Saturday 6 May: A day to reflect on the comfort and continuity that the monarchy provides

An unofficial place to discuss the Telegraph letters, established when the DT website turned off its comments facility (now reinstated, but we prefer ours),
Intelligent, polite, good-humoured debate is welcome, whether on or off topic. Differing opinions are encouraged, but rudeness or personal attacks on other posters will not be tolerated. Posts which – in the opinion of the moderators – make this a less than cordial environment, are likely to be removed, without prior warning.  Persistent offenders will be banned.

Today’s letters (visible only to DT subscribers) are here.

520 thoughts on “Saturday 6 May: A day to reflect on the comfort and continuity that the monarchy provides

  1. Good morrow, Gentlefolks, today’s story

    Alternatives Are Available

    A lady dies and goes to heaven. She arrives at the pearly gates and is greeted by Saint Peter.

    There are a few people waiting, so she strikes up a conversation with him

    Just then, she hears a blood-curdling scream!
    “What was that?” she asks.

    “Oh, don’t worry about that,” says Saint Peter, “It’s just someone getting a hole drilled in their head so they can be fitted for their halo.”

    A few seconds later, she hears another agonised scream, even more terrible than the one before.
    “What was that?!” she asked anxiously.

    “Oh, don’t worry,” says Saint Peter soothingly, “It’s just someone getting holes drilled in their back
    so they can be fitted for their wings.”

    The lady starts to back away.

    “Where are you going?” asks Saint Peter.

    “I think I’ll go downstairs, if it’s all the same to you,” says the lady.

    “But you can’t go there,” says the saint, “You’ll be raped and sodomised!”

    “It’s OK,” says the lady, “I’ve already got the holes for that.”

  2. Just been watching 5.000 troops coming through Waterloo Station. Live on Sky.

    1. Not having a TV set nor a subscription to Sky I have to ask you, Johnny: “Are they Russians?” (I didn’t think we had that many troops of our own. Lol.)

      PS – Well, I never! After innumerable messages from the Telegraph that I have to pay to see their website, it seems that they have made footage of the Coronation free (as I suspected but was not sure of). So it looks as if I shall be able to watch events after all. See you all much later.

        1. I don’t subscribe to Sky, Johnny. But I saw all of it up to and including the fly past and the final balcony appearances of the King and Queen. The Telegraph has now ceased allowing any non-subscriber to watch any footage, but have managed to show a photo showing the K&C at their very worst, i.e. the Telegraph is surreptitiously “knocking” them.

      1. They won’t get further than the Elephant and Castle. No way can they fight through that.

  3. Empty polling stations – are we still living in a democracy? May 6, 2023.

    HOW many voters does it take to elect a politician? After Thursday’s local elections, it has become the norm for a local politician to be elected by less than a quarter of the electorate – sometimes as few as a tenth. Can we still call this representative democracy?

    Well the answer to the headline is no but that has nothing to do with empty polling stations. They are the result not the cause. The reality is that faith in the system has collapsed since voting makes absolutely no difference whatsoever, so why bother?

    1. There seems to be a certain bashfulness about the turnout.
      There was a vague mention of overall 31% but nothing definite.
      Colchester City (!) Council published the results, ward by ward, but turnout percentage was not mentioned.
      I suspect a great many Conservative voters sat on their hands.

      1. So do we know who is now in overall control in Colchester, Annie?

    2. Reading the literature issued by the Lib/Lab/Con “alliance” in my ward it is clear that there is not a lot to choose between them re local issues e.g. litter, potholes, damaged road signs etc. It’s the bigger issues e.g. development and the concerning 15 minute neighbourhood that need a fresh intake of councillors to address.
      I wrote to all three of my candidates with regards to the 15 minute neighbourhood: only the Lib Dem and Conservative replied. Both were against the idea, the Conservative more so than the Lib Dem in my opinion. However, how these people would act under pressure from their respective leaders is, at the moment, unknown. With all this in mind I decided not to vote.
      Also, I wrote to my MP on 19th March re Andrew Bridgen’s treatment on the 17th of that month. To date, no reply. That my MP was the junior minister responding to Andrew’s statement may be a factor but I can’t be certain of that.

      1. Being the cynical fellow I am, wonder if these council types are allowing themselves to be ‘persuaded’ by well-heeled acquaintances?

  4. Good morning, all. Cloudy and dry at the moment but the radar shows the leading edge of rain is around the Reading/Oxford area and heading for Essex.

    My crab apple in blossom a few days ago. No matter how harsh I am with the pruning this tree never fails. Hopefully more wonderful jelly from the small red fruit this Autumn.

    Second flower on my bush paeony, the first was bashed about by yesterday’s heavy rain and hail. This plant suffered during the cold spells and had to be heavily cut back earlier this year. Fewer blooms is the result.

      1. Found it growing as a sapling – self seeded? – in the garden about 30 years ago. Potted it up and then moved it to its present site. It’s probably the pollinator for my Bramley and Elstar trees. The former was badly damaged early last year when my neighbour’s plum tree was toppled in a storm and although it is making a good recovery it remains looking very lopsided.

        1. Firstborn’s apples have done really well since he started with bee-keeping. Huge increase in apple production.

          1. Does he have crabs?
            Crab apple trees are traditionally regarded as an aid to pollination.

    1. Well done, Korky. Every autumn I have a mini-rant about crab apples going to waste.

    2. A Golden Hornet perchance?
      Many years ago I picked a large number of those, crushed them down with a log, added a bit of water and sugar and by God, did they ferment!
      The result was excellent too!

      1. No idea of the variety, BoB. It appeared as a sapling 30 years or so ago. Fruit are red when ripe.

  5. 374153+ up ticks,

    Morning Each,

    Saturday 6 May: A day to reflect on the comfort and continuity that the monarchy provides

    Then give it some serious thought, it will be cold comfort if charlie
    starts following through with his take on the WEF / NWO and his comment “we have no alternative”

    Shades of surrender monkey from the start of our new monachs

    Ann would, IMHO have been ideal but looking at the dangerously idiotic voting returns it would not surprise me to see one
    anthony charlie lynton, late of Bow Street Court taking the bow from the buck house balcony.

    The national bed has surely been made ……

  6. Good Moaning.
    Typical coronation weather.
    At least this time I’m not camping in a sodden field.

  7. The mystery of the Kremlin drone attack. Mary Dejevsky, Spiked 6 May 2023.

    The speed with which this Western consensus has caught hold, however, should arouse suspicions of its own. A well-known component of UK and US information management is ensuring that the Western message comes out first and that everyone sticks to it. I’ve had particular misgivings about various phone-ins on UK radio this week, where listeners were basically being invited to add their voices to this highly spun consensus. I heard practically no dissenting voices, largely, I imagine, because no specialists had given – or had been invited to give – any counter-opinion.

    Good God. Even Dejevsky; who is herself a member of the MSM has noticed that the news is fake!

  8. Morning, all Y’all.
    Sunny, cats fighting with next-doors unneutered tom. Bastard. One day, I’ll get the moderator on the 22 pistol and finish him with a hollow-point.

    1. Dolly deposited a dead squirrel at my feet. I very much doubt she killed it. However the neighbour has two new cats. One of them looks like a muscular black panther and hisses every time it sees my dogs. I am a bit worried about Harry as he isn’t much larger than a squirrel.

  9. Happy Coronation Day all,

    What a dreich start to the day it is a the McPhee seat. Staying dreich too, with the wind in the SSE, 11℃ rising to no more than 12-13℃ in the heavy rain due by 10.00. Fortunately it looks a little better in London until this afternoon. I’ll try not to be too upset by the wokery and marvel at how people just don’t understand the real function and succession of the Monarchy as explained by the likes of David Starkey and Will Keyte.

    From the Gatesograph letters:

    SIR – I was sorry to read Allister Heath’s criticism of the cashless society (Comment, May 4).

    I take issue with the suggestion that elderly people cannot cope without cash and have no idea about technology. I am nearly 70 and my husband is 74. We are both thrilled by not having to keep drawing out cash.

    We now pay the hairdresser, the window cleaner, the milkman and many others by bank transfer. As far as we are concerned, Covid did us a great service in facilitating this.

    We have also realised how dirty cash is. My husband’s pockets no longer get worn through by coins and my handbag is lighter. We love the parking apps that mean we can extend our time remotely without having to dash back to pay more.

    We have friends in their eighties and nineties who are just as pleased. Some people will find it hard to adapt but, as time goes on, they will become fewer.

    Cash was a means to an end, and has been superseded by something else. I am happy to embrace that.

    Rosemary J Wells
    Chickerell, Dorset

    Well, Rosemary, I’m very pleased for you. I note your letter is all I, I, We, We, We, I. Could it not occur to you that other people see matters differently, would like to keep cash for things such as popping some into a collecting tin or a grand-child’s pocket or paying a tradesman who prefers cash? And that Mr Heath was making some valid points? And that others have thought through all the implications? No, of course not. You just wanted your letter in the paper.

