Sunday 12 May: It’s time to make better use of laws for prosecuting reckless cyclists

An unofficial place to discuss the Telegraph letters, established when the DT website turned off its commenting facility (now reinstated, but we prefer ours),
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Today’s letters (visible only to DT subscribers) are here.

617 thoughts on “Sunday 12 May: It’s time to make better use of laws for prosecuting reckless cyclists

  1. Good morrow, gentlefolk. Today’s (recycled) Story


    To: Dear Mum & Dad,

    I am very well; I hope you are too. Tell big brothers Sean, Tommy and Mick that the Army is better than working on the farm; tell them to get into the Army quick before the jobs are all gone.

    I was a bit slow settling down at first because you don’t get out of bed until 6am, but I got used to it and I like sleeping in now. All you do before breakfast is make your bed, shine your boots, a quick shit and clean your uniform. No cows to milk, no calves to feed, no feed to stack, nothing.

    Men must shave, but it’s not too bad because there’s hot water and a light to see what you’re doing. For breakfast there’s cereal, fruit and eggs but there’s no fillet steaks or sausages. You don’t get fed again until noon, and by that time all the city boys are buggered because we’ve been on a ‘route march’, which is just like walking to the well in the meadow.

    This will kill Sean and Tommy with laughter but I keep getting medals for shooting!! I don’t know why because the bull’s-eye is as big as a bloody bull’s head and it doesn’t move and it’s not firing back at you like the Murphy’s did when our bull got their cow in calf before the prize show.

    All you have to do is make yourself comfortable and hit the target – piece of piss. You don’t even load your own cartridges – they come in boxes and you don’t have to steady yourself against the roll bar of the tractor when you reload. Sometimes we wrestle with the city boys and I have to be very careful because they break easy – it’s not like fighting with Sean, Tommy, Mick and all the other local fellas all at once like we do.

    Turns out I’m not a bad boxer either; it looks like I’m the best the platoon’s got. I’ve only been beaten once by this guy from Scotland – he’s 6 foot 8 and 120 kilos so he’s a good bit bigger than me but I fought to the end.

    I can’t complain about the Army – tell the boys to get in quick before word gets out how good it is.

    Your loving daughter,

        1. We’ve only managed to rise to 19°C and the sun made a brief appearance.

    1. Better broken cloud and little wind than broken wind and little cloud though!

      1. No cloud. No wind. Just edged over 10C. Fabulous bright day. And Sunday, too, when we can enjoy it!

  2. Russia recruiting far-Right extremists to launch attacks in the West. 12 May 2024.

    Russia is recruiting far-Right extremists to carry out attacks in the UK and Nato countries, The Telegraph understands.

    Intelligence sources have said that terrorists recruited by Russian GRU agents have been responsible for a series of attacks in Western Europe and the US in the last six months.

    These Nottlers could be useful Sergei. A bit old but most of them used to vote for the Tory Party when there was one! Several of them used to support Mrs Thatcher. They must be truly evil.

    1. Fortunately there is no risk from the thousands of hostile young Muslims, many experienced in urban warfare, who infest our nation,

      so there is plenty of time to hunt down retired Tory supporters.

      1. Morning Janet. I am keeping my eyes open for online ads. WANTED. Saboteurs. Six roubles an hour. No Pension Plan.

    2. FFS!

      Actually, someone told me (credibly) the other day that the Russians do fund the far right in central Europe. Wonder if they have ever funded them in Ukraine?
      It’s still all a smokescreen so that “the far right” can be blamed for everything. At the top, they all work together…

  3. Another one with many options

    Wordle 1,058 5/6


    1. Getting the second letter was key, I think.
      Wordle 1,058 3/6


    2. Getting the second letter was key, I think.
      Wordle 1,058 3/6


    3. I got there by a different route

      Wordle 1,058 4/6


  4. Good morning, chums. I hope you all slept well. Another lazy day for me.

    Wordle 1,058 3/6


    1. Is the government preparing to deploy our military to Ukraine and thereby denuding our security in the UK? Reckless behaviour, if true. After D-Day 1944 there remained a sizeable military presence in the UK.

      1. Morning Korky. Yes they are preparing for a Ukie collapse. I don’t know how they will manage it. A False Flag maybe. It will of course have to look like Russian Aggression. Cue: Lots of propaganda.

        1. A strike to disrupt Exercise Swift Response would be useful, would it not?

          Those paratroopers are likely to be garrisoned at Merville Barracks just down the road from me.

      2. Morning Korky. Yes they are preparing for a Ukie collapse. I don’t know how they will manage it. A False Flag maybe. It will of course have to look like Russian Aggression. Cue: Lots of propaganda.

      3. That’s the plan. When the WHO announce the next pandemic lockdown, the channel invaders (who are an army in waiting) will be used to quell the natives while the lads are all away doing their King and Country stuff in YouKrane (where?). What happened to “We shall fight on the beaches, we shall fight on the landing grounds, we shall fight in the fields and in the streets, we shall fight in the hills; we shall never surrender”?

        1. Fiscal, I have suspected (and mentioned in earlier comments) that idea for some time too but decided not to mention it directly in my post. Just to hint at it.

          Over on Jim Ferguson’s X feed he has an interview with John O’Looney on this very subject. I listened to the interview last evening and to say it’s disturbing is an understatement. I have been caught in two minds about linking to Ferguson’s feed. The very idea that our government has planned to do, and in some aspects is doing, what O’Looney claims, will appear unbelievable to many.

          Many commentators on independent media in the USA are convinced that the ‘invasion’ happening there is also a cover for the installation of an Army of occupation/disruption. The problems for the PTB in the USA are the people, the vast number of guns and ammunition that those people legally hold and will use to defend themselves and their country.

      4. That’s the plan. When the WHO announce the next pandemic lockdown, the channel invaders (who are an army in waiting) will be used to quell the natives while the lads are all away doing their King and Country stuff in YouKrane (where?). What happened to “We shall fight on the beaches, we shall fight on the landing grounds, we shall fight in the fields and in the streets, we shall fight in the hills; we shall never surrender”?

    2. In Andrew Bridgen’s podcast with Dr Malik, AB said that Britain is already at war with Russia, and Sunak doesn’t want to be a wartime PM. Make of that what you will.

  5. Morning, all Y’all.
    Eurovision result:
    Switzerland first, Israel fifth, Norway last. UK eighteenth.
    Nobody died.

          1. It’s a good job Tell wasn’t around when Newton discovered gravity
            We would all still be floating about.

    1. Wasn’t “Eurovision” an archaic international (Europe-wide) television service, that commenced in the 1950s before the advent of satellite communications, but became redundant after Telstar et al?

      When it was still active (and relevant) it commenced a curious competition between singers from various European nations that were linked by its antediluvian network. This was watched, listened to, and enjoyed — apparently — by those not versed in proper music.

      I am reliably informed that this archaic competition still exists and, astonishingly, still carries on under the name of that bygone land-based connection of pan-European television companies.

      If this is actually correct, it must be a very expensive wind-up. In fact, as much of a wind-up as a clockwork drummer boy [try giving one of those as a Christmas present to an eight-year old millennial child!].

      1. I think the ‘pan-European’ broadcast is mainly funded by the main German, French and UK broadcasters, with the host country picking up the drinks tab. It’s part of the reason the bBC force feed it to their viewers each year. To the bBC the fact it makes a monkey pox-ridden bath house look macho is just a bonus.

        1. Was it at least shown after the watershed? With that kind of filth on display, it ought to have been.

          1. Thankfully, I don’t know as I stopped viewing and funding livestream broadcasts a few years ago.

    2. The Swiss entry was a direct, malicious and flagrant political attack on social conservatism (“Break the Code”), but deemed acceptable for political reasons.

      Ironically, the most contentious entry, from Israel, was a power ballad from a beautiful lady with fabulous hair, and the political content of its lyrics were removed, leaving a song about the turmoil of love that was politically innocuous. However, she was dogged by a decision taken two years ago to disqualify Russia because of its brutalising invasion of its neighbour in 2022, and it would certainly have been consistent to disqualify Israel this year for the same reason.

      It seems though that the old “Plonk, bang-a-bong” standard of lyrics of the old Eurovision has given way to a freak show.

      1. I met a very pretty woman on the beach yesterday. She had an accent so I asked her where she was from. She was Ukrainian and had moved here to get away from the war. I don’t mind that sort of immigrant at all!😂

        1. Makes a change from seeing muzzie women dressed in bin bags wandering our streets. Chatting up mysterious foreign ladies whilst out with your dog, were you 🙂

          1. I fear she was rather too young for me, as well as married and with two children. Her husband is still in Ukraine, but not fighting. I saw some RoPers on the beach here last year. Not a common sight round here, thank goodness.

          2. The Ukraine lady will have safety here for herself and her children, hopefully her husband remains safe and they’re united very soon.
            What was a Muzzie doing near you, they usually prefer their godforsaken ghettos in Rotherham, Leeds or London .

          3. Squire, you’ve no need for another wife, some men need managing and leading . Some women are gentle and feminine, like myself. You are quite self contained with your dog and a woman would just get in the way as you are very settled in your ways. So fear not, I’d not matchmake on your behalf. I really must fly to my high tea event which starts at 4 pm on the dot . Not Hugely far away and they have a delightful yellow lab who I will speak to most engagingly.

      2. Good morning Jeremy, and everyone. Although I enjoy reading your comments, and up-voting you when your social democratic conscience is not too overwhelming, you make it tricky with your support for a population of baby-burning dog-killing satanists.

        1. You also took exception to my saying that Sunak looks like Roland Rat (comments had already closed when I read your rebuke).
          Roland Rat, may I remind you, is a CARTOON CHARACTER, not an animal. Sunak does not resemble a real rat. For one thing, a real rat is far more honest and tenacious.

        2. Rather like the Hitler of the Week, I leave it to the imagination of others here to decide who is today’s population of baby-burning dog-killing satanists. I nominate Norwegian Methodists.

    3. And the UK nil points as always I presume. I believe Switzerland were trans or ghey. Yet once it was ABBA and Bucks Fizz . I’m pleased nobody died but quite seriously does anyone even watch that anymore, I’m ßure Terry Wogan would have made it amusing but it’s now for wokeism trans and far too politicised .

      1. I was interested to see what the result of all the hoo-hah about Israel’s attendance was like.

    1. It appears that every possible initiative that is harmful to our way of life is being taken up by the powers that be, for some reason

      1. Morning Bob. Yes. The article about the far-right is, to put it politely, unhinged. They are all mad. Things do not look good.

