excellent value, I’ll take it”

    1. Bert “Well we did try 69 in our seventies didn’t we?”
      Ada “But Bert, I had to phone 111 to find out how to retrieve my teeth!”

  28. That’s me for this dreary, grey, rainy – and decidedly chilly – day. Hope it improves tomorrow.

    A demain

  29. We’ve got the road closure signs being dropped off outside. They’re resurfacing between here & Cromford so it could get a bit noisy tonight.

    1. Deep joy. When I lived in Thetford, adjacent to the railway line, one weekend, they replaced all the tracks. In the middle of the night. Sleep wasn’t possible. Fascinating to watch, though.

      1. Blimey Geoff My house backed onto the railway line in Thetford in Woodlands Drive. I always got woken by one particular train which passed at 3am

        1. Bloody hell, Spikey. I was in Masefield Walk, off Shelley Way! Just by the footbridge. Between 1988 and 1998. We might have been neighbours… (PS – sorry for the late reply; my ‘red dot’ doesn’t always work…)

  30. Bl**dy H*ll, they’ve done something right for once.
    “Prince Harry and Meghan have paid back £2.4m for Frogmore Cottage”
    I expect there will now be a complaint about the inequitable ways of referring to them in the headline.
    Prince Harry and Duchess Meghan?
    The DuKe and Duchess of Sussex
    Better just Harry and Meghan – they want to disassociate themselves from their responsibilities after all.

    1. Although, this coinki-dinky is a bit too itchy beard …
      “Prince Harry and Meghan Markle insist glittering Invictus Games fundraiser to be shown on Amazon Prime was axed because of Covid and NOT their £112 million deal with rivals Netflix”

  31. Screaming baby is hoisted to safety from latest boat packed with 14 migrants caught trying to cross the English Channel
    Baby is pictured screaming as Border Force officials hoist it to safety from a boat
    14 migrants were picked up in a boat attempting to cross the Channel today
    They were taken to Dover in three separate boats and brought ashore by officials


    Concerns were raised over the deportation of the 11 Syrians when it emerged that they had been left ‘confused and distressed’ when they ended up alone on the streets of Madrid.

    When their UK Government-chartered flight touched down in Spain authorities declined responsibility for them, and they were left alone until an aid group picked them up.

    I really don’t know how to feel ..
    Are Spain , France and Germany without humanity and who are the traffickers who are exploiting these poor people.

    1. Who are the congenital bloody idiots who contribute to charities that support and encourage the illegal immigrants?

      1. The ‘Foundations’ of Gates, Blairs, Clintons. Obamas and Soros money, endless pots of money there. These foundations feed into the charities and NGOs, I suspect.

        1. At the high level, probably, but it’s the small local ones, Calais camps and the like, where people are physically helping out that I cannot fathom.

      2. The church perhaps , lawyers and human rights groups. I wish I knew .

        What on earth has Britain got to offer , our country has attracted the worst type of migrant , yet Syrians are probably the better lot of the bunch , at least they are covered from head to foot , and possess decent IQs and probably have something to offer.

    2. They aren’t children. They cheerfully paid a lot of money to break our laws in Europe, they can pay a bit more to go home.

    3. I know exactly how to feel – turn ’em back, sink the boats and save lives (ours as well as theirs).

    1. I wonder what will happen to that footballer’s child and girlfriend when she sees his Icelandic antics.


          1. Definitely if a lot of dribbling was followed by a shot from the box… Raining today, I must get out more.

    1. Let’s be equally clear, Mr. Hammond, the weaselly deal that your boss tried to contrive would have been worse than being full members of the EU.

      Now, take yourself back to the rat’s arse that you slithered out of and leave Boris to deal with the EU.

      EDIT for BoB, feel free to reply to PH in that vein.

      1. As I understand numerous comments on this forum, the deal created by Boris and his Government is turning out to be pretty much the same as the weaselly deal concocted by Mrs May. There is little to be gained from identifying the flaws in the previous administration if the same flaws, and perhaps even worse, are present in this Government. We expected better! I have no confidence that Boris could, let alone will, deal with the EU.

        1. If BJ walks away with no WA, as he is threatening, then I think all will be well.
          I’m not suggesting that I trust him, merely that anything is likely to be better than the deal concocted by May and Hammond

          1. My irritation is that we could have had a no-deal exit years ago. For all his bluster, I don’t think that he will wish to be associated with a no-deal exit that we could have had years ago – it will be hard to sell this to the nation as a success and he may then decide that, actually, any deal will be more palatable to the electorate than no-deal and we end up with something much like the May WA. Of course, he will say that it is so much better but…….

