Saturday 28 May: Yes, the PM should resign – not because of parties but for his betrayal of Tory voters

An unofficial place to discuss the Telegraph letters, established when the DT website turned off its comments facility (now reinstated, but we prefer ours),
Intelligent, polite, good-humoured debate is welcome, whether on or off topic. Differing opinions are encouraged, but rudeness or personal attacks on other posters will not be tolerated. Posts which, in the opinion of the moderators, make this a less than cordial environment, are likely to be removed, without prior warning.  Persistent offenders will be banned.

Today’s letters (visible only to DT subscribers) are here.

440 thoughts on “Saturday 28 May: Yes, the PM should resign – not because of parties but for his betrayal of Tory voters

  1. Ukrainians may have to ‘fully retreat from Luhansk’ to avoid being surrounded, governor warns. 28 May 2022.

    Ukrainian forces may have to fully retreat from their final pocket of resistance in the eastern Luhansk region to avoid being surrounded by advancing Russian troops, a regional governor has warned.

    “We have enough strength and resources to defend ourselves. However, it is possible that in order not to be surrounded we will have to retreat,” Serhiy Gaidai, the Luhansk regional governor, said in a post on the Telegram messaging app.

    All Ukrainian forces will now advance to the rear!

    Trying to discover the truth about what is actually happening in Ukraine is extraordinarily difficult because of the level of Lies and Propaganda in the MSM! It is beginning to look as if their portrayal of the War from the very beginning has been an absolute Farrago of the Reality as Nottlers suspected. From a mixture of unofficial sources and simple observation my guess is that the Ukrainian Army is near to collapsing and it will soon be sauve qui peut. Even if I’m right this won’t be the end. The West has now invested huge amounts of cash, and more importantly personal political prestige, in propping up this Fake Democracy which implies not an end but an escalation. Direct intervention by NATO is not now beyond imagination.

    1. Araminta, it appears as though ‘saving face’ for those running the show in Ukraine is going to extend the conflict, and as a result, prolong the agony of the people of Ukraine. Saving face has never been a clever strategy in running a war and can only end in disaster. Only fantasists e.g. Biden (and his additional $40Billion that the USA just does not have) and Johnson will attempt to keep the war going, the Ukrainian people do not count in the greater scheme of globalisation.

    2. I find these two guys- they are Greeks but one is British and is in London seem to have a great deal of insight. Interestingly, the one who lives in Greece mentions at the beginning that Russian oil exports using Greek shipping are huge and that oil will find its way back to the West. They mention that the EU really has got itself into a huge bind with this all and has no immediate “off ramp” while they reckon that the EU will not face reality etc. You may, of course, already be aware of this channel.

      1. Alexander is a bit long-winded and can’t sit still but he does know what he’s talking about.

        1. Yes, indeed! In his opinion the Telegraph is really the media mouthpiece for the MoD! Classic.

    3. They seem to have dropped Ukraine from the Beeb evening news so it must be going badly.

  2. Yes, the PM should resign – not because of parties but for his betrayal of Tory voters

    The whole lot should go on that count then, I suppose.
    Parliament has been betraying voters since Thatcher.

  3. Morning, All.

    Following on from OB’s monkeypox thread last evening.

    Whom to believe? It’s a tough call between a spokesperson from the agenda ridden WHO, Dr Rosamund Lewis, or a world leading cardiac physician and epidemiologist, Dr Peter McCullough. The latter discusses monkeypox with Del Bigtree on this week’s The Highwire and reveals a possible source for the sudden spread around a number of countries: attendees from depraved sex raves/orgies in Antwerp. Listen from here, from 16 minutes in.

    1. It is disgraceful that Dr McCullough’s knowledge is not imparted via the MSM-but we all know why.

  4. Good morning, everyone. After a busy week, I am taking today and tomorrow off. See you all on Monday morning.

  5. ‘Morning, Peeps.

    The leading letter:

    SIR – There are understandable calls for the Prime Minister to resign following revelations about activity in Downing Street during national Covid lockdowns.

    However, surely the reason he should resign is because he has betrayed the people who voted Conservative at the last election.

    Higher taxes, windfall taxes, cost-of-living subsidies (or bribing people with their own money), together with excessive borrowing – none of these fit with my understanding of fundamental Conservative policies.

    Ian Mackenzie
    Preston, Lancashire

    Spot on, Ian Mackenzie! And your penultimate paragraph is very similar to wot I wrote to my MP this week. He simply has to go, enough is enough.

  6. SIR – I have never seen a Tory government reward hard work by increasing taxes at rates not known for decades, and fail to reward corporate investment in the future by hitting British companies with a windfall tax.

    Come the next election, what is the real choice ? Vote Labour or vote Conservative and still get Labour?

    Kurt Mayer
    Billericay, Essex

    That’s ‘cos this isn’t a Tory government or anything like it!

    1. Yes, there’s a confusing that these are Conservtive – or conservative – values. They’re socialists.

  7. SIR – Boris Johnson has invented a new no-fault concept that most of his MPs have sadly and stupidly embraced, namely that of no-fault responsibility.

    The ramifications of this are profoundly detrimental for all of us.

    Dr Peter Wynarczyk

    “No-fault responsibility” is a Blairism that Johnson has adopted. Problem is, it didn’t work then and it isn’t working now. His lame ‘explanations’ in the House would be laughable if they were not so serious.

    1. I have always been of the opinion that if you are in charge, you are not only responsible but also accountable.

      Old fashioned values, I know.

    2. I’m honesty not sure this governemnt – or any part of it – has any interest in responsibility, duty or integrity whatsoever.

      I don’t think any of them see anything wrong with what they did whatsoever. They apologise because the public demand it, but there’s no meaning behind it.

  8. SIR – Whatever has happened to our country? Where has the importance of telling the truth gone?

    We used to pride ourselves on having high morals. This is clearly not the case in many circles any more.

    Tina Berry
    Worsley, Lancashire

    You make a very good point, Ms Berry. I’m afraid that, these days, the truth is anything that we allow devious and dishonest politicians to get away with.

    1. The state uses ‘the truth’ to present a narrative of what it wants people to think.

      Sadly, I’m convinced people just aren’t bright enough to understand the truth. Facts are complicated. Real economics is incredibly messy. World politics nauseating. It is perpetual compromise where the ohter guys always seems to win.

