Sunday 15 October: What choice does Israel have in the face of an enemy that seeks its total destruction?

An unofficial place to discuss the Telegraph letters, established when the DT website turned off its commenting facility (now reinstated, but we prefer ours),
Intelligent, polite, good-humoured debate is welcome, whether on or off topic. Differing opinions are encouraged, but rudeness or personal attacks on other posters will not be tolerated. Posts which – in the opinion of the moderators – make this a less than cordial environment, are likely to be removed, without prior warning.  Persistent offenders will be banned.

Today’s letters (visible only to DT subscribers) are here.

403 thoughts on “Sunday 15 October: What choice does Israel have in the face of an enemy that seeks its total destruction?

  1. Morning all 🙂😊
    Can’t comment on the current weather conditions. It’s still dark, winter draws on eh.
    Yes the powers that be (or think they be)
    Are in a difficult situation. It seems not only Hamas want to wipe out Israel and its people but also who ever is supplying the fearful weapons to the attackers.
    Clearly there is a combined effort to do so.
    Perhaps it’s time a lasting lesson was dished out to the islamic states. That they do not own the world around them. This terrorist attack and their terrorism world wide has to be curtailed. And they have to be told in no uncertain terms to ‘wind their necks in’.
    Cuppa tea time.

      1. One of my mother’s sister’s married name was Winter.
        I expect she had them on all the time.

        1. My Maternal grandmother’s sister married a Winter. For her, it was Winter all year round.

  2. North Korea sends ‘1,000 containers’ of weapons to Russia. 15 October 2023.

    The United States has accused North Korea of sending more than 1,000 containers of military equipment and munitions to Russia to boost its protracted war against Ukraine.

    John Kirby, the White House National Security Council spokesperson said the equipment will be used against innocent Ukrainians.

    “We condemn the DPRK for providing Russia with this military equipment, which will be used to attack Ukrainian cities and kill Ukrainian civilians and further Russia’s illegitimate war,” said Mr Kirby, referring to North Korea’s official name, Democratic People’s Republic of Korea.

    The US has equipped the Ukies with vast quantities of the most advanced weapon systems that has obviated the need for negotiations and kept the war going for the last eighteen months!

    1. I expect the NKoreans condemned the USA and the West, saying We condemn the DPRKUSA for providing RussiaUkraine with this military equipment, which will be used to attack UkrainianRussian cities and kill Ukrainian Russian civilians and further Russia’sthe USA’s illegitimate war,”

  3. SIR – A prerequisite for a solution to this crisis is for the
    military dictatorship of Hamas to crumble. Then a legitimate,
    representative Palestinian government could negotiate on behalf of

    Now is a golden opportunity for Israel to drive a wedge
    between Hamas and ordinary Palestinians so that it could be perceived
    as supportive of the population and as a partner with which to negotiate
    a settlement.

    Tony Jones
    London SW7

    Ordinary Palestinians? Try looking out your window, Tony.

    1. This Hamas??
      ‘morning Pip
      A Takimag from 4 years ago
      Get the irony? Because it’s about as subtle as a Buddy Hackett routine. The hellish creature the Jews conjure for their salvation ends up turning on them. A people blinded by fear and paranoia create a demon that metastasizes and grows beyond their control.

      1. Morning Rik.
        I watched Childhood’s End. I enjoyed every other minute of it. Charles Dance good as always though. The book is much better. Published in 1952 Clarke could see the future. Not the Alien bit obvs.

    2. I agree with what Tony Jones says.
      But because of our own political idiots we can never get out of the mess they caused and deliberately created.

    3. Well, we have had experience lately of crumbling military dictatorships. Gaddafi? Saddam Hussein? Assad? How did that go?

      It seems a tad wishful thinking that a legitimate, representative Palestinian government could negotiate in the aftermath on behalf of civilians. Remind me who took over the reins in Gaza after Arafat was bombed out by the Israeli Right?

      Finally, what is Netanyahu’s Coalition if not a military dictatorship? The Israeli Opposition seems to have gone very quiet lately. Many, I suspect, are being targeted by the enemy militants and are in no state to cause trouble at home.

      1. You need people like Gaddafi, Saddam Hussein and Assad in those regions to maintain control. They will not be ready for democracy for a thousand years.
        The only reason their hold was broken was through Western interference.
        Now we have more terrorists than ever before.
        And because of our touchy feely attitude towards those tribesmen we now have tens of thousands of sleepers waiting in the UK.

        1. It is quite useful delving into medieval English history to support what you say. “Weak” kings such as Stephen, Edward II or Henry VI may have been devout, but they could not keep control. Edward I was a vicious warmonger, but he could keep control. Elizabeth I was quite capable of cutting heads off, if she felt threatened, and even Merrie Monarch Charles II had to kill off some of his closest friends when they started to get above themselves.

          In more recent times, mild stammering Bertie may have been considered “weak” (and he certainly considered himself so), but he turned out to be quite an effective wartime king, and there was more steel to the man and his wife than let on.

  4. The Israel outrage shows us who rules us. 15 October 2023.

    The BBC refuse to call Hamas terrorists in the name of ‘impartiality’, as though calling Hamas a ‘Palestinian militant group’ is not already taking sides with mass murderers. World affairs editor John Simpson argues: ‘Calling someone a terrorist means you’re taking sides and ceasing to treat the situation with due impartiality’. The elite organisations in Britain should learn that being impartial does not mean being indifferent.

    But the main reason for pussyfooting around what has happened is fear. Our authorities and the elites are afraid to admit that multi-culturalism has failed and that the reaction to the BBC and the FA calling out the horrors of Hamas would mean violence from a section of the Muslim community. The police are afraid that arresting those demonstrating in support of Hamas is beyond their capability and would provoke a violent reaction.

    The latter paragraph is true but it is not new! One has only to think back to Batley Man or the haste to prevent any backlash to murders or bombings by these people over the last twenty years. Fear is the dominant emotion of the Political Elites. This is not just the fear of the incomers but the fear that their agenda; the agenda of multiculturalism, will be seen for what it is. Utter Failure. They have sacrificed an entire nation and its people to this chimera and must hide from the truth of it themselves.

    1. The armed forces are the only people that will have to sot it out in the end. Appeasment never works .

      1. Johnny they are desperately trying to fill the armed forces with non-indigenous. They will be no more reliably on our side in future.

      1. He’s not photogenic but will be remembered for his best photograph: showing obeisance to the memory of an American criminal and the ‘movement’ bowel? that was spawned as a result. He’s right up there with the many other odious politicians of our time.

          1. Yesterday there was an “advert” (it was supposed to be a sort of documentary) for all-black involvement in racing. It showed blacks dressed in jockeys silks – perhaps for a charity race – kneeling. I nearly threw something at the TV!

  5. Douglas Murray at the top of his game.

    “‘You are not alone’: A message to the Jewish people

    13 October 2023, 2:51pm

    I’m not Jewish myself, but most of my best friends are Jews. The reason I mention this is that, all my adult life, I’ve been surrounded by, or chosen to be surrounded by, Jews. And why should that be? In my secular moments, I’d say it’s been luck or good fortune. In my more religious moments, I’d say it’s a signal of God’s grace, of the wild grace of God. Because for me, these friendships and what I’ve learned from them, have been among the greatest blessings of my life. I’ve known Ashkenazi Jews and Sephardic Jews. I’ve known secular Jews, Orthodox Jews, ultra-orthodox Jews, Chabadnik Jews and even some Reform Jews.

    All of these differences are of great importance to many of you, and to all of the people who argue them. But they mattered not one jot to the terrorists who broke into Israel on Saturday. They didn’t care whether they were killing secular Jews or religious Jews. Voters for Likud or voters for Yesh Atid. They didn’t care what the views were of the people they were killing, whether they were for or against recent judicial reforms in Israel, whether they were one of the few people who believed they don’t know how to run the country, or whether they were one of the eight million people who believe they do know how to run the country. All that the terrorists cared about was that their victims were Jews. That was it. They had to be Jews.

    I once asked Jonathan Sacks in private what he thought it meant to be a Jew, and he replied, quite characteristically, by quoting someone else. Specifically, he quoted his friend, the late great philosopher Isaiah Berlin. He said: ‘Douglas, Isaiah once answered this question when he was asked by saying, to be a Jew is to have a sense of history’. And I looked at Jonathan, I knew there was something more. He tilted his head and I said: ‘What do you think?’ He said, ‘I think Isaiah was almost right’. And I said, ‘So what’s your answer’? He said: ‘To be a Jew is to have a sense of memory.’

    Now, memory can be a burden for some people, an almost impossible burden. But it’s also a blessing, because you as a people, you as individuals know what went before. You know that the Jewish people have been here many times before, in many worse situations, and too many times to count. One of my favorite writers, Stefan Zweig, in one of his last letters to Joseph Roth, who was soon to die himself in Paris, said from England: ‘Every morning I thank the Lord that I am free and in England. But I have an appetite for distant places again, and the desire to see the world in the round once more before it burns.’

