Saturday 22 January: If the West offers Russia an inch of Ukraine, it will try to take a mile

An unofficial place to discuss the Telegraph letters, established when the DT website turned off its comments facility (now reinstated, but we prefer ours),
Intelligent, polite, good-humoured debate is welcome, whether on or off topic. Differing opinions are encouraged, but rudeness or personal attacks on other posters will not be tolerated. Posts which – in the opinion of the moderators – make this a less than cordial environment, are likely to be removed, without prior warning.  Persistent offenders will be banned.

Today’s letters (visible only to DT subscribers) are here

503 thoughts on “Saturday 22 January: If the West offers Russia an inch of Ukraine, it will try to take a mile

    1. ‘Morning Minty! Gloomy out there! Had an update overnight on the iPad, and it’s taken me 10 mins to update my security questions! Plus 2 texts to my very old mobile! My pore brain!

    2. Morning, Minty, you beat me to it. And a very happy Saturday morning to all NoTTLers.

          1. ‘Morning, vvof! Think of all the fresh air and company you’ll get at the Rec! Enjoy your day and I hope you get the result!

        1. Good morning, Tom. (Your post spotted at 10.35 pm and I am off to bed now, so Good Night and God Bless to you.)

  1. Tobias Ellwood proposes military takeover of No 10 … but not the kind you might be hoping for. 22 January 2022.

    A “military officer” is needed to help Number 10 recover from the recent scandals that have left it in a “temporary flux”, the chairman of the defence select committee has said.

    Tobias Ellwood said that in order to give a “fresh approach” to the day-to-day running of Downing Street, someone with a military background should “take responsibility” and provide the public with a “sense of assurance that rigour will return, along with improved command and control”.

    He couldn’t possibly be thinking of former Army Officer Tobias Ellwood, Arch-Remainer; Lieutenant- Colonel in 77 Brigade, keen supporter of Lockdowns except when attending parties himself? Could he? That Tobias Ellwood?

    1. Given the total fuckups our military and in particular the MOD have made since the Falklands i suggest they all retire before they have to fight a real battle.

  2. Morning all, a day of self inflicted pain today, I am off to watch Bath Rugby later.

      1. Morning HJ, it feels like they have been playing out of their depth all season. They are the strongest team in the league as they are propping everyone else up at the bottom of the table.

      1. My chemistry master at City of Bath Technical School, Tom Martland, captained Bath circa 1970.

        He suffered a severe ankle injury playing Gloucester and had to retire. I remember him hobbling around the school on crutches.

  3. ‘Morning, Peeps.

    SIR – While I’m sure that even the PM’s closest allies can see that he has bodged the straightforward apology we all hoped for, might we agree that he remains the best man for the job?

    Self-serving outrage by second-rate backbenchers and axe-grinding by short-sighted former aides do not strike me as good reasons for a change of leadership now.

    Chris Byrne

    No, we may not. Politics has reached a new low when our Prime Minister breaks regulations he himself imposed upon the nation then pretends not to have understood them, then lies about partying several times before being found out. And then we have the qualified apology. We will have to go some to find anyone else even more incompetent and dishonest. All trust in him has gone, and he should disappear with it.

    1. Oh dear! Another person ignorant of the difference between a Bodge and a Botch!

      Robert Spowart
      JUST NOWMessage Actions

      Chris Byrne Writes:-
      “While I’m sure that even the PM’s closest allies can see that he has bodged the straightforward apology we all hoped for, might we agree that he remains the best man for the job?”
      Does he mean “Bodged” or “Botched”?
      A Bodger is someone who, with limited resources and basic, often improvised tools, creates a product,, traditionally turned wood items such as chair legs and tool handles, that is up to the job and a Bodge is an improvised repair that “does the job” for as long as necessary. Something I hesitate to class Boris’s apology as.

    2. Best place to write about English politics…. I expect Mr Byrne was just passing through on his way home to Blighty…(sarc)

  4. Inside Vladimir Putin’s $1 billion palace – complete with pole-dancing room. 22 January 2021.

    Leaked photographs of Vladimir Putin’s Black Sea estate, reportedly worth $1 billion (£738 million), show the Russian president has splashed out on every form of home comfort one could think of – from an underground ice hockey rink to a pole-dancing room.

    This recycled story was thoroughly debunked last year! There’s not a shred of truth to any of it! The PTB must be giving the MSM shills a weekend off! In the last fortnight they’ve run through pretty much every anti-Putin story except oddly enough the Fake Skripal Saga. Coming up shortly one imagines.

    1. What is Vladimir playing at?…according to Western MSM, he should have been in Kiev two weeks ago!

    2. Don’t forget his love child/ren.

      Compare and contrast the adulterer PM Boris. The slime that is Biden.

      Good morning.

  5. The cost of defection
    SIR – When an MP of any party defects, the people I feel sorry for are the local volunteers and association members, who have given hours of their time to help get the candidate elected. Funds have been raised through local events and raffles, and the money put towards production of leaflets and posters. The volunteers then deliver them and actively canvass for the candidate. Imagine how these people feel when their candidate defects.

    In the case of Christian Wakeford, the MP for Bury South who defected to the Labour Party (report, January 20), his tiny majority of 402 is almost certainly due to the efforts of such volunteers. It would be honourable if at the very least he sent the local association a cheque for £2,000 or so to replenish their depleted funds.

    David Cianfarani
    London SE5

    SIR – If Christian Wakeford had any respect for his constituents he would have resigned and given them a by-election to choose a representative.

    I would love to have seen the reaction in Bury South had he defected to the Greens or Liberal Democrats.

    Norma Murray
    Ulverston, Cumbria

    From what I have seen and heard of him, he seems a pretty third-rate character that the Conservative Party won’t really miss. Nevertheless, in my view the point is a good one and he should stand for re-election.

    1. The danger I feel is the Conservative Party has a lot of third-rate characters and too few real Conservatives.
      On the “to do” list, making a by-election mandatory for any MP who changes party mid term is mandatory. Let’s see how many are willing to put their place at the trough at risk for their so called principles.

      1. The shoddy quality of Conservative MPs is no coincidence – it started in the Cameron/Gove years when central office took over the selection of the candidates from local parties!

        1. Ah yes; mandatory 50% ‘bumps at the front’ candidates in the final four.
          Those line-ups could be charitably described as ‘interesting’.

          1. Worse than that. At least two constituencies had already selected their candidate, and just before the election, they were told they had to have the central office choice instead. At least one of those people is still in Parliament.

          2. ‘Morning, BB2, isn’t that the point where those constituencies break with Conservative Central Office and declare as the Independent Conservative Party?

            It may well encourage others to join in.

          3. CCO were determined to stick Mark Reckless’s seat with an Asian chancer whose candidature for the Conservatives would have completed the full set for him (Labour, LDs, Greens). Luckily for them, he was so toxic that the fell prospect of UKIP retaining the seat made them think better of it.

            UKIP themselves had one of similar background at local level up in the North, who later had to resign for some crooked reason. And they’re far from the only ones whose sole intention is to reach the trough by whichever route seems easier at the time: modern politics and elections are infested with them, like cockroaches in a slum district.

            Next door to us, Maidstone has the ghastly and useless Helen Grant, who blithely admitted that the first time she ever voted Tory was when she voted for herself. Later promoted to the max by Cameron, and at one point closed her constituency office because she’d shovelled off to live in Surrey. But she was female and a BAME which made her just what Call Me Dave ordered. Hell, the Heir To Blair himself would have been a Liberal if he’d been able to oil into one of their small collection of safe seats.

            “Convictions ? Haha, mate. Not until I reach Parliament ! Know what I’m saying ?”

          4. CCO were determined to stick Mark Reckless’s seat with an Asian chancer whose candidature for the Conservatives would have completed the full set for him (Labour, LDs, Greens). Luckily for them, he was so toxic that the fell prospect of UKIP retaining the seat made them think better of it.

            UKIP themselves had one of similar background at local level up in the North, who later had to resign for some crooked reason. And they’re far from the only ones whose sole intention is to reach the trough by whichever route seems easier at the time: modern politics and elections are infested with them, like cockroaches in a slum district.

            Next door to us, Maidstone has the ghastly and useless Helen Grant, who blithely admitted that the first time she ever voted Tory was when she voted for herself. Later promoted to the max by Cameron, and at one point closed her constituency office because she’d shovelled off to live in Surrey. But she was female and a BAME which made her just what Call Me Dave ordered. Hell, the Heir To Blair himself would have been a Liberal if he’d been able to oil into one of their small collection of safe seats.

            “Convictions ? Haha, mate. Not until I reach Parliament ! Know what I’m saying ?”

          5. CCO were determined to stick Mark Reckless’s seat with an Asian chancer whose candidature for the Conservatives would have completed the full set for him (Labour, LDs, Greens). Luckily for them, he was so toxic that the fell prospect of UKIP retaining the seat made them think better of it.

            UKIP themselves had one of similar background at local level up in the North, who later had to resign for some crooked reason. And they’re far from the only ones whose sole intention is to reach the trough by whichever route seems easier at the time: modern politics and elections are infested with them, like cockroaches in a slum district.

