642 thoughts on “Monday 9 December: How will Labour fund colossal spending when foreign investors flee?

    1. One can imagine Bozza wearing the most naff Christmas jumper with relish.
      Even if it snagged and unravelled, he’d still manage to come up smiling.
      Jezza’s should have a disintegrating ‘bah, humbug’ on the front.
      Swansong’s would be adorned with Mother Christmas inside a ring of stars.

    2. It looks as if Magic Grandpa is checking to see if he still has any ‘ornaments’ in his trouser pocket.

      1. Morning zxcv3 – Jeremy looks as if he is eyeing up the prospect of joining up with Jo Swinson with understandable horror. What he is doing wth his right hand leaves a lot to the imagination. Nigel looks a bit sad.

        1. In view of the beating he has taken (and richly deserves) during the election campaign I doubt that he is feeling cocky…

          ‘Morning, Clyde.

  1. Good Morning, all

    SIR – Since 1947, Norway has sent a Christmas tree to be placed in Trafalgar Square as an expression of thankfulness for Britain’s support during the Second World War. This year we sent a mighty 69 ft-tall spruce (report, December 5).

    The British media have criticised this year’s tree, deeming it too sparse, skinny and sad. On behalf of many Norwegians, I urge you to respect the tree and the qualities it represents.

    The Trafalgar Square Christmas tree is quintessentially Norwegian. Unlike artificial and glitzy trees, it is honest and unpretentious. It perfectly symbolises our common effort as allies in the struggle against totalitarianism during the Second World War. The values with which we persevered were resolve and sacrifice in the face of adversity. The current Trafalgar Square tree had overcome 80 dark and cold winters before being cut down and moved to London to radiate Christmas joy around the clock for several weeks. That is perseverance.

    Jens Frølich Holte
    State Secretary, Norwegian Ministry 
of Foreign Affairs

    And 99% of us thank you for your nation’s continued thoughtfulness (and abhor the BBC’s idiocy)

    1. Mr Holte- if the BBC are attacking you then be assured that you are doing it right.

      Thanks to all our Norwegian friends.

      1. This story annoyed me deeply as well. I worked on the Shetland Gas Project between 2012 and 2015 for a total of 9 months. On several trips, I was accommodated on a cruise liner harboured in Scalloway.
        In the town is a memorial to the Shetland Bus, which comprised crews of Norwegian patriots who had escaped and who used to make regular runs to occupied Norway in small fishing boats, taking in agents, supplies for the resistance and bringing out Norwegian volunteers. for allied service.

        It’s only a small memorial, but it was very moving to see rthe names of all the crewmen, some in their teens, who were lost on these perilous trips.
        To hell with these cynics, some of us will always remember Norway’s contribution as much as we remember all the fallen.


    2. Mr Holte- if the BBC are attacking you then be assured that you are doing it right.

      Thanks to all our Norwegian friends.

    3. Robert Spowart 9 Dec 2019 9:09AM
      Jens Holte should rest assured that many of us in Britain appreciate not just the tree his country provides, but also appreciate the courage and fortitude of his countrymen during the dark days of the German occupation of his country.

      Despite being subject to the severest penalties, the Norwegian People unstintingly gave much assistance to Britain during that period.

      Edit ()

        1. Just posted on this subject before i saw your post. I’ve visited the memorial to the Shetland Bus while working in Shetland.

  2. SIR – I have been a vegetarian for 
100 years, excepting the war years when I served in the Army and had to eat bully beef to stay alive.

    I am now 104. My wife has been a vegetarian for almost 68 years and is 101. Could our longevity be attributed to our diet?

    Leslie Gosling
    Canterbury, Kent

    All goslings are vegetarians, you silly goose.

  3. ‘Tis the season to be jolly……………….


    counter-terrorism training is being offered to every member of the

    public in the run-up to Christmas, police chiefs have announced

    following the London Bridge attack.

    The National Police Chiefs Council (NPCC) has opened up the online

    course so the public can learn how to spot suspicious behaviour or items

    and understand what to do in the event of a bomb threat or major



    1. And yet the politicos will not admit to the greatest betrayal of the people ever perpetrated in these islands i.e. uncontrolled mass immigration.

      1. Morning KtK,
        Why have mass uncontrolled immigration parties the peoples support / votes ?
        This is not a new issue it has been ongoing for years.

  4. SIR – Electors should be aware: vote for Jeremy Corbyn and you’ll get John McDonnell.

    Malcolm Viner

    Bexhill-on-Sea, East Sussex

    1. Electors should be aware: a vote for Corbyn, Johnson, Swinson, and you will get Ursula von der Leyen.

      There Mr Viner, corrected for you.

  5. Morning again

    SIR – British Railways (BR) was a terrific idea (Letters, December 7): a huge railway company conceived to provide transport for the nation.

    In practice, however, it was part of the civil service and used by governments and unions for political ends. Customers came a poor third. The tilting train fiasco is a good example – hastily abandoned when it threatened political embarrassment.

    When left alone, BR achieved remarkable things, such as the high-speed train; when told what to do by politicians or emasculated by the unions, it was a case study of how not to run a railway. It bought locomotives from Romania that did not work and which had to be completely rebuilt; it built marshalling yards (for example, Carlisle Kingmoor) for traffic that no longer existed, but the building kept people in jobs; it built steam locomotives it did not need (such as a huge fleet of pannier tanks) subcontracted to private builders to provide jobs and win votes.

    BR required large subsidies for little return beyond grief to all concerned. The present railways are far from perfect, and the separation of track from trains is bizarre, but passenger traffic has gone from 750 million to 1.75 billion a year, so something must be right. Per head, the subsidy is much less than that provided to BR, which, incidentally, is still being paid off.

    David Pearson

    Haworth, West Yorkshire

    1. It needs to be run as a Franchise. Given Wales, NI & Scotland are no devolved probably 4 Franchises

      They need to drop the pretense of various TOC’s competing as with rail there can be little real competition. The competition should be on the awarding of the contracts

      WE should perhaps have an oyster type system for rail. You could perhaps have a ticket that allowed you unlimited travel say withing a 10 mile radius or for a nominal fare. IT costs pretty much the same to run a train empty as full

      1. I have an Oyster-type card for all public transport in the Netherlands. Today, I used it to travel by train to Delft and again on a tram to the museum I was visiting.
        It also works on smaller regional trains run by private companies such as Connexion. A truly integrated transporrt system.

        And the trains run on Christmas day.

  6. SIR – With the arrival of two grandsons, I have had to acquaint myself with the BBC’s children’s programmes.

    I have noticed that there are no strong male characters anymore. There is the cuddly Mr Tumble, but he is not noted for his macho qualities.

    Like Felicity McWeeney (Letters, December 4), I feel much is to be learnt from characters who have flaws, whether they are male or female. 
 But denying the opportunity to see boys being strong and energetic is short-sighted, especially when we note that it was remarkable men who bravely tackled the London Bridge terrorist.

    Catherine Lewis

    Ware, Hertfordshire

    1. But denying the opportunity to see boys being strong and energetic is short-sighted..

      It’s not short sighted. It’s deliberate.

  7. SIR – I wonder where Dr Alexander Barber gets his figures for the 
 salaries of GPs abroad (£200,000 to £500,000 a year).

    I have returned recently from living in a medium-sized French town where one could always get to see our very good GP on the day, after a moderate wait, or within a week by appointment, for a consultation 
 lasting up to 30 minutes. He confided to me, as one doctor to another, that his salary was no more than the €25 that each patient paid him – reimbursed either entirely by the state or partly by insurance – which, after practice expenses, amounted to just €40,000 a year.

    When I suggested to him that a British GP, earning on average £100,000 a year for a full working week, wouldn’t get out of bed for that, he was surprised and expressed himself entirely satisfied with his remuneration. Contrary to Dr Barber’s view, it is no wonder that our GPs can afford to work part-time (report, December 2) as they are among the best paid in Europe and better paid than most British consultants. The wonder is that more French doctors don’t rush to work here, which would solve the staffing crisis.

    Brook Berry FRCS

    Burton upon Trent, Staffordshire

    1. Generally other than the US doctors pay abroad is lower then that in the UK. Even Germany pays less and that not a low cost country

  8. Morning, Campers.
    I don’t understand how this happened. NZ is a western country with, one would have thought, the technology to keep track of pending changes in volcanic activity. White Island may be uninhabited, but it was visited by tourists, so a nice little earner.
    When we went up Vesuvius, we were told that there are sensors all round it, and the vulcanologists would detect any activity a fortnight ahead.


    New Zealand volcano: White Island eruption leaves one person killed and tourists ‘unaccounted for’

    1. …we were told that there are sensors all round it, and the vulcanologists would detect any activity a fortnight ahead.

      Morning Anne. They lied to you but hey what’s a few grilled tourists between friends!!

      1. It doesn’t matter Araminta.

        The tourists have to pay the NZ government tax before they enter the country.

        After that, they are on their own!

      2. It doesn’t matter Araminta.

        The tourists have to pay the NZ government tax before they enter the country.

        After that, they are on their own!

  9. Fatal Flaw in the Trans argument

    The LGBTXYZ argument is you can assign your gender which is not really true. They seem to try to rely on the fact that gender is used differently in grammar and a gender can randomly be assigned to an object

    Lets go along with then that you can assign your own gender. Where it all falls down is that does not work with Sex, You cannot change your sex

    So lets say you have a man that declares his Gender as a woman his sex though remains male

  10. Nicked


    1. Schizophrenia — Do You Hear What I Hear? …
    2. Multiple Personality Disorder — We Three Kings Disoriented Are
    3. Dementia — I Think I’ll be Home for Christmas
    4. Narcissistic — Hark the Herald Angels Sing About Me
    Manic — Deck the Halls … and Walls and House an…d Lawn and
    Streets and Stores and Office and Town and Cars and Buses and Trucks
    an…d Trees and…..
    6. Paranoid — Santa Claus is Coming to Town to Get Me
    7. Borderline Personality Disorder — Thoughts of Roasting on an Open Fire
    8. Personality Disorder — You Better Watch Out, I’m Gonna Cry, I’m Gonna Pout, Maybe I’ll Tell You Why
    Attention Deficit Disorder — Silent night, Holy oooh look at the
    Froggy – can I have a chocolate, why is France so far away?
    Obsessive Compulsive Disorder — Jingle Bells, Jingle Bells, Jingle
    Bells, Jingle Bells, Jingle Bells, Jingle Bells, Jingle Bells, Jingle
    Bells, Jingle Bells, Jingle Bells, Jingle Bells, Jingle Bells, Jingle
    Bells, Jingle Bells, Jingle Bells, Jingle Bells, Jingle Bells

  11. The Police have a Problem

    It is standard practice with the police that should a suspect need to be searched the searching is carried out by a person of the same sex which most sane people would regard as sensible. How are they going to get on with searching a man who claims to be a woman or a man who claims to have no gender ?

    If it is aa man claiming to be a woman and they are searching for concealed drugs will they have to try to search his non existent vagina ?

    1. The last time i was frisked by a Policewoman she said that i was enjoying it too much. No pleasing some people.

      1. This ‘democratic elections’ malarkey is getting us nowhere. Why not take a tradition from history (where else?) and have unarmed combat between politicians to resolve matters? Or armed combat if Sky want to sponsor it.

        Boris v. Jeremy: can I take your bets?

        1. Holmgang.
          2 combatants on a small island, each with a knife in one hand, and the other hand tied to the opponent’s spare hand.

    1. If the commies get in we may never get another election worth having if we get one at all.

      1. Memories of the Berlin wall .. and the sight of high rise dead looking soulless flats that they have in Iron curtain countries . Harold Wilson created ghettos , didn’t he , in the 1960’s.. which in turn metamorphosed into crime ridden estates full of quarrelling migrants and very upset displaced English families … social experiments have been the downfall of Britain, there is no easy quick fix, is there Korky?

          1. I don’t think the EU required us to to use combustible cladding. And we started retrofitting thermal insulation to these jerry-built flats before the EU had anything to do with it.

          1. On the contrary, I knowa man whose family was moved into one of these horrors in 1962. And I visited a twenty-floor example in the early Sixties, before the Wilson era.

          2. Like medicine and many other fads, architecture conforms to the zeitgeist.
            The Workers’ Flats would have been built under any government of the time.

          3. Indeed so. I also recall how we admired that work of non-art. In fact there was a pair of them built by Newcastle City Council, who were so proud of them that they opened them up for inspection by the general public before filling them with grateful Geordies.

