645 thoughts on “Sunday 1 September: The hypocrisy of Remainers who attack Boris Johnson while seeking to overturn the Brexit vote

  1. Hong Kong: ‘Revolution is war, and no war is without bloodshed’. Sat 31 Aug 2019

    Ryan Lee, a 27-year-old computer engineer, only started taking part in Hong Kong’s demonstrations in June. Since then, it has been a steep learning curve.
    Last weekend, Lee was among those who threw teargas canisters back at the police in a violent confrontation that lasted about 40 minutes before the crowds dispersed and water cannon arrived. He said the protesters’ determination to fight against the police as long as they could was “a show of our stance and our beliefs”.

    “When the police abuse their powers and face no consequences, a revolution is justified,” said Lee. “I accept revolution and bloodshed. Revolution is a war and no war is without violence … If our violence can bring about positive changes, I am willing to be involved.”

    Morning everyone. I have no way of knowing if Mr Lee is a real person and these are his real actions and opinions but such is my experience with the UK MSM that I harbour some suspicions as to his reality. If the former, he says enough here to get him twenty years in the Gulag with no time off for good behaviour and his words and views are almost a parody of the situation in Hong Kong. He is in fact a Poster Boy not for the Democrats but the Government.

    The protests in the former colony have long since passed their utility. They have no support on the Mainland and there is no way that the CCP will modify its rule let alone allow it to secede. One suspects that the present situation is running not in the cause of Democracy but in the direction the Chinese Government wishes and will eventually result in direct rule.


    1. ‘Morning Minty
      Rather an ominous date to be reading about agent provocateurs providing cover for an invasion………………..

    2. I have had my own Churchill v Chamberlain, fight or flight, moment in the past. It’s not an easy decision, especially when confused by outside manipulation, often by one’s enemies.

      In the end, it must be down to what works. Any general in the field will know the benefits too of suddenly switching tactics to confuse and wrongfoot the enemy. Both sides will be at it, and few can predict the outcome of any battle, except in hindsight.

    3. Yet…

      While the Guardian no doubt thinks it is writing about the government facing no consequences and justifying direct action against it, the reality is the precise opposite.

      It is the Conservative party who (narrowly) won a general election. Their leader was elected by members. That government is trying to get an instruction from their employers – the public – into law, namely: Brexit.

      It is the remoaners who are refusing democracy. The remoaners who are fighting against the demos. Remoaners who are trying to cheat the system. If direct action is justified, then what Boris is doing epitomises that action.

      I appreciate they think they think that it is wrong and that Brexit should be stopped. Of course they do. However, just because they think that doesn’t mean it is credible. It is, in fact, the action of a fascist, authoritarian state that wants to quite simply prorogue the *people* bypassing government entirely. It seeks to rule without recourse to the annoying demos.

      That, folks is what 17.4 million people and now, depending which poll you read, 65% of the country rejected.

    4. It all started after the government want to amend the law to prevent a situation where a Hong Kong man murdered his girl friend in Taiwan and get back to Hong Kong before the body was discovered. He cannot be extradicted under current legislation.

      All the anti-government and anti-Chinese groups pile in.

  2. Good morning, all. Here today and gone in an hour. I may or may not be able to check in when in Cap d’Ail.

    If not – see you on 16 September.

    1. Have you prorogued your NoTTL activities until the 16th of September, Uncle Bill. What will we do without your Trombetti Tales and messages about the Most Recent, then? :-))

    1. Maybe this will explain to the Donald why there is still a NATO presence in Europe, and why the Americans are still in charge and paying for it.

      1. I have the feeling that if Corbyn presented legislation to government for his ideal, such as state buying of the banks or all industry and mass confiscation of all private wealth when there was a protest he’d be out there joining it.

  3. Morning, Campers.
    White rabbits. Or, in my case, Suffolk Punches for the first of the month. Off to Marks Hall with cousins to swoon over the horses our grandfather used to breed; for, among others, Kew Gardens to pull the big mowers.
    Obviously gave laptop such a fright that it’s gone all doolally.
    Tomorrow I will contact wonderfully barmy Apple nerd to give it serious treatment. (Ohmmmm …. )

    1. Enjoy your day, Annie. (Although I guess that since I am posting this at 3.15 pm today you may well already have come back home.)

  4. Thank you Geoff and good morning all.
    Cracking BTL Comment:-

    Anne Sceptic 1 Sep 2019 2:43AM
    Re Labour on Brexit

    I listened to the excellent interview between Peter Hennessy and Ian Duncan Smith yesterday on the iPlayer . Ian Duncan Smith described the night of the referendum. He was in London about to go on tv. His man in the constituency said in all his political life he had never seen anything like it, in the estates where turnout was usually poor, they were queuing at the polling stations. When IDS asked Tom Watson if he could explain it, Tom Watson said no but he had been getting just the same reports and that there might be a surprise that night.

    People who had never voted before voted that day. People who usually thought it was pointless voting, voted that day.

    Against all the odds and the doom mongering Leave won.

    Tom Watson voted Remain, his constituency voted leave. What did he do? More than most to take a party that accepted the result to one that intends to overturn it. To stick two fingers up at democracy.

    The arrogance of the man to think he knows better than the majority of his constituents. That his constituents didn’t know what they were voting for.

    MPs used to complain that people were apathetic about politics and not engaged. Well either people are going to give up because voting is pointless or are going to get very angry and take their revenge at the ballot box. The voting records are there online for everyone to see. Come the election I hope to see sweet retribution for what the remoaners have put us through.

    1. I remember people tooting and waving when I was out leafletting and and encouraging voters. A very uplifting experience.
      Best of all was a total stranger yelling across the road “You’ve got five in this house, love”.

  5. It is the largest wholesale meat market in Britain, and celebrated for selling some of the nation’s finest cuts of beef, lamb and pork for more than 800 years.

    But, if vegan activists have their way, London’s Smithfield Market

    could be transformed into a parade of fruit and vegetable stalls without

    any animal produce in sight.

    Inspired by the recent chaos caused by Extinction Rebellion (XR), a

    new group plans to blockade the historic site for two weeks, leaving

    farmers and meat traders at risk of losing tens of thousands of pounds.

    Either the police read the riot act and actually do their jobs for a change or I suspect the meat porters,a group not noted for either weakness or politeness,will well and truly “sort it”
    At which point the police who have been standing around watching will spring into action

    1. I thought that the historic Smithfield market has been closed and the functions moved out. The market itself sold for redevelopment, as are many historic sites in London.

      1. The market is smaller than it used to be but it is still there although the City of London Corporation has been trying to move it no doubt because the site is worth a fortune. A problem for them is it is Grade 2 listed but that may be upgraded to Grade 1 it is a very interesting an historic building

      2. Mystery cleared up, courtesy of Mr Osborne: https://www.standard.co.uk/news/london/historic-smithfield-market-to-move-after-800-years-in-central-london-a4126721.html

        It’s still in the proposal stage right now.

        Maybe the problem is the Pink Floyd Wall approach to Education from XR? Meat rearing on small mixed farms in Europe is quite a different and far more benign beast than the slash-and-burn prairie ranches of the Americas, where they keep cattle, pigs and hens in huge factory sheds and feed them on soya grown on monoculture poisoned deserts. They really must make the distinction.

        Personally, I feel that the methane greenhouse gas coming from farting cows is more than offset by the environmental benefits pf pastureland, especially in temperate lands, compared with modern arable practice.

        I also deplore the centralisation of meat distribution. I hope that one of the first things we do when rid of the EU Commission is to open up the local abbatoirs once more and allow farmers to access their markets locally.

        1. Ah, but centralisation of abattoirs has allowed 80% of the meat sold in the UK to be halal.

  6. C’mon DT,you are better than this,the perpatrator of the Lyon mass knifing was an Afghan asylum seeker yet stangely your story makes no mention of this


    Fortunately there are other media outlets available



  7. Crafty Boris IS taking shocking liberties (but they’re nothing to do with shutting Parliament). Mail. 1. September 2019.

    In fact, his takeover of Downing Street and Whitehall, with his ruthless, hard-to-love chief commissar Dominic Cummings at his side, is astonishingly like Blair’s 1997 putsch, with his gruff, grim enforcer Alastair Campbell at his side.

    You may remember that the Blairite machine flooded Downing Street with a fake crowd of Labour Party employees (all of whom would have been happier with Red Flags) waving Union Jacks.

    It was the signal. In the days and weeks afterwards, New Labour raped the constitution, strangled Civil Service neutrality, sidelined the monarchy and turned the Cabinet into a vacuous committee of servile nobodies. The British State has never recovered.

    Peter Hitchens says interesting things about Boris and his aides in this piece but I thought I should put up his quote about Blair just to remind myself about his vile nature. I have wondered at times if he’s not some sort of Nemesis sent from the Underworld to destroy the UK. He’s certainly done more than Napoleon, Kaiser Bill and Adolf ever came close to in achieving that end!


    1. The same was said of Thatcher in the early 1980s. Either you were “one of us” or you were out. It’s called Effective Government. There were more disgruntled opponents of Thatcher (and I was one of them) than there were supporters, so her forces neutralised me mercilessly for eleven years to the point where even the lady herself was starting to go goggle-eyed and a little mad. Blair turned into Gollum, I believe.

      1. I think Blair realised that the hinderance to getting things done was the civil service. Certainly from my brief tenure there it was evident the thing resembled a brain dead coma patient on life support, kept going only by massive amounts of money and resources.

