Saturday 3 December: Labour’s plan to sting independent schools would prove counterproductive

An unofficial place to discuss the Telegraph letters, established when the DT website turned off its comments facility (now reinstated, but we prefer ours),
Intelligent, polite, good-humoured debate is welcome, whether on or off topic. Differing opinions are encouraged, but rudeness or personal attacks on other posters will not be tolerated. Posts which – in the opinion of the moderators – make this a less than cordial environment, are likely to be removed, without prior warning.  Persistent offenders will be banned.

Today’s letters (visible only to DT subscribers) are here.

415 thoughts on “Saturday 3 December: Labour’s plan to sting independent schools would prove counterproductive

      1. You can be sure that if we were still in the EU, a UK government would pursue this insane policy with relish, especially if it were Labour.

        Netherlands to close up to 3,000 farms to comply with EU rules

        Government tries to cut down on nitrogen pollution in a move set to reignite tensions with farmers who say the industry is unfairly targeted

        James Crisp, Europe Editor • 28 November 2022

        The Dutch government plans to buy and close down up to 3,000 farms near environmentally sensitive areas to comply with EU nature preservation rules.

        The Netherlands is attempting to cut down its nitrogen pollution and will push ahead with compulsory purchases if not enough farms take up the offer voluntarily. Farmers will be offered a deal “well over” the worth of the farm, according to the government plan that is targeting the closure of 2,000 to 3,000 farms or other major polluting businesses.

        Earlier leaked versions of the plan put the figure at 120 per cent of the farm’s value but that figure has not yet been confirmed by ministers.

        “There is no better offer coming,” Christianne van der Wal, nitrogen minister, told MPs on Friday. She said compulsory purchases would be made with “pain in the heart”, if necessary.

        The Netherlands needs to reduce its emissions to comply with EU conservation rules and agriculture is responsible for almost half the nitrogen emitted in the proud farming nation. The Dutch environment agency has warned that native species are disappearing faster in the Netherlands than in the rest of Europe and that biodiversity is under threat.

        But the new plan looks set to reignite tensions with farmers over nitrogen reduction. Dutch farmers have staged mass protests, burnt hay bales, dumped manure on highways and picketed ministers’ houses over the last three years.

        In 2019 a ruling by the Dutch Council of State meant every new activity that emits nitrogen, including farming and building, needs a permit. That has prevented the expansion of dairy, pig and poultry farms, which are major sources of nitrogen from ammonia in manure mixed with urine. This can be harmful for nature when it washes into rivers and the sea.

        Last month, an army of thousands of tractors took to the roads in protest and caused the worst rush hour in Dutch history with 700 miles of jams at its peak.

        Farmers fear that the plan to slash emissions by 2030 will cost them their livelihoods, oppose any compulsory purchases and argue farming is unfairly targeted while other sectors such as aviation are not.

        Farmers’ lobby group LTO Nederland said trust in the government “has been very low for a long time”. It accused the Government of drafting “restrictions without perspective”. Sjaak van der Tak, chairman of LTO, said: “Of course it is positive that a good voluntary stop scheme is being promised. But the stayers who are central to us will have many additional restrictions imposed.”

        Agractie, another farmers’ organisation, said the voluntary closure scheme was welcome but must not be applied with the threat of compulsory purchase.

        Ministers will decide if enough farms have come forward voluntarily to close in the autumn. They say the plan will help biodiversity recover, building could resume and farms without proper nitrogen permits could be legalised. They are also looking at eventually taxing nitrogen emissions to encourage more sustainable practices, the Dutch News website reported.

        The Dutch cabinet also wants to draw up a long-term plan for the future of agriculture with farmers, environmental groups and local government.

        The voluntary buyout scheme was “the only way to finally create opportunities for the construction of homes, the construction of new infrastructure and for projects to make the Netherlands more sustainable in the shortest possible time,” said Ingrid Thijssen, chairman of VNO-NCW, an employers’ federation in the Netherlands.

        Last month, the Netherlands Assessment Agency said other buyout schemes over the last 25 years had failed to substantially cut the number of cattle.

        1. H’mmmm ….. from where will the Cloggies – indeed, most of Europe – source their food?

        2. H’mmmm ….. fromwhere will the Cloggies – indeed, most of Europe – source their food?

        3. With nitrogen as 78% of the atmosphere, how does the EU and the Cloggies expect to overcome that?

    1. 368622+ up ticks,

      Morning KtK,

      Good peoples the old cloggies,
      this situation is one that sadly dictates that someone must die, it will be replicated in the United Kingdom without doubt.

    2. It seems that any party [or, indeed country] that mentions freedom and/or democracy in its name is probably committed to neither!

  1. Senior Tory MP reported to police over rape allegations amid pressure to remove party whip. 3 December 2022.

    Rishi Sunak’s spokesman said on Friday it was right that allegations of rape and multiple sexual assaults made against a sitting Tory MP had been passed onto the police.

    The Sun and TalkTV said that the claims, which involve a Tory MP who was not named in the reporting, have been passed on to the Metropolitan Police.

    Are we to guess the alleged perpetrators name? Though this concerns a single person it forms a part of the pattern of an utterly corrupt institution devoid of any moral compass or belief. Westminster would be a credit to Haiti under Papa Doc, Iraq under Hussein or indeed Rome under Elegabalus. It is useless to look to it for salvation. The accession of the Labour Party to governance will make no difference. They are all tainted with the same poisonous ideology. Those having the means should seek to find some refuge from the coming collapse which will soon engulf the whole state.

      1. Morning Phizzee. South America looks viable to those young enough to learn another language .

        1. Don’t think so. Once the banksters have beaten the US and Europe, they’d pick off South American countries in an instant. Also the crime is insane in many places, on a different level from what we’re used to.
          My daughter and some of her friends were looking at S America.
          I think the only option is, backs against the wall and fight. Europe will be free again, maybe not in our lifetimes.

    1. Is he one of that particular breed, a ‘floater’ that just will not disappear around the bend?
      It’s doubtful that any ‘True’ Tories will ever be bold enough to attempt to cleanse their party of the WEF infection and therefore the Tory party has to be destroyed. For the electorate, with the Starmer “Labour” party taking power, destroying the Tories will be a pyrrhic victory with an enormous downside.

      1. Morning Korky – We need to support Reform a get them and their policies more publicity before the next election. There is an opportunity now for a true conservative party to get a foot in the door.

  2. Good morning all.
    A dry but cold start with 0°C outside.
    Not quite frosty, but the cars have heavy condensation on them.

  3. ‘Morning, Peeps.  A cold and dry but non-frosty start.

    Today’s leading letter:

    SIR – The Labour Party is threatening, if it wins power, to remove the charitable status of independent schools, forcing them to charge VAT on fees (Letters, December 2).

    This is projected to drive at least 200 such schools to the wall. Labour has already taken a sledgehammer to Britain’s world-class educational standards by abolishing grammar schools in the name of “fairness”. Now it seeks to lower those standards even further by attacking a model that clearly works.

    Labour chooses to ignore the fact that parents of private school pupils already pay twice for education, once for fees and once in taxes.

    Tim Dimond-Brown
    London SW13

    Labour’s lifelong (and hypocritcal) hatred of private education poses a real threat to its continued existence.  If they win the next GE, as seems very likely now, where will they place up to an additional 544,000 pupils in the state system??

    1. The leading BTL on this subject:

      Terence Courtnadge
      43 MIN AGO
      So, read the letters about those who know their stuff on Labour’s proposals for private fee-paying schools where many parents put themselves in financial difficulties to ensure their children get the best education. And now there is a nasty cabal – including Blair mentor, Campbell making moves to get rid of the 11+ exam. Then read about Mayor Khanage’s ULEZ and you get the picture of what to expect if SIR Kneeler (& cronies) wins the keys to Number Ten. Definitely out of the frying pan into the fire.

        1. If the children are as thick as the parents that bred them, it would be a reason for them attending ‘Special Schools‘.

  4. Vladimir Putin could use peace talks to restock his army, warns James Cleverly. 3 December 2022.

    In an interview with The Telegraph, James Cleverly revealed concerns that the Russian president could pretend to engage in negotiations while actually training more troops and sending more ammunition.

    The Foreign Secretary said those supporting Ukraine had to be “very, very careful” when approaching the topic of peace talks, warning that Putin was not acting in “good faith”.

    And Ukraine would not be able to do the same? This is an idiot argument both ways. Talks would in no way affect the outcome on the battlefield. How could they? They are just words. Like the US and North Vietnamese negotiations (and all the others) both sides would proceed on the assumption that the War will continue until an agreement is reached. To do otherwise would be folly. Cleverly’s real agenda here; in lockstep with the Americans, is to make sure that this proxy war between NATO and Russia does not come to an end prematurely. Ukraine is now simply a catspaw in the business.

    1. Oh shut up Mr Thinks-he’s-Cleverly!
      So we should never move towards peace? Shares in armaments companies paying nicely, are they?

