701 thoughts on “Saturday 12 October: A ban on eating on public transport would be impossible to enforce

  1. Boris is reported as caving in and making concessions to the EU on the NI Border question BBC Radio News. I hope the BBC are wrong.

    1. Lenny Verruca (©Littlejohn) appeared pleased with himself after meeting Johnson and the EU 27 granted Barnier to permission to finalise negotiations tout suite; ergo, Johnson has caved in on something. The problem now is the EU are smelling blood so what else will they demand? What a shower of invertebrates we have as politicians – I couldn’t write leaders because they aren’t anywhere near deserving of that description.

      1. Afternoon KtK,
        Keep in mind double agents have backbones
        it takes nerve to be an eu asset whilst serving in the UK parliament, they could also find comedy an ideal cover.

        1. Nope, it takes nerve not to be an EU asset whilst serving in the UK parliament.

          Yet another Freudian slip which gives away your true allegiance.

          1. Nope ?
            But there are none of them and them that were have been filleted out since the knife went into M Thatcher’s back.
            Check with “nige ” he is a past master at mass knifing, 30000 in one hit.

          2. Which implies that you believe the Globalist controlled liblabcon uniparty is 100% free of EUphiles.

            Yet another Freudian slip which gives away your true allegiance.

            PS It isn’t me making the ridiculous, gullible claim that there have been no traitorous EUphile MP’s “since the knife went into M Thatcher’s back.”

          3. “Which implies”
            how about the lab/lib/con supporter / voters
            still attending the brain washing courses at the laundry
            are they ?
            You do come across as a rhetorical nutter.

  2. US builds pressure to halt incursion against Kurds. BBC 1 hour ago.

    Meanwhile in Congress, lawmakers from both sides of the political divide were preparing legislation to pile pressure on Turkey.
    A bill to issue sanctions against Turkish officials and banks involved in the offensive was introduced by the Democratic chairman of the House of Representatives Foreign Affairs Committee, Eliot Engel, and the committee’s ranking Republican Mike McCaul.

    Morning everyone. This is a form of Political Masturbation. It brings feelings of relief and produces absolutely nothing. Very soon we will arrive at a situation where you will be the odd one out if the United States hasn’t sanctioned you! No one so far as I am aware has ever succumbed to this form of pressure and Erdogan is not going to be the first. Aside from the effect a back down would have on his domestic support he has long determined on this action against the Kurds who he sees as mortal enemies of his dream of an Ottoman Turkey and he is going to carry it through short of being stopped militarily. If this involves flooding Europe with Syrian refugees and ISIS fighters well that’s OK and one suspects he’s not overly enthusiastic about NATO either. So the Americans can continue jerking themselves off with the absolute certainty that nothing will come of it!


    1. They were discussing this in the dead of night on the World Service. I struggle sleeping these nights.

      It seems that Trump’s sudden Deal with Erdogan has left a lot of state-of-the-art US hardware that will be picked up by invading Turkish mercenaries. Now we know that a lot of these IS fighters were bussed out to safety, rather than languish in Kurdish prisons with the women and children. Many went to Israel, but more went to Turkey disguised as “refugees”. They are now a core part of the invasion and resettlement force, and intend to release their comrades in the prisons after shooting the Kurdish guards, and continuing on with their work of clearing the world of Christians, Yazidi, Kurds and anyone else they consider Infidel.

      Then, after a big show by the Turks that they are clearing out Islamic State (they imprison them, while they murder Kurds), they are sent to Lesbos hidden among the 3 million refugees to be distributed into sleeper cells throughout Europe.

      And we are still allied to these people? And this is Trump’s version of the Marshall Plan? Trump chews gum and suggests to Congress that no red lines have already been crossed.

  3. Johnson’s major U-turn sets up 48 hours to clinch Brexit deal. Fri 11 Oct 2019 18.47 BST.

    Boris Johnson has signalled that he will make a last-ditch U-turn on his plans for the Irish border, setting up 48 hours of intense negotiations that will make or break a Brexit deal.

    On a day of rapid movement in talks, EU sources said the prime minister had conceded that there could not be a customs border on the island of Ireland – a critical step away from his previous position.

    This stinks of a rush job! Get it through before anyone has a chance to read the small print or leak the secret protocols!


    1. They are just playing tough one day and soft the next, it’s an old psychological trick to break people down, and all fake news.

  4. Good Morning, all

    Hmmm…no letters on the Brexit balls-up today…I wonder why?

    SIR – In the Sixties I often travelled from King’s Cross to York sitting in a well-upholstered seat in the dining car, where stewards served such delicacies as steak and kidney pie. There was even time for apple pie and coffee. Sadly, such luxury has all but disappeared.

    Modern train travel has become tedious and very expensive. I suggest that before any decisions on further rules for passengers are made, there should be widespread customer consultation.

    John Pritchard
    Ingatestone, Essex

    To me, British Rail Afternoon Tea was sheer luxury. The breakfast kippers were also excellent. The stewards’ ability to sway with the carriage so as to deposit the right thing on the correct plate was awesome.

      1. SUPERMARKETS??? You buy your pies in SUPERMARKETS???????
        You heathen!!

        Though I will admit that we are spoilt for choice with butchers & independent pie makers round here!

  5. On the Today programme, Labour spokesman going full throttle for ‘Confirmatory Referendum’ (on Boris’s deal versus Remain) before any General Election. He dismissed promises made in Cameron’s £9.5million Leave/Remain brochure on the basis that ‘he was three Prime Ministers ago.” He conveniently overlooked the need for a General Election to confirm Boris as leader of the largest party in the House of Commons.

    The Leave campaign has been so flat-footed since 24/06/16 that we are going to lose the prize that was won – we won’t be free of the EU in my lifetime.

      1. ‘They’ wouldn’t dare ask the same question as in 2016. A new Referendum won’t be able to confirm anything from 2016 because the question will be binary between Remain and Boris’ abomination or something close to it. WTO leave will not be on the ballot paper.

    1. If the proposed agreement is WA 4, with nothing but the backstop tweeked, perhaps a referendum is the only thing that will save us from eternal slavery.

  6. Brexit is far from the finishing line. Spiked. Tom Slater. 12 October 2019.

    Amid the infernal swirl of jargon and speculation that is going to continue these next few days, it is important that we don’t let the seriousness of all this escape us. If Brexit is thwarted, it will leave British democracy itself in peril. We would be in a European Union we cannot leave, and lumbered with a political class more emboldened than ever to use the power we lend them to overrule our wishes. There may be light at the end of the tunnel, but for now it feels much more like an oncoming train.

    He’s coming a little late to the party here, democracy has already been erased in the UK. The failure to Brexit will simply put the final seal of approval on it. Afterwards no election will be of any value whatsoever since you will know, as does the inhabitant of any totalitarian state, that it will be overturned if the Elite determine it to be invalid.


    1. Morning AS,
      On hearing the cry “leave it to the tory’s” post referendum and having witnessed the wretch’s
      cameron / may in action it was not hard to see what was coming.
      The may’s 9 month input was the mayday alarm, I had her pegged as a section of a multi staged re-entry rocket
      cameron ( the wretch) being the first, may, then ?
      Personally I would like to see total severance, leave no ties by which they will build on.
      No incoming calls accepted for a celebratory period from the eu, then INFORM THEM business may commence.
      Initially we may suffer during the extraction but you cannot make omelettes without breaking ……….

    2. British democracy in peril? It’s finished, nullified, crushed, croaked, it is no more. The supreme court and rich bastards have eaten it.

    1. My turn in a couple of weeks. Mine will be the ‘over 65’ version of the jew flab, whereas Mrs H J has the other type. Let’s hope that, this time, those supposedly in the know have selected the correct strain this time, unlike last year.

      ‘Morning, DB. How are you doing?

      1. OK. I am very restricted in what I can do and the Doc said it will be months rather than weeks before I am back to normal. I shall KBO!

          1. Hi Bob. You really don’t want to hear the details. Suffice it to say that the aftermath of the prostatectomy is not going well.

          2. Sorry to hear that, Delboy. No doubt your OH is giving you the best care – nothing like a loving spouse. Just get back to the doctor double-quick if you feel something’s wrong – it’s your body and you jolly well have the right to get it seen to properly. Or get a second opinion.

            I hope it doesn’t spoil Christmas for you…KBO.

      2. The one and only occasion when I had a flu jab I felt worse all winter than I have done before or since. That’s put me off.

    2. Morning Del.

      Make sure you avoid the Palace of Westminster or it could be a case of one flu over the cuckoo’s nest.

  7. ‘Morning All

    “The 40-year-old suspect from the Manchester area was questioned by

    counter-terror specialists on suspicion of the commission, preparation

    and instigation of an act of terrorism after he was arrested.

    He was later detained under the Mental Health Act after being assessed by doctors, Greater Manchester Police confirmed.”


    He was later detained under the Mental Health Act,which means his name can be concealed,another terror attack down the memory hole

    1. Got to bridge that chasm in numbers between genuine terror attacks by you know who and all those far right terrorist bombers and machete wielders.

    2. Is that the one with a black face and white legs?
      Reminds me of ‘The Bridge’. Has the lower half defrosted?

    3. May we take from this that he’s another promoter of Alan’s Snackbar?

      ‘Morning, Rik.

      1. Ya think??
        ‘Morning Hugh
        As everybody can see I have made the mistake of having a read of the papers,15 minutes in and i’m at the punching the wall stage

      2. What’s wrong with – so’s to speak – a sandwich board?
        I’m sure Ally would be equally pleased with the publicity.

  8. A planned

    “amnesty” for troops has been jettisoned from the Queen’s Speech in

    favour of laws on “sustainable cat litter”, in a bitter blow to Northern

    Ireland veterans facing prosecution.

    Boris Johnson had promised to end the witch hunt of soldiers over

    historic allegations during the Troubles as well as in Iraq and


    But to the disgust of former soldiers, many of them in their 60s and

    70s, a new law that would have given them protection from prosecution

    has been omitted from Monday’s Queen’s Speech.

    What can I say?????
    Our troops are worth less than cat litter……………….
    Nope nothing to say that wont get this site banned………………..

    1. That repulsive bumbling idiot is showing himself in his true colours. He is a lying, dishonourable traitor.

      He is now trying to achieve an impossible task – he is trying to see of he can prove to be even worse than May, Major and Blair combined.

    2. What is ‘sustainable cat litter’?
      One the cats won’t use?
      An empty bag with the slogan ‘Go forth and crap on your neighbour’s herbaceous border’?

    1. Which is why they continue to come and will continue to do so. Has nobody in government, the police or the civil service any testicular strength to tackle the problem or are we now lost for ever?

