Sunday 14 July: Tories rebuilding the party should be alive to the shortcomings of a ‘broad church’

An unofficial place to discuss the Telegraph letters, established when the DT website turned off its commenting facility (now reinstated, but we prefer ours),
Intelligent, polite, good-humoured debate is welcome, whether on or off topic. Differing opinions are encouraged, but rudeness or personal attacks on other posters will not be tolerated. Posts which – in the opinion of the moderators – make this a less than cordial environment, are likely to be removed, without prior warning.  Persistent offenders will be banned.

Today’s letters (visible only to DT subscribers) are here.

641 thoughts on “Sunday 14 July: Tories rebuilding the party should be alive to the shortcomings of a ‘broad church’

  1. Good morning, chums, and thank you Geoff for an early post of the Sunday NoTTLe site. I'm really pleased with my Wordle efforts today.

    Wordle 1,121 2/6


    1. So you should be Elsie!
      I only got it in six because I summoned my son to make the last guess!
      Wordle 1,121 6/6


  2. Good morning, chums, and thank you Geoff for an early post of the Sunday NoTTLe site. I'm really pleased with my Wordle efforts today.

    Wordle 1,121 2/6


  3. Good morrow, Gentlefolk, today’s (recycled) story

    A New Take On Life

    In their 70's, Homer and Ethel still pounded their mattress every night. Then came the day Homer's doctor diagnosed a heart condition that demanded abstinence.
    "One more time, Homer, and you're a dead man," the doctor warned, adding, "I'd suggest you and Ethel take separate rooms to avoid temptation."
    Homer unhappily moved to the guestroom downstairs and Ethel stayed in their love-nest upstairs, equally pissed with the new arrangement.
    On the second night, Homer could no longer ignore his raging erection. Slipping out of his room, he made his way up the dark stairs.
    Half way up he bumped into Ethel.
    "Homer, where are you going?" Ethel asked.
    "I'm coming up to commit suicide," Homer said, stroking himself. "Where were you going?"
    Ethel grabbed his crotch. "I was coming down to kill you."

  4. Labour might as well paint, ‘Welcome, people smugglers’, on white cliffs of Dover. 14 July 2024.

    Labour’s first week in government in 14 years is a sign of things to come, and it should worry the British people. The steps they have taken in the Home Office alone are proof of what is ahead – chaos, obfuscation and open borders.

    Cleverly by name. Not by nature.

        1. Hi Phil. In spite of saying the TENS would be delivered on 23rd July it arrived today and I am sitting here with the pads buzzing away..Hope it works.

          1. Hi Delboy. Did it come with instructions on where to place the pads for different conditions? If not try google. Or their website.

    1. There are two sides to this story, even though we are hardly presented with it as it is pushed purely in terms of either being pro-migrant or anti-migrant.

      For me, this is best illustrated by the refusal by the British Government to grant the Archbishop of Mosul asylum at a time when his city was over-run by Islamic State, most of his congregation slaughtered or enslaved, and the man himself regarded as an Infidel and top of the list for extermination by the cut-throats. Add to this the Afghan interpreters and their families, in extreme peril from the Taliban for the crime of collaboration with the British, and we get a pattern of allowing in the illegals, putting them up in hotels and pushing their entitlements through a combination of Diversity & Equality and Critical Race Theory, whilst at the same time making life wretched for those in genuine peril.

      At the very least, there must be in place the administration to grant visas to genuine cases within days or even hours, rather than dragging them on in limbo for years. The Aussies can reach a decision in ten minutes. Those with genuine reasons to come to the UK are welcome, and should be embraced with a warm heart. The others pushed away with similar speed and resolve.

      1. I have heard different stories about the reliability (or otherwise) of the Afghan interpreters from people who were there.

    2. Yet they had 14 years to instruct the Home Office to repeal the endless nonsense legislation that would have allowed us to properly repel the vermin. We could have laws cast in metre thick stainless steel that Labour could not undo.

      The Lefty Tories refused to make these changes and the scum poured in to this country – none of us wanted them, we all wanted rid but no, the Tories just kept letting the scum in.

  5. Bloodied Donald Trump carried from stage after deadly shooting at rally. 14 July 2024.

    Donald Trump has described how a “bullet ripped through his skin” at a rally in Pennsylvania on Saturday night, after a gunman fired a volley of bullets at him from a nearby roof.

    The Republican nominee, 78, dropped to the ground amid the sound of shots and screaming a few minutes into his address to thousands of supporters.

    A bullet appeared to have grazed his ear, and blood dripped down his face as he was led away by US Secret Service agents with one arm lifted defiantly in the air.

    Well that’s it. Barring a second successful attempt the Donald will now be the next President of the United States.

      1. Biden has called Trump a fascist and said they should put a bullseye on him. If the Donald was accused of causing a riot (there was no riot) at the Capitol then Biden should be charged with attempted murder.

        1. The 'caring, sharing' Left. For whom no action is enough and the ends justify the means.

  6. Good Moaning.
    MB is watching four very discombobulated teenage ospreys, who are puzzled by the sea mist.

      1. Just as long as the stress of the event doesn't get to him, once the adrenaline dies down.

    1. By accounts 2 people were killed. I don't know Trump to decide if I like him or not. I do know his policies did more for americaland than all the democrat ones.

      But the Left are utterly consumed with hatred. It's all they know.

      1. Trump had a private meeting with Putin when he was President. All the usual vomit from the Left saying he put his life in danger.
        What he actually did was top end diplomacy.

        1. The restaurant we've booked for dinner this evening just emailed us asking if we wanted to cancel as they didn't have a wide screen TV in the first floor dining room. Bliss!!!

          Good morning Mr T

          Good morning all….

          1. Good reason for staying home.. You'll be surrounded by other diners with their damned phones watching England lose.

  7. Morning all! Bright sunshine here. 🌞 I'm still exhausted from yesterday's event and we have another today.

    1. Don't over do it. Just lay back in a sunlounger and tell people to just throw money in the bucket !

        1. I don't know. I sat in a chair with the dogs once with a sign around Mongo's neck saying 'cuddles for quids'.

          I had one '£1 for a 5 minute argument.'

          Mongo made £50. I ten. We both let the side down by giving away freebies.

    1. They tried lawfare, that failed, so they went for the only thing they know.

      It is long past tolerating them. The Left are evil. They are unhinged, psychotic cruel and bitter people. To them, the end always justifies the means.

      They want to pretend they're glorious heroes but really, they're just nasty thugs who haven't changed throughout history.

        1. Mao, Stalin, Lenin, Pol Pot and Aydolph.
          Thanks to their political creeds countless millions died during the C20.
          No doubt NOTTLers can expand that list of genocidal lunatics.

          1. All started with the Jacobins.Cromwell. Levellers.Wat Tyler.Normans. Vikings.Romans. Israelites.

          2. All started with the Jacobins.Cromwell. Levellers.Wat Tyler.Normans. Vikings.Romans. Israelites.

  8. Good morning, all. Happy Bastille Day – the French are revolting! Grey skies, very windy – rain on its way. Again.

  9. Good morning all,

    Sunny early start , 13c, no1 son left earlier for a 10k run around part of Poole harbour , good luck to him .

    My bones are stiff as anything after my long walk yesterday with dog and Moh.

    Poor old Trump, but what a lucky chap .

    1. I hope the sea mist has cleared, or Sonny Boy might get an unexpected cold bath.

    2. After i walked Dolly and Harry yesterday my legs were shaking. Only about a mile in total.

    1. We white colonialists must not criticise Mr. Mosquera's cultural practices. That would be waycist.

    2. It seems that the damage our political idiots are doing to our country is endless.
      The same old story will continue until one of them or a member of their families are effected by the ongoing idiocracy.
      As happened some years ago when a politicians wife was electrocuted in her kitchen. Only then was it made illegal for water and power to be within reach of each other.

  10. Are warmer temperatures causing fungi to attack humans? Two deaths in China suggest it may be. 14 July 2024.

    Estimates suggest fungal infections contribute to about 2.5 million deaths annually – more than malaria and tuberculosis combined. But the discovery of the strain’s unusual characteristics has raised fears that the effects of climate change could make fungal infections increasingly dangerous to humans.

    What does it do? Turn you into a mushroom? On a more serious note temperatures varying are a perennial condition on the Earth and one wonders why the fungi should change now? in other words it is another piece of climate fearmongering.

    1. Good morning Minty .

      This fungus is common , more common than people think , and even animals are prone to it .

      Overview. Aspergillosis is an infection caused by a type of mold (fungus). The illnesses resulting from aspergillosis infection usually affect the respiratory system, but their signs and severity vary greatly. The mould that triggers the illnesses, aspergillus, is everywhere — indoors and outdoors.

      1. Hence the need for ventilating homes. Not making them into sealed hermetic boxes.

        1. I use a Vax filter air purifier. I also use when needed a dehumidifier. I got them for the doggies because i am a smoker.