  9. Ukraine War Day #93: Water Crisis In The Donbass. Posted on May 27, 2022 by yalensis

    The largest cities of the Donetsk Peoples Republic (DPR) are on the cusp of a humanitarian catastrophe, due to Kiev cutting off the water, and the Ukrainian military blowing up the sluices. The DPR leaders are urging [the Russians] to speed up the operation, in order to take the hydro hubs away from the Ukrainian armed forces. They need to have everything repaired by autumn.

    On Thursday [that was yesterday, May 26] Denis Pushilin (DPR head) communicated the urgency of speeding up military operations in the North of the Donbass. He reported that official Kiev has shut off water to the cities of Donetsk, Makeevka, and Gorlovka; and will most likely blow up other hydro hubs if they can.

    The MSM forgot to mention this in their coverage!

  10. SIR – Jonathan Margolis suggests that lawns use a huge amount of pesticide and water, and prevent wildlife from flourishing (“Is the great British lawn about to be cancelled?”, Features, May 21).

    It doesn’t have to be like that.

    We have a large lawn and I put its good health down to the things I don’t do. I don’t water, which over time encourages the strong, drought-resistant grass to take over. I don’t fertilise and I don’t pick up the grass and weed clippings, which then act as fertiliser. I don’t use pesticides and our lawn is always heavily populated with birds foraging for an easy meal (unlike the ragwort-infested meadow in the next field).

    I don’t cut the grass very short, which means I get fit having to dig out the bigger persistent weeds.

    Our lawn is calming to the soul and I’m told absorbs vast amounts carbon and emits life-giving oxygen.

    G C Brown
    Cookham, Berkshire

    No shortage of smugness either, G C Brown!

    1. The only time I water the dog’s lawn (as a by-product) is when Oscar gets a hose down after applying ‘Foxpoo Shampoo’, and the ducks’ lawn is probably the healthiest lawn in Cornwall. I don’t collect the clippings because that’s a pain in the arse.

  11. Good morning, all. Greyish morning. North wind = bonfire. Will join you later.

  12. SIR – The BBC has announced that it is to stop broadcasting on BBC Four (report, May 27).

    The corporation began 100 years ago as a public broadcaster to inform and educate. In more recent years it has forgotten this mission and focused on creating mediocre entertainment and reality shows. BBC Four is the only one of its channels that even pretends to educate and now that is to perish.

    The irony is that if the BBC were to become a subscription channel, the only areas worthy of purchase are information and education.

    John Hanson
    Canterbury, Kent

    BBC4 was, until recent years, a decent channel for the more serious stuff. However, it has been run into the ground since then with endless repeats of programmes that were a good deal less than educational. It is now doomed, and perhaps that was the intention all along. Thankfully the BBC is dying a slow and painful death, so it’s not all bad news!

    1. SIR – How does the BBC justify making BBC Four online only when, just four months ago, it reinstated the unwatchable BBC Three from online only to conventional broadcast?

      Max Ingram
      Emneth, Norfolk

      Search me!

      1. Exactly so – BBC 3 was, and now is again, utter tripe. BBC 4 on the other hand often showed good programmes, even is some were repeats – to now make that online only shows just how stupid and out of touch the BBC are – they need to realise that today’s yoof are almost certainly not that attracted to BBC programmes; there are much better alternatives for them!

        1. Their quest for more yoof viewers hasn’t gone well. If they had asked our children they would know that it was hopeless, despite the £30m they diverted from other programming. They are never wrong, of course…

        1. Well it’s not that we do watch much but the Scandi noir dramas, occasional music programmes, Cardiff Singer, Young Musician, and a few other things are all on 4 these days.

      1. I’ve long thought that if the bBC combined bBC1 and bBC3, as well as combining bBC2 and bBC4 they would have more programming to fill the airwaves and could therefore reduce the number of repeats.

        Not that it matters much to me, I gave up funding and watching ‘livestream broadcasts’ a few years ago.

    2. It is only when I got to the end of the article, that I realised they were on about TV Channels!

    3. That will be a terrible blow for large sections of the community. I can only receive Radio 4 long wave here and it consists of 80 percent LGBT, BLM, Marxist socialist, Scotch Nat, Irish Nat (IRA), pro Islam, racial integration, Labour loving, anti-British propaganda. The remaining 20 per cent is devoted to back-slapping and personal promotion. If this is also affected it will be sorely missed.

  13. 352832+ up ticks,

    Morning Each,

    Saturday 28 May: Yes, the PM should resign – not because of parties but for his betrayal of Tory voters

    Face bloody reality tory voters have been vying with other members of the coalition
    lab / lib dems for the last near four decades,
    most decidedly putting party before COUNTRY.

    The three form a close shop, a coalition, same same , no different, anti United Kingdom, PRO eu.

    In many areas the 27 different tongue vote is most certainly changing the fabric / culture of these isles ALL down to the lab/lib/con coalition supporter / voter within the electorate ALL suffering seriously from
    Stockholm syndrome, romancing lab/lib/con
    in name only party’s and putting decent peoples futures in dire jeopardy.

    1. The solution is absolutely no translations and to ban any form of cultural dress. Don’t like it? Go live where it’s acceptable.

      1. Absolutely no translations would save us a fortune. Translations don’t come cheap (I know, I used to do it).

  14. Yo ALL

    Sweet Caroline as the Jubilee song

    There is a typo: they want you to sing “Sweet Carrie of Mine”

    An anthem to Johnson’s boss’s success as Prime Minister

    Other variations will be avaiable

      1. Precisely nothing. Which is why it is being put forward by some twit as a song.

  15. Come on all you pissheads !From Stephenroi

    I’m just about to leave to collect the boat and embark for Reading.
    It seems we haven’t had any more takers for Tuesday’s offer which is
    still open:
    ( can I invite any Nottlers to meet up at bel and the
    dragon Reading on Tuesday 31st May. They do a fine lunch and there is
    the prospect of a Narrowboat cruise along the upper Thames. Places on
    the boat are limited to 10 persons (plus Skipper).

    As I’m about to
    go offline for a couple of days communications may be tricky, so keep
    an eye out for stories about boats sinking in locks!!!