  9. Morning all

    SIR – The recommendation from Dame Sally Davies, England’s Chief Medical Officer, that all food and drink except water be banned on urban public transport as part of efforts to tackle Britain’s obesity epidemic (report, October 11) is utterly outlandish. To enforce it there would presumably have to be a large increase in transport police numbers, or the employment of other officials for the purpose.

    Would sandwiches on longer journeys be allowed under such a ban, and would a blind eye be turned to the popping of a pellet of chewing gum?

    Doona Turner
    Horsham, West Sussex

    1. It is typically of the daft idea these people come up with. Perhaps a better idea will be those children that are very obese are required to compulsorily. Still somewhat ott but deliverable and more likely to have some affect on their weight attend a gym twice a week

          1. Impound their chips, crisps, Haribos and bang up their fatty puff parents for several years?

      1. Nanny state again. Compulsion. Just don’t make concessions to really obese people in terms of seating, clothes etc. If they take up more than one seat, charge them for two seats. If they want size 28 clothes charge a premium. (Anyone who is obese due to a medical condition beyond their control can get a doctor’s certificate to exempt them from the extra charges.)

    2. That would be water from plastic bottles.
      Which have travelled hundreds of miles to the shop.
      H’mmmm ……

  10. SIR – President Donald Trump questions the whereabouts of the Kurds at the time of the US invasion of Normandy (report, October 11).

    They were fighting in the Middle East. By 1942, the Iraq Levies (whose origins could be traced back to the British occupation of Mesopotamia) was comprised of Assyrians and a smaller number of Kurdish soldiers, with British officers serving in Palestine, Iraq and Cyprus.

    In 1943-4 the Iraq Levies were renamed the Royal Air Force Levies.

    Paul Wavell Ridgway
    Stamford, Lincolnshire

  11. Morning again

    SIR – Have the police effectively lost control of the streets, given that they may be unable to clear them of protesters for the Queen to travel to Parliament (report, October 10)? If so, then what is the point of the police?

    David Burke
    Hook, Hampshire

    SIR – It would seem, according to Deputy Assistant Commissioner Laurence Taylor of the Metropolitan Police, that buying an air ticket with no intention to fly, solely to prevent an aircraft, its passengers and crew from going about their lawful business, does not warrant police intervention, since this is reserved for “really serious circumstances” (report, October 11).

    I think there would be many thousands of people eager to disagree with him.

    Malvern Harper
    Ripley, Derbyshire

    SIR – Geoff Crome (Letters, October 11) may well be right in suggesting that protesters would have us all live in a world before fossil fuels were invented. He is, however, mistaken in thinking that there was no coal in 14th-century England.

    Surviving physical evidence shows that the Romans were consuming and trading in coal in Britain by the end of the second century; and in Bath, a brazier of burning coal was a permanent display on the altar of Minerva.

    The Chinese were the world’s largest consumers of coal as a source of energy as long ago as 1,000BC – and, 3,000 years later, they still are.

    Nicholas Young
    London W13

    1. I am very surprised that Priti Awful did not come out and denounce the Extremist Anarchists and also demand that the Met Perlice Farce get their act together and clear the streets.

      On the other hand, she is just another mouth and sari person.

      1. I understand that there is a right to protest in law, but a two week blockade should not be viewed as legal protest. As has been said, if you or I set up a barrier across a London bridge it would be porridge for breakfast pretty soon.

          1. Stand on your town hall steps and call for Guy Gibson’s dog.
            Lower cholesterol levels guaranteed.

      2. During a family chit chat, another thought emerged chez Allan.
        They are being left to wreak havoc to thoroughly alienate the majority of the population who have a life to lead.
        Collateral damage will be Plod’s reputation, but they seem to be pretty good at damaging that themselves.

    2. We built a house in East Lothian. We had to put in a reinforced foundation as there were mine workings beneath us. Very low tunnels but close to the surface. Made by monks in the Middle Ages.

      1. Feral cats kill mice and scare away rats, although recently I did see our outdoor cat pounce and kill a fantail pigeon. Didn’t know what bit him.

        1. Cats are natural killers, as are foxes, if the damned socialists thank they can change nature theywill need to kill everything.

          But then again, I suspect that’s what they are trying to do.

    1. H’mmmm ….. I wonder what the enforcement officers will do with ‘travellers” dogs when they do that very same thing?

  12. DT Story

    Boris Johnson opens door to customs compromise

    As usual it is Britain that has to give way.

    Those who had no faith in this absurd bonking buffoon were quite right not to have faith in him. He has shown himself to be is a hypocritical, lily-livered charlatan.

    I am ashamed of my country.

    1. Morning R,
      It was not hard to read the signals that have been building up since the 25 / 6 / 2016 .
      NO credible opposition was in place within the three party lab/lib/con pro eu coalition.

    2. The media are misunderstanding the situation. All of the UK will be leaving the Single Market and Customs Union

      THe changes are with how we deal with the special situation with the border

      As NI will be out of the Single Market and Customs union external tariffs apply. Now for political reasons collecting the tariffs at the border i unacceptable so another arrangement has to be found

    1. Not really it seems to be a reasonable compromise. NI cannot be in the EU and Out of it at the same time unless you know a way to achieve that?

      1. BJ,
        Total severance is the way, when dealing with the eu
        “reasonable compromise” does not enter the equation, surely you have learnt that.

          1. BJ,
            In all honesty there is no other answer, on the 24/6/2016 we voted out as the United Kingdom inclusive of ALL parts.

          2. And that’s what we will be doing under the current proposals. IT sill needs arrangements as to how we deal with good going across the NI land border

          3. That is NOT what we will be doing under the current proposals. How long does the EU have to asset strip this country, during which time we can do nothing about it?

          4. There will be little or no difference as to how we deal with goods crossing the border at present. As it stands the Irish Republic has a different currency, VAT level, taxation level, legal system and political system. Brexit would merely formalise the current arrangements. If the EU want to get snotty about a ‘hard border’, let Brussels/Strasbourg order Dublin to ‘build’ it. The only losers will be SF/PIRA as Gerry Adams head explodes and the smugglers currently operating with a free hand. On the bright side, the so-called ‘travellers’ might also find life a little less free but I’m sure they’ll be welcome in the rest of the EU, just like the Romany gypsies.

        1. In the end it is not really that complex it is the EU and DUP making it difficult. It is not that difficult collecting tariffs in fact already VAT is not collected at the border

  13. Old clogie is revving up this morning in the down voting department I imagine the wasp in the Anus is active.

      1. Seems like the wasp in old clogies @nus is in action again.
        I think sympathy is required as he goes into an anti Batten rant every time his nasal passages are blocked or the midge in his rear end gives a nip.

  14. The Conservative Woman on a Beeb appointment; is the telly tax under threat?
    Personally, I agree with the suggestion that the Beeboid Bosses thought ‘Chris’ was short for ‘Christine’.


    “White man gets BBC job. What went wrong?
    October 12, 2019

    LAST year, when the BBC required a new host for Question Time, the producers auditioned only one man. The token male, Nick Robinson, had more chance of judging Strictly Come Dancing than succeeding David Dimbleby.

    The only surprise was that instead of either Kirsty Wark or Emily Maitlis from Newsnight being the chosen one, the nod went to the presenter of Antiques Roadshow and Crimewatch. Fiona Bruce’s exposure to useless artefacts and con artists evidently proved decisive.

    In March this year the other hereditary Dimbleby, David’s younger brother Jonathan, announced that he was to quit Radio 4’s Any Questions? after 32 years as host: ‘It will be a wrench to leave. But the time feels right.’
    According to the Mail, ‘staff were speculating that Jonathan Dimbleby may have come under pressure to leave the Corporation to clear the way for a more diverse line-up of presenters’. Even if the 75-year-old left of his own volition, undoubtedly there will have been relief within the BBC that a flagship programme would no longer be presented by an elderly white male.

    Unsurprisingly, that pejorative description did not apply to any the names bandied around as Jonathan Dimbleby’s replacement: ‘In the era of the BBC moving towards greater equality it seems impossible that it would be a man,’ wrote Charlotte Runcie in the Telegraph. The BBC isn’t short of well-qualified women, and Victoria Derbyshire, Mishal Husain, Emma Barnett and Ritula Shah are all excellent journalists who’d be more than capable.’

    The Mail assessed the candidates thus: ‘Yesterday, Ladbrokes listed Newsnight host Kirsty Wark as favourite . . . with other frontrunners including BBC media editor Amol Rajan, Miss Wark’s Newsnight colleague Emily Maitlis and Radio 5 Live presenter Emma Barnett. Other contenders include Woman’s Hour host Jane Garvey and Fi Glover, presenter of Radio 4’s Listening Project.’

    Between them, those two newspapers immediately came up with nine names, of whom one was a man of colour and the rest female. No one seemed in any doubt that the next host of Any Questions? would be one of the BBC’s metropolitan matrons.

    Jonathan Dimbleby presented his final show in June. Earlier this week, the BBC finally identified the new permanent presenter: Chris Mason. That is Chris as in Christopher, not Christine or Christina.

    Crikey. Joint host of Brexitcast, the ‘cheeky and geeky’ show which follows Question Time on Thursday evenings, Chris Mason has until recently been a BBC political correspondent whom viewers and listeners would vaguely recognise but struggle to name. He has appeared on camera at many a godforsaken by-election, remaining bright-eyed and bushy-tailed throughout the nocturnal weighing of the Labour vote in one of its rotten boroughs.

    On his LinkedIn profile, the self-declared geek describes how much of his BBC career has depended upon ‘the ever important Rota Fairy being generous’; when in a benevolent mood, she permits him to do ‘a fair amount of depping as a presenter, here and sometimes even there, when the bosses have run out of better ideas’. The broadcasting angel was on his side during this clip, for which Mason was widely acclaimed for his bewildered candour.

    In summary, he is a mildly irreverent, self-deprecating and congenial character, as well as being an experienced and highly competent political broadcaster. However . . . Yorkshire-born Mason has a peely-wally complexion and white privilege enabled him to attend a high-performing grammar school followed by Cambridge University. For the past 39 years Mason’s preferred pronouns have been he/his/him and this unapologetic patriarch appears unwilling to join the inordinate number of BBC employees who identify as transgender. The cisgender man is married – but to a woman, for heaven’s sake!

    Yet despite ticking none of the Corporation’s crucial boxes, somehow Chris Mason has landed the prestigious role as host of Any Questions? How on earth did the BBC’s diversity auditors approve the appointment of this white-privileged, heteronormative man?’

  15. Justin Rowlatt
    BBC Chief Environment correspondent 11 October 2019
    from Imperial College London say we must eat less meat and dairy, swap
    cars for bikes, take fewer flights, and ditch gas boilers at home.