    2. Well if it is 53%/48% probably

      I love the way the Lib-Dems keep contradicting themselves they claimed 54%/48% was not decisive but will happily cancel Brexit should they win the General Election. They will not of course but if they by some miracle did they would scrape in on about 35%. So whilst the Lib-DEms would not accept a 52% vote they would accept a 35% one

      1. Bill, you’re missing something: the LibDums would add in Labour’s, Plaid’s, SNP’s and the Green’s votes as FOR revocation. Simples.

    3. Are we sure that we are well informed?

      We’d be very distressed if our MPs called us stupid after the results came out.

  12. Church Ladies With Computers – They’re Back!

    Those wonderful Church Bulletins! Thank God for church ladies with computers. These sentences (with all the BLOOPERS) actually appeared in church bulletins or were announced in church services:
    The Fasting & Prayer Conference includes meals
    The sermon this morning: Jesus Walks on the Water.
    The sermon tonight: Searching for Jesus.
    Ladies, don’t forget the rummage sale. It’s a chance to get rid of those things not worth keeping around the house. Bring your husbands.
    Remember in prayer the many who are sick of our community. Smile at someone who is hard to love. Say ‘Hell’ to someone who doesn’t care much about you.
    Don’t let worry kill you off – let the Church help.
    Miss Charlene Mason sang ‘I will not pass this way again,’ giving obvious pleasure to the congregation.
    For those of you who have children and don’t know it, we have a nursery downstairs.
    Next Thursday there will be tryouts for the choir. They need all the help they can get.
    Irving Benson and Jessie Carter were married on October 24 in the church. So ends a friendship that began in their school days.
    A bean supper will be held on Tuesday evening in the church hall. Music will follow.
    At the evening service tonight, the sermon topic will be ‘What Is Hell?’ Come early and listen to our choir practice.
    Eight new choir robes are currently needed due to the addition of several new members and to the deterioration of some older ones.
    Scouts are saving aluminum cans, bottles and other items to be recycled. Proceeds will be used to cripple children.
    The church will host an evening of fine dining, super entertainment and gracious hostility.
    Potluck supper Sunday at 5:00 PM – prayer and medication to follow.
    The ladies of the Church have cast off clothing of every kind. They may be seen in the basement on Friday afternoon.
    This evening at 7 PM there will be a hymn singing in the park across from the Church. Bring a blanket and come prepared to sin.
    Ladies Bible Study will be held Thursday morning at 10 AM. All ladies are invited to lunch in the Fellowship Hall after the B. S. is done.
    The pastor would appreciate it if the ladies of the Congregation would lend him their electric girdles for the pancake breakfast next Sunday.
    Low Self Esteem Support Group will meet Thursday at 7 PM. Please use the back door.
    The eighth-graders will be presenting Shakespeare’s Hamlet in the Church basement Friday at 7 PM. The congregation is invited to attend this tragedy.
    Weight Watchers will meet at 7 PM at the First Presbyterian Church.
    Please use large double door at the side entrance.
    The Associate Minister unveiled the church’s new campaign slogan last Sunday: “I Upped My Pledge – Up Yours.”

  13. Moh says that we must try to keep that dangerous man Corbyn out , no matter what .

    Corbyn is a danger to National security and the soul of the nation.

    1. TB,
      Agreed a danger but, does Yoh say who we should trust as honest guardians of these Isles ?

        1. TB,
          Many trusted the wretch cameron because he
          “looked” like a PM, many like johnson because
          he “makes them laugh”.
          I can still hear the young girl holding a baby while being interviewed saying, granddad, dad, myself all vote lab, and so will this baby.

    1. One of my parents guiding principles ,well enforced btw, was that one should never take pleasure from other peoples misfortunes, but in this case my dear departed progenitors, HaHaHaHa, TeeHee, snicker, whoop whoop yeehaaa hohoho etc.

    2. Perhaps Starmer, Abbott and Thornberry have realised the same would apply to them and that explains why they have been unseen during this GE campaign.

        1. Was he I missed that, he is not very high profile at all though. Perhaps all the luv from the MSM is aimed at Corbyn

      1. Some of the momentum type actually believe Cobyn who claims his tax increases will only affect those earning over £80,000 but that just a lie. WE dont even have many people earning over £80K

        The Luvies as well that are keen on Labour have not worked out yet that he is going to impose huge tax increases o them as most pay themselves via companies

    3. So there would be one outstandingly good outcome to a financial collapse? Almost makes it worthwhile…

  14. Morning all. As you would expect, the Torygraph is in full-on propaganda mode. Roll on Friday I say!


    I would love to believe everything that Boris and Priti Patel promise about controlling immigration and cracking down on crime. The problem is, none of us can really believe anything they say. We have seen over the last three years that manifesto commitments can be ignored, solemn promises by Prime Ministers mean nothing (29th March and 31st October have come and gone and no-one has “died in a ditch”). They say whatever we want to hear around election time, then go back to screwing us and lining their own pockets once they are in power.

    What can a poor boy do?

    1. Morning JK,
      The daily deterioration has been in place for four decades at least, supported / voted for.
      Join a party that has, in the last 28 years never let these Isles / peoples down.
      Or continue in the downward trend right to the door of the mosque.

      1. I do have a UKIP candidate to vote for in my borough, which is preferable to spoiling my ballot paper. A vote for Johnson’s Tories is a vote for BRINO and more of the same PC rubbish which is destroying this country.

        1. …and a vote for anyone but Boris is a vote for a Marxist government.

          The question begs who is going to destroy the country the quickest?
          It’s the lesser of two evils….

          1. I would like to see a Conservative majority but ideally with a few DUP and TBP MPs to keep him honest. I can’t bring myself to vote for Johnson, I get the threat of Corbyn but we’ve spent 50 years voting for the blue team to keep the red team out or vice versa. I want to vote for something I actually believe in, and in the absence of the Brexit Party then UKIP is the best bet.

          2. Hold your nose like me …it stinks but the alternative is a hung parliament and another five years of

          3. PEDANT alert……should that be – destroy the country quicker?

            (hope Peddy doesn’t see it)

          4. It’s the use of the adverb that does it. ‘Quickest’ and ‘quicker’ are adjectives.

          5. I’ve seen it & either could be correct, depending on whom you mean by ‘who’.

            ‘Morning, Plum.

          6. But surely if the words ‘quicker or ‘quickest’ refer to a noun or a pronoun then that is fine but surely, in this case, the reference is to ‘is going to destroy’, so an adverb is required: either ‘more quickly’ or ‘most quickly’ is the answer. I concede that this is a moot point as some would argue that ‘quicker’ is acceptable as a comparative for ‘quickly’.

            Some people do have difficulty with distinguishing between adjectives and adverbs – and in the comparative and superlative forms of ‘quick’ one can be confused by the synonym ‘fast’ which is both an adjective and an adverb.

        2. JK,
          Same as that, as for “destroying this country”
          that campaign is very,very, near complete, courtesy of the lab/lib/con coalition party, members / voters.

  15. Surprised that John Redwood is taking this rather trusting view of what Johnson is up to. Redwood doesn’t get an easy ride BTL.

    …Let us be clear about the Conservative Manifesto and my views on Brexit. I have not signed any secret deal as some here suggest. I do support the national Conservative Manifesto as it states

    1. There will be no extension to the Implementation period
    2. We will take back control of our laws and our money
    3. We will be out of the single market and customs union, with our own trade policy
    4. We will have full control of our fishing waters
    5. We will introduce a UK immigration policy

    The public now have the opportunity to elect a new Parliament that will carry out their wish to leave the EU. Nigel Farage made a difficult decision for him not to stand in seats which the Conservatives won the last time. The revised Political Declaration sets out how we will leave and base our future relationship on a Free Trade Agreement, not a customs partnership or surrogate single market membership…


    Mark B
    Posted December 9, 2019 at 5:28 am | Permalink

    Good morning.

    That is why many Brexit party members decided it was best to settle for Mr Johnson’s approach to Brexit . . .

    I would not call 4 former BXP members ‘many’.

    The standing down of BXP candidates in Remain Tory areas was a mistake. The Tories, who have never won seats in certain areas have run candidates and are therefore deliberately splitting the Leave vote, threatening BREXIT and supporting Labour. The Tories do not want anyone that will challenge them and their disgusting WA / EU Treaty.

    The WA / EU Treaty does not get BREXIT done. It just kicks the can further down the road. We will still have freedom of movement. The EU will still have access to our waters. And we will still be paying into their budget. They will have all they want and we will have nothing. There will be a Customs Union down the Irish Sea between NI and the rUK. The SNP and Scotland will be demanding Indy’ Ref’ 2.0 or similar arrangements to that of NI. The whole thing is a pigs breakfast design to destroy Euroscepticism and not deliver o the referendum result of 2016.

    No one is fooled and this is an utter sham !

    Posted December 9, 2019 at 7:13 am | Permalink

    Good morning.

    Agreed. Some further points in support, addressing Sir John’s points;

    1. No extension to implementation period necessary if FTA agreed quickly – posdible if minimal/nominal changes to existing relationship, i.e NO BREXIT! In this light, a believable promise.

    2. We take back control only to give it away again in an instant would be one way of putting it.

    3. We will be out of THE Single Market and THE Customs Union, only to be in a new single market and new customs union. We will be masters of our own trade policy, but our options will be massively limited by our intimate relationship with the EU.

    4. We will have full control of our fishing waters, therefore allowing us to trade them away in the FTA negotiations as a price for full alignment.

    5. Immigration policy will be new. I don’t doubt that. But then a new, quite different, immigration policy is possible without leaving the EU.

    Conservative pronouncements on future policy are apparently contradictory when seen through the lens of a true Brexit. However, they acquire a surprising coherence when seen through the lens of BRINO/Remain. It is still, obviously, a gross deception, and an utter sham!

    Posted December 9, 2019 at 5:30 am | Permalink

    Sir John,

    Most contributors to your site would fully acclaim the five points you detail as to why you support the Conservative manifesto. It is, however, certain ‘hangover’ elements of May’s disastrous WA which Boris has not openly disavowed, which continue to worry true Brexiteers.

    We can only hope that, when a working majority has been achieved, he promptly tells the EU to get stuffed and that he is leaving on 31st January on WTO terms. The ‘transition’ period is only there so that an FTA can be negotiated. No negotiation is needed if we leave on WTO terms, neither is payment of £39 billion.

    Such a clean Brexit delivers all of Boris’s promises. leaves you satisfied and will enable the UK to demonstrate it’s ability to truly perform on the world stage.

    I wish you well this Thursday. It is essential you are returned to keep the Conservative Party honest.

    1. KtK,
      Do politico’s personally stand to gain if
      we semi remain in a
      passive / submission manner ?
      I mean patriotism plays a very minor part, if any, among the political fraternity concerning brexit.

    2. Good morning, Dandy Front Pager

      An excellent post from you. At least not everybody is taken in by the Conservative Party’s complete betrayal of Brexit.

      1. R,
        Nor by other leaders appertaining to brexit.
        Is it in a current politico’s self interest to fully exit the eu ?

      2. Thank you, Rastus.
        Redwood’s Diary always has interesting and knowledgeable contributors, some are a bit repetitive but honest and there are a few trolls. The worst of the latter is ‘Andy’ who holds some rather toxic views on Brexiteers and pensioners. Redwood could moderate those comments and those than attack him personally but he allows many of them to be read. He is a bigger man than the majority of MPs in his party and certainly where the ‘leadership’ is concerned.

    3. Good morning all.
      I notice JR endorses “the Cons manifesto” as you quote above – rather carefully don’t you think? As in it gives leeway to be aghast at the reality if and when it comes to fruition. I’m sorry but have reached the point where I don’t trust any of them.
      Our MP is very good I think but the thing is now we’re all in election mode all MPs have to be seen to support their party don’t they so nobody is rocking the boat. And as far as I know the “new” WA has not been published, the EU bods have stated publicly that it’s not changed from TM’s WA, the Brexit deal is just a lot of hogwash and extremely bad for the U.K.
      I will not be voting for the.Cons, coz that’s what they are, con artists. Don’t have a Brexit Party candidate in our area and I certainly wouldn’t vote for Labour.

