Saturday 13 March: Harry’s initiative on mental health and Meghan’s unhappiness as part of the Royal family

An unofficial place to discuss the Telegraph letters, established when the DT website turned off its comments facility (now reinstated, but not as good as ours),
Intelligent, polite, good-humoured debate is welcome, whether on or off topic. Differing opinions are encouraged, but rudeness or personal attacks on other posters will not be tolerated. Posts which – in the opinion of the moderators – make this a less than cordial environment, are likely to be removed, without prior warning.  Persistent offenders will be banned.

Today’s letters (visible only to DT subscribers) are here:

763 thoughts on “Saturday 13 March: Harry’s initiative on mental health and Meghan’s unhappiness as part of the Royal family

  1. Good night or good morning, my friends

    I’m off to bed now – don’t know what I’m doing at this hour.

  2. 330260+up ticks,
    Morning Each,
    Welcome to the club reality H,

    March: Harry’s initiative on mental health and Meghan’s unhappiness as part of the Royal family

  3. No Sacrifice

    A man asked a waiter to take a bottle of Merlot to an unusually attractive woman sitting alone at a table in a cosy little restaurant.

    So the waiter took the Merlot to the woman and said, ‘This is from the gentleman who is seated over there’ – and indicated the sender with a nod of his head.

    She stared at the wine coolly for a few seconds, not looking at the man, then decided to send a reply to him by a note. The waiter, who was lingering nearby for a response, took the note from her and conveyed it to the gentleman.

    The note read: ‘For me to accept this bottle, you need to have a Mercedes in your garage, a million dollars in the bank and 7 inches in your pants’.

    After reading the note, the man decided to compose one of his own in return. He folded the note, handed it to the waiter and instructed him to deliver it to the lady.

    It read: ‘Just to let you know things aren’t always what they appear to be, I have a Ferrari Maranello, BMW Z8, Mercedes CL600, and a Porsche Turbo in my several garages; I have beautiful homes in Aspen and Miami , and a 10,000 acre ranch in Louisiana. There is over twenty million dollars in my bank account. But, not even for a woman as beautiful as you, would I cut off three inches. Just send the wine back.’

  4. Still no comments allowed in the DT letters.

    We shall just have to shoulder the burden as we did before until either
    a) the DT wakes up to its losses or
    b) the Brash and Trash Saga abates to old (fake) news.

    Ah, now I see 30 comments as at 01:17

    I wonder – as do the posters – how long before all are deleted – again.

    There I have advised:

    Copy your post to WORD and, if deleted, repost on:

    There are still many who will hear you.

  5. £80bn boost for military to arm it with new tanks, warships and ‘kamikaze drones’. 13 march 2021.

    The Telegraph understands that is roughly what will be invested in improving military equipment over the next four years. The total over the next decade could amount to close to £200 billion.

    The Army is set to fall to around 73,000 soldiers, finally abandoning its minimum threshold of 82,000 personnel – a target it has not met for years.

    Morning everyone. Pie in the Sky! You cannot have falling troop numbers and increased capability!

    1. A stolen election, a country living under a big tech globalist coup encouraged to celebrate independence day.

      1. Do our American cousins do irony? I thought his ‘Cri de Coeur ‘ was one of his more lucid autocue moments….

  6. Day of reflection to be held a year after UK’s Covid lockdown began. 13 March 2021.

    A “national day of reflection” will be held to mark the first anniversary of Britain going into lockdown and in remembrance of the 125,000 people who have died during the coronavirus pandemic.

    Charities and politicians are urging members of the public to hold a minute’s silence at noon on 23 March, and to contact someone they know who is grieving.

    Organisers of the remembrance event, which include the British Red Cross, Marie Curie, the Jo Cox Foundation and Royal Voluntary Service, said the silence at noon would be followed by bells tolling at 12.01pm and prominent landmarks will be lit up across the country at 8pm.

    Not by me! If these people want to live in North Korea they should move there!

    1. Are we allowed to remember the businesses that have died, the people who are out of work, or those who are on the ever growing waiting lists for cancer and other serious treatments?
      Are we allowed a moment’s reflection on how many of the government’s chums are now multi-millionaires?

      Seek not to know for whom the bell tolls, it tolls for Britain.

      1. No but we will be able to celebrate George Floyd Day. The Committee for the Promotion of Black Freedom (Patron: The Duchess of Sussex) has already initiated discussions and planning around the world, and in very many countries administrations and people are very enthusiastic.
        Although there has been a certain amount of reticence in Eastern Europe as they are not too keen.

    2. God help us all. Trying to make us think “we’re all in this together”, let’s do this instead of clapping the NHS. What a load of codswallop.

      Morning all BTW. Howling winds through the night, raining and very cloudy now, more to come I think.

    3. I doubt that “they” will want us to reflect too much – we might start reflecting on the lies, U-turns, dodgy data and corruption that seem to have characterised the last year – for example, where has all that test & trace money gone I wonder?

    4. Thank goodness for that! I much prefer a minute’s silence to a weekly session of clapping or banging pots and pans. So much calmer for the nerves than all that racket. (And, is it just me, or would it be such a disaster for those wanting to demonstrate about the young woman sadly kidnapped and murdered to stay at home and just bang their pots and pans outside their front doors?)

  7. Day of reflection to be held a year after UK’s Covid lockdown began. 13 March 2021.

    A “national day of reflection” will be held to mark the first anniversary of Britain going into lockdown and in remembrance of the 125,000 people who have died during the coronavirus pandemic.

    Charities and politicians are urging members of the public to hold a minute’s silence at noon on 23 March, and to contact someone they know who is grieving.

    Organisers of the remembrance event, which include the British Red Cross, Marie Curie, the Jo Cox Foundation and Royal Voluntary Service, said the silence at noon would be followed by bells tolling at 12.01pm and prominent landmarks will be lit up across the country at 8pm.

    Not by me! If these people want to live in North Korea they should move there!

  8. US-UK trade deal ‘may not happen until at least 2024’ as Biden prioritises China. 13 March 2021.

    The proposed UK-US Free Trade Agreement, which was approaching fruition at the end of Donald Trump’s administration, is on ice amid questions over when, or even if, it will be revived.

    Well if you act like a doormat you get treated like one. The idea that the United States does not have the diplomatic resources to negotiate with the UK and China simultaneously is ludicrous but hey it makes a good excuse. In actuality this is probably personal. Joe hates the English to the bottom of his IRA supporting boots!

      1. It is not for nothing that the generally loathed Toy Boy named his party “En Marche” – his initials being E M….

  9. Reclaim These Streets: Sarah Everard vigil set to be held on Saturday. 13 March 2021.

    Thousands of people were expected to flock to Clapham Common on Saturday to protest about women’s safety in the UK following the killing of 33-year-old marketing executive Sarah Everard.

    Last night organisers from the Reclaim These Streets group which had helped organise the vigil said they were in discussion with the Met and the local Lambeth Council “to confirm how the event can proceed in a way that is proportionate and safe – our number one priority”.

    I won’t be joining this one either!

      1. Nothing happens by accident. They must have been waiting for some time for an incident like this to happen, they are well prepared.

    1. I hardly think a vigil is necessary but thank goodness Sarah Everard was white, otherwise BLM would be organising far more sinister protest events.

  10. Last night on the BBC News channel at around 11:00pm there was a segment discussing the $27m given to the family of the druggie criminal Floyd. The black newsreader Lukwesa Burak said to the BBC US correspondent that, ” it was comforting that Floyd set such a fine example in his death”, or words to a similar effect*. One of the most shockingly biased and wrong things I have ever heard on the BBC, and that’s saying something.
    That’s even before the lynching of the policemen involved.

    *BBC News on 231 is not on iPlayer, so I cannot check the exact words.

    1. He fought against police ike a maniac to discard the counterfeit notes with which he was trying to defraud commerce and took a lethal drug overdose when he had a heart condition.
      What part of that was a good example?

  11. Following on from mentioning Agenda 21/30 yesterday…

    BBC news this morning showed a scheme trialed in Coventry where people can hand their 10 plus years old cars over to the scrap yards in return for cash incentives to pay for bus travel etc. One guy who handed his in said he wasn’t using it much anyway because of the lockdown and as we all know…cars need to be used or they become prone to malfunction as well as duff batteries.

    This comes after just one year of lockdown so you can be sure the lockdown will go on for much longer than people think despite promises from liar Johnson about lifting sanctions. Look around you and notice how…in the past decade…dual carriageways have been reduced to single lanes and speed limits reduced. Also the addition of cycle lanes and average speed cameras. Also notice the new towns springing up near you with very few parking spaces and car unfriendly infrastructure.

    Agenda 21 is never talked about in the media although it is a United Nations initiative and available to read on their official website. It was announced at the UN Earth Summit in Rio in 1992. Only people like me bring this up periodically in comment threads but still most people don’t follow up. It’s like leading a horse to water. However…while you wonder in amazment about the crazy things going on around you…just a few hours of research into Agenda21 will make everything become much…much clearer as to our direction of travel in the coming decade.

    But will you do it?

    1. I am fairly sure that most people on here know about this and various other similar plans. These are being put into place.
      The real question is, “what can we do about it?”. My MP spends his time posing for photos at shop openings and similar. When In Parliament his phone never leaves his hand or his view. He retweets a lot. He has the initiative and courage of a dead flounder, but is not so intelligent , I think.

      1. Without a massive revolution it is now too late…

        I studied A21 more than a dozen years ago and tried warning people through threads like this. People chose to bury their heads in the sand while things progressed by stealth.

        1. 330260+ up ticks,
          Currently there are many more
          potential bike parks in the electorate than in the islamic ideology

      2. 330260+ up ticks,
        Morning HP,
        May one ask, why is he still your Mp ?
        “Your Mp” still
        answers to the
        hydra heads of the pretendee tory party.
        The 6th May will tell a story.

        1. In this constituency the Liberals held sway for donkey’s years. Then they lost to the SNP who lost to the Tories. Both the Lib/Dem (Liberal) MP, Michael Moore who held the post for 18 years,and the SNP man, Calum Kerr, were hard working constituency MPs. However, from these results it may be seen that overall the voters are unimpressed by the major parties. There is no sensible alternative.
          NOTA have yet to put up a candidate.

          1. 330260+ up ticks,
            “NOTA have yet to put up a candidate”
            By the same token,
            a united written freehand NOTA would most certainly take down a few.

      3. 330260+ up ticks,
        With all due respect if that “most people on here know” is carried nationwide, which I believe it is, then that smacks of the rotherham odious issue to me.

    2. 330260+ up ticks,
      Morning M,
      Thanks, well penned & requested, the referendum was a spanner in their works but never followed up with vigour & soon controlled & quashed.
      The “party first” syndrome has a hold on the herd, that is a major cause.

      1. Morning O and Mods…this is NOT intended to sound disrespectful…

        Today’s theme is an extension of the Markle sod’s opera that is running out of control and has no bearing on the important issues that affect us all. Maybe consider a day devoted to Agenda21 and its implications which will impact every single one of the population?

        With respect.

    3. I echo Horace’s point below. We do know about it, and the great reset, but what can we do about it? . Apart from writing many letters to our MPs, which Alf and I both do, what do you suggest? Without an uprising from the younger generation nothing will impede progression towards a communist way of life. A bleak future to contemplate for our children and grandchildren.

      1. But not contemplating a bleak future for the Elite.

        …..but we’re very surprised at the number of people who think that they’ll be included in the Elite.

      2. With the current rate of tax and the hideous oppression of big state in everything we do we are being made poorer every year.

        Sadly, children are not taught basic economics and so know nothing of supply, demand, the effects of tax. The state likes this.

  12. Good Moaning. This made Oi larf: Michael Deacon in the DT.

    “Naughty but nice

    Horror in Hurstbourne Tarrant. Not long ago, a phone box in this genteel Hampshire village was converted into a miniature library. But now the locals are reported to be up in arms – because an unidentified figure has been illicitly slipping copies of racy romances on to the shelves. One of the offending works is a novel entitled Hot Blooded, which tells the story of a woman who is “struggling to resist her own animal urges. Especially about Trick and Justin.”