    Justin Rowlatt
    BBC Chief Environment correspondent 12 October 2019
    I’m flying to India, Ethiopia and New Zealand, it’s important I go to these places to report on climate change

    ……………………………………………no further comment required!

  16. Today’s mail to Mr Redwood………………..

    The 71 meetings G S had with the European Commission in 2018 makes it pretty clear who is the brains behind the Withdrawal Agreement, particularly as the W A is largely about finance which of course is his speciality.

    The E C do nothing without the agreement of G S and, as their policies are the same as his policies, it means that G S leads the E C and not the other way around.

    As the evidence rolls in, or is uncovered, it looks like Britain is facing another 1066, and the defenders at present are looking just as effective as Harold.

    Will they act in time to expose the G S conspiracy with their own side before it is too late ?

    It looks like the Brits’ only hope.


    1. If the defenders were half as effective as Harold we’d have fighting chance. Our “defenders” are Normans…

      1. With Norman Tebbit as our leader we would have had a chance?

        Incidentally those with long memories may remember this joke

        What do Jeremy Thorpe and William the Conqueror have in common?

        They’re both f*cking Normans.

  17. Meanwhile, on important matters, I had to melt the butter under the grill for my toast this morning. Autumn draws on…

      1. The funniest line in the whole article (my italics)…

        Coleen teamed her frock with a pair of barely-there black heels, which boosted her petite frame as she was spotted leaving the venue at 4am.

        1. Good of the paps to hang around the night clubs.
          Or did one of her ‘friends’ make a fast buck?

        2. No – this one’s funnier –

          “The scandal has gripped the nation to such an extent that police
          officers went to the Vardys’ home because of the horrific trolling they

    1. I shave the hard butter very thin and place the shavings on the hot toast whilst sorting my mug of tea out.
      The shavings then spread easily after that.

      1. I do that too. Then I put the burning toast into the sink to put the flames out, and I start again, by which time the tea is cold

  18. Daily Brexit Betrayal

    Peter Foster, the resident Remain editor

    at the DT, with great ‘sources’ inside Brussels, has an ‘atmospheric’

    piece which made my blood boil. Spinning for Merkel and the EU, he


    “In his party

    conference speech Mr Johnson had tried to downplay the impasse over

    customs in Ireland as a mere “technical discussion” that could not

    seriously be allowed to hold up Brexit. The discussion with Mrs Merkel

    appeared to disabuse him of that idea. One account of the call is that –

    far from the acrimonious exchange briefed by Number 10 – it was “calm

    and constructive” and Mrs Merkel spent 40 minutes going through the

    issues with Mr Johnson in considerable technical detail. Perhaps when

    the history of Brexit is written, historians will look back on that call

    not as the moment that talks broke down, but that the penny dropped in

    London that technology really cannot make a customs border disappear.” (paywalled link)

    See – all progress is due to The EU Empress

    who had to ‘teach’ Johnson how to work out a Backstop Agreement. This

    raised my hackles, not just because of the implied belittling of our PM

    but because of our experience with May and her Chequers WA proposal

    which was written for her in Germany.

    I think we have the right to remain suspicious, the more so given this synopsis just in from BrexitCentral in their email newsletter:


      1. Afternoon HP,
        Disregard the bullsh!te from any remainer farmers, remove the
        fish scales from the remainer eyes & eu nets, on exit.
        If problems with farmers, compulsory purchase the farm, mugabe style.
        If problems with eu fish rustlers add another gun to the protection vessels, the capture or sinking of a vessel caught in an act of rustling will produce for the home side a large cash bonus.

  19. Another letter to the DT which they are unlikely to publish:


    So much Media attention has been focused on the Irish backstop that nobody has any idea of how much of Mrs May’s withdrawal agreement, which was rejected in Parliament three times by both leavers and remainers, is in Boris Johnson’s proposed deal with concessions granted to the EU over the Irish border.

    It is surely important that those who voted for Brexit know that they will be getting Brexit and not BRINO – Brexit in Name Only?

    Richard Tracey

    We are being treated like mushrooms – fed on excrement and kept in the dark.

    1. Well based on rumours all of the UK will be out of the Single Market and Customs union and thats two of the key key issues. The third one is the backstop and it looks as if we are moving towards a solution to that

  20. A guy was getting ready to tee off on the first hole when a second golfer approached and asked if he could join him. The first said that he usually played alone, but agreed to the twosome.

    They were even after the first few holes. The second guy said, “We’re about evenly matched, how about playing for five bucks a hole?”

    The first guy said that he wasn’t much for betting, but agreed to the terms.

    The second guy won the remaining sixteen holes with ease. As they were walking off number eighteen, the second guy was busy counting his $80.00.
    He confessed that he was the pro at a neighbouring course and liked to pick on suckers.

    The first fellow revealed that he was the Parish Priest.

    The pro was flustered and apologetic, offering to return the money. The Priest said, “You won fair and square and I was foolish to bet with you. You keep your winnings.”

    The pro said, “Is there anything I can do to make it up to you?” The Priest said, “Well, you could come to Mass on Sunday and make a donation…

    And, if you want to bring your mother and father along, I’ll marry them.

  21. Morning all.


    The two old coots were both only a year short of retirement from the assembly line, but one Monday morning that didn’t keep Joe from boasting
    to Manny about his sexual endurance.
    “Three times,” gasped Manny admiringly. “How’d you do it?””It was easy.” Joe looked down modestly. “I made love to my wife, and then I rolled over and took a ten- minute nap. When I woke up again, I made love to her again and took another ten-minute nap. And then I put it to her again. Can you believe it! I woke up this morning feeling like a bull, I’ll tell you.”
    “I gotta try it,” said Manny.

    So that night he made love to his wife, took a ten-minute nap, made love to her again, took another nap, woke up and made love to her a third time, then rolled over and fell sound asleep.
    He woke up feeling like a million bucks, pulled on his clothes, and ran to the factory, where he found his boss waiting outside for him. “What’s up, Boss?” he asked. “I’ve been working for you for twenty years and never been late once. You aren’t going to hold these twenty minutes against me now, are you?”

    “What twenty minutes?” growled the boss. “Where the heck were you on Tuesday and Wednesday?

  22. A general election with Brexit at its heart… will be as challenging as any the BBC has reported on in my lifetime

    Well it will be a challenge for the BBC. How to be anti Brexit and Impartial at the same time during the purdah period

  23. The proposed ban on eating on public transport is to be applauded – I’d extend it to the streets too and then there’s the wallies who must be seen carrying a plastic cup of coffee into their office blocks (don’t they have the facilities there) like fashion accessory. Most of the litter in the streets is food related. Don’t get me going on the litter that is flung out of tourists cars windows to the detriment of our beautiful scenery up in Scotland. Take the f*ckin’ stuff home with you, bastards.

    1. Back home in Canada, you can tell how far you are from the nearest coffee shop by how many abandoned cups there are. It starts about a fifteen minute drive away where you find discarded large cups, a bit closer you find the medium cups then just a few minutes away the roadside is littered with the smaller cups.

      Yrs thinking about it, the litter is mainly food related isn’t it.

    2. Erm, just don’t come here is what I say. The countryside is not a playground. Roads built for the occasional horsecart are unsuitable for fleets of motorhomes. (This year a convoy of nine Italian motorhomes went past our house, quite slowly.)

      1. Why do people fling dog poo bags into the trees or hang them on fences .. Why can’t people carry their pet poo bags until they see the next bin or take them home?

        1. They used to just leave it on the ground for the unwary to step on, so I suppose that’s an improvement…….

        2. Because they’re cretins TB, who can’t be bothered with the minor inconvenience of carrying the bag to the (probably overflowing) nearest bin!

      2. Yes Horace we had them through Wester Ross and you couldn’t overtake them they were so closed up – police took them off the road and warned them. There are suggestions about charging all motorhomes to come here as they damage the road edges so much and dump their shite waste in laybys. Most are hired by people who have never driven anything bigger than a Ford Focus and have no idea on how to drive on our narrow/singletrack roads. A pox on them!

          1. “The buyers were mainly men from Pakistan who wanted EU citizenship so they could live and work in Europe, and wanted the women to become their wives.”

          2. No figures are given in respect of the number of women , nor of the number of rapists. the police have not arrested the rapists. and other customers who bought “wives”.
            Five years and 70 police.
            That’s £21,000,000.

          3. How is it possible for a 17 year-old (ie minor) girl with no English to get married to a 37 year-old furriner? What are registrars doing?

          4. They were meticulous here, when I married the pretty one (German) – had to get original and endorsed documents via the German consul. And she was in her thirties, with perfect English!

    3. With due respect to the majority of Scots, when driving near Scottish cities I have noticed that there appears to be even more litter on the verges than in most parts of England. My belief is that smokers produce more general litter than non-smokers.

    1. Why do they feel the need to do that? Would they piss in their granddad’s tea? What makes people show contempt for those who gave more than they could ever conceive of, in their self-centred selfishness?

      1. They are same middle class litter louts who frequent summer music festivals .Their parents and grandparent were probably nuclear protesters conscientious objectors and Labour luvvies .The feel good factor of camaraderie and disruptive actions give their empty lives purpose

      2. The Fines and strict Community service are not strong enough for them to think twice about their actions. Arrest and straight to Mobile Magistrates court within an hour or so of offences being recorded on camera are perhaps required to act as a very firm deterrence.

  24. Matthew Parris in The Times Brexit Spartans should see the war is over
    “The uncharacteristic silence of Tory hardliners over the PM’s Irish compromise suggests reality is finally hitting home…”

    For those without Premium…

    Why I probably won’t be getting Brexit for my birthday
    CHARLES MOORE – 11 OCTOBER 2019 • 9:30PM

    The October 31 deadline has become totemic thanks to Remainer obstruction

    Please forgive the apparent self-indulgence of what follows. I hope its point may have wider application.

    On Monday night, the think-tank Policy Exchange kindly hosted the launch of the final volume of my biography of Margaret Thatcher in the Banqueting House, Whitehall. Also very kindly – especially given the extraordinary days he is living through – Boris Johnson attended and spoke.

    I was touched. When he became Prime Minister, I told him that he should feel free to say to me, as Prince Hal says to Falstaff once he becomes King, “I know thee not, old man”. The boisterous days of shared journalistic freedom must give way to the gravity of affairs of state. The friend and colleague “Boris” has to be a different being from the man I now deliberately address as “Prime Minister”.

    The “Boris” bit has not completely disappeared, however. Just before he mounted the podium, I told him I am a Hallowe’en baby, so the date of my birthday coincides with that of Brexit. Boris stole this private remark and ended his witty speech by exhorting the crowd to deliver Brexit as my birthday present.

