Saturday 12 June: So-called experts are condemning us to a life of masks and lockdowns

An unofficial place to discuss the Telegraph letters, established when the DT website turned off its comments facility (now reinstated, but not as good as ours),
Intelligent, polite, good-humoured debate is welcome, whether on or off topic. Differing opinions are encouraged, but rudeness or personal attacks on other posters will not be tolerated. Posts which – in the opinion of the moderators – make this a less than cordial environment, are likely to be removed, without prior warning.  Persistent offenders will be banned.

Today’s letters (visible only to DT subscribers) are here:

636 thoughts on “Saturday 12 June: So-called experts are condemning us to a life of masks and lockdowns

    1. My favourite Punch and Judy line:

      Punch: “I can’t say sausages, I can only say squashages…”

      Cue hordes of young children: “You Just Said SAUSAGES!”

      and repeat…..

      Morning Michael et al….

  1. Vladimir Putin laughs off Joe Biden’s claim he’s a ‘killer’ (but fails to deny it). 12 June 2021.

    Vladimir Putin burst into laughter when asked if he is a killer – and heaped praise on Donald Trump, before branding Joe Biden a career politician.

    The Russian president guffawed when NBC correspondent Keir Simmons asked him: ‘Mr President, are you a killer?’ during an interview broadcast Friday night.

    Simmons pushed Putin further on the matter, saying: ‘I don’t think I heard you answer the question, a direct question, Mr President.’

    Morning everyone. We await the BBC (or anyone) asking Biden, “Mr President, are you a paedophile?”

  2. From the diary of Sherelle, aged 13:

    Last weekend we visited Grandad. A man came to cut his lawn. To pay him, Grandad keeps a biscuit tin with stuff he calls cash in it. I said What’s that stuff Grandad, Mummy just taps her card.

    Horror! The £5 notes had pictures of a man he called Sir Winston Churchill, so I think all of them MUST be destroyed as Teacher says he was colonialist or racist!

    Then on the £10 notes I spotted the portrait of Jane Austen, an author whose books contain no BAME characters according to Teacher. When I showed the £10 note to Mummy she laughed, because she had read in the Guardian that the quote under Jane Austen’s picture ‘I declare after all there is no enjoyment like reading’ was from a character, Caroline Bingley, who never read any books.

    Oh dear, there’s more – even the coins (and all of the banknotes as well as the postage stamps in Grandad’s tin) had pictures of the head of a hideously white Royal family.

    Surely everyone knows from all the magazines, TV adverts and plays that well over half the people in Britain are BAME. I think it’s terrible that such pictures are allowed in what Teacher calls a multicultural country.

    1. Macron – Hi Joe, any chance you can put me over your knee later for a good spanking.

      1. Trudeau: ” And now I’ve wriggled it up Biden’s arse I’ll look forward to sniffing it later”

    2. Worse than that – two eurocrats there as well.

      Macron is obvious pushing the idiot into manipulating the UK to profit his own incompetent administration and the commies obviously want leverage for revenge over the terminus of their insane fantasy.

        1. The short frog waster would be ideal: incompetent, cretinous, dumb as a rock, posessed of low cunning and greedy. However, putting the french in charg eof anything is a recipe for disaster, so great idea!

        2. The short frog waster would be ideal: incompetent, cretinous, dumb as a rock, posessed of low cunning and greedy. However, putting the french in charg eof anything is a recipe for disaster, so great idea!

    3. Troodoh(sic) will be seething with jealousy if he sees that picture. He thought Macaroon was his for the taking.

    1. Morning Stephen and all Nottlers.

      Front page DT has made me absolutely RAGE at this government. Unlocking delayed for 4 weeks. I know they’ve been leading up to a delay for ages but… where is the protest from anywhere? It is utterly nonsensical. And none of them at the G effing summit are wearing masks or social distancing. WHY ARE WE PUTTING UP WITH IT!

      1. No – Married to Jesse Norman, Conservative MP., with whom she has three children

      2. No – Married to Jesse Norman, Conservative MP., with whom she has three children

    1. You seem to be forgetting, she took no pay but the companies she is associated with made £billions. Very clever rich woman.

  3. The Five-Minute Management Course

    Lesson 1

    A man is getting into the shower just as his wife is finishing up her shower, when the doorbell rings. The wife quickly wraps herself in a towel and runs downstairs. When she opens the door, there stands Bob, the next-door neighbour. Before she says a word, Bob says, ‘I’ll give you $800 to drop that towel.’ After thinking for a moment, the woman drops her towel and stands naked in front of Bob, after a few seconds, Bob hands her $800 and leaves.
    The woman wraps back up in the towel and goes back upstairs. When she gets to the bathroom, her husband asks, ‘Who was that?’
    ‘It was Bob the next-door neighbour,’ she replies.
    ‘Great,’ the husband says, ‘did he say anything about the $800 he owes me?’

    Moral of the story:

    If you share critical information pertaining to credit and risk with your shareholders in time, you may be in a position to prevent avoidable exposure

    Lesson 2

    A priest offered a Nun a lift. She got in and crossed her legs, forcing her habit to reveal a leg.
    The Priest nearly had an accident. After controlling the car, he stealthily slid his hand up her leg.
    The nun said, ‘Father, remember Psalm 129?’
    The Priest removed his hand. But, changing gears, he let his hand slide up her leg again.
    The Nun once again said, ‘Father, remember Psalm 129?’
    The Priest apologized ‘Sorry Sister but the flesh is weak.’
    Arriving at the convent, the Nun sighed heavily and went on her way.
    On his arrival at the church, the Priest rushed to look up Psalm 129. It said, ‘Go forth and seek, further up, you will find glory.’

    Moral of the story

    If you are not well informed in your job, you might miss a great opportunity.

    Lesson 3

    A sales rep, an administration clerk, and the manager are walking to lunch when they find an antique oil lamp. They rub it and a Genie comes out. The Genie says, ‘I’ll give each of you just one wish.’ ‘Me first! Me first!’ says the admin clerk. ‘I want to be in the Bahamas, driving a speedboat, without a care in the world.’
    Puff! She’s gone.
    ‘Me next! Me next!’ says the sales rep. ‘I want to be in Hawaii, relaxing on the beach with my personal masseuse, an endless supply of Pina Coladas and the love of my life.’
    Puff! She’s gone.
    ‘OK, you’re up,’ the Genie says to the manager. The manager says, ‘I want those two back in the office after Lunch.’

    Moral of the story:
    Always let your boss have the first say.

    Lesson 4

    An eagle was sitting on a tree resting, doing nothing. A small rabbit saw the eagle and asked him, ‘Can I also sit like you and do nothing?’
    The eagle answered: ‘Sure, why not.’
    So, the rabbit sat on the ground below the eagle and rested. All of a sudden, a fox appeared, jumped on the rabbit and ate it.

    Moral of the story:

    To be sitting and doing nothing, you must be sitting very, very high up.

    Lesson 5

    A turkey was chatting with a bull.
    ‘I would love to be able to get to the top of that tree’ sighed the turkey, ‘but I haven’t got the energy.’ ‘Well, why don’t you nibble on some of my droppings?’ replied the bull. They’re packed with nutrients.’
    The turkey pecked at a lump of dung, and found it actually gave him enough strength to reach the lowest branch of the tree.
    The next day, after eating some more dung, he reached the second branch. Finally, after a fourth night, the turkey was proudly perched at the top of the tree.
    He was promptly spotted by a farmer, who shot him out of the tree.

    Moral of the story:

    Bull Shït might get you to the top, but it won’t keep you there.

    Lesson 6

    A little bird was flying south for the winter. It was so cold the bird froze and fell to the ground into a large field. While he was lying there, a cow came by and dropped some dung on him. As the frozen bird lay there in the pile of cow dung, he began to realize how warm he was. The dung was actually thawing him out! He lay there all warm and happy, and soon began to sing for joy.
    A passing cat heard the bird singing and came to investigate. Following the sound, the cat discovered the bird under the pile of cow dung, and promptly dug him out and ate him.

    There are several morals to this story:

    (1) Not everyone who shïts on you is your enemy.

    (2) Not everyone who gets you out of shït is your friend.

    (3) And when you’re in deep shït, it’s best to keep your mouth shut!

    Here Endeth The Five-Minute Management Course

    1. Good morning, Tom. Good to see you are in good humour, as ever. It’s a glorious day here, so I shall spend the day driving around the immediate area planning a day out with a friend planned for three weeks from today. Enjoy your day – and the same is wished for all NoTTLers.

  4. Morning all

    SIR – Professor Susan Michie (report, June 10) is a clinical psychologist. Since when does that entitle you to suggest that the entire nation should continue to wear face masks indefinitely?

    It gives the impression that this is basically an experiment in how far the behaviour of the general public may be controlled. I suggest that the majority of people have had more than enough of these diktats from self-appointed experts.

    Dr David Walters

    Burton Bradstock, Dorset

    SIR – Good for Andrew Lloyd Webber (report, June 9) calling for theatres to reopen. We need more high-profile figures to challenge these ultra-cautious and illogical restrictions.

    Perhaps everyone should go out and purchase a ticket to a theatre or musical event to support his challenge to the Government. That would add weight and at the same time give the sector a boost.

    Gareth Edwards

    Christleton, Cheshire


    SIR – Theresa May is right about our Kafkaesque travel rules (“Global Britain is closed for business”, June 11).

    Is the Government trying to kick-start the comatose UK hospitality sector by confusing and frightening the masses into staycations?

    For reasons that do not suffer close scrutiny, huge numbers of potential carriers of the Indian variant were allowed into the country without sufficient quarantine safeguards, and India was not immediately put on the red list once the variant had been identified.

    I fail to understand how preventing vaccinated citizens from travelling to the Mediterranean, where the Indian variant is much less prevalent, is going to help control its spread here.

