Saturday 19 March: The use of artillery on flats and houses brings shame on the Russian soldiers responsible

An unofficial place to discuss the Telegraph letters, established when the DT website turned off its comments facility (now reinstated, but we prefer ours),
Intelligent, polite, good-humoured debate is welcome, whether on or off topic. Differing opinions are encouraged, but rudeness or personal attacks on other posters will not be tolerated. Posts which – in the opinion of the moderators – make this a less than cordial environment, are likely to be removed, without prior warning.  Persistent offenders will be banned.

Today’s letters (visible only to DT subscribers) are here.

533 thoughts on “Saturday 19 March: The use of artillery on flats and houses brings shame on the Russian soldiers responsible

        1. Long Melford is well named; I hope he gets from one end of the High Street to the other without discombobulating MR.

    1. That was quick!
      “Good day, good Knight”
      “Blimey, that day ended quickly!”

  1. ‘Morning, Peeps.

    Another dry, sunny day in prospect, with more to come.

    SIR – I find it odd that I was unable to purchase my usual £3.50 Chelsea match-day programme last Sunday for fear that these funds might end up in the hands of a sanctioned oligarch, while we continue to spend millions on purchasing oil and gas from Russia.

    Jim Allpass
    Marlow, Buckinghamshire

    Well now, Jim Allpass, what would you prefer? A match-day programme or lights and heating that remain available whenever you need them until alternative energy supplies are available?

    I nominate your letter as the silliest of at least the week!

  2. Vladimir Putin’s nuclear threat a ‘complete distraction’, says PM. 19 march 2022.

    Mr Johnson also defended the government’s response to the refugee crisis, triggered by the war, which has faced criticism.

    He said: “The UK doesn’t have a border, so we haven’t received the first wave, but we are taking many, many more now as people decide to come on to the UK and that’s right.

    “We’ve got an amazing record as a country for taking people.

    “We understand the importance of it and the benefit that refugees get, but also the benefit that the country gets from taking people in.”

    Asked if he would be offering a home to any refugees in Downing Street, he said: “I’m the temporary occupant of this place. It is up to others to decide how that would work.”

    Yes it’s good for everyone else. Me? Not so much!

    1. The trouble is that so many ‘refugees’ have come over the Channel in dinghies over the last few years that people are bound to view new ones (albeit probably genuine) with a degree of suspicion or indeed resentment.

      1. It does not matter if they are genuine, they have no business coming here. The UN guidance is that refugees should seek shelter in the first safe country. That is not us and I believe that Poland and other countries are much nearer. The idea is that they go back home as soon as it is safe to do so. (This begs the question of how dangerous would it have been to stay anyway?

        1. I believe that the Ukrainian government has requested that refugees should stay in neighbouring countries rather than move further afield, as they will be able to move back to the Ukraine quickly and start rebuilding the country once hostilities are over.

          The UN guidance is sound, but the UK has a long history stretching back over centuries in welcoming refugees e.g. Huguenots, Jews during WWII. I don’t think we should change this attitude. The flip side of the coin, however, is we have accepted thousands of ‘refugees’ (in all probability economic migrants) over the last few years, so compassion fatigue has set in.

          1. Many of the refugees were fleeing from persecution in their own country. Returning to their own country was not ever going to be an option, so that is fair enough.
            The Huguenots were leaving the Low Countries and some came to my own wee ancestral village from Flanders (Scotland being arguably the nearest safe country, although across the North Sea).

          2. Numbers were trivial compared to the games of today. And the last decade. Since HMT Windrush in fact.

  3. SIR – Britain can give financial and material assistance to embattled Ukraine, but why do we not all fly its national flag everywhere as a morale-boosting show of support?

    Here, we are now fly the stunning blue and yellow flag to demonstrate our admiration of these brave and resolute people, suffering so terribly under the vicious Russian assault.

    Cdr Alan York RN (retd)
    Sheffield, South Yorkshire

    You can fly whatever flag you like, Cdr York, but personally I doubt that yet more virtue-signalling will have any positive effect – apart from providing you with a nice warm feeling of smugness.

    1. My local fire station seems to fly the LGBT rainbow flag most of the time these days. What has this got to do with the Fire Service?

          1. Sorry I’ll read that again, I thought it was headlined “Top of the Pope’s Show”!!

            You cannot beat old wireless comedies eh?

      1. Quite so, A. It’s a question I have asked myself more than once as I pass my local fire station. I regret to say that the conclusion I come to cannot be repeated here, although I suspect that Sgt Maj Shutup would approve.

      2. Belper appears to have gone full on Alphabet Soup with the bloody rags flying EVERYWHERE!

          1. Possibly a smidge peculiar. Would you run INTO a burning building? (Unless you are channelling your inner Grace Archer.)

    2. Oh dear, Alan York – have you done no independent thinking at all on this issue?

    3. It’s understandable. When we were still a member, many Brits were very keen to fly the blue and yellow (same colours) flag of the EU on public buildings.

      1. Not I, Elsie! (O/T there was a horse called Eric Bloodaxe running at Cheltenham yesterday. Suspecting that he might be a close relation of yours, I wagered £5EW and lost)

      2. Ah yes, the blue and gold sphincter…rarely seen on this side of the channel now.

    4. Or, we can all stand at our front doors, every Thursday at 1900, wearing our Blue and Yellow Shirts and Clap for Ukraine

      The little ones will have been trained doing it for the NHS.

    5. Why not take to the street with frying pan and spatula, make a proper din and go the whole hog under a blue and yellow rainbow. Same shit.

  4. Delighted to hear on the BBC that Mr Major is so keen to have war criminals punished.

    Strange that Mr Blair hasn’t spoken out in support?

    1. I know nothing about this case but suspect that there is something fishy and wrong about it if the odious and hypocritical adulterous fornicator John Major is involved in it.

  5. SIR – Even if P&O was able to save as much as £10,000 a year in operating costs per sacked worker, that would only amount to £8 million a year – little dent in £100 million annual loss,

    Thomas Hamilton-Jones

    …and over £200m for shareholders, never mind directors’ bonuses and so on. On the basis that a redundancy requires the job, not the person, to be no longer required, I suspect that the bosses of P & O are in for a shock. No doubt the taxpayer will lose out too when all that unpaid tax evaporates along with the company…

  6. The use of artillery on flats and houses brings shame on the Russian soldiers responsible. 19 March 2022.

    The proper military function of artillery is to support infantry and armour on the battlefield. Now we know that the Russian artillery in Ukraine has adopted a political role by firing at civilian targets – houses, flats, schools, hospitals – to damage them, reckless about the danger to their occupants. The aim is to undermine Ukrainian morale.

