Saturday 15 January: If Downing Street knew that it was safe to gather why pretend to us that it wasn’t?

An unofficial place to discuss the Telegraph letters, established when the DT website turned off its comments facility (now reinstated, but we prefer ours),
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Today’s letters (visible only to DT subscribers) are here

609 thoughts on “Saturday 15 January: If Downing Street knew that it was safe to gather why pretend to us that it wasn’t?

  1. Morning folks.

    Judging by the headlines in virtually all of the papers, the PM’s grope (sic) on power is no longer so 10acious……

  2. If Downing Street knew that it was safe to gather why pretend to us that it wasn’t?

    I suppose the Downing Street staff knew it was safe to gather together because they were all working under the same roof..
    And I suppose because they knew it was all a load of codswallop right from the start.

  3. US claims Russia planning ‘false-flag’ operation to justify Ukraine invasion. 15 january 2022.

    “We have information that indicates Russia has already pre-positioned a group of operatives to conduct a false flag operation in eastern Ukraine,” Jen Psaki, the White House spokeswoman, said. “The operatives are trained in urban warfare and using explosives to carry out acts of sabotage against Russia’s own proxy forces.”

    The allegation was echoed by the Pentagon spokesman, John Kirby, who said that Russia was preparing “an operation designed to look like an attack on … Russian-speaking people in Ukraine, again as an excuse to go in.”

    A US official claimed that social media disinformation had been stepped up well in advance, saying: “The Russian military plans to begin these activities several weeks before a military invasion, which could begin between mid-January and mid-February.”

    I see they’ve put out the MSM Round Robin above to support this ridiculous story. That the Russians would require such activities after weeks of warning is unlikely itself and that it could be carried out even less so. Ukraine must have stringent Internal Security due to its situation and yet has not detained one of these people. The Masters of False Flags from the Tonkin Gulf to Syria’s Chemical Attacks, Salisbury, Iraq’s Weapons of Mass Destruction and Libya are here. It is only natural that when looking for propaganda that they should emulate their own natures! That is what they know!

  4. ‘Nudge’ has no place in our democracy. Spiked 15 January 2022.

    Behavioural science, aka ‘nudging’, has been used by the government during the pandemic to scare people into doing the ‘right’ thing. This insidious development has even been acknowledged by Simon Ruda, one of the co-founders of the Behavioural Insights Team, aka the Nudge Unit, which is part-owned by the UK government. He wrote that the ‘most egregious and far-reaching mistake made in responding to the pandemic has been the level of fear willingly conveyed [to] the public’.

    Nudge? Perhaps shove might be more appropriate? Or even bludgeon? Over the last two years the UK population has been subjected to the most intense propaganda campaign in history. Its primary purpose the spreading of fear. This has almost certainly had permanent effects. Only last Thursday as I was coming back from Morrison’s a woman backed off from the pavement, even though the danger has long since vanished, to leave a large space for me. The psychogical aspects are more difficult to assess but I myself and several Nottlers suffer from disturbed sleep patterns. The effect on younger victims is probably much more severe. All this it might be pointed out in the cause of a false proposition that the Covid Virus was dangerous to the majority.

      1. Originally set up in 2010 within the UK Cabinet Office to apply nudge theory within British government, BIT expanded into a limited company in 2014 and is now partly owned by the Cabinet Office, BIT employees, and British charity Nesta. Wikipedia.

        Morning Anne.

          1. I just looked them up too. They appear to embody Reagan’s most terrifying words in the English language; “I’m from the government and I’m here to help you.”

    1. The really important ‘right thing’ to do was to allow this rotten government to prescribe a potion for injection into people’s bodies. From the start this apparently rushed to market potion had dubious merits but nevertheless was proclaimed as the panacea a deliberately frightened population needed. The spike in deaths at the start of the potion’s rollout was ignored, it was only old folk and the vulnerable anyway, and the ‘Nudge’ unit was employed to convince millions of people to take not one, but three shots, some of the latter of a different form from the first two. Testing? What testing? It’s ‘safe and effective’ was the message, except that it isn’t.
      The potion has failed miserably and the ‘Nudge’ unit can only look back on a partial success re the “vaccine”, the unit failed to convince around 23 million souls to succumb to the needle at all and the many millions of the double dosed who decided, wisely, not to go near the ‘booster’. 2022 is seeing a number of admissions of failure, regret and new advice on a number of aspects of treating the “virus”, let’s hope that the change in direction continues.

      1. 344215+ up ticks,

        Morning KtK,
        Surely we must now organise a rash of b liar
        type petitions as in “pay back petitions” against
        the ” nudge department”

        If it does nothing else it will give cause for them
        to shite themselves in most inopportune moments in short make them FEAR the truth in the middle of tesco’s.

  5. Gas and nuclear providing most of the power required this morning 70% +. Boats will be on the way across the Channel as I write.

    1. ‘Morning Clyde. A couple of days ago our 11,081 bird and bat-choppers were producing a magnificent 0.99% of total demand. At the same time, coal had to be utilised to provide just under 5%, and even OCGT (open circuit gas turbine, the most inefficient method of gas generation) was brought in to provide around 4%. Needless to say, most of the interconnectors were just about flat out.

      In the days when I was regularly visiting CEGB stations in the 1980s, there was a margin of between 10 and 12%. These days it only needs a large station to go offline to bring the supply to some areas down – thanks to stupid and ignorant politicians who have failed to use what common sense they should have been born with.

      Edit: We have no means of knowing when the hundreds of diesel-powered standby generators are fired up, to keep the grid frequency within the lower operational limit of 49.8Hz (the statutory lower limit is 49.5Hz, and at the time we were very close to this).

  6. Good Moaning. An article from the Spekkie.
    The Jarlsvikings start asking questions.

    “‘We failed’: Denmark’s media is waking up to its flawed Covid coverage

    ‘We failed’. An editorial in Ekstra Bladet, Denmark’s leading tabloid, berates the Fourth Estate – including itself – for failing to hold ministers to account during the pandemic. Worn down by repeated warnings of ‘the dormant corona monster under our beds’, Ekstra Bladet claims Danish journalists mostly took the government line.

    ‘We have not been vigilant enough at the garden gate when the authorities were required to answer what it actually meant that people are hospitalised with coronavirus and not because of coronavirus,’ the paper told its readers.

    Ekstra Bladet’s accusation is that the Danish media did not properly question hospital admissions data, which appears to show that many of the country’s Covid hospitalisations might have been incidental (patients ‘with Covid’ but admitted to hospital for something else). The same self-criticism could, of course, equally be applied in the UK, where hospitalisation data has been similarly opaque. Two weeks ago, Chris Hopson, chief executive of NHS Providers, clarified that ‘incidental’ Covid cases made up approximately 25 to 30 per cent of admissions, similar to the Danish experience.

    So if the Danish media was not sufficiently sceptical of the government’s approach, is there a simple explanation for this apparent failure? Perhaps our own experience in the UK may offer an answer. Back in March 2020, at the outset of the pandemic, Sir Robbie Gibb, the former Downing Street director of communications, called for normal media hostilities to be suspended. Gibb denounced the ‘petty sniping’ of government communications which served ‘only to undermine the central message: stay at home, protect the NHS, save lives’.

    Is there a simple explanation for this apparent failure on the part of the Danish media?

    ‘In the weeks leading up to the Prime Minister’s address to the nation,’ Gibb wrote, ‘Government communications has been an easy whipping boy for those in need of some ‘business as usual’ criticism to fill their columns and weave into Twitter threads.’

    To give Gibb his due, it was a message that he was far from alone in making. March 2020 was, of course, a month during which many people were afraid of the emergence of a novel virus, about which all too little was known. Scenes of hospitals in Italy overflowing were splashed across the newspapers. People were scared. Back then, it was perhaps legitimate to give the government some breathing space. But it was also a moment at which the British government announced unprecedented measures to restrict the movement of people. Outside of war time, such restrictions had never before been introduced on Brits. So was this not exactly the moment for the government to come under intense scrutiny? And even if this softly-softly approach in responding to ministers was justified back then, was it an attitude the media held on to for too long as the pandemic continued?

    In Denmark, at least, there are certainly questions as to whether this did happen. In Copenhagen, the relationship between the government and the media is more complex than in the UK. Newspapers are state-subsidised: the country’s 2014 Media Support Act props up media outlets ‘with the aim of strengthening democratic debate’ (Ekstra Bladet, for example, will receive DKK 17.5m (£2m) this year.)) Did this source of income result in a blurring of the lines when it came to reporting on the pandemic? One wonders whether well-intentioned state support may, paradoxically, have stifled debate while the country was on a ‘wartime’ footing.

    Fortunately, there are signs Danish media is beginning to find its teeth. Ekstra Bladet asks why Danish children have been vaccinated, an approach which has not been replicated in some other European countries, such as Britain.

    The massive cost of Covid testing is also being questioned. Denmark has by far the most rigorous testing regime in Scandinavia: around 1,484 tests per thousand people were performed in the country, as of last month, compared with fewer than 650 tests per thousand people in Iceland. While private firms have reaped the benefits from this, it is questionable whether this relentless testing regime has been that beneficial. Denmark, for instance, hasn’t experienced lower death rates than its neighbours. The country’s death toll of 3,408 deaths, compares unfavourably with Finland, at 1,663, and Norway, with 1,350 deaths.

    Perverse incentives are beginning to be questioned in Denmark, too: recent debate has centred on unvaccinated Danish prison officers, who are required to be tested during working hours twice a week, resulting in overtime payments which could amount to DKK 5000 (£560) per month. It appears to be a powerful reason not to get vaccinated – and another element of the government’s Covid strategy that has, until now, not been properly scrutinised.