        However, Blair was a vicious brute as he was obviously corrupt and surrounded himself with other liars and thieves. His continual meddling and stage management, her verbless phrases, his inability to adapt when the audience wasn’t carefully controlled, his arrogance, ego and Brown’s atrocious tax and waste policies that raised nothing and did nothing but damage to the north /south wealth gap.

        Blair was malicious, Brown mendacious. Labour proved they could do nothing but cause damage. Sadly, those following their useless government did nothing to reverse that damage.

  8. “The EU’s chief Brexit negotiator has declared that he will not scrap the Irish backstop, as Boris Johnson considers ousting Tory MPs who undermine his attempts to secure a new deal with Brussels.

    Writing in The Sunday Telegraph,

    Michel Barnier insists that the controversial insurance plan for the

    Irish border represents the “maximum flexibility” that Brussels can

    offer, and says that any solution to the current impasse must be “compatible with the Withdrawal Agreement” previously agreed with Theresa May.”

    Well thank the lord for the arrogance and intransigence of Barnier and Junker,without that we would never have escaped from the coils of the EU,let’s face it if they had given Cameron even a few fig leaves to hide behind we would never have won the referendum,with May of course they laughed as they tried to humiliate us and drive us into endless bondage.
    When we are out we should erect statues to them,they have done far more to help us gain our freedom than 90% of our own politicians…………

    1. I don’t think they have much input. It doesn’t look at all that final decisions rest with them.

    2. According to the Express (I know!) Barnier has demanded that May’s deal is approved by Parliament before the EU will negotiate on the Backstop. Johnson cannot fall for that piece of blackmail. Sign a treaty and then renegotiate it, with the EU? Only a complete fool would do that; Blair gave up some rebate in exchange for CAP modifications. We’re still waiting.
      Barnier is delaying, awaiting the actions of the Remainers; he and the EU are still holding out for the UK to extend Article 50 and finally vote to revoke the decision to leave.

      1. So translated the EU want us to legally sign up to the backstop before they will talk about removing it. Do they think Boris has MUG painted on his face?

          1. Are we not? I can remember, and even if I could not there are a number of films from the 60s that show the streets and the people, the way we were.

        1. They found that May was a MUG, perhaps they think all British politicians are MUGs. With the present lot they’re not far wrong. I’m listening to a LibDum who is rolling out the old trope that nobody voted for a No Deal scenario, that this isn’t 2016 and the electorate have changed their minds re Leaving.

          1. The “changed minds” mantra is standard. None of those spouting this stuff ever seem to consider why they are saying. They are saying it is perfectly fine, indeed required, for the Authorities to ignore any vote that anyone does not like. Laws may be ignored because some pressure group does not like them and that obviously means that everyone else has changed their minds about them, even if they have not said so, or been asked. Well, that has been happening with the illegal and disruptive antics of Extinction Rebellion.
            These wreckers should be locked up in camps.

          2. It is the foundation principle of English Common Law that we are at liberty to ignore laws until someone enforces them successfully.

            If they are bad laws, then they wither on the vine by neglect; if they are good laws, the the public will be prepared to pay for them to be enforced.

            I support many of the aims (but opposed to some) of Extinction Rebellion, but not sure about their methods, which may be counterproductive. Greta is a wonderful figurehead though – instantly recognisable and easily parodied by jokers in the media.

            I was instrumental in 1985 in lobbying the SDP Gang of Four into making a policy statement about protecting the environment, the first mainstream party to do so.

          3. Well, laws on obstruction and trespass seem to be being ignored while the police look on.

          4. Greta is a young girl who is being exploited. I hope you wouldn’t condone that for any 16 year old child of your own.

    3. That’s what an Argentinian friend of mine said in praise of Margaret Thatcher after the Falklands War: “By her actions she restored democracy to our nation (i.e. Argentina)”.

      1. The invasion of the Falklands was a gamble by Galtieri to divert attention away from the economic failure and dictatorial activities of his government.
        When it failed the Argentine middle classes took over.

  9. Morning all

    SIR – Remainers increasingly speak of stopping a no-deal Brexit. But this is really just a smoke screen to conceal their determination to stop any deal and keep Britain in the EU.

    Three times Parliament rejected Theresa May’s deal, yet Remainers have never come forward with a deal that they or the EU would support, and they show no signs of doing so.

    This duplicitous behaviour has now resulted in the Prime Minister taking decisive action to honour the referendum result, something that Remainers will never accept.

    Brian Higgins
    Eastbourne, East Sussex

    SIR – MPs and others who are being so vocal about the prospect of leaving the EU without a deal have focused their anger on Boris Johnson.

    He too would like to avoid a no-deal Brexit, and is doing his best to achieve a deal. Those protesting against the prorogation of Parliament should instead direct their grievances towards the EU, which has refused to give any ground on a draft agreement that has never been approved by our Parliament.

    Michael Thomas
    Uffington, Oxfordshire

    1. SIR – Those MPs who regard the prorogation as an assault on democracy should recall that the behaviour of the Commons over the last nine months has turned a paragon of democracy, in the eyes of the world, into a laughing-stock.

      The sooner we are rid of this ludicrous, failed Parliament and elect a new one, the better.

      Professor Richard Bauckham

      SIR – Labour’s intention to flood the streets with protesters in response to the proroguing of Parliament is abhorrent. Britain will be in true peril if this party ever snatches power.

      We are surely past the civil unrest and riots of the 1970s and 1980s. Jeremy Corbyn’s rhetoric has proved that he is categorically unfit to serve the nation as a “caretaker” prime minister, let alone as the real thing.

      Harvey Ross
      Barnet, Hertfordshire

  10. Morning again

    SIR – As an elderly person who feels the cold, I need woollen jumpers, socks and sheepskin slippers.

    Were I not able to buy wool (Letters, August 25), I would need to use more electricity to keep warm.

    Fay Davies
    Barnet, Hertfordshire

    1. Not to worry Fay,I’m sure you can dress up in Acrylic fibre jumpers
      Oh wait that’s plastics based

      1. Quite why these nutters(in my view) are against wool who knows. Sheep like most animals will naturally shed their fur in the summer

        1. So we can put it on in winter. I suppose God thought it all through long before eco-loons.

        2. My main objection to wool are the pesky moths making holes in the jumpers. I am trying to attract frogs, that eat moths, but the blackbirds and the neighbour’s chickens had all of them. However, another neighbour’s cat had the blackbirds, and the day fox had the chickens, so all is not lost.

          1. My moths eat these. They love them and will travel for miles to get at them, as a starter before laying into my jumpers.

        3. Sheep do not have fur, Bill. They have fleeces (and not the sort made from recycled plastic). They need to be shorn.

    2. Don’t we grow sheep in this country? I can hear them baaing. Unless U boats have evolved into land-based creatures that eat sheep, I don’t see how that stops the elderly having the wool, for the price of a set of shears and a Polish farmworker with the skill to work them.

      Or are the British so stupid without German supervision that they’d prefer to generate power by throwing the sheep into Chinese-made incinerators?

      1. Well if they are against wool which just involves removing a sheep’s fur presumably. Vegans will have to give up shaving and cutting their hair

          1. There was an Old Man with a beard,

            Who said, “It is just as I feared!—

            Two Owls and a Hen, four Larks and a Wren,

            Have all built their nests in my beard.


        1. Sheep would die of heat exhaustion if they weren’t shorn before the summer. Only a few breeds (like Soays) are able to shed their wool unaided. So all the bunny-huggers need to understand you don’t kill a sheep to harvest the wool. I guess most people today don’t know where wool comes from any more than meat.

      2. Have you not heard that the ecowankers and the vogons want to stop all raising of cattle in the U.K and turn the clock back 20,000 years.

  11. US missile strike on ‘al-Qaeda leaders’ in Idlib. BBC. 31 August 2019.

    The US says it has carried out an attack on leaders of a group it calls al-Qaeda in Syria, in the country’s rebel-held Idlib province.
    US Central Command said the operation had targeted those “responsible for attacks threatening US citizens, our partners and innocent civilians”.

    No details were given but other reports say some 40 people died in a missile strike on a jihadist training camp.

    You have to contrast this piece with reports about Russian and Syrian strikes in the same area against the same people!

    An investigation by BBC News Arabic has found evidence of a war crime committed in a missile attack in Idlib in Syria which killed 39 people.



  12. BREXIT

    We seem to have the media etc going overboard about not leaving without a deal but the EU is not even talking about a deal all that is being discussed is the WA (Withdrawal deal)

    For those with long memories you may remember that May at the very start of talks with the EU stupidly i my view agreed to have our leaving the EU split into 2 stages. Part 1 being the WA which just covers how we leave the EU. Why you need this stage who knows well I think I know it is so the EU can be Obstructive with stage 2. Another thing May did was about 2 years ago she came up with the offer of £39B this was supposed to get the EU talking about a trade deal but they just grabbed the money and said they would not talk trade until we sign the WA. Even if we were to sign the WA there is no guarantee they would talk trade as that is only in the Political document and is not legally binding and given the EU’s track record at very minimum they would be very obstructive with any trade talks

    Now so far over 3 years have been spent trying to get an acceptable WA something that should be really simple but the EU want to be obstructive with it

    If we actually signed a WA how long would Stage 32 take the trade talks ? Forever I suspect as once we have signed the WA they have no need to talk trade well other than pretend they are as once the WA is signed we remain fully in the EU for a minimum of 2 years in a so called transition period which is no such thing as we cannot talk trade deals(Outside of the EU) whilst we are in the transition period. The most likely scenario in my view is we would see endless extensions of the transition period

    My hope is Boris is trying to combine the WA and Trade deal which is how it should have been in the first place. HE is being seriously undermined though by many of our politicians. If you were the EU would you be giving any ground whilst you can see UK politicians trying to undermine Boris?