    Artillery fires at targets determined for them by Infantry and Armoured units. They very rarely see these for themselves. These will almost certainly involve civilian construction since that is where the resistance will be. High rise buildings will be particularly susceptible since they provide observation points from which counterfire can be directed.

      1. Morning A. True. No military plan survives the first five minutes of any war. This one has departed into realms unknown!

    1. I wonder where the resistance is firing from, I am reasonably sure it won’t all be out in the open and clearly visible to artillery spotters.

    2. I would suspect that, like the cowardly Palestinians, the Ukraine Army sites its military fire-power in/on schools, hospitals and tower-blocks in order to reap the propaganda benefit from the enemy seemingly taking out civilian targets because they’re just beastly.

      1. You needn’t “suspect” Tom I posted the vid of the Azov siting artillery next to a school and a kindergarden over the bitter protests of the headmistresses.
        They were told to FO in no uncertain words
        Straight out of the Pally handbook

    3. The Telegaffe has been sliding into a policy of talking rubbish [polite version] for a while but since Ukraine took over from the plague the rate of decay seems to have increased.

      1. Look on the bright side, Still Bleau. At least Project Fear on Covid seems to have disappeared and more and more people are no longer wearing masks.

  7. SIR – My local council has sent out leaflets about how to claim the Government’s £150 council tax rebate (report, March 17) by completing an online form. It recognises that not everyone is online and explains that help with filling in the form is available at the nearest community hub. It adds that one can find one’s nearest hub by accessing the council’s web page.

    Jean Endersby
    Leeds, West Yorkshire

    Hahaha…nice one!

    1. I thought it was going to be refunded automatically? I won’t get it as my house is in band ‘E’.

      1. It’s generally applicable, then? Not just Yorkshire or Leeds?
        Asking for a Mother…

    2. Our local council said if you pay by direct debit it will be paid automatically but if not, you’d need to claim it.

      1. Our local council merely wrote that “some” households would be getting the £150. No mention of how or when or who. But then, Shropshire is hardly efficient.

    3. Got my council tax letter yesterday. The £150 was included in its calculations and I have ended up paying £11 a month less than last year.

  8. Further variations on the ‘fridge soup’ theme (well, it provides some welcome relief from Putin’s war):

    SIR – A friend recently introduced me to bungitallini – as in “bung it all in” (Letters, March 17). Quite delicious and always original.

    Clare Westmacott
    Wetherby, West Yorkshire

    SIR – Friends arrived unexpectedly one cold day and I hastened to prepare a hurried lunch. The soup served was pronounced delicious, but its name – “cream of fridge bottom” – caused a slight frisson round the table.

    Crispin Caldicott
    Warkworth, New Zealand

    SIR – As a Service family that moved frequently, we had to empty the freezer every couple of years. Inevitably, “unidentified frozen objects” lurked at the bottom. These would be made into “UFO soup”.

    Bill Nimmo-Scott
    Easton Royal, Wiltshire

    SIR – In our family, we enjoy Mother’s Remains.
    Pam McEntyre
    Mollington, Cheshire

  9. Right I’m off to town fellow Nottlers in search of some fish for lunch. I shall try to avoid Russian Artillery strikes and all low flying MSM propaganda!

    1. Whatever you do, Minty, don’t buy any Russian fish or you might be seen as being an oligarch supporter.

    1. He made one error. The ’70s coal strikes were Joe Gormley’s work, Scargill did not wreak his havoc until the ’80s.

      1. Probably caused by his booze addled brain. It was the case that if you wanted to find a journalist…..look in the pub.

        1. Nowadays journalists are TT, water supping non-smokers.
          Whether the quality of their output has improved is a moot point.

  10. Morning, all Y’all.
    Brilliant sunshine on the snow at Firstborn’s place. Almost painfully bright… really good start to the day.

  11. 351521+ up ticks,

    Morning Each,

    Saturday 19 March: The use of artillery on flats and houses brings shame on the Russian soldiers responsible

    Get bloody real , there ain’t NO woke wars overseen with multi coloured rainbows peoples are used as a major tool if we cannot learn from the past we deserve the consequences.

    The eu should absorb all these refugees on a temporary basis until sanity returns., taking them in the United Kingdom as a sign of ” look at me doing the right thing” is most assuredly doing the wrong thing, on par with
    clasping the asp to the breast NOT beneficial to good health.

    If this insanity is to continue on a regular basis then set up refugee camps aim being to remove ALL civilians from war zone to camps and ALL mod cons. to await the killing among the combatants to cease.

    ALL those pro wat politico’s / voters MUST renounce British nationality
    and be given the fare to the war zone front that is active at that time..

    1. We can consider the Middle East propensity for firing on the IDF from schools and residential areas for the subsequent photo opportunities provided by dead children when the Israelis bomb back, and then note that Sputnik and RT cannot provide countervailing narrative.

      I would trust absolutely nothing of what the media say.
      MAybe the Russians made a mistake or maybe the areas were set up for destruction by the Ukranians. Impossible to tell.

  12. Good morning, everyone. Today I pay the penalty for a massive washing session yesterday: lots of ironing. :-))

    1. Good morning. The only thing i iron is a shirt when i go out to lunch. I have an anti crease on my washer dryer. Plus the fact that i am incredibly lazy.

      1. Good Morning, Philip

        One really ought to have servants to do one’s ironing. I hear that Bill Thomas is quite reliable but doesn’t come cheap.

      1. I own an iron but it hasn’t been used since the day before our wedding- over three years ago!! Ironed my dress and MH’s shirt.

        1. Yes I have one and yes it does the job of getting rid of creases better than an iron and, as I imply, I find it far more entertaining than an iron. Of course if you need creases in your trousers then I’m afraid you have to get the iron out. Steamer is also less fuss in that you don’t have to line your victim up on the ironing board which takes up a lot of time. In fact I would guess that is the major performance in ironing rather than the actual ironing itself. Grab article, put on hanger if need be, then steam away and your done since your victim is already hung.

          1. I often wear black jeans so no creases. Other than that i have trousers with the crease fixed in. The tux goes to the cleaners.

  13. Good morning all. another bright, (dare I say it?) spring morning. Sunshine with, as yet, a chilly 1½°C outside.

    1. Only the 19th today, BoB, you’ll have to wait until Monday’s equinox to herald spring – it’ll probably be pissing down or snowing.