      1. Redwood, to be fair, has been consistent in his opposition to any form of WA. He is now in a position where his criticism has been noted by both his readers and his Party but will have no effect on the outcome.
        If Johnson wins a majority and sticks to the WA then he will become a huge disappointment to millions of people. He will then be exposed as the third leader of the Tory Party in four years to have openly lied about the direction of travel of the UK with respect to the EU.
        Cameron with his blatant lies about his reformed EU deal; May with Brexit means Brexit, no deal better than a bad deal and her secretive, behind the scenes, dealing and finally Johnson with his brilliant deal and the fisheries saved etc. Could the Tories survive a third betrayal? They will not be getting my vote, NOTA is to be be my choice.

    4. The bit from Pominoz is our only hope; “We can only hope that, when a working majority has been achieved, he promptly tells the EU to get stuffed and that he is leaving on 31st January on WTO terms. The ‘transition’ period is only there so that an FTA can be negotiated. No negotiation is needed if we leave on WTO terms, neither is payment of £39 billion.”
      Clutching at straws, I know.

  16. Jessop’s has gone into administration

    At the moment it is the property rm that has gone into administration and the retail business is at present unaffected . THe two businesses are though closely linked

    The problem Jessops has is the photographic business has shrunk and there i more competition and people have camera phones. In the past they had business from people taking in films to be processed and printed and some people processed their own films so that got business from that

    Where Jessops sit in the market place does not give them much of a market. If you want a simple point and shoot camera you use your phone. If you are seriously innto photography Jessops does not stock much. Perhaps it should consider selling phones as well

    1. If you want a crap camera that is only almost good enough for photos that are to be viewed on a screen no bigger than a cigarette packet, buy a phone. If you want a simple point and shoot, buy a simple point and shoot. It will be better, and cheaper.

      1. I would disagree. Modern Camera phones are far better than the basic photographic point and shoot cameras you used to buy

        1. The pictures i take always have a thumb in them. So it doesn’t make much difference what camera i use.

          1. Look on the bright side then with a digital camera you have not wasted time and money have a film processed and printed only to find you have wasted your money taking a phonograph of your thumb

          2. Ah yes I remember them you could task a film in for processing and they would give you a set of thumb prints so you could decide which once were worth having a full size print off

          3. Sorry. I just assumed that’s where you had put your thumb as some sort of artistic device much the same way as a banana stuck to a wall is considered art apparently ….

      2. How long is it since you had a current cellphone! The cameras for most purposes are extremely good now. Unfortunately, they are now chasing megapixels which really won’t improve things, just make the files bigger and noisier. But many can now, using the right app, produce raw images as an alternative to, or as well as, the jpeg compressed ones.

        1. It only really matters when you enlarge the pictures to very large size but then when they are that big you dont view them close up so it does not make that much difference

        2. Megapixels count for little if there’s not good glass and a good-sized sensor available. All you get is 10 or 20 megapixels of noise, with no control over aperture, sensitivity or shutter speed. I’m going out in 10 minutes to photograph the sea (high tide is 13.30ish), taking about 4-5,000 quid’s worth of body and lenses with me.. My iPhone will be in my pocket, but it will stay there. My EOS 5d iv will be used for the photos. My 7D II will stay at home with the compact camera I use for the stuff that warrants a point and shoot that fits in a pocket.

          1. You are misunderstanding. I was comparing them to a point and shoot basic camera not a High end camera that needs some skill to use correctly and costs a packet. Even there though under the right lighting conditions a camera phone will hold up well against an SLR

          2. You are misunderstanding. I was comparing them to a point and shoot basic camera not a High end camera that needs some skill to use correctly and costs a packet. Even there though under the right lighting conditions a camera phone will hold up well against an SLR

          3. You are misunderstanding. I was comparing them to a basic point and shoot modern compact camera with automatic modes and control over shooting speeds and apertures, which will give much better results than any phone at less cost.

        1. I remember playing ‘Photography’ at parties. Hide with a girl in the darkroom under the stairs and see what develops.
          Boom, boom!

      1. Same here, Beast. I still have the enlarger and other stuff but only a museum would be interested now. Hours of fun (and splendid isolation) in the darkroom is now a distant memory.

        1. I can just about remember my Great great grandmother having an acoustic wind up record player. If it had been kept it might have been worth a few bob now

          1. My first gramophone was was a small box thing with needles to play 7rpm records on. It worked. Then a junk dealer friend gave me an Edison phonograph with all the accessories (recorder, etc.) and a suitcase full of (fragile) cylinders, A great way of learning about both the technology and social history involved.

          1. Was that the photographer and mail order chap? I was based in the West Country and used a local shop that was run by a fellow radio ham and enjoyed a modest discount on that basis, once I was married my photographic endeavours and dark room disappeared and entered a 40 odd year hiatus until the advent of digital.

  17. General Election

    A big problem is we have very out of date constituencies s the politicians have continually put of revising the constituencies . It mean the current system favors Labour

    The current review was complete in September 2018 and since then the commons have sat on it. Ity reduces the number of MP’s to 600 the original proposals suggested reducing the number to 500 which given devolution is a more sensible number

      1. The decision should be taken out of MP’s hand. The MPs voted for the reduction in the number of MP’s and to revise the boundaries yet no they are just sitting on

        The 4 Boundary commissions carried out extensive public consultation so I think it should just implemented without any further input from MP’s

    1. This was the result of Clegg who, out if sheer spite, went back on his word on the question of constituency boundaries. Clegg also gave us the disaster of the Fixed Term Parliament Act to guarantee that Cameron could not get rid if him because he knew that after the betrayal of the students the Lib/Dems would be wiped out in an election which, of course they were. Clegg also messed around with the royal succession and tried to bring in the ‘Alternative Vote’ which nobody wanted at the time.

      It is quite remarkable now much damage an insignificant little onanist like Clegg can do.

  18. Harrow-on-the-Hill incident: Man left fighting for life after stabbing outside tube station

    Not the sort of place you would have expected violence a decade or so ago

  19. If true this is horrifying:

    DT Story – https://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/2019/12/08/bob-hawke-pleaded-daughter-not-report-alleged-rape-political/

    “Former Australian PM, Bob Hawke, pleaded with daughter not to report alleged rape by political ally to police”

    I suppose it only adds to the conviction that many of us have that it is the scum who go into politics everywhere.

    A parallel can be seen in Britain with the earnest attempts to bury stories of child rape and Naz Shah’s invocation to girls who had been raped by Muslim gangs not to report the fact ‘in the interest of diversity’.

  20. Observer journalist Carole Cadwalladr and prominent Brexiteer Arron Banks were both at the High Court today(December 4th) for the start of a libel trial.

    The court heard allegations that Cadwalladr, who broke the Cambridge Analytica scandal, defamed Leave.EU co-founder Banks in a Ted Talk she gave in April, during a speech at a convention in June and in two tweets sent in June and July.
    During the Ted Talk, which is still available online, Cadwalladr said: “And I’m not even going to go into the lies that Arron Banks has told about his covert relationship with the Russian government.”

  21. NHS

    It really need a review of what services it should be proving for free and which service you have to pay at least something for. Without such a debate the NHS will never ever have enough money

    Should the NHS be providing Free car Parking for instance. Providing Parking costs a lot of money and if it is free it take money away from proving health treatment. Equally the NHS should not be profiting from car parking. It should just cover actual costs. Probably parking for staff should be free or no more than a nominal costs given most hospitals are poorly served by public transport and the staff can be working unsocial hours when there will be no public transport

    1. BJ,
      The road to recovery concerning the NHS is via the ballot booth & blanking
      any support / votes for mass uncontrolled immigration parties.
      Open borders / illegals / & a multitude of idiots active in the ballot booth are the main cause for any shortcomings the NHS has.

    1. Do’nt take your eye off the ball..Keir Starmer may be an unlikeable man with bad judgement. But he didn’t kill anyone. The murderer was a Muslim Jihadist ( there, I used the “M” word) and there are lots like him around. What is needed is a reliable way to separate the sheep from the goats and kick the goats out of the country before they do any damage. The sheep will gain from that as well. At the moment we deal with these potential troublemakers like watching a ticking bomb and waiting for it to go off.

  22. Extra QT tonight…

    Newsnight and BBC 5 Live presenter Emma Barnett chairs a special edition of the topical debate show from the city of York, featuring a selected audience of voters under 30. They ask questions of a panel comprising Robert Jenrick of the Conservatives, Labour’s Angela Rayner, Liberal Democrats leader Jo Swinson, Humza Yousaf of the SNP, Plaid Cymru leader Adam Price, Green Party of England and Wales co-leader Jonathan Bartley and Brexit Party leader Nigel Farage.

    Let’s hope that Emma makes a welcome change from La Bruce.

        1. ‘Afternoon, Peddy, more likely regurgitating supper, typical of anything BBC (Best Before Consumption).

    1. No good asking Humza Yousaf a question. I’m still waiting for a reply to a question I asked him a fortnight ago.

    1. Dominic Grieve to Boris:”All the while I’m dressed as Santa, I can go anywhere and not suffer pure hatred…..”

    2. “Good morning Santa. If the colour of your outfit is an indication of your political views you can bugger off!”

    3. “I hope you have wrapped up my Brexit deal very well so that people will find it almost impossible to open the parcel and see what is inside!

  23. Saudi Arabia lifts ban on gender segregation in restaurants

    Women will no longer have to be segregated from men in restaurants in Saudi Arabia, according to the country’s government.
    The announcement from the Saudi ministry of municipalities and rural affairs comes as the latest reform to ease the strict social rules that have been in effect across the kingdom for decades.

    Until now, women in Saudi Arabia have been required to use separate entrances and sit behind partitions when dining out to prevent them being visible to single men. They were forbidden entry to any restaurant or cafe that was too small to uphold this mandatory segregation.

    Saudi’s Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman has looked to relax these rules by ordering a number of reforms and reducing the powers of the kingdom’s religious police.

    In 2017, women were allowed entry into sports stadiums in family designated sections, while a year later they were also given the right to drive.
    This August, a further ban was lifted to allow women to apply for a passport and travel without first obtaining the permission of their male guardian.
    Despite the rules being relaxed in a number of institutions and practices, gender segregation still remains in Saudi Arabia.

    Women and men are still kept separate at weddings, and most government-run schools and public universities.

  24. Long Term Nursing Care (Pflegeversicherung)

    It appears that in Germany every working person pays about 2% for Long Term Care split 50/50 between employee and employer

    This insurance is not optional. Everybody who has insurance via a private company or via the government must sign up. Employees pay between 1.95% and 2.2% of their salary each month up to maximum amount of 80.00 Euros (at the time of writing). The employer contributes 50% of this. People with private insurance pay a premium to their insurance company.

    1. It seems even in Germany they do not cover the full cost. It seems to typically cover 50% of the cost. Mind you is it not reaonable that if you are in residential care that you pay towards it? After all if living at home you woul be paying out £300 to £1000 a month on the bills

      Germany is in the throes of a ‘grandma export’ as one in five Germans say they are considering sending their elderly relatives to a care home abroad.
      A survey released by German pollster TNS Emnid shows the so-called ‘Oma-export’ is becoming a trend as the cost of residential care rockets out of the remits of the state insurance.

      German citizens enjoy long-term care insurance that pays out €1,550 (around £1,300) a month, but this covers less than half of the €3,250 (£2,730) average monthly cost for care inside Germany.

    2. Before computers, we used to buy stamps to stick on a card. National Insurance I think they called it. It raised a lot of money, which the governments nicked to use for other things, like invading Iraq and importing immigrants.

      1. It does that with the State Pension. Notionally it is funded and they publish figures for it. Last time I looked it was about 10% underfunded. The trouble is they then just spend the money on other things. The other problem is far to many people are getting free or almost free state pensions as they have paid little in

        WE also had the illogical decision by the government to reduce the years NI need to 35. It was 44 for men and 39 for woman. With the pension age increasing it would have been logical to have made it 44 years for both men and woman

      2. NI now only pays for a third of the cost of the NHS and pensions. The rest comes from general taxation. In other words, the NI system is broken.

        1. Actually NI does not pay for the NHS now , It i Basically cover the State Pension, Maternity Allowance, Contribution-based Jobseeker’s Allowance, Contribution-based Employment and Support Allowance and Bereavement Support Payment

        2. Actually NI does not pay for the NHS now , It i Basically cover the State Pension, Maternity Allowance, Contribution-based Jobseeker’s Allowance, Contribution-based Employment and Support Allowance and Bereavement Support Payment

    1. The group are reported to be planning to block roads into Heathrow with bicycles and a bulldozer. They are a public nuisance and the police should take action to stop them. Otherwise the public will take their own action against them which could lead to a lot of damaged bicycles.

