Sunday 23 October: The next PM must form a Cabinet that represents all wings of the Conservative Party

An unofficial place to discuss the Telegraph letters, established when the DT website turned off its comments facility (now reinstated, but we prefer ours),
Intelligent, polite, good-humoured debate is welcome, whether on or off topic. Differing opinions are encouraged, but rudeness or personal attacks on other posters will not be tolerated. Posts which – in the opinion of the moderators – make this a less than cordial environment, are likely to be removed, without prior warning.  Persistent offenders will be banned.

Today’s letters (visible only to DT subscribers) are here.

629 thoughts on “Sunday 23 October: The next PM must form a Cabinet that represents all wings of the Conservative Party

    1. 366506 + up ticks,
      Being one of the last of the Southern gentlemen I took a step back and allo…………..

    1. No ‘kudos’ to your appalling English though, “Ezra”!
      “The new premier of Alberta, Canada, is the first government in the world …”
      She’s a one-woman government is she?

      1. 366506+ up ticks,

        Morning G,
        I do find the same with the
        farage chap and , when many find him as Mr brexit and along with him abuse the membership body when they do acknowledge their existence that is.

  1. Anger in Germany’s industrial heartlands as Putin cuts off the gas. 23 October 2022.

    The problems in Saarland, one of the poorest and most manufacturing-heavy regions, highlight the issues facing Germany at large.
    While Berlin appears to have secured enough gas for the winter, the lasting loss of cheap energy has plunged the powerful industrial sector into crisis. It has also accelerated a painful structural shift across the economy that will force whole industries to reinvent themselves or become redundant.

    Germany imports nearly two-thirds of its energy. Before the invasion of Ukraine, 55pc of gas, around half of hard coal for steel production and a third of crude oil came from Russia.

    Moscow was even the fifth largest buyer of German goods outside the EU. As the world’s third largest exporter, more than two-fifths of Germany’s value generation comes from energy-intensive manufacturing and industry.

    Germany is “escaping” the Russians only to hand themselves over to the Americans who can charge them what they like for their shipped LNG. Since the cost of this will certainly be greater it will place them at an economic disadvantage with their competitors in the rest of the world. The Germans to give them credit knew this and explains their reluctance to join the exodus from Russian Gas. This was why the US sabotaged the Baltic pipelines.

    1. Some time ago the Press stated that the USA was selling LNG to the EU at double the price that the EU paid Russia.

      Anybody got a copy of the article(s)?

      1. Of course if it really were Vlad this is the pipeline he would have sabotaged, though it’s not beyond the bounds of possibility that the US will do this one as well!

  2. Morning all!

    Decoration undertaking completed, although I forgot to take photos 🤣. I have scuttled down the country and comfortably ensconced near Plymouth. New experience for me last night – sitting in my friends’ hot tub (sold to me as ‘a glorified paddling pool possibly filled with salmonella’ 🤣), rain dripping off an apple tree onto our shoulderd, G&Ts on tap. I could get used to this!

    PS to Conway – I had a few flakes of paint come off too, mostly on the outside wall. Irritating.

    1. Morning.
      Where the paint has flaked, dab it with PVA let it dry and touch it up with the paint.

  3. Morning all 🙂
    Oh it’s dark out there, as I looked out 15 minutes ago there was a flash of lightning and a distant rumble of thunder.
    And yes the next PM needs to sort things out and improve the ongoing service and reform the electorate expects. But I seriously don’t believe we have the sort of person on even close to that on the front benches. Someone who has that much respect for the people they expect to vote for them. There is now a make or break point between successful government or abject failure.

  4. 366506+ up ticks,

    Sunday 23 October: The next PM must form a Cabinet that represents all wings of the Conservative Party

    In reality reads as
    Sunday 23 October: The next PM must form a Cabinet that represents all wings of the Conservative Party and partners
    lab/lib /current ukip within the RESET coalition.
    Our march regarding destination brussels
    must continue unhindered from any distractions from the rabble.

    Spokeperson for the political elite.

  5. 366506+ up ticks,

    Sunday 23 October: The next PM must form a Cabinet that represents all wings of the Conservative Party

    In reality reads as
    Sunday 23 October: The next PM must form a Cabinet that represents all wings of the Conservative Party and partners
    lab/lib /current ukip within the RESET coalition.
    Our march regarding destination brussels
    must continue unhindered from any distractions from the rabble.

    Spokeperson for the political elite.

  6. Surprise, surprise.

    Quango that hands out £8bn a year failed to meet efficiency target and instead hired more staff.

    A quango that hands out £8 billion of taxpayers’ money a year has failed to achieve the “efficiencies” it was set up to oversee – instead ballooning by a fifth since its creation, an official review has found.

    The number of directors at UKRI, the government body responsible for funding research and innovation, has increased by 50 per cent in the last four years, despite the body being set up in 2018 to “deliver a step-change in administrative efficiency”.

    A government-commissioned review concluded that “inefficiencies” at UKRI appeared in “different but connected ways”, with “the most visible evidence…seen in increased staff and headcount levels”.

    The Sunday Telegraph understands that UKRI is being lined up as a potential target for cuts after the Government said it had embarked on “a drive to trim fat” off public spending, to help balance the books following the scrapping of the National Insurance increase and rollout of a vast energy bills rescue package.

    UKRI was set up in April 2018 by Greg Clark, the then business secretary, to bring together major research bodies including the Arts and Humanities Research Council and the Medical Research Council. One of its formal “strategic objectives” was to “deliver a step-change in administrative efficiency, including through combining corporate functions”.

    But a review by Sir David Grant, a former vice-chancellor of Cardiff University, found that, by the 2020/21 financial year, there had been a 21 per cent increase in the number of full-time equivalent staff (FTE) since the quango’s creation.

    The report added: “More striking is the increase in FTE in the Corporate Hub of UKRI over the same period. The Corporate Hub is responsible for finance, operations, human resources, communications, strategy and performance.

    “Most of the initial complement of 840 staff in the Corporate Hub in 2018/19 were relocated from the councils, but subsequently, there has been a 55 per cent growth in FTE in the three years to FY2020/21 and the average cost of Corporate Hub OpEx is higher than that of most councils.”

    Increase in directors and senior managers
    UKRI’s annual accounts show that the number of directors at the body has risen from 91 in 2018 to 136 by the 2021/22 financial year, while the number of senior managers increased from 428 to 544.