        1. The comments are a better read than the article.
          (As is frequently the case.)

      2. Because they are thugs. They like to push around and exploit less powerful decent people and use the system to serve themselves. They even rob us of our taxes to fund theirs and others’ gangster, morally criminal enterprises. The House of Frauds and the House of Common Criminals needs urgent Reform.

    2. Those past alumini and other traditional funding sources are voting with their chequebooks and causing financial shortfalls in some of the more ‘progressive’ colleges/universities. Not that the self-entitled prats ‘protesting’ in their matching camping gear would notice.

      I don’t know who I’ve laughed at more; the ‘chunky’ kids enduring a 24hr hunger strike, or the hardened protestors who forgot to pack some supplies and hAve a BDS compliant appeal for pizza delivery . If that’s the level of intelligence, no wonder they want the taxpayer to pick up the bill for their tuition fees. They’ve been conned.

  6. @squireweston:disqus Good morning to you and everyone, Helios is indeed my humble servant and delivered the sun to your part of Snowdonia and for everyone else. Enjoy it, he’s going on strike next week and the rain God’s will be stampeding.
    The baby birds are creating a ghastly noise, still . And my kitchen retains a whiff of last nights swordfish. Time for tea and cornflakes 🙂

    1. My weather app told me to expect rain today but it is not here yet and the dog is outside in a sunny spot on the lawn. Not proper sunshine, but enough to cast shadows.

      1. I’ll have another word with them above. I remember years ago having near neighbour who once had a barbecue and played ghastly very loud pop music throughout the afternoon and late into the evening.
        The next time they had a barbecue I played music’s most brilliant storm – fourth of the five movements of symphony no 6 – very loudly first thing in the morning with windows open 😅. Your dog has the right idea – find a sunny spot and soak up the rays:-)

        1. Quite right! If they misbehave try the last movement of Saint Saens Organ Symphony……that should wake them up! Or the Dies Irae from Verdi’s Requiem 😂😂

          1. Wagner’s ‘Ride of the Valkyries’ played at volume 11 should get them out of their beds.

  7. Good morning all,

    Back from a restful three nights away in Pembrokeshire. It’s bright but cloudy here at Castle McPhee, wind in the East and nice and warm at 15℃ and rising but — it’s all likely to end in a thunderstorm this afternoon.

    Well now, what do you think we’re going to do about this?

    But oh,dear:

    Experts on the region disagree, warning that placing any trust in Russia to stick to its obligations was naive – as shown by its invasion of Ukraine.

    Klaus Dodds, professor of geopolitics at Royal Holloway College, an expert in Antarctica, who also gave evidence, said Russia’s activities were far closer to prospecting for oil and gas than to genuine science.

    “The Antarctic Treaty faces renewed challenges not least from bad-faith actor Russia and increasingly assertive China.Other experts warn that the Ukraine conflicts, and the rivalry between China and the US were the biggest threats to Antarctica’s future.

    And the writer clings to the quaint notion that oil and gas come from organic origins.

    The British Antarctic Territory (BAT) forms the largest and most southerly of the UK’s 14 Overseas Territories – and the least hospitable with 99pc of it covered in ice.

    In the prehistoric past, however, it experienced warmer climates, with vegetation that potentially allowed fossil fuel deposits to form.

    Then we read:

    Professor Alan Hemmings, commander of the British Antarctic Survey station during the 1982 Falklands war between Argentina and the UK, said the growing tensions could destroy the treaty that has protected the frozen continent from development. The treaty is up for review in 2048 but any nation involved is also able to walk away from it whenever they choose.

    Now a researcher at the University of Canterbury in New Zealand and co-author of the Handbook on the Politics of Antarctica, Hemmings said: “There will never be a sane time to extract hydrocarbons out of the Antarctic. The thing that will sink us all is any attempt to realise Antarctica’s hydrocarbons.

    I wonder if Professor Hemmings would like to explain just why extracting this mineral wealth would sink us all instead of being a great boon?

    Time to quadruple the size of the Royal Navy? Where would they get the matelots from? Oh. I know. We’ve got lots of new arrivals with nautical experience. Send ’em to the Sarf ‘Lantic.

  8. Nice start here, daughter is making bacon and hash brown sandwiches,
    the sun is out.
    There is a family of foxes sitting in the garden early morning sunny spot,

  9. Good morning, a fine e start to the day. 16°C/59°F with high cloud and a gentle SE wind. Thereby restricting the excuses for the poor golf shots ahead. Roll with the blows.

  10. Good morning, all. Another fine day in the offing.

    We’ve had a few pleasantly warm days this week in N Essex but it is mid-May and the Sun is climbing higher each day and so not to be unexpected. I do not watch the BBC nor its clones and so I do not know if these concerns are losing their minds over the warmth or maybe even warning people to stay indoors and out of the sunshine.

    Staying out of the sunshine is a sure way of reducing vitamin D levels, just saying.

    The carbon dioxide hypothesis re global warming is taking a bit of a bashing from independent scientists at the moment. Is the following a subtle shift in direction to explain the “boiling” weather we are allegedly experiencing or merely a second string to their bow?


    Good Moaning.
    Let’s test NOTTL sense of yumour today.

    “Why Meghan is my role model

    This article is taken from the May 2024 issue of The Critic. To get the full magazine why not subscribe? Right now we’re offering five issues for just £10.

    I was recently invited to Meghan Markle’s mansion in California for a brainstorming session on how to challenge privilege. We chatted over a light luncheon of vegan shakshuka, braised turmeric tofu and some truffle-infused seaweed that Meghan had helicoptered in that morning from Guyana.

    The Sussexes do like to keep their carbon footprint to a minimum, so they only ever use one helicopter at a time.

    I for one have been shocked that Meghan and Harry’s lifestyle and wellness projects have not been better received. Meghan’s Archetypes podcast with Spotify didn’t prove as successful as she’d hoped, partly because nobody seemed to be interested in what she had to say.

    My feeling is that the public needs to get to know the real Meghan. People should realise what a positive influence she has been on Harry. For one thing, his toxic masculinity has all but disappeared ever since she removed his testicles for an installation art piece.

    Now, the couple are planning to re-establish their brand in the UK. It turns out that Harry’s decision to write a book slagging off the Royal Family hasn’t endeared him to the British people. The masses are so fickle.

    It hasn’t been easy for them. The British media is so inexplicably hostile to Meghan, just because she said they were all evil and racist. In the end, the couple were forced to flee to California to live a quiet and reclusive life. As Meghan said to those 17 million viewers on that interview with Oprah Winfrey, she just wants her privacy.

    Even now, the press won’t stop writing articles about Harry. They twist everything he says to try and make him look bad. Some journalists even implied that there was something “weird” about the part of his book where he mentioned that he daubed his penis with his late mother’s favourite lip cream.

    After the success of their Netflix documentary, though, Harry and Meghan are keen to branch out into making movies. I hear that they’re considering a feminist reimagining of The Godfather, or possibly an all-black remake of Schindler’s List.”

    1. Sometimes, it’s difficult to tell what’s true and what’s spoof…

    2. This was a live unexpurgated excerpt from a parody picture book called the Prince and the Penìs read by Jimmy Kimmel on the late night ‘ JK Live’ show to raucous applause from the audience.

      I have slightly adapted it to improve the scansion.

      At the chilly North Pole, a silly young codger 

      Had played in the snow, and frozen his tοdger.
“Oh Mummy! Oh Mummy!” He cried with a scream,
Αnd then from on high she appeared with some cream.
      “My poor little prince, put this on your wìlly.
      ‘Twill will lessen the ache and make it less chilly.”

      His mother knelt down and the cream she did squirt,
Onto his frostbitten wìnkle which hurt.

      His mother went soaring back up to her cloud

      But prior to leaving she said this aloud,
“If your dìck is still hurting when you get a hard-οn,
      Rub it with cream from Elizabeth Arden.

      1. Does anyone remember George Melly? I took some of my VIth Form pupils to see him perform in a West Country theatre in the early 1980s.

        He was bi-sexual and announced that he could play both Bluebeard and Titania, the Fairy Queen, with equal aplomb and conviction!,vid:nrL1YM3bqUo,st:0

  12. I like to watch very old black and white things on television ( as I’ve been born far too late-‘preferring to have been in my 20s in the 50s ) my new TV system that has lots of interesting things contains Ealing Comedies – Kind Hearts and Coronets – anyone know of Ealing Comedies .

    1. Good morning, DM&O
      Tune into Talking Pictures TV, my go to station for B&W and pre 1970 films and tv series. The catalogue is available on the internet too or freeview. We (hubby) have loved the ealing comedies, Hammer studio (not always horror) and most films in b/w since our youth. A brilliant resource.

      1. A high percentage of those films are licensed by Studio Canal, the French company that now owns the film library at Pinewood. British films and television pre-1987. They own the Ealing comedies and television series such as The Avengers. A treasure trove.

    2. If you like old black and white things then perhaps the Black and White Minstrels show?😁

      1. Sounds a bit waycist to me, did the BBC ban it ?
        I’ve found many a Alfred Hitchcock creation of which I shall enjoy and the Avengers with the wonderfully elegant Honor Blackman…hmm she had the word ‘ black ‘ in her name and she was white 😄

        1. As well as ‘man’ whilst being female. Perhaps she should change her surname to Whitelady? There is a road of that name in Bristol.

          1. There’s a morris dance named after the Worcestershire village ‘ White Ladies Aston’. Dedicated to the lady on ‘The Golden Shot’ who could count up to two, so her host insisted.

          2. I have had the same model a D/G Hohner Pokerwork since 1984, and used pretty well constantly all this time.

    3. My memoirs? Oh, my memoirs. My memoirs. My memoirs!

      [Mazzini suddenly realises that he has left his memoirs, in which he confesses to killing all his relations who stood in his way foe getting the title]

      Denis Price: magnificent. Alec Guinness who played all the family members including the suffragette balloonist: out of this world!.

      1. The flaw in the plot being that one cannot be tried twice for the same offence.

  13. 387300+ up ticks,

    Morning Each,

    Sunday 12 May: It’s time to make better use of laws for prosecuting reckless cyclists

    We are currently in a perpetual state of a one sided civil war the side of decency is yet to awaken.

    In the case of erring cyclists bring in a war time law
    and mandatory / clinically break a leg, if innocent then apologise, that seems to be the order of the day in regards to death & serious ongoing injuries vie the top ranker
    politico / pharmaceutical overseers.

    We are losing far more peoples from the political WEF / NWO
    strongly alledged culling / replacement campaign.