      1. It is long overdue they clamped down heavily with them. .The police should take their details and a photo of them and ban them from going near Heathrow or Central London. If they breech that order a £500 fine

  25. Football faces calls for action on racism in wake of Manchester derby. Sun 8 Dec 2019.

    Sky’s cameras appeared to show a home fan making monkey chants directed towards Manchester United’s Brazilian midfielder Fred during the second half of the match in a clip that quickly went viral on social media. The player said on Sunday that the incident demonstrated that we were living in a “backward society”.

    The man has been named in reports as Anthony Burke, who, according to his since-removed Facebook page, works for the construction company Kier Group. In now-deleted posts on his Facebook page, Burke denied that he was racist.

    Having tweeted on Saturday evening to say it was aware of the video, Kier announced on Sunday that an employee had been suspended.

    “Kier has a zero-tolerance policy towards any racist and discriminatory behaviour. We can confirm an employee has been suspended pending an investigation,” said the company in a statement on Twitter.

    Morning everyone. I’ve looked at this incident on video and have to confess that I cannot see it but to be accused of a Hate Crime is to be guilty and punished forthwith. Unless of course it’s an actual crime where you will probably never be arrested and almost certainly never convicted.


  26. ” McCann gets 33 life sentences, with minimum term of 30 years.”
    Dammit she’ll be out in fifteen ?
    Oh, sorry; Joseph not Kate.

  27. En passant can I say that I watched Nigel Farage being interviewed by Fareed Zakaria on CNN yesterday. He seemed quite enthusiastic about the idea that Boris was going to give him Brexit which was something of a surprise to me but the real shock was to hear Zakaria casually observe that the UK army and Royal Navy were hollowed out shadows of their former states. Something that is absolutely true but you will never hear from the UK MSM.

    1. She’s very pretty. But what really counts is the thought processes that go on between her ears. (One could cite Diane as a poor example).

      1. Morning Belle. Well the Finns have one of the best educational systems in the world and they once produced Europes best soldiers. Whether this is still true I’m not sure!

      2. Morning Belle. Well the Finns have one of the best educational systems in the world and they once produced Europes best soldiers. Whether this is still true I’m not sure!

      3. My view on the Scands with the exception of the Norges who seem to have character : they find their perfect system so boring that their bleeding hearts feel obliged to spice it up with savage migrants, not unlike “Wir Schaffen Das” Merkel.

    2. Nice one, Finland.
      That should make Vlad’s face crack into a mile.
      Another EU strong man threatening his country.

    3. Too young. Not enough life experience.
      Maybe that’s why the entirety of Finland is on strike just now…

  28. New Points Based Migration System

    Boris is proposing a new three tier immigration system to replace the basic system we have in place at present for non EU migrant

    Tier 1 – Very Highly skilled people these could be doctors at Consultant level, Senior Bankers. Senior IT workers etc

    Tier 2 – Skilled workers these could be electricians , plumbers , nurses etc

    Tier 3 – Unskilled and Low skilled workers these could be Care workers, Shop Workers, Cleaners etc

    There will be no automatic right to enter the UK if they met the point required as there will be annual cap on numbers

    I think as well that it need to be made far more expensive to bring in migrants as at present we dont have a level paying field., It is currently far cheaper for companies to bring in migrants than to train British people . If we take say an electrician. I have no idea as to the exact cost to train an electrician but I have based a figure on it taking 2 years to train one that has to cost a company at least £50,000. To recruit one abroad would costs perhaps £1500 to £2000 . There are as well some small other costs for bringing in non EU national but they are not a lot lets call it £5000. £For a company it is a no brainier to bring in a migrant

    Another issue we have i that uncontrolled migration has driven down the pay and conditions of unskilled and low skilled jobs meaning the pay level is not really adequate for a British worker to live on so pay rates for these job need to increase

    Our dependence on migrant labor has not even worked. Take the NHS. This is frequently used to try to justify mass migration yet if you look at the data over the period we have had mass migration the NHS staff shortages hve actually got worse and that in spite of specific NHS recruitment drives abroad

    1. Morning BJ

      The way I see it is when a large growing population of Muslims who hide away under their letter box gowns and are subjected and controlled by strict religious rules by their mosques and menfolk .. these people who could be freed from the shackles of religious fervour… could in fact become more than useful members of society … instead of hiding away inside their black pill box like hide outs .

      If more and more people like that arrive on our shores , we will be rendered utterly useless, and our race replacement will serve no useful purpose .

      Do these people work in care homes , children’s nurseries, operating theatres, factories, refuse sorting, quarries, nursing , policing , traffic wardens , covered head to toe in black ?

      There are things that we should know about and address.. the politicians have IGNORED all commonsense and fact finding .

      1. Morning TB,
        They are in waiting, they are the building blocks of the replacement.
        Remember they also serve that stand & wait.
        more important they are voting units, as in a prior post, join the dots of those in power nationwide.

          1. Morning NtN,
            That is the rest of the year, on this occasion they only have to activate once, that is on the 12th Dec, & you can bet they, 100% will.

      1. Bodge was questioned by an Australian journalist – “why do you advocate for an ‘Australian type points system’? Since it was introduced here, immigration has rocketed.” The Bodge was stumped. This is the PM who advocates legal amnesty for illegal immigrants already in the UK.

        1. He is not proposing the Australian system but one similar to it. AS far as I know there is no annual cap with the Australian points system so iif you have the points you can get in. Boris would have an annual cap on numbers

      2. Morning AS,
        With bells on, alarm bells that is.
        The boris,AKA the turkish delight, amnesties R me.

  29. Morning all

    SIR – Britain’s liberal and flexible business environment attracts large amounts of foreign investment.

    Labour’s manifesto will make Britain a very unattractive place for overseas companies, with its proposed increases in corporation tax, compulsory shareholding and board membership for employees, and an enormous windfall tax on the oil industry.

    Jeremy Corbyn seems to dislike the companies that sustain our economy and, indeed, provide the huge funds needed to pay for the projects his party plans to undertake. Where does he think the money will come from when these companies move abroad?

    Adrian Edmondson

    Newtown, Montgomeryshire

    SIR – Capital and talent in 2019 are more mobile than ever before and I doubt that on December 13 – in the event of a Labour government – the billionaires will be sitting with their cheque books open, pens poised, waiting for Jeremy Corbyn to arrive.

    Labour’s spending plans will have to be financed with money from somewhere else. Where will that be? Yes, you guessed it.

    Adrian Bedford

    Bourton-on-the-Water, Gloucestershire

    1. The Luvies will soon be fleeing the UK whren they work out how much more he will be taxing them

        1. Hence Thompson spasmodically flying in from Hollywood to make make a nuisance of herself.

  30. Missing Persons

    There is growing concerns as to the welfare of Dianna Abbott Emily Thornbury . Keir Starmer, nothing has been seen of hear of them since the general election was announced and there is increasing concern as to their welfare

      1. ‘I’ve had concerns about all three (and most of their colleagues) for years….’

        But presumably not about their welfare!

  31. Extinction Rebellion activists wearing gas masks block central London road in protest against ‘deadly air pollution’

    Just take their details and a mug shot fine them each £500 and ban them from Central London for 6 months

        1. I think it speaks volumes for Labour’s past actions in setting up similar incidents that I feel a certain cynicism.

          1. Before seeing this reply I had written above that that is my bet of the day.

            Disgusting if it’s true.

  32. Humans Already Slowed The Climate Crisis Once, New Research Shows

    This article is a load of bs. A few decades ago the same scam merchants were worrying a bout a hole in the Ozone layer . so they decided to ban CFC’s which they claimed were the cause of it. Guess what it has made no difference the Ozone hole opens a n closes periodically in spite of the CFC ban


    1. We know that just one volcanic eruption is capable of cooling the planet about 1 degree centigrade.

      However scientists are unable to predict such events with any accuracy otherwise the New Zealand tourists’ lives could have been saved.

      This just goes to show that believing in the science is just not going to be good enough to prevent the extinction of the human race – we must just accept what nature throws at us just as the dinosaurs did.

      There is nevertheless one small hope for survival as long as the human race can devise a way of controlling the timing and strength of volcanic eruptions – but that is for future generations to work out:


      It’s in your hands now Greta.🌍🌎🌏

    2. Actually, satellite and balloon observations show the hole is very much reduced. The one over the Arctic has all but disappeared. Now, whether than is down to the reduction in man-made CFCs or Nature is debatable. Incidentally, there has never been a ‘hole’, just a thinning. The misleading term ‘hole’ who was coined by a junior scientist to describe the phenomenon by a journalist.

  33. Advance Warning

    T Here may be loud muffled bangs in the Elstree area in January. Local residents should not be alarmed. It will be Gema Collins rehearsing her crash landings

      1. …& he ain’t wearing his gas mask like the others. Does he know something they don’t know?

    1. That road needs a clean . I suggest hosing it down with icy cold water and disinfectant and containing a bright Red dye

      1. I wonder what there faces would have like had they glued themselves on London Bridge, they would have been a nice line of sitting targets

    2. Pamplona, Spain, next July. They could sit and protest against methane during the running of the bulls.

  34. Afghan papers reveal US public were misled about unwinnable war. Mon 9 Dec 2019.

    Hundreds of confidential interviews with key figures involved in prosecuting the 18-year US war in Afghanistan have revealed that the US public has been consistently misled about an unwinnable conflict.

    Transcripts of the interviews, published by the Washington Post after a three-year legal battle, were collected for a Lessons Learned project by the Office of the Special Inspector General for Afghanistan Reconstruction (Sigar), a federal agency whose main task is eliminating corruption and inefficiency in the US war effort.

    This is a secret? Anyone with an ounce of common sense who had read a history book knew that it was lost the moment it was announced that US and NATO troops were staying. Afghanistan is literally unconquerable by any acceptable method.


    1. The quote:’The Americans have all the watches, we have all the time’ should have been warning enough…..

      Wasn’t it a Russian general who on leaving Afghanistan kindly advised the Americans not to go in? In the meantime China, mostly at peace has been building infrastructure around the world rather than wasting trillions on deadly fireworks in an inhospitable part of the world…

      1. The truly depressing part Stephen was to watch the Americans doing exactly the same things the British did in the nineteenth century and surprise, surprise, getting exactly the same result!

  35. Afghan papers reveal US public were misled about unwinnable war. Mon 9 Dec 2019.

    Hundreds of confidential interviews with key figures involved in prosecuting the 18-year US war in Afghanistan have revealed that the US public has been consistently misled about an unwinnable conflict.

    Transcripts of the interviews, published by the Washington Post after a three-year legal battle, were collected for a Lessons Learned project by the Office of the Special Inspector General for Afghanistan Reconstruction (Sigar), a federal agency whose main task is eliminating corruption and inefficiency in the US war effort.

    This is a secret? Anyone with an ounce of common sense who had read a history book knew that it was lost the moment it was announced that US and NATO troops were staying. Afghanistan is literally unconquerable by any acceptable method.


  36. DT Leading article

    Johnson will promise to ‘work night and day’ to make sure Leave-voting areas are ‘heard in the corridors of Westminster like never before’

    Just think about it:

    i) Nigel Farage has been attacked for splitting the Leave vote but it is Johnson who has refused to make a pro Leave pact with the Brexit Party.

    ii) Nigel Farage has agreed to stand down in all constituencies where there is a sitting Conservative MP. Boris Johnson has not reciprocated in any way.

    iii) Boris Johnson is now determined to split the Leave vote in constituencies where the Conservatives have no chance of winning but where the Brexit Party has. This might result in the Conservatives losing the election altogether.

    No, I do not want a Corbyn government. But I am not taken in by Johnson’s mendacity and treachery and I do not believe that his Brexit is Brexit in any meaningful way at all as it keeps Britain enslaved to the EU for the foreseeable future with absolutely no say in what this odious organisation does.


  37. In Lycidas – an elegy for a young friend who died in a shipwreck, John Milton wrote:

    Fame is the spur, which the clear spirit doth raise
    (The last infirmity of noble mind)
    To scorn delights and live laborious days.


    FEAR is the spur for the opaquely muddled-headed people the British seem to have become.
    FEAR of Brexit as we are afraid of standing against EU oppression and grasping independence
    FEAR of Jeremy Corbyn’s Party which will turn Britain into an even greater hell hole
    FEAR of Boris Johnson at the thought of having to answer any searching questions about his ‘brilliant Brexit deal’

    (Incidentally I do recommend Howard Spring’s novel, ‘Fame is the Spur‘. I am sure Plum Tart must know his work – many of his stories are set in Cornwall.)