    The report continued: “Contributions to the review highlighted that, in some cases, roles that moved to the hub were backfilled within the councils resulting in duplication of functions. It appears that within UKRI, there is no collective view on the effectiveness of the shared functions.

    “The one exception is in finance where there is a consistent view that the function works more effectively than in the previously separate organisations, even though financial processes have not been fully harmonised.”

    Sir David’s report was submitted to Kwasi Kwarteng, the then business secretary, in July. Mr Kwarteng emailed Sir David describing the document as “a comprehensive and thorough assessment” and adding: “You rightly recognise the importance of accelerating UKRI’s programme to harmonise and integrate the operations of its constituent councils, maximising the benefits of being a single organisation…

    “This is an opportunity for UKRI to create a robust and agile operating model fit for a future where we will be continuing to grow the investment in R&D right across the country.”

    Responding to the report in July, Dame Ottoline Leyser, UKRI’s chief executive, said a five-year strategy drawn up by the body in March showed its “clear ambition to be more effective, more efficient and to work in new and different ways to realise our full potential”.

    She added: “I warmly welcome the momentum that Sir David’s timely review adds to these efforts. His expert advice and careful recommendations will help us continue to strengthen UKRI in our work to fuel the UK’s outstanding research and innovation system.”

    A UKRI spokesman added: “We will capitalise on new ways of working and on major transformation of our data systems to reduce our business-as-usual operational expenditure from £291 million in 2022 to 2023 to £220 million by 2024 to 2025.”

    1. Too full of self-pity. They’re taking one possible scenario, where the father is not at all to blame, and blowing it up as though it represents every divorce.

  7. Beginning to think that this race for the leadership is just another scripted false flag to entertain the public.
    It’s already been decided.

    1. Course it is. Pure theatre, done vert badly. My money’s on Sunak – he had a very sympathetic role (handing out free money) in Act I.

      1. As I said yesterday., is there still time for Liz Truss to throw her hat into the ring?

      2. I completely agree, ATD; done vert badly because they are all very green! 😉

        [Ducks to avoid flying missiles!]

  8. 3366506+ up ticks,

    May one say,
    Listening to these “gift of the gab” merchants has had serious damaging consequences, the likes of johnson, farage have taken actions NOT beneficial to the peoples or nation.

    Both carriers of some very dubious baggage.

    In the case of johnson his father & his Mrs.

    Once again the party first brigade will accept him back.

    1. Not as bad as Tony Blair, the stinking turd in the shitpan that will just NOT flush away.

    1. 366506+ up ticks.


      It’s rendering of “March of the Toreadors” was both bruising to the ears & the willy.

        1. Charlie used to climb on my shoulders if it thundered or there were fireworks. He only stopped doing that when he went deaf.

      1. We must have owned some rock hard dogs; thunder, fireworks …. no worries.
        Change round the cushions, however…….

      2. The Springer. coming from a long line of gun dogs, is not bothered by thunder, fireworks or any other loud noise.

  9. Good morning all and what an absolutely grotty start to the day. VERY dull with a mild 9°C outside, but with heavy rain likely to last most of the day.
    I think I might go back to bed and hibernate!

    1. For some reason, whenever these dark grey mornings happen, my mind comes up with the title of Arthur Koestler’s book ‘Darkness at noon’. Not a book I have ever read, possibly it was around and trendy when I was a sixth former. The mind, well mine, is very odd…

    Elephant calves walk after a feeding routine at Reteti elephant sanctuary in Samburu, Kenya. The sanctuary has been overwhelmed with rescue operations and an influx of orphaned and abandoned calves due to a drought. Parched lands and dry wells have led to many baby elephants losing their mothers or being abandoned. East Africa’s worst drought in 40 years is starving wildlife of its usual food and water sources and increasing human-wildlife conflict

    1. It reminds me of almost 7 years ago at the zoo in Perth WA. We watched around ten elephants following the keeper connected trunk and tail. Lovely memory. Then the sleeping dingos.

      1. There was a circus owner who was transferring some elephants like that and he crossed over a level crossing. Unfortunately he was nearly over when a train came and hit the last one. He was distraught and a passer by said don’t worry too much it was only the one elephant, the owner said ‘”yes, one dead but the arses have been ripped out of all the others”

          1. A couple of years ago their future was under threat. The constant rain effected their breeding.
            It was too wet to woo.

      1. £66506+ up ticks,

        Morning R,

        You been at the sauce this early ?

        The cranes have perfect formation on station

        Whereas the cons
        have another high hill, along with farage to climb.

      2. Looks a bit too organised to be conservatives.

        Could you get a flock of headless chickens?

      1. Just forming up, Grizz, for a flight south, passing over Hungary a week or so later…

      1. Believe they take turns, as the leader has more work in flying than the others. The shape of the Vee is such that the effect of turbulence from the bird in front marginally reduces the effort of the bird just behind, but the leader doesn’t get that.

  11. I made it back, over two hours extra sleep, back again from my early start. Well it is Sunday after all.

  12. To the title.
    The Telegraph has a gift for annoying me.

    One of the things that paralised Johnson is that as mayor he could let the people he hired run things whereas as PM he had to have representatives from each of the Tory factions.
    So instead of worrying about the wings of the Tory Party, how about representing the nation and our interests?
    The unrepresented wings will shut up and take whatever they don’t like because they don’t want their UB40s.

    Quel temps de canards. – weather of ducks, in SE London.
    But we have friends visiting our house in Auvergne and it seems to be quite balmy there.

      1. The names of their companies are not very complimentary when allied to their names with no explanation.

  13. Unseen and underhand: Putin’s hidden hybrid war is trying to break Europe’s heart. 23 October 2022.

    Russian non-military hybrid warfare takes many forms, all with an identical aim: the execution of “active measures” to harm, confuse, frighten, enfeeble and divide target states while maintaining plausible deniability. Thus the EU and US strongly suspect Putin ordered the Nord Stream sabotage as part of his undeclared energy war on Europe. But he denies it, and they have produced no proof.

    Yes of course they did along with shelling themselves at the at the Zaporizhzhia Nuclear Power Plant and blowing up their own bridge in Crimea. One wonders if the Ukies are actually doing anything? Nevertheless this paragraph does tell us something that is borne out by the rest of the MSM. It is verboten to attribute the attack to the USA. The reasons for this are not mysterious. It is political dynamite. The German people and indeed all Europeans might begin to wonder just who were the bad guys? One would not be at all surprised to find there was D Notice on it even in the UK.! I have only read one article that purported to enquire into the truth and even that lumped the USA and EU together which in effect absolved them since the perpetrator whoever they may be must have acted unilaterally. Only the United States; as the world’s sole Superpower, has the means to do that!