    I believe potential troops on the Calais side already have their
    names on the social housing list of ALL london boroughs,

    A not hard to visualise view of the near future will see mass indigenous homeless under curtain protected viaducts, and mass bike racks (troop only use) outside london hotels.

    ( London being the seamless take over hub).

    Rent a bike really was a bit of excellent forward planning, in reality they had troop movement in mind.

    1. Not sure about the ‘reckless’ bit. Can we not just prosecute cyclists? Most of them will be LibDems or Remainers after all.

    1. He is partnered with Kaley Cuoco who has had 5 or 6 other partners and more c*cks than a chicken farmer. They have a one years old child together.

      1. The congregation should have stoned him to death for blasphemy. Seems to be the in thing at the moment.

          1. It was entirely unnecessary. Given the Catholic Church history of abuse (Nuns) and sexual abuse (Priests) he should be defrocked.

  14. Wasn’t too good last night. Awake in the early hours listening to BBC radio with French Tele on – but no sound,

    Eurowoofters Wailing Contest: Incredible display of fireworks and lighting with half naked dancers performing sexual gestures and pelvic thrusts on each other.(only males and men pretending to be females unfortunately).

    Swiss entry Nemo stormed the contest with the song “The Code,” walking away with 591 points — .The lyrics poignantly convey Nemo’s realization of their non-binary identity and their subsequent pride in embracing it openly. Finding his favourite toilets and dogging places and the trannies with the biggest kocktwurst to fulfil his wildest dreams.

    During Nemo’s victory performance at the end of the four-hour show the non-binary singer accidentally dropped the microphone-shaped glass trophy, injuring their thumb in the process. The U.K., represented by woofter Olly Alexander, finished in 18th place, receiving 46 points from the judges and zero points from the public.

    Worth every penny of the licence fee – I’m told!

    1. 387300+ up ticks,

      Good morning,
      And well penned Ped, I’ll wager there were numerous daisy chains formed after that little lot.

        1. 387300+ up ticks,

          Morning FA,

          One big daisy chain doing the conga would be a sight to behold.

    1. I reckon even the most progressive, degenerate EU-lovin Guardian reading soy-boy Leftie with silly man-bun.. deep down.. knows this is stooopid.
      It’s just a perv that looks like a brickie wearing a wig & lipstick.
      And Kellie-Jay Keen notes that this type usually prefers wearing poufy-out-tutu style skirts.. because it helps in hiding his erection.

    2. What a load of Horlicks. The woman who accused Rowley of comparing the transgender rhinoceros of being a straight white etc. is Caroline Litman, a psychiatrist whose own daughter committed suicide at 20 because she couldn’t get a c*ck transplant on the NHS.

      Caroline Litman (the mother): You’d be forgiven for thinking that I’d be happy to have a trans child – I am an openly bisexual, atheist, Left-wing arty-type with bright blue hair. I should be waving the Progress Pride flag. I certainly supported trans rights and considered myself an ally to a vulnerable group who, based on what I had read in the media, had always felt deeply unhappy with their bodies.

      You reap what you sow.

      1. Are we sure that the daughter committed suicide because she couldn’t have transgender surgery and not because her mother was ‘an openly bisexual, atheist, Left-wing arty-type with bright blue hair.’?

          1. I mean, most teenagers think their parents are embarrassing but that is off the scale!

        1. In Woke UK 2024, was it a ‘daughter’ who was trying to get or lose a Kock?

        2. She was a trannie from the age of 13 but I think she jacked it in because she couldn’t compete with her mother/thingy.

      1. Twitter’s all just scuttlebutt anyway…

        In the replies to this post, a lot of younger people are asking what the object is….!

      1. Our house was packed out with brass plaques and ornaments and a little silver. Friday night was brass cleaning night, that and holding skeins of wool in outstretched arms whilst mother wound them into balls for knitting. It would be classed as child abuse nowadays.
        Lovely mother though, everyone loved her.

  15. Good morning all.
    A virtually warm 9½°C on the yard thermometer this morning bright, but with a light overcast cutting down the sunshine.

    A bold article by Rachel Johnson on prostitution:-

    I’ve visited escorts for 25 years since my wife gave up on sex
    Rachel Johnson advises a married man who regularly pays for sex – and gives her opinion on how to deal with a coercive relationship

    I wonder what these BTL Comments would be like if the DT had a facility to allow anonymous comments to be made?

    1. That woman just revels in porn – every article contains some so-called erotic material. She is yet another very unappealing spawn of the disgusting Stanley Johnson.

    2. Why does prostitution get so much attention in the media?

      I know very few people who say they have used the services of a prostitute.

    3. The DT has become very grubby .
      There was a recent article , last week on threesomes .

      Who are these DT writers , and what sort of mucky lives do they lead ?

    1. I’d wander Harlech beach to make sure no strays were there if I were closer 😅

  16. I think I’ve heard of Whitelady Road. There is a BlackBoys Inn, Norfolk,
    Racist and Sexist, not forgetting dusky little boys being shoved up chimneys like slaves 🙂

    1. We have a Blackboys Inn in Caernarfon, not too far away. Quite a nice old pub.

      1. North Gate Street ? I’ve stayed there when walking, wonderful old pub with superb history. Has a nun who apparently haunts the pub.
        There is a haunting in another old pub not too close to me, a young lady who was burnt at the stake as a witch – her only crime was being beautiful and the real old hags were Jealous .

  17. Desperate Putin is forcing Ukrainians to fight for him. 12 May 2024.

    In light of the Russian offensive, personnel losses and desertions, it is evident that Moscow will continue to intensify these illegal mobilisation activities.

    Of course all you want on the Front Line is someone from the other side who has promised to be good. These stories are becoming ever more stupid.

    1. Yo Minty,

      Probably the living relatives of the ‘Ukes’ that His Holiness, President Volodymyr Zelenskyy killed, which started the war

    2. Have we backed the wrong side?

      Looking at our fiascos in the Middle East it looks very much as if we have done.

    3. Since most of these recruits are from Russian speaking areas and think of themselves as Russian it’s a bit of a cheek to pretend that they are kidnapped Ukrainians. There are also, apparently, regular Ukrainians fighting on the Russian side. People who don’t go along with Zelensky’s politics.

      1. 387300+ up ticks,

        Morning SE,
        That is a fact,
        I have a feeling the nasty one would have found himself standing on a plastic sheet

      2. “Git ahht maah pub” as a former Kray moll once remarked on prime time TV.

      3. We lived close to a Kray cousin, in Milwall. Absolutely no thieving on our estate, never even needed to lock the car.
        A group of blacks lived two floors up and played loud reggae all night. I could sleep, but SWMBO not so – the cousin asked if we’d like them to sort the stereo with a shotgun… it was tempting!

  18. I’ve my first high tea of the season to attend this afternoon, I can wear a dress and not be cold. I’d prefer to have bare feet but my distinguished titled ‘ old money aristocratic host who is very down to earth lady might be encouraged to do the same so she shouldn’t be encouraged. There will be sandwiches, nibbles, little cakes and scones with clotted cream and jam .. yum yum- don’t worry I shan’t disgrace Nottl and will be on my best behaviour. The first time I encountered this aristocratic lady was when I lived nearer where she lives . She knocked on the door as she wanted to get somewhere and her chauffeur were not around. No snobbery whatsoever, one of the most down to earth, interesting, funny and charming ladies I’ve ever encountered and she’s eccentric which I love, truly English with no chips on the shoulders.

  19. Morning all 🙂😊
    Apparently the Hottest day of the year today !!! Oh they love it don’t they. Raining again tomorrow also apparently.
    I use to cycle a lot when I was younger 50 plus miles a week to work and back. On a slightly converted old Raleigh upright.
    It was just a cheap form of transport for an apprentice.
    But it’s been weaponised by the ‘do you know who I yams’ who have spent thousands on the latest two wheel wonder. It’s time they settled down a little and stopped being so aggressive. Another lady was knocked over walking her dog closed to where the 81 years old lady was killed in the London park.
    Heavy fines and public liability insurance should be the future for these nasty people.perhaps even jail.
    Not all of them are included, but the incidents seem to happen more often now.

    1. They are not only aggressive but ignorant, too. Two of the lycra clad ‘Herberts’ came into the local coop last week, clacking away on their shoes that connect to their pedals. It’s a small corner shop type of coop, so not much room. They were totally engrossed in their own conversation which was very loud and we all knew was about bikes, how fast you can get along and equipment, because we could hear every word. The aisles are narrow, so they just blocked them whenever they felt like stopping to discuss some interesting point or other and they seemingly were oblivious to anyone trying to get by. Eventually, after choosing something, still engrossed in their loud exchange, they made their way to the till. The fact that there was a queue of six people waiting that they’d pushed past was irrelevant to them. The young assistant tried to call the next person in front of them, obviously very embarrassed, but he said, “no serve them, the sooner they’re out of our hair the better for us all ”

      Needless to say the ignorant pair never took offence, since neither heard nor noticed that point; they paid, then on their way out suddenly found something even more interesting to blather on about and so blocked the entrance completely. Their bikes were proper up right next to the door so probably only dimly aware they weren’t yet outside.

      Complete and utter knuckleheads, reflecting perfectly in a shop the level of pig ignorance this breed reveals in.

    2. I used to park (for free) about a mile from my work and walk in. I stopped doing that because of the aggressive cyclists. I can’t stand the stress twice a day any more. There is nowhere safe on the pavement where you can relax. They use the pavement as an overtaking lane for the adjacent cycle lane. They have no respect for pedestrians’ space, but if you need to cross the cycle lane, at lights for example, they swear at you if they are forced to slow down.
      So now I work from home four days a week, and go in one day, at 5:30 am when I can get a central parking space. Result, I am always tired when I’m at work because I’ve had a short night.

    3. There are too many people, and too many reasons to be furious. Add a little more, like an old person in the way on the pavement, and the cup runneth over.

      1. And of course there is nothing worse than having 8-10 cyclists in front of your car on an incline riding two abreast chatting away with their bums in the air and it’s impossible to overtake them.

    4. In California I always rode a bike but it is different over there. One sensible rule that should be adopted in the UK is that you face oncoming traffic, which is far safer for a cyclist than going with the traffic. There are few things more frightening than some bloody great truck behind you baring down and having it avoid you by a couple of feet as its wake threatens to knock you over. There are also abundant bike lanes in California and if there is nothing else for safety, you are allowed to use the pavement. Coming back to England I immediately determined that I would never ride a bike in this country. It is hostile territory for a cyclist. You can complain all you want but the truth is that people in cars do not seem to understand the vulnerability of a cyclist. A car driver has metal between him and disaster plus an airbag, the cyclist has nothing. For a car driver a minor swerve can be corrected but for a cyclist it will prove fatal or damaging. Of course cyclists here are defensive and inconsiderate, I would be, because what should be a pleasant experience is, on an English road, a stressful battle against inconsiderate drivers who think themselves entitled to the road with scant consideration for others.