    Many EU countries agree with Mrs May and are learning to live with Covid by opening their borders to vaccinated and/or tested travellers. There is no reason for us not to do the same. The vaccine dividend is being wasted.

    Ben Giesbrecht


    Placeholder image for youtube video: MsoYGUe8YIk

    SIR – You report that Mrs May has warned the Prime Minister about the effect of travel restrictions.



    It is not unusual for an incoming prime minister to have an active predecessor offering guidance. Tony Blair had Margaret Thatcher looking over his shoulder. But Boris Johnson has five predecessors available, all ready to to offer him support and guidance (Mr Blair, Gordon Brown, Sir John Major, David Cameron and Mrs May). How lucky can you get?

    Alan Cumming

    Stratford-upon-Avon, Warwickshire

    SIR – Why can’t the Government for once use some common sense and trust the people?

    Lift restrictions on June 21 as planned, advising the unvaccinated or vulnerable to remain cautious, and the rest of us to use our own judgment as to how to behave. Hospitalisations and Covid deaths are low because of the vaccine rollout: let the people decide.

    Jennie Naylor

    East Preston, West Sussex

    Cambridge’s leader

    SIR – Douglas Murray has twice made unwarranted and highly personal attacks on the vice-chancellor of the University of Cambridge, Professor Stephen Toope (Comment, May 22 and June 8). As heads of the university’s six academic schools, we are independent of the central administration, but we cannot stand by as Professor Toope is subject to such gross misrepresentation.


    Cambridge is a democratic institution with roots stretching back 800 years. No vice-chancellor can impose their will on the university, and all policy decisions proceed through a finely balanced committee structure. While generations of vice-chancellors have doubtless found this frustrating, it is a fact of life at Cambridge.

    Mr Murray makes the absurd suggestion that Professor Toope wants to limit free speech and push an agenda in which academics can be punished for raising an eyebrow at a student. The reality is more mundane. Errors were made during the launch of a campaign to introduce policies and procedures covering conduct in the workplace. The campaign website was taken down as soon as the mistakes were spotted, and the policy and procedures are now subject to further democratic scrutiny.

    Professor Toope is an eminent international lawyer and experienced university leader. He is committed to championing freedom of expression and to making the university a welcoming place for our students and staff, who hail from all over the world. The two aims are complementary, not incompatible. As a leader, he commands respect from across the university and as senior academics we offer him our unwavering support.


    Professor John Dennis

    School of Technology

    Professor Tim Harper

    School of the Humanities and Social Sciences

    Professor Patrick Maxwell

    School of Clinical Medicine

    Professor Nigel Peake

    School of the Physical Sciences

    Professor Anna Philpott

    School of the Biological Sciences

    Professor Chris Young

    School of Arts and Humanities

    Funding foreign aid

    SIR – The debate should not be about what percentage of national income ought to be spent on foreign aid (Letters, June 9), but whether it is right to use taxpayers’ money on matters not directly benefiting them.

    The Government should set up a foreign-aid fund for those who can afford to donate. Low-income families struggling to pay their tax shouldn’t have their money spent abroad.

    Foreign aid is yet another policy whereby politicians use taxpayers’ money to virtue signal.

    Eric Gibbons

    Dunfermline, Fife

    SIR – Am I alone in wanting to have a detailed account of exactly where foreign aid money has gone?

    Rosalind Ward

    Keynsham, Somerset

    Scorned verses

    SIR – Before the war, at the Hospital of St Cross in Rugby, post for medical staff was brought to the theatre anteroom. Billy, one of my nurse mother’s suitors, was a friend of Dylan Thomas (Letters, June 11); my doctor father his rival.


    When a letter arrived from Billy containing a poem “To Mary”, penned by Dylan, my father was disparaging. The poem was thrown in the bin. This was long before Dylan was famous, and so was later regretted.

    Petrina Rowley

    Blandford Forum, Dorset

    Village churches

    SIR – Out-of-touch bishops are destroying an important element of village life (Comment, June 5).

    Villagers want the parish church to be there for them – not just for christenings, weddings and funerals. Some who rarely attend a service contribute to church funds (as does our parish council) and enjoy attending church events.

    We, in turn, encourage people when they move to the village or when, for example, they are bereaved and need solace, to come to our church. Although numbers are small, we have a few more at church than in 2019.

    Our rector retires shortly and is not to be replaced. We will be left with two part-time clergy in the benefice (nine churches) on whom will be put a totally unreasonable workload.

    The Church of England must reduce bureaucracy and administrative costs, concentrate on funding rural as well as urban clergy, encourage diversity of worship and build on what exists.


    We volunteers, who keep churches going from day to day, are not being listened to by people in ivory towers with little experience of our world.

    Sue Lansdale

    East Tisted, Hampshire

    Palliative care

    SIR – Why is the argument on assisted dying couched in polarised terms? People want two things at the end of life. Above all else, they do not want to suffer pain, distress and indignity. They also do not want to die alone.

    Denying “unwanted intervention”, as Dr Idris Baker puts it (Letters, June 4), is no recipe for reassurance. Some of that is merely not giving food, water, antibiotics or cardiopulmonary resuscitation. It does not cover pain that cannot be controlled.

    To make the case for better palliative care is fine. The experts are hospices – whose average funding from the NHS is a risky 27 per cent. The rest is raised by charitable donation. Governments prefer not to think about dying, and neglect to fund end-of-life care.

    The Assisted Dying Bill is at least a step in the right direction.

    Linda Hughes

    Newton Abbot, Devon


    Talking turkey

    SIR – I have just received my first promotional Christmas email, from the City of Birmingham Symphony Orchestra, with the heading: “Is it too early to talk about Christmas?”

    Mike Hames

    Cradley, Herefordshire

    Historical riches on display across Britain

    The Lampedusa Cross, made by Francesco Tuccio from a migrant boat wrecked in 2013

    The Lampedusa Cross, made by Francesco Tuccio from a migrant boat wrecked in 2013 CREDIT: © The Trustees of the British Museum

    SIR – Chris Moss (“The pandemic has stripped London of its appeal,” Comment, argues that now is the “time to redistribute our cultural and historical riches around the land”. This is precisely what the British Museum does through its national programmes, a network of 250 cultural organisations across the UK.

    The pandemic has obviously compromised the ability to lend objects over the past year, but in 2019-20 the British Museum lent more than 2,800 objects to more than 100 venues across the country, sharing the collection with the UK’s brilliant local museums and galleries. More British visitors encounter objects from the British Museum’s collection outside London than visit the British Museum itself.

    The work undertaken by the museum’s treasure and portable antiquities scheme ensures that finds made by metal detectorists are reported locally and often end up in museums close to the find spot, such as the spectacular Staffordshire Hoard and the landmark Frome Hoard of Roman coins.


    The loans programme is restarting with the Lampedusa Cross, which is on loan to the People’s History Museum in Manchester and the touring exhibition, “Living with Art”, opening in Doncaster’s Danum Gallery on July 24.

    Hartwig Fischer

    Director, British Museum

    Why struggling GPs are resistant to innovation

    SIR – When the NHS was founded in 1948, engaging GPs as independent contractors was good policy. But that independence has led to stasis.

    It is true that GPs were overworked, demoralised and exhausted even before Covid. Now they are overwhelmed too, and the system could break. At the end of the last century the very best and worst practices were single-doctor practices, and the former were often influential beacons of excellence. The Shipman Inquiry put an end to these.

    Independent-contractor status removes the possibility of effective leadership at anything more than practice level, and the tendency to merge into bigger groups of doctors, where most are equal partners, means that difficult, radical innovations, such as were developed under GP Fundholding after 1991, are inevitably voted against.


    Those innovations were cancelled after Labour came to power. Consequently, general practice is now decades out of date. We need to highlight how good practices work, and make the others follow, as would happen in other big businesses.

    The skills and motivations are all there. Incentivising GPs to discover and follow best practice probably requires abandoning the independent-contractor model as it stands.

    Dr Douglas Jenkinson FRCGP


    1. Perhaps Toope should do his job and stop bowing the demented Left wing fads of fools and children.

    2. Well said Dr Walters! And, I never thought to see the day when I agreed with Mrs May!!

    3. “Some who rarely attend a service contribute to church funds (as does our parish council) and enjoy attending church events.”

      I have news for you, Sue Lansdale. Unless you mean your Parochial Parish Council, your local government parish council is acting ultra vires. It does not have power of expenditure to grant money to churches except to maintain a closed cematory.

    4. “Some who rarely attend a service contribute to church funds (as does our parish council) and enjoy attending church events.”

      I have news for you, Sue Lansdale. Unless you mean your Parochial Parish Council, your local government parish council is acting ultra vires. It does not have power of expenditure to grant money to churches except to maintain a closed cematory.

  5. Sausage wars: Boris Johnson hints he may rip up EU rule book over trade with Northern Ireland

    Prime Minister’s official spokesman says ‘all options are on the table’ when asked whether he would unilaterally waive checks on imports

    By Ben Riley-Smith, POLITICAL EDITOR – 11 June 2021 • 9:00pm


    George Smith
    11 Jun 2021 8:42PM

    Von der Leyen and Michel are not European Leaders. They are jumped up clerical workers in a bureaucracy.

    They just do what Merkel and Macron tell them to do.

    In that order.

    John Harrison
    11 Jun 2021 9:00PM

    She is Karen from finance

    1. Good morning, Citroen

      Boris Johnson hints he may rip up EU rule book over trade with Northern Ireland

      I shouldn’t bank on it. The mendacious oaf promised there would be no border in the Irish Sea in the first place. If he cannot honour a firm promise then what chance has a feeble little hint got?

  6. Good morning, all. Broken cloud – strong north-westerly blowing.

    Revoke the Withdrawal Agreement – and to hell with the EUSSR.