    The Backstop is just a red herring thrown by the EU. If we have to Leave without a deal then so be it. I would strongly suspect that the day after we left the EU would say we can carry on trading with them tariff free whilst permanent arrangements are agreed

    The issues the EU have thrown up are really just rubbish. They have suggested unapproved goods might get into the EU. Mot good that go into the EU have to meet the CE marking directives and that is done by self declaration. There are no real checks. The approval is normally done by the manufacturer if in the EU or EEA if not whoever first puts it on the market in the EU or EEA has to carry out the approval. You can use a Notified Body to carry out the approval on your behalf

    Perhaps the one EU concern that has a bit more substance would be UK imports. If we agree our own trade deals with non EU countries we could negotiate lower tariffs than the EU has agreed and if there were no EU trade deals we would not be applying common external tariff to goods coming from non EU countries . It would not be that difficult though to apply the EXTERNAL EU tariffs if we re-exported them to the EU

    1. “I would strongly suspect that the day after we left (with no deal) the EU would say we can carry on trading with them tariff free whilst permanent arrangements are agreed.”
      Well, of course. It is the legal position for WTO.

          1. Yes, but I doubt they’ll be authorized to do that. Deliberate obstruction looks much more likely. In fact, they already said no trade unless they get 39 bil.

          2. I expect the French cheesemakers and the wine industry to burn down the Elysee Palace if they can’t sell to one of their largest markets. It is how the French normally behave.

        1. So what you are saying is the all trade between the EU and UK will cease on 31 October? Even the BBC have not yet gone that far, have they?

          1. No. What will happen is the current tariff free arrangement with the EU ceases and we would move to whatever WTO arrangements we put in place for rest of the world trade. With trade with the EU we woul be subject to their common external tariffs

          2. That is worst case, as we would presumably reciprocate. As the balance of trade seems to be in their favour (China-Rotterdam-UK confuses figures) I doubt if they would actually be truly unco-operative as that would really push them towards recession. If Volkswagen, BMW and Merecede lost the UK market that they now have they would be in difficulties for couple of years or more. Similarly, right across the board.

          3. What I have outlined i the default position so far they EU has shown little interest in engaging in real talks

            Boris was making some progress but I suspect he has been seriously undermined by the politicians latest antics

          4. What I am not clear on is what happens if we have no WTO table of tariffs in place when we leave (If no trade deal). With the EU we would go to their common external tarifs

          5. There is something under WTO called GATT (General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade) Article 24b that allows for tariff-free trading while trading agreements are being set up.

  13. Douglas Murray

    “Today our public life is

    dense with people desperate to slay imagined dragons. On all the big

    issues, an increasing number of people, with the law on their side, now

    pretend that all questions have been resolved, all answers agreed upon –

    and that no good person can have any doubts. The case is very much


    Each of these issues is

    infinitely more complex and unstable than our societies admit. Yet while

    the endless contradictions, fabrications and fantasies within each are

    visible, identifying them is not just discouraged but policed.


    so we are asked to agree to things which we cannot believe, and told

    not to object to things to which most people object, such as giving

    children drugs to stop them going through puberty or allowing men who

    self-identify as female to use female toilets. The pain that comes from

    being expected to remain silent on important matters and perform

    impossible leaps on others is tremendous, not least because the problems

    are so evident.

    As anyone who has

    lived under totalitarianism can attest, there is something demeaning and

    eventually soul-destroying about being expected to go along with claims

    you do not believe to be true.”


    1. What’s vital to remember though is this is about accepting these weirdos. It’s about controlling what we can think and say.

      It is all about control. Remove independent thought, remove the ability to dissent and you disempower people. It is as the Left have always been: thoroughly, unutterably evil to the core. These people are fascists, and know nothing else.

      1. Why did they introduce was Newspeak in Nineteen Eighty Four?

        Sophisticated thought requires sophisticated language which is why the Left are so determined to reduce the level of literacy and the ability to express ideas coherently within the lumpen proletariat.

    2. Don’t you know what is going on in the background, Rikkie ?

      You seem to be blundering around in the dark.

    3. “How did the world lose it’s marbles ?”

      That’s so easy……

      All Nottlers, except the blockers, know the answer to that one !

      1. I haven’t blocked you Polly. I just minimise your posts after a quick glance. Just in case you say something new.

        You have a voice but no one is listening to the message. How frustrating for you.

        1. I’ve noticed that too, Phil. Reading its posts are like sticking a hot pin into one’s eyes.

          Every day it regurgitates the same old, trite, banal, crap; déjà vu, Groundhog Day, ad infinitum, ad nauseam!

          I can’t be the only one that wishes it would STFU and piss off to the Guardian, New York Times or Beezer, where it belongs.

        2. I’d like you to block me please, Fizzy Wizzy. Your replies are easily the stoopidest here 🙂

    4. From this point of view, propaganda should not approximate to the truth as closely as possible: on the contrary, it should do as much violence to it as possible. For by endlessly asserting what is patently untrue, by making such untruth ubiquitous and unavoidable, and finally by insisting that everyone publicly acquiesce in it, the regime displays its power and reduces individuals to nullities. Who can retain his self-respect when, far from defending what he knows to be true, he has to applaud what he knows to be false – not occasionally, as we all do, but for the whole of his adult life?

      The Wilder Shores of Marx. Theodore Dalrymple.

  14. The Irish Millionaire

    Mick, from Dublin, appeared on, ‘Who Wants To Be A Millionaire
    and towards the end of the program had already won £500,00.

    “You’ve done very well so far,” said Chris Tarrant, the show’s
    presenter, “but for a million pounds you’ve only got one life-line
    left, phone a friend. Everything is riding on this question. Will you go
    for it?”

    “Sure,” said Mick. “I’ll have a go!”

    “Which of the following birds does NOT build its own nest?

    a) Sparrow,

    b) Thrush,

    c) Magpie,

    d) Cuckoo?”

    “I haven’t got a clue,” said Mick, ”So I’ll use my last
    lifeline and phone my friend Paddy back home in Dublin.”

    Mick called up his mate, and told him the circumstances and repeated the
    question to him.

    “Fookin hell, Mick!” cried Paddy. “Dat’s simple it’s
    a ‘Cuckoo’.”

    “Are you sure?”

    “I’m fookin sure.”

    Mick hung up the phone and told Chris,

    “I’ll go with ‘Cuckoo’ as my answer.”

    “Is that your final answer?” asked Chris.

    “Dat it is.”

    There was a long, long pause and then the presenter screamed,

    “Cuckoo is the correct answer! Mick, you’ve won 1 million pounds!”

    The next night, Mick invited Paddy to their local pub to buy him a drink.

    “Tell me, Paddy? How in Heaven’s name did you know it was da
    Cuckoo that doesn’t build its own nest?”

    “Because he lives in a Fücking clock!”

    1. I would be pretty sure Boris has thought of that and has a way to deal with it in fact I believe he can just ignore the vote if need be. It also in any case would need the EU to extend it and Boris could simply decline the EU’s offer of an extension

      1. from what I understand, he can’t veto it if Parliament has instructed him to ask for it. but he can ask Orban or somebody to veto it.

      2. I thought that the PM had to request an extension and the House to agree or not. Not the other way round.

    2. No doubt the request would go to the EU but be delayed a day or two, or lost in the post.

      Either way, there are ways of stopping it. Frankly, anyone demanding article 50 be extended is just trying to keep us in the EU. Their desperation, arrogance, egotism and sheer hypocrisy is repugnant. Those presenting it should be shot.

        1. ‘Morning, Peddy, that’s the small edition of the more succulent Dover sole, I believe.

          In the very early seventies we had 100 of them kept for us in the freezer below Billingsgate (the original Billingsgate) at 50p each.

          1. ‘Morning, Tom.
            They had the lemon sole on the menu lest year in September – I had it for lunch on my birthday & will do the same this year.

            When I worked for 3 years in Ostfriesland I used to drive to the coast every Wed. afternoon during the warmer months to buy a couple of hand-sized soles from a fishery family for about DM7 (£2). In Düsseldorf, where I spent my w/es, on the market the fish were 4x the price & not so fresh.

          2. ‘Morning, Tom.
            They had the lemon sole on the menu lest year in September – I had it for lunch on my birthday & will do the same this year.

            When I worked for 3 years in Ostfriesland I used to drive to the coast every Wed. afternoon during the warmer months to buy a couple of hand-sized soles from a fishery family for about DM7 (£2). In Düsseldorf, where I spent my w/es, on the market the fish were 4x the price & not so fresh.

    1. I think a nice Norfolk tweed for church today. But I’ve put the Barbour in the boot just in case of inclement weather.

  15. Are Johnson and his advisors taking the state of Italy and maybe other EU member states that are teetering on the brink of financial collapse into their planning?
    If Italy goes down financially it is expected that the EU will follow and we need to be as far away as possible, legally and financially, from any collapse: not that we would be unscathed but we would not be legally liable for a bail out.
    Good article on this scenario at:

    Conservative Woman – Let’s Get Out Before Italy Falls on Us

    1. A couple of days ago Nigel Farage predicted that if Britain left the EU properly the EU would not last more than two more years.

      A thought occurred to me: did criminal Nazis receive pensions from the German state after the war? Should we pay those working for the EU against Britain – either from within or without – by giving them overgenerous state pensions when they have done their very best to ruin us all?

