Sunday 13 June: Voters will not forgive this feared delay to the restoration of liberties

An unofficial place to discuss the Telegraph letters, established when the DT website turned off its comments facility (now reinstated, but not as good as ours),
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Today’s letters (visible only to DT subscribers) are here:

743 thoughts on “Sunday 13 June: Voters will not forgive this feared delay to the restoration of liberties

  1. What is the point of tourists’ checks and tests if migrants can just walk into Dover? Peter Hitchens. 13 June 2021.

    Compare and contrast. A British family, who have saved all year for a holiday after long months of house arrest and general dreariness, have to interrupt their break in Portugal to go home, on the stern orders of the Government in London.

    For here come the illegal migrants, in ever-growing numbers, who have chucked away their passports and paid a gangster to get them across the Channel.

    Into the boats they climb, until they are ‘rescued’ from their self-imposed plight by an expensive cutter paid for by your taxes and mine, and ferried to a British port where, after a few weeks of processing, they are almost invariably allowed to remain and can vanish. In most cases, we will have very little idea of who they really are.

    Morning everyone. This is just updated Wooden Horse stuff is it not? The Iliad, though first uttered Three Millennia ago contains all human experience. Names, Places, Weapons, Religions, these all change. People always remain the same. This particular Horse is not constructed from Wood but the Lies and Deceptions of the incomers while the Body Politic with its mouthpiece Priti Patel plays the role of Sinon, pretending that they pose no threat and their presence will be beneficial. The Laocoon’s of the Internet; Nottlers and their like give their warnings just as he did;

    Either the Greeks are hiding in this monster,

    Or it’s some trick of war, a spy or engine,

    To come down on the city. Tricky business Is hiding in it.

    Do not trust it, Trojans;

    Do not believe this horse. Whatever it may be, I fear the Greeks, even when bringing gifts.

    The UK, like Troy, had unbreachable walls, the seas that surround this island made it impregnable for a thousand years! Like the Trojans we are betrayed to our enemies by the foolishness of our own leaders.

    1. Pedantic note :- The Greeks bearing gifts quote actually comes not from Homer’s Iliad but from Virgil’s Aeneid. “Equo ne credite, Teucri! Quidquid id est, timeo Danaos et dona ferentis”.

      1. The only quote I can remember from my ‘O’ level Latin.
        Apart from ‘Veni, vidi, vici’ of course.

  2. Good Morning everybody.

    May every ailment in the world fall on Boros and Co, when they prolong lockdown

    Even moreso, as he has just had a mask and social distancing free holiday, in the Independent Country of Kernow.

    As an aside

    Fears that restrictions could be in place until spring

    Britain will have a six-week window to open up in the summer or risk

    keeping Covid-19 restrictions in place until next year, ministers fear

    A Pox on the man

      1. Fanx hat

        I must admit, I am not happy with our prime minister (an oxymoron)

        He is hotfoot from G7, when and where he was given his new instructions

        COVID clampdown will last longer than WWII, I think

        1. Ask yourself this, there are 364 Conservative MPs in the HoC, Johnson is only 1, where is the outrage from the other 363?
          Bar stewards, each and every one of them.

          1. Other than a bit of race-baiting from Labour and the perpetual whining of the Nationalists (as they continually fail to realise that most of their complaints are self-inflicted wounds caused because they don’t seem to be aware of which ‘powers’ are actually devolved matters and just want to blame Westminstur and the Tooaaaarrries for their own inept governance) there are no voices from opposition about these diktats permitted under the ever-extending ‘special’ measures.

    1. The state has forgotten that preventing peope from living is as good as killing them.

      I don’t really understand this zero covid nonsense. There will always be covid. Always. It cannot be eradicated. Delaying the removal of restrictions solely to .. what? Help people stay well? Remove the annoyance of their needing the NHS?

      If the NHS cannot cope, then the NHS is not fit for purpose. We know lock ups do not work. We know masks do not work. All they do is kick the can down the road.

    1. Good Morning & Happy Sunday Citroen1 . Is Macron holding the famous Nouvion knockwurst containing the portrait of the fallen Madonna with big boobies by Van Klomp

      1. To find it, wouldn’t he have to rummage around in Fanny la Fan’s bed ….. ah …. see what you mean.

    2. The ironic part is that it wont be long before they are banning meat entirely, to save the planet.

    3. It will go down in history as the Chipolata Wars – a humiliation for both when their weapons of mass-production were shown to be completely useless.

    1. It’s a five year plan to reset the world, why do they continue with this charade?

      1. Because it’s working brilliantly, better than they had ever dreamed.

        Morning all btw. Gorgeous day.

        1. A nice sunny 25’C here in Tel Aviv but a dark cloud hangs over the country as today an abomination of an anti-Netanyahu coalition government is due to be sworn in in our Parliament to replace 12 good & successful years of having Benjamin Netanyahu as our PM.

          1. PM designate Naftali Bennett is our modern day equivalent of Judas, having sold his former boss Bibi Netanyahu to a basically left wing coalition for 30 Shekels of George Soros’s silver !

          2. BN was too close to Trump, so change of front of house required by Demented Joe cadre. Overcast, not exactly wamr but dry here, but we’re in early spring. Political stomachs here all off MSM radar post promoting whatever garbage party names they propose for next election. 3 proposective candidates came in bar yesterday, were told straight away: “Your round all afternoon, we’re watching sport, or the Way Out is just there”. None of them lasted more than 30 seconds

    1. You can add in that non of the unmasked “elite” will have been injected with the genuine potion. Can you imagine any of them, especially Brenda, having a serious side effect? It would kill the clamour for jabby-jabby from the public stone dead. They are all frauds.

        1. Morning, Mahatma.

          Your claim is open for debate, however, the evidence of serious side effects from ALL of the potions is NOT. I believe my point stands, the risk of any one of the “elite” suffering a serious side effect could not be accepted. They would have been given what is known as ‘the celebrity jab’.

          1. Posted yesterday, but worth repeating:
            “January, Israel became one of the first countries in the world to give the new coronavirus vaccine to young people. At the time, Israel’s Education Ministry said the vaccine was necessary so that students could sit for in-person exams. Schools mandated the shot; kids got it.

            So what happened next? This week, we found out. Israeli health officials released a report showing that vaccinated young people, particularly young men, were developing a potentially fatal complication — a heart inflammation called myocarditis — and they were developing it at extremely high rates. Researchers determined that the incidence of myocarditis in vaccinated young men was fully 25 times the usual rate. Some of them died.

            In Canada, at least one public health official observed the same thing. Dr. Peter Liu is the chief scientific officer at the University of Ottawa Heart Institute and an expert in myocarditis. Liu began to notice heart inflammation in patients who’d received the vaccine. “It is more than coincidental,” he said.

            In Germany, authorities concluded the same thing. The German government just announced that healthy young people should avoid the vaccine. It’s too dangerous. ”


          2. Thanks for that summary, cori.
            The shower in our government do not appear to want to listen or learn about the disasters happening within their jabbing spree. The repeated claims that these experimental potions are safe, including from some alleged journalists, are disproven by the facts and the science. Pursuing this jabbing policy in the light of current experience of side effects borders on criminality.

  3. Good morning & happy Sunday all Nottlers. Morning music time: Hayde Bluegrass Orchestra – Wayfaring Stranger | Live at John Dee
    December 28, 2018 – Hayde Bluegrass Orchestra performing “Wayfaring Stranger” live at John Dee.

    Hayde Bluegrass Orchestra:
    Rebekka Nilsson
    Joakim Borgen
    Moa Meinich
    Ole Enggrav
    Jonas Wøien Olsen
    Magnus Eriksrud
    Emil Brattested
    Sjur Marqvardsen

  4. Talking Dog

    A guy walks into a bar with his dog and tells the barkeep that his dog can talk. The barkeep says “Yeah, sure!”

    He looks at the dog and asks, “What would you like to drink, poochie?”

    The dog answers “I’d like a Guinness please.”

    The barkeep looks at the guy and says, “You’re full of shit! There must be a transmitter in his collar.”

    The guy says, “I’ll take off the collar and leave the room, and when I’m gone ask him something else.”

    So the guy leaves the room and the barkeep asks the dog what would he like.

    The dog answers “You better make that a Bud.”

    So the barkeep says, “That’s cool man. But could you do me a favour? Here, take these five dollars and go next door to the corner store and get me a pack of cigarettes.”

    So the dog takes the cash and goes out the door.

    The guy walks back in the room and asks where his dog is, and the Barkeep told him about the corner store.

    The guy screams, “Oh no!” and runs out the door after the dog. As he turns the corner he looks down an alley and sees his dog fucking a French poodle.

    The guy yells to his dog “Hey! You’ve never done that before!”

    To which the dog replies, “I’ve never had 5 dollars before!”

    1. An Irishman goes into a bar carrying a shoebox which he places on the bar & says to the barkeeper ” If I show you something truly amazing will you give me free drinks all night? ” The barkeeper says OK & so the Irishman opens the shoebox , takes out a miniature grand piano, a tiny stool & a little man no more than 10 inches tall dressed in a tuxedo who sits down & begins to play classical music . The barkeeper starts pouring out free drinks for the Irishman & says “that truly is amazing but where did you find him?” The Irishman downs a few whisky’s before replying ” well I was kissing the blarney stone when I spotted a Leprechaun nearby, so I gave chase & caught him & he told me that if I let him go he would grant me a wish and I guess he thought I asked for a 10 inch Pianist ! “

    1. Net zero policy has no connection to climate.

      It’s about transferring power, control and wealth to billionaires and making their collaborating politicians and officials richer.

      1. Green has always, will always be about taking tax from the worker and moving it to the state.

    2. I’ve installed two 100w solar panels on the boat. They generate enough electricity on a hot summer’s day (30c) to keep the battery bank topped up and the inverter running to power a 240v under the counter domestic refrigerator. However, the production of electricity is hampered every morning by the presence of dew on the panels (see photo below) for a couple of hours until the sun evaporates the dew. In addition dust and pollen mixed with sap from trees will cover the panels with a dusty film that needs to be removed daily to optimise electricity generation. I’m currently living in a property with solar panels on the roof which are covered in a film of dirt just like the photo above. I believe it’s possible to obtain ‘self-cleaning glass’ but I guess that would increase the cost of solar panels.

        1. Deja view….. You wrote that last time I posted that picture!

          Morning M.Thomas

    1. Good Morn’ AW, I’ve never heard of the “off-guardian” and entertained a hope that it would be a more rational version of it’s namesake, I can’t argue with the article you’re linked but elsewhere in the publication I found :-

      “As thousands of tons of rubble bury the victims of the putative Jewish State’s latest mass murder campaign in Gaza”

      with that level of hyperbole it’s just above “The Socialist Worker”, even so I’ve added it to my large list of news/opinion sources.

        1. datz, thanks for link. Off Grauniad is another sensible altnerative non PC woke site. And there’s plenty of diverse comments BTL [int he true sense of meaning] and often I’ve found links to even more sites with valid info

        2. What on earth is Planet X? I read a few of the comments, but couldn’t make any sense out of it.
          (Actually, second thoughts, I think I’d rather not know!)

      1. It’s “alternative in its approach” but they do tap into and raise decent points on topics not often covered and give differing opinions / viewpoints. It depends I guess on who the author of each piece is

    2. Gosh, that’s a depressing read.

      These utopians who want to depopulate the planet have a couple of small nuggets of truth at the heart of their odious philosophy.

      Firstly, western society since the war has moved strongly in an anti-Darwinian direction. Socialised medicine has kept the weak alive and enabled them to reproduce. Social welfare systems have consistently paid the least successful in society to reproduce.
      No species (the human race) can survive this kind of damage for long.

      Secondly. technology, even stuff we take for granted like cars, is making stupid people redundant. We currently have a world over-supply of stupid people, and an under-supply of simple, low-tech jobs for them to do.
      Technocrats have come up with a solution to this problem, albeit one that most of us find unacceptable for other reasons.

      I think we have to accept that the Windsors are up to their necks in the whole movement. Remember that Philip was the head of the WWF for many years, and also expressed eugenicist ideas. Charles is one of the public faces of the WEF’s climate fraud, and William is shaping up to follow in his footsteps.