    1. As a small charity getting back in to doing summer fundraising events is going to be difficult if people have no cash to spend. Using a card machine will cost us a percentage of every small spend if we have to go down that route.

      1. We have an app called Vipps, that allows transfer of funds to someone else’s phone with the same app. Brilliant! A shop or restaurant can also ask for the bill via Vipps, and you can pay that way. Charities over here have no problem with using it to collect donations.

        1. I don’t know if there’s anything like that here. I refuse to use my phone for payments and our charity doesn’t have a phone of its own.

    2. It clearly occura to Roaemary, as she writes purely about her own, and her husband’s experience and does not presume to write for anyone else.

    3. And when they start rationing what she can pay and to whom, will she be so smug?

  10. Happy Coronation Day all,

    What a dreich start to the day it is a the McPhee seat. Staying dreich too, with the wind in the SSE, 11℃ rising to no more than 12-13℃ in the heavy rain due by 10.00. Fortunately it looks a little better in London until this afternoon. I’ll try not to be too upset by the wokery and marvel at how people just don’t understand the real function and succession of the Monarchy as explained by the likes of David Starkey and Will Keyte.

    From the Gatesograph letters:

    SIR – I was sorry to read Allister Heath’s criticism of the cashless society (Comment, May 4).

    I take issue with the suggestion that elderly people cannot cope without cash and have no idea about technology. I am nearly 70 and my husband is 74. We are both thrilled by not having to keep drawing out cash.

    We now pay the hairdresser, the window cleaner, the milkman and many others by bank transfer. As far as we are concerned, Covid did us a great service in facilitating this.

    We have also realised how dirty cash is. My husband’s pockets no longer get worn through by coins and my handbag is lighter. We love the parking apps that mean we can extend our time remotely without having to dash back to pay more.

    We have friends in their eighties and nineties who are just as pleased. Some people will find it hard to adapt but, as time goes on, they will become fewer.

    Cash was a means to an end, and has been superseded by something else. I am happy to embrace that.

    Rosemary J Wells
    Chickerell, Dorset

    Well, Rosemary, I’m very pleased for you. I note your letter is all I, I, We, We, We, I. Could it not occur to you that other people see matters differently, would like to keep cash for things such as popping some into collecting tin or a grand-child’s pocket or paying a tradesman who prefers cash? And that Mr Heath was making some valid points? And that others have thought through all the implications? No, of course not. You just wanted your letter in the paper.

    1. I’m reading the Inferno. Dante describes some hideous creatures in the lower regions of hell but even he didn’t conceive of anything like that.

  11. Good morning all.
    A dull and, as yet dry start to the day with a whole 8°C on the yard thermometer.

    A couple of BTL Comments, AR’s is particularly apt:-

    Isabella Maeer
    6 HRS AGO
    This is off piste and I’ve suggested it before because the real problem with the CP is central office provides the candidates and currently that cannot be changed.
    There is time for them to change that pronto.
    The CP would survive because we could select our representative at the local level and due to our holding their feet to the fire at last we could depend on them.
    Get the WEF bodies out!
    Get the anti Brexiteers out!
    If Central Office refuse this request all those true conservatives should jump ship to the Reform Party.

    Anastasias Revenge
    5 HRS AGO
    There is a sort of “chocolate men” factory where they drop of the end of the conveyor belt into central office, where they are lovingly wrapped in silver foil (wrappers provided by the WEF and PPE courses) and kept well away from any heat until they “stand” at some constituency or other.
    Labour candidates are produced from the same factory – you can only tell the difference by the colour of the tie on the men and the 2-piece suit on the women.

    1. It is exactly because that would provide change that everything would be done to prevent it.
      All Tories should have told central office they were leaving when Bridgen was kicked out. This would have forced change.
      But they did not so they will not.

  12. I am up, late for me, and my first act is to switch on BBC 1 to see one of their presenters interviewing a couple of ethnics who are dismissing the traditional, religious and ancient elements of a modern coronation as being not up-to-date-enough for a ‘modern’ audience.

    Is there any ‘neutral’ channel upon which I may watch the event without Left-wing shite being pumped all over the place?

      1. Swedish TV is worse than American TV. You need to be a two-year old imbecile to even want to watch it.

        1. Aw…I only know the archive sales people at SVT, most of whom were trained by BBC Worldwide, which from a business point of view is a good thing.

          1. They certainly mean well at SVT, Sue, but their output is very naĂŻve, to say the least. Adult telly resembles British children’s telly in the 1950s.

            I’m so happy to be able to access UK TV (and Sky) via a couple of VPNs.

      1. Really? Who owns it?

        I know some of the independents are ok. TV LibertĂŠ are very conservative.

        1. Very friendly to Toy Boy. “Independent” in a French govt supporting sort of way…!

          1. But their coverage of UK state events is very good. I promise you. Unlike woke UK TV – they have no axe to grind.

    1. Morning, Grizz.
      Seems “everyone” is against the Coronation, especially the likes of the BBC.

      1. Morning, Paul.

        I went downstairs to mash some tea and just before I went some ethnic was spouting this bollocks: “Only the old and the weak will appreciate the coronation. The young will wonder what is going on!”

        After I brought my tea back upstairs (my lounge is on the first floor) David Lammy (FFS) had taken the other ethnic’s place!

        Now we have Judi Dench sitting in the Abbey … chewing gum!

        1. Good morning Grizzly,
          Given that many minor royals and leaders of some commonwealth countries have not been invited to this reduced event, why on earth are so many irrelevant ‘celebrities’ invited? (Who on earth is ‘Jay Blades’ from the mail headline? From the name, I guess it could be some sort of dubious yob/rapper)

          1. Jay Blades is a DH do nothing gobby DIY presenter. Who only has the job for one obvious reason.

          2. Yes and because he’s as thick as 12 planks he claims he’s disslocksick.

          3. Good morning, Mum. All very true. It makes the mind boggle.

            As for the Jay Blades character, I believe he is a chap who presents a programmes on the telly about repairing old objects. It seems he is a supporter of the monarchy and has met HM on a few occasions.

          4. Charlie probably wanted the scruffy-looking oik (other minorities also) to to improve his ‘street cred’ with the yoof and minorities crowd as well as a certain non-working Royal couple.

          5. Ah! According to my local rag he’s the chap from the Repair Shop (judging by the photo that went with a mention of his name and how pleased he was to be invited).

        2. They don’t understand it, because most of them are as thick as…….planks.
          And they were certainly not in evidence at our gracious Queens funeral.
          Perhaps dame Jude forgot to clean her teeth today.

          1. My lounge is large and spacious and my toilet’s shocking pink
            My cruets bear my monogram and my wife has got a mink
            I wear a mohair blue tuxedo when I go to the county ball,
            But I overhear them muttering: “He’s not our type at all.”
            For it seems, yes it seems to me,
            That society
            Is not at all impressed
            By the snappy way I’m dressed
            And my vocabulary
            It’s very clear to see
            Is not used I much regret
            By the people from the pages of Debrett.

            (From Nouveau Riche RCT)

          2. “… from the pages of Debrett.”

            I wonder what Burke has to say on the subject? 😉

          3. Yes, Debrett’s and Burke’s but don’t forget Weatherby’s The General Stud Book for horses and of course the Kennel Club for dogs!

          4. When growing up we had both a living room and a sitting room. The living room was used all the time; the sitting room only at Christmas and funerals.

            Occasionally we nippers were sent to play in the sitting room whenever guests were present. It was invariably known, in our house, as “the room” or “t’room”; “Go and play in t’room” was the order given. “The room” was indeed an arcane and mysterious place.

            Parlour is a bit too posh. Here in Sweden it is a vardagsrum, allrum or finrum.

        3. Is Judi Dench a laddette and a closet yobba (is yobba the feminine of yobbo?) as she not only chews gum in public but she also has a tattoo.

          Adulation from the proles and the MSM has gone to her head and ruined her. The big tragedy was the death of her delightful husband Michael Williams in 2001 to whom she had been married for 30 years. Since his death she seems to have changed tragically from the woman she was to the monster monsta she is.

          1. Yes, I remember this sketch about Judi Dench and Maggie Smith competing to see who was the true national treasure.

    2. Our country is now in virtual ruins mentally. We have a government that costs us billions that don’t give us what we want and ask for. And msm that we also are forced into a paying for, that is continualy stirring up so much shite it’s hardly worth watching.

      1. I must be more of a monarchist than you, KP. I want to watch the ceremony.

        1. I am not a republican by any means but I am not keen on C3 and all the wokery that will undoubtedly pop up on the screen amongst the grand spectacle.

  13. To the title – I do like the pomp and ceremony, but I am afraid it is now so vacuous and removed from what it stands for that watching it will simply fill me with dread of God’s wrath.