      1. Many, many people have been saying that the EU is teetering on bankruptcy for a while now. It is only creative accounting and debt-shifting / hiding that has stopped the collapse already. Even if Boris lets us down and the United Kingdom stays trapped under EU control, the EU will still fall apart anyway. The debt is too high and the economic problems of Greece, Italy, Spain, etc. Are too great to manage any longer.

        Even France is going beyond it’s “allowed” government spending rules with no penalties. So the EU is finished in its current form in any case, and they know it. Which is why they are openly trying to get as many followers of that death cult into our lands while they still can. Once it all falls apart, and you have people sitting in the streets unable to access the money in their banks to buy food, then it is going to turn nasty very quickly.

        Just another very good reason for us to get as far away from the EU as we can NOW. Not in several years time after a “transition period” when the EU will empty our national treasury to pay down their debts.

        1. You can be sure that the end of the EU will be blamed on the UK. Or England. Or the Tories. Or Nigel. Anything but the real cause.

        2. I’m sure the EU will fall apart eventually, but it’s taking its time doing so. I wonder if indigenous Brits in the late 1st C AD kept saying the same about Rome, only to have to wait another 300 odd years for it to happen.

          1. This message will need to be short as my screen is “whiting out” with every keystroke I make, this far down the page. Those who know Economics have laid out the collapse of the EU and why it cannot be avoided. Events in the real world have also bavked this up.

            In short – the EU’s hidden debt cannot be hidden any longer. Most countries are beyond broke and even Germany is going “belly up.” There are weird indicators that are quite obscure, such as future shipping reservations to move goods around the world that are made 6 moths or more into the future. That market is looking very bad, which means there is a massive drop-off in trade expected. Each time this has happened it has been followed by a market crash.

            The future growth forcasts are negative or flatlining across the eu. France has just suffered a massive economic contraction. Ack – I cannot type with this flicking screen.

            But finally, Germany does not move its gold reserves (hard currency) back into its borders from abroad on that scale if it has any faith in the value of “paper currency.” We have seen hyper-inflation in Europe before when peoples savings become enough to buy a few loaves of bread.

          1. Genki desu ka

            As with most languages I can ask the questions, but I haven’t got a clue what your reply means.

          2. Wakara maska, angin san? Like Grizz, I watched Shogun, too 🙂 Incidentally, Grizz, all Japanese words end in a vowel except for those that end in N. No other consonants.

    1. Protesting just isn’t what it used to be in this vapid snowflake age
      31 AUGUST 2019 • 6:00PM
      Compare the history of modern protest to some of today’s big incontinent babies squawking for attention CREDIT: MATT DUNHAM/ AP

      What happened to the days when activism involved some actual courage and tenacity
      Observing the thoughtlessness with which the word ‘coup’ was reduced to a hashtag this week, I had an epiphany about why I dislike those shrill young people we hard-hearted types like to call snowflakes and who like to call themselves Social Justice Warriors (SJWs). It’s not because I find them Left-wing, as many Snowflake-baiters do – but because I find them not Left-wing enough. They are bleeding heart solipsists whose hearts bleed only for themselves.

      That the lily-livered SJWs of Twitter dare to apply ‘coup’ to being outfoxed by someone who pulled the rug out from under their two left feet made me see red – and indeed remember the time I used to be Red. I may be a church-going Hove-dwelling sexagenarian Telegraph columnist now, but in my youth I was forever carrying placards which generally read ‘Down With This Sort Of Thing’.

      I’d march for dolphins being slaughtered by the Japanese and foxes being bothered by the burghers of Berkshire, but anti-fascist demos were my favourite by far; facing down the National Front on the mean streets of Lewisham, crushed between a Rastafarian and a posh old man who waved his walking stick and shouted “Jew-baiters! Damn Jew-baiters!” I was having the time of my teenage life.

      Yes, we sometimes verged on the self-righteous and the Socialist Workers Party were always lurking on the sidelines like perves by a playground, trying to making puffin-killing connected in some way to the situation in so-called Palestine. But I don’t think we were anything like as pathetic as the ‘Antifas’ of today, mainly because we were all about the cause, not the coverage.

      Because we existed before social media, we couldn’t mistake Tweeting about the sexism of the term ‘guy’, or sharing pictures of the Amazon fires on Instagram for activism. When we found ourselves on the wrong end of a police horse we took a few dodgy pills and got on with it rather than portraying ourselves as online martyrs.

      When one looks at the history of modern protest, there’s real courage, tenacity and dignity involved, especially in the United States of America; students getting shot by the National Guard on campuses for protesting against a war, one-legged priests on long marches for racial equality – even the lazy hippies showed some guts and stuck flowers down the barrels of police guns. Compare this to the big incontinent babies squawking for attention with their blue hair and pierced-navel gazing – look at me, mom, aren’t I naughty?

      Show more
      This solipsism leads to a worse state of affairs than mere exhibitionism; it leads to cases of cultural callousness wherein Western feminists will wear hijab in solidarity with Muslim women – visibly purring with self-satisfaction – when the bravest of Muslim women are harangued for daring to remove them.

      It’s far more ego-boosting to declare yourself non-binary than protest about the vile treatment meted out to gay people in the Islamic world; SJWs have no concern about oppression in other countries, preferring to keep the spotlight on themselves and their own pet peeves. They take this attitude into the classroom with them, where the words which African-American author James Baldwin wrenched from the depths of his pain have to be neutered lest they be triggered; a professor at the New School in New York was recently investigated for using the n-word in one of her classes when reading out the Go Tell It on the Mountain author’s prose.

      Would, say, the International Brigade of the Spanish Civil War, with their matter-of-fact willingness to fight and die for democracy, recognise the SJWs? I think not. But they’d see an echo of themselves in the youngsters who went off to join the Kurdish army to fight ISIS, for the sake of a faraway country of which they knew nothing, while their coddled contemporaries on the conventional Left stayed safely at home whining about pronouns.

    2. “Can a wealthy NoTTLer post the article please?”

      WOULD a wealthy NoTTLer …”

      Sorry, Rik, but I’m on a one man mission to expunge the irritating and error-laden Americanised use of the word “can” when it is so inappropriate.

      My standard retort to anyone using “can” (instead of “may”, “will”, “would” etc) is, “How the hell would I know your capabilities?”

      Question: “Can I get a can of soda?”

      [English translation: “May I have a tin of pop.”]

      My response: “I give up. You tell me if you can.”

        1. Oh, I see the afternoon shift has turned up.

          Time for me to go and do something more useful than waste my precious time on this forum.

          1. Good Morning, George, see, it’s not yet afternoon but I confess that, having had a delightful Strammer Max for breakfast, I lingered over the crosswords and other puzzles that come with the Saturday edition of the DT.

            So sorry to have kept you waiting for my flawless pearls of wisdom.

          2. Go’ morgon, Tom.

            I usually come back later for no other reason than to immerse myself in those pearls. :•)

          3. Thanks for the offer, Plum, but I only drink proper beer, not the stuff that comes out of the other end. :•)

      1. We live in a fallen world, Grizz. Nigel Farage, in his recent speech, said “For they and…” And he went to Whitgift!

        1. As I’ve said many times, Joe, the human species gets progressively stupider by the day.

          I read the beautiful English prose in a 19th century novel … then switch on the television.


          1. Literally true, I fear. Not only do we prevent the stupid from dying young, we allow them to breed, while the more able among us take steps to restrict our fertility. You don’t need to be Darwin to see where that’s leading.

    3. I posted the Julie Burchill article only to find somebody else had already done so.

      I sometimes inflict the lyrics of songs from my youth on you so here are the lyrics of one I wrote when I was at UEA in the 1960’s – reading them through some of the points seem relevant even fifty years on:

      You’ve seen me in the papers and you’ve seen me on the box
      I complain of Vietnam and the hunting of the fox
      Of hunger in Biafra and the nuclear atom bomb
      And where those filthy capitalists get all their money from

      How I hate
      But how I love to demonstrate

      I say that whet we want is tolerance and peace
      In proof of this I smash up cars and throw things at the police
      I refuse to hear a point of view that’s different from my own
      A really reasonable debate’s a thing I’ve never known.

      How I hate
      But how I love to demonstrate

      We really had a field day with Springbok sporting tours
      We cut up cricket pitches for the multi-racial cause
      When we stopped a game of rugby it was our finest hour
      But who dares to call it racist when they clamour for black power?

      How I hate
      But how I love to demonstrate

      But now. alas my student days I’ll have to leave behind
      I’ll furl up all my banners and anaesthetise my mind
      I’ll shave off all my whiskers and I’ll wear a pin-striped suit
      And catch the 7.50 ‘cos it’s such fun to commute

      It was great
      To demonstrate
      But let us now procrastinate!

      1. “[the] Socialist Workers Party were always lurking on the sidelines like pervs by a playground.”

        That is one of the most appropriate and concise descriptions of that organisation that I have ever read. So many young minds warped by the false promises of socialism. Some never recover and make it back to the real world. A whole life spent in meaningless darkness.

  16. Morning thinkers.

    Are we being misrepresented .. why are people arguing?

    Listening to Marr, it appears we are in a mess.

    We attended a magnificent birthday celebration last night , truly superb , fine dining under a marquee in a splendid setting .

    Yesterday afternoon I visited a local florist to collect a floral arrangement I had selected to take with us that evening .

    The florist had put together a glorious arrangement of flowers , the sort of selection that one wouldn’t commonly find in a supermarket ..

    In conversation with the florist , she remarked that most of her flowers and other exotics came from overseas, she was very concerned about the effect that Brexit would have on her business, can we have some clarity on imports like beautiful cheeses, flowers , fruit and continental meats and fish?