            Next door to us, Maidstone has the ghastly and useless Helen Grant, who blithely admitted that the first time she ever voted Tory was when she voted for herself. Later promoted to the max by Cameron, and at one point closed her constituency office because she’d shovelled off to live in Surrey. But she was female and a BAME which made her just what Call Me Dave ordered. Hell, the Heir To Blair himself would have been a Liberal if he’d been able to oil into one of their small collection of safe seats.

            “Convictions ? Haha, mate. Not until I reach Parliament ! Know what I’m saying ?”

          6. CCO were determined to stick Mark Reckless’s seat with an Asian chancer whose candidature for the Conservatives would have completed the full set for him (Labour, LDs, Greens). Luckily for them, he was so toxic that the fell prospect of UKIP retaining the seat made them think better of it.

            UKIP themselves had one of similar background at local level up in the North, who later had to resign for some crooked reason. And they’re far from the only ones whose sole intention is to reach the trough by whichever route seems easier at the time: modern politics and elections are infested with them, like cockroaches in a slum district.

            Next door to us, Maidstone has the ghastly and useless Helen Grant, who blithely admitted that the first time she ever voted Tory was when she voted for herself. Later promoted to the max by Cameron, and at one point closed her constituency office because she’d shovelled off to live in Surrey. But she was female and a BAME which made her just what Call Me Dave ordered. Hell, the Heir To Blair himself would have been a Liberal if he’d been able to oil into one of their small collection of safe seats.

            “Convictions ? Haha, mate. Not until I reach Parliament ! Know what I’m saying ?”

        2. Someday we’ll discover how someone as personally void of charm and personality as Theresa May managed to snag the nomination for safer-than-safe Maidenhead back in the days of local party interviews. Did she nobble her opponents to leave herself as the only candidate, in the way she’d do years later become PM ? I’d really like to know.

    2. “Funds have been raised through local events and raffles, and the money
      put towards production of leaflets and posters. The volunteers then
      deliver them and actively canvass for the candidate. Imagine how these
      people feel when their candidate defects”.

      Let that be a lesson.

      *apols to those on here that do it.

    3. Anna Soubry, Sarah Woolaston and Shaun Woodward are amongst the basest, most despicable party traitors who clung to their seats and did not seek re-election in a by election but they are amongst many.

      Here is a complete list which includes not only those who defected but also those who lost the party whip for voting the wrong way in Parliament :

      1. The one that bugged me more than most – they’re usually small fry not worth the capturing, Woodward being the epitome of the breed – was the appallingly self-adoring Emma Nicholson. The LDs got her hastily shovelled up to the Lords’ before the 1997 GE, thus denying the voters of Torridge the pleasure of booting her at the first opportunity (and the rest of us the pleasure of watching it happen).

        There should be an automatic by-election for defectors – since in some cases it is indeed the candidate who’s won the seat, not the party – or at the very least, a requirement to stand in at least the next GE.

      2. The one that bugged me more than most – they’re usually small fry not worth the capturing, Woodward being the epitome of the breed – was the appallingly self-adoring Emma Nicholson. The LDs got her hastily shovelled up to the Lords’ before the 1997 GE, thus denying the voters of Torridge the pleasure of booting her at the first opportunity (and the rest of us the pleasure of watching it happen).

        There should be an automatic by-election for defectors – since in some cases it is indeed the candidate who’s won the seat, not the party – or at the very least, a requirement to stand in at least the next GE.

      3. The one that bugged me more than most – they’re usually small fry not worth the capturing, Woodward being the epitome of the breed – was the appallingly self-adoring Emma Nicholson. The LDs got her hastily shovelled up to the Lords’ before the 1997 GE, thus denying the voters of Torridge the pleasure of booting her at the first opportunity (and the rest of us the pleasure of watching it happen).

        There should be an automatic by-election for defectors – since in some cases it is indeed the candidate who’s won the seat, not the party – or at the very least, a requirement to stand in at least the next GE.

      4. The one that bugged me more than most – they’re usually small fry not worth the capturing, Woodward being the epitome of the breed – was the appallingly self-adoring Emma Nicholson. The LDs got her hastily shovelled up to the Lords’ before the 1997 GE, thus denying the voters of Torridge the pleasure of booting her at the first opportunity (and the rest of us the pleasure of watching it happen).

        There should be an automatic by-election for defectors – since in some cases it is indeed the candidate who’s won the seat, not the party – or at the very least, a requirement to stand in at least the next GE.

    4. I thought that Mr Wakeford had himself in the past voted for obligatory by-elections for defecting candidates. Can anyone confirm this?

      1. Would you expect anything different? Some MPs seem to consider that hypocrisy is one of the essential attributes for the job.

  6. Good morning all. A clear start with the waning gibbous moon setting against a frame of pink tinged contrails from the early departures and arrivals. Light wind and -1°C.

    1. I wonder, given that all we ever hear are the ‘hey sonny no’ songs, was there a youth culture of stuff that made the parents yell “Turneth thou that bloody stuff down – NOW”.

  7. 334509+ up ticks,

    Saturday 22 January: If the West offers Russia an inch of Ukraine, it will try to take a mile

    I would rather see us as a nation have a deputation of top political rankers
    alternately taking the knee whilst tugging the forelock, backing out of the Russian embassy saying sorry,sorry,sorry.
    Then start serious coastal defence work offshore DOVER to deal with the top up lab/lib/con/ coalition party’s, potential troop brigade from entering.

    ALL the reigning politico’s to be judged as HOSTILES and treated as such.
    This has got to be seriously considered or in a short matter of time LOSE a Country, FACT.

    1. The headline presumes Western hegemony over the Ukraine. That is precisely the situation that has upset Putin.

    2. How have you annoyed the persistent down voting Robert Stapleford so much that he doesn’t even bother reply to your posts?

  8. An American suspected of rape has been arrested and yesterday appeared in Court in respect of extradition hearings to send him back to the USA where the crime is alleged to have taken place. A great amount of police effort was involved. The man travelled in an ambulance in a convoy of police cars and motorcycles. Police swarmed over the Court.
    We have often seen news film of accused murderers walking to the High Court in Edinburgh with no police escort. We know of dozens of cases of child rape where the Scottish police did not arrest the suspects never mind bring them to trial.
    Why this fuss? Could it be because “Sheriff Noble said he had before him a request for extradition based on an allegation of rape but other matters were mentioned in the papers.”?

  9. Morning, all.
    Slept for nearly 12 hours last night… somewhat refreshed. Combination of work stress and a hæmmorhiod the size of a table-tennis ball contributing to the last few nights being sleepless, it all calmed down last night & I managed to put a dent in the sleep deficit.

    1. Oh dear obs that sounds absolutely awful. I can’t quite imagine such a horrid painful lump.
      But don’t show us, eh. 🤫

  10. Morning, all.
    Slept for nearly 12 hours last night… somewhat refreshed. Combination of work stress and a hæmmorhiod the size of a table-tennis ball contributing to the last few nights being sleepless, it all calmed down last night & I managed to put a dent in the sleep deficit.

    1. “You might think that, but I couldn’t possibly comment”.
      I noticed that some of the political reports have been filed from above the window levels recently 😳

      1. William Wragg is apparently sound in some policy areas: ‘hard’ Brexit, lockdown sceptic, knows what cultural Marxism is (he is a critic of the National Trust). The schools threat was probably just an example of whips humour – if it really was about schools, that is, or do they have something else on him?

        Naturally, the BBC led on this story on this morning’s ‘Today’ programme.

        1. The problem with the bbc is, for some years now it has thought of its self as a political party. What they make a very serious mistake over is, nobody has ever voted for them. And because of their political stance not many people would.
          And although they have the self assessment that they are siantly. It’s clear they are heavily disillusioned… in too many heads up each others *rses.

          1. The bBC are determined to hang on to the tv tax by hook or by crook. Dimbleby’s idea that the bBC tv tax should be tied to council tax bands is only a diversion, as the bBC hope to gain funding through general taxation rather than through a subscription model similar to Netflix, Britbox etc.

            In the past week, there have been legions of beeboids, luvvies and civil serpents declaring their undying love and support for the bBC. With all of that apparent support, I’m sure the bBC will be able to garner the number of subscribers it needs to keep it in the style to which it has become accustomed.

            Hands off our taxes, you cultural marxist halfwits.

          2. The problem with the Dimbleby’s and many others like them is, they are steeped in the dye of the BBC The know nor recognise any other way of life. Once a few hundred thousand people have stopped paying the compulsory fee, what will they do ? it will soon catch on and of course it will be self inflicted. But everyone else fault but their own.

    2. A wonderful actor. I saw him on stage at the RSC in Stratford. Richard II. He and the other main actor came onto the stage and tossed a coin. Whoever played Richard in the matinee played Bolingbroke in the evening. It was wonderful and we all wished we could stay and see the evening performance. Ian Richardson was Richard and was superb.

        1. That’s right- I remember the Pasco bit but always forget his first name. Both were excellent and the whole performance moved most of us to tears. We were on a Lit field trip and it was memorable.

  11. Good morning my friends

    The Princess, review: a reminder that Diana’s life and death were no soap opera

    I am no great supporter of Prince Charles nor his first wife. Camilla is a far more agreeable person than either of those two narcissists. However I found this BTL comment relevant:

    Everyone forgets that the Princess of Wales was the first to commit adultery and that she had several lovers (was it 5 or 6?) whereas Charles’s only lover was the woman whom he subsequently married and whom he should have married in the first place had he been allowed to do so.