      1. The solutions are not complicated: stop funding breeding.

        If people have no means of funding their children then they have to do so themselves. This also stops children being used as cash machines by the wasters in society.

        Fewer children means a falling, more intelligent population.

        1. Certainly the welfare state needs to be curbed all round. It’s good for individuals but bad for society.
          Arguably social medicine should also go.
          But these things will never happen as long as women have political power.

      2. Another nail in the coffin of simple, low-tech jobs is the imposition of the minimum (also maximum) wage. Whereas before, someone employed to sweep a yard earned some pin money there is little chance that any employer is going to pay them the minimum wage for the few hours they put in. The knock on from that is that some of the more vulnerable in society, already suffering under care in the community, miss out on the chance of socialising with others.

        1. In Germany, I came across the concept of the 400 euro job (it is a little higher now, I believe).
          An employer can employ someone on a 400 euro job without paying tax or social insurance and with minimum paperwork. They are supposed to pay the min hourly wage, and it can be any amount up to 400 a month. It covers part time help, lollypop ladies etc.

          As an employee, it’s probably not wise to spend one’s entire career in such jobs, but if you’re a pensioner, student or housewife getting pension credits because you’re getting child benefit, it’s an incredibly useful concept.

          Of course, it is abused, eg by Italian restaurants who prey on their fellow-countrymen that don’t speak German by offering them a 40 hour week for 400 euros a month. On paper, they are working about ten hours a week.

          1. The type of employees I envisage doing these jobs are the people that IDS(?) got so much grief for by stating that, due to ongoing mental problems or other disabilities, some folk just cannot hold down a 40 hr week.

            As you suggest the balance of their welfare income could be paid through other credits but the current situation has many who would want and would benefit from such work unable to do so. If only to allow them to mix with others, rather than be left to their own devices all week without social contact.

  5. The plus side of the COVID Panicdemic

    Cancer related deaths reduced by 51%

    Heart problen related Deaths reduced by 47%

    Seasonal ‘Flu related deaths reduced by 107% (figures from Ms Abbotopotamus)

    Common cold related deaths reduced 99%

    Urology related deaths reduced 63%


    1. So people are healthier when the NHS is closed, I always thought overall they did more harm than good.

      1. They are doing OK for me at the moment.
        I seem to have Good GPs

        It is the beancounters/stats people who need shot

    2. Morning, OLT.

      The common cold, influenza and pneumonia could all claim, “The report of my death was an exaggeration.” It would appear that each of these common Winter killers had a Lazarus moment at the same time as the reports of CV-19 deaths fell, post “vaccine success” claims. Coincidences abound in the CV-19 era.

  6. Mail to a Con MP….

    “we are now a self governing country “.

    No you’re not. The UK’s leadership long ago devolved powers to the World Economic Forum billionaires, notably Mr Gates and Mr Soros. That’s why Mr Soros spent over $250,000,000 in London to get the UK onboard with him. That’s why four UK PMs in a row did not write about Mr Soros.

    That’s why virtually all your major policies are identical to billionaire policies.

    Consequently, your leaders are merely local World Economic Forum agents.

    You said as much when you described the covid response as “an exercise in world government”. Mr Hancock said as much about the “4th Industrial Revolution”.

    You’ve been sold out. The billionaires Rule Britannia! Just as they rule the MHRA and ruled on Net Zero. The evidence of the sell out is everywhere.

    Please wake up before it’s too late!


  7. With petty Covid rules running rampant, it’s this dictatorship of doctors that’s killing me

    Rod Liddle
    Sunday June 13 2021, 12.01am, The Sunday Times

    It would seem that we are no longer allowed to die of anything. Perhaps, as a consequence, we will all live for ever, but without even a scintilla of enjoyment. The slightly unhinged commie biologist Susan Michie, a member of Sage, has said we should continue wearing masks and observing social distance regulations indefinitely, to help prevent the spread of other viruses.

    This is what happens when we hand over the governance of our country to the medical clergy. Instead of — as some naively expected — a clear, rational objectivity in decision-making, we are subjected to their manias, their pet peeves, their prejudices. The medical profession now thinks it can tell us what to do with our lives.

    What Michie proposes would until recently have been thought beyond absurd — and remember she is not talking, primarily, about Covid, but about seasonal flu. Under the cloak of Covid, with the docs in charge, more and more of this stuff has crept through.

    Last July, when lockdown was lifted, I went to a pub with my wife for a drink and found that the outdoor smoking corner was no longer a smoking corner. If you wanted a cigarette with your drink, you had to walk 30 yards to the sewer pipe leading from the lavatories, where an ashtray had been installed.

    We both thought then that this is how it would be post-Covid. Once restrictions upon personal behaviour are introduced they are rarely lifted, because governments enjoy controlling people and the medical profession is very voluble in its insistence that we need to be saved from ourselves.

    So it came to be. The sainted Chris Whitty, our chief medical officer (or “death tsar”), delivered a fulmination against smoking a few weeks ago. Since then a whole bunch of councils, including Oxford, Durham, North Tyneside, Northumberland, Newcastle and Manchester, have banned smoking in the open air at pubs and restaurants. They are all on board with Chris and Susan’s crusade to outlaw death and illness.

    Incidentally, those of you who find smoking a vile habit and have no sympathy for the likes of me had better watch out rather than gloat, because they will come for you next. They will come for your glass of wine or your gin and tonic, or for the burger you eat once a month. They will never stop. They are incapable of stopping. Ask Susan Michie.

    I am of course aware of the grave risks occasioned by smoking — most notably the UK’s most lethal cancer, lung cancer, which kills 35,000 people every year. Cancer and heart disease are our two biggest killers, but there is another prolific killer that neither Chris Whitty nor Susan Michie talks about very much, for some reason.

    It is called iatrogenesis, a word with which you may not be familiar. It’s death resulting from medical incompetence and it has been estimated to do away with 72,000 people every year.

    My point isn’t that pubs and restaurants should have safe areas from which people like Whitty are banned, in case he inadvertently kills us. It is simply to highlight that there are two sides to the medical profession. There is the side that knows best and is never happier than when haranguing us about our lifestyles, and we listen because this is our betters speaking to us.

    And then, on the other side, there’s their monumental uselessness — the misdiagnoses, the wrong drugs prescribed, the wrong procedures undertaken, the viruses and infections passed on unwittingly. They know less than they think they know. There are some 850,000 “adverse events” (read: medical cock-ups) in our hospitals every year.

    So much has been allowed in under the cover of Covid. Sportsmen kneeling, for example (which would have lasted one day if fans had been in the grounds last August). But more important than this is the notion that both the government and the medicos have us in thrall and we will do their bidding unquestioningly. We have become astonishingly compliant, cowering before them liked whipped puppies.

    For much of the time we were perhaps right to put on hold our natural scepticism, for the good of the country as well as ourselves. But that was an emergency occasioned by a pandemic. When you study their long-term manifesto, it is a bit chilling: wear masks all the time; don’t go near other people, ever; no smoking; no drinking; and stop eating that stuff.

    As an occasionally barked warning, that’s all fine: I get it. But as a succession of stipulations enforced by government? Nah, I’d rather shuffle off this mortal coil.

    G7 summit concord

    Luvvies just haven’t got Sussex appeal
    The makers of The Crown can’t find an actor to play that whining simpleton Prince Harry. This is not because of a dearth of vacuous thespians but because not many have ginger hair. And, unusually for a modern TV drama, they actually want someone who resembles the character being played.

    What about that bloke all the women fancy, Eddie Redmayne? He’s gingerish. Or that annoying horse-faced chap Benedict Cumbersnatch: he’s not far off.

    My suspicion is that when actors are offered the part of Harry, they run a mile. Ginger doesn’t come into it.

    Plague god goes bats for monkeys
    Two cases of monkeypox have been found in Wales, a country not noted for its thriving population of wild monkeys. It is not a pleasant illness.

    A spokesman for Nergal, the god of plague, pestilence and disease, told me: “Nergal believes people are becoming bored with Covid — which has had an excellent run — and thought something more exotic might catch on, especially as it comes with a virulent rash. Virulent rashes are always good box office.

    “Please note that Nergal is an equal-opportunities god of disease and we welcome victims from ethnic minority, disabled and LGBT communities.”

    ● Labour is desperate not to come second to the Tories in the Batley and Spen by-election. That would be yet another red wall seat lost.

    The party will get its wish. It won’t come second, but a distant third behind George Galloway’s Workers Party.

    That’s my prediction. And if I’m right, what will that mean for poor Keir?

    It’s all about bangers
    Very late in the day it has occurred to me that our rift with the European Union was always about sausages.

    It was about sausages back in the 1980s, when bonkers Brussels bureaucrats wanted to ban our British bangers. And it’s about sausages now, given that bonkers Brussels bureaucrats want to ban British bangers from Belfast.

    It wasn’t the ERM. It wasn’t the EU constitution. They always hated our sausages — that was the problem, right from the beginning.

    Kind of simultaneously depressing and comforting.

    1. Incidentally, those of you who find smoking a vile habit and have no sympathy for the likes of me had better watch out rather than gloat, because they will come for you next. They will come for your glass of wine or your gin and tonic, or for the burger you eat once a month. They will never stop. They are incapable of stopping. Ask Susan Michie.

      Words of Profound Wisdom from Rod!

    2. The “‘Lady’ In Red” looks like Wee Jimmy Krankie

      Have Meer Cal and Krankie ever been seen together

    3. “Iatrogenesis” – well, it’s nice to know what my mother and elder brother died of. I very much doubt that the word was on either death certificate though. I suspect that figure of 72000 is a huge underestimate.
      Thank you NHS!

    4. Let’s face it, sausages made from dead donkeys or the scrapings off the abattoir floor are much more appetising.

    5. No no, they don’t give a stuff about our sausages. They want to control our trade. That’s all. The product is irrelevant.

    6. The communist Michie is a member of ‘independent’ SAGE, the piss-poor tribute act attempting to ride on the coat tails of the original totalitarian modelling muppets.

  8. 334249+ up ticks,
    Morning Each,
    Sunday 13 June: Voters will not forgive this feared delay to the restoration of liberties

    The sad fact is the same path tor the last three decades will be followed, the same three monkey guides leading the way, vote in to keep out no matter of consequence.

    There is NO OPPOSITION and the herd is at high reluctancy to leave the historical, family tree parties that were killed off decades ago by the
    lab/lib/con political usurpers the electorate insist on keeping in power.

    Surely by now the lab/lib/con coalition supporters / voters would have run out of hope patches to attach to their party, a party that has clearly shown them “they” are of NO CONSEQUENCE as it has its own agenda.

    Daily the potential troop movement / welfare swelling plague takes place at DOVER essential building units in regards to the reset, replace

    The political scorpions have now crossed the river of no return and it’s payback time for the coalition party member / voters.

        1. Pedey you ave smuglud yerselph bak in ear

          Yo Elsie Fanx,

          Typing finger amputated and fed to cat

    1. What on earth is going on , they are gathered together to discuss what… AGENDA 21.. they are flying in from around the world to fairly isolated Carbis Bay , whilst the rest of the UK have their wings clipped .

      1. for those on here TB we know the “rhetorical question”. For anyone from 77 popping in for their daily historical vaccine [which bypasses them] “Mr Symonds promised on behalf of Demented Joe who was unavailable due to nappy change] US money for the Tokyo Olympics. In return Mr Symonds offered a “Comfort Woman” in return

    1. Actually, I think we should just give Northern Ireland to the Americans, in full and final settlement of all our remaining debts to them. They claim to love Ireland, after all, so why not have a bit of it which is their very own? If they’re so clever, and know so much about it, no doubt they can sort it out. I wonder how long it will take all the Americans who once put money in IRA collecting boxes, or who finance Sinn Fein today, or the US politicians who win votes by embracing crude nationalism, to discover how stupid and ignorant they have been. But it will certainly solve the sausage problem.

      Amen to that. Actually if Boris had any balls he would have told the Americans to Butt Out of what are matters that are none of their business and concern only the UK.