    Looking forward to meeting you on Tuesday



    1. Sounds a great idea but I can’t possibly be there. Hope all goes well, what could possibly go wrong.

      1. Doesn’t seem to be many taker uppers.
        Did i mention i’m buying the first round? :@)

    2. Sounds good. Distance is one consideration.
      The other, sadly, is an old friend’s funeral.

    3. I send my apologies. I’ll be in Newmarket (or, rather, on the way back) on the 31st.

  16. Good morning all.
    Another bright & sunny 6°C start up here with a light breeze.

  17. Good morning everyone .

    Lovely sunny morning , 13c, slight breeze .

    My adblock messed everything up yesterday , Moh had a look , then turned my laptop off .. restarted it last night and wow back , but have huge coloured ads on the Nottler page .

    1. Invested properly ni contributions for the average salary, over a lifetime of work – 40 years, invested properly at say 7% – should equate to about a million quid pension pot.

      Then you look at the diversity wonks and realise where our cash really goes. The stat eneeds shredding. Real reform to drag it back to provision of essential, shared services only. Nothing else. No controlling th eeconomy, no taxing to make things difficult, not spite taxes and certainly no money for bloody gimmigrants.

      1. The British Horse Society (I’m a Life Member) sent me their monthly magazine today. It introduced their (black as the Ace of Spades) “Diversity Co-Ordinator”. WTF has that to do with equitation and horse welfare? Then there were people being honoured for services to the horse industry, one of which was the muslim bint who happened to win one charity race! I’ve contributed more to the service of the horse than that!

    2. I have just ordered 2 new pairs of new specs. Regular and sunglasses. VERY strong prescription, varifocals, reactions, lens thinning and fairly cheap frames. As there was a big change in prescription since my last set in 2019, I had no choice. £450 bill.

    1. She has a nerve to rant on about racism when her Nigerian relatives have the worst tribal history in Africa.. The world will never forget the Biafran war.

    2. I think any black activist should look around them and see what they have been given. They’re not natives here, and have built nothing. Before they start blithering on about how awful we are, they should be reminded that they’ve contributed nothing toward anything they have: not the economic system, the market capital, the buildings, the roads, the schools, the trading relationships that got them the clothes they wear.

    3. “More formally, she said in her experience and that of others she has spoken to, the only black history taught to her was slavery and then the civil rights movement for her GCSEs.

      “My whole entire education right from nursery up to college I’ve never had a black teacher. Being in a classroom full of people that don’t look like you – the people that you’re supposed to look up to – you don’t believe that those things are possible for you and you don’t see yourself in all of these different careers.”

      Does she want ‘apartheid’ teaching of history?

      1. Maybe if she knew that it could have been her own Nigerian forebears who were queing on the shore to ply their captured wares to passing traders, she might wind her neck in..

      2. I wonder how much of the history of slavery she was taught actually covered the whole of the African Slave Trade, of which the Atlantic Trade was merely a part?
        Did it cover the slave trade to the Arabs and Asians?

        1. Watch the great two part series called Blood and Gold by Simon Sebag Montefiore.
          Unless the BBC have censored the content.

      3. She never had a black teacher? She should have been educated in Africa if she wanted that as standard.

    4. As many people who claim to be what they are in order to so they very often and disgracefully maligned their own close relatives.
      There were many people slave trading a long time before the brits or Africans were involved. These people need to get their facts right before they lay claim to their invented theories. Does she know that the Moors (early day islamics) use to sail to southern parts of Britain and Ireland and capture young blue eyed blonde girls and boys for the delectation of the mullahs in the Alhambra palace ? They had caves to house all their slaves and fed them to the captured prides of lions when they had finished with them. Answers on a post card Onyx delivered by Post office slaves.

    1. Good morning. Sunshine here and i have decided to plan a holiday in Malta in September. I might even claim asylum !

  18. A lovely good sunny morning to all – I felt I had to share this bit of battiness with you all, As part of the Jubilee celebrations the devoted knitters of my little town have knitted little hats for the finials of the seafront railings :-

    1. There was recently a prog on TV showing lots of middle aged ladies making these items some were large enough to fit on the top of letter boxes they look great.

      1. The WI have a Jubilee display in an empty shop in my local town. It depicts tea for HM and everything is knitted – corgis, tea pots, cakes, sandwiches, bunting …

        1. Great Conners and ……
          Despite all the usual hoo harr over these wonderful hand made objects, it shows the division between the generations this will never happen again and needs as much recognition as possible. IMHO of course 🤗

    2. My late wife used to make knitted toys and sell them all over the Highlands

  19. Morning all. My letter to our MP on the WHO treaty:

    “I am utterly aghast at the proposal that the UK signs up to the World Health Organisation “Pandemic Preparedness Treaty”. This Treaty will sign away all responsibility for handling or coping with any pandemic in the future and put matters in the hands of an organisation unelected by any voter in this country.

    I am sure you are proud of the way in which the “Covid 19” situation was handled by your government; rolling out a programme of vaccination across the nation and much sooner than anywhere else in the world. The Prime Minister likes to say he “got Brexit done”. To extricate ourselves from the stranglehold of the European Union, only to abrogate responsibility to the World Health Organisation in matters of health, without any discussion in the Houses of Parliament, is, you surely agree, unconscionable.

    The WHO has quietly redefined the meaning of “pandemic” so that any slight outbreak of disease, anywhere amongst the national signatories, provides them with an excuse to introduce such draconian measures as we have all suffered over the past 2 years.

    I ask that you demand a public debate on this matter. Before your government signs away my and everyone else’s right to bodily autonomy.”

    His reply:

    Thank you very much indeed for sharing your thoughts and views and concerns. Fully understood and noted by me.
    I completely agree with you that the U.K. should NOT be signing up to any new WHO Pandemic Treaty if it in any way at all curtails, or potentially curtails, the ability of the U.K. to make entirely its own decisions and to take its own actions that are thought best for U.K. citizens and U.K. residents (and U.K. businesses etc.).
    Thank you again for contacting me about this important matter.

    The usual weasel words.

    1. I entirely agree with you about the WHO, but feel obliged to point out that weasels are much nicer than politicians and therefore should not be tainted by association with those scumbags!!

  20. Desperate Putin is deluded to think he can win. 28 May 2022.

    By contrast, Western sanctions are already doing crippling damage to the Russian economy. Economic war isn’t quick, but even if the sanctions are lifted tomorrow, their effects will linger for years – even decades. Putin spent 20 years building up the military he has squandered in Ukraine. With an economy which could shrink by perhaps even more than a quarter this year, and with access to Western technology blocked, it would take at least as long to repair the damage.