    1. Good morning Richard

      What always fills me with disgust is that Diana wasn’t too fussy with her choice of men .. and to think she also had a couple of muzzy gropers who couldn’t keep their hands off her.

        1. Some friends of ours called their boat Bolter – inspired by the woman in the Mitford novel.

      1. She was not naturally beautiful or even good-looking but she represented a triumph of the arts of the couturier, make up artist and coiffeur.

  12. £600 million fund set up 94 years ago ‘is for whole nation’

    A fund set up nearly a century ago and now worth £600million will be used to help pay off the national debt, rather than being distributed through charities, after a High Court ruling.

    The National Fund was set up by a deed of trust with a gift of half a million pounds from a partner at Barings bank in January 1928, on the understanding that it would be held until it had grown large enough to pay off the debt.

    As the national debt is now many times larger, at more than £2trillion, a judge ruled in 2020 that the fund could be used to reduce it. Lawyers representing Suella Braverman, the Attorney General, who has a duty to protect charitable interests, argued at a hearing in December that this should be the outcome as it was closest to that intended by the donor, Gaspard Farrer.

    Lawyers representing the trustee of the fund argued it should instead be used for “general charitable purposes” as it would result in such a small reduction in the national debt that it would be “a futile, symbolic gesture”. But Mr Justice Zacaroli yesterday ruled if the funds were distributed as the trustees suggested, they would benefit citizens who received grants, not the whole country.

    A £2trillion national debt is what you get when you successively elect imbeciles instead of statesmen to lead the country.

    1. Good for Mr Justice Zacaroli. No doubt the usual suspects were looking forward to getting their hands on another 600 million of “charitable” funds.

    2. Morning all.
      Same old story since the treasonous Hesiltine manipulated the removal of Thatcher. The useless political dippers and wastrels have collectively wrecked our country.

      1. 334509+ up ticks,

        Morning RE,
        They were backed up all the way right up until 2019, ongoing I cannot see any change they might change a treacherous head of the hydra
        but the treachery riddled torso is still very much
        in place.

    3. Before Dim Jim Callaghan adopted the imbecilic American “billion” (1,000,000,000) in 1974; the proper billion was always 1,000,000,000,000 (a million million).

      A thousand million (new “billion”) was properly called a milliard. This change has had a knock-on effect since the old proper billion is now known as a “trillion”. The proper trillion was always a million million million (1,000,000,000,000,000,000).

      This interference in a time-honoured numerical system means that the 2 “trillion” national debt is really just 2 billion.

      1. MacRuin, was it really ? I note we had a budget surplus as recently as 2001.

    4. Gaspard Farrer (1860-1946), a partner in Baring’s, was very generous to Eton College after the war, helped with funds etc.
      A bachelor, he left an estate worth in excess of £1million, in today’s money about £200 million.

    5. Our national debt isn’t £2 trillion. It is over 16 trillion.

      £600 million is barely 6 hours of government waste. May as well urinate in the ocean.

      1. I’ll take your word on that, Wibbs. I was just quoting the article that I posted from today’s DT. Whatever the deficit, it is appalling that one of the world’s top economies has been put into such dire straits by the cretins in charge.

    1. The nasty little Nazi acolyte sounds exactly like one spouting propaganda as a modern-day Goebbels.

    2. The democracies didn’t – the governments did. These are not democracies. If they were then this nonsense wouldn’t exist, we would be much freer and tax far less than we offensively are.

    1. The second cartoon is all too believable.
      RIP the British bulldog.
      Facing up to the reality of my nation’s C21 psyche has been a thoroughly dispiriting exercise.

      1. 334509+ up ticks,

        Morning Anne,
        Could not agree more, the “Beginning ” will in a short time be replaced by the ” submission”

    2. The first one is only possible in countries where the citizens are allowed to have guns.
      The second is a question that is going to be very, very relevant in Germany soon, where the blame on unvaccinated people has been much higher than in the UK.
      The third is one of the DM’s usual incredible turn-arounds. Only a couple of days ago, they were lambasting Novak Djokovic as being selfish and unreasonable, and printing opinion articles by the likes of Tim Henman saying so.

    3. 334509+ up ticks,

      Morning Rik,

      So in the main inclusive of the design & triggering of the referendum the real UKIP ( NOT current uKiP) was never far off course, let that sink in to the current lab/lib/con
      paedophile protectors, mass uncontrolled/govn. controlled illegal immigration coalition member / voters.

    4. We are so bombarded by statistics that we tend to believe the statistics which support the point of view we hold. Paul Simon summed it up perfectly in one of his songs: A man hears what he wants to hear and disregards the rest.

      For example I was not surprised to hear that there has been a sharp rise in heart attack deaths amongst fit young men between the ages of 20 and 40 who have been ‘vaccinated’ – which explains the footballers’ and tennis players’ reluctance to have the jabs.

      We tend to be influenced by what we see immediately around us whether it is statistically relevant or not. Caroline has had to play at far more funerals this year than in previous years and many of those for whom she played were vaccinated and under the age of 65. She has also noted the reluctance of the PTB to allow autopsies to establish the true cause of death.

      I suspect that we are being lied to – but how much evidence will have to come to light before it becomes too obvious to deny or ignore?

    5. We are so bombarded by statistics that we tend to believe the statistics which support the point of view we hold. Paul Simon summed it up perfectly in one of his songs: A man hears what he wants to hear and disregards the rest.

      For example I was not surprised to hear that there has been a sharp rise in heart attack deaths amongst fit young men between the ages of 20 and 40 who have been ‘vaccinated’ – which explains the footballers’ and tennis players’ reluctance to have the jabs.

      We tend to be influenced by what we see immediately around us whether it is statistically relevant or not. Caroline has had to play at far more funerals this year than in previous years and many of those for whom she played were vaccinated and under the age of 65. She has also noted the reluctance of the PTB to allow autopsies to establish the true cause of death.

      I suspect that we are being lied to – but how much evidence will have to come to light before it becomes too obvious to deny or ignore?

  13. Still think this is a dangerous disease that warrants all the lockdowns and harms they have caused? Still think this vaccine should be mandatory?

    Only 6,183 people died solely of COVID-19 in the England & Wales

    And only 833 under 60s.NE – nakedemperor.substack.comJan 21

    A recent Freedom of Information (FOI) request revealed some statistics that we all knew but didn’t have definitive numbers for.

    1. They are PAYING hospitals to poison patients with Remdesivir!
      The failed drug that they wanted to have an excuse to use up.

      This is the drug that John O’Looney was offered in a British hospital, and was told that he would die if he refused it.
      How can any of us have faith that any treatment offered will be in our best interests?

  14. David Dimbleby says the BBC has strayed ‘a bit’ on immigration and must do more to keep in ‘lockstep’ with public opinion – as he calls for licence fee to be linked to council tax
    David Dimbleby, 83, says the BBC licence fee could be linked to council tax
    Ex-Question Time host says it is ‘inequitable’ to charge a flat annual rate of £159
    He told BBC Radio 4’s World At One that a fee tied to council tax would be fairer
    Journalist also admitted BBC needs to do more to ‘lockstep’ with British public

    He added: ‘Why should the poorest pay the same as I pay? It’s just not fair.’

    Mr Dimbleby also said the BBC must do more to keep in ‘lockstep’ with public opinion, saying it has strayed ‘a bit’, such as on issues as immigration.

    He said: ‘I think the Director General Tim Davie does acknowledge that as you move further north through the UK the BBC is less and less in favour.

    ‘And there must be a reason for that which we need to explore. Whether it is the agenda that is used by the BBC for its news coverage and its broadcasting, I suspect there may be tweaks to that. (More Calcutta news)

    ‘But it is very important that you try and keep in lockstep with public opinion.’

    Asked if the BBC had wandered from the path, he said: ‘A bit yes, I do. Maybe the country has wandered from the BBC’s path, I don’t know.’

    Mr Dimbleby had earlier written a letter to The Times, which was published in Friday’s edition.

    He said: ‘Those in Band A would pay the most for possession of a TV set and those in Band D the least 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣

    1. No fee at all would be even better! Presumably the Dimblebum model would mean that people who don’t watch live TV, and who therefore don’t have a licence, would now have to pay the Council Tax “extra”?

    2. Living in a rural place without practical access to public transport we rely on having motorised vehicles. But why should I drive a 20 year old Scudo minibus while my wife drives a 12 year old Fiat Panda and other people drive Bentleys and Ferraris?

      Some people are motivated by money and material success while others or not – but if there is no incentive to make money why bother to do so?

      1. The same here , we drive old diesels, and shop at farm shops or in supermarkets 12 miles away.

        I don’t know how people can afford huge new cars, especially the ones who take up 2 car park spaces.

        1. I think a lot of them are either owned by the company or rented (the “you will own nothing” model).

    3. I really don’t understand this increasing use of Americanisms in the the use of the English language.

      Why do we need to call keeping in step, ‘lockstep’ a ghastly Americanism conjuring pictures of prisoners and slaves with their ankles bound to each other in order to stop them rushing the paltry guards (the elite).

      This use of disciplinarian language is designed to sub-consciously cause people to feel cowed down and must obey all orders from our own paltry guards.