      1. “…people in cars do not seem to understand the vulnerability of a cyclist…”

        The misunderstanding is the vice of the cyclists…

          1. I have no trouble thinking. Evidently your comment is hostile to cyclists but beyond that it tells me little else other than that you think that cyclists and their safety does not take precedence in your mind.

          2. “I have no trouble thinking.”

            You obviously do. Too many cyclists have no regard for their own safety on the roads nor for pedestrians off them.

            I used to cycle an enormous amount as a school boy and a student in the 70s and then gave it up when I learned to drive. I briefly took it up again in the early 90s – and I mean briefly – for a bit of exercise. “What am I doing out here?”, I thought. It was too dangerous.

            There was recent campaign to have the law changed so that in any incident involving a motorist and a cyclist, the former should automatically be held responsible. That tells us much about the mentality of some cyclists today, a reflection of today’s ‘”Get out of my way!” and “He started it!” society.

          3. Nope sorry, I don’t have trouble thinking. What you are doing is blaming cyclists for the lack of consideration on the part of vehicles. People in vehicles can slow down and give a cyclist I wide birth but most don’t. That is an observable fact in my experience.

          4. “What you are doing is blaming cyclists for the lack of consideration on the part of vehicles.”

            I’ve done nothing of the sort. Has the sun got to you over the weekend?

      2. I understand haveing been a cyclists but another problem we have now is there are so many drivers on our roads now who have never taken or passed a driving test in the UK.
        And attitudes have been changed because owner drivers are being robbed by authorities on a daily basis. I guess it makes people resentful.

      3. Many roads are not safe enough for cyclsts , like motorways and more roads that they should be baned from.

      4. Our roads are congested: too many people here and the rural roads are narrow and rarely flat with vision obscured by tall hedgerows. Similarly our trains cannot be as good as European ones: too many people serving congested, station-heavy train-lines. Our over-bloated population has a lot to answer for and still our thug politicians ramp up immigration…just because they can and just because they daren’t cross bigger thugs who want open borders.

        1. The reasons you give are a large part of the reason I would not ride a bike in England. Where I live the road is in its own little valley, I assume from centuries of use by carts etc until it was paved. On a bike there is no where to go if a vehicle comes at you. I admire the bravery of any cyclist who soldiers on cycling that road. I would not do it even for a large sum of money. It is insane.

    5. For me overall the weather is cooler and wetter over the last few years. I do not believe any of the Climate Change scare. Its always changed and will continue to do so and nothing can be done about it.

      1. I don’t believe it either, it’s just weather being weather.
        But I guess we have all noticed that ‘global warming’ seems to have taken the back seat in exchange for climate change.

    6. As you say, modern monster bikes are designed for speed. They are a different beast entirely.

      1. 387300+ up ticks,

        Afternoon G,

        I could explain that my typing finger is being “set up” by this infernal machine , as in ” orning Each ” but I won’t,
        i’ll stand correct.

  20. I never encountered the ghostly nun and was most disappointed, I’ve stayed in many a old pub and very old house with creaky floorboards.
    I’ve even read AM Burrage in one old pub I was staying which had its own ghost – I’ve never encountered one – maybe I should return to Conwy Castle and look for one 😁

  21. Right…….time to take the dog for an outing. Perhaps the beach would be a good choice today.

    1. I hope your labrador enjoys taking you for a walk, do enjoy the bracing air.

    2. I think my memories are jogged frequently. I must have walked thousands of miles with our Lab.
      She usually led the way. Having lost her just over a year ago, both my wife and I would have had a new friend living with us now, if we could still walk properly that is.
      Failure of Hips and knee joints.
      Probably due to all the walking.

      1. Brother’s knees are totalled due to too much running when he was younger. New one due to be fitted shortly.

        1. Same as me hips and one knee. Athletics football street running and lots of squash. And now because I have put on weight and I can’t do anything because parts are worn out. They are telling me to exercise 😄😆

          1. Chair yoga? Chair Tai Chi? There are lots of exercises online for people with limitations.

          2. I have a partial crushed disc in my neck. I recommend chair yoga. It strengthened the muscles around cervical three and the pain went away.

            The Doctor at the Spire recommended Tramadol. Idiot.

          3. Chair yoga? Chair Tai Chi? There are lots of exercises online for people with limitations.

  22. Good morning all

    Another lovely morning , 16c..

    No 1 son and I were disappointed last night , not a glimpse of the Northern lights .

    Moh was asleep , so son and I drove up to the high points here in the Purbecks , Whiteway hill is a popular spot , next to the firing ranges and quite near Tyneham .

    We set off at midnight , drove up the narrow roads , and my word the roads were busy , because lots of cars were coming down the hill.

    When we reached the top and drove into the car park , we were astounded to see how full the carpark was .

    Folk were wrapped up warm , sitting in garden chairs , cameras flickering , brisk breeze blowing , and a golden crescent moon that looked as if it was teasing , behind clouds , and NO colours in the dark sky .

    Son and I sat in my car patiently for about 30 mts. Then an almighty row erupted when a car arrived , positioned itself facing north … with its headlights glaring brightly ..

    Quite a few bods who were sitting wrapped up warmly on their camping chairs facing north , started to yell at the car driver .. “Turn your F… lights off”… and the yelling continued for a while, but the car driver , the only one of about fifty cars parked , kept their headlights on .

    Son and I thought the car driver was doing that deliberately , ruining the moment for many people , what an insensitive sod .

    So , no Northern lights, but a lovely drive home, I saw lots of large moths , bats , and a tawny owl , and clusters of Roe deer , plus other sparkly eyed creatures of the night , probably sheep or similar!

    1. I looked out of the window shortly after midnight – but saw nothing unusual… I went to bed.

    2. The idiot with the lights on probably did it on purpose because he thought it was funny.

    3. Our Red Alert for the lights in the paper came to nothing. As I said yesterday, the images seen on the net were from long exposures. You might have seen a slight shimmering by eye but not the rainbow effect shown.

  23. “Thank you for calling the Eurovision Song Contest. You have voted for Israel.”

    1. I dipped into Euronews to see what they made of it. Hilariously, they described the public vote for Israel as “shocking.” Clearly the public was very much not on message, so they went on to remind us how much the act was booed inside the auditorium instead and how much protest there was outside, including by St Greta of Thunberg.

      Turns out the site is hilarious all round in fact, adopting a persistently myopically Eurocentric left view of every event. Worth a laugh.

      1. No television so mercifully spared that awful competition. But why was the vote for Israel shocking and how did she place?

        1. I haven’t watched it for decades, but apparently there was no rationale behind it being shocking. It just was, in the writer’s view. No evidence, it was just I suppose the way any right-minded average Joe ought to have thought of Israel getting a vote.

          The “shocking” moment propelled them into the lead for a moment near the end, but they eventually finished fifth.

          1. The lack of self insight is still shocking, although now just par for the course. This whole parade keeps reminding me of that Borat song “Throw the Jew down the well” accompanying this as a stage show

            I don’t always agree with Cohen’s comedy but he nails the mob anti-Semitism here.

          2. Excellent – It shows the hatred of the Jews and the indoctrination of the children – it could be a BBC Nature/Science programme.

      2. This was the perfect example of why we should have referenda to decide important issues. The public or electorate are less likely to be intimidated into making unpopular decisions. How could this possibly have been a fair contest with all that intimidation and threatening behaviour?

  24. Yesterday the rise in whooping cough was due to naughty parents skipping the vaxxes…well well well what do we have today?

    She was vaccinated and she STILL got whooping cough! And having got it, she certainly would have been able to pass it on.
    But we’re assured that it would have been so much worse if she hadn’t had the vaxx, and it’s all the fault of those nasty unvaxxed people…

      1. Except that nobody would know how bad it would have been were it not for the vax…….

    1. Perhaps the vacine gave her whooping cough. After all the covid lies I do not trust there people.

    1. I had it when I was three, I can recall glimpses of it down and along the corridors of time so it must have been unpleasant; I came down with it in the November and it didn’t clear until early April.

      1. I was a little older – five or six – I know it was nasty and lasted at least six weeks. I missed quite a lot of school. I remember neighbours coming to the window with supplies. My Grandma was still living with us then, and Mum was ill too but she didn’t whoop. Every cough was painful and ended with a vomit.

        1. I do remember the vomit and the cough, but not the pain. At the end of March my parents took me to Whitby to get some ‘good sea air!’ into my lungs…. Whenever I get a fluey type winter virus that lingers I always say it won’t be gone until after the vernal equinox and this usually turns out to be the case – I suppose it is the lengthening hours of daylight and sunshine, warmer temperatures and better atmospheric conditions that do the trick ultimately.

          1. I used to be packed off to Weston Super Mare in the summer holidays to stay with my Aunt & Uncle – and I probably did recuperate there as well. I was lucky not to be left with a weak chest and I don’t get chest infections. I must have been a sickly child though – I had measles at about 7 or 8, tonsils out when I was six, appendix at 10, and earaches and tummy upsets too. My children were a lot more healthy I think.

            These days I rarely get colds – until the sniffle I picked up recently on the crowded train I’d had none since January 2020. Though this one only lasted a few days and was nothing much.

    1. As I said the other day I’ve not watched it since Waterloo (the song not the battle)

  25. Good Morning to all. Trump held a rally in New Jersey yesterday. An amazing estimate of the crowd in a Democratic State.

    “A spokesperson for the City of Wildwood told the Associated Press she estimated there were between 80,000 and 100,000 people at the rally.”

    1. I think he wil win New Jersey, things are not good there. There are more people leaving the state to live elswhere than any other.

      1. I noticed that the Daily Mail report claims that the figures for the rally were from Trumps own campaign. Which is an outright lie since I pointed out that it was a spokesman from the city. They also tried denigrate his speech, I quote “Former president Trump encourages foul-mouthed chants at enormous New Jersey re-election rally where he branded Biden administration ‘s**t’ and called NY AG Alvin Bragg ‘Fat Alvin'”
        Apart from anything else a President is never referred to as “former”, they are always given the title of President. So that is a calculated insult that would not pass unnoticed by an American.

        I remember as you do, no doubt, when it was a respectable conservative newspaper. It sure has turned into a rag!