      1. I am a great fan of neither Guinness nor Mackeson beers – but this actor was one of my favourites.

    1. Thunberg needs to go to the Dentist and be told that anaesthetic contains carbon.

      She is a typical hypocrite, a moron and a spoiled child. She assumes nothing will change for her yet demands everyone else live in poverty.

  7. 334226+ up ticks,
    Morning Each,

    “Saturday 12 June: So-called experts are condemning us to a life of masks and lockdowns”

    Too true my babes, ( tinker talk) the people’s will want an awful lot of lucky heather to put down THEIR political creation.

    The accumulation / fruition of the last three decades of work in progress via the polling booth.

    The political master race in full strutting mode agreeing on the
    reset, race replace, resettlement rules via the mask & lockdown tools.

    If the DOVER illegal intake campaign & the flights of the political phonies do NOT enlighten the lab/lib/con current members of the herd
    nothing will.

    Ultimately in the near future the only two options will be arabic halal or chinese on the political menu.

    Hard to shake tunes in the head, I can hear Connie Francis rendering of ” Whos sorry now”

  8. Good morning all.

    Surprise surprise, it seems that ‘Freedom Day’ won’t be happening:

    I thought that government was advising us to cancel foreign holidays to ‘preserve 21st June?’ Shapps and Hancock were saying this only days ago. But despite another hammer blow to the aviation industry, 21st June won’t be happening.

    This government is a wrecking ball, to our economy, our mental wellbeing, our whole way of life. We need to simply stop complying. I will not wear a mask again and i will happily patronise any business which ignores Covid rules.

    1. The Covid powers were extended until the end of September: nodded through by compliant, taxpayer funded donkeys.
      By then the nights draw in and Britain becomes chillier and damper.
      Can’t be too careful; better safe than sorry; blah, blah, blah……
      You can see which way this is going.

      1. I remember Hancock saying in March that the Coronavirus Act would be extended again in September. This is so obviously part of a pre-scripted plan that it is embarrassing. Once they kick the can down the road into Autumn then the usual cases of ‘flu will be labelled as Covid, and another winter of tiers and lockdowns beckons.

        I think that 21st June is going to be a watershed moment. Either the masses simply stop complying, or we accept that we are a beaten, compliant people and deserve everything that is coming.

        1. The rebellion against Richard II really took off when he made a vainglorious expedition to Ireland; crushing the paddies was the go-to bit of regal power signalling at the time.
          Will Bozza’s Cornish boondoggle finally stiffen the spines of any Conservative MPs?
          p.s. I also wish the the Great Juju would gift me the power to do maffs.

    1. 334226+ up ticks,
      Is the call sign sent out via the governance coalition
      ” cross over your in clover” a successful magnet then Ogs ?

      You had better believe it.

    2. Bloody hell. We need to stop locking these scum up. Instead, flog them. Publicly, beat the living crap out of them, remove their skin and hang the remains from a meat hook to die slowly.

      1. 334226+ up ticks,
        Morning W,
        Nice day for a floggin, I do agree that would certainly stop any politico’s dead in their tracks, now about the illegals…..

  9. I’m getting increasingly angry over the claimed delay in opening up. I and a near-suicidal relative are getting more frustrated and depressed at suffering the stupidity of lockdowns, wokeness, immigration and all the other issues of the Western nations’ slow suicide. I fear this may be the final straw for him, forcing me to make a long trip to visit him today. First the government fails to ban flights from India in order to avoid being accused of being racist and affecting discussions on a trade deal then it wants to punish the whole country to save an immigrant minority from the consequences of their own actions, notably not getting vaccinated.

    When will this tunnel vision and stupid dogma end?

    1. I have lived through some appalling administrations; Wilson, Heath, Major, Blair, Cameron, May etc….
      But I have never felt such depths of loathing and contempt for a British government as I do this one.

        1. 334226+ up ticks,
          Morning Kp,
          There has always been an alternative
          UKIP for 25 plus years with its faults inclusive was always an alternative all the while this political sh!te was building, why do you you think Batten & the REAL UKIP were treacherously taken out by the party nEc & ” nige”

          1. 334226+ up ticks,
            I no longer support uKiP since the nec / farage treachery what Batten was building was a political successful party,in the BLACK financially and gaining membership numbers daily.

            It HAD to be taken out its very success triggered the treachery
            of the neC / “nige” with the collusion of many a lab/lib/con member / voter coating them with the far right racist tag.

            The real political sh!te has now revealed itself but WILL still find support right up to the doors of the mosque.

            IMO uKiP is now a segment of the lab/lib/con coalition and an
            odious shadow of the REAL UKIP.

          2. It really has become The Judean People’s Front v. The People’s Front of Judea.

          3. 334226+upticks,
            Me being one of a simple mind I do see it as Right vee Sh!te.

          4. 334226+ up ticks,
            Read up on the recent history, they have very good reasons to hate themselves.

            I personally want to see Anne Marie Waters “For Britain” party built on.

          5. I was a member until recently and still believe that their policies are spot on. Unfortunately, they are slaughtered by the MSM and need to be reinvented under another name.

          6. 334226+ up ticks,
            Afternoon Kp,
            They were treacherously taken down finally by their own nEc / farage no doubt of that.
            Over the years they were subject to all sorts of far right / racist accusational abuse in the main from peoples that were supporting parties that were practising covert treachery on a daily basis and still are, and still finding support.
            The UKIP you see now I believe is a shell of the original they have become a segment of the lab/lib/con coalition, personally will be supporting AM Waters.

      1. “British government”; what government?

        None of the Cabinet appears to have any authority whatsoever, this is being driven by the civil service ably abetted by a Marxist academia and MSM.

        1. I think that you are correct re the Cabinet but a story last week was pointing the finger at the snake Gove and the satanic Hancock as the prime movers of policy. The extremely indolent Johnson acting as the rubber stamp for the machinations of the aforementioned pair.

          1. I still think even those two are controlled mouthparts rather than making the policy. The civil service has merely found willing minions.

    2. Morning Dale. You are assuming that this state of affairs is serendipitous. It’s not!

  10. Good Moaning.

    Brenda strikes again!

    During a group photo the Queen asked the world leaders: ‘Are you supposed to be looking as if you’re enjoying yourself?’

    1. I do like Her Majesty. The crap she puts up with – I mean, heck. She was next to Biden, Macron, Troodoe, the pointless EU ursula person and given a *sword*. If it had been me, I’d have improved all those nations then eaten the cake while holding the blade to Boris and saying ‘This is how things are going down, beach!’

      1. Goodness is Cornwall immune to the virus , is it the ultimate antidote to ALL infections .

        The Queen should have told Trudo to get his hair cut, slimy greaseball, isn’t he

        1. He’s just another woke twonk. Politics should be forbidden to people until they have run a business for a minimum of 4 years and made a profit and worked in the private sector – not just as a lawyer.

          Bluntly, it doesn’t matter what politicians have done as long as we have referism, recall and direct democracy.

          1. All elections should have as an option “None of these wankers – try again”, then there might be some change.

      2. I think how she coped with the Ceausescus is an example to us all. Apparently what couldn’t be hidden in Buck House was nailed down.

    1. So stop the buses, prevent people getting off them. If theey get uppity, shoot them.

  11. Good morning from a gloriously sunny Bursledon.
    Went for a walk last night and stopped off at The Vine and The Linden Tree. Did a few songs in The Linden Tree which earned me an extra pint!

    1. I endured some karaoke in The Man In The Moon in Stevenage yesterday evening. My goodness, there are some bad singers out there. The pained listeners were the more deserving of any extra pints going. After finishing ours (not freebies), we moved on to a quieter watering hole.

  12. Could we start a movement to come up with a name for the island of Ireland so that we can banish the terribly cumbersome phrase, “island of Ireland”.

    I’ll open the bidding with ‘Ayeoaye’

    1. ‘Morning, Stormy. Its official, National name is Republic of Eire or Eire for short (maybe not for long when it is subsumed into the United States of Europe)

      1. You’re a bit out of was only ever called Eire during WW2 and a few years after.

          1. Sunk by its allies, the Nazis. Eamon de Valera, the American born killer and Prime Minister (Tea-sock), would have been weeping in his half pint of Guinness. He still managed to send a tear stained message of sympathy with the Third Reich when he heard that Hitler has topped himself.

        1. I call the republic “Eire”, because I know that they do not like it.

        2. Which is why they changed their international vehicle identifier from EIR to IRL.

      2. By writing “the island of Ireland” I think that Stormy means the combined lands of Eire and Northern Ireland.

      3. It’s been Republic of Ireland since the 40s. See eg Ireland Act 1949. It’s inhabitants get a bit shirty if you use Eire nowadays, partly because it fell out of favour with the loss of German support on Hitler’s death.

      4. It is annoying that this farce is solely so the EU can force it’s own fanatic hegemonic arrogance over the UK. It doesn’t care about sausages, it’s simply weaponisation of a nation to get to another one that dared defy it.

        Ireland should have the right to choose it’s trade arrangements, but the EU is so pathetically abusive it wanted control over the gateway, exploiting the conflict specifically for the gain of petty, nasty, miserable bureaucrats.

    2. How about ‘The personal property and fiefdom of his imperial idiot Wibbling the 1st.’

    3. Why bother? There are more people in England of Irish descent than the entire population if Eire. Just change the name of England to Padistan – that would be nearer the truth.

    4. (Of the southern part) The official name in Irish is Éire and in the English language, Ireland. Its description in the English language is “the Republic of Ireland.”

  13. Good morning, my friends

    Raheem Sterling honoured for services to racial equality in sport
    The footballer is recognised for his anti-racism campaigning, while England teammate Jordan Henderson is rewarded for services to charity

    Various friends and family members have received honours over the years – generally for a long period of service. I know little about Mr Sterling but surely he hasn’t been at his ‘Hate the White British Campaign‘ for long enough yet to merit a gong?