    2. Fungi and moulds have always attacked everything else on the planet. They need to try something else.

    3. Good morning Minty,
      Don't panic, I'm sure the WHO will sort it out, restrictions and a saviour jab on the horizon.

    4. Good morning Minty,
      Don't panic, I'm sure the WHO will sort it out, restrictions and a saviour jab on the horizon.

    1. Unlike Blighty, I assume the snipers will not be hauled before the courts in 40 years time?

  11. Good morning all.
    A dry but overcast 9°C with little wind this morning.

    So the Democrats are getting desperate?

    1. Morning! That’s my reading. Quite a few well known Dems will be deleting their XTwitter feeds today but screenshots of them calling for Trump to be assassinated are already doing the rounds. There’s no escape.

      1. I hope some payback does come, because the casual attitude that anyone they don't agree with doesn't deserve to live is way too common among the lovely left.

      2. Gone are the days when Tony Benn could say that though rivals, he and Ted Heath were personal friends.

  12. Morning all 🙂😊
    Wonderful sunny start to Sun-day.
    Our neighbour and his mates are driving back from John 'O Groats today having just cycled from Land's End in Cornwall to that Scottish destination.
    In seven days, one thousand miles for the Parkinsons charity. All ready raised over 5 thousand pounds.
    And until we have a proper parliamentary democracy where the majority are running the country and all other services. This country will continue to flounder under these know all idiots in Wastemonster and Whitehall.

    1. Wow, that'll be some cycle sores! Good on them – five grand is some proper money!

    2. Talking of scientifically illiterate morons in Wastemonster – I see the cretin Milliband has overturned all the planning recommendations and approved a massive solar "farm". Great news for the firms who will build and operate it, not so good for the farmers and the taxpayers who will have to stump up for the subsidies!

      1. Who's going to clear away the toxic waste after the lifetime of the solar panels? I suspect that the subsidy-snabblers will be long gone.

        1. I increasingly think this green business is nothing more than a confected industry for spivs, chancers and chavs. Miliband should not be allowed to waste tax payer money like this. If these lunatics want to spend anything over a billion for an ideology it must be put to a referendum. Otherwise this is not democracy but a mandate for megalomaniacs, like Miliband. As you say, it is hard to dispose of the toxic solar panels and they have a short shelf-life I read. Madness.

  13. Good Morning

    Sad day for the WEF and the Lefties.
    A great day for freedom and democracy.
    You can't keep a great man down
    With an ear miss.

    The Left should rein in all this nasty rhetoric concerning the Right in politics.
    They are the ones stirring up extremism.
    They have been encouraging attacks on Farage here,
    Luckily it has only been milkshake, so far.

      1. Is that woman that encouraged the use of a corrosive substance instead of milkshake on Farage still working for the BBC, I wonder

      2. Just as Traita May was not only nasty but evil with it.

        I wonder if the stories about her priest father were fake news for conspiracy theorists or whether there is some truth in them?

        1. I read some stuff online about the Rev Hubert Brazier. Interesting, to say the least.

      3. The lefty violence is far less bad in Britain than it is on the Continong. There, it happens fairly regularly that left wing activists will beat people up, break into someone's flat and trash it, burn a car, I even heard about someone's parents' holiday cottage getting burned down.
        The victims are always identifed as 'n*a*z*i*s' of course, which implicitly justifies the bullying. Whether they are or not is anyone's guess.

    1. Didn't a wheel come loose on his car once. And didn't he have a close shave in a light aircraft ?

  14. "Excuse me guys.. you are the Leftie Secret Service detail right?
    Well, look over there on the only high building.. see the guy with the Antifa T-shirt & sniper rifle.. crawling into a sniper position. Left a bit.. right.. there."

  15. Morning, all Y'all. Raining.
    Looks like the Donald kept his wits about him whilst being attempted perforated, to give a victory salute with the Stars & Stripes as background. That shows some presence of mind! Maybe he's the right man for POTUS? Me, I'd be worrying about the brown stuff running out of my trousers and into my shoes.

    1. He also has that other essential ingredient – luck. That bullet only had to have been blown an inch to the right and Donald's brains would have been all over the podium.

      1. Reports are that his injuries are from glass from the auto cue. Strange that no one behind him seems to drop although there are 3 casualties somewhere.

      2. Well the bullet didnt work. Next time it’ll have to some kind of accident. Plane or helicopter crash perhaps.

  16. The very idea that UK governments want the chaos and crime that is the result of the seed of mass uncontrolled immigration germinating, cannot be denied.
    If governments abhorred the bad outcomes of their immigration policy they would move to close that policy down. They won't because it is part of the agenda. The government's callousness knows no bounds.

      1. The Unions, innit! Did you not notice how quiet Mick Lynch and his cronies have been?

        1. Sounds like bed bugs. Those would be exes, if true. In my experience, the promiscuity of women like her is usually vastly exaggerated.

      1. All the people caught for altering their number plates to avoid the
        ULEZ charge they cannot afford (see report on APNR in Terriblegraph), and those who may be thinking of committing a “hate crime” in future (see Sam Mellia et al).

  17. Does anyone want to buy a bridge?

    "The FBI identified the attacker as Thomas Matthew Crooks, a 20-year-old man from Pennsylvania. He was shot dead by police at the scene.

    Crooks was a registered Republican, the Associated Press have reported."

    Edited to add:

    "However, he gave $15 (£12) to a progressive political action committee on Jan 20, 2021, the day President Joe Biden was sworn in to office."

    1. Wasn’t he wearing an Antifa t-shirt? Pull the other one AP, it’s got 🔔🔔s on.

    2. Wasn’t he wearing an Antifa t-shirt? Pull the other one AP, it’s got 🔔🔔s on.

    3. The advantage of killing the attacker is he’ll never be able to divulge the identity of his paymasters.
      I don’t know how many times they can just take potshots. The next time they try to whack Trump it might be an accident. Plane or helicopter crash perhaps.
      He can’t be allowed to win and now that Biden’s senility has been exposed Trump has to be eliminated.

    1. They'll never hear the end of it inside their own miserable little heads, they mean.

      Can you imagine the uproar if that image showed a white man kicking a black man?

    2. The Jocks used to put out some decent players, and a really good national team.
      Now, the gap with England & EPL is so wide.. I feel their pain.

      1. "They were only wee pulls" © Scottish wendyballista caught taking drugs ("pills" = "pulls" in yer Scottish). Years ago…

      1. Hello Sue. Have you forgiven me from being from Sunderland yet? If so, pop over to and so hello.

        1. Of course, Tom! You can’t help it! I’ve just been there and read your excellent piece on the Trump attack! Very powerful and good to be reminded of the preceding attempts. Almost as though they’ve been forgotten, along with Nigel Farages ‘unfortunate’ accidents!

  18. Before I get on with my morning .

    It is not only politicians who need protecting from monsters , it is we , the public who need to be protected from the imported rabble that politicians have allowed to infest our country ..

    We also need protecting from the bad decisions politicians are making , ie when we all freeze to death because we cannot buy coal for our own fireplace , or are driven mad by the whir of wind turbines , or the singing of wires from newly erected pylons, and not forgetting the release of prisoners from the prisons .. and the price of food because greenhouses can't afford the price of fuel to deliver our tomatoes , or the price of milk because milk parlours need electricity to pump the generators to retrieve the milk from the cattle ..

    Not forgetting the power that is needed to fill your car up , keep babies alive in incubators , keep the hospitals running , and everything else idiot fawning twerps who wear the port cullis badge want to deny the public .

  19. For the first time in my life I'm going to use the expression 'seminal moment' regarding yesterday's assassination attempt.

  20. The rhetoric aimed at Donald Trump had been massively amplified- the "he's an authoritarian, he's Hitler etc" narrative was at full bore. Here's something from the MSM- USA Today-News that will clearly be used massively to remind people of the totally disproportionate and dangerous MSM invective:
    "A number of Republicans are pointing fingers at President Joe Biden for Saturday’s shooting at a Trump rally, with some citing Biden’s recent statement to donors saying “it’s time to put Trump in a bullseye.”

    In a Politico article shared Monday, Biden reportedly told donors: “I have one job, and that’s to beat Donald Trump. I’m absolutely certain I’m the best person to be able to do that. So, we’re done talking about the debate, it’s time to put Trump in a bullseye.”

      1. We saw the "extraordinary events" in 2020 when Joe Biden did not campaign and stayed in his basement- yet still won with a record vote. Clearly, things were going to happen this year- and this is one event. Will there be more?

      2. We saw the "extraordinary events" in 2020 when Joe Biden did not campaign and stayed in his basement- yet still won with a record vote. Clearly, things were going to happen this year- and this is one event. Will there be more?

  21. Sex therapist ‘Dr Ruth’ dies aged 96
    Famed TV doctor and Holocaust survivor was propelled to stardom in her fifties by hit show Sexually Speaking

    I wonder if she has left the recipe of Love Potion Number Nine behind? It was pretty explosive!