    If this media introspection is welcome, is it not somewhat overdue? After all, Denmark’s ‘wartime’ treatment of government messaging when it comes to Covid may soon no longer be needed.

    Last week, Tyra Grove Kause, chief epidemiologist at Denmark’s State Serum Institute, claimed that Omicron could bring about the end of the pandemic and ‘we will have our normal lives back in two months’.

    Denmark’s greatest author, Hans Christian Andersen, once noted ‘just living is not enough…one must have sunshine, freedom, and a little flower.’ Let’s hope Kause is correct – and that Denmark’s media, at least, has learned some lessons from this wretched pandemic.”

  7. Morning all, I see reports are starting to surface that plan B restrictions are expected to be lifted as they make little difference although masks could well stay. Amazing what can happen when you want it to, anything now will be as a result of trying to keep himself in No10.
    I suggest plan B restrictions should go, masks should go and then he should go.
    Are we expected to be grateful the boot has come off the neck, just FOAD Johnson.

    1. Regarding a new ‘leader’ the Tories have a big problem and the people an even greater problem depending on who will be vying for the job. Elect another controlled globalist who wants to carry on the mass controlling theme and the Tories will find themselves at odds with a growing mass of the people. For whatever reason, Johnson appears to have backed off for the moment. The jabs are known failures and going back down that route will be difficult even allowing for Pfizer’s promised Omicron jab due in March. Will a new and deadly variant story be believed? The really scared might buy into that scam but at the moment a new variant idea appears to be on the road to diminishing returns. What’s next?

      1. The Tories indeed have a problem, they are lacking conservative minded MPs which not only puts them at odds with their members, but I suspect the majority of voters, certainly in England.
        Voters are a fickle bunch, the fact that Johnson has not delivered a true Brexit, uncontrolled immigration in the channel, continues with his train set HS2, failed to stand up to XR, BLM or the BBC will count for little. What will punish them at the next GE is people never forgetting their lying arrogance with Covid rules whilst the rest of us tried to do the right thing, and the cost of net zero bills landing on the doormat. Until that happens more and more people will just ignore what comes out of the Government briefings.
        There is no hope for them unless suddenly they can find a true Conservative to be leader for them, and that ain’t gonna happen. Johnson may be a dead PM walking, the same could be said about his party.

        1. There is no one in the cabinet – who is there in the back benches? Steve Baker? Lord Frost could do an Anthony Wedgewood Benn/Alec Douglas Home, by dropping his title and running in a safe seat in the HoC.

          1. If they do find someone such as Lord Frost, he would be a lone voice being shouted down by the others.

          2. It has to be a really tough person. They will have to rule the Cabinet and ensure that the Ministers get the Civil Service to then do as it is told. There is no one who fits the bill. Frost may be the nearest.

          3. Well, I predicted Frost before Xmas. I did think it would happen soon after Parliament reconvened after the break. I still think that. However, Sunak and Truss seem to be positioning themselves as candidates. A major factor is that the PM will be selected in the shadows. It used to be the Tory grandees whereas now it is likely to be foreign agents of the New World Order pulling the strings of the grandees..

  8. Morning all

    If Downing Street knew that it was safe to gather why pretend to us that it wasn’t?

    SIR – I don’t particularly care that Boris Johnson and his inner circles enjoyed a party in the garden during lockdown; I also ignored those rules that I thought were stupid and draconian.

    What interests me more is, given that those at the very centre of government knew there was no significant threat from any of this, why did they do everything they could to convince everyone else that there was? And, more importantly, why have they continued so to do?

    Chris Ash

    Cunningsburgh, Shetland

    SIR – I cancelled my membership of the Conservative Party last year in exasperation at its lack of conservatism.

    Should Mr Johnson, my MP, now resign as PM, I will vote for him at the next election. If he does not, my vote will go elsewhere.

    Marcus Lawrence

    Uxbridge, Middlesex

    SIR – As someone who did not vote Conservative at the last election and is not a Boris fan, you may be surprised that I hope our PM does not resign.

    As I look and see who is on offer to replace him, in his party and in the others, I am frankly depressed.

    Now that Mr Johnson has been caught out, I believe the kick to his posterior will be sufficient for him to change his ways, knowing he is in the last chance saloon.

    Dorothea Barnes

    Southend-on-Sea, Essex

    SIR – Sir Ed Davey, the Leader of the Liberal Democrats, in writing to Dame Cressida Dick, the Commissioner of the Metropolitan Police, reveals why he should never aspire to lead this country nor his party ever be fit to govern.

    He demands that a retrospective investigation be launched into the “potentially unlawful behaviour of those who attended the party, including Boris Johnson”. He behaves like a spiteful schoolboy who sees a chance to snitch on a classmate.

    The police have more important issues to deal with, and the public will make its own judgment on the actions of the Prime Minister.

    Mick Richards


    SIR – If the unrelenting witch-hunt succeeds, and Boris Johnson is removed as Prime Minister, the only winners will be the Establishment.

    It’s obvious Boris is absolutely loathed by many because of his success in carrying out the referendum result and getting Brexit done. With him overthrown, the normal order can regain the ascendancy.

    The Conservative Party needs to think carefully about what it wants. If it allows the political assassination of a prime minister over a few bottles of wine in the garden of No 10, then it is doomed to defeat at the next election. Without Boris Johnson, Labour again becomes electable.

    Stephen Petty

    Bloxwich, Staffordshire

    SIR – Perhaps No 10 should apply for some of the Covid reliefs made available to the hospitality industry.

    Jonathan T R Silverman

    London NW2

    SIR – Boris can’t go. Who else could live with the new decor in the Downing Street flat?

    David Bowyer


    1. David Bowyer may have hit on something here.

      The palpable deterioration of Boris Johnson’s health since the election may have nothing to do with Covid, and everything to do with the environment he has to live with, I doubt he could live with the new decor either, but is covering it up somewhat unconvincingly.

    2. This really is not important as regards the MPs whooping it up at No10. It is important as regards the contempt they display for the people of this country.

    3. My BTL comment (in Best Beloved’s name)at around 02:00:

      Stephen Petty, Boris has NOT got Brexit done, there is still the small matter of Northern Ireland being effectually annexed by the EU, too many EU boats are hoovering up our fish and we still appear to recognise the ECJ as the final arbiter. These are just three things that need putting right before Brexit may be said to be done.

  9. MP’s Chinese money

    SIR – A Chinese spy, Christine Lee, spent at least £420,000 to “buy influence” in the British Parliament.

    By subsidising Barry Gardiner MP?

    The Chinese Communist Party should ask for its money back.

    Chris Whitehouse

    London SE1

  10. Morning again

    DVLA in disarray

    SIR – Last year my wife decided to change her career and obtain an HGV licence. As she has a Polish driving licence, she was required to send off our marriage certificate (the original, not a copy) and her passport.

    Her application was received on October 10 2021. She has still heard nothing and, despite numerous attempts to contact the DVLA, including 15 calls yesterday, neither of us have got beyond a recorded message and a terminated call.

    She now has no passport, so we cannot leave the country, and her training is being delayed.

    When will someone get a grip on this malfunctioning department?

    Robert W Page

    London SE2

    1. Credit where it is due.
      I renewed my passport on-line just after Christmas and was required to send in my old passport to be received by the UKPA before the new one could be issued. The new one was here in just over two weeks, including the bank holiday weekend.

        1. My elder brother got a job as a programmer for the DVLC in Swansea, which led to years of chaos issuing driver and vehicle licenses after it was centralised. There was nothing he couldn’t mend with a roll of sellotape.

          That was in 1973. Have they fixed it yet?

      1. I did the same for one of my family, but we haven’t heard anything back yet. I sent it off about a week before Christmas.

        1. Postal system?
          The on-line code they gave when submitting the form was updated regularly. It will tell you when it’s been sent and remind you to sign it on receipt.

    2. Recently I received my driving licence renewal notification. The blurb stated that renewal by post could take some time but online would be reliable and quick. Lo and behold the online service worked and I received my new licence within a week. Obviously Mr Page’s wife’s situation required the postal route and three months or more without success is a disgrace. “Covid innit,” seems to be management’s excuse for poor service provision.

        1. I was out with the Sultana to the shops. We parked in a smallish “mall” and the Sultana went to the M&S. I stayed in the van. The bloke came back to the car parked next to us. He opened the car door and sat down, leaving the door open. He used tissues and a spray on his hands and on the steering wheel and the car door handles. He then drove off while still wearing his mask.
          I’ve seen the same thing a couple of times (I don’t go out much) and I am astonished every time. What’s the point?

    3. I filled in the online application for the renewal of my mother’s driving licence. When it came to printing out the form to send her old licence back she told me their printer was broken so I clicked a ‘print later’ button. The site then dumped me out without warning and I have not been able to get in again; I have no email link and internet searches get me nowhere. I did find mention of a form but I’ve been unable to find anywhere online to order one. I’ve called DVLA but got cut off before speaking to anyone. I’ve spent over 3 hrs getting nowhere. It’s infuriating.

      Top tip: if you can’t print to a printer, print to file. I’m kicking myself for not doing so at the time.

  11. Barred from last rites

    SIR – One of my elderly parishioners was very recently diagnosed with a terminal illness and taken to our local hospital. They had no next of kin, and a kind neighbour was the sole designated visitor.

    My parishioner loved our church, and received great comfort from his faith, particularly in receiving the Sacrament. Knowing he was so near the end, I rang the ward to ask if I could visit him. I am triple-jabbed, as was he, but a visit was not allowed.

    Fortunately, his neighbour is a person of faith who could comfort him, yet it would have been such a blessing had I been allowed to give him Holy Communion as his parish priest.

    When will the NHS realise that, even in the current situation, spiritual health is important and life-giving to many people? The drawbridge approach in so many aspects of our health service is deeply depressing.