    This made me think about what dates mean. In a factual sense, it makes little difference exactly when we leave the European Union. If someone promises me a birthday present, and then it doesn’t appear for a few weeks after my birthday, I do not much mind: I trust the donor’s good will. There is nothing sacred about the day itself. It is obviously more celebratory to be on time, but my present usually won’t be less worth having if it arrives late.

    In the case of Brexit, however, no one trusts the good will of anyone else. It has been so delayed and obstructed by Remainers that the date has become totemic.

    It was actually the EU that set 31 October as its extended deadline for departure. It did not do so to help Britain. In that sense, Mr Johnson has a perfect right to behave like his Remainer opponents and try to muck about with the date if it suits him. But because Theresa May asked for an extension after failing to convince others of the merits of her deal and was too frightened to contemplate no deal, Mr Johnson, campaigning for leader, had to show he was different. We would be out, he felt compelled to say, by 31 October, deal or no deal.

    This promise helped him win the contest and concentrate minds, but it was a hostage to fortune. His opponents realised they could now agree on at least one thing – to embarrass him. Hence the Bercow coup d’etat to pass the Benn Act, later abetted by the Supreme Court. Hence the Act’s provision forcing the Prime Minister to ask for another extension by a specific date, in order to mess up the departure date on which he had publicly set his heart. It makes him look weak if he signs and unlawful if he refuses.

    So now we are heading for a decision, artificial in its timing but real in its conflicts. Yesterday, both sides seemed ready to enter “the tunnel” – that dark place of private negotiation which in the past has rarely had any light at the end of it for Britain.

    It remains impossible to be confident about who scared whom into this. There is a case for saying that Dominic Cummings, the Prime Minister’s superbly frightening adviser, succeeded in scaring the EU. Early this week, The Spectator’s James Forsyth received a letter about Downing Street’s position. It was formally anonymous but, in style and thought, showed that it was written either by Cummings or by a consummate parodist. In it, Anon/Cummings disclosed that things had been moving towards a deal over the Irish backstop, but then Leo Varadkar, the Irish prime minister, had chucked his shillelagh into the works.

    Believing that the Benn Act had successfully undermined the British Government’s plan, Mr Varadkar had – in the Anon/Cummings version – “gone very cold” on Britain’s Irish offer, believing he could screw more out of us later. The British Government’s response would be that “If this deal dies in the next few days, then it won’t be revived”. The Tories were ready to fight an election on the basis of “No more delays, get Brexit done immediately”, and would win. Anon/Cummings warned that Mr Varadkar, like all EU operators, did not understand the strength of Brexit feeling because their British contacts are all Remainers.

    On Thursday, Mr Varadkar suddenly acted as if he had heeded that warning. After meeting Boris Johnson in Cheshire, he declared he had now discerned “a pathway towards an agreement”. The next day, into the “tunnel” they went. Perhaps the EU had been spooked by Cummings, and had persuaded Mr Varadkar to be more pliable to avoid the no deal which would damage his country far more than any other participant. Perhaps he realised just in time that he had overreached.

    It is equally possible, however, that Britain, alarmed by its Irish offer stalling, put up a smokescreen of Cummings toughness to hide the fact that it is now on the path of concession. When it emerges, blinking, from the tunnel, Eurosceptics such as those in the European Research Group (ERG) may find it is almost too late for them to object to its contents. They will come under enormous pressure to help Mr Johnson over the line.

    A third possibility is that the EU simply wishes to present itself in a good light. Donald Tusk said yesterday that “a no-deal Brexit will never be the choice of the EU”. What he really means is that a no-deal Brexit will be entirely the fault of the British. So long as Britain can be blamed, the EU has no overwhelming need to negotiate in good faith.

    Seen from a Brexit point of view, it is perhaps ominous that the entire discussion now centres on the Irish aspect. This means that the ERG cannot intervene much. If the DUP, with whom they are closely allied, accepts some concession to the EU, mainland British Tory politicians cannot really gainsay them. Yesterday, there was no DUP caterwauling, because they feel included by Mr Johnson (as they were not by Mrs May). They may even think Northern Ireland is being offered a special status which keeps it fully in the United Kingdom, plus added EU advantages.

    As well as outflanking the ERG, this concentration on Ireland means that other objectionable aspects of the deal lie neglected by the British Government – the vast sum of money we have to pay up-front, our imprisonment (without voting rights) in the transition period, our subjection, seemingly in perpetuity, to the International Arbitration Panel and therefore to the jurisdiction of the European Court of Justice. The old problem reappears: large numbers of MPs don’t care what is actually in any deal so long as we get one, a truly weird doctrine on which to base our future position in the world.

    The Government has been developing, in secret, ways of getting round the Benn Act without breaking the law, leaving on 31 October if no deal is made. If these work, everything looks different. If they don’t, and a deal is agreed in principle, I doubt whether Boris will be able to give me my birthday present on time. Will this be because he has sensibly bought a bit more time to settle details or because he has, in essence, failed? It is still too early to judge.

    1. BTL@DTletters

      Max Bonamy 12 Oct 2019 3:40AM

      I share Charles Moore’s deep reservations about what Boris is up to.

      Seeing through the haze and slicing through the maze, it may all in the end boil down to the DUP who the PM is current carpet-bombing with the love his emotionally-constipated predecessor denied them.

      If the DUP agree to Hokey-Cokey status (part-in, part-out) the ERG would have difficulty objecting.

      But object they should. For, as we know, the back-stop panto conveniently deflects from all the other ugly sisters in May’s WA. And no matter how No.10 tries to repackage it, what we are witnessing is the reanimation of that twitching corpse we thought we had seen the back of.

      There is the tribute to Rome (counted in billions) in return for nothing, the removal of UK voting rights during the transition period (a ‘transition’ I’ll wager that will never see the light of day), continuing subjection to the ECJ (for ‘temporary’ read ‘permanent’).

      I also share the fear of others here that the ultimate aim of the Execrable Parliament is to kick the can down the road to June next year when the full provisions of the Lisbon treaty kick in. In sum, this is the moment of irreversible capitulation to the EU Juggernaut. It is the death-knell date for the end of Great Britain.

      Everything patriots prize and hold dear – our army, our fishing waters, our Common Law, etc – would be swept away before the might of the new German Empire.

      Few things will better symbolise our permanent vassalage than the fact our soldiers will be legally required to swear allegiance to bureaucrats – effectively Germany- in Brussels. At a stroke this renders our Monarch, currently Supreme Head of the Armed Forces, redundant.

      To me, this final humiliation would be unconscionable.

      One should be careful not to sound like King Lear and rage that “I will have such revenges… I will do such things, What they are, yet I know not”, but do something I will.

      And I’m resigned, now my children are approaching the age of majority, to go to prison for it.

      David Wainwright 12 Oct 2019 4:15AM

      I wish somebody would point me to where in the Lisbon Treaty it says certain provisions will take effect in 2020. I’ve scanned the treaty document online and nowhere can I find the character string “2020”.

      Max Bonamy 12 Oct 2019 5:18AM
      @David Wainwright

      Provisions in the Lisbon Treaty have been in force to varying degrees since 2009.

      Apologies, I should have clarified that what has given added impetus to the diminution in Britain’s independence and a made a nonsense of our opt-outs is the 26-page Political Declaration which May signed off in November 2018 as an adjunct to the WA. It’s another treaty layer that acts like a Boa Constrictor around Britain’s neck.

      For instance, the Lisbon Treaty states it will not transfer power away from the issues of fundamental importance to Britain’s sovereignty. Yet, in the PD we find that a shopping list of horrors that would do just this.


      “We need to bin the backstop, tear up the treaty and ditch the [Political] Declaration. Otherwise, as Boris knows, lasting subjugation awaits us.”



      “The PD makes clear the UK Government has caved in [on all fronts]…”



      PD [aka Partnership treaty] is continued subservience to the EU and the ECJ. I did not vote leave to end up in 2 EU Treaties that recreate many of the features of our membership.”


    2. “this concentration on Ireland means that other objectionable aspects of the deal lie neglected by the British Government”

      I object to the word ‘objectionable’. Considering the implications of accepting a watered-down version of May’s deal, the word is far too mild. ‘Appallingly disastrous’ would be my choice.

      Morning zx.

    1. Nailing your colours to the mast is just so passé.
      Our current drove of troughers wouldn’t even understand the concept.

  25. Another mail to Mr Redwood…………

    If Boris has caved in on NI, and if he wants to sign up to a version of G S’s WA pretending that means Brexit………

    ………. will you move over to the Brexit Party and give your support to Nigel Farage who hopefully would restore sense to Britain ?


  26. ” Manchester Arndale stabbings: Man detained under Mental Health Act ”
    Thought as much. Poor feller wasn’t well. Just got upset.
    Like his mum said, my son’s a good boy. Wouldn’t hurt a fly.

    1. Loved his Nan – who’s now in bits.
      Always said ‘Good morning’.
      Kept himself to himself.
      A* student.

  27. Awwwww…… thank you, Peter, that is so sweet !


    Pretty Polly • 12 hours ago
    As the golden £52,000,000 loaded dice roll across the Brexit board……..

    ….one individual looks likely to always come up smiling……………………….


    Peter Gardner Pretty Polly • 9 hours ago

    You’re spoiling my breakfast, Pretty Polly! All credit to you for saying this consistently over the last 18 months or more. I was far too naive.

    1. A big believer in the fact Leave would win by a bigger margin today. Sadly I think Leave could win by a bigger margin in a truly fair referendum, but I have no confidence whatever that the vote (and probably the options too) would be rigged to ensure a “proper” result this time.

      1. With each of those council houses that have been given to our “new arrivals” having 17-25 postal votes each, I agree with you that if they trick us into another referendum then the result is a forgone conclusion. Even if 80% of real people vote to Leave the EU, they will announce that 55% voted to Remain. Then proceed with the invasion of our country.

        1. But, but, but we have the 100% impartial Electoral Commission to oversee fair play and ensure there’s no vote rigging.

      2. There is not a chance that, ‘Leave the EU and all its…’ would be an option. The PTB know the score and would pull any stunt possible to deny the electorate a fair say in what is, for goodness sake, our Country. Spoiled ballots and a voters’ boycott are meaningless and our oppressors know that.

    2. No-one ever asks how many people voted Remain on the basis that they were voting for the status quo.

  28. Well it looks as if the EU is moving towards a deal. Nothing official has been announced but if the rumours are correct it sounds good.

    The UK minus NI will be out of the single market and customs union. NI will be a sort of halfway house half in and half out. It will be out for trade with the rest of the world but In for internal trade between NI and Ireland. IT is probably the details of how this will work that need to be thrashed out. It will probably the UK will collect the tariffs on behalf of the EU

    We need to see the full deal to decide but I doubt anything will be announced until it is provisionally agreed

    1. “…sounds good”?? How so – sounds pretty bad to me. And of course the £39+ billion will go straight into the EU coffers , no doubt.