    I took my troubles down to Madame Ruth
    You know that gypsy with the gold-capped tooth
    She's got a pad down on Thirty-Fourth and Vine
    Selling little bottles of love potion number nine

    Here is the Leiber and Stoller song written in 1959 and originally performed by the Clovers. Here is the Searchers' version.

    1. Very good, The Searchers, but they were let down badly by lead singer, Mike Pender, refusing to get rid of his ridiculous greasy 1950s quiff.

      Like Ringo who had to be dragged, squealing, into the 1960s and told to 'get with it' and grow a grease-free fringed 'mop-top'; Pender should have stayed in the primitive 1950s with all the other past-their-sell-by-date Teddy Boys.

  22. Surprise the "Gentlemen of The Press" haven't picked up on the heated rivalry between England & Spain camps after last year's U21 final.
    England 1-0 Spain.. last minute penalty save.. lots of aggro between Cole Palmer/Asley Cole and Spain bench.

        1. Off topic, but do you remember telling the forum about Chrome adblocker? I downloaded it and it works. My new wife would like to use it but I can't find or remember its name.

    1. The 1966 team was a winning WORLD CUP TEAM.. no substitutes and quick swops in those days

      The 2024 team isn't and never will be .

  23. Democrat DA decides to prosecute Trump for incitement after he stands and shouts "fight fight fight"

    The case will be heard in a carefully selected Democrat state, with a jury made up entirely of Biden supporters.
    The judge will be a Biden appointee.
    Stormy Daniels will appear as a prosecution witness.

        1. The Demoncrats have lost. In their desperation they only make themselves look more stupid.

          All patriots will now vote Trump.

      1. Yet more wisdom from Shakespeare's King Lear – his most prescient play:

        A man may see how this world goes with no eyes.
        Look with thine ears: see how yond justice rails upon yon simple thief.
        Hark, in thine ear: change places; and, handy-dandy, which is the justice, which is the thief?

    1. Worst day for democracy since the January 6 insurrection etc etc etc

    1. Pound falls off cliff against the euro?

      Strangely there is no report on this in the MSM which is still saying that the pound is rising against the euro!.

      Is this the result of more announcement of Labour's economic plans – especially the lunacy of Miliband?

      1. Looks like a glitch in the chart. XE shows a rate of 1.18 this am. I get the feeling that the markets seem to like the new government. Of course, reality has yet to kick in.

        1. Or are they hushing it up?

          I have tried to find another source confirming this fall but I cannot find it.

  24. Poppy Coburn
    14 July 2024 • 12:59am
    Poppy Coburn
    Related Topics

    Donald Trump, US Politics, US Election, Republicans

    Trump stood defiant on stage after the shooting
    Trump stood defiant on stage after the shooting Credit: AP

    It was the shot heard around the world.

    Former President Donald Trump, speaking at a rally in the swing state of Pennsylvania, seemingly narrowly dodged certain death after gunshots sounded, apparently clipping his ear.

    Trump was hurried away by Secret Service as the crowd screamed around him.

    There were multiple shots – and yet, the presidential hopeful stood defiant. Shouts of horror quickly turned to ecstatic calls of “USA, USA!”.

    A picture of the former president covered in blood and holding his fist to the air is bound to define the election cycle, one of the most powerful – regardless on one’s political opinion – of modern times.
    The images of Trump bleeding will shock the world
    The images of Trump bleeding will shock the world Credit: GETTY IMAGES

    We do not yet know the young gunman’s motive. But it is still worth considering the extreme polarisation that permeates the United States at the current moment.

    Comments made by sitting President Joe Biden speaking of a “bullseye” on Trump, and tweets about him being a would-be “dictator” will, justified or not, lead to extreme scrutiny of remarks made by the White House prior to this seismic event.

    Fundamentally, there is now little to no doubt that Donald Trump will now become the 47th president of the United States of America.

    His campaign, already trouncing Joe Biden in a number of key swing states, can only benefit from this public act of bravery in the worst of circumstances.

    The American people will not forget the words Trump appeared to utter as he was ushered off the stage: “fight, fight”.

    All hail the chief !

  25. Good Morning all, and apparently, Trump set up his own assassination attempt. There are some seriously weird people out of mental hospitals, where they should be.

      1. So the same lefties who have been sneering at "conspiracy theorists" for years now belived it was set up?
        The photo of the blood-stained Trump raising his fist in front of the American flag is so iconic that I can see why they think that. On the other hand, I saw media outlets not using the iconic photo, but using another similar one that makes Trump look belligerent rather than heroic.

    1. They always come out with that one.
      Back in the sixties during the troubles in Ulstet they used to accuse Catholics of burning their own houses down so they could blame the Protestants.

    2. Yes Ukraine seems to have dropped off the list at the moment. They are all probably cobbling together theories to explain why the Republicans want to assassinate Trump.

  26. Good morning.
    It always helps if you bomb the competition of course….
    Note that Russia is still selling just as much natural gas, they're selling it eastwards rather than to Germany that's all.
    In totally unrelated news, German industrial output has slumped by 25% from 2021 levels. BASF for example closed a factory in Germany and moved it to the US.
    All happening in plain sight and unnoticed

    1. Lefties are so bad at acting.. like all those Farage shenanigans.

      There is no way this was not an inside job.
      Rooftop 450 ft away completely uncovered.
      Multiple footage show security sniper looking right at that roof and the shooter.
      Purposely let the gunman squeeze off a few shots before taking him out.
      Dead men tell no tales.

      1. Please have a look at my article in Free Speech on aspects of the shooting KLB, as I'll value your comments

    1. An American friend of mine was granted an autograph from Ronald Reagan in a London pub no less.. must have been late eighties when the Canary Wharf was being built. As he went to pull out a pen about three security details simultaneously had him "covered & ready to go" within milliseconds.

        1. no.. he was prevented mid action.. and in a firm but friendly way he was told.. no one repeat no one should reach inside their pocket anywhere near a president (past or present.. except Trump obv).

        2. no.. he was prevented mid action.. and in a firm but friendly way he was told.. no one repeat no one should reach inside their pocket anywhere near a president (past or present.. except Trump obv).

  27. How famous do you have to be for an attempt on your life to be referred to as ‘assassination’ rather than ‘murder’?

  28. Morning all. Just been out in the garden and – news flash! There is no global warming, just lack of sunshine. Lots of bees and a couple of butterflies around because WE HAVE SUNSHINE! Yay. That’s all the insects were waiting for.

  29. Fears for food security as Miliband pushes through Britain's biggest solar farm

    Energy Secretary's decision to overturn planning inspectorate on project in rural eastern England sparks fury

    Camilla Turner, SUNDAY POLITICAL EDITOR • 13 July 2024 • 10:30pm
    Ed Miliband has been accused of endangering the nation's food security after giving the go-ahead for Britain's biggest solar farm on green land despite the objections of officials.

    The Energy Secretary's decision to overturn the planning inspectorate and give the green light to the controversial project in rural eastern England has sparked fury from MPs and campaigners.

    The scheme will see Sunnica, an energy firm, building a 2,792-acre solar farm and energy storage infrastructure around several villages in Suffolk and Cambridgeshire, providing power for 100,000 homes. Mr Miliband has also given the go-ahead along to two solar farms in Lincolnshire.

    It is feared this will be the first of many further decisions that will sacrifice vast amounts of farmland to net zero energy projects.

    The danger is that the fall in domestic agricultural production will compromise the nation's food security, meaning it will face the prospect of greater dependence on food imports and increasing vulnerability to price rises on international markets.

    The decision suggests it is likely that Mr Miliband will make meeting net zero targets a priority over preserving agricultural land in the dozens of other solar farm decisions making their way through the planning system.

    On Saturday night, he defended the move, saying: "Some of these cases had been held up for months before I arrived in the department. They were put on my desk on Monday, and I've made a decision in three days.

    "This is the speed we're working at to achieve energy independence, cut bills for families and kick-start green economic growth. We will make tough decisions with ambition and urgency – all part of our plan to make the UK a clean energy superpower."

    It comes as the Labour Government is set to introduce a number of net zero measures in the King's Speech on Tuesday, including legislation to set up GB Energy, a publicly-owned energy company.

    More than 35 new Bills will be announced, which will include overhauling planning rules to boost house-building and legislation to nationalise the railways.

    The speech, which will be delivered by King Charles at the State Opening of Parliament on Tuesday, will include a cyber security Bill, aimed at reining in the ability of hackers from rogue states to target public services such as the NHS.

    There will be legislation empowering the Office for Budget Responsibility to publish independent forecasts of major fiscal events.

    It is understood legislation to lower the voting age to 16 – one of Labour's manifesto commitments – will not feature.

    Other measures include abandoning zero hours contracts, a national truant register and more breakfast clubs.

    The Sunnica project, which is equivalent to the size of 2,115 football pitches, was one of three solar farms Mr Miliband waved through on Friday evening.

    Critics have decried the size of the solar farm on agricultural land and the potential danger of the large lithium-ion battery units needed to store the electricity generated by solar panels before transfer to the National Grid. In recent years, similar units have been involved in fires and explosions in Britain and abroad.