          2. “Four and a half wasted years”. Well at least Boris will have united the country as Remainers and Leavers will be equally PO.

          3. Peddy complains about me being repetitive but since before the December election I have been saying repeatedly that Boris was very keen to not disclose the details of his ‘brilliant’ ‘oven-ready’ WAdeal.

            Was this because his WA was the same as Teraita May’s Surrender WA and was this why he refused to be grilled on TV by Andrew Neil?

            I did not trust Johnson then; I do not trust him now – but I am hoping that he will bumble into leaving the EU without a deal by a bungling cock up. This would be the best solution.

        1. Apart from Nottle and the odd foray into Breitbart and the like I don’t “do” social meeja any more.

          I would be banned instantaneously.

          Hell’s teeth even the Urban Dictionary has refused my contributions.

          1. I don’t because I won’t.

            You don’t because you can’t.
            Unless the MR holds your hand.
            And I doubt she would approve of what you would like to write, so would prevent you!

    1. Barnes Wallis had a supersonic flying wing model flying in 1954. He took it to the UK Aviation authorities and MoD who dismised the concept. Barnes Wallis then gave it to the Americans who took it up. One of his design principles was not to have a tail on the platform to reduce drag. I was at a lecture he gave in 1971 and his comment was priceless, the first thing the Americans did was to stick a tail on it “I have more design knowledge in my toe nail parings than the entire American aviation industry”.

        1. I feared that it had crashed.

          I have seen large model aircraft – which took years to build – crashing to turn into a pile of kindling.

          When I was a teenager, RAF Waterbeach hosted the annual large model aircraft show….

    1. 1. How is BJ/HMG ‘attempting to legislate domestically to override international law’?
      2. What is Beaky’s view on the EU’s disregard for international law, including its own, in respect of ‘refugees’?

      1. When did May’s Withdrawal Agreement become international law? Maybe I missed some underhand May & Hammond dirty deal somewhere along the four year delay in the implementation of the democratic vote to leave the EU.

        Hammond and May and Cameron and Clegg and Gordon Brown and Tony Blair should be put in front of a Nuremberg style trial for their affronts to our nation. Needless wars and untold suffering as a result of their actions.

    1. 1. Wait till it rains.
      2. A near miss there with the solo cyclist (probably from the UK).

      In 1990, I was in Tilburg with some friends for a beer festival. The mass of cyclists at the rush-hour bordered on the terrifying for pedestrians.

      1. Better to be hit by two hundredweight of bike and rider at 10mph than two tons of car at 20mph

        1. In four years walking the same stretch of pavement (city main road), I’ve had one terrifying near miss with a car. I have terrifying near misses with cyclists several times a year.
          Using the pavement as an overtaking lane for the bike lane; going at top speed round blind corners where pedestrians are walking, jumping traffic lights as pedestrians are crossing etc.
          They are going a lot faster than 10 mph, and their default behaviour when seeing a pedestrian in their path is to ring their damn bell for the pedestrian to jump out of the way. A car driver’s default behaviour is to brake.

          1. Around these parts they wear earphones with their favourite music, have no bells and career around with no regard for other human life. They are a bloody menace to society.

        2. A lot of bicycles do more than 10mph and almost all are reckless. The Lycra louts are incredibly anti-social. They would descend on the garden centre restaurant in Coton where we took the in-laws for Sunday lunch, leave mud and food remains all over the tables and floor. The sweaty skid marks they left on the banquette seating and chairs had to be sanitised after they left.

      1. Raadhuisstraat by the Herengracht. Mercifully, those wretched things have now been banned from all parts if the city but the outer suburbs.
        I wonder if the bikes in the clip from Nijmegen are re-cycled Amsterdam beer bikes? Double bonus!

  32. “Isolated” attempted murder in Suffolk village. Suspect “hadn’t had a haircut for some time…”

    All part of life’s rich tapestry, eh what?

      1. Teenagers’ argument got out of hand. Like they do. So you shoot someone. Just one of those things…..

    1. The lawyers of migrants use legal aid to fight against civil society. That’s the tax payer. There’s no limit to the fund so there’s no point whatsoever.