  5. 368622+ up ricks,

    Saturday 3 December: Labour’s plan to sting independent schools would prove counterproductive

    Saturday 3 December: Labour’s plan to sting, period.

    Rest assured nothing for the better will be achieved when you have roll models of the BOG MAN status
    the latch lifter of yesteryear that put every ones life, especially children’s, in jeopardy & still operating with a major shout.

    Seemingly now a tory (ino) politico is showing out as being in the uncontrolled zipper brigade adding these regular sexual charges to rotherham plus and it clearly shows the two houses as cesspits of depravity while putting out a world wide siren welcoming call to the PIE dealers.

    We could very well be the first Nation to put paedophilia on a welfare payment.

    1. When François Mitterrand, the former President of France, said he was going to ban private schools every single teacher in every single private school school said they would not continue to work as teachers in the state system – and they meant it.

      Seeing that the French school system would collapse completely and the result would be total anarchy Mitterrand had to climb down.

      I look forward to seeing the schoolmasters and schoolmistresses of Eton, Roedean, Harrow, Westminster and Winchester – not to mention those at Blundell’s and Selhurst – taking to the streets and making – and meaning – the same threat if Starmer or Sunak tries messing them about.

      This interview with Chris Mc Govern by Mark Dolan on GB News last night is well worth listening to. Go to 1hr 43 minutes on the clip here.,vid:VFj8VcqJD6o

  6. SIR – My family and I have run a four-star hotel on the edge of north London since 1945.

    It sits about 50 yards inside Sadiq Khan’s proposed new ultra-low emissions zone (Letters, December 2). Guests travelling in from outside London in older cars will need to pay £12.50 to drive that distance before they check in for the night, and £12.50 after they have checked out the following morning. This will have a highly negative effect on business.

    Moreover, around 20 of our staff have cars that are not Ulez-compliant, so they will need to pay to come to work each day. This scheme has been dreamt up in City Hall by a metropolitan elite with no concept of what life beyond the north or south circular is actually like.

    Andrew Beale
    Managing Director, West Lodge Park Hotel
    Barnet, Hertfordshire

    I doubt that any of this will be of the slightest concern to Khan’t as he travels around his fiefdom in a limo paid for by his serfs!  What the people of London need to do is to boot him out at the next election due in May ’24.  It seems to be their only hope now.  Our capital city should not be in the hands of a slippery lawyer and the sooner it ends, the better.

    1. My advice to Mr Beale is to offer his hotel to Serco on a 99 year lease and to bugger off somewhere warm…..

      Morning All . The lunacy does seem to be growing exponentially……

  7. Good Moaning.
    A DT article to kick off the day.

    “Ordinary women are rejecting an elite feminism that cannot even define them

    The Women’s Equality Party and others reject the definition of “woman” as “adult human female”

    Josephine Bartosch2 December 2022 • 4:15pm

    Even seasoned Westminster watchers could be forgiven for not having heard of the Women’s Equality Party (WEP). Co-founded by luvvie-extraordinaire Sandi Toksvig, the group works towards the laudable, if somewhat woolly, aim of making “equality a reality”. But their brand of insipid dinner party feminism is sinking into irrelevance; washed away by a wave of grassroots women’s rights activists who are tired of playing nice.

    To date, the most notable achievement of WEP’s leader Mandu Reid has been to stand next to a woman who was offended by the late queen’s lady-in-waiting. On Wednesday, Reid seized on the faux pas of Lady Susan Hussey at a Buckingham Palace event – dashing off an article for The Guardian and complaining about “institutional racism” to a litany of eager news presenters.

    Perhaps this is fair enough; wringing political points and publicity out of the news is part of her job. But it is worth noting that neither Reid, nor indeed any of the class of professional feminist, have found a media slot to defend the ordinary women who have been vilified for saying that biological sex matters.

    This is because WEP reject the definition of “woman” as simply an “adult human female” in favour of the idea that any biological male who says he’s a woman should be treated as such. This was confirmed at last month’s conference, where delegates voted to support a system of gender self-identification; transforming the slogan “transwomen are women” into policy. This is about as logical as the Communist Party failing to define ‘worker’ lest it upset industrialists who identify as proletarians. And arguably the impact is already being felt, less than two weeks on and Toksvig is holding out the online begging bowl, earnestly telling supporters the party is “fighting for survival” and needs them to “fund its future.”

    WEP are far from alone. From that grand dame of feminist organisations the Fawcett Society, to lawyer Charlotte Proudman’s newly launched Right to Equality project, not one of these groups have had the guts to stand by ordinary women. Instead, they have continued to amplify each other’s plummy-voiced and asinine messages on the conference circuit. The grubby and unpopular work of fighting for women’s rights has been delegated to those who tend not to find themselves on royal guest lists.

    Just a few days before Reid bore witness to “institutional racism” at the palace, a group of women of all backgrounds met at Hyde Park for a Standing for Women rally, a grassroots membership group. Uniting under the dictionary definition of “woman” as “adult human female”, they sought to raise awareness of the dangers of allowing men to identify as women. They were met by a baying mob of masked counter protesters, some of whom held a large banner reading “Arm Trans People”.

    One threw liquid in the face of organiser Kellie-Jay Keen, and another was arrested after physically attacking a woman. There was no statement from WEP, Fawcett or Right to Equality to condemn this, and no round of media interviews. This class of feminists have not only absented themselves from activism, they have also ducked out of legal battles. It has been left to a few extraordinary ordinary individuals to fight the Stonewall-indoctrinated establishment in the courts. This includes a rape survivor who is suing the Survivors’ Network after it refused to offer her a single-sex service, and tax consultant Maya Forstater, who won legal protection for those with gender critical views.

    Also deserving of mention are barrister Allison Bailey who is challenging Stonewall in a legal appeal, and Keira Bell, the young detransitioned woman who took testosterone and cut off her breasts on NHS advice. Both have taken legal action at immense personal cost.

    It is now abundantly clear that organisations like WEP, Right to Equality and Fawcett do little more than provide jobs for the nice girls network. While they complain about funding and etiquette at the palace, they have been outstripped by a revitalised movement of righteously raging females; the ordinary women that professional feminists are too scared to even define.”

    1. I find myself unable to get behind the sentiments expressed in this article. Yes, the writer has a point about WEP and the rest – but it dismays me that the main opposition to the trans political movement comes from the feminist political movement (just because the latter is split, doesn’t mean this isn’t the case).
      Politicising transgender issues should be opposed by logic and compassion – not by the strident, often destructive movement that paved the way for “trans rights.”

      1. Stuff compassion. I’m long past treating these nutters with kid gloves. They’ve forced an agenda on people and weaponised abuse. First it was ‘waycism’ to end any discussion, now it’s ‘transphobe’.

        I am not scared of trans people. I respect those who, duly suffering genuine psychological complaint quietly and privately performed various operations to suit their internal agenda. All fine there. What i object to is the militant egotism of arrogant, bitter Lefties looking for their next cause, and promoting a clearly unhealthy, damaging and destructive way of life on vulnerable and immature minds while shouting at anyone telling them otherwise.

      1. It’s not the girls who enjoy being girls that is the problem, it’s the men who enjoy being girls that are the source of the trouble!
        As much as I look askance at homosexuality, male and female, a lesbian being placed in the wrong and called a bigoted transphobe for refusing to be shagged by a cock in a frock who calls himself “a lesbian” is total madness.

  8. SIR – I read Lord Lexden’s letter (December 1) about Stanley Baldwin’s generous gift to the nation after the First World War with great interest, having spent the first 25 years of my life living near Baldwin’s Foundry in Stourport-on-Severn, his steelworks in Wilden and his home at Astley Hall.

    Many local people were employed by the Baldwins, and I never heard a bad word said about Stanley Baldwin or his family. I understand that, even when the family factories closed, he was concerned enough about the well-being of employees to continue paying them, depleting family funds.

    He contributed to local society until his death and had a particular interest in Hartlebury Grammar School, which I attended and where I was fortunate enough to meet him. He was also a member of Stourport Workmen’s Club, where I gather his picture still hangs.

    The extension of pension rights and women’s voting rights during his time in power also demonstrated his interest in and empathy for people, qualities not especially evident in parliamentarians today.

    Alan Millington
    Wallingford, Oxfordshire

    A fine example of a proper Conservative politician, unlike the current shower!

    1. Hear, hear, Hugh.

      A successful Conservative politician who was three-times prime minister and a member of a workingman’s club. I think there just might be a message there for current members and politicians of the Tory party. Trouble is, they’re all too cloth-eared (not cloth-capped) to heed it.

      1. The late Duke of Northumberland used to go to the Miners’ Welfare in Shilbottle to chat to the old miners from Shilbottle Colliery, which his family used to own.

  9. Good morrow, Gentlefolk, Today’s story

    Toward the end of the Sunday service, the Minister asked, “How many of you have forgiven your enemies?” 80% held up their hands.