      1. Yes, the US could easily help by saying that NI is for the people of NI to decide – self determination and all that – and offer to help them should they do that, for example by paying the RoI’s costs. The cost would be a fraction of the cost of their Middle East ventures to bring democracy to the masses that don’t do democracy. The current charade of the RoI trying to get control of NI via the EU whilst lumbering the British taxpayer with paying is deceitful and cowardly.

  9. BBC accused of attempting to shut out GB News at 11th-hour. 13 June 2021.

    The BBC has been accused of an eleventh-hour “ambush” intended to “damage” Sunday’s launch of the right-leaning television network GB News.

    This is self-evidently true or else why wait until the last minute? GB’s first programme goes out at 8 o’clock tonight! I’ve put it on record so I can watch it at leisure tomorrow and see what I think!

    1. Gosh; you’d think the Beeb would be only too happy to share their footage of last weekend’s freedom march.

    1. A shame that shows Reagan, probably the last decent US president. He’d have sorted out the nonsense long ago.

    1. Will this affect the Olympics? I thought that I heard the other day that all the competitors heading out to Japan have to be fully vaxxed

      1. I hope so. Japs are desperate for olympics to go forward given TV revenues. I expect many top “athletes” to avoid it

      1. mng TB. Re aims of buy Large Mansions = make as much money as possible in role as proxy for elites. Now BLM registering as political party

    1. Morning Belle. This is probably the most ill-educated generation since the Middle Ages!

      1. In The Great Reset we don’t need well educated youngsters.

        Just educated enough to obey orders and work.

        Certainly we don’t want them educated enough to start asking questions of the PTB.

          1. What is Black Lives Matter and what are the aims?
            By Adina Campbell
            BBC Community Affairs Correspondent

            Published7 hours ago

            However, former US secretary of housing and developments Ben Carson, said people with noble aims had been taken advantage of by a “Marxist-driven organisation” that supports “taking down the model of Western family structures”.

            Carol Swain, a political commentator and former professor, said: “They are using black people to advance a Marxist agenda.”


          2. For a moment, Belle, I thought that would be some sort of exposé. Fat chance of that from the BBC.

          3. Who are using black people to advance an agenda? The BBC? We all knew that.

            The Black Looting Mob are just annoying effluent whose purpose was the weaponisation of racism, by racists.

        1. But they do read Greta and the Greedy Caterpillar; Duchess Kate and Dr. Jill were enraptured.

    2. No, they aren’t taught such things. However, if you ask them about climate change htey’ll tell you it’s bad. If you ask them how it’s caused, or any of the science around it they won’t know.

      Education has nothing to do with teaching. Far more to do with indoctrination.

  10. Good morning, all. Late on parade. Blue skies. Looks a nice day.

    I thought the mini-Trooping was very well done. Good to see The Queen in top form. Edward Kent’s legs looked like they might let him down!

    1. Was that where the Spitfire that flew over my home yesterday was headed? Heard the engine note and rushed to the garden to see the plane make a couple of turns displaying that beautiful wing plan.

    2. We noticed he was less sure footed than his oldest cousin.
      Maybe the bearskin titfer didn’t help matters.

      1. When I saw him appear, I thought, “Gosh, he looks an old man.”

        Then I realised that he is…{:¬((

  11. mask slips for Uhuru MSM go half way re Uhuru’s legacy projects. the bit missing is he failed in his [Building Bridges Initiative – Kenya version of Build Back Better] now he’s using Western finance to fund military as his own legacy [to protect himself]. As it would never be aired on the BBC, no one here read that

  12. The Daily Human Stupidity.

    “Evil isn’t the real threat to the world. Stupidity is just as destructive as Evil, maybe more so, and it’s a hell of a lot more common. What we really need is a crusade aganst Stupidity. That might actually make a difference.”

    Jim Butcher, Vignette.

    1. Morning Grizz et al.

      As I alluded to the other day. To be and do Evil requires a degree of intelligence whereas stupidity requires none at all…..

      1. Morning, Stephen.

        That is it, in a nutshell. As Søren Kirkegaard said, “People demand freedom of speech as a compensation for the freedom of thought which they seldom use.”

      1. Good morning, Maggie.

        Of course people don’t recognise the difference. They are too stupid.

      1. The Government’s decision to stop sale of petrol and diesel cars.
        The decision to destroy our national gas distribution system and to remove gas heating/ cooking from UK houses.
        Lockdown to deal with pandemics.
        BBC bias
        Johnson’s Trade Agreement with the EU.
        Excessive salaries for CEOs of charities.
        Unstunned slaughter practices.
        Sharia in the UK
        There’s plenty more.

        1. Ok. A good list. But where would you start implementing a bit of intelligence into the system when stupidity and corruption are so thoroughly embedded?
          I mean how would you gather and direct the troups for the crusade?

          1. Perhaps Andrew Neil’s New programme and the Reform Party [ if that is its name] could be the catalysts for change. We as individuals can only have dreams, bur somehow we have to get our voices heard.

          2. You start by removing their power to damage our lives.

            They are faced with referism and recall, immediately. Then you reduce the taxes taken. Tax is the power base of the state. Less money, less power.

        2. It’s almost as if the state said ‘We want a list of the stupidest and most idiotic, damaging, expensive and pointless things we could do’ and that’s the list.

      2. You simply cannot start: the task is impossible. On a small planet that is infested with nearly eight milliard (Yank ‘billion’) stupid humans and rising rapidly, the only effective solution in the hands of humanity. Since the planet cannot cope with this monoculture, the self-destruction of the species is assured.

        1. I suppose I should look on the bright side. Your outlook is even bleaker than mine. Cold comfort.

        2. A lot could be done.

          The first must be to end welfare. Whot! Welfare? How does that help?

          Well, it forces people to be independent. It imposes market forces on them and business. Without any assistance or special favours the playing field is level.

          No child benefit means fewer children and those only from those who are responsible enough to afford them. Smaller population.

          Not giving the third world endless piles of cash and promoting markets raises them up fairly as well.

          Of course, the first effort must be to burn all the globalist nonsense, such as the EU which prevents those markets and level field. Forcing tax competition between nations means the developed, powerful nations can have higher taxes but also offer more – and they have to offer more.

          You see? Governments become more competitive with each other. Business – especially small ones – have the same opportunities as big ones and no special favours to political advantage from corrupt officials. Companies offer equivalent options, with the best talent going to the best business forcing wage competition. Counties can get involved by offering lower taxes or better services.

          It really isn’t complicated. You crush the state under a booted heel that it cannot get up from. You force market capital and competitive markets on everyone at every level especially government. The third world offers low taxes to attract business. Less from vastly more means a growing tax base which means genuine development unfettered by abusive political entities with a personal agenda.

          Yes, it means the obliteration and dumping of hundreds of thousands – millions of pen pushing

          dross like Biden, Macron, the entire EU and their ilk but who cares? They’re only use is sweeping floors.

    1. In the last few years more Muslim invaders have leapt from landing craft onto the beaches of the south coast of England than troops of the allied armies landed on the French coast in 1944!

      1. 334249+ up ticks,
        Morning E&S,
        The voting pattern over the last three decades shaven heads should be the order of the day for indigenous fraternization,
        as in giving succour to the enema via the polling booth.

    2. Criminal gimmigrants. France is a safe country. They should be returned there immediately. If they won’t go willingly, keel haul them.

    1. That’s why we left the EU. It is why the EU is desperate to force them back on us. The Eu doesn’t give a stuff about trade. It never has. It is simply a weapon to achieve it’s end goal – continental socialism, with a splash of communist fascism alongside.

  13. On Topic: The Tories have nothing to fear from the electorate because the option is still Labour – those EU-pandering, woke-peddling, knee-bending muppets. and Labour would be even more repressive of liberties.
    The system militates against even highly effective newcomers like Farage.
    We are stuck with the shysters we have.

        1. I don’t remember the last time I voted for them either and I am also conservative.
          I have voted UKIP and Brexit Party and this time round i voted for Fox, but I know that this means nothing as far as getting a foot in the political door is concerned.

          1. It’s the only honest choice though. I could not bring myself to vote for the Cons, knowing they are pushing the great reset, the green fraud and the destruction of livestock farming as hard as they can. Frankly, Labour would not have been worse.

        2. 334249+ up ticks,
          Morning BB2,
          The last Conservative PM,
          M Thatcher demise set the knife culture in motion, since then there has only been a conservative (ino) pretender in power.

        3. A dying breed. Those posing as Tory MPs are no more Conservative than Jeremy Corbynliner.

          1. Inheritable though. My four children are shaping up nicely to be conservatives! (the 17 year old shakes her head over my politics, but she’ll come round in time!)

    1. 334249+ up ticks,
      Morning Lim,
      The system is a close shop the only ones with the key are via people power,the electorate.

      The close shop IS a coalition ALL mass uncontrolled immigration / paedophile umbrella political group.

      A real plague countrywide is paedophilia and that leaves everlasting mental damage on kids.

      The “nige” by his own tongue / actions was a tory party ( ino) coxswain.

      People power got us & kept us in this sh!te bog for decades, people power CAN get us out.

    2. GM & Happy Sunday LIM, the reality is as you laid out plus Labour is rapidly becoming the UK arm of the Muslim Brotherhood, just one little thing that I must point out about Farage is despite his popularity & good ideas he was still unable to get elected as an MP in Westminster.

      1. There was some Tory skullbuggery in the South Thanet election if i remember and while Farage was extremely busy in the General Election after they had wiped the floor in the EU elections the media completely ignored him. They had clearly realised that no matter how much the ridiculed him his message still echoed with the electorate so it was better to pretend he was not there.
        My point is that the system is stitched up to prevent someone like him getting a foothold.

      1. Well he got Cameron to promise a referendum. He has not done too badly for someone they tried so hard to keep out of the way.

  14. More evidence, if any is needed, that Johnson is not on top of his role as PM nor in control of his actions. His obsession with CV-19 is being driven by outside forces and he is thus failing in his duty to the people of this Country. No amount of infantile posing and clowning at the G7 fraud-fest will make an iota of improvement to the current situation.

    If Johnson was really concerned about the health of the Nation he would sack his Health Secretary and put in place someone who has some ‘grip’, a can-do, will-do attitude and order them to focus on the real issues of public health. Act a bit Churchillian in this health crisis. Then I woke up.

      1. Interesting that they rejected Mr Gates’ “Vicar on Earth’s'” request to go jab mad on > 7 billion people. Reasons? Cost, Logistical nightmare, Fear?
        Will this upset him so much that he will vent his spleen on the UK population, do you think?

          1. Good point. If true it would indicate that the ‘others’ think before spouting off like a prize prat.

          2. also valid KtK, but this current crop of geopolitical clowns and think in same sentence is probably strectching it too far to consider ultimate consequences. They’re all in the same “here today gone tomorrow” mindset

      2. Well, thank God The G7 circus did reject his wish to vaccinate the world. As it doesn’t convey immunity or prevent a person from passing on the “virus” what is its real purpose? Toning friendly I’m sorry to say.

    1. Dame Kate Bingham would be a good choice. Biggest kicker of arse in the Western hemisphere.

  15. As I was kneading the dough for today’s loaf, I reflected on life.

    The grotesque jokers at the Carbis Bay farrago – all blatantly flouting the (completely daft) covid rules that apply to EVERYONE – mingling, slapping each other on the back, maskless, hanging out in large groups – all quite illegal – and Her Majesty’s Foot Guards at Windsor marching with great care 2 metres apart.
    In the open air.

    Once upon a time, the CIGS would have told any bogus “expert” government medic to go and f*ck himself.

    Incidentally, I trust they have reduced the number of blokes in tanks to comply. And that troops on duty in various foreign hellholes, dealing with murderous slammers – remember to keep 2 metres apart…..

    The PTB are real bastards – in every sodding country. And I glimpsed a headline that the present nonsense is to continue until NEXT SPRING.

        1. I am impressed.
          Well, if age does not erase that from my mind I may go to bed less ignorant this evening.
          To borrow from Billy Connolly I am now also too old to die young.