    Much as I adored Zweig, it seems imperative to me that we do not fall into the despondency or defeatism that Zweig expressed in that letter, however understandable it was, because what we know, what he didn’t know then, what we know now, is that the Jewish people have seen off every single one of their enemies for millennia. They have outlived every single one of the enemies who have wished to destroy them, from Pharaoh to Hitler. And they will see this enemy off as well. And I say that with absolute certainty.

    Now what to do? May I make two suggestions? Firstly, it’s always seemed to me that it is not the right of non-Israelis to tell the Israelis what to do. It is up to them to do what they need to do. In my view, all that people in the diaspora and their supporters can say is that they have our love, our support and our solidarity in the weeks and months ahead. Whatever we can do to support them, we must do.

    But a second point, if I may. What we can do here in Britain is to keep our own house in order, and our own house in Britain is in disarray. It is not acceptable. It should not be acceptable that the Jewish community among all of the communities of this country, in this diverse country, should be the one community expected to accept with equanimity those who cheer on the murder of Jews and those who support the murder of Jews. It is not acceptable that the Jewish community should be the only community in this land that is expected to put up with murder and then being scorned for their fellow Jews being murdered. No other community would accept this. And I beg you not to accept it either. I beg you not to accept it.

    I came back to London the other night, and I heard the residue of the people outside the Israeli embassy. These people were not protesting against Israeli countermeasures. They hadn’t even had any countermeasures. They were protesting because Jews by the hundreds had been slaughtered in Israel, and they wanted to wound us more. Well, they might try.

    But we should not accept that with equanimity. I’ve written in The Spectator a demand on the Prime Minister and the Home Secretary that supporters of Hamas in the UK must be treated in the same way as supporters of Isis were. Some people thought that the claim that Hamas was Isis was a rhetorical claim. We know since Saturday, if we didn’t know before, it is not rhetoric: it is real. If you stand in Britain with a Hamas flag, you should not be allowed to be free in Britain. You should be arrested. Have your citizenship withdrawn. Your passport withdrawn. You should be deported. You should be sent to Gaza and try your luck there. But you should not be given the right to insult and to taunt Jews after the death of Jews. It’s intolerable, and we should not tolerate it.

    Let me say one more thing, and it’s the main thing I wanted to say to you tonight: that you’re not alone. That you’re not alone. The saddest thing I’ve heard in recent days have been the number of Jewish friends of mine who said, in Israel and outside of Israel, ‘It’s always like this, we’re always alone’. And I just wanted to say that isn’t the case. You know, you have, among other things, a Democrat president of the United States who so far has been so fully behind the Jewish state. It is very hard to see what better statement he could give. We have a Conservative prime minister here in the UK, Rishi Sunak, who has been utterly supportive of the Israeli state to date.

    The whole civilised world is behind the Jewish state today. Now that may change. As my friend Bari Weiss wrote on Saturday, we will have to be very careful in the weeks and months ahead to remember Saturday and to keep it in mind. The BBC and others who can’t even define a terrorist are already past this. The slaughter that’s only still now being uncovered is currently somewhere down the line of stories. It’s already falling away, and yet we mustn’t allow it to fall away. The dead are not even buried.

    So I wanted to say that it is not the case that the Jewish community of this country is alone. You are not. There are many millions of people, civilised people in this country and across the world who are with you as well.

    I speak for myself when I quote, if I may, in closing, one of my favourite lines in Scripture from the book of Ruth. You all know it. ‘Whither thou goest, I will go. And where thou lodgest, I will lodge. Thy people shall be my people and thy God my God.’ And I tell you this with utter certainty. If they keep coming for the Jews, they keep coming for you: I’ll tell you this. They may come for the Zionists. Very well. I am a Zionist. They may keep coming for the Israelis. Very well. I’m an Israeli. They may come continuously for the Jews. Very well. I’m a Jew. Am Yisrael Chai.”

    1. Replace the word “Jew” with “People” in that, and it apples equally.
      I support Israel and the Jews, not because of fairy-tales in the Bible, but because they need support. It seems to be that mush of the world want rid of those people, and that is not right. They have the same right to exist as we all do, but now the world seems to have decided that it*s the Jews turn again for misery, then at least I will be doing the right thing and not only not joining in, but supporting them in their hour of need.

      1. This is a warning to another established culture and social structure. That Islam is an extreme danger to all of us. Their intentions are vile.
        It needs,stopping in its tracks

    2. “…Rishi Sunak, who has been utterly supportive of the Israeli state to date…”

      If only he were supportive of the British state…

  6. On a recent visit to the GP among other things she told me i had congestion. I asked her if she would have been able to diagnose this over the phone. She said probably not. I said it’s good we are having a face to face then.

      1. First Doctor in ages where i felt she had my best interests at heart.
        Two conditions i have never received any follow up. The first was meds requested by my haematologist which never got added to my prescription and after two tests to see if a required another prescription for something else i had to chase the surgery. Who then put me on the wrong list. The last one leading to an official complaint.
        Seems things are moving now.

        Hope you are keeping well.

        1. To put it mildly; not impressive.
          On the plus side, I assume you were not described as a retired paratrooper.

        2. Sometimes we get lucky with our medics.
          After banging my head against the proverbial brick wall of consultants and their secretarial departments. I was absolutely delighted with a young lady Paramedic who sorted out my appointment back end of June.

          I’m wellish…..Sort of thanks.
          My wife had a letter from her NHS opthalmology department.
          It took them 18 months to write and tell her that she was okay.
          Which of course she had realised 18 months ago.

        3. I had a problem while on holiday and sent a note to the surgery asking for an appointment on Friday afternoon. They replied within a couple of hours with a 3 pm appointment. I was examined by 2nd year doctor, on rotation, who prescribed a course of antibiotics for I week. He phoned about an hour later giving me an appointment for 10 days time to check the medication had worked. He said he wanted to be a GP, I think he’d do well and I told him so.

  7. 37768 up ticks,

    Morning Each,

    Sunday 15 October: What choice does Israel have in the face of an enemy that seeks its total destruction?

    Is there a choice after the 39/45 preview ?

    In a very macabre sort of way the same choice the United Kingdom has, only difference being that their enemies are external whereas ours are internal and on two fronts,
    indigenous and imported.

    Seemingly this sunak chap is offering all sorts of help and pledges of standing by Israel in her time of need, ALL well and good if it were given from a true English heart of oak but from a self confessed agent of the WEF truly suspect.

    We are delaying ( as it daily festers) but must face what Israel is facing today, only our problem is well entrenched within courtesy of the political overseers & followers these past forty years.

  8. Good Morning Folks

    Bright start here, turned cold indoors, getting hints about putting the central heating on

  9. Holiday home owners could even see their

    boltholes acquired by councils in compulsory purchases and converted

    into private rentals to ease the housing crisis.

    Meanwhile, a socialist-style clampdown on lairds will introduce a ‘public interest

    test’ applied to the ‘sale or transfer’ of estates – which could see

    large landholdings being taken into public or community ownership.

    And so it begins. The theft of private property. Who is next?

    1. No shortage of housing, to much allowed in benefits and far too many people.
      Send them back Dopey Wokey Richie.
      I expect you’ve got a few spare rooms in your mansion (s).

      1. I don’t expect the likes of the Blair family with their multi million £ property portfolio will be affected in any way.

        1. It’s always been the same Phizz.
          Remember when Wilson effed up Rhodesia. It was the best run and most self sufficient country in Africa. But nothing he did effected him.
          Another idiot who became British PM.

          1. Strange isn’t it that politicians from humble beginnings end up with millions in the bank. Can’t imagine how.

          2. I was told that after a term or two at housing minister. A certain member of Parliament move into a huge mansion and the area were he’d previously resided, is now filled to the brim with new builds.
            Allegedly the explanation to people who had noticed, was that his wife had come into a fortune.

          3. We live in a quiet ‘housing estate/suburb’ of about 60 bungalows, occupied by mostly retired folk

            The only Two Storey building is opposite to our bugalow It is:

            The only two storey house, in the aarea

            Has a Drive way & Double garage

            Built for the chairman of Planning Committee , of Local Authority

          4. Our houses are in a private cul-de-sac
            Mainly over 60s everything one of the houses are sold and re-occupied the younger people who move in almost immediately have build the must have extention. Usually almost doubling the size of the existing size.
            The most recent is next to the chair of the parish planning Committee.
            They seemed to have been able to get away with lots of work and she had a new fence the asbestos roof removed from her garage. The garage demolished and a new patio in place.
            Just a coincidence of course.what am I thinking. And the chap owns and runs a building company.