    1. Morning Rasty
      I enjoyed The Houses in Between and My Son, My Son many moons ago.
      Another good storyteller …Somerset Maughan

      1. I think I have read all William Somerset’s novels. I found ‘Of Human Bondage’ fascinating when I first read it at the age of about 18. His short stories are very well crafted. For some reason literary snobs do not like to admit how good his work actually is.

        All the Day Long by Howard Spring is well worth getting hold of. I have not read The Houses in Between but I shall certaily do so.

        1. S. Maughan’s short stories have a begining, a middle and an end…novels without all the padding.

          The Alien Corn is thought provoking ….reminded of Stevie Smith Not Waving but Drowning…..I was too far out the young man said….

          1. Alien Corn – Ruth – Nancy Blackett.

            (Amazon pirates had to be completely ruthless!)

  38. The “nige” has registered the reform party has he not ?
    will it have any members ?
    Is there a money back guarantee ?
    Will it have any better “luck” with his leadership than the last two have had ?

    1. Well at least it won’t have the appalling NEC that UKIP has. I write as a former UKIP member.

      1. HL,
        But in my book there is an large element of
        faragist in the Nec currently which the decent members are fighting to unseat.
        Will this new “nige”group be advised on the wearing of stab proof jackets ?
        you should know what I mean being an ex UKIP member.

        1. Evening, O. Maybe I’ll have to settle for supporter. Meanwhile, my membership of another party expires in 2023.

    2. He seems to glued to Brexit and to keen to run it single handed. To make progress it needs a full set of polices and a proper management structure

      At present it seems to be the Richard Tice & Nigel Farage Party

  39. ‘It’s inexcusable we don’t know who we can hire’

    If farms are offering pay rates so low no one wants the job tough. AS I understand it short term visa would be offered as well to allow people to come to the UK for periods of up to 6 months in any one year. When the Visa expires they have to return. If certain farms abuse the system they would be banned from using it. T They should in any case not be so dependent on migrant Labour

    More and more crops are machine harvested in any case. Not much is hand picked other than on very small farms

    There claim that crops are being left to rote does not really hold up. It is more like the price was to low for them to bother to pick them. . IT would make no sense to leave the crops to rot if there were a market. You would just raise the pay rate to attract staff


  40. Another one for the Law of Unintended Consequences file:
    If memory serves me right Environmentalists in America sought legislation to improve the fuel efficiency of their Gas-guzzling autos. And succeeded in winning legislation for this objective. However, Sports Utility vehicles were exempted and surprise, surprise the popularity of SUVs took off and eventually spread to the UK. The Beeb are now reporting a Massive increase in SUV sales in the UK (SUVs being bloody great boxes are not as fuel efficient. but hey….)


    1. “Do we have the sherry and mince before we go to the polling station or after”?

      “Before and after, sweetie” ! … x

  41. DM Latest News


    Boris Johnson and the Tories’ general election poll lead is down to just SIX points as Jeremy Corbyn and the Labour Party try to scupper the PM’s hopes of winning a majority

    Boris Johnson and the Tories’ lead over Jeremy Corbyn and the Labour Party has narrowed to just six points with the general election three days away

    MInd you a poll earlier in the day in the DT put the Conservative Party 15 points ahead.

    I think that the MSM and the Conservative Party were wrong to concentrate so hard on destroying Nigel Farage’s Brexit Party. The Conservative Party could yet need all the help and support they can get from Nigel Farage.

  42. UK opinion polls tracker: Tories on course to win with their biggest majority since Thatcher

    The Tories are on course to win the general election with a comfortable majority, polls suggest with just three days to go until voting takes place.
    Boris Johnson’s Conservative Party has maintained a 10-point lead over its nearest rivals, according to an average of opinion surveys from the last seven days.
    The poll of polls, compiled by the Press Association, puts the Tories on 43 per cent, Labour on 33 and the Lib Dems lagging behind on 13.

  43. General election 2019: Johnson ‘could look at’ abolishing BBC licence fee

    The BBC must have gritted their teeth as they posted this news item. In the age of multi TV Channels and multiple ways to deliver content the TV licence cannot really make sense


    Mr Johnson was asked by a member of the public whether he would consider axing all TV licences.
    The prime minister said that, while he would not make up policy with three days to go before the election, it was an issue that was worth “looking at” in the future.
    “You have to ask yourself whether that approach to funding a media company still makes sense in the long term given the way that other organisations manage to fund themselves,” he said.
    “The system of funding out of what is a general tax bears reflection. How long can you justify a system whereby everybody who has a TV has to pay to fund a particular set of TV and radio channels.”

      1. To the best of my knowledge she is female and was born female but I cannot guarantee this

        1. If she’s a functioning rational adult then I admire her ability to see through the persona we are accustomed to and appreciate the warm gentle human being that lies beneath ( you may interpret the use of lie as you think appropriate )

      1. Third Spouse he has quite a high turnover of wife’s and seem to have a preference for foreign wifes

        1. Laura Álvarez de Corbyn is from Mexico. Three-time loser ‘Jezza’ seems to be partial to Latina women, although you’d think he would’ve chosen to marry a Cuban or a Venezuelan.

          I suppose Laura will be a Mexican commie, like that Pancho Villa chap.

      2. I was going to write “poor woman”, but she’ll be a champagne socialist, so serves her right.

      3. Jeremy Corbyn has three sons, Benjamin, aged 32, Seb, 27, and 25-year-old Thomas “Tommy” Corbyn.

        Benjamin Corbyn is a successful football coach, a specialist in Youth Development at Watford Football Club who has led junior players into the Premier League team of the same name.

        Mr Corbyn’s middle-child, Seb Corbyn, followed his father into politics and helped the Labour leader with his campaign in 2015 before becoming a researcher for Labour Shadow Chancellor John McDonnell.

        Jeremy Corbyn’s youngest son, Thomas, is also a keen follower of his father, and he regularly tweets in his favour on Twitter.

        He is also a business owner and opened London’s first hemp shop and cafe the ‘National Hemp Service’ earlier this year.

        All three children are the product of the Labour leader’s second marriage to Claudia Bracchiata.

        1. “He is also a business owner and opened London’s first hemp shop and cafe the ‘National Hemp Service’ earlier this year.”

          Which went bust owing thousands.

          He’ll make a great socialist.

          1. Send him over here, Ontarios government is having an equally bad time with pot shops.

            Only joking, you can keep him because we have enough of a liability with our boy PM.

  44. How convenient….

    As of midnight tomorrow the WTO effectively ceases to function unless the US allows appointments of new appellate judges to the final appeals forum, the Appellate Body, after the terms of two of the last three sitting judges expire – at which point, ironically, only China’s representative will remain. After that, if you want to appeal a WTO ruling there will be nobody to hear it, and even cases already under consideration will grind to a halt. In effect, the referee leaves the field of play just as we move from playing games to playing The Great Game. Some more from the WSJ:

    A stalemate between the U.S. and other members of the World Trade Organization, including the European Union and China, stands to cripple the organization’s top court, threatening the global body’s survival.

    On Wednesday the court, called the Appellate Body, will no longer have enough judges to rule on big trade disputes between countries.

    At stake are international rules negotiated over five decades by the U.S. and Europe to boost global trade. The WTO, established in 1995, is the most significant outcome of that effort, helping to head off damaging cycles of tariffs and retaliation between countries. Now it’s stuck.

    Efforts to modernize WTO rules for challenges such as China’s market-distorting state capitalism have repeatedly failed. Talks among its 164 members to regulate e-commerce and other new arenas have stalled for years. And a trans-Atlantic dispute over operations of its top court has sparked the split now threatening the organization’s core.

    “The WTO is in crisis,” said Cecilia Malmstrom, who last month ended her term as EU trade commissioner. “If nothing happens, it will become irrelevant.”

    1. Reminds me of the time JC of Islington was forced to sit on the floor of a train just for the photographers….

          1. My apologies, corim… I posted a similar comment above, I had not read down as far as this.

        1. But they don’t want the child used as a “political football”. Then why publish the photo?

          It appears BJ was ambushed.

    2. I think it is a safe bet. I can’t believe that some nurse in the A&E couldn’t improvise a suitable “bed” for the child. Reminiscent of the dead child on a beach.

      1. I’ve just seen an earlier post replying to one of mine, by B o B which outs me as a cynic!

        Modern Politics everywhere is beyond parody.

          1. His mother is claiming to vote Conservative normally but has changed to Labour as a result of this episode and has been speaking with the Daily Mirror…

      1. Breaking News

        Corbyn is rushing round to A&E with a BBC camera crew where he will set on the floor and be filmed saying look what the Conservatives have done to the NHS

        1. Anyone visiting a volcano that is either active or dormant (but previously active in the recent past) must take full responsibility for potentially endangering themselves.

          1. There was a famous (among documentary makers) cameraman called Maurice Krafft, who shot amazing footage of volcanoes by getting dangerously close. He died in June 1991 when hit by a pyroclastic flow at Unzen volcano in Japan.

      1. And they were alerted to changes a week ago. Why did they let them go. I know of course: ‘a special excursion, only £85….’ or similar.

      1. The diagram is missing the most deadly element – the pyroclastic flows that kill all living things. Ask the residents of Pompeii and Herculaneum.

      2. I don’t know who put that diagram together, but that’s the Indo-Australian Plate.

      1. The thing about it is that it is very fast-moving, at around 300 miles an hour. None of this feature film baloney about, “let’s get into the truck and drive away quickly’. I think that there was some film of this taken at the Mt Helena eruption. It is also very, very hot. Scary stuff.

          1. I suppose the speed varies with the volatility of the eruption and so on.
            “A pyroclastic flow (also known as a pyroclastic density current or a pyroclastic cloud) is a fast-moving current of hot gas and volcanic matter (collectively known as tephra) that moves away from a volcano about 100 km/h (62 mph) on average but is capable of reaching speeds up to 700 km/h (430 mph).”

            from Wikipedia.

      2. Well, that proves I’ve never seen the word written before, doesn’t it? Or, if I have, it’s just flowed over me… Thank you!!!

  45. Good morning (just) all!

    In case anyone didn’t know the details, here is another example of the disgusting people that constitute the EU leaders. Our excellent Watford Chairman keeps us abreast of items of interest, even when (as I have) one might have left UKIP:

    So a socialist, corporatist guilty of fraud and a fascist imprisoner of elected Catalan politicians is thought to be just the man for the European Union’s Foreign Policy chief. From the continuing massive fraud in the EU budget to the EU nominations for the highest posts of crooks, frauds, globalist anti democrats and suppressors of dissent the disintegrating European Union has never shown itself so miserably corrupt.


    In a Politics Live interview the host Andrew Neil tore into the nominations for the the 4 leading posts in the European Union, exposing their incompetence and corruption. Even the avowedly eurofanatical Independent newspaper had to admit that:

    “the EU’s opaque leadership nominations diminish its democratic credentials”.

    But the long standing and well documented democratic “deficit” is nothing compared to the past corruption and political failures of the 4 European politicians now nominated to assume the leading posts in the EU:

    For EU Commission President

    A failed German defence minister, Ursula von der Leyen, the second most unpopular German politician in a Der Spiegel poll, whose Defence Department is under investigation for corrupt defence contracts. 60% of their planes can’t fly, 100% of their submarines can’t take to sea and in a NATO exercise German soldiers had broomsticks for guns.

    The German Higher Education Commission conducted an investigation into von der Leyen’s Doctoral Dissertation and found “only” three “serious errors”, and lesser errors in 20% of the work. But as the VroniPlag Wiki shows, 43.5% of the thesis pages contained plagiarism, and in 23 cases sources were cited that did not contain the claimed content. Needless to say the independence of the investigating commission was questionable as von der Leyen personally knew its director from joint work for an alumni association.

    For Foreign Policy Chief:

    Josep Borrell, a Spanish socialist politician, who has been cheerleader for repression in Catalonia, calling it a “war” in which 9 Catalan leaders have been jailed pending trial for rebellion! His socialism did not prevent him from becoming a classic corporatist and joining the board of a company called Abengoa, a multinational conglomerate in energy, transportation and telecoms. Borell sold shares shortly before a bankruptcy announcement and was fined $34,000 for insider trading.