    Rev Michael J Maine

    Cuckfield, West Sussex

      1. I think the Reverend should have put on his poshest clerical robes. Armed with a large crucifix in hand and blagged it.

        1. He could have taken a couple of choir boys with him, waving those incense things to clear the air of any nasty minicovids.

        2. He could have taken a couple of choir boys with him, waving those incense things to clear the air of any nasty minicovids.

        3. He could have taken a couple of choir boys with him, waving those incense things to clear the air of any nasty minicovids.

  12. 344215+ up ticks,

    Morning Each,

    Saturday 15 January: If Downing Street knew that it was safe to gather why pretend to us that it wasn’t?

    They were / are running a strength finding, envelope pushing, regarding the herds reactions and I would say are delighted with the results.

    They have a large section of the peoples hand cleansing at every given opportunity, whilst hoping from spot to spot in between times many are
    wringing their hands in terror at the daily fear bulletin.

    ALL the while the politico’s are screwing the electoral herd every which way and sideways chinese style.

    Ongoing, ANY erring politico must, if ever sentenced in a court of law the minimum sentence must be a year & a day never allowed to manipulate the bewildered, mentally maladjusted
    electorate again.

    1. I bought a small thing of hand cleanser at the beginning of this and it’s in the car. I’ve never used it.

  13. Three strikes…

    SIR – My father was allowed only three questions a day by my mother (Letters, January 12). They went along the lines of: “Where do we keep the good scissors?” “Have we got any stamps?” “Is there any apple pie left?”

    I instituted this rule on marrying in 1976. It wasn’t all that successful.

    Geraldine Blake

    Worthing, West Sussex

    1. Not really surprising that Geraldine’s mother limited the old fool to three questions a day if those are an example of them.

      Look in the drawer. Look in your wallet. Look in the fridge.

    2. In similar circumstances I can see my last three questions now,
      You know we have been married less than 12 months, you got the divorce papers, you can make your own way to your mothers I presume.

    3. It was the fourth, unspoken, question that did for him; “Darling, do you know what the signs are of a severe heart attack?”

  14. Good morning from a -4°C Derbyshire with a heavy frost, dead calm air and a fog that almost hides the llights from the lorry cafe up the road.
    I don’t think the windmills & solar panels will be doing much today.

    1. Hard frost again here too. Slight mist but no sun yet. Windmills and solar panels are useless in this weather.

  15. Lee Brown’s letter on his Bubble car experience is a classic. Best one on old cars I have seen in the Telegraph. Those were the days when we coaxed our cars along the roads.

  16. ‘Morning Peeps.

    Here’s a little gem to boost your flagging blood pressure…it seems that the FCO didn’t get the Truss memo. Still, it’s only taxpayers’ money, and plenty more where that came from:


    Dear marriage supporter,

    The Government has been accused of propping up controversial LGBT advocacy group Stonewall following revelations that the charity received £1.25 million in taxpayer-funded grants in the past 18 months.

    It is an increase of more than 67 per cent from the previous set of accounts, with the Foreign Office as the largest donor, handing over three quarters of a million pounds in 2020-21.

    The news comes despite Foreign Secretary Liz Truss urging Government departments to quit Stonewall’s training programmes, including the now notorious Diversity Champions scheme.

    The scheme has been hit by a string of exits recently as public bodies, including the Equality and Human Rights Commission, the BBC, Ofcom, Ofsted, Channel 4, the House of Commons, the Cabinet Office, the Ministry of Justice and the Department of Health have distanced themselves from the organisation.

    The exodus has resulted in the charity losing more than half a million pounds in annual income, despite the hike in public-funded grants, leading critics to argue the Government is keeping it afloat.

    The charity is a proponent of same-sex marriage, but the current controversy is focused on its aggressive promotion of transgenderism at the expense of the rights and safety of women and girls.

    Duncan Simpson from the TaxPayers’ Alliance said: “After years of handing over millions, some officials seem determined to prop up pressure groups like Stonewall with taxpayers’ cash, despite ministers urging against it. Ministers must put a stop to these grants and schemes immediately.”

    Stonewall is a pressure group that pushes for changes in law and policy that undermine real marriage and the significance of being male and female. Government should not be funding pressure groups like Stonewall. At C4M we join the call to end the public funding now.

    There are many groups which support true marriage. C4M is the only one which has the sole aim of promoting marriage as the union of one man and one woman to the exclusion of all others for life. C4M receives no public funding! We rely on your support.

    If you would like to support us financially, you can do so using the button below.”

    1. Don’t worry. By the time she is fat and forty, she’ll be suing that yacht for trafficking and molestation.

      1. She already looks at least forty to me – but many women of that age are more attractive than they were in their 20s.

          1. Look out of your window; outside you will see the Tooth Fairy arriving on her pink unicorn to cheer you up.

        1. It’s the endless roadworks, K…{:¬)) And those bloody roundabouts on the east of the town on the way to Wivno…

    1. “Ah, but if it weren’t for Covid, they’d all be alive!”
      “Ever heard of flu?”

    2. Ring …. ring …..
      “Hallooo, is that the University of the Blindingly Obvious? You did keep that Chair of Talking Bollux open for me, didn’t you?”

    3. Fauci came out with this revelation a few weeks ago in the USA. Evidence building re uselessness of jabs and their ability to kill and maim, hence slow withdrawal from attack to retreat on the cards?

  17. Prince Andrew may be guilty of many crimes – the greatest of which is stupidity but he has not been found guilty yet in any court. The prime mover, according to the news report last night, in getting rid of Prince Andrew’s HRH status was Prince William backed up by his dreary father.

    Am I alone in thinking that the first two people in line for the throne are nasty, spiteful people who are quite prepared to stab their family members in the back? They spout political garbage about the environment – which is not their job to do – and I do not want either Charles or William as king. Who does?

    1. No, you aren’t alone.
      I have mixed feelings about this one. On the one hand, Andrew’s behaviour was stupid and sleazy, and may have tipped over into criminality if he saw underage girls in Epstein’s homes. He actually KNEW that Epstein was a paedophile after the latter was convicted, but carried on associating with him, from which we may infer that sleeping with 17 year olds was tempting enough to turn a blind eye to known criminal behaviour.
      So I have little time for Andrew.
      On the other hand, Charles’ and William’s action seems distasteful, though I can’t quite put my finger on why.
      I don’t think the Duke of Edinburgh would have handled it like that.
      I can see that they had to distance themselves from Andrew, but a family willing to throw members to the dogs is not something that most people admire, however much they deserve it.
      It has been common knowledge for years that Charles and Andrew don’t get along, but yesterday in the Mail, we were treated to an article that claimed that they are close, and Charles cares a lot about Andrew. This looked like a slightly hypocritical PR push.
      Of course, the question is “What else could they have done?”
      I think in their place, I would have removed Andrew’s military titles, left him with the HRH, and paid off the women involved, whatever the cost.
      That would have been less brutal, but would have acknowledged that Andrew’s behaviour hadn’t been up to scratch. Importantly, it would have kept the royal family in charge of the situation.
      As it is, they have lost control of Andrew, who may yet be seen as more wronged than wrong-doing by the public. Andrew was stupid, randy and greedy, but he was also manipulated by Epstein and Maxwell.
      They’ve also notched up the disadvantage of being seen to abandon a member of their family, and they’ve opened themselves to the embarrassing possibility of having to admit him back into the family one day. They look a tiny bit spiteful.
      They’ve also inadvertently hiked up the bar by which their own behaviour will be judged, which could have unforeseen consequences.
      You cited their support for the WEF and the green fraud, which is likely to come back to bite them. So yes – not very clever.

      1. In all the excitement of chasing Andrew, the supine meeja seem to have overlooked one important question. Maxwell has been found guilty of trafficking minors for sexual shenanigans but there don’t appear to have been any customers/abusers.

        1. I wouldn’t have thought that Andrew was stupid enough to actually have sex with a minor. Still hoping the rest of the names will come out though.

          1. The ‘minor’ in question was 17 years old; the age of consent on the island that Epstein used is 18 years of age.
            One might have thought that he had the nous to realise that escorting teenage girls wasn’t a good idea for a man in his 50s but he’s low hanging fruit as the other participants have ducked for cover.

        2. Yes. I wonder if Andrew knows who the clients are and will get them to pay his settlement with the strumpet if he settles out of court in exchange for keeping silent? Alternatively I wonder if both Andrew and Ms Maxwell are being threatened with being done away with as Epstein was.

    2. I think dreariness is an essential part of the job description for a job that has practically nothing to recommend it except that it means we don’t have to find a bullet to prevent President Tony! And that is certainly a big consideration…. The Queen has demonstrated integrity over the decades she has reigned, but that does seem to be a commodity that has given way among the successors to virtue signalling.

    3. I didn’t dare voice my thoughts Richard , but I agree with you .

      Andrew is in a very vulnerable position , he has been an absolute twerp , but Charles and William are jostling for the crown , succession and popularity.

      Charles and Andrew are showing off their true colours , not nice at all.

  18. War in Ukraine is ‘just days away’: Fears grow that Vladimir Putin may stage fake attacks on his own troops to justify Russian invasion. 15 January 2022.

    Yesterday a major cyber attack on Ukrainian government ministries was blamed on Moscow.

    Russian hackers were believed to have left chilling messages on websites saying: ‘Ukrainians. Be afraid and expect worse. It’s your past, present and future.’


    77 Brigade desperation! Lol! On a more serious note this is what happens when you lie continuously. Eventually all trust vanishes!

  19. Manslaughter case being investigated in Boulogne sur Mer after Sudanese illegal went overboard yesterday from a dinghy. The rest were rescued and taken back by lifeboat to the French coast. The victim was dead on arrival.