    1. Not to mention that US gas producers are coining it in. US politics is seldom far from US business. See the banana row and US sanctions on cashmere from Scotland and Italy. See the US actions after Lockerbie and oil deals. See the crushing financial extortion on BP for the Deepwater Horizon oil spill. (As far as I am aware the physical operators were Halliburton and Transocean.)

  14. Poll on vaxx regrets (or lack thereof) from Australia

    “More than half of respondents either said they regret getting vaccinated, or were unvaccinated and happy with their decision.

    Only 35 per cent out of more than 45,000 people said they were vaccinated and would make the same decision again.

    Not a single person said they were unvaccinated and regret the decision.”

  15. Poll on vaxx regrets (or lack thereof) from Australia

    “More than half of respondents either said they regret getting vaccinated, or were unvaccinated and happy with their decision.

    Only 35 per cent out of more than 45,000 people said they were vaccinated and would make the same decision again.

    Not a single person said they were unvaccinated and regret the decision.”

    1. Just to remind the doubters:
      “Wired magazine described the 77th Brigade as a “psychological operations unit responsible for ‘non-lethal’ warfare that reportedly uses Social Media to “control
      the narrative”, as well as disseminating UK government-friendly podcasts
      and videos”.”

    2. Centrist? There is no such thing. The economy either grows through markets or it ends. I think Mr Ellwood needs a short, sharp slap.

    1. Eh? I don’t think the Treasury did any such thing; the BoE bought billions of gilts out of thin air, which is what central banks do.

      1. I think Gold Telegraph is referring to this
        QE caused inflation, inflation meant they had to raise interest rates, the government now has to pay those raised interest rates to whoever holds the bonds – and as they have no money, of course they have to borrow it.
        GT is usually pretty reliable. Maneco64 is Italian I think, but he lives in England – he follows Austrian school economics rather than Keynesian – the snoring in the background is his dog, asleep on the sofa.

    2. Heard somewhere the BoE intervened to protect their pension fund. If that is true, ido hope there is an enquiry and heads roll.

  16. Good morrow, Gentlefolk. Today’s funny

    The Benefits Scrounger

    A young man with his jeans hanging half off, two gold front teeth, and a half inch thick gold chain around his neck; walked into the local Jobcentre office to pick up his cheque.

    He walked up to the counter and said, “Hi. You know, I just HATE drawing benefits. I’d really rather have a job. I don’t like taking advantage of the System, getting something for nothing.”
    The social worker behind the counter said, “Your timing is excellent. We’ve just got a job opening from a very wealthy old man who wants a chauffeur and bodyguard for his daughter.

    “You’ll have to drive his 2021 Mercedes-Benz CL, and he will supply your clothes. Because of the long hours, meals will be provided.

    “You’ll also be expected to escort the daughter on her overseas holiday trips. This is rather awkward to say, but you will also have, as part of your job, the assignment to satisfy her sexual urges as the daughter is in her mid-20’s and has a rather uninhibited sex drive.”
    The guy, just plain wide-eyed, said, “You’re bullshittin’ me!”

    The social worker said, “Yeah, well… You started it.”

  17. Good morning, all. Late on parade. Slight relapse – dagnabbit. I’ll try not to breathe my germs over you.

          1. I was walking by a river and saw a kingfisher recently. Well, actually, it was a flash of blue, which is the closest I ever get to seeing kingfishers!
            But the colour was unmistakeable.

      1. (Black-capped) Night Herons Nycticorax nycticorax, with Common Kingfishers Alcedo atthis. Could be anywhere in Eurasia.

      1. The MR is fine, thanks. The very thought of alcohol makes me shudder. Shows how bad it is!

        1. Blimey, that is serious.
          MB and I always find coffee is a big turn-off when we’re feeling poorly.

        1. Cheap to run then.
          Someone who lives close to us had a Lab that use to do that and he put a collar on her so he could zap her and stopped it happening.

          1. Dolly used to do it too. I talked her out of it. I wouldn’t use one of those collars on an animal.

          2. Me neither! Lyra, our daughters yellow Lab is very speedy towards the cat litter when she stays with us! She also eats sheep and hedgehog poo, and rolls in fox stuff! She’s really delightful!

          3. Poppie simply isn’t interested in anything that falls out of her bottom, or anything else’s bottom, although she will roll on/in pheasant poo given the chance.

          4. She is doing OK, thank you, Alec. She does a very good impression of a pathetic dog on the sofa, but when lunched hoved into sight she was off the sofa in a trice wagging her tail. But we’re not out of the woods yet… return visit to the vet tomorrow for a check up and investigation of her enlarged neck lymph glands (“let’s get the heart condition under control first!” said the vet…) to be followed by a blood test to make sure her kidneys are working ok because of the diuretics. The vet has us sussed out all right. Lawyers are in the wrong job…! Joking apart, I am amazed at how quickly Poppie has sprung back into life. Yesterday on her foreshortened walk she was straining on the leash to be after the squirrels, very alert for them. But the lymph glands do worry me.

          5. Yes, I’d be worried, too. When one of my dogs had enlarged lymph glands, he turned out to have squamous cell carcenoma. I hope it doesn’t turn into that for Poppie.

        1. Is he very smokey then? It’s probably not too late – it sounds quite similar to Harry!

        2. Harry is easier to say, dogs respond better to two syllable names ending in a ‘y’ sound. Apparently.

    1. Oh, wow. There’s cute, and then there’s mega, gold-plated cute.
      Mustn’t show that to Spartie; he’ll get jealous.

  18. Foul weather around dawn has now become sunny with breezy fluffy clouds. Might be time for walkies.

    1. I felt like that, but I did bestir myself to plant 40 daffs. I didn’t get anything that I’d planned to do today done.

      1. They will eat almost anything except I think citrus fruit.
        I spent a few weeks in the outback next to Narran Lakes, on three connected (totalling the size of Hertfordshire) family run sheep stations. Four mates on dirt (light weight motor bikes) bikes and rifles and two dogs to flush them out. We were shooting pigs that take newly born lambs.
        As we often passed the areas where we had left the dead pigs on the tracks a few days before there wasn’t much left of them. Sometimes a few bones and trotters.
        They, like many of Australia’s ‘wildlife’ species are not indigenous and carried diseases. They were introduced from the islands off the north coast. They resembled wild boar more than happy little pink or spotted porkers.