    1. Overseas doesn’t necessarily mean the EU. Guernsey and Jersey do flowers. Here’s some clarity; we do magnificent cheeses, flowers, fruit and fish. Who wants continental meats? We even do award-winning sparkling wines.

    1. Far too many dogs of an MP to choose a winner?

      ” I coulda been a contender” … take your pick …..

    1. Having said that, Duncan (‘Morning, by the way), I believe it is the lack of training Corb Jong-yn has received that makes him the way he is.

      I will offer to retrain him. All I need is a cage and a whip!

    2. Ive heard little mention of the words ‘civil war’ but I would not be surprised if this all were to turn nasty.

  17. “I recently received a comment sent by a reader which I

    didn’t publish because of my fear it could be considered ‘racist’ by my

    local plods. However, it did get me thinking about whether one could

    class humans into some clear and simple cultural groups. After all,

    while one cannot write about ‘race’ without being called a ‘racist’,

    it’s my understanding that it’s not illegal yet to write about different


    So, I’ve come up with what I’ve called “The 4 Cultures of

    Mankind”. I’ve named these four cultures “builders”, “copiers”,

    “looters”and “destroyers”. Let me explain:”

    Worth a read

    1. Thanks, Rik.

      Utterly brilliant. This man (David Craig, he’s new to me) has wittily and cleverly encapsulated what those of us with more than one brain cell have been thinking for years.

      I have copied the article and posted it onto my blank Pages document for posterity (and future use).

      1. Cheers Grizz,I suggest you click on” Home” and check out some more posts,his article on the rainforest and Brazilian population growth will hit a similar chord with you I think

      1. He made some excellent points but, as ever, reality is a complicated affair. China and India were already quite advanced when the Europeans decided to civilise them.

        1. It was economics well before politics.
          For example, male European traders maintained cordial relations/relationships with the populations of India until the steamship started to transport European womenfolk to the subcontinent. These good ladies seem to have erected barriers between their menfolk and the local lasses.

    2. Excellent analysis, but I see it as one of human nature, rather than specific to one culture or race.

      I might suggest that it is simplistic to suggest that any nation comprises just one culture. Most of them, especially any that are not completely and succesfully authoritarian, will have a mix of all four, each scrabbling for supremacy.

      It is very sympathetic to the Builders, as indeed I am, but the trick is surely to encourage Builder attitude everywhere, rather than writing somewhere off as a hell-hole because it is currently infested by Looters or Destroyers.

      Furthermore, the article ignores the plight of the disillusioned – those living in a looter or destroyer society who feel powerless to change their lot, and just give up. The unemployed and the underemployed in our own Western democracies are a case in point.

      One reason Donald Trump is President today is because he appealed to those in the derelict Rust Belt that there was hope for them after all. Whether he gets re-elected depends on whether he can keep this up.

      The situation in Brazil and Bolivia however is more complex. Are their current leaders Builders? Or are they Looters and Destroyers? By enhancing the personal prospects of slash-and-burn farmers, miners, loggers and the gangs of thugs that clear and burn the forests and anyone that gets in the way, are they also not destroying the aspirations of those, human or wild, that are content to build their own societies in the own ways (and often much more benignly)?

      1. “It is very sympathetic to the Builders, as indeed I am, but the trick is
        surely to encourage Builder attitude everywhere, rather than writing
        somewhere off as a hell-hole because it is currently infested by Looters
        or Destroyers”.

        A very Christian attitude if i may say so. However, this is what is getting us deeper in the shit. I give you Justin Welby as an example.

        There is another more pertinent point. If you help certain people the first thing they do is ask for more. This is particularly true of Islamics and most Africans. If you have not experienced this yet you need to get out more.

        1. It’s what you give them that counts. Remember the saying “give a man a fish, and it’ll stave off hunger for a meal; teach a man to fish, and he’ll never go hungry again”. This will have to be modified somewhat today, given the shortage of fish and the preponderance of fishermen. Hence a new ethic forced on us since about 1960, when the world’s human population went beyond 3 billion for the first time, making global degradation a very real likelihood.

          Conventional aid of handing out millions through official agencies simply buys more Mercedes for oligarchs and bombs to safeguard their business interests, their prestige project dams just silt up and mess up the water supply systems, and their mining and logging may bring great wealth to global corporations, but they also devastate the village, which becomes money-rich, but impoverished in everything else, and must pay company prices even to buy in essentials. However, clean out a old drum container, fill it with sand and charcoal from the camp fire, with a filling hole at the top and a spout at the bottom, and a family has a supply of clean water indefinitely.

          There was this splendid Rent-a-Cow (or Goat, according to local custom). The aid lends a cow to a family for a season, which they have to return after a year. That’s it. If however, the cow has calves during that year, the family can keep them and do with them what they will. It’s enough to pay for a child’s education. Again, this only works if the land and water supplies are there to keep the growing herds healthy.

          Another scheme in the desert was to supply pine saplings, which are drought-tolerant, and plant them in order to create a microclimate within, where any moisture available is circulated, rather than evaporated and blown away. Slowly, it’s possible to grow things in between the trees. In time too, ground water is replenished and there might even be enough rain to fill a pond.

          The whole point of these Intermediate Technology schemes is that it encourages those from Africa to stay put and build their own communities, rather than doing the sea crossing and flooding ours. They know too that if they breed less, there will be more to go round in the village, rather than assuming they can simply export the excess population to Europe.

          1. Or, in the case of John Bercow, Oliver Letwin, John Selwin Gummer, Colin Moynihan, the Swedish Midget (sorry: “Minister”) of Justice and Migration, Morgan Johansson [and other obnoxious poison dwarfs (dwarves?) ]:

            Homo runticus.

  18. Good morning all. A Sunday thought for Leavers …

    Never Give Up

    No matter what life throws at you
    And how much you have to bear
    No matter when things get you down
    And you know life isn’t fair

    No matter what is said to you
    No matter if you’re scared
    No matter, who would not be?
    Even though you are prepared

    Your valiant spirit will carry you through
    You’re bravery to the fore
    You’ll come through this I know you will
    You’ve done it all before

    You never will give up, not you.
    That is your motto now
    You’ll get your strength to see this through
    You’ll battle on somehow

    And when it’s done and you’re OK
    Free from toil and strife
    You will start to live again
    And gain a happier life

    I’ll never give up, no never give up
    That’s what you’ll always say.
    And put your trust in God above
    Have faith……….you’ll be OK

    1. If—

      By Rudyard Kipling

      If you can keep your head when all about you

      Are losing theirs and blaming it on you,

      If you can trust yourself when all men doubt you,

      But make allowance for their doubting too;

      If you can wait and not be tired by waiting,

      Or being lied about, don’t deal in lies,

      Or being hated, don’t give way to hating,

      And yet don’t look too good, nor talk too wise:

      If you can dream—and not make dreams your master;

      If you can think—and not make thoughts your aim;

      If you can meet with Triumph and Disaster

      And treat those two impostors just the same;

      If you can bear to hear the truth you’ve spoken

      Twisted by knaves to make a trap for fools,

      Or watch the things you gave your life to, broken,

      And stoop and build ’em up with worn-out tools:

      If you can make one heap of all your winnings

      And risk it on one turn of pitch-and-toss,

      And lose, and start again at your beginnings

      And never breathe a word about your loss;

      If you can force your heart and nerve and sinew

      To serve your turn long after they are gone,

      And so hold on when there is nothing in you

      Except the Will which says to them: ‘Hold on!’

      If you can talk with crowds and keep your virtue,

      Or walk with Kings—nor lose the common touch,

      If neither foes nor loving friends can hurt you,

      If all men count with you, but none too much;

      If you can fill the unforgiving minute

      With sixty seconds’ worth of distance run,

      Yours is the Earth and everything that’s in it,

      And—which is more—you’ll be a Man, my son

        1. “You may talk o’ gin and beer,
          When you’re quartered safe out ‘ere,
          An’ you’re sent to penny-fights and Aldershot it…”

      1. The only bit he got wrong was the bit about ‘Triumph and Disaster’.

        If he’d replaced them with ‘Politics and Religion’, it would make much more sense.

  19. 80 years ago today the fledgling BBC Television service shut down completely and didn’t reopen until nearly 7 years later.

    Morning all! At the RAH to hear the Shanghai Symphony Orchestra play music by Qigang Chen followed by Mozart Piano Concerto No 23 with soloist Eric Lu then Rachmaninov Symphonic Dances. Starts 11 am.

  20. The lessons of the second world war risk being forgotten because of the rise of “extreme” right wing leaders such as Donald Trump and Boris Johnson, the mayor of London has said.

    What is he on? I am more concerned about the massive increase in the extreme left wing and Khan himself seems to be involved in that. We only have to look at the protest yesterday and the so called extinction rebellion mob. The Greens are just as bad . London assembly Greens were saying they would agree with civil disobedience

    1. My father and all my uncles fought to defend our country from Nazi tyranny in the Second World War, so I need no lectures from London’s bijou mayor on ‘lessons that risk being forgotten’.

      While my family was fighting hard for our freedom, Sad Dick’s family was still living in what is now Pakistan, no doubt washing their loincloths in the Indus.

      1. Good evening Duncan.
        The lesson has been learned by the BBC. Here is an extract from a Beeb news article today:

        “How did World War Two start?
        At dawn on 1 September 1939, the German Luftwaffe (air force) bombed the city of Wielun, a town with no military significance. Thousands of people are estimated to have died in the bombings, designed to sow terror among the civilian population.
        After the attack, ordered by Nazi leader Adolf Hitler, Britain gave Germany an ultimatum to cease military operations.
        When the ultimatum was ignored, Britain and France declared war on Germany on 3 September, igniting a six-year conflict that would kill tens of millions of people.”

