Saturday 5 November:A fresh focus on nuclear power is key to boosting Britain’s energy independence

An unofficial place to discuss the Telegraph letters, established when the DT website turned off its comments facility (now reinstated, but we prefer ours),
Intelligent, polite, good-humoured debate is welcome, whether on or off topic. Differing opinions are encouraged, but rudeness or personal attacks on other posters will not be tolerated. Posts which – in the opinion of the moderators – make this a less than cordial environment, are likely to be removed, without prior warning.  Persistent offenders will be banned.

Today’s letters (visible only to DT subscribers) are here.

666 thoughts on “Saturday 5 November:A fresh focus on nuclear power is key to boosting Britain’s energy independence

    1. Schools haven’t run out of places. They’ve not allocated them properly. Why gimmigrants are going to school is beyond me. None can speak English, there’s no medical history. They’re economically useless.

      Deport them. All of them.

      1. They are going to school to prevent local children from getting an, ahem, ‘education’ close to home – if possible to prevent them from getting any education at all, as they have ‘white privilege’ to see them through life. Obviously nothing else is required. Also to bring to a head the anger that is bubbling at the privileges the illegal immigrants are experiencing. It also further divides the community by sending local children elsewhere.

    2. Happened to me back in 2006 when my eldest was trying to get to school. In our case it was the European ex pats’ kids who were monopolising the places. Their parents also paid no taxes over here under the rules at the time so the French and Germans were rolling in it (as their systems provide tax deductions for having kids) even as I was having child benefit taken from me and don’t get me started on my losing my tax allowance whilst my spouse who had no income (looking after the kids).

  1. 367234+ up ticks,

    If that be the case then it will receive a
    complete body swerve from the overseeing politico’s.

    Saturday 5 November:A fresh focus on nuclear power is key to boosting Britain’s energy independence

      1. 367234+ up ticks,

        Morning NtN,
        Then that begs the question why are the PTB
        continually allowed to be the PTB ?

  2. Guadalcanal: An American victory aided by a British hero. 5 October 2022.

    The Coastwatchers were to prove their worth time and again monitoring enemy movements and giving early warnings, particularly during the Guadalcanal campaign. And it was there that one of their number, an intrepid British colonial administrator named Martin Clemens, became something of a legendary figure.

    Feel good read!

  3. ‘Morning, Peeps.  A (brief) red sky this morning heralds rain, and lots of it.  According to the forecast it will last from mid-morning for about  35 hours.  With many drains blocked with leaves the local flooding we experienced on Wednesday is likely to return. 

    A letter from today’s batch:

    SIR – You report that the Chancellor is considering raising taxes on dividend income and capital gains.

    Dividend income is the main – and sometimes the only – source of income for the hundreds of thousands of formerly self-employed and now retired people who had no one paying into their pension funds, had to rely entirely on themselves to fund their retirements and never drew a single penny in social-security benefits.

    These people, of whom I am one, have always been the backbone of the economy, keeping our country afloat and never leaning on the taxpayer for help. As for capital, it has always been necessary to accumulate enough to provide essential retirement income.

    Does the Chancellor really think it would be fair to punish this group of people while continuing to provide more feather beds for those who have been formerly employed in government service and retired on taxpayer-funded, index-linked pensions?

    Patrick Mountain
    Somerton, Somerset

    Of course he does, Mr Mountain.  It’s all part of the government’s commitment to political suicide in good time for the next GE in January ’25 – or before.  Not long to go now.

    1. I was one of those until I retired, was kicked out of my partnership by a greedy woman and left to rot by myself in a Moffat retirement home. I am currently drinking myself to death. Goodbye, cruel world.

      1. Ah ha I would think like you, but from the outside looking in, isn’t there a tiny spark in you that wants to beat them at their own game?

        1. I could certainly use one ATD but Moffat is in the Scottish borders and I don’t think your wanderings go this far.

          1. Well, you never know! Stranger things have heppened. If I do happen to float by, I’ll definitely pop in and give you a hug.

    2. This BTL poster isn’t impressed:

      Party Pauper
      1 HR AGO
      Patrick Mountain – save your breath. This “Conservative” government hates small businesses and the self employed. They just want a few large corporates and everybody working on a payroll. Jeremy Hunt is the worst and should have no place in a real “Conservative” government.

      1. And in the same paper, an article about people like me (55) chucking in the work towel. Why bother working though when all that happens is you are taxed to death on it and told to be grateful?

    3. But the government will still be there. Sunak will still be troughing away on the green scam, so will Goldsmith and Gummer. The government doesn’t change. We move one bunch of lying wasters form one side to the other. The agenda stays the same. The damage continues.

  4. Putin’s ‘barrier troops’ are straight out of Stalin’s playbook. 5 november 2022.

    The Russian army is deploying armed officers behind the front line to stop soldiers deserting, the MoD has said.

    Few things encapsulate the brutality of the Eastern Front in the Second World War better than the Soviet Union’s so-called “barrier troops”.
    With the Red Army crumbling in the face of a relentless German advance, Josef Stalin was forced to place armed officers behind his own front-line troops to prevent any further desertion – on pain of death.

    Such is the poor level of morale among Russian troops today in eastern and southern Ukraine, claims Britain’s Defence Intelligence, that the tactic has now been revived by the Russian Army.

    There is absolutely no evidence to support this MOD assertion. It is just part of the Demonisation of the Russians in response to a failing western Narrative of the War. The appeal to Soviet history and the montage clearly shows this. This is not news reporting but propaganda. The atrocity stories about Bucha for example conform to no known pattern. We know from Shatila, My Lai and countless other incidents what they look like and how troops behave in these circumstances. There is also the not inconsiderable point that the Ukies are liars on a heroic scale. Even individual accounts show clear signs of fabrication.

  5. Putin’s ‘barrier troops’ are straight out of Stalin’s playbook. 5 november 2022.

    The Russian army is deploying armed officers behind the front line to stop soldiers deserting, the MoD has said.

    Few things encapsulate the brutality of the Eastern Front in the Second World War better than the Soviet Union’s so-called “barrier troops”.
    With the Red Army crumbling in the face of a relentless German advance, Josef Stalin was forced to place armed officers behind his own front-line troops to prevent any further desertion – on pain of death.

    Such is the poor level of morale among Russian troops today in eastern and southern Ukraine, claims Britain’s Defence Intelligence, that the tactic has now been revived by the Russian Army.

    There is absolutely no evidence to support this MOD assertion. It is just part of the Demonisation of the Russians in response to a failing western Narrative of the War. The appeal to Soviet history and the montage clearly shows this. This is not news reporting but propaganda. The atrocity stories about Bucha for example conform to no known pattern. We know from Shatila, My Lai and countless other incidents what they look like and how troops behave in these circumstances. There is also the not inconsiderable point that the Ukies are liars on a heroic scale. Even individual accounts show clear signs of fabrication.

  6. Good morrow, merry Nottlefolk. Time for a little jollity before I return to my bed , Been up since 3:00, here ’tis:


    A senior citizen out in West Texas drove his brand-new Corvette convertible out of the dealership.

    Taking off down the road, he floored it to 80 mph, enjoying the wind blowing through what little grey hair he had left. “Amazing,” he thought as he flew down I-40, pushing the pedal even more.

    Looking in his rear-view mirror, he saw a state trooper behind him, lights flashing and siren blaring. He floored it to 100 mph, then 110, then 120. Suddenly he thought, “What am I doing? I’m too old for this,” and pulled over to await the trooper’s arrival.

    Pulling in behind him, the trooper walked up to the Corvette, looked at his watch, and said, “Sir, my shift ends in 30 minutes. Today is Friday. If you can give me a reason for speeding that I’ve never heard before, I’ll let you go.”

    The old gentleman paused. Then he said, “Years ago, my wife ran off with a State trooper. I thought you were bringing her back.”

    “Have a good day” the trooper replied.

  7. SIR – Full-scale nuclear power stations take years to build and still add greatly to demands on the grid.

    However, small modular reactors (SMRs), built by Rolls-Royce and proven effective through years of service in our nuclear submarines, are capable of providing a home-grown solution.

    They are significantly cheaper per gigawatt to install, can be implemented in a fraction of the time of large-scale units, and have a much less intrusive footprint. Furthermore, they can be located close to the areas of maximum demand, thus reducing the load on the grid.

    The export opportunities are not to be sneezed at either. What’s not to like?

    Colin Amies
    Docking, Norfolk

    There is everything to like, Mr Amies.  Unfortunately this country is slow off the mark.  Rolls Royce should have regulatory approval for theirs by 2024, with the first unit(s) operating not before 2029.  Russia, China and Argentina are ahead of us and may prevent us from fully exploiting the export potential. 

    Incidentally, they will only ‘reduce the load on the grid’ if they are sited in areas of high demand, but unfortunately the temptation will be to place them at existing power stations because of the security implications and also the need to transport nuclear materials to and from the sites.  Still, this is better than nothing.

    1. One wonders how they managed during the last War, don’t you? D-Day, Mulberry etc conceived, planned, prepared, built and in use within 2 years…..

    2. I had an answer to this but it’s been censored. This is what I replied:

      “” What’s not to like?”

      Government don’t like the idea of cheap and available energy – there is NO premium for them. Self-serving bar stewards.”.

    3. I had an answer to this but it’s been censored. This is what I replied:

      “” What’s not to like?”

      Government don’t like the idea of cheap and available energy – there is NO premium for them. Self-serving bar stewards.”.

        1. Hi, Minty, it seems like NTTL censored it, that’s why I’ve posted it again and cannot take a screnshot of the RED provision that I could not post it.

          Have we been infiltrated?

  8. Morning, everyone. Light cloud cover, calm and dry in N Essex.

    The following are the reasons for the lockdowns etc. and why everyone was encouraged to take a ‘safe and effective novel “vaccine” to stave off death’ following the 2020 “Pandemic”.
    Trudeau continues on his totalitarian course.

    Courtesy of The Highwire and John Dee’s Almanac on substack.

    Any death is an unwanted tragedy but to use the deaths of people to inflate the impact of a ‘virus’ is evil beyond most people’s imagination.