  14. SIR – When I worked in a pub in the late 1960s, every night a retired

    Army officer would come in for a large Scotch. Every night I would hand

    him a jug of tap water, and he would shake his head and say: “No, dear

    boy, Malvern water, only Malvern water with whisky.”

    I would then pass him a bottle of Malvern water, which I had refilled from the tap only minutes before.

    Paul Rutherford

    Bishop’s Sutton, Hampshire

    Paul Rutherford is a disgrace to all Bar staff who take their job seriously.

    1. Thank heavens! I thought it was just me who thinks he’s an ignorant tool!

      1. He gave the customer something unasked for and was malicious about it after being told what the customer preferred. I would have fired him on the spot.

          1. Is Malvern water still available?

            Bottling ceased here in the 1950s
            and the former bottling works are now a selection of shops, coffee
            house and kitchen showroom. Water for the Bottling Works Spring is piped
            from St Ann’s Well.

  15. Never tolerate Just Stop Oil – they have become enemies of working people

    The police have been ostentatiously considerate – almost obsequious – in their treatment of the middle-class protesters

    JANET DALEY • 4th May 2023 • 3:46pm

    The climate protest movement has reached the advanced stage of fissiparous breakdown remarkably quickly.

    The New Left took a good 20 years or so before the divisions between Trotskyites, Maoists and old-fashioned, socialism-in-one-country Stalinists reduced its objectives to fratricidal chaos. Extinction Rebellion (XR) now has its competing breakaway siblings – Just Stop Oil, Insulate Britain, and even something called Money Rebellion, which presumably wants to return to a barter economy – jostling for recognition.

    XR is now taking on the mantle of respectable elder, ostentatiously issuing responsible statements and grown-up pronouncements, while its more militant offspring pointedly refuse to promise any limits on their disruption.

    Although this farrago may look a lot like the familiar ideological factionalism into which Left-wing movements usually disintegrate, there is nothing Left-wing about militant climate activism. Its immediate goals will make working people poorer and take away the freedoms that a century of mass prosperity have, for the first time in human history, been available to the great mass of the population.

    The vague promise of some distant utopian solution to the energy problem that might – some day, in some yet to be defined way – restore that prosperity and freedom occasionally hovers into view. But for the most part, the movement is brutally frank: we must get over the idea that travel, plentiful and varied food, and inexpensive, comfortable accommodation can be universal expectations.

    Those things will, once again, become the sole province of the rich. And this ruthlessly elitist message is being delivered with quite unapologetic shamelessness by the sort of people who are themselves members of the social elite.

    It is impossible to ignore the extent to which this bizarre phenomenon of anarchic disruption is permeated by the peculiarly British dimension of class snobbery.

    The police are ostentatiously considerate – almost obsequious – in their treatment of the middle-class protesters. But they confidently threaten to arrest working-class people who are being prevented from earning their livings by the disruption.

    Until now, there has been some ambiguity in the law, which apparently made it impossible for the slow-marching Just Stop Oil brigade to be apprehended, even though they were obviously impeding traffic on the public highway, which should be accessible to everyone.

    A judicial solution to this difficulty has been found in time for the Coronation. The King and his procession will be untroubled by the sort of action that has been creating havoc in the streets for months.

    Hopefully, after the great event this weekend, the white-van men who are trying to earn a living will have the same protection. Or is there one interpretation of the law for a state occasion and another for an ordinary working day?

    As somebody whose political sympathies were once on the Left, I would really like an answer to that question. If it is the case (as surely it must be) that the change in the law will now be universally applied, can somebody tell me why it took the crowning of a king to bring it about?

    Alex West
    Dr Patrick Moore, environmentalist, suggesting insufficient CO2 in atmosphere. As someone commented on the video “Climate change hysteria scares me in the same way that other ideological hysterias do: nazism, communism, racism, religious extremism. Once there is a group of people large enough to form a self-sufficient echo chamber, these things get out of control: they lose touch with reality and eventually start perpetrating atrocities.”

    Roland McKie
    All communist groups have come from the bored, upper middle classes. Lenin was a middle-class layabout with big ideas and an over inflated ego, just like these gap-tear Trots living off. Mummy and daddy’s fortune and largesse. Disgusting, anti-working-class, anti-modernist idiots.

    Ross Butler
    Water cannon and jail, that would sort them out.

    Alan Trent
    “Can somebody tell me why it took the crowning of a king to bring it about?”
    Because the left now think ordinary people are stupid, racist, climate change deniers and their needs and preferences just don’t matter.

  16. Dull, grey and rainy here in North Dorset, the weather front making its way eastwards. I suppose one could say it will reign on Charlie Boy’s parade.

    1. I avoid swearing as much as possible and don’t like to hear it as it is vulgar.

      I make an exception in this case. I agree with him.

  17. SIR – On my first visit to a bar in Newcastle, I asked for a Scotch and was given a pint of beer. After correcting the barman and being given a whisky, I made the error of asking for some water.

    “Water,” said my host, “water gans roond boats.” That told me.

    David Coverdale
    Leeds, West Yorkshire

      1. Trying to spell the Geordie accent would be a challenge… something like “Watta gans roon boh-atts.”

  18. Morning all 🙂😉
    Forecast not good.
    I just hope someone has taken great care to explain to Vlad that Britain needs and will get a new king today, really means.

      1. The other side of the coin is special forces shouldn’t discuss their work.

        1. There is a very good reason, Al Shabaab probably want find “Obi One Nairobi” since he exposed his identity.

  19. A spy tells me that Schwab has been seen entering the Abbey. Thankfully, all media in this house is off.

    1. Fantastic and dame M has been seen sitting chewing gum. Take the shot ! Take the shot ! M shouts.

  20. I just switched the tv on to watch the carriage procession. If only I had waited – there was the smirking, smarmy BLiar creature with his creature and then his one-eyed sidekick.
    Several hypocritical commonwealth leaders, who represent countries wanting to end their ties with the UK.

  21. I am not a great fan of Mark Dolan but is his programme on GB News yesterday evening he pointed out something that I have mentioned before here. There is a certain hypocrisy about the adultery that occurred during the King’s first marriage: Charles is the villain for committing adultery with the woman he was not allowed to marry and this was the only adultery he committed; by contrast his wife Diana had a string of lovers,.

    In my youth sexually promiscuous women were described as being like the communal village bicycle or having had more pricks than a second-hand darts board but Mark Dolan came up with a couple of images new to me. About the unvirginal Camilla he said: that ‘she had been round the block more times than a lost Uber cab driver‘; and of the Princess of Wales he said: ‘she had been shafting more people than a Timeshare salesman.

  22. Now, maybe I’m just being a bear of little brain, but could some kind Nottler tell me why the BBC have the coronation programmes listed as “The Coronation of TM The King” – what do TM mean????

    Silly me – “Their Majesties” as after the dots we get Queen Camilla.

    1. Good morning Belle,
      Is that real or photo-shopped?
      That garb should be totally banned in public, especially on anyone attending an official state event.

    1. Andrew has been scapegoated for Epstein’s more powerful clients of course.

  23. Anti-monarchy protesters arrested ahead of coronation. 6 May 2023.

    Anti-monarchist protesters have been arrested during demonstrations in central London ahead of the King’s coronation, according to reports.

    Activists from the group Republic have begun massing along the London route taken by the King and Queen Consort, with hundreds of demonstrators set to join a rally in Trafalgar Square and chant “Not My King” as the royal procession passes.

    Dummies! If they had any sense that would have made their placards two sided with Just Stop Oil on one side and Death to the King on the other. Just switch them when he passed by!

  24. The white and the dappled grey horses with the carriage are magnificent.

  25. Morning all, late on parade today I have been busy blowing the rain clouds away from home over to Westminster.

    2 for the price of 1 today, because I can’t decide which is worse.

    What do you call it when you mix alcohol and American literature?
    Tequila Mockingbird.

    They said it was OK to go go the supermarket as long as we wore gloves and a mask.
    they lied. Everyone else has clothes on.

  26. Did the Globalists choose a rainy day to stop normal people from mowing the grass, or did they arrange the downpours?

  27. OT: Firstborn has calculated break-even for a solar panel array at his farm, and with the cost of the panels only, break-even is about 40 years. The panels have a lifetime of 15 years. Hmm… what to do?

    1. I’m contemplating a set-up with solar panels purely to give myself some independence from the grid. Solar panel + charge controller + battery. So the value isn’t measured in terms of electricity sold to the grid, but rather as an investment in being independent.

    2. Buy the panels from somewhere cheaper than Norway?

      Batteries can be found secondhand, but need to be stored well away from combustible material and buildings.

      If red diesel exists in Norway, Firstborn might find it more economical to run a generator together with battery storage.