    The Minister then repeated his question… All responded this time, except one man, an avid golfer named Walter Barnes, who attended church only when the weather was bad.

    “Mr. Barnes, it’s obviously not a good morning for golf. It’s good to see you here today. Are you not willing to forgive your enemies?”

    “I don’t have any,” he replied gruffly.

    “Mr. Barnes, that is very unusual. How old are you?”

    “Ninety-eight,” he replied. The congregation stood up and clapped their hands.

    “Oh, Mr. Barnes, would you please come down in front & tell us all how a person can live ninety-eight years and not have an enemy in the world?”

    The old golfer tottered down the aisle, stopped in front of the pulpit, turned around, faced the congregation, and said simply. “I out-lived the bastards.

    1. Reminds me of the Spanish general Ramón María Narváez, who, on his deathbed was asked to forgive his enemies. His answer was “I don’t need to forgive my enemies — I have had them all shot.”

    2. Thanks, Tom. Trust you to put a smile on my face when I am physically feeling pants. (No guffawing at the back, there!)

    1. Morning Hugh. It occurs to me that He&She, Who must not be named, are trying to get themselves officially banned from entering the UK, imagine the outpouring of U$ grief and $ympathy……

      1. If we really want to give them something to whine about I suggest immediate removal of their silly titles. They didn’t earn them and have done nothing to justify them. When they repeatedly bite the hand that feeds to make money…

        Edit: ‘Morning, Stephen.

    2. The world may be going down in flames, but we’re living in a gold age of cartoonists! Matt and Bob Moran are both brilliant at using a cartoon to say what no journalist would dare to.

  10. Labour’s plan to sting independent schools would prove counterproductive

    Politically based punitive taxation is always counterproductive.

    1. But it never hurts MPs who are hypocritical scum. Their kids go off to private schools. It’s the proles they want to keep down.

      And it is so easily solved by making education a market through school vouchers. That way any child could go anywhere. Cut out the department for education and close it. Remove all ministerial influence. Kick ofsted so hard in the face, repeatedly that it is forced to serve the public.

  11. Well, what appeared to be a fairly heavy cloud earlier has given way to bright sunshine.
    Looks very nice outside now, but still bloody cold!!!

  12. Sturgeon’s career will end in failure – she can’t deliver what she has promised her supporters
    DT Headline article today.

    Who tosses a giver about Sturgeon’s career? What about the careers of Sunak and his chancellor?


    In the last couple of days Sunak has gone back on his promise to open more grammar schools and he has also gone back on his stated policy to get rid of cancel culture in universities. These are the tips of a very large iceberg of broken promises.

    His chancellor, Hunt, promised to lower corporation tax to 15% and it is now going up to 25% which will be very hard for all businesses and especially hard on small businesses and even harder again on businesses in Northern Ireland which right next door to the Republic of Ireland where corporation tax is at 12½ %.

    The sooner the Conservative Party is completely wiped out the better.

    1. Bearing in mind his earlier insistence that manifesto promises would be adhered to…just more empty words, as usual.

    2. Sturgeon needs to be told that she is a complete failure. A pointless, spiteful incompetent without worth or value wo has done huge damage to Scotland.

      Then she should be put in stocks and have vegetables thrown at her. Anyone trying to help her is equally punished only they’re flogged as well.

      1. I’m willing to throw tomatoes at Olga Krankie and when my arm begins to tire I may even take them out of the tin first.

      2. I’m willing to throw tomatoes at Olga Krankie and when my arm begins to tire I may even take them out of the tin first.

    3. Sturgeon needs to be told that she is a complete failure. A pointless, spiteful incompetent without worth or value wo has done huge damage to Scotland.

      Then she should be put in stocks and have vegetables thrown at her. Anyone trying to help her is equally punished only they’re flogged as well.

  13. 368622+ up ticks

    Gerard Batten
    Here are questions that the Government, & all MPs supporting the illgal migrant invasion, should be asked.

    1) How long will the migrants stay in hotels at taxpayer expense?
    2) When they leave, where will they live?
    3) Since a man between 18-65 is not entitled to public housing, will they be put out on the streets?

    If we had a free media those are the questions they should be asking.

    1. 368622+ up ticks,


      If these questions were asked in all seriousness it could upset the fine balance betwixt the parties, and upset the voting pattern, then where would we be ?

    2. Oh give over ogga. They’ll be given a house, sit on welfare, start selling drugs, rape children and steal from decent people. We all know this.

      Wherever they’re shoved the state will praise it as a ‘diverse’ paradise and call anyone who disagrees a bigot. Those robbed will get a lecture on diversity – after they’re given a crime number.

      1. Because of his constant wittering on how we should or shouldn’t vote – to the point of boredom – I have yet again ‘blocked’ him as I don’t want him taking up valuable space in this forum.

        We are all independent-minded people here and we don’t need the constant drip-drip of his drippy propaganda.

        I just thought I should explain why he is the only NoTTLer I have ever blocked.

          1. I’ve never understood the ‘blocking’ thing. It is the ultimate in cowardice. The childish sticking fingers in ears and wailing ‘wah wah wah I can’t hear you’. If you disagree, push back. Say why, logically, reasonably.

            Anything else is daft.

          2. Done that many times with Ogga but one never gets a straight answer, always some obfuscation and, as I’ve said, the rants and illogicality take up space.

            I certainly don’t do it out of ‘cowardice’ but mainly pure frustration. Why should I tolerate fools, gladly?

      2. 368622+ up ticks,

        Morning W,

        Don’t know about “give over”
        That is what the likes of Batten and supporters have been fighting against for years in the
        genuine UKIP ” giving over” where as lab/lib/con found majority favour with the electorate who condoned “giving over” to an alien force a multitude of plunder.

        1. Give over – that you so quickly dismiss – carries my overwhelming frustration with the idiocy, spite and tedium of the whole farrago. We now how it’ll end. We know what the state intends.

          1. 368622+ up ticks,

            Afternoon W,
            Not so, as can be clearly seen, I agree with a high percentage of your posts.

            Sadly to say it will end with blood being spilt and political enemy links being forged that will last for decades,

        1. You’re too picky. It’s not as though it isn’t well ventilated. I have my standards about taxis, and they include not riding in clean taxis in Rotherham, Rochdale, Oxford, Halifax….

  14. Wasn’t quite able to get a good enough view to positively identify them, small birds, a bit larger than sparrows, but with thrush type speckled markings, but I think the redwings have arrived.

      1. I know.
        My 1st recollection with them was when I was about 8 or 9 out for a walk with my Dad just after the early snows and we found several in a field near the NCB branch line from Woodhorn to Lynemouth that had died in the cold snap.

        1. My mum and dad had about 40 of them every year when they moved to Scotland! The ‘highlands’ of Falkirk, ‘up the Braes’!

  15. Regarding the uplifting video I posted earlier, as much as I detest the EU, I am still a European and this, which is where that earlier clip came from, is part of our shared culture.
    The culture those on the Left wish to destroy.

  16. Honestly, you couldn’t make it up. Here’s Whitty, telling everyone to get boosted and talking about the excess deaths.
    Some will be due to lockdowns of course, and many more to the crippling effects of central banker-caused inflation, but to leave out the experimental vaxxes is pure dishonesty.
    As I posted the other day, they are also trying to get the public to believe that covid kills you a year after you’ve had the infection, in order to explain why the excess deaths started the year after covid did.

    Here’s a graph of % boostered vs excess mortality, from, just for comparison with Whitty’s remarks:

      1. If only Hitler had used dinghy’s. Good grief I hate this damned government and it’s spiteful, abusive, arrogant assault on our way of life.

          1. Apt, Anne.

            The Beginnings

            It was not part of their blood,
            It came to them very late
            With long arrears to make good,
            When the English began to hate.

            They were not easily moved,
            They were icy-willing to wait
            Till every count should be proved,
            Ere the English began to hate.

            Their voices were even and low,
            Their eyes were level and straight.
            There was neither sign nor show,
            When the English began to hate.

            It was not preached to the crowd,
            It was not taught by the State.
            No man spoke it aloud,
            When the English began to hate.

            It was not suddenly bred,
            It will not swiftly abate,
            Through the chill years ahead,
            When Time shall count from the date
            That the English began to hate.

          2. Yet life is supposed to be improving, not being made worse. The solutions to our every problem are easy to implement.

            They are truly simple things. However, the government is determined to ruin the country: make everything expensive, cripple growth, destroy business, punish workers, reward wasters, promote corruption, silence media, destroy achievement, ruin families, uneducate children – and indoctrinate them, enforce poverty, rob everyone and overturn a democratic decision.

            It is staggering. Worse, there’s an entrenched fifth column who keep pushing for this miserable and impoverishing future.

    1. How, how can you have ‘excess deaths’? Is there a number the state demands? What if we fall under the state proscribed death rate? Do legions of civil servants go about killing people? Hell, their energy policies are managing it.