    Statistics prepared by John Ioannidis, Professor of Medicine (Stanford Prevention Research), of Epidemiology and Population Health, Stanford University; the Brownstone Institute -New ideas in public health, science, economics, and social theory defending and promoting freedom and rights in an enlightened, open society and the UK’s ONS.

    1. Evening Korky.
      That last graphic clearly shows the Convid to be so much less ‘deadly’ than regular flu.

  9. ” What’s not to like?”

    Government don’t like any idea of cheap and available energy – there is NO premium for them. Self-serving bar stewards.

    Even here, comments are being removed and replies are being censored

    1. Once more we are treated to the absolute stupidity that is so obviously rife in Westminster. As far back as we can go in history people in caves who needed to keep warm and cook, would have gathered firewood, when they could, to survive.
      Once more after trusting the elected government. Everything they come into contact with they eff it up again and big time.
      And they sit down on benches on their wealthy backsides and blame each other. Or anyone but themselves.

      1. Oh, they don’t feel blame. Thet think they’re righteous. The conversation goes something like this: Build power plants or people will die’

        ‘Blah blah climate change, commited, net zero, blah blah, lies, waffle, help the planet, last chance, blah blah wind mills, blah blah’

        Fundamentally they’re getting rich at our expense – as always. They’ve no interest in meeting demand. They see us, the user as the problem. We must change ot suit their agenda.

        1. Totally agree.
          This is why we the people of Britain need to get them our of power. They don’t actually do anything anyway. Individually they no nothing. The civil service are running the country. And they are next to useless.
          Fed the right information, Robots would do a better job.

  10. Good morning all. A dry but cloudy start to the day with clouds keeping the overnight frost at bay yet again with 4°C on the yard thermometer.

      1. According to the 6″ OS map I have framed in the dining room, there is a spot height in the middle of the road junction outside of 404′ above sea level.

          1. Also at the bottom of a deep valley and, particularly on cold and dead calm morning, the flow of cold air down the valley can be most noticeable.
            Especially if the lorry cafe up the road is cooking bacon!!

        1. It’s strange to think that we consider ourselves to be near sea level, probably because the valley road down to Bordeaux hardly seems to involve any slopes, let alone hills, yet we are a few feet higher up than you are.

  11. SIR – Your article on fax machines reminded me of a high-powered meeting I attended in 1984 with my company’s chief executive, secretary, head of finance, head of security and head telephonist.

    The aim was to decide the location of a new piece of equipment – a fax machine. Various secure options were considered – the company secretary’s office, the security control room and the telephone switchboard. Finally, the telex room was chosen.

    Within a couple of years, the telex was decommissioned and its room repurposed, and every department had its own fax machine.

    A few years after that, personal computers started to appear on desks. The head of finance, in refusing a budget application, was heard to say: “Email? No, it’ll never catch on.”

    Christopher Sharp
    Kenilworth, Warwickshire

    This letter closely mirrors my experience as an employee.  The installation of fax machines was a slow and painful exercise, with several layers of management involved.  Customers and others would offer to send a document by fax, only to sound very surprised when we said we didn’t have the facility.  And when they were (very reluctantly) authorised there was the inevitable debate as to where they should be placed! It was embarrassing, to say the least.  The same reluctance was displayed over the purchase of mobile phones, even though the improved efficiency was entirely predictable for those of us ‘out on the road’.

    When I finally escaped the corporate nightmare it was a relief.  If I needed a fax machine I could order and intall it the following day.  The same applied, later on, to computer software and other similar office aids that today we take for granted.  I enjoyed nine years of autonomy and loved every minute of it, even though the hours were long.

  12. 367234+ up ticks,

    Well make believe makes the top of the morally corrupt list squeal, both being political turds in ermine, one with a Bow Street guilty record of cottaging in a park toilet, tother being devouring a curry in tax payers time.,
    & NOT being exactly true to his marriage vows.

    Tony Blair condemns The Crown and its ‘complete rubbish’ plot about him and the Queen
    John Major also attacks Netflix show over ‘utterly untrue’ scenes showing Prince Charles lobbying the PMs to help him overthrow his mother

    1. Tony Blair condemns The Crown and its ‘complete rubbish’ plot about him and the Queen.

      Hmmm. Must be some truth in it then?

      1. In the film The Ghost Writer, the man on the roof had the right idea on how to deal with Blair.

      2. I remember that before the Princess of Wales’s death Tony Blair was banging on about how The New Labour Party was the People’s Party and claiming that everything everyone approved of was associated with The People’s Party.

        Within hours of the poor woman’s accident in the PAris tunnel he had tried to capitalise on it. I commented on this in a song I wrote about Blair at the time:

        The People’s Party, People’s Dome, The People’s Lottery,
        I am the People’s Laxative so the People swallow me,
        Pragmatic opportunism has given me success
        A sad girl died and so I dubbed her The People’s Princess.

        1. Blair ought to have been parachuted in to some god-forsaken People’s Republic, it’s where he belongs.

    2. And some facetious comment by Netflix or someone related to the programme (can’t be bothered with it myself but the quote caught my eye) along the lines of putting a health warning before Morse that there isn’t in fact a murder every week in Oxford.

      I dare say whoever said this little gem thinks himself (or probably: xirself) very clever. The fact that Morse is a fictional character whereas those in the Crown are not, therefore making the analogy distinctly non-analogous will not have occurred to them and it never will because no one today appears to have any critical thinking skills.

      1. 367234+ up ticks,

        Morning Mir,

        “no one today appears to have any critical thinking skills”

        this currently can be clearly seen via, IMO,lab/lib/con/current ukip still have a following.

  13. Morning all 🙂
    Grey grey grey. Not forecast, rain.
    That’ll fix some of the over enthusiasm for fireworks 🎆 and bonfires 🔥.

  14. Fresh from flicking through today’s Terriblegraph. What a load of depressing incoherent nonsense from our so-called “elites” which I’d prefer not to dwell on where it pertains to our once fabulous country.

    It did occur to me though, reading the story about the torture and massacre of Ukrainian men by Russian troops, that a lot of our problems in this country can be traced back to (laudable) aims to ensure people worldwide in genuine trouble are given the help they need. Yet this has been gamed to the extent that these laws are the cause of considerable tension domestically, whilst doing absolutely nothing (at least, appearing to me to be doing absolutely nothing) to help those who need it. I am so fed up and fear for the good kids trying their best in this vicious corrupt country.

    On another note. Three 18 year-old “boys (per Terriblegraph) and three 18 year-old “females” were in the paper for knifing a man to death. The use of the words “boy” and “female” struck me as odd and inconsistent. I haven’t wasted too much time on it (but enough). Is it just terrible standards of journalism or is there more thought put into the use of the words “boys” and “females” than I imagine?

    1. Helping foreign nations is entirely wrong. Our charity destroys their need to improve infrastructure. Our food destroys their jobs. Our clothes destroy their tailoring industry. When they don’t need to move trucks around they don’t bother building roads. When they get free money their government pockets it rather than having to levy it from industry.

      We do them no help through aid.

      1. I agree and would go further: the government getting in the business of providing for all needs is wrong. Local people are better placed to provide that support and local people better placed to fund it. People know what is best for people, not bureaucrats who are doing it to make money for themselves and get a kick out of feeling good about themselves at the same time.

        I had a chuckle at the piece in the paper about the Arts funding cuts. On the one hand, I agree with the sentiment that we need a centre of excellence so destroying that will not work out well. On the other hand, maybe some of these arts ventures might now have to provide what actual people will pay to see.

        1. Yep. The odd thing though is that peple continue to want other people to pay for their lives, then are surprised when that money disappears.

          Government is an odd form of incompetent, malicious, fundamentally stupid and greedy.

        2. The thing about the arts is the people often don’t realise excellence in new forms until they experience it. Bit of a conundrum. Justified the existence of something like the Arts Council (think of how the reaction to something like The Rite of Spring has changed over time); all that now jeopardised by woke idiocy. *sigh*

    2. They tend to use the word “male” when they mean a man accused of a crime. I suppose they are just conveying info about their age.

      1. But the “girls” are the same age and are not called “girls”.

        Plus we are constantly told 18 year olds are “adults” so it should be men, and women; or males and females; but not boys and females. It’s just weird. Or an agenda.

  15. Fresh from flicking through today’s Terriblegraph. What a load of depressing incoherent nonsense from our so-called “elites” which I’d prefer not to dwell on where it pertains to our once fabulous country.

    It did occur to me though, reading the story about the torture and massacre of Ukrainian men by Russian troops, that a lot of our problems in this country can be traced back to (laudable) aims to ensure people worldwide in genuine trouble are given the help they need. Yet this has been gamed to the extent that these laws are the cause of considerable tension domestically, whilst doing absolutely nothing (at least, appearing to me to be doing absolutely nothing) to help those who need it. I am so fed up and fear for the good kids trying their best in this vicious corrupt country.

    On another note. Three 18 year-old “boys (per Terriblegraph) and three 18 year-old “females” were in the paper for knifing a man to death. The use of the words “boy” and “female” struck me as odd and inconsistent. I haven’t wasted too much time on it (but enough). Is it just terrible standards of journalism or is there more thought put into the use of the words “boys” and “females” than I imagine?

  16. 367234+ up ricks,

    You Reposted
    Gerard Batten
    What an outrage!

    People deliberately making their way halfway across the World to break our law & illegally enter the country go to all that trouble & then can’t get the benefit of a free shyster immigration lawyer to fight their deportation case.

    What is the country coming to?

    May one ask what % of indigenous peoples receive Legal aid is it 100%.

  17. Good morning, everyone. Mrs D left the funeral for a ‘hen’ weekend in Bristol. Grandson is getting married. Back tomorrow. I have walked the Springer and made her a lovely breakfast but she is sulking and won’t eat. She will when she is hungry.

    1. Good morning. Is the Springer okay? Strange she doesn’t want to eat.

      Congrats to grand son.

      1. She is fine, Phil. She doesn’t like it when one of us is missing. She is an alpha female as is my darling wife. Dunno how I have survived this long.

        1. Tell me about it. G & P sneer when I offer them food and often ignore it.

          When the MR appears they are all over her…(and her tin-opener).