  10. Morning all,
    The Sunday Express reports this morning:

    The PM says
    “To the people of Israel I say … TURN TO PAGE 4

  11. “In my position as editor of the Jewish Chronicle, I have been shown footage and images that others have not. One clip in particular, filmed by a terrorist with one hand while he perpetrated his crime with the other, has since been flashing into my mind unbidden. He was using a rod to put out the eyes of a corpse.’

    Excerpt from a very long article by Jake Wallis Simpson.

    I will post just the link as it is too long to be posted in its entirety.

    1. Jews are always the first victims of human darkness, but the rot goes much further. It spreads downwards from the progressive elites that sit at the top of our institutions – universities and the civil service, broadcasters and advertising agencies, theatres and museums – from where they cascade their creed into society.

      These “progressive activists”, as the More in Common thinktank has labelled them, comprise about 13pc of the population in Britain. But they exert disproportionate power, rendering many common and reasonable beliefs taboo.

      Their dogma can be seen in pronouns on the lanyards of NHS officials, the transgender flag outside the Royal Opera House, the sea of Palestinian flags at Labour conference under Corbyn and countless other places.

      Their worldview includes fixed positions on race, gender, decolonisation, sexuality, slavery and the Palestinians. Although much of this causes real harm, particularly to teenagers and Jews, these ideological positions are signifiers of social status rather than authentic moral positions. They are luxury beliefs.

      It is striking how closely this group adheres to these orthodoxies. Because it is a question of identity, it is almost unthinkable for devotees to hold some of those views but not others, and very hard for them to change their minds. Last week, Jeremy Corbyn appeared unable to revise his vision of Hamas as “friends” even in the aftermath of the massacre.

  12. Good morning all. A Bright start with a clear sky and rather chilly with a not QUITE frosty tad above -1°C on the Yard Thermometer.

    An enjoyable Apple Day yesterday, though not quite as many apples pressed as last year.
    Left the van in Cromford and have to pick it up later. As she appears to be over the bout of seasonal lurgy, the DT will be dropping me off as she goes to work. Can’t walk down as I’ve done something rather painful to my right foot and I’m hobbling about. A bit of a bugger as I’d planned picking up some logs on the way back.

  13. What choice does Israel have in the face of an enemy that seeks its total destruction?

    The Israelis must feel like we did with the troubles in Northern Ireland

    1. Anger as Irish students gather in pro-Palestine demonstration and shout IRA slogan
      MP Bob Blackman condemns group action as ‘completely inappropriate’ and calls for teachers to take responsibility
      A school in Belfast has faced backlash after pupils staged a “completely inappropriate” lunchtime protest in support of Palestine and repeated IRA slogans.

      Photographs shared and later deleted by Coláiste Feirste school on Twitter showed a group of at least 50 students demonstrating in the playground with teachers appearing to monitor them.

      The organiser of the protest, sixth former Pádraig de Brún, addressed the demonstration and ended his speech by quoting IRA hunger striker Bobby Sands: “Our revenge will be the laughter of our children”.

      In a post that remains on their Twitter page, the school said: “Some students organised a demonstration for the rights and justice of Palestine yesterday, showing the big and generous heart they have and their commitment to the people around the world.”

      The Irish-medium secondary school faces calls to take action and to “educate their pupils” on the atrocities taking place in Israel following the demonstration.
      In a written statement provided by the school to The Telegraph, Mr de Brún said he was aware of “some of the similarities” between the Israel-Palestine conflict and “here in the north”.

      He said: “On Wednesday, I organised a peaceful protest in solidarity with the people of Palestine. Having a keen interest in politics and studying A-Level History, I am aware of some of the similarities to the conflict here in the north. I spoke to my fellow students and briefly explained some of the background of the region. This protest was not an endorsement of Hamas or any other political organisation, but merely to highlight the ongoing plight of these people.”

      Speaking of his choice to quote Sands, he said: “My interpretation of that quote is that during times of conflict and hardship, it is our hope that love will prevail and that the laughter of our children will be heard once again as opposed to the suffering that children on both sides of this conflict have been subjected to.” [Nice wriggling there…]

      Bob Blackman, the MP for Harrow East and the chairman of the All Party Parliamentary Group on Israel, said teachers “should have prevented these demonstrations taking place”.

      Mr Blackman told The Telegraph: “It’s completely inappropriate for things like this to take place in schools full stop. It demonstrates the concern about what is being taught in schools and what opportunity there is to look… at the levels of premeditated violence towards civilians that obviously have taken place. The teachers have responsibility in this regard as well.”

      Mr Blackman also questioned whether students holding a demonstration in support of Israel following the terror attacks would have been handled similarly by teachers: “It would be interesting to see what would have happened if some children had come out and one was, or several were, waving Israeli flags and one was making a speech about the dreadful things that have happened. Would the teachers have intervened?”

      A spokesman for the Union of Jewish Students (UJS) said schools should be “inclusive environments with balance and impartiality at the centre of a well-rounded education”.

      They added: “To imply in any way that Hamas’ brutal terrorist onslaught against innocent civilians was laughable or positive is absolutely abhorrent and we call on the school to take action and educate their pupils on this atrocity.
      “We urge all schools to reach out to their Jewish students, or their local Jewish community, or UJS, and ensure they are equipped to handle these matters during these deeply challenging times.”

      Coláiste Feirste has been approached for comment.

    1. As I’ve said many times our parliament is stuffed with pathological and habitual liars.
      They are only in it for personal gain.
      Mine won’t be there, he has more excuses than a pregnant nun.
      Better than none at all.

  14. Good morning,

    Bright but chilly at the McPhee ranch, wind varying ‘twixt Nor-West and Nor’-East, 4℃ and staying in single figures today.

    Oh, what a silly headmaster:

    One is tempted to suggest that if he needs something like this then he is not really up to the job. On the subversive side, one notes the skin tone of the pictorial representions of the AI entities and the androgenous appearance of the supposedly male one. Is Jamie’s image merely Abigail’s shorn of hair and make-up with a pair of spectacles stuck on? If this catches on and parents take to it who needs a £32,000-a-year prep-school?

    1. I think the education of children would be better with AI. Leave the humans out of the loop.
      Bailey is a good name for an AI.

  15. Good morning,

    Bright but chilly at the McPhee ranch, wind varying ‘twixt Nor-West and Nor’-East, 4℃ and stayimg in single figures today.

    Oh, what a silly headmaster:

    One is tempted to suggest that if he needs something like this then he is not really up to the job. On the subversive side, one notes the skin tone of the pictorial representions of the AI entities and the androgenous appearance of the supposedly male one. Is Jamie’s image merely Abigail’s shorn of hair and make-up with a pair of spectacles stuck on? If this catches on and parents take to it who needs a £32,000-a-year prep-school?

  16. Good morning,

    Bright but chilly at the McPhee ranch, wind varying ‘twixt Nor-West and Nor’-East, 4℃ and stayimg in single figures today.

    Oh, what a silly headmaster:

    One is tempted to suggest that if he needs something like this then he is not really up to the job. On the subversive side, one notes the skin tone of the pictorial representions of the AI entities and the androgenous appearance of the supposedly male one. Is Jamie’s image merely Abigail’s shorn of hair and make-up with a pair of spectacles stuck on? If this catches on and parents take to it who needs a £32,000-a-year prep-school?

  17. Good morning everyone .

    Wow, first frost , car windscreens lightly frosted … compared to last Sunday when we were almost tropical.

    Clear blue sky, and chilly. We turned the heating on at 8pm last night .

    How sad on this October day
    To see our hedges shorn away
    Small creatures would’ve liked to eat
    The hawthorn berries, rose hips sweet,
    Blackberries, nuts and sloes,
    But through the blades the banquet goes.
    Won’t somebody heed our words
    And leave the berries for the birds

    1. I’ve just seen the offspring of one of my neighbours out clearing the frost off his car – wearing shorts and a t-shirt. Que? Mad.

  18. Good morning all, a Sunday that should be a day of peace but not very in these times.

    Just watched this interview of B. Netanyahu by Jordan Peterson. Highly instructive and very well worth watching.

    The Biggest Lie in the Palestine vs. Israel Debate | With PM-Elect Benjamin Netanyahu

    1. I am only at three minutes in and already I see a parallel with what lies in store for us all in Europe if we do not stop it – NOW.

      1. Quite. As you well know our history and our cultural legacy is being rewritten, refashioned to pretend that we have always been a multicultural society and that there is no such thing as a true British man/woman. And now we are being marginalized even though we are still 80% of the population, no job because you are white and you can’t live here or there because you aren’t an immigrant Muslim, etc. etc. etc.