    1. “Losing the information war” – a newspeak way of saying that any response to the lies our MSM peddle has been censored out of existence? It would be good to have some real, accurate information but that seems to be impossible.

      1. You can still watch Russia Today on Odysee. Here is the link.
        As I said yesterday. I find that they are telling the truth but it takes a while, days or up to a week for the facts to come out in the Western MSM. I suggest people watch and then come to their own conclusions. I think that is why RT has been banned. Not because it is propaganda but the converse, while the West is guilty, as is so often the case about something when the accuser is actually the guilty party.

  14. ‘Morning All

    Russian war dead in WW11 are estimated at between 20/40 million I suspect the word “Nazi” has a very different meaning there to the West’s use as anyone to the right of Che

    “They will cower in cellars and have nothing”


    Why will they be “cowering in cellars” Oh 8 years of shelling and mass civilian casualties with almost complete silence from the West………..

    When Diplomacy fails……….Russian Youth speaks

    1. What a pity Ukraine doesn’t have any of those fancy hypersonic missiles to send over to their Academy…

    1. Morning jr. I responded late to your query about Solifenacin and checking now it seems to have disappeared. If you didn’t receive it I can post it again.

      1. Hi Delboy. Thanks but I wrote the name down. I haven’t looked it up yet but I always check these things on the net — I like to know what I’m putting into my system. Especially because, at the moment, I am taking so many things I try to check for if this should not be mixed with that. Besides that, I try to stop taking things that seem to be unnecessary. Doctors, I feel, are far to cavalier about throwing drugs at you. Simple example. I’m supposed to take Normacol, a laxative, after meals. I simply chew on dried apricots and prunes. Why take drugs when you don’t need to.

    1. They never did show the Panorama programme which apparently included a good look at the Comic Relief set up!

  15. Good Moaning.
    And for once I’m being truthful.
    It is rather spiffing out there.

    1. Someone needs to post this at the Telegraph. Preferably as an email to the editor.

    1. I filled up with diesel yesterday. £150, so it was. 67 litres… and cheaper than Wednesday…

    1. Why don’t the female athletes refuse to take part. Get on the starting blocks and when the gun goes off let the bloke swim on his own.

        1. If blokes are accepted willy nilly (ho ho) that will happen anyway.
          They must protest before it’s too late.

        2. But you keep your scholarship according to the points you make. So at least one young woman loses out completely anyway. Automatically bumped to below the threshold due to the presence of the man who wins. So this is worse than unfair. It actually ruins some young woman’s chances in life. It is evil and needs to be stopped.

      1. Possibly family pressure. After your parents have spent squillions and devoted their entire weekends loitering on the edge of some God forsaken pool, the girls probably feel obliged to put up a show.

  16. Right! I have returned from the shopping trip to hell. There was nothing that I wanted to buy and so I am lumbered with second best. The only good thing is that there were no Ukrainian flags flying or for that matter Russian artillery strikes.

    1. “Thanks for sharing your comment. Comments on this article are moderated. Please be patient for your comment to appear.”

      Well well! We can’t have REAL people giving their uncensored opinion, can we?

      1. When articles are moderated my comments are never published. Sometimes when not moderated they are not published either. I know it’s because I am right over the target.

      1. I find plastic — botoxed and siliconed — bitches, like those two chumps, gruesome and an utter turn-off.

    2. I see one of them is an ‘investor in renewable energy’, aka a recipient of green subsidies from the taxpayer.

    3. It will all end in tears, these people haven’t a clue. What will happen when the hosts go to work, leave the house and when they go on holiday. I fear they haven’t thought this through. They all look mightily pleased with themselves, especially the women. The one in the first photograph, and the one lounging against a grand piano are in for a bit of a shock. Unfortunately when it all falls apart, as it will, we won’t hear about it, we will not be allowed our moment of schadenfreude.

      1. The Ukrainians are allowed to work. Will they become au pairs and cleaners around the village?

  17. The Scottish Press is full on pro Ukraine as are comments on articles. Contrary views are either removed or downvoted. Those who post balanced comments (ie two sides to a story) are lambasted.
    Yesterday we had to take a trip into deepest Berwickshire to Middlemud Cottages. On the wild and empty way we passed a house flying the satire and the flag of the Ukraine.
    There is no hope of any sanity or balance here. We have been trained and brought to heel by the Covid Orders. (I was at a meeting last week and only two people were not wearing a mask, the speaker and myself.)

    My cogitations now make me wonder if the provocation of Russia by the Ukraine was engineered by the NWO crew to produce the results that it has. A raid by Russia with possibly horrible consequences, is one. But the more significant outcomes are already in train. These include a huge influx of foreigners to the countries of Western Europe, and a huge economic squeeze on the West encompassing; energy shortages, high prices, food shortages, inflation, restricted travel, and extended censorship.
    A nuclear war in Europe would be a bonus.

          1. I know a man in France that cultivates them. Lives on a vineyard. The grapes they give are tiny. The wine tastes OK and is bottled in miniature bottles. Much in demand for launching model ships.

          2. They are useless, so inbred they are often psychologically damaged. Has two temporarily in California, given to me. Got rid of them quickly, completely damaged dogs. It was sad, so I found someone who knew how to deal with that sort of thing. Hopefully she was able to give them a better life out in the countryside. She ran a stable so had plenty of room, taught dressage and all that nonsense.

          3. They’re lovely animals and tremendously strong and fast. Very loyal, but not docile and require constant training and vigilance.

            In contrast, Mongo will stay where you tell him to all day long.

          4. Oh. I did not know that – I know nothing of dogs, despite being repeatedly accused of going there.

    1. Don’t know about your “cognitions”, but it certainly appears to me that Zelenskyy is a stooge of the Americans and was certainly lead to believe that NATO and the EU would back him up with his adventurism. But both organisations being cowardly politicians as is routine for that ilk, made distance very quickly from the Ukrainians, to act as a chorus of performing seals barking in the background, rather than help and risk all out war in Europe. These people are really not fit to lead us at all.
      And, of course, the influx of refugees only serves to do what the EU intends, to destroy the distinctive characteristic of each nation in Europe and produce, in the end, a bland sameness where nothing and no one is unique at all.
      I do think this sort of stuff, like Covid, is engineered. But who or what to precisely point the finger at, I’m not sure. But whoever they are is determined, it seems to me, to destroy the West.

    2. We have a small neighbourhood WhatsApp group, only two “streets” and, this morning, a message was on it to say someone was baking cakes to raise money for the Ukrainians and they’d E be moving to the local recreation ground at a certain time.