      1. Plumbing the cooling system for the diesel into a pre-heater for the hot water system is a plus too.

    1. It was Her Majesty the Queen who started that. Bow or curtsey as you will or not at all.

      1. It was simply an observation. I am quite neutral about it. I wouldn’t bow my head to the JWK.

        1. I am in favour of curtseying in general, which is one of those wonderfully graceful old-fashioned customs, but wouldn’t curtsey to Charles.

          1. Me neither. I curtsey-genuflect to the high altar and the Good Lord probably thinks, yeah but you giggled at the idea of the throne exploding and the kings head flying off and yes, I did but then I was raised on the comedy of the absurd so please forgive.

        2. JWK?

          “Beware the Jabberwock, my son!
          The jaws that bite, the claws that catch!”

  28. Is it really appropriate to have a gospel child at the coronation of the King? The only saving grace is that they are Christian.
    The female bishopess (not sure who she is, dressed in red) looked most uncomfortable as she walked past them.

  29. I hope you all spotted the utterly hideous outfit that Treason had managed to track down – and wear….

    1. I didn’t recognise her.
      Has she put on weight or was it the effect of the outfit?

  30. The first time the Welsh language has been used in the ceremony – they could have given poor old Bryn more than two words to sing

        1. Musical folk seem to wear slightly bizarre outfits. Look at most conductors….those sort of Mao, collarless jackets…!!

          Still pouring, is it?

          1. Peeing it down. These days it seems to be only the Central European artists and ensembles who still do white tie/evening dress as concert attire. It’s a shame. At the Ferrier awards final this year the competitors were in black tie for the gents and evening dress for the ladies, which was at least an improvement on the scruffy stuff that one sees too often now.

          2. It started with the pianist Fou Ts’ong in the seventies. His Chairman Mao outfit was however made from embroidered black silk cloth as opposed to sackcloth.

          3. It started with the pianist Fou Ts’ong in the seventies. His Chairman Mao outfit was however made from embroidered black silk cloth as opposed to sackcloth.

    1. Cassocks don’t show the dirt and someone else launders the cottas.

  31. Did I mention that I fjnd this is so boring ? It reminds of my of my school days.
    And I left that early.
    Oh well I could be worse,…….

        1. Remove the fuse from the fuse board. Oh, sorry darling. There appears to be a power cut.

  32. Well, that’s it, we haven’t watched it, and I just feel…neutral. American pop stars and the likes of Emma Thompson in the abbey instead of British Dukes shows a monarchy and a society that has lost its way.
    Not the end of the world, just an unpopular king.

    1. First time in our history that a Canarvon wasn’t invited to a Coronation but Ant and Dec get an invite.

          1. The earls of Carnarvon

            Highclere Castle, stately home in Hampshire, England, owned by the earls of Carnarvon. The castle has more than 200 rooms and stands on a tract of about 1,060 acres (430 hectares).

      1. My feelings exactly. Load of meeja trash there. I suppose the Royals don’t know anyone else, as they are always meeting them.

    2. Charlie should at the very least have the Dukes of Beaufort (Plantagenet) and Bavaria (Stuart) present since both have a legitimate hereditary right to sit where he is. Sadly both are as wet and weak as he is and pose no threat but their visible consent would historically be more meaningful than just inviting the fan club.

    3. Didn’t see it, either, and have feeling of sadness about that.
      So, I’ll never see a coronation live, and as repeated often, the miserable cunts (that is, about 50% of the UK population) moaning about this one before it happened should go & do something else if they don’t like it.

      1. We watched it and thought it splendid, the music, all of it, was wonderful. Once in a lifetime experience and I am glad I have witnessed an Accession Ceremony and a Coronation before I shuffle off this mortal coil.
        God Save the King and Queen.

          1. Camilla is the King’s wife, that makes her the Queen. Yes, she is his consort as Prince Phillip was to the late Queen. Her title is Queen Camilla.

      2. I’ve read that Charles only plans to stay on the throne for about ten years, so you might see another one sooner than you think!

      3. This is the second one I’ve witnessed, Paul.

        9 years old in 1953 – now fast rising 79.

  33. Well, that’s it, we haven’t watched it, and I just feel…neutral. American pop stars and the likes of Emma Thompson in the abbey instead of British Dukes shows a monarchy and a society that has lost its way.
    Not the end of the world, just an unpopular king.

  34. Idle b*gger that Lloyd-Webber chappie. Nicked most of ‘his’ contribution from ‘Phantom of the Opera’.

      1. I remember Lloyd-Webber stating very emphatically on some chat show or other that he did not steal “Memories” (Cats) from La Boheme. Well no, he didn’t. He stole it from Madama Butterfly.

      2. You mean his others were the same tune but with the notes played in a different order?

    1. Didn’t Reginald Dwight pinch the tune of a song he wrote about Marylin Monroe and dedicate it to the King’s first wife?

  35. I am enjoying all the pomp and ceremony. No one does pageantry like the British.

    This is the first coronation, in history, to have been filmed in colour. When the last one took place, we still had rationing and there was still only one television channel.

    1. Be interesting to see what the Mall looks like when they let the public on to it.

      1. My late father in law, Royal Navy Coastal Command MTB and Fleet Minesweeper, stayed at the Victoria Services Club when visiting London. My office was directly opposite on Seymour Street.

    1. And the best the Septics can do for POTUS is provide an aeroplane.☺️

    2. I listened to the service on the radio. Welby has a truly nasty rasping voice I find at odds with the solemnity of the occasion.

      I tuned in to the TV to watch the march back to Buckingham Palace and to witness again the amazing discipline of the armed services.

      That gold coach carrying Charles and Camilla has to be the most hideous horse drawn confection ever conceived. Just ugly, vulgar and OTT.

      1. I thought Shelby sounded angry mostly.

        An amazing spectacle. I did not join in with the pledge.

        1. I met Robert Runcie when working at Lambeth Palace years ago and his voice by contrast was soothing with a lovely lilt to it.

          We have in history had some great Archbishops of Canterbury, highly educated humans, many with what we seek viz. the common touch, the ability to speak to the poor wretch in penury at one end of the scale and to deal equally kindly to the Kings and Queens and those on top of the pile.

          I know from reading accounts that Matthew Parker was such an individual as Chaplain to Queen Anne Boleyn and Archbishop of Canterbury to Queen Elizabeth I.

          Welby ‘sucks’ to coin an Americanism.

  36. USA – Walensky to leave CDC (MHRA is equivalent in UK) in June. Did she choose to go or was she pushed? Is she seen as a liability for Biden’s regime?
    In the USA Naomi Wolf’s team has been producing reports from the papers Pfizer were ordered to reveal. With regards to women, pregnancy and babies Ms Wolf explains much of what the “vaccination” is responsible for and from when. Ms Wolf does not pull punches in these interviews with Steve Bannon.
    Horrific is how to describe the many, many bad effects pushed on women by Walensky. In a video she recommended the jab in every context of pregnancy for women.

    I wonder what Jacqueline Dunkley-Bent, Chief Midwifery Officer for England, now thinks of her advice for women? Other people pushing the jab are available for being showered with the required amount of opprobrium.

    Now Jacqueline Dunkley-Bent, Chief Midwifery Officer for England, has written to fellow midwives and GP practices across the country stressing the need to encourage pregnant women to get the jab to protect them and their baby.

    NHS – Chief Midwifery Officer for England

    War Room – Naomi Wolf_1

    War Room – Naomi Wolf_2

  37. I’ve not watched any of it and I’m now off to play at the local care home party – might be able to post a FB link later

      1. Hey, Phizzee, I’m about to buy a CBD spray from Holland & Barrett, 1200mg Love/Hemp CBD Oil. Is it similar to what you use?

        1. I bought Cannaray drops from Amazon. Couple of drops in a small glass of water before bed. I don’t know how the sprays work.

      2. Thanks – they really enjoyed themselves, must have been over 70 there because families were invited too. Great buffet but the manageress wasn’t there and she’s the one who takes the videos so can’t show one

  38. Good to hear the march “Imperial Echos” as the parade passed Trafalgar Square….

    I expect someone will be denigrated (sic) for that

  39. A very good parade. My homage to GSM Stokes for getting the march back to the Palace to start so precisely.

    1. They were there. They were near the exit. On the way out Charlie stopped and asked them permission for him and Cammy to leave.

      1. Interesting – why would wikipedia lie about that? Are you sure they were religious representatives, not just random slebs/peers etc who happen to be muslim?