          1. “O woman! In our hours of ease
            Uncertain, coy, and hard to please,
            And variable as the shade
            By the light, quivering aspen made;
            When pain and anguish wring the brow,
            A ministering angel thou!”

            [Walter Scott]

          2. And do they paw in the general direction of offered platter as though they are burying it?

          3. Ooh! Ours do that, especially when they want to tell us that they hate the sight of it and it offends them!

      1. 367234+ up ticks,

        Morning KP,
        I believe you must have misunderstood
        because in reality it brought
        Boys and no bitches.

        1. Morning! Spose they are all gay, for the record. The wives and sprogs will be revealed when they are in.

    1. It’s completely unacceptable and @SuellaBraverman and I are determined to stop it.

      Yeah, right. Give me a break!

    2. All words. Get rid of them. Only when one hotel after another is emptied and the criminals removed – to where I care not. Centre of the sahara would suit me.

      Remove them. They’re not refugees. They’re criminals.

  18. A puzzled pensioner writes. In the many photographs of the achievements of the “gallant and glorious” (© Egyptian Mail 1949 reporting the defeat of the Egyptian army) Ukrainian military, the thousands (sarc) of destroyed Russian vehicles are always heavily coated in rust. I thought rust took more than a few days to develop.

  19. The law privileges Just Stop Oil revolutionaries over the public, and it’s becoming intolerable
    These activists are extreme, and the police are doing far too little to prevent them from disrupting our lives

    Charles Moore :

    The law and the police have entirely lost the idea of impartiality


    Sorry just don’t believe a word of the above. If Tommy Robinson blocked a minor B road in the middle of Herefordshire with an anti-Islam banner I can guarantee he and all of his followers would be arrested and imprisoned within 5 minutes. He would appear before a magistrate and be given a minimum 2 week prison sentence within a week. In cases like this the police arrest and the law convicts on who commits the crime not the crime itself.
    It is obvious there is simply no will with Just Stop Oil and other right on liberal causes – simple as.

    1. Who is funding their shenanigans? This should be a first port of call for the law and order(sic) authorities.

    2. Spot on bit: the law convicts on who commits the crime

      That’s not law, it’s perogative, which is not law at all. A fundamental element of Lefties, wokers and such is to ensure the law applies differently to their favoured groups.

  20. Climate Change Deniers and Vax Deniers are treated with contempt by the venomous irrationati* who are always looking for people with whom they disagree that they can cruelly attack and punish.

    I wonder how long it will be before the same contempt is lavished by more rational people on Covid Vaccination Damage Deniers?

    (* A word for well-informed people is cognoscenti. I cannot find irrationati in the dictionary – a word to describe irrational pillocks – so I have had to make it up.)

    1. As cognoscenti is of Italian origin , probably should borrow similarly for the irrational – irrazionale (pl. – i).

    2. You and me both, on both subjects,

      We know they are scams of the first order, Richard but it is difficult to convince the brainwashed sheeple.

  21. Why are excess deaths higher now than during Covid. 5 November 2022.

    More people are dying every week than during Covid’s peak years. Last month there were 1,564 more deaths than average each week – known as excess deaths – compared with just 315 two years ago and 1,322 last year. In the week to 21 October (the most recent week of data) ONS figures reveal there were some 1,646 excess deaths alone. As has been reported before, excess deaths are most stark at home: with deaths in private homes nearly a third above average. Meanwhile in hospitals and care homes they’re just 15 and 10 per cent above average. The shift to dying at home, and the health service ceasing to function, continues.

    The truth is seeping out in dribs and drabs. This “pandemic” is a calamity. Not from its medical aspects, though they are bad enough, but because of its side effects. The Cost of Living and Economic Crisis are all attributable to the measures taken to counter what was a minor viral infection that would have passed almost unremarked except for the decisions of the Political Elites who saw an opportunity to pose even more egregiously than usual.

    1. The death rate for flu is higher than the death rate for Covid. Thats why there should never have been a lock down as Johnson failed to do his job.

    2. The days of being applauded for vilifying the unvaccinated are over. We are about to enter the age when Covid Vax Damage Deniers are seen for what they are.

    3. I’m not sure, but I am of the belief that the covid jabs were designed to advance, accelerate underlying complaints and bring them slowly the surface.
      From personal experiences friends of mine who had health problems 4 of them quite suddenly died. All younger, but had been ill for sometime but hanging on. One suddenly had a massive heart attack was admitted to A&E then died of a stroke. He had never had any obvious health issues previously. My own experience was three weeks after the first jab my then ancient Afib problem restarted. But went away. And around a week after the second jab. It came back again. And stayed until the cardioversion mid August. Even my GP, amongst others in the medical profession agreed the jabs caused my 18 month long problems.

      1. After 18 months, looking at the results of MB’s incident, I ponder on the date. Fortnight to the day after his first AZ jab.

      1. And it will not be long before it becomes clear that more people will have died of Covid vaccinations gene therapy than of the disease itself.

  22. My replacement washing machine, a Bosch , is due to be delivered this morning .

    The previous poor old Bosch packed in 2 weeks ago , was 14 years old .. served the family very well.

    The laundrette in town was useful but expensive .. I used 3 largish machines ; £5 each wash , and the driers were a £1, 50p/ 20p.. I must have spent £2.50 for a good dry.. they are large machines.. I had 2 trips during those 2 weeks , and I think that every village should have a laundrette .. I had to travel 6 miles ..then did some shopping , washing and drying done within 2 hours or less.

      1. That looks like heckuva good idea.
        I am havering over ordering a tumble drier for the Dower House. By the time we get a date, it will be near to Christmas and I can see trouble ahead. Thank goodness SBMk2 had a spare washing machine.

      2. But you do not konw who uses them before you. No thanks. I would wash by hand first.

        1. To sleep in? We also have 2 very scary automatic loos, which if you don’t get out quickly enough skooshes water and disinfectant all over the booth! Very exciting!

          1. I worry about the automatic door suddenly opening….in the Main Street! A bit like those ones on trains nowadays!

        1. They’ve been around a while now and still look pristine. The maintenance is vey good.

        2. I understand where you are coming from (as they say) but I think it is a bit hard to call Mrs Macfarlane a “vandal”….

      3. Nice that they installed one at a lower level for dwarfs (and will it have a ‘short wash’?)

    1. This company is called Revolution Laundry and their website gives the locations of the machines.
      They have about 600 in the UK and they seem to be very well maintained.

    2. Here, in Dowding House, Moffat the wash/dry is FREE and I take advantage of it by going down in the late evening/early morning to take advantage.

      1. Mind you, in the rental there is a £45 charge for heating (which I take advantage of – wanging everything up to max) and £118 for services (which probably includes the wash/dry facility) but I have no qualms about taking advantage!

    1. 367234+ up ticks,

      Morning TB,

      Then it surely must be the immigrant vote that keeps returning these NOT FIT FOR PURPOSE ” parties back into power it, would NOT, could not surely be with the indigenous vote, no one of these Isles could be that treacherously dim, could they, said with conviction.

  23. Detainees armed with ‘various weaponry’ cause disturbance at immigration centre during power outage. 5 November 2022.

    A group of detainees at an immigration centre armed with “various weaponry” caused a “disturbance” during a power outage in the early hours of Saturday, the Home Office has said.

    No one was injured during the incident at Harmondsworth detention centre near Heathrow Airport, but the power was still out just before 9am on Saturday, according to the department.

    The Home Office said in a statement: “There has been a power outage at Harmondsworth immigration removal centre, and work is currently under way to resolve this issue.

    “We are aware of a disturbance at the centre and the appropriate authorities have been notified and are on scene.

    “The welfare and safety of staff and individuals detained at Harmondsworth is our key priority.”

    Just peaceful refugees escaping Tyranny and Oppression at home!

  24. Good Moaning.
    Sonny Boy Mark 2 has just dropped off a load of boxes that he has emptied and thoughtfully passed on to us.
    I will do my best to fill them.

  25. During the week I mentioned son no 1had been to a have a haircut in Poole at a newly opened Turkish barber .. no cards £10 a cut ,, full on treatment .

    He had visited the great connurbation to seek out some sports gear etc.

    Many of you showed concern and also mentioned these shops are a front for money laundering ..

    I have just seen this on Twitter …

    I feel shocked , really shocked .

  26. Morning all, apologies if posted previously.

    An interesting read, make of it what you will.

    A globalist shrill has come into the light.
    Oh dear, the mask has really slipped and we can all see what Neil is. He wastes no opportunity to attack Trump.

    ANDREW NEIL: With the Republicans poised for victory in next week’s US midterm elections, a huge political crisis beckons.

    Did he mean theTrump who managed amongst other things whilst in office –
    1. The lowest-paid 25% of Americans had a 4.5% income boost in November 2019, which outpaces a 2.9% gain in earnings for the country’s highest-paid workers. This benefits African Americans because many, according to Associated Press research cited in 2018 by USA TODAY, are in low-paying jobs.
    2. In 2018, Trump signed the groundbreaking First Step Act, a criminal justice reform bill that enacted reforms that made US justice system fairer and helps former inmates return to society. More than 90% of those benefitting from the retroactive sentencing reductions in the First Step Act are African Americans.
    3. Under Trump, poverty rates for African Americans and Hispanic Americans reached their lowest levels since the U.S. began collecting such data.
    4. Pre COVID-19, African American unemployment was at an all-time low.
    5. The Pledge to America’s Workers has resulted in employers committing to train more than 4 million Americans.
    6. The First Step Act’s reforms addressed inequities in sentencing laws that disproportionately harmed African Americans, and reformed mandatory minimums that created unfair outcomes.
    7. Trump signed the first Perkins C.T.E. reauthorization since 2016, authorizing more than $1 billion for states each year to fund vocational and career education programs.
    The previous noted actions by the Trump administration are all substantive and measurable. The Trump administration has done considerably more for the African American community than several previous Democrat administrations. Considering those accomplishments, it is puzzling that black leaders continue to march in lockstep with the Democrats. Where are the free thinkers in that community?
    From an economic standpoint, the Trump administration has made great strides.
    1. Under Trump’s leadership, in 2018 the U.S. surpassed Russia and Saudi Arabia to become the world’s largest producer of crude oil.
    2. The Trump administration made a deal with the European Union to increase U.S. energy exports to Europe.
    3. It withdrew the U.S. from the job-killing Trans-Pacific Partnership, a major change in trade policy.
    4. The Trump Administration secured $250 billion in new trade and investment deals in China and $12 billion in Vietnam.
    5. It approved up to $12 billion in aid for farmers affected by unfair trade retaliation, but announced a total of $28 billion in aid for farmers in 2018 and 2019.