        1) on 1st September, the Germans did not just bomb Wielun; a million troops invaded Poland from the North, the West and the South.

        2) There were 127 confirmed fatalities in the town on September 1st, possibly more, but ‘thousands’ is unlikely.
        3) Of course, I had no idea that Great Britain and France ignited a six-year conflict, having wrongly believed all my life that Germany had lit the touchpaper.

  21. Nigel may not be able to deliver his speech in Colchester tomorrow as he has almost lost his voice. I guess it will depend on how it goes tonight and tomorrow. He is intending to attend but may have to get someone else to deliver the speech if his voice does not hold up

      1. I wonder how many of the “entourage” flew over? While on that topic I heard on the radio that a climate change conference in Lincolnshire “attracted speakers from all over the globe” – I wonder how they all got here; any racing yachts crossing the Atlantic the other way from young Wednesday Addams?

  22. The NI border. What is not often mentioned is we already have a soft boarder between NI & Mainland UK. In theory to travel to and from NI and the mainland you should have a valid Passport or acceptable photo ID if a a UK or EU citizen. If a Non EU national a valid passport and visa if required. In general unless flying there is no formal check but random checks are made where you will be required to produce ID and if you cannot you can be refused entry

  23. Caught a short piece of a vocally struggling Farage hosting Adonis who was answering questions from listeners. The latter always attempts to sound reasonable even though he is a rabid Remainer.
    In answering a question he set off on rubbishing the UK by claiming it was a centrist association with London at its core and that the UK would be better served if it was more of a confederation of the smaller nations and the regions i.e. break up England. The irony was lost on him that he is, as I say above, a rabid Remainer and a believer in the EU project: one of the largest and most aggressive power grabbing centrist organisations in the World, with Brussels at its core.
    If he doesn’t recognise the EU for what it really is why should anyone pay attention to his words. If he is being deliberately misleading then he is a charlatan and likewise, nobody should pay him any attention.

    1. I found his attempts at justifying HS2 laughable. His main claim was it provided link between London and Birmingham but that link already exist then he went on about it joining up Norther Cities that has some validity but comes in Stage 2 if that is ever built. To better link the Norther Cities you don’t in any case need a High Speed line as in most cases the distances are quite modest so a High sped line would add considerable to he cost and deliver little benefit plus it would starve the rest of the network of funding

      It would also mean many people would get a worse service as they would have to change trains

    1. What a way to virtue-signal your way out of business.

      They clearly believe that the brainwashed, low-intellect, Politically-Correct market is larger than the educated consumer who can think for themselves, who finds such adverts to be a massive insult to their intelligence.

    2. Well that certainly WIDENS the potential market. I presume it’s quite tricky for her on the right to do a Number 2 ……… accurately.

  24. Why would Goldfinger agree to water down the WA which he has almost certainly designed to control Britain ?

    Doing so would make it more likely Britain would succeed independently, but independent nations are history with him.

    So it’s the unaltered WA, Remain, or punishment which I expect he’d like to be as severe as possible.

    1. Remember as well the WA is only Stage 1. Stage 2 is the trade talks and these have not even started. If the WA has taken 3 years plus how long will the trade talks take?

        1. Hopefully Boris is telling them the 2 stages must be merged into one. It is simply crazy to sign a WA that has no commitment on the EU to talk trade at all and we know the EU cannot be trusted

          1. There is already the permanent trade agreement built into the WA. It’s called the Backstop and is spun as being something about Ireland. It is actually the Full Agreement, and with it, there is no need to negotiate any further.

            Effectively, what the Backstop means is that in perpetuity and without further access to Article 50, we agree to remain in the Single Market and the Customs Union and our laws overseen by the ECJ and set by the EU Commission, which the EU can vary at will without our consent. That is a good deal for them, surely?

            We honour the Referendum; we are getting Brexit simply by losing our voting rights. What it says on the tin. Wasn’t that explained adequately on that taxpayer-funded £9 million leaflet drop?

            “Now damned well ratify it, we’re losing patience.” Do the EU Commission negotiators have anything else to say on the matter?

          2. Not really true. You are referring to the so called transition period which just keeps us fully in the EU and subject to all their rules and regulations and we still have to pay them whilst they claim that technically we have left the EU

          3. The Backstop makes it permanent, unless there is another Agreement in the transition period, which there won’t be.

          4. I would equate it to us becoming an associate member of the EU but with no real means of leaving

    2. Which is why ‘walking away’ is the answer. Let French and German businesses decide the deal post-Brexit.

        1. Technically it will be the politicians but French & German Workers and companies have a lot of clout and will make their views strongly felt

  25. I shall be grateful if wealthy NoTTLers will not divulge the result of the F1 GP so that the impecunious ones can watch the highlights this evening. Many thanks.

      1. Don’t worry nearly all NoTTLers understand that life is not fair (and, seriously, it isn’t for those who are unfortunate to have to devote 24/7 to the care of a partner or parent suffering from alzheimer’s/dementia).

    1. Somebody won! Another person came second. Champagne was squirted; pretty girls were all over the place.

      1. Drat and double drat! That’s exactly what I was going to say myself, Herr Oberst, but you being beat me to it.. :-))

          1. Your reply to your first post? No comprendo. (And I have only just logged on today, so I haven’t yet read all your posts.)

          2. Sorry. Your first post to me when i did the first posting of the day. Probably yesterday now. I’m still abed with lungs aflame.

          3. I’ll check my notifications shortly, then scroll down to yesterday’s posts, then get back to you.

          4. Yes Belle. Don’t know why, don’t know when.

            Feverish and bed soaking wet. Dry cough. No appetite. Not even had any alcohol in three days!!!
            I am still not 100% but i am better than i was.
            Thanks for askin’..

          5. I am over the hill now and i thank you for your concern. I did have a higher than average temperature which gave rise to the sweats but i decided to weather it.

            A Doctor you say? Unless i go private at £90 a throw the wait for the GP is four weeks.

            The last time i saw a specialist at the Nuffield for my collapsed disc in my neck he was rather surprised to see me again two months later without an appointment or response from my GP. They closed the appointments book at the end of November. No appointments taken until Jan the 10th the following year.

          6. Flaming Sambuca go down the wrong way did it?

            I hope you’re soon better, and breathing fire again.

      1. So it is worth repeating here – I’ll now go and put it up on Ar$ebook in the hope of upsetting a few snowflakes or even Soubry.

    1. It was on here about 2 days ago & is certainly worth repeating, unlike a lot of the echoing speculative claptrap over Brexit.

  26. I am getting very confused with all this new Gender rules

    To summarize

    a) Men may have boobs and a Vagina

    b) Men May give birth

    c) Woman may have no boobs but may have a penis and will not be able to give birth

    d) A woman may be referred to as a Man if they so choose

    e) A man may be referred to as a woman if they so choose

    f) Some men and woman may prefer not to be called by either gender

    e Some men have periods

    If you are not confused by that lot I am

    1. I started getting confused when I was 8 and started learning French.

      Is a table feminine in France because you can lay on it, but a young maiden is neuter in Germany because you can’t? What happens when you do lay on the latter in Germany? Does that turn it into a Frau, which is feminine, and therefore can be laid on?

      Life was so much easier when I was younger than 8, when a boy had one, and a girl didn’t.

        1. ‘Bra’ is an abbreviation in any language for brassière.

          [Except in Swedish where ‘bra’ means good.]

          1. Yes and No. Not sure if they use the term Bra in Germany I suspect they do. Whilst it was originally an abbreviation of the French word . Bra has become a word in its own right and the term Brassiere has become little used in English

      1. I’m sure that your kindly French teacher taught you;

        The Vagina = Le vagin (gender, masculine)

        The Penis = Le pénis (gender, masculine)

        Gender confusion is not new but we all know (knew) about sex.

    2. I understand your confusion, but you’re slightly wrong.

      A man is a man, regardless of what they chop off or change.

      A woman is a woman.

      Our sex is literally written into our bones.

      Those thinking they are something they are not is mentally ill, same as if they thought they were a goat.

      1. It does appear to be an unfortunate mental health condition. Many end up committing suicide some decide to revert back to their original sex and most of the others tend to lead a very sad and unsavory life. They are trying to in my view pretend they are something they are not and the outcome of that is rarely good

      2. The reading for today, the 11th Sunday after Trinity was about not defiling the marriage bed. Just sayin’ …

  27. A comment from the Telegaff.

    “They might as well close Parliament as the political system in the UK is beyond a joke.

    The parliamentarians that reside there do nothing but damage the British people.

    They work tirelssly to subvert the 2016 referendum result.

    They keep the door open to mass immigration.

    They try to hide the Islamic rape gangs and pretend Islam is a religion of peace after each terror attack.

    They expand their ‘hate speech laws’ in an effort to silence the critics of Islam and the mass immigration disaster.

    They constantly push the gay and transgender agenda.

    Modern British politicians are a curse.”
    In anything other than #ClownWorld that ought to be the editorial,not a comment

    1. Apart from all that, Rik, they’re OK, wouldn’t you say?

      Let’s ensure the anti-democrats are thrown out at the next GE – and that can’t be too soon coming after November 1st.