    I can see why the villagers would be concerned. No one wants unsuitable literature to fall into innocent young hands.

    None the less, I think they should look on the bright side. In a way, this development reflects very well on their village.

    In most parts of Britain, after all, phone boxes have traditionally been plastered with obscene little cards advertising call girls and sex hotlines. A phone box neatly stocked with literary erotica sounds much more sophisticated and upmarket. It may be smut – but at least it’s literate smut.

    I’ve never been to Hurstbourne Tarrant. But if there’s any graffiti on the walls of the pub lavatory, I expect it’s beautifully well-mannered and impeccably grammatical.

    “Your mother is widely admired, not least for her delightful Victoria sponge,” for example. Or: “For a good time, call 01635 253 210. It’s the ticket office at Highclere Castle. Only seven miles down the road, and they do a splendid cream tea.”

    1. You need only go two miles from Fulmodeston to find something similar. Kettlestone village hall has a shed outside with free books. Quite a lot of porn (so I am told, hem, hem)….

      I only discovered this, my Lord, while out on my bicycle following medical advice to take exercise….and pausing at the shed for a breather……he added quickly.

      1. Kettlestone used to host a street market (gala) every summer selling books and all manner of bric-a-brac from trestle tables set up in the road.

        Do they still do that?

        1. Not recently, Grizz. The village has changed – lots of new houses been built.

  13. Morning all. More and more Sussex…..

    SIR – Talking to Bryony Gordon in a 2017 podcast (still available online), Prince Harry revealed his own mental health problems associated with the tragic death of his mother.

    He said he would not have done anything about this had it not been for the persistence of his brother, who urged him to get professional help. He was universally praised for his openness.

    Yet in the Oprah Winfrey interview, he said he would not ask members of his family for help with his mental health because there was no point.

    As co-founder of a mental health initiative, Heads Together, with the Duke and Duchess of Cambridge, why did Prince Harry not act quickly to persuade his depressed wife that she needed treatment, and to arrange a medical appointment for her?

    She would have received the same praise for seeking help that Harry had for his brave podcast. Who would have stood in her way to prevent her?


    Like so much of the interview, their account doesn’t add up.

    Carol Bennett

    Nocton, Lincolnshire

    SIR – The Duchess of Sussex is a mature, twice- married, outspoken, independent woman. Yet she says she was barred by the Palace from seeking help for her mental health problems.

    Diana, Princess of Wales, accessed mental health services. Prince Harry accessed mental health services.

    I think Meghan is being economical with the truth.

    Dorothy Wolstencroft

    Lymm, Cheshire

    SIR – Mental ill-health is a disorder that needs professional help. Rational sadness, as a response to circumstances, is not an illness, however. To encourage young people to see themselves as mentally ill whenever they may be unhappy is dangerous and can be harmful.

    It would be so good to see the beautiful and undoubtedly influential Duchess of Sussex perhaps extol and demonstrate the virtues of strength and humour.

    Marion Wilcocks

    Beare Green, Surrey

    SIR – Poor Duchess: the world at her feet and still she was so unhappy.

    I am 81, in declining health, and my looks have long gone. I’ve been more or less restricted to my home for a year.



    A few weeks ago, I wrote in my diary: “Sometimes I feel a great black cloud descend on me – utter despair.” I didn’t call my GP – she’s got enough to cope with. I didn’t contact my son or daughter, as both have problems of serious loss of income.

    What I said to myself was: “You’re not in a war zone. You’ve money in the bank, a husband, a fine roof over your head, warmth, telephone, internet, plenty to eat, even Zoom and an iPhone. Get a grip, be determinedly jolly, smile, laugh a bit – otherwise you’ll go under.”

    I counted my many blessings. Could the Duchess not have done the same?

    Val Stevens

    Carnforth, Lancashire

    SIR – I am dismayed that not one of our five living ex-prime ministers has chosen to speak up in defence of the Queen and the Royal family. I cannot imagine Margaret Thatcher or Winston Churchill being so hesitant. They were afraid of no one and stood up for what was right and honourable.

    Alan Stewart

    Crumlin, Co Antrim

    SIR – Richard Madeley (Features, March 10) described Harry and Meghan as a “young couple”. At 36 and 39 years, I think that’s stretching “young” a bit.


    Jenny Wilson

    Papworth Everard, Cambridgeshire

    SIR – Richard Madeley sees Meghan as “merciful” in saying that she did not want to “harm” the royal person she accuses of racism. In fact she has harmed the entire group with her scattergun attack.

    Professor Chris Barton

    Stoke-on-Trent, Staffordshire

    SIR – Some time ago amazing allegations were made by a “Nick” to the police that were believed to be true. This led to Operation Midland, which caused terrible damage and harm to many innocent people.

    The recent allegations made on television during a long broadcast by two young persons, whose accounts differ, seems to follow the same course: instant belief by persons here and abroad.

    What happened to the rule that you are, innocent until proved guilty?

    His Honour Lord Parmoor

    High Wycombe, Buckinghamshire

    SIR– We are told that, worldwide, 50 million people have watched the interview.

    One wonders what 100 million hours of voluntary work might have achieved instead.

    Simon Shneerson

    Chorleywood, Hertfordshire


    1. Well said Val Stevens.
      Every so often when I’m being pathetic, I have to tell myself the same thing.

      1. Indeed.
        Think miserable thoughts – makes miserable.
        Think happy thoughts – makes happy.

  14. SIR – When I was a teenager, if I saw a group of men ahead of me in the street I had learnt to turn round and go home another way. My heart used to pound.


    Do men realise how threatening it can feel? Probably not.

    Liz Wheeldon

    Seaton, Devon

    SIR – Once, we had police on foot patrol in the streets, a deterrent to potential predators. Even a patrol car is a rarity now. Where are the extra 20,000 police promised in 2019?

    David Burrows

    Barton on Sea, Hampshire

    Lockdown locks

    SIR – From Monday, over the Severn Bridge in Wales, you will be able to go to a barber or hairdresser for a haircut.

    In England we have to wait another month. What are we waiting for?

    Christopher Mann


    SIR – On Tuesday, Professor Chris Whitty said: “A lot of people may think it’s all over but I would encourage them to look at continental Europe right now. It is easy to forget how quickly things can turn bad.”

    But in Europe, the vaccine rollout has hardly begun, whereas in Britain it is rapidly reducing infection rates, hospital admissions and deaths.

    Trevor Jones

    Sidmouth, Devon

    1. Mr Jones – the fall off is because we are at the tag end of the Second Wave. Nothing whatever to do with the vaccine. Try NOT to believe everything some crackpot “expert” or, worse still, “minister” tells you (or prints).

    2. If Professor Whitty was really so anxious about things turning bad, he would be pressing the Government to stop infected foreigners landing at Dover.

      1. They say that Andrew Neil and Jeremy Paxman ought to interview Ginger and Piccaninny about the truth – or lack of it – in their TV interview with that fat American woman.

        More relevant would be if Neil and Paxman interviewed Boris Johnson and Priti Patel about just why they are allowing illegal immigrants to enter Britain without being immediately expelled. There must be some reasons – we need to know just what they are to remove – or confirm – our suspicions.

  15. Par for the course……….

    Labour suspends two local parties amid Met Police electoral fraud probe

    12 March 2021


    Labour’s National Executive Committee has suspended the East Ham and

    West Ham constituency Labour parties amid a number of explosive

    allegations, including electoral fraud claims that are being

    investigated by the Metropolitan Police.

  16. SIR – I understand Sue McFadzean’s excitement on securing a new lavatory seat (Letters, March 11). As a Naval wife I acquired under the radar a copy of the Crown Suppliers handbook. The charming man who dealt with us said: “You shouldn’t ’ave that. It raises your ’opes.”

    My ’opes were indeed raised and dashed many times.

    Lady Coward

    Torpoint, Cornwall

    1. Yo Epi
      She should be glad she was not in the USN.
      The sittydown toilet cubicles on their ship did not have doors on them.
      A copy of a Broadsheet newspaper came in handy then
      On RN Ships (when we had some), the shower cubicles were door and curtainless.

      1. As were the bogs at Castlemartin Camp when I went there as a lad in the CCF. An eye-opener, though less so for those of us from boarding schools!

      2. On detachment to an airfield in Malaya (Kuantan) in the mid 60’s the Ruperts bog was a tent with cubicles, a chemical bog and a canvas door. Our bog was the same but without the canvas door. We used to take the chemical bogs and re-arranged them in a larger space in groups of four where we sat (shat) and played Bridge at the same time. You can imagine the bidding which occurred ….”Farts are trumps” etc

      3. Our Bn went on excercise for two weeks in Pennsylvania. We were billed at Fort Pickett. There were six toilets in each accommodation block – all in one room!
        We agreed a system whereby we would call to ask if anyone was in there before entering which worked well until some female GIs moved in to the block. They just marched right in and sat on the toilet next to you and started chatting.

    2. I once ordered 5x1kg bags (or so I thought) of soda crystals from household stores at the request of the resident cleaner for the building.
      Imagine my surprise when an articulated vehicle arrived with my soda crystals tied down at the top end of the trailer section.
      We had the cleanest drains in the whole town for many a year.

      1. I did something similar way back when I needed couple of small diodes from our internal stores system, I ordered 10 as a few spares are always useful, didn’t check the UOI ( unit of issue ) which was 100 – what do you do with 998 CV7001 small signal diodes?

        1. Came across a delivery note where the person had wanted 100 paper bags (the UOI was 1000) and, you guessed it, supplies delivered 100,000 bags….

  17. Once, we had police on foot patrol in the streets, a deterrentto potential predators.
    Even a patrol car is a rarity now. Where are the extra 20,000 police promised in 2019?

    More to the point, where are the already employed policepeople

    You do not see them ‘plodding’.

    You do see them, out in Force, oops out in Service

    1, Dressed as Rainbow Warriiors at each and every LGBTWER parade

    2, Terrorising a lone person who has not got a mask on

    3. Ignoring child abuse and grooming problems, if a non Caucasion is involved

    4. Preventing lawful protests

    5 Totally ignoring the influx of an army, a boatful at a tim , in Dover

    6. Leaning over backwards to support BLM, when it should be All Lives Matter

    Copy of post taken for when it is deleted by the Thought Police

    1. You should hear, Mr Effort, what all my former colleagues (top plodders, one and all) think of this new breed of crime-dodgers.

    2. 330260+ up ticks,
      Morning OLT,
      When they lost the use of their legs they were pandered to
      there lay the problem.

    3. It’s interesting, Mr OLT, that the Met. stated on TV that they “have hundreds of officers working day and night” on this sad death of this innocent woman.

      After they’ve finished the investigation I’m quite sure that the “hundreds of police” will be redeployed to patrol the streets to keep Londoners safe.

  18. I have just received an email from a friend:

    Fear not! The UK has come up trumps. In a poll yesterday, we were asked to vote for the Windsors or Sussexes. An overwhelming 96% voted for Windsors, 2% for Sussexes and 2% for neither.

    I don’t know what poll it was, but perhaps the UK is not as woke or as ignorant or as besotted with ‘celebs’ as I thought!

  19. Why I refused to be interviewed by Emily Maitlis. 13 March 2021.

    On Tuesday, I was asked to appear on BBC Newsnight to talk about the Sussexes’ interview. When told it would be presented by Emily Maitlis, I declined, on the grounds that ever since her political speech against Dominic Cummings on the programme last year, I have had no confidence in her fairness. Sure enough, she spoke on the programme that night of ‘the sense of the attempted suicide’ of the Duchess of Sussex — though Meghan had mentioned only ‘suicidal thoughts’.