    And NO WARS!

    1. What trump did didn’t matter to the Left. They hated HIM. Why? Chances are becaue they couldn’t control him. He did and said what he liked. The Left despise that. He risked disrupting their control system.

      So they set about to destroy him in every way possible.

      1. They also had a President who worked more for the people and the country than himself, unknown in recent times, that’s another reason why they hated him.
        They still got a way to go to complete the job because so far they have had only limited success and lessons have been learnt by the Republicans following the 2020 vote counting.
        For the Democrats to repeat it again seems unlikely to me.

        1. I still do not believe that Biden won the 2020 election.

          I know very little about the American voting system and have no evidence at all to support this view except for my gut feeling.

          I wonder how long it will be before the truth come out?

          1. Agreed, Richard, I too, am awaiting the outcome of all these American voting shenanigans.

    2. My reply -yet to appear:

      Why, Daily Fail is Trump 2.0 a disaster in your eyes. For the majority of the population, both here and in America it is a signal that the WEF, UN, WHO, Gates et al will NOT get its way and that’s what we ALL want. Stop being MSM shy and speak up for the people.

    1. …and what are we (our shoddy government) doing about it?

      Welcoming them and moving them into 5* hotels where they abscond and join the local criminal gangs.

      Wonderful! And I’m still wondering.

      1. 367234+ up ticks,

        Evening NtN,

        This is not new only the route is new, this dates back to when the BOG man PM lifted the latch, and what did the electorate do about it ? they continued to vote for more of the same.

        Treachery within abounds.

    Rotten business: why is so much food on our farms going to waste?

    ‘We live in a society where everyone is disconnected from the story behind their food’

    If nothing else vividly illustrates the rapidly accelerating and irreversible stupidity of the human species then it is this photograph from yesterday’s Daily Telegraph. In a world that cannot stop breeding out of all proportion or sense of nature, this appalling 500 ton pile of rotting beetroot, from just one farm in Staffordshire, clearly shows how much of a not-fit-for-purpose entity mankind has become.

    The headline on the photograph states: “Myopia, ignorance and an aversion to physical work has resulted in tons of crops lying unpicked in fields.” I disagree, it is ingrained and escalating stupidity from a spent species that is the cause, and nothing else.

        1. I used to grow and pickle my own, but now there is only me to eat it, it isn’t worth the hassle.

        2. I think £1,20 for half a pound of beetroot is expensive. It’s beetroot! You used to be able to get a whole bunch for 50p a few years ago!,,

    1. Isn’t that what the supermarkets refer to as “economy of scale?”

      This kind of food chain won’t serve anyone well during times of economic turmoil. Cultivate local links!

    2. Errmmm, forgive me, but it isn’t the food, the work or the pay. It’s that doing nothing pays a lot more. While welfare is moronically based on relative income, when Joe earns more, John gets more money – for nothing.

      Ignoring that it is government that makes goods and services so expensive, the simple truth is poverty is a fixed concept. It’s not having food and shelter. Then we have people paid to breed. They’re spiteful, nasty people but they aren’t stupid, so they have a lot of children they can’t afford to raise knowing big state will be forced to hike their income and get them a bigger house. For far too many this is their career.

      If you want to solve the employment problem, scrap welfare. We don’t need more immigrants who want to work. We need more people living here to be forced off their backsides and into a dayswork.

      1. I have never picked up the dole or unemployment benefit in my life. I expect that many Nottlers could say the same thing.

      2. Hold on, Wibbles, I’m 78 years old and cannot get more consultancy work, so I have to rely upon both the state pension and a taxed minor pension to live. I’m going to apply for ‘Universal Credit’ whatever that is.

        Do you want me to be bereft of any of the aid my taxes have produced for the last 63 years?

    3. Am I being stupid here? It looks to me as though that crop of beetroot has already been picked, so why is it ‘rotting’?

      1. Dunno. I’m assuming that it has been harvested and left to rot in a huge mound, rather than just leaving it in the ground to rot there.

    4. There are certain types of food that are not popular and don’t shift from help yourself free food counters.
      Perhaps some people are too lazy to spend the time and efforts required.
      And of course it appears that most of the people from Europe have decided to return to their own countries.
      As our country slides into the government created stinking mire.
      Aggressive weapon-ised behaviour has been report from the detention Centre near Heathrow. Armed police were called to break up the violence.
      Perhaps the invaders feel they would be more comfortable in jail.

        1. It was a micro stroke and he hot footed it to bed last night. He’s going to post details today!

          1. It would appear so, but until R-R returns with further details, if he so chooses, who knows?

  28. What a relief – Project Fear is alive and well:

    “Health chiefs ‘running emergency drills’ in case bird flu spreads among humans”

    D Mirror.

    1. Oh don’t worry. It will miraculously cease to be a problem when they have banned most egg production and banned people from keeping chickens at home in order to supplement their diet.

      1. Our daughter has just picked up ‘a lonely chicken from Peebles’ called Speedy, to join Fuzzy, who was found in a bag of chicken manure from the egg farm! These farmers lead such exciting lives! I don’t envisage too many problems!

          1. Nah! Just for the eggs! Fuzzy is very free range and can be found pecking at the back door and on the windows! I’m hoping Speedy joins her and they do it in stereo! Grandpa Andrew bought a very expensive fox/badger proof coop for her/them and when it gets dark she waits outside!

          2. Be discreet, the latest Asian chicken plague means that your daughter should be keeping her birds indoors.

      2. Two of our near neighbours have chickens in their rear gardens. It seems to be trendy for the 40 years old Dopey Wokies.
        I wonder how the feathery ones are going to cope with the fireworks later. 🐔 I’ll bet they’ll try and cluck off.

      3. Have you noticed a distinct lack of eggs available to order on supermarket web sites. This past week we decided to give ourselves a rest from the supermarket scrum and have a click and collect. No eggs at all when we put in the order, Avian flu no doubt.
        Not a problem though, we went to the farm shop and stayed for coffee and cake. It’s what older people do. ( The place was warm and toasty, heaters everywhere and all turned on!)

        1. The same scenario (avian flu/egg shortage) has been playing out in the US during 2022. Also, a big egg processing plant was mysteriously burned down.

        2. It’s all Edwina Currie’s fault, she must have crept in the back door while we were distracted.

    1. Now you’re talking. That is my kind of music. For me, Zep were unclassifiable: there was nothing prior to them, nor anything since to compare them with. Unique and utterly genius.

  29. Good moaning again.

    Well said, RJ. Those managers who decided to withold their service’s assistance on the strength of some mythical danger should be gone, and pronto. Their response to such a dire emergency was just shameful and they disgust me. Just imagine what they would – or wouldn’t do, more like – if faced with the wartime blitz on London, with unexploded ordnance all over the place…

  30. Good moaning again.

    Well said, RJ. Those managers who decided to withold their service’s assistance on the strength of some mythical danger should be gone, and pronto. Their response to such a dire emergency was just shameful and they disgust me. Just imagine what they would – or wouldn’t do, more like – if faced with the wartime blitz on London, with unexploded ordnance all over the place…

  31. Kanye West, the US former rapper and businessman recently said “I’m not out of control. I’m just out of their control.”
    He also posted what looks like a tweet threatening to have him sectioned again.
    Here’s a Twit thread that sheds some light on the background to that: (tl;dr He had a Hollywood “personal trainer” whose CV includes working at some shady military psyops research centre).

  32. Should have left them to it.

    Chris Kaba suspected of involvement in ‘nightclub gun attack’ days before he was shot dead by police

    The Telegraph can reveal he was allegedly one of five men suspected of conspiring to murder a rival at a party in east London

    4 November 2022 • 9:00pm

    Chris Kaba, the man shot dead by police in south London in September, is suspected of being involved in a nightclub gun attack just days earlier, The Telegraph can reveal.

    The 24-year-old was allegedly one of a group of five men suspected of conspiring to murder a rival at a Notting Hill Carnival after-party held in east London.

    The victim was attending an event at the Oval Space nightclub in Cambridge Heath in the early hours of August 30 when the incident took place.

    After being shot at on the dancefloor the 23-year-old was chased from the venue into the street by a gunman who shot him twice.

    The victim was rushed to the Royal London Hospital in Whitechapel where he was put under armed guard and treated for gunshot wounds to both legs. He survived the attack and is expected to make a full recovery.

    Last week four men appeared in court charged with conspiracy to murder.

    They appeared at Thames Magistrates Court on October 28 and were remanded into custody.

    They are next due to appear at the Old Bailey on November 25 with a trial expected to take place sometime next year.

    The Telegraph understands the prosecution case will allege Mr Kaba was involved in the plotting of the attack and was present at the time of the shooting.

    The expectant father was shot dead by police on September 5, a week after the nightclub incident, as he was driving an Audi Q8 alone through south London.

    At the opening of an inquest into Mr Kaba’s death, held last month, it was revealed that armed officers in an unmarked police car began covertly following the Audi after spotting it parked in the Camberwell Green area of south London.

    The vehicle had triggered the police’s Automatic Number Plate Recognition (ANPR) system, indicating it had been involved in a firearms incident the day before.

    It is not clear whether the car had been linked to the nightclub shooting.

    The armed officers followed the vehicle without activating their lights or sirens, intending to carry out an “enforced stop extraction” on the driver when it was deemed appropriate to do so.

    The Audi was not owned by Mr Kaba and was not registered in his name, and Scotland Yard said officers were not aware of the identity of the driver at the time.