      1. Compared to the average over the last five years. Of course, as we move deeper into the vaxx scam, the last five years will also include vaxxed years, so the “excess deaths” will disappear.

    2. Bluff King Hal or his feisty younger daughter would dealt correctly with that piece of ordure.

  17. Halt! Out-of-control Albanians ahead. Mark Steyn. 3 December 2022.

    A transcript of Mark’s programme on GBTV.

    This. This. The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and its territories and possessions around the globe is a great nation. Don’t let anyone tell you otherwise. That building across the river once legislated for a quarter of the planet and did it rather well, and with far fewer SPADs and interns and whatnot than these guys require now. But the buffoons, shysters and sell-outs over there are killing this country.

    Last night, central London was shut down. I had to abandon my cab, get out and pound the pavement all the way to the studio. So I got here with three minutes to spare. My hairpiece was all askew, not glued on in the proper position like now. I was wheezing like someone had just unplugged my iron lung. The reason, as I found out when I left the studio, was Albanian Independence Day, which is apparently way bigger in the metropolis than, say, St George’s Day or the King’s official birthday.

    As we’ve discussed before, according to the Home Office – and I think this is an underestimate, actually quite a big underestimate – some 2% of Albania’s entire male population have moved here in the last year because you can never have enough Albanian men, can you? Even if they’re just employed as extras on the receiving end of Liam Neeson in Taken 27. According to the BBC and The Guardian, these people are desperate refugees, fleeing persecution with nothing but the clothes on their back. You wouldn’t have got that impression from the scenes on Westminster Bridge, Lambeth Bridge, Millbank, Parliament Square, Birdcage Walk, Horse Guards, The Mall, Pall Mall, Trafalgar Square, last night.

    These guys were driving Mercedes. Yeah. Look at that. That’s the Albanian flag, by the way. Get used to it. You’re going to be seeing a lot of it. They were driving . . . oh, here come some more, if you can hear the sirens in the background, that’s the police coming to close another bridge for the convenience of the Albanians. They were also driving, as you can see there, Porsches and Lamborghinis. These are cars that cost north of 120,000 quid. And like that, see that? They were using them to do these spectacular wheel spins, which is, it’s really fun. I mean, that’s okay doing it in whatever that is. But doing it in a Lamborghini is pretty good. And they were doing wheel spins on Westminster Bridge, Lambeth Bridge, a bunch of other bridges, which is fun. I, for my own part, I certainly would have enjoyed seeing it on the bridge over the Buna River at Shkodër while tootling to my holiday villa in Kastrat. But oddly enough, the Albanians only seem to acquire the Lamborghinis and Mercs and BMW after they wash up on the shores of Dover and Folkestone.

    Last night, as I was strolling the boulevards of the new Tirana on Thames, the Metropolitan Police, whose cars were everywhere, closed the bridge behind me. So we asked the coppers, ‘Why are you closing the bridge?’ And the officer explained that it was because the Albanians were doing their wheelies on the bridges and backing up traffic for miles. So the useless plod solution to that was to close down the bridges and back up traffic for even more miles, and instead have the Albanians doing their supercar wheel spins in Parliament Square and The Mall. You don’t need a constabulary to make decisions that stupid. The coppers are useless. They’re useless for burglary, they’re useless for rape, they’re useless for stabbings, they’re useless for grooming gangs, and now we know they’re useless for basic traffic management. They colluded with the Albanians to hand them a great victory.

    Who controls the public space? In London last night, Albanians controlled the public space. We invited the Chief Constable of the Met on the show to explain his insane decision, but he decided to decline our invitation. And the best we could get was a statement from Scotland Yard spokesperson Pete Davey. ‘Police became aware of a large group of vehicles and people congregating in the SE1 and SW1 area. Officers worked to minimise disruption. Some diversions were put in place. One person was reported being arrested. No further details.’ You didn’t minimise disruption. You maximised it. You shut down the key arteries of central London for Albanian Independence Day. How crazy is that?

    By the way, I’m talking about this because it’s a microcosm of how wrong things have gone, basically for this millennium so far. You have a problem with Albanians, so the people you punish are the lawful native residents and citizens of the United Kingdom. Because that’s true with everything, isn’t it? ‘Oh, the Ukraine war – we’ve got to help plucky little Ukraine so Grandma will have to freeze to death.’, ‘Oh, look, some guys are blowing up buildings in New York, so you have to take off half your clothes and shuffle like a great bovine herd through the airports until the end of time.’

    This, what happened last night is where it’s all gone wrong for free societies for the last 20 years.

    Why is Albanian Independence Day so big? Well, right now it’s because just 2% of Albanian males have moved to the UK. By next year’s Albanian Independence Day there’ll be, what, 4% to 6%? I’m putting this request in a year in advance. We’d like the Chief Constable from Scotland Yard to be in studio for next year’s Albanian Independence Day. We’re getting it in early, so we expect you to say yes.

    The useless British political class have wrecked your country and they’re not done yet. Calvin Robinson of this parish tweeted, look at this, he’s showing you some footage of the Albanians bringing the streets of London to a standstill. The useless cop is there. Maybe we can get that useless copper on the show. And he just put three words above it. ‘Not an invasion.’ To which the Member of Parliament for Bury St Edmunds, a fellow called Christian Wakeford, responded, ‘Approximately 0.4% of the UK population is Albanian, only slightly less than GB News viewer share. Play another tune you hate filled Muppet.’ Listen, what’s that name of that MP again? What’s he called Chumpy McArsepants? Whatever his name is, I’ve forgotten his name, but that 0.4% is an underestimate. Right now, when you have a thousand, quote, ‘asylum seekers’ washing up on the shores of southern England, about 60% of them are estimated to be Albanian. But let’s pretend that 0.4% is actually accurate. That’s an awfully high number for a nation that is neither a member of the Commonwealth nor of the European Union. 30 years ago, the UK Census recorded only 338 Albanians in this realm. So Albanian Independence Day on Westminster Bridge would have been a lonely affair just a decade ago. The 2011 Census recorded a mere 13,295 Albanians in England with another 120 in Wales. If Christine Wakeford, MP for Bury St Edmunds, is correct that it’s now 0.4%, the Albanian population in the UK is now over 270,000 – so it’s 20 times what it was a decade ago, all on the watch of the Cameron/May/Johnson/Truss/Sunak Crap-servative Party. If it increases 20-fold in the next decade, that would mean five and a half million Albanians doing wheelies on Lambeth Bridge. The good news is that there’s only two and a half million people left in Albania. But let it sink in about that idiot MP from Bury St Edmunds, I may have to stand against him in 2024, Think about what he’s saying. Over 10% – on his numbers – over 10% of the population of Albania is now living in the United Kingdom. These feckless men and women across the river will cost you your country.

    If I had to pick a fault with Steyns analysis it would be that he has used the wrong tense. It is not in the future but now. The UK as the home of the British People is finished. They are now outcasts in their own land!

    1. Where do they get the money from, given that they’re all welfare dependent?

      Hell, they’re all in one place. The solution is so simple.

    2. But aren’t these all apparently wealthy people all somehow victims of modern-day-slavery?

  18. Halt! Out-of-control Albanians ahead. Mark Steyn. 3 December 2022.

    A transcript of Mark’s programme on GBTV.

    This. This. The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and its territories and possessions around the globe is a great nation. Don’t let anyone tell you otherwise. That building across the river once legislated for a quarter of the planet and did it rather well, and with far fewer SPADs and interns and whatnot than these guys require now. But the buffoons, shysters and sell-outs over there are killing this country.

    Last night, central London was shut down. I had to abandon my cab, get out and pound the pavement all the way to the studio. So I got here with three minutes to spare. My hairpiece was all askew, not glued on in the proper position like now. I was wheezing like someone had just unplugged my iron lung. The reason, as I found out when I left the studio, was Albanian Independence Day, which is apparently way bigger in the metropolis than, say, St George’s Day or the King’s official birthday.

    As we’ve discussed before, according to the Home Office – and I think this is an underestimate, actually quite a big underestimate – some 2% of Albania’s entire male population have moved here in the last year because you can never have enough Albanian men, can you? Even if they’re just employed as extras on the receiving end of Liam Neeson in Taken 27. According to the BBC and The Guardian, these people are desperate refugees, fleeing persecution with nothing but the clothes on their back. You wouldn’t have got that impression from the scenes on Westminster Bridge, Lambeth Bridge, Millbank, Parliament Square, Birdcage Walk, Horse Guards, The Mall, Pall Mall, Trafalgar Square, last night.