    Claire Coutinho, the shadow energy secretary, said: "It's clear that Ed Miliband has more interest in listening to the demands of Just Stop Oil than the needs of rural communities, even going as far as to overrule an expert Examining Authority to impose a large-scale solar farm in one case.

    "Climate policy cannot come at the expense of struggling families, or the nation's food or economic security or it will fail."

    Nick Timothy, the Tory MP for West Suffolk, hit out at the "arrogant" decision, adding: "It was made with such haste it is difficult to believe that the Secretary of State respected the process or acted with good reason. I am already receiving correspondence from residents who are extremely worried about what it means for their families, homes and futures."

    Mr Timothy pointed out that the Examining Authority – the Government's planning inspectors – stated that the scheme's significant costs were not outweighed by any kind of public benefit.

    "Across the country, people living near proposed giant solar and battery farms should beware – the Government has made clear it is not willing to listen to the evidence, the experts or local residents," he said.

    Charlotte Cane, the Liberal Democrat MP for neighbouring Ely and East Cambridgeshire said she was "shocked" that the Energy Secretary had "overridden all advice to the contrary and given this scheme permission".

    She added: "Green energy is vital, and solar farms are key to meeting our net zero targets. But that must not mean that every solar farm application should get permission regardless of its impact on our food security, biodiversity, landscape character and our existing farming and horse racing businesses."

    Of the 1,360 representations received by the Government, all the relevant local authorities expressed their opposition and the Suffolk Fire and Rescue Service raised concerns about the safety of the battery energy storage system.

    South Korea had 23 battery farm fires in two years, while Lithium-ion batteries used in solar farm energy storage systems were deemed an "unacceptable risk" in Arizona after causing two serious ¬fires in 2019. Solar farm battery units are not covered by the Control of Major Accident Hazards regulations, and are unregulated under UK law.

    Dr John Constable, the director of the Renewable Energy Foundation, said Mr Miliband was already "looking like a liability to his party's growth agenda because he simply does not understand how damaging these renewable plans are to the economy. This is beginning to look like it is some kind of dogmatic ideology".

    He added: "There are dozens of solar projects across the UK at all stages of development. If this is a sign of things to come, it looks to me as though developers are going to get a free hand. Any concern for planning balance and environmental impact for reasonable decisions is being thrown to the winds. Food security matters – why not let the land make good food rather than second or third-rate electricity?"

    A Sunnica spokesman said: "Sunnica is immensely pleased with the decision to grant development consent for Sunnica Energy Farm. Sunnica would make a nationally significant contribution towards the UK's legal obligation to reach net zero emissions by 2050 and its ongoing energy security.

    "This important milestone, and the decision by the Secretary of State, has come after many months of intense scrutiny and robust engagement with the planning process and wider public consultations. We will now move forward towards the implementation phase, ultimately allowing us to create clean renewable energy for the UK, and look forward to meeting with local authorities and the wider community to plan the next steps."

    2,792 acres is about 4.3 square miles. At a guess, the panels in the photo are 10-15 acres.

    1. Since when has this "King Charles" stuff been used?

      In the previous reign, no one ever said that "Queen Elizabeth" would open parliament — simply "The Queen"….

        1. She is forever Mrs Parker-Bowles in this house. Delightful lady though she no doubt is.

    2. A brilliant double whammy. Reduce our productive agricultural land and cover it with expensive, worthless solar panels costing the British public £millions in costly subsidies.

    3. You could throw your granny under a bus and plead that she was breathing out more CO₂ than she breathed in and get away with it.

    4. "This is a rich country – we can import all the food we need." (Margaret Beckett, when Sec. of St. for agriculture.)

      1. So – export any environmental damaage / CO2 to another country? Good plan! Why not accompany it with the criminal scum too?

    5. There are too many greedy landowners who think they can just take the money and move away from the problem. Too many people who work installing these things without considering the bigger picture.
      They need to stop and ask themselves what they and their families will be eating if food gets short.
      Don't build your own prison!

    6. Millipede the champagne socialist approves Sunnica, because he has absolutely no conception of how the countryside and food supply works. He probably thinks food supply is a van from Fortnum & Masons that comes three times a week to deliver to his side door. City dwellers wearing city blinkers prognosticating their simplistic economics basically.

      1. It may also be down to an element of spite because these area are traditionally full of Conservative voters.

        1. I’m sure, since lefties are invariably spiteful by nature.

          I do actually pass the Sunnica site sometimes on my way over to Ely. The locals are not going to like it. The “No to Sunnica” placards are everywhere and the issue has been ongoing for a very long time. The farmland around there borders fenland and is highly productive. The ‘officials’ in the report do really have deep concerns about Sunnica; rightly so. Millipede and Co are acting like vandals. I think we are only just at the beginning of a period where the lightweights of the UK get free rein to play in their sandbox. There’s more to come before it’s going to get better.

          1. All on very productive, decent farmland. But, of course, some farmers will be laughing all the way to the bank.
            We are quite close to the Mallard Pass site. Lots of 'No to Mallard pass' placards in this area.
            The future power blackouts from reliance on unreliable and inadequate power sources will make the power cuts of the 70s seem like a picnic.

        2. That applies, basically, to the whole countryside. Labour are spiteful class warriors fighting a 19th century war based on ignorance.

          1. My late grandfather, a farm worker in the north of Scotland, voted labour back when labour (as far as I am aware) did stand up for ordinary working people. My dear late mother never dared to tell her father that she voted Conservative (back when the Cons were conservative and a party that supported aspiration and success.)

    1. Daft title – they weren't insane – not particularly fast, but very manoevrable.

      1. The title is apt and refers to the US Red Flag trials where the Buccaneer pilots flew initially at 10 feet above ground level but because that raised a dust trail flew at 20 feet – US pilots couldn't intercept them at that altitude apparently….

        1. indeed they were insanely low..
          best comment..
          I remember reading a post about one of the Red Flag exercises, an USAF General was given the chance to be 'ballast' in a buccaneer when he got out of the plane he was shaking, and said 'we had to climb to get over a horse'.

    2. Back in the sixties we had a thriving aviation industry. Then came Wilson and Callaghan. The TSR2 was sheer spite – they even wrecked the jigs.

  30. Video shows moment Trump ducks and is swarmed by security. 14 July 2024.

    Loud bangs have been heard at a Donald Trump rally in Pennsylvania as the former president was giving a speech.

    He was rushed off stage quickly by secret service agents.

    You couldn't make it up.

    1. I’d love Trump to sue Lammy for slander. Where’s Lammy’s proof that Trump is a racist, an narrrzi and member of the KKK? This man is a government mimister. He needs to be more grown-up.

    1. Hi Rik. The Trump one is brilliant.

      Just letting you know. Peter F Hamilton has a new space opera book out in September. 'Exodus'

  31. Just Saying…….
    Previous planned political assassinations in the US have involved using a stooge to pull the trigger, said shooter then conveniently eliminated.
    Just because the police were alerted four minutes before the shots and the shooter was terminated with extreme prejudice within 10-15 seconds of firing doesn't entitle you to think that,……………..
    " Trump security was warned about gunman four minutes before shooting, witness claims

    Account from man who saw gunman ‘bear-crawling’ on shed roof raises questions about security lapses "

    1. Just like all of those lone wolf jihadists being gunned down and unable to talk about their connections.

  32. Mention was made of the 10,000 foreigners in UK prisons. How many UK citizens are in foreign prisons? Dare to suggest that one-eighth of UK prison space could be freed up by deporting those 10,000 will prompt the response "Not if UK prisoners abroad are returned."

    The only figure I've been able to find is from 2018-19 – a little over 500 in the EU, perhaps a 1,000 worldwide.

  33. Cbc are calling it an apparent assassination attempt. I wonder what a real attempt would be like.

    If it was a Biden driven plot, can biden claim presidential indemnity?

    1. It looks so staged, with that iconic photo, and the bullet just grazing his ear. But it takes the biscuit for the TV station that's been steadfastly ignoring Hunter Biden's laptop, Clinton-related suicides, 2020 election rigging and Joe Biden's dementia, to now come out and question whether something happened or not!

  34. Next plot twist. The failed assassin's been reported as being registered as a republican.

    So it must be an alt Right conspiracy.

    1. He's also on record as making a donation to the Democrats. Did they mention that?

    1. So electric car producing, brain chip developing Musk has endorsed Trump. Well I guess that's confirmation that Trump is compromised!

      1. Why BB2 I do believe you are more cynical than me and that takes some doing!!!

  35. Parts of America are truly sick:

    'Biden’s Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) issued a new rule in April that — by the end of 2026 — required states forbid a percentage of their foster homes from adopting to parents who do not agree to affirm a trans child’s gender identity or refuse to assist the child’s sex change. The percentage is unspecified.