    2. From Prometheus Unbound – Percy Bysshe Shelley)

      They shall be told. Ere Babylon was dust,
      The Magus Zoroaster, my dead child,
      Met his own image walking in the garden.
      That apparition, sole of men, he saw.
      For know there are two worlds of life and death:
      One that which thou beholdest; but the other
      Is underneath the grave, where do inhabit
      The shadows of all forms that think and live,
      Till death unite them and they part no more;
      Dreams and the light imaginings of men,
      And all that faith creates or love desires,
      Terrible, strange, sublime and beauteous shapes.
      There thou art, and dost hang, a writhing shade,
      ‘Mid whirlwind-peopled mountains; all the gods
      Are there, and all the powers of nameless worlds,
      Vast, sceptred phantoms; heroes, men, and beasts;
      And Demogorgon, a tremendous gloom;
      And he, the supreme Tyrant, on his throne
      Of burning gold. Son, one of these shall utter
      The curse which all remember. Call at will
      Thine own ghost, or the ghost of Jupiter,
      Hades or Typhon, or what mightier Gods
      From all-prolific Evil, since thy ruin,
      Have sprung, and trampled on my prostrate sons.
      Ask, and they must reply: so the revenge
      Of the Supreme may sweep through vacant shades,
      As rainy wind through the abandoned gate
      Of a fallen palace.

  40. Yo All and Fanx Boss

    Malvern water & named drinks drinks

    Whisky, or even Whiskey: what is the point of ordering one by name, its’ reputation, your liking for it etc and then putting
    Tap Water, or ice cubes made from that water, into your drink?

    There must be 20,00+ different tasting tapwaters throughout UK, all polluted with chemicals, varied sources, pipework, etc

    Even if you only use water bottled from a burn or tarn, where you know the names of all the sheep that live nearby (and pollute
    it), if it comes in a plastic bottle, the same applies.

    First, you need to find a glass-bottled water that you like, then you can chose your Single Malt.

    As told to us travellers, by distillery workers, when we stopped for coffees as we travelled South from Lossiemouth, in the early 60’s

    The canny chappies also had pristine domestic spin dryers, to get the dregs of whisky from the filters used in the distilling system.

    1. Firstborn’s tap water comes from a well on his land. Cold, tasty and untreated. Lovely.

  41. These local elections won’t change a thing

    For too long, councils have focused on national issues at the expense of local ones. It doesn’t matter who is in charge, the model is broken

    MIKE GRAHAM • 5th May 2023 • 2:50pm

    So – how was it for you? If you were one of the democrats that bothered to head out to the polling stations across England two days ahead of the first Coronation in 70 years, congratulations.

    But today you might not feel like you’ve won anything. The current model is failing. It is plagued with killjoy officials too eager to infantilise taxpayers, and for whom value for money and high levels of service often seem to be secondary issues.

    Will this week’s election make any difference? What change would a win for the greens, the Tories, Labour, the LibDems or no overall control bring about? Whether you voted in one of the metropolitan council elections in Oldham or Wolverhampton or a district council in Bassetlaw or Canterbury, the chances are your council tax has gone up by yet another 5 per cent this year alone.

    In my own local London area, council tax has rocketed by around 33 per cent in the last decade and services haven’t improved at all. The local police station has been sold off for development and what were once streets with free parking for residents have been turned into revenue bearing parking bays.

    Week after week, my listeners and viewers call into the show from all over these isles with tales of woe about planning problems, business rate hikes, of overzealous council snoopers shutting down recycling centres and reporting people for putting the wrong stuff in the wrong bins.

    The perception at least is that councils are providing less of a service than they did just three years ago. The lockdown provided plenty of cover for council employees to work from home. And many council offices are now so empty that they are being sold off to private developers. Is any of that money coming back to the taxpayer, perhaps in the form of lower bills?

    A recent study by the TaxPayers’ Alliance showed that more than 3,000 council officials were earning more than ÂŁ100,000 a year. Topping the list were the chief executive from Guildford council and the executive director of neighbourhoods in Sunderland. After taking voluntary redundancy, the former received a package of ÂŁ607,000.

    This story is becoming too familiar. The local authority model, like so many public services, is benefitting those who work within it often at the expense of the taxpayers who fund it. A casual glance on many council websites reveals hundreds of job vacancies for roles like environmental team leaders, Net Zero coordinators and diversity champions. They are often paid well above the national average salary of ÂŁ39,000 a year. Bristol council was recently looking to fill the vacancy for a Migration Inclusion Strategic Lead. One district council is piloting a four-day week while paying employees for doing five. This is no longer restricted to office staff: we are now expected to believe that bin collectors and caretakers can be more productive for working less.

    It’s no better on the South coast. In green-obsessed Brighton, residents have been asked to tackle weeds and other unwanted, overgrown plants on the pavements themselves after the council outlawed the use of glyphosate – a pesticide council officials previously used on the streets. There is no inconvenience that cannot be justified on the grounds of sustainability.

    None of this is to mention potholes – which are a persistent multi-million pound problem everywhere in Britain. The persecution of the motorist knows few bounds, with Ulez zones, low-traffic neighbourhoods, cycle lanes a common fixture, and 15-minute cities becoming a new obsession.

    There are ten million people who have been told they must have written permission to put up bunting at street parties this weekend. And for the privilege they must have filled out multi-page application forms and risk assessments. It’s enough to drive you to organise a revolution.

    The intentions might be good, but the incentives are all wrong. Local councils are spending too much time focusing on national rather than local issues. It may well be that diversity coordinators are necessary in some parts of our economy, but they are a luxury most taxpayers cannot afford.

    Sir Keir Starmer may claim this result proves Labour will win a majority at the next general election. But I suspect even he doesn’t greatly believe it. We expect Conservative run councils to be a bit less woke than the others, but they’re just as likely to be more draconian on regulations when it suits their agenda. Consider their objections to building, for instance. This week’s results are not particularly good news for Rishi Sunak or Sir Keir Starmer. But the real losers are the good people of this country. Whatever the results, they were presented with Hobson’s choice. Things can only get worse.

    Mike Graham is a broadcaster and journalist

    Edward Bernays
    I agree. People don’t vote on local issues at local elections. This election is a ‘kick the incumbents’ election. Lib Dems retain their usual position as a dustbin for protest votes. Labour hype up their gains that won’t translate at a general election, the result of which is likely to be a hung parliament.

    Mike Re
    Self-preservation is a powerful instinct. This is the prime motivation of most bureaucrats, and it’s a significant benefit if the impact cannot be assessed. So being the Arctic Ice Preservation Coordinator working for Midsomer Council means you cannot be challenged on the grounds of not doing your job…

    Simon Long
    My theory is that local councillors were all bullied at school, and hence take the opportunity later in life to get their petty revenge on the world by basically doing everything they can to p*ss off those they are supposed to represent. I’ve yet to come across one who has disproved this theory

    Roger Feraille
    Nothing works. All public services are dire. Why is it that public services are worse than 40 years ago? It’s not because of lack of money. Government at national and local level tax us more than enough.

  42. Barbados won’t be toasting Charles’s coronation – we’re still celebrating being rid of the monarchy. 6 May 2023.

    What’s changed in the past 70 years? Barbados has come a long way since 1953, achieving independence in 1966 and becoming the world’s newest republic in 2021, severing the final strings that bound the island nation to its coloniser of more than 300 years (beyond Charles’s role as head of the Commonwealth).

    The British monarch is no longer our head of state – and the greater awareness of our colonial past and the harsh brutality inflicted on our forefathers makes a coronation of a king from our former royal family less than appealing. We’re far more interested in what this new king may say and do to correct the injustices of that past.

    I was waiting for the bit at the end. I knew it would be there. We are going to be independent of the UK but we still need you to give us loads of dosh. I actually have no objections to the Barbados becoming a Republic. I just don’t see why we should pay for it. The worst of it is of course, that we all know where this is going. The cash will vanish into the pockets of the politicians and the country will sink, like Jamaica, into a narco-state.

    1. I thought China wanted to take them over, and that’s why they got rid of the Queen as Head of State?

  43. My prophesy was correct, the Tories lost more than one thousand council seats in the recent elections. The news has been hidden by the coronation hysteria. I hope they take note and reverse the idiotic policies they are currently pursuing. The Tories are crap – but the others are diarrhea with added chlamydia and open pustules.

    1. I hope they take note and reverse the idiotic policies they are currently pursuing.”

      But I fear they will not. The global warming scam, the net zero scam, the Covid vaccine scams, and unrestricted entry of immigrants both legal and illegal are all an integral part of the policies of all the main political parties so whichever way you vote you are going to be stuffed.

      Does anyone here seriously believe that this is not the case?

        1. I believe he is also going to try for Bre-entry back into the good old EU.

          1. Some say that he has not put a foot wrong since becoming King.

            That of course is a matter of opinion but we shall see what we shall see but I am not at all optimistic. Is he capable of keeping his nose out of politics?

          2. When I chatted to one of my best friends outside the church where he had just got married he said : “I’m not doomed yet, Old Chap – the marriage hasn’t been consummated!”

            I saw him an hour or two later at the evening nuptial dance when he said : “Too late, Richard, I’m doomed. It has now!”

            (They are still happily together after two children and 47 years of marriage!)