    These guys were driving Mercedes. Yeah. Look at that. That’s the Albanian flag, by the way. Get used to it. You’re going to be seeing a lot of it. They were driving . . . oh, here come some more, if you can hear the sirens in the background, that’s the police coming to close another bridge for the convenience of the Albanians. They were also driving, as you can see there, Porsches and Lamborghinis. These are cars that cost north of 120,000 quid. And like that, see that? They were using them to do these spectacular wheel spins, which is, it’s really fun. I mean, that’s okay doing it in whatever that is. But doing it in a Lamborghini is pretty good. And they were doing wheel spins on Westminster Bridge, Lambeth Bridge, a bunch of other bridges, which is fun. I, for my own part, I certainly would have enjoyed seeing it on the bridge over the Buna River at Shkodër while tootling to my holiday villa in Kastrat. But oddly enough, the Albanians only seem to acquire the Lamborghinis and Mercs and BMW after they wash up on the shores of Dover and Folkestone.

    Last night, as I was strolling the boulevards of the new Tirana on Thames, the Metropolitan Police, whose cars were everywhere, closed the bridge behind me. So we asked the coppers, ‘Why are you closing the bridge?’ And the officer explained that it was because the Albanians were doing their wheelies on the bridges and backing up traffic for miles. So the useless plod solution to that was to close down the bridges and back up traffic for even more miles, and instead have the Albanians doing their supercar wheel spins in Parliament Square and The Mall. You don’t need a constabulary to make decisions that stupid. The coppers are useless. They’re useless for burglary, they’re useless for rape, they’re useless for stabbings, they’re useless for grooming gangs, and now we know they’re useless for basic traffic management. They colluded with the Albanians to hand them a great victory.

    Who controls the public space? In London last night, Albanians controlled the public space. We invited the Chief Constable of the Met on the show to explain his insane decision, but he decided to decline our invitation. And the best we could get was a statement from Scotland Yard spokesperson Pete Davey. ‘Police became aware of a large group of vehicles and people congregating in the SE1 and SW1 area. Officers worked to minimise disruption. Some diversions were put in place. One person was reported being arrested. No further details.’ You didn’t minimise disruption. You maximised it. You shut down the key arteries of central London for Albanian Independence Day. How crazy is that?

    By the way, I’m talking about this because it’s a microcosm of how wrong things have gone, basically for this millennium so far. You have a problem with Albanians, so the people you punish are the lawful native residents and citizens of the United Kingdom. Because that’s true with everything, isn’t it? ‘Oh, the Ukraine war – we’ve got to help plucky little Ukraine so Grandma will have to freeze to death.’, ‘Oh, look, some guys are blowing up buildings in New York, so you have to take off half your clothes and shuffle like a great bovine herd through the airports until the end of time.’

    This, what happened last night is where it’s all gone wrong for free societies for the last 20 years.

    Why is Albanian Independence Day so big? Well, right now it’s because just 2% of Albanian males have moved to the UK. By next year’s Albanian Independence Day there’ll be, what, 4% to 6%? I’m putting this request in a year in advance. We’d like the Chief Constable from Scotland Yard to be in studio for next year’s Albanian Independence Day. We’re getting it in early, so we expect you to say yes.

    The useless British political class have wrecked your country and they’re not done yet. Calvin Robinson of this parish tweeted, look at this, he’s showing you some footage of the Albanians bringing the streets of London to a standstill. The useless cop is there. Maybe we can get that useless copper on the show. And he just put three words above it. ‘Not an invasion.’ To which the Member of Parliament for Bury St Edmunds, a fellow called Christian Wakeford, responded, ‘Approximately 0.4% of the UK population is Albanian, only slightly less than GB News viewer share. Play another tune you hate filled Muppet.’ Listen, what’s that name of that MP again? What’s he called Chumpy McArsepants? Whatever his name is, I’ve forgotten his name, but that 0.4% is an underestimate. Right now, when you have a thousand, quote, ‘asylum seekers’ washing up on the shores of southern England, about 60% of them are estimated to be Albanian. But let’s pretend that 0.4% is actually accurate. That’s an awfully high number for a nation that is neither a member of the Commonwealth nor of the European Union. 30 years ago, the UK Census recorded only 338 Albanians in this realm. So Albanian Independence Day on Westminster Bridge would have been a lonely affair just a decade ago. The 2011 Census recorded a mere 13,295 Albanians in England with another 120 in Wales. If Christine Wakeford, MP for Bury St Edmunds, is correct that it’s now 0.4%, the Albanian population in the UK is now over 270,000 – so it’s 20 times what it was a decade ago, all on the watch of the Cameron/May/Johnson/Truss/Sunak Crap-servative Party. If it increases 20-fold in the next decade, that would mean five and a half million Albanians doing wheelies on Lambeth Bridge. The good news is that there’s only two and a half million people left in Albania. But let it sink in about that idiot MP from Bury St Edmunds, I may have to stand against him in 2024, Think about what he’s saying. Over 10% – on his numbers – over 10% of the population of Albania is now living in the United Kingdom. These feckless men and women across the river will cost you your country.

    If I had to pick a fault with Steyns analysis it would be that he has used the wrong tense. It is not in the future but now. The UK as the home of the British People is finished. They are now outcasts in their own land!

  19. Halt! Out-of-control Albanians ahead. Mark Steyn. 3 December 2022.

    A transcript of Mark’s programme on GBTV.

    This. This. The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and its territories and possessions around the globe is a great nation. Don’t let anyone tell you otherwise. That building across the river once legislated for a quarter of the planet and did it rather well, and with far fewer SPADs and interns and whatnot than these guys require now. But the buffoons, shysters and sell-outs over there are killing this country.

    Last night, central London was shut down. I had to abandon my cab, get out and pound the pavement all the way to the studio. So I got here with three minutes to spare. My hairpiece was all askew, not glued on in the proper position like now. I was wheezing like someone had just unplugged my iron lung. The reason, as I found out when I left the studio, was Albanian Independence Day, which is apparently way bigger in the metropolis than, say, St George’s Day or the King’s official birthday.

    As we’ve discussed before, according to the Home Office – and I think this is an underestimate, actually quite a big underestimate – some 2% of Albania’s entire male population have moved here in the last year because you can never have enough Albanian men, can you? Even if they’re just employed as extras on the receiving end of Liam Neeson in Taken 27. According to the BBC and The Guardian, these people are desperate refugees, fleeing persecution with nothing but the clothes on their back. You wouldn’t have got that impression from the scenes on Westminster Bridge, Lambeth Bridge, Millbank, Parliament Square, Birdcage Walk, Horse Guards, The Mall, Pall Mall, Trafalgar Square, last night.

    These guys were driving Mercedes. Yeah. Look at that. That’s the Albanian flag, by the way. Get used to it. You’re going to be seeing a lot of it. They were driving . . . oh, here come some more, if you can hear the sirens in the background, that’s the police coming to close another bridge for the convenience of the Albanians. They were also driving, as you can see there, Porsches and Lamborghinis. These are cars that cost north of 120,000 quid. And like that, see that? They were using them to do these spectacular wheel spins, which is, it’s really fun. I mean, that’s okay doing it in whatever that is. But doing it in a Lamborghini is pretty good. And they were doing wheel spins on Westminster Bridge, Lambeth Bridge, a bunch of other bridges, which is fun. I, for my own part, I certainly would have enjoyed seeing it on the bridge over the Buna River at Shkodër while tootling to my holiday villa in Kastrat. But oddly enough, the Albanians only seem to acquire the Lamborghinis and Mercs and BMW after they wash up on the shores of Dover and Folkestone.

    Last night, as I was strolling the boulevards of the new Tirana on Thames, the Metropolitan Police, whose cars were everywhere, closed the bridge behind me. So we asked the coppers, ‘Why are you closing the bridge?’ And the officer explained that it was because the Albanians were doing their wheelies on the bridges and backing up traffic for miles. So the useless plod solution to that was to close down the bridges and back up traffic for even more miles, and instead have the Albanians doing their supercar wheel spins in Parliament Square and The Mall. You don’t need a constabulary to make decisions that stupid. The coppers are useless. They’re useless for burglary, they’re useless for rape, they’re useless for stabbings, they’re useless for grooming gangs, and now we know they’re useless for basic traffic management. They colluded with the Albanians to hand them a great victory.

    Who controls the public space? In London last night, Albanians controlled the public space. We invited the Chief Constable of the Met on the show to explain his insane decision, but he decided to decline our invitation. And the best we could get was a statement from Scotland Yard spokesperson Pete Davey. ‘Police became aware of a large group of vehicles and people congregating in the SE1 and SW1 area. Officers worked to minimise disruption. Some diversions were put in place. One person was reported being arrested. No further details.’ You didn’t minimise disruption. You maximised it. You shut down the key arteries of central London for Albanian Independence Day. How crazy is that?

    By the way, I’m talking about this because it’s a microcosm of how wrong things have gone, basically for this millennium so far. You have a problem with Albanians, so the people you punish are the lawful native residents and citizens of the United Kingdom. Because that’s true with everything, isn’t it? ‘Oh, the Ukraine war – we’ve got to help plucky little Ukraine so Grandma will have to freeze to death.’, ‘Oh, look, some guys are blowing up buildings in New York, so you have to take off half your clothes and shuffle like a great bovine herd through the airports until the end of time.’