    2. Worth noting that “PM-elect” is not how a very large number of Israelis who are seeking his removal wish to see him. He is widely blamed for the deadly fiasco of the Trojan horse nature of the Hamas attack with Israeli inhabitants trying to get army support without response, and an anti missile defence that appears to have been switched off. His trial for corruption is no doubt deferred for the moment, but I expect it will take place sooner that he would wish. In the meantime he is presiding over an open avowal and pursuit of crimes against humanity while our disgusting politicians echo the sounds of the slaughter-house, brave with the lives of others,

          1. I ask because I know something about that area, you very obviously don’t, I spent my childhood there, in Libya, I have known Palestinians and I have studied Islam for over 50 years. Frankly, most people in the West have no clue about the place or the mentality of the Arabs. They are not like us, they love death, so what is the crime against humanity? You realize, I take it, that some Palestinian women have children in the expectation and hope that they will die a martyrs death against the Jews. Now that is a crime against humanity, to give birth in the hopes that your children will die before you do. What sort of mothers instinct is that and what sort of humanity?

          2. I recognise that you are a massive expert, but you appear to match that in other areas that do you less credit. On a chilly Sunday evening I think I prefer other activity to attempting to penetrate the impenetrable…..

          3. I do not claim to be an “expert” I simply have direct knowledge. You, very evidently, have not. The problem in the West is liberal people like you who wish to impose false values on a situation and culture that does not share your values or appreciate them but rather, holds them in contempt. In short your liberalism is an obstacle to peace in the Middle East, a positive hinderance that guarantees a continuation of violence beyond this conflict for years to come. I would suggest you learn more about Islam and the psychology of Arabs. Then, perhaps you would realize what empty prattling and a danger liberalism of the Western kind you espouse is to peace in the Middle East.

          4. I will content myself with learning about the psychology of bigotry. I am a good person -you are a liberal…..what an infantile response from you. Those who prefer yahoo to discussion, as you do here, are neither left nor right, which is about the only good thing one can say about them!

          5. Typical. So arrogant in your liberalism that you are not willing to learn. You have a typical Western attitude, convinced of your superior way of thinking that you cannot conceive of anything other. It is an attitude that differs in no way from the mentality of an imperialist. You actually think that your way of thinking is the only way and that the rest of the world should be subsumed into your way of thinking about it. And, do not read into what I said such implications as ‘ I am a good person’, I suggested no such thing and it is a measure of your arrogance that you must manufacture false opinions in order to justify your stance. The real infantile response is yours because nothing I said is untrue as the dialogue between John Standley, below, testifies.

    1. I believe Pfizer stock is at the same level it was 20 years ago. Bribing all those politicians and journalists hasn’t paid off.

  19. Good morning. I am somewhat dismayed to see that censorship is spreading with the Israeli war, and TCW has just indicated they will moderate this comment I made upon a piece there:

    “The continued parroting of antisemitism as opposition to the Zionism
    that commenced the Israeli state with terrorism and has been beavering
    away to reverse that perception is the real culprit here. At least
    Israeli leaders in the past acknowledged this. A glance at the maps of
    the territory since the last war, and the birth of the state through the
    terrorist attack on the King David Hotel make the origins of violence
    unmistakeable save to purblindness. Judaism, as many in Israel itself
    agree, has been betrayed by Zionism, which has fallen deep into the mire
    that their terrible history in Europe should have prevented.”

    It will be interesting to see if it makes it to the column, but whether it does or not the reservation is instructive. I know plenty of people dislike this view, but it is based on fact and should not be supressed. I hope NTTL readers agree.

    1. Morning Jonathan. It is true that the relationship between the Israeli’s and the Palestinians is much more complex than the present coverage would have us believe but this does not mean that we should close our eyes to the bestial nature of the attack last Sunday. The founding of a Jewish State on the basis of historical claims was always going to be tricky. When Roosevelt told General Marshall that he was going to support it, Marshall replied that it would lead to “war without end”, a not inaccurate forecast. In human affairs it is usually best to proceed from where you are. Not where you were. Only then is it possible to come to some sort of terms with it.

      1. Araminta, I so agree. I would simply add that where we are is answering bestiality with bestiality and our own politicians supporting that.
        And we need to determine the how and who of the events running up to the attack which is, to say the least, opaque in important areas.

      2. I would say that the reason for ‘war without end’ lies in the nature of Islam and it’s attitude to the Jews. But as Netanyahu says and I pointed out, the Ottomans recognized the fact, that the Jews are the native people of ‘Palestine’. They have an inalienable right to the land based on history and the Arabs should not be catered to just because they make false claims. If the so called Palestinians protest then send them to Jordan, it is, after all, supposed to be the Palestinian state. They have no claim to Israel other than a false history. And, by the way. My father and stepfather prior to 1947 was based in Palestine and both would have told you that there were very few Arabs and that they were not natives to the region. In other words they back up Mark Twain’s remarks that it was an empty land, the home of desolation and scorpions. The Arabs are liars, they will lie to save face and get what they want without conscience it is a cultural trait as many who have had dealings with them will testify. I would argue that the situation is not ‘complex’ it is simple, but people would prefer lies to truth in large measure due to anti-Semitism.

        1. I met a Bethlehem farmer selling Palestinian olive oil to British Christians whilst his own markets were being blockaded by the Israelis. I challenged him as to whether he was a native to his city, or was descended from Arab invaders. He replied that he could trace his ancestry right back and considered himself a “Son of Jacob”, which is more than can be said of the many “Jewish” settlers descending from their gated estates in the hills, and with the protection of Israeli police were allowed to vandalise trees when he was being held up by a roadblock and could not stop them. These settlers also divert spring water to their luxury homes, forcing him to buy in expensive desalinated water to irrigate his crops.

          Now we could argue until the goats come home as to racial purity, but my feeling that the entire region being a trading post is probably mostly populated by crossbreds, and probably most places in the world are. I also suspect that whilst many Jews fled abroad into exile, upon being over-run first by Romans and then by Arabs, those that chose to remain at home and tend their land would have converted in order to have a quiet life. Today, it might make sense for most Palestinians living in Israel to convert to Judaism, also for a quiet life, but I suspect there may be rules stopping them doing this, and besides which they seem to have a pretty jaded view as to what the authorities consider to be Jewish.

          1. As far as I understand it Jeremy the only true “Arab” natives to Palestine are the Bedouin. Any Arab per se is not a native but the remanent of the same force that invaded and subjugated the rest of North Africa. As for the Jews from the diaspora who then returned to Israel, they are still the true natives of the land. Hence Netanyahu’s remark about the stolen house that you then reclaim as the rightful owner. Because you have been forced out makes you no less the native when you have had no choice in the matter by being driven out. As for being a “Son of Jacob”, the Arabs make many false claims for their ancestry for which there is not a shred of evidence. Myth making on a par with the belief that Mohammad visited the Al Aqsa mosque thus making it the third most important shrine in Islam.

          2. “He replied that he could trace his ancestry right back and considered himself a Son of Jacob”. They all say it but the evidence doesn’t support it. He’s describing the Mizrahi Jews. The Arabs invaded for the first time in 637 AD.

          3. I must admit I cannot trace my ancestors back more than a couple of centuries, and we are probably all related to Genghis Khan or Charles II, who were rather free with their breeding habits. I don’t expect either got round to inseminating all those they conquered though.

            For any proud Palestinian to admit to be of the same bloodstock as the Jews is rather telling though.

        2. I can testify to your comments about liars and saving face. I would add withholding critical information. Working with Egyptians in Egypt, Algeria and Yemen on gas plants was an exercise in self-restraint and diplomacy. I won’t bore you with the details but suffice it to say that I do not trust Arabs one little bit.

          1. It is because of Islam. It is a ‘shame’ culture, ours is a ‘guilt’ culture. But in Islam it is deemed to be OK to avoid shame by deceiving the other in order for you not to lose face. It is a cultural trait that has profound implications for the well being of a culture and, I think, in large measure explains the inability of Muslim cultures to develop because it encourages the avoidance of problems by covering them up so you avoid embarrassment. If you look at the wealthy Arabic countries you will not the people running the show, i.e. the technocrats, etc are not the Arabs, they employ others to do the real work while they live off the benefits. I was actually told by one Arab I knew very well that they (Arabs) had no need of learning because Allah had created the Kafir to serve them. In having that mentality he maintained the superiority of Islam over and against those of other faiths and cultures.

            ” In shame cultures what matters is what other people think of you: the embarrassment, the ignominy, the loss of face. Whereas in guilt cultures it’s what the inner voice of conscience tells you. In shame cultures we’re actors playing our part on the public stage. In guilt cultures we’re engaged in inner conversation with the better angels of our nature.”


          2. On a gas plant in Port Said, I found an extra test cable attached to one of the cathodic protection test posts. They denied all knowledge of it. I followed it through shallow sand to where it crossed a pipe bridge over a roadway, professionally installed and secured as cables should be. It went to a distribution box and was connected to an output terminal. I figured out that it was designed to bypass an known connection fault in other cabling. Again, their engineers denied all knowledge.
            The moment I said that it wasn’t actually a bad idea (even thought it didn’t work too well), they suddenly remembered. “Oh yes, I remember it now…” A complete about turn in seconds. They really are a complete disingenuous crowd of back-stabbers and liars.