      Alf joined this group about 2 months ago when there was a problem with drains affecting some people. He commented this morning,about the murder committed on Donbas people, and then removed himself. I did think that a pity – wondered what reaction there would be. But you’re right, the Covid psychological warfare has more than achieved its original objective. People have simply stopped thinking for themselves. All music to the ears of Klaus Schwab, WEF and their adherents.

    3. I was at the Masonic Rooms today to help out with information. I asked one woman visitor if she had a map (which showed where the events were happening). She reached into her bag, said, “I have one here” and pulled out a mask! Pavlov’s dogs spring to mind.

    1. The first one made me laugh. Unfortunately it may be very near the truth in a few months time.

    2. Thomas Sowell speaks an awful lot of sense. He also has black armour, so the Left can’t scream racist at him.

      Annoyingly though, the people listening to Dr Sowell are not the ones who need to hear.

  18. Your Daily Dose of Nancy Pelosi.
    The world is finally waking up to the lunacy of the US Democratic Party’s leaders

    The sheer weirdness of much of the American political class – specifically leading Democrat Nancy Pelosi – warrants close examination
    Douglas Murray

    It is pleasant to see the rest of the world slowly waking up to one of my keenest hobbies. Which is noting the sheer weirdness of much of the American political class – and specifically the leading Democrat Nancy Pelosi. The Speaker of the House is now 81 years old, making her one of the younger members of the gerontocracy that inexplicably still runs America on both sides of the political aisle.

    Donald Trump used to be characteristically mean about Pelosi, saying that when she spoke she seemed to be struggling to keep her teeth in. But almost nobody in American politics has their own teeth.

    Besides, it is Pelosi’s behaviour, not her looks, that warrants close examination.

    Take the moment in April of last year when policeman Derek Chauvin was convicted of killing George Floyd. Soon after the verdict, Pelosi came out with some of her party’s black caucus and looked up to the skies. “Thank you George Floyd” she said. She went on, thanking Floyd ecstatically “for sacrificing your life for justice”.
    Which is such an odd formulation. As though when Floyd set out for the convenience store in Minnesota that fateful morning, he was readying himself to do something great for the state of the nation.

    The other week brought another classic Pelosi-ism. During Trump’s time in office, Pelosi used to rejoice in being as visibly disdainful as she could be while the president stood in front of her delivering the State of the Union address. On one occasion she theatrically tore up the text of the speech straight after Trump had finished reading it out.

    Now under a president from her own side, her performance has gone from gracelessness to quasi-sexual ecstasy. During President Biden’s recent State of the Union address, Pelosi grinned, oohed and ah-ed almost without stop. She tried to out-smile even the vice-president Kamala Harris. Pelosi made Kamala look like she had a face of thunder by contrast.

    Even as Biden mistakenly said that the invasion of Ukraine meant that America would never leave the side of the Iranian people, Pelosi looked like she’d never heard anything so wonderful. On one occasion she threw herself to her feet so fast that she almost toppled over the podium and threw her hands in front of her to steady herself. On another occasion she started rubbing her knuckles together as though it was Christmas morning and she was a child. At one point while doing this weird expectant knuckle-rub, she started to get to her feet while rubbing, as though the President was about to announce the happiest thing ever.

    The President was talking about burn-pits, an area of a military base in which waste is disposed of by burning. He was specifically addressing the damage that soldiers including his late son Beau may have incurred from burn-pits in conflict. Nancy resumed her seat unfazed, the knuckles and the smile keeping on going.

    Pelosi-watchers knew that we could expect her to be on especially good form for St Patrick’s Day this week. And so she was.

    She had a message from Bono she told fellow legislators. Which is always a worrying opener. Then she read a new Bono lyric comparing Ukraine’s president, Volodymyr Zelensky, with St Patrick. “Oh, St Patrick / He drove out the snakes with his prayers, but that’s not all it takes” she read.

    Bono’s cringe-making poem (in which he failed to find a rhyme for “Zelensky”) was not the worst part of it. The worst part of it was the performer. A woman who whenever she does an impression of a human being seems to take as her model someone who is criminally insane.

    It says something about American politics that a person so odd has received so little attention. Who knows, perhaps it is just the intensity of the competition?

  19. A ridiculous question asked by a Bbc reporter interviewing an aid worker in Ukraine: “How much longer do you think you need to carry on this work?” The interviewee waffled a bit but essentially said ‘as long as is needed’. The obvious answer is when the war ends – plus probably another three years to get the Country back to normal. Alternatively, just ask Vlad the Roid Rager.

    1. If you are referring to the Vlad who’s surname is Zelenskyy, he has the power to stop it immediately. The fact is he doesn’t because he is quite content to kill his own people to score points in the sympathy stakes. If you are referring to the other Vlad. Then what he is doing is perfectly rational. Do you seriously think he was going to sit back and have all those people in the Donbass murdered by the neo-Nazis of the Azov battalion? They have murdered 14,000 people already, mostly old people and children with their deliberately indiscriminate shelling. Those who were able, left the region long ago.
      Watch the very beginning of this and read what the Ukrainian politician is saying. The Russians are not the ones being propagandised with hatred, they have no need of it. But the Ukrainians certainly need to be propagandised in order to be convinced they are “oppressed” by Russia. Russians who, ironically, consider the Ukrainians to be their brothers.

      1. The fact is he doesn’t because he is quite content to kill his own people to score points in the sympathy stakes.” – I bet Turdeau and Ahern are jealous they didn’t think of that first.

      2. Everyone should see this documentary. It is shocking and disturbing in equal measure. Everyone should know the truth of Ukraine. The only thing that surprised me about Putin is what kept him, what took him so long? I think he has shown remarkable restraint under the circumstances.

        1. I watched it yesterday afternoon. It really is shocking and it shows how thoroughly the truth about Ukraine is being suppressed by the West. It really makes you wonder just which side is really evil. Well, let me put it this way, it should make people think about what side is truly evil. I have already made up my own mind on that matter, as you are aware.

    1. Weather is gorgeous here- sunny, mild and blue sky. The small willows are turning green and also some of the bigger trees. I can’t be more specific because the only trees I recognise are Oaks and Christmas 😉

      1. My Golden Gage is now in full bloom – the garden will soon be white over with fallen petals.

    2. The dog could go on “Britain’s Got Talent”, as that is a pretty good snow sculpture.

    3. I remember. It was a clear bright night. I went out at midnight and made snow animals too.

      Is that Pip?