          1. I’ve also read of that before but think most instances took place on the Mediterranean crossings.

    1. Oh dear. How sad. Never mind.

      Perhaps if the French prevented the illegal criminal gimmigrants in the first place the death would not have occurred.

      In fact, if the French had prcessed, deported and dealt with the illegal immigration issue then they wouldn’t have had to stop the illegal criminal migrants…

      Of course, if the country the illegal criminal migrants had stopped the Sundanese before they had got to France, processed and deported them then the French wouldn’t have had to process and deport them and thus wouldn’t have had to prevent the illegal criminal migrants from getting in a boat to come here and dying.

      Repeat ad nauseum ad infinitum.

  20. Good morning all. Foggy start here but clearing now. The sun is (not) burning it off 🤣🤣🤣

    OT. Have just looked at my weather app and any wind is coming from East North East. Alf says it’s east east north. But that’s such an ugly way to say it I think. How would you clever Nottlers put it?

        1. Anti-clockwise.
          Apparently, running 13 times widdershins round the Kielder Stone summoned the devil.

        2. From the Terry Pratchett books…

          Discworld Compass

          The Discworld Compass does not have North, South, East and West, like our own world’s. Instead, the four directions are Hubwards (towards the Hub), Rimwards (towards the Rim), Turnwise (the direction that the Disc rotates in), and Widdershins (opposite to Turnwise).

          Based on the fact that a needle of Octiron
          will always point towards the Hub, Hubwise could be said to be the
          Discworld’s ‘North’, which would mean that Rimwards corresponds to
          South. The Disc turns clockwise, so Turnwise is on the left when you
          face the Hub; this would make Turnwise the Disc’s West, and Widdershins
          would correspond to the East.

          1. Widdershins are also used in witchcraft – basically means counterclockwise. Sunwise was clockwise. Cooks stirred food and cut and served left to right to preserve the natural order. Using widdershins was a way to communicate with the supernatural and cast spells. Walking widdershins round a church was believed to be especially unlucky and could cause you to be taken to the land of the fairies.
            There was a Hetty Wainthrop story about some girls in her town “dancing widdershins”.
            I found this out when searching on line for pictures and worksheets for Hallowe’en in the library. I also googled “warlocks” and won’t relate what came up! Left that site PDQ!!!

          2. It’s funny. I wonder if there is some natural instinct involved. We often go for a walk around a small lake near us and I always want to walk clockwise round it. I’m sure there are evil people in this world and at the moment they seem to be in the ascendancy. Did “war,ocks” really frighten you?

          3. I was using my computer in my office at school- the site I found was basically male porn! If it had been noticed, I’d have been sacked;-)

          4. Uh oh. We sometimes have random porn pop up on our computer things like Suzy blah blah … Haven’t for a while now but have done in the past. Glad you weren’t “caught”!

          5. Funnily enough, if I walk Spartie round the woods and fields, it does feel odd if I walk widdershins.
            Maybe it’s just an inbuilt human instinct.

          6. Other stuff derives from it…left-handed children were made to use their right hands as left handers were children of the devil. To this day, people are served from the left and the port circulates round the table clockwise.

          7. Thinking about it, when I walk Oscar on a circular route, I invariably walk in a clockwise direction. I must do it without thinking as it hadn’t occurred to me until now.

    1. This how I remember it from Mr. Butterworth’s class at Newbiggin Colliery Junior School.
      Starting from North, the compass points are:-
      North by North North East
      North North East
      East by North North East
      North East
      North by East North East
      East North East
      East by East North East

      1. Goodness. I’m well messed up already thanks. When I was at school I thought the wind was blowing the absolute opposite to reality!

    2. ENE is ‘East of North East.’ EEN would be ‘East of East North’ which doesn’t make so much sense.

    3. ENE is ‘East of North East.’ EEN would be ‘East of East North’ which doesn’t make so much sense.

  21. “SIR – One of my elderly parishioners was very recently diagnosed with a terminal illness and taken to our local hospital. They had no next of kin, and a kind neighbour was the sole designated visitor.

    My parishioner loved our church, and received great comfort from his faith, particularly in receiving the Sacrament. Knowing he was so near the end, I rang the ward to ask if I could visit him. I am triple-jabbed, as was he, but a visit was not allowed.

    Fortunately, his neighbour is a person of faith who could comfort him, yet it would have been such a blessing had I been allowed to give him Holy Communion as his parish priest.

    When will the NHS realise that, even in the current situation, spiritual health is important and life-giving to many people? The drawbridge approach in so many aspects of our health service is deeply depressing.

    Rev Michael J Maine
    Cuckfield, West Sussex”

    I have no quibble with Mr Maine’s argument. The rules are draconian AND pointless.

    However, I DO quibble about his reference to the “elderly parishioner” as “THEY” (gender neutral, presumably) in the second sentence but then giving it away in the third sentence as “HE”.

    Be consistent, Vicar…. Or, better still, sensible. Grrr

    1. I thought we had sorted that question out, and it was agreed that Christian priests must not be kept away from people near the end of their lives?

      1. I read that as “Christian priests must be kept away from people near the end of their lives”. That would seem more in keeping with actual practice (the murdered RC MP springs to mind).

      1. The article is a joke. A real larf on a damp Saturday morning. These pathetic well-off people are a parody of themselves.

      1. Don’t bash the fellow! Likely the website did that as tracking.

        The article is interesting – it shows the huge difference in wealth inequality.

        1. Hold on. Doesn’t the resident ladderist read the Times? Why doesn’t he get someone to climb the ladders for him? Must be as mean as me I suppose…

          1. I don’t read the mail – the constant background flicking of adverts, causes my microprocessor to shut down the whole works. Maybe I need more RAM.

          2. Interesting… didn’t think of placing Mother so far away, and travelling there would be a problem. I believe we’ve got a good deal in Penarth – wetter and duller than Thailand, but very pleasant in any case. The costs are pretty fierce, at close on £100 a day, but cheaper than a live-in.

          3. Nice climate. Nice friendly smiling staff. Nice walks and activities. Nice food. I can’t believe there is anywhere in the UK that offers that for less than £5000 a week.

            I’m going when my time comes.

            Also, nice holiday destination when you want to visit.

          4. …and, since we used to organise Granny races, with my first wife’s relatives, maybe, Paul, the facility might still be available.

        1. And the easiest way to hide ‘mistakes’ is to have a young, unsuspecting, not fully trained person doing a job.

    1. Cue wealthy middle class parents abusing au pair by giving her £10k and demanding she does the work of a £40k nanny.

    2. My heart bleeds for them. Such hardship. In Toronto, we came across many young children being ‘looked after’ by assorted Philipino ‘nannies.’ Apparently, it was cheaper for parents than sending their babies and young children to day care facilities. These unregulated carers would gather in parks and libraries, more or less ignoring their charges while chatting in their native language. I suspect the general development and language skills of these children when eventually getting to kindergarten are somewhat lacking.

      1. When our boys were little we had some of our former students to stay to help us look after them when we were running courses. We took them out with our students on their projects and to restaurants and chatted to them in French as this was what they wanted as they were studying French at university. Indeed we treated them as members of the family. We gave them pocket money and they were very surprised to be given anything at all – some of them asked if we wanted them to pay us!

        We even had a boy au pair who had been on two courses with us. He went on to study French and Spanish at Cambridge and became a don. He was at Gresham’s which certainly helped us to decide to send our older son, Christo, there.

  22. While I think of it, did anyone else see Mark Steyn on yesterday evening’s GBN? He was on top form, and was ably assisted by interviewees Douglas Murray and David Starkey. A really good hour, and well worth watching.

    1. Mark Steyn is always worth watching, but I am finding that his daily emails telling me of his nightly GBNews appearances, Serenade Radio Song of the Week, articles and broadcasts such as A Hundred Years Ago Today, etc. etc. make it almost impossible to cope with watching and/or listening to his entire output. There simply are not enough hours in the day. How this genius finds the time to produce such excellent material is beyond me.

    2. I agree. All three are very entertaining and well worth listening to. New books from Murray are on the way.

  23. One of my pet hates of all time is when they “New Improved” things. Very rarely is the ‘after’ better than the ‘before’. If anyone can point to genuine improvements, please let us know.

    Latest shock was the Aldi breakfast cereal ‘Original Benefit’ branded Harvest Morn. Warning came when the print was a different colour, and the ominous little label ‘New Recipe’ in on corner. I had the box of the original ‘Original Benefit’ to compare.


    Rice down from 66% to 47%
    Wheat up from 18% to 37%
    Wheat gluten removed
    Wholegrain barley (3%) added
    Barley malt flour (3.5%) added
    Skimmed milk powder removed
    Wheat germ removed
    Iron relabelled as Ferrous Fumarate
    Calcium removed
    Folic acid reduced
    Vitamin B12 reduced
    Maltodextrin removed

    As for the nutritional value per 100g:

    Energy up from 1576 to 1611 kJ
    Fat up from 1.0 to 1.3 g
    Saturates up from 0.2 to 0.4 g
    Carbohydrate up from 76 to 80.6 g
    Sugars up from 12 to 15.5 g
    Fibre up from 4.0 to 6.1 g
    Protein down from 12 to 8.5 g
    Salt down from 0.48 to 0.21 g

    Thiamin (B1) down from 3.2 to 2.4 mg
    Riboflavin (B2) down from 3.5 to 2.7 mg
    Niacin (B3) down from 37 to 33 mg
    Vitamin B6 down from 4.0 to 3.4 mg
    Folic Acid (B9) down from 548 to 376 µg
    Vitamin B12 down from 4.7 to 4.3 µg
    Pantothenic Acid (B5) down from 13 to 9.8 µg
    Iron up from 23 to 24 mg

    So much for improving the nation’s health by cutting down on the sugar and increasing the vitamin levels.