  26. From Spectator Coffee House
    Why won’t phone companies stop kids using social media?
    Comments Share 11 May 2024, 6:00am
    When it comes to social media, parents find it difficult enough to keep up with their offspring’s online world. What hope, then, do governments and regulators have of keeping up with digital technology?

    This week, Ofcom has announced a new code of practice which aims to use powers granted under the Online Safety Act in order to ‘tame aggressive algorithms’. Such a move seems well-meaning, but official bodies will always be several steps behind the latest online trends. The onerous-sounding new rules will probably end up restricting the online freedom of less savvy adults more than of children.

    A decade or so ago, parents had no idea about the potential negative effects of these addictive apps on young minds
    That’s not to say the phone-based childhood is not a significant social concern. WhatsApp, SnapChat, Instagram are new worlds which parents are ill equipped to help their children navigate. Recent research from Ofcom showed that a quarter of British children have a smartphone at the age of seven. By the age of 12, 90 per cent of them do.

    Adults fear that social media sucks children into a digital vortex, encouraging them to scroll instead of read and making them ever more anxious, depressed and isolated in the real world. Yet parents who seek to restrict their children’s phone usage often find that they push back with the fair argument that friendship is digital now. Not being on social media means being a pariah. Who would want to do that to their child?

    Jonathan Haidt, a psychologist at New York University, argues that smartphones fuel misery and paranoia and that image-based social media teaches children to judge themselves and their peers by appearance. He also links smartphones to a surge in mental health problems in young people in America, especially in girls who use Instagram.

    Most popular
    Fraser Nelson
    Why Israel is crucial to Eurovision

    Britain is not short of evidence on this score. The number of children seen by NHS mental health services has risen by a third in just the past four years. NHS estimates that a fifth of eight- to 16-year-olds now have a probable mental health disorder, up from 12 per cent six years ago. Just 0.7 per cent of British university students reported mental health issues in 2010; now 5 per cent do.

    The Children’s Society compiles annual research into how happy young people are about their friends, appearance and school: all the scores have been falling for years. The Prince’s Trust, which also tracks happiness and confidence among the young, reports similar declines.

    For Professor Haidt, the advent of social media (rather than smartphones per se) has led to what he calls ‘the great rewiring of childhood’ and the results are calamitous. Others argue that, thanks in part to social media, talking about mental illness carries less stigma now, so everyone – young and old – is more likely to report issues; what we’re seeing is an explosion of candour. That, however, does not explain the rise in hospital admissions for intentional self-harm in the under-35s, up by a third over ten years.

    We have no clear answers. Mental health issues among adults, which are driving the current surge in worklessness, are a problem for public health officials. Still, there is a strong case for restricting children’s use of social media until we have a better understanding of its implications. Such decisions should not be taken lightly in a free society, but growing parental concern, along with substantial evidence, does make the case for further regulation.

    The tech firms are never short of ploys to fob off campaigning parents or to keep regulators at bay. Instagram and TikTok claim to have brought in age-verification tools to analyse ‘selfies’ and estimate how old the users are. But the firms have no incentive to enforce age limits, lest they lose their share of the pre-teen market to rivals. TikTok, Instagram, Snapchat, Facebook and YouTube are all limited to the over-13s – but in reality just over half of British children are using social media by the age of nine.

    There is an easier solution to the one Ofcom proposes. Smartphone providers should be obliged to demand age verification and underage users should simply be unable to download the relevant apps. No such law is watertight of course. Children may figure out how to fake an online ID, but responsible parents should be able to check such details, so verification at the smartphone level would be a useful tool.

    Several US states are moving forward with heavier-handed legislation. Florida has just outlawed all social media for under-14s. In Texas, Louisiana and Utah, the law has been changed to say that under-18s need parental consent before creating social-media accounts. It’s easy to see calls for such measures over here: but it would be better if smartphone companies adopted technology that enforced the age limits that already exist without the need for state intervention.

    A decade or so ago, parents had no idea – no one did – about the potential negative effects of these addictive apps on young minds. But as the picture becomes clearer, so does the responsibility of tech companies – and the threat of regulation becomes more necessary. No social media company should be trying to harness the pre-teen market. Asking phone companies to verify the age of users is not a radical step: the British government should ask them to take it.

    1. Phone companies can’t police the internet – that’s like expecting the Highways departments to stop children from driving cars.

      As someone pointed out recently, twenty years ago there was concern that poor kids would be left behind with access to tech – now, it’s rich kids that have their tech restricted.

      A friend of mind has two children aged 10 and 12 – she has parental software installed and they only get the internet two hours a day – they are still complete addicts. It is a constant struggle.

      1. My Talk talk account allows filters to be put on what is accessed and limits on time periods. However, if kids have 4g, the world is their cess pit.

        1. She controls their internet connections, and she has a safe list of websites which they have to ask her to add websites to. I guess at a certain point, that won’t work any more – it’s an ongoing battle.

    2. “Harnessing the pre-teen market” is in vogue. Just ask Sir Kneeler about voting or the trans lobby about gender indoctrination in junior schools.

  27. I was reading theGuardian this morning and came across a petition to subscribe.
    “This is what we’re up against

    Teams of lawyers from the rich and powerful trying to stop us publishing stories they don’t want you to see.

    Lobby groups with opaque funding who are determined to undermine facts about the climate emergency and other established science.

    Authoritarian states with no regard for the freedom of the press.

    Bad actors spreading disinformation online to undermine democracy.

    Are these allegations true? Is the Guardian so important that expensive lawyers, lobby groups and authoritarian states are trying to stop them publishing?
    This fanatical opposition sounds somewhat far fetched.

    1. The Guardian sometimes acts as if its “truth” is the only side to a story.

      1. Crrection needed?

        “The Guardian sometimes acts as if its “truth” is the only side to a story.

        Afternoon sos & all

          1. Yesterday was a very long day. 45 feet to be precise 3 hours to hose & brush down all the algae from the boat and then a further three hours to give the whole thing a coat of polish. It was akin to washing and then polishing 6 cars non-stop in 25oC heat! And to top it all the River Kennet is still in flood so I need to wait a few more days yet before I can take the boat out to the upper Thames and on to its source at Lechlade….

          2. I tried offering Two Free Tickets to the genuine Canal Boat Cleaning Experience but the prospective marks just laughed!

          3. The local place where i buy and exchange cars also has a petrol forecourt and a group of men and women of a dusky hue who valet and polish the cars for sale and also anyone who turns up that wants a similar service. I still think they would have done a good job. Even hoovered the interior and emptied your ashtrays. :@)

          4. Just think of all the exercise you achieved, resulting in a lovely clean and polished boat!! Happy sailing this summer!

    2. These are the real problems the people of Hong Kong are having with the Chinese , they were sold down the river , there is no free press ,and the slightest misdemeanour is punished harshly .

      I know a few women from Hong Kong who married into the British military decades ago .

      Their husbands were English army officers, now retired , living here , but their Hong Kong wives now in their seventies worry like mad about relatives in Hong Kong , and the intolerant attitude the Chinese have re educated people who write for the press , or who teach or even have their own businesses.

    3. Morning Rob. These things are probably true as far as they go but they are also true of all the MSM. The Telegraph for example masquerades as a Conservative mouthpiece but is in fact Globalist controlled. The BBC is a state financed corporation captured and run by the Wokeys. We live in an Age of Lies. It is best to be wary of all authority which is invariably malign.

    4. “… the climate emergency and other established science“- surely science is never “settled” or “established” – it’s always evolving??

    5. It looks to me very much like the standard leftist script: accuse your opponents of doing exactly what leftists are doing. Then, if a conservative points out that the leftists are doing that already, mock the accusation vehemently as a conspiracy theory.

      1. Quite so. How come the Guardian manages to be the only major newspaper without a paywall? Surely the profits from flogging off Autotrader can’t be keeping it going in perpetuity so could it be that some very rich people are subsidising it so that its propaganda can reach as wide an audience as possible?

  28. Isn’t Regents Park a historic park so presumably with protections as to how it should be used? Surely these bully cyclists should be under some restrictions. I bet there’s an ancient law somewhere that would nobble/hobble them. Remember that older lady who was sent to jail for gesticulating angrily as a cyclist came toward her on the pavement. Why was that bike on the pavement? There should be no such thing as shared usage with modern bikes and their capabilities. They are designed for speed. Apparently, the older lady sent to jail had been the target of youths on bikes for a while so no wonder she was reactive. Cyclists are a scourge.

    1. No one can go out in the street and act recklessly, with the possibility of injuring someone, bike or no bike.

  29. Thought of the day – will glass coffins ever become popular? Remains to be seen

  30. Russia has invaded Ukraine again, Lord Cameron warns. 12 May 2024.

    Foreign Secretary Lord Cameron told Sky News: “It’s extremely dangerous. It only underlines that this a unjustified, illegal invasion by Putin into an independent sovereign country and he has now, as it were, invaded it again from the north of Kharkiv.”

    The people of Syria and Libya groan.

  31. Ndovu, have we heard from Delboy recently? The last I saw from him on here was when his wife’s appt at the hospital was cancelled by the anaesthetist two days before 8 April when it was due. Mrs D sounded not very well at all. I may have missed a post(s) though.

    1. Just had a look – he last posted yesterday morning – said he’d walked the Springer and the ferns were getting very tall – they would soon be over his head and he’s 6’4″. So I think he’s ok. Don’t know about Mrs D though.

  32. 387300+ up ticks,

    Surely the fatrattwat one so keenly interested and full of advice
    is front line material is he flying out any time soon ?

    Russia has invaded Ukraine again, Lord Cameron warns Updated 14 minutes ago
    Ukrainian military medics from the 47th Brigade take clothes off their injured comrade at the field hospital in Avdiivka direction, Donetsk region, Ukraine, Friday, May 10, 2024
    Ukrainian military medics from the 47th Brigade take clothes off their injured comrade at the field hospital in Avdiivka direction, Donetsk region, Ukraine, Friday, May 10, 2024 CREDIT: AP Photo/Evgeniy Maloletka
    Chosen by us to get you up to speed at a glance

    Residents fleeing the border describe ‘constant incoming fire’
    Attacks on Kharkiv over the past day kill three and injure five
    Russia has invaded Ukraine again, Lord Cameron warned, as troops crossed over the border to open a new front near the second city of Kharkiv

    “Invaded Ukraine again”

    Does fatrattwat know ,such is the nature of war.

    1. Greetings!
      It is part of their ‘culture’, instructed by their koran their ‘book of sub-human, uncivilised, savage, misogynistic, attitude and behaviour’, but, as we keep seeing in colonised towns up and down this once civilised country, these filthy degenerates aren’t fussy as to who they violate or how often, all with the approval of all members of their ‘communities.’