  20. Morning all we recently had a our council tax (pay or else) reminder and now it is 48 pounds per week.
    I might have to write in and ask them to justify every single penny of it.
    And due to a mini brain wave from a limp dem, last year we had added another 50 pounds per year for green waste disposal. So total a pound short of 50 per week. I’m not quite sure if the waste is actually included it was collected as an extra item.
    And read the government have admitted that it is now costing us 5 million pounds per week to keep all the rubber boat invaders. I’d say they are probably lying and it’s probably double that.
    How did you manage to eff up something else Boris ? Some thing as a nation we obviously can not afford to do ?

    1. Simply put, we can’t afford it, but the state doesn’t care. It wants, fervently to bring the criminal gimmigrants here as revenge. It wants to destroy this country. There’s no end of cash for that.

      Same for the useless windmills. All make us poorer, worse off and struggling, but the intent is precisely that. It is to literally destroy this country. To remake it in the image of insane Left wing socialists.

      1. Solar ‘Farms’ are and will be even worse, Wibbles, as they are being sited on good arable land, where crops to feed us could be grown.

        1. And once they’ve become obsolete, the land will miraculously become “brownfield” and suitable for housing.

      2. Now we have thousands of people in England milling around doing absolutely nothing but receiving benefits and clogging up the NHS.

    1. All a part of re-writing history to suit the ego of the state.

      Every record has been destroyed or falsified, every book rewritten, every picture has been repainted, every statue and street building has been renamed, every date has been altered. And the process is continuing day by day and minute
      by minute. History has stopped.

      All part of the plan.

    2. More grist-to-the-mill for my (exponentially accelerating) human stupidity theorem.

      1. O/T Have you ever tried Cockerel? Pipers Farm emailed me to order one for Easter. Free range birds at £57 @4 kilo. I don’t think i will at that price.

        1. Many times as a child but seldom since. My grandparents and an uncle kept domestic fowls and we would eat the cocks and hens after being killed, plucked and drawn by dad. For a number of years my Christmas dinner was a capon ballotine, prepared by a local butcher, and very tasty it was too.

    1. The entire state machine wanted rid of Trump. They were angry at someone standing against their agenda.

      Much like our own adminsitration, the resistance to improvement, efficiency and their sheer terror at the fact that 2 thirds could go with no loss.

  21. We should be collecting up books for burning*.
    Maybe start with “One Day In The Life Of Ivan Denisovich” by Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn?, or” The Gulag Covid Archipelago”?
    Then there is Count Leo Tolstoy. “War and Peace”, eh? Never mind that, his family owned serfs, aka slaves.
    Both Russian. Plenty more…

    * Please see our instruction manual, “Fahrenheit 451” by Ray Bradbury.

  22. 351521+ up ticks,

    O the little buggers, so in point of fact ivan could claim he is a bit hit / miss in trying them out.

    Germany, France, Other EU Members Sold Huge Stocks of Arms to Russia Before Invasion – Despite Embargo ticks,

      1. Well, we in the UK import stuff from these places. Some of that may be traded between these places in the near future. Goodbye Australian wool and NZ lamb.

    1. “With so many mainstream media companies saying [Russell Brand] is crazy/dangerous, I watched some of his videos,” stated Musk. “Ironically, he seemed more balanced & insightful than those condemning him!”

      Join the club Elon!

      1. I like Elon Musk. Apart from being a visionary it is nice to know that the most intelligent billionaire in the world is not woke.

          1. Me too!
            I’m still watching the Joe Rogan interview that Johnathan linked a couple of weeks ago. It’s quite funny, because they are both mega alpha males, determined to be polite to each other, and Rogan has to give way to Musk, though you can see he’s holding back from his natural urge to crush the opposition.

            I think that Musk is heavily invested in computer controlled humans because he thinks this sector needs regulating, and his idea is that if he’s a leader in the field, he will be able to regulate it.
            This is more trust than I personally am comfortable putting into anyone else.

            He comes across as surprisingly likeable and interesting. He’s certainly clever, but I think his success may be due to simply going for what he wants without letting any obstacles stand in his path. I wonder how ruthless he is capable of being.

        1. He’s a bit dodgy… who thought that throwing golf balls at the worlds uglient stainless steel vehicle in public would be a good idea… and then get the worlds best “mouth on upside down” face when the body dents and the windows smash… too much an optimist.

          1. I have no clue about the golf ball thing and the aluminium vehicle. Got a link or something?

  23. After Ukraine, how will the world replace Russia’s oil products? 19 March 2022.

    At the same time, a report produced by the International Energy Agency (IEA) underlined just how limited the options are for any economy seeking to replace Russian crude and other oil products.

    It says global oil demand is projected to be nearly 100m barrels per day (bpd) this year, lower than previously forecast because of the shock to global growth caused by the war in Ukraine. Russia produces about 10m bpd and exports about half of that plus about 3m bpd of oil products. It is unclear, however, how much of that supply might now be at stake.

    The IEA thinks that at least 1.5m bpd of oil and 1m bpd of oil products are likely to be lost from Russia, from April until at least the end of the year, as buyers either reject supplies voluntarily or do so to avoid breaching sanctions. It says: “These losses could deepen should bans or public censure accelerate.”

    Sanctions! More commonly known; as can be seen from Boris’s visit to Saudi, as shooting yourself in the foot!

    1. ………. because of the shock to global growth caused by the Covid scamdemic war in Ukraine.

      That’s fixed it.

  24. After Ukraine, how will the world replace Russia’s oil products? 19 March 2022.

    At the same time, a report produced by the International Energy Agency (IEA) underlined just how limited the options are for any economy seeking to replace Russian crude and other oil products.

    It says global oil demand is projected to be nearly 100m barrels per day (bpd) this year, lower than previously forecast because of the shock to global growth caused by the war in Ukraine. Russia produces about 10m bpd and exports about half of that plus about 3m bpd of oil products. It is unclear, however, how much of that supply might now be at stake.

    The IEA thinks that at least 1.5m bpd of oil and 1m bpd of oil products are likely to be lost from Russia, from April until at least the end of the year, as buyers either reject supplies voluntarily or do so to avoid breaching sanctions. It says: “These losses could deepen should bans or public censure accelerate.”

    Sanctions! More commonly known, as can be seen from Boris’s visit to Saudi, as shooting yourself in the foot!

          1. MH is doing OK- we slept well. I am not so good. Had a shower and removed dressing as instructed- am in a great deal of pain. I don’t care what this is but I am NOT going through any more of this.
            All we want is to live our lives but no, it seems it must come at us from all sides. Sorry Sue…

          2. Pain so close to the brain is hard to ignore – unlike, say, pain in the little toe.
            I’m sorry you’re in a bad way, Ann: Does paracet or ibux help?