    The honours system no longer reflects anything other than wokery for arriviste wokes and should be scrapped.

    1. Strange, but of late, Equality seems to produce everything but that

      WLM too

      1. Ah, careful now. Equality to the Left means their side gets what it wants at the expense of others.

        Equality for us means that everyone has the same opportunity to succeed.

    2. I wonder how they feel about being made a member of the Order of the British Empire?

      1. You’ve obviously missed the recent Court announcement.

        It has been renamed Ordure of the Black Empire

      2. Being hypocrites they won’t give two monkeys as long as they get something shiny, something extra in the bank and a better table in the top restaurants.

    3. Raheem Sterling the one with an AK47 tattoo on his leg to be awarded with Member of the Black Empire for services to the black equality

    4. Another once deserved honour has now become a woke joke. It might even have been be funny if it wasn’t such a serious mistake.

    5. “Ask not what your country can do for you – ask what you can do for your country,”

      The whole medal business is an absolute farce .

      Those who silently go about their business in a kindly fashion will be rewarded in other ways .

      1. ‘Morning, Mags, “The whole medal business is an absolute farce.

        Maybe for being a lefty woke but not for bravery in the field – be it man, dog or pigeon!

  14. 5:30 am dog needs to go outside.

    6am MiL wakes up.

    6:01am dog has harness on and other end is in MiLs hand.
    6:02am dog is walking MiL.

    6:05am I am asleep.

    1. 04:15 SWMBO tuns over in bed by carrying out several trampoline-style manoevres, thereby waking me up by the violent shaking of the bed.
      08:30 Slumber resumed.
      08:40 SWMBO appears with breakfast.
      It feels like I had 2 hours sleep this last week.

      1. Tie ropes around the mattress with her in it. Then you get to ‘sleep tight’.

      2. Bloody hell!
        What is the Dearly Tolerant doing sharing a bed with you???

  15. A letter/comment in the Daily Telegraph . . .
    “Another thing that’s patently wrong is that ‘Just like that’… 90% of our tv adverts feature black people, when they only comprise 7% of the population.
    Why is that?
    It’s obviously misrepresentative. dishonest and wrong.”

    1. To force an agenda that doesn’t exist but makes the Lefty marketing departments feel good.

      It’s pandering more than anything. Talked about this representation over dinner one evening and my brain surgeon chum said it was absurdly patronising, as if by not seeing themselves on the telly they stop existing.

      1. It makes me feel they don’t want my custom. If they’re pandering to bleks, then bleks can buy the stuff.

      2. It makes me feel they don’t want my custom. If they’re pandering to bleks, then bleks can buy the stuff.

    2. It could be that they think BAMEs are more gullible that whiteys and target them preferentially. Having more ‘minorities’ in adverts could be construed as discrimination against the blecks and the benders. It should be made illegal. 😃😃😃

  16. 21st June 2021

    This day is called the End of Covid19:
    He that lives for this day, and comes safe home,
    Will stand a tip-toe when the day is named,
    And rouse him at the name of Covid19.
    He that shall live this day, and see old age,
    Will yearly on the vigil feast his neighbours,
    And say ‘To-morrow is End of Covid19:’
    Then will he strip his sleeve and show his scar
    And say ‘The Mask I ditched on Covid19 day.’
    Old men forget: yet all shall be forgot,
    But he’ll remember with advantages
    This story shall the good man teach his son;
    And Covid19 shall ne’er go by,
    From this day to the ending of the world,
    But we in it shall be remember’d;
    We few, we happy few, we band of brothers;
    For he to-day that sheds his mask with me
    Shall be my brother; be he ne’er so vile,
    This day shall gentle his condition:
    And gentlemen in England now afrit
    Shall think themselves accursed they were not here,
    And hold their manhoods cheap whiles any speaks
    That fought with us to End Covid19 day.

    (With Apols to W Shakespeare Esq.)

  17. 334226+ up ticks,
    May one say this anthony charles lynton, ( bow street ) is a role model of current in house governance MPs.

    Two Tiered Society: Tony Blair Calls for Only Vaccinated People to Get More Freedom

  18. Just been outside to open the greenhouse. The cold n-w wind is stronger and really unpleasant. Still, takes ones mind off the news.

    The Grimes (which I don’t take on Saturdays) is really having a go at BPAPM.

  19. G7: Boris Johnson to face pressure from EU on Northern Ireland. 12 June 2021.

    EU leaders expected to stress potential consequences of failing to find resolution, putting onus on UK to compromise.

    Europe’s that way! Bugger off you old cow!

    (how I wish!)

    1. EU leaders expected to stress potential consequences of failing to find resolution, putting onus on UK to compromise.

      Apart from the UK voting to leave, the compromise has been almost totally from us. They have screwed us every way they possibly could. The only time they have conceded anything is when they thought they would be hurt more than the UK.

      1. Neither the ‘experts’ in Brussels [read Washington -the same ones who under Obama pursued the bizarre and disastrous policy of courting and arming’moderate’ Islamists in order to undermine ‘extreme’ Islamists*) nor British pro-EU metropolitans seem to understand that, via Germany, theEU is dancing to Russia and China’s tune. Add on top of that that France has long been has for the past eight decades been as resentful of andunhelpful towards the USA as it is of the UK, and we have once again a US government that once again can’t understand who its real friends andenemies are. Helped on this occasion with Demented Joe and his cohorts.

        Ahead of the next NATO meeting with Demented Joe, he next time the USA asks for military help from the UK, our government should direct it to the its ‘allies’ in Paris, Berlin and Dublin. (Given the * ‘moderate’ Islamists in Syria duly defected to Al Nusra – taking their shiny new US-made
        weapons with them. To paraphrase Orwell: some strategies are so stupid that only a diplomat could think of them). With Macron wanting to replace Mutti as head of the EU, the walls will come tumbling down

    2. Does anyone, apart from Carrie, believe that Boris Johnson has any testicles? And I am beginning to think that she doesn’t either and that she had to use a surrogate or artificial insemination in order to conceive Wilfred

      1. Johnson has vastly contributed to the imbecilic overpopulation of the planet by procreating no fewer than six brats.

        Now, unless these offspring are “grudge babies” [i.e. someone had it in for him], then you may rest assured that the PM has functioning cojones.

    3. Why and what is she doing there anyway, three of the Brussels mafia have turned up ! ?

        1. Obviously some sort of devious deployment is a foot.
          But a manoeuvre filled with bare faced authoritarian arrogance.

          1. Yep. Why invite people to the G7 club who are not members unless you are all members of a bigger club.

  20. The Daily Human Stupidity:

    “There is more stupidity than hydrogen in the universe, and it has a longer shelf life.”

    Frank Zappa.

    1. And I wonder what he’d say now at least 29 years later.
      And there’s a hell of a lot more carbon in the atmosphere over Carbis Bay than there should be.

    2. Just back from shopping at Kolsås.
      As I approached the carpark entrace, there was a woman putting the chain back on her bicycle. Bike was upside down whilst she worked on it – IN THE MIDDLE OF THE ROAD! Jesus! She suddenly notices a car trying to enter (me), gets in a panic and puts bike right way up, then nearly wheels it into my car!
      I need strong alohol after that.
      Afternoon, Grizz. I think I agree with your man Frank.

      1. Prostate cancer aged 52. Absolutely no connection with radium treatment he received when he was a child…

  21. OK. The moment of truth. Cards on the table. Who wants a ban on coffee? Coffee was grown on plantations that used slave labour. They still use slaves on coffee plantations in Brazil and elsewhere. Have any darkies spoken up about it? Any, anywhere? Or are they all too busy complaining about their human rights being violated by a joke in a dressing room? Or is coffee so sacred it ranks with Momma and apple pie?

    1. Apple pie is already under attack; particularly if displayed on a gingham tablecloth. An evil Whitey confection according to some well tanned Professor of Grievance Encouragement.

      1. I notice the bbc are having trouble with their usual well practiced trick of focusing in on any but white people at the trooping of the coloureds ceremony this morning.
        I bet they are pulling their collective hair out.
        And after the racist Italian football team last night as well.

        1. I think in all my years of racing, I’ve only ever met one non-white spectator (as opposed to owners, many of whom are foreign anyway). Yet, if there is one tinted spectator in a crowd of 10,000, the Bbc would seek this person out for display.

          1. I remember seeing the London Lord mayor’s parade on TV (not kahnt) and it was quite obvious as he was then Jewish that certain people stayed away from lining the streets watching And they managed to find one bame and use her more often than it would have been normally conceivable. The same thing happened at the Queen’s jubilee.

    2. In my circle of acquaintances there was a wonderful, charming and intelligent gent from the French colonies who we used to describe as being ‘cafe con leche’.

    3. Both Momma and apple pie have recently been cancelled. Momma is sexist, transphobic and cultural appropriation and apples are considered colonialist.

  22. 334226+ up ticks,
    NO IT TIAN’T not by a long bloody chalk, purveyor of the treacherous
    nine month delay, for that alone she should have had her treasonable @rse kicked out of parliament.

    Delingpole: Come Back Theresa May, (Almost) All Is Forgiven…

    1. No, diverse means ‘absolute mess, ruined beyond sense, unpleasant, polluted, damaged, spoiled.’

  23. Has anyone else noticed that the word ‘diverse’ has changed in meaning over the past year. It used to mean ‘showing a great deal of variety’, now it appears to be used when referring to anything non-white.
    e.g. ‘He came from a diverse background’
    ‘The school has a lot of diverse pupils’

    1. Another word to add to the long list hijacked by the Thought Police.
      Gay, Bigot, Community, Marriage etc

      1. It makes it acceptable to a supine and subservient indigenous population, apparently!

    2. He was a nigger in a school full of niggers – is that how to run those two diverse sentences together?

    3. The meanings of words do change over time. Even to the point of an insult becoming a term of affection.

      But i take your point. This seems intentional. White is not and cannot be diverse because it is white. Therefore it is bad.