    This, what happened last night is where it’s all gone wrong for free societies for the last 20 years.

    Why is Albanian Independence Day so big? Well, right now it’s because just 2% of Albanian males have moved to the UK. By next year’s Albanian Independence Day there’ll be, what, 4% to 6%? I’m putting this request in a year in advance. We’d like the Chief Constable from Scotland Yard to be in studio for next year’s Albanian Independence Day. We’re getting it in early, so we expect you to say yes.

    The useless British political class have wrecked your country and they’re not done yet. Calvin Robinson of this parish tweeted, look at this, he’s showing you some footage of the Albanians bringing the streets of London to a standstill. The useless cop is there. Maybe we can get that useless copper on the show. And he just put three words above it. ‘Not an invasion.’ To which the Member of Parliament for Bury St Edmunds, a fellow called Christian Wakeford, responded, ‘Approximately 0.4% of the UK population is Albanian, only slightly less than GB News viewer share. Play another tune you hate filled Muppet.’ Listen, what’s that name of that MP again? What’s he called Chumpy McArsepants? Whatever his name is, I’ve forgotten his name, but that 0.4% is an underestimate. Right now, when you have a thousand, quote, ‘asylum seekers’ washing up on the shores of southern England, about 60% of them are estimated to be Albanian. But let’s pretend that 0.4% is actually accurate. That’s an awfully high number for a nation that is neither a member of the Commonwealth nor of the European Union. 30 years ago, the UK Census recorded only 338 Albanians in this realm. So Albanian Independence Day on Westminster Bridge would have been a lonely affair just a decade ago. The 2011 Census recorded a mere 13,295 Albanians in England with another 120 in Wales. If Christine Wakeford, MP for Bury St Edmunds, is correct that it’s now 0.4%, the Albanian population in the UK is now over 270,000 – so it’s 20 times what it was a decade ago, all on the watch of the Cameron/May/Johnson/Truss/Sunak Crap-servative Party. If it increases 20-fold in the next decade, that would mean five and a half million Albanians doing wheelies on Lambeth Bridge. The good news is that there’s only two and a half million people left in Albania. But let it sink in about that idiot MP from Bury St Edmunds, I may have to stand against him in 2024, Think about what he’s saying. Over 10% – on his numbers – over 10% of the population of Albania is now living in the United Kingdom. These feckless men and women across the river will cost you your country.

    If I had to pick a fault with Steyns analysis it would be that he has used the wrong tense. It is not in the future but now. The UK as the home of the British People is finished. They are now outcasts in their own land!

    1. Very odd that the ‘African’ woman from ‘Ackney’ went to the Palace fully miked up?

      1. Not odd when it is revealed that Marlene Headley is part of the Markles clique; she was the source of the allegation about what colour Ginge and Cringe’s firstborn would be.

        The timing, to coincide with William and Catherine’s Royal visit, has all the hallmarks of a Markles headline grab.

        I’m sure Ms Headley will be well rewarded for her efforts, as the bBC lose the story down the memory hole.

      2. I wonder what the response would be if someone was invited to a reception by the President of South Africa and turned up wearing a British Army uniform from the time of the Bambatha Zulu rebellion and reacted to any questions from the President’s staff in the way the shyster did?
        Do you think the staffer would be forced to resign?

    2. …and today, nobody understands the old-fashioned question, “Where are your people from?”

      It is merely an opener in a conversation for one to explain where their ‘people’ (Family) originate.

      I can proudly say that 50 generations ago, my family originated in Sweden (Uppsala AD 530) but I have been English by descent through my Father’s line since 1580.

        1. Family trees can be quite fascinating and give one an incessant bug to go further and further back. Keep exploring, Richard, you’ll be surprised what you might find. Try this:
          If you could see your ancestors all standing in a row,
          Would you be proud of them or not, or don’t you really know?
          Some strange discoveries are made when climbing family trees,
          And some of them you know do not particularly please.

          If you could see your ancestors all standing in a row,
          There might be some of them perhaps, you wouldn’t care to know.
          But here’s another question which requires a different view.
          If you could meet your ancestors, would they be proud of you?
          (from Edith Fletcher’s pedigree book)

      1. It’s also a verbal tool used by the Royal Family, as they face a member of the public looking like a rabbit caught in the headlights, to give the person a chance to talk about a subject the know well, i.e. themselves. Thus making them more comfortable.

    1. Good morning Rik

      Brilliant jokes and cartoons – thank you. I especially like the one with Michael Caine and Stanley Baker from Zulu!

      Imagine somebody playing charades dressed up in African garb and carrying African accoutrements and then getting you sacked if you don’t correctly guess her nationality.

      I have only heard one person on TV dare say what many of us here grasped clearly straight away: that the Ngozi Fullanus was hunting for prey with her assegai and timed her attack to coincide with The Prince and Princess of Wales’ visit to the USA.

      Ironically Ms Fullanus has succeeded in provoking a nasty, ill-considered and misjudged response from the King and the Prince of Wales who have shown that they are not fit for royal office. This has damaged the monarchy far more that she, Harry and Migraine could have done without the help of the crass intervention of the lobotomised monarch and his gormless, hairless heir.

      1. Here’s one for you: If the Monarchy is cancelled, whither Harry & Migraines fancy titles, status, and money)

      2. Apparently her artful hair-do was actually a bunch of antennae recording every word for posterity.

  20. The text on Disqus is darker and bolder now than it was first thing this morning. Yep, I’ve been to Boots to have new prescription varifocal lenses fitted in my old frames. Relieved that the old frames proved strong enough. They’re Chanel and were quite pricey when new but have proved decent quality. Yes, I know Chanel only licence the brand but maybe there is quality control – or maybe I got lucky.

  21. ‘Bloody packages’ containing animal eyes sent to Ukrainian embassies in seven EU countries. 3 December 2022.

    Ukrainian embassies in seven European countries received “bloody parcels” containing animal eyes, in what Kyiv yesterday described as an intimidation campaign.

    “We have reason to believe that a well-planned campaign of terror and intimidation of Ukrainian embassies and consulates is taking place,” said Dmytro Kuleba, Ukraine’s foreign minister.

    This is a pathetic propaganda False Flag operation by the Ukies!

    1. Clearly not a great fan of Kunta Kinte then.

      I was under the impression that all UK Bames were proud of their “Roots” and desired to tell all white people about how they were stolen from their ancestral lands.

      1. The early invention of the Routrmster Bus, Diesel Fuel and Deisel Engines in the late 1700’s had a profound effect on thelives of residents of Africa.
        If only other tribes had united together, the could have prevented the ‘buses endlessly taking 78 enslaved locals to the ports.

        Removes tongur from cheek

        1. The truly great achievement in that instance was the training of local black drivers and conductors to take their brethren into slavery; and as we all know, the descendants of those drivers and conductors are still transporting muggers and knife-wielding savages throughout London and its suburbs.

    2. I wish they would go back to where they came from. All they do is soak up tax payers money and cause trouble.

  22. What a difference a spot of sunshine can make. Just back from a short circular walk incorporating a mile of the K&A. The air out is bracing!

    I do hope Mr Thomas is no longer feeling under the weather.

    1. There’s a nasty little nip in the air. Particularly bleak when crossing fields.
      Fortunately, when Spartie and I met chatty chum and her dog, we were in a sheltered spot, so we could comfortably gossip.

  23. Good afternoon, everyone. Still feeling rather rough today. I tried to take some of your advice last night, but discovered that peppermint tea with honey would not work because I had no honey in the house. And as for brandy, I discovered that I had no brandy at all. So off I went to bed and only slept for a couple of hours. I then came down to watch a friend’s loaned DVDs, including some Elvis Presley ones (Girls! Girls! Girls!, Fun in Acapulco, and Roustabout. What a load of rubbish. Presley came across in each film as a nasty piece of work, who was always chased by two female airheads who hated each other. The songs were dire too. Then back to bed at around 4 am and have just got up. Central Heating is now on permanently and I’ll be off to bed again shortly. Enjoy your day, folks!

      1. I had no idea that the Jordanaires had joined the Royal Philharmonic Orchestra. They played a mean violin as well as strutting a mean guitar. Lol.

      1. The best way to help me at present, Tom, is to keep posting your morning funnies which I really enjoy.

      1. Send them back to Somalia. Apart from not leeching off the British taxpayer, they would be living in a dryer climate.

    1. Sink incoming Doverista RIBs (Rigid Inflatable Boats) mid Channel

      That should help keep UK clean

  24. Just come back from Lidl, over the last 6 months,bread flour has gone up from 53p to 95p, for 1.5 kilo bag. Why

      1. Not only that but the village idiot has slapped a carbon tax on diesel, making Canadian wheat more expensive.

        Not only that he is trying to interrupt fertilizer usage.