    2. Afternoon Rik,
      But Rik they are supported / voted for, if not the very same politico’s, then their ilk, and most definitely the same parties, turn about, a dozen times since we have been under the boot of the eu mafia.
      Each time the country deteriorated on a daily basis.
      The electorate are the lifeblood of the politico.

  28. What appears to have gone very much under the Radar is that there are important elections in Germany today in Saxony and neighboring Brandenburg

    The AfD are expected to take Brandenburg and are a strong contender in Saxony which they may take or may come in second. This is likely to have a major impact on German politics and would be a potential game changer which could result in a change of approach by Germany to Brexit

    The results will not be in until Monday

        1. Good morning, Grizzly

          He obviously lacks any pride in what he writes but in his defence on this occasion he has edited what he wrote

          We all make mistakes – I know that my typing is especially inaccurate and even after proof-reading I miss a few typos and have to re-edit. Indeed, look at the top of most of my posts and the word ‘edited’ usually appears.

          1. Very easy to miss errors if typing quickly and not proof reading. It’s one of the reasons I try not to give into the temptation of being a pedant in relation to others’ posts. (“Thou hypocrite, first cast out the beam out of thine own eye; and then shalt thou see clearly to cast out the mote out of thy brother’s eye.”). I view deciphering BJ’s posts as a mental exercise, a bit like an anagram.

          1. (I hope that Bill does not read this. It occurred to me this morning that there may be more than one person using the “Bill Jackson” persona.)

          2. Bill J mentioned a year or so back that he was recovering from a stroke and couldn’t type very easily, so cut him some slack.

  29. Philip Green prepares to break up his Arcadia Group – Sunday Times

    I guess it is a quiet day for news. Rumours of the breakup of the Arcadia group have been rife for a long time. It does seem pretty certain the group will have a big shake up most of the brands in the group are failing and it has a mess of confusing and overlapping brands and the fashion market and in particular the woman’s fashion market is overcrowded another problem i the Arcadia group has a very poor online presence and that’s about the only bit of the fashion market that is growing

    1. “I guess it is a quite day for news.”

      In fact it’s quite a quiet day. The Sunday Service church bells are quite stopped but the birds are happliy chattering, reasonably quietly, in the birch hedge outside my window, in the mid-morning sun.

    2. I would love to drop Phil Slime-Green into a huge blender.

      Along with Olive Letwin, Corb Jong-yn, John Bercalf, Phillip Hammock, Olose Jones, and a few other oxygen thieves.

      1. John Bercalf, so obvious and much more succinct than ‘the sawn-off cuckold Bercow’. Thanks for this, it may come in handy in the weeks ahead as the pompous clown attempts to inflate himself to Khanage blimp proportions.

  30. ” Hurricane Dorian: Bahamas braces for category five storm “.
    Have any of you gentlemen ever worn Bahamas Braces ? Are they effective in keeping the rain out ?

    1. I really enjoyed this, Eddy. If it is a current song, then maybe the pop world is finally past its worst.

      1. Hello Elsie.

        Isn’t it a change from some of the monotonous ***** pumped out these days?

        It’s off Jon Anderson’s new album 1000 Hands (which I’ve only just stumbled upon). Here’s some more – 1000 Hands

        1. Can it really be Jon Anderson? Some of the lyrics seem to make sense! I speak as a Yes enthusiast from the 1970s.

          1. Rock stars soften up as they get older lest they look foolish. Does Robert Plant still sing ‘The Lemon Song’? I hope not!

            Mind you, anyone sounds silly at any age singing “A seasoned witch could call you from the depths of your disgrace, And rearrange your liver to the solid mental grace.”

      1. I said earlier about the cheesemakers and the wine industry rioting and burning down the Elysee Palace as is their wont.
        The other side of the coin is all the lobsters and other seafood we send them for their markets.
        Barnier is talking out of his derrière.

    1. Perhaps their future financial viability is predicated on the UK becoming their vassal and being robbed blind as agreed by May. Add in the (minimum but expected to rise) £39,000,000,000 and it’s easy to see why they want the WA to endure. They should be told that Hell will have to freeze over before they get any of that.

    2. It’s behind the paywall, but I’m not sure I want to hear his Gallic bile.
      Edit; or read it.

  31. As I mentioned earlier , we were invited to a very swish birthday party yesterday evening , it was a wonderful celebration , perfect in every way, marquee in friend’s beautiful garden , sit down meal for over fifty guests, , beautifully laid tables and excellent service and my choice was divine .. proper dining that rarely happens to us ..

    Hot Smoked Scottish Salmon. Asparagus, quails egg and truffle dressing.

    Roasted Hake. Black olive crust, creamed potatoes, pea, broad bean and sage fricassee, crispy Parma ham

    Lemon Tart. Blackcurrant coulis, crème fraiche, lemon balm.

    Many different varieties of cheese and biscuits, birthday cake and coffee and liqueurs , music and lots of laughter ..

    Moh had the same starter but his main was

    Blade of West Country beef. Slow cooked in red wine with mushrooms and baby onions.
    Cavelo Nero creamed potatoes and roast carrot.

    Apols for making your mouths water .. good distraction from Brexit chatter!

    1. Glad you enjoyed it. Did you manage to discreetly pop a few treats into your capacious handbag, Belle?

      1. I don’t have a capacious handbag MM, never ever have had, the treat was the delicious meal and excellent music .. string quartet who played everything .

  32. Two BTL’s from the DT article on Asia Bibi …

    Carina Angel 31 Aug 2019 7:40PM

    I’m still shocked and appalled that Theresa May didn’t fight tooth and nail to have Asia Bibi resettled here. It would have been an honour.
    May was such a disappointment on so many levels.

    Sl Hamster 31 Aug 2019 6:29PM

    Thank goodness, the Canadian PM Justin Trudeau, offered her sanctuary. Unlike the ex British PM, a so called Christian, who refused to help Asia, for fear of offending Muslims living here, who can practice their religion, freely.

  33. Afternoon, all. The irony of remainers who have spent three years and over in trying to overturn the result of a majority vote whingeing that a perfectly legitimate prorogation to stop their anti-democratic antics is “anti-democratic” would be laughable if it weren’t such a sad indictment of the current state of political affairs.

    1. Add in Major who prorogued Parliament when he was PM to shut down debate on parliamentary corruption and now complaining loudly about Johnson taking the same step.

      And “anti-democratic” as an epithet actually means “I do not approve of the referendum result”. Like the snowflake the other day who was asked whether she would accept the result of a second referendum on Brexit, if it confirmed the decision to leave. “No”, she said, “because that would be undemocratic”.

        1. No, it was a banner waver who got interviewed. The banner of course, was complaining about democracy being shut down.

          1. My mistake; it was, however, Ms Swinson who said that she wouldn’t accept the result of another referendum if it was to leave, so not unnaturally, I jumped to the conclusion that she was the said snowflake.

        2. Pikelet – often called the ‘poor man’s crumpet’ as it was made by those who could not afford rings to make crumpets.

          1. A crumpet is a small griddle cake made from an unsweetened batter of water or milk, flour and yeast. Crumpets are regionally known as pikelets, a name also applied to a thinner, more pancake-like griddle cake a type of the latter is referred to as a crumpet in Scotland.
            Ingram, Christine (1999). The Cook’s Guide to Bread. Hermes. p. 50.

          2. Pancakes and pikelets are made from a batter of flour, eggs and milk, they taste similar. The most distinct difference is in texture. The batter for pikelets is slightly thicker, which renders them heavy once they rise in the pan.

            Basic ingredients for crumpets are flour, sugar, yeast, milk, bicarb.

            Crumpets are more bread-y and pikelets more cake-y.

  34. I’ve just been walking around the supermarket and in the fruit and veg aisle I
    heard from the shelving mutterings of ‘exit brexit’, ‘listen to AC
    Grayling’ and ‘stopthecoup’.

    Speaking with the manager it seems they have located this to the romain lettuce

    1. Vodka drinker: “I want to join your Gin and Tonic club.”
      Gin Drinker: “But you don’t like gin.”
      VD: I know, but it looks more fun than my vodka club.”
      GD: “OK. Here’s your membership card”
      VD: “I don’t like gin. I insist the club start selling vodka”

      1. Yes, those are the three stages.

        The last stage is ‘Gin drinkers must leave. Only vodka drinkers are permitted.’

    1. Entirely familiar. I will be floating above in a cloud gazing down to watch the fireworks when the safe spaces all crash in to each other. Not any time soon i hope !!!

      Are large boxes of popcorn allowed in Heaven? Probably have to keep the gloating to a minimum, for appearances sake obvs…………………..

    1. I don’t see Trump buying into that. Most Americans don’t expect government to be their nanny – nor do they want it to be. They would prefer to be left alone to earn a living and provide for their families. BTW, that thinking also includes Trump trade policy, which is hurting multiple industries here due to retaliatory China tariffs. About the only thing many agree on is to see an initiative to rein in health care costs, which can dominate the household budget these days, especially for people with dependent children.

      Interestingly, college grads here tend to be more to the left (centre by British standards) than any other group. So some “infiltration” has occurred. On the other hand most of them seem smart enough to change their tunes when they get old enough to have assets they want to protect from the grasping hand of the taxman.

      1. ” Anyone who is not a liberal at 20 years of age has no heart, while anyone who is still a liberal at 40 has no head”.

        Ascribed incorrectly to various different people, including Churchill.

        1. I was never much of a lefty. Our school had almost no Labour supporting pupils. Too many sons of the exploitive bourgeoisie business owning class, I suppose. Same when I was getting my engineering degree – we all wanted to get on with life, not protest. And both my grandfathers had their own businesses – not exactly a recipe for voting Labour.