  24. Well done the DM.

    A picture of the Basking Bonker with a tribute headline reference to Stevie Smith:


    Well he’s certainly not waving, he has been too far out of his depth since becoming prime minister and he is a dead man moaning.

        1. What a disappointment that picture was. I was expecting a pic I’d of BBPAPM! (Not hoping for, you understand).

          1. Basking sharks are often spotted off the Cornish coast. Indeed I have seen many of them while sailing between Rame Head and St Antony’s Lighthouse. This is a particularly ugly specimen of the Basking Bonker.

    1. It’s for the seven biggest economies (plus some hangers-on) represented bycountries. The EU isn’t a country, despite it’s pretensions.

      1. aftn obl, not helped that Russia’s economically ranked 6th re purchase parity / GDP, but that doesn’t fit the MSM narrative

      2. Well Canada certainly doesn’t qualify as one of the biggest economies.

        Why not throw Canada out and invite California along for the jollies, the Californian gdp is about 50% bigger than Canadas.

  25. 334226+ up ticks,
    Surely this if tried on should carry an attempted murder charge and should be dealt with as such by what passes for the law.

    Former Tory MEP reveals how she was put under DNR order against her will
    ‘Do not resuscitate’ orders are generally only supposed to be put in place with the clear agreement of the person concerned.

    Wanna be shipmans we do NOT require.

    1. No, Mrs Jackson PhD is 74 and has Parkinson’s disease; there was a risk that she might not have fully recovered from a surgical procedure, and would she really have wanted to live in a vegetative state?
      The form is not ‘DNR’ but DNACPR: Do not attempt cardiopulmonary resuscitation.
      CPR can be quite physical, and with elderly people (think osteoporosis) ribs may be broken.
      At her age she should have a designated family chum (I can’t think of the correct phrase) such as a son daughter or husband who is authorised to talk with her GPs and surgical team.

      1. 334226+ up ticks,
        Afternoon T,
        IMO & maybe only my opinion it is still to open to deadly abuse, should be checked then checked again.
        I am in no way saying you are wrong but as with hanging an innocent ” sorry we’ll get it right next time” don’t work.

        1. Incontinence patches would be dry in minutes, It gets very hot inside those domes when the sun is out.
          Unless of course there are further back end worries in mind.

        1. Tennis balls, definitely! His last one lasted less than two minutes. Mr Duck is still okay so far.

        2. Tennis balls, definitely! His last one lasted less than two minutes. Mr Duck is still okay so far.

      1. Lateral thinking – old hat (just like the hat in the photo). Even Bi-lateral thinking has been superseded by Trans-lateral thinking so I’m told….

    1. V niasch Grizz.
      I use to often buy one to go with my ‘double cut roll’ lunch when I lived in south Oz.

      1. Mum would make then frequently, when I were nobbut a nipper, but she never put nutmeg on them (like they do in the baker’s shops) because she hated it. I love it.

      1. Sorry, Paul. That one boiled over and stuck to the bottom of the tin. It didn’t look as good coming out! :•(

    2. Love them , my dear late great aunt used to make them and she also made some thing like that with curd cheese and sultanas.

      The nearest to those are the Marks and Spencer egg custard tarts , but there is something missing ..

      1. My mother used to make the curd tart. I have the recipe for it somewhere. I always thought it came from Yorkshire?

    3. I have to admit to being a heathen and quite liking the Tesco ones, although they’re mostly pastry now.

  26. Marine Le Pen victory in France risks ‘dagger in the heart’ for Europe
    With the far-right leader surging in the polls, French markets are starting to panic and the EU is looking on with worry

    BTL Comment:

    Like Farage in England and Trump in the USA her appeal is largely based on the fact that she is loathed by the MSM and the established political elites.

    Be prepared for dirty tricks from the PTB and the MSM.

    1. She’s not ‘far Right’ though. Economically she’s very Left wing. All she pushes for is an end to gimmigration, which the majority of Frogs want.

      1. So more of their gimmigrants over to us? More gemigration to us, in other words.

        Now, when they stop coming into France, then they will stop offloading onto us. But in between?

      2. So more of their gimmigrants over to us? More gemigration to us, in other words.

        Now, when they stop coming into France, then they will stop offloading onto us. But in between?

        1. Well, I didn’t know what the yellow things were, so I mentioned the ones I knew!

          1. They look like Crocosmia. Mine are red. Common i know. I didn’t even know they came in yellow. :@(

          2. Don’t swear at me in your lawyerful language, Bill – they’re yellow flowers.

          3. I’ve had that. I tried Ralgex, but that made it worse. A small drink, however, did work.

          4. I’ve had that. I tried Ralgex, but that made it worse. A small drink, however, did work.

    1. Hemerocallis (day lilies)? Lovely iris – such a fantastic colour. Your rose seems to like the warmth of the wall.

      1. Of course we are. Sheeple have swallowed all their rubbish without question. For goodness sake WAKE UP everybody and STOP DOING WHAT THEY TELL YOU TO DO.

        1. My thought exactly. When ITV racing was discussing what impact postponing “Freedom Day” would have, my immediate reaction was, “stuff ’em! Go ahead and open up anyway.”

        2. My thought exactly. When ITV racing was discussing what impact postponing “Freedom Day” would have, my immediate reaction was, “stuff ’em! Go ahead and open up anyway.”

      2. Just look at them! I despise them all! Every lie they tell. Every False Flag they plant. Every Fake Story they invent. To think we have come to this! Roll on the Apocalypse and let’s have an end to it!

      3. But only 30 at a wedding, of course – far too dangerous for plebs to get close – like these people.

        1. You can have 80 at a funeral, apparently. One of my old friends has just died (not of Covid), but because he was so popular and I’m not family or a member of his lodge, I shan’t make the cut. I’ve asked a friend (who is going to be a pall bearer) to represent me.

          1. The bastards are just as likely to change the rules on Monday when BPAPM announces what Witless and Halfcock have told him to say.

          2. We lost a choir member last year. Not through Covid. She died the day before her ninetieth birthday. Joined the choir when she was eight. The funeral was restricted to recorded hymns and 30 congregation. On 26th June, there will be a memorial service for her, to make up for the recorded hymns and max 30 congregation. The whole village would pay its respects, if allowed. But, thanks to Fattaturk, the hymns will once again be recorded, and the congregation limited to 30.

            There’s also a wedding on the 25th. Same restrictions apply.

            In ‘normal’ times, I could expect to play for two to three funerals per month. Last year, I played for three in total. None were Covid victims. Half way through this year, there have been none at all. In a bloody pandemic.

          3. We all know that they are being deceitful, manipulative control freaks. Time to rebel.

      4. All the most pointless wasters doing so much damage are in one place.

        Couldn’t we hoof the Queen out then just bomb it?

    1. Us? Cantankerous?

      There is nothing like a 70 year old with painful joints armed with a walking stick !

      1. I always thought Nottl was made up mainly of grumpy old men (and women, of course).

  27. The woke onslaught is a war on the West itself

    Anti-Western Westerners risk sawing off the very branch on which they so comfortably sit


    It is customary on the Left to dismiss the “culture wars” as a Right-wing distraction. The former Labour minister Lord Adonis asserted this week that the Right’s “stoking” of the culture wars is designed to hide the Government’s “lack of substance”. And in their joint submission to the Times Education Commission, he and Tony Blair claimed that the Higher Education (Freedom of Speech) Bill currently en route through Parliament is “a reform in search of a problem since free speech is hardly a key issue on university campuses”.

    They could not be more wrong. Not only do they appear to be ignoring the scale of the assault on our values in universities and beyond, but the significance of it too.

    Foreign and domestic policy is profoundly shaped by national identity and culture. A nation’s identity draws from its past, and so disputes over history have significant implications.

    Empires have been the norm throughout history. While the transatlantic slave trade is taught in British schools, the Ottoman Empire, which colonised swathes of Europe and was involved in the Barbary slave trade, is barely touched upon.

    Why is the bright light of scrutiny primarily directed onto European empires, especially the British one? The reason is that the real target of today’s anti-colonialists is the West or, more precisely, the Anglo-American liberal world order that has prevailed since 1945. The rows about Rhodes and slavery are not about the past at all; they’re about the present.

    To undermine the West’s allegedly oppressive international and national orders, the anti-colonialists have to undermine faith in them. That is why “decolonialists” propagate the phrase “colonialism and slavery”, implying that the two were identical and that slavery is Britain’s dirty secret, epitomising its essential racism. This, they claim, is who we are and must repudiate. This is why Rhodes and his like must fall.

    Politically, this makes sense. If you want to make others do your bidding, it is helpful to subvert their self-confidence. But in this anti-colonialists at home are allied – inadvertently, no doubt – with illiberal regimes abroad.

    If Henry Kissinger is to be believed, ever since Sun Tzu’s Art of War, Chinese realpolitik has placed a premium on gaining a psychological advantage. So, in 2011 a British diplomat in China was told: “What you have to remember is that you come from a weak and declining nation”. And when, in July 2020, Britain criticised the Chinese regime for trampling over the Sino-British Joint Declaration of 1984 on Hong Kong, Beijing’s ambassador was quick to dismiss the criticism as outdated colonial interference.

    America now seems to accept this narrative. US Ambassador to the UN, Linda Thomas-Greenfield, argued that she has seen for herself “how the original sin of slavery weaved white supremacy into our founding documents and principles”. The US has to “acknowledge that we are an imperfect union” she continued “and have been since the beginning”.

    Whether in the case of China and Russia today, or possibly some future Islamic State, a prerequisite for their rise is a degree of confidence and civilisational purpose. What does the West have to offer to counter these highly illiberal states and social forces? What is the glue that holds free countries together with a common purpose to defend their shared institutional order, upon which their rights and freedoms – all highly fragile and historically contingent – now rest?