    2. One man’s fact is another man’s fiction.

      It is not easy to tell who is right in an age where it is acceptable in some quarters to have your own truth rather than the truth!

      For example my truth is that global warming is a myth and net zero is a scam.

      My truth is also that the Covid jabs have done more damage than good and one should be wary of taking them.

      However these truths of mine are not accepted as true by the PTB or the MSM.

    3. They automatically moderate everything with the words Jews/Judaism in. One of my comments was moderated, but passed in. It still aroused the contempt of the purity spiral idiots.

      1. Disappointing to find in a column that has done so much to expose the parasites who, I have little doubt, have as much to do with this as the other hatred hotspots we enjoy so much.

        1. It’s because they have a very small moderation team – I think it’s just Margaret – that they use the Disqus ‘restricted words’ facility to filter out anything that might be controversial. So anything that triggers the word list gets sent to ‘pending’. On Nottl we have an active mod team and no restricted words.

          1. That’s why we deleted all the restricted words. Free speech is allowed here – unless it’s rudeness to another poster.

          2. TCW gets more trolls probably, and a wider readership. We’re a fairly close community here – people can drop in, but if we don’t like them we can get rid.

            Most of us have been here since Geoff started the site when the DT closed comments in 2016. This is the crowd who used to comment on the DT letters page – hence the title.

          3. I spend a couple of hours a day on TCW and while being modded can be frustrating, I find those who complain bitterly about it most annoying. Kathy G regularly explains the reasons for moderation yet some still complain. I wish they’d give it a rest.

          4. Most of the regular posters there have found ways to get round the moderation by missing letters etc. The restricted word list is quite long, and if they have left it as Disqus left ours, then any innocent Americanism will send a post to pending. Also any links will go to pending. We allow links here from our trusted posters.

    4. You would have to be very naive to believe that anti-semitism is not dressed up as anti-Zionism. A peacefully established Israel would still have the guilty foaming at the mouth.

      1. This is why it is crucial that they are kept distinct from each other, and that this distinction is well understood. At no time should disapproval for blanket bombardment of Gaza and the extermination of its citizens warrant the killing of Jews in general.

        Precisely the opposition of blurring the distinction favoured by the IHRA and much of the Establishment, including those who push dissidents out of politics, as done by the current British Leader of the Opposition.

        1. Why not just say you’re an anti-Zionist instead of engaging in quasi-academic and circumlocutory verbal gymnastics?

          1. Because I refuse to be categorised by anyone, least of by those ignorant and prejudiced.

  20. As if we don’t have enough problems with invaders !!

    Is Britain ready for an invasion of giant Asian hornets? Pest killers battling plague of predators on the Channel Island of Guernsey warn they could overwhelm UK if authorities don’t act
    EXCLUSIVE: 74 confirmed sightings in UK since 2016 – including 69 nests
    Now bug hunters in Guernsey say the aggressive insects pose real threat to UK .

  21. Anger as Irish students gather in pro-Palestine demonstration and shout IRA slogan
    MP Bob Blackman condemns group action as ‘completely inappropriate’ and calls for teachers to take responsibility
    A school in Belfast has faced backlash after pupils staged a “completely inappropriate” lunchtime protest in support of Palestine and repeated IRA slogans.

    Photographs shared and later deleted by Coláiste Feirste school on Twitter showed a group of at least 50 students demonstrating in the playground with teachers appearing to monitor them.

    The organiser of the protest, sixth former Pádraig de Brún, addressed the demonstration and ended his speech by quoting IRA hunger striker Bobby Sands: “Our revenge will be the laughter of our children”.

    In a post that remains on their Twitter page, the school said: “Some students organised a demonstration for the rights and justice of Palestine yesterday, showing the big and generous heart they have and their commitment to the people around the world.”

    The Irish-medium secondary school faces calls to take action and to “educate their pupils” on the atrocities taking place in Israel following the demonstration.
    In a written statement provided by the school to The Telegraph, Mr de Brún said he was aware of “some of the similarities” between the Israel-Palestine conflict and “here in the north”.

    He said: “On Wednesday, I organised a peaceful protest in solidarity with the people of Palestine. Having a keen interest in politics and studying A-Level History, I am aware of some of the similarities to the conflict here in the north. I spoke to my fellow students and briefly explained some of the background of the region. This protest was not an endorsement of Hamas or any other political organisation, but merely to highlight the ongoing plight of these people.”

    Speaking of his choice to quote Sands, he said: “My interpretation of that quote is that during times of conflict and hardship, it is our hope that love will prevail and that the laughter of our children will be heard once again as opposed to the suffering that children on both sides of this conflict have been subjected to.” [Nice wriggling there…]

    Bob Blackman, the MP for Harrow East and the chairman of the All Party Parliamentary Group on Israel, said teachers “should have prevented these demonstrations taking place”.

    Mr Blackman told The Telegraph: “It’s completely inappropriate for things like this to take place in schools full stop. It demonstrates the concern about what is being taught in schools and what opportunity there is to look… at the levels of premeditated violence towards civilians that obviously have taken place. The teachers have responsibility in this regard as well.”

    Mr Blackman also questioned whether students holding a demonstration in support of Israel following the terror attacks would have been handled similarly by teachers: “It would be interesting to see what would have happened if some children had come out and one was, or several were, waving Israeli flags and one was making a speech about the dreadful things that have happened. Would the teachers have intervened?”

    A spokesman for the Union of Jewish Students (UJS) said schools should be “inclusive environments with balance and impartiality at the centre of a well-rounded education”.

    They added: “To imply in any way that Hamas’ brutal terrorist onslaught against innocent civilians was laughable or positive is absolutely abhorrent and we call on the school to take action and educate their pupils on this atrocity.
    “We urge all schools to reach out to their Jewish students, or their local Jewish community, or UJS, and ensure they are equipped to handle these matters during these deeply challenging times.”

    Coláiste Feirste has been approached for comment.

    1. Ireland isn’t progressive or nice. Its leaders should be ashamed of themselves

      The country has failed to show full solidarity with Israel

      ZOE STRIMPEL • 15 October 2023 • 8:00am

      It is not uncommon for friendly folk to come up to me, especially in pubs after a few, and ask if I’m “one of us”, by which they mean Irish. It’s my red hair, green eyes, and accent, I guess. I always laugh but say absolutely not.

      Ireland might have reformed itself greatly in recent years, now self-identifying as one of the most progressive nations on earth (certainly, they think, when compared to Brexit Britain), but the truth is that the country’s politics still appear to be rotten.

      Last week, the EU shocked everyone by doing the right thing: demanding the suspension of all aid to the Palestinians to avoid funding more terror against Israel. But there was immediate pushback from several countries, with the most vociferous seeming to come from Ireland. The EU was forced to backtrack.

      Anyone who has seen the Republican murals in Belfast will know just how dear to the IRA terrorists was the Palestinian “cause” – specifically its civilian-targeting, bomb-happy “freedom fighting”. The links were tight indeed: the 1970s saw the Palestine Liberation Organisation sending massive arms shipments to the IRA, while IRA volunteers attended training camps in the Middle East. Ireland remained neutral during the Second World War, meanwhile, and Eamon de Valera even sent condolences on Hitler’s death in 1945 when everyone knew what had just happened.

      But are the sympathies limited to the extremists? The Irish Government has been tentative in its support for Israel since the Hamas attacks, and has parroted many of the same arguments as the UN on Gaza. And so, for me, I cannot join in the general celebration of Ireland as altogether nice and reformed. Rather, its leaders should be ashamed of themselves.

    2. They do not appear to be “Irish students”. They appear to be “Northern Irish” students, or, even, “British” students.

    1. I once had to sort out a French lawyer who’d flown in for a meeting in Northampton. He said he’d tried a few taxis in Southampton and for some reason they were just laughing at him instead of taking him to the meeting…

    2. Then of course we frequently get people flying into Sydney Nova Scotia and being surprised that they cannot see the Sydney Harbour bridge.

      That inexpensive ticket to Sydney did not include crossing the Pacific.

      1. When I was in AFCENT, Maastricht, the RSM’s wife was going on a families’ welfare course at the Padre’s centre in Lübbecke . Took a train with a travel warrant and ended up in the Baltic port of Lübeck, some 140 miles distant. Not the first to make the same mistake in the history of BAOR.

    3. I know of someone in Britain who was invited on a day trip, by boat, to Poole Harbour. She seriously asked about bringing a passport. (‘you know where I mean, the Japs bombed it’)

      1. I was working with a bloke in 1998 who was a bit short on international affairs. he had seen something in the news about nuclear waste from Georgia being sent to Sellafield. “Why can’t the Yanks sort out their own stuff?”