    At the time, my little gesture seemed rather pointless, so I was pleased to read in the next day’s papers that Ofcom has at last decided that the Maitlis diatribe against Cummings ‘had the potential to be perceived by some viewers as an expression of her personal view on a matter of major political controversy’. Hardly a bold rebuke, but a start.

    If you are anywhere Right of Centre I don’t see the point of being interviewed by the BBC at all! The questioning will inevitably be biased and unremittingly hostile. I remember some years ago waiting to see a Nigel Farage/Ukip interview on Newsnight. His answers were broken up by technical glitches which looked to my eyes suspiciously deliberate. Since then I have regarded and disregarded their interviews on the grounds of prejudice.

    1. There was series of interviews on thr BBC of political leaders where they were interviewed on a one-to one basis by some bloke* on the subject of Brexit.
      The interviewer fawned on the Labour chap (Ed Miliband?) and polished his shoes with his tongue. He never interrupted him once and waited respectfully when Ed paused to gather his thoughts. Mr Farage was not allowed to complete a single sentence. Not one.

      * My memory fails. (Vine, Marr…?)

      1. Miliband was on TV yesterday – he was ranting against a new coking coal in planned for Workington – 500 jobs.
        His stance was predictable that we do not want coal – he might not want coal but we certainly needs steel.
        The coal would go to South Wales and other steel plants in Germany.

        Yes, you can make steel from scrap in electric furnaces but costs rise and quality can decline.

        I suppose. like Miliband, if you sit inside the M25 you are not concerned about 500 jobs in the NW or that we would need to ship coal or steel half way around the world plus lose 000s of South Wales steel jobs.

        1. There was a segment on Border News about this. The plans were approved, done and dusted, till the loonies got on the case. There is now to be a Public Inquiry.
          How we can make things without the coal to fire the steel furnaces is beyond me. Apart from anything else, steelmaking is a strategic industry and needs to be kept alive if we are going to have the industrial renaissance essential to our survival in the modern world. Every hand on the planet is against us, not to mention the Fifth Column of loonies, greenies, fellow travellers, nimbys, traitors and the plain stupid.
          We need to be able to stop importing coal from Australia – do the greenies never think that if the Cumbria mine is forbidden, the coal will continue to be mined in Australia and brought by ship the 10,000 or so miles from Oz?
          Why are the spurious arguments accepted – climate change – and oh, the UK is hosting a greenie Conference COP26, so that would look bad.
          Host the entire conference without using any electricity at all, no internet, no phones, no heating, no cooking and using using only candles for light. See how the greenies of the world like a touch of reality!

        2. if you sit inside the M25 you are not concerned……..

          Unless of course lack of steel it holds up the construction of the HS2 Gravy Train

    1. What did Pam ever do to them? Or, did the caption-writer mean heirs, or even airs?

  20. For decades the good people of Britain have been told by the Left not to generalise, not to discriminate, not to blame all people of one race or religion for the actions of a few in the face of some terrible atrocities, they have even made laws to prevent it, our Left wing mainstream media even suppresses the news of these events because they say it will stir up extremism, and might lead to a backlash, now these very same people have turned all their teaching on its head with this recent murder, now it is okay to generalise, to discriminate, to blame and punish all people of one gender for the actions of the few.
    You couldn’t make it up, really, that Leftism for you.

    1. Very well said, but one correction:-

      ….all people of one gender SEX for the actions of the few.

    2. 330260+ up ticks,
      Morning B3,
      To be clear on this issue the left I take it is comprised of lab/lib/con/greens ?

    3. Actually the Left are past masters at making up spurious arguments. When it suits them they will argue by exception. The introduction of what has become abortion on demand was based on the argument that a woman who becomes pregnant by rape should not have to bring the child to term. This despite the numbers of such unfortunate women possibly being in single figures.
      Now the Left argue that immigrants are needed to make up for a falling population. In Scotland the number of immigrants needed according to a previous First Minister is exactly the same number as children killed by abortion since the Act. Naturally the First Minister did not make that comparison.
      If one looks closely, it will be seen that many of the propositions of the Left for control of our actions are based on a very small number of instances.
      It is pretty obvious that fallacies of illicit transference abound, yet those who oppose proposals based on such seem at a loss to counter illogical arguments. One wonders if any of those politicos who graduated in PPE ever learned anything at all from Philosophy?

    1. 330260+ up ticks,
      Same, same for England / GB plus the divorce must be inclusive of the lab / lib /con / green / ukip coalition group.
      The current electorate feet cannot take any more shotgun blasts.

    2. The only danger the US faces is the Democrat party. They’re the ones ruining your cities, impoverishing your people.

  21. I saw the feminists proposing a curfew on the group that makes up 50% of
    the population and 90% of the murders, so I decided to make some more
    curfew proposals to get some woke points.

    For some reason when I propose a curfew on the group that makes up 13%
    of the American population and 52% of the murders, or the group that
    makes up 56% of rapes in Sweden, I just get called a racist.

  22. Good morning from a dull & Damp Derbyshire. After a light drizzle it’s now a steady rain with ½°C on the yard thermometer.

  23. The vaccine and the conundrum it throws up…

    Firstly consider the following. Britain is under attack with a huge number of illegals breaching our shores for example and many people claim it is part of white genocide and other equally strong claims. Brexit has led the EU to hate us even more than they did when they controlled us fully. Then there are the conspiracies surrounding the vaccine itself. I refused mine but many have gone ahead because they are afraid of losing their right to travel and other restrictions. Their choice.

    People assume that the vaccine roll out across Europe is poor due to mismanagement by the EU leaders which may well be the case. Here in the UK and in the USA…the two greatest allies on the planet…huge numbers have already been jabbed. If the conspiracy people were to be right and something untoward is contained within the vaccine…maybe with a slow release…then the unvaccinated Europeans will remain as healthy as they were before the virus hit and most Brits and Yanks would have been zapped.

    Just a wild thought to promote discussion of course

    1. Those left would have a hell of a job dealing with tens of millions of corpses. Mass cremation would be impractical. Mass burial would be feasible in a suitably large Glen. Afterwards it could be renamed The Glen Covid Massacre…..

      1. The ideal world population as deemed by the elite is half a billion souls…

        Enough to operate JCB’s digging and filling in mass graves while the elite sip their Pimms.

        1. A world with a population of 500m would be a wonderful place to live in but proportionately that would mean a cull of thirteen out of fourteen people.

          Imagine the world with only about five Nottlers 🙁

          1. The elite stated at the Club of Rome meeting in Rockerfella’s house in Rome in 1968 …

            The population will need culling by 95%.

            Sounds daft but the old adage applies…prepare for the worst case scenario and hope for the best.

          2. I’d have to be one to keep you all supplied with rhubarb crumble and home-made marmalade.


          3. First measure by intelligence, then by social productivity.

            That ensures we get rid of London, Birmingham, Luton et al first.

    2. 330260+ up ticks,
      Maybe it would change the voting pattern, a tad extreme but something has surely got to.

        1. 330260+ up ticks,
          As a prototype the 6th of May in a UNITED effort could send a very strong message concerning a future GE.
          But the short term gain ” I have a good MP” will sad to say, take the day, even though that ” good MP” is similar to having a gun & no shells.

          1. We blew our last chance at the 2010 GE when UKIP were on the rise…

            Many Kippers bailed out and voted Tory instead and the rest is history.

          2. 330260+ up ticks,
            We got a second chance when we went to Birmingham on the 17th Feb 17 turfed out bolton got Gerard Batten in leadership.

            Batten one year success story, had to be taken out , the party nEc
            / farage lab/lib/con triggered treachery many of the LLC members agreed on “their party first regardless of consequence”
            and comfort grounds within the arms of the three monkeys.

            They kicked into touch a proven patriotic leader / party to once again take up with the very politico’s / parties they fully well knew to be eu ASSETS / RUBBER STAMPERS right up until
            the result on the 24/6/2016.

            In many respects the human ovis are openly blaming the genuine ovis, one of whom by the by I have yet to see in a polling booth.
            The party first regardless of consequence are still very much there
            and waiting for what must surely be the last GE no country can
            continue to suffer a multitude of electoral homicidal fools, maybe
            the imams will have the answer.

    3. Whenever you are invited to choose between vapid incompetence and conspiracy as a root cause for failure, pick incompetence every time. You will be right almost every time.

      1. That of course is what they want you to think…

        That’s why Johnson acts like a clown to deflect away from the agenda.

          1. I’m convinced that many regional MP’s are as thick as two short planks….

            However…those at the top of the tree are controlled and mostly dangerous as we are all about to learn in the very near future.

            Polly is often more right than wrong.

          2. I have never once seen Polly being right. Every single one of her predictions (that can be checked) turns out wrong. As for all her “this is what is *really* going on”, they can’t be checked. She was half right about Biden not really being President, but it’s not Trump in charge, but no one is telling as yet as to who is really taking the decisions. My favourite is ‘no one’, every member of the Cabinet is just doing their thing – Reagan to the nth degree.

          3. Some of my predictions are yet to materialize ….

            It’s the long game and judgement can’t really be made until many tons of water have passed under the bridge.

          4. She has made several predictions, “I have the inside track” etc. and certain things will happen on certain dates. Most recently Trump was going to be revealed as President on March 4th. None of them happened. No long game, verifiable dated predictions. All false.

          5. Half of America said similar…

            Has Trump really gone away or will he re-emerge in the future?

            There’s talk of him creating a TV news channel for example.

          6. The TV channel he might do, but he is not in any shape or form President. “Half of America” didn’t think he was, just a lot of bonkers people on Breitbart etc. I don’t think he will run for President again except possibly as a spoiling candidate who can obtain leverage by selling his Electoral College votes for policy/placements.

          7. I’m afraid I’m one of the “bonkers people on Breitbart and have been since the DT closed the comments more than a decade ago.

          8. You didn’t…I’m a fan of free speech even if it’s aimed at me Bro…

            We are all in it together as they say.

          9. I should add, almost all Labour MPs in Wales are fairly dense. Jo Stevens in Cardiff Central makes it over the line to genuine thicko. Geraint Davies in Swansea West is another of the astonishingly brainless.

    1. To respect his memory they have agreed to pay the compo with counterfeit banknotes.

  24. I am so glad that the unfortunate, bereaved family of that kindly black drug dealer have been given $27 MILLION as compo.

    I am sure they will invest it wisely…..

    1. I wonder how many of his close family, when they heard about his death, thought upon the trouble he’d caused the family in the past and quietly thought “Thank F*** for that!”?

    2. ♫ “When the shades of night are falling
      Comes a fellow ev’ryone knows
      It’s the old dope peddler
      Spreading joy wherever he goes
      Ev’ry evening you will find him
      Around our neighborhood
      It’s the old dope peddler
      Doing well by doing good

      He gives the kids free samples
      Because he knows full well
      That today’s young innocent faces
      Will be tomorrow’s clientele
      Here’s a cure for all your troubles
      Here’s an end to all distress
      It’s the old dope peddler
      With his powdered happiness” ♫

      — Tom Lehrer

      1. Mr Lehrer is still alive, aged 92, and I just read that he has placed his music and lyrics in the public domain.
        Edited, public was missing an L

    3. He wasn’t just a drug dealer and addict. Floyd served at least eight jail terms on various charges (one for five years), including drug possession, theft, trespass and robbery with a deadly weapon.

      He is a hero of the far left. Need more be said?

      1. The Left are vicious, nasty and vile characters. They don’t care about Floyd. They just wanted to use his death as an excuse for anarchy.

      1. It is a shame it is attributed. I imagine though if it were the demented Left would probably try to kill the writer.

    4. I imagine the lawyers of Floyd’s victims over the past few decades will be rubbing their hands with glee as they bring compensation cases against his ‘estate’.

      1. I hope they do. That would at least be some form of justice, which this obscene compensation is not.

        The families of those who died in the subsequent riots could also weigh in.