    The desire among so-called progressives to undermine the West, deconstruct its morally justifying narrative, and overthrow its institutional order is an impulse that, ironically, takes for granted a more assured Western hegemony. The West’s post-1945 boom, which helped fund the welfare state and universities throughout Western Europe, provided the post-1968 generation of Left-wing intellectuals – the ideological architects of today’s social justice movements – with a false sense of security.

    They could call for revolution in the expectation that, if their dreams ever materialised, the West could become a benign force of global change. However, in the present context of rising illiberal “civilisational-states” and the weakening US and UK – in large part because of the raging culture wars – anti-Western Westerners risk sawing off the very branch on which they so comfortably sit.

    With the increasingly top-down enforcement of faddish “decolonisation” across universities, and the censure of “heterodox” ideas across British institutional life, Adonis and Blair could not be more misguided. The outcome of these struggles over history and identity will determine whether the British remain willing to identify with “Global Britain” in playing a role that builds on, rather than repudiates, the liberal order it has helped build. In turn, that outcome will be determined by the defence of the freedom to challenge the new “woke” secular theology sweeping across the Anglophone world.

    Nigel Biggar is Regius Professor of Moral and Pastoral Theology at the University of Oxford.
    Doug Stokes is Professor of International Security at the University of Exeter.
    Their latest policy paper – ‘How ‘progressive’ anti-imperialism threatens the United Kingdom’ – was recently published by the Council on Geostrategy.

      1. Nigel Biggar is fortunate still to be in work for saying the British Empire wasn’t all bad.

    1. I don’t believe Blair and Adonis are misguided.

      Soros is doing an excellent job.

    2. How do you get a name like Nigal? is that pronounced Niggal or just nigger et al?

      I had an uncle but his name was NIGEL.

      Difference with Niggeral and my uncle is…?

  28. Biden to hold solo press conference after Putin meeting. 12 June 2021.

    President Biden will hold a solo press conference next week following his first in-person meeting with Russian President Vladimir Putin since taking office.

    “We expect this meeting to be candid and straightforward and a solo press conference is the appropriate format to clearly communicate with the free press the topics that were raised in the meeting — both in terms of areas where we may agree and in areas where we have significant concerns,” a White House official said.

    This is a Munich Moment and we are playing the Third Reich! The US has probably written most of it already though I doubt that Vlad is as gullible as Chamberlain!

    1. They’ve also met Mugabe. Didn’t mean they liked him.

      More importantly, the Monarchy didn’t hide his activities. The BBC did. No mention of that, is there? Ah! I see! That”s because the BBC is a bunch of Left wing nobs who you agree with.

      1. The Director-General of the BBC must have changed his name from Tim Turdface-Tosspot then.

      2. The Director-General of the BBC must have changed his name from Tim Turdface-Tosspot then.

      3. One of my fellow students on my Art Foundation Course was called C Shaw (and I also knew a P Green when I was at school).

      1. There’s a lot of that about. A school contemporary trained as a dispensing optician, and managed a branch of Hamblins. (I am blin’ – geddit?). Better still, when I attended courses at Salford College of Technology, I stayed in digs in Eccles. Across the road was a branch of the optician “D. Igoe”…

  29. Just a thought. Some functionaire for the G7 invited Macron and Von de Liar to Cornwall.

    Now if we had any real journalism left (and the BBC are there) they would ask the Cornish fishermen what they thought about it.

    1. Afternoon Belle. I actually saw him coin this on the news! It’s just waffle!

      1. One expects that Boris will at least be intelligent enough to avoid this kind of meaningless waffle. Perhaps Biden’s condition is catching.

    1. Oh goody, I thought that the black faced poser was no more than a hanger on. However, it appears that they have been listening to Trudeau.

      You too can look forward to an incompetent ineffective government that has been selected by sex and race quotas. Good leaders need not app,y!

  30. Bugger…separate press conferences after Joe tells Putin what he wants him to know.
    Taking all the fun out of it.

    1. The Yanks were never going to let Dementia Joe do a joint press conference with one of the sharpest politicians on the planet. Putin would have only had to be kind to him.

  31. A second teenager has been charged over the shooting of Black Lives Matter activist Sasha Johnson.
    Ms Johnson, a mother-of-two, dubbed the ‘Black Panther of Oxford’, was shot in the head at a 30th birthday party in Peckham, south London. BLM activist remains critical in hospital.

    See… it isn’t all bad news.

    1. It is. She’s costing ‘our’ NHS money. Money better spent on someone who’s paid for it and isn’t a selfish, spoiled, racist idiot.

    2. It is. She’s costing ‘our’ NHS money. Money better spent on someone who’s paid for it and isn’t a selfish, spoiled, racist idiot.

    3. Question.

      Why are black teenagers trying to kill a 30 year old black woman or cause mayhem at a birthday party taking place in a residential area at 3 o’clock in the morning ?

      Askin’ for a Detective…

        1. Just baiting the hook, Minty.

          It is always about drugs and territory just like Southside Chicago.

          One would think our senior police had never seen Romeo and Juliet or Westside Story. Or what it meant.

        2. Just baiting the hook, Minty.

          It is always about drugs and territory just like Southside Chicago.

          One would think our senior police had never seen Romeo and Juliet or Westside Story. Or what it meant.

      1. The interesting tit bit released to the masses was that she was not the intended target. Can’t have the plebs thinking that blacks go around with the actual intention of murdering other blacks.

      2. Pure misunderstanding. When she said “Gimme a quick shot” she meant the white stuff, but the idiot with the gun had already had more than his share and thought she meant

      3. Pure misunderstanding. When she said “Gimme a quick shot” she meant the white stuff, but the idiot with the gun had already had more than his share and thought she meant

    4. Question.

      Why are black teenagers trying to kill a 30 year old black woman or cause mayhem at a birthday party taking place in a residential area at 3 o’clock in the morning ?

      Askin’ for a Detective…

  32. From an article on Fauci in American Thinker referencing our greatest C20 philosopher and writer:

    We were warned decades ago. In 1958, in “Willing Slaves of the Welfare State,” C.S. Lewis wrote,

    [T]he new oligarchy must more and more base its claim to plan us on its claim to knowledge. If we are to be mothered, mother must know best. This means they must increasingly rely on the advice of scientists, till in the end the politicians proper become merely the scientists’ puppets. Technocracy is the form to which a planned society must tend. Now I dread specialists in power because they are specialists speaking outside their special subjects. Let scientists tell us about sciences. But government involves questions about the good for man, and justice, and what things are worth having at what price; and on these a scientific training gives a man’s opinion no added value… I dread government in the name of science. That is how tyrannies come in.

    1. Crikey! Never read that before. Here’s the link to the full text if anyone else is interested

      Lewis never fails to impress. Ah the days when Oxford academics could actually string sentences longer than “Rhodes must fall” together.
      To the above, I would add an observation of my own:
      Churchill said that Christianity was sheltered in the strong arms of science. However, science also needs to be sheltered in the strong arms of Christianity, else it becomes a blind, pseudo-religion.

    1. The Chinese Communist Party (CCP) and the Western Liberal Elites have more in common than differences. Both are profoundly anti-democratic and seek absolute power over those they rule!

    2. The Chinese Communist Party (CCP) and the Western Liberal Elites have more in common than differences. Both are profoundly anti-democratic and seek absolute power over those they rule!

        1. Yes i know that. I know when given a religious tract they want something from me. It is not rude to ask a question. One doesn’t have to accept it.

          This comes from me working the ramp at the Bullring to get some money so i didn’t have to rely on beans on toast.

          7000 flyers for a tenner.

          Did that for two days and binned them in the 100’s.

          1. I remember the Socialist Worker sellers on the ramp in the 80s. One who stood out was the bloke who wore only sandals and swimming trunks.

  33. Bother! That’s the ba’ burst.
    “Boris Johnson has said the government must “be cautious” as it decides whether to end all Covid restrictions in England on 21 June.” Note the wording, “whether to end all…restrictions…on 21 June”. No longer ending on 21 June, but now maybe… or maybe not. I do wonder if the decision of the Scottish government to retain the power of total control for the next 18 months or so plays a part in this. It would be odd for Scotland to be locked down while England was as back to near normal as it ever will be.

    1. If Scotland were locked down and we got safely back to normal it would send a powerful message. There were racegoers at York today; thousands of people (I didn’t see any BAMES) eating, drinking, sitting out in the sun, having a punt and enjoying themselves watching the geegees. No wonder the government will decree it all has to stop!

    2. If Scotland were locked down and we got safely back to normal it would send a powerful message. There were racegoers at York today; thousands of people (I didn’t see any BAMES) eating, drinking, sitting out in the sun, having a punt and enjoying themselves watching the geegees. No wonder the government will decree it all has to stop!

    3. If the lockdown continues it will all be the PM’s fault allowing thousands of Indians to return when he knew the virus was spreading quickly in India. The cases popping up after the G7 unrestrained conference could cause further spikes. The Glasgow Climate conference in November in Glasgow could also cause a spike. If the PM isn’t careful Lockdown could last well into next year with drastic problems for our country. It is time he withdrew the restrictions and have a bit more faith in the vaccines.

    1. I found this mine washed up on the beach, so I took it home to the workshop and converted it into this handy barbecue

    2. I found this mine washed up on the beach, so I took it home to the workshop and converted it into this handy barbecue

    3. “You think it’s a barbecue, it’s actually a homing beacon for my terrorist mates from Calais, crossing while your idiot border force are busy picking up our decoys.”

    4. “You think it’s a barbecue, it’s actually a homing beacon for my terrorist mates from Calais, crossing while your idiot border force are busy picking up our decoys.”