    2. Isn’t there an Islamic group which believes that the next Mohammed will be born out of a man? This is why some of them have a thirst for sodomy hoping to be the father of the next Prophet.

      I suppose the father of the new Prophet would not be thrown off a high building?

    3. Yuk! I didn’t open it but we’re all grown ups here and there’s no censorship except personal attacks on other posters.

      Those young boys are probably groomed and then become the abusers themselves.

      1. They are. It is perfectly acceptable in their culture. It is the reason the boy is resigned to his fate. Bacha Bazi.

    1. That reminds me of something my mother once did, though I think even she would have drawn the line at that! She had made a sponge cake with a cream filling and topping for the local golf club teas. She left it on the kitchen table while she went off and did something else and when she returned she found the cats licking off all the cream topping – they were down to the last little bit. Undeterred she decided that no-one would know if she simply replaced it which she did and took the cake up to the golf club. She was as excellent baker and her cakes always very popular so it wasn’t long before the last crumb had gone. She had a serious mischievous streak and in a fit of foolishness told the assembled company what had happened. It did not go down well and one poor man had to rush off to the gents to be sick! She never dared take another cream cake to the golf club 😆

        1. When I was in the Scouts we went camping and one guy kept swigging our bottle of cider so we found an empty bottle and all peed in it. He only swigged it once after that

      1. Pah! The dog is a necrophiliac and that is the road to perdition. If not put down it will soon be subscribing to The Guardian and voting to rejoin the EU.

  33. If this is true, it is infinitely worse than being lumbered with hordes of mere parasites.
    It certainly fits with the constant drip, drip of catastrophising coverage of bird flu, whooping cough outbreaks and so on. Just preparing the ground, whipping up the fear in the gullible masses so that we will be willing to submit to the next plandemic.
    Many still live in fear from convid, so it wouldn’t take much to get the morons once again cowering behind their sofas, donning muzzles and rolling up their sleeves. Only next time, with extra force from these savages.

    1. That’s what people have suspected for ages. In Ireland it was said “we must recruit these new immigrants into the Garda” suprise surprise.
      Whether they are soldiers or not, if the food delivery fails for more than three days, the effect will be the same…

  34. If this is true, it is infinitely worse than being lumbered with hordes of mere parasites.
    It certainly fits with the constant drip, drip of catastrophising coverage of bird flu, whooping cough outbreaks and so on. Just preparing the ground, whipping up the fear in the gullible masses so that we will be willing to submit to the next plandemic.
    Many still live in fear from convid, so it wouldn’t take much to get the morons once again cowering behind their sofas, donning muzzles and rolling up their sleeves. Only next time, with extra force from these savages.

  35. Is Jodie Whittaker in season 14 of Doctor Who?

    After making the transition from the Thirteenth Doctor (Jodie Whittaker) andthe Fourteenth Doctor (David Tennant), “Doctor Who” now has a new
    Fifteenth Doctor (Ncuti Gatwa), who made his first appearance in the “Doctor Who Christmas Special” in late 2023.

    A list of the attributes required for the Sixteenth Doctor:

    Non Binary
    Of Chinese extraction
    One Leg
    One Arm
    Blind in one eye
    Non English speaking
    Scared of phone boxes

    1. Hmm, I can think of a couple more recently arrived con-artists they lured over and could have arrested. Pity they didn’t.

    2. All part of the process. The early birds thought that the digitisation of transactions, finance & verification would be all fine & dandy.. “decentralised” this & “decentralised” that and free of the grip of The Fed & big banks.

      Instead everything changed on 8th August 2022 with the arrest of blockchain developer Alexey Pertsev by Uncle Sam for er, writing harmless code? After that the SEC, CFTC, IRS and the Treasury Department got serious.. really serious. Kucoin & Binance exchanges have been malleted into submission & compliance. The game is now very much in the control of the banks.. as we prepare for everything, yes everything to be tokenised.

      We’ve all been warned.
      Computer says you’ve eaten enough beef for this year.. try GM locust meat from Gates’ Farm Inc.. you have plenty available quota.

  36. Many Cyclists are now crazy wokiest environmentalists with their own politically motivated agendas who believe cars shouldn’t be on the roads. The Higjway Code has been changed to give priority to cyclists of whom intimidate, cycle haphazardly,
    cycle in the middle of roads and some even are abusive and damage cars. I used to enjoy cycling along pathways, through woods and in country parks – well away from fast roads but then again I never had some ‘ anti car ‘ point to prove. Cyclists are now nothing but a menace .

    1. The other day we were stuck driving at 20mph on a country road with a 50mph speed limit. The reason was a cyclist wearing a Hi-Viz vest with an XR symbol who was riding in the middle of the road. It was clearly deliberate and I bet he had a helmet-cam ready to film us if we had crossed the central double white line to overtake him.

  37. 387300+ up ticks,

    Listening to the report on prisons the living conditions at Wandsworth seem most dire judging by the fact that the rat population is seemingly handled by a Jack Russel squad, I believe these are released on days when NO politico’s are on the visiting lists.

    Surely if the WEF / NWO politico overseers MUST shape up or ship out in regards to becoming leaders in incarcerating the worlds felons.

    A prisons building program must surely take poll position, well before the house building for foreign incoming felons takes place.

    1. 387300 + up ticks,

      Afternoon OLT,

      Just another WEF / NWO anti farmer ploy to get at sheep-dogs.

      1. The headline reads that the dog will be seized, if the Dog Walker terrorises livestock

  38. Quote for today “It is the folly of too many to mistake the echo of a London vegan cafe for the voice of the kingdom.”

  39. Eurovision 2024: everything we learned – from the Abba swizz to the UK’s wild unpopularity. 12 May 2022.

    Some blamed the song – a derivative Pet Shop Boys-esque synth-pop number which lacked cut-through appeal. Others pointed to sound issues, with vocals muddy and low in the mix. Others thought that the staging, with writhing dancers in what resembled a serial killer’s bathroom, was more suited to an edgy video than family-friendly Eurovision. Others pointed to our unpopularity post-Brexit. Chances are it was a combo of all the above. Hey, at least he improved on last year, when Mae Muller was second from bottom.

    It could just have been crap of course. In fact (the video is worse than the still) it was. When you look at it; the demise of Western Civilisation looks like a blessing in disguise.

      1. Black Jack doesn’t seem too happy and appears to have self indulged.. very flexible these dancers.

    1. I wonder what young men both black and white who wish to become boxers think of it…

    2. I wonder what young men both black and white who wish to become boxers think of it…

      1. Freak show indeed……I thought those were considered non-PC these days? Were there any dwarves?

          1. You’re not allowed to say that kind of thing these days! Apparently, the chap is gay and the laydee is a stage character. It’s the idiots who vote for these people are the ones who seem to have lost their marbles.

          2. Kenny Everett used to use such a character for comedic purposes. I confess I still find such people ridiculous and abhorrent in equal measure. One is enjoined not to mock the afflicted, but when they insist on being annoying then I’m afraid that as far as I am concerned then that consideration is set aside.

    3. 387300+ up ticks,

      Afternoon AS,

      England done well coming 18th could have done better if last.

        1. They want to annoy the sort of people who go to the proms. It is quite deliberately offensive. Smith should be put down.

    4. Only 80% of them are Western. One chap seems to be either African or of exclusively African genes.

    5. And yet so many of y’all apparently watched it!!!
      At least, some parts of it ;-))

    1. A shame Dr David Kelly didn’t leave a message saying ’twas Blair wot dunnit.

    2. also known as being.. Epsteined or Boeinged.

      Meanwhile, as a gentle reminder.. of what the psycho commie rats are planning..

      Nigel Farage has blasted the WHOs Pandemic Preparedness treaty and called on the government to wake up to the risks of signing it. Speaking on GB News Nigel Farage said:“I have often talked about the World Health Organisation, people I have absolutely no faith in whatsoever, with their annual budget of $7 billion every year and who did their best to hide the true causes of Covid.

      “They have scheduled for the end of May a conference at which they want us to sign up to a global pandemic treaty that would give them the right not only to tell us to lock down the next time they deem a pandemic, but also to take 20% of our stocks of any medicines or vaccines that we have, to spread around the world.“It is such a loss of national sovereignty that it is untrue. So far, it would appear that the British government is going to sign up to this.“

      Interestingly last night Senator Ron Johnson, Republican, managed to get all 49 Republican senators to write to Biden to say, ‘Do not sign this treaty. It would be a dreadful abrogation of sovereignty.’“This is due to happen at the end of May. That timetable may slip for a month or two, but be in no doubt of the ambitions of the WHO to take a huge amount of power. And remember, we can’t vote for them to go in, and we can’t vote to get rid of them either.“

      And I really hope that the British government wakes up to this. I’m sure when the story gets a wider audience in this country, people will be very, very strongly opposed to it.”

    1. “Third Rock from the Sun” was a very funny series – at least wen it started.

  40. UK passport fees, 2024

    UK Passport Prices

    Age group

    A Apply online (from April 11)

    B Apply by paper form (from April 11)

    Adult (16 and over) standard 34-page passport

    A £88.50 (+£6)

    B £100 (+£7)

    Child (under 16) standard 34-page passport

    A £57.50 (+£4)

    B £69 (+£5)

    Passport for people born on or before 2 September 1929

    A Free

    B Free

    Does anyone here qualify for a Freebie?

    1. I think it is the same for a married couples allowance. You have to have been married before 1952. (I think)

  41. It must be the unaccustomed sunshine – but my pore brane has been reeling. I always thought that degrees of mixed race were fractions – 1/16th; 1/8th; 1/4 etc. So my puzzle – just how does Trash claim to be 43% Nigerian? I suppose Brash might have done the maths….

    Other isshoo – just what do the Nigerians get out of this bogus royal visit? Answers should be accompanied by your bank account details…

    1. She probably had one of those DNA tests that purport to tell you where you came from.

        1. Report in 2015

          “Markle, whose great-great-grandmother Mary Bird was born in Malta, visited the Mediterranean country to learn about her ancestry, E! News reports. Markle said “yes without hesitation” when asked to visit Malta, she wrote in her now-defunct lifestyle blog, The Tig, per E!.

          Meghan tried Maltese dishes and met with some locals as she soaked in the culture and got in touch with her roots, per Daily Mail. The trip was photographed for ELLE UK.”

          Gosh – what a little mongrel she must be.