      The problem is that they get here at all. Bluntly, until our boats are instructed to return them immediately to France nothing will change. Infuriatingly, once these dross are here, getting rid of them is like digging out a tick.

      1. 323439+ up ticks,
        Evening W,
        Go to the route of the problem it is NOT the migrants entering per se, it is the governance party’s ALLOWING them to enter without attempting to stop them.
        That can be rectified at the ballot booth,. you cannot continue to support & vote for a mass uncontrolled immigration party then on leaving the ballot booth rail against mass uncontrolled immigration, as you can see, it don’t work.

    1. I sailed into St George’s Harbour in Grenada in my boat, Raua, in 1985. I wrote a calypso song giving an account of our experiences on some of the islands we visited.

      When we got down to Grenada the US army was there,
      Wearing short pants and tee shirts and driving jeeps everywhere
      They screamed and whistled and waved machine guns as they drove by past me
      It made me think that it is not true that worse things happen at sea.

      So Hey Skip! Hey Skip – wanna buy some limes
      I can introduce you to my sista
      I can show you good times.

      1. My favourite line from a TV film, a few years ago, came from a young English single mother who was clumsily being seduced by a clueless young Welsh lad. As his hands started to roam she uttered the classic line, “Piss off, Boyo; I’ve got to look after what’s left of my virginity!”

        1. I like the standup lines: “I lost my virginity when I was 18. Now, after twenty years of marriage, I’ve found it again!”

  33. Evening, all. Been a busy (nearly wrote busty! What would you have thought of me?) day here. Had a Parish Council zoom meeting which seems doomed to be the standard for the foreseeable future. Most of the councillors would like to get back to meeting face to face, but the clerk is unhappy so we have had to put off real meetings for another month. I am beginning to wonder when we will ever get back to normal, or indeed, if we ever will be allowed to.

      1. Badly, if I’m honest. At least this month when we ran out of time and had to log out to log in again I did manage it! I don’t like it. I would much rather we had proper, face to face, meetings.

    1. That is what everything will be like for months to come with most people wanting a return to near sanity but just one or two unwilling to move forward.

    2. I have no faith in our Parish Council. The chairman is an eminent QC but the rest are an assortment of self interested people including a discredited former Braintree District Councillor whose unredacted comments about me personally are actionable in the courts if I so choose.

      I stopped the bastard building in the field behind my listed mediaeval house. He had recruited his Freemasonic mates on the District Council to agree to move the village development boundary from my garden fence line to the other side of his field behind my property. This compromised both the original village envelope and the tightly drawn conservation area.

      Thankfully his proposal, after gaining planning permission for two repulsive ‘Executive’ houses, was defeated by the casting vote of the lady chairman of the planning committee. It was nonetheless a close run thing. Councils are run by unworthy retired failed businessman on the make. Most are Freemasons, at least in Braintree where we have a particularly high concentration.

      I realise that you are a mason but wish simply to point out my own personal experiences of that supposedly beneficent cult.

      1. My Freemasonry has nothing to do with my being a councillor; as it happens, I am completely against unfettered building, particularly on the green belt. I see it as my job (in direct contrast to my predecessor, who was not a Freemason) to try to restrain the littering of the countryside with inappropriate housing. Should a fellow Freemason be the instigator of a planning application, I should have to declare an interest.

          1. Do the masons have any sort of control mechanism. Those at Braintree Dustrict Council are particularly corrupt in my direct experience. They allegedly include the leader of the council Graham Butland and my former neighbour Nigel McCrea.

            Butland is tied up with EACH, taking a six figure salary, so I imagine he is fireproof. McCrea is just a very small and ignorant man with ambitions.

          2. Perhaps it’s just the sorts of people who are attracted by the possibility of using the organisation. If it weren’t Freemasonry, it would probably be something else.

      2. My Grandfather was invited to join the Masons, but he refused – he wanted nothing of that society. So, they made sure he couldn’t get spares for his machinery (he knotted socks in Leicester), so he slowly but surely went bankrupt. Personally, I’d burn the lot of them.

    1. It is beyond my comprehension why this plain, boring woman is on television at all. What has she got to offer – nothing as far as I can see.

    1. We’ve been together now for forty years,
      An’ it don’t seem a day too much,
      There ain’t a lady livin’ in the land:
      As I’d swop for my dear old Dutch.

      Actually Caroline and I have been married for 32 years but I wholeheartedly agree with the sentiments of the song.

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