      1. People should just do their own thing now – if it’s good enough for the G7, it’s good enough for us.

      2. There were FOUR sets of banns read out in church this morning. Only one pair residents of our parish! One pair came from Orpington, Kent!

  16. DM [or rather Mrs Gove] desperate to try and tap into their subscriber consciousness while covering the next attempt by her husband to lead Conservative party.

    Using such terms aka frothy / woke from a frothy wokeist falls flat. Here’s the tip: What not to do when greeting a foreign leader or they find themselves replaced so as not to break “diplomatic protocol”

    1. Mrs Glove is running her husband’s “leadership” campaign.

      Should she succeed – Glove would be just as bad as BPAPM – but in a different way.

      1. and am sure she’s not interested whether people read the DM or not, it’s merely a platform echo chamber for her to bore people with her views. Mng btw bill

        1. She is furious that she is not the (spit) “first lady” – hosting the Cornish Farrago.

    2. That is a monstrous piece of hypocrisy, given that one of the wokest people in government is her own husband.
      Comments underneath are censored, presumably to stop people from pointing this out.

    3. So, Johnson has a multi-function rear orifice. As well as the evolved function he also usually speaks from it and now is capable of producing already linked strings of sausages. Perhaps he did have the real potion after all?

  17. White House to deliver strong message at Russia-US summit – TV. 13 June 2021.

    “A key goal for the White House coming out of the meeting scheduled for Wednesday will be to convey that Biden delivered a strong message to Putin, in contrast to the chummy relationship former President Donald Trump projected after his first sit down with Putin, said a person familiar with the planning,” the TV channel said.

    “The White House officials also said there would be a smaller group and larger group meeting between Biden and Putin and didn’t indicate there would be a one-on-one sit down where neither leader would have his aides and advisers in the room,” NBC said.

    There was never going to be a one on one meeting since one of the protagonists is as smart as New Paint and the other is in the Throes of Dementia. This said, Joe; who is as unpleasant in real life as his history would suggest, has to have come with a message, scripted, rehearsed, at the end so it cannot be replied to, will make some ignorant blustering threat. Perhaps even a walk-out. It is his nature!

  18. White House to deliver strong message at Russia-US summit – TV. 13 June 2021.

    “A key goal for the White House coming out of the meeting scheduled for Wednesday will be to convey that Biden delivered a strong message to Putin, in contrast to the chummy relationship former President Donald Trump projected after his first sit down with Putin, said a person familiar with the planning,” the TV channel said.

    “The White House officials also said there would be a smaller group and larger group meeting between Biden and Putin and didn’t indicate there would be a one-on-one sit down where neither leader would have his aides and advisers in the room,” NBC said.

    There was never going to be a one on one meeting since one of the protagonists is as smart as New Paint and the other is in the Throes of Dementia. This said, Joe; who is as unpleasant in real life as his history would suggest, has to have come with a message, scripted, rehearsed, at the end so it cannot be replied to, will make some ignorant blustering threat. Perhaps even a walk-out. It is his nature!

  19. Putin has given another interview to the Western media…NBC News this time.
    I wonder when Joe will sit down with RT .

    1. China on G7: Days When Global Decisions Were Dictated by a Small Group of Countries Are Long Gone

    1. FB message:
      This content isn’t available at the moment
      When this happens, it’s usually because the owner only shared it with a small group of people or changed who can see it, or it’s been deleted.

  20. For the first time in a long time, the church bells were rung just now, for the 11:00 service… That was wonderful to hear – even if yer Weegies don’t ring a peal, they just clang away.
    And last night, there was a lot of outdoor celebrating in Oslo – plenty drinking, partying and loud music. Excellent! Police got quite stroppy about it, no distancing or masking – excellent again!
    The People are revolting – slowly but surely,

          1. He poisoned his dog before his Mistress which tells you his heart was in the right place!

      1. Wear a photograph of the Cornish clot-fest and tell them it’s your exemption pass.

    1. In Fulmodeston, we have never stopped tolling the church bell throughout the nonsense.

        1. Since March 202, in the whole of the greater commune – about a third of North Norfolk, as many as TWO people died from/with covid.

  21. Apparently BPAPM and Toy Boy had a “blazing row” on the beach yesterday.

    Toy Boy said that N Ireland is not part of the UK. BPAPM said that it was – and that the ban on imports was equivalent to a court telling Toy Boy that he could not send sausages from Toulouse to Paris. TB said that was a false analogy because “Toulouse and Paris are part of the same country”.

    Now, it occurred to me that the Southern Irish have been spreading poison in the ears of the EU Commissars, telling them that, truth be told, N Ireland is “really part of Ireland”. And, as it suits the EUSSR to do anything it can to punish the UK for leaving – they’ll go along with that line.

    Time for a new Cromwell to recover the South of Ireland….so long as he wears a mask, of course…

      1. Quite the gay Hindoo. I believe he thought of renaming himself Le O’Varadker…{:¬))

      1. Or the five overseas departments, which also happen to be members of the EU because they are French.
        Macron is a troublemaker.

  22. This is two or three times longer than it needs to be but has some encouraging stuff….[I agree with tubby BTL]

    Claire Fox
    Can GB News live up to the hype?
    13 June 2021, 7:00am

    British TV viewers have never had so many channels to watch, yet they’ve also never had so little choice. The Brexit referendum exposed this lack of political diversity all too clearly.

    As a panellist on Radio 4’s The Moral Maze for 20 years, I suppose I was something of a BBC luvvie. No doubt I was still seen as a bit of a maverick by some, but I was accepted on the media scene. However, when I casually mentioned back in 2016 that I was going to vote Leave, things changed.

    ‘But you’re an intelligent, well-educated person, Claire’, said one senior producer. From that moment on, in studios and green rooms, I was greeted with a familiar sneer. From my position of privilege, it was hardly a problem. Yet that sneering was even more viscerally felt by audiences. And that sneer ultimately distorted media output.

    In newsrooms that were virtually unanimous that Brexit was a backward, parochial and inexplicable idea, so-called public service broadcasters offered little insight into the mood of the public. As a result, they were totally shocked at the outcome of the referendum.

    In the years since, not enough has changed. Much of the media was oblivious to the seething earthquake that led to the fall of Labour’s ‘Red Wall’ seats to the Tories at the last general election; many journalists were also taken aback again at recent council election results and the outcome of the Hartlepool by-election.

    It isn’t only politics which has exposed the gulf between the views presented on television and those of ordinary people. Throughout the pandemic, many broadcasters have clamoured for more stringent restrictions. Whatever your views on the need for locking down over the last year or so, this approach showed a worrying indifference to the despair and anguish caused by the restrictions.

    It’s hardly a surprise then that many people are optimistic about the launch of GB News, a channel which aspires to have its finger on the public pulse and which seeks to feature a diverse range of opinion. Good. Indeed, one reason why the channel is already making waves is that it promises to treat the public as partners in the enterprise, not to insult their intelligence, nor to treat popular opinion with condescension.

    Yet this new channel, which launches tonight, has been relentlessly attacked before even a single word has been broadcast.

    In a recent debate in the House of Lords, there was mostly hagiographic praise for the BBC. Amidst the fawning, one Lord used the opportunity to stick the boot into GB News:

    ‘Many of those who bang on about sovereignty and Anglo-Saxon superiority sail under false flags. GB News, to be launched with union jacks flying, is owned by a consortium of American investors and British expatriates and promises us a programme called ‘Wokewatch’, modelled on right-wing American attack lines.’

    His attack was a familiar one. There has been a concerted effort to undermine GB News for the crime of being unapologetic about its British credentials (the clue is in name). In this instance, the irony of dusting down a bit of mild xenophobia about foreign ownership to discredit a new broadcasting venture appeared to go unnoticed.

    The speech continued with similar vitriol and dark mutterings of Trumpist-style culture wars and disseminating misinformation. Yet if there is evidence of anyone whipping up a culture war and deploying disinformation, it seems to be coming from GB News’s opponents, not the channel itself. Just look at the pre-emptive attempts to use corporate muscle to try and cancel and defund the channel.

    Stop Funding Hate tried to whip up an activist army to ‘tweet your mobile-phone company using the hashtag #DontFundGBNews’.

    ‘Urge them not to advertise with GB News or any ‘Fox News-style’ channel, and explain why this matters to you, it said.

    Bonnie Greer, who responded to the #DontFundGBNews clarion call, described the channel’s ‘goal’ as ‘principally to pump up #nativism as #Brexit stumbles/bumbles along. #Murdoch can support them…’.

    Never mind the nativist smear and the usual anti-Brexit sneer, Rupert Murdoch has nothing to do with GB News. But tweeting like this and mythical media bogeymen are okay in a good cause apparently.

    Another critic, Natasha Devon – a former children’s mental health tsar and now LBC presenter – warned her mobile phone provider Vodafone away from even thinking about advertising with GB News:

    ‘If I find out you’re funding right-wing hate rhetoric through advertising with GB News you’ll lose me as a lifelong customer.’

    Meanwhile, Marina Hyde in the Guardian has described GB News as an ‘anti-impartiality’ news channel.

    Is this really a fair way to talk about a channel whose own director of news, John McAndrew, has insisted will be ‘free, fair, impartial and Ofcom-regulated’?

    It might be too much to ask, but perhaps GB News’s critics should at least give the channel a chance. The new channel is headed up by Andrew Neil, who, while at the BBC, was acknowledged as one of the best public-service broadcasters in the business.

    Despite being a new start-up with no track record, GB News has admirably attracted well-respected presenters and production talent to take a risk and join its ranks. McAndrew himself is a 25-year industry veteran who has worked for the BBC, Sky News, ITN and NBC.

    And take a look at the regional reporters and producers that GB News has recruited. Rather than using some special HR-designed diversity charter, so beloved by established broadcasters, the pursuit of a whole swathe of diverse, young recruits, who seem passionate and eager to make a difference, bubbling with an enthusiasm for the project of covering stories and voices neglected by other channels, is worthy of praise.

    This is in stark contrast to the BBC, whose recruitment policies are at best technocratic, invariably focusing all too often on box-ticking diversity schemes – or its new emphasis on regional production sites and programmes commissioned ‘outside the M25’.

    It was recently announced that the popular drama Holby City will end next March after 23 years. Why? The BBC explained that:

    ‘We have taken the difficult decision to bring the show to a close in order to reshape the BBC’s drama slate to better reflect, represent and serve all parts of the country’.

    But this version of reflecting, representing and serving all parts of the country spectacularly misses the point. Even though Tim Davie, the BBC director-general, used the word ‘impartiality’ 11 times in his inaugural speech, this approach will do little to solve the corporation’s problems.

    The most common complaint I hear about the BBC is that it offers a narrow worldview. Davie doesn’t seem to realise that it is quite possible to dump received pronunciation but continue to embrace a suite of received opinions. A metropolitan worldview with a Geordie or Yorkshire accent does not equate with diversity and is rightly received as patronising. After all, the public is not fooled by a bit of Northern grit.

    This suspicion that public service impartiality is a con is not unfounded. While impartiality is formally understood as journalists not revealing their opinions, the public can all hear those opinions loud and clear, even if channels cannot hear themselves. What viewers and listeners spot is often a partial, one-sided, tone-deaf disdain for diverse values and world views that it is clear the presenters do not share.

    So, a more honest approach has appeal.

    Colin Brazier, who is to co-host a daytime show along with Mercy Muroki on GB News, recently admitted he felt like he was ‘wearing a straight-jacket’ in terms of what he could say whilst working for Sky.

    ‘It feels freeing to explore subjects properly and stop pretending that you don’t have an opinion’. Speaking to the Yorkshire Post, Brazier also warned against the impact of ‘cancel culture’ on broadcasting.

    If presenters balk at the climate of stifling conformity and regular assaults on free speech, viewers and listeners are acutely aware of a chilling atmosphere, which has made many fearful of speaking their mind. Worse, it is just as likely that high-minded media institutions are those proclaiming ‘you can’t say that’, effectively telling their audiences to shut up and learn which opinions are acceptable.