  25. Good morning, my friends

    At last some comments are allowed and posted under the DT article by Michael Deacon that seem to express what most Nottlers think and feel. Here is the leading comment from a woman called Ann Arnold:

    13 Mar 2021 8:53AM

    Oh Mr. Deacon you are being way way too mealy-mouthed with the “At key moments, her guests gave answers that were vague, unclear, incomplete”

    How about they LIED?

    * They LIED about being married 3 days before the wedding. Can’t have been – not in the archbishop’s garden which is not a public site for weddings or without witnesses

    * They LIED about whether their sprogs get an HRH and Prince/Princess at birth. By the 1917 Order of George V, great-grandchildren of the monarch do not get the titles unless their father is the eldest son of the monarch’s eldest son

    * They LIED about whether their sprogs are entitled to 24/7 protection even if a Prince/Princess. There are 9 Great-grandchildren of the Queen. Only 3 of them – those in the direct line of succession – get protection and the other 6 do not. No non-working Royal gets any protection -H’s 4 adult cousins. Of the grandchildren only full time royals who are in the direct succession get protection (W&K) Even the Queen’s own children (Anne, Edward and Edward’s wife Sophie) only have protection when on Royal appearances. (Reported widely)

    * They LIED about Megsie not being given help and guidance. At the Queen’s request, Samantha Cohen – 17 years with the Queen – specifically remained with the Palace and moved to the Sussex staff to train Megsie in Royal protocol, duties, behavior and restrictions -was reportedly widely in 2018

    * They LIED about Megsie not being able to travel and her passport. She certainly could zip off for a vulgar ostentatious baby showed in New York and pop off to the States to watch a tennis match as well as taking multiple vacations abroad.

    There are ONLY 2 primary allegations that can not be fact checked (vague thing abut the baby’s skin color and her mental health)

    If they LIED about 5 things that can be checked, it is only reasonable to assume they LIED about the other 2. (In litigation, we call it ‘proving the negative – do it all the time)

    IF I had had them on the stand on cross-examination, I would have checked the basic facts about Royal protocol and the procedures implemented before the day and torn them to shreds in less than 10 minutes!

    1. Ann A often makes precise comments. From what she has said in her comments she is a lawyer in the US.

    2. Unfortunately Ann Arnold is wrong about the law. The 1917 Act makes no mention of great grandchildren as such a long lived Monarch was not envisaged in 1917. The children of William were made HRH under Letters Patent from the Queen. The Queen did that because she had failed to die and that was causing a problem. If she had died or abdicated before Archie was born then he would be HRH as grandson of King Charles. So why not Letters Patent for Archie? Meeagain has half a point on this. The reason is of course that Harry’s spouse set out to offend everyone in sight and you don’t help people who do that, plus the Palace can see where this goes and what Archie is likely to become – so no HRH.

      1. I believe that you are mistaken. As so often.

        Letters Patent, in 1917, which limited the number of royal relatives
        that could use the title of Prince or Princess. It reads: ‘It is
        declared by the Letters Patent that the children of any Sovereign of the
        United Kingdom and the children of the sons of any such Sovereign and
        the eldest living son of the eldest son of the Prince of Wales shall
        have and at all times hold and enjoy the style, title or attribute of
        Royal Highness with their titular dignity of Prince or Princess prefixed
        to their respective Christian names or with their other titles of
        honour; that save as aforesaid the titles of Royal Highness, Highness or
        Serene Highness, and the titular dignity of Prince and Princess shall
        cease except those titles already granted and remaining unrevoked; and
        that the grandchildren of the sons of any such Sovereign in the direct
        male line (save only the eldest living son of the eldest son of the
        Prince of Wales) shall have the style and title enjoyed by the children
        of Dukes’.

        Why should Archie qualify?

    3. She lied, I imagine. After all, if she has to take responsibility for her actions she simply won’t be able to survive. She’s a strange one: refuses responsibility, duty and has no integrity. Her only mental illness is blatant narcissism.

  26. ‘Morning, all.

    Gov. Andrew Cuomo is the man responsible for compelling New York nursing homes to take-in Covid-19 sufferers from the hospitals, spreading infection and causing over 15,000 unnecessary deaths among the elderly residents of those homes. What was the response from his Democrat Party? They closed ranks behind Cuomo and did their level best to make the scandal go away.

    Now a new scandal over his alleged “groping” of various female aides has surfaced and the Democrats are deserting him like the proverbial rats from a sinking ship. Carl Heastie, Speaker of the NY State Assembly, has ordered its Judicial Committee to open an impeachment inquiry and NY State Attorney General, Letitia James, has opened a parallel inquiry to evaluate the evidence from the victims of Cuomo’s “hands-on” approach to anyone wearing a skirt.

    Curious moral standards in New York. Apparently the Democrats consider the offence caused to his victims by Cuomo’s “wandering hands” to be a far more egregious matter than the wanton killing of thousands of old folk. Now – and only now, after having safely stolen the Presidential Election – are they seeking his impeachment.

    1. I am interested in this as well.
      The culling of our old folk was endemic throughout the Western World. Hancock did it here, Buzin and then Veran did it in France, even Sweden managed to get rid of theirs in the only lockdown measure they applied fully. It looks something like a coordinated attack on those who have finished paying taxes and are now expensive and expendable.
      Another detail is that other American states did it as well, but the establishment is going after Cuomo. Why? One explanation is that Democrat rivals are sweeping the board ahead of a leadership battle.
      This bodes ill for our own establishment. It means that when the time comes, this generation of scoundrels will be swept aside by an even more cynical wave of political operators and their business-lobby masters.
      Grim times.

    2. I am interested in this as well.
      The culling of our old folk was endemic throughout the Western World. Hancock did it here, Buzin and then Veran did it in France, even Sweden managed to get rid of theirs in the only lockdown measure they applied fully. It looks something like a coordinated attack on those who have finished paying taxes and are now expensive and expendable.
      Another detail is that other American states did it as well, but the establishment is going after Cuomo. Why? One explanation is that Democrat rivals are sweeping the board ahead of a leadership battle.
      This bodes ill for our own establishment. It means that when the time comes, this generation of scoundrels will be swept aside by an even more cynical wave of political operators and their business-lobby masters.
      Grim times.

    3. I am interested in this as well.
      The culling of our old folk was endemic throughout the Western World. Hancock did it here, Buzin and then Veran did it in France, even Sweden managed to get rid of theirs in the only lockdown measure they applied fully. It looks something like a coordinated attack on those who have finished paying taxes and are now expensive and expendable.
      Another detail is that other American states did it as well, but the establishment is going after Cuomo. Why? One explanation is that Democrat rivals are sweeping the board ahead of a leadership battle.
      This bodes ill for our own establishment. It means that when the time comes, this generation of scoundrels will be swept aside by an even more cynical wave of political operators and their business-lobby masters.
      Grim times.

  27. Couple of old jokes. Hope you all find this as funny as I do.

    Since the snow came, all the wife has done is look through the window. If it gets any worse, I’ll have to let her in.
    Somebody complimented me on my driving. They left a little note on the windscreen. It said, ‘Parking Fine’. So that was nice.

          1. What an amazing accordionist! He makes it sounds just like an electric organ.


        1. I went to an Italian restaurant yesterday and had pasta cooked straight out of the eighth circle of hell.

          It was al Dante.

      1. Nah – that was never on the cards! The snow one made me laugh out loud.

        I have decided to try to be more positive about things in general.

        I positively detest our politicians.
        I positively detest SAGE members.
        I positively detest government propaganda.
        I positively detest the BBC.
        I positively detest the EU.

        I think I’ll stop there! I’ve just realised the list is endless!

        1. ‘barbs’…?
          Be’ave yerself!
          My S-M is not the easiest person,
          in the world, to get on with but I
          am fairly certain she is not the
          most difficult….
          Deep thunks going on here!!

        1. “As stated earlier, there were 285 knife and sharp instrument homicides recorded in the year ending March 2018, the highest number since the Home Office Homicide Index began in 1946. ”
          “The latest figures show just under two-thirds of sharp instrument homicide victims were White (63%, 179 homicides), while a further quarter (25%; 70 victims) were Black. This is both the highest number and proportion of Black victims of sharp instrument homicides since these data were first collected in the year ending March 1997.”

      1. I’ve heard many times that males are brought up being told never to hit a woman. Why not tell them never to hit anyone?

        1. Ah, that’s a cultural thing.
          Where women are the posession of the male, hitting them isn’t a problem. Apparently.
          Where civilisation has some form of rule, hitting anyone isn’t accepted.
          Problem comes when you get a clash of culture – some oaf wants and tries to attack me or mine, they will get a robust and violent response, because I cannot tell in advance how far they intend to go, so I will break them as quickly as I can, to ensure the threat is ended ASAP. Firstborn follows the same philosophy, and of the two guys who tried to rob him at knifepoint in Oslo a few years ago, one ran away after he saw his mate’s nose get wrapped around his face due to a swift & violent contact with a wall. Threat ended.

        2. A lot of us were brought up to stand up for ladies and to bullies. That usually involves hitting someone.

          1. Girls tend to pull hair (espcially if the victim has plaits) and scratch her eyes out.

          2. I never witnessed or got into a physical fight between girls during my entire school career. The worst I saw was ganging up and saying bitchy remarks.

      2. Could that be broken down into four groups?
        Women killed by women
        Women killed by men
        Men killed by men
        Men killed by women

          1. I expect that would be the minority. I think most murders are committed by someone who knew the victim.

          2. So do I; but it would serve the purpose of highlighting the multiples and showing that the majority are “domestics”.

            This current movement leading to creation of a fear of strangers and men in particular is doing more harm than good. If one exercises reasonable caution the chances of being assaulted, let alone murdered are actually negligible, unless one is part of a gang culture or flashing easily stolen items.

          3. “Men were most likely to be killed by a stranger, with over one in three (35%, 166 victims) killed by a stranger in the year ending March 2018. This was an increase of 51% compared with the previous year (110 victims). Women were less likely to be killed by a stranger (17%, 33 victims).”

        1. “A third of women were killed by their partner or ex-partner1 (33%, 63 homicides) in the year ending March 2018. This is the fewest number of women aged 16 years and over killed by a partner or ex-partner in the last 40 years, although this may change as police investigations continue and the Homicide Index is updated. In contrast, only 1% of male victims aged 16 years or over were killed by their partner or ex-partner (seven homicides)”

    1. I would support the WEP if it didnt make such silly statements as “We are demanding the right to live free from the fear of violence”.

      It is already a ‘right’ for men and women. What they mean is they want the reality of living free of the fear of violence.

      Unfortunately that reality is a long, long way off, if indeed attainable at all. Violence is a part of human nature which is suppressed and controlled by the majority but there are some people who are naturally pre-disposed to violence.

      Better if they campaigned for better measures to mitigate against the violence.

      1. It’s a bit like “climate change”. It’s a natural phenomenon and we’d be better off trying to mitigate its effects rather than taking on nature.

  28. Good morning all

    I doubt that they will serve any purpose other than to justify a despairing but cathartic groan:

    – Phone answering machine message – ‘If you want to buy marijuana, press the ‘hash’ key’.

    – Two Essex girls walk into a building……….you’d think at least one of them would have seen it.

    – A man drowned in a bowl of muesli. A strong currant pulled him in.

    – I just hired an Eastern European cleaner. It took her 15 hours to hoover the house. Turns out she was a Slovak.

    – Since the snow came, all the wife has done is look through the window. If it gets any worse, I’ll have to let her in.

    – I’ve been charged with murder for killing a man with sandpaper. To be honest, I only intended to rough him up a bit.

    -Two Indian junkies had curry powder instead of cocaine. Both are in hospital…one’s in a korma, the other’s got a dodgy tikka!

    -Two aerials meet on a roof, fall in love and get married. The ceremony was rubbish, but the reception was brilliant.

    – Somebody complimented me on my driving. They left a little note on the windscreen. It said, ‘Parking Fine’. So that was nice.

    – A man walked into the doctors, he said, ‘I’ve hurt my arm in several places’. The doctor said, ‘Well don’t go there anymore’.