    Russia has a massive trade surplus thanks to the sanctions. We on the other hand are mired in debt and are about to endure the worst recession in at least fifty years not to mention that the Chancellor has just forked out £B20 to keep the peasants quiet. Talk about self-delusion!

    1. Even my local rag had an article pointing out that Sunak’s solution would only fuel inflation, wreck pensions and we’d end up paying for it. It was like a breath of fresh air, reading that!

    1. It’s vote chasing, the latest bandwagon. The sad thing is the mentally ill don’t realise there’s no meaning behind it, just vote chasing.

      1. It will perform have as much substance as the much trumpeted ‘promises’ to send the illegal invaders to Rwanda.

  21. 352832+ up ticks,

    May one ask, do the current leaders of the lab/lib/con coalition make this clear just what the electorate is in danger of receiving via
    political arseholes, taking advantage of the mentally afflicted within the electorate ?

    1. Morningall, if you cant stand the heat go east there will be a chill in the air later.

    1. Morning HL.

      The United kingdom has a proud record of helping those fleeing persecution, oppression or tyranny from around the world.

      As my MP headlined the letter he wrote to me in July last year.
      Those few initial words are probably stuck in his gullet now, as they should be.

      1. The women weren’t fleeing anything, just fell for empty promises of fake lucrative jobs in Britain so there is absolutely no reason to not send them back.

        1. Yeah but no but………they must have had thoughts of change before they made their journeys and we all ready have thousands of people who have arrived here off the back of rubber boats in a whim or fantasy that our government have now instated them all above the their greatest expectations.

      2. Perhaps you could send him the headline and link to that article, together with his words in quotation marks? I think I might do that to my MP. Enough is too much.

  22. I have bitten the bullet and booked a trip to Malta ! Managed to book an apartment opposite my favourite Bar !
    I don’t think i will be seeing much of the Island…
    Now to find somewhere or someone to look after Dolly…

      1. Been doing a Viv Nicholson this morning. I also ordered 6kilo of sirloin steak. Half the price of the supermarkets. That should keep me and Dolly in steak for the next couple of years !

          1. How come they sell pork but their beef is halal? Don’t tell me – profits. Should you really be selling out to them just for a cheaper steak?

          2. Good afternoon my dear.
            I have no principles where a bargain is concerned. :@)

          3. It ain’t such a bargain when the people that profit from halal (I don’t mean the butchers) are happy to take a meat cleaver to us…

          4. You’re not being asked to save the problems of the world. But buying something you know is halal, simply to save money, when you are not on the breadline, is in my book selling out to those who want to destroy us.

          5. I am really sorry if my choice has upset you but i no longer have the energy to rage against the machine.

          6. Eeek – I hope I haven’t pressurised you unduly, Pip. But I have the greatest respect for you for what you have done x

          7. After you raised the issue i had second thoughts. Are you aware that most of the abattoirs in the UK are run by muslims? Very difficult to get away from Halal.

          8. Yes – that’s why we eat less meat but we know where it comes from. And I won’t touch New Zealand lamb.

          9. Good morning, John. I trust you are well.

            Is that an algebra equation? 😉

        1. How do you make a Swiss Roll?
          Throw him down the Alps

          What’s a Greek urn?
          About forty Bob a week

      1. Oops – it seems to have turned, rather like a punfest, into a riddle-me-ree.

    1. Top rated BTL comment –
      “could be triggering respiratory and heart diseases” so that’s what they are going to blame the rocketing heart attacks cases on.

    2. Top rated BTL comment –
      “could be triggering respiratory and heart diseases” so that’s what they are going to blame the rocketing heart attacks cases on.

  23. Good Moaning.
    Do Not Let Me Go Into Town Again Unaccompanied By A Minder.
    Popped into the bank to pay a bill (after being informed by the company that “Everyone has an online banking account”: as I pointed out in my best controlled voice … no, they haven’t).
    Ended up buying some healthy stuff and spent £60 on books – telling myself that at least two of them were presents for other people.

    1. We have a very! large collection of books that started about 60 years ago. Removal firms have sometimes, not been happy, although when moving from our house in Oman, the Indian firm were most careful with the packing. More than could be said for the UK firm when we merged both house contents into our new home.
      I have a number of ‘Folio Society & Photography books’ all hard cover and some now, not replaceable.
      My other half has banned me from casual browsing in secondhand book shops these days.
      Like you, I always came away with an arm full.

      1. I have all my mother’s books and LPs. One reason we chose this house (moving from two separate ones) was the capacity for bookcases, and nooks and crannies on the stairs. I still haven’t stopped buying books though.

        1. LPs, CDs Tapes (Revox reel to reel) cassettes. Two Quad hifi systems.
          My cameras (Nikon F, F2sb, F3, F4, D200, D800, Df, 35Ti,….
          You can see why my better half has banned me from book stores 🙄

      2. I have actually bitten on the bullet; books have gone to charity shops or been put out by the front gate as freebies.
        If I haven’t re-read a book or even used it for reference in 30 years, then it is highly unlikely I will bother in the future.

  24. The BBC has not suddenly become bad in the past few years; it has always employed a good number of clueless, out-of-touch reporters, such as this gormless idiot attempting to “interview” a young Mike Oldfield in this clip from an edition of BBC “Breakfast Time” back in 1983. It is clearly evident from Oldfield’s replies that he knows he is in the presence of idiots.

    Does any NoTTLer remember the name of this hapless, personality-free fool of a presenter?

  25. Does any one else own or use a HoZelock IP44 2212 water regulator ? They fit on an out side tap with a hose pipe and allow preset irrigation. I am trying to set mine up to water my green house plants while we are away for a week and I can’t seem to turn it off. I have had to remove the batteries to stop the ‘motor’ from turning.

      1. Ermm that’s what I all already dun, 🤔 but it doesn’t tell you how to fix the thing that seems to be broken and i’ve only used it twice before.
        I’ll get the Hammer………..🤗 🔨

        1. When carrying out any essential repairs, home improvements and the like, I always follow the 3 Golden Rules –

          1. Always use the right tool for the job.
          2. A hammer is always the right tool.
          3. Any tool can be used as a hammer.