    1. PS,They are doing a very nice Cally-fawn-ian Merlot” at £2.00 ish a bottle off

      F.. The Bread, Drink Red

    2. I haven’t seen white bread flour in Lidl for weeks. Wholemeal has been available now and then; are they sending a subliminal message, of sorts?

      1. Ours finally has some White

        For the past few weeks, looking at the Baking Flour shelf as a bit like looking at streets of London, Brum, Luton etc not a white one in sight.

    3. For the same reason butter has doubled in price in the last ten months. One thing is for sure that is not going to the producers… The cartels are meant to be unlawful but are coining it in the stinking shadow of the globalist homicide fest.

  25. BBC Question Time giving free rein to Nazir Afzal, one time Chief Crown Prosecutor for North West of England and director of the Crown Prosecution Service for London West, defending his heroine, Nignog Fulani. How did this anti-British abomination get promoted to such a position? Politicians – I’ve sh*t ’em. How one ended up on Nignog’s head is a mystery.

      1. Give the man his due:
        Birmingham-born Nazir Afzal was the chief crown prosecutor for north-west England and led the Rochdale grooming gang cases in 2012, overturning a decision by the Crown Prosecution Service (CPS) not to bring charges.

        Ask Cur Smarmer about that.

          1. Even when the authorities did recognise the problem, their slow reaction allowed the abusers to carry on exploiting their victims for years.
            Reports submitted were rejected by the Independent Police Complaints Commission because they were ‘lacking in detail’ and ‘failed to cover key areas’.
            Chief prosecutor Nazir Afzal reverses decision not to prosecute the two who had been arrested and eventually authorises the charging of ten men.
            (I wonder what caused the change of heart).

            Nine were eventually jailed. Nine out of several hundred – he must be very pleased with himself.

        1. Certainly not in NW England but London West – a hotbed of grooming rape gangs. This he knows.

    1. And Neil Basu, a former high ranking member of the police force, is in on the plot saying that he believes that Migraine was abused by the Royal family.
      All these things timed to coincide with Bald Willy’s visit to the USA.

      The British PTB are either complicit with these non-white agitators and the British or they are too stupid to see what is going on.

      Don’t be surprised if King Charles and his sons all book into for melanin treatment to darken their skins so that they can fit in better.

    2. North West England and Director of Crown Prosecution Services for London West – must be very knowledgeable on London West coming from NW England!.

  26. 368622+ up ticks,

    May one ask ,

    Are the toxic foursome lab/lib/con/ukip courting the PIE vote ? more children have “gone missing” from the hotels whilst in the political overseers charge.

    These missing kids could very well be seen with just cause, to be fresh sea food via Dover for the PIE menu.

      1. 368622+ up ticks,

        What part of pimping for the
        Paedophile Information Exchange
        is found to be confusing ?

  27. Green light given for 41-home housing development Craven Herald
    A school playing field has had plans approved for the building of 41 new homes

    A village in the Yorkshire Dales with a population of 1,270 has been earmarked for re-housing perhaps? Can’t hear the wailing and weeping of the wets and greens. Am I going deaf?

    1. Yo Ped

      I bet none of the ‘planning committee’ , local bigwids or MPs etc live anywhere near.

  28. Green light given for 41-home housing development Craven Herald
    A achool playing field has had plans approved for the building of 41 new homes

    A village in the Yorkshire Dales with a population of 1,270 has been earmarked for re-housing perhaps? Can’t hear the wailing and weeping of the wets and greens. Am I going deaf?

  29. We knew that we were anagram addicts when I went to a Roman fancy-dress party dressed as a goat, my mother’s sister went as a tuna, and her bitch like daughter went as a God.

    1. Did you hear about the insomniac dyslexic agnostic who used to lie awake at night wondering if there really is a dog?

    2. Did you hear about the insomniac dyslexic agnostic who used to lie awake at night wondering if there really is a dog?

  30. My husband is doing a history presentation on the subject of 1641 protestation and the 1642 East Anglia petition . The religious, political settlements in this region immediately before and conveying both local and national content before descent into armed conflict .

    He’s got to squeeze all this into 2 hours, get the timing right, get the tone correct, speak in the correct clear manner but remember to be himself. He’s borrowed the projector and will practice this evening. Timing is proving to be a struggle. He’s not done public speaking since university.

      1. It doesn’t help that there are going to be a huge amount if people there, more then he expected, a lot that he knows but many more he doesn’t know. He needs to be himself and sound as if he’s giving a lecture.

          1. James is very knowledgeable In this subject which came about as an extention of a course we were doing on the subject. But he’s not an expert which he must make clear as there will be some historians present. No he’s not done this before. He’s very comfortable with the subject but needs to be careful that he doesn’t sound like he’s a lecturer.
            He also is worried about squeezing to much into a short period of time which means leaving certain parts out which might make it look disjointed. Timing and tone of voice are an issue

          2. Not sure about jokes, it’s quite formal. But maybe starting with saying he’s not done this before.. and oh there are lots of you here.. I’m going home .. type of thing might make them laugh and lighten the mood to begin with. You are right about the content not being too heavy going .

          3. Timing and tone of voice are an issue

            Very true and make sure he knows how to get this across

            As a one-time lecturer, it is very important to let the audience know that you believe in the subject.

    1. Just remind him of the Seven Ps

      Precise and Proper Planning Precludes a Pi55 Poor Performance

      1. Yo, Mr Effort. I was told of the eight P’s:

        Prior Planning and Proper Preparation Prevents Piss-Poor Performance (other versions are available).

        But they both tell the same story.

    2. A new Charles on the throne and a parliament in disarray: an opening gambit that could prove advantageous in settling the audience.
      Even Oli had to start somewhere.

  31. For all you lovers of Charles Dickens, here is the BBC’s latest version of Oliver Twist: Oliver: Lagos to London
    Charles Dickens’ most political novel, the iconic Oliver Twist, is updated for today as a young Nigerian orphan goes on an epic search for family and home.

    Three one hour episodes – Episode 2:
    In Lagos, Oli is now fifteen and a key member of an exuberant gang of Area Boys who sell drugs for notorious underworld figure Miss Saffron Hill. High-octane capers through the backstreets of Lagos, a world of new tricks and double-edged jokes – but Oli never stops looking for his best friend Mene.×360/p0807fkx.jpg

    1. I suppose we could take the view that it’s like ‘West Side Story’; a take on a work from the English canon.
      Sadly, because so much of this race, wokey stuff has been pushed down our throats over the past few years, the formula now merely seems tired and predictable rather than innovative.

      1. Apparently many years ago they produced an Othello where all the actors were black except Othello himself who was white.

        I can see a sort of logic in that but when they decide to make a film of Bill Thomas’s life I hope they choose a white actor to take the principal role.

      2. You cannot beat, Charles Dickens original book to find the truth – no matter what the fuzzy-wuzzys want. Sorry Anne but Fcuk them.

        No original thoughts for them – take the English version and suborn it to nig-nog version.

  32. There are lots of ‘ content unavailable ‘ below. I’ll assume its a new d1squs thingy,
    * waves * to unavailable:-)

      1. It can be in some cases, not the majority . I’ve seen it on other sites where i don’t even post . It’s more likely to be d1squs .

        1. I think that when I make a BTL comment under a DT article it is scrutinised carefully. I think I have acquired a reputation for prurience.

      2. Interesting on the Speccie and Guido i have blocked loads of trolls. I didn’t even realise you could here – there’s no one i would want to block, anyway.

    1. It means that that person is blocked – by you.

      Go to your profile and see who you are blocking.

  33. Labour just hate independent schools. Everyone must reach their full potential within the local overly stuffed state run school where all children are taught equally and no one should be better then the others and become too productive .

      1. And they always, but always, excuse themselves by saying they want the best for their children.

        I hate the hypocrites with a passion

  34. Sandi Tosspotvig is not well. The mother of three children (all carried by her ex-wife, Peta Stewart) has a nasty cough and is trying to get back to the UK from Australia. Poor thing, can’t they rub Vick on her chest and give her syrup of figs in Aussie? Her present wife, Bettie, is in tears – will she inherit all that money Tosspot got from the BBC or not? More excitement later.

    1. How on earth did she it manage to put three brats into her its “ex-wife”? Did she it acquire one of those DIY home-made dicks that featured on this column yesterday? Having said that, she’d it’d still need a supply of (bought-in?) man-serum for it to work!

        1. Immaculate?

          My wife’s sister was born in Rhodesia and as there were some complications with the paperwork her birth certificate astonishingly had on it the name of her father, Lourens Schoon, it but the name of mother was recorded as Mother unknown.

          She only decided to marry after she had been living in concubinage with her boyfriend for many years because they had decided to procreate and having married parents might be better for the child. She is a feminist who scorned marriage saying it’s only a piece of paper so I put this into a song for her on her wedding day

          Only a piece of paper, only a piece of paper
          Only a piece of paper in Darkest Africa
          What immaculate conceiving
          A Papa but no mama

          1. ‘Only a piece of paper’ – but that piece of paper grants rights such as next-of-kin, inheritance if there is no will etc. People seem to think nothing of taking out mobile phone contracts, but a contract of marriage (or civil partnership) grants rights which could be crucial to one’s partner.