    Under the new rule governing designated foster homes:

    “First, the provider must commit to establishing an environment that supports the child's LGBTQI+ status or identity. Second, the provider must be trained with the appropriate knowledge and skills to provide for the needs of the child related to the child's self-identified sexual orientation, gender identity, and gender expression. Third, the provider must facilitate the child's access to age- or developmentally appropriate resources, services, and activities that support their health and well-being. HHS has concluded that these conditions are generally necessary to effectuate the statutory promise of a safe and appropriate placement for children who are LGBTQI+ because of the extensive evidence of the specific needs LGBTQI+ children have which require more specialized support,"

    1. The CIA send their condolences to the family of Lee Harvey…oh sorry, that was the other one wasn’t it?

  36. Assembling in church this morning, someone mentioned Trump's name. "He is one extremely lucky man", I opined. "More's the pity", offered another. I couldn't help myself. "Are you aware of why we're in this building today? It's where supposed Christians go to worship God, hear the Scriptures, and pray for the needs of the world. Wishing someone dead doesn't frankly seem to meet that description."

    "What's this?" enquired a passing churchwarden. "Oh – Geoff doesn't think I have a Christian bone in my body". "I never used those words, I replied. I do know that there are many sufferers of Trump Derangement Syndrome, but to openly bemoan the failure of an assassination attempt in church, the following morning, is utterly reprehensible."

    I wasn't on her Christmas card list anyway…

    Perhaps it's just me, but I should have thought the sister of the chief of staff of a former First Lord of the Treasury might have shown a little more common sense.

    1. There is a certain class of person in this country, law abiding, educated, charitable, had successful lives and careers that just always appear to fall for the Liberal/Left BBC type propaganda, every time, while making sure that everyone knows which side of the fence they sit and will unfriend anyone that dares to challenge them.
      I noticed it with the pandemic, how they would obey every crazy rule while even taking it to further extremes.
      I don't know what it is, but I can see them now agreeing with every mad thing Starmer does in the next five years, while looking down at those that call them out as the unenlightened, rather like the way Cameron personified Brexit voters.

      1. So true, Bob. It seems that Surrey is polluted with them, so I'm rather glad to be heading for my native Cumbria tomorrow, if only for a couple of nights. (North British Nottl Lunch, no less… 🙂)

          1. Ha! I read a book about him earlier this year. It was very interesting.

          2. You should see the size of some of the buggers around our way,they should have their own post codes!

      2. If someone told that type that running around naked with a pair of mucky pants on their head was a mark of superiority – that is what they would do. Snobbery seems to consign sense to outer space with those types of people

      3. The burden of the sermon this morning (on the beheading of John the Baptist) was that Herod got himself into a hole and should have stopped digging.

    2. There is a certain class of person in this country, law abiding, educated, charitable, had successful lives and careers that just always appear to fall for the Liberal/Left BBC type propaganda, every time, while making sure that everyone knows which side of the fence they sit and will unfriend anyone that dares to challenge them.
      I noticed it with the pandemic, how they would obey every crazy rule while even taking it to further extremes.
      I don't know what it is, but I can see them now agreeing with every mad thing Starmer does in the next five years, while looking down at those that call them out as the unenlightened, rather like the way Cameron personified Brexit voters.

    3. Glad you reminded her of Christian principles, Geoff. So readily forgotten these days.

    4. Assuming he survives and is elected I do so hope you play, with gusto, 'Joy to the World" the first Sunday after the US election . :-))

        1. And you might like to remind her he was the first US President in a very long time not to start a new war….(might even qualify him as being a Christian….)

          1. I would have done, but after the service, I had a long interesting conversation with a chap who is clearly on the correct page, politically. Ignored the TDS sufferer.

      1. What is it about the Middle East and their obsession with chopping heads off? (Yes I know we adopted the habit as well).

        1. They are still savages, and probably always will be. The Western world long ago moved on from those dark times.

    5. We are always reminded after the procession in that we are here to worship God and to meet Christ in the sharing of bread and wine.

  37. Right, that's the van loaded and ready to go!
    Trundling off in a southerly direction and probably stopping the night parked up between Banbury and Oxford.
    Might be online when I get to a pub!
    Have fun!

  38. Two old men are sitting in a bar.
    One of them looks at the other & says
    “You look familiar… where you from?”
    The second old man replies “Ireland”
    The first old man looks astonished & says
    ” No way I’m from Ireland myself, what a small world!”
    The second old man then looks at the first “What city?”
    The first old man says “Dublin?”
    The second old man looks astonished
    “No way I’m from Dublin meself! What a small world.”
    The first man looks at the second old man “What school you go to?”
    The second old man replies
    “Saint Mary’s class of 68”
    The first old man is absolutely baffled
    ” NO WAY Saint Mary’s class of 68 myself! What a small world!”
    At this point, another man comes into the bar & says to the bartender
    “Hey, Joe! Anything interesting going on?”
    The bartender says
    “Not really… but the Murphy twins are drunk again.”

  39. I have been doing odd jobs around the place. Tarting things up and tidying things for the upcoming party. One of those jobs was to paint the garden gate. So far i have managed to over the last 24 hours to touch the wet paint 8 times. Paint on my wrists, fingers, calves and my Bretton shirt ! Not doing any more painting ! Ever !

    1. I think the same thing must have happened to A dolf and look what happened to him after he gave up painting!!!

    2. I think the same thing must have happened to A dolf and look what happened to him after he gave up painting!!!

  40. Just completed a three mile walk. No rain!!!! It was almost pleasant out. Won't last, of course.

    1. I don't know what you're complaining about. The Met Office has just declared June the warmest on record. I'd think July is, too.

      1. “The party told you to reject the evidence of your eyes and ears. It was their final, most essential command”.

      2. Not here it isn't.
        Been raining since last night. I've been wearing my old Army jumper, it's so chilly. Tee shirts far too cold.

        1. Rained here last night too. Started at 14⁰C and has now struggled up to 19.

        2. The MSM will point out that your location was just an anomaly.
          "Look, a squirrel undergoing spontaneous combustion due to Global Boiling!"

        1. Yes ogga, just awaiting editor’s approval then it can be released. I think because of the bank holiday they’ll be releasing August’s temperatures on 21/08/24. It’s another record month I understand.

  41. "Trump seeks sympathy vote by employing bad shooter with poor eyesight to fire at his ear".

    There, MSM – the story in a nutshell.

    1. I suggested on the day of the election that a successful Reform candidate might be beaten up in the counting hall by Labour 'supporters' and that the Beeb would report it thus:
      "A Reform candidate was seriously injured when fighting broke out between supporters of the far-right party and Labour members."

    2. Surely the shooter would have to be very good and have excellent eyesight to nick Trump on the ear instead of killing him?

      1. I think his job was to miss altogether – but his poor marksmanship caused him to hit Trump's ear in error!

      2. That was my thought, too. I wouldn't like to trust a poor shot who was half blind to miss me!

    3. Biden speaking of a “bullseye” on Trump…

      Incitement? Just saying. Trump wasn't near the Capitol that day, either.

    4. A truly deranged msm story would point out that Trump knew that he had to turn his head at the right moment, thus proving that the whole episode was an arranged stunt.

      1. If it was a stunt, no bullet ever went near his head and it was fake blood.
        It is very weird, something doesn't add up with how the (conveniently dead) shooter was allowed to get onto that roof. Not going to break my head trying to figure it out 🙂

  42. You haven't met many have you…………………………………………………..

    There are so many coming they have had to throw the migrants out of the hotels.

    1. I can't come 🙁
      Am disappointed and madly jealous!!

      And yes, you did invite me, I have email evidence!

  43. Will the testy Yugoslav go out in what some wazzock reporter will call, "Three straight sets"?? (Yet another of my many pet hates…)

  44. I’m flying to America to support Trump in this desperate hour. 14 July 2024.

    It’s only a comment. It’s only a joke. It’s only a milkshake. So the Left squawk each time someone drenches me with a drink, or a so-called comedian suggests people should throw battery acid at me on the BBC. It’s just a joke. If you’re a politician, it’s part of the job description, right?

    The comments Below the Line on this article are quite poisonous. It looks as though the Ukraine (No articles today so far) Nudge Unit trolls have transferred to the Trump Story. They have to be a little careful about him at the moment but Nigel is proving a good substitute.


    Roger Fullbrook.

    I seem to recall that a certain Donald incited a mass insurrection after the last election, with people dying and being injured, or has this disgraceful event somehow slipped Farage’s mind?

    1. “Incited a mass insurrection”

      Oh Roger, Roger, sweetheart, bless you

      Edit. PS who are you, am i supposed to have heard of you?

    2. “Incited a mass insurrection”

      Oh Roger, Roger, sweetheart, bless you

      Edit. PS who are you, am i supposed to have heard of you?

  45. I’m flying to America to support Trump in this desperate hour. 14 July 2024.

    It’s only a comment. It’s only a joke. It’s only a milkshake. So the Left squawk each time someone drenches me with a drink, or a so-called comedian suggests people should throw battery acid at me on the BBC. It’s just a joke. If you’re a politician, it’s part of the job description, right?