          3. I don’t do well with any sort of pill. Early it may be, but I’m having a glass of wine which makes me relax and then it doesn’t seem so bad.
            I am sure it will be better tomorrow and I will try not to whinge here- not fair on all of you.

          4. I hate pills with a passion – I have 8 a day these days (admittedly, 2 are vitamins and minerals).
            In any case, we’re here as the support team for Nottlers having a bad time. We have your back (as best we can). Virtual mates, if you like. If it makes life easier…
            Have a glass. I’m on Shine & Tonic… fizzy jetfuel, so it is! Hic!

          5. It just helps having some people to talk to. Don’t know the neighbours here and, although I have informed my son about what’s going on, he’s in NC and I don’t want to worry him. Ditto MH’s son.

          6. Thanks Conners. I am heading to bed soon- have been listening to Vivaldi which is soothing. Am in in quite a lot of pain, so hope I can sleep.

          7. The Pain Clinic advised me to try mindfulness to get to sleep when in pain. I can’t say it helped; paracetamol was better 🙂

          8. Drool! Unfortunately, I’ve given up port for Lent 🙁 Still, Sunday is not a fast day, so …

          9. Hmm, Ann, currently on 4 in the morning and 6 at night plus two puffs each time on an inhaler.

            I know I could commit suicide by stopping the warfarin.

            Experience shewed in Oz that following the medical advice, meant that I will have a massive heart attack (MCI) that will now kill me.

          10. Talk to the hospital controllers and exaggerate your pain, then they might give you something stronger.
            But because in the USA, people have learned how to sue after becoming addicted to analgesics, the NHS (ie in the UK, not USA) seems to have decided on a policy of reducing painkiller prescriptions. In any case, stuff like co-codamol needs to be maintained as a steady dose within the body, rather than big doses far apart.

          11. Tramadol and diclofenac does it for me but I have to be very sparing with intake.

          12. While relaxing the muscle that is screaming at you.

            I appreciate what you say, Anne, but a quack in Oz told me that that was a good comination to deal with a recurring Prolapsed Intravertebral Disc (PID). which has haunted me since 1961.

          13. Don’t you dare apologise! We never know what maybe lurking round the corner, and we have to deal with it, no matter the cost to our everyday lives! We need all the oomph we can muster!

        1. Q: Have you heard about MuckDonald’s new Obama Value Meal?
          A: Order anything you like and the guy behind you has to pay for it.

        1. A traffic cop is on duty at the side of the road and he sees a guy driving down the road with 3 penguins on the back seat of his car.
          Traffic cop puts on his siren and pulls over the guy.
          “Are you aware that you have 3 penguins on the back seat of your car?”
          “Yes,” says the man.
          “Well, you take those penguins to the zoo!”
          “Righto officer.”
          Next day, the same cop is on duty in the same place and he sees the same car and it’s still got 3 penguins on the backseat but this time they’re all wearing sunglasses.
          Siren and the man is pulled over again.
          “I thought I told you to take those penguins to the zoo.”
          “I did take them to the zoo and today I’m taking them to the beach.”

      1. I’ve got one……

        A penguin walks into a chemist and requests to purchase a pack of condoms.

        The chemist asks him “Would you like me to put that on your bill?”

        The penguin replies “I’m not that kind of penguin”

    1. I’m doing my bit for the poor desperate people, scared for their lives,
      nowhere to go, no food to eat, and no hope for the future.

      I’ve got 3 P&O employees moving in with me tomorrow

    2. One day a Cop pulls a van over and when he walks up to the window he sees ten penguins in the back.

      The cop asks the man “are those your penguins?”

      The man Says “yes, they are my pets.”

      The cop replies to the man “You need to take them to the zoo right now.”

      So the man agrees and drives off. The next day the cop pulls over the same van and he walks up to the window and sees the ten pengins all wearing sunglasses.

      The cop says to the man “I thought i told you to take those penguins to the zoo.”

      The man says “I did, today we are going to the beach!”

    3. How many elephants can you get in a mini?

      Four, two in the front and two in the back

      How many giraffes can you get in a mini?

      None, it’s full up with elephants!
      Boom boom tish.

        1. Never mind. There used to be loads of elephant jokes way back but I can’t remember them. Must be my age!

    4. Classical Music for Cats…..
      Beethoven – Fur Elise
      Handel – Meowssiah
      Puccini – Nessun Dormouse
      Vivaldi – The Paw Seasons.

      I have my coat on already…

  25. Lia Thomas’s victory is a defeat for women’s sport. Spiked. 19 march 2022.

    Lia Thomas became the first known transgender athlete to win the highest US national college swimming title on Thursday, with her victory in the women’s 500-yard freestyle.

    Some are hailing her win as a triumph for inclusion. But there is nothing fair or inclusive about allowing Thomas to compete alongside (and thrash) female swimmers in the women’s NCAA championship.

    I have to confess to a considerable dollop of schadenfreude here. That the movement of Feminism which first ushered in Cultural Marxism is now being destroyed by the same mechanism is almost too ironic to be believed. This is of course the end of women’s sport!

    1. I think that any fair minded woman was probably in favour of women being paid the same as a man if doing the same job. Unfortunately there were those who went too far. I don’t want to sound like a women’s libber (that dates me!) but I think that, for a man to feel a considerable dollop of schadenfreude is a little misogynist. Which is easy when you are not the one being discriminated against. Do you not feel even a little sympathy for any female athlete having to race against someone who really is a man?

      I feel very sorry for female athletes entering any competition knowing full well that they don’t have a hope of winning if a “trans” has also entered. Sadly the so called “equality” has backfired. You could say women are being cancelled!

      1. Perhaps if the girls boycotted any competition or race with a bloke in it then perhaps the nonsense would come to an end.

        1. They’ll have to – they will lose every race otherwise, leading to the same effect.

        2. I don’t understand why they’re not doing that, tbh. I think it’s because they are young, and scared of being called transphobic on Twit.

      2. I’m wit you, VW.
        It’s a total disaster for women’s sport, where second class male athletes can win prizes pretending to be a woman.
        It goes further: Men being voted (by whom?) Woman of the Year… WTF? Why are men better at being women than women are? It’s all arse about face.

      3. The limit was reached for me when the equal pay for equal work ideal became equal pay for totally different jobs, especially the (Birmingham?) school dinner ladies who demanded to be paid the same as the council dustmen for a much less strenuous job.