        When Jordan is in the Middle East news, I wonder how many people think on some big breasted bimbo?

    4. I boarded a BA flight from Heathrow to Washington DC. After taxiing to the end of the runway before take-off, the pilot announced to the passengers something like “Welcome to BA flight 123 from Heathrow to Dulles Airport (the international airport for DC)”. This caused considerable commotion from a passenger who was expecting to fly to Dallas!

    1. Just flicking through the hotel’s TV channels. Caught headline on Al-Beeb (World News): nearly 1m people displaced in Gaza.

      Funny, that. If your Government launches a genocidal attack on your neighbour, you might expect a reaction from your neighbour.

      1. No, Fraser Nelson is not stupid. However he is married to a Swedish lady and they have children, and a summer home in Sweden; there are several RoP gangsters living in Sweden, and it is easy to find an address. So who would ever risk being cancelled with extreme prejudice for having criticised immigration by diabolical hordes?

  22. Just checked Today’s Deals on Amazon.

    First item under DIY tools:

    GQ GMC300Eplus Fulfill Digital Geiger Counter NULCEAR Radiation Detector Monitor Meter Dosimeter Beta Gamma X-ray Datalogger Recorder Real-time monitoring, private home use All purpose, wall charger.

    What do they know…..

    1. About 60 years ago I qualified as a *Nuclear War Radiological Ground Survey Team Leader. I never had to employ my expertise – it may come in handy if things get out of hand.

      *Longest title of all the many courses I was obliged to take in 22+ years in the military.

          1. If, you survived the *MAD moment

            *Mutually Assured Destruction, which made the world safe in a far betterway than Ban the Bombers

        1. And I was qualified and authorised to deliver larger versions of WE177 deep into Warsaw Pact territory. I wasn’t called upon either.

  23. Picked the van up. Was surprised to see the amount of frost on DT’s car before we left.
    Still hobbling about with a sore right foot, no idea what’s caused it and no, I was not that pissed when I walked back up home from Cromford yesterday evening!
    Must admit though, I was on my feet continually from leaving home at 11:10 to sitting down in the pub after clearing up from the event at 17:00.

  24. Good morning.
    The King, who promised not to interfere in politics, is apparently imposing his own ESG tyranny upon companies that want to have the Royal Warrant according to the Mail.

    1. The imposition of standards can be greatly beneficial, or it can be an imposition of tyranny, depending on what these standards are, whether one agrees with them, and whether they actually do any good.

      I would resist any set of standards reliant on compliance with things such as Gender Inclusion, Critical Race Theory, and have great reservations over a number of EU directives and trade impositions from America that have more to do with commercial advantage than public good. More controversially, I do not accept the IHRA definition of “antisemitism” which should, I feel, exclude criticism of the Israeli Government. As regards Net Zero, I approve in principle of tackling the impending climate catastrophe, but do not feel they are going about it the right way. I also opposed “Safeguarding” which I feel to be a very nasty form of suspicion mongering coming from America that makes isolated enemies of all of us and far from protecting children, it denies them most benign engagement with their culture, which is dying as I write.

      I do trust the King’s judgement as to what is good and what is bad when setting standards, and support his right to give the Royal Warrant to anyone he sees fit to, for whatever reason he wishes.

      1. In the past, the Royal Warrant was a guarantee of high quality products from a stable company. Now it’s just another scheme pushing the climate fraud and Agenda 2021. When you realise that CO2 forms 0.04% of the earth’s atmosphere, it is easier to see how ludicrous the pantomime actually is.

        1. No it wasn’t. A Royal Warrant merely says that a product or a service has royal approval, nothing else.

          Prospective customers can read into it what they will. There are plenty of other standards organisations that better reflect the quality of a product, and the old label “Established ****” gives a fair indication how stable a company is.

          1. When HM gave her approval, it meant stability and high quality. From now on, it will clearly means something very different.

          2. Possibly yes, possibly no. Charles’s approval might also mean stability and high quality, and I look forward to what transpires, rather than prejudging the man according to the words of those who dislike him and what he feels dear.

  25. 377680+ up ticks,

    A revival of or renewed interest in something, in England sadly lost such as self respect, patriotism,etc,etc, a need for Democracy in honest form not as the political overseers view it.

    A British renaissance is not just possible – it’s necessary
    Immigration is too high, economic growth is too low. While deep-rooted problems, they are far from unsolvable

    An English renaissance is not just possible – it’s necessary
    mass Immigration is morally wrong & too high, economic growth is too low. While deep-rooted problems, they are far from unsolvable, but NOT POSSIBLE all the while, as currently you have the tribal, family tree,party before Country, criminally insane lab/lib/con supporting voters.

    1. Aren’t the street protests in support of Hamas a heaven-sent opportunity to do as Douglas Murray says and start deporting them?

      1. 377680+ up ticks,

        Afternoon FM,

        You would have thought so, but then you run the risk of upsetting the current mass importation party, the lab/lib/con coalition , its members & voters.

  26. I experienced a blast from the past just now, leaving me with the dread feeling of the ethereal and fleeting nature of show business. What inspires to such excitement is, after the show is ended, already a memory of the past to be buried in time and is no more.

    Last night, I sang a version of a song from Shakespeare’s ‘Measure for Measure’ I performed myself on a score of occasions on the now-demolished-and-rebuit stage of the Royal Shakespeare Theatre in Stratford-on-Avon. Today, they were showing a 1950s film of Richard III, where I also featured in Stratford, playing the young King Edward V. I see that many of my lines were cut whenI was given them, and feel somewhat cheated, even though my employer at the time had every right to do so, in order to keep the show down to a certain length, or perhaps because I was regarded, as a novice, as not much of a draw compared to the famous names in the company.

    I never knew what became of my stage-brother Alastair Mackenzie (born in 1959), who had already been in two feature films before joining me on stage, including one with Roger Moore ‘The Man Who Haunted Himself’ and the title role in ‘David Copperfield’. He then vanished, to the point of a Scottish namesake actor, born in 1970 took a major role in a BBC drama ‘Monarch of the Glen’ without his name being challenged by rules in the profession that no two actors should bear the same name.

    On 12th December 1970, when the season ended, the bottom fell out of my world, and I have never worked since in the professional theatre. I decided against the contant peril of actor’s career, facing the whims of fate, putting the right face in the right place at the right time, and otherwise facing the torment of “resting” – a relentess and soul destroying cycle of finding a role, researching it, preparing, learning lines and building up an intimate understanding of a character in order to sell oneself at audition, only then to be rejected with a cursory “We’ll let you know. Next!”.

    That torment never goes away, and makes me feel a deep sympathy with the unemployed, and an intense loathing of those who carry on about “dole scroungers”.

  27. Has anyone noticed that any mention on FB of self combustion in EV’s usually ends up in a blazing row?
    Some say that there is no smoke without fire and others have seen sparks fly while some try to create a smokescreen and pour cold water on the theory

    1. 377680+ up ticks,

      Afternoon B3,

      Hells fire bob, leave it off, great balls bob your in a fire’y mood.

    2. To stop a petrol car from getting too hot and catching fire you can take the lead out of it.
      To stop a diesel car from catching fire through engine runaway you can run it on biofuel and leave the particulates in it.
      To stop a BEV from catching fire you can stop charging it before the battery reaches thermal runaway.
      To stop an HEV from catching fire you must stop the engine before it reaches the traction battery’s thermal runaway temperature.
      To stop a PHEV from catching fire you need to know why ICE, BEV and HEVs catch fire.

  28. Just been out to get some more kindling. Bright sun but VERY cold. Stove been on since 10 am.

  29. 377680+ up ticks,

    Think on, at this moment in time IMHO we would be within our rights quoting on health & safety grounds, to ask, sternly but nicely, those pro Hamas marchers in London to leave these Isles.

    Because our current voting pattern dictates that eventually, in a short space of time THEY will be in the position of ordering us to leave, with our heads, in a very forceful manner, OR ELSE.

  30. The consequences of invading and smashing Gaza to smithereens is that that the wrath of Allah will descend on Israel and we know it will be worse than anything ever envisaged .. for ever .

    Principles are fine , and the moral judgement and support we show towards Israel needs to be tempered slightly , we do need to support them , but aren’t they also showing deeply malevolent tendencies by smashing their Arab cousins to bits , and thus unsettling the WHOLE off the Muslim world .. which of course includes Bradford , Rochdale , Bristol, London , Sheffield , Blackburn, Luton , and huge parts of the United Kingdom.

    1. There is no malevolence involved Belle. Just a realistic assessment of what must be done. The Israelis will not go out of their way to harm ordinary Palestinians, but given the nature of the enemy there will be plenty of death but you can blame Hamas for that. If the Israelis are defeated you will see the whole of Israel turned into a slaughter house. That is why they have gone full throttle in this situation.