    The comments Below the Line on this article are quite poisonous. It looks as though the Ukraine (No articles today so far) Nudge Unit trolls have transferred to the Trump Story. They have to be a little careful about him at the moment but Nigel is proving a good substitute.


    Roger Fullbrook.

    I seem to recall that a certain Donald incited a mass insurrection after the last election, with people dying and being injured, or has this disgraceful event somehow slipped Farage’s mind?

  46. Your records better than the Mets, Bill. When they said this they meant since records began for a "global" average in 1980. Strewth, what even is a meaningful global average?

    1. When my children were young, in the mid-1960s, we were always being warned about a “new Ice Age” with all the dangers of much lower temperatures etc.

      1. Hasn’t that come back into vogue?
        I’m sure I saw something about the Gulf Stream weakening and when it fails, we will be back in the ice age again.
        I suppose the mass deaths from hypothermia will be excused by the elites saying it was an honest mistake guv, how could you think we were trying to get rid of you?
        It’s ridiculous, don’t you know we’re the good guys?

      2. We too. This year’s weather I’d say is very 60s / 70s in tone. It’s cyclical.

          1. I know!🤦🏻‍♀️ I was a Girl Guide, and my darling husband did a Merchant Navy course in the ‘70s! We signal a lot….

          2. I took my Morse test in Liverpool with a chap from the Merchant Navy. I needed mine for my Class A Amateur Radio Licence.

  47. 389695+ up ticks,

    The old Jack was right, "tis an ill wind …."
    I see the FBI did say "the shooter was a republican", currently how trustworthy are the FBI ?

    Who was that fella last week putting a rhetorical death wish on Trump?


    Bloodied face, fist raised in defiance: how this image may win Trump the US presidency
    A picture is worth a thousand words and the assassination attempt against Donald Trump may have just altered the course of history389695+ up ticks,

    The shoote,r in my book just inadvertently gave Trump a zillon vote boost.

    1. I see the FBI did say "the shooter was a republican", currently how trustworthy are the FBI ?

      Afternoon Oggy. No sensible person would trust the FBI any further than they could throw them.

      1. On penalties?

        What's that "cordon sanitaire" malarkey – when the players stand behind a white line and tell us their life histories – while an elderly waitress wearing trousers that are too long stands six feet away and asks silly questions?

        Does Wimbledon not know that the covid plague is over?

          1. I had seen on the net that the Spick lad was about to win – just four aces would do – so turned the telly on – and the damned thing went on for another 15 minutes!

          2. There used to be magazines with those titles. You are far too young, of course…..

    1. A very strange match. The first two sets Djokovic didn't look as though he had even come to the party 😕

  48. A telegenic Birdie Three!

    Wordle 1,121 3/6

    1. 3 here too.

      Wordle 1,121 3/6


    2. Birdie Blitz!!!! About time we had an easier one!

      Wordle 1,121 3/6


    3. Well done everyone. Par here.

      Wordle 1,121 4/6


  49. UK government urged to offer ‘safe and legal’ route for asylum seekers as poll shows support
    Survey finds support for proposal that would allow in up to 40,000 a year with strong asylum claims and ties to Britain

    Half of the British public would support the creation of visas allowing asylum seekers to travel safely to the UK, rather than in small boats, new polling suggests.

    The new government has not yet put forward any proposals for new safe and legal routes for refugees, and is focusing on creating the UK Border Security Command to target people-smugglers. But polling by Focaldata for the British Future thinktank found that 50% of people, and almost two-thirds of Labour voters, back a scheme in which humanitarian visas could be granted to up to 40,000 people a year with strong asylum claims or links to the UK.

    Only 16% of people disapproved of the proposed scheme in the survey, which also showed support for the new government’s move to scrap the Rwanda policy and process the asylum claims of thousands of small-boat migrants who are stuck in limbo. On Friday, four people died when their dinghy sank in the English Channel, the latest tragedy in a record year for crossings that has so far seen more than 14,000 people reach British shores.

    Sunder Katwala, the director of British Future, warned that there were “limits to what better policing of the Channel can achieve on its own”. He said: “A humanitarian visa would help open up space for a new deal with France while also providing a safe route for people to claim asylum in the UK, undermining the business model of people-smugglers.

    “This evidence shows that Sir Keir Starmer can unlock public permission and support for a fairer and more effective approach.”

    The polling, of 2,500 adults, found that half approved of the Labour government’s decision to scrap the Rwanda scheme and spend the money on its new Border Security Command, while only 20% disapproved.

    1. Perhaps every single adult in the UK should be forced to state either they approve of this immigration or they don't. Yes or no, no middle ground.

      Those that do should be required to pay the costs of support, housing etc, including any costs for those ending up in prison for criminal offences.

        1. With effluxion of not very much time, the number of adults who agreed would get greater and greater.

    2. But the million or so indigenous who weren't asked were unanimously against the idea unless it was offering them a safe passage back to France.

    3. I don't believe a single word of their lying BS, 90 percent of indigenous brits are totally Against this continuous illegal invasion of our country.

    4. Sure, offering more safe and legal routes via "humanitarian" visas (my cousin came here by dinghy and so I want to be with my "family" <sob> passed as humanitarian by another dusky) is really going to stop those who wouldn't get in via that route. Net result = even more of them.

      1. Where's his stiff upper lip?

        Just above the loose flabby bottom one! – Only kidding He deserves to be emotional!

        1. There are only three sports – hunting, fishing and shooting. All the rest are games.

      2. And well done for drinking beer from a glass, rather than a bottle or a tin.

      3. He was the best, statistically, of all time (as a fast bowler) – and a thoroughly good bloke.

        The slightly sad thing is that he didnt really want to retire – he was 'retired' by the ECB who said they werent going to pick him again, as they were 'looking to the future'.

        What a load of bollocks – you pick your best team – bloody suits……

        1. Come now, 4G. You know that "the future" will be DIEverse, regardless of talent.

          1. Possibly, Conners, but I dont think it's that – the England team is pretty diverse as it is, I actually think it's ageist – Jimmy's very nearly 42 and these halfwits cant process that without prejudice…..

      4. What I posted yesterday:

        James Anderson treated us to a seam bowling masterclass on his farewell before passing the mantle on to a hugely promising pace bowler

        "If he (Jimmy Anderson) had to go out (which he did not want to), he went out on the highest of highs."

        So what are the selectors up to? Reminds me of a couple of lines from 'Othello':

        "Like the base Indian, threw a pearl away
        Richer than all his tribe."

    1. We're watching YouTube – Cutting Edge Engineering – an Ocker who refurbishes and remachines parts for mining equipment. Fascinating… or cheesemaking, other cooking shows, reviews, you name it. There was a good one on the making of Clarkson's Farm this afternoon, when the rain really was hammering down.

    2. I agree. I particularly appreciate the footage from helicopter from which we are able to view wonderful buildings set in the landscape.

      The low level footage shows what good road surfaces exist in Italy and France compared with the wretched UK where roads are potholed and poorly patched, lay-bys resemble the paintings of the war artist Paul Nash and litter abounds.

      1. That’s very true. I find marvelling at the topography and architecture a compelling part of the tour experience. Unmissable.

    3. I agree. I particularly appreciate the footage from helicopter from which we are able to view wonderful buildings set in the landscape.

      The low level footage shows what good road surfaces exist in Italy and France compared with the wretched UK where roads are potholed and poorly patched, lay-bys resemble the paintings of the war artist Paul Nash and litter abounds.

    1. As I have said here many times, that wazzock is called "Stupidly" in this house.

  50. I see that Donald Trump has sent a message to the Left over people that survive an assassination attempt.
    Just get over it

  51. That's me for this Bastille Day. Off to rip up some paving stones and burn some dustbins – you know, a traditional French celebration.

    Have a spiffing evening. Engerland will lose – and there will be "massive controversy" reported in tomorrow's press!

    A demain – one hopes.

      1. I can see that these come from the London *rick Company to be used by Labour one by one to rebuild Britain.
        I think there's mortar that than they think.

    1. Two mates were driving around with letters for signs. They'd delivered them all, but when they came to lay out the last sign they found they had a P instead of a B. It's supposed to be London Brick Co, the foreman pointed out, not … well, you know. What was the last sign you put up? Accles and Pollock said the driver.

    1. Brendan Cox's marriage was on the verge of collapse when his wife was killed.

      He had been sacked from his job for touching up female members of staff.

      He is a thoroughly disgusting piece of sub-human excrement.

    2. Cox indulged in online fundraising for the White Helmets, proven to be armed Moslem militia, not Syria’s answer to the Red Cross. I saw her website, so pointless telling me what a great wife and mother she was.

      1. Like UNWRA and Hamas, you mean? I hope that Hamas Use;ess will get a very hard time for donating £250K of taxpayer's money to the terrorists against advice and protocol. His relatives, who were on holiday with their fellow sympathisers when Israel was invaded and violated en masse, were then, as a pure coincidence, given expedited free passage back into the land of civilisation. The one so hated by his ilk.