  44. A Sky interviewer just asked a woman at an independence rally in Glasgow what she made of the Coronation events in London. ‘What happens in London is entirely inconsequential to what happens in Scotland’ was her reply.
    Well, not entirely inconsequential. ÂŁ8.6 billion is not inconsequential at all.

    1. A secession rally, not an “independence” (sic) rally

  45. Moh and I were deeply affected by the WA ceremony.

    A ceremony in that medieval cathedral was again a thing of beauty , awe , history and worshipful sound .

    We can remember when the Queen was crowned .

    My parents , my sister and I were here in England on leave from the Sudan in 1953, before twin brother and sister were born in 1958.

    We stayed with grandpa and watched the coronation on his TV, my father’s twin sister and an elderly Aunt were also present.

    After the event , we had a special tea time meal . Auntie made coconut macaroons .. cone shaped , with rice paper as a base .. That much I can remember , and peach melba .

    Moh said that he and his family watched the Coronation at the cinema somewhere in Southampton .

    A large part of me feels Royalist , I love the pomp and ceremony , I love hearing about our history. … on the other hand , Royalty in the past has caused division and rancour .

    Flags .

    What’s that fluttering in a breeze?
    It’s just a piece of cloth
    that brings a nation to its knees.

    What’s that unfurling from a pole?
    It’s just a piece of cloth
    that makes the guts of men grow bold.

    What’s that rising over a tent?
    It’s just a piece of cloth
    that dares the coward to relent.

    What’s that flying across a field?
    It’s just a piece of cloth
    that will outlive the blood you bleed.

    How can I possess such a cloth?
    Just ask for a flag my friend.
    Then blind your conscience to the end.

    1. Old socialists you say?

      Hilary Clinton was guest speaker at the liberal party conference in Ottawa last night.

      They must really be desperate to invite such a twisted corrupt woman to speak there. Although I suppose that she fits right in.

    2. People need to learn: Socialism is, and always has been, about replacing one ruling class with another.

  46. “Queen Camilla will shock her doubters, as the people discover she is ‘one of us’ “.
    I think Ms Tominey is off track. The Queen Consort is not “one of us”, she never has been and never will be. The clique of society that is Royalty live in a cocooned environment, surrounded by sycophants, and they have no concept of life outside that sheltered rarity. They have no idea of the worries and pressures of day to day life, making ends meet in a life of rising prices, reducing services, brought on by a Government wedded to unfounded ideals. They are apart from “us”, and in order to maintain the mystique of Royalty, must remain apart from us. Their problem is how to do so in a changing world, the conclusion one comes to is they have no idea how to do that, and worse still nor do those who surround them – who as as equally out of touch. They are desperately seeking to remain relevant but their efforts come across as clumsy and aimless. I do believe the Monarchy is fundamental to this nation, but I fear for its future.

  47. – Was Mayor Khan at the coronation?

    I thought he would have been given an important role befitting his position, like going around with the bucket collecting all that horse dung, or something.

  48. I googled this , because I heard that the Rabbi would have to abide by his Sabbath rules .

    Britain’s Chief Rabbi, Ephraim Mirvis, will walk to King Charles III’s coronation, in keeping with Shabbat laws as the ceremony takes place on a Saturday, the Jewish Sabbath and day of rest.

    “(The King and Queen) are being exceptionally gracious in order to make it possible for me to walk to (Westminster) Abbey on our Shabbat, because we don’t go in vehicles,” he told CNN’s Bianca Nobilo in an interview on Friday. “So (they) have invited us to be their guests in St. James’ Palace over the Sabbath.”

    With two days to go until the Coronation of King Charles III the atmosphere builds outside Westminster Abbey as tv media report to camera on 4th May 2023 in London, United Kingdom. King Charles III will be crowned King of England on 6th May 2023. (photo by Mike Kemp/In Pictures via Getty Images)
    How to watch the coronation of King Charles III in the US
    St. James’ Palace is about 15 minutes’ walk from Westminster Abbey, where the coronation will take place.

    As well as refraining from using vehicles during Shabbat, Jews also observe a “digital detox,” as the Chief Rabbi put it.

    So when he participates in the ceremony, “there won’t be any microphones in front of us,” he said, adding: “They actually informed us of the fact that they would be preparing that and we respect that enormously.”

    Mirvis’ role in the ceremony marks the first time that faith leaders from all of Britain’s major religions will be included in a coronation, which has traditionally been a solely Christian service.

    1. I used to post on a forum where an orthodox jewish woman posted, and she abstained from the internet every week for one day (sabbath). I have done same over Lent in the past, but one day a week wouldn’t be bad either.

    1. Did you see these wonderful comments ,Tom?

      4 hours ago edited
      There’s a story about Stanley Baldwin which seems apt in this context.

      He was travelling – alone – on a train back to his constituency (Worcestershire) and a chap entered the compartment, parked his luggage and seated himself opposite. After a while, he said:

      “Aren’t you Baldwin?”
      “Yes, as a matter of fact I am.”
      “Weren’t you at Harrow?”
      “Yes, I was, actually.”
      “I thought it was you. Nice to see you. Tell me, what are you doing now?”

      Baldwin was Prime Minister at the time…

      2 hours ago edited
      That reminds me of the story of a feller who was attending a soiree – he ended up talking to a man who looked really familiar, but he couldn’t bring his name to mind, so he tried to prompt his memory by asking him, ‘How’s your wife? Is she keeping well?’
      The man gave him a strange look and said, ‘Very well, thank you’.
      The feller persisted ‘And is she still doing what she was doing the last time we spoke?’
      ‘Yes. She’s still the Queen.’

      1. Should I ever run into one of my university contemporaries who is now in the Cabinet, I fully plan on innocently asking them what they’re up to these days!

      2. 40+ years ago a friend of some people I know was flying back to London from the continent. As a senior executive, he was in Club Class and sat next to a young lady. They chatted, and he talked about his career in the world of banking, etc, but although she told him her name and occupation, he knew nothing about the movies; Diane Keaton found that quite charming.

      3. 40+ years ago a friend of some people I know was flying back to London from the continent. As a senior executive, he was in Club Class and sat next to a young lady. They chatted, and he talked about his career in the world of banking, etc, but although she told him her name and occupation, he knew nothing about the movies; Diane Keaton found that quite charming.

      1. I understand your sentiment but that’s just giving them what they want – to completely eradicate voting. They’d love it.

  49. I’ve just come back in from ringing the bells at the village church. One by one the old ringers had been dying off or moving away on retirement and no-one had been coming through to replace them. It looked as though the eight bells of St Michael and All Angels might be falling silent forever. Then a call went out on social media (Nextdoor website). Having not a lot to do during the winter I though I’d give it a go and found myself joining a group of about 10 who had all decided that it was time they did something useful in life. We all started to ‘learn the ropes’ together and have been doing it since January with just one practice a week. Our aim was to be competent enough to be able to ring rounds with a simple call change or two in time for Coronation Day. By the beginning of April some of us were ready to ring for church services and I’m pleased to say we managed quite a good ‘ring for the King’ this afternoon. Not up to Abbey standards but not bad for beginners. There’s much more to it than meets the eye. Much more. A full peal lasts three hours! We’ve some way to go. Some play golf when they retire. I’ll be ringing church bells. Whodathoughtit? Not I.

    1. Much better than goff (sic). Indoors. Warm. No silly ball to try to hit…!!

      1. A new group of very disparate friends too, men and women. We go to the pub after practices.

        1. “…men and women….” No trans? Shame..

          Anyway, I expect you ring the changes….

    2. Nothing to do with a few jars after practise night then. I let it go after I went to work for HM, many years ago. Very sociable lot in general.

    3. The Diocesan Guild organised an open day around a month ago, to entice new ringers. It seems to have worked. Tomorrow, we have a band of ringers (including newbies) ringing at the two churches in the united parish which have bells.

      It’s just a shame that ten minutes before the open day, the tower clock stopped. It had just had several thousand spent on new auto winders. So, two days later, I ascended the tower with the Rector. I could swing the pendulum, but the clock refused to ‘tick’. Or ‘tock’, for that matter. More by luck than judgement, I gave the mechanism a gentle tweak, and it began to tick. It then became apparent that, although the ‘strike train’ of the clock was working correctly, it wasn’t striking correctly. Between the two of us we had two dodgy feet, so the vertical ladder to the bell chamber was a challenge too far, but the Rector managed to ascend the vertical steel ladder sufficiently to see what appeared to be a broken lump hammer hanging disconsolately.

      I firmly believe that someone forgot to attach the ‘pull-off cord’ to it’s hook. Hence the Tenor bell, made contact with the strike hammer. This exerted a sharp jerk on the clock mechanism, and caused it to stop. Having persuaded it to run, I set it to the correct time (14:30) and repaired to the nearby tea room for a coffee. We sat outside, in the sunshine. At 3 pm, the clock was exactly right. Some 20 minutes later, it was showing ten to one.