      1. ‘Afternoon, Tom.

        ALL Americanisms are idiotic slang. All speakers of proper English should get together to shew them we won’t stand for it.

    4. BBC man wants a compulsory tax to fund the BBC – which would not be paid by the people who get everything else for free. That should be popular!

    5. Why should people be forced to pay for something they don’t want?

      It’s a similar argument to why should we pay the council when practically all we get from it is bin collections, and those now twice monthly instead of every week.

  15. Exclusive: Taking turns on Wilf’s slide and spilling wine on the office printer – new details of Downing Street party revealed
    The Telegraph can also reveal how photographs were taken at the gathering on the eve of Prince Philip’s funeral


    If there were an even remotely acceptable replacement for Johnson he would have gone a long time ago.

    Johnson won the party leadership because he wasn’t May; he won the general election because he wasn’t Corbyn.

    When was the last time we had a leader chosen for his or her merits and not because he or she was not as bad as the alternatives?

    1. Ignorant trouble-maker. Just stirring – trying to upset the ever calm and reasonable Toy Boy….

    1. Oh yes just all lets forget. NO WAY. Johnson must be held responsable.and so many others.

    2. I’m sorry to say there will be no “consequences”. Not as we would want them. The bigger the crime the less the punishment. The politicians will blame the scientists. The scientists will point out they were never predictions. All who have “followed” orders will say just that – we were told to.

      It’s big Pharma who produced the experimental jabs who should bear the brunt in the end. But they won’t because they have immunity from prosecution. And, after all, the jabs are still in the experimental stages.

      However all the Ministers, the PM and those in the government advocating, no, pushing these jabs are all guilty of psychological warfare against their own population and should be taken out, hanged, drawn and quartered IMO. But they won’t be. There will be no trials. What should happen is that the Coronavirus Act should be repealed (it won’t be, just allowed to lapse) along with all other legislation that was used to imprison us all, take away our freedoms and our rights. And the PsyOp group should be disbanded. Ha ha ha like that’s gonna happen! Professor Neil Ferguson should be sacked along with Chief Medical Officer Chris Shitty and Cur (sic) Patrick Unbalanced.

      1. 334509+ up ticks,

        Morning VW,
        People power via the polling booth would bring
        swift justice, for starters put Children’s welfare BEFORE the party’s welfare.

        The political party’s lab/lib/con & supporter member / voters covered up rotherham, ongoing,
        for 16 plus years.

        1. It all depends who is controlling he vote tabulation machines. We really should not count on plebiscite at the moment.

      2. The spike protein jab, whatever the method of carrying it into the body, is the black person in the pile of logs. Outside of the people who concocted this vile serum it’s unlikely anyone knows what its effect will be over time. Its current failing i.e. mass infections of the multiple jabbed was predicted in the early stages by the likes of Dr Dolores Cahill: I believe she predicted the onset of ADE and that this syndrome would be explained away as ‘just another variant’. Is this what we are seeing at this point of time?
        I addition, the death rate of the age group 18 – 64, especially of males, in the USA is rising fast and is unexplained. It will be disturbing if this phenomenon appears here and in Europe.

        There is likely to be a lot of hard questioning before this period is put to bed. Politicians prescribed this “vaccine” and convinced doctors and others to involve themselves with what was a purely political decision on people’s health and treatment. That’s not to say that those who administered the serum are not guilty; they are guilty of not questioning the validity of the serum, its efficacy, its safety and not trying to stop the roll-out when it became clear that safety didn’t appear to be a concern of the government.

        Those responsible must never be able just to walk away from their responsibility for this mayhem.The people of the UK will be living with this disaster for decades: how bad it will be is unknown.

      3. If justice does not take its course the public may well take matters into its own hands. People are starting to emerge from their trance and not liking what they see. There was much anger at the protest marches around the country today. Civilisation is breaking down, the veneer is, as they say, only skin deep. We may well revert to type. We are living in an age of insanity, when anything goes.

    3. She’s wrong. If we don’t pursue them, it will start up again next flu season.
      And we must get vaxx passports lifted from international travel. There is utterly no reason to have them for normal winter viruses.

    1. I made the point on this forum as soon as the partygate stories broke and sent a letter to the DT (which was not published) saying that if the Conservative Party was not substantially fined then everybody who had had to pay fines for breaking lockdown restrictions should have their fines repaid and the money for the refunds taken from Conservative Party funds.

    1. To be fair to Sunak, most people wouldn’t be in a hurry to support Boris’s pathetic apology either.

    2. The energy situation is artifically engineered by the state itself. Get fracking. Job done.

      Creating jobs? Government cannot create jobs. If you want to create jobs you need to do one thing: cut taxes.

      As-ton-ishing. In less than the 20 second sthat toook me to type, I’ve understood and resolved the things you can’t manage. Why can’t you? Because you think you can solve them. You’re the problem, Sunak. You and your taxes, waste, spending and idiotic policies.

      Get out of our way. Government is irrelevant, it is not the centre of the economy.

  16. 334509+ up ticks,

    Is the parliament canteen aware of this,

    Taliban Delegation Coming to Europe for Talks with U.S., UK, EU Next Week

  17. Just back from a chilly trip to Fakenham. Got two jigsaws – one of the Sistine Chapel…!!

    EVERYONE in the church was masked – except me. Nutters.

    1. If they were to take it to court the phrase ‘good health of the whole force’ is laughable. The vaccine only protects you.

      1. From 90 – 120 days its effect has waned so after that time it’s protecting little or nothing for anybody. IMO this is preferring those who comply as opposed to those who have the strength of character to stand their ground and who then must be punished. Wasn’t there a report a few months ago re one of our aircraft carriers viz. the crew was 100% “vaccinated” but nevertheless there was a serious outbreak of the bug? Little by little certain sections within society will try to eat away at others’ freedom in the cause of covid.

  18. Doomsday Clock remains at closest point ever to midnight for third year in a row

    Here’s a link to the full report:

    It contains this gem:
    Last year, despite laudable efforts by some leaders and the public, negative trends in nuclear and biological weapons, climate change, and a variety of disruptive technologies – all exacerbated by a corrupted information ecosphere that undermines rational decision making – kept the world within a stone’s throw of apocalypse. Global leaders and the public are not moving with anywhere near the speed or unity needed to prevent disaster.

  19. America’s climate alarmists have been made to look like fools
    Looking back at this hysterical prediction from 2004 is both amusing and comforting

    Michael Deacon :

    I wonder who the right wing, Fascist, brain-dead scum bag who posted this BTL comment is?

    Mr Deacon says: “I’m not suggesting that climate change isn’t real, or that governments should do nothing to tackle it.”

    Of course climate change is, and always has been, real. What is also real is that mankind can do absolutely nothing about it and it is sheer hubristic arrogance to think he can.

    As Shakespeare put it:

    “But man, proud man,
    Dress’d in a little brief authority,
    Most ignorant of what he’s most assur’d—
    His glassy essence—like an angry ape
    Plays such fantastic tricks before high heaven
    As makes the angels weep.”

    1. China and India affirmed that they would move away from use of coal, but only gradually; they affirmed for the first time the objective of achieving “net zero,” but only in 2060 and 2070, respectively.

        1. The quote comes from latest articles about the doomsday clock being at 100 seconds to midnight.
          China and India obviously see a light and the end of a dark future by allowing slighly more than 100 seconds to dig up the black stuff!

  20. What is this Labour pratt talking about ?
    Is this the same Boateng (yes it is) who was MP for the over crowded now complete shite hole Brent and sent his son on the train to board at the Harpenden Herts St Georges school for a proper education. Unlike the education he might have had at a school in his own constituency the run down and dowdy London Borough of Brent. Surely St George had deeply contacted links to slavery and even racism. As in, his image depicts the slaying of the ‘islam’ in the form of the dragon that had held captive the fair haired white princess. As happened numerous times in the palace of Al Hambra palace century’s later. And other places since.
    Personally I don’t ‘do religion’ but the buildings are magnificent and WTF has the past of the Church of England got to do with him ?

    1. Here’s some more info about the roots of Boateng.

      Another aspect of the impact of the trans-Atlantic slave trade on Africa concerns the role of African chiefs, Muslim traders, and merchant princes in the trade. Although there is no doubt that local rulers in West Africa engaged in slaving and received certain advantages from it, some scholars have challenged the premise that traditional chiefs in the vicinity of the Gold Coast engaged in wars of expansion for the sole purpose of acquiring slaves for the export market. In the case of Asante, for example, rulers of that kingdom are known to have supplied slaves to both Muslim traders in the north and to Europeans on the coast. Even so, the Asante waged war for purposes other than simply to secure slaves. They also fought to pacify territories that in theory were under Asante control, to exact tribute payments from subordinate kingdoms, and to secure access to trade routes — particularly those that connected the interior with the coast.

      It is important to mention, however, that the supply of slaves to the Gold Coast was entirely in African hands. Although powerful traditional chiefs, such as the rulers of Asante, Fante, and Ahanta, were known to have engaged in the slave trade, individual African merchants such as John Kabes, John Konny, Thomas Ewusi, and a broker known only as Noi commanded large bands of armed men, many of them slaves, and engaged in various forms of commercial activities with the Europeans on the coast.