    2. 3/7 is 0.4285~ so perhaps there’s an unknown great-grandfather and she was told she was at least 43% Nigerian.

      (Edit: changed great-grandparent to great-grandfather.)

    3. A good point. Any mathematicians around who can explain how the 43% figure might arise? It does sound particularly precise.

        1. Yes PetaJ, but that is irrelevant. To argue otherwise makes you racist and should be boiled in acid.

    4. If they are blek or have a c*ck and t*ts they can have any (and all) percentages they care to claim.

        1. Entrails thrown on brazier first ! Don’t you Know anything ? Then the peasants at least get something to eat at the end of the show.

          1. Hanged, drawn and quartered has it the wrong way round. The criminal was DRAWN to the place of execution on a hurdle Then HANGED and, before he suffocated, his entrails were crudely removed and, when dead,, he was QUARTERED, his head stuck on a pike on London Bridge and, various bits where distributed to notable towns and cities for display. Gruesome!

          2. I think ‘drawn’ refers to the act of evisceration after the unfortunate person is cut down.

        1. Hopefully – Markle would be a real trophy hostage! She could then discover her Muslim roots – she must have them :))

    5. I assume that some of her black ancestors were mixed race – her mother is clearly mixed.

      We figured out yesterday what the royal tour is all about – apparently it’s for a Netflix documentary, so they are bigging up the “royal” aspects for that. Some of those people in the photos were probably hired from an acting agency….

      As long as everyone’s having a good time, who cares….

      1. She didn’t invite her black relatives to her wedding , did she ?

        It would be very funny if her black Nigerian background were the chiefs who exported slaves

    6. What I find to be an incredible chance is that both her children have red hair…what are the odds of that?

      1. Ask the surrogate “wife”. I will never believe that Trash was ever pregnant.

        1. I really don’t think she would have got away with not being pregnant in the UK. The US though, anything is possible!

        2. Bill, exactly , and her moon bump varied in size and was so false .

          The Nigerian photos show her in busty dresses and then one or two pics show her flat chested appearance . She is an absolute fraud , and she appears to have a a multiple personality disorder .

          She is so rude , I hope the Nigerians scam her and put some JuJu on her ..

          I think that she is similar to the scheming Bette Davis role in that film Whatever happened to Baby Jane or something similar .. I don’t know her , and I am glad I don’t , but I have met some scheming horrible women .. wives of men who should have known better .

      2. IMHO it’s not about probabilities, but a question of genetics. Some genes (DNA, whatever) appear to dominate others and at a molecular level there must be an explanation, but currently beyond explanation. As photography is now so popular and low cost, it should eventually be possible to compare today’s children to their great grandchildren to study family likeness. Few Nottlers will have their great grandparents’ portrait photographs in order to check for similarity, so it will be a game for future generations.

          1. I have photos of various relatives from the 19th and early 20th century. They are black and white but one can usually identify the red-heads because the women have frizzy curls (the men’s hair tends to be slicked down ) and their eye brows and lashes are blond.

          2. My mother and her mother had frizzy hair but they were blonde, not red-heads. The earliest photo I have is an ambrotype of my maternal gt grandmother as a young girl – her hair is tightly pulled back but looks quite dark.

  42. I’m just off to my high tea event, the hosts have a delightful yellow labrador of whom she and I will engage. I’ll speak to some humans too and will smile most engagingly even if I find some annoying and prefer to be with the dog ( how I miss having a dog).
    These people I’ll be with are titled and old money landowners, I struggle to understand why they remain silent when this country is one they’d no longer recognise. Anyway I’ve my hat, shoes and off I go. Have fun

    1. People like that unless in politics remain quiet and tucked away. Don’t feed the dog !!!
      Have fun.

    2. Clouded over here. Hope it’s still sunny in the distant East where you reside.

      1. It was very sunny yesterday, Bonny the yellow labrador sent her regards to your black labrador 😁

    3. Titled and old money landowners have been sacrificed in previous generations .

      Many have given their best , and served their country .

      Nouveau riche social class has ruined Britain .. and a spoilt petulant Woke King is making matters worse .

  43. BBC Radio 4: Hour long Re-run of A Man Who Fell to Earth. sponsored by fans of Ar*e Lickers R Us. A tribute to their pangender hero, David Bowie, who died of liver cancer ( just one symptom of HIV and syphilis) in 2016. More value for your licence fee.

      1. I know, I have this uncontrollable urge to point out trivial, insignificant, paltry differences between the all knowing, all important BBC and MSM and the ignorant peasants they have to cater for… I am really sorry.

  44. Afternoon. I will post this up here rather than replying to earlier threads.

    I feel sorry for all those who stayed up all night trying to see the elusive aurora. I watch the solar data at After a spell of auroral propagation in our amateur 50MHz band at tea time when the storm was obviously still going strong the auroral circle forecast chart slowly turned to all green and moved away from the UK. So there was clearly going to be no aurora last night. The media of course didn’t pick this up. Although the solar wind is still going strong, and we still have a K index of 7 this morning, the solar wind is now in neutral territory and no longer creating aurora effects. But the solar storm remains a biggy and is in fact almost in Carrington territory, if we largely survived this one we can probably say that the predicted armagedon is thankfully a phantasy.

    As an update this afternoon, it is certainly all over now. The K index is back to a normal 3 and the big sunspot group which caused all the stuff is just about to rotate out of sight to the back of the sun and has shrunk in size a lot. There will be no repeat tonight, if you had a wasted trip last night no reason to even consider one tonight (when I think the rain and clouds will have moved in as well).

      1. No Bill, doom is with us every day in the shape of parliament and the hideous MPs.

      1. “Queen Victoria is perhaps the most famous left-handed British monarch, though historians believe she was required to use her right hand as a child during the strict age in which she lived.”

          1. I am the only one in my family who isn’t left handed (both parents, brother, both grandparents and grandma). Needless to say I so everything arse about tit because of it.

          2. Blimey! Strange to be the odd one out, so to speak, when you’re in the majority! We have a junior version of swingball for the boys, and they both play quite well for 3 3/4 but Stefan, the lefty, hits it backhand to compensate!

        1. Quite right too! A practising sinestromanualist as a monarch would be the thin end of the wedge. Before you know it the franchise would be extended to women and the Empire would come to an end.

    1. Pert arse to dream…..
      And what dreams may come….

      (with apols to the late Mr Shakespeare)

  45. Thousands flee as Russian soldiers ‘walk in’ to Ukrainian village. . 12 May 2024.

    More than 4,000 people have been forced to flee from the border region near Kharkiv since Russia launched its surprise offensive on Friday.

    Ukrainian officials said civilians were still being evacuated on Sunday amid reports Russian troops “just walked” in to capture villages before fighting erupted.

    Ukraine admitted on Sunday that it was facing a “difficult situation” holding its positions.

    Looks like the end approaches folks.

    1. ‘civilians still being evacuated’. ‘Violence erupted’… They could have just said okay. You win.

          1. It is still worth saving although I never thought the left would win through, I always thought common sense would prevail. However I did not factor into the equation the lure of hard cash being wafted around and a society whose moral worth was deliberately trashed to enable the lure to be grasped.

        1. I honour our dead but we might have been better off under a unified europe then rather than what is being forced on us now. At least then we were white and Christian.

          1. Unified Europe or a Greater Germany led by psychopaths? Not a lot of difference between the latter and the EU, IMHO.

          2. At least it would have happened many years ago. And those other organisations set up to enslave us wouldn’t exist.

          3. Slovakia – it has a long southern border contiguous with Hungary.

            Edit: oh, I almost forgot. Russia. Vlad is actively encouraging Christianity as I write. I’m off to pack my bags now.

        2. There were some gutless buggers (hat tip to FM Montgomery)/Nasty sympathisers who were prepared to capitulate.

          1. There but for the grace of God, and a large number of brave lads.
            Like yesterday’s non-swimmer Sea Hurricane pilot. After their launch, pretty well the only way to recover was th a) ditch in the sea, or b) parachute into the sea. The arctic sea, in winter, most likely never to be recovered. Respect, in spades.

    2. Looks like the end approaches folks

      The end of the killing, thank goodness.

      However, not the end of the grifting for very shortly the grifters and scammers will be vying for the multi-billion dollar contracts for ‘rebuilding’ Ukraine. How much will Biden ask the House to underwrite? If they’ve any sense they’ll tell him to go forth and multiply. Biden’s demise as alleged POTUs cannot come quickly enough.

      1. Will The Clown suddenly bugger off in a private plane – to a nice little billet in the Gulf?

    3. I wouldn’t get too excited, Minty. The Russians captured a handful of villages. It’s not Patten v Montgomery and a race to Berlin.

  46. An eccentric Par Four?

    Wordle 1,058 4/6

    1. Likewise

      Wordle 1,058 4/6


    2. A nasty 5 today.

      Wordle 1,058 5/6


    3. Par for me too.

      Wordle 1,058 4/6


    4. First two words helped me today…. sizzling birdie – Yee hah!

      Wordle 1,058 3/6


  47. Well that’s disappointing. They were promising northern lights and maybe even disruptions to satellute services electrical systems. What did we get ? Well clouds and rain of course.

    All of the power went out in town at about 1AM so I thought that maybe we were about to be entertained with a bit of Armageddon. They couldn’t even get that right, life is back to normal.

  48. From the Telegraph.

    ‘Grandmother killed in stabbing on London street was ‘devoted to her family’’

    Every time someone is murdered they turn out to be a cross between Mother Theresa, Einstein and the Archangel Gabriel. I think I shall have to turn over a new leaf and be thoroughly nasty to everyone from now on for safety’s sake.

    1. I rather agree with you. Every child who is murdered is always a popular, friendly genius, brilliant at school, double first material (despite being only 10).

      Bit like obituaries, really. Rarely (if ever) does one read that X was an out and out shyte and the world is a better place for knowing that he is now roasting in Hell.

          1. I do. My late husband met him on a couple of occasions – it was loathing at first sight!

          2. Thankfully I didn’t meet him but I worked for a company owned by him for a few months. No wonder he’s filthy rich, the starvation-level wages he paid his employees was criminally low.

          3. Are you sure we are talking about the same person? The Sir Peter Green I am talking about died in 1996.

      1. We are not supposed to speak ill of the dead. It weakens us if we do so. Do it while they are alive !!!

          1. Here it is in Latin:

            Πες τίποτα άλλο παρά καλό για τους νεκρούς.

        1. When it comes to unsavoury politicians when they die, I understand the correct form is:” He /she is dead.Good”

      2. I remember when the Ayatollah Khomeini died a friend predicted that we’d have a hot summer that year because, “They’ll be stoking the fires in hell”. We did too but you’re right, the print and broadcast media were much more polite, even about a devil like Khomeini.