    At around 10.07pm Mr Kaba turned into Kirkstall Gardens, a residential road in the Streatham Hill area of south London, where a marked police armed response vehicle was waiting.

    Armed police officers got out of their cars and walked towards the Audi, ordering the driver to also exit his vehicle.

    A witness at the scene claimed the driver attempted to escape the roadblock by ramming his vehicle into one of the police cars.

    One of the armed officers, identified only as NX121, who was standing in front of Mr Kaba’s car then opened fire.

    A statement read out of the inquest said: “A single shot was fired by officer NX121 piercing the front windscreen of the vehicle Mr Kaba was driving and struck him.”

    No firearms were discovered in the vehicle after Mr Kaba was shot and his family have suggested his race may have played a part in his death.

    The firearms officer was initially placed on restricted duties, but following a backlash from Mr Kaba’s family and members of the community, he was subsequently suspended.

    As with all police shootings, the matter was referred to the Independent Office for Police Conduct (IOPC) which launched an investigation.

    On September 9, four days after the fatal shooting, the IOPC announced it had launched a homicide investigation and the officer was facing a potential murder or manslaughter charge.

    Mr Kaba’s family have viewed the body-worn camera footage recorded by the Met Police and have called for a charging decision in the case of the officer to be made as soon as possible.

    However, the IOPC has said it could take up to nine months to complete its investigation.

    Mr Kaba, whose girlfriend is due to give birth in January, was jailed for four years in 2019 after being convicted of a firearms offence.

    He was charged with possession of a firearm with intent to cause fear of violence after shots were fired on 30 December 2017 in the Canning Town area of east London.

    He appeared at Snaresbrook Crown Court in January 2019 where he was found guilty of possessing an imitation firearm.

    He was sentenced to four years in a Young Offenders Institute but was released on licence the following year.

    In August of that year, however, he was returned to jail after he was caught driving without insurance and with a knife in his car.

    Because the offences were committed while he was still on licence, he received an extra five months in custody.

    Court records also show that in April this year, Mr Kaba was served with a 28-day domestic violence protection order relating to the mother of his unborn child barring him from contacting her on social media or entering the street where she lives.

    Mr Kaba’s family have insisted that his past is not relevant to the events that led up to his shooting and have said he would not have been killed if he had been white.

    His family have also insisted he had been working hard to turn his life around and harboured ambitions of becoming an architect.

    Referring to the incident at the Hackney nightclub a Scotland Yard spokesman said: “Police were called at 4:25am on

    Tuesday, 30 August, to reports of a shooting at a nightclub in Temple Street, Hackney. Officers attended along with the London Ambulance Service.

    “A 23-year-old man was found with gunshot wounds and taken to hospital where his injuries were assessed as not life-threatening.”

    The spokesman confirmed that four men have been charged with conspiracy to murder and are next due to appear in court on November 25.

    The Oval Space venue has had its licence revoked following the shooting.”

    1. “His family have also insisted he had been working hard to turn his life around and harboured ambitions of becoming an architect.”

      Only an architect? Why not a brain surgeon? Far more likely!!!

      First larf of the day, by the way….

  33. 4lb of apples peeled and chopped up, ditto two medium onions, a pack of pineapple chunks taken out of the freezer, also chopped up and some dates chopped up too. All chucked into the big pan with ½ a litre of vinegar, a pound of soft dark brown sugar and a couple of bags of mulled cider spices.

    Yep, I’m making andother batch of chutney!

      1. A bit damp for that today.
        Plus I want to give it an extra day for the last lot to harden.

          1. It’s the Great Wall of Bonsall- he’ll be halfway to Scotland before it’s finished.

          2. I’m already digging foundations at this end! Using the Antonine Wall as a guide…

          3. Nope!
            After I finish the current wall, I’ve another that I started a few years back that needs to be resurrected and extended.
            The bit of hillside that refers to its self as “My Garden” will still be a work in progress when I turn my toes up!

  34. 367234+ up ticks,

    I see the political overseers mouthpieces are pushing, that the governing overseers have lost control of the borders , pure tripe, fodder for fools.they have complete control, in league with the french of ALL aspects of the invasion.

    The lab/lib/con/current ukip coalition have issued their current members with shovels to rhetorically dig for victory, in reality they are digging their own graves wilst undermining the remnants of a decent Country

    So truth being, it is a very politically controlled immigration invasion.

    1. It’s very important for the safety of asylum seekers to cease encouraging them to land at Dover.

      1. I just find it disgusting. It’s a desperate smear of a man driven to madness. But the state can’t accept blame or show a measure of guilt, so it searches for every possible defamation.

        Utter, utter b’ds.

    2. Anyone – ANYONE – who takes on the invaders and slammers will ALWAYS be smeared as a far-right, extremist, foam-flecked, drooling fascist.

      Whereas Jan Palach (whom one could also suggest was a bit unhinged) is a national hero and (almost) sanctified

      1. There was no investigation. It was just character assassination to ensure the narrative continued. They’re evil. Evil, evil evil.

  35. Riot police are called to immigration removal centre as group of detainees ‘leave their rooms and enter the courtyard armed with weapons’ during power cut
    A ‘disturbance’ has been reported at one of the UK’s migrant detention centres in Middlesex, near Heathrow
    A power outage was followed by a group breaking into the centre’s courtyard with as many as 100 involved
    Some of the detainees were armed with ‘various weaponry’, a Home Office spokesperson confirmed
    The outage left detainees without electricity or water for a day, in the latest example of poor conditions

    1. Military training exercise by the invaders. Oops, sorry – I’m not supposed to call them that.

    2. This sounded a little more promising;
      ‘Home Office minister Chris Philp said told Sky that Manston was legally compliant days after immigration minister Robert Jenrick suggested it was not. And he later told Times Radio: ‘If people choose to enter a country illegally, and unnecessarily … it’s a bit of a cheek to then start complaining about the conditions.’

  36. Did you know there was a National Covid Memorial Wall in London? I didn’t until yesterday evening when last night’s BBC East Midlands Today featured Call-me-Dave’s A-grade failure of an education secretary Nicky Morgan, who chairs the UK Commission on Covid Commemoration. I then turned up the story from the Guardian about the wall. Morgan asks if there “should be a symbol to commemorate Covid-19 in the same way that a poppy represents Remembrance Sunday”. I felt my hackles rising at that moment but was moved to despair by the sad, tawdry and pointless red heart/yellow heart dispute of the memorial wall. And why is a red heart ‘political’? I can guess…

    I have a suggestion for a national Covid memorial. A grotesque effigy of every minister and ‘adviser’ that inflicted this calamity on us should be tied by barbed wire to a tall black cross, the crosses to be erected on a low mound in a dank and marshy field in a bleak part of the country, the grimness of the feature and its location reflecting its effect on the nation. Many crosses. Big field.

      1. Save you tears about Britain, join and vote for Reform or Heritage. Personally, I think that although I don’t trust Farage, I think that Reform might get the more populist vote.

        What UKIP and Heritage etc. need to do is just be a bit savvy at this stage and work together. Now, I can understand why people who have been let down and ostracised by Farage never want to touch him again. I was in UKIP, and I agreed with much of what Tommy Robinson said. Quite frankly, I think that Farage contributed to give us the shambles we have had in government for the last few years by pulling all the Brexit Party candidates.

        But we have to start somewhere, and I believe that reform is the way, because Farage is a good speaker. Never mind about not letting Labour in – let them in and let us all suffer. Just let us vote long-term, not short-term.

    1. They’ll just make some tiny change, which the left will scream and scream about, and make out the government to be monsters, but nothing will really change.

    2. Pity – because as someone who climbed up from 16 with an apprenticeship she might have had something to offer.

      1. On the other hand they might not. We pay too much heed to not coming from establishment backgrounds – it doesn’t mean that those who are in that category don’t want to aspire to get into the elite. See that dreadful Pimlico plumber for instance. (They never will, but they are too greedy to see that. A bit like Meghan Markle).

    1. Destroying our country is what they are about. Ready for the reset. They should be taken out and shot for the traitors they are.

    2. The Home offie isn’t paying the bill, we are. They know we don’t want gimmigrants here, they don’t care. It is being forced, deliberately.

      Not one will be removed. This is pure and simple spite.

  37. Leicester disorder: Seven more arrests over city unrest

    This report implies Leicester’s little sub-continental street war has been going on for a bit longer than was first reported.

    It’s also worth noting that an academic who was due to lead a ‘review’ about the troubles has excused himself because, according to local Hindus, “his background [at Leicester University] studying Islamophobia made him unsuitable”. The University said: “We have a duty of care for all of our staff, and it was concerning [sic] to see the unwarranted abuse Dr Allen was receiving online, and the effect it might also have on his research team. Our academic staff have the right to carry out research work without any undue interference, or any suppression, in accordance with their professional responsibility and subject to nationally and internationally recognised professional principles of intellectual rigour, scientific inquiry and research ethics.” [That made me chuckle.]

    Leicester disorder: Expert Dr Chris Allen steps down from review

    1. I need to lot mine boil down a bit more.
      Will probably reheat it and get it jarred tomorrow.

  38. Dover migrant centre: Firebomb attack ‘motivated by extreme right-wing terrorist ideology’ 5 November 2022.

    Counter Terrorism Police say evidence has been recovered that indicates the attack ‘was motivated by a terrorist ideology’

    CTPSE, working with Kent Police, have spent days trawling through Leak’s social media posts – which included far-right rants and about migrants – and interviewing “a significant number of witnesses”.

    Tim Jacques, Senior National Coordinator for Counter Terrorism Policing, said on Saturday: “After considering the evidence collected so far in this case, whilst there are strong indications that mental health was likely a factor, I am satisfied that the suspect’s actions were primarily driven by an extremist ideology. This meets the threshold for a terrorist incident.”

    As predictable as bear droppings in the woods!

      1. By the way – what “ideology” is this – can it be pinpointed as an ideology, rather than a reaction?

    1. All white people are potential right wing terrorists and all muslims are paedophiles with mental health problems.

      1. No Phizzee – you can’t say that they are paedophiles – just mental health problems. Is it inbreeding? Or is it their paedophile, illiterate, slave-owning, warmongering “perfect man”? If he is a perfect man then his followers need lobotomies.