    So a socialist, corporatist capitalist guilty of fraud and a fascist imprisoner of elected Catalan politicians is thought to be just the man for the European Union’s Foreign Policy chief.

    For President of the European Council:

    Charles Michel a failed Belgian Prime Minister. He resigned because his policy of supporting the Global Compact for Migration (a classic behind the peoples’ backs globalist “free movement of people” law made by supranational powers) could not be passed. Michel’s coalition government failed as a result. Never mind – he is now rewarded with a top EU job.

    For ECB Head

    The former French finance minister Christine Lagarde, found guilty of negligence in a Euro 400m French scandal, who had the full hearted support of the disastrous Chancellor George Osborne for her role as Head of the IMF and whose predictions that the UK economy would collapse proved wildly wrong.

    But if these nominees have had corrupt pasts the best place for them is the European Union where they can bask in immunity from the consequences of their actions. As Lee Rotherham notes:

    Nils Usakovs mayor of Riga whose party is accused of corruption, is left with only two options for his political career – either to stay in Riga and be imprisoned for his part in various corruption schemes, or run off to the Brussels and hide behind the immunity that is given to EU’s Members of Parliament. It is clear that Riga’s former mayor has chosen wisely and is most likely packing his bags for Brussels at this very moment.


    And just in case you are a German who thinks this stench of corruption and failure is too much for you and you protest by burning the EU flag, German lawmakers are proposing that the penalty for burning the flag should be 3 years in prison. https://www.breitbart.com/europe/2019/06/22/germany-lawmakers-want-three-year-prison-terms-burning-eu-flag/

    How well that chimes with the new Foreign Policy nominee Señor Borrell who has imprisoned democratically elected Catalan politicians. The politicisation of the law and its arbitrary application are the cornerstones of fascist societies.


    It has always been a mystery that the British Government has been able to commit hundreds of billions of pounds to the EU over the past 46 years when report after report by that organisation’s auditors has revealed massive fraud. It shows how the very size and complexity of supranational States like the EU can get away with fraud on a massive scale without repercussion. And why no respectable democratic nation state should be a part of it.

    Between 2002 and 2016 the EU lost Euro 8.8bn in fraud according to the European Court of Auditors report of January 2019. Only 2.6bn was recovered and prosecutions of the guilty were low. In 2017 another Euros 391m were lost. The EU auditors admit that “the scale of fraud is under-reported”. And since payments under E10,000 do not have to be logged and most payments to farmers are under that level the scope for unreported fraud is large!

    The excellent Dr Lee Rotherham http://www.theredcell.co.uk/people.html reports how:

    “A Mafia case involved a $300million plan to divert 20,000 tons of meat heading towards the beef mountain and replace it with offal. It was discovered when some of the cans were sent to Russia as aid. Because of the shipping route, UK Customs was involved in the investigation and handed over the evidence to the Italian authorities. Much of this was then lost in an arson attack on the building where the documents were stored. In the end, prosecutions were few and charges were light.”

    Free nations has reported on several occasions on EU corruption and fraud and nowhere more critically than this exposure of the suffering of 4 brave whistleblowers http://freenations.net/four-brave-men-fascist-eu-persecutes-whistleblowers/

    1. Afternoon HL,
      I take it Ian Green is to be known henceforth as a recognised far right
      racist / trouble maker.

      1. What rubbish. I left his name on to give him credit for many articles that I have put on here, that have obviously struck a chord with some people. I will take his name off, but he has my thanks.

          1. Why did you say what you did in your original first sentence, as if I was somehow dropping Ian in the proverbial? I was merely giving credit to someone who deserves it.

          2. HL,
            By the same token I have never done / said anything against those that truly do deserve
            “I take it Ian Green is to be known as a far right racist then”
            If you have not noticed, that is the misguided trend via many outside of the UKIP party, nothing to besmirch Ian Green was intended.

          3. Well, it looks like perhaps we had our wires crossed – I read your words (mistakenly) as an attack for putting Ian’a name to his post. If I misunderstood your or your intention, please accept my apologies.

      2. I have written both off Nottl in reply to you, and am now replying.here, having edited my post.

        I don’t know what point your post was trying to make, but the person concerned is an honourable, upright citizen that we should have more of in this country. If anyone is a trouble maker it would be you – if you have the guts to post anywhere but here.

        I agreed with you once, and I agree with UKIP (without its NEC). I can still have great respect for people in UKIP who don’t tire the people around them by repeating the same thing again and again. What exactly have you done by way of spreading actual information, as opposed to simply going on about the electorate? You’re like a cuckoo that forgot to go back into the clock.

        1. HL ,
          Your nasty streak is showing in so far as I totally agree with your character reference and also wish we had a great many more like Ian.
          My point seen as a UKIP long term member is that Mr Ian Green will be castigated as has been Gerard Batten, Richard Braine, non member, Tommy Robinson, 30000 others.
          Who other but the electorate over the last four decades is to blame ? who keeps these
          politico party types in power ? not once or twice or thrice but 12 times over the last 4 decades, who, who keeps them & their like in power ?
          We are fighting the NEc currently, they are in my book,the last remnants of the farage reign.

          1. Oh, and who keeps decent politicians away from the electorate? Whose fault is it that many in the electorate nowadays know nothing about the person they are electing, apart from what the MSM/educational establishments from year 1 upwards tell them.

            As far as you are concerned it is entirely the electorate’s fault. If the State education system is geared to brainwash pupils/students, is it always entirely the fault of the brainwashed? No.

            If the PTB saturate TV viewing with mindless rubbish, is it the fault of the mindless that they stay mindless?

          2. HL,
            That will not wash,no way, nowhere do I post the entire electorate those are your words.
            If a person has not the intelligence to see the deterioration on a daily,weekly,monthly,yearly
            basis brought about by their continuing party first input then they should not approach a polling booth.
            Their voting pattern over the years has brought this nation to its knees and they can surely see the damage that has been done.
            Many are nose grippers, others are best of the worst, voters, they know full well what they are doing, they are part of the keep in / keep out brigade, regardless of consequences.
            This voting pattern is without doubt allowing the alien take over to take place fueled by
            fools & PC / Appeasement.

          3. In which case you oppose universal franchise? I do, actually, but can see very little way of achieving a successful substitute.

  46. The main political parties are massively out of touch with what ordinary people want. In my opinion the majority of Brits:

    – Love their country and are proud of our history and contribution to the wider world.
    – Love the Queen.
    – Support the Armed Forces.
    – Are not racist in the sense that they hate foreigners, but would just like immigration numbers to be reduced.
    – Are sceptical of ‘climate change’ and would like the focus to be on conservation, not bankrupting our economy to stop a problem which probably doesn’t exist.
    – Do not think that modern Britain is some dystopian nightmare of child poverty and food banks, and believes that austerity is just another word for ‘living within your means.’
    – Believe that ‘charity begins at home’ and would like to see a reduction of the oversea aid budget and the money used to help our people.
    – Would like the NHS to be for British people who have paid tax, not the world.
    – Believes that there are two genders and you cannot change that no matter how much you ‘identify’ as something else.
    – Would like to see ‘life mean life’ and the death penalty for murderers and terrorists.
    – Would like to leave the European Union! And in a meaningful sense, not with endlessly-extendable transition periods and lawyer-friendly treaties.

    I could go on. How on earth did we end up with the politicians that we have?

    1. JK,
      Ask the electorate, all the odious issues could not have come into being
      without their continuing input putting & voting in a party first, before
      all else mode.

    2. Politics has become a lucrative career. The process begins in the Universities, and is followed by time as an intern with a politican, a researcher in a political office, time as a local councillor, then appearing on selection lists. Election as an MP, then on to the career summit of five uninterrupted, easy years as an MEP with large salary, huge expenses and no responsibilities.

      1. I used to know someone who’d started out as a parliamentary researcher then became PA to an MP and when he lost his seat, expected to be selected as a candidate in the same constituency. The Cons turned her down and she became a CofE priest instead. The Good Lord groaned.

    3. Because every time an alternative to the 3 main parties appear on the scene, the electorate chicken out of voting for meaningful change.
      Vote for sh!te, get sh!te.

    4. Agree with most but not the death sentence.
      “An eye for an eye makes the whole world blind”

    5. It began with a few politicians who were already corrupted, and they started making sure that most, if not all, of the new members that were recruited were cut from the same cloth. This led to outside candidates who were easily controlled being parachuted into constituencies, both Labour and Conservative, over the heads of local men & women who were honest and trusted.

      Once they had a few more in place, then their control increased even further. This process was well funded. After decades of this we now have a vast majority of MP’s who do not work for what the people want, but they do what their corrupt puppet-masters tell them to do. Which is why we have not left the EU 3 years after we voted to, and why there is no sign of us Leaving in the next few years ahead.

      Even if you believe what Boris says, there is a clause in the Withdrawal Agreement that extends the authority of the European Court of Justice over the United Kingdom for 8 years AFTER the end of the transition period, which Barnier says could take 3+ years. So that means we do not get back control of our legal system for 9-11 years from now if Boris passes that Withdrawal Agreement.

      You can see why there is so little trust in what any of the main parties say anymore.

      1. I see that anyone who comments on the fact that the Boris Johnson ‘brilliant Brexit deal’ is not a very good deal at all attracts the itchy finger of phantom down voter who is incapable of explaining why he or she thinks what you say is incorrect.

          1. But I quite enjoy an argument! I defend my position but If someone can prove that I am wrong I am happy to change my point of view.

        1. Just for the benefit of such frantic phantoms, if there is a hung parliament I shall comment “Phew! That was close. I thought that was brexit almost done for there, by the hand of that Bogus Brexiter Boris”.

        2. It I the phantom random down voter who just down votes thing at random. Perhaps the voting system show be changed to require say a sentence of text to say why you have up voted or down voted

      2. That certainly happened, but in conjunction with the education system, at all levels, being politically manipulated. Add to that our completely Europhillic civil service

    6. Boris is increasing g the charges for Non Eu migrants to use the NHS. Not sure it he can apply it to EU nationals at the End of January. I guess most likely that will be 2020. I assume it will not be retrospective so non EU migrants already here will pay the current charges and EU national already here will still face no charges

      1. Interesting – perhaps an early indication of his ultimate goal of remaining in the EU?

      2. Not like we face charges, when in the EU. Try to get something done in Spain – the “reciprocal” deal between our countries means very little. We still get charged. A Spaniard is ill or has an accident here? All free for them.

  47. There appear to have been no polls in the marginal seat or the Strong Leave Labour held seats

    1. My thoughts entirely and it’s not as if Labour does not have form for this sort of propaganda.

    2. Forgive my cynicism, but how many mothers would lay their child on the floor and take photographs, rather than cradle the child in their arms supporting the breathing mask?

      1. Nothing cynical about it. I cannot – cannot believe a parent used this as a political stunt.

        It would be the sickest of sick societies.

    3. If it’s staged the mother is mindless and heartless.

      If it’s not that hospital needs to be shut down immediately and the incompetent management sacked, the health authority sacked, the responsible wing of the dept for Health sacked.

      But I doubt it. A breather bag is pushed to get air out. A mask is passive.

  48. I see McDonnell is trying to deflect criticism of him and his boss into an attack on the British Public. Riiiiight…..

    1. If it’s an English sign, why is the fine in Euros ? Somebody know something that we don’t know ?

    2. Is that the box in Downing Street where they keep the full text of the Withdrawal Agreement?

  49. “ The boy’s mother has said she does not want her son’s treatment being used as a ‘political football’

    In a formal complaint to press regulator IPSO, she said she had initially given permission to two newspapers to use her son Jack’s image

    but – after the story was widely reported across other news outlets –

    she now wanted to prevent any further publication of the picture or his


    In her letter, she said the actions of the media were “causing significant distress” to Jack and his family”.

    She knew full well what she was doing and now pleading she is a victim
    of her own success. More like she is afraid of real scrutiny and robust
    Her son had flu – when I was a kid you stayed in bed
    and got visited by GP. no wonder the hospitals cannot cope and kids like
    this spread their germs to others.

      1. It’s in A&E, so would be awaiting some sort of assessment before admission.

        But I think the whole thing stinks

    1. The child was put in a bed on his arrival at A&E but much later was removed and put on the floor to make way for a more urgent case. How long he would have been left on the floor was not mentioned but it was long enough to take a photograph. Hospital managers at fault here if the delay was a long one

      1. Even that story stinks.
        I find it very difficult to believe that the child would not have been “offered” to its mother to hold.