      1. Why? WE will be out of the Customs Union and Single Market and a solution has now been found for the backstop

        The £39B is an inaccurate figure that included the annual payments we are required to pay whilst being members of the EU. How much we will actually need to pay will depend on when we leave

        1. Errr – do you know anything about the rest of the WA and the PD?

          “How much we will pay will depend on when we actually leave” – where did you get that from? It’ll depend on what the EU demands during our so-called transition period.

    2. “…sounds good”?? How so – sounds pretty bad to me. And of course the £39+ billion will go straight into the EU coffers , no doubt.

    3. Really, who cares about the NI border and tariffs and stuff? If we had an open border with no checks what difference would it make? A proportion of what comes over the border into the UK is on an onward journey to the EU. What goes in the other direction goes into the EU.
      It Eire wants to impose tariffs on goods coming into Eire, then let them.
      If we do not impose tariffs on Irish goods coming into the UK, it is trivial. We will be seeking a no tariff arrangement with the entire EU, after all.
      The most crucial aspect being lost in all this, the thing of most importance, the 99.9% of it all, that is being forgotten, deliberately no doubt, is the WA and Political Statement. These together are an agreement to utterly destroy the UK. Compared to the WA the Irish “backstop” is just a comma.
      This is treason hiding behind a curtain.

      1. ‘Morning, Horace, it has long been apparent to many of us on here, that the ‘Backstop’ was a destraction, inserted to be done away with and highlighted as a prize when removed, in order to slide the rest of the shitty WA under the barbed wire and secure our vassalage to the United States of Europe.

        1. I know. I can’t help repeating myself as I am exasperated. Our leaders and “negotiators” are either playing along as far as the bedroom door, or they are going inside.
          I’m thinking they are going in.

      2. As NI will be an external country to the EU tariffs have to be applied to good going into the EU. How are you suggesting that can be done ?

        1. I’m suggesting that we just forget about it. We decide what tariffs we charge and when.
          Let the EU worry about it. Bill, we don’t work for the EU. They may be the boss of us now, but that is what we have to change.

  29. The fear project has gone to bizarre rating, with,
    Children, if you don’t go to sleep then father eid will not bring you any bog rolls.

  30. Forwarded by son and heir:
    Oh for those blissful days when men ran things and bossy, nitpicking women only controlled the English class and female wards.


    “Down with the lifestyle prefects

    Banning snacking on public transport is the maddest nanny-state idea yet.

    I talk about politics on my current tour, but not as much as usual. Partly because we are – bar a few changes of personalities – still in the same democratic headlock we’ve been in for three-and-a-half years, but also because one day Brexit will get resolved. Nanny statism, however, is here to stay.

    That was made clear by today’s news, in which Dame Sally Davies, the outgoing chief medical officer, made a number of draconian recommendations to control obesity, among them banning snacking on public transport.
    We’ve had a steady stream of lifestyle prefects calling for bans and taxes over the past few years, but I can’t remember one as likely to rile the British public as this. Public transport is already overpriced and overcrowded. The one thing you can do to alleviate the misery is dick about on your phone or eat the pain away. Now that could one day land you in hot water. You might get fined for eating Maoams on a Megabus or do time for a Double Decker on the District line. The only thing that would make public transport worse would be making eye contact compulsory.

    So many of these ideas are from the ‘punish the whole class’ style of patrician thinking. We all remember collective punishments from our school days. It didn’t change anything, the naughty kid still stabbed you with a compass, but then everybody had to miss the first 15 minutes of Grange Hill.

    Essentially, when teachers fail miserably in their role as educators to the message-resistant, they opt for heavy-handed group reprisals. Similarly, the government adverts to control obesity have been as weak as a supply teacher with a stupid surname. They’ve centred on a bizarre plasticine family plodding around to the sound of gentle calorific advice. They look like a ‘No carbs before Marbs’ episode of Morph.

    The truth is that governments are caught between wanting to fire out a strong message on obesity while simultaneously being terrified of causing offence. But if you are going to do public-information campaigns they have to be ominous. Remember the advert for AIDS? It was so powerful that I asked my mum if I needed to get tested. I was 11. I started wearing condoms just to go swimming. I don’t care for authoritarian state control, but there’s something more honest about scaring the shit out of people rather than spaffing public money on forgettable messages.

    I’ve also wondered this week about the visceral reaction to Extinction Rebellion. I’m one of those who can’t resist a light-hearted dig here and there, while grudgingly respecting their willingness to be arrested (at least it exceeds the limp commitment of most modern liberal protest).

    Maybe the annoyance runs deeper. After all, it’s yet another group of people telling you what to do – in this case, to stop flying and stop eating meat. It might be that this lot have some reasonable points, but the manner of the protests and the unerring white noise of other organisations telling you what to say, eat and where to travel all blends into one. The only defence is either to get angry or take the piss.

    And maybe it runs deeper still. Extinction Rebellion, Greta, Dame Sally, Meghan Markle – all of these people have caché and influence without a specific mandate. The biggest ever political mandate this country ever delivered is still stymied, maybe one day to be squashed entirely. Meanwhile, the police tiptoe around sleeping protesters at Smithfield. They even made sure their ‘kettling’ technique was solar-powered.

    One day a mainstream political party may cotton on to the fact that many British people hate being told what to do and want as few layers of government as possible. Crazy idea, but – beyond the ‘Allo ‘Allo!-style rantings of Leave.EU – it might have been a big part of the Brexit vote.

    There are so many people with a natural libertarian streak. It’s frankly bizarre this audience isn’t served. If I did ever get into politics I’d start my own movement, the Stay Out of My Fucking Business Party. Who’s with me?”

    Geoff Norcott is a stand-up comedian. He is touring Taking Liberties until November this year. Get tickets here. Follow him on Twitter: @GeoffNorcott

    1. The party that you want is called the Liberal party, oh hang on, they seem to have changed a little.

    2. The basic premise of the article is correct but I rather suspect the author hasn’t been on a packed train and had come and sit next to him a **** with a stinking burger or stir-fry, shoveling in the filth as though he hasn’t eaten for a week.

    3. MPs should start in their own Houses. The number of fat MPs is a disgrace. Abbott could go on a diet for starters.

  31. UK pays £87m for no-deal Brexit ferry contracts

    Totally daft there will be no shortage of medicines due to delays at the ports. Should there be any short term issues such as bad weather the ports already have existing plans in place which prioritise the shipment of medicines

  32. I will introduce a scheme to ban the obese from sitting down on public transport. Any obese person that seat on a seat first gets an automatic verbal warning. If that does not work they get zapped with a mini tsar

  33. It is a very odd morning here. The wind is the Marin that blows eastwards from the Med. The air is damp; there is a sort of drizzle – but it is as mild as muck – about 20ºC.

    Knocks wooding on the head, though, dagnabbit.

  34. Good morning, all

    “Denmark Cracks down on immigration.

    Muslim migrants are threatening to leave Denmark after it cut the welfare payment by half.
    The Danish economy can not provide free housing, food, and welfare benefits to millions of illegal immigrants from all over the Middle East, Asia and Africa.

    The only solution to the immigration crisis is to close the borders and deport illegal immigrants back to where they came from.
    Most of the immigrants who arrived in Europe are not refugees from Syria. They are Muslim immigrants from Africa, Asia and the Middle East who exploited the flow of immigrants from Syria to invade Europe as “refugees”. “


    Muslim migrants “threatening” to leave?? Some threat – a promise, more like!

    AND if Denmark can cut their benefits, how come we can’t do the same? Oh, because we slavishly follow the rules – to our great detriment.

    1. Morning HL,
      The answer has been there all the time.
      If you don’t pay into the club, you cannot expect to benefit from the club in times of need, surely.
      Tell me why do peoples continue to support / vote for mass uncontrolled immigration policy parties ?

      1. Morning Ogga,

        Because many people in this country have been dumbed down over the decades. Much of the population of this country now lives in a parallel universe.

        1. HL,
          Of their choosing via the ballot booth, when they can plainly see
          the daily destruction of a nation.

          1. None of us have been getting what we vote for. The Globalist agenda is being applied, dictatorially and vigorously. We are all being cheated, led beyond without authority. Voting is rigged to ‘manufacture’ our consent. Victim blaming electorates for being lied to just deflects blame away from the lying Globalists and certainly completely fails to provide a way forward.

          2. Rubbish per usual, at least I exit a polling booth after voting UKIP with a feeling of decency having NOT condoned by vote the odious issues taking place daily, one instance being the rape & abuse of children by, in the main, foreign elements introduced by mass uncontrolled immigration.
            The three monkey mode of support / voting makes for a nasty,
            devious, PC / Appeasing , odious country as can be witnessed
            currently, for those who dare to look.

          3. Unfortunately, even after the disgraceful behaviour of our politicians has been exposed for all to see, far too many of our voters still insist on sticking to their tribal voting patterns.
            One only has to look back to the exposure of Expenses Scandal and consider how many of those guilty of the worst expenses frauds, frauds which, in outside industry, would have led not only to the sack but criminal prosecution, are still in Parliament.

          4. The indoctrinated belief that ‘tribal voting’ has a purely natural existence affords the fraudsters yet more opportunity to ‘smokescreen’ their ‘rigging’ of ballots.

        2. HL,
          This parallel universe is seemingly accepting yesterdays four stabbings in the shopping centre as in “well it was only four and not to serious” attitude, as with all the other atrocities over the years with no change in the voting pattern.

          1. The answer’s in the first sentence of that paragraph. Much of the population is not very bright. Their minds have atrophied.

          2. HL,
            That surely must be done via the polling booth, nobody in their right minds would vote for a mass uncontrolled immigration
            party after witnessing the evil consequences, more than twice,
            would they ? once out of party loyalty, if then in doubt twice to make sure, and if proving odious peoples do not vote thrice for that party condoning that parties policies, do they ?

          3. HL,
            People power in the polling booth used in a
            common sense manner & with putting the
            country first, a combined effort, forget manifesto’s, fodder for fools, forget voting for the parties that forget the peoples one minute after the GE count is taken.
            Support & vote for a party that has never
            had its allegiance to these Isle
            in question, never.
            In the wake of the continuing voting pattern
            is the compulsory 5 times a day mosque
            visitations interspersed with jumping through hoops laid out by the eu especially for nations that have submitted.

          4. How about the minds of the people before they enter the polling booth? You’ve jumped to the effect before addressing the cause.