          Stick to those and you won’t go far wrong.

          1. When I was in the Royal Air force, discussion of relative toolkits, invariably centered on the ‘Heavies’ (Airframes/Engines) toolkits that were reputed to consist of three items:

            A GS (general service) screwdriver
            A French letter and…
            A Scrubbing brush

            on the basis of, “Fix it, fcuk it or scrub round it.”

      1. That’s an impressive invention. You could set up a business supplying the kits. I’d buy one!

        1. The problem with supplying kits is that almost everything comes from China.
          However, once you have sized up the water and electrical demands of your greenhouse you need to take the Dick Strawbidge approach and find the bits you need lying around in your château and whip out the battery from your old Citroën van that really isn’t fit for the road. You will of course have the problem of getting a large enough cement supply truck to lay down a substantial concrete base for the large rainwater supply tank!


    1. If it’s anything like ours, it doesn’t know about time of day. So if, say, you have set it to water for an hour, then it will do that as soon as you connect it up and then switch off. So we connect it up either first thing in the morning or in the evening.

    2. If it’s anything like ours, it doesn’t know about time of day. So if, say, you have set it to water for an hour, then it will do that as soon as you connect it up and then switch off. So we connect it up either first thing in the morning or in the evening.

    3. We have similar, but it has a clock you can set. I lost the instructions, but found more on’t web. Try Google.

      1. I’ve left a message with their website with the service team, i can get another type for 30 quid from Screwfix it’s better than losing all my plants.
        Cheers for that Obs.

    1. He, charles lynton,lives so close to the ancient site of Tyburn Tree….

      1. 352832) up ticks,

        Afternoon Dtf,
        inclusive of supporters / voters I do find him to be one of the better aspects of the coalition.

        He is 100% political shite & pretends to be nothing else.

  26. Russia-Ukraine war: Russia claims capture of strategic town as fighting rages in east. 28m May 2022.

    Asked what the two men discussed, a Downing Street spokeswoman said:

    The prime minister said that the UK will continue to support the heroic Ukrainian armed forces in their efforts to defend their homeland against this barbaric attack, including helping provide the equipment they need.

    The leaders spoke about Putin’s despicable blockade of Odesa, Ukraine’s biggest shipping port.

    They’re beginning to talk like Marxists!

    1. “They’re beginning to talk like Marxists!” – and why not? they are!

  27. Russia-Ukraine war: Russia claims capture of strategic town as fighting rages in east. 28m May 2022.

    Asked what the two men discussed, a Downing Street spokeswoman said:

    The prime minister said that the UK will continue to support the heroic Ukrainian armed forces in their efforts to defend their homeland against this barbaric attack, including helping provide the equipment they need.

    The leaders spoke about Putin’s despicable blockade of Odesa, Ukraine’s biggest shipping port.

    They’re beginning to talk like Marxists!

  28. We are off to the wasteland….AKA Asda soon. I wonder if we will survive.
    I had the most absurd phone call today from my hospital but later, if at all. Caused me to have a bit of a melt down.
    Weather nice again and am wearing a new tee shirt.

  29. Pyrolysis is an up and coming chemical process which hasn’t fired any Government enthusiasm as a solution to our energy crisis. However, could it be that smoke is seen as the current biggest threat to health and that burning trees, whilst now seen as being very eco-friendly, nevertheless creates a lot of smoke which is not a good thing.

    However smoke will burn and create energy without having to set fire to the fuel. This is how it works:

    I’ve tried the same experiment but without initially heating the containment vessel – a used shaving foam canister with a tin shroud:

    Here’s the schematic:

    The top of the fuel it flamed with a gas torch and the cardboard smoulders heating the shaving foam container to 150 degC,
    The MkI hasn’t reached pyrolytic temperature yet (>400 degC) so the smoke won’t yet catch fire.

      1. Well I got a shock when I touched the MkI anaerobic shaving can pyrolytic reactor and found how hot it had got just from a flameless pyrolytic reaction – it was too hot to handle.. Future versions should get to the stage where smoke will produce a flame and then the fun really starts – yes, it could well be a contender for heat pumps with the added benefits of not using any electricity, recycling your waste and producing a carbon trapping char residue that can be used as a soil condtioner!

          1. Yes, this is where science falls apart.
            In fact it’s completely round the other way:
            there’s no fire without smoke!

            It’s an aged adage.
            Scientists in fact don’t really have a complete understanding of how pyrolysis works. 🤔

    1. Mine was a miserable 6. It’s a while since I’ve had one of those…maybe I should start with different words.

      1. It makes the difference. Got the first three letters with the first word today – sheer luck – but still needed three tries.
        Wordle 343 3/6


          1. That’ obviously a good one. Mine has always been aisle. Strange how many words recently only have one (if that) of those letters…

    2. Bogie Five for me today …
      Wordle 343 5/6


    3. First 3 for a while.
      Wordle 343 3/6


          1. I saw people sharing fish and chips. The portions were huge. And it’s happy hour for most of the day. Two for one cocktails ! Then there is another place called MedAsia. All different types of sushi and things on sticks. Plus two for one cocktails. Once a month they do a beach party for all the bright young things. I get invited because of my age. They think i’m wealthy.

            Then on balmy Friday nights there is Jazz on the Bridge.

          2. Four ?

            I budget for 100 euro a day. It’s impossible to spend that much. You search out really nice places and the menu’s leave me shocked the food and drinks are so cheap. So yes…they probably do think i’m mad.
            Probably gone up a bit now though but still affordable.
            The bandits at the airport want £90 for parking. I said forget it. I can get a limo for that.
            Limo’s on Malta BTW are much the same price as their ‘Spanish practices’ Taxis.

          3. We thoroughly enjoyed our trip and as you say, extraordinarily good value as well as a really interesting place to visit.

          4. I probably swished along the road in my limo as you were trudging up the hill covered in sweat, dust and donkey poo.

          5. That was you was it?

            The donkey driver told us that he had heard from the limo driver that the passenger was an utter prat.
            Over-tipped, over-spent, really gauche.
            They really looked forward to taking you for a ride!

          6. I do tend to over tip but i rarely over spend. The industry these waiters and waitresses work in is something i am familiar with. Plus service gets better and better when you return.