    5. ” Now that I’ve landed on Brighton beach I am preparing kebabs for my brother Mohammed, my other brother Mohammed, my cousin Mohammed & my friends the 3 brothers Mohammed & their cousins Mohammed & Mohammed who are on the next dingy coming in today before high tide! “

        1. No kebabs for their current wives, they remain in North Africa & await the generosity of the UK tax payer sending them welfare payments & leave the men free to marry some stupid White women who will convert to Islam & bear them even more children ! Inshallah !

    6. The use of the word ‘beacon’ is often juxtaposed with ‘navigational aid’, but is it one and the same? In common English parlance, a beacon is a signalling device – the forerunner of the carrier pigeon or the telegraph – but not necessarily a navigational aid. The use of beacons, or hilltop fires – certainly in British history – was as a means of sending signals, usually for warning purposes, the approach of an invading army, for example, across large distances. They can be used in daytime or at night, but obviously are more visible at night. A typical dictionary definition of ‘beacon’ in the marine context is as follows:

      Beacon [1]:

      (1) A stake or other erection surmounted by a distinctive topmark, erected over a shoal or sandbank as an aid to navigation.

      (2) A prominent erection on shore which indicates a safe line of approach to a harbour or a safe passage clear of an obstruction.

      However, in older days, fire beacons, on the tops of cliffs or hills, were used as a means of warning on the approach of danger. Thus, news of the arrival in English waters of the Spanish Armada in 1588 was signalled from Plymouth to London by a chain of such fires ignited as soon as the flames from the previous fire were seen. In fact, the news of the Armada’s arrival in the Channel was brought as far north as York within 12 hours by means of beacon fires.

      In the UK, there are many geographical features that bear the name of Beacon, for example, Dunkery Beacon, a hill in North Devon, England having a top that is visible for many miles. Such hills were named in historical times because they were used as prominent locations from which to make an easily visible signal. It is true that this would probably have been by means of a fire, but it is not a requirement.

      Even in 2002, a chain of beacons was lit in celebration of the Golden Jubilee of Queen Elizabeth II – nothing to do with navigation. However, it was inevitable that the use of beacons could be extended into aids to navigation and it is common to use the word, beacon, to refer to such aids. Note that a beacon does not have to be lit. It can be any artefact visible or recognisable at a distance for whatever purpose. This paper will discuss all those beacons that are navigational aids. However, all beacons are not navigational aids and all navigational aids are not beacons. (See Figure 1)

      1. 334226 + up ticks,
        Afternoon TB,
        You can hum that tune again baby,
        It as come to my notice there is a multitude of
        prominent erections standing in parliament
        encased in pinstripe what do they signify,are they warnings of danger / treachery.

        Bloody DOVER must be awash with fire 24/7 courtesy of the tory (ino ) party

    7. The use of the word ‘beacon’ is often juxtaposed with ‘navigational aid’, but is it one and the same? In common English parlance, a beacon is a signalling device – the forerunner of the carrier pigeon or the telegraph – but not necessarily a navigational aid. The use of beacons, or hilltop fires – certainly in British history – was as a means of sending signals, usually for warning purposes, the approach of an invading army, for example, across large distances. They can be used in daytime or at night, but obviously are more visible at night. A typical dictionary definition of ‘beacon’ in the marine context is as follows:

      Beacon [1]:

      (1) A stake or other erection surmounted by a distinctive topmark, erected over a shoal or sandbank as an aid to navigation.

      (2) A prominent erection on shore which indicates a safe line of approach to a harbour or a safe passage clear of an obstruction.

      However, in older days, fire beacons, on the tops of cliffs or hills, were used as a means of warning on the approach of danger. Thus, news of the arrival in English waters of the Spanish Armada in 1588 was signalled from Plymouth to London by a chain of such fires ignited as soon as the flames from the previous fire were seen. In fact, the news of the Armada’s arrival in the Channel was brought as far north as York within 12 hours by means of beacon fires.

      In the UK, there are many geographical features that bear the name of Beacon, for example, Dunkery Beacon, a hill in North Devon, England having a top that is visible for many miles. Such hills were named in historical times because they were used as prominent locations from which to make an easily visible signal. It is true that this would probably have been by means of a fire, but it is not a requirement.

      Even in 2002, a chain of beacons was lit in celebration of the Golden Jubilee of Queen Elizabeth II – nothing to do with navigation. However, it was inevitable that the use of beacons could be extended into aids to navigation and it is common to use the word, beacon, to refer to such aids. Note that a beacon does not have to be lit. It can be any artefact visible or recognisable at a distance for whatever purpose. This paper will discuss all those beacons that are navigational aids. However, all beacons are not navigational aids and all navigational aids are not beacons. (See Figure 1)

    8. He’s hoping that the fish will arrive before the tide comes in or he runs out of heat and daylight.
      And remember not to move the BBQ you might treat on the stones.

    1. Double down.

      He better hope he hasn’t said anything on social media in the past. Ever. Because the next time round he will be guilty of supporting an Anarchist organisation and won’t even be able to sell his own boot laces on the street.

    1. Which way did you say you were setting sail?

      Oops….missed that tide. I will see you when the world turns upside down.

  34. England cricketers are on their knees – 58 for 5 wickets. It’s what they wanted, isn’t it? 71 for 6 now – Embarrassing!

    1. Serves them right for wearing those bloody silly shirts before play started on the first day. They are there to play cricket, not virtue-signal.

    2. Serves them right for wearing those bloody silly shirts before play started on the first day. They are there to play cricket, not virtue-signal.

  35. I won’t bore you with photographs – but the Wail has pix of BPAPM and his speechwriter “greeting” yet more Very Important People who are breaking the covid regulations.

    Carrion is wearing an outfit that makes her look like an air hostess – with trousers that scrape along the ground. The “suit” will be ruined by bedtime.

  36. I won’t bore you with photographs – but the Wail has pix of BPAPM and his speechwriter “greeting” yet more Very Important People who are breaking the covid regulations.

    Carrion is wearing an outfit that makes her look like an air hostess – with trousers that scrape along the ground. The “suit” will be ruined by bedtime.

  37. England’s finest now at 76-7 vs, New Zealand’s 2nd XI. It will be all over before today’s close

    1. Carrie will “look after you” – know what I mean, Cyril – nudge, nudge ??”

      1. Do you still read The Critic, Bill? Jonathan Meades describes Boris and Carrie as the Prime Shit and First Groundsheet.

  38. Terrible shock for poor Denmark , a player has collapsed , and they are trying to CPR him.. poor man fell forward collapsing and that was it .

    It was great watching proper Europeans playing .. Denmark and Finland .

    Nice looking Danish player called Erikson, Christian Eriksen. so upsetting .

  39. The football has brought into very sharp perspective how unimportant it is.

    A player has collapsed and it looks as if he has had a massive heart attack or similar.
    Harrowing scenes indeed.
    Crowds and players look traumatised.

    I pray he is OK, but it doesn’t look good.

      1. A very small compensation, but he was doing something he loved and playing for a country he was proud to represent.

        His poor wife wasn’t allowed to go across to him, not that that would have helped, and if it is a bad as I suspect she’ll be devastated.

  40. That’s me for this day or two halves. Morning cloudy and very cold – afternoon sunny and warm – but still with a breeze with a chilly edge.

    The MR is calling me to open a bottle – so I’ll wish you good evening – I shall watch the Trooping. I bet BPAPM and his Speechwriter are really looking forward to the BBQ….Hope they all stay two metres apart the whole evening…

    A demain.

    1. Enjoy your drink Bill, will it dry your lips?

      The evening warmth can be quite comfortable, I must water the garden soon .

      Your flowers are lovely , especially the irises which are my favourites especially if they are the taller thinner Irises .

  41. Update on the footballer Christian Eriksen, it appears he has been taken from the pitch wearing an oxygen mask, so that looks a lot more promising than a few minutes ago.

    1. I was just commenting about that above Sos he was receiving CPR on the touch line i think the game has been abandoned as far as i could make out.

        1. Nope, starts again at 1930.The boy is wide awake in hospital and screaming for a red card against the closest nurse.

          1. The game must go on…
            How the Hell the coaches get the players re-motivated is an interesting case study.

          2. Black money matters?

            Surely not, that was the most hideously white match I’ve seen for a while.

      1. It looked as if he had had a heart attack.
        At the time it looked (and may yet be) very serious.

        1. I have more interest in watching paint dry than following football, to be honest, but I hope he recovers.

  42. England only 2 wickets left – 120 for 8. Only a couple of overs to go for today. 121 for 9. – nearly over.

    1. As someone commented on the live feed:
      it explains why there wasn’t a run-chase for the last match.

      1. I thought the decision to block out in the first test a sort of abject cowardice and against the spirit of the game. England batsmen might have gained confidence from the opportunity to rise to a challenge.

        I do not solely blame the players but also the coach Silverwood whose selections have been questionable from his appointment. England need more than one coach selecting who plays.

        An additional component to this sorry saga has been the abject wokery of the ECB where Harrison should be replaced by someone with knowledge of the game and its history.


        1. Maybe they need another overseas coach, Duncan Fletcher changed the way and now it’s going back to the old boy network again.

  43. An irreverent observation, now it appears that Christian Erikson has been stabilised in hospital.

    Denmark could be a good bet to win it.

    If they can put the experience behind them, his team mates will play out of their skins.

  44. An irreverent observation, now it appears that Christian Erikson has been stabilised in hospital.

    Denmark could be a good bet to win it.

    If they can put the experience behind them, his team mates will play out of their skins.

  45. Evening, all. The “experts” are nothing of the sort and condemning us to being controlled is what it’s all about.

    1. Just wait till you see the pix of the “leaders” all siting and standing around, unmasked, close together – in their effing dozens in Cornwallshire. Makes me sick.

      How is Oscar???????