      The volume of the slave trade in West Africa grew rapidly from its inception around 1500 to its peak in the eighteenth century. Philip Curtin, a leading authority on the African slave trade, estimates that roughly 6.3 million slaves were shipped from West Africa to North America and South America, about 4.5 million of that number between 1701 and 1810. Perhaps 5,000 a year were shipped from the Gold Coast alone. The demographic impact of the slave trade on West Africa was probably substantially greater than the number actually enslaved because a significant number of Africans perished during slaving raids or while in captivity awaiting trans-shipment.

      All nations with an interest in West Africa participated in the slave trade. Relations between the Europeans and the local populations were often strained, and distrust led to frequent clashes. Disease caused high losses among the Europeans engaged in the slave trade, but the profits realized from the trade continued to attract them.

      The growth of anti-slavery sentiment among Europeans made slow progress against vested African and European interests that were reaping profits from the traffic. Although individual clergymen condemned the slave trade as early as the seventeenth century, major Christian denominations did little to further early efforts at abolition. The Quakers, however, publicly declared themselves against slavery as early as 1727. Later in the century, the Danes stopped trading in slaves; Sweden and the Netherlands soon followed.

      1. Boateng – and the half-caste Oluwusogo (or w’evva) – and Lammy – all ignore the enormous effort their OWN forbears put into ensuring a ready supply of slaves…

        1. Absolutely correct William.
          They wouldn’t even exist if it hadn’t been for Whitey.
          But all they all do is moan all the time and dig up the slightest and most obscure irrelevant thing they can find and slide it into their agenda to gloat over. If any persons in this country qualify as racist it these agitating bastards.

          I was talking to a mate this morning about the way JHB and other parts of South Africa have gone down the drain since the ANC took over. But they are still blaming apartheid for the current demise. Most of the Local populations, split tribes were better off until they ‘got the vote’.
          The country has been filled with migrant crims drug dealers sex trafficker’s and opportunist pimps taking advantage of the once established wealth and law and order.

    2. Oh my goodness me. It’s out and out “down with the Church of England” now, no need to hide any further. The Arch I shop of Canterbury or somebody has to say something in defence of the Church. People may have had “links to slavery” in the past. BUT THEY DON’T NOW. And this country took on a huge debt to bring slavery to an end.

      Who is going to be “ defender of the faith”?

      1. All the members of the Establishment nowadays only want the brown envelopes, the salaries, the outward respect, the gong, the titles, the baubles, the fauning etc. NONE of them want to take the responsibility for doing hard, unpleasant work.

      2. Don’t forget though, that the title Defender of the Faith was given to Henry VIII by Pope Leo X for Henry’s treatise defending the Roman Church. He just hung on to it after severing ties with Rome.

    1. The US is now asking the UK to explain how Akram was able to leave our shores and enter the country two weeks ago to carry out an anti-Semitic terrorist attack without any flags being raised.

      Don”t they realise the technological advances being made in Europe for extending the range of inflatables?

      1. The UK is not a prison – I thought it was up to the country he was travelling to to make the checks!

        1. Conversely of course, France is a prison because it is in the EU and is bound by the Schengen Agreement to account for everyone who leaves their shores.

      1. Notice at Dover:
        Trying to land in England? – Why land here when there is a newer version?: New England 👉

        1. New England is one of my favourite places that I have ever been to……….don’t send them there. 🤔

          1. The state motto of New Hampshire is “Live Free or Die”. I wouldn’t mess with the people from that state!

          2. The state motto of New Hampshire is “Live Free or Die”. I wouldn’t mess with the people from that state!

    2. Prevent focuses mainly on right wing extremism. They are obviously not fit for purpose. All they need to do is a body count. They must be left wing marxists.

      1. “Right wing extremism”?? Like that perpetrated by members of the Metropolitan Police Farce??

    3. And isn’t the most dangerous right wing fascist a 14 year old boy with a magazine about guns in his bedroom?

    4. Too much like hard work; any accusation of racism would have permanently blighted the careers of those involved. Let a thousand kuffirs die rather than risk one’s mortgage.

    5. The writer, Mr Acheson, is delusional. With 40,000 suspects on the terrorism database, every potential terrorist will get about 2 hours work on them in a year, less or none if time and effort has to be devoted to prominent danger. To actively monitor a terrorist requires a team of around 12 people. Present security numbers permit nothing like that.

  21. Just back from Waitrose needed some spices for my curry weekend and wanted a bottle of their No1 cognac (sold out Boo)
    Mask Central didn’t see even one other free thinker,most disapppointing
    Made the mistake of clicking the radio on as I came home,Any Answers?? Liebour and Limp-Dumbs castigating the Tories for fuel price increases and not enough food in the foodbanks
    Much made of the classic “Heat or Eat” line
    By this time I’m shouting at the windscreen, “So why have you virtue signalling bastards opposed fracking and any other development to give us cheap energy” (Not that the CONservatives are any better)
    Off,fumed all the way home

    1. After a fruitless drive to a local charity warehouse (unable to take any donations) I had a more fruitful drive to another on the far side of town. Have dumped heaps of books that I know darn well I will never read again.
      While zipping around I chilled out by singing along to the Stones. (Which why I prefer not to have passengers!)

      1. Did a bit of shopping in Belper yesterday after my soil humping exertions and, as I was driving there, BBC R3 played Beethoven’s Leonora No.3 with about 5 minutes still to run when I parked up at Aldi.
        Guess who turned the volume up and sat there blowing the cobwebs out until it finished?

  22. A chilling totalitarian impulse is now subverting free societies from within. 22 January 2022.

    Have you begun to suspect that at least some of the people who have been responsible for seeing us through, or reporting on, the Covid crisis are unwilling to let it go? Not the virus itself, of course. It would be quite wicked to suggest that anyone in a position of power or influence wanted the illness to continue as a real threat.

    So no, it is not the existence of Covid-19 as a disease that is begging to be prolonged but the state of emergency that accompanied it. And it is not just those actually in charge of the policy who seem to be touched by this reluctance to accept its end: the sense that public discipline and social control were being imposed on justifiable grounds had an appeal not only to those who were doing the enforcing but, it is now clear, to an alarmingly large percentage of the population.

    Alexis de Tocqueville foresaw this 150 years ago. A population of timorous sheep needing only to be reassured. It is where Socialism inevitably leads. Not to strenuous Freedom but willing Serfdom.

    I see an innumerable crowd of like and equal men who revolve on themselves without repose, procuring the small and vulgar pleasures with which they fill their souls. Each of them, withdrawn and apart, is like a stranger to the destiny of all the others: his children and his particular friends form the whole human species for him; as for dwelling with his fellow citizens, he is beside them, but he does not see them; he touches them and does not feel them; he exists only in himself and for himself alone …

    Above these an immense tutelary power is elevated, which alone takes charge of assuring their enjoyments and watching over their fate. It is absolute, detailed, regular, far-seeing, and mild. It would resemble paternal power if, like that, it had for its object to prepare men for manhood; but on the contrary, it seeks only to keep them fixed irrevocably in childhood …

    Thus, after taking each individual by turns in its powerful hands and kneading him as it likes, the sovereign extends its arms over society as a whole; it covers its surface with a network of small, complicated, painstaking, uniform rules through which the most original minds and the most vigorous souls cannot clear a way to surpass the crowd; it does not break wills, but it softens them, bends them, and directs them; it rarely forces one to act, but it constantly opposes itself to one’s acting; it does not destroy, it prevents things from being born; it does not tyrannize, it hinders, compromises, enervates, extinguishes, dazes, and finally reduces each nation to being nothing more than a herd of timid and industrious animals of which the government is the shepherd.

    Alexis de Tocqueville. Democracy in America.

    1. Did the WEF use this as an instruction manual?
      And the reason this is not taught in schools? Because schools are provided by government, of course.

      I haven’t read Alexis de Tocqueville, but I had recently been thinking that I don’t feel safe in the European social democracies any more, where the citizens are defenceless against the government. Even in Britain, we’re told by the government that the CBDC is ready to launch, which will pretty much end the freedoms we’ve traditionally enjoyed.
      The American idea that the people need to be armed to protect themselves against tyranny is beginning to look a lot more attractive.

      1. Afternoon BB. There are no Democracies left in Europe They are managed tyrannies! Every aspect of our lives watched. Eveything you read propaganda. Even the Truth no longer acceptable.

        1. It started in the 1950s. The British government has always been terrified of the British people. Nothing has changed since Peterloo.

  23. Finally, feminists are asking: what do men want?
    Two new books wrestling with the masculinity crisis – one by a woman, one by a man – are put to the test. The result is surprising

    Tim Stanley :


    Of course the question: ‘What do women most want?’ was posed by the Wife Of Bath in Chaucer’s ‘Canterbury Tales.’
    The answer in the fourteenth century was very much the same as today – they want the
    maistrie or the upper hand and once they have that then there will be no more power struggle and men and women will be able to live harmoniously.

    A sensible man realises this – as I do!

  24. Tommy Robinson is pursued for £2m by creditors after declaring himself bankrupt. 22 january 2022.

    Hope Not Hate’s chief executive Nick Lowles said: ‘Jamal Hijazi is a victim of Tommy Robinson’s vitriol, and it is important that Robinson is held to account.