          7. The tipping thing is completely true.
            I always add a generous tip and a small cash amount when the the service charge is automatically added.
            I tend to pay cash and on the first night anywhere I “overpay”.
            If they bring the change I say “no that was for the service”.
            If they don’t bring the change I tend not to return.

          8. On my first night i ended up in Mater Dei with a cracked scull after too many tequila. I haven’t made that mistake again but my doctor said besides the booze it was the loss of feeling in my feet due to Peripheral arterial disease that contributed to it. Numb feet when drunk requires a shopping trolley !

          9. A dear lady who became a friend looked after Dolly when i was away. Got her details from a site online….Paws for thought or something like that. It was ideal. She had a little Scottie that through old age was deaf and blind but Dolly was so exuberant that they became firm chums. Both Nikki and her little Scottie left us within weeks of each other. I was bereft. Not been away since. At least nowhere where i couldn’t take Dolly.

            So…………….I went back to the breeder. She has shown her chihuahuas at crufts and has won many times. Trophies everywhere ! Dolly’s sire won best puppy…Veejim Delta Force at Taradona. The lady was delighted to have Dolly back to meet all her relatives.

          10. That’s good. One of my ex-racehorses (he retired a while ago) went back to the stud where he was bred. It’s good to know they are okay.

      1. Terry Pratchett had a lot to say about the fans in one of his books. Unseen Academicals. He spoke of the atmosphere at a match. The roar of the crowd. All the individuals becoming part of something bigger, greater. The roar of the beast.

    1. What a waste of a fine young man – who was at no danger from catching covid. At last the DM is actually spelling out the dangers of the clot shots and the kill jabs. I won’t be having any more of them. It’s put me off having any more jabs for anything.

      1. Unfortunately your (understandable) refusal for any other jabs is going to be a big problem. The unforseen??? result of coercion/enforcement of this worldwide government COVID vaccination programme will result in an increase of polio, smallpox, hepatitis etc; because of a very real lack of trust in the medical profession.

        1. Accepting a vaccine into your body is an act of trust. That has all been blown away in a myriad of different ways. I have lost all trust in the motives of government, the nhs and the rest of its agencies not to do any harm (midazolam, anyone?).

          1. My wife has exactly the same thoughts.
            Over the years I’ve had lots of stuff injected by the military, the Gulf war was my wakeup call, no more jabs. So no way was I taking the experimental covid jab.

        2. I’ve had many jabs in my life, mainly for travel purposes, but if coercion means another round of jabs to enable travel, then my recent trip will probably be my last.

          The ten year life of DTP and the lifelong Yellow Fever jabs and the rest will have to do. Other people can make their own decisions. I think there will be a string of court cases coming as people realise the covid jabs are harmful and have caused injuries and deaths – I was lucky to have no reactions but others were not.

          1. If, as I see things are slowly turning, it will make what was the Thalidomide scandal become a miniscule problem for the pharmaceutical companies. When the sh. t hits the fan over covid, we will see massive fallout.

        3. I’d be surprised if people our age had not already had the shots for polio and smallpox. Travellers to far off places will also probably have had hepatitis shots, too. I’ve had all of these things, plus rabies vaccination.

          1. I think we can count ourselves fortunate Conway, the medical profession was not entangled with pharmaceutical money when those inoculations were provided.
            It’s the younger generation who will suffer.

  30. Will keep this brief as I sure you’re all sick of this BS as I am.
    My phone rang mid morning and it was my hospital trying to set up an appointment for me on Monday. This was not a medical person nor one of the booking staff- just someone who’d come in to fill empty slots.
    She said to me that someone had to bring me, yes I said, my husband and I will come in a taxi. It’s patients only in the hospital. But I am also supposed to have someone to take me home. Always this assumption that everyone owns a car. So what is my husband supposed to do? Sit outside on a flower pot. Oh, there are benches out there. What if it’s pissing it down?
    I asked if she could give me any instructions re if I could eat etc etc. No idea. This is a bloody joke.
    I told her to leave it and have someone call me next week.
    I will refuse to go if my husband cannot be in the waiting room as he was last time. Also, I asked her if this was the final procedure- oh yes she said. That’s what they bloody said last time.
    Sod this government and sod the NHS!!! Lack of confidence in them? You bet, I don’t think they have a clue what they are sodding doing.

      1. There isn’t one or at least not where I will be. It’s ludicrous. Enough already.
        It’s Saturday evening and I intend to unwind….you have all been warned ;-))

        1. When I was stuck in a bad situation, I would pin a sign up that said (I make no apologies for the expletive) ‘Fuck you world, I’m ok! so go away’ it made me feel better, even if it upset others.

          1. Which is why I no longer apologise for my language….I know folk here get it and totally understand.

        2. Cheers…I’m enjoying an extra large early sherry…..totally pissed of with the NHS….dentists included!

          1. Husband poured me a glass of plonk about noon as I was in such a state. Am now on my second glass. Have a nice evening Plum!

          2. Noon, second glass!!!? is that all?
            With what you’re both going through, it would be the start of a second bottle by now

          3. Well, I have increased the dosage a little more now. Did have to go to bloody Asda for stuff.
            I have calmed down somewhat but it got to me today- after a fairly shitty week.

          4. Noon, second glass!!!? is that all?
            With what you’re both going through, it would be the start of a second bottle by now

    1. Stick to your guns Lottie and insist, politely, that your husband comes in with you as he did before and do not take no for an answer. All hospitals have been advised to allow visiting for patients so there is no reason for them to say you cannot have him there. Good luck. With you in spirit.

    2. I could understand a temp not knowing about the extent of the procedure, but not being able to tell you about pre -op preparation is unacceptable. Why not go in clutching a bottle of Pinot? After all you were not told that you couldn’t!

      On second thoughts behave – they are the ones with the supposedly sharp needles. Best that you rant here instead of annoying some unsympathetic nurse.

      They are still doing the no other people bullshit? Even Trudeaus minions loosened that up last year. I had enough trouble a couple of years ago when I took the boss into a clinic at the regional hospital – no one else could go in – just go away and magically reappear at some unknown time. My mind got stuck onwhat if I need a pee? At that time everything was closed, it would have been drive 50km home or find a quiet bush somewhere.