          5. Morning HL,
            In a great many cases that depends on what granddad , dad, voted, tribal, family tree voters.
            That is the cause, then you have the nose holders, best of the worst, tacticians, the keep him / her out of number ten, ALL
            three monkey brigade artist guilty of still putting party before Country in times of peril.
            Tell me which parties are responsible say over the last 4 decades
            for our current standing as a nation ?

          6. But you are contradicting your own propositions. You say the answer in in the polling booth. Yes it is, but until you address the attitudes OUTSIDE the polling booth, you will get no change inside it.

          7. HL,
            The three monkey mode of voting has one hell of a grip on many voters until peoples accept what they are seeing on a daily basis as fact, nothing will change, and continuing to support / vote lab/lib/con that is guaranteed.

          8. The indoctrinated belief that ‘tribal voting’ has only a purely natural existence affords the fraudsters yet more opportunity to ‘smokescreen’ their ‘rigging’ of ballots.

            PS Obviously ogga1 doesn’t possess the intellect to recognise that a single anecdote is not representative of the whole.

          9. I watched a young girl holding a baby being interviewed and when asked her voting intentions she replied, granddad voted labour, dad voted labour, I’m voting labour, and this baby will vote labour, she is not alone in her voting habits.

    2. If Denmark cannot afford it certainly the UK cannot. On a per Capita basis Denmark is a richer country than the UK

      1. The point is that Denmark doesn’t want to afford it. That’s the difference. We can afford immigrants – of course – but we can’t provide a decent infrastructure for our own people. It’s disgusting and disgraceful.

        1. Well we cannot afford to support all these migrants/ The UK currently trades at a loss and has massive levels of debt

    3. if they leave Denmark, where do think they will move to ?
      If they can learn to speak Danish, English will be a doddle.

    4. Typical EU racialists; now they are imposing border checks with Sweden to keep out any worrying and undesirable elements. So much for frontiers-free Europe, Schengen, the Single Merket etc.

      1. Talked about this with Danish D-in-L.
        Apparently Denmark doesn’t prat around. Asylum seekers/refugees/ whatever have bennies cut once their countries are deemed safe again.
        The Jarls Vikings pay a lot of tax and are not amused to see it wasted on people who haven’t contributed.

      1. No, they still have plenty of crims from Albania and eastern EUrope.
        Update, yes, of course many Scandinavians are slightly smug when they look at the UK.

  35. Good stuff…

    Misguided Remainers do not understand European history
    ROBERT TOMBS – 12 OCTOBER 2019 • 1:00PM

    It is utterly removed from reality to argue free trade is “nostalgia for empire” and the EU is our destiny

    Britain is a European country. Leaving the EU is cutting itself off from its historic nature. Brexit is isolating us, turning us in upon ourselves in pursuit of some crazy nostalgic fantasy. The EU is the world’s largest market, which we are mad to leave. So often does one hear these arguments that they must clearly convince many people. Rather than dismissing them, I would like to try, in a constructive spirit, to look at them seriously.

    Every notion of historical or geographical determinism that claims to tell us what we are or must be, is fundamentally undemocratic. It reminds me of the German historian Treitschke, who told the people of Alsace-Lorraine, seized by Germany from France in 1871, that even though they considered themselves French, history dictated they were really German, like it or not.

    Romantic Europhiles like to hark back to ancient Greece and adopt a quasi-nationalist view that Europa has some deep and continuing cultural identity of which the modern European Union is somehow an embodiment and Europe’s destiny. A glib answer would be that if such identity were real, the EU would not be experiencing so many conflicts. The truth is that Europe is very diverse. Its only historical claim to unity is as Christendom, but even that unity did not last beyond the 11th century. In its languages, cultures and mores it is hardly more a unity than Africa or Asia, and far less so than South America.

    Should one then turn the argument on its head? Is it precisely because Europe is so divided that it needs the EU? Without it, one often hears, we would go back to the 1930s or to 1914. But so remote from any imaginable reality is war between European democracies that justifying the EU as the force keeping them from each other’s throats is absurd. Even more extraordinary is the idea, espoused by Tony Blair among others, that if we withdraw from ‘Europe’, we might have to go back as in 1914 to stop future mayhem.

    If Europe needs a security guarantee for some of its borders, it comes from NATO, of which Britain remains the leading European member. But the real guarantee of European peace is that its states are democracies. Democracies do not go to war with each other. The only threat to European peace is whatever threatens its democratic stability, which I fear today includes the EU itself.

    Or is the justification of the EU that it protects Europe from global threats? Mr Guy Verhofstadt declared to cheering Lib Dems that “The world of tomorrow is a world of empires” in which the EU would replace the nation-states. How often we have heard this since Joseph Chamberlain first announced in 1904 that “The day of empires has come”. Leaving aside the question of whether the lumbering EU is remotely capable of bestriding the globe, we should ask ourselves where Chamberlain’s great empires are now.

    One with Nineveh and Tyre is the answer – though interestingly, some of the leading imperialists of Chamberlain’s day became early champions of European federalism. The huge states are all and always in trouble, struggling to hold themselves together and defend their borders. Small, nimble, united and democratic states are more resilient and successful. Where would you put your life savings? Brazil or Switzerland? China or Singapore?

    History does not dictate the present, but it is worth remembering that since the end of the middle ages, the British nations have steered clear of European control. Since the 17th century, we have looked outside Europe for allies and opportunities, and this continues today. A larger proportion of our investments and trade are outside the EU than is the case for any other member state.

    But when all is said and done, is not the EU “the world’s largest market” and our biggest customer from which we are mad to consider separating ourselves? Perhaps we would be mad if that is what we intended, but the aim of Brexiteers has always been a free-trading relationship. Europe will remain important. Nevertheless, in modern economies, especially those based on services such as ours, geographical proximity is irrelevant. We are no longer selling shiploads of coal to the nearest market, but expertise and ideas world wide.

    Consequently, the EU has been diminishing in economic importance for twenty years, and our trade with the non-EU has overtaken it. Those such as Philip Hammond who claim that the rest of the world has little to offer compared with the EU seem blind to what is happening: the EU system has become an economic drag on us, and we are already leaving it behind, Brexit or no Brexit.

    There is certainly one historic fact that does distinguish Britain from our Continental neighbours: the extent and importance of long-established economic, cultural and political links beyond Europe. The United States was already our single biggest trading partner when we were still fighting Napoleon – indeed, that helped us to win. Our changing relationships with Europe have since the 17th century been supplemented by global links: this was how Britain could be the equal of larger European states.

    The hope that Brexit would galvanize Britain’s global role is commonly attacked as “nostalgia for empire”, presumably for lack of a better argument. Empire was only one side of Britain’s long-established globe-trotting. Sharing the world language and democratic institutions based on similar traditions and legal systems with some of our most important partners is an incalculable advantage in the modern economy based on finance, technology and communications. It is Mr Verhofstadt’s empire that seems stuck, trying to protect itself against a changing world to buttress a Europe sadly in decline.

    That great nostalgic General de Gaulle feared that European integration was the last chance to save old Europe, “the Europe that was once Christendom”; and he thought Britain was too much a global nation to be part of it. He was right on the second point. I hope he was wrong on the first.

    1. “Democracies do not go to war with each other. The only threat to European peace is whatever threatens its democratic stability, which I fear today includes the EU itself.”

      There’s a catch here. The reasoning of Jean Monnet and Robert Schuman, architects of the proto-EU, was that democracy gave us Hitler, Hitler gave us a terrible war, therefore democracy is bad so it must be taken away from the people. They (Monnet and Schuman) must have been very grateful to Der Fuhrer. Many still fall for this argument.

      Of course, implicit in Robert Tombs second sentence is that the blame for WWII lies with AH for overturning democracy and turning Germany into a dictatorship. That is lost on the supporters of the EU.

      1. AH exploited the democratic process to gain power and then trampled on it, Sound familiar?

          1. I was thinking of Parliament as a whole, but the poisoned dwarf epitomises the problem.

  36. There is a purpose in the cat litter knocking aside the forces veterans and their plight appertaining to the Queens speech.
    That purpose ? showing the peoples the power of the political elite.
    Currently what it boils down to is who offers the
    biggest wonga / power package, you double the brussels
    buyapolitico package and you would not find a remainer Mp in the UK.
    Far easier to buy a soul of a nation than by any other means.

    1. If she doesn’t live beyond thirty, it’s because governments have done exactly as she’s asking them to, with mass deaths due to starvation because they can’t transport enough food around, or cold, because no one can heat their homes properly.
      Or because of this:

      Two Historic Snow Storms BLIZZARDS, Nor’ Easter, California Power Outages

      1. Good post and video.

        A forthcoming grand solar minimum coinciding with major earth pole shifts makes our efforts to avoid extinction of the human and animal life on this planet by controlling CO2 emissions completely irrelevant.

        The human race must figure out how to survive future impending climatic extremes which are completely outside our control and focus on self sufficiency for food and warmth.

        Glad that’s sorted then – over to you Greta on how you propose to prevent your impending extinction.

        (Hint: the answer may well be found in the scientific literature – it’s worth believing in it!)

  37. W O W……………………………

    Mr Redwood Sir has posted up Polly’s post !


    Posted October 12, 2019 at 10:42 am

    If Boris has caved in on NI, and if he wants to sign up to a version of G S’s WA pretending that means Brexit………

    ………. will you move over to the Brexit Party and give your support to Nigel Farage who hopefully would restore sense to Britain ?


  38. A CONTROVERSIAL super trawler has arrived in Weymouth Bay.

    The Margiris is the second biggest fishing trawler in the world and weighs 6,200 tonnes. It was banned from fishing in Australia in 2013.

    The vessel was boarded by government officials earlier this month after it started trawling in the Channel off the Sussex coast but was found to be operating legally under European laws.

    The Lithuanian-registered ship is owned by Dutch company Parlevliet & Van Der Plas and can process 250 tonnes of fish per day.

    The Royal Navy should sink it .. torpedo it .. hijack it !


    1. Good idea.

      As I’m having problems with a disruptive Dutch member of my German class, I’m rather off things Dutch at the moment.

        1. Cockney rhyming slang. My old Dutch is ‘my old mate’ rhyming with Dutch Plates which were famously produced in Holland.

      1. My wife, Caroline, is Dutch – but she is a damned decent and attractive woman. You would like her – she has written the definitive book on French grammar for those wishing to study French at university.

    2. Good Afternoon Lovely

      Perhaps you know a former Fleet Air Arm pilot who could borrow a plane and drop a few bombs on it for us?

      1. He is hoovering up all our fish..

        The little local seaside fishing boats have no chance.. I hope the blighter snags his nets on the ordnance and wrecks that litter this part of the coast line .