      2. No Phizzee – you can’t say that they are paedophiles – just mental health problems. Is it inbreeding? Or is it their paedophile, illiterate, slave-owning, warmongering “perfect man”? If he is a perfect man then his followers need lobotomies.

      1. Yes that’s why I took notice – there are loads in other parts of Hertfordshire but then I don’t really notice those.

        1. Thoughtless new arrivals – failed to understand local ways – misled by (right-wing) extremists – perfectly understandable mistake. Wrong to make example etc etc.

  39. Active Patriot
    She spoke out on TV and in the press about the MIGRANT who went into her neighbour’s home in DOVER

    Now her SON has been ATTACKED by a group of 20 SLOVAKIAN MEN

    She believes it was in RETALIATION to her speaking to media about TEEN MIGRANT

    Louise Monger, 37, has said police are investigation attack on her 15-year-old son
    She believes it was in retaliation to her speaking to media about teen migrant
    Last week, police reportedly called to home in Aycliffe after he entered house
    Ms Monger said it’s ‘big coincidence’ that son was beaten shortly after interview

  40. I have missed this budget probability from Hunt. He will freeze our personal tax allowance of £12500 for several years. This will gradually bring people into the 40% tax bracket. It looks as if Hunt is going to give us a nasty surprise on the 17th of November. All partly because Sunak squandered money and did not try to recover some from the fraudulent recipients of his largesse.

    1. Sunak had already frozen the personal allowances when he was Chancellor. I think the freeze will extend for longer.

      1. Hunt , as I heard on the BBC Radio 4 Money Programme, wants to extend it beyond the next election. He wont be in charge whenever the election result comes out.

        1. What makes you think he won’t cross the floor to the inevitable Labour government and carry on the hard work to force us back into the EU via the IMF?

    2. Of course he didn’t try to recover something from the fraudulent recipients of his largesse. They were “friends” or “friends of friends” who had often been given contracts without any proper tenders. What do you expect from this shower?

      1. Hertslass – I did read that one Indian with a small business and few employees had multiplied the number of his employees many times to claim furlough. I wondered if RS knew this character.

    1. Right, so while they’re all about, round them up and lock them up. Simple fix.

      Or, even quicker, lead them into an industrial shredder.

      1. Wrong sort of hate speech…it only counts when hwitey says anything….but don’t forget, they did manage to arrest a Christian woman at Speaker’s Corner who was being attacked by our Peaceful Friends…

    2. Our media must have been taking a day off, when did that happen.
      They are obviously extremely violent. The army should have been employed to mow them all down. Its seems those who might have survived would have been happy with that.

    3. “We don’t care about death! We love death!”

      Well, I’m sure we can accommodate you there, Abdul.

  41. 367234+ up ticks,

    The fire bomber has been tagged as a far right terrorist and there was me thinking he was my mate, loving father / husband, workmate ,man in the street, ordinary bloke that allowed the current political overseers odious actions get on top of him mentally, thoroughly, pissed off he reacted.

    So could very well be seen as another casualty of the political kapos
    long list

    So RIP Andrew Leak.

    1. BTL comments are puzzled that Andrew Leak was allegedly ‘far right’, but that few criminal acts are ever attributed to the ‘far left’.

    1. A bit like many people over here in the UK shivering because they can’t afford to turn the heating on.

    2. Their criminal gimmigrants. They had every chance to apply legally. They didn’t.

      I don’t care.

    3. Oh how sad. Fear ye not, O Calais bénévoles – as soon as the invaders arrive in the UK – they’ll steal whatever they need.

    4. I have at least 7 different winter coats in my wardrobe. I could easily spare 5 of them but i might need all of them what with the massive increase in fuel bills, for the dog baskets.

  42. 367234+ up ticks,

    May one ask,

    When a mass breakout of a few holding pens is orchestrated and triggered
    who yer gunna call,

    I honestly believe you will be better off instead of calling YOUR MP or the police, give ghostbusters a bell.

        1. SWMBO is ordering some jigsaws for Christmas, from the link provided a day or 2 ago – was that by Phizzee? Her own pictures to be used. The prices seem quite reasonable.

    1. I think it is about time to bomb all their England facing ports. We could give them a 5 minute warning i suppose.

      1. I am becoming callous. When I switched on to watch the racing there was a picture of a black begging us to donate to “end suffering”. My first thought was “a bullet in the brain would put an end to all suffering”. I’m going to Hell, obviously.

  43. Afternoon All
    Firstly thanks for all the good wishes from you ‘orrible mob
    Just awoken from a 14 hour kip
    NHS treatment excellent until the end when the discharge procedure fell apart (not just for me many others waiting for hours)
    Somewhat surprised no meds prescribed but as final BP reading was 120/70 maybe not needed.
    Apparantly no treatment available for the numbness the consultant says should wear off in 3/6 weeks meanwhile it’s an utter pain (if not go back and see them)
    So time to just KBO

      1. All the tests T_B ECG,Cat Scan xRay and ultrasound on the carotids
        Tiny brain bleed detected
        All done swiftly and efficiently

    1. Good man, Rik! Take care and as we say in this house, no sillies! Great to see you back! 💐🍷

    2. Excellent – I feel for you re discharge. Took me a whole DAY to escape.

      Just take things easier – avoid ALL TV/radio news, current affairs, politics…..

      1. A day? It took me nearly 48 hours! I was admitted onto a surgical ward and moved to a medical ward. Medical MO couldn’t sign me out – surgical MO didn’t work weekends!

    3. Excellent – I feel for you re discharge. Took me a whole DAY to escape.

      Just take things easier – avoid ALL TV/radio news, current affairs, politics…..

    4. So glad you are home and doing OK. We had a similar experience with discharge with my husband- and that was 4 years ago before all this other nonsense began.
      Cherish yourself and eat well and try, as best you can, to not pay attention to all the bollox that surrounds us nowadays.

    5. Glad you made it, Rik. Rather worrying… did they not give you blood thinners?
      Numbness is weird. Had a stroke 6 years ago, still dullness in feeling of left hand. Reasonable dexterity, just numb-ish.

        1. Not-read-undery, I’m afraid, Belle. Corrected myself further down where Rik explained it was a small bleed…

    6. Hadn’t picked up earlier that you’d had a health scare, Rik. Glad to hear that you’re doing OK. 120/70 is good news.
      Take care and keep the laffs coming.

    7. Thank goodness you are back.
      Do you have your own B/P machine to check for yourself? They’re only about £20 and are much simpler than the sphygs we trained on.

  44. That’s the chutney done. 80 oz of ingredients produced 5 12 oz jars.

    One has to do something with the apples: you can’t just put them in the compost…. We make apple compôte; apple crumble; baked apple…..we EAT four apples a day to keep the halfcock away.

    Can’t make juice/cider. Neighbours hide when we appear with offers of apples……

    Any NoTTLer who wants to spent a lot of money in petrol – welcome to come and collect a selection!!

    1. We don’t like chutney but we do make apple tarts, apple sauce, apple crumble. The ones on our tree we leave for the birds as they are soft and soggy; sadly the other tree which had very good apples blew down in a storm some years ago. The ones we have at the moment are donations by kind friends. The Newton Wonders are very good.

        1. They are nice for eating or cooking. I’ve made a couple of tarts with the segments arranged in a spiral and they have kept their shape very well.

    2. My crab apple contact sent me an email to tell me about her bumper crop this year.
      I felt so guilty having to turn down her offer; especially when she praised the jar of jelly I gave her.

    3. Why not juice? We bought an apple press a few years ago and it’s brilliant. But we do drink a lot of juice!

    1. Bet you anything it was in for maintenance or something. They won’t be allowed to hold up their big bosses.

    1. I was thinking the other day looking at a photo of Greta that she has an unusually thick neck for a girl.

  45. Any other booster refusniks being bombarded with reminders by text? I’ve had three in the last couple of days. Fed up with them all. I wish I’d never let the surgery have my mobile number.

    1. I’ve not had any covid jabs yet although I keep getting reminders about the flu jab,
      I’ve never had a flu jab either.
      I wonder if they are one and the same.

    2. Yes, we have three texts each in the last three days. Ignoring them. Nothing about a flu shot though- good!

      1. The only time I had a flu shot was in 2020 – the propaganda must have got to me. Never bothered with them before or since.

        1. I have only once had the flu jab and that was many years ago. The year I had it I got the worst flu I have ever had.

          1. I have only ever had one. Was terribly ill for a month. “Pure coincidence,” sad the Quack… Yeah, right.

          2. It didn’t make me ill. I don’t seem to have had any nasty side effects from all the other jabs I’ve had over the years. But the way they are pushing these toxic covid jabs makes me very reluctant to have any jab ever again.

    3. Had a call from the local health centre when the vax was available – did I want the covid vaccination? No, thanks, said I. Haven’t been bothered since.

    4. Haven’t been contacted by my GP surgery since I told them I wasn’t interested in ever taking the jab; the NHS had a couple of goes until I forcibly told them I wasn’t going to take it. Nothing re the flu jab from the surgery or my pharmacist. Last year I did tell him that I didn’t trust the NHS/government and therefore I wasn’t going to have a jab of any kind in the future.
      Pulled these off the NHS website about 15 minutes ago.

      1. I happened to park up outside a vaccination centre near me the other day, I didn’t know it was a vaccination centre.

        It looked quite busy.

        lots of people walking in wearing masks.

      2. These are coming not from our actual GP surgery, but another local one which seems to have taken on annoying the refuseniks.

        1. They’ve taken them on like the selling onwards of bad debts? There is a price for each person injected.

        1. Three of them are my drinking pals. One has had 5 jabs in two years and doesn’t question the efficacy, or rather, the lack of it.

      1. Haven’t had a squeak out of any since we had a knock on the door several months ago.
        I gave the caller chapter and verse.

        1. A knock on the door!! Oh, that is awful – to be pursued in one’s own home. How dare they. I hope they hadn’t come prepared with jabs. Last year we lost count, both of us, of the number of varying communications – emails, texts, letters, and that invasion into one’s home by telephone. But this year, zilch.