    I shan’t be buying it again, and it also puts me off going to Aldi for a special trip.

    1. Of course it can’t be new and improved it can only be one or the other and the improved bit is subjective.
      It would have been more honest, now there’s a concept, if they’d said rehashed to save money.

    2. I find Aldi a very unwelcoming shop. Only been in a couple o times when they had a wine offer – only to find that the shelf was empty. Asked a worker. “There’s probably some round the back, but I am busy now….”

      1. All the supermarkets vary around the country. It really does depend on the attitude of the staff.

      2. You probably asked for one of their one bottle per store offers… You’re supposed to think, OK what else have they got since I’m here. But then you know that!

  24. A thought. Would there by any improvement in our lives if all the laws passed in the last thirty years or so were simply repealed completely?

    1. A good idea Horace since most of them were oppressive! We should also hang all the people responsible for passing them!

  25. TV Licences
    I have read this blog daily for years and it seems that several Nottlers over 75, who like me previously ‘enjoyed’ a free TV licence, have said they have just stopped paying for one.

    Like me, are they being chased by the TV Licensing Authority and have they gone past the sixth or seventh threatening letter which now says in big bold red letters “Renew today to stop an investigation.”

    In August 2020, bullied by my sons, I caved in and ‘renewed’ my erstwhile free TV licence, so it expired on 31st July 2021. I haven’t watched live TV since about June 2021 (I read a lot instead and there’s only rubbish on ALL channels). My limited on-screen (PC) entertainment consists of YouTube or Amazon Prime or Netflix videos. I don’t see why I should have to make an almost ‘sworn’ declaration to TV Licensing that I have not watched any ‘live’ TV. After all, I have an axe in my garage and a set of sharp kitchen knives in my kitchen, but I don’t need to tell the Police that I am not an axe murderer or a stabber.

    Bottom line: have any regular Nottlers toughed it out and been subjected to ‘investigations’, visits or other harassment by the TV Licensing bods? If so, please tell us your experiences. There are many stories on the web about how to handle pushy investigators, but I’d like to hear from folk I trust on this blog.

    1. The only person I know who was taken to court, said that they opened the door one day, and the licence man pushed past them into their house. Guilt and shame stopped them from protesting.
      I have since read that the licence people have to see/photograph the tv as evidence. So if it’s not visible from the windows, and you have a chain on the door, how will they collect the evidence?

    2. There is quite a lot thro google about the subject. It seems that they can only gain access with a warrant and if I was the only one living here, I might try it. But Mrs Pea might answer the door when Im out and be persuaded to let in the investigator, so I pay up. I suspect they catch most people in this way. I did let the license lapse whist I was out of the country for 10 weeks. There were the normal warning letters followed by one which said that they had paid a visit. I sniggered as I thought of some bloke hiding in a bush all day waiting for me to come home. It must have been a cold and fruitless day.

    3. Not paid it in 3 years. No letters and no visits.

      I suspect they go for the easy pickings in higher density neighbourhoods. Single mothers in high rise seem to be favourite.

      1. Most people take to court are women. See my post, with story about pushing past the person on the doorstep.
        They probably give you a wide berth as they see a man’s name, and don’t want to risk being smacked around the chops when trying to push into your property.

      2. They’re certainly not going to travel 100 miles on the off chance of catching someone so we are safe in the Highlands anyway

    4. Without exaggerating I’ve received 13 threatening missives from TV licensing the last three promising a visit. I’m really looking forward to seeing the look on the ‘Enforcement Officer’s face when he /she/it discovers the building site is unoccupied.
      I haven’t bothered to notify TV licensing that the property isn’t occupied at present because as a result of my previous experience the pillocks simply ignore numerous phone calls and emails informing them that there is no longer a TV at a property. So fuck ’em

      1. I gather if you do respond, after 12months the emails start again because Capita refresh the database.

    5. Numerous threats of “investigations” and “enforcement visits” nobody ever turned up on the promised dates
      It’s all bollux,I’m quite disappointed been looking forward to politely saying “I don’t deal with door to door salesmen” and just closing the door

      1. Ditto. We didn’t renew the license in our last place and binned any letters and deleted any emails. Nothing happened.

    6. Watch all the videos by this guy
      I do not pay for the licence – I told them I didn’t need one and I’ve never had any more letters from them although they said they’d check in 2 years time.
      You do not have to even speak to these .’enforcement officers’ – they have no powers. They can’t come into your house unless you invite them. If they call just say “no thanks” and close the door, they can’t do anything. They are salesmen trying to sell you the licence (and they get commission).
      Ignore any letters, they are just trying to frighten you into paying for something you may not need.
      The sooner everyone stops paying for a licence the sooner the BBC will have to change their funding model
      The only people who will end up in court are those who let these people into their house and engage with them. A warrant will only be issued in extreme circumstances if they have evidence of you viewing LIVE tv without a licence and the only way they can get the evidence is if you give it to them. In Scotland they can’t even do that.

          1. …and neither do I, Sparkey but, when I saw an article -with pictures of Walford with a Mosque – my reaction – diversity, a step too far.

            There were already items from far-right groups, saying that they’d burn it to the ground – and who wouldn’t.

            If you feel arsonist, the new set, next the old one, is in Borehamwood.

    7. I stopped having a licence about 8 years ago when fully understood you do not need one if you do not watch ANY live TV or view I player. I filled in a form and fill one in when they send me a new form every few years , and have never been asked to pay again. I must stress I do not watch any live TV or I player. I watch recorded news on my PC etc.

    8. 1. You are not legally obliged to make the No Licence Needed declaration. Of you don’t, they will send you monthly threatograms, which you can safely ignore.
      2. They may send round one of their inspectors commission-driven sales staff however you can just shut the door in their faces. They have no more legal powers that someone selling double-glazing.
      3. I am an active member at this forum where all sorts of advice can be found on becoming Legally Licence Free (LLF).
      4. One forum member has prepared a series of brief videos setting out what the law actually is and how to deal with their goons:

  26. Yo All

    An explorer goes into an undiscovered tomb for the first time and in the centre of it there is a lamp.
    He picks it up and as he starts to rub the dirt off of it, a genie comes out of the lamp and says,
    “I want to know the person you hate the most.”
    The explorer says, “That’s gotta be my ex-wife. Why?”
    “I am a cursed genie. I will grant you three wishes, but whatever you wish for your ex-wife will get double that amount.”
    “Okay, I wish for a billion dollars.”
    “Granted, but you ex-wife gets two billion dollars.”
    “I wish for a mansion in California with a swimming pool, and tennis courts, everything.”
    “Granted, and your ex-wife gets two.”
    “Now make your final wish.”
    The explorer walks around for a few minutes,
    returns to the genie with a stick, and says,
    “You see this stick? I’d like you to beat me half to death.”

  27. Tech Query
    Thinking my very recent post about TV Licence bullying was modded out, I posted an apology. But I now see that my post (just below) wasn’t modded out and I want to delete my own apology, but a message says Comments can’t be blank.. So how do I delete a post that I have posted but want to delete?

    1. Just write edited… blue sky thinking and all that. That’ll be £1k at my consultancy rate!

        1. With apologies to Dinah:

          One black one, one mauve one
          And one with a bit of Gove on.

  28. Good Morning. Today I’d like to share with you The Zen of Covid, a note in from Jon Rappoport, one of the grand old men of activism.

    Question: How do you prevent a disease that has
    no cause? Get back to me after contemplating this for 10 years.

    The so-called disease, COVID, is touted as the
    result of a virus, but the virus doesn’t exist

    Nevertheless, a vaccine aimed at beefing up the
    immune system against the virus that doesn’t exist is heralded as a miracle.

    There is also a test for the virus that doesn’t

    People fear the virus that doesn’t exist.

    Whole countries are locked down to stop the
    spread of the virus that doesn’t exist.

    People wear masks to stop the transmission of the
    virus that doesn’t exist.

    People with no symptoms are called cases of the
    disease caused by the virus that doesn’t exist.

    The vaccine can’t stop the transmission of the
    virus that doesn’t exist.

    The federal database lists over a million
    injuries reported after the vaccination which was designed to prevent the
    disease caused by the virus that doesn’t exist.

    People who refuse the vaccination designed to
    prevent the disease caused by the virus that doesn’t exist are called criminals
    or even terrorists.

    The virus that doesn’t exist will spread at a
    small party in a person’s home, but the virus that doesn’t exist will detour
    around waves of immigrants coming into the country.

    The virus that doesn’t exist was created in a

    The overwhelming percentage of people who die
    from infection by the virus that doesn’t exist are the elderly, who already
    have several long-standing serious health problems and have been treated for
    decades with toxic drugs, and are then given more toxic drugs to kill the virus
    that doesn’t exist and are sedated with powerful drugs and put on breathing
    ventilators—a lethal treatment.

    There are at least two variants of the virus that
    doesn’t exist.

    There are doctors who heavily criticize the
    current vaccines, but claim that a safe and successful vaccine can be developed
    to prevent the disease caused by the virus that doesn’t exist.

    Other than all of the above, the global
    public COVID policy is quite sane.

    1. From what I’ve read the jury is still out on whether or not ‘the’ virus exists. There certainly is evidence that a Gain of Function programme for producing a SARS type corona virus that would infect humans was ongoing.

      Today, Karen Kingston on the Stew Peters Show, unveils more evidence, drawn from official websites in the USA, that indicates work on a SARS coronavirus was being paid for and who was being paid (linked below). Speculation now that the infection may well have been targetted on ‘hotspots’ to cause the panic that ensued and that the “vaccine” was always the vector for installing the dangerous spike protein into the human population. Early on some unknown ‘conspiracy theorist’ did say, “…the virus was invented for the “vaccine” not the “vaccine” for the virus.” Kingston today speculates that that is exactly what went on.