    ‘It is wholly unjust that while his victim’s life has been turned upside down, Tommy Robinson carries on his life as before.

    ‘Tommy Robinson has to understand that there are real consequences to his hate. It is time to make him pay up and ensure that his victims get proper justice.’

    You can read the unwritten Hate there!

    1. It would be interesting to hear from other pupils about the alleged bullying by Jamal Hijazi. No smoke…

    2. The usual sort of article – “Far right” “real name …” I wonder how Hope Not Hate have the nerve to call themselves that since they seem to hate everyone who doesn’t agree with them!

  25. Just in from spraying the apple trees – and realising WHY the large and very handy spray has not been used for 5 years (at least). It doesn’t work. It needs a washer and in my box of washers I have every sodding size EXCEPT…..

    1. Did the trees need painted? They aren’t supposed to be green in January, you know!

    2. You must have a similar box of washers to me. I also have a tin of assorted small nuts and bolts and a few of them actually fit each other!

  26. Advice needed.
    I have a box of assorted WWI women’s and children’s magazines.
    I haven’t sorted through them other than to put them all in the one box.
    I would like to find them a good home; money would be handy, but I’m more interested in the magazines being appreciated.
    Ideas, please.

        1. You may mock! The MR has a steady business in selling off books (of which we have far, far too many) through both e-Bay and Amazon.

      1. A neighbour suggested that. Do I need a grandson to sort that out? Postage etc…. might be a hassle.

        1. No. If someone makes an offer which you accept, the postage is added to what matey has to pay. You can print labels and stamps. With you skill at doing Christmas cards (yours has yet to arrive, by the way!!) – you should not find it a hassle at all.

    1. Do you have a local museum? They might like such material.
      Visited a small local museum (Cornwall in the War? Something like taht) a few years ago – it was absolutely lovely! They don’t have huge iron exhibits, like tanks, but smaller, and very personal items – uniforms, letters, and the like. It was quite an experience, much better than panzers and giant bombers.

      1. Etsy and eBay. My wife sold boxes of Irish linen covered silver buttons on both.

        First lot went to Glyndebourne Costume Department, next lot to private buyer and third lot to BBC for costumes in a forthcoming Great Expectations adaptation (Ridley Scott).

    2. These people may be interested, Anne .
      Worth a a phone call

      The Geffrye museum will rename itself as the Museum of the Home when it reopens after an £18m redevelopment, which will double its public space.

      The popular museum of historic interiors, which occupies Grade I-listed 18th-century almshouses in east London, closed to the public in January 2018 to allow major building work.

    3. Lay magazines flat and roll it into 3 inch diameter logs then wrap metal wire around the finished log. The tighter you can roll the paper the longer the “logs” will burn.

      WhoTF wants to be reminded of our brave and heroic past ….?

    4. A local school history teacher should be delighted to have them for their classes.
      Am I being naïve?

  27. Moh and I drove to B&Q in Weymouth late morning , hoping to buy a replacement GALVANISED BUCKET for the ashes from our coal fire .

    The staff looked at us in disbelief when we asked them where to find one in the store.

    They said the only buckets on sale were plastic buckets .. I asked them why they didn’t stock galvanised buckets , no one has asked for them !!!!

    Moh used one of our plastic buckets the other day, and the ash and clinker was too hot, so guess what , melted the bottom of the bucket .

    We came on home , and drove into Wareham , where there is a lovely old fashioned hardware store .. We should have done that earlier , I came out of the shop with a proper large pail with a lid , roughly £20, should last a few more years , I hope .

    B&Q are hopeless.

    1. Up to a point, Lady Copper.

      Remember that most houses do NOT have a “live” fire, and so the occupiers have no need to dispose of hot ash.

      1. We have a live fire – it’s amazing how long the ashes can stay warm! We bought an ash can cleaner (hoover-type thing) years ago and it just sucks up ash and deposits it in a metnal container without us having to bend down to get at all the ash and then put it into a bucket.

        That said, we normally leave ash until it has cooled a bit.

          1. This one replaced an old cast-iron “frog-like” stove that blew all the heat up the chimney. Very efficient, it is, and nicely regulatable.

        1. With a log-burner, apparently it is almost essential to leave a thin layer of ash across the grate for ease of lighting the next fire-up.

          Words of wisdom from Best Beloved who has twenty year’s experience with this.

    2. We wait until the ashes are cold and put them in a plastic bag.
      But then, we ue our fire as supplement to (electric) heating. So, allowing it to get cold isn’t a problem.

      1. Very helpful link , thanks very much .

        The staff had never heard of a galvanized pail , mind you , they were all in their twenties .

        Our new pail has a metal handle with a wooden grip and a lid .

    3. Maggie: “Why don’t you stock galvanised buckets?
      B & Q: “No one has asked for them.”
      Maggie: “Well, I just did!”

      1. We had one of those, it was good, it was called a Tippy Box back in those days. Used directly next to the solid fuel burner it certainly helps to keep the dust from the ash down.

  28. HAPPY HOUR – Robot Vacuum Cleaner Runs for it’s Life….

    At last, even the friggin’ robots are rebelling…..

    A robot vacuum cleaner made a break for freedom after giving staff the slip at a Travelodge hotel.The automated cleaner failed to stop at the front door in Cambridge on Thursday, and was still on the loose the following day.
    Staff said it just kept going and “could be anywhere” while well-wishers on social media hoped the vacuum enjoyed its travels, as “it has no natural predators” in the wild.

    It was found under a hedge on Friday.

    1. I saw that this morning and it’s the first time in ages that I have laughed so hard so early in the day. Absolutely hilarious.

      1. I liked one of the comments on social media….hoping it would be OK as “nature abhors a vacuum”.

    2. A witness said that it was travelling so fast out of the hotel that he couldn’t see it for dust.

  29. Come on NoTTlers….whaddythink…?

    Is Boris Johnson unfit for office….?

    Ex- Scottish Tory leader Ruth Davidson takes aim at the PM and warns he is in a ‘perilous situation’ with growing ‘fatigue’ among MPs amid Partygate scandals.

    1. Ms Davidson is simply positioning herself to be in the running. However that would not be good. When God was giving out Brains, Davidson was back in the queue for a second helping of Mouth

    2. I believe Boris Johnson is leading the right party to deal with what’s left in the UK.

      1. Precisely what is Left/Right….?
        I cannot believe what is happening to my country……Oh, it isn’t mine is it…?

      2. 334509+ up ticks,
        Evening Aoe,
        Tis only right. this reigning segment of the LLC coalition has been in it since the Thatcher

    Just for Philip.
    Tonight’s supper: Stir-fried king prawns and chestnut mushrooms; served with a stir-fried vegetable chow mein.

    King prawns & mushrooms: salt, pepper, garlic, ginger, chilli, lemon zest and parsley.
    Chow mein: egg noodles, onions, bamboo shoots, courgette, carrots, broccoli, oyster sauce, light soy sauce.

  31. That’s me for today. Quite nice in the sun but jolly nippy all day. Sprayed the apples. Cursed the sprayers – for lacking the parts which I had forgotten to buy. Still – grâce à Amazon – the washers will be here tomorrow. Isn’t it ODD that you can get stuff which you order late on a Saturday delivered the following day – but the “Royal Fail” can take a week – or longer…..??

    A shite looking day tomorrow. Grey and damp and cold all day. Not a hint of sun.

    Figaro from The Met on R3 in 15 minutes. Go on – give it a listen – even though you know how it ends!! I love it. Always have since I was 20.

    I hope to greet you in the morn – but, who knows? God moves in a myaterious etc etc.

    A demain. DV.

  32. 334509+ up ticks,


    UK Looks to Detain ALL Male Migrants Crossing the English Channel:

    Always be very wary of anything appertaining to this illegal invasion, eventually the incoming numbers will be shared out between the lab/lib/con mass uncontrolled / govn. controlled, coalition.

    This new political move could very well be to form the PPPB that is
    the Political Personal Protection Battalion, because they know that as soon as the ball & spine sets arrive for the electorate majority, things WILL change dramatically.


    1. Are they going to withdraw the UK from the UN Migration Pact?
      Thought not. All else is fluff.

    2. Don’t restrict it to just male, nor just adult.

      Don’t detain them.

      When they call for help, ignore them. If they invade our waters, shoot them.

      Stop them getting here. Remove the ones who are here. Never let them get here at all.

  33. Earlier this morning I posted I was in for a day of pain, I was going to watch Bath Rugby.
    Well, we came 2nd, a close match only losing 7-64, still Butcombe Ale helped numb the pain. 😢

          1. I’ve got gouty arthritis in both feet and sometimes, usually if I put my feet up, it’s like a sniper has shot me in the big toe area.

          2. Assuming you’re looking at the second rather than my first attempt.
            It’s a Georgian cartoon, it wasn’t the one I was looking for but it gives the idea.

          3. Mine isn’t gout, it is blood flow due to narrowing of the veins and wotnot in my leg. . I heard recently that a treatment for gout was leeches. Apparently we have them in several local Hampshire ponds. I hadn’t heard of that before.

            Perhaps go for a paddle.

          4. There’s loads of them on Kit Hill where I walk with Oscar. There’s a swampy area as you walk towards the quarry and always some muddy puddles across the path. These semi-permanent puddles always have decent sized leeches squirming about, fascinating though.