        1. Hamas knew they would retaliate – but it’s hard to believe that Mossad didn’t see the attack coming.

        2. It is a trap, there has always been a trap. The trap is when the Israelis allowed the Palestinians to live on Israeli land instead of insisting that they go to Jordan. After all that is why Jordan was created, to be the Palestinian homeland. The trap was the soft heart of Israel when it should have been a hardened heart.

    2. 377680+ up ticks,

      Afternoon TB,

      Much of which is of our own making via lethargy, tribal voting, party before Country,
      This “unsettling” is on the cards as the end game fight or flight, shite or bust.

      1. 377680+ up ticks,


        Lest we forget,

        First they came for the Jews, then they came for the bacon buttie eaters.

  31. Israeli jets hit Hizbollah targets in Lebanon. 15 October 2023.

    Israeli fighter jets are striking Hizbollah military infrastructure in Lebanon as tensions rise along the border.

    The Israeli Army reported on Sunday afternoon that soldiers are being shot at from inside Lebanon and they are “responding with live fire”.

    Even if true shots across the northern border would be neither unusual nor a threat. It looks like a provocation. Israel has obviously decided to take care of all business while they are fully mobilised. There will shortly be two US carrier groups on station to support them. Time to stir up Hizbollah and then attack Iran when it responds.

    1. MRD award of the year, if not the decade!

      Hotel in Doha confirms Hamas leader is not staying at premises
      Four Seasons Hotel in Doha has confirmed that the leader of Hamas is not staying at its hotel in Qatar’s capital from where the leaders run their terrorist operation.

      The hotel’s announcement comes after a journalist mocked Ismail Haniyeh for saying that Palestinians are deeply rooted in their land and will not leave Gaza despite facing a countdown by Israeli forces to “leave or face death” in the coming days.

      Footage has shown Haniyeh, 61, and 12 of his henchmen smiling from the comfort of his air-conditioned Doha office celebrating the slaughter of Israelis.

      1. We mitre done better in the archpillock department had Cameron, the chooser, not been an ardent atheist. As it is it’s a load of old cassocks.

  32. This “Barnsley” man is in reality an Algerian and a convicted rapist of young girls, literally children.

    Now, rather than criticise him severely I’d have had his meat and two veg lopped off sans anaesthesia: pour encourager and all that. Sadly, people are becoming far too soft and shouty words just don’t cut it at the moment but a slightly blunt axe will, but maybe not with the first blow.


    The highly sensitive nose of a spaniel is used to detect bombs, drugs, cancer, high blood sugar levels and even Covid but now experts are using the potent smell of the canine to fight bedbugs.

    Pest control experts are using dogs to help find bedbugs in
    hotel rooms and homes. The blood-sucking insects are on the rise and
    have reportedly been taking over public transport in Paris.

    1. 377680+ up ticks,

      Evening N,
      They would have a field day in the westminster area, “blood sucking insects”

    2. I saw three American teenagers who refused to sit down on the tube this morning because, “We’re like, terrified” of bed bugs. Twerps.

          1. Of course none of the slammers – shouting “Death to Jews” – “Cut their heads off” etc etc was even told off by the plod – let alone arrested.

          1. Whereas pro Palestinian baby murderers can look at Jews in a Nazi way without retribution?

          2. Of course. What planet are you living on?

            Nothing must ever be done to upset slammers. That is now enshrined in the sytem.

          3. Still, console yourself that you will be dead when they start to behead your great grandchildren, all for the sake of a “peaceful” universal caliphate.

    1. I was watching the cricket as well. Not a close match. So I was relieved we won the rugby. England better than of late.

  34. Meanwhile, out in the Land Of The Raj, England’s cricketers distinguished themselves today by losing to Afghanistan in the World Cup.

    There’s a long way to go in the group stage but two defeats in the three games played and all but one of the big teams to come means they’ll do well to qualify for the semi-finals, especially with their relative run-rate already negative.

  35. That’s me gone after this cold (though sunny) day. Really cold. Stove on all day.

    Have jolly evening

    A demain.

      1. I’m taking two hot water bottles – the dogs can double up in the same bed if they’re cold (I found them both asleep in the smaller of the two beds the other day).

  36. It appears that Oberstleutnant is hereabouts.

    1 Did he he win?
    2 Did he shoot his mouth off?
    3 If he shot his mouth off did he do it to himself?
    4 If his mouth was shot off did someone else shoot him?
    5 I hope he enjoyed his day blasting off…

        1. Cheeky bugger.
          We did the cleaning.
          Confession: There were only three of us… I came last (as predicted). Firstborn came first! Howway the lad!

    1. I am so glad I haven’t had any vaccines for decades. Thank you for posting this.

      Edit: For many years I have thought that if a sinister power wished to injure people, then a vaccine would be the way to do it as it bypasses the body’s first defences; it is a full dose taken entirely on trust that no deliberate harm will be done.

          1. They? apart from going with my OH, I haven’t needed to visit our surgery since 2019, when I had shingles.

      1. Chatting with fellow servers in church this morning I said that I’m pretty sure it was the polio vaccine that gave me psoriasis and one of the guys, who’s only twenty something, said, “Oh, I got psoriasis after the covid vaccine”. It’s a manageable condition so far from the worst that can happen but he was very matter of fact about it and is still pro vaccine.

        1. Appointed to the position by a British Liberal, Viscount Samuel, himself of Jewish background, even though Husseini had been convicted of incitement to riot.

        2. I remember my mum telling me tha Hitler had muslim divisions and that even the gestapo were astonished by the cruelty they meted out.

      1. There was a bit of sporadic activity on the North West Frontier between Iran (or was it still Persia then?) and India when the Persians tried to create a distraction during the early ’40s.

  37. A close run thing on Wordle.

    Wordle 848 5/6


    1. Par four but it was close – my first two guesses for word four were wrong. I ummed and ahhed and changed my mind.

      Wordle 848 4/6


    2. I had exactly the same result, molamola, which is amazing since I was only shown how to play it on Friday. But, as yet, I have no idea how to show it on this site, i.e. to move the result from my iPhone to my iMac.

  38. Busy day again. I’m putting my feet up with a glass of tonight’s winners Shiraz. From
    Stellenbosch. Kleine Zalze

      1. Ours was chicken. roasted, with roasted peppers, courgettes, tomato, new potato, broccoli. Starter was smoked salmon and prawns, pud is choclate mousse with raspberries. Eating that now.

  39. The RWC match has started superbly.
    Much more entertaining than the Anglo-bore-into-them-athon

        1. My siblings, family and in-laws will be supporting SA..

          I am actually supporting France 🤣🤣

          Moh is indifferent to rugby.. he is a football disciple .

    1. They select for quality not quantity, it’s a great pity that everything isn’t the same

  40. A bit of a nothing day today. Hobbling round the house getting the main meal cooked, chicken breasts, cauliflower cheese & potato wedges and, when getting the apple juice I squeezed yesterday pasteurised, I learned a useful lesson that PET plastics shrink when heated!
    I’d put the juice into small plastic bottles and tried standing them in a pan of water on the stove to get them up to 70°C only to find the juice began overflowing the bottles despite having a reasonable amount of air-space!

    And, before I head up for an early night, a couple of photos from yesterday:-

    G’night all.

  41. Half time. Phew. What a match! will ze Froggies capitalise on the yellow card for Etzebeth?

    1. The quarter-finals have more than made up for the mostly one-sided dross of the pool stages.

  42. For me, the match this evening is sport at its best
    Skilful, committed, few deliberate fouls, good sportsmanship.
    Worthy to be the final.
    Let’s hope the rest of the competition is as good.

    1. I find the exaggerated arm and wrist movements off putting and suppose this comes with celebrity status in the web world we live in. I also feel the tinkly sounds of the Steinway played at speed at odds with the sound of the more mellow instruments on which Chopin composed and performed his music viz. Broadwood.

      Doubtless a brilliant keyboard pianist but there has to be something else. Martha Argerich has this quality.

  43. Here’s one for you.
    Yesterday evening, I went out for dinner with SWMBO & Firstborn, at Firstborns’s local restaurant (run by a French chef and his Norwegian lady, also a trained chef from France), and whilst the food was both excellent and beautifully prepared as usual, my attention was caugght by a family group across the dining room. Norwegians, one set of grandparents, one set of parents, and the loveliest pair of two small, blonde, beautifully behaved (grand) daughters. I’d love a pair of little grand-daughters like that, but it seems it’s put on hold – neither of t’ lads is in a relationship, so… I’m not holding my breath.

    1. I have no grandchildren, my sons are single and the younger one will be 50 this December, but the way the world is heading, who would wish young people to have to live through wars etc. We’ve been lucky to have the best years.