          1. I’ve never seen that on a menu 😉🐷🥦. But at my junior school a truck came everyday to pick up the school dinner left overs. And took it to the pig farm about 2 miles away.
            The farmers have been forced by the EU to feed the animals grain now.

        1. Sheep farmers in the north are reporting the same lamb-killing behaviour in the reintroduced wild boar. Rewilding? They should leave well alone.

          1. On BBC Country File about four years ago, leftie Reporter Top Heap was blaming the sheep attacks on domestic dogs and demanded they should all be on leads.
            I wrote to him at the bbc telling him that it was wild boar that had been introduced. He didn’t acknowledge my email. Funny that.
            I expect they’ll try few wolves next.
            They are daft enough.

    1. If only western countries would clear out the discredited political leaders that way.

      There again, you would be facing a minority government.

      1. We do. It’s just we put them on the speakers’ circuit so they can coin it in.

      2. I rather wish we took the better, adult approach of democracy – you know, the people deciding who should be in office.

      1. I read that he is further advanced than Biden. He should not have been brought into the meeting.

    2. You missed the footage when he was brought into the hall in a similar fashion. He had the same condition as Biden and in a more advanced state.

    1. “I looked over Jordan, and what did I see,
      Coming for to carry me home.
      A band of dangles coming after me,
      Coming for to carry me home….”

    1. It was mild here, too, once the rain stopped, of course, on the other side of the Mountains.

  19. India have just beaten Pakistan in their T20 match in Oz. Great finish, but will things kick off again in Bradford/Leicester etc?

    1. 90,000+ in the Melbourne Cricket Ground. All tickets sold within 5 minutes. 1,500,000 watching worldwide. Great game. Difficult umpiring calls. Plenty of excuses for a bit of Sunday afternoon aggro on the streets of Leicester.

          1. Don’t mind Hindus. The most dangerous they get is not wearing a crash helmet, and that’s their own daft fault.

          2. Sikhs had a hissy fit and banned a play that they didn’t like some years back. Threatened violence against the theatre and actors.

  20. Doctors outraged at NHS trust’s two-hour lesson on ‘gender unicorns’

    Medical staff received training on 11 different expressions, including the crudely named ‘genderf—’, leaked documents show

    By Ewan Somerville
    22 October 2022 • 5:15pm

    Amber Bee
    19 HRS AGO
    This “training” has led to a whole scam industry of “experts” making a lot of money for spouting made up rubbish. It is a scam, willingly paid for by every public and private institution in the West. We have collectively gone mad.

    Jonathan Close
    16 HRS AGO
    Reply to Amber Bee – view message
    I wouldn’t be at all surprised if it’s these “charities” pushing this and the directors personally receiving massive kick backs and referral fees. Ring public bodies stuffed full of impressionable, gullible left wing nutters that unfortunately have a blank chequebook in front of them and cash in.
    It’s clearly a gold mine for these people. The sums involved must be huge.

        1. Sometimes Biden sits and thinks. Sometimes he just sits.

          It is far, far better when he just sits.

  21. They are fighting Russia at China’s behest, they are all bought and paid for by China.

        1. Not sure who that was now Wibbers. The only person i feel might have the nonce to change the set-up is the ex army chief Ben Wallace. But he did work as a ski instructor in Austria for a bit, perhaps he might be too good at going downhill.

          1. My thoughts were that it’s Truss, to be honest. She was ousted by the blob who hate this country and want to destroy it to achieve their globallist agenda and the Tories themselves who were more interested in their own jobs – specifically the size and power of the state to guarantee publicity and power – rather than the country as a whole.

            It was two fingers up to the workers, the tryers, the doers, the earners who don’t want the state machine.

        2. I think Boris was only ever a red herring to persuade the country to accept Sunak or Mordaunt if they’re really bolshy.

          The campaign managers were hoping that people would rebel at the idea of Boris again. Gove used to specialise in this sort of red herring.

          1. I don’t ‘hate’ people generally, but I make an exception for Gove, rhyming slang and Hancock!

          2. I think it is not an exaggeration to hold Gove responsible for most of what is wrong with the Conservative party. He dominated Union politics absolutely and completely during his time at Oxford, and as far as I can see, he has never grown up and is still playing the same old games.

          3. He is a pathetic specimen of a man! I hate to say it but he is horribly unattractive, and I imagine him having clammy hands, flabby lips and bad breath!

          4. Will do Tom! We were down at our daughters yesterday near Biggar! I checked out your billet on Google earth! Very nice!

      1. Except Petty Officer Dormant, Sunak, Shitts, Rhyming Slang etc! BUT, I don’t want another dose of the Buffoon either. I’m sorry to see in the Telegaffe today that the usually reliable Allison Pearson is in favour of Dormant.

        1. I can understand Lord Frost not backing Johnson after Johnson undermined the attempt Fox made not to give way on Northern Ireland and not to surrender to Macron over EU fishing boats in UK waters.

          I would have liked to have seen David Frost as Conservative Party leader but I think the time has come for him to resign from the party and join Reform.

      2. Nobody in the Conservative Party is up to the job; we need a new party and a new prime minister BUT we do not need Starmer and Labour or Davey and the Lib/Dems.

        1. I was rather hoping that the ex general might have contacts out side of Parliament he could call in to ‘clean up’.

          1. He does seem to have a nasty side to him. That’s how some people become successful and take charge.
            It’s thoroughly dishonest. Typical politics. Horrible people.

      3. I agree, but who else is available that doesn’t fit your description? All those vying for the PM role were cast from the same mould.

        1. They all appear to be as bad as each other. Most of them probably don’t realise they are lying. The whole situation has become a fake fiasco that can’t be trusted.

  22. Channelling blackbox2:
    If you’re considering voting Conservative, please remember that last week+ a Mr Robert Halfon MP was briefly interviewed by the BBC and he referred to the actions of PM Truss and Chancellor Kwarteng as a “libertarian jihadist experiment”. Not sure how to construe that.

    1. Well, a Jihad is a religious war. Doens’t need to be Muslims even if they’re the usual culprits.

      I assume Halfon is suggesting that the Libertarians consider tax cutting as a religious crusade. The entire concept is an insult of what being a libertarian actually means.