    1. I don’t think I’ve not been to Amble since before my mother died.

      Taken with a decent tripod and slow shutter speed at a guess.

      1. The tripod was a problem in the wind. I lost a lot of shots because of vibration. I needed to keep a hand pressed down on the head to steady it, but occasionally concentration lapsed. Quarter of a second exposure on manual.

    1. It does show that there is still hope for our country, when the people are intelligent enough that the only way the hard left have any chance at all is by constantly lying and avoiding the truth like the plague. But they keep getting found out, which harms them even more.

      1. If we have become so completely twisted up and broken inside that that is considered acceptable behaviour we, as a society are lost beyond sense.

    2. As always, understanding is a three edged sword.

      Your side, their side and the truth.

      For me, as a parent, if junior – or even Mongo were wired up to a drip and in pain enough to be in hospital or dog vets then I wouldn’t for anything – even that half wit Corbyn – take him out, put him on the floor and take a photo.

      I also do NOT believe the boy was put on the floor. Even when there were no beds I was plopped in a chair and told to sit still as my brain suffered from oxygen starvation due to clots.

    1. It was rather good, wasn’t it. Mind you, Paxo was at Cambridge, so he would enjoy any Oxford College going down.

    1. No doubt to keep the trans people happy transwoman will be given birth control advice and will be able to get the morning after pill

      1. Now that would be funny. They’d really, really have to be dedicated to their charade if they did that.

    1. Mine used to roar. An endless, noiseless primal roar.

      The there was one that ued to sit in a large completely white room wearing a suit behind a mahgany desk. I remember him saying hello once as a completely separate entity.

      It was rather spooky.

    1. It is somewhat misleading to call it investment spending as nearly all of it would generate a loss

      Take the Council housing the rents would barely cover 50% of the costs so you are looking at about a £9000 subsidy per year per property

      With standard accounting practices the properties would be on te books with a value but as they are never selling them that value is meaningless but even ignoring that you have the other side of the equation which is debt and that alone would exceed the notional value of the properties

  50. When will the BBC employ someone who can control a debate? The QT programme currently playing is a farce.

    1. There is no point watching it.

      The whole thing is a farce. 4 lefties and a normal or is it the astonishing 3 lefties and 2 normals? As it is, it will run thus:

      The Lefties will speak, unhindered for as long as they want. The normals will utter a word and be silenced.

      The audience – half of whom are bussed in Lefties, the same group week after week – will boo and howl at anything the normals say. The other half will wonder WTF is going on and represent the broad sense of the rest of the country and will mock the Lefties – who won’t understand it and ill prevaricate and waffle endlessly unhindered while the Lefty audience brays and abuses.

      Week after week after week.

      It’s as predictable as the Today programme. A programme divided into equal segments of ‘we hate the Conservatives, we hate Trump, we hate Brexit’. May as well be the 90 minute hate. If, usually by accident a dissenting voice (introduced as a Far Right fascist Conservative) comes in they will be allowed five seconds – if they’re lucky – to speak before they are interrupted. Of course, if a communist paid by the EU pops up it’s a full five minute diatribe of waffle and puff, utterly uninterrupted introduced as a ‘professor of economics’ bu the ‘for the EU’ will be ommitted.

      It’s boring now.

      1. Boris can hint what he wants. He won’t do it – there are too many vested interests in keeping the propaganda channel open and paid for by us. Most of those interests are probably not in this country.

        1. My worry about Boris Johnson is that he won election to the Conservative Party leadership by promising a proper Brexit which frees us from the EU’s clutches. However, since calling the general election he has refused to give any real details of his ‘brilliant deal’ and has lost the trust if many Conservatives who voted to leave the EU in the 2016 referendum.

          There seems to be a strong possibility that Johnson will lose the election as a result of abstentions and spoiled ballots.

          1. Boris either doesn’t know the detail of his “brilliant deal” or he does know but doesn’t want to say. IMO it’s a combination of both – he is intrinsically lazy, but has taken his cue from the ERG etc. who think that leaving on poor terms is better than not leaving. He won’t bother to think it out for himself, therefore he can say nothing.

  51. New Rail Franchise Company blow a hole in the WCML Capacity Claim

    One of the arguments for HS2 was the claim the WCML was operating at capacity but strangely the new company that has taken over from Virgin is DOUBLING the capacity of the service from London to Liverpool as well as introducing 3 classes of travel

      1. They’ll need to wear their wellies and sit on rubber mats. 25,000 Volt O/H doesn’t take any prisoners.

  52. the “Boy on the Floor” case:

    Simon Loveland 9 Dec 2019 11:16PM

    Very interesting. A good friend of mine is a senior nursing sister at Leeds Hospital – the boy shown on the floor by the media was in fact put there by his mother who then took photos on her mobile phone and uploaded it to media outlets before he climbed back onto his trolley. He was on a hospital trolley in the paediatric A&E having been seen within 20 minutes. I am a nurse myself and am so pissed off with fake news, yes the NHS is a mess mainly caused by people misusing it and lack of elderly care. Think of the nurses and Doctors who are doing their jobs instead of constantly slagging them off. another Momentum

    Propaganda story. Disgraceful

    Here’s the link…


    So, i’s straight out of the “Jennifer’s Ear” playbook.


    1. It’s a bit worrying that there was not a single mention of this on the 10PM BBC news this evening. If there was any substance to the apparently contrived situation, surely even the BBC would not be so biassed as to ignore the story completely?

    2. It’s a bit worrying that there was not a single mention of this on the 10PM BBC news this evening. If there was any substance to the apparently contrived situation, surely even the BBC would not be so biassed as to ignore the story completely?

      1. “Sorry, this content isn’t available right now”
        Been taken down so as not to frighten the horses.

        1. Eat lots of Jerusalem artichokes the night before and then let rip in the booth as you make your X.

          That way the next several voters will have to hold their noses too!

    1. There are two major hospitals in Leeds. One is the LGI (Leeds General Infirmary) and the other is St James’s Hospital, affectionately known once upon a time as ‘Jimmy’s’ by the people who worked there. Me for one.

      1. No, not named after Jimmy Saville. The photo is a fake. What some peple will do for money.
        Both hosptals are first class. How the A&E copes, I don’t know. More doctors and more money needed. But I can’t relate either to some of the stuff I see in the media.

        1. It’s not more money that’s needed. Brown doubled the money thrown at the NHS between 1997-2010 and not much changed apart from the appalling pay arrangements for Consultants and GPs. The money they have must be spent more wisely for a start by cancelling the revolving door arrangements whereby senior bureaucrats can leave one job with a golden payoff and reappear at another NHS trust on an even higher salary. There is so much waste and I have been subjected to some of that over the past 18 months.

  53. The Tory party machine is inept.

    The contrived photo of the four-year-old boy on the floor at a Leeds hospital (staged and taken by his mother) has not been confronted and exposed as propaganda.

    The photo and ‘the story’ will run for at least another day in the MSM.

    This image may well prove to be a critical factor in Thursday’s GE voting.

    1. And of course the 10pm news led with the story and no comment from the Tories that it was a fib and propaganda by Labour activists .

      As you say, Lacoste, the Tory party machine is inept, they are all running around like headless chickens .

      1. I didn’t see the news last night as I was watching the programme about Sally Challen. My goodness that woman has been through the mill and back again – she was wrong to kill her husband and she knew that but thanks to her son, and their legal team, her murder conviction was reduced to manslaughter. The husband was a bastard.

  54. Whatever Johnson wins or does not win on Thursday he has failed to win any respect or trust. And unless he does win trust and respect his tenure of office will be very short even with a decent majority.

    If he does win the election we shall see whether or not he succeeds in achieving a proper Brexit. If it becomes clear that he has deceived those Conservatives who voted for Brexit – remember the majority of Conservative voters voted Leave in the the referendum – then the Conservative Party will very soon be very dead.

    1. Morning Richard

      Please please root for Johnson… anyone , but anyone other than Corbyn .. I fear the worst .

      It is going to be tight .. you will be alright , floating around on the oggin, but you know, some of us are just about getting by .

      We cannot afford a Corbyn government … His team are venal envious nasty people , who have no regard for people like us who have grafted hard , and put something back into society .. and contribute quite a bit .

      His installation in no 10 will be the death knell of many good causes , businesses and altruistic offerings.

      I feel the grimness will happen quite rapidly .

  55. Would a kind Nottler with a subscription care to post in full NF’s excuses?

    Boris Johnson will not get Brexit done properly without the Brexit Party in Parliament


    When the election results are in on Friday morning, the influence of the Brexit Party will be clear for all to see – not least in having helped Boris Johnson’s Conservatives.

    On the surface this is a binary election campaign between Jeremy Corbyn’s hard left Labour Party and Johnson’s Brexit deal. In some ways this makes a refreshing change. No longer can all parties be accused of being the same because this time there are some genuine divides. And yet beneath the surface it could be argued there are in effect a huge number of by-elections going on. More than ever in recent times, voters are thinking very carefully about which party to back in their own constituency. The Brexit Party’s decision…


    1. Here it is

      When the election results are in on Friday morning, the influence of the Brexit Party will be clear for all to see – not least in having helped Boris Johnson’s Conservatives.

      On the surface this is a binary election campaign between Jeremy Corbyn’s hard left Labour Party and Johnson’s Brexit deal. In some ways this makes a refreshing change. No longer can all parties be accused of being the same because this time there are some genuine divides. And yet beneath the surface it could be argued there are in effect a huge number of by-elections going on. More than ever in recent times, voters are thinking very carefully about which party to back in their own constituency. The Brexit Party’s decision to withdraw 317 candidates from the constituencies won by the Tories in 2017 has ensured this is the case. As soon as we announced our plan, Johnson could not lose. Certainly, his party was always guaranteed to take the most seats.

      When the election was called six weeks ago, the Liberal Democrats were in bullish mood. Their leader, Jo Swinson, even said she could be the next prime minister. That was certainly a bold claim, though I have no doubt that throughout the south and south west of England Swinson’s party could have won plenty of seats had The Brexit Party continued to stand against the Conservatives. But in the last few days, Swinson herself had admitted that our move made a very big difference and triggered a step change in the campaign. Essentially, we poleaxed her advance.

      I understand there are many Brexit Party voters who are not necessarily happy that we withdrew from 317 constituencies and are not sure how to vote on Thursday. Those who have even a brief outline of the new EU treaty and its attached political declaration don’t like it. Others believe that Johnson’s talk is cheap: he is good at making promises but not so reliable on following through. All I can say to the undecided is: under absolutely no circumstances should they vote for the Liberal Democrats or Labour.

      Given the recent lack of clarity from Johnson, I sense some of our supporters will not vote at all or might perhaps spoil their ballot paper. But there will be others, perhaps quite a few, who will vote Conservative. After all, in the south and south west, two thirds of Brexit Party supporters were straight switchers from the Conservatives. Nonetheless, Liberal Democrat gains in the south of London and the south and south west of England will be limited to a tiny number as a direct result of our withdrawal. I am certain it was right to put country before party.

      It is in the Labour North, the Midlands and south Wales where the Conservatives have to win new seats to form a majority. And yes, of course, in these constituencies the Brexit Party will appear on the ballot paper. There has been a considerable amount of hysteria aimed at me and The Brexit Party thanks to the accusation that we are going to split the vote and allow Labour into Downing Street. But I note that exactly the same commentators who have suggested this said the same thing in 2015: that Ukip would split the vote and let Ed Miliband’s Labour in.

      In fact, as the results on that occasion rolled in, some of these commentators soon saw that the UKIP vote had in fact helped the Tories by digging deep into Labour votes in many key seats. This, in turn, allowed David Cameron to achieve a surprise majority and guaranteed the 2016 referendum would follow. The London media simply don’t seem to understand there are millions of Labour voters who will never vote Conservative, just as many readers of the Daily Telegraph could never bring themselves to vote Labour.

      Let me provide an example. Today, Boris Johnson was in the declining fishing port of Grimsby. The Conservatives now have a good chance of winning this seat for the first time in almost a century. Why? Because the Brexit Party is fielding a candidate. We believe we have managed to pick up nearly 20 per cent of the vote in Grimsby in a short amount of time, the vast majority of which comes from Labour. Moreover, there are many other seats in which the Conservatives are now the challengers to Labour thanks only to a Brexit Party candidate.