      1. I don’t even have any children. Not that I’m bothered, really, because the way the world is going I’d fear for their future.

    2. We have three wonderful grandchildren two girls aged 21 and 19 and a grandson aged 20. All three at university studying good subjects.

      1. Lucky man, Alf t G
        These two little girls must have been 5 and 6 or so. Very well behaved. A real credit to their parents and grandparents.

    3. We’re still waiting too.
      T’Lad has stated he does not want children.
      Dr. Daughter is too busy with her career.
      Still @ Home is out with his mates to bother getting involved.
      Graduate Son is still stirring his tea with it.

    1. I agree and it must be very frustrating for the backs and wide players to see open play confined to a sort of barging contest on the try line.

      I also find it odd that the game insists on continually kicking away possession. It is as though the players are stupid but with a death wish.

      I found the flair of the French and South African running backs enthralling and very exciting. We too have very good players in England but in almost every match the forwards keep all possession leaving the backs appealing for the ball and kicking themselves for opportunity.

  44. Wow! Heartbreak for France. NZ v SA in the final? Nothing changes in world rugby power, does it?
    Neither France nor Ireland deserve to be out of the cup at this stage. They’re not even going to play for third place. A travesty. I can’t see England beating the ‘boks. They’ll do well to hold them to a 20 point margin.

    1. So close. It could have gone either way.
      I can’t see England 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁥󠁮󠁧󠁿 in the final.

    1. Johnny walked into class with a black eye.
      Teacher: what’s wrong?
      Johnny: my house is very small. Me, my mum and my dad sleep on the same bed.
      Every night, my dad asks, “Johnny are u sleeping?” Then I say No and he slaps my face and gives me a black eye.
      Teacher: tonight when your dad asks again, keep dead quiet and don’t answer.
      The following morning, Johnny comes back with a severe black eye again.
      Teacher: My goodness! Why the black eye again?
      Johnny: dad asked me again, Johnny are you sleeping? & I shut up and kept dead still. Then my dad and my mum started moving, you know, at the same time mum was breathing erratically, kicking her legs up frantically and squealing like a hyena on the bed.
      Then my dad asked my mum, “are you coming?”
      Mum said, “yes, I’m coming, are you coming too?”
      Dad answered, “yes.”
      They don’t usually go anywhere without me so I said, “wait for me, I’m coming too!”

  45. 377680+ up ticks,

    I was wondering what DW had said to create displeasure, I have just found his rather robust comment.

    My belated reply is good to hear from you DW and is such a robust manner.

    Regarding the electorate, lest we forget 48% of the electorate chose eu incarceration in preference to English freedom of spirit.

      1. 377714+ up ticks.

        Morning N,
        I do get a copy on notifications, and the original was aimed at me, on my behalf concealment was not necessary, david was having a bad day.

          1. 377724+ up ticks,

            Morning N,
            Could very well be a case of when in ones cups poop happens, no worries.

          2. 377724 + up ticks,

            In maybe being right gives me little satisfaction,being human we are all guilty of stupid actions without which life would become a major bore.

  46. Evening, all. Gone very cold here now. I was frozen in church despite wearing a thick woollen coat. I suspect the luvvies would love Israel just to lie down and die.

    1. I fear there isn’t enough suffering and gruseomness in just lying down and dying. I believe they want a result like an epic gladiator battle, with gore, severed limbs, guts and screaming. Just going away wouldn’t be enough.

      1. I think you’re right. It’s difficult for a Westerner (and a kuffar) to get into the mindset of muslims. They do not think as Christians (whether nominal or not) do.

  47. From recent exit polls it seems the Poles may have returned to the mad pro European policies of Donald Tusk. It is thought that a new coalition will continue their support for Ukraine where the existing ruling parties see this as a dead end.

    Support for Ukraine is worse than a dead end. It is predicted that Ukraine as a state is lost and will cease to exist as such given overwhelming Russian advances and progress in the war. Poland, Romania and Hungary will be left to fight over the rump of the present western Ukraine, all of whom will have some historic claim over the territory.

    It is remarkable that in two and a half years the Obama/Biden regime has managed to alienate almost all allies and unite almost every country formerly an adversary to US hegemony to aim for its destruction..

    No other administration could have brought Russia closer to India and China, Saudi Arabia closer to Iran and the demolition of everything previous administrations had sought to influence. Most of South America is now the enemy of the US.

    Some genius that Obama and his puppet Biden administration. Jesus wept.

  48. From recent exit polls it seems the Poles may have returned to the mad pro European policies of Donald Tusk. It is thought that a new coalition will continue their support for Ukraine where the existing ruling parties see this as a dead end.

    Support for Ukraine is worse than a dead end. It is predicted that Ukraine as a state is lost and will cease to exist as such given overwhelming Russian advances and progress in the war. Poland, Romania and Hungary will be left to fight over the rump of the present western Ukraine, all of whom will have some historic claim over the territory.

    It is remarkable that in two and a half years the Obama/Biden regime has managed to alienate almost all allies and unite almost every country formerly an adversary to US hegemony to aim for its destruction..

    No other administration could have brought Russia closer to India and China, Saudi Arabia closer to Iran and the demolition of everything previous administrations had sought to influence. Most of South America is now the enemy of the US.

    Some genius that Obama and his puppet Biden administration. Jesus wept.

  49. Only the wealthy countries are going green. All the developing countries, where the minerals and metals needed for the EV battery powered vehicles are excavated, such as Lithium mining, are far worse than any environmental degradation in our industrial history.

    Without oil and its thousands of derivatives, plastics and so on, you could not even build an EV vehicle nor insulate the electrical cables, plugs and sockets required to charge it. Without electrical power from gas, coal and delivered by turbines there would be no sustainable power grid.

    The greens are truly mad and those in our government pushing this nonsense need to be voted out and replaced by intelligent people.

    1. Morning cori. It’s the same with the “too many people” on the planet – the developed world is self-limiting reproduction. As to “… in our government … replaced by intelligent people” – not sure any are to be seen.

  50. Suella Braverman rows with Muslim leaders over anti-Israel chant

    Pro-Palestine march through central London featured slogans such as ‘From the river, to the sea, Palestine must be free’

    By Charles Hymas, HOME AFFAIRS EDITOR • 16 October 2023 • 6:00pm
    Pro-Palestine protestors took to the streets of central London on Saturday [CREDIT: Heathcliff O’Malley]

    The Muslim Council of Britain (MCB) has claimed the “From the river to the sea” chant is not anti-Semitic as it attacked the Home Secretary for suggesting it was.

    In a series of tweets, a spokesman for the MCB defended the chant “From the river to the sea, Palestine will be free” that was shouted by protesters at the weekend after Suella Braverman warned that it caused “alarm” to Jews and all “decent” people.

    Miqdaad Versi, the MCB’s spokesman, accused Mrs Braverman of “mischaracterising” the chant and “slurring” a peaceful demonstration in London following the Hamas terror attack on Israel as an “intimidating mob”. Some 30,000 people attended a march through central London, which featured chants including “From the river, to the sea, Palestine must be free”. Photographs showed some of those attending the demonstration wearing images of paragliders on their backs, in an echo of the tactics used by Hamas to infiltrate Israeli territory last weekend to massacre 1,300 people.

    The Telegraph revealed on Monday that senior MPs had criticised the police for being too slow to respond and crack down on displays by pro-Palestine protesters during the demonstration and intimidatory language, including the “From the river to the sea” chant.
    Miqdaad Versi of the MCB accused Suella Braverman of ‘mischaracterising’ the chant [CREDIT: S Meddle/ITV/Shutterstock]

    On Monday, Mrs Braverman tweeted that an “intimidating mob” marched through London chanting the “From the river to the sea” slogan, which, she said, was “widely understood as a demand for the destruction of Israel”.

    “Attempts to pretend otherwise are disingenuous,” she added. “It means the River Jordan and the Mediterranean Sea – the boundaries of Israel – and comes from the dark days when most Palestinian groups sought to eliminate Israel. It was dropped by mainstream organisations after Israel and the PLO made peace with the 1993 Oslo Accords.

    “The slogan was taken up by Islamists, including Hamas, and remains a staple of anti-Semitic discourse. To hear it shouted in public causes alarm not just to Jews but to all decent people. Those who promote hate on Britain’s streets should realise that our tolerance has limits.”

    However, Mr Versi tweeted: “The Home Secretary is treading on dangerous ground here. A peaceful demonstration is being slurred as “an intimidating mob” and a chant heard at the rally is being mischaracterised. This is not okay. Thread.”

    He maintained the weekend protest attended by as many as 30,000 people was “almost entirely peaceful” with “minimum” arrests. The Metropolitan Police reported 15 arrests, of which three had been charged with criminal offences and one issued with a penalty notice for disorder.

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