    2. WTF? It’s practically the same!
      These are the poor quality MPs that were allowed into Parliament on Gove’s watch.
      We know that good right wing Conservative white men were barred – see Finchley, 2010 as an example.
      It’s especially significant that the most talented and stoutest Conservatives are women of colour (Braverman and Badenoch) – presumably they got in on the race ticket and were not perceived to be a threat.
      Tell me again, who are the racists in the room?

      Edit: sorry, was so incensed by the content that I missed the first line of your post!

  23. No royals’ will move into Windsor Castle for the foreseeable future while King Charles ‘will only use Buckingham Palace as an office during five-year £369m renovation’ ,

    Windsor Castle and Buckingham Palace are both set to stay empty, sources say
    Buckingham Palace is undergoing major renovations which will take five years
    Monarch and Queen Consort will likely continue to call Clarence House home

    £369m £369m £369m… What?

      1. Thanks Sue, Getting the old bits out without damaging the adjacent pieces was a problem, fitting the new bits was easy

          1. Yes, the upper piece was fitted first from the bottom then the lower bit slid in then both secured with galvanised nails

          2. There’s going to be only one solution: for us to drag them out of their ivory towers (parliaments).

          3. But, Mum, where’s the right-of-centre party to do it, unless, like me, you’fe fomenting a revolution?

            I’m not sure where the army would stand, in that sort of turmoil.

      1. Front view is up a tree lined drive to a single track road, the back view is this… the Torridon Mountains
        Here’s the views below

          1. I also own the croft land between me and that house and that extends to 13 acres around my bungalow

          2. No, they belong to my neighbour. I let him use the croftland (it has to be used) and I get favours like eggs and lamb in return

          3. Did you read this DT letter

            SIR – William Loneskie (Letters, October 16) draws attention to the threat to caravan makers posed by the Government’s policy to ban diesel and petrol cars without there yet being battery-powered alternatives approved for towing. He asks what other industries will be damaged by the ban. I can provide one answer from my own experience of livestock farming.

            I use a diesel-engine Land Rover for heavy lugging tasks around the farm – crucially for hauling my livestock trailers to market. When I meet fellow small and medium-size livestock farmers in the queue for an unloading bay at the market, I never see a battery-powered vehicle used to draw a trailer. The universal choice is a diesel-powered 4×4 utility vehicle, Land Rover or similar. There is no affordable battery-powered alternative. If we can’t get our lambs to market there will be no small or medium-size livestock rearing hereabouts – nor, I imagine, in other livestock rearing regions of Britain.

            I also have two diesel-engine tractors. They are affordable workhorses around the farm. A full tank of diesel will outlast a long morning’s work and they may be refuelled for a long afternoon’s work in no more time than it takes to snatch a sandwich and a flask of tea. There is no battery-powered tractor that can offer the same endurance and availability, nor is there any in prospect.

            I see no evidence that any of the green zealots in authority are interested or even aware of these threats to farming.

            John Branscombe
            Bushfield, Warwickshire

            We are paying over £1.91 per litre again.. all three of us have diesel cars .. it is 12 miles to anywhere apart from 6 miles to Wareham .

            Rural car owners are being hung out to dry, as are rural businesses.

          4. Yes Maggie I saw that, I can see problems up here and Queen Nicola doesn’t have the answers

          5. Not everywhere; here diesel is 187.9ppl. We have independents; they are all cheaper than the big brands.

          6. Firstborn has a similar arrangement. Graze your cattle on my land & run your snowplough over my drive.
            No accounting, taxes or VAT, either!

          7. As most places, I believe – a favour here, a favour there. Firstborn fixes someone’s pump, and there’s a return of whatever. Loan of a tipper trailer was the last. Makes the world go around, so it does.

      1. Presumably a bit of damp got in to untreated wood. I’m the second owner so wasn’t around when it was built

    1. Good to see the use of scaffolding and not a ladder – the latter has too many of the Bill Thomas-type accidents.

      1. Yes a ladder is out of the question for a job like this – I bought that scaffolding on Ebay about 10 years ago – best £400 I ever spent and it fits in the back of the car. Used regularly and also hired out for favours

          1. climb up the inside – there is part of the floor which is a trap door, once you are up you close the trap door.

    2. Looking good, Alec. Bill Thomas, eat your heart out…

      I have a small alloy platform from Wickes (no longer available).

      Father was a scaffolder, before he became a Safety Officer with Laing. He’d have been Group Chief Safety Ossifer had he not been wiped out in a RTA in Shap in early 1963, And my life would have been markedly different, growing up in North Lunnon rather than Carlisle. Not complaining. everything that I’ve achieved (admittedly not much) prolly wouldn’t have happened. And that includes this site…

      1. Thanks Geoff, sorry to hear about your Dad. Well this site is certainly a great achievement for which we all are grateful

        1. Much water has flowed under the bridge since 1963, Alec. I’m pretty happy with the way life turned out. But for that event, it would have been totally different…

  24. How Cold War II Could Turn Into World War III. Niall Ferguson. 23 October 2022.

    And here’s the key point. Sanctions on Russia, Sullivan declared, have “demonstrated that technology export controls can be more than just a preventative tool … they can be a new strategic asset in the U.S. and allied toolkit.” In other words, the US-led economic war against Russia is like a demo for China’s benefit: This is what we can do to you, too.

    The remarkable thing is that the US has not waited for China to invade Taiwan to go ahead and do it. New restrictions just imposed by the US limit the transfer of advanced graphics processor units to China. (These are chips used in AI applications in data centers.) Washington has also limited the use of US chips and expertise in Chinese supercomputers, and China’s imports of chipmaking technology.

    The aim is to impair Beijing’s ability to deploy artificial intelligence by driving up the cost of computing in China, whether for companies or the government. In short, the Biden administration aims to halt technological progress in China — rather in the way Trisolarans try to stunt Earth’s technological progress in Liu Cixin’s science-fiction novel The Three-Body Problem.

    As Edward Luce noted in the Financial Times, “The new restrictions are not confined to the export of high-end US semiconductor chips. They extend to any advanced chips made with US equipment. This incorporates almost every non-Chinese high-end exporter, whether based in Taiwan, South Korea or the Netherlands. The ban also extends to ‘US persons,’ which includes green card holders as well as US citizens.”

    The most extraordinary thing about these measures is how little comment they have elicited in the media. Trump did nothing so radical. As Luce put it: “A superpower declared war on a great power and nobody noticed.”