      1. Don’t tempt me Richard;-)) Behave? Moi? No, I will wait and speak to someone with a faint medical background- hmmm.

      2. The project ‘fear, believe and obey’ convid policies of Turdeau and his minions have even had an effect, admittedly via my son & his wife, on my young grandchildren.
        Every time the children come home from kindergarten/school or wake up with a sniffle, mild temperature or a single cough, they are taken for ‘tests’. While the just 6 year old hates the tests (and gets extremely distressed at even the thought of them), the 4 year old prefers to get them done so she ‘can be sure of not having covid’. The poor child is terrified that if she gets convid, she will become very unwell and possibly might die. I am disgusted with the parents for this cruelty.

  31. Superyacht worth £6m with 8,000 litres of fuel on board goes up in flames. 28 May 2022.

    Fire crews battled a raging inferno after a £6 million 85ft superyacht that is carrying 8,000 litres of fuel went up in flames in a Devon harbour.

    Firefighters raced to Torquay harbourside after the luxury boat, which is called the Rendezvous, caught fire shortly before midday today.

    No word here, or even speculation, as to who owns this boat. If your name was Olly Gark and you heard that the Thieves from the Treasury were coming, a fire would still leave you with an insurance claim and even if you didn’t get it you would be no worse off! Just saying like!

      1. Yep, they couldn’t afford a fire alarm and suppressant system.
        That’ll teach them not to cut corners.

      2. Why are they called a “yacht” when they don’t have sails? Does the word have more cachet than “cruiser”, “mini ship” or “posh motor boat”.

    1. It’s only £6.0 million – the sort of yacht an oilygark would give the char lady who cleans his 7th beach hut for 2 hours on Tuesdays and Fridays (if her bunions don’t play up).

    2. My superyacht would not require more than 100 Litres of fuel.

      Sailing is fun; Gin palaces are for silly celebrities …

    1. A jammy 3.
      Wordle 343 3/6


    2. Another Bogie Five for me …
      Wordle 343 5/6


  32. That’s me for the day. Useful north wind enabled me to have a bonfire – still chuntering on; will have to get it sorted tomorrow as wind goes round to the south.

    Also a couple of hours ladder work – reducing a”Mile a Minute” rose by ten feet…. It fought back..!

    Can’t wait for my beetroot juice and then a glass of the fizz left over from yesterday.

    Have a jolly evening.

    A demain.

    1. “a glass of the fizz left over from yesterday”
      Wow, you are getting older.

  33. The weather has been strange today.
    Decided it was an excuse to avoid cutting the grass and settle down with a few glasses of Lagavulin (12 year not 16 year old as it’s not as good) and Genesis on the hifi.
    Retirement does have its advantages sometimes – choice being one of them.

    Ps. listen to the words of these songs, it has never changed, we just maybe learnt to ignore what was going on.

    1. Just reading Chris Stewart who was in the original line up for their first album. A good read. Driving over Lemons.

      1. I didn’t know the connection (Charterhouse) will look for the book, thanks.

          1. Book worm, you say? Gosh, I have read so many books that I cannot remember half of them. Books have been my life.

          2. One of the reasons we got a bigger house than the one we originally had in UK, was for a room dedicated as a library.
            I also needed space for a photography darkroom (film) and my wife a room with lots of light for painting (water colour & oil) although 3 years on, we are still sorting things out.

      2. Bought and read them all, Philip, thanks to your original reccomendations – cracking good series.

      1. If you listen closely to a lot of early Genesis songs, they were pertinent at the time, but even more so now – unfortunately.

      1. If our Co-op is anything to go by, the prices are more than 10% dearer than the average supermarket in the first place.

    1. Wow a wimmin hung better than Michelangelo’s’ David.
      And as to the extra hand, that must help when you have so much to play with.

      I assume it’s a (s)poof

      I liked the poster’s tagline.

      1. When it’s unveiled someone should have said ‘That’s a bloke. Where’s the real statue?’

    2. A screaming example that government has too much money and must be constrained by real democracy. Shred the state, cut taxes. When these fools start cutting services to attempt to punish us, hang them.

      1. Taxpayer money should never be given to the visual arts, it usually results in utter crud.
        Our local Art House (rents out studios) had an open day today, I went along and saw lots of privileged-looking people producing mediocre to poor art in studios that I couldn’t afford. All of them had some publicly funded sideline, like art therapy teaching.
        The whole thing only survives because of taxpayer money, and it never supports the good artists, because they support themselves.

    3. I thought the first one was a sick joke, then I saw it’s in Oxford.
      With a bit of luck, it will offend some Hindus, though they aren’t as good at intimidating white liberals as the islamics are.

      Stella Creasy has been fitted for her identikit smug left wing I-know-best smirk, I see.

  34. The comedically idiotic Telegraph propaganda is beginning to get wide appreciation among the cognoscenti internationally. The linked piece here starts:

    “If you were to read the play-by-play of information in the U.K. Telegraph, you could get whiplash from the diametrically opposed narratives coming from both sides in the propaganda war.”

  35. Cooking tonight! Neighbours coming round for dinner………..

    First time I’ve cooked for six for a long time.

      1. They might get suspicious when they see the fava beans and the nice Chianti.

    1. I thought that was socialism – riches for them, poverty for everyone else.

    1. I’ve searched for this but cannot find it.
      The MP’s “handle” suggests that she’s a spoof account.

        1. I wonder.
          I’ve looked/searched on images, titles, links, nothing appears.
          Either it’s a very new placement or it’s an invention.
          At the moment, given how far we’ve fallen, my money is 60:40 that it exists.
          The only part that looks photoshopped to me is the extra arm.

          1. Me too! And one of the linked replies is a Willie Wallace msp. He doesn’t exist either.
            I think it’s a wind-up.

    2. Apologies everyone, I see it has already been posted by Rik a little further down.

          1. Given the totally shitty week we have had, I have been quite abstemious. Surprising? Yes!

  36. Any of you who watched or listened to Neil Oliver tonight….
    He had a guy from an organisation called PANDA on. He said a lot of home truths.
    From now on, I am going to be with my husband when he needs a procedure and will insist on his presence in the waiting room if I am being done! If necessary we will bulldoze our way in because we have both has it with this bollox.
    These people cannot be allowed to dictate to us any more. Enough is sodding enough.

      1. Never, ever underestimate me! I have downed far tougher opponents. The NHS oiks will be small fry.

          1. Indeed. I don’t with young children anymore so just have to deal with older ones;-)

    1. I was very struck by the boiling frogs story, that it had actually been tried and in every case the frog leapt out way before it was in danger of being cooked. Will we save ourselves?