  52. Hubby took son to Putney to catch the pre-match vibe and ended up having a beverage or too, so i hopped on the bus over here to rescue the car. It is quite fun, doing something unexpected. I was otherwise doing housework, work and, if time permitted, reading. Currently on “The Tenant of Wildfell Hall” by Anne Bronte.

  53. Time running out for UK brick industry ‘on brink of collapse’.

    Broken Government housebuilding pledges and skyrocketing energy prices are to blame, says GMB.
    GMB union has today warned that time is running out for the UK’s brick industry.

    The warning comes as construction materials giant Wienerberger announced potential job losses, citing spiralling energy costs and shortage of demand from housebuilding projects.

    Other major names in the UK’s brick industry including Ibstock, Forterra and Marshalls have announced factory closures, with Marshalls cutting up to 250 jobs.

    The brick industry sustains nearly 8,000 jobs in the UK, with countless more in the industry supply chain.

    GMB has written to the Secretary of State for Housing, Michael Gove, calling for urgent intervention from the Government. You can find our letter here.

    Stuart Harrison, GMB Organiser, said:

    “The UK brick industry is collapsing at the same time as people are struggling to find housing.

    “Houses simply aren’t being built and this Government have failed to deliver on their promises.

    “With sky rocketing energy costs squeezing the industry, it’s more important than ever that decision makers consider the thousands of jobs sustained by the sector.

    “Without a thriving brick industry the UK’s housing crisis can only get worse whilst communities relying on these jobs are plunged into uncertainty.

    “Our union’s priority is to maintain employment in the sector and we will be working with the sector to avoid minimise the impact

    A Wienerberger spokesperson said:

    “Whilst we are operating in a tough market environment, it is essential that we make these difficult decisions and implement necessary changes to ensure our business is in a good position.

    “We have made efforts to minimise the impact on our colleagues as we will be able to redeploy the majority of affected roles to other areas of our business.

    “If demand changes, we will, as we have before, re-evaluate our production levels.“

    1. "This is a rich country – we can import all the bricks we need." (See my earlier post.)

      1. As an Architect with 50 years experience I can state clearly that imported bricks are machine made imitating hand thrown bricks. The process is a factory production where the clay is extruded and pressed before being sliced to form the standard sized metric brick. The firing is generally in a kiln using Butane gas.

        The industrial production leads to bland undifferentiated colouring.

        In England by and large we retain brick production using traditional handmade bricks where the clay is hand thrown into wooden moulds, turned out on sand and left to dry in air for several weeks before being fired in a kiln or ‘clamp’ using coal.

        The traditional process leads to bricks with a ‘mixture’ of colourings and of different shades depending upon the method of stacking in the kiln. We value bricks which possess these variations. Needless to say bricks produced in this way can be produced in more attractive proportions than metric bricks measuring 215x103x65mm. I specified thinner longer bricks on two buildings at Paternoster viz. St Paul’s Curchyard measuring 240x40x115mm and laid with 10mm perps and 15mm bed joints.

        A further point is that most older buildings were not built with a half brick skin using Stretcher Bond but thicker allowing headers and stretchers thus adding to the variety of colourings and textures deriving from the process of production.

        Some will argue that it is more costly to produce bricks in the traditional way. I would cite buildings such as The Royal Albert Hall and Westminster Cathedral as examples of buildings requiring many millions of traditionally produced bricks. Most of the light coloured bricks in the interior of Royal Albert Hall were produced in Sudbury (Suffolk) and are known as Ballingdon Whites. They were made in Middleton/Ballingdon and transported by Lighters on the River Stour to the coast before transference to larger coastal vessels to London.

        I am ashamed of what passes for new housing in this country. Every new estate looks the same, a mix of the same old house types scattered almost wilfully across formerly beautiful sites. If I had to live in one of these receptacles I would die.

        Finally I should mention that I have completed major buildings employing new bricks and have always followed my principles developed over years of practice, observation and historical research.

    1. It's amazing how they can 'lose' their passports and other documentation but not their £800 smart phones and cigarettes.

    2. The trouble is that once they are picked up by the RNLI or whatever, they are technically no longer entering without permission, as they are being brought here. I don't know what the get-out as far as the passport etc. is.

    3. The trouble is that once they are picked up by the RNLI or whatever, they are technically no longer entering without permission, as they are being brought here. I don't know what the get-out as far as the passport etc. is.

    1. Had to larf (or cry) at overweight DEI hire US Secret Service agent struggling to holster her weapon. While another frantically moved around like a headless chicken before touching her ear and facing the crowd as she stood in front of the vehicle.

    2. The hatred of the Leftards is really hard to fathom, isn’t it? They are deranged. It’s not normal.

  54. Evening, all. It would be helpful if the Tories supported the church, broad or narrow. They seem only interested in alien cultures that wish to destroy us, our history and our culture.

    1. Our sermon this evening was about the church being corporate. No man is an island and all that stuff. I was sitting there thinking yeah, it’s the Body of Christ but every body has an arsehole.

      1. We had the Godalming Deanery Area Dean this morning, since our Rector is still incapacitated. Sound enough churchmanship, seemed OK, good sermon. Rather loud. Somewhat surprised that he'd never darkened the door of St John the Baptist, Puttenham, before today…

  55. Got tickets to visit Balmoral in a couple of weeks, afternoon tea.
    Will I have to worry about midges?

        1. I won't enlighten you, then. Enjoy it. I looked at the guided tour, but I decided I didn't want to take out a mortgage just to look round Charlie's Scottish hideaway.

    1. Midges have begun their exponential acceleration. I would invest in some serious repellent. I do find that Avon "SkinsoSoft" (very weirdly) works on the horses but makes them smell like a tart's parlour (which I regret to say some of them – one poncy gelding in particular – like) but you may not find it so acceptable. Otherwise, anything with a high percentage of DEET (poisonous) in it and eat loads of garlic and turmeric .

      Most effective midge repellents do double as anti-mate

      1. I always swore by Jungle Formula spray but Which? (I subscribe) did a testing recently and Jungle Formula came almost bottom!

        The winner, surprisingly, and also the cheapest! , was ASDA insect repellent – £4 per aerosol – we've used it (we live on the fairly marshy West Pennine Moors) and it is astonishingly good – try it!

        1. Can attest to the fact that it’s useless, 2H. Looks good on the tin, doesn’t work! Hmmm. That reminds me of something…

      2. I carry a midge hood in my car – I'm only a couple of miles from the Scottish midge capital. That Avon stuff is good but when I drove the recovery truck round the Highlands I had a spray in the cab – I'll see if I can find out the name – it was excellent

        1. A “midge hood” sounds a tad pervy, but i guess we’re in that sort of country anyway

    2. Ooh! How lovely, Bob! We’ve visited a couple of times and seen a couple of the rooms and the grounds, but I saw they’d opened up more rooms! I really hope you enjoy it! Midges? Meh ya softy! A silk scarf over your head will do it!

    3. Depends on the weather. A clear, bright afternoon with a good breeze will be no problem. If it's still, and a bit damp the little beasties will be murderous. I've been midged a few times in the Highlands, so always carry a midge hood in the summer, as it's not an experience I'd like to repeat, but the problem with a hood, made of an extremely fine mesh is that it makes you look just like the burglars in cartoons with stockings over their heads, which is far from sociable for afternoon tea. Try the Smidge repellant and carry a hood in your back pocket for use if desperate.

    1. What a lovely church – very similar to Cartmel Priory (particularly that spectacular stained glass window) , which I visit on a regular basis. How far back does it date?

      1. Are you local to Cartmel, 4G? I hail from t'other end of Cumbria, namely Carlisle, though now esconced in leafy Surrey. I'm off to God's Own County tomorrow (no – not Yorkshire), to lunch with a few 'North British Nottlers'… 🙂

        1. I’m actually a Blackburn lad, Geoff, but I love the Lakes and I have a holiday Lodge in Cartmel.

          I like Carlisle and the fact that it’s bloody miles from everywhere (including the South Lakes!) – I think you’ll know what I mean…..

          1. Yes, I park on there regularly, it is extremely picturesque!
            However, we tend to stay away for the races as the place becomes totally swamped with 10,000 people hitting what is a small village!
            Agree about the pudding!!

          2. If you’re passing Moffat on Tuesday, we’ll be at the….. where was it Geoff?

          3. I didn’t know you were having a get together. As it happens, Mrs Bee is having her interim CT scan after three chemo sessions, so I wouldn’t be able to join you.

          4. Yes. Certainly do. As it happens, I’m currently in Carlisle for a couple of nights, recharging the Northern batteries and all that. Lunch with a few Nottlers in the Borders tomorrow, catch up with one or two old friends, hopefully. Tidy up my parents’ grave, wander round the Cathedral (it’s where I had organ lessons) and buy large quantities of traditional Cumberland sausage…

            It might be bloody miles from everywhere, but in fairness, it still has excellent rail and road links. Took me five and a half hours from Wanborough, nr Guildford, and that included missing the first train. Forgot I had to collect tickets to cross London…Back in the day, having met a client’s quantity surveyor on a hospital site in Melrose, I could put an application for payment together, go home, post it at Carlisle Sorting Office (a former project of mine) any time before midnight, and it would be on his desk in Glasgow, first thing in the morning.