    Ferguson is a bit long winded but he gets there eventually. The world is going to Hell in a Handcart courtesy of the US!

    1. When a business sets up to have their products produced in China, they are legally required to provide the Chinese manufacturer with the details of the product. thr chines manufacturer can then produce the items, brand them as Chila* or whatever. The Chila brand products are then offered to the foreign market at lower prices.

      * I made that up. But…

  25. How Cold War II Could Turn Into World War III. Niall Ferguson. 23 October 2022.

    And here’s the key point. Sanctions on Russia, Sullivan declared, have “demonstrated that technology export controls can be more than just a preventative tool … they can be a new strategic asset in the U.S. and allied toolkit.” In other words, the US-led economic war against Russia is like a demo for China’s benefit: This is what we can do to you, too.

    The remarkable thing is that the US has not waited for China to invade Taiwan to go ahead and do it. New restrictions just imposed by the US limit the transfer of advanced graphics processor units to China. (These are chips used in AI applications in data centers.) Washington has also limited the use of US chips and expertise in Chinese supercomputers, and China’s imports of chipmaking technology.

    The aim is to impair Beijing’s ability to deploy artificial intelligence by driving up the cost of computing in China, whether for companies or the government. In short, the Biden administration aims to halt technological progress in China — rather in the way Trisolarans try to stunt Earth’s technological progress in Liu Cixin’s science-fiction novel The Three-Body Problem.

    As Edward Luce noted in the Financial Times, “The new restrictions are not confined to the export of high-end US semiconductor chips. They extend to any advanced chips made with US equipment. This incorporates almost every non-Chinese high-end exporter, whether based in Taiwan, South Korea or the Netherlands. The ban also extends to ‘US persons,’ which includes green card holders as well as US citizens.”

    The most extraordinary thing about these measures is how little comment they have elicited in the media. Trump did nothing so radical. As Luce put it: “A superpower declared war on a great power and nobody noticed.”

    Ferguson is a bit long winded but he gets there eventually. The world is going to Hell in a Handcart courtesy of the US!

  26. There’s the new shower thermostatic mixer tap installed. After a lot of hard work, sweat and tears, it’s done (took about 5 minutes, including turning off the water & putting it back on again…).

    1. DIY of that sort is beyond me. I wish it weren’t. I think my biggest concern is getting it wrong and making it more expensive to fix.

      1. In this case, all I needed was the new tap unit and a metric adjustable spanner. The time spent in worrying about it was much, much more than actually doing it – I only got my feet wet with the drainings from the old tap unit.
        Unless you need to solder something, plumbing is a breeze.

  27. Well, the deluge ceased at about mid-day, so I’ve been shifting a bit more soil ready for the next kerbstone to go in.

    Before I do much more digging, I’m going to have to get some wall built to give me somewhere to dump the stuff!!

    Now off to do something for the DT and S@H to have when they get in.

      1. Bloody feels like it!
        Giving an extra 1½” to each step has effectively pushed the step I’m working on another 2′ into the hill.

      1. Our green drains very well. On Friday I retired from the green maintenance team. I have worked every Friday through the year for eight years. I am in my eighty-seventh year and unable to do heavy work.

        However I skip in the first team and am playing well so onward and upwards.

  28. Just in…
    The Old F-4 Pilot
    A gray-headed old man shuffled into a downtown bar with his head high but his hands shook as he took the “Piano Player Wanted” sign out of the front window and handed it to the bartender. “I’d like to apply for this job,” he said. “I was an F-4 pilot, back in ‘Nam, but when they retired the F-4, all the thrill was gone. Soon they cashed me in as well, so I learned to play the piano at the Officers’ Club during happy hours. Now, I want to play here.”
    The barkeep wasn’t too sure about the doubtful-looking old guy. But it had been quite a while since the bar had a piano player and business had falling off, so he decided to give the old guy a tryout. As the old pilot shuffled over to the piano for his audition, several patrons grinned and snickered. However, by the time he was into his third bar of music, every voice in the bar was silent as he played a rhapsody of soaring music unlike anything ever heard there. When he finished there wasn’t a dry eye in the place.
    The bartender rushed over to the old F-4 pilot, delivered a mug of beer and asked him the name of that song. It’s called “Drop your Skivvies, Baby, I’m Going Balls To The Wall For You,” he said. After a long pull on the beer, leaving it empty, he said “I wrote it myself.”
    The bartender and the crowd were taken aback by the title, but then the old guy went into a knee-slapping, hand-clapping bit of ragtime and the joint started really jumping. Everyone loved it and the crowd broke out in wild applause when he finished. The old F-4 pilot acknowledged their applause, downed a second mug of beer, and told them he wrote that one too. It is called, “Big Boobs Make My Afterburner Light.”
    He then launched into another mesmerizing tune that enthralled everyone. He announced it was the latest rendition of another song he wrote titled, “Spread ’em, Baby, It’s Foggy Out Tonight and I Need To See The Centerline”. He then excused himself for a short trip to the john.
    Upon his return, the bartender ran over to the piano with another mug of beer and said, “Flyboy, the job is yours, you are hired. But before you continue playing, could you please tell me something? Do you know your fly is open and your pecker is hanging out?”
    “Know it?” Wilson replied, “Hell, I wrote that one too!”

  29. Good afternoon all.

    I must take issue with the lead letter-writer. There has been too much compromise and ‘consensus’ over the last few years. If you try to please everyone, you end up pleasing no-one. If you try to stand for everything, you end up standing for nothing. A true leader should say ‘this is what I believe, either stand with me or get out of my way.’

    “Standing in the middle of the road is very dangerous; you get knocked down by the traffic from both sides.”

    1. An interesting analogy, especially considering the ecomob. They *aren’t* getting hit from either side because the state is preventing it.

      Considering the exact same happened to Truss over the necessary tax cutting budget one wonders if the state machine has an agenda of it’s own.

      1. The moment we seemed to have an actual Thatcherite, tax-cutting conservative in charge, the Grey Men stepped in to stop it.

        1. Tory Scum Shapps. How any real Conservative would vote for the party as it is now is beyond me.

          1. One of the newspaper front pages (all anti-Bojo) claimed that if he came back, the Tory party was dead. I have news for them. The Tory party is already dead.

    2. We need a Greek slave running this country. Even though he’s been dead for 2000+ years, he couldn’t do any worse.

      “A Man and his son were once going with their Donkey to market. As they were walking along by its side a countryman passed them and said: “You fools, what is a Donkey for but to ride upon?”