    2. Say that he needs you to translate. Or that he is deaf and needs you to explain.

      I just take the MR with me and DARE the tossers to throw her out.

      1. Gold star for a brilliant idea- however, they already know he ain’t deef.

    3. Just to get you in the mood: FRom today’s DT letters
      The wrong knee
      SIR – I recently had an appointment for a knee scan, to which I took the letter that said: “Failure to attend this appointment will cost the NHS £160.”

      On arrival, the radiologist asked me to confirm that the scan was for my right knee. “No, my left,” I replied (the referral letter had made an error).

      When told that the scan could therefore not proceed, I said I had waited six months for it and did know which knee was giving me problems. The scan didn’t happen and I was offered another in four months’ time.

      No wonder the NHS is in such a poor state if resources are being wasted due to such rigid bureaucracy.

      Irene Robertson
      London W4

        1. This is quite scary. As I waited for the amputation of both legs below the knee, the Consultant’s Registrar came and drew two downward arrows on my legs. Before the act took place, I stood up from my chair, and noticed that I had acquired an arrow on each palm. Cue desperate hand washing…

      1. The line that failure to attend the appointment will cost the NHS £160 seems to be standard (and not necessarily based on reality). It was written on the letter confirming I had a TELEPHONE appointment (with which I also received several sheets of Covid-19 instructions, none of which were relevant to talking on the telephone in my own home).

    4. Hospital security will be called and you’ll be thrown out. If you don’t leave, they’ll call the police who will side with the hospital.

      If you complain, it’ll be months – likely years – before there is any restitution and it won’t get your procedure sorted. I imagine they’ll put you to the back of any queue.

      To effect real change can only be done by stopping them getting paid.

      1. Wibbs- I don’t bloody care! We have had enough of this BS and let them call the police. I have fought off a black boy taller than I, who was brandishing a broken bottle around in the faces of other little guys and me, out at recess.
        I like your name for your lady wife- it is how I see myself; no more nonsense any longer. No Way.
        Handel’s Concerti Grossi tonight.

        1. That’s one individual – a nasty, violent one, but just one. The state has limitless resources and it is NOT on your side. It exists for it’s own perpetuation and protects itself.

          The warqueen would pay to go privately, then sue the hospital for being too disorganised to treat the issue before it became life threatening. It’s a bit brutal and works if you’ve a huge private health company wanting to get it’s money back behind you.

          1. Can’t afford to go private but will take your counsel and try to behave. It does come hard to me because I have always hated being told what to do and when and where.
            Thanks for the input.

          2. Justice and law are often opposed. It is right that the hospital see you and solve it’s incompetence.

            It won’t, and isn’t interested. To it, patients are an annoyance.

        2. Tell them all this bullshit is contrary to yours and your husband’s Human Rights (it is) and you will set your lawyers on them directly.

      2. Wibbs- I don’t bloody care! We have had enough of this BS and let them call the police. I have fought off a black boy taller than I, who was brandishing a broken bottle around in the faces of other little guys and me, out at recess.
        I like your name for your lady wife- it is how I see myself; no more nonsense any longer. No Way.
        Handel’s Concerti Grossi tonight.

    5. Hope you are keeping notes on all your trials and tribulations Ann, you might need them someday! It is becoming more and more difficult to read reports in the British press on all the NHS failings, so hang in there, all nottlers are behind you!!

      1. Jill, I have folders of all the letters etc from NHS and anything we have had dealings with.

  37. European Champions’ League Final Liverpool v Real Madrid. Before kick-off, Liverpool players went down on one knee, Real Madrid players remained standing.

    ¡Hala Madrid!

    1. Did the Madrid players know what the wasters, err, Liverpool were kneeling for?

      1. Dunno, but one thing is certain – this bollocks has gone on long enough – two years. No other country appears to be kneeling any more – why are English clubs and the national team still doing it?

        1. The idea of kneeling to someone simply because of the colour of their skin is absurd. The only person I’d pay such obeisance to is Her Majesty, and not because she’s the Queen, but because of who she is.

          1. I will only kneel when I receive my knighthood.

            (As I am anti-monarchist, that’s unlikely to happen).

          2. As I am Lady of the Lake and in possession of Excalibur….Arise Sir Aeneas. You are dubbed a Knight of the Lake.

          3. Fanks – I’ll rescue you on my white horse whenever you’re in trouble (I’ll have to learn how to ride first, though).

          4. It’s OK – not all that keen on horses me….Conners isn’t here is he?
            So Sir Aeneas… you are duly dubbed.

          5. I ride a white horse (actually a grey Connemara pony, but who is counting?).

    2. … and the French police tear-gassed the ‘pool fans trying to get through the turnstiles.

      1. Were they trying to get through the turnstiles legally or illegally? (Hillsborough 1989).

          1. At least half of them didn’t have tickets. They deserved to be tear gassed. It was the behaviour of scousers that caused the disaster at Hillsborough. Their reputation is well deserved.

  38. Evening, all. Had a busy day; my car had a puncture so I pumped the tyre up and drove up to the one and only tyre place left nearby, only to find it was closed for the weekend 🙁 Fortunately, my usual garage was open and as a favour they put the spare on for me although they were busy (they always are; they are a good garage) and they will get a new tyre which I’ll collect next week. Here in the sticks you need personal transport – I’m reading the lesson in church tomorrow and there is no way I could get there by bus.

          1. You clearly haven’t met Oscar! He takes a bit of persuading to wear a raincoat that requires him to put it over his head, even if it’s tippling down.

      1. As often as that? You are lucky. Here a simple ten or twelve mile journey involves a trip to Shrewsbury and back out again because there are no buses to link the market towns directly with each other.

    1. only to find it was closed for the weekend
      as a favour they put the spare on for me although they were busy
      Is your lesson on the ‘Good Samaritan?’

      1. No it’s about Paul and Silas being beaten and imprisoned for casting out a devil and thus depriving someone of an income – a bit like being cancelled today! (Acts 16: 16-34)

  39. That’s me for today. Zed time. See all Y’all tomorrow, I hope. Sleep well.

    1. Me too- can’t keep going. It’s been a horrible week. Sleep well, Y’all

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