      1. Well, thank you, Bill. In his bed and snoring gently. Oops, he must have heard me type that; he’s just got up to lie on the floor 🙂

          1. I haven’t taken any recently, Belle – sorry. Will upload some when I have some new ones.

          2. I haven’t taken any recently, Belle – sorry. Will upload some when I have some new ones.

      2. Well, thank you, Bill. In his bed and snoring gently. Oops, he must have heard me type that; he’s just got up to lie on the floor 🙂

    2. Just wait till you see the pix of the “leaders” all siting and standing around, unmasked, close together – in their effing dozens in Cornwallshire. Makes me sick.

      How is Oscar???????

  46. If Eriksen’s collapse was heat-related, it doesn’t bode well for the WC Finals in Qatar.

  47. If Eriksen’s collapse was heat-related, it doesn’t bode well for the WC Finals in Qatar.

  48. It now appears that the Denmark Finland match will restart.
    They will play the remains of the first half ~ 4 minutes. Then stop for five minutes, and then carry on.
    What a farce. Why not just play a 49 minute second half?
    I would not be surprised if they all pull a muscle.

    Still, I’m sure they can all kneel twice, to pray that George Floyd will intervene; oh dear, silly me, he did intervene and is already moving to the second stage towards beatification.
    Thank God they knelt before the initial KO, otherwise the player would already be dead.

    1. May have missed it but, thankfully, don’t think they knelt in this match. Can anyone confirm please?

      1. They all knelt. Better news is that Belgium v Russia just started. Belgians and ref all knelt. None of the Russians knelt.

    2. May have missed it but, thankfully, don’t think they knelt in this match. Can anyone confirm please?

  49. It now appears that the Denmark Finland match will restart.
    They will play the remains of the first half ~ 4 minutes. Then stop for five minutes, and then carry on.
    What a farce. Why not just play a 49 minute second half?
    I would not be surprised if they all pull a muscle.

    Still, I’m sure they can all kneel twice, to pray that George Floyd will intervene; oh dear, silly me, he did intervene and is already moving to the second stage towards beatification.
    Thank God they knelt before the initial KO, otherwise the player would already be dead.

      1. Spraying out the Bath water variant…

        You should have showered

        The UK will close and it will be your fault.

      1. No just Flags. Talking of which it was pleasing to see shops in Moorland Road flying a total of 12 Union Flags earlier today…

    1. Isn’t Andrew Dymock from Bath? A younger more innocent version of Tommy Robinson.

    2. They were racing at Bath today – perhaps the balloonists wanted to watch 🙂 Bath is England’s (if not Britain’s) highest racecourse. It has no watering system (unless they’ve invested recently) so the ground is often like a road. The last race today was abandoned, so maybe it was too firm by then.

  50. John Ward:

    “Yesterday, Hertfordshire County Council published a tender asking potential providers to supply 60 COVID Marshals to 10 districts throughout the County. The intention is that these Marshals will ‘continue the service delivery to the residents of Hertfordshire from 1st July 2021, that Hertfordshire County Council implemented in November 2020. This will be in complement to the recovery of Hertfordshire from COVID-19, and there are some practical activities that we are keen to carry on throughout this programme of COVID Marshals…’

    The point of the emphases above is not hard to discern: the contract on offer (worth £3 million) is due to start ten days after the date set for “normality”, and is not simply a tying-loose-ends programme. The tender specifically says that the initial period runs until January, but could be ‘extended for a further year’.

    This means that Covid Marshals are likely to be with us until the start of 2023. Here’s a selection of what these vigilantes will be doing:

    ‘….encourage compliance….and understanding of regulations and guidance….collated through an intelligence-led approach…’

    Sorry, but if you can’t see the dead hand of obligation, propaganda, and surveillance in all that, you’ve learned nothing from the last fifteen months. Whoever is driving this operation, it’s clear they won’t be happy until everyone has been badgered into jabs, obedience, and the use of snooping to “mop up” the residue of the UnClean Unvaccinated.”

  51. 334226+ + up ticks,
    If the dangers of islamic ideology ie suicide bombers was pursued with the same zest & zeal as introducing vax passports then in reality many more lives will / would be saved, as on par with returning to normal on the 21st June will stem the real flow of peoples dying prematurely from neglect of a mountain of medical procedures.

    1. Vaxx passports were the goal of the whole scamdemic, so they will certainly bring them in in one form or another.
      My guess is that there will be a huge fanfare about no vaxx passport to go to the pub, while at the same time, they will be quietly imposed for international travel.
      In a couple of years, they will pull another “pandemic” or other crisis out of the hat and extend them for domestic use.

        1. Far worse than id cards. Most people in Europe have had id cards for donkeys years, they are just for your id.
          This one links your freedoms and what you are allowed to do, to how obedient you have been to the vaccine programme – a fundamentally different concept.

          1. But such was always the intention of the new ID card. It bears no relationship to the cardboard one I had as a child following WW2.

          2. Yes and no.
            The problem is, we always do stuff so stupidly and in such a corrupt fashion in Britain nowadays! I think I’m right in saying that most European nations have ID cards, and it’s not a short cut to a social credit system for them.

            I actually carry an ID card myself, and it doesn’t bother me particularly. It only cost a small amount, unlike the very expensive system that was proposed by Blair.
            But according to the rules of the country in which I live, it’s only for proving one’s ID.

          3. I have carried ID cards in the past (military, student and my wartime ID, although my parents carried that one for me). The problem is, I don’t trust current governments and I know there will be mission creep (there always is).

      1. 334226+ up ticks,
        Even the hard core lab/lib/con coalition member / voters
        must by now recognise the well used ratchet when in action.
        Only one thing is going to save this nation now and that is a patriotic opposition party.

        The stupidity of vote tory keep out lab,reverse, whilst the three parties are no friend of decent peoples and are following the same agenda, is unbelievable.

      2. The imminent death event following ‘vaccination’ will put a stop to their aim of vaccine passports.

        I very much doubt that those G7 attendees could muster an actual vaccination certificate between them. They are evil but not stupid.

        1. If a lot of people did die, that would surely strengthen the hand of tyrants rather than weaken it?
          Those with piles of cash would move in and buy everything up, thus strengthening their position.
          On the other hand, they would need workers, and their robots can’t quite do everything yet.

    1. The Finns were very fortunate that UEFA, for whatever reason, restarted the game.

      1. UEFA initially wanted to suspend the match. But after it became known that the athlete had come to and was in a stable condition, the two teams requested to continue playing.
        I thought you’d be interested.
        Oi Suomi on !

          1. From the Mail..
            The match was suspended at 6pm, with Eriksen seen sitting up and conscious just minutes later. His agent Michael Schoots confirmed that he was able to breathe and the match resumed at 7.30pm after both sets of players agreed to continue the tie.

          2. Who knows, but please don’t try to tell me that they weren’t affected by the whole thing.

  52. Just watching this morning’s Trooping of the Colour.
    I actually think Windsor is a better setting. A few stands of spectators – as in family of those taking part would be good – but here’s to next year.
    And the Queen looked wonderful; very like her grandmother.

  53. It must be me. I’ve read the BBC article and I still have no clear idea of what this chap was convicted. Lots of people tart around, play-acting, wearing uniforms and planning stuff. As far as I am aware the only people who actually plan, and carry out, attacks and murders are muslims. At this moment in the UK there are probably several hundred jihadis planning to commit murder, with the full knowledge and compliance of their friends and families. They are not arrested. No action seems to be taken until after they have carried out their carnage.
    Our “security ” services apparently have several thousand people of interest, yet the bad guys seem free to plan, recruit, and gather materiel, without any interference from the authorities. It is obvious to any five year old child that the real threat, the real actual danger comes not from some loonies posting stickers on lamp-posts but young muslim males blowing up buses, stations and theatres.

    1. I look at that, and I look at the videos of the Palestinians shouting threats at Jews and to be honest I really can’t see a difference between the two groups.

      1. Or the other Lefties, antifa. All are vicious, nasty Left wing groups.

        One day the BBC will have to admit it – the Nazi’s were Left wing. Just like the Eurocrats. And the BBC.

    2. MI5 is no doubt infiltrated by Muslims, recruited in the name of diversity, its other recruits will be blacks & LGBTQ under the same diversity / reverse discrimination rules & so they will ignore acts of terror being planned & concentrate on important things like how to get inside a large canvas bag & zip it up from the inside whilst wearing latex gear & ladies underwear

      1. Certainly the Home Office has been infiltrated by muslim sympathisers. I think that MI5 are more likely infiltrated as ever by Cambridge ‘educated’ traitors and other trash coming out of our public schools such as Eton.

      1. There’s a Georgian version that appeared on Antiques Roadshow some years ago, valued at about £100,000.

    1. It is clever, but can you imagine what a nightmare it would be if it got stuck! And all the crumbs that would get down all those edges!

  54. Just a few minutes left to enjoy the crescent moon and Venus in the evening sky.

  55. Goodnight all Nottlers, bedtime music: GYPSY JAZZ – HOT CLUB DU NAX – Joseph Joseph
    Jazz Singer Isobel Cope on Vocals, Jazz Guitarists Arian Kindl and Lukas Bamesreiter, Double Bass Player Flo Hupfauf and Violinist Tomas Novak.

    A certain maid I know, is so afraid her beau
    Will never ask her, will she name the day
    He calls on her each night, and when she dims the light
    It’s ten to one that you would hear her say

    Oh Joseph, Joseph, won’t you make your mind up
    It’s time I knew just how I stand with you
    My heart’s no clock that I can stop and wind up
    Each time we make up after being through

    So listen Joseph, Joseph time is fleeting
    And here and there my hair is turning grey
    My mother has a fear, wedding bells I’ll never hear
    Joseph, Joseph, won’t you name the day

    1. The person filming that pussy fight seems obsessed with those quivering buttocks…

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