      So the Man put the Boy on the Donkey and they went on their way. But soon they passed a group of men, one of whom said: “See that lazy youngster, he lets his father walk while he rides.”

      So the Man ordered his Boy to get off, and got on himself. But they hadn’t gone far when they passed two women, one of whom said to the other: “Shame on that lazy lout to let his poor little son trudge along.”

      Well, the Man didn’t know what to do, but at last he took his Boy up before him on the Donkey. By this time they had come to the town, and the passers-by began to jeer and point at them. The Man stopped and asked what they were scoffing at. The men said: “Aren’t you ashamed of yourself for overloading that poor donkey of yours and your hulking son?”

      The Man and Boy got off and tried to think what to do. They thought and they thought, till at last they cut down a pole, tied the donkey’s feet to it, and raised the pole and the donkey to their shoulders. They went along amid the laughter of all who met them till they came to Market Bridge, when the Donkey, getting one of his feet loose, kicked out and caused the Boy to drop his end of the pole. In the struggle the Donkey fell over the bridge, and his fore-feet being tied together he was drowned.

      “That will teach you,” said an old man who had followed them:

      “Please all, and you will please none.””

  30. We are using the air fryer to cook the shoulder of lamb .. so far so good .. saves putting the oven on .

    The potatoes will roast in othe one .. Clever gadgets aren’t they.

      1. Yes we bought them both on line during 2020 lockdown ..

        Moh experimented with chips, sausages , chops , and many other things he likes , which didn’t help my diet, but he remains as slender as a rake

        1. We’ve not been very adventurous with ours, just chips. So your lamb is cooking it its own juices, you just popped it in the airfryer pan? (I am a bit traditionalist and not very gadgetty.)

          1. To be truthful , although the lamb was cooked in 60mts , it was too tough for my liking ..

            I will use the oven next time .

            I have been trying to avoid cooking in the oven , because with all this wet weather , I have had piles of washing to dry in the dryer, and trying to be cautious using electricity.

          2. My daughter bought me an air fryer a couple of years ago and I hardly ever use it! I do find I always go back to the way I was taught when faced with modern appliances, so much easier to get out the chopping board and decent knife rather than the food processor for chopping jobs .

          3. Same here. I was given some nice apples last week so I’ve made an apple tart (frozen pastry) and we’re having lamb shoulder and roast spuds.

          4. Friday’s washing got soaked but I put it back out yesterday and it dried ok.

            We’re still on a fixed rate tariff for electricity and the £40 discount from the government has just kicked in so not going to worry about how much we use.

        1. You’ve not read my post, Margaret! I did say “fry and roast”. 🙄

          Moreover (love that word), lamb shoulder is a very fatty and delicious joint (my favourite) and it roasts in its own fat.👍🏻😘

      1. Our lamb shoulder is roasting and the spuds are just finishing off in good dripping, in the oven.

    1. I use one a couple of times a week mostly to cook chops or chicken, certainly better than the grill in the microwave

    1. Notable that the audience is going to be white and male.

      I will say that the Warqueen’s engagement ring was a hula hoop – of the crisp variety..

    2. Nice try.
      The main director is a Mr Hiten Shah, of Indian descent. Self made guy who started on Ebay, works hard and now has several shops.
      Very retro but charming advert, like something produced by Pearl and Dean back in the 1970s.

      1. Yes, that is Poppie. She is the sweetest dog, with a lovely nature. She is also cuddly and lots of fun. She just likes chasing squirrels, to her cost the other day.

        1. I don’t know why, Mum, but I always thought Poppie was a cat – Shews how wrong one may be.

      1. No aerial electrics, but a massive downpour that flooded the roads (apparently, according to the local rag, we got off lightly!). For once, I only walked the dogs down the road to the flood and back. We were all relieved to turn round and walk back!

    1. Just passing through Northants, where we’ve more rain in the last four days than the prior eight weeks.

  31. I see that a feature film has been made about David Stirling, the LRDG and the formation of the SAS.

    I was appalled that there appear to be no bames in the film. One would have that – at the very least – that Stirling would have played by one….

  32. I am signing off. Feel really low. I may look in to tomorrow. Depends. In theory we are going away for three days to visit family but I just don’t know at the moment.

    Have a jolly evening.

    1. Have a good nights sleep, and you will feel better in the morning. Take care, Bill and the MR too.

  33. Evening, all. Never mind representing all wings of the Con party, how about representing the voters? We need a cabinet that’s a) competent and b) on our side. A Herculean task, I suspect.

    1. Rishi is NOT a Conservative.

      He favours ‘Green Taxes’.
      I doubt if he would favour lower taxes to encourage investment.
      He would lose the ‘Red Wall’.
      He is not one of us.

      Meanwhile, Penny Mordaunt – who performed magnificently at the Accession of King Charles – has lost her political acumen: she can no longer define a female; I fear that she has inhaled too much woke …

    1. They don’t have a counter argument of course. The “be kind” brigade are the most spiteful and vicious when crossed.

    2. Sorry mate I just trod in your brain….

      Which will have quadrupled his own IQ, but of course it will still be zero!

      1. Tobias Ellwood MP
        We fast approach a juncture in our history where we select one of two very different paths for our nation to embark upon – with huge ramifications for our Party.

        Momentum is with Rishi – with almost half of all Tory MPs supporting him.

        Let’s put the country first. #Ready4Rishi

        Replying to
        Actually, I see a conflict of interests that Sunak will be confronted with .
        Narendra Modi is incredibly wealthy he has pursued policies that have corroded the country’s democracy Indian democracy is in a state of precipitous decline. Sunak will sell us out . Money talks .
        6:53 PM · Oct 23, 2022
        ·Twitter Web App

      1. See them pretty well every winter, but usually a nebulous green glow, like an old oscilloscope. Not this amazing display in all kinds of colours.

          1. My first experience was from Newport Pagnell. Wondered why there was so much light over Northampton (it was like the reflections of lights from a football stadium in cloud), then it split up and wandered away.

          2. I think that’s further south than we are – perhaps I’m just not looking at the right time.

          3. Depends on so much – sunspot activity, weather, you name it. Also, no background light.

    1. I saw them in CT. The sky over the back turned bright green and glimmered and then it all went pink and green. Was a bitter night with thick snow on the ground. But it was spectacular.

    2. I’ve been on two trips to see the NLs – a four day trip to Iceland and a twelve day cruise to the Arctic Circle. Both fruitless.