          2. ‘Strewth, Richard, I had hoped to form that certain sort of relationship with the three women in my life – particularly, the last one but alas and alack, was not and never was to be.

      1. Fartificial insemination by donor Christopher Lloyd-Pack, younger brother of the actor Roger Lloyd-Pack – whoever they are.

    2. How on earth did she it manage to put three brats into her its “ex-wife”? Did she it acquire one of those DIY home-made dicks that featured on this column yesterday? Having said that, she’d it’d still need a supply of (bought-in?) man-serum for it to work!

  35. Daily Fail groaners:

    Elevators terrify me… I’m taking steps to avoid them.
    I got an e-mail saying ‘At Google Earth, we can even read maps backwards’, and I thought… ‘That’s just spam…’
    What do you call a man with no shins? Tony.
    Me and my friends put a band together, we named it 999 megabytes. Still don’t have a gig though.
    I got into a fight with 1, 3, 5, 7 and 9. The odds were against me.
    I had a dream the ocean was filled with orange soda. It was a Fanta Sea.
    Just got hospitalized due to a peekaboo accident. They put me in the ICU.
    In college I was so broke I couldn’t afford the electricity bill. Those were the darkest days of my life.
    I went to the Doctor with hearing problems. He said ‘Can you describe the symptoms?’ I said: ‘Homer’s a fat dude and Marge has blue hair.’
    I said to my wife: ‘When I die I’d like to die having sex.’ She replied: ‘At least it’ll be quick.’
    I’ve decided I want a pet termite. I’m going to call him Clint. Clint Eatswood.
    So many people these days are too judgmental. I can tell just by looking at them.
    How many tickles does it take to make an octopus laugh? 10-tickles.
    ‘Dad, can you tell me what a solar eclipse is?’ No sun.
    I figured out why Teslas are so expensive. It’s because they charge a lot.
    Guess who I bumped into on my way to get my glasses fixed? Everybody.
    My wife blocked me on Facebook because I post too many bird puns. Well, toucan play at that game.
    Did you hear about the new Origami Porn channel? It’s paper view only.
    I was really angry when I ran into my friend Mark who stole my dictionary. I said, ‘Mark, my words!’
    I used to make loads of money clearing leaves from gardens. I was raking it in.

    1. And the winner of this year’s synchronised transgender woke-kneeling lady-boys tosser-fest goes to:

      Wait for it
      wait for it

      CANADA, who won it at the qualification stages

      ENGLAND were disqualified

      Sadly, they dropped their balls…

      Because of French government demands to remove creators from our platform, Rumble is currently unavailable in France. We are challenging these government demands and hope to restore access soon.

      I wonder what that’s all about?

    2. By a strange but completely understandable coincidence there is absolutely no mention of this on the BBC website….

    1. Wow!
      I plod along.
      Wordle 532 4/6


  36. 368622+ up ticks,

    But for current lab/lib/con/ukip coalition members it would be done,

    It Can Be Done: Cyprus Leads Europe In Deporting 70 Per Cent of Arriving Illegals in 2022

    1. /sarc/
      That would be good, we’d only have 30,000 to house, feed, and be stuck with!

      I doubt that even 1% are totally genuine.

  37. To the title:
    Kahn can’t do a thing he’s not told to do. He hasn’t got an original bone in his body. This crap is all over the Western world.

  38. Well, folks, I’m now going to read a couple of chapters of Dickens’ OUR MUTUAL FRIEND, before making myself a Hot Toddy with milk, whisky and honey (courtesy of Korky the Kat, our local Mr Deliveroo). Then upstairs to bed to see if I have a better night’s sleep. See you all in the morning.

    1. Milk? No, EB; Hot Toddy with whisky, lemon juice, 4 cloves and a tsp of honey – or, double up for OUR MUTUAL FRIEND …

    2. God, love and keep you, Elsie. Good on ya, Korky for being a good neighbour.

      I too needed some help this evening and, eventually it arrived after I’d spent at least two hours collapsed on the floor. Hey ho, what a gay day (or evening).

  39. As the BBC celebrates its centenary, it might be time to review its contribution to culture: which, currently, is unimpressive. Yet looking back, whether on wireless or television, the Corporation’s record is immense. It broadcast its first classical music concert in its first year, on Radio 3, which remains its cultural epicentre, continuing to champion live performances, new artists and contemporary composers: and so it must. Great documentary series (The Great War, Civilisation, The British Empire, The Ascent of Man) were conspicuous, but now all are in the distressingly distant past. The lone survivor is a veteran of that era, David Attenborough, with his stunning wildlife series. The Corporation has been subject to political forces, some self-inflicted. A determination to dilute anything that might be interpreted as elitism strongly prevails.

    The BBC is nearing a fork in the road, but the direction it takes will not be of its choosing. Only the brave would assert that the Conservative Party, which is highly sceptical about the BBC, will win the next general election, but if it does, the hitherto formal renewal of the Corporation’s charter will be in jeopardy. The entirely unsuitable and unthoughtful Nadine Dorries has, thank God, resigned as culture secretary: but a view remains in the Conservative Party not so much that the BBC is institutionally Leftist (though in large tracts of it, it is) but that it is dumbed down and unworthy of the funds and support given to a state broadcaster.

    However if, as seems likely, we have a Labour government, the BBC can relax. Labour will make a point of preserving it, not least because so many Conservatives dislike it. The long-overdue reassessment of using a household poll tax – the licence fee – to fund the BBC is unlikely to happen either. I hope there is someone sufficiently enlightened in the Labour Party to grasp that the perpetuation of the BBC in its present form is damaging our national culture, and that the determination to make it better should be a matter above politics. Sadly, there is no sign of its reaching that happy state.

    The BBC’s defenders will refer, one supposes, to the immaculate job it did this year in presenting first the Platinum Jubilee, and then the late Queen’s funeral ceremonies: there is no question that the Corporation is still capable of rising to the occasion – even if, for the most solemn events, it has to call the great David Dimbleby out of retirement at the age of almost 84 to do them.

    But there is simply too much trash on the BBC, whether on radio or television. I appreciate that tastes vary, not everyone holds a PhD and some people come to the BBC simply for entertainment; but what is now almost absent from the schedules (except on Radio 3 and, very occasionally, on the sharply deterioriating Radio 4) is anything that Lord Reith might have classed as educational, at whatever level. BBC Four is on the verge of closing down; the great 26-part adaptations (notably The Forsyte Saga and The Pallisers) are but a distant memory. Anything the BBC now does that calls itself “historical” is routinely riddled with laughable inaccuracies.

    There is an unpleasant pressure to conform with the political fashions of the day. Even Radio 3 has been forced in on the act. Its search for black composers to put in its schedules recently led to a Composer of the Week series (typically one of finest things on the BBC) on The Harlem Renaissance. I don’t dispute Louis Armstrong and Duke Ellington’s talent, but they are not classical musicians. Non-classical music has plenty of space around the BBC and classical has too little, so it is tiresome to see it eaten up in this way. Also tedious is the way in which the not especially good black composer Samuel Coleridge-Taylor is feted, as is the even more mediocre Florence Price, who ticks two boxes, being a woman.

    One day, we shall have unquestionably great black classical composers who deserve routinely to elbow Bach out of the schedules. For now, we don’t. Engaging in tokenism is patronising and offensive, and does nothing to advance the cause of true high culture. But such advancement no longer seems to interest the BBC.


    C Davie
    2 MIN AGO
    Does anybody remember Cliff Michelmore of the BBC1 TV program ‘Tonight’? Or going further back, Freddie Grisewood chairing a diverse panel of commentators on ‘ Any Questions’ on Radio four every Friday night? They didn’t lecture us, nor frown at us and wag their fingers at us for not holding their views, they discussed the issues of the day in an amiable fashion. Thank God GB News has resurrected that precious ethos of informing without lecturing

    1. Congratulations, Maggie for a great summation of the BBC centenary; I don’t know how ‘C Davie’ interrupted your discourse.

    2. The lone survivor is a veteran of that era, David Attenborough, with his stunning wildlife series.
      Sorry, but he is superglued to the ‘green Bandwagon’. A nice chap, ex-neighbour in Richmond, but his time of enlightening the population has turned poisonous.

      1. Exacto. Spitfire, I engine, Mosquito 2. What fool identified it as a Spitfire – needs shooting.

      2. Exacto. Spitfire, I engine, Mosquito 2. What fool identified it as a Spitfire – needs shooting.

  40. Right, I’m off to bed.
    Got a bit of work done today, but rain stopped play a bit earlier than I wanted.

    Looks like being a wet day tomorrow too.
    G’night all.

  41. Good night all – been a busy day today so havent had much time to chat but have just been catching up with things.

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