    BBC Three recently promoted a clip from Shrill, in which a white ‘Karen’ (which seems to be the female equivalent of that other insult, ‘Gammon’) was mocked and chided for daring to ask her hairdresser to give her dreadlocks.

    This is a comedy series, but the clip was aimed at those in on the joke, at the expense of those who don’t ‘get’ the ideas of cultural appropriation: many of whom are viewers.

    It reminded me of an excerpt from a BBC Sounds podcast, featuring two young women hectoring older white women for being ‘Karens’ who should educate themselves about their white privilege, ordering them to ‘get out of the way’ and ‘basically leave’.

    The BBC eventually deleted a clip promoting the podcast after a backlash, but what was it thinking? That clip made the old-fashioned, Reithian paternalism sound positively egalitarian. When so many perceive that they are viewed as Gammon or Karens, is it any wonder that GB News – a channel that is seeking to treat its audience with respect – is awaited with some enthusiasm?

    Of course, popular excitement about a channel yet to air may be as foolish as those condemning its output in advance. There are no guarantees it will work out as hoped for GB News. Initially there may be teething problems and gaffes, and some of the promising presenters signed up may fail to deliver. I declare an interest as I’ve agreed to be a regular guest on the channel. But the excitement will surely be in seeing new faces, emerging talent and a fresh approach; the ‘same old, same old’ won’t cut it.

    The channel will have to work hard to avoid being its own echo chamber. It plans to air 6,500 hours a year of ‘original news, opinion and debate’.

    That originality will matter. The channel needs to find its own voice, not be a UK Fox News (Andrew Neil has already promised it ‘will not be shouty, angry television’. Phew). Nor should it be a TV duplicate of the ever more popular and important output of TalkRadio – or even try to be the polar opposite of Channel 4 News or Sky News in its obsession with climate-related issues. The new channel’s political coverage should not be limited to shenanigans confined to the Westminster Village.

    If mainstream media political output relies on a parliamentary lobby system, I hope GB News will supply the lobby correspondents for the public. The political lifeblood of local communities, civil society, ‘awkward squad’ dissidents, traditional values as well as unorthodox challenges to the status quo, all deserve to find expression in the public square.

    If GB News contributes to that endeavour of enlivening public discourse, all free thinkers and democrats should welcome it to the media landscape. With any luck it will provide just the sort of challenge that will help the BBC and other broadcasters get their public service mojo back. Will diversity on screen start tonight? Here’s hoping.


    tubby Brewster • 2 hours ago
    The hysterical and spiteful opposition to this from the usual suspects is very satisfying to watch.

    1. I see there’s a mention of Bonnie Greer – David Lammy with a sneer.

  23. Went to my depressed relative early. What t he tells me about how the NHS has effectively abandoned him is, if true, appalling. Mental health services were inadequate before lockdown and now it seems they’ve been overwhelmed and have given up on all but the most pressing cases. At least one member of his support group has committed suicide. He is so scared by government propaganda and ground down by isolation that I fear he will kill himself. I’m taking him home with me and anyone who gets in my way can go f**k themselves. What is happening to many is heartless and perverse.

      1. That is the point, part of the trashing of society, the slow dismantling of the nhs under the covid banner. It would have been difficult to achieve even with covid were it not for immigration. Thus the emphasis on their access to our health facilities.

    1. Well done. A brave thing to do as a depressed person is not the easiest of house guests.

    2. A good as well as brave individual. It is very difficult to live with 24/7.
      Bonne chance.

    3. The NHS (Neglect Health Service) has abandoned all patients depressed or otherwise.
      I’m still waiting for my phone app. booked last Thursday 8-9am… re-booked after 2,30pm.
      Doctors are too busy to pick up the bluddy phone…!

    4. Good on you, man. Hope he gets it together again. Company and conversation will help, as he can let out his fears and frustrations, and slowly convinced taht it ain’t so bad after all. And maybe have a de-stressing beer or two in company.

  24. Phew! A belated good morning from Bursledon! Very sunny & hot and I’ve just been manhandling a couple of wardrobes downstairs at Mother in Laws.
    A few things to load into the van and off up home again.
    Goodness knows where everything is going to go!

    Had a walk last night and saw a gentleman lowering the Union Flag which, he told me, he’d raised for HM’s birthday.
    When I made a comment about a pity Boris was extending the lockdown, he vociferously disagreed and expressed the opinion that we should be locked down for even longer.
    When I tried to express my disagreement, he started shouting and became abusive, not being willing to even try to listen!

    Bloody idiot!

    1. aftn Bob, you could always put him in one of the Mother in Law’s wardrobes, lock it and then raise the Union flag again

      1. It was sunset, so time for the flag to come down.
        Saw a gorgeously thin crescent new moon during the walk too.

    2. You have to remember you are deep in Hampshire , where happenings hardly happen .

      Good morning Bob , go and cool off by Weston shore , nr Netley Abbey

    1. Never mind “Bette Davis eyes”, Macron has Tony B Liar eyes! Devious little git!

    2. Good morning, Maggiebelle

      I have posted the comment many times (sorry, Peddy!) that Boris Johnson agreeing to the Northern Ireland Protocol was a total betrayal of his country, the British people and common sense and reason.

      Having promised there would be no border down the Irish Sea what on earth persuaded him to go back on his word: was it the Conservative remainers that Farage allowed to stay in the Conservative Party by not opposing them at the general election, was it libidinous submission to his domineering then mistress or was it just plain naive stupidity? Was it the fact that for all his bluster Johnson has never really been in favour of a proper Brexit?

      I am most disappointed that nobody in the MSM has questioned him on his motives for this surrender to the EU but maybe Andrew Neil’s new outfit will do so. However I do not have high hopes for this as Boris Johnson did everything he could to squirm out of being interviewed on live television about what was actually in his capitulation WA before the election so I very much doubt whether Johnson will have the guts to answer searching questions from Andrew Neil now.

      1. They are all playing a big game .

        Everyone will be muttering, taking sides etc

        I wanted to see how Macron cuddled up to the Canadian boy, why haven’t the press concentrated on those two ?

      2. Wherever you look, if Johnson’s been near or by, you will often find disaster. Is his tendency towards disaster due to his oft reported indolence and lack of ability to be interested in, let alone be capable of absorbing, detail? Or has he been placed to deliberately cause mayhem and upset and reduce the UK to a complete shambles in short order? If the latter, he is doing his masters proud.

        1. Boris is a place man for the Davos crowd, likewise Hancock.

          Judging from the photographs of the G7 ‘leaders’ in Cornwall the pandemic is over, no face masks or social distancing and a lot of canoodling. If it is over for them then it is over for us too.

          1. The government have issued a rebuttal of the claims, “…one rule for them, another for us.” It would appear that the behaviour at the jamboree was within guidelines. Why then did the participants appear to follow ‘social distancing rules etc’ when being photographed for public consumption but did not adhere when they believed they were out of public view? Frauds, every last one.

    3. Macron then needs a map.

      Of course, the whole point of the EU keeping northern Ireland was to give it a hook to control England.

      This is why the EU must be forbidden any business in Ireland or Northern Ireland. It needs kicking in the face. If it gets up, kick it again.

      Keep kicking it until it doesn’t get up.

  25. Right, last mug of tea drunk so logging off, packing the laptop away and loading the last of the junk into the van.

    TTFN All.
    Will be back online in 5 hours or so when I get home!

  26. Good morning, my friends

    Late up this morning. Hot work in the garden weeding and sawing coppiced laurel trees into logs for firewood. Caroline tells me I must not overdo it which should be easy advice to follow as I have been lazy all my life.

    Yes, inflation is on the rise – but just wait until the electric vehicle revolution starts turbocharging prices
    Post-lockdown supply bottlenecks are bad enough, but our politicians’ fixation on Elon Musk will send prices rocketing in the long-term.

    BTL Comment:

    Ordinary people will not be able to afford or run electric cars and even those who can afford them will find them impractical.

    But this is the whole point – electric cars have nothing to do with the environment and everything to do with politicians controlling the populace’s ability to get about independently.

    1. Yep. The state wants a battery for unreliable, inefficient green energy, cars would provide that. That people would want to use them to go to work is beyond the mind of the estate.

      Truly, everything is wrong. Big government must be smashed. It must be utterly prevented from levying taxes and only permitted when the public allow it. Tax freedom day is heading toward the end of August, for goodness sake.

    1. In his dreams. I wonder if Doris firmly corrected his ignorance? No, thought not, probably just nodded (at best).

    1. It would seem that ‘taking the knee’ has become more important to England footballers than actually playing football.

      1. Well to be fair, it probably will be their main achievement during the match.

    2. I doubt that any of the England footballers are paid such a paltry sum.

      As to uniting friends, family and the country I would suggest that their actions are perhaps the most divisive thing they have ever come up with.

    3. We really have entered the End Times when the FA (motto: Fk All) has to circulate a message telling their own fans to support the England team!

  27. Boris Johnson’s G7 was bad weekend for conservatives

    From gender neutrality to tax harmonization, everything the PM signed up to belonged to the global elite social democratic consensus.

    12 June 2021 • 10:00pm

    Last week was a disappointing one for supporters of the Prime Minister. Hosting the G7 in Cornwall might have been a PR success in a traditional sense, with great pictures featuring all of the world leaders and their families, but it’s hard to see what impact Britain’s Conservative, supposedly swashbuckling, Government had on the agenda.

    The meeting agreed on a social democratic and environmentalist manifesto that any one of the G7 leaders could have originated, reflecting everything that Davos Man believes in, from reducing carbon emissions to spending more taxpayers’ money. There wasn’t a trace of conservative or libertarian philosophy.

    Yes, the decision to gift vaccines to emerging economies was right and moral, but everything on the menu could have been agreed by Tony Blair, Gordon Brown or Theresa May. What was the point of having a Brexiteer in No 10? Most disappointingly, we appear to have sleepwalked into global tax harmonisation with the establishment of a minimum corporate rate; over time, it will almost certainly creep up.

    On the culture wars, the PM was equivocal. On the economy, Mr Johnson called for a recovery that was at once “gender neutral” and “more feminine”: great, of course, but why say this if it isn’t accompanied by any specific policy? Wouldn’t it be more useful for the Prime Minister to enunciate a detailed, pro-market, centre-Right philosophy of economic growth and job-creation that helped women and men, young and old, white and ethnic minorities? Better that than throw out feel-good phrases devoid of genuine substance.

    All of this was accompanied by a recitation of dogma about reducing inequality. Inequality of opportunity, yes; of outcome, please no. This is the language of Labour politicians, not a Tory PM, and certainly not the one who famously joked to his backbenchers that we have “greed” to thank for our vaccine – by which he presumably meant effort, ambition and the profit motive. These things create wealth. Redistribution, as Mr Johnson has long argued, destroys it.

    A key question in politics is “would things be different if you weren’t in office?” If yes, then one is a leader. If no, then one is a place holder, a public servant curating orthodoxy like an antique vase liable to crack. Mr Johnson, needless to say, is a historic leader who has changed Britain forever, thanks to Brexit: it is worth highlighting that this, on the periphery and not directly relevant to the G7, was the one truly conservative perspective on display at the weekend.

    There are many other ways in which this is a transformative Government keeping faith with its core constituency, from crime to the defence of free speech and heritage. So it is sad that given this opportunity on the world stage to showcase a generational shift in priority and policy, the Prime Minister sounded instead like Gordon Brown, whose latest book echoes the exact same themes, from redistribution to strengthening top-down institutions. Leavers wanted a departure from Blairism. Mr Johnson at the G7 sounded like its latest incarnation.

    The greatest disappointment of the weekend, however, is the looming decision to delay the June 21 date for ending lockdown. If Britain cannot reopen this month, in the middle of a world-leading vaccine drive, then when? Won’t there now be endless delays? Has the Government decided to eradicate, rather than learn to live with, Covid?

    Yet again, the goalposts have been allowed to shift, nudged along by the Whitehall blob. The original justification for lockdown was to save the NHS from being overwhelmed. Even with cases rising faster, and hospitalisations at a slower rate, nobody believes that will happen this time. Yes, deaths will rise, but why has the Government now decided that this disease takes priority over everything else, over allowing the vast majority to live freely again?