      4. I agree with you about the outcome of women being paid the same for doing the same job.
        However, this should have been achieved by simply making the law reflect what was right. Instead, it was done by forming a powerful lobby group with no STOP button to campaign forever to advance women’s rights.
        This has led directly to the toxic situation of the women’s lobby competing with the trans lobby.

        1. They think, BB2, that they are suffragettes. They haven’t an ounce of the moral fibre those women displayed.

          I can only say to the modern feminist STFU.

          1. I have a very poor opinion of the suffragettes. They were entitled, spoilt middle class women – they weren’t interested in what was best for the country, or even for working class women. Ultimately, I think they were pulling in the wrong direction anyway.

    2. I agree. But they don’t get it, because they think they can defeat the trans lobby with feminism. They haven’t yet figured out that all advances by selected groups come at the expense of other selected groups. Society formed out of competing special groups is the most appalling model ever.

    1. That’s my 14th consecutive go and I haven’t seen any actual US spellings yet, like valor for instance. Have you?

  26. The players are lined up ahead of the Italy-Wales rugby match singing their anthems. I love the Italian one. It’s so jaunty and uplifting. The Italians sing it with great gusto.

  27. Satire isn’t dead and irony is merely resting.

    For Putin the pariah justice MUST come: Former PM GORDON BROWN knows from personal experience what a cold-blooded monster Russia’s president is… Here he announces an international campaign to put him in the dock for his war of aggression

    This could be equally true:
    For Blair the pariah justice MUST come: Former PM GORDON BROWN knows from personal experience what a cold-blooded monster the former PM is… Here he announces an international campaign to put him in the dock for his war of aggression.

        1. This sort of nonsense reminds me of reading chicken entrails to divine the will of the gods.

          1. No, but I know you can placate your computer with a chicken sacrifice. Ask anybody from Haiti.

        1. In sarf London, just about every school had a teacher nicknamed Harpic- clean round the bend. My C of E girls’ grammar had two- Harpic 1 and Harpic 2.

          1. I found out not so long ago that the prep school I went to as closed as being a haunt of pædofiles – including a number of the teachers I knew… one committed suicide as the police closed in. One we all thought was creepy, like Snape in Harry Potter. I guess they were all round the bend. Buildings etc now owned by Carphone Warehouse.
            All a bit disturbing, really – never noticed any of it at the time.

    1. That is stupid beyond belief and utterly disgusting. We are poor specimens of humanity if we can’t honour and respect courage and exploration.

    2. I can’t find anything about this after a brief search. Are we sure it’s not a spoof?

      1. Rebel News has misrepresented – to a certain extent – what was said. In what is a now deleted text, the Space Symposium announced:

        *In light of current world events, the 2022 Space Foundation Yuri’s Night is renamed “A Celebration of Space: Discover What’s Next.” The focus of this fundraising event remains the same – to celebrate human achievements in space while inspiring the next generation to reach for the stars.

        As Futurism explains, Gagarin’s name has been removed from the title of this one event. He hasn’t been “stripped of his honours”.

        Whipping themselves into a Freedom Fries-esque fit of censoriousness, a space industry conference has removed the name of celebrated Soviet cosmonaut Yuri Gagarin, the first human to travel into space, from an event.

        The nonprofit Space Foundation announced in a now-deleted note that “in light of current world events” it would be changing the name of a fundraiser from “Yuri’s Night” to “A Celebration of Space: Discover What’s Next” at its Space Symposium conference.

      2. Rebel News has misrepresented – to a certain extent – what was said. In what is a now deleted text, the Space Symposium announced:

        *In light of current world events, the 2022 Space Foundation Yuri’s Night is renamed “A Celebration of Space: Discover What’s Next.” The focus of this fundraising event remains the same – to celebrate human achievements in space while inspiring the next generation to reach for the stars.

        As Futurism explains, Gagarin’s name has been removed from the title of this one event. He hasn’t been “stripped of his honours”.

        Whipping themselves into a Freedom Fries-esque fit of censoriousness, a space industry conference has removed the name of celebrated Soviet cosmonaut Yuri Gagarin, the first human to travel into space, from an event.

        The nonprofit Space Foundation announced in a now-deleted note that “in light of current world events” it would be changing the name of a fundraiser from “Yuri’s Night” to “A Celebration of Space: Discover What’s Next” at its Space Symposium conference.

      1. In the DIckensian era the rich people were fat and the poor people were thin. Nowadays, it’s the opposite- the rich people are thin and and the poor people are fat.
        Same with sugar…only those who could afford sugar had rotting teeth and, natch, the poor had no access to doctors or dentists.

      2. All the information is out there. Nobody forces anyone to eat shit food, it’s a personal choice.
        Inform yourself, as does Grizzly, and there’s no problem. Also, nourishing food is cheaper, too.
        What’s not to like?

        1. The type of people over eating this over processed rubbish do not have the life skills to make the right decisions.

    1. I hope the downer was a fat finger, Ped, but if not, are you really suggesting that the USA is in the right here? And if so, please let me know why.

  28. Watching Fred Dibnah at the top of a chimney, way up in the sky, chisselling it down, brick by brick. Top bloke, so he was. Although a Lancashire man, I’d propose him for honorary Yorkshireman.

    1. I wake up with a Start every night when thinking about it. It’s why i live in a bungalow. :@(

      1. Absolutely! Loved the game! But the officials certainly stuck some obstacles in their way!

    1. Great that the winner of the Man of the Match gave his medal to the Italian chap. Sportsmanship is not dead.

          1. Mostly I agree, but I must admit that I’m really enjoying the way the French play.

      1. Decades ago I ate Chicken Marengo in Malta ..

        It was delicious and very different to the present recipe on line .
        The dish contained pineapple .. was it really Chicken Marengo or something else?

        1. I love Chicken Marengo. I have a recipe somewhere which I have made here and it’s good. It doesn’t have pineapple in – more Italian style.

        2. Recipes vary from region to region and country to country. In a dish like this with butter it ends up quite rich. To balance the dish a squeeze of lemon juice is added before serving. I see no reason why pineapple can’t be added.

    1. Don’t get lost !. Sorry…i mean do get lost. Your reputation is shit and now you decide to do this? You are not fooling anyone you stuck up little prick. Donate your shed on wheels to the needy. Give all your money and time to our veterans and then we might……………just might choose to forgive you.

      1. He lost all credibility when he lost and then bunked off. I can’t go through with an agenda I don’t believe in my bottom. These people don’t believe in anything.