            Can’t see that happening these days, though…

    2. What a lovely church – very similar to Cartmel Priory (particularly that spectacular stained glass window) , which I visit on a regular basis. How far back does it date?

    3. Square church towers used to have wooden spires on top of them. In rural areas these would become damaged or fall down and they were never repaired whereas a stone or a flint tower would survive for longer.

      How do we know who had what?

  56. Understand that GoFundMe accounts, set up to the benefit of the guy killed and those injured in the Trump shooting, have grossly exceeded their targets already, and there's not been 24 hours yet. Some massive donations, too.
    Generous people, Americans.

  57. Extraordinary… for the past 20 minutes I've just experience Britain before the motor car. Bath City centre is empty (apart from packed pubs) very few folk are walking around. No cars are moving – only one or two cars on the distant A4 everything is extraordinary quiet. Wonderful P&Q. The millions glued to their TVs don't know what they are missing – absolute bliss!

    1. I'm looking forward to the same in Buenos Aires tonight! The game starts at nine, so there's no point going out until at least half past eleven – there wouldn't be a single bloke to dance with before that! 🤣

        1. And get down on your knees….

          Cue any number of images. “Sir” Neil with Crayons. The England football team (whom I never watched anyway). The England cricket team (whom I’ve not watched since). Etc. etc.

        2. And get down on your knees….

          Cue any number of images. “Sir” Neil with Crayons. The England football team (whom I never watched anyway). The England cricket team (whom I’ve not watched since). Etc. etc.

  58. It is so silent out there.
    It makes you want to say Peace on Earth and Good Willies to all men!

  59. – How long does England wait before they deploy their secret weapon?

    Take off Harry Kane

    1. Why do so many managers leave it to the last couple of minutes to make a substitution?

  60. I've just realised what the date is. On Wednesday just gone 45 years ago the incredibly naïve and it has to be said slightly thick Quitter joined the navy at HMS Raleigh in Torpoint.
    Approximately 3 nanoseconds after that he was shouted at for something.

    A week or two later, because I could not for the life of me master the 'About Turn' I was doubling around the fucking huge parade ground with an SLR above my head shouting "I am a spastic" at the top of my voice.

    1. Not far from Mount Edgecombe which I've been visiting on and off for over 50 years….

    2. Bet they wouldn’t be allowed to use that cruel and unusual punishment nowadays!

      1. There was an old fellow from Lyme,
        Who married three wives at a time,
        When asked: "Why the third?"
        He replied "One's absurd,
        And bigamy, Sir, is a crime!"

  61. There are more important things in life than lunch, eric. Best wishes to Mrs. Bee and yourself, and we’ll do it another time when you can join us!!

    1. Without a doubt, Sue. I have put all my social commitments on hold since mid-March and no saying when I will go back.

  62. Sounded rough and raucous round where I am. Could imagine they were enjoying a public hanging if I didn’t know it was just a football match.

  63. When our pensions were changed in 2016 the government came clean and said that each of potentially 4 wives would be eligible for their own separate pension…

      1. I'm not sure about that – they may have been able to get some other "pension" benefit in lieu of pension (such as Pension Credit) if they had not worked enough to be entitled to the State Pension.

        Also, as far as polygamy is concerned it appears that, broadly, second generation immigrants will usually (but not invariably) be domiciled here, and so won't be able to have polygamous marriages. I wonder how many second generation muslims have ignored this?

        "For a polygamous marriage to be considered valid in the UK, the parties must
        be domiciled in a country where polygamous marriage is permitted and must
        have entered into the marriage in a country which permits polygamy."

      2. They just needed to keep dropping sprogs to give them the years of equivalent NI payments.

      3. They just needed to keep dropping sprogs to give them the years of equivalent NI payments.

    1. Off piste, but do u have my email to send me the details of the 10 Aug extravegansa..

      1. Apparently there are a lot of supporters Piste off after tonight's main event!

        1. Thank gawd… The morning'news would have been unbearable and a win would have absolutely proved the need for more immigration.

      2. Afraid not. Do you have anyone's email here, and I can let you know whether they are on the NoTTL List. If they are, they can give you mine. Otherwise I shall have to devise a new method for adding people.

        In fact, that is one of the things the List was created for, but it is more difficult now because the pages are shut down so quickly now. The List was set up when we thought that NoTTL might be closed down, (but Geoff successfully moved us) and we had a week or so where I sporadically put out my email and then deleted it, and people responded by writing to me and giving theirs, and (with permission) that of anyone else they were in contact with on NoTTL. It has proved for when people want to get in contact off-forum for various reasons.

        The way it works is that if someone (X) wants to get in touch with someone else (Y) privately, they wrote to my email and asked if I had Y's email. I would then contact Y and say that X had asked for direct contact. Normally the answer would be yes, but not always, which is why I always made sure of getting the go-ahead from both parties.

        We have a core of about 40 NoTTL oldies who are on the list, but if anyone is reading this and thinks it would be good to update, I will be happy to do this, if wanted.

          1. I see than you have seen it so I will delete my post. There are others who look in on NoTTL.

    1. Moh did the same when he was involved in a helicopter crash , came down in a mangrove swamp, engine failure .

      Golf is a great placebo ,a different challenge .

      1. I took the laboratory crew to a golf/country club near Port Harcourt one Sunday after a tribal clash amongst themselves. I told them I'd be buggering off back to Blighty if they didn't stop bringing bows and spears in to work and they wouldn't have a job. It was quite a nice day out.

    1. España were far swifter in thought and deed. Their opponents were ponderous and clueless.

      1. I watched the game in my club. I can't disagree. The Spanish were simply a lot quicker and decisive.

        1. Here in a small village in Valencia everybody was delighted with the result. Fireworks on the beach, cars honking everywhere. One grandson wearing a Spain football shirt cheering away. Inexplicably the five year old one put on an England football shirt and rooted for the English team. It ended in tears and early bed. Such is life and our hopes and fears.

    1. England were poorly managed and as a result gifted players were directionless. This has been a recurring pattern for decades. The manager Gareth Southgate is doubtless a sincere believer in his players and the system under which he directs them to play.

      I remember at half time in the England eventual triumph over Germany in the 1966 World Cup, Alf Ramsey exhorted his players to stop sitting around exhausted by their exertions but to get up and not display such a weakness. It worked and it was the excellent German side that eventually capitulated.

      I mention this because Gareth Southgate has always demonstrated a sort of familiarity with his chosen players. This is in my view a Cardinal error. The manager should retain a certain aloofness and not get involved in hugging and kissing his players. It is debilitating to us observing this shenanigans and we all see the direction the manager’s personal preferences have ultimately nobbled the team’s performances.

      Gareth Southgate is merely the latest in a long line of England managers who have given undue preference to their most favoured players. Erickson from my poor memory played Beckham when Beckham was unfit and whose financial interests were elsewhere, Capello I think trusted Rooney to no positive avail and the vegetable could not get the best out of Gerrard, Lampard, Scholes and another whose name escapes me.

      Southgate has done comparatively well by comparison with his forebears but has tortured the nation with his indecision and faith in players who have not performed. His substitutions have been too late to avert the defeat meted to us by a quicker and more organised Spanish team. Under proper intelligent management our present crop of England players would have wiped the floor with Spain.

      Never blame the players but put the blame on the management.

  64. Well, chums, it's now 10 pm after a very busy day. Good night all, sleep well, and see you all bright and early tomorrow.

  65. a comment from btl on one of Geoff Buys Cars’ videos (on solar farms):

    “Its a done deal. I live in an area of farmland covered in them. I challenged the council, who said the Government see it as national infrastructure, and they have no voice to stop it. The company fronting it is based in a bedroom somewhere, has no assets or staff, they take a commission to get planning permission, sell it on to a large energy company, who sell it by a loan, to a Chines hedge fund. The second company gets grants and sells Carbon Credits traded on the Chicago Mercantile Trading Floor internationally to companies fiddling their Carbon Emissions, using a complicated formulas. The foundations are supposed to be costed, but they will never be removed after twenty years. They always talk of Sheep Grazing under the panels, but Sheep get scorched by the heat the panels generate. The Farmers get £1000 an acre rent for the land, so a 100 acre field gives £100,000 a year rent, why farm and get less? The Public lose footpaths and amenity of scenic views, but the Hedge Funds could not care a toss what the peasants think.”

    Commenters also pointing out once Green belt has had solar farms, land becomes brown belt.

  66. Another day is done so, I bid you a goodnight and may God bless all you Gentlefolk. If we are spared! Bis morgen früh.

    1. 'Morning, Geoff and thank you for all the work and effort you have put in to keep us all going. Well done!

  67. Morning, all Y'all.
    Vacation / farming / building over, so off back home today. MIsty, with sun above.

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