      2. Your colleges are already lost

        “One of his favorite examples is the University of Michigan, which

        employs almost 100 full-time diversity officers, at a cost of a cool $11

        million a year. These new administrators “don’t teach a single

        student,” he says. “They don’t do a lick of research.”

        Brainwashing factories

        More “Get Woke,Go Broke”
        I hasitly add ours are just as bad

    2. “I know not which I prefer the look of—those who attack us or that which defends us!”

      Michael Moorcock, The Sailor on the Seas of Fate

        1. The EU are those same people who want control over everyone’s lives. They are hiding what they are just as the followers of Hitler and Marx did.

          Those people on the streets that we witnessed yesterday, who are still in favour of the EU, are as politically blind as a bat.

      1. That’s almost exactly what Schumann and Monet wrote about how to achieve the EU as we know it today. Loss of sovereignty by stealth.

    3. This is precisely what the proponents of Critical Theory (a.k.a.”Cultural Marxism”) have been busy doing for the past 30–40 years whilst those of us on the Right, who wish to maintain a traditional country with traditional values, have been sitting with our thumbs up our arses and letting these dangerous buffoons get on with their treacherous manœuverings.

      Now, in order to fight back and reclaim the country, we need to reinstall the proper punitive penalties for treason and weed every single one of these people out of our society by force. Any failure to do so is capitulation.

    1. I suppose if they had studied for a degree in medical technology, micro-bots or any of the other sciences at least one of them would have been able to pay for a solar panel or two.

  35. Good evening, all. Arrived. Unpacked. Had a swim. Sea perfect.

    Rain expected tomorrow. Cook has yet to bring me a glass… Standards slipping.

    A demain.

    1. Watch out for people with beards and mad staring eyes while you’re there. Wouldn’t want to lose you….

  36. Last post. France – Sept 2019.

    Slammer murders one, wounds at least 8.

    “Psychiatric problems”; “Heard voices”.

    Nothing to worry about, just another damaged Methodist. What a relief – with him being a slammer, I did, just, wonder if he might have been yer actual terrorist. But, no….

      1. I don’t think they need Imaams any more. They can get it all through Faceache, Youtrawl and WH Smiths.

    1. The British government decided to not allow any of the hardworking Chinese of Hong Kong to come to Britain ahead of the 1998 return of the territories. Immigration law was changed with the explicit goal of locking the Hong Kong Chinese out. They would of course, all have been entrepreneurial, successful and voted Conservative. Better to encourage benefits dependents – guaranteed Labour supporters all.

      1. Frankly I consider this one of my country’s most shameful acts
        Canada,USA and Australia benefitted instead

        1. When you consider Blair and Straw’s subsequent trawling of the 3rd world for people to come to Britain, it pretty much proves blocking the Chinese was pure partisan politics. Evil s**tes both.

      1. Groups on MTV in the eighties, I think. Apparently Motley Crue (no umlaut, I’m afraid) thought it was aimed at them.

    1. …and neither he nor Ren(e)e, whoever he/she/it is, actually know the origin of the word in ENGLISH. It would shock them to know you may eat or burn them!

      By the way, have you noticed how nice it is to say he/sh/it out loud but with a pause after he?

    1. Boris could always go to Brussels and say “All right you bunch of w*nkers, I want an extension, and I want it now! And if you don’t give me one, you are all complete and utter b*stards, and I’ll set Dominic Cummings on you”.

      That should do the trick.

  37. I have just had a comment removed by the mods on ‘Discuss Disqus’. The last surviving Channel is also now automoderating me. One of the mods is hostile and I have blocked her for doxxing me and making character insinuations. Quel surprise!

    This is the offending message:

    “I do hope, if only for sound commercial reasons, that Disqus will back up the entire Channels archive (in a condensed form shorn of the luxury features such as avatar images and with links to videos, rather than the videos themselves). A few terabytes of hard drive are cheap and won’t take up too much space in a cupboard.

    As with the surviving archive of old TV series that survived the wipers of the 1970s, they could be sold on quite profitably as a resource for historians, authors or entertainers, as soon as any legal issues over copyright, privacy and defamation are sorted out (probably by anonymising user names).

    Right now, each channel’s archive could be offered to its registered administrators for a set price per gigabyte (set at say $100 total price for the average channel) to provide instant returns for Disqus at very little cost. Most of these likely to take up this offer would have already set up their successor sites to sustain their communities. As a user, I would certainly contribute to the two channels > sites where I comment regularly, but not necessarily to those where I have been banned and my creative input deleted by aggressive mods.

    The flame wars in quite a few of the channels that so irked the moderators, the users and Disqus staff, could provide great joy in hindsight to a future audience. “Did we really think and act like that then?”. I was banned for being anti-feminist, for being Catholic, and most of all for arguing with the mods, who felt that my thinking was “inappropriate” (they seem to forget that the whole idea of Disqus is to attract argumentative folk, who will have a go at one another, and at the OPs setting themselves up voluntarily as a target… why run a zoo if you are not prepared to stock it with animals?). Future generations might well consider me a dinosaur, or they might think the mods are. Who knows? Or they could generate revenue for Disqus or its successor by arguing about it.
    It could finance the Disqus staff pension fund.”

      1. Definitely not. Like Google, Facebook, et al, advertising, selling mailing lists and user profiles is their life blood. And someone there worked out that providing channels that did not carry ads, and for which they did not get paid, was a loser for them.

    1. Now look here, Conners, don’t you start. Just as Uncle Bill (who regularly calls me “Harry”) disappears for a couple of weeks, there is no need for you to take over and start calling me “All Being Well” – my name is Elsie!!!

      PS – Sleep well!

  38. This nicked comment hits home,having flucked up my early life I have done more than my share of shite factory jobs,12 hour shifts alternate days and nights to make the savings to crawl out of a pit of my own making


    first heard of this white supremacy bollox was about 15 years or more

    ago at a readers’ group. This twerp of a fella suddenly started harping

    on about ‘refugees’ and white man’s obligation and how privileged and

    well off we all were in the group. I didn’t know what the hell he was on


    I gave him my usual spiel about being brought up in a

    mining family…my dad hacking coal for God knows how many hours a day

    & my mother a scullery maid before she married and the poverty that

    surrounded us and me working in a factory & that wasn’t a doddle.

    It shut him up but it left me wondering how the hell he thought food was

    put on his table and hot water in his taps.

    This ‘white

    supremacy’ always brings him to mind sitting there smug and

    self-satisfied. I often wish I’d decked him. His sentiment has

    escalated beyond belief now….there are millions who think the same.”

    White Supremacy


      1. One of mine,you’re welcome,after all I nicked it {:^))
        Edit All of mine are fresh picked daily,I should have saved many of them for the most suitable occassions

        1. I normally try to remember where I get them from, but that one stood out as being so good that I just copied it without looking. You do find some gems online at times. 🙂

      1. They were that. And those women heated water for the weekly bath for the menfolk. We are now supposed to feel guilty that someone who lives in an arid country has to walk miles for water. FFS

    1. The ancestors of most white people in this country were not, by and large, wealthy lords of the manor or slave owners. They were the ordinary folk, the backbone of this country, who went down the mines, tilled the fields, worked in the factories and fought in the trenches. Anti-white prejudice is the only acceptable form of racism left, but the good people of this country simply do not deserve it, especially coming from those who came here from other countries to enjoy the safety and prosperity which white people built.

    1. I don’t think so. Far too late for a prog like that to surviive when we exit. Even Her Majesty can’t bear watching those monkeys performing anymore.

      1. I like chillies, although they don’t like me very much, but that’s out of my league by a few Scovilles.

    1. Yes, ever so slightly biased to the point of nearly falling over ‘cos he leans so far – to the left, naturally, as do all National Socialists.

    2. Mason is increasingly unhinged as he also demonstrated in his performance on Newsnight last week, when Kirsty Wark treated him as though he were a jolly eccentric. If this really were a fascistic country, he wouldn’t have made it to today’s demo.

      The great irony is that he speaks here from Manchester, 200 years after Peterloo.

    1. And did you?

      Nah – I just told her to give me her account details and pin = so much simpler.

    2. Ada “A pushover, eh”?

      Bert “Not exactly; she whacked me with her brolly – hence my black eye”!

    3. “Bert, why has it taken over three years to agree the date of our WA?”
      “Ada, I’m not discussing it with you until you pay me that IOU”

    1. Given the way many of our MP’s are behaving it is not surprising the EU are saying no changes

  39. A word to any users of the Barclaycard Android app. DON’T let it upgrade. I’ve used the app for a couple of years now with no probs but they clearly have problems with update made available about a week ago. Mine fails and there was no succour from phone support. When I tried again a few minutes ago, there was a 40 minute queue…

    The reason is simple. They have no doubt disposed of their old UK staff and employ Indian contract ‘programmers’…

  40. Just before I turn in for the night, I spotted this rather sweet and very British type of story about fans of Harry Potter going to Kings Cross Station today because September 1st was when the train left for Hogwarts in the book series for the start of term:

    “Harry Potter fans descend on King’s Cross to mark return to Hogwarts”

    The words from the story that really stood out were: “[the event] was attended by more than 300 fans, with many dressed as their favourite characters from the books, films and stage franchise.”

    This is a fictional book and magic University that still attracted more people than many of the Pro-EU rallies held across the country yesterday by protesters who are truly deluded. There is hope for the sanity of this country while books are still more motivating than empty-headed globalist ideology. 🙂


    1. How many walked into the end of a brick wall in search of the Platform the Hogwarts train leaves from?

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