  39. High street sales frenzy: Struggling stores slash their prices by up to 90 per cent in a panic to win customers with deepest cuts in 15 years

    If there are any 90% discounts they will be fake ones. There will be some real discount there though.


    Panicked’ high street stores are slashing prices by up to 90 per cent in a desperate bid to win customers.
    This year’s autumn sales offer the deepest price cuts for 15 years – and will be drawn out longer than the usual two-week period to last at least a month.
    Debenhams, New Look, Jigsaw and House of Fraser are among the stores slashing prices to tempt shoppers through the door this week.
    The cuts have been blamed on a warm early-autumn, fierce competition, online shopping and depressed consumer spending.

  40. Mother is shocked to discover Costa’s apples and satsumas are NOT vegan friendly due to the fruit being covered in beeswax to keep it looking fresh

    It is incorrect to say it is to keep them looking fresh the wax extends the shelf life considerable without it wastage would be very much higher

    1. I bought some unwaxed lemons the other week – (no single ones available) and they went mouldy before I could use them all.

  41. Yo All

    I do not know if this has already been posted/referred to

    If not, on a cold UK morning it will make your blood boil. What a despicable ‘uman bean Watson is

    Tom Watson feels ‘deeply’ for those caught in bungled VIP abuse inquiry

    Mr Watson, however, said that he could cope with the “turmoil” the case had caused and that he did not allow his critics to “get” to him.

    “Right now I am in the middle of a storm where people question my motives,” he said.

    “Ten years ago that would have really eaten away at me. Now I think I feel more settled in myself so that doesn’t eat away at me.

    “They don’t get to me any more. I am in a fairly brutal world. I think I have just found a way of dealing with the turmoil of it.”


    1. Will read that later as we buy the paper copy on a Saturday. I doubt if Watson feels deeply for anyone other than himself.

    2. “They don’t get to me any more. I am in a fairly brutal world. I
      think I have just found a way of dealing with the turmoil of it.”

      A shame that a way of dealing with it cannot be found for his victims and their families

      No BTL comments allowed of course

      1. I am in a fairly brutal world.

        Not made any less brutal by his actions in shaming and destroying the lives of innocent people. His introspection is all about Tom Watson and no thoughts about how his ideals and actions impacted on his victims.

      1. Exactly Horace,a warm cell,medical and dental treatment,plenty of time to read and think,three meals a day
        The horror {:^))

          1. As the scrum half now puts the ball directly to the back row, the role of hooker seems redundant.

    1. She is the ridiculous woman who said that a person is the sex he she or it says he, she or it is.

  42. Monkey World to support military personnel and their families this November

    Monkey World has announced it will be supporting military personnel and their families during November.

    Coinciding with Remembrance Day and the British Legion Poppy Appeals of that month, military personnel and their families will be able to get 15 per cent off entry to the primate rescue centre.

    A spokesman for Monkey World said: “Monkey World knows the importance of quality family time for all primates, and the strain that military families are often under.


    Oh dear, local rag is scratching around for news..funny thing is , the ape rescue is only less than a mile from the Royal Tank Regiment and the museum!

  43. Apologies if it’s already been mentioned but I see on the Breitbart FB page that old Hanoi Jane has been arrested at a climate change protest. Some people never learn.

    1. Well publicized in the US press today. Hard to believe she is 81. Only thing I ever saw her in was Cat Ballou, which she did rather well.

        1. Being a lifelong scifi novel fan and a teenager full of hormones, I thought I’d love Barbarella in 1968, but it was just too silly to enjoy.

          1. Yes. Dan O’Bannon was subsequently involved in “Alien”.
            The alien in “Alien” looked less like a Spacehopper though.

          2. I’ve been watching a few things on dailymotion and have got used to the degraded images, no problem.

        1. Never watched it. I’ve seen the odd clip on TV, but that’s it. Besides, when she was young she was too skinny.

        2. The only bit I saw in that was a clip with Milo O’ Shea as Duran Duran, playing his orgasmatron. He was great – like Keith Moon in Tommy as Wicked Uncle Ernie. She was – well – pff. Sexy of course, but so are so many of those actresses.

          1. Yo OLT.

            The character she played was a spoilt woman who had everything. I thought it to be about right.

      1. Subjective I know but as far as looks were concerned she was never a patch on Brigitte Bardot, Marilyn Monroe, Sophia Loren or Elizabeth Taylor. Mind you some of these ladies let themselves go a bit as they aged.

    1. I thought they were dead ?
      Knocking out stuff that nobody wants, overpriced for what it is, at a price that few can still afford, is normal for this time of year.
      For good quality, good design, lots of choice, and reasonable prices – Matalan.

      1. There are some real bargains to be had in that sale. Take a look.

        I do most of my clothes shopping at Matalan. Normally just before a holiday. Then wear the stuff til it falls to bits.

        1. Going away for a few days this week. Wife standing behind me with a gun waiting for us to drive to Matalan. (If you go shopping with a woman, the cheaper everything is, the more you spend. Counter productive)

  44. Headline Question in DT:
    “From Pizza Express to Thomas Cook, why do the Chinese have such poor luck buying British companies?”

    A: Misfortune Cookies….?

  45. I’ve come to the conclusion I’d be no good as an”Agony Uncle”. Take this headline from the DT:

    “I’m newly single and I’m worried I’m rubbish in bed. What should I do?”

    After a nano second’s thought I’d answer – (Rastus shut your eyes) “Sleep around for a bit you’ll soon get the hang of things….”

  46. Well that’s the end of my shift. I’m heading off to St James’s Piccadilly where an amateur orchestra, the Philharmonia Britannica, is giving a concert this evening.
    Handel, Faure, Vivaldi and Mozart – headline billing!

    1. There’s posh. I will be in the West End next week. An evening with Ian McKellen. Not just me you understand. There will be a couple of thousand others and yes….we will all keep our clothes on.

    1. When I watched those newsreaders being pious and blaming President Trump for bringing those soldiers home, my disgust at them reached new levels.

      Muslims will murder muslims. They murder every other group and each other. Why should our men and women be blown apart or shot to pieces trying to stop them? If one side ever did win in the unending islamic wars, they would then turn around and fully attack those of us who were protecting them.

      Turkey is to blame for this latest conflict because they are doing what their nature tells them to do: “There are a group of people who are different to us. Let us kill them.”

      1. “ If one side ever did win in the unending islamic wars, they would then turn around and fully attack those of us who were protecting them“. That is why the only sensible policy towards much of the world is to make sure that no one side actually wins.

  47. Looks like the welfare of Tommy Atkins, protector of the realm especially so when things get tough are to be found below the cat litter tray.
    Tell me what wheel-bound, limb missing, traumatised, pavement is my pillow ex forces personnel would feel anything but disgust for this current political shower of sh!te in parliament & the supporters keeping them there.

    1. “By the end of the video the young bulls are herded into a transporter box and presumably safely on their way home . to a barbecue”

  48. Police Scotland are to send 100 officers to London to help Extinction Rebellion.
    I hope that it does not take five years for them to get there.

      1. Too bad. It would have been an exciting match with two running sides. Maybe the SRU could invite Japan to come here to play, just for fun.

        1. I would like the Scots to take it to court, win the case and then lose the match.

          The Japanese have put on a great tournament, played very well, and deserve to go through.

          Everyone knew the rules and the risks when it was to be played in Japan at this time of year. If the Scots didn’t like the rules they need not have come.

  49. Two-year-old toddler faces deportation… despite both parents owning British passports

    It is actually quite sensible and they would have been aware of it. The parents are covered by legacy rights from the commonwealth days but that extends only one generation . Their daughter has no legacy rights

    1. In practical terms, how would a two-year-old child be deported? The parents could refuse to accompany the child. Who would accompany her to her ‘home’ country? What would happen to her when she arrived there? I can’t see a deportation taking place.

      1. The child’s parents would have to leave. There are various way they can apply for the child to gain UK residency but it costs money and they have to demonstrate the child will not be a burden on the UK taxpayers

        There has to be a cut off point

        1. How would they ‘have’ to leave? If they are entitled to residence, they could stand firm and refuse to go. This would put the onus on the UK authorities to come up with a solution.

          1. That would be seen as pure vindictiveness on the part of HMG, not to mention yet more bureaucracy to be carried out. I can’t see it happening.

      2. It seems to me that the whole aim of the immigration people is to kick out and stop decent people from coming to or living in Britain while encouraging the scum to do so.

        1. I sometimes think they seek out these “hard cases” to put the service into disrepute in the hope that ALL deportations can be stopped

          1. I think you’re right.
            Like Nick Ferrari confronting a woman who was a Christian, pro-life and anti-abortion, by asking her whether she’d support an abortion after a girl was raped by her grandfather, as if that’s common. It’s the single extreme used to undermine the general principle.

          2. I dislike the idea of abortion and feel that using it as a form of back-up contraception is wrong.

            However, I accept it is probably the lesser of two evils when used for GENUINE health reasons and after rape.

    1. There is one of those boat rides in Sauerland (Fort Fun) where you enter a dark tunnel from bright sunlight & immediately plunge down what seem like a never-ending cataract. Quite scary the first time round.

  50. Great news in yer France.

    The Mail reported this morning that the French aristocrat who killed his wife and four children (and two dogs) two years ago had been arrested in yer Scotland. He had had plastic surgery and had remarried (the bounder)……

    Turns out that the chap yer Scottish plod arrested was NOT the mass-murderer….. He has been released with an apology.

    The plot macthickens.

    1. I think the important thing about this story is that the BBC News on the radio referred to the murder of the wife and four children, but they did not mention the pets. Utterly scandalous. It is easy to understand a man wiping his family out with two bullets each to the head from a rifle, and burying the in the back garden, but what kind of loathsome monster would kill his family pets?

      1. Mr Olivia Newton-John, unable to carry out the simplest murder plot without cocking it up.

      2. Some people believe that their pets would be heartbroken, so it would seem kinder to have them put to sleep.
        Imho, dogs are mainly concerned about their next meal, and a walk followed by a good sleep (repeat or re-arrange as necessary).
        PS I was once told that Roman Catholics are taught that non-humans do not have souls.

        1. Non-humans do not have immortal souls, I think, is the theological argument. Souls are the animators of life.

  51. That’s me for this Saturday.

    Will look in tomorrow. Have a smashing evening planning how you intend to live in a German Protectorate…

  52. This extinction rebellion farce is getting completely out of hand.

    Fill the Brexit lorry parks in Kent with containers, arrest the younger protesters and house them there.

    Allow them a bucket for a toilet in each container and hold them with bread and water only for food and drink.