          1. I was not a happy bunny when I was asked why neither of us had booked a jab.
            But maybe my response was sufficient.

          2. I would love to have been a fly on the wall. At one point we both got phone calls along the lines of “it has been observed that you have not had the vaccine, what are your future plans?”

  46. Was wondering why my Chromecast wasn’t working, and why the PC and phone app couldn’t find it.
    Turns out, they need both to be on the same wifi network, and they weren’t!
    Switched network, and now we have wall-to-wall YouTube again!

  47. Albanians living in UK accuse MPs of making them ‘scapegoats’ for ‘broken’ system
    The southeastern European country’s Crown Prince described the illegal entry into Britain of thousands of migrants as “an improvement to British society”.

    A group of Albanians living in the UK have now insisted they moved to the UK for a better life and to work hard – not to claim benefits or to act as “gangsters or thieves”.

    Some also accused Government Ministers of trying to “scapegoat” them for problems that should, instead, be pinned on Westminster.

    Ervis Abdullaj, 39, owner of the 01 Café Bar in Oxford, told MailOnline: “Albanians are coming here for a better life. What’s wrong with that? Lots of people have come from other countries but nobody is complaining about them.

    “Albania is a beautiful country but there is a lot of corruption and violence there. Many Albanians are fleeing terrible conditions and their lives are in danger.

    1. For every action there is a reaction

      For everyone that comes here for a better life, someone has to endure a worser life.

    2. For every action there is a reaction

      For everyone that comes here for a better life, someone has to endure a worser life.

    3. Fleeing terrible conditions? They’ve come to ply their terrible trade. In cash. This will then be used as an excuse to bring in the CBDC. Yesterday I drew a wodge of cash from the ATM, I plan to do this every Friday. It is a bit of an effort but I am trying to do my bit. There is something very satisfying about using cash for buying, it feels definite, somehow, and that one is truly taking part in a meaningful transaction.

      1. I’ve been doing that for years now. Usually Friday evening, sometimes Saturday morning. Began as an exercise in trying to spend less. Easy to lose track using cards but the cash in my purse visibly dwindles.

    4. Another one who thinks the UK is here simply to provide a service to the world’s poor and disaffected, a country with unlimited resources and, apparently, space – like the Tardis, it’s small from the outside but enormous on the inside.


    5. “owner of the 01 Café Bar in Oxford”
      Nowadays, I am so cynical that I instantly think “financed by organised crime for the purpose of money-laundering”

    6. England was a beautiful country but the incomers have brought corruption and violence with them. Where can we flee to?

      1. As one’s ancestors did, stand shoulder-to-shoulder, and push them back into the sea.
        No mercy.

  48. Par Four again.

    Wordle 504 4/6

    1. Likewise.
      Wordle 504 4/6


        1. Doh lost ball, too many afternoon snifters

          Wordle 504 X/6


          1. I have changed my usual strategy of starting with HOUSE to OUIJA for some reason.

            It’s not working out well

    2. Another wee birdie.

      Wordle 504 3/6


    3. Wordle 504 4/6


    1. In my time I’ve worked with all sorts of folk. A muslim (hullo Eeeeemraaaahhhhn!), A Swede, many Poles, a welshman (shudder), Spaniards, greeks, Frogs (lazy bugger), many Swiss, Indians, Scotsmen, Ukrainans, Nigerians, Chinese, Taiwanese – you name it and they’re all universally great.

      They all worked, had families, cared about the right things – home, hearth and family, had interesting lives, some bonkers hobbies – including base jumping and sky diving and something called ‘cave diving’. Yes, some were nobs who didn’t do enough real work but they did at least have a job and contributed something positive to the world.

      We want folk like that to come here, work and contribute. What we don’t want or need is a legion of dross pouring in and slapping themselves on welfare while causing huge social problems.

      The world’s big. Sharing it with decent people is a matter of attitude, not colour. The problem is the Left polarise everything – don’t want uncontrolled illegal gimmigration? Waycist! No, I’m bloody not. I just don’t want the scum chanting to kill Jews in this country. I don’t want my Muslim friend hiding his daughters as his door is kicked in *because* of that bunch of anti semitic muslim scum. I want my Seikh chum to not want to move out of the house he practically rebuilt becaue London is too dangerous. I want a fair world of shared *values*. Not just a bunch of different colours and cultures forced together.

    2. The people in that video fought, tooth and nail, and died to keep their England safe. I wonder how they would feel to learn that their children, grandchildren and great grandchildren got progressively weaker in mind and body, and are now so utterly stupid, clueless and feeble that they permit their England to be invaded by every type of scumbag imaginable and do nothing about it.

      1. Unfortunately, George, my mama, who would have been part of that cohort, died in 1980 and has no voice, apart from mine, to protest and I do it, heart and soul, but you keep sniping from the sidelines at my efforts,

      2. Mush for brains and no self respect. They have allowed this to happen to them because it was easier to succumb to their baser instincts in every way, encouraged by the treasonous, treacherous State as it knew that spinelessness would be the destination at the end of the line. Oh, perfidious Albion.

    1. Mr B had a good idea. Wrote an amusing book. Then spoilt it all by writing the SAME book over and over again.

    2. Are we now being told that there’s a paper shortage due to Ukraine? Funny, they warned us about that last year, and I duly stocked up on copier paper.

  49. Eureka.
    Yes, I have found it: as I put away the new card paper that was delivered this morning. Oh well, at least I’m well stocked up for another year.

      1. Not in this bally household it doesn’t.

        All presents are bought and packed away. She’s getting a choker type thing. Junior some paints for his 3d printing.

        Mother in law is getting the customary bottle of pink gin which she’ll drink while here for the three hours she can be tolerated. Family are getting books and smellies – which once posted will have Christmas over in time to actually enjoy it.

        1. Thank God, being alone, I don’t have to think about Chrissy Presents. I might donate my beer machine to my pall who has moved to Annan. We’ll see.

    1. I have spent a lot of time today (when I should have been reading up stuff for the Parish Council meeting on Monday) looking for paperwork and a briefcase (the two are not actually connected). I have failed to find the necessary paperwork, but at least I tracked down the briefcase.

  50. 367234+ up ticks,

    Test run to see how they are shaping up for when the BIG day arrives,

    don / Europe
    Riot Police Called as Migrants Armed with ‘Knives and Wood’ Stage ‘Protest’ at London Detention Centre

  51. A joke from Kyiv.
    A Russian soldier calls home from Ukraine.

    – Did you take Kyiv?
    – No.
    – Did you take Harkiv?
    – No
    – What did you take then?
    – A blender, a washing machine and two fur coats

  52. And some brighter news from The Grimes:

    ‘You f*** us all over’: Gavin Williamson’s foul texts to chief whip in full
    The Cabinet Office minister is under investigation over his expletive-filled messages after he wasn’t invited to the Queen’s funeral.

    Such a charmer, Cur Jim the Fireplace Salesman.

  53. So an African migrant is strolling down a sidewalk in Nuremberg.
    He comes up to the first man he sees and says “Thank you, for allowing me to come to Germany. Thank you for giving me health care, and a place to live, and food to eat.”

    The man looks at him and says “I’m not German, I’m Albanian.”

    The African says “Oh, excuse me” and continues walking.

    He walks up to a second man and says “Thank you for allowing me to come to Germany as a refugee. It is a truly beautiful country.”

    The second man looks at him and says “I’m not German, I’m Turkish.”

    The African goes “Oh, excuse me” and continues walking.

    As he’s walking he comes up to a third man. He says “Thank you for allowing me to come to Germany, thank you for everything you’ve done for me.”

    The man looks at him and says “I’m not German, I’m Arab.”

    Confused, the African asks “Where are all the Germans?”

    The Arab looks down at his watch.

    “Probably working.

    1. Our poor dog has been cowering shaking puffing and panting from the noise of our near neighbours ‘must have’ extreemly loud and bright fireworks, for their two under 6 years old little girls. Who will probably never know who what why where is all about.

      1. Fireworks cost a fortune , such a waste .. and anyone who has experienced real bangs like we do when they are firing from tanks and other things on the Purbeck ranges , and the village roofs shakes .. would not waste their precious money on fireworks .

        1. I remember the windows shaking when we lived in Warminster & Tidworth.

          Fireworks going off here just now – short & sweet hopefully.

          Fish pie in the oven for dinner.

          1. Evening walks back home from Wooler after the Army Cadets I’d often sense, rather than hear, the artillery from Otterburn ranges accompanied by squawks from the roosting pheasants.

          2. We have just had beans on toast .. and are giving the new washing machine its first pre wash trial before I plough through the loaded wash basket ..

            The control console is illuminated like an aircraft control panel .. all singing and dancing .. unlike my previous broken 14 year old Bosch .

            I think we will have to stack up the larder with tinned beans if our council tax is pushed through the roof by Sunak .. testing times ahead.

          3. Beans on toast is something I’d have to be really desperate to eat…….. I do have a stock of sardines though.

            My Bosch washing machine is coming up for 12 years old – I wonder if they are pregrammed to self-destruct. It’s been fine so far.
            Can’t say that for the Vax2 vacuum cleaner we bought 18 months ago – I was never impressed with the performance but last week it stopped charging the battery. OH thought the charger was faulty so ordered a new one. It arrived and he plugged the battery in and it still didn’t work…….

        2. I would say they probably cost them more than 100 quid Belle.
          I doubt if any Nottlers have ever seen the bbc series called King Gary. The chap who lives in the house, is him. And I mean literally.

        3. Very little bangs and thuds here in the Scottish borders. I can only presume that the Scots are too mean to waste their money on cardboard and gunpowder.

          1. How dull.
            1st January, it’s like a war here in Bærum. We always want to be home for that.

  54. That’s me for today. Cold and miserable – and the weather was no better. Chutney cool enough to label.

    Episode 2 of the Russian prog tonight It really IS good.

    Have a super evening recognising how wrong you were about the poor, put-upon Albanians….

    A demain – all being well.

    (Rik – be sensible – you hear??)

  55. We arewatching Dad’s Army, always amusing and excellent .

    Captain Mainwaring reminds me of Grandpa, stature and a little of the acting attitude.. slighly abrupt but kindly .