    – I played ‘quiet’ tennis yesterday. It’s the same as Lawn Tennis but without the racquet.

    – Memory is an amazing thing. I can’t remember when I last forgot something.

    – Police arrested two kids yesterday, one was drinking battery acid, and the other was eating fireworks. They charged one and let the other one off.

    1. Stop…please stop. I’ll give you anything you want but please arggghhhhhh….stop !

      1. Good morning Phizzee

        Afraid you’ll just have to close your eyes and think of England. {{:-))

  29. Mercedes change to black.
    Unusual for the Germans to surrender before the Italians.

  30. Although there were comments posted on today’s DT Letters page earlier, I note that these have now all been removed! Well done to whoever set up this blog, much needed. I think regular DT posters should simply ignore any future Letters comments sections (if they deign to re-introduce it), and just post here instead.

    1. That’s very kind of you PJ. Dip your bread and help yourself though with the proviso that no view or opinion is barred on this blog but ad hominem comments will see you gone.

          1. Good morning, Sue.

            I just hope Nanner’s post doesn’t lead to
            trolls etc. The 150 or so posts I have
            deleted this morning were the usual
            sources; when there are so many
            it is easy to delete a genuine comment.

          2. There are trolls currently invading Breitbart threads…

            They only contain links deemed to be viruses and you can’t reply to them.

          3. You must be freaking quick off the mark, G. I haven’t seen any these last few days, you zap them so quickly.
            Do we need to premoderate links again?

          4. Don’t bother marking them as spam – that undeletes them and they have to be deleted again. Just ban then delete as soon as they pop into the pending folder – otherwise we’re working at cross purposes.

          5. Gracious, 150 posts deleted this morning. Kept you busy Garlands. Are they rude in some way? I’ve obviously either been totally unaware (because you’re hot on the deletes) or up too late.

          6. They go straight to the pending file for zapping, so they don’t clutter the page and most posters don’t see them. The mods are earning their keep!

          7. Hi, VW.
            Most, if not all of them, are now caught
            in [by the Bosses intervention] in the
            pending file… I have only caught a few
            this week, prior to today; Jules has been
            the real star.
            Somehow the mods have seemingly
            fallen into an almost twenty-four hour
            self-regulating, continual check.
            Perhaps we should offer our services
            to the DT Letters Editor, of course at a
            preferential rate! :-))

          8. Everyone has to start somewhere, Phil. It took me months before I was accepted. And that was nearly seven years ago.

          9. Good day, Bill.

            I thought you had been posting for longer
            than that; when did you have to change to
            Legal Beagle? I remember disqus messing
            you about.

          10. I started reading the comments
            in the early part of 2013 and
            started posting later on that year.
            You seemed very established!

          11. I started reading them in 2011 after I retired. I opened a Disqus account in 2013 but didn’t comment here till sometime after that when you had to sign in even to upvote.

          12. He probably had to open a disqus account before he could post here as the DT uses another platform.

  31. Pentagon may reverse gender-neutral physical fitness test for US army soldiers. 13 March 2021.

    The US Army is considering a reversal of its new gender-neutral physical test to instead include different evaluation categories for men and women.

    Research showed that the Army Combat Fitness Test [ACFT], which is the same for male and female soldiers, was leading to lower results for women with a knock-on effect for promotions.

    Whoops. Equality met Reality and guess what Equality didn’t come out so well so we have to find some other way to cheat! The truth about women in the military is that though they may Fly, Drive, Command etc. Grunts require upper body strength because even today soldiers are required to carry immense loads on the Battlefield. Women cannot meet this criteria and are thus both a danger and a hindrance. The US Marine Corps have recorded (though not advertised or amended) endless complaints from their male personnel that they are required to look after not only themselves but the female members of their units as well!

    1. This will lead to male soldiers who think they are women opting to take women’s test

  32. I’ve just skimmed through today’s DT letters:

    SIR – I am dismayed that not one of our five living ex-prime ministers has chosen to speak up in defence of the Queen and the Royal family. I cannot imagine Margaret Thatcher or Winston Churchill being so hesitant. They were afraid of no one and stood up for what was right and honourable.

    Alan Stewart
    Crumlin, Co Antrim

    Mr Stewart highlights the disgustingly low quality of all our living ex PMs:

    Major – Hypocritical adulterer
    Blair – Mendacious megalomaniac
    Brown – Introverted oddball
    Cameron – Wimp
    May – Complete Liar

    And the current one:

    Johnson – Total Buffoon and serial Fornicator

    One thing that all seem to share – a desire to damage Britain and the Royal Family.

    1. Another one which caught my eye Rastus:
      When I was a young Captain’s wife in the sixties, my mother asked why the married quarters’ bathroom loo had no seat. I requested one at the appropriate office but was told ” majors and above.”
      Jenny Funge-Smith
      East Hagbourne,Oxfordshire

          1. Hello again, Lovely Verity

            Do what I do and put your terrible joke within a spoiler and then nobody can justifiably blame you.

      1. We must have been lucky then – the loos in our married quarters (low ranks) in Warminster and Tidworth had loo seats.

      2. Sink plugs were always like rocking horse sh*t.
        Whenever I travel anywhere I carry one in my toiletry bag to this day.

        1. A golf ball is better, Stormy. Doesn’t float, fits a range of holes, and when not in use, can be used to bounce off the walls, driving the person in the adjoining room crazy by the constant ger-doink, ger-plink noises.

          1. I’m guessing you’re the kind of person who sets the bedside alarm for 4 am, just before checking out.

          2. I’ve been on the receipt of that often enough to unplug the bedsite radio/alarm. {:-((
            Revenge is sweet…

      3. Bill Thomas, who is the Nottlers authority on the works of Evelyn Waugh, will be able to give you details of Brigadier Richie-Hook and Captain Apthorpe.

        Apthorpe had his own ‘thunderbox’ for reasons of hygiene but to his dismay he discovered that the Brigadier had commandeered it and put a notice on its door which read:


    2. Can’t find fault with any of that Richard. Well said Mr Stewart.
      Our PM is looking very shaggy and similar to some sort of character who has stepped from the Beano or the Dandy.

  33. Apropos this Sarah Everard business – if there are approx 400 – 500 murders a year, why is it that one occasionally makes headlines?

    1. This one is particularly tasty because it involves a White Male in a position of authority!

    2. I think that it would be too random to complain/agitate about several at the same time, if you see what I mean, the anger would be dissipated, be entirely lost and would make no impression at all.

      What annoys me is that there was little or no agitation when the news about the multiple rapes that have taken place probably all over the U.K became public knowledge.

    3. My night mare is , what if that copper reassured her by being a copper .. the very people we are meant to rely on for our security and safety ..

      We must all learn by this , trust no one !

      1. I am wondering if he knew her, it seems a bit far fetched that he was just passing by, his home is in Kent.

        1. It does appear as if he was cruising in search of a victim. The body was found in a builders sack!

          1. I suppose we will find out sooner rather than later, but it’s quite possible have left what ever work he had been doing earlier, he was on his way home to Kent ??

        2. When I did my last HS1, Channel Tunnel Rail Link shift a couple of years ago, I was lodged in a hotel just off the Maidstone Road on the outskirts of Ashford and, making use of the extra night after a night shift, had a rather nice walk through the woods to the pub at Potters Corner.
          I’m presuming that was not very far from where the body was dumped.

          1. Sounds about right.
            Had a couple of pints and caught the bus back to the hotel for an early night and the train home on the Sunday.

      2. Forty years ago I remember meeting a couple of DPG lads; they were part of an elite, and excellent pistol shots.
        But IMHO it’s the uniform that inspires trust, not plain clothes/civvies.

    4. I find it difficult to believe that he who lives in Kent was randomly driving past Clapham common i guess it will all be known exactly what happened eventually. Press and media speculation is appalling I really feel for her family. She looked like a nice young lady.

      Sorry for the edit Minty, i was interrupted during my laboured typing efforts.

        1. One of my nieces is a cordon bleu cook and she ran the kitchens in Lambeth Palace and lived in Clapham. Her husband is a photographer and as their two sons have now left now home they have retired to the Isle of Wight where they are living on their boat while they build their own new house. (Apparently Rowan Williams was a very pleasant boss to work for).

          My niece loved living in Clapham but open areas such as Clapham Common and Wimbledon Common have always attracted perverts. The fact that there is no uniformed police presence any more probably makes women feel less secure but the recent case will make matters worse unless it is proved that the man is innocent.

          1. If you are about 70ish, wouldn’t your niece be too young to retire to a cottage in the Isle of Wight or is she 64?

          2. Quite possible – I have a niece of 22 and a nephew of 52.
            Explanation – oldest brother was 14 years older than my younger brother.
            Younger brother married 20 years, no children, then bingo aged 45 he unexpectedly became a dad!

          3. But Duncan those characters were female friendly – not for nothing were they known as the Womb-les of Wimbledon Common….

    5. Nice looking, sensible, white woman.

      You can ignore the blacks who kill each other; and the slammers and their”honour killings”. And the “domestics”….

      1. And since this even more backing away from the real issue with women’s, female’s rights, which to a certain extent totally I agree with, but the real long outstanding problems as ever, are being swept under the carpets or rugs if yer get my drift, stone the crows eh Alan.

    6. The perp was a Whitey

      When it is ‘one of a different hue’, it must be kept quiet.

      The score so far: Bames 299, Whitey 1

  34. I have just been out for a couple of hours principally to collect and order from Wickes St Albans, i have never seen so many people out shopping and so many cars on the local roads there were traffic jams all over, even the short cuts were stacked back. Road works were the common problems but as usual nobody seemed to be working at the sites. I didn’t even see one guy leaning on a shovel.

    1. I wanted to go out today but it is so bleak I chickened out. I went into town yesterday and got caught in one of those “showers”; the combination of wind gusts and what felt like ice spicules were akin to having needles thrust into my face!

      1. It’s still very windy here but sunny, a shower or two and a lovely rainbow seen from my window.

    2. But it’s Saturday Eddy, you didn’t expect public employees to be working on a Saturday did you?

      1. And the department i wanted to look around was chained off, Bathrooms. But i did speak to a couple of nice young ladies sitting inside ‘the fencing’ who at first i thought had dozed off. And I made them laugh which is always a good thing.

  35. Late up today. Interesting to see that the DT Letters Page has every single letter relating to Meeagain being critical of her, for example questioning why she didn’t seek help with her alleged mental health issues. I wonder if she’s now regretting stabbing the RF in the back?

    1. I suspect that in California and a lot of the USA the opposite will be true, praising her to the rooftops and from her career point of view, that was the target audience.

      1. Where ever there is an English speaking European style culture the Wokers will be driving their own infantile issues forward.

      2. That is correct, they have all bought into the mantra of don’t question the female victim.

        I have seen several Facebook postings about Harry that are basically his mother died and he served in Afghanistan, therefore he is above criticism .

    2. Apparently her ‘staff’ sent a directive to the BBC about reporting on her issues.

    3. And yet the entire BTL comments section gets deleted because they too are critical of her…and also castigating the Telegraph for their unwarranted and blatant censorship – both on this issue over the past week and more widely over the past few years.

  36. Over on Breitbart there’s an article about the Naff Taff running the Principality where he wants all men to adhere to a 6pm curfew to stop them murdering women like the cop did in Kent.

        1. There’s no doubt that even allowing for the manipulation they are getting stranger. I wouldn’t be surprised to get up one morning and find huge bands have formed and hurled themselves off any available sea cliff and drowned!

    1. They’ll get round that by self identifying as female and maybe donning a frock

  37. “Horse milk is ready for its heyday” (The Grimes)

    Could be a stable commodity.