    Put them before magistrates after Brexit, when the parks might be needed

  53. Nigel Dodds – DUP – rejects Boris’ double customs Brexit solution.

    ”Unrealistic… cannot work…. No”

  54. A quiet morning.
    Up to get the DT’s breakfast sorted after we both slept in a little.
    2 x pint mugs of tea, the first with medications and second with a non-cereal breakfast.
    Open fire & woodburner both laid ready for lighting tonight and wood brought in for both.
    Small batch of washed towels taken up the garden and hung up.
    A couple of hours of quietly putting up some of the T&G cladding I’d planned doing last week. it is fairly light work so no problems there.
    Ladder put up to get into the attic to dispose of dead mouse and reset trap after it went off in the small hours.
    Just had 3rd mug of tea and am about to go & do a 4th and put some soup on for my lunch.

    The Post-Angioplasty bruising is still colourful:-

    1. Wow. My wife had an angioplasty where they pushed the device through an artery in her arm. There was hardly any bruising at all and they managed to shove stents into place through the artery.
      We’re you misbehaving?

      1. T’other day it was like one of the old ink pads in colour. I ought to have taken photos every day to shew the progress.

    1. “I’m telling you that the Biden’s are finished”

      “Why? I need more useful idiots, you fool”

    2. And the best thing about the chap on the left – with his big hat and uniform and medals – he has NEVER served in any armed forces in Russia (or anywhere else)!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

          1. I hated it – the sour taste, all those tubes & membrane.

            & invariably served with mashed potato with uncooked lumps in.

    1. I don’t believe this – poor little dog.

      I have read about cats being force-fed a vegan diet. They won’t survive very long. We humans, like dogs, are omnivores but we both need the enzymes in meat and fish to live a healthy life. If we are denied these, we need to take artificial, manufactured supplements. It is how nature designed us. Cats are carnivores, full stop. They cannot long survive without meat. All this says to me that the generation from 1970 onwards have had too easy a life, they do not know what it is to fight for food and survival on a day-to-day basis. Although I think they may well be finding out soon, and not for the reason these lunatics think.

      Extinction Rebellion anyone? Except I will be on the other side of the ER coin.

      1. So convinced of her own virtue,the sort that would cheerfully man the camps and the ovens
        “It’s just the right thing to do”

        1. A cheap virtue signaller exploiting a little dog. I am so angry about this, I am livid. We do our utmost for our liitle dog, she can’t do anything to help herself, she cannot buy her food, take herself off to the vet…. our domesticated animals are so dependant upon us for a healthy life.

          These people may not like it, but this is how the food chain works. Dear God in heaven, whatever has happened to education over the last thirty years? Oh…. I know….. step up to the podium one Tony Blair…. educashon, educashon, educashon….. of course it was -we all knew it was politician speak but we did not expect him to mean the priority was to be a dumbing down.

    2. Oh look this shite is being heavily marketed to virtue signalling idiots

      The facts

      The rising popularity of vegan lifestyles has led some people to

      consider feeding vegan diets to their pets as a “cruelty-free”

      alternative to normal meat-based kibble. Because marketing has led

      people to believe that their dog or cat is able to thrive on a meatless

      diet, they feel comfortable imposing their ethical views about eating

      animal products or the agriculture industry onto their pet’s lifestyle

      as well. However, this is a situation in which human morality not only

      does not apply to animals but also ends up being dangerously inhumane

      when expected to be ethical. Canine and feline bodies are not built to

      subsist singularly on plant matter; both cats and dogs evolved to

      subsist on a meat-based diet – dogs as opportunistic omnivores and cats

      as obligate carnivores. Dogs on a vegan diet are very likely to suffer

      from malnourishment that will drastically affect their quality of life,

      while vegan-fed cats are guaranteed to be sick and risk death from

      malnutrition. Recent research into the evolutionary history and

      gastrointestinal tracts of both dogs and cats proves that it is unwise,

      if not outright cruel, to feed them a truly vegan diet.


      1. Even humans cannot have a healthy vegan diet. Have you even seen a healthy looking vegan

        1. They have to take Vit. B supplements.
          Evil electricity – possibly even gas – are used in their production.

  55. Just back from an hour and a half walk in the garrigue. Gorgeous afternoon. Won’t last – rain tomorrow.

      1. Indeed .. it just gets worse , doesn’t it MM.

        Britain is becoming like the Mad Hatter’s tea party .. confusing, full of riddles and lunatic pronouncements!

        1. TB,
          It may not have been the intentions of the voter initially the odious consequences of their votes that is, but it happens year on year, GE after GE unabated, getting worse
          by the day.

    1. Evening TB,
      You will find it is covered by the PC / Appeasement department & the law are keeping in mind the Christmas
      do, donated snort.

    2. They don’t have enough police officers to do that. They have too many of their number busy rounding up muslims who raped little white girls who had been pimped out?

      1. What is so amazing , food safety officers aren’t involved … just robed Koran clutching MUSLIM scholars .. Who on earth is allowing this nonsense that has crept into our food industry .

        Don’t Christians , those of us who were probably christened in what ever denomination that is British object to these robed foreign weirdos waving sticks over animals who are either going to have their throats cut or poultry virtually cooked alive?

          1. Really? There shouldn’t be even a trace of meat in bread. What is the symbol? That’s Warburtons bread off my shopping list then.

        1. They are but there are not many of them/ Because of problems in these slaughter houses CCTV has been installed

    1. Never buy cheap meat; whether from restaurants, cafes or shops.
      Making it all halal cuts costs by saving any sort of hassle.

      1. Anne ,it is becoming so common now, who do we trust.. Local markets and slaughter houses are as rare as hens teeth, and animals have to travel a long way to be slaughtered … unless the poor creatures are murdered in the fields they graze in !

    2. That will cost them so much, in loss of trade.

      I shall certainly never used them. I avoid Halal

      I wonder though, is any poultry stunned

      When, in the ’40s & 50s, I visited my ‘Nanna’ in Northamptonshire, she killed chickens by :

      Holding them by the feet, putting a brush across the neck and pulling up on the body, thereby breaking its’ neck

      All the fowl were free range, supplied eggs and went to the pot when they were old.

      Judging by the recent news, lambs/sheep for Ali’s Snack Bar are just slaughtered in the field

  56. Londons Massive Cocaine Problem

    The scale of it is incredible it is bigger than the next 3 largest cocaine consuming cities put together(Amsterdam, Berlin, Barcelona)

        1. This will be one thing the BBC will not blame Brexit for for causing a shortage and the government will not be laying on planes in cause of shortages

          1. But the EU will notice and up the UKs GDP estimate so that they are able to increase the EU budget contribution.

        1. Before I was discharged on Tuesday a radiologist came to my bed to do an ultrasound scan of my heart when that was on BBC R3.
          As she said, it was the first time she’s dome her job to Elgar!

    1. Study bods you see on the TV or on films and take note of their nostrils .. you can bet there will be a favoured snorting nostril larger than the other!

    2. I read that the most frequented room of the House of Commons is contaminated with Cocaine residue.

      The same apparently applies to the House of Commons’ bogs.

      This possibly explains the somewhat erratic behaviour of our politicians.

      1. Isn’t it high time they were busted?

        But we don’t have a competent police force any more to bust them.

  57. Spiked
    Amid the infernal swirl of jargon and speculation that is going to
    continue these next few days, it is important that we don’t let the
    seriousness of all this escape us. If Brexit is thwarted, it will leave
    British democracy itself in peril. We would be in a European Union we
    cannot leave, and lumbered with a political class more emboldened than
    ever to use the power we lend them to overrule our wishes. There may be
    light at the end of the tunnel, but for now it feels much more like an
    oncoming train.

    1. Evening Rik,
      As I posted yesterday the light you see at tunnels end is the front beam of the stitch up express.

    1. There has not been a trustworthy Conservative Party leader since Margaret Thatcher?

      Cameron is exposed as a total hypocrite again and again.

  58. Will no-one think of the screaming carrots and cabbages as they are untimely ripped from the earth??

    “Kerri Waters, a spokesperson for Animal Rebellion, said: “To many,
    eating fish is seen as the healthy choice. But just as land animals
    suffer, so do fish, who think, make friends and feel pain. But their suffering goes unnoticed.

    London’s Billingsgate market, thousands of fish, stolen daily from
    their ocean homes, lie dead or dying. Many will have suffocated slowly
    when pulled aboard fishing vessels, whilst thousands of others remain
    alive as they’re transported by lorry to the market, where they’ll be
    gutted or boiled alive.”

    Another spokesperson for the group, Alex
    Lockwood, said: “It was our duty to come here and make these demands
    that we must transition to a sustainable food system and stop exploiting
    the millions of fish that pass through this market every year.”
    Forgot this

      1. …or Saint Peter.

        We had St Pierre for supper one evening on the cruises. Hadn’t eaten it for 40 years, simply delicious.

        1. The first evening after my vasectomy I was resting on the sofa just like that (my wife had gone out) & the yellow Lab jumped on me just like that.

    1. All my cats and more recently Dolly The Great have a liking for cardboard. My Vet told me to limit her to one box a day seeing as the fat bitch is 3kg overweight.

      1. Probably more nutritional value in the box that cat/dog food comes in. Certainly the case for corn flakes, according to a study some years ago.

  59. The EU’s rapidly falling share of world trade

    1980 30%
    1990 25%
    2000 23%
    2010 18%
    2020 15% (Estimate)

    1. “Virginia Bras Gomes said women were “always at the bottom of the ladder” when losing rights”

      Top of the ladder, Shirley? Anyway, why rely on a foreign power to support rights for women? Why can’t the Welsh Assembly or even the UK Parliament do it? Have we lost all faith in our national governments? No, don’t answer that.

  60. Can we trust eitherMogg or Johnson?

    Here is a comment I posted under Mogg’s article in the DT this evening:

    Never forget that:

    i) Judas Grease-Smugg told us very clearly that May’s WA would turn Britain onto a Vassal state;

    ii) He then voted for Britain to sign up to May’s WA the third time it was presented to Parliament as did Boris Johnson;

    iii) Boris’s WA is probably fundamentally no different from May’s.

    Neither Johnson nor Grease-Smugg can be trusted.

    1. Evening R,
      As I have been posting from the start it has all been an in-house orchestrated plan and with help from the regular supporter / voter, like Fred Astaire, never put a foot wrong.
      I am not one to say “I told you so” but ……

    1. If he does make it over the line on the 31st and we have truly left the EU then there will be EUphoria throughout the land!!

  61. Ave atque vale, amici. I will just say that my TV barely escaped unscathed when I was watching the Opening Show today. Some pillock of a minister was on, claiming, “nobody voted for Brexit to stop Irish horses coming to Cheltenham.” We voted for Brexit to LEAVE, you cretin! What the Irish do is up to them.

        1. Gosh !…I do hope all those middle class protesters don’t bump into anything sharp……………..

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