    3. Fabulous! We do get them this far south but light pollution kinda spoils the view! Grangemouth glows a bit!

  34. There’s a programme on 4 HD now about train journeys in Churchill Canada. They allowed a brief glimps of the northern lights.
    But they manage to keep their trains on track even the extreme cold and snow.

    1. “… those YO support …” ?

      Only an idiot votes Labour. However, something that’s achingly obvious is that Lefties have a short, selective memory. They forget everything they don’t like and remember (incorrectly) the things they hate. It’s a bonkers hypocrisy that riddles their entire mindse.

  35. If it’s any consolation, I’ve just had an email from one of my Swedish friends; the greeniacs are trying to get them out of their cars, too, but like us, their public transport system doesn’t go where they want to go, when they want to go and they can’t rely on it to get to work. Gun crime is rife. My friend lives in a fairly quiet backwater.

  36. James Cleverly is another twerp. Deluded .

    Julia Hartley-Brewer
    Boris has learned lessons?! What?! He wasn’t the work experience boy, he was the PRIME MINISTER.

    Most people don’t need to “learn lessons” like not breaking the law or routinely lying to everyone. They just don’t do that in the first place.

    Quote Tweet
    James Cleverly🇬🇧

    United Kingdom government official
    The last few weeks show that being PM is tough and no other job in government is quite like it.

    I know Boris has learned lessons from his time in No10 and will ensure the focus is on the needs of the country from day 1.

    I will be supporting him to return to the role of PM.
    Show this thread

    1. Another “lessons will be learned” pillock. No they never are. They just keep parroting that and think we’ll believe them.

  37. Goodnight, all. I’m off to read a trashy war novel I picked up from the second-hand bookshop in church this morning, Bible Sunday.

  38. Boris has pulled out. Rishi Weffi to be appointed prime useful idiot without any of them votey things.

      1. Sometimes I wonder which is actually the greater evil, globalist technocracy or global caliphate. It’s a close run thing?

    1. Sue, would you really wish another 6 week leadership contest on the British public, which would simply give the MSM, Starmer and Uncle Tom Cobley and all the chance to badmouth Sunak (and Johnson) again and again and again? ALSO I note that not just you but several other NoTTLers are already doing down Sunak as PM before he has even been appointed – whatever happened to the 100 days’ grace which used to be given to anyone in a new job?

  39. Dan Wootton
    Boris bottles it.
    Barring a major twist, Fishy Rishi Sunak will be the next Prime Minister.
    No vote by Conservative members.
    No democratic endorsement by the party grassroots who so overwhelmingly rejected him just weeks ago.
    Terribly undemocratic.

  40. OK, with the news that the UK is well and truly FUCKED with a Globalist TINO Remainer taking over, I’m off for a bath and bed.
    Am heading towards Wenlock Edge tomorrow to pick up yet another machining piece for t’Lad who is still in hospital.
    As it’s an area I’ve never explored, I’m planning a couple of night’s B&B in the area.

    Good night all.

  41. Dan Wootton
    How can Sunak avoid a general election now?
    Where is his mandate from his party or from the public?
    Only Boris had that mandate.
    And only Boris had the numbers to try and defeat Starmer.
    I believe this is a decision Tory MPs will come to regret.

        1. Our opposite neighbour works for GS he’s not obviously loaded.
          Most of them are on the fiddle in someway.

  42. I’m going to take my leave.
    There’s a film I’m recording for another day, Jack Ryan Shadow Recruit 2014 it has some very relevant situations as in the US, Russia, gas, oil, spying.
    So it’s good night from me.

  43. I’m going to take my leave.
    There’s a film I’m recording for another day, Jack Ryan Shadow Recruit 2014 it has some very relevant situations as in the US, Russia, gas, oil, spying.
    So it’s good night from me.

  44. It would seem that Johnson ran for PM as a distraction, as a magnet for votes that might have gone to another candidate, and to deter others from entering the election. The net effect of which was to skew the election heavily in favour of Sunak. It is most unlikely that those who supported Johnson will switch their favours to Mordaunt. That might damage their chances of preferment when Sunak “wins”. This is what we low lifes call a “fix”.
    No more can the British mock banana republics. We are witnessing one of the most obvious unprincipled machinations in British history.

      1. What fun. Secret ballot, details known only to the supporters of the winner, and friends, and the Press.

  45. When you’re Rish U are a star
    Makes no difference, there you are
    Anything your heart desires
    Will come to you
    If your heart is in your dream
    No ambition’s too extreme
    When you’re Rish U are a star
    As dreamers do
    Like a dolt out of the blue
    Fate steps in and sees you through
    When you’re Rish U are a star
    Your dreams come true…..

  46. This isthe time when I wish the Head of State had the power to call a General Election under these circumstances.

    1. Precisely. I never voted for any of the Tory policies being pursued.

      I never voted for mass vaccination of experimental injectables, lockdown of schools and society in general, sending billions of borrowed money to Ukraine, the Irish Protocol, the assistance and encouragement of mass illegals via the Channel and other nefarious means viz. the UN Migration Pact or turning a blind eye to the French, Dutch and Danes plundering our fish from our coastal and territorial waters and neither did I vote for blind adherence to the globalist inspired Green New Deal aka Build Back Better bollocks or any of the loony energy policies presently bankrupting our Nation.

    2. Precisely. I never voted for any of the Tory policies being pursued.

      I never voted for mass vaccination, lockdown of society, sending billions to Ukraine, the Irish Protocol, the assistance and encouragement of mass illegals via the Channel and other nefarious means viz. the UN Migration Pact or turning a blind eye to the French, Dutch and Danes plundering our fish from our coastal and territorial waters and neither did I vote for blind adherence to the globalist inspired Green New Deal aka Build Back Better bollocks or any of the loony energy policies presently bankrupting our Nation.

  47. 366506 + up ticks,

    Boris Johnson Pulls Out of Leadership Race: Has Concluded Tory Party is Beyond Help For Now
    likening them from the 25/6/2016 to a three tier eu semi re-entry missile the wretch cameron blast off, treacherous treasa the intermediate stage, & the turkish delight the
    pilot,destination brussels.
    We are at the canter stage about to break into a gallop in the RE-SET RE-ENTRY STAKES.

    Heavily backed ALL the way by referendum
    losers & party before Country fools.


    Boris not standing.

    Sunak almost certain to be PM.

    Full WEF Great Reset now.

Comments are closed.