          5. Warmer and drier; head down to your local benefits office, you’ll find as many leeches as you could possibly wish for.

          6. My b-i-l, who suffers from gout, swears by black cherries (tinned or fresh). You might give that a try.

    1. Oh good grief, vvof! What a disaster! Never mind, glad you enjoyed the beer! What was the old advert “I’m only here for the beer”?

    2. I watched the first 13 minutes. The referee did not hand out 3 yellow cards to Leinster payers for taking out a player in the air, tackling a player without the ball, and something else I cannot remember. Had the referee actually applied the Laws, the result may have been a bit different.

    1. Aged 13, I built a ‘Tesla Coil’ with a Loo roll and lots of copper wire.

      It produced some 20,000 volts of high-voltage, low-current, high frequency alternating-current electricity.


      It was fun :)!!!

    1. It doesn’t mean anything – the MPS have to report as a crime anything they cannot immediately disprove is a crime.
      On the contrary, they are warning staff about anti-vaxxers and conspiracy theorists and potential violence.

      1. 334509+ up ticks,

        Staff cannot ALL be ” whatever authority says is to be believed, and go’s”
        types there are a great many, free thinkers / free speech protectors out there.

        A team of investigative , news hounds, independent of these current odious Isles, say from outerbloodymongolia do an in depth search and
        report for a very ample financial reward, to be paid on genuine proof of findings.

        1. I do not dispute that the Crime Number is a real thing, nor that it has received no coverage.
          I am just saying that within the Met and for the country the fact that there is a crime reference number is insignificant. It does not mean that this is being investigated as though a crime has been committed.

          1. 334509+ up ticks,

            Granted it is insignificant, It would surprise me highly if the ref. number
            received an in depth coating of checking out and actions taken.

    Yeah yeah, of course it will happen.
    The really worrying statistic is:

    Though the Home Office has not published a breakdown of Channel migrants by age or gender, Miss Patel claims that seven in ten of all people who cross the Narrow Sea are single men under 40.

    Actually I’m surprised it’s that low so to admit to it is damning.

    BUT the eye-opener is this one:

    Currently only migrants who land on the UK coast are breaking the law and can be detained, rather than those intercepted in the Channel.

    Did you know that? I didn’t.
    No wonder people think there’s a conspiracy to import them.

    1. The next 2 and a half in ten are single men between 40 and 45.

      The entire farce is intended specifically to spiet the public over Brexit. Many voted to stop the tsunami of unwanted immigrants. The state is intentionally poking them in the eye.

      1. Closing?
        Ha bloody ha.
        The answer is, at the instant they cross into British territorial waters, to take off all the real women and children and give the rest the choice:
        Go back to France or be sunk in the middle of the channel and swim.

  35. To all those who placed their bets the other day regarding the attacker with no description mentioned; where we were given zero details about sexual assaults on schoolgirls.
    Well, here is the picture:

    Collect your winnings all those who thought “usual suspect”.

    1. Investigators have released a CCTV image of a black hooded man they want to speak to in connection with the incidents

      Err should that have read?:
      Investigators have released a CCTV image of a hooded black man they want to speak to in connection with the incidents

      1. Almost certainly one of the unwanted illegal immigrant. I’ll take odds though.

        I have 1:1, 1:1.0 and 1.0:1

    2. Does the MSM take us for idiots? Is it really in thrall of some global cabal wanting to take humanity down to a primitive swamp level, and if so, why?

      1. Because the MSM and the govt DO think we are idiots. And, as I stated above, people nowadays seem to be totally docile and sheep like. They do what they are told and panic if others do not follow the “rules”.
        If I had done what I was told all my life, I would have ended up in a typing pool and never had the, mostly rewarding, career in education that I had. The local news one night this week was talking to kids in a secondary school and all the kids interviewed wanted to keep wearing masks- and they were wearing masks in the interview.
        It continues to be total insanity and I, personally, will no longer do anything this asinine government tells me to.

        1. CRT and a whole shed load of Left wing PC bollocks being taught in schools has a lot to answer for. That’s the Left and the Unions for you.

          1. If that is meant to be a dig at me, you can shove it.
            Now go and cook a steamed pudding or summat!

          2. Cathode Ray Tubes in my day but Critical Race Theory today, Elsie.

            Another, profound load of bollux being pushed by Common Purpose.

          3. Thank you, Tom. I am so often baffled by posts with acronyms which I simply fail to understand.

        2. And yet I keep hearing of many children, whole classfuls, who have refused to wear a mask. I think this is the usual msm(local branch) manipulative non-balanced reporting.

          1. Yep, one doesn’t know what, if anything, to believe. And it could have been that the kids I saw were coached and told to wear masks- who knows!

      2. God knows.
        When it appeared earlier in the week, the refusal to give the description told me all I suspected.

  36. 334509+m up ticks,


    European Bishops: Russian Aggression Poses ‘Real Threat’ to World Peace

    What more than the lab/lib/con coalition and a supporting cast of dangerous fools, I don’t think so boo boo, the coalition / fools have been at it for decades.

  37. What is the chant that I hear from the MSM, the MPs, the government and the silly papers? Oh, I hear it clearly now. It is”War, War, War,…”

        1. Three countries demonised by the West. Guess what? They all hate Muslim extremism. We seem to embrace it. Why?

          1. I don’t think you’re correct about the extremism, Iran actively supports it.
            The common denominator here is America.

            We merely have a death wish.

          2. Iran only supports it to undermine the U.S. They don’t tolerate it on their streets like we do.

          3. Errr…
            Tolerate it?
            They positively encourage all the most extreme viewpoints from the Quran.
            They still raise homosexuals by the neck on cranes, they still insist on Burqas, women escorted, women as second class citizens, and child marriage is acceptable.

            But then again, I suppose that if one is a “real” Muslim that isn’t regarded as extreme.

          4. Most women in Iran dress modestly and wear a head scarf. Not the full burqa.

            Compare and contrast to Western girls going out on a Friday night in the UK.

          5. Depends where you are.
            Parts of Iran you might think you were in a “normal” Western style country. Other parts and the Full Monty is the normal attire. (that’s a joke regarding the total covering)
            Agree re slappers here.

  38. Neil Oliver’s monologue was spot on this evening.

    Many years ago I watched a video/documentary about an order of teaching nuns. It was before, during and after Vatican II which I think was in the early 60s.
    Many changes were mooted including changes in the religious habit etc. One of the older nuns said she didn’t want to make decisions. Tell her what to do and she’d do it was what she said.
    Strikes me that that attitude sums up many, many of the UK population….tell us what to do and when and where so we do not have to make a decision for ourselves.
    What has this once great land become?

      1. It’s really weird.
        Looking at one of the toughest, friendliest, most self-sufficient/reliant nations anywhere being turned into wussie central is soul-breaking.

        1. It has to be the voting systems have been hacked. Just like Trump. Replace as many leaders with compliant Marxists. That is what happened in Ukraine.

          1. I’m not actually convinced there is any conspiracy here, or interference with voting systems.

            The general population has been educated by the new left and they truly believe that what their leaders are proposing is for their best interests.
            Sadly, they will discover that in fact the opposite will take place.

        2. I don’t think they were that tough. They’ve been disappearing in a cloud of smugness about their perfect race relations for years.

        3. And OZ… no way in the past they would have put up with this sh*t. What has happened?

  39. Twould be bizarre if the lying bounder in No.10 tried to use the Russian invasion of Ukraine to hang on to his job – strange when he can’t even manage to rebuff unarmed dinghies invading our coast every bloomin day. No, such an invasion should, if anything, speed up Boris’s departure.

    1. Apparently, he’s been trying pork barrel politics instead; MPs likely to go against him have been warned their constituencies would lose public funding, while those supporting him would get more. Unsurprisingly, this has fallen foul of the standards committee and there is talk of involving the police. Rotten to the core!

      1. If you look at Boris Johnson in the round, so to speak, he is a fat dishonest bastard with no scruples. His education at Eton and Oxford merely reinforced his notion that he was special and holding higher moral authority than us plebs.

        The famous picture of Johnson and Cameron posing as members of the Elite Oxford Bullingdon Club should have been warning enough as to both men’s proclivities.

        The fat git really believes he was born to lead and bears comparison with Churchill. Churchill crapped bigger than him.

  40. Popping back in

    Covid vaccine deadline for NHS staff set to be pushed back

    “Two weeks before the NHS is due to begin sacking unvaccinated staff, it

    is believed the requirement is likely to be ‘kicked down the road'”
    What utter bollux!!
    Either the forced jab was essential for public health (albeit delayed for months Hah) any delay is a clear admission this isn’t about public health!!!
    Bastards,one and all
    Edit,now about the sacked care home workers,this is all beyond belief

    1. And from some quarters I detect just a smattering of sympathy being directed to the buffoon in No10.
      I suggest those who are trying to find excuses for him refocus their minds on the sack care home workers you mention, the buck stops at the top, only Johnson is ultimately responsible for this abhorrent policy.

      1. It seems as though this supposed government has suddenly realised that if they sack how ever many NHS workers they might be understaffed. Well, I am gobsmacked. Who would have thought that sacking thousands of health care workers could cause a problem.