      It can’t run backwards, according to the laws of physics. It is highly improbable that it could gain around ten hours in 20 minutes. So I set the clock to 12 noon (there’s an archaic law that says you do this with non-functioning public clocks – it may have been repealed, but it’s eminently sensible), and headed for home. As I said to the Rector, I’m really glad that I wasn’t on my own. No-one (including myself) would have believed me.

      So I phoned the clock company the following day, hoping to be told that “ah – the old clock running backwards problem, this is common, and due to… ” Unfortunately, they had no explanation either. We’ve booked an engineer visit, but I’ve suggested that the Rector adds the Diocesan Exorcist to his Contacts list.

      The clock has largely performed flawlessly since it was installed around 1860. Yet twice, when I was Verger, I entered the ringing v=chamber at the dead of night to put it back or forward, and – before I touched it – it stopped ticking. What are the chances?

      I await the engineer’s visit with interest…

    4. The Diocesan Guild organised an open day around a month ago, to entice new ringers. It seems to have worked. Tomorrow, we have a band of ringers (including newbies) ringing at the two churches in the united parish which have bells.

      It’s just a shame that ten minutes before the open day, the tower clock stopped. It had just had several thousand spent on new auto winders. So, two days later, I ascended the tower with the Rector. I could swing the pendulum, but the clock refused to ‘tick’. Or ‘tock’, for that matter. More by luck than judgement, I gave the mechanism a gentle tweak, and it began to tick. It then became apparent that, although the ‘strike train’ of the clock was working correctly, it wasn’t striking correctly. Between the two of us we had two dodgy feet, so the vertical ladder to the bell chamber was a challenge too far, but the Rector managed to ascend the vertical steel ladder sufficiently to see what appeared to be a broken lump hammer hanging disconsolately.

      I firmly believe that someone forgot to attach the ‘pull-off cord’ to it’s hook. Hence the Tenor bell, made contact with the strike hammer. This exerted a sharp jerk on the clock mechanism, and caused it to stop. Having persuaded it to run, I set it to the correct time (14:30) and repaired to the nearby tea room for a coffee. We sat outside, in the sunshine. At 3 pm, the clock was exactly right. Some 20 minutes later, it was showing ten to one.

      It can’t run backwards, according to the laws of physics. It is highly improbable that it could gain around ten hours in 20 minutes. So I set the clock to 12 noon (there’s an archaic law that says you do this with non-functioning public clocks – it may have been repealed, but it’s eminently sensible), and headed for home. As I said to the Rector, I’m really glad that I wasn’t on my own. No-one (including myself) would have believed me.

      So I phoned the clock company the following day, hoping to be told that “ah – the old clock running backwards problem, this is common, and due to… ” Unfortunately, they had no explanation either. We’ve booked an engineer visit, but I’ve suggested that the Rector adds the Diocesan Exorcist to his Contacts list.

      The clock has largely performed flawlessly since it was installed around 1860. Yet twice, when I was Verger, I entered the ringing v=chamber at the dead of night to put it back or forward, and – before I touched it – it stopped ticking. What are the chances?

      I await the engineer’s visit with interest…

  50. Just dropped in to the village hall where there is a Coronation tea – enormous spread – far too much food!

    But about 100 people there out of two villages with a combined population of roughly 400. Very well organised and run by stalwart volunteers.

    Vive Fulmodeston…!!

    1. Vive Hindolveston, Croxton, Kettlestone, Barney, Briston, Thursford, Stibbard, Little Snoring, Pudding Norton …

  51. From The Grimes:

    “Animal Rising said a number of their supporters were arrested on Saturday morning while at a training session “miles away from the coronation”. Last week, ahead of the coronation, the group said they had no plans to protest on the day.

    Their spokesman Nathan McGovern said: “This is nothing short of a totalitarian crackdown on free speech and all forms of dissent.””

    Just trying to visualise an eco-terrorist “training session”….

    Funny how the plod can act swiftly, effectively and decisively against eco-terrorists when it suits them…..

  52. Par Four today.

    Wordle 686 4/6

    1. And here

      Wordle 686 4/6


    2. Lucky three today.

      Wordle 686 3/6


    3. A high flying eagle here.
      Wordle 686 2/6


  53. Bugger the broad bean flan for a game of soldiers; tonight I’m having a tribute to HM’s Greek ancestry.

    I shall raise a toast while enjoying my kebab. Two of my home-made pitta breads will be filled with some roasted and shredded lamb hock and garnished with shredded lettuce; finely sliced tomato and cucumber; finely sliced red cabbage tossed in lemon juice and sriracha sauce; then finished with a tablespoonful-or-so of a freshly-made roast garlic mayonnaise.

    Long live Carolus Rex! [King Charles III of the UK and the British Commonwealth]

    Your health, Sir.🥂

  54. Well; what an enjoyable day.
    There was real coronation weather, but without the biting cold.
    You could see that Charles was all too well aware of the significance of the event; all too aware of the reason for the ceremony.
    He was obviously moved and burdened and I felt huge sympathy for him.
    I also felt sorry for Harry; what a lonely figure he cut. Regardless of how much of the situation is self-inflicted, it’s not pleasant to see someone so isolated.
    The service was not as woke as we feared, and some of the shortened proceedings were actually a good decision.
    And then there was the personally bizarre situation. Sixty nine years and eleven months ago, it never occurred to me that, at the next coronation, I would have a teenage grandson explaining the finer points of choral music and ceremonial marching to me.

    1. Harry probably spent the entire service worrying about missing the plane home!

      1. Amazing – he flew BA. Apparently. Only took him 35 mins from leaving the Abbey to arriving at LHR. Someone must have broken several speed limits….

          1. Yes.
            Excellent both ways, we were lucky and got put on earlier trains.

      2. Horribly near the truth.
        ‘Er Indoors would play merry hell if he wasn’t back for the cake and jelly.

        1. She probably played merry hell when he came back anyway. Just because…

    2. That’s a very nice summary, Anne. Thanks – from one who didn’t see the ceremony, parade, or service.

    1. What a wonderful sight – I’ll cheer them any day – old friend of Savile, not so much.

    2. If my experience of Waterloo is anything to go by, their train will be sans guard , and they’ll have to disembark and go to a different platform, where the train is already full…

  55. I feel sorry that the Coronation celebrations were spoiled by the cold wet traditional British weather, but then again, I see the irony in it all

    1. The drum horse was very skittish.
      I don’t know if he/she was new to the job or just spooked by the occasion.

      1. Horses on the Mall were subject to missile attacks, possibly ball- bearings.

      2. My neighbour whom I mentioned above told me about the drum horse. The rider kept drumming, he said.

  56. That’s me for this curious day. Bloody good parade. JWK coronated (sic) without any (obvious) protests. Welmeaning needed a crib sheet to pronounce the Blessing. Pretty basic sort of priestly words, I’d have thought.

    One thing that struck me was the comment (on both beeboid and itv telly) about this being the “largest number of troops” since Winston’s funeral.
    They appear to have forgotten completely the Queen’s Funeral….

    Anyway – have a spiffing evening – remember to take the bunting down.

    A demain

        1. Note that all traces of peevishness were gone when he was on the balcony, finally the most important person in the Kingdom…
          OK, I am being a bit mean, but I thought his smile was like a crocodile.

          1. I am certainly no fan (as I have made clear). But I think the chap and his wife were as nervous as nervous people can be on such an occasion. The relief at NOT dropping the crown or the orb etc etc – and NOT tripping over the (lightly ridiculous) clothes.

          2. Her crown was much taller than his and his crown was wobbly and tilted resting on an ear.

            The sight of those clowns was reminiscent of the balcony in The Muppets.

            Our country is in decay, dilapidated infrastructure, potholed roads and demoralised workforce everywhere you look and yet we are expected to assume a rosey glow at this spectacle.

          3. I found the balcony a bit weird, but can’t quite put my finger on why. The robes and crowns, Kate’s headdress – looked like opera costume. Charles and Camilla didn’t look real, but maybe it’s because we’re still used to seeing HM and Philip. She looked so natural in her crown somehow.

          4. Charles and Camilla have become imitations of their Spitting Image personas.

            This is a common fault in human nature. I have been served in a restaurant that, probably inadvertently, modelled itself on Faulty Towers. The waitress wore a Hiawatha headband with a tall feather sticking out of it, the waiter was ‘Alvaro’ and the manager a manic chain smoker obsessed with the portions of cheese on the cheese board arguing loudly with his wife.

          5. I’m not sure that you can blame the state of the country’s infrastructure on the Royal Family.

  57. It must be a hard day for the Left, they win an election but have no air time to gloat

    1. Weil. it’s part and parcel of its SNP background to be permanently pissed off.

  58. After a nice lunch of cold roast beef salad, with a couple of glasses of Chardonnay, I am happy it all turned out well for the King & Queen, apart from the rain, that is!! However, not so happy at the brief appearance of Harry, one is tempted to ask, “why bother to come”. Perhaps now is the time for the tabloid press to ignore the Sussexes and let the slimmed down royals get on with their job.