      1. I’m watching a programme about an African volcano Nyamulagira. It’s absolutely massive and still active.
        I’m surprised that any one lives nearer than 100 miles of it.

          1. It beats watching TV any day! I still have a couple of items I’ve recorded to watch (so I can whizz through the obligatory bleks telling whities what to do/buy and the mixed marriages).

  56. Our middle son his lovely lady and small son arrived at their destination on the North Coast of Cornwall this afternoon. South of Padstow.
    The accommodation looks absolutely excellent. I hope the weather improves, they really deserve a decent break they’ve all had a terrible 18 months.

    1. El Alamein has been recreated here for the last hour or so. Oscar doesn’t seem to bother, but Kadi has been panting and trembling. He seems to have calmed down a bit now (I did spray him with Pet Rescue Remedy and it might be working at last).

    2. I loved the 5th of November when I was knee high to a Grasshopper & fireworks in the garden.
      But tonight, for some reason was not good. There was a fireworks display in a field very close to our house: 45 mins of loud cracks and thumping bangs – now I know how animals must feel.
      Very odd, but I’m sure a large Lagavulin will dispel the morbid thoughts.

      1. Bugger the Lagavulin, a good Speyside, Clean and clear will do. Macallan 12 yo is my favourite.

        1. We would need a night of ‘try this or this’ although I must admit The Macallan is a good dram.
          I much prefer an Islay whisky, have you visited Gordon & MacPhail in Elgin, they have some very good end of cask bottled whisky which does not cost an arm & a leg.
          When I was at Lossiemouth I would get supplies from them.

          1. Bunnahabhain is the best Islay, IMO. Not strong in the smoky and iodine flavours like the others, quite light, but absolute nectar of the Gods.

          2. I have 2/3 of a bottle of 18 year that I sup once in a while.
            Agree, it’s very good.

      2. Very noisy here despite the rain and chill. I bet over half those letting off fireworks have no bloody idea why they’re doing it.
        And where is Guy Fawkes when he’s needed? ;-))

        1. It is said that he was the only sensible person to ever visit the Parliament buildings.

          1. I used to think he was the only person to enter Parliament with honourable intentions. I still do.

    1. Because they are born and bred trouble maker’s. Every where they go they cause problems, it’s why they go to other places.

  57. As its, all quite on the western front now. I might slip off early. I’ve been busy resting my poor old knee today. It does take its toll you understand.
    Good night all.

      1. I favour running behind them with a spear. With enough effort, you could get 4 or 5 of them!

  58. Went to post a comment earlier and got white screened, so I’ve just been for a bath.
    A big pan of chutney made, but it could still do with reducing, so will reboil it tomorrow and get it jarred up.
    Also hope my apple crush and press will be returned by the bloke who borrowed them as I’ve a lot of apples to sort out.

  59. Evening, all. Did I miss much yesterday? I was out at a funeral and late getting back. I didn’t log in because I thought everyone would have gone to bed.

    1. Sorry, Mum but NO. We personally need to remember the gunpowder plot to destroy Parliament, as it is a yearly requirement. The current Parliaments are nothing more nor less than a joke and we need the whole lot, 650 Commons and >800 lords to be extinguished – they do nothing for US. The common people, and are only there to line their pockets with their salaries, allowances and expenses to further their own aims and not OURS.

      1. Though I’d sign a petition to limit fireworks to the weekend nearest to Nov 5th and a few days around. And no other fireworks ever.

      2. Yes, I understand, and I did think a long time before posting it. I feel there should be public firework displays, public parties rather than having the bangs going off all over the place, it is terrifying for our domestic pets and horses, not forgetting those servicemen and women who are suffering from ptsd. Even though I live in rural Cambs the bangs and whooshes have been very bad, perhaps because it is a Saturday. People are no longer sufficiently caring nor responsible to understand the result of their stupid actions. As I have said elsewhere on this blog tonight, people now have mush for brains, unable to understand or distinguish the difference between a fictional soap and a documentary.

        I agree we need to remember it as a yearly requirement and in Yorkshire on the 4th November we used to celebrate Mischievous Night as well. I doubt this current generation has any idea of the significance of these two dates. I just feel that fireworks in the hands of many members of the public is asking for trouble, they have no longer self discipline nor restraint.

        1. I think the key to the fireworks problem is reducing the power of the stuff. When I was a child we had bonfires in the garden and fireworks to go with them. We had sparklers, Bengal matches, Mount Vesuvius, Catherine wheels, rockets and the loudest things were penny bangers, jumping jacks and Calling All Cars. Restricting them to the 5th only would be a help, too.

          1. Yes, I agree with this, that is the way to go – I do have reservations about banning anything in our society and I was in two minds as to whether to post or not. After all, at what point does society decide these things are sufficiently powerful? I remember a bonfire night of disposing of all the deadwood in our garden, with jacket potatoes, toffee apples, parkin and gingerbread whilst the neighbours had adult ‘discussions’ about local issues. We children listened on with a baked potato burning our hands, mesmerised by the glowing fire. And yes, they should be restricted to 5 November otherwise they are simply a public nuisance.

        2. Precisely. When I was a boy in Bath the bonfire night evenings were great fun for toffee apples and potato’s baked in the embers of the fire but there was also the sound of ambulance sirens where some stupid fucker had blown off the fingers of his hand or someone had inadvertently shot someone else through the neck with some misdirected firework.

          The morons in those days would place a rocket in a milk bottle seated on unstable ground and which would topple over on ignition. The other poor discipline I recall was the habit of local grunts from the secondary school to terrorise the rest of us with so called ‘bangers’. The Bash Street Kids must have been modelled on our lot.

      3. Ye are grown intolerably odious to the whole nation. You were deputed here by the people to get grievances redressed, are yourselves become the greatest grievance.

        Oliver Cromwell.

        Unfortunately Parliament never changes, they just put on a different coat.

      4. Ye are grown intolerably odious to the whole nation. You were deputed here by the people to get grievances redressed, are yourselves become the greatest grievance.

        Oliver Cromwell.

        Unfortunately Parliament never changes, they just put on a different coat.

      5. Ye are grown intolerably odious to the whole nation. You were deputed here by the people to get grievances redressed, are yourselves become the greatest grievance.

        Oliver Cromwell.

        Unfortunately Parliament never changes, they just put on a different coat.

      6. Yearly? I’d do it many times, just in case I missed anyone. Only thing is I like the palace of Westminster. Beautiful building, sadly full of excrement.

    2. I,’m sorry, Mum, but as an ex service man I do not suffer from any form of whatever PSD may be. I am (I hope) a rational human being and will promote my view along those who think likewise

      1. Hello NTN – I am uncomfortable with banning anything, and perhaps Conway’s comment is the best way to go, to reduce the power of the stuff – after all, where is the line in the sand? Where does one stop with the power of these things? I do understand your argument though – look where the ban on handguns has got us 25 years or so down the line.

        I am delighted to say that our little conversations with all who have contributed to the initial post and thereon have, for me, clarified things in my mind!

    3. Ozzie doesn’t like the fireworks, Mongo really doesn’t like them and we put the noise cancelling headphones on him.

      1. We used to put Classic FM on for our cat, and Poppie isn’t really bothered by them at all and there were a lot last night. She wanted to go out in the garden for a tiddle about 8.00 pm stepped over the threshhold, heard a particularly loud bang, did an immediate U-turn back into the house saying “I don’t think I will at the moment, thanks”. And we live in a small, rural village of 350 houses.

      1. I tend to agree with you Johnny, but we don’t really have any trouble round here with firework hooligans so I would probably feel differently if we did. We used to have small bonfire and firework gatherings when I was young with no trouble.

    4. Our Lhasa Apso Sinbad has left us and our cat Princess (Paris) is tone deaf so no problems with loud bangs in our household. We do however live under thatch so take a dim view of folk letting off fireworks in the vicinity of our property.

      Previous pets such as our cats Timmy the Tabby and Musky the Felix B&W would disappear to hide under duvets when the racket started in previous years. God only knows how the loud bangs affect other animals such as horses and cattle.

  60. Foolishly we’ve all had a big chunk of my coffee and walnut cake, so now a small child is jittering, the Warqueen keeps fidgeting and I should be knackered, but am not.

    1. On the upside, the kitchen’s spotless (ish), have hoovered and put the devices on charge.

        1. What they don’t know if that the cake was a disaster due to being wet in the middle, so went back in. The dry bits were washed in coffee liquer.

          So not only are we hyperactive, we’re all drunk.

          1. Well it is Bonfire Night! I am sure you will all sleep well. How will Mongo and Ozzie react?

  61. Night Y’all. Only got up at 9.30 but am ready for sleep again.
    Try and be good until tomorrow;-)

    1. I seldom get up early these days- quite late to bed though. But I never have any trouble getting out of bed when I’m on a trip to Africa.

  62. Goodnight all, an unusual day not least because the rugby team I support has won today, that’s two wins this season and consequently to boot, no wonder fireworks are filling the night skys. 😉

    1. Bath won? Do you remember our chemistry master at City of Bath Technical School, Tom Martland? He was captain of Bath Rugby, back in 1971 from memory, but damaged an ankle playing against Gloucester, on the eve of an England call up, and would hobble around the school corridors on crutches in recovery.

      I discovered subsequently that he studied at Sheffield University which I also attended but in 1970-1973. He was a lovely man, sportsman and a great teacher.

      1. I do indeed, he was also our PE master who excelled in getting the best out of us whatever ability we had.
        I believe he gave a lot of time and effort to local rugby clubs after his playing days, we could do with more like him these days.

  63. I pray that the US elections result in a Republican senate majority and ditto in the Congress.

    With President Trump, who will likely stand again for President in 2024, the western world might retain some hope of defeating the WEF/WHO/UN agenda to impoverish us all by sending us into certain serfdom by injecting poisons into us and expropriating our businesses and our wealth.

    The realisation that our dear Queen Elizabeth II has spawned and left us with a cretin in King Charles III fills me with absolute horror. The man is deranged and his investments in windmills and carbon credits (on his lands) will finally destroy us.

Comments are closed.