    All in all, this was not the best week for this Government.


    Paul Hawkins
    12 Jun 2021 10:32PM
    Excellent and perceptive editorial from the Sunday Telegraph. Socialists around the western world know theyre unpopular, hence why they keep losing elections so have reverted to pushing agenda through via Davos and global institutions. They’re getting an awful lot of it through without resistance and aided by the BBC and other globalist media cartel outlets.

    1. So we have promised 100m shots and the US 500m. So did the other 5 offer anything more than saure krauts and wurst.

      1. At a couple of shots a head that will vaccinate ~ 5% of the unvaccinated population

    2. 334249+ up ticks.
      Afternoon C,
      Britain’s Conservative, supposedly swashbuckling,

      Buttswaldding @rsoles would be more apt.

    3. The role fo government is to provide essential services and to get out of the way. Nothing else.

      These big state, high tax spendaholic idiots are stupid. As it stands, nothing will change as all the countries going have vastly higher tax rates than those but yes, soon it iwll be 50%, then 60 and before you know it, we won’t have any industry at all.

      These cretinous morons are going to bomb us back to the stone age. It’s time they were consigned to the bin of history – their label : the most dangerous weapons used against nations since the atomic bomb, only these fools will kill vastly more.

    4. Imagine gender neutral plants and insects. Well, as we’d have died of starvation, it wouldn’t be a problem for very long.

    5. I’ve no objection to emerging countries getting the vaccines. Heck, why shouldn’t they share the risks?

  28. It is now a standard practice to have medicos standing by at sporting events. The England team will no doubt have their own doctors and medics in attendance. Given the diverse make up of the England team will they also have a witch doctor and a voodoo priest? Just asking.

  29. The only thing wrong with the mini-Trooping was the fatuous and ill-informed “commentary” by the Edwards bloke and a bame girl who asked very banal questions of long-suffering and always polite soldiers – while waving her hands and arms like as idiot.

    When I was on telly in the 1980s, the director told me very firmly how to present myself and how NOT to wave arms, walk about and look daft. I suppose these days, that would be a hate crime.

          1. I’ve got to go and water my Tommies i haven’t been into the green house yet today, i expect it’ll be well over 40c already, good job the butts are along side. They are starting to flower now. I ran out of dried chicken poo i’ll have to take trip out next week.

    1. Good morning, Bill

      A rather cynical colleague of mine at Allhallows had to write a review for the School Mag of the staff’s production of Gilbert and Sullivan’s Trial By Jury in which I was a member of the chorus. One of my other colleagues, let us call him Graham Bloggs – the Head of Modern Languages, was renowned for his exaggerated continental gestures and not following Hamlet’s advice about ‘not sawing the air’ (he was not called the Cunning Linguist for nothing!) and he too had a minor role in the production.

      But when the reviewer had to submit his copy he was guided by Philip Larkins words:

      It becomes still more difficult to find
      Words at once true and kind,
      Or not untrue and not unkind.

      So he wrote simply: Graham Bloggs acted a lot.

    2. Ah, Bll, testiculating “... while waving her hands and arms like as idiot” and talking bollox.

  30. 334249+ up ticks,
    Exclusive Video: G7 Must Abandon ‘Greedy Rush to China’, Says Fmr Tory Leader Sir Iain Duncan Smith

    And concentrate on mosque building no doubt there are a great many prayer matters in parliament.

    The political situation is showing out as not only the electorate vying with each other for number 10 occupancy regardless of damage seriously affecting the nation, but the lab/lib/con coalition politico’s
    playing of the chinese / arabs against each other, the reward is the biggest brown envelope.

    1. Yep. Pretty much the summary of all government activity.

      The danger is it causes incredible harm to society, freedom and individual liberty.

      1. I feel like a mediaeval peasant watching the kings and popes parading past with nosegays firmly stuck under their nostrils so as not to get a whiff of the great unwashed.

  31. For the fashion conscious among you – I have discovered what Carrion’s frocks are called:

    Retro prairie-style dresses

    They don’t call me Hardy Amies for nothing.

    1. Radical idea, I suppose, but – shouldn’t the university just concentrate on teaching students?

    2. 334249 + up ticks,

      In view of some issues Og, many people would vote to hasten the occupation.

    3. It would be better to refer such ‘ deluded, confused’ students to some robust mental health intervention. ‘Care in the community’ has a lot to answer for.

      1. If you go into a Doctors and say you’re a dog, barking and woofing, would the NHS pay for you to have a tail added, fur glued on and massive hormone injections?

        No. It would refer you to mental health because you’re using the belief that you’re a dog to escape the unhappiness of your reality. You are not a dog same as a man in a dress is NOT a woman. They are simply escaping into a fantasy.

      2. ‘Don’t Care in the Community’ is one reason why we’ve reached this state of universal madness.

    4. Except they’re not free, are they? They’re paid for by the fees of other students. Fees that are for teaching and facilities. Not pandering mentally ill weirdos.

    5. I agree with the issue of rubber penises. They should be pinned to the forehead of every member of the faculty and anyone else who helps promote this stupidity.

      1. 334249+ up ticks.
        Afternoon P,
        Thereby creating a school, first of its kind for human wanna be uni corns

    6. Bloody hull; whatever happened the money subsiding grotty beer in the SU bar?

  32. I see the fear and doom mongers are stepping up a gear. Supposedly, we will have 100,000 cases a day by July. While alleged cases have been rising for a few weeks, numbers of deaths remain very low. Lockdown now likely to remain until next Spring. When Doris claimed some months ago that this would be the last lockdown, he forgot to say that this lockdown would simply go on and on …
    Meanwhile, GPs continue refusing to see patients face-to-face in spite of supposedly now being required to abandon this negligent stance, and many more thousands will have undiagnosed serious illnesses and die long before their time.
    I have just been advised by our health centre that my named GP will change yet again – 2nd one since my excellent GP retired in November (only aged about 50 but his pension pot was full). 1st had a slammer name and qualified in Prague, the latest is female and qualified in Lagos! We have around 14 partner GPs, a few salaried part-timers and about 14 GP registrars: the majority are non-indigenous and many have ‘qualified’ in dubious countries.

    1. I wonder how many women are missing the Mobile Mamagram examination service ..

      I haven’t seen one in this area for over a year, it is as if everything like that has ground to a halt.

      1. Mine was due last July. Would have had my appointment letter by early June. The unit is parked at Tesco every summer but no sign this year. I wonder how many cancers have been missed already, only to be found when it is too late. I am also a year overdue for my colonoscopy – supposed to have one every 3 years for surveillance due to medical history and family history of bowel cancer.

        1. Our is usually parked at Tesco in Dorchester, but hasn’t been since early last year.

          It is upsetting knowing that many cancers have been missed in the past 18 months or so..
          How do women get along when they require their annual smear test ?

          1. I must not make jokes about the size of mobile phones…
            I must not make jokes about the size of mobile phones …
            I must not make ………………….

    2. MumIsBusy

      You are not using the same GP surgery as me are you.

      It sounds identical , including the Nigerian female doctor who is rather generously proportioned .

      1. Don’t think so. South Lincolnshire. Apart from getting my 6 monthly blood tests from our lovely phlebotomist who has worked throughout and never caught the plague, I haven’t seen any of the GPs. Nurses suite and door from the car park are now separate – to ensure we don’t infect the invisible GPs.
        If we are local, we must have a coffee!

        1. I don’t believe the Drs are actually there. They look in from time to time to check their mail but that’s that. Lots of tennis and outings with their family and friends.

          1. The staff car park is about full but no idea what they are doing. Must be such hard work diverting any ‘must-be-see’ patients to the nurses and nurse practitioners -these wannabe doctors also seem to do a lot of the phone calls too.

      2. Does she treat you to homilies about healthy eating?
        (In the days when she was seeing patients.)

    1. The chap in the light jacket looks like Macron, no doubt telling them that Batley is not part of the UK.

    1. The FA is accused of ‘coercion’ after sending MP who complained about England players ‘taking the knee’ a letter warning that booing fans could affect nation’s 2030 World Cup bid
      MP Andrew Bridgen tweeted last week criticising England players for kneeling
      He was warned in a letter from the FA booing the move could have ramifications
      The unhappy MP warned in another letter he ‘does not respond well to coercion’

      1. Blast, does that mean Engerland won’t have a chance to beat coolies to death to get the stadium ready on time?

    2. And don’t forget that before every match in the Six Nations the England Rugby Team knelt out of respect and to pay homage to a vicious, violent, black American criminal. The results speak for themselves: for the first time in over forty years England was beaten by Wales, Ireland and Scotland. And now the cricketing kneelers have been squashed by New Zealand as a consequence of dropping their best player in the last test for his unwoke comments when he was a teenager,.

      How thoroughly does the England Football Team have to be crushed to suggest to the idiotic team managers that woke politics and sport do not mix?

  33. email to my former MP:

    “I was delighted to have the opportunity to vote for Boris Johnson in his election to become Mayor of London. He was certainly a breath of fresh air following the deposing of Dear (as in ‘king expensive) Ken il Livingstone. However, if he is currently making decisions ‘based on the science’ why oh why isn’t he following the science as espoused by the CDC in the US and endorsed by the White House that folk who have had the full suite of Covid vaccinations no longer need to wear a mask?.

    Over 30 million UK citizens have now had both doses of the vaccine. Florida and Texas have lifted lockdown restrictions months ago with no adverse effects.

    If Mr Johnson fails to lift these draconian restrictions on June 21st are you and his colleagues going to suggest to him that he spends more time with his families?


      1. I don’t expect a reply but since I’ve corresponded with Col Bob in the past I think he will know the strength of my feelings….

        1. “…I’ve corresponded with Col Bob in the past I think he will know the strength of my feelings.”

          Only, that is, if his minions (secretary, office wallahs …) show him the email. On the numerous occasions I wrote to Norman Lamb, when I lived in his constituency, all my replies were stock-in-trade guff sent by a lackey. I doubt Lamb was ever given sight of them.

          1. Bob usually replies personally (providing one provides a constituency address – something I can no longer do…)

          2. Use your old one – and get the new owners to send on any reply.

            Lateral thinking, you see…!

          3. I once challenged the Rt. Hon Kenneth Baker in his constituency office. He was so surprised at what I said he almost fell off his chair backwards!

  34. The culture war is real and we cannot afford to lose. Douglas Murray. 13 June 2021.

    The current culture war is raging because what the far-Leftists who initiated it want to do is all but impossible. They want to “decolonise” our society. Which means to strip away anything connected with a long period of British history including our reigning monarch. They want to make all white people feel guilty and feel ashamed of their skin colour. In a white majority country. They want to turn respect for the individual into respect dependant on the individual’s sex or ethnic background.

    They want to trash everything in our history, and make every element of life, from sport to academia, gardening to politics, submit to the same pre-prepared ideological agenda. In this sense it is more like the theological ruptures of old than the political debates of the recent past.

    Actually they want to be rid of us but I don’t suppose Douglas could write that without precipitating an earthquake!

    1. And lest we forget, The Sunday Torygraph sacked Julie Burchill this past week for posting a jocular tweet re: Lilibet Diana

  35. Popped maskless and lanyard free into the local shop this morning. Not a word. As I left, another customer came in, also sans face nappy.

          1. 🙂 Lemons to make elderflower cordial. Once it gets a bit cooler, I will nip out and get a bagful of the heads.

          2. 🙂 Lemons to make elderflower cordial. Once it gets a bit cooler, I will nip out and get a bagful of the heads.

        1. Two taxis and a restaurant me. No one batted an eyelid. If they had i would have reported their micro-aggressive behaviour.

        2. It’s easy to do. All you have to say if challenged is “I self-identify as a member of the G7”.


    1. You little devil, you. As your avatar suggests, I suspect that you always were that teensy bit stroppy.

    2. I shook hands with the vicar in church this morning (and there were TWELVE in the choir).

  36. BTL on Douglas Murray’s article

    Carl Sanderson
    13 Jun 2021 10:14AM

    The Left cannot win at the ballot box: this country has never wanted state socialism or Marxism. The Leftists, therefore, have to work from within.