    1. Fermented horsemilk tastes of piss. It’s horrible. Had some in Kazakhstan, had to drink it to be polite… fortunately, a tumbler of vodka was available to rinse the mouth. And another. And anothre. ams angrivre…

        1. I was more interested in Paul’s knowledge of the taste of piss…{:¬))

          Curious thing to try…

          1. My father used to say that Coca Cola tasted like cats pee and pepper. I often wondered where he’d tasted cats pee.

          2. Put an old penny, or a rusty screw in Coca cola. it does a lovely cleaning job

    2. This news was on the BBC radio 4 early morning Farming programme earlier this week.
      A man in England milks his horses for sales in his neighbourhood. He visited horse milking farms in Europe to get acquainted with the process,
      He has a special milking machine for the 2 udders which horses have and the horses apparently are happy with the process. He drinks a quarter of a litre with his breakfast. The milk has a nutty flavour I think he said.

      1. I drank ayrag in Mongolia. I’m sure it’s an acquired taste (but not one I wanted to acquire!).

    1. I do wonder who reads the Grauniad.
      Whenever I open one of their articles there is some sort of begging letter at base of the screen. If I want to pay to be preached to, I can go to church – far more informative and well balanced… and far less demanding.

      1. Lot of people I think, because it’s free. Note that they get a lot of their news from an organisation with a similar name which iirc is based in the US and is funded by the Open Society.

    2. I do wonder who reads the Grauniad.
      Whenever I open one of their articles there is some sort of begging letter at base of the screen. If I want to pay to be preached to, I can go to church – far more informative and well balanced… and far less demanding.

  38. “My daughter is furious police cancelled vigil – once again men have silenced women’s voice”
    Article by Judith Woods in the Telegraph.
    Hmm, Commissioner of the Met, female. Home Secretary, female.

    1. 330260+ up ticks,
      Afternoon T,
      May one ask,
      Have the ladies found any good redeeming points regarding myra hindley & rose west ?

  39. 330260+ up ticks,
    The UK politico’s ( governance parties) with the membership backing as seen via the polling booth voting pattern have the issue well in hand, the instruction manual for oath taking resting between the dispatch boxes, and the fodder ( halal ) for any eid celebrating meal on the parliamentary canteen menu.

    Draw a line betwixt placement positions of power granted to a certain element, from J o’groats to Lands end and see a giant mosque appear, so you want to be down on both knees ? then continue with the same voting pattern that has shown such great success in bringing us so far.

    By the by the “Great Replacement / Reset can only be achieve with your vote.

  40. I see Saint Bame Brashford is leaping on the bandwagon caused by the unfortunate woman’s murder.

    Why don’t these ill-educated fluckers stick to wendyball and leave the rest of us in peace?

  41. Ahem 2

    “I offer a riposte to the MSM line about the Everard murder case

    today. The media, Green, feminist, hard Left response to this act shows

    all the signs of orchestration. Within a few hours of disappearing,

    Sarah Everard’s absence was running end to end on all social media.

    Someone is reported missing every thirty seconds in the UK: this level

    of concern was completely atypical in both speed and size.

    Plod apprehended the alleged killer within 24 hours. Surely a record

    for them. He is in fact a member of the security services. A day later

    he was in hospital with “serious head wounds” that occurred while in

    custody. But then he was discharged and back in custody. The media seem

    little interested in these details; instead, they have whipped up

    support for vigils….and given a voice to the man-haters from both within

    and without their ranks.

    The result is that another “reason” for draconian totalitarian action

    has been created and is gaining ground. Meanwhile, some form of

    national security agenda (or vendetta) is being completely ignored.

    This has to stop, right? Secret State censors gag our mouths and disable our sensors.

    This morning, the Chancellor Rishi Sunak said a full return to the office after the “pandemic” will probably not happen. We are being conditioned to a future existence as fulltime political prisoners. On arriving there we can rejoin our minds that were imprisoned decades ago.

    The deranged policy options we’re asked to accept, debate and then support get more surreal with every day.

    The assertions we no longer challenge – only white people are racist,

    George Floyd was a hero, Islam is the religion of Peace, Trump was a

    racist-Russophile sex pest, all men are born rapists, Pakistani rape

    gangs are a myth, Incorrect Statues must be smashed – are legion.

    How do we kick-start a Cold War of counterbalance against this deep pool of unhinged thought?”
    We noticed Pal,we noticed

    1. The WLM movement and artificial hysteria doesn’t seem to be gaining much traction among Mail readers.
      Too many people think it’s foolish to cross a darkened common late at night.

  42. Heartfelt condolences to the family of Sarah Everard.

    Having said that, even with streetlighting it is dark well before 9.30pm.
    How, where and why did the alleged killer intercept the young lady?
    With CCTV, mobile phone signals, street witnesses and DNA, the suspect was bound to have been identified.
    Had they met somewhere en route, eg a grocery shop?
    Did he run her over with his car?
    Perhaps he was simply mentally ill?

    1. As he is remanded in custody on a murder charge – best not to speculate. There are rules about this.

      1. Very strict rules.
        I have no intention of “influencing public perception of an individual who is about to be prosecuted”.
        As a matter of public interest I am concerned that there is more to this event than meets the eye.

        1. Very unusual for an apparently unknown individual to be abducted from the street, seemingly without reason.

      2. Bill, I agree. While the MSM’s behaviour seems likely to prejudice a fair trial, I don’t want our humble site to exacerbate the situation. No more speculation, please, folks. The details will doubtless come out in due course. Though with the backlog in the courts, perhaps none of us will live long enough to hear about them…

  43. Many of you will recall “Hat”.
    He no longer posts using that nom de guerre, now using “Sputnik One” on the channels where he still moderates and contributes.

    He sends his good wishes.
    His latest post to me:

    I have not been too well for sometime with frequent lower left back pain and occasional neck & ankle pains also on my left side ( I was diagnosed with Sciatica some 30 years ago ) & a return of my migraine attacks, but I’ve been free of Covid-19 & I have now had my 2 covid-19 jabs ( 2nd one on Tues.9th March ) . I wont die of the aches & pains but it makes life miserable & keeps me pretty much at home, lockdowns or otherwise.

    At present Israel is not on lockdown & most things have opened up albeit with some restrictions & we have right now some 5m+ over 16’s that have received 1 jab & 4M+ have had the 2nd jab, that is out of a total population of 9.5M which includes 2.5M under 16, so we are in a much better shape proportionally than most countries & probably by the end of year it will be deemed safe enough to inoculate the 12-16 age group too.

    The change of regime in the USA is very troubling given that Joe Biden, John Kerry, Wendy Sherman & others in Joe’s current administration were all major players in Obama’s crooked JPCOA deal with Iran & that they seem determined to reinstate a failed deal that Iran has never adhered to from day one and the corrupt bastards know it!

    1. Do pass on ‘get well’ and other sentiments of goodwill from everyone in this parish, won’t you sos?

      1. Yes.
        I’ve been exchanging comments with him under many of his guises for several years, both on Blogs and the DT and elsewhere.

        He was always well informed, particularly on matters concerning Israel and the ME.

    2. As you are in contact please send him a copy of this.

      A Tens machine is effective in easing pain from Sciatica. Mr Hat needs to research it and their uses. I have a Tens myself and it is good at disrupting the pain signals and gives relief without having to use opiates

      1. Agreed, my wife used to recommend them. They don’t always work, but when they do they can be excellent.

        1. As i take codeine in the evening for pain that Tens doesn’t work for i don’t comment much because the drugs make me dopy(er).

          I don’t understand your ‘neatness’ comment.

          Nope. Still can’t get my head round what i suspect is humour on your part. :@(

          1. Blimey. You went to a posh school. My school report said i was very popular with the girls. I didn’t get a rating !

        1. I hope it helps. Chronic pain is a nightmare. It can ruin The most simple pleasures.

          I have a collapsed disc in my neck and the pain can be difficult to begin with then then screaming agony in a matter of minutes. Tens has really helped me after a Private Doctor suggested dealing with it with Tramadol……open ended !

          1. I also have crushed vertebrae in my lower back and, when it gets too much to bear, I take one 50mg Tramadol and one 25mg Diclofenac. It works but one cannot do it too often, as Tramadol is an opiate and too much can lead to addiction.

          2. Try to find other remedies. A GP won’t even suggest Yoga or Tens but there are alternatives to pain management. Not necessarily as immediate as strong pain killers but better for the longer term.

          3. I understand what you say, Phil, however my GP prescribed both on the basis that I’m an old fart and seemed quite sensible with all the other medication I’m on.

    1. I doubt very much her Majesty will storm their offices with AK47’s…

      She’s probably having a chuckle behind closed doors.

      1. If Trash changed to be a slammer – she could get “the lads” to do a hatchet job on The Queen.

    2. This is what no-one said when those jihadies shot the place to bits. CH is just a filthy rag that thinks offending everyone is funny.

      1. Yes it is, but it’s their right in a free society. The picture isn’t terribly flattering to Meghan, if you remember that Floyd was a criminal and a drug addict.

        1. And Floored Floyd once got into trouble for pointing a loaded weapon at the bump of a pregnant woman.

      2. If you look at the depiction of La Markle and the expression and hand position of the Queen, I suspect that their sympathies are with the Queen.

  44. So Eddie Izzard has decided the move to “girl mode” is now permanent and wants to always be referred to as she/her. All fine so far (although what the hell is girl mode? 🧐).
    But Eddie is also happy to accept male roles in films – presumably because, on average, these roles are a lot better paid.

      1. …..whatever sex clothes he chooses to wear.

        Edited to say what I meant to say. And where to wear.

      2. I wouldn’t pay any of the Lah-di-da Gunner Grahams who think they are women.

        I can quite accept people being attracted to the same sex but to want to be a different sex is no different from wanting to be taller or shorter. You just are what you are.

        1. Didn’t Battery Sergeant-Major ‘Shut Up’ Williams, call his squad a load of poofs ?

          1. Sharp intake of breath…imagine with the Alphabet mob would have to say about that….

  45. Supporting France over England………….
    Never ever thought i’d see the day
    Thanks you kneeling gutless cowards

    1. I doubt if they will be shown in the act as it were, on the news………if you get my drift.
      I wonder if you asked those involved to explain, they would be able to justify the point they thought they might think they were making.

  46. Wales 48:7 Italy 🙂 🙂
    Wales on track for another Grand Slam – its fifth of the Six Nations’ era
    France have three, with England and Ireland on two each over the same period.

    Let’s hope the French have one of their off days next week

    1. Time for Italy to be dropped. All the games are just men against boys. Embarrassing for all concerned.

      1. I disagree.

        They have some very good players coming through from the younger ranks and they aren’t far from a major step upwards. They score some good tries and I think the scorelines actually flatter their opponents.

        Yes, I acknowledge they get thrashed by most sides at the moment, but there are certainly some strong points and even with heavy scores against them they are still playing right to the end.

        1. You are, of course, entitled to your view – wrong though it is!

          I don’t think Italy will be a title contender for at least 25 years.

          1. Neither do I, but I can see them in second or third in due course. If you drop them altogether, then what?

            I would have two divisions of six, possibly five, with two up two down.

            Get the Argentinians, Saffers and Uruguay and one might see England in the second division.

          2. Georgia has a team that would compete at least as well, if not better than Italy. I thing they should be given a chance

        2. Since the England Team abased themselves to the beloved memory of the black criminal whose family have just been given $ 27,000,000 I have ceased to support the English side.

        3. Wayne “Dai Bach” Barnes was pretty helpful to Wales in the first 5 minutes. Then I switched off. I do agree that the Italian side has some real rugby talent. Italy are a team with a handful of caps between them and are very inexperienced at gaming the referee.

    2. I don’t think Wales will win against France.

      But in other news, Swansea are 2nd in the Championship, so that’s good.

    3. At least we have a good game of rugby, France are good enough not to need the help of the referee.
      The second half will come down to fitness.

  47. On a lighter note.

    Yesterday I almost completed a new jigsaw puzzle but I was left with two unfilled spaces in the puzzle and four unused pieces. One is a duplicate, one is completely unrelated to the puzzle that I was doing and the remaining two pieces do not fit into the gaps.

    A pleasant evening was spent fighting an online complaints system that was seemingly tailored to make complaints hard to submit.