      Karen Kingston Exposes More Proof re the Scamdemic – Stew Peters Show

  29. petition for Putin to invade Ukraine as soon as possible has 2 signatures so far..

    Boris Johnson
    Prince Andrew

      1. I have decided to have my internet search history read out at my funeral.

        That way the mourners will go from depressed to disgusted.

  30. Novak Djokovic will be off to play in the North Korean open soon. When asked for a comment he said he was looking forward to playing a tournament in a less communist, more friendly country for a change.

  31. I’ve done my first gardening of the year. I’ve broken off half a dozen of last year’ s dead lily sticks and put them in a bag. I’ve come in for a rest now.

          1. No, I’m in the largest inland non-metropolitan county in the country! You can’t get much farther from the sea.

          2. Whatever, Old troop, keep warm and Oscar with you. The very best of Good luck to you both.

    1. I set the robot lawnmower going. It’s a handy thing, toddles back to the charging station on it’s own, has the lawn all patterned. Just need to do the edges.

      A lot cheaper than keeping a goat (which was my first suggestion).

  32. After weeks of warning that it was really planning to follow through with plans to make vaccines mandatory throughout German society, the German government just took one step closer to making the mandate a reality.

    German Health Minister Karl Lauterbach said Friday that he would support a vaccine mandate for all German adults age 18 and up. Presumably, his feelings reflect those of Chancellor Olaf Scholz, who has never hesitated to discuss his views on mandatory vaccination (he’s in favour of it).

    1. The more they impose compulsory vaccination, in the face of an apparently diminishing threat, the more sinister their motives become.

      1. Mandatory vaccination has been suggested as a way of “healing” the divisions in German society caused by the government demonising anti-vaxxers.
        “healing divisions” in this case would mean eliminating the unvaxxed from society via a vaxx mandate.
        When this was put to Sahra Wagenknecht she rejected it strongly
        (she is a former leader of the left wing party, which together with the AfD forms the only credible anti-globalist opposition).
        Unvaxxed members of parliament are now no longer permitted to enter the debating chamber.

          1. Huns & Goths..

            Huns and GothsBy
            376, the Huns had attacked the Visigoths (the western tribe of Goths),
            and forced them to seek sanctuary within the Roman Empire. … As the
            Huns dominated Goth and Visigoth lands, they earned a reputation as the
            new barbarians in town and seemed unstoppable. By 395 A.D., they began
            invading Roman domains.

          2. Oi, Johnny, leave the Huns out of this. My father’s line of pure English Hunns, runs, unbroken, from 1580, with no reference to Attila or Roman Empires, though I was nicknamed, ‘Hitler’ at school in the 50s.

        1. ‘Afternoon, BB2, “…in this case would mean eliminating the unvaxxed untermenschen from society…

          There you go, fixed it for you.

    2. This may be a ploy, so that people will think it’s not so bad when they impose a mandate for the over 50s instead.

      Italy and Greece have vaxx mandates for older people.

      1. Don’t know bit I bet they haven’t read the Nuremberg Code on Medical Treatment and consent….

    3. Ah yes; create an internal enemy.
      Advice to any German shopkeepers who are unvaccinated; board up your windows.

    1. Biden was celebrating that there were more blacks than White’s in the US.

      I do wonder what he’ll do when there are no white folk to pay the bills. In Africa, when the white folk left, it became a complete basket case and has never recovered. America’s heading the same route.

      1. Terrorist coming across a mostly open southern border. Let’s hope they can find the Whitehouse.

        1. As much as Lefties refuse to admit it, borders prevent poor folk getting poorer.

          In a rich country the immigrant has no chance as he hasn’t the skills or training needed by that country. If his own country improves – and he is kept out of the rich country – then his country is forced to improve.

          When he is useful he can apply to the rich country with his skills and advance ever further.

    2. They have shown similar pictures from LA. The vultures have been raiding the Amazon freight containers, stealing (sorry liberating) whatever hey want and just throwing packaging and unwanted goods onto the edge o the rail line.

      Of course in California, theft under $1,000 is not a criminal offence any more.

      1. A pharmacy was criticised for putting their products behind tough plastic screens. If he didn’t do this he would have had nothing left to sell.

        1. Several big drug companies are receiving criticism for pulling out of parts of LA. Same reason, lots of thefts and the authorities were not prepared to do anything about it.

          Now we get the BS about blacks being marginalized because they don’t have access to drug stores. You have to wonder why no one wondered why.

          1. Similar in New York. Many Brands have given up and left. It used to have cachet. This is what happens under the Democrats. Everywhere.

            Now places like Miami and San Fran have had a population explosion of homeless and druggies.

            The sooner they get a republican president and republican mayors the better.

    3. Private enterprise in action. They are cutting out the middle-man (retailer) by looting directly from the transport provider instead of from the shops.

    1. BBC headline: Far Right nationalist anti vaxxers create chaos in riot.

      Body states number of anti vaxxers who have died from (never with) covid, damage they cause, need to silence such people.

    2. BBC headline: Far Right nationalist anti vaxxers create chaos in riot.

      Body states number of anti vaxxers who have died from (never with) covid, damage they cause, need to silence such people.

    1. Yes… but we can’t. There are no other suppliers because Boris the oaf refuses to allow us to mine them.

          1. They used to import Valio cheese and butter from Finland…then the sanctions hit.
            Valio built a new plant outside St Petersburg and now employs Russian labour using Russian milk and paying tax to Moscow!!

          2. EU fruit growers lost their fresh-fruit market completely.
            Now Russia grows their own and even has an export market.

          3. When there were sanctions on hardware and software sales to Russia, we had a number of clients with very impressive setups in Finland. Their only clientele was Russian.

  33. The European Union’s power over its member states was dealt a fresh blow on Friday night after Romania became the latest country to rule that EU treaties do not override national laws.
    Country could follow Poland to become the second EU nation to refuse to comply with rulings of the European Court of Justice

    But even though we are nominally out of the EU our courts and civil servants would like to argue that EU law still trumps British law!

    I think that history will not judge Boris Johnson as the man who secured Brexit but as the man who failed to do so.

    1. That’s quite interesting. After the debacle of Brexit and the intentional ruination of the economy and society by the state machine after it, that other nations are undermining the basic prinicple of the EU – that it is in control – rather points to how it will end.

    2. Interesting but I doubt countries such as Poland and Romania would voluntarily leave the eu while they depend on eu money to run their countries.

      1. Could be, that those, like the UK who used to be net contributors, Germany, France, Netherlands, Belgium etcetera may with draw their contributions. That will fuck up the whole lollipop and bang goes the EU and up comes WWIII.

  34. I meant to share this with you last week. At the Morrisons’ checkout there is one lady – 60+ – who is amazingly efficient. She can deal with three customers in the time the others take to do one. We always hope she is on duty.

    Well, last Thursday she was. She smiled, zapped the loyalty card and then said – just like that: “Well. That Blair – the nerve of him…a knighthood and the Garter.” Now we had never discussed politics, and I suppose some customers might have been mortally offended. We weren’t – and shared her views.

    It was a bit of a shock, though!!

    1. If she gossips to you she gossips to others. Don’t discuss politics with strangers. Especially where you live !

    2. I have a favourite Till(er) girl who I chat with. An attractive 50(?) year old and we have very pleasant intercourse once a week.

      1. There was a very nice young lad at the check out in Asda yesterday. MH had gone to B&Q for cable etc to install two new wall lights; I had finished the shopping and checked out and no sign of MH. I was telling this to the young lad and he said his dad could spend ages in the Range. I said to the lad that I reckon that’s why mobile phones were invented….so wives could track down their husbands in DIY and other stores.
        He found that funny and laughed. He then wished me luck in finding missing other half.
        Such a boring job but so many of the cashiers are friendly and helpful, in my experience anyway.

          1. Found wandering in a bemused state outside B&Q which was OK as that’s where the cab picks us up. The hunt was good though and he got what he needed.

      2. I once made a mistake on one of the self-service tills and the lady attendant was summoned so I said:

        “I expect you are going to punish me for getting it wrong?”

        Her reply: “No fear. Have you seen the price of birch lately!”

  35. Downing Street staff ‘brought in their own wine fridge for weekly parties’. 15 January 2022.

    Downing Street staff were drinking so much during lockdowns that they brought in a fridge for weekly “wine-time Fridays”, it has been alleged.

    Images obtained by the Daily Mirror showed pictures of a wine fridge, which could hold up to 34 bottles, being delivered to No10.

    It is alleged that staff took it in turns to visit the local Tesco Metro to stock up on alcohol, before keeping it cool in the fridge.

    This is probably the only known example of sensible Forward Planning since they were voted in!

    1. It is the buying wine in a suitcase.

      Quite clearly, they acted with intent, tried to hide it. They’re clearly guilty as anything.

    2. They also partied until 3am and passed out on sofas all over Downing St. The cleaners had to deal with the detritus.

        1. I think the disco under Downing St encourages such behaviour. They should strip the disco out and install a torture chamber.

  36. I have a recommendation for you all. A Scandi Noir style film and has subtitles.

    Babette’s Feast.

    I found the transformations enjoyable.

    A Danish drama to savour.

    1. With the always watchable Stéphane Audran… (She played Lord Marchmain’s mistress in the original TV version of Brideshead Revisited.)

      1. A ha. I thought i recognised her but i couldn’t place her.

        It’s rather a joy to watch films that have some sort of meaning rather than all the garbage coming out of Hollowood.

        1. You want a good film – if you can find it (or buy on Amazon):

          Once Upon a Time in Anatolia

  37. A
    huge fight involving more than 200 schoolchildren broke out at a bus stop in Edmonton Green.

    Children reportedly brought knives and bleach to the brawl which lasted nearly three hours and had to be dispersed by police on Wednesday afternoon.