    They infiltrate and hollow out political institutions (the Labour Party, the civil service, the Church), cultural institutions (National Trust, British Library, Natural History Museum, all the universities, the entire teaching profession) and media actors (the BBC, in particular). They exploit the gullibility of youth (Extinction Rebellion) and the resentments of race (BLM) or gender (the ‘Everard activists’) to provoke violent agitation (Antifa). They piggyback on noble causes in the service of their explicitly political agenda.

    And all because they can’t win at the ballot box.

    The Equity controversy was another manifestation of this poisonous and destructive ideology; it will take a generation of brave people to neutralise it. As for Cambridge, if a repository of free inquiry behaves in that way, then its claim on public resources must be seriously challenged.

    1. In a similar vein:
      “The Journal of the American Psychoanalytic Association, is a real academic journal which published a research article called On Having Whiteness.

      The author is Donald Moss, Dean of the College of Integrative Medicine and Health Sciences, at Saybrook University.

      He wrote:

      “Parasitic Whiteness renders its hosts’ appetites voracious, insatiable, and perverse. These deformed appetites particularly target nonwhite peoples. Once established, these appetites are nearly impossible to eliminate. Effective treatment consists of a combination of psychic and social-historical interventions.”

      The abstract notes that “There is not yet a permanent cure,” but perhaps scientists are developing a final solution…”

      1. May I fix a Minor Typo, please

        “Parasitic BLMness renders its hosts’ appetites voracious, insatiable, and perverse. These deformed appetites particularly target white
        peoples. Once established, these appetites are nearly impossible to eliminate*. Effective treatment consists of a combination of psychic and
        social-historical interventions

        * Check sporting events

    2. In a similar vein:
      “The Journal of the American Psychoanalytic Association, is a real academic journal which published a research article called On Having Whiteness.

      The author is Donald Moss, Dean of the College of Integrative Medicine and Health Sciences, at Saybrook University.

      He wrote:

      “Parasitic Whiteness renders its hosts’ appetites voracious, insatiable, and perverse. These deformed appetites particularly target nonwhite peoples. Once established, these appetites are nearly impossible to eliminate. Effective treatment consists of a combination of psychic and social-historical interventions.”

      The abstract notes that “There is not yet a permanent cure,” but perhaps scientists are developing a final solution…”

    3. The Left managed to insidiously and surreptitiously inveigle its way deep into every echelon of society because the Right sat on its complacent arse twiddling its thumbs. If the Right had been alert to this then preventive measures could have been taken.

      They weren’t. They didn’t.

      1. 334249+ up ticks,
        Gerard Batten & co REAL UKIP was the last truly patriotic right and as such were tagged to be far right racist and fell to treachery.

        Consequently no opposition just a lab/lib/con
        coalition and within that close political shop cocoon of sh!te the electorate rest cosy.

    4. …and the Stasi Police, stand by and do nothing against them; they rather concentrate on peaceful demonstrations and go on to bully the weak, the vulnerable and the old.

    5. “We leverage – with $250,000,000 – policy, legislation and political influence and build strong relationships with officials, politicians, NGOs and other actors”.

  37. Email to my local MP;

    Incomprehensible measures to combat Covid -19.

    Dear Wera,

    On behalf of my family and the residents of Bath would you kindly enquire of the relevant government ministers as to why, if they are following the science, they aren’t emulating the CDC in the United states of America and allowing UK citizens who have been fully vaccinated against Covid-19, not to wear masks?

    I’ve attached for ease of reference a statement published a month ago on behalf of the President of the USA and reported by Reuters and other news Organisations.

    I’ve also attached a link to the Swiss Policy Research Organisation with some excellent information on the (in)effectiveness of masks.Dr Noel’s video demonstration is particularly illuminating.

    I look forward to hearing from you in due course.

    Kind regards,

    1. Because that would create a two tier society and be a form of coercion. It would be very divisive which is probably why election fraud Biden did it.

      Many individuals might not want Mr Gates’ vaccines because he apparently approved them himself by buying off the MHRA with $7,000,000 and employing the former MHRA CEO in a very senior position in Seattle.

      The answer of course is no masks for anyone because they don’t work anyway.

      1. If the advice was that if you have had the two jabs, we consider social distancing and face masks to be no longer required.
        If the advice followed on by saying that if you have not been vaccinated then we consider social distancing and face masks to be advisable but that is only a recommendation, the coercion factor does not exist.
        If all those who refused the vaccine failed to die of Covid, I would have thought that was enough proof they were right all along. If however they died in their droves, I think we could say they made the wrong choice but at least over population has eased, if only a little bit.
        A win win situation eh PP

        1. In that event, you will not receive a further reply!

          My useless tosser stopped writing to me when I called him a charlatan Limp Dumb posing as a Tory. Can’t understand why..{:¬))

          1. If it wasn’t for the fact that he had a thick skin (think IQ of about 5) I’d say he was probably hurt by your astute observation….

          2. Which one of the 363 was that? No don’t bother to answer that, let’s say it could be ALL of them

  38. On the subject of June 21st, this from BBC Radio 4 news at 2pm:

    Paul Hunter, Professor of Medicine at UEA, agrees there should be a brief delay but only until enough people have been vaccinated.
    “I think we’re heading for 80% of the adult population having had both vaccines sometime in the middle of July. After that we really have to move towards saying ‘OK, we’ve done as much as we can, now we have to live with this virus without continuing too long with the restrictions’.”

    I hope the Prof has something to fall back on when he receives his P45.

    1. Naturally Doris won’t listen to the Prof, who is a proper medic unlike the psychologists, behavioural experts and others in SAGE and beyond who have the same qualifications in disease control as I have – i.e. none! Can anyone explain why anyone with any sense still pays a morsel of attention to the ravings of Fergusson, given his abysmal track record?

      1. Likely because Ferguson is funded by Gates and Johnson does what Ferguson says because Johnson and Hancock probably have a mega dollar job in the pipeline from Gates for devolving the UK’s covid response to him.

        After all, as the former MHRA CEO has been awarded a Gates mega dollar job, surely Johnson and Hancock will get a Gates mega dollar job too ?

        It’s all a beautiful golden circle, provided you’re on the inside. But not so great for everyone else.

        1. I have a theory that they keep Ferguson on board so that they can wheel him out for the newspapers every time they implement an unpopular measure, because everyone knows his miserable phiz and already loathes him.

  39. Well Old Joe’s on about eight News Channels at the moment so I’ve come here!

  40. French Open: Tsitsipas takes first set on tie-break 7-6. Much more entertaining than the wendyball

        1. Is his opponent Greek? That would be very interesting – when Greek meets Greek….{:¬))

  41. Mail to a Con MP…..

    You too can be a jackpot winner and be a multi millionaire just like Tony!

    Hey, I’ve had a great idea. I’m going to offer a free entry competition to the first MP who gets the answer right…..

    Why did John, Tony, Gordon and Dave completely forget all about their best friend George when they wrote their books?

    The Prize for the Correct Answer…

    Dinner with George Soros at the New York Plaza! All expenses paid. Natch!

    Be a multi millionaire jackpot winner just like Tony….

    Enter now!


  42. We don’t want to ‘yo-yo’ in and out of measures, says Raab. 13 June 2021.

    Dominic Raab has suggested that remaining Covid-19 restrictions will only be lifted once all adults are double-vaccinated, set to be by the end of July, because the Government does not “want to yo-yo back in and out of measures”.

    Strange because that is what they have been doing! Yo – yoing is of course far more damaging than either opting either directly in or out since it introduces doubt. It actually extends the period over which people will wait because no one can be sure that their efforts are completely pointless and in such a situation it is better to do nothing!

      1. Quite right Dominic, so let’s just stay out of IN lockdown forever.

        That’s what the tosser really meant….

    1. He had to score sooner or later, he has missed so many open goals and sitters in the past.

      1. Yes, have heard it suggested they are playing pre-recorded cheers over the PA system to try to drown out the boos.

  43. Phew , it has been very hot here , dogs have been lolling around in the shade.

    Moh played golf, again , he is developing a dark prune like quality .

    1. Nope – don’t get it. Two bears with webbed feet?

      I’ll get me thinking cap.

  44. “Covid deaths double” – yeah, right. To EIGHT. Wow – close everything down until June 2024 – just in case.

      1. Died from or with the Covid Variant? If I was a Government Minister I’d want to see the PM results for the 12 deaths that 29% represents before taking the knee…..

        1. Either way, it suggests that the much vaunted vaccination programme is not quite what it is cracked up to be.

          And I have little doubt it will be an excuse to carry on a lockdown response etc for every new disease and ever and a day.

          1. Ignoring the absolute numbers, notice anything about the trajectories?
            What do you suspect will be going through the locker-maniacs minds?
            You know, and I know, that it’s misuse of the figures, but when has it stopped them previously?

  45. Our delightful Lay Reader – without whom our church would struggle – is one of those lucky people who very quickly get a suntan.

    She was in Fakenham last week and a complete stranger stopped in front of her and yelled: “They shouldn’t have let you back.” She asked what on earth he was talking about.

    Tosser shrieked back, “It’s people like you, going abroad to catch the sunshine and then coming back with the covid – you are putting us all at risk – killing us. They shouldn’t have let you back in to Britain”.

    Poor lady – she hasn’t been further than Swaffham since March 2020.

    Aren’t some people just horrible?

    1. There’s a surprising number of really unpleasant folk around – and a surprising amount of really nice people, too.

      1. Afternoon Oberst. The amount of Fear around is the only thing about this “pandemic” that has surprised me!

        1. Indeed.
          Yet almost nobody died, nothing like the “normal” influensa deaths.

    2. If you saw my husband , I daresay people would say the same to him.. We look like a mixed marriage , I am so fair and he looks very brown,

      I avoid the sun , I just about cope with half an hour ..

      1. Given how the sun blotches and wrinkles the skin people probably think you are his daughter… :@)

      2. I spent four months in and out of the jungle and came back looking like an unripe banana!

        1. Did you, well you were very lucky to have escaped the torture of sun burn but I expect you suffered in other ways , the jungle must have been horrendously sticky with other unpleasant effects . I Guess you were in Borneo?

          1. Malaya peninsula. Supposedly as a show of strength to the North Vietnamese. It was a very interesting experience.

        2. Do you have any Scottish blood? My old man is very fair skinned but was in Belize for 4 months when he worked for Decca, and managed to come back about the colour of a cornflake!

    3. Hmm, if that was our dear Lady Reader, I think a kick in the groin would have sufficed.

      It’s the only way to deal with Hoi Polloi dahlink – know what I mean?

  46. Who’d have thought it eh?

    The body of a Birmingham, Alabama journalist who broke the story about the controversial 2016 tarmac meeting in Phoenix between former President Bill Clinton and then-Attorney General Loretta Lynch was found on Saturday morning of an ‘apparent suicide,’ according to

    1. ABC reporter, 45, who broke story of secret Arizona tarmac meeting between Bill Clinton and Loretta Lynch in 2016 before Hillary email probe was dropped dies in ‘apparent suicide’
      Christopher Sign, 45, was found dead in his home in suburb of Birmingham
      Police said they received 911 phone call just before 8:15am on Saturday
      Investigators found Sign’s body when they arrived at his home in Hoover
      Initial reports indicate that his death is being investigated as a suicide
      In 2016, Sign broke story of tarmac meeting between Bill Clinton, Loretta Lynch
      Ex-President Clinton met then-attorney general on tarmac of Phoenix airport
      Lynch’s Justice Department was investigating Clinton’s wife, Hillary Clinton
      Meeting forced Lynch to recuse herself from overseeing the investigation
      Hillary Clinton was being investigated for use of a private email server for official communications during her tenure as secretary of state

      1. Poor bastard just couldn’t get any ‘woke’ one to believe his story – take it – and run with it.

        More power to your dead elbow, Old Troop..

  47. Does the British government care about veterans’ suicides? 13 June 2021.

    Ex-veterans minister Johnny Mercer appears to have launched a one-man frontal assault on the UK government. Rarely a day goes by when he isn’t voraciously criticising their shoddy treatment of veterans. Speaking as a veteran and ex-British Army officer like Mercer, I can’t say I blame him. One tour of Afghanistan was enough to break me. Mercer did three.