    1. Tony Blair, the stinking turd in the shitpan that will just NOT flush away.

      1. Interesting how quickly he was honoured after the death Prince Phillip.

  59. Gawd almighty- is there anyone people on this page actually like and approve of? Waits for chorus of Princess Anne and Trumpface.
    Had enough.

          1. Hmmm! Bugger! You’ve got me there, Sue!

            May I come back later … I might have an answer?

            But then again …

    1. Neil Oliver had Robert Malone and Francis Hoar on his show this evening. That’s three good guys for starters. There are many more.

    2. Speaking for myself, I like and approve of Frankie Dettori – won the 2000 guineas today on Chaldean. Not bad for a 52-year-old jockey.

      1. Funny you said that. I’ve just logged onto to YouTube and watched it.

        1. Excellent ride; kept it simple and didn’t go for home too soon. The second ran a mighty race for a smaller trainer. Second in the guineas at 125-1!

    3. I like anyone at all – no matter what colour, age, or status, lowly or high – if they manifest what used to be known as ‘good character’.
      My definition of good character?
      …sincerity, honesty, consideration for others; moderate – their anger controlled & restrained; conscientious, & with a sense of justice; making the best of themselves, kind & capable of compassion but tempered with realism.

      I think I would be drawn to such a person whoever they were, & find them gracious even if they were a tradesman, taxi driver or domestic staff.

    4. It’s sad, isn’t it, Ann.
      Too much negative energy.
      BTW, I like & approve of you. Does that count, or does it make me a simp?

      1. That’s why I opt out at times…as Jill said, the negative comments get her down. Me too and some of it seems so petty.
        We enjoyed the Coronation very much and thought it well done and appropriate.
        The King is not going to be his mother but I think he will do a good job. Camilla’s poise and dignity today was exemplary and I can only imagine if Diana was there, cutting her eyes to the congregation, smirking or grinning.
        I think the King and Queen will be just fine.

        1. We enjoyed not having the BBC doing the commentary, none of the negative we have come to associate with them! All in all, those who watched it here were somewhat in awe over the precision, from the marching military to the ceremony itself.

          1. We watched it on GB News which was fairly good. Tomorrow is the Big Lunch and we may mosey along to the Community Hall for a drink or two, provided, and to socialise. Won’t take lunch.

  60. Evening, all. I am not sure the monarchy provides much in the way of comfort! I see they had to virtually screw the crown on Charlie’s head (even just watching the racing, I couldn’t get away from it!). Incidentally, when I was walking Kadi this morning (Oscar has a sore foot), my neighbour stopped clearing up after he’d trimmed his hedge to have a chat and told me all about the military uniforms documentary that was mentioned on here. By the sound of things I shall have to look it out on catch up or You Tube.

    1. No, I can’t hear it though I’m sure it’s black racist nonsense.

      1. A very attractive looking family with, possibly, an amount of mixed race in their back ground.

      2. They’re not diverse!
        They look nice though. Couldn’t we have crowned them instead, today?

        That would make a brilliant Ealing comedy…

      3. I’d say ‘terribly black’, but I’d end up in prison. But it’s absolutely fine to complain about ‘hideously white’. In a majority white country.

        There probably won’t be a new page tomorrow – I’ll be incarcerated in a cell somewhere…

    2. Stupid chip-on-shoulder bint. Offer her a 1st class ticket to Africa and ÂŁ50,000 to settle there. She wouldn’t take it – or maybe she would, put it in a bank here (or Switzerland) and come back on a dinghy.

    3. Doesn’t surprise me, Maggie. But there’s no way I will click on the button to hear this nonsense.

  61. Kung Carl XVI Gustav och Kron Prinsessa Victoria av Sverige [King Carl XVI Gustav and Crown Princess Victoria of Sweden] got ringside seats just to the right of the British royals in the Abbey.

      1. Loads of them were there – Spain, Belgium, Netherlands, Denmark, Norway, Sweden etc. etc.

      1. Oi, watch it, Herr Oberst! She’s a minor you know. And SWMBO might find out and leave you. Then where would you be? Lol.

          1. Oops, Grizzly. I mis-read that and thought he was referring to Princess Charlotte. My apologies to Paul & SWMBO too.

  62. Just back from SWMBOs birthday dinner.
    Traditional restaurant, on the Holmenkollen hill, with fabulous views over Oslofjord – and lovely weather, too.
    Fine dining, not our usual curryhouse slop. Very good, too, and it was fantastic to have the woman I love more than anything, the source of all that’s good in my life, and out two lads too, at dinner. Tremendously happy now, all enjoyed the food & wine. Simple food, prepared beautifully, from quality ingredients – can’t be beat.

    1. How lovely for you all and how nice to read your comment about your lady wife.

      1. Thank you, Ann.
        Meeting her took a whole lifetime of good luck – and is worth it.

          1. Better late than never! I feel similarly with D, Worth waiting for, even going through the previous relationship with first, if that’s what it took…

    2. A good thing too. I’m told there are only two things to do in Norway, and in winter there’s no fishin’. Lucky chap…and lady!

    3. Good for you, good for SWMBO, and good for your marriage. You are blessed, continue happy, lovely people! x

    4. A very happy birthday to your wonderful wife, and delighted you had a had a lovely family get-together!

    5. All the reasons i like to dine out with family and friends. Cost be damned.

  63. Your views please, dear NoTTLers:

    Our Reform would-be Parliamentary candidate is so concerned about people’s (which people?) sensibilities, that he terms himself not spokesman, or spokesperson, but “Spokey”.

    I’m afraid I find it hard to muster up support for a spokey, even though I tried, and I support Reform (well I think it most likely of the alternatives to get anywhere at the moment, although I have more time for David K and Heritage)

    Am I being silly, or is he?

      1. Yes, but vote for it? Voting takes respect, and “spokey” has lost respeck…

      1. Or wokey – or something you find on your bicycle wheely. I just cant take someone seriously who panders to woke to that extent.

        Do the hokey spokey…

    1. I’m confused as to which ‘Minority’ Parties I might support.

      I want a party that will get rid of net zero. That will also stop the lefty aims of the rest of the nonsense.

      1. Until they get together, none of them will stop anything.

        Ego, ego. effing ego…

        1. …as a minority in a hung parliament. they might just have the ability to cause an avocation in future law.

    2. No you aren’t, he is. If he can’t use proper terminology there’s little hope he’d cope with scrutinising legislation.

    3. FFS. The only votes the “Spokey” will get will be pity votes or ridicule votes.

      1. That’s what I think – but he can’r seem to see how ridiculous it makes him look.

  64. I know it’s early but, I’m saying, goodnight and God bless, Gentlefolk. Until the morning.

  65. Good night, chums. I have really enjoyed watching the Coronation today. As usual though, I love jokes, and always remember the one about the very large Queen of Tonga in 1953 sharing a landau with her very thin husband who was described by some wag as being “her lunch”. My own joke in a similar vein was about the yellow dress of the black singer who was perched high up and who sang and was accompanied by the musicians below. To my mind the singer was dressed “in a custard-coloured Yorkshire pudding”. Lol. So, off I now go up the stairs to bed. See you all tomorrow.

    1. I thought the singer in the yellow dress looked as though she had just emerged from a buttercup.

      1. Exacto, Ndovu. I should have written “in a GIANT custard-coloured Yorkshire pudding”.

  66. Why, oh why, is everyone wittering on about President Biden not coming to the Coronation. No US president has ever attended a coronation. Get over it and enjoy the wonderful day that was today.
    Someone either here or on TV mentioned the cost to the people for the Coronation- personally, I would rather pay for the Royal Family and NOT for this sham of a government.
    PS- I thought Penny Mordaunt was excellent today.

    1. Agreed, she performed her duties with the dignity and grace one would expect from her.

    2. We didn’t intend watching the whole Coronation but did. If only we could get the Major General who organised it to do the same for government it would be a great start. 7,000 troops, many on horseback, marching and standing for 4 or more hours shows their loyalty and dedication to the monarchy and service to our country.
      The children, from the young Wales’s upwards, were delightful and charming. The impish looks and acting like normal children was a delight to see.
      I remember seeing the 1953 Coronation on a 9” screen Bush television with about 20 of our family crowded into one of my aunt and uncles’ front room to catch a glimpse. The younger of my 2 sisters was in the St John Ambulance Brigade and was on duty for a couple of hours.
      Happy memories.

  67. Busy day today – swift event this morning, minus the Morris dancers and big swift puppet, but we chatted to people. Bought the first lot of asparagus. This afternoon a party with the neighbours and this evening watched the highlights of the Coronation.

  68. 1:45 am and just in from the hunt feast.
    Now that’s a splendid evening.

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