      At the same time, there are about 130 seats that the Conservatives have never won and are extremely unlikely to win in the near future. In many of these, the Brexit Party is the direct challenger to the Labour Party, but these are not easy to overturn as many have been Labour for the last 100 years.

      My contention remains that the greatest threat to the Leave vote being split in these constituencies comes from people voting Conservative. By doing so, they will prevent the Brexit Party from establishing a bridgehead in parliament. So I would urge voters in these seats to vote tactically. After all, there is just about zero chance of the Tories winning in Doncaster, or Barnsley, or other such Northern seats. Voting for the Brexit Party in these areas would deliver a death blow to Corbyn’s Labour Party, and what a good thing that would be.

      Equally vital is that if Johnson secures a majority, he must be held to account. I’m unsure at the moment if he wishes to pursue a Canada Plus-style trade deal or if he’s going back to enact the EU treaty in full. This is utterly crucial to the future. Unless the type of Brexit which Johnson delivers ensures the UK will be genuinely free of the EU institutions, Tory voters will be as disappointed as they were under Theresa May. Remember, there was a time when her “Brexit Means Brexit” mantra was very popular out in the country. Yet when voters realised she had deceived them, her support collapsed.

      The same could happen to a Boris Johnson government unless we are released from the EU’s clutches. The EU’s chief Brexit negotiator Michel Barnier has already indicated that he wants the next stage of the process to last for at least three years. It’s going to need a strong and determined Prime Minister and parliament to resist Barnier and go for a clean break Brexit. I don’t believe that will happen unless the Brexit Party has seats in the next parliament.

      1. Thanks.

        BTL comments are split on the possible effects of NF’s decision to withdraw.

      2. True danger lies in those Left wing coalitions happy to step aside so one of them can win regardless of democracy.

    2. Instead of Farages excuses, it would be nice to hear Boris’s on a few issues, such as why he didn’t work with the Brexit Party to concentrate on wiping out Remain MP’s and taking the United Kingdom fully out of EU control by the end of this month. We would avoid the ransom payment of £39bn for nothing at all, that we do not owe the EU anyway. Boris has chosen a path that will keep us under the jurisdiction of the European Court of Justice for the next 9-11 years.

      They will be the ultimate arbiter of law in the United Kingdom and you do not need to be a genius to work out whose side their rulings will come down on, between the interests of the UK or the EU.

      Boris could also explain why he is deliberately trying to split the Leave vote in seats where he has no chance of winning and the The Brexit Party could take the seat from Labour. That would mean +1 Leave MP, -1 Remain MP in multiple seats. Why doesn’t Boris want lots of Leave MP’s in Parliament?

      It would be nice to hear how Boris is going to stop Barnier and the EU keeping these transition talks going for years and years. The EU are not going to give up the level of control that they will have over the UK while those talks are “ongoing.” Boris has not been the man to say no to Europe in the past, after he threw a lick of paint on the deal that the EU have been trying to get though Parliament at all costs with Theresa May.

      Boris says that this is a great new deal for our country. It is the same deal with some changes around Ireland, which the EU in their arrogance have already said are no real changes at all.

      There is also one very obvious thing for Boris to explain. The Withdrawal Agreement has already been agreed with the EU. They know what is in it.
      Why won’t he tell us what is in it? For as long as I can remember if someone pushed a piece of paper at me and said “Sign this, but don’t read the details” then that is an automatic rejection. Boris is trying to do this with the future of our country. These are not the actions of someone who is being honest.

      I know that some have said “If you don’t vote for Boris then you get Corbyn.” This is so utterly unlikely that it borders on being a bizarre thing to say. Labour are a train-wreck and it is only the pro-EU polling companies and the media that are still pretending that they have any chance, just to get people to vote for Boris.

      In complete seriousness. We are not going to have very many more elections at all in this country, if the world keeps going the way that the EU are trying to take us. Labour and the Lib Dems in some unholy alliance would be bad for the UK, but they are incompetent bunglers who could not get drunk in a brewery. The damage that they could do to us will be great but limited.

      On the other hand. Handing control of our country over to the EU for years will strike an almost mortal blow to the UK. The EU are rubbish in almost all areas, but they are a very efficient slick machine when it comes to ripping countries apart and crashing their economies. They will slash the United Kingdom to pieces if we hand them legal control of our nation. We are their greatest threat and they have never had this ability to wipe us out before.

      They will have more control over us than they have over any other EU country, and look what they have done to them. So to protect the future of my country that I love so much, I am hoping for a hung Parliament. The stalemate that that would cause can stop this Withdrawal Agreement passing and force back the No-deal Brexit that is the only chance for the UK to be free.

      (Sorry, long message, was running out of time and didn’t want to miss too much out.)

      1. Long message but so true. You have expressed clearly what many believe. Bottom line is that Boris does not want to leave the eussr or honour the referendum. If he is still PM on Friday, he will simply state that we voted for his eu-surrender deal. The option of voting for a genuine Brexit has been denied to us.

      2. Boris has chosen a path that will keep us under the jurisdiction of the European Court of Justice for the next 9-11 years…It would be nice to hear how Boris is going to stop Barnier and the EU keeping these transition talks going for years and years.

        I have misgivings about him but I do think you’re being a little too pessimistic here. The public is now only too aware of how the EU operates. Do you really think that they’ll let it ride for that long?

        1. I don’t think the public are aware of anything. The Labour Party brochure in Scotland (or hereabouts anyway) does not mention Brexit. The word “Brexit”is literally not mentioned.
          The Tories are concentrating on countering the SNP so they are headlining on Indyref2. We have 3 leaflets from the Tory candidate, the sitting MP, and none of them mention the word “Brexit”. Just as for Labour the word “Brexit” does not appear on election communications.
          The SNP are against Brexit and for the EU.
          The only other candidate is Lib/Dem but we have received nothing from her at all.

        2. I am off for the night now so will not see any reply until tomorrow, alas. I wish that I were being pessimistic, but I know these people and how they operate. I know what their goals are. This is not pessimism at all. There is a path that they have laid out for us and it does not end in a meadow with rolling fields and a fresh sea breeze blowing around us. We have been going down that path for a while now. You can see our country falling apart as a result of this.

          “The public is now only too aware of how the EU operates. Do you really think that they’ll let it ride for that long?”

          So we will resist in the same way that they are in France the way that the yellow vests are? Or as they are in Catalonia? Those protests are going well to try and control their governments. The people that we face do not have the same respect for human rights that we have in our lives. I think that it is around 22 French protesters who have lost an eye so far in the past year, with hundreds more with other injuries. Not that our media report that.

          The world is changing, or rather, it is being changed by others, to be something that will not be good for us. We will not be able to get our way of life back, with these people who are controlling our lives at the moment, without a strong struggle. Many people still think that those who we vote into office will do as they say they will.

          It brings me no happiness at all to say that they are not going to. I wanted to sit back and read books in a chair until I was found one day in the garden. Now we will need to fight again. Some of us. We have had a good few years of peace though. More than many have known. Have a good night chap.

          1. I have written on here before just as you have – that if we sign up to the new WA, the EU will own us. But now I ask myself: “Will it?” Is that really going to happen? Is the country really going to sit back and allow it? I don’t see demonstrations in the manner of the French and Spanish but this doesn’t end with Johnson signing us away. Too much has happened for that.

      3. Thank you, I’m glad you wrote it.

        The slavery act has barely changed. It’s still horrific.

        The correct choice is a WTO Brexit for true freedom, but that can only be gathered through decency and dignity.

        You know, what really disgusts me is that Brexit, the manner of our leaving should have been a cross party discussion wholely and solely focussed on carry out the will of the people in their best interests.

        That information should have gone to the EU for consideration and discussion begun, all the time our servants obeying our will.

        The changes debated, but always under the aegis of what is good and right for the people. Then , should the EU seem intent on humiliating this nation all efforts abandoned and the house collectively accepted a WTO Brexit.

        Instead, what did we get? Scum fighting us, having back door meetings for their own benefit. Troughing wasters on the public purse defying government for their own careers. Sewage paid for by other sewage to ensure UK cash kept flowing into his pockets.

        The infestation isn’t a minor cold, nor even an infection. It’s a cancer. The likes of Grieve, Gauke, Soubry, the Miller creature – cancers eating away at civil society that need to be excised permanently.

  56. Corbyns Claimed Leaked Documents

    These are not genuine. The give away is it has on is SENSITIVE – UK Eyes Only that is not as UK security classification it is also in the wrong position

    I checked I was upto date on Security Classifications and I was not. They have been simplified. There are now only three . OFFICIAL, SECRET & TOP SECRET

    Official is pretty much to what the Old RESTRICTED status was


    1. A lie will get around the world before the truth has got out of bed.

      I always liked that Top Secret referred to the grade of the journalist you left the papers with after coffee.

  57. Earlier today I watched one of those War Factories programmes. It was a real lesson for anyone watching of the horrors of a National Socialist Labour Government should the dolt Corbyn gain power.

    Seizure of assets, demoralisation of the actual productive workforce, expropriation of private property, criminalisation of the actual workers, theft of the product of the labours of workers to feed the over bloated elites and dominant powers (theEU) and in turn their globalist masters.

    Regrettably history has a tendency to repeat the errors of its past. Hopefully this time around Corbyn and his National Socialist Party will be confined to that history.

    1. But they never are.

      There’s currently a group of incredibly rich, spoiled, supposedly educated children – members of a club called ‘momentum’ who insist on imposing Nazism on us yet again.

      This group – who despite their apparent education – seem to think they are the heroes of their story – just as the Nazi’s did.

      They seem to think that communism works – ignoring the hundreds of millions that tyrannical regime slaughtered. They wave a flag that deifed misery, poverty and what do they say? ‘How many people has capitalism killed’ as a retort – none, is the answer.

      Thus this group, wallowing in abject luxury of rights, wealth – that they have blasted running water makes them richer than almost anyone alive – seek to return that demented system back shows how much our education system has failed.

      1. W,
        But where is the opposition ? all I can see is a coalition of the
        lab/lib/con, joined at the political hip via mass uncontrolled immigration & love
        of brussels.
        I ask again what would a politico of low integrity gain from leaving the eu, it is their
        natural political home ?

  58. That Raynor woman is an absolute slob. Constantly interrupting & trying to talk over her neighbours.

  59. An evening roaming various discussion forums has been, um, interesting. On here we might think of Corbyn as a bit of a rodent and an enemy of Britain (his proposals for teaching children to loathe this land is a particular case in point) but Johnson has unhinged the Left in the most spectacular manner. I know that some on here don’t like him and a few more don’t trust him but to the Labour diehards he’s far worse than Corbyn is to us. The sheer hatred of the Tory party is actually frightening – if some of the criticism of policy is valid (and shared by some on here), there’s something quite unbalanced about some of the comments.

    And yet…I wonder if we on here and them over there are all a bit too absorbed by it and (despite my comments elsewhere in respect of Farage’s DT article) the public really don’t know or even care that much. Are we the odd ones out?

    Whatever, it amuses me to read that Laura K and Robert Peston are really rich Tory supporters, failing in their duty to investigate the apparently bogus claim that a Tory aide had been assaulted by a mob of Labour activists. When asked about the probably far more bogus case of the sick child on the floor of the hospital, they respond: “Ah well, it might have been a set-up, but it was done to illustrate the third-world state of our hospitals caused by AUSTERITY CUTS.”

    And here’s another: “You might not like Corbyn but his policies have to be more attractive for anyone other than the super-rich who fund the Tories and own most of the media outlets.”

    The Tories are apparently far-right extremists led by a racist. Hmm. This is the far-right racist who thinks the Islamic occupation of Iberia was benign, Turkey should join the EU, a million (or more) illegal immigrants should be given an amnesty and the UK should implement a points-based immigration system that, according to the Australian experience, increases immigration.

    Forgive me for feeling a little confused…

    1. So are we William , so are we .

      Everything now is leaving a very bad taste in my mouth . Well actually , my Moh says he feels defeated .. The loud mouthy bints on the BBC coupled with spin and lies and subterfuge and sheer desperation of all the political parties has really devalued the politics that we knew .. The colour of politics has altered .. it has been cheapened .

      Really dreading the results this week .. We may have a lot to fear.. IT might not be alright on the night .

      1. I think the trouble will really start after the election, whoever wins. And the brainless and the inner-city chavs will wake up on Christmas morning and see their stockings are empty, and will realise that Father Corbyn doesn’t really exist after all.
        I can’t see Brexit happening…….the obstacles won’t disappear. Chaos won’t vanish overnight.

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