    1. You might find that you have misplaced several pieces.

      A year or so ago, the MR and I were about to “finish” a puzzle only to find that the four pieces remaining did not fit into the four spaces.

      It took us two days to discover where the “wrong” pieces had been inserted…..

      1. Just a bit of force with the thumb and Bob’s your uncle. Haven’t done one since I was a boy on a rainy Sunday afternoon.

          1. It was great fun. Mags – as is the current one – which take many weeks to finish. It is a “mosaic” of he Mona Lisa made up of 1,000 tiny reproductions of paintings….

          2. There are some pretty p!ssed off ones in East Anglia, but nobody paints a picture of us.

    1. Posting this goes way beyond the pale, PT. I am contacted the police to report a hate crime.

        1. But, but, but … he (not to mention Shakespeare) was pale, male and very stale 🙂

    2. You couldn’t put a handle on that. 😄
      Can you play this Geoff ?
      Back in the day, I was working on a refurb at Lattimore upper school Hammersmith and on the the staff sat down and played that on the school organ.

      1. Used to have the score, Eddy. Loosely based on J S Bach. Who would have been a bloody good jazz pianist, had he lived a few centuries later…

        1. Talking of which did you ever see the Ronnie scot trio back in the day. Ronnie on Tenor Mike Carr on Hammond and Tony Crombie on Drums.
          A Great evening of sound.

  48. God help us – the Duchess of Cambridge has been to lay a wreath at the flower fest “tribute” to the murdered woman.


    1. Cynically? Publicity. Making a public appearance at a situation that’s capturing the weak minded.

      She may genuinely care and have thought it more prudent to keep a low profile but at the moment, the Megan character is forcing her hand.

    2. Avoiding any possible opportunity for the palace to be accused of being heartless; woke though the gesture might be.

    3. Trying to get there before the Interflora bunch from Sparkles arrives with a note written on a Lily.

    4. I hate it when William and Kate jump on convenient bandwagons. Pathetic. What about the other 899 or however many people will be murdered in London this year?

    5. Good PR, given what happened ealier in the week, especially with our woke American compadres…

    1. Tut, Matt.
      It’s Mothering Sunday.
      Mother’s Day is an American confection held on May 9th.

        1. Hmmm!

          But you Londoners are not conversant
          with English traditions, or are you?.. is
          your comment a wind up?

          1. He’s just using the local vernacular (for the time being that is – in a decade or two it will have disappeared – ‘No wot I mean, innit’)

  49. 330260+ up ticks,
    Why are these types still in this Country ? bring in a law that states the felon is deported to the place of origin of the family along with the family, close associates even if the felon was born in the UK,

    In neglecting to do so the governance parties are endangering the indigenous peoples as has been witnessed in mentally scarring children over decades ( ongoing) carrying scars into adulthood after suffering at the hands of imported paedophiles.

    Surely the three monkeys have difficulty in erasing rotherham in the polling booth, don’t they ?

    Really what the -ucking hell do peoples want to happen before recognising the reality / fact of what these parties have condoned happening, more coming ashore as we type.


    Freed Prisoner from Jihadist-Packed Family Convicted of Sword Attack Terror Plot

    1. Unnecessary drain on GPS and hospitals with something they could have avoided.

  50. I am off. Cats to feed. Books to read. The MR to entertain – she has been working since 7 30 She is Chief Examiner in English for an exam body – and has been working 12 hour and more a day since Monday. And Colin the Tree Man came unannounced – so I have two trees worth of logs to stack in the coming week If only Bonsall was closer!!

    So – have a jolly evening – hoping for better weather tomorrow. The endless gales – and that horrible “whooshing” noise – are so dispiriting. To say nothing of the occasional hail showers.

    A demain

    1. Have a restful evening with the MR, Bill. And maybe a tincture or two. Sleep well, and we’ll all see you tomorrow.

    1. And so now Welsh Wales is the only team that can win the GS.
      Fingers and toes crossed but I don’t think I can hold my breath for a week.

    2. No knee bending, Mola?

      As a result of their previous form, I no longer support them.

    3. No knee bending, Mola?

      As a result of their previous form, I no longer support them.

      1. (Before Grizz does it…)

        The 98th, actually…unless the first was the warm-up!

        1. I guess it’s theoretically possible to lose control on the 97th and not make the 98th lap?

          1. Like dying at the moment the clock struck midnight on the day before your 97th birthday?

    1. Great quotes:

      “Even in five years time, he will still be four years younger than Damon Hill.”
      “Motor racing can never be totally safe and it never should be in my opinion.”
      “IF is a very long word in Formula One; in fact, IF is F1 spelled backwards.”
      “The lead car is unique, except for the one behind it which is identical.”

      Murray Walker RIP.

    2. He was always entertaining!
      In 1992 I joined him and others
      for breakfast at one of the festivities
      held, prior to the Adelaide Grand Prix.
      The four days of various activities were
      crowned by the winner of the GP.

      1. You do make me wonder. A bit miffed you haven’t told me such interesting things. I gossip about you all the time to my neighbours and that would have been worth its weight in er…Tin. :@)

        1. It is such a comfort to know you hold
          me in such high esteem! :-))

          What else would you like to know?

          When I was introduced to HM & D.o.E.?
          and D.o.E. spoke to my staff and me for
          fifteen minutes?
          When I sat next to Bobby Charlton or
          Eric Morecombe at a footy match?
          When David Coleman asked me to
          ‘show him the sights’?
          When I shook the hands of Laurel and Hardy?

          Or would you prefer I tell you fibs?
          I don’t think any of these are anything to
          boast of, Phizzee …. I know you are teasing
          but, sometimes, I wonder about the fixation
          we have with celebrity!

          1. Don’t tell me… You were the leper that Jesus cured weren’t you. Bloody name dropper !

            Of course i would find such tales interesting. At the appropriate juncture of course. :@)

          2. None of those meetings were due to my abilities [except one] but rather the abilities, and love, of my Dad…. I was
            very fortunate, Phizzy, … I know that,

          3. I don’t know what to say. I feel as if i am intruding. I do know i am glad i met you and Geoff.

    1. Let me get this straight. He (and many others like him) hates the only race and sex that has ever invented anything?

      1. He’s a jackass. More men are interested in science than women. Does he want to force women into it?
        – By all means welcome anyone with the aptitude.
        Scandal at Google a couple of years ago about this. Men and women are just different in some ways.

        1. There’s been the WISE initiative running for years, attracted some women in, but it’s not attractive to many.

          1. When are people going to realise you can’t MAKE people do things they have no inclination or aptitude for except by coercion? If they feel it’s not for them, then that should be an end to it.

          2. I damn well won’t. If it looks like they are going to use extreme force to make me comply i will fuck the buggers up. How fucking dare they!

            Signed an unfit man who is 5’5″.

          3. I got a phone call on my mobile last night from the NHS wanting to know my “vaccination plans”. I told the chap not to bother me now as I was busy and it was inconvenient. He tried to carry on talking, but I cut him off and then I blocked the number.

          4. That seems strange. I know from my contact that if it were inconvenient even from a telephone appointment with my Consultant they were happy to call back or arrange for another time.

            It sounds to me that you have been in some way targetted given age and such to be convinced or surveyed. You were right to block them.

          5. Yep. Age and a refusenik (I’ve told my surgery I’ve declined). If they think they’re going to wear me down, they’ve got another think coming. It’s only going to make me more determined.

          6. As you know, Nanny. Short people can find other ways to subvert. Napoleon. Sad Khan. Trudeau. Richi Sunak. all under 5’6″.

    2. Sorry Citizen Khan, but neither industry cares about the genetic make-up of their workforce. They just want the best.

      1. Er..i just read your post. Mine could be considered racist but i meant the same thing.

        1. Yesterday I saw a large sign emblazoned on the back of a cab of a HGV it read: ‘DILLIGAF’
          I thought: ‘that’s a strange name for a company’, then the bitcoin dropped – it was an acronym….

    3. Heaven help any young white boy, especially if they are for a poor family. The kid would not have a chance.

    4. I am finding it difficult not to use a lot of swear words for fucks sake.

      The reason young black Londoners don’t excel in the areas of Engineering and Science is because English isn’t their first language. It has nothing to do with poverty or being deprived of an education it is because they are incapable. Take a look at the London Somali community . Fuckwits all.

      1. Funny how culture is supposed to be so important and to be revered – until it’s the sort of culture that means they are naturally disinclined to graft, when it’s ignored.

        1. We have heard so many arguments over the years about chewing gum disfiguring public spaces and how difficult and costly it is to remove. Some entrepreneurs found solutions which local Councils were unable to because mostly they are as thick as sh*t.

          Now we see Khat being chewed and spat out and Muslims in Paris taking a sh*t outside Notre Dame. Silence.

    5. Well said Steve Parker.

      He and his funny friend, Lammy, ought to be the first casualties on May 6th but then Kant has already bought his vote-fiddling machines.

    6. Am I misunderstanding this – the implication is that only 35% working in STEM subjects are BAME , not bad for around 8% of the population.

  51. So I hear they have had a vigil rally despite being banned, but what about Scott, John and Alan, not to mention Brains and Lady Penelope.

  52. 330260+ up ticks,
    Channel 4, Peterloo on tonight at 10 o’clock could a remake / reset be on the governance parties cards in the near future ?

  53. Sod it!
    After being awake for two hours in the small hours and getting a decent van full of logs, I’m knackered so off to bed!!
    Good night all and sleep well, or at least better than I expect to!

  54. Shame on Mumford & Sons for sacrificing their bandmate to the woke mob

    The dementing stupidity of our age has seen Winston Marshall forced to step back from the group for the crime of reading a book


    I used to have nothing against Mumford and Sons. Or at least no more than I have against all music involving accordions. But I find myself developing an intense dislike for three out of the four members of the popular music group.

    The reason is their treatment of their fourth member, banjo-playing Winston Marshall, who last week posted on social media that he had enjoyed a book called Unmasked by the American journalist Andy Ngo. That book is the first in-depth look at the radical-Left anarchist group that calls itself “Antifa”. In the name of “anti-fascism”, the group Ngo dissects has spent recent years attacking public buildings in the US, assaulting policemen and journalists, and a couple of years back hospitalised Ngo himself.

    As though to prove that the “anti” part of their title is wrong, when Ngo’s book came out, Antifa tried to have it banned and threatened bookshops that dared to stock it. The book became an instant bestseller, so plenty of people obviously bought it and enjoyed it, as I did.

    However, when Marshall tweeted out that he had read Unmasked and admired its author’s bravery all the furies of the age came for him. Leftist activists started to harass Marshall for reading a “Right-wing” author. Newspapers and magazines took the opportunity to smear Ngo (who as well as being conservative is also gay and the son of immigrants who fled Vietnamese communism). Worst was the behaviour of Marshall’s bandmates who were reportedly so horrified by his choice of reading that they held “crisis talks”. Marshall has now been forced to apologise for the hurt caused, promised to reflect on his “blindspots” and is stepping back from the band for a time.

    I have many questions about all this. Not least around how dim you have to be to imagine that reading a book critical of Antifa makes you a fascist. Any generous reading would suggest that the likelihood that Marshall is trying to bring fascism to the UK through the medium of the banjo is a remote one. All that has really happened is that the dementing stupidity of our time has claimed another victim. Intellectual pluralism is out. Boring, Leftist, mono-think is everything. We are only meant to read approved-of, Left-wing books or hide away from public view.

    Well, as someone with no intention of hiding from public view, it is hard to feel anything but contempt for Marcus Mumford, Ben Lovett and Ted Dwane, the band members who chose to drop their mate for the crime of reading a book.

    How absurd that Drakeford is ‘horrified’ by foreign holidays

    You have to be careful what you say about Welsh First Ministers. First, because you are never more than one joke away from a hate crime, and second because the very words “Welsh” and “First Minister” in the same sentence generally spur any sane reader to turn the page. But at the risk of making you do so immediately, this week the Welsh First Minister, Mark Drakeford, said something quite interesting.