        1. They thought depriving them of their jobs would do the trick, they would all be standing meekly in line with their sleeves rolled up. Just the ticket, that’ll do it. It never occurred to them that they may have principles connected to, er, health.

        2. They thought depriving them of their jobs would do the trick, they would all be standing meekly in line with their sleeves rolled up. Just the ticket, that’ll do it. It never occurred to them that they may have principles connected to, er, health.

        3. They do not care.

          They have utilised NHS staff to ‘fight’ the supposed pandemic and lionised them for two years. Yet now they wish to reward them for their efforts with the sack.

          Does any of this make sense?

      2. The vaccine mandates for health care workers is superfluous, illegal and a sure sign of desperation on the part of government and its loony advisors.

        Johnson should face a Nuremberg trial for his complicity in the Covid scam along with his cabinet and the quasi scientists of SAGE and their chums with shares in Pharma such as Whitty and Vallance.

        I remain nonplussed how any sentient human being could have believed a word these charlatans uttered.

        It was obvious to many of us that the push for vaccines had nothing whatever to do with public health. The subsequent obfuscation of the medicos and the coercive techniques employed to persuade innocent folk to accept experimental jabs is of itself a crime against humanity.

        The complicity of NHS managers and practitioners in the fraud is despicable and simply proves that many are low grade grifters lining their pockets as opposed to serving the nation.

        Every action of Johnson & Johnson (Carrion) have been born of total ignorance of medicine and sadly, the politics of consent. Every institution is to some degree complicit in the hoax including universities (once seats of inquiry and learning but no more), the Police Service (once a police force for good aiming to police by consent, now merely politicised bullies) and our government institutions and civil service (hopelessly corrupt on all accounts).

    2. Out boyos are still pushing to ban any unvaccinated health worker, at the same time a vaccinated worker who tests positive can go back to work after a few days.

      obviously this is to protect patients /sarc!

    3. It has never been about health!! It has always been about control and tracking what we are doing!

  41. Evening Folks.

    Busy day renovating :-((

    News that some young friends are icebound on their boat near rugby.

    I went there once one summer. Here’s my journal entry:

    “Arriving at Rugby, we moored just below bridge 58 (most if not all bridges are numbered for ease of reference when navigating the inland waterways). At bridge 58 there is a footpath leading from the canal to the centre of Rugby. It is notable for a number of features. The first being a Tesco Superstore, a handy shop for hungry or thirsty boaters just a few minutes’ walk from the canal. A little further on there is a stream where the locals have been playing “pooh Sticks” a game in which two sticks are dropped simultaneously from the upstream side of the bridge to see which one emerges first from under the bridge on the downstream side. Only the locals seem not to have quite got the hang of the game in a couple of regards. Firstly, the game is supposed to be played with sticks and not supermarket trolleys, so handily supplied by the aforementioned Tesco’s. Secondly, it is customary to throw the sticks into the water on the upstream side of the bridge. Of the eight trolleys lying forlornly on their sides in the stream only one local appears to have got it right by throwing the trolley in on the upstream side of the bridge. As empty trolleys are incapable of floating, it is clear that some locals do not understand the rules of the game. Equally I may have completely misjudged the situation. It could be that the tradition of ignoring rules is still alive in Rugby. After all it was Webb Ellis who ignored the rules of football picked up the ball at started the game of Rugby. Or perhaps those that hurled the trolleys into the stream were merely testing Newton’s Law of Gravitation, which as Professor Cox explains in his book “Forces of Nature” tends to generate spherical objects, just like the hypothesis I’m putting forward here.
    Further along the footpath a magnificent footbridge crosses over several railway tracks. The portion of the bridge directly over the tracks is encased with wire turning it into a large aviary like structure. As we crossed, Roy said: he “had some sympathy for the Toucans in London Zoo’s Snowden’s Aviary”. However, judging from the volume of broken glass on the floor of the bridge it seems that some locals frustrated by the wire cage preventing them from hurling bottles at passing trains had simply smashed them on the floor.
    Eventually having walked through a wonderful road lined with Lime Trees which provided welcome shade we emerged into what we immediately saw was middle England, the clue was in the multiple Polish supermarkets.
    From Rugby it is but a short journey along the canal to the junction with the Coventry Canal and Coventry itself. The Coventry Canal is spectacular. Locals appear to be following the ancient Roman sacred rites associated with bridge crossing, which were then supervised by Pontiffs. For at every bridge that crosses the five miles of canal the locals appear to have been sacrificing their livers judging by the thousands of cans and bottles strewn either side of each bridge. Such is the volume of evidence that at one stage I thought the detritus must have been washed up the slopes of the banks by a Tsunami. At one gateway leading onto the towpath it was possible to count 12 plastic carrier bags full of bottles and cans draped on the railings.”

  42. British Medical Journal Demands Immediate Release of All COVID-19 Vaccine, Treatment Data

    Authored by Katabella Roberts via The Epoch Times,

    The British Medical Journal (BMJ) has demanded the full and immediate release of all data related to COVID-19 vaccines and treatments, saying it is in the public’s interest to do so.

    BMJ, a weekly peer-reviewed medical trade journal published by the trade union the British Medical Association, called for the release of the data in an editorial published on Wednesday.

    “Today, despite the global rollout of COVID-19 vaccines and treatments, the anonymized participant-level data underlying the trials for these new products remain inaccessible to doctors, researchers, and the public—and are likely to remain that way for years to come,” BMJ said.

    “This is morally indefensible for all trials, but especially for those involving major public health interventions.”
    BMJ also accused pharmaceutical companies of “reaping vast profits without adequate independent scrutiny of their scientific claims,” pointing to Pfizer, whose COVID vaccine trial was “funded by the company and designed, run, analyzed, and authored by Pfizer employees.”

    New York-headquartered Pfizer still holds that trial data and has indicated that it won’t begin considering requests for such data until May 2025—24 months after the primary study completion date of May 15, 2023, which is listed on

    1. Bit late, I’d say. The whole bunch of them have enthusiastically co-operated with government coercion of the public, and collected the blood money.

    2. Bit late, I’d say. The whole bunch of them have enthusiastically co-operated with government coercion of the public, and collected the blood money.

    3. If everybody is vaccinated how will they be able to compare the reactions of how people who have and people who have not had the jabs?

        1. True, J, they just want a totally cowed and subservient population.

          The problem is, no matter what they demand (mandate, legislate) we NoTTLers (and many more beside) are likely to ask if they like sex and travel.

      1. The plan was to coerce the entire population into taking the jabs. The wheels fell off the plan months ago.

        The enterprise of vaccinating the entire world is in disarray. But there remains one wheel on their wagon and the fuckers fully intend to keep rolling along. Unfortunately, for them, there is a cliff face in front of them and the precipice is deep.

  43. British Medical Journal Demands Immediate Release of All COVID-19 Vaccine, Treatment Data

    Authored by Katabella Roberts via The Epoch Times,

    The British Medical Journal (BMJ) has demanded the full and immediate release of all data related to COVID-19 vaccines and treatments, saying it is in the public’s interest to do so.

    BMJ, a weekly peer-reviewed medical trade journal published by the trade union the British Medical Association, called for the release of the data in an editorial published on Wednesday.

    “Today, despite the global rollout of COVID-19 vaccines and treatments, the anonymized participant-level data underlying the trials for these new products remain inaccessible to doctors, researchers, and the public—and are likely to remain that way for years to come,” BMJ said.

    “This is morally indefensible for all trials, but especially for those involving major public health interventions.”
    BMJ also accused pharmaceutical companies of “reaping vast profits without adequate independent scrutiny of their scientific claims,” pointing to Pfizer, whose COVID vaccine trial was “funded by the company and designed, run, analyzed, and authored by Pfizer employees.”

    New York-headquartered Pfizer still holds that trial data and has indicated that it won’t begin considering requests for such data until May 2025—24 months after the primary study completion date of May 15, 2023, which is listed on

  44. Evening, if there’s anybody there! Am still getting my breath back from watching Shishkin beat Energemene – what a race! As for the headline; the West has no right to offer anybody any part of the Ukraine.

    1. I’ve just arrived!
      The West should mind its own business and leave Russia to manage its own.

      1. Really, weird, J, I read that as The Welsh…

        Am I expecting trouble from that minuscule quarter?

          1. Ah, yes, the Welsh, being a subject nation, are already cowed (or should that be ovined?)

    2. A great race by all accounts. Great excitement almost wishes us to become alive again after two years of government sanctioned medical tyranny.

      1. It was thrilling. Shishkin showed such tenacity and will to win. He came from behind and looked in trouble before he surged past what is a very good horse to win by a length. A duel worthy of Grundy and Bustino.

    3. Good morning Conners
      I have some memorabilia of the Grand National, water jugs, race cards, broaches etc. Do you know if there is a market for these sort of things. These items are from the ‘80s and ‘90s – Seagram and Martell.

      1. I’m afraid I have no idea. There probably are people who collect such things, but I don’t have any contacts. I have one or two items from when the National was under threat because Mrs Topham was going to sell the course and there were fund-raisers to raise enough money to buy it and preserve it, but as I’ve never tried to sell them, I can’t say if they have any value, either.

  45. Omgg,now I feel old,Nick Mason on Sky Arts Saucer Full of Secrets
    First chords of “set the controls for the heart iof the sun” and I’m tripping in ’68

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