    The pupils, believed to have been from several schools in the area, caused chaos as they descended on Edmonton Green bus station after school.

    A police helicopter was also scrambled to the scene to control the crowd, although no serious injuries were reported.

    Footage and images of the incident emerged on social media with locals dubbing the fight the Battle of Edmonton Green.


    When are people going to realise these so called little thugs are not children , they are armed militia, and they are dangerous .

      1. All those mobile phones, all videoing. No-one seems to be calling the police. Mind you, would the cops even bother to show up? What a bloody disaster this country has become.

      2. By the time they have out bred the indigenous in Britain , there will be nothing worthwhile fighting over , will there . A few thousand years of British cultural growth trashed by those inferior little scrotes.

    1. I remember street fights like that in Glasgow in the 50s and 60s, Protestant schools vs Catholic schools. Chains, razors, clothes poles, hundreds at a time. Polis just used to stand by and then cart the cut and injured ones off to hospital. Then there’d be an inquisition in school the following week, “Was any one involved here?” ” No miss, we were miles away….”

      Sometimes the girls were worse that the lads.

    2. Just playful teenagers letting off steam after a hard day’s work at school….

      Bames, were they?

      1. I hear the Police are terribly busy these days being called to scenes of Domestos Violence…

    3. Were they the Smiths and the Joneses settling a difference? Or did they have more exotic names?

    1. Grand,just grand,let unvaxxed, unvetted resentful gimmegrants care for the most needy and vulnerable in our society
      What could possibly go wrong………….
      All caused by the vile cruel USELESS mandatory vaxx requirement,when the first helpless oldster is murdered and this WILL happen government ministers should be arrested and charged
      Bah,beyond anger now,cold cold killing rage

      1. 344215+ up ticks,

        Evening Rik,

        I put any lost in the English Channel down to current party hierarchy, supporters & voters giving the illegal invasion encouragement, and
        aiding & abetting manslaughter.

      2. 344215+ up ticks,

        I believe the evilness will continue up until maybe two days prior to the general election, that is sufficient time for the electorate to forget and go into “Well they ain’t so bad”

    2. 344215+ up ticks,


      It will boost party membership numbers no end, for a wee while, right up until there is no need of, NO they wouldn’t do that would they ……..

  38. HAPPY HOUR -Village in uproar as Twiggy’s land sale allows 200 houses.

    She was the face of the 1960s and has long been a champion of countryside causes.
    But now Twiggy has been dragged into a local row over the sale of her house in a historic village.
    Her former neighbours in Barnham, West Sussex, claim the sale has led to the spoiling of their rural idyll and will affect local wildlife.

    Perhaps a wealthy villager will step in and save their village idyll………….

      1. Why would I have met Twiggy? I haven’t, so far as I know.
        Edit: I now see she is a patron of the BHPS. Still haven’t met her.

    1. Ed Sheeran has submitted proposals to build a burial chamber under a private church on his Suffolk estate.

      The plans for the boat-shaped church, described as a “place of retreat for contemplation and prayer”, have been approved but Sheeran wants to amend it to include the burial space, according to The Times.

      READ MORE: Ed Sheeran – ‘=’ review: the millennial Lionel Richie indulges his saccharine streak
      The proposals, submitted to Dennington parish council in December, show that the 2.7m by 1.8m plot, roughly the size of a double grave, would be at the back of the building, underneath a slab in the floor.

      His main property, dubbed “Sheeranville”, is a 16-acre estate near Framlingham, Suffolk, worth a reported £3.7m, which he shares with his wife Cherry Seaborn and their daughter Lyra Antarctica.

      It includes the main house, Wynneys Hall, which he bought in 2012, along with three adjacent houses.

      The private estate also has its own pub in a converted barn, a fruit orchard, heart-shaped pond, luxury treehouse, recording studio and greenhouse, as well as an indoor swimming pool and fitness complex.

      Meanwhile, Sheeran recently said that he’s planning on touring in an electric campervan when he hits the road later this year.

      The singer-songwriter is set to tour throughout the UK and Europe this year, including five dates at London’s Wembley Stadium in June and July.

      “I’m talking to VW about an electric campervan,” Sheeran said. “I want to travel to every show as electric as possible. The baby is coming with me on tour.

      “It was really a slog at the beginning of my career. You would play five shows in a row and have one day off. But the luxury of playing these large venues is no one goes mid-week so they have to be at weekends.

      “So it’s Friday, Saturday, Sunday every week. We’re going to take time in each city.”

      Elsewhere, Sheeran has spoken about his commitment to environmentalism while sharing his plans to “rewild as much of the UK as I can”.

      1. I do not know anything about this bloke or what he does – but he does seem remarkably odd….

          1. Have you ever read the David Lodge book “Ginger, You’re Barmy!” ? So good and very amusing.

      2. Well, I have a fruit orchard and a greenhouse 🙂 What a name to lumber his poor child with, though.

  39. 344215+ up ticks,

    The week later seer.

    Farage Predicts ‘A Lot More’ Chinese Spies Will be Found in Westminster.

  40. Well, that was a VERY enjoyable walk!
    Made one change. Instead of tracing our steps from Matlock Bath, we walked alongside the A6 to Artist’s Corner, then cut up to St. John’s Road, going past the little St. John the Baptist’s Chapel, round the top of the Heights of Abraham to Ember Farm before dropping into Bonsall for a pint in the King’s Head before dropping down home.
    The fog/mist eventually cleared to give a beautiful, if somewhat cold, evening.

  41. That’s me for today. The fog was replaced by cloud.

    But it was less cold and we did half the Blenheim Orange AND a 20 foot long copper beech hedge. More treework tomorrow.

    Builder Keith came with his excellent roofing mate, Steve. Both very hard working, old school tradesmen – and – above all – problem solvers. No teeth sucking from them.

    Haircut in preparation for a zoom tomorrow. Have a jolly evening planning your next working party.

    A demain – DV.

    1. The frost disappeared and so did the clear sky – it clouded over and the temperature went up several degrees.

      1. When you look at the size of sub-Saharan Africa compared to England and the thousands of towns and cities there are in the vast country they have billions of acres to build new homes. And what makes me laugh is the people who go to the Caribbean as in the Cook Andi Oliver and her daughter to enjoy the prospect of re-discovering their ‘Roots’ In the west indies. But surely their ‘Roots’ are in the opposite direction. Perhaps they need get serious to take some DNA tests.

  42. ‘Night All

    Further to Phil’s post about Thai Care Homes I have spent some time ferrying Sister around to various hospitals recently,without exception all waiting areas were at best dingy at at worst filthy,the staff?? the odd bright cheerful helpful one the rest unsmiling scowling acting as if patients were an irritating interuption to their busy lives…..

    In contrast I ended up in a Thai hospital with minor head injuries needing a few stiches and a few broken ribs (yes.yes it was a motorcycle i’m a bloody idiot)

    On arrrival two hulking orderlies gently helped me into a wheelchair and pushed me into the gleaming marble palace through reception to A&E/Triage within 2 minutes one doctor and 4 nurses had me up on a table examining and debriding my wounds and stitching the head wounds.

    Next stop XRay shockingly there was a 4 minute wait before the technician and machines went to work,5 mins later handed films and directed back to first doctor

    3 busted and two cracked ribs,no skull damage,admitted,private room on standard “ward” of 8 private rooms staffed each shift by a Senior Sister,two Junior sisters and 4 trainees/ward assistants

    First class pain management,any help virtually instant at the press of the button,excellent food Thai or European

    Expensive?? This hospital is the one the Garbage Workers Union health plan uses so no

    NHS Envy of the World my arse…………

    On a more cheerful note,cats and dogs

    1. We’ve sampled the waiting areas in several local hospitals over the last year. The smaller hospitals had better waiting areas than the larger ones and the staff were helpful. The two larger hospitals had dingy waiting areas but the staff were good – at A&E we were seen straightaway as soon as we’d checked in.

    2. My friend and neighbour’s FiL, a widower of 85, has gone the whole hog. My friend’s wife’s brother has taken the old boy, got some dementia and some other health problems, to Thailand to live. The son has had a bar there and a house in the past, and was also ripped off by Thai ladies, knows the place well. Old Arthur is complaining a bit about the heat, but he’s coping quite well, a full time female nurse looking after his every need. He’s not coming back to this country and that’s for sure. He’s a nice old boy and I’ve had the pleasure of his company in the pub when he and his wife used to visit my friend and their daughter.

      1. Query, Mola. Should one take up residence in Thailand, will UK pensions continue to be paid?

        Will the taxation level cause problems?

        Where is the best area to live?

        I’m seriously considering moving. Even at rising 78!

    3. That second one is Oscar in disguise! Tonight he was outside when I opened a cupboard and took out a cracker. I didn’t even had time to put it in my mouth before he was barking his head off to come in!

  43. Oi Laffed

    Comment on the BBC cricket page –

    “England should get Djokovic to open the batting. 2 weeks and the Aussies still can’t get him out”.

  44. The war queen has been looking after Mongo this weekend as a test to see if she could get her ‘own’ dog.

    We started badly with leaving 10 minutes late (she was answering an email) for school. It’s 2 miles so we leave at 8 to get there for half past and speak to people and Mongo does his goodbye dance.

    The great beast is sat by the door, licking his chops, Junior packed, dressed and coated ready to go and getting nervous.

    Mongo starts to whine, then bark as Junior gets nervous. Warqueen still on her telephone answering a message.

    Anyway, they get to work. Apparently he (Mongo) is ‘uncontrollable’. I just let him walk beside Junior. Mongs keeps him away from the road and trots along on a loose lead for Junior.