    2. A while ago a friend had her handbag stolen while she was visiting Barcelona. Distraction theft, the bag was taken from back seat of hire car. Inside there was nowt but tampons. Her valuables etc were close to her skin. But why would anyone risk death for the sake of a handbag with debit cards and a few keys?

    3. A while ago a friend had her handbag stolen while she was visiting Barcelona. Distraction theft, the bag was taken from back seat of hire car. Inside there was nowt but tampons. Her valuables etc were close to her skin. But why would anyone risk death for the sake of a handbag with debit cards and a few keys?

  49. Guardian’s Quitter goes for a bimble. I go for a mosey. This afternoon I mosied around my local flooded field, after all the sky was blue and the temperature reached 20ºC. On the flooded field there was a Eurasian oystercatcher Haematopus ostralegus, a few wood sandpipers Tringa glareola, blue-headed yellow wagtails Motacilla flava, white wagtails M. alba, but no sign of the nesting red-necked grebes Podiceps grisegena. A walk in an adjacent beech wood gave me red wood ants Formica rufa, a number of remaining wood anemones (white and purple) Anemonoides nemorosa, field mouse-ears Cerastium arrense, and meadow saxifrage Saxifraga granulata. A long and difficult traipse around the perimeter of a crop field to another remote lake was an utter waste of time since there was only one pair of coots Fulica atra on it! I got a fairly decent view of a common cuckoo Cuculus canorus calling from a small blossom tree but it flew off before I could focus on it.

    1. Oystercatchers and Blue-headed yellow wagtails just know that they are photogenic, Grizz!

  50. That’s me gone for this very pleasant day. Greenhouse sorted. Cobra beans will be planted out tomorrow – the frames are ready. EIGHT trombetti seedlings – a record! Everything is growing apace – which clearly suggests that we are in for a cold spell.

    Must go and put a bottle of re in the fridge and a bottle of white in a bucket of warm water. Oh yes, a real connoisseur, me….

    Have a jolly evening.

    A demain.

      1. I bet the bitch hasn’t discussed the common mutilation of young women . FMG.


        Has she discussed arranged marriages , and the refusal of many to be inoculated , the discarding of children , the rape of children and babies , nah, of course not .

        1. I think the only victims that concern them (I avoid reading about them) are themselves.

      1. He’s actually from Prague and he czeched the advert out in the local press.

    1. There was a reason why we used to have societal taboos against this kind of behaviour.

    2. To be honest – if you end up dancing with all those babes I might give it a go myself!! Unfortunately my body shape is not dissimilar but I would refuse to wear a brassiere…….

  51. Could the Northern lights become more common in the South of England because of climate change or Brexit or Both?
    Should we be paying more tax to prevent it?

    1. Oh…..and I thought it was all about interest rates. And fuel bills. 🤔🤣

    2. a). Both
      b)!Evil Toooories must absolutely pay more tax (but not anyone who deems him or herself, or indeed theyself, as a “Progressive” as they are on the Right Side of History and therefore exempt.)

    3. a). Both
      b)!Evil Toooories must absolutely pay more tax (but not anyone who deems him or herself, or indeed theyself, as a “Progressive” as they are on the Right Side of History and therefore exempt.)

  52. Good evening all. Been out most of the day because in between the morning service and evensong was our Annual Parochial Church Meeting which should have lasted an hour and a quarter but went on for much longer. The twelfth century church building is still sturdy but the utilities block built in the 1980s is literally falling apart and Martin Ashley, the architect for the replacement, gave a presentation that generated much impassioned discussion.

    1. Ours is next week. Fortunately we hear our ex Vicar has gone on holiday so shouldn’t be around to cause trouble.

      1. We celebrated Bell Sunday today (should have been the 19th, but that’s Pentecost) where we gave thanks for the bells and the ringers. Ironically our troublesome wrecktorette has sacked the tower captain in her fiefdom. The APCM is being held next Sunday despite the PCC not having seen, let alone passed the accounts (nor have they officially been notified of the date and time of the APCM!). Things go from bad to worse.

        1. Those are all breaches of church’law.
          1. APCMs need to be announced with two Sundays’ notice.
          2. The accounts need to be approved and posted in the church with at least a week’s notice.

          1. I know that and the archdeacon has been informed (there is possibly a poster in the porch about the time and date, but I haven’t seen it) yet has ignored it. The accounts are a real bone of contention because the finances are in such a dire state.

  53. Well, chums, it’s only 7.30 pm, but I’m off for an early night. Sleep well and see you all tomorrow.

    1. This is what happens when you turn your back on your family for nothing more than a gold digger.

    2. Maybe he has a dose of the shits, and can’t get away to let go? It’s common when arriving in Nigeria to get that problem.

    1. To sum up.

      Destroy the world utterly and it would make no difference whatsoever in the great scheme of things?

      1. Yes it is Feynman – a true great – the Godfather of nanotechnology, a particular interest of mine (yes, those long winter nights just fly by…)

          1. Apparently God knows…along with their precise locations at every point in time……..

    1. Whereas, as we all know, the polite and proper way address all these creatures is:

      Look dickhead, you’re an utter cunt

      1. Eurovision is state propaganda. This is the reason that the performances are increasingly freakish and sexual in nature. This is classic socialist globalist distraction designed to give legitimacy to queer theory.

        I remember watching the shite in the days of Sandy Shaw almost as a penance since we had a single black and white TV in those days. I preferred Hopalong Cassidy in truth and Lassie or Tales of the Riverbank.

      2. Eurovision is state propaganda. This is the reason that the performances are increasingly freakish and sexual in nature. This is classic socialist globalist distraction designed to give legitimacy to queer theory.

        I remember watching the shite in the days of Sandy Shaw almost as a penance since we had a single black and white TV in those days. I preferred Hopalong Cassidy in truth and Lassie or Tales of the Riverbank.

    2. Gender isn’t a thing. Biological sex is. Mr Norton keeps banging into reality.

  54. Oh dear. Climate idiot on GB News, arguing that it should be illegal to deny “man made climate change”. Well, that’s me in prison then.

    1. I had to mute him. Not evil, just very stupid. If he was actually preaching Agenda 2030 I’d at least credit him with a few brain cells but he’s oblivious to the political aims of the climate scam. A believer who wants to silence the infidel.

    2. A few years ago I recall the death penalty got a mention for climate change deniers.

    3. Nothing says faith in the Scientific Method like jailing those who disagree or who are not convinced. Everything is upside-down in Clownworld.

  55. Another day is done so, I wish you a goodnight and may God bless you all, Gentlefolk. Bis morgen früh.

    1. I believe the aurora you saw was created by the Pride community who were a few colours short of a rainbow.

      1. As well as a few sandwiches short of a picnic and several pence short of a shilling.

    1. The internet has a lot to answer for:

      “Knock! , Knock!”
      “Who’s there?”

        1. I was taught from an early age that men should never hit or otherwise abuse women. I suppose I am a relic from the past when men gave up their seats on the bus to women and held doors open for women in department stores and offices.

          How far have we fallen over the years that chivalrous behaviour is now frowned upon and those of us practising the Art despised.

        2. I was taught from an early age that men should never hit or otherwise abuse women. I suppose I am a relic from the past when men gave up their seats on the bus to women and held doors open for women in department stores and offices.

          How far have we fallen over the years that chivalrous behaviour is now frowned upon and those of us practising the Art despised.

  56. Well the thunder didn’t last long, nor did it get very close.
    But I’m ready for bed so goodnight all.
    A possible run to see Stepson tomorrow, or I might wait until Tuesday.
    TTFN All.

  57. Evening, all. Spectacular lightning display this evening – just before a friend was due to arrive and we were to sit out in the garden, have a few drinks and nibbles and enjoy the good weather 🙁

    I’d like the existing laws to be used to prosecute cyclists who use the footpaths when there’s a perfectly good cycle path, taking up space cars could use, right next to the pavement.

    1. We watched a couple of his very irritatingly funny sit coms last night BBC4 , a take off of the Archers , and a get together of his so called service pals ( very glum but clever).

      Poor man , what a waste of quick wit and talent .

    1. I don’t really see a problem but why would a fat person think they could pole dance?

      1. 387376+ up ticks,

        Morning Pip,

        Then again by the same token
        Why shouldn’t they, if it makes them happy.

        1. Good morning. Good exercise i suppose but it’s not as he can do any moves other than standing on the floor. Which seems pointless.

  58. Carol’s birthday and we went for a meal at The Henny Swan in Great Henny. The brighter weather meant that the place was heaving with boisterous young men, many vestless and sporting their complicated tattoos. The girls were either painfully thin and beautiful or else rather plump but with beautiful faces.

    We ordered Sirloin steaks for the main course but were brought the beef Sunday roast. No matter I could not bring myself to complain or return the food which was fine and much less expensive if gargantuan in proportion that only grunts could consume in total.

    Throughout our meal some git on an adjacent table kept looking at his mobile whilst speaking loudly in the most grating accent and evidently unawares to the annoyance he was causing to us. Carol persuaded me to just accept this behaviour as normal as the poor ignorant bastard would probably have to go to work tomorrow.

    What with the ear shattering loud and irritating shouting of young men plus the lack of awareness of the older git on the next table I decided that I would find another venue for Carol’s next birthday. It is such a shame that standards of behaviour in our country have been allowed to sink so far. There is apparently no longer any respect. This (That) is clearly no country for old men (or women) as W B Yeats observed in Sailing to Byzantium.

    1. We have 3 pubs in our village, two serve food the other is a drinking pub that has its own brewery. The one at the far end of the village is used mainly by families and has a garden with swings etc. in it.
      Our favourite is is closer to us and serves very good food. A number of Nottlers are familiar with it and would probably suit a birthday dinner for your wife. Might be a long journey for you but worth looking at it. The trouble with Sunday’s is they all major on roasts. It serves the grey haired people mainly.

    2. We have 3 pubs in our village, two serve food the other is a drinking pub that has its own brewery. The one at the far end of the village is used mainly by families and has a garden with swings etc. in it.
      Our favourite is is closer to us and serves very good food. A number of Nottlers are familiar with it and would probably suit a birthday dinner for your wife. Might be a long journey for you but worth looking at it. The trouble with Sunday’s is they all major on roasts. It serves the grey haired people mainly.

    1. Very early but ‘ Morning, Geoff and thank you for all your efforts on our behalf.

    2. Thank you and good morning Geoff!
      You were up early, shit the bed or something?

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