          1. Two Trans with male genitals prostitutes? He could do a front and back like Macron and Trudeau.

    2. Shame he hasn’t got bloody Boris in the cab with him. Get there and stay there.

    3. He’s dropping off supplies – and bringing back petrol to sell to recoup his losses.

      However, more seriously – he is a very, very rich man. He would be better off arranging some sort of aid mission and funding it personally.

    4. copied from the Olive Press online newspaper:
      “A Polish drugs lord who used lorries from Spain to transport drugs to Eastern Europe has been arrested by the Guardia Civil.
      Officers swooped on his home in Altea on the northern Costa Blanca.
      The detained gang leader faces 31 charges for similar crimes in Poland and is one of Europe’s major narcotics distributors.
      13 Polish nationals have been arrested in Operation Bratva, with seven arrested including the gang’s treasurer.
      Since late 2020, the Guardia Civil worked in collaboration with their Polish colleagues as well as with Europol and Eurojust to bring down the criminal group.
      The crew used large trucks and hid drugs shipments within legitimate items.”

      Such as nappies, baby food, toothpaste etc?

  29. Our neighbouring state of Maryland, yesterday suspended the gas/petrol tax for a month, apparently it’s up to the owners of gas stations as to whether they pass on the savings to the general public.

        1. Keep us posted, Jill re what’s going on on the east coast. I confess to a vested interest but you are our reporter on the spot, so to speak.

    1. That must have been my first dog after he’d been “fixed”. Mouthy bugger, so he was 😉

      1. Ok it must have been summer, but that John Deere looks as clean as a Chelsea tractor.

    1. I doubt Putin would ‘go nuclear’ – but I wouldn’t put it past our lot to let off a nuclear explosion in order to bury their covid and vaccine crimes. And then blame it on Putin. I think Putin keeps emotions that lead to the detonation of nuclear bombs well under control.

      Channel 4 is simply stirring and manipulating viewers emotions towards getting boots on the ground in Ukraine by a drip-drip-drip process.

      1. The more emotion built up, the more likely it is the public will respond to it. It’s all an agenda.

      2. I was hoping for some handy tips in basic training.
        Nothing like being prepared….dib,dib,dib.

        ……should I dig out my old gas mask?

        1. I thought you wore it to the shops the other day. Isn’t it hanging on the coat rack?

        2. Better to do some stretching and flexibility exercise so you really can kiss your ar$e goodbye if the idiots provoke what they seem to be wanting.

          1. House of Commons- not the Abbey which is one of the most beautiful buildings in the world.

  30. So how come all of a sudden it is our duty to destroy our standard of living to save the planet and it is on all our consciences to safeguard every displaced person in the world?

    1. Because the government is incompetent and full of miserable, useless, virtue signally onanists looking for their next job.

    2. Simple. The weak are exploited by the chancers.

      Our government comprises a bunch of weak money grubbing globalist chancer politicians, having no solid beliefs.

      Our electorate is evidently mesmerised by anything coloured blue and yellow, whether the Ukrainian Flag, those fucking distance signs on the floors of grocery stores, supermarkets, pubs, banks and doctor surgeries, or the NHS ‘health warning’ signs plastered on every available advertisement hoarding.

      This will not end well for the political class.

    1. They killed grandma in order to make property available for the invaders, a motley assortment of supposedly ‘Muslim’ wogs from North Africa and gypsy crime families and chancers from Eastern Europe. And yes, all sorts of repulsive shite from all and sundry failed states.

  31. It would be a travesty if Ireland won the six nations, so I hope England lose on three counts:

    1 The best team this year, by a country mile, has been France
    2 Ireland benefitted from playing a 14 man side for 78 minutes and only just managed a win.
    3 if England lose they might get rid of Mr Negativity, wham bam thuggery Eddie George.
    4 Don’t be a prat: Eddie Jones!

    1. Could it be that England might also stop worshipping at the Black Looting Mob (BLM) altar and get on with being a white privileged team?

      1. Most of England’s best players are on the darker side of brown now.
        At the moment an England team composed of Bames would almost certainly beat up an England team that was entirely white.
        It’s one reason why I get cross about the constant racism adverts.

        The English Rugby team is a great representation of how merit gets one selected irrespective of colour.

          1. He is truly dreadful! He absolutely killed at least 4 chances! And he signals everything he’s going to do – step, sidestep, kick! Awful!

          2. Public school, friends in high places? Youngs has lost it, assuming he ever had it.

            His loose and lazy box kicking is a perpetual disaster and gave rise to Ireland’s decisive try against England and now the French try which put us on the back foot and led to England’s defeat in Paris.

    2. As the Irish seem to be beating everything in front of them (7/7 on the last day of the Cheltenham Festival and a 1-2 in the Midlands National today), I expect they will.

    3. England would likely have won had they not played Ben Youngs. Well past his sell by date and lazy aerial kicking ultimately did for us. Just as his bone idle box kicking, after he came on, did for us against Ireland when we played the entire game with 14 men.

      I agree that it would have been a travesty for Ireland to have won the Grand Slam had England won in Paris.

      Congrats to France and their coaching team. We need a change in our coaching team.

  32. Evening, all. Given the propensity of the MSM and the Beeb to push their narrative irrespective of actual events, how do we know those using artillery on houses are, in fact, Russian soldiers?

          1. Very well, thank you. He let people pet him (but only on his back) today. Small steps, but progress.

    1. Worry not, Connors, we KNOW that it is the Azov Brigade looking to score diversionary brownie points while blaming the Russkies.

    2. Does anyone on this site ever believe that they might actually be Russians doing the bombing?

      Our media is crap but to always dismiss their propaganda and believe the opposite is equally naive.

      As An wrote, I don believe either of them.

      1. There is so much propaganda from all sides that it is well to remain sceptical and to make one’s own judgement after more information is received.

    3. Putin is neither mad nor an idiot. For him to bomb that theatre where women and children were sheltering would bring international condemnation. That is why he didn’t/wouldn’t do it.

      The Nazi battallions want to escalate the war and bring NATO and the rest of Europe into it. That is why i believe they did it. They already have form where bombing their neighbours is concerned.

    1. You mirror my thoughts exactly, Conway, but alas I seem unable to post them. So I can only repeat a good night and pleasant dreams to all on here.

      1. Are you having problems with your Internet, Elsie? Or is it your browser (or, more likely, Discurse)?

    1. That’s a wonderful final post, Maggie. I always enjoy ending my day with a really good laugh.

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