    Mercer’s most recent broadside came after the news that the eleventh person from 2 Rifles, an infantry regiment that served in Iraq and Afghanistan, had killed himself.

    The answer to this of course is no. To really care about something, or someone, you have to have some empathy for them, some fellow feeling; shared experiences. What we have is Government by emotional eunuchs. I doubt that there is one MP who has suffered any trauma more severe than a hangover. This shallowness is articulated in their care for strangers, immigrants, foreigners; they can project onto them what they wish since they are completely alien. Anyone landing in Dover can be assured that they will receive treatment far superior to that which would be extended to any veteran since it requires the minimum of emotional involvement with the maximum of Taxpayers cash to make everyone feel really good about themselves. This is all by way of saying, for those interested, that there are some recommendations in the comments for Charities that are not mere Government cyphers with Equalities officers to ensure distribution to suitable minorities. Combat Stress and Blesma both get good write ups!

    1. It would obviously be a stunt, but Mercer should get hold of a large rubber dinghy, fill it with homeless veterans and sail it into Dover and present them as asylum seekers and see how they are then treated.
      It would require a lot of press coverage, but it would make the point very forcefully, the difference between the treatment of gimmegrants and those who have actually served their country.

        1. Break the bloody law for this stunt, and if not Dover sail them into Felixstowe.

        2. Break the law (what law) and ask the Judge, Why? Why infringe an Englishman’s right?

      1. Give me a chance, Sos, and I’ll be there. 77, ischemic heart disease, COPD and I’ll still argue the case!

        Wake up you stupid parliamentarians – we have your measure and we’re coming for you.

    2. The last MP to have any kind of valuable life experience was Norman Tebbit.

    3. What you’re saying, Minty is that, because they’ve never been there – always put others into the field of fire – they have no feckin’ idea what they are asking these people to do, on their behalf.

      Johnny Mercer is the only one in our ‘representative’ government (ha ha) who has any idea what the troops on the ground have suffered. Been there – suffered it, Oct 62, Cuba Crisis.

      Wake up ‘woke’ parliament you will NOT survive the next GE.

  48. Happy Hour – French Open men’s final: Novak Djokovic meets Stefanos Tsitsipas

    No taking the knee as yet…..

  49. That’s me for this very hot day. Almost summery! Now to get the pump going and water the garden from the well.

    I hope to survive to see you tomorrow. Masked, natch.

    A demain.

  50. Home! At last!
    I got caught up in the tailback after an accident at Burghclere just South of Newbury. Over an hour before the traffic got moving again.

    1. It was that chap who shouted at you, Robert – he has a mate at Burghclere!

      I went to school there. Not many people know that!

  51. Just a note to say that GB News starts tonight at 8 pm. Freeview channel 236, or online. I expect to be disappointed, but I’ll give it a shot…

      1. 8pm – The great pandemic scam
        9pm – Climate change – It’s all a plot to destroy the West.
        10pm – Trump really won in 2020

          1. Great timing, I will be able to enjoy that at my dinnertime.

            Please tell me this one is serious!

          1. While I spend far too much time trawling the interwebby thing, you’re correct insofar as NoTTL is a ‘news aggregator’ site. An army of peeps are out there, farming the web for relevant stuff, and bringing it here. It’s worth the negligible hosting costs, and the couple of minutes posting a new page each morning, for that alone. Then there’s the social aspect…

          2. And for all that I, and I suspect many, many more are grateful for your efforts.
            Many thanks.

      1. Hi Tom – a former neighbour has tried to see GB News on Sky 515, and has merely had a message to phone them. I’m not a Sky user. Any thoughts?

  52. Joe Biden sniffs bearskins as he inspects guard of honour and then sniffs Queen’s hat to check they are bear not beaver…

    Not really

  53. Macron continues to be nasty to the UK in the hope that it will win him support with French voters. But Anne-Elisabeth Moutet – a French correspondent for the DT – points out this is probably a mistake as Johnson is far more popular in France than Macron is!

    It defies belief that Boris Johnson could have been so gullible and so naïve as to agree to the NI Protocol. In fact Johnson should be very much blamed for the current nonsense with France.

    Did Johnson really not know that the EU – and especially Macron – would do everything they could to exploit his buffoonish stupidity? Give Macron an open goal to shoot at and he cannot be expected not to take advantage. Macron now claims that Northern Ireland is not a part of the UK – but of course Martinique and Guadeloupe and many other overseas outre-mer departments of France are very much a part of France. Of course the silly little man is trying to be provocative and he deserves nothing other than ridicule and contempt but Johnson cannot be absolved from culpability for his astonishing stupidity.

          1. 47 years on the gravy train(Biden), he has to be lost in a fog of his own making.

          1. Don’t forget arrogant! He could really do with the same kind of slap as Macron received – but harder, much harder.

    1. ” Is the World that desperate?

      We Canadians know this guy, I wouldn’t follow him to a free beer festival, much less decide anything important.”

      “More delusions of grandeur from the Clown Prince of Papineau, whose most illustrious previous position was “Part-time drama teacher” (prior to being elected PM by a minority of foolish Canadians). “

    2. ” Is the World that desperate?

      We Canadians know this guy, I wouldn’t follow him to a free beer festival, much less decide anything important.”

      “More delusions of grandeur from the Clown Prince of Papineau, whose most illustrious previous position was “Part-time drama teacher” (prior to being elected PM by a minority of foolish Canadians). “

  54. How sad GB News multiple technical problems: BBC bods will be wetting themselves… 🙁

    1. I really don’t want to hear life histories , I just want them to get on with it . No celebs for me thanks , or something like Stephs big chatter in.

      1. We’ve waited years for proper news and like lockdown restrictions being lifted seems we are going to have to wait some more…..

  55. Disappointing, the male/female presenters are sitting with the man on left, woman on right. Would have been refreshing to see the opposite for a change.

    1. Its a historical thing, the man needs to sit on the left so that he is free to draw his sword which is traditionally on the left, ditto for walking down the street a male needs to have his left side nearest the curb.

      1. How does that work if he is walking in the same direction but on the other side of the road?

        1. Maybe not – is there something wrong with tradition, Stormy? I will always walk on the side between the kerb and any female companion. Do you find that wrong?

          1. I’d like to see female presenters sit on the dominant side from time to time.

    1. I know that Junior learned about rockets, we made a railgun, explosives and he built his first computer and did some programming. He drew out a UI for us, kept a daily timesheet where he talked about what he’d done.

  56. The return of Air Force One to the USA has been delayed. President Biden went to tea with the Queen at Windsor. He excused himself to go to the toilet and has not been seen since. A search is being carried out by staff and security people. A spokesman said,”Windsor Castle is a bit of a maze with lots of rooms and corridors. It’s very easy to get lost. I hope he found the lavatory. He can’t come to any harm and be assured that we will find him.”

  57. GB News so far so good. Great to see 3 to 1 in ending all the Corvid rules on the 21st.

  58. It looks like Dan Wootton has been reading our nttl blog. Encouraging start to GB News, will it continue?

    1. Good start – but rather a lot of glitches which we hope will be sorted out.

      1. Morning Rastus, I also thought when we had sound, the quality needs to improve.

  59. £69 better off tonight.
    Bloke who bought a crossflow head Ford Kent Engine off me FINALLY got round to picking it up and handing over the cash.
    He then saw a slightly older vintage Ford flywheel and gave me a fiver for that too!

  60. John Ward:

    Clowns to the left of us, rogues to the right – here we are, stuck in the middle of poo

    “It’s Sunday. It’s hot down here in Aquitaine. The cherries are ready. I shall be the man that ate all the pie this evening. There’s a gentle breeze, a sky of light and uninterrupted blue, and a sense of sleepy repose.

    But I have no sense at all of tranquility. The foregoing gallery of rogues and clowns have removed my inalienable civil rights to drive a motor car, hug people I love, see my children and travel freely in what is probably my last decade. They are, every one of them, lower than vermin and drunk on 40° proof self-satisfaction.”

  61. Evening, all. I’d like to think that voters won’t forgive the delay to Freedom Day, but I fear that they have short memories and by the time they get a chance to vote, they’ll continue to put their X in the same old boxes.

  62. Gordon Bennett. What on earth are Carrie Johnson Symonds and their brat (who needs a haircut by the way) doing at a G7 Conference?

    What on earth are the EU chiefs doing there, the EU is thankfully not yet a country, so why are they there?

    From what I have seen on media channels the Davos mobsters assembled in Carbis Bay have ignored the Covid restrictions, restrictions such as numbers assembling, masks and social distancing that the rest of us are supposed to observe under the threat of substantial fines for non compliance.

    If Fatso Johnson thinks for one moment that he will get away with this obvious fraud on the British people he has another thing coming, as my late mother was apt to say. My mum, a traditional Methodist Christian was always correct.

    During lockdown nonsense and because my architectural practice has been shafted by Johnson and the cretins at SAGE, I have taken to re-reading some of my thousands of books.

    I have recently concentrated on the works of the philosopher and writer C S Lewis and am presently occupied by his essays entitled ‘Mere Christianity’. So many truths as to encourage me to keep going, despite the shit flying around and about on all sides.

    1. What on earth are Carrie Johnson Symonds and their brat (who needs a haircut by the way) doing at a G7 Conference?

      Looked like Wokeys by the seaside!

    2. I’ll laugh like a drain if there’s a huge outbreak of COVID amongst the G7 and hangers-on!

    3. I thought it was a bit inappropriate to be bringing the child out in front of the cameras, I must say.

  63. Sorry, just parking this here as my phone’s playing up. Hope you don’t mind.

    So basically it’s all about stress testing facts and theories and working out who knows what. It’s not really so difficult as there are all sorts of clues.

    There are some great brains around, even if occasionally the conversation is one sided because silence can be deafening.

    I’m thinking of starting a competition for MPs… maybe something like this.

    You Too can be a Multi Millionaire just like Tony!

    Please answer this simple question….

    Why did John Major, Tony Blair, Gordon Brown and David Cameron completely forget to write about George Soros and Open Society London in their autobiographies?

    Despite Black Wednesday, despite Tony Blair meeting privately with George Soros in New York in April 1996, despite Tony Blair selling George Soros and his consortium many UK state assets cheap in 2000. Despite QinetiQ which Tony Blair sold to a DC private equity fund in 2003 through a tax haven featuring John Major as “Executive Chairman Europe” and apparently George Soros as star “buy out” client who had $100,000,000 invested from 1994 and, surprisingly, according to media reports, with a $7.5 Billion contract awarded to QinetiQ on the day of sale. Despite virtually all their major policies being identical to George Soros’ policies.

    What was the reason for omitting George Soros and Open Society London, funded with probably $250,000,000 by George Soros since the 1990s, and existing to get what he wants politically in London.

    The winning entry will receive the superb prize of dinner with a billionaire at the New York Plaza Hotel, just like Tony!

    Be lucky, be a multi millionaire like Tony, enter the competition now. All expenses paid, natch!


    PS. If a billionaire isn’t available, it might be me!

    So it’s shock horror below the line on the Spectator when I relate the story. Many people want a cover up, some are incredibly rude, some run away, others argue and lose.

    The evidence sweeps all opposition aside. Nobody knows Soros met Blair in 1996. It changes everything for the asset sales, Blair’s policies and the details of QinetiQ blows them away. Blair, Major and Soros together. They regard it as incredible.

    The fam had a retired General to dinner recently. At the beginning he didn’t believe a word I said. But after a spell online, he was quite simply astonished as I showed him all the facts.

    This happens time after time.

    Our General, if I may call him that, and his fellow officers who came to dinner with their wives, all knew some or all of the Prime Ministers since 1997.

    They were truly astonished. Some actually liked Tony Blair which was surprising, and one even liked Gordon Brown having served in Afghanistan in his days. Nobody liked Dave much, and certainly not Treasa.

    I explained my theory about the gold sale of 1999. By the time I had finished, everyone thought it sounded very probable!

    So it goes on. I wonder who is coming to dinner next week…


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