    With his roadmap for lifting lockdown, Drakeford is trying – like his counterpart in Scotland – to maintain some clear water between himself and the Prime Minister in Westminster. Like Nicola Sturgeon, he has chosen to do this by overstating his case. Specifically, he said this week that “the idea that we will have international travel back as it was before in the middle of May fills me with horror”.

    Really? “Horror”? Of all things that might fill Drakeford with horror, why single out the return of foreign travel?

    It should be noted that, as part of his plans announced yesterday, the Welsh people will be returned some of their freedoms well before people elsewhere in the UK. But it should be further noted that, while the Welsh will be allowed to travel within Wales for holidays by Easter, the English will be banned from visiting. Drakeford’s horror evidently extends to the millions of pounds of tourist revenue on which thousands of Welsh jobs depend.

    What Drakeford appears to forget is that, by May and probably well before that, almost all vulnerable people in Britain will have had one if not two vaccine doses. He also seems to forget that there are a lot of other things to feel horror about at the moment.

    Ask Rishi Sunak to show you the levels of government borrowing over the past year, the plans to pay it off, or the extent to which the economy has contracted while Mr Drakeford and Co have been quaking in terror in their gardens. We have been quite risk-averse enough this past year. It is time that we heard more people in power telling us the dangers of not going back to normal, rather than hamming it up about its “horrifying” opposite.

    1. I’m shocked that they are prepared to cancel someone for criticising Antifa, who are a bunch of violent, stupid extremists.

        1. Yes, I am, but perhaps I have been seeing antifa for what they are for too long. The beatings, the burnings, the doxxing, the break-ins.
          For me, antifa is not socially acceptable and I despise anyone who admits to supporting it.
          I suppose there is a rump of unaware sheep who think it’s just a harmless student club, and a hard core of authoritarian lefties who would secretly like to be antifas.
          Antifa is not cool.
          I hope this case just gives more publicity to the book and exposes the truth about them to more people.

          1. They are funded by the government in Germany. But some antifa groups (apparently they split, but as far as I know, all are vile and have little respect for the law) are on the authorities’ extremist watch list.

    2. I live next door to this stupidity of not being able to cross the border to Wales. Someone in Swansea, as my local rag pointed out, could travel 110 miles to Welshpool, but someone in Oswestry couldn’t make a 15 minute journey to visit their caravan on a Welsh site. As for the golf course that straddles the border – only the Welsh members can play (but the English members will still have to pay their subs, just as the caravan owners will have to pay site fees because the site is open, although they are not able to visit). The owners expressed the hope that Heddlu wouldn’t be waiting by the tee to the fourth hole to nick anybody who dared to cross into the English part.

    3. Drakeford’s Welsh Assembly is just one that needs dissolving along with Stormont and the Wee Pretendy Parliament with responsibility and Accountability returned to Westminster.

      The Tories might just as well do it and don’t worry about losing votes there, you’ve already lost throughout the UK.

  55. ‘Not only has bitcoin survived its latest “near death” experience, but overnight it hit $60,000 for the first time amid renewed optimism that the digital token will achieve even wider adoption…’

    1. I had two coins and thought i had done well on cashing in at £16,000. Cost £300 each. What a fool i was.

      There have been many negative placed story of Crypto in the Media. I put it down to no Sovereign Government having control. That in itself is very telling.

      I have re-invested. I bought £20.00 fractions of Bitcoin for a punt and £20.00 of Dogecoin. Don’t buy high…buy low and hope.

      1. When a multi billionaire (Musk) announces Tesla will invest $1.5 billion the price is bound to rise. I guess he won’t announce the sale (once he’s taken the profits) until he’s cashed out.

        PS ZH think the price will reach $100,000….per coin…

        1. Evening Kingy.

          I did see the article about Musk investing and then not long after he suggested that Hedge Funds and Corporates should offload their large investments. I am not savvy enough financially as to what he was trying to achieve but i am savvy enough to realise he was trying to manipulate the market. Still worth £20.00 in my book.

          1. Yo Phizzee – sent an email to the address you used to contact Hertslass. Let me know if it failed to arrive!

          2. Good afternoon. I did receive one from you and i answered it on 11/03/2021. No more since. :@(

          3. Accidentally marked as read when it wasn’t. Probably the fault of too much vino!

    2. I had two coins and thought i had done well on cashing in at £16,000. Cost £300 each. What a fool i was.

      There have been many negative placed story of Crypto in the Media. I put it down to no Sovereign Government having control. That in itself is very telling.

      I have re-invested. I bought £20.00 fractions of Bitcoin for a punt and £20.00 of Dogecoin. Don’t buy high…buy low and hope.

      1. How would you describe the current
        ‘hairdo’ [s] of us girlies? … naff doesn’t
        even come close!! … :-))

          1. I’m a bob man.

            Let’s be clear: I like women with a ‘bob’ haircut; I do NOT like blokes ‘called Bob’! 😂

        1. I have a photo of you after we had gone out for some fun and your hair didn’t look like you had just come from a hairdresser. Your face was flushed too… :@)

          1. You remember the evening we spent together in that lovely romantic restaurant?…Antonio’s?

            The one where i won most of the raffle prizes and then stumbled back to your Hotel with the booty?

            Well my sweet. Not only do i have a photo of that night but i have made it into something much more. You will be impressed.

            Can’t wait to see you.

          2. Do you know, Dear One,
            that whole holiday is one I remember as being one of my life’s highlights….
            due to You … and Dolly!

          3. It was certainly a time i enjoyed. I of course don’t know what it was from your perspective. I did think the itinery worked out much better than one could hope. The Museum, Loch Fyne in the sunshine at GunWharf. My favourite restaurants and you chucking hundreds of £’s behind the Bar !

            I didn’t realise how much i missed these things and to just be in the company of friends even with the need to not talk but to just enjoy.

            I have several other restaurants run by good friends which i would also like you to experience so save up ya pennies as you’re paying the cocktail bill. :@)

          4. Willingly…..
            I have four unworn frocks,
            and shoes with matching handbags,
            from our postponed events in 2020.
            ….. Or will they be outdated?
            Perhaps I should look at a few of the latest fashion trends!!

          5. Of course they will be outdated ! Burn them all immediately ! I can’t be seen in public with such antiquated fashions as last year. *signed Anna Wintour…

      1. Yes. Apparently the “vigil” went ahead. It appears the police responded to this just as they have done with lockdown protests. The difference being the left eat left element.

    1. IIRC a similar image in the US but of a more suntanned person caused riots around the world.
      Anyone putting any money on seeing a similar reaction from the palefaces?

    2. Look at her eyes

      She does not seem scared, stressed or worried, at all

      And who took the pictures?

      I wonder if this was all planned

    3. Hmmm .. I don’t believe her to be innocent!
      To me this is just another excuse to ‘demonize’
      our Police … ‘Divide and Rule’ as I have said for years.
      What the F… has this to do with a woman who was
      murdered,? What sympathy have these so-called
      ‘vigillers’ who have hi-jacked the event for their
      own political purposes. These people don’t give
      a toss about others… either dead or alive, yet these
      are the very scum who leave the Police to collect
      the remaining pieces of the previous human.

      1. She probably isn’t, Garlands but i can’t really see how she could be so threatening that would justify the Police response. I do get the feeling that if you are on a non sanctioned protest then………..well.

        Obviously some groups will take advantage.

      2. I don’t really understand what these people want. I doubt any of them knew the woman, making this rentamob more about latching on to ‘something’ than a memoriam.

        Which again, raises the question: what do they want? More police? Won’t solve the problem. I’d imagine most of these people support the very things that caused the problem.

        Heck, after all it was a police officer – a trusted, serving public servant responsible for protecting and preventing the very crime he committed.

        These people support massive uncontrolled immigration, they’d balk at tougher sentences, they want more mentally ill people serving in the police force and more power to the state machine so… what?

    4. Having seen 01.00 SKY News, my earlier remarks are inappropriate; police action at Clapham Common was disgraceful.

    5. Odd, police officer pushing a woman to the ground at night.

      At the protest about women’s safety at night….

      From this, it looks as if the biggest danger women face is the police – both pushing them to the ground or not being there when they’re needed… because they’re too busy pushing protestors who disagree with the state line around!

      Oh the doublethink makes me head hurt!

      1. Survived today without major calamities (so far, at least!), thank you, Phil. How are you?

        1. Not so bad thank you. On the whole mostly pain free. Which is good in anyone’s book. Sudden spikes of pain which make me go OW ! Which can be a bit annoying in Sainsbury’s. :@(

          Do you expect to be able to go riding any time soon?

          1. I think ennui has gone nation-wide. Thank goodness for my dog. At least I get to meet and talk to people when I’m walking him. At the moment, the rain is being battered against the windows by a strong wind; unless it clears, I shan’t be doing any gardening tomorrow.

  56. I don’t think Johnson and Hancock decide when lockdown will end, or have any part in the decision process.

    Because Johnson and Hancock sold out to Gates long ago so Gates decides everything now.

    That’s why those shocking scenes happened at Clapham. That’s why everything is so illogical, except for the only thing Gates cares about which is to get the vaccines into everyone. Whether they need them or not, and that, of course, is why vaccine passports are coming soon. To force you into it.

    Tony Blair ”advising” Johnson is the big clue. Blair is the go-between for the Davos billionaires taking instructions to their subordinates.

    So with the criminal mastermind Blair in the picture, something is very very wrong.

    1. BTL comment:

      Even Hitler knows Biden’s check engine light has been on for awhile

    1. I missed last week’s photos of Trump’s reinstatement, can you post some please.

      I am not a fan of Trump but oh my, Biden is sticking it to Canada with every move and all Trudeau does is . . . well that’s a good question, we have no idea what he is up to.

      1. Biden isn’t ”sticking it” to anyone. Trump does everything from behind the scenes.

        Donald never left. That’s the mistake you’re making.

    1. 330260+ up ticks,
      Do we take Peterloo the film being on channel four tonight as a governance warning Og ?

    2. The met should have sent in LGBTQ+ or BAME officers.

      They did. Only those of that ilk can now be recruited employed by the police service

    3. March… for what? You wanted this! This mob are the ones calling for more state, a bigger state and for the state to be allowed to do this!

  57. Because of the horrible scenes in Clapham which is Johnson’s fault……….

    Why do Johnson and Hancock like Davos and billionaires so much and do everything they want? Not just on C-19, but also Net Zero, Build Back Better and Great Reset.

    Here’s Johnson consulting Gates……

    Hancock and Klaus Schwab at Davos holding the”4th Industrial Revolution” dossier also known as ”Great Reset”………

    Hancock praising George Soros…….

    Hancock praising Bill Gates…….

    What’s the attraction of multi billionaires to these guys ?

    1. They pay well, Polly, that’s the attraction and it sticks like shït to a blanket.

    2. Polyy, how is it that “the horrible scenes in Clapham” are Boris Johnson’s fault?

      1. The hysteria around this case is fake, and is clearly being whipped up across the media by some external force.

      2. Because Johnson is the totalitarian fool who sold out the UK to Gates.

        While C-19 exists, it’s been exaggerated for a reason and the statistics fiddled to make it look far worse than it is. Mass vaccination without clinical need for 99% of the population and to satisfy the megalomaniac desires of Gates.

        Lockdown is part of the plan to force the population into something unnecessary.

        So totalitarian lockdown is being defended at any cost and any price… and those poor people in Clapham are therefore the victims of Johnson.

  58. 330331+ up ticks,
    Keeping in mind that these pretendee tories were up until the result on the referendum an eu asset party,and have been running a limited damage to brussels since then.
    So saying “we want our freedom back” from the semi ex eu asset party is a continuation and plantive cry of “we want our Country back”
    IMO the recent past history of the political tory pretenders regarding
    “extensions ” is not to hot in denying them,for they are grist to the pro eu ratchet.

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