    Anyway, we get home and his mince isn’t defrosted, the chicken’s ok but the peas are rock hard, the pasta goes in *dry*.

    Because he is a good boy, he eats most of it but he can’t chew the mince. On the upside, warqueen gets him his dinner out now rather than later and, at my suggestion, gets him a nice meaty bone from the butchers: where Mongo is well known. What Warqueen wasn’t aware of is that a giant dog carrying a massive cow leg drools *everywhere* so her little sports car is a bit goopy.

    Apparently, by Friday evening I was told ‘You and he are telepathic. He does everything you want without a word. How?’ I pointed out the the other day when I closed the blinds and she said ‘How did you know I was thinking of that?’ I said, let’s do a test, so called him and I said ‘What’s he thinking.’ The Warqueen just doesn’t get that he’s thinking of food or fuss, not pythagoras.

    A shame as I’d like to get Mongo a little puppy chum – one he’s sired.

    1. Two people may share a dog but the dog will give allegiance to one in the family. I have had four dogs….Toby- mine, Lenny- my son, Fred -mine and Henry- my then husband’s.

      1. My dogs were always mine – even if they started off as MOH’s! They knew which side their bread was buttered (and who gave them treats and walks). It did cause some muttering (but not from the dog) from time to time.

    2. You need to train the War Queen (you’ve obviously trained Mongo). Owning a dog is a learning curve (over the years, my dogs have taught me a great deal) and it doesn’t all happen at once.

    3. Oh, dear, what a palaver – evidently the War queen doesn’t understand dogs.

      I have a similar problem with Best Beloved’s chihuahua – to her, she’s a baby and is treated as such, despite her 4 (x 7 = 28) years and both dog and mistress slaver on it. Me, I’m faintly disgusted but you must love a dog – any dog.

  45. Now the numbers testing positive for covid are falling rapidly, and those positive are with the omicron version (what we used to call “a cold”), the NHS is about to make it’s manning crisis infinitely worse by firing unvaccinated medical staff, and they don’t have enough already – this apparently to protect patients against a rapidly waning threat.
    Arseholes, the lot of them. Fascists, too – the new regulations state dismissal without due process and without compensation.
    Might as well quit, then. Who wants to work for scum like that?

    1. There will have to be a new deadly wave if the emergency measures are to be renewed in March(?) otherwise they cannot administer the experimental vaccine /boosters.

      1. I believe we’re coming to the endgame. Cases, deaths and hospitalisations are dropping as the population gets a natural immunity, mainly by catching and surviving the damned thing. The PTB have to start to come to terms with the fact that their Draconian powerfest can no longer be sustained without serious civil disturbance. They should now be focusing on an energy problem that they themselves have aided and abetted.

          1. #MeToo – get in there and start suing the bastards – Any threat to their pecuniary gain will have them running for the hills.

        1. After recent revelations- how can they possibly keep this charade going? They need to focus , as you say, on the energy issues, immigration and etc. And forget all this “green” BS.

    1. Some silly sod is certain to make a bad situation worse.
      Time to stock up on dried food and the Guardian assuming you can’t find bog-paper

      1. Funny you should say that, I’ve just done a shop for tinned food this afternoon and I’d already stocked up on loo rolls and kitchen towels on an earlier occasion.

      1. Might be better if they landed at Grimsby and marched from Stamford bridge ………….oh hang on a mo,… didn’t some one try this before ?

          1. That’s the one.
            She sings songs with disgusting lyrics and bursts into tears of white guilt when she meets a refugee.

      2. ‘Twas always so, Bill, and none so aware as we who served in Germany in the 60s.

        Shit keeps repeating itself, yet no-one learns.

    2. I had always thought that Sweden were cowardly neutral and avoided any threat to them – My second wife was Swedish and a coward!

  46. ****BREAKING NEWS ****

    Governments around the world announce that Pfizer and Moderna have developed the antidote to the Covid vaccinations.

    Under fives first, then 6-18, 19-40, 41-60.

    Oldies? we’re sorry, you were first with anti-Covid and now it’s too late. Sorree.

        1. We were docked in Madras, now Chennai, for a week just before Christmas that year. Had a great time drinking and visiting the sandy beach bars, tuk tuk races with the drivers done up in Santa Claus gear and all. Sailed on the 23rd southwards down past Sri Lanka to our next job. We were very shocked to hear of the disaster. If we’d been at sea we would have been fine anyway, but all those beach places were badly hit, and that was probably 2,500 miles away from the source.

          1. Were you in the RN or MN? Or something else? I was just boasting to Stig about my memory and it’s possible that you have already related this info- can’t recall.

          2. Marine seismic surveying, oil and gas for the masses. Talking of memories, I saw a facebook message from a forum from one of my old companies asking if anyone had worked on the Wester Arctic vessel. I said I thought I had (I got moved around a lot), and had the reply, “Max, don’t you remember when 2 of the guys put that poor cat from Morticias bar by the harbour in Ortona into Alan McCarthy’s cabin?”
            And yes, I did remember, but not without the reminder.

          3. MH worked off shore in the Gulf and in the North Sea. I have only worked on shore- schools and that could be scary enough;-))

          4. Engineering stuff. Setting up and making sure things worked- I don’t understand engineering talk. He did have to do safety training in the North Sea i.e. being dropped in the sea in protective clothing etc. One of the rigs he was on was towed to Bergen in Norway- I think.
            Ask me something about Shakespeare or English history and I’ll do better.

          5. Nonsense, but I do get grabbed a bit by some of the older ladies late on New Year’s Eve. at the pub.

          6. Hi Max – nice pic. My sister and b-i-l worked for Geophysics/al Science International (GSI) – is there any connection?

          7. Yes, lots of connections between them. I started with Corelabs which was bought by Western Atlas, which owned Western Geophysical which was bought by… My final work was with Western Geco, an amalgamation of Western Geophysical and Geco Prakla. The whole shebang was under the control of Schlumberger. GSI was in there somewhere.

          8. Funny old world, isn’t it? My big sis got to go to Beirut and Tripoli when single and then she and b-i-l went to Dallas, where my nephew was born. I have Lebanese silver cufflinks and a Libyan gold puzzle ring amongst other. memories.

          9. Those ‘basic offshore survival and helicopter underwater escape training (BOS-HUET) courses were awful.

      1. I’d buy an electric scooter if it would help. Sorry. Being flippant.
        It just shows how borderline relevant we are.

    1. These bastard volcanoes, undersea or otherwise – they do mess with the whole green environment and carbon-free.

      Can we not legislate against them in order to keep our environment green and within the bounds of our idiocy?

  47. I have been watching Shadowlands, the movie, on I-Player. It has to be in short bursts because it makes me cry. The first time I saw it was as an in-flight movie from Heathrow to JFK. I swear there was not a dry eye on the plane and even tough looking business chaps were sneakily dabbing at their eyes.
    Finding love, real love, later in life is something to be treasured and, I guess, that is why that film moves me so much.
    Love is special- cherish it folks!

    1. Hello Stig, or better yet, David. I was hoping you would check in as I wanted to ask that, when I post responses re books or history, I hope you don’t think I am showing off. My head is just so full of all sorts of stuff- see post much earlier re Widdershins. Don’t ask why I retain it- I wish I knew!
      I am not grumbling because I want my mind to be as functional as it can possibly be!
      Now, where are my glasses? ;-))

    2. True love knows no boundaries
      and yet with love it binds;
      And True Lovers are bound tightly
      with pleasures passion-kind…

    3. C S Lewis is one of my favourite writers. Anthony Hopkins is excellent in the film along with Debra Winger.

      Such a shame that Debra Winger more or less left the film industry. I am still not sure why such an excellent actress would have stopped at the height of her powers.

      The other more gifted Attenborough brother directed. The sane one who possessed that rare gift of humanity.

  48. Evening, all. Late on parade tonight, which is usual for a Saturday (I ride at lunchtime, which means I then catch up on the racing after I have had a soak in a hot Radox bath to ease the aches and pains of arthritis – just because I ride doesn’t mean I don’t have joint problems). The headline is the question all thinking people should be asking themselves. If they come to the right conclusion, we should be well on our way back to proper normality (as opposed to the “new” normal).

    1. Evening Conners. Care to say what the headlines are? We used to look at the front page of the DT but that’s been shut off for a while now so have no idea what’s in the news. Good to hear about you riding.

      1. By the “headline” I was referring to the one at the top of this page: “If Downing Street knew that it was safe to gather why pretend to us that it wasn’t?”

        1. Ah I see. What a pity. For a moment there I thought the revolution had really taken off. Hope can be a real killer!

      2. I’ve been practicing the art of reading the DT online by evading the paywall – hover the mouse on the x in the browser and zap it at the right moment to stop it loading any more than the piece I want to read. It works most times, with a little practice. Other than that there is the Mail…….

    2. We managed to get the last DT in Waitrose at lunchtime today – (free with the shopping) – otherwise we would have been forced to settle for the Times or the Graun.

  49. An oldie

    Late one night a burglar broke into a house and while he was sneaking around he heard a voice say, “Jesús is watching you.”

    He looked around and saw nothing. He kept on creeping and again heard, “Jesús is watching you.”

    In a dark corner, he saw a cage with a parrot inside.

    The burglar asked the parrot, “Was it you who said Jesús is watching me”

    The parrot replied, “Yes.”

    Relieved, the burglar asked, “What is your name?”

    The parrot said, “Clarence.”

    The burglar said, “That’s a stupid name for aparrot.

    What idiot named you Clarence?”

    The parrot answered, “The same idiot that named the rottweiler Jesús.”

    1. Happy birthday to you Bill! Hope you have a lovely day, go ahead, have a glass of ‘medicine